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						                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

   First Quarter Report 2020

          April 2020

                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                                Ⅰ. Important Notice

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, members of the

Supervisory Committee and senior management of the Company guarantee that there

are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission in this report,

and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity,

accuracy and integrity of the information contained in this report.

All the members of the Board of Directors attended the board meeting on which this

report was examined.

Gao Lie, Chairman of the Company, Shen Qiang, the principal in charge of the

accounting, and Zhao Zhonghua, Chief of Accounting Affairs, make the pledge for the

authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the attached financial statements.

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                                           II. Company Profile

I. Main Accounting data and Financial index

Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous year

□ Yes √ No

                                              Jan.-Mar. 2020             Jan.-Mar. 2019            Changes (+/-)
Operating income(RMB)                         11,728,574,704.88         11,761,190,575.63                     -0.28%

Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                  177,998,575.36           271,606,318.07                   -34.46%

Net profit after deducting of non-
recurring gain/loss attributable to the
                                                    168,656,828.67           259,096,025.14                   -34.91%
shareholders of listed company

Net Cash flows generated by business
                                                    684,846,620.22          2,752,557,195.47                  -75.12%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                           0.05                       0.07                -28.57%

Diluted earnings per share
                                                               0.05                       0.07                -28.57%

Weighted average net assets yield (%)                         0.91%                      1.41%                  -0.50%

                                               31 Mar. 2020               31 Dec 2019              Changes (+/-)
Total assets(RMB)                             62,419,899,870.81         60,731,425,193.90                     2.78%

Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                                19,673,088,666.96         19,487,665,261.17                     0.95%
of the listed company(RMB)

Items and amount of non-recurring profit and loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                             Items                                Jan.-Mar. 2020                   Notes

  Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets
  (including the write-off part for which assets impairment              -6,082,450.70
  provision is made)

  Details of government subsidies recorded into current
  profits and loss(except such government subsidy closely              18,439,817.04
  related to the company’s normal business operation,

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

     meeting the regulation of national policy and enjoyed
     constantly in certain quota or quantity according to a
     certain standard)

     Other non-operating revenue and expenditure other than
     above items

     Less: Impact of income tax                                                   3,116,471.80

             Impact of minority interests (after tax)                                 7,668.70

     Total                                                                        9,341,746.69 --

For the Company’s non-recurring profit and loss items as defined in “the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information
disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Profits and Losses” and its non-recurring
profit and loss items as illustrated in “the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies
Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Profits and Losses” which have been defined as recurring profits
and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
None of Non-recurring profit and loss items recognized as recurring profit and loss items as defined by “the Explanatory
Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring
Profits and Losses” in the report period.

II Total Number of Shareholders and Shareholding of Top 10 Shareholders

1.     Total number of common shareholders, preferred shareholders whose voting rights restored, and

       shareholding of top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                                     Unit: share

                                                                      The total number of
Total         number       of    common                            preferred shareholders
shareholders at the end of the                              52,784 voting rights restored at the                              0
reporting period                                                      end of the reporting period
                                                                      (if any)

                                               Shareholding by Top 10 shareholders

                                             Proportion                          Amount of      Number of share pledged/frozen
     Name of the           Nature of                       Quantity of
                                             of shares                      restricted shares
     shareholder          shareholder                        shares                              State of share    Quantity
                                                held                               held

Benxi Steel &                                                                                   Pledged            712,545,000
                      State-owned legal
Iron (Group)                                     61.93%   2,399,831,394
                      person                                                                    Frozen             102,100,000
Co., Ltd.

                      State-owned legal
Provincial                                        4.77%     184,842,883

                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Group Co., Ltd.

CCB Principal
Management –
Trust – CR        Others               4.77%   184,842,883
Trust  Xing
Sheng No. 5
Collective Fund
Trust Plan

Bei Xin Rui
Feng Fund –
Bank – Bei Xin
                   Others               4.77%   184,842,883
Rui Feng Fund
Feng Qing No.
229 Asset

China Life
AMP Fund–
ICBC – China
Life AMP –
Hua Xin Trust
Targeted           Others               4.77%   184,842,883
Shares Issuance
No. 10 Asset

                   Domestic   natural
Fang Lei                                0.36%    14,126,600

bank of China -
Securities 500
                   Others               0.30%    11,565,511
Trading Open
Index Securities

                                                               Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                Domestic     natural
Fang Huaiyue                                 0.24%         9,205,501

                Domestic     natural
Zhang Peng                                   0.21%         8,287,900

                Overseas legal
MARKETS                                      0.21%         8,157,311

