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						Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                             Semiannual Report 2014

                              SEMIANNUAL REPORT 2014

                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                       August 18, 2014

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                              Semiannual Report 2014

       Chapter I. Important Remarks, Table of Contents, and

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the Report.
All of the directors presented the board meeting on which this report was examined. The meeting was held by
means of onsite voting and telecommunication voting. Director Liu Guoqiang voted by telecommunication, and
other directors presented the meeting onsite.
The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.
Chairman Mr. Nie Zhonghai, Chief Financial Officer Pu Yangshuo, and the Chief of Accounting Department Ms.
Jiang Rong hereby declare: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful and complete.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    Semiannual Report 2014

                                                          Table of Contents

Chapter I. Important Remarks, Table of Contents, and Glossaries.............................................................................2
Chapter II. Company Profile ......................................................................................................................................5
Chapter III. Financial Highlights................................................................................................................................6
Chapter IV. Board of Directors’ Report......................................................................................................................8
Chapter V. Significant Events................................................................................................................................16
Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders ...........................................................................................21
Chapter VII. The Preference Shares .........................................................................................................................23
Chapter VIII. Particulars of Directors, Supervisors, and Management ....................................................................23
Chapter IX. Financial Report ...................................................................................................................................24
Chapter X. Documents for Reference ......................................................................................................................95

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014


              Terms                Defined as                               Description

Company, the Company               Defined as   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

The Group, Hangqi Group            Defined as   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

The report period                  Defined as   January 1 – June 30 2014

                                                Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd. – the
Zhongneng Co.                      Defined as
                                                holding subsidiary of the Company

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. – the holding
Casting Co.                        Defined as
                                                subsidiary of the Company

                                                Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology Development Co.,
Packaged Tech. Co.                 Defined as
                                                Ltd. – the holding subsidiary of the Company

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. - the
Machinery Co.                      Defined as
                                                holding subsidiary of the Company

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd. - the
Auxiliary Machine Co.              Defined as
                                                holding subsidiary of the Company

                                                Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd. – the holding
Turbine Co.                        Defined as
                                                subsidiary of the Company

                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. - the holding
Heavy Industry Co.                 Defined as
                                                subsidiary of the Company

The Board of Directors             Defined as   The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

The Supervisory Committee          Defined as   The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

The Shareholders’ Meeting         Defined as   The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

RMB, RMB0’000,
                                   Defined as   RMB Yuan, RMB10 thousand Yuan, RMB100 million Yuan

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

                                   Chapter II. Company Profile

I. Company profile
Stock ID                     Hangqilun B                         Stock Code               200771
Stock ID changed             None
Stock Exchange Listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company Name in
Short form of Company
Name in Chinese
Name in English              HANGZHOU STEAM TURBINE CO.,LTD.
Abbreviation in English      HTC
Legal representative:        Nie Zhonghai

II. Contacts
                                               Secretary of the Board            Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                     Yu Changquan                         Wang Gang
Address                                  No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou         No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou
Tel.                                     0571-85780432                        0571-85780198
Fax.                                     0571-85780433                        0571-85780433
Email.                                   ychq@htc.cn                          wg@htc.cn

III. Other info.
1. Contacts
No change to the registered address, office address, postal code, official website, and email address of the
Company. For details please find the Annual Report 2013.
2. Information inquiry
None of the official presses, website, and place of enquiry has been changed in the report period. For details
please find the Annual Report 2013.
3. Change of business registration
None of the registration date and place, the license number, tax number, organization number has been changed in
the report period. For details please find Annual Report 2013.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                    Semiannual Report 2014

                            Chapter III. Financial Highlights

I. Main accounting data and indices
Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of
accounting policies or correcting of accounting errors?
                                                                         Same period last
                                                  This report term                            Increase/decrease (%)
Turnover (RMB)                                    1,743,362,642.27 2,019,745,830.92                              -13.68%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                    196,174,851.01         232,926,224.38                        -15.78%
listed company (yuan)
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company and after deducting of           181,414,092.36         220,033,753.07                        -17.55%
non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                    119,786,983.72         112,341,197.85                          6.63%
operation (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                             0.26                 0.31                      -16.13%
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                           0.26                 0.31                      -16.13%
Net income on asset, weighted                                  4.53%                  5.84%                       -1.31%
                                                                                              Changed at end of report
                                                  Ended this report
                                                                         End of prev. year period over end of previous
Gross Assets (RMB)                                7,760,453,482.73 7,645,648,806.43                                1.50%
Net asset attributable to owners of the PLC       4,276,885,828.98 4,230,942,110.74                                1.09%

II. Differences in accounting information under IAS and domestic accounting standard
1. Differences between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese
Accounting Standard
                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan
                              Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                                          of the listed company                          of the listed company
                                   Current term     Amount of last term           End of term       Beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                   196,174,851.01         232,926,224.38         4,276,885,828.98     4,230,942,110.74
Items and amounts adjusted on IAS

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                  Semiannual Report 2014

2. Differences between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese
Accounting Standard
                                                                                                        In RMB Yuan
                               Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                                          of the listed company                      of the listed company
                                   Current term      Amount of last term        End of term       Beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                    196,174,851.01          232,926,224.38     4,276,885,828.98     4,230,942,110.74
Accounts and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standard

3. Statement on the differences of accounting information on IAS and domestic accounting standard
       Not applicable
III. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts

                                                                                                           In RMB Yuan
                            Items                                    Amount                        Remarks
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes
the recovered part of asset impairment provision already                     226,573.76
Gains and losses included in the current period of
government subsidies, excluding those government
grants which are closely related to normal business and                    4,002,971.00
in line with national policy , or in accordance with fixed
standards or quantities
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional
asset and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal
of transactional financial assets and liabilities and
sellable financial assets, other than valid period value
instruments related to the Company’s common
Other non-business income and expenditures other than
the above
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                      1,996,268.62
       Influence on minority shareholders’ equity (after
Total                                                                   14,760,758.65                 --
       None of non-recurring gain/loss items recognized as recurring gain/loss items as defined by the Information
Disclosure Explanatory Announcement No.1 – Non-recurring gain/loss in the report period.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

                      Chapter IV. Board of Directors’ Report

I. Business overview
In the 1st half of 2014, the world economy was showing a state of uncertain and imbalance. The leading
economies was recovering but at a speed lower than expectation, while the new-coming economies were slowing
down. Chinese government was slowing down the development initiatively and turned to deepening of structural
adjustment. In the report period, domestic industrial investment was descending continuously, the large scale
equipment business was facing severe challenge of the weakened market demand.
Under the impact of macro economy, the downstream industries were in the process of productivity reducing and
inventory dumping. Investment in new productivities was obviously slowing down. Great uncertainty and delay of
investment projects have brought a more complex environment to the Company.
The management was fully aware of the difficulties and challenges the Company was facing. A series of strategies
were carried further, i.e. expanding of industrial chain, international and differentiation strategy, and parallel
developing of production and service providing. A number of measurements were implemented regarding
enhancing of technical innovation, improving of marketing system, promoting of finest quality projects,
deepening of fine management, lifting of operation efficiency, and reinforcing of risk administration. Somehow
the business operation was in a steady pace.
In the report period, the Company has realized turnover of RMB1,743,362,600, a 13.68% of decrease YoY; total
profit of RMB267,376,000, a 20.53% of decrease YoY; net profit of RMB227,702,100, a 21.15% of decrease
YoY; and net profit attributable to owners of the listed company of RMB196,174,900, a 15.78% of decrease YoY.

II. Analysis of main business
(I) General Information
Turnover of the report period has decreased by 13.68% comparing with the 1st half of last year. This was mainly
caused by the market environment. However benefited from modification of product composition, the gross profit
has increased slightly. The total profit of the report period decreased by 20.53% due to increase of impairment
provisions provided and decrease of investment gains.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                             Semiannual Report 2014

Change in main financial data RMB
                                                              Change over
                                           Same period last
    In RMB Yuan         This report term                      same period             Cause of change
                                                                last year
Turnover                1,743,362,642.27 2,019,745,830.92         -13.68%
Operation cost          1,074,446,850.16 1,350,033,911.16         -20.41%
Sales expense              68,197,974.19      92,037,454.56       -25.90%
                          298,799,463.80    262,693,939.02         13.74%
                                                                          Mainly increase of interest paid for
Financial expenses          9,202,486.72       1,542,054.93       496.77% increased loans in the report period

Income tax expenses        39,673,928.67      47,681,073.69       -16.79%
Input to R&D               80,416,519.61      86,173,797.02        -6.68%
Cash flow generated
by business               119,786,983.72    112,341,197.85          6.63%
operation, net
                                                                          Mainly decrease of cash received from
Net cash flow
                                                                          financial products and investment in
generated by              -58,390,584.46    -274,500,144.16       -78.73%
                                                                          the report period

Net cash flow
generated by             -173,780,354.77    -205,941,405.86       -15.62%
Net increasing of                                                         Mainly greater increase of net cash
cash and cash            -111,810,766.61    -369,600,123.01       -69.75% flow from investment in the report
equivalents                                                               period
                                                                          Mainly there was an investment gain
                                                                          from disposal of share equity of the
Investment income          33,668,236.76      64,696,068.76       -47.96% Packaged Equipment Co. of the Group
                                                                          in the 1st half of last year.

                                                                          Mainly change of receivable account
                                                                          age structure: decrease of short
Asset impairment
                           55,223,094.46      23,595,101.44       134.04% accounts and increase of longer

                                                                          Mainly recording of land using rights
                                                                          payment under Heavy Industry Co. –
Intangible assets         308,217,878.79    225,562,108.26         36.64% subsidiary of the Company, in the

     No change in profit composition or sources in the report period.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

(II) Progress reviewing of the business plans disclosed in previous periodic report
1. Keep on technical innovation. In the report period, the Company launched 100K class air separation project,
water supply for million class power plant, water pumping steam turbine for nuclear power plant, and key unites
of residual thermal turbine; accelerated development of high power low-pressure turbine, launched research of
large steam turbine module, as well as the development of first organic agent residual thermal power industrial
steam turbine.
The R&D project of steam turbine for million scale ethylene equipment was awarded the 1st prize by Provincial
Department of Machinery Industry, and 1st prize of China Petroleum Group for technical progress. The Steam
Turbine Rotator Dynamic Research, which is a provincial project, was completed and passed in the acceptance
Government subsidies were awarded to the Company for its significant contributions to producing of national
standard for the whole industry. A number of technical researches were conducted in the report period. 12
applications were raised for patents, and 5 patents were granted.
2. Market exploring. As impacted by the overall market situation, the Company’s accepting of new orders was
declining. However the Company has reinforced its share in the market of coal chemistry, thermal power, air
conductor, and petroleum chemistry against its advantages in technologies and reputation. Winning of the contract
for the 1st installation of 100K air separation device for Shenhua Ningmei is a symbol of the Company’s invading
of the field of large air separation equipment of coal chemistry industry.
Back-pressure steam turbines, the Company’s product, are well accepted in the power plant field and under further
promotion. Facing severe competition in this field, the Company was doing its best in expanding sales and lifting
service value.
Along with the economic recovering of developing countries, the Company has reinforced marketing approach in
overseas markets. On the other side, the Company got no new orders in the gas turbine area, which was suffering
from continuous deficit of metallurgy industry. However the gas turbines in operation has contributed RMB40
million of turnover from service providing. Compressor products were in cultivating stage and not yet making
steady profit.
3. Pursuing of management upgrading. In the report period, the Company has been reinforcing internal
management, and increasing operational and economical efficiency. Great efforts have been paid on responsibility
management regarding quality control, cost, and receivable account retrieving, etc.
Continuous inspection and evaluation were performed on key performances with reference to industrial standards.
The Company has been combining resources, enhancing supply chains, and regulating process control to meet
with the requirements of complex product composition, short product circle, and frequent change of market trend.
Furthermore, the Company was continuously refining its production system, supply management, and business
process. Information technologies were further applied in management approaches. The 1st phase of PLM project
was carried out smoothly and will was expected to be put into operation recently. Great effort in energy saving
resulted a 6.98% of decrease in energy consuming per 100 million turnover.
4. Accelerating of major projects. As one of the major construction projects in the 12th 5-year-plan, Steam
Turbine Heavy Industry has accomplished its land purchasing, primary design, technical verification, and initial
assessment. It is in overall designing and planning stage at present. R&D building, the other major construction
project, has finished its primary design up to present.
The Company laid great attention on assessment and implementation of these major projects, for they will be
providing solid foundation for future development.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                             Semiannual Report 2014

III. Main business composition
                                                                                                    In RMB Yuan
                                                              Gross       Change in     Change in      Change in
                             Turnover       Operation cost profit ratio   turnover    operation cost gross profit
                                                                %           YoY            YoY            YoY
On Industries
Boiler and power
                         1,381,442,001.02 853,329,142.93       38.23%       -19.15%         -25.77%         5.51%
machine manufacture
Casting                     34,577,265.75    24,984,782.08     27.74%       -12.48%         -24.10%        11.06%
Petrochemical and
other special               49,354,275.47    24,841,494.06     49.67%        27.89%         -11.03%        22.02%
Other special
                           273,817,208.88 168,784,575.96       38.36%        21.64%          25.01%        -1.66%
Sub-total                1,739,190,751.12 1,071,939,995.03     38.37%       -13.55%         -20.33%         5.24%
On Products
Industrial steam
                         1,381,442,001.02 853,329,142.93       38.23%       -19.15%         -25.77%         5.51%
Casting products            34,577,265.75    24,984,782.08     27.74%       -12.48%         -24.10%        11.06%
Auxiliary machinery         49,354,275.47    24,841,494.06     49.67%        27.89%         -11.03%        22.02%
Others                     273,817,208.88 168,784,575.96       38.36%        21.64%          25.01%        -1.66%
Sub-total                1,739,190,751.12 1,071,939,995.03     38.37%       -13.55%         -20.33%         5.24%
On territories
Domestic                 1,655,955,142.77 1,021,853,436.23     38.29%        -7.57%         -12.44%         3.43%
Overseas                    83,235,608.35    50,086,558.80     39.83%       -62.19%         -71.92%        20.84%
Sub-total                1,739,190,751.12 1,071,939,995.03     38.37%       -13.55%         -20.33%         5.24%

IV. Analyze of competitive edge
As the largest developing and manufacturing base of industrial steam turbine throughout the country, the
Company has been in the territory with years of experiences, which provided obvious advantages from technical
research to production, from marketing to customer services.
There wasn’t any change in core business operation and competition in the report term. For details please find the
Annual Report 2013.

                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                              Semiannual Report 2014

 V. Investment
 1. External equity investment
 (1) External investment
 No external investment in the report period.

 (2) Shareholding in financial enterprises

                               Original           Opening      Shareholding       Shares held at Shareholding Close balance of      Gain/loss in                   Source
  Name of      Type of                                                                                                                               Accounting
                           investment cost        amount of    percentage at the end of term percentage at          book value      report period                    of
 companies    company                                                                                                                                  subject
                               (RMB)               shares        beginning          (shares)       closing           (RMB)            (RMB)                        shares
Bank of                                                                                                                                             Long-term
             Commercial                                                                                                                                           Own
Hangzhou                    390,954,040.00 115,593,200                    6.92%     138,711,840            6.92%   390,954,040.00   23,118,640.00 share equity
             Bank                                                                                                                                                 capital
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                           investment
Total                       390,954,040.00 115,593,200               --             138,711,840       --           390,954,040.00   23,118,640.00        --           --
 Remark: Hangzhou Bank allotted 2 shares to each 10 shares by capital reserves basing on the total capital shares of 1671416000 shares at end of 2013. Upon
 completion of this plan, the Company’s shares in Hangzhou Bank have increased from 115,593,200 to 138,711,840 shares, whereas the percentage of shareholding
 has not changed.
 (3) Stock investment
 No securities investment in the report period.

                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Semiannual Report 2014

  2. Trusted financing, derivate instruments, and trusted loans
  (1) Trusted financing
                                                                                                                                                                                            In RMB10 thousand
                                                 Related transaction                             Amount        Started   Expired   Mean of   Principal retrieved   Impairment provision   Predicted     Actual gain/loss of
          Title of entrustee        Relationship                          Type of product
                                                       or not                                    entrusted       on        on      reward        this period         provided (if any)     income           the period
                                                                       Financial instruments
Bohai Bank                          Non-related          No                                            2,000                                               2,000                                 9.11                  9.11
                                                                       of banks
Changan International Trust Co.,                                       Financial instruments
                                 Non-related             No                                            4,000                                               4,000                               70.31                  70.31
Ltd.                                                                   of banks
Hangzhou Industrial & Commercial                                       Financial instruments
                                 Non-related             No                                           12,800                                                                                  987.65                 376.54
Trust Co., Ltd.                                                        of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
Hangzhou Bank                       Non-related          No                                           22,000                                              17,000                              114.16                  91.81
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
Ping’an Trust Co., Ltd.            Non-related          No                                            9,000                                               9,000                               48.37                  48.46
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
Ping An Bank                        Non-related          No                                           13,000                                               8,000                                 94.5                 30.88
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
CICB                                Non-related          No                                           29,900                                              26,100                              203.06                 132.08
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
China Everbright Bank               Non-related          No                                            7,000                                               5,000                               47.68                  23.75
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
China Minsheng Bank                 Non-related          No                                            8,000                                               8,000                               34.67                  34.67
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
Bank of China                       Non-related          No                                            9,800                                               6,800                               20.81                  19.96
                                                                       of banks
                                                                       Financial instruments
China CITIC Bank                    Non-related          No                                           22,800                                              18,400                              157.05                 117.38
                                                                       of banks
Total                                                                                                140,300    --         --        --                  104,300                            1,787.37                 954.95
Resource of capital trusted                                                                    Independent
Accumulated principal and gains overdue                                                        0
Lawsuit (if any)                                                                               None
Date of announcement made by the Board about approval of trusted financial service (if any)    January 27, 2014
Date of announcement made by the Shareholders’ Meeting about approval of trusted financial
service (if any)

  (2) Investment of derivate instruments: no investment in derivate instruments in the report period.
  (3) Trusted loans: No trusted loan in the report period.
  3. Using of proceeds from share placing.
  (1) Using of financing proceeds: not applicable
  (2) Progress of committed projects to be financed by proceeds of financing: not applicable
  (3) Change of usage of financing proceeds: no change of usage of financing proceeds in the report period.
  (4) Progress of committed projects to be financed by proceeds of financing: not applicable

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Semiannual Report 2014

4. Analyze of main subsidiaries and affiliates
Profiles of main subsidiaries and affiliates
                                                                                                                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                   Registered                                                  Operation
             Name of companies                Company             Industry                  Major products or service                            Gross Assets    Net asset      Turnover                     Net profit
                                                                                                                                    capital                                                     profit
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology                  Trade of packaged   Technological development of automatic control
                                             Subsidiaries                                                                         51,000,000    281,068,680.12 90,775,621.46 110,761,508.75 14,771,378.58 10,829,298.50
Development Co., Ltd.                                       equipment           and instrument control
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power
                                             Subsidiaries Manufacturing         Designing and manufacturing of steam turbines     92,500,000    825,055,442.32 294,688,362.10 371,532,267.72 36,865,742.46 32,160,463.87
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd.     Subsidiaries Casting               Iron and steel casting                            22,000,000    419,349,922.68 172,630,821.25 152,915,382.21 8,087,718.67 7,384,123.09
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery &
                                             Subsidiaries Manufacturing         Producing and processing of steam turbine parts   30,000,000    203,965,777.17 117,777,421.05 85,992,003.43 26,490,471.79 21,598,908.02
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machine                                        Manufacturing of steam turbine auxiliary
                                             Subsidiaries Manufacturing                                                           80,000,000    442,897,674.30 245,481,424.81 225,460,305.30 26,158,708.65 20,626,167.50
Co., Ltd.                                                                       machines
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd.   Subsidiaries Commerce & trade      International trade                               20,000,000    210,545,836.35 44,968,514.33 62,173,747.89 -5,425,622.78     774,041.62
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy Industry Co.,
                                             Subsidiaries Manufacturing         Designing and manufacturing of steam turbines     360,000,000   364,384,361.01 363,734,300.68                 3,249,133.46 2,425,015.65

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

5. Major projects using non-raised capital
     No major projects using non-raised capital.
VI. Business performance forecast for Jan-Sept 2014
     Not applicable
VII. Statement of the Board and Supervisory Committee on the “Non-standard auditors’
report” issued by the CPA on the current report period
     Not applicable
VIII. Statement of the Board on the “Non-standard auditors’ report” of previous report
     Not applicable
IX. Profit distribution carried out in the report period
Particulars about the execution or adjustment of profit distribution, especially cash dividend and capitalizing of
capital reserves.
The profit distribution preplan of year 2013, which was proposed by the Board, was: basing on the total capital
share on December 31,2013, namely 754,010,400 shares, RMB2.00 and no bonus share(tax included) will be
distributed to each 10 shares. No capitalizing of common reserves will be implemented. Totally RMB150,802,080
will be distributed. This plan was approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting 2013 held on May 29, 2014.
The Company disclosed the “Announcement of Dividend Distribution for Year 2013” (Announcement No.
2014-29), by which the final trading day of B stocks were July 9, 2014; the ex-dividend day was July 10, 2014;
and the shareholding registration day was July 14, 2014.
The Company entrusted China Securities Registration and Clearance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch to carry out the
dividend plan on July 14, 2014. Income taxes payable by the shareholders were deducted and paid by China
Securities Registration and Clearance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch on behalf.

                                       Particulars about Cash Dividend Policy
Whether satisfying the requirements of the Articles of Association or resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting Yes
Are standard and rate of dividend definite and clear                                                              Yes
Complete decision making process                                                                                  Yes
Independent directors fulfilling their responsibilities                                                           Yes
Whether the minority shareholders were given opportunities to express their claims or opinions, whether their
legal rights are safeguarded
Whether the conditions and procedures of adjusting cash dividend policy legal and transparent                     Yes
X. Profit distribution for the report period.
None of cash dividend, bonus shares, or capitalizing of common reserves will be carried out for the first half of

XI. Reception of investigations, communications, or interviews
                                      Type of
Time/date      Place        Way                           Visitors    Main content involved and material provided
                                                                     Mid-long term development prospect,
May 29,     The          Field                   Shareholders of
                                    Individual                       competition, transferring of B stocks,
2014        Company research                     the Company
                                                                     management incentive plans, need for financing

                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                      Semiannual Report 2014

                                                        Chapter V.               Significant Events

I. Administrative Position
For the report period, the Company’s actual administration practices were complying with the requirements of the Company Law and CSRC without any differences.

