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						                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Stock Code: 200771            Stock ID: Hangqilun B                Announcement No. 2017-57

                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                      SEMIANNUAL REPORT 2017
                            (Stock Code:200771)

                                    August 2017

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                           Important Remarks, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, the supervisors, and executives of the
Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the
Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the Report.

Chairman Mr. Zheng Bin, Chief Financial Officer Pu Yangshuo, and the Chief of Accounting Department Mr.

Zhao Jiamao hereby declare: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful and complete.

All of the directors attended the board meeting on which this report was examined.

This Report contains prospective descriptions, which doesn’t constitute substantial commitment to investors.
Investors are requested to be aware of the risks attached to their investment decisions.

The Company will not distribute cash dividend or bonus shares, neither capitalizing of common reserves for the
report period.

                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                         Table of Contents

I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions

II. Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators

III. Business Profile

IV. Performance Discussion and Analysis

V. Important Events

VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

VIII .Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

IX. Corporate Bonds

X. Financial Report

XI. Documents available for inspection

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


              Terms to be defined                                                  Definition

Company, the Company                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

The Group, Hangqi Group                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

The report period, In the report period              January 1,2017-June 30,2017

                                           Defined Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd. – the holding
Zhongneng Co.
                                               as    subsidiary of the Company

                                           Defined Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd. – the holding subsidiary of
Casting Co.
                                               as    the Company

                                           Defined Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Packaged Tech. Co.
                                               as    – the holding subsidiary of the Company

                                           Defined Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. - the holding
Machinery Co.
                                               as    subsidiary of the Company

                                           Defined Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd. - the holding
Auxiliary Machine Co.
                                               as    subsidiary of the Company

                                           Defined Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd. – the holding subsidiary of
Turbine Co.
                                               as    the Company

                                           Defined Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. - the holding
Heavy Industry Co.
                                               as    subsidiary of the Company

The Board of Directors                               The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

The Supervisory Committee                            The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

The Shareholders’ Meeting                           The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.

                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

RMB, RMB0’000, RMB000’000’000             RMB Yuan, RMB10 thousand Yuan, RMB100 million Yuan

MW                                           Unit of power: 1000KW

PLM                                          Product life circle management information system

PTA                                          Pure Terephthalic Acid
MES                                        Product lifecycle management information system

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

II. Corporate Profile and Key Financial Indicators

1. Company Information

Stock ID                             Hangqilun B                           Stock Code                     200771
Stock Exchange Listed                Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company Name in Chinese              杭州汽轮机股份有限公司

Short form of Company Name in

Name in English(if any)              HANGZHOU STEAM TURBINE CO.,LTD

Abbreviation in English(if any)      HTC

Legal representative:                Zheng Bin

2. Contact person and contact manner

                                                          Secretary of the Board                 Representative of Stock Affairs

Name                                             Wang Gang                                 Wang Caihua

Address                                          No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou              No. 357 Shiqiao Rd. Hangzhou

Tel.                                             0571-85780198                             0571-85780438

Fax.                                             0571-85780433                             0571-85780433

Email.                                           wg@htc.cn                                 wangch@htc.cn
III. Other info.
1. Contacts
No change to the registered address, office address, postal code, official website, and email address of the
Company. For details please find the Annual Report 2016.
2. Information inquiry
None of the official presses, website, and place of enquiry has been changed in the semi report period. For details
please find the Annual Report 2016.

IV. Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Index

Are there any retrospective adjustment or restatement of financial information of previous year due to change of
accounting policies or correcting of accounting errors?

                                                        This report term        Same period last year          Increase/decrease   (%)

Turnover (RMB)                                            1,663,724,702.26             1,367,423,771.88                             21.67%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the               43,995,804.38               -31,252,238.19                            240.78%

                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

listed company (yuan)

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the

listed company and after deducting of                          3,560,218.39                 -43,478,314.33                    108.19%

non-recurring gain/loss(RMB)

Net Cash flow generated by business operation
                                                              34,849,647.14                214,699,052.95                 -104.80%

Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                   0.06                          -0.04                   250.00%

Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                                 0.06                          -0.04                   250.00%

Net income on asset, weighted                                         0.69%                         -0.74%                     1.43%
                                                      As at the end of the
                                                                                As at the end of last year      YoY+/-(%)
                                                        reporting period

Gross assets (RMB)                                       11,111,682,905.80              10,550,899,708.34                      5.32%
Shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                          6,410,591,387.20               6,385,346,243.23                      0.40%
of the listed company(RMB)

V.The differences between domestic and international accounting standards
1. Differences between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese
Accounting Standard
Not existent
2. Differences between the net profit and net asset in the financial reports prepared under IAS and Chinese
Accounting Standard
Not existent
VI. Non-recurring gain/loss items and amounts

                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                      Items                                                  Amount             Remarks
Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part for which
assets impairment provision is made)

Govemment subsidies recognized in current gain and loss(excluding those
closely related to the Company’s business and granted under the state’s                        2,505,237.27

Gains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financial

assets and financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related
to normal business of the Company, and investment income from disposal of                       44,784,598.29
transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for

Other non-operating income and expenditure beside for the above items                            1,590,730.74
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                            7,982,642.11

                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Amount of influence of minority interests(After tax)                          642,891.62
Total                                                                         40,435,585.99         --
For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure
for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as
recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recorgnized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

III. Business Profile

Ⅰ.Main Business the Company is Engaged in During the Report Period

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry

     As the leading provider of turbo machinery equipment and relevant service in China, our company is mainly
famous for designing and producing rotating turbo machinery like industrial steam turbines and gas turbines. Our
company, one of the major companies drafting the industrial standard in Chinese domestic industry of industrial
steam turbine, has developed into the biggest base to research, develop and produce industrial steam turbines in
China and ranks first among industrial steam turbine producers in terms of the market occupancy. Holding the
principle “our products should be based on clients’ demands” as our business mode and characteristic, our
company designs and produces in accordance with every client’s personal demands so as to meet personalized
needs in engineering projects to the utmost. To realize the fast research and development of our products, our
company has adopted the advanced modular design technique and, on the other hand, introduces information
technique to assist the collaborative production to achieve the resource saving and flexible production. In addition,
our company also provides our clients with relevant service such as engineering programs, general engineering
contracting, operation and maintenance of our products as well as remote control and so on.
     Industrial steam turbines use the steam featuring high temperature and high pressure as their working
medium so as to convert the thermal energy into mechanical energy to drive various industrial equipments through
the rotating steam turbines. As for different objects driven by industrial steam turbines, the steam turbines could
be divided into industrial driving steam turbines and industrial power-generation steam turbines. Mainly driving
rotating machines like compressors, air blowers, pumps and squeezers, industrial driving steam turbines, as the
core power part in numerous large-scale industrial equipments, are always introduced into some industries like oil
refining, chemical engineering, chemical fertilizer, building materials, metallurgy, electric power, light industry
and environmental production. The industrial power-generation steam turbines, mainly utilized to drive electric
generators and provide thermal energy, are mainly adopted in private stations, regional projects of combined heat
and power generation, power generation by recycling waste heat in industrial production, urban waster power
plants and gas-steam combined cyclepower stations in various industrial sectors. The gas turbines produced by our
company are mainly used by metallurgical industry to recycle the waste heat from the blast furnace exhaust to
generate power. The mode of independent sales and cooperative productions is adopted in the sector of gas turbine
business. We win our orders by participating in bidding for engineering equipments needed in new or
reconstruction projects in domestic large-scale metallurgical industry. Our design for products is provided by
technical partner, major parts of our products are systematically produced and purchased in China and some parts
are imported overseas. In the report period, our company cooperating with SIEMENS in the field of distributed
energy of gas has started our gas turbine business as the purchaser and implementor of integration of the project.
Our company provides life-long operation guarantee service for our clients who have purchased our gas turbines,
which has brought long-term business cooperation between our company and our clients.

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Ⅱ.Major Changes in Main Assets

1. Major Changes in Main Assets

                 Main assets                                         Major changes

Equity assets                        No major changes
Fixed assets                         No major changes
Intangible assets                    No major changes
Construction in process              No major changes

2. Main Conditions of Overseas Assets

Not applicable

Ⅲ.Analysis On core Competitiveness

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry

As the largest developing and manufacturing base of industrial steam turbine throughout the country, the
Company has been in the territory with years of experiences, which provided obvious advantages from technical
research to production, from marketing to customer services.
1. A complete technical innovation system was established. The Company has under its possession of national,
provincial, and municipal grade technical centers, a doctorial workstation, and an academician workstation. Close
co-operations were carried out with institutions and universities from throughout the country. As the main drafter
of national standard on industrial steam turbine, the Company has the newest technical trend under its close
observation. The Company is now providing nearly 600 different models of steam turbines to the customers and
hold the newest technical system covering the product lines up to 150 MW. Cooperating with SIEMENS in the
field of gas turbine, our company has been capable of selecting the model of the combined recycling project of
distributed energy. In addition, our company has also been able to finish the independent processing or supporting
work which doesn’t need to depend on the gas turbine machine.

