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						                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

Stock Code: 200771      Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2011-27

                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

                                  Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

§1 Important Declaration
     1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant
omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint
responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
     This is the summary abstracted from the complete version of Semi-Annual Report 2004, which is published
synchronously on the Internet (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) for details please refer to the complete version.
     1.2 The financial statements carried in this report are not audited.
    1.3 Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, General Manager Mr. Yan Jianhuan, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Bai Ronghua, and the Chief
of Accounting Department Mr. Wu Guomei hereby declares: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful and

§2 Company Profile
2.1 Company Profile

              Stock ID                   Hangqilun B
             Stock Code                  200771
           Stock Exchange                Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                    Secretary of the Board                      Representative of Stock Affairs
                Name                     Yu Changquan                                   Wang Gang
               Address                   No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou                   No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou
                 Tel.                    (0571)85780432                               (0571)85780198          (0571)85784758
                 Fax.                    (0571)85780433                               (0571)85780433
               Email.                    ychq@htc.cn                                    wg@htc.cn

2.2 Financial Highlights

2.2.1 Financial Highlights

                                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan
                                                                         Ended this report    Ended previous     Increase/decrease
                                                                              term                year                  (%)
                         Gross Assets (RMB)                               6,625,150,594.84    6,092,332,507.21                8.75%
Owners’ equity attributable to the shareholders of the listed company
                                                                          2,999,581,039.60    2,868,211,238.68                4.58%
                         Capital shares (shares)                             628,342,000.00    483,340,000.00                30.00%

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

   Net asset per share attributable to the shareholders of the listed
                                                                                          4.77                    5.93                -19.56%
                        company (Yuan/share)
                                                                             Report term           Same period last       Increase/decrease
                                                                              (Jan-Jun)                 year                     (%)
                           Turnover (yuan)                                  2,077,039,987.91       1,840,515,550.97                   12.85%
                        Business profit (RMB)                                 475,789,730.69         364,532,652.81                   30.52%
                         Gross profit (RMB)                                   471,316,858.56         361,682,077.81                   30.31%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (yuan)         324,705,800.92         255,824,821.46                   26.93%
 Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to
                                                                              327,076,310.57         257,610,164.37                   26.97%
            the shareholders of the listed company (RMB)
                Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                  0.5168                0.4071                   26.95%
                Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                0.5168                0.4071                   26.95%
                    Weighted average of ROE (%)                                       10.71%                 10.38%                     0.33%
                       Weighted average net
                                                                                      10.79%                 10.45%                     0.34%
         income/asset ratio less non-recurring gain/loss(%)
       Net Cash flow generated by business operation (RMB)                    324,046,092.60         209,974,963.27                   54.33%
Net Cash flow per share generated by business operation (yuan/share)                      0.52                    0.43                20.93%

2.2.2. Non-recurring gain and loss items

√ applicable     □ not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan
                   Non-recurring gain and loss items                                      Amount                         Note (if applicable)
Gain/loss of non-current assets                                                                       -30,925.82
Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other
than those closely related to the Company’ common business, comply
with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                    -4,449,146.31
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                                                 1,364,858.72
Influenced amount of income tax                                                                      737,503.76
                                  Total                                                            -2,370,509.65                  -

2.2.3 Diversity between the Domestic and the International Accounting Standards

√ applicable     □ not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan
                                            Net profit attributable to the shareholders of       Owners’ equity to shareholders of the
                                                          the listed company                               listed company
                                               Current term         Amount of last term            End of term           Beginning of term
On IAS                                          324,705,800.92             255,824,821.46         2,999,581,039.60          2,868,211,238.68
On domestic accounting standard                 324,705,800.92             255,824,821.46         2,999,581,039.60          2,868,211,238.68
Individual and total of adjustment according to IAS
Total of differences between the IAS
                                                            0.00                      0.00                       0.00                     0.00
and domestic accounting standard
Statement on differences between the
                                           No difference
IAS and Chinese Accounting Standard

                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

  §3 Changes in Share Capital & Particulars about Shareholders
  3.1. Statement of Changes in Shares

