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						 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                         The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

         Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2012-30

                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                              The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)
§1 Important Declaration
1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,
fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
1.2 The financial statements carried in this report are not audited.
1.3 Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, General Manager and Chief Financial Officer Mr. Yan Jianhuan,, and the Chief
of Accounting Department Mrs. Wu Guomei hereby declares: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed
to be truthful and complete.
§2 Company Profile
2.1 Financial highlights
                                                                                                                     In RMB Yuan

                                                      Ended this report term       Ended previous year          Changed by (%)

                Total asset (RMB)                             7,351,360,831.22            6,892,582,376.59                    6.66%

Owners’ equity attributable to the shareholders of
                                                              3,388,872,630.79            3,315,262,942.01                    2.22%
            the listed company (yuan)

           Total capital share (shares)                        628,342,000.00               628,342,000.00                    0.00%

      Net asset per share attributable to the
                                                                            5.39                       5.28                   2.08%
 shareholders of the listed company (Yuan/share)

                                                         This report term          Same period last year        Changed by (%)

                 Turnover (yuan)                               839,641,291.98               817,202,291.68                    2.75%

   Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                 73,609,688.78              113,125,254.41                  -34.93%
              listed company (yuan)

 Net Cash flow generated by business operation
                                                               160,770,968.68               201,026,464.70                  -20.02%

 Net Cash flow per share generated by business
                                                                            0.26                       0.42                 -38.10%
              operation (yuan/share)

      Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                 0.12                       0.18                 -33.33%

     Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                0.12                       0.18                 -33.33%

              Weighted average net
                                                                        2.00%                        3.87%                    -1.87%
              income/asset ratio (%)

              Weighted average net

      income/asset ratio less non-recurring                             2.00%                        3.89%                    -1.89%


Non-recurring gain and loss items

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

√ applicable    □ not applicable

                                                                                                                              In RMB Yuan

                                                                           Amount from beginning of year to
                  Non-recurring gain and loss items                                                                    Note (if applicable)
                                                                                the end of report period

Gain/loss of non-current assets                                                                    14,354.15

Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other

than those closely related to the Company’ common business, comply
with the national policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or


Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                   896,965.79

Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                                                  1,874.21

Influenced amount of income tax                                                                  -340,325.06

                                  Total                                                         1,640,249.09                    -

2.2 Total of shareholders and top-10 holders of current shares
                                                                                                                                    in shares
Total shareholders at the end of the report period
Top Ten Shareholders of Negotiable Shares
                                                                                        Negotiable shares held at
Full name of shareholder                                                                                                     Categories
                                                                                          the end of report term
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
SCHRODER INTL SELECTION FD-GREATER CN FD GTI 25287                                                         8,613,041
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
NORGES       BANK                                                                                          3,861,284
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                                          3,319,083
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo Securities                                                                       2,365,378
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
Li Minggong                                                                                                2,220,504
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
BOCHK INVESTMENT FUNDS-BOCHK CHINA GOLDEN DRAGON FUND                                                      2,157,787
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/C              CLIENT.                                                      1,778,788
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                                                                    1,756,934
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
Fu Shuying                                                                                                 1,414,106
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange
                                                                                                                       Foreign shares placed
Natio Securities Co.,Ltd.                                                                                  1,291,584
                                                                                                                       in domestic exchange

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                        The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