                             Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

                                                                                       Category of shares
                                       Number of non-restricted common shares held
Name of the shareholder                                                                  Category of
                                       at the period-end                                                     Quantity

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co.,                                                        Common shares
                                                                       2,399,831,394                        2,399,831,394
Ltd.                                                                                   in RMB

Liaoning Provincial Transportation                                                     Common shares
                                                                        184,842,883                          184,842,883
Investment Group Co., Ltd.                                                             in RMB

CCB Principal Asset Management –
ICBC – CR Trust – CR Trust  Xing                                                     Common shares
                                                                        184,842,883                          184,842,883
Sheng No. 5 Collective Fund Trust                                                      in RMB

Bei Xin Rui Feng Fund – China
Merchants Bank – Bei Xin Rui                                                          Common shares
                                                                        184,842,883                          184,842,883
Feng Fund Feng Qing No. 229                                                            in RMB
Asset Management Plan

China Life AMP Fund– ICBC –
China Life AMP – Hua Xin Trust                                                        Common shares
                                                                        184,842,883                          184,842,883
Targeted Additional Shares Issuance                                                    in RMB
No. 10 Asset Management Plan

                                                                                       Common shares
Fang Lei                                                                 14,126,600                           14,126,600
                                                                                       in RMB

Agricultural bank of China - China
                                                                                       Common shares
Securities 500 Trading Open Index                                        11,565,511                           11,565,511
                                                                                       in RMB
Securities Investment Fund

                                                                                       Common shares
Fang Huaiyue                                                              9,205,501                            9,205,501
                                                                                       in RMB

                                                                                       Common shares
Zhang Peng                                                                8,287,900                            8,287,900
                                                                                       in RMB

VANGUARD EMERGING                                                                      Foreign shares
                                                                           8,157,311                            8,157,311
MARKETS STOCK INDEX                                                                    placed in

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

FUND                                                                                   domestic

Related-parties or acting-in-concert
                                       It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or action-
parties among the above-mentioned
                                       in-concert parties among the top 10 un-restricted shareholders.

                                       Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. holds 2,160,831,394 shares of the company
                                       through an ordinary securities account, and holds 239,000,000 shares through the
                                   investor's credit securities account, therefore, it holds a total of 2,399,831,394
Shareholders among the top 10 shares.
participating in securities margin
                                   Fang Lei holds 14,126,600 shares through the investor's credit securities account.
trading (if any)
                                   Fang Huaiyue holds 9,205,501 shares through the investor's credit securities
                                       Zhang Peng holds 8,287,900 shares through the investor's credit securities account.

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with unrestricted shares carried out any buy-back
agreement dealing in the reporting period.
□ Yes √ No

Top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with unrestricted shares did not carry out buy-back
agreement dealing in the reporting period.

2. Number of total preferred shareholders and preferred shares hold by Top 10 preferred shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                                          III Important Events

Ⅰ. Major Changes in Financial Data and Financial Index and Reasons

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      Significant changes and reasons in major accounting data, financial indicators which changed over 30%
      compared to the consolidated financial statement at the end of 2018
                                           Increase   /
 1. Statement of Financial Position                       Reasons

                                              51%         Due to the increase in unpaid bonuses in the current
 Employee benefits payables
                                              -91%        Due to the decrease of VAT payable at the end of this
 Tax payable
 Non-current liabilities due within           467%        Due to the long-term borrowings reclassified into
 one year                                                 borrowings due within one year.
                                             3491%        Due to the increase in the unused amount of the safety
 Special reserves
                                                          production cost in this period.

      Significant changes and reasons in major accounting data, financial indicators which changed over 30%
      compared to the consolidated financial statement of the first quarter of 2019
 2.    Statement    of    comprehensive    Increase   /
 income                                    Decrease

                                                 201%     Due to the increase of Research and development
 Research and development expenses
 Financial expenses                              215%     Due to the increase of net exchange losses
                                                 -91%     Due to the decrease of gains from scrapping of non-
 Non-operating income
                                                          current assets
 Income tax expenses                             -92%     Due to the decrease of deferred income tax expenses
                                           Increase /
 3. Statement of cash flows                           Reasons
 Tax rebate received                             -90%     Due to the decrease of tax refund in the period.
                                                  65%     Due to the increase of cash paid for goods and services
 Cash paid for goods and services
                                                          during the period
 Cash received from borrowings                   -42%     Due to the decrease of cash received from the loan

                                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

II. Progress and influence of significant events, as well as the analysis and explanation on

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of share repurchase
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of the reduction of shareholding shares by means of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. The Under-Fulfillment Commitments by the End of the Period Made by Actual Controller,
     Acquirer, Director, Supervisor, Senior Management Personnel and other Related Parties.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no under-fulfillment commitment by the end of the period made by actual controller, acquirer, director, supervisor,
senior management personnel and other related parties.