  √ applicable         □ not applicable
                                                                                                                                    in shares
                            Before the change                                 Changed (+,-)                             After the change
                                                     Issuing of      Bonus          Transferred
                            Amount      Proportion                                               Others Sub-total      Amount      Proportion
                                                     new shares      shares        from reserves
I. None negotiable
                          307,580,000       63.64%                  92,274,000                            92,274,000 399,854,000     63.64%
1. Promoter’s shares 307,580,000           63.64%                  92,274,000                            92,274,000 399,854,000     63.64%
                          307,580,000       63.64%                  92,274,000                            92,274,000 399,854,000     63.64%
State-owned shares
  Domestic legal
person shares
  Overseas legal
person shares
2. Legal person
shares placed
3. Employees’ shares
4. Preference shares
or others
II. Negotiable shares 175,760,000           36.36%                  52,728,000                            52,728,000 228,488,000     36.36%
1. Common shares in
2. Foreign shares in
                     175,760,000            36.36%                  52,728,000                            52,728,000 228,488,000     36.36%
domestic market
3. Foreign shares in
overseas market
4. Others
III. Total of capital
                          483,340,000 100.00%                      145,002,000                          145,002,000 628,342,000 100.00%

  3.2 Particulars about the top 10 shareholders and top 10 current share holders

                                                                                                                                    in shares
       Total of shareholders                                                                                                          15,731
                Top 10 Shareholders
                                         Properties of                                              Non-negotiable shares
     Name of the shareholder                                  Share proportion %    Total shares                          Pledged or frozen
                                         shareholder                                                       held
  Hangzhou Steam Turbine             State-owned      legal
                                                                        63.64%        399,854,000             399,854,000       118,300,000
  Power Group Co., Ltd.              person
                       Overseas                       legal
  SELECTION FD-GREATER                                                    1.37%         8,613,041                       0                  0
  CN FD GTI 25287
  DREYFUS PREMIER      Overseas                       legal
  INVESTMENT FDS                                                          1.06%         6,658,894                       0                  0

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

                               Overseas          legal
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                               0.53%        3,319,083                         0                 0
                               Overseas          legal
MARKET LEADERS                                                  0.46%        2,901,320                         0                 0
                               Overseas          legal
NORGES         BANK                                             0.36%        2,260,847                         0                 0
                   Overseas                      legal
FUNDS-BOCHK CHINA                                               0.34%        2,157,787                         0                 0
TOYO SECURITIES ASIA Overseas                    legal
                                                                0.32%        2,040,848                         0                 0
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY Overseas                     legal
                                                                0.28%        1,756,934                         0                 0
LTD                 person
RENAISSANCE CHINA              Overseas          legal
                                                                0.25%        1,589,142                         0                 0
PLUS FUND                      person
               Top 10 Negotiable Share Holders
               Name of the shareholder                            Current shares held                     Category of shares
                                                                                          8,613,041 Foreign shares listed overseas
CN FD GTI 25287
                                                                                          6,658,894 Foreign shares listed overseas
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                         3,319,083 Foreign shares listed overseas
                                                                                          2,901,320 Foreign shares listed overseas
NORGES         BANK                                                                       2,260,847 Foreign shares listed overseas
                                                                                          2,157,787 Foreign shares listed overseas
                                                                                          2,040,848 Foreign shares listed overseas
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                                                   1,756,934 Foreign shares listed overseas
RENAISSANCE CHINA PLUS FUND                                                               1,589,142 Foreign shares listed overseas
                                                                                           1,402,932 Foreign shares listed overseas
A/C "C"
                             (1) Of top ten shareholders, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. holds shares on behalf of the
                             State and the others are to B-Share shareholders.
                             (2) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. is not related to any of the other 9 shareholders. It is
                             unknown whether there is any relationship among the 9 shareholders.
                             (3) None of the other shareholders are regarded as Act in Concert relationship according to the
                             Administrative Regulations of Information Disclosing of Public Companies.
   Notes to relationship or  (4) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. (HSTG) entered the share equity collateral contract
“action in concert” among with Communication Bank Zhejiang Branch on April 30, 2010. Basing on the original “Highest Value
  the top ten shareholders.  Pledge Contract”, the collateral subject will stay unchanged at 91 million shares. In return, HSTG
                             will have the annual credit up to RMB300 million. The collateral term will start from April 30, 2010
                             and ended at March 31, 2012.
                            As of the report date, the total of capital shares of the Company was 628.342 million shares, 399.854
                            million were held by HSTG, the 118.3 million shares on pledge were state-owned promoter’s shares,
                            accounted for 29.60% of the shares held by HSTG, and 18.83% of the Company’s total capital shares.