Secondly ,The advantages of solutions. The modular design of industrial steam turbine and the production pattern
featuring parallelization production enable our company to give considerations to the cost, date of delivery and
clients’ demands in the process of production in accordance with clients’ personalized designs, thereby making our
company capable of advancing with the development trend of individual requirements. Our company has always
been devoting to the localization in terms of the gas turbine business so as to achieve the localized one-stop
service step by step including the sale, production, installation, debugging, operation, training and after-sale
service. Our company has always been striving to provide clients with the complete equipment of gas turbine
power station and the efficient total solutions.

Thirdly, the Company has established strategic co-operations with main customers in the country. Further
marketing approaches were carried on by involving itself in the customers’ value. A sound and steady image has
been set up in the domestic steam turbine market. In the global market, the Company has acquired multiple
important certifications and has established a primary global recognition.

                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Fourthly, the Company has its complete service providing system. The Company is not only capable to provide
onsite 24-hour service for the Company’s own products, but also accumulated rich experiences in technical
maintenance and reengineering of other manufacturers’ products.

     Fifthly, the Company has cultivated a significant advantage in human resources. Great importance has been
attached to construction of work teams with collection of high-end workforce in the areas of research &
development, At the same time, our company values the cooperation with universities. “Zhejiang Technical
Association for Gas Turbines in Equipment Manufacturing Industry” was officially founded jointly by our
company and Zhejiang University and other scientific research institutions to build a new platform for integration
of production and research in terms of gas turbine technology.The Company has cultivated a significant advantage
in human resources. Great importance has been attached to construction of work teams with collection of high-end
workforce in the areas of research & development, designing, technique, testing, and quality control. An excellent
workforce provides a sound foundation to lift quality and services.

IV. Performance Discussion and Analysis

I.   General

     In the first half of 2017, China's economy has maintained a steady and good trend, the manufacturing
industry accelerated its pace to enter middle and high-end manufacturing, and the added value of new and high
technology industries and equipment manufacturing industry gained a growth year on year. However, the steam
turbine industry has been affected by the global energy structure adjustment, the serious excess capacity of the
industry and the slowdown in domestic power investment, therefore the profitability of the industry continued to
decline. The company had formulated the annual economic work policy of "Advancing strategy, continuous
innovation, deeply exploring market, lean management and enhancing the risk-control”, continued to promote the
"13th Five-Year" strategy implementation, strengthened the technological innovation to enhance the core
competitiveness of the company, actively developed the market to seize more market share and orders, promoted
the "lean production" and "integrated management" to improve operating efficiency, strengthened the risk
prevention and control in major business areas and adopted a number of practicable measures and strategies, thus
realized the operating goal of a turnaround and gained profits.
For the report period, For the report period, the Company has realized turnover of RMB 1,663,724,702.26, a
increase of 21.67%; Buinsess profit of RMB61,982,164.70 , a increase of 282.31%,total profit of
RMB66,257,223.45, a increase of 327.60, Net profit of RMB59,728,855.88, a increase of 327.30%, net profit
attributable to owners of the parent company of RMB43,995,804.38, a increase of 240.78%.
      The main reason for the big increase in net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company was due to
the increase in non-operating income gained from the bonus of Bank of Hangzhou and the sale of the Hangzhou
Changti Partnership enterprise and so on during the reporting period and meanwhile the collection situation of the
accounts receivable during the reporting period was good and the provision for bad debt was less than the
previous accounting period.
     Implementation of business plans disclosed in previous periods in this period
     1. Promoting the strategy and realizing the goal.

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     The company takes "Made in China 2025" as an opportunity to continue to accelerate the transformation and
upgrading of the company. The company has been increased the efforts in technological innovation, combining
independent innovation with technology introduction, increasing R & D investment and enhancing the company's
core competitiveness. The company promoted the business model innovation, and on the basis of consolidating the
market status of industrial steam turbine, the company promoted the gas turbine business, expanded services and
engineering business and made changes of the status of single product structure. According to the "13th
Five-Year" strategic planning and its decomposition implementation scheme, the company carried out the
decomposition, implementation, examination and assessment of the annual strategic performance. The company
further adjusted the organizational structure of production, further integrated and optimized the internal resources
by institutional adjustment, and improved the process efficiency.
     In order to ensure the relocation of the factory and promote the smooth implementation of "Heavy machinery
construction project of steam turbine" and "Construction of scientific research building", the company set up a
special working organization to study and formulate the project construction promotion plan to ensure that the
construction and relocation tasks will be completed as planned.
     2. Constant innovation and keeping perfecting
     The company increased the R & D investment, constantly made technological innovation, promoted the
high-quality goods project and carried out the in-depth implementation of application and promotion for the
containerization technology research results. On the basis of the achievements realized on the demonstration unit
of containerization technology for Yongfeng Paper Industry KWT5501/02, the company carried out the
normalization work of excellent project, which formed and formulated the corresponding standard document and
operation manual for the whole process of design, process, manufacture and assembly; relying on Dalian Hengli
and Zhejiang Petrochemical Traction unit projects, the in-depth implementation of application and promotion for
the containerization technology research results was carried out, thus enhanced the company's market
competitiveness and soft power. During the reporting period, the Company initiated 8 R&D projects and launched
6 projects of new products, including 1 gas turbine project and 3 technical process projects and 2 vane projects.
The company has taken "containerization, intelligence, efficiency and light weight" as the technological
innovation orientation, and constantly improved the test and application of the new process, and focused on
solving common technical problems, such as vibration, bending, valve head fall off and stem damage or fracture,
etc, thus enhanced the company's product quality. In the first half of this year, the company was authorized with 3
invention patents and 4 utility model patents. The company was awarded "Standardized good behavior
demonstration enterprise" by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.
     During the reporting period, the company cooperated with universities and scientific research units to build a
platform for technical exchanges and cooperation. The "Zhejiang Hangzhou Steam Turbine Gas Turbine
Machinery Innovation Center", which was led by the company and was appraised by the provincial economic

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

committee and the expert group, had become one of the three innovation centers firstly established in Zhejiang
     3. Deeply developing the market and actively seizing the orders
     During the reporting period, the number of steam turbine contract of the company and the contract amount all
increased year-on-year. As the domestic refining industry improved and the private capital entered the field of
refining, the company, by virtue of good historical performance and competitive advantages in product
manufacturing, pushed the section to have a record new orders, thereinto, the amount of the project contract
signed with Dalian Hengli was RMB 555,580,000, which has become the highest amount of a single contract of
the company.
     Due to the adverse effects of national energy conservation and environmental protection policy planning and
the serious overcapacity of the industry, the Company's orders in the traditional-driven product fields such as coal
chemical industry, PTA, nitric acid and metallurgy and in the industrial power generation feed pump field
decreased obviously.
     The company has cooperated with Siemens, and signed the supply contract for distributed energy projects
with EPC general contractor-Southwest Power system Design Institute, and such contract included two SGT-8OO
gas turbines and the matching turbo-generator unit. This project was the first time that the company has
successfully realized the successful cooperation with the domestic power Design Institute on the gas turbine
products, which had a great significance.
      The company had held the development forum and user forum of efficient and clean energy use, and the
company had invited more than 70 users in the industry to enter the forum and had signed the "Strategic Partner
Agreement" with the users. The company had rolled out the "going out" strategy, upgraded the Thailand
Office-which will play the role of bridgehead in the company's future market development in Southeast Asian
market. The company continued to promote the localized management strategy in Iran.
     4. Lean management, reducing costs and raising efficiency.
     During the reporting period, the company launched the "lean production management". Through the combing
of trans-department processes and by the SIPOC analysis of the process such as placing order, planning and
implementation, material management and procurement, the company optimized the production process. The
company initiated the implementation of the MES manufacturing execution system and took the intelligent
manufacturing project as an opportunity to accelerate the demonstration project of intelligent manufacturing and
the practice of lean manufacturing.
     The company continued to promote the bidding work, and the sales of waste materials, the out sourcing
cylinder processing, the cutting fluid and office supplies, the auxiliary materials and so on were put out tender by
the company, thus continuously saved the company’s production costs.
     The company initiated the "Integrated management" project, which implemented the integration of main

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

business processes including the contract management, after-sales service, product research and development,
manufacturing and quality control, constructed the end-to-end whole process management from the sales and
production to the delivery, improved the marketing system architecture, the production and delivery system
framework (including procurement) and the R & D system framework and integrated the enterprise management
     In the 2017 Hangzhou Enterprise Management Modernization and Innovation Achievement appraisal
activities, the "Big data platform project of discrete manufacturing industry construction process " and the
"craftsmen and engineers cultivation project to shape "state elite" quality" and other 3 projects were respectively
awarded prizes, including 1 gained the first prize, 2 gained the second prize and 2 projects gained the third prize
     5. Deepening the risk control and strengthening the management
     The company always emphasized the contract execution management. According to the past years contract
execution and the new problems occurred in the current market environment, the company sorted out a series of
risk points, perfected the company's Internal Control Implementation Rules of steam turbine business and
strengthened the contract review. The company has been made the constant follow-up of the execution of signed
contracts, paid close attention to the risk control of contract execution quality and extended the risk control work
from contract signing stage to contract execution. By establishing and improving the price system, the company
carried out the analysis on the costs, profitability and cash flow of the contract products, thus to lay a foundation
for the company implementing the goals of product profits and costs control.
     The company increased the assessment and incentive for the collection of accounts receivable, improved the
daily handling mechanism and the process of accounts receivable, regularly visited customers to know the
progress well and properly used the legal means to actively make the collection. The company continuously
strengthened the inventory management, actively communicated and made consultations with the unit users who
had a long period inventory and carried out the timely and reasonable disposal of inventory.
     The company strengthened the management of fund use, perfected the management processes including
entrusted wealth management, investment cooperation with the external and guarantees for the external, and
strengthened the examination and approval and supervision of the outflow of funds, thus ensured the safety and
liquidity of the company's operating funds. The company enhanced the legal risk management, and it combed the
process of the main business of the company, identified the legal risk and proposed the measures, thus constructed
the company's legal risk management system.

