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						            Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Report for the First Quarter of 2017

            April 2017

                                      Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

                           Chapter I Important Notice

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, members of
the Supervisory Committee and senior management of the Company guarantee that
there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission in this
report, and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity,
accuracy and integrity of the information contained in this report.

All the members of the Board of Directors attended the board meeting on which this
report was examined.

Wang Shu, Chairman of the Company, Han Ge, the principal in charge of the
accounting, and Wang Shaoyu, Chief of Accounting Affairs, make the pledge for the
authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the attached financial statements.

                                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

                                  II Basic Information of the Company

1 Summary of accounting data and financial index

Whether the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to change of the
accounting policy and correction of accounting errors.
□ Yes √ No

                                                    Jan.-Mar. 2017                 Jan.-Mar. 2016           Changes (+/-)%

Operating income(RMB)                                  11,132,407,692.65             6,163,797,202.21                  80.61%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                           302,653,287.07                 41,106,090.36                 636.27%
of the listed company(RMB)

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of              295,684,784.12                 36,347,865.03                 713.49%
listed company(RMB)

Net Cash flows generated by business
                                                         -3,422,732,831.24             2,598,490,197.76                -231.72%

Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share)                                   0.097                         0.013               646.15%

Diluted earnings per share(RMB/Share)                                 0.097                         0.013               646.15%

Weighted average net assets yield (%)                                 2.30%                         0.34%                 1.96%

                                                     31 Mar. 2017                   31 Mar. 2016            Changes (+/-)%

Gross assets(RMB)                                      53,301,030,464.64            54,155,710,718.91                  -1.58%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                         13,023,751,737.36            12,715,354,551.15                   2.43%
the listed company(RMB)

Items and Amount of the non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                  Items                                       Jan.-Mar. 2017                  Notes

Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including the
write-off part for which assets impairment provision is made)

Details of government subsidies recorded into current profits and
loss(except such government subsidy closely related to the
Company’s normal business operation, meeting the regulation of                       7,173,500.00
national policy and enjoyed constantly in certain quota or quantity
according to a certain standard)

Profit or loss from investment or assets entrusted to others                          2,186,117.80

Profit or loss from debt restructuring                                                  506,210.42

                                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Other non-operating revenue and expenditure other than above

Less: Impact of income tax                                                              2,323,558.59

       Impact of minority interests (after tax)                                               2,172.80

Total                                                                                   6,968,502.95                    --

For the Company’s non-recurring profit and loss items as defined in “the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure
for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Profits and Losses” and its non-recurring profit and loss items as
illustrated in “the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the
Public-Non-recurring Profits and Losses” which have been defined as recurring profits and losses, it is necessary to explain the
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None of Non-recurring profit and loss items recognized as recurring profit and loss items as defined by “the Explanatory
Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Profits and
Losses” in the report period.

2 Number of total shareholders and shareholdings by Top 10 shareholders at the end of the period.

(1) Number of holders of ordinary shares and preferred shares with restored voting right and Top 10 shareholders


                                                                        The total number of preferred
Total number of common                                                  shareholders whose voting
shareholders at the end of the                                   59,029 rights has been restored at end                                   0
reporting period                                                        of the reporting period      (if

                                                  Shareholding by Top 10 shareholders

                                                                                   Amount of             Number of share pledged/frozen
   Name of the            Nature of        Proportion of    Quantity        of
                                                                                 restricted shares
   shareholder          shareholder      shares held(%) shares                                       State of share        Quantity

Benxi Steel &                                                                                        Pledged                 1,221,000,000
                     State-owned legal
Iron (Group) Co.,                                 77.88%        2,442,316,069
                     person                                                                          Frozen                    45,000,000

Bank of China -
Fortis Haitong
Earnings Growth Others                              0.31%           9,610,837
Investment Funds

China Merchants Domestic Non
Securities Co.,      State-owned legal              0.28%           8,769,698
Ltd.                 person

Zhou Jie             Domestic natural               0.16%           4,900,000

                                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.


