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						                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

     Interim Report 2015

         August 2015

                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

   Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the Report.
All of the directors attended the board meeting on which this report was examined.
The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.
Mr. Zhao Zhongmin – the responsible person of the Company, Mr. Han Ge – the CFO, and Mr. Wang Shaoyu –
the accounting manager declares: the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the financial report in the
Interim Report are guaranteed.

                                                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                                                       Table of Content

Chapter I. Important Prompts, Table of Contents, and Definitions ..........................................................................................................2
Chapter II. Company Profile....................................................................................................................................................................5
Chapter III. Financial Highlights .............................................................................................................................................................7
Chapter IV. Board of Directors Report ...................................................................................................................................................9
Chapter V.        Significant Events .............................................................................................................................................................16
Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders .........................................................................................................................24
Chapter VII. Particulars about Preference Shares ..................................................................................................................................27
Chapter VIII. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ...............................................................................28
Chapter IX. Financial Report.................................................................................................................................................................29

                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text


                          Terms                             Defined as                        Description

Bengang Bancai, Bengang Steel, the Company, the Listed
                                                            Defined as    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group, the Group                                    Defined as    Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Bengang Co.                                                 Defined as    Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                                          Liaoning State-owned Asset Supervisory and
Liaoning Provincial State-asset Administration              Defined as
                                                                          Management Committee

SSE                                                         Defined as    Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Bengang Puxiang                                             Defined as    Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd.

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                        Chapter II. Company Profile

I. Company profile

Stock ID                                   Bengang Bancai, Bengangban B Stock Code 000761、200761

Stock Exchange Listed in                   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company Name in Chinese                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Abbreviation in Chinese (if any)           Bengang Bancai

Company Name in English                    BENGANG STEEL PLATES CO.,LTD.

Short form of Company Name in English BSP

Legal representative:                      Zhao Zhongmin

II. Contacts

                             Secretary of the Board                                     Representative of Stock Affairs

Name       Zhang Jichen                                                  Tong Weigang

           No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City,
           Province                                                      Liaoning Province

Tel.       024-47828360                                                  024-47827003

Fax.       024-47824158                                                  024-47827004

Email. bgbczjc761@126.com                                                bgbc761@126.com

III. Other info.

1. Contacts

Any change to the registered address, office address, postal code, official website, and email address of the Company?
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
None of the official presses, website, and place of enquiry has been changed in the report period. For details please find the Annual
Report 2014.

2. Information inquiry

Whether the place for information enquiry has been changed in the report term
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
None of the official presses, website, and place of enquiry has been changed in the report period. For details please refer to Annual
Repot 2014.

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

3. Change of business registration

Whether the business registration has been changed in the report period?
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
None of the registration date and place, the license number, tax number, organization number has been changed in the report period.
For details please find Annual Report 2014.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                      Chapter III. Financial Highlights

I. Main accounting data and indices

Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of accounting policies
or correcting of accounting errors?
[] Yes [V] No

                                                                                  Same period last
                                                            This report term                              Increase/decrease   (%)

Turnover (RMB)                                              16,344,915,161.18 19,812,676,281.81                                -17.50%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                               128,007,136.26       173,894,309.64                             -26.39%
company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed
company and after deducting of non-recurring                   105,281,258.76       152,775,370.68                             -31.09%

Net Cash flow generated by business operation (RMB)         -2,344,037,353.22 -1,222,463,099.76                                -91.75%

Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                      0.04                 0.06                           -33.33%

Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                    0.04                 0.06                           -33.33%

Net income on asset, weighted                                            0.83%                 1.14%                            -0.31%

                                                            Ended this report                          Changed at end of report period
                                                                                  End of prev. year
                                                                  term                                   over end of previous period

Gross Assets (RMB)                                          45,521,698,127.16 49,170,603,030.67                                 -7.42%

Net asset attributable to owners of the PLC                 15,366,607,525.78 15,384,562,323.08                                 -0.12%

II. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard

1. Differences between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese
Accounting Standard

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No difference between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese Accounting Standard for
the report period.

2. Differences between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese
Accounting Standard

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No difference between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese Accounting Standard for
the report period.

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III. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts

[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan

                                                    Items                                                          Amount        Remarks

Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes the recovered part of asset impairment provision
already provided)

Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies, excluding those government
grants which are closely related to normal business and in line with national policy , or in accordance with    31,328,000.00
fixed standards or quantities

Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets                                                                 6,584,315.11

Gain/loss from debt reorganization                                                                               6,439,698.87

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                                  1,527,544.44

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                                            5,390,419.82

     Influence on minority shareholders equity (after tax)                                                          29,697.05

Total                                                                                                           22,725,877.50      --

If the company defines those items to recurring gain/loss items, which were defined by “Regulations of Information Disclosure of
PLCs, Explanation No.1 -    Non-recurring gain/loss” as non-recurring gain/loss, please provide reason here.
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
None of non-recurring gain/loss items recognized as recurring gain/loss items as defined by the Information Disclosure Explanatory
Announcement No.1 – Non-recurring gain/loss in the report period.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                              Chapter IV. Board of Directors’ Report

I. Business overview

In the report period, the Company has been doing all efforts to overcome the growing pressure from the national economy. By
concentrating on development obstructs, upgrading industrial structure, and management innovation, the Company achieved steady
development in a new dynamic balance.
On the basis of 100% sales on production ratio, the Company has been expanding its products in terms of product lines and sales
coverage. In the first half of 2015, the Company has accomplished output of: iron of 5.0251 million tons, an increase of 1.79%; steel
of 4.9420 million tons, an decrease of 0.08%; hot-rolled plate of 6.1004 million tons, 6.19% of increase; cool-rolled plate of 1.8764
million tons, an increase of 1.48%; turnover of RMB16,344,915,200, a decrease of 17.5%; net profit attributable to the parent
company of RMB128,007,100, a decrease of 26.39%.
Reinforce cost control by refining of coal and mine composition; reduce spare part consuming by recycling; reduce energy
consuming by technical reconstruction and promoting of new researches.
Put innovation at the core of overall development, accelerate product structure refining and quality lifting, promote application of
state-of-art technologies, enlarge market share of production with high value-adding, aiming at increasing of profitability.
Fully implement the environmental policies of the provincial and municipal government. Pollution control approaches were achieved
by accelerating of key environmental projects.
The Company made no modification on the production plan and strategic prospect on the 2nd half of year. The Company will do all
best to achieve the business targets setout at the beginning of year.

II. Analysis of main business

Change in main financial data
                                                                                                                           In RMB Yuan
                                                Same period last  Change over same
                                This report term                                                           Cause of change
                                                      year         period last year
Turnover                      16,344,915,161.18 19,812,676,281.81            -17.50%
Operation cost                14,901,549,350.57 18,139,126,080.72            -17.85%
Sales expense                    478,349,279.14    372,505,417.15             28.41%
                                                                                              Mainly because transferring of rental for
Administrative expense            377,591,047.45       622,556,447.37               -39.35%
                                                                                              2300 hot rolling line to cost of this period
Financial expenses                391,399,627.37       412,018,386.28                -5.00%
                                                                                              Mainly because decrease of deferred
Income tax expenses                -2,419,204.92         10,441,665.91             -123.17%
                                                                                              income tax of the period
Input to R&D                      903,624,000.00       791,046,000.00                14.23%
Cash flow generated by                                                                      Mainly because increasing of cash paid
                                -2,344,037,353.22 -1,222,463,099.76                  91.75%
business operation, net                                                                     for purchasing of goods and services
                                                                                            Mainly because increasing of undue
Net cash flow generated by
                           -1,388,185,769.88 -1,042,136,185.91                       33.21% financial instruments purchased this
Net cash flow generated by
                           -2,532,199,491.79    272,112,422.68                   -1,030.57% Increase of loans repaid this period
Net increasing of cash and                                                                    Decrease of cash flow from business
                           -6,272,852,029.06 -1,991,490,039.71                      214.98%
cash equivalents                                                                              operation and financial operation
Material changes in profit composition or sources

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No change in profit composition or sources in the report period.
Business plans scheduled in Share Offer Prospectus or Capital Reconstruction Report which are extended to the report period
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No business plans scheduled in Share Offer Prospectus or Capital Reconstruction Report which are extended to the report period
Implementation and progress of business plan provided by the previous periodic report:

III. Main business composition

                                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan

                                                      Gross profit   Change in turnover   Change in operation     Change in gross
                  Turnover          Operation cost
                                                        ratio %            YoY                 cost YoY             profit YoY

On Industries

Industry    15,440,544,823.29 14,122,473,154.22              8.54%             -17.49%                -17.81%                 0.36%

On Products

Steel plate 15,214,556,106.38 13,938,855,147.86              8.38%             -17.12%                -21.22%                 0.42%


Others           225,988,716.91      183,618,006.36         18.75%             -35.00%                -51.31%                 -1.33%

On territories

Northeast     3,400,939,441.29 3,160,353,455.24              7.07%               2.42%                    3.38%               -0.86%

North         2,120,677,111.58 1,976,096,000.96              6.82%             -18.15%                -16.94%                 -1.36%

East          4,857,686,835.29 4,432,201,274.93              8.76%             -32.24%                -32.67%                 0.58%

Northwest         41,469,735.96       37,948,322.83          8.49%              11.85%                 11.47%                 0.31%

Mid-south        545,719,150.21      499,964,532.31          8.38%             -15.62%                -15.81%                 0.20%

Export        4,474,052,548.96 4,015,909,567.95             10.24%               -9.58%               -11.45%                 1.89%

IV. Analyze of competitive edge

There was not any change to the core competition of the Company, and the Company was in normal operation.

V. Investment

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No external investment in the report period.

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

(2) Shareholding in financial enterprises

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No holding of shares of financial institutions in the report period.

(3) Stock investment

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No securities investment in the report period.

(4) Statement of holding equities in other PLCs

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
The Company was not holding shares of any other PLC as of the end of report period.

2. Trusted financing, derivate instruments, and trusted loans

(1) Trusted financing

[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                   In RMB10 thousand
                                                                                       Principal Impairment            Actual
    Title of                                Type of   Amount Started Expired Mean of retrieved provision Predicted gain/loss
                Relationship transaction
   entrustee                                product   entrusted on      on     reward     this   provided (if income of the
                                or not
                                                                                        period      any)               period
ICBC Ltd.       Financial                  Capital             Jan 13 Feb 17 On
                              No                        15,000                           15,000                  51.78   51.78
Benxi Branch    Institution                guaranteed          2015 2015     agreement
                Financial                  Capital                Feb 11 Feb 28 On
Development                   No                         15,000                              15,000                    26.9     26.9
                Institution                guaranteed             2015 2015     agreement
Bank Benxi
                Financial                  Capital                Feb 15 Mar 25 On
Bank Benxi                    No                         40,000                              40,000                  166.58   166.58
                Institution                guaranteed             2015 2015     agreement
Development     Financial                  Capital                Apr 3 Apr 16 On
                              No                         30,000                              30,000                   36.83    36.83
Bank Benxi      Institution                guaranteed             2015 2015    agreement
Development     Financial                  Capital                Apr 3 Apr 24 On
                              No                         15,000                              15,000                   31.14    31.14
Bank Benxi      Institution                guaranteed             2015 2015    agreement
ICBC Ltd.       Financial                  Capital               Mar 6 Apr 10 On
                              No                         10,000                              10,000                   34.52    34.52
Benxi Branch    Institution                guaranteed            2015 2015      agreement
ICBC Ltd.    Financial                     Capital                       Jun 29 On
                              No                         30,000 29                           30,000                  310.68   310.68
Benxi Branch Institution                   guaranteed                    2015   agreement
ICBC Ltd.    Financial                     Capital               Jun 26 July 31 On
                              No                         19,700
Benxi Branch Institution                   guaranteed            2015 2015      agreement
Total                                                  174,700 --           --      --      155,000            0     658.43   658.43
                                                      Idle capital under the Company possession
Resource of capital trusted
Accumulated principal and gains overdue                                                                                           0

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Date of announcement made by the Board about
                                                    April 20, 2015
approval of trusted financial service
Date of announcement made by the Shareholders
Meeting about approval of trusted financial service

(2) Derivate instrument investment

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No derivate instrument investment in the report period.

(3) Trusted loans

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No trusted loans in the report period.

3. Using of proceeds from share placing.

[V] Applicable Not applicable

(1) Overall situation of capital from share issuing

[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                In RMB10 thousand

Total of proceeds                                                                                                           150,000

Total of proceeds invested in the report term                                                                               150,000

Total of proceeds invested                                                                                                  150,000

                                          Statement on overall application of finance raised

        The Company issued corporation bond of RMB1.5 billion in February 2015, and was all used to repay bank loans according
to the regulations.

(2) Projects financed by share issuing

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(3) Change of projects financed by proceeds

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No change of projects financed by proceeds from share issuing.

(4) Projects financed by share issuing

            Overview of projects                          Date of disclosure                   Index of information disclosure

                                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

4. Analyze of main subsidiaries and affiliates

[V] Applicable Not applicable
Profiles of main subsidiaries and affiliates
                                                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan
   Name of                                                           Registered                                                    Operation
                  Type of business      Industry      products or                   Gross Assets     Net asset       Turnover                    Net profit
  companies                                                           capital                                                       profit
Bengang                              Steel rolling                                  183,480,513.5               633,721,440.3 9,798,590.9
                  Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 1,000,000.00                  61,857,957.14                                  7,322,897.37
Trade Co.,                           business                                                   2                           0           3
Bengang                              Steel rolling                                  581,013,309.8 131,364,904.0 1,651,753,652 27,514,300.
                  Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 19,200,000.00                                                               20,671,272.22
Metallurgy                           business                                                   5             7           .13         24
Tech. Ltd.
Bengang Steel
Plate                                Steel rolling   Production of               738,500,745.2 643,602,243.2 127,540,007.5 3,000,315.1
                  Subsidiaries                                     10,000,000.00                                                                   858,693.23
Liaoyang Orel                        business        pellet                                  8             2             1           0
Ball Co., Ltd.
Automobile                           Steel rolling                  100,000,000.0 524,688,413.3               355,855,893.5 -4,969,007.
                  Subsidiaries                       and sales of                               92,369,792.42                                    -4,855,875.58
Material                             business                       0                         1                           3         20
Co., Ltd.
Puxiang Cool                                         Processing
                                     Steel rolling                  1,920,000,000 4,196,323,026 1,747,779,921 2,906,688,928 74,708,411.
Rolling Steel     Subsidiaries                       and sales of                                                                               74,708,411.10
                                     business                       .00                     .77           .96           .01         10
Sheet Co.,                                           steel
                                     Steel rolling                                                                 261,723,885.4 1,510,240.6
Bengang Steel     Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 500,000.00      71,463,579.06 12,045,876.50                                  1,132,680.49
                                     business                                                                                  1           6
Sales Ltd.
Bengang                              Steel rolling                                                                 120,243,768.8 1,970,146.9
                  Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 500,000.00      46,659,641.64   2,773,974.22                                 1,970,146.99
International                        business                                                                                  7           9
Trading Ltd.
Bengang Steel                        Steel rolling
                  Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 1,150,000.00    41,680,861.21 29,725,551.61 38,443,954.15 445,114.72           333,836.04
Material Sales                       business
                                     Steel rolling                                                                 404,838,748.0 3,108,008.7
Bengang Steel     Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 1,000,000.00    70,055,762.77 13,934,867.04                                  2,822,563.44
                                     business                                                                                  1           6
Sales Ltd.
                                     Steel rolling
Bengang Steel     Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 500,000.00      26,903,212.54 14,676,966.12 36,027,277.27 682,476.56         1,796,426.50
Sales Ltd.
                                     Steel rolling                                  265,151,889.4               636,212,436.1 4,058,230.8
Bengang Steel     Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 500,000.00                    80,583,431.34                                  3,118,673.15
                                     business                                                   7                           6           7
Sales Ltd.
                                     Steel rolling                                  131,967,404.8               204,558,232.9 -9,095,996.
Bengang Steel     Subsidiaries                       Sales of steel 3,000,000.00                  32,764,885.27                                  -9,095,996.33
                                     business                                                   4                           3         33
Trading Ltd.
Bengang           Shareholding       Steel rolling                                                                 171,517,270.1
                                                     Sales of steel 20,000,000.00 54,433,131.19 20,017,881.53                       54,537.57       49,083.81
Industrial Co.,   company            business                                                                                  8
China Steel
                  Shareholding       Steel rolling                                  633,549,816.7               419,365,032.4 -31,557,771
Steel                                                Sales of steel 89,042,954.00                 75,220,249.79                                 -31,562,972.39
                  company            business                                                   4                           0          .89
Co., Ltd.
                  Shareholding       Steel rolling
Jingrui Steel                                        Sales of steel 10,000,000.00 80,145,542.10 11,874,554.19 86,448,637.43 454,055.55             408,848.74
                  company            business

5. Major projects using non-raised capital

[V] Applicable Not applicable

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                                                                                                                              In RMB10 thousand
                                                                     Accumulation of        Investment                   Date of         Index of
                                        Planned   Amount invested                                         Turnover of
              Projects                                             actual input at end of progress of the             disclosure (if   information
                                      investment  this report term                                        the project
                                                                           period             project                     any)          disclosed
Information system project                 39,038           645.71              19,011.99         90.00%
Environmental reconstruction of
converter and the 180t                  177,864.4         1,264.51              14,303.5             90.00%
dephosphorization converter
Production line of
electro-galvanized steel plates for       122,470         8,946.14           117,997.08              95.00%
Cool rolling high strength steel
                                          610,000        55,140.17           247,650.97              50.00%
hot galvanizing project of No.3 hot
                                           86,918         15,089.1              15,089.1             20.00%
rolling factory
The new energy control center
                                           28,410         1,247.33             23,106.85             90.00%
Reconstruction project of coke dry
                                        135,413.2         3,632.96           119,991.62              90.00%
cooling of No.2 Coke Workshop
360 M2 sintering machine                111,178.7        28,827.29             75,482.97             70.00%
Silicon steel project                     93,445            883.76                883.76             95.00%
Reconstruction of hot-rolling
                                           26,020          281.57                281.57              90.00%
Softening water supplying project           7,554          325.95                      0         100.00%
Reconstruction of South Gate of
                                            5,598         1,162.25              5,347.03             95.00%
Transportation Dept.
Total                                 1,443,909.3      117,446.74            639,146.44         --             --            --            --

VI. Business performance forecast for Jan-Sept 2015

Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or comparing with the
same period of last year, and statement of causations.
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

VII. Statement of the Board on the “Non-standard auditors’ report” issued by the CPA on the
current report period

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

VIII. The Board’s statement on “Non-standard Auditors’ Report” of previous year

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

IX. Profit distribution carried out in the report period

Execution or adjustment of profit distribution, especially cash dividend, and capitalizing of reserves in the report period.
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
None of cash dividend, bonus shares, or capitalizing of common reserves was carried out for the previous year.

X. Profit distribution for the report period.

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
None of cash dividend, bonus shares, or capitalizing of common reserves will be carried out for the first half of year.

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

XI. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews

[V] Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                  Main content involved and
     Time/date             Place              Way         Type of visitors         Visitors
                                                                                                       material provided

                                                                             Huatai Securities,
                    Meeting room No.                                                              Production and operation
June 10, 2015                          Field research   Institute            Fuguo Foundation,
                    2, Jinshan Hotel                                                              situation
                                                                             Taikang Capital

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                                      Chapter V.              Significant Events

I. Administrative Position

There is no difference between the actual situation of the Company and the requirements of the CSRC.

II. Lawsuit issues

Material lawsuit issues
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
In the report period, the Company had no material lawsuits or arbitrations.
Other lawsuit issues
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

III. Media queries

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No media queries raised in the report period.

IV. Receivership and bankruptcy

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No bankruptcy or capital reorganizing issues occurred in the report period.

V. Asset transactions

1. Acquisition of assets

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No acquisition of assets at the end of report period.

2. Disposal of assets

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No disposal of assets at the end of report period.

3. Merger of entities

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No merger or takeover of entities in the report period.

                                                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

VI. Implementation of share incentive program and influences

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No stock incentive plan composed nor implemented in the report period.

VII. Material related transactions

1. Related transactions related to daily operation

[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                       Principle of                  Ratio Amount of Exceeded
                                         Subjects of                Price Amount of                                    price of              Index of
  Related                    Type of                    pricing the                    in      trade    the    Way of            Date of
                Relationship             the related                  of    trade                                      similar             information
  parties                     trade                       related                   similar approved approved payment           disclosure
                                        transactions                trade RMB0000                                       trade               disclosure
                                                       transactions                  trades (RMb0000) amount?
Benxi Steel
                            of goods
(Group) Co.,                         Maintaining                         15,002.04 1.01%       32,000 No
Benxi Steel
                            of goods
(Group) Co.,                         Land rent                             2,871.3 0.19%
                            of goods Products in
Cool-rolling                                                                 30.11 0.00%        1,000 No
                            and      stock
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods
                                     Labor service                         334.61 0.02%
Mining Co.,                 and
Ltd.                        services
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods
                                     Raw materials                      269,369.22 18.10%     550,000 No
Mining Co.,                 and
Ltd.                        services
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods
                                     Transportation                            7.2 0.00%
Mining Co.,                 and
Ltd.                        services
Benxi Steel
                            of goods
Metallurgy                           Raw materials                        6,326.65 0.43%       25,000 No
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                            of goods
Steel Process                        Process fee                             84.52 0.01%          800 No
and Logistics
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                            of goods
Real-estate                          Raw materials                        3,904.56 0.26%        8,000 No
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods
                                       Spare parts                        6,866.96 0.46%       35,000 No
Machinery                   and
Co., Ltd.                   services
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods   Repairing
                                                                             132.5 0.01%
Machinery                   and        services
Co., Ltd.                   services
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods
                                       Spare parts                           19.35 0.00%
Construction                and
Co., Ltd.                   services
Benxi Steel                 Purchase
(Group)                     of goods   Engineering
                                                                          18,539.7 1.25%       80,000 No
Construction                and        fee
Co., Ltd.                   services

                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Benxi Steel     Purchase
(Group)         of goods
                         Raw materials      217.03 0.01%
Construction    and
Co., Ltd.       services
Benxi Steel     Purchase
(Group)         of goods
                         Transportation     207.38 0.01%
Construction    and
Co., Ltd.       services
Benxi Steel
                of goods
Industrial               Spare parts        132.08 0.01%
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods
Industrial               Raw materials    11,517.85 0.77%    45,000 No
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods Repairing
Industrial                                1,194.66 0.08%
                and      services
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods
Industrial               Transportation     336.54 0.02%
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods Project
Industrial                                    7.57 0.00%
                and      payment
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods Material and
Construction                                262.22 0.02%
                and      parts
& Repairing
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods
Construction             Engineering      2,641.45 0.18%     25,000 No
& Repairing
Co., Ltd.
                of goods
Electronics              Raw materials    5,299.85 0.36%
Co., Ltd.
                of goods Repairing
Electronics                                 747.95 0.05%     20,000 No
                and      services
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                of goods
Drilling                 Spare parts         15.32 0.00%      1,000 No
Tools Co.,
Benxi Steel
                of goods Labour
Business                                    135.65 0.01%      1,200 No
                and      security fee
Co., Ltd.
Liaoning        Purchase
Metallurgy      of goods
                         Spare parts         728.2 0.05%      1,500 No
Technician      and
College         services
Bengang         Purchase
Group           of goods
                         Commission       14,372.66 0.97%    35,000 No
International   and
Trading Ltd.    services
Benxi Steel
(Group)         Purchase
Information     of goods
                         Spare parts        762.58 0.05%      5,000 No
& Automatic     and
Tech. Co.,      services
Benxi Steel     Purchase
(Group)         of goods Repairing
                                            480.75 0.03%
Information     and      services
& Automatic     services

                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Tech. Co.,
Benxi Steel
(Group)         Purchase
Thermal         of goods
                         Heating fee         615.12 0.04%       2,000 No
Power           and
Development     services
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel     Purchase
(Group)         of goods Engineering
                                             333.34 0.02%       5,000 No
Designing       and      fee
Institute       services
Beiying Steel
                of goods
& Iron                   Raw materials    310,161.47 20.84%   800,000 No
(Group) Co.,
                of goods Raw materials
Metallurgy                                   5,576.5 0.37%     12,000 No
                and      and parts
Co., Ltd.
                of goods Raw materials
Heavy                                       1,570.83 0.11%      6,000 No
                and      and parts
Co., Ltd.
                of goods Repairing and
Heavy                                         882.4 0.06%
                and      service
Co., Ltd.
                Sales of
Electronics              Power supply          7.83 0.00%        300 No
Co., Ltd.
                Sales of
Beiying Steel
                goods    Material and
& Iron                                      1,970.01 0.12%    120,000 No
                and      parts
(Group) Co.,
                Sales of
Beiying Steel
& Iron                   Commission          337.88 0.02%
(Group) Co.,
Benxi Steel
                Sales of
Real-estate              Power supply         70.57 0.00%
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                Sales of
Steel Process            Power supply         44.45 0.00%
and Logistics
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
                Sales of
Steel Process            Products          14,167.07 0.87%     80,000 No
and Logistics
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel     Sales of
(Group)         goods
                           Products           83.97 0.01%
Machinery       and
Co., Ltd.       services
Benxi Steel     Sales of
(Group)         goods
                           Power supply     1,070.14 0.07%     15,000 No
Machinery       and
Co., Ltd.       services
Benxi Steel     Sales of
(Group)         goods      Material and
                                             405.12 0.02%
Machinery       and        parts
Co., Ltd.       services
Benxi Steel     Sales of
(Group)         goods
                           Power supply      288.46 0.02%
Construction    and
Co., Ltd.       services
Benxi Steel     Sales of   Material and
                                            4,909.85 0.30%     25,000 No
(Group)         goods      parts

                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Construction   and
Co., Ltd.      services
Benxi Steel    Sales of
(Group)        goods
                          Power supply   37,378.73 2.29%   120,000 No
Mining Co.,    and
Ltd.           services
Benxi Steel    Sales of
(Group)        goods      Material and
                                         4,361.93 0.27%
Mining Co.,    and        parts
Ltd.           services
Benxi Steel    Sales of
(Group)        goods      Freight
                                           440.94 0.03%
Mining Co.,    and        income
Ltd.           services
Benxi Steel
(Group)        Sales of
Thermal        goods
                        Power supply     2,089.59 0.13%
Power          and
Development    services
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
(Group)        Sales of
Thermal        goods    Material and
                                           491.42 0.03%     15,000 No
Power          and      parts
Development    services
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
(Group)        Sales of
Thermal        goods    Freight
                                             5.91 0.00%
Power          and      income
Development    services
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
Industrial              Power supply       423.37 0.03%
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
               goods    Material and
Industrial                               2,408.17 0.15%     20,000 No
               and      parts
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
Construction            Power supply         56.1 0.00%      1,000 No
& Repairing
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
               goods    Material and
Construction                                    0 0.00%
               and      parts
& Repairing
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
Metallurgy              Power supply        207.5 0.01%
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
               goods    Material and
Metallurgy                               1,833.85 0.11%
               and      parts
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel
               Sales of
               goods    Freight
Metallurgy                                   0.24 0.00%     10,000 No
               and      income
Co., Ltd.
               Sales of
Benxi Steel
(Group) Co.,              Power supply   3,360.53 0.21%     15,000 No
               Sales of
Benxi Steel
               goods      Material and
(Group) Co.,                               357.69 0.02%
               and        parts
Benxi Steel    Sales of
New            goods
                          Power supply      19.01 0.00%
Business       and
Development    services

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Co., Ltd.
                        Sales of
Boluole Steel                    Products                           290.65 0.02%         1,500 No
Tube Ltd.
                        Sales of
Steel & Iron                     Products                        33,910.67 2.07%        90,000 No
Trading Co.,
Bengang                 Sales of
Steel Plate             goods
                                 Products                               0 0.00%
Processing              and
and Delivery            services
Co., Ltd.
                        Sales of
Metallurgy                       Power supply                       748.26 0.05%        10,000 No
Co., Ltd.
                        Sales of
                        goods    Material and
Metallurgy                                                          722.59 0.04%
                        and      parts
Co., Ltd.
                        Sales of
                        goods    Material and
Cool-rolling                                                        78.44 0.00%          1,000 No
                        and      parts
Co., Ltd.
                        Sales of
                        goods    Material and
Cool-rolling                                                        121.71 0.01%
                        and      parts
Co., Ltd.
Bengang                            Property
                        of goods
Group Co.,                         management                                            1,000 No
Ltd.                               fee
Liaoning                Purchase   Purchasing of
College of              of goods   spare parts
                                                                                         1,000 No
Metallurgy              and        and training
Technologies            services   services
Total                                              --      --   794,350.77     --     2,216,300     --    --     --       --       --

2. Related transactions related to asset purchasing or disposal

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No related transaction regarding asset purchase or disposal up to the end of report period.