3.3 Change in Controlling Shareholder and the Substantial Dominator

□applicable      √ not applicable

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

§4 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
4.1 Changes in Shares Held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

√ applicable      □ not applicable
                                                    Amount of Amount of
                                      Shares held
                                                      shares       shares    Shares held      Incl.    Share option
                                         at the                                                                                 Cause of
    Name             Position                      increased in decreased in at the end of Conditional held at end
                                      beginning of                                                                               change
                                                    the report   the report       term       shares      of term
                                                       term         term
                Vice    General                                                                                               Bonus shares
Zhang Shutan                               57,200         17,160             0        74,360           55,770             0
                Manager                                                                                                       for year 2010

§5 Report of the Board of Directors
5.1 Principal business segments on industries/products

                                                                                                                    In RMB10 thousand
                                                           Segments on industries
                                                                                    Increase/decreas Increase/decreas Increase/decrease
                                                                                      e of turnover   e of operation    of gross profit
                                                                 Gross profit ratio
 On industry or product         Turnover          Operation cost                     over the same     cost over the    ratio over the
                                                                                      period of last  same period of same period of
                                                                                        year (%)       last year (%)     last year (%)
Boiler and power
                                     155,663.67        91,067.61           41.50%              2.69%             -3.94%               4.04%
machine manufacture
Casting                                3,569.65         2,953.94           17.25%           27.49%              32.05%               -2.85%
Petrol chemical and other
                                       6,380.32         4,216.89           33.91%           74.75%              19.50%              30.56%
Other special equipment               19,409.69        12,554.77           35.32%           13.34%              20.29%               -3.82%
Residue Thermal Power
                                      21,740.57        14,410.71           33.72%          234.66%              165.38%             16.89%
Total                                206,763.90       125,203.92           39.45%           12.97%               6.76%                3.53%
                                                           Segments on products
Industrial steam turbine             155,663.67        91,067.61           41.50%              2.69%             -3.94%               4.04%
Casting products                       3,569.65         2,953.94           17.25%           27.49%              32.05%               -2.85%
Auxiliary machinery                    6,380.32         4,216.89           33.91%           74.75%              19.50%              30.56%
Others                                19,409.69        12,554.77           35.32%           13.34%              20.29%               -3.82%
Residue Thermal Power
                                      21,740.57        14,410.71           33.72%          234.66%              165.38%             16.89%
Total                                206,763.90       125,203.92           39.45%           12.97%               6.76%                3.53%

5.2 Major businesses segment on regions

                                                                                                                    In RMB10 thousand
                           Regions                                         Turnover                    Change of income over last year %
Domestic                                                                               179,441.20                                   12.91%
Overseas                                                                                27,322.70                                   29.38%
Total                                                                                  206,763.90                                   12.97%

                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

5.3 Major Change in the Principal Business or its Structure

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.4 Major Change in the Profitability (Gross Profit Rate) of the Major Business over the Previous Year

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.5 Cause of Major Change in the Profit Composition over the Previous Year

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.6 Using of proceeds from financing actions

5.6.1 Statement of application of proceeds from share placing

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.6.2 Statement of change of projects financed by proceeds from share placing

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.7 Revising of business plan for the 2nd half of year by the Board of Directors

√ applicable    □ not applicable
Adjustment of
business plan

5.8 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be of
deficits; or in comparison with the same period of the previous year, give the warning of great change and
the notice to the reasons.

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.9 Statement of the Board on the Non-standard Opinion Presented by the Certified Public Accountants

□applicable    √ not applicable

5.10 Statement of the Management on the Change and the Treatment Result of the Issues Involved in the
Non-standard Opinion Presented by the Certified Public Accountants in the Previous Year.

□applicable    √ not applicable

§6 Significant Events
6.1 Acquisition and disposal of assets, reorganization of assets

6.1.1 Acquisition of assets

□applicable    √ not applicable

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

6.1.2 Selling of assets

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.1.3 Since the Report on Assets Reorganization or Public Notice on Acquisition/Sales of Assets has been
published, the progress of the event and the influence upon the operation result and financial position in the
report period.

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.2 Guarantees

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.3 Non-operational credit/debt with related parties

√ applicable    □ not applicable
                                                                                                               In RMB10 thousand
                                            Fund provided to the related parties           Accept money from the related parties
           Related parties
                                         Amount occurred              Balance             Amount occurred            Balance
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Science &
                                                         0.00                      0.00                 0.00                2,000.00
Technologies Power Co., Ltd.
                Total                                    0.00                      0.00                 0.00                2,000.00
Including: capital provided by the Company to the holding shareholder and its subsidiaries was RMB0.00 in the report term, and
balance was RMB0.00.

