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						                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2013-59

               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
          The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full text)

                                Chapter I. Important Statement
The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,
fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report.
All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.
Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Pu Yangshuo, and the Chief of Accounting Department
Jiang Rong hereby declares: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful and complete.

                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.          The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

        Chapter II. Financial Highlights and Change of Shareholders

I. Main accounting data and indices
Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due
to change of accounting policies or correcting of accounting errors
 [] Yes [V] No
                                                 Ended this report                                                  Changed (%) over
                                                                                   End of prev. year
                                                      term                                                          end of prev. year
Gross Assets (RMB)                               7,556,700,150.47                                7,447,716,037.95                1.46%
Net asset attributable to owners of the PLC      4,033,958,802.14                                3,872,156,922.52                4.18%
                                                                                                                    Changed over the
                                                                     Increase/decrease From beginning of year to
                                                 This report term                                                    same period of
                                                                            (%)         the end of report period
                                                                                                                    previous year (%)
Turnover (RMB)                                   1,433,030,061.77                24.23%          3,452,775,892.69                4.89%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                   231,707,861.66                34.87%            464,634,086.04              -8.73%
listed company (yuan)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company and after deducting of          231,573,912.09                34.32%            451,607,665.16             11.42%
non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                        --                  --                     167,506,509.10             -67.48%
operation (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                        0.307               36.44%                   0.6162               -8.74%
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                      0.307               36.44%                   0.6162               -8.74%
Weighted average net
                                                             5.91%               22.11%                    11.6%              -20.11%
income/asset ratio (%)

Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts
[V] Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                    In RMB Yuan
                                                                                           Amount of the period from
                                         Items                                             the beginning of year to the Remarks
                                                                                                end of report term
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes the recovered part
of asset impairment provision already provided)
Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies,
excluding those government grants which are closely related to normal
business and in line with national policy , or in accordance with fixed
standards or quantities
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                              -787,944.30
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                                       4,696,344.53
     Influence on minority shareholders’ quity (after tax)                                                13,233,910.48
Total                                                                                                      13,026,420.88        --

                                                                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.         The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)
II. Total of shareholders and top-10 holders of current shares at end of period
                                                                                                                                                                                  in shares
Total shareholders at the end of the report period                                                                                                                                     18,170
                                                                                     Top 10 Shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                        Frozen or pledged
                                                                                                                                   Amount of unconditional shares
                   Name of the shareholder                   Properties of shareholder Share proportion (%) Amount of shares                                            Status of
                                                                                                                                               held                                  Amount
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.                 State-owned legal person                 63.64%        479,824,800                        479,824,800
Li Minggong                                                  Overseas natural person                   0.96%          7,275,927                                  0
NORGES BANK                                                  Overseas legal person                     0.48%          3,634,246                                  0
GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.- A/C "C"                  Overseas legal person                     0.45%          3,376,460                                  0
                                                             Overseas legal person                     0.31%           2,301,344                                    0
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                      Overseas legal person                    0.28%          2,108,321                                      0
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                             Overseas legal person                    0.26%          1,996,550                                      0
Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo Securities                         Overseas legal person                    0.23%          1,707,236                                      0
Xia Zulin                                                    Domestic natural person                  0.21%          1,616,000                                      0
TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/C CLIENT.                     Overseas legal person                    0.19%          1,444,371                                      0
                                                                           Top 10 holders of unconditional shares
                                                                 Amount of shares without trade limited                                    Category of shares
                   Name of the shareholder
                                                                                conditions                                    Category of shares                             Amount
Li Minggong                                                                                       7,275,927 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                           7,275,927
NORGES BANK                                                                                       3,634,246 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                           3,634,246
GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.- A/C "C"                                                       3,376,460 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                           3,376,460
                                                                                                   2,301,344 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                             2,301,344
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                                                              2,108,321 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                            2,108,321
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                                                     2,108,321 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                            2,108,321
Shanghai Hong Kong Wanguo Securities                                                                 1,707,236 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                            1,707,236
Xia Zulin                                                                                            1,616,000 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                            1,616,000
TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LIMITED-A/C CLIENT.                                                             1,444,371 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                            1,444,371
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                                            1,425,209 Foreign shares placed in domestic exchange                            1,425,209
                                                             (1) Hangzhou Steam Power Group Co., Ltd. is the state-owned shareholder of the Company, all of the other owners are B-share
Notes to relationship or “action in concert” among the top (2) There is no relationship between Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. and other shareholders;
ten shareholders.                                            (3) It is unknown whether there is any relationship among the 10 current-share holders.
                                                             (4) None of the other shareholders are regarded as Act in Concert relationship according to the Administrative Regulations of
                                                             Information Disclosing of Public Companies.
Was there any agreed repurchasing trade by shareholders in the report period
 [] Yes [V] No

