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						                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

   Semi-Annual Report 2017

         August, 2017

                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

         I. Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, members of
the Supervisory Committee and senior management of the Company guarantee that
there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission in this
report, and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity,
accuracy and integrity of the information contained in this report.
Wang Shu, Chairman of the Company, Han Ge, the principal in charge of the
accounting, and Wang Shaoyu, Chief of Accounting Affairs, make the pledge for the
authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the attached financial statements.
All the members of the Board of Directors attended the board meeting on which this
report was examined.
The prospective statements contained in this semi-annual report do not constitute any
substantial commitment to the investors. Investors should pay attention to the risks
attached to investment decisions. This report is prepared in both of Chinese and
English. The Chinese version shall prevail when there are any controversial
statements in the two versions.
The Company planed not to distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, and not to
convert capital reserve into share capital.

                                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                     Table of Contents

I.        Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions ................................................... 2

II.       Company Profile and Main Financial Index ...................................................................... 5

III.      Summary of Company Business............................................................................................. 8

IV.       Management Discussion and Analysis ................................................................................11

V.        Important Events ......................................................................................................................... 17

VI.       Status of Share Capital Changes and Shareholders....................................................... 42

VII. Status of Preferred Shares ....................................................................................................... 47

VIII. Status of Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives .................................................... 48

IX.       Relevant Information about Corporate Bonds ................................................................ 49

X.        Financial Report .......................................................................................................................... 54

XI.       Documents available for inspection .................................................................................. 204

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Terms to be defined                              Refers to   Definition

Bengang Bancai, Bengang Steel, the Company,
                                                 Refers to   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
the Listed Company

Bengang Group                                    Refers to   Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Bengang Co.                                      Refers to   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

Liaoning Provincial State-asset Administration   Refers to   Liaoning State-owned Asset Supervisory and Management Committee

SSE                                              Refers to   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Bengang Puxiang                                  Refers to   Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd.

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                       II. Company Profile and Main Financial Index

I.    Company Information

Stock abbreviation                    Bengang Bancai, Bengangban B       Stock Code                 000761, 200761

Stock exchange for listing            Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese               本钢板材股份有限公司

Abbreviation of Company name in

Company name in English (If any)      BENGANG STEEL PLATES CO.,LTD.

Abbreviation of Company name in
English (If any)

Legal representative                  Wang Shu

II. Contact Information

                                                        Secretary of the Board              Representative of Stock Affairs

Name                                         Sun Yanbin                               Tong Weigang

                                             No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District,   No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District,
                                             Benxi City, Liaoning Province            Benxi City, Liaoning Province

Tel                                          024-47828860                             024-47827003

Fax                                          024-47827004                             024-47827004

Email                                        bgbcsyb@126.com                          bgbc761@126.com

III. Other Information

1. Contact Information of the Company

Whether the Company’s registration address, office address and post code, web Address and email address have changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company’s registration address, office address and post code, web Address and email address have not changed during the
reporting period. Please refer to Annual Report 2016 for details.

2. Information Disclosure and Place for Consulting

Whether the information disclosure and place for consulting have changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Name of newspaper selected by the Company for information release, website appointed by CSRC for publishing semi-annual report

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

and lodging address of semi-annual report of the Company have not changed during the reporting period. Please refer to Annual
Report 2016 for details.

IV. Main Accounting Data and Financial Index

Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous year
□ Yes √ No

                                                                                                           Increase or decrease in this
                                                                                 Same period in
                                                  This reporting period                                     reporting period over the
                                                                                  previous year
                                                                                                               previous year (%)

Operating income                                          20,736,486,903.74       12,629,584,569.35                                64.19%

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
                                                            523,635,653.57             182,538,176.32                            186.86%
the listed company

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
listed company after deducting non-recurring                508,873,423.83             164,516,206.59                            209.32%

Net cash flows generated by operating
                                                          -4,047,305,684.72        2,390,777,363.52                             -269.29%

Basic earnings per share                                             0.167                      0.058                            187.93%

Diluted earnings per share                                           0.167                      0.058                            187.93%

ROE                                                                  4.04%                     1.52%                               2.52%

                                                                                                        Increase or decrease at the end of
                                                    At the end of this        At the end of previous
                                                                                                          this reporting period over the
                                                     reporting period            reporting period
                                                                                                               previous year (%)

Total assets                                              54,631,496,549.62       54,155,710,718.91                                0.88%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                          13,249,274,456.60       12,715,354,551.15                                4.20%
listed company

V. Differences between Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS and Chinese
accounting standards.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                  Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the    Net assets attributable to the shareholders of the
                                                   listed company                                        listed company

                                  This reporting period    Previous reporting period        Ending balance          Beginning balance

According to Chinese
                                         523,635,653.57              182,538,176.32          13,249,274,456.60         12,715,354,551.15
accounting standards

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Items and amounts adjusted according to IFRS

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese accounting
standards during the reporting period.

3. Accounting data differences between domestic and foreign accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Items and Amount of Non-Current Gains and Losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                        Amount                             Notes

Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including the
write-off part for which assets impairment provision is made)

Details of government subsidies recorded into current profits and
loss(except such government subsidy closely related to the
company’s normal business operation,,meeting the regulation of                    15,047,000.00
national policy and enjoyed constantly in certain quota or quantity
according to a certain standard)

Profit or loss from investment or assets entrusted to others                         3,294,593.14

Profit or loss from debt restructuring                                                 822,116.45

Other non-operating revenue and expenditure other than above

Less: Impact of income tax                                                           4,928,915.36

     Impact of minority interests (after tax)                                            24,516.32

Total                                                                               14,762,229.74                   --

Explanation for defining non-recurring gains and losses items according to the "Public Offering of Securities Information Disclosure
Explanatory Notice No. 1 – Non-Recurring Gains and Losses", and reasons for defining non-recurring gains and losses items listed in
the document as recurring items.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
There exists no situation of defining non-recurring gains and losses items listed in the document as recurring items.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                III. Summary of Company Business

I.   the Company's main business during the reporting period

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirement for special industry

During the reporting period, the main businesses of the company involves iron and steel smelting, rolling processing, electricity
generation, coal chemical industry, special steel profile, railway, import and export trade, research and development, product sales,
etc. Major products include hot-rolled plates, cold-rolled plates, zinc steel plates, special steel, silicon steel, etc. that are widely
applied in fields including automobile, household appliances, petrochemical engineering, aerospace, machine manufacturing, energy
transportation, architectural decoration, metal parts, etc. The Company can stably manufacture productions which represent the
highest level of steel and iron industry, including high-end automobile steel sheet, pipe line, and etc. in large volume and the quality
of these productions can reach the internationally advanced quality level.

During the reporting period, the Company scientifically adjusts the production organization mode of each line, taking the economic
operation and reducing the efficiency as the core, promoting the production of all processes to stabilize smoothly, and improving the
quality of economic operation steadily. The Company adheres to market-oriented strategy, continuously focused on customer needs,
optimizes the structure of the perfect layout, strengthens market development, thus product efficiency has been continuously
enhanced. Through the focus on coal blending, strict controls on non-productive expenses, the Company actively carried out tapping
the potential by benchmarking and other measures to continuously reduce the cost level.

II. Major Changes in Main Assets

1. Major Changes in Main Assets

               Main assets                                                       Major changes

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of construction materials was RMB 4,558.9 thousand,
Construction materials                     decreased by 41.43% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to an increase in

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of notes receivable was RMB 3,486,513.7 thousand,
Notes receivable                           increased by 71.69% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to an increase in debt

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of prepayments was RMB 658,157.9 thousand, increased by
Prepayments                                33.27% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to an increase in prepayment

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of interest receivable was RMB 2,663.3 thousand, decreased
Interest receivable                        by 36.72% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to a decrease in fixed time

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of other receivables was RMB 165,294.6 thousand,
Other receivables                          increased by 40.19% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to an increase in
                                           current payments.

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of other current assets was RMB 280,833.2 thousand,
Other current assets                       decreased by 45.30% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to the reduction of
                                           short-term banking products in the end of this period.

                                           As at 30 June 2017, balance of available-for-sale financial assets was RMB 5,856.5
Available-for-sale financial assets        thousand, decreased by 60.58% compared with beginning balance, mainly due to the
                                           transfer to long-term equity investment.

2. Main Information of Overseas Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Analysis on Core Competitiveness

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirement for special industry
In order to comprehensively upgrade the level of technological innovation and the ability to create efficiency, closely surround the
three factors of variety, quality, the Company strengthened the variety adjustment and market development, improved product quality
stability and capacity of guarantee, promoted low-cost and green manufacturing technology, and focused on the constraints of
enterprise development key technical problems in 2017.
The Company actively carried out variety enhancement, product development, production and marketing research, optimized the
variety structure, improved profitability. The Company completed new product development of 32 brands in the first half year,
including Martensitic dual-phase steels for wheel spokes RS590-M, high-grade corrosion-resistant pipeline steel, cold-rolled low
alloy high-strength steel HC500La, hot-rolled pickling plate SP231-440F, SP251-590, ball mill steel ball and grinding rod for foreign
trade, etc. Performance testing of all qualified to meet user requirements; some varieties have realized batch supply.
The Company actively carried out product certification and factory certification. In the first half year, a total of 21 brands of
cold-rolled, galvanized, pickling plate, and special steel products have been certificated. Certifying users include General Motors,
GAC, SAIC, Brilliance, Geely, FAW and many other automotive plants. At present, Volkswagen, GM, SAIC and other 45 products
certification work is underway. Among certificated products, SP252-540F has passed the Nissan Automotive Global Certification,
galvanized product CR420LA has passed the GM Pan-Asia Global Certification. Also, performance of three brands CR590T,
340Y-DP, and CR180B2 has met GM requirements and will pass certification soon. The Company organized and completed the
factory certification for Shenlong automobile, FAW Volkswagen automobile, Dongfeng Nissan, SAIC, India BIS, etc. At present, the
Company passed the preliminary factory review for Volkswagen DY project, which is a milestone for the automobile products
certification work of the Company.
The Company focused on national science and technology innovation policy and guide direction, continued to build high-level
research and development platform, declared for national, provincial major science and technology projects through multi-channel.
The Company organized the declarations for one project of "Local Professional Technology Innovation Platform Central Guide Local
Science And Technology Development Special Funds" by the State Ministry of Science and Technology, three projects of national
key research and development program, three projects of "NSFC - Liaoning Joint Fund" by Provincial Science And Technology
Department. In addition, the Company actively encouraged the doctoral research and development staff to declare the provincial
science and technology department doctoral start-up fund projects.

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Using the project as the carrier, the Company actively carried out "production, schooling and research" cooperation and technical
exchanges with universities and scientific research institutes to enhance the technological innovation level of the Company.
Combined with the current status of existing technology and equipment, as well as the latest technology development in the industry,
the Company actively organized technical exchange activities with Shenyang Metal Institute of CAs, Northeastern University,
Beijing University of Science and Technology, Jilin Universities and American Levy Corporation.
In the first half year, a total of 34 patents were authorized, 15 patents were accepted for review by the State Patent Office. The
Company has completed the certification as a Liaoning Province Intellectual Property Superiority Enterprise.

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                           IV. Management Discussion and Analysis

I.   General

In the first half year, influence by the state policies to resolve the excess capacity and clean up the production of substandard steel
products, the steel market gradually tuned better. The Company adjusted production mode, strengthened economic operation, and
thus the benefit improved compared to same period in previous year. During January to June, the Company produced 4.8568 million
tons of pig iron, which decreased by 0.83% compared to same period in previous year; produced 4.9149 million tons crude steel,
which increased by 2.86% compared to same period in previous year; produced 6.3215 million tons hot-rolled plate, which increased
by 15.63% compared to same period in previous year; produced 2.8491 million tons cold-rolled plate, which increased by 53.77%
compared to same period in previous year; and produced 402,900 tons special steel, which increased by 11.7% compared to same
period in previous year.
The main work done in production operation during the first half year is as followings:
1. The Company vigorously promoted new product research and development, experimental research, application, technical services,
and constantly improved the ability of scientific and technological innovation. By adjusting the product structure, and carrying out
special management to key varieties with high profitability, the Company constantly expanded the market share of high value-added
2. The Company actively expanded procurement methods, and actively reduced procurement costs through the benchmarking price
comparison, variety substitution, structural adjustment, timing procurement and other measures.
3. The Company focused on coal blending to reduce cost, strengthened economic operation. In accordance with the principle of
cost-effective, at the same time of ensuring the stability of production, the Company achieved lower production costs through the
development of new products to optimize the coal blending structure. The Company strictly controlled non-productive expense
expenditure, and significantly reduced the non-productive expense quota.
4. The Company adhered to the principle of maximizing economic benefits, innovated production organization mode. Taking the
domestic and foreign advanced steel enterprises as the benchmark, the Company actively carried out key processes for tapping the
mark, and effectively improved own short board, lowered the cost consumption level.
5. The Company strengthened environmental protection responsibility implementation, tightened environmental protection facilities
operation management. The Company strengthened the source of pollution control, and focused on day-to-day supervision and
inspection of water, gas, sound, slag and others, implemented closed-loop management measures. The Company pushed forward the
construction of environmental protection project to ensure pollutant emission reduction targets.

II. Main Business Analysis

For relevant information please refer to “Management Discussion and Analysis 1. General”.
Year-on-year changes in major financial data:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                               Increase or decrease in this
                                                         Same period in
                             This reporting period                              reporting period over the        Reason for change
                                                          previous year
                                                                                   previous year (%)

                                                                                                              Sales and prices in this
Operating Income                  20,736,486,903.74       12,629,584,569.35                        64.19%
                                                                                                              period increased over

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                            same period in previous

                                                                                                            Sales and raw material
                                                                                                            prices increased over
Operating Cost                    18,690,665,966.11       10,914,182,302.04                       71.25%
                                                                                                            same period in previous

                                                                                                            Freight expenses
Selling and distribution
                                     587,632,707.43          430,061,063.14                       36.64% increased over same
                                                                                                            period in previous year

General and
                                     358,951,405.08          351,954,718.48                         1.99%
administrative expenses

                                                                                                            Net exchange losses
Financial expenses                   381,513,404.80          586,667,825.19                       -34.97% decreased over same
                                                                                                            period in previous year

Income tax expense                   117,105,061.16          140,062,221.29                       -16.39%

                                                                                                            Investment in R&D
Research &                                                                                                  Expenses increased over
                                     690,127,962.35          489,537,695.09                       40.98%
Development Expenses                                                                                        same period in previous

                                                                                                            Cash paid for goods and
Net cash flows generated                                                                                    services increased over
                                  -4,047,305,684.72        2,390,777,363.52                     -269.29%
from operating activities                                                                                   same period in previous

                                                                                                            Cash received from
Net cash flow generated
                                                                                                            return on investments
from investment                     -454,763,829.82         -868,753,571.38                       47.65%
                                                                                                            increased over same
                                                                                                            period in previous year

                                                                                                            Cash received from
Net cash flow generated                                                                                     borrowings increased
                                    3,755,056,060.56         855,170,792.73                      339.10%
from financing activities                                                                                   over same period in
                                                                                                            previous year

                                                                                                            Net cash flows generated
Net increase in cash and                                                                                    from operating activities
                                    -788,599,857.18        2,765,662,683.48                     -128.51%
cash equivalents                                                                                            decreased over same
                                                                                                            period in previous year

Whether the Company’s profit composition or source of profit during the reporting period changed significantly
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company’s profit composition or source of profit during the reporting period did not change significantly.
The composition of main business:

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                    Operating income      Operating cost      Gross margin
                                                                                    change over same change over same change over same
                     Operating Income       Operating Cost      Gross margin
                                                                                    period in previous period in previous period in previous
                                                                                           year               year                 year

By industries

Industry             19,476,278,905.41     17,638,682,335.86              9.44%               63.79%               71.47%              -4.05%

By products

Steel plate          19,219,245,053.74     17,345,350,725.13              9.75%               63.73%               70.74%              -3.71%


Others                 257,033,851.67         293,331,610.73          -14.12%                 68.95%               129.14%           -29.97%

By regions

Northeast             4,467,506,012.00       4,062,831,285.75             9.06%               77.02%               81.05%              -2.02%

North China           2,419,559,512.78       2,201,840,664.41             9.00%               66.64%               71.81%              -2.73%

East China            5,817,564,509.05       5,278,286,740.22             9.27%               62.13%               72.05%              -5.23%

Northwest                46,743,069.37         42,255,282.19              9.60%               60.73%               64.79%              -2.23%

Central south           851,113,388.17        773,958,212.60              9.07%               24.17%               28.39%              -2.98%

Export                5,873,792,414.05       5,279,510,150.71          10.12%                 62.59%               72.26%              -5.04%

III. Analysis of Non-core Business

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                                    Proportion in total
                                  Amount                                           Explanation of cause            Sustainable (yes or no)

Income on                                                                   Income from external
                                    3,294,593.14                   0.51%                                     Yes
investment                                                                  financial management

Gains or losses
from the change in                                                 0.00%
fair value

Impairment of                                                               Inventory loss and bad debt
                                   -43,390,454.54                  -6.71%                                    No
assets                                                                      loss

                                   21,014,488.58                   3.25%                                     No

                                    4,593,420.30                   0.71%                                     No

                                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

IV. Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Change of Assets Components

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                      At the end of this reporting        At the end of the Same period
                                  period                         in previous year
                                        Proportion in                        Proportion in                   Notes to significant changes
                        Amount             the total          Amount           the total
                                         assets (%)                           assets (%)

Cash at bank and      12,240,579,15                        7,772,079,707.
                                              22.41%                              16.13%         6.28%
on hand                        1.57                                    93

Accounts              536,054,820.2
                                                0.98% 452,703,991.36                0.94%        0.04%
receivable                          1

                     9,834,703,845.                        9,504,612,643.
Inventories                                   18.00%                              19.72%         -1.72%
                                  66                                   59

                      19,753,582,76                       19,085,082,253
Fixed assets                                  36.16%                              39.60%         -3.44%
                               8.45                                    .61

Construction in      7,030,049,975.                        7,037,486,548.
                                              12.87%                              14.60%         -1.73%
progress                          69                                   61

                      22,787,674,40                       18,182,664,879
Short-term loans                              41.71%                              37.73%         3.98%
                               0.00                                    .48

                     3,161,338,135.                        2,288,189,324.
Long-term loans                                 5.79%                               4.75%        1.04%
                                  87                                   24

2. Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Restricted Assets by the End of the Period

                                                       Book value at the end of this
                     Items                                                                        Reason of restriction
                                                            reporting period

  Monetary assets                                                    755,604,520.08             Deposit for notes and L/C

  Notes receivable                                                 1,385,808,380.90           Pledged for acceptance bill

                     Total                                         2,141,412,900.98

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

V. Investment

1. General

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Acquiring Significant Equity Investment in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Undergoing Significant Non-equity Investment in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Investment of Financial Assets

(1) Investment in Securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Investment in Derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Significant Assets and Equity Sold in Reporting Period

1. Significant Assets Sold

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Substantial Equity Sold

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII.      Analysis on Main Subsidiaries and Share Participating Companies

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Main subsidiaries and the joint-stock companies influencing over 10% net profit of the Company
                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

 Company        Company            Main                  Registered                                         Operating
                                              Industry                Total assets Net assets   Turnover                Net Profit
   Name           type            business                 capital                                            profit

Bengang                      Processing
                                             Steel rolling 1,920,000,0 4,210,054,9 1,983,584,0 3,953,643,0 37,340,60 28,005,452.6
Puxiang        Subsidiary    and sales of
                                             process     00.00              27.30       63.79       69.30        3.59                8
Cool                         steel

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Steel Sheet
Co., Ltd.

Acquirement and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Illustration of main joint-stock companies

VIII. Structured Entities controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Forecast of operating performance for during January to September 2017

Warning and reason for that forecast of the cumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting
period might be a loss or due to significant change compared to the previous year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Risks and countermeasures for the Company

1. Operational risk

At present, the domestic steel industry is still in full competition, and the dividend from the structural reform of the supply side
remains to be observed. In the first half year, domestic steel prices warmed up but fluctuated; in the future, the supply side reform
will continue to deepen, the steel industry reshuffle will continue to disturb the stability of steel prices, and then affect the Company's
operating efficiency. At the same time, the main raw fuel for the company is iron ore, coal, etc. The related raw fuel prices will
directly affect the Company's production costs and operating efficiency. In the future, the volatility of the raw fuel price will have a
certain impact on the Company's profit level.
Countermeasures: Strengthen the market trend, scientifically and rationally formulate sales policies and strategies, and strive to form
varieties, regions, and users’ market competitive advantages. At the same time, comprehensively improve the level of technological
innovation, independent innovation capabilities, increase the development of high value-added products, improve the quality of
varieties and physical, and improve product efficiency. Strengthen the bulk raw fuel market judgments, strengthen communication
and strategic cooperation with suppliers, and reduce the impact of raw fuel purchase price fluctuation by increasing timing
procurement and strengthening inventory management measures.

2. Environmental risk

Government supervision and law enforcement is more stringent, and the enterprise environmental protection supervision and
standards continue to improve. The enhanced public awareness of environmental protection leads to higher requirements of
environmental protection for enterprises. Steel enterprises are facing a huge environmental pressure.
Countermeasures: Strengthen the internal environmental protection, accelerate the implementation of key energy saving and emission
reduction projects, strengthen the implementation of environmental protection responsibility, enhance the control of source of
pollution, strict environmental protection facilities operation management, to ensure that the discharge meets the standards.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                V. Important Events

I. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Temporary General Meeting of
Shareholders held during the Reporting Period

1. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

                                                    Investor                                                     Index of information
       Sessions                   Type                                  Meeting Date        Date of disclosure
                                               participation ratio                                                      disclosure

2016 Annual General      Annual General
                                                    78.56%              1 June, 2017           2 June, 2017      Disclosure address
       Meeting               Meeting

2. Temporary general meeting Request by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Profit Distribution or Capital Reserve Conversion Proposal in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company planed not to distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, and not to convert capital reserve into share capital during the
reporting period.

III. The Fulfilled Commitments During The Reporting Period and Under-Fulfillment
Commitments by the End of the Period Made by Actual Controller, Acquirer, Director,
Supervisor, Senior Management Personnel and other Related Parties.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no fulfilled commitment during the reporting period or under-fulfillment commitment by the end of the period made by
actual controller, acquirer, director, supervisor, senior management personnel and other related parties.

IV. Appointment and Dismiss of Certified Accountant’s Firm

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual report has not been audited

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

V. Illustrations of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee on the Non-standard
Audit Report Issued by the CPAs for this Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Illustrations of the Board of Directors on the Non-standard Audit Report Issued by the
CPAs for Previous Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII.      Bankrupt and Reforming Events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no bankrupt and reforming event during the reporting period.

VIII. Lawsuits and Arbitrations

Significant lawsuits and arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no significant lawsuit or arbitrations during the reporting period.
Others lawsuits and arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no punishment or rectification during the reporting period.

X. Credit Status of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
There was no effective judgment of a court or large amount of debt maturity that the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual
controller failed to perform or pay off during the reporting period.

XI. Implementation Situation of Stock Incentive Plan of the Company, Employee Stock
Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentives that have been implemented.

                                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

XII.       Major Related Party Transactions

1. Related party transactions relevant to daily operations

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                approve Whether
                                   Content Content                         of                                        Whether Whether
                       Type of                              Price of                 Proporti     d        exceed
                                         of           of                related                                      exceed     exceed               Index
                        related                              related                  on of     trading     the                           Date of
Related Relation                       related    related                party                                            the    the                   of
                        party                                party                   similar limit of approve                             disclosu
 parties        ship                   party      party                 transacti                                    approve approve                 disclos
                       transacti                            transacti                transacti transacti        d                            re
                                   transacti transacti                    ons                                             d         d                 ure
                         ons                                  ons                      ons       ons       limited
                                        ons           ons                RMB                                         limited    limited
                                                                                                 RMB       (Y/N)

                       Purchas Account                                                                               Execute
Steel &
           Parent      e of        s             On         Related                                                  accordin
Iron                                                                    12,781.8
           Compan goods            payable agreeme agreeme                             0.68%     35,000 No           g to the No
(Group)                                                                          7
           y           and         for           nt         nt price                                                 agreeme
                       services repair                                                                               nt

                       Purchas                                                                                       Execute
Steel &
           Parent      e of        Land          On         Related                                                  accordin
           Compan goods            leasing       agreeme agreeme 2,734.57              0.15%               No        g to the No
           y           and         fee           nt         nt price                                                 agreeme
                       services                                                                                      nt

Cold-rol               Purchas                                                                                       Execute
led        Same        e of                      On         Related                                                  accordin
Stainles controll goods            Products agreeme agreeme                 17.5       0.00%          500 No         g to the Yes
s Steel    er          and                       nt         nt price                                                 agreeme
Dandon                 services                                                                                      nt
g Co.,

Steel &                Purchas                                                                                       Execute
Iron       Same        e of                      On         Related                                                  accordin
(Group) controll goods                           agreeme agreeme         253.76        0.01%               No        g to the No
Mining er              and                       nt         nt price                                                 agreeme
Co.,                   services                                                                                      nt

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Steel &            Purchas                                                                   Execute
Iron       Same    e of                  On     Related                                      accordin
                              and                          217,638.
(Group) controll goods                   agreeme agreeme              11.64% 400,000 No      g to the Yes
                              supplem                           69
Mining er          and                   nt     nt price                                     agreeme
Co.,               services                                                                  nt

Steel &            Purchas                                                                   Execute
Iron       Same    e of                  On     Related                                      accordin
(Group) controll goods        Freight agreeme agreeme          3.18   0.00%          No      g to the No
Mining er          and                   nt     nt price                                     agreeme
Co.,               services                                                                  nt

Steel &
Iron               Purchas                                                                   Execute
(Group) Same       e of                  On     Related                                      accordin
                              and                          12,820.0
Metallur controll goods                  agreeme agreeme              0.69%   20,000 No      g to the Yes
                              supplem                            8
gy         er      and                   nt     nt price                                     agreeme
Residue            services                                                                  nt
s Co.,

Steel &
(Group)            Purchas                                                                   Execute
Steel & Same       e of                  On     Related                                      accordin
Iron       controll goods                agreeme agreeme     76.12    0.00%    1,000 No      g to the No
                              ng fee
Process er         and                   nt     nt price                                     agreeme
and                services                                                                  nt
s Co.,

Steel &
Iron               Purchas                                                                   Execute
(Group) Same       e of       Raw        On     Related                                      accordin
Real-est controll goods       material agreeme agreeme 5,006.75       0.27%   12,000 No      g to the No
ate        er      and        s          nt     nt price                                     agreeme
Develop            services                                                                  nt

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Steel &
                  Purchas                                                                 Execute
          Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Machine                      Spare
          controll goods                agreeme agreeme 5,522.36    0.30%   30,000 No     g to the No
ry                           parts
          er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                  services                                                                nt

Steel &
                  Purchas                                                                 Execute
          Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Machine                      Repair
          controll goods                agreeme agreeme    368.87   0.02%         No      g to the No
ry                           services
          er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                  services                                                                nt

Steel &
                  Purchas                                                                 Execute
          Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
(Group)                      Spare
          controll goods                agreeme agreeme    734.34   0.04%   70,000 No     g to the No
Constru                      parts
          er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                  services                                                                nt

Steel &
                  Purchas                                                                 Execute
          Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
(Group)                      Project
          controll goods                agreeme agreeme 12,940.6    0.69%         No      g to the No
Constru                      fee
          er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                  services                                                                nt

                  Purchas                                                                 Execute
Steel &
          Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Iron                         Repair
          controll goods                agreeme agreeme 3,237.98    0.17%         No      g to the No
(Group)                      services
          er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                  services                                                                nt

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Steel &                       Raw
                   Purchas                                                                   Execute
Iron                          material
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
(Group)                       and
           controll goods                agreeme agreeme     464.78    0.02%         No      g to the Yes
Constru                       supplem
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
ction                         entary
                   services                                                                  nt
Co.,                          material

Steel &
                   Purchas                                                                   Execute
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
           controll goods     Freight agreeme agreeme        155.04    0.01%         No      g to the No
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
                   services                                                                  nt

Steel &
                   Purchas                                                                   Execute
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Industri                      Spare
           controll goods                agreeme agreeme 8,905.66      0.48%         No      g to the No
al                            parts
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
                   services                                                                  nt

Steel &
Iron                          Raw
                   Purchas                                                                   Execute
(Group)                       material
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Industri                      and                           10,672.6
           controll goods                agreeme agreeme               0.57%   45,000 No     g to the Yes
al                            supplem                             6
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Develop                       entary
                   services                                                                  nt
ment                          material

Benxi              Purchas                                                                   Execute
Steel & Same       e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Iron       controll goods                agreeme agreeme 1,117.99      0.06%         No      g to the No
(Group) er         and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Industri           services                                                                  nt

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Steel &
                   Purchas                                                                 Execute
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
           controll goods     Freight agreeme agreeme       137.06   0.01%         No      g to the No
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                   services                                                                nt

Steel &
                   Purchas                                                                 Execute
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Industri                      Project
           controll goods                agreeme agreeme    139.82   0.01%         No      g to the No
al                            fee
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                   services                                                                nt

Steel &
                   Purchas &                                                               Execute
           Same    e of       supplem On         Related                                   accordin
           controll goods     entary     agreeme agreeme    139.66   0.01%   25,000 No     g to the Yes
           er      and        material nt        nt price                                  agreeme
                   services s &                                                            nt
g Co.,

Steel &
                   Purchas                                                                 Execute
           Same    e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
(Group)                       Project
           controll goods                agreeme agreeme 2,870.64    0.15%         No      g to the No
Constru                       fee
           er      and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                   services                                                                nt

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

g Co.,

Steel &
                    Purchas Account                                                         Execute
           Same     e of       s          On      Related                                   accordin
           controll goods      payable agreeme agreeme 2,130.99       0.11%         No      g to the No
           er       and        for        nt      nt price                                  agreeme
                    services repair                                                         nt
g Co.,

Bengan                         Raw
                    Purchas                                                                 Execute
g                              material
           Same     e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Electron                       and
           controll goods                 agreeme agreeme 8,426.07    0.45%   21,000 No     g to the Yes
ics and                        supplem
           er       and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Gas Co.,                       entary
                    services                                                                nt
Ltd.                           material

                    Purchas                                                                 Execute
           Same     e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Electron                       Project
           controll goods                 agreeme agreeme     41.94   0.00%         No      g to the No
ics and                        fee
           er       and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Gas Co.,
                    services                                                                nt

                    Purchas                                                                 Execute
           Same     e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Electron                       Repair
           controll goods                 agreeme agreeme    692.18   0.04%         No      g to the No
ics and                        services
           er       and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Gas Co.,
                    services                                                                nt

h                   Purchas                                                                 Execute
Drilling Same       e of                  On      Related                                   accordin
Tools      controll goods                 agreeme agreeme     39.31   0.00%     800 No      g to the No
Manufa er           and                   nt      nt price                                  agreeme
cture               services                                                                nt

Benxi      Same     Purchas Labor         On      Related                                   Execute
New        controll e of       protecti agreeme agreeme       29.45   0.00%    2,000 No     accordin No
Career     er       goods      on fee     nt      nt price                                  g to the

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Develop             and                                                                   agreeme
ment                services                                                              nt

g                   Purchas                                                               Execute
Metallur Same       e of                On      Related                                   accordin
gy          controll goods              agreeme agreeme 1,319.31    0.07%    3,000 No     g to the No
Technici er         and                 nt      nt price                                  agreeme
an                  services                                                              nt

g                   Purchas                                                               Execute
Metallur Same       e of                On      Related                                   accordin
gy          controll goods              agreeme agreeme    230.33   0.01%    1,500 No     g to the No
Technici er         and                 nt      nt price                                  agreeme
an                  services                                                              nt

g Group
Internati           Purchas                                                               Execute
onal        Same    e of                On      Related                                   accordin
Econom controll goods                   agreeme agreeme 3,685.68    0.20%   36,000 No     g to the No
ic and      er      and                 nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Trading             services                                                              nt

g Group
Internati           Purchas                                                               Execute
onal        Same    e of       Port     On      Related                                   accordin
Econom controll goods          surcharg agreeme agreeme 7,751.15    0.41%         No      g to the No
ic and      er      and        es       nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Trading             services                                                              nt

Steel &             Purchas                                                               Execute
Iron        Same    e of                On      Related                                   accordin
(Group) controll goods                  agreeme agreeme    693.23   0.04%    8,000 No     g to the No
Informat er         and                 nt      nt price                                  agreeme
ion and             services                                                              nt

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

ic Tech

Steel &
                    Purchas                                                                     Execute
            Same    e of                  On     Related                                        accordin
Informat                       Repair
            controll goods                agreeme agreeme    305.94    0.02%               No   g to the No
ion and                        services
            er      and                   nt     nt price                                       agreeme
                    services                                                                    nt
ic Tech

Steel &
                    Purchas                                                                     Execute
            Same    e of                  On     Related                                        accordin
Thermal                        Heating
            controll goods                agreeme agreeme     168.6    0.01%               No   g to the No
Power                          costs
            er      and                   nt     nt price                                       agreeme
                    services                                                                    nt

Steel &
Iron                           Raw
                    Purchas                                                                     Execute
(Group)                        material
            Same    e of                  On     Related                                        accordin
Thermal                        and
            controll goods                agreeme agreeme         0    0.00%      2,000 No      g to the Yes
Power                          supplem
            er      and                   nt     nt price                                       agreeme
Develop                        entary
                    services                                                                    nt
ment                           material

Steel &             Purchas                                                                     Execute
Iron        Same    e of                  On     Related                                        accordin
(Group) controll goods                    agreeme agreeme     235.9    0.01%      3,000 No      g to the No
Designi er          and                   nt     nt price                                       agreeme
ng                  services                                                                    nt

Benxi       Same    Purchas Raw           On     Related                                        Execute
                                                            472,729.            1,350,00
Beiying controll e of          material agreeme agreeme                25.29%              No   accordin Yes
                                                                 42                   0
Steel & er          goods      and        nt     nt price                                       g to the