6.4 Material Lawsuits/Arbitrations

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.5 Notes to the other Significant Events and their Influences and Analysis on the Solutions

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.5.1 Securities investment

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.5.2 Particulars about shareholding in other listed companies

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.5.3 Statement of capital adoption by the main shareholder and its affiliates

□applicable    √ not applicable

6.5.4 Fulfilling of commitment issues by the Company, shareholders, and substantial controller

Commitment made by the PLC, its directors, supervisors, executives, and shareholders with 5% or over shares of the Company, and
its substantial dominator in the report term or carried over to the report term:
□applicable      √ not applicable

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

6.5.5 Profit distribution or capitalizing of common reserves proposed by the Board for the current term

□applicable      √ not applicable

6.5.6 Misc. income items

                                                                                                                           In RMB Yuan
                                                                                              Occurred current     Occurred in previous
                                                                                                   term                   term
1. Gains (losses) from sellable financial assets
Less: Income tax influence of available-for-sale financial assets
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms
2. Shares in the other misc. income subjects in the investee on equity basis
Less: Income tax influence of shares in other gains of investees on equity basis
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms
3. Amount of gains (or losses) from cash flow hedge instrument
Less: Income tax influence of cash flow hedge instruments
Net amount written into other gains and transferred into gain/loss in previous terms
Adjusted amount transferred to initial amount of the target project
4. Difference from translating of foreign currency financial statements
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business and transferred to current gain/loss
5. Others
Less: Income tax influence by other accounted into other misc. incomes
Net amount accounted into other misc. income and transferred into current gain/loss in
previous terms
Total                                                                                                       0.00                     0.00

6.6 Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews

Time/date      Place            Way                  Visitors                  Main content involved and material provided
March 16, The                                  KGI Securities     Reason of growth decreasing, possibility of issuing H shares,
                  Field research
2011      Company                              Taiwan             overseas marketing pattern, way out of B shares, Bank of Hangzhou
                                               Shenzhen           Situation of sales, impact of suspending of approving nuclear power
March 16, The
                  Field research               Redchip            plants, business operation of 2011, products other than steam turbine,
2011      Company
                                               Investment         residue thermal power plant
March 17, The     Telephone                    Individual         Impact of suspending of approving nuclear power plants, business
2011      Company communication                shareholder        operation of 2011
                                               Fubang             Introduction of products, application of products, business trend of
March 17, The     Telephone
                                               Investment         recent years, overseas market, productivity, competitive advantages,
2011      Company conference
                                               (Taiwan)           market share.
                                                                  Company history, product introduction and applications, competitive
Apr 13,     The                                Kaisibo
                    Face to face talk                             advantages, overseas co-operations, Bank of Hangzhou, competition
2011        Company                            Investment
Apr 15,     The                                Hengmao Asset      Overseas market, gross profit ration, market share, gas turbine, capital
                    Face to face talk
2011        Company                            Management         situation, future of B stock
Apr 25,     The          Face to face talk     Shenyin Wanguo Product introduction, overseas market, cost of overseas services,

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

2011        Company                                            steam turbine for nuclear power plant, market of residue thermal
                                                               power plant, gross profit, market share, enterprise IT approach.
                                                               Applications of steam turbine, circle of economy, production period,
May 13,     The     Telephone              Gaoguan
                                                               receivable accounts, investment plan, dividend policies, group
2011        Company conference             Investment
Jun 13,     The                            Ruixin              Business introduction, competition situation, price advantage,
                    Face to face talk
2011        Company                        Investment          quotations, overseas market

§7 Financial Report

7.1 Auditor’s Opinion

Financial Report                 √Not audited □ Audited

7.2 Financial Statements

7.2.1 Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.       Ended June 30, 2011                                      in RMB Yuan
                                                                  Ending balance              Balance at the beginning of year
                                                         Consolidated       Parent company    Consolidated      Parent company
Current asset:
  Monetary capital                                       691,511,302.79      389,138,847.99   657,077,394.71     332,065,321.54
  Settlement provision
  Outgoing call loan
  Transactional financial assets
  Notes receivable                                       552,775,501.47      300,109,989.26   713,585,305.36     408,512,097.53
  Account receivable                                    1,749,711,855.70 1,303,271,378.50 1,652,523,887.28 1,307,706,761.68
  Prepayment                                             274,548,252.18       99,852,179.76   184,464,135.00      56,088,295.98
  Insurance receivable
  Reinsurance receivable
  Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable
  Other account receivable                                  56,849,773.27     50,963,058.16    34,149,117.95      28,169,088.97
  Repurchasing of financial assets
  Inventories                                           1,564,194,624.49 1,251,855,575.90 1,168,959,067.36       874,068,780.24
  Non-current asset due in 1 year
  Other current asset                                                                               88,598.00
Total of current asset                                  4,889,591,309.90 3,395,191,029.57 4,410,847,505.66 3,006,610,345.94
Non-current assets
  Disburse of consigned loans
  Available-for-sale financial asset
  Expired investment in possess
  Long-term receivable
  Long-term share equity investment                      442,088,813.22      476,782,461.07   402,586,451.62     472,280,099.47
  Investment real estates
  Fixed assets                                           875,456,114.68      375,140,069.37   828,320,012.24     319,991,452.64