IV. Investment in Securities

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no securities investments in the reporting period.

V. Entrusted Financing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no entrusted financing in the reporting period.

VI. Investment in Derivatives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no investment in derivatives in the reporting period.

VII. Registration form of Activities such as Research, Communication, Interview in this
    Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period.

VIII. Violation of Regulations in Provision of External Guaranty

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no violation of regulations in provision of external guaranty during the reporting period.

                                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

IX. Illustrations of Non-Operating Occupation of Funds by the Controlling Shareholder and
    Related Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There is no non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and related parties.

                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                                         Ⅳ Financial Statement

Ⅰ. Financial Statement


Prepared by: Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
                                               31 March 2020
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                    Item                          20200331                             20191231

Current asset

Cash at bank and on hand                              18,611,052,503.58                     18,415,844,397.77

Settlement provisions

Capital lent

Financial assets held for trading

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable                                     232,614,258.60                         235,696,265.66

Accounts receivable financing                          2,473,220,274.48                       2,429,542,461.88

Prepayments                                            1,392,687,864.84                       1,291,047,458.11

Premium receivable

Reinsurance accounts receivable

Receivable      deposit    for   reinsurance

Other receivables                                       155,248,729.02                         172,807,036.77
     Including:Interest receivable                       28,512,792.47                           20,504,422.47

                   Dividend receivable

Redemptory financial assets for sale

Inventories                                            9,439,699,017.97                       7,700,397,685.61

Contract assets

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within one year

Other current assets                                    400,600,544.18                         312,904,824.09

Total current assets                                  32,705,123,192.67                     30,558,240,129.89

Non-current assets

                                                  Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Loan and advances issued

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments                         2,642,998.70                           2,642,998.70

Other equity investments                         1,041,824,829.00                       1,041,824,829.00

Other non-current financial assets

Investment property

Fixed assets                                    25,542,660,272.96                     26,123,375,492.40

Construction in progress                         2,025,822,529.81                       1,833,853,572.58

Productive biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right-of-use assets

Intangible assets                                 269,858,180.64                         271,500,023.34

Development expenditure


Long-term deferred expenses

Deferred tax assets                               196,287,482.97                         191,485,595.49

Other non-current assets                          635,680,384.06                         708,502,552.50

Total non-current assets                        29,714,776,678.14                     30,173,185,064.01

Total assets                                    62,419,899,870.81                     60,731,425,193.90

Current Liabilities

Short-term loans                                12,488,319,016.67                     13,151,478,000.00

Loan from central bank

Loan from other financial institutions

Financial liability held for trading

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable                                   13,201,833,849.84                     11,828,514,676.95

Accounts payable                                 5,720,913,243.49                       4,527,513,030.27

Advance from customers                                                                  4,429,821,526.79

Contract liabilities                             4,260,272,248.28

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Absorbed deposit and interbank deposit

Receiving      from    vicariously     traded

                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Receiving from vicariously sold securities

Employee benefits payable                         35,811,406.53                          23,698,174.56

Current tax liabilities                           26,385,011.76                        284,825,814.80

Other payables                                  609,103,222.84                         662,701,744.97
Including:Interest payable                        3,697,500.00                          10,818,986.30

             Dividend payable

Handling     charges       and   commission

Reinsurance accounts payable

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one year    1,328,998,543.11                        234,474,657.99

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                     37,671,636,542.52                     35,143,027,626.33

Non-current liabilities

Standard insurance contract provision

Long-term loans                                3,723,490,441.11                       4,849,675,910.73

Bonds payable

Including: Preferred stock

            Perpetual bond

Lease liabilities

Long-term payables                              634,349,715.78                         516,939,408.14

Long-term employee benefits payable

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income                                 191,042,271.50                         208,955,407.30

Deferred tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                  4,548,882,428.39                       5,575,570,726.17

Total liabilities                             42,220,518,970.91                     40,718,598,352.50

Shareholders’ equity

Share capital                                  3,875,371,532.00                       3,875,371,532.00

Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred stock

            Perpetual bond

Capital reserve                               12,343,209,847.29                     12,343,209,847.29

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Less: treasury shares

Other comprehensive income

Special reserves                                                     7,637,517.84                           212,687.41

Surplus reserves                                                 961,105,529.85                        961,105,529.85