2.Main business analysis

Refer to relevant contents of “1.Summarization” in “Discussion and Analysis of Management”.
Changes in the financial data
                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                       YOY change
                                       This report period      Same period last year                              Cause change

Operating income                           1,663,724,702.26         1,367,423,771.88         21.67%

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the current sales
Operating cost                             1,192,385,051.48           850,937,906.04         40.13% growth and the decline in overall

                                                                                                      gross in this period.
Sale expenses                                  81,874,015.85           75,867,593.98          7.92%
Administrative expenses                      354,411,777.81           355,106,918.55         -0.20%

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the depreciation of
Financial expenses                              7,945,244.29              512,029.17      1,451.72% the dollar caused by the increase in

                                                                                                      exchange losses

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the provision for

                                                                                                      impairment losses arising from the
Income tax expenses                             6,528,367.57           -2,833,931.34       330.36%
                                                                                                      current deferred income tax

          R & D Investment                   140,500,456.42           138,018,919.01          1.80%

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the current advance
Cash flow generated by business
operation, net
                                         -10,310,355.58               214,699,052.95     -104.80% payment for materials to pay the
                                                                                                      cash increased year on year

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the current

Net cash flow generated by                                                                            redemption of financial products
                                             158,091,370.23          -160,303,138.04       198.62%
                                                                                                      and investment income increased

                                                                                                      year on year

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the increase in bank
Net cash flow generated by financing          -29,043,280.80          -41,830,084.28         30.57%
                                                                                                      borrowings in the current period

                                                                                                      Mainly due to the increase in net
Net increasing of cash and cash
                                         115,611,816.42                16,763,311.05      589.67% cash flow from investing activities
                                                                                                      in the current period

                                                                                                       Mainly due to the aging of

                                                                                                      accounts receivable increases, the
Asset impairment loss                          35,378,404.08          125,619,636.17        -71.84%
                                                                                                      corresponding provision for bad

                                                                                                      loans decrease in this period

       Significant changes in the profit structure or profit source of the Company during the reporting period

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

        Main business composition
                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                  Increase/decrea      rease of
                                                                                                   se of business    gross profit
                                                                           Gross se of revenue in
                                                                                                    cost over the   rate over the
                                Turnover             Operation cost        profit the same period
                                                                                                  same period of    same period
                                                                          rate(%) of the previous
                                                                                                   previous year        of the
                                                                                                         (%)          previous
                                                                                                                      year (%)

On Industries
Boiler and power machine
                                1,169,308,889.22         844,849,752.79    27.75%           1.10%          14.11%            -8.23%

Casting                              40,738,639.98        29,705,385.12    27.08%          51.59%          52.27%            -0.32%
Petrochemical and other
                                     85,931,536.04        70,075,861.18    18.45%         380.87%         403.54%            -3.67%
special machineries

Complete set of waste
                                     62,921,917.55        51,744,663.80    17.76%         168.05%         185.76%            -5.10%
heat power plant
Spare parts                         206,641,005.65        99,788,527.03    51.71%          56.06%          79.50%            -6.31%

Other                                98,182,713.82        96,220,861.55     2.00%         857.70%       2,715.47%        -64.67%

Subtotal                        1,663,724,702.26       1,192,385,051.48    28.33%          21.67%          40.13%            -9.44%

On Products

Industrial steam turbine        1,169,308,889.22         844,849,752.79    27.75%           1.10%          14.11%            -8.23%

Casting products                     40,738,639.98        29,705,385.12    27.08%          51.59%          52.27%            -0.32%

Auxiliary machinery                  85,931,536.04        70,075,861.18    18.45%         380.87%         403.54%            -3.67%

Complete set of waste
                                     62,921,917.55        51,744,663.80    17.76%         168.05%         185.76%            -5.10%
heat power plant
Spare parts                         206,641,005.65        99,788,527.03    51.71%          56.06%          79.50%            -6.31%

Other                                98,182,713.82        96,220,861.55     2.00%         857.70%       2,715.47%        -64.67%

Subtotal                        1,663,724,702.26       1,192,385,051.48    28.33%          21.67%          40.13%            -9.44%


Domestic                        1,558,077,382.88       1,109,066,314.68    28.82%          36.79%          60.70%        -10.59%

Overseas                            105,647,319.38        83,318,736.80    21.14%         -53.75%         -48.18%            -8.48%

Subtotal                        1,663,724,702.26       1,192,385,051.48    28.33%          21.67%          40.13%            -9.44%

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

           3.Non-core business analysis

                                                                                                                                        In RMB
                                                          Proportion in total                                                                 Sustainable
                                    Amount                                                           Explanation of cause
                                                                  profit                                                                      (yes or no)

                                                                                   Mainly due to the current period received the Hangzhou
   Investment income                  88,988,506.53                   134.31% Bank dividends and the sale of Long Beach to increase

                                                                                   the formation of income

                                                                                   Mainly due to the current accounts receivable provision
   Impairment of assets               35,378,404.08                    53.40%
                                                                                   for bad debts increased

                                                                                   Mainly for the received government subsidy and contract
   Non-operating income                4,554,849.88                        6.87%

   Non-operating expenses                   279,791.13                     0.42% Mainly due to the payment of the contract compensation

           IV.Condition of Asset and Liabilities

           1.Condition of Asset Causing Significant Change
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                             End of Reporting period                  End of same period of last year

                                                    As a                                                      Change in          Reason for
                             Amount             percentage of                                                percentage(%)   significant change
                                               total assets(%)

Monetary fund               1,055,809,378.48             9.50%               794,767,589.76          9.79%         -0.29%
Accounts receivable         1,812,297,540.52             16.31%            1,926,721,216.38         23.74%         -7.43%
Inventories                 2,052,667,695.99             18.47%            2,235,683,051.12         27.54%         -9.07%
Fixed assets                  601,473,873.27             5.41%               620,876,192.67          7.65%         -2.24%
Construction in
                              156,071,663.76             1.40%
 process                                                                     173,392,716.87          2.14%         -0.74%
Short-term loans              197,700,000.00             1.78%                81,250,000.00          1.00%          0.78%

Long-term loans                 4,900,000.00             0.04%               123,400,000.00          1.52%         -1.48%

           2.Asset and Liabilities Measured by Fair Value

                                                                                                                                       In RMB
Items                     Opening balance          Profit/losson      Cumulative              Impairment Purchased Sold inthis Closing balance

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                         fair      value fairvalue   changes provided in in          this reporting
                                                         changes      in charged to equity     this         reporting     period
                                                         this reporting                        Reporting    period
                                                         period                                period

Financial assets

3.Available-for –sale
                                   2,906,013,048.00                          -22,193,894.40                                            2,883,819,153.60
financial assets

Subtotal     of      fainancial
                                   2,906,013,048.00                          -22,193,894.40                                            2,883,819,153.60

Total of the above                 2,906,013,048.00                          -22,193,894.40                                            2,883,819,153.60

Financial Liabilities                            0.00                                   0.00                                                         0.00

           Significant changes in the measurement attributes of the main assets in this Reporting Period
           3. Restricted asset rights as of the end of this Reporting Period

                                                         Assets under ownership or use rights
                        Items               End of Book value                                              Reason

           Monetary fund                                               Utilized for issuing bank acceptance bill, L/C and L/G.
           Bill receivable                                             Utilized for issuing bank acceptance bill
           Fixed assets                                                Utilized for guaranteeing to obtain bank loan
           Invisible assets                                            Utilized for pledging to obtain the bank loan and guaranteeing the
                                                                       investment loan for China Development Funds

           Available for salefinancial
                                                  478,170,000.00          Utilized for guaranteeing the investment loan for China Development