                                                                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.         The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

                                                                Chapter III. Significant Issues

I. Particulars and causations of material change in major accounting items and indices

Items in balance sheet              End of period     Beginning of period      Scale of change   Remarks
Prepayment                          440,063,602.62    275,397,188.58           60%               Increase of prepayment for parts and equipments according to contracts
Other receivable                    50,939,005.38     179,863,895.91           -72%              Mainly because the opening balance was including accounts receivable from Zhongcheng
                                                                                                 Cement, etc.
Intangible assets                   87,944,004.52     210,185,683.85           -58%              Mainly because disposal of business rights of Residue Power Plant which was in the opening
Other non-current assets                              10,200,000.00            -100%             Transferring of investment in Xinjiang Taifeng Hangqilun to long-term investment
Short term loans                    118,500,000.00    250,400,000.00           -53%              Decrease of short-term loans under Zhongneng Co.
Notes payable                       199,364,342.10    133,505,278.70           49%               Increase of notes payable under subsidiaries
Account payable                     950,986,230.14    608,127,982.09           56%               Business growth and increase of payable provisions drawn
Wage payable                        48,889,194.55     27,384,846.15            79%               Enterprise foundation provided but not paid
Other payables                      25,176,561.48     259,432,035.81           -90%              There was a RMB235 mil account borrowed by Packaged Tech Co. of the Group from Steam
                                                                                                 Turbine Engineering.

Items in income statements          Current period    Same period       last   Scale of change
                                                      year                     %
Financial expenses                  2,769,682.15      26,177,710.58            -89%              Mainly decrease of short-term loans and interests under Zhongneng Co.
Loss from asset impairment          23,286,159.94     -8,170,020.59            -385%             Mainly providing of provisions for account receivable in the period
Investment gains (“-“ for loss)   67,805,353.37     32,452,060.00            109%              Mainly gains from disposal of equipments by Zhongneng Co.

Items in cash flow statement        Current period    Same period last         Scale of change
                                                      year                     %
Cash flow from business             167,506,509.10    515,020,797.57           -67%              Mainly increase of inventory and notes receivable
operation, net
Cash flow from investment, net      50,314,770.97     -448,680,064.81          -111%             Mainly influence of financial products
Cash flow from financing            -524,072,084.11   -246,137,873.16          113%              Mainly increase of dividend and repaying of debts

                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.             The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

II. Analyze of significant issues and solutions
     Aiming at further combine the R&D resources acquired by the Company and improve the
technical innovation system, the Company is planning to build the R&D center. This proposal was
approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting 2012 held on June 24, 2013.
      At the 3rd meeting of the 6th term of Board held on September 10 2013, the “Proposal to
participate in the bidding competition for land using rights” was approved, and announced on
September 10, 2013 (Announcement No. 2013-55). On October 9, 2013, the Company has engaged
with Zhejiang Hangzhou National Land Resources Bureau by the “Land Using Contract”
(Announcement No. 2013-56).
                                                                                              Date of         Index of provisional
                              Summary of material issues
                                                                                             disclosure          announcement
At the 3rd meeting of the 6th term of Board, the “Proposal to participate in the bidding
                                                                                              Sept. 10    http://www.cninfo.com.cn No.
competition for land using rights” was approved, for detials please find the Resolutions
                                                                                               2013                 2013-54
of the 3rd Meeting of the 6th Term of Board.
Disclosing of “The Proposal to participate in the bidding competition for land using         Sept. 10    http://www.cninfo.com.cn No.
rights”                                                                                       2013                 2013-55

                                                                                            October 11, http://www.cninfo.com.cn No.
Disclosing of “The succeeding issues of bidding competition for land using rights”
                                                                                            2013                  2013-56

III. Prospection on the business performance of year 2013
Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report
period or comparing with the same period of last year, and statement of causations.
 [] Applicable; [V] Not applicable

