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						Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)

    §1 Important Declaration

    1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant

    omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint

    responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.

    1.2 The 3rd Quarterly Report is not audited by CPA.

    1.3 Chairman of the Board – Mr. Yu Tiancheng, Chief Financial Officer – Mr. Cao Aimin, and Head of

    Accounting Dept. – Mr. Zuo Zhanguo hereby declare: the authenticity and integrality of the report are guaranteed.

    This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. When there is conflict understanding between the two

    versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

    §2 Company Profile

    2.1 Financial highlights

    In RMB Yuan

    2010.9.30 2009.12.31 Extent of Change (%)

    Gross Assets (RMB) 36,138,022,336.84 34,821,686,467.03 3.78%

    Owners’ equity attributable to the

    shareholders of the listed company (yuan) 14,946,614,382.04 14,124,642,552.32 5.82%

    Capital shares (shares) 3,136,000,000.00 3,136,000,000.00 0.00%

    Net asset per share attributable to the

    shareholders of the listed company


    4.7661 4.5040 5.82%

    July-Sept. 2010

    Changed over the

    same period of last

    year (%)

    Jan-Sept. 2010

    Changed over the

    same period of last

    year (%)

    Turnover (yuan) 11,971,535,169.01 28.66% 33,800,717,653.76 31.18%

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of

    the listed company (yuan) 171,515,064.68 132.77% 860,121,829.72 160.01%

    Net Cash flow generated by business

    operation (RMB) - - 639,012,087.93 -30.13%

    Net Cash flow per share generated by

    business operation (yuan/share) - - 0.20 -30.13%

    Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.05 132.77% 0.27 160.01%

    Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.05 132.77% 0.27 160.01%

    Weighted average net

    income/asset ratio (%) 1.15% 131.41% 5.91% 161.99%

    Weighted average net

    income/asset ratio less non-recurring


    1.47% 146.14% 6.20% 168.48%Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    Non-recurring gain and loss items Amount from beginning of year to

    the end of report term Note

    Gain/loss of non-current assets -58,279,946.98 Fixed asset discard in

    report term

    Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other

    than those closely related to the Company’s common business, comply

    with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or



    Gain/loss from debt reorganization 6,769,133.24

    Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -5,403,138.35

    Influenced amount of income tax 14,131,353.02

    Total -42,394,059.05 -

    2.2 Total of shareholders and the top 10 holders of unconditional shares

    In Shares

    Total shareholders at the end of the report period

    (accounts) 66,565

    Top ten holders of the shares without subscription limitation

    Full name of shareholder Amount of unconditional shares held at

    the end of report term Categories

    Benxi Steel (Group) Ltd. 536,800,000 RMB common shares


    INC.-DREYFUS GREATER CHINA FD 52,237,245 Foreign shares placed in domestic



    A/C "C" 22,939,848 Foreign shares placed in domestic



    ATTR DIV STK FD MTH FD 18,049,086 Foreign shares placed in domestic


    China Construction Bank – Shangtou Morgan

    China Advantage Securities Investment Fund 15,689,356 RMB common shares


    SINGAPORE 10,850,058 Foreign shares placed in domestic


    RENAISSANCE CHINA PLUS FUND 7,760,556 Foreign shares placed in domestic


    UBS AG LONDON BRANCH 6,640,442 Foreign shares placed in domestic



    FUND 6,589,251 Foreign shares placed in domestic


    CREDIT SUISSE (HONG KONG) LIMITED 5,829,634 Foreign shares placed in domestic


    §3 Significant Events

    3.1 Details and causations of major change in major accounting subjects and financial indices

    √ applicable □ not applicable

    * Main financial items in the consolidated financial statement which have changed for over 30% comparing with the financial

    situation at end of 2009

    I. Balance Sheet Items Rate of change Cause of change

    Monetary capital -37.56% Increasing of monetary capital paid by the Company

    Other account receivable 41.31% Increasing of other business payment receivableBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    Long-term share equity investment 210.92% Increasing of external share equity held by the Company