§3 Significant Events
3.1 Details and causations of major change in major accounting subjects and financial indices
                               1st Quarter of 2012,      1st Quarter of 2012,
                                                                                  Scale of
           Items               Consolidated end of           Consolidated                            Cause of change
                                                                                 change %
                                      period             beginning of period
                                                                                            Prepayment according to the
    Prepayment                          280,097,098.88          208,732,412.73       34.19
Non-current asset due in                                                                    Buying of financial products in the
                                      315,000,000.00            20,000,000.00     1,475.00
1 year                                                                                      period
                                                                                            Due of financial products by
Other current asset                         605,077.92            5,661,299.59       -89.31
                                                                                            Machinery Co. in the period
                                                                                            Arriving of accessory parts,
Account payable                         870,913,657.79          590,763,406.24        47.42
                                                                                            increase of trade payable
Tax payable                              57,732,990.48           90,706,239.00       -36.35 Tax paid according to regulations
                                                         Same period of last     Scale of
Financial expenses                   Current term                                                     Cause of change
                                                               term              change
Business tax and
                                          7,352,785.55            5,597,503.85       31.36 Calculated according to tax law
                                                                                            Increase of inter-company loan
Financial expenses                        7,112,367.43            5,442,969.87       30.67
                                                                                            interest by Assembling Co.
Investment gains (“-“ for                                                                 Increase of dividend from Zhejiang
                                         1,471,453.87            1,000,000.00        47.15
loss)                                                                                       Tianhang Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
III. Operation profit                                                                       Loss of Zhongneng Co. in the
                                        100,060,458.86          176,077,828.59       -43.17
(“-“ for loss)                                                                            period
Plus:       Non  business                                                                   Receiving of government subsidy
                                         3,700,796.34               6,8740.24     5,283.74
income                                                                                      and insurance compensation
                                                                                            Decrease of profit of subsidiaries
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for                                                                 and the Company other than
                                        102,039,158.80          174,753,689.61       -41.61
loss)                                                                                       Machinery Co. and Turbine Import
                                                                                            & Export Co.
   Less:       Income    tax
                                         16,661,272.13           28,508,063.90       -41.56 Calculated according to tax law
                                                                                            Decrease of profit of subsidiaries
V. Net profit (“-“ for net                                                                and the Company other than
                                         85,377,886.67          146,245,625.71       -41.62
loss)                                                                                       Machinery Co. and Turbine Import
                                                                                            & Export Co.
                                                                                            Decrease of profit of subsidiaries
        Net          profit
                                                                                            and the Company other than
attributable to the owners               73,609,688.78          113,125,254.41       -34.93
                                                                                            Machinery Co. and Turbine Import
of parent company
                                                                                            & Export Co.
                                                                                            Decrease of profit of Zhongneng,
                                         11,768,197.89           33,120,371.30       -64.47 Auxiliary Machinery, Casting, and
shareholders’ equity
3.2 Progress of significant events, their influence, countermeasures, and analysis
3.2.1 None-standard opinions
□applicable     √ not applicable

3.2.2 Illegal providing of capital or guarantees to the holding shareholder or its related parties or external parties
□applicable     √ not applicable

3.2.3 Signing and execution of major business contracts
□applicable     √ not applicable

3.2.4 Misc.
□applicable     √ not applicable

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                               The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

3.3 Fulfilling of commitment issues made by the Company, shareholder, or substantial controller
Commitment made by the PLC, its directors, supervisors, executives, and shareholders with 5% or over shares of the Company, and

its substantial dominator in the report term or carried over to the report term:

□applicable     √ not applicable

3.4 Estimated accumulative profit from the year beginning to the end of the next report period may be of deficits;
or in comparison with the same period of the previous year, give the warning of great change and the notice to the
□applicable     √ not applicable

3.5 Major events needs to be explained
3.5.1 Investment in securities
□applicable     √ not applicable

3.5.2 Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews
                                        Type of
 Time/date       Place       Way                              Visitors                  Main content involved and material provided

                                                                                   Overseas market, industrial situation, strategy plan,
January 13, The           Field
                                      Institution North-east Security              market share, delayed delivery, prospect on gas
2012           Company research
                                                                                   turbine, portion of outsourced manufacturing

                                                   Sweeden Yingtuo Capital         Product character, delivery circle, receivable account,
February       The        Field
                                      Institution Management Co.                   market share, competitors, minority shareholders,
06, 2012       Company research
                                                   (pronunciation)                 overseas market, dividend policy

February       The        Field                                                    Industrial situation, down stream market, group
                                      Institution Jinshi Investment
24, 2012       Company research                                                    business, future of B shares

                                                                                   Recent projects, industrial barrier, financial resources,
March 09,      The        Field
                                      Institution Huili Foundation                 main products and orders, delivery circle, influence of
2012           Company research
                                                                                   the raw material, market competition*