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

  Construction in process                     42,430,426.22     20,064,936.58    98,530,579.18    88,939,313.18
  Engineering goods                              797,862.28
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
  Gas & petrol
  Intangible assets                          306,258,052.01     45,545,511.45   284,700,647.27    46,724,159.17
  R&D expense
  Long-term amortizable expenses                6,389,230.14     5,410,037.18     5,941,526.80     5,410,037.18
  Differed income tax asset                   62,138,786.39     44,447,914.88    61,405,784.44    44,447,914.88
  Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                 1,735,559,284.94   967,390,930.53 1,681,485,001.55   977,792,976.52
Total of assets                             6,625,150,594.84 4,362,581,960.10 6,092,332,507.21 3,984,403,322.46
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                           383,000,000.00                     226,000,000.00
  Loan from Central Bank
  Deposit received and hold for others
  Call loan received
  Trade off financial liabilities
  Notes payable                              122,919,982.00                      95,643,623.00
  Account payable                            849,559,474.16    566,380,364.26   522,983,194.67   261,017,904.69
  Prepayment received                       1,508,210,537.67 1,009,768,643.63 1,493,982,772.62 1,063,643,628.13
  Selling of repurchased financial assets
  Fees and commissions receivable
  Employees’ wage payable                    42,955,828.05     21,222,585.57    29,174,456.31    14,868,240.62
  Tax payable                                 35,208,380.72     20,945,048.24   105,407,867.17    60,985,858.19
  Interest payable                                                                 287,993.75
  Dividend payable                            13,700,490.94
  Other account payable                       90,614,959.49     54,028,798.14    80,286,888.60    28,469,915.93
  Reinsurance fee payable
  Insurance contract provision
  Entrusted trading of securities
  Entrusted selling of securities
  Non-current liability due in 1 year                                           157,000,000.00   100,000,000.00
  Other current liability
Total of current liability                  3,046,169,653.03 1,672,345,439.84 2,710,766,796.12 1,528,985,547.56
Non-current liabilities
  Long-term borrowings                       148,000,000.00    100,000,000.00    73,463,800.00    50,463,800.00
  Bond payable
  Long-term payable                              330,000.00                        330,000.00
  Special payable
  Anticipated liabilities
  Differed income tax liability                 1,222,974.80     1,222,974.80     1,222,974.80     1,222,974.80
  Other non-recurring liabilities             20,855,340.00      5,194,950.00     5,047,140.00     1,359,250.00
Total of non-current liabilities             170,408,314.80    106,417,924.80    80,063,914.80    53,046,024.80
Total of liability                          3,216,577,967.83 1,778,763,364.64 2,790,830,710.92 1,582,031,572.36

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
  Capital paid in (or share capital)                       628,342,000.00   628,342,000.00     483,340,000.00   483,340,000.00
  Capital reserves                                         139,590,345.09   138,953,250.09     139,590,345.09   138,953,250.09
  Less: Shares in stock
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                                         389,362,161.03   370,605,755.90     389,362,161.03   370,605,755.90
  Common risk provision
  Retained profit                                      1,842,286,533.48 1,445,917,589.47 1,855,918,732.56 1,409,472,744.11
  Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 2,999,581,039.60 2,583,818,595.46 2,868,211,238.68 2,402,371,750.10
Minor shareholders’ equity                                408,991,587.41                      433,290,557.61
Total of owners’ equity                               3,408,572,627.01 2,583,818,595.46 3,301,501,796.29 2,402,371,750.10
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity               6,625,150,594.84 4,362,581,960.10 6,092,332,507.21 3,984,403,322.46

