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						                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Stock Code: 200771        Stock ID: Hangqilun B                 Announcement No. 2013-46

                      SEMIANNUAL REPORT 2013

                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                              August 20, 2013

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

            Chapter I. Statements, Contents, and Glossary

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives
of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading
statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
All of the directors attended the board meeting on which this report was examined. Independent
director Tan Jianrong voted by telecommunication and the others voted onsite.
The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common
reserves for the report period.
Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Pu Yangshuo, and the Chief of
Accounting Department Mr. Jiang Rong hereby declares: the Financial Statement in the report is
guaranteed to be truthful and complete.
This Report contains no predictive presentation such as a business plan, forms no substaintial
commitment to the shareholders. Shareholders please be aware of the risks attached to investment.

                                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.        Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                    Table of Contents

Chapter I. Statements, Contents, and Glossary.................................................................................... 2
Chapter II. Company Profile................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter III. Financial Highlights ......................................................................................................... 6
Chapter IV. Board of Directors’ Report ............................................................................................... 8
Chapter V. Significant Events ......................................................................................................... 18
Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders..................................................................... 29
Chapter VII. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ............................ 31
Chapter VIII. Financial Report .......................................................................................................... 32
Chapter IX. Documents for Reference............................................................................................. 116

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

            Terms            Defined as                                 Description
Company, the Company         Defined as Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
the Group                    Defined as Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.
The report period            Defined as January 1 – June 30 2013
                                          Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd. – the holding
Zhongneng Co.                Defined as
                                          subsidiary of the Company
                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. – the holding subsidiary of
Casting Co.                  Defined as
                                          the Company
                                          Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology Development Co., Ltd. –
Packaged Tech. Co.           Defined as
                                          the holding subsidiary of the Company
                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. - the holding
Machinery Co.                Defined as
                                          subsidiary of the Company
                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd. - the holding
Auxiliary Machine Co.        Defined as
                                          subsidiary of the Company
                                          Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd. – the holding subsidiary of
Turbine Co.                  Defined as
                                          the Company
Packaged Equipment Co. of                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Packaged Equipment Co., Ltd. –
                             Defined as
the Group                                 holding subsidiary of Zhongneng Co.
The Board of Directors       Defined as The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
The Supervisory Committee Defined as The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
The Shareholders’ Meeting   Defined as The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
RMB, RMB0’000,
                             Defined as RMB Yuan, RMB10 thousand Yuan, RMB100 million Yuan
MW                           Defined as Unit of power: 1000000W
PTA                          Defined as terephthalic acid, an organic chemical material
PLM                          Defined as Product life circle management information system
BFPT                         Defined as Boiler Feed Pump Turbine
TPM                          Defined as Total Productive Maintenance

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                          Chapter II. Company Profile
I. Company profile
Stock ID                             Hangqilun B       Stock Code     200771
Stock Exchange Listed in             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company Name in Chinese              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
Abbreviation in Chinese (if any)     Hangqilun B
Company Name in English              HANGZHOU STEAM TURBINE CO.,LTD.
Shortform of Company Name in English HTC
Legal representative:                Nie Zhonghai

II. Contacts
            Secretary of the Board   Representative of Stock Affairs
Name Yu Changquan                    Wang Gang
Address No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou
Tel.    0571-85780432                0571-85780198
Fax.    0571-85780433                0571-85780433
Email. ychq@htc.cn                   wg@htc.cn

III. Other info.
1. Contacts
     No change to the registered address, office address, postal code, official website, and email
address of the Company. For details please find the Annual Report 2012.
2. Information inquiry
     None of the official presses, website, and place of enquiry has been changed in the report
3. Change of business registration
     None of the registration date and place, the license number, tax number, organization number
has been changed in the report period. For details please find Annual Report 2012.
4. Misc. Information
     No change in misc information in the report period.

                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                        Chapter III. Financial Highlights

I. Main accounting data and indices
Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due
to change of accounting policies or correcting of accounting errors?
                                                              Same period last      over the same
                                          This report term
                                                                     year         period of last year
Turnover (RMB)                            2,019,745,830.92 2,138,163,723.76                   -5.54%
Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                             232,926,224.38      337,275,897.42             -30.94%
of the listed company (yuan)
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company
                                             220,033,753.07      337,432,569.71             -34.79%
and after deducting of non-recurring
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                             112,341,197.85      153,417,196.36             -26.77%
operation (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                   0.31                 0.45           -31.11%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                        0.31                 0.45           -31.11%
Weighted average net
                                                      5.84%               10.23%              -4.39%
income/asset ratio (%)
                                         Ended this report                        Changed (%) over
                                                              End of prev. year
                                                term                               end of prev. year
Gross Assets (RMB)                        7,688,665,350.81 7,447,716,037.95                    3.24%
Net asset attributable to owners of the
                                          3,802,135,350.85 3,872,156,922.52                   -1.81%

II. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting
1. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and international accounting
                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                      Net profit attributable to the  Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                   shareholders of the listed company           of the listed company
                                       Amount of last
                     Current term                        End of term         Beginning of term

                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

On Chinese
Accounting            232,926,224.38      337,275,897.42      3,802,135,350.85          3,872,156,922.52
Items and amounts adjusted on IAS
Under International
Accounting            232,926,224.38      337,275,897.42      3,802,135,350.85          3,872,156,922.52

2. Differences in net profit and net asset under domestic and overseas accounting standards
                                                                                     In RMB Yuan
                         Net profit attributable to the  Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                      shareholders of the listed company           of the listed company
                                          Amount of last
                        Current term                        End of term         Beginning of term
On Chinese
Accounting             232,926,224.38 337,275,897.42 3,802,135,350.85 3,872,156,922.52
Accounts and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standard
On IAS                 232,926,224.38 337,275,897.42 3,802,135,350.85 3,872,156,922.52

3. Statement on the differences of accounting information on IAS and domestic accounting
III. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
                                                                                              In RMB Yuan
                                Items                                           Amount            Remarks
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes the
recovered part of asset impairment provision already provided)
Gains and losses included in the current period of government
subsidies, excluding those government grants which are closely
related to normal business and in line with national policy , or in
accordance with fixed standards or quantities
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                   -795,374.30
      Influence on minority shareholders’ quity (after tax)                    13,016,624.99
Total                                                                           12,892,471.31           --

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                  Chapter IV. Board of Directors’ Report

I. Business overview
     Business overview
     In the first half of 2013, the world’s economy was under deeper adjustment. Economy revival
was unbalanced. The developed economies were lack of power although there were some positive
effects, while the development of new economies were still high but under greater pressure. The
Chinese government was reforming the economic developing pattern and resulted continuous
slowing down in a steady scale, infrastructure investment was depressed and the prices of industrial
products were declining.
     The Company had been developing at a steady pace in a complicated economic and market
environment. Greater attention was put on quality control and effectiveness. Business strategies
were carried out focusing on upgrading of management, innovations, market development, and risk
prevention. Steady business performance was achieved under the circumstance of overall
    The new Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee were elected in the report period
according to the Articles of Association. The new executive team was enaged as well. According to
the development strategy of the “12th 5-year-plan”, the Company adjusted the investment plan for
the heavy industry of steam turbines and approved by the shareholders’ meeting thereafter. A
preparation office had been established. It was decided to launch the investment on construction of
the R&D center. Combination of the whole industrial chain will be further accelerated, which will
enable the Company to combine the application of steam turbine, gas engine, and compressors.
Greater competition advantage was revealing gradually.

II. Analysis of main business
1. Summary
      In the report period, the Company has achieved turnover of RMB2,019,745,830.92, a decrease
of 5.54%, which was caused by decrease of turnover contributed by some of the subsidiaries; the
operational cost was RMB1,350,033,911.16, and gross profit ratio of 33.1%, a decrease of 3..5%,
which was caused by change of product composition of the parent company; the net profit
attributable to the shareholders of the parant company was RMB232,926,224.38, a 30.94% of
decrease. Decrease of cash and equivalents was caused by using of idle capital in trusteeship, and
cash outflow has increased significantly.

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

2. Change in main financial indices
                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                         Same period last   Changed
                      This report term                                               Cause of change
                                              year          by % YoY
Turnover              2,019,745,830.92 2,138,163,723.76       -5.54%
Operation cost        1,350,033,911.16 1,355,776,212.37       -0.42%
                                                                       Increase of freights and wages with the
Sales expense           92,037,454.56      75,058,125.24      22.62%
                                                                       parent co.
                       262,693,939.02     259,247,423.77       1.33%
                                                                       Great amount of expenses including
                                                                       interest payments by Packaged Equipment
Financial expenses       1,542,054.93      15,625,642.92     -90.13% Co. and Zhongcheng Cement Co., which
                                                                       were eliminated from the consolidation
                                                                       Decrease of profit this period result in
Income tax expenses     47,681,073.69      69,046,850.08     -30.94%
                                                                       decrease of taxable income
Input to R&D            86,173,797.02      77,394,314.46      11.34%
Cash flow generated
by business            112,341,197.85     153,417,196.36     -26.77% Decrease of operational account received
operation, net
Net cash flow
                                                                       Increase of trusteeship purchased this
generated by          -274,500,144.16 -132,478,923.72        -107.2%
Net cash flow
generated by          -205,941,405.86 -215,119,473.01          4.27%
Net increasing of
                                                                       Great decrease of net cash flow from
cash and cash         -369,600,123.01 -194,283,084.57        -90.24%
                                                                       investment activities
3. No material change in profit constitution or profit resources.
4. Progress of business plans revealed in previous period
      Business progress in the first half of year
     (1) Accelerating of technical upgrading
      The Company had been reinforce technical innovation against construction of key projects in
the report period. The 100000 KW class industrial turbine had passed the technical examination by
the provincial committee of experts. In product developing, developing of million KW class
BFPT set has greatly enlarged the application range of the Company’s products in large scale
powerplants. K5.0 blade-end frequency measurement project is the milestone to the success of the

                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

largest blade group development. Cooperations had been carried forward with technical institutions
in the areas of gas turbine and compressor. Construction of the IT system was pushed forward.
Bidding offer of PLM project had completed, which may contribute by reinforcing the quality of
designing, manufacturing, and service providing. The Company has filed for certificate of
primary products for the “Dual line 1.4 million / year PTA driving steam turbine” and “660MW full
capacity boiler pump steam turbine”. In intellectual properties, the Company has filed for 11
invention patents, 14 utility patents, 5 copyrights. 1 invention patent and 2 utility patents were
     (2) Aggressive participating in market competition
       In the report period, the Company’s overall sales was generally at the same level of last year.
Great challenge still confronts the Company under the impact of slowing down economy and severe
competition. The Company has been in the leading position in the areas of oil refining, petrol
chemistry, and air seperation. However pressures were becoming greater in multiple market
territories. Growth of powersupply industry was weakening throughout the country, while the
projects regarding powerplant water pump and induced draft fan driving turbine were increasing.
     Along with the negative factors such as economic depress and fluctuate of exchange rate, the
Company never drawback its effort in exploring of global markets. With its existing advantages, the
Company has won for multiple projects in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran.         In aspect of
industrial chain expanding, the Company has won in the bidding competition for the RMB500
million worth Zhonggang Huoqiu project, which will be a significant opportunity for the Company
to upgrade its technologies.
     (3) Pursuit of excellence
       The Company’s product lines featured greater amount of sets, new models, and complex
structures in the report period. Frequent adjusting of production schedules was constrain the
Company’s production process. However the Company has been doing its best to balance the
production process and kept it operated in a high efficiency. The Company has been reinforce its
planning and achieved flexible management to catch up with the ever-changing market demand.
Supply chain management was further regulated and empowered to reinforce the competition edge.
     Production resource structure was further optimized and installation of large scale equipment
was accelerated. TPM management was promoted to reinforce equipment support. Pursuiting of
excellence was fully promoted toward international standards to brushup the quality of hardware
and software.
     (4) Management upgrading and enterprise reformation
       The Company kept promoting its performance assessment pattern in the report period and
setup 17 key indices fell into 5 categories. 42 improvement targets were raised focusing on
improving of the management process. Risk control was enhanced basing on the internal control
program of 2012. Internal control manual was produced and a number of working criteria were
revised, including the external guarantee criteria and trusteeship criteria. Internal controlling
process was carried down to holding subsidiaries as well.      The Company released the “Social
Responsibility Report 2010-2012”, which reviewed and summarized the Company’s approach of
social responsibilities.    For the Company’s experiences in construction of advanced technical

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

teams, the Provincial Department of Manpower and Social Security held the “Technical Expert
Workshop of Zhejiang Province” at the Company. After acquiring of the Provincial Award of
Quality of Zhejiang, the Company has filed for the competition of National Award of Quality.

III. Main business composition
                                                                                                     In RMB Yuan
                                                                            Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                                   Gross                    of operation cost of gross profit
                                                           of turnover over
                    Turnover       Operation cost profit                      over the same     ratio over the
                                                           the same period
                                                  ratio %                     period of last   same period of
                                                           of last year (%)
                                                                                year (%)        last year (%)
On Industries
Boiler and
                 1,708,584,515.78 1,149,586,834.58 32.72%             -2.98%               4.47%             -12.79%
Casting            39,505,854.30    32,916,683.37 16.68%              16.65%             14.65%                9.52%
and other
                   38,590,594.80    27,922,308.08 27.64%              -2.24%             -14.98%             64.53%
equipment for
                   37,732,042.01    33,212,160.45 11.98%             -36.26%             -36.44%               2.14%
waste heat
power plant
Other special
                  187,365,878.27 101,806,677.82 45.66%               -21.47%             -27.02%               9.96%
Total            2,011,778,885.16 1,345,444,664.30 33.12%             -5.64%              -0.61%              -9.28%
On Products
                 1,708,584,515.78 1,149,586,834.58 32.72%             -2.98%               4.47%             -12.79%
steam turbine
                   39,505,854.30    32,916,683.37 16.68%              16.65%             14.65%                9.52%
                   38,590,594.80    27,922,308.08 27.64%              -2.24%             -14.98%             64.53%
equipment for
                   37,732,042.01    33,212,160.45 11.98%             -36.26%             -36.44%               2.14%
waste heat
power plant
Others             187,365,878.27 101,806,677.82 45.66%              -21.47%             -27.02%               9.96%
Total            2,011,778,885.16 1,345,444,664.30 33.12%             -5.64%              -0.61%              -9.28%
On territories
Domestic         1,791,637,656.67 1,167,089,802.17 34.86%             -4.02%               2.74%             -10.96%
Overseas           220,141,228.49 178,354,862.13 18.98%              -17.09%              -18.1%                5.5%
Total            2,011,778,885.16 1,345,444,664.30 33.12%             -5.64%              -0.61%              -9.28%

                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

IV. Analyze of competitive edge
     As the largest developing and manufacturing base of industrial steam turbine throughout the
country, the Company has been in the territory with 55 years of experiences, which provided
obvious advantages from technical research to production, from marketing to customer services.
     1. A complete technical innovation system was established. The Company has under its
possession of national, provincial, and municipal grade technical centers, a doctorial workstation,
and a academician workstation. Close cooperations were carried out with institutions and
universities from throughout the country. As the main drafter of national standard on industrial
steam turbine, the Company has the newest technical trend under its close observation. The
Company is now providing nearly 600 different modles of steam turbines to the customers and hold
the newest technical system covering the product lines up to 150 MW.
     2. The Company has adopted modulized designing and parallelized production processes,
which enable the Company to satisfy the customized demmands as well as the costs, delivery term
and special demands of the customers.
     3. The Company has established strategic cooperations with main customers in the country.
Further marketing approaches were carried on by involving itself in the customers’ value. A sound
and steady image has been setup in the domestic steam turbine market. In the global market, the
Company has acquired multiple important certifications and has established a primary global
     4. The Company has its compelte service providing system. The Company is not only capable
to provide onsite 24-hour service for the Company’s own products, but also accumulated rich
experiences in technical maintainence and reengineering of other manufacturers’ products.

V. Investment
1. External equity investment
(1) External investment
                                           External Investment
                                                Investment of same
        Investment of the period (RMB)          period of last year              Scale of change %
                                13,821,525.00                    0.00                                     100%
                                    Particulars of the invested company
                                                                        Equity share in the invested company
             Name of companies                    Main Business
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Power (Indonesia)
                                                     Steam turbine                                          45%
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

(2) Shareholding in financial enterprises
                               Original       Openning        proportion     Shares held at                   Close balance of    Gain/loss in                       Source
  Name of        Type of                                                                      proportion at                                           Accounting
                            investment cost   amount of         (%) at      the end of term                     book value        report period                         of
 companies       company                                                                      end of period                                             subject
                                (RMB)          shares        beginning of       (shares)                          (RMB)              (RMB)                           shares
Bank of                                                                                                                                              Long-term
              Commercial                                                                                                                                            Own
Hangzhou                    390,954,040.00 115,593,200             6.92%       115,593,200          6.92%      390,954,040.00     23,118,640.00 share equity
              Bank                                                                                                                                                  capital
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                            investment
Total                       390,954,040.00 115,593,200            --           115,593,200         --          390,954,040.00     23,118,640.00            --           --

2. Trusted financing, derivate instruments, and trusted loans
(1) Trusteeship RMB0’000
                                       Related                                                     Principal      Impairment                                       Actual
                                                   Type of    Amount             Expired Mean of
                                                                            Started                                                               Predicted
  Title of entrustee   Relationship transaction or                                               retreived this    provision                                    gain/loss of
                                                   product    entrusted       on    on   reward                                                    income
                                         not                                                         period     provided (if any)                                the period
Ping’an Trust Co.,                                                     Oct 10, Jan 10
                       Non-related No                             5,000                                   5,000                                        60.49           60.49
Ltd.                                                                    2012    2013
Ping’an Trust Co.,                                                     Oct 30 Jan 30
                       Non-related No                             5,000                                   5,000                                         73.1            73.1
Ltd.                                                                    2012    2013
                                                                        Jan 10 Feb 18,
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No                            10,000                                 10,000                                         40.55           40.55
                                                                        2013    2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                                                      Jan 16 Feb 18,
                       Non-related No                             5,000                                   5,000                                        19.44           19.44
Ltd.                                                                    2013    2013
                                                                        Mar 01 Apr 10
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No                            15,000                                 15,000                                          55.6            55.6
                                                                        2013    2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                                                      Mar 13, Apr 15
                       Non-related No                             8,000                                   8,000                                        31.61           31.61
Ltd.                                                                    2013    2013
Bank of Hangzhou                                                        Mar 15 Jun 14
                       Non-related No                             5,000                                   5,000                                        45.41           45.41
Co., Ltd.                                                               2013    2013
                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
Bank of Hangzhou                               Mar 25     June 25,
                       Non-related No    3,000                          3,000                             27.12           27.12
Co., Ltd.                                      2013       2013
                                               March      May 3
Citic Bank Co., Ltd.   Non-related No    5,000                          5,000                             15.78           15.78
                                               28, 2013   2013
                                               Apr 3      May 08
Citic Bank Co., Ltd.   Non-related No    5,000                          5,000                             15.34           15.34
                                               2013       2013
                                               Apr 07     May 13
CCB Co., Ltd.          Non-related No    8,000                          8,000                              28.8            28.8
                                               2013       2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                             Apr 10     May 13
                       Non-related No    7,000                          7,000                             27.97           27.97
Ltd.                                           2013       2013
                                               Apr 17     May 27
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No   10,000                        10,000                              35.95           35.95
                                               2013       2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                             Apr 17     May 20
                       Non-related No    8,000                          8,000                             31.82           31.82
Ltd.                                           2013       2013
                                               Apr 18     May 23
CCB Co., Ltd.          Non-related No    5,000                          5,000                              16.3            16.3
                                               2013       2013
                                               May 15     Jun 19
Citic Bank Co., Ltd.   Non-related No   10,000                        10,000                              30.68           30.68
                                               2013       2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                             May 15     Jun 17
                       Non-related No   10,000                        10,000                              38.42           38.42
Ltd.                                           2013       2013
                                               May 29     Jul 8
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No    8,000
                                               2013       2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                             May 29     Jul 1
                       Non-related No   10,000
Ltd.                                           2013       2013
                                               June 18,   Jul 23
CCB Co., Ltd.          Non-related No    5,000
                                               2013       2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                             Jun 19     July 22,
                       Non-related No    5,000
Ltd.                                           2013       2013
Shanghai Bank Co.,                             Jun 19     July 22,
                       Non-related No    6,000
Ltd. Wulin Branch                              2013       2013
Pin’an Bank Chengxi                           Jun 26     Jul 26
                       Non-related No    5,000
Branch                                         2013       2013
Ping’an Trust Co.,                            Oct 29     Jan 29
                       Non-related No    2,000                          2,000                             29.23           29.23
Ltd.                                           2012       2013
Hangzhou Industrial
                                                 Jan 24   April 24,
& Commercial Trust     Non-related No    2,000                          2,000                             34.52           34.52
                                                 2013     2013
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013
Hangzhou Industrial
                                                       Jan 24   Jul 26
& Commercial Trust Non-related No              3,000                                                                105.29
                                                       2013     2013
Co., Ltd.
Ping’an Trust Co.,                                  Feb 01     Feb 26
                    Non-related No             3,000                              3,000                               7.19            7.19
Ltd.                                                 2013       2013
Ping’an Trust Co.,                                  Mar 01     Mar 29
                    Non-related No             2,000                              2,000                               5.98            5.98
Ltd.                                                 2013       2013
                                                     Jan 5      Feb. 16
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No          3,000                              3,000                              13.12           13.12
                                                     2013       2013
                                                     Feb 6      Mar 11
Citic Bank Co., Ltd.   Non-related No          2,500                              2,500                               8.82            8.82
                                                     2013       2013
                                                     Feb 23,    March
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No          3,500                              3,500                               6.95            6.95
                                                     2013       26, 2013
                                                     Apr 12     Apr 25
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No          1,500                              1,500                               1.44            1.44
                                                     2013       2013
Hangzhou Industrial
                                                       Jan 30   No fixed
& Commercial Trust     Non-related No           800
                                                       2013     period
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Industrial
                                                       Nov 27   Nov 27
& Commercial Trust     Non-related No          2,000                                                                   170
                                                       2012     2013
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Industrial
                                                       Dec 25   Dec 25
& Commercial Trust     Non-related No          1,000                                                                    85
                                                       2012     2013
Co., Ltd.
Ping’an Trust Co.,                                  Jan 9      April 9
                       Non-related No          2,000                              2,000                               27.6            27.6
Ltd.                                                 2013       2013
                                                     Jun 28     Aug 2
CCB Co., Ltd.          Non-related No          2,000                                                                   11.9              0
                                                     2013       2013
                                                     Jan 17     Feb 25
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No          1,800                              1,800                                 8.1            8.1
                                                     2013       2013
                                                     Mar 20     May 01
ICBC Co., Ltd.         Non-related No          1,500                              1,500                               5.56            5.56
                                                     2013       2013
                                                     Dec 31     Jan 4
CCB Co., Ltd.          Non-related No             61                                 61                               0.01            0.01
                                                     2012       2013
Total                                        196,661     --         --     --   148,861                            1,115.09          742.9
Resource of capital trusted               Independent
Accumulated principal and gains overdue                                                                                                  0

                                                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
3. Analyze of main subsidiaries and affiliates
Profiles of main subsidiaries and affiliates
                                                                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
Name of companies      Type     of Industry     Major products or Registered Gross Assets Net asset                Turnover       Operation     Net profit
                       business                 service                   capital                                                 profit
Zhejiang       Steam Subsidiaries Trade      of Technological             30 million 276,693,966.94 78,403,931.97 98,400,000.47 9,707,827.96 7,195,080.27
Turbine    Packaged                packadged    development            of
Technology                         equipment    automatic control and
Development       Co.,                          instrument control
Hangzhou Zhongneng Subsidiaries Manufacturing Designing              and 92.5        825,087,002.11 325,546,767.93 354,259,704.49 75,931,335.01 69,304,733.41
Steam Turbine Power                             manufacturing of steam million
Co., Ltd.                                       turbines
Hangzhou       Steam Subsidiaries Casting       Iron and steel casting 22 million 400,576,385.08 159,963,312.57 184,188,685.46 10,712,122.79 8,193,867.86
Turbine Casting Co.,
Hangzhou       Steam Subsidiaries Manufacturing Producing            and 30 million 191,876,298.06 114,994,465.18 72,536,319.81 23,974,096.14 18,470,920.46
Turbine Machinery &                             processing of steam
Equipment Co., Ltd.                             turbine parts
Hangzhou       Steam Subsidiaries Manufacturing Manufacturing of steam 80 million 510,055,880.16 273,688,348.76 204,601,959.76 35,523,241.19 28,719,436.08
Turbine    Auxiliary                            turbine         auxiliary
Machine Co., Ltd.                               machines
Zhejiang     Turbine Subsidiaries Commerce & International trade          20 million 386,812,512.74 33,236,728.23 247,334,832.19 2,732,670.12 1,853,059.42
Import & Export Co.,               trade

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

VI. Profit distribution in the report period
       Profit distribution proposal for year 2012: According to the Articles of Association, basing on the total
capital share of 754,010,400 on December 31,2012, RMB4.00 and 0 bonus share(tax included) will be distributed
to each 10 shares. No capitalization of common reserves will be carried out. Totally RMB301,604,160 will be
distributed. Dividend for B share holders will be translated to Hong Kong Dollar at the central parity rate released
by People’s Bank of China at the first bank day next to the date when the profit distribution proposal is adopted by
the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2012.
       The profit distribution proposal was adopted by the Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2012 held on June 24,
2013, and was implemented on August 16, 2013 (the equity registration day). For details please find the
“Announcement on Profit Distribution of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. for Year 2012” (announcement No.