Zhan                 Domestic natural
                                                    0.15%           4,660,515
Changcheng           person

                     Overseas legal
INTERNATION                                         0.15%           4,606,141

GLOBAL               Overseas legal
                                                    0.14%           4,234,960
MARKETS              person

                     Domestic natural
Zhu Shoupeng                                        0.13%           4,216,112

Hong Kong
                     Overseas legal
Securities                                          0.13%           4,073,673
Clearing Co., Ltd.

                     Domestic natural
Chen Danzhen                                        0.11%           3,479,055

                                        Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                                                               Category of shares
                                          Number of non-restricted common shares held at the
       Name of the shareholder                                                                        Category of
                                                               period-end                                                   Quantity

                                                                                                   Common shares
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.                                              2,442,316,069                             2,442,316,069
                                                                                                   in RMB

Bank of China - Fortis Haitong
                                                                                                   Common shares
Earnings Growth Securities                                                             9,610,837                                9,610,837
                                                                                                   in RMB
Investment Funds

                                                                                                   Common shares
China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.                                                   8,769,698                                8,769,698
                                                                                                   in RMB

                                                                                                   Foreign shares
                                                                                                   placed in
Zhou Jie                                                                               4,900,000                                4,900,000

                                                                                                   Foreign shares
                                                                                                   placed in
Zhan Changcheng                                                                        4,660,515                                4,660,515

VANGUARD TOTAL                                                                                     Foreign shares
                                                                                       4,606,141                                4,606,141
INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX                                                                          placed in

                                                        Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

FUND                                                                                            domestic

                                                                                                Foreign shares
CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS                                                                        placed in
                                                                                    4,234,960                              4,234,960
LIMITED                                                                                         domestic

                                                                                                Common shares
Zhu Shoupeng                                                                        4,216,112                              4,216,112
                                                                                                in RMB

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co.,                                                              Common shares
                                                                                    4,073,673                              4,073,673
Ltd.                                                                                            in RMB

                                                                                                Common shares
Chen Danzhen                                                                        3,479,055                              3,479,055
                                                                                                in RMB

                                      Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder, has no relationship with any of
                                      the other shareholders among the top 10 shareholders, neither being regarded as
                                      action-in-concert parties by the Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of
Related-parties or acting-in-concert Shareholding in listed companies. The Company is not aware of any relationship among the
parties among the above-mentioned other shareholders, neither being regarded as action-in-concert parties by the Information
shareholders                          Disclosure Regulations for Change of Shareholding in listed companies. The Company is not
                                      aware of any relationship among the top 10 shareholders, neither being regarded as
                                      action-in-concert parties by the Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of
                                      Shareholding in listed companies.

Shareholders among the top 10
participating in Securities lending   None.
and borrowing business(if any)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with unrestricted shares carried out any buy-back agreement
dealing in the reporting period.
□ Yes √ No
Top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with unrestricted shares did not carry out buy-back agreement dealing
in the reporting period. .

(2) Number of total preferred shareholders and preferred shares hold by Top 10 preferred shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                     Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

                                             III Important Events

1 Major changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators within the
reporting period, as well as reasons for the changes.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

     Significant changes and reasons in major accounting data, financial indicators which changed
     over 30% compared to the consolidated financial statement at the end of 2016

1. Financial Position Statement             Increase/Decr
items                                       ease (%)

Construction materials                               -41% Due to the increase of construction materials usage
                                                             Due to the increase of the solution pay of notes
Notes payable                                        -48%
                                                             payable at maturity
                                                             Due to the decrease of current tax liabilities at the end
Current tax liabilities                              -35%
                                                             of this period
                                                             Due to the decrease of provision of corporate bond
Interests payable                                    -72%
Non-current liabilities due within                           Due to the decrease of long-term loans due within one
one year                                                     year
Special reserves                                   1541% Due to the decrease of safety production cost
Undistributed profits                                 61% Due to the increase of net profit

     Significant changes and reasons in major accounting data, financial indicators which changed
     over 30% compared to the consolidated financial statement of the first quarter of 2016

2. Income Statement
                                  /Decrea Reasons
                                  se (%)
Operating income                     81% Due to the increase of product settlement price
Operating cost                       84% Due to the increase of procurement price of raw material
                                         Due to the reclassification of housing property tax, land use tax, vehicle
Tax and surcharges                 1120% and vessel use tax, and stamp tax from administration expenses to tax
                                         and surcharges
Sales expenses                       52% Due to the increase of expenses such as railway freight expense
Net profit attributable             636% Due to the increase of product market price