                        Total                     753,561,367.90

           V.Investment situation
           1. General

                                                          Investments made in same period of last
            Investments made in the reporting period                                                                      +/- %

                                         20,000,000.00                                            0.00                                100.00%

           2.Condition of Acquiring Significant Share Right Investment during the Report Period
           Not applicable
           3.Situation of the Significant Non-equity Investment Undergoing in the Report Period
           Not applicable
           4.Investment of Financial Asset

                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

(1)Securities investment
(2)Investment in Derivatives
5.Application of the raised capital

                                                                                                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

             VI.Significant Asset and Right Offering

             1.sisposal of material assets
                                                                                                      Ratio of
                                                              Net profit
                                                                                                       the net
                                                                                                       profit                                                                                 Carried out
                                                               n to the
                                                                                                     contributio                                                                              on schedule
                                                              Company                                                  Pricing      Related                      Relevant
                                               Transaction                                            n to the                                                                   Relevant     or not if not,
                                                              form the       Effect of disposal on                     basis of      party      Relationship      equity
                  Equity interest    Disposal consideratio                                           Company                                                                     debt fully   the reasons Disclos
Counterparty                                                 beginning of        the Company                       disposal of transacti            with       interest fully                                             Disclosure index
                   disposed of         date   n(RMB’000                                             of disposal                                                                transferred         and        ure date
                                                              the period         (Notes3)                             equity       on or      counterparty    transferred
                                                   0)                                                 of equity                                                                   or not       measures
                                                              up to the                                                interest       not                         or not
                                                                                                      interest                                                                                taken by the
                                                                                                     over total                                                                                company

                                                                            It optimized the                       Not       less                                                                                         Securities

                                                                            company's asset                        than      the                                                                                          Times, Shanghai
Zhejiang                                                                    structure, so as to                    evaluation                                                                                             Securities Daily,
                Changdi Equity
Juqing                              January                                 meet the company's                     value                                                                                       January and
                Investment                           7,368      2,512.16                                42.06%                      No        Not applicable   Yes              Yes           Yes
Investment                          3,2017                                  operating capital                      confirmed                                                                                   12,2017 http://www.cnin
Co., Ltd.                                                                   needs. Not having an                   by        the                                                                                          fo.com.cn
                                                                            adverse impact on the                  state-owne                                                                                             (Announcemen

                                                                            company's production                   d       assets                                                                                         t No.:2017-01)
                                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                               and operation and                    supervisio

                                                               after the sale, it would             n

                                                               achieve the                          department

                                                               investment income                    's

                                                               and have a positive                  file-record.

                                                               impact on the

                                                               company's financial

                                                               situation and

                                                               operating results.

        2.Sales of major equity

        Not applicable

        Ⅶ.Analysis of the Main Share Holding Companies and Share Participating Companies

        Situation of Main Subsidiaries and the Joint-stock Company with over 10% net profit influencing to the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                  Company    Sectors
Name                                                          Industry              Registered capital       Total assets      Net assets       Turnover         Operating profit      Net Profit
                                   type     engaged in
                                           Trade of
Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Subsidiari             development of automatic
                                           packadged                            51,000,000.00                293,108,271.48    79,946,778.30     95,183,579.66       2,500,388.02       2,530,829.59
Technology Development Co., Ltd. es                    control and instrument
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam        Subsidiari Manufacturi Designing and
Turbine Power Co., Ltd.         es         ng          manufacturing of steam   92,500,000.00              1,059,632,038.81   312,429,362.85    308,881,733.81      -4,118,072.56      -4,491,604.31

                                                                                                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting     Subsidiari
                                                Casting       Iron and steel casting      22,000,000.00                417,837,013.19   161,338,663.77    144,755,281.64     6,178,211.61    5,817,815.64
Co., Ltd.                          es
Hangzhou Steam Turbine             Subsidiari   Manufacturi   Producing and processing
Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd.    es           ng            of steam turbine parts     30,000,000.00                 210,446,253.12   126,459,272.71    112,615,226.37    28,155,909.53   23,574,045.69
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary   Subsidiari   Manufacturi   Manufacturing of steam
Machine Co., Ltd.                  es           ng            turbine auxiliary machines 80,000,000.00                 500,953,839.08   220,771,357.58    214,290,527.44    23,216,468.67   21,921,639.27
Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export   Subsidiari   Commerce
                                                              International trade         20,000,000.00                223,219,438.88    68,235,677.83     37,184,537.75      -773,342.23     -785,188.01
Co., Ltd.                          es           & trade
                                                          Designing and
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy       Subsidiari Manufacturi
                                                          manufacturing of steam          558,966,865.00               584,345,233.13   583,994,018.73              0.00     2,703,229.98    2,067,933.23
Industry Co., Ltd.                 es         ng

        Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the reporting period
                                                                     Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during
                                   Name                                                                                                   Influence
                                                                                    the reporting period

        Xinjiang Taifeng Hangzhou Steam turbine complete
                                                                                         Write off                      Nil
         technology development Co., Ltd.

        Hangzhou Hangqi Boiler Co., Ltd                                                  Write off                      Nil

        VIII.Structured vehicle controlled by the Company
        Not applicable

        IX. Prediction of business performance for January -September 2017

        Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change
         compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason.

        Not applicable

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

X.Risks facing the Company and countermeasures

   1. Market risks

With the decreasing demands for domestic heavy industry investment, the turbine market demands in dive area
are under weak boost,More competition and decreasing of gross profit ratio are expectable, and will bring certain
pressure to the Company’s market share and competition. However the Company will do all its best in aspects of
technical innovation, market exploring, quality lifting, service upgrading, and value adding, to neutralize the
negative impact of the market.

    2. Risks of contract fulfilling
       With the aggravation of market fluctuations and during the process of contract execution, frequent
 changes in the contracts, delay and pause in project progress occurred occasionally, which brought huge
 impacts and influences to the Company’s internal product implementation process. Meanwhile, market
 fluctuations also increased the cost and risk for fulfilling the Company’s contracts. The Company will further
 strengthen the marketability and improve the speed and level of corporate response to the market to control the
 risk of contract execution.
    (3)Account receivable risks
       With declines in operation of partial downstream clients and increases in risk of investment project, risks
 increased continuously in the Company’s receivables, of which the average aging tends to increase, which will
 bring huge impacts to the Company’s business performance. The Company will implement customer credit
 management, strengthening the contract signing and controlling the fulfillment risk to intensify the examination
 for receivables and reduce the adverse effect of overdue account receivables.
   (4)Exchange rate risks
     Increasing expanding of international purchase and international marketing entails the internal payments to
be influenced by exchange rate fluctuations. So, exchange loss will be suffered to some extent. As two-way
volatility of the RMB exchange rate is changing sharply, profit or loss on exchange becomes more uncertain. We
are attempting to refer to the fluctuation cycle of exchange rate and take appropriate risk-management tools to
cut down the loss maximally.

   (5)Corporate earnings decline risks
     To adapt to the adjustment and changes on the market structure, In 2017,we made considerable alteration on
the product mix. Orders received from high-end markets like oil and gas are declined sharply, while low-profit
products are substantially ascending, bringing about adverse impact on the overall gross margin. On the other
hand, drastic market competition forces the sales price to keep falling. So it is natural that the return on sales is
going down. Faced with this phenomenon, more efforts will be paid to upgrade internal management, lower
operation cost and enhance operating efficiency, based on which, the risk of profitability downturn will be

   (6)Technology innovation risks
     We will practice the spirit of “13th five-year strategy” to invest more on independent technology of
researching gas turbine. Given poor domestic technology, long-range of technology development, enormous
funding, uncertainty from development to application and greater risk of technology, we are planning to
accelerate R&D building, intensify cooperation with research institutions at home and abroad, launch study of
new technology in a scientific and scrupulous manner and reduce the risk of technical innovation.

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

          (7)Overseas market risks
               During implementation of “13th five-year strategy”, we are intending to devote major efforts to “going
          global” strategy to further open up oversea targeted markets where we will gain more international market shares
          and improve our influence. However, influenced by geopolitical conflict, volatile political and economic
          situation and trade barriers in the overseas markets, the strategy of expanding overseas market becomes more
          uncertain. In view of this, we will reinforce market investigation, validate solutions and figure out development
          way for the localized business.

                                                            V. Important Events

          1. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings in the Reporting Period

          1.Annual General Meeting

            Meeting                  Type       participation     Convened date        Disclosure date      Index to disclosed information

                                                                                                         Resolutions of the Shareholders’

                              Annual                                                                     Annual Meeting
2016 Shareholders’ general
                              Shareholders’         69.41% June 30,2017           July 1,2017           2016(Announcement No. 2017-48)
                              General Meeting
                                                                                                         released by
          2. Preferred stockholders restored voting rights to request to convene Provisional Shareholders’ Meeting.
          Not applicable

          II. Proposal for profit distribution and converting capital Reserve into share actual for the
          reporting period

          For the reporting period, the Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or convert capital
          reserve into share capital.