VII. Reception of investigation, commmunication, or visiting in report period
                                 Type of
Time/date      Place     Way                   Visitors         Main content involved and material provided
                                                          Business environment, overseas market, new growth
Jan 23      The        Field                Value
                                Institute                 point, strategic plan of 2013, and energy saving features
2013        Company research                partners
                                                          of the products
                                                          Form of gross profit and causation, cooperation and
                                                          competition of overseas companies, prospect of gass
Jan 29      The        Field                Ruixun
                                Institute                 turbine compressor, projected profit of new industry,
2013        Company research                Huashi
                                                          energy saving product and industries involved, way to
                                                          solve the problem of B shares
                                                          Performances, applications of the Company’s products,
April 16, The          Field                Shenzhen
                                Institute                 industry comparations, elastic level to the
2013        Company research                Chuangtou
                                                          macroeconomy, solutions for B shares
                                                          National economy growth and prospect of the Company;
                                                          how does the Company lift up production efficiency;
                                                          cooperation with suppliers and quality control; customer
Apr 18      The        Field                Ruixun
                                Institute                 relationship; trend of turnover in recent years; regional
2013        Company research                Huashi
                                                          segment of the Company’s products; export; management
                                                          team; technical cooperation; innovation; dividend
                                            Morgan        Situations of the Company and subsidiaries, global
April 24, The          Field
                                Institute Stanley Asia industrial turbine set market, company strategy, intension
2013        Company research
                                            Investment    of merger

                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                         Chapter V.            Significant Events
I. Administrative Position
     1. Overview of the report period
     In the report period,the Company constantly improved its corporate administration structure,
strengthened standardized operation and information disclosure and seriously and properly manage
the relationship with investors strictly according to the Company Law, the Securities Law,
Administration Standards of Listed Companies, Basic Standards of Enterprise Internal Control,
Shenzhen Stock Exchange PLC Internal Control Instruction, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Share
Listing Rules. In the report period, the Company has been reinforcing supervising on
subisidiaries about their legal operation and information disclosure, to make sure they are working
according to the laws and regulations.
     2. Organization structure and operation
      The Company has established and improved the internal controlling system composed by
departments covering all fields of management. The internal controlling structure was fitting will to
the practical situation of the Company. An effective operation pattern has been developed with clear
responsibilities and function without any connection with that of the shareholders’.
      The legal person administration system formed by the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of
Directors, the Supervisory Committee, and the Executives has been operating normally. The
decision-making, executing, and inspecting organizations were established according to the
Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. All shareholders’ meetings, board
meetings, and meetings of the Supervisory Committee were held complying with the Shareholders’
Meeting Criteria, Board Meeting Criteria, and Supervisory Committee Meeting Criteria. All of
the decision-making processes involving major investment, financing, and providing of external
guarantees were following with the Articles of Association and regulations. The Supervisory
Committee was functioning well in supervising the business operation. Professional Committees in
the Board of Directors were working well and formed records on decision-making processes.
Directors and supervisors assigned by the Company to the subsidiaries were also working well in
decision-making and supervisory jobs. Thus all of the 揟hree Meetings?were working well.
      (1) The Shareholders’ Meeting. The shareholders’ meeting is the highest decision-making
body of the Company with the power entitled by the Company Law. The Shareholders’ Meeting
Criteria has stipulated the procedures for calling, holding, noticing, voting, and resolution making to
make sure the meetings are held legally.
      (2) The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is the executive body of the decisions
made by the Shareholders’ Meeting. The Board is also responsible to establish and improve the
internal control system of the Company, and make it works effectively. Chairman of the Board is
the caller of the Board. All of the procedures of calling, voting, and making of resolutions are
according to the regulations. Related directors have waived the voting of related proposals. 5 board
meetings, 6 professional committee meetings and 3 independent directors’ meeting were held in the
report period.
      The Company held its Shareholders’ Annual Meeting 2012 on June 24, 2013. Election of the

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

    6th term of Board was done at the meeting. As of the date of this report, there are 4 independent
    directors among the 11 members of the Board. The independent directors have been fulfilling their
    duties in respect of providing professional suggestions, supervising business operation, and ensure
    the fairness of information disclosure, with consideration of the shareholders’ benefits.
         Strategy, Investment, Remuneration, and Auditing Committees were established within the
    Board, and were supporting the decision-making of the Board. The Detailed Rules of Professional
    Committees of the Board has set out the responsibilities, qualifications, meeting rules and working
    procedures of the Committees. Among them, the Auditing Committee is responsible for inspecting
    on the configuration and operating of the internal controlling system, and coordinating the internal
    auditing works. The Auditing Committee is led by an independent director specialized in
    accounting profession. Establishing and operating of the professional committees were complying
    with the Administrative Rules of PLCs and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Standardized Operation
         (3) The Supervisory Committee: As the supervisory body of the Company, the Supervisory
    Committee has been monitoring the financial operation of the Company, and legal operation of the
    directors and executives. The procedures of calling, voting, and making of resolutions of the
    meetings were complying with related regulations. It also monitors the establishing of the Board
    and operating of internal control system. 5 supervisory meetings were held in the report period.
         3. Internal regulations established in the report period
No. Name of the criterias                Approving procedures                 Disclosing media             Date of effect
1   External Guarantee Criteria          the 22th meeting of the 5th term of http://www.cninfo.com.cn March 26,
                                         Board                                                             2013
2   Trusteeship Criteria (Revised 2013) the 22th meeting of the 5th term of http://www.cninfo.com.cn March 26,
                                         Board                                                             2013
3   The Articles of Association (Revised Shareholders’   Annual     Meeting http://www.cninfo.com.cn June 24, 2013
    2013)                                2012
         4. Executing of special administration activities
         According to the requirement of Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Office, the Company has
    performed special administrative improvement operation. In viewing of further upgrade
    administration and consolidate the results of operations in previous years, the Company has been
    pushing forward the improving operations in the report period.
         The Auditing Committee was setup in the Board. The Auditing Committee Working Criteria
    was produced. The Committee composes of 5 auditing commissioner and 7 members. 3 of them are
    independent directors, which is over half of the total. The Committee was led by an independent
         An internal auditing office was established within the Company which reports to the Board of
    Directors and takes orders from the Auditing Committee. All of the three staffs of the office are
    qualified for auditing job. The internal auditing office has well fulfilled its responsibilities in the
    year strictly following the auditing plan illustrated previously. The office has made great
    contribution to the construction and improving of internal control system.

                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

      In the report term, the Company reinforced administration over holding subsidiaries, organized
training programs for the executives of the subsidiaries. Administration manuals were produced for
subsidiaries and branch companies. Administration operations were strictly complying with the
regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. External
investments, guarantees, and related transactions were further regulated to prevent risks.
      Through improvement operations, the Company has eliminated the defects and shortages in the
administrative practice. Rules and regulations have been established and formed a mature and
upgraded management structure. The Company will keep following with the requirements of the
Company Law, and Securities Law, as well as the regulations of China Securities Regulatory
Commission, further improve the administration system, to accelerate the healthy development of
the Company.
      The actual situation of company administration was complying with the requirements of CSRC
in the report term, and no notice about rectifying of administration measures is received from the
supervisory authorities.

II. Material lawsuits
    In the report period, the Company had no material lawsuits or arbitrations.

III. Media queries
     No media query occurred in the report period.

IV. Receivership and bankrupcy
    No receivership and bankrupcy occurred in the report period.

                                                                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

V. Asset transactions
1. Disposal of assets
The     other Asset         Date   of Price     Net profit Impact           on Percentage Pricing Related            Relationship Completely Debt           & Date      of Index          of
party       of traded       disposal RMB0’000 contributed the Company of the net policies transaction with                      the transferred credit         disclosure information
trade                                           to the PLC (Note 3)               profit                    or not   other party or not           transferred              disclosure
                                                since      the                    contributed                                                     or not
                                                beginning                         by         the
                                                of         the                    asset up to
                                                current                           the date of
                                                period      to                    disposal in
                                                the date of                       the       total
                                                disposal                          net      profit
                                                RMB0’000                         of %
Hangzhou      Hangzhou      2013.1.24 3,094     -86.59           The              5.14%             Listed Yes       The       other Yes          Yes           Jan    31 Announcement
Steam         Steam                                              Packaged                           price            party of the                               2013       No. 2013-01
Turbine       Turbine                                            Equipment                                           trade      was
Engineering Power                                                Co. was no                                          the holding
Co., Ltd.     Group                                              longer in the                                       subsidiary
              Packaged                                           consolidation                                       of
              Project                                            range   since                                       Hangzhou
              Engineering                                        Zhongneng                                           Steam
              Co., Ltd.                                          Co. has sold                                        Turbine
                                                                 out its shares                                      Group

                                                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

VI. Major related transaction
1. Related transactions related to daily operation
                                                                 Principle of
                                                 Subjects of                     Price   Amount of    Percentage                 price of                    Index of
                                      Type of                     pricing the                                        Way of                   Date of
   Related parties    Relationship                the related                     of       trade      in similar                 similar                    information
                                        trade                       related                                         payment                  disclosure
                                                 transactions                    trade   RMB0’000      trades                    trade                      disclosure
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Automobile Affiliate of      Accept     freight,                        Market                              Bank                    March 28, Announcement
                                                                Fair and just              3,167.47       1.96%
Sales Service Co.,    the Group      labor      repairing fee                   price                               transfer                2013          No. 2013-15
Hangzhou Hangfa
                      Affiliate of   Purchase                                   Market                              Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Power Generating                                Generators      Fair and just               7,334.3       4.55%
                      the Group      of goods                                   price                               transfer                2013          No. 2013-15
Equipment Co., Ltd.
                      Affiliate of   Purchase                                   Market                              Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Nanfangtongda                                   Gear boxes      Fair and just                 652.6         0.4%
                      the Group      of goods                                   price                               transfer                2013          No. 2013-15
Gears Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Nanhua
                      Affiliate of   Purchase   Packaging                       Market                              Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Wooden Packaging                                                Fair and just                737.29       0.46%
                      the Group      of goods   materials                       price                               transfer                2013          No. 2013-15
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam
                      Affiliate of   Purchase                                   Market                              Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Turbine Industrial                              Raw materials Fair and just                  122.33       0.08%
                      the Group      of goods                                   price                               transfer                2013          No. 2013-15
Hangzhou Relian
                      Affiliate of   Purchase   Purchase of                     Market                              Bank                    March 28, Announcement
International                                                   Fair and just                 36.51       0.02%
                      the Group      of goods   steel                           price                               transfer                2013          No. 2013-15
Trading Co.

                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Hangzhou Steam                                   power supply,
                      Holding        Purchase                                     Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Turbine Power                                    payment on       Fair and just             655.77       0.41%
                      shareholder    of goods                                     price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Group Co., Ltd.                                  behalf
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Automobile Affiliate of      Sales of                                     Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
                                                 Spare parts      Fair and just             636.87       0.22%
Sales Service Co.,    the Group      goods                                        price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Hangzhou Hangfa
                      Affiliate of   Sales of    Industrial                       Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Power Generating                                                  Fair and just             1,181.2      0.58%
                      the Group      goods       cooperation                      price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam
                      Affiliate of   Sales of                                     Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Turbine Engineering                              Steam turbine Fair and just               4,223.36      2.09%
                      the Group      goods                                        price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Co., Ltd.
HSTG Technology       Affiliate of               Industrial                       Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
                                     of labor                     Fair and just                   5.46
Association           the Group                  cooperation                      price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
HSTG Technology       Affiliate of               Industrial                       Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
                                     of labor                     Fair and just                   5.77
Association           the Group                  cooperation                      price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Hangzhou Steam                                   steam turbine\
                      Holding        Sales of                                     Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
Turbine Power                                    auxiliary        Fair and just                  96.21   0.05%
                      shareholder    goods                                        price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Group Co., Ltd.                                  machines
                      Shares held
Greenesol Co.                        Sales of                                     Market                         Bank                    March 28, Announcement
                      by the                     Steam turbine Fair and just                      3.19
(India)                              goods                                        price                          transfer                2013         No. 2013-15
Total                          --         --         18,184.95           --         --      --           --          --

                                                                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     Semi-annual Report 2013

2. Related transactions related to asset purchasing or disposal
                                                        Principle of Book value
                                         Subjects of                                 value of       Fair market Transaction                Gain / loss                  Index of
  Related                    Type of                    pricing the    of asset                                               Way of                      Date of
              Relationship               the related                                  asset           value        price                    of trade                   information
  parties                      trade                      related      transfer                                               payment                    disclosure
                                         transactions                               transferred (RMB0’000) (RMB0’000)                   (RMB0’000)                   disclosure
                                                        transactions (RMB0’000)
                                         Disposal of
              Affiliate of               share                                                                                Bank                       Jan 31       Announcement
Turbine                      Disposals                  Listed price    2,899.23            3,094                     3,094                     194.77
              the Group                  equity in                                                                            transfer                   2013         No. 2013-01
Co., Ltd.
3. Material related transactions related to collaborated external investment
4. Debts and credits with related parties
Non-operational transaction of credits and debts with related parties
                                                                                                      Is there any                      Occurred current
                                                             Type of credit                                              Openin balance                  Closing balance
          Related parties              Relationship                                Cause         non-operational capital                    period
                                                                or debt                                                   (RMB0’000)                     (RMB0’000)
                                                                                                     appropriation                       (RMB0’000)
Hangzhou Steam Turbine            Controlling
                                                           receivable from    Operational        No                                250.75                  -191.6             59.15
Power Group Co., Ltd.             shareholder
                                                           related party
                                  Affiliate of the         Credit
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                  holding                  receivable from    Operational        No                              1,321.79                  -31.85          1,289.94
Power Technologies Co., Ltd.
                                  shareholders             related party
Hangzhou Hangfa Power             Affiliate of the         Credit
Generating Equipment Co.,         holding                  receivable from    Operational        No                                306.14                 852.66             1,158.8
Ltd.                              shareholders             related party
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda            Affiliate of the         Credit             Operational        No                                      0.44                                   0.44

                                                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013
Gears Co., Ltd.               holding             receivable from
                              shareholders        related party
                              Affiliate of the    Credit
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                              holding             receivable from   Operational      No              397.47              785.89            1,183.36
Engineering Co., Ltd.
                              shareholders        related party
                              Affiliate of the    Credit
HSTG Nanfang Sales Co.        holding             receivable from   sales of goods   No                    2                                       2
                              shareholders        related party
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Affiliate of the    Credit
Automobile Sales Service Co., holding             receivable from   Operational      No                0.26                   0.26
Ltd.                          shareholders        related party
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Affiliate of the    Credit
Power Group Packaged Project holding              receivable from   Operational      No                                  323.14              323.14
Engineering Co., Ltd.         shareholders        related party
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Affiliate of the    Credit
Automobile Sales Service Co., holding             receivable from   Operational      No                0.36                   0.36
Ltd.                          shareholders        related party
Hangzhou Steam Turbine         Controlling
                                                  receivable from   Operational      No                                       0.11              0.11
Power Group Co., Ltd.          shareholder
                                                  related party
Hangzhou Hangfa Power         Affiliate of the    Credit
Generating Equipment Co.,     holding             receivable from   Operational      No            3,187.53            1,325.95            4,513.48
Ltd.                          shareholders        related party
                              Affiliate of the    Credit
Hangzhou Relian International
                              holding             receivable from   Operational      No               12.82                  12.82
Trading Co.
                              shareholders        related party
                              former              Credit
Guizhou Zhongcheng Concrete
                              sub-subsidiary of   receivable from   Non-Operational No             9,626.77            9,626.77
Co., Ltd.
                              the Company         related party
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Controlling         Related debtors
                                                                    Operational      No              812.69              755.71              1,568.4
Power Group Co., Ltd.         shareholder         payable
                              Affiliate of the
Hangzhou Steam Turbine                            Related debtors
                              holding                             Operational        No               30.72                  -30.72
Industrial Co.                                    payable
Hangzhou Hangfa Power         Affiliate of the
                                                  Related debtors
Generating Equipment Co.,     holding                             Operational        No            6,855.35              416.47            7,271.82
Ltd.                          shareholders
Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden        Affiliate of the    Related debtors
                                                                  Operational        No               27.88                   -9.35            18.53
Packaging Co., Ltd.           holding             payable
                                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Affiliate of the
                                                 Related debtors
Automobile Sales Service Co., holding                            Operational   No                 982             -701.68             280.32
Ltd.                          shareholders
                              Affiliate of the
Hangzhou Steam Turbine                           Related debtors
                              holding                            Operational   No            3,340.25             -271.75             3,068.5
Engineering Co., Ltd.                            payable
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Controlling        Related debtors
                                                                 Operational   No                  7.8                  -7.8
Power Group Co., Ltd.         shareholder        payable
Hangzhou Hangfa Power         Affiliate of the
                                                 Related debtors
Generating Equipment Co.,     holding                            Operational   No                  1.1                  -1.1
Ltd.                          shareholders
                              Affiliate of the
Hangzhou Steam Turbine                           Related debtors
                              holding                            Operational   No          23,576.46           -23,576.46
Engineering Co., Ltd.                            payable
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Controlling        Related debtors
                                                                 Operational   No               640.3                  49.49          689.79
Power Group Co., Ltd.         shareholder        payable
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Affiliate of the
                                                 Related debtors
Automobile Sales Service Co., holding                            Operational   No               10.93                  -0.93               10
Ltd.                          shareholders
Hangzhou Steam Turbine        Affiliate of the
                                                 Related debtors
Power Group Packaged Project holding                             Operational   No                                      157.5            157.5
Engineering Co., Ltd.         shareholders
5. Other material related transactions

                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

VII. Fulfilling of material contracts
1. Guarantees
                                                                                                                                             In RMB10 thousand
                                                            External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)
                      Amount of       Amount       Actual date of
   Guarantee                                                             Actual amount of                                    Completed or
                    guarantee and       of the   occurring (signing                            Type of guarantee Term                          Related party or not
   provided to                                                               guarantee                                           not
                  date of disclosure guarantee date of agreements
Total of external guarantee approved in the                            Total of external guarantee actually
                                                                     0                                                                                                0
report term (A1)                                                       occurred in the report term (A2)
Total of external guarantee approved as of end                         Total of external guarantee actually
                                                                     0                                                                                                0
of report term (A3)                                                    occurred as of end of report term (A4)
                                                               Guarantee provided to controlled subsidiaries
                                                      Amount       Actual date of      amount
   Guarantee      Amount of guarantee and date of                                                   Type of                               Completed or Related party or
                                                       of the    occurring (signing       of                               Term
   provided to                disclosure                                                           guarantee                                 not               not
                                                     guarantee date of agreements guarant
                  July 25 2012                           6,000 July 30 2012              2,000 Joint liabilities 2012.7.25-2013.7.24     Yes            No
Steam Turbine
Power Co., Ltd.
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved in the                     Total of guarantee to subsidiaries actually
                                                                     0                                                                                                0
report term (B1)                                                       occurred in the report term (B2)
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved as of                      Total of balance of guarantee actually provided to
                                                                6,000                                                                                                 0
the report term (B3)                                                   the subsidiaries as of end of report term (B4)
Total of guarantee provided by the Company (i.e. total of the above two items)
Total of guarantee approved in the report term                         Total of guarantee occurred in the report term
                                                                     0                                                                                                0
(A1+B1)                                                                (A2+B2)
Total of guarantee approved as of end of report                        Total of guarantee occurred as of the end of report
                                                                6,000                                                                                                 0
term (A3+B3)                                                           term(A4+B4)
Percentage of the total guarantee occurred (A4+B4) on net asset of
the Company
In which:
Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial controllers and the related
parties (C)
Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to objects with over 70% of liability                                                                                       0
                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
on asset ratio (D)
The part of total amount of guarantee exceeded 50% of net asset (E)                                                                                        0
Total of the above 3 (C+D+E)                                                                                                                               0
Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the guarantees not due yet   None
Remarks on providing of external guarantees against the procedures          None
Particulars about combined guarantees

VIII. Engaging or dismissing of CPA
    No dismissing of CPA or engaging of new CPA happened in the report period. Pan-China Certified Public Accountants is still the auditing
body of the Company for year 2013, as decided at the Shareholders’ Meeting 2012.
     The Financial Report 2013 was not audited.

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     Semi-annual Report 2013

       Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders
I. Statement of change in shares
                      Before the change                Changed Currently (+,-)                        After the change
                                             Issuing        Transferred
                                  Proportion         Bonus                                                       Proportion
                     Amount                  of new            from      Others Sub-total            Amount
                                      %              shares                                                          %
                                              shares         reserves
I. Shares with
trade restriction   479,902,491      63.65%         0       0              0       0         0 479,902,491          63.65%
2. State-owned
legal person        479,824,800      63.64%         0       0              0       0         0 479,824,800          63.64%
5. Management
                        77,691        0.01%         0       0              0       0         0          77,691       0.01%
II. Shares
without trading
                    274,107,909      36.35%                                                        274,107,909      36.35%
2. Foreign
shares in
                    274,107,909      36.35%         0       0                                0 274,107,909          36.35%
III. Total of
                    754,010,400        100%         0       0              0       0         0 754,010,400           100%
capital shares

II. Number of shareholders and shareholding positions
                                                                                                                 in shares
Total shareholders at the end
of the report period
                                  Shareholders with over 5% or above of the Company’s shares
                                                                                                               Frozen or
                                    Properties   Share Shares held               Amount of Amount of            pledged
                                                                         in the
  Name of the shareholder               of     proportion at the end of         unconditional unconditional Status
                                   shareholder    (%)      report term           shares held     shares       of Amount
Hangzhou Steam Turbine            State-owned
                                                  63.64% 479,824,000             479,824,000             0
Power Group Co., Ltd.             legal person
Li Minggong                       natural          0.98% 7,356,383                           0   7,356,383
NORGES BANK                                        0.48% 3,634,246                           0   3,634,246
                                  legal person
SINGAPORE INV. CORP.-                              0.45%    3,376,460                            0      3,376,460
                                  legal person
A/C "C"
FUNDS-BOCHK CHINA                                  0.31%    2,301,344                            0      2,301,344
                                  legal person
Hu Xiaofeng         natural                         0.3%    2,199,155                            0      2,199,155
                                                   0.28%    2,108,321                            0      2,108,321
LTD                 legal person

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.      Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                 0.26% 1,979,581                             0    1,979,581
LIMITED-A/C CLIENT.             legal person
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                             0.26% 1,922,798                             0    1,922,798
                                legal person
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                 0.25% 1,916,631                             0    1,916,631
                                legal person
Particulars about strategic investors or
general corporations becoming among the
top 10 shareholders due to share placing (if
any) (See Note 3)
Notes to relationship or “action in
concert” among the top ten shareholders.
                                 Top 10 holders of shares without trading limited conditions
                                                         Amount of                        Category of shares
             Name of the shareholder                unconditional shares
                                                                              Category of shares            Amount
                                                    held at end of period
                                                                           Foreign shares placed in
Li Minggong                                                     7,356,383                                      7,356,383
                                                                           domestic exchange
                                                                           Foreign shares placed in
NORGES BANK                                                     3,634,246                                      3,634,246
                                                                           domestic exchange
GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV.                                               Foreign shares placed in
                                                                3,376,460                                      3,376,460
CORP.- A/C "C"                                                             domestic exchange
BOCHK INVESTMENT FUNDS-BOCHK                                               Foreign shares placed in
                                                                2,301,344                                      2,301,344
CHINA GOLDEN DRAGON FUND                                                   domestic exchange
                                                                           Foreign shares placed in
Hu Xiaofeng                                                     2,199,155                                      2,199,155
                                                                           domestic exchange
                                                                           Foreign shares placed in
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                         2,108,321                                      2,108,321
                                                                           domestic exchange
TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/C                                           Foreign shares placed in
                                                                1,979,581                                      1,979,581
CLIENT.                                                                    domestic exchange
GUOTAI JUNAN                                                               Foreign shares placed in
                                                                1,922,798                                      1,922,798
SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                               domestic exchange
                                                                           Foreign shares listed
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                1,916,631                                      1,916,631
                                                                           Foreign shares placed in
Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo Securities                            1,719,608                                      1,719,608
                                                                           domestic exchange
                                                (1) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. – the holding shareholder of the
                                                Company, is not related to any other shareholders. It is unknown whether there is
Action-in-concert among top 10 non-restricted   any relationship among the 10 current-share holders.
current share holders, top 10 non-restricted    (2) The other shareholders are not regarded as “action-in-concert”
current share holders and top 10 shareholders   parties as defined in the “Information Disclosure About Change of
                                                Shareholding Status of PLCs”.
Particulars about shareholders took part in
financing or stock exchanging business (if any) None
(see Note 4)
The shareholders made no agreement on any repurchasing transactions in the report period.

III. Change of holding shareholder or substaintial controller
     None of the holding shareholder and the substaintial holder of the Company has been changed
in the report period.