    Construction in process 87.31% Increasing construction in process

    Engineering goods -82.29% Delivery of project materials

    Notes payable -70.75% Due and disburse of notes payable

    Tax payable -60.35% VAT payable increased this term

    Other account payable 62.06% Increasing of payment clearance

    Non-current liability due in 1 year -92.25% Clearing of non-current liabilities due in one year

    Long-term borrowings 106.89% Increasing of bank loans

    Special payable 1933.55% Receiving of special fund

    Retained profit 57.55% Increasing of net profit

    Minor shareholders’ equity Intake of extra shareholders by subsidiaries

    * Main financial items in the consolidated statement which have changed for over 30% comparing with the financial performance of

    Jan-Sept 2009

    II. Income Statement Items Rate of change Cause of change

    Turnover 31.18% Increasing of sales and sales prices

    Business tax and surcharge 1193.85% VAT payable increased this term

    Sales expense 35.39% Increasing of export and therefore the port fee, freight, and tax

    Non-operational income -31.45% Decreasing of government subsidies

    Non-operational expenditure -37.71% Discard of assets

    Income tax expenses 232.34% Increasing of profit made by subsidiaries

    Cash flow generated by business operation, net -30.13% Increasing of payment for purchasing

    Net cash flow generated by financing 173.21% Increasing of bank loans

    3.2 Progress of significant events, their influence, countermeasures, and analysis

    3.2.1 None-standard opinions

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.2.2 Illegal providing of capital or guarantees to the holding shareholder or its related parties or external


    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.2.3 Signing and execution of major business contracts

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.2.4 Misc.

    √ applicable □ not applicable

    One entity was newly added to the consolidated report, which was:

    According to the “External Investment Plan” adopted at the 1st meeting of the 5th term of Board held on June 3, 2010, the Company

    invested RMB65 million to establish Dalian Benruitong Automobile Material Technologies Co., Ltd. in Dalian City with Hubei

    Huitong Trade Group Co., Ltd. and Wuhu Ruichuang Investment Co., Ltd. The company has obtained the business license (大保工商

    企法字2102421101375) on July 1, 2010, with registered capital of RMB100 million. This investment has been verified by Dalian

    Zhaolin CPA Ltd. with the report 大兆会内验字(2010)第019 号.Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    3.3 Fulfilling of commitment issues made by the Company, shareholder, or substantial controller

    √ applicable □ not applicable

    Commitments The

    undertaker Content of Commitments Status of fulfilling

    Commitment in share

    equity relocation

    Benxi Steel



    1. After launching of the share relocation program, Bengang Group has

    committed not to trade or transfer its shares in 24 months since the day

    when they are allowed to trade in the stock exchange, and not more

    than 5% of the total capital share of the Company between the 24th

    month and the 36th month. 2. Bengang Group committed not to put

    the newly placed shares in the market or sell to others in 36 months

    since the date when the share registration is done. (except for

    transferring to strategic investors that is approved by the national

    policy, the commitments shall be carried forward by the underwriter.) 3.

    From completion of handover till the end of 2010, Bengang Group

    shall hold not less than 65% of the Company’s capital shares. (But

    except for transferring to strategic investors under the permission of

    national policies, with the condition of the new holder shall keep the

    commitment made forth by Bengang Group.) 4. When the Group is

    trading or transferring the shares it holds in the Company before the

    end of 2010, the prices shall not lower than the net asset per share

    provided by the latest auditing report. Bengang Group committed that

    the proceeds from trading of the shares, by breaching of faith as said

    above, will be transferred to the possession of the Company. 5.

    Bengang Group promises to be responsible for the losses due to its

    failure or partially failure in fulfilling of the above responsibilities.

    The commitments are

    under processing at

    present and no

    breaching of

    commitment has


    Commitment made

    in acquisition report

    or equity alternation


    None None None

    Commitment made

    in major asset


    None None None

    Commitment made at

    issuing None None None

    Other commitments




    None None None

    3.4 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be of

    deficits; or in comparison with the same period of the previous year, give the warning of great change and

    the notice to the reasons.