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Iron              and        supplem                                                        agreeme
(Group)           services entary                                                           nt
Co.,                         material

Beiying           Purchas                                                                   Execute
Steel & Same      e of       Energy On          Related                                     accordin
Iron      controll goods     &          agreeme agreeme               2.68%         No      g to the No
(Group) er        and        Power      nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,              services                                                                  nt

Beiying           Purchas                                                                   Execute
Steel & Same      e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Iron      controll goods     Freight agreeme agreeme        889.48    0.05%         No      g to the No
(Group) er        and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,              services                                                                  nt

Beiying           Purchas                                                                   Execute
Steel & Same      e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Iron      controll goods                agreeme agreeme 5,563.01      0.30%         No      g to the No
(Group) er        and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,              services                                                                  nt

Beiying           Purchas                                                                   Execute
Steel & Same      e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Iron      controll goods                agreeme agreeme 1,844.21      0.10%         No      g to the No
(Group) er        and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,              services                                                                  nt

g                 Purchas Raw                                                               Execute
Metallur Same     e of       material On        Related                                     accordin
gical     controll goods     and        agreeme agreeme               0.57%   18,000 No     g to the Yes
Equipm er         and        spare      nt      nt price                                    agreeme
ent               services parts                                                            nt

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


g                     Purchas Raw                                                               Execute
Hengtai Same          e of       material On        Related                                     accordin
Heavy      controll goods        and        agreeme agreeme 3,873.44      0.21%   7,000 No      g to the Yes
Machine er            and        spare      nt      nt price                                    agreeme
ry Co.,               services parts                                                            nt

g                     Purchas                                                                   Execute
Hengtai Same          e of                  On      Related                                     accordin
Heavy      controll goods                   agreeme agreeme     636.47    0.03%         No      g to the No
Machine er            and                   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
ry Co.,               services                                                                  nt

                      Purchas                                                                   Execute
                      e of       Property On        Related                                     accordin
g Group Controll
                      goods      manage agreeme agreeme          31.07    0.00%     800 No      g to the No
Co.,       er
                      and        ment fee nt        nt price                                    agreeme
                      services                                                                  nt

g                     Sales of
           Same                  Energy On          Related                                     accordin
Electron              goods
           controll              &          agreeme agreeme      49.63    0.00%     500 No      g to the No
ics and               and
           er                    Power      nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Gas Co.,              services

Benxi                            material
Beiying                          &                                                              Execute
                      Sales of
Steel & Same                     supplem On         Related                                     accordin
                      goods                                    34,778.4
Iron       controll              entary     agreeme agreeme               1.68% 150,000 No      g to the Yes
                      and                                            3
(Group) er                       material nt        nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,                             s&                                                             nt
Ltd.                             spare

Beiying                                                                                         Execute
                      Sales of
Steel & Same                                On      Related                                     accordin
Iron       controll              Products agreeme agreeme       497.33    0.02%         No      g to the Yes
(Group) er                                  nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,                                                                                            nt

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Beiying                                                                                      Execute
                      Sales of
Steel & Same                     Energy On       Related                                     accordin
                      goods                                 14,389.3
Iron       controll              &       agreeme agreeme               0.69%         No      g to the No
                      and                                         1
(Group) er                       Power   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,                                                                                         nt

Steel &
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                  Energy On       Related                                     accordin
Real-est              goods
           controll              &       agreeme agreeme      13.76    0.00%     850 No      g to the No
ate                   and
           er                    Power   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Develop               services

Steel &
(Group)                                                                                      Execute
                      Sales of
Steel & Same                     Energy On       Related                                     accordin
Iron       controll              &       agreeme agreeme        50.3   0.00%   10,000 No     g to the No
Process er                       Power   nt      nt price                                    agreeme
and                                                                                          nt
s Co.,

Steel &
(Group)                                                                                      Execute
                      Sales of
Steel & Same                             On      Related                                     accordin
Iron       controll              Products agreeme agreeme         0    0.00%         No      g to the Yes
Process er                               nt      nt price                                    agreeme
and                                                                                          nt
s Co.,

Benxi                 Sales of                                                               Execute
           Same                          On      Related
Steel &               goods                                                                  accordin
           controll              Products agreeme agreeme    462.07    0.02%   18,000 No                Yes
Iron                  and                                                                    g to the
           er                            nt      nt price
(Group)               services                                                               agreeme

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Machine                                                                                     nt

Steel &
(Group)              Sales of
          Same                  Energy On         Related                                   accordin
Machine              goods
          controll              &          agreeme agreeme   791.36   0.04%         No      g to the No
ry                   and
          er                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Manufa               services

Steel &
                                &                                                           Execute
(Group)              Sales of
          Same                  supplem On        Related                                   accordin
Machine              goods
          controll              entary     agreeme agreeme    51.41   0.00%         No      g to the No
ry                   and
          er                    material nt       nt price                                  agreeme
Manufa               services
                                s&                                                          nt

Steel &
Iron                 Sales of
          Same                  Energy On         Related                                   accordin
(Group)              goods
          controll              &          agreeme agreeme   214.45   0.01%   30,000 No     g to the No
Constru              and
          er                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
ction                services

Steel &
                                &                                                           Execute
Iron                 Sales of
          Same                  supplem On        Related                                   accordin
(Group)              goods
          controll              entary     agreeme agreeme   138.41   0.01%         No      g to the Yes
Constru              and
          er                    material nt       nt price                                  agreeme
ction                services
                                s&                                                          nt

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Steel &                                                                                        Execute
                     Sales of
Iron      Same                  Energy On          Related                                     accordin
                     goods                                    45,858.2
(Group) controll                &          agreeme agreeme               2.21% 100,000 No      g to the No
                     and                                            1
Mining er                       Power      nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,                                                                                           nt

Benxi                           material
Steel &                         &                                                              Execute
                     Sales of
Iron      Same                  supplem On         Related                                     accordin
(Group) controll                entary     agreeme agreeme     646.77    0.03%         No      g to the No
Mining er                       material nt        nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,                            s&                                                             nt
Ltd.                            spare

Steel &                                                                                        Execute
                     Sales of
Iron      Same                             On      Related                                     accordin
                     goods      Freight
(Group) controll                           agreeme agreeme     407.23    0.02%         No      g to the No
                     and        revenue
Mining er                                  nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Co.,                                                                                           nt

Steel &
(Group)              Sales of
          Same                  Energy On          Related                                     accordin
Thermal              goods
          controll              &          agreeme agreeme 1,452.38      0.07%   15,000 No     g to the No
Power                and
          er                    Power      nt      nt price                                    agreeme
Develop              services

Steel &
                                &                                                              Execute
(Group)              Sales of
          Same                  supplem On         Related                                     accordin
Thermal              goods
          controll              entary     agreeme agreeme      68.57    0.00%         No      g to the No
Power                and
          er                    material nt        nt price                                    agreeme
Develop              services
                                s&                                                             nt

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Steel &
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                             On      Related                                   accordin
Thermal               goods      Freight
           controll                         agreeme agreeme      9.67   0.00%         No      g to the No
Power                 and        revenue
           er                               nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Develop               services

Steel &
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                  Energy On          Related                                   accordin
Industri              goods
           controll              &          agreeme agreeme    405.31   0.02%   25,000 No     g to the No
al                    and
           er                    Power      nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Develop               services

Steel &
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                             On      Related                                   accordin
Industri              goods
           controll              Products agreeme agreeme       12.69   0.00%         No      g to the Yes
al                    and
           er                               nt      nt price                                  agreeme
Develop               services

Steel &
                                 &                                                            Execute
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                  supplem On         Related                                   accordin
Industri              goods
           controll              entary     agreeme agreeme 2,759.53    0.13%         No      g to the Yes
al                    and
           er                    material nt        nt price                                  agreeme
Develop               services
                                 s&                                                           nt

Benxi      Same       Sales of Energy On            Related                                   Execute
Steel & controll goods           &          agreeme agreeme       8.3   0.00%     100 No      accordin No
Iron       er         and        Power      nt      nt price                                  g to the

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(Group)               services                                                               agreeme
Informat                                                                                     nt
ion and
ic Tech

Steel &
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                  Energy On         Related                                   accordin
Constru               goods
           controll              &          agreeme agreeme    77.22   0.00%         No      g to the No
ction                 and
           er                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
and                   services
g Co.,

Steel &
                                 &                                                           Execute
(Group)               Sales of
           Same                  supplem On        Related                                   accordin
Constru               goods
           controll              entary     agreeme agreeme     9.84   0.00%    1,200 No     g to the Yes
ction                 and
           er                    material nt       nt price                                  agreeme
and                   services
                                 s&                                                          nt
g Co.,

Steel &
Iron                                                                                         Execute
                      Sales of
(Group) Same                     Energy On         Related                                   accordin
Metallur controll                &          agreeme agreeme   130.04   0.01%   12,000 No     g to the No
gy         er                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Residue                                                                                      nt
s Co.,

Benxi                            Raw
Steel &                          material                                                    Execute
                      Sales of
Iron       Same                  &          On     Related                                   accordin
(Group) controll                 supplem agreeme agreeme 4,358.02      0.21%         No      g to the Yes
Metallur er                      entary     nt     nt price                                  agreeme
gy                               material                                                    nt
Residue                          s&

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

s Co.,                         spare
Ltd.                           parts

Steel &
Iron                                                                                       Execute
                    Sales of
(Group) Same                              On     Related                                   accordin
                    goods      Freight
Metallur controll                         agreeme agreeme     0.31   0.00%         No      g to the No
                    and        revenue
gy        er                              nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Residue                                                                                    nt
s Co.,

Steel &
Iron                                                                                       Execute
                    Sales of
(Group) Same                              On     Related                                   accordin
Metallur controll              Products agreeme agreeme     712.63   0.03%         No      g to the No
gy        er                              nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Residue                                                                                    nt
s Co.,

Steel &             Sales of
          Parent               Energy On         Related                                   accordin
Iron                goods
          Compan               &          agreeme agreeme   614.52   0.03%   12,000 No     g to the No
(Group)             and
          y                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Co.,                services

                               &                                                           Execute
Steel &             Sales of
          Parent               supplem On        Related                                   accordin
Iron                goods
          Compan               entary     agreeme agreeme   321.55   0.02%         No      g to the No
(Group)             and
          y                    material nt       nt price                                  agreeme
Co.,                services
                               s&                                                          nt

New                                                                                        Execute
                    Sales of
Career    Same                 Energy On         Related                                   accordin
Develop controll               &          agreeme agreeme     18.6   0.00%     500 No      g to the No
ment      er                   Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Co.,                                                                                       nt

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Boluole               Sales of
           Same                             On     Related                                   accordin
Steel                 goods
           controll              Products agreeme agreeme     223.79   0.01%    1,000 No     g to the Yes
Tube                  and
           er                               nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Co.,                  services

Bengan                Sales of
           Same                             On     Related                                   accordin
g Steel               goods
           controll              Products agreeme agreeme      46.04   0.00%    5,000 No     g to the Yes
& Iron                and
           er                               nt     nt price                                  agreeme
Trading               services

Steel &               Sales of
           Same                  Energy On         Related                                   accordin
Iron                  goods
           controll              &          agreeme agreeme     5.17   0.00%      50 No      g to the No
(Group)               and
           er                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
General               services

Metallur              Sales of
           Same                  Energy On         Related                                   accordin
gical                 goods
           controll              &          agreeme agreeme   899.19   0.04%   12,000 No     g to the Yes
Equipm                and
           er                    Power      nt     nt price                                  agreeme
ent                   services

g                                Raw
Hengton                          material
g                                &                                                           Execute
                      Sales of
Metallur Same                    supplem On        Related                                   accordin
gical      controll              entary     agreeme agreeme   879.76   0.04%         No      g to the Yes
Equipm er                        material nt       nt price                                  agreeme
ent                              s&                                                          nt
Manufa                           spare
cture                            parts

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Metallur              Sales of
           Same                             On     Related                                 accordin
gical                 goods
           controll              Products agreeme agreeme       0    0.00%         No      g to the Yes
Equipm                and
           er                               nt     nt price                                agreeme
ent                   services

Bengan                           Raw
g                                material
Cold-rol                         &                                                         Execute
                      Sales of
led        Same                  supplem On        Related                                 accordin
Stainles controll                entary     agreeme agreeme     0    0.00%     500 No      g to the Yes
s Steel    er                    material nt       nt price                                agreeme
Dandon                           s&                                                        nt
g Co.,                           spare
Ltd.                             parts

Cold-rol                                                                                   Execute
                      Sales of
led        Same                             On     Related                                 accordin
Stainles controll                Products agreeme agreeme       0    0.00%         No      g to the Yes
s Steel    er                               nt     nt price                                agreeme
Dandon                                                                                     nt
g Co.,

Bengan                Sales of
           Same                             On     Related                                 accordin
g                     goods
           controll              Products agreeme agreeme 13,623.1   0.66%   36,000 No     g to the No
Industri              and
           er                               nt     nt price                                agreeme
al Co.,               services

Bengan                                                                                     Execute
                      Sales of
g Group Same                     Energy On         Related                                 accordin
Finance controll                 &          agreeme agreeme   0.75   0.00%     800 No      g to the No
Co.,       er                    Power      nt     nt price                                agreeme
Ltd.                                                                                       nt

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bengan              Sales of
                               Energy On           Related                                            accordin
g Group Controll goods
                               &         agreeme agreeme          7.63   0.00%       500 No           g to the No
Co.,      er        and
                               Power     nt        nt price                                           agreeme
Ltd.                services

                                                              995,896.           2,522,60
Total                                         --      --                 --                   --           --       --   --   --
                                                                   06                  0

Details of any sales return of a large

Give the actual situation during the
reporting period where a forecast had
been made for the total amounts of
routine related-party transactions,by
type to occur in the current period(if

Reason for any significant difference
between the transaction price and the
market price for reference (if

2. Related transactions relevant to asset acquisition or sold

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction relevant to asset acquisition or sold during the reporting period.

3. Related transactions relevant to joint investments

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction relevant to joint investments during the reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether there are any non-operating related credits and debts
□ Yes √ No
There were no non-operating related credits and debts during the reporting period.

5. Other significant related transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no other significant related transaction during the reporting period.

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

XIII. Illustrations of Non-Operating Occupation of Funds by the Controlling Shareholder
and Related Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and related parties

XIV. Major Contracts and Their Performance

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no trusteeship during the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no contracting during the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no leasing during the reporting period.

2. Guarantee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no guarantee during the reporting period.

4. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no other major contract during the reporting period.

XV. Social Responsibilities

1. Performing corporation social responsibility of targeted poverty alleviation

The company has not carried out targeted poverty alleviation work during the reporting period, and has no plan for follow-up targeted
poverty alleviation.

                                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2. Major environmental protection situation

Whether the listed Company and its subsidiaries are among key pollution companies launched by Environmental Protection

               Name of main                Number of Distribution                         standards
Name of the                     Mode of                                    Emission                                    Total
               pollutants and                  sewage      of sewage                           for        Total                    Excess
company or                       sewage                                   concentratio                               approved
               characteristic                  emission     emission                      pollutants    emissions                emissions
subsidiaries                    emission                                         n                                   emissions
                 pollutants                     points       points                      implemente

Bengang                                                   Dongfeng
Steel Plates COD                           1              Plant of        38mg/L         50mg/L        2.11Ton      2.11Ton      None
Co., Ltd.                                                 coking plant

Bengang                                                   Dongfeng
               Ammonia          Continuo
Steel Plates                               1              Plant of        4.75mg/L       8mg/L         0.26Ton      0.26Ton      None
               nitrogen         us
Co., Ltd.                                                 coking plant

Bengang                                                   Dongfeng
               Volatile         Continuo                                  0.038mg/m
Steel Plates                               1              Plant of                       0.3mg/L       0.002Ton     0.002Ton     None
               phenol           us                                        g/L
Co., Ltd.                                                 coking plant

                                                          Continuous                     Continuous
                                                          emission:                      emission:
                                                          Power Plant                    Gas
                                                          9#1#2#,                        Stove10mg
                                                          21-26#                         /m3, coal
                                                          boiler                         fired30mg/
                                                          chimney,                       m3;coke
                                                          coking plant                   oven dust
                                                          4-9# dust                      removal30
                                Continuo                  removal                        mg/m3;Sint
Bengang                         us and                    (crushing,                     ering
Steel Plates Dust               intermitt 39              transporting                   desulfurizat 42064Ton      42064Ton     None
Co., Ltd.                       ent                       and                            ion:50mg/
                                emission                  screening) ,                   m3;
                                                          5 furnace                      tail:30mg/
                                                          group sieve                    m3;Iron
                                                          coke dust                      field
                                                          removal,                       25mg/m3;I
                                                          sintering                      ntermittent
                                                          desulfurizati                  emission:
                                                          on, tail                       coke
                                                          electrical                     oven50mg/
                                                          dust                           m3;steelma

                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                 removal,                      king20mg/
                                 blast                         m3;boiler2
                                 furnace out                   00mg/m3
                                 of the iron
                                 field dust;
                                 coking plant
                                 6-9#, 4-5
                                 group dust
                                 coal, and
                                 drying out) ;
                                 hot metal
                                 t and second
                                 time dust
                                 removal in
                                 plant; raw

                                 Power Plant Gas
                                 9#1#2#,         Stove10-20 Gas
                                 21-26#          mg/m3;coke Stove100m
                                 boiler          oven          g/m3, coal
                                 chimney,        loading       fired200mg
                                 coking plant coal, dry        /m3;coke
                                 6-9#, 4-5       quenching     oven
Bengang            Under         furnace         28-90mg/m loading
Steel Plates SO2   organize 22   group dust      3,pushing coal,     dry 8450Ton     8450Ton    None
Co., Ltd.          d             removal         coal          quenching
                                 (loading        19-32mg/m 100mg/m3;
                                 coal,           3;Sintering sintering
                                 pushing         dust          desulfurizat
                                 coal, and       removal35- ion:200mg/
                                 drying out) 98mg/m3;b m3;boiler4
                                 sintering       oiler375mg/ 00mg/m3
                                 desulfurizati m3

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                        on raw

                                                                     Gas Stove
                                                                     mg/m3, coal
                                                        Power Plant fired and       Gas
                                                        9#1#2#,      coal           Stove100m
                                                        21-26#       blending       g/m3, coal
Bengang                       Under                     boiler       fired          fired200mg
Steel Plates NOx              organize 8                chimney;     60-110mg/ /m3;sinteri 8450Ton          8450Ton       None
Co., Ltd.                     d                         sintering    m3;sinterin ng
                                                        machine      g              desulfurizat
                                                        desulfurizati desulfurizati ion
                                                        on           on             300mg/m3

Construction and operation of pollution prevention facilities
In 2017, the Company’s subsidiary unit has constructed a total of 161 sets of environmental protection supporting facilities with the
main project, including main exhaust gas and dust removal facilities 148 units and sewage treatment facilities 13 sets. The Company
strictly implemented environmental protection three simultaneous systems, and synchronously operated and maintained with the
main project, to ensure that environmental protection facilities can achieve stable operation. Synchronous operation rate was 100%.
 (1) Ecological environment: In the first half year of 2017, the Company carried out 15 greening project construction, including 8
public areas and 7sub-units, planted more than 1000 arbors, more than 4,000 shrubs piers, more than 3,000 square meters pattern
flowers, more than 25,000 square meters perennial flowers, more than 2000 square meters lawn, and migrated more than 200 arbors,.
(2) Prevention and control of pollution: the Company continued to strengthen the daily management of environmental protection
facilities and maintenance to ensure stable function. Through the daily environmental monitoring, implementation of environmental
protection self-management, strengthening the monitoring of pollutant emission and strengthening the management measures such as
assessment, the Company continuously maintained the pollutant emission stable standard.
(3) Fulfillment of environmental responsibility: in accordance with environmental laws and regulations, the Company strengthened
daily supervision and inspection and assessment to ensure that environmental protection facility and the main projects work
synchronously. Once leaking and exhaust emissions exceeding the standard identified, the Company would issue rectification notice
and punishment and require immediate rectification. The Company fulfilled the environmental responsibility well.

XVI. Other Major Issues

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no need for illustrating other major issue.

XVII. Major Issues of Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

              VI. Status of Share Capital Changes and Shareholders

I.    Share Capital Changes

1. Share capital changes

                                                                                                                             Unit: Share

                             Before the change                     Increase/decrease(+,-)                       After the Change

                                                       Issuing            Capitalization
                           Quantity       Percentage   of new              of common       Others Subtotal     Quantity      Percentage
                                                        share             reserve fund

II. Non-restricted
                          3,136,000,000      100.00%                                                         3,136,000,000     100.00%

1. Common shares
                          2,736,000,000       87.24%                                                         2,736,000,000      87.24%
in RMB

2. Foreign shares in
                            400,000,000       12.76%                                                          400,000,000       12.76%
domestic market

III. Total shares         3,136,000,000      100.00%                                                         3,136,000,000     100.00%

Causation of share capital changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Approval of share capital changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Status of registration process of transferred shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Influences of share capital changes on financial indices such as basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, and net asset per
share attributed to common shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information the Company deems necessary to be disclosed or required by the authority
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes of Restricted Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Securities Issuance and Listing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

III. Total Number of Shareholders and Shareholding

                                                                                                                               Unit: Share

                                                                    The total number of
Total number of common                                              preferred shareholders
shareholders at the end of the                              59,424 voting rights restored at the end                                     0
reporting period                                                    of the reporting period (See
                                                                    Notes 8)

                             Shareholding of shareholders holding more than 5% or top 10 shareholders

                                                    Number                                               Quantity of pledged or frozen
                                        Holding     of shares Changes in Restricted Un-restricte                     shares
  Name of the          Nature of
                                       Percentage    held at      reporting     shares       d shares
  shareholder         shareholder
                                          (%)       period-en      period        held         held          Status            Quantity

Benxi Steel &                                                                                           Pledged           1,251,000,000
                   State-owned legal                2,442,316
Iron (Group)                              77.88%
                   person                                  ,069                                         Frozen                 45,000,000
Co., Ltd.

Industrial and
Bank of China
                   Others                  0.31% 9,718,651
Big Data 100
Index Securities

Bank of
Quantification     Others                  0.29% 9,088,658
Pioneer Mixed

EMERGING           Overseas legal
                                           0.26% 8,157,311
MARKETS            person

                   Domestic natural
Zhou Jie                                   0.17% 5,200,000

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                   Overseas legal
INTERNATIO                                    0.15% 4,606,141

Caitong Fund -
ICBC - Caitong
                   Others                     0.15% 4,499,967
Securities Co.,

Securities -
Bank -
                   Others                     0.13% 4,099,964
Xinguang Big 1
Collection Asset

Securities         Overseas legal
                                              0.12% 3,785,109
Company            person
nt Client

                   Domestic natural
Chen Nengyi                                   0.12% 3,757,336

Strategy investors or general legal
person becomes top 10 shareholders
due to rights issued (if any ) (See
Notes 3)

Notes to relationship or ‘action in   It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or ‘Action in Concert’
concert’ among the top 10             as described by Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status
shareholders.                          of Listed Companies existing among the above shareholders.

                                           Shareholding of top 10 unrestricted shareholders

                                                                                                         Category of shares
                                         Un-restricted shares held at the end of the reporting
       Name of the shareholder                                                                     Category of
                                                                period                                                  Quantity

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,                                                  2,442,316,069 Common shares           2,442,316,069

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Ltd.                                                                                             in RMB

Industrial and Commercial Bank of
                                                                                                 Common shares
China Limited-South Big Data 100                                                     9,718,651                             9,718,651
                                                                                                 in RMB
Index Securities Investment Fund

Bank of Communication
Limited-Changxin Quantification                                                                  Common shares
                                                                                     9,088,658                             9,088,658
Pioneer Mixed Securities                                                                         in RMB
Investment Fund

                                                                                                 Foreign shares
                                                                                                 placed in
EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                                               8,157,311                              8,157,311

                                                                                                 Foreign shares
                                                                                                 placed in
Zhou Jie                                                                             5,200,000                             5,200,000

                                                                                                 Foreign shares
                                                                                                 placed in
INTERNATIONAL STOCK                                                                  4,606,141                             4,606,141

Caitong Fund - ICBC - Caitong                                                                    Common shares
                                                                                     4,499,967                             4,499,967
Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                             in RMB

Southwest Securities - China
Everbright Bank - Southwest                                                                      Common shares
                                                                                     4,099,964                             4,099,964
Securities Shuangxi Xinguang Big 1                                                               in RMB
Collection Asset Management Plan

                                                                                                 Foreign shares
Haitong International Securities                                                                 placed in
                                                                                     3,785,109                             3,785,109
Company Limited-Account Client                                                                   domestic

                                                                                                 Common shares
Chen Nengyi                                                                          3,757,336                             3,757,336
                                                                                                 in RMB

                                       Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder, has no relationship with any of
Notes to relationship or ‘action in   the other shareholders among the top 10 shareholders, neither being regarded as
concert’ among the top 10             action-in-concert parties by the Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of
non-restricted shareholders, and       Shareholding in PLC. The Company is not aware of any relationship among the other
among the top 10 non-restricted        shareholders, neither being regarded as action-in-concert parties by the Information
shareholders and top 10                Disclosure Regulations for Change of Shareholding in PLC. The Company is not aware of any
shareholders                           relationship among the top 10 shareholders, neither being regarded as action-in-concert parties
                                       by the Information Disclosure Regulations for Change of Shareholding in PLC.

Shareholders among the top 10          Chen Nengyi holds 3,757,336 shares of the company through investors' credit securities

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

participating in securities margin    accounts.
trading (if any) (see Note 4)

Whether top 10 common shareholders and top 10 un-restricted common shareholders have a buy-back agreement
dealing in reporting period
□ Yes √ No

Top 10 common shareholders and top 10 un-restricted common shareholders had no buy-back agreement dealing
in reporting period.

IV. Changes of Controlling Shareholders and Substantial Controller during the Reporting Period

Change of holding shareholder
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of holding shareholder in the report period.
Change of substantial controller
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of substantial controller in the report period.

                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                    VII. Status of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no Preferred Shares during the reporting period.

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

              VIII. Status of Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives

I.   Change in Shares held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change in shares held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives. Please refer to Annual Report 2016 for details.

II. Change in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives. Please refer to Annual Report 2016 for details.

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                    IX. Relevant Information about Corporate Bonds

Whether there exists any un-matured corporate bonds public issued and listed on the Stock Exchange or any matured corporate bonds
which the listed company failed to pay in full at the approval date of the semi-annual report

I.      Basic information of corporate bonds

                     Bond short                                                         Bond balance
     Bond name                        Bond code       Issuance date   Maturity date                     Interest rate   Servicing way
                        name                                                            RMB 10,000

                                                                                                                        Interest is paid
                   15 Benxi Steel                      9 February          9 February                                   annually, and
     Bond 2015                          112236                                            150,000         5.17%
                           01                             2015               2018                                        principal is
      (Phase I)
                                                                                                                        paid when due.

Corporate bonds listed or
                                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
trading places

Investors appropriate
                                    The above bond transactions have been implemented by investors appropriate management

                                    The interests of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Corporate Bonds 2015 (Phase I) of the period from
                                    5 February 2016 to 4 February 2017 were paid on 6 February 2017, as each bond would gain
Interest payment status of the
                                    RMB 5.17 (tax inclusive). The date of record of interest payment was 3 February 2017, thus any
Company Bond during the
                                    investor who bought and held the bonds before or on the date of 3 February 2017 enjoyed the right
reporting period
                                    to receive the interest payments. The investors who sold out the bonds on the date of 3 February
                                    2017 should not enjoy the interests.

If the corporate bonds are
attached to special clauses such
as option clause and
exchangeable clause to the
                                    Not applicable
issuer or investors, please
specify the implementation
status of the corresponding
clauses. (If applicable)

II. Bond Trustee and the Credit Rating Agency

Bond trustee:

                   ESSENCE                           12 F, Guo Tou                                     Contact
Name                                Office address                            Contact     Tian Zhu                      010-83321197
                   Securities                        Financial Building, 2                             number

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                    Fu Cheng Men North
                                                    Street, Xi Cheng
                                                    District, Beijing

The credit rating agencies which follow and rate the corporate bond during the reporting period:

                                                                                          12/F, PICC Building, No.2 Jian Guo Men
Name             United Ratings Co., Ltd.                                                 Wai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

If during the reporting period, the bond
trustee, credit rating agency employed by
the company have changed, reasons for the Not applicable
change, performing procedures, relevant
influence on investors, etc. (If applicable)

III. The Usage of Raised Funds from Corporate Bonds

                                               After deducting issuance costs, all raised funds are used for debt restructuring
The usage of raised funds from Corporate
                                               and repayment. The amount of repayment of bank loans was RMB 1.5 billion.
bonds and procedures of performance
                                               As of December 31, 2016, all the raised funds have been used up.

Balance (RMB 10,000)                                                                                                                 0

Operation of raised funds special account      Normal

Whether the usage of the raised funds
corresponded to the purposes of promise, Yes
use plans, or other agreements

IV. Corporate Bond Rating

(1) On 26 May 2017, United Rating Agency exercised rating towards the Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I) and maintained the
long-term rating of the main body of Bengang Steel Plates Co. Ltd at “AA+” and adjusted rating prospect as “stable”, while adjusting
the debt credit rating of the Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I) at “AAA+” . Bengang Steel Plates Co. Ltd conducted the disclosure
about tracking rating report on http://www.cninfo.com/cn/ on 1 June 2017.
(2) During the reporting period, United Rating Agency did not exercise irregular tracking rating about the Company’s bonds.
(3) During the reporting period, the Company did not launch any other bonds or securities financing tools and there was no difference
of the assessment results between different rating agencies.

V. Corporate Bond Credit Increasing Mechanism, Debt Repayment Plans and Other Debt
Repayment Security Measures

1. Debt repayment plans
According to ‘Prospectus of Public Issuance of Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I)’ launched on February 3, 2015, debt repayment plans
are as followings:
(1) The value date of the bond is February 5, 2015. In the duration of the bond, the interest will be paid once a year, and the interest
     payment date is February 5 in three consecutive years, ranging from 2016 to 2018 (subject to postponement in case of statutory

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     public holiday and weekend, similarly hereinafter) .
(2) The maturity date is February 5, 2018. The principal and the interest thereof will be paid at the maturity date.
(3) Interest will be paid through registration agency and related agencies. The details will strictly follow related regulations and will
     be disclosed on the designated public media by the issuer.
(4) According to national tax legislation and regulation, the relevant taxes emerged in investment on the bond should be paid by
2. Debt repayment security measures
According to ‘Prospectus of Public Issuance of Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I)’ launched on February 3, 2015, debt repayment
security measures are as following:
In order to fully and effectively preserve bondholders’ benefit, the Company made a series plan towards repaying the debt in time
and in full amount, including set up a special project group, formulated ‘Meeting Rules for bondholders’, formulated and strictly
executed fund management plan, fully played the bond trustee’s roles and strictly carried out the disclosure responsibility.
(1) Set up a special project group;
(2) Formulate ‘Meeting Rules for Bondholders’;
(3) Bengang Group Co., Ltd. acted as the company's bond guarantor;
(4) Formulate and strictly execute fund management plan;
(5) Protect bondholders’ benefits;
(6) Strictly carry out the disclosure responsibility;
(7) Issuer’s Board of Director’s commitment.
During the reporting period, the Company follows the debt repayment plan and security mechanism disclosed in ‘Prospectus of
Public Issuance of Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I) ’. The Company set up a special project group, formulated ‘Meeting Rules for
Bondholders’, applied ESSENCE Securities as trustee, and Bengang Group Co., Ltd. as the company's bond guarantor, formulated
and strictly executed fund management plan that reasonably distribute fund to ensure the interest was paid in time. On 24 January
2017, the Company disclosed ‘Interest Repayment Notice’ and completed the interest repayment on 6 February 2017.
During the reporting period, the Company had no significant changes that would influence the in time repayment of bond and there is
no differences situation with relevant commission.
During the reporting period, there was no change to Corporate Bond Credit Increasing Mechanism, Debt Repayment Plans and Other
Debt Repayment Security Measures. Bengang Group Co., Ltd. was the guarantor for the Company’s bond. As of 30 June 2017,
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.’s net assets is RMB 35.874 billion, asset-liability ratio is 74.99%, ROE is 0.08%, liquidity ratio is 0.43,
quick ratio is 0.25 (above financial data is not audited) . Bengang Group Co., Ltd. is rated AAA by China Cheng Xin International
Credit Rating Co. Ltd.

VI. Bondholders’ Meeting in the Reporting Period

During the reporting period, the Company did not hold bondholders’ meeting.

VII.      Duty fulfillment of Bond Trustee in the Reporting Period

During the reporting period, the bond trustee performs its responsibilities in accordance with the regulations in Corporate Bond
Issuance and Transaction Management Method and commitment in Bond Trustee Agreement:
(1) Constantly pay attention to the credit status, execution of credit enhancement measurements and credit repayment safeguard
measures of the guarantor and company;

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(2) Supervise the utilization of raised funds in the company in the duration of bond;
(3) Exercise a well-rounded investigation into and pay constant attention to the company’s debt repayment ability and credit
enhancement measures, and provide at least one trustee affair report for the market each year;
(4) Constantly supervise the company’s performance of information disclosure obligation in the duration of the bond.
The trustee hasn’t been confronted with conflict of interest in performing its responsibilities.
The trustee has announced the trustee affair report 2016 on 2 June 2017.

VIII. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators at the end of this and Previous
Reporting Period (or this Reporting Period and Same period in previous year )

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan 10,000

                                                                                                           Increase or decrease at the end
                                      At the end of this reporting      At the end of previous reporting
              Items                                                                                         of this reporting period over
                                                period                              period
                                                                                                                 the previous year

Liquidity ratio                                              76.00%                             74.56%                               1.44%

Asset-liability ratio                                        74.78%                             75.51%                               -0.73%

Quick ratio                                                  48.52%                             47.04%                               1.48%

                                                                                                            Increase or decrease in this
                                         This reporting period           Same period in previous year         reporting period over the
                                                                                                                   previous year

EBITDA interest coverage ratio                                   3.24                               3.51                             -7.69%

Loan payment rate                                          100.00%                             100.00%                               0.00%

Rate of Interest payment                                   100.00%                             100.00%                               0.00%

The main reasons that the accounting data and financial indicators change more than 30%
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Overdue Outstanding Debts of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no Overdue Outstanding Debts of the Company.