                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.        Semi-annual Report 2013

      Chapter VII. Particulars about the Directors, Supervisors and
                                                    Senior Executives

     I. Change of shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior executives
                                                                                                   Shares         Shares put      Shares
                                      holding at       Shares          Shares         Shares
                            Status                                                                 under            under          under
                                            the       increased decreased             held at
      Name      Position      of                                                                restriction at restriction       restriction
                                      beginning       this term       this term       the end
                            service                                                              beginning          in the       at end of
                                        of term       (shares)        (shares)        of term
                                                                                                 of period          period         pariod
     Zhang                  On
              General                        89,232              0                0    89,232                0               0               0
     Shutan                 duty
     Wang                   On
              Supervisor                     14,356              0                0    14,356                0               0               0
     Xiaohu                 duty
     Total           --       --            103,588              0                0 103,588                  0               0               0

     II. Alternation of Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Executives
    Name                         Current position         Type           Date                                    Causation
                                                                                      Transferred to the position of the general manager of
                                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. resigned
                                                                                      from the position of general manager of the
Yan                                                 Altering of
             Director, GM        Vice Chairman                       June 3 2013 Company; was elected director of the 6th term of
Jianhua                                             jobs
                                                                                      Board at the Shareholders’ Meeting 2012; was
                                                                                      elected the vice chairman of the Board at the 1st
                                                                                      meeting of the 6th term of Board
                                                    Expiration June 24
Hongkan Vice Chairman                                                                 Retired at legal age
                                                    of term          2013
                                                                                      Was elected director of the 6th term of Board at the
                                                                     June 24,         Shareholders’ Meeting 2012; was elected the vice
Yongmin                          Vice Chairman Elected
                                                                     2013             chairman of the Board at the 1st meeting of the 6th
                                                                                      term of Board
Kong                                                                 June 24,         Was elected director of the 6th term of Board at the
                                 Director           Elected
Jianqiang                                                            2013             Shareholders’ Meeting 2012
Chu          Chief                                  Expiration June 24
                                                                                      Retired at legal age
Shuilong Supervisor                                 of term          2013
                                 Vice General                                         Was engaged vice general manager and chief
Pu                                                  Job
             Supervisor          Manager, Chief                      June 3, 2013 accountant at the 25th meeting of the 5th term of
Yangshuo                                            transferring
                                 Accountant                                           Board,and resigned as member of the Supervisory

                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                   Committee; was engaged as vice general manager
                                                                                   and chief accountant at the 1st meeting of the 6th
                                                                                   term of Board.
                                                                                   Was elected member of the 6th term of Supervisory
                                                                                   Committee at the Shareholders’ Meeting 2012; was
                                 Chief                              June 24
Li Shijie                                            Elected                       elected Chairman of the Supervisory Committee at
                                 Supervisor                         2013
                                                                                   the 1st meeting of the 6th term of Supervisory
Wang                                                                June 24        Was elected member of the 6th term of Supervisory
                                 Supervisor          Elected
Xiaohu                                                              2013           Committee at the Shareholders’ Meeting 2012
                                                                                   Was engaged the general manager at the 25th
                                                                                   meeting of the 5th term of Board; was elected
                                                     Job                           director of the 6th term of Board at the
Zhen Bin Vice Chairman Director, GM                                 June 3, 2013
                                                     transferring                  Shareholders’ Meeting 2012; was engaged as
                                                                                   General Manager at the 1st meeting of the 6th term
                                                                                   of Board
             Director, Vice                                                        Was elected director of the 6th term of Board at the
                                 Standing Vice
             General                                 Job            June 24,       Shareholders’ Meeting 2012; was engaged the vice
Ye Zhong                         General
             Manager, Chief                          transferring 2013             general manager and chief engineer at the 1st
                                 Manager, Chief
             Engineer                                                              meeting of the 6th term of Board

                                     Chapter VIII. Financial Report
    I. Auditors’ Report
    The Semi-annual Financial Report is not audited.
    II. The Financial Statements
    All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB Yuan
    1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                                             Items                                       Closing balance        Openning balance

    Current asset:

            Monetary capital                                                                  731,040,457.61      1,100,640,580.62

            Settlement provision

            Outgoing call loan

            Transactional financial assets

            Notes receivable                                                                  755,228,581.88        803,384,920.81

            Account receivable                                                            2,112,057,198.07        1,946,840,383.15

                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     Prepayment                                                        517,482,015.74          275,397,188.58

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivable

     Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable

     Interest receivable

     Dividend receivable                                                                            435,586.13

     Other account receivable                                           35,917,273.01          179,863,895.91

     Repurchasing of financial assets

     Inventories                                                     1,713,355,079.52        1,451,289,045.64

     Non-current asset due in 1 year

     Other current asset                                               470,286,995.99          150,724,250.00

Total of current asset                                               6,335,367,601.82        5,908,575,850.84

Non-current assets

     Disburse of consigned loans

     Sellable financial asset

     Expired investment in possess

     Long-term receivable

     Long-term share equity investment                                 475,910,338.22          462,088,813.22

     Investment real estates

     Fixed assets                                                      611,480,772.10          652,753,812.70

     Construction in process                                            96,043,622.60          108,252,291.56

     Engineering goods

     Fixed asset disposal

     Production physical assets

     Gas & petrol

     Intangible assets                                                  87,831,474.77          210,185,683.85

     R&D expense


     Long-term amortizable expenses                                       1,352,509.28            2,618,841.58

     Deferred income tax asset                                          80,679,032.02           93,040,744.20

     Other non-current asset                                                                    10,200,000.00

Total of non-current assets                                          1,353,297,748.99        1,539,140,187.11

                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Total of assets                                               7,688,665,350.81        7,447,716,037.95

Current liabilities

     Short-term loans                                           118,500,000.00          250,400,000.00

     Loan from Central Bank

     Deposit received and hold for others

     Call loan received

     Transactional financial liabilities

     Notes payable                                              127,929,377.00          133,505,278.70

     Account payable                                            997,508,004.77          608,127,982.09

     Advances received                                        1,802,375,214.50        1,632,856,815.04

     Selling of repurchased financial assets

     Fees and commissions receivable

     Employees’ wage payable                                    41,165,410.46           27,384,846.15

     Tax payable                                                 44,031,213.00           85,182,827.55

     Interest payable                                                                        228,197.26

     Dividend payable                                           316,454,160.00             9,800,000.00

     Other account payable                                       23,010,004.57          259,432,035.81

     Reinsurance fee payable

     Insurance contract provision

     Entrusted trading of securities

     Entrusted selling of securities

     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                100,000,000.00

     Other current liability

Total of current liability                                    3,470,973,384.30        3,106,917,982.60

Non-current liabilities

     Long-term borrowings

     Bond payable

     Long-term payable                                               330,000.00              330,000.00

     Special payable

     Anticipated liabilities

     Deferred income tax liability                                 1,037,517.08            1,037,517.08

     Other non-recurring liabilities                              11,689,265.00           11,149,265.00

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Total of non-current liabilities                                                  13,056,782.08           12,516,782.08

Total of liability                                                             3,484,030,166.38        3,119,434,764.68

Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                          754,010,400.00          754,010,400.00

     Capital reserves                                                            138,953,250.09          139,590,345.09

     Less: Shares in stock

     Special reserves                                                             10,225,102.29           10,294,548.34

     Surplus reserves                                                            518,540,739.23          518,540,739.23

     Common risk provision

     Retained profit                                                           2,380,405,859.24        2,449,720,889.86

     Different of foreign currency translation

Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                          3,802,135,350.85        3,872,156,922.52

     Minor shareholders’ equity                                                 402,499,833.58          456,124,350.75

Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                            4,204,635,184.43        4,328,281,273.27

Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’ equity)              7,688,665,350.81        7,447,716,037.95

Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong
2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                           In RMB Yuan
                                   Items                                      Closing balance        Openning balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                            378,882,861.62          654,577,030.60
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                            458,101,066.99          555,963,481.26
     Account receivable                                                        1,774,659,846.37        1,447,088,649.71
     Prepayment                                                                  378,998,143.32          148,589,241.50
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable                                                                                  10,635,586.13
     Other account receivable                                                     28,803,574.13           22,772,249.70
     Inventories                                                               1,369,532,121.87        1,025,077,300.24
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                                                         390,000,000.00          100,000,000.00
Total of current asset                                                         4,778,977,614.30        3,964,703,539.14
Non-current assets
     Sellable financial asset

                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                      516,782,461.07          516,782,461.07
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                           306,124,958.35          331,961,743.27
     Construction in process                                 62,308,961.99           78,827,759.37
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                       43,188,216.01           44,366,863.73
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses                            1,352,509.28            1,352,509.28
     Deferred income tax asset                               55,106,028.33           55,106,028.33
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                 984,863,135.03        1,028,397,365.05
Total of assets                                           5,763,840,749.33        4,993,100,904.19
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans
     Transactional financial liabilities
     Notes payable
     Account payable                                        731,237,946.61          286,310,510.70
     Advances received                                    1,331,250,167.21        1,219,358,402.37
     Employees’ wage payable                                29,290,373.64           15,910,246.38
     Tax payable                                             20,497,774.74           36,696,777.46
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable                                       301,604,160.00
     Other account payable                                   14,901,075.97           16,507,901.29
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                            100,000,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                2,428,781,498.17        1,674,783,838.20
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     Anticipated liabilities
     Deferred income tax liability                                                      1,037,517.08            1,037,517.08
     Other non-recurring liabilities                                                      829,250.00              289,250.00
Total of non-current liabilities                                                        1,866,767.08            1,326,767.08
Total of liability                                                                 2,430,648,265.25        1,676,110,605.28
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                              754,010,400.00          754,010,400.00
     Capital reserves                                                                138,953,250.09          138,953,250.09
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves                                                                   4,671,366.80            4,671,366.80
     Surplus reserves                                                                499,784,334.10          499,784,334.10
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                               1,935,773,133.09        1,919,570,947.92
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                                3,333,192,484.08        3,316,990,298.91
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’ equity)                  5,763,840,749.33        4,993,100,904.19
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong
3. Consolidated Income Statement
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                                                                      Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                             Term                  Term
I. Total revenue                                                          2,019,745,830.92       2,138,163,723.76
      Incl. Business income                                               2,019,745,830.92       2,138,163,723.76
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                       1,747,271,800.06             1,728,453,931.77
      Incl. Business cost                                                     1,350,033,911.16             1,355,776,212.37
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
  Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and surcharge                                         17,369,338.95                19,006,186.62
              Sales expense                                                      92,037,454.56                75,058,125.24
              Administrative expense                                            262,693,939.02               259,247,423.77
              Financial expenses                                                  1,542,054.93                15,625,642.92
              Asset impairment loss                                              23,595,101.44                 3,740,340.85
      Plus: Gains from fluctuation of fair value (“-“ for loss)
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                  64,696,068.76                30,415,895.65

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

              Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
              Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)
III. Operation profit (“-“ for loss)                         337,170,099.62                            440,125,687.64
      Plus: Non business income                                   4,202,690.63                             7,991,933.68
      Less: Non-business expenses                                 4,911,095.64                             5,244,741.22
              Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets
IV. Total profit (“-“ for total loss)                        336,461,694.61                            442,872,880.10
      Less: Income tax expenses                                 47,681,073.69                             69,046,850.08
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                             288,780,620.92                            373,826,030.02
      Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over
before the takover
      Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company  232,926,224.38                            337,275,897.42
      Minor shareholders’ equity                               55,854,396.54                             36,550,132.60
VI. Earnings per share:                                          --                                       --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                        0.31                                     0.45
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                     0.31                                     0.45
VII. Other misc. incomes
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                   288,780,620.92                            373,826,030.02
      Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the
                                                               232,926,224.38                            337,275,897.42
parent company
      Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders   55,854,396.54                             36,550,132.60
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

4. Income Statement of the Parent Co.
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                           In RMB Yuan
                                                                Amount of the Current        Amount of the Previous
                                                                        Term                            Term
I. Turnover                                                            1,507,118,490.87                1,425,851,447.45
        Less: Operation cost                                           1,077,683,194.39                  936,260,655.36
             Business tax and surcharge                                   12,387,170.07                    12,674,471.52
             Sales expense                                                 61,114,849.26                   50,139,365.95
             Administrative expense                                      169,451,990.00                  157,947,230.92
             Financial expenses                                              -871,655.94                    2,199,053.51
             Asset impairment loss                                        16,913,497.95                    -5,351,657.81
        Plus: Gains from fluctuation of fair value (“-“ for
             Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                           176,498,662.56                  157,568,577.24
             Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                  346,938,107.70                  429,550,905.24

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     Plus: Non business income                                               902,376.33                      2,989,640.13
      Less: Non-business expenses                                         3,851,456.02                       2,118,952.36
           Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets
III. Total profit (“-“ for total loss)                               343,989,028.01                  430,421,593.01
      Less: Income tax expenses                                         26,182,682.84                    41,307,661.96
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                    317,806,345.17                  389,113,931.05
V. Earnings per share                                                   --                              --
      (I) Basic earnings per share
      (II) Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other misc gains
VII. Total of integrated income                                        317,806,345.17                  389,113,931.05
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                         In RMB Yuan
                                                                   Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                             Term                       Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
     Cash received from sales of products and providing of
                                                                          1,652,449,867.92           1,856,658,242.54
     Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for
brother company
     Net increase of loans from central bank
     Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial
     Cash received against original insurance contract
     Net cash received from reinsurance business
     Net increase of client deposit and investment
     Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
     Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission
     Net increase of inter-bank fund received
     Net increase of repurchasing business
     Tax returned                                                              6,777,141.50             36,504,027.15
     Other cash received from business operation                             12,593,472.87              38,136,192.09
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                         1,671,820,482.29           1,931,298,461.78

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

        Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                  986,252,669.75           1,085,076,438.16
        Net increase of client trade and advance
        Net increase of savings in central bank and brother
        Cash paid for original contract claim
        Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
        Cash paid for policy dividend
        Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                347,910,015.56             310,592,825.40
        Taxes paid                                                            232,160,309.19             257,211,811.61
        Other cash paid for business activities                                -6,843,710.06             125,000,190.25
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                          1,559,479,284.44           1,777,881,265.42
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                112,341,197.85             153,417,196.36
II. Cash flow generated by investing
        Cash received from investment retrieving                               28,992,269.95                5,100,060.30
        Cash received as investment profit                                     87,226,202.37              29,827,626.85
        Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets, and other long-term assets
        Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
                                                                               -2,446,457.95                 -653,509.83
operational units
        Other investment-related cash received                              1,268,610,000.00             430,001,993.99
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                       1,382,382,014.37             465,334,798.85
        Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                               55,060,633.53              32,813,607.75
and other long-term assets
        Cash paid as investment                                                13,211,525.00
        Net increase of loan against pledge
        Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational
        Other cash paid for investment activities                           1,588,610,000.00             565,000,114.82
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                      1,656,882,158.53             597,813,722.57
Net cash flow generated by investment                                        -274,500,144.16            -132,478,923.72
III. Cash flow generated by financing
        Cash received as investment                                                                         5,143,994.80
        Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders
        Cash received as loans                                                185,510,000.00             386,400,000.00
        Cash received from bond placing
        Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                             185,510,000.00             391,543,994.80

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     Cash to repay debts                                                     299,949,250.40             310,813,742.00
     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                              91,502,155.46             295,141,375.57
     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor
     Other cash paid for financing activities                                                                708,350.24
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                         391,451,405.86             606,663,467.81
Net cash flow generated by financing                                        -205,941,405.86            -215,119,473.01
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash
                                                                              -1,499,770.84                 -101,884.20
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                -369,600,123.01            -194,283,084.57
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                           1,100,640,580.62             662,648,725.65
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                  731,040,457.61             468,365,641.08
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Co.
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                                                    Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                           Term                  Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
     Cash received from sales of products and providing of
                                                                          1,224,651,064.18            1,098,537,350.18
     Tax returned
     Other cash received from business operation                              4,074,801.31                7,303,872.59
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                         1,228,725,865.49            1,105,841,222.77
     Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                   851,471,751.94              665,974,287.00
     Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                 247,045,937.50              233,835,788.94
     Taxes paid                                                             128,247,174.17              161,812,413.15
     Other cash paid for business activities                                 31,615,515.48               39,394,997.51
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                        1,258,380,379.09            1,101,017,486.60
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                              -29,654,513.60                4,823,736.17
II. Cash flow generated by investing
     Cash received from investment retrieving
     Cash received as investment profit                                     186,698,662.56              157,568,577.24
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets, and other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
     Other investment-related cash received                               1,040,000,000.00              340,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                     1,226,698,662.56              498,266,577.24
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and            40,581,203.49               19,778,556.22

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

other long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational
      Other cash paid for investment activities                 1,330,000,000.00             390,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities          1,370,581,203.49             409,778,556.22
Net cash flow generated by investment                            -143,882,540.93              88,488,021.02
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities
      Cash to repay debts                                         100,000,000.00
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                     665,000.00             190,922,266.66
      Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities              100,665,000.00             190,922,266.66
Net cash flow generated by financing                             -100,665,000.00            -190,922,266.66
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash
                                                                   -1,492,114.45                 -165,159.93
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                     -275,694,168.98              -97,775,669.40
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                  654,577,030.60             335,248,349.26
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term       378,882,861.62             237,472,679.86
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                                                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                               Amount of the Current Term
                                                               Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company                                      Minor
                                                                    Less:                                                                                             Total of owners’
           Items                                       Capital                  Special          Surplus     Common risk                           shareholders’
                                Capital paid in (or               Shares in                                               Retained profit Others                            equity
                                                      reserves                  reserves         reserves     provision                                equity
                                  share capital)                    stock

I. Balance at the end of last
                                    754,010,400.00 139,590,345.09            10,294,548.34 518,540,739.23               2,449,720,889.86             456,124,350.75    4,328,281,273.27
        Plus: Change of
accounting policy
             Correcting of
previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning
                                    754,010,400.00 139,590,345.09            10,294,548.34 518,540,739.23               2,449,720,889.86             456,124,350.75    4,328,281,273.27
of current year
III. Changed this period
                                                      -637,095.00               -69,446.05                                -69,315,030.62             -53,624,517.17     -123,646,088.84
(“-“ for decrease)
(I) Net profit                                                                                                            232,926,224.38              55,854,396.54      288,780,620.92
(II) Other misc. income
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                     232,926,224.38              55,854,396.54      288,780,620.92
(III) Investment or
decreasing of capital by                              -637,095.00                                                                                       -597,513.45       -1,234,608.45
1. Capital inputted by
2. Amount of shares paid
and accounted as owners’
3. Others                                             -637,095.00                                                                                       -597,513.45       -1,234,608.45
(IV) Profit allotment                                                                                                    -301,604,160.00            -106,963,952.00     -408,568,112.00
1. Providing of surplus
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners
                                                                                                                         -301,604,160.00            -106,963,952.00     -408,568,112.00
(or shareholders)
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
                                                                                                                             -637,095.00              -1,886,977.29       -2,524,072.29
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital
                                                                                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
reserves (or to capital
2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital
3. Making up losses by
surplus reserves
4. Others                                                                                                                          -637,095.00              -1,886,977.29        -2,524,072.29
(VI) Special reserves                                                             -69,446.05                                                                   -30,470.97           -99,917.02
1. Provided this year                                                             870,386.28                                                                   127,024.29           997,410.57
2. Used this term                                                                 939,832.33                                                                   157,495.26         1,097,327.59
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of
                                      754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09             10,225,102.29 518,540,739.23                   2,380,405,859.24            402,499,833.58    4,204,635,184.43
this term
                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB Yuan
Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                        Amount of Last Year
                                                                     Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company                                        Minor
               Items                                                       Less:                                   Common                                                    Total of owners’
                                       Capital paid in (or   Capital                 Special          Surplus                                              shareholders’
                                                                         Shares in                                    risk        Retained profit Others                           equity
                                         share capital)     reserves                 reserves         reserves                                                 equity
                                                                           stock                                   provision
I. Balance at the end of last year        628,342,000.00 139,590,345.09                           453,183,370.20                 2,094,147,226.72           447,821,000.94 3,763,083,942.95
      Plus: Retrospective
adjustment caused by merger of
entities under common control
      Plus: Change of accounting
           Correcting of previous
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                          628,342,000.00 139,590,345.09                          453,183,370.20                  2,094,147,226.72           447,821,000.94 3,763,083,942.95
current year
III. Changed this period (“-“ for
                                          125,668,400.00                           10,294,548.34 65,357,369.03                    355,573,663.14              8,303,349.81     565,197,330.32
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                    735,102,032.17            126,258,142.38     861,360,174.55
(II) Other misc. income
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                             735,102,032.17            126,258,142.38     861,360,174.55
(III) Investment or decreasing of
                                                                                                                                                             15,200,000.00      15,200,000.00
capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners                                                                                                                                15,200,000.00      15,200,000.00
2. Amount of shares paid and
                                                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                 125,668,400.00                                  65,357,369.03   -379,528,369.03          -137,932,820.69    -326,435,420.69
1. Providing of surplus reserves                                                      65,357,369.03    -65,357,369.03
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
                                      125,668,400.00                                                  -314,171,000.00          -119,486,887.82    -307,989,487.82
4. Others                                                                                                                       -18,445,932.87     -18,445,932.87
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves
(or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus
4. Others
(VI) Special reserves                                                 10,294,548.34                                               4,778,028.12      15,072,576.46
1. Provided this year                                                 10,835,589.65                                               5,285,183.46      16,120,773.11
2. Used this term                                                        541,041.31                                                 507,155.34       1,048,196.65
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this term   754,010,400.00 139,590,345.09   10,294,548.34 518,540,739.23    2,449,720,889.86          456,124,350.75 4,328,281,273.27
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                                                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     Semi-annual Report 2013

8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                  Amount of the Current Term
               Items                  Capital paid in (or share                  Less: Shares    Special                         Common risk                          Total of owners’
                                                                Capital reserves                              Surplus reserves                  Retained profit
                                              capital)                             in stock      reserves                         provision                                 equity
I. Balance at the end of last year             754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                    4,671,366.80 499,784,334.10                     1,919,570,947.92         3,316,990,298.91
      Plus: Change of accounting
           Correcting of previous
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                              754,010,400.00    138,953,250.09                  4,671,366.80   499,784,334.10                   1,919,570,947.92         3,316,990,298.91
current year
III. Changed this period (“-“ for
                                                                                                                                                   16,202,185.17            16,202,185.17
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                    317,806,345.17          317,806,345.17
(II) Other misc. income
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                             317,806,345.17          317,806,345.17
(III) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                                                                                                                            -301,604,160.00          -301,604,160.00
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
                                                                                                                                                 -301,604,160.00          -301,604,160.00
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves
(or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus

                                                                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     Semi-annual Report 2013
4. Others
(VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year                                                                            629,128.85                                                                  629,128.85
2. Used this term                                                                                629,128.85                                                                  629,128.85
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this term           754,010,400.00    138,953,250.09                  4,671,366.80   499,784,334.10                  1,935,773,133.09         3,333,192,484.08

Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                                                                         In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                     Amount of Last Year
               Items                  Capital paid in (or share                  Less: Shares   Special                         Common risk                          Total of owners’
                                                                Capital reserves                            Surplus reserves                   Retained profit
                                              capital)                             in stock     reserves                         provision                                 equity
I. Balance at the end of last year             628,342,000.00 138,953,250.09                                  434,426,965.07                   1,645,525,626.62         2,847,247,841.78
      Plus: Change of accounting
           Correcting of previous
II. Balance at the beginning of
                                              628,342,000.00    138,953,250.09                                 434,426,965.07                  1,645,525,626.62         2,847,247,841.78
current year
III. Changed this period (“-“ for
                                              125,668,400.00                                    4,671,366.80    65,357,369.03                    274,045,321.30          469,742,457.13
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                   653,573,690.33          653,573,690.33
(II) Other misc. income
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                            653,573,690.33          653,573,690.33
(III) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                         125,668,400.00                                                    65,357,369.03                   -379,528,369.03          -188,502,600.00
1. Providing of surplus reserves                                                                                65,357,369.03                    -65,357,369.03
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
                                              125,668,400.00                                                                                    -314,171,000.00          -188,502,600.00
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves

                                                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013
(or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus
4. Others
(VI) Special reserves                                                     4,671,366.80                                                              4,671,366.80
1. Provided this year                                                     4,671,366.80                                                              4,671,366.80
2. Used this term
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this term   754,010,400.00   138,953,250.09     4,671,366.80   499,784,334.10                  1,919,570,947.92       3,316,990,298.91
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

III. Company Profiles
     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) was incorporated as a joint stock limited company
exclusively promoted by Hangzhou Steam Turbine & Power Group Company Limited (“HSTG”) approved by the
Securities Regulatory Commission of the State Council with the Document SRC [1998] No. 8 by offering
domestically listed foreign currency ordinary shares (B Shares), with registration date: April 23, 1998, legal entity
business license No.: 企 股 浙 总 字 第 002150 号 . The number of Business License was changed to
330000400001023 on May 6, 2009.          At incorporation the Company was registered with capital of RMB220
million, in which 80 million B shares were issued and listed for trading in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 28,
1998. The Company’s registered capital is now increased to RMB754.0104 million with total capital share of
754.0104 million shares (face value RMB1.00). Among which state-owned legal person shares were 479.8248
million shares and 274.1856 million shares of current B shares.
      The scope of main businesses of the Company: The design and manufacturing of steam turbine, gas turbine,
other rotating and to-and-fro machinery and auxiliary equipment, and spare parts and components, sales of
self-manufactured products and the provision of relevant after-sales service and import & export service.