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.5 Major events needs to be explained

    3.5.1 Investment in securities

    □applicable √ not applicableBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    3.5.2 Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews

    Time/date Place Way Visitors Main content involved and material provided

    July 13, 2010 Office of the secretary of Board Field research North-east Security Production and operation situation

    3.6 Investment in derivate financial instruments

    □applicable √ not applicable

    3.6.1 Derivate financial instrument stock at end of report term

    □applicable √ not applicable

    §4 AttachmentsBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    4.1 Balance Sheet

    Prepared by Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Ended September 30, 2010 RMB Yuan

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    Current asset:

    Monetary capital 1,775,213,052.98 1,460,454,024.16 2,842,961,050.60 2,795,043,926.41

    Settlement provision

    Outgoing call loan

    Transactional financial assets

    Notes receivable 2,266,847,918.03 2,139,262,535.40 1,758,593,662.55 1,692,464,732.45

    Account receivable 524,413,747.51 683,359,988.55 578,413,768.04 736,508,549.83

    Prepayment 970,071,480.91 970,071,480.91 1,150,044,136.73 1,134,073,791.54

    Insurance receivable

    Reinsurance receivable

    Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable

    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other account receivable 132,304,970.07 233,580,451.53 93,630,458.88 210,275,779.87

    Repurchasing of financial assets

    Inventories 10,044,572,795.66 9,553,292,449.89 8,075,674,235.63 7,701,138,465.80

    Non-current asset due in 1 year

    Other current asset 182,211,823.73 182,211,823.73 182,211,823.73 182,211,823.73

    Total of current asset 15,895,635,788.89 15,222,232,754.17 14,681,529,136.16 14,451,717,069.63

    Non-current assets

    Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed

    Disposable financial asset

    Expired investment in possess

    Long-term receivable

    Long-term share equity investment 5,732,780.00 868,597,157.17 1,843,800.00 539,708,177.17

    Investment properties

    Fixed assets 16,579,835,576.11 16,158,160,792.08 17,962,489,063.75 17,518,704,793.06

    Construction in process 3,420,708,688.26 2,772,775,245.42 1,826,180,938.13 1,826,180,938.13

    Engineering goods 24,435,746.70 24,435,746.70 137,969,772.11 137,969,772.11

    Fixed asset disposal

    Production physical assets

    Gas & petrol

    Intangible assets

    R&D expense


    Long-term amortizable expenses

    Differed income tax asset 211,673,756.88 210,573,821.71 211,673,756.88 210,573,821.71

    Other non-current asset

    Total of non-current assets 20,242,386,547.95 20,034,542,763.08 20,140,157,330.87 20,233,137,502.18

    Total of assets 36,138,022,336.84 35,256,775,517.25 34,821,686,467.03 34,684,854,571.81

    Current liabilities

    Short-term loans 2,308,316,000.00 2,308,316,000.00 2,845,850,700.00 2,845,850,700.00Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    Loan from Central Bank

    Deposit received and hold for others

    Call loan received

    Trade off financial liabilities

    Notes payable 1,239,664,801.86 1,239,664,801.86 4,238,076,393.71 4,238,076,393.71

    Account payable 6,978,644,704.93 7,172,262,258.24 6,261,007,678.94 6,401,502,740.43

    Prepayment received 2,978,554,490.49 2,589,139,501.86 2,538,565,736.60 2,418,365,310.33

    Selling of repurchased financial assets

    Fees and commissions receivable

    Employees’ wage payable 193,864,036.15 193,864,036.15 245,128,249.09 245,128,249.09

    Tax payable -46,491,008.14 -42,817,752.55 -117,251,269.73 -99,007,033.77

    Interest payable

    Dividend payable

    Other account payable 1,377,272,050.44 1,453,904,421.21 849,874,951.99 747,373,431.76