X. Interest Payment for Other Bonds and Debt Financing Tool in the Reporting Period

During the reporting period, the Company did not launch any other bonds or securities financing tools or pay interest for other bonds
and securities financing tools.

XI. Usage of Bank Credit Obtained and Repayment of Bank Loans in the Reporting Period

During the reporting period, the total bank line of credit of the Company was RMB 35.07 billion, and RMB 32.28 billion was used,
leaving unused line of credit of RMB 2.79 billion. The total loan amount at the beginning was RMB 22.649 billion, and had
increased RMB 13.553 billion in this period. The loan repaid in this period was RMB 91.42 billion, leaving a balance of RMB 27.06

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


XII.    Performance of Agreements or Commitments Related to Corporate Bond Prospectus
in the Reporting Period

The Company strictly observed the Bond Trustee Agreement and regulations as described in different bond terms and conditions.
The Company fulfilled its responsibilities according to Prospectus. There was no situation that the Company harmed investors’

XIII. Major Events Occurred in the Reporting Period

On 26 May 2017, United Rating Agency exercised rating towards the Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I) and maintained the long-term
rating of the main body of Bengang Steel Plates Co. Ltd at “AA+” and adjusted rating prospect as “stable”, while adjusting the debt
credit rating of the Corporate Bond 2015 (Phase I) at “AAA+” . Bengang Steel Plates Co. Ltd conducted the disclosure about
tracking rating report on http://www.cninfo.com/cn/ on 1 June 2017.

XIV. Whether There Exist Any Guarantors of the Corporate Bond

√ Yes □ No
Whether the guarantor of the corporate bond is a legal person or other organizations
√ Yes □ No
Whether the Company disclosed the guarantor’s financial statements including statement of financial position, statement of
comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows, and notes to the financial statements in 2 months
since the end of the first half of each fiscal year.
√ Yes □ No

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                              X. Financial Report

I.     Audit report

Whether the semi-annual report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual report is not audited.

II. Financial Statements

Statement in Notes are carried in RMB Yuan


Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                      Items                       Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Current assets:

       Cash at bank and on hand                             12,240,579,151.57                          12,931,912,017.84

       Settlement provisions

       Capital lent

       Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss

       Derivative financial assets

       Notes receivable                                      3,486,513,747.73                            2,030,681,138.03

       Accounts receivable                                     536,054,820.21                             623,865,427.25

       Prepayments                                             658,157,852.16                             493,839,659.44

       Premium receivable

       Reinsurance accounts receivable

       Receivable deposit for reinsurance

       Interests receivable                                         2,663,285.16                                4,208,818.85

       Dividends receivable

       Other receivables                                       165,294,616.70                             117,909,972.49

       Redemptory financial assets for

                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

       Inventories                            9,834,703,845.66                       9,782,173,936.74

       Assets classified as held for sale

       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                    280,833,153.36                          513,398,815.83

Total current assets                         27,204,800,472.55                      26,497,989,786.47

Non-current assets:

       Loan and advances issued

       Available-for-sale financial assets        5,856,585.63                          14,856,585.63

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term receivables

       Long-term equity investments

       Investment properties

       Fixed assets                          19,753,582,768.45                      20,688,468,637.44

       Construction in progress               7,030,049,975.69                       6,210,673,674.11

       Construction materials                     4,558,925.80                           7,783,370.29

       Disposal of fixed assets

       Productive biological assets

       Oil and gas assets

       Intangible assets                       256,855,104.56                          259,837,410.93

       Development expenditure


       Long-term deferred expenses

       Deferred tax assets                     375,792,716.94                          476,101,254.04

       Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                     27,426,696,077.07                      27,657,720,932.44

Total assets                                 54,631,496,549.62                      54,155,710,718.91

Current Liabilities:

       Short-term loans                      22,787,674,400.00                      18,762,472,779.48

       Loan from central bank

       Absorbed deposit and interbank

       Loan from other financial

       Financial liabilities at fair value

                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

through profit or loss

     Advance from customers

     Notes payable                         2,654,713,650.65                       6,372,173,897.13

     Accounts payable                      5,379,872,618.65                       5,680,244,661.52

     Advance from customers                3,290,002,245.71                       3,679,477,129.80

     Financial assets sold for

     Handling charges and commission

     Employee benefits payable               41,263,867.18                           24,063,493.70

     Current tax liabilities                 19,670,459.30                           45,771,585.46

     Interests payable                       43,877,149.04                           75,115,265.66

     Dividends payable

     Other payables                         469,499,960.08                          460,009,213.78

     Reinsurance accounts payable

     Provision for insurance contract

     Receipt from vicariously traded

     Receipt from vicariously
underwriting securities

     Liabilities held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
                                           1,110,787,748.00                         437,669,535.66
one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                 35,797,362,098.61                      35,536,997,562.19

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans                       3,161,338,135.87                       3,448,931,721.62

     Bonds payable                         1,496,550,521.55                       1,494,825,782.32

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Long-term payables

     Long-term employee benefits

     Special accounts payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income                        396,052,000.00                          410,399,000.00

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Deferred tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                          5,053,940,657.42                           5,354,156,503.94

Total liabilities                                                    40,851,302,756.03                          40,891,154,066.13

Shareholders’ equity:

     Share capital                                                     3,136,000,000.00                           3,136,000,000.00

     Other equity instruments

        Including: Preferred stock

                  Perpetual bond

     Capital reserves                                                  9,114,845,542.05                           9,114,845,542.05

     Less: treasury shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Special reserves                                                       10,656,973.74                                 372,721.86

     Surplus reserves                                                   961,105,529.85                             961,105,529.85

     General risk reserve

     Undistributed profits                                                  26,666,410.96                          -496,969,242.61

Total equity attributable to equity
                                                                     13,249,274,456.60                          12,715,354,551.15
holders of the parent company

     Non-controlling interests                                          530,919,336.99                             549,202,101.63

Total shareholder’s equity                                          13,780,193,793.59                          13,264,556,652.78

Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity                          54,631,496,549.62                          54,155,710,718.91

Legal Representative: Wang Shu                Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge         Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                  Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Current assets:

     Cash at bank and on hand                                        12,007,831,826.87                          12,402,995,087.03

     Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss

     Derivative financial assets

     Notes receivable                                                  3,364,985,137.62                           1,870,384,367.64

     Accounts receivable                                                491,938,145.44                             455,070,302.00

     Prepayments                                                        657,548,793.61                             487,869,713.72

     Interests receivable                                                    2,663,285.16                                4,208,818.85

                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

       Dividends receivable

       Other receivables                       176,028,682.36                          210,089,804.88

       Inventories                            7,999,016,015.18                       8,308,291,029.07

       Assets classified as held for sale

       Non-current assets due within one

       Other current assets                    207,402,337.05                          431,675,085.33

Total current assets                         24,907,414,223.29                      24,170,584,208.52

Non-current assets:

       Available-for-sale financial assets        3,888,980.00                          12,888,980.00

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term receivables

       Long-term equity investments           1,751,981,902.16                       1,700,981,902.16

       Investment properties

       Fixed assets                          17,358,400,004.89                      18,125,714,092.15

       Construction in progress               7,010,468,962.64                       6,196,524,880.06

       Construction materials                     4,134,139.48                           4,134,139.52

       Disposal of fixed assets

       Productive biological assets

       Oil and gas assets

       Intangible assets                       153,735,383.89                          155,388,452.53

       Development expenditure


       Long-term deferred expenses

       Deferred tax assets                     278,388,067.92                          378,696,605.02

       Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                     26,560,997,440.98                      26,574,329,051.44

Total assets                                 51,468,411,664.27                      50,744,913,259.96

Current Liabilities:

       Short-term loans                      21,016,634,400.00                      17,376,963,500.00

       Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss

       Advance from customers

       Notes payable                          2,652,021,225.65                       5,768,523,196.16

       Accounts payable                       5,603,674,065.16                       5,939,417,729.46

                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Advance from customers                3,281,133,671.61                       3,671,944,099.35

     Employee benefits payable               40,881,869.18                           22,386,057.59

     Current tax liabilities                   7,746,972.51                          28,902,954.65

     Interests payable                       31,334,821.13                           70,109,821.13

     Dividends payable

     Other payables                         275,216,874.86                          289,522,026.53

     Liabilities held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
                                           1,110,787,748.00                         437,669,535.66
one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                 34,019,431,648.10                      33,605,438,920.53

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans                       3,161,338,135.87                       3,448,931,721.62

     Bonds payable                         1,496,550,521.55                       1,494,825,782.32

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Long-term payables

     Long-term employee benefits

     Special accounts payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income                        396,052,000.00                          410,399,000.00

     Deferred tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities              5,053,940,657.42                       5,354,156,503.94

Total liabilities                         39,073,372,305.52                      38,959,595,424.47

Shareholders’ equity:

     Share capital                         3,136,000,000.00                       3,136,000,000.00

     Other equity instruments

        Including: Preferred stock

                Perpetual bond

     Capital reserves                      8,694,693,859.93                       8,694,693,859.93

     Less: treasury shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Special reserves                          8,125,511.20                            230,735.89

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Surplus reserves                                                   961,105,529.85                           961,105,529.85

     Undistributed profits                                              -404,885,542.23                       -1,006,712,290.18

Total shareholder’s equity                                          12,395,039,358.75                        11,785,317,835.49

Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity                           51,468,411,664.27                       50,744,913,259.96

Legal Representative: Wang Shu                Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge      Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                 January to June 2017                    January to June 2016

1. Total operating income                                             20,736,486,903.74                       12,629,584,569.35

     Including: Operating income                                      20,736,486,903.74                       12,629,584,569.35

             Interest income

             Premium earned

             Income from handling
charges and commission

2. Total operating cost                                               20,109,129,759.95                       12,307,317,804.75

     Including: Operating cost                                        18,690,665,966.11                       10,914,182,302.04

             Interest cost

             Expenditure for handling
charges and commission

             Surrender value

             Net expenditure for

             Net provision for insurance
contract appropriated

             Bonus payment for policy

             Reinsurance premium

             Taxes and surcharges                                        133,756,731.07                           26,332,894.76

             Selling and distribution
                                                                         587,632,707.43                          430,061,063.14

             General and administrative
                                                                         358,951,405.08                          351,954,718.48

             Financial expenses                                          381,513,404.80                          586,667,825.19

             Asset impairment loss                                       -43,390,454.54                           -1,880,998.86

     Add: Gains from the change in fair
value ("-" for loss)

                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

             Income on investment ("-" for

             Including: Income from
associates and joint ventures

             Exchange Income ("-" for loss)

             Other Income

3.      Operating profit ("-" for loss)          630,651,736.93                         322,266,764.60

        Add: Non-operating income                 21,014,488.58                          24,196,669.55

             Including: Gain on disposal of
                                                   3,015,294.00                           2,120,458.89
non-current assets

        Less: Non-operating expenses               4,593,420.30                            105,474.99

             Including: Loss on disposal of
                                                   4,593,420.30                            105,474.99
non-current assets

4.      Total profit ("-" for loss)              647,072,805.21                         346,357,959.16

        Less: Income tax expenses                117,105,061.16                         140,062,221.29

5.      Net Profit ("-" for loss)                529,967,744.05                         206,295,737.87

        Attributable to: Owners of parent
                                                 523,635,653.57                         182,538,176.32

        Non-controlling shareholders               6,332,090.48                          23,757,561.55

6. Other comprehensive income after tax

     Other comprehensive income
attributable to owners of parent company
after tax

        1) Other comprehensive income
unable to be reclassified into profit and
loss afterwards

                (1) .Change of net liabilities
or net assets through re-measuring
defined benefit plan

                (2) .Share of other
comprehensive income of investee not to
be classified into profit or loss afterwards
under equity method

        2) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit and loss

                (1) .Share of other
comprehensive income of investee to be

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

classified into profit or loss afterwards
under equity method

              (2). Gains and losses on
re-measuring available-for-sale financial

              (3) .Gains and losses
resulting from reclassification of held-to
maturity investment to financial assets
held-for sale

              (4) .Effective portion of
gains or losses from cash flow hedging

              (5) .Gains and losses resultin
g from translating the foreign currency
financial statements

              (6) .Others

     Other comprehensive income
attributable to non-controlling
shareholders after tax

7. Total comprehensive income                                             529,967,744.05                          206,295,737.87

       Total comprehensive income
                                                                          523,635,653.57                          182,538,176.32
attributable to owners of parent company

       Total comprehensive income
attributable to non-controlling                                             6,332,090.48                           23,757,561.55

8. Earnings per share:

       1) Basic earnings per share                                                 0.167                                     0.058

       2) Diluted earnings per share                                               0.167                                     0.058

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved: Yuan, net profit of
previous period of the combined party realized: Yuan.
Legal Representative: Wang Shu                 Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge      Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                 January to June 2017                     January to June 2016

1.     Turnover                                                       21,197,516,779.20                        13,185,388,447.19

       Less: Operating cost                                           19,482,976,074.32                        11,729,886,784.21

           Taxes and surcharges                                           116,783,416.00                           14,639,973.93

           Selling and distribution                                      373,519,186.39                           352,259,509.33

                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


              General and administrative
                                               336,370,276.02                         321,474,092.99

              Financial expenses               350,175,885.42                         555,023,839.47

              Asset impairment loss            -43,390,454.54                          -1,880,998.86

        Add: Gains from the change in fair
value ("-" for loss)

              Income on investment ("-" for
                                               105,369,227.90                          13,713,328.45

              Including: Income from
associates and joint ventures

              Other Income

2.      Operating profit ("-" for loss)        686,451,623.49                         227,698,574.57

        Add: Non-operating income               20,277,081.86                          23,562,540.98

              Including: Gain on disposal of
                                                 3,015,294.00                           2,050,505.76
non-current assets

        Less: Non-operating expenses             4,593,420.30                            105,474.99

              Including: Loss on disposal of
                                                 4,593,420.30                            105,474.99
non-current assets

3.      Total profit ("-" for loss)            702,135,285.05                         251,155,640.56

        Less: Income tax expenses              100,308,537.10                         138,090,659.07

4.      Net Profit ("-" for loss)              601,826,747.95                         113,064,981.49

5.      Other comprehensive income after

        1) Other comprehensive income
unable to be reclassified into profit and
loss afterwards

                (1) .Change of net
liabilities or net assets through
re-measuring defined benefit plan

                (2) .Share of other
comprehensive income of investee not
to be classified into profit or loss
afterwards under equity method

        2) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit and loss

                (1) .Share of other

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

comprehensive income of investee to be
classified into profit or loss afterwards
under equity method

              (2) Gains and losses on
re-measuring available-for-sale
financial assets

              (3) .Gains and losses
resulting from reclassification of held-to
maturity investment to financial assets
held-for sale

              (4) .Effective portion of
gains or losses from cash flow hedging

              (5) .Gains and losses resulti
ng from translating the foreign currency
financial statements

              (6) .Others

6.     Total comprehensive income                                       601,826,747.95                           113,064,981.49

7.     Earnings per share:

       1)   Basic earnings per share

       2)   Diluted earnings per share

Legal Representative: Wang Shu                Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge      Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                January to June 2017                     January to June 2016

1. Cash flow from operating activities:

       Cash received from sale of goods
                                                                     14,489,666,407.59                        10,026,046,529.17
or rendering of services

       Net increase of customers’ deposit
and interbank deposit

       Net increase of loan from central

       Net increase of loans from other
financial institutions

       Cash received for premium of
original insurance contract

       Net cash received for reinsurance

                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Net increase of deposit and
investment of the insured

     Net increase of Financial assets at
fair value through profit or loss

     Cash from receiving interest,
handling charge and commission

     Net increase of loans from other
financial institutions

     Net increase of fund for buy-back

     Tax rebate received                      71,132,309.30                          303,389,091.42

     Other cash received relating to
                                              87,817,078.61                           84,327,996.29
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
                                           14,648,615,795.50                      10,413,763,616.88
operation activities

     Cash paid for goods and services      17,237,734,129.30                       6,825,224,385.05

     Net increase of customer’s loan
and advances

     Net increase of deposit in central
bank and interbank deposit

     Cash for payment of compensation
for original insurance contract

     Cash for payment of interest,
handling charge and commission

     Cash for payment of policy bonus

     Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                             719,101,828.61                          643,200,672.87

     Cash paid for all types of taxes        390,701,219.38                          154,701,105.71

     Other cash paid relating to
                                             348,384,302.93                          399,860,089.73
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow received from
                                           18,695,921,480.22                       8,022,986,253.36
operation activities

Net cash flows generated from
                                           -4,047,305,684.72                       2,390,777,363.52
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

     Cash received from return on

     Cash received from distribution of         3,294,593.14

                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

dividends or profit

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                               2,405,531.00
long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary and other operating units

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
                                              427,294,593.14                            2,405,531.00
investing activities

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other           702,058,422.96                          758,159,102.38
long-term assets

     Cash paid for acquisition of
                                              180,000,000.00                          113,000,000.00

     Net increase of mortgage loan

     Net cash received from subsidiary
and other operating unit

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                              882,058,422.96                          871,159,102.38
investing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                              -454,763,829.82                        -868,753,571.38
investment activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

     Proceeds from investment

     Including: Proceeds from
investment of non-controlling
shareholders of subsidiary

     Proceeds from borrowings               10,419,164,500.00                       7,222,865,800.00

     Cash received from bond issuance

     Other proceeds relating to
financing activities

Subtotal cash inflow received from
                                            10,419,164,500.00                       7,432,865,800.00
financing activities

     Cash repayments of borrowings           6,099,082,442.74                       6,003,720,086.94

     Cash payments for distribution of
                                              565,025,996.70                          573,974,920.33
dividends, profit or interest expenses

                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Including: Cash paid to
non-controlling shareholders as
dividend and profit by subsidiaries

     Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                                  6,664,108,439.44                        6,577,695,007.27
financing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                                                  3,755,056,060.56                          855,170,792.73
financing activities

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                    -41,586,403.20                          388,468,098.61
changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                   -788,599,857.18                        2,765,662,683.48

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                12,273,574,488.67                         4,612,782,772.98
the beginning of the period

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                 11,484,974,631.49                        7,378,445,456.46
ending of the period

Legal Representative: Wang Shu           Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge      Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                  Items                            January to June 2017                     January to June 2016

1.Cash flow from operating activities:

     Cash received from sale of goods
                                                                14,377,855,065.89                         9,828,128,086.69
or rendering of services

     Tax rebate received                                             21,102,552.86                          299,232,274.50

     Other cash received relating to
                                                                     80,547,620.06                           71,902,496.61
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
                                                                14,479,505,238.81                        10,199,262,857.80
operation activities

     Cash paid for goods and services                           17,094,207,253.57                         6,988,799,423.39

     Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                    672,852,272.11                          598,176,442.20

     Cash paid for all types of taxes                              330,314,831.68                            51,750,618.52

     Other cash paid relating to
                                                                   244,216,504.53                           277,308,179.29
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow received from
                                                                18,341,590,861.89                         7,916,034,663.40
operation activities

                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Net cash flows generated from
                                            -3,862,085,623.08                       2,283,228,194.40
operating activities

2. Cash flows from investing activities:

     Cash received from return on

     Cash received from distribution of
dividends or profit

     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                               2,368,625.00
long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary and other operating units

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow received from
                                              529,353,447.08                            2,368,625.00
investing activities

     Cash paid for acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other           687,313,444.96                          746,341,472.97
long-term assets

     Cash paid for acquisition of
                                              180,000,000.00                          113,000,000.00

     Net cash received from subsidiary
and other operating unit

     Other cash paid relating to
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                              867,313,444.96                          859,341,472.97
investing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                             -337,959,997.88                         -856,972,847.97
investment activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

     Proceeds from investment

     Proceeds from borrowings               9,396,164,500.00                        6,782,865,800.00

     Cash received from bond issuance

     Other proceeds relating to
financing activities

Subtotal cash inflow received from
                                            9,396,164,500.00                        6,992,865,800.00
financing activities

     Cash repayments of borrowings          5,345,526,396.17                        5,551,474,882.41

                                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Cash payments for distribution of
                                                                                399,928,132.12                                 541,489,070.30
dividends, profit or interest expenses

     Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                                               5,745,454,528.29                               6,092,963,952.71
financing activities

The net cash flow generated by
                                                                               3,650,709,971.71                                899,901,847.29
financing activities

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                                 -41,635,090.04                                388,459,851.48
changes on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                                -590,970,739.29                               2,714,617,045.20

     Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                              11,876,536,613.66                               4,489,630,951.08
the beginning of the period

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                              11,285,565,874.37                               7,204,247,996.28
ending of the period

Legal Representative: Wang Shu                   Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge             Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                         January to June 2017

                                                  Owner’s equity attributable to parent company

                                    Other equity                                                                              Non-co     Total
         Items                                                                 Other
                                     instruments                    Less:                                  General Undistri ntrollin shareho
                       Share                            Capital                compre Special Surplus
                                                                   treasury                                 risk    buted      g      lder’s
                                 Prefer Perpet
                       capital                   Other reserves                hensive reserves reserves
                                 ence    ual                       shares                                  reserve profits interests equity
                                                   s                           income
                                 shares bond

1.   Ending            3,136,                            9,114,8                                                    -496,96             13,264,
                                                                                        372,721 961,105                       549,202
     balance of        000,00                            45,542.                                                    9,242.6             556,652
                                                                                            .86 ,529.85                       ,101.63
     last year           0.00                                 05                                                          1                 .78

     Add: Change
of accounting

Correction of
errors for previous


                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

under common


2.    Beginning       3,136,   9,114,8                                 -496,96             13,264,
                                              372,721 961,105                    549,202
     balance of       000,00   45,542.                                 9,242.6             556,652
                                                   .86 ,529.85                   ,101.63
     current year       0.00       05                                       1                  .78

3.   Changes in
     current year                              10,284,                523,635 -18,282, 515,637
     (“-” for                                251.88                  ,653.57 764.64 ,140.81
     decrease )

1) Total
                                                                      523,635 6,332,0 529,967
                                                                       ,653.57     90.48 ,744.05

2) Capital increase
                                                                                 9,003,8 9,003,8
and decrease by
                                                                                   15.84     15.84

(1) Common share
invested by

(2) Capital input
by the holder of
other equity

(3) Share-based
attributable to
owners’ equity

(4) Others

3) Profit                                                                        -34,024, -34,024,
distribution                                                                      878.25 878.25

(1) Appropriation
to surplus reserves

(2) Appropriation
to general risk

(3) Profit
                                                                                 -34,024, -34,024,
distribution to
                                                                                  878.25 878.25

(4) Others

4) Transfers within

                                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


(1) Capital
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(2) Surplus
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(3) Surplus
reserves to recover

(4) Others

                                                                                     10,284,                               406,207 10,690,
5) Special reserves
                                                                                      251.88                                      .29 459.17

(1) Provision of                                                                     19,733,                               406,207 20,139,
special reserves                                                                      398.02                                      .29 605.31

(2) Use of special                                                                   9,449,1                                          9,449,1
reserves                                                                               46.14                                            46.14

6) Others

                      3,136,                           9,114,8                                                                        13,780,
4. Ending balance                                                                    10,656, 961,105             26,666, 530,919
                      000,00                           45,542.                                                                        193,793
of current year                                                                       973.74 ,529.85             410.96 ,336.99
                        0.00                                05                                                                            .59

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                                                       January to June 2016

                                                Owner’s equity attributable to parent company
                                   Other equity                                                                                        Total
                                                                            Other                                          ntrollin
         Items                      instruments                                                                                       shareho
                                                                  Less:                                 General Undistri
                      Share                           Capital               compre Special Surplus                            g
                                Prefer Perpet                    treasury                                risk    buted                lder’s
                      capital                   Other reserves              hensive reserves reserves                      interest
                                ence    ual                      shares                                 reserve profits               equity
                                                  s                         income                                            s
                                shares bond

1.       Ending       3,136,                           9,114,8                                                  -1,278,2              12,439,
                                                                                     393,372 961,105                       504,993
       balance of     000,00                           45,542.                                                   44,071.              093,421
                                                                                         .05 ,529.85                       ,049.45
       last year        0.00                                05                                                       93                   .47

       Add: Change
of accounting

                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Correction of
errors for previous

under common


2.    Beginning        3,136,   9,114,8                                -1,278,2             12,439,
                                               393,372 961,105                    504,993
     balance of        000,00   45,542.                                 44,071.             093,421
                                                   .05 ,529.85                    ,049.45
     current year        0.00       05                                      93                  .47

3.   Changes in
     current year                              -20,650.                781,274 44,209, 825,463
     (“-” for                                     19                  ,829.32 052.18 ,231.31
     decrease )

1) Total
                                                                       781,274 44,204, 825,479
                                                                        ,829.32 577.33 ,406.65

2) Capital increase
and decrease by

(1) Common share
invested by

(2) Capital input
by the holder of
other equity

(3) Share-based
attributable to
owners’ equity

(4) Others

3) Profit

(1) Appropriation
to surplus reserves

(2) Appropriation

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

to general risk

(3) Profit
distribution to

(4) Others

4) Transfers within

(1) Capital
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(2) Surplus
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(3) Surplus
reserves to recover

(4) Others

                                                                                  -20,650.                           4,474.8 -16,175.
5) Special reserves
                                                                                       19                                  5       34

(1) Provision of                                                                  39,766,                            4,474.8 39,771,
special reserves                                                                   855.73                                  5 330.58

(2) Use of special                                                                39,787,                                      39,787,
reserves                                                                           505.92                                       505.92

6) Others

                      3,136,                      9,114,8                                                 -496,96              13,264,
4. Ending balance                                                                 372,721 961,105                    549,202
                      000,00                      45,542.                                                  9,242.6             556,652
of current year                                                                       .86 ,529.85                    ,101.63
                        0.00                              05                                                    1                  .78

Legal Representative: Wang Shu            Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge             Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu


                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                     January to June 2017
                       Share   Other equity instruments        Capital    Less:      Other    Special   Surplus Undistri       Total

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                      capital Prefere                        reserves    treasury comprehe reserves    reserves    buted sharehold
                                  nce               Others               shares    nsive                          profits      er’s
                                          al bond
                                 shares                                           income                                      equity

1.   Ending                                                                                                       -1,006,7
                      3,136,00                               8,694,693                     230,735.8 961,105,5               11,785,31
     balance of                                                                                                   12,290.
                      0,000.00                                 ,859.93                            9       29.85               7,835.49
     last year                                                                                                         18

     Add: Change
of accounting

Correction of
errors for previous


2.    Beginning                                                                                                   -1,006,7
                      3,136,00                               8,694,693                     230,735.8 961,105,5               11,785,31
     balance of                                                                                                   12,290.
                      0,000.00                                 ,859.93                            9       29.85               7,835.49
     current year                                                                                                      18

3.   Changes in
     current year                                                                          7,894,775              601,826 609,721,5
     (“-” for                                                                                  .31              ,747.95       23.26
     decrease )

1) Total
                                                                                                                  601,826 601,826,7
                                                                                                                  ,747.95       47.95

2) Capital increase
and decrease by

(1) Common share
invested by

(2) Capital input
by the holder of
other equity

(3) Share-based
attributable to
owners’ equity

(4) Others

3) Profit

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


(1) Appropriation
to surplus reserves

distribution to


4) Transfers within

(1) Capital
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(2) Surplus
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(3) Surplus
reserves to recover

(4) Others

                                                                                            7,894,775                         7,894,775
5) Special reserves
                                                                                                  .31                                   .31

(1) Provision of                                                                            17,253,64                         17,253,64
special reserves                                                                                 4.64                              4.64

(2) Use of special                                                                          9,358,869                         9,358,869
reserves                                                                                          .33                                   .33

6) Others

4. Ending balance 3,136,00                                  8,694,693                       8,125,511 961,105,5               12,395,03
of current year       0,000.00                                ,859.93                             .20      29.85               9,358.75

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                                   January to June 2016

                                 Other equity instruments                Less:    Other                            Undistri     Total
         Items         Share                                 Capital                         Special    Surplus
                                 Prefere Perpetu                        treasury comprehe                           buted sharehold
                      capital                      Others   reserves                        reserves    reserves
                                  nce    al bond                        shares    nsive                            profits      er’s

                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                 shares                       income                                     equity

1.    Ending                                                                                 -1,684,4
                      3,136,00            8,694,693                    393,372.0 961,105,5              11,107,73
     balance of                                                                              56,000.
                      0,000.00              ,859.93                           5     29.85                6,760.94
     last year                                                                                    89

     Add: Change
of accounting

Correction of
errors for previous


2.    Beginning                                                                              -1,684,4
                      3,136,00            8,694,693                    393,372.0 961,105,5              11,107,73
     balance of                                                                              56,000.
                      0,000.00              ,859.93                           5     29.85                6,760.94
     current year                                                                                 89

3.   Changes in
     current year                                                      -162,636.             677,743 677,581,0
     (“-” for                                                              16              ,710.71       74.55
     decrease )

1) Total
                                                                                             677,743 677,743,7
                                                                                             ,710.71       10.71

2) Capital increase
and decrease by

(1) Common share
invested by

(2) Capital input
by the holder of
other equity

(3) Share-based
attributable to
owners’ equity

(4) Others

3) Profit

(1) Appropriation

                                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

to surplus reserves

distribution to


4) Transfers within

(1) Capital
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(2) Surplus
transferred into
paid-in capital (or

(3) Surplus
reserves to recover

(4) Others

                                                                                   -162,636.                       -162,636.
5) Special reserves
                                                                                         16                              16

(1) Provision of                                                                  34,079,63                        34,079,63
special reserves                                                                       0.37                             0.37

(2) Use of special                                                                34,242,26                        34,242,26
reserves                                                                               6.53                             6.53

6) Others

4. Ending balance 3,136,00                           8,694,693                    230,735.8 961,105,5              11,785,31
of current year       0,000.00                         ,859.93                            9     29.85               7,835.49

Legal Representative: Wang Shu         Person in charge of accounting: Han Ge      Accounting Dept. Leader: Wang Shaoyu

III. Basic Information of the Company

       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) , as approved in Liao-Zheng (1997)
       No. 57 by Liaoning People’s Government on 27 March 1997, was incorporated as a joint stock limited
       company through public share offer of domestic listed foreign currency denominated shares (B shares) in the
       People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on 27 June 1997 by Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(“Bengang Group”) , through reorganization of operations, assets and liabilities of its plants, namely, Steel
Smelting Plant, Primary Rolling Plant and Continuous Hot Rolling Plant.

As approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the CSRC”), the
Company issued 400,000,000 B-shares at HKD2.38 each in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 10 June 1997. On 3
November 1997, the Company issued another 120,000,000 A-shares (Renminbi common Shares) at RMB5.40
each, and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 15 January 1998. The capital shares were totaled to
1,136,000,000 shares including 616,000,000 shares held by the promoter.

On 14 March 2006, according to the resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meeting regarding share equity
relocation, the Share Equity Relocation Scheme, Response to Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd. about Share
Equity Relocation issued by Liaoning Provincial Government State-owned Asset Administrative Committee,
Bengang Group – the only holder of non-negotiable state-owned legal person shares paid the consideration to
the current shareholders to obtain the current option for the 40,800,000 shares of the total 616,000,000 shares
it was holding. Shareholding positions have been registered with China Securities Depository & Clearing
Corporation Ltd. Shenzhen Office. However, the total amount of capital shares of Bengang Steel Plates Co.,
Ltd. was not changed through the share equity relocation action.

According to the approval document “Zheng-Jian-Gong-Si-Zi [2006] No. 126” by China Securities
Regulatory Commission on 30 June 2006, the Company was approved to place 2 billion Renminbi common
shares particularly to Bengang Group and the proceeds would be used to purchase the related assets of the
Group. On the same day, Bengang Group received circular Zheng-Jian-Gong-Si-Zi [2006] No. 127 issued by
China Securities Regulatory Committee, and were exempted for the liability of undertaking the purchase offer.
The liability was caused by subscribing of the 2 billion new shares and the total shareholding was thus
increased to 2.5752 billion shares (accounting for 82.12% of the total capital shares of the Company). On 28
August 2006, as approved by China Securities Depository & Clearing Corporation Ltd. Shenzhen Office, the
registration and conditional placing procedures of the 2 billion new shares were completed. On 28 September
2006, the privately placed shares were approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange to be placed in the stock
market. The new shares were placed in the market with face value of RMB1.00 per share and the placing
price was RMB4.6733 per share. The newly placed shares were restricted to be sold in 36 months when they
were registered to the account of Bengang Group.

Up to 31 December 2016, the capital shares of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd were amounted to
3,136,000,000 shares. The unified social credit code was 91210000242690243E. The registered address is
16th Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi, Liaoning Province. The registered capital is RMB
3,136,000,000. The legal representative is Wang Shu.

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

   The parent company of Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd is Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. and the actual
   controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of
   Liaoning province.

   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. belongs to ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, and is
   mainly involved in producing and trading of ferrous metal products.

   The financial statements have been approved for reporting by the board of directors of the Company on 23
   August 2017.

   As at 30 June 2017, subsidiaries included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements are as follows:

                                            Name of the subsidiaries
    Guangzhou Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.
    Shanghai Bengang Metallurgy Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
    Bengang Steel Plate Liaoyang Orel Ball Co., Ltd.
    Dalian Benruitong Automobile Material Technologies Co., Ltd.
    Changchun Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd.
    Harbin Bengang Economic and Trading Co., Ltd.
    Nanjing Bengang Steel Material Sales Ltd.
    Wuxi Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd.
    Xiamen Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd.
    Yantai Bengang Steel & Iron Sales Co., Ltd.
    Tianjin Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.
    Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd.
    Benxi Bengang Steel Sales Co., Ltd
    Shenyang Bengang Metallurgical Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
    Bengang Baojin (Shenyang) Automobile New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
   Bengang Baojin (Shenyang) Automobile New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a new subsidy included in the
   Company’s consolidated financial statements.