IV. Reception of investigation, commmunication, or visiting in report period

                                    Type of
Time/date     Place       Way                      Visitors              Main content involved and material provided
                                                                Application fields of the Company’s products, execution of
July 17,    The     Field                Foundation
                             Institution                        contracts, gross profit ratio, and national market layout.
2013        Company research             Zheshang
                                                                (No hard-copy material was provided)
                                         Morgan                 Market share of the Company’s products and causations,
Sept.4      The     Field
                             Institution Stanley and            competition edge. Influences of national policies and
2013        Company research
                                         clients                overall economy. (No hard-copy material was provided)

                                                                Business position in the first half year, differences of
Sept. 10 The     Field                Ping’an                  powerplant steam turbine and driving steam turbine,
2013     Company research             Securities                overseas market, business of the Casting Co. (No
                                                                hard-copy material was provided)

                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

                         Chapter IV. Financial Statements

I. Financial Statements
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                      In RMB Yuan
                           Items                                 Closing balance Openning balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                 792,768,058.42 1,100,640,580.62
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                                            1,037,311,746.41 803,384,920.81
     Account receivable                                          2,094,752,981.24 1,946,840,383.15
     Prepayment                                                    440,063,602.62 275,397,188.58
     Insurance receivable
     Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable                                                                       435,586.13
     Other account receivable                                          50,939,005.38       179,863,895.91
     Repurchasing of financial assets
     Inventories                                                 1,639,838,697.41 1,451,289,045.64
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                                           120,000,000.00 150,724,250.00
Total of current asset                                           6,175,674,091.48 5,908,575,850.84
Non-current assets
     Disburse of consigned loans
     Sellable financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                                479,708,599.85       462,088,813.22
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                     597,668,452.56       652,753,812.70
     Construction in process                                          132,931,221.05       108,252,291.56
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                 87,944,004.52       210,185,683.85
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses                                     1,352,509.28  2,618,841.58
     Deferred income tax asset                                         81,421,271.73 93,040,744.20
     Other non-current asset                                                         10,200,000.00
Total of non-current assets                                      1,381,026,058.99 1,539,140,187.11
Total of assets                                                  7,556,700,150.47 7,447,716,037.95

                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                               118,500,000.00 250,400,000.00
     Loan from Central Bank
     Deposit received and hold for others
     Call loan received
     Transactional financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                                  199,364,342.10 133,505,278.70
     Account payable                                                950,986,230.14 608,127,982.09
     Advances received                                            1,663,484,915.51 1,632,856,815.04
     Selling of repurchased financial assets
     Fees and commissions receivable
     Employees’ wage payable                                        48,889,194.55    27,384,846.15
     Tax payable                                                     68,819,466.81    85,182,827.55
     Interest payable                                                                    228,197.26
     Dividend payable                                                                  9,800,000.00
     Other account payable                                           25,176,561.48 259,432,035.81
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract provision
     Entrusted trading of securities
     Entrusted selling of securities
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                             100,000,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                        3,075,220,710.59 3,106,917,982.60
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable                                                  330,000.00       330,000.00
     Special payable
     Anticipated liabilities
     Deferred income tax liability                                    1,037,517.08     1,037,517.08
     Other non-recurring liabilities                                 14,902,465.00    11,149,265.00
Total of non-current liabilities                                     16,269,982.08    12,516,782.08
Total of liability                                                3,091,490,692.67 3,119,434,764.68
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                             754,010,400.00 754,010,400.00
     Capital reserves                                               138,953,250.09 139,590,345.09
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves                                                10,340,691.91    10,294,548.34
     Surplus reserves                                               518,540,739.23 518,540,739.23
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                              2,612,113,720.91 2,449,720,889.86
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company             4,033,958,802.14 3,872,156,922.52
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                    431,250,655.66 456,124,350.75
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)               4,465,209,457.80 4,328,281,273.27
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’ equity) 7,556,700,150.47 7,447,716,037.95
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                              Items                                 Closing balance Openning balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                    385,063,749.07       654,577,030.60
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                    620,945,607.19       555,963,481.26
     Account receivable                                             1,756,911,527.08 1,447,088,649.71
     Prepayment                                                          258,550,704.10       148,589,241.50
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable                                                                       10,635,586.13
     Other account receivable                                            176,436,393.53        22,772,249.70
     Inventories                                                    1,239,507,339.90 1,025,077,300.24
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                                                                      100,000,000.00
Total of current asset                                              4,437,415,320.87 3,964,703,539.14
Non-current assets
     Sellable financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term      share equity investment                              520,580,722.70       516,782,461.07
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                        296,696,108.00       331,961,743.27
     Construction in process                                              97,111,909.25        78,827,759.37
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                    43,165,706.31        44,366,863.73
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses                                        1,352,509.28          1,352,509.28
     Deferred income tax asset                                            55,106,028.33        55,106,028.33
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                         1,014,012,983.87 1,028,397,365.05
Total of assets                                                     5,451,428,304.74 4,993,100,904.19