    Reinsurance fee payable

    Insurance contract provision

    Entrusted trading of securities

    Entrusted selling of securities

    Non-current liability due in 1 year 74,423,563.60 74,423,563.60 960,040,053.18 960,040,053.18

    Other current liability

    Total of current liability 15,104,248,639.33 14,988,756,830.37 17,821,292,493.78 17,757,329,844.73

    Non-current liabilities

    Long-term borrowings 5,935,875,998.80 5,425,875,998.80 2,869,036,104.26 2,869,036,104.26

    Bond payable

    Long-term payable

    Special payable 115,234,666.67 115,234,666.67 5,666,666.67 5,666,666.67

    Contingent liabilities

    Differed income tax liability

    Other non-recurring liabilities 1,048,650.00 1,048,650.00 1,048,650.00 1,048,650.00

    Total of non-current liabilities 6,052,159,315.47 5,542,159,315.47 2,875,751,420.93 2,875,751,420.93

    Total of liability 21,156,407,954.80 20,530,916,145.84 20,697,043,914.71 20,633,081,265.66

    Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

    Capital paid in (or share capital) 3,136,000,000.00 3,136,000,000.00 3,136,000,000.00 3,136,000,000.00

    Capital reserves 8,792,191,134.76 8,792,191,134.76 8,736,261,134.76 8,736,261,134.76

    Less: Shares in stock

    Special reserves

    Surplus reserves 921,277,509.22 921,277,509.22 921,277,509.22 921,277,509.22

    Common risk provision

    Retained profit 2,097,145,738.06 1,876,390,727.43 1,331,103,908.34 1,258,234,662.17

    Different of foreign currency translation

    Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 14,946,614,382.04 14,725,859,371.41 14,124,642,552.32 14,051,773,306.15

    Minor shareholders’ equity 35,000,000.00

    Total of owners’ equity 14,981,614,382.04 14,725,859,371.41 14,124,642,552.32 14,051,773,306.15

    Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 36,138,022,336.84 35,256,775,517.25 34,821,686,467.03 34,684,854,571.81Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    4.2 Income Statement of the report term

    Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. July-Sept 2010 RMB Yuan

    Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    I. Total revenue 11,971,535,169.01 11,741,327,075.53 9,304,927,031.04 9,115,252,601.04

    Incl. Business income 11,971,535,169.01 11,741,327,075.53 9,304,927,031.04 9,115,252,601.04

    Interest income

    Insurance fee earned

    Fee and commission received

    II. Total business cost 11,692,345,649.23 11,651,311,790.22 9,733,441,079.84 9,563,071,709.00

    Incl. Business cost 10,625,735,529.76 10,623,979,573.74 9,020,608,173.52 8,900,300,926.37

    Interest expense

    Fee and commission paid

    Insurance discharge payment

    Net claim amount paid

    Net insurance policy reserves provided

    Insurance policy dividend paid

    Reinsurance expenses

    Business tax and surcharge 70,979,357.42 66,261,105.88 1,389,284.02 887,833.03

    Sales expense 122,504,653.62 99,498,055.75 54,840,434.66 30,439,099.92

    Administrative expense 864,128,685.63 852,464,403.99 615,894,619.47 611,247,338.93

    Financial expenses 8,997,422.80 9,108,650.86 20,063,913.55 20,196,510.75

    Asset impairment loss 20,644,654.62

    Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)

    Investment gain (“-“ for loss)

    Incl. Investment gains from affiliates

    Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)

    III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 279,189,519.78 90,015,285.31 -428,514,048.80 -447,819,107.96

    Plus: Non business income -3,746,255.80 -3,817,302.82 3,830,210.56 2,690,210.56

    Less: Non-business expenses 59,463,844.06 59,463,849.91 95,351,983.35 95,334,362.17

    Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets -59,002,245.28 -59,002,245.28 -95,319,892.90 -95,319,892.90

    IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 215,979,419.92 26,734,132.58 -520,035,821.59 -540,463,259.57