IV. Basis of preparation

1. Basis of preparation

   The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis of actual trading and events in
   accordance with “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Basic Standard” and relevant specific
   standards, application materials, interpretations (together hereinafter referred to as “Accounting Standards for
   Business Enterprises”) issued by the Ministry of Finance, and “Information Disclosure Rules for Companies

                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

   of securities for public issuance No. 15 – General Regulations for Financial Statements” issued by the China
   Securities Regulatory Commission.

2. Going concern

   The Company is operating normally and in a good condition, and thus has the capability to continue to
   operate in the next twelve months from the end of reporting period

V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

   The following disclosed content covers the detailed accounting policies and accounting estimates that are
   adopted by the Company according to the actual features of production or operation.

1. Statement of compliance with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

   The financial statements present truly and completely the financial position, operation results and cash flows
   of the Company during the reporting period in accordance with China Accounting Standards for Business

2. Accounting year

   The Accounting year is from 1 January to 31 December.

3. Operating period

   The operating period is twelve months.

4. Functional currency

   The Company’s functional currency is RMB.

5. The accounting treatment for Business combination under/now under common control

   Business consolidation under common control: The assets and liabilities that the Company acquired in a
   business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount of aquiree’s assets, liabilities
   (as well as the goodwill arising from the business combination) in the consolidated financial statement of the
   ultimate controller on the combining date.
   As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the Company and the carrying
   amount of the consideration paid by it (or the total par value of the shares issued), capital reserve needs to be
   adjusted. If the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

   Business combination involving entities now under common control: The Company shall, on the acquisition
   date, measure the assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed by an enterprise for a business combination
   in light of their fair values, and shall record the balances between them and their carrying amounts into the
   profits and losses at the current period.

   The Company shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the
   identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as goodwill. The Company shall treat the negative balance
   between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree into
   the profits and losses of the current period.

   The intermediary costs and relevant management fee for the business combination now under same control
   paid by the acquirer, including the expenses for audit, assessment and legal services, shall be recorded into the
   profits and losses at the current period. The transaction expenses for the issuance of equity securities for the
   business combination shall be recorded into the initial recognition amount of equity securities.

6. Consolidation of Financial Statements

   1. Scope of consolidation
   The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. All the
   subsidies (including separable sections of the investees controlled by the Company) have been consolidated
   into the scope of consolidation for this period ended.

   2. Procedure of consolidation
   The consolidated financial statements shall be presented by the parent based on the financial statements of the
   parent and its subsidiaries, and using other related information. When preparing consolidated financial
   statements, the parent shall consider the entire group as an accounting entity, adopt uniform accounting
   policies and apply the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises related to recognition,
   measurement and presentation. The consolidated financial statements shall reflect the overall financial
   position, operating results and cash flows of the group.

   The accounting policy and accounting period of the subsidiaries within the consolidation scope shall be in
   accordance with those of the Company. If not, it is necessary to make the adjustment according to the
   Company’s accounting policies and accounting period when preparing the consolidated financial statements.

   For subsidiaries through acquisition that are now under common control, the financial statements are adjusted
   according to fair value of identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.

                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

For subsidiaries through acquisition that are under common control, the assets, liabilities (as well as the
goodwill arising from purchasing the subsidiary by the ultimate controller) are adjusted according to book
value of net assets in the financial statements of the ultimate controller.

The owners’ interests, profit or loss, and comprehensive income of the subsidiary attributable to the
non-controlling shareholders shall be presented separately in the shareholders’ equity of the consolidated
balance sheet and under the item of net profit of the consolidated statement of comprehensive income and
under the item of total comprehensive income. Where losses assumed by the minority exceed the minority’s
interests in the beginning equity of a subsidiary, the excess shall be charged against the minority’s interests.

(1) Increase of new subsidiary and business
If the Company has a new subsidiary due to business combination under common control during a reporting
period, it shall adjust the beginning balance in the consolidated statement of financial position when preparing
consolidated statement of financial position. The revenue, expenses and profits of the subsidiaries from the
acquisition date to the end of the reporting period are included in the Company’s consolidated statement of
comprehensive income. The cash flow of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting
period is included in the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows. And meanwhile the Company shall
adjust the relevant items of the comparative financial statements as if the reporting entity for the purpose of
consolidation has been in existence since the date the ultimate controlling party first obtained control.

When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee under common control due to
additional investment or other reasons, Adjustment shall be made as if the reporting entity after the
combination has been in existence since the date the ultimate controlling party first obtained control. The
investment income recognized between date of previously obtaining equity investment and the date the
acquiree and acquirer are under common control, which is later, and the combining date, other comprehensive
income and other changes of net assets arising from the equity investment previously-held before obtaining
the control the acquiree shall be adjusted against the prior retained earnings of the comparative financial
statements and the current profit or loss respectively.

If it is now under common control, the Company shall not adjust the beginning balance in the consolidated
statement of financial position when preparing consolidated statement of financial position. The revenue,
expenses and profits of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period are
included in the parent company’s consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The cash flow of the
subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period is included in the Company’s
consolidated statement of cash flows.

When the Company becomes capable of exercising control over an investee now under common control due
to additional investment or other reasons, the acquirer shall re-measure its previously held equity interest in

                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

the acquiree to its fair value at the acquisition date. The difference between the fair value and the carrying
amount shall be recognized as investment income for the period when the acquisition takes place. When the
previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive income
previously recognized in relation to the acquiree’s equity changes shall be transferred to profit or loss for the
current period when the acquisition takes place. Other comprehensive income arising from
re-measurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

(2) Disposing subsidiary or business
① General treatment
If the Company disposes a subsidiary during a reporting period, the revenue, expenses and profits of the
subsidiary from the beginning of the reporting period to disposal date are included in the Company’s
consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The cash flow of the subsidiaries from the beginning of the
reporting period to disposal date is included in the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows.

When the Company loses control over an investee due to partial disposal or other reasons, the acquirer shall
re-measure the remaining equity interests in the acquiree to its fair value at the acquisition date. The
difference, between sums of consideration received for disposal equity shares and fair value of the remaining
shares, and sums of share of net assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date or
the combination date based on the previous shareholding proportion and goodwill, shall be recognized as
investment income for the period when the Company loses control over acquiree. When the previously-held
equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive income previously
recognized in relation to the acquiree’s equity changes, and other equity changes rather than changes from net
profit, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, shall be transferred to investment income for the
current period when the Company loses control over acquiree. Other comprehensive income arising from
re-measurement of defined benefit plan is excluded. When the Company loses control over a subsidiary due
to the increase of capital from other investors and thus the shareholding ratio of the Company declines,
accounting treatment shall be in accordance with the above-mentioned principles

② Disposing the subsidiary by multiple transactions
Where the Company loses control of a subsidiary in multiple transactions in which it disposes of its
subsidiary in stages, in determining whether to account for the multiple transactions as a single transaction,
the Company shall consider all of the terms and conditions of the transactions and their economic effects. One
or more of the following may indicate that the Company shall account for the multiple arrangements as a
single transaction:
Arrangements are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other;
Arrangements work together to achieve an overall commercial effect;
The occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other arrangement; and

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   One arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but it is economically justified when
   considered together with other arrangements.

   If each of the multiple transactions forms part of a bundled transaction which eventually results in loss of
   control of the subsidiary, these multiple transactions shall be accounted for as a single transaction. In the
   consolidated financial statements, the difference between the consideration received and the corresponding
   proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets in each transaction prior to the loss of control shall be recognized in
   other comprehensive income and transferred to the profit or loss when the Company eventually loses control
   of the subsidiary.

   If each of the multiple transactions which eventually results in loss of control of the subsidiary do not form
   part of a bundled transaction, apply the treatment of disposing partial long-term equity investments in a
   subsidiary without loss of control prior to the loss of control. After the loss of control, apply the treatment of
   disposing the subsidiary in common cases.

   (3) Acquiring the subsidiary’s equity interest held by non-controlling shareholders
   Where the Company has acquired a subsidiary’s equity interest held by non-controlling shareholders, the
   difference between the increase in the cost of long-term investments as a result of acquisition of
   non-controlling interests and the share of net assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously from the
   acquisition date or the combination date based on the new shareholding proportion shall be adjusted to the
   capital reserve( capital premium or share premium) in the consolidated financial statements. If the balance of
   the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

   (4) Disposing partial long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of control
   When the Company disposes of a portion of the long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without loss of
   control, the difference between the amount of the consideration received and the corresponding portion of the
   nest assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination date related
   to the disposal of the long-term equity investments shall be adjusted to the capital reserve (capital premium or
   share premium) in the consolidated financial statements. If the balance of the capital reserve is not sufficient,
   any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

7. Joint arrangement classification and accounting treatment

   A joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or joint venture.
   When the Company is joint operator of joint arrangement and has rights to the assets, and obligations for the
   liabilities, relating to the arrangement, it is classified as joint operation.
   A joint operator shall recognize the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation, and account
   for them in accordance with relevant accounting standards:
   (1) Its solely-held assets, and its share of any assets held jointly;

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   (2) Its solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;
   (3) Its revenue from sales of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
   (4) Its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and
   (5) Its solely-incurred expenses and its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

8. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

   For the purpose of preparing the statement of cash flows, the term “cash” refers to the cash on hand and the
   unrestricted deposit. And the term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term (maturing within three months from
   acquisition) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which
   are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

9. Foreign currency transaction and translation of foreign currency financial statements

   1. Foreign currency transaction
   Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB at the current rate at the day of transactions.

   The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date.
   The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date
   and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or prior to the balance sheet date, except those
   arising from the raising of special foreign debt for the purchase or construction of capitalizable assets thus
   shall be capitalized according to the borrowing costs capitalization principle, shall be recorded into the profits
   and losses at the current period. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost shall
   still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the amount of functional currency
   shall not be changed. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value shall still be
   translated at the spot exchange rate on the date of confirming the fair value and the balance of exchange
   arising from it shall be recorded into profits and losses at the current period of disposal or capital reserves.

   2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
   The asset and liability items in the statement of financial position shall be translated at a spot exchange rate
   on the balance sheet date. Among the owner's equity items, except the ones as "undistributed profits", others
   shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items
   in the statement of comprehensive income shall be translated at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date.

   When disposing an overseas business, the Company shall shift the balance, which is presented under the items
   of the owner's equities in the statement of financial position and arises from the translation of foreign
   currency financial statements related to this oversea business, into the disposal profits and losses of the
   current period. If the overseas business is disposed of partially, the Company shall calculate the balance

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   arising from the translation of foreign currency statements of the part of disposal based on the disposal rate
   and shall shift them into the profits and losses of the current period.

10. Financial instruments

   Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments
   1. Classification of financial instruments

   The classification of financial assets and financial liabilities at initial recognition are as follows: financial
   assets or financial liabilities designated at fair value through current profit and loss, including: trading
   financial investment, held-to-maturity investment, loans and receivables, available-for-sale investment and
   other financial liabilities.

   2. Recognition and measurement of financial instruments
   (1) The financial assets (liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss
   The financial assets (financial liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss are recognized initially at fair
   value (minus cash dividends declared but not received or bond interest matured but not drawn yet). The
   relevant transaction cost is recognized in current profit and loss when occurred.

   The cash dividends or interest are recognized as investment income when the Company receives such
   financial assets. At the balance sheet date, the Company recognizes the fair value changes in current profit
   and loss.

   The Company recognizes the difference between initial recognition and fair value of the financial assets as
   investment income when disposing the financial assets and at the same time adjusts the fair value changes in
   current profit and loss.

   (2) Held-to-maturity investment
   The Held-to-maturity investments are recognized initially at fair value (minus bond interest matured but not
   drawn yet) plus any related transaction cost.

   The held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate. The interest
   income is recognized as investment income. The effective interest will be determined at the initial recognition
   and will not be changed in the holding period or within a shorter applicable period.

   When disposing the held-to-maturity investment, the difference between the investing proceeds and the
   carrying value is recognized as investment income.

   (3) Receivables

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Receivables from selling products and rendering services or receivable of other company not including the
receivables with quoted price in the active market (including: accounts receivable, other receivables, notes
receivable, prepayments, long-term receivables) are measured at contract price; if the receivables is of
financing nature, it shall be recognized at the present value initially.

When disposing the receivables, the difference between the proceeds and the carrying value is recognized in
current profit and loss.

(4) Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recorded at the sum of fair values (deducting cash dividends
that have been declared but not distributed and bond interests that have matured but not been drawn) and
transaction costs when acquired.

The Company recognizes the interest or cash dividends as investment income. At each balance sheet date,
available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value and the fair value changes are recognized in the
capital reserve - other capital reserve.

The difference between the proceeds of the disposal and the carrying value shall be recognized as investment
income. And the related fair value change in the shareholders’ equity shall be transferred out, and recorded as
investment income.

(5) Other financial liabilities
For other financial liabilities, they are initially recognized at fair value plus any directly attributable
transaction costs. After the initial recognition, the other financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost.

3. Determination and measurement of financial assets transfer
Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the
financial asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset. If it retained nearly all of the risks
and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall not stop recognizing the financial asset.

To judge whether the transfer of a financial asset can satisfy the conditions as prescribed in these Standards
for stopping the recognition of a financial asset, the Company shall follow the principle of the substance over
form. Transfer of an entire financial asset can be divided into partial financial assets transfer and entire
financial asset transfer. If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for de-recognition,
the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the
current period:
(1) The book value of the transferred financial asset; and

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(2) The sum of consideration received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes of the
fair value originally recorded in the owners' equities (in the event that the financial asset involved in the
transfer is a financial asset Available-for-sale).

If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to derecognize, the entire book value of the
transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion
whose recognition has not been stopped (under such circumstance, the service asset retained shall be deemed
as a portion of financial asset whose recognition has not been stopped) , be apportioned according to their
respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be
included into the profits and losses of the current period :
(1) The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; and
(2) The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the
accumulative amount of the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is
corresponding to the portion whose recognition has been stopped (in the event that the financial asset
involved in the transfer is a financial asset Available-for-sale) .

If the transfer of financial assets does not satisfy the conditions to stop the recognition, it shall continue to be
recognized as financial assets and the consideration received shall be recognized as financial liabilities.

4. Recognition of termination of financial liabilities
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition
of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly.

Where the Company (debtor) enters into an agreement with a creditor so as to substitute the existing financial
liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations regarding the new financial
liability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability, it shall terminate the
recognition of the existing financial liability, and shall at the same time recognize the new financial liability.

Where the Company makes substantial revisions to some or all of the contractual stipulations of the existing
financial liability, it shall terminated the recognition of the existing financial liability or part of it, and at the
same time recognize the financial liability after revising the contractual stipulations as a new financial

Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the enterprise concerned shall
include into the profits and losses of the current period the gap between the carrying amount which has been
terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred
out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed) .

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Where the Company buys back part of its financial liabilities, it shall distribute, on the date of repurchase, the
carrying amount of the whole financial liabilities in light of the comparatively fair value of the part that
continues to be recognized and the part whose recognition has already been terminated. The gap between the
carrying amount which is distributed to the part whose recognition has terminated and the considerations it
has paid (including the noncash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed)
shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

5. Determination of the fair value
The fair values of the financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value shall be determined by
reference to the quoted prices in the active market.

6. Impairment provision of the financial assets (not including accounts receivables)
The Company shall carry out impairment review for the financial assets at the balance sheet date except for
the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Where there is any objective evidence proving that
such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made.

(1) Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets
An impairment provision shall be made where the fair value of the held-to-maturity financial assets drops
significantly at the balance sheet date or the trend of decrease is expected not to be temporary after taking
various factors into consideration. The accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of the
owners’ equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded as impairment loss.

Where any available-for-sale debt instruments is recognized as having suffered from any impairment loss, if
there is any objective evidence proving that the value of the said debt instruments has been restored, and it is
objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment-related losses as
originally recognized shall be reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Impairment losses incurred by investment transactions of available-for-sale equity instruments shall not be
reversed through profits and losses.

The criteria for “serious” level of the decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial instruments are as
follows: the decrease of fair value for the equity investment with the active transaction in a market of good
liquidity is normally 50%. The decrease of fair value of the equity investment without good market liquidity
is normally 30%; the criteria for “non-temporary” decrease of fair value is continuous decrease over 12
months; the cost of investment is based on the purchase price.

(2) Impairment of held-to-maturity investment

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     The impairment of the held-to-maturity investment can be measured at reference to the measurement of the
     impairment of accounts receivables.

11. Receivables

(1) The recognition and provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables

The recognition standard of bad debts provision for the            Individually significant receivables refer to accounts receivable
individually significant receivables                               over RMB10 million or other receivables over RMB 5 million.

                                                                   The impairment test should be assessed individually for each
                                                                   individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence
                                                                   indicating the receivables have been impaired, the difference
The provision for bad debts for the individually significant
                                                                   between the present value of the future cash flows and the book
                                                                   value of receivables shall be recognized as bad debt provision
                                                                   and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current

(2) The recognition and provision for bad debts for the receivables in portfolio

                             Portfolio                                    Recognition and provision for bad debts for portfolio

Insignificant amount of receivables and unadjusted individual
                                                                   Aging analysis method

Aging analysis method for bad debts provision:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                          Bad debts ratio for                          Bad debts ratio for
                                                          accounts receivable                           other receivables

1-2 years                                                                         5.00%                                            5.00%

2-3 years                                                                        20.00%                                        20.00%

Over 3 years                                                                    100.00%                                       100.00%

Percentage of balance method for bad debts provisions:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other methods for bad debts provision:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Insignificant individual amounts of accounts receivable that recognize bad debts individually

                                                                   Accounts receivable amount is proved to be unrecoverable with
Reasons for individual recognition and provision of bad debts
                                                                   conclusive evidence.

                                                                   If conclusive evidence shows the possibility of recovering the
Method of bad debts recognition and provision
                                                                   amount is small, recognize bad debts individually as if the

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                                                                amount is unrecoverable.

12. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to obey the disclosure requirement of specific industry
     1. Inventory classification
     Inventories include material in transit, raw material, low-valued consumables, work in process, finished goods,
     materials for consigned processing, etc.

     2. Valuation method for inventory dispatched
     The weighted average method is used to confirm the actual cost of the inventories dispatched.

     3. The basis for confirming the net realizable value of inventories and the methods to make provision
     for the inventories impairment loss
     The net realizable value of inventories (finished products, stock commodity, material, etc.) held for direct
     selling in the daily business activity shall be calculated by deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant
     taxes from the estimated sale price of inventories.

     The net realizable value of inventories for further processing in the daily business activity shall be calculated
     by deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated
     sale price of inventories.

     The net realizable value of inventories held for the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be
     calculated on the ground of the contract price. If an enterprise holds more inventories than the quantities
     subscribed in the sales contract, the net realizable value of the excessive part of the inventories shall be
     calculated on the ground of the general sales price.

     The Company shall make provision for loss on decline in value of inventories on the ground of each item of
     inventories at the year end. For inventories with large quantity and relatively low unit prices, the provision for
     loss on decline in value of inventories shall be made on the ground of the categories of inventories. For the
     inventories related to the series of products manufactured and sold in the same area, and of which the final use
     or purpose is identical or similar thereto, and if it is difficult to measure them by separating them from other
     items, the provision for loss on decline in value of inventories shall be made on a combination basis.

     Unless clear evidence shows that the market price is exceptionally fluctuating, the net realizable value of
     inventory is based on the market price at the balance sheet date.

     The net realizable value of inventory at the year-end is based on the market price at the balance sheet date.

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    4. Inventory system
    The Company uses perpetual inventory system.

    5. Amortization of low-valued consumables and packing materials
    (1) Low-valued consumables shall be amortized in full amount on issuance.
    (2) Packing materials shall be amortized in full amount on issuance

13. Assets classified as held for sale

    The Company shall recognize components or non-current assets as held for sale when the following
    conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
    (1) This component can be sold immediately based only on usual terms of selling such components in current
    (2) The Company has adopted a resolution on disposal of the component or non-current asset, and has been
    approved by the general meeting of shareholders or the corresponding authority if required to be approved by
    the shareholders by the regulation.
    (3) The Company has signed an irrevocable transfer agreement with the transferee.
    (4) The transfer will be completed within one year.

14. Long-term equity investments

    1. Criteria of join control and significant influence
    Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when
    decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

    Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee
    but not control or join control of those policies. If the Company could exert significant influence over the
    investee, the investee is the associate of the Company.

    2. The initial cost of long-term equity investment from business acquisition
    (1) Long-term equity investment from business acquisition
    For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the consideration of the
    combination is satisfied by paying cash, transfer of non-cash assets or assumption of liabilities and issue of
    equity securities, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the absorbing party’s
    share of the carrying amount of the owner’s equity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial
    statements of the ultimate controlling party at combination date.

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When an investor becomes capable of exercising control over an investee under common control due to
additional investment or other reasons, the initial investment cost shall be the absorbing party’s share of the
carrying amount of the owner’s equity of the party being absorbed in the consolidated financial statements of
the ultimate controlling party at combination date.

The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of the previously-held equity
investment, together with the additional investment cost for new shares at combination date, shall be adjusted
to the capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to retained

When an investor becomes capable of exercising control over an investee now under common control due to
additional investment or other reasons, the investor shall change to the cost method and use the carrying
amount of the cost method and use the carrying amount of the previously-held equity investment, together
with the additional investment cost, as the initial investment cost under the cost method.

(2) The initial cost of the long-term equity investment other than from business acquisition
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase
cost which is actually paid.

The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the
fair value of the equity securities issued.

The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment
contract or agreement (minus cash dividend or profit declared but not paid) except the unfair value stipulated
in the contract or agreement.

If the exchange of non-monetary assets is commercial in nature and the fair values of both the assets received
and surrendered can be reliably measured, the fair value of the assets surrendered shall be used as the basis for
determining the cost of the assets received, unless there is any exact evidence showing that the fair value of
the assets received is more reliable. Where any non-monetary assets transaction does not meet the conditions
as prescribed above, the carrying value and relevant payable taxes of the assets surrendered shall be the initial
cost of the assets received.

The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by debt restructuring shall be ascertained on the
basis of fair values.

3. Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition
(1) Cost method

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The Company adopts cost method for the long term investment in subsidiary company. Under the cost method,
an investing enterprise shall, in accordance with the attributable share of the net profits or losses of the
invested entity, recognize the investment profits or losses except the dividend declared but unpaid, which is
included in the payment when acquiring the investment.

(2) Equity method
A long-term equity investment in an associate or a joint venture shall be accounted for using the equity
method. Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds tan investor’s interest in
the fair values of an investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to
the initial investment cost. Where the initial cost is less than the investor’s interest in the fair values of the
investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference shall be credited to profit or loss for the
current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

The Company shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well as its share of the
investee’s other comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensive income, and
adjust the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be
reduced by the portion of any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable
to the investor. The investor’s share of the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than those arising from the
investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution, and the carrying amount of the
long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

The investor shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses after making appropriate
adjustments based on the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

The unrealized profits or losses resulting from transactions between the investor and its associate or joint
venture shall be eliminated in proportion to the investor’s equity interest in the investee, based on which
investment income or losses shall be recognized. Any losses resulting from transactions between the investor
and investee which are attributable to asset impairment shall be recognized in full.

If the transaction of investment or sale of assets among the Company and associate and joint venture and the
assets is a business, it shall apply the treatment mentioned in Note 2 (5) “The accounting treatment for
Business combination under/now under common control” and Note 2 (6) “Consolidation of Financial

When the Company recognizes the losses of invested enterprise, it shall follow the following sequence: First
of all, offset the book value of long term equity investment. If the book value of long term equity is
insufficient to dilute, the investing enterprise shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the
book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests which substantially

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form the net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero. If the company still has the obligation
to undertake extra losses per contract, and then estimated liabilities shall be recognized into current profit and
loss accordingly to the estimated obligation.

(3) Disposal of long-term equity investment
On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and the
carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

When the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other
comprehensive income previously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been
required if the investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities.

Those owner's equity recognized other than the change of net profits or loss, other comprehensive income,
profit distribution of the invested entity shall be transferred proportionally into profit or loss of current period,
other comprehensive income arising from the re-measurement of defined benefit plan is excluded.

When an investor can no longer exercise joint control of or significant influence over an investee due to
partial disposal of equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment shall be accounted for
in accordance with “Accounting Standard             for Business Enterprises No. 22-Financial instruments:
recognition and measurement”. The difference between the fair value and the carrying amount at the date of
the loss of join control or significant influence shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period. When
the previously-held equity investment is accounted for under the equity method, any other comprehensive
income previously recognized shall be accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the
investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities for the current period upon discontinuation of
the equity method.

Those owner's equity recognized other than the change of net profits or loss, other comprehensive income,
profit distribution of the invested entity shall be transferred into profit or loss of current period in full when
the Company cease to adopt the equity method.

When the Company can no longer exercise control over an investee due to partial disposal of equity
investment or other reasons, and with the retained interest, still has joint control of, or significant influence
over, the investee, when preparing the individual financial statements, the investor shall change to the equity
method and adjust the remaining equity investment as if the equity method had been applied from the date of
the first acquisition. If the investor cannot exercise joint control of or significant influence over the investee
after partial disposal of equity investment, the remaining equity investment shall be accounted for in
accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22-Financial instruments: Recognition

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   and Measurement”, and the difference between the fair value and carrying amount at the date of the loss of
   control shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period.

   When the equity investment disposed is acquired through business combination due to additional investment
   or other reasons, in stand-alone financial statement, the remaining equity investment shall adopt cost method
   or equity method, any other comprehensive income and other owner’s interests previously recognized of the
   previously-held equity investment under the equity method shall be transferred proportionally.

   For those remaining equity investment accounted for in accordance with “Accounting Standard for Business
   Enterprises No.22-Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement” after disposal, other comprehensive
   income and other owner’s interests previously recognized shall be transferred to profit or loss in full.

15. Investment properties

   Investment properties measurement method:
   Cost Method
   Depreciation and amortization method

   The term "investment properties" refers to the real estate held for generating rent and/or capital appreciation.
   The investment properties include:
   (1) The land use right which has already been rented;
   (2) The land use right which is held and prepared for transfer after appreciation; and
   (3) The building which has already been rented (including buildings self-constructed or developed for rent
   after completion or buildings being built or developed for future rent) .

   The investment properties shall be measured at the cost model. For the investment properties measured at cost
   model and building for rent, the same depreciation policy shall be adopted as that of fixed assets; for land use
   right, the same amortization policy shall be adopted as that of intangible assets.

16. Fixed assets

   (1) Recognition of Fixed assets
   The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows:
   (1) They are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business
   management; and
   (2) Their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.

   No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows:
   (1) The economic benefits related to the fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise; and

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    (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

    (2) Fixed assets depreciation

        Category           Fixed assets depreciation     Depreciation Period    Residual Value Rate      Depreciation Rate

Plants and Buildings       Straight line method        8-40 years              0%                     2.50%-12.50%

Machinery                  Straight line method        4-18 years              3%                     5.39%-24.25%

Transportation and other
                           Straight line method        5-18 years              3%                     5.39%-19.40%

    (3) Recognition criteria for fixed asset leased in by financial leasing and its valuation
    Where a lease satisfies one or more of the following criteria, it shall be recognized as a financial leasing:
    (1) The ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee when the term of lease expires;
    (2) The lessee has the option to buy the leased asset at a price which is expected to be far lower than the fair
    value of the leased asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable;
    (3) The lease term covers the major part of the use life of the leased asset; and
    (4) The present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date amounts to substantially all
    of the fair value of the leased asset on the lease beginning date.

    On the lease beginning date, the Company shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and
    the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the initial book value,
    recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the initial book value of long-term account payable,
    and treat the difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as
    unrecognized financing charges.

17. Construction in progress

    The cost of fixed assets transferred from a construction in progress includes all the necessary expenses
    incurred for bringing the asset to the expected conditions for use. Construction in progress is transferred to
    fixed asset when it has reached its working condition for its intended use. In case the final project accounts
    have not been completed or approved, the asset shall be transferred to fixed assets at an estimated value by
    considering project budget, cost or actual cost of the project and etc., and the deprecation of the said fixed
    assets shall be provided in accordance with the Company’s accounting policy since it has reached its working
    condition for its intended use. After the project accounts have been approved, the estimated values shall be
    adjusted based on the actual cost, but those provided deprecation shall not be adjusted.

18. Borrowing costs

     1. Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs

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The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on
borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings.

Where the borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the
costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual
amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.

The term "assets eligible for capitalization" shall refer to the fixed assets, investment real estate, inventories
and other assets, of which the acquisition and construction or production may take quite a long time to get
ready for its intended use or for sale.

The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements:
(1) The asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include cash, transferred non-cash assets or
interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or production activities for preparing assets
eligible for capitalization;
(2) The borrowing costs has already incurred; and
(3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its
intended use or sale have already started.

2. The capitalization period of borrowing costs
The capitalization period shall refer to the period from the commencement to the cessation of capitalization of
the borrowing costs, excluding the period of suspension of capitalization of the borrowing costs.

When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale,
the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased.

Where each part of a qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is completed separately
and is ready for use, the capitalization of the borrowing costs in relation to this part of asset shall be ceased.

Where each part of an asset under acquisition and construction or production is completed separately and is
ready for use or sale during the continuing construction of other parts, but it cannot be used or sold until the
asset is entirely completed, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased when the asset is
completed entirely.

3. The suspension of capitalization of borrowing costs
Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the
interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended.

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   If the interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or
   production ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall continue. The
   borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the
   profits and losses of the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset restarts.

    4. Method of calculating the capitalization rate and capitalized amount of borrowing costs
   For interest expense (minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the
   bank or investment income earned on the loan as a temporary investment) and the ancillary expense incurred
   to a specifically borrowed loan, those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or
   production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized at the incurred amount when they are
   incurred, and shall be recorded into the costs of the asset eligible for capitalization.

   The Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general
   borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset
   disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The
   capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the
   general borrowing.

   Where there is any discount or premium, the amount of discounts or premiums that shall be amortized during
   each accounting period shall be determined by the effective interest rate method, and an adjustment shall be
   made to the amount of interests in each period.

19. Biological Assets

20. Oil and gas assets

21. Intangible assets

   (1) Measurement, useful life and impairment
   1. Measurement of Intangible Assets
   (1) Initial measurement is based on cost upon acquisition
   The cost of an intangible asset on acquisition include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary
   disbursements which may be directly attributable to bringing the intangible asset to the conditions for the
   expected purpose. If the payment for an intangible asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions and it
   is of the financing nature, the cost of the intangible asset shall be determined on the basis of the present value
   of the purchase price.

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For intangible assets obtained from debt restructuring as settlement of liabilities from debtors, initial
recognition is based on its fair value, and the difference between the debt restructured and the fair value of the
intangible assets are recognized in the current profit and loss.

For intangible assets obtained from non-monetary transactions with commercial substance, and the fair value
of the assets obtained or surrendered can be reliably measured, the initial recognition of the asset obtained is
based on the fair value of the asset surrendered, unless there is strong evidence that the fair value of the asset
obtained is more reliable. For intangible assets obtained through non-monetary transactions which do not
meet the above criteria, the initial recognition is based on the book value of the assets surrendered and the
relevant taxes payable. No gain or loss will be recognized.

(2) Subsequent Measurement
The Company shall analyze and judge the beneficial period of intangible assets upon acquisition.

Intangible assets with finite beneficial period shall be amortized under the straight-line method during the
period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the enterprise. If it is unable to estimate the
beneficial period of the intangible asset, it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with uncertain service life
and shall not be amortized.

2. Estimated useful lives of intangible assets with limited useful lives:
                      Item                 Estimated useful life                  Criteria
     Land use right                              50 years                Land use right certificate

The Company shall review the useful lives and amortization methods of intangible assets with limited useful
lives at each year end.

Per review, the useful lives and amortization methods of intangible assets with limited useful lives at each
year-end is the same with that of last year.

3. Determination of intangible assets with uncertain useful lives
As at the balance sheet date, the Company has no intangible assets with uncertain useful lives.

(2) Development expenditure of internal research
1. Classification criteria for internal research phase and development phase
The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise shall be classified into
research expenditures and development expenditures.

Research phase refers to the phase of creative and planned investigation to acquire and study to acquire and
understand new scientific or technological knowledge.

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   Development phase refers to the phase during which the result of research phase or other knowledge is
   applied into certain projects or designs for the manufacturing of new or substantially improved material,
   device and product.

   2. Criteria of capitalization of development expenditure
   Expenditures during the development phase of internal research and development projects shall be recognized
   as intangible assets when they meet all the following criteria:
   (1) It is feasible technically to complete the intangible assets for use or sale;
   (2) The intention to complete and use or sell the intangible assets is present;
   (3) The method of which the intangible assets generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being
   able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets
   or there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally;
   (4) It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets,
   with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and
   (5) The development expenditures of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.

   The development expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be
   recorded into the profit or loss for the current period if the above said conditions are not satisfied
   simultaneously. The research expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise
   shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period when incurred.

22. Impairment of long-term assets

   For long-term assets under the cost model such as fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets etc.,
   the Company shall perform impairment tests at the period end if there is clear indication of impairment.

   If the recoverable amounts of long-term assets are less than their carrying amounts, the carrying amounts of
   the assets shall be written down to their recoverable amounts. The write-downs are recognized as impairment
   losses and charged to current profit and loss. The recoverable amounts of long-term assets are the higher of
   their fair values less costs to sell and the present values of the future cash flows expected to be derived from
   the assets. The Company shall estimate its recoverable amount on an individual basis. Where it is difficult to
   do so, it shall determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset group to which
   the asset belongs. The term "group assets” refers to a minimum combination of assets by which the cash flows
   could be generated independently

   The goodwill shall be subject to an impairment test at least at the end of each year.