7.2.2 Income Statement

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                    Jan - Jun 2011                      in RMB Yuan
                                                                Amount of the Current Term           Amount of the Previous Term
                                                               Consolidated       Parent company    Consolidated     Parent company
I. Total revenue                                             2,077,039,987.91 1,223,162,586.92 1,840,515,550.97 1,315,034,718.53
Incl. Business income                                        2,077,039,987.91 1,223,162,586.92 1,840,515,550.97 1,315,034,718.53
       Interest income
       Insurance fee earned
       Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                      1,625,368,897.22      977,922,321.30 1,477,083,633.93 1,086,383,790.37
Incl. Business cost                                          1,260,362,576.79      759,380,397.69 1,180,414,236.98    882,879,318.32
       Interest expense
       Fee and commission paid
       Insurance discharge payment
       Net claim amount paid
       Net insurance policy reserves provided
       Insurance policy dividend paid
       Reinsurance expenses
       Business tax and surcharge                               15,187,879.40        8,473,862.10     5,129,818.23      1,947,356.38
       Sales expense                                            73,624,896.84      222,656,776.23    54,567,107.05     35,616,211.64
       Administrative expense                                  222,656,776.23      137,318,549.34   177,912,362.66    122,113,732.45
       Financial expenses                                       12,043,223.86          815,541.07     9,719,615.00      4,603,057.83
       Asset impairment loss                                    41,493,544.10       30,406,363.08    49,340,494.01     39,224,113.75
  Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
       Investment gain (“-“ for loss)                         24,118,640.00      165,631,563.75     1,100,735.77     98,297,793.27
          Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
     Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                       475,789,730.69      410,871,829.37   364,532,652.81    326,948,721.43
  Plus: Non business income                                      1,468,373.60        1,374,608.04     2,207,680.04       891,907.71
  Less: Non-business expenses                                    5,941,245.73        2,279,316.75     5,058,255.04      2,382,712.61
     Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                471,316,858.56      409,967,120.66   361,682,077.81    325,457,916.53
  Less: Income tax expenses                                       71,454,641.05       35,184,275.30    55,770,552.85     34,074,018.49
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                               399,862,217.51      374,782,845.36   305,911,524.96    291,383,898.04
     Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company     324,705,800.92      374,782,845.36   255,824,821.46    291,383,898.04
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                  75,156,416.59                        50,086,703.50
VI. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                        0.5168                              0.4071
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                     0.5168                              0.4071
VII. Other misc. incomes
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                     399,862,217.51      374,782,845.36   305,911,524.96    291,383,898.04
     Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the
                                                                 324,705,800.92      374,782,845.36   255,824,821.46    291,383,898.04
parent company
     Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders      75,156,416.59                        50,086,703.50
Merger of entities under common control, the net profit realized by the merged party was RMB0.00.

7.2.3 Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                      Jan - Jun 2011                      in RMB Yuan
                                                                   Amount of the Current Term          Amount of the Previous Term
                                                                  Consolidated      Parent company    Consolidated     Parent company
I. Net cash flow from business operation
     Cash received from sales of products and providing of
                                                           2,074,588,353.09 1,127,326,131.55 1,762,387,472.25 1,107,857,783.61
     Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for
brother company
     Net increase of loans from central bank
     Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial
     Cash received against original insurance contract
     Net cash received from reinsurance business
     Net increase of client deposit and investment
     Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
   Cash received as interest, processing fee, and
     Net increase of inter-bank fund received
     Net increase of repurchasing business
     Tax returned                                                 12,504,514.20                         1,069,300.00
     Other cash received from business operation                  26,512,590.71       17,848,316.70    28,631,978.56      5,500,330.14
       Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities        2,113,605,458.00 1,145,174,448.25 1,792,088,750.81 1,113,358,113.75
     Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 1,144,900,001.88           588,004,393.24 1,074,285,012.58    665,615,592.59
     Net increase of client trade and advance
    Net increase of savings in central bank and brother
     Cash paid for original contract claim
     Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
     Cash paid for policy dividend
     Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                      267,102,564.91      201,328,020.42   207,469,163.90    164,121,586.78
     Taxes paid                                                  269,172,661.57      148,026,726.91   191,337,679.45    115,386,353.49

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

     Other cash paid for business activities                    108,384,137.04     43,855,020.07   109,021,931.61    35,380,449.46
       Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities      1,789,559,365.40   981,214,160.64 1,582,113,787.54   980,503,982.32
          Cash flow generated by business operation, net        324,046,092.60    163,960,287.61   209,974,963.27   132,854,131.43
II. Cash flow generated by investing
     Cash received from investment retrieving
     Cash received as investment gains                            24,118,640.00   165,631,563.75     1,100,735.77    98,197,057.50
     Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                    884,200.00       526,200.00         92,900.00        72,950.00
intangible assets, and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
     Other investment-related cash received                                                             90,868.96      100,735.77
       Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities     25,002,840.00    166,157,763.75     1,284,504.73    98,370,743.27
     Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                 48,366,549.48     21,727,940.63   123,511,525.92    28,680,728.15
assets and other long-term assets
     Cash paid as investment                                     39,502,361.60      4,502,361.60      700,000.00
     Net increase of loan against pledge
     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
     Other cash paid for investment activities
         Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
                                                                  87,868,911.08    26,230,302.23   124,211,525.92    28,680,728.15
          Net cash flow generated by investment                  -62,866,071.08   139,927,461.52 -122,927,021.19     69,690,015.12
  III. Cash flow generated by financing
     Cash received as investment
     Incl. Cash received as investment from minor
     Cash received as loans                                     442,000,000.00    100,000,000.00   193,000,000.00
     Cash received from bond placing
     Other financing-related cash received
       Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities        442,000,000.00    100,000,000.00   193,000,000.00
     Cash to repay debts                                        367,463,800.00    150,463,800.00    71,000,000.00
     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                292,514,985.45    195,667,810.10   226,621,543.69   152,939,465.11
     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor
     Other cash paid for financing activities
       Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities     659,978,785.45    346,131,610.10   297,621,543.69   152,939,465.11
          Net cash flow generated by financing                  -217,978,785.45 -246,131,610.10 -104,621,543.69 -152,939,465.11
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash
                                                                    -732,616.93      -682,612.58      -332,422.52      -332,337.32
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                     42,468,619.14     57,073,526.45   -17,906,024.13    49,272,344.12
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                621,373,402.65    332,065,321.54   486,439,602.82   100,717,329.17
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term     663,842,021.79    389,138,847.99   468,533,578.69   149,989,673.29