                                                         Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

to owners of parent
Profit or loss of
non-controlling                     -33% Due to the decrease of profit of holding subsidiaries

3. Cash flow items                                                         Reasons
                                                       rease (%)

Cash received from sale of goods or
                                                                  59% Due to the increase of product market price
rendering of services
Tax rebate received                                              -77% Due to the decrease of received tax rebate
                                                                           Due to the increase of cash paid for goods and
Cash paid for goods and services                                532%
                                                                           Due to the increase of all types of taxes such as
Cash paid for all types of taxes                                273%
                                                                           value-added tax
Net cash flows generated from operating                                    Due to the increase of cash paid for goods and
activities                                                                 services
                                                                           Due to the decrease of bank financial products
Cash paid for acquisition of investments                       -100%
The net cash flow generated by                                             Due to the decrease of bank financial products
investment activities                                                      purchased
Cash proceeds from borrowings                                     81% Due to the increase of bank loans
Cash repayments of borrowings                                     43% Due to the increase of repayment of bank loans
The net cash flow generated by financing                                   Due to the increase of net amount of financing
activities                                                                 added in this period

2 Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and explanation on

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3 Commitments not finished and is overdue in the reporting period by actual controller,
shareholders, related parties, acquirer, and other commitments parties.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no commitments not finished and is overdue in the reporting period by actual controller, shareholders, related parties,
acquirer, and other commitments parties.

                                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

4 Forecast of operating results for Jan. 2017-June 2017

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-start until the end of the
next reporting period according to predictions as well as any explanations for these reasons:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5 Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no securities investments in the reporting period.

6 Investment in Derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no investment in derivatives in the reporting period.

7 Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period.

8 Illegal Guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no illegal guarantee during the reporting period.

9 Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company in the reporting

                                                    Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

                                              IV Financial Statements

1 Financial Statements

(1) Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
                                                    As at 31 March 2017

                      Items                         Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Current assets:

       Cash at bank and on hand                               11,455,441,876.19                        12,931,912,017.84

       Settlement provisions

       Capital lent

       Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss

       Derivative financial assets

       Notes receivable                                        2,497,510,577.11                         2,030,681,138.03

       Accounts receivable                                       641,281,179.62                           623,865,427.25

       Prepayments                                               610,352,843.76                           493,839,659.44

       Premium receivable

       Reinsurance accounts receivable

       Receivable deposit for reinsurance

       Interests receivable                                          4,478,818.85                              4,208,818.85

       Dividends receivable

       Other receivables                                         111,329,667.28                           117,909,972.49

       Redemptory financial assets for

       Inventories                                            10,816,743,441.94                         9,782,173,936.74

       Assets classified as held for sale

       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                                      365,478,907.17                           513,398,815.83

Total current assets                                          26,502,617,311.92                        26,497,989,786.47

                                           Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Non-current assets:

     Loan and advances issued

     Available-for-sale financial assets                 14,856,585.63                            14,856,585.63

     Held-to-maturity investment

     Long-term receivables

     Long-term equity investments

     Investment properties

     Fixed assets                                    20,226,889,676.05                        20,688,468,637.44

     Construction in progress                         5,905,632,265.82                         6,210,673,674.11

     Construction materials                               4,558,924.40                             7,783,370.29

     Disposal of fixed assets

     Productive biological assets

     Oil and gas assets

     Intangible assets                                  258,346,257.74                           259,837,410.93

     Development expenditure


     Long-term deferred expenses

     Deferred tax assets                                388,129,443.08                           476,101,254.04

     Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                             26,798,413,152.72                        27,657,720,932.44

Total assets                                         53,301,030,464.64                        54,155,710,718.91

Current Liabilities:

     Short-term loans                                20,921,993,850.00                        18,762,472,779.48

     Loan from central bank

     Absorbed deposit and interbank

     Loan from other financial

     Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

     Advance from customers

     Notes payable                                    3,297,795,093.27                         6,372,173,897.13

     Accounts payable                                 4,886,222,700.68                         5,680,244,661.52

     Advance from customers                           3,855,217,883.19                         3,679,477,129.80

     Financial assets sold for

                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.