3. Related transaction of joint external investment

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No related transaction of joint external investment in the report period.

4. Debtors and credits with related parties

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No debtors and credits with related parties in the report period.

5. Other related transactions

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

No other related transaction in the report period.

VIII. Non-operational capital appropriation by holding shareholder and related parties

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No non-operational capital appropriation by holding shareholder or related parties occurred in the report period.

IX. Material contracts and execution

1. Entrustment, contracting, and leasing issues

(1) Trusteeship

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No trusteeship in the report period.

(2) Contracting

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No contracting in the report period.

(3) Leasing

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No Leasing in the report period.

2. Guarantees

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No guarantee issues in the report period

3. Other material contracts

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No other material contract in the report period.

4. Other material trades

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No other material trade in the report period.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

X. Commitment issues by shareholders with 5% or over of shares in the report period or
carried over to the report period from previous periods

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No commitment issues by shareholders with 5% or over of shares in the report period or carried over to the report period from
previous periods

XI. Engaging and dismissing of CPAs

Whether the Interim Report was audited or not
[] Yes [V] No
Interim Report 2015 is not audited.

XII. Punishment and improvement

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No punishment or improving approach in the report period.

XIII. Disclosure of illegal action causing risk of delisting.

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No such illegal action causes risk of delisting.

XIV. Statement on other material issues

[V] Applicable Not applicable
On February 5, 2015, the Company issued corporation bonds (Phase I 2015) of RMB1.5 billion, with face value of RMB100. The
bonds were issued by online public offering and offline private offering to financial institutes.
The bonds have their interest rate fixed at 5.17% and were listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange by bidding competition and integrated
agreement in the same time.
The ID of bond was 15 本钢 01 and the listing code was 112236. For details please find the Announcement of Corporation Bond
Public Offering (The 1st Phase 2015) dated February 3, 2015 and Announcement of Listing of Corporation Bond (The 1st Phase
2015) dated May 25, 2015. Both of the announcements are available at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders

I. Statement of change in shares

                                                                                                                                               In shares
                                     Before the change                             Changed Currently (+,-)                         After the change
                                                                Issuing of new   Bonus     Transferred from
                                     Amount        Proportion                                                 Others Sub-total    Amount       Proportion
                                                                    shares       shares        reserves
I. Shares with trade restriction
                                          75,750       0.00%                                                  -19,219 -19,219        56,531        0.00%
3. Other domestic shares                  75,750       0.00%                                                  -19,219 -19,219        56,531        0.00%
         Domestic natural person
                                          75,750       0.00%                                                  -19,219 -19,219        56,531        0.00%
II. Shares without trading limited
                                   3,135,924,250    100.00%                                                   19,219   19,219 3,135,943,469     100.00%
1. Common shares in RMB            2,735,924,250     87.24%                                                   19,219   19,219 2,735,943,469      87.24%
2. Foreign shares in domestic
                                     400,000,000     12.76%                                                                      400,000,000     12.76%
III. Total of capital shares       3,136,000,000    100.00%                                                        0        0 3,136,000,000     100.00%

Causation of change in share equity
[V] Applicable Not applicable
Selling of shares held by the directors or supervisors in the report period
Approval of change in share capital
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Situation of registration process of transferred shares
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Influences of the change of share equity on financial indices such as basic earning per share, dilluted earning per share, and net asset
per share attributed to common shareholders:
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other information the Company thinks necessary or required by the authority to be disclosed
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Change of total shares and shareholding structures, assets and liabilities
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

II. Number of shareholders and shareholding positions

                                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                                                                                                                                     in shares
                                                                             Total of shareholders of preference
Total common shareholders at the                                             shares with restored voting power at
                                                                      69,626                                                                                 0
end of the report period                                                     end of report period (if any) (See Note
                                  Shareholding status of top 10 shareholders or holding over 5% of the Companys shares
                                                            Amount of                                                             Frozen or pledged
                                                             common       Changed in                   Unconditional
   Name of the           Properties of         Share                                     shares held
                                                            shares held    the report                   shares held at
   shareholder            shareholder      proportion %                                    at end of                   Status of shares         Amount
                                                             at end of       period                     end of period
Benxi Steel         State-owned legal                       2,417,768,3
                                                  77.10%                -146,661,626                   2,417,768,374
(Group) Ltd.        person                                           74
                    Overseas legal person            0.72% 22,644,061
                    Domestic natural
Chen Guohua                                          0.27%     8,412,246
                    Overseas legal person            0.26%     8,157,311
                    Overseas legal person            0.19%     5,967,126
                    Overseas legal person            0.15%     4,673,204
CHINA EQUITY        Overseas legal person            0.15%     4,549,984
                    Domestic natural
Zhan Changcheng                                      0.14%     4,356,715
                     Overseas legal person            0.12% 3,773,400
Taifook Securities
                     Overseas legal person            0.11% 3,457,609
Strategic investors or ordinary legal
persons became among the top 10
shareholders due to placing of new shares None
(if any)
(see Note 3)
                                             It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or Action in Concert as described by
Notes to relationship or “action in
                                             Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status of Listed Companies existing
concert” among the top ten shareholders. among the above shareholders.
                                                             Top 10 Holders of Unrestricted Shares
                                                                                                                               Category of shares
          Name of the shareholder                  Unconditional common shares held at end of report period
                                                                                                                   Category of shares           Amount
Benxi Steel (Group) Ltd.                                                                          2,417,768,374 RMB common shares                2,417,768,374
                                                                                                                 Foreign shares placed
GIC PRIVATE LIMITED                                                                                  22,644,061                                     22,644,061
                                                                                                                 in domestic exchange
Chen Guohua                                                                                           8,412,246 RMB common shares                     8,412,246
BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
                                                                                                      8,157,311                                       8,157,311
MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND                                                                                         in domestic exchange
GSIC A/C MONETARY AUTHORITY OF                                                                                   Foreign shares placed
                                                                                                      5,967,126                                       5,967,126
SINGAPORE                                                                                                        in domestic exchange
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                                     Foreign shares placed
                                                                                                      4,673,204                                       4,673,204
SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                                                                     in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                 Foreign shares placed
DEUTSCHE CHINA EQUITY FUND                                                                            4,549,984                                       4,549,984
                                                                                                                 in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                 Foreign shares placed
Zhan Changcheng                                                                                       4,356,715                                       4,356,715
                                                                                                                 in domestic exchange
DEUTSCHE INVEST I - DEUTSCHE                                                                                     Foreign shares placed
                                                                                                      3,773,400                                       3,773,400
INVEST I CHINESE EQUITIES                                                                                        in domestic exchange
Taifook Securities Company                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
                                                                                                      3,457,609                                       3,457,609
Limited-Account Client                                                                                           in domestic exchange
Action-in-concert among top 10               Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder, has no relationship with any of the other
non-restricted current share holders, top 10 shareholders among the top 10 shareholders, neither being regarded as action-in-concert parties by the
non-restricted current share holders and top Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of Shareholding in PLC The Company is not aware of any

                                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

10 shareholders                             relationship among the other shareholders, nor of any action-in-concert as recognized according to the
                                            Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of Shareholding in PLC.The Company is not aware of any
                                            relationship among the top 10 shareholders, nor of any action-in-concert as recognized according to the
                                            Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of Shareholding in PLC.
Shareholders among the top 10
                                               Chen Guohua is holding 8,412,246 shares of the Company, including 2,630,714 shares by his ordinary stock
participating in securities margin trading (if
                                               account, and 5,781,532 shares by his credit guaranteed stock account.
any) (see Note 4)

Whether there was any repurchasing deal made between any of the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of unrestricted shares in
the report period
[] Yes [V] No
There was not any repurchasing deal made between any of the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of unrestricted shares in the
report period

III. Change of holding shareholder or substantial controller

Change of holding shareholder
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No change of holding shareholder in the report period.
Change of substantial controller
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No change of substantial controller in the report period.

IV. Proposals raised by the shareholders or their action-in-concert parties about increasing of

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
To the knowledge of the Company, there is not any proposal raised by the shareholders or their action-in-concert parties about
increasing of shareholding.

                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                   Chapter VII. Particulars about Preference Shares

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
No preference shares in the Company.

                                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Chapter VIII. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors and Senior


I. Change of shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior executives

[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                         Shares under
                                            Shares holding at    Shares        Shares      Shares held                           Shares put       Shares under
                                Status of                                                                restriction at
   Name          Position                   the beginning of increased this decreased this at the end                         under restriction   restriction at
                                 service                                                                 beginning of
                                              term (shares)   term (shares) term (shares)    of term                            in the period     end of period
             Chairman           On duty
Cao Aimin    Vice Chairman      On duty
Han Ge       Director, GM       On duty
Zhao Wei     Director           On duty
Jin Yongli                      On duty
Zhong        Independent
                                On duty
Tianli       Director
Zhao Xinan                      On duty
             Chairman of the
Dong Liju    supervisory        On duty
Han Mei      Supervisor         On duty
Li Lin       Supervisor         On duty                  375                          375           0                     0                  0                     0
Li           Employee
                                On duty
Zhengchun    Supervisor
Zhang        Employee
                                On duty
Yanlong      Supervisor
             Vice GM,
             Secretary of the   On duty
Bao          Vice General
                                On duty
Mingwei      Manager
Wang         Vice General
                                On duty
Fengmin      Manager
Hu           Vice General
                                On duty
Guangyuan    Manager
Wang Shu     Chairman           Resigned              75,375                        18,844     56,531             56,531                     0            56,531
Li Kai                          Resigned
Li Naiming                      Resigned
Total                --            --                 75,750              0         19,219     56,531             56,531                     0            56,531

II. Replacing of directors, supervisors, and executives

[V] Applicable Not applicable
     Name               Jobs taken                  Type                Date                 Causation
Wang Shu           Chairman                   Resigned              May 21, 2015    Change of job
Zhao Zhongmin      Chairman                   Elected               May 21, 2015    Nominated by the Company
Li Kai             Independent Director       Expiration of term    May 21, 2015    Due of term
Zhao Xinan         Independent Director       Elected               May 21, 2015    Nominated by the Company
Li Naiming         Employee Supervisor        Resigned              April 1, 2015   Change of job
Li Zhengchun       Employee Supervisor        Elected               April 1, 2015   Change of job

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                      Chapter IX. Financial Report

I. Auditors’ Report

If the Interim Report is audited
[] Yes [V] No
The Semi-annual Financial Report is not audited.

II. The Financial Statements

All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd.
                                                           June 30, 2015
                                                                                                                        In RMB Yuan
                                            Items                                              Closing balance    Opening balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                                          3,695,567,815.50 9,792,940,409.40
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan
     Financial assets accounted at fair value and fluctuation accounted into current income
     Deductive financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                                          2,946,050,806.58 2,089,039,261.13
     Account receivable                                                                          330,290,802.90   487,767,042.22
     Prepayment                                                                                1,450,104,317.98 1,236,314,004.73
     Insurance receivable
     Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
     Interest receivable                                                                                              7,011,095.89
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                                                                   228,299,673.18     257,708,098.03
     Repurchasing of financial assets
     Inventories                                                                              11,753,444,426.86 11,008,413,817.92
     Categorized as asset hold for sale
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                                                                         703,634,792.56    457,504,509.43
Total of current asset                                                                        21,107,392,635.56 25,336,698,238.75
Non-current assets
     Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed
     Sellable financial asset                                                                     20,271,278.63      20,271,278.63
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                                             17,022,394,807.37 17,144,282,253.99
     Construction in process                                                                   6,899,978,512.78 6,126,175,722.67
     Engineering goods                                                                             4,677,471.15     90,221,101.46
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

     Intangible assets                                                                        268,490,441.16    271,459,969.75
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses
     Deferred income tax asset                                                                198,492,980.51    181,494,465.42
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                                                24,414,305,491.60 23,833,904,791.92
Total of assets                                                                            45,521,698,127.16 49,170,603,030.67
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                                      15,159,893,677.70 18,187,945,675.93
     Loan from Central Bank
     Deposit received and hold for others
     Call loan received
     Financial liabilities booked as current gain/loss at fair value
     Deductive financial liability
     Notes payable                                                                            974,828,982.41   822,581,591.46
     Account payable                                                                        6,454,890,655.22 8,780,948,804.18
     Advances received                                                                      3,162,322,037.70 3,144,418,091.52
     Selling of repurchased financial assets
     Fees and commissions receivable
     Employees’ wage payable                                                                  58,332,639.80     35,383,951.55
     Tax payable                                                                               19,375,070.81     32,323,181.76
     Interest payable                                                                          35,765,445.79     26,935,067.99
     Dividend payable                                                                         156,800,000.00
     Other account payable                                                                    411,649,202.25    469,316,015.83
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract provision
     Entrusted trading of securities
     Entrusted selling of securities
     Liabilities categorized as hold for sale
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                    1,026,860,000.00    591,740,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                                                 27,460,717,711.68 32,091,592,380.22
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings                                                                     309,402,481.85    814,627,465.85
     Bond payable                                                                           1,500,000,000.00
        Incl. Preference Shares
                 Perpectual liability
     Long-term payable
     Long-term employee wage payable
     Special payable
     Expected liabilities
     Differed income                                                                          415,696,000.00    427,524,000.00
     Deferred income tax liability
     Other non-recurring liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                                                            2,225,098,481.85 1,242,151,465.85
Total of liability                                                                         29,685,816,193.53 33,333,743,846.07
Owners equity:
     Share capital                                                                          3,136,000,000.00 3,136,000,000.00
     Other equity instruments
        Incl. Preference Shares
                 Perpectual liability
     Capital reserves                                                                       9,114,845,542.05 9,114,845,542.05
     Less: Shares in stock
     Other misc incomes
     Special reserves                                                                          11,268,844.38        430,777.94
     Surplus reserves                                                                         961,105,529.85    961,105,529.85
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                                        2,143,387,609.50 2,172,180,473.24
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                                      15,366,607,525.78 15,384,562,323.08
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                                              469,274,407.85    452,296,861.52
Total of owners’ equity                                                                   15,835,881,933.63 15,836,859,184.60
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                                                   45,521,698,127.16 49,170,603,030.67

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Legal representative: Zhao Zhongmin     CFO: Han Ge     Accounting Manager: Wang Shaoyu

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                        In RMB Yuan
                                          Items                                                Closing balance    Opening balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                                          3,435,320,562.90 9,530,304,140.51
     Financial assets accounted at fair value and fluctuation accounted into current income
     Deductive financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                                          2,666,076,784.46 1,863,613,673.54
     Account receivable                                                                          918,847,137.92   388,842,194.63
     Prepayment                                                                                1,350,001,639.26 1,126,416,683.45
     Interest receivable                                                                                            7,011,095.89
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                                                                    267,661,741.93   302,622,013.53
     Inventories                                                                               9,873,255,026.51 9,215,120,654.72
     Categorized as asset hold for sale
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                                                                         653,372,921.85    404,119,874.38
Total of current asset                                                                        19,164,535,814.83 22,838,050,330.65
Non-current assets
     Sellable financial asset                                                                     18,303,673.00      18,303,673.00
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                                                         1,690,981,902.16 1,690,981,902.16
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                                             14,134,012,320.58 14,089,675,221.83
     Construction in process                                                                   6,838,207,843.71 6,074,588,463.12
     Engineering goods                                                                             4,421,189.12     90,221,101.46
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                                          160,347,658.47      162,000,727.11
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses
     Deferred income tax asset                                                                    95,857,698.91      81,964,982.51
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                                                   22,942,132,285.95 22,207,736,071.19
Total of assets                                                                               42,106,668,100.78 45,045,786,401.84
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                                         13,765,496,352.65 16,028,552,000.00
     Financial liabilities booked as current gain/loss at fair value
     Deductive financial liability
     Notes payable                                                                               974,828,982.41   732,475,382.04
     Account payable                                                                           6,576,810,986.68 8,914,580,556.14
     Advances received                                                                         2,362,155,036.98 2,639,010,215.36
     Employees’ wage payable                                                                     56,983,019.29    32,213,350.61
     Tax payable                                                                                   1,270,036.74     7,979,826.50
     Interest payable                                                                             32,840,466.35     5,080,000.00
     Dividend payable                                                                            156,800,000.00
     Other account payable                                                                       304,664,955.69   327,382,843.61
     Liabilities categorized as hold for sale
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                       1,026,860,000.00    308,740,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                                                    25,258,709,836.79 28,996,014,174.26
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings                                                                        226,402,481.85    814,627,465.85
     Bond payable                                                                              1,500,000,000.00
        Incl. Preference Shares

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                 Perpectual liability
     Long-term payable
     Long-term employee wage payable
     Special payable
     Expected liabilities
     Differed income                                                                   415,696,000.00    427,524,000.00
     Deferred income tax liability
     Other non-recurring liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                                                     2,142,098,481.85 1,242,151,465.85
Total of liability                                                                  27,400,808,318.64 30,238,165,640.11
Owners equity:
     Share capital                                                                   3,136,000,000.00 3,136,000,000.00
     Other equity instruments
        Incl. Preference Shares
                 Perpectual liability
     Capital reserves                                                                8,694,693,859.93 8,694,693,859.93
     Less: Shares in stock
     Other misc incomes
     Special reserves                                                                   11,268,844.38        430,777.94
     Surplus reserves                                                                  961,105,529.85    961,105,529.85
     Retained profit                                                                 1,902,791,547.98 2,015,390,594.01
Total of owners’ equity                                                            14,705,859,782.14 14,807,620,761.73
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                                            42,106,668,100.78 45,045,786,401.84

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                              In RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Occurred current  Occurred in previous
                                                                                        term                term
I. Total revenue                                                                   16,344,915,161.18    19,812,676,281.81
      Incl. Business income                                                        16,344,915,161.18    19,812,676,281.81
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                            16,230,495,677.88      19,636,793,455.89
      Incl. Business cost                                                          14,901,549,350.57      18,139,126,080.72
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
              Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and surcharge                                               31,110,527.33          65,093,865.48
              Sales expense                                                           478,349,279.14         372,505,417.15
              Administrative expense                                                  377,591,047.45         622,556,447.37
              Financial expenses                                                      391,399,627.37         412,018,386.28
              Asset impairment loss                                                    50,495,846.02          25,493,258.89
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                           6,584,315.11          13,555,224.57
            Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
            Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                              121,003,798.41         189,438,050.49
      Plus: Non business income                                                        42,223,004.46          10,177,020.38
            Incl. Gains from disposal of non-current assets                             2,927,761.15           3,039,885.23
      Less: Non-business expenses                                                      20,661,325.20               3,912.18
            Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                             20,661,325.20               3,912.18
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                                     142,565,477.67         199,611,158.69
      Less: Income tax expenses                                                        -2,419,204.92          10,441,665.91
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                    144,984,682.59         189,169,492.78
      Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                         128,007,136.26         173,894,309.64
      Minor shareholders’ equity                                                      16,977,546.33          15,275,183.14

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VI. Net amount of other gains after tax
   Net amount of other gains after tax attributable to owners of parent company
      (I) Other gains not able to be relocated to gain/loss afterward
              1. Change of net liability or asset of beneficiary plan from recalculating
              2. The share of other gains in invested entities under equity basis which
are not able to be relocated to gain/loss categories
      (II) Other gains which will be relocated to gain/loss in the future
              1. The share of other gains in invested entities under equity basis which
are to be relocated to gain/loss categories
              2. Gain/loss from change of fair value of sellable financial asset
              3. Gain/loss from relocating of investment held to mature which is
relocated to sellable financial asset
              4. Effective part of gain/loss from cash flow hedge operation
              5. Difference in translating of foreign currency accounts
              6. Others
   Net amount of other gains after tax attributable to minority shareholders
VII. Total of integrated income                                                                144,984,682.59         189,169,492.78
      Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent company                  128,007,136.26         173,894,309.64
      Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders                                   16,977,546.33          15,275,183.14
VIII. Earning per share
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                       0.04                   0.06
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                                    0.04                   0.06
When merger of entities under common control, the net profit of the entities before merger was RMB0.00 and net profit of the
entities of the previous period was RMB0.00

Legal representative: Zhao Zhongmin      CFO: Han Ge      Accounting Manager: Wang Shaoyu

4. Income Statement of the Parent Co.

                                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan
                                                                                            Occurred current  Occurred in previous
                                                                                                 term                term
I. Turnover                                                                                 17,219,623,672.44    20,787,653,800.76
      Less: Operation cost                                                                  16,075,332,690.19    19,444,180,864.05
            Business tax and surcharge                                                          25,346,724.96        51,657,819.90
            Sales expense                                                                      389,133,355.08       293,693,640.45
            Administrative expense                                                             347,660,967.07       590,161,501.19
            Financial expenses                                                                 346,995,923.04       335,585,476.87
            Asset impairment loss                                                               30,359,562.51        10,725,948.26
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                                    6,584,315.11          12,378,753.42
            Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                                         11,378,764.70          74,027,303.46
      Plus: Non business income                                                                 39,590,798.07           8,707,545.30
            Incl. Gains from disposal of non-current assets                                      1,215,002.38           3,039,885.23
      Less: Non-business expenses                                                               20,661,325.20               3,912.18
            Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                      20,661,325.20               3,912.18
III. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                                                              30,308,237.57          82,730,936.58
      Less: Income tax expenses                                                                -13,892,716.40          -1,750,217.71
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                             44,200,953.97          84,481,154.29
V. Net amount of other gains after tax
      (I) Other gains not able to be relocated to gain/loss afterward
              1. Change of net liability or asset of beneficiary plan from recalculating
              2. The share of other gains in invested entities under equity basis which
are not able to be relocated to gain/loss categories
      (II) Other gains which will be relocated to gain/loss in the future
              1. The share of other gains in invested entities under equity basis which
are to be relocated to gain/loss categories
              2. Gain/loss from change of fair value of sellable financial asset
              3. Gain/loss from relocating of investment held to mature which is

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relocated to sellable financial asset
             4. Effective part of gain/loss from cash flow hedge operation
             5. Difference in translating of foreign currency accounts
             6. Others
VI. Total of other gains                                                                       44,200,953.97          84,481,154.29
VII. Earning per share
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                       0.01                    0.03
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                                    0.01                    0.03

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan
                                                                                          Occurred current     Occurred in previous
                                                                                               term                   term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                      11,799,485,304.22       14,002,814,894.79
      Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company
      Net increase of loans from central bank
      Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies
      Cash received against original insurance contract
      Net cash received from reinsurance business
      Net increase of client deposit and investment
      Net increased amount of financial assets on fair value and with changes
accounted into current gain/loss
      Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission
      Net increase of inter-bank fund received
      Net increase of repurchasing business
      Tax returned                                                                           317,427,860.94           68,932,133.31
      Other cash received from business operation                                             68,516,099.75           86,797,042.80
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                         12,185,429,264.91       14,158,544,070.90
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                13,074,282,379.39       13,713,103,343.10
      Net increase of client trade and advance
      Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company
      Cash paid for original contract claim
      Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
      Cash paid for policy dividend
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                                 686,825,981.64          783,366,538.26
      Taxes paid                                                                             239,325,109.29          323,152,298.20
      Other cash paid for business activities                                                529,033,147.81          561,384,991.10
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                        14,529,466,618.13       15,381,007,170.66
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                            -2,344,037,353.22       -1,222,463,099.76
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving                                             1,550,000,000.00        5,996,000,000.00
      Cash received as investment gains                                                        6,584,315.11           13,555,224.57
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                               1,735,037.03              107,610.00
long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                      1,558,319,352.14        6,009,662,834.57
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                           1,199,505,122.02        1,015,799,020.48
      Cash paid as investment                                                              1,747,000,000.00        6,036,000,000.00
      Net increase of loan against pledge
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                     2,946,505,122.02         7,051,799,020.48
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                     -1,388,185,769.88        -1,042,136,185.91
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders
      Cash received as loans                                                               6,138,810,425.77        6,865,596,700.00
      Cash received from bond placing

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     Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                           6,138,810,425.77        6,865,596,700.00
     Cash to repay debts                                                                    8,170,368,302.09        6,160,643,950.04
     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                              500,641,615.47          432,840,327.28
     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders
     Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                        8,671,009,917.56        6,593,484,277.32
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                       -2,532,199,491.79          272,112,422.68
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                        -8,429,414.17              996,823.28
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                               -6,272,852,029.06       -1,991,490,039.71
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                    9,792,940,409.40        4,574,532,598.83
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                 3,520,088,380.34        2,583,042,559.12

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Co.

                                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan
                                                                                          Occurred current     Occurred in previous
                                                                                               term                   term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                      12,565,263,147.60        14,949,401,332.02
      Tax returned                                                                           251,914,135.63            45,691,196.11
      Other cash received from business operation                                             60,667,306.45            81,643,887.99
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                         12,877,844,589.68        15,076,736,416.12
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                14,918,723,683.15        14,602,349,222.29
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                                 639,757,457.40           731,018,365.31
      Taxes paid                                                                             164,312,175.78           208,539,084.75
      Other cash paid for business activities                                                479,001,645.67           511,566,893.57
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                        16,201,794,962.00        16,053,473,565.92
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                            -3,323,950,372.32          -976,737,149.80
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving                                             1,550,000,000.00         5,490,000,000.00
      Cash received as investment gains                                                        6,584,315.11            12,378,753.42
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                               1,735,037.03               107,610.00
long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                      1,558,319,352.14         5,502,486,363.42
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term
                                                                                           1,184,557,366.86         1,006,510,420.24
      Cash paid as investment                                                              1,747,000,000.00         5,260,000,000.00
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                     2,931,557,366.86         6,266,510,420.24
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                     -1,373,238,014.72          -764,024,056.82
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans                                                               5,338,810,425.77         5,672,286,500.00
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                          5,338,810,425.77         5,672,286,500.00
      Cash to repay debts                                                                  6,444,277,209.21         5,527,516,348.80
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                            459,378,762.47           376,062,171.80
      Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                       6,903,655,971.68         5,903,578,520.60
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                      -1,564,845,545.91          -231,292,020.60
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                       -8,429,079.82             3,730,050.43
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                              -6,270,463,012.77        -1,968,323,176.79
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                  9,530,304,140.51         4,304,424,513.46
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                3,259,841,127.74         2,336,101,336.67

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7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                                         In RMB Yuan
                                                                                     Current term
                                                       Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                    Other equity instruments                                                                                    Total of
         Items                                                          Less:       Other                        Common              sharehold
                            Share Prefere Perpetu             Capital                          Special Surplus             Retained            owners’
                                                                       Shares in    misc                            risk               ers’
                            capital  nce       al     Others reserves                         reserves reserves              profit              equity
                                                                        stock     incomes                        provision             equity
                                    shares liability
I. Balance at end of                                         9,114,845                       430,777.9 961,105,5           2,172,180 452,296,8 15,836,85
prev. year                                                     ,542.05                                4    29.85             ,473.24     61.52 9,184.60
      Plus: Change of
accounting policy
of previous errors
combination under
common control
II. Balance at             3,136,0
                                                            9,114,845                      430,777.9 961,105,5            2,172,180 452,296,8 15,836,85
beginning of current       00,000.
                                                              ,542.05                              4     29.85              ,473.24     61.52 9,184.60
year                           00
III. Amount of change
                                                                                           10,838,06                      -28,792,8 16,977,54 -977,250.
in current term (“-“ for
                                                                                                6.44                          63.74      6.33       97
                                                                                                                          128,007,1 16,977,54 144,984,6
(I) Total of other gains
                                                                                                                              36.26      6.33     82.59
(II) Owners input our
retrieving of capital
1. Common shares
input by shareholders
2. Capital input by
other equity holders
3. Amount of share
payment including
owners equity
4. Others
                                                                                                                          -156,800,            -156,800,
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                                                             000.00               000.00
1. Providing of surplus
2. Common risk
3. Allotment to the
                                                                                                                          -156,800,            -156,800,
owners (or
                                                                                                                             000.00               000.00
4. Others
(IV) Internal transition
of owners equity
1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses
by surplus reserves
4. Others
                                                                                           10,838,06                                          10,838,06
(V) Special reserves
                                                                                                6.44                                               6.44
                                                                                           17,493,56                                          17,493,56
1. Provided this year
                                                                                                4.59                                               4.59
                                                                                           -6,655,49                                          -6,655,49
2. Used this term
                                                                                                8.15                                               8.15
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end                                      9,114,845                      11,268,84 961,105,5            2,143,387 469,274,4 15,835,88
of this term                                                  ,542.05                           4.38     29.85              ,609.50     07.85 1,933.63