II. Material lawsuit
In the report period, the Company had no material lawsuits or arbitrations.

III. Questioning by the media
No media queries raised in the report period.

IV. Bankruptcy and reconstruction
No bankruptcy or capital reorganizing issues occurred in the report period.

V. Asset transactions
1. Asset acquisition: No asset acquisition occurred in the report period.
2. Disposal of assets: No disposal of assets in the report period.
3. Merger of entities: No merger of entities occurred in the report period.

VI. Implementing of share incentive scheme and influence to the Company: No share incentive scheme was implemented in the report

                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

     VII. Material related transactions
     1. Related transactions related to daily operation
                                                                                                                                                            Ratio in               Market price of                    Index of
                                                                       Subjects of the related     Principle of pricing the   Price of   Amount of trade                  Way of                       Date of
         Related parties            Relationship      Type of trade                                                                                         similar                 similar trade                   information
                                                                            transactions             related transactions      trade      RMB0’000                      payment                      disclosure
                                                                                                                                                             trades                   available                      disclosure
Hangzhou Hangfa Power            Affiliate of the     Purchase of                                                             Market                                    Bank
                                                                      Generators                 Fair and just                                   7,998.78       5.99%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.   Group                goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                 Affiliate of the     Purchase of     Freight, repairing, rental,                             Market                                    Bank
Automobile Sales Service Co.,                                                                     Fair and just                                  2,630.04       1.97%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
                                 Group                labor           passenger vehicles                                      price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden           Affiliate of the     Purchase of                                                             Market                                    Bank
                                                                      Packaging materials        Fair and just                                    593.74        0.44%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Packaging Co., Ltd.              Group                goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears     Affiliate of the     Purchase of                                                             Market                                    Bank
                                                                      Gear boxes                 Fair and just                                       862        0.65%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Co., Ltd.                        Group                goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Steam Turbine           Affiliate of the     Purchase of     Materials, processing,                                  Market                                    Bank
                                                                                                 Fair and just                                    186.71        0.14%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Industrial Co.                   Group                labor           cleaning fees                                           price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power     Controlling                                                                                  Market                                    Bank
                                                      Accept labor Rental and power              Fair and just                                    825.92        0.62%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Group Co., Ltd.                  shareholder                                                                                  price                                     transfer
Employees’ technical union,     Affiliate of the     Purchase of                                                             Market                                    Bank
                                                                      Material and processing    Fair and just                                     59.91        0.04%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
HSTG                             Group                goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
                                 Shares held by the   Purchase of                                                             Market                                    Bank
Greenesol Co. (India)                                                 Generators                 Fair and just                                   2,143.38       1.61%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
                                 Company              goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Steam Turbine           Affiliate of the     Sales of                                                                Market                                    Bank
                                                                      Steam turbine              Fair and just                                    796.31        0.46%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Engineering Co., Ltd.            Group                goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Hangfa Power            Affiliate of the     Sales of        Casting parts and                                       Market                                    Bank
                                                                                                 Fair and just                                    594.84        0.34%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.   Group                goods           outsourcing                                             price                                     transfer
                                 Shares held by the   Sales of                                                                Market                                    Bank
Greenesol Co. (India)                                                 Steam turbine, parts       Fair and just                                       25.7       0.01%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
                                 Company              goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                 Affiliate of the     Sales of                                                                Market                                    Bank
Automobile Sales Service Co.,                                         Small amount materials     Fair and just                                       0.02       0.00%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
                                 Group                goods                                                                   price                                     transfer
Employees’ technical union,     Affiliate of the     Service                                                                 Market                                    Bank
                                                                      Co-operated process fee    Fair and just                                     20.62        0.01%                                Mar 29 2014 2014-14
HSTG                             Group                providing                                                               price                                     transfer
Total                                                                                                         --                  --           16,737.97       --            --          --               --               --

     2. Related transactions in terms of acquisition or disposal of assets:
     No related transaction regarding asset purchase or disposal up to the end of report period.

     3. Related transactions in term of collective external investment
     No related transaction of joint external investment in the report period.

     4. Debts and credits with related parties
     Non-operational transaction of credits and debts with related parties: No.

     5. Other material related transactions: No other material related transactions.
                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                Semiannual Report 2014

VIII. Non-operational capital appropriation by holding shareholder and related parties
No non-operational capital appropriation by holding shareholder or related parties occurred in the report period.

IX. Material contracts and execution
1. Entrustment, contracting, and leasing issues
(1) Entrustment: No entrustment in the report period.
(2) Contracting: No contracting in the report period.
(3) Leasing: No leasing in the report period.

                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                           Semiannual Report 2014

2. Guarantees
                                                                                                                                                                        In RMB10 thousand
                                                                 External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)
                         Amount of                         Actual date of
                                          Amount of                            Actual amount of                                                                        Completed Related
Guarantee provided to guarantee and date               occurring (signing date                                  Type of guarantee                            Term
                                         the guarantee                             guarantee                                                                             or not  guarantee
                        of disclosure                      of agreements
                                                                                                                                                        1 year upon
Zhongkong Science &
                                                                                                                                                        date of
Technology Group    April 10, 2014                     300 April 10, 2014                             300 Pledge                                                       No          No
                                                                                                                                                        entering the
Co., Ltd.
Total of external guarantee approved in the                                           Total of external guarantee actually occurred in the report term
                                                                               300                                                                                                           0
report term (A1)                                                                      (A2)
Total of external guarantee approved as of                                            Total of external guarantee actually occurred as of end of report
                                                                                  300                                                                                                        0
end of report term (A3)                                                               term (A4)
                                                                            Guarantee provided to controlled subsidiaries
                             Amount of                             Actual date of
                                                 Amount of                              Actual amount of                                                               Completed    Related
 Guarantee provided to guarantee and date                     occurring (signing date                                      Type of guarantee                 Term
                                                the guarantee                               guarantee                                                                    or not    guarantee
                            of disclosure                          of agreements
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved                                           Total of guarantee to subsidiaries actually occurred in the report
                                                                                    0                                                                                                        0
in the report term (B1)                                                               term (B2)
Total of guarantee to subsidiaries approved                                           Total of balance of guarantee actually provided to the subsidiaries
                                                                                    0                                                                                                        0
as of the report term (B3)                                                            as of end of report term (B4)
Total of guarantee provided by the Company (i.e. total of the above two items)
Total of guarantee approved in the report
                                                                                  300 Total of guarantee occurred in the report term (A2+B2)                                                 0
term (A1+B1)
Total of guarantee approved as of end of
                                                                                  300 Total of guarantee occurred as of the end of report term(A4+B4)                                      0
report term (A3+B3)
In which:
Guarantees provided to the shareholders, substantial controllers and the related
parties (C)
Guarantee provided directly or indirectly to objects with over 70% of liability on
asset ratio (D)
The part of total amount of guarantee exceeded 50% of net asset (E)                                                                                                                          0
Total of the above 3 (C+D+E)                                                                                                                                                                 0
Statement on the possible joint liabilities on the guarantees not due yet             None
Remarks on providing of external guarantees against the procedures                    None

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

(1) Illegal providing of external guarantees
      No illegal providing of external guarantees in the report period.
3. Other material contracts
     No other material contract in the report period.
4. Other material trades
     No other material trade in the report period.
X. Commitment issues by shareholders with 5% or over of shares in the report period or
carried over to the report period from previous periods
     No commitment issues by shareholders with 5% or over of shares in the report period or carried over to the
report period from previous periods
XI. Engaging and dismissing of CPAs
     Whether the Interim Report was audited or not
XII. Punishment and improvement
     No punishment or improving approach in the report period.
XIII. Disclosure of illegal action causing risk of delisting.
     No such illegal action causes risk of delisting.
XIV. Statement on other material issues
     No other material issues to be stated for the report period.

  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                  Semiannual Report 2014

          Chapter VI. Change of Share Equity and Shareholders
  I. Statement of change in shares
                                                                                                                                   In shares

                               Before the change                          Changed Currently (+,-)                        After the change

                                                        Issuing of       Bonus Transferred from
                              Amount       Proportion                                                Others Sub-total   Amount     Proportion
                                                        new shares       shares       reserves

I. Shares with trade
                             479,905,341     63.65%                  0            0              0        0        0 479,905,341     63.65%
restriction conditions

1. State-owned shares        479,824,800     63.64%                  0            0              0        0        0 479,824,800     63.64%

2. Other domestic shares         80,541       0.01%                                                                       80,541      0.01%

   Domestic natural
                                 80,541       0.01%                  0            0              0        0        0      80,541      0.01%
person shares

II. Shares without trading
                             274,105,059     36.35%                  0            0              0        0        0 274,105,059     36.35%
limited conditions

Foreign shares listed at
                             274,105,059     36.35%                  0            0              0        0        0 274,105,059     36.35%

III. Total of capital shares 754,010,400 100.00%                     0            0              0        0        0 754,010,400    100.00%

  II. Number of shareholders and shareholding positions
                                                                                                                               In shares
Total common shareholders at the end of                              Total of shareholders of preference shares with restored voting
                                                             18,981                                                                           0
the report period                                                    power at end of report period (if any)
                                Particulars about shareholders with over 5% of shares, or top 10 shareholders
                                                 Sharehol     End of the                                                    Frozen or pledged
                                                                             Changed in     Amount of       Amount of
                                 Properties of      ding     report term
    Name of the shareholder                                                   the report unconditional unconditional Status of Amou
                                  shareholder    Proporti    Amount of
                                                                                period      shares held        shares         shares       nt
                                                     on         shares
Hangzhou Steam Turbine         State-owned
                                                   63.64%      479,824,800              0     479,824,800               0
Power Group Co., Ltd.          legal person
                               Overseas legal
NORGES BANK                                         0.78%        5,860,578       -109396                 0     5,860,578
                               Overseas legal
GIC PRIVATE LIMITED                                 0.45%        3,376,460              0                0     3,376,460
Li Minggong                                         0.43%        3,250,799 -2719175                      0     3,250,799
                               natural person
                               Overseas legal
FUNDS-BOCHK CHINA                                   0.31%        2,301,344              0                0     2,301,344
                                                    0.28%        2,108,321              0                0     2,108,321
LTD                            person
Xia Zulin                                           0.26%        1,925,000        194400                 0     1,925,000
                               natural person
                               Overseas legal
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                    0.23%        1,765,389         -1100                 0     1,765,389
                               Overseas legal
INTERNATIONAL STOCK                                 0.23%        1,704,436        201900                 0     1,704,436
Zhu Guanhong                   Domestic             0.19%        1,442,588         63800                 0     1,442,588

  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

                                  natural person
Situation of strategic investors or ordinary legal
person become one of the top 10 shareholders       None
due to rights issue (if any)
                                                   (1) Hangzhou Steam Power Group Co., Ltd. is the state-owned shareholder of the Company,
                                                   all of the other owners are B-share holders.
Notes to relationship or “action in concert” (2) There is no relationship between Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. and
among the top ten shareholders.                    other shareholders;
                                                   (3) None of HSTG or other shareholders is acting-in-concert as described by Administration
                                                   Rules of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding Position
                                            Top 10 holders of shares without trading limited conditions
                                                                                       Amount of                      Category of shares
                            Name of the shareholder                              unconditional shares
                                                                                                              Category of shares       Amount
                                                                                 held at end of period
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
NORGES BANK                                                                                   5,860,578                                  5,860,578
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
GIC PRIVATE LIMITED                                                                           3,376,460                                  3,376,460
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
Li Minggong                                                                                   3,250,799                                  3,250,799
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
BOCHK INVESTMENT FUNDS-BOCHK CHINA GOLDEN DRAGON                                                            Foreign shares placed
                                                                                              2,301,344                                  2,301,344
FUND                                                                                                        in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
AUSTRALIANSUPER PTY LTD                                                                       2,108,321                                  2,108,321
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
Xia Zulin                                                                                     1,925,000                                  1,925,000
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
KGI ASIA LIMITED                                                                              1,765,389                                  1,765,389
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND                                                 1,704,436                                  1,704,436
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
朱冠洪                                                                                        1,442,588                                  1,442,588
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                                                            Foreign shares placed
GSIC A/C MONETARY AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE                                                      1,402,404                                  1,402,404
                                                                                                            in domestic exchange
                                                                               (1) It is unknown whether there is any relationship among the 10
                                                                               unlimited share holders.
Action-in-concert among top 10 non-restricted current share holders, top 10
                                                                               (2) The other shareholders are not regarded as “action-in-concert”
non-restricted current share holders and top 10 shareholders
                                                                               parties as defined in the “Information Disclosure About Change of
                                                                               Shareholding Status of PLCs”.
Participating of margin transactions by the top 10 shareholders (if any)       Not applicable

  No agreed repurchasing trade by shareholders in the report period

  III. Change of holding shareholder or substantial controller
  No changes in holding shareholder or substantial controller in the report period.

  IV. Proposals raised by the shareholders or their action-in-concert parties about increasing of
  To the knowledge of the Company, there is not any proposal raised by the shareholders or their action-in-concert
  parties about increasing of shareholding.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                     Semiannual Report 2014

                           Chapter VII. The Preference Shares

No issue regarding preference shares in the report period.

        Chapter VIII. Particulars of Directors, Supervisors, and

I. Change of shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior executives
                                                                                     Shares       Shares put      Shares
                                 holding at     Shares      Shares       Shares
                      Status                                                         under          under          under
                                     the       increased decreased held at
Name     Position       of                                                        restriction at restriction     restriction
                                beginning of this term     this term    the end
                      service                                                     beginning of      in the       at end of
                                    term       (shares)    (shares)     of term
                                                                                     period        period          period
Wang                  On
         Supervisor                   16,056       2,100               0 18,156               0              0               0
Xiaohu                duty
Total         --        --            16,056       2,100               0 18,156               0              0               0

II. Replacing of directors, supervisors, and executives
No changes happened to any of the directors, supervisors, or executives in the report period. For details please
refer to the Annual Report 2013.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                          Semiannual Report 2014

                                   Chapter IX. Financial Report

I. Auditors’ Report
The Semi-annual Financial Report is not audited.

II. The Financial Statements
All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                              In RMB Yuan
                                  Items                                Closing balance      Opening balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                                                    771,330,801.56        883,141,568.17
     Settlement provision
     Outgoing call loan
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                    777,512,220.25        921,474,660.68
     Account receivable                                                2,134,130,750.33      2,116,165,121.01
     Prepayment                                                          263,112,965.60        221,002,418.39
     Insurance receivable
     Reinsurance receivable
     Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                                             36,648,182.54          31,299,637.50
     Repurchasing of financial assets
     Inventories                                                       1,783,383,959.21      1,522,662,268.44
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                                                 360,060,079.60        318,647,045.27
Total of current asset                                                 6,126,178,959.09      6,014,392,719.46
Non-current assets
     Disburse of consigned loans
     Sellable financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment                                   472,349,826.87        472,349,826.87
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                                        575,951,378.92        609,425,345.52
     Construction in process                                             182,879,223.36        166,904,606.60
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                                                   308,217,878.79        225,562,108.26
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses                                           36,748.58              36,748.58

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                          Semiannual Report 2014

     Deferred income tax asset                                            94,839,467.12         90,477,451.14
     Other non-current asset                                                                    66,500,000.00
Total of non-current assets                                            1,634,274,523.64      1,631,256,086.97
Total of assets                                                        7,760,453,482.73      7,645,648,806.43
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                    296,900,000.00        376,900,000.00
     Loan from Central Bank
     Deposit received and hold for others
     Call loan received
     Transactional financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                                        72,182,776.00        168,751,198.95
     Account payable                                                     944,920,884.78        778,441,385.31
     Advances received                                                 1,497,299,419.05      1,480,588,499.90
     Selling of repurchased financial assets
     Fees and commissions receivable
     Employees’ wage payable                                             64,476,048.58         63,401,599.09
     Tax payable                                                          79,556,783.49        107,956,056.99
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable                                                    150,802,080.00
     Other account payable                                                33,759,075.82          46,941,539.40
     Reinsurance fee payable
     Insurance contract provision
     Entrusted trading of securities
     Entrusted selling of securities
     Non-current liability due in 1 year
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                             3,139,897,067.72      3,022,980,279.64
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable                                                       330,000.00             330,000.00
     Special payable
     Expected liabilities
     Deferred income tax liability                                         1,017,473.05          1,017,473.05
     Other non-recurring liabilities                                       9,966,694.00          9,700,985.00
Total of non-current liabilities                                          11,314,167.05         11,048,458.05
Total of liability                                                     3,151,211,234.77      3,034,028,737.69
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                  754,010,400.00        754,010,400.00
     Capital reserves                                                    139,590,345.09        139,590,345.09
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves                                                     17,527,728.53         17,276,201.15
     Surplus reserves                                                    583,824,678.05        583,824,678.05
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                   2,782,174,899.22      2,736,802,630.30
     Different of foreign currency translation                              -242,221.91           -562,143.85
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                  4,276,885,828.98      4,230,942,110.74
     Minor shareholders’ equity                                         332,356,418.98        380,677,958.00
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                    4,609,242,247.96      4,611,620,068.74
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’ equity)      7,760,453,482.73      7,645,648,806.43
Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                  Semiannual Report 2014

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                         In RMB Yuan
                                   Items       Closing balance      Opening balance
Current asset:
     Monetary capital                            423,425,045.57        295,292,983.14
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                            511,432,623.94        601,340,832.00
     Account receivable                        1,780,365,935.39      1,788,860,441.94
     Prepayment                                  131,824,729.51        142,783,696.27
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                     34,612,116.87          25,065,309.78
     Inventories                               1,354,522,748.74      1,119,933,842.22
     Non-current asset due in 1 year
     Other current asset                          64,000,000.00
Total of current asset                         4,300,183,200.02      3,973,277,105.35
Non-current assets
     Sellable financial asset
     Expired investment in possess
     Long-term receivable
     Long-term share equity investment           949,669,204.90        949,669,204.90
     Investment real estates
     Fixed assets                                292,826,104.62        316,182,652.53
     Construction in process                     134,333,124.98        124,088,852.72
     Engineering goods
     Fixed asset disposal
     Production physical assets
     Gas & petrol
     Intangible assets                           184,615,554.69        181,668,119.33
     R&D expense
     Long-term amortizable expenses
     Deferred income tax asset                    61,066,646.31          61,066,646.31
     Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                    1,622,510,635.50      1,632,675,475.79

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                          Semiannual Report 2014

Total of assets                                                        5,922,693,835.52      5,605,952,581.14
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                                                    180,000,000.00        260,000,000.00
     Transactional financial liabilities
     Notes payable
     Account payable                                                     621,629,437.15        469,018,283.68
     Advances received                                                 1,032,543,344.83      1,060,240,346.99
     Employees’ wage payable                                             44,557,415.92          49,561,769.28
     Tax payable                                                          50,202,460.59          63,656,915.72
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable                                                    150,802,080.00
     Other account payable                                                20,125,942.18          31,407,616.90
     Non-current liability due in 1 year
     Other current liability
Total of current liability                                             2,099,860,680.67      1,933,884,932.57
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings
     Bond payable
     Long-term payable
     Special payable
     Expected liabilities
     Deferred income tax liability                                         1,017,473.05           1,017,473.05
     Other non-recurring liabilities                                         465,959.00             200,250.00
Total of non-current liabilities                                           1,483,432.05           1,217,723.05
Total of liability                                                     2,101,344,112.72      1,935,102,655.62
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Capital paid in (or share capital)                                  754,010,400.00        754,010,400.00
     Capital reserves                                                    138,953,250.09        138,953,250.09
     Less: Shares in stock
     Special reserves                                                      7,295,765.20           7,295,765.20
     Surplus reserves                                                    565,068,272.92        565,068,272.92
     Common risk provision
     Retained profit                                                   2,356,022,034.59      2,205,522,237.31
     Different of foreign currency translation
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                    3,821,349,722.80      3,670,849,925.52
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’ equity)      5,922,693,835.52      5,605,952,581.14
Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                             Semiannual Report 2014

3. Consolidated Income Statement
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd                                 In RMB Yuan
                                                                    Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                           Term                  Term
I. Total revenue                                                        1,743,362,642.27       2,019,745,830.92
      Incl. Business income                                             1,743,362,642.27       2,019,745,830.92
              Interest income
              Insurance fee earned
              Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                  1,517,296,543.27        1,747,271,800.06
      Incl. Business cost                                                1,074,446,850.16        1,350,033,911.16
              Interest expense
              Fee and commission paid
              Insurance discharge payment
              Net claim amount paid
              Net insurance policy reserves provided
              Insurance policy dividend paid
              Reinsurance expenses
              Business tax and surcharge                                    11,426,673.94          17,369,338.95
              Sales expense                                                 68,197,974.19          92,037,454.56
              Administrative expense                                       298,799,463.80         262,693,939.02
              Financial expenses                                             9,202,486.72           1,542,054.93
              Asset impairment loss                                         55,223,094.46          23,595,101.44
      Plus: Gains from fluctuation of fair value (“-“ for loss)
              Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                             33,668,236.76           64,696,068.76
              Incl. Investment gains from affiliates
              Gains from currency exchange (“-“ for loss)
III. Operation profit (“-“ for loss)                                     259,734,335.76         337,170,099.62
      Plus: Non business income                                             12,194,329.71           4,202,690.63
      Less: Non-business expenses                                            4,552,652.16           4,911,095.64
              Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets
IV. Total profit (“-“ for total loss)                                    267,376,013.31         336,461,694.61
      Less: Income tax expenses                                             39,673,928.67          47,681,073.69
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                         227,702,084.64         288,780,620.92
      Including: Net profit realized by the entity taken over
before the takover
      Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company              196,174,851.01         232,926,224.38
      Minor shareholders’ equity                                           31,527,233.63          55,854,396.54
VI. Earnings per share:                                                      --                    --
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                    0.26                  0.31
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                 0.26                  0.31
VII. Other misc. incomes                                                        751,350.27
VIII. Total of misc. incomes                                               228,453,434.91         288,780,620.92
      Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the
                                                                           196,494,772.95         232,926,224.38
parent company
      Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders               31,958,661.96           55,854,396.54
Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

4. Income Statement of the Parent Co.

Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd

                                                                                                   In RMB Yuan

                                                                   Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                                                                          Term                   Term

I. Turnover                                                            1,201,478,303.95         1,507,118,490.87

      Less: Operation cost                                               781,172,768.01         1,077,683,194.39

           Business tax and surcharge                                      6,040,737.39            12,387,170.07

           Sales expense                                                  42,538,296.57            61,114,849.26

           Administrative expense                                        186,037,313.75           169,451,990.00

           Financial expenses                                              8,086,889.06                 -871,655.94

           Asset impairment loss                                          49,149,559.39            16,913,497.95

     Plus: Gains from fluctuation of fair value (“-“ for loss)