     Handling charges and commission

     Employee benefits payable                          23,265,721.27                            24,063,493.70

     Current tax liabilities                            29,805,235.24                            45,771,585.46

     Interests payable                                  20,699,437.38                            75,115,265.66

     Dividends payable

     Other payables                                    459,276,462.39                           460,009,213.78

     Reinsurance accounts payable

     Provision for insurance contract

     Receipt from vicariously traded

     Receipt from vicariously
underwriting securities

     Liabilities held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
                                                       211,958,044.05                           437,669,535.66
one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                           33,706,234,427.47                        35,536,997,562.19

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans                                 4,118,636,363.10                         3,448,931,721.62

     Bonds payable                                   1,495,944,084.71                         1,494,825,782.32

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Long-term payables

     Long-term employee benefits

     Special accounts payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income                                   403,225,500.00                           410,399,000.00

     Deferred tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                        6,017,805,947.81                         5,354,156,503.94

Total liabilities                                   39,724,040,375.28                        40,891,154,066.13

Shareholders’ equity:

                                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

     Share capital                                                   3,136,000,000.00                         3,136,000,000.00

     Other equity instruments

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Capital reserves                                                9,114,845,542.05                         9,114,845,542.05

     Less: treasury shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Special reserves                                                     6,116,621.00                                372,721.86

     Surplus reserves                                                  961,105,529.85                           961,105,529.85

     General risk reserve

     Undistributed profits                                            -194,315,955.54                          -496,969,242.61

Total equity attributable to equity
                                                                    13,023,751,737.36                        12,715,354,551.15
holders of the parent company

     Non-controlling interests                                         553,238,352.00                           549,202,101.63

Total shareholder’s equity                                         13,576,990,089.36                        13,264,556,652.78

Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity                         53,301,030,464.64                        54,155,710,718.91

Legal Representative:Wang Shu                Person in charge of accounting:Han Ge       Accounting Dept Leader:Wang Shaoyu

(2) Balance sheet of Parent Company


                   Items                                 Ending balance                          Beginning balance

Current assets:

     Cash at bank and on hand                                       10,896,231,005.35                        12,402,995,087.03

     Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss

     Derivative financial assets

     Notes receivable                                                2,305,460,170.65                         1,870,384,367.64

     Accounts receivable                                               477,254,537.02                           455,070,302.00

     Prepayments                                                       604,382,898.04                           487,869,713.72

     Interests receivable                                                 4,478,818.85                               4,208,818.85

     Dividends receivable

     Other receivables                                                 200,843,094.42                           210,089,804.88

     Inventories                                                     8,899,422,322.64                         8,308,291,029.07

     Assets classified as held for sale

                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                               271,779,132.40                           431,675,085.33

Total current assets                                   23,659,851,979.37                        24,170,584,208.52

Non-current assets:

       Available-for-sale financial assets                 12,888,980.00                            12,888,980.00

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term receivables

       Long-term equity investments                     1,700,981,902.16                         1,700,981,902.16

       Investment properties

       Fixed assets                                    17,749,581,679.27                        18,125,714,092.15

       Construction in progress                         5,885,150,018.22                         6,196,524,880.06

       Construction materials                               4,134,138.08                             4,134,139.52

       Disposal of fixed assets

       Productive biological assets

       Oil and gas assets

       Intangible assets                                  154,561,918.21                           155,388,452.53

       Development expenditure


       Long-term deferred expenses

       Deferred tax assets                                290,724,794.06                           378,696,605.02

       Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                               25,798,023,430.00                        26,574,329,051.44

Total assets                                           49,457,875,409.37                        50,744,913,259.96

Current Liabilities:

       Short-term loans                                19,139,264,150.00                        17,376,963,500.00

       Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

       Advance from customers

       Notes payable                                    2,997,795,093.27                         5,768,523,196.16

       Accounts payable                                 4,862,889,009.56                         5,939,417,729.46

       Advance from customers                           3,813,635,878.06                         3,671,944,099.35