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Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                                         In RMB Yuan
                                                                                    Previous term
                                                       Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                    Other equity instruments                                                                                    Total of
         Items                                                          Less:      Other                         Common              sharehold
                            Share Prefere Perpetu             Capital                         Special Surplus              Retained            owners’
                                                                       Shares in    misc                            risk               ers’
                            capital  nce       al     Others reserves                         reserves reserves              profit              equity
                                                                        stock     incomes                        provision             equity
                                    shares liability
I. Balance at end of                                         9,114,845                       210,972.6 956,694,1           2,100,587 370,228, 15,678,56
prev. year                                                     ,542.05                                8    03.74             ,079.16    529.55 6,227.18
      Plus: Change of
accounting policy
of previous errors
combination under
common control
II. Balance at             3,136,0
                                                            9,114,845                      210,972.6 956,694,1            2,100,587 370,228, 15,678,56
beginning of current       00,000.
                                                              ,542.05                              8     03.74              ,079.16  529.55 6,227.18
year                           00
III. Amount of change
                                                                                           219,805.2 4,411,426            71,593,39 82,068,3 158,292,9
in current term (“-“ for
                                                                                                   6        .11                4.08    31.97     57.42
                                                                                                                          232,804,8 82,068,3 314,873,1
(I) Total of other gains
                                                                                                                              20.19    31.97     52.16
(II) Owners input our
retrieving of capital
1. Common shares
input by shareholders
2. Capital input by
other equity holders
3. Amount of share
payment including
owners equity
4. Others
                                                                                                       4,411,426          -161,211,            -156,800,
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                                              .11            426.11               000.00
1. Providing of surplus                                                                                4,411,426          -4,411,42
reserves                                                                                                      .11              6.11
2. Common risk
3. Allotment to the
                                                                                                                          -156,800,            -156,800,
owners (or
                                                                                                                             000.00               000.00
4. Others
(IV) Internal transition
of owners equity
1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses
by surplus reserves
4. Others
                                                                                           219,805.2                                          219,805.2
(V) Special reserves
                                                                                                   6                                                  6
                                                                                           35,149,38                                          35,149,38
1. Provided this year
                                                                                                0.86                                               0.86
                                                                                           -34,929,5                                          -34,929,5
2. Used this term
                                                                                               75.60                                              75.60
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end                                      9,114,845                      430,777.9 961,105,5            2,172,180 452,296, 15,836,85
of this term                                                  ,542.05                              4     29.85              ,473.24  861.52 9,184.60

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8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan
                                                                                        Current term
                                            Other equity instruments                    Less:                                                     Total of
         Items               Share                                         Capital                 Other misc    Special      Surplus    Retained
                                        Preferenc Perpetual                            Shares in                                                 owners’
                             capital                            Others    reserves                  incomes      reserves     reserves    profit
                                         e shares liability                             stock                                                      equity
I. Balance at end of       3,136,000                                     8,694,693,8                                       961,105,52 2,015,390 14,807,620,
prev. year                   ,000.00                                           59.93                                             9.85 ,594.01        761.73
      Plus: Change of
accounting policy
of previous errors
II. Balance at
                           3,136,000                                     8,694,693,8                                          961,105,52 2,015,390 14,807,620,
beginning of current                                                                                            430,777.94
                             ,000.00                                           59.93                                                9.85 ,594.01       761.73
III. Amount of change
                                                                                                                10,838,066.              -112,599, -101,760,97
in current term (“-“ for
                                                                                                                        44                 046.03         9.59
                                                                                                                                         44,200,95 44,200,953.
(I) Total of other gains
                                                                                                                                              3.97         97
(II) Owners input our
retrieving of capital
1. Common shares
input by shareholders
2. Capital input by
other equity holders
3. Amount of share
payment including
owners equity
4. Others
                                                                                                                                         -156,800, -156,800,00
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                                                                            000.00        0.00
1. Providing of surplus
2.Allotment to the
                                                                                                                                         -156,800, -156,800,00
owners (or
                                                                                                                                            000.00        0.00
3. Others
(IV) Internal transition
of owners equity
1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses
by surplus reserves
4. Others
                                                                                                                10,838,066.                         10,838,066.
(V) Special reserves
                                                                                                                        44                                  44
                                                                                                                17,493,564.                         17,493,564.
1. Provided this year
                                                                                                                        59                                  59
                                                                                                                -6,655,498.                         -6,655,498.
2. Used this term
                                                                                                                        15                                  15
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end      3,136,000                                    8,694,693,8                            11,268,844. 961,105,52 1,902,791 14,705,859,
of this term                  ,000.00                                          59.93                                    38        9.85 ,547.98       782.14

                                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                                                                                        Previous term
                                            Other equity instruments                     Less:                                                     Total of
         Items               Share                                         Capital                  Other misc    Special       Surplus    Retained
                                        Preferenc Perceptua                            Shares in                                                  owners’
                             capital                            Others    reserves                   incomes      reserves      reserves    profit
                                         e shares l liability                            stock                                                      equity
I. Balance at end of       3,136,000                                     8,694,693,8                                        956,694,10 2,132,487 14,920,086,
prev. year                   ,000.00                                           59.93                                              3.74 ,759.02        695.37
      Plus: Change of
accounting policy
of previous errors
II. Balance at
                           3,136,000                                     8,694,693,8                                           956,694,10 2,132,487 14,920,086,
beginning of current                                                                                             210,972.68
                             ,000.00                                           59.93                                                 3.74 ,759.02       695.37
III. Amount of change
                                                                                                                               4,411,426.1 -117,097, -112,465,93
in current term (“-“ for                                                                                       219,805.26
                                                                                                                                         1   165.01         3.64
                                                                                                                                           44,114,26 44,114,261.
(I) Total of other gains
                                                                                                                                                1.10         10
(II) Owners input our
retrieving of capital
1. Common shares
input by shareholders
2. Capital input by
other equity holders
3. Amount of share
payment including
owners equity
4. Others
                                                                                                                               4,411,426.1 -161,211, -156,800,00
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                                                                         1    426.11        0.00
1. Providing of surplus                                                                                                        4,411,426.1 -4,411,42
reserves                                                                                                                                 1      6.11
2.Allotment to the
                                                                                                                                           -156,800, -156,800,00
owners (or
                                                                                                                                              000.00        0.00
3. Others
(IV) Internal transition
of owners equity
1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses
by surplus reserves
4. Others
(V) Special reserves                                                                                              219,805.26                           219,805.26
                                                                                                                 35,149,380.                          35,149,380.
1. Provided this year
                                                                                                                          86                                   86
                                                                                                                 -34,929,575                          -34,929,575
2. Used this term
                                                                                                                         .60                                  .60
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end      3,136,000                                    8,694,693,8                                           961,105,52 2,015,390 14,807,620,
of this term                  ,000.00                                          59.93                                                 9.85 ,594.01       761.73

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III. Company Profiles

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), as approved in Liao-Zheng (1997) No. 57 by
Liaoning Peoples Government on 27 March 1997, was incorporated as a joint stock limited company through public
share offer of domestic listed foreign currency denominated shares (B shares) in the Peoples Republic of China (the
“PRC”) on 27 June 1997 by Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Bengang Group”), through reorganization of
operations, assets and liabilities of its plants, namely, Steel Smelting Plant, Primary Rolling Plant and Continuous Hot
Rolling Plant.

As approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company issued 400,000,000 B-shares at RMB2.38 each
in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 10 June 1997. On 3 November 1997, the Company issued another 120,000,000
A-shares (Renminbi Common Shares) at RMB5.40 each, and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 15 January 1998.
The capital shares were totalled to 1,136,000,000 shares including 616,000,000 shares held by the promoter.

On March 14 2006, according to the resolutions of the Shareholders Meeting regarding share equity relocation, the
Share Equity Relocation Scheme, Response to Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd. about Share Equity Relocation issued by
Liaoning Provincial Government State-owned Asset Administrative Committee, Bengang Group – the only holder of
non-negotiable state-owned legal person shares paid the consideration to the current shareholders to obtain the current
option for the 40,800,000 shares of the total 616,000,000 shares it was holding. However the total of capital shares of
Bengang Steel Plate was not changed through the share equity relocation action.

China Securities Regulatory Commission issued Zheng-Jian-Gong-Si-Zi [2006] 126 on June 30th 2006 and served to
the Company on July 6th 2006. The Company was approved to place 2 billion Renminbi common shares particularly to
Bengang Group and the proceeds would be used to purchase the related assets of the Group. On the same day, Bengang
Group received circular Zheng-Jian-Gong-Si-Zi [2006] 127 issued by China Securities Regulatory Committee, and was
exempted for the liability of undertaking the purchase offer. The liability was caused by subscribing of the 2 billion new
shares and the total shareholding was thus increased to 2.5752 billion shares (account for 82.12% of the total capital
shares of the Company).     On August 28 2006, as approved by China Securities Depository & Clearing Corporation Ltd.
Shenzhen Office, the registration and conditional placing procedures of the 2 billion new shares were completed. On
September 28 2006, the privately placed shares were approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to be placed in the stock
market. The new shares were placed in the market on October 9th 2006, with face value of RMB1.00 per share and the
placing price was RMB4.6733 per share.
     Up to June 30 2015, the capital shares of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd were amounted to 3,136,000,000 shares. The business
license was numbered 210000004931633. The registered address is: 18th Gangtie Road, Pingshan, Benxi, Liaoning Province. The
registered capital is RMB3,136,000,000. The legal representative is Zhao Zhongmin.
     The parent company of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd is Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. and the actual controller is the
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of Liaoning province.

     Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd. is mainly involved in processing and trading of recycled metal (including color
metal), steel & iron making, rolling, and trading, oxygen making, special pre-shaped steel material, metal process,
goods and technology import & export (exclude categories prohibited by the national government, constrained products
can only be traded with special certificates), measuring instruments, electronic & mechanical equipment, sales of steel,
new industrial products, developing of technologies, recycling of gas dust and waste oil (excluding dangerous materials),
production of hazardous chemical materials.

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

     The above financial accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on August 3, 2015.

          As of June 30, 2015, the consolidating range of the consolidated accounts is covering the following

                                            Name of the subsidiaries

Guangzhou Bengang Trade Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Bengang Metallurgy Tech. Ltd.

Bengang Steel Plate Liaoyang Orel Ball Co., Ltd.

Dalian Benruitong Automobile Material Technologies Co., Ltd.

Changchun Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.

Haerbin Bengang International Trading Ltd.

Nanjing Bengang Steel Material Sales Ltd.

Wuxi Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.

Xiamen Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.

Yantai Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.

Tianjin Bengang Steel Trading Ltd.

Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd.

          No change made to the consolidating range in the report period.

IV. Basis of Preparation

1. Basis of preparation

     The Company prepares its financial statements on perpetual basis and accrual basis, with accordance with the Enterprise
Accounting Standard issued by the Department of Finance – the basic rules and multiple principles, as well as the proceeding
instructions, interpretations, and other rules (regarded collectively as “The Enterprise Accounting Standard”, and also the Information
Disclosure Rules No.15 – General rules of financial statements issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

2. Perpetual operation

The Company is in normal and healthy operation, and is able to carry on perpetually.

V. Material Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimations

Note to detailed accounting policies and estimations:
The following contents are covering the detailed accounting policies and estimations made in accordance with the business practice

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

of the Company.

1. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

The financial statements present truly and completely the financial position, operation results and cash flow of the

2. Accounting period

A fiscal year starts from January 1 and ends at December 31 of a calendar year.

3. Business circle

The Companys business circle covers 12 months.

4. Standard currency for bookkeeping

The Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.

5. Accounting treatment of the merging entities under common control and different control

     1. Business combination under common control
     The assets and liabilities that the Company acquired in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying
     amount of aquirees assets, liabilities (as well as the goodwill arising from the business combination) in the consolidated
     financial statement of the ultimate controller on the combining date.

     As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the Company and the carrying amount of the
     consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), capital reserve needs to be adjusted. If the capital reserve is
     not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

     2. Business combination involving entities not under common control
     The Company shall, on the acquisition date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed by an enterprise for a
     business combination in light of their fair values, and shall record the balances between them and their carrying amounts into the
     profits and losses at the current period.

     The Company shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets
     it obtains from the acquiree as goodwill. The Company shall treat the negative balance between the combination costs and the
     fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree into the profits and losses of the current period.

     The intermediary costs and relevant management fee for the business combination now under same control paid by the acquirer,
     including the expenses for audit, assessment and legal services, shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.
     The transaction expenses for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination shall be recorded into the initial
     recognition amount of equity securities.

6. Preparing method of consolidated financial statements

1. Consolidation range
 The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. All the subsidies have

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been consolidated into the scope of consolidation for this period ended.

2. Consolidation process
   2. Procedure of consolidation
   The consolidated financial statements shall be presented by the parent based on the financial statements of the
   parent and its subsidiaries, and using other related information. When preparing consolidated financial
   statements, the parent shall consider the entire group as an accounting entity, adopt uniform accounting
   policies and apply the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises related to recognition,
   measurement and presentation. The consolidated financial statements shall reflect the overall financial
   position, operating results and cash flows of the group.

   The accounting policy and accounting period of the subsidiaries within the consolidation scope shall be in accordance with
   those of the Company. If not, it is necessary to make the adjustment according to the Companys accounting policies and
   accounting period when preparing the consolidated financial statements.

   For subsidiaries through acquisition that are now under common control, the financial statements are adjusted according to fair
   value of identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.

   For subsidiaries through acquisition that are under common control, the assets, liabilities (as well as the goodwill arising from
   purchasing the subsidiary by the ultimate controller) are adjusted according to book value of net assets in the financial
   statements of the ultimate controller.

   The owners interests, profit or loss, and comprehensive income of the subsidiary attributable to the non-controlling
   shareholders shall be presented separately in the shareholders equity of the consolidated balance sheet and under the item of net
   profit of the consolidated statement of comprehensive income and under the item of total comprehensive income. Where losses
   assumed by the minority exceed the minoritys interests in the beginning equity of a subsidiary, the excess shall be charged
   against the minoritys interests.

       (1) Increase of new subsidiary and business
       If the Company has a new subsidiary due to business combination under common control during a reporting period, it shall
       adjust the beginning balance in the consolidated statement of financial position when preparing consolidated statement of
       financial position. The revenue, expenses and profits of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting
       period are included in the Companys consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The cash flow of the subsidiaries
       from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period is included in the Companys consolidated statement of cash
       flows. And meanwhile the Company shall adjust the relevant items of the comparative financial statements as if the reporting
       entity for the purpose of consolidation has been in existence since the date the ultimate controlling party first obtained

       When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee under common control due to additional
       investment or other reasons, Adjustment shall be made as if the reporting entity after the combination has been in existence
       since the date the ultimate controlling party first obtained control. The investment income recognized between date of
       previously obtaining equity investment and the date the acquiree and acquirer are under common control, which is later, and
       the combining date, other comprehensive income and other changes of net assets arising from the equity investment
       previously-held before obtaining the control the acquiree shall be adjusted against the prior retained earnings of the
       comparative financial statements and the current profit or loss respectively.

       If it is now under common control, the Company shall not adjust the beginning balance in the consolidated statement of
       financial position when preparing consolidated statement of financial position. The revenue, expenses and profits of the
       subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period are included in the parent companys consolidated
       statement of comprehensive income. The cash flow of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting
       period is included in the Companys consolidated statement of cash flows.

       When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee now under common control due to additional
       investment or other reasons, the acquirer shall remeasure its previously held equity interest in the acquiree to its fair value at

                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

the acquisition date. The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount shall be recognized as investment income
for the period when the acquisition takes place. When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the
equity method, any other comprehensive income previously recognized in relation to the acquirees equity changes shall be
transferred to profit or loss for the current period when the acquisition takes place. Other comprehensive income arising from
remeasurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

(2) Disposing subsidiary or business
   1. General treatment
   If the Company disposes a subsidiary during a reporting period, the revenue, expenses and profits of the subsidiary from
   the beginning of the reporting period to disposal date are included in the Companys consolidated statement of
   comprehensive income. The cash flow of the subsidiaries from the beginning of the reporting period to disposal date is
   included in the Companys consolidated statement of cash flows.

   When the Company loses control over an investee due to partial disposal or other reasons, the acquirer shall remeasure
   the remaining equity interests in the acquiree to its fair value at the acquisition date. The difference, between sums of
   consideration received for disposal equity shares and fair value of the remaining shares, and sums of share of net assets of
   the subsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination date based on the previous
   shareholding proportion and goodwill, shall be recognized as investment income for the period when the Company loses
   control over acquiree. When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other
   comprehensive income previously recognized in relation to the acquirees equity changes, and other equity changes rather
   than changes from net profit, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, shall be transferred to investment
   income for the current period when the Company loses control over acquiree. Other comprehensive income arising from
   remeasurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

   2. Disposing the subsidiary by multiple transactions
   Where the Company loses control of a subsidiary in multiple transactions in which it disposes of its subsidiary in stages,
   in determining whether to account for the multiple transactions as a single transaction, the Company shall consider all of
   the terms and conditions of the transactions and their economic effects. One or more of the following may indicate that
   the Company shall account for the multiple arrangements as a single transaction:
   (a) Arrangements are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other;
   (b) Arrangements work together to achieve an overall commercial effect;
   (c) The occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other
        arrangement; and
   (d) One arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but it is economically
        justified when considered together with other arrangements.

   If each of the multiple transactions forms part of a bundled transaction which eventually results in loss of control of the
   subsidiary, these multiple transactions shall be accounted for as a single transaction. In the consolidated financial
   statements, the difference between the consideration received and the corresponding proportion of the subsidiarys net
   assets in each transaction prior to the loss of control shall be recognized in other comprehensive income and transferred
   to the profit or loss when the Company eventually loses control of the subsidiary.

   If each of the multiple transactions which eventually results in loss of control of the subsidiary do not form part of a
   bundled transaction, apply the treatment of disposing partial long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of
   control prior to the loss of control. After the loss of control, apply the treatment of disposing the subsidiary in common

(3) Acquiring the subsidiary’s equity interest held by non-controlling shareholders
Where the Company has acquired a subsidiarys equity interest held by non-controlling shareholders, the
difference between the increase in the cost of long-term investments as a result of acquisition of
non-controlling interests and the share of net assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously from the

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

        acquisition date or the combination date based on the new shareholding proportion shall be adjusted to the
        capital reserve( capital premium or share premium) in the consolidated financial statements. If the balance
        of the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

        (4) Disposing partial long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of control
        When the Company disposes of a portion of the long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of control, the
        difference between the amount of the consideration received and the corresponding portion of the nest assets of the
        subsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination date related to the disposal of the long-term
        equity investments shall be adjusted to the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium) in the consolidated financial
        statements. If the balance of the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

7. Joint arrangement classification and accounting treatment
     A joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or joint venture.
     When the Company is joint operator of joint arrangement and has rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating
     to the arrangement, it is classified as joint operation.
     A joint operator shall recognize the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation, and account for them in
     accordance with relevant accounting standards:
       (1) Its solely-held assets, and its share of any assets held jointly;
      (2) Its solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;
      (3) Its revenue from sales of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
      (4) Its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and
      (5) Its solely-incurred expenses and its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

8. Recognition basis of cash and cash equivalents

At preparing of cash flow statement, those investments, which are featured with short term (expire within 3 months
since purchased), high liquidity, easy to convert to know cash, low in risk of value change, could be recognized as cash
equivalents. Equity investment are not recognized as cash equivalents.

9. Translation of businesses and accounts in foreign currency

1. Trade in foreign currencies
     Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB at the current rate at the day of transactions.

     The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The balance of
     exchange arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the
     time of initial recognition or prior to the balance sheet date, except those arising from the raising of special foreign debt for the
     purchase or construction of capitalizable assets thus shall be capitalized according to the borrowing costs capitalization principle,
     shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the
     historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the amount of functional
     currency shall not be changed. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value shall still be translated at the
     spot exchange rate on the date of confirming the fair value and the balance of exchange arising from it shall be recorded into
     profits and losses at the current period of disposal or capital reserves.

2.   Translation of foreign currency financial statements
      The asset and liability items in the statement of financial position shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance
     sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the ones as "undistributed profits", others shall be translated at the spot
     exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the statement of comprehensive income
     shall be translated at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date.

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

     When disposing an overseas business, the Company shall shift the balance, which is presented under the items of the owner's
     equities in the statement of financial position and arises from the translation of foreign currency financial statements related to
     this oversea business, into the disposal profits and losses of the current period. If the overseas business is disposed of partially,
     the Company shall calculate the balance arising from the translation of foreign currency statements of the part of disposal based
     on the disposal rate and shall shift them into the profits and losses of the current period.

10. Financial instruments

Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.
1. Categorizing of financial instruments
     The classification of financial assets and financial liabilities at initial recognition are as follows: financial
     assets or financial liabilities designated at fair value through current profit and loss, including: trading
     financial investment, held-to-maturity investment, loans and receivables, available-for-sale investment and
     other financial liabilities.

2. Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
(1) The financial assets(financial liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss includes:
The financial assets (financial liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss are recognized initially at fair value (minus cash
dividends declared but not received or bond interest matured but not drawn yet). The relevant transaction cost is recognized in the
income statement when occurred.
Interests or cash dividends during the period of holding are recognized as investment gains. The fair value will be adjusted and
accounted as current gain/loss.
When disposed, the differences between fair value and initial amount are recognized as investment gains, and thus adjust the
gain/loss of fair value.
(2) Held-to-maturity investment
The Held-to-maturity investments are recognized initially at fair value (minus bond interest matured but not drawn yet). The relevant
transaction cost is recognized in the income statement when occurred.
 The held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate. The interest income is recognized
 as investment income. The effective interest will be determined at the initial recognition and will not be changed in the holding
 period or within the applicable period.
When disposing the held-to-maturity investment, the difference between the investing proceeds and the carrying value is recognized
as investment income.
(3) Receivables
Receivables from selling products and rendering services or receivable of other company not including the receivables with quoted
price in the active market (including: accounts receivable, other receivables, notes receivable, prepayments, long-term receivables)
are measured at contract price; if the receivables is of financing nature, it shall be recognized at the present value initially.
When disposing the receivables, the difference between the proceeds and the carrying value is recognized in the income statement.
(4) Available for sale financial assets
Available for sale financial assets are initially recorded at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs on the trade date
and subsequently re-measured at fair value. The price including the declared but not received bond interest or cash dividend is
recognized as a separate item.
       The Company recognizes the interest or cash dividends as investment income. At each balance sheet date, available-for-sale
       financial assets are measured at fair value and the fair value changes are recognized in the capital reserve - other capital

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text


       The difference between the proceeds of the disposal and the carrying value shall be recognized as investment income. And the
       related fair value change in the shareholders equity shall be transferred out, and recorded as investment income.
(5) Other financial liabilities
For other financial liabilities, they are initially recognized at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs. After the initial
recognition, the other financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost.

3.    Basis of recognition and accounting of financial asset transferring
Where an enterprise has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee,
it shall stop recognizing the financial asset. If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset, it shall not stop recognizing the financial asset.
To judge whether the transfer of a financial asset can satisfy the conditions as prescribed in these Standards for stopping the
recognition of a financial asset, the enterprise shall pay more attention to the essential of the transfer of the financial asset.
(1) Book value of the financial asset to be transposed;
(2) The sum of price received due to the transposition, and the accumulation of change in fair value originally accounted as owners
equity (when the asset to be transposed is saleable financial asset).
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the entire book value of the transferred
financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped,
be apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall
be included into the profits and losses of the current period :
(1) The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped;
(2) The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the
changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been
stopped (in the event that the financial asset involved in the transfer is a financial asset available for sale).
If the transfer of financial assets does not satisfy the conditions to stop the recognition, it shall continue to be recognized as financial
assets and the consideration received shall be recognized as financial liabilities.

4. Termination of financial liability recognition
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the financial liability
be terminated in all or partly. Where an enterprise (debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing
financial liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial liability is
substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it shall terminate the recognition of the existing financial
liability, and shall at the same time recognize the new financial liability.
Where an enterprise makes substantial revisions to some or all of the contractual stipulations of the existing financial liability, it shall
terminated the recognition of the existing financial liability or part of it, and at the same time recognize the financial liability after
revising the contractual stipulations as a new financial liability.
Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise concerned shall include into the profits
and losses of the current period the gap between the carrying amount which has been terminated from recognition and the
considerations it has paid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed).
Where an enterprise buys back part of its financial liabilities, it shall distribute, on the repo day, the carrying amount of the whole
financial liabilities in light of the comparatively fair value of the part that continues to be recognized and the part whose recognition
has already been terminated. The gap between the carrying amount which is distributed to the part whose recognition has terminated

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

and the considerations it has paid (including the noncash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed)
shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

     5. Determination of the fair value
     The fair values of the financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value shall be determined by reference to the
     quoted prices in the active market.

     6. Impairment provision of the financial assets (not including accounts receivables)
     The Company shall carry out impairment review for the financial assets at the balance sheet date except for the financial assets
     at fair value through profit or loss. Where there is any objective evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an
     impairment provision shall be made.

       (1) Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
       An impairment provision shall be made where the fair value of the held-to-maturity financial assets drops significantly at the
       balance sheet date or the trend of decrease is expected not to be temporary after taking various factors into consideration. The
       accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the owners equity which was directly included shall be
       transferred out and recorded as impairment loss.

       Where any available-for-sale debt instruments is recognized as having suffered from any impairment loss, if there is any
       objective evidence proving that the value of the said debt instruments has been restored, and it is objectively related to the
       events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be reversed and be
       recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

       Impairment losses incurred by investment transactions of available-for-sale equity instruments shall not be reversed through
       profits and losses.

       The criteria for “serious” level of the decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial instruments are as follows: the
       decrease of fair value for the equity investment with the active transaction in a market of good liquidity is normally 50%. The
       decrease of fair value of the equity investment without good market liquidity is normally 30%; the criteria for
       “non-temporary” decrease of fair value is continuous decrease over 12 months; the cost of investment is based on the purchase

       (2) Impairment of held-to-maturity investment
       The impairment of the held-to-maturity investment can be measured by reference to the measurement of the impairment of
       accounts receivables.

11. Account receivable

(1) Bad debt provision on receivable accounts with major amount individually

Basis of recognition or standard amount of individual account          Balance of account receivable RMB10 million; other account
with large amount                                                      receivable RMB5 million or over.

                                                                       The impairment test should be assessed individually for each
                                                                       individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence
                                                                       indicating the receivables have been impaired, the difference
Basis of bad debt provision                                            between the present value of the future cash flows and the book
                                                                       value of receivables shall be recognized as bad debt provision
                                                                       and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current

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(2) Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided as groups

                      Name of the portfolio                                       Basis of providing bad debt provisions

Receivable account with minor amount and tested individually
                                                                     Age analysis method
and not impaired

Accounts on age basis in the portfolio:
[V] ApplicableNot applicable

                                                                                              Rate of provision on other receivable
                    Age                          Rate of provision on receivable accounts

1-2 yrs                                                                             5.00%                                        5.00%

2-3 yrs                                                                            20.00%                                       20.00%

Over 3 yrs                                                                       100.00%                                       100.00%

Accounts on percentage basis in the portfolio:
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Accounts on other basis in the portfolio:
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(3) Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provisions are provided individually

Basis of providing bad debt individually                             When there is solid evidence showing that it is not retrievable.

                                                                     When there is solid evidence showing that the possibility of
                                                                     retrieving is minor, the account shall be tested for impairment
Basis of bad debt provision
                                                                     individually and bad debt provision shall be provided at the
                                                                     estimated unrecoverable amount.

12. Inventories

1. Categories of inventory
     Inventories include material in transit, raw material, low-valued consumables, work in process, finished goods, materials for
consigned processing, etc.

2. Pricing of inventory on delivery
     When inventories are delivered, the effective costs are recognized by weighted average method.

3.   Recognition of realizable net value of inventory and providing of inventory impairment provision
At the year end, complete check of the inventories shall be carried out and on the date of balance sheet, the inventories shall be
measured whichever is lower in accordance with the cost and the net realizable value.
The net realizable value of inventories (finished products, stock commodity, material etc.) held for direct selling in the daily business
activity shall be calculated by deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories.
The net realizable value of inventories for further processing in the daily business activity shall be calculated by deducting the

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estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories. The net
realizable value of inventories held for the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated on the ground of the
contract price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than the quantities subscribed in the sales contract, the net realizable value of
the excessive part of the inventories shall be calculated on the ground of the general sales price.
The Company shall make provision for loss on decline in value of inventories on the ground of each item of inventories at the year
end. For inventories with large quantity and relatively low unit prices, the provision for loss on decline in value of inventories shall
be made on the ground of the categories of inventories.
Net realizable value of inventories are market price at balance date unless any indication that the market price at balance date appears
     The net realizable value of inventory at the year-end is based on the market price at the balance sheet date.
When the circumstances of deducting the inventory value have eliminated, the deducted amount should be restored and written back
within the original amount of impairment provision provided previously.