                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.     The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

Current liabilities
     Short-term loans
     Transactional financial liabilities
     Notes payable
     Account payable                                                    649,511,726.28       286,310,510.70
     Advances received                                             1,157,375,383.80 1,219,358,402.37
     Employees’ wage payable                                            35,240,693.66        15,910,246.38
     Tax payable                                                         47,809,749.70        36,696,777.46
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other account payable                                               17,871,671.09        16,507,901.29
     Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                     100,000,000.00
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                         1,907,809,224.53 1,674,783,838.20
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable
     Anticipated liabilities
     Deferred income tax liability                                        1,037,517.08          1,037,517.08
     Other non-recurring liabilities                                        992,450.00            289,250.00
Total of non-current liabilities                                          2,029,967.08          1,326,767.08
Total of liability                                                 1,909,839,191.61 1,676,110,605.28
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                 754,010,400.00       754,010,400.00
     Capital reserves                                                   138,953,250.09       138,953,250.09
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves                                                     4,671,366.80          4,671,366.80
     Surplus reserves                                                   499,784,334.10       499,784,334.10
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                               2,144,169,762.14 1,919,570,947.92
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                3,541,589,113.13 3,316,990,298.91
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’ equity) 5,451,428,304.74 4,993,100,904.19
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai        CFO: Pu Yangshuo       Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

3. Income Statement (Consolidated) of the Report Period
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                                         Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                Term                  Term
I. Total revenue                                                1,433,030,061.77              1,153,549,504.35
     Incl. Business income                                      1,433,030,061.77              1,153,549,504.35
II. Total business cost                                         1,137,435,503.14                 919,977,520.20
     Incl. Business cost                                          956,705,213.47                 735,639,047.97
              Business tax and surcharge                             9,643,444.05                 11,361,736.58
              Sales expense                                         45,535,606.35                 44,836,276.87
              Administrative expense                              124,632,553.55                 129,498,752.56
              Financial expenses                                     1,227,627.22                 10,552,067.66
              Asset impairment loss                                   -308,941.50                -11,910,361.44
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                      3,109,284.61                   2,036,164.35
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                          298,703,843.24                 235,608,148.50
     Plus: non-operational income                                    1,061,195.58                   1,204,849.89
     Less: non-operational expenditure                               1,986,788.58                   2,476,330.68
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                 297,778,250.24                 234,336,667.71
     Less: Income tax expenses                                      47,226,269.36                 38,359,692.36
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                250,551,980.88                 195,976,975.35
    Net profit attributable to the owners of parent
                                                                  231,707,861.66                 171,801,329.76
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                    18,844,119.22                 24,175,645.59
VI. Earnings per share:                                               --                            --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                              0.307                         0.225
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                           0.307                         0.225
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                      250,551,980.88                 195,976,975.35
    Total of misc. incomes attributable to the
                                                                  231,707,861.66                 171,801,329.76
owners of the parent company
     Total misc gains attributable to the minor
                                                                    18,844,119.22                 24,175,645.59
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai        CFO: Pu Yangshuo         Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

4. Income Statement (Parent Co.) of the Report Period
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                        In RMB Yuan
                    Items                       Amount of the Current Term Amount of the Previous Term
I. Turnover                                                    993,137,360.52                      695,714,551.43
      Less: Operation cost                                     640,789,724.23                      438,393,801.73
           Business tax and surcharge                                8,106,389.98                       7,087,384.05
           Sales expense                                         32,222,574.42                      31,911,659.17
           Administrative expense                                71,951,158.89                      75,238,702.58
           Financial expenses                                           -9,088.82                         627,851.95
           Asset impairment loss                                 -3,163,606.33                          -9,953,910.91
            Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                        2,748,325.71                         970,821.90
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                        245,988,533.86                      153,379,884.76
     Plus: Non business income                                        225,778.58                           70,534.29
      Less: Non-business expenses                                    1,041,807.70                         950,936.06
III. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                             245,172,504.74                      152,499,482.99
      Less: Income tax expenses                                  36,775,875.70                      22,874,922.44
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                            208,396,629.04                      129,624,560.55
V. Earnings per share                                           --                                 --
VII. Total of integrated income                                208,396,629.04                      129,624,560.55
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai           CFO: Pu Yangshuo          Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