           Investment gains (“-“ for loss)                             195,852,809.48           176,498,662.56

           Incl. Investment gains from affiliates

II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)                                  324,305,549.26           346,938,107.70

     Plus: Non business income                                             1,044,088.00                 902,376.33

      Less: Non-business expenses                                          2,487,972.76             3,851,456.02

           Incl. Loss from disposal of non-current assets

III. Total profit (“-“ for total loss)                                 322,861,664.50           343,989,028.01

      Less: Income tax expenses                                           21,559,787.22            26,182,682.84

IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                                      301,301,877.28           317,806,345.17

V. Earnings per share                                                       --                     --

      (I) Basic earnings per share

      (II) Diluted earnings per share

VI. Other misc gains

VII. Total of integrated income                                          301,301,877.28           317,806,345.17
Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd                                                                In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                         Amount of the    Amount of the
                                                                                                         Current Term     Previous Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                                    1,494,144,550.03 1,652,449,867.92
      Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother company
      Net increase of loans from central bank
      Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies
      Cash received against original insurance contract
      Net cash received from reinsurance business
      Net increase of client deposit and investment
      Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
      Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission
      Net increase of inter-bank fund received
      Net increase of repurchasing business
      Tax returned                                                                                            230,602.76     6,777,141.50
      Other cash received from business operation                                                           2,670,915.77    12,593,472.87
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                                       1,497,046,068.56 1,671,820,482.29
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                                784,127,440.61 986,252,669.75
      Net increase of client trade and advance
      Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company
      Cash paid for original contract claim
      Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
      Cash paid for policy dividend
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                                              323,206,406.63 347,910,015.56
      Taxes paid                                                                                          173,868,146.85 232,160,309.19
      Other cash paid for business activities                                                              96,057,090.75    -6,843,710.06
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                                      1,377,259,084.84 1,559,479,284.44
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                                            119,786,983.72 112,341,197.85
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving                                                                             28,992,269.95
      Cash received as investment profit                                                                  33,668,236.76    87,226,202.37
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets      1,142,941.52
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units                                            -2,446,457.95
      Other investment-related cash received                                                            1,063,000,000.00 1,268,610,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                                   1,097,811,178.28 1,382,382,014.37
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets             51,200,201.74    55,060,633.53
      Cash paid as investment                                                                                               13,211,525.00
      Net increase of loan against pledge
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities                                                         1,105,001,561.00 1,588,610,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                                  1,156,201,762.74 1,656,882,158.53
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                                     -58,390,584.46 -274,500,144.16
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment                                                                            729,626.40
      Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders
      Cash received as loans                                                                              68,100,000.00   185,510,000.00
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                                                         68,829,626.40   185,510,000.00
      Cash to repay debts                                                                                154,040,000.00   299,949,250.40
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                                         88,569,981.17    91,502,155.46
      Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders
      Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                                     242,609,981.17 391,451,405.86
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                                    -173,780,354.77 -205,941,405.86
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                                      573,188.90    -1,499,770.84
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                            -111,810,766.61 -369,600,123.01
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                                883,141,568.17 1,100,640,580.62
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                                              771,330,801.56 731,040,457.61
Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Co.
Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                    In RMB Yuan
                                                                                   Amount of the Current    Amount of the Previous
                                                                                          Term                     Term
I. Net cash flow from business operation
      Cash received from sales of products and providing of services                      995,027,205.44           1,224,651,064.18
      Tax returned
      Other cash received from business operation                                           2,446,973.54               4,074,801.31
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities                                         997,474,178.98           1,228,725,865.49
      Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services                                516,126,399.41             851,471,751.94
      Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                                              227,071,963.41             247,045,937.50
      Taxes paid                                                                           92,848,391.75             128,247,174.17
      Other cash paid for business activities                                              52,823,344.01              31,615,515.48
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                                        888,870,098.58           1,258,380,379.09
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                                            108,604,080.40             -29,654,513.60
II. Cash flow generated by investing
      Cash received from investment retrieving
      Cash received as investment profit                                                  195,852,809.48            186,698,662.56
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units
      Other investment-related cash received                                              334,000,000.00           1,040,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities                                     529,852,809.48           1,226,698,662.56
      Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                            25,752,130.39             40,581,203.49
long-term assets
      Cash paid as investment
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units
      Other cash paid for investment activities                                           398,000,000.00           1,330,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities                                    423,752,130.39           1,370,581,203.49
Net cash flow generated by investment                                                     106,100,679.09            -143,882,540.93
III. Cash flow generated by financing
      Cash received as investment
      Cash received as loans
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other financing-related cash received
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities
      Cash to repay debts                                                                   80,000,000.00           100,000,000.00
      Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                            6,972,000.01               665,000.00
      Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities                                       86,972,000.01             100,665,000.00
Net cash flow generated by financing                                                      -86,972,000.01            -100,665,000.00
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash equivalents                       399,302.95              -1,492,114.45
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                              128,132,062.43            -275,694,168.98
      Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of term                 295,292,983.14             654,577,030.60
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term                               423,425,045.57             378,882,861.62
Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Semiannual Report 2014
        7. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)
        Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
        Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                 Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                             Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                  Items                                                                    Less:                                             Common                                            Minor shareholders’   Total of owners’
                                             Practical capital input
                                                                       Capital reserves   Shares Special reserves       Surplus reserves        risk        Retained profit      Others               equity                equity
                                               (or share capital)
                                                                                         in stock                                            provision
I. Balance at the end of last year                  754,010,400.00        139,590,345.09             17,276,201.15          583,824,678.05                    2,736,802,630.30   -562,143.85         380,677,958.00      4,611,620,068.74
      Plus: Change of accounting policy
           Correcting of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of current
                                                    754,010,400.00        139,590,345.09               17,276,201.15       583,824,678.05                    2,736,802,630.30    -562,143.85         380,677,958.00      4,611,620,068.74
III. Changed this period (“-“ for
                                                                                                          251,527.38                                            45,372,268.92    319,921.94          -48,321,539.02         -2,377,820.78
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                 196,174,851.01                         31,527,233.63        227,702,084.64
(II) Other misc. income                                                                                                                                                          319,921.94              431,428.33            751,350.27
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                          196,174,851.01    319,921.94           31,958,661.96        228,453,434.91
(III) Investment or decreasing of capital
by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and accounted
as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                                                                                                                                         -150,802,080.00                        -80,581,307.97       -231,383,387.97
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
                                                                                                                                                              -150,802,080.00                        -80,581,307.97       -231,383,387.97
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of owners’
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus reserves
4. Others
(VI) Special reserves                                                                                     251,527.38                                                                                     301,430.33            552,957.71
1. Provided this year                                                                                   1,689,177.58                                                                                     563,714.86          2,252,892.44
2. Used this term                                                                                       1,437,650.20                                                                                     262,284.53          1,699,934.73
(VII) Others                                                                                                                                                          -502.09                               -323.34               -825.43
IV. Balance at the end of this term                 754,010,400.00        139,590,345.09               17,527,728.53       583,824,678.05                    2,782,174,899.22    -242,221.91         332,356,418.98      4,609,242,247.96

                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Semiannual Report 2014
        Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                            In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                 Amount of Last Year
                                                                                          Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                  Items                                                                Less:                                              Common                                           Minor shareholders’   Total of owners’
                                             Capital paid in (or
                                                                   Capital reserves   Shares   Special reserves      Surplus reserves        risk      Retained profit       Others               equity                equity
                                               share capital)
                                                                                     in stock                                             provision
I. Balance at the end of last year                754,010,400.00      139,590,345.09               10,294,548.34          518,540,739.23                  2,449,720,889.86                       456,124,350.75      4,328,281,273.27
      Plus: Retrospective adjustment
caused by merger of entities under
common control
      Plus: Change of accounting policy
           Correcting of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of current
                                                  754,010,400.00      139,590,345.09                10,294,548.34        518,540,739.23                   2,449,720,889.86                       456,124,350.75      4,328,281,273.27
III. Changed this period (“-“ for
                                                                                                     6,981,652.81          65,283,938.82                   287,081,740.44    -562,143.85         -75,446,392.75        283,338,795.47
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                             653,356,182.05                         81,467,451.81        734,823,633.86
(II) Other misc. income                                                                                                                                                      -562,143.85            -758,074.88         -1,320,218.73
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                      653,356,182.05    -562,143.85          80,709,376.93        733,503,415.13
(III) Investment or decreasing of capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                 -50,207,922.63        -50,207,922.63
by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners                                                                                                                                                                    -50,207,922.63        -50,207,922.63
2. Amount of shares paid and accounted
as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                                                                                                      65,283,938.82                   -366,888,098.81                      -106,963,952.00       -408,568,111.99
1. Providing of surplus reserves                                                                                           65,283,938.82                    -65,283,938.82
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
                                                                                                                                                           -301,604,159.99                      -106,963,952.00       -408,568,111.99
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of owners’
                                                                                                                                                                                                  -1,886,977.19         -1,886,977.19
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus reserves
4. Others                                                                                                                                                                                         -1,886,977.19         -1,886,977.19
(VI) Special reserves                                                                                7,595,310.01                                                                                  2,507,899.34         10,103,209.35
1. Provided this year                                                                               10,042,022.97                                                                                  3,231,339.45         13,273,362.42
2. Used this term                                                                                    2,446,712.96                                                                                    723,440.11          3,170,153.07
(VII) Others                                                                                          -613,657.20                                               613,657.20                           395,182.80            395,182.80
IV. Balance at the end of this term               754,010,400.00      139,590,345.09                17,276,201.15        583,824,678.05                   2,736,802,630.30   -562,143.85         380,677,958.00      4,611,620,068.74

        Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

    8. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity (Parent Co.)
    Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd
    Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                                                                                In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                          Amount of the Current Term
                        Items                           Capital paid in                    Less: Shares                                      Common                           Total of
                                                                          Capital reserves              Special reserves Surplus reserves                 Retained profit
                                                       (or share capital)                    in stock                                     risk provision                   owners’ equity
I. Balance at the end of last year                      754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                     7,295,765.20 565,068,272.92                    2,205,522,237.31 3,670,849,925.52
      Plus: Change of accounting policy
           Correcting of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of current year               754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                 7,295,765.20 565,068,272.92                  2,205,522,237.31 3,670,849,925.52
III. Changed this period (“-“ for decrease)                                                                                                           150,499,797.28 150,499,797.28
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                          301,301,877.28 301,301,877.28
(II) Other misc. income
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                   301,301,877.28    301,301,877.28
(III) Investment or decreasing of capital by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                                                                                                                                  -150,802,080.00 -150,802,080.00
1. Providing of surplus reserves
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                           -150,802,080.00 -150,802,080.00
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus reserves
4. Others
(VI) Special reserves
1. Provided this year                                                                                    1,078,331.01                                                        1,078,331.01
2. Used this term                                                                                        1,078,331.01                                                        1,078,331.01
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this term                        754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                 7,295,765.20 565,068,272.92                  2,356,022,034.59 3,821,349,722.80

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                        Semiannual Report 2014
    Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                              Amount of Last Year
                   Items                        Capital paid in (or share    Capital    Less: Shares in     Special       Surplus        Common risk                         Total of owners’
                                                                                                                                                        Retained profit
                                                        capital)            reserves         stock         reserves       reserves        provision                                equity
I. Balance at the end of last year                        754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                   4,671,366.80 499,784,334.10                  1,919,570,947.92         3,316,990,298.91
      Plus: Change of accounting policy
           Correcting of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of current
                                                         754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                    4,671,366.80 499,784,334.10                  1,919,570,947.92         3,316,990,298.91
III. Changed this period (“-“ for decrease)                                                             2,624,398.40   65,283,938.82                  285,951,289.39            353,859,626.61
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                          652,839,388.20            652,839,388.20
(II) Other misc. income
Total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                   652,839,388.20            652,839,388.20
(III) Investment or decreasing of capital
by owners
1. Capital inputted by owners
2. Amount of shares paid and accounted as
owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit allotment                                                                                                    65,283,938.82                 -366,888,098.81           -301,604,159.99
1. Providing of surplus reserves                                                                                         65,283,938.82                  -65,283,938.82
2. Common risk provision
3. Allotment to the owners (or
                                                                                                                                                       -301,604,159.99           -301,604,159.99
4. Others
(V) Internal transferring of owners’
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves (or to
capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves (or to
capital shares)
3. Making up losses by surplus reserves
4. Others
(VI) Special reserves                                                                                     2,624,398.40                                                              2,624,398.40
1. Provided this year                                                                                     4,832,002.89                                                              4,832,002.89
2. Used this term                                                                                         2,207,604.49                                                              2,207,604.49
(VII) Others
IV. Balance at the end of this term                      754,010,400.00 138,953,250.09                    7,295,765.20 565,068,272.92                  2,205,522,237.31         3,670,849,925.52
    Legal representative: Nie Zhonghai Accounting supervisor: Pu Yangshuo Manager of financial dept.: Jiang Rong

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

III. Company Profiles
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) was incorporated as a joint stock limited company exclusively
promoted by Hangzhou Steam Turbine & Power Group Company Limited (“HSTG”) approved by the Securities
Regulatory Commission of the State Council with the Document SRC [1998] No. 8 by offering domestically
listed foreign currency ordinary shares (B Shares), with registration date: April 23, 1998, legal entity business
license No.: 企股浙总字第002150号. The number of Business License was changed to 330000400001023 on
May 6, 2009. At incorporation the Company was registered with capital of RMB220 million, in which 80 million
B shares were issued and listed for trading in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 28, 1998. The Company’s
registered capital is now increased to RMB754.0104 million with total capital share of 754.0104 million shares
(face value RMB1.00). Among which state-owned legal person shares were 479.8248 million shares and 274.1856
million shares of current B shares.
The scope of main businesses of the Company: The design and manufacturing of steam turbine, gas turbine, other
rotating and to-and-fro machinery and auxiliary equipment, and spare parts and components, sales of
self-manufactured products and the provision of relevant after-sales service and import & export service.

IV. Principal Accounting Policies, Estimations and Correcting of Previous Errors
1. Basis of financial statement
The Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.

2. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard
The finance report produced by the Company is accordance with the Enterprise Accounting Standard, and reflects
the Company’s financial state, business performance and cash flow frankly and completely.

3. Accounting period
The Company uses the calendar year for its fiscal year. A fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.

4. Standard currency for bookkeeping
The Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.

5. Accounting treatment of the merging entities under common control and different control
(1) Merger of entities under common control
Assets and liabilities acquired in merger of entities are measured at book values at the date of merger. The
difference between the net book value of asset and the offered price (or total of face value of shares issued) will be
adjusted into capital reserves; when the capital reserves is not enough to reduce, it will be adjusted into retained

(2) Merger of enterprises under different control
The difference of takeover cost over the fair value of recognizable net asset of the acquired entity is recognized as
goodwill at the day of takeover; in case the takeover cost is lower than the fair value of recognizable net asset of
the acquired entity, the measuring process over the recognizable asset, liabilities,contingent liabilities, and
takeover cost, shall be repeated, if comes out the same result, the difference shall be recorded into current income

6. Accounting policies on losing of control by disposal of share equity in multiple stages
7. Preparing method of consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparation of consolidated financial statements
The parent company puts all of its subsidiaries under its control into the consolidated financial statements. The
consolidated financial statements are prepared according to the “Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 33 –
Consolidated Financial Statements”, basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subsidiaries, and after

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

adjusting the long-term investment equity in the subsidiary on equity basis.

(2) Accounting process on purchasing and selling, or selling and purchasing of the shares of the same
subsidiary in successively two years
8. Recognition basis of cash and cash equivalents
Cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term, strong liquidity and lower risk of
value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.

9. Translation of businesses and accounts in foreign currency
(1) Business in foreign currency
Foreign currency trades are translated into RMB at the rate of the day when the trades are made. Those balances
of foreign currencies and monetary items in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rate of the balance
sheet date. Exchange differences, other than special loans satisfying the conditions of capitalization, are accounted
into current income account. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on historical cost are translated at the
rate of the trade day. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on fair value are translated at the rate of the
day when the fair value is recognized, where the differences are accounted as gain/loss from change of fair value.

(2) Translating of financial statements in foreign currencies
Asset and liability items in the balance sheet are translated basing on the exchange rate of the balance sheet date;
Owners’ equities other than Retained Profit are translated at the exchange rate of the date when the trade
happened. Income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the similar rate of the date when the
trade happened. Differences generated by the above translating of foreign currencies are demonstrated separately
under the owners’ equity in the balance sheet.

10. Financial instruments
(1) Categorizing of financial instruments
Finance assets are divided initially into four types of financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value with
their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance asset and financial
asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts),
transactional financial assets, debt and account receivable, finance asset saleable.
Finance debts are divided initially into two types of financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with
their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance debt and financial debt
appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), other
finance debt.

(2) Recognition basis and measurement of financial instruments
When the Company is one part of the finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized. When
on recognizing initially finance asset or debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt which
appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the related
transaction expenses are directly accounted into current gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the related
transaction expenses accounted into the initial recognition account.
The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future possible transaction fee but
with exception: (1) Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by actual interest rate according to
the amortized costs. (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value
can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and
which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by cost.
The Company conduct successive measure of finance debt according to amortized cost by actual interest rate with
exception as following: (1) finance debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are
accounted into current gain/loss accounts, is measured at fir value without deducting possible future transactional
fee at settlement; (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value
can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

which are closed off through the equity instrument, are measured by cost. (3) finance debt sponship contracts
which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss
accounts, or debt agreements at rate lower than market rate and which are not appointed to be measured at fair
value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, are measured at the higher value between
the optimal estimated value payable according to current obligations and the surplus value from which the initial
recognition value deduct the accumulated amortized amount according to the actual interest rate.
Gain or loss from fluctuation of financial assets or liabilities are handled at the following ways, except for relating
to hedge instrument.
(1) Gain or loss from fluctuation of fair value of financial assets or liabilities and accounted into current gain/loss
account, are accounted into gain/loss of fluctuation of fair value. Interests or cash dividend received in the period
of holding these assets are recognized as investment gains. When they are disposed, the difference between the
amount actually received and initially booked value is recognized as investment gains, and adjust the gain/loss
from fair value fluctuation.
(2) Fluctuation of fair value of sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves; interests gained at actual
interest rate are accounting into investment gains; the cash dividend received from sellable instrument investment,
are accounted into investment gains when distributed; At disposal of these investment, the difference between
actual amount received and book value are recognized as investment gains after deducting of accumulated change
of fair value which are originally accounted into capital reserves.
As soon as the contract rights of acquiring the cash flow of particular financial asset have been terminated or
almost all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been transferred, recognition of the
financial asset is terminated; as soon as the current liabilities attached to the financial liability have been
completely or partially relieved, recognition of the financial liability or part of is terminated.

(3) Recognition basis and measurement for transferred financial assets
The Company stop recognizing the finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are transferred to the
receiver; and continue to recognize the transferred finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are
kept, and recognize the value as one finance debt. For the finance assets which risks and remuneration of
ownership are not transferred or kept, the Company recognize them as following: (1) stop recognizing the finance
asset which are given up the control; (2) continue to recognize the finance asset and related finance debt according
to the extend which involved into the transferred finance asset for the finance asset which are not given up control.
The Company measured the surplus between the following two values for the transferred finance assets which
fulfill the stop recognition requirements into current gain or loss: (1) Account value of the transferred finance
asset; (2) Consideration plus the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership
rights. For the transferred finance assets which partly fulfill the stop recognition requirements the Company
amortized the stopped recognition part and the not-stopped recognition part of the account value of the whole
transferred finance asset, and account the surplus between the following two values into current gain or loss: (1)
Account value of the stopped recognition part; (2) consideration plus the corresponding stopped recognition part
of the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership rights.

(4) Termination condition for recognition of financial liabilities
As soon as the contract rights of acquiring the cash flow of particular financial asset have been terminated or
almost all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been transferred, recognition of the
financial asset is terminated; as soon as the current liabilities attached to the financial liability have been
completely or partially relieved, recognition of the financial liability or part of is terminated.

(5) Recognition of fair values of financial assets and liabilities
For the finance asset or debt which active market exists, the Company recognize the fair value according to the
quote on the active market; for the finance asset or debt which active market not exists, the Company recognized
the fair value using estimation technology (including reference of the latest market prices from freewill
transactions by persons familiar with conditions, reference of the current fair value of other similar finance
instrument in characteristics, discounted cash flow models and Option Pricing Model); for the initially acquired or
initial finance asset or finance debt, the Company recognize the fair value basis on the market trading price.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

(6) Impairment test and basis of provisions on financial assets (exclude receivable accounts)
1) The Company conduct impairment test to the finance asset other than which appointed to be measured at fair
value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts on balance sheet day. Impairment provision
is provided as long as evidence showing that impairment has happened to the financial asset.
2) The Company conduct independently impairment test for single finance asset with large value for single
finance asset with little value the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset
composition which have similar credit risk characteristics; for the non impairment assets which are tested
independently, the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset composition which have
similar credit risk characteristics.
3) For the finance asset accounted by amortized cost which have subject impairment evidence at the end term, the
impairment loss was recognized according to the difference between the account value and the anticipating future
cash flow, for the finance asset which have little difference between its short term account receivable anticipating
future cash flow and its current value, the Company don’t discount the future cash flow when recognizing related
impairment loss. When there is impairment loss for the Equity instrument investment which have no quote in
active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably and its derived finance assets which are connected
with the equity instrument and which are calculated through the equity instrument, are measured by cost, the
difference is recognized as impairment loss between the account value of the equity instrument investment and its
derived finance asset and the current value discounted by the future cash flow according to the market profit rate
of the similar finance asset. The Company recognize the impairment loss for the saleable finance asset which fair
value have sharp decreasing and the anticipating decreasing trend is not temporary, and account it into impairment
loss together with the accumulated fair vale loss which was accounted into owner’s equity directly.
When impairment occurred with a sellable financial asset, the accumulated losses caused by decreasing of fair
value which have originally been written into owners’ equity shall be carried over to current gain/loss account. If
practical evidence showing that the value of a particular financial asset has recovered in value after a impairment
loss has been recognized and practically related to the issues occurred after recognition of the loss, the impairment
loss recognized shall be restored and accounted into current gain/loss. Impairment loss of sellable equity
investment instrument will be restored to owners’ equity when the fair value has increased afterward.

Recognition standard for impairment of sellable financial assets.

