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						Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2009-17



    August 21, 2009


    HANGZHOU STEAM TURBINE C O . , LTD.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Table of Contents

    Chapter I. Important Statement................................................................................................................................. 3

    Chapter II. Company Profile..................................................................................................................................... 4

    Chapter III. Changes in Share Capital & Particulars about Shareholders.................................................................. 7

    Chapter IV. Directors, Supervisors, and Executives ................................................................................................ 10

    Chapter V. Board of Director’s Report .................................................................................................................... 11

    Chapter VI. Important Events................................................................................................................................. 16

    Chapter VII. Financial Report (Not Audited) .......................................................................................................... 20

    Chapter VIII. Documents for Reference.................................................................................................................. 98Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter I. Important Statement

    1. The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,

    fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for

    the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.

    2. The Interim Report 2009 was examined at the 11th meeting of the 4th term of Board and was passed

    unanimously by the directors at the meeting. Director Nie Zhonghai absented the meeting for he’s on business trip.

    He empowered Director Wang Hongkang to present the meeting and vote on his behalf. None of the directors,

    supervisors, or senior managements is not able to guarantee or disagree with the accuracy, authentic and


    3 This report is prepared both in English and Chinese. When there is any conflict in understanding, the Chinese

    version shall prevail.

    4. The financial statements carried in this report are not audited.

    5. Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, General Manager Mr. Yan Jianhuan, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Bo Ronghua, and

    the Chief of Accounting Department Mr. Wu Guomei hereby declares: the Financial Statement in the report is

    guaranteed to be truthful and complete.

    The Board of Directors of

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

    August 21, 2009Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter II. Company Profile

    (I) Company Profile

    (I) Legal Name of the Company

    Name in Chinese: 杭州汽轮机股份有限公司


    Abbreviation in English: HTC

    (II) Legal Representative: Mr. Nie Zhonghai

    (III) Secretary of the Board: Mr. Yu Changquan

    Tel: (0571)85780432

    E-mail: ychq@htc.net.cn

    Stock affair representative: Wang Gang

    Tel: (0571)85780198

    Email: wg@htc.net.cn

    Board of Directors’ Office: (0571)85780198

    Fax: (0571)85780433

    (IV) Registered Address and Office Address:

    357 Shiqiao Rd., Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China

    Post Code: 310022

    Website: http://www.htc.cn

    (V) Shares Listed in: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Stock Abbreviation: Hangqilun B Stock Code: 200771

    (VI) Presses Assigned by National Security Supervisory Committee for Information Disclosure:

    Website: http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Press media: Securities Times, Shanghai Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    Report prepared and ready for inquire at: Securities Office, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

    (VII) The primary business range of the Company is: designing, manufacturing, selling and service providing of steam turbine

    and its supplementary equipments, elements and accessories. Providing related services such as equipment integration,

    after-sales, import and export services.

    (VIII) Supplementary information:

    1. Primary business registration of the company was on April 23, 1998 at Zhejiang Provincial Business Administration.

    The latest renewing of registration was on May 6, 2009 at Zhejiang Provincial Business Administration.

    2. Business license No. 330000400001023.

    3. Tax registration No. 330165704202620

    4. Public accountants employed:

    Certified public accountant: Pan-China (Zhejiang) Certified Public Accountants

    Office address: 6-10/F Xihu Business Building, 128 Xixi Road, Hangzhou

    Post office: 310007 Email: info@orients.cn

    Tel: (0571)88216888 Fax: (0571)88216999Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) Financial highlights

    1. Main accounting data in RMB Yuan

    Ended this report


    Ended previous




    Gross Assets 4,674,750,853.03 4,569,605,900.83 2.30%

    Owners’ equity to shareholders of the listed

    company 1,991,350,454.60 1,901,311,875.65 4.74%

    Share capital 371,800,000.00 371,800,000.00 0.00%

    Net asset per share attributable to the shareholders of

    the listed company (Yuan/share) 5.36 5.11 4.89%

    Report term


    Same period last




    Turnover 1,646,527,768.37 1,398,242,002.19 17.76%

    Operation profit 337,811,535.69 299,452,369.46 12.81%

    Total profit 338,432,212.27 295,542,154.01 14.51%

    Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the

    listed company 238,780,981.80 194,278,048.82 22.91%

    Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss

    attributable to the shareholders of the listed company 239,412,809.45 196,998,624.36 21.53%

    Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.6422 0.5225 22.91%

    Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share) 0.6422 0.5225 22.91%

    Net return on equity (%) 11.99% 12.77% -0.78%

    Cash flow generated by business operation, net -9,773,984.93 240,119,339.52 -104.07%

    Net Cash flow per share generated by business

    operation (yuan/share) -0.03 0.6458 -104.65%

    2. Non-recurring gain/loss accounts in RMB yuan

    Non-recurring gain and loss items Amount Note (if


    Gain/loss of non-current assets 174,984.39

    Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those

    closely related to the Company’s common business, comply with the national policy

    and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount.


    Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -2,768,348.01

    Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity -892,822.91

    Influenced amount of income tax -359,681.32

    Total -631,827.65 -Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    3. Difference between domestic and international accounting standard RMB Yuan

    Net profit attributable to the

    shareholders of the listed company

    Owners’ equity to shareholders of the

    listed company

    Current term Amount of last term End of term Beginning of term

    On IAS 238,780,981.80 194,278,048.82 1,991,350,454.60 1,901,311,875.65

    On domestic accounting

    standard 238,780,981.80 194,278,048.82 1,991,350,454.60 1,901,311,875.65

    Individual and total of adjustment according to IAS

    Total of differences between

    the IAS and domestic

    accounting standard

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Statement on differences

    between the IAS and Chinese

    Accounting Standard

    NoneHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter III. Changes in Share Capital & Particulars about


    (I) Change of share capital

    1. None of bonus share distribution, capitalizing of common reserves, issuing of new shares, converting of

    convertible bonds, or other caused change in share capital and structure in the report term.

    2. Total of share capital and structure in shares

    Before the change Changed (+,-) After the change

    Amount Proportion Issuing of

    new shares




    from reserves Others Sub-total Amount Proportion

    I. Shares with conditional

    subscription 236,600,000 236,600,000 63.64%

    1. State-owned shares

    2. State-owned legal person

    shares 236,600,000 63.64% 236,600,000 63.64%

    3. Other domestic shares

    Incl. Non-government

    domestic legal person


    Domestic natural person


    4. Share held by foreign


    Incl. Shares held by foreign

    legal persons

    Foreign natural person


    5. Management shares

    II. Shares with

    unconditional subscription

    1. Common shares in RMB

    2. Foreign shares in

    domestic market 135,200,000 36.36% 135,200,000 36.36%

    3. Foreign shares in

    overseas market

    4. Others

    III. Total of capital shares 371,800,000 100% 371,800,000 100%Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) Particulars about the top 10 shareholders and top 10 unconditional share holders in


    Total of shareholders 14,808

    Top 10 Shareholders

    Name of the shareholder Properties of shareholder




    Total shares Conditional


    Pledged or


    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group

    Co., Ltd.

    State-owned legal

    person 63.64% 236,600,000 236,600,000 91,000,000


    FD-GREATER CN FD GRI 25287 Overseas legal person 1.69% 6,287,474 0 N/A

    NORGES BANK Overseas legal person 0.92% 3,406,614 0 N/A


    SELECTION FUND Overseas legal person 0.78% 2,916,350 0 N/A


    CLIENT. Overseas legal person 0.73% 2,729,991 0 N/A

    Gong Xihua Domestic natural person 0.40% 1,491,059 0 N/A


    CHINA GOLDEN DRAGON FUND Overseas legal person 0.36% 1,327,835 0 N/A


    INTELLIGENT FD-CHINA B SHS FD Overseas legal person 0.34% 1,276,797 0 N/A

    LAU YAM HOI Domestic natural person 0.32% 1,172,597 0 N/A


    INVEST Overseas legal person 0.31% 1,154,600 0 N/A

    Top 10 holders of unconditional shares

    Name of the shareholder Unconditional shares Category of shares


    FD-GREATER CN FD GTI 25287 6,287,474 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange

    NORGES BANK 3,406,614 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange


    SELECTION FUND 2,916,350 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange


    LIMITED-A/C CLIENT. 2,729,991 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange

    Gong Xihua 1,491,059 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange




    1,327,835 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange


    INTELLIGENT FD-CHINA B SHS FD 1,276,797 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange

    LAU YAM HOI 1,172,597 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange


    DANSKE INVEST 1,154,600 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange

    內藤证券株式会社 1,044,595 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange

    Notes to relationship or “action in

    concert” among the top ten shareholders.

    (1) Of top ten shareholders, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. holds shares on

    behalf of the State and the others are to B-Share shareholders.

    (2) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. is not related to any of the other 9

    shareholders. It is unknown whether there is any relationship among the 9 shareholders.

    (3) None of the other shareholders are regarded as Act in Concert relationship according to

    the Administrative Regulations of Information Disclosing of Public Companies.

    (4) Since September 2007, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. has put 91 million

    shares of promoter’s state-owned shares (takes 38.46% of the total shares it is holding in

    the Company, and takes 24.48% of the total share capital of the Company) into pledge to

    Communication Bank Ltd. for the loan credit up to RMB640 million. The pledge term will

    commence at October 21, 2007 and expire at the end of September 2009.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (III) Change of controlling shareholder and substantial controller

    No change happened to the controlling shareholder and substantial controller.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter IV. Directors, Supervisors, and Executives

    (I) Change of shareholding by directors, supervisors, and executives

    Name Position

    Shares held

    at the


    of term

    Amount of



    in the

    report term

    Amount of



    in the

    report term

    Shares held

    at the end

    of term




    Share option

    held at end of


    Cause of




    Vice General

    Manager 58587 0 18587 40000 40000 0 Offer for


    (II) Change of directors, supervisors and senior executives

    (1) Directors, supervisors or senior executives left from their positions

    Name Position Date of


    Reason Document for reference Announcement


    Jin Fujuan Vice Chairman February 16,




    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional Board

    Meeting 2009

    (Voted via telecommunication)

    Lin 2009-02

    Li Lie Director

    Vice General


    February 16,




    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional Board

    Meeting 2009

    (Voted via telecommunication)

    Lin 2009-02

    Shao Linna Supervisor April 3, 2009 Retired


    Announcement on Ms. Shao Linna’s retiring

    from the Supervisory Committee

    Lin 2009-09



    Vice General


    February 16,


    Change of


    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional Board

    Meeting 2009

    (Voted via telecommunication)

    Lin 2009-02

    (2) Engaging or employing of new directors, supervisors and executives

    Name Position Date of


    Way of engaging Document for reference Announcement


    Zheng Bin Vice Chairman March 25,


    Elected at

    shareholders’ meeting

    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Shareholders’ Meeting 2009

    Lin 2009-07



    Director March 25,


    Elected at

    shareholders’ meeting

    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Shareholders’ Meeting 2009

    Lin 2009-07



    Supervisor May 20,


    Elected at

    shareholders’ meeting

    The Resolutions of Shareholders’

    Annual Meeting 2008




    Vice General


    February 16,


    Engaged by Board Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Board Meeting 2009

    (Voted via telecommunication)

    Lin 2009-02



    Vice General


    February 16,


    Engaged by Board Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Board Meeting 2009

    (Voted via telecommunication)

    Lin 2009-02Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter V. Board of Director’s Report

    (I) Business review

    1. Overall business operation in the report term

    Under impact of the global and national economy, the industrial steam turbine market was still in low situation in

    the 1st half of 2009. It has been a great challenge to the Company’s capability in marketing, innovation, and

    confidence of developing. Though the Company has managed to keep a good business in the first half of year, and

    steady confidence on overcoming difficulties and development.

    In the report term, the Company realized turnover of RMB1.64652 billion with total profit of RMB338.43 million

    and net profit of RMB288.13 million, which increased by 17.76%, 14.51%, 17.29% respectively over the same

    period of last year.

    In the report term, facing the severe market situation, the Company adopted new marketing strategy, reinforced

    the marketing effort on key projects including PTA, China Petrol, and China Petrol Chemical. In overseas market,

    the Company fully developed the advantages of overseas factories and engineering companies to invade in new

    market territories, and gain power in South East Asia, Turkey, East Europe, and Central America. Meanwhile, the

    Company engaged with compressor manufacturers such as Hitachi and Siemens for long-term co-operations, and

    laid a good foundation for future invading of high-end international markets. In gas turbine area, we have won the

    bidding competition for Heavy Steel project with contract of over RMB400 million.

    In the report term, the Company kept promoting technical innovation and product development to support the

    marketing effort. The 150MW product featured high pressure, reheating, dual cylinder, dual axis, and dual exhaust

    has passed the feasibility and technical examination. Along with the LNG (Liquid Natural Gass) Project,

    designing of low pressure vane was completed. Sample project for mega level nuclear power plant water pump

    was fully accelerated. Gas turbine for heavy steel project was under designing. PTA project has achieved great

    breakthrough. Through implementation of American projects and South Korean projects, the Company has

    upgraded in technologies, production, and especially quality control.

    The Company undertook product structure adjustment and further improved quality control. The overall

    production has decreased but there still a number of difficulties in the production process. Production of key

    projects such as gas turbine and American project have been raising new technical demands. The Company

    established an administration mechanism specially for key projects including 7 turbine sets in America. In

    production administration, the Company paid further effort in cost control. Through cost optimizing process and

    redesigning, cost control has achieved great effect in the report term. Great attention was paid on quality and

    process control. Exported products to Turkey and Poland have been awarded CE certificates, and products to

    America has passed the port inspection and awarded band 1 of inspection certificates. Supply chain management

    was reinforced to shorten deliver circle and reduce purchasing costs. Information technologies were adopted to

    improve cost control.

    In the report term, for adjustment of product structure, the packaged business of the Company and the subsidiaries

    were declining. Though the Auxiliary Co., Casting Co., Zhongneng Co., and Machinery Co., were facing the

    difficulties and achieved growth in other business areas and did great job in obtaining orders.

    2. Countermeasures for problems and difficulties

    Impacted by the global financial crisis, the Company has suffered from declining of orders. Business situation in

    the 2nd half of 2009 is still not clear along with the domestic economy. On the other side, some of the contracts

    have been rescheduled frequently due to change of investment schedules, which caused great uncertainty to the

    production and sales arrangement.

    Severe competition caused declining of sales price. Along with the large investment of national government in

    infrastructure construction, the raw material market may be restored, which may bring pressure to the cost of


    Clients have been requiring higher standard in performance, service, price, and production circle. Demand in

    customized products is increasing, which provided higher requirement on the Company’s designing andHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    production processes.

    In the report term, the Company’s receivable accounts kept increasing, which may cause increase in financial

    expenses in the 2nd half of year.

    Countermeasures and strategies for the 2nd half of year:

    a) Reinforce market planning, integrate sales resources, reinforce existing target markets.

    b) Accelerate innovation and production upgrading, set foot in high-end products.

    c) Accelerate co-operations, expanding production chain, explore new markets.

    d) Promote refined production management, increase flexibility of product structures.

    e) Reinforce cost management, promote process management and improve fundamental


    f) Limit contract risks, reinforce project follow-up, reduce receivable accounts and


    (II) Business indices of the report term

    1. Productions RMB0’000

    No. Items Jan-Jun






    1 Turnover 164,652.78 139,824.20 17.76

    2 Investment gains (“-“ for loss) 2,989.81 3,015.93 -0.87

    3 Operative profit (“-“ for loss) 33,781.15 29,945.24 12.81

    4 Non-business income 347.90 102.47 240.49

    5 Non-operational expenditure 286.83 493.49 -41.88

    6 Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 33,843.22 29,554.22 14.51

    7 Net profit (attributable to the owners’ equity of the parent

    company) 23,878.10 19,427.80 22.91

    8 Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents -2,374.32 18,018.12 -113.18

    In the first half of year, financial indices such as major productions and sales income have increased at certain

    level, the causations are as the followings:

    (1) Turnover increased by 17.76% over the same period of last year, which was caused by increasing of waste heat

    power station and auxiliary machinery businesses.

    (2) Investment gains decreased by 0.87%, which was caused by transferring of shares of Zhejiang Tianyu

    Shareholding Co., Ltd. in 2008.

    (3) Operational profit has increased by 12.81%, which was caused by increasing of operation income.