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   When the Company makes an impairment test of assets, it shall, as of the purchasing day, apportion the
   carrying value of the business reputation formed by merger of enterprises to the relevant asset groups by a
   reasonable method. Where it is difficult to do so, it shall be apportioned to the relevant combinations of asset

   When apportioning the carrying value of the business reputation to the relevant asset groups or combinations
   of asset groups, it shall be apportioned on the basis of the proportion of the fair value of each asset group or
   combination of asset groups to the total fair value of the relevant asset groups or combinations of asset groups.
   Where it is difficult to measure the fair value reliably, it shall be apportioned on the basis of the proportion of
   the carrying value of each asset group or combination of asset groups to the total carrying value of the
   relevant asset groups or combinations of asset groups.

   When making an impairment test on the relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups containing
   business reputation, if any evidence shows that the impairment of asset groups or combinations of asset
   groups is possible, the Company shall first make an impairment test on the asset groups or combinations of
   asset groups not containing business reputation, calculate the recoverable amount, compare it with the
   relevant carrying value and recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then the Company shall make an
   impairment test of the asset groups or combinations of asset groups containing business reputation, and
   compare the carrying value of these asset groups or combinations of asset groups (including the carrying
   value of the business reputation apportioned thereto) with the recoverable amount. Where the recoverable
   amount of the relevant assets or combinations of the asset groups is lower than the carrying value thereof, it
   shall recognize the impairment loss of the business reputation.

   Impairment losses on long-term assets shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods once

23. Long-term deferred expenses

   The long-term deferred expense refers to the expenses incurred but shall be borne by current and subsequent
   accounting period, which is more than one year. The long-term deferred expense shall be amortized over its
   beneficiary period evenly.

24. Employee benefits

   (1) Accounting treatment for short employee benefit
   The Company shall recognized , in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, actually
   occurred short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss or cost
   of an asset for the current period.

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    Payments made by an enterprise of social security contributions for employees, payments of housing funds,
    and union running costs employee education costs provided in accordance with relevant requirements shall, in
    the accounting period in which employees provide services, be calculated according to prescribed bases and
    percentages in determining the amount of employee benefits.

    The employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits shall be measured at fair value if it could be
    measured reliably.

    (2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
    1. Defined contribution plan
    The Company shall recognize, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, pension fund
    and unemployment fund for employees as a liability according to the local government regulations. The
    amount shall be calculated according to local prescribed bases and percentages in determining the amount of
    employee benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss or cost of an asset for the current period.

    2. Defined benefit plan

    (3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits
    The Company which provides termination benefits to employees shall recognize an employee benefits
    liability for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period, at the
    earlier of the following dates:
    (1) When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an
    employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal
    (2) When the Company recognizes costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment of
    termination benefits

    (4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits payable

25. Estimated liabilities

    1. Recognition Criteria of estimated liabilities
    The obligation related to a Contingency (litigation, guarantees, loss contract, restructuring) shall be
    recognized as an estimated liabilities when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
    (1) That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
    (2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the
    obligation; and
    (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

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   2. Measurement of estimated liabilities
   The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses
   for the performance of the current obligation.

   To determine the best estimate, an enterprise shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time
   value of money, and other factors related to the Contingencies. If the time value of money is of great
   significance, the best estimate shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash.

   The best estimate shall be conducted in accordance with the following situations, respectively:
   If there is a continuous range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally
   likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with the average estimate within the range,
   that is, the average of the upper and lower limit.

   If there is not a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if the outcomes within this range are not equally
   likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined as follows:
   (1) If the Contingencies concern a single item, it shall be determined in the light of the most likely outcome.
   (2) If the Contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be calculated and determined in
   accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities.

   When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of an enterprise is
   expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation shall be separately recognized as an asset only
   when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained. The amount recognized for the
   reimbursement shall not exceed the book value of the estimated debts.

26. Share-Based Payment

27. Preference shares, Perpetual bond and Other Financial instruments

28. Revenue

   Whether the Company needs to obey disclosure requirement of specific industry

   1. Recognition Criteria for the Revenue from sale of goods
   (1) The general principle of revenue recognition and measurement
   The Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; and
   retained neither continuing managerial involvement which usually relates to the ownership nor exerts
   effective control over the goods sold. The relevant amount of revenue can be measured reliably, the economic

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benefits related to the transaction will flow into the enterprise; and the relevant costs incurred or to be
incurred can be measured reliably. Revenue from the sale of goods may be recognized.

(2) The specific criteria of revenue recognition and measurement

The amount of sale of goods is recognized according to the contract or agreement terms.

The Company mainly sells steel and other products. Domestic sales revenue is recognized when the following
conditions are met: The Company has delivered the products to buyer under the contract, amount of product
sales revenue is determinable, received or the certificate of the right to receive the amount has been obtained
and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the entity, and related costs can be measured
Export sales revenue is recognized when the following conditions are met: the Company has undertaken the
Customs declaration and delivery has occurred under the contract, bill of lading has been obtained, amount of
product sales revenue is determinable, received or the certificate of the right to receive the amount has been
obtained and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the entity, and related costs can be
measured reliably.

2. Recognition Criteria for the Revenue from alienating of Assets Use Rights
(1) The general principle
When it is probable that economic benefits in relation to the transaction will flow into the enterprise; and the
amount of revenues can be measured reliably. The Company shall ascertain the amount of revenues from the
transfer of Assets Use Right based on the following circumstances respectively:
(1) Interest income shall be calculated based on the duration of which the Company's cash is used by others
and the actual interest rate; or
(2) Royalty revenue shall be calculated based on the period and method of charging as stipulated in the
relevant contract or agreement.
(2) The evidence of recognition of Revenue from alienating of Assets Use Rights
(1) The agreement alienating of Assets Use Rights of has been signed and provided to users; and
(2) The timing for collecting the fee is due.
3. Recognition Criteria for the Revenue from Providing Labor Services and Construction Contracts
under Percentage of Completion Method
Revenue from providing labor services are recognized under the percentage of completion method if the
outcome of the labor service provision transaction can be reliably measured. Percentage completed is
determined by measurement of work completed.

Total revenue from providing of labor services is determined based on the received or receivable amount
stipulated in the contract or agreement, unless the received or receivable amount as stipulated in the contract

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   or agreement is unfair. The Company shall, on the date of the balance sheet, ascertain the current revenue
   from providing labor services by multiplying the total amount of revenues from providing labor services with
   the percentage completion, less cumulative revenues recognized in the previous accounting periods. At the
   same time, the enterprise shall recognize current cost of labor services by multiplying the total estimated cost
   of providing of labor services with percentage completion less cumulative costs recognized in the previous
   accounting periods.

   If the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services cannot be reliably measured at the
   balance sheet date, it shall be measured as follows:
   (1) If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of
   labor services shall be recognized to the extent of the cost of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor
   services shall be recognized; or
   (2) If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred shall be recognized
   in the current profit and loss, and no revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized.

29. Government Subsidies

   (1) The judgment basis and accounting treatment of government subsidies related to assets
   Government subsidies related to assets are government subsidies whose primary condition is that an entity
   qualifying for them should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. The specific condition
   of government subsidies related to assets to the Company is that, government subsidies qualifying for us
   should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets, including fiscal appropriation for fixed
   assets and intangible assets acquired, finance discount of specific borrowing related to fixed assets acquired.
   Government subsidies related to assets shall be recognized by deducting the subsidies at the carrying amount
   of the assets or recognized as deferred income. Subsidies that recognized as deferred income shall be
   recognized in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the periods during the useful lives of the relevant assets
   (Subsidies related to daily activities should be figured into Other Income. Subsidies that unrelated to daily
   activities should be figured into Non-operating Income).

   (2) The judgment basis and accounting treatment of government subsidies related to incomes
   Government subsidies related to incomes refer to the government subsidies beside government subsidies
   related to assets. The specific condition of government subsidies related to assets to the Company is that,
   subsidies are acquired by us and not government subsidies related to assets. The government subsidies related
   to incomes to compensate future expenses, shall be recognized as deferred income and transferred to current
   profit or loss (Subsidies related to daily activities should be figured into Other Income. Subsidies that
   unrelated to daily activities should be figured into Non-operating Income) in the period during which the
   expenses compensation is recognized, or deduct relevant cost or loss.

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30. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

    An enterprise shall recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising from a deductible temporary
    difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be
    deducted from the deductible temporary difference.

    As for any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the corresponding
    deferred income tax assets shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future taxable income to be
    offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.

    All taxable temporary differences shall be recognized as deferred tax liabilities with certain limited

    Exceptions when deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are not recognized include: initial recognition
    of goodwill; initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction or event that is not a business
    combination and at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss)

    An entity shall offset deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities if, and only if: (a) the entity has a legally
    enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities; and (b) the deferred tax assets and
    the deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either:(i) the same
    taxable entity; or (ii) different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on
    a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which
    significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered.

31. Leases

    (1) Accounting treatment of operating lease
    (1) The rents paid for operating leases shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period by using
    the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. The initial direct costs paid by the Company shall
    be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period

    If the lessor has shouldered any expense related to the lease which shall have been borne by the Company, the
    Company shall deduct these expenses from the total rental expense and the remaining rental expense shall be
    allocated to each period during the lease term

    (2) The rents collected from operating leases shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period
    by using the straight-line method over each period of the whole lease term in which free lease period is
    included. The initial direct costs paid by the Company shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the

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   current period. The initial direct costs shall be capitalized if it is material, and be allocated to each period as
   per the basis for rental revenue recognition.

   If the Company has shouldered any expense related to the lease which shall have been borne by the lessee, the
   company shall deduct these expenses from the total rental revenue and the remaining rental revenue shall be
   allocated to each period during the lease term.

   (2) Accounting treatment of financial leasing
   (1) Leased in asset
   On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the
   present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the initial book value, recognize
   the amount of the minimum lease payments as the initial book value of long-term account payable, and treat
   the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable as
   unrecognized financing charges.

   The lessee shall adopt the effective interest rate method to calculate and recognize the financing charge in the
   current period. The unrecognized financing charge shall be amortized to each period during the lease term.
   Initial direct costs incurred by the Company shall be recorded in the value of the leased asset.

   (2) Leased out asset
   On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall record the balance between the sum of finance lease receivables
   plus unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the sum as unrealized financing income, and record
   rental as revenue when received for each period in the future
   Initial direct costs incurred by the Company related to the leased asset shall be recorded in the initial
   measurement of the finance lease receivables, and reduce the amount of revenue recognized during the lease

32. Discontinuing operation

   Discontinuing operation is a component that has been disposed or classified as held for sale by the Company,
   and can be distinguished separately in operating and preparing financial statements when one of the following
   conditions is met:
   (1) The component stands for an independent main business or a major business area;
   (2) The component is a part of disposal plan of an independent main business or a major business area;
   (3) The component is a subsidiary which is acquired only for sale again.

33. Significant accounting policies and change of accounting estimate

   (1) Significant changes in accounting policies.

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     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

     (2) Significant changes in accounting estimates
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

34. Others

VI. Taxes

1. Major type of taxes and corresponding tax rates

                   税种                                      Taxation Method                              Tax Rate

                                             The balance of output VAT calculated
                                             based on product sales and taxable services
Value-added Tax(VAT)                         revenue in accordance with the tax laws       17%, 11%, 6%
                                             after subtracting the deductible input VAT
                                             of the period

                                             Based on VAT and business tax actually
City maintenance and construction tax                                                      7%, 5%

                                             Based on VAT and business tax actually
Educational surcharges                                                                     3%, 2%

Enterprise income tax                        Based on taxable profit                       25%

Notes to whether there is different income tax rate

                            Tax payer                                                        Income tax rate

2. Tax Preference


3. Others

VII.      Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Cash at bank and on hand

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                     Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Cash on hand                                                                   64,107.73                                  47,743.38

Cash at bank                                                           11,190,437,502.33                         12,238,841,745.29

Other monetary funds                                                    1,050,077,541.51                             693,022,529.17

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Total                                                                 12,240,579,151.57                          12,931,912,017.84

The details of restricted monetary funds resulted from guarantee or pledge or freeze accounts are as follows:

                     Items                               Ending balance                             Beginning balance
     Margin for bank acceptance bill                                  709.022.567.58                               483,737,529.17
     Guarantee for Yield Enhancement
     Deposits for purchase of foreign
                     Total                                            755,604,520.08                               658,337,529.17

2. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                 Ending balance                             Beginning balance


3.     Derivative financial assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                 Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                   3,486,513,747.73                           2,003,701,859.70

Commercial acceptance bill                                                                                           26,979,278.33

Total                                                                  3,486,513,747.73                           2,030,681,138.03

(2) The pledged acceptance bill at the year-end

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                       The pledged acceptance bill at the year-end

Commercial acceptance bill                                                                                        1,385,808,380.90

Total                                                                                                             1,385,808,380.90

(3) The amount of Notes receivable endorsed over but not yet matured at the year-end.

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

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                   Items                                Derecognized ending balance                  Un-derecognized ending balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                         6,333,611,744.92

Total                                                                        6,333,611,744.92

(4) No Notes receivable has been transferred into accounts receivable due to inability of drawer to meet
acceptance bill at the year-end.

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                        Amount transferred to receivable accounts at year end


5. Accounts receivables

(1) Accounts receivables disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                               Ending balance                                            Beginning balance

                                                  Provision for bad      Total net
                         Carrying amount                                             Carrying amount Provision for bad debts       Total net
                                                        debts             book
        Category                                                                                                                  book value
                                                                Bad     value of
                                     Percenta                                                 Percenta                Bad debts    of Fixed
                        Amount                    Amount        debts    Fixed       Amount               Amount
                                          ge                                                    ge                      ratio       assets
                                                                ratio    assets

Accounts receivable
                        736,368,                  200,313,              536,054,8 829,837                 205,972,5               623,865,42
tested for impairment                100.00%                 27.20%                           100.00%                    24.82%
                            346.43                  526.22                  20.21 ,954.48                     27.23                       7.25
by portfolio

                        736,368,                  200,313,              536,054,8 829,837                 205,972,5               623,865,42
Total                                100.00%                 27.20%                           100.00%                    24.82%
                            346.43                  526.22                  20.21 ,954.48                     27.23                       7.25

Accounts receivables with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Accounts receivables tested for impairment by portfolio using the method of Aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                                                   Ending balance
                                           Accounts receivables              Provision for bad debts                  Bad debts ratio

Within 1 year (inclusive)


Subtotal of within 1 year                             354,317,340.47

1-2 years                                             161,343,387.24                          8,067,169.36                              5.00%

2-3 years                                               35,576,577.31                         7,115,315.46                              20.00%

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Over 3 years                                       185,131,041.40                      185,131,041.40                         100.00%

Total                                              736,368,346.43                      200,313,526.22                          27.20%

    1. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
     The recognition standard of bad debts provision for the individually significant receivables: Individually significant receivables
     refer to accounts receivable over RMB10 million or other receivables over RMB 5 million.

     The provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
     The impairment test shall be assessed individually for each individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence indicating
     the receivables have been impaired, the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of
     receivables shall be recognized as bad debts provision and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.

    2. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the receivables in portfolio:
         Criteria for Recognition of Portfolio
         Portfolio:                       Insignificant amount of receivables and unadjusted individual receivables
         Recognition and provision for bad debts for portfolio
         Portfolio:                       Aging analysis method
                  Aging analysis method for bad debts provision:
                         Aging                     Bad debts ratio for accounts          Bad debts ratio for other
                                                          receivable (%)                     receivables (%)
         Within 1 year (inclusive)
         1-2 years (inclusive)                                                    5                                   5
         2-3 years (inclusive)                                                    20                                  20
         Over 3 years                                                           100                                  100

    3. Insignificant individual amounts of accounts receivable that recognize bad debts individually:
     (1) Reasons for individual recognition and provision of bad debts. Accounts receivable amount is proved to be unrecoverable
     with conclusive evidence.
     (2) Method of bad debts recognition and provision
     If conclusive evidence shows the possibility of recovering the amount is small, recognize bad debts individually as if the amount
     is unrecoverable.

Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio:

(2) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period

The provision of bad debts of current period is RMB 0.00;Bad debt provision written back was RMB 5,659,001.01 in the period.
Significant items of retrieving or writing back of bad debt provisions:
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                  Company                          Amount retrieved or written back                      way of retrieving

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                              Items                                                           Amount written off

Significant amount written off:
                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                         Property of the                              Reason of writing           Written off           Created by related
      Company                                  Amount written off
                       receivable account                                       off               procedures            transaction or not

Statement on writing off of receivable accounts:

(4) Top five debtors at the year-end

                                                                                              Ending balance
                            Company                                                            Percentage of total         Provision for
                                                                             Amount                 Accounts
                                                                                                 receivable (%)             bad debts

  Huachen Auto Group Holding Co., Ltd.                                       119,239,063.73                     16.19

  Benxi Nanfen Xinhe Metallurgical Co., Ltd.                                  87,396,378.47                     11.87        4,368,958.76

  Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Machinery Manufacture Co.,
                                                                              52,584,877.55                      7.14        6,252,766.59

  Hua You Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.                                                29,732,876.07                      4.04       29,616,623.65

  Ningbo CIMC Logistics Equipment Co., Ltd.                                   21,855,329.22                      2.97

                              Total                                          310,808,525.04                     42.21       40,238,349.00

(5) Recognition of receivable accounts terminated

(6) The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the transfer and the continues involvement of
accounts receivable


6, Prepayments

(1) Prepayments disclosed by aging

                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                               Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
                                      Amount                    Percentage                    Amount                     Percentage

Within 1 year                          598,454,617.50                    90.93%                452,700,499.16                       91.67%

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

1-2 years                            47,879,302.45                     7.27%                31,080,628.03                       6.29%

2-3 years                            10,018,315.85                     1.52%                 8,279,599.88                       1.68%

Over 3 years                           1,805,616.36                    0.27%                 1,778,932.37                       0.36%

Total                               658,157,852.16               --                        493,839,659.44              --

Significant prepayment with aging over 1 year is paid for commodity in advance ,and the settlement terms agreed in the contract are
not due.

(2) Top five prepaid companies at the year-end

                              Name of the company                                           Amount                Percentage (%)

  Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.                                                336,897,265.03                    51.19

  Shanxi Xishan Coal and Elect-ricity Power Co., Ltd.                                          93,542,918.52                    14.21
  MCC-SFRE Heavy Industry Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                  21,274,964.40                     3.23

  Shenhua Sales Group Northeast Energy and Trade Co., Ltd                                      21,000,000.00                     3.19
  Huaibei Coal Co., Ltd. Coal Transport and Sales Branch                                       18,000,000.00                     2.73

                                     Total                                                    490,715,147.95                    74.56


7. Interests receivable

(1) Interest receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                      Items                                Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Fixed deposit                                                               2,663,285.16                                4,208,818.85

Total                                                                       2,663,285.16                                4,208,818.85

(2) Significant Overdue Interest

                                                                                                               Impairment and the
         Loans Unit             Ending balance             Overdue period                  Reason


8. Dividends receivable

(1) Dividends receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

          Items(Company invested in)                            Ending balance                                 Beginning balance

(2) Significant dividends receivable over 1 year

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

Items(Company invested                                                                                                  Impairment and the
                                  Ending balance                      Aging                       Reason
             in)                                                                                                              criterion


9. Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                            Ending balance                                                Beginning balance

                                                Provision for bad       Total net
                         Carrying amount                                              Carrying amount Provision for bad debts        Total net
                                                      debts              book
         Category                                                                                                                  book value
                                                              Bad       value of
                                     Percenta                                                  Percenta                Bad debts     of Fixed
                        Amount                  Amount        debts      Fixed        Amount               Amount
                                       ge                                                        ge                      ratio        assets
                                                              ratio      assets

Accounts receivable
                        229,832,                66,278,2               163,554,6 183,443                   67,273,14                116,169,97
tested for impairment                 99.25%               28.84%                               99.06%                    36.67%
                            912.39                 95.69                      16.70 ,116.06                     3.57                      2.49
by portfolio

Other insignificant
items but tested for    1,740,00                                       1,740,000 1,740,0                                           1,740,000.0
                                       0.75%                                                     0.94%
impairment                    0.00                                              .00    00.00                                                    0

                        231,572,                66,278,2               165,294,6 185,183                   67,273,14                117,909,97
Total                                100.00%               28.62%                              100.00%                    36.33%
                            912.39                 95.69                      16.70 ,116.06                     3.57                      2.49

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables tested for impairment by portfolio using the method of Aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                                   Ending balance
                                            Other receivables                  Provision for bad debts                 Bad debts ratio

Within 1 year (inclusive)


Subtotal of within 1 year                            150,578,901.00

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

1-2 years                                             9,896,312.40                        494,815.62                             5.00%

2-3 years                                             4,467,773.65                        893,554.73                           20.00%

Over 3 years                                        64,889,925.34                      64,889,925.34                          100.00%

Total                                              229,832,912.39                      66,278,295.69                           28.84%

1. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
     The recognition standard of bad debts provision for the individually significant receivables:              Individually significant
     receivables refer to accounts receivable over RMB10 million or other receivables over RMB 5 million.

     The provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
     The impairment test shall be assessed individually for each individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence indicating
     the receivables have been impaired, the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of
     receivables shall be recognized as bad debts provision and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.

2. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the receivables in portfolio:
         Criteria for Recognition of Portfolio
         Portfolio:                       Insignificant amount of receivables and unadjusted individual receivables
         Recognition and provision for bad debts for portfolio
         Portfolio:                       Aging analysis method
                  Aging analysis method for bad debts provision:
                          Aging                    Bad debts ratio for accounts          Bad debts ratio for other
                                                          receivable (%)                     receivables (%)
         Within 1 year (inclusive)
         1-2 years (inclusive)                                                    5                                   5
         2-3 years (inclusive)                                                    20                                  20
         Over 3 years                                                           100                                  100
3. Insignificant individual amounts of accounts receivable that recognize bad debts individually:
     (1) Reasons for individual recognition and provision of bad debts. Accounts receivable amount is proved to be unrecoverable
     with conclusive evidence.
     (2) Method of bad debts recognition and provision
     If conclusive evidence shows the possibility of recovering the amount is small, recognize bad debts individually as if the amount
     is unrecoverable.

Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio:

(2) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period

The provision of bad debts of current period is RMB 0.00;Bad debt provision written back was RMB 994,847.88 in the period.
Significant items of retrieving or writing back of bad debt provisions:
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                  Company                         Amount retrieved or written back                     way of retrieving

(3) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                              Items                                                         Amount written off

Significant other Receivables have been written off this year:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                      Reason of writing        Written off       Created by related
        Company         Property of account   Amount written off
                                                                               off             procedures         transaction or not


(4) Other receivables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                    Nature                                 Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Accounts                                                                  211,298,263.27                             165,494,806.44

Export tax rebate                                                                    0.00                                  4,990,848.26

Margin and deposit                                                          4,075,331.26                                   3,329,519.00

Others                                                                     16,199,317.86                               11,367,942.36

Total                                                                     231,572,912.39                              185,183,116.06

(5) Top five debtors at the year-end

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                                                      Percentage of total    Provision for bad debts
        Company         Nature or content     Ending balance           Aging
                                                                                      other receivables          Ending balance

Bengang Group
International                                                    Within 1 year,
                       Accounts                 15,997,051.61                                       6.91%                     2,000.00
Economic and                                                     Over 3 years
Trading Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel and
Mechanical             Accounts                   4,610,543.21 Within 1 year                        1.99%
Manufacturing Co.,

Huozhou Coal and
Electricity Group      Accounts                   4,341,257.18 Over 3 years                         1.87%                  4,341,257.18
Co., Ltd.

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

State Grid Liaoning
Power Supply Co.,      Accounts                     3,530,637.67 Within 1 year                        1.52%
Ltd. Benxi Branch

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Real-estate
                       Accounts                     2,511,984.11 Within 3 years                       1.08%                173,991.52
Development Co.,

Total                          --                  30,991,473.78            --                       13.38%               4,517,248.70

(6) Receivable accounts involving the government

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                            Government Subsidies                                                                Predicted time and
          Company                                           Ending balance            Age at end of period
                                       Items                                                                    amount of receiving

(7) Other receivables de-recognition due to transfer of financial asset

(8) Assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and continuous involvement of other receivables


10. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to obey the disclosure requirement of real estate industry

(1) Inventories disclosed by category

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                         Ending balance                                            Beginning balance

                                                             Total net book                                            Total net book
                     Carrying amount       Impairment        value of Fixed      Carrying amount      Impairment       value of Fixed
                                                                   assets                                                  assets

Raw materials        5,942,137,530.69          4,894,918.76 5,937,242,611.93 5,524,143,499.59          4,894,918.76 5,519,248,580.83

Work in process      1,809,499,061.74      19,429,824.09 1,790,069,237.65 1,565,629,213.06            52,905,684.06 1,512,723,529.00

Products             2,109,456,655.73          2,064,659.65 2,107,391,996.08 2,755,527,232.24          5,325,405.33 2,750,201,826.91

Total                9,861,093,248.16      26,389,402.50 9,834,703,845.66 9,845,299,944.89            63,126,008.15 9,782,173,936.74

Whether the Company needs to follow the disclosure requirement of “Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure
IndexNo.4 – Listed Company engaged in Seed and Plant Industry”

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(2) Impairment of inventory

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                            Increase in current period            Decrease in current period
         Items                                                                 Write-back or                      Ending balance
                           balance         Provision           Others                                 Others

Raw materials           4,894,918.76                                                                                  4,894,918.76

Work in process        52,905,684.06                                             33,475,859.97                       19,429,824.09

Products                5,325,405.33                                              3,260,745.68                        2,064,659.65

Total                  63,126,008.15                                             36,736,605.65                       26,389,402.50

(3) Statement on part of the inventory balance which was the capitalized borrowing expenses

(4) Completed unbalanced assets at the end of the period

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                Items                                                            Amount


11. Assets classified as held for sale

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                                                                                   Estimated Disposal
            Items               Ending book value            Fair value                                    Estimated Disposal Time


12. Non-current assets due within one year

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                 Ending balance                              Beginning balance


13. Other current assets

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                 Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Prepaid enterprise income tax                                             182,372,542.02                            183,264,161.99

Input tax to be deducted                                                   98,460,611.34                             86,134,653.84

Bank Short-Term Financial Products                                                                                  244,000,000.00

                                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Total                                                                              280,833,153.36                             513,398,815.83


14. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Details of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                                   Ending balance                                         Beginning balance
             Items                   Carrying           Total                              Carrying
                                                                        Book value                        Total impairment     Book value
                                      amount          impairment                           amount

Available-for-sale equity
                                   20,271,278.63 14,414,693.00          5,856,585.63     29,271,278.63       14,414,693.00     14,856,585.63
instruments :

        Measured at cost           20,271,278.63 14,414,693.00          5,856,585.63     29,271,278.63       14,414,693.00     14,856,585.63

Total                              20,271,278.63 14,414,693.00          5,856,585.63     29,271,278.63       14,414,693.00     14,856,585.63

(2) Available-for-sale financial assets on fair value at the end of period

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

         Categories of
                                 Available-for-sale equity   Available-for-sale debt
    Available-for-sale                                                                                                        Total
                                       instruments                   instruments
        financial assets

(3) Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost

                                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                                 Carrying amount                                     Total impairment                                  Cash
                     At                                                  At                                           Percentage dividend
               beginning                                At end of beginning                                At end of of share in      of the
invested in                     Increase   Decrease                                 Increase   Decrease
                 of the                                 the period     of the                              the period the firm %      current
                 period                                                period                                                         period

Jingrui        1,967,605.                               1,967,605.
Steel                      63                                   63
Co., Ltd.

Bengang        3,888,980.                               3,888,980.
Industrial                 00                                   00
Co., Ltd.

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Shanghai         14,414,693                           14,414,693 14,414,693                            14,414,693
Steel                   .00                                  .00          .00                                  .00
Co., Ltd.

)                9,000,000.              9,000,000.
Automobil                  00                    00
e New
Co., Ltd

                 29,271,278              9,000,000. 20,271,278 14,414,693                              14,414,693
Total                                                                                                                     --
                        .63                      00          .63          .00                                  .00

(4) Change of impairment of available-for-sale financial assets in the report period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

        Categories of
                                Available-for-sale equity   Available-for-sale debt
    Available-for-sale                                                                                                          Total
                                      instruments                  instruments
        financial assets

(5) Notes to the fair value of the available-for-sale equity instruments drops significantly or not
    contemporarily but do not prepare the impairment loss

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

Available-for-sale                                                                     Continuous        Accrual of       Reason for do not
                                                               Fall of fair value
        equity          Investment Cost Closing fair value                               falling        provision for          make provision
                                                              compared to cost
instruments Items                                                                     period(month)      impairment            for impairment


15. Held-to-maturity investment

(1) Held-to-maturity investment

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                            Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                        Carrying amount Total impairment        Carrying value Carrying amount Total impairment                Carrying value

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(2) Significant Held-to-maturity investment at end of the period

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

             Bond                   Par value                Face interest rate         Actual interest rate         Maturity date

(3) Reclassification to held-to-maturity investment


16. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                    Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
                                                                                                                            Discount rate
          Items          Carrying    Provision for                         Carrying       Provision for
                                                       Carrying value                                      Carrying value      interval
                         amount        bad debts                            amount             bad debts

(2) De-recognition long-term receivables due to transfer of financial assets

(3) Assets and liabilities formed by transferring and continuous involvement of long-term receivables


17. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                            Increase or decrease                                                 Ending
                                                Investme Adjustme                                                                balance
Company                                         nt income     nt of                Declarati Provision                              of
              Beginnin     Add      Reduce                               Other                                       Ending
 invested                                        or loss     other                 on of cash      for                          provision
              g balance investmen investmen                             equity                              Others   balance
     in                                          under      comprehe               dividends impairme                               for
                             t         t                                changes
                                                 equity      nsive                 or profit        nt                          impairme
                                                 method      income                                                                  nt

1.   Joint venture

2.   Associated enterprise


                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

18. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties under cost method

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Investment properties under fair value method

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Investment properties without property rights certificate

                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                      Items                            Carrying value                                Reason


19. Fixed assets

(1) Details of fixed assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

            Items              Plants and Buildings     Machinery                                             Total

1.     Total original value:

     1.Beginning balance           11,782,464,504.30    38,138,073,694.83           832,584,624.54        50,753,122,823.67

     2.Increase in current
                                                             5,636,318.96                                       5,636,318.96

       (1) Purchase                                            155,476.52                                         155,476.52

       (2) Transferred from
                                                             5,480,842.44                                       5,480,842.44
construction in progress

       (3) Merging

     3.Decrease in current
                                                            59,712,493.86                                      59,712,493.86

       (1) Disposal                                         59,712,493.86                                      59,712,493.86

     4.Ending balance              11,782,464,504.30    38,083,997,519.93           832,584,624.54        50,699,046,648.77

2.     Total accumulated

     1.Beginning balance            5,001,998,265.97    24,497,112,858.57           544,382,199.18        30,043,493,323.72

                                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     2.Increase in current
                                           173,725,458.08            759,332,914.48              2,066,651.70             935,125,024.26

       (1) Provision                       173,725,458.08            759,332,914.48              2,066,651.70             935,125,024.26

     3.Decrease in current
                                                                        54,315,330.17                                      54,315,330.17

       (1) Disposal                                                     54,315,330.17                                      54,315,330.17

     4.Ending balance                    5,175,723,724.05        25,202,130,442.88             546,448,850.88          30,924,303,017.81

3.     Total impairment

     1.Beginning balance                     8,208,087.85               12,952,774.66                                      21,160,862.51

     2.Increase in current

       (1) Provision

     3.Decrease in current

       (1) Disposal

     4.Ending balance                        8,208,087.85               12,952,774.66                                      21,160,862.51

4.     Total net book value
       of Fixed assets

     1.Ending book value                 6,598,532,692.40        12,868,914,302.39             286,135,773.66          19,753,582,768.45

     2.Beginning book
                                         6,772,258,150.48        13,628,008,061.60             288,202,425.36          20,688,468,637.44

(2) Fixed assets temporarily in idle status

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                    Total accumulated                            Total net book
          Items              Total original value                          Total impairment                                Nature
                                                      depreciation                            value of Fixed assets

(3) Fixed asset by financial leasing

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                              Total accumulated                                   Total net book value of
            Items                  Total original value                                  Total impairment
                                                                 depreciation                                         Fixed assets

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(4) Fixed assets leased out on finance

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                              Items                                                    Ending book value

Plants and Buildings                                                                                                23,686,878.11

Machinery                                                                                                            3,674,508.08

Total                                                                                                               27,361,386.19

(5) Fixed assets without property rights certificates at the year-end

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                   Items                        Total net book value of Fixed assets                    Reason

Plants and Buildings                                                   996,678,256.84 To be handled in batches


20. Construction in progress

(1) Details of construction in progress

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                        Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
                   Carrying amount Total impairment         Book value     Carrying amount Total impairment          Book value

High Strength
Cold Rolling
                   5,368,077,954.30                      5,368,077,954.30 4,947,002,125.33                        4,947,002,125.33
Steel Renovation

The Third Cold
Rolling Work
                       456,515,887.84                     456,515,887.84     398,719,600.41                        398,719,600.41
Production Line

Energy Saving
Reconstruction         196,050,260.88                     196,050,260.88     160,819,316.39                        160,819,316.39
Of The Converter
System And 180

                                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Converter Project

The 360 Square
Meter Sintering           9,533,810.01                             9,533,810.01

                          6,063,367.91                             6,063,367.91          4,656,735.30                             4,656,735.30
Energy Control

System                   29,967,791.00                            29,967,791.00        27,813,512.90                             27,813,512.90

Power Plant the
Third Plant
                        447,174,799.98                           447,174,799.98       427,626,724.92                            427,626,724.92

Other Projects          516,666,103.77                           516,666,103.77       244,035,658.86                            244,035,658.86

Total                  7,030,049,975.69                      7,030,049,975.69 6,210,673,674.11                                6,210,673,674.11

(2) The change of major construction in progress

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                  Increase                                                                       capitaliz
                       Beginnin                                               Input of             amount
                                     in      Transfer    Other     Ending                                           ed       Capitaliz Source
 Items     Budget          g                                                  Budget Progress           of
                                  current     to FA     decrease balance                                         interest ation rate of fund
                        balance                                                 (%)                capitaliz
                                  period                                                                            of

Rolling    6,134,98 4,947,00 421,075,                              5,368,07                        721,446, 168,535,
                                                                               80.00% 82%                                      4.10% Others
Steel      0,000.00 2,125.33       828.97                          7,954.30                             966.74     430.93

Third      869,180, 398,719, 57,796,2                              456,515,
                                                                               53.00% 80%                 0.00                       Others
Cold          000.00     600.41      87.43                          887.84

                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

on Line

uction      1,778,64 160,819, 35,230,9            196,050,                     138,731, 10,884,3
                                                              85.00% 90%                           4.10% Others
Of The      4,000.00   316.39     44.49            260.88                        941.83    74.52
r System
And 180
r Project

The 360
            1,284,03            9,533,81          9,533,81                     68,627,4
Meter                                                         88.00% 96%                           4.10% Others
            2,000.00                0.01              0.01                        33.26

            294,500, 4,656,73 3,398,15 1,991,51   6,063,36                     45,372,1
ent                                                           91.00% 96%                           4.10% Others
             000.00      5.30       2.03   9.42       7.91                        34.03

            427,250, 27,813,5 2,154,27            29,967,7                     34,557,5 379,550.
System                                                        92.00% 96%
             000.00     12.90       8.10            91.00                         23.62      99

Power       610,720, 427,626, 19,548,0            447,174,    73.00% 83%       27,140,0 9,768,77   4.10% Others

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Plant the    000.00     724.92     75.06                      799.98                        56.82     8.16

Other                  244,035, 276,119, 3,489,32           516,666,
                                                                                             0.00                    Others
Projects                658.86    767.93     3.02             103.77

                       6,210,67 824,857, 5,480,84           7,030,04                     1,035,87 189,568,
Total       06,000.0                                                      --       --                                   --
                       3,674.11   144.02     2.44           9,975.69                     6,056.30   134.60

(3) Impairment provision provided on construction in process

                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                             Provision for impairment of the current
                    Items                                                                            Reason


21. Construction materials

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                    Items                               Ending balance                          Beginning balance

Special equipment                                                        4,558,925.80                           7,783,370.29

Total                                                                    4,558,925.80                           7,783,370.29


22. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                    Items                               Ending balance                          Beginning balance


23. Productive biological assets

(1) Productive biological assets under cost method

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Productive biological assets under fair value method

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

24. Oil and gas assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

25. Intangible assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

          Items           Land use right         Patent                       Software             Total

1.     Total original

                            296,245,314.76                                       397,064.99      296,642,379.75

       2.Increase in
current period

         (1) Purchase

         (2) Internal

         (3) Merging

     3.Decrease in
current period

         (1) Disposal

                            296,245,314.76                                       397,064.99      296,642,379.75

2.     Accumulative

                              36,763,695.35                                       41,273.47       36,804,968.82

       2.Increase in
                                  2,962,453.13                                    19,853.24        2,982,306.37
current period

         (1) Provision            2,962,453.13                                    19,853.24        2,982,306.37

       3.Decrease in
current period

         (1) Disposal

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                39,726,148.48                                                       61,126.71       39,787,275.19

3.   Total


     2.Increase in
current period

          (1) Provision

     3.Decrease in
current period

     (1) Disposal


4.       Total net book
     value of Fixed

     1.Ending book
                               256,519,166.28                                                      335,938.28      256,855,104.56

                               259,481,619.41                                                      355,791.52      259,837,410.93
book value

There isn’t any intangible asset constituted by internal R&D in the period.

