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						Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                           The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2012

                  Stock Code: 200771              Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2012-50

                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                          The 3rd Quarterly Report 2012 (Official Text)
I. Important Statement

The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,
fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.
Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Yan Jianhua, and the Chief of Accounting Department
Jiang Rong hereby declares: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful and complete.

II. Company Profile

(I) Financial Highlihgts

If retrospective adjustment has been carried out on financial reports of previous periods
 [] Yes [V] No [] Not applicable
                                                       2012.9.30                      2011.12.31                        Changed by (%)
Gross Assets (RMB)                               7,389,943,514.01                                 6,892,582,376.59                    7.22%
Owners’ equity attributable to the
                                                 3,635,837,569.19                                 3,315,262,942.01                    9.67%
shareholders of the listed company (yuan)
Capital shares (shares)                               754,010,400.00                               628,342,000.00                       20%
Net asset per share attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company                              4.82                                          5.28                   -8.71%
                                                                        Changed over the same                        Changed over the same
                                                  July-Sept. 2012                                  Jan-Sept. 2012
                                                                        period of last year (%)                      period of last year (%)
Turnover (yuan)                                  1,153,549,504.35                        3.72% 3,291,713,228.11                       3.21%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                      171,801,329.76                    82.27% 509,077,227.18                        21.51%
listed company (yuan)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                 --                    --                          515,020,797.57                   132.09%
operation (RMB)
Net Cash flow per share generated by
                                                 --                    --                                     0.68                   94.29%
business operation (yuan/share)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                         0.225                        80%             0.6752                    21.53%
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                       0.225                        80%             0.6752                    21.53%
Weighted average net
                                                              4.84%                      1.65%            14.52%                      0.62%
income/asset ratio (%)
Weighted average net
income/asset ratio less non-recurring                         4.87%                      1.67%            14.54%                      0.55%

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                           The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2012

Income items and amounts after deducting of non-recurring gains/losses
[V] Applicable [] Not applicable
                                                                                                        Amount from openning of
                                               Items                                                     year to the end of report Remarks
Gain/loss of non-current assets                                                                                        106,157.34
Tax refunding or exemption without official certification or exceeded authority
Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies, excluding those
government grants which are closely related to normal business and in line with national                             6,029,724.29
policy , or in accordance with fixed standards or quantities
Capital adoption fee collected from non-financial organizations and accounted into current
Gain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprise merger and the fair value of
recognizable net asset of the invested entities
Gain/loss from non-monetary assets
Gain/loss from commissioned investment or assets
Asset impairment provisions provided for force-majeur
Gain/loss from debt reorganization
Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee placement fee and integration fee
Gain/loss from trade departing from fair value
Current net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same control from beginning of term till date of
Gain/loss generated by contingent liabilities without connection with main businesses
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment gains
from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial assets, other
than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common businesses
Restoring of receivable account impairment provision tested individually
Gain/loss from commissioned loans
Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property measured at fair value in follow-up
Influence of one-time adjustment made on current gain/loss account according to the laws and
regulations regarding tax and accounting
Consigning fee received for cosigned operation
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                                     -4,660,169.96
Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of non-recurring gain/loss account
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity                                                                  -1,791,112.11
Influenced amount of income tax                                                                                       -441,242.69

Total                                                                                                                 -756,643.13     --

(II) Top 10 shareholders at the end of report period, and total number of shareholders

Total shareholders at the end of the report
period (accounts)
                                      Top ten holders of the shares without subscription limitation
           Name of the shareholder               Amount of unconditional shares holding at             Categories and amounts of shares

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                         The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2012

                                                           the end of report term                        Categories           Amount
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
                                   Li Minggong                                      7,994,742                                 7,994,742
                                                                                                domestic exchange
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
                          NORGES        BANK                                        2,987,354                                 2,987,354
                                                                                                domestic exchange
  TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/C                                                              Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                    2,420,169                                 2,420,169
                           CLIENT.                                                              domestic exchange
  BOCHK INVESTMENT FUNDS-BOCHK                                                                  Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                    2,301,344                                 2,301,344
      CHINA GOLDEN DRAGON FUND                                                                  domestic exchange
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
    Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo Securities                                            2,246,385                                 2,246,385
                                                                                                domestic exchange
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
                                     Guo Xian                                       2,192,405                                 2,192,405
                                                                                                domestic exchange
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
           AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                                  2,108,321                                 2,108,321
                                                                                                domestic exchange
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
                                    Fu Shuying                                      1,762,910                                 1,762,910
                                                                                                domestic exchange
      FIRST SECURITIES (HK) NOMINEE                                                             Foreign shares placed in
                                                                                    1,562,404                                 1,562,404
                             LIMITED                                                            domestic exchange
                                                                                                Foreign shares placed in
                    Natio Securities Co.,Ltd.                                       1,561,982                                 1,561,982
                                                                                                domestic exchange
                                                 (1) It is unknown whether there is any relationship among the 10 current-share holders.
                                                 (2) ) None of the other shareholders are regarded as Act in Concert relationship
Situations of the shareholders
                                                 according to the Administrative Regulations of Information Disclosing of Public