          III. The fulfilled commitments in the reporting period and under-fulfillment commitments by the end of
          the reporting period made by the company, shareholder, actual controller, acquirer, director, supervisor,
          senior management personnel and other related parities.

          Not existent

                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

IV. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

Whether the semi-annual financial report had been audited?

V.Explanations given by board of directors and supervisory board regarding “ Modified auditor’s” Issued
by CPAs firm for the reporting period

Not applicable

VI. Explanations given by Board of Directors regarding “ Modified auditor’s Report” Issued for last year

Not applicable

VII. Bankruptcy and restructuring

No such cases in the reporting period.

VIII. Legal matters

Signifieant lawsuits or arbitrations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the reporting period.
Other legal matters
Not applicable

IX. Punishments and rectifications

Not existent

X. Credit conditions of the Company as well as its Controlling shareholder and actual Controller

Not existent

XI.Equity incentive plans, employee stock ownership plans or other incentive measures for employees

Not existent

                                                                                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

           XII.Material related transactions

           1. Related transactions in connection with daily operation

                                                                                                                                                    over the
                                                                                 Principle of                                           limit                                                                         Index of
                                                                                                             Amount of   Ratio in                   approve                  Market price
                                            Type of   Subjects of the related     pricing the     Price of                                                         Way of                                            informatio
   Related parties     Relationship                                                                            trade     similar      approved                                 of similar      Date of disclosure
                                             trade         transactions             related        trade                                                          payment                                                 n
                                                                                                             RMB0’000    trades                    d limited               trade available
                                                                                 transactions                                                                                                                        disclosure
                                                                                                                                                     or not

Hangzhou Hangfa                                                                                                                                                 Bank
                    Affiliate of the Purchase of                                                 Market
Power Generating                                 Generators                     Fair and just                5,668.89        6.04%        14,100 No                         6000.00           March 18,2017          2017-21
                    Group            goods                                                       price
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                             transfer

Total                                                                                 --            --       5,668.89      --           14,100         --            --           --                  --                --

Details of any sales return of a large amount                                   No
Give the actual situation in the report period where a forecast had been
                                                                                No more than expected
made for the total amounts of routine related-party transactions by type to
occur in the current period(if any)

Reason for any significant difference between the transaction price and
                                                                                Not applicable
the market refernce price (if applicable)

           2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sold

           No such cases in the reporting period.

                                                                                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

         3. Related-party transitions with joint investments

                                                                                                                                      Balance at     Current newly
                                                                                              Whether has non-business capital                                         Current recovery                   Current i
              Related                      Relationship                    Causes                                                    period-begin       added                             Interest rate
                                                                                                       occupying or not                                                (RMB’0000)                      (RMB’
                                                                                                                                    (RMB’0000)   (RMB’0000)

                                     The controlling             Hangzhou Jushi Investment   Services: investment management,
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power
                                     shareholder of the          Partnership(Limited        industrial investment, investment     190 million             31,493.69          18,990.29           -5.13
Group Co., Ltd
                                     company                     parnership)                advice (except securities, futures)

Progress of major construction projects under construction (if

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

    No such cases in the reporting period.

    5. Other significant related-party transactions

    No such cases in the reporting period.

    XIII. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the Controlling shareholder and other
     related parties of the Company

    The company was not involved in the non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other
    related parties during the reporting period.

    XIV. Significant contracts and execution

    1.Entrustments, contracting and leasing


    No such cases in the reporting period.


    No such cases in the reporting period.


    No such cases in the reporting period.

    2.Significant guarantees


                                                                                                                     In RMB’0000
                                             External Guarantee (Exclude controlled subsidiaries)
                                                             Date of                                                                         Guarantee
                           disclosure        Amount                                                                          Complete
                                                            happening           Actual                                                           for
   Name of the            date/No. of          of                                                                            implement
                                                             (Date of          mount of    Guarantee type   Guarantee term                   associated
    Company                    the           Guarant                                                                           ation
                                                             signing           guarantee                                                       parties
                           guaranteed          ee                                                                              or not
                                                           agreement)                                                                        (Yes or no)

Hangzhou Steam      October 22,2016           20,800 December 28,2016             20,800 Mortgage           Two years        No          Yes

                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Turbine Power                                                                                                     from the date
Group Co., Ltd                                                                                                    of expiration
                                                                                                                  of the
                                                                                                                  principal debt
                                                                                Total    amount       ofoutward
Total amount of outward guaranteeapproved
                                                                       20,800 guarantee actuaily incurred                                              20,800
 in the report period(A1)
                                                                                 in the report period(A2)
                                                                                  Total balance of actual
          Total of external guarantee
                                                                       20,800      external guarantee at                                               20,800
approved at Period-end(A3)
                                          Guarantee of the Company for the controlling subsidiaries
                            Relevant                                                                                                Complet
                                                                Date of                                                                         Guarantee
                           disclosure                                                                                                    e
   Name of the                              Amount            happening             Actual                                                           for
                           date/No. of                                                               Guarantee         Guarantee impleme
       Company                                 of               (Date o           mount of                                                      associated
                               the                                                                       type              term      ntation
    guaranteed                              guarantee           signing           guarantee                                                         parties
                           guaranteed                                                                                                    or
                                                              agreement)                                                                        (Yes or no)
                              amount                                                                                                   not

Guoneng Steam
                                                                                                 The joint liability
Turbine             January 21,2017              2,000 January 20,20 17                  2,000                         1 year       No         No
Engineering Co.,
                                                                                 Total of actual guarantee
Total of guarantee for subsidiaries
                                                                           2,000 for subsidiaries in the                                                1,900
approved in the Period (B1)
                                                                                 Period (B2)

                                                                                 Total of actual guarantee
Total of guarantee for subsidiaries
                                                                           2,000 for subsidiaries at                                                    1,900
approved at Period-end (B3)
                                                                                 Period-end (B4)

                                         Guarantee of the subsidiaries for the controlling subsidiaries
                                                                Date of                                                            Complete     Guarantee
   Name of the                              Amount            happening             Actual                                         implement         for
                           date/No. of                                                               Guarantee         Guarant
       Company                                 of               (Date o           mount of                                           ation      associated
                               the                                                                       type          ee term
    guaranteed                              guarantee           signing           guarantee                                              or         parties
                                                              agreement)                                                               not      (Yes or no)

Guoneng Steam
                                                                                                 The joint liability
Turbine             January 21,2017              5,000 January 20,2017                   5,000                         1 year     No           No
Engineering Co.,
                                                                                                 The joint liability
Guoneng Steam       April 26,2017               10,000 April 26,2017                    10,000                         1 year     No           No

                                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Engineering Co.,
                                                                                        Total amount of guarantee to
Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries                                               the     subsidiaries          actually
                                                                               15,000                                                  6,183
approved in the reporting period (C1)                                                   incurred     in   the        reporting
                                                                                        period (C2)

                                                                                        Total      balance      of      actual
Total guarantee quota to the subsidiaries
                                                                                        guarantee to the subsidiaries
approved at the end of the reporting period                                    15,000                                                  6,183
                                                                                        at the end of the reporting
                                                                                        period (C4)

Total of Company’s guarantee(namely total of the large three aforementioned)
   Total of guarantee in the Period                                     Total of actual guarantee in
                                                               37,800                                                                 28,883
(A1+B1+C1)                                                            the Period(A2+B2+C2)

                                                                          Total of actual guarantee at
Total of guarantee at Period-end
                                                               37,800             Period-end                                          28,883

The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the net
assets of the company(A4+B4+C4)
Including :
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
associated parties(D)

The debts guarantee amount provided for the
Guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed                                                                                    0
70% directly or indirectly(E)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the company
exceed 50%(F)

Total guarantee Amount of the abovementioned guarantees(D+E+F)                                                                      20,800

Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
responsibilities for undue guarantees ( If any)

Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures(If

       Description of the guarantee with complex method
       (1) Hangzhou Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd, which is the company's subsidiary, had made an application of special
       construction funds of RMB 0.208 billion to China Development Fund Co.,Ltd, and it has signed the four-party
       China Development Fund Investment Contract with China Development Fund ,the company and Hangzhou Steam
       Turbine Group Co.,Ltd. In order to ensure the performance of the "Investment contract" by Hangzhou steam
       group, the company and the Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd provide guarantee for Hangzhou Steam Group in the
       forms of pledge and mortgage.
       The contents is detailed in the Announcement on External Guarantee of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
       announced on October 22, 2016 at the website designated by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (http //
       www.cninfo.com.cn). (Announcement No. 2016-75)

                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

          (2)Illegal providing of external guarantees
          No illegal providing of external guarantees in the report period.

          3. Other significant contracts

          No such cases in the reporting period.

           XV.Social responsibilities

          1.Overview of the annual targeted poverty alleviation
          The company has no precise social responsibility for poverty alleviation in theperiodand bas no follow-up plan

          2.Major environmental protection

          The listed company and its subsidiary not belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection
          department Not applicable such cases in the reporting period.