(7) If investment held to mature is re-categorized to sellable financial assets, please state th intention or
evidence of change in capability
11. Recognition standard and providing basis of bad debt provision on receivable accounts
(1) Bad debt provision on receivable accounts with major amount individually
Basis of recognition or standard amount
                                            Accounts take over 10% of the book balance of receivable accounts
of individual account with large amount
                                            Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be
Basis of bad debt provision                 provided at the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book
(2) Receivable accounts on which bad debt provisions are provided as groups
   Name of the
                         Basis of bad debt provision                 Basis of recognition for portfolios
Group by age
                    Age analysis method                  With similar characteristics of credit risks

Bad debt provisions are provided on age analyze basis in the portfolio

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

                                   Rate of provision on receivable
               Age                                                     Rate of provision on other receivable accounts
Within 1 yr, (included)                                       5.00%                                            5.00%
1-2 yrs                                                       20.00%                                         20.00%
2-3 years                                                     40.00%                                         40.00%
Over 3 years                                                  60.00%                                         60.00%
3-4 yrs                                                       60.00%                                         60.00%
4-5 yrs                                                       60.00%                                         60.00%
over 5 yrs                                                    60.00%                                         60.00%
Bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis in the portfolio
Not applicable

Bad debt provisions are provided on other basis in the portfolio
Not applicable

(3) Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provisions are provided individually
                                          When there is significant difference between the current value of future
Basis of providing bad debt
                                          cash flow of the receivable account and the current value of future cash
                                          flow of the group
                                          Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be
Basis of bad debt provision               provided at the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book
12. Inventories
(1) Inventory classification
Inventories include saleable finished goods or merchandise, product-in-process , consumption material and goods
in manufacturing procedure or working procedure.

(2) Pricing of inventory to be delivered
Pricing basis:
Delivered out materials are accounted by weighted average method, issued out finished products are accounted at
individual price.

(3) Recognition of realizable net value of inventory and providing of inventory impairment provision
At the balance sheet day, inventories are measured at the lower of costs and cashable net values, the individual
difference between the cashable net value and cost are provided as inventory impairment provision. For finished
product, merchandise, saleable material and other saleable merchandise inventory, their cashable net values are
recognized by their estimated sale price in normal operation deducting estimated sale expenses and related taxes;
for material inventory which need processing, it cashable net value are recognized by the estimated sale prices of
its finished products in normal operation deducting the estimated cost, sale expenses and related taxes due to the
end of processing; At the balance sheet day, for inventory item which part has contract price and part has no
contract price, the cashable net value is accounted separately, and recognize the inventory impairment provision
or returnable cash..

(4) Inventory system

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                  Semiannual Report 2014

Inventory system: perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials
Low price consumable
Basis of amortizing: one-off
Packaging materials
Basis of amortizing: one-off

13. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment costs
1) For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger under common control, if it is the long-term
equity investment obtained from the corporate merger by paying cash, transferring non-cash asset, bear liability
and issuing equity securities, the share of book value of owner's equity of the merged party on the merger date
shall be taken as the initial investment cost. The asset reserve is adjusted according to the difference between the
initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of paid combined consideration or
issued securities; if the capital is not enough for deduction, the remain earnings are adjusted.
The initial investment costs of those long-term equity investment which was formed by acquisition of entities
under common control by stages are booked at the share of the book value of the owners’ equity of the entities at
the date of acquisition in the individual and consolidated financial statements. Capital reserve is adjusted by the
difference between the sum of book value of equity investment in the entities acquired and the newly increased
investment cost and the initial cost of the long-term equity; retained income shall be adjusted in case the capital
reserve is not enough to be deducted.
2) For the long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises under different control, the initial
investment cost is recognized by the fair value of combined consideration on purchasing day and related expenses.
Long-term equity investment formed by acquisition of entities under different control by trade in multiple stages
are accounted separately in the financial statements and consolidated financial statements.
a) In individual financial statements, initial cost of an investment is the sum of book value of the equity in the
acquired entity before the acquisition day and the newly increased investment cost at the acquisition day. In case
the share equity of the acquired entity before the acquisition day was involved in other gains, they shall be
transferred to current investment gains when the investment is disposed.
b) In the consolidated financial statements, the equity held before the acquisition day shall be recalculated on fair
value basis at the acquisition day. The differences between the book value and fair value shall be accounted into
current investment gains. In case the share equity of the acquired entity before the acquisition day was involved in
other gains, they shall be transferred to current investment gains of the current period.
3) For the long-term equity investments formed by other than merger of enterprises: if it is gotten by paying cash,
the initial investment cost is recognized by purchasing price when buy; if it is gotten by issuing equity securities,
the initial investment cost is recognized by the fair value of the securities; if it is gotten by investor’s investment,
the initial investment cost is recognized by investment contract or agreed value in contract (except the not fair
contract value).

(2) Successive measurement and recognition of gain/loss
Cost basis is adopted in accounting of those long-term equity investments by which the Company has substantial
control, and is adjusted in composing combined finance report according to equity basis; and those has no
common control or major influence without quotation in an active market and the fair value cannot be reliably
measured is also recalculated by cost basis. And equity basis is adopted in accounting of those long-term equity
investments by which the Company has joint control or major influence on the invested enterprise.

(3) Basis to recognize common control and material influence on invested entities
According to the contract, if the invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy need to be agreed by the
other investing party, the investment is common control investment; if only have participating decision rights in

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                  Semiannual Report 2014

invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy but have no own control or common control with other
investing part, the investment is investment with major influence.

(4) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions
When physical evidence showing that the investment in subsidiaries, affiliates, and joint ventures are impaired,
impairment provision shall be provided upon the balance between the book value and retrievable value; where the
long term equity investment with no control power or significant influence and has no quotation in an active
market and the fair value cannot be reliably measured, long-term investment impairment provision will be
provided according to “Enterprise Accounting Standard No.22 – Recognition and measure of financial instrument.

14. Investment property
15. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition of fixed assets
Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, providing
services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one year of service life.
Fixed assets are booked at practical cost. Depreciation started at the next month of the asset become usable on age
average basis.

(2) Recognition and pricing of fixed asset leased by financing
Financed lease is recognized when one or several of the following conditions is satisfied:
1) The ownership over the leased asset is transferred to the lessee on expiration of the leasing period;
2) It is the lessee’s option to, or not to, buy the leased asset. However the predicted final consideration of the asset
will far lower than its original fair value. Therefore it can be rationally determined that the lessee will use its
option to buy off the asset.
3) The ownership is not transferred, but the leasing period is taking most of the service life (usually 75% or over
of the service life of the leased asset).
4) The current value of the lowest payment made by the lessee at the commencing date of the lease is almost equal
to (90% or over of) the fair value of the asset at the same date; or the current value of the lowest amount received
by the leaser at the commencing date of the lease is almost equal to (90% or over of) the fair value of the asset at
the same day;
5) The asset to be leased is specialized for the use of the lessee, namely could not be used by others without major
Fixed asset leased on finance is booked at the lower one of the fair value at the commencing date and the current
value of the lowest rental.

(3) Depreciation of different fixed assets
          Categories               Depreciation age (year)     Retain value rate         Annual depreciation ratio
Houses & buildings                 20-30                                      4.00% 4.8-3.2
Equipment & machinery              8-15                                       4.00% 12-6.4
Electronic equipment               5                                          4.00% 19.2
Transportation equipment           5                                          4.00% 19.2
(4) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions on fixed assets
(5) Other remarks: no
16. Construction-in-progress
(1) Categories of construction-in-process
Construction, equipment installation, general maintenance of equipment

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

(2) Standard and timing for transferring of construction-in-process to fixed assets
When the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, it is transferred into fixed asset at actual
cost. If the construction in process has reached useful status but with completion of project settlement process, it is
transferred to fixed asset at the value estimated, and adjustment will happen after completion of project settlement
process but no adjustment on depreciation provided previously.

(3) Impairment test and providing of impairment provisions on construction-in-process
When there is evidence showing that the construction-in-process has impaired at the balance sheet day,
impairment provision shall be provided at the balance of the book value over the retrievable amount.

17. Borrowing expenses
(1) Principle of the recognition of capitalized borrowing costs
Loan expenses occurred in the Company, which can be categorized to purchasing or construction of assets
satisfying the conditions of capitalization, shall be capitalized and accounted into capital costs; while other loan
expenses are recognized as expenses and recorded into current income account.

(2) Capitalizing period of borrowing expenses
Capitalization started as soon as all of these conditions are satisfied: 1) Capital expenditures have occurred; 2)
Loan expenses have occurred; 3) Necessary purchasing or construction processes have been started to make the
asset usable or sellable.

(3) Temporarily suspension of capitalizing period
If irregular interruption occurred in the purchasing or construction process of the assets satisfying the capitalizing
conditions, and suspended for over successive three months, capitalizing of loan expenses is suspended; loan
expenses occurred during the suspension period are recognized as current expenses until the purchasing or
construction process resumes.
Capitalizing of borrowing expenses suspends when the asset purchased or satisfying the capitalizing conditions
reaches its useful or sellable status.

(4) Calculating of borrowing expense capitalizing
Special loans raised for purchasing or construction of assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization, interest to
be capitalized will be the actual interest expenses occurred in the current period of loan (including the discount,
premium, or amortizing decided on actual interest rate basis), less the interest income from the unused loans in
bank account or provisional investment gains; common loans used for purchasing or construction of assets
satisfying the conditions of capitalization, the interest to be capitalized will be the weighted average of balance
over special loans multiply capitalization rate of common loans.

18. Biological assets
19. Petroleum assets
20. Intangible assets
(1) Pricing of intangible assets
Intangible assets are land using rights, patents, and non-patent technologies, which are measured at cost basis.

(2) Estimation of service life of intangible assets with limited service life
For intangible assets with limited useful life, during the use life it is amortized according to the anticipating
implementation method of the economic benefit of the intangible asset systematically and reasonably. If can’t
recognize the anticipating implementation method, the straight basis is deployed.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

                   Items                        Expected useful life                 Basis
Land using right                            50                         On useful life of land using rights
Operation rights of waste heat power plant on actual operation term On actual business term
Others                                      5                          Expected useful life
(3) Intangible assets without certain useful life
(4) Providing of intangible asset impairment provisions
When evidence showing that impairment occurred on intangible assets with definite useful life at the balance
sheet day, impairment provision shall be provided at the balance of book value over the retrievable value.
Impairment test shall be done on intangible assets with no definite useful life or intangible assets had not reached
the useful status, with or without evidence.

(5) Dividing of research stage and development stage of internal R&D projects
(6) Accounting of internal R&D expenses
Expenditures of internal researching projects are accounted into current term gain and loss when happens. The
development period expenditures are recognized as intangible assets when fulfill following conditions: (1) The
intangible asset is completed and technically possible to be used or sold; (2) With intention to complete the
intangible asset for purpose of use or sale; (3) Evidence showing that there are markets or the products produced
with using of the intangible asset, or markets of the intangible asset itself, by which the intangible asset may
produce financial benefits. Intangible assets used inside the Company must be approved for their usable characters.
(4) Developing of the intangible assets are supported by sufficient technical, financial, and other resources, and
the intangible assets can be used or sold. (5) Expenditures occurred in developing of the intangible asset may be
reliably measured.

21. Long-term expenses to be amortized
Long-term amortizable expenses are recorded at actual amount occurred, and straight amortized to stipulated
periods. In case a long-term expense was not benefiting the succeeding periods, then the balance of the account
shall be transferred over to current income account.

22. Asset transferring with repurchasing terms
23. Predicted liabilities
(1) Recognition of expectable liabilities
(2) Accounting of estimated liabilities
24. Share payment and equity instruments
(1) Category of share payment
(2) Recognition of fair value of equity instruments
(3) Recognition basis of best estimation of exercisable equity instruments
(4) Accounting treatment of share payment plan to be implemented, revised, and terminated
25. Repurchasing of the Company’s shares
26. Turnover
(1) Recognition time for sales of goods
Sales income is recognized when all of these conditions are satisfied: (1) Major risks and rewards attached to the
goods have been transferred to the purchaser; (2) The Company holds neither successive management power
which is normally attached to ownership, nor effective control, over the goods which have been sold out; (4)

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

Amount of income may be reliably measured; (5) when the costs, occurred or will occur, may be measured
Particular methods for recognition of revenue. The Company is mainly engaged in designing, manufacturing,
sales, and service of steam turbines and gas turbines falling in the range of rotating and reciprocating machinery,
and parts. Recognition of sales in the country shall satisfy: products had been delivered to the buyer and the
amount had been fixed. Payment was received or documents received with great possibility of cash inflow. And
the cost of the products is able to be measured appropriately. Recognition of sales outside the country shall satisfy:
The goods had been filed by the custom and departed with bill of lading obtained. The amount had been fixed, and
payment was received or documents received with great possibility of cash inflow. And the cost of the products is
able to be measured appropriately.

(2) Recognition of income from giving of using rights on assets
Income from giving of assets is recognized when satisfying requirements: related economic benefit flows in very
possibly, income can be measured reliably. Amount of interest income is calculated according to the time and
actual interest rate of the monetary capital is used by other party. Income of using fee is calculated upon the
charge period and calculation provided by the related contract or agreement.

(3) Basis of recognizing service income
At balance sheet day, those service trades (simultaneously satisfying the requirements of those: income can be
measured reliably, related economic benefit will flow in very possibly, transaction procedure can be confirmed
reliably, happened and happening cost can be measured reliably) which can be reliably estimated are recognized
at the percentage of completion, and progress of completion of service is decided by the portion of costs occurred
over the estimated total costs. At balance sheet day, those service trades which can not be reliably estimated, if the
happened services cost will be compensated, the services income are recognized according to happened service
cost and transited to service cost according to same amount; if the happened services cost will not be compensated,
the happened services cost are accounted into current term’s gain or loss and the services income will not be

(4) Basis and method to determine completion progress for income from service providing and construction
contracts on percentage basis
1) When the result of the construction contract is able to be evaluated reliably at the balance sheet date, the
income and cost of the contract are recognized on completion percentage basis. If the result of the construction
contract is not able to be evaluated reliably, but the contract cost may be recovered, the income is recognized at
the cost actually recovered, and the cost of the contract is recognized as contract expenses of the current period
when it is occurred.
2) When all of the following conditions were satisfied, the result of a fix-amount contract is regarded as can be
evaluated reliably: the total income of the contract may be measured reliably, there is great possibility that the
financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the actual contract costs may be identified and measured
clearly and reliably, the construction progress and the cost to occur are able to be measured reliably. When all of
the following conditions are satisfied, the result of a cost-plus-commission contract is regarded as can be
evaluated reliably: there is great possibility that the financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the
actual costs may be identified and measured clearly and reliably.
3) Contract progress is recognized at the ratio of accumulative actual cost on the predicted complete cost.
4) In case the expected total cost is greater than the total income, the expected loss will be recognized as expense
of the current period. If the construction is in process, the balance is accounted as inventory impairment provision;
if the contract is not executed, the balance is accounted as expected liability.

27. Government allowance
(1) Categories
Government subsidies are divided into asset-related subsidies and income-related subsidies.

(2) Accounting policies

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

Monetary government subsidies are measured on actual amount or receivable amount; non-monetary subsidies are
measured at fair value; when no fair value is available, measured at named amount.
Asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income, amortized straight to its useful life and
recorded into current income account. Those income-related government subsidies used to makeup expenses or
losses in succeeding periods are recognized as deferred income and recorded in current income account at the
related expenses is recognized; those used to makeup expenses or losses already occurred are recorded into
current income account instantly.

28. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax assets
Deferred income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or paying
the liabilities according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be recognized,
the difference is between the tax basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or liabilities and the
tax basis.

(2) Basis for recognition of deferred income tax liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or paying
the liabilities according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be recognized,
the difference is between the tax basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or liabilities and the
tax basis.

29. Operational leasing and financial leasing
(1) Accounting of operational leasing
(2) Accounting treatment of financed leasing
(3) Accounting treatment of renting back after sales
30. Sellable assets in possession
(1) Recognition of sellable assets in possession
(2) Accounting treatment of sellable assets in possession
31. Securitilization of asset
32. Hedging instruments
33. Change of main accounting policies and estimations
Is there any material change of accounting policies occurred in the year.
(1) Change of accounting policies
Is there any change in accounting policies in the report period
(2) Change of accounting estimations
Is there any change in accounting estimations in the report period
34. Correction of accounting errors in previous period
Is there any accounting error with previous period found in the report period: No
(1) Retrospective restatement
Is there any retrospective restatement on the accounting error with previous periods done in the report term
(2) Future adoption method

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

Is there any future adoption method applicable to accounting errors with previous periods found in the report
period. No
35. Other principal accounting policies, estimations and preparation method of financial statements
V. Taxation
1. Main categories and rates of taxes
      Class of tax                                         Tax basis                                      Tax rate
VAT                      sales of goods or providing of taxable labor service                          17%
Operational tax          Taxable turnover                                                              5%
City maintenance and
                         Turnover tax payable                                                          7%
construction tax
Enterprise income tax Amount of income taxable
                         For those on price basis, taxes are paid at 1.2% of the balance of original
Property tax             value of the property after deducting of 30%; for those on rental basis, taxes 1.2%、12%
                         are paid at 12% of the rental.
Education surtax         Turnover tax payable                                                          3%
Local education
                         Turnover tax payable                                                          2%
Income tax rate applicable to branches and factories.
[Note] Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary incorporated in Indonesia.
It is subject to local tax regulations.
The Company and its subsidiaries – Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Casting Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Guoneng Steam
Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. are subject to 15% of tax, and the rest of subsidiaries (domestic) are subject to 25%
of tax.

2. Preferential tax and approving documents
(1) According to the document “Notice for Qualification of 1125 Enterprises as High-tech Enterprises” (浙科发高
〔2011〕263号) issued by Zhejiang Department of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Department of Finance,
Zhejiang National Tax Bureau, and Zhejiang Local Tax Bureau, the Company and Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam
Turbine Power Co., Ltd. – subsidy of the Company, were qualified as high-tech enterprises for term of three years.
Therefore we enjoy 15% of tax for 2011-2013.
(2) According to the document浙科发高〔2013〕294号 titled “Notice for Recognition of 491 High-tech
Enterprises” issued jointly by Zhejiang Bureau of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Bureau of Finance, Zhejiang
National Tax Bureau, and Zhenjiang Local Tax Bureau, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. was
recognized as a High-Tech Enterprise, therefore enjoys 15% of income tax rate from 2013 to 2015.
(3) According to document浙科发高[2011]262号 issued by Zhejiang Department of Science and Technology,
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co.,
Ltd. were recognized as High-tech Enterprises of 2011. Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd.
are enjoying the preferential tax rate of 15% for the years 2011-2013.

3. Other remarks: No

                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                          Semiannual Report 2014

        VI. Enterprise Merger and Consolidating of Financial Statements
        1. Particulars of the subsidiaries
        (1) Subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Balance of the owners’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                equity of parent co.
                                                                                                                                   Balance of                                                    Amount for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               after deducting of the
                                                                                                                                  other items                                                  deducting minor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 exceeding part of
                                                                                                                                    actually   Share     Portion                    Minor       shareholder’s
 Full name of the    Ownership of                    Business      Registered                                     期末实际                                                                                     minority shareholders’
                                       Reg. Add.                                       Business Scope                             formed net proportion of voting Consolidated? shareholders’   equity in the
    subsidiary       the subsidiary                  property       capital                                      Investment                                                                                    share of loss over the
                                                                                                                                 investment in   %        rights                    equity          minor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 share of minority
                                                                                                                                      the                                                       shareholder’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                shareholders in the
                                                                                                                                  subsidiaries                                                      equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 owners’ equity at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 beginning of year
Zhejiang Steam
                                                                                Development of electrical &
Turbine Packaged
                     Controlled       Hangzhou                                  mechanical equipment cotrol
Technology                                         Manufacturing 51 mil                                         29,800,389.56                    70.86%    70.86% Yes             23,786,794.73
                     subsidiaries     Zhejiang                                  unit and technical consulting
Development Co.,
                                                                                Designing and manufacturing
                                                                                of steam turbines and
                                                                                supplementary equipment and
Zhongneng Steam Controlled            Hangzhou
                                                   Manufacturing 92.5 mil       parts; sales of the Company’s   27,644,475.06                   60.83%    60.83% Yes            107,542,255.01
Turbine Power Co., subsidiaries       Zhejiang
                                                                                products; contracting and
                                                                                consulting of mid-small size
                                                                                power plants
                                                                                Manufacturing of cast iron and
Hangzhou Steam                                                                  steel products; installation and
                     Controlled       Hangzhou
Turbine Casting                                    Manufacturing 22 mil         maintenance of casting           11,220,000.00                   51.00%    51.00% Yes             84,589,102.41
                     subsidiaries     Zhejiang
Co., Ltd.                                                                       equipments; sales of the
                                                                                Company’s products
Hangzhou Steam                                                                  Manufacturing and processing
Turbine Machinery    Controlled       Hangzhou                                  of steam turbine auxiliary parts
                                                   Manufacturing 30 mil                                           7,968,000.00                   52.00%    52.00% Yes             56,533,317.89
& Equipment Co.,     subsidiaries     Zhejiang                                  and other machinery auxiliary
Ltd.                                                                            parts
Hangzhou Steam
                     Controlled       Hangzhou                                  Manufacturing of auxiliary
Turbine Auxiliary                                  Manufacturing 80 mil                                         46,286,513.41                    87.53%    87.53% Yes             30,596,480.16
                     subsidiaries     Zhejiang                                  equipment of steam turbine
Machine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                Steam turbine, gas turbine,
                                                                                generator, gear box, boiler, air
                                                                                cooler, condensator, power
Zhejiang Turbine                                                                plant auxiliary equipment,
                     Fully-owned      Hangzhou
Import & Export                                    Commerce        20 mil       water turbine, air compressor,   20,000,000.00                  100.00% 100.00% Yes
                     subsidiary       Zhejiang
Co., Ltd.                                                                       fan, controlling equipment,
                                                                                spare parts, and materials.
                                                                                Sales and assembling of the
                                                                                above, import and export.
Hangzhou Steam                                                                  Production: rotator machinery
                     Fully-owned      Hangzhou                     RMB360
Turbine Heavy                                      Manufacturing                including steam turbines, gas 360,000,000.00                    100.00% 100.00% Yes
                     subsidiary       Zhejiang                     mil
Industry Co., Ltd.                                                              turbines, compressors, and