IV. Principal Accounting Policies, Estimations and Correcting of Previous Errors
1. Basis of financial statement
     The Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.
2. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard
     The finance report produced by the Company is accordance with the Enterprise Accounting Standard, and
reflects the Company’s financial state, business performance and cash flow frankly and completely.
3. Accounting period
A fiscal year is the year from January 1 to December 31 of the solar calendar.
4. Standard currency for bookkeeping
     The Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.
5. Accounting treatment of the merging entities under common control and different control
(1) Merger of entities under common control
     Assets and liabilities acquired in merger of entities are measured at book values at the date of merger. The
difference between the net book value of asset and the offered price (or total of face value of shares issued) will be
adjusted into capital reserves; when the capital reserves is not enough to reduce, it will be adjusted into retained
(2) Merger of enterprises under different control
The difference of takeover cost over the fair value of recognizable net asset of the acquired entity is recognized as
goodwill at the day of takeover; in case the takeover cost is lower than the fair value of recognizable net asset of
the acquired entity, the measuring process over the recognizable asset, liabilities,contingent liabilities, and
takeover cost, shall be repeated, if comes out the same result, the difference shall be recorded into current income
6. Preparing method of consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparation of consolidated financial statements
     The parent company puts all of its subsidiaries under its control into the consolidated financial statements.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared according to the 揈nterprise Accounting Standard No. 33 –

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Consolidated Financial Statements”, basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subisidiaries, and after
adjusting the long-term investment equity in the subsidiary on equity basis.
(2) Accounting process on purchasing and selling, or selling and purchasing of the shares of the same
subsidiary in successively two years
7. Recognition basis of cash and cash equivalents
     Cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term, strong liquidity and lower risk
of value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.
8. Translation of businesses and accounts in foreign currency
(1) Business in foreign currency
At intitial recognition, foreign currency trades are translated into RMB at the rate of the day when the trades are
(2) Translating of financial statements in foreign currencies
     Foreign currency trades are translated into RMB at the rate of the day when the trades are made. Those
balances of foreign currencies and monetary items in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rate of the
balance sheet date. Exchange differences, other than special loans satisfying the conditions of capitalization, are
accounted into current income account. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on historical cost are
translated at the rate of the trade day. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on fair value are translated
at the rate of the day when the fair value is recognized, where the differences are accounted as gain/loss from
change of fair value.
9. Financial instruments
     Finance assets are divided initially into four types of financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value
with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance asset and financial
asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts),
transactional financial assets, debt and account receivable, finance asset saleable.
     Finance debts are divided initially into two types of financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with
their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance debt and financial debt
appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), other
finance debt.
(1) Categorising of financial instruments
        Type of finance asset and finance debt
(2) Recognition basis and measurement of financial instruments
     Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset and finance debt
     When the Company is one part of the finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized.
When on recognizing initially finance asset or debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt
which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the
related transaction expenses are directly accounted into current gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the
related transaction expenses accounted into the initial recognition account.
     The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future possible transaction fee
but with exception: (1) Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by actual interest rate
according to the amortized costs. (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and
which fair value can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

instrument and which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by cost.
     The Company conduct successive measure of finance debt according to amortized cost by actual interest rate
with exception as following: (1) finance debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are
accounted into current gain/loss accounts, is measured at fir value without deducting possible future transactional
fee at settlement; (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value
can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and
which are closed off through the equity instrument, are measured by cost. (3) finance debt sponship contracts
which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss
accounts, or debt agreements at rate lower than market rate and which are not appointed to be measured at fair
value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, are measured at the higher value between
the optimal estimated value payable according to current obligations and the surplus value from which the initial
recognition value deduct the accumulated amortized amount according to the actual interest rate.
     Gain or loss from fluctuation of financial assets or liabilities are handled at the following ways, except for
relating to hedge instrument.
     (1) Gain or loss from fluctuation of fair value of financial assets or liabilities and accounted into current
gain/loss account, are accounted into gain/loss of fluctuation of fair value. Interests or cash dividend received in
the period of holding these assets are recognized as investment gains. When they are disposed, the difference
between the amount actually received and initially booked value is recognized as investment gains, and adjust the
gain/loss from fair value fluctuation.
     (2) Fluctuation of fair value of sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves; interests gained at
actual interest rate are accounting into investment gains; the cash dividend received from sellable instrument
investment, are accounted into investment gains when distributed; At disposal of these investment, the difference
between actual amount received and book value are recognized as investment gains after deducting of
accumulated change of fair value which are originally accounted into capital reserves.
     As soon as the contract rights of acquiring the cash flow of particular financial asset have been terminated or
almost all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been transferred, recognition of the
financial asset is terminated.
(3) Recognition basis and measurement for transferred financial assets
     The Company stop recognizing the finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are transferred
to the receiver; and continue to recognize the transferred finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership
are kept, and recognize the value as one finance debt. For the finance assets which risks and remuneration of
ownership are not transferred or kept, the Company recognize them as following: (1) stop recognizing the finance
asset which are given up the control; (2) continue to recognize the finance asset and related finance debt according
to the extend which involved into the transferred finance asset for the finance asset which are not given up control.
     The Company measured the surplus between the following two values for the transferred finance assets
which fulfill the stop recognition requirements into current gain or loss: (1) Account value of the transferred
finance asset; (2) Consideration plus the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into
ownership rights. For the transferred finance assets which partly fulfill the stop recognition requirements the
Company amortized the stopped recognition part and the not-stopped recognition part of the account value of
the whole transferred finance asset, and account the surplus between the following two values into current gain or
loss: (1) Account value of the stopped recognition part; (2) consideration plus the corresponding stopped

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

recognition part of the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership rights.
(4) Temination condition for recognition of financial liabilities
     The financial liabilities shall be terminated in all or partially as soon as the obligations attached to it are
(5) Recognition of fair values of financial assets and liabilities
     Basis of recognition and accounting of fair value for the main finance asset and finance debt
     For the finance asset or debt which active market exists, the Company recognize the fair value according to
the quote on the active market; for the finance asset or debt which active market not exists, the Company
recognized the fair value using estimation technology (including reference of the latest market prices from
freewill transactions by persons familiar with conditions, reference of the current fair value of other similar
finance instrument in characteristics, discounted cash flow models and Option Pricing Model); for the initially
acquired or initial finance asset or finance debt, the Company recognize the fair value basis on the market trading
(6) Impairment test and basis of provisions on financial assets (exclude receivable accounts)
     The Company conduct impairment test to the finance asset other than which appointed to be measured at fair
value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts on balance sheet day.
     The Company conduct independently impairment test for single finance asset with large value for single
finance asset with little value the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset
composition which have similar credit risk characteristics; for the non impairment assets which are tested
independently, the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset composition which have
similar credit risk characteristics.
     For the finance asset accounted by amortized cost which have subject impairment evidence at the end term,
the impairment loss was recognized according to the difference between the account value and the anticipating
future cash flow, for the finance asset which have little difference between its short term account receivable
anticipating future cash flow and its current value, the Company don’t discount the future cash flow when
recognizing related impairment loss. When there is impairment loss for the Equity instrument investment which
have no quote in active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably and its derived finance assets
which are connected with the equity instrument and which are calculated through the equity instrument, are
measured by cost, the difference is recognized as impairment loss between the account value of the equity
instrument investment and its derived finance asset and the current value discounted by the future cash flow
according to the market profit rate of the similar finance asset. The Company recognize the impairment loss for
the saleable finance asset which fair value have sharp decreasing and the anticipating decreasing trend is not
temporary, and account it into impairment loss together with the accumulated fair vale loss which was accounted
into owner’s equity directly.
(7) If investment held to mature is recategorized to sellable financial assets, please state th intention or
evidence of change in capability
10. Recognition standard and providing basis of bad debt provision on receivable accounts
     1. Recognition and providing of bad debt provision on individual receivable account with large amount
     2. Recognition and providing basis of bad debt reserves for group of receivable accounts with similar
characteristics of credit risks
     3. Recognition and providing methods of receivable account with minor amount and under individual

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

impairment test
    As for other receivable accounts such as notes, prepayments, interests, and long-term receivables, bad debt
provisions will be provided upon the differences of expectable cash flow lower than the booked value.
No bad debt provision is provided for receivables and other receivables occurred between the companies within
the consolidated financial statements.
(1) Bad debt provision on receivable accounts with major amount individually
Basis of recognition or standard amount of individual        Accounts take over 10% of the book balance of
account with large amount                                    receivable accounts
                                                             Impairment test performed individually, bad debt
Basis of bad debt provision                                  provision will be provided at the difference of
                                                             expected cash flow lower than the book value.

(2) Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided as groups
                                   Basis of bad debt
    Name of the portfolio                                               Basis of recognition for portfolios
Group by age analysis          Age analysis method        With similar characteristics of credit risks

Bad debt provisions are provided on age analyze basis in the portfolio
               Age              Provision rate for receivables (%)            Rate for other receivables (%)
Within 1 yr, (included)                                        5%                                                   5%
1-2 yrs                                                       20%                                                 20%
2-3 years                                                     40%                                                 40%
Over 3 years                                                  60%                                                 60%
3-4 yrs                                                       60%                                                 60%
4-5 yrs                                                       60%                                                 60%
over 5 yrs                                                    60%                                                 60%
Bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis in the portfolio
     Not applicable
Bad debt provisions are provided on other basis in the portfolio
     Not applicable
(3) Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provisions are provided individually
                                         When there is significant difference between the current value of future
Basis of providing bad debt
                                         cash flow of the receivable account and the current value of future cash
                                         flow of the group
                                         Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be
Basis of bad debt provision              provided at the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book
11. Inventories
(1) Inventory classification
Inventories include saleable finished goods or merchandise, product-in-process , consumption material and goods

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

in manufacturing procedure or working procedure.
(2) Pricing of inventory to be delivered
Pricing method: firt-in-first-out
     Delivered out materials are accounted by weighted average method, issued out finished products are
accounted at individual price.
(3) Recognition of realizable net value of inventory and providing of inventory impairment provision
At the balance sheet day, inventories are measured at the lower of costs and cashable net values, the individual
difference between the cashable net value and cost are provided as inventory impairment provision. For finished
product, merchandise, saleable material and other saleable merchandise inventory, their cashable net values are
recognized by their estimated sale price in normal operation deducting estimated sale expenses and related taxes;
for material inventory which need processing, it cashable net value are recognized by the estimated sale prices of
its finished products in normal operation deducting the estimated cost, sale expenses and related taxes due to the
end of processing; At the balance sheet day, for inventory item which part has contract price and part has no
contract price, the cashable net value is accounted separately, and recognize the inventory impairment provision
or returnable cash..
(4) Inventory system
Inventory system: perpetual inventory system
     Inventory is inventoried by perpetual inventory system
(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials
Low price consumable
Basis of amortizing: one-off
Low-value-consumable is amortized one-off.
Packaging materials
Basis of amortizing: one-off
Packaging material account to cost directly.
12. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment costs
(1) For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger under common control, if it is the long-term
equity investment obtained from the corporate merger by paying cash, transferring non-cash asset, bear liability
and issuing equity securities, the share of book value of owner's equity of the merged party on the merger date
shall be taken as the initial investment cost. The asset reserve is adjusted according to the difference between the
initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of paid combined consideration or
issued securities; if the capital is not enough for deduction, the remain earnings are adjusted.
(2) For the long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises under different control, the initial
investment cost is recognized by the fair value of combined consideration on purchasing day and related expenses.
(3) For the long-term equity investments formed by other than merger of enterprises: if it is gotten by paying cash,
the initial investment cost is recognized by purchasing price when buy; if it is gotten by issuing equity securities,
the initial investment cost is recognized by the fair value of the securities; if it is gotten by investor’s investment,
the initial investment cost is recognized by investment contract or agreed value in contract (except the not fair
contract value).
(2) Successive measurement and recognition of gain/loss

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Cost basis is adopted in accounting of those long-term equity investments by which the Company has substantial
control, and is adjusted in composing combined finance report according to equity basis; and those has no
common control or major influence without quotation in an active market and the fair value cannot be reliably
measured is also recalculated by cost basis. And equity basis is adopted in accounting of those long-term equity
investments by which the Company has joint control or major influence on the invested enterprise.
(3) Basis to recognize common control and material influence on invested entities
According to the contract, if the invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy need to be agreed by the
other investing party, the investment is common control investment; if only have participating decision rights in
invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy but have no own control or common control with other
investing part, the investment is investment with major influence.
(4) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions
When physical evidence showing that the investment in subsidiaries, affiliates, and joint ventures are impaired,
impairment provision shall be provided upon the balance between the book value and retrievable value; where the
long term equity investment with no control power or significant influence and has no quotation in an active
market and the fair value cannot be reliably measured, long-term investment impairment provision will be
provided according to “Enterprise Accounting Standard No.22 – Recognition and measure of financial instrument.
13. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition of fixed assets
Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, providing
services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one year of service life.
(2) Recognition and pricing of fixed asset leased by financing
Financed lease is recognized when one or several of the following conditions is satisfied:
(1) The ownership over the leased asset is transferred to the lessee on expiration of the leasing period;
(2) It is the lessee’s option to, or not to, buy the leased asset. However the predicted final consideration of the
asset will far lower than its original fair value. Therefore it can be rationally determined that the lessee will use its
option to buy off the asset.
(3)The ownership is not transferred, but the leasing period is taking most of the service life (usually 75% or over
of the service life of the leased asset).
(4)The current value of the lowest payment made by the lessee at the commencing date of the lease is almost
equal to (90% or over of) the fair value of the asset at the same date; or the current value of the lowest amount
received by the leaser at the commencing date of the lease is almost equal to (90% or over of) the fair value of the
asset at the same day;
(5) The asset to be leased is specialized for the use of the lessee, namely could not be used by others without
major reconstruction. Fixed asset leased on finance is booked at the lower one of the fair value at the commencing
date and the current value of the lowest rental.
(3) Depreciation of different fixed assets
     Fixed assets are booked at practical cost. Depreciation started at the next month of the asset become usable
on age average basis.

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

          Categories             Depreciation age (year)      Residue rate (%)         Annual depreciation rate (%)
Houses & buildings               20---30                                         4% 4.8----3.2
Equipment & machinery            8---15                                          4% 12----6.4
Office equipment                 5                                               4% 19.2
(4) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions on fixed assets
     At the balance sheet day, if there is evidence of impairment occurred to the construction in process,
impairment provision would be provided at the balance between the book value and retrievable value.
(5) Other remarks
14. Construction-in-progress
(1) Categories of construction-in-process
Construction in process is recognized on the basis of characteristics: very possible economic benefit flow in, cost
can be measured reliably. Since the date when the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, the
construction in process is measured by the happened cost Since the date when the construction in process reaches
its useful status as expected.
(2) Standard and timing for transferring of construction-in-process to fixed assets
When the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, it is transferred into fixed asset at actual
cost. If the construction in process has reached useful status but with completion of project settlement process, it is
transferred to fixed asset at the value estimated, and adjustment will happen after completion of project settlement
process but no adjustment on depreciation provided previously.
(3) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions on construction-in-process
     When there is evidence showing that the construction-in-process has impaired at the balance sheet day,
impairment provision shall be provided at the balance of the book value over the retrievable amount.
15. Borrowing expenses
(1) Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs
     Loan expenses occurred in the Company, which can be categorized to purchasing or construction of assets
satisfying the conditions of capitalization, shall be capitalized and accounted into capital costs; while other loan
expenses are recognized as expenses and recorded into current income account.
(2) Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses
     (1) Capitalization started as soon as all of these conditions are satisfied: 1) Capital expenditures have
occurred; 2) Loan expenses have occurred; 3) Nessesary purchasing or construction processes have been started to
make the asset usable or sellable.
     (2) Capitalizing of loan expenses is terminated as soon as the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions
reaches the state of usable or sellable as expected.
(3) Temporarily suspension of capitalizing period
(1) If irregular interruption occurred in the purchasing or construction process of the assets satisfying the
capitalizing conditions, and suspended for over successive three months, capitalizing of loan expenses is
suspended; loan expenses occurred during the suspension period are recognized as current expenses until the
purchasing or construction process resumes.
(4) Calculating of borrowing expense capitalizing
     Special loans raised for purchasing or construction of assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization,

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

interest to be capitalized will be the actual interest expenses occurred in the current period of loan (including the
discount, premium, or amortizing decided on actual interest rate basis), less the interest income from the unused
loans in bank account or provisional investment gains; common loans used for purchasing or construction of
assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization, the interest to be capitalized will be the weighted average of
balance over special loans multiply capitalization rate of common loans.
16. Biological assets
17. Petrolum assets
18. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing of intangible assets
     Intangible assets are land using rights, patents, and non-patent technologies, which are measured at cost
(2) Estimation of service life of intangible assets with limited service life
 When an intangible asset with particular useful life and impaired at the date of the balance sheet, impairment
provision shall be provided at the balance of book value over retrievable value.
           Items                 Expected useful life                               Basis
Land using right            50                          On useful life of land using rights
Operation rights of waste
                            on actual operation term On actual business term
heat power plant
Mining rights               10-30                       Useful life
Others                      5                           Expected useful life
(3) Intangible assets without certain useful life
(4) Providing of intangible asset impairment provisions
 When evidence showing that impairment occurred on intangible assets with definit useful life at the balance
sheet day, impairment provision shall be provided at the balance of book value over the retreivable value.
Impairment test shall be done on intangible assets with no definit useful life or intangible assets had not reached
the useful status, with or without evidence.
(5) Dividing of research stage and development stage of internal R&D projects
(1) Research phase: refers to innovative research approaches carried out to acquire and comprehend new science
or technology.
(2) Development phase: refers to application of results of particular research or other knowledge in a project or
design with purpose of creating new materials, devices, or products
(6) Accounting of internal R&D expenses
Expenditures of internal researching projects are accounted into current term gain and loss when happens. The
development period expenditures are recognized as intangible assets when fulfill following conditions: (1) The
intangible asset is completed and technically possible to be used or sold; (2) With intention to complete the
intangible asset for purpose of use or sale; (3) Evidence showing that there are markets or the products produced
with using of the intangible asset, or markets of the intangible asset itself, by which the intangible asset may
produce financial benefits. Intangible assets used inside the Company must be approved for their usable characters.
(4) Developing of the intangible assets are supported by sufficient technical, financial, and other resources, and
the intangible assets can be used or sold. (5) Expenditures occurred in developing of the intangible asset may be
reliably measured.

19. Long-term expenses to be amortized

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     Long-term amortizable expenses are recorded at actual amount occurred, and straight amortized to stipulated
periods. In case a long-term expense was not benefiting the succeeding periods, then the balance of the account
shall be transferred over to current income account.
20. Asset transferring with repurchasing terms
21. Predicted liabilities
(1) Recognition of expectible liabilities
(2) Accounting of estimated liabilities
22. Share payment and equity instruments
(1) Category of share payment
(2) Recognition of fair value of equity instruments
(3) Recognition basis of best estimation of exercisable equity instruments
(4) Accounting treatment of share payment plan to be implemented, revised, and terminated
23. Repurchasing of the Company’s shares
24. Turnover
(1) Recognition time for sales of goods
Sales income is recognized when all of these conditions are satisfied: Major risks and rewards attached to the
goods have been transferred to the purchaser; The Company holds neither successive management power which is
normally attached to ownership, nor effective control, over the goods which have been sold out; Amount of
income may be reliably measured; when the costs, occurred or will occur, may be measured reliably.
(2) Recognition of income from giving of using rights on assets
     Income from giving of assets is recognized when satisfying requirements: related economic benefit flows in
very possibly, income can be measured reliably. Amount of interest income is calculated according to the time
and actual interest rate of the monetary capital is used by other party. Income of using fee is calculated upon the
charge period and calculation provided by the related contract or agreement.
(3) Basis of recognizing service income
     At balance sheet day, those service trades (simultaneously satisfying the requirements of those: income can
be measured reliably, related economic benefit will flow in very possibly, transaction procedure can be confirmed
reliably, happened and happening cost can be measured reliably) which can be reliably estimated are recognized
at the percentage of completion, and progress of completion of service is decided by the portion of costs occurred
over the estimated total costs. At balance sheet day, those service trades which can not be reliably estimated, if the
happened services cost will be compensated, the services income are recognized according to happened service
cost and transited to service cost according to same amount; if the happened services cost will not be compensated,
the happened services cost are accounted into current term’s gain or loss and the services income will not be
(4) Basis and method to determine completion progress for income from service providing and construction
contracts on percentage basis
     (1) When the result of the construction contract is able to be evaluated reliably at the balance sheet date, the
income and cost of the contract are recognized on completion percentage basis. If the result of the construction
contract is not able to be evaluated reliably, but the contract cost may be recovered, the income is recognized at
the cost actually recovered, and the cost of the contract is recognized as contract expenses of the current period
when it is occurred.

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

     (2) When all of the following conditions were satisfied, the result of a fix-amount contract is regarded as can
be evaluated reliably: the total income of the contract may be measured reliably, there is great possibility that the
financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the actual contract costs may be identified and measured
clearly and reliably, the construction progress and the cost to occur are able to be measured reliably. When all of
the following conditions are satisfied, the result of a cost-plus-commission contract is regarded as can be
evaluated reliably: there is great possibility that the financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the
actual costs may be identified and measured clearly and reliably.
     (3) Contract progress is recognized at the ratio of accumulative actual cost on the predicted complete cost.
     (4) In case the expected total cost is greater than the total income, the expected loss will be recognized as
expense of the current period. If the construction is in process, the balance is accounted as inventory impairment
provision; if the contract is not executed, the balance is accounted as expected liability.
25. Government allowance
(1) Categories
Government subsidies are divided into asset-related subsidies and income-related subsidies.
(2) Accounting treatment
      Monetary government subsidies are measured on actual amount or receivable amount; non-monetary
subsidies are measured at fair value; when no fair value is available, measured at named amount.
      Asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income, amortized straight to its useful life
and recorded into current income account. Those income-related government subsidies used to makeup expenses
or losses in succeeding periods are recognized as deferred income and recorded in current income account at the
related expenses is recognized; those used to makeup expenses or losses already occurred are recorded into
current income account instantly.
26. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax assets
Deferred income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or paying
the liabilities according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be recognized,
the difference is between the tax basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or liabilities and the
tax basis.
(2) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or paying
the liabilities according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be recognized,
the difference is between the tax basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or liabilities and the
tax basis.
27. Operational leasing and financial leasing
(1) Accounting of operational leasing
(2) Accounting treatment of financed leasing
(3) Accounting treatment of renting back after sales
28. Sellable assets in possession
(1) Recognition of sellable assets in possession
(2) Accounting treatment of sellable assets in possession
29. Securitilization of asset

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

30. Hedging instruments
31. Change of main accounting policies and estimations
Is there any material change of accounting policies occurred in the year.
(1) Change of accounting policies
Is there any change in accounting policies in the report period
(2) Change of accounting estimations
Is there any change in accounting estimations in the report period
32. Correction of accounting errors in previous period
Is there any accounting error with previous period found in the report period
(1) Retrospective restatement
Is there any retrospective restatement on the accounting error with previous periods done in the report term

(2) Future adoption method
Is there any future adoption method applyable to accounting errors with previous periods found in the report
33. Other principal accounting policies, estimations and preparation method of financial statements
V. Taxation
1. Main categories and rates of taxes
      Class of tax                                        Tax basis                                            Tax rate
VAT                  sales of goods or providing of taxable labor service                                   17%
Operational tax      Taxable turnover                                                                       5%
City maintenance
and construction     Turnover tax payable                                                                   7%
Enterprise income
                     Amount of income taxable                                                               [Note 1]
                     For those on price basis, taxes are paid at 1.2% of the balance of original value of
Property tax         the property after deducting of 30%; for those on rental basis, taxes are paid at      1.2%、12%
                     12% of the rental.
Education surtax Turnover tax payable                                                                       3%
Local education
                     Turnover tax payable                                                                   2%
Income tax rate applyable to branches and factories.