III. Material Events

(I) Material changes in accounting items and indicies

[V] Applicable [] Not applicable

                                                                         Scale of
 Balance Sheet Items        End of term Beginning of term                                           Remarks on the change
                                                                        change %
                                                                                         Prepayment for imported product parts
      Prepayment          328,415,646.12 208,732,412.73                   57.34
                                                                                          according to the purchasing contract
Non-current asset due
                      485,000,000.00              20,000,000.00          2325.00            Purchasing of financial products
     in 1 year
                                                                                           Expiring of financial instruments in
  Other current asset       2,481,616.41           5,661,299.59           -56.17
                                                                                             possession of Machinery Co.
   Construction in
                           76,884,195.50          56,000,094.04           37.29        Increase of equipment under construction
  Other non-current
                                                  25,000,000.00          -100.00                 Retreiving of trust products
                                                                                         Disbursing of payment for purchased
   Account payable        837,782,330.47 590,763,406.24                   41.81
                                                                                            goods according to the contract
   Interest payable          31,740.00              260,577.78            -87.82                    Interest due paid
                                                                                            Decrease of financed leasing by
  Long-term payable        25,880,665.06          44,818,324.41           -42.25
                                                                                              Zhongcheng Shangtong Co.
 Other non-recurring                                                                     Government subsidiy related to assets
                     23,729,374.65                17,310,045.00           37.08
      liabilities                                                                      received by the Company and Zhongneng

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                      The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2012


 Income Statement                          Same period of     Scale of
                           Current term                                          Remarks on the change
        Items                                 last term       change
 Financial expenses        26,177,710.58   19,987,788.00       30.97        Increase of interest paid for loans
Asset impairment loss      -8,170,020.59   61,695,340.39      -113.24    Reinforce of account retreiving approach
                           9,196,783.57     2,862,687.58      221.26     Governmental favorible to the company
Minor shareholders’                                                       Significant decrease of income from
                           60,725,778.19   118,031,023.69     -48.55
        equity                                                               subsidiaries in the report period

(II) Progress, influences, and solutions of material events

1. Non-standard opinions

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Providing of capital to the controlling shareholder or related parties, or illegal providing of external

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

3. Engaging and executing of material contracts

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4. Others

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(III) Commitment issues made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the shares, in the
report period or carried down from previous period

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(IV) Prediction of business performance for 2012

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

(V) Other material events to be presented

1. Securities investment

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

2. Investment in derivate instruments

 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                             The 3 rd Quarterly Report 2012

3. Derivate instruments in stock

[] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

4 Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews

                                        Type of
 Time/date      Place         Way                            Visitors          Main content involved and material provided
                                                                             Overseas market, industrial situation, strategy
January 13, The
                    Field research    institution North-east Security        plan, market share, delayed delivery, prospect on
2012        Company
                                                                             gas turbine, portion of outsourced manufacturing
                                                  Sweeden Yingtuo Capital Product character, delivery circle, receivable
Feb 16,      The
                     Field research   institution Management Co.          account, market share, competitors, minority
2012         Company
                                                  (pronunciation)         shareholders, overseas market, dividend policy
February     The                      institution                            Industrial situation, down stream market, group
                     Field research                 Jinshi Investment
24, 2012     Company                                                         business, future of B shares
                                      institution                            Recent projects, industrial barrier, financial
March 09,    The                                                             resources, main products and orders, delivery
                     Field research                 Huili Foundation
2012         Company                                                         circle, influence of the raw material, market
March 23,    The                      institution
                     Field research                 Yichuang Morgan          Enterprise debenture
2012         Company
                                      institution                            Overseas market, Bank of Hangzhou,
August 07, The     Telephone
                                                    Nomura Securities (HK)   subsidiaries, dividend police, B-stock problems,
2012       Company communication
                                                                             business trend of 2nd half of year

5. Issuing of corporation bonds

[] Yes [V] No

                                                                                 Hangzho Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Chairman of the Board: Nie Zhonghai
                                                                                                 October 26, 2012