                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                       Semiannual Report 2014
                                                                          auxiliary equipment; Service:
                                                                          technical developing and after
                                                                          service of steam turbines, gas
                                                                          turbines, compressors;
                                                                          Wholesaling: steel,
                                                                          construction materials
Xinjiang Taifeng                                                          Technical promotion and
Hangzhou Steam       Holding                                              interchange service;
Turbine Packaged     subsidiary of   Wulumuqi                             production, installation,
                                                  Manufacturing 20 mil                                       10,200,000.00   51.00%   51.00% Yes   9,158,692.94
Technologies         Packaged        Xinjiang                             maintaining, and selling of
Development Co.,     Tech Co.                                             compressors, steam turbines
Ltd.                                                                      and auxiliary equipment
                                                                          Designing of cooling and
                                                                          depressurizing equipment and
Hangzhou                                                                  accessories; manufacturing
Pangtong                                                                  (assembling only): cooling and
                     subsidiary of   Hangzhou
Electronic                                        Manufacturing 1 mil     depressurizing equipment;            700,000.00    70.00%   70.00% Yes    557,988.98
                     Zhongneng       Zhejiang
Equipment Co.,                                                            wholesale and retailing:
Ltd.                                                                      cooling and depressurizing
                                                                          equipment and related
                                                                          Sales, technical consulting,
Shijiazhuang         Holding
                                                                          service, adjusting, and
Hangneng Steam       subsidiary of   Shijiazhuang Service
                                                                3 mil     maintaining of steam turbines       1,200,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes   1,007,952.14
Turbine Technical    Zhongneng       Hebei        industry
                                                                          and auxiliary facilities and
Services Co., Ltd.   Co.
                                                                          Installation, testing, and
                                                                          technical consulting of steam
Kunming              Holding
                                                                          turbines, electric generators,
Hangzhong Steam      subsidiary of   Kunming      Service
                                                                1.2 mil   and power equipment; sales of        720,000.00    60.00%   60.00% Yes    745,386.97
Turbine Technical    Zhongneng       Yunnan       industry
                                                                          parts of steam turbine, electric
Service Co., Ltd.    Co.
                                                                          generator, and power
                                                                          Sales of steam turbines, steam
Wulumuqi                                                                  machine, generator set, and
Hangzhongneng                                                             parts; developing, promotion,
                     subsidiary of   Wulumuqi     Service
Steam Turbine                                                   3 mil     service of energy-saving            1,800,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes   1,065,248.55
                     Zhongneng       Xinjiang     industry
Technical Service                                                         technologies, maintaining,
Co., Ltd.                                                                 reconstruction of high-tech
                                                                          Technical service, installation,
Tangshan             Holding
                                                                          and maintaining of steam
Hangneng Steam       subsidiary of   Tangshan     Service
                                                                2 mil     turbines; sales of steam turbine    1,200,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes    726,065.34
Turbine Technical    Zhongneng       Hebei        industry
                                                                          and auxiliary equipment, and
Service Co., Ltd.    Co.
                                                                          Steam turbine and auxiliary
                                                                          equipment, spare parts, testing,
                                                                          repairing, technical
Jilin                Holding
                                                                          consultancy and service;
Hangzhongneng        subsidiary of                Service
                                     Jilin                      2 mil     design of electro-mechanical        1,200,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes    816,069.26
Steam Turbine Tech   Zhongneng                    industry
                                                                          projects, chemical projects,
Service Co., Ltd.    Co.
                                                                          environment projects;
                                                                          installation of chemical
                                                                          equipment and

                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                       Semiannual Report 2014
                                                                          electro-mechanical equipment
                                                                          Installation, repairing,
Guangxi              Holding
                                                                          technical reconstruction,
Hangzhongneng        subsidiary of   Nanning     Service
                                                               2 mil      technical service, of steam         1,200,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes    678,046.80
Steam Turbine Tech   Zhongneng       Guangxi     industry
                                                                          turbine; sales of steam turbine
Service Co., Ltd.    Co.
                                                                          Development of steam turbine;
                                                                          sales, installation, testing,
Chengdu                                                                   maintainance, technical
                     subsidiary of   Chengdu     Service
Zhongneng Tech                                                 2 mil      consultancy and service of          1,200,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes    549,914.35
                     Zhongneng       Sichuan     industry
Co., Ltd.                                                                 machinery, chemical products
                                                                          (exclude hazard products), and
                                                                          steam turbine
                   Holding                                                Technical consultancy,
Luoyang Hangqi
                   subsidiary of     Luoyang     Service                  installation, maintainance of
Steam Turbine Tech                                             2 mil                                          1,200,000.00   60.00%   60.00% Yes    859,146.27
                   Zhongneng         Henan       industry                 steam turbine; sales of steam
Service Co., Ltd.
                   Co.                                                    turbine and parts
                                                                          Production of boilers and
                                                                          products; design and technical
Hangzhou             Subsidiary of                                        service of boiler, boiler parts,
Hangqilun Boiler     Zhongneng                   Manufacturing 20 mil     pressure tanks, energy                  1,000.00   50.00%          Yes   9,680,506.08
Co., Ltd.            Co.                                                  products, environment
                                                                          protection products; whole sale
                                                                          and retailing of boilers;
Hangzhou         Holding
                                                               Indonesia Industrial activities, production
Zhongneng Steam  subsidiary of
                                     Indonesia   Manufacturing Rupiah 24 of steam turbine and industrial 10,750,075.00       70.00%   70.00% Yes   3,463,451.09
Turbine Power Co.,
                                                               bil.      boilers
Ltd.             Co.
Hangzhou Kaineng                     Hangzhou
                 subsidiary of                   Manufacturing 2 mil      Cast,forge materials                2,000,000.00   100.00% 100.00% Yes
Forge Co., Ltd.                      Zhejiang
                 Casting Co.
Zhejiang Huayuan Holding
Steam Turbine    subsidiary of       Huzhou                               Manufacturing and processing
                                                 Manufacturing 21 mil                                        15,750,000.00   75.00%   75.00% Yes
Machinery Co.,   the Machinery       Zhejiang                             of steam turbine parts
Ltd.             Co.
                                                                          Production: steam turbine
Hangzhou Guoneng     Holding                                              auxiliary machine; Service:
Steam Turbine        subsidiary of Hangzhou                               assembling, designing,
                                                 Manufacturing 40 mil                                    30,000,000.00       75.00%   75.00% Yes
Engineering Co.,     the Auxiliary Zhejiang                               installation, and technical
Ltd.                 Machine Co.                                          consulting of packaged thermal
                                                                          power projects

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

Supplementary remarks on subsidiaries obtained through incorporation or investment
Not applicable
2. Change of consolidation range
Not applicable
3. Exchange rate of main accounts of overseas businesses
At preparing of the consolidated statements, the asset and liability items in the balance sheet of Hangzhou
Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. are translated basing on the exchange rate of the balance
sheet date; Owners’ equities other than Retained Profit are translated at the exchange rate of the date when the
trade happened. Income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the similar rate of the date
when the trade happened. Differences generated by the above translating of foreign currencies are demonstrated
separately under the owners’ equity in the balance sheet.

VII. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Monetary capital
                                                                                                       In RMB Yuan
                                      End of term                                    Beginning of term
      Items      Amount of foreign        Exchange                    Amount of foreign Exchange
                                                     Amount RMB                                        Amount RMB
                       currency              rate                         currency             rate
Cash:                      --                 --        570,034.52           --                 --         641,950.41
RMB                        --                 --        570,034.52           --                 --         608,406.82
                                                                          67,087,185.00 0.0005              33,543.59
Bank account:              --                 --     747,858,317.41          --                 --    810,286,694.06
RMB                        --                 --     692,545,078.14          --                 --    770,202,664.56
USD                      7,097,804.23 6.1528          43,671,369.89        6,525,097.69 6.0969           39,782,868.13
JPY                              3,460.00 0.0608            210.44                3,460.00 0.0578              199.99
EURO                            33,528.71 8.3946        281,460.08                    6.67 8.4189                56.15
HKD                                                                                                               0.00
                   22,720,397,720.00 0.0005           11,360,198.86      601,810,455.00 0.0005             300,905.23
monetary                   --                 --      22,902,449.63          --                 --       72,212,923.70
RMB                        --                 --      22,902,449.63          --                 --       72,212,923.70
Total                      --                 --     771,330,801.56          --                 --    883,141,568.17

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                   Semiannual Report 2014

2. Transactional financial assets
Not applicable

3. Notes receivable
(1) Categories of notes receivable
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                   Categories                              End of term                       Beginning of term
Bank acceptance                                                    770,012,220.25                        920,551,630.68
Commercial acceptance                                                7,500,000.00                           923,030.00
Total                                                              777,512,220.25                        921,474,660.68
(2) Notes receivable under pledge
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                Issuer                     Date of issue        Expired on          Amount        Note
Rizhao Steel & Iron Rolling Co., Ltd.
                                        October 29, 2013      April 29, 2014 5,000,000.00

Shanxi Xinbang Trade Co., Ltd.          December 25 2013 June 16 2014 10,000,000.00
Shenyang Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. November 26, 2013 May 26, 2014 10,000,000.00
Total                                              --                 --         25,000,000.00 --
(3) Notes converted to receivable accounts due to failure of the issuer, and notes endorsed to another party
but not due yet at the end of report period
Not applicable
Notes endorsed to other parties but not due
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                  Issuer                 Date of issue     Due date          Amount        Note
Shenyang Turbine Machinery Co., Ltd. Jan 6 2014          Jul 6 2014        10,000,000.00
Hangzhou Hangyang Holdings Co., Ltd. Apr 30 2014 Oct 30 2014 10,000,000.00
Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Ltd.           Feb 25 2014 Aug 25 2014 6,423,900.00
Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Ltd.           Mar 26 2014 Sept 26 2014 5,000,000.00
Xi’an Shanggu Power Co., Ltd.           Apr 18 2014 Oct 18 2014            5,000,000.00
Total                                         --              --           36,423,900.00 --
4. Dividend receivable
     Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                         Semiannual Report 2014

5. Account receivable
(1) Account receivable presented on categories
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                End of term                                         Beginning of term
        Categories               Book balance              Bad debt provision            Book balance             Bad debt provision
                              Amount        Proportion    Amount       Proportion     Amount       Proportion     Amount      Proportion
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
Group by age analysis     2,646,338,724.88 98.77% 512,207,974.55 19.36% 2,573,237,853.86 98.73% 457,072,732.85 17.76%
Sub-total of group        2,646,338,724.88 98.77% 512,207,974.55 19.36% 2,573,237,853.86 98.73% 457,072,732.85 17.76%
Account receivable with
minor individual amount
                             33,020,480.19      1.23% 33,020,480.19 100.00%          33,020,480.19     1.27% 33,020,480.19 100.00%
but bad debt provision is
Total                     2,679,359,205.07      --     545,228,454.74      --     2,606,258,334.05     --     490,093,213.04      --
Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
     Not applicable
Account receivable in the portfolio which are provided bad debt provision on age basis
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                     End of term                                        Beginning of term
        Age                 Book balance                   Bad debt               Book balance            Bad debt
                          Amount     Proportion            provision            Amount     Proportion     provision
within 1 year
In which:                 --                  --               --                  --               --               --
Subtotal of within
                   1,342,118,551.21          50.72%       67,244,077.57 1,472,034,979.92          57.21%        73,601,749.00
1 year
1-2 years            643,677,601.76          24.32%     128,735,520.35 552,657,917.48             21.48%      110,531,583.50
2-3 years            400,485,832.57          15.13%     160,194,333.03 280,937,867.60             10.91%      112,375,147.04
Over 3 years         260,056,739.34           9.83%     156,034,043.60 267,607,088.86             10.40%      160,564,253.31
3-4 years            120,469,994.60           4.55%      72,281,996.76 120,358,324.45              4.68%       72,214,994.67
4-5 years             55,292,766.78           2.09%      33,175,660.06    89,445,952.70            3.48%       53,667,571.62
over 5 yrs            84,293,977.96           3.19%      50,576,386.78    57,802,811.71            2.24%       34,681,687.03
Total              2,646,338,724.88           --        512,207,974.55 2,573,237,853.86            --         457,072,732.86
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
     Not applicable
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on other basis
     Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end
of period
                                                                                                                         In RMB
        Description of the receivable accounts           Book balance Bad debt provision          Rate     Reason to provide
17 entities including MBDL power station in India 33,020,480.19                33,020,480.19 100.00% Hard to recover
Total                                                    33,020,480.19         33,020,480.19        --              --
(2) Receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period
     Not applicable
(3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period
     Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                  Semiannual Report 2014

(4) Particulars about the receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                     End of term                            Beginning of term
         Name of the companies             Book          Bad debt provision          Book         Bad debt provision
                                          balance             provided              balance            provided
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                          459,000.00               220,400.00 691,500.00                    226,800.00
Group Co., Ltd.
Total                                     459,000.00               220,400.00 691,500.00                    226,800.00

(5) Top 5 debtors in the receivable accounts
                                                                                                                In RMB
   Name of the        Relation with the                                                        Percentage in total
                                                  Amount                     Ages
    companies             Company                                                                 receivables
Client I            Non-related                     734,306,431.32 over 1-3 years                               27.41%
Client II           Non-related                     351,384,981.08 over 1-3 years                               13.11%
Client III          Non-related                     126,596,000.00 1-2 years                                    4.72%
Client IV           Non-related                      39,780,000.00 within 1 year                                1.48%
Client V            Non-related                      32,760,000.00 within 1 year                                1.22%
Total                         --                  1,284,827,412.40            --                                47.94%
(6) Account due from related parties
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                       Relation with the                         Percentage in total
             Name of the companies                                                 Amount
                                                           Company                                   receivables
                                                    Shares held by the
Greenesol Co. (India)                                                        12,621,050.25                      36.58%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Technologies
                                                    Affiliate of the Group    3,939,071.38                      11.41%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment
                                                    Affiliate of the Group    8,611,380.69                      24.96%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group           7,321,355.99                      21.22%
HSTG Packaged Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Affiliate of the Group    2,007,560.00                         5.82%
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd.              Affiliate of the Group          4,434.00                       0.01%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales
                                                    Affiliate of the Group            316.86
Service Co., Ltd.
Total                                                                        34,505,169.17                           100

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Semiannual Report 2014

6. Other account receivable.
(1) Other receivable account on categories
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                 End of term                                           Beginning of term

           Categories              Book balance             Bad debt provision             Book balance                Bad debt provision

                                Amount       Proportion     Amount       Proportion     Amount        Proportion       Amount      Proportion

Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups

Group by age analysis        40,956,706.08     91.69% 4,308,523.54         10.52% 35,520,308.28         90.54% 4,220,670.78          11.88%

Sub-total of group           40,956,706.08     91.69% 4,308,523.54         10.52% 35,520,308.28         90.54% 4,220,670.78          11.88%

Other account receivable

with minor individual
                              3,710,320.94      8.31% 3,710,320.94        100.00% 3,710,320.94           9.46% 3,710,320.94 100.00%
amount but bad debt

provision is provided

Total                        44,667,027.02       --       8,018,844.48       --       39,230,629.22       --        7,930,991.72       --

Other receivable accounts with major single amount and bad debt provision drawn upon them
        Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                                                          In RMB Yuan
                                              End of term                                         Beginning of term
            Age                    Book balance                 Bad debt                   Book balance                     Bad debt
                              Amount         Proportion         provision               Amount         Proportion           provision
within 1 year
In which:
Subtotal of within 1
                           32,714,513.66        79.88%           1,624,384.51 26,836,337.77               75.55%             1,341,816.89
1-2 years                   4,404,843.09        10.75%             880,968.62 5,088,625.18                14.33%             1,017,725.04
2-3 years                   2,496,195.93          6.09%            998,478.37 1,480,391.73                     4.17%            592,156.69
Over 3 years                1,341,153.40          3.27%            804,692.04 2,114,953.60                     5.95%         1,268,972.16
3-4 years                     197,199.80          0.48%            118,319.88 1,213,800.00                     3.42%            731,280.00
4-5 years                     250,800.00          0.61%            150,480.00            59,000.00             0.17%             35,400.00
over 5 yrs                    893,153.60          2.18%            535,892.16           842,153.60             2.37%            502,292.16
Total                      40,956,706.08          --             4,308,523.54 35,520,308.28                    --            4,220,670.78
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
        Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provision are provided on other basis
        Not applicable
Other receivable accounts with minor amount but were provided bad debt provisions individually at end of

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                           Semiannual Report 2014

                                                                                                                          In RMB
 Description of other
                              Book balance            Bad debt provision                 Rate              Reason to provide
Customs deposit
                                     3,710,320.94               3,710,320.94                    100.00% Hard to recover
Total                                3,710,320.94               3,710,320.94              --                         --
(2) Other receivable accounts written back or retrieved in the report period
     Not applicable
Bad debt provisions on other receivable accounts with single large amount or minor amount but tested
individually at end of report period
                                                                                                                          In RMB
 Description of the
                             Book balance             Amount of bad debt                 Rate                    Reason
 receivable accounts
Customs deposit
                                     3,710,320.94               3,710,320.94                    100.00% Hard to recover
Total                                3,710,320.94               3,710,320.94               --                        --
(3) Other receivable accounts actually written off in the report period
     Not applicable
(4) Particulars about the other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% or over of the
Company’s shares in the report period
     Not applicable
(5) Natures or contents of other receivable accounts with large amount
     Not applicable
(6) Top 5 debtors of other receivable accounts
                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                    Relation with the                                 Percentage in total of other
             Name of the companies                                        Amount           Ages
                                                       Company                                               receivables
                                                                                        within 1
Hangzhou Custom                               Non-related                8,333,430.78                                       18.66%
Customs deposit receivable                    Non-related                3,710,320.94   over 5 yrs                            8.31%
                                                                                        within 5
Guodian Trust Bidding Co., Ltd.               Non-related                2,966,800.00                                         6.64%
                                                                                        within 1
Beijing Huadian Bidding Co., Ltd.             Non-related                2,100,000.00                                         4.70%
Zhejiang Chenggang Investment &                                                         within 1
                                              Non-related                1,174,601.28                                         2.63%
Development Co., Ltd.                                                                   year
                   Total                                   --           18,285,153.00        --                             40.94%

(7) Other accounts receivable from related parties
Not applicable
7. Prepayment
(1) Prepayment presented by ages:
                                                                                                                          In RMB

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                          Semiannual Report 2014

                                        End of term                                          Beginning of term
                                 Amount                      Proportion                   Amount                    Proportion

within 1 year                             258,301,238.24         98.17%                          180,881,123.19         81.85%

1-2 years                                   1,666,248.00          0.63%                           36,324,675.54         16.44%

2-3 years                                   1,418,109.20          0.54%                             1,985,200.20          0.90%

Over 3 years                                1,727,370.16          0.66%                             1,811,419.46          0.81%

Total                                     263,112,965.60          --                             221,002,418.39          --
(2) Top 5 receivers of prepayments
                                                                                                                         In RMB
Name of the companies Relation with the Company                  Amount            Date           Reason of unsettled
Client I                    Affiliate of the Group            29,075,825.00 1-3 years          In schedule as the contract
Client II                   Non-related                       26,705,691.60 within 1 year In schedule as the contract
Client III                  Non-related                       25,784,804.38 within 1 year In schedule as the contract
Client IV                   Non-related                       16,950,000.00 1-2 years          In schedule as the contract
Client V                    Non-related                       12,462,020.00 within 1 year In schedule as the contract
Total                                      --                110,978,340.98         --                         --
(3) Prepayment received by shareholding parties holding 5% or above of the Company’s shares in the
report period
Not applicable
(4) Remarks on prepayment: payment made according to the contract
8. Inventories
(1) Categories of inventory
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                          End of term                                          Beginning of term

        Items                              Impairment                                             Impairment
                      Book balance                            Book value      Book balance                           Book value
                                           provision                                               provision

Raw materials         396,691,900.28                         396,691,900.28   387,687,751.95                        387,687,751.95

Product in process    612,854,498.97                         612,854,498.97   687,934,341.77                        687,934,341.77

Products in stock     773,994,624.54            158,244.58   773,836,379.96   447,198,419.30          158,244.58    447,040,174.72

Material in
                            1,180.00                               1,180.00

Total                1,783,542,203.79           158,244.58 1,783,383,959.21 1,522,820,513.02          158,244.58 1,522,662,268.44

(2) Inventory impairment provision

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

                                                                                                              In RMB

                       Opening balance                                Decreased this period      Closing balance of
     Categories                              Provided this term
                            of book value                          Written back    Transferred       book value

Products in stock               158,244.58                                                                158,244.58

Total                           158,244.58                                                                158,244.58

9. Other current assets
                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Items                               End of term                      Beginning of term

Financial instruments of banks                                    360,000,000.00                     318,000,000.00

Input tax deductible                                                   58,913.18                          513,038.47

Prepaid income tax                                                                                        133,151.82

Tax prepaid                                                             1,166.42                              854.98

                    Total                                         360,060,079.60                     318,647,045.27

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                       Semiannual Report 2014

        10. Long-term equity investment
        (1) Details of long-term equity investment
                                                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                                                                                 Statement on                    Impairment
                                                                                                  Percentage of   Voting
                         Calculating     Investment     Opening        Changed      Closing                                differences between the Impairment     provision     Cash dividend of
 Company invested in                                                                               share in the  power in
                            basis           cost        balance          by         balance                                shareholding and voting provision    provided this   the current term
                                                                                                     firm %     the firm %
                                                                                                                                     rights                         term
Zhejiang Tianhang
Steam Turbine
                         Cost basis     10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00               10,000,000.00         33.33%      33.33%                                                          1,000,000.00
Auxiliary Machinery
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Sanxin
Automatic Engineering    Cost basis       600,000.00     600,000.00                 600,000.00              6.00%   6.00%
Co., Ltd.
Greenesol Co. (India)    Cost basis      5,534,773.22   5,534,773.22               5,534,773.22         37.00%      37.00%
Bank of Hangzhou Co.,
                         Cost basis    390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00             390,954,040.00             6.92%   6.92%                                                          23,118,640.00
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Engineering      Cost basis     30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00               30,000,000.00         15.00%      15.00%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Changdi
Equity Investment
                         Cost basis     20,261,013.65 20,261,013.65               20,261,013.65             2.97%   2.97%
Partnership (limited
Zhejiang Zhongkong
Solar Energy             Cost basis     15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00               15,000,000.00             4.20%   4.20%
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Total                         --       472,349,826.87 472,349,826.87             472,349,826.87        --           --               --                                            24,118,640.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                     Semiannual Report 2014