March 23,      The        Field
                                      Institution Yichuang Morgan                  Enterprise debenture
2012           Company research

3.6 Investment in derivate financial instruments
□applicable     √ not applicable

3.6.1 Derivate financial instrument stock at end of report term
□applicable     √ not applicable

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                     The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

§4 Attachments

4.1 Balance Sheet
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    March 31, 2012                                 in RMB Yuan
                                                           Ending balance               Balance at the beginning of year
                                                    Consolidated     Parent company      Consolidated     Parent company
Current asset:
Monetary capital                                    484,613,566.32    190,728,675.10    662,648,725.65     335,248,349.26
Settlement provision
Outgoing call loan
Transactional financial assets
Notes receivable                                    759,648,674.30    559,694,957.60    783,869,310.40     448,393,858.41
Account receivable                                1,849,953,254.89 1,395,502,270.36 1,812,706,051.31 1,395,509,702.83
Prepayment                                          280,097,098.88    128,048,375.90    208,732,412.73     113,735,693.96
Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivable
Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable                                                    25,801,500.00
Other account receivable                             56,887,247.73     34,263,008.40      75,627,129.17     12,151,541.72
Repurchasing of financial assets
Inventories                                       1,753,073,413.10 1,323,037,548.34 1,465,135,236.51 1,070,075,603.00
Non-current asset due in 1 year                     315,000,000.00    230,000,000.00      20,000,000.00
Other current asset                                     605,077.92                         5,661,299.59
Total of current asset                            5,499,878,333.14 3,887,076,335.70 5,034,380,165.36 3,375,114,749.18
Non-current assets
Disburse of consigned loans
Available-for-sale financial asset
Expired investment in possess
Long-term receivable
Long-term share equity investment                   462,088,813.22    516,782,461.07    462,088,813.22     516,782,461.07
Investment real estates
Fixed assets                                        926,483,391.33    350,253,825.30    944,932,607.77     361,028,552.81
Construction in process                              65,666,313.82     45,648,745.45      56,000,094.04     40,483,268.63
Engineering goods
Fixed asset disposal
Production physical assets
Gas & petrol
Intangible assets                                   278,476,845.70     44,366,863.73    276,922,402.76      45,545,511.45
R&D expense
Long-term amortizable expenses                        5,043,028.86      3,381,273.23       4,959,937.22      3,381,273.23
Differed income tax asset                            88,724,105.15     54,740,403.46      88,298,356.22     54,740,403.46
Other non-current asset                              25,000,000.00                        25,000,000.00
Total of non-current assets                       1,851,482,498.08 1,015,173,572.24 1,858,202,211.23 1,021,961,470.65
Total of assets                                   7,351,360,831.22 4,902,249,907.94 6,892,582,376.59 4,397,076,219.83
Current liabilities
Short-term loans                                    249,317,423.50     16,317,423.50    279,317,423.50      16,317,423.50

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                     The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