    (4) Non-business income incrased by 240.49%, which was caused by refunding of VAT to Casting Co., and

    government subsiday of RMB100 thousand. Package Engineering Co. the subsidiary of Zhongneng Co., received

    RMB1,163,100.00 from Hangzhou Xiacheng District Bureau as government subsidy; (2) According to 杭财企

    2008(1211) – “Awarding Subsidy to the Second Lot of Technical Innovation Projects”, Auxiliary Co. received

    RMB600 thousand.

    (5) Non-business expenditures decreased by 41.88%, which was caused by decrease of donation from the same

    period of last year by RMB1.763 million.

    (6) Total profit increased by 14.51%, which was caused by increasing of turnover.

    (7) Net profit (attributable to the owners of the parent company) increased by 22.91%, which was caused byHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    increase of turnover. On the other hand, the income tax applicable to the Company and Zhongneng Co. was 25%

    and it was 15% for the current term.

    (8) Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 113.18%, which was caused by decrease of capital received from sales

    of goods and providing of services decreased by RMB267.8498 million.

    2. Capital structure and change of expenses

    2.1 In the report term, the change of the data of the same items in the same statements in the accounting

    statements exceeding 30% (including 30%) is detailed as follows: RMB0’000


    End of


    Beginning of


    Ratio of change


    Cause of change

    Construction in process 6,663.55 3,708.39 79.69 Details in VII(I)9 of the Financial Report

    Notes receivable 19,848.75 29,820.32 -33.44 Details in VII(I)14 of the Financial


    Account payable 39,596.04 28,386.16 39.49 Details in VII(I)15 of the Financial


    Employees’ wage

    payable 12,297.74 1,995.24 516.35 Details in VII(I)17 of the Financial


    Tax payable 3,749.92 2,236.13 67.70 Details in VII(I)18 of the Financial


    Other account payable 5,050.32 3,617.44 39.61 Details in VII(I)19 of the Financial


    Other current liability 100.00 1,470.00 -93.20 Details in VII(I)20 of the Financial


    2.2 Change of main expenses in the report term RMB0’000

    No. Items Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2008 Increase/decrease (%)

    1 Sales expense 4,545.87 5,168.79 -12.05

    2 Administrative expense 24,992.21 15,788,71 58.29

    3 Financial expenses -636.83 7.90 -8,161.14

    For the first half, along with the achieving of merit performance, the sales and administrative expenses have

    increased, while the sales expenses and financial expenses have decreased from the same period of last year.

    (1) Sales expenses decreased by 12.05%, which was caused by decrease of freight.

    (2) Administrative expenses increased by 58.29%, caused by drawing of partial wages.

    (3) Financial expenses decreased by 8,161.14%, which was caused by significant increase of foreign currency

    exchange income from the same period of last year. For details please go to VII(II)3 of the Notes to Financial


    3. Change of cash flow in the report term in RMB0’000

    Items Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2008 Ratio of change

    Cash flow generated by business operation,

    net -977.40 24,011.93 -104.07

    Net cash flow generated by investment 430.43 -1,066.34 140.37

    Net cash flow generated by financing -3,131.65 -4,904.50 36.15


    (1) Net cash flow from business operation decreased by 104.07%, which was caused by decrease of product and

    service revenue;

    (2) Net cash flow from investment activities increased by 140.37%, which was caused by retrieving of share

    transferring payment of RMB30 million regarding Zhejiang Tianyu Shareholding Co., Ltd. in the same period of

    last year.

    (3) Net cash flow from financing increased by 36.15%, which was caused by increasing of cash from loans.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    4. Main business distribution based on industries and products RMB0’000

    Distribution on industries

    On industry or product Turnover Operation cost Gross profit ratio



    e of turnover

    over the same

    period of last

    year (%)


    e of operation

    cost over the

    same period of

    last year (%)


    of gross profit

    ratio over the

    same period of

    last year (%)

    Boiler and power

    machine manufacture 136,008.75 83,188.08 38.84% 12.32% 13.72% -0.75%

    Casting 3,612.10 2,272.12 37.10% 0.37% 12.19% -6.63%

    Petrochemical and other

    special machineries 6,735.48 4,764.83 29.26% 440.46% 430.37% 1.36%

    Packaged equipment for

    waste heat power plant 10,275.60 6,423.67 37.49% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

    Other special equipment 6,161.83 2,978.03 51.67% 33.23% -4.25% 18.97%

    Total 162,793.76 99,626.72 38.80% 24.68% 25.82% -0.55%

    Distribution on products

    Industrial steam turbine 136,008.75 83,188.08 38.84% 12.32% 13.72% -0.75%

    Casting products 3,612.10 2,272.12 37.10% 0.37% 12.19% -6.63%

    Auxiliary machinery 6,735.48 4,764.83 29.26% 440.46% 430.37% 1.36%

    Packaged equipment for

    waste heat power plant 10,275.60 6,423.67 37.49% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

    Others 6,161.83 2,978.03 51.67% 33.23% -4.24% 18.97%

    Total 162,793.76 99,626.72 38.80% 24.68% 25.82% -0.55%

    Including: The related transactions of selling products and providing services to the controlling shareholder and its

    subsidiaries in the report term were amounted to RMB82.7666 million.

    5. Distribution of major business on territories

    In RMB 10 thousand


    Regions Turnover Increase/decrease of turnover

    over the last year (%)

    Domestic 149,269.71 33.13

    Overseas 13,524.05 -26.68

    Total 162,793.76 24.68

    6. No major change happened to the profit composition, main business structure, and

    profitability of the main businesses in the report term.

    7. The Company conducted no other business operation which caused major influence on the

    profit in the report term.

    8. In the report term, no influence on the net profit for over 10% from individual affiliate of

    the Company.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (III) Investment

    1. Use of financing proceeds

    No financing proceeds in the report term or carried over from previous report term.

    2. Use of non-financing proceeds

    No major investment by non-financing proceeds in the report term.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter VI. Important Events

    (I) Company Administration

    In the report period,the Company constantly improved its corporate administration structure, strengthened

    standardized operation and internal controlling system strictly according to the Company Law, the Securities Law,

    and the Administration Standards of Listed Companies, aiming to guard the interests of the shareholders.

    In the report term, followed with the regulations of the Company Law and Articles of Association, the Company

    replaced the directors, supervisors and executives who had reached the legal retiring ages, and added members to

    each professional committee of the Board.

    The Company was completely independent from the controlling shareholder in aspects of business, personnel,

    asset, organization and accounting. Decision-making and information disclosing procedures concerning major

    investment and related transactions have been carried out according to the laws and regulations. No

    non-operational capital adoption happened in relation to the controlling shareholder and its subsidiaries.

    (II) Dividend plan implemented in the report term

    The Dividend Plan 2008 raised by the Board of Directors was approved by the Annual General Meeting 2008 held

    on May 20, 2009. Which was: basing on 371.8 million of total capital shares at present, RMB4.00 would be

    distributed to each 10 shares by the distributable profit. Totally RMB148.72 million would be distributed, and the

    retained will be carried over to the next fiscal year.

    The above dividend plan has been implemented in the report term. The final trading day of B shares was June 15,

    2009, the ex-dividend day was June 16, 009, the registration day for B shares was June 18, 2009. All of the

    dividends have been transferred to the shareholders’ capital account through the stockbroker on June 18, 2009.

    (For details please see Announcement 2009-15 released on Shanghai Securities Daily, Securities Times, Hong

    Kong Commercial Daily and Http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated June 9, 2009.)

    (III) Profit distribution plan for the first half of 2009

    Neither profit distribution nor capitalizing of common reserves will be carried out for the first half of 2009.

    (IV) The Company conducted no asset acquisition, disposing, or major reorganizing events in

    the report term

    (V) No external guarantee happened in the report term, nor carried over from previous report


    (VI) Related transactions

    1. No major related transactions in the report term.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    2. Operational credits and debts with related parties in the report term:

    In RMB 10 thousand


    Fund provided to the related


    Accept money from the related

    Related parties parties

    Amount occurred Balance Amount occurred Balance

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. 761.80 94.40 983.01 2,821.61

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Sales Co., Ltd. 8,005.34 6,738.83 6,527.99 6,742.02

    HSTG Nanfang Sales Co. 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00

    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. 39.20 39.20 741.90 43.07

    HSTG Energy Tech Co., Ltd. 0.00 7.50 0.00 0.00

    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Co., Ltd. 4,997.98 1,722.09 660.00 643.80

    Hangzhou Relian International Trading Co. 9.89 9.89 9.89 0.00

    Hangzhou Hangfa Group 42.40 19.20 0.00 0.00

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Service Co.,

    Ltd. 0.00 0.00 620.63 721.88

    Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd. 0.00 0.00 531.29 9.96

    Hangzhou Dongfeng Shipyard Co., Ltd. 0.00 0.00 82.88 39.84

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co. 0.00 0.00 0.62 12.55

    HSTG Technology Association 0.00 0.00 5.13 0.00

    Total 13,856.61 8,633.11 10,163.34 11,034.73

    3. No non-operational credit or debt or guarantees with related parties occurred in the report term.

    (VII) No major lawsuit in the report term.

    (VIII) No major contract in the report term.

    (IX) No investment in securities or other company’s shares in the report term.

    (X) No holding shares of unlisted shares of financial institutions in the report term.

    As of June 30, 2009, the Company was holding shares of Bank of Hangzhou as the following, in RMB Yuan

    Name Accumulated



    amount of shares Share portion

    Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd. 390.95404 mil 115.5932 mil 8.75%

    (XI) Independent Directors’ Special Statement and Independent Opinion on the Capital

    Adoption and External Guarantee

    According to Announcement 证监发[2003]56 号 issued by CSRC, 证监发[2005]120 号 issued by CSRC and

    CBRC, and 上市部函[2006]25 号 issued by CSRC, as the independent directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine

    Co., Ltd., we have observed and verified the situations about capital adoption and providing of external

    guarantees, and issued the following independent opinions

    1.As of June 30, 2009, all of the capital trades between the Company and the holding shareholder were due to

    business operation without illegal capital adoption. We found no capital adoption by controlling shareholder or

    other related parties.

    2. As of June 30, 2009, the Company never conducted any external guarantee and no such guarantee happened in

    previous terms and carried over to the current term.

    The independent directors: Zhang Mingguang, Zhou Zhaoxue, Hua Xiaoning, Qi GuoningHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    August 5, 2009

    (XII) No commitment issues happened in the report term or carried over from previous terms

    due to the Company or shareholders of the Company with 5% or over of shares in the report

    term, which may cause major influences on the business performance or financial positions.

    (XIII) In the report term, none of the directors, supervisors, executives, shareholders,

    substantial dominators, buyer of the Company was investigated by relative departments,

    executed by legal & discipline departments, delivered to legal departments, appeared for

    crime, investigated or punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission, restricted to

    security market, criticized publicly, regarded as improper person, punished by other executive

    departments, or publicly condemned by the Stock Exchange.

    (XIV) Particulars about reception of investigations, communications, and visiting in the

    report term

    Time/date Place Way Visitors Main content involved and material provided

    Jan 04








    Application of the products, B share’s way out,

    market environment of year 2009

    Feb 12





    investigation Boshi Fund Market share, annual remuneration, sate of personnel

    and sales

    Feb 16,








    Market trend of 09, relationship between the share

    price and the Company’s performance

    Jun 03








    Industry competition, dividend strategy, equipment


    June 11,





    investigation Yongjin Assets Industrial trend, product prospect, portion of private

    enterprises in clients, gas turbine

    June 23,








    Profit and order prospect, Bank of Hangzhou, moving

    of the Company

    June 25,








    Profitability of 2008, profitability and productivity

    prospect, comparing of business situation with 2009

    (XV) Provisional announcements released in the report term


    No. Date Content Official media Official website

    Lin 2009-01 January 6, 2009 Announcement on change of

    name of the auditing agent

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-01 February 7, 2009

    Announcement on adjusting of

    income tax rate upon entitling of

    high-tech enterprise

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-02 February 17, 2009

    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Board Meeting 2009

    (Voted via telecommunication)

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-03 February 24, 2009

    Announcement on illegal trading

    of the Company’s shares by

    executive of the Company

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-04 March 6, 2009

    Resolutions of the 2nd

    Provisional Board Meeting of

    2009 (Telecommunication)

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cnHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Lin 2009-05 March 6, 2009

    Announcement for the 1st

    Provisional Shareholders’

    Meeting 2009

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily,

    Hong Kong Commercial



    Lin 2009-06 March 17, 2009

    Announcement about

    independent director Zhang

    Mingguang and Zhou Zhaoxue

    are not taking wages from the


    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-07 March 26, 2009

    Resolutions of the 1st Provisional

    Shareholders’ Meeting 2009

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily,

    Hong Kong Commercial



    Lin 2009-08 March 26, 2009 Resolutions of the 7th Meeting of

    the 4th Term of Board

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-09 April 4, 2009

    Announcement on Ms. Shao

    Linna’s retiring from the

    Supervisory Committee

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-10 April 9, 2009 Announcement of performance

    increasing prospect

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    Lin 2009-11 April 30, 2009

    Announcement on extending of

    job terms of Lu Jianhua and Zhao

    Ying for the positions of

    employees’ supervisors

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-01 April 27, 2009 Annual Report 2008 Summary

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily

    Hong Kong Commercial



    2009-02 April 27, 2009 Annual Report 2008 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-03 April 27, 2009 Financial Report 2008 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-04 April 27, 2009 Resolutions of the 8th Meeting of

    the 4th Term of Board

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-05 April 27, 2009

    Announcement for the

    Shareholders’ Annual Meeting


    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily

    Hong Kong Commercial



    2009-06 April 27, 2009

    Resolutions of the 5th meeting of

    the 4th term of Supervisory


    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily


    2009-07 April 27, 2009 Self-inspection report on internal

    controlling system 2008 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-08 April 27, 2009 Financial Report 2008 (Excel) http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-09 April 27, 2009 Capital adoption report 2008 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-11 April 27, 2009 Related transactions occurred in

    2008 and expected for 2009 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-12 April 30, 2009 The 1st Quarterly Report 2009

    Full Text http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    2009-13 April 30, 2009 The 1st Quarterly Report 2009

    Official Text

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily

    Hong Kong Commercial



    2009-14 May 21, 2009 The Resolutions of Shareholders’

    Annual Meeting 2008

    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily

    Hong Kong Commercial



    2009-15 June 9, 2009 Announcement of dividend for


    Securities Time

    Shanghai Securities Daily

    Hong Kong Commercial


    http://www.cninfo.com.cnHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter VII. Financial Report (Not Audited)

    (I) Financial Statements

    Balance Sheet

    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Ended June 30, 2009 in

    RMB Yuan

    Balance at the Items Consolidated P eanrde notf ctoemrmp any BCaolnansoclei daat ttehde begPianrneinntg c oomf ypeaanry

    Current asset:

    Monetary capital 426,359,868.41 85,653,797.48 450,103,030.94 158,711,304.02

    Settlement provision

    Outgoing call loan

    Transactional financial assets

    Notes receivable 345,172,163.58 251,132,764.88 374,122,522.90 279,142,200.00

    Account receivable 1,273,082,540.71 1,073,413,196.07 1,184,421,641.17 1,045,972,821.97

    Prepayment 230,488,371.99 131,431,694.48 230,097,109.65 84,096,664.49

    Insurance receivable

    Reinsurance receivable

    Provisions of Reinsurance contracts


    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable 17,212,500.00

    Other account receivable 22,269,953.45 28,467,453.23 17,241,574.65 13,786,223.02

    Repurchasing of financial assets

    Inventories 1,278,146,088.17 1,004,317,409.85 1,192,643,294.30 850,043,203.46

    Non-current asset due in 1 year

    Other current asset 266,754.17 236,603.00

    Total of current asset 3,575,785,740.48 2,574,416,315.99 3,448,865,776.61 2,448,964,916.96

    Non-current assets

    Loans and payment on other’s behalf


    Disposable financial asset

    Expired investment in possess

    Long-term receivable

    Long-term share equity investment 408,093,320.85 457,786,968.70 408,093,320.85 455,849,320.85

    Investment properties

    Fixed assets 503,827,490.33 378,218,006.35 523,475,639.79 397,301,612.80

    Construction in process 66,635,499.22 12,613,594.51 37,083,938.18 11,299,250.13

    Engineering goods

    Fixed asset disposal

    Production physical assets

    Gas & petrol

    Intangible assets 73,057,613.87 47,902,806.89 102,596,697.16 49,081,454.61

    R&D expense


    Long-term amortizable expenses 10,140,110.37 9,467,565.08 10,370,103.45 9,467,565.08