4. Inventory basis
The Company use perpetual inventory system.

5.    Amortizing of low-value consumables and packaging materials
(1)Low-valued consumables should be amortized in full amount on issuance.
(2)Packing materials should be amortized in full amount on issuance.

13. Categorizing of asset held for sale

14. Long-term equity investment

     1. Criteria of join control and significant influence
       Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the
       relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

       Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but not control
       or join control of those policies. If the Company could exert significant influence over the investee, the investee is the
       associate of the Company.

     2. The initial cost of long-term equity investment from business acquisition
       (1) Long-term equity investment formed by merger
       For the acquisition under the common control, if the consideration of the acquiring enterprise is that it makes payment in cash,
       transfers non-cash assets, bears its debts, or issues equity securities, it shall, on the date of acquisition, regard the share of the
       book value of the owner's equity of the acquired enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The
       difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the payment borne by the acquiring party shall offset
       against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. The direct cost
       for the business combination of the combining party, including the expenses for audit, assessment and legal services, shall be
       recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.
       For the combination not under the common control, the combination costs shall be the fair values, on the acquisition date, of
       the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control
       on the acquiree. Agency fees incurred for business combination by the acquirer, including audit fee, legal services, evaluation
       and consultation fee, shall be recorded in current profits and losses when incurred. Trading costs of issuance cost of equity
       securities or debt securities as the consideration for business combination by the acquirer shall be recorded in initial cost of
       such equity securities or debt securities. For a business combination realized by two or more transactions of exchange, the
       combination costs shall be the sum of the costs of all separate transactions. Where any future event that is likely to affect the
       combination costs is stipulated in the combination contract or agreement, if it is likely to occur and its effects on the
       combination costs can be measured reliably, the acquirer shall record the said amount into the combination costs.

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 (2) Long-term equity investment obtained by other ways
 The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost which is
 actually paid.
 Long-term equity investment obtained by placing of equity stocks is recognized for initial investment cost at the fair value of
 the stock.
 If the exchange of non-monetary assets is commercial in nature and the fair values of both the assets received and surrendered
 can be reliably measured, the fair value of the assets surrendered shall be used as the basis for determining the cost of the
 assets received, unless there is any exact evidence showing that the fair value of the assets received is more reliable. Where
 any non-monetary assets transaction does not meet the conditions as prescribed above, the carrying value and relevant payable
 taxes of the assets surrendered shall be the initial cost of the assets received.
 Long-term equity investment obtained through debt reorganizing is recognized for initial investment cost at fair value.

3. Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition
  (1) Cost method
  The Company adopts cost method for the long term investment in subsidiary company. Under the cost method, an investing
  enterprise shall, in accordance with the attributable share of the net profits or losses of the invested entity, recognize the
  investment profits or losses except the dividend declared but unpaid, which is included in the payment when acquiring the

 (2) Equity method
 A long-term equity investment in an associate or a joint venture shall be accounted for using the equity method. Where the
 initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds tan investors interest in the fair values of an investees
 identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial cost
 is less than the investors interest in the fair values of the investees identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference
 shall be credited to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted

 The Company shall recognize its share of the investees net profits or losses, as well as its share of the investees other
 comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensive income, and adjust the carrying amount of
 the investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by the portion of any profit distributions
 or cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable to the investor. The investors share of the investees owners
 equity changes, other than those arising from the investees net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profit
 distribution, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

 The investor shall recognize its share of the investees net profits or losses after making appropriate adjustments based on the
 fair values of the investees identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

 The unrealized profits or losses resulting from transactions between the investor and its associate or joint venture shall be
 eliminated in proportion to the investors equity interest in the investee, based on which investment income or losses shall be
 recognized. Any losses resulting from transactions between the investor and investee which are attributable to asset
 impairment shall be recognized in full.

 If the transaction of investment or sale of assets among the Company and associate and joint venture and the assets is a
 business, it shall apply the treatment mentioned in Note 2 (5) “The accounting treatment for Business combination under/now
 under common control” and Note 2 (6) “Consolidation of Financial Statements”.

 When the Company recognizes the losses of invested enterprise, it shall follow the following sequence: First of all, offset the
 book value of long term equity investment. If the book value of long term equity is insufficient to dilute, the investing
 enterprise shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity investment and
 other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero.
 If the company still has the obligation to undertake extra losses per contract, and then estimated liabilities shall be recognized
 into current profit and loss accordingly to the estimated obligation.

 (3) Disposal of long-term equity investment
 On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and the carrying amount
 shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

 When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive income
 previously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly
 disposed of the related assets or liabilities.

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       Those owner's equity recognized other than the change of net profits or loss, other comprehensive income, profit distribution
       of the invested entity shall be transferred proportionally into profit or loss of current period, other comprehensive income
       arising from the remeasurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

       When an investor can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee due to partial disposal of
       equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment shall be accounted for in accordance with “Accounting
       Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22-Financial instruments: recognition and measurement”. The difference between the
       fair value and the carrying amount at the date of the loss of join control or significant influence shall be charged to profit or
       loss for the current period. When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other
       comprehensive income previously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the
       investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities for the current period upon discontinuation of the equity

       Those owner's equity recognized other than the change of net profits or loss, other comprehensive income, profit distribution
       of the invested entity shall be transferred into profit or loss of current period in full when the Company cease to adopt the
       equity method.

       When the Company can no longer exercise control over an investee due to partial disposal of equity investment or other
       reasons, and with the retained interest, still has joint control of, or significant influence over, the investee, when preparing the
       individual financial statements, the investor shall change to the equity method and adjust the remaining equity investment as if
       the equity method had been applied from the date of the first acquisition. If the investor cannot exercise joint control of or
       significant influence over the investee after partial disposal of equity investment, the remaining equity investment shall be
       accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22-Financial instruments: Recognition
       and Measurement”, and the difference between the fair value and carrying amount at the date of the loss of control shall be
       charged to profit or loss for the current period.

       When the equity investment disposed is acquired through business combination due to additional investment or other reasons,
       in stand-alone financial statement, the remaining equity investment shall adopt cost method or equity method, any other
       comprehensive income and other owners interests previously recognized of the previously-held equity investment under the
       equity method shall be transferred proportionally.

       For those remaining equity investment accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
       No.22-Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement” after disposal, other comprehensive income and other owners
       interests previously recognized shall be transferred to profit or loss in full.

15. Investment property

     The term "investment properties" refers to the real estate held for generating rent and/or capital appreciation. The investment
     properties include:
       (1) The land use right which has already been rented;
       (2) The land use right which is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation; and
       (3) The building which has already been rented (including buildings self-constructed or developed for rent after completion or
       buildings being built or developed for future rent).

     The investment properties shall be measured by the cost model. For the investment properties measured at cost model and
     building for rent, the same depreciation policy shall be adopted as that of fixed assets; for land use right, the same amortization
     policy shall be adopted as that of intangible assets.

16. Fixed assets

(1) Basis of recognition

The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: (1) They are held for the sake
of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and (2) Their useful life is in excess of one
fiscal year.

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(2) Depreciation

        Categories             Basis of depreciation        Depreciation Period         Retain value rate      Annual depreciation ratio

                            Straight average on
Houses & buildings                                       8-40 yrs                  0                           2.50-12.50%

                            Straight average on
Equipment & machinery                                    4-18 years                3%                          5.39-24.25%

Vehicle and other           Straight average on
                                                         5-18 years                3%                          5.39-19.40%
equipment                   period

(3) Recognition and pricing of fixed asset leased by financing

When one of the following conditions was satisfied, it will be recognized as asset leased by financing:
(1) The ownership will be under the possession of the Company upon expiration of leasing period;
(2) The option to acquire the asset is open to the Company, and with a price far lower than the fair value of the asset on execution of
the option.
(3) The leasing period is taking the majority part of its useful life;
(4) There is no material difference between the current value of the lowest rental at the starting date and the fair value of the asset. At
the starting date, the Company recorded the lower one of fair value and the current value of the lowest rental as the book value of the
leased asset, the lowest rental payment as the book value of long term payable, and the difference was recorded as unrecognized
financing expenses.

17. Construction-in-process

     The cost of fixed assets transferred from a construction in progress includes all the necessary expenses incurred for bringing the
     asset to the expected conditions for use. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed asset when it has reached its working
     condition for its intended use. In case the final project accounts have not been completed or approved, the asset shall be
     transferred to fixed assets at an estimated value by considering project budget, cost or actual cost of the project and etc., and the
     deprecation of the said fixed assets shall be provided in accordance with the Companys accounting policy since it has reached
     its working condition for its intended use. After the project accounts have been approved, the estimated values shall be adjusted
     based on the actual cost, but those provided deprecation shall not be adjusted.

18. Borrowing expenses

1. Recognition principles for capitalizing of borrowing expenses
     The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings, ancillary
expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings.
Borrowing expenses occurred to the Company that can be accounted as purchasing or production of asset satisfying the conditions of
capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset. Other borrowing expenses are recognized as expenses according to
the occurred amount, and accounted into gain/loss of current term.
     The term "assets eligible for capitalization" shall refer to the fixed assets, investment real estate, inventories and other assets, of
which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite a long time to get ready for its intended use or for sale.
When a borrowing expense satisfies all of the following conditions, it is capitalized:
(1) Asset expense has already occurred. Asset expenses include cash payment, non-cash asset transferring, or undertaking of debt
with interest done for purchasing or producing of assets.

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(2) The borrowing expense has already occurred.
(3) Purchasing or production activity, which is necessary for the asset to reach the useful status, has already started.

2. Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses
      The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the cessation of capitalization of the borrowing
costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization of the borrowing costs.
Capitalizing of borrowing expenses terminates when the purchased or produced asset reaches the supposed useful or saleable status.
When purchasing or producing of part of the asset, which satisfies the capitalizing conditions, has finished and could be used
separately, capitalizing of borrowing expenses for this part of asset is terminated.
      Where each part of an asset under acquisition and construction or production is completed separately and is ready for use or sale
during the continuing construction of other parts, but it cannot be used or sold until the asset is entirely completed, the capitalization
of the borrowing costs shall be ceased when the asset is completed entirely.

3. The suspension of capitalization of borrowing costs
If the construction or production of assets satisfying the capitalizing conditions is suspended abnormally for over 3 months,
capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended. Borrowing expenses occurred in the suspension period are recognized as
expenses and recorded to current income account, until the construction or production is resumed. If the suspension is an essential
process to make the asset usable or sellable, capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be carried forward.

4. Method of calculating the capitalized amount of borrowing costs
      For interest expense (minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or investment
income earned on the loan as a temporary investment) and the ancillary expense incurred to a specifically borrowed loan, those
incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized
at the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded into the costs of the asset eligible for capitalization;
      The enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying
the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the
capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted
average interest rate of the general borrowing.
      Where there is any discount or premium, the amount of discounts or premiums that shall be amortized during each accounting
period shall be determined by the effective interest rate method, and an adjustment shall be made to the amount of interests in each

19. Biological assets

20. Petroleum assets

21.    Intangible assets

(1) Price, useful age, and impairment test

1. Evaluating of intangible assets
       (1) Initial measurement is based on cost upon acquisition
       The cost of an intangible asset on acquisition include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary disbursements

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       which may be directly attributable to bringing the intangible asset to the conditions for the expected purpose. If the payment
       for an intangible asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions and it is of the financing nature, the cost of the
       intangible asset shall be determined on the basis of the present value of the purchase price.

       For intangible assets obtained from debt restructuring as settlement of liabilities from debtors, initial recognition is based on
       its fair value, and the difference between the debt restructured and the fair value of the intangible assets are recognized in the
       current profit and loss.

       For intangible assets obtained from non-monetary transactions with commercial substance, and the fair value of the assets
       obtained or surrendered can be reliably measured, the initial recognition of the asset obtained is based on the fair value of the
       asset surrendered, unless there is strong evidence that the fair value of the asset obtained is more reliable. For intangible assets
       obtained through non-monetary transactions which do not meet the above criteria, the initial recognition is based on the book
       value of the assets surrendered and the relevant taxes payable. No gain or loss will be recognized.

       (2) Subsequent Measurement
       The Company shall analyze and judge the beneficial period of intangible assets upon acquisition.

       Intangible assets with finite beneficial period shall be amortized under the straight-line method during the period when the
       intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the enterprise. If it is unable to estimate the beneficial period of the intangible
       asset, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life and shall not be amortized.
     2. Estimated useful lives of intangible assets with limited useful lives
                Item                                    Estimated useful life                                     Criteria
           Land use right                                     50 years                                  Land use right certificate

At the end of the year, review the amortization method and finite useful life of intangible life.
There is no difference of amortization method and useful life as expected.

     3. Determination of intangible assets with uncertain useful lives
At the end of the year, review the amortization method and finite useful life of intangible life.
There is no difference of amortization method and useful life as expected.

(2) Accounting policies for expenses of internal research

1. Classification criteria for internal research phase and development phase

The specific standards of differentiating research stage and development stage of internal R&D projects:
Research stage is the planned research for obtaining knowledge of new technology, the preparation for further development.
Development stage is applying specific researching results and other technologies to some plans or designs to produce new material,
devices and products.

     2. Criteria of capitalization of development expenditure
     Expenditures during the development phase of internal research and development projects shall be recognized as intangible
     assets when they meet all the following criteria:
       (1) It is feasible technically to complete the intangible assets for use or sale;
       (2) The intention to complete and use or sell the intangible assets is present;
       (3) The method of which the intangible assets generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being able to prove that
       there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the
       intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally;
       (4) It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the support of
       sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and
       (5) The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.

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The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be recorded into the profit or
loss for the current period if the above said conditions are not satisfied simultaneously. The research expenditures for its internal
research and development projects of an enterprise shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period when incurred.

22. Impairment of long-term assets

For long-term assets under the cost model such as fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets etc., the Company shall
perform impairment tests at the period end if there is clear indication of impairment.

If the recoverable amounts of long-term assets are less than their carrying amounts, the carrying amounts of the assets shall be written
down to their recoverable amounts. The write-downs are recognized as impairment losses and charged to current profit and loss. The
recoverable amounts of long-term assets are the higher of their fair values less costs to sell and the present values of the future cash
flows expected to be derived from the assets. The Company shall estimate its recoverable amount on an individual basis. Where it is
difficult to do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset group to which the asset
belongs. The term "group assets” refers to a minimum combination of assets by which the cash flows could be generated

The goodwill shall be subject to an impairment test at least at the end of each year.

When the Company makes an impairment test of assets, it shall, as of the purchasing day, apportion the carrying value of the business
reputation formed by merger of enterprises to the relevant asset groups by a reasonable method. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall
be apportioned to the relevant combinations of asset groups.
When apportioning the carrying value of the business reputation to the relevant asset groups or combinations of asset groups, it shall
be apportioned on the basis of the proportion of the fair value of each asset group or combination of asset groups to the total fair
value of the relevant asset groups or combinations of asset groups. Where it is difficult to measure the fair value reliably, it shall be
apportioned on the basis of the proportion of the carrying value of each asset group or combination of asset groups to the total
carrying value of the relevant asset groups or combinations of asset groups.

When making an impairment test on the relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups containing business reputation, if any
evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups or combinations of asset groups is possible, the Company shall first make an
impairment test on the asset groups or combinations of asset groups not containing business reputation, calculate the recoverable
amount, compare it with the relevant carrying value and recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then the Company shall make
an impairment test of the asset groups or combinations of asset groups containing business reputation, and compare the carrying
value of these asset groups or combinations of asset groups (including the carrying value of the business reputation apportioned
thereto) with the recoverable amount. Where the recoverable amount of the relevant assets or combinations of the asset groups is
lower than the carrying value thereof, it shall recognize the impairment loss of the business reputation.

Impairment losses on long-term assets shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods once recognized.

23. Long-term expenses to be amortized

Long-term expenses are those which already occurred and amortizable to the current period and proceeding periods for over one year.

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Long-term expenses are amortized straightly to the beneficiary period.

24. Employee wages

     (1) Accounting treatment for short employee benefit
     The Company shall recognized , in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, actually
     occurred short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss or cost
     of an asset for the current period.

     Payments made by an enterprise of social security contributions for employees, payments of housing funds,
     and union running costs employee education costs provided in accordance with relevant requirements shall, in
     the accounting period in which employees provide services, be calculated according to prescribed bases and
     percentages in determining the amount of employee benefits.

     The employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits shall be measured at fair value if it could be
     measured reliably.
     (2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
       1) Defined contribution plan
      The Company shall recognize, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, pension
      fund and unemployment fund for employees as a liability according to the local government regulations. The
      amount shall be calculated according to local prescribed bases and percentages in determining the amount of
      employee benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss or cost of an asset for the current period.

      2) Defined benefit plan
     3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits
     The Company which provides termination benefits to employees shall recognize an employee benefits
     liability for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period, at the
     earlier of the following dates:
      (1) When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an
      employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal
      (2) When the Company recognizes costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment of
      termination benefits

     4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits payable

25. Anticipated liabilities

     1) Recognition Criteria of estimated liabilities
     The obligation pertinent to a Contingency (litigation, guarantees, loss contract, restructuring) shall be recognized as an estimated
     liabilities when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:

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     (1) That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
     (2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation; and
     (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

    2) Measurement of estimated liabilities
    The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
    performance of the current obligation.

    To determine the best estimate, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and
    other factors pertinent to the Contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate shall be
    determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash.

    The best estimate shall be conducted in accordance with the following situations, respectively:
    If there is a continuous range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur, the
    best estimate shall be determined in accordance with the average estimate within the range, that is, the average of the upper and
    lower limit.

    If there is not a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if the outcomes within this range are not equally likely to occur,
    the best estimate shall be determined as follows:
      (1) If the Contingencies concern a single item, it shall be determined in the light of the most likely outcome.
      (2) If the Contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be calculated and determined in accordance with all
      possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities.

    When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of an enterprise is expected to be
    compensated by a third party, the compensation shall be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that
    the reimbursement will be obtained. The amount recognized for the reimbursement shall not exceed the book value of the
    estimated debts.

26. Disburse of shares

27. Preference shares, perpetual debit, and other financial instruments

28. Revenue

    1. Recognition Criteria for the Revenue from sale of goods
      (1) The general principle of revenue recognition and measurement
      The Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; and retained neither
      continuing managerial involvement which usually relates to the ownership nor exerts effective control over the goods sold.
      The relevant amount of revenue can be measured reliably, the economic benefits related to the transaction will flow into the
      enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably. Revenue from the sale of goods may be

     (2) The specific criteria of revenue recognition and measurement
     The amount of sale of goods is recognized according to the contract or agreement terms.

    2. Recognition Criteria for the Revenue from alienating of Assets Use Rights
      (1) The general principle
      When it is probable that economic benefits in relation to the transaction will flow into the enterprise; and the amount of
      revenues can be measured reliably. The Company shall ascertain the amount of revenues from the transfer of Assets Use Right
      based on the following circumstances respectively:
        (1) Interest income shall be calculated based on the duration of which the Company's cash is used by others and the actual
        interest rate; or
        (2) Royalty revenue shall be calculated based on the period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or

     (2) The evidence of recognition of Revenue from alienating of Assets Use Rights

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       (1) The agreement alienating of Assets Use Rights of has been signed and provided to users; and
       (2) The timing for collecting the fee is due.

    3. Recognition Criteria for the Revenue from Providing Labor Services and Construction Contracts under Percentage of
    Completion Method
    Revenue from providing labor services are recognized under the percentage of completion method if the outcome of the labor
    service provision transaction can be reliably measured. Percentage completed is determined by measurement of work

    Total revenue from providing of labor services is determined based on the received or receivable amount stipulated in the
    contract or agreement, unless the received or receivable amount as stipulated in the contract or agreement is unfair. The
    Company shall, on the date of the balance sheet, ascertain the current revenue from providing labor services by multiplying the
    total amount of revenues from providing labor services with the percentage completion, less cumulative revenues recognized in
    the previous accounting periods. At the same time, the enterprise shall recognize current cost of labor services by multiplying
    the total estimated cost of providing of labor services with percentage completion less cumulative costs recognized in the
    previous accounting periods.

    If the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services cannot be reliably measured at the balance sheet date, it
    shall be measured as follows:
      (1) If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of labor services shall
      be recognized to the extent of the cost of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be recognized; or
      (2) If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred shall be recognized in the current
      profit and loss, and no revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized.

29. Government allowance

    1. Types of government subsidies
    A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free of charge by the Company from the
    government. Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent
    to income.

    2. Recognition
    If clear evidence shows that conditions for granting the finance support fund can be met and the finance
    support fund is supposed to be received, the amount of receivable can be recognized.

    If no clear evidence shows that the Company is expected to receive finance support or the conditions for
    granting the finance support fund can be met, recognized the government subsidies when the conditions are
    met and the amount are received.

    3. Accounting treatment
    The government subsidies pertinent to fixed assets and intangible assets acquired and constructed shall be recognized as
    deferred income and equally recognized over the useful lives of the relevant assets as non-operating income.

    The government subsidies pertinent to incomes to subsidize future expenses shall be recognized as deferred income and
    transferred to non-operating income in the period during which the expenses subsidized is recognized. Government subsidies to
    subsidize past expenses or losses shall be recognized in the statement of comprehensive income in the period during which the
    subsidy is received.

30. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities

    The Company shall recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising from a deductible temporary difference to the extent of
    the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary
    As for any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the corresponding deferred income tax

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     assets shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax
     deduction to be likely obtained.
     All taxable temporary differences shall be recognized as deferred tax liabilities with certain limited exceptions.
     Exceptions when deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are not recognized include: initial recognition of goodwill; initial
     recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction or event that is not a business combination and at the time of the transaction,
     affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss)
     The Company shall offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if, and only if: (a) the entity has a legally enforceable
     right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities; and (b) the deferred tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities
     relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either:(i) the same taxable entity; or (ii) different taxable entities
     which intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities
     simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled
     or recovered.

31. Leasing

     1) Accounting treatment of operating lease
       1) The rents paid for operating leases shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line
       method over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs paid by the Company shall be recorded into the profits and
       losses of the current period

      If the lessor has shouldered any expense related to the lease which shall have been borne by the Company, the Company shall
      deduct these expenses from the total rental expense and the remaining rental expense shall be allocated to each period during
      the lease term

      2) The rents collected from operating leases shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period by using the
      straight-line method over each period of the whole lease term in which free lease period is included. The initial direct costs
      paid by the Company shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The initial direct costs shall be
      capitalized if it is material, and be allocated to each period as per the basis for rental revenue recognition.

      If the Company has shouldered any expense related to the lease which shall have been borne by the lessee, the company shall
      deduct these expenses from the total rental revenue and the remaining rental revenue shall be allocated to each period during
      the lease term.

     2) Accounting treatment of Financial leasing
       1) Leased in asset
       On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the
       minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the initial book value, recognize the amount of the minimum lease
       payments as the initial book value of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the
       leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges.

      The lessee shall adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and recognize the financing charge in the current period.
      The unrecognized financing charge shall be amortized to each period during the lease term.

32. Other significant accounting policies and change of accounting estimate

33. Change of material accounting policies and estimations

(1) Material accounting policies

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(2) Material estimations

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

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34. Others

VI. Taxation

1. Types and rates of taxes

                  Class of tax                                  Tax basis                                        Tax rate

                                               Calculated on tax law from selling goods
                                               and taxable services based on the
VAT                                            calculation of output tax, after deduction of 17%
                                               input tax deductibility of the current
                                               period, the balance part of VAT payable

                                               Calculated and paid according to the tax
Consumption tax

Operational tax                                Revenue of leasing and taxable services         5%

                                               Paid upon actual amount of operational tax
City maintenance and construction tax                                                          7%、5%
                                               and VAT

Enterprise income tax                          Taxable income                                  25%

                                               Paid upon actual amount of operational tax
Education surcharge                                                                            3%、2%
                                               and VAT

                                               The balance of the buildings original costs
Property tax                                                                                   1.2%
                                               minus 30% of original costs

Statement on different taxpayers within the Company

                        Name of the taxpayer                                                          Tax rate

2. Preference tax rate


3. Others

VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary fund

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                     Items                                   Closing balance                                Opening balance

Cash in stock                                                                      71,255.41                                      14,168.01

Bank deposit                                                              3,520,017,124.93                                  9,283,113,740.33

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Other monetary fund                                                      175,479,435.16                                 509,812,501.06

Total                                                                  3,695,567,815.50                            9,792,940,409.40

Other statements

        Notes: No funds are deposited abroad at the year-end.
        The details of restricted monetary funds

                     Items                                      Closing balance           Balance at the beginning of

Margin for bank acceptance bill                                        175,479,435.16                  155,906,379.33

Guarantee      for    Yield   Enhancement                                                              310,000,000.00

                     Total                                             175,479,435.16                  465,906,379.33

Note (1): The Guarantee for Yield Enhancement Products is the deposit to acquire the short-term US dollar loan.

2. Financial assets measured by fair value with changes accounted into current gains

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                     Items                                 Closing balance                             Opening balance


3. Derivate financial assets

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Notes receivable

1) Notes receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                     Items                                 Closing balance                             Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                   2,793,646,870.49                            2,045,638,618.35

Commercial acceptance bill                                               152,403,936.09                                  43,400,642.78

                     Total                                             2,946,050,806.58                            2,089,039,261.13

2) The pledged acceptance bill at the year-end

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                Items                                                      Amount on pledge

Bank acceptance bill                                                                                                    703,876,716.62

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Total                                                                                                                         703,876,716.62

3) The amount of Notes receivable endorsed over but not yet matured at the year-end.

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                   Amount of terminate recognition at year
                     Items                                                                           Unrecognized ending balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                         4,821,918,283.38

Commercial acceptance bill                                                       42,278,618.98

                     Total                                                   4,864,196,902.36

4) Notes receivable has been transferred into accounts receivable due to inability of drawer to meet
acceptance bill at the year-end.

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                Items                                          Amount transferred to receivable accounts at year end

Other statements

5. Account receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                             Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                             Book balance         Bad debt provision                 Book balance          Bad debt provision
        Categories                                                       Book
                                      Proportio                                              Proportio                           Book value
                         Amount                   Amount       Rate      value     Amount                 Amount       Rate
                                         n                                                       n

Accounts receivable
                         468,839,                 138,548,             330,290,8 630,346                 142,579,0               487,767,04
tested for impairment                 100.00%                29.55%                          100.00%                   22.62%
                             559.45                 756.55                   02.90 ,107.53                   65.31                      2.22
by portfolio

                         468,839,                 138,548,             330,290,8 630,346                 142,579,0               487,767,04
Total                                 100.00%                29.55%                          100.00%                   22.62%
                             559.45                 756.55                   02.90 ,107.53                   65.31                      2.22

Receivables of insignificant items but tested for impairment individually
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Account receivables on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group:
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

               Age                                                                Closing balance

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                                         Account receivable                Bad debt provision                        Rate

Segments within 1 year

within 1 yr                                          231,072,672.68

Subtotal of within 1 year                            231,072,672.68

1-2 years                                             72,949,291.30                      3,647,464.57                             5.00%

2-3 years                                             37,395,379.36                      7,479,075.87                            20.00%

Over 3 yrs                                           127,422,216.11                    127,422,216.11                            100.00%

Total                                                468,839,559.45                    138,548,756.55                            29.55%

Remarks on categories of receivable account
1. Providing of bad debt provision on single receivable account with major amount
Standard for recognition of major amount single account:
Balance of account receivable RMB10 million; other account receivable RMB5 million or over.

Providing method of bad debt provisions on single receivable account with major amount
The impairment test should be assessed individually for each individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence indicating
the receivables have been impaired, the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of
receivables shall be recognized as bad debt provision and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.

2. Providing of bad debt provision by portfolios

        Basis of recognition for portfolios

        The portfolio:                    Receivable account with minor amount and tested individually and not

        Basis of bad debt provision

        The portfolio:                    Age analysis method

                 Accounts on age basis in the portfolio:

                            Age                       Rate for receivables (%)         Rate for other receivables (%)

        Within 1 yr, (included)

        1-2 yrs (included)                                                        5                                     5

        2-3 yrs (included)                                                        20                                20

        Over 3 yrs                                                               100                               100

                 3、 Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provision provided individually upon
                 (1) Reason of providing bad debt individually: concrete evidence showing that the account is irretrievable
                 (2) Basis of providing bad debt provisions:

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                   When there is solid evidence showing that the possibility of retrieving is minor, the account shall be tested for
                   impairment individually and bad debt provision shall be provided at the estimated unrecoverable amount.

Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio

(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

Bad debt provision provided this period was RMB0.00.
Bad debt provision written back was RMB4,030,308.76 in the period.
Significant items of retrieving or writing back of bad debt provisions:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

            Name of the companies                  Amount retrieved or written back                       way of retrieving

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                               Items                                                           Amount written off

Significant amount written off:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

     Name of the           Property of the                            Reason of writing           Written off       Created by related
                                              Amount written off
       companies         receivable account                                    off                procedures         transaction or not

Statement on writing off of receivable accounts.