          XVI.Other material events

          No such cases in the reporting period.

          XVII. Material events of subsidiaries

          Not applicable

                           VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

          I.Changes in share capital
          1. Changes in share capital

                                                                                                                                         In shares

                                      Before the change                       Increase/decrease(+,-)                         After the Change

                                    Amount         Proportion                             Capitalizat
                                                                                            ion of
                                                                 Share       Bonus
                                                                                           common        Other     Subtotal   Quantity       Proportion
                                                                allotment    shares

I. Shares with trade restriction     479,944,281      63.65%             0            0              0     1,044      1,044   479,945,325        63.65%

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


2. State-owned shares              479,824,800   63.64%        0         0         0         0         0     479,824,800      63.64%

3. Other domestic shares              119,481     0.01%        0         0         0     1,044      1,044        120,525          0.01%

Domestic natural person
                                      119,481     0.01%        0         0         0     1,044      1,044        120,525          0.01%

II. Shares without trading
                                   274,066,119   36.35%        0         0         0     -1,044    -1,044    274,065,075      36.35%
limited conditions

2.Foreign shares listed at
                                   274,066,119   36.35%        0         0         0     -1,044    -1,044    274,065,075      36.35%

III. Total of capital shares       754,010,400   100.00%       0         0         0         0         0     754,010,400     100.00%

          Causes of Change of shares
          Not applicable
          Approval of change of the shares
          Not applicable
          Transfer in change of shares
          Not applicable
          Influence of the change of the shares upon such financial indicators as the basic EPS and diluted EPS, net asset
          value per share attributable to the common stockholders in the past year and the latest period
          Not applicable
          Other information the Company considers it necessary or required by the securities regulatory authority to be
          Not applicable

          2. Change of shares with limited sales condition

          Not applicable

          II.Issuing and listing

          Not applicable

                                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

       III. Shareholders and shareholding

                                                                                                                                          In Shares

                                                                             Total number of preferred
Total number of common
                                                                             shareholders that had restored the
shareholders at the end of the                                     15,147                                                                                        0
                                                                             voting right at the end of the
reporting period
                                                                             reporting period (if any) (note 8)
                                      Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                                   Number of
                                                                            Number of       Changes in          Amount of        Amount of         pledged/froz
                                                Nature of       on of
               Shareholders                                                shares held at     reporting       restricted shares un-restricted             en
                                               shareholder      shares
                                                                            period -end        period              held          shares held       State
                                                               held(%)                                                                                       Amo
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group            State-owned
Co., Ltd.                                     legal person      63.64%       479,824,800                  0       479,824,800                  0

Shanwan     Hongyuan     Securities     (HK) Foreign legal
                                                                 0.65%          4,901,766        -331,500                    0      4,901,766
Co.,Ltd.                                      person
BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING                     Foreign legal
                                                                 0.63%          4,722,804                 0                  0      4,722,804
MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND                      person
                                              Foreign legal
NORGES BANK                                                      0.57%          4,303,675                 0                  0      4,303,675
                                              Foreign legal
INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX                                        0.46%          3,454,046          83,900                    0      3,454,046
GUOTAI JUNAN                                  Foreign legal
                                                                 0.38%          2,885,894      -1,098,274                    0      2,885,894
CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG                 Foreign legal
                                                                 0.32%          2,425,960         150,000                    0      2,425,960
KONG SECURITIES LTD                           person
ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING                    Foreign legal
                                                                 0.32%          2,382,800         832,300                    0      2,382,800
MARKETS ETF                                   person
China Merchants Secutities(HK)Co., Ltd.                          0.31%          2,304,255         162,275                    0      2,304,255
                                              legal person
Xia Zulin                                                        0.28%          2,100,000                 0                  0      2,100,000
                                              Natural person
Strategy investors or general legal person becomes top 10
shareholders due to rights issued (if applicable)(See         Not applicable
Notes 3)
                                                               (1) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. is the holder of state-shares of the
                                                               Company, all other shareholders’ are holders of domestic listed foreign shares (B shares)
Explanation on associated relationship among the               (2) There is no relationship between Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.
                                                               and other shareholders;
aforesaid shareholders
                                                               (3) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. is not an “action-in-concert” party with any
                                                               of other shareholders as described by the “Administration Rules of Informational

                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                           Disclosure about Change of Shareholding Statues of PLCs”.
                                           Top 10 holders of shares without trading limited conditions
                                                                        Amount of unconditional                Category of shares
                        Name of the shareholder
                                                                       shares held at end of period Category of shares         Amount
                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
Shanwan Hongyuan Securities (HK) Co.,Ltd.                                                   4,901,766                                     4,901,766
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX                                                           Foreign shares placed
                                                                                            4,722,804                                     4,722,804
FUND                                                                                                    in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
NORGES BANK                                                                                 4,303,675                                     4,303,675
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND                                               3,454,046                                     3,454,046
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                                   2,885,894                                     2,885,894
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
CHINA INT'L CAPITAL CORP HONG KONG SECURITIES LTD                                           2,425,960                                     2,425,960
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF                                                      2,382,800                                     2,382,800
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
China Merchants Secutities(HK)Co., Ltd.                                                     2,304,255                                     2,304,255
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
Xia Zulin                                                                                   2,100,000                                     2,100,000
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange

                                                                                                        Foreign shares placed
CREDIT SUISSE AG HONG KONG BRANCH                                                           1,729,759                                     1,729,759
                                                                                                        in domestic exchange
                                                                          1)It is unknown to the Company if there is any relationship among the top

Explanation on associated relationship or consistent action among the     10 common share holders without restriction;

top 10 shareholders of non-restricted negotiable shares and that          (2) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group Co., Ltd. is not an action-in-concert”

between the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted negotiable shares and party with any of other shareholders as described by the “Administration

top 10 shareholders                                                       Rules of Informational Disclosure about Change of Shareholding Statues of


Notes to the shareholders involved in financing securities (if any)(See
                                                                          Not applicable
Notes 4)
       Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
       buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.
       The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
       have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

       IV. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

       Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period

                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period.
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.

                                 VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

The Company had no preferred shares in the reporting period

                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

         VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

         I. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                Amount of        Amount of                                          Number of         Number of
                                                                                                               Number of
                                                  Shares          shares           shares       Shares                              restricted         restricted
                                                                                                             restricted stock
                                         Office held at the increased at decreased at held at the                                  stock granted stock granted
  Name                 Position                                                                              granted at the
                                         status year-begin the reporting the reporting year-endin                                     at the             at the
                                                                                                             year-begin    .
                                                  (share)       period(share period(share g(share)                                 reporting       year-ending(sh
                                                                     )                )                                            period(share)          are)

Zhen Bin Chairman                                           0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0

Yan                                      In
            Vice Chairman                                   0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Jinhua                                   office

Yang                                     In
            Vice Chairman                                   0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Yongming                                 office

Nie                                      In
            Director                                        0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Zhonghai                                 office

Ye Zhong Director                                           0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0

Wang        Director, secretary of the   In
                                                            0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Gang        board

Kong        Director, Vice GM, Chief     In
                                                            0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Jianqiang engineer

Gu                                       In
               Independent Director                         0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Xinjian                                  office

Ma                                       In
               Independent Director                         0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Lihong                                   office

ZhangXia                                 In
               Independent Director                         0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
 oyan                                    office

Chen                                     In
               Independent Director                         0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
Danhong                                  office

                    Chairman of the      In
Li Shijie                                                   0               0               0            0                     0                 0                  0
              Supervisory Committee      office

Wang                                     In
            Supervisor                                70,076             7,100              0    77,176                        0                 0                  0

Liu                                      In
            Supervisor                                15,400             1,200              0    16,600                        0                 0                  0

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Lu Jianhua Employee Supervisor                             0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Fang Yin    Employee Supervisor                            0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Zhang                                    In
            Vice GM                                    66,924              0             0     66,924                   0                0            0

Pu                                       In
            Vice GM, Chif Accountant                       0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Li                                       In
            Vice GM                                        0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Wang                                     In
            Vice GM                                        0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Liu                                      Dimiss
            Director                                       0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Zhang                                    Dimiss
            Supervisor                                     0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

            Vice GM, secretary of the    Dimiss
Changqua                                                   0               0             0         0                    0                0            0

Total                    --                   --      152,400           8,300            0    160,700                   0                0            0

         II. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

         Name                    Positions                      Types                  Date                              Reason

                                                                                                        Due to the legal retirement age, apply
    Liu Guoqiang    Director                            Dimission          June 8,2017
                                                                                                        for resignation of director.
                                                                                                        Due to the legal retirement age, apply
                                                                                                        for   resignation   of    Vice   General
    Yu Changquan    Vice GM, secretary of the board     Dimission          June 8,2017                  Manager and secretary of the board

                                                                                                        Due to the legal retirement age, apply
    Zhang Yougen    Supervisor                          Dimission          June 8,2017
                                                                                                        for resignation of Supervisor.