    Differed income tax asset 37,211,077.91 30,966,989.05 39,120,424.79 30,966,989.05

    Other non-current asset

    Total of non-current assets 1,098,965,112.55 936,955,930.58 1,120,740,124.22 953,966,192.52

    Total of assets 4,674,750,853.03 3,511,372,246.57 4,569,605,900.83 3,402,931,109.48

    Current liabilities

    Short-term loans 216,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 181,000,000.00 100,000,000.00Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Loan from Central Bank

    Deposit received and hold for others

    Call loan received

    Trade off financial liabilities

    Notes payable 198,487,455.22 251,764,133.22 298,203,241.55 366,981,929.55

    Account payable 395,960,425.94 311,249,782.41 283,861,630.55 221,991,259.71

    Prepayment received 1,196,727,532.39 858,573,292.05 1,497,363,927.16 1,056,118,723.46

    Selling of repurchased financial assets

    Fees and commissions receivable

    Employees’ wage payable 122,977,444.19 112,981,574.92 19,952,410.05 12,844,851.17

    Tax payable 37,499,197.30 19,081,585.10 22,361,297.05 13,811,247.32

    Interest payable

    Dividend payable 114,125.00

    Other account payable 50,503,174.32 36,958,870.08 36,174,381.34 26,661,061.72

    Reinsurance fee payable

    Insurance contract provision

    Entrusted trading of securities

    Entrusted selling of securities

    Non-current liability due in 1 year

    Other current liability 1,000,000.00 14,700,000.00

    Total of current liability 2,219,155,229.36 1,740,609,237.78 2,353,731,012.70 1,798,409,072.93

    Non-current liabilities

    Long-term borrowings 147,463,800.00 90,463,800.00

    Bond payable

    Long-term payable 330,000.00 330,000.00

    Special payable 177,150.00

    Expected liabilities

    Differed income tax liability 1,225,374.71 1,225,374.71 1,225,374.71 1,225,374.71

    Other non-recurring liabilities 7,663,710.00 6,188,250.00 6,523,710.00 5,048,250.00

    Total of non-current liabilities 156,860,034.71 97,877,424.71 8,079,084.71 6,273,624.71

    Total of liability 2,376,015,264.07 1,838,486,662.49 2,361,810,097.41 1,804,682,697.64

    Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

    Capital paid in (or share capital) 371,800,000.00 371,800,000.00 371,800,000.00 371,800,000.00

    Capital reserves 138,930,847.24 138,953,250.09 138,953,250.09 138,953,250.09

    Less: Shares in stock

    Special reserves

    Surplus reserves 279,205,827.20 260,449,422.07 279,205,827.20 260,449,422.07

    Common risk provision

    Retained profit 1,201,413,780.16 901,682,911.92 1,111,352,798.36 827,045,739.68

    Different of foreign currency


    Total of owner’s equity belong to the

    parent company 1,991,350,454.60 1,672,885,584.08 1,901,311,875.65 1,598,248,411.84

    Minor shareholders’ equity 307,385,134.36 306,483,927.77

    Total of owners’ equity 2,298,735,588.96 1,672,885,584.08 2,207,795,803.42 1,598,248,411.84

    Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 4,674,750,853.03 3,511,372,246.57 4,569,605,900.83 3,402,931,109.48Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Income Statement

    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Jan - Jun 2009 in RMB Yuan

    Amount of Items Consolidatedt he CPaurrernent tc oTmerpma ny CAomnsooulnidt aotef dth e PPraerveinotu cs oTmerpman y

    I. Total revenue 1,646,527,768.37 1,073,162,456.36 1,398,242,002.19 1,075,545,052.24

    Incl. Business income 1,646,527,768.37 1,073,162,456.36 1,398,242,002.19 1,075,545,052.24

    Interest income

    Insurance fee earned

    Fee and commission received

    II. Total business cost 1,338,614,316.66 897,083,253.50 1,128,948,898.21 920,071,519.53

    Incl. Business cost 1,012,507,507.68 647,775,737.01 879,583,933.66 736,759,885.33

    Interest expense

    Fee and commission paid

    Insurance discharge payment

    Net claim amount paid

    Net insurance policy reserves


    Insurance policy dividend paid

    Reinsurance expenses

    Business tax and surcharge 5,160,353.50 1,470,364.64 3,627,209.98 827,326.25

    Sales expense 45,458,660.63 31,560,637.45 51,687,921.69 36,446,471.91

    Administrative expense 249,922,132.65 201,008,922.60 157,887,065.50 111,741,110.18

    Financial expenses -6,368,268.96 -8,223,147.20 79,033.09 162,584.10

    Asset impairment loss 31,933,931.16 23,490,739.00 36,083,734.29 34,134,141.76

    Plus: Gains from change of fair value

    (“-“ for loss)

    Investment gain (“-“ for loss) 29,898,083.98 74,878,300.00 30,159,265.48 59,221,057.99

    Incl. Investment gains from


    Gains from currency exchange

    (“-“ for loss)

    III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 337,811,535.69 250,957,502.86 299,452,369.46 214,694,590.70

    Plus: Non business income 3,489,025.96 274,985.76 1,024,711.00 435,111.00

    Less: Non-business expenses 2,868,349.38 1,673,162.45 4,934,926.45 2,152,321.84

    Incl. Loss from disposal of

    non-current assets

    IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 338,432,212.27 249,559,326.17 295,542,154.01 212,977,379.86

    Less: Income tax expenses 50,301,587.28 26,202,153.93 49,893,324.37 38,439,080.47

    V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 288,130,624.99 223,357,172.24 245,648,829.64 174,538,299.39

    Net profit attributable to the owners

    of parent company 238,780,981.80 223,357,172.24 194,278,048.82 174,538,299.39

    Minor shareholders’ equity 49,349,643.19 51,370,780.82

    VI. Earnings per share:

    (I) Basic earnings per share 0.6422 0.5225

    (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.6422 0.5225Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Cash Flow Statement

    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Jan - Jun 2009 in RMB


    Items CAonmsooulindta toefd the CPaurrerennt tc Tomerpma ny CAomnsooulindta otef dth e PPraerveinotu cs oTmerpman y

    I. Net cash flow from business operation

    Cash received from sales of products and providing of

    services 1,406,430,485.49 938,720,443.94 1,674,280,258.24 1,192,274,441.36

    Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for

    brother company

    Net increase of loans from central bank

    Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial


    Cash received against original insurance contract

    Net cash received from reinsurance business

    Net increase of client deposit and investment

    Net increase of trade financial asset disposal

    Cash received as interest, processing fee, and


    Net increase of inter-bank fund received

    Net increase of repurchasing business

    Tax returned 15,999,725.87 14,407,182.93

    Other cash received from business operation 20,064,437.32 2,191,871.00 14,866,167.13 2,125,991.38

    Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 1,442,494,648.68 955,319,497.87 1,689,146,425.37 1,194,400,432.74

    Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 1,042,124,631.51 839,332,022.58 1,032,421,732.59 793,880,152.18

    Net increase of client trade and advance

    Net increase of savings in central bank and brother


    Cash paid for original contract claim

    Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission

    Cash paid for policy dividend

    Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 191,294,908.68 152,196,676.51 171,668,235.27 146,476,221.39

    Taxes paid 160,723,076.96 100,812,561.79 175,777,108.88 125,529,583.03

    Other cash paid for business activities 58,126,016.46 20,394,180.04 69,160,009.11 35,350,916.42

    Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 1,452,268,633.61 1,112,735,440.92 1,449,027,085.85 1,101,236,873.02

    Cash flow generated by business operation, net -9,773,984.93 -157,415,943.05 240,119,339.52 93,163,559.72

    II. Cash flow generated by investing

    Cash received from investment retrieving 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00

    Cash received as investment gains 30,114,561.65 92,090,800.00 28,771,057.99 59,221,057.99

    Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,

    intangible assets, and other long-term assets 146,400.00 146,400.00 169,505.00 127,505.00

    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other

    operational units

    Other investment-related cash received

    Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 30,260,961.65 92,237,200.00 58,940,562.99 89,348,562.99

    Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible

    assets and other long-term assets 24,019,009.01 7,944,707.66 69,003,970.65 27,509,099.75

    Cash paid as investment 1,937,647.85 1,937,647.85 600,000.00

    Net increase of loan against pledge

    Net cash received from subsidiaries and other

    operational units

    Other cash paid for investment activities

    Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment

    activities 25,956,656.86 9,882,355.51 69,603,970.65 27,509,099.75

    Net cash flow generated by investment 4,304,304.79 82,354,844.49 -10,663,407.66 61,839,463.24

    III. Cash flow generated by financing

    Cash received as investment

    Incl. Cash received as investment from minor


    Cash received as loans 287,463,800.00 140,463,800.00 120,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

    Cash received from bond placingHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Other financing-related cash received

    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 287,463,800.00 140,463,800.00 120,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

    Cash to repay debts 105,000,000.00

    Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 210,780,258.38 151,503,175.10 169,044,950.00 148,720,000.00

    Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor


    Other cash paid for financing activities 3,000,000.00

    Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 318,780,258.38 151,503,175.10 169,044,950.00 148,720,000.00

    Net cash flow generated by financing -31,316,458.38 -11,039,375.10 -49,044,950.00 -48,720,000.00

    IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash

    equivalents 13,042,975.99 13,042,967.12 -229,809.25 -229,300.07

    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -23,743,162.53 -73,057,506.54 180,181,172.61 106,053,722.89

    Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the

    beginning of term 450,103,030.94 158,711,304.02 296,605,363.48 125,110,310.08

    VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 426,359,868.41 85,653,797.48 476,786,536.09 231,164,032.97Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Consolidated Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity

    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Term 2009 in RMB Yuan

    Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year

    Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company

    Items Capital paid in

    (or share















    Retained profit Others




    Total of owners’


    Capital paid in

    (or share















    Retained profit Others




    Total of owners’


    I. Balance at

    the end of

    last year

    371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 279,205,827.20 1,111,352,798.36 306,483,927.77 2,207,795,803.42 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 233,666,771.29 731,962,827.31 226,269,752.75 1,702,652,601.44


    Change of




    of previous



    II. Balance at


    beginning of

    current year

    371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 279,205,827.20 1,111,352,798.36 306,483,927.77 2,207,795,803.42 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 233,666,771.29 731,962,827.31 226,269,752.75 1,702,652,601.44

    III. Changed

    in the current

    year (“-“ for


    -22,402.85 90,060,981.80 901,206.59 90,939,785.54 45,539,055.91 379,389,971.05 80,214,175.02 505,143,201.98

    (I) Net

    profit 238,780,981.80 49,349,643.19 288,130,624.99 573,649,026.96 129,502,736.14 703,151,763.10




    into owners’



    -20,128,380.54 -20,128,380.54


    Change in

    fair value of



    assets, net


    Influence of

    change in



    equity of

    investedHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text



    on equity



    Influence of

    income tax

    related to


    equity items


    Others -20,128,380.54 -20,128,380.54

    Total of (I)

    and (II) 238,780,981.80 49,349,643.19 288,130,624.99 573,649,026.96 109,374,355.60 683,023,382.56



    or decreasing

    of capital by


    -22,402.85 -22,402.85 17,578,195.42 17,578,195.42



    inputted by


    6,300,000.00 6,300,000.00


    Amount of

    shares paid


    accounted as



    -22,402.85 -22,402.85


    Others 11,278,195.42 11,278,195.42

    (IV) Profit

    allotment -148,720,000.00 -48,448,436.60 -197,168,436.60 45,539,055.91 -194,259,055.91 -46,738,376.00 -195,458,376.00


    Providing of



    45,539,055.91 -45,539,055.91






    Allotment to

    the owners



    -148,720,000.00 -48,448,436.60 -197,168,436.60 -148,720,000.00 -46,738,376.00 -195,458,376.00






    of owners’


    1.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text



    of capital

    reserves (or

    to capital




    of surplus

    reserves (or

    to capital



    Making up

    losses by





    IV. Balance

    at the end of

    this term

    371,800,000.00 138,930,847.24 279,205,827.20 1,201,413,780.16 307,385,134.36 2,298,735,588.96 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 279,205,827.20 1,111,352,798.36 306,483,927.77 2,207,795,803.42Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)

    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Term 2009 in RMB Yuan

    Amount of the Current Term Amount of Last Year

    Items Capital paid in (or

    share capital)




    Shares in





    reserves Retained profit Total of owners’


    Capital paid in (or

    share capital)




    Shares in





    reserves Retained profit Total of owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 260,449,422.07 827,045,739.68 1,598,248,411.84 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 214,910,366.16 565,914,236.47 1,291,577,852.72

    Plus: Change of accounting policy

    Correcting of previous errors


    II. Balance at the beginning of current

    year 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 260,449,422.07 827,045,739.68 1,598,248,411.84 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 214,910,366.16 565,914,236.47 1,291,577,852.72

    III. Changed in the current year (“-“ for

    decrease) 74,637,172.24 74,637,172.24 45,539,055.91 261,131,503.21 306,670,559.12

    (I) Net profit 223,357,172.24 223,357,172.24 455,390,559.12 455,390,559.12

    (II) Gains/losses accounted into

    owners’ equity directly

    1. Change in fair value of sellable

    financial assets, net

    2. Influence of change in other

    owners’ equity of invested enterprises

    on equity basis

    3. Influence of income tax related

    to owners’ equity items

    4. Others

    Total of (I) and (II) 223,357,172.24 223,357,172.24 455,390,559.12 455,390,559.12

    (III) Investment or decreasing of

    capital by owners

    1. Capital inputted by owners

    2. Amount of shares paid and

    accounted as owners’ equity

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit allotment -148,720,000.00 -148,720,000.00 45,539,055.91 -194,259,055.91 -148,720,000.00

    1. Providing of surplus reserves 45,539,055.91 -45,539,055.91

    2.Allotment to the owners (or

    shareholders -148,720,000.00 -148,720,000.00 -148,720,000.00 -148,720,000.00

    3. Others

    (V) Internal transferring of owners’


    1. Capitalizing of capital reserves

    (or to capital shares)

    2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves

    (or to capital shares)

    3. Making up losses by surplus


    4. Others

    IV. Balance at the end of this term 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 260,449,422.07 901,682,911.92 1,672,885,584.08 371,800,000.00 138,953,250.09 260,449,422.07 827,045,739.68 1,598,248,411.84Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) Notes to Financial Statements

    I. Company Profile

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) was incorporated as a joint stock limited company exclusively promoted by

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine & Power Group Company Limited (“HSTG”) approved by the Securities Regulatory Commission of the

    State Council with the Document SRC [1998] No. 8 by offering domestically listed foreign currency ordinary shares (B Shares),

    with registration date: April 23, 1998, legal entity business license No.: QGZZ Zi No. 002150, current registered capital RMB

    220,000,000. The Company has issued 80,000,000 B Shares which have been listed for trading with Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    commencing from April 28, 1998. On December 2, 1998, the Company became a joint stock enterprise with foreign investment

    through approval by the State Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation with the document [1998]外经贸资二函字第

    745 号.

    On June 8th 2006, as approved at the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2005, the Company capitalized the common reserves upon the

    total capital shares of 220 million shares at December 31, 2005, namely 3 new shares to each 10 shares. After that, the total of

    capital shares was changed to 286 million shares, and the registered capital was changed to RMB286 million thereof. Registration

    alternation procedures have been accomplished on December 31, 2006.

    On June 15th 2006, as approved at the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2006, the Company capitalized the common reserves upon the

    total capital shares of 286 million shares at December 31, 2006, namely 3 new shares to each 10 shares (tax included). After that,

    the total of capital shares was changed to 371.8 million shares, and the registered capital was changed to RMB371.8 million thereof.

    Registration alternation procedures have been accomplished in December, 2007.

    The scope of key business of the Company: The design and manufacturing of steam turbine, gas turbine, other rotating and

    to-and-fro machinery and auxiliary equipment, and spare parts and components, sales of self-manufactured products and the

    provision of relevant after-sales service and import & export service.

    II. Basis and method adopted in preparing of the Financial Statements

    The finance report compiled by the Company is accordance with the Enterprise Accounting Standard released by Department of

    Finance in February 2006, namely the accounting policies and estimations described in Note 3 – “Major accounting policies and

    estimations adopted by the Company”.