(4) Top 5 debtors in the receivable accounts

              Name of the companies                                           Closing balance

                                                   Account receivable      Proportion in the        Bad debt provision
                                                                            total receivable
                                                                               account %

Liaoyang Petroleum Tube Co., Ltd.                        47,889,868.98                   10.21

Huayou Steel Tube Co., Ltd.                              29,738,912.85                     6.34

Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development               21,091,628.72                     4.50                  26,327.90
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                  19,525,810.80                     4.16                 406,446.86

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Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment Co.,             16,234,400.77                  3.46

                      Total                            134,480,622.12                 28.67                432,774.76

(5) Recognition of receivable accounts terminated


(6) For securitization on receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed by
continuous involving


6. Prepayment

(1) Prepayment presented by ages:

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                  Amount                    Proportion                   Amount                      Proportion

within 1 yr                      1,341,140,984.62                       92.49%          1,127,829,597.09                      91.23%

1-2 years                           61,263,910.04                         4.22%            49,267,318.09                          3.99%

2-3 years                           40,051,507.57                         2.76%            47,476,893.75                          3.84%

Over 3 yrs                           7,647,915.75                         0.53%            11,740,195.80                          0.94%

Total                            1,450,104,317.98               --                      1,236,314,004.73                 --

Remarks on the unsettled prepayment due over 1 year:
Mainly prepayment for goods not mature yet according to the agreement.

(2) Top 5 prepayment categorized upon objects

                   Objects                   Closing balance            Percentage in total prepayment at year end

Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,           373,358,505.00                                                25.75

Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.            83,135,289.41                                                5.73

Tianjin 20th Metallurgy Construction Co.,           54,760,432.97                                                3.78

Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machine Co.,                 54,080,819.79                                                3.73

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Zhongye Shanya Heavy Industry                     52,696,022.00                                             3.63

                  Total                          618,031,069.17                                           42.62


7. Interest receivable

(1) Categorized on interests receivable

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                     Items                             Closing balance                          Opening balance

Fixed deposit                                                                                                      7,011,095.89

Total                                                                                                              7,011,095.89

(2) Material overdue interests

                                                                                                      Impairment and basis of
        Loans from             Closing balance         Date of mature        Causation of overdue


8. Dividend receivable

(1) Dividend receivable

                                                                                                                          In RMB

           Project (or investee)                       Closing balance                          Opening balance

(2) Material dividend receivable overdue for over 1 year

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                                      Impairment and basis of
  Project (or investee)        Closing balance              Age             Cause for not retrieved


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9. Other account receivable.

(1) Other receivables disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                            Book balance         Bad debt provision                 Book balance          Bad debt provision
        Categories                                                     Book
                                     Proportio                                              Proportio                            Book value
                          Amount                 Amount       Rate     value      Amount                 Amount       Rate
                                        n                                                       n

Accounts receivable
                          286,758,               60,199,0             226,559,6 318,333                 62,365,43                255,968,09
tested for impairment                 99.40%                20.99%                            99.46%                  19.59%
                            750.46                  77.28                73.18 ,531.48                       3.45                      8.03
by portfolio

Other insignificant
items but tested for      1,740,00                                    1,740,000 1,740,0                                          1,740,000.0
                                        0.60%                                                  0.54%
impairment                    0.00                                          .00     00.00                                                 0

                          288,498,               60,199,0             228,299,6 320,073                 62,365,43                257,708,09
Total                                100.00%                20.87%                           100.00%                  19.48%
                            750.46                  77.28                73.18 ,531.48                       3.45                      8.03

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other account receivables on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group:
[V]     applicable
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                Closing balance
                                        Other account receivable               Bad debt provision                         Rate

Segments within 1 year

Within 1 yr, (included)                               216,100,966.65

Subtotal of within 1 year                             216,100,966.65

1-2 years                                               8,810,213.59                          440,510.68                              5.00%

2-3 years                                               4,786,254.52                          957,250.90                            20.00%

Over 3 yrs                                             58,801,315.70                        58,801,315.70                          100.00%

Total                                                 288,498,750.46                        60,199,077.28                           20.87%

Remarks on categories of receivable account
1. Providing of bad debt provision on single receivable account with major amount
Standard for recognition of major amount single account:
Balance of account receivable RMB10 million; other account receivable RMB5 million or over.

Providing method of bad debt provisions on single receivable account with major amount

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The impairment test should be assessed individually for each individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence indicating
the receivables have been impaired, the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of
receivables shall be recognized as bad debt provision and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.

2、 Other receivables tested by portfolio:

        Basis of recognition for portfolios

        The portfolio:                    Receivable account with minor amount and tested individually and not

        Basis of bad debt provision

        The portfolio:                    Age analysis method

                 Accounts on age basis in the portfolio:

                          Age                        Rate for receivables (%)          Rate for other receivables (%)

        Within 1 yr, (included)

        1-2 years (inclusive)                                                      5                                    5

        2-3 years (inclusive)                                                     20                                20

        Over 3 yrs                                                               100                               100

3、 Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provision provided individually upon
                 (1) Reason of providing bad debt individually: concrete evidence showing that the account is irretrievable
                 (2) Basis of providing bad debt provisions:
                 When there is solid evidence showing that the possibility of retrieving is minor, the account shall be tested for
                 impairment individually and bad debt provision shall be provided at the estimated unrecoverable amount.

Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on other basis
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

Bad debt provision provided this period was RMB0.00.
Bad debt provision written back was RMB2,166,356.17 in the period.
Significant items of retrieving or writing back of bad debt provisions:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

          Name of the companies                    Amount written back or retrieved                     way of retrieving


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(3) Writing off of other receivable accounts in the period

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                              Items                                                      Amount written off

Writing off of material other receivable accounts in the period
                                                                                                                             In RMB

    Name of the                                                     Reason of writing        Written off       Created by related
                       Property of account    Amount written off
        companies                                                          off               procedures        transaction or not

Statements on writing off of other receivable accounts.
    (4) Other receivables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                             In RMB

              Account property                      Closing balance of book value             Opening balance of book value

Accounts                                                                195,845,537.34                             121,294,479.69

Export tax rebate                                                        42,558,816.25                             130,825,472.18

Margin and deposit                                                        4,360,260.96                               4,598,002.52

Others                                                                    8,691,118.70                               6,609,889.80

Input tax to be deducted                                                 37,043,017.21                              56,745,687.29

Total                                                                   288,498,750.46                             320,073,531.48

(5) Top five debtors at the year-end

                                                                                                                             In RMB

    Name of the                                                                          Percentage of total   Provision for bad
                        Nature of account       Closing balance            Age
        companies                                                                        other receivables           debts

Tax bureau            Export tax refund             42,558,816.25 within 1 yr                        14.75%

                      Unrecognized input
Tax bureau                                          37,043,017.21 within 1 yr                        12.84%

Shenyang Coke Coal
                      Current account               15,000,000.00 within 1 yr                         5.20%
Co., Ltd. Sales Co.

Liaoning Shenjiao
International Trade   Current account               10,000,000.00 within 1 yr                         3.47%
Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Dongda
Energy Engineering Current account                  10,000,000.00 within 1 yr                         3.47%

Total                            --                114,601,833.46           --                       39.72%

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(6) Receivable accounts involving the government

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                                    Predicted time and
 Name of the companies       Title of the projects        Closing balance          Age at end of period
                                                                                                                    amount of receiving


(7) Other receivable terminated for recognition due to transferring of financial asset


(8) Amounts of asset or liability formed by continuous involving


10. Inventories

(1) Categories of inventory

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                        Closing balance                                              Opening balance
        Items                             Impairment                                                   Impairment
                     Book balance                           Book value         Book balance                                Book value
                                           provision                                                    provision

Raw materials       6,175,775,608.68       4,894,918.76 6,170,880,689.92 6,399,017,393.13               4,894,918.76 6,394,122,474.37

Product in
                    1,356,732,821.07      55,997,892.65 1,300,734,928.42 1,194,892,927.05              44,360,110.69 1,150,532,816.36

Products in stock   4,373,781,128.30      91,952,319.78 4,281,828,808.52 3,510,656,117.98              46,897,590.79 3,463,758,527.19

                    11,906,289,558.0                      11,753,444,426.8 11,104,566,438.1                              11,008,413,817.9
Total                                    152,845,131.19                                                96,152,620.24
                                    5                                      6                     6                                        2

(2) Inventory impairment provision

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                             Increased current period              Decreased current period
        Items       Opening balance                                            Written back or                           Closing balance
                                           Provided            Others                                    Others

Raw materials          4,894,918.76                                                                                          4,894,918.76

Product in
                      44,360,110.69       11,637,781.96                                                                     55,997,892.65

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Products in stock      46,897,590.79    45,054,728.99                                                                 91,952,319.78

Total                  96,152,620.24    56,692,510.95                                                               152,845,131.19


(3) Statement on part of the inventory balance which was the capitalized borrowing expenses


(4) Particulars about assets completed but not settled at end of period

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                             Items                                                            Amount


11. Asset categorized as hold-for-sale asset

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                  Predicted disposal
           Items             Closing book value            fair value                                       Predicted disposal date


12. Non-current asset due in 1 year

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Items                               Closing balance                                Opening balance


13. Other current assets

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Items                               Closing balance                                Opening balance

Prepaid income tax                                                      224,568,989.98                              226,679,352.76

VAT and input tax to be deducted                                        282,065,802.58                              230,825,156.67

Short-term bank financial products                                      197,000,000.00

Total                                                                   703,634,792.56                              457,504,509.43


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14. Disposable financial asset

(1) Sellable financial assets

                                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                    Closing balance                                             Opening balance
             Items                                     Impairment                                                Impairment
                                    Book balance                            Book value         Book balance                          Book value
                                                          provision                                               provision

Sellable equity
                                    20,271,278.63                           20,271,278.63       20,271,278.63                        20,271,278.63

        On cost basis               20,271,278.63                           20,271,278.63       20,271,278.63                        20,271,278.63

Total                               20,271,278.63                           20,271,278.63       20,271,278.63                        20,271,278.63

(2) Sellable financial assets on fair value at end of period

                                                                                                                                              In RMB

  Categories of sellable          Available-for-sale equity           Debit instruments
        financial assets                 instruments                        sellable

(3) Sellable financial assets on cost at end of period

                                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                    Book balance                                         Impairment provision                                Cash
                                                                                                                              Percentage dividend
Company              At                                                       At
                                Increased Decreased At end of                             Increased Decreased At end of of share in         of the
invested in beginning                                                      beginning
                                this period this period      term                        this period this period term   the firm %          current
                 of term                                                    of term

Jingrui        1,967,605.                                  1,967,605.
Steel                      63                                         63

Bengang        3,888,980.                                  3,888,980.
Industrial                 00                                         00
Co., Ltd.

Steel          14,414,693                                 14,414,693
Shanghai                  .00                                       .00

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Co., Ltd.

                 20,271,278                          20,271,278
Total                                                                                                                       --
                        .63                                    .63

(4) Change of impairment of sellable financial assets in the report period

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

  Categories of sellable        Available-for-sale equity      Debit instruments
        financial assets              instruments                     sellable

(5) Statement on sellable equity instruments with fair value decreased significantly or temporarily
decreased but no impairment provision provided

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                                                                 Reason of no
                                                                                          Months of          Amount of
 Sellable equity                           Fair value at end    Decrease of fair                                                 impairment
                        Investment cost                                                  continuous         impairment
   instruments                                  of term         value from costs                                                  provision
                                                                                           decline            provision

Other statements

15. Investment held to mature

(1) Investment held to mature

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                               Opening balance
         Items                                Impairment                                                    Impairment
                           Book balance                              Book value         Book balance                             Book value
                                               provision                                                      provision

(2) Material investment held to mature

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

         Bond items                    Face value              Face interest ratio           Actual interest rate           Expired on

(3) Investment held to mature relocated in the period

Other statements

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16. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                       Closing balance                                      Opening balance
         Items                            Bad debt                                              Bad debt                      折现率区间
                       Book balance                       Book value         Book balance                      Book value
                                          provision                                             provision

(2) Long-term receivables unrecognized for transferring of financial assets

(3) Amount of asset or liability formed by transferring of long-term receivables but keep continuous

Other statements

17. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                             Changed this period

                                                                                        Dividend or                               Balance of
             Opening                 Reducing Investment Adjustment Other                   profit                        Closing provision
 invested                 Extra                                                                       Impairment
             balance                     of       gains on        of other     equity announced                    Others balance at end of
    in                  investment                                                                    provision
                                     investment equity basis       gains       change       to be                                  period

I. Joint ventures

II. Affiliates

Other statements

18. Fixed assets

(1) Particulars of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                      Houses &                Equipment &              Transportation
                       Items                                                                                                     Total
                                                      buildings                machinery                 equipment
I. Original book value:
   1. Opening balance                            10,224,039,014.58            33,098,746,490.42             773,132,017.21 44,095,917,522.21
   2. Increased this period                          52,657,102.58               760,835,550.63                               813,492,653.21
      (1) Purchase                                                                 8,665,299.14                                 8,665,299.14
      (2) Transferred in from construction in
                                                      52,657,102.58              752,170,251.49                              804,827,354.07
      (3) Increased by merger

  3. Decreased this period                               8,196,387.51            259,672,329.44               8,064,271.52   275,932,988.47
     (1) Disposed                                        8,196,387.51            259,672,329.44               8,064,271.52   275,932,988.47

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   4. Closing balance                        10,268,499,729.65        33,599,909,711.61             765,067,745.69 44,633,477,186.95
II. Accumulative depreciation
   1. Opening balance                          4,216,854,550.82      22,179,825,053.53              544,196,523.37 26,940,876,127.72
   2. Increased this period                      228,146,110.13         680,587,626.73                4,786,803.61    913,520,540.47
      (1) Provision                              228,146,110.13         680,587,626.73                4,786,803.61    913,520,540.47

  3. Decreased this period                          6,222,002.26           239,809,006.99             8,042,419.86     254,073,429.11
     (1) Disposed                                   6,222,002.26           239,809,006.99             8,042,419.86     254,073,429.11

   4. Closing balance                          4,438,778,658.69      22,620,603,673.27              540,940,907.12 27,600,323,239.08
III. Impairment provision
   1. Opening balance                               8,208,087.85             2,551,052.65                               10,759,140.50
   2. Increased this period
      (1) Provision

  3. Decreased this period
     (1) Disposed

  4. Closing balance                                8,208,087.85             2,551,052.65                               10,759,140.50
IV. Book value
  1. Book value at end of period               5,821,512,983.11      10,976,754,985.69              224,126,838.57 17,022,394,807.37
  2. Book value at beginning of period         5,998,976,375.91      10,916,370,384.24              228,935,493.84 17,144,282,253.99

(2) Fixed assets temporarily in idle status

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                               Accumulated            Impairment
        Items          Original book value                                                     Book value               Note
                                                depreciation:           provision

(3) Fixed asset by financial leasing

                                                                                                                                In RMB

          Items               Original book value                                 Impairment provision             Book value

(4) Fixed assets leased out on finance

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                Items                                                       Closing book value

Houses & buildings                                                                                                     61,193,223.19

Equipment & machinery                                                                                                     206,729.75

Transportation equipment                                                                                                  521,313.87

Total                                                                                                                  61,921,266.81

(5) Fixed assets not granted certificate of property

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                   Items                                   Book value                          Reason for certificate not granted

                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Houses & buildings                                                    489,571,568.10 Filed by batches

Other statements

19. Construction-in-process

(1) Particulars of construction-in-process

                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                  Closing balance                               Opening balance
             Items                                  Impairment                                    Impairment
                                    Book balance                   Book value      Book balance                  Book value
                                                     provision                                     provision
Information system project          190,119,871.68                190,119,871.68   183,662,781.72               183,662,781.72
Environmental reconstruction
of converter and the 180t           143,034,986.51               143,034,986.51    581,647,629.27                581,647,629.27
dephosphorization converter
Silicon steel project                 8,837,606.85                 8,837,606.85
Production line of
electro-galvanized steel plates    1,179,970,803.32            1,179,970,803.32 1,090,509,377.96               1,090,509,377.96
for automobile
Reconstruction of hot-rolling
                                      2,815,733.33                 2,815,733.33    279,613,089.64                279,613,089.64
Cool rolling high strength steel
                                   2,476,509,668.24            2,476,509,668.24 1,925,107,936.24               1,925,107,936.24
hot galvanizing project of No.3
                                    150,890,968.35               150,890,968.35
hot rolling factory
The new energy control center
                                    231,068,522.94               231,068,522.94    218,595,249.81                218,595,249.81
Reconstruction project of coke
dry cooling of No.2 Coke           1,199,916,150.47            1,199,916,150.47 1,163,586,592.69               1,163,586,592.69
360 M2 sintering machine            754,829,652.44               754,829,652.44    466,556,730.02                466,556,730.02
Softening water supplying
                                                                                    62,631,414.86                 62,631,414.86
Reconstruction of South Gate
                                     53,470,299.19                53,470,299.19     41,847,818.94                 41,847,818.94
of Transportation Dept.
Other small projects                240,745,068.44               240,745,068.44     51,757,711.98                 51,757,711.98
Environmental reengineering          32,032,026.31                32,032,026.31     10,635,991.17                 10,635,991.17
Upgrading of surface detector
                                     50,023,398.37                50,023,398.37     50,023,398.37                 50,023,398.37
of Bengang Puxiang
Bengang Coke Factory dry
                                     19,966,959.08                19,966,959.08
cooling equipment upgrading
Reconstruction of post
processing line of Cool Rolling      49,869,058.13                49,869,058.13
Reconstruction of No.1 furnace       32,237,843.02                32,237,843.02
Upgrading of controlling
system of 1700 primary rolling
                                     34,700,581.28                34,700,581.28
machine of Continuous Rolling
Equipment upgrading of Iron
                                     23,629,663.36                23,629,663.36
Making Factory
Furnace upgrading of Iron
                                     25,309,651.47                25,309,651.47
Making Factory
Total                              6,899,978,512.78            6,899,978,512.78 6,126,175,722.67               6,126,175,722.67

(2) Material change in construction-in-progress

                                                                                                                        In RMB

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                                                  Amount                             Ratio of            Accumulat Including: Capitalizat
                            Opening             transferred  Other      Closing     accumulati               e of     interest ion ratio of   Fund
 Projects       Budget                 current                                                  Progress
                            balance               to fixed deduction    balance     ve input on            interest capitalized current     recourse
                                                    asset                             budget             capitalized this term   period
               390,380,00 183,662,78 6,457,089.                        190,119,87                         30,102,720 5,099,288.
n system                                                                               85.00% 90                                    5.60%
                     0.00       1.72        96                               1.68                                .35        21
ion of
converter      1,778,644, 581,647,62 12,645,123 451,257,76             143,034,98                         117,658,44 12,394,204
                                                                                       84.00% 90                                    5.60%
and the            000.00       9.27        .12       5.88                   6.51                               1.88        .47
line of
               1,224,700, 1,090,509, 89,461,425                        1,179,970,                         161,145,56 18,281,621
vanized                                                                                96.00% 95                                    5.63%
                   000.00     377.96        .36                            803.32                               3.06        .45
steel plates
high           6,100,000, 1,925,107, 551,401,73                        2,476,509,                         168,819,71 78,375,421
                                                                                       41.00% 50                                    5.63%
strength           000.00     936.24       2.00                            668.24                               4.80        .60
g project      869,180,00             150,890,96                       150,890,96
                                                                                       17.00% 20
of No.3              0.00                   8.35                             8.35
hot rolling
The new
               284,100,00 218,595,24 12,473,273                        231,068,52                         30,173,931 5,907,914.
control                                                                                87.00% 90                                    5.60%
                     0.00       9.81        .13                              2.94                                .37        92
project of
               1,354,132, 1,163,586, 36,329,557                        1,199,916,                         86,313,352 25,427,149
coke dry                                                                               89.00% 90                                    5.60%
                   000.00     592.69        .78                            150.47                                .67        .68
cooling of
No.2 Coke
360 M2
               1,111,787, 466,556,73 288,272,92                        754,829,65                         21,718,057 11,255,556
sintering                                                                              68.00% 70                                    5.60%
                  000.00        0.02       2.42                              2.44                                .75         .03
               934,450,00             8,837,606.                       8,837,606.                         16,197,745
steel                                                                                  79.00% 95
                     0.00                    85                               85                                 .48
tion of        260,200,00 279,613,08 2,815,733. 279,613,08             2,815,733.
                                                                                      109.00% 90
hot-rolling          0.00       9.64        33        9.64                    33
water          75,540,000 62,631,414 3,259,480. 65,890,895                                                2,918,150.
                                                                                       87.00% 100
supplying             .00        .86        98         .84                                                       76
tion of
South Gate     55,980,000 41,847,818 11,622,480                        53,470,299                         2,113,252.
                                                                                       96.00% 95                     662,362.07     5.60%
of                    .00        .94         .25                              .19                                67
tion Dept.
               14,439,093 6,013,758, 1,174,467, 796,761,75             6,391,464,                         637,160,93 157,403,51
Total                                                                                   --          --                                         --
                  ,000.00     621.15     393.53       1.36                 263.32                               0.79       8.43

(3) Impairment provision provided on construction in process

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                         Items                                 Provided this period                                 Reason to provide

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Other statements

20. Project material

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                           Closing balance                           Opening balance

Special equipment                                                     4,677,471.15                            90,221,101.46

Total                                                                 4,677,471.15                            90,221,101.46

Balance of project goods decreased by RMB85,543,630.31 (94.82%) from the opening balance, which was caused by
increasing of delivery of equipment purchased for reconstruction project of high strength steel production.

21. Liquidation of fixed assets

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                           Closing balance                           Opening balance


22.     Intangible assets

(1) Profiles of intangible assets

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                   Items              Land using right Patent Non-patent technologies Computer software     Total
I. Original book value
     1. Opening balance                296,245,314.76                                       141,509.43 296,386,824.19
     2. Increased this period
        (1) Purchase
        (2) Internal R&D
        (3) Increased by merger

  3. Decreased this period
       (1) Disposal

     4. Closing balance                296,245,314.76                                       141,509.43 296,386,824.19
II. Accumulative amortizing
     1. Opening balance                 24,913,882.78                                        12,971.66 24,926,854.44
     2. Increased this period            2,963,042.76                                         6,485.83 2,969,528.59
        (1) Provision                    2,963,042.76                                         6,485.83 2,969,528.59

      3. Decreased this period
         (1) Disposal

      4. Closing balance                27,876,925.54                                        19,457.49 27,896,383.03
III. Impairment provision
      1. Opening balance

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     2. Increased this period
        (1) Provision

     3. Decreased this period
     (1) Disposal

     4. Closing balance
IV. Book value
     1. Book value at end of period       268,368,389.22                                           122,051.94 268,490,441.16
     2. Book value at beginning of period 271,331,431.98                                           128,537.77 271,459,969.75
There isnt any intangible asset constituted by internal R&D in the period.

(2) Property certificate not granted yet:

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Items                                   Book value                       Reason for certificate not granted


23. Development expenses

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                   Opening                                                                                               Closing
    Items                              Increased current period                    Decreased current period
                   balance                                                                                               balance

Other statements

24. Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

                                                                                                                             In RMB

   Name of the
  companies or      Opening balance           Increased this period                Decreased this period          Closing balance
  goodwill item

(2) Impairment provision on goodwill

                                                                                                                             In RMB

   Name of the
  companies or      Opening balance           Increased this period                Decreased this period          Closing balance
  goodwill item

Statement of the testing process, indices, and recognition of impairment provision on goodwill:
Other statements

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25. Long-term expenses to be amortized

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                   Increased current              Amortized this           Other decreased
           Items            Opening balance                                                                                      Closing balance
                                                           period                        period                amount

Other statements

26. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax asset not deducted

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                  Closing balance                                                Opening balance
            Items              Deductible provisional         Deferred income tax                 Deductible provisional     Deferred income tax
                                    differences                           asset                        differences                   asset

Asset impairment
                                        362,352,105.52                     90,588,026.38                  311,856,259.50              77,964,064.88

Internal trade profit not
                                        333,978,859.03                     83,494,714.76                  333,978,859.03              83,494,714.76

Welfare for retired
                                          5,963,787.24                      1,490,946.81                    8,513,359.96               2,128,339.99

Employee wages payable                   47,262,733.73                     11,815,683.43                   13,889,056.69               3,472,264.17

Internal profit unrealized               44,414,436.52                     11,103,609.13                   57,740,326.46              14,435,081.62

Total                                   793,971,922.04                   198,492,980.51                   725,977,861.64            181,494,465.42

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities not deducted

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                  Closing balance                                                Opening balance
            Items               Taxable provisional           Deferred income tax                  Taxable provisional       Deferred income tax
                                     difference                         liability                       difference                 liability

(3) Deferred income tax asset or liability at net amount after deduction

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                Amount neutralized             Closing balance of                  Amount neutralized        Opening balance of
                              between deferred income deferred income tax asset between deferred income deferred income tax asset
                              tax asset and liability at            or liability after        tax asset and liabilities at     or liability after
                                   end of period                       deduction                    opening of period             deduction

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Deferred income tax
                                                       198,492,980.51                                   181,494,465.42

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax asset

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Items                       Closing balance                           Opening balance

Neutralizable losses                                          446,430,077.99                            476,157,419.26

Total                                                         446,430,077.99                            476,157,419.26

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax asset due in next period

                                                                                                                 In RMB

              Year             Amount at end of term               Initial amount                     Note



2016                                                                          796,317.70

2017                                      376,252,065.90                  405,183,089.47

2018                                       70,178,012.09                   70,178,012.09


Total                                     446,430,077.99                  476,157,419.26               --


27. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Items                       Closing balance                           Opening balance


28. Short-term loans

(1) Categories of short-term loans

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Items                       Closing balance                           Opening balance

Guarantee loan                                               9,966,326,352.65                        10,609,754,000.00

Credit loan                                                  5,193,567,325.05                          7,578,191,675.93

Total                                                       15,159,893,677.70                        18,187,945,675.93

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Statement on categories of short-term loans.

(2) Short-term loans expired but not repaid

Short-term loans expired but not repaid was RMB0.00 at end of period, including material amounts as following:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

         Loans from            Closing balance            Interest rate              Date of mature           Overdue interest


29. Financial liabilities on fair value with changes accounted into current income account

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Items                             Closing balance                               Opening balance


30. Derivate financial liabilities

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

31. Notes payable

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                 Categories                             Closing balance                               Opening balance

Bank acceptance                                                           974,828,982.41                           822,581,591.46

Total                                                                     974,828,982.41                           822,581,591.46

Notes payable mature as of end of period was RMB0.00.

32. Account payable

(1) Payables

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Items                             Closing balance                               Opening balance

Trade payable                                                        5,666,958,348.69                            7,845,961,373.04

Labour service                                                             12,840,218.65                            24,340,661.56

Project and equipment accounts payable                                    398,184,000.93                           501,029,342.01

Maintaining                                                               373,752,563.77                           407,080,221.51

Others                                                                      3,155,523.18                                2,537,206.06

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Total                                                             6,454,890,655.22                            8,780,948,804.18

(2) Material payable aged over 1 year

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                    Items                             Closing balance                     Reason of not paid or transferred

Jixi Huasheng Fengyuan Coal Selection
                                                                     71,275,916.07 Not cleared yet
Co., Ltd.

Zhongye Saidi Engineering Co., Ltd.                                  26,051,107.11 Not cleared yet

Hangzhou Tianshen Materials Co., Ltd.                                21,330,633.40 Not cleared yet

Zhongye Jingcheng Engineering &
                                                                     15,062,985.68 Not cleared yet
Technologies Ltd.

Benxi Steel New Business Development
                                                                     10,083,078.60 Not cleared yet
Co., Ltd.

Qitaihe Tenglong Coal Trade Co., Ltd.                                   8,365,395.33 Not cleared yet

Total                                                               152,169,116.19                       --

Closing balance of payable accounts includes RMB400,000,000.00 of account payable to Benxi Steel & Iron Group Mining Co., Ltd.
for Letter of Credit not mature.