(2) Property certificate not granted yet

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                     Items                        Total net book value of Fixed assets                    Reason


26. Development expenditure

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                  Beginning                                                                                            Ending
     Items                              Increase in current period                 Decrease in current period
                     balance                                                                                           balance


                                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

27. Goodwill

(1) Original book value

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

        Items                                             Increase                                 Decrease                Ending balance

(2) Provision for impairment

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

        Items                                             Increase                                 Decrease                Ending balance

Notes to process of impairment test and parameter and method of recognition of impairment loss:

28. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                    Increase in current     Amortized amount
           Items            Beginning balance                                                        Other decrease      Ending balance
                                                          period             in current period


29. Deferred tax assets/Deferred tax liabilities

(1) Un-deducted deferred tax asset

                                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                                                    Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
            Items               Deductible temporary                                      Deductible temporary
                                                               Deferred tax assets                                    Deferred tax assets
                                      differences                                                differences

Asset impairment
                                        325,245,151.01                    81,311,287.75            368,635,605.55              92,158,901.41

Internal trade profit not
                                          78,749,247.78                   19,687,311.95              52,499,498.52             13,124,874.63

Deductible losses                       728,330,824.55                182,082,706.14             1,136,092,189.97             284,023,047.49

Differences of
depreciation and                        333,978,859.03                    83,494,714.76            333,978,859.03              83,494,714.76

Welfare for early
                                           4,686,056.91                    1,171,514.23               5,859,027.00              1,464,756.75

                                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Unpaid employee salary                 32,180,728.46                     8,045,182.12                 7,339,835.99                 1,834,959.00

Total                              1,503,170,867.74                  375,792,716.95                1,904,405,016.06             476,101,254.04

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities not deducted

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
          Items               Taxable provisional                                          Taxable provisional
                                                            Deferred tax liabilities                                   Deferred tax liabilities
                                   difference                                                   difference

(3) Deferred income tax asset or liability at net amount after deduction

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                              Amount neutralized              Closing balance of           Amount neutralized           Opening balance of
                            between deferred income deferred income tax asset between deferred income deferred income tax asset
                            tax asset and liability at         or liability after       tax asset and liabilities at      or liability after
                                 end of period                    deduction                 opening of period                deduction

Deferred tax assets                                                  375,792,716.94                                             476,101,254.04

(4) Unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                      Ending balance                                  Beginning balance

Deductible temporary differences                                                    3,311,628.91                                   3,311,628.91

Deductible losses                                                            2,339,030,279.85                                 3,041,165,564.90

Total                                                                        2,342,341,908.76                                 3,044,477,193.81

(5) The deductible loss of unrecognized deferred tax assets due in the following period

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

             Year                       At end of the period                At beginning of the period                     Nature

2017                                                                                        44,146,053.02

2018                                                                                        61,226,455.38

2019                                                                                       179,596,211.65

2020                                              2,328,797,491.85                        2,745,964,056.85

2021                                                     10,232,788.00                      10,232,788.00

Total                                             2,339,030,279.85                        3,041,165,564.90                    --


                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

30. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                      Items                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance


31. Short-term loans

(1) Short-term loans disclosed by category

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                      Items                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Pledge loans                                                                                                       645,311,200.00

Guaranteed loans                                                    14,508,963,200.00                           10,633,173,500.00

Credit loans                                                          8,278,711,200.00                           7,483,988,079.48

Total                                                               22,787,674,400.00                           18,762,472,779.48


(2) Outstanding overdue short-term loans

Outstanding overdue short-term loans at the end of period is RMB 0.00, significant outstanding overdue short-term loans are as
                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

             Unit                 Ending balance           Interest rate             Overdue time          Overdue interest rate


32. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                      Items                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance


33. Advance from customers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

34. Notes payable

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                    Categories                            Ending balance                            Beginning balance

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bank acceptance bill                                              2,654,713,650.65                            6,372,173,897.13

Total                                                             2,654,713,650.65                            6,372,173,897.13

Notes payable mature as of end of period was RMB0.00.

35. Accounts payable

(1) Accounts payable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                  Items                                 Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Accounts payable for goods                                        4,109,974,739.18                            4,399,863,760.66

Accounts payable for labor                                           72,532,213.01                              78,583,112.68

Accounts payable for project and
                                                                    719,619,305.25                             818,679,528.16

Accounts payable for repair                                         476,312,718.96                             382,273,450.21

Others                                                                   1,433,642.25                              844,809.81

Total                                                             5,379,872,618.65                            5,680,244,661.52

(2) Material payable aged over 1 year

                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                  Items                                 Ending balance                               Reason

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Mining Co.,
                                                                    911,756,652.03 Not yet settled

Bengang Group International Economic
                                                                    790,278,853.89 Not yet settled
and Trading Co., Ltd.

Liaoning Shenjiao International Trade Co.,
                                                                     82,865,953.79 Not yet settled

Jixi Huasheng Fengyuan Coal Preparation
                                                                     46,005,916.07 Not yet settled
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Nanfen Xinhe Metallurgical Co.,
                                                                     39,634,041.29 Not yet settled

Total                                                             1,870,541,417.07                     --


                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

36. Advance from customers

(1) Advance from customers disclosed by category

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                   Items                            Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Advance for goods                                                 3,290,002,245.71                              3,679,477,129.80

Total                                                             3,290,002,245.71                              3,679,477,129.80

(2) Material advances received for over 1 year

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                   Items                            Ending balance                                     Reason

(3) Unfinished project has already paid at the end of period

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                            Items                                                          Amount


37. Employee benefits payable

(1) Employee benefits payable

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

          Items             Beginning balance          Increase                      Decrease             Ending balance

1.   Short-term
                                    18,146,736.28       791,828,227.17                773,455,834.34              36,519,129.11
     employee benefits

2.   Post-employment
     benefits - defined                57,730.42        124,856,230.57                124,853,279.83                  60,681.16
     contribution plans

3.   Termination benefits            5,859,027.00                                       1,174,970.09                4,684,056.91

Total                               24,063,493.70       916,684,457.74                899,484,084.26              41,263,867.18

(2) Short-term employee benefits

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

          Items             Beginning balance          Increase                      Decrease             Ending balance

1.   Salary, bonus,
                                     8,895,580.36       638,787,236.89                621,067,078.06              26,615,739.19
     allowance and

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


2.      Employee welfare                        0.00        26,039,726.71                26,039,726.71

3.Social security expense                655,574.20         58,424,922.00                58,424,922.00                655,574.20

     Including: Medical
                                                0.00        43,281,121.35                43,281,121.35

              Work injury
                                         655,574.20         15,133,590.27                15,133,590.27                655,574.20

                                                0.00            10,210.38                    10,210.38

4.   Housing fund                       6,850,713.00        55,104,166.20                55,102,166.20            6,852,713.00

5.   Union funds and
                                        1,744,868.72        13,472,175.37                12,821,941.37            2,395,102.72
     staff education fee

Total                               18,146,736.28          791,828,227.17               773,455,834.34           36,519,129.11

(3) Defined contribution plans

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

            Items           Beginning balance             Increase                     Decrease            Ending balance

1.   Basic pension fund                   56,104.40        119,965,183.93               119,961,538.23                 59,750.10

2.   Unemployment
                                           1,626.02          4,891,046.64                 4,891,741.60                   931.06

Total                                     57,730.42        124,856,230.57               124,853,279.83                 60,681.16


38. Current tax liabilities

                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                    Items                              Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Value-added Tax(VAT)                                                    1,490,500.36                              2,173,913.92

Enterprise income tax                                                   9,038,660.74                             13,019,967.76

City maintenance and construction tax                                   2,179,408.04                             14,026,666.46

Housing property tax                                                    3,178,293.23                              2,970,971.37

Educational surcharges                                                  1,570,190.02                             10,029,654.63

Others                                                                  2,213,406.91                              3,550,411.32

Total                                                                 19,670,459.30                              45,771,585.46


                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

39. Interests payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                  Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Corporate bond interest                                                  31,334,821.13                             70,109,821.13

Short-term loan interest payable                                         12,542,327.91                              5,005,444.53

Total                                                                    43,877,149.04                             75,115,265.66

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                    Unit                                  Overdue amount                                 Reason


40. Dividends payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                  Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Notes, the reason of significant dividends payable aging over 1 year:

41. Other payables

(1) Other payables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                  Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Deposit                                                                    2,360,628.87                             2,719,618.51

Margin                                                                  148,174,624.13                            130,550,329.63

Accounts                                                                300,236,728.97                            304,191,214.76

Others                                                                   18,727,978.11                             22,548,050.88

Total                                                                   469,499,960.08                            460,009,213.78

(2) Significant other payables ageing over one year

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                  Ending balance                                 Reason

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.                                    200,504,584.76 Not yet settled

Bengang Group International Economic
                                                                         27,984,077.05 Not yet settled
and Trading Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                   228,488,661.81                     --


                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

42. Liabilities held for sale

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                Ending balance                                   Beginning balance


43. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

Long-term loans due within one year                                  1,110,787,748.00                                  227,669,535.66

Long-term payables due within one year                                                                                 210,000,000.00

Total                                                                1,110,787,748.00                                  437,669,535.66


44. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

Changes in short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                                Interest                 Repayme
                                                                  Issuance                  ion of the
  Bond                  Date of     Bond      Issue   Beginnin                 calculated                 nt in               Ending
            Par value                                             in current                Premiums
  name                     issue   maturity   value   g balance                 by par                   current              balance
                                                                   period                      and
                                                                                 value                    period


45. Long-term loans

(1) Long-term loans disclosed by category

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                   Items                                Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

Guaranteed loans                                                     3,139,041,691.87                                3,440,691,721.62

Credit loans                                                            22,296,444.00                                    8,240,000.00

Total                                                                3,161,338,135.87                                3,448,931,721.62

Long-term loans disclosed by category:
Notes,including interest rate interval:

                                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

46. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                       Ending balance                                    Beginning balance

Corporate bond                                                               1,496,550,521.55                                 1,494,825,782.32

Total                                                                        1,496,550,521.55                                 1,494,825,782.32

(2) Changes in bonds payable (exclude other financial instruments such as preference shares or perpetual

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                                                                         Interest                          Repayme
                                                                          Issuance                   ion of the
  Bond                   Date of         Bond        Issue      Issue                   calculated                           nt in      Ending
             Par value                                                    in current                 Premiums
  name                        issue     maturity    value       value                    by par                             current     balance
                                                                           period                       and
                                                                                          value                              period

Plate Co.,
Ltd.         1,500,000 February                    1,500,000 1,494,825                  38,775,00 -1,724,73                            1,496,550
Corporate      ,000.00 5 , 2015                      ,000.00    ,782.32                      0.00         9.23                            ,521.55
Bond of
(Phase I)

(3) Statement on conditions and date of corporation bond converting to shares

(4) Statement on other financial instruments categorized as financial liabilities

Particulars about other financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bonds.
Change of financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bonds
                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

  Financial      At beginning of the period                  Increase                        Decrease                   At end of the period
    issued        Quantity            Book value     Quantity      Book value          Quantity       Book value      Quantity        Book value

Statements on basis of categorizing of other financial instruments as financial liabilities

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

47. Long-term payables

(1) Long-term payables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                   Ending balance                              Beginning balance


48. Long-term employee benefits payable

(1) Long-term employee benefits payable

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                   Ending balance                              Beginning balance

(2) Changes of defined benefit plan

Defined benefit plan obligation present value:
                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                January to June 2017                          January to June 2016

Planned assets:
                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                January to June 2017                          January to June 2016

Defined benefit plan 净 liabilities(Net assets)
                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                                January to June 2017                          January to June 2016

Content of defined benefit plan and the related risks, and the related influences to the Company’s future cash flow, time and
Results of significant actuarial assumption and sensitivity analysis of defined benefit plan:

49. Special accounts payable

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

         Items          Beginning balance           Increase               Decrease             Ending balance          Reason


50. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                Items                     Ending balance                     Beginning balance                     Reason

Notes, including significant assumption and estimate of estimated liabilities:

51. Deferred income

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

          Items         Beginning balance           Increase                 Decrease        Ending balance             Reason

                            410,399,000.00             700,000.00            15,047,000.00       396,052,000.00

Total                       410,399,000.00             700,000.00            15,047,000.00       396,052,000.00             --

Projects of government subsidies:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                               Transfer to
                        Beginning                                                                                    Related to assets
        Items                               Increase        non-operating        Other changes    Ending balance
                         balance                                                                                        or income

                         5,160,000.00                             860,000.00                          4,300,000.00 Related to assets

Second Batch of
National Cleaned
Manufacturing             800,000.00                              400,000.00                           400,000.00 Related to assets
Project Fund

Enterprise Energy
Center                  11,600,000.00                                                                11,600,000.00 Related to assets

                        12,474,000.00                           2,617,000.00                          9,857,000.00 Related to assets

Project and
                         1,180,000.00                             250,000.00                           930,000.00 Related to assets
Regional Basin
Protection Project

                         2,954,000.00                           1,477,000.00                          1,477,000.00 Related to assets

                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Reform Fiscal
Reward Project

High Strength
Cold Rolling
                    250,000,000.00                                 250,000,000.00 Related to assets
Steel Renovation

Electrolytic Zinc
                     32,832,000.00   4,104,000.00                   28,728,000.00 Related to assets
Steel Plate
Production Line

Machine Residue
Heat Usage and       12,612,000.00   2,102,000.00                   10,510,000.00 Related to assets

Treatment Plant
                      1,500,000.00    750,000.00                       750,000.00 Related to assets

Overseas R&D
                      4,000,000.00                                   4,000,000.00 Income
Special Fund

7 130t Boilers
Flue Gas
                     24,000,000.00                                  24,000,000.00 Related to assets
Project of Power

Treatment and
Salt Extraction
Project of
                       200,000.00      50,000.00                       150,000.00 Related to assets
Waste Liquid of
Coke Plant

Technology           12,652,000.00    442,000.00                    12,210,000.00 Related to assets
Special Fund

                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Automobile Steel
Engineering           1,000,000.00                                 1,000,000.00 Related to assets

High Strength
Steels for            2,900,000.00                                 2,900,000.00 Related to assets
Automobile R&D

The 360 Cubic
Meter Sintering
Machine Flue
                       600,000.00    100,000.00                      500,000.00 Related to assets
Project of Blast
Furnace Plant

Protection Project    3,480,000.00   580,000.00                    2,900,000.00 Related to assets
Special Fund

Treatment of
Carbon Fiber
Waste Water
                      9,500,000.00                                 9,500,000.00 Related to assets
Project of Plates
Coke Plant

Coal-fired Boiler
Desulfuration and
Project of
                      6,000,000.00                                 6,000,000.00 Related to assets
Bengang Power
Plant High

Project of Power     10,000,000.00                                10,000,000.00 Related to assets
Plant the Third

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Machine Energy
Conservation and
Environment              4,640,000.00                               580,000.00                      4,060,000.00 Related to assets
Protection Project
of Iron Making

Air Quality
                             315,000.00                               35,000.00                      280,000.00 Related to assets

from Resource
                                                  700,000.00        700,000.00                                     Income

Total                  410,399,000.00             700,000.00     15,047,000.00                    396,052,000.00            --


52. Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                     Ending balance                        Beginning balance


53. Share capital

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                                        Changes(+, -)
                     Beginning                                         Capitalization
                                      Issuing of new                                                                 Ending balance
                      balance                          Bonus shares      of common       Others        Subtotal
                                                                        reserve fund

Total of capital 3,136,000,000.                                                                                      3,136,000,000.
shares                           00                                                                                              00


                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

54. Other equity instruments

(1) Particulars about other financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual

(2) Change of financial instruments issued externally such as preference shares or perpetual bonds

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

  Financial       At beginning of the period           Increase                      Decrease                   At end of the period
    issued         Quantity     Book value     Quantity      Book value      Quantity      Book value       Quantity          Book value

Changes of other equity instruments during the current period, reason and the basis of accounting treatment

55. Capital reserves

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

          Items                Beginning balance              Increase                   Decrease                  Ending balance

Capital premium over par
                                    8,998,928,073.23                                                                  8,998,928,073.23

Other capital reserves                115,917,468.82                                                                    115,917,468.82

Total                               9,114,845,542.05                                                                  9,114,845,542.05


56. Treasury stock

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

          Items                Beginning balance              Increase                   Decrease                  Ending balance


57. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan


                                                                   Less: Amount
                                                          Amount     transferred                    After-tax     After-tax
                                          Beginning                                     Less:                                   Ending
                  Items                                 incurred   into profit and                attribute to attribute to
                                           balance                                   Income tax                                 balance
                                                          before     loss in the                  the parent      minority
                                                       income tax current period                    company      shareholder
                                                                   current period

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                     into other
                                                                     income in
                                                                    prior period

Notes,including the adjustment to origin amount of effective portion of gains or losses from cash flow hedging reserve to arbitraged

58. Special reserves

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

           Items                 Beginning balance            Increase                   Decrease                Ending balance

Safety production cost                     372,721.86           19,733,398.02                   9,449,146.14            10,656,973.74

Total                                      372,721.86           19,733,398.02                   9,449,146.14            10,656,973.74


59. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

           Items                 Beginning balance            Increase                   Decrease                Ending balance

Statutory surplus
                                       961,105,529.85                                                                 961,105,529.85

Total                                  961,105,529.85                                                                 961,105,529.85


60. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                         Items                                     Amount                                 Distribution rate

Before adjustments: undistributed profits at last
                                                                            -496,969,242.61                         -1,278,244,071.93

Beginning balance of retained profits after
                                                                            -496,969,242.61                         -1,278,244,071.93

Add: undistributed profit belonging to parent
                                                                            523,635,653.57                            781,274,829.32

Ending balance of undistributed profits                                         26,666,410.96                         -496,969,242.61

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1)   Influence to beginning undistributed profits was RMB 0.00 caused by retroactive adjustment due to “Accounting Standard for
     Business Enterprises” and related new regulations.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2)   Influence to beginning undistributed profits was RMB 0.00 due to changes in accounting policies.
3)   Influence to begging undistributed profits was RMB 0.00 due to corrections of major accounting mistake.
4)   Influence to begging undistributed profits was RMB 0.00 due to the changes of consolidation scope caused by common control.
5)   Influence to begging undistributed profits was RMB 0.00 due to other adjustments.

61. Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                           January to June 2017                                 January to June 2016
                                   Revenue                        Cost                     Revenue                     Cost

Principal business                19,476,278,905.41          17,638,682,335.86          11,890,962,256.28          10,286,817,465.00

Other business                     1,260,207,998.33           1,051,983,630.25              738,622,313.07            627,364,837.04

Total                             20,736,486,903.74          18,690,665,966.11          12,629,584,569.35          10,914,182,302.04

62. Taxes and Surcharges

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              January to June 2017                         January to June 2016

City maintenance and construction tax                                     46,713,364.91                                15,218,000.34

Educational surcharges                                                    33,504,830.35                                11,090,597.39

Housing property tax                                                      37,046,142.33

Land use tax                                                                3,155,810.05

Vehicle and vessel use tax                                                     15,152.73

Stamp tax                                                                 13,321,430.70                                       24,297.03

Total                                                                    133,756,731.07                                26,332,894.76

The business activities of the occurrence of property tax, land use tax, vehicle and vessel use tax, stamp tax from May 1, 2016 is
reclassified from “General and administrative expenses” to “Tax and surcharges”. The tax occurred before May 1, 2016 shall not be
adjusted. Comparative data stays unadjusted.

63. Selling and distribution expenses

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                     Items                              January to June 2017                         January to June 2016

Freight                                                                  428,678,322.48                               282,160,883.00

Port surcharges                                                           86,681,806.22                                90,759,527.08

Agency fee                                                                38,969,368.55                                28,513,161.47

Package fee                                                                 3,109,039.80                                2,761,636.55

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Salary and benefits                                                     10,794,773.70                              10,503,082.85

Others                                                                  19,399,396.68                              15,362,772.19

Total                                                                  587,632,707.43                             430,061,063.14

Selling and distribution expenses of the current period was RMB 587,632,707.43, increased RMB 157,571,644.29 compared to
previous period which was RMB 430,061,063.14, at the rate of 36.64%. The reason of the increase is the increase of external freight

64. General and administrative expenses

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Items                            January to June 2017                        January to June 2016

Salary and benefits                                                     94,209,841.05                              76,395,221.96

Accounts payable for repair                                             80,215,426.18                              92,167,672.38

Taxes                                                                                                              44,353,333.71

Land use right fee                                                      27,345,714.30                              28,257,238.10

Depreciation                                                            25,945,531.46                              13,236,195.97

Social security expense                                                 21,716,785.13                              20,539,733.05

Pollution discharge fee                                                 25,709,122.00                               5,866,430.00

Water resources fee                                                      5,596,700.00

Housing fund                                                             4,614,199.60                               5,022,412.40

Heating fee                                                             11,677,556.25                               4,103,468.74

Entertainment expense                                                    1,535,128.96                               1,333,401.18

Amortization of intangible assets                                        2,982,306.37                               2,969,528.58

Freight                                                                    277,851.35                                 290,256.00

Lease expense                                                              572,987.24                                 693,067.82

Others                                                                  56,552,255.19                              56,726,758.59

Total                                                                  358,951,405.08                             351,954,718.48


65. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                     Items                            January to June 2017                        January to June 2016

Interest cost                                                          434,308,806.10                             396,101,669.29

Less: Interest income                                                   36,772,069.07                              12,694,596.80

Exchange loss                                                          -23,234,309.69                             175,055,105.02

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Others                                                                   7,210,977.46                              28,205,647.68

Total                                                                 381,513,404.80                             586,667,825.19

Financial expenses of the current period was RMB 381,513,404.80, decreased RMB 205,154,420.39 compared to the previous period
which was RMB 586,667,825.19, at the rate of 34.97%. The reason of the decrease is because of the decrease of exchange loss.

66, Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                     Items                            January to June 2017                       January to June 2016

Loss for bad debts                                                      -6,653,848.89                              -1,880,998.86

Impairment of inventories                                              -36,736,605.65

Total                                                                  -43,390,454.54                              -1,880,998.86

Asset impairment loss of the current period was RMB-43,390,450.54, decreased RMB 41,509,455.68 compared to previous period
which was RMB -1,880,998.86, at the rate of 2,206.78%. The reason of the decrease is because of the reverse of inventory

67. Variable profit and loss of fair value

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                 Sources                              January to June 2017                       January to June 2016


68. Income on investment

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                      Items                               January to June 2017                     January to June 2016

Income from bank short-term financial

Total                                                                        3,294,593.14


69. Other Incomes

                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                 Sources                              January to June 2017                       January to June 2016

                                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

70. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                   The amount recognized in
               Items                      January to June 2017                 January to June 2016
                                                                                                                     non-operating profit

Non-current assets disposal
                                                          3,015,294.00                          2,120,458.89                        3,015,294.00

Including: Fixed assets disposal
                                                          3,015,294.00                          2,120,458.89                        3,015,294.00

Debt restructuring gain                                     822,116.45                          4,527,416.04                         822,116.45

Government Subsidies                                     15,047,000.00                       16,622,000.00                         15,047,000.00

Others                                                    2,130,078.13                           926,794.62                         2,130,078.13

Total                                                    21,014,488.58                       24,196,669.55                         21,014,488.58

Details of government subsidies recorded into current profits and loss:
                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                                                influence the                                       Amount of        Related to
                 Distribution   Distribution                                          Special        Current
    Items                                       Nature type       profits or                                        the previous     assets or
                    entity         reason                                         subsidy or         amount
                                                                losses of the                                          period         income
                                                                 year or not

                                               granted by
                                               the state to
                                               and support
Transfer from
                City Bureau                    certain                                             14,347,000.0 16,622,000.0 Related to
deferred                        Subsidy                         Yes              No
                of Finance                     industries and                                                  0                0 assets
                                               (according to
                                               the national

                Benxi Xihu                     granted by
                District                       the state to
n from Benxi
                National                       encourage
                Treasury        Subsidy        and support      Yes              No                  700,000.00                    Income
                Payment and                    certain
                Delivery                       industries and
                Center                         industries
                                               (according to

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                 the national

                                                                                               15,047,000.0 16,622,000.0
Total                   --             --              --              --            --                                            --
                                                                                                           0               0


71. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                               The amount recognized in
               Items                        January to June 2017             January to June 2016
                                                                                                                 non-operating profit

Non-current assets disposal loss                            4,593,420.30                   105,474.99                          4,593,420.30

Including: Fixed assets disposal
                                                            4,593,420.30                   105,474.99                          4,593,420.30

Total                                                       4,593,420.30                   105,474.99                          4,593,420.30


72. Income tax expense

(1) Income tax expense

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                       Items                                  January to June 2017                       January to June 2016

Income tax payable for the current year                                        16,796,524.06                                   3,949,704.94

Deferred income tax expense                                                  100,308,537.10                                136,112,516.35

Total                                                                        117,105,061.16                                140,062,221.29

(2) Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                               Items                                                           January to June 2017

Total profit                                                                                                               647,072,805.21

Income tax expense calculate according to the official or
applicable tax rate

Effect of use of deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax
asset of prior period

Income tax expense                                                                                                         117,105,061.16


                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

73. Other comprehensive income

Please refer to notes.

74. Notes of statement of cash flows

(1) Cash received related to other operating activities

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                    Items                     January to June 2017                   January to June 2016

Withdraw of current accounts, advance for
                                                               49,988,918.77                         70,468,435.19

Interest income                                                36,772,069.07                         12,694,596.80

Special subsidy income                                           700,000.00

Non-operating income                                             350,490.77                             926,794.62

Others                                                               5,600.00                           238,169.68

Total                                                          87,817,078.61                         84,327,996.29


(2) Cash paid related to other operating activities

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                    Items                     January to June 2017                   January to June 2016

Current accounts, advance for another                        317,981,786.61                         322,978,268.19

General and administrative expenses                            18,370,234.96                         40,919,405.31

Selling and distribution expenses                               4,534,010.56                           5,628,363.93

Bank charges                                                    7,210,977.46                         28,205,647.68

Others                                                           287,293.34                            2,128,404.62

Total                                                        348,384,302.93                         399,860,089.73


(3) Other cash received relevant to investment activity

                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                    Items                     January to June 2017                   January to June 2016


(4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activity

                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan

                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                    Items                     January to June 2017                     January to June 2016


(5) Cash received related to other financing activities

                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                     January to June 2017                     January to June 2016

Financing service charges and handling

Financial leasing                                                                                      210,000,000.00

Total                                                                                                  210,000,000.00


(6) Cash paid related to other financing activities

                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                    Items                     January to June 2017                     January to June 2016


75. Supplementary details of statement of cash flows

(1) Supplementary details of statement of cash flows

                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

         Supplementary information             Amount in this period                    Amount in last year

1. A reconciliation of net profit to cash
                                                          --                                    --
flows from operating activities:

Net Profit                                                     529,967,744.05                          206,295,737.87

Add: Asset impairment losses                                    -43,390,454.54                          -1,880,998.86

Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas
                                                               935,125,024.26                        1,015,556,593.59
assets, of productive biological assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                2,982,306.37                            2,969,528.58

Losses proceeds from disposal of PPE,
intangible assets and other long-term                            1,578,126.30                           -2,014,983.90
assets(Earnings marked“-”)

Financial expenses(Earnings marked“-”)                      381,513,404.80                          586,667,825.19

Investment loss(Earnings marked“-”)                           -3,294,593.14

Deferred tax assets reduction(Addition
                                                               100,308,537.11                          136,112,516.35

                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Inventories reduction(Addition marked“-”)                   -52,529,908.92                         -902,878,201.17

Operating receivable items
                                                               40,403,360.62                           32,967,723.56
reduction(Addition marked“-”)
Operating payable items increase (Less
                                                            -5,939,969,231.63                        1,316,981,622.31

Net cash flows generated from operating
                                                            -4,047,305,684.72                        2,390,777,363.52

2.Payments of investing and financing
                                                       --                                      --
activities not involving cash:

3.The net increase in cash and cash
                                                       --                                      --

Ending balance of the monetary funds                        11,484,974,631.49                        7,378,445,456.46
Less: Beginning balance of the monetary
                                                            12,273,574,488.67                        4,612,782,772.98
The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                 -788,599,857.18                        2,765,662,683.48

(2) Net Cash paid of obtaining the subsidiary

                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan


Including:                                                                            --

Including:                                                                            --

Including:                                                                            --


(3) Net Cash receive of disposal of the subsidiary

                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan


Including:                                                                            --

Including:                                                                            --

Including:                                                                            --


(4) The structure of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                    Items                        Ending balance                        Beginning balance

1.   Cash                                                   11,484,974,631.49                       12,273,574,488.67

                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Including: Cash on hand                                                      64,107.73                                   47,743.38

         Bank deposits available on demand                          11,190,437,502.33                            12,238,841,745.29

         Other monetary funds available on
                                                                       294,473,021.43                                34,685,000.00

2.    The final cash and balance of cash
                                                                    11,484,974,631.49                            12,273,574,488.67


76. Notes to changes in equity

Notes to the other adjustment to closing balance of the previous period and the adjustment amount:

77. The assets with the ownership or use right restricted

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                       Items                             Ending book value                               Reason

Cash at bank and on hand                                               755,604,520.08 Deposit for notes and L/C

Notes receivable                                                     1,385,808,380.90 Pledged for acceptance bill

Total                                                                2,141,412,900.98                       --


78. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                     Ending balance in foreign                                       Ending balance translated to
               Items                                               Exchange rate at the year-end
                                             currency                                                            RMB

Including: USD                                   477,924,242.86 6.7744                                            3,237,649,990.83

         EUR                                       87,829,623.74 7.7496                                             680,644,452.14

         HKD                                        1,009,079.01 0.8679                                                 875,779.67

Short-term loans

Including: USD                                   965,500,000.00 6.7744                                            6,540,683,200.00

Non-current liabilities due within
one year

Including: USD                                   149,000,000.00 6.7744                                            1,009,385,600.00

JPY                                                23,176,000.00 0.0605                                                1,402,148.00

Including: USD                                   181,000,000.00 6.7744                                            1,226,166,400.00

                                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

         EUR                                           105,775,601.20 7.7496                                                 819,718,599.06

                Japanese Yen                           220,172,000.00 0.0605                                                  13,320,406.00


(2) Note to overseas entities including: for significant oversea entities, shall disclose main operating place,
recording currency and selection basis, if there are changes into recording currency, shall also disclose the

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

79. Hedging

Hedging items disclosed by category and related hedging instruments and the qualitative and quantitative information of risks:

80. Others


VIII. Change of the consolidation scope

1.       Business combination involving entities now under common control

(1) Business merger not under same control in reporting period

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                Income of     Net profits of
                     Time and
                                     Cost of                      Way to gain                    Recognition     acquiree       acquiree
     Name of         place of                     Proportion of
                                   gaining the                     the stock     Purchase date     basis of     during the      during the
     acquiree       gaining the                   stock rights
                                   stock rights                     rights                       purchase date purchase date purchase date
                    stock rights
                                                                                                               to period-end to period-end


(2) Combined cost and goodwill

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                            Combination cost

Note to determination method, consideration and changes of fair value of combined cost:
The main formation reason for the large goodwill:

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(3) The identifiable assets and liabilities of acquiree at purchase date

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                       Fair value on purchase date                 Book value on purchase date

The recognition method of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities:
Contingent liability of acquiree undertaken by business merger:

(4) The profit or loss from equity held by the date before acquisition in accordance with the fair value
measured again

Whether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realize enterprises merger and gaining the control
during the reporting period
□ Yes √ No

(5) Note to merger could not be determined reasonable consideration or Identifiable assets, Fair value of
liabilities of the acquiree at acquisition date or closing period of the merge


(6) Notes


2. Business consolidation under common control

(1) Business combination under the same control during the reporting period

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                              Income from    Net profits
                                                                                    the        from the
                                                              Recognition                                     Income      Net profits
                                                                              period-begin    reporting
  Combined      Proportion of                  Combination       basis of                                    during the   during the
                                   Basis                                           to the    period to the
     party       the profits                       date       combination                                     period of    period of
                                                                              combination combination
                                                                   date                                      comparison   comparison
                                                                               date of the    date of the
                                                                              combination combination


(2) Combination cost

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                         Combination cost

Note to contingent consideration or other changes:

(3) The book value of the assets and liabilities of the combined party at combining date

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                            Combination date                    Distribution rate at end of the period

Contingent liabilities of the combined party undertaken in combination:

3.     Counter purchase

Basic information of trading, the basis of transactions constitute counter purchase, the retain assets, liabilities of the listed companies
whether constituted a business and its basis, the determination of the combination costs, the amount and calculation of adjusted rights
and interests in accordance with the equity transaction process.:

4.     The disposal of subsidiary

Whether there is a single disposal of the investment to subsidiary and lost control
□ Yes √ No
Whether there are multiple transactions step by step dispose the investment to subsidiary and lost control in reporting period
□ Yes √ No

5. Other reasons for the changes in combination scope

Notes to reasons for the changes in combination scope (Newly established subsidiary and subsidiary of liquidation) and relevant

5.     Others


IX. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Constitution of enterprise group

     Name of the    Principal place of      Registered          Nature of          Proportion of shares held (%)           Acquiring

                                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

   subsidiaries         business        address       business            Direct          Indirect         method

Xiamen Bengang
Steel & Iron Sales Xiamen          Xiamen         Sales                      100.00%
                                                                                                      under common
Co., Ltd.