    III. The main accounting policies and accounting estimations adopted

    (I) Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

    The finance report compiled by the Company is accordance with the enterprise accounting standard, it reflects the Company’s

    finance state, achievements and cash flow fairly and entirely.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) Basis for preparing the financial statements

    The Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.

    (III) Accounting period

    The Company uses the calendar year for its fiscal year. A fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.

    (IV) Standard currency for bookkeeping

    The Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.

    (V) Accounting measurement attributes

    Finance asset, finance debt, finance asset capable of sale, derived finance tools were calculated by fair value; delayed stock products,

    fixed asset caused by exceeding normal credit when purchasing were calculated by current value of purchasing price; stock products

    which subtracted value were calculated by real value, other assets which subtracted value were calculated by returnable value (the

    higher between fair value and current value); Asset inventory surplus was calculated by replacement cost.

    (VI) Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

    Cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term (due within 3 months from the purchase date), strong

    liquidity and low risk of value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.

    (VII) Foreign currency translating

    Foreign currency business occurred was translated by reasonably defined, similar rate of RMB to the rate on the business happened

    date. The foreign end term balances of all foreign currency accounts, foreign currency projects were calculated by the rate on the

    due date of balance sheet, the difference value was added into current term gain or loss; the non-currency foreign projects which

    had calculated by historical cost were recalculated by the rate of the transaction date; the non-currency foreign projects which had

    calculated by fair value were calculated by the rate of the date of defining fair value, the difference value was added into current

    term fair value gain or loss

    (VIII) Financial instruments recognition and accounting

    1. Type of finance asset and finance debt

    Finance assets are divided initially into four types of financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are

    accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance asset and financial asset appointed to be measured at fair

    value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), transactional financial assets, debt and account receivable,

    finance asset saleable.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Finance debts are divided initially into two types of financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are

    accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance debt and financial debt appointed to be measured at fair

    value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), other finance debt.

    2. Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset and finance debt

    When the Company is one part of the finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized. When on recognizing

    initially finance asset or debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt which appointed to be measured at fair value

    with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the related transaction expenses are directly accounted into current

    gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the related transaction expenses accounted into the initial recognition account.

    The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future possible transaction fee but with exception: (1)

    Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by actual interest rate according to the amortized costs. (2) Equity

    instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance

    assets which are connected with the equity instrument and which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by


    The Company conduct successive measure of finance debt according to amortized cost by actual interest rate with exception as

    following: (1) finance debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss

    accounts, is measured at fir value without deducting possible future transactional fee at settlement; (2) Equity instrument investment

    which have no quote in active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are

    connected with the equity instrument and which are closed off through the equity instrument, are measured by cost. (3) finance debt

    sponsorship contracts which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss

    accounts, or debt agreements at rate lower than market rate and which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their

    changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, are measured at the higher value between the optimal estimated value

    payable according to current obligations and the surplus value from which the initial recognition value deduct the accumulated

    amortized amount according to the actual interest rate.

    Gain or loss from fluctuation of financial assets or liabilities are handled at the following ways, except for relating to hedge


    (1) Gain or loss from fluctuation of fair value of financial assets or liabilities and accounted into current gain/loss account, are

    accounted into gain/loss of fluctuation of fair value. Interests or cash dividend received in the period of holding these assets are

    recognized as investment gains. When they are disposed, the difference between the amount actually received and initially booked

    value is recognized as investment gains, and adjust the gain/loss from fair value fluctuation.

    (2) Fluctuation of fair value of sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves; interests gained at actual interest rate are

    accounting into investment gains; the cash dividend received from sellable instrument investment, are accounted into investment

    gains when distributed; At disposal of these investment, the difference between actual amount received and book value are

    recognized as investment gains after deducting of accumulated change of fair value which are originally accounted into capital


    3. Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset transfer

    The Company stop recognizing the finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are transferred to the receiver; and

    continue to recognize the transferred finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are kept, and recognize the value as

    one finance debt. For the finance assets which risks and remuneration of ownership are not transferred or kept, the Company

    recognize them as following: (1) stop recognizing the finance asset which are given up the control; (2) continue to recognize the

    finance asset and related finance debt according to the extend which involved into the transferred finance asset for the finance assetHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    which are not given up control.

    The Company measured the surplus between the following two values for the transferred finance assets which fulfill the stop

    recognition requirements into current gain or loss: (1) Book value of the transferred finance asset; (2) Consideration plus the

    accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into owner’s equity. For the transferred finance assets which partly

    fulfill the stop recognition requirements the Company amortized the stopped recognition part and the not-stopped recognition part

    of the book value of the whole transferred finance asset, and account the surplus between the following two values into current

    gain or loss: (1) Book value of the stopped recognition part; (2) consideration plus the corresponding stopped recognition part of the

    accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into owner’s equity.

    4. Basis of recognition and accounting of fair value for the main finance asset and finance debt

    For the finance asset or debt which active market exists, the Company recognize the fair value according to the quote on the active

    market; for the finance asset or debt which active market not exists, the Company recognized the fair value using estimation

    technology (including reference of the latest market prices from freewill transactions by persons familiar with conditions, reference

    of the current fair value of other similar finance instrument in characteristics, discounted cash flow models and Option Pricing

    Model); for the initially acquired or initial finance asset or finance debt, the Company recognize the fair value basis on the market

    trading price.

    5. Impairment test and impairment reserves plan

    The Company conduct impairment test to the finance asset other than which appointed to be measured at fair value with their

    changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts on balance sheet day.

    The Company conduct independently impairment test for single finance asset with large value for single finance asset with little

    value the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset composition which have similar credit risk

    characteristics; for the non impairment assets which are tested independently, the Company conduct the impairment test with those

    of the finance asset composition which have similar credit risk characteristics.

    For the finance asset accounted by amortized cost which have subject impairment evidence at the end term, the impairment loss was

    recognized according to the difference between the book value and the anticipating future cash flow, for the finance asset which

    have little difference between its short term account receivable anticipating future cash flow and its current value, the Company

    don’t discount the future cash flow when recognizing related impairment loss. When there is impairment loss for the Equity

    instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably and its derived finance

    assets which are connected with the equity instrument and which are calculated through the equity instrument, are measured by cost,

    the difference is recognized as impairment loss between the book value of the equity instrument investment and its derived finance

    asset and the current value discounted by the future cash flow according to the market profit rate of the similar finance asset. The

    Company recognize the impairment loss for the saleable finance asset which fair value have sharp decreasing and the anticipating

    decreasing trend is not temporary, and account it into impairment loss together with the accumulated fair vale loss which was

    accounted into owner’s equity directly.

    (IX) Bad debts reserves of account receivable.

    For receivables and other receivables among the companies in the consolidation range, no bad debt provision will be provided. For

    the individual major amount account receivable with subject evidence proving impairment loss(include account receivable and

    other capital receivable), the Company conduct bad debt provisions according to the difference between its future cash flow and its

    book value; For individual account receivable with minor amount, and those with major amount but suggested no impairment when

    separate test was performed (include account receivable and other capital receivable), the Company conduct the proportion of all theHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    compositions’ bad debt provisions according to the actual loss rate of the similar account receivable composition with same account

    age together with the current conditions.

    At the following schedule:

    Age of account receivable Bad debt provisions rate

    Within 1 year (include 1 year) 5%

    1-2 years (include 2 years) 20%

    2-3 years (include 3 years) 40%

    over 3 years 60%

    For receivables with physical evidence showing that there is obvious difference with the recoverable value, the Company will

    perform individual impairment test, and provide bad debt reserves at the difference between the future cash flow lower than the

    book value.

    For other account receivable (including bill receivable, interest receivable, long term account receivable and etc), the Company

    conduct the bad debt provisions according to individual recognition. The Company don’t conduct bad debt provisions for the

    account receivable and other account receivable which combined into finance report and between companies.

    (X) Inventory recognition and accounting

    1. Inventories include saleable finished goods or merchandise, product-in-process , consumption material and goods in

    manufacturing procedure or working procedure.

    2. Inventories are initially measured at their actual costs.

    3. Accounting of inventories delivered out:

    Delivered out materials are accounted by weighted average method, issued out finished products are accounted at individual price.

    Consumables are accounted by once only amortization method. Packing materials for manufacturing are accounted directly into

    manufacturing cost.

    4. At the balance sheet day, inventories are measured at the lower of costs and cashable net values, the individual difference

    between the cashable net value and cost are provided as inventory impairment provision. For finished product, merchandise,

    saleable material and other saleable merchandise inventory, their cashable net values are recognized by their estimated sale price in

    normal operation deducting estimated sale expenses and related taxes; for material inventory which need processing, it cashable net

    value are recognized by the estimated sale prices of its finished products in normal operation deducting the estimated cost, sale

    expenses and related taxes due to the end of processing; At the balance sheet day, for inventory item which part has contract price

    and part has no contract price, the cashable net value is accounted separately, and recognize the inventory impairment provision or

    returnable cash.

    5. Inventory is inventoried by perpetual inventory system

    (XI) Long-term equity investment recognition.

    1. Initial investment cost recognition of long-term equity investmentHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (1) For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger under common control, if it is the long-term equity investment

    obtained from the corporate merger by paying cash, transferring non-cash asset, bear liability and issuing equity securities, the share

    of book value of owner's equity of the merged party on the merger date shall be taken as the initial investment cost. The asset

    reserve is adjusted according to the difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value

    of paid combined consideration or issued securities; if the capital is not enough for deduction, the remain earnings are adjusted.

    (2) For the long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises under different control, the initial investment cost is

    recognized by the paid fair value of combined consideration on purchasing day and related expenses.

    (3) For the long-term equity investments formed by other than merger of enterprises: if it is gotten by paying cash, the initial

    investment cost is recognized by purchasing price when buy; if it is gotten by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost is

    recognized by the fair value of the securities; if it is gotten by investor’s investment, the initial investment cost is recognized by

    investment contract or agreed value in contract (except the not fair contract value).

    2. Cost basis is adopted in accounting of those long-term equity investments by which the Company has substantial control, and is

    adjusted in composing combined finance report according to equity basis; and those has no common control or major influence

    without quotation in an active market and the fair value cannot be reliably measured is also recalculated by cost basis. And equity

    basis is adopted in accounting of those long-term equity investments by which the Company has joint control or major influence on

    the invested enterprise.

    3. At balance sheet day, for the long term equity investment which recalculated on cost basis and has no quotation in an active

    market and the fair value cannot be reliably measured, if has subject evidence of deducting value, conduct the long term investment

    depreciation plan according to the difference between discounted cash flow of similar market investment and its fair value; for other

    investment has value deducting phenomenon, conduct the long term investment depreciation plan according to the appendix three

    (fifteen) in this finance report.

    4. the basis for recognizing common control and major influence on invested enterprise is: if the invested enterprise’s main finance

    and operation policy need to be agreed by the other investing part, the investment is common control investment; if only have

    participating decision rights in invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy but have no own control or common control

    with other investing part, the investment is investment with major influence.

    (XII) Fixed assets recognition and accounting.

    1. Fixed assets are defined as the tangible assets which have following characteristics: (1) for the purpose of producing goods,

    providing services, lease or for operation & management; (2) have more than one fiscal year of service life.

    2. Fixed assets also have following conditions: (1) Economic benefit flow into enterprise very possibly; (2) cost can be measured

    reliably. The successive expensed related fixed assets are accounted into fixed assets cost if it is in accordance with above

    conditions; if not, accounted into current term gain or loss when happens.

    3. Fixed assets are accounted initially by cost basis.

    4. Depreciation of fixed assets is on age average basis. Depreciation age, estimated net residue rate and annual rates are as the


    Category of fixed assets

    Useful age (yrs)

    Expected retain value Annual depreciation

    ratio (%)Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Houses & buildings 20-30 4% of original value 3.2-4.8

    Equipment & machinery 8-15 4% of original value 6.4-12

    Office equipment 5 4% of original value 19.2

    5. Fixed assets which stop using over three month for absence manufacturing or natural crisis are cognized as idle fixed assets

    (except seasonal suspend). Same depreciation method is deployed for idle fixed assets as other similar fixed assets.

    6. At the balance sheet day, if there is clue of fixed assets depreciation, depreciation plan preparation is conducted according to Note

    III (XV) 3.

    (XIII) Recognition and measuring of construction in process

    1. Construction in process is recognized on the basis of characteristics: very possible economic benefit flow in, cost can be

    measured reliably. Since the date when the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, the construction in process

    is measured by the happened cost Since the date when the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected.

    2. When t he construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, it is transferred into fixed asset at actual cost. If the

    construction in process has reached useful status but with completion of project settlement process, it is transferred to fixed asset at

    the value estimated, and adjustment will happen after completion of project settlement process but no depreciation renew.

    3. At the balance sheet day, if there is clue of construction in process depreciation, depreciation plan preparation is conducted

    according to appendix three (fifteen) section three.

    (XIV) Recognition and measuring of intangible assets

    1. Intangible assets are accounted initially by cost basis.

    2. According to the contract rights or other legal rights, industry environment, historical experience, related expert verification and

    other comprehensive facts, if can define the economic benefit time limit, the intangible assets are the Intangible assets with limited

    useful life; if can’t define the economic benefit time limit, the intangible assets are the Intangible assets without limited useful life.

    3. For intangible assets with limited useful life, have to consider the following fact when estimate the useful life time limit: (1) The

    normal useful life of products manufactured from the intangible assets, useful life of available similar assets. (2) Current

    environment of technology and techniques and future development trend; (3) Market requirements of the products manufactured

    from the intangible assets or supplied service from the intangible assets; (4) Future deployed activities of the current and potential

    competitors; (5) Anticipating maintenance expense to the economic benefit capacity of the intangible assets, and the Company’s

    payable capacity for the expenses; (6) related law regulations or similar limitation for the time of the intangible assets, such as

    special permission period, rent period; (7) Relationship with other the Company owned assets’ useful life.

    4. For intangible assets with limited useful life, during the use life it is amortized according to the anticipating implementation

    method of the economic benefit of the intangible asset systematically and reasonably. If can’t recognize the anticipating

    implementation method, the straight basis is deployed. Intangible assets without limited useful life are not amortized. But have to

    review the useful life of the intangible assets and conduct the depreciation test.

    5. At the balance sheet day, to check the future economic benefit capacity to the Company of the intangible assets, depreciation plan

    preparation is conducted according to Note III (XV) 3.

    6. Expenditures of internal researching projects are accounted into current term gain and loss when happens. The developmentHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    period expenditures are recognized as intangible assets when fulfill following conditions: (1) The intangible asset is completed and

    technically possible to be used or sold; (2) With intention to complete the intangible asset for purpose of use or sale; (3) Evidence

    showing that there are markets or the products produced with using of the intangible asset, or markets of the intangible asset itself,

    by which the intangible asset may produce financial benefits. Intangible assets used inside the Company must be approved for their

    usable characters. (4) Developing of the intangible assets are supported by sufficient technical, financial, and other resources, and

    the intangible assets can be used or sold. (5) Expenditures occurred in developing of the intangible asset may be reliably measured.

    (XV) Asset impairment

    1. 1. At the balance sheet day, assets (except inventory, equity investment without quote at active market and which fair value can’t

    be reliably measured, investing property deployed fair value measurement, consuming biology asset, ) are evaluated to show if there

    is depreciation clue .If there is clue to show asset depreciation, estimate its returnable amount by individual asset; if it’s hard to

    estimate the individual asset, estimate it on the basis of its asset composition or composition group.

    2. The returnable amount is the higher value of net value of individual asset, asset composition, asset composition group’s fair value

    deduct dealing expenditures and anticipating future cash flow net value of the individual asset, asset composition, asset composition


    3. If the individual asset’s returnable amount is lower than its book value, asset depreciation preparation is conducted according to

    the deference between the individual asset book value and returnable amount. If the returnable value of the asset composition or the

    asset composition group is lower than its book value, when recognizing the depreciation loss, the depreciation loss amount firstly

    compensate the amortized book value of goodwill of the asset composition or asset composition group, secondly proportionally

    compensate the other assets’ book value according to the proportion of other asset other than goodwill; the above book value

    compensations are recognized as separate individual asset’s depreciation loss and separate depreciation loss preparation plan are


    4. Once impairment losses are confirmed upon the above assets, they won’t be restored in successive accounting periods.

    (XVI) Loan and loan expenses recognition and accounting

    1. Recognition criteria for loan expense capitalization.

    The loan and loan expenses which satisfying capitalization conditions for construction or manufacturing are capitalized and

    accounted into asset cost; for other loan expense, if is recognized as expense when happens, is accounted into current term gain or

    loss. Asset which satisfying capitalization conditions refer to fixed asset, investing property asset or inventory which need long time

    construction or manufacturing activity to reach expected status of using or sale.