General risk reserve

Undistributed profits                                          2,485,764,239.98                       2,307,765,664.62

Total equity attributable to equity holders
                                                              19,673,088,666.96                     19,487,665,261.17
of the parent company

Non-controlling interests                                        526,292,232.94                        525,161,580.23

Total shareholder's equity                                    20,199,380,899.90                     20,012,826,841.40

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                      62,419,899,870.81                     60,731,425,193.90

Legal Representative: Gao Lie              Chief Financial Officer: Shen Qiang      Chief Accountant: Zhao Zhonghua


                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                   Items                                 20200331                              20191231

Current asset

Cash at bank and on hand                                      17,249,452,518.01                     16,982,227,928.89

Financial assets held for trading

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Account receivable                                               373,512,311.34                        388,997,108.46

Accounts receivable financing                                  2,412,082,647.33                       2,193,319,842.60

Prepayments                                                    1,292,687,864.84                       1,184,632,345.13

Other receivables                                                224,486,192.61                        266,663,235.81

Including: Interest receivables                                     27,736,734.91                         19,658,230.77

           Dividend receivables

Inventories                                                    7,289,530,576.82                       6,114,582,832.33

Contract assets

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within one year

Other current assets                                             326,793,046.13                        191,249,460.42

Total current assets                                          29,168,545,157.08                     27,321,672,753.64

                                         Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Non-current assets

Debt investment

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments            2,016,281,902.16                       2,016,281,902.16

Other equity investments                1,041,624,829.00                       1,041,624,829.00

Other non-current financial assets

Investment properties

Fixed assets                           23,915,103,997.64                     24,447,763,305.12

Construction in progress                2,012,088,328.09                       1,813,889,136.42

Productive biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right-of-use assets

Intangible assets                        144,643,506.36                         145,470,040.68

Development expenditure


Long-term deferred expense

Deferred tax assets                        98,357,164.02                          93,555,276.54

Other non-current assets                 627,075,877.48                         696,351,867.38

Total non-current assets               29,855,175,604.75                     30,254,936,357.30

Total assets                           59,023,720,761.83                     57,576,609,110.94

Current liabilities

Short-term loans                       11,188,319,016.67                     11,851,478,000.00

Financial liability held for trading

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable                          11,538,620,936.62                     10,225,969,445.22

Account payable                         6,045,084,178.94                       4,909,389,629.86

Advance from customers                                                         5,597,707,687.22

Contract liability                      5,263,303,246.87

Employee benefits payable                  34,670,302.86                          21,872,906.71

Current tax liabilities                    13,096,514.24                        274,181,048.14

Other payables                           395,023,906.30                         384,125,032.59
Including:Interest payables                3,697,500.00                          10,818,986.30

            Dividend payables

                                           Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one
                                          1,328,998,543.11                        234,474,657.99

Other current liabilities

Total current liability                  35,807,116,645.61                     33,499,198,407.73

Non-current liability

Long term loans                           3,723,490,441.11                       4,849,675,910.73

Bonds payable

Including: Preferred stock

                    Perpetual bond

Lease liabilities

Long-term payables                         634,349,715.78                         516,939,408.14

Long-term employee benefits payables

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income                            191,042,271.50                         208,955,407.30

Deferred tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities             4,548,882,428.39                       5,575,570,726.17

Total liabilities                        40,355,999,074.00                     39,074,769,133.90

Shareholder’s equity:

Share capital                             3,875,371,532.00                       3,875,371,532.00

Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred stock

                        Perpetual bond

Capital reserves                         11,923,058,165.17                     11,923,058,165.17

Less: Treasury shares

Other comprehensive income

Special reserves                              6,224,392.44                              53,330.99

Surplus reserves                           961,105,529.85                         961,105,529.85

Undistributed Profits                     1,901,962,068.37                       1,742,251,419.03

Total shareholder's equity               18,667,721,687.83                     18,501,839,977.04

Total liabilities and shareholder’s
                                         59,023,720,761.83                     57,576,609,110.94

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020


                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                          Item                                Jan.-Mar. 2020                    Jan.-Mar. 2019

1. Total operating income                                           11,728,574,704.88                  11,761,190,575.63

Including: Operating income                                         11,728,574,704.88                  11,761,190,575.63

              Interest income

              Premium earned

              Income from handling charges
and commission

2. Total operating cost                                             11,541,446,733.82                  11,490,405,098.16

Including: Operating cost                                           10,759,718,222.36                  11,082,217,546.55