                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                           IX. Corporate Bond
Whether the company has corporate bonds that have been publicly issued and listed on the stock exchange, and
 not yet due or due but not folly cashed on the approval date of annual report


                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                          X. Financial Report

   I. Auditors’ Report
   The Semi-annual Financial Report is not audited.

   II. The Financial Statements
   All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB.

   1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
   Prepared by: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd

                                                              June 30,2017
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                    Items                                        At the end of term           Beginning of term
                               Current asset:
                               Monetary fund                                              1,055,809,378.48            895,037,559.34
                            Settlement provision
Outgoing call loan
  Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into
current income account
     Derivative financial assets
 Bill receivable                                                                            696,089,138.40            479,716,321.62
 Account receivable                                                                       1,812,297,540.52          1,870,173,348.32
  Prepayments                                                                               449,234,213.67            202,184,858.83
 Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivable
Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable
  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable                                                                          6,900,000.00
 Other account receivable                                                                    20,732,713.40             31,024,707.72
 Repurchasing of financial assets
 Inventories                                                                              2,052,667,695.99          1,901,544,358.26
  Assets held for sales
  Non-current asset due in 1 year
  Other current asset                                                                       773,074,562.65            863,018,479.59
Total of current assets                                                                   6,866,805,243.11          6,242,699,633.68
Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed

  Disposable financial asset                                                              3,010,113,616.40          3,060,865,862.60
  Expired investment in possess
 Long-term receivable
 Long term share equity investment
 Property investment

                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

  Fixed assets                                                                               601,473,873.27             615,922,109.91

  Construction in progress                                                                   156,071,663.76             153,743,889.41
Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
 Intangible assets                                                                           294,379,424.68             297,405,434.08
 R & D petrol
Long-germ expenses to be amortized                                                              1,298,386.93              1,430,968.81
Deferred income tax asset                                                                    181,540,697.65             178,831,809.85
 Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                                                                 4,244,877,662.69          4,308,200,074.66
Total of assets                                                                            11,111,682,905.80         10,550,899,708.34
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                                                                           197,700,000.00             173,000,000.00
 Loan from Central Bank
 Deposit received and hold for others
 Call loan received
Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations accounted into
current income account
     Derivative financial liabilities
  Bill payable                                                                                151,467,745.11            143,007,715.10
  Account payable                                                                           1,098,063,222.70            853,452,589.51
 Advance payment                                                                            2,197,267,051.95          1,827,959,793.62
 Selling of repurchased financial assets
Fees and commissions receivable
 Employees’ wage payable                                                                      61,066,908.72             71,224,634.03
 Tax payable                                                                                   30,489,787.90             90,239,673.16
 Interest payable                                                                                                           134,376.32
 Dividend payable
  Other account payable                                                                        29,028,860.33             30,820,980.80
 Reinsurance fee payable
 Insurance contract provision
 Entrusted trading of securities
Entrusted selling of securities
  Liabilities held for sales
Non-current liability due in 1 year                                                            18,300,000.00             18,500,000.00
Other current liability
Total of current liability                                                                  3,783,383,576.71          3,208,339,762.54
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan                                                                                4,900,000.00              4,900,000.00
 Bond payable
  Including:preferred stock
  Sustainable debt
  Long-term payable                                                                          208,330,000.00             208,357,733.33

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Long-term payable employees’s remuneration
 Special payable
 Expected liabilities
     Deferred income                                                                         7,230,895.00                5,422,895.00
      Deferred income tax liability                                                        374,927,562.79              378,256,646.95
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                                              595,388,457.79              596,937,275.28
Total of liability                                                                       4,378,772,034.50            3,805,277,037.82

Owners’ equity
  Share capital                                                                            754,010,400.00              754,010,400.00
Other equity instrument
  Including:preferred stock
  Sustainable debt
 Capital reserves                                                                          139,590,345.09              139,590,345.09
  Less:Shares in stock
Other comprehensive income                                                               2,118,804,200.50            2,137,419,299.84
Special reserves                                                                            27,410,792.30               27,546,353.37
  Surplus reserves                                                                         621,112,807.78              621,112,807.78
 Common risk provision
Undistributed profit                                                                     2,749,662,841.53            2,705,667,037.15
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company                                    6,410,591,387.20            6,385,346,243.23
Minority shareholders’ equity                                                             322,319,484.10              360,276,427.29
Total of owners’ equity                                                                 6,732,910,871.30            6,745,622,670.52
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                                                 11,111,682,905.80          10,550,899,708.34

   Legal Representative: Zheng Bin         Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo     Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                           In RMB
                    Items                 At the end of term                      Beginning of term
Current asset:
Monetary fund                                            509,852,012.62                         293,454,126.93
Financial assets measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current
income account
Derivative financial assets
 Bill receivable                                         432,739,001.55                         269,527,716.22
 Account receivable                                    1,303,750,154.04                        1,424,950,696.58
  Prepayments                                            336,165,228.69                         115,383,408.34
  Interest receivable
  Dividend receivable                                          6,900,000.00
Other account receivable                                       6,716,918.20                       68,004,706.24
  Inventories                                          1,613,252,066.78                        1,446,652,799.71
Assets held for sales
  Non-current asset due in 1 year
Other current asset                                      520,521,180.25                         600,000,000.00
Total of current assets                                4,729,896,562.13                        4,217,973,454.02
Non-current assets:
  Disposable financial asset                           2,969,353,926.82                        3,020,106,173.02
Expired investment in possess
 Long-term receivable
 Long term share equity investment                       502,919,378.03                         502,919,378.03
 Property investment
  Fixed assets                                           294,792,259.17                         315,900,380.66
  Construction in progress                                 97,239,204.16                          94,170,909.99
Engineering material
  Fixed asset disposal
  Production physical assets
 Gas & petrol
Intangible assets                                        172,814,800.34                         173,826,293.57
 R & D petrol
Long-germ expenses to be amortized                              507,773.78                            507,773.78
Deferred income tax asset                                138,358,890.73                         133,581,773.70
 Other non-current asset
Total of non-current assets                            4,175,986,233.03                        4,241,012,682.75
Total of assets                                        8,905,882,795.16                        8,458,986,136.77
Current liabilities

                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

  Short-term loans                             100,000,000.00                        100,000,000.00
Financial liabilities measured at fair
value with variations accounted into
current income account
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Bill payable
  Account payable                              695,002,224.56                        486,810,046.42
 Advance payment                             1,730,607,672.72                       1,476,780,338.78
 Employees’ wage payable                       36,149,617.16                         44,035,408.19
 Tax payable                                    13,893,568.58                         64,247,326.24
 Interest payable
 Dividend payable

   Other account payable                        13,499,400.95                         21,562,998.72
Classified as held for sale debt
      Non-current liability due in 1 year
Other current liability
Total of current liability                   2,589,152,483.97                       2,193,436,118.35
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan
 Bond payable
  Including:preferred stock
  Sustainable debt

   Long-term payable
Long-term payable to employees
  Special payable
 Expected liabilities
Deferred income                                   400,000.00
Deferred income tax liability                  374,927,562.79                        378,256,646.95
  Other non-current liabilities
Total of Non-current liabilities               375,327,562.79                        378,256,646.95
Total of liability                           2,964,480,046.76                       2,571,692,765.30
Owners’ equity
        Share capital                          754,010,400.00                        754,010,400.00
      Other equity instrument
  Including:preferred stock
  Sustainable debt
 Capital reserves                              138,953,250.09                        138,953,250.09
  Less:Shares in stock
Other comprehensive income                   2,118,935,346.56                       2,137,800,156.80
Special reserves                                10,848,700.83                         10,874,033.85
Surplus reserves                               602,356,402.65                        602,356,402.65
Undistributed profit                         2,316,298,648.27                       2,243,299,128.08

                                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    Total of owners’ equity                                              5,941,402,748.40                               5,887,293,371.47
    Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                              8,905,882,795.16                               8,458,986,136.77

   Legal Representative: Zheng Bin             Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo       Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

   3.Consolidated Income statement

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                   Items                                      Report period               Same period of the previous year
I. Income from the key business                                                      1,663,724,702.26                    1,367,423,771.88
Incl:Business income                                                                1,663,724,702.26                    1,367,423,771.88
     Interest income
 Insurance fee earned
Fee and commission received
II. Total business cost                                                              1,690,731,044.09                    1,416,467,334.78
Incl:Business cost                                                                  1,192,385,051.48                      850,937,906.04
      Interest expense
 Fee and commission paid
    Insurance discharge payment
  Net claim amount paid
Insurance policy dividend paid
Insurance policy dividend paid
  Reinsurance expenses
     Business tax and surcharge                                                        18,736,550.58                         8,423,250.87
     Sales expense                                                                     81,874,015.85                        75,867,593.98
 Administrative expense                                                               354,411,777.81                       355,106,918.55
    Financial expenses                                                                   7,945,244.29                          512,029.17
 Asset impairment loss                                                                 35,378,404.08                       125,619,636.17
 Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss)
  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                                     88,988,506.53                        15,045,334.62
 Incl: investment gains from affiliates
Gains from currency exchange(“-”for loss)
            Other income
III. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                                               61,982,164.70                       -33,998,228.28
     Add :Non-operational income                                                        4,554,849.88                        6,844,762.02
  Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets                                      196,910.10                         17,299.04
  Less:Non business expenses                                                                279,791.13                      1,957,694.65
Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                                16,356.68                        181,198.86
IV.Total   profit(“-”for loss)                                                       66,257,223.45                       -29,111,160.91
Less:Income tax expenses                                                                6,528,367.57                       -2,833,931.34
V. Net profit                                                                          59,728,855.88                       -26,277,229.57
Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company                                43,995,804.38                       -31,252,238.19
Minority shareholders’ equity                                                         15,733,051.50                         4,975,008.62
VI. Other comprehensive income                                                         -18,278,353.57                          881,469.91
Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributable to owner                      -18,615,099.34                          375,326.36