    2. During the loan expense capitalization.

    (1) When simultaneously satisfying the following conditions, capitalization begins: 1) Asset expense has happened; 2) Loan

    expense has happened; 3) Necessary construction or manufacturing activity has began for asset reach the expected status of using or


    (2) Suspending capitalization: if asset which satisfying capitalization conditions has suspended unexpected during construction or

    manufacturing, and the suspend time exceed three months, the capitalization will suspend; the loan expense during the suspending

    period are recognized as current term expenditure till the reopen of the construction or manufacturing.

    (3) Stopping capitalization: if asset which satisfying capitalization conditions has reached the status of using or sale, theHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    capitalization stop.

    3. Loan expense capitalization amount.

    Loans borrowed particularly for purchasing or construction of assets which satisfies the conditions of capitalization, the expenses to

    be capitalized shall be decided by actual interest occurred for the particular loan, less interest obtained from saving of the unused

    fund saving in bank or temporary investment gains. If common loans have been used in purchasing or construction of assets

    satisfies the conditions of capitalization, the interest to be capitalized shall be calculated according to the weighted average of

    balance of accumulated capital expense over capital expense of the particular loan multiply the capitalization ratio of common loans

    used. Capitalization ratio is calculated at the weighted average interest of common loans. During the capitalization, the interest

    capitalization amount in each fiscal period don’t exceed the actual interest of loan of that period.

    The exchange difference of special foreign currency loan and interest are capitalized during the capitalized period. For other

    expenses of special loan, if happens before the asset which satisfying capitalization conditions for construction or manufacturing

    reaching the using or sale status, capitalize it; if happens after reaching the status, account it into current term gain or loss. For other

    expenses of common loan, are accounted into current term gain or loss.

    (XVII) Recognition of income

    1. Sale of goods

    Major risks and rewards attached to the goods have been transferred to the purchaser; The Company holds neither successive

    management power which is normally attached to ownership, nor effective control, over the goods which have been sold out;

    Amount of income may be reliably measured; when the costs, occurred or will occur, may be measured reliably, confirm the sale

    income implementation.

    2. Providing of services

    At balance sheet day, those service trades (simultaneously satisfying the requirements of those: income can be measured reliably,

    related economic benefit will flow in very possibly, transaction procedure can be confirmed reliably, happened and happening cost

    can be measured reliably) which can be reliably estimated are recognized at the percentage of completion, and progress of

    completion of service is decided by the portion of costs occurred over the estimated total costs. At balance sheet day, those service

    trades which can not be reliably estimated, if the happened services cost will be compensated, the services income are recognized

    according to happened service cost and transited to service cost according to same amount; if the happened services cost will not be

    compensated, the happened services cost are accounted into current term’s gain or loss and the services income will not be


    3. Giving of assets

    Income from giving of assets is recognized when satisfying requirements: related economic benefit flows in very possibly, income

    can be measured reliably. Amount of interest income is calculated according to the time and actual interest rate of the monetary

    capital is used by other party. Income of using fee is calculated upon the charge period and calculation provided by the related

    contract or agreement.

    (XVIII) Enterprise income tax recognition and accounting.

    1. Differed income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or paying the liabilities

    according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be recognized, the difference is between the tax

    basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or liabilities and the tax basis.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    2. Differed income tax assets are recognized limitedly by the income tax which very possibly deduct deductible temporary

    difference. At balance sheet day, the not-yet recognized differed income tax assets in previous fiscal term are recognized if have

    evidence to prove there is enough income tax very possibly to deduct deductible temporary difference.

    3. At balance sheet day, the book value of differed income tax assets are recalculated, if there is not enough possible tax income to

    deduct deductible temporary difference, the book value will be deducted. When there is enough income tax, recover the book value

    which deducted.

    4. Current income tax and differed income tax are accounted into current gain/loss account as income tax expenditures or gains, but

    exclude the following income taxes: (1) Merger of enterprises; (2) Transactions or events recognized directly in owners’ equity.

    (XIX) Consolidated financial statements

    The Company takes all subsidiaries under the Company’s substantial control in the consolidation range. The consolidated financial

    statements are based on the finance report of parent company and its subsidiaries. And are composed according to Enterprise

    Account Criteria No.33- Consolidated Financial Statements after adjusting the long equity investment to subsidiaries according to

    Equity Law and other related documents.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    IV. Taxes

    (I) VAT

    Paid at 17%.

    (II) City maintenance and construction tax

    The Company, Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Mechanism Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Guonenng Steam Turbine Co’,Ltd are foreign

    investment enterprises which are free of city maintenance tax. The other subsidiaries are subject to pay city maintenance tax with

    amount of 7% turnover tax.

    (III) Education surtax

    The Company, Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Mechanism Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Guonenng Steam Turbine Co’,Ltd are foreign

    investment enterprises which are free of education surtax. The other subsidiaries are subject to education surtax at 3% of turnover


    (IV) Local education surcharges

    Paid at 2% of turnover tax payable.

    (V) Enterprise income tax

    1. According to the document 浙科发高[2008]314 titled “Notification of Awarding the Second Lot of High-Tech Enterprises of

    Year 2008” issued jointly by Zhejiang Bureau of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Bureau of Finance, Zhejiang National Tax

    Bureau, and Zhenjiang Local Tax Bureau, the Company was certified the High-Tech Enterprise of 2008, therefore enjoys 15% of

    income tax rate. According to “Notice about preferential tax policies for high and new technology enterprises” (国税函[2009]203

    号), the income tax rate applicable to the Company for year 2009 is subject to the confirmation of the tax authority before filing.

    2. According to the document 浙科发高[2008]250 titled “Notification of Awarding the First Lot of High-Tech Enterprises of Year

    2008” issued jointly by Zhejiang Bureau of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Bureau of Finance, Zhejiang National Tax Bureau,

    and Zhenjiang Local Tax Bureau, the Company was certified the High-Tech Enterprise of 2008, therefore enjoys 15% of income tax

    rate. According to “Notice about preferential tax policies for high and new technology enterprises” (国税函[2009]203 号), the

    income tax rate applicable to the Company for year 2009 is subject to the confirmation of the tax authority before filing.

    3. According to “Approval to Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. for remitting of taxes at fixed period” (余国

    税外〔2008〕290 号) issued by Zhejiang Hangzhou National Tax Bureau, Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.

    is enjoying preferable taxation policies at fixed period, namely, 2007 was the year the company started to make profit, it was free

    of tax for 2007-2008, and 12.5% of tax rate for 2009-2011.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    4. According to “Notification of certifying Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. and other three foreign invested

    manufacturers to enjoy tax remitting policies at fixed period” (德国税法[2007]19 号) issued by Zhejiang Deqing County National

    Tax Bureau, Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. was qualified to enjoy income tax remitting policies at fixed

    periods, namely, 2007 was the year the company started to make profit, it was free of tax for 2007-2008, and 12.5% of tax rate for


    5. Other subsidiaries are subject to 25% of corporation income tax.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    V. Enterprise consolidation and consolidated financial statements

    (I) Main subsidiaries under control

    Subsidiaries obtained through other ways


    (Full name)

    Reg. Add. Business




    Business Scope

    Zhejiang Steam Trubine Packaged

    Technologies Development Co., Ltd.

    (the Packaged Tech Co.)





    30 mil

    Development of electrical &

    mechanical equipment control unit and

    technical consulting service

    Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine

    Power Co., Ltd. (Zhongneng Co.)





    92.5 mil

    Designing and manufacturing of steam

    turbines and supplementary equipment

    and parts; sales of the Company’s

    products; contracting and consulting of

    mid-small size power plants

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting

    Co., Ltd. (Casting Co.)





    RM22 million

    Manufacturing of cast iron and steel

    products; installation and maintenance

    of casting equipments; sales of the

    Company’s products

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary

    Machinery Co., Ltd. (Auxiliary

    Machinery Co.)





    40 mil

    Manufacturing of auxiliary equipment

    of steam turbine

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery

    Equipment Co., Ltd. (Machinery

    Equipment Co.)





    15 mil

    Manufacturing and processing of

    steam turbine auxiliary parts and other

    machinery auxiliary parts

    Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine

    Machinery Co., Ltd. (Huayuan Co.)





    21 mil

    Manufacturing and processing of

    steam turbine parts

    Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine

    Engineering Co., Ltd. (Guoneng Co.)





    40 mil

    Steam turbine periphery; service:

    design, installation, consultation,

    technology service of steam turbine

    system and related equipments.

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group

    Equipment System Engineering Co.,

    Ltd. (Group System Co.)





    20 mil

    Steam turbine and auxiliary equipment

    designing and installation, equipment

    system engineering

    Hangzhou Pangtong Electronic

    Equipment Co., Ltd. (Pangtong Co.)





    1 mil

    Designing of cooling and

    depressurizing equipment and

    accessories; manufacturing

    (assembling only): cooling and

    depressurizing equipment; wholesale

    and retailing: cooling and

    depressurizing equipment and relatedHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text



    Hangzhou Tongneng Turbine

    Machinery Co., Ltd.




    uring 3 mil

    Designing, installation of steam

    turbine and auxiliary equipment

    Changshan Qijin Equipment &

    Engineering Co., Ltd. (Qijin Co.)




    uring RM10 million

    Designing, installation of steam

    turbine and auxiliary equipmentHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text




    (Full name)

    Practical amount of

    investment to end of

    report term

    Balance of net investment

    practically made in subsidiaries





    power %

    Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged

    Technology Development Co., Ltd.

    16,260,174.60 16,260,174.60 51.84 51.84

    Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam

    Turbine Power Co., Ltd.

    5,600,853.25 5,600,853.25 51.603 51.603

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting

    Co., Ltd.

    11,220,000.00 11,220,000.00 51 51

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary

    Machine Co., Ltd.

    19,244,620.00 19,244,620.00 76.495 76.495

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine

    Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd.

    7,968,000.00 7,968,000.00 52 52

    Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine

    Co., Ltd. (Note 1)

    15,750,000.00 15,750,000.00 75 75

    Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine

    Engineering Co., Ltd. (Note 2)

    30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 75 75

    HSTG Equipment & Engineering

    Co., Ltd. (Note 3)

    8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 40 40

    Hangzhou Pangtong Electronic

    Equipment Co., Ltd. (Note 4)

    700,000.00 700,000.00 70 70

    Hangzhou Tongneng Turbine

    Machinery Co., Ltd. [Note 5]

    3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 100 100

    Changshan Qijin Equipment &

    Engineering Co., Ltd. (Note 6)

    7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 70 70

    [Note 1]: Huayuan Co. is the subsidiary of Machinery Co.

    [Note 2]: Guoneng Co. is a subsidiary of Auxiliary Equipment Co.

    [Note 3]: HSTG Equipment & Engineering Co. is under controlling of Zhongneng Co.

    [Note 4]: Pangtong Co. is a subsidiary of Zhongneng Co.

    [Note 5]: Hangzhou Tongneng Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. is a fully-owned subsidiary of Zhongneng Co.

    [Note 6]” Qijin Co. is a subsidiary of Packaged Equipment Co. under the Group.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

    (I) Notes to Consolidated Balance Sheet

    1. Monetary capital End of term 426,359,868.41

    (1) Details

    Items End of term Beginning of term

    Cash in stock 85,150.34 149,943.17

    Bank deposit 417,658,502.07 442,221,100.77

    Other monetary fund 8,616,216.00 7,731,987.00

    Total 426,359,868.41 450,103,030.94

    (2) Statement on accounts which are pledged, frozen, limited to use, or stored in overseas place, or with potential risk in retrieving.

    Other balance of cash at the end of term were mostly the deposite for issuing of L/C and secure letter.

    (3) Monetary capital – foreign currency capital

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year

    Original currency Exchange rate Translated to RMB Original currency Exchange rate Translated to RMB

    Bank deposit USD 1,099,253.94 6.8319 7,509,993.31 USD 1,479,139.02 6.8346 10,109,323.55

    Bank deposit JPY18,245,577.00 0.071117 1,297,570.70 JPY 23,591,639.92 0.07565 1,784,707.56

    Bank deposit EUR279,171.79 9.6408 2,691,439.39 EUR 530,979.28 9.6590 5,128,728.87

    Total 11,499,003.40 17,022,759.98

    (4) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    The amount at end of term has decreased by 5.28%, which was caused by distribution of dividends.

    (5) Particulars about frozen capital:

    Shangdong Shanxian Tianyuan Paper Co., Ltd. appealed to Shandong Shanxian People’s Court on April 22, 2009 for property

    preservation against the Company. According to “Civil judgment and property frozen notification” (2009)单民保字第8 号, the

    Company’s bank deposit of RMB2 million was frozen by the court on April 28, 2009 (expire from April 28, 2009 to October 27,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    2009). This case is now under trial.

    2. Notes receivable End of term 345,172,163.58

    (1) Details

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year


    Book balance

    Bad debt


    Book value Book balance

    Bad debt


    Book value



    345,172,163.58 374,122,522.90 345,172,163.58 374,122,522.90

    Total 345,172,163.58 374,122,522.90 345,172,163.58 374,122,522.90

    (2) No shareholders’ notes payable to shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s voting shares.

    (3) No evidence shows that any of the notes receivable has impaired, thus no bad debt reserve was provided.

    3. Account receivable End of term 1,273,082,540.71

    (1) Details

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year


    Book balance



    Bad debt


    Book value Book balance


    ion %

    Bad debt


    Book value

    Major single




    69,383,105.61 512,568,113.37 543,010,515.29 39.16



    Minor single

    amount but

    greater risk after

    combined in a

    character group

    60,252,235.12 4.00 37,061,618.67 23,190,616.45 47,497,098.52 3.43 29,408,536.7 18,088,561.8

    Other minors 864,786,983.95


    127,463,173.06 737,323,810.89 795,997,253.47 57.41



    Total 1,506,990,438.05


    233,907,897.34 1,273,082,540.71 1,386,504,867.28 100.00



    (2) Age analysis

    Items Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of yearHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Book balance



    Bad debt


    Book value





    Bad debt


    Book value


    1 year



    45,471,499.44 863,958,489.23 50,786,900.32 61.36







    67,772,877.51 271,091,510.03 40,623,484.21 24.57







    70,928,788.59 106,393,182.91 32,738,915.01 9.57








    49,734,731.80 31,639,358.54 62,355,567.74 4.50



    Total 1,506,990,438.05


    233,907,897.34 1,273,082,540.71 ,386,504,867.28 100.00



    (3) Debts due from top 5 debtors were amounted to RMB695,870,488.36, accounted for 46.18% of the booked balance of account

    receivable, their age analysis are as the followings:

    Account age End of term

    within 1 yr 495,453,127.88

    1-2 yrs 139,126,762.74

    2-3 yrs 38,010,242.52

    Over 3 yrs 23,280,355.22



    (4) Debts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares

    Name of the shareholder End of term Beginning of term

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 944,000.00 246,000.00


    944,000.00 246,000.00

    (5) Other statementsHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    1) Statement on providing of bad debt on major account receivables

    Single major account receivables with major amount and tested no impairment at the end term, the bad debt reserves are provided at

    the practical impairment rate after combined with receivables with similar age.

    2) Statement on determine of combination of accounts without major amount but with great credit risks after combined with other

    similar receivable accounts.

    According to the analysis on the retrieving of receivables, greater risks are attached to receivables with over 3 years of age. Thus

    bad debt provisions were provided upon receivables with over 3 years of age at 60%. Account receivables with part of amount over

    10% (included) are determined as minor amount, but with greater credit risks after combined, are deducted from the above

    applicable receivables.