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

    [Note] The Company and its subsidiaries Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd., Hangzhou
Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Guoneng Steam turbine
Engineering Co., Ltd. were subject to 15% of tax, and the others were subject to 25% of tax.
2. Preferential tax and approving documents
    1. According to the document “Notice for Qualification of 1125 Enterprises as High-tech Enterprises” (浙科
发高〔2011〕263号) issued by Zhejiang Department of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Department of Finance,
Zhejiang National Tax Bureau, and Zhejiang Local Tax Bureau, the Company and Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam
Turbine Power Co., Ltd. – subsidy of the Company, were qualified as high-tech enterprises for term of three years.
Therefore we enjoy 15% of tax for 2011-2013.
    2. According to the document 浙科发高[2010]183 titled “Notification of Awarding the First Lot of
High-Tech Enterprises of Year 2010” issued jointly by Zhejiang Bureau of Science and Technology, Zhejiang
Bureau of Finance, Zhejiang National Tax Bureau, and Zhenjiang Local Tax Bureau, Hangzhou Steam Turbine
Casting Co., Ltd. was certified the High-Tech Enterprise, therefore enjoys 15% of income tax rate from 2010 to
     3. According to document浙科发高[2011]262号 issued by Zhejiang Department of Science and Technology,
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co.,
Ltd. were named High-tech Enterprises of 2011. Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd. is
enjoying the preferancial tax rate of 15% for the years 2011-2013.
3. Other statements

                                                                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

         VI. Enterprise Merger and Consolidating of Financial Statements
         1. Particulars of the subsidiaries
         (1) Subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment
                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                 Balance of the
                                                                                                                  e of                                             Amount
                                                                                                           Act                                                                 owners’ equity of
                                                                                                                  other                                               for
                                                                                                           ual                                                                   parent co. after
                                                                                                                  items                                            deductin
                                                                                                           inv                                                                  deducting of the
                                                                                                                 actuall                   Co                      g minor
                               Ownershi         Busine                                                     est                                                                 exceeding part of
                                                                                                                   y       Share Voting nso          Minor        sharehold
                                p of the Reg.     ss      Registered                                       me                                                                       minority
 Full name of the subsidiary                                                    Business Scope                   formed proport power lid shareholders’              er’s
                               subsidiar Add. propert       capital                                        nt                                                                  shareholders’ share
                                                                                                                   net     ion %     %     ate       equity        equity in
                                    y              y                                                       at                                                                    of loss over the
                                                                                                                 invest                     d?                    the minor
                                                                                                           yea                                                                  share of minority
                                                                                                                 ment in                                          sharehold
                                                                                                            r                                                                  shareholders in the
                                                                                                                   the                                                er’s
                                                                                                           end                                                                  owners’ equity at
                                                                                                                 subsidi                                            equity
                                                                                                                                                                               beginning of year
Zhejiang Steam Trubine         Controlle Hang
                                                                       Development of electrical &
Packaged Technologies          d          zhou Manufa                                                                                      Ye
                                                          51 mil       mechanical equipment cotrol unit                    51.84% 51.84%          37,759,333.64
Development Co., Ltd. (the     subsidiari Zheji cturing                                                                                    s
                                                                       and technical consulting service
Packaged Tech Co.)             es         ang
                                                                       Designing and manufacturing of
                               Controlle Hang                          steam turbines and supplementary
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam
                               d          zhou Manufa                  equipment and parts; sales of the                                   Ye
Turbine Power Co., Ltd.                                   92.5 mil                                                          51.6% 51.6%          147,425,987.01
                               subsidiari Zheji cturing                Company’s products; contracting                                    s
(Zhongneng Co.)
                               es         ang                          and consulting of mid-small size
                                                                       power plants
Hangzhou Steam Turbine         Controlle Hang Manufa 22 mil            Manufacturing of cast iron and                        51%     51% Ye       78,382,023.16
                                                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Casting Co., Ltd. (Casting Co.) d           zhou cturing             steel products; installation and                     s
                                subsidiari Zheji                     maintenance of casting
                                es          ang                      equipments; sales of the
                                                                     Company’s products
                                Controlle Hang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                d           zhou Manufa              Manufacturing of auxiliary                           Ye
Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd.                               80 mil                                         76.5% 76.5%           64,316,761.96
                                subsidiari Zheji cturing             equipment of steam turbine                           s
(Auxiliary Machinery Co.)
                                es          ang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine          Controlle Hang
                                                                     Manufacturing and processing of
Machinery Equipment Co.,        d           zhou Manufa                                                                   Ye
                                                            30 mil   steam turbine auxiliary parts and      52%     52%          55,197,343.29
Ltd. (Machinery Equipment       subsidiari Zheji cturing                                                                  s
                                                                     other machinery auxiliary parts
Co.)                            es          ang
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam          subsidiar
                                            ou     Manufa            Manufacturing and processing of                      Ye
Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd.     y of the                    21 mil                                          75%     75%                    0.00
                                            Zheji cturing            steam turbine parts                                  s
(Huayuan Co.)                   Machiner
                                y Co.
                                                                     Steam turbine periphery; service:
                                subsidiar Hang
Hangzhou Guoneng Steam                                               design, installation, consultation,
                                y of the    zhou Manufa                                                                   Ye
Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.                               40 mil   technology service of steam            75%     75%                    0.00
                                Auxiliary Zheji cturing                                                                   s
(Guoneng Co.)                                                        turbine system and related
                                Machine ang
                                Holding Hang                         Designing of cooling and
Hangzhou Pangtong Electronic
                                subsidiar zhou Manufa                depressurizing equipment and                         Ye
Equipment Co., Ltd. (Pangtong                               1 mil                                           70%     70%             423,547.16
                                y of        Zheji cturing            accessories; manufacturing                           s
                                Zhongne ang                          (assembling only): cooling and

                                                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                               ng Co.                                depressurizing equipment;
                                                                     wholesale and retailing: cooling
                                                                     and depressurizing equipment and
                                                                     related equipment
Hangzhou Kaineng Forge Co.,                zhou Manufa                                                                     Ye
                               y of                         2 mil    Forging and casting materials          100%    100%                    0.00
Ltd. (Kaineng Co.)                         Zheji cturing                                                                   s
                                                                     Steam turbine, gass turbine,
                                                                     generator, gear box, boiler, air
                                                                     cooler, condensator, power plant
                               Fully-ow Hang
                                                                     auxiliary equipment, water
Zhejiang Turbine Import &      ned         zhou Comm                                                                       Ye
                                                            20 mil   turbine, air compressor, fan,          100%    100%                    0.00
Export Co., Ltd. (Turbine Co.) subsidiar Zheji erce                                                                        s
                                                                     controlling equipment, spare
                               y           ang
                                                                     parts, and materials. Sales and
                                                                     assembling of the above, import
                                                                     and export.
                               Holding Shiji
                                                                     Sales, technical consulting,
Shijiazhuang Hangheng Steam subsidiar azhu Service
                                                                     service, adjusting, and                               Ye
Turbine Tech Service Co., Ltd. y of        ang    industr 3 mil                                             60%      60%             816,611.39
                                                                     maintaining of steam turbines and                     s
(Shijiazhuang Service Co.)     Zhongne Hebe y
                                                                     auxiliary facilities and parts
                               ng Co.      i
Kunming Hangzhong Steam        Holding Kun                           Installation, testing, and technical
Turbine Power Tech Service     subsidiar ming                        consulting of steam turbines,                         Ye
                                                  industr 1.2 mil                                           60%      60%             710,878.40
Co., Ltd. (Kunming Service     y of        Yunn                      electric generators, and power                        s
Co.)                           Zhongne an                            equipment; sales of parts of steam

                                                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                ng Co.                              turbine, electric generator, and
                                                                    power equipment
                                                                    Sales of steam turbines, steam
                                            Wulu                    machine, generator set, and parts;
Wurumuqi Hangzhongneng          subsidiar           Service
                                            muqi                    developing, promotion, service of                  Ye
Steam Turbine Service Co.,      y of                industr 3 mil                                        60%     60%           1,066,005.05
                                            Xinji                   energy-saving technologies,                        s
Ltd. (Wurumuqi Service Co.)     Zhongne             y
                                            ang                     maintaining, reconstruction of
                                ng Co.
                                                                    high-tech products
                                Holding                             Technical service, installation,
Tangshan Hangneng Steam                     Tang
                                subsidiar           Service         and maintaining of steam
Turbine Power Tech Service                  shan                                                                       Ye
                                y of                industr 2 mil   turbines; sales of steam turbine     60%     60%             674,524.81
Co., Ltd. (Tangshan Service                 Hebe                                                                       s
                                Zhongne             y               and auxiliary equipment, and
Co.)                                        i
                                ng Co.                              parts
                                                                    Steam turbine and auxiliary
                                                                    equipment, spare parts, testing,
                                Holding                             repairing, technical consultancy
Jilin Hangzhongneng Steam       subsidiar           Service         and service; design of
Turbine Power Tech Service      y of        Jilin industr 2 mil     electro-mechanical projects,         60%     60%             780,256.80
Co., Ltd. (Jilin Service Co.)   Zhongne             y               chemical projects, environment
                                ng Co.                              projects; installation of chemical
                                                                    equipment and electro-mechanical
                                            Nann                    Installation, repairing, technical
Guangxi Hangzhongneng           subsidiar           Service
                                            ing                     reconstruction, technical service,                 Ye
Steam Turbine Tech Service      y of                industr 2 mil                                        60%     60%             631,519.74
                                            Guan                    of steam turbine; sales of steam                   s
Co., Ltd.                       Zhongne             y
                                            gxi                     turbine parts
                                ng Co.

                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                      Development of steam turbine;
                               Holding                                sales, installation, testing,
Chengdu Hangzhongneng          subsidiar           Service            maintainance, technical
                                           gdu                                                                              Ye
Science & Tech Co., Ltd.       y of                industr 2 mil      consultancy and service of              60%     60%             566,705.44
                                           Sichu                                                                            s
(Chengdu Science Co.)          Zhongne             y                  machinery, chemical products
                               ng Co.                                 (exclude hazard products), and
                                                                      steam turbine
                                           Luoy                       Technical consultancy,
Luoyang Hangqi Steam           subsidiar           Service
                                           ang                        installation, maintainance of                         Ye
Turbine Tech Service Co., Ltd. y of                industr 2 mil                                              60%     60%             709,052.62
                                           Hena                       steam turbine; sales of steam                         s
(Luoyang Service Co.)          Zhongne             y
                                           n                          turbine and parts
                               ng Co.
                                                                      Production of boilers and
                                                                      products; design and technical
                               Subsidiar Hang                         service of boiler, boiler parts,
Hangzhou Hangqilun Boiler
                               y of        zhou Manufa                pressure tanks, energy products,                      Ye
Co., Ltd. (Hangqilun Boiler                                  20 mil                                           40%                  13,039,283.09
                               Zhongne Zheji cturing                  environment protection products;                      s
                               ng Co.      ang                        whole sale and retailing of
                                                                      boilers; all legal items that are not
                                                                      under restriction.

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Supplementary remarks on subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment
(2) Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under common control
     Not applicable
(3) Subsidiaries procured through merger of entities under different control
     Not applicable
2. Entities with special purposes or entities on which the Company has cotrolling power thorugh entrusted
operation or leasing
     Not applicable
3. Change of consolidation range
Change of consolidation range:
     1. Subsidiaries excluded in the consolidated accounts in the report term
     It was on January 24, 2013, Zhongneng Co. entered the “Share Transferring Agreement” with Hangzhou
Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. to transfer the 70% of the equity in Packaged Equipment Co. with
consideration of RMB30.94 million. Zhongneng Co. would no longer holds any rights or liabilities in the Package
Co. It was no longer in the consolidation range since Feb 2013.
     Comparing with the previous year, 0 entities newly added (or acquired) and 1 eliminated in the report period.
     It was on January 24, 2013, Zhongneng Co. entered the “Share Transferring Agreement” with Hangzhou
Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. to transfer the 70% of the equity in Packaged Equipment Co. with
consideration of RMB30.94 million. Zhongneng Co. would no longer holds any rights or liabilities in the Package
Co. It was no longer in the consolidation range since Feb 2013.
4. Entities included or excluded in the consolidation range in the report period
Subsidiaries, entities with special purpose, or entities on which the Company has cotrolling power thorugh
entrusted operation or leasing excluded from the consolidation range in the report period.
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                     Net profit from beginning of
                      Name                          Net asset at day of disposal
                                                                                      year to the date of disposal
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
                                                                    15,783,097.32                      -2,397,169.67
Packaged Project Engineering Co., Ltd.
Supplementary statements on entities newly consolidated or eliminated from the consolidation
5. Merger of entities under common control in the report term
6. Merger of entities under different control in the report term
7. Subsidiaries reduced for disposal of shares and lose of control power
8. Reverse acquisition occurred in the report period
9. Takeover occurred in the report period
10. Exchange rate of main accounts of overseas businesses
VII. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

1. Monetary capital
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                           End of term                                 Beginning of term
                               Amount of                                   Amount of
         Items                             Exchange                                      Exchange
                                foreign                  Amount RMB          foreign                   Amount RMB
                                              rate                                          rate
                               currency                                     currency
Cash:                             --           --           351,616.13         --            --              211,651.43
RMB                               --           --           351,616.13         --            --              199,080.43
USD                                                                            2,000.00 6.2855                12,571.00
Bank account:                     --           --        689,944,741.48        --            --       1,054,918,406.92
RMB                               --           --        661,837,130.66        --            --       1,030,729,013.29
USD                          4,429,209.04 6.178739        27,366,928.40    3,812,445.34 6.2855           23,963,125.18
JPY                               3,459.00 0.062608             216.56         3,459.00 0.073049                 252.68
EURO                             91,942.22 8.053600         740,465.86        26,307.60 8.3176               218,816.09
HKD                                                                            8,879.18 0.81085                 7,199.68
Other monetary capital            --           --         40,744,100.00        --            --          45,510,522.27
RMB                               --           --         40,744,100.00        --            --          45,510,522.27
Total                             --           --        731,040,457.61        --            --       1,100,640,580.62
Please state individually on accounts under pledge, mortgage, frozen, placed in overseas bank account, or with
potential risk of retrieving
2. Notes receivable
(1) Categories of notes receivable
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                   Categories                                End of term                    Beginning of term
Bank acceptance                                                      752,045,091.88                     800,194,449.81
Commercial acceptance                                                  3,183,490.00                         3,190,471.00
Total                                                                755,228,581.88                     803,384,920.81
(2) Notes receivable under pledge
(3) Notes transferred to account receivable for the issuer is not able to execute the liability, and notes
endorsed to other parties but are not mature yet at the end of period
Notes transferred to account receivable due to failure of the issuer
Notes endorsed to other parties but not due
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                    Issuer                           Date of issue          Expired on             Amount         Note
Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.       March 28, 2013          Sept 28 2013            10,000,000.00
Shaoxing Tianpu Plastic Goods Co., Ltd.        Jan 29 2013             July 29 2013            10,000,000.00
China Petro Chemical Co., Ltd. Material
                                               Apr 19 2013             July 19, 2013           10,000,000.00
and Equpment Dept.

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.          Semi-annual Report 2013

Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Ltd.                   Jan 7 2013                    Jul 7 2013                   9,000,000.00
Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Ltd.                   May 22 2013                   Nov 22 2013                  8,000,000.00
Total                                                        --                         --                 47,000,000.00             --

3. Dividend receivable
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                 Beginning of                       Decreased         End of           Cause for not        Impairment of
             Items                                    this
                                     term                           this period        term              retrieved           the account
Dividend receivable with
                                     435,586.13                      435,586.13
age within 1 year
In which:                              --              --                 --                --              --                   --
Greenesol Co. (India)                435,586.13                      435,586.13
In which:                              --              --                 --                --              --                   --
Total                                435,586.13                      435,586.13                             --                   --
4. Account receivable
(1) Account receivable presented on categories
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                            End of term                                          Beginning of term
                            Book balance           Bad debt provision              Book balance              Bad debt provision
                                     Proportio                    Proportio                  Proportio                      Proportion
                         Amount                    Amount                        Amount                     Amount
                                       n%                           n%                           n%                             %
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
                         2,556,960                444,903,2                     2,329,16                   437,343,73
Group by age analysis                  99.63%                        17.4%                       97.19%                        18.78%
                           ,399.74                    01.67                     5,332.79                             4.16
                         2,556,960                444,903,2                     2,329,16                   437,343,73
Sub-total of group                     99.63%                        17.4%                       97.19%                        18.78%
                           ,399.74                    01.67                     5,332.79                             4.16
Account receivable
with minor individual 9,492,990                   9,492,990                     67,407,5                  12,388,716.
                                        0.37%                        100%                        2.81%                         18.38%
amount but bad debt            .65                          .65                    00.67                              15
provision is provided
                         2,566,453                454,396,1                     2,396,57                   449,732,45
Total                                       --                       --                           --                            --
                           ,390.39                    92.32                     2,833.46                             0.31
Remarks on categories of receivable account
Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
    Not applicable
Account receivable in the portfolio which are provided bad debt provision on age basis

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                     End of term                                          Beginning of term
                           Book balance                                         Book balance
         Age                                                                                                    Bad debt
                                      Proportio Bad debt provision                           Proportion
                        Amount                                               Amount                            provision
                                          n%                                                       %
within 1 year
In which:                   --              --             --                     --                   --          --
Subtotal of
                       1,437,967,136.25 56.23%          71,894,656.84        1,242,442,508.43 53.34%           62,122,125.43
within 1 year
1-2 years               617,932,503.58 24.17%          123,590,546.32         545,859,269.77 23.44%          109,171,853.95
2-3 years               256,092,287.12 10.02%          102,436,914.84         292,341,890.00 12.55%           116,936,756.00
Over 3 years            244,968,472.79 9.58%           146,981,083.67         248,521,664.59 10.67%           149,112,998.78
3-4 years               120,777,857.13 4.72%            72,466,714.27         150,669,508.42 6.47%             90,780,418.15
4-5 years                69,451,583.93 2.72%            41,670,950.36          47,249,878.45 2.03%             34,085,792.26
over 5 yrs               54,739,031.73 2.14%            32,843,419.04          50,602,277.72 2.17%             24,246,788.37
Total                  2,556,960,399.74     --         444,903,201.67        2,329,165,332.79          --    437,343,734.16
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
    Not applicable
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on other basis
    Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of
                                                                                                                   In RMB
  Description of the
                             Book balance         Bad debt provision      Providing rate (%)           Reason to provide
 receivable accounts
NBDL Power Station
                                 9,492,990.65            9,492,990.65                      100% Hard to recover
in India
Total                            9,492,990.65            9,492,990.65              --                         --
(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period
(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period
(4) Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                 End of term                              Beginning of term
                                                           Bad debt
   Name of the companies                                                                               Bad debt provision
                                    Book balance           provision            Book balance
Hangzhou Steam Turbine                    591,500.00            310,500.00             2,507,500.00            608,000.00

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Power Group Co., Ltd.
Total                                    591,500.00            310,500.00           2,507,500.00               608,000.00
(5) Top 5 debtors in the receivable accounts
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                           Relation with the                                                             Portion in total
 Name of the companies                                 Amount                     Ages
                                Company                                                               receivables (%)
Shenyang Turbine           Non-related
                                                      505,264,672.38 over 1-3 years                                 19.69%
Machinery Co., Ltd.        company
Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Non-related
                                                      297,656,650.32 over 1-3 years                                  11.6%
Ltd.                       company
Hebei Shougang Qian’an    Non-related
                                                      224,860,000.00 within 1 year                                   8.76%
Steel & Iron Co., Ltd.     company
Jingneng Kangbashi
Thermal Powerplant Co.,                                    47,196,000.00 within 1 yr                                 1.84%
Ltd. in Inner Mongolia
Hitachi (China) Ltd.                                       42,385,500.00 within 1 year                               1.65%
Total                             --              1,117,362,822.70                  --                              43.54%
(6) Account due from related parties
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                                          Portion in total
        Name of the companies          Relation with the Company                    Amount
                                                                                                          receivables (%)
Hangzhou Hangfa Power
                                   Affiliate of the Group                                11,588,030.98              0.45%
Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears
                                   Affiliate of the Group                                     4,434.00                 0%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                   Affiliate of the Group                                11,833,590.00              0.46%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                   Affiliate of the Group                              12,899,355.38                 0.5%
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Greenesol Co. (India)              Shares held by the Company                              141,423.75               0.01%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
Group Packaged Project             Affiliate of the Group                                 3,231,426.05              0.13%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Total                                                 --                               39,698,260.16                1.55%
(7) Recognition of receivable accounts terminated
(8) For securitization on receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed by
continuous involving
                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     Semi-annual Report 2013

                        Items                                                        End of term
5. Other account receivable.
(1) Other receivable account on categories
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                            End of term                                       Beginning of term
                                Book balance          Bad debt provision           Book balance            Bad debt provision
                                          Proporti                  Proporti                  Proportio                  Proporti
                            Amount                     Amount                    Amount                     Amount
                                           on %                      on %                       n%                        on %
Other receivables
with major individual
amount and bad debt                                                                             48.82% 4,813,386.86              5%
provision provided
Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
Group by age              39,747,200.                3,829,927.3               97,221,214.
                                          91.46%                      9.64%                      49.3% 8,811,669.04       9.06%
analysis                            38                          7                      63
                          39,747,200.                3,829,927.3               97,221,214.
Sub-total of group                        91.46%                      9.64%                      49.3% 8,811,669.04       9.06%
                                    38                          7                      63
Other account
receivable with minor
                          3,710,320.9                3,710,320.9               3,710,320.9
individual amount                          8.54%                      100%                       1.88% 3,710,320.94        100%
                                      4                         4                         4
but bad debt
provision is provided
                          43,457,521.                7,540,248.3               197,199,27                 17,335,376.8
Total                                        --                        --                        --                         --
                                    32                          1                    2.75                            4
Other receivable accounts with major single amount and bad debt provision drawn upon them
       Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                             End of term                                        Beginning of term
                                  Book balance                                       Book balance
           Age                                                  Bad debt
                                                     Propor                                           Propor Bad debt provision
                                 Amount                         provision           Amount
                                                     tion %                                           tion %
within 1 year
In which:
Subtotal of within 1                                  84.19                                            80.19
                                  33,463,210.14                 1,673,160.52       77,956,851.63                   3,897,842.58
year                                                     %                                                %
1-2 years                          3,236,349.84 8.14%               647,269.97     15,428,271.40 15.87             3,085,654.30

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

2-3 years                      1,595,436.80 4.01%          638,174.72        2,367,414.00 2.44%             946,965.60
Over 3 years                   1,452,203.60 3.66%          871,322.16        1,468,677.60   1.5%            881,206.56
3-4 years                        534,660.00 1.35%          320,796.00          83,134.00 0.09%                  49,880.40
4-5 years                         63,500.00 0.16%           38,100.00         244,000.00 0.25%              146,400.00
over 5 yrs                       854,043.60 2.15%          512,426.16        1,141,543.60 1.17%             684,926.16
Total                        39,747,200.38      --       3,829,927.37    97,221,214.63       --           8,811,669.04
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
     Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provision are provided on other basis
     Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period
                                                                                                                  In RMB
 Description of other
                            Book balance        Bad debt provision      Providing rate (%)        Reason to provide
Customs deposit
                                3,710,320.94             3,710,320.94                   100% Hard to recover
Total                           3,710,320.94             3,710,320.94             --                       --
(2) Other receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period
Bad debt provisions on other receivable accounts with single large amount or minor amount but tested
individually at end of report period
(3) Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period
(4) Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                End of term                            Beginning of term
                                                            Bad debt                                     Bad debt
    Name of the companies
                                       Book balance         provision           Book balance             provision
                                                            provided                                     provided
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                              1,108.80               55.44
Group Co., Ltd.
                Total                         1,108.80               55.44

(5) Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount
(6) Top 5 debtors of other receivable accounts
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                                     Portion in total
                                        Relation with
         Name of the companies                                Amount                Ages            other receivables
                                         the Company
Hangzhou Custom                                               13,005,336.93 within 1 year                     29.93%
Shanghai Customs Waigaoqiao            Non-related
                                                               3,710,320.94 Over 3 years                          8.54%
Office                                 company
Guodian Trust Bidding Co., Ltd.                                2,655,800.00 over 1-3 years                        6.11%
Zhejiang Tianyin Management            Non-related
                                                               1,400,000.00 within 1 year                         3.22%
Consultancy Co., Ltd.                  company
中国神华国际工程有限公司                                       1,250,000.00 1-2 years                             2.88%
                 Total                          --            22,021,457.87           --                      50.68%
(7) Other accounts receivable from related parties
(8) Termination of other receivable accounts
(9) For securitization on other receivable accounts, please provide the amount of asset and liability formed
by continuous involving
6. Prepayment
(1) Prepayment presented by ages:
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                  End of term                                     Beginning of term
                            Amount                    Ratio (%)                  Amount                     Ratio (%)
within 1 year                        508,018,765.33     98.17%                          253,962,166.02        92.22%
1-2 years                              6,501,509.25       1.26%                            12,991,204.30          4.72%
2-3 years                                787,964.90       0.15%                             6,960,340.50          2.53%
Over 3 years                           2,173,776.26       0.42%                             1,483,477.76          0.53%
Total                                517,482,015.74      --                             275,397,188.58            --
(2) Top 5 receivers of prepayments
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                 Relation with the
   Name of the companies                                      Amount                 Date         Reason of unsettled
                                 Non-related                                                     In schedule as the
Mitsubishi                                                      85,347,832.35
                                 company                                                         contract
GEA Batignolles Thermal
                                 Non-related                                                     In schedule as the
Technologies (Changshu) Co.,                                    59,227,199.60
                                 company                                                         contract

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.      Semi-annual Report 2013

Hangzhou Hangfa Power
                                                                                                            In schedule as the
Generating Equipment Co.,             Related parties                      45,134,825.00
Hanghai Lanbin
                                      Non-related                                                           In schedule as the
Petro-chemical Equipment                                                   22,340,000.00
                                      company                                                               contract
Co., Ltd.
Ha’erbin Air-conditioner Co., Non-related                                                                  In schedule as the
Ltd.                                  company                                                               contract
Total                                              --                  233,411,876.95            --                     --

(3) Prepayment received by shareholding parties holding 5% or above of the Company’s shares in the
report period
(4) Statements on prepayments
        In schedule as the contract
7. Inventories
(1) Categories of inventory
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                      End of term                                             Beginning of term
   Items                              Impairment                                                 Impairment
                 Book balance                           Book value           Book balance                              Book value
                                       provision                                                  provision
                     388,764,767.31                      388,764,767.31        464,273,966.44                          464,273,966.44
Product in
                     577,087,262.91                      577,087,262.91        566,567,300.58     8,910,665.94         557,656,634.64
Products in
                     745,089,136.32    158,244.58        744,930,891.74        429,516,689.14         158,244.58       429,358,444.56
Material in
                       2,572,157.56                        2,572,157.56
Total            1,713,513,324.10      158,244.58       1,713,355,079.52      1,460,357,956.16    9,068,910.52      1,451,289,045.64
(2) Inventory impairment provision
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                          Openning balance                                   Decreased this period            Closing balance of
        Categories                             Provided this term
                            of book value                              Written back         Transferred            book value
Product in process              8,910,665.94                                                8,910,665.94
Products in stock                158,244.58                                                                              158,244.58
Total                           9,068,910.52                                                8,910,665.94                 158,244.58
(3) Inventory impairment provisions
                                        Basis of providing                                              Percentage of the writen
               Items                                                 Reason of written back
                                      impairment provision                                            back amount on the balance