       Employee benefits payable                           22,095,224.07                            22,386,057.59

       Current tax liabilities                             15,950,617.91                            28,902,954.65

       Interests payable                                   11,947,321.13                            70,109,821.13

                                              Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

     Dividends payable

     Other payables                                        284,754,274.35                           289,522,026.53

     Liabilities held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
                                                           211,958,044.05                           437,669,535.66
one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                               31,360,289,612.40                        33,605,438,920.53

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans                                     4,118,636,363.10                         3,448,931,721.62

     Bonds payable                                       1,495,944,084.71                         1,494,825,782.32

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Long-term payables

     Long-term employee benefits

     Special accounts payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income                                       403,225,500.00                           410,399,000.00

     Deferred tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                            6,017,805,947.81                         5,354,156,503.94

Total liabilities                                       37,378,095,560.21                        38,959,595,424.47

Shareholders’ equity:

     Share capital                                       3,136,000,000.00                         3,136,000,000.00

     Other equity instruments

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Capital reserves                                    8,694,693,859.93                         8,694,693,859.93

     Less: treasury shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Special reserves                                        4,774,956.02                               230,735.89

     Surplus reserves                                      961,105,529.85                           961,105,529.85

     Undistributed profits                                -716,794,496.64                         -1,006,712,290.18

Total shareholder’s equity                             12,079,779,849.16                        11,785,317,835.49

Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity             49,457,875,409.37                        50,744,913,259.96

                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

(3) Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income


                     Items                        2016                                     2015

1. Total operating income                                11,132,407,692.65                        6,163,797,202.21

        Including: Operating income                      11,132,407,692.65                        6,163,797,202.21

               Interest income

               Premium earned

               Income from handling
charges and commission

2. Total operating cost                                  10,738,188,697.63                        6,009,165,031.97

        Including: Operating cost                         9,930,127,676.02                        5,389,535,280.17

               Interest cost

               Expenditure for handling
charges and commission

               Surrender value

               Net expenditure for

               Net provision for insurance
contract appropriated

               Bonus payment for policy

               Reinsurance premium

               Taxes and surcharges                         77,416,977.43                            6,347,694.24

               Selling and distribution
                                                           309,701,590.37                          203,842,519.34

               General and administrative
                                                           171,564,522.91                          174,510,134.26

               Financial expenses                          249,377,930.90                          234,929,403.96

               Asset impairment loss

        Add: Gains from the change in fair
value ("-" for loss)

            Income on investment ("-" for

            Including: Income from
associates and joint ventures

            Exchange gain ("-" for loss)

3 Operating profit ("-" for loss                           396,405,112.82                          154,632,170.24

                                                Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

     Add: Non-operating income                                 9,446,503.65                             6,384,914.32

            Including: Gain on disposal of
non-current assets

     Less: Non-operating expenses                              2,338,387.11

            Including: Loss on disposal of
non-current assets

4 Total profit ("-" for total loss)                          403,513,229.36                           161,017,084.56

     Less: Income tax expenses                                97,028,442.48                           114,182,659.41

5 Net Profit ("-" for net loss)                              306,484,786.88                            46,834,425.15

     Attributable to: Owners of parent
                                                             302,653,287.07                            41,106,090.36

     Non-controlling shareholders                              3,831,499.81                             5,728,334.79

6. Other comprehensive income after tax

  Other comprehensive income
attributable to owners of parent company
after tax

     1) Other comprehensive income
unable to be reclassified into profit and
loss afterwards

               1.Change of net liabilities or
net assets through remeasuring defined
benefit plan

               2.Share of other
comprehensive income of investee not to
be classified into profit or loss afterwards
under equity method

     2) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit and loss

               1.Share of other
comprehensive income of investee to be
classified into profit or loss afterwards
under equity method

               (2) Gains and losses on
remeasuring available-for-sale financial

               3.Gains and losses resulting
from reclassification of held-to maturity
investment to financial assets held-for

                                                        Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.