33. Account received in advance

(1) Advances received

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                    Items                             Closing balance                             Opening balance

Trade collected in advance                                        3,162,322,037.70                            3,144,418,091.52

Total                                                             3,162,322,037.70                            3,144,418,091.52

(2) Material advances received for over 1 year

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                    Items                             Closing balance                          未偿还或结转的原因

(3) Projects settled but not completed under construction contracts

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                               Items                                                       Amount


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34. Wage payable

(1) Wage payable

                                                                                                                     In RMB

          Items              Opening balance       Increased this period    Decreased this period      Closing balance

I. Short-term wages                26,870,591.59          815,435,619.26           789,937,358.29             52,368,852.56

II. Post-job welfare –
                                                          135,898,826.37           135,898,826.37
provision plan

III. Dismissing
                                    8,513,359.96                                      2,549,572.72             5,963,787.24

Total                              35,383,951.55          951,334,445.63           928,385,757.38             58,332,639.80

(2) Short-term wages

                                                                                                                     In RMB

          Items              Opening balance       Increased this period    Decreased this period      Closing balance
(1)    Salary,    bonus,
                                   16,980,558.52          656,702,672.10           630,982,657.83             42,700,572.79
allowance and subsidy

(2) Employee welfare                                        13,769,989.18            13,769,989.18

(3) Social Insurance                 666,677.44             60,737,764.21            60,739,150.42               665,291.23
Including:         Medical
                                                            45,370,323.60            45,370,323.60
          Work      injury
                                     666,677.44             15,365,249.48            15,366,635.69               665,291.23
                                                                 2,191.13                 2,191.13

(4) Housing                         6,853,473.00            61,287,207.20            61,291,847.20             6,848,833.00
(5) Union funds and staff
                                    2,367,273.37            22,522,872.57            22,738,210.41             2,151,935.53
education fee

Others                                  2,609.26               415,114.00               415,503.25                 2,220.01

Total                              26,870,591.59          815,435,619.26           789,937,358.29             52,368,852.56

(3) Defined contribution plans

                                                                                                                     In RMB

          Items              Opening balance       Increased this period    Decreased this period      Closing balance

Basic pension fund                                        129,565,769.57           129,565,769.57

Unemployment insurance                                       6,333,056.80             6,333,056.80

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Total                                           135,898,826.37               135,898,826.37


35. Tax payable

                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Items                   Closing balance                            Opening balance

VAT                                                           5,408,115.42                               9,556,213.59

Operational tax                                                  1,240.00                                 246,231.69

Enterprise income tax                                     10,430,638.62                              12,951,594.58

City maintenance and construction tax                          673,872.15                                 302,020.62

Property tax                                                  1,576,161.92                               7,953,883.39

Education surtax                                               294,125.98                                 246,528.48

Others                                                         990,916.72                                1,066,709.41

Total                                                     19,375,070.81                              32,323,181.76


36. Interest payable

                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Items                   Closing balance                            Opening balance

Long-term loan interest with installments                                                                5,080,000.00

Short-term borrowing interests payable                        3,452,945.79                           21,855,067.99

Interest of corporation bond                              32,312,500.00

Total                                                     35,765,445.79                              26,935,067.99

Material overdue interest payments:
                                                                                                              In RMB

                  Loans from                Amount overdue                           Causation of overdue


37. Dividend payable

                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Items                   Closing balance                            Opening balance

Common share dividend                                    156,800,000.00

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Total                                                                   156,800,000.00

Causations must be addressed in case there is any material dividend payable overdue for over 1 year.

38. Other account payable.

(1) Other payables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                   Items                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance

Deposit                                                                     4,336,244.85                                 3,698,444.41

Deposit                                                                 117,927,677.78                              121,211,291.67

Current account                                                         233,393,924.44                             295,686,710.10

Others                                                                   55,991,355.18                               48,719,569.65


Total                                                                   411,649,202.25                             469,316,015.83

(2) Significant other payables ageing over one year

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                   Items                                  Closing balance                         未偿还或结转的原因

Benxi Steel (Group) Ltd.                                                103,313,915.01 Not cleared yet

Guangzhou Benjin Electronic &
                                                                         13,088,825.00 Not cleared yet
Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                   116,402,740.01                       --

Other statements

39. Liabilities categorized as hold-for-sale

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                   Items                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance


40. Non-current liabilities due in one year

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                   Items                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Long-term loans due in 1 year                                        1,026,860,000.00                               591,740,000.00

Total                                                                1,026,860,000.00                               591,740,000.00


41. Other current liability

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Items                               Closing balance                               Opening balance

Change of short-erm bond payable:
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                   Issued        Interest     g of      Repaid
               Face       Date of     Bond     Issuing   Opening                                                          Closing
  Bond                                                               this       drawn on premium         this
              value           issue   term     amount    balance                                                          balance
                                                                   period      face value      or       period


42. Long-term loans

(1) Categories of long-term loans

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Items                               Closing balance                               Opening balance

Guarantee loan                                                         285,000,000.00                               642,377,465.85

Credit loan                                                                 24,402,481.85                           172,250,000.00

Total                                                                  309,402,481.85                               814,627,465.85

Statement on categories of long-term loans:
Other statements, including interest scales:

43. Bond payable

(1) Bond payable

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Items                               Closing balance                               Opening balance

Bond payable                                                         1,500,000,000.00

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Total                                                                     1,500,000,000.00

(2) Change of bond payable (exclude other financial instruments such as preference shares or perpetual

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

15 Bengang 01 100.00 Feb 5 2015 3 yrs 1,500,000,000.00 1,500,000,000.00 1,500,000,000.00 32,312,500.00                1,500,000,000.00

(3) Statement on conditions and date of corporation bond converting to shares


(4) Statement on other financial instruments categorized as financial liabilities

Particulars about other financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bonds.
Change of financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bonds
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

  Financial        At beginning of term           Increased this period          Decreased this period             At end of term
    issued         Amount       Book value       Amount        Book value       Amount         Book value      Amount         Book value

Statements on basis of categorizing of other financial instruments as financial liabilities.
Other statements

44. Long term payables

(1) Long-term payable by natures

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                                    Closing balance                                Opening balance


45. Long-term wage payable

(1) Long-term wage payable

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                                    Closing balance                                Opening balance

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

(2) Change of defined beneficial plan

Current value of defined beneficial plan:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                       Items                               Occurred current term                      Occurred in previous term

Planned asset:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                       Items                               Occurred current term                      Occurred in previous term

Net liability (asset) of defined beneficial plan
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                       Items                               Occurred current term                      Occurred in previous term

Statement on content, risks, influence on future cash flow, time and uncertainty of the beneficial plan:
Statement on fine calculation and sensitivity of the beneficial plan:

46. Special payables

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                           Decreased this
         Items               Opening balance     Increased this period                           Closing balance          Cause


47. Anticipated liabilities

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

               Items                           Closing balance                 Opening balance                       Cause

Statement on material assumptions and estimations on the material anticipated liabilities:

48. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                           Decreased this
         Items               Opening balance     Increased this period                           Closing balance          Cause

Government subsidy              427,524,000.00          19,500,000.00         31,328,000.00        415,696,000.00

Total                           427,524,000.00          19,500,000.00         31,328,000.00        415,696,000.00            --

Government subsidy items involved:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                         Amount transferred
                                     Opening         New subsidy in                          Other         Closing      Asset-related or
        Liability projects                                               to non-operational
                                     balance         current period                         changes        balance      income-related
Desulfuration project of            1,600,000.00                                 400,000.00               1,200,000.00 Asset-related

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

220t/h furnace
MES project fund                 8,600,000.00                            860,000.00              7,740,000.00 Asset-related
Environment treatment
                                 1,080,000.00                            270,000.00                810,000.00 Asset-related
project of Benxi City
Second batch of Funding for
National Cleaned
                                 2,400,000.00                            400,000.00              2,000,000.00 Asset-related
Manufacture Demonstration
Subsidiary for industrial
energy control center           11,600,000.00                                                   11,600,000.00 Asset-related
demonstration project
Environment Pollution
                                22,942,000.00                           2,617,000.00            20,325,000.00 Asset-related
Renovation Project
Environment Renovation
Project and Regional Basin
                                 2,180,000.00                            240,000.00              1,940,000.00 Asset-related
Environment Protection
Energy-saving Technological
Transformation Fiscal            8,862,000.00                           1,477,000.00             7,385,000.00 Asset-related
Reward Project
Cool rolling high strength
                               250,000,000.00                                                  250,000,000.00 Asset-related
steel rebuilding
desulfuration project of
2*265 square meter burnning      2,000,000.00                            500,000.00              1,500,000.00 Asset-related
Water treatment project of
2*265 square meter burnning      6,760,000.00                           1,690,000.00             5,070,000.00 Asset-related
Reconstruction of dust
remover of the 360m3               120,000.00                              30,000.00                90,000.00 Asset-related
burnning line
Automobile High-class
Electrolytic Zinc Steel Plate   41,040,000.00                                                   41,040,000.00 Asset-related
Production Line Project
Heat recycling and
disulfuration project of the    21,020,000.00                           2,102,000.00            18,918,000.00 Asset-related
burnning line
Water treatment factory
                                 4,500,000.00                            750,000.00              3,750,000.00 Asset-related
reconstruction project
Fund for introducing of
                                 4,000,000.00                                                    4,000,000.00 Income related
overseas R&D team
Disulfuration project of the 7
                                24,000,000.00                                                   24,000,000.00 Asset-related
boilers of the Power Plant
Waste liquid processing
                                   400,000.00                              50,000.00               350,000.00 Asset-related
project of Coke Factory
Special fund for importing of
                                14,420,000.00                            442,000.00             13,978,000.00 Asset-related
overseas technologies
Eliminating of out-of-date
                                                19,500,000.00         19,500,000.00                             Income related
production award
Total                          427,524,000.00   19,500,000.00         31,328,000.00            415,696,000.00          --
    1. 220t/h Boiler Desulfurization: According to “Notice about the first batch of Provincial Environmental Protection Special
    Funding Project of 2006” (Liao Huan Fa 2006 No. 65) and “Notice about the first batch of Provincial Environmental Protection
    Special Funding Project of 2008” (Liao Huan Fa 2008 No. 29) issued by Department of Environmental Protection of Liaoning
    Province and Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, RMB 4 million was received for this project. The project was completed
    in December 2011 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2012.

    2. MES Project Special Fund: According to “Notice about National Budget Investment Plan of 2010 of Key Industry
    Development and Technology Innovation (3rd batch) and Industrial SMEs Technology Innovation of Benxi” (Ben Fa Gai Fa
    2010 No. 285) issued by Benxi Development and Reform Commission, Benxi Economy and Informatization Commission and
    Benxi SME Bureau, RMB 8.6 million was received for this project. The project was completed in December 2014 and the
    funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2015.

    3. Municipal Environmental Pollution Renovation Project: According to “Notice about Benxi Environmental Pollution

                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Renovation Project of 2011” (Ben Huan Fa 2011 No. 53) issued by Bureau of Environmental Protection of Benxi and Bureau
of Finance of Benxi, RMB 2.7 million was received and used for the reform of 265 square meters sinter machine tail ESP and the
reform of three car tipplers dumpers with new spray and dust catcher facilities in raw material plant 2. The project was
completed and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2012.

4. Second batch of Funding for National Cleaned Manufacturing Demonstration Project: According to “Notice about the second
batch of Funding for National Cleaned Manufacturing Demonstration of 2013” (Cai Jian 2013 No. 681) issued by Ministry of
Finance of PRC, RMB 4 million was received and used for the reform of the phenol cyanide sewage treatment system in coking
plant. The project was completed in 2013 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2013.

5. Industrial Enterprise Energy Management Center Construction Demonstration Project: According to “Notice about
Appropriation of Governmental Subsidy of Industrial Enterprise Energy Management Center Construction Demonstration
Project of 2009” (Liao Cai Zhi Qi 2009 No. 868) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, RMB 11.6 million was
received for this project for the construction of new energy controlling center. The project is under implementation.

6. Environment Pollution Renovation Project: According to “Notice about Appropriation of Funding Plan of Benxi Environment
Pollution Renovation Project” (Ben Huan Fa 2012 No. 78) issued by Bureau of Environmental Protection of Benxi, RMB 12.07
million was received and used for the reform of environmental protection facilities in coking plant and iron making plant. The
project was completed in 2013 and the funding is amortized in the next 5 years from 2013.

  In 2014, according to “Notice about the first batch of Benxi Environmental Protection Special Funding Project of 2013” (Ben
Huan Fa 2013 No. 85) issued by Bureau of Environmental Protection of Benxi, another RMB 14.10 million was received and
used for the one 360 Square meter mesintering machine desulfurization project in iron works. The project was completed in
2014 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2015.
7. Environment Renovation Project and Regional Basin Environment Protection Project: According to “Notice about the second
batch of Funding Plan of Benxi Environment Renovation Project and Regional Basin Environment Protection Project” (Ben
Huan Fa 2012 No. 81) issued by Bureau of Environmental Protection of Benxi, RMB 2 million was received. Among the
received funding, 1.7 million was used for one 265 Square meter mesintering machine desulfurization project. This project was
completed in 2014 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years. The other 0.3 million was used for the renovation of
batching and dust eliminating of the second sintering plant of iron making plant. This project was completed in 2013 and the
funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years.
In 2014, according to “Notice about the Funding Plan of The Blue Sky Project 0f 2013” (Ben Cai Fa 2014 No. 52), RMB 0.4
million was received and used for the renovation of dust elimination project of the iron making plant. The project was completed
in 2013 and the funding was to be amortized in the next years.

8. Energy-saving Technological Reform Fiscal Reward Project: According to “Notice about the first batch of Implementation
Plan of Energy-saving Technological Reform Fiscal Reward Project” (Fa Gai Huan Zi 2009 No. 2483) issued by National
Development and Reform Commission, RMB 14.77 million was received and used for the Boiler Reform Project of CCPP in
power plant. The project was completed in 2013 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2013.

9. High Strength Cool-rolling Renovation Project: According to “Notice about Appropriation of Enterprise Technology Reform
Loan Fiscal Subsidy of 2012” (Liao Cai Zhi Qi 2012 No. 715) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, RMB 50
million was first received. Then in 2013 another RMB 50 million was received according to “Notice about Appropriation of the
forth Fiscal Subsidy Plan for Enterprise Technology Reform” (Liao Jing Xin Tou Zi 2013 No. 241) issued by Liaoning
Provincial Economy and Informatization Commission and Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, and RMB 100 million was
received according to “Notice about National Budget Investment Project Subsidy for Technology Reform of 2012” (Fa Gai Ban
Chan Ye 2012 No. 1642) issued by Office of National Development and Reform Commission and Office of Ministry of
Industry and Details Technology of PRC in current period. In 2014, 50 million was received according to the “Notice about
Appropriation of the second batch of Discount Interest Funds for the Loans for Enterprise Technical Reformation of 2014” (Liao
Cai Zhi Qi 2014 No. 289) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance Department. The project is expected to be completed in 2016.

10. 2*265 Square Meter Sintering Machine Desulfurization Project: According to “Notice about the second batch of Budget of
Environmental Protection Special Funding Project of 2009 in Liaoning Province” (Liao Cai Zhi Jing 2009 No. 1076) issued by
Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, RMB 5 million was received for this project. The project was completed in December
2011 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2012.
In 2014, according to “Notice about the Funding Plan of The Blue Sky Project 0f 2013” (Ben Cai Fa 2014 No. 52), another
RMB 0.6 million was received and the fund was transferred into profit and loss of current period.

11. 2*265 Square Meter Sintering Machine Polluted Water Project: According to “Notice about Budget of National Pollution
Discharge Special Funding Project of 2009” (Liao Cai Zhi Jing 2009 No. 1153) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance
Department, RMB 16.90 million was received for this project. The project was completed in December 2011 and the funding
was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2012.

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

12. Automobile High-class Electrolytic Zinc Steel Plate Production Line Project : According to “Notice about Key Industry
Revitalization and First Technology Reform Project Construction Expansion and National Debt Investment Budget” issued by
Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission, RMB 41.04 million was received for this project. The project is
under implementation.

13. Sintering Machine Residue Heat Usage and Desulfurization Project: According to “Notice about the third batch of National
Budget of Investment Plan for Key Industrial and Technology Reform Project of 2011” (Liao Fa Gai Tou Zi 2011 No. 1319)
issued by Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission, a total amount of RMB 21.02 was to be appropriated.
First RMB 17.86 million was received for this project in 2012. In 2014, another RMB3.16 million was received. The project
was completed in 2014 and the funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2015.

14. Polluted Water Treatment Project: According to “Notice about the third batch of National Funding for Environmental
Pollution Renovation Project of Liaohe Basin” (Liao Cai Zhi Jing 2010 No. 1072) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance
Department, RMB 7.5 million was received for this project. The project was completed in December 2013 and the funding was
to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2013.
15. Overseas R&D Team Introduction Fund:
     1) According to “Notice about Appropriation for Overseas R&D Team Introduction Funding Supported by The Government
     of 2008” (Liao Wai Zhuan 2008 No. 71) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 1
     million was received for overseas R&D team introduction of cold-rolling grain-oriented silicon steel project. This project
     has not started yet.
     2) According to “Notice about Appropriation for the second batch of Overseas R&D Team Introduction Funding Supported
     by The Government of 2010” (Liao Wai Zhuan 2010 No. 71) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign
     Experts Affairs, RMB 1 million was received for overseas R&D team introduction of high-grade cold-rolling plate used in
     automobile. The project was completed in 2014 and the fund was transferred into profit and loss of current period.
     3) According to “Notice about Appropriation for the third and fourth batch of Overseas R&D Team Introduction Funding
     Supported by The Government of 2010” (Liao Wai Zhuan 2011 No. 5) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of
     Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received for overseas R&D team introduction of hot-rolling pipe with
     thickness and high grade. The project was completed in 2014 and the fund was transferred into profit and loss of current
     4) According to “Notice about Project of Overseas R&D Team Introduction in Liaoning Province” (Liao Wai Zhuan Han
     2013 No. 46) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received for
     overseas R&D team introduction of the manufacture technology of 300 series stainless steel cold-rolling. This project has
     not started yet.
     5) According to “Notice about Project of Overseas R&D Team Introduction in Liaoning Province” (Liao Wai Zhuan Han
     2013 No. 47) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received for
     overseas R&D team introduction of the reform of the cooling equipment used in 2300 series hot-rolling line. This project
     has not started yet.
     6) According to “Notice about Project of Overseas R&D Team Introduction in Liaoning Province” (Liao Wai Zhuan Han
     2012 No. 48) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received for
     overseas R&D team introduction of the manufacture technology of cold-rolling steel with high strength used in automobile.
     This project has not started yet.
     7) According to “Notes about Project of Overseas R&D Team Introduction in Liaoning Province” (Liao Wai Zhuan Han
     2012 No. 47) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received for
     overseas R&D team introduction of the manufacture technology of electro-galvanizing plate used in automobile. This
     project has not started yet.
     8) According to “Notes about Project of Overseas R&D Team Introduction in Liaoning Province” (Liao Wai Zhuan Han
     2013 No. 137) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received
     for the production of automobile cold rolled dual phase steels. This project is now under implementation.
     9) According to “Notes about Approval for Selltement of 53 Overseas R&D Team Introduction Projects” (Liao Ren She
     2014 No. 271) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received
     for the research and development of high grade automobile cold rolling steel plates. This project was completed in 2014 and
     the fund was transferred into profit and loss of current period all at once.
     10) According to “Notes about Project of Overseas R&D Team Introduction in Liaoning Province” (Liao Wai Zhuan Han
     2014 No. 54) issued by Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, RMB 0.5 million was received the
     production of hot dip galvanized sheet of high surface quality for automobile . This project is now under implementation.

16. 7 Boilers Flue Gas Desulfurization Renovation Project: According to “Notice about the Budget Index of the second batch
of Provincial Environmental Protection Special Funding Project of 2014” (Liao Cai Zhi Jing 2014 No. 338) issued by RMB
2.4 million was received. The Company implemented the flue gas desulfurization renovation of three 240t/h boilers, two
coal-fired high pressure boilers and one gas fired high pressure boiler. The project is under implementation.

17. Management and Salt Extracting of Desulfurization Waste Project: According to “Notice about the first batch of Benxi

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

       Environmental Protection Special Funding Project of 2013” (Ben Huan Fa 2013 No. 85) issued by Bureau of Environmental
       Protection of Benxi, RMB 0.5 million was received. The project was completed in December 2013, and the funding was to be
       amortized in the next 5 years from 2014.

       18. Overseas Advanced Technology Introduction Funding:
           1) According to “Note about the Appropriation of the Provincial Special Funding for Introduction of Overseas Advanced
           Technology of 2013” (Liao Cai Zhi Qi 2013 No. 1084) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, RMB 10
           million was received and used for the production technology progress of high-grade electro galvanized sheet. The
           negotiation with foreign companies is undergoing.

       2) According to “Note about the Appropriation of the Provincial Special Funding for Introduction of Overseas Advanced
       Technology of 2013” (Liao Cai Zhi Qi 2013 No. 1084) issued by Liaoning Provincial Finance Department, RMB 4.42 million
       was received and used for the technology progress of 1700MM unit. The project was completed in December 2014 and the
       funding was to be amortized in the next 5 years from 2015.

       19. Award for eliminating of out-of-date production: According to the Notice from the Central Government on Awarding
       Energy-saving Projects 2014, the Company has received RMB19.50 million from Liaoning Provincial Government.
       Deconstruction project has been completed and transferred to current income account.

49. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Items                                  Closing balance                           Opening balance


50. Capital Share

                                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan

                                                              Changed this period (+,-)
                     Opening                                                                                           Closing
                                    Issuing of new                   Transferred
                     balance                         Bonus shares                         Others      Sub-total        balance
                                        shares                      from reserves

Total of capital 3,136,000,000.                                                                                     3,136,000,000.
shares                         00                                                                                                00


51. Other equity instruments

(1) Profiles of other financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bond at
end of period

(2) Change of financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bond at end of

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

  Financial          At beginning of term         Increased this period            Decreased this period               At end of term
    issued          Amount      Book value      Amount        Book value         Amount        Book value           Amount       Book value

Statement on change of other equity instruments and accounting treatment:

52. Capital reserves

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

           Items                Opening balance          Increased this period         Decreased this period           Closing balance

Capital premium (share
                                    8,998,928,073.23                                                                         8,998,928,073.23
capital premium)

Other capital reserves                115,917,468.82                                                                          115,917,468.82

Total                               9,114,845,542.05                                                                         9,114,845,542.05

Other remarks: Statement on change and reasons of the period.

53. Shares in stock

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

           Items                Opening balance          Increased this period         Decreased this period           Closing balance

Other remarks: Statement on change and reasons of the period.

54. Other miscellaneous income

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                               Occurred current term

                                                                     accounted as
                                                         occurred                                   Attributable Attributable
                                            Opening                   other gains          Less:                                    Closing
                   Items                                  before                                           to the     to minority
                                            balance                  previously but Income tax                                      balance
                                                        income tax                                   parent co. shareholder
                                                                     transferred to      expenses
                                                          of the                                      after tax       s after tax
                                                                     gain/loss this

Other remarks: Adjustment of initial recognized amount of the effective part of cash flow hedging transferred to the hedged items:

55. Special reserves

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

           Items                Opening balance        Increased this period     Decreased this period        Closing balance

Safety expenses                           430,777.94             17,493,564.59              6,655,498.15            11,268,844.38

Total                                     430,777.94             17,493,564.59              6,655,498.15            11,268,844.38

Other remarks: Statement on change and reasons of the period.
Safety expenses are provided according to the document 财企[2012]16号.

56. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                           In RMB

           Items                Opening balance        Increased this period     Decreased this period        Closing balance

Statutory surplus
                                      961,105,529.85                                                               961,105,529.85

Total                                 961,105,529.85                                                               961,105,529.85

Remarks on surplus reserves: Statement on change and reasons of the period.

57. Retained profit

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                       Items                                     Current term                            Previous term

Adjustment on retained profit at end of previous
                                                                         2,172,180,473.24                        2,100,587,079.16

Retained profit at beginning of term after
                                                                         2,172,180,473.24                        2,100,587,079.16

Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                           128,007,136.26                          173,894,309.64
parent company

       Common share dividend payable                                       156,800,000.00                          156,800,000.00

Retained profit at the end of term                                       2,143,387,609.50                        2,117,681,388.80

Breakdown of adjustment on opening balance of retained profit:
1) Influence of application of new articles of Enterprise Accounting Standard was RMB0.00 on the opening balance of retained
2) Change of accounting policies by RMB0.00.
3) Correction of material accounting error by RMB0.00.
4) Change of consolidation range under same control by RMB0.00.
5) Other adjustment by RMB0.00.

58. Operation income and operation cost

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                             Occurred current term                                Occurred in previous term
                                     Revenue                      Cost                        Revenue                     Cost

Major business                     15,440,544,823.29          14,122,473,154.22           18,712,609,372.61            17,181,683,180.74

Other business                           904,370,337.89          779,076,196.35               1,100,066,909.20            957,442,899.98

Total                              16,344,915,161.18          14,901,549,350.57           19,812,676,281.81            18,139,126,080.72

59. Business tax and surcharge

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                                 Occurred current term                         Occurred in previous term

Operational tax                                                                   16,669.64                                      60,167.57

City maintenance and construction tax                                      18,014,215.00                                   37,675,170.42

Education surtax                                                           13,079,642.69                                   27,358,527.49

Total                                                                       31,110,527.33                                  65,093,865.48


60. Sales expenses

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                    Items                                 Occurred current term                         Occurred in previous term

Outsourced transportation                                                 328,006,061.57                                  200,717,734.34

Port fee                                                                   87,479,749.54                                   79,511,461.24

Import & export agency fee                                                 24,745,056.29                                   30,793,751.74

Packaging                                                                    4,584,561.83                                  28,225,787.71

Wage and remuneration                                                      10,973,035.26                                   12,136,222.13

Others                                                                     22,560,814.65                                   21,120,459.99

Total                                                                     478,349,279.14                                  372,505,417.15

Increasing of sales expenses was RMB105,843,861.99, 28.41% over the previous period, which was caused by increasing of external
railroad transportation and port fees.

61. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Items                                   Occurred current term                         Occurred in previous term
Wage and remuneration                                                       77,177,155.64                                 110,234,653.79
Maintaining                                                               104,720,803.04                                  121,066,431.88
Taxes                                                                       42,079,539.74                                  43,378,362.70
Land using rights                                                           28,713,000.00                                  28,713,000.00
Depreciation                                                                14,204,850.77                                  30,914,431.25

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Social insurance                                                   21,520,775.83                            26,490,632.56
Sewage expense                                                      9,425,948.00                            13,706,701.00
Water resource fee                                                                                              60,000.00
Housing fund                                                        5,591,290.00                             5,852,308.20
Heating                                                             2,453,593.71                             4,342,101.86
Business reception expenses                                         2,310,495.63                             2,634,137.25
Amortizing of intangible assets                                     2,969,528.59                             1,316,459.95
Transportation                                                        958,865.94                               645,787.83
Rental                                                              1,034,911.12                           180,950,181.25
Others                                                             64,430,289.44                            52,251,257.85
Total                                                             377,591,047.45                           622,556,447.37
 Administration expenses decreased by RMB244,965,399.92 (39.35%) from the previous period, which was caused by transferring
of rental of 2300 hot rolling line to cost.

62. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                       Items                      Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

Interest expense                                                  429,696,201.70                           335,252,814.41

Less: Incoming interests                                           22,675,836.00                             10,576,749.48

Exchange gains/losses                                              -36,987,636.90                            66,754,808.48

Others                                                             21,366,898.57                             20,587,512.87

Total                                                             391,399,627.37                           412,018,386.28

Financial expenses decreased by RMB20,618,758.91 (5%) from the previous period, which was caused by decrease of exchange
gains in the period.

63. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                       Items                      Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

I. Bad debt loss                                                    -6,196,664.93

II. Inventory impairment loss                                      56,692,510.95                             25,493,258.89

Total                                                              50,495,846.02                             25,493,258.89


64. Income from fair value fluctuation

                                                                                                                     In RMB

 Source of income from fluctuation of fair        Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

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65. Investment income

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                        Items                             Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term

Gains from short-term bank financial
                                                                             6,584,315.11                              13,555,224.57

Total                                                                        6,584,315.11                              13,555,224.57


66. Non-operational income

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                                     Carried to current contingent
               Items                   Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term

Total of gains from disposal of
                                                    2,927,761.15                    3,039,885.23                        2,927,761.15
non-current assets

Incl. Gains from disposal of
                                                    2,927,761.15                    3,039,885.23                        2,927,761.15
fixed assets

Gains from debt reorganization                      6,439,698.87                    3,650,253.76                        6,439,698.87

Government subsidy                                 31,328,000.00                    1,159,998.00                       31,328,000.00

Others                                              1,527,544.44                    2,326,883.39                        1,527,544.44

Total                                              42,223,004.46                   10,177,020.38

Government subsidies accounted to current income account:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

           Subsidy titles         Amount of the current period     Amount of the previous period Asset-related or income-related

Transferred from deferred
                                                   11,828,000.00                       59,998.00 Income related

Enterprise allowances                              19,500,000.00                       50,000.00 Income related

Government supporting fund

Tax refund                                                                          1,050,000.00 Income related

Total                                              31,328,000.00                    1,159,998.00                  --


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67. Non-operational expenditures

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                                     Carried to current contingent
               Items                     Occurred current term       Occurred in previous term

Total of loss from disposal of
                                                     20,661,325.20                        3,912.18                     20,661,325.20
non-current assets

Incl. Loss from disposal of
                                                     20,661,325.20                        3,912.18                     20,661,325.20
fixed assets

Total                                                20,661,325.20                        3,912.18


68. Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                       Items                            Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term

Income tax of current term                                               14,579,310.17                                 15,883,711.28

Deferred income tax                                                     -16,998,515.09                                 -5,442,045.37

Total                                                                    -2,419,204.92                                 10,441,665.91

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                 Items                                                   Occurred current term

Total profit                                                                                                          142,565,477.67

Income tax expenses calculated on legal / applicable tax rate                                                          14,579,310.17

Impact of deductible temporary difference of un-recognized
deferred income tax asset of current period

Income tax expenses                                                                                                    -2,419,204.92

Other statements

69. Other miscellaneous income

See the Notes for details.