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                               of the inventory
                            Provided at the balance of
Products in stock           inventory over the
                            realizable net value
                                                         Inventory impairment
                                                         provision was provided by
                                                         Packaged Equipment Co.,
Product in process                                                                                                1.57%
                                                         it was no longer in the
                                                         consolidation range since
                                                         sold out in Feb.
8. Other current assets
                                                                                                             In RMB
                    Items                          End of term                        Beginning of term
Trusteeship products purchased                             470,000,000.00                           150,610,000.00
Amortizable expenses such as rental                             286,995.99                               114,250.00
                    Total                                  470,286,995.99                           150,724,250.00

                                                                                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

        9. Long-term equity investment
        (1) Details of long-term equity investment
                                                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                                                                                 Statement on                    Impairment
                                                                                                   Percentage of Voting
                        Calculating     Investment     Openning                        Closing                               differences between   Impairment     provision     Cash dividend of
Company invested in                                                    Changed by                   share in the power in
                           basis           cost         balance                        balance                              the shareholding and    provision   provided this   the current term
                                                                                                      firm %     the firm %
                                                                                                                                 voting rights                      term
Greenesol Co. (India)   Cost basis      5,534,773.22   5,534,773.22                   5,534,773.22           37%        37%
Bank of Hangzhou
                        Cost basis    390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00                 390,954,040.00           6.92%   6.92%                                                        23,118,640.00
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Engineering     Cost basis     30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00                   30,000,000.00            15%         15%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Changdi
Investment              Cost basis     10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00                   10,000,000.00           2.97%   2.97%
Zhejiang Sanxin
Automatic               Cost basis       600,000.00      600,000.00                    600,000.00              6%         6%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Zhongkong
Solar Energy
                        Cost basis     15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00                   15,000,000.00             6%         6%
Technologies Co.,
Zhejiang Tianhang
Steam Turbine
                        Cost basis     10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00                   10,000,000.00       33.33%      33.33%                                                         1,000,000.00
Auxiliary Machinery
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zhongneng
Steam Power             Cost basis     13,821,525.00                  13,821,525.00 13,821,525.00             45%         45%
(Indonesia) Co., Ltd.
Total                        --       475,910,338.22 462,088,813.22 13,821,525.00 475,910,338.22        --           --              --                                           24,118,640.00

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.        Semi-annual Report 2013

10. Fixed assets
(1) Particulars of fixed assets
                               Openning balance of                                         Decreased this      Closing balance of
           Items                                            Increased this period
                                   book value                                                 period              book value
I. Total of original book
                                    1,310,010,573.34                      7,995,002.28      10,660,980.29          1,307,344,595.33
Incl. House & Buildings              374,229,968.21                         252,988.00        1,600,000.00           372,882,956.21
         Equipment &
                                     808,705,498.38                       5,829,360.43        7,114,021.03           807,420,837.78
                                                0.00                                0.00              0.00                      0.00
                                     127,075,106.75                       1,912,653.85        1,946,959.26           127,040,801.34
                                                                                                                Balance at end of
                               Openning balance of     Increased this Provided current     Decreased this
             --                                                                                                   current term
                                   book value               term            term              period
II. Total of accumulative
                                     650,339,980.11                      44,963,810.43        6,356,747.84           688,947,042.70
Incl. House & Buildings              126,824,000.55                       5,637,989.42                               132,461,989.97
         Equipment &
                                     445,822,410.38                      34,043,077.64        4,509,858.40           475,355,629.62
                                                0.00                                0.00              0.00                      0.00
                                      77,693,569.18                       5,282,743.37        1,846,889.44            81,129,423.11
                               Openning balance of                                                              Balance at end of
             --                                                                --
                                   book value                                                                     current term
III. Total of net book value
                                     659,670,593.23                            --                                    618,397,552.63
of fixed assets
Incl. House & Buildings              247,405,967.66                            --                                    242,020,966.24
         Equipment &
                                     362,883,088.00                            --                                    332,065,208.16
                                                0.00                           --                                               0.00
                                      49,381,537.57                            --                                     45,911,378.23
IV. Total of impairment
                                        6,916,780.53                           --                                      6,916,780.53
Incl. House & Buildings                 1,504,928.24                           --                                      1,504,928.24
         Equipment &
                                        4,112,095.75                           --                                      4,112,095.75
                                                0.00                           --                                               0.00
                                        1,299,756.54                           --                                      1,299,756.54
V. Total of fixed asset book
                                     652,753,812.70                            --                                    611,480,772.10
Incl. House & Buildings              245,901,039.42                            --                                    240,516,038.00
         Equipment &
                                     358,770,992.25                            --                                    327,953,112.41
                                                0.00                           --                                               0.00
                                      48,081,781.03                            --                                     44,611,621.69
Depreciation of RMB44,963,810.43; transferred to fixed assets by RMB7,789,180.35.
(2) Fixed assets temporarily in idle status
(3) Fixed assets leased by finance

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

 (4) Fixed assets leased out on fiance
 (5) Fixed assets held for sale at end of period
 (6) Fixed asset not licensed yet
 11. Construction-in-progress
 (1) Particulars of construction-in-process
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                           End of term                                Beginning of term
          Items                            Impairment                                     Impairment
                           Book balance                    Book value    Book balance                     Book value
                                            provision                                      provision
Project under process of
                           62,308,961.99                  62,308,961.99 48,645,662.80                    48,645,662.80
the parent co.
Measurement &
Physics-chemistry Lab of                                                    513,517.96                       513,517.96
Zhongneng Co.
House and plants of
                                                                         26,758,273.23                   26,758,273.23
Casting Co. phase III
Prepayment for
equipment and
                                                                         32,334,837.57                   32,334,837.57
construction projects
under subsidiaries
Tangxi Construction
Project Environmental
                              24,000.00            0.00      24,000.00
Evaluation to Zhejiang
Infrastructure of metal
                           33,249,678.73           0.00 33,249,678.73
process phase III
Equipment of metal
                             460,981.88            0.00     460,981.88
process phase III
Total                      96,043,622.60                  96,043,622.60 108,252,291.56                  108,252,291.56

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.           Semi-annual Report 2013

(2) Material change in construction-in-progress
                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                                                        Includin Ratio of
                                               Transferr              Investme                             g:      capitaliz
                                    Increase                Other                            ate of                            Fund
                        Beginnin                ed into                 nt on                           interest   ation of
Projects   Budget                    d this                decrease              Progress interest                             recour End of term
                        g of term               fixed                  budget                           capitaliz interest
                                     period                   s                             capitaliz                            se
                                                assets                  (%)                             ed this     in the
                                                                                                         term       period
of parent 159,032, 44,770,7 18,890,0 1,351,77                                                                                  Indepe 62,308,961.
                                                                          40% construct
co. in         000.00      18.62       15.70       2.26                                                                        ndent            99
           9,597,80 3,874,94 498,948. 4,373,89                                   Complet                                       Indepe
d by the                                                                  46%                                                                 0.00
                 0.00       4.18          71       2.89                          ed                                            ndent
           700,000. 513,517. 179,487. 693,005.                                   Complet                                       Indepe
Measure                                                                                                                                       0.00
                  00          96          18         14                          ed                                            ndent
y Lab
           169,329, 49,159,1 19,568,4 6,418,67                                                                                          62,308,961.
Total                                                                    --            --                             --         --
               800.00      80.76       51.59       0.29                                                                                         99
(3) Impairment provisions of construction-in-process
(4) Progress of material construction-in-process
(5) Statement on construction-in-process
12. Intangible assets
(1) Profiles of intangible assets
                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                    Openning balance of                                        Decreased this              Closing balance of
           Items                                                  Increased this period
                                         book value                                                   period                   book value
I. Total of original book
                                         301,701,848.25                   6,340,000.00              199,478,300.00              108,563,548.25
Land using right                         101,883,548.25                   6,220,000.00                                          108,103,548.25
Operation rights of waste                199,420,000.00                                             199,420,000.00                            0.00

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

heat power plant
Mining rights
Others                             398,300.00             120,000.00              58,300.00              460,000.00
II. Total of accumulative
                                68,716,164.40            1,824,233.48         49,808,324.40          20,732,073.48
Land using right                18,856,506.67            1,782,233.51                                20,638,740.18
Operation rights of waste
                                49,785,701.43                                 49,785,701.43                     0.00
heat power plant
Mining rights
Others                              73,956.30              41,999.97              22,622.97               93,333.30
III. Total of book net
                               232,985,683.85            4,515,766.52        149,669,975.60          87,831,474.77
value of intangible assets
Land using right                83,027,041.58            4,437,766.49                                87,464,808.07
Operation rights of waste
                               149,634,298.57                                149,634,298.57                     0.00
heat power plant
Mining rights
Others                             324,343.70              78,000.03              35,677.03              366,666.70
IV. Total of impairment
                                22,800,000.00                                 22,800,000.00
Land using right
Operation rights of waste
                                22,800,000.00                                 22,800,000.00
heat power plant
Mining rights
Total of book value of
                               210,185,683.85            4,515,766.52        126,869,975.60          87,831,474.77
intangible assets
Land using right                83,027,041.58            4,437,766.49                                87,464,808.07
Operation rights of waste
                               126,834,298.57                                126,834,298.57                     0.00
heat power plant
Mining rights
Others                             324,343.70              78,000.03              35,677.03              366,666.70
RMB1,824,233.48 amortized this term.
(2) R&D expenses
                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                Decreased this period
                                        Increased this     Accounted into
        Items       Beginning of term                                         Recognized as          End of term
                                           period          current income
                                                                              intangible asset
Expeditures of
development                              30,804,948.52       30,804,948.52
Total                                    30,804,948.52       30,804,948.52

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Development expenses accounted for 35.75% of the total R&D expenses.
13. Long-term expenses to be amortized
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                                          Reason of
                  Beginning of     Increased this Amortized this
     Items                                                          Other decrease     End of term           other
                       term            term             term
Redecoration       2,422,246.22                         47,248.18     1,022,488.76      1,352,509.28 出售
Others                196,595.36                                        196,595.36                     Disposals
Total              2,618,841.58                         47,248.18     1,219,084.12      1,352,509.28          --
14. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not presented as net amount after neutralization
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities already recognized
                                                                                                                In RMB
                     Items                              End of term                        Beginning of term
Deferred income tax assets:
Asset impairment provision                                         75,056,415.44                        84,748,117.20
Unrealized profit in consolidated accounts                          4,787,773.35                          6,162,182.37
Other deductable provisional difference                               834,843.23                          2,130,444.63
Sub-total                                                          80,679,032.02                        93,040,744.20
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Temporary differences of other tax
                                                                    1,037,517.08                          1,037,517.08
Sub-total                                                           1,037,517.08                          1,037,517.08
Details of taxable differences and deductible differences
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                 Amount of temporary differences
                                                         At end of term                   At beginning of term
Differences in taxable items
Temporary differences of other tax payables                           6,916,780.53                        6,916,780.53
Sub-total                                                             6,916,780.53                        6,916,780.53
Neutralizable different items
Bad debt provision                                                 461,936,440.63                      467,025,887.84
Inventory impairment provision                                          158,244.58                        9,068,910.52
Fixed asset impairment provision                                      6,916,780.53                        6,916,780.53
Impairment provision of intangible asset                                                                22,800,000.00
Unrealized profit in consolidated accounts                          31,918,488.98                       37,416,125.04
Other deductable provisional difference                               5,565,621.55                      10,900,569.42
Sub-total                                                          506,495,576.27                      554,128,273.35
(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amount after neutralization
Composition items of income tax asset and liabilities after neutralization
                                                                                                                In RMB
               Items                  Deferred income       Deductible or      Deferred income         Deductible or

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     Semi-annual Report 2013

                                          tax asset or             taxable           tax asset or             taxable
                                          liability after        provisional        liability after         provisional
                                     neutralizing at end difference after neutralizing at end difference after
                                       of reprot period neutralizing at end of report period neutralizing at end
                                                               of report period                          of report period
Deferred income tax asset                  80,679,032.02                              93,040,744.20
Deferred income tax liability                1,037,517.08                              1,037,517.08
15. Detail of asset impairment provision
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                Openning                                  Decreased this period
                                                  Increased this                                        Closing balance of
            Items           balance of book                           Written
                                                      period                         Transferred            book value
                                  value                                   back
I. Bad debt provision        467,067,827.15       27,695,461.57       15,025.22      32,811,822.87         461,936,440.63
II. Inventory impairment
                                 9,068,910.52                                          8,910,665.94             158,244.58
VII. Fixed asset
                                 6,916,780.53                                                                 6,916,780.53
impairment provision
XII. Intangible asset
                                22,800,000.00                                        22,800,000.00
impairment provision
Total                        505,853,518.20       27,695,461.57       15,025.22      64,522,488.81         469,011,465.74
Remarks on detailed asset impairment
16. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                    Items                                   End of term                      Beginning of term
Investment capital transferred out                                                                          10,200,000.00
Total                                                                                                       10,200,000.00
Statement on other non-recurring assets
     Packaged Technology Co., Ltd. – subsidiary of the Company has disbursed RMB10.20 million as investment
to Xinjiang Taifeng Hangzhou Steam Turbine Complete Technology Development Co., Ltd. on December 6, 2012.
This company was incorporated on January 6, 2013.
17. Short-term loans
(1) Categories of short-term loans
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                    Items                                   End of term                      Beginning of term
Loan by pledge                                                                                             140,000,000.00
Mortgage loan                                                      118,500,000.00                          110,400,000.00
Total                                                              118,500,000.00                          250,400,000.00
Remarks on categories of short-term loans
(2) Short-term loans expired but not repaid
18. Transactional financial liabilities

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

19. Notes payable
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                    Categories                            End of term                      Beginning of term
Bank acceptance                                                  127,929,377.00                         133,505,278.70
Total                                                            127,929,377.00                         133,505,278.70
RMB19,682,650.00 will become mature in the next period.
20. Account payable
(1) Account payable
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                      Items                               End of term                      Beginning of term
Trade                                                            985,573,455.28                         596,305,973.96
Payment for equipment and projects                                11,934,549.49                          11,822,008.13
Total                                                            997,508,004.77                         608,127,982.09
(2) Account payable to shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report period
                                                                                                                 In RMB
           Name of the companies                          End of term                      Beginning of term
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                      15,684,022.15                            8,126,898.52
Total                                                             15,684,022.15                            8,126,898.52
(3) Remarks on large amount payable accounts aged for over one year
21. Accounts received in advance
(1) Advance payment received
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                       Items                                End of term                     Beginning of term
Trade                                                            1,802,375,214.50                     1,632,856,815.04
Total                                                            1,802,375,214.50                     1,632,856,815.04
(2) Prepayment collected from shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report
22. Wage payable
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                 Openning balance                                                    Closing balance of
            Items                                    Increased this period Decreased this period
                                  of book value                                                          book value
I. Wage, bonus,
                                      1,615,266.50        231,452,004.05          232,435,391.55             631,879.00
II. Employees’ welfare                                     31,979,535.33           24,576,460.98          7,403,074.35
III. Social security                  9,256,632.37          46,096,347.27           41,168,836.64        14,184,143.00
Incl. Medical insurance               2,442,841.59          12,744,769.17           13,160,517.58          2,027,093.18
          Basic pension               3,593,615.90          19,546,538.90           20,054,170.78          3,085,984.02
                                        531,635.72           2,719,026.79            2,818,111.53            432,550.98
          Labor injury
                                        173,863.73             800,063.12              842,193.63            131,733.22

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                   203,996.12            1,096,808.45            1,125,546.48              175,258.09
          Others                  2,310,679.31           8,738,482.41            3,168,296.64             7,880,865.08
IV. Housing fund                   133,813.76           21,790,326.00           21,660,228.00              263,911.76
V. Dismissing welfare                                       17,691.70                  17,691.70
VI. Others                       16,379,133.52          18,603,777.46           16,300,508.63         18,682,402.35
Incl. Annual fees                11,768,169.36           8,821,934.00           11,207,370.29             9,343,702.39
          Trade Union
                                  1,382,767.57           4,431,226.90            4,612,622.23             1,201,372.24
                                  3,228,196.59           5,350,616.56                 480,516.11          8,098,297.04
Total                            27,384,846.15         349,939,681.81          336,159,117.50         41,165,410.46
Overdue payment payable to employees are amounted to RMB0.00
Trade Union fee and education fee amounted to RMB9,299,669.28, non-currency welfare amounted to RMB,
dismissing compensation amounted to RMB17,691.70
Arrangement of distributing the wages payable:
Wages payable will be paid over the 3rd quarter of this year.
23. Tax payable
                                                                                                               In RMB
                        Items                               End of term                    Beginning of term
VAT                                                                12,299,030.97                      17,252,790.77
Operational tax                                                           30,347.20                        411,604.35
Enterprise income tax                                              24,233,715.68                      59,104,591.70
Personal income tax                                                 2,044,036.39                          3,380,951.65
City maintenance and construction tax                               1,202,369.92                          1,572,714.69
Property tax                                                              35,746.56
Education surtax                                                        521,107.33                         688,257.93
Local education surcharges                                              347,442.13                         458,876.07
Stamp tax                                                               283,560.25                          35,900.51
water conservancy special fund                                      2,163,960.82                          2,277,139.88
Land using tax                                                          868,205.00
Allowance for disabled                                                     1,690.75
Total                                                              44,031,213.00                      85,182,827.55
24. Interest payable
                                                                                                               In RMB
                        Items                               End of term                    Beginning of term
Short-term borrowing interests payable                                                                     228,197.26
Total                                                                                                      228,197.26
25. Dividend payable
                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                       Reason of overdue for one
    Name of the companies               End of term         Beginning of term

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                   200,929,920.00
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
Industrial Co.
Foreign shares                                 109,674,240.00
Yang Lianrong                                                              9,800,000.00
Total                                          316,454,160.00              9,800,000.00                  --
26. Other account payable.
(1) Other accounts payable
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                       Items                                 End of term                       Beginning of term
Deposite                                                                   344,790.00                          958,489.45
Payable to other company                                                 8,281,328.03                     252,745,923.87
Others                                                                  14,383,886.54                         5,727,622.49
Total                                                                   23,010,004.57                     259,432,035.81
(2) Other account payable due to shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report
                                                                                                                   In RMB
               Name of the companies                         End of term                       Beginning of term
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                             6,897,871.03                         6,402,977.30
Total                                                                    6,897,871.03                         6,402,977.30
(3) Statement on large amount other payable accounts due for over one year
(4) Statement on large amount other payable accounts
        Name of                  End of term                       Property of the account
        Hangzhou              6,897,871.03                    Rental and payment on behalf, etc.
27. Predicted liabilities
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                              Decreased this
              Items            Beginning of term   Increased this period                                End of term
28. Non-current liabilities due in one year
(1) Non-current liabilities due in one year
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                      Items                               End of term                        Beginning of term
Long-term loans due in 1 year                                                                             100,000,000.00

                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

 Total                                                                                                            100,000,000.00
 (2) Long-term loans due in 1 year
 Long-term loans due in 1 year
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                      Items                                     End of term                       Beginning of term
 Guarantee loan                                                                                                   100,000,000.00
 Total                                                                                                            100,000,000.00
 Top 5 long-term loans due in 1 year
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                 End of term               Beginning of term
                 Commence Terminate                           Interest rate Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of
   provided                                     Currency
                   date           date                             %         foreign   original  foreign   original
                                                                            currency       currency       currency     currency
 Import &
 Export        Feb. 16         Feb. 16                                                                                100,000,00
                                               RMB Yuan             4.2%
 Bank,         2011            2013                                                                                         0.00
 Total                --              --            --            --           --                            --
 Overdue account in long-term loans due in one year
 29. Long-term loans
 30. Long term payables
 (1) Top 5 long-term payables
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                Interest          Closing
    Companies              Term            Initial amount Interest rate %                                            Condition
                                                                                payable           balance
 Drawing in
 administrative                               330,000.00                                          330,000.00
 31. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                       Items                             Closing balance of book value      Openning balance of book value
 Government subsidy                                                      11,689,265.00                             11,149,265.00
 Total                                                                   11,689,265.00                             11,149,265.00
 Remarks on other non-current liabilities, including the amounts of asset-related and income-related government
 subsidies obtained in the report term.
    Items      Current term                                                   Remarks
Special fund for      289,250.00 Persuant to document 浙财企字[2006]285号 issued by Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Finance and
advanced                         Zhejiang Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, the Company received government subsidy
manufacturing                    of RMB890,000.00 for advanced manufacturing base project. This asset was relevant and are

                                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

base project                       amortized straightly to 10 years. As of December 31, 2012, RMB600,750.00 of it has been
                                   accounted as income in relative terms. The balance of deferred gains was RMB289,250.00
Government              130,000.00 Pursuant to document 杭财企一〔2007〕914 号 issued by Hangzhou Bureau of Finance and
subsidy for the                    Hangzhou Economic Commission, Casting Co. – one of the Company’s subsidies, received
3rd batch of                       government subsidy of RMB260,000.00 for the technical reconstruction and productivity expanding
technical                          project of 10K ton casting products in October 2007, in which RMB130,000.00 has been accounted
reforming       of                 to gain/loss account of related periods, and RMB130,000.00 was the balance of deferred income of
industrial                         the current period.
enterprises     of
Government               402,920.00 Pursuant to document 余经投〔2007〕21 号 issued by Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of
finance        for                  Finance and Hangzhou Yuhang Economic Development Bureau, Casting Co. received the
industrial project                  government subsidy of RMB575,600.00 for the casting project in April 2007, in which
in the 2nd half of                  RMB172,680.00 has been accounted to non-operational income in current term. And the balance of
2006                                deferred income was RMB402,920.00.
Government               159,740.00 Pursuant to document 余经能源〔2007〕35 issued by Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of Finance
subsidy        for                  and Hangzhou Yuhang Economic Development Bureau, Casting Co. – one of the Company’s
recycling                           subsidies, received the government subsidy of RMB228,200.00 for the heating furnace
economy in the                      reconstruction project in August 2007, in which RMB68,460.00 has been accounted to
1st half of 2007                    non-operational income in current term. And the balance of deferred income was RMB 159,740.00
Finance        for       402,920.00 Pursuant to document 余经投〔2005〕39 号 issued by Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of
casting project                     Finance and Hangzhou Yuhang Economic Development Bureau, Casting Co. – one of the
                                    Company’s subsidies, received the government subsidy of RMB575,600.00 for the casting project in
                                    year 2008, in which RMB172,680.00 has been accounted to gain/loss of related periods, and
                                    RMB402,920.00 was the balance of deferred income of the current period.
Government             1,120,000.00 According to document 余 财 企 [2010]381 号 issued by Hangzhou Yuhang Finance Bureau,
subsidy        for                  Hangzhou Yuhang Economic Development Bureau, the Casting Co. received the government
technical                           subsidy of RMB1,600,000.00 as described left, in which RMB480 thousand has been accounted into
upgrading       in                  gain/loss account of related periods and RMB1.12 million was accounted as deferred income.
Government             7,895,925.00 According to document 余经发〔2011〕6号 issued by Hangzhou Yuhang District Economy and
subsidy        for                  Development Bureau and Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of Finance, Casting Co. has received
industrial                          the government subsidy of RMB9,973,800.00, in which RMB2,077,875.00 was accounted into
projects for the                    gain/loss account of current period, and RMB7,895,925.00 was the balance of deferred income.
1st half of 2010
Production              748,510.00 According to document 余 经 发 [2010]62 号 issued by Hangzhou Yuhang District Economic
project subsidy                    Development Bureau, Hangzhou Yuhang Finance Bureau, the Guoneng Co. received
of     2009     of                 RMB1,069,300.00 of government subsidy as described left, and RMB320,790.00 was accounted
Yuhang District                    into gain/loss account of related period, and RMB748,510.000 was the balance of deferred income.
 Hangzhou            500,000.00      According to the document issued by Hangzhou Economy & Information Committee and
 City                                Hangzhou Bureau of Finance, the Company has received RMB500,000 of award, which was
 Government                          recorded as deferred income of RMB500,000
 Office Award
 for primary
 Xiacheng            40,000.00       According to the document issued by Hangzhou Xiacheng Bureau of Science & Technologies, the
 Office     of                       Company received award for patent, software copyright amounted to RMB40,000, which was
 Science and                         recorded as deferred income of RMB40,000
 Award     for
 Subtotal            11,689,265.0

 32. Capital Share
                                                                                                                     In RMB Yuan

                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                         Changed in the report period (+,-)
                 Beginning of                                        Transferred
                                     Issuing of                                                                        End of term
                       term                           Bonus shares      from           Others          Sub-total
                                     new shares
Total of         754,010,400.                                                                                          754,010,400.
                                                  0              0               0               0                 0
capital shares                  00                                                                                               00
33. Shares in stock
34. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                         Decreased this
              Items                  Beginning of term        Increased this period                                End of term
Capital premium (share
                                          81,815,220.00                                                             81,815,220.00
capital premium)
Other capital reserves                    57,775,125.09                                          637,095.00         57,138,030.09
Total                                    139,590,345.09                                          637,095.00        138,953,250.09
35. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                         Decreased this
              Items                  Beginning of term        Increased this period                                End of term
Statutory surplus reserves               518,540,739.23                                                            518,540,739.23
Total                                    518,540,739.23                                                            518,540,739.23
36. Retained profit
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                                        Percentage of drawing
                        Items                                           Amount
                                                                                                              or allocation
Adjustment on retained profit of previous
                                                                                   2,449,720,889.86                    --
Retained profit adjusted at beginning of
                                                                                   2,449,720,889.86                    --
Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                                                     229,415,091.47                    --
the parent company
Common share dividend payable                                                        301,604,160.00
Internal transferring of owners’ equity                                                -637,095.00
Retained profit at the end of term                                                 2,380,405,859.24                    --
37. Operational turnover and cost
(1) Operation incomes and costs
                                                                                                                            RMB Yuan

                      Items                              Occurred current term                  Occurred in previous term

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Major business turnover                                 2,011,778,885.16                            2,132,132,099.78
Other business income                                           7,966,945.76                             6,031,623.98
Operation cost                                          1,350,033,911.16                            1,355,776,212.37

(2) Business segments (on industries)
                                                                                                               In RMB
                                      Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term
    Name of industry
                                Turnover           Operation cost               Turnover             Operation cost
Boiler and power machine
                             1,708,584,515.78      1,149,586,834.58          1,761,008,351.13         1,100,362,901.96
Casting                         39,505,854.30         32,916,683.37              33,867,196.40           28,709,509.85
Petrochemical and other
                                38,590,594.80         27,922,308.08              39,473,031.69           32,840,485.68
special machineries
Packaged equipment for
                                37,732,042.01         33,212,160.45              59,196,597.29           52,254,212.57
waste heat power plant
Other special equipment        187,365,878.27        101,806,677.82            238,586,923.27           139,505,068.46
Total                        2,011,778,885.16      1,345,444,664.30          2,132,132,099.78         1,353,672,178.52
(3) Business segments (on products)
                                                                                                               In RMB
                                      Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term
   Products or services
                                Turnover           Operation cost               Turnover             Operation cost
Industrial steam turbine     1,708,584,515.78      1,149,586,834.58          1,761,008,351.13         1,100,362,901.96
Casting products                39,505,854.30         32,916,683.37              33,867,196.40           28,709,509.85
Auxiliary machinery             38,590,594.80         27,922,308.08              39,473,031.69           32,840,485.68
Packaged equipment for
                                37,732,042.01         33,212,160.45              59,196,597.29           52,254,212.57
waste heat power plant
Others                         187,365,878.27        101,806,677.82            238,586,923.27           139,505,068.46
Total                        2,011,778,885.16      1,345,444,664.30          2,132,132,099.78         1,353,672,178.52
(4) Business segments (on regions)
                                                                                                               In RMB
                                      Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term
     Name of districts
                                Turnover           Operation cost               Turnover             Operation cost
Domestic                     1,791,637,656.67      1,167,089,802.17          1,866,613,768.57         1,135,912,434.19
Overseas                       220,141,228.49        178,354,862.13            265,518,331.21           217,759,744.33
Total                        2,011,778,885.16      1,345,444,664.30          2,132,132,099.78         1,353,672,178.52
(5) Revenue from top five customers
                                                                                                               In RMB
         Name of clients         Major business turnover             Percentage in total turnover of the Company
Shenyang Turbine Machinery
                                                287,984,487.09                                                14.31%
Co., Ltd.