              4.Effective portion of gains
or losses from cash flow hedging

Gains and losses resulting from translatin
g the foreign currency
financial statements


  Other comprehensive income
attributable to non-controlling
shareholders after tax

7. Total comprehensive income                                          306,484,786.88                          46,834,425.15

       Total comprehensive income
                                                                       302,653,287.07                          41,106,090.36
attributable to owners of parent company

       Total comprehensive income
attributable to non-controlling                                          3,831,499.81                           5,728,334.79

8. Earnings per share:

       (1)Basic earnings per share                                            0.097                                  0.013

       (2)Diluted earnings per share                                          0.097                                  0.013

Legal Representative:Wang Shu               Person in charge of accounting:Han Ge      Accounting Dept Leader:Wang Shaoyu

(4) Income Statement of the Parent Company


                   Items                                     2016                                     2015

1 Turnover                                                          11,398,661,706.90                        6,349,888,059.09

       Less: Operating cost                                         10,366,737,537.66                        5,686,530,851.21

           Taxes and surcharges                                        70,478,527.46                            2,581,022.77

           Selling and distribution
                                                                      200,688,771.46                          169,910,631.40

           General and administrative
                                                                      160,222,229.54                          159,071,749.26

           Financial expenses                                         231,289,051.43                          219,438,179.77

           Asset impairment loss

           Add: Gains from the change
in fair value ("-" for loss)

                                              Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

            Income on investment ("-" for

            Including: Income from
associates and joint ventures

2 Operating profit ("-" for loss)                          371,431,707.15                           112,355,624.68

        Add: Non-operating income                            8,796,284.46                             6,277,884.59

            Including: Gain on disposal of
non-current assets

        Less: Non-operating expenses                         2,338,387.11

            Including: Loss on disposal of
non-current assets

3 Total profit ("-" for total loss)                        377,889,604.50                           118,633,509.27

        Less: Income tax expenses                           87,971,810.96                           108,445,193.70

4 Net Profit ("-" for net loss)                            289,917,793.54                            10,188,315.57

5 Other comprehensive income after tax

        1) Other comprehensive income
unable to be reclassified into profit and
loss afterwards

               1.Change of net liabilities
or net assets through remeasuring
defined benefit plan

               2.Share of other
comprehensive income of investee not
to be classified into profit or loss
afterwards under equity method

        2) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit and loss

               1.Share of other
comprehensive income of investee to be
classified into profit or loss afterwards
under equity method

               (2) Gains and losses on
remeasuring available-for-sale financial

               3.Gains and losses resulting
from reclassification of held-to maturity
investment to financial assets held-for

                                             Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

              4.Effective portion of gains
or losses from cash flow hedging

Gains and losses resulting from translati
ng the foreign currency
financial statements


6 Total comprehensive income                              289,917,793.54                            10,188,315.57

7 Earnings per share:

       (1)Basic earnings per share

       (2)Diluted earnings per share

(5) Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


                   Items                        2016                                      2015

1.Cash flow from operating activities:

       Cash received from sale of goods
                                                       7,100,739,711.79                          4,456,676,706.32
or rendering of services

       Net increase of customers’ deposit
and interbank deposit

       Net increase of loan from central

       Net increase of loans from other
financial institutions

       Cash received for premium of
original insurance contract

       Net cash received for reinsurance

       Net increase of deposit and
investment of the insured

       Net increase of Financial assets at
fair value through profit or loss

       Cash from receiving interest,
handling charge and commission

       Net increase of loans from other
financial institutions

       Net increase of fund for buy-back

                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.


     Tax rebate received                                 40,096,198.40                            176,587,078.95

     Other cash received relating to
                                                         69,675,649.95                             72,962,648.74
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
                                                      7,210,511,560.14                          4,706,226,434.01
operation activities

     Cash paid for goods and services                 9,858,638,834.91                          1,558,773,903.55

     Net increase of customer’s loan
and advances

     Net increase of deposit in central
bank and interbank deposit

     Cash for payment of
compensation for original insurance

     Cash for payment of interest,
handling charge and commission

     Cash for payment of policy bonus

     Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                       453,316,467.11                             443,360,862.49

     Cash paid for all types of taxes                  296,159,456.20                              79,482,630.79

     Other cash paid relating to
                                                         25,129,633.16                             26,118,839.42
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow received from
                                                     10,633,244,391.38                          2,107,736,236.25
operation activities