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70. Items of cash flow statement

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                              Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

Incl. Trade and payment on behalf received                             25,782,371.73                             60,712,702.06

Interest income                                                        22,675,836.00                             10,576,749.48

Special fund received                                                                                            13,910,000.00

Non-operational income                                                 19,500,000.00                              1,159,998.00

Others                                                                    557,892.02                                437,593.26

Total                                                                  68,516,099.75                             86,797,042.80

Remarks on other cash received relating to business operation:

(2) Other cash paid related to operation

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                              Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

Incl. Trade account and paid on behalf                                457,240,106.06                           486,437,012.32

Administrative expense                                                 43,412,221.91                             47,317,732.96

Sales expense                                                           4,514,247.62                              5,252,661.52

Commission expenses                                                    21,366,898.57                             20,587,512.87

Others                                                                  2,499,673.65                              1,790,071.43

Total                                                                 529,033,147.81                           561,384,991.10

Remarks on other operation-related payment:

(3) Other cash received related to investment

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                              Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term


(4) Other cash paid related to investment

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                   Items                              Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Remarks on other cash paid related to investment.

(5) Other cash received related to financing

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                   Items                               Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term

Remarks on other cash received related to financing:

(6) Other cash paid related to financing

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                   Items                               Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term

Statement on other cash paid related to financing

71. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                Amount of the Current     Amount of the Previous
                             Supplementary Info.
                                                                                       Term                      Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                                --                        --
Net profit                                                                             144,984,682.59             189,169,492.78
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                                        50,495,846.02               25,493,258.89
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation, production goods
                                                                                         913,520,540.47           1,045,357,820.05
Amortizing of intangible assets                                                            2,969,528.59               1,316,459.95
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term
                                                                                         -17,733,564.05              -3,035,973.05
assets (“-“ for gains)
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                                     391,399,627.37             412,018,386.28
Investment losses (“-“ for gains)                                                       -6,584,315.11             -13,555,224.57
Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)                               -16,998,515.09               -5,442,045.37
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                              -745,030,608.94            -367,397,286.99
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)                           -883,917,194.53            -514,837,206.85
Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                            -2,177,143,380.54          -1,991,550,780.88
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                        -2,344,037,353.22          -1,222,463,099.76
2. Major investment and financing operation not involving with cash                       --                         --
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                                --                         --
Balance of cash at period end                                                          3,520,088,380.34           2,583,042,559.12
Less: Initial balance of cash                                                          9,792,940,409.40           4,574,532,598.83
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                                           -6,272,852,029.06          -1,991,490,039.71

(2) Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries

                                                                                                                            In RMB


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In which:                                                                                         --

In which:                                                                                         --

In which:                                                                                         --


(3) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries

                                                                                                                             In RMB


In which:                                                                                         --

In which:                                                                                         --

In which:                                                                                         --


(4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Items                                Closing balance                             Opening balance

I. Cash                                                               3,520,088,380.34                            9,792,940,409.40

Incl: Cash in stock                                                              71,255.41                                 14,168.01

          Bank savings could be used at any
                                                                      3,520,017,124.93                            9,327,019,862.06

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                      3,520,088,380.34                            9,792,940,409.40
end of term


72. Notes to statement of change in owners’ equity

Remarks on “other” items adjusted upon the closing balance of previous year:

73. Asset with ownership or using rights under restriction

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Items                              Closing book value                      Causation of limitation

Monetary capital                                                        175,479,435.16 Deposit for bank accepted drafts

Total                                                                   175,479,435.16                       --


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74. Monetary items in foreign currency

(1) Monetary items in foreign currency

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                                   Balance translated to RMB at
              Items                  Balance at end of period                Exchange rate
                                                                                                             end of year

Incl. USD                                         298,570,874.61 6.1136                                           1,825,342,899.02

       EURO                                            18,634.83 6.8699                                                   128,019.42

       HKD                                           567,870.80 0.7886                                                    447,822.91

Incl. USD                                         100,000,000.00 6.1136                                            611,360,000.00

JPY                                               287,474,687.62 0.0501                                                 14,402,481.85


(2) Statement on overseas entities, including location, booking currency, as well as reasons of changing
booking currency if any.

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

VIII. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the group

                                       Main business                   Business
       Name of the subsidiaries                          Reg. Add.                     proportion %            Way of obtain
                                         location                      property
                                                                                      Direct Indirect
                                                                                                        Business combination under
Xiamen Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.       Xiamen            Xiamen       Sales           100.00%
                                                                                                        common control
                                                                                                        Business combination under
Wuxi Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.         Wuxi              Wuxi         Sales           100.00%
                                                                                                        common control
                                                                                                        Business combination under
Tianjin Bengang Steel Trading Ltd.    Tianjin           Tianjin      Sales           100.00%
                                                                                                        common control
Nanjing Bengang Steel Material Sales                                                                    Business combination under
                                     Nanjing            Nanjing      Sales           100.00%
Ltd.                                                                                                    common control
                                                                                                        Business combination under
Yantai Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.       Yantai            Yantai       Sales           100.00%
                                                                                                        common control
Haerbin Bengang International                                                                           Business combination under
                                      Harbin            Harbin       Sales           100.00%
Trading Ltd.                                                                                            common control
                                                                                                        Business combination under
Changchun Bengang Steel Sales Ltd. Changchun            Changchun Sales              100.00%
                                                                                                        common control
Guangzhou Bengang Trade Co., Ltd.     Guangzhou         Guangzhou Sales              100.00%            Incorporation
Shanghai Bengang Metallurgy Tech.
                                      Shanghai          Shanghai     Sales           100.00%            Incorporation
Bengang Steel Plate Liaoyang Orel
                                      Liaoyuang         Liaoyuang Production         100.00%            Incorporation
Ball Co., Ltd.
Dalian Benruitong Automobile
                                      Dalian            Dalian       Production        65.00%           Incorporation
Material Technologies Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel                                                                            Business combination under
                                   Benxi                    Benxi       Production         75.00%
Sheet Co., Ltd.                                                                                               common control
Remarks on differences between shareholding and voting rights:

Basis of recognizing the investees in which the Company holds less than half of shares but has control power, or in which the
Company holds more than half of shares but has no control power:

Basis of material structural entities in the range of consolidation or under control:

Basis of recognizing the Company as agent or consignor:


(2) Material non-fully-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                        Gains/loss of the period     Dividend announced in        Balance of equity of
                             Share portion of minor
Name of the subsidiaries                                  attributable to minor         the period to minor       minor shareholders at
                                                              shareholders                 shareholders               end of period

Bengang Puxiang Cool
Rolling Steel Sheet Co.,                       25.00%               18,677,102.78                                        436,944,980.50

Dalian Benruitong
Automobile Material                            35.00%               -1,699,556.45                                          32,329,427.35
Technologies Co., Ltd.

Remarks on the difference between shareholding and voting rights of the minority shareholders:


(3) Material financial information of material non-fully-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
Name of                       Closing balance                                          Opening balance
   the              Non-curr           Current Non-curr                       Non-curr           Current Non-curr
            Current          Total of                        Total of Current          Total of                        Total of
subsidiar             ent             Liabilitie    ent                         ent             Liabilitie    ent
            Assets            assets                         liability Assets           assets                         liability
   ies               assets               s      liabilities                   assets               s      liabilities
            1,562,82 2,633,49 4,196,32 2,448,54                  2,448,54 1,804,90 2,768,70 4,573,61 2,900,54                   2,900,54
            7,694.64 5,332.13 3,026.77 3,104.81                  3,104.81 8,327.93 7,380.04 5,707.97 4,197.11                   4,197.11
Co., Ltd.
Dalian      352,526, 172,161, 524,688, 432,318,                  432,318, 522,882, 175,596, 698,479, 601,253,                   601,253,

                                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Benruito     866.66   546.65      413.31         620.89                 620.89         668.78   493.34      162.12       494.12                  494.12
gies Co.,
                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                  Occurred current term                                                 Occurred in previous term
 Name of the                                                        Cash flow for                                                         Cash flow for
                                                   Total misc                                                            Total misc
 subsidiaries    Turnover       Net profit                            business          Turnover        Net profit                          business
                                                     gains                                                                  gains
                                                                      activities                                                            activities

Puxiang Cool
                2,906,688,92 74,708,411.1 74,708,411.1 1,003,284,38 3,781,533,72 53,772,358.9 53,772,358.9 -207,306,696.
Rolling Steel
                        8.01                 0                  0            0.53               1.93                 8                8                  22
Sheet Co.,

Automobile      355,356,585.                                        24,288,981.7 99,629,475.0                            53,772,358.9 27,409,566.3
                               -4,855,875.58 -4,855,875.58                                             -2,403,089.22
Material                 83                                                        6               3                                  8                  6
Co., Ltd.


(4) Major restrictions on using of the Group’s asset and settling of debts

(5) Financial or other support provided to structural entities in the consolidation range


                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

2. Transaction causes change of shareholding position of the Company in a subsidiary but the Company
still holds controlling power

(1) Statement on change of share of equity in subsidiary

(2) Influence of the transaction on minority shareholders’ equity and owner’s equity attributable to the
parent company

                                                                                                                              In RMB

Other statements

3. Equity in joint venture arrangement or affiliates

(1) Major joint ventures or affiliates

                                                                                     Share proportion %             Accounting basis
                      Main business
Names of entities                         Reg. Add.      Business property                                          of investment in
                        location                                                  Direct            Indirect
                                                                                                                      the entities

Remarks on the difference between shareholding and voting rights of the Company in the entity:
Basis for recognition of holding less than 20% of shares but has material influence, or holding over 20% of shares but without
material influence:

(2) Major financial information of joint ventures

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                           Opening balance / amount of previous
                                              Closing balance / amount of the period

Other statements

(3) Major financial information of affiliates

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                           Opening balance / amount of previous
                                              Closing balance / amount of the period

Other statements

(4) Consolidated financial accounts of minor joint ventures and affiliates

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                                                                                 Opening balance / amount of previous
                                                   Closing balance / amount of the period

Joint ventures:                                                      --                                               --

Total of the following on share proportion                           --                                               --

Affiliates:                                                          --                                               --

Total of the following on share proportion                           --                                               --

Other statements

(5) Statement on major restrictions on the ability of transferring capital from joint ventures or affiliates to
the Company

(6) Excess loss generated by joint ventures or affiliates

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                           Loss of current period not
                                         Accumulative losses of                                             Accumulative losses at end of
        Names of entities                                                   recognized (or net profit
                                   previous periods not recognized                                                period not recognized

Other statements

(7) Unrecognized commitment related to investment in joint ventures

(8) Contingent liabilities related to investment in joint ventures or affiliates

4. Major joint operation

  Description of the        Main business                                                                        Share portion
                                                     Reg. Add.            Business property
   joint operation            location                                                                  Direct                   Indirect

Statement on differences between share and voting rights in joint operation:
Basis of recognizing joint operation if the operation is an individual entity:
Other statements

5. Equity in structural entities not consolidated

Remarks on structural entities not consolidated:

6. Others

IX. Risks associated with financial instruments

(1) Credit risk

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

   Credit risk refers to a financial loss to a party due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties.
   The Company is exposed to credit risk arising from customers failure to discharge an obligation in sales on
   credit. In order to minimize the credit risk, the management of the Company is responsible for determination
   of credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to ensure that follow-up actions are taken to
   recover overdue debts.
   In addition, the Company strictly approves the line of credit, and only sells on credit to important customers
   for newly-developed products. In the monitoring of credit risk of customers, the Company sorts customers
   into groups by their credit characteristics. Those customers which are rated as “high risk” will be put in the
   restricted client list. The Company can only sell to these customers on credit with additional approval;
   otherwise the Company must ask for a corresponding deposit in advance.

(2) Market risk
   Market risk of financial instruments refers to fluctuations of fair value or future cash flows due to market
   price changes, including currency risk, interest rate risk, and other price risk.
   1. Interest rate risk
   Interest rate risk refers to fluctuations of fair value or future cash flows due to market rate changes. The
   Companys exposure to currency risk is primarily arising from variable-rate bank balances and variable-rate
   borrowings. Currently, the Company does not have a specific policy to manage its interest rate risk. The
   management will carefully choose financing methods, and combine fixed interest rate with variable interest
   rate, short-term obligations with long-term obligations. By using effective interest rate risk management
   methods, the Company closely monitors interest rate risk and will consider interest-rate swaps to acquire an
   expected structure of interest rates shall the need arise.
   Although these measures may not ensures that the Company completely avoids the risk of paying at a risk
   higher than market risk, or that the cash flow risk relevant to interest income fluctuations is completely
   eliminated, in the opinion of the management, these measures could achieve a reasonable balance among
   these risks.

   2. Currency risk
   Currency risk refers to fluctuations of fair value or future cash flows due to exchange rate changes. The
   Company has been constantly working on the adjustment of the organizational framework of risk
   management and optimization of debt structures to lower the currency risk.

(3) Liquidity risk
   Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds which occurs in fulfilling the obligation of settlement in a
   manner of delivering cash or other financial assets. The Companys policy is to maintain sufficient cash to
   meet maturing obligations. Liquidity risk is centralized controlled by the Companys finance department.
   Through the monitoring of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, bank acceptance bills due in short time and
   the continues forecasting of cash flow in the next 12 months, the finance department ensures that the
   Company has sufficient cash to meet obligations in all predicted reasonable circumstances.

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

       The following table details the Companys mature date of residual contract value of underivative financial
       liabilities to repay according to the contract terms. The table has been drawn up based on the undiscounted
       cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Company can be required to pay. The

                                                                                 Closing balance
                                   within 1 yr                1-2 yrs                2-5 yrs              over 5 yrs                 Total

Trade and other payables                 738,831.66              61,822.84                                           596.38           801,250.88

Loans                                  1,618,675.37               9,800.00             158,700.00              12,440.25            1,799,615.62

             Total                     2,357,507.03              71,622.84             158,700.00              13,036.63            2,600,866.50

       table includes both interest and principal cash flows.

X. Related parties and related transactions

1. Parent companies of the Company

                                                                                               Percentage of shares
 Name of the parent                                                                                  of the parent        Voting rights of the
                               Reg. Add.          Business property      Registered capital
            co.                                                                                     company in the            parent company

Benxi Steel (Group)
                         Benxi                   Production             53.69                                 77.10%                   77.10%
Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co.,
                         Benxi                   Production             180.00                                77.10%                   77.10%

Particulars about the parent company of the Company

        Note: The ultimate controlling party of the Company is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
       Liaoning Province.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

       For details of subsidiaries of the Company please refer to Note 7 “Equity in other entities”.

3. Joint ventures and affiliates

Please find the related notes.

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Other joint ventures or affiliates with related transactions with the Company in current period or carried over from previous period.

                        Name of the entity                                          Relationship with the Company

Other statements

4. Details of other related parties

                   Name of the related parties                       Relationship between the Company and other related parties
Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.                           Same parent
Bengang Group Hong Kong Ltd.                                       Both under Bengang Group
Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong) Co., Ltd.                 Same parent
Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.                       Both under Bengang Group
Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron Group Import & Export Co., Ltd.         Both under Bengang Group
Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.                                      Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate Development Co., Ltd.              Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Steel Process and Logistics Co., Ltd.          Same parent
Bengang (Group) Engineering Supervisory Co., Ltd.                  Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                            Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.                         Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                               Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development Co., Ltd.            Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Designing Institute                            Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd.               Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Information & Automatic Tech. Co., Ltd.        Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction & Repairing Co., Ltd.             Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.                  Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Medical Co. Ltd.                               Same parent
Benxi Steel & Iron Group Ltd. News Center                          Same parent
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Zhengtai Construction Materials Co.,
                                                                   Same parent
Benxi Steel (Group) Drilling Tools Co., Ltd.                       Same parent
Benxi Steel New Business Development Co., Ltd.                     Same parent
Dalian Boluole Steel Tube Ltd.                                     Same parent
Guangshou Free Trade Zone Bengang Sales Co., Ltd.                  Both under Bengang Group
Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.                    Both under Bengang Group
Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machine Co., Ltd.                           Both under Bengang Group
Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Both under Bengang Group
Liaoning Metallurgy Technician College                             Same parent
Liaoning College of Metallurgy Technologies                        Same parent
Shanghai Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.                    Both under Bengang Group
Tianjin Bengang Steel Plate Processing and Delivery Co., Ltd.      Both under Bengang Group
Suzhou Bengang Industrial Co., Ltd.                                Shareholding company
Shanghai Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.                                  Both under Bengang Group
Benxi Steel & Iron Group Hospital                                  Both under Bengang Group
Other statements

5. Related transactions

     (1) Related party transactions of purchasing goods and services
     Company as the purchaser
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                  Subjects of the related Occurred current       Amount of trade                       Occurred in
         Related parties                                                                            trading or
                                       transactions            term                approved                           previous term
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     Maintaining                 150,020,402.85        320,000,000.00 No                  159,113,841.48

                                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     Land rent               28,713,000.00                                         28,713,000.00
Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling
                                  Products in stock          301,149.02        10,000,000.00 No                  1,845,603.83
(Dandong) Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining
                                  Labor service            3,346,106.00                                            694,490.87
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining
                                  Raw materials         2,693,692,233.97    5,500,000,000.00 No              2,552,465,985.10
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining
                                  Transportation              72,000.00                                            890,400.00
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy
                                  Raw materials           63,266,548.75       250,000,000.00 No                121,013,278.50
Residues Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Steel
                                  Process fee                845,234.20         8,000,000.00 No                  1,569,362.91
Process and Logistics Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate
                                  Raw materials           39,045,563.54        80,000,000.00 No                 40,643,417.89
Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery
                                  Spare parts             68,669,575.05       350,000,000.00 No                 73,666,811.36
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery
                                  Repairing services       1,325,019.00                                          8,919,745.30
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
                                  Spare parts                193,488.82                                          1,868,596.75
Construction Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
                                  Engineering fee        185,397,005.60       800,000,000.00 No                204,005,673.77
Construction Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
                                  Raw materials            2,170,267.40                                          1,246,362.00
Construction Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
                                  Transportation           2,073,764.37                                          1,595,092.99
Construction Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial
                                  Spare parts              1,320,790.65                                         20,104,848.00
Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial
                                  Raw materials          115,178,532.12       450,000,000.00 No                121,188,436.98
Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial
                                  Repairing services      11,946,566.34                                          9,115,693.77
Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial
                                  Transportation           3,365,404.99                                          3,406,128.29
Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial
                                  Project payment             75,675.68
Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
Construction & Repairing Co.,     Material and parts       2,622,245.20                                          3,451,985.99
Benxi Steel (Group)
Construction & Repairing Co.,     Engineering             26,414,500.14       250,000,000.00 No                 55,038,100.23
Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.     Raw materials           52,998,460.27       200,000,000.00 No                 56,813,806.47
Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.     Repairing services       7,479,548.00                                         12,080,642.00
Benxi Steel (Group) Drilling
                                  Spare parts                153,200.60        10,000,000.00 No                    202,618.89
Tools Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel New Business
                                  Labour security fee      1,356,452.00        12,000,000.00 No                  2,112,615.41
Development Co., Ltd.
Liaoning Metallurgy Technician
                                  Spare parts              7,282,031.36        10,000,000.00 No                  8,142,107.15
Bengang Group International
                                  Commission             143,726,573.24       350,000,000.00 No                171,221,627.42
Trading Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
Information & Automatic Tech.     Spare parts              7,625,775.27                                          5,126,648.35
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group)
Information & Automatic Tech.     Repairing services       4,807,474.00        50,000,000.00 No                  2,950,800.00
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal
                                  Heating fee              6,151,247.20        20,000,000.00 No                  6,355,074.51
Power Development Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Designing
                                  Engineering fee          3,333,396.23        50,000,000.00 No                  5,212,820.51
Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron
                                  Raw materials         3,101,614,671.68    8,000,000,000.00 No              3,902,954,510.94
(Group) Co., Ltd.

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Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy     Raw materials and
                                                              55,764,968.30          120,000,000.00 No                37,558,632.64
Equipment Co., Ltd.              parts
Liaoning Hengtai Heavy           Raw materials and
                                                              15,708,326.80           60,000,000.00 No                 1,628,256.50
Machine Co., Ltd.                parts
Liaoning Hengtai Heavy
                                 Repairing and service         8,823,963.14                                            2,864,147.00
Machine Co., Ltd.
Total                                                      6,816,881,161.77      16,900,000,000.00                 7,625,781,163.80
Selling of goods and services
                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                           Subjects of the related       Occurred current     Occurred in previous
                   Related parties
                                                                transactions                  term                   term
Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.                          Power supply                              78,293.74               700,469.03
Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.           Material and parts                    19,700,091.10          118,255,143.43
Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.           Products                               3,378,802.77          358,880,112.44
Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate Development Co.,
                                                       Power supply                              705,737.19            1,702,929.02
Benxi Steel (Group) Steel Process and Logistics Co.,
                                                       Power supply                              444,453.67              468,857.96
Benxi Steel (Group) Steel Process and Logistics Co.,
                                                       Products                             141,670,736.20           330,409,969.94
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                Products                                 839,738.62
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                Power supply                          10,701,410.40            14,909,589.10
Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                Material and parts                     4,051,183.56
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.             Power supply                           2,884,649.08             4,080,829.72
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.             Material and parts                    49,098,480.69            35,430,417.09
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                   Power supply                         373,787,318.32           343,017,387.92
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                   Material and parts                    43,619,274.00            59,217,024.97
Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                   Freight income                         4,409,416.20             4,864,821.72
Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development
                                                       Power supply                           20,895,927.80           22,332,797.51
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development
                                                       Material and parts                      4,914,186.95              371,647.98
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development
                                                       Freight income                             59,129.25
Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co.,
                                                       Power supply                            4,233,719.89            4,088,538.94
Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co.,
                                                       Material and parts                     24,081,669.68           77,486,410.46
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction & Repairing Co.,
                                                       Power supply                              561,036.72              813,066.96
Benxi Steel (Group) Construction & Repairing Co.,
                                                       Material and parts                                              1,379,764.22
Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.      Power supply                           2,074,983.11             2,176,229.04
Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.      Material and parts                    18,338,528.40            35,000,469.46
Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.      Freight income                             2,357.15
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.                          Power supply                          33,605,322.93            40,727,759.65
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.                          Material and parts                     3,576,864.39             3,897,784.08
Benxi Steel New Business Development Co., Ltd.         Power supply                             190,128.89               168,285.41
Dalian Boluole Steel Tube Ltd.                         Products                               2,906,516.56             4,367,969.43
Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.        Products                             339,106,694.32           363,037,262.77
Tianjin Bengang Steel Plate Processing and Delivery
                                                       Products                                                       57,201,613.95
Co., Ltd.
Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment Co., Ltd.       Power supply                            7,482,560.51            7,291,565.17
Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment Co., Ltd.       Material and parts                      7,225,915.11            8,642,889.67
Bengang Group Dahe Industry Co., Ltd.                  Power supply                              784,414.41              651,359.85
Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong) Co., Ltd.     Material and parts                      1,217,061.50            7,804,683.00
Total                                                                                      1,126,626,603.13        1,909,377,649.88
    The transaction content and pricing policies are settled in the agreements such as “Raw material and service
     rendering agreement” and “Land use right lease contract”.

                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

It is agreed that the Group shall provide to the Company raw material, supplementary material, supporting
services, usage of the trademark and patents, rent and so on; and the Company shall sell the Group product,
supplementary material, energy, accessories, waste materials and so on.

The transaction pricing policies are as follows:
(1) The Group shall charge for services provided to the Company in accordance with the following policies:
1. Supply of raw materials
1.1 Fine iron ore
Price of fine iron ore shall not be higher than the average customs C&F price from countries like Brazil and
Australia in the last half year plus inland freight, port surcharges, incidental expenses, and quality price
Quality Price adjustment shall be based on the weighted average of imported fine iron ore in the last half year
and on the basis of 10 Yuan per ton to 1% of quality difference.
1.2 Pellet ore
As for the pellet ore provided by the Group, price is determined by the market price.
1.3 Scrap steel
As for the scrap steel provided by the Group, price is based on the weighted average price of purchasing of
same quality product from independent third parties by the company in the last month.
1.4 Billet
As for the billet provided by the Group, price of a month is determined by the market price of the same
quality products. If there is no market price, price is based on full costs plus the national additional tax.
1.5 Imported fine iron ore
As for the imported fine iron ore provided by Bengang Group Hong Kong Co., Ltd., price is set as the sum of
the purchasing price of Bengang Group Hong Kong Co., Ltd. and financial costs shouldered by Bengang
Group Hong Kong Co., Ltd. if the Company defers the payment. The price shall not be higher than the sum of
average purchasing price of the same quality products and interests of domestic loans in the same period if the
Company defers the payment.
2. Supply of supplementary materials and public services
As for the supplementary materials and public services provided by the Group, price is determined by the
market price.
3. Supporting services
3.1 Lease of land
As for the land use rights leased from the Group, leasing price is due to the “Land use right lease contract”
and supplementary agreement with the Group.
3.2 Lease of 1780mm and 2300mm hot rolling mill production line
As for the 1780mm and 2300mm hot rolling mill production line leased from the Group, price is due to the
policies under the “Leasing contract” signed with Benxi Beiying Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. and the
Group respectively.

                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

3.3 Transportation service and spare parts
As for the transportation service and the self-processed spare parts provided by the Group, price is determined
by the market price.
3.4 Maintenance and repair service of plants and equipment
As for the maintenance and repair of plants and equipment which cannot be completed by the Company, the
Group agrees to provide the service, and price is based on difficulty and amount of work.
3.5 Agency service
Before the Company obtains the rights to import and export, the import and export business of the Company
is deputized by the Group. The business involved is conducted as normal business practices. The agency fee is
due to the specific affair and settled within the range of 0.5% to 1.5% of the total value of import or export
The Company has the right to inform the Group to terminate the agency relationship after obtaining the rights
to import and export. The Group is not the exclusive agency, so the Company has the right to choose an
independent third party to complete the agency business.
3.6 Services of which price is determined by the national price
As for the engineering design, heating, copies, newspaper, media and other publications provided by the
Group, price is determined by the national price.
3.7 Services of which price is determined by the market price
As for the engineering construction, leasing of education facilities, occupation technology education, and staff
training, use of office building, business transportation, property management, packing, and labor protection
service provided by the Group, price is determined by the market price.
3.8 Processing service
As for the fee generated from the flattening work of hot rolled plate that entrusted to the Group, price is based
on the actual processing costs and shall be approved each year.
As for the fee generated from the processing of part of iron resources that entrusted to the Group, price is
based on the actual processing costs and shall be approved each year.
3.9 Steel
As for the steel product (including but not limited to plates, long products and pipes) provided by the Group,
price of a month is based on the weighted average selling price of the same quality products to independent
third parties by the Group in the last month.
3.10 Trademark
The trademark “Bengang” (Registration ID 149389) was registered by Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd., a
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group, in 1981 at the Trademark Office of the State Administration for
Industry and Commerce. The range includes steel, strip steel, metal products, steel wire, steel pipe, steel billet,
steel sheet, plate, pig iron, and fine iron ore.
The trademark “Bengang” is permitted free for the Company to use by the Group within the above range. The
Company shall not allow others to use it. The Group does not allow any third party to use the trademark on
competing products.

                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

3.11 Raw material, supplementary material and spare parts
As for the raw material, supplementary material and spare parts purchased by the Group on behalf, price is
based on purchasing price of the Group plus 0.5% to 1.5% of purchasing fee.
3.12 Quality inspection, measurement and weight
As for the quality inspection, measurement and weight which could not be completed by the Company, the
Group agrees to provide these services and price is determined by the national price.
3.13 Port charges
As for the port services provided by the Group, fee it is charged based on actual fees such as port surcharges,
customs fees, inspection fees plus agency fee. Price of agency fee is 2.5 RMB/t for domestic trade and 1
RMB/t for foreign trade.