                                                                                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.       Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

7.2.4 Change in Owners’ Equities (Consolidated)

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                  The 1 st Half of 2011                                        in RMB Yuan
                                                                       Amount of the Current Term                                                                      Amount of Last Year
                                                  Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company              Minor                        Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company               Minor
                                       Capital                                                                   sharehol Total of Capital                                                                               Total of
                 Items                                    Less:                      Common                                                           Less:                        Common                      sharehol
                                       paid in Capital             Special Surplus             Retained           ders’ owners’ paid in Capital              Special Surplus               Retained                   owners’
                                                         Shares in                      risk            Others                                       Shares in                        risk            Others    ders’
                                      (or share reserves           reserves reserves            profit            equity   equity (or share reserves           reserves reserves              profit                      equity
                                                          stock                      provision                                                        stock                        provision                    equity
                                       capital)                                                                                    capital)
                                      483,340, 139,590,                     389,362,           1,855,91          433,290, 3,301,50 371,800, 138,953,                     327,932,            1,497,42          390,861, 2,726,97
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                        000.00 345.09                         161.03           8,732.56            557.61 1,796.29 000.00 250.09                           742.87            3,473.50           347.35 0,813.81
   Plus: Change of accounting
   Correcting of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of       483,340, 139,590,                     389,362,           1,855,91          433,290,   3,301,50 371,800, 138,953,                   327,932,           1,497,42           390,861,   2,726,97
current year                           000.00 345.09                         161.03            8,732.56            557.61   1,796.29 000.00 250.09                        742.87            3,473.50            347.35    0,813.81
III. Changed in the current year (“- 145,002,                                                 -13,632,          -24,298,   107,070, 111,540, 637,095.                   61,429,4           358,495,           42,429,2   574,530,
“ for decrease)                       000.00                                                    199.08            970.20     830.72 000.00        00                       18.16             259.06              10.26     982.48
                                                                                               324,705,          75,156,4   399,862,                                                        680,184,           134,109,   814,294,
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                 800.92             16.59     217.51                                                          677.22            666.60      343.82
  (II) Other misc. income
                                                                                               324,705,          75,156,4 399,862,                                                          680,184,           134,109, 814,294,
  Total of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                800.92              16.59 217.51                                                             677.22             666.60 343.82
  (III) Investment or decreasing of                                                                                                           637,095.                                                         128,906. 766,001.
capital by owners                                                                                                                                  00                                                               52       52
     1. Capital inputted by owners
     2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
                                                                                                                                              637,095.                                                         128,906. 766,001.
     3. Others
                                                                                                                                                   00                                                                52       52
                                      145,002,                                                 -338,338          -99,455, -292,791 111,540,                              61,429,4          -321,689            -69,101, -217,821
  (IV) Profit allotment
                                       000.00                                                    ,000.00           386.79 ,386.79 000.00                                    18.16            ,418.16             281.41 ,281.41
     1. Providing of surplus                                                                                                                                             61,429,4           -61,429,
reserves                                                                                                                                                                    18.16             418.16
     2. Common risk provision
     3. Allotment to the owners (or 145,002,                                                   -338,338          -99,455, -292,791 111,540,                                                -260,260            -69,698, -218,418
shareholders)                        000.00                                                      ,000.00           386.79 ,386.79 000.00                                                     ,000.00             794.86 ,794.86
                                                                                                                                                                                                               597,513. 597,513.
     4. Others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     45       45
   (V) Internal transferring of                                                                                                                                                                                -22,708, -22,708,
owners’ equity                                                                                                                                                                                                  081.45 081.45
     1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
     2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)