              Interest expense

              Expenditure for handling charges
and commission

              Surrender value

              Net expenditure for compensation

              Net      provision        for     insurance
contract appropriated

              Bonus payment for policy

              Reinsurance premium

              Tax and surcharges                                        51,561,831.30                       54,057,558.75

              Selling and distribution expenses                       315,712,277.98                      312,825,124.15

              General          and       administrative
                                                                      185,915,642.34                      229,520,730.11

              Research          and           development
                                                                         8,416,671.23                        2,797,993.86

              Financial expenses                                      220,122,088.61                      -191,013,855.26

              Including: Interest expense                             246,021,732.55                      293,019,846.37

                             Interest income                            72,914,133.66                       67,726,988.83

Add: Other income                                                       18,439,817.04                       20,821,500.00
        Income on investment(“-” for loss)

        Including: Income from associates and
joint ventures
                      Income     from    derecognition   of

financial assets measured at amortized cost

                                                     Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                      Exchange gains

                     Net exposure hedging
income (“-” for loss)

                      Gains from the change of
fair value (“-” for loss)

                      Credit impairment losses
(“-” for loss

                      Asset impairment losses
(losses are listed with "-")
                      Assets disposal gains(“-”
for loss)

3. Operational profit(“-” for loss)                 186,360,238.20                      293,704,845.02

     Add: Non-operating income                              282,400.25                         3,075,607.08

      Less: Non-operating expenses                        6,256,330.10                         7,215,029.01

4. Total profit (“-” for loss)                        180,386,308.35                      289,565,423.09

      Less: Income tax expenses                           1,460,096.83                        18,343,089.25
5. Net profit(“-” for loss)                         178,926,211.52                      271,222,333.84

     1.Classification by continuing operating

            (1) Net profit from continuing
                                                        178,926,211.52                      271,222,333.84

            (2) Net profit from discontinued

     2.Classification by ownership

         (1) Net profit attributable to the
                                                        177,998,575.36                      271,606,318.07
owners of parent company

            (2) Net profit attributable to non-
                                                            927,636.16                          -383,984.23
controlling shareholders

6. Other comprehensive income

              Other   comprehensive      income
attributable to owners of the parent company
after tax

     1.Other comprehensive income items
that will not be reclassified into gains/losses

            (1) Re-measurement of defined
benefit plans of changes in net debt or net

            (2) Other comprehensive income
under the equity method investee cannot be

                                                                Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

reclassified into profit or loss

           (3) Changes in the fair value of other
equity investments

          (4) Changes in the fair value of
Corporate credit risk

           (5) Others

2.Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit or loss

         (1) Share of other comprehensive
income of investee to be classified into profit
or loss afterwards under equity method

     (2) Changes in the fair value of other
debt investments

     (3) Changes in the fair value of financial
assets     at   fair    value   through    other
comprehensive income

    (4) Provision for credit loss of other debt

    (5) Cash flow hedge reserve

    (6) Translation differences in foreign
currency financial statements

    (7) Others

Other comprehensive income attributable to
non-controlling shareholders after tax

7. Total comprehensive income                                       178,926,211.52                      271,222,333.84

     Total         comprehensive          income
attributable to the owner of the parent                             177,998,575.36                      271,606,318.07

     Total         comprehensive          income
                                                                          927,636.16                       -383,984.23
attributable to non-controlling shareholders

8. Earnings per share

     1) Basic earnings per share                                                0.05                              0.07

     2) Diluted earnings per share                                              0.05                              0.07

The current business combination under common control, the net profits of the combined party before achieved: 0.00Yuan,
net profit of previous period of the combined party realized: 0.00Yuan.

Legal Representative: Gao Lie               Chief Financial Officer: Shen Qiang        Chief Accountant: Zhao Zhonghua

                                                                   Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020


                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                            Item                                Jan.-Mar. 2020                   Jan.-Mar. 2019

1. Total operating income                                            12,263,353,879.66                 11,318,044,807.71

Less: Operating cost                                                 11,478,300,497.98                 10,828,824,566.71

             Tax and surcharges                                          44,905,595.40                      40,172,247.54

             Selling and distribution expenses                          186,148,487.15                    178,902,194.54

             General and administrative expenses                        171,553,819.80                    215,696,958.84

             Research and development expenses                             8,416,671.23                      2,797,993.86

             Financial expenses                                         212,078,788.48                    -204,007,003.82

             Including: Interest expense                                231,068,313.59                    278,494,138.86

                           Interest income                               65,935,368.22                      66,189,925.11

Add: Other income                                                        18,009,908.60                      20,821,500.00
             Income on investment(“-” for loss)