11. Fixed assets
(1) Particulars of fixed assets
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                               Opening balance of                                  Decreased this    Closing balance of book
           Items                                       Increased this period
                                  book value                                          period                  value
I. Total of original book
                                   1,349,549,137.71                 8,964,365.34      6,705,874.93         1,351,807,628.12
Incl. House & Buildings             383,657,274.34                                      882,701.00           382,774,573.34
         Equipment &
                                    841,967,927.85                  4,824,513.04      3,370,886.43           843,421,554.46
Office equipment                    123,923,935.52                 4,139,852.30       2,452,287.50           125,611,500.32
                               Opening balance of  Increased   Provided current    Decreased this       Balance at end of
                                  book value       this term         term             period              current term
II. Total of accumulative
                                    727,697,948.87                45,885,130.06       4,509,983.39           769,073,095.54
Incl. House & Buildings             139,040,885.59                  5,532,979.85                             144,573,865.44
        Equipment &
                                    505,456,666.50                35,942,891.97       3,604,207.42           537,795,351.05
Office equipment                     83,200,396.78                  4,409,258.24        905,775.97            86,703,879.05
                               Opening balance of                                                       Balance at end of
             --                                                           --
                                  book value                                                              current term
III. Total of net book value
                                    621,851,188.84                        --                                 582,734,532.58
of fixed assets
Incl. House & Buildings             244,616,388.75                        --                                 238,200,707.90
        Equipment &
                                     336,511,261.35                       --                                 305,626,203.41
Office equipment                      40,723,538.74                       --                                  38,907,621.27
IV. Total of impairment
                                      12,425,843.32                       --                                   6,783,153.66
Incl. House & Buildings                1,504,928.24                       --                                   1,504,928.24
        Equipment &
                                       9,717,548.09                       --                                   4,074,858.43
Office equipment                       1,203,366.99                       --                                   1,203,366.99
V. Total of fixed asset book
                                    609,425,345.52                        --                                 575,951,378.92
Incl. House & Buildings              243,111,460.51                       --                                 236,695,779.66
        Equipment &
                                    326,793,713.26                        --                                 301,551,344.98
Office equipment                      39,520,171.75                       --                                  37,704,254.28

     Depreciation of the period was RMB45,885,130.06; transferring of construction-in-process to fixed asset by

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

12. Construction-in-progress
(1) Particulars of construction-in-process
                                                                                                            In RMB
                                          End of term                               Beginning of term
         Items                            Impairment                                     Impairment
                         Book balance                    Book value      Book balance                  Book value
                                           provision                                     provision
Construction in
process under the
                         129,494,119.01                 129,494,119.01 122,508,059.62                 122,508,059.62
parent company (195
House and plants of
                          40,620,919.77                  40,620,919.77 41,721,346.13                   41,721,346.13
Casting Co. phase III
Guoneng Tangxi
                           7,412,861.75                   7,412,861.75    1,094,407.75                  1,094,407.75
workshop phase II
Measurement &
Lab of Zhongneng
Prepayment for
                           4,839,005.97                   4,839,005.97    1,580,793.10                  1,580,793.10
equipment or projects
Preparation projects
                             512,316.86                    512,316.86
under Heavy Industry
Total                   182,879,223.36                  182,879,223.36 166,904,606.60                 166,904,606.60

                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                    Semiannual Report 2014

        (2) Material change in construction-in-progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                             Transferred               Portion of                  Accumulate                    Capitalization
                                            Beginning of    Increased this                  Other                                                   interest                           Fund
         Projects             Budget                                         into fixed                investment     Progress     of   interest                 ratio of current                  End of term
                                               term            period                      decreases                                               capitalized                       recourse
                                                                               assets                  on budget                   capitalized                       period
                                                                                                                                                    this term
Construction-in-process                                                                                             under
                           157,230,000.00 118,631,518.49 11,825,871.09        963,270.57                  82.97%                                                                    Independent 129,494,119.01
under the HQ (195 items)                                                                                            construction
Construction completed
                             5,034,400.00    3,876,541.13       85,880.21 3,962,421.34                    78.70% Completed                                                          Independent
under the HQ (51)
Preparation projects                                                                                                under
                                                44,814.56      823,496.35     355,994.05                                                                                            Independent      512,316.86
under Heavy Industry                                                                                                construction
Construction of new
workshops under             20,000,000.00    1,094,407.75 6,318,454.00                                    37.06%                                                                    Independent     7,412,861.75
House and plants of                                                                                                 under
                            69,500,000.00 41,721,346.13 -1,100,426.36                                     58.45%                                                                    Independent 40,620,919.77
Casting Co. phase III                                                                                               construction
Prepayment for                                                                                                      under
                                             1,580,793.10 3,258,212.87                                                                                                              Independent     4,839,005.97
equipment or projects                                                                                               construction
Total                      251,764,400.00 166,949,421.16 21,211,488.16 5,281,685.96                        --            --                                             --              --        182,879,223.36

        (3) Remarks on construction-in-process
             Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

13. Intangible assets
(1) Profiles of intangible assets
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                     Opening balance       Increased this      Decreased         Closing balance of
                                         of book value         period          this period           book value
I. Total of original book value          247,476,935.33       85,120,193.00                          332,597,128.33
Land using right                         246,958,635.33       85,120,193.00                          332,137,128.33
Others                                       460,000.00                                                   460,000.00
II. Total of accumulative
                                          21,914,827.07        2,464,422.47                           24,379,249.54
Land using right                          21,793,493.81        2,394,422.51                           24,187,916.32
Others                                       121,333.26           69,999.96                               191,333.22
III. Total of book net value of
                                         225,562,108.26       82,655,770.53                          308,217,878.79
intangible assets
Land using right                         225,223,441.52       82,725,770.49                          307,949,212.01
Others                                       338,666.74          -69,999.96                               268,666.78
Land using right
Total of book value of intangible
                                         225,562,108.26       82,655,770.53                          308,217,878.79
Land using right                         225,223,441.52       82,725,770.49                          307,949,212.01
Others                                       338,666.74          -69,999.96                               268,666.78
Amortized in the report period RMB2,464,422.47.
(2) R&D expenses
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                Decreased this period
                                          Increased this   Accounted into
          Items      Beginning of term                                        Recognized as           End of term
                                             period        current income
                                                                              intangible asset
Development and
                          7,009,659.34     63,663,569.82     67,338,006.92                              3,335,222.24
Total                     7,009,659.34     63,663,569.82     67,338,006.92                              3,335,222.24
Percentage of development expense in total R&D was 84.00%.
Intangible asset formed by internal R&D of the period accounted for 0.00% of the total book value of intangible

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

14. Long-term expenses to be amortized
                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                                    Reason of
                  Beginning of     Increased this Amortized this
     Items                                                       Other decrease   End of term         other
                     term               term         term
Redecoration           36,748.58                                                      36,748.58
Total                  36,748.58                                                      36,748.58         --

15. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not presented as net amount after neutralization
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities already recognized
                                                                                                          In RMB
                   Items                               End of term                    Beginning of term
Deferred income tax assets:
Asset impairment provision                                       86,761,695.55                     81,272,348.42
Unrealized profit in consolidated accounts                        6,745,018.06                      7,872,349.21
Other deductible provisional difference                           1,332,753.51                      1,332,753.51
Sub-total                                                        94,839,467.12                     90,477,451.14
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Temporary differences of other tax
                                                                  1,017,473.05                      1,017,473.05
Sub-total                                                         1,017,473.05                      1,017,473.05
Details of un-recognized deferred income tax assets
     Not applicable
Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years
     Not applicable
Details of taxable differences and deductible differences
                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                                Amount of temporary differences
                                                        At end of term               At beginning of term
Differences in taxable items
Temporary differences of other tax payables                        6,783,153.66                     6,783,153.66
Sub-total                                                          6,783,153.66                     6,783,153.66
Neutralizable different items
Bad debt provision                                               553,247,299.22                   497,939,275.94
Inventory impairment provision                                       158,244.58                      158,244.58
Fixed asset impairment provision                                   6,783,153.66                    12,425,843.32
Impairment provision of intangible asset
Unrealized profit in consolidated accounts                        44,966,787.06                    47,695,840.27
Other deductible provisional difference                            8,885,023.42                     8,885,023.42
Sub-total                                                        614,040,507.94                   567,104,227.53

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                         Semiannual Report 2014

(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amount after neutralization
Composition items of income tax asset and liabilities after neutralization
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                                  Deductible or                              Deductible or
                                         Deferred income                              Deferred income
                                                                      taxable                                   taxable
                                           tax asset or                                 tax asset or
                                                                    provisional                               provisional
                 Items                     liability after                             liability after
                                                                  difference after                          difference after
                                        neutralizing at end                          neutralizing at end
                                                               neutralizing at end                         neutralizing at end
                                         of report period                             of report period
                                                                of report period                            of report period
Deferred income tax asset                   94,839,467.12                                90,477,451.14
Deferred income tax liability                   1,017,473.05                              1,017,473.05
Details of deferred income tax asset and liabilities neutralized
     Not applicable
16. Detail of asset impairment provision
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                         Opening balance         Increased this           Decreased this period          Closing balance of
                           of book value            period           Written back       Transferred           book value
I. Bad debt provision      498,024,204.76         57,809,496.44        2,586,401.98                          553,247,299.22
II. Inventory
                                   158,244.58                                                                    158,244.58
impairment provision
VII. Fixed asset
                             12,425,843.32                                               5,642,689.66          6,783,153.66
impairment provision
Total                      510,608,292.66         57,809,496.44        2,586,401.98      5,642,689.66        560,188,697.46
17. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                   Items                                     End of term                        Beginning of term
Prepayment for land                                                                                            66,500,000.00
Total                                                                                                          66,500,000.00
Statement on other non-recurring assets
     Prepayment of RMB66.50 million for land-using rights by Heavy Industry.
18. Short-term loans
(1) Categories of short-term loans
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                   Items                                     End of term                        Beginning of term
Loan by pledge                                                       10,000,000.00                         10,000,000.00
Mortgage loan                                                       106,900,000.00                        106,900,000.00
Guarantee loan                                                      100,000,000.00                        100,000,000.00
Credit loan                                                          80,000,000.00                        160,000,000.00
Total                                                               296,900,000.00                        376,900,000.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                      Semiannual Report 2014

19. Notes payable
                                                                                                    In RMB
                 Categories                          End of term               Beginning of term
Bank acceptance                                             72,182,776.00                 168,751,198.95
Total                                                       72,182,776.00                 168,751,198.95
     RMB30,007,776.00 will due next fiscal period.
20. Account payable
(1) Account payable
                                                                                                    In RMB
                    Items                            End of term               Beginning of term
Trade                                                      935,687,723.06                 763,402,630.49
Payment for equipment and projects                            9,233,161.72                 15,038,754.82
Total                                                      944,920,884.78                 778,441,385.31
(2) Account payable to shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report period
                                                                                                    In RMB
            Name of the companies                    End of term               Beginning of term
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
                                                              8,631,324.39                   5,266,718.60
Co., Ltd.
Total                                                         8,631,324.39                   5,266,718.60
(3) Remarks on large amount payable accounts aged for over one year
Not applicable
21. Accounts received in advance
(1) Advance payment received
                                                                                                    In RMB
                      Items                            End of term              Beginning of term
Trade                                                      1,497,299,419.05             1,480,588,499.90
Total                                                      1,497,299,419.05             1,480,588,499.90
(2) Prepayment collected from shareholders holding 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report
     Not applicable
(3) Remarks on large amount advance payment received aged for over one year
     Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                Semiannual Report 2014

22. Wage payable
                                                                                                            In RMB
                               Opening balance of    Increased this        Decreased this       Closing balance of
                                  book value             period               period               book value
I. Wage, bonus,
                                     30,651,466.25    208,050,513.79         233,327,913.79            5,374,066.25
II. Employees’ welfare                                27,108,335.40          16,426,411.75          10,681,923.65
III. Social security                 10,430,484.07     52,190,211.37          47,467,692.89          15,153,002.55
Incl. Medical insurance               3,423,841.19     22,704,522.94          17,757,145.58           8,371,218.55
Basic pension                         3,861,213.58     22,338,064.18          22,800,577.54           3,398,700.22
                                        592,184.91       3,097,220.72           3,201,234.05             488,171.58
Labor injury insurance                  174,813.46        924,613.85             948,061.34             151,365.97
Breeding insurance                      364,201.96      1,828,965.90           1,900,758.78             292,409.08
Others                                2,014,228.97      1,296,823.78             859,915.60           2,451,137.15
IV. Housing fund                        273,578.76     23,907,715.94          23,861,178.30             320,116.40
V. Dismissing welfare                                     102,256.40             177,997.10             -75,740.70
VI. Others                           22,046,070.01     18,173,694.25           7,197,083.83          33,022,680.43
Incl. Annual fees                    16,099,449.83      9,042,315.76             905,141.67          24,236,623.92
Trade Union finance                   1,603,818.72      4,528,719.98           4,871,940.47           1,260,598.23
Training expenses                     4,342,801.46      4,602,658.51           1,420,001.69           7,525,458.28
Total                                63,401,599.09    329,532,727.15         328,458,277.66          64,476,048.58
      Trade Union fund and employee training fund were totaled RMB8,786,056.51.
23. Tax payable
                                                                                                             In RMB
                       Items                               End of term                      Beginning of term
VAT                                                                   42,841,427.85                  37,144,403.03
Operational tax                                                         243,060.00                       270,524.70
Enterprise income tax                                                 26,367,826.81                  53,143,683.58
Personal income tax                                                    1,952,450.27                    9,879,947.49
City maintenance and construction tax                                  2,845,621.18                    2,783,816.23
Education surtax                                                       1,248,568.66                    1,205,531.61
Local education surcharges                                              793,289.37                       789,567.91
Stamp tax                                                                13,132.90                        94,049.34
Local water source foundation                                          2,382,220.55                    2,642,286.53
Price adjustment foundation                                               -1,031.67                        2,246.57
Land using tax                                                          868,205.00
Security fund for the disabled                                             2,012.57
Total                                                                 79,556,783.49                 107,956,056.99
24. Interest payable
      Not applicable
25. Dividend payable
                                                                                                             In RMB

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                         Semiannual Report 2014

                                                                                 Reason of overdue for one
    Name of the companies             End of term           Beginning of term
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
Group Co., Ltd.
Foreign shares                              54,837,120.00
Total                                   150,802,080.00                                      --
26. Other account payable.
(1) Other accounts payable
                                                                                                       In RMB
                    Items                               End of term                 Beginning of term
Deposit                                                           3,637,160.00                   20,354,387.58
Provisional account payable                                      19,832,765.19                   21,835,850.58
Others                                                           10,289,150.63                    4,751,301.24
Total                                                            33,759,075.82                   46,941,539.40
(2) Other account payable due to shareholders with 5% or over of the Company’s shares in the report
                                                                                                       In RMB
            Name of the companies                       End of term                 Beginning of term
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
                                                                  1,650,985.53                   18,545,102.14
Co., Ltd.
Total                                                             1,650,985.53                   18,545,102.14
(3) Statement on large amount other payable accounts due for over one year: Not applicable
(4) Statement on other receivable accounts with large amount: Not applicable
27. Predicted liabilities: Not applicable
28. Non-current liabilities due in one year
(1) Non-current liabilities due in one year
Not applicable
(2) Long-term loans due in 1 year
Long-term borrowings due in 1 year: Not applicable
Top 5 in amount of long-term borrowings due in 1 year: Not applicable
Overdue loans among the long-term borrowings due in one year: Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

29. Long term payables
(1) Top 5 long-term payables
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                   Initial     Interest     Interest          Closing
                 Unit                    Term                                                               Condition
                                                  amount        rates       payable           balance
Drawing in administrative
                                                 330,000.00                                   330,000.00

30. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                              In RMB
                    Items                       Closing balance of book value   Opening balance of book value
Deferred income (government subsidy)                             9,700,985.00                           9,700,985.00
Others                                                             265,709.00
Total                                                            9,966,694.00                           9,700,985.00

Liability projects involved in government subsidy
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                    Amount transferred
                            Opening      subsidy in                     Other          Closing       Asset-related or
   Liability projects                               to non-operational
                            balance       current                      changes         balance       income-related
Government subsidy
for industrial projects   748,280.00                                                   748,280.00 Asset-related
of the 2nd half of 2006
Government subsidy
                          148,330.00                                                   148,330.00 Asset-related
for recycling economy
10K ton casting line
                          104,000.00                                                   104,000.00 Asset-related
enlarging project
Subsidy for industrial
upgrading by              960,000.00                                                   960,000.00 Asset-related
provincial government
Government subsidy
                        6,898,545.00                                               6,898,545.00 Asset-related
for casting project
Production project
subsidy of 2009 of        641,580.00                                                   641,580.00 Asset-related
Yuhang District
Subsidy for industrial
projects (including
                          200,250.00                                                   200,250.00 Asset-related
transferred from
previous years)
Total                   9,700,985.00                                               9,700,985.00             --
31. Capital Share
                                                                                                        In RMB Yuan
                                                   Changed in the report period (+,-)
                  Beginning of term       Issuing of new Bonus Transferred Other Sub-t               End of term
                                              shares       shares from reserves s     otal
Total of
                        754,010,400.00                                                               754,010,400.00
capital shares
Remarks on change of share capital. If there is change in capital in the report period, name of CPA and No. of

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                  Semiannual Report 2014

Verification Report shall be provided; for shareholding companies operated for less than three years, only net asset
need to be provided for years before establishing; for shareholding companies transformed from private limited
companies, particulars about capital verification shall be provided.

32. Shares in stock
Not applicable

33. Special reserves
Statement on special reserves
According to the document 财企〔2012〕16号 issued jointly by the Financial Department and General Bureau of
Safety Inspection on February 14, 2012, the Company provided RMB1,689,177.58 of production safety fund, and
RMB1,437,650.2 used up in the report period.

34. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                Decreased this
            Items                  Beginning of term    Increased this period                             End of term
Capital premium (share
                                        81,815,220.00                                                      81,815,220.00
capital premium)
Other capital reserves                  57,775,125.09                                                      57,775,125.09
Total                                 139,590,345.09                                                      139,590,345.09
35. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                Decreased this
            Items                  Beginning of term    Increased this period                             End of term
Statutory surplus reserves            583,824,678.05                                                      583,824,678.05
Total                                 583,824,678.05                                                      583,824,678.05
36. Retained profit
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                      Percentage of drawing or
                             Items                                   Amount
Retained profit adjusted at beginning of year                    2,736,802,630.30                    --
Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                   196,174,851.01                    --
Common share dividend payable                                      150,802,080.00
Others                                                                     502.09
Retained profit at the end of term                               2,782,174,899.22                    --

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

37. Operational turnover and cost
(1) Operation incomes and costs
                                                                                                              In RMB
                 Items                          Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
Major business turnover                                    1,739,190,751.12                        2,011,778,885.16
Other business income                                            4,171,891.15                           7,966,945.76
Operation cost                                             1,074,446,850.16                        1,350,033,911.16

(2) Business segments (on industries)
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                         Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
     Name of industry
                                     Turnover         Operation cost            Turnover           Operation cost
Boiler and power machine
                                   1,381,442,001.02     853,329,142.93     1,708,584,515.78        1,149,586,834.58
Casting                              34,577,265.75       24,984,782.08           39,505,854.30        32,916,683.37
Petrochemical and other
                                     49,354,275.47       24,841,494.06           38,590,594.80        27,922,308.08
special machineries
Control panel                          2,861,860.88       2,072,932.80           37,732,042.01        33,212,160.45
Other special equipment             270,955,348.00      166,711,643.16          187,365,878.27       101,806,677.82
Total                              1,739,190,751.12   1,071,939,995.03     2,011,778,885.16        1,345,444,664.30

(3) Business segments (on products)
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                         Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
   Products or services
                                     Turnover         Operation cost            Turnover           Operation cost
Industrial steam turbine           1,381,442,001.02     853,329,142.93     1,708,584,515.78        1,149,586,834.58
Casting products                     34,577,265.75       24,984,782.08           39,505,854.30        32,916,683.37
Auxiliary machinery                  49,354,275.47       24,841,494.06           38,590,594.80        27,922,308.08
Control panel                          2,861,860.88       2,072,932.80           37,732,042.01        33,212,160.45
Others                              270,955,348.00      166,711,643.16          187,365,878.27       101,806,677.82
Total                              1,739,190,751.12   1,071,939,995.03     2,011,778,885.16        1,345,444,664.30
(4) Business segments (on regions)
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                         Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
     Name of districts
                                     Turnover         Operation cost            Turnover           Operation cost
Domestic                           1,655,955,142.77   1,021,853,436.23     1,791,637,656.67        1,167,089,802.17
Overseas                             83,235,608.35       50,086,558.80          220,141,228.49       178,354,862.13
Total                              1,739,190,751.12   1,071,939,995.03     2,011,778,885.16        1,345,444,664.30
(5) Revenue from top five customers
                                                                                                              In RMB

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                              Semiannual Report 2014

         Name of clients            Major business turnover                   Portion in total turnover
Client I                                        448,366,121.42                                               25.72%
Client II                                       103,134,392.29                                                5.92%
Client III                                        70,000,000.02                                               4.02%
Client IV                                         43,881,371.78                                               2.52%
Client V                                          41,120,754.72                                               2.36%
Total                                           706,502,640.23                                               40.54%

38. Business tax and surcharge
                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                           Occurred in previous
               Items               Occurred current term                                       Rate
Operational tax                              488,987.28             222,630.24
City maintenance and
                                           6,332,862.90           9,964,167.81
construction tax
Education surtax                           2,898,601.19           4,309,524.69
Local education surcharges                 1,706,222.57           2,873,016.21
Total                                     11,426,673.94          17,369,338.95                   --

39. Sales expenses
                                                                                                             In RMB
                  Items                       Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
Employees’ remunerations                                     26,190,370.61                           34,371,309.78
Freight                                                       15,768,193.46                           25,018,028.28
Business trips                                                 9,946,751.67                            9,487,436.80
Business reception expenses                                    3,083,101.34                            4,985,108.21
Conferences                                                    1,471,227.51                            2,483,852.99
Consulting service fee                                         5,576,202.81                            5,818,257.46
Insurance for turbine unit                                       446,352.77                               771,129.83
Warranty expense                                                  97,254.34                               109,551.60
Office expenses                                                  259,147.19                               567,960.17
Product exhibition                                               521,582.74
Others                                                         4,837,789.75                            8,424,819.44
Total                                                         68,197,974.19                           92,037,454.56

40. Administrative expenses
                                                                                                             In RMB