    3) Account receivable (aged over 3 years) amounted to RMB2,275,694.00 at end of term was provided bad debt provisions in full

    due to long-term debt or payment refused.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    4. Prepayment End of term 230,488,371.99

    (1) Age analysis

    End of term Beginning of term

    Account age Book balance Proportion Bad debt


    Book value Book balance Propor

    tion %

    Bad debt


    Book value

    within 1 yr 212,447,806.53 92.17 212,447,806.53 222,342,120.49 96.62 222,342,120.49

    1-2 yrs 17,818,144.46 7.73 17,818,144.46 6,068,588.39 2.64 6,068,588.39

    2-3 yrs 104,336.00 0.05 104,336.00 57,576.00 0.03 57,576.00

    Over 3 yrs 118,085.00 0.05 118,085.00 1,628,824.77 0.71 1,628,824.77

    Total 230,488,371.99 100.00 230,488,371.99 230,097,109.65 100.00 230,097,109.65

    (2) Statement on material unsettled prepayment due over one year

    Prepayment over one year are outstanding purchasing payments.

    (3) No debts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares

    (4) No evidence shows that impairment occurred to the prepayments at the end of term, thus no bad debt provision was provided.

    5. Other account receivable End of term 22,269,953.45

    (1) Details

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year






    Bad debt

    provision Book value





    Bad debt

    provision Book value

    Major single


    10,010,320.94 37.47 2,706,192.56 7,304,128.38 7,010,320.94 32.50 2,556,192.56 4,454,128.38

    Minor single

    amount but

    greater risk


    combined in

    a character


    1,069,981.28 4.01 641,988.77 427,992.51 377,471.28 1.75 226,482.77 150,988.51



    15,633,688.19 58.52 1,095,855.63 14,537,832.56 14,184,809.46 65.75 1,548,351.70 12,636,457.76

    Total 26,713,990.41 100.00 4,444,036.96 22,269,953.45 21,572,601.68 100.00 4,331,027.03 17,241,574.65Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text

    49Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (2) Age analysis

    End of term Beginning of term



    Book balance Proportion Bad debt


    Book value Book balance Proportion


    Bad debt


    Book value

    within 1

    yr 20,179,884.69 75.54 1,008,994.23 19,170,890.46 13,923,005.96 64.54 696,150.30 13,226,855.66

    1-2 yrs 973,300.00 3.64 194,660.00 778,640.00 1,512,600.00 7.01 302,520.00 1,210,080.00

    2-3 yrs 480,503.50 1.80 192,201.40 288,302.10 1,749,203.50 8.11 699,681.40 1,049,522.10

    3-5 yrs 5,080,302.22 19.02 3,048,181.33 2,032,120.89 4,387,792.22 20.34 2,632,675.33 1,755,116.89

    Total 26,713,990.41 100.00 4,444,036.96 22,269,953.45 21,572,601.68 100.00 4,331,027.03 17,241,574.65

    The outstanding accounts due from top 5 debtors are amounted to RMB13,010,549.39, accounted for 48.70% of the total booked

    balance of other receivables. Their ages are:

    Account age End of term

    within 1 yr 8,998,628.45

    2-3 yrs 1,600.00

    Over 3 yrs 4,010,320.94

    Sub-total 13,010,549.39

    (4) No debts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares

    (5) Other statements

    1) Statement on providing of bad debt on major account receivables

    Bad debt provisions are provided at the practical rate after combined with other similar accounts on other receivables with single

    major amounts which are not impaired.

    2) Statement on the combination of other receivables with minor single amount but with great credit risks after combined with

    similar accounts.

    According to the analysis on the retrieving of other receivables, greater risks are attached to receivables with over 3 years of age.

    Thus bad debt provisions were provided upon other receivables with over 3 years of age at 60%. Other account receivables with

    part of amount over 10% (included) are determined as minor amount, but with greater credit risks after combined, are deducted

    from the above applicable other receivables.

    6. Inventories End of term 1,278,146,088.17

    (1) Details

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year


    Book balance



    Book value Book balance



    Book value

    Stock materials 311,495,099.97 311,495,099.97 310,088,684.93 310,088,684.93

    Product in 545,588,440.30 545,588,440.30 541,972,221.45 541,972,221.45Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text



    Stock products 423,857,081.71 2,794,533.81 421,062,547.90 343,376,921.73 2,794,533.81 340,582,387.92

    Total 1,280,940,621.98 2,794,533.81 1,278,146,088.17 1,195,437,828.11 2,794,533.81 1,192,643,294.30

    (2) Basis of providing inventory impairment provisions

    Inventory impairment provisions were provided according to the balance of cost of single inventory item over the realizable net

    value, which is determined according to the latest sales price less related expenses. Impairment provisions of part of the products

    disposed have been carried back in the report term.

    (3) No inventory has been used as pledge.

    7. Long-term share equity investment End of term 408,093,320.85

    (1) Details

    Balance at the end of term Balance at the beginning of year


    Book balance



    Book value Book balance



    Book value

    Investment in affiliates 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23 13,311,366.27 13,311,366.27

    Other equity


    402,586,451.62 402,586,451.62 280,782,411.62


    Total 408,093,320.85 408,093,320.85 294,093,777.89 294,093,777.89

    (2) Long-term equity investment on equity basis

    1) Composition of balances at the end of term

    Name of the



    portion %




    Adjustment of


    Other equity


    Balance at the end

    of term

    Hangzhou Steam



    Engineering Co., Ltd. 45 20 yrs 9,000,000.00 -4,029,173.27 536,042.50 5,506,869.23

    Sub-total 9,000,000.00 -4,029,173.27 536,042.50 5,506,869.23

    2) Details of changes in the report term

    Name of the Companies



    Balance at the

    beginning of


    Change of

    costs in the


    Change of

    adjustment on

    gain/loss of the



    received in

    the term

    Change of


    equities in

    the term

    Balance at the

    end of term

    Hangzhou Steam 9,000,000.00 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Turbine Environmental

    Engineering Co., Ltd.

    Total 9,000,000.00 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (3) Long-term equity investment on cost basis


    Name of the







    Initial amount

    Balance at the

    beginning of year


    this term


    this term

    Balance at the

    end of term

    Greenesol Co.


    37 Not stated 1,032,411.62 1,032,411.62 1,032,411.62


    Tianhang Steam

    Turbine Auxiliary

    Machinery Co.,


    33.33 50 yrs 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

    Hangzhou Bank 8.75 Not stated 390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00

    Zhejiang Sanxin


    Engineering Co.,


    6.00 30 yrs 600,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00

    Sub-total 402,586,451.62 402,586,451.62 402,586,451.62

    (4) The Auxiliary Machine Co. – the controlled subsidiary of the Company has invested RMB10,000,000 in Zhejiang Tianhang

    Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd. and take 33.33% of the share equities. According to the agreement, the Company

    adopts fixed return in accounting of this long-term equity investment. In case of the revenue of the company is lower than RMB80

    million, the return rate after tax will be 10%, ie. RMB1,000,000; in case of the revenue is over RMB80 million, the return rate after

    tax will be 12%, ie. RMB1,200,000. For the above long-term equity investment adopts agreement rewarding scheme, the Auxiliary

    Machinery Co. accounts the long-term equity investment on cost basis.

    (5) Long-term equity investment impairment provisions

    No obvious impairment evidence appears at the end of term, thus no impairment provision was provided.

    8. Fixed assets End of term 503,827,490.33

    (1) Details

    Original value

    Category Beginning of term Increased this term Decreased this term End of term

    Houses & buildings 254,703,982.07 254,703,982.07

    Equipment & machinery 535,946,804.67 53,526,267.13 1,088,086.00 588,384,985.80

    Office equipment 136,527,229.27 1,785,101.52 42,540,254.52 95,772,076.27

    Total 927,178,016.01 55,311,368.65 43,628,340.52 938,861,044.14

    Accumulated depreciation:

    Category Beginning of term Increased this term Decreased this End of termHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text



    Houses & buildings 86,535,956.08 4,138,895.34 90,674,851.42

    Equipment &

    machinery 263,652,422.51 22,735,427.79 1,017,200.34 285,370,649.96

    Office equipment 45,344,832.93 5,637,497.17 163,442.37 50,818,887.73

    Total 395,533,211.52 32,511,820.30 1,180,642.71 426,864,389.11Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Impairment provision


    Beginning of term Increased this term

    Decreased this

    term End of term

    Houses & buildings 1,505,077.02 148.78 1,504,928.24

    Equipment & machinery 4,472,648.36 288.80 4,472,359.56

    Office equipment 2,200,854.93 8,978.03 2,191,876.90

    Total 8,178,580.31 9,415.61 8,169,164.70

    Book value

    Category Beginning of term Increased this term

    Houses & buildings 166,663,097.75 162,524,202.41

    Equipment &

    machinery 267,822,022.60 298,541,976.28

    Office equipment 88,990,519.44 42,761,311.64

    Total 523,475,639.79 503,827,490.33

    (2) Increasing in current term includes RMB10,915,676.38 transferred from construction in process.

    (3) No external guarantee issues in fixed assets.

    (4) No temporary idle fixed assets at the end of report term.

    (5) No fixed assets rent in by financing or operational rent out in the amount at the end of term.

    (6) Impairment provision of RMB8,169,164.70 was provided according to the difference between the book value and retrievable

    value of single fixed asset.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    9. Construction in process End of term 66,635,499.22

    (1) Details

    End of term Beginning of term





    provision Book value




    provision Book value

    TK6916 Digital Flat Boring 7,062,520.53 7,062,520.53 1,437,432.62 1,437,432.62

    TK6113 Digital Flat Boring - - 2,582,264.71 2,582,264.71

    Renewing of vane lathe - - 553,030.70 553,030.70

    Flat drill - - 372,387.55 372,387.55

    C61100 lathe - - 323,741.00 323,741.00

    D1000/L5000 Digital flat lathe 679,596.85 679,596.85 630,558.96 630,558.96

    D1000/L3000 grating digital lathe 541,439.96 541,439.96

    Plane grinder 344,538.99 344,538.99

    Construction of Machinery Co. - - 83,800.00 83,800.00

    Guoneng Co. New Factory Construction 27,614,172.22 27,614,172.22 17,434,701.85 17,434,701.85

    Casting workshop and equipment 26,407,732.49 26,407,732.49 8,266,186.20 8,266,186.20

    Other small projects 3,985,498.18 3,985,498.18 5,399,834.59 5,399,834.59

    Total 66,635,499.22 66,635,499.22 37,083,938.18 37,083,938.18Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (2) Change of constructions in process

    Project Beginning of


    Increased this



    to fixed

    asset this




    this term

    End of term Financial


    Budget Investment

    on budget

    TK6916 Digital

    Flat Boring

    1,437,432.62 5,625,087.91 - - 7,062,520.53 Independent 700 100.89%

    TK6113 Digital

    Flat Boring

    2,582,264.71 - 2,582,264.71 - - Independent 260 99%

    Renewing of

    vane lathe

    553,030.70 102,425.01 655,455.71 - - Independent 60 109.24%

    Flat drill 372,387.55 - 372,387.55 - - Independent 60 62%

    C61100 lathe 323,741.00 - 323,741.00 - - Independent 45 72%


    Digital flat lathe

    630,558.96 49,037.89 - - 679,596.85


    grating digital


    - 541,439.96 - - 541,439.96

    Plane grinder - 344,538.99 - - 344,538.99

    Construction of

    Machinery Co.

    83,800.00 83,800.00 - Independent

    Guoneng Co.

    New Factory


    17,434,701.85 10,179,470.37 27,614,172.22 Independent 3,981 69.36%


    workshop and


    8,266,186.20 20,221,546.29 2,080,000.00 26,407,732.49 Independent 13,120 20.13%

    Other small


    5,399,834.59 5,276,053.64 4,818,027.41 1,872,362.64 3,985,498.18 Independent

    Total 37,083,938.18 42,339,600.06 10,915,676.38 1,872,362.64 66,635,499.22

    (3) No evidence shows that impairment occurred to the construction in process, therefore no impairment provision was provided.

    (4) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    Increased by 79.69%, which was caused by implementing of construction projects of Casting Co. and Guoneng Co.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    10. Intangible assets End of term 73,057,613.87

    (1) Details

    Original value

    Category Beginning of term Increased this term Decreased this term End of term

    Land using right 85,609,548.25 85,609,548.25

    Residue heat power plant operation right 28,000,000.00 - 28,000,000.00 -

    Sub-total 113,609,548.25 28,000,000.00 85,609,548.25

    Accumulated amortizing

    Category Beginning of term Increased this term Decreased this term End of term

    Land using right 11,012,851.09 1,539,083.29 12,551,934.38

    Residue heat power plant operation right

    Sub-total 11,012,851.09 1,539,083.29 12,551,934.38

    Book value

    Category Beginning of term Increased this term

    Land using right 74,596,697.16 73,057,613.87

    Residue heat power plant operation right 28,000,000.00

    Total 102,596,697.16 73,057,613.87

    (2) No intangible asset was under pledge, for details please go to Note XI (II).

    (3) Residue heat power plant operation right are described in Note XIV(I).

    11. Long-term amortizable expenses End of term 10,140,110.37

    (1) Details

    Items End of term Beginning of term

    Decoration expenses 10,140,110.37 10,370,103.45

    Total 10,140,110.37 10,370,103.45Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    12. Differed income tax asset End of term 37,211,077.91

    Differed income tax assets recognized

    Category Balance at the end of termBalance at the beginning of year

    Differed income tax asset 37,211,077.91 39,120,424.79

    Note: Balance of differed income tax asset was accounted at the deductible temporary difference of the the balance of book

    value lower than the tax basis.

    13. Short-term loans End of term 216,000,000.00

    (1) Details

    Condition End of term Beginning of term

    Guarantee loan 150,000,000.00

    Pledged loan 31,000,000.00

    Total 181,000,000.00

    (2) No overdue borrowing.

    14. Notes payable End of term 198,487,455.22

    (1) Details

    Category End of term Beginning of term

    Bank acceptance 198,487,455.22 298,203,241.55

    Total 198,487,455.22 298,203,241.55

    (2) No shareholders’ notes payable to shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s voting shares.

    (3) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    Book value at end of term decreased by RMB99,715,786.33 and 33.44% from the beginning of term, which was caused by change

    of clearing basis of company notes.

    15. Account payable End of term 395,960,425.94

    (1) Account of shareholders’ with 5% or above of the Company’s voting shares.

    Name of the shareholder End of term Beginning of term

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 115,226.95 305,446.91Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Sub-total 115,226.95 305,446.91

    (2) No major overdue payable for more than 1 year.

    16. Prepayment received End of term 1,196,727,532.39

    (1) Account of shareholders’ with 5% or above of the Company’s voting shares.

    Name of the shareholder End of term Beginning of term

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group - 2,752,000.00

    Sub-total - 2,752,000.00

    (2) No major prepayment received over 1 year was not transferred.

    (3) Decreasing of 20.08% was caused by decreasing of sales orders.

    17. Employees’ wage payable End of term 19,952,410.05

    (1) Details

    Items Beginning of


    Increased this


    Decreased this

    term End of term

    Wage, bonus, allowance and


    3,830,482.70 224,562,035.64 131,764,586.24 96,629,129.10

    Employees’ welfare 0.00 18,262,753.12 13,162,043.48 5,100,709.64

    Social insurance 13,750,460.68 35,258,506.52 31,747,972.99 17,260,994.21

    Housing fund 62,213.00 15,912,496.00 15,911,126.24 63,582.76

    Trade Union finance 859,530.11 2,783,281.72 2,796,229.42 846,581.62

    Training expenses 1,388,784.56 3,299,409.10 1,610,547.59 3,076,449.86

    Other – dismissing welfare 60,939.00 3,697.00 64,636.00

    Total 19,952,410.05 300,082,179.10 197,057,141.96 122,977,447.19

    (2) No delayed employees’ salary and performance remunerations.

    (3) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    Increasing of 516.35% was caused by drawing of salaries, and drawing of employees’ welfare have increased by RMB5.1007


    18. Tax payable End of term 37,499,197.30

    (1) Details

    Category End of term Beginning of term

    VAT 10,450,993.98 -7,127,689.28

    City maintenance and construction tax 364,790.24 89,537.46Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Business tax 55,900.59 -920,980.80

    Enterprise income tax 21,751,192.72 24,135,042.00

    Paying of individual income tax on behalf 1,326,856.34 3,844,593.34

    Property tax - 135,371.88

    Education surtax 385,349.22 34,696.31

    Local education surcharges 156,829.29 195,863.80

    Stamp tax 4,099.10 93,214.08

    Water conservancy fund 2,126,580.82 1,866,827.15

    Flood controlling expenditure - 14,821.11

    Land using rights 876,605.00 -

    Total 37,499,197.30 22,361,297.05

    (2) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    Increase of 67.70% was caused by: 1. Increasing of VAT payable, 2. Increasing of land using tax.