5. Income Statement (Consolidated) (Jan 1 – Sept. 30, 2013)
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                            In RMB Yuan
                                                                           Amount of the Current      Amount of the Previous
                                                                                  Term                       Term
I. Total revenue                                                                 3,452,775,892.69            3,291,713,228.11
      Incl. Business income                                                      3,452,775,892.69            3,291,713,228.11
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                            2,884,707,303.20          2,648,431,451.97
      Incl. Business cost                                                          2,306,739,124.63          2,091,415,260.34
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
              Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and surcharge                                             27,012,783.00              30,367,923.20
              Sales expense                                                         137,573,060.91             119,894,402.11
              Administrative expense                                                387,326,492.57             388,746,176.33
              Financial expenses                                                      2,769,682.15              26,177,710.58
              Asset impairment loss                                                  23,286,159.94              -8,170,020.59
      Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                      67,805,353.37              32,452,060.00
              Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
              Exchange gains (“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                            635,873,942.86             675,733,836.14
      Plus: non-operational income                                                    5,263,886.21               9,196,783.57
      Less: non-operational expenditure                                               6,897,884.22               7,721,071.90
              Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss)                                                   634,239,944.85             677,209,547.81
      Less: Income tax expenses                                                      94,907,343.05             107,406,542.44
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                  539,332,601.80             569,803,005.37
      Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over before the
      Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                       464,634,086.04             509,077,227.18
      Minor shareholders’ equity                                                     74,698,515.76             60,725,778.19
VI. Earnings per share:                                                              --                        --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                           0.6162                    0.6752
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                        0.6162                    0.6752
VII. Other misc. incomes
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                                        539,332,601.80             569,803,005.37
      Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent
                                                                                    464,634,086.04             509,077,227.18
      Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders                        74,698,515.76              60,725,778.19
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai                   CFO: Pu Yangshuo       Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.      The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

6. Income Statement (Parent Co.) (Jan 1 – Sept. 30, 2013)
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                     Items                           Amount of the Current Term        Amount of the Previous Term

I. Turnover                                                                      2,500,255,851.39                   2,121,565,998.88

     Less: Operation cost                                                        1,718,472,918.62                   1,374,654,457.09

           Business tax and surcharge                                                  20,493,560.05                     19,761,855.57

           Sales expense                                                               93,337,423.68                     82,051,025.12

           Administrative expense                                                     241,403,148.89                    233,185,933.50

           Financial expenses                                                            -880,744.76                      2,826,905.46

           Asset impairment loss                                                       13,749,891.62                    -15,305,568.72

     Plus: gains from change of fair value (“-“ for loss)

           Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                                          179,246,988.27                    158,539,399.14

           Incl. Investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                               592,926,641.56                    582,930,790.00

     Plus: Non business income                                                          1,128,154.91                      3,060,174.42

     Less: Non-business expenses                                                        4,893,263.72                      3,069,888.42

           Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets

III. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                                                    589,161,532.75                    582,921,076.00

     Less: Income tax expenses                                                         62,958,558.54                     64,182,584.40

IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                                   526,202,974.21                    518,738,491.60

V. Earnings per share                                                            --                                --

     (I) Basic earnings per share

     (II) Diluted earnings per share

VI. Other misc gains

VII. Total of integrated income                                                       526,202,974.21                    518,738,491.60

Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai                     CFO: Pu Yangshuo         Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.    The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

7. Cash Flow Statement (Consolidated)(Jan 1 – Sept. 30, 2013)
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                             In RMB Yuan
                                                                              Amount of the Current    Amount of the Previous
                                                                                      Term                     Term

I. Net cash flow from business operation

     Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                 2,699,496,763.68          3,015,099,021.38

     Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company

     Net increase of loans from central bank

     Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies

     Cash received against original insurance contract

     Net cash received from reinsurance business

     Net increase of client deposit and investment

     Net increase of trade financial asset disposal

     Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission

     Net increase of inter-bank fund received

     Net increase of repurchasing business

     Tax returned                                                                       8,029,266.19             42,402,957.02