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Xi’an Shanggu Power Co.,
                                              196,589,743.54                                                 9.77%
Hebei Shougang Qian’an
                                              189,452,991.41                                                 9.42%
Steel & Iron Co., Ltd.
China Petro Hainan Refining
                                                56,572,649.60                                                2.81%
Co., Ltd.
Huazhe Thermal Power Plant
                                                47,512,820.51                                                2.36%
Co., Ltd. (the first set)
Total                                          778,112,692.15                                              38.67%
38. Income from contract projects

39. Business tax and surcharge
                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                         Occurred in previous
               Items             Occurred current term                                         Rate
Operational tax                            222,630.24             755,217.31 5% of taxable turnover
City maintenance and
                                         9,964,167.81          10,577,455.73 7% of taxable turnover
construction tax
Education surtax                         4,309,524.69           4,604,424.80 3% of taxable turnover
Local education surcharges               2,873,016.21           3,069,088.78 2% of taxable turnover
Total                                   17,369,338.95          19,006,186.62                     --
401. Sales expenses
                                                                                                            In RMB
                  Items                     Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
Employees’ remunerations                                   34,371,309.78                             28,595,981.33
Freight                                                     25,018,028.28                             17,072,595.70
Business trips                                               9,487,436.80                              9,164,578.29
Business reception expenses                                  4,985,108.21                              3,729,211.10
Conferences                                                  2,483,852.99                              3,168,207.40
Service expenses                                             5,818,257.46                              2,501,903.41
Insurance for turbine unit                                     771,129.83                              1,073,426.60
Warranty expense                                               109,551.60                              1,099,665.66
Office expenses                                                567,960.17                               400,413.77
Others                                                       8,424,819.44                              8,252,141.98
Total                                                       92,037,454.56                             75,058,125.24
41. Administrative expenses
                                                                                                            In RMB
                  Items                     Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Employees’ remunerations                                    114,774,125.81                             106,323,022.82
Business reception expenses                                    7,169,139.22                               7,901,744.39
Asset depreciation and amortizing                              8,393,157.73                               6,868,457.35
Office expenses                                                2,245,688.30                               1,725,683.37
Travelling fees                                                2,901,790.14                               4,442,230.12
Taxes                                                          6,042,551.13                               5,361,316.85
House rental, property management,
                                                               2,217,251.71                               1,263,950.57
water and power
Material, low-value-consumable                                 1,960,586.26                               2,768,491.79
Maintaining                                                    1,033,557.58                               2,034,249.80
Development and research                                      19,757,005.97                              22,025,465.96
Others                                                        96,199,085.17                              98,532,810.75
Total                                                        262,693,939.02                             259,247,423.77
42. Financial expenses
                                                                                                               In RMB
                  Items                       Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
Interest expense                                               5,765,360.64                              14,127,406.32
Interest income                                               -6,615,273.43                              -2,186,839.14
Exchange gains/losses                                          1,459,955.49                               2,354,255.99
Commission                                                       928,276.52                               1,238,639.94
Others                                                             3,735.71                                  92,179.81
Total                                                          1,542,054.93                              15,625,642.92
43. Investment income
(1) Details of investment gains
                                                                                                               In RMB
                     Items                         Occurred current term             Occurred in previous term
Long-term equity investment gains on cost
                                                                 24,118,640.00                           24,318,640.00
Investment gains from disposal of long-term
                                                                 30,871,804.89                             595,321.44
equity investment
Others                                                            9,705,623.87                            5,501,934.21
Total                                                            64,696,068.76                           30,415,895.65
(2) Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis
                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                               Occurred in
        Company invested in         Occurred current term                               Causation of change
                                                              previous term
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd.                  23,118,640.00        23,118,640.00
Zhejiang Tianhang Steam Turbine
                                              1,000,000.00        1,200,000.00
Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd.
Total                                       24,118,640.00        24,318,640.00                     --

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.       Semi-annual Report 2013

(3) Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis
    Not applicable
45. Asset impairment loss
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                           Items                          Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
I. Bad debt loss                                                         23,595,101.44                            3,740,340.85
Total                                                                    23,595,101.44                            3,740,340.85
46. Non-business income
(1) Non-operational income
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                       Occurred in previous             Carried to current
                   Items                    Occurred current term
                                                                                 term                  contingent gain/loss
Total of gains from disposal of
                                                        34,710.35                    459,667.25                      34,710.35
non-current assets
Incl. Gains from disposal of fixed
                                                        34,710.35                    459,667.25                      34,710.35
Government subsidy                                   2,613,328.00                  1,858,213.34                   2,613,328.00
Compensation income                                  1,013,600.00                  1,910,045.13                   1,013,600.00
Account not able to be paid                            501,950.00                                                   501,950.00
Income from tax refund                                                             3,562,386.66
Others                                                  39,102.28                    201,621.30                      39,102.28
Total                                                4,202,690.63                  7,991,933.68                   4,202,690.63
(2) Details of government subsidies
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                    Occurred     Occurred in
           Items                                                                            Remarks
                                   current term previous term
Application of general
technologies in                                                 The Company has received the government subsidy as
environmental design                                            described left, amounted to RMB100,000.00, which was
(including carried down                                         transferred to non-operational income of
from previous years)                                            RMB100,000.00.
government subsidy
                                                                According to the document issued by Hangzhou
The 2nd batch of
                                                                Economy and Information Committee and Hangzhou
government subsidy for
                                    600,000.00                  Bureau of Finance, the Company has received the
key development projects
                                                                award of RMB600,000 for 2013, which was transferred
of 2012
                                                                to non-operational income in total.
                                                                According to the documents issued by Hangzhou
                                                                Science & Technology Committee, and Hangzhou
Government award for
                                     30,000.00                  Intellectual Property Bureau, the Company received
                                                                RMB30,000 of award under the title as left, which was
                                                                transferred to non-operational income in total
                                                                According to document issued by Hangzhou Peoples’
Award for best industrial
                                                                Government, the Co. has received RMB20 thousand of subsidy
investment and technical             20,000.00                  as said left and transferred to non-operational income in current
reforming of Hangzhou 2011
                                                                The Company received RMB100,417.00 from
Allowance for internship
                                     92,852.00                  Hangzhou Bureau of Finance as said left, and
program 2012
                                                                RMB92,852.00 transferred to non-operational income.

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Allowances (technical
Enterprise allowances
from Bureau of Finance
                                                             According to document 余经发〔2011〕6 号 issued by
                                                             Hangzhou Yuhang District Economy and Development
Government allowance for                                     Bureau and Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of
industrial projects in the                        997,380.00 Finance, Casting Co. has received the government
1st half of 2010                                             subsidy of RMB9,973,800.00, in which RMB997,
                                                             380.00 has been accounted to non-operational income in
                                                             current term.
                                                             According to document 黔南财建〔2011〕114 号 issued
Subsidy from the Central                                     by Qiannan Buyi & Miao Autonomous District Bureau
Government for Major
                                                             of Finance, Zhongcheng Cement Co. received RMB3
Recycling Economy and                             253,888.89
Pollution Treatment Projects                                 million of government subsidy for the project said left,
(batch II and III) for year 2011                             in which RMB253,888.89 was accounted to
                                                             non-operational income in current period.
                                                             According to document 黔南工信办〔2011〕244 号
Industry and Information                                     issued by Qiannan Industry and IT Committee and
Development Special Fund of
                                                             Qiannan Finance Bureau, Zhongcheng Cement has
Guizhou Province in 2011 (the                     126,944.45
2nd batch of energy saving and                               received RMB1.5 million of government subsidy, in
resource using projects)                                     which RMB126,944.45 was transferred to
                                                             non-operational income in current period.
                                                             According to document 杭科计[2008]296 号 issued by
                                                             Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Finance and Zhejiang
                                                             Provincial Bureau of Science & Technologies, the
Fund for construction of
                                                  400,000.00 Company has received RMB2,000,000.00 of subsidy
key industrial laboratory
                                                             for Key Laboratory Base of year 2008, in which
                                                             RMB400,000.00 has been accounted into
                                                             non-operational income in the current period,
                                                             According to document 浙财企〔2011〕305 号 issued
                                                             by Zhejiang Provincial Finance Bureau and Commerce
Special fund for outgoing
                                                   80,000.00 Bureau, Turbine Export has received RMB80 thousand
                                                             of award from Steam Turbine Power Group and
                                                             transferred to non-operational income in current term.
Total                              2,613,328.00 1,858,213.34                             --
47. Non-business expenditures
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                          Occurred in previous       Carried to current
                       Items                      Occurred current term
                                                                                   term             contingent gain/loss
Total of loss from disposal of non-current
Incl. Loss from disposal of fixed assets                      11,515.55              360,981.96                11,515.55
Donations                                                  2,160,000.00            1,192,547.50             2,160,000.00
Penalty paid out                                             303,250.00              194,924.90               303,250.00
water conservancy special fund                             2,107,979.65            2,906,695.72
Penalty paid                                                   3,744.99                4,200.00                 3,744.99
Penalty payment                                                                      531,200.00
Others                                                       324,605.45               54,191.14               324,605.45
Total                                                      4,911,095.64            5,244,741.22             2,803,115.99

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

48. Income tax expenses
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                         Items                              Occurred current term           Occurred in previous term
Income tax calculated according to the law and
                                                                        49,424,183.76                    67,426,754.44
regulations of current term
Adjustment of deferred income tax                                       -1,743,110.07                     1,620,095.64
Total                                                                   47,681,073.69                    69,046,850.08

49. Calculation of basic earning per share and diluted earning per share
  Items                                                    No.                 The Fiscal Year of 2012

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the         A                               232,926,224.38
Non-recurring gain/loss                                       B                                12,892,471.31
Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the       C=A-B                             220,033,753.07
Company after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss
Total of shares at beginning of shares                        D                               754,010,400.00
Shares increased due to capitalizing of reserves or share      E                                           0
Increasing of shares by issuing of new shares or converting    F
of debt to shares
Total number of months from the next month of when the        G                         0
shares are increased to the end of report term
Decrease of shares caused by repurchasing                     H
Total number of months from the next month of when the         I
shares are decreased to the end of report term
Amount of shares reduced                                       J
Number of months in the report term                           K                         6
Weighted average of common shares issued to the outside L=D+E+F*G/K-H                         754,010,400.00
Basic earnings per share                                    M=A/L                                        0.31
Basic earning per share after deducting of non-recurring    N=C/L                                        0.29

50. Other miscellaneous income
51. Notes to the cash flow statement
(1) Other cash inflow related to operation
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                 Items                                                  Amount
Government subsidies received                                                                             2,200,476.00
Deposit interest                                                                                          6,387,128.80
Security for bidding invitation                                                                             243,986.00
Compensation income                                                                                         101,952.30
Payment for shareholding                                                                                    327,000.00
Award                                                                                                           92,852.00
Others                                                                                                    3,240,077.77
                                 Total                                                                   12,593,472.87

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

(2) Other cash paid related to operation
                                                                                                             In RMB
                              Items                                                    Amount
Business trips                                                                                       12,715,570.41
Transportation                                                                                         1,489,014.02
Office expenses                                                                                        3,639,034.97
Business reception and conference expenses                                                           15,629,530.75
Deposit for bidding and others                                                                         5,490,454.60
International travelling                                                                               1,704,059.76
Consulting service fee                                                                                   690,057.99
Deposit by custom
Property insurance                                                                                     1,554,795.97
Donations                                                                                              2,160,000.00
Others                                                                                              -51,916,228.53
                              Total                                                                   -6,843,710.06
(3) Other cash received related to investment
                                                                                                             In RMB
                              Items                                                    Amount
Repurchasing of trusteeship                                                                       1,268,610,000.00
                              Total                                                               1,268,610,000.00
(4) Other cash paid related to investment
                                                                                                             In RMB
                              Items                                                    Amount
Purchasing of financial products                                                                  1,588,610,000.00
                              Total                                                               1,588,610,000.00
(5) Other cash received related to financing
(6) Other cash paid related to financing
52. Supplementary data of cash flow statement
(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement
                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                 Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                      Supplementary Info.
                                                                          Term                        Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                   --                          --
Net profit                                                                288,780,620.92             373,826,030.02
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                           23,595,101.44                3,740,340.85
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                           44,963,810.43               53,882,487.68
production goods depreciation
Amortizing of intangible assets                                             1,824,233.48               12,511,384.82

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Amortizing of long-term expenses                                                      47,248.18                     153,953.39
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                                      -23,194.80                -107,079.13
long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Loss from fixed asset discard (“-“ for gains)                                                                     153,953.39
Loss from fluctuation of fair value (“-“ for gains)                                                           -107,079.13
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                             1,542,054.93                 15,625,642.92
Investment loss (“-“ for gains)                                              -64,696,068.76                -30,415,895.65
Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)                      15,872,845.09                 -1,305,951.58
Increase deferred income tax asset (“-“ for decrease)                                                      -30,415,895.65
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                    -262,066,033.88            -187,978,378.71
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)                 -297,648,810.82            -232,536,038.90
Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                     360,149,392.54                146,020,700.65
Others                                                                                                   -232,536,038.90
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                 112,341,197.85                153,417,196.36
2. Major investment and financing operation not involving with
                                                                                 --                            --
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                       --                            --
Balance of cash at period end                                                  731,040,457.61                468,365,641.08
Less: Initial balance of cash                                                1,100,640,580.62                662,648,725.65
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                                   -369,600,123.01            -194,283,084.57
(2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries or businesses
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                  Supplementary Info.                        Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term
I. Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses                          --                               --
II. Disposal of subsidiaries and businesses                            --                               --
3. Net cash received for disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                        -2,446,457.95                          -653,509.83
and other businesses
(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                         Items                                   End of term                   Beginning of term
I. Cash                                                                731,040,457.61                  1,100,640,580.62
Incl: Cash in stock                                                         351,616.13                         211,651.43
       Bank savings could be used at any time                          552,073,603.49                  1,054,918,406.92
       Other monetary capital could be used at any
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of
                                                                       731,040,457.61                  1,100,640,580.62
VIII. Accounting treatment of asset securitization
1. Please state the main trade arrangement, accounting treatment, and bankrupcy isolating terms of capital

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

2. Entities on which the Company has no control power but undertake the risks
IX. Related parties and related transactions
1. Parent companies of the Company
                                                                                       Share of    Voting
                                                                                         the      power of Ultimate
Name of
                          Ownership                   Legal      Business Registered parent          the     holder of Organization
the parent Relationship               Reg. Add.
                             type                 representative property   capital   co. in the parent         the         code
                                                                                      Company company Company
                                                                                          %          %
                          Solely                                                                            Hangzhou
Steam      Controlling                Hangzhou                   Limited RMB800
                          national                Nie Zhonghai                          63.64% 63.64% State Asset 143071842
Turbine    shareholder                China                      liability million
                          owned                                                                             Committee

                                                                                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
                                                    Ownership of the   Ownership                            Legal           Business                       Share        Voting   Organization
            Full name of the subsidiary                                                   Reg. Add.                                          capital
                                                        subsidiary         type                         representative      property                    proportion % power %         code
Zhejiang Steam Trubine Packaged Technologies       Controlled                           Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Zhen Bin          Manufacturing 5100                  51.84%      51.84% 726600160
Development Co., Ltd. (the Packaged Tech Co.)      subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co.,        Controlled                           Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Ye Zhong          Manufacturing 9250                   51.6%       51.6% 143033969
Ltd. (Zhongneng Co.)                               subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. (Casting Controlled                            Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Yang Lianrong Manufacturing 2200                         51%         51% 759502452
Co.)                                               subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co.,    Controlled                           Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Yu Changquan Manufacturing 8000                        76.5%       76.5% 765491278
Ltd. (Auxiliary Machinery Co.)                     subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery Equipment Co., Controlled                              Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Zhen Bin          Manufacturing 3000                     52%         52% 759545858
Ltd. (Machinery Equipment Co.)                     subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co.,      Controlled                           Huzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Zhen Bin          Manufacturing 2100                     75%         75% 79205170-2
Ltd. (Huayuan Co.)                                 subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Controlled                              Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Yu Changquan Manufacturing 4000                          75%         75% 79365592-X
Ltd. (Guoneng Co.)                                 subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Pangtong Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. Controlled                             Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Xian Jinfa        Manufacturing 100                      70%         70% 68294625-7
(Pangtong Co.)                                     subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
                                                   Controlled                           Hangzhou
Hangzhou Kaineng Forge Co., Ltd. (Kaineng Co.)                         Ltd. liability                  Yang Lianrong Manufacturing 200                         100%       100% 69170337X
                                                   subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd. (Turbine Controlled                          Hangzhou
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Zhen Bin          Commerce         2000                 100%       100% 698284761
Co.)                                               subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Shijiazhuang Hangheng Steam Turbine Tech Service Controlled                             Shijiazhuang                     Service
                                                                       Ltd. liability                  Fang Yongsong                      200                   60%         60% 58241888-7
Co., Ltd. (Shijiazhuang Service Co.)               subsidiaries                         Hebei                            industry
Kunming Hangzhong Steam Turbine Power Tech         Controlled          Ltd. liability Kunming          Wanag Zhiyong Service              120                   60%         60% 58236606-0

                                                                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Service Co., Ltd. (Kunming Service Co.)           subsidiaries                        Yunnan                      industry
Wurumuqi Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine Service      Controlled                          Wulumuqi                    Service
                                                                     Ltd. liability               Wang Bin                         300                   60%         60% 58024078-X
Co., Ltd. (Wurumuqi Service Co.)                  subsidiaries                        Xinjiang                    industry
Tangshan Hangneng Steam Turbine Power Tech        Controlled                          Tangshan                    Service
                                                                     Ltd. liability               Sun Xiaojiang                    200                   60%         60% 58543834-9
Service Co., Ltd. (Tangshan Service Co.)          subsidiaries                        Hebei                       industry
Jilin Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine Power Tech      Shareholding                                                    Service
                                                                     Ltd. liability Jilin         Lu Jianyi                        200                   60%         60% 58464776-3
Service Co., Ltd. (Jilin Service Co.)             company                                                         industry
Guangxi Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine Tech          Controlled                          Nanning                     Service
                                                                     Ltd. liability               Chen Guike                       200                   60%         60% 58981039-8
Service Co., Ltd.                                 subsidiaries                        Guangxi                     industry
Chengdu Hangzhongneng Science & Tech Co., Ltd. Controlled                             Chengdu                     Service
                                                                     Ltd. liability               Yang Weidong                     200                   60%         60% 59208630-2
(Chengdu Science Co.)                             subsidiaries                        Sichuan                     industry
Luoyang Hangqi Steam Turbine Tech Service Co.,    Controlled                          Luoyang                     Service
                                                                     Ltd. liability               Gao Jianhua                      200                   60%         60% 05085500-7
Ltd. (Luoyang Service Co.)                        subsidiaries                        Henan                       industry
Hangzhou Hangqilun Boiler Co., Ltd. (Hangqilun    Controlled                          Hangzhou
                                                                     Ltd. liability               Li Ximing       Manufacturing 2000                     40%         40% 05674402-5
Boiler Co.)                                       subsidiaries                        Zhejiang

3. Related Transactions
(1) Purchasing of goods and services
                                                                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                                      Occurred current term                      Occurred in previous term
                                           Subjects of the related    Pricing and decision
              Related parties                                                                                   Portion in similar                           Portion in similar
                                                transactions            making process             Amount                                       Amount
                                                                                                                transactions (%)                             transactions (%)
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                   freight, repairing fee            Price on agreement          31,674,740.56                       1.96% 13,364,994.27                        0.83%
Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                   Generators                        Price on agreement          73,342,958.09                       4.55% 90,141,452.99                        5.59%
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co.,
                                   Gear boxes                        Price on agreement           6,525,957.26                        0.4% 10,625,925.01                        0.66%
                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden
                                     Packaging materials       Price on agreement         7,372,890.00                0.46%     8,735,438.36                     0.54%
Packaging Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial
                                     Raw materials             Price on agreement         1,223,373.09                0.08%       548,098.09                     0.03%
Hangzhou Relian International
                                     Purchase of steel         Price on agreement          365,128.21                 0.02%
Trading Co.
                                     Technical development
HSTG Technology Association                                Price on agreement                                                      14,700.85
                                     Technical development
HSTG Technology Association                                Price on agreement                                                     480,600.00                     0.03%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power         power supply, payment
                                                           Price on agreement             6,557,744.03                0.41%
Group Co., Ltd.                      on behalf
Sub-total                                                                             127,062,791.24                  7.88% 123,911,209.57                       7.68%
Sales of goods and services
                                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                                                 Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
                                       Subjects of the related     Pricing and decision
           Related parties                                                                                Portion in similar                  Portion in similar
                                            transactions             making process           Amount                               Amount
                                                                                                          transactions (%)                     transactions (%)
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile
                                      Spare parts                Price on agreement               687.50                             800.36
Sales Service Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                      Industrial cooperation     Price on agreement        11,812,041.28                  0.58%
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering
                                      Steam turbine              Price on agreement        42,233,643.52                  2.09%
Co., Ltd.
HSTG Technology Association           Industrial cooperation     Price on agreement            54,564.10                          10,683.76
HSTG Technology Association           Industrial cooperation     Price on agreement            57,692.31                          38,461.54
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power          steam turbine\ auxiliary
                                                                 Price on agreement           962,079.24                  0.05%
Group Co., Ltd.                       machines
Greenesol Co. (India)                 Steam turbine              Price on agreement            31,935.06
Sub-total                                                                                  55,152,643.01                          49,945.66

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.      Semi-annual Report 2013

(2) Related leasing
Leasing out
The Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                                          In RMB
 Name of the      Name of the         Category of
                                                         Starting date        Ending date        Pricing basis     recognized in
    owner              tenant         asset for rent
                                                                                                                    the period
                                    Houses &                                                 Price on
Steam Turbine The Company                              Jan 1 2013           Dec 31 2013
                                    buildings                                                agreement
                                    Land using                                               Price on
Steam Turbine The Company                              Jan 1 2013           Dec 31 2013
                                    right                                                    agreement
                                    Houses &                                                 Price on
Steam Turbine Machinery Co.                            Jan 1 2013           Dec 31 2013                               351,364.26
                                    buildings                                                agreement
Statement on related leasing
(3) Related guarantee
                                                                                                                          In RMB
 The undertaker       The beneficiary                                   Start date          Due date         Completed or not
Hangzhou Steam
                     The Company              100,000,000.00 Feb. 16 2011             Feb. 16 2013           Yes
Turbine Group
Statement on related guarantees
(4) Financing with related parties
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                Amount of
   Related parties                                         Start date                Expired on                  Remarks
Borrow in
Lend out
(5) Asset transferring or debt reorganizing
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                                       Occurred in previous
                                                                        Occurred current term
                                                    Principle of
                                Subjects of the                                           Portion                        Portion
                  Type of                           pricing the
Related parties                     related                                                 in                             in
                     trade                             related
                                 transactions                              Amount         similar        Amount          similar
                                                                                        transacti                       transacti
                                                                                        ons (%)                         ons (%)