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

                  Items                     Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
Employees’ remunerations                                161,065,363.45                          114,774,125.81
Business reception expenses                                 6,166,377.83                           7,169,139.22
Asset depreciation and amortizing                           7,032,780.50                           8,393,157.73
Office expenses                                             1,632,507.20                           2,245,688.30
Traveling fees                                              2,492,300.79                           2,901,790.14
Taxes                                                       5,464,108.25                           6,042,551.13
House rental, property management,
                                                            4,951,988.06                           2,217,251.71
water and power
Material, low-value-consumable                              1,971,131.66                           1,960,586.26
Maintaining                                                 1,583,476.71                           1,033,557.58
Development and research                                  77,853,332.85                           19,757,005.97
Others                                                    28,586,096.50                           96,199,085.17
Total                                                    298,799,463.80                          262,693,939.02
41. Financial expenses
                                                                                                         In RMB
                  Items                     Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
Interest expense                                          10,430,724.17                            5,765,360.64
Interest income                                             4,439,655.78                          -6,615,273.43
Exchange gains/losses                                       2,268,764.67                           1,459,955.49
Commission                                                      726,302.24                           928,276.52
Others                                                          216,351.42                             3,735.71
Total                                                       9,202,486.72                           1,542,054.93
42. Investment income
(1) Details of investment gains
                                                                                                         In RMB
                              Items                             Occurred current term Occurred in previous term
Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis                        24,118,640.00             24,118,640.00
Investment gains from disposal of long-term equity investment                                    30,871,804.89
Others                                                                  9,549,596.76              9,705,623.87
Total                                                                  33,668,236.76             64,696,068.76
(2) Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis
                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                   Occurred current Occurred in previous          Causation of
                 Company invested in
                                                        term               term                     change
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd.                            23,118,640.00        23,118,640.00
Zhejiang Tianhang Steam Turbine Auxiliary
                                                         1,000,000.00             1,000,000.00
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Total                                                   24,118,640.00            24,118,640.00         --
43. Asset impairment loss

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                       Semiannual Report 2014

                                                                                                                       In RMB
                        Items                               Occurred current term             Occurred in previous term
I. Bad debt loss                                                        55,223,094.46                           23,595,101.44
Total                                                                   55,223,094.46                           23,595,101.44

44. Non-business income
(1) Non-operational income
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                            Occurred current       Occurred in previous Carried to current contingent
                                                 term                     term                    gain/loss
Total of gains from disposal of
                                                    347,178.69                 34,710.35                           347,012.69
non-current assets
Incl. Gains from disposal of fixed
                                                    347,178.69                 34,710.35                           347,012.69
Government subsidy                                4,003,211.00               2,613,328.00                         4,003,211.00
Compensation income                               7,693,940.02               1,013,600.00                         7,693,940.02
Account not able to be paid                         150,000.00                 501,950.00                           150,000.00
Others                                                                          39,102.28
Total                                           12,194,329.71                4,202,690.63                        12,194,329.71

(2) Government subsidy accounted to current gain/loss account
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                          Occurred current     Occurred in      Asset-related or Non-recurring
                     Subsidy titles
                                                               term           previous term     income-related or recurring
Application of general technologies in environmental
design (including carried down from previous years)                               100,000.00 Income related      Yes
government subsidy
The 2nd batch of government subsidy for key development
                                                                                  600,000.00 Income related      Yes
projects of 2012
Government award for patents                                                        30,000.00 Income related     Yes
Award for best industrial investment and technical
                                                                                    20,000.00 Income related     Yes
reforming of Hangzhou 2011
Allowance for internship program 2012                                               92,852.00 Income related     Yes
Allowances (technical R&D)                                                         322,276.00 Income related     Yes
Enterprise allowances from Bureau of Finance                                     1,448,200.00 Income related     Yes
Hangzhou Economic Development Zone Bureau of
                                                                206,400.00                     Income related    Yes
Finance R&D Fund 2012
Enterprise Funding by Hangzhou Economy & Technology
                                                              1,866,200.00                     Income related    Yes
Development Zone Finance Office
Subsidy for college student internship for year 2013 by
                                                                 21,671.00                     Income related    Yes
Hangzhou Bureau of HR and Social Security
Award for best taxpayer and technical pioneer by Tangxi
                                                                110,000.00                     Income related    Yes
Subsidy for patents by Bureau of Science & Technology            27,500.00                     Income related    Yes
Science & Tech Project Awarding Fund 2014                       100,000.00                     Income related    Yes
Subsidy for R&D 2012                                            630,000.00                     Income related    Yes
Subsidy for innovative industrial projects 2013 of
                                                                540,000.00                     Income related    Yes
Award for technical standard 2013                               500,000.00                    Income related     Yes
Other misc. subsidies                                             1,440.00                    Income related     Yes
Total                                                         4,003,211.00       2,613,328.00       --                 --

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                          Semiannual Report 2014

45. Non-business expenditures
                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                                                 Occurred in previous      Carried to current
                      Items                           Occurred current term
                                                                                        term              contingent gain/loss
Incl. Loss from disposal of fixed assets                          120,844.93                11,515.55              120,844.93
Donations                                                         310,000.00             2,160,000.00              310,000.00
Penalty paid out                                                  649,434.40              303,250.00               649,434.40
water conservancy special fund                                  2,353,054.95             2,107,979.65
Penalty paid                                                                                  3,744.99
Penalty payment
Others                                                          1,119,317.88              324,605.45              1,119,317.88
Total                                                           4,552,652.16             4,911,095.64            2,199,597.21
46. Income tax expenses
                                                                                                                        In RMB
                              Items                                   Occurred current term       Occurred in previous term
Income tax calculated according to the law and
                                                                                  44,486,881.81                 49,424,183.76
regulations of current term
Adjustment of deferred income tax                                                 -4,812,953.14                  -1,743,110.07
Total                                                                             39,673,928.67                 47,681,073.69
47. Calculation of basic earning per share and diluted earning per share
 (1) Calculation process of basic earning per share
 Items                                                                                             No.              1st half 2014
 Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company                                     A              196,174,851.01
 Non-recurring gain/loss                                                                           B               14,760,758.65
 Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company after deducting of                 C=A-B           181,414,092.36
 non-recurring gain/loss
 Total of shares at beginning of shares                                                            D              754,010,400.00
 Shares increased due to capitalizing of reserves or share dividend                                E
 Increasing of shares by issuing of new shares or converting of debt to shares                     F
 Total number of months from the next month of when the shares are increased to the                G
 end of report term
 Decrease of shares caused by repurchasing                                                         H
 Total number of months from the next month of when the shares are decreased to the                 I
 end of report term
 Amount of shares reduced                                                                           J
 Number of months in the report term                                                               K
 Weighted average of common shares issued to the outside                                   L=D+E+F×G/K-H         754,010,400.00
 Basic earnings per share                                                                      M=A/L                          0.26
 Basic earning per share after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss                               N=C/L                       0.24

48. Other miscellaneous income
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                        Items                                         Occurred current term   Occurred in previous term
Difference of accounting on foreign currency                                       751,350.27
                      Sub-total                                                    751,350.27

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                     Semiannual Report 2014

49. Notes to the cash flow statement
(1) Other cash inflow related to operation
                                                                  In RMB
                                   Items        Amount
Deposit interest                                             4,073,827.69
Government subsidies received                                4,679,042.27
Deposit for bidding and others                                320,000.00
Compensation income                                             6,434.94
Others                                                      -6,408,389.13
                                   Total                     2,670,915.77
(2) Other cash paid related to operation
                                                                  In RMB
                                   Items        Amount
Business trips                                             12,061,008.28
Transportation                                               2,065,151.60
Business reception expenses                                  9,434,011.17
Maintaining                                                   692,095.29
Property management and civil services                       5,354,362.72
Deposit for bidding and others                               3,490,184.58
Office expenses                                              6,077,175.02
Conferences                                                  1,813,704.93
Consulting service fee                                       9,370,140.22
Labor service                                                6,219,851.61
International traveling                                      1,863,051.11
Transportation and vehicle using                             2,810,707.20
Deposit by custom
Property insurance                                            957,752.63
Donations                                                     210,000.00
Others                                                     33,637,894.39
                                   Total                   96,057,090.75

(3) Other cash received related to investment
                                                                  In RMB
                                   Items        Amount
Repurchasing of trusteeship                              1,063,000,000.00
                                   Total                 1,063,000,000.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                            Semiannual Report 2014

(4) Other cash paid related to investment
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                   Items                                             Amount
Purchasing of financial products                                                              1,105,001,561.00
                                   Total                                                      1,105,001,561.00
(5) Other cash received related to financing
       Not applicable
(6) Other cash paid related to financing
       Not applicable

50. Supplementary data of cash flow statement
(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                   Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                        Supplementary Info.
                                                                          Term                    Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                   --                      --
Net profit                                                                227,702,084.64         288,780,620.92
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                           55,223,919.89           23,595,101.44
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                           40,989,166.35           44,963,810.43
production goods depreciation
Amortizing of intangible assets                                             2,381,540.21            1,824,233.48
Amortizing of long-term expenses                                                                         47,248.18
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
                                                                             226,573.76                  -23,194.80
long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                       12,699,488.84            1,542,054.93
Investment loss (“-“ for gains)                                         -33,668,236.76          -64,696,068.76
Decrease of deferred income tax asset (“-“ for increase)                 -4,362,015.98           15,872,845.09
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                               -260,721,690.77        -262,066,033.88
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)              52,127,359.71        -297,648,810.82
Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                 27,188,793.83         360,149,391.64
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                            119,786,983.72         112,341,197.85
2. Major investment and financing operation not involving with
                                                                            --                      --
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                  --                      --
Balance of cash at period end                                             771,330,801.56         731,040,457.61
Less: Initial balance of cash                                             883,141,568.17       1,100,640,580.62
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                              -111,810,766.61        -369,600,123.01

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                         Semiannual Report 2014

(2) Information about acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries or businesses
                                                                                                       In RMB
                 Supplementary Info.                  Occurred current term      Occurred in previous term
I. Acquisition of subsidiaries and businesses                  --                           --
II. Disposal of subsidiaries and businesses                    --                           --
3. Net cash received for disposal of subsidiaries
and other businesses
(3) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                                       In RMB
                          Items                           End of term               Beginning of term
I. Cash                                                        771,330,801.56                883,141,568.17
Incl: Cash in stock                                                 570,034.52                     641,950.41
       Bank savings could be used at any time                  747,858,317.41                810,286,694.06
       Other monetary capital could be used at any
                                                                22,902,449.63                    72,212,923.70
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end of
                                                               771,330,801.56                883,141,568.17
VIII. Accounting treatment of asset securitization
1. Please state the main trade arrangement, accounting treatment, and bankruptcy isolating terms of
capital securitilizing.
2. Entities on which the Company has no control power but undertake the risks
       Not applicable

                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                         Semiannual Report 2014
IX. Related parties and related transactions
1. Parent companies of the Company
                                                                                                                 Percentage of
                                                                                                                                 Voting rights   Ultimate
  Name of the                         Ownership               Legal                     Business      Registered  shares of the                              Organization
                   Relationship                 Reg. Add.                                                                        of the parent holder of the
   parent co.                           type              representative                property       capital parent company in                                code
                                                                                                                                   company      Company
                                                                                                                 the Company
                                      Solely                                                                                                          Hangzhou
Steam Turbine     Controlling                    Hangzhou                            RMB800
                                      national            Nie Zhonghai Manufacturing                                            63.64%         63.64% State Asset          14307184-2
Power Group       shareholder                    China                               mil
                                      owned                                                                                                           Committee
Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
                                            Ownership of the    Ownership                          Legal           Business      Registered      Share      Portion of      Organization
        Full name of the subsidiary                                               Reg. Add.
                                               subsidiary         type                         representative      property       capital     proportion % voting rights       code
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged            Controlled                           Hangzhou
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Zhen Bin          Manufacturing 51 mil               70.86%        70.86% 72660016-0
Technology Development Co., Ltd.           subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Controlled                               Hangzhou
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Ye Zhong          Manufacturing 92.5 mil             60.83%        60.83% 14303396-9
Co., Ltd.                                  subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
                                           Controlled                           Hangzhou
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd.                       Ltd. liability                 Yang Lianrong Manufacturing 22 mil                   51.00%        51.00% 75950245-2
                                           subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery &         Controlled                           Hangzhou
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Zhen Bin          Manufacturing 30 mil               52.00%        52.00% 75954585-8
Equipment Co., Ltd.                        subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machine Controlled                             Hangzhou
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Yu Changquan      Manufacturing 80 mil               87.53%        87.53% 76549127-8
Co., Ltd.                                  subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
                                           Controlled                           Hangzhou
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd.                     Ltd. liability                 Zhen Bin          Commerce      20 mil              100.00%       100.00% 698284761
                                           subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy Industry      Controlled                           Hangzhou
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Nie Zhonghai      Manufacturing 360 mil             100.00%       100.00% 07934484-1
Co., Ltd.                                  subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
Xinjiang Taifeng Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                           Controlled                           Wulumuqi
Packaged Technologies Development Co.,                         Ltd. liability                 Yan Jianhua       Manufacturing 20 mil               51.00%        51.00% 05773639-3
                                           subsidiaries                         Xinjiang
Hangzhou Pangtong Electronic Equipment     Controlled                         Hangzhou
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Xian Jinfa        Manufacturing 1 mil                70.00%        70.00% 68294625-7
Co., Ltd.                                  subsidiaries                       Zhejiang
Shijiazhuang Hangneng Steam Turbine        Controlled                         Shijiazhuang                  Service
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Fang Yongsong                   3 mil                60.00%        60.00% 58241888-7
Technical Services Co., Ltd.               subsidiaries                       Hebei                         industry
Kunming Hangzhong Steam Turbine            Controlled                         Kunming                       Service
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Wanag Zhiyong                   1.2 mil              60.00%        60.00% 58236606-0
Technical Service Co., Ltd.                subsidiaries                       Yunnan                        industry
Wulumuqi Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine       Controlled                         Wulumuqi                      Service
                                                               Ltd. liability                 Wang Bin                        3 mil                60.00%        60.00% 58024078-X
Technical Service Co., Ltd.                subsidiaries                       Xinjiang                      industry

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                     Semiannual Report 2014
Tangshan Hangneng Steam Turbine Technical Controlled                             Tangshan                     Service
                                                                Ltd. liability                Sun Xiaojiang                 2 mil     60.00%     60.00% 58543834-9
Service Co., Ltd.                         subsidiaries                           Hebei                        industry
Jilin Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine Tech    Controlled                                                          Service
                                                                Ltd. liability Jilin          Lu Jianyi                     2 mil     60.00%     60.00% 58464776-3
Service Co., Ltd.                         subsidiaries                                                        industry
Guangxi Hangzhongneng Steam Turbine Tech  Controlled                           Nanning                        Service
                                                                Ltd. liability                Chen Guike                    2 mil     60.00%     60.00% 58981039-8
Service Co., Ltd.                         subsidiaries                         Guangxi                        industry
                                          Controlled                           Chengdu                        Service
Chengdu Zhongneng Tech Co., Ltd.                                Ltd. liability                Yang Weidong                  2 mil     60.00%     60.00% 59208630-2
                                          subsidiaries                         Sichuan                        industry
Luoyang Hangqi Steam Turbine Tech Service Controlled                           Luoyang                        Service
                                                                Ltd. liability                Gao Jianhua                   2 mil     60.00%     60.00% 05085500-7
Co., Ltd.                                 subsidiaries                         Henan                          industry
                                          Controlled                           Hangzhou
Hangzhou Hangqilun Boiler Co., Ltd.                             Ltd. liability                Li Ximing       Manufacturing 20 mil    50.00%     70.00% 05674402-5
                                          subsidiaries                         Zhejiang
                                                                                                                          24 bil
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Power              Controlled
                                                                Ltd. liability Indonesia      Zhou Qianqian Manufacturing Indonesia   70.00%     70.00% 14303396-9
(Indonesia) Co., Ltd.                       subsidiaries
                                         Controlled                            Hangzhou
Hangzhou Kaineng Forge Co., Ltd.                                Ltd. liability                Yang Lianrong Manufacturing 2 mil       100.00%   100.00% 69170337-X
                                         subsidiaries                          Zhejiang
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Controlled                            Huzhou
                                                                Ltd. liability                Zhen Bin        Manufacturing 21 mil    75.00%     75.00% 79205170-2
Co., Ltd.                                subsidiaries                          Zhejiang
Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine           Controlled                            Hangzhou
                                                                Ltd. liability                Yu Changquan    Manufacturing 40 mil    75.00%     75.00% 79365592-X
Engineering Co., Ltd.                    subsidiaries                          Zhejiang

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

3. Other related parties
            Name of the related parties                                Relation with the Company
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales
                                                    Affiliate of the Group                                             71097661-4
Service Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                                    Affiliate of the Group                                             70427611-X
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd.              Affiliate of the Group                                             77080904-1
Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group                                                      14332633-1
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co.               Affiliate of the Group                                             75723721-0
Hangzhou Relian Group Co., Ltd.                     Affiliate of the Group                                             71097661-4
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Technologies
                                                    Affiliate of the Group                                             14303967-4
Co., Ltd.
HSTG Technology Association                         Affiliate of the Group                                             50190002-3
HSTG Technology Association                         Affiliate of the Group
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. Affiliate of the Group                                                    58320891-0
Greenesol Co. (India)                               Shares held by the Company
Zhongcheng Cement Co., Ltd.                         Former subsidary of Zhongneng Co.                                  69274068-2
HSTG Packaged Equipment Co., Ltd.                   Affiliate of the Group                                             66524292-8
Zhejiang Hanglian Steel & Iron Co., Ltd.            Affiliate of the Group                                             79090691-4
Hangzhou Relian Group Co., Ltd.                     Affiliate of the Group                                             72760663-6
Hangzhou Hengsheng Thermal Power                    Enterprise under Zhijiangzhuang Service Company controlled by
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                 minority shareholders
4. Related Transactions
(1) Purchasing of goods and services
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                                   Occurred current term     Occurred in previous term
                                                              Pricing and
                                 Subjects of the related                                         Ratio in                     Ratio in
       Related parties                                      decision making
                                     transactions                                  Amount         similar      Amount         similar
                                                                                                  trades                       trades
Hangzhou Hangfa Power
Generating Equipment Co.,       Generators                 Price on agreement 79,987,800.43          5.99% 73,342,958.09        4.55%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine          Freight, repairing,
Automobile Sales Service Co.,   rental, passenger          Price on agreement 26,300,402.48          1.97% 31,674,740.56        1.96%
Ltd.                            vehicles
Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden
                                Packaging materials        Price on agreement     5,937,357.17       0.44%    7,372,890.00      0.46%
Packaging Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Nanfangtongda
                                Gear boxes                 Price on agreement     8,619,991.46       0.65%    6,525,957.26      0.40%
Gears Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine          Materials, processing,
                                                       Price on agreement         1,867,077.55       0.14%    1,223,373.09      0.08%
Industrial Co.                  cleaning fees
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                Rental and power           Price on agreement     8,259,161.07       0.62%    6,557,744.03      0.41%
Power Group Co., Ltd.
Employees’ technical union,    Material and
                                                           Price on agreement      599,145.24        0.04%
HSTG                            processing
Greenesol Co. (India)           Generators                 Price on agreement 21,433,795.50          1.61%
Hangzhou Relian International
                                Purchase of steel          Price on agreement                                   365,128.21      0.02%
Trading Co.
Sub-total                                                                       153,004,730.90     11.46% 127,062,791.24        7.88%

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

Sales of goods and services
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                   Occurred current term     Occurred in previous term
                                   Subjects of the    Pricing and decision                       Ratio in                    Ratio in
       Related parties
                                 related transactions   making process             Amount        similar      Amount          similar
                                                                                                  trades                      trades
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                Small amount
Automobile Sales Service Co.,                          Price on agreement              207.82                      687.50
Hangzhou Hangfa Power
                                Casting parts and
Generating Equipment Co.,                              Price on agreement     5,948,399.41           0.34% 11,812,041.28         0.58%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                Steam turbine          Price on agreement     7,963,148.72           0.46% 42,233,643.52         2.09%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
                            Co-operated process
HSTG Technology Association                            Price on agreement          206,153.84        0.01%      54,564.10
HSTG Technology Association                            Price on agreement                                       57,692.31
Hangzhou Steam Turbine      steam turbine\
                                                       Price on agreement                                      962,079.24        0.05%
Power Group Co., Ltd.       auxiliary machines
Greenesol Co. (India)       Steam turbine, parts       Price on agreement       257,008.38           0.01%     31,935.06
Sub-total                                                                    14,374,918.17           0.83% 55,152,643.01         2.72%
(2) Related leasing
The Company is the lender
     Not applicable
The Company is the undertaker
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                   Name of the        Category of     Starting Ending                             Rental recognized
     Name of the owner                                                                           Pricing basis
                                      tenant         asset for rent         date         date                        in the period
Property Management                The              Houses &          Jan 1           Dec 31     Price on
Branch of the Group                Company          plants            2013            2017       agreement
Property Management                The              Land using        Jan 1           Dec 31     Price on
Branch of the Group                Company          right             2013            2017       agreement
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                   The                                Dec 16          Dec 15     Price on
Automobile Sales Service                            Warehousing                                                             951,102.00
                                   Company                            2012            2015       agreement
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                   The                                May 01          May 01     Price on
Automobile Sales Service                            Warehousing                                                             835,536.00
                                   Company                            2013            2016       agreement
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                   The                                                Sept 30    Price on
Automobile Sales Service                            Warehousing       Oct 1 2013                                        1,105,954.00
                                   Company                                            2018       agreement
Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                                                                               3,603,767.20

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                   Semiannual Report 2014

 (3) Related guarantee
                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                                                                                                   Completed or
            The provider       beneficiar Amount guaranteed            Start date                  Due date
  Hangzhou Steam Turbine The
                                               100,000,000.00 Nov 5 2013                     Nov 5 2014            No
  Power Group Co., Ltd.        Company
 (4) Capital borrowed from related party: Not applicable
 (5) Other related transactions: No
 5. Receivable and payables due with related parties
 Receivable accounts due from related parties
                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                            At end of term                     At beginning of term
    Projects                 Related parties                          Bad debt                              Bad debt
                                                      Book balance                          Book balance
                                                                      provision                            provision
                    Greenesol Co. (India)             12,621,050.25        961,851.77 14,528,739.91           2,788,659.15
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                                       3,939,071.38      1,616,932.43 9,179,071.38            1,835,814.28
                    Technologies Co., Ltd.
                    Hangzhou Hangfa Power
                                                       8,611,380.69        107,400.00 9,172,143.24             458,607.16
                    Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                                       7,321,355.99        973,671.30 6,429,790.00             559,239.50
                    Engineering Co., Ltd.
                    Packaged Equipment Co. of the
                                                       2,007,560.00        931,012.00 2,631,260.00             720,252.00
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group         617,500.00            315200         691,500.00       226,800.00
                    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears
                                                           4,434.00          2,660.00            4,434.00        1,773.60
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                    Automobile Sales Service Co.,             316.86                15.84
Sub-total                                             23,128,198.76      3,911,922.60 42,636,938.53           6,591,145.69
Other account       Hangzhou Hengsheng Thermal
                                                                                             2,501,375.89      125,068.79
receivable          Power Equipment Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                                                    2,501,375.89      125,068.79
                    Hangzhou Hangfa Power
Prepayment                                            29,075,825.00                         32,299,825.00
                    Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                    Automobile Sales Service Co.,        207,411.55                          1,248,838.35
                    Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears
                    Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                             29,283,236.55                         33,596,063.35