     Other cash received from business operation                                       18,655,038.67             47,894,649.38

Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                   2,726,181,068.54          3,105,396,627.78

     Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                           1,666,054,955.86          1,573,278,527.47

     Net increase of client trade and advance

     Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company

     Cash paid for original contract claim

     Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission

     Cash paid for policy dividend

     Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                           500,863,380.86           465,067,398.21

     Taxes paid                                                                       336,258,666.65           363,773,578.59

     Other cash paid for business activities                                           55,497,556.07           188,256,325.94

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                  2,558,674,559.44          2,590,375,830.21

Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                        167,506,509.10           515,020,797.57

II. Cash flow generated by investing

     Cash received from investment retrieving                                          28,992,921.48              5,100,060.30

     Cash received as investment profit                                                90,335,486.98             31,863,791.20

                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.   The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

     Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                           124,157.69              3,834,627.54
other long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units          -2,446,457.95              -653,509.83

     Other investment-related cash received                                           2,148,610,000.00          695,029,568.43

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                 2,265,616,108.20          735,174,537.64

     Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                         99,679,971.54            53,852,920.63
long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment                                                             17,619,786.63

     Net increase of loan against pledge

     Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units

     Other cash paid for investment activities                                        2,098,001,579.06         1,130,001,681.82

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                2,215,301,337.23         1,183,854,602.45

Net cash flow generated by investment                                                    50,314,770.97          -448,680,064.81

III. Cash flow generated by financing

     Cash received as investment                                                                                   4,400,000.00

     Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders

     Cash received as loans                                                             195,510,000.00          499,400,000.00

     Cash received from bond placing

     Other financing-related cash received                                                                          743,994.80

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                       195,510,000.00          504,543,994.80

     Cash to repay debts                                                                309,949,250.40          448,978,316.50

     Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                        409,632,833.71          300,995,201.22

     Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders

     Other cash paid for financing activities                                                                       708,350.24

Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                    719,582,084.11          750,681,867.96

Net cash flow generated by financing                                                   -524,072,084.11          -246,137,873.16

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                  -1,621,718.16               75,539.58

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                           -307,872,522.20          -179,721,600.82

     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term              1,100,640,580.62          662,648,725.65

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                             792,768,058.42          482,927,124.83

Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai                     CFO: Pu Yangshuo          Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong

                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.          The 3rd Quarterly Report 2013 (Full Text)

8. Cash Flow Statement (Parent Co.)(Jan 1 – Sept. 30, 2013)
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                  In RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount of the Current    Amount of the Previous
                                                                                          Term                     Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                     1,828,493,361.61          1,924,746,836.33
      Tax returned                                                                           1,231,582.69
      Other cash received from business operation                                            5,096,003.37              9,956,117.97
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                        1,834,820,947.67          1,934,702,954.30
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                               1,149,639,225.24            996,899,824.92
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                               357,461,704.02            341,032,683.88
      Taxes paid                                                                           204,242,739.04            223,650,735.34
      Other cash paid for business activities                                              187,650,940.94             70,823,705.13
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                       1,898,994,609.24          1,632,406,949.27
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                             -64,173,661.57            302,296,005.03
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment profit                                                   189,446,988.27           158,539,399.14
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                               122,000.00              3,464,000.00
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received                                             1,830,000,000.00           540,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                    2,019,568,988.27           702,003,399.14
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                            87,268,824.09             34,111,384.25
long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment                                                                3,798,261.63
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities                                          1,730,000,000.00            860,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                   1,821,067,085.72            894,111,384.25
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                      198,501,902.55           -192,107,985.11
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities
      Cash to repay debts                                                                  100,000,000.00            16,317,423.50
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                          302,269,159.99           192,615,075.46
      Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                       402,269,159.99            208,932,498.96
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                      -402,269,159.99           -208,932,498.96
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                     -1,572,362.52                 10,672.27
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                              -269,513,281.53            -98,733,806.77
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                  654,577,030.60            335,248,349.26
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                385,063,749.07            236,514,542.49
Legal prepresentative: Nie Zhonghai CFO: Pu Yangshuo                               Accounting Manager: Jiang Rong
II. Auditors’ Report
 The 3rd quarterly report has not been audited.

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                                                Chairman of the Board: Nie Zhonghai
                                                                         October 25, 2013