             Including: Income from associates and
joint ventures
                       Income from derecognition of financial

assets measured at amortized cost

                        Net exposure hedging income
(“-” for loss)

                              Gains from change of
fair value (“-” for loss)

                              Credit impairment loss
(“-” for loss)

                              Asset impairment loss
(“-” for loss)

                             Assets disposal gains(“-”
for loss)
2. Operational profit(“-” for loss)                                 160,752,378.32                    278,624,219.84

      Add: Non-operating income                                             225,882.20                       3,021,409.27

      Less: Non-operating expenses                                         6,069,498.66                      7,215,029.01

3. Total profit (“-” for loss)                                        154,908,761.86                    274,430,600.10

      Less: Income tax expenses                                           -4,801,887.48                     14,240,768.41
4. Net profit(“-” for loss)                                         159,710,649.34                    260,189,831.69

        1.Net profit from continuing operation                          159,710,649.34                    260,189,831.69

                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

      2.Net profit from discontinued operation

5.Other comprehensive income

     1.Other comprehensive income items that
will not be reclassified into gains/losses

          (1) Re-measurement of defined benefit
plans of changes in net debt or net assets

          (2) Other comprehensive income under
the equity method investee cannot be reclassified
into profit or loss

          (3) Changes in the fair value of other
equity investments

      (4) Changes in the fair value of Corporate
credit risk

         (5) Others

     2.Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit or loss.

      (1) Share of other comprehensive income
of investee to be classified into profit or loss
afterwards under equity method

     (2) Changes in the fair value of other debt

     (3) Changes in the fair value of financial
assets at fair value through other comprehensive

     (4) Provision for credit loss of other debt

     (5) Cash flow hedge reserve

     (6) Translation differences in foreign
currency financial statements

     (7) Others

6. Total comprehensive income                            159,710,649.34                    260,189,831.69

7. Earnings per share
     1)Basic earnings per share

     2)Diluted earnings per share


                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                    Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

                     Item                     Jan.-Mar. 2020                     Jan.-Mar. 2019

1.Cash flow from operating activities

Cash received from sale of goods or
                                                     7,864,260,416.76                     7,419,619,557.25
rendering of services

Net increase of customers' deposit and
interbank deposit

Net increase of loan from central bank

Net increase of loans from other financial

Cash received for premium of original
insurance contract

Net cash received for reinsurance business

Net increase of deposit and investment of
the insured

Cash from receiving interest, handling
charge and commission

Net increase of loans from Borrowing funds

Net increase of fund for buy-back business

Net increase of receivings from vicariously
traded securities

Tax rebate received                                     12,824,913.18                      129,603,306.84

Other cash received relating to operating
                                                        50,831,445.98                        52,630,739.69

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                     7,927,916,775.92                     7,601,853,603.78

Cash paid for goods and services                     6,282,057,238.94                     3,796,837,688.74

Net increase of customer's loan and

Net increase of deposit in central bank and
interbank deposit

Cash payment for original insurance
contract compensation

Net increase of capital lent

Cash for payment of interest, handling
charge and commission

Cash for payment of policy bonus

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                481,908,334.86                      466,895,154.36

                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Cash paid for all types of taxes                   458,533,701.03                       564,138,089.50

Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                    20,570,880.87                         21,425,475.71

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                                 7,243,070,155.70                      4,849,296,408.31

Net cash flows from operating activities           684,846,620.22                      2,752,557,195.47

2. Cash flows from investing activities

Cash received from return on investments

Cash     received     from   distribution   of
dividends or profit

Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary and other operating units

Other cash paid relating to investing

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing

Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets,
                                                   224,332,091.19                       213,446,363.20
intangible assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid for acquisition of investments

Net increase of mortgage loan

Net cash received from subsidiary and other
operating unit

Other cash paid relating to investing

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing
                                                   224,332,091.19                       213,446,363.20

Net cash flows from investing activities          -224,332,091.19                       -213,446,363.20

3. Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from investment

Including: Proceeds from investment of
non-controlling shareholders of subsidiary

Proceeds from borrowings                         2,197,194,000.00                      3,762,429,000.00

Other    proceeds relating     to   financing

                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                       2,197,194,000.00                     3,762,429,000.00

Cash repayments of borrowings                          2,916,611,584.62                     3,853,593,875.68

Cash    payments      for   distribution   of
                                                         263,567,150.15                      293,019,846.37
dividends, profit or interest expenses

Including: Cash paid to non-controlling
shareholders as dividend and profit by

Other cash payments relating to financing

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                                       3,180,178,734.77                     4,146,613,722.05