    19. Other account payable End of term 50,503,174.32

    Account of shareholders’ with 5% or above of the Company’s voting shares.

    Name of the shareholder End of term Beginning of term

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 28,100,844.35 18,775,326.66

    Sub-total 28,100,844.35 18,775,326.66

    (1) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    Increasing of 39.61% was caused by increasing of account payable to the Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group.

    20. Other current liabilities End of term 1,000,000.00

    Name of the shareholder End of term Beginning of term

    Dividend payable [Note 1]


    Pre-drawn expenses [Note 2] 1,000,000.00

    Total 1,000,000.00 14,700,000.00

    [Note 1]: Decreasing of 93.20% was caused by disbursing of dividend by Zhongneng Co. to its shareholders which caused

    decreasing of 100.00% in dividend payable.

    [Note 2] Increasing of pre-dawn expenses by RMB1.00 million, which was mainly the pre-drawing of Changshan Qijin project.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    21. Long-term loans Ended the report term: 147,463,800.00

    Items End of term Beginning of term

    Guarantee loan 90,463,800.00 -

    Guarantee loan 17,000,000.00

    Pledged loan 40,000,000.00 -

    Total 147,463,800.00 -

    Note: 1) According to document 经贸委[2009]144 号, the Company have the loan of RMB90.4638 million for the “1 million KW

    super water pump steam turbine and 1 million ton / year ethene technical reformation project”. Financial institution was China

    Construction Bank Zhejiang Branch, and the term was from March 24, 2009 to March 23, 2015.

    2) RMB17 million was the guaranteed loan raised by Casting Co. from Pudong Development Bank Yuhang Branch with term from

    June 12, 2009 to June 11, 2011.

    3) RMB40 million was the guaranteed loan raised by Casting Co. from Construction Bank Yuhang Branch with term from June 24,

    2009 to June 23, 2011.

    22. Long-term payable End of term 330,000.00


    Items End of term Beginning of term

    Drawing in administrative restructuring 330,000.00 330,000.00

    Total 330,000.00 330,000.00

    23. Differed income tax liability End of term 1,225,374.71

    (1) Details

    Items End of term Beginning of term

    Other temporary differences of tax payable 1,225,374.71 1,225,374.71

    Total 1,225,374.71 1,225,374.71

    23. Other non-recurring liabilities End of term 7,840,860.00

    (1) Details

    Items End of term Beginning of term

    Differed income 7,840,860.00 6,523,710.00

    Total 7,840,860.00 6,523,710.00

    (2) Increasing of 17.47% was caused by receiving of special fund of RMB1.14 million from Hangzhou Xiacheng District Trade and

    Turism Bureau as the subsidy for appropriate heavy industry.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    25. Capital shares End of term 371,800,000.00

    (1) Details

    Changed this term (+,-)

    Items Beginning of term End of term

    Amount Proportion


    of new







    Others Sub-total

    Amount Proportion




    2. State

    legal person


    236,600,000 63.64 236,600,000 63.64

    3. Other





    legal person






    4. Foreign




    legal person









    Total of



    236,600,000 63.64 236,600,000 63.64




    1. RMB


    sharesHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    2. Foreign


    shares listed


    135,200,000 36.36

    135,200,000 36.36

    3. Foreign

    shares listed


    4. Others

    Total of



    135,200,000 36.36 135,200,000 36.36

    (III) Total of shares 371,800,000 100.00 371,800,000 100.00Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    26. Capital reserves End of term 138,930,847.24



    Beginning of term

    Increased this


    Decreased this

    term End of term

    Share capital


    81,815,220.00 81,815,220.00

    Other capital


    57,138,030.09 22,402.85 57,115,627.24

    Total 138,953,250.09 22,402.85 138,930,847.24

    27. Surplus reserves End of term 279,205,827.20

    (1) Details


    Beginning of term Increased this term


    this term End of term

    Statutory surplus


    233,666,771.29 45,539,055.91 279,205,827.20

    Total 233,666,771.29 45,539,055.91 279,205,827.20

    28. Retained profit End of term 1,201,413,780.16

    (1) Details


    Beginning of term 1,111,352,798.36

    Increased this term 238,780,981.80

    Decreased this term 148,720,000.00

    End of term 1,201,413,780.16

    (2) Statement on change of retained profit and profit distribution proportion

    1) Increasing of RMB238,780,981.80 was caused by transferring in of net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent


    2) According to the Profit Distribution Plan 2008 decided by the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2008, RMB4.00 (tax included) of

    cash dividend was distributed to each 10 shares on the basis of total capital shares of 371,800,000. And totally RMB148,720,000

    were distributed. This plan has been accomplished in the report term.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) Notes to consolidated income statement

    1. Turnover / cost Current term 1,646,527,768.37/1,012,507,507.68

    (1) Details


    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Major business turnover 1,627,937,615.84 1,305,647,220.10

    Other business income 18,590,152.53 92,594,782.09

    Total 1,646,527,768.37 1,398,242,002.19

    Operation cost

    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Major business cost 996,267,248.40 791,830,931.65

    Other business cost 16,240,259.28 87,753,002.01

    Total 1,012,507,507.68 879,583,933.66

    (2) Main business turnover / cost

    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Income Cost Profit Income Cost Profit

    Industrial steam


    1,360,087,455.05 831,880,755.22 528,206,699.83 1,210,946,840.04 731,491,200.27 479,455,639.77

    Casting products 36,121,030.64 22,721,216.13 13,399,814.51 35,987,192.85 20,251,704.12 15,735,488.73



    67,354,751.49 47,648,281.33 19,706,470.16 12,462,572.68 8,985,861.99 3,476,710.69

    Residue Thermal

    Power Plant

    102,756,024.88 64,236,701.30 38,519,323.58

    Others 61,618,353.78 29,780,294.42 31,838,059.36 46,250,614.53 31,102,165.27 15,148,449.26

    Total 1,627,937,615.84 996,267,248.40 631,670,367.44 1,305,647,220.10 791,830,931.65 513,816,288.45

    (3) Top 5 sales income

    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Total of sales to top 5 clients 664,771,878.53 461,693,119.92

    Portion in turnover of the year 40.38% 33.02%

    2. Business tax and surcharge Current term 5,160,353.50


    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Business tax 801,986.00 8,920.00Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    City maintenance and construction tax 2,990,090.84 1,525,982.37

    Education surtax 681,006.98 653,992.44

    Local education surcharges 687,270.58 1,438,315.17

    Total 5,160,353.50 3,627,209.98

    3. Financial expenses Current term -6,368,268.96

    Decreasing of 8,157.72 times was caused by increasing of exchange gains in the report term.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    4. Asset impairment loss Current term 31,933,931.16


    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Bad debt losses 31,933,931.16 36,083,734.29

    Inventory impairment losses -

    Fixed assets impairment losses -

    Total 31,933,931.16 36,083,734.29

    5. Investment income Current term 29,898,083.98

    (1) Details

    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Profit gained from invested entities on cost basis 29,898,083.98 28,771,057.99

    Amount of net change of gains from invested entities adjusted on equity basis 1,388,207.49

    Others - -

    Total 29,898,083.98 30,159,265.48

    (2) There was no major limitation on retrieving of investment gains.

    6. Non-business income Current term 3,489,025.96


    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Government subsidy 3,214,040.20 585,600.00

    Gains from disposal of fixed assets 174,985.76 84,246.80

    Compensation income - 82,864.20

    Others 100,000.00 272,000.00

    Total 3,489,025.96 1,024,711.00

    (1) Statement on changes for over 30% (included) or 10% (included) of the total profit.

    Non-business income has increased by 2.40 times over the same period of last year, which was caused by increasing of government


    7. Non-operational expenditure Current term 2,868,349.38


    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Outgoing donations 905,000.00 2,668,000.00

    Penalty paid 13,890.00 900.00Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Loss from disposal of fixed assets 1.37 66,834.77

    Compensation paid 57,501.00

    Water conservancy fund 1,946,789.92 1,917,458.60

    Others 2,668.09 224,232.08

    Total 2,868,349.38 4,934,926.45

    (1) Statement on changes for over 30% (included) or 10% (included) of the total profit.

    Non-business expenditure decreased by 41.88%, which was caused by decreasing of donations.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    8. Income tax expenses Current term 50,301,587.28



    Current term

    Same period of last


    Income tax of current term 48,512,516.75 53,886,085.75

    Deferred income tax 1,789,070.53 -3,992,761.38

    Total 50,301,587.28 49,893,324.37

    (III) Notes to consolidated cash flow statement

    1. Other large amount cash received related to business operation

    Items Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2008

    Gains from bank interests 2,333,855.19 2,247,192.05

    Retrieving of other payment

    temporarily paid or for others 17,730,582.13 12,618,975.08

    Total 20,064,437.32 14,866,167.13

    2. Other large amount cash paid in relating to business operations

    Items Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2008

    Expenditures paid 58,126,016.46 69,160,009.11

    Total 58,126,016.46 69,160,009.11Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    2. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

    Supplementary Info. Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2008

    (1) Net profit adjusted to cash flow of operation:

    Net profit 288,130,624.99 245,648,829.64

    Plus: Asset impairment provision 31,933,931.16 36,083,734.29

    Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation, production goods depreciation 32,511,820.30 26,990,719.01

    Amortizing of intangible assets 29,539,093.29 1,524,172.61

    Amortizing of long-term expenses 229,993.08 19,027.68

    Loss from fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets disposal (“-“ for

    gains) -174,985.76 -17,412.03

    Loss from fixed assets discarding (“-“ for gains) 1.37

    Loss from fluctuate of fair value (“-“ for gains)

    Financial expenese (“-“ for gains) -6,368,268.96 79,033.09

    Investment loss (“-“ for gains) -29,898,083.98 -30,159,265.48

    Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase) 1,909,346.88 -160,638.85

    Increase of deferred income tax liabilities (“-“ for decrease)

    Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase) -85,502,793.87 -402,023,058.95

    Decrease of operational receivables (“-“ for increase) -65,251,259.59 -272,141,366.21

    Increase of operational payables (“-“ for decrease) -206,999,403.59 634,354,597.81

    Others 165,999.75 -79,033.09

    Cash flow generated by business operation, net -9,773,984.93 240,119,339.52

    (2) Material investment and financing without involving in cash flow

    Liabilities converted to capital

    Convertible bond expire in 1 year

    Fixed assets leased through financing

    (3) Change of cash and cash equivalents

    Balance of cash at period end 426,359,868.41 476,786,536.09

    Less: Initial balance of cash 450,103,030.94 296,605,363.48

    Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at the period end

    Less: Initial balance of cash equivalents

    Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents -23,743,162.53 180,181,172.61Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    4. Cash and cash equivalents

    Items Jan-Jun 2009 Jan-Jun 2008

    (1) Cash 426,359,868.41 476,786,536.09

    Incl: Cash in stock 85,150.34 128,748.70

    Bank savings could be used at any time 417,658,502.07 461,451,451.21

    Other monetary capital could be used at any time 8,616,216.00 15,206,336.18

    (2) Cash equivalents

    Incl. Bond investment due in 3 months

    (3) Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of term 426,359,868.41 476,786,536.09

    Incl. Cash and cash equivalents in the parent company

    or internal subsidies with limitation to useHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    VIII. Notes to parent company financial statements

    (I) Notes to items of parent company balance sheet

    1. Account receivable End of term 1,073,413,196.07

    (1) Details

    End of term Beginning of term

    Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value




    560,352,576.24 43.58 89,234,119.57 471,118,456.67 529,348,807.54 42.87 67,058,924.42 462,289,883.1






    risk after


    in a



    56,500,938.82 4.40 35,691,940.89 20,808,997.93 45,469,644.22 3.68 28,192,064.13 17,277,580.09



    668,837,996.78 52.02 87,352,255.31 581,485,741.47 659,948,038.90 53.45 93,542,680.14 566,405,358.76

    Total 1,285,691,511.84 100.00 212,278,315.77 1,073,413,196.07 1,234,766,490.66 100.00 188,793,668.69 1,045,972,821.97

    (2) Age analysis

    End of term Beginning of term


    Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value


    1 yr

    728,830,444.53 56.69 36,284032.23 692,546,412.30 723,253,959.24 58.57 35,977,057.96 687,276,901.28



    315,981,398.91 24.58 63,196,279.78 252,785,119.13 322,409,510.57 26.11 64,481,902.11 257,927,608.46



    161,788,374.36 12.58 64,432,949.74 97,355,424.62 128,774,907.41 10.43 51,227,562.96 77,547,344.45


    3 yrs

    79,091,294.04 6.15 48,365,054.02 30,726,240.02 60,328,113.44 4.89 37,107,145.66 23,220,967.78Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Total 1,285,691,511.84 100.00 212,278,315.77 1,073,413,196.07 1,234,766,490.66 100.00 188,793,668.69 1,045,972,821.97Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (3) Debts due from top 5 debtors were amounted to RMB663,478,845.62, accounted for 51.60% of the booked balance of account

    receivable, their age analysis are as the followings:

    Account age End of term

    within 1 yr 471,125,217.88

    1-2 yrs 133,051,730.00

    2-3 yrs 36,711,542.52

    Over 3 yrs 22,590,355.22

    Sub-total 663,478,845.62

    (4) Account of shareholders’ with 5% or above of the Company’s voting shares.

    Name of the shareholder End of term Beginning of term

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group - -

    Sub-total - -

    (5) Other statements

    1) Statement on providing of bad debt on major account receivables

    Single major account receivables with major amount and tested no impairment at the end term, the bad debt reserves are provided at

    the practical impairment rate after combined with receivables with similar age.

    2) Statement on determine of combination of accounts without major amount but with great credit risks after combined with other

    similar receivable accounts.

    According to the analysis on the retrieving of receivables, greater risks are attached to receivables with over 3 years of age. Thus

    bad debt provisions were provided by 60% upon receivables with over 3 years of age. Account receivables with part of amount over

    10% (included) are determined as minor amount, but with greater credit risks after combined, are deducted from the above

    applicable receivables.

    3) Account receivable (aged over 3 years) amounted to RMB2,275,694.00 at end of term, was providing of bad debt provisions for

    long-term debits and refused payments.

    2. Other account receivable End of term 28,467,453.23

    (1) Details

    End of term Beginning of term

    Major single


    Book Balance Portion


    Bad debt


    Book value Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value

    Minor single

    amount but greater

    risk after combined

    in a character group 17,088,422.51 53.37 2,406,192.56 14,682,229.95 8,444,374.53 48.72 2,627,895.24 5,816,479.29

    Other minors 779,981.28 2.44 467,988.77 311,992.51 70,471.28 0.41 42,282.77 28,188.51

    Total 14,150,913.76 44.19 677,682.99 13,473,230.77 8,817,149.61 50.87 875,594.39 7,941,555.22

    Major single

    amount 32,019,317.55 100 3,551,864.32 28,467,453.23 17,331,995.42 100.00 3,545,772.40 13,786,223.02

    (2) Age analysisHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    End of term Beginning of term


    Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value Book Balance



    Bad debt


    Book value

    within 1 yr 26,113,615.33 71.45 374,282.99 25,739,332.34 10,987,803.20 63.40 309,897.07 10,677,906.13

    1-2 yrs 713,800.00 10.11 142,760.00 571,040.00 589,800.00 3.40 117,960.00 471,840.00

    2-3 yrs 401,600.00 2.23 160,640.00 240,960.00 1,673,600.00 9.66 669,440.00 1,004,160.00

    Over 3 yrs 4,790,302.22 16.21 2,874,181.33 1,916,120.89 4,080,792.22 23.54 2,448,475.33 1,632,316.89

    Total 32,019,317.55 100 3,551,864.32 28,467,453.23 17,331,995.42 100.00 3,545,772.40 13,786,223.02

    (3) Debt due from top 5 debtors in other receivable account were totaled to RMB22,146,709.89, account for 69.17% of book

    balance of other receivable account. Ages are as the followings:

    Account age End of term

    within 1 yr 18,136,388.95

    2-3 yrs 0

    Over 3 yrs 4,010,320.94

    Sub-total 22,146,709.89

    (4) Statement on the assets changed by over 30% (included) or 5% (included) of the total assets

    Other receivables at end of term has decreased by 43.63%, which was causd by incrasing of account retrieving than the previous


    (5) Other statements

    1) Statement on providing of bad debt on major account receivables

    Bad debt provisions are provided at the practical rate after combined with other similar accounts on other receivables with single

    major amounts which are not impaired.