Net cash flows generated from
                                                     -3,422,732,831.24                          2,598,490,197.76
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing

     Cash received from return on

     Cash received from distribution of
dividends or profit

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary and other operating units

     Other cash paid relating to

                                          Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
investing activities

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                  486,764,678.93                             495,775,437.02
long-term assets

     Cash paid for acquisition of

     Net increase of mortgage loan

     Net cash received from subsidiary
and other operating unit

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                     486,764,678.93                             536,775,437.02
investing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                                     -325,578,561.13                           -536,775,437.02
investment activities

3. Cash flows from financing

     Proceeds from investment

     Including: Proceeds from
investment of non-controlling
shareholders of subsidiary

     Proceeds from borrowings                       6,602,518,658.09                          3,653,371,876.26

     Cash received from bond issuance

     Other proceeds relating to
financing activities

Subtotal cash inflow received from
                                                    6,602,518,658.09                          3,653,371,876.26
financing activities

     Cash repayments of borrowings                  3,997,546,531.91                          2,800,725,250.60

     Cash payments for distribution of
                                                     282,352,521.52                             249,369,421.96
dividends, profit or interest expenses

     Including: Cash paid to
non-controlling shareholders as
dividend and profit by subsidiaries

     Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from                      4,279,899,053.43                          3,050,094,672.56

                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

financing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                                       2,322,619,604.66                           603,277,203.70
financing activities

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                          -8,665,398.73                            -27,118,253.24
changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                      -1,434,357,186.44                         2,637,873,711.20

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                      12,273,574,488.67                         5,140,477,745.07
the beginning of the period

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                      10,839,217,302.23                         7,778,351,456.27
ending of the period

(6) Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company


                 Items                         2016                                      2015

1.Cash flow from operating activities:

     Cash received from sale of goods
                                                       7,138,918,917.92                         4,019,869,377.46
or rendering of services

     Tax rebate received                                   4,990,848.26                           172,506,656.56

     Other cash received relating to
                                                         50,953,435.38                             57,059,087.68
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
                                                       7,194,863,201.56                         4,249,435,121.70
operation activities

     Cash paid for goods and services                  9,605,833,537.74                         1,120,248,395.70

     Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                        429,807,971.99                            419,087,334.46

     Cash paid for all types of taxes                   271,085,915.47                             30,358,813.93

     Other cash paid relating to
                                                         20,753,329.17                             22,899,983.64
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow received from
                                                      10,327,480,754.37                         1,592,594,527.73
operation activities

Net cash flows generated from
                                                      -3,132,617,552.81                         2,656,840,593.97
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing

     Cash received from return on

                                            Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

     Cash received from distribution of
dividends or profit

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary and other operating units

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
investing activities

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                    474,766,092.93                             485,499,487.61
long-term assets

     Cash paid for acquisition of

     Net cash received from subsidiary
and other operating unit

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                       474,766,092.93                             526,499,487.61
investing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                                       -313,579,975.13                           -526,499,487.61
investment activities

3. Cash flows from financing

     Proceeds from investment

     Proceeds from borrowings                         5,978,931,200.00                          3,412,740,000.00

     Cash received from bond issuance

     Other proceeds relating to
financing activities

Subtotal cash inflow received from
                                                      5,978,931,200.00                          3,412,740,000.00
financing activities

     Cash repayments of borrowings                    3,743,326,531.91                          2,700,039,599.29

     Cash payments for distribution of
                                                       267,274,159.52                             234,110,903.61
dividends, profit or interest expenses

     Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

                                                        Report for the First Quarter of 2017 of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                                  4,010,600,691.43                          2,934,150,502.90
financing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                                                  1,968,330,508.57                            478,589,497.10
financing activities

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                     -8,663,163.83                             -27,116,280.47
changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 -1,486,530,183.20                          2,581,814,322.99

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                 11,876,536,613.66                          4,921,089,319.57
the beginning of the period

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                 10,390,006,430.46                          7,502,903,642.56
ending of the period

2 Auditors’ report

Whether First quarter report has been audited by a CPAs firm.
□ Yes √ No
The First quarter report has not been audited by a CPAs firm.