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

 (6) Other related transactions
 4. Receivable and payables due with related parties
 Receivable accounts due from related parties
                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                            At end of term               At beginning of term
    Projects                Related parties                            Bad debt                         Bad debt
                                                     Book balance                    Book balance
                                                                      provision                         provision
Account         Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                                                                          2,571.96           128.60
receivable      Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.
                HSTG Nanfang Sales Co.                  20,000.00        12,000.00       20,000.00        12,000.00
                Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                                     11,588,030.98     579,401.55 3,061,417.69           153,070.88
                Equipment Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears
                                                          4,434.00        1,773.00        4,434.00           221.70
                Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                                     11,833,590.00     591,679.50 3,974,680.00           198,734.00
                Engineering Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                                     12,899,355.38   3,661,174.95 13,217,871.38        2,643,574.28
                Technologies Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                                       591,500.00      310,500.00 2,507,500.00           608,000.00
                Group Co., Ltd.
                Greenesol Co. (India)                  141,423.75         7,071.19 14,169,210.82         708,460.54
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                Group Packaged Project Engineering 3,231,426.05        161,571.30
                Co., Ltd.
                Zhongcheng Cement Co., Ltd.                                          57,914,510.02     2,895,725.50
Sub-total                                            40,131,260.16   5,218,071.49 94,872,195.87        7,219,915.50
Other account   Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                                                                          3,572.36           178.62
receivable      Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.
                Zhongcheng Cement Co., Ltd.                                          96,267,737.18     4,813,386.86
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                                          1,108.80           55.44
                Group Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                 1,108.80           55.44 96,271,309.54       4,813,565.48
                Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
Prepayments                                          45,134,825.00                   31,875,325.00
                Equipment Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Relian International
                Trading Co.
Sub-total                                            45,134,825.00                   32,418,485.00

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Account payable due to related parties
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                 Amount at end of          Initial
     Projects                            Related parties
                                                                                        term             ammount
                    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Co.,
Account payable                                                                      72,718,240.68 68,553,472.31
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Service Co.,
                                                                                        2,803,223.66     9,820,063.13
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                     15,684,022.15       8,126,898.52
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co.                                                  307,152.83
                    Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd.                           185,294.00        278,808.00
Sub-total                                                                            91,390,780.49 87,086,394.79
Other account
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.                                       235,764,627.03
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                        6,897,871.03     6,402,977.30
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Service Co.,
                                                                                         100,000.00        109,349.23
Sub-total                                                                               6,997,871.03 242,276,953.56
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.                     30,685,000.00 33,402,500.00
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                                            78,000.00
                    Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Co.,
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Packaged Project
                    Engineering Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                                            32,260,000.00 33,491,500.00
X. Commitments
1. Fulfilling of commitments made in previous periods
     (I) Capital commitment occurred for construction of new workshop or purchasing of equipment by the
Company or subsidiaries were amounted to RMB43.7522 million.
     (II) The Company invested RMB10 million to be one of the partners of Hangzhou Changdi Share Investment
Partnership (with limited liabilities). This was the initial input of capital, and the Company committed to input
supplementary capital when necessary according to the portion of interests, but not greater than RMB50 million
accumulative in 8-11 years during the existing period of the firm.
XI. Post balance sheet issues
1. Statement on material post-balance-sheet events
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                           Influence on the financial
                                                                                           Reason for not able to
            Items                      Contents              position and business
                                                                                           estimate the influence

                                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.         Semi-annual Report 2013

2. Statement on profit distribution in post balance sheet period
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
Proposed profit or dividend                                                                                              301,604,160.00
Approved and announced profit or dividend                                                                                301,604,160.00
3. Statement on other issues in post balance sheet period
XII. Other Material Issues
1. Financial assets and liabilities in foreign currencies
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                             Accumulative            Impairment
                                                     Gain/loss from
                                                                             change in fair          provisions         Amount at end
           Items             Initial ammount          change of fair
                                                                          value accounted provided in the                   of term
                                                    value in the term
                                                                             into equities           current term
Financial assets
3. Loans and
                              217,694,746.77                                                          1,764,366.11 282,455,472.16
Subtotal of financial
                              217,694,746.77                                                          1,764,366.11 282,455,472.16
Financial liabilities              305,935.92                                                                                 305,935.92
2. Main contents of annual rewarding plan and material changes
3. Others
XIII. Notes to the Financial Statements of the Parent Co.
1. Account receivable
(1) Account receivable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                           End of term                                                Beginning of term
                           Book balance                Bad debt provision                Book balance                Bad debt provision
                                       Proportion                    Proportion                      Proportion                    Proportion
                        Amount                         Amount                         Amount                         Amount
                                           %                             %                               %                             %
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
Group by age
                    2,130,134,367.89      99.56% 355,474,521.52         16.69% 1,786,081,861.18         99.47% 338,993,211.47         18.98%
Sub-total of
                    2,130,134,367.89      99.56% 355,474,521.52         16.69% 1,786,081,861.18         99.47% 338,993,211.47         18.98%
receivable with
minor individual
                        9,492,990.65       0.44%      9,492,990.65       100%         9,492,990.65       0.53%      9,492,990.65       100%
amount but bad
debt provision is
Total               2,139,627,358.54 --             364,967,512.17 --             1,795,574,851.83 --             348,486,202.12 --

                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.        Semi-annual Report 2013

Remarks on categories of receivable account
Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
       Not applicable
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on age basis
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                 End of term                                                  Beginning of term
                         Book balance                                                 Book balance
    Age                                                      Bad debt                                                      Bad debt
                                         Propor                                                        Propor
                        Amount                               provision               Amount                                provision
                                         tion %                                                        tion %
within 1 year
In which:     --                         --            --                   --                         --            --
Subtotal of
                                          53.26                                                         48.61
within 1           1,134,552,493.48                         44,638,264.85            794,190,457.53                        39,709,522.88
                                                   %                                                             %
                                          26.04                                                         24.59
1-2 years               554,642,345.16                      96,761,167.68            401,716,379.61                        80,343,275.92
                                                   %                                                             %
                                          10.62                                                         13.41
2-3 years               226,151,604.01                      85,538,033.85            219,048,812.81                        87,619,525.12
                                                   %                                                             %
Over 3                                    10.08                                                         13.39
                        214,787,925.24                  128,537,055.14               218,868,145.91                       131,320,887.55
years                                              %                                                             %
3-4 years               103,136,948.19 4.84%                61,628,068.91            132,462,233.87 8.11%                  79,477,340.32
4-5 years                59,284,667.45 2.78%                35,570,800.47             47,947,105.67 2.93%                  28,768,263.40
over 5 yrs               52,366,309.60 2.46%                31,338,185.76             38,458,806.37 2.35%                  23,075,283.83
Total              2,130,134,367.89           --        355,474,521.52              1,633,823,795.86        --            338,993,211.47
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
       Not applicable
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on other basis
       Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end of
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
  Description of the
                              Book balance                  Bad debt provision       Providing rate (%)          Reason to provide
 receivable accounts
MBDL Powerplant in
                                  9,492,990.65                     9,492,990.65                    100% Hard to recover
India, etc.
Total                             9,492,990.65                     9,492,990.65               --                             --
(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
    Description of the         Reason to write              Basis of original bad    Bad debt provision Amount written back
   receivable accounts         back or retrieve                debt provision         provided before                 or retrieved

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                              writing back or
Bad debt provisions on receivable accounts with single large amount or minor amount but tested individually at
end of report period
                                                                                                                  In RMB
  Description of the
                             Book balance          Amount of bad debt        Providing rate (%)         Reason
 receivable accounts
Remarks on receivable accounts with minor single amount but with greater risks after combining with accounts
with similar risks:
(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                       Property of the                                                                Occurred under
   Name of the                           Date of written     Amount written Reason of writing
                         receivable                                                                          related
    companies                                   off                    off                off
                          account                                                                      relationship?
Remarks on writing off of receivable accounts
(4) Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                               End of term                               Beginning of term
                                                           Bad debt
   Name of the companies                                                                          Bad debt provision
                                    Book balance           provision           Book balance
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                                                                     158,500.00                95,100.00
             Total                                                                   158,500.00                95,100.00
(5) Nature or description of other receivable accounts with large amount
(6) Top 5 receivable accounts
                                                                                                                  In RMB
     Name of the           Relation with the                                                        Portion in total
                                                       Amount                     Ages
      companies                Company                                                              receivables (%)
Shenyang Turbine
                         Non-related                   469,518,403.38 over 1-3 years                              21.94%
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Xi’an Shanggu Power
                         Non-related                   297,656,650.32 over 1-3 years                              13.91%
Co., Ltd.
Jingneng Kangbashi
Thermal Powerplant
                         Non-related                    47,196,000.00 within 1 year                                2.21%
Co., Ltd. in Inner
Hitachi (China) Ltd. Non-related                        42,385,500.00 1-3 years                                    1.98%
Huaizhe Thermal          Non-related                    37,480,000.00 within 1 year                                1.75%

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.            Semi-annual Report 2013

Powerplant Co., Ltd.
         Total                       --                        894,236,553.70                 --                                 41.79%
(7) Account receivable from related parties
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                Relation with the                                   Portion in total
               Name of the companies                                                         Amount
                                                                   Company                                          receivables (%)
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd.                  Subsidiaries                 251,745,066.16                             11.77%
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology
                                                            Subsidiaries                   63,572,765.01                            2.97%
Development Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Technologies
                                                            Affiliate of the Group 12,899,355.38                                     0.6%
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co.,
                                                            Subsidiaries                    5,440,086.49                            0.25%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery &
                                                            Subsidiaries                    4,084,385.15                            0.19%
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering
                                                            Subsidiaries                      510,321.20                            0.02%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
                                                            Affiliate of the Group            158,500.00                            0.01%
Southwestern Branch A
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd.                    Subsidiaries                      137,098.74                            0.01%
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co.,
                                                            Subsidiaries                      136,000.00                            0.01%
                          Total                                           --             338,683,578.13                             15.83%
2. Other account receivable.
(1) Other receivable accounts
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                 End of term                                            Beginning of term
                                  Book balance            Bad debt provision               Book balance              Bad debt provision
                                           Proportion                Proportion                      Proportion                  Proportion
                              Amount                      Amount                        Amount                      Amount
                                               %                               %                          %                          %
Other receivables with
major individual amount
                            3,710,320.94      10.61% 3,710,320.94              100% 3,710,320.94         12.96% 3,710,320.94          100%
and bad debt provision
provided individually
Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
Group by age analysis      31,254,758.84      89.39% 2,451,184.71              7.84% 24,927,246.51                2,154,996.81       8.65%
Sub-total of group         31,254,758.84      89.39% 2,451,184.71              7.84% 24,927,246.51       87.04% 2,154,996.81         8.65%
Total                      34,965,079.78 --             6,161,505.65 --              28,637,567.45 --             5,865,317.75 --

Other receivable accounts with major single amount and bad debt provision drawn upon them

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                                                        In RMB
 Description of other
                             Book balance              Amount of bad debt     Providing rate (%)              Reason
Customs deposit
                                 3,710,320.94                 3,710,320.94                    100% Hard to recover
Total                            3,710,320.94                 3,710,320.94             --                        --
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                  End of term                                           Beginning of term
                         Book balance                                          Book balance
     Age                                                 Bad debt
                                        Propor                                                 Propor Bad debt provision
                        Amount                          provision             Amount
                                        tion %                                                 tion %
within 1 year
In which:        --                     --        --                    --                    --         --
Subtotal of
                        27,691,814.53 88.6%              1,195,574.45         15,098,317.81 81.4%                 754,915.89
within 1 year
1-2 years                1,978,890.91 6.33%                395,778.18           1,062,143.80 5.73%                212,428.76
2-3 years                 452,999.80 1.45%                 181,199.92           1,228,300.00 6.62%                491,320.00
Over 3 years             1,131,053.60 3.62%                678,632.16           1,160,553.60 6.25%                696,332.16
3-4 years                 508,500.00 1.63%                 305,100.00              59,000.00 0.32%                    35,400.00
4-5 years                  53,000.00 0.17%                  31,800.00
over 5 yrs                569,553.60 1.82%                 341,732.16           1,101,553.60 5.93%                660,932.16
Total                   31,254,758.84        --          2,451,184.71         18,549,315.21        --           2,154,996.81
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
     Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provision are provided on other basis
     Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of period
     Not applicable
(2) Other receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period
Bad debt provisions on other receivable accounts with single large amount or minor amount but tested
individually at end of report period
(3) Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period
(4) Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period
(5) Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

(6) Top 5 debtors of other receivable accounts
                                                                                                             In RMB
       Name of the        Relation with the                                                   Portion in total other
                                                 Amount                     Ages
       companies             Company                                                             receivables (%)
Hangzhou Custom
                        Non-related                  13,005,336.93 within 1 year                              37.2%

Shanghai Customs
                        Non-related                   3,710,320.94 Over 3 years                             10.61%
Waigaoqiao Office
Guodian Trust
                        Non-related                   2,655,800.00 over 1-3 years                               7.6%
Bidding Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Tianyin
Management              Non-related                   1,400,000.00 within 1 year                                  4%
Consultancy Co., Ltd.
China Shenhua
International           Non-related                   1,250,000.00 2 yrs                                      3.57%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
          Total                  --                  22,021,457.87            --                            62.98%
(7) Other accounts receivable from related parties
                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                                         Portion in total other
 Name of the companies Relation with the Company                 Amount
                                                                                              receivables (%)
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                           Subsidiaries                               3,200,325.32                           9.15%
Casting Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
Auxiliary Machine Co.,     Subsidiaries                                 546,323.62                           1.56%
Zhejiang Steam Turbine
Packaged Technology        Subsidiaries                                  33,676.66                              0.1%
Development Co., Ltd.
            Total                         --                          3,780,325.60                          10.81%

                                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

3. Long-term equity investment
                                                                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                                                Voting      Statement on                  Impairment
                                                                                                 Percentage of
                        Calculating     Investment     Openning       Changed      Closing                     power in differences between Impairment     provision     Cash dividend of
Company invested in                                                                               share in the
                           basis           cost         balance         by         balance                     the firm the shareholding and provision   provided this   the current term
                                                                                                    firm %
                                                                                                                  %         voting rights                    term
Zhejiang Steam
Turbine Packaged
Technology              Cost basis     16,260,174.60 16,260,174.60               16,260,174.60        51.84%      51.84%                                                    10,575,258.00
Development Co.,
Zhongneng Steam
                        Cost basis      5,600,853.25   5,600,853.25               5,600,853.25         51.6%      51.6%                                                     64,503,750.00
Turbine Power Co.,
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Casting Co.,    Cost basis     11,220,000.00 11,220,000.00               11,220,000.00             51%      51%
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Auxiliary       Cost basis     19,244,620.00 19,244,620.00               19,244,620.00         76.5%      76.5%                                                     48,957,040.00
Machine Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Machinery &     Cost basis      7,968,000.00   7,968,000.00               7,968,000.00             52%      52%                                                     23,400,000.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Greenesol Co. (India)   Cost basis      5,534,773.22   5,534,773.22               5,534,773.22             37%      37%
Bank of Hangzhou
                        Cost basis    390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00             390,954,040.00         6.92%      6.92%                                                     23,118,640.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Turbine
Import & Export Co.,    Cost basis     20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00               20,000,000.00             100%    100%
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Engineering     Cost basis     30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00               30,000,000.00             15%      15%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Changdi
Investment              Cost basis     10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00               10,000,000.00         2.97%      2.97%
Total                        --       516,782,461.07 516,782,461.07             516,782,461.07        --           --           --                                        170,554,688.00

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

4. Operation income and operation cost
(1) Operation incomes
                                                                                                              In RMB
            Items                       Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
Major business turnover                              1,492,479,680.88                              1,410,615,405.71
Other business income                                  14,638,809.99                                  15,236,041.74
Total                                                1,507,118,490.87                              1,425,851,447.45
Operation cost                                       1,077,683,194.39                                936,260,655.36
(2) Business segments (on industries)
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                     Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term
    Name of industry
                               Turnover             Operation cost             Turnover            Operation cost
Boiler and power
                             1,441,636,489.14        1,040,454,061.91       1,362,561,023.15         901,796,207.93
machine manufacture
Casting                                                                                   0.00                   0.00
Petrol chemical and other
                                                                                          0.00                   0.00
Packaged equipment for
                                                                                          0.00                   0.00
waste heat power plant
Other special equipment         50,843,191.74           23,300,091.82           48,054,382.56         20,194,966.05
Total                        1,492,479,680.88        1,063,754,153.73       1,410,615,405.71         921,991,173.98
(3) Business segments (on products)
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                     Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term
   Products or services
                               Turnover             Operation cost             Turnover            Operation cost
Industrial steam turbine     1,441,636,489.14        1,040,454,061.91       1,362,561,023.15         901,796,207.93
Casting products                                                                          0.00                   0.00
Auxiliary machinery                                                                       0.00                   0.00
Packaged equipment for
                                                                                          0.00                   0.00
waste heat power plant
Other special equipment         50,843,191.74           23,300,091.82           48,054,382.56         20,194,966.05
Total                        1,492,479,680.88        1,063,754,153.73       1,410,615,405.71         921,991,173.98
(4) Business segments (on regions)
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                     Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term
    Name of districts
                               Turnover             Operation cost             Turnover            Operation cost
Domestic                     1,276,739,350.69         889,403,788.94        1,230,321,303.46         774,410,753.63
Overseas                       215,740,330.19         174,350,364.79          180,294,102.25         147,580,420.35
Total                        1,492,479,680.88        1,063,754,153.73       1,410,615,405.71         921,991,173.98
(5) Revenue from top five customers

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                                    Percentage in total
                        Name of clients                                 Total turnover                turnover of the
Shenyang Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd.                                               264,838,760.66                  17.74%
Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Ltd.                                                     196,589,743.54                  13.17%
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd.                                         178,769,230.80                  11.98%
China Petro Hainan Refining Co., Ltd.                                               56,572,649.60                   3.79%
Huazhe Thermal Power Plant Co., Ltd. (the first set)                                47,512,820.51                   3.18%
Total                                                                              744,283,205.11                  49.86%
5. Investment income
(1) Details of investment gains
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                            Items                            Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term
Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis                         170,554,688.00                      155,037,180.00
Others                                                                     5,943,974.56                       2,531,397.24
Total                                                                   176,498,662.56                      157,568,577.24
(2) Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                              Occurred current      Occurred in
          Company invested in                                                               Causation of change
                                                   term            previous term
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine
                                                 64,503,750.00       25,801,500.00
Power Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary
                                                 48,957,040.00       61,196,300.00
Machine Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged
                                                 10,575,258.00        6,220,740.00
Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery
                                                 23,400,000.00       23,400,000.00
& Equipment Co., Ltd.
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd.                       23,118,640.00       23,118,640.00
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co.,
Total                                           170,554,688.00     155,037,180.00                      --
(3) Long-term equity investment gains on equity basis
       Not applicable
6. Supplementary data of cash flow statement
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                  Amount of the Current       Amount of the Previous
                        Supplementary Info.
                                                                            Term                            Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                     --                             --

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   Semi-annual Report 2013

Net profit                                                                 317,806,345.17               389,113,931.05
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                            16,913,497.95                 -5,351,657.81
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                            31,345,840.90                30,308,947.94
production goods depreciation
Amortizing of intangible assets                                              1,178,647.72                    1,178,647.72
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                   -23,194.80                  -131,089.69
other long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                              -871,655.94                2,199,053.51
Investment loss (“-“ for gains)                                         -176,498,662.56              -157,568,577.24
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                -344,454,821.63              -111,984,046.60
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)             -461,124,334.99              -273,524,341.37
Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                 586,790,248.78               130,582,868.66
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                             -29,654,513.60                    4,823,736.17
2. Major investment and financing operation not involving
                                                                             --                           --
with cash
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                   --                           --
Balance of cash at period end                                              378,882,861.62               237,472,679.86
Less: Initial balance of cash                                              654,577,030.60               335,248,349.26
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                               -275,694,168.98               -97,775,669.40
7. Reverse purchasing of assets and liabilities booked at evaluated value
XIV. Supplementary Information
1. Details of non-recuring gain/loss of the term
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                            Items                                     Amount                        Remarks
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes
the recovered part of asset impairment provision already                 24,483,141.80
Gains and losses included in the current period of
government subsidies, excluding those government
grants which are closely related to normal business and                   2,221,328.80
in line with national policy , or in accordance with fixed
standards or quantities
Other non-business income and expenditures other than
the above
       Influence on minority shareholders’ quity (after
Total                                                                    12,892,471.31                  --
2. Differences of financial data under domestic and international accounting standards
(1) Differences in net profit and net assets under international and domestic standards

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual Report 2013

                                                                                                                     In RMB
                              Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                                         of the listed company                           of the listed company
                                 Current term        Amount of last term          End of term          Beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                  232,926,224.38            337,275,897.42      3,802,135,350.85         3,872,156,922.52
Items and amounts adjusted on IAS
Under International
                                  232,926,224.38            337,275,897.42      3,802,135,350.85         3,872,156,922.52
Accounting Standard
(2) Differences in net profit and net assets under overseas and domestic standards
                                                                                                                     In RMB
                              Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                                         of the listed company                           of the listed company
                                 Current term        Amount of last term          End of term          Beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                  232,926,224.38            337,275,897.42      3,802,135,350.85         3,872,156,922.52
Accounts and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standard
On IAS                            232,926,224.38            337,275,897.42      3,802,135,350.85         3,872,156,922.52
(3) Remarks on the differences of financial data under overseas and domestic accounting standards
3. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share
                                                                                                               In RMB Yuan
                                                                                        Earnings per share
                                                Weighted average net
         Profit of the report period                                       Basic earnings per       Diluted earnings per
                                              income/asset ratio (%)
                                                                                   share                     share
Net profit attributable to common
                                                                 5.84%                       0.31                       0.31
shareholders of the Company
Net profit attributable to the common
owners of the PLC after deducting of                             5.62%                       0.29                       0.29
non-recurring gains/losses

4. Irregular situation and causes of items in the financial statements

         Items           End of term    Beginning of term   Scale of                  Remarks on the change
 Monetary capital       731,040,457.61 1,100,640,580.62      -33.58% Increase in purchasing of trusteeship, cash outflow for
                                                                     purchasing of trusteeship was greater than inflow
 Prepayment             517,482,015.74 275,397,188.58         87.90% Purchase of accessory kits, prepayment increased greatly
 Other account            35,917,273.01 179,863,895.91       -80.03% Zhongneng Co. received RMB50 million from Guizhou
receivable                                                           Southwestern Cement Co., Ltd. and returning of
                                                                     RMB91.5077 million received from Guizhou
                                                                     Zhongcheng Cement Co., Ltd.

                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.      Semi-annual Report 2013

 Other current asset         470,286,995.99 150,724,250.00       212.02% Increase of purchasing trusteeship
 Intangible assets            87,831,474.77 210,185,683.85        -58.21% Packaged Equipment Co. was disposed in the period and
                                                                          no longer in the consolidation range since Feb
Short-term loans             118,500,000.00 250,400,000.00        -52.68% Packaged Equipment Co. was disposed in the period and
                                                                          no longer in the consolidation range since Feb
Tax payable                   44,031,213.00 85,182,827.55         -48.31% Decrease of income tax and VAT payable by the parent
                                                                          co. and Zhongneng Co.
 Dividend payable            316,454,160.00       9,800,000.00 3129.12% Dividend payable by the parent co. in the period, which
                                                                        was paid on August 12, 2013
 Other account payable        23,010,004.57     259,432,035.81    -91.13% Packaged Equipment Co. was disposed in the period and
                                                                          no longer in the consolidation range since Feb
  Income Statement           Amount of the    Amount of the      Changed                   Remarks on the change
       Items                   period         previous year           by
Financial expenses             1,542,054.93      15,625,642.92    -90.13% Interest payment by Packaged Co. and Zhongcheng
                                                                          Cement Co. was greater in previous period, while both of
                                                                          the two were disposed and not included in the
                                                                          consolidation range
Asset impairment loss         23,595,101.44       3,740,340.85   530.83% Increase of bad debt provision has increased with the
                                                                         parent co. and Turbine Co.
Investment income             64,696,068.76      30,415,895.65   112.70% Mainly disposal of Packaged Equipment Co. and increase
                                                                         of trusteeship
Non-operational income         4,202,690.63       7,991,933.68    -47.41% Decrease of government subsidy
Income tax expenses           47,681,073.69      69,046,850.08    -30.94% Decrease of profit and taxable income under the parent co.
Net profit attributable to   232,926,224.38     337,275,897.42    -30.94% Greater decrease of profit of the parent co.
owners of the parent co.
Minority shareholders’       55,854,396.54      36,550,132.60    52.82% Increase of profit of the subsidiaries

                             Chapter IX. Documents for Reference

(I) Semi-annual Financial Report 2013 with the signatures of the legal representative, the CFO, and
the manager of accounting department.
(II) All of the originals of the Company’s documents and public notices publicized by the presses
designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period;
(III) Original of the resolutions of the 2nd meeting of the 6th term of Board with signatures.

                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                                             Chairman of the Board: Nie Zhonghai
                                                                          August 20, 2013