Loan from Central Bank
Deposit received and hold for others
Call loan received
Trade off financial liabilities
Notes payable                                         105,947,194.00                     139,807,194.00
Account payable                                       870,913,657.79   486,723,139.64    590,763,406.24   276,473,416.53
Prepayment received                                 1,751,079,114.56 1,187,562,671.48 1,574,022,744.91 1,032,539,706.27
Selling of repurchased financial assets
Fees and commissions receivable
Employees’ wage payable                               37,093,495.19     27,429,026.27    29,149,223.54     16,525,266.24
Tax payable                                            57,732,990.48     47,329,315.99    90,706,239.00     67,963,322.70
Interest payable                                          200,444.44                         260,577.78
Dividend payable                                       67,842,200.00
Other account payable                                 230,385,174.09     43,838,784.61   227,302,074.82     38,189,812.37
Reinsurance fee payable
Insurance contract provision
Entrusted trading of securities
Entrusted selling of securities
Non-current liability due in 1 year                    10,000,000.00                      10,000,000.00
Other current liability
Total of current liability                          3,380,511,694.05 1,809,200,361.49 2,941,328,883.79 1,448,008,947.61
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                                  125,000,000.00   100,000,000.00    125,000,000.00   100,000,000.00
Bond payable
Long-term payable                                      45,064,261.81                      44,818,324.41
Special payable
Anticipated liabilities
Differed income tax liability                           1,041,180.44      1,041,180.44     1,041,180.44      1,041,180.44
Other non-recurring liabilities                        21,787,074.67      3,178,250.00    17,310,045.00        778,250.00
Total of non-current liabilities                      192,892,516.92   104,219,430.44    188,169,549.85   101,819,430.44
Total of liability                                  3,573,404,210.97 1,913,419,791.93 3,129,498,433.64 1,549,828,378.05
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
Capital paid in (or share capital)                    628,342,000.00   628,342,000.00    628,342,000.00   628,342,000.00
Capital reserves                                      139,590,345.09   138,953,250.09    139,590,345.09   138,953,250.09
Less: Shares in stock
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                                      453,183,370.20   434,426,965.07    453,183,370.20   434,426,965.07
Common risk provision
Retained profit                                     2,167,756,915.50 1,787,107,900.85 2,094,147,226.72 1,645,525,626.62
Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 3,388,872,630.79 2,988,830,116.01 3,315,262,942.01 2,847,247,841.78
Minor shareholders’ equity                           389,083,989.46                     447,821,000.94
Total of owners’ equity                            3,777,956,620.25 2,988,830,116.01 3,763,083,942.95 2,847,247,841.78
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity            7,351,360,831.22 4,902,249,907.94 6,892,582,376.59 4,397,076,219.83

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                         The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

4.2 Income Statement
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                     Jan - Mar 2012                     in RMB Yuan
                                                                     Amount of the Current Term       Amount of the Previous Term
                               Items                                                  Parent                            Parent
                                                                    Consolidated                      Consolidated
                                                                                     company                           company
I. Total revenue                                                   839,641,291.98 546,799,918.52     817,202,291.68 470,152,181.58
Incl. Business income                                              839,641,291.98 546,799,918.52     817,202,291.68 470,152,181.58
Interest income
Insurance fee earned
Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                            741,052,286.99 490,728,474.82 642,124,463.09 387,563,288.73
Incl. Business cost                                                552,376,993.67 372,812,863.76 486,993,931.11 289,704,144.71
Interest expense
Fee and commission paid
Insurance discharge payment
Net claim amount paid
Net insurance policy reserves provided
Insurance policy dividend paid
Reinsurance expenses
Business tax and surcharge                                           7,352,785.55  4,142,441.42 5,597,503.85           2,588,136.12
Sales expense                                                       39,647,696.80 25,956,089.80 32,844,801.93         18,339,572.29
Administrative expense                                             124,246,062.50 75,874,120.64 99,409,094.55         64,815,446.73
Financial expenses                                                   7,112,367.43  1,107,681.84 5,442,969.87           1,000,523.13
Asset impairment loss                                               10,316,381.04 10,835,277.36 11,836,161.78         11,115,465.75
Plus: Gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
Investment gain (“-“ for loss)                                      1,471,453.87   93,218,540.00     1,000,000.00 119,112,923.75
Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                           100,060,458.86 149,289,983.70 176,077,828.59 201,701,816.60
Plus: Non business income                                            3,700,796.34   1,565,695.00      68,740.24      48,740.24
Less: Non-business expenses                                          1,722,096.40     738,627.83 1,392,879.22       520,756.10
Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                  102,039,158.80 150,117,050.87 174,753,689.61 201,229,800.74
Less: Income tax expenses                                           16,661,272.13   8,534,776.64 28,508,063.90 12,317,531.55
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                  85,377,886.67 141,582,274.23 146,245,625.71 188,912,269.19
Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company             73,609,688.78 141,582,274.23 113,125,254.41 188,912,269.19
Minor shareholders’ equity                                         11,768,197.89                 33,120,371.30
VI. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share                                                  0.12            0.23             0.18            0.30
(II) Diluted earnings per share                                               0.12            0.23             0.18            0.30
VII. Other misc. incomes
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                         85,377,886.67 141,582,274.23 146,245,625.71 188,912,269.19
Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent
                                                                     73,609,688.78 141,582,274.23 113,125,254.41 188,912,269.19
Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders              11,768,197.89                    33,120,371.30
Merger of entities under common control, the net profit realized by the merged party was RMB0.00.