(2) The Company shall charge for services provided to the Company Group in accordance with the following
1. Supply of raw material
1.1 Hot rolled sheet and cold rolled products
As for the hot rolled sheet and cold rolled products provided to the Group, price of a month is determined by
the weighted average price of selling goods with same quality to third parties in the last month.
1.2 Coke, pellet and chemical products
As for the coke, pellet and chemical products produced by the Company, price is determined by the market
As for the billet provided to the Group, price of a month is determined by the market price of same quality
product. If there is no market price, price is based on full costs plus the national additional tax.
1.4 Steel making slag and iron making slag (water slag)
As for the steel making slag and iron making slag (water slag) provided to the Group, the Group is
responsible for the disposal, and price is determined by the market price.
2. Public services
As for the public services provided to the Group such as the oxygen, nitrogen, argon, blast furnace gas、
converter gas, COG, stream, purified water, new water, central water, soft water, telephone and so on, price is
based on full costs plus the national additional tax and rational profit.
As for the electricity provided to the Group, price is based on the national price plus the transfer-in costs of
the electricity.
3. Supporting services
3.1 Services of which price is determined by the national price
As for the railway transportation quality inspection, measurement and weight, and research and development
service provided to the Group, price is determined by the national price.
3.2 Raw material, supplementary material and, spare parts

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

     As for the raw material, supplementary material and spare parts purchased by the Company on behalf, price is
     based on purchasing price of the Company plus 0.5% to 1.5% of purchasing fee.

     (2) Lease information of related parties
     Company as the lessor                                                                               (In Yuan)

                                                                                                                        Gains from
                                         Nature of the                                                                   leasing or
   Name of the        Name of the
                                          asset to be         Start date    Terminating date        Pricing basis       contracting
    employer           undertaker
                                          undertaken                                                                  recognized this

Statement on the trusteeship and contracting:

     Company as the lessee

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                                        Expenses of
                                                                                                                         leasing or
   Name of the        Name of the      Category of asset
                                                              Start date        End date            Pricing basis       contracting
    employer           undertaker          leased out
                                                                                                                      recognized this

Remarks on related contracting

(3) Related leasing

Company as the lessor
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                    Rental income recognized this        Rental income recognized
       Name of the tenant            Category of asset for rent
                                                                               period                         previous period

Benxi Steel (Group) Steel
                                  Warehouse and auxiliary                               500,000.00                           975,500.00
Process and Logistics Co., Ltd.

Company as the lessee
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                      Rental expense recognized last
       Name of the owner             Category of asset for rent     Rental recognized this period

Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     2300 hot rolling line                            120,000,000.00                      180,000,000.00

Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     Land using right                                  28,713,000.00                       28,713,000.00

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron
                                  1780 hot-rolling line                               65,949,367.29                 65,956,008.06
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Statement on related leasing

(4) Related guarantees

Company as the provider
                                                                                                                           In RMB

       Beneficiary             Amount guaranteed             Start date                  Due date            Completed or not

The Company as the provider
                                                                                                                           In RMB
        The provider          Amount guaranteed        Start date      Due date     Completed or not
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.    14,402,481.85      Sept 10 1997     Sept 10 2027   No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.          15,000,000.00      Dec 29 2014      Mar 21 2017    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.          87,000,000.00      Mar 26 2015      Mar 21 2019    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         100,000,000.00      Jun 25 2015      Sept 21 2021   No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   611,360,000.00      Aug 20 2014      Mar 13 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.          90,000,000.00      Dec 21 2012      Nov 20 2015    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.    83,000,000.00      Dec 28, 2012     Sept 20 2015   No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   250,000,000.00      Nov 10 2014      Nov 9 2015     No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00      Dec 19 2014      Dec 18 2015    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   100,000,000.00      Jul 18 2014      Jul 17 2015    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00      July 30, 2014    Jul 29 2015    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.    80,000,000.00      Dec 25 2014      Dec 24 2015    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00      Dec 12 2014      Dec 10 2015    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         100,000,000.00      Sept 30 2014     Sept 30 2015   No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         200,000,000.00      Sept 30 2014     Sept 30 2015   No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         250,000,000.00      Jan 9 2015       Jan 9 2016     No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         200,000,000.00      May 28 2015      May 28 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         200,000,000.00      Jan 23 2015      Jan 23 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.          45,000,000.00      Sept 16 2014     Sept 15 2015   No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         130,000,000.00      June 30, 2015    Jun 28 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         130,000,000.00      June 30, 2015    Jun 29 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         140,000,000.00      May 15 2015      May 15 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         200,000,000.00      May 14 2015      May 14 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         160,000,000.00      May 14 2015      May 14 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         611,360,000.00      Aug 27 2014      Aug 21 2015    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         489,088,000.00      Mar 26 2015      Mar 25 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.          91,704,000.00      Apr 28 2015      Apr 21 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         489,088,000.00      Jun 29 2015      Jun 23 2016    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         305,680,000.00      July 24, 2014    Jul 23 2015    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         305,680,000.00      July 24, 2014    Jul 23 2015    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         122,272,000.00      Nov 20, 2014     Nov 12 2015    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   550,224,000.00      May 14 2015      May 13 2016    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   605,246,400.00      May 14 2015      May 13 2016    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   917,040,000.00      May 15 2015      May 14 2016    No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   152,840,000.00      Mar 27 2015      Sept 23 2015   No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   244,544,000.00      March 31, 2015   Sept 25 2015   No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   122,272,000.00      Mar 27 2015      Sept 23 2015   No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   189,516,752.65      Mar 16 2015      Sept 11 2015   No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.   195,635,200.00      Mar 20 2015      Sept 16 2015   No

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     200,000,000.00   July 30, 2014     Jul 29 2015     No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     100,000,000.00   Oct 21 2014       Oct 20 2015     No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     100,000,000.00   Feb 10 2015       Jan 27 2016     No
Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.     200,000,000.00   June 30, 2015     Jun 29 2016     No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.           300,000,000.00   July 31, 2014     July 31 2015    No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.           220,000,000.00   Oct 31 2014       Oct 31 2015     No
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.           180,000,000.00   Sept 10 1997      Nov 4 2015      No
Statement on related guarantees

(5) Capital borrowing with related parties

                                                                                                                                In RMB

       Related parties      Amount of demolition               Start date                 Expired on                Remarks

Borrow in

Benxi Steel (Group) Co.,
                                    12,606,580.62 Sept 9 2014                      Sept 8 2015

Benxi Steel (Group) Co.,
                                    17,974,579.02 Oct 13 2014                      Oct 12, 2015

Benxi Steel (Group) Co.,
                                    20,772,574.58 November 07, 2014                Nov 6 2015

Benxi Steel (Group) Co.,
                                     13,411,173.71 December 26, 2014               Dec 25 2015

Benxi Steel (Group) Co.,
                                    18,263,032.96 Apr 28 2015                      Apr 27 2016

Benxi Steel (Group) Co.,
                                     11,369,384.16 Jun 4 2015                      Jun 3 2016

Lend out

(6) Asset transferring and debt reconstruction with related parties

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                     Subjects of the related
          Related parties                                                   Occurred current term        Occurred in previous term

(7) Remuneration for key management

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                    Items                             Occurred current term                         Occurred in previous term

(8) Other related transactions

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

6. Receivable and payables due with related parties

(1) Account receivable

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                        Closing balance                  Opening balance
     Projects                      Related parties                                 Bad debt                         Bad debt
                                                                  Book balance                     Book balance
                                                                                   provision                       provision
Account receivable
                     Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
                                                                                                             0.00           0.00
                     Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.                  2,724,127.51      137,573.58 2,832,523.83         137,573.58
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.       19,525,810.80      406,446.86 24,275,958.45        406,446.86
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.    15,753,857.13    2,536,224.36 34,403,576.39      4,618,071.06
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development
                                                                   21,091,628.72       26,327.90 32,701,472.77         26,327.90
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel New Business Development Co.,
                                                                    3,315,529.21    2,624,507.53     5,307,512.50   2,624,507.53
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Medical Co. Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power
                                                                    2,123,092.33                     1,899,538.46
                     Development Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Steel Process and
                                                                     475,500.00                       499,126.96
                     Logistics Co., Ltd.
                     Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong)
                                                                    1,423,961.96                     1,472,716.21
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment
                                                                   16,234,400.77                    23,474,655.50
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.
Sub-total                                                          82,667,908.43    5,731,080.23 126,867,081.07     7,812,926.93
                     Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
                                                                  373,358,521.45                   439,245,300.00
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Construction &
                     Repairing Co., Ltd.
                     Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machine Co., Ltd.      54,080,821.13                    62,303,551.36
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.       27,324,685.86                    25,526,881.70
                     Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.      83,135,289.41                   108,915,901.27
                     Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong)
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Zhengtai
                     Construction Materials Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                         537,899,317.85                   636,152,928.00
Other account
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate
                                                                    1,247,843.52                     7,632,946.72     191,498.33
                     Development Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Construction &
                     Repairing Co., Ltd.
                     Liaoning Metallurgy Technician College           30,722.17        15,612.26      156,265.86       15,612.26
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.         160,615.64                       239,275.00
                     Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong)
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.       775,086.02      775,086.02       881,046.71     873,336.57
                     Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.       1,859,874.16                     5,206,671.93       6,717.52
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development
                                                                     782,241.24        56,594.36     1,110,481.08      56,594.36
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Zhengtai
                                                                       13,185.57        6,606.76       200,111.37       6,606.76
                     Construction Materials Co., Ltd.
                     Benxi Steel (Group) Medical Co. Ltd.             833,513.56      528,954.42    924,587.78        528,954.42
Sub-total                                                           5,703,081.88    1,382,853.81 16,351,386.45      1,679,320.21

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(2) Payable accounts

                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                                           Closing balance of book    Opening balance of book
     Projects                        Related parties
                                                                                    value                      value
Account payable
                  Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.                      120,272,362.94              145,203,134.23
                  Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.                                       7,051,786.66               11,639,049.30
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate Development Co., Ltd.               1,369,924.74                2,017,985.89
                  Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.                        3,019,308,013.20            4,169,986,544.24
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                             6,204,813.30                7,050,135.96
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.                         76,829,057.83              150,369,442.01
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                              878,076,006.90            1,412,235,381.68
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd.               50,109,114.52               41,805,616.64
                  Benxi Steel New Business Development Co., Ltd.                     10,083,078.60               19,708,255.84
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Construction & Repairing Co., Ltd.             59,128,736.52               84,945,497.19
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Designing Institute                             3,969,024.41                6,820,799.97
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.                  80,259,031.28               24,273,907.10
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Medical Co. Ltd.                                   69,440.35                   20,440.35
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Information & Automatic Tech.
                                                                                     47,338,679.30               49,194,667.86
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Drilling Tools Co., Ltd.                           304,741.29                 257,832.31
                  Liaoning Metallurgy Technician College                               7,636,725.41               6,378,792.36
                  Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.                        900,000.00              30,000,000.00
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development Co.,
                                                                                        278,349.79                 148,068.39
                  Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Zhengtai Construction
                                                                                        186,000.00                 380,918.20
                  Materials Co., Ltd.
                  Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment Co., Ltd.                    7,413,327.13                        0.00
                  Liaoning College of Metallurgy Technologies                           341,534.17                2,004,256.02
                  Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong) Co., Ltd.                    713,487.81                  863,535.50
                  Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machine Co., Ltd.                            6,316,142.17                7,153,224.06
Sub-total                                                                         4,384,159,378.32            6,172,457,485.10
Notes payable
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd.                 2,118,747.52               1,813,417.63
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                                 59,998.75
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate Development Co., Ltd.
                  Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.                                        1,035,354.77                401,369.25
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Construction & Repairing Co., Ltd.
                  Liaoning Metallurgy Technician College                                                             51,601.41
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                              284,613,309.65               46,465,334.09
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.                          1,348,030.74                  562,465.47
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Information & Automatic Tech.
                  Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                                           289,175,441.43               49,771,443.47
Other account
                  Bengang Electronics Co., Ltd.
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Real-estate Development Co., Ltd.                2,311,747.28               4,887,294.88
                  Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.                             2,527,907.53               3,067,964.46
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                                 79,527.28                  10,082.30
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.                           3,139,624.36               4,292,774.73
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd.                   554,634.42                 950,411.36
                  Benxi Steel New Business Development Co., Ltd.                       1,068,924.26                 846,071.42
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Construction & Repairing Co., Ltd.                                                  0.00
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.                                                       0.00
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Medical Co. Ltd.                                  184,792.14                  174,219.95
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Information & Automatic Tech.
                                                                                        267,349.36                 105,000.00
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Steel Process and Logistics Co.,
                                                                                       4,206,349.47               3,277,425.46
                  Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.                                     103,313,915.01             158,643,367.61
                  Benxi Steel & Iron Group Ltd. News Center                             475,523.45               1,722,726.76

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                    Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machine Co., Ltd.                                                              0.00
                    Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron Group Import & Export
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development Co.,
                                                                                         759,523.36                       0.00
                    Guangshou Free Trade Zone Bengang Sales Co., Ltd.                 2,674,436.85                2,674,436.85
                    Shanghai Bengang Steel Sales Ltd.                                   863,797.83                  863,797.83
                    Bengang Stainless Cool-rolling (Dandong) Co., Ltd.                   96,596.40                   96,596.40
Sub-total                                                                           122,524,649.00              183,391,976.09
Advances received
                    Benxi Steel (Group) Machinery Co., Ltd.                              554,637.49                 392,380.53
                    Tianjin Bengang Longxing Steel Processing Co., Ltd.
                    Benxi Steel (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd.               1,544,247.68               1,800,534.80
                    Benxi Steel (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.                    158,813.08                 548,762.37
                    Benxi Steel (Group) Steel Process and Logistics Co.,
                                                                                      91,677,316.57              96,764,509.78
                    Dalian Boluole Steel Tube Ltd.                                     1,119,432.68               1,838,120.74
                    Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.                   20,709,190.50              22,728,533.19
                    Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgy Equipment Co., Ltd.                      40,421.07                 323,523.72
                    Tianjin Bengang Steel Plate Processing and Delivery
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machine Co., Ltd.                             184,695.93                 184,695.93
                    Benxi Steel (Group) Thermal Power Development Co.,
                                                                                          39,725.74               3,100,209.92
                    Bengang Group International Trading Ltd.                         14,445,427.32               46,086,929.33
                    Suzhou Bengang Industrial Co., Ltd.                              19,281,728.07               37,105,578.38
Sub-total                                                                           149,755,636.13              210,873,778.69

7. Commitment of related parties

8. Others

XI. Share payment

1. Overall situation of share payment

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Share payment settled in term of equity

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

3. Share payment settled by cash

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Revising and termination of share payment

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

5. Others

XII. Commitment and contingencies

(1) Commitments
      1. Investment contracts not yet performed or in progress and their relevant financial expenditures
      As at June 30 2015, the Company has signed but not yet performed contracts amounting to RMB164.332 million for the
      infrastructure construction and purchasing of equipment; and contracts performed but still in progress amounting to RMB
      1145.7786 million.

      2. Lease contracts in progress or to be performed and their financial impacts
      (1) For the land leased from the Company to the Group, price is RMB 0.624 per Square meter per month, and the area of the
      land is 7,669,068.17 square meters; hence annual rent is RMB 57.426 million.

      (2) For the 2300 hot rolling product line leased from the Group to the Company, lease period lasts from 1 January 2015 to 31
      December 2017. Lease charges are negotiated between the lessor and the lessee based on the original cost, depreciation, and
      national taxation of the product line, with consideration of conditions of production and equipment performance. The annual
      rent shall not exceed RMB 350,000,000.00 per year.

      (3) For the 1780 hot rolling product line leased from Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. to the Company, the lease
      period lasts from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016. Lease charges are negotiated between the lessor and the lessee based on
      the original cost, depreciation, and national taxation of the product line, with consideration of conditions of production and
      equipment performance. The annual rent shall not exceed RMB 150,000,000.00.

      For details of above leasing conditions please refer to Note 9 (4) 2.

(2)        Contingency
At the balance sheet date, no significant contingencies need to be disclosed.

XIII. Post Balance Sheet Issues

(I) Profit distribution

       The 12th meeting of the 6th term of Board was held on April 20, 2015. Basing on the total capital shares of 3,136,000,000 at end

of 2014, RMB0.5 were to be distributed to each 10 shares. Totally RMB156,800,000.00 were to be distributed.

       This plan was approved by the Shareholders Meeting 2014 held on May 21, 2015. Implementation announcement was

released by the Board on July 3, 2014. The registration date for A shares was July 9 2014, ex-dividend date was July 10, 2014; and

the registration date for B shares was July 9, 2014, and ex-dividend date was July 14, 2014. The dividend plan had already been

completed as of the date of this report.

(II) Statement on material post-balance-sheet events

       On July 20, 2015, the Proposal of Private Issuing of A shares was approved at the 14th meeting of the 6th term of Board. New

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

shares will be issued to particular subscribers privately to raise RMB4 billion of capital. The fund will mainly be used in

reconstruction of cool-rolled high strength steel, hot galvanizing line project, and repaying of bank loans.

XIV. Other material events

1. Correction of accounting errors in previous period

(1) Retrospective restatement

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

 Corrections made on accounting                                        Title of accounts of related         Accumulative amount of
              errors                                                         periods influenced                      influence

(2) Future adoption method

                                                                                                  Reason of adopting future adoption
   Corrections made on accounting errors                   Approval procedures

2. Debt reconstruction

3. Asset replacing

(1) Non-monetary asset exchange

(2) Other asset exchange

4. Annual premium scheme

5. Termination of operation

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                  Income tax                            profit attributable
      Items             Revenue            Expenses           Total profit                              Net profit
                                                                                   expenses                               to owners of
                                                                                                                            parent co.

Other statements

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6. Segment info

(1) Basis of segment recognizing and accounting policies

(2) Financial info of segments

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

               Items                                                   Neutralized among segments                      Total

(3) Statement about why the Company is not reporting segment info or total asset and liabilities of

(4) Other remarks

7. Material trade or issues commit impact on decision of investors

8. Others

XV. Notes to the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Account receivable

(1) Categorized receivable accounts

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                           Closing balance                                           Opening balance

                          Book balance          Bad debt provision               Book balance          Bad debt provision
        Categories                                                    Book
                                    Proportio                                            Proportio                             Book value
                        Amount                  Amount       Rate     value   Amount                  Amount       Rate
                                       n                                                    n

Receivables on
which impairment
                        1,055,08                136,238,             918,847,1 529,111               140,268,8                 388,842,19
provisions are                      100.00%                12.91%                        100.00%                   26.51%
                        5,718.14                  580.22                37.92 ,083.61                    88.98                       4.63
provided by risk

                        1,055,08                136,238,             918,847,1 529,111               140,268,8                 388,842,19
Total                               100.00%                12.91%                        100.00%                   26.51%
                        5,718.14                  580.22                37.92 ,083.61                    88.98                       4.63

Receivables of insignificant items but tested for impairment individually
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Account receivables on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group:
[V] ApplicableNot applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                 Age                                                          Closing balance

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                          Account receivable                Bad debt provision                        Rate

1 年以内分项

Within 1 yr, (included)                             835,205,495.48

Subtotal of within 1 year                           835,205,495.48

1-2 years                                            62,163,386.45                        3,108,169.32                            5.00%

2-3 years                                            30,733,031.64                        6,146,606.33                           20.00%

Over 3 yrs                                          126,983,804.57                    126,983,804.57                           100.00%

Total                                              1,055,085,718.14                   136,238,580.22                             12.91%

Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio

(2) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period.

Bad debt provision provided this period was RMB0.00. Bad debt provision written back was RMB4,030,308.76 in the period.
Significant items of retrieving or writing back of bad debt provisions:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

             Name of the companies                   Amount retreived or written back                      Way of retreiving

(3) Particular about writing off actually made in the period

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                  Items                                                       Amount written off

Significant amount written off:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

        Name of the         Property of the                           Reason of writing            Written off      Created by related
                                               Amount written off
        companies         receivable account                                  off                  procedures        transaction or not

Statement on writing off of receivable accounts.

(4) Top 5 debtors in the receivable accounts


                                                          631,513,712.96                  59.85

                                                           47,889,868.98                    4.54

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                                             29,738,912.85                    2.82

()                                                           21,091,628.72                         2                 26,327.90

()                                                           19,525,810.80                    1.85                  406,446.86

                                                           749,759,934.31                    71.06                  432,774.76

(5) Receivable accounts unrecognized due to disposal of financial assets

(6) Asset or liability constituted by transferring and continuous involving of receivable accounts


2. Other account receivable.

(1) Other receivables disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                           Closing balance                                              Opening balance

                          Book balance          Bad debt provision                  Book balance          Bad debt provision
        Categories                                                    Book
                                    Proportio                                               Proportio                            Book value
                       Amount                   Amount       Rate     value        Amount                Amount        Rate
                                       n                                                       n

Other receivables on
which impairment
                        322,204,                56,282,8             265,921,7 359,158                  58,276,86                300,882,01
provisions are                       99.46%                17.47%                            99.52%                     16.23%
                         615.85                    73.92                41.93 ,877.19                        3.66                      3.53
provided by risk

Other insignificant
items but tested for    1,740,00                                     1,740,000 1,740,0                                           1,740,000.0
                                       0.54%                                                   0.48%
impairment                  0.00                                             .00    00.00                                                 0

                        323,944,                56,282,8             267,661,7 360,898                  58,276,86                302,622,01
Total                               100.00%                17.37%                           100.00%                     16.15%
                         615.85                    73.92                41.93 ,877.19                        3.66                      3.53

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.
[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable
Other account receivables on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis in the group:
[V] ApplicableNot applicable

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                Closing balance
                                        Other account receivable           Bad debt provision                       Rate

Segments within 1 year

Within 1 yr, (included)                            261,287,089.82

Subtotal of within 1 year                          261,287,089.82

1-2 years                                             3,264,273.80                         163,213.69                            5.00%

2-3 years                                             4,091,990.00                         818,398.00                           20.00%

Over 3 yrs                                           55,301,262.23                      55,301,262.23                          100.00%

Total                                              323,944,615.85                       58,276,863.66                           17.99%

                                                                                   Opening balance
               Categories                          Carrying amount                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                   Percentage                           Bad debts      Book value
                                                 Amount                                 Amount
                                                                      (%)                               ratio (%)
Individually significant and tested for
impairment individually
Accounts    receivable        tested   for
                                                359,158,877.19          99.52           58,276,863.66       16.23      300,882,013.53
impairment by portfolio

Portfolio 1: Aging analysis                     359,158,877.19          99.52           58,276,863.66       16.23      300,882,013.53

Subtotal of Portfolio                           359,158,877.19          99.52           58,276,863.66       16.23      300,882,013.53
Other insignificant items but tested for
                                                  1,740,000.00           0.48                                               1,740,000.00
impairment individually

                     Total                      360,898,877.19         100.00           58,276,863.66       16.15      302,622,013.53

     Other receivables individually insignificant but tested for impairment individually

                                                                     Provision for
             Items                     Carrying Amount                                       Bad debts ratio (%)             Reason
                                                                       bad debts
Sinking Fund of Japanese
yen from Finance Bureau of                     1,740,000.00                                                                Sinking fund
             Total                             1,740,000.00

     Notes: The Sinking Fund of Japanese yen from Finance Bureau of Benxi is the margin for JPY loans of which the aging is over

3 years and no bad debts provision has been made for it.

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            Other receivables tested for impairment by portfolio using the method of Aging analysis:
                                                                                    Ending balance
                                                         Carrying amount                                       Carrying amount

Within 1 year (inclusive)                                         261,287,089.82

1-2 years (inclusive)                                               3,264,273.80               163,213.69                       5.00

2-3 years (inclusive)                                               4,091,990.00               818,398.00                      20.00

Over 3 years                                                       55,301,262.23            55,301,262.23                     100.00

                        Total                                     323,944,615.85            58,276,863.66                      17.99

(2) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period.

Reversal of bad debts for other receivable in current period is RMB 1,993,989.74.

(3)   No other receivables have been written off this year.

(4) Other receivables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                Account property                      Closing balance of book value           Opening balance of book value

Trade                                                                     274,786,980.82                          225,819,363.05

Export tax refund                                                          42,558,816.25                          130,788,172.89

Others                                                                      6,598,818.78                             4,291,341.25

Total                                                                     323,944,615.85                          360,898,877.19

(5) Top five debtors at the year-end

                                                                                                                           In RMB

        Name of the                                                                     Percentage of total     Provision for
                            Nature of account   Closing balance            Age
        companies                                                                        other receivables        bad debts

Tax bureau                 Export tax refund         42,558,816.25 within 1 yr                       13.14%

Shenyang Coke Coal
                           Current account           15,000,000.00 within 1 yr                        4.63%
Co., Ltd. Sales Co.

Liaoning Shenjiao
International Trade        Current account           10,000,000.00 within 1 yr                        3.09%
Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Dongda             Current account           10,000,000.00 within 1 yr                        3.09%

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Energy Engineering

Benxi Juyuan Slag
and Furnance Burden Trade                               6,911,609.00 within 1 yr                             2.13%
Co., Ltd.

Total                             --                  84,470,425.25            --                           26.08%

3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                              Opening balance
        Items                              Impairment                                                   Impairment
                       Book balance                            Book value           Book balance                             Book value
                                            provision                                                    provision

Investment on
                      1,690,981,902.16                      1,690,981,902.16 1,690,981,902.16                             1,690,981,902.16

Total                 1,690,981,902.16                      1,690,981,902.16 1,690,981,902.16                             1,690,981,902.16

(1) Investment on subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

Company invested                          Increased this     Decreased this                                               Ending balance of
                      Opening balance                                          Closing balance           provision          impairment
            in                               period              period
                                                                                                     provided this term

Bengang Trade             1,000,000.00                                                1,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Bengang
Metallurgy Tech.         19,200,000.00                                               19,200,000.00

Bengang Steel
Plate Liaoyang          529,899,801.38                                              529,899,801.38
Orel Ball Co., Ltd.

Dalian Benruitong
Material                 65,000,000.00                                               65,000,000.00
Technologies Co.,

Bengang Puxiang
                      1,019,781,571.10                                         1,019,781,571.10
Cool Rolling Steel

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Sheet Co., Ltd.

Bengang Steel           -1,355,124.64                                          -1,355,124.64
Sales Ltd.

Haerbin Bengang
International                423,398.23                                          423,398.23
Trading Ltd.

Nanjing Bengang
Steel Material           2,081,400.65                                           2,081,400.65
Sales Ltd.

Wuxi Bengang
                             936,718.57                                          936,718.57
Steel Sales Ltd.

Xiamen Bengang
                         1,095,711.66                                           1,095,711.66
Steel Sales Ltd.

Yantai Bengang
                        19,600,329.41                                          19,600,329.41
Steel Sales Ltd.

Tianjin Bengang
                        33,318,095.80                                          33,318,095.80
Steel Trading Ltd.

Total                1,690,981,902.16                                     1,690,981,902.16

4. Operation income and operation cost

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                          Occurred current term                             Occurred in previous term
                                     Revenue                  Cost                      Revenue                     Cost

Major business                     15,855,226,396.28       14,804,473,955.02         19,320,232,643.54           18,119,383,979.86

Other business                      1,364,397,276.16        1,239,113,720.27            1,467,421,157.22          1,324,796,884.19

Total                              17,219,623,672.44       16,043,587,675.29         20,787,653,800.76           19,444,180,864.05


5. Investment income

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Items                             Occurred current term                      Occurred in previous term

Gains from short-term bank financial
                                                                         6,584,315.11                                12,378,753.42

Total                                                                    6,584,315.11                                12,378,753.42

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6. Others

XVI. Supplementary Information

1. Details of non-recurring gain/loss of the term

[V] Applicable []Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                       Items                                     Amount                                        Remarks

Gain/loss of non-current assets                                           -17,733,564.05

Gains and losses included in the current
period of government subsidies, excluding
those government grants which are closely
related to normal business and in line with
national policy , or in accordance with fixed
standards or quantities

Gain/loss from commissioned investment or

Gain/loss from debt reorganization                                             6,439,698.87

Other non-business income and expenditures
other than the above

Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                          5,390,419.82

     Influenced amount of minority
shareholders’ equity

Total                                                                         22,725,877.50                      --

2. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

                                                                                                   Earnings per share
        Profit of the report period           Net income on asset, weighted         Basic earnings per share     Diluted earnings per
                                                                                         (Yuan/share)             share (Yuan/share)

Net profit attributable to common
                                                                          0.83%                         0.04                       0.04
shareholders of the Company

Net profit attributable to the
common owners of the PLC after
                                                                          0.68%                         0.03                       0.03
deducting of non-recurring

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Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

August 3, 2015

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2015 Full Text

                            Chapter X.                Documents For Reference

1. Financial Statements signed and stamped by the legal representative, CFO, and accounting manager;
2. All of the original copies of documents and announcements that have been published on China Securities Journal, Securities Times,
and Hong Kong Commercial Daily.
