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						Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.                                            The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text

       Stock Code: 000761         Stock ID: Bengangbancai, Bengangban B      Announcement No. 2013-003

                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

                      The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text

                                                April 2013

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.                                           The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text

                                 Chapter I. Important Statement

     The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors and the executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the Report.
    Chairman of the Board – Zhang Xiaofang, Chief Financial Officer – Mr. Cao Aimin, and Head of Accounting
Dept. – Mr. Wang Shaoyu hereby declare: the authenticity and integrality of the report are guaranteed.
    All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.                                                        The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text

        Chapter II. Financial Highlights and Change of Shareholders

I. Major Financial Data and Indicies

Was there any retrospective adjustment or restatement
 [] Yes [V] No

                                                                            Jan-Mar 2013      Jan-Mar 2012

Turnover (RMB)                                                            11,164,968,781.08 10,681,123,455.80                 4.53%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (yuan)         102,861,884.34     88,094,799.55                 16.76%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company and
                                                                              92,877,223.31     87,811,390.16                 5.77%
after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)

Net Cash flow generated by business operation (RMB)                         -653,089,936.96    579,960,675.89              -212.61%

Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                                  0.03              0.03                       0%

Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                                0.03              0.03                       0%

Weighted average net
                                                                                      0.67%            0.56%                   0.11%
income/asset ratio (%)

                                                                             Mar 31 2013      Dec 31 2012         Changed by (%)

Gross Assets (RMB)                                                        38,646,198,335.41 38,326,373,659.17                 0.83%

Net asset attributable to owners of the PLC                               15,388,741,072.24 15,280,805,514.53                 0.71%

Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan

                                                                                           Amount of the period from the
                                          Items                                            beginning of year to the end of Remarks
                                                                                                    report term

Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes the recovered part of asset
impairment provision already provided)

Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies, excluding those
government grants which are closely related to normal business and in line with national                     3,290,000.00
policy , or in accordance with fixed standards or quantities

Gain/loss from debt reorganization                                                                           9,356,398.96

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                                 665,305.49

Influenced amount of income tax                                                                              3,328,220.34

Total                                                                                                        9,984,661.03      --

 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.                                                                        The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text

II. Total of shareholders and top-10 holders of current shares at end of period

                                                                                                                                                     in shares
Total shareholders at the end of the report period                                                                                                       55,881
                                                                Top 10 Shareholders
                                  Properties of Share proportion                    Amount of unconditional                      Frozen or pledged
     Name of the shareholder                                     Amount of shares
                                  shareholder         (%)                                  shares held                   Status of shares         Amount
Benxi Steel (Group) Ltd.                                 82.07%      2,573,632,420
                                legal person
                                                          0.88%         27,589,238
INV. CORP.- A/C "C"             person
China Construction Bank –
Shangtou Morgan China Advantage                            0.6%         18,700,000
Securities Investment Fund
GSIC A/C MONETARY               Overseas legal
                                                          0.34%         10,754,117
Zhou Jie                                                  0.33%         10,465,000
                                natural person
MORGAN STANLEY & CO.            Overseas legal
                                                           0.3%          9,317,318
INTERNATIONAL PLC               person
                                Overseas legal
EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                    0.18%          5,561,100
                                Overseas legal
APS CHINA ALPHA FUND                                      0.15%          4,616,701
                                Overseas legal
ATTF ASIA ATTR DIV STK FD                                 0.14%          4,333,386
Taifook Securities Company      Overseas legal
                                                          0.14%          4,277,109
Limited-Account Client          person
                                                       Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
                                                                                                                               Category of shares
              Name of the shareholder                      Amount of shares without trade limited conditions
                                                                                                                      Category of shares         Amount
Benxi Steel (Group) Ltd.                                                                             2,573,632,420 RMB common shares           2,573,632,420
GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.-                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                                        27,589,238                                27,589,238
A/C "C"                                                                                                            domestic exchange
China Construction Bank – Shangtou Morgan
                                                                                                        18,700,000 RMB common shares                18,700,000
China Advantage Securities Investment Fund
GSIC A/C MONETARY AUTHORITY OF                                                                                     Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                                       10,754,117                                     10,754,117
SINGAPORE                                                                                                          domestic exchange
                                                                                                                   Foreign shares placed in
Zhou Jie                                                                                               10,465,000                                     10,465,000
                                                                                                                   domestic exchange
MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INTERNATIONAL                                                                                 Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                                        9,317,318                                      9,317,318
PLC                                                                                                                domestic exchange
BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS                                                                                  Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                                        5,561,100                                      5,561,100
STOCK INDEX FUND                                                                                                   domestic exchange
                                                                                                                   Foreign shares placed in
APS CHINA ALPHA FUND                                                                                    4,616,701                                      4,616,701
                                                                                                                   domestic exchange
NOMURA TST N BK CO.,LTD ATTF ASIA ATTR                                                                             Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                                        4,333,386                                      4,333,386
DIV STK FD MTH FD                                                                                                  domestic exchange
Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account                                                                         Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                                        4,277,109                                      4,277,109
Client                                                                                                             domestic exchange
                                                     It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or ‘Action in Concert’ as described
Notes to relationship or “action in concert” among
                                                     by Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status of Listed Companies
the top ten shareholders.
                                                     existing among the above shareholders.

 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.                                                         The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text

                                       Chapter III. Significant Issues

I. Particulars and causations of material change in major accounting items and indices

* Major items in the consolidated statements which have changed by over 30% and causations
I. Balance sheet items                             Percentage      of Causations
Tax payable                                                   -413% Decrease of VAT payable
Interest payable                                                 43% Increase of interest to be calculated on loans repaid with
Long-term loans                                                 -33% Increase of transferring from long-term loans to long-term
                                                                        loans due in one year
Special reserves                                              1630% Decrease of safety fee provided
* Major items in the consolidated statements which have changed by over 30% and causations
II. Income statement items                         Percentage of Causations
Sales expenses                                                      32%     Increase of freight and port fee
Administration expenses                                            -32%     Social insurances of employees are transferred to
                                                                            production cost or expenses according to the objects of
Non-operational income                                           2493%      Increase of gains from debt reorganizing
Non-operational expenses                                         -100%      Decrease of loss from fixed asset disposal
Minority shareholders’ equity                                    345%      Increase of loss of controlled subsidiaries
III. Cash flow statement                            Percentage        of    Causations
Tax refund received                                 -91%                    Decrease of tax refund received
Taxes paid                                          70%                     Increase of VAT
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,         -32%                    Decrease of cash paid for construction project
intangible assets and other long-term assets

II. Analyze of significant issues and solutions


        Summary of material issues                         Date of disclosure                  Index of provisional announcement

III. Business forcasting for Jan-Jun 2013

Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or comparing with the
same period of last year, and statement of causations.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

IV. Reception of investigation, commmunication, or visiting in report period

                                                                                                           Main content involved and
     Time/date               Place                Way             Type of visitors         Visitors
                                                                                                              material provided
                     Office of the
Jan 31 2013                             Field research          Institute            Jiashi Foundation    Business operation
                     secretary of Board
                     Office of the
Feb 27 2013                             Field research          Institute            Galaxy Securities    Business operation
                     secretary of Board
                                                                                     Pengyuan Credit
                     Office of the
Mar 04 2013                             Field research          Institute            Assessment Co.,      Business operation
                     secretary of Board

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.   The 1st Quarterly Report 2013 Official Text