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                          The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

4.3 Cash Flow Statement

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                     Jan - Mar 2012                    in RMB Yuan
                                                                   Amount of the Current Term       Amount of the Previous Term
                              Items                                                                                    Parent
                                                                  Consolidated     Parent company   Consolidated
I. Net cash flow from business operation
Cash received from sales of products and providing of
                                                                  974,850,296.20 522,040,189.76     937,189,376.22 519,432,482.38
Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother
Net increase of loans from central bank
Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies
Cash received against original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase of client deposit and investment
Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission
Net increase of inter-bank fund received
Net increase of repurchasing business
Tax returned                                                       25,812,888.46                     10,953,378.83
Other cash received from business operation                        31,815,500.18     5,367,313.45   101,389,929.70     4,692,924.36
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                1,032,478,684.84 527,407,503.21 1,049,532,684.75 524,125,406.74
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services               536,695,846.99 302,471,325.03 448,207,055.57 293,644,406.24
Net increase of client trade and advance
Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company
Cash paid for original contract claim
Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
Cash paid for policy dividend
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                            156,088,134.32 113,264,636.45     146,445,849.44 111,559,716.50
Taxes paid                                                        104,152,153.46    56,429,334.87   107,971,545.42 44,742,710.13
Other cash paid for business activities                            74,771,581.39    23,103,833.93   145,881,769.62 14,713,249.98
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                871,707,716.16 495,269,130.28     848,506,220.05 464,660,082.85
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                    160,770,968.68 32,138,372.93      201,026,464.70 59,465,323.89
II. Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment retrieving
Cash received as investment gains                                   1,200,202.36    67,417,040.00                    112,340,030.00
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                      -93,477.07         1,460.00       186,000.00      101,000.00
assets, and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
Other investment-related cash received                              5,001,469.10
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities               6,108,194.39    67,418,500.00       186,000.00 112,441,030.00
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                   21,845,534.73    12,792,575.69    22,370,290.54 10,499,592.97
and other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment                                                                               4,502,361.60     4,502,361.60
Net increase of loan against pledge
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational
Other cash paid for investment activities                         295,000,000.00 230,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities            316,845,534.73 242,792,575.69      26,872,652.14 15,001,954.57
Net cash flow generated by investment                            -310,737,340.34 -175,374,075.69    -26,686,652.14 97,439,075.43

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                      The 1st Quarterly Report 2012 (Full Text)

III. Cash flow generated by financing
Cash received as investment                                     3,600,000.00
Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders
Cash received as loans                                         86,000,000.00                     335,000,000.00 100,000,000.00
Cash received from bond placing
Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities              89,600,000.00                     335,000,000.00 100,000,000.00
Cash to repay debts                                           108,900,000.00                     260,463,800.00 150,463,800.00
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                     8,668,185.71     1,203,222.22     59,541,315.67     622,810.10
Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor
Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities          117,568,185.71     1,203,222.22    320,005,115.67 151,086,610.10
Net cash flow generated by financing                          -27,968,185.71    -1,203,222.22     14,994,884.33 -51,086,610.10
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash
                                                                 -100,601.96       -80,749.18       -179,412.15     -155,678.78
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                   -178,035,159.33 -144,519,674.16   189,155,284.74 105,662,110.44
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of
                                                                662,648,725.65 335,248,349.26    657,077,394.71 332,065,321.54
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term   484,613,566.32 190,728,675.10      846,232,679.45 437,727,431.98
4.4 Auditors’ Report
Auditor’s opinion: not audited.

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Chairman Nie Zhonghai
                                                                       April 23, 2012