Net cash flows from financing activities                -982,984,734.77                      -384,184,722.05

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
                                                          37,441,237.39                       -25,741,813.31
on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                        -485,028,968.35                     2,129,184,296.91

Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                      13,441,414,988.58                   11,752,548,621.97
beginning of the period

6. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                      12,956,386,020.23                   13,881,732,918.88
ending of the period


                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Item                         Jan.-Mar. 2020                     Jan.-Mar. 2019

1. Cash flow from operating activities

Cash received from sale of goods or
                                                       7,801,529,586.28                     7,083,398,928.22
rendering of services

Tax rebate received                                                                          102,717,420.63

Other cash received relating to operating
                                                          39,105,003.15                        40,251,068.14

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                       7,840,634,589.43                     7,226,367,416.99

Cash paid for goods and services                       6,197,815,675.01                     3,505,322,597.12

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                  459,560,419.78                      441,580,806.88

Cash paid for all types of taxes                         434,526,418.13                      540,256,412.01

Other cash paid relating to operating                     16,129,733.15                        18,206,333.60

                                                 Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020


Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                                 7,108,032,246.07                      4,505,366,149.61

Net cash flows from operating activities           732,602,343.36                      2,721,001,267.38

2. Cash flows from investing activities

Cash received from return on investments

Cash     received     from   distribution   of
dividends or profit

Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term

Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiary and other operating units

Other cash received relating to investing

Subtotal of cash inflows from investing

Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets,
                                                   218,474,831.02                       211,879,503.05
intangible assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid for acquisition of investments

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary
and other operating unit

Other cash paid relating to investing

Subtotal of cash outflows paid for
                                                   218,474,831.02                       211,879,503.05
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities          -218,474,831.02                       -211,879,503.05

3. Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from investment

Cash received from borrowings                    1,957,194,000.00                      3,522,429,000.00

Other cash received relating to financing

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                 1,957,194,000.00                      3,522,429,000.00

Cash repayments of borrowings                    2,676,611,584.62                      3,599,373,875.68

Cash     payments      for   distribution   of
                                                   249,495,900.16                       278,494,138.86
dividends, profit or interest

                                                             Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Other cash payments relating to financing

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                                                 2,926,107,484.78                  3,877,868,014.54

Net cash flows from financing activities                         -968,913,484.78                    -355,439,014.54

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
                                                                   33,421,536.16                     -25,737,308.54
on cash and cash equivalents

5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 -421,364,436.28                   2,127,945,441.25

Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                             13,029,616,298.47                   10,807,824,843.20
beginning of the period

6. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                             12,608,251,862.19                   12,935,770,284.45

Ⅱ. Adjustment of Financial Statement

1. Adjustment to the financial statement towards beginning balance due to the first-time implementation of new

revenue standards and new leasing standards from 2020.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                 Item                31 December 2019               1 January 2020        Adjustment amount

Current assets

Cash at bank and on hand                     18,415,844,397.77        18,415,844,397.77

Account receivable                             235,696,265.66            235,696,265.66

Accounts receivable financing                 2,429,542,461.88         2,429,542,461.88

Prepayments                                   1,291,047,458.11         1,291,047,458.11

Other receivable                               172,807,036.77            172,807,036.77

   Including: interest receivable               20,504,422.47             20,504,422.47

Inventories                                   7,700,397,685.61         7,700,397,685.61

Other current assets                           312,904,824.09            312,904,824.09

Total current assets                         30,558,240,129.89        30,558,240,129.89

Non-current assets

Long-term equity investments                      2,642,998.70             2,642,998.70

Other equity investments                      1,041,824,829.00         1,041,824,829.00

                                                      Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Fixed assets                          26,123,375,492.40     26,123,375,492.40

Construction in progress               1,833,853,572.58      1,833,853,572.58

Intangible assets                       271,500,023.34         271,500,023.34

Deferred tax assets                     191,485,595.49         191,485,595.49

Other non-current assets                708,502,552.50         708,502,552.50

Total non-current assets              30,173,185,064.01     30,173,185,064.01

Total assets                          60,731,425,193.90     60,731,425,193.90

Current Liabilities

Short-term loans                      13,151,478,000.00     13,151,478,000.00

Notes payable                         11,828,514,676.95     11,828,514,676.95

Accounts payable                       4,527,513,030.27      4,527,513,030.27

Advance from customers                 4,429,821,526.79                                    -4,429,821,526.79

Contract liabilities                                         4,429,821,526.79               4,429,821,526.79