Wuxi Bengang
Steel & Iron Sales Wuxi            Wuxi           Sales                      100.00%
                                                                                                      under common
Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Bengang
Steel & Iron        Tianjin        Tianjin        Sales                      100.00%
                                                                                                      under common
Trading Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Bengang
Steel Material      Nanjing        Nanjing        Sales                      100.00%
                                                                                                      under common
Sales Ltd.

Yantai Bengang
Steel & Iron Sales Yantai          Yantai         Sales                      100.00%
                                                                                                      under common
Co., Ltd.

Harbin Bengang
Economic and        Harbin         Harbin         Sales                      100.00%
                                                                                                      under common
Trading Co., Ltd.

Changchun                                                                                             Business
Bengang Steel &                                                                                       consolidation
                    Changchun      Changchun      Sales                      100.00%
Iron Sales Co.,                                                                                       under common
Ltd.                                                                                                  control

Bengang Steel &
                    Guangzhou      Guangzhou      Sales                      100.00%                  Establishment
Iron Trading Co.,

                    Shanghai       Shanghai       Sales                      100.00%                  Establishment
Science and
Technology Co.,

Bengang Steel
                    Liaoyang       Liaoyang       Manufacturing              100.00%                  Establishment
Plate Liaoyang

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Orel Ball Co.,

                    Dalian             Dalian              Manufacturing              65.00%                    Establishment
Technologies Co.,

Bengang Puxiang                                                                                                 Business
Cool Rolling                                                                                                    consolidation
                    Benxi              Benxi               Manufacturing              75.00%
Steel Sheet Co.,                                                                                                under common
Ltd.                                                                                                            control

Benxi Bengang
Steel Sales Co.,    Benxi              Benxi               Sales                    100.00%                     Establishment

                    Shenyang           Shenyang            Sales                    100.00%                     Establishment
Science and
Technology Co.,

Bengang Baojin
                    Shenyang           Shenyang            Sales                      85.00%                    Establishment
Automobile New
Material Co., Ltd

Basis of determine the Company control the investee while holding half or less voting rights and basis of determine the Company
does not control while holding more than half voting rights:
Basis of control to structured entity included in the consolidation scope:
Basis of determine whether the Company is the agent or the principal:

(2) Significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan

Name of the subsidiaries          Proportion of            Profits and losses     Dividend declared to      Ending balance of

                                                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                               non-controlling interests             attributing to                   distribute to           non-controlling interests
                                         (%)                        non-controlling                 non-controlling
                                                                     shareholders                     shareholders

Bengang Puxiang Cool
Rolling Steel Sheet Co.,                          25.00%                      7,001,363.17                   34,024,878.25                495,896,015.95

Dalian Benruitong
Automobile Material                               35.00%                       -677,807.69                                                  26,010,970.18
Technologies Co., Ltd.

Holding proportion of minority shareholder in subsidiary different from voting proportion:

(3) The main financial information of significant not wholly owned subsidiary

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

Name of                             Ending balance                                                            Beginning balance
     the              Non-curr                  Current Non-curr                                  Non-curr               Current Non-curr
            Current                 Total                                  Total       Current                 Total                                  Total
subsidiar                ent                  Liabilitie      ent                                   ent                  Liabilitie      ent
             assets                 assets                               liabilities    assets                 assets                               liabilities
     ies               assets                     s        liabilities                             assets                    s        liabilities

            2,050,71 2,159,34 4,210,05 2,226,47                           2,226,47 2,110,62 2,306,99 4,417,62 2,327,57                              2,327,57
            1,701.48 3,225.82 4,927.30 0,863.51                           0,863.51 9,548.42 6,743.92 6,292.34 2,997.38                              2,997.38
Co., Ltd.

            119,006, 157,858, 276,865, 202,548,                           202,548, 188,167, 161,544, 349,712, 273,458,                              273,458,
             557.85      619.47      177.32      119.65                     119.65       707.25     880.30      587.55     936.47                     936.47
gies Co.,

                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                     January to June 2017                                                     January to June 2016
 Name of the
                                                      Total               Net cash                                               Total          Net cash
 subsidiaries     Turnover         Net Profit                                              Turnover         Net Profit
                                                  comprehensi            flows from                                       comprehensi          flows from

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                              ve income        operating                                    ve income         operating
                                                               activities                                                     activities

Puxiang Cool
                3,953,643,06 28,005,452.6 28,005,452.6 -44,864,088.8 2,592,071,40 99,409,153.7 99,409,153.7 58,017,011.9
Rolling Steel
                        9.30              8               8                 1         0.46              7               7                  7
Sheet Co.,

Automobile      84,612,504.0                                  16,421,759.6 137,623,373.                                     -12,791,423.7
                               -1,936,593.41 -1,936,593.41                                   -3,127,791.12 -3,127,791.12
Material                  6                                                 5           15                                                 9
Co., Ltd.


(4) Significant restrictions of using enterprise group assets and pay off enterprise group debt


(5) Provide financial support or other support for structure entities incorporate into the scope of
consolidated financial statements


2. The transaction of the Company with its owner’s equity share changed but still controlling the

(1) Note to owner’s equity share changed in subsidiary

(2) The transaction’s influence to equity of minority shareholders and attributable to the owner’s equity of
the parent company

                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan


                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

3. Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

(1) Significant joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise

                                                                                  Proportion of shares held (%)           Accounting
                                                                                                                        treatment of the
                   Principal place of     Registered           Nature of                                                 investment of
                         business           address             business              Direct            Indirect        joint venture or

Notes to holding proportion of joint venture or associated enterprise different from voting proportion:
Basis of holding less than 20% of the voting rights but has a significant impact or holding 20% or more voting rights but does not
have a significant impact:

(2) Main financial information of significant joint venture

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                Ending balance/January to June 2017            Beginning balance/January to June 2016


(3) Major financial information of significant joint venture

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                      Ending balance/current period              Beginning balance/previous period


(4) Main financial information of significant associated enterprise

                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan

                                                      Ending balance/current period              Beginning balance/previous period

Joint venture:                                                      --                                             --

The total of following items according to the
                                                                    --                                             --
shareholding proportions

Associated enterprise:                                              --                                             --

The total of following items according to the
                                                                    --                                             --
shareholding proportions


                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(5) Note to the significant restrictions of the ability of joint venture or associated enterprise transfer funds
to the Company

(6) The excess loss of joint venture or associated enterprise

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                     The cumulative recognized       The derecognized losses or the           The noncumulative
             Name                         losses in previous         share of net profit in reporting unrecognized losses in reporting
                                    accumulatively derecognized                  period                             period


(7) The unrecognized commitment related to joint venture investment

(8) Contingent liabilities related to joint venture or associated enterprise investment

4. Significant common operation

                         Principal place of                                                           Proportion /share portion
        Name                                   Registered address     Nature of business
                             business                                                                Direct              Indirect

Notes to holding proportion or share portion in common operation different from voting proportion:
Basis of common operation as a single entity, classify as common operation:

5. Equity of structure entity not including in the scope of consolidated financial statements

Related notes to structure entity not including in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

6. Others

X. Risks associated with financial instruments

1.   Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to a financial loss to a party due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties.
     The Company is exposed to credit risk arising from customers’ failure to discharge an obligation in sales on
     credit. In order to minimize the credit risk, the management of the Company is responsible for determination
     of credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to ensure that follow-up actions are taken to
     recover overdue debts.

     In addition, the Company strictly approves the line of credit, and only sells on credit to important customers
     for newly-developed products. In the monitoring of credit risk of customers, the Company sorts customers
     into groups by their credit characteristics. Those customers which are rated as “high risk” will be put in the

                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     restricted client list. The Company can only sell to these customers on credit with additional approval;
     otherwise the Company must ask for a corresponding deposit in advance.

2.   Market risk
     Market risk of financial instruments refers to fluctuations of fair value or future cash flows due to market
     price changes, including currency risk, interest rate risk, and other price risk.
     1. Interest rate risk
     Interest rate risk refers to fluctuations of fair value or future cash flows due to market rate changes. The
     Company’s exposure to currency risk is primarily arising from variable-rate bank balances and variable-rate
     borrowings. Currently, the Company does not have a specific policy to manage its interest rate risk. The
     management will carefully choose financing methods, and combine fixed interest rate with variable interest
     rate, short-term obligations with long-term obligations. By using effective interest rate risk management
     methods, the Company closely monitors interest rate risk and will consider interest-rate swaps to acquire an
     expected structure of interest rates shall the need arise.

     Although these measures may not ensures that the Company completely avoids the risk of paying at a risk
     higher than market risk, or that the cash flow risk relevant to interest income fluctuations is completely
     eliminated, in the opinion of the management, these measures could achieve a reasonable balance among
     these risks.

     2. Currency risk
     Currency risk refers to fluctuations of fair value or future cash flows due to exchange rate changes. The
     Company has been constantly working on the adjustment of the organizational framework of risk
     management and optimization of debt structures to lower the currency risk.

     The currency risk facing the Company originates from the assets and liabilities measured by US dollars, Euro,
     Hong Kong dollars and Japanese Yen. The ending balance of the assets and liabilities after converted in RMB
     is shown as below:
                                                                                                Unit: RMB 10,000
                                                                    Ending balance
                                       USD             Euro             HKD          Japanese Yen        Total

        Assets                        323,765.00        68,064.45            87.58                      391,917.02

        Liabilities                   877,623.52        81,971.86                          1,472.26     961,067.64

     The table below shows the sensitivity analysis of RMB vs. other currencies when RMB deprecated or
     appreciated by 5% over other currencies under the assumption that other variables remain the same. 5% is the
     sensitivity rate used by the management for internal report of currency risk and it represents the estimation of
     the management over the possible change of foreign currency. Sensitivity analysis only includes the monetary

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     items measured by foreign currency unpaid and will be adjusted at the year-end by 5%. The positive figures
     reflect the increase of profit by 5% and the negative figures indicate the reduction of profit.
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB 10,000
                                                                            Ending balance
                   Items                                                              Impact on              Impact on
                                      Impact on USD         Impact on Euro                                                      Total
                                                                                        HKD                 Japanese Yen

            Appreciation by 5%               -12,141.19                 2,552.42                3.28                -55.21      -9,640.70

            Depreciation by 5%                12,141.19                 -2,552.42           -3.28                   55.21       9,640.70

3.   Liquidity risk

     Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds which occurs in fulfilling the obligation of settlement in a
     manner of delivering cash or other financial assets. The Company’s policy is to maintain sufficient cash to
     meet maturing obligations. Liquidity risk is centralized controlled by the Company’s finance department.
     Through the monitoring of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, bank acceptance bills due in short time and
     the continues forecasting of cash flow in the next 12 months, the finance department ensures that the
     Company has sufficient cash to meet obligations in all predicted reasonable circumstances.

     The following table details the Company’s mature date of residual contract value of un-derivative financial
     liabilities to repay according to the contract terms. The table has been drawn up based on the undiscounted
     cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Company can be required to pay. The
     table includes both interest and principal cash flows.
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB 10,000
                                                                            Ending balance
                                        Within 1 year          1-2 years            2-5 years          Over 5 years           Total

         Trade and other payables              630,502.58       120,022.87           80,242.31               30,122.01        860,889.77

         Loans and interests                 2,389,846.21        99,468.00          133,086.83               83,578.98       2,705,980.03

         Bonds payable                         157,755.00                                                                     157,755.00

                    Total                    3,178,103.79       219,490.87          213,329.14              113,701.00       3,724,624.80

XI. The disclosure of the fair value

1.    Ending fair value of assets and liabilities calculated by fair value

                                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                           Closing fair value
           Items            Fair value measurement Fair value measurement             Fair value measurement
                                 items at level 1           items at level 2               items at level 3

1. Consistent fair value                --                         --                                  --                             --

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


2. Inconsistent fair value
                                         --                          --                           --                       --

2. Market price recognition basis for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 1

3. Valuation technique adopted and nature and amount determination of important parameters for
consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 2

4. Valuation technique adopted and nature and amount determination of important parameters for
consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at level 2

5. Sensitiveness analysis on unobservable parameters and adjustment information between opening and
closing book value of consistent fair value measurement items at level 3

6. Explain the reason for conversion and the policy governing when the conversion happens if conversion
happens among consistent fair value measurement items at different levels

7. Changes in the valuation technique in the current period and the reason for change

8. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

9. Others

XII.        Related party transactions

1. Details of parent company

                                                                                                                  (In 100 Million Yuan)
   Name of parent
                        Registered address      Nature of business        Registered capital   Share proportion (%)   Voting rights (%)

Benxi Steel & Iron
                       Benxi                  Manufacturing           53.69                                77.88%                77.88%
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co.,
                       Benxi                  Manufacturing           180                                  77.88%                77.88%
The parent company of Benxi Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. is Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

The ultimate controlling party of the Company is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Liaoning

2. Details of the subsidiaries

For details of subsidiaries of the Company please refer to Note “Equity in other entities”.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

3. Information on the joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company

See details to Notes.
Information on other joint venture and associated enterprise of occurring related party transactions with the Company in reporting
period, or form balance due to related party transactions in previous period:

                              Name                                                           Relationship


4. Details of other related parties

                  Name of Other related parties                                              Relationship

Bengang Group International Economic and Trading Co., Ltd.          Both belong to Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Bengang Cold-rolled Stainless Steel Dandong Co., Ltd.               Same parent company

Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.                        Both belong to Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Bengang Electronics and Gas Co., Ltd.                               Both belong to Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Real-estate Development Co., Ltd.        Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Steel & Iron Process and Logistics
                                                                    Same parent company
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.          Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Construction Co., Ltd.                   Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Mining Co., Ltd.                         Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Thermal Power Development Co.,
                                                                    Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Designing Institute                      Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Industrial Development Co., Ltd.         Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Information and Automatic Tech Co.,
                                                                    Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Construction and Repairing Co., Ltd. Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.            Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Plant Construction Supervisor Co.,
                                                                    Same parent company

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Zhengtai Construction Materials Co.,
                                                                    Same parent company

Benxi High-tech Drilling Tools Manufacture Co., Ltd.                Both belong to Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Benxi New Career Development Co., Ltd.                              Same parent company

Dalian Boluole Steel Tube Co., Ltd.                                 Both belong to Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Free Trade Zone Bengang Sales Co., Ltd.                   Both belong to Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron Trading Co., Ltd.                  Same parent company

Liaoning Hengtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.                       Same parent company

Liaoning Hengtong Metallurgical Equipment Manufacture Co.,
                                                                 Same parent company

Liaoning Metallurgy Technician College                           Same parent company

Liaoning Metallurgy Technician College                           Same parent company

Suzhou Bengang Industrial Co., Ltd.                              Shareholding company

Shanghai Bengang Steel & Iron Trade Co., Ltd.                    Both belong to Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron(Group) Medical Department                     Both belong to Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                  Both belong to Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Liaoning Hengyi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.                      Both belong to Bengang Group Co., Ltd.


5. Related Party Transactions

(1) Related party transactions of purchasing goods and services

Company as the purchaser
                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                       The content of
                                         January to June       The approved trade   Whether exceed trade
        Name            related party                                                                      January to June 2016
                                                 2017                credit              credit or not

Benxi Steel & Iron Accounts payable
                                              127,818,662.00        350,000,000.00 No                            142,914,791.40
(Group) Co., Ltd.    for repair

Benxi Steel & Iron
                     Land leasing fee          27,345,714.30                        No                             28,257,238.10
(Group) Co., Ltd.

                     Products                     174,967.51          5,000,000.00 No                                    197,900.00
Stainless Steel
Dandong Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Mining       Labor cost                 2,537,625.86                        No                              8,012,301.00
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron Raw material and
(Group) Mining       supplementary       2,176,386,929.60         4,000,000,000.00 No                           1,930,519,957.48
Co., Ltd.            material

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Mining       Freight                       31,783.77                        No                              1,442,630.61
Co., Ltd.

                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Benxi Steel & Iron Raw material and
(Group) Metallurgy supplementary         128,200,766.66   200,000,000.00 No                         57,261,826.00
Residues Co., Ltd.    material

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Steel &
                      Processing fee        761,185.36     10,000,000.00 No                            867,249.53
Iron Process and
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Real-estate
                      Raw materials       50,067,484.09   120,000,000.00 No                         36,885,463.89
Development Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Machinery
                      Spare parts         55,223,576.67   300,000,000.00 No                         54,201,883.14
Manufacture Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Machinery
                      Repair services      3,688,668.68                 No                           5,302,423.00
Manufacture Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Spare parts          7,343,354.50   700,000,000.00 No                          7,635,945.10
Construction Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Project fee        129,406,022.95                 No                         122,809,324.62
Construction Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Repair services     32,379,820.88                 No                          41,930,655.47
Construction Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Raw material and
                      supplementary        4,647,769.44                 No                           3,726,235.00
Construction Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Freight              1,550,379.98                 No                           1,392,792.26
Construction Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Spare parts         89,056,575.46                 No                          12,098,061.54
(Group) Industrial

                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Development Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Raw material and
(Group) Industrial
                      supplementary       106,726,625.72   450,000,000.00 No                        118,140,441.19
Development Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Industrial
                      Repair services      11,179,880.95                 No                           7,004,363.38
Development Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Industrial
                      Freight               1,370,590.70                 No                           2,870,362.41
Development Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Industrial
                      Project fee           1,398,249.24                 No                             630,100.00
Development Co.,

Benxi Steel & Iron Raw material &
(Group)               supplementary
                                            1,396,647.57   250,000,000.00 No                          4,131,446.44
Construction and      materials & spare
Repairing Co., Ltd. parts

Benxi Steel & Iron
                      Project fee          28,706,439.35                 No                          28,166,151.94
Construction and
Repairing Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group)               Accounts payable
                                           21,309,880.35                 No                          20,660,206.00
Construction and      for repair
Repairing Co., Ltd.

Bengang               Raw material and
Electronics and Gas supplementary          84,260,711.25   210,000,000.00 No                         53,938,969.16
Co., Ltd.             material

Electronics and Gas Project fee              419,352.41                  No                           1,429,583.24
Co., Ltd.

Electronics and Gas Repair services         6,921,824.58                 No                           4,427,487.00
Co., Ltd.

Benxi High-tech
                      Spare parts            393,070.06      8,000,000.00 No                            263,037.74
Drilling Tools

                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Manufacture Co.,

Benxi New Career
                     Labor protection
Development Co.,                             294,457.32       20,000,000.00 No                          1,183,634.68

Metallurgy           Spare parts          13,193,086.82       30,000,000.00 No                          7,065,509.18
Technician College

Metallurgy           Spare parts           2,303,327.48       15,000,000.00 No
Technician College

Bengang Group
                     Agency fee           36,856,843.30      360,000,000.00 No                         28,513,161.47
Economic and
Trading Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group
                     Port surcharges      77,511,480.65                     No                        103,016,500.03
Economic and
Trading Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
Information and      Spare parts           6,932,300.00       80,000,000.00 No                         14,300,186.79
Automatic Tech
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
Information and      Repair services       3,059,417.05                     No                         11,808,973.00
Automatic Tech
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Thermal
                     Heating costs         1,686,000.00                     No                          6,273,973.39
Power Development
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                     Raw material and
(Group) Thermal
                     supplementary                            20,000,000.00 No                             33,835.74
Power Development
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Designing Design fees              2,359,000.00       30,000,000.00 No                          4,463,442.91

Benxi Beiying Steel Raw material and    4,727,294,158.47   13,500,000,000.00 No                     2,775,256,599.12

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

& Iron (Group) Co., supplementary
Ltd.                  material

Benxi Beiying Steel
& Iron (Group) Co., Energy & Power                501,840,790.72                      No                        186,873,654.59

Benxi Beiying Steel
& Iron (Group) Co., Freight                         8,894,757.14                      No                          3,910,293.80

Benxi Beiying Steel
& Iron (Group) Co., Labor cost                     55,630,095.04                      No                         26,988,500.01

Benxi Beiying Steel
& Iron (Group) Co., Spare parts                    18,442,067.23                      No                          5,546,327.45

Liaoning Hengtong
                      Raw material and
Equipment                                         106,615,430.32      180,000,000.00 No                          40,450,852.53
                      spare parts
Manufacture Co.,

Liaoning Hengtai
                      Raw material and
Heavy Machinery                                    38,734,351.70       70,000,000.00 No                           3,347,989.41
                      spare parts
Co., Ltd.

Liaoning Hengtai
                      Repair and labor
Heavy Machinery                                     6,364,702.64                      No                          7,594,926.00
Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group         Property
                                                      310,698.12         8,000,000.00 No                            422,750.00
Co., Ltd.             management fee

Total                                          8,709,027,523.89     20,916,000,000.00 No                      5,924,169,936.73

Company as the seller
                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                                     The content of related party
            Name                                                       January to June 2017         January to June 2016

Bengang Electronics and Gas
                                    Energy & Power                                  496,261.60                      506,435.79
Co., Ltd.

                                    Raw material &
Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron
                                    supplementary materials &                   347,784,283.81                   48,003,943.30
(Group) Co., Ltd.
                                    spare parts

Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron
                                    Products                                       4,973,269.68                   2,200,079.70
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron          Energy & Power                              143,893,069.82                   49,331,879.14

                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Real-estate Development Co.,   Energy & Power                        137,583.72                      477,081.15

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Steel & Iron Process and       Energy & Power                        503,015.61                      288,813.78
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Steel & Iron Process and       Products                                                            42,000,927.99
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Machinery Manufacture Co.,     Products                             4,620,747.58                    6,053,249.23

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Machinery Manufacture Co.,     Energy & Power                       7,913,565.57                    9,179,055.96

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)     Raw material &
Machinery Manufacture Co.,     supplementary materials &             514,127.97                     1,514,608.74
Ltd.                           spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                               Energy & Power                       2,144,512.75                    2,455,519.74
Construction Co., Ltd.

                               Raw material &
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                               supplementary materials &            1,384,111.28                   40,563,514.42
Construction Co., Ltd.
                               spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                               Energy & Power                     458,582,060.66                  361,479,232.83
Mining Co., Ltd.

                               Raw material &
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                               supplementary materials &            6,467,665.26                   41,615,621.07
Mining Co., Ltd.
                               spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                               Freight revenue                      4,072,326.92                    4,362,538.55
Mining Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Thermal Power Development      Energy & Power                      14,523,775.89                   19,598,496.83
Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)     Raw material &
Thermal Power Development      supplementary materials &             685,704.00                     5,333,835.74
Co., Ltd.                      spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Thermal Power Development      Freight revenue                         96,738.16                       82,818.57
Co., Ltd.

                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Industrial Development Co.,       Energy & Power                       4,053,089.03                    3,316,373.17

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Industrial Development Co.,       Products                              126,887.14                      126,431.04

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)        Raw material &
Industrial Development Co.,       supplementary materials &           27,595,285.96                   28,143,989.05
Ltd.                              spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Information and Automatic         Energy & Power                         83,013.82                      100,709.65
Tech Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Construction and Repairing Co., Energy & Power                          772,159.41                      477,947.47

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)        Raw material &
Construction and Repairing Co., supplementary materials &                98,352.61                     1,141,388.99
Ltd.                              spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                                  Energy & Power                       1,300,384.81                    1,056,102.39
Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

                                  Raw material &
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                                  supplementary materials &           43,580,212.34                   10,221,213.07
Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.
                                  spare parts

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                                  Freight revenue                          3,143.36                        4,319.92
Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                                  Products                             7,126,315.80                    1,553,826.03
Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
                                  Energy & Power                       6,145,233.63                   35,259,836.35

                                  Raw material &
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
                                  supplementary materials &            3,215,453.07                    3,371,111.95
                                  spare parts

Benxi New Career
                                  Energy & Power                        186,027.31                      165,240.02
Development Co., Ltd.

Dalian Boluole Steel Tube Co.,
                                  Products                             2,237,856.57                    1,532,438.22

Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron
                                  Products                              460,444.50                    92,983,672.54
Trading Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
                                  Energy & Power                         51,687.01                        48,288.52
General Hospital

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Liaoning Hengtong
Metallurgical Equipment            Energy & Power                                 8,991,868.63                       8,449,073.80
Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Liaoning Hengtong                  Raw material &
Metallurgical Equipment            supplementary materials &                      8,797,596.07                       6,514,862.48
Manufacture Co., Ltd.              spare parts

Liaoning Hengtong
Metallurgical Equipment            Products                                                                          8,109,275.13
Manufacture Co., Ltd.

                                   Raw material &
Bengang Cold-rolled Stainless
                                   supplementary materials &
Steel Dandong Co., Ltd.
                                   spare parts

Bengang Cold-rolled Stainless
Steel Dandong Co., Ltd.

Suzhou Bengang Industrial Co.,
                                   Products                                     136,230,997.93                      96,985,025.50

Bengang Group Finance Co.,
                                   Energy & Power                                     7,485.42                           8,150.41

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.            Energy & Power                                    76,301.79                          28,820.54

Total                                                                         1,249,932,616.48                     934,645,748.77

Related party transactions of purchasing goods and services Notes

(2) Related trusteeship/contract

Lists of related trusteeship/contract:
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

        Name of the            Name of the
                                                    Type       Initial date     Due date         Pricing basis   recognized in the
  entruster/contractee    entrustee/contractor
                                                                                                                 reporting period

Lists of entrust/contractee:
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

        Name of the            Name of the
                                                    Type       Initial date     Due date         Pricing basis   recognized in the
  entruster/contractee    entrustee/contractor
                                                                                                                 reporting period


                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(3) Lease information of related parties

Company as the lessor:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                     The lease income confirmed in The lease income confirmed in
             Lessee                   Lease capital category
                                                                                  this year                      last year

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Steel & Iron Process and          Warehouse and machinery                                     250,000.00                     158,500.00
Logistics Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Machinery Manufacture Co.,        Plants and machinery                                        244,805.87

Company as the lessee:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

             Lessor                    Lease capital category               Lease charges of 2016          Lease charges of 2015

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
                                  2300 Hot rolling product line                        120,000,000.00                 120,000,000.00

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
                                  Land use right                                        27,345,714.30                  28,257,238.10

Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron
                                  1780 Hot rolling product line                         77,816,940.06                  65,950,200.00
(Group) Co., Ltd.
1. The Company leases 2300 hot rolling product line from the Group. Lease period lasts from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2017.
Lease charges are negotiated between the lessor and the lessee based on the original cost, depreciation, and national taxation of the
product line, with consideration of conditions of production and equipment performance.

2. The Company leases land use right from the Group. Lease period lasts from 15 April 2009. The leasing fee is determined by the
area of the land which is 7,669,068.17 square meters. Average price is RMB 0.624 per Square meter per month; hence annual rent is
RMB 57,426,000.00.

3. The Company leases 1780 hot rolling product line from Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. The lease term lasts from 1
January 2017 to 31 December 2019. Lease charges are negotiated between the lessor and the lessee based on the original cost,
depreciation, and national taxation of the product line, with consideration of conditions of production and equipment performance.

(4) Information of Guarantee among related parties

Company as the warrantor
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                          Starting date of                                    Has the guarantee been
       Secured party          Guarantee amount                                     Ending date of Guarantee
                                                                Guarantee                                            fulfilled

Company as the warrantee

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan

                                                  Starting date of                                Has the guarantee been
       Warrantor          Guarantee amount                             Ending date of Guarantee
                                                    Guarantee                                            fulfilled

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/11/10               2017/9/13                  No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         100,000,000.00 2016/11/9                2017/8/23                  No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/11/9                2017/8/17                  No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         150,000,000.00 2016/11/11               2017/10/19                 No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/11/11               2017/10/12                 No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/11/15               2017/11/8                  No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/11/16               2017/11/15                 No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/12/8                2017/12/7                  No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron          80,000,000.00 2016/12/6                2017/12/5                  No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.
and Benxi Steel & Iron         200,000,000.00 2016/12/13               2017/12/12                 No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.        150,000,000.00 2016/7/22                2017/7/22                  No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.        150,000,000.00 2016/7/21                2017/7/21                  No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.        230,000,000.00 2016/8/12                2017/8/12                  No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.        490,000,000.00 2016/8/19                2017/8/18                  No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.        180,000,000.00 2016/8/5                 2017/8/5                   No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.        200,000,000.00 2016/8/12                2017/8/12                  No

                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   170,000,000.00 2016/8/5            2017/8/5               No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   220,000,000.00 2016/8/5            2017/8/5               No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   250,000,000.00 2016/10/20          2017/10/20             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   250,000,000.00 2016/10/20          2017/10/20             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   100,000,000.00 2016/9/29           2017/8/1               No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   140,000,000.00 2017/5/19           2018/5/19              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00 2017/5/19           2018/5/19              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00 2017/5/19           2018/5/19              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   160,000,000.00 2017/5/19           2018/5/19              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   150,000,000.00 2017/1/13           2018/1/13              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   110,000,000.00 2017/1/13           2018/1/13              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00 2017/3/24           2018/3/24              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   168,000,000.00 2017/6/9            2018/6/9               No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   300,000,000.00 2017/5/17           2018/5/16              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   200,000,000.00 2017/5/17           2018/5/16              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   135,000,000.00 2017/1/20           2018/1/19              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.   500,000,000.00 2017/6/23           2018/6/23              No

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           74,000,000.00 2016/9/28           2017/9/27              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          150,000,000.00 2017/5/16           2018/5/15              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           74,000,000.00 2017/5/24           2018/5/23              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          270,000,000.00 2017/1/17           2018/1/16              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          400,000,000.00 2017/2/16           2018/2/15              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          200,000,000.00 2017/1/12           2018/1/11              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          400,000,000.00 2017/4/25           2017/7/24              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          500,000,000.00 2017/4/28           2017/7/27              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          460,000,000.00 2017/4/28           2017/11/27             No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron        170,000,000.00 2017/5/27           2018/1/26              No

                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           700,000,000.00 2017/2/27           2025/2/20              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    677,440,000.00 2016/8/19           2017/8/14              No

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           697,763,200.00 2016/9/30           2017/9/29              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          1,016,160,000.00 2016/9/28          2017/9/27              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           152,424,000.00 2016/12/23          2017/12/22             No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           609,696,000.00 2017/5/19           2018/5/18              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           697,763,200.00 2017/5/19           2018/5/15              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                          1,016,160,000.00 2017/5/19          2018/5/8               No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                           677,440,000.00 2017/2/24           2018/2/23              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    207,635,360.00 2016/12/27          2020/6/21              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    677,440,000.00 2016/8/3            2018/8/28              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    325,171,200.00 2016/7/14           2018/7/12              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    338,720,000.00 2016/6/21           2018/6/20              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    541,952,000.00 2016/5/30           2018/5/18              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    128,713,600.00 2016/4/28           2018/4/18              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      2,065,483.30 2015/6/25           2025/9/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     70,566,803.65 2015/8/20           2025/9/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      9,255,928.50 2015/8/20           2019/9/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         47,756.76 2015/6/25           2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      4,902,478.41 2015/6/25           2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.         31,533.97 2015/12/28          2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     59,717,848.78 2015/12/28          2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     25,161,064.71 2015/6/25           2020/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      8,998,273.67 2015/12/28          2020/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      4,326,100.67 2015/6/25           2025/6/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    123,705,935.08 2015/6/25           2025/6/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      3,797,480.46 2015/12/28          2025/6/30              No

                                                       Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     22,333,519.70 2015/6/25           2019/6/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     15,984,345.19 2015/12/28          2019/6/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      5,572,548.89 2015/6/25           2025/10/31             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     88,488,280.86 2015/6/25           2025/10/31             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     40,562,264.44 2015/12/28          2025/10/31             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     35,828,162.52 2015/6/25           2019/10/31             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.       687,486.16 2015/12/28           2019/10/31             No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      4,721,803.46 2015/6/25           2025/8/31              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    106,871,392.51 2015/6/25           2025/8/31              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      2,241,804.29 2015/12/28          2025/8/31              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     28,100,818.36 2015/6/25           2019/8/31              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      3,706,999.93 2015/12/28          2019/8/31              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      9,951,765.08 2015/12/28          2019/7/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      5,304,591.51 2016/6/27           2020/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     32,734,871.86 2016/6/27           2020/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     24,883,510.54 2016/12/14          2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.       472,947.08 2016/12/14           2020/4/30              No

Benxi Steel & Iron
                            14,021,480.00 1997/10/10          2027/9/10              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co.,
Ltd.;Benxi Steel & Iron   100,000,000.00 2016/3/30           2025/3/20              No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    100,000,000.00 2016/3/31           2018/3/31              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     59,140,000.00 2015/3/26           2019/3/21              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.    100,000,000.00 2015/6/25           2021/9/21              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     24,000,000.00 2015/12/9           2022/3/21              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     72,150,000.00 2016/12/27          2020/6/21              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     15,919,840.00 2016/12/27          2020/6/21              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.       258,185.44 2015/6/25            2025/9/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      8,820,850.46 2015/8/20           2025/9/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      4,627,964.25 2015/8/20           2019/9/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.       582,380.58 2015/6/25            2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      7,029,339.16 2015/12/28          2026/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.     10,064,425.90 2015/6/25           2020/4/30              No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.      3,599,309.47 2015/12/28          2020/4/30              No

                                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.                 576,813.42 2015/6/25                  2025/6/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              16,494,124.65 2015/6/25                  2025/6/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.                 506,330.73 2015/12/28                 2025/6/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              14,889,013.08 2015/6/25                  2019/6/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              10,656,230.07 2015/12/28                 2019/6/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              11,757,603.69 2015/6/25                  2025/10/31           No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.               5,070,283.05 2015/12/28                 2025/10/31           No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              17,914,081.22 2015/6/25                  2019/10/31           No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.                 343,743.20 2015/12/28                 2019/10/31           No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              13,949,149.50 2015/6/25                  2025/8/31            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.                 280,225.54 2015/12/28                 2025/8/31            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              14,050,409.18 2015/6/25                  2019/8/31            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.               1,853,499.96 2015/12/28                 2019/8/31            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.               4,975,882.54 2015/12/28                 2019/7/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.               2,121,836.61 2016/6/27                  2020/4/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.               3,851,161.40 2016/6/27                  2020/4/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.               2,927,471.85 2016/12/14                 2026/4/30            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.                 189,178.74 2016/12/14                 2020/4/30            No

Benxi Steel & Iron
                                      1,402,148.00 1997/10/10                 2027/9/10            No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              27,860,000.00 2015/3/26                  2019/3/21            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.              17,850,000.00 2016/12/27                 2020/6/21            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.             340,000,000.00 2016/8/25                  2017/8/24            No

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.             220,000,000.00 2016/10/20                 2017/10/20           No

Bengang Group Co.,
Ltd., Benxi Steel & Iron            200,000,000.00 2016/7/29                  2017/7/26            No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co.,
Ltd., Benxi Steel & Iron            100,000,000.00 2016/10/25                 2017/10/23           No
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.             500,000,000.00 2016/11/10                 2017/8/1

Information of Guarantee among related parties
The warrantors provide guarantee for the Company’s outstanding bank loans.