 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                               Semiannual Report 2014

 Account payable due to related parties
                                                                                                             In RMB
   Projects                    Related parties                  Amount at end of term          Initial ammount
Account         Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                                                          89,064,038.95               93,056,053.50
payable         Equipment Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                8,631,324.39               5,266,718.60
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales
                                                                            4,611,579.13               2,446,593.87
                Service Co., Ltd.
                Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co.,
                                                                             583,211.00                  247,576.00
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co.                        184,951.06                  114,763.46
                Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd.                      4,815,000.00
                Greenesol Co. (India)                                                   0
Sub-total                                                                119,726,175.63             101,131,705.43
Advances        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co.,
                                                                          22,834,000.00                8,188,000.00
received        Ltd.
                HSTG Packaged Equipment Co., Ltd.                              20,000.00
                Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                Equipment Co., Ltd.
                Greenesol Co. (India)                                                   0
Sub-total                                                                 23,578,412.99                8,188,000.00
Other account
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                1,650,985.53              18,545,102.14
                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales
                                                                             100,000.00                  100,000.00
                Service Co., Ltd.
Sub-total                                                                   1,750,985.53              18,645,102.14
 X. Share payment
 XI. Contingent Events
 XII. Commitment events
 1. Material commitment events
 (I) Capital commitment occurred due to construction of new factories or purchasing of equipment were totaled to
 RMB26.5616 million.
 (II) The Company invested RMB10 million to be one of the partners of Hangzhou Changdi Share Investment
 Partnership (with limited liabilities) in 2011. This was the initial input of capital, and the Company committed to
 input supplementary capital when necessary according to the portion of interests, but not greater than RMB50
 million accumulative in 8-11 years during the existing period of the firm. Extra RMB10.261 million was inputted
 in 2013, accumulated to RMB20.161 million thereof.
 XIII. Post Balance Sheet Issues
 XIV. Other material events
 1. Leasing
 2. Financial assets and liabilities in foreign currencies

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                         Semiannual Report 2014

                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                     Gain/loss from       Accumulative change             Impairment
                                                                                                              Amount at end
     Items         Initial amount     change of fair      in fair value accounted provisions provided
                                                                                                                   of term
                                    value in the term           into equities         in the current term
Financial assets
3. Loans and
                 249,189,673.51                                                                                217,610,187.19
Subtotal of
financial        249,189,673.51                                                                                217,610,187.19
                    5,257,864.04                                                                                    153,262.20
3. Main contents of annual rewarding plan and material changes
4. Others
XV. Notes to the Financial Statements of the Parent Company
1. Account receivable
(1) Account receivable
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                         End of term                                         Beginning of term
    Categories            Book balance              Bad debt provision            Book balance             Bad debt provision
                       Amount       Proportion     Amount       Proportion     Amount       Proportion     Amount      Proportion
Receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
accounts within
                     160,781,831.10      7.26%                               173,093,826.39     7.96%
the consolidation
Group by age
                   2,020,607,236.40 91.25% 401,023,132.11          19.85% 1,968,050,175.85 90.52% 352,283,560.30 17.90%
Sub-total of group 2,181,389,067.50 98.51% 401,023,132.11          18.38% 2,141,144,002.24 98.48% 352,283,560.30 16.45%
receivable with
minor individual
                      33,020,480.19      1.49% 33,020,480.19 100.00%          33,020,480.19     1.52% 33,020,480.19 100.00%
amount but bad
debt provision is
Total              2,214,409,547.69 --          434,043,612.30 --          2,174,164,482.43 --         385,304,040.49 --
Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
     Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on age basis
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                           End of term                                           Beginning of term
         Age                   Book balance                     Bad debt                 Book balance                       Bad debt
                            Amount         Proportion          provision              Amount         Proportion            provision
within 1 year
In which:            --                    --            --                    --                    --              --
Subtotal of within
                     1,017,135,484.05           50.34%         50,856,774.20 1,165,637,194.37             59.23%           58,281,859.72
1 year
1-2 years                 476,117,958.07        23.56%         95,223,591.62        368,681,471.42        18.73%           73,736,294.28
2-3 years                 307,347,551.39        15.21%        122,939,020.56        199,867,498.67        10.16%           79,946,999.47
Over 3 years              220,006,242.89        10.89%        132,003,745.73        233,864,011.39        11.88%          140,318,406.83
3-4 years                  94,266,292.45        4.67%          56,559,775.47        101,789,800.41        5.17%            61,073,880.25
4-5 years                  49,947,470.09        2.47%          29,968,482.05         81,705,839.40        4.15%            49,023,503.64
over 5 yrs                 75,792,480.35        3.75%          45,475,488.21         50,368,371.58        2.56%            30,221,022.95
Total                2,020,607,236.40            --           401,023,132.11 1,968,050,175.85              --             352,283,560.30
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis
     Not applicable
Receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on other basis
     Not applicable
Receivable accounts with minor amount but on which bad debt provisions are provided individually at end
of period
                                                                                                                                In RMB
Description of the receivable accounts Book balance Bad debt provision                    Rate     Reason to provide
MBDL Power Plant in India, etc.             33,020,480.19            33,020,480.19 100.00% Hard to recover
Total                                       33,020,480.19            33,020,480.19         --                   --
(2) Receivable accounts practically written off in the report period
     Not applicable
(3) Receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% of shares or over
                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                              End of term                                         Beginning of term
                                                         Bad debt
   Name of the companies                                                                                         Bad debt provision
                                     Book balance        provision                      Book balance
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                            100,000.00                5,000.00                  258,500.00                  100,100.00
Power Group Co., Ltd.
          Total                             100,000.00                5,000.00                  258,500.00                  100,100.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                      Semiannual Report 2014

(4) Nature or description of other receivable accounts with larger amount
   Not applicable
(5) Top 5 debtors in the receivable accounts
                                                                                                                    In RMB
     Name of the              Relation with the                                                      Percentage in total
                                                               Amount                 Ages
      companies                   Company                                                                receivables
Client I                    Non-related                        682,595,627.32 over 1-3 years                        30.83%
Client II                   Non-related                        351,371,981.08 over 1-3 years                        15.87%
Client III                  Non-related                        126,596,000.00 within 1 year                         5.72%
Client IV                   Related parties                     73,143,190.42 1-3 years                             3.30%
Client V                    Related parties                     62,723,288.52 over 1-3 years                        2.83%
            Total                     --                   1,296,430,087.34               --                        58.55%
(6) Account due from related parties
                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                Relation with the                                  Percentage in total
      Name of the companies                                                     Amount
                                                   Company                                            receivables
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export
                                           Subsidiaries                         73,143,190.42                       3.30%
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged
                                           Subsidiaries                         62,723,288.52                       2.83%
Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine
                                           Subsidiaries                         16,446,968.96                       0.74%
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                           Affiliate of the Group                3,939,071.38                       0.18%
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam
                                           Subsidiaries                          2,902,500.00                       0.13%
Turbine Power Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                           Subsidiaries                          2,786,894.68                       0.13%
Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine
                                           Subsidiaries                          2,574,890.01                       0.12%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                           Affiliate of the Group                  929,065.99                       0.04%
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting
                                           Subsidiaries                            204,098.51                       0.01%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                           Affiliate of the Group                         316.86                    0.00%
Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.
                    Total                                 --                   165,650,285.33                       7.48%

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Semiannual Report 2014

2. Other account receivable.
(1) Other receivable accounts
                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                       End of term                                         Beginning of term
           Categories                 Book balance              Bad debt provision               Book balance             Bad debt provision
                                   Amount        Proportion     Amount      Proportion         Amount    Proportion       Amount     Proportion
Other receivables with major
individual amount and bad
                                  3,710,320.94         9.05% 3,710,320.94       100.00% 3,710,320.94            11.95% 3,710,320.94 100.00%
debt provision provided
Other receivables provided bad debt provision in groups
Other account receivable
within the consolidation         13,358,622.10      32.58%                                7,592,653.87      24.46%
Group by age analysis            23,933,674.67      58.37% 2,680,179.90          11.20% 19,742,848.23       63.59% 2,270,192.32           11.50%
Sub-total of group               37,292,296.77      90.95% 2,680,179.90           7.19% 27,335,502.10       88.05% 2,270,192.32           7.31%
Total                            41,002,617.71 --             6,390,500.84 --            31,045,823.04 --              5,980,513.26 --

Other receivable accounts with major single amount and bad debt provision drawn upon them
                                                                                                                                         In RMB
Description of other receivables Book balance Amount of bad debt                         Rate           Reason
Customs deposit receivable               3,710,320.94                3,710,320.94 100.00% Hard to recover
Total                                    3,710,320.94                3,710,320.94         --               --
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                       End of term                                                  Beginning of term
        Age                 Book balance                       Bad debt                   Book balance                         Bad debt
                         Amount            Proportion         provision               Amount               Proportion          provision
within 1 year
In which:                   --                    --                 --                    --                     --                --
Subtotal of
                         18,897,869.27           78.96%         944,893.46             15,627,084.83             79.15%            781,354.24
within 1 year
1-2 years                  2,442,842.00          10.21%         488,568.40               2,172,800.00            11.01%            434,560.00
2-3 years                  1,545,300.00          6.46%          618,120.00                 557,499.80             2.82%            222,999.92
Over 3 years               1,047,663.40          4.38%          628,598.04               1,385,463.60             7.02%            831,278.16
3-4 years                   191,199.80           0.80%          114,719.88                 773,300.00             3.92%            463,980.00
4-5 years                   250,300.00           1.05%          150,180.00                     59,000.00          0.30%             35,400.00
over 5 yrs                  606,163.60           2.53%          363,698.16                 553,163.60             2.80%            331,898.16
Total                    23,933,674.67            --          2,680,179.90             19,742,848.23              --            2,270,192.32
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on percentage basis
        Not applicable
Other receivable accounts in the portfolio on which bad debt provisions were provided on other basis                                       Not

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                   Semiannual Report 2014

Other account receivable with minor amount but bad debt provision provided individually:                    Not applicable
(2) Other receivable accounts due from shareholders with 5% of shares or over:                 Not applicable
(3) Nature or description of other receivable accounts with larger amount:                 Not applicable
(4) Top 5 debtors of other receivable accounts
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                       Relation with the                                     Percentage in total of other
       Name of the companies                                     Amount          Ages
                                           Company                                                   receivables
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting                                                 within 1
                                     Related parties        10,273,686.58                                          25.06%
Co., Ltd.                                                                      year
                                                                               within 1
Hangzhou Custom                      Non-related                8,333,430.78                                       20.32%
Customs deposit receivable           Non-related                3,710,320.94 over 5 yrs                             9.05%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary                                               within 1
                                     Related parties            3,080,135.52                                        7.51%
Machine Co., Ltd.                                                              year
Guodian Trust Bidding Co., Ltd.      Non-related                2,966,800.00 5 年以内                               7.24%
                 Total                        --            28,364,373.82             --                           69.18%
(5) Other receivables due from related parties
                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                   Relation with the                        Percentage in total of other
             Name of the companies                                          Amount
                                                       Company                                       receivables
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd.         Subsidiaries            10,273,686.58                             25.06%
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machine
                                                 Subsidiaries             3,080,135.52                              7.51%
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology
                                                 Subsidiaries                   4,800.00                            0.01%
Development Co., Ltd.
                         Total                             --            13,358,622.10                             32.58%

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                         Semiannual Report 2014

3. Long-term equity investment
                                                                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                                                                                                                                  Statement on                  Impairment
                                                                                                    Percentage of Voting
                           Calculating     Investment      Opening       Changed      Closing                                 differences between Impairment     provision   Cash dividend of
 Company invested in                                                                                 share in the power in
                              basis           cost         balance         by         balance                                the shareholding and provision    provided this the current term
                                                                                                       firm %     the firm %
                                                                                                                                  voting rights                    term
Zhejiang Steam Turbine
Packaged Technology        Cost basis     29,800,389.56 29,800,389.56               29,800,389.56        70.86%     70.86%                                                       7,227,210.00
Development Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Zhongneng
Steam Turbine Power        Cost basis     27,644,475.06 27,644,475.06               27,644,475.06        60.83%     60.83%                                                      70,332,375.00
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Casting Co.,       Cost basis     11,220,000.00 11,220,000.00               11,220,000.00        51.00%     51.00%
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Auxiliary          Cost basis     46,286,513.41 46,286,513.41               46,286,513.41        87.53%     87.53%                                                      70,024,000.00
Machine Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Steam Turbine
Machinery &                Cost basis      7,968,000.00   7,968,000.00               7,968,000.00        52.00%     52.00%                                                      23,400,000.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Greenesol Co. (India)      Cost basis      5,534,773.22   5,534,773.22               5,534,773.22        37.00%     37.00%
Bank of Hangzhou Co.,
                           Cost basis 390,954,040.00 390,954,040.00                390,954,040.00         6.92%      6.92%                                                      23,118,640.00
Zhejiang Turbine
Import & Export Co.,       Cost basis     20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00               20,000,000.00       100.00%    100.00%
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Engineering        Cost basis     30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00               30,000,000.00        15.00%     15.00%
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Changdi
Investment Partnership
                           Cost basis     20,261,013.65 20,261,013.65               20,261,013.65         2.97%      2.97%
Enterprise (with limited
Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Heavy Industry     Cost basis 360,000,000.00 360,000,000.00                360,000,000.00       100.00%    100.00%
Co., Ltd.
Total                          --        949,669,204.90 949,669,204.90             949,669,204.90        --          --              --                                       194,102,225.00

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                             Semiannual Report 2014

4. Operation income and operation cost
(1) Operation incomes
                                                                                                           In RMB
              Items                       Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
Major business turnover                                1,188,528,375.95                        1,492,479,680.88
Other business income                                     12,949,928.00                           14,638,809.99
Total                                                  1,201,478,303.95                        1,507,118,490.87
Operation cost                                           781,172,768.01                        1,077,683,194.39
(2) Business segments (on industries)
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                         Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
    Name of industry
                                    Turnover           Operation cost       Turnover           Operation cost
Boiler and power
                                   1,044,014,019.49      680,322,286.87   1,441,636,489.14     1,040,454,061.91
machine manufacture
Other special equipment             144,514,356.46        90,520,745.59     50,843,191.74         23,300,091.82
Total                              1,188,528,375.95      770,843,032.46   1,492,479,680.88     1,063,754,153.73
(3) Business segments (on products)
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                         Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
   Products or services
                                    Turnover           Operation cost       Turnover           Operation cost
Industrial steam turbine           1,044,014,019.49      680,322,286.87   1,441,636,489.14     1,040,454,061.91
Other special equipment             144,514,356.46        90,520,745.59     50,843,191.74         23,300,091.82
Total                              1,188,528,375.95      770,843,032.46   1,492,479,680.88     1,063,754,153.73
(4) Business segments (on regions)
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                         Occurred current term                Occurred in previous term
    Name of districts
                                    Turnover           Operation cost       Turnover           Operation cost
Domestic                           1,113,563,894.21      726,978,272.90   1,276,739,350.69       889,403,788.94
Overseas                             74,964,481.74        43,864,759.56    215,740,330.19        174,350,364.79
Total                              1,188,528,375.95      770,843,032.46   1,492,479,680.88     1,063,754,153.73
(5) Revenue from top five customers
                                                                                                           In RMB
           Name of clients                     Total turnover                  Portion in total turnover
Client I                                                 398,111,709.39                                    33.14%
Client II                                                102,375,213.65                                    8.52%
Client III                                                70,000,000.02                                    5.83%
Client IV                                                 41,120,754.72                                    3.42%
Client V                                                  37,085,470.08                                    3.09%
Total                                                    648,693,147.86                                    54.00%

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                              Semiannual Report 2014

5. Investment income
(1) Details of investment gains
                                                                                                             In RMB
                         Items                           Occurred current term         Occurred in previous term
Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis                      194,102,225.00                170,554,688.00
Others                                                                  1,750,584.48                 5,943,974.56
Total                                                                195,852,809.48                176,498,662.56
(2) Long-term equity investment gains on cost basis
                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                      Occurred current      Occurred in previous    Causation of
                Company invested in
                                                             term                  term                change
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co.,
                                                          70,332,375.00            64,503,750.00
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machine Co.,
                                                          70,024,000.00            48,957,040.00
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology
                                                            7,227,210.00           10,575,258.00
Development Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery & Equipment
                                                          23,400,000.00            23,400,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Bank of Hangzhou Co., Ltd.                                 23,118,640.00           23,118,640.00
Total                                                    194,102,225.00           170,554,688.00            --
6. Supplementary data of cash flow statement
                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                    Amount of the Current Amount of the Previous
                       Supplementary Info.
                                                                           Term                   Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of business operation                    --                    --
Net profit                                                               301,301,877.28          317,806,345.17
Plus: Asset impairment provision                                           49,149,559.39          16,913,497.95
Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                            28,282,239.82            31,345,840.90
production goods depreciation
Amortizing of intangible assets                                              1,348,657.64             1,178,647.72
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
long-term assets (“-“ for gains)
Financial expenses (“-“ for gains)                                         8,893,880.04              -871,655.94
Investment loss (“-“ for gains)                                         -195,852,809.48          -176,498,662.56
Decrease of inventory (“-“ for increase)                                -234,588,906.52          -344,454,821.63
Decrease of operational receivable items (“-“ for increase)              107,551,549.30          -461,124,334.99
Increase of operational payable items (“-“ for decrease)                  42,518,032.93           586,073,824.58
Cash flow generated by business operation, net                             108,604,080.40           -29,654,513.60
2. Major investment and financing operation not involving with
                                                                             --                       --
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents                                   --                       --
Balance of cash at period end                                              423,425,045.57           378,882,861.62
Less: Initial balance of cash                                              295,292,983.14           654,577,030.60
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                                128,132,062.43          -275,694,168.98

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                 Semiannual Report 2014

XVI. Supplementary Information
1. Details of non-recurring gain/loss of the term
                                                                                                              In RMB
                                             Items                                                Amount
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets (includes the recovered part of asset
impairment provision already provided)
Gains and losses included in the current period of government subsidies, excluding those
government grants which are closely related to normal business and in line with national         4,002,971.00
policy , or in accordance with fixed standards or quantities
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset and liabilities, and investment
gains from disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable financial
assets, other than valid period value instruments related to the Company’s common
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                  4,595,187.79
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                            1,996,268.62
     Influence on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)                                     1,617,302.04
Total                                                                                          14,760,758.65     --
2. Differences of financial data under domestic and international accounting standards
(1) Differences in net profit and net assets under international and domestic standards
                                                                                                              In RMB
                              Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                                          of the listed company                      of the listed company
                                   Current term      Amount of last term       End of term       Beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                   196,174,851.01         232,926,224.38      4,276,885,828.98     4,230,942,110.74
Items and amounts adjusted on IAS
(2) Differences in net profit and net assets under overseas and domestic standards
                                                                                                              In RMB
                              Net profit attributable to the shareholders Net asset attributable to the shareholders
                                          of the listed company                      of the listed company
                                   Current term      Amount of last term       End of term       Beginning of term
On Chinese Accounting
                                   196,174,851.01         232,926,224.38      4,276,885,828.98     4,230,942,110.74
Accounts and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standard
(3) Remarks on the differences of financial data under overseas and domestic accounting standards
     Not applicable

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                        Semiannual Report 2014

3. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share
                                                                                                                 In RMB Yuan
                                                                                                  Earnings per share
                                                                   Net income on
                     Profit of the report period                                         Basic earnings Diluted earnings
                                                                   asset, weighted
                                                                                            per share            per share
Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the
                                                                                4.53%                 0.26                     0.26
Net profit attributable to the common owners of the PLC
                                                                                4.19%                 0.24                     0.24
after deducting of non-recurring gains/losses

4. Irregular situation and causes of items in the financial statements
Balance         Sheet                        Beginning of     Scale of
                          End of term                                                    Remarks on the change
Items                                           term          change
                                                                          Mainly recording of land using rights payment under
Intangible assets         308,217,878.79     225,562,108.26    36.64%     Heavy Industry Co. – subsidiary of the Company, in
                                                                          the period
                                                                          Mainly recording of land using rights payment under
Other     non-current
                                              66,500,000.00   -100.00%    Heavy Industry Co. – subsidiary of the Company, in
                                                                          the period
                                                                          Mainly decrease of bank accepted notes issued by
Notes payable              72,182,776.00     168,751,198.95    -57.23%
                                                                          subsidiaries in the period
                                                                          Mainly payment of VAT and income tax payable for
Tax payable                79,556,783.49     107,956,056.99    -26.31%    the 4th quarter of previous year and paid in the report
Income Statement                           Same period of      Scale of
                          Current term                                                   Remarks on the change
Items                                        last term          change
Business tax and                                                          Mainly decrease of operational tax due to decrease of
                           11,426,673.94      17,369,338.95    -34.21%
surcharge                                                                 turnover
Financial expenses          9,202,486.72       1,542,054.93   496.77%     Mainly increase of interest on loans in the period
                                                                          Mainly change of receivable account age structure:
Asset     impairment
                           55,223,094.46      23,595,101.44   134.04%     decrease of short accounts and increase of longer
                                                                          Mainly there was an investment gain from disposal of
Investment income          33,668,236.76      64,696,068.76    -47.96%    share equity of the Packaged Equipment Co. of the
                                                                          Group in the 1st half of last year.
Non-operational                                                           Mainly influenced by termination of contract and
                           12,194,329.71       4,202,690.63   190.16%
income                                                                    penalties in the report period
                                                                          Mainly decrease of profit contributed by subsidiaries
Minor shareholders’
                           31,527,233.63      55,854,396.54    -43.55%    and decrease of shareholding by minority
Cash          Flow                         Same period of      Scale of
                          Current term                                                   Remarks on the change
Statement Items                              last term          change
Net     cash  flow
                                                                          Mainly decrease of cash received from financial
generated        by       -58,390,584.46    -274,500,144.16    78.73%
                                                                          products and investment in the report period
Net increasing of
                                                                          Mainly significant increase in net cash flow from
cash     and   cash      -111,810,766.61    -369,600,123.01    69.75%
                                                                          investment operations

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                      Semiannual Report 2014

                            Chapter X. Documents for Reference

(I) Financial Statements signed and sealed by the Chairman of the Board , chief accountant and director of
the financial division;
(II) All the originals of the Company’s documents and public notices disclosed in the newspapers
designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period;
(III) Original copy of Resolutions of the 13th Meeting of the 6th Term of Board.

                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

                                                     Chairman of the Board: Nie Zhonghai

                                                                 August 18, 2014