Employee benefits payable                23,698,174.56          23,698,174.56

Current tax liabilities                 284,825,814.80         284,825,814.80

Other payables                          662,701,744.97         662,701,744.97

  Including: interest payable            10,818,986.30          10,818,986.30

Non-current liabilities due within
                                        234,474,657.99         234,474,657.99
one year

Total current liabilities             35,143,027,626.33     35,143,027,626.33

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans                        4,849,675,910.73      4,849,675,910.73

Long-term payables                      516,939,408.14         516,939,408.14

Deferred income                         208,955,407.30         208,955,407.30

Total non-current liabilities          5,575,570,726.17      5,575,570,726.17

Total liabilities                     40,718,598,352.50     40,718,598,352.50

Shareholders' equity:

Share capital                          3,875,371,532.00      3,875,371,532.00

Capital reserve                       12,343,209,847.29     12,343,209,847.29

Special reserves                            212,687.41             212,687.41

Surplus reserves                        961,105,529.85         961,105,529.85

Undistributed profits                  2,307,765,664.62      2,307,765,664.62

Total equity attributable to equity
                                      19,487,665,261.17     19,487,665,261.17
holders of the parent company

Non-controlling interests               525,161,580.23         525,161,580.23

                                                        Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Total shareholder's equity             20,012,826,841.40      20,012,826,841.40
Total of liabilities and owners’
                                       60,731,425,193.90      60,731,425,193.90
Illustration of adjustment
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                 Item               31 December 2019         1 January 2020           Adjustment amount

Current assets

Cash at bank and on hand               16,982,227,928.89      16,982,227,928.89

Account receivable                        388,997,108.46         388,997,108.46

Accounts receivable financing            2,193,319,842.60      2,193,319,842.60

Prepayments                              1,184,632,345.13      1,184,632,345.13

Other receivable                          266,663,235.81         266,663,235.81

   Including: interest receivable          19,658,230.77           19,658,230.77

Inventories                              6,114,582,832.33       6,114,582,832.33

Other current assets                      191,249,460.42         191,249,460.42

Total current assets                   27,321,672,753.64      27,321,672,753.64

Non-current assets

Long-term equity investments             2,016,281,902.16      2,016,281,902.16

Other equity investments                 1,041,824,829.00      1,041,824,829.00

Fixed assets                           24,447,763,305.12      24,447,763,305.12

Construction in progress                 1,813,889,136.42      1,813,889,136.42

Intangible assets                         145,470,040.68         145,470,040.68

Deferred tax assets                        93,555,276.54           93,555,276.54

Other non-current assets                  696,351,867.38         696,351,867.38

Total non-current assets               30,254,936,357.30      30,254,936,357.30

Total assets                            57,576,609,110.94     57,576,609,110.94

Current liabilities

Short-term loans                        11,851,478,000.00     11,851,478,000.00

Notes payable                          10,225,969,445.22      10,225,969,445.22

Accounts payable                         4,909,389,629.86      4,909,389,629.86

Advance from customers                   5,597,707,687.22                                    -5,597,707,687.22

Contract Liabilities                                           5,597,707,687.22               5,597,707,687.22

Employee benefits payable                  21,872,906.71           21,872,906.71

                                                              Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2020

Current tax liabilities                         274,181,048.14         274,181,048.14

Other payables                                  384,125,032.59         384,125,032.59

      Including: interest payable                10,818,986.30           10,818,986.30

Non-current liabilities due within
                                                234,474,657.99         234,474,657.99
one year

Total current liabilities                     33,499,198,407.73     33,499,198,407.73

Non-current liabilities

Long term loans                                4,849,675,910.73      4,849,675,910.73

Long-term payables                              516,939,408.14         516,939,408.14

Deferred income                                 208,955,407.30         208,955,407.30

Total non-current liabilities                  5,575,570,726.17      5,575,570,726.17

Total liabilities                             39,074,769,133.90     39,074,769,133.90

Shareholder’s equity:

Share capital                                  3,875,371,532.00      3,875,371,532.00

Capital reserves                              11,923,058,165.17     11,923,058,165.17

Special reserves                                     53,330.99               53,330.99

Surplus reserves                                961,105,529.85         961,105,529.85

Undistributed Profits                          1,742,251,419.03      1,742,251,419.03

Total shareholder's equity                    18,501,839,977.04     18,501,839,977.04

Total liabilities and
                                              57,576,609,110.94     57,576,609,110.94
shareholder’s equity

Illustration of adjustment

2. Illustration of the first implementation of the new financial instrument standards, the new lease criteria,
retrospective adjustment towards the previous data from 2020.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ⅲ. Audit report

Whether the first quarter report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The first quarter report is not audited.