    2) Statement on the combination of other receivables with minor single amount but with great credit risks after combined with

    similar accounts.

    According to the analysis on the retrieving of receivables, greater risks are attached to receivables with over 3 years of age. Thus

    bad debt provisions were provided by 60% upon receivables with over 3 years of age. Account receivables with part of amount over

    10% (included) are determined as minor amount, but with greater credit risks after combined, are deducted from the above

    applicable receivables.

    3. Long-term share equity investment End of term 457,786,968.70

    (1) Details

    End of term Beginning of term

    Book balance


    provision Book value Book balance


    provision Book value

    Investment on

    subsidiaries 60,293,647.85 60,293,647.85 58,356,000.00 58,356,000.00Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Investment in

    partnerships 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23

    Other equity

    investment 391,986,451.62 391,986,451.62 391,986,451.62 391,986,451.62

    Total 457,786,968.70 457,786,968.70 455,849,320.85 455,849,320.85

    (2) Investment on subsidiaries

    Name of company






    Initial amount

    Beginning of


    Increased this



    this term

    End of term

    Packaged Tech. Co. 51 20 yrs 15,828,000.00 15,828,000.00 432,174.60 16,260,174.60

    Zhongneng Co. 51 30 yrs 5,100,000.00 5,100,000.00 500,853.25 5,600,853.25

    Casting Co. 51 30 yrs 11,220,000.00 11,220,000.00 11,220,000.00

    Auxiliary Machine


    76 20 yrs 18,240,000.00 18,240,000.00



    Machinery Co. 52 20 yrs 7,968,000.00 7,968,000.00 7,968,000.00

    Sub-total 58,356,000.00 58,356,000.00 1,937,647.85 60,293,647.85Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (3) Investment in joint ventures and affiliates

    1) Composition of balances at the end of term

    Company invested in









    change in


    End of term

    Hangzhou Steam



    Engineering Co.,


    45 20 yrs 9,000,000.00 -4.029,173.27 536,042.50 5,506,869.23

    Sub-total 9,000,000.00 -4,029,173.27 536,042.50 5,506,869.23

    2) Details of changes in the report term


    invested in

    Initial amount

    Beginning of


    Change of

    cost in




    of gain/loss

    in current











    End of term


    Steam Turbine



    Co., Ltd.

    9,000,000.00 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23

    Sub-total 9,000,000.00 5,506,869.23 5,506,869.23

    (4) Other equity investments


    Name of company






    Initial amount

    Beginning of



    this term


    this term

    End of term

    Greenesol Co. (India) 37 Not stated 1,032,411.62 1,032,411.62 1,032,411.62

    Hangzhou Bank 8.75 Not stated 239,700,000.00 390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00

    Subtotal 240,732,411.62 391,986,451.62 391,986,451.62

    (5) Long-term equity investment impairment provisions

    No obvious impairment evidence appears at the end of term, thus no impairment provision was provided.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) Notes to items of parent company income statements

    1. Turnover / cost Current term 1,073,162,456.36/647,775,737.01

    (1) Details


    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Major business turnover 1,064,823,034.65 1,059,352,546.68

    Other business income 8,339,421.71 16,192,505.56

    Total 1,073,162,456.36 1,075,545,052.24

    Operation cost

    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Major business cost 639,718,259.06 721,827,272.25

    Other business cost 8,057,477.95 14,932,613.08

    Total 647,775,737.01 736,759,885.33

    (2) Main business turnover / cost

    Current term Same period of last year

    Items Income Cost Profit Income Cost Profit


    steam turbine

    1,055,102,412.28 633,925,811.86 421,176,600.42 1,055,045,405.02 720,002,010.59 335,043,094.43

    Others 9,720,622.37 5,792,447.20 3,928,175.17 4,307,141.66 1,825,261.66 2,481,880.00

    Sub-total 1,064,823,034.65 639,718,259.06 425,104,775.59 1,059,352,546.68 721,827,272.25 337,524,974.43

    (3) Top 5 sales income

    Items Current term Same period of last term

    Total of sales to top 5 clients 623,087,703.40 419,741,995.74

    Portion in turnover of the year 58.06% 39.03%

    2. Investment income Current term 74,878,300.00

    (1) Details




    Same period of last term

    Profit gained from invested entities on cost basis 74,878,300.00 59,221,057.99

    Amount of net change of gains from invested entities adjusted on

    equity basis

    - -

    Total 74,878,300.00 59,221,057.99

    (2) There was no major limitation on retrieving of investment gains.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    IX. Asset impairment provisions

    (I) Details

    Decreased this term

    Items Beginning of term

    Provided current





    End of term

    Bad debt provision 206,414,253.14 31,933,931.16 -3,750.00 238,351,934.30

    Inventory impairment


    2,794,533.81 2,794,533.81

    Fixed asset impairment


    8,169,164.70 8,169,164.70

    Total 217,377,951.65 31,933,931.16 -3,750.00 249,315,632.81

    (II) Statement on reasons and basis of providing

    Reasons and basis of provisions provided for bad debt, inventory impairment, and fixed asset impairment are provided in Note VII

    (I) 3, 5, 6, and 8.

    X. Related parties and transactions

    (I) Statement on recognition of related parties

    Pursuant to “Enterprise accounting standard No.36 – disclosure of related parties”, related parties are those parties solely control,

    jointly control the other party, or with major influence on the other party, and over two parties under common control of a party or

    under major influence of this party.

    Pursuant to “PLC Information Disclosure Regulations” (Order No. 40, China Securities Regulatory Commission), related legal

    persons and natural persons with particular situation are recognized as related parties.

    (II) Related party relations

    1. Parent company and ultimate controlling party

    Name of


    Reg. Add.






    with the





    portion in





    power in










    143071842 Limited




    500 mil

    63.64 63.64Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    2. Details about the subsidiaries are available with Note V (I).

    3. Affiliates

    (1) Profiles

    Name of the Companies Reg. Add.









    portion %



    power %

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine

    Environmental Engineering Co.,




    72106627X Manufacturing 20 mil

    45 45

    4. Other related parties

    Name of the parties Relation with the Company

    HSTG Technology Association Affiliate of the Group

    HSTG Nanfang Sales Co. Affiliate of the Group

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of the Group

    HSTG Technology Association Affiliate of the Group

    HSTG Sales Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of the Group

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co. Subsidiary of the Group

    Hangzhou Hangfa Group Subsidiary of the Group

    Hangzhou Relian International Trading Co. Subsidiary of the Group

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of the Group

    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of the Group

    Hangzhou Dongfeng Shipyard Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of the Group

    (III) Related transactions

    1. Purchasing of goods

    Current term Same period of last term

    Related parties

    Name Amount Pricing Amount Pricing

    HSTG Technology Association 51,315.00 Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales

    Service Co., Ltd.


    Price on agreement


    Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co. 940,893.80 Price on agreement 1,703,079.33 Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Hangfa Group 70,939,000.00 Price on agreement 23,445,128.21 Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Relian International Trading Co. 98,932.00 Price on agreement 95,455,710.34 Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Wooden Packaging

    Co., Ltd.


    Price on agreement


    Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. 7,419,000.00 Price on agreement 5,984,000.00 Price on agreement

    Hangzhou Dongfeng Shipyard Co., Ltd. 828,800.00 Price on agreement 1,000,000.00 Price on agreement

    HSTG Sales Co., Ltd. 6,200.75 Price on agreementHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Sub-total 91,803,317.52 148,040,291.17

    2. Sales of goods

    Related parties Current term Same period of last term

    Name Amount Pricing Amount Pricing

    HSTG Technology Association


    Price on


    Price on


    HSTG Sales Co., Ltd.

    Price on



    Price on


    Hangzhou Hangfa Group


    Price on



    Price on


    Hangzhou Relian International Trading Co.

    362,393.16 123,076.92

    Price on


    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales

    Service Co., Ltd.


    Price on



    Price on


    HSTG Technology Association 161,324.79 Price on


    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd.

    Price on



    Price on


    HSTG Energy Tech Co., Ltd.


    Price on


    Sub-total 82,766,612.08 71,954,918.77Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    3. Outstanding payment with related parties

    End of term Beginning of term

    Items and name of related parties


    Bad debt



    Bad debt


    (1) Accountin receivable

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 944,000.00 182,500.00 246,000.00 147,600.00

    HSTG Nanfang Sales Co. 20,000.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 12,000.00

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Sales Co., Ltd. 67,388,269.38 10,060,663.47 87,771,307.38 10,479,112.97

    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment

    Co., Ltd.

    192,000.00 9,600.00

    HSTG Energy Tech Co., Ltd. 75,000.00 3,750.00 75,000.00 3,750.00

    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. 370,000.00 18,500.00

    Sub-total 68,989,269.38 10,287,013.47 88,112,307.38 10,642,462.97

    (2) Prepaid account

    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment

    Co., Ltd.

    17,220,946.38 34,212,652.92

    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. 22,000.00

    Hangzhou Relian International Trading Co. 98,932.00

    Sub-total 17,341,878.38 34,212,652.92

    (3) Account payable

    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd. 430,650.00 1,637,250.00

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 115,226.95 305,446.91

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales

    Service Co., Ltd.

    1,418,992.12 463,731.27

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co. 125,491.29 386,429.99

    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment

    Co., Ltd.

    6,438,000.00 5,802,000.00

    Hangzhou Relian International Trading Co. 1,202,446.65

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Wooden Packaging

    Co., Ltd.

    99,567.00 37,395.00

    Hangzhou Dongfeng Shipyard Co., Ltd. 398,400.00

    Sub-total 9,026,327.36 9,834,699.82

    (4) Pre-collected account

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Sales Co., Ltd. 67,420,221.16 46,802,280.00

    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment

    Co., Ltd.

    724,412.99Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 2,752,000.00

    Sub-total 67,420,221.16 50,278,692.99

    (5) Other payable

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales

    Service Co., Ltd.

    5,799,786.87 5,889,116.02

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group 28,100,844.35 18,775,326.66

    Sub-total 33,900,631.22 24,664,442.68Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    4. Other related transactions

    (1) Guarantees

    Guarantees provided by HSTG to the Company and its subsidiaries, ended December 31, 2008 (RMB0’000)

    Guarantee acceptor Loan provider

    Balance of guaranteed


    Due date


    The Company China Imp.& Exp. Bank 10,000.00

    Aug 15,


    The Company Bank of China Zhejiang Branch 5,000.00

    Dec 17,


    Packaged Equipment Co. of the


    Yan’an Road Branch of Hangzhou



    Apr 16,


    Packaged Equipment Co. of the


    Yan’an Road Branch of Hangzhou


    3,000.00 Jan 15, 2010

    Sub-total 20,000.00

    (2) Supplying agreement on services, raw materials, energy, and telecommunication

    HSTG provide civil services, property management, and employee training to the Company. The fees payable to HSTG was

    RMB2,213,490.00 in the current term. HSTG supplies water and power to the Company and some of the subsidiaries amounted to

    RMB6,569,881.65 this term.

    (3) Rental

    The Company rent the land using right from HSTG by RMB670,430.00 at this term. Office buildings rented from HSTG was

    RMB97,674.00 for this term.

    (4) Expenses paid on behalf the Company

    The basic medical insurance was paid by HSTG on behalf of the Company. For the current term, the Company had paid

    RMB278,663.45 under this item.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    XI. Contingent Events

    (1) Ended June 30, 2009, the Company provided no guarantee to parties other than related parties.

    (II) Property in pledging ended June 30, 2009


    Receiver of


    Pledge Creditor Original book


    Net book









    1,600.00 2010-6-3



    Casting Co.

    Land using

    rights and


    Construction Bank

    Yuhang Branch

    44,315,399.83 41,029,547.77

    4,000.00 2011-6.23



    Sub-total 44,315,399.83 41,029,547.77 5,600.00

    XII. Commitment events

    The Company, Casting Co. and Guoneng Co. have made capital commitment amounted to RMB147.2572 million for construction

    of new workshops and purchasing of equipment.

    XIII. Non-adjustment issues occurred in post-balance sheet issues

    No such non-adjustment issues occurred in post-balance sheet issues to be disclosed.

    XIV. Other material events

    N/AHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    XV. Supplementary information

    (I) Non-recurring gain/loss

    1. (I) According to “PLC Information Disclosure Q&A No.1 – Non-recurring gain/loss (revised 2008)”, the non-recurring gain/loss

    of the Company are as the followings (“+” for gain, “-“ for loss):

    Items Current term

    Gain/loss from disposal of non-working capital, including the neutralized part of the impairment provision provided



    Refunding and exemption of taxes in excess of authority or without official approval documents

    Government subsidies accounted into current income account (except for those government subsidies closely related

    to the Company’s business, and received at national statutory standard and amount)


    Capital adoption fee collected from non-financial organizations and accounted into current gain/loss

    Gain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprise merger and the fair value of recognizable net asset of the

    invested entities

    Gain/loss from non-monetary assets

    Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets

    Asset impairment provisions provided for force-majeur

    Gain/loss from debt reorganization

    Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee placement fee and integration fee

    Gain/loss from trade departing from fair value

    Current net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same control from beginning of term till date of consolidation

    Gain/loss generated by contingent liabilities without connection with main businesses

    Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of

    transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial assets, other than valid period value instruments

    related to the Company’s common businesses

    Restoring of receivable account impairment provision tested individually

    Gain/loss from commissioned loans

    Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property measured at fair value in follow-up measurement

    Influence of one-time adjustment made on current gain/loss account according to the laws and regulations regarding

    tax and accounting

    Consigning fee received for cosigned operation

    Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above -2,768,348.01

    Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of non-recurring gain/loss account

    Sub-total 620,676.58

    Less: Influence of enterprise income tax (“-“ for decrease of income tax) -359,681.32

    Portion of minor shareholders -892,822.91

    Net amount of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of the parent company -631,827.365Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    (II) According to “PLC Information Disclosure Regulations No.9 – Disclosure of net

    income on asset and earnings per share (Revised in 2007)” the net income on asset

    calculated on fully amortizing and weight average and basic and diluted earnings per

    share are as the followings:

    1. Details

    Net return on equity (%) Earnings per share (yuan/share)

    On full amortizing

    basis weighted average

    Basic gains per


    Diluted gains per


    Profit of the report period





    of last






    of last






    of last






    of last


    Net profit attributable to common

    shareholders of the Company

    11.99 12.77 12.27 12.96 0.6422 0.5225 0.64 0.5225

    Net profit attributable to the common

    owners of the PLC after deducting of

    non-recurring gains/losses

    12.02 12.94 12.30 13.14 0.6439 0.5299 0.6439 0.5299

    2. Formula of earnings per share

    ① Basic earnings per share = P÷S



    P = net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company, or net profit attributable to common shareholders after

    deducting of non-recurring gain/loss

    S = weighted average of common shares placed in the market

    S0 = Total shares at the beginning of term

    S1 = increased shares due to capitalizing of common reserves or dividend

    Si = shares increased due to placing of new shares or transferred from debt in the report term

    Sj = shares decreased due to actions such as repurchasing in the report term

    SK = the amount of shares reduced

    M0 = number of months of the report term

    Mi = number of months from month next to the share increasing to the end of report term

    Mj = number of months from month next to the share decreasing to the end of report termHangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    ② Diluted earning per share=[P+(Diluting prospective common share interest recognized as expense -transfer expense)×

    (1-income tax rate)]/(S0 + S1 + Si×Mi÷M0 - Sj×Mj÷M0—Sk+ weighted average of common shares increased by

    term of subscription certificates, share future options, or convertible bonds)

    P = net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company, or net profit attributable to common shareholders after

    deducting of non-recurring gain/loss

    At calculating of diluted earnings per share, company shall consider the influences of all diluting potential common shares, till the

    diluted earnings per share was minimized.

    ③ On the other hand, when the amount of common shares has increased due to distribution of dividend in shares, capitalizing of

    common reserves, and share division, or decreased due to share combination, the enterprise shall recalculate and present the

    earnings per share of each period.Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2009 Full Text


    Chapter VIII. Documents for Reference

    (I) Interim Report 2009 with signature of the Chairman

    (II) Financial Report bearing the signatures of the legal representative, financial superior and head of

    accounting department.

    (III) All documents that have been disclosed on statutory presses assigned by CSRC.

    (IV) Other related documents.

    The Board of Directors of

    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

    August 21, 2009