(5) Inter-bank lending of capital of related parties

                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan

                                                                            Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                               Amount borrowed and
           Name                                                 Date of value                Maturity date                   Notes


Benxi Steel & Iron
                                          14,220,000.00 2017/1/17                    2018/1/16
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                                          19,000,000.00 2017/6/14                    2018/6/13
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                                          11,369,400.00 2017/6/22                    2018/6/21
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                                          32,700,000.00 2016/10/24                   2017/10/23
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron
                                          22,120,000.00 2016/11/11                   2017/11/10
(Group) Co., Ltd.



(6) Related party asset transfer and debt restructuring

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                      The content of related party
             Name                                                             January to June 2017                January to June 2016

(7) Remuneration of key management personnel

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                     Items                                   January to June 2017                            January to June 2016

(8) Other related party transactions

(1) Loan from and deposits in Bengang Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                             Unit: RMB 10,000
     Items        Beginning balance           Increase             Decrease          Ending balance              Nature
Deposits                     366,863.85          4,656,434.34         4,439,792.54           583,505.65

6. Receivables and payables of the related parties

(1) Receivables of the Company

                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan

                                                                Ending balance                                Beginning balance
    Items Name                   Name
                                                    Carrying amount      Provision for bad       Carrying amount          Provision for bad

                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                               debts                                  debts

                      Benxi Beiying Steel
Accounts receivable & Iron (Group) Co.,      17,732,985.04                        18,392,217.28

                      Bengang Electronics
Accounts receivable                           2,518,970.91       191,192.77        2,544,096.41        191,192.77
                      and Gas Co., Ltd.

                      Benxi Steel & Iron
                      (Group) Machinery
Accounts receivable                          52,584,877.55     6,252,766.59       58,688,479.41       6,978,534.14
                      Manufacture Co.,

                      Benxi Steel & Iron
Accounts receivable                          20,465,486.44    16,953,842.92       27,591,781.37      16,953,842.92
                      Construction Co.,

                      Benxi Steel & Iron
                      (Group) Industrial
Accounts receivable                          20,767,168.35     2,160,167.07       43,138,986.20       2,160,167.07
                      Development Co.,

                      Benxi New Career
Accounts receivable Development Co.,          5,101,491.42     4,493,529.85        6,021,519.36       4,493,529.85

                      Benxi Steel & Iron
                      (Group) Thermal
Accounts receivable                           1,707,735.13                         7,065,515.62
                      Power Development
                      Co., Ltd.

                      Benxi Steel & Iron
                      (Group) Steel & Iron
Accounts receivable                            411,752.60                           499,596.68
                      Process and
                      Logistics Co., Ltd.

                      Bengang Cold-rolled
Accounts receivable Stainless Steel            167,403.11         10,273.91         205,478.22           10,273.91
                      Dandong Co., Ltd.

                      Liaoning Hengtong
Accounts receivable Equipment                 9,987,621.61                         9,777,694.51
                      Manufacture Co.,

                      Bengang Group
Accounts receivable                          16,116,883.06                        19,014,727.54
                      Economic and
                      Trading Co., Ltd.

                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                    Subtotal:             147,562,375.22    30,061,773.11     192,940,092.60       30,787,540.66

                    Benxi Beiying Steel
Prepayments         & Iron (Group) Co.,   336,897,265.03                      209,639,029.05

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
                    (Group) Machinery
Prepayments                                12,986,662.13                         9,675,956.28
                    Manufacture Co.,

                    Bengang Cold-rolled
Prepayments         Stainless Steel            22,451.35                           47,265.99
                    Dandong Co., Ltd.

                    Subtotal:             349,906,378.50                      219,362,251.32

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
                    (Group) Real-estate
Other receivables                           2,511,984.11       173,991.52        2,797,309.70        173,991.52
                    Development Co.,

                    Liaoning Metallurgy
Other receivables                            132,501.57        156,265.86         156,265.86         156,265.86
                    Technician College

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
                    (Group) Machinery
Other receivables                           4,610,543.21            55.08         658,020.63              55.08
                    Manufacture Co.,

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
Other receivables                           1,041,994.41       885,014.32        1,218,997.41        885,014.32
                    Construction Co.,

                    Bengang Group
Other receivables                          15,997,051.61         2,000.00       12,953,078.23           2,000.00
                    Economic and
                    Trading Co., Ltd.

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
                    (Group) Industrial
Other receivables                            598,678.69        326,757.79         482,278.78         326,757.79
                    Development Co.,

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
                    (Group) Zhengtai
Other receivables                            191,491.57        140,059.31         198,482.11         140,059.31
                    Materials Co., Ltd.

                    Benxi Steel & Iron
Other receivables                             773,464.11       611,332.98         904,953.91          611,332.98
                    (Group) Medical

                                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


                  Subtotal:                       25,857,709.29     2,295,476.86       19,369,386.63       2,295,476.86

(2) Payables of the Company

                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

         Items Name                       Name                      Ending balance              Beginning balance

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                 Industrial Development Co.,                    20,404,409.86                28,192,278.69

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                 Machinery Manufacture Co.,                     49,168,681.00                31,824,694.29

                              Bengang Electronics and Gas
Notes payable                                                                 2,303,662.21                   307,463.98
                              Co., Ltd.

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                 Construction and Repairing Co.,                                              2,041,572.16

                              Liaoning Metallurgy Technician
Notes payable                                                                                              6,204,029.01

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                                                                                            568,740,355.56
                              Mining Co., Ltd.

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                                                                 2,779,709.03                 1,963,555.75
                              Construction Co., Ltd.

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                 Information and Automatic                       2,980,712.19                   646,271.77
                              Tech Co., Ltd.

                              Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron
Notes payable                                                               320,987,663.93
                              (Group) Co., Ltd.

                              Liaoning Hengtong
Notes payable                 Metallurgical Equipment                                                     57,117,975.37
                              Manufacture Co., Ltd.

                              Liaoning Metallurgy Technician
Notes payable                                                                                                410,420.63

                              Liaoning Hengtai Heavy
Notes payable                                                                                                664,260.60
                              Machinery Co., Ltd.

                              Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Notes payable                                                                                              1,461,822.77
                              Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

                              Subtotal                                      398,624,838.22               699,574,700.58

                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                   Bengang Electronics and Gas
Accounts payable                                                14,136,459.51                14,363,839.08
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable   Real-estate Development Co.,                    887,095.04                 3,481,794.33

                   Bengang Group International
Accounts payable                                               790,278,853.89             1,332,351,145.92
                   Economic and Trading Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable   Machinery Manufacture Co.,                  131,292,835.12               153,595,680.56

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable                                               159,279,391.32               122,639,049.77
                   Construction Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable                                               911,756,652.03               875,832,744.08
                   Mining Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable   Industrial Development Co.,                  88,584,398.24                89,661,554.50

                   Benxi New Career
Accounts payable                                                 6,531,844.53                10,111,480.54
                   Development Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable   Construction and Repairing Co.,             127,539,632.47               112,970,904.61

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable                                                 5,505,610.62                 4,428,544.35
                   Designing Institute

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable                                                57,947,618.34                67,838,466.80
                   Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable                                                    20,877.51                    20,440.35
                   Medical Department

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable   Information and Automatic                    46,163,591.79                40,858,004.25
                   Tech Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi High-tech Drilling Tools
Accounts payable                                                   652,188.35                   545,111.09
                   Manufacture Co., Ltd.

                   Liaoning Metallurgy Technician
Accounts payable                                                11,679,069.18                13,042,942.26

                   Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron
Accounts payable
                   Trading Co., Ltd.

                   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable                                                   115,322.99                  108,353.68
                   Thermal Power Development

                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                         Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable         Zhengtai Construction                          239,187.21                  351,984.00
                         Materials Co., Ltd.

                         Liaoning Hengtong
Accounts payable         Metallurgical Equipment                     27,381,156.15                28,345,263.60
                         Manufacture Co., Ltd.

                         Liaoning Metallurgy Technician
Accounts payable                                                      3,400,575.41                 3,064,133.55

                         Bengang Cold-rolled Stainless
Accounts payable                                                        544,494.82                  607,335.86
                         Steel Dandong Co., Ltd.

                         Liaoning Hengtai Heavy
Accounts payable                                                     14,429,696.43                16,153,790.49
                         Machinery Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Accounts payable         Plant Construction Supervisor                   47,207.48                    49,955.00
                         Co., Ltd.

Accounts payable         Bengang Group Co., Ltd.                          5,626.56                     4,717.26

                         Subtotal                                 2,398,419,385.00             2,890,427,235.93

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Advance from customers   Machinery Manufacture Co.,                     758,322.02                  683,249.32

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Advance from customers   Industrial Development Co.,                  2,280,187.93                 2,054,478.78

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Advance from customers                                                1,896,198.24                 1,567,300.28
                         Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Advance from customers   Steel & Iron Process and                     5,921,216.77                 7,418,119.01
                         Logistics Co., Ltd.

                         Dalian Boluole Steel Tube Co.,
Advance from customers                                                  882,512.73                 1,377,911.64

                         Liaoning Bengang Steel & Iron
Advance from customers                                               66,237,222.08                87,655,913.68
                         Trading Co., Ltd.

                         Liaoning Hengtong
Advance from customers   Metallurgical Equipment                        186,387.64                  640,854.91
                         Manufacture Co., Ltd.

                         Liaoning Hengtai Heavy
Advance from customers
                         Machinery Co., Ltd.

Advance from customers   Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)

                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                         Thermal Power Development
                         Co., Ltd.

                         Bengang Group International
Advance from customers                                                    69,021.17                    69,021.17
                         Economic and Trading Co., Ltd.

                         Suzhou Bengang Industrial Co.,
Advance from customers                                                31,129,090.40                18,849,730.95

                         Subtotal                                    109,360,158.99               120,316,579.74

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables           Real-estate Development Co.,                  2,032,488.21                 2,311,747.28

                         Bengang Group International
Other payables                                                        27,984,077.05                22,209,584.96
                         Economic and Trading Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables           Machinery Manufacture Co.,                       70,037.80                    72,796.80

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables                                                         5,171,112.35                 5,279,716.11
                         Construction Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables           Industrial Development Co.,                   2,013,845.68                 1,796,857.20

                         Benxi New Career
Other payables                                                           522,702.70                 1,062,187.97
                         Development Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables                                                           350,000.00                  350,000.00
                         Metallurgy Residues Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables
                         Medical Department

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables           Information and Automatic                        95,572.40                  107,000.00
                         Tech Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables           Steel & Iron Process and                      1,069,085.08                 1,349,684.48
                         Logistics Co., Ltd.

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,
Other payables                                                       200,504,584.76               153,946,251.96

                         Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables           Thermal Power Development                       939,138.72                 1,127,701.72
                         Co., Ltd.

                         Guangzhou Free Trade Zone
Other payables                                                         2,674,436.85                 2,674,436.85
                         Bengang Sales Co., Ltd.

                                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                  Benxi Steel & Iron (Group)
Other payables                    Plant Construction Supervisor                            359,989.37                   453,844.39
                                  Co., Ltd.

                                  Liaoning Hengyi Financial
Other payables                                                                             539,891.03                   539,891.03
                                  Leasing Co., Ltd.

                                  Liaoning Metallurgy Technician
Other payables                                                                               3,000.00                     3,000.00

                                  Subtotal                                             244,329,961.99               193,284,700.75

7. Related parties commitment


8. Others


XIII. Commitments and Contingencies

1.     Commitments

Commitments at balance sheet date

     1. Lease contracts in progress or to be performed and their financial impacts
     (1) For the land leased from the Company to the Group, price is RMB 0.624 per Square meter per month, and the area of the
     land is 7,669,068.17 square meters; hence annual rent is RMB 57.426 million.

     (2) For the 2300 hot rolling product line leased from the Group to the Company, lease period lasts from 1 January 2015 to 31
     December 2017. Lease charges are negotiated between the lessor and the lessee based on the original cost, depreciation, and
     national taxation of the product line, with consideration of conditions of production and equipment performance.

     (3) For the 1780 hot rolling product line leased from Benxi Beiying Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. to the Company, the lease
     period lasts from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019. Lease charges are negotiated between the lessor and the lessee based on
     the original cost, depreciation, and national taxation of the product line, with consideration of conditions of production and
     equipment performance.
     For details of above leasing conditions please refer to Note 9 (4) 2.

2. Contingencies

(1) Significant contingency at balance sheet date

At the balance sheet date, no significant contingencies need to be disclosed.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(2) The Company have no significant contingency to disclose, also should be stated

At the balance sheet date, no significant contingencies need to be disclosed.

2.    Others

XIV. Subsequent events

1. Significant events had not adjusted

                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                                                                        Influence number to the
                                                                                                       Reason of unable to estimate
              Items                            Content              financial position and operating
                                                                                                             influence number

2. Profit distribution after the reporting period

3. Sales return

4.   Other significant events

     (1)   Segment information
     Since the Company’s main product is steel with other products accounting for only a small proportion, and the main production
     base is located in Liaoning area, segmented reporting is not applicable.

     (2)   Financial lease
     For prioritizing the capital structure and exploring financing channel, on 20 April 2015, the Company signed the “Financial
     lease cooperation framework” with Liaoning Hengyi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. with the amount of financial lease not
     exceeding RMB 5,000 million. The Company obtains the fund through sales and lease back financial lease with interest rate not
     above the benchmark interest rate of loan over the same period published by the People’s bank of China and the interest rate will
     be adjusted with the changes of benchmark interest rate of loan published by the People’s bank of China over the lease term.
     The term of financial lease shall not exceed 36 months

     On 28 December 2016, the Company signed the “Financing lease back after sales contract” (Contract No.
     2016HYZL0006-ZL-01). The purchase price of the leased asset is RMB 210,000,000. 00. Lease period is one year starting from
     28 March 2016. Lease rate was 4.35% when signing the contract.

     (3)   On 27 December 2016, as the 1st extraordinary Shareholders’ general meeting approves “the proposal of the non-public

     offering of A shares program of the Company (December 2016 revised edition) ”, the Company considers to undertake the

     non-public offering shares to particular investors and thus raise capital of RMB 4 billion. The Company raises funds mainly for

     the purpose of high strength cold rolling steel renovation project, the third cold rolling work hot-dip galvanizing production line

     project, and repaying bank loans. Legal procedures are being reviewed for approval

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    (4)    As at 30 June 2017, the controlling shareholder Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. held a total number of 1,251,000,000
    shares pledged, accounting for 39.89% of the total number of shares of the Company.

XV. Other significant events

1. The accounting errors correction in previous period

(1) Retrospective restatement

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                                    Name of the influenced report
                Content                 Processing program                                                 Cumulative impact
                                                                   items during comparison period

(2) Prospective application

                     Content                             Processing program             Reason of adopting prospective application

2. Debt restructuring

3. Replacement of assets

(1) Non-monetary assets exchange

(2) Other assets replacement

4. Pension plan

5. Discontinuing operation

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                   Termination of
                                                                                                                    the business
                                                                               Income tax                              profits
        Items             Revenue         Expenses           Total profit                           Net Profit
                                                                                expense                           attributable to the
                                                                                                                  parent company


                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

6. Segment information

(1) Recognition basis and accounting policies of reportable segment

(2) Financial information of segment

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

               Items                                                         Offset in segment                       Total

(3) There was no reportable segment, or the total amount of assets and liabilities of each part of reportable
segment, shall disclose the reason.

(4) Notes

7. Other important transactions and events have an impact on investor’s decision-making

8. Others

XVI. Notes to the financial statements of parent company

1.      Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by category

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                          Ending balance                                            Beginning balance

                                              Provision for bad     Total net
                         Carrying amount                                        Carrying amount Provision for bad debts       Total net
                                                   debts             book
        Category                                                                                                             book value
                                                           Bad     value of
                                   Percenta                                              Percenta                Bad debts    of Fixed
                        Amount                Amount       debts    Fixed       Amount               Amount
                                     ge                                                    ge                      ratio       assets
                                                           ratio    assets

Accounts receivable
                        689,888,              197,950,             491,938,1 658,679                 203,609,5               455,070,30
tested for impairment              100.00%               28.69%                          100.00%                    30.91%
                          707.86               562.42                  45.44 ,865.43                     63.43                     2.00
by portfolio

                        689,888,              197,950,             491,938,1 658,679                 203,609,5               455,070,30
Total                              100.00%               28.69%                          100.00%                    30.91%
                          707.86               562.42                  45.44 ,865.43                     63.43                     2.00

Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Accounts receivables tested for impairment by portfolio using the method of Aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                              Ending balance
                                         Accounts receivable             Provision for bad debts                 Bad debts ratio

Within 1 year (inclusive)


Subtotal of within 1 year                           337,110,882.55

1-2 years                                           138,635,838.56                         6,931,791.93                            5.00%

2-3 years                                            28,904,020.32                         5,780,804.06                            20.00%

Over 3 years                                        185,237,966.42                       185,237,966.42                        100.00%

Total                                               689,888,707.86                       197,950,562.42                            28.69%

    1. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
    The recognition standard of bad debts provision for the individually significant receivables: Individually significant receivables
    refer to accounts receivable over RMB10 million or other receivables over RMB 5 million.

    The provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
    The impairment test shall be assessed individually for each individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence indicating
    the receivables have been impaired, the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of
    receivables shall be recognized as bad debts provision and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.
    2. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the receivables in portfolio:

            Criteria for Recognition of Portfolio
            Portfolio:                        Insignificant amount of receivables and unadjusted individual
            Recognition and provision for bad debts for portfolio
            Portfolio:                        Aging analysis method
                            Aging analysis method for bad debts provision:
                            Aging                     Bad debts ratio for accounts           Bad debts ratio for other
                                                            receivable (%)                       receivables (%)
            Within 1 year (inclusive)
            1-2 years (inclusive)                                                    5                                   5
            2-3 years (inclusive)                                                20                                      20
            Over 3 years                                                        100                                 100
    3. Insignificant individual amounts of accounts receivable that recognize bad debts individually:
     (1) Reasons for individual recognition and provision of bad debts. Accounts receivable amount is proved to be unrecoverable
    with conclusive evidence.
     (2) Method of bad debts recognition and provision
    If conclusive evidence shows the possibility of recovering the amount is small, recognize bad debts individually as if the amount
    is unrecoverable.
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage analyze basis in a portfolio:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided by other ways in the portfolio:

                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(2) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period

The provision of bad debts of current period is RMB0.00;Bad debt provision written back was RMB 5,659,001.01 in the period.
Significant items of retrieving or writing back of bad debt provisions:
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                   Company                          Amount retrieved or written back                  way of retrieving

(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                                    Amount written off

Significant amount written off:
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan

                           Property of the                           Reason of writing       Written off           Created by related
         Company                              Amount written off
                         receivable account                                  off             procedures            transaction or not

Statement on writing off of receivable accounts:

(4) Top five debtors at the year-end

                                                                                           Ending balance
                            Company                                                        Percentage of total        Provision for
                                                                          Amount           Accounts receivable
                                                                                                  (%)                   bad debts

  Benxi Nanfen Xinhe Metallurgical Co., Ltd.                               87,396,378.47                   12.67        4,368,958.76

  Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Machinery Manufacture Co.,
                                                                           52,584,877.55                    7.62        6,252,766.59

  Hua You Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.                                             29,732,876.07                    4.31       29,616,623.65

  Ningbo CIMC Logistics Equipment Co., Ltd.                                21,855,329.22                    3.17

  Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Industrial Development Co.,
                                                                           19,023,387.89                    2.76

                              Total                                       210,592,849.20                   30.53       42,290,507.72

(5) Recognition of receivable accounts terminated

(6) The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the transfer and the continues involvement of
accounts receivable


                                                                          Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2.      Other receivables

(1) Other receivables disclosed by category

                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                            Ending balance                                             Beginning balance

                                                Provision for bad
                         Carrying amount                                          Carrying amount Provision for bad debts
                                                     debts              Net
         Category                                                                                                                Net Book
                                                             Bad      Book
                                     Percenta                                               Percenta                Bad debts     Value
                        Amount                  Amount       debts    Value      Amount                 Amount
                                       ge                                                     ge                      ratio

Accounts receivable
                        236,478,                62,189,3             174,288,6 271,534                  63,184,24               208,349,80
tested for impairment                 99.27%               23.27%                            99.36%                    23.27%
                            074.50                92.14                 82.36 ,044.90                        0.02                       4.88
by portfolio

Other insignificant
items but tested for    1,740,00                                     1,740,000 1,740,0                                          1,740,000.0
                                       0.73%                                                  0.64%
impairment                    0.00                                         .00     00.00                                                  0

                        238,218,                62,189,3             176,028,6 273,274                  63,184,24               210,089,80
Total                                100.00%               26.11%                           100.00%                    23.12%
                            074.50                92.14                 82.36 ,044.90                        0.02                       4.88

Other receivable accounts with large amount and were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other receivables tested for impairment by portfolio using the method of Aging analysis:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan

                                                                                 Ending balance
                                            Other receivables             Provision for bad debts                   Bad debts ratio

Within 1 year (inclusive)


Subtotal of within 1 year                           164,487,738.98

1-2 years                                              6,663,168.20                          333,158.41                               5.00%

2-3 years                                              4,338,666.99                          867,733.40                               20.00%

Over 3 years                                         60,988,500.33                         60,988,500.33                          100.00%

Total                                               236,478,074.50                         62,189,392.14                              26.30%

     1. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:

     The recognition standard of bad debts provision for the individually significant receivables:                   Individually significant
     receivables refer to accounts receivable over RMB10 million or other receivables over RMB 5 million.

                                                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    The provision for bad debts for the individually significant receivables:
    The impairment test shall be assessed individually for each individually significant receivable. If the there is evidence indicating
    the receivables have been impaired, the difference between the present value of the future cash flows and the book value of
    receivables shall be recognized as bad debts provision and shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.

    2. The recognition and provision for bad debts for the receivables in portfolio:
            Criteria for Recognition of Portfolio
            Portfolio:                        Insignificant amount of receivables and unadjusted individual
            Recognition and provision for bad debts for portfolio
            Portfolio:                        Aging analysis method
                           Aging analysis method for bad debts provision:
                           Aging                      Bad debts ratio for accounts         Bad debts ratio for other
                                                             receivable (%)                    receivables (%)
            Within 1 year (inclusive)
            1-2 years (inclusive)                                                    5                                 5
            2-3 years (inclusive)                                                20                                    20
            Over 3 years                                                        100                                100
    3. Insignificant individual amounts of accounts receivable that recognize bad debts individually:
     (1) Reasons for individual recognition and provision of bad debts. Accounts receivable amount is proved to be unrecoverable
    with conclusive evidence.
     (2) Method of bad debts recognition and provision
    If conclusive evidence shows the possibility of recovering the amount is small, recognize bad debts individually as if the amount
    is unrecoverable.
Provision of bad debts under the percentage of balance method:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Provision of bad debts under other methods:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Information of provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts of current period

The provision of bad debts of current period is RMB0.00;Bad debt provision written back was RMB 994,847.88 in the period.
There into, the significant bad debt provision written back or retrieved during the current period:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                  Company                           Amount of written back or retrieving                 way of retrieving

(3) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period

                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                  Items                                                      Amount written off

Significant other receivables:
                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan

                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                 Reason of writing        Written off         Created by related
         Company        Property of account Amount written off
                                                                        off               procedures          transaction or not


(4) Other receivables disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                     Nature                              Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Accounts                                                              227,525,677.56                              259,660,295.88

Export tax rebate                                                               0.00                                4,990,848.26

Others                                                                 10,692,396.94                                8,622,900.76

Total                                                                 238,218,074.50                              273,274,044.90

(5) Top five debtors at the year-end

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                                                                       Percentage of total    Provision for bad
         Company         Nature or content   Ending balance           Aging
                                                                                       other receivables     debts Ending balance

Benxi Steel &Iron
(Group) Machinery
                        Accounts                  4,610,543.21 Within 1 year                        1.94%
Manufacturing Co.,

Huozhou Coal and
Electricity Group Co., Accounts                   4,341,257.18 Over 3 years                         1.82%           4,341,257.18

State Grid Liaoning
Power Supply Co.,       Accounts                  3,530,637.67 Within 1 year                        1.48%
Ltd. Benxi Branch

Benxi Steel & Iron
(Group) Real-estate
                        Accounts                  2,511,984.11 3 年以内                             1.05%              173,991.52
Development Co.,

Liaoning Huawei
Coal Preparation Co., Accounts                    2,261,360.00 Over 3 years                         0.95%           2,261,360.00

Total                              --            17,255,782.17            --                        7.24%           6,776,608.70

(6) Receivable accounts involving the government

                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                              Government Subsidies                                                           Predicted time and
           Company                                         Ending balance        Age at end of period
                                     Items Name                                                            amount of receiving

(7) De-recognition other receivables due to financial assets transfer

(8) Assets and liabilities formed by transferring and continuous involvement of other receivables


3.      Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                         Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
                      Carrying amount Total impairment      Book value      Carrying amount Total impairment         Book value

Investment to
                      1,751,981,902.16                    1,751,981,902.16 1,700,981,902.16                       1,700,981,902.16

Total                 1,751,981,902.16                    1,751,981,902.16 1,700,981,902.16                       1,700,981,902.16

(1) Investment to subsidiaries

                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan

                                                                                                                  Ending balance of
Company invested         Beginning                                                              Provision for
                                            Increase         Decrease       Ending balance                          provision for
           in             balance                                                               impairment

Bengang Steel &
                          1,000,000.00                                         1,000,000.00
Iron Trading Co.,

Shanghai Bengang
Science and              19,200,000.00                                        19,200,000.00
Technology Co.,

Bengang Steel
Plate Liaoyang          529,899,801.38                                       529,899,801.38
Orel Ball Co., Ltd.

Dalian Benruitong
Material                 65,000,000.00                                        65,000,000.00
Technologies Co.,

                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bengang Puxiang
Cool Rolling Steel 1,019,781,571.10                        1,019,781,571.10
Sheet Co., Ltd.

Bengang Steel &
                        -1,355,124.64                         -1,355,124.64
Iron Sales Co.,

Harbin Bengang
Economic and              423,398.23                             423,398.23
Trading Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Bengang
Steel Material          2,081,400.65                           2,081,400.65
Sales Ltd.

Wuxi Bengang
Steel & Iron Sales        936,718.57                             936,718.57
Co., Ltd.

Xiamen Bengang
Steel & Iron Sales       1,095,711.66                          1,095,711.66
Co., Ltd.

Yantai Bengang
Steel & Iron Sales     19,600,329.41                          19,600,329.41
Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Bengang
Steel & Iron           33,318,095.80                          33,318,095.80
Trading Co., Ltd.

Benxi Bengang
Steel Sales Co.,        5,000,000.00                           5,000,000.00

                        5,000,000.00                           5,000,000.00
Science and
Technology Co.,

                                        51,000,000.00         51,000,000.00
Automobile New
Material Co, Ltd.

Total                1,700,981,902.16   51,000,000.00      1,751,981,902.16

                                                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(2) Investment to joint venture and associated enterprise

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                             Changes                                                                     Ending
                                                        Adjustme                                                                        balance
                                                          nt of                     Declarati                                              of
            Beginnin      Add     Reduce nt income                       Other                   Provision                Ending
     Name                                                other                     on of cash                                           provision
            g balance investmen investmen     under                      equity                  impairme      Others    balance
                                                        comprehe                   dividends                                               for
                              t      t        equity                 changes                         nt
                                                         nsive                      or profit                                           impairme
                                                         income                                                                            nt

1.    Joint venture

2.    Associated enterprise

(3) Notes

4.      Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                          January to June 2017                                            January to June 2016
                                   Revenue                        Cost                           Revenue                         Cost

Principal business                19,350,686,493.45         17,842,348,026.16                   12,051,859,180.54          10,706,509,048.28

Other business                     1,846,830,285.75          1,640,628,048.16                    1,133,529,266.65           1,023,377,735.93

Total                             21,197,516,779.20         19,482,976,074.32                   13,185,388,447.19          11,729,886,784.21


5.      Income on investment

                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                      Items                             January to June 2017                                  January to June 2016

Income from long-term equity investment
                                                                            102,074,634.76                                       13,713,328.45
(cost method)

Income from bank short-term financial

Total                                                                       105,369,227.90                                       13,713,328.45

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

6.      Others

XVII. Supplementary information

1.       Details of non-recurring profit and loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan

                      Items                               January to June 2017                                Notes

Profit or loss from disposal of non-current

Details of government subsidies recorded
into current profits and loss(except such
government subsidy closely related to the
company’s normal business operation,,                                   15,047,000.00
meeting the regulation of national policy and
enjoyed constantly in certain quota or
quantity according to a certain standard)

Profit or loss from investment or assets
entrusted to others

Profit or loss from debt restructuring                                       822,116.45

Other non-operating revenue and
expenditure other than above items

Less: Impact of income tax                                                 4,928,915.36

      Impact of minority interests                                               24,516.32

Total                                                                     14,762,229.74                        --

For the Company’s non-recurring profit and loss items as defined in “the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure
for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Profits and Losses” and its non-recurring profit and loss items as
illustrated in “the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the
Public-Non-recurring Profits and Losses” which have been defined as recurring profits and losses, it is necessary to explain the
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Net asset yield and earnings per share

                                                                                                  Earnings per share

                                                                                                                Diluted gains per
     Profit in the Reporting Period      Weighted average net assets yield (%)        Basic earnings per

Net profit attributable to ordinary                                      4.04%                        0.167                       0.167

                                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Net profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders after deducting                                         3.92%                  0.162                       0.162
non-recurring profit and loss

3. The differences between domestic and international accounting standards

(1) Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards
disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan

                                                Net Profit                                      Net assets

                                      2016                   2015              Ending balance            Beginning balance

According to CAS                      523,635,653.57         182,538,176.32      13,249,274,456.60           12,715,354,551.15

Items and amount adjusted according to IAS:

(2) Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Accounting data differences between domestic and foreign accounting standards,if the differences has
already been adjusted by the foreign audit agency shall indicate the name of the agency.

4. Others

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                            XI. Documents available for inspection

1. Financial Statements signed and stamped by the legal representative, CFO, and accounting manager;
2. All of the original copies of documents and announcements that have been published on China Securities Journal, Securities Times,
and Hong Kong Commercial Daily.