                                                                                                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.         Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

     3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -22,708, -22,708,
     4. Others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          081.45 081.45
  (VI) Special reserves
    1. Provided this year
    2. Used this term
  (VII) Others
                                      628,342, 139,590,                      389,362,              1,842,28            408,991, 3,408,57 483,340, 139,590,                    389,362,               1,855,91           433,290, 3,301,50
IV. Balance at the end of this term
                                       000.00 345.09                          161.03               6,533.48             587.41 2,627.01 000.00 345.09                          161.03                8,732.56            557.61 1,796.29

7.2.5 Change in Owners’ Equities (Parent Co.)

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                 The 1 st Half of 2011                                            in RMB Yuan
                                                                         Amount of the Current Term                                                                          Amount of Last Year
                                       Capital                                                                                 Total of    Capital                                                                              Total of
                                                              Less:                                   Common                                                      Less:                                Common
                 Items                paid in (or  Capital                  Special     Surplus                    Retained               paid in (or  Capital               Special      Surplus                   Retained
                                                             Shares in                                   risk                 owners’                           Shares in                                risk                 owners’
                                        share     reserves                  reserves    reserves                     profit                 share     reserves               reserves     reserves                   profit
                                                              stock                                   provision                 equity                            stock                                provision                 equity
                                       capital)                                                                                            capital)
                                      483,340,00 138,953,25                             370,605,75                1,409,472,7 2,402,371,7 371,800,00 138,953,25                          309,176,33                1,116,867,9 1,936,797,5
I. Balance at the end of last year
                                             0.00       0.09                                  5.90                      44.11       50.10        0.00       0.09                               7.74                      80.67       68.50
   Plus: Change of accounting
   Correcting of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of       483,340,00 138,953,25                             370,605,75                1,409,472,7 2,402,371,7 371,800,00 138,953,25                           309,176,33               1,116,867,9 1,936,797,5
current year                                0.00       0.09                                   5.90                      44.11       50.10       0.00       0.09                                 7.74                     80.67       68.50
III. Changed in the current year (“- 145,002,00                                                                  36,444,845. 181,446,84 111,540,00                                      61,429,418.               292,604,76 465,574,18
“ for decrease)                            0.00                                                                           36        5.36       0.00                                              16                      3.44        1.60
                                                                                                                   374,782,84 374,782,84                                                                           614,294,18 614,294,18
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                                         5.36        5.36                                                                                 1.60        1.60
  (II) Other misc. income
                                                                                                                  374,782,84 374,782,84                                                                            614,294,18 614,294,18
  Total of (I) and (II)
                                                                                                                        5.36       5.36                                                                                  1.60       1.60
  (III) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners
     1. Capital inputted by owners
     2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
     3. Others
                                      145,002,00                                                                  -338,338,0 -193,336,0 111,540,00                                       61,429,418.               -321,689,4 -148,720,0
  (IV) Profit allotment
                                            0.00                                                                       00.00      00.00       0.00                                               16                     18.16      00.00
     1. Providing of surplus                                                                                                                                                             61,429,418.               -61,429,41
reserves                                                                                                                                                                                         16                      8.16
     2. Common risk provision
     3. Allotment to the owners (or   145,002,00                                                                  -338,338,0 -193,336,0 111,540,00                                                                 -260,260,0 -148,720,0

                                                                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

shareholders)                              0.00                                 00.00       00.00       0.00                                                        00.00       00.00
     4. Others
   (V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
     1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)
     2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)
     3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
     4. Others
   (VI) Special reserves
     1. Provided this year
     2. Used this term
   (VII) Others
                                      628,342,00 138,953,25   370,605,75   1,445,917,5 2,583,818,5 483,340,00 138,953,25                    370,605,75         1,409,472,7 2,402,371,7
IV. Balance at the end of this term
                                            0.00       0.09         5.90         89.47       95.46       0.00       0.09                          5.90               44.11       50.10

                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semiannual Report 2011 Summary

7.3 Notes to the financial statements

7.3.1 In case of change in accounting policies, accounting estimation, or correction of accounting errors,
please provide details of the change and the influence on data.

□applicable   √ not applicable

7.3.2 If the consolidation range of the financial report has changed significantly, please provide details and
the influences on financial data

□applicable   √ not applicable

7.3.3 If the certified public accounts has issued a non-standard qualified opinion auditor’s report, list the
relevant notes to the issues involved in the report.

□applicable   √ not applicable

                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (Stamp)
                                            Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai (Signature)
                                                           August 27 2011