    Less: Income tax expenses 44,464,355.24 3,320,669.20

    V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 171,515,064.68 26,734,132.58 -523,356,490.79 -540,463,259.57

    Net profit attributable to the owners of parent

    company 171,515,064.68 26,734,132.58 -523,356,490.79 -540,463,259.57

    Minor shareholders’ equity

    VI. Earnings per share:

    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.05 0.01 -0.1669 -0.1723

    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.05 0.01 -0.1669 -0.1723

    VII. Other misc. incomes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    VIII. Total of misc. incomes 171,515,064.68 26,734,132.58 -523,356,490.79 -540,463,259.57

    Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of

    the parent company 171,515,064.68 26,734,132.58 -523,356,490.79 -540,463,259.57

    Total misc gains attributable to the minor

    shareholdersBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    4.3 Income Statement from the beginning of year to the end of report term

    Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Jan-Sept 2010 RMB Yuan

    Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    I. Total revenue 33,800,717,653.76 32,830,199,135.90 25,766,554,848.82 25,130,011,586.72

    Incl. Business income 33,800,717,653.76 32,830,199,135.90 25,766,554,848.82 25,130,011,586.72

    Interest income

    Insurance fee earned

    Fee and commission received

    II. Total business cost 32,834,719,558.05 32,061,152,887.48 27,093,768,462.69 26,535,020,059.65

    Incl. Business cost 29,739,981,552.67 29,068,505,742.09 24,606,082,401.34 24,117,956,233.12

    Interest expense

    Fee and commission paid

    Insurance discharge payment

    Net claim amount paid

    Net insurance policy reserves provided

    Insurance policy dividend paid

    Reinsurance expenses

    Business tax and surcharge 159,854,603.94 154,081,011.79 12,354,982.20 10,993,392.89

    Sales expense 354,972,728.41 288,953,696.79 183,144,183.18 125,378,898.05

    Administrative expense 2,452,986,066.60 2,422,381,476.91 2,159,699,456.69 2,147,901,689.12

    Financial expenses 126,924,606.43 127,230,959.90 132,487,439.28 132,789,846.47

    Asset impairment loss

    Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)

    Investment gain (“-“ for loss)

    Incl. Investment gains from affiliates

    Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)

    III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 965,998,095.71 769,046,248.42 -1,327,213,613.87 -1,405,008,472.93

    Plus: Non business income 2,948,756.62 2,653,666.75 4,301,840.21 1,783,476.69

    Less: Non-business expenses 59,474,168.69 59,463,849.91 95,481,389.59 95,450,018.41

    Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets -58,279,946.98 -58,279,946.98 -95,315,772.90 -95,315,772.90

    IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 909,472,683.64 712,236,065.26 -1,418,393,163.25 -1,498,675,014.65

    Less: Income tax expenses 49,350,853.92 14,849,727.93

    V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 860,121,829.72 712,236,065.26 -1,433,242,891.18 -1,498,675,014.65

    Net profit attributable to the owners of parent

    company 860,121,829.72 712,236,065.26 -1,433,242,891.18 -1,498,675,014.65

    Minor shareholders’ equity

    VI. Earnings per share:

    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.27 0.23 -0.4570 -0.4779

    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.27 0.23 -0.4570 -0.4779

    VII. Other misc. incomes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    VIII. Total of misc. incomes 860,121,829.72 712,236,065.26 -1,433,242,891.18 -1,498,675,014.65

    Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners

    of the parent company 860,121,829.72 712,236,065.26 -1,433,242,891.18 -1,498,675,014.65

    Total misc gains attributable to the minor

    shareholdersBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    4.4 Cash Flow Statement from the beginning of year to the end of report term.

    Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Jan-Sept 2010 RMB Yuan

    Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term


    Consolidated Parent company Consolidated Parent company

    I. Net cash flow from business operation

    Cash received from sales of products and

    providing of services 23,340,939,393.14 23,356,842,088.62 21,066,349,988.45 20,987,557,927.19

    Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept

    for brother company

    Net increase of loans from central bank

    Net increase of inter-bank loans from other

    financial bodies

    Cash received against original insurance contract

    Net cash received from reinsurance business

    Net increase of client deposit and investment

    Net increase of trade financial asset disposal

    Cash received as interest, processing fee, and


    Net increase of inter-bank fund received

    Net increase of repurchasing business

    Tax returned 83,943,893.81 80,970,050.35 50,000.00

    Other cash received from business operation 23,724,955.07 22,197,790.08 18,623,195.60 17,263,780.53

    Sub-total of cash inflow from business

    activities 23,448,608,242.02 23,460,009,929.05 21,085,023,184.05 21,004,821,707.72

    Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and

    services 20,034,016,709.49 20,261,016,709.49 18,812,740,908.99 18,782,740,908.99

    Net increase of client trade and advance

    Net increase of savings in central bank and

    brother company

    Cash paid for original contract claim

    Cash paid for interest, processing fee and


    Cash paid for policy dividend

    Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 1,426,716,893.20 1,419,455,642.79 812,551,693.30 808,505,147.30

    Taxes paid 1,083,263,361.31 1,016,641,513.00 338,433,022.62 321,407,909.19

    Other cash paid for business activities 265,599,190.09 245,265,858.79 206,665,836.69 199,514,150.68

    Sub-total of cash outflow from business

    activities 22,809,596,154.09 22,942,379,724.07 20,170,391,461.60 20,112,168,116.16

    Cash flow generated by business operation,

    net 639,012,087.93 517,630,204.98 914,631,722.45 892,653,591.56

    II. Cash flow generated by investing

    Cash received from investment retrieving

    Cash received as investment gains

    Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,

    intangible assets, and other long-term assets 165,718.00 165,568.00

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or

    other operational units

    Other investment-related cash received

    Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment

    activities 165,718.00 165,568.00Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. The 3rd Quarterly Report 2010 (Full Text)


    Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,

    intangible assets and other long-term assets 3,079,328,050.71 2,454,787,922.39 2,682,939,004.87 2,682,939,004.87

    Cash paid as investment 68,888,980.00 328,888,980.00

    Net increase of loan against pledge

    Net cash received from subsidiaries and other

    operational units

    Other cash paid for investment activities

    Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment

    activities 3,148,217,030.71 2,783,676,902.39 2,682,939,004.87 2,682,939,004.87

    Net cash flow generated by investment -3,148,051,312.71 -2,783,511,334.39 -2,682,939,004.87 -2,682,939,004.87

    III. Cash flow generated by financing

    Cash received as investment

    Incl. Cash received as investment from minor


    Cash received as loans 6,162,898,612.31 5,652,898,612.31 5,090,533,139.93 5,090,533,139.93

    Cash received from bond placing

    Other financing-related cash received

    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

    activities 6,162,898,612.31 5,652,898,612.31 5,090,533,139.93 5,090,533,139.93

    Cash to repay debts 4,462,000,204.31 4,462,000,204.31 4,246,865,259.20 4,246,865,259.20

    Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 259,569,568.21 259,569,568.21 316,119,789.54 316,119,789.54

    Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to

    minor shareholders

    Other cash paid for financing activities

    Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing

    activities 4,721,569,772.52 4,721,569,772.52 4,562,985,048.74 4,562,985,048.74

    Net cash flow generated by financing 1,441,328,839.79 931,328,839.79 527,548,091.19 527,548,091.19

    IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and

    cash equivalents -37,612.63 -37,612.63 -157,918.71 -157,918.71

    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -1,067,747,997.62 -1,334,589,902.25 -1,240,917,109.94 -1,262,895,240.83

    Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the

    beginning of term 2,842,961,050.60 2,795,043,926.41 2,220,835,995.51 2,209,824,428.24

    VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of

    term 1,775,213,052.98 1,460,454,024.16 979,918,885.57 946,929,187.41

    4.5 Auditors’ Report

    Auditor’s opinion: not audited.