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

s of the parent company.
(I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be
reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting period
1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes in net debt
 or net assets
2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee
can not be reclassified into profit or loss.
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit o                  -18,615,099.34                          375,326.36
r loss.
1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee
can be reclassified into profit or loss.
2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available for sale fi
nancial assets
3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and losses of
available for sale financial assets
4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses
5.Translation differences in currency financial statements                                249,710.90                        375,326.36

Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributable to Minor                         336,745.77                        506,143.55
ity shareholders’ equity
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                     41,450,502.31                       -25,395,759.66
Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the
                                                                                    25,380,705.04                       -30,876,911.83
parent company
 Total comprehensive income attributable minority shareholders                      16,069,797.27                         5,481,152.17
VIII. Earnings per share
(I)Basic earnings per share                                                                   0.06                              -0.04
 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                                 0.06                              -0.04

   Legal Representative: Zheng Bin          Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo       Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

   4. Income statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                Items                                      Report period               Same period of the previous year
I. Income from the key business                                                   1,116,145,080.61                      873,700,389.36
  Incl:Business cost                                                              848,982,146.60                       546,117,341.96
Business tax and surcharge                                                            8,356,402.38                        4,800,667.41
     Sales expense                                                                  49,356,881.16                        47,863,806.18
 Administrative expense                                                            250,148,727.95                       229,290,837.78
    Financial expenses                                                                6,147,008.61                       -1,442,851.52
 Asset impairment loss                                                              27,643,907.83                       112,015,979.74
  Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss)
  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                                                 141,313,652.53                        78,813,819.71
  Incl: investment gains from affiliates

   Other income
II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                                             66,823,658.61                        13,868,427.52

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     Add :Non-operational income                                                     1,412,613.95                      17,813.04
  Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets                                                                 17,299.04
  Less:Non business expenses                                                             13,869.40                    755,697.76
Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current assets                                             1,824.00                     10,000.00
III.Total profit(“-”for loss)                                                     68,222,403.16                   13,130,542.80
 Less:Income tax expenses                                                           -4,777,117.03                  -9,434,020.27
IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss)                                                 72,999,520.19                   22,564,563.07
V.Net of profit of other comprehensive income                                       -18,864,810.24
  (I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be
reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting period
1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes in net debt
 or net assets
2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee
can not be reclassified into profit or loss.
(                           II                                )
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit o                  -18,864,810.24
r loss.
1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee
can be reclassified into profit or loss.
2.Gains and losses from changes in fair value available for sale fi
nancial assets                                                                      -18,864,810.24

3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassified to gains and losses of
available for sale financial assets
4.The effective portion of cash flow hedges and losses

5.Translation differences in currency financial statements
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                      54,134,709.95                   22,564,563.07
VII. Earnings per share:
(I)Basic earnings per share                                                                  0.10                          0.03
 (II)Diluted earnings per share                                                                0.10                          0.03

   Legal Representative: Zheng Bin          Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo      Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement

                                                                                                             In RMB
                       Items                         Report period                  Same period of the previous year
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or rending of
services                                                      1,555,387,534.42                          1,473,696,926.54
  Net increase of customer deposits and capital
kept for brother company
Net increase of loans from central bank
Net increase of inter-bank loans from other
financial bodies
Cash received against original insurance contract

Net cash received from reinsurance business

Net increase of client deposit and investment

Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
Cash received as interest, processing fee and
Net increase of inter-bank fund received

Net increase of repurchasing business

   Tax returned                                                  12,410,348.67                               3,966,504.78
Other cash received from business operation                          8,010,282.03                            6,687,244.05
   Sub-total of cash inflow                                   1,575,808,165.12                          1,484,350,675.37
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
services                                                        981,236,472.17                            734,853,982.91

Net increase of client trade and advance
Net increase of savings n central bank and brother
Cash paid for original contract claim
 Cash paid for interest, processing fee and
 Cash paid for policy dividend

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                          364,610,619.54                            359,098,202.15
 Taxes paid                                                     161,287,307.24                             96,854,083.68
Other cash paid for business activities                          78,984,121.75                             78,845,353.68
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities        1,586,118,520.7                               1,269,651,622.42
Cash flow generated by business operation, net             -10,310,355.58                                 214,699,052.95
II.Cash flow generated by investing

                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Cash received from investment retrieving                     48,558,351.80
Cash received as investment gains                            82,088,506.53                          15,045,334.62
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term assets                   411,254.18                              16,900.00
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Other investment-related cash received                     1,819,767,338.00                        812,150,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment
activities                                                 1,950,825,450.51                        827,212,234.62
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,
    intangible assets and other long-term assets             43,584,080.28                          48,665,372.66

Cash paid as investment                                      20,000,000.00
Net increase of loan against pledge
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
Other cash paid for investment activities                  1,729,150,000.00                        938,850,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
activities                                                 1,792,734,080.28                        987,515,372.66

Net cash flow generated by investment                       158,091,370.23                        -160,303,138.04
III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment                                                                            706,350.00
Incl: Cash received as investment from minor
Cash received as loans                                       84,700,000.00                          69,000,000.00
Cash received from bond placing

Other financing –related ash received

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities           84,700,000.00                          69,706,350.00
Cash to repay debts                                          60,200,000.00                          73,200,000.00
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                  40,718,824.40                          38,336,434.28
Incl: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to
minor shareholders
Other cash paid for financing activities                     12,824,456.40
Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing
activities                                                  113,743,280.80                         111,536,434.28

Net cash flow generated by financing                         -29,043,280.80                        -41,830,084.28
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash
and cash equivalents                                          -3,125,917.43                          4,197,480.42

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents             115,611,816.42                              16,763,311.05
Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of term                                           895,037,559.34                         751,596,796.24
VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
end of term                                           1,010,649,375.76                             768,360,107.29

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin   Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo   Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                  In RMB
                        Items                        Amount in this period             Amount in last period
I.Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from sales of goods or rending of
services                                                       1,049,529,364.15                         956,195,266.24

 Tax returned                                                                                                  359,071.25
Other cash received from business operation                        2,093,123.85                           4,624,232.32
Sub-total of cash inflow                                       1,051,622,488.00                         961,178,569.81
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and
services                                                         734,953,285.93                         421,216,904.08

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                           253,543,483.95                         252,191,310.76
Taxes paid                                                        94,956,342.26                          30,208,059.26
Other cash paid for business activities                           27,015,518.68                          21,407,844.59
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities       1,110,468,630.82                               725,024,118.69
Cash flow generated by business operation, net             -58,846,142.82                               236,154,451.12
II.Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment retrieving                          48,558,351.80
Cash received as investment gains                                134,413,652.53                          78,813,819.71
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term assets                                                                   16,900.00

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
Other investment-related cash received                         1,145,943,056.16                         383,150,000.00
 Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment
activities                                                     1,328,915,060.49                         461,980,719.71

Cash paid for construction of fixed assets,
    intangible assets and other long-term assets                  24,023,500.62                          33,856,128.76

     Cash paid as investment                                      20,000,000.00
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
Other cash paid for investment activities                      1,005,000,000.00                         643,150,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment
activities                                                     1,049,023,500.62                         677,006,128.76

Net cash flow generated by investment                            279,891,559.87                        -215,025,409.05
III.Cash flow generated by financing
  Cash received as investment
     Cash received as loans
 Cash received from bond placing
Other financing –related ash received
 Sub-total of cash inflow from financing
  Cash to repay debts                                              1,693,611.11                           1,702,916.67
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests
Other cash paid for financing activities
 Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing
activities                                                         1,693,611.11                           1,702,916.67

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Net cash flow generated by financing                                 -1,693,611.11                          -1,702,916.67
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash
and cash equivalents                                                 -3,383,920.25                           2,534,574.35

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                         215,967,885.69                          21,960,699.75
Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of term                                                   293,454,126.93                         387,916,202.79

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
end of term                                                         509,422,012.62                         409,876,902.54

Legal Representative: Zheng Bin        Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo   Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

                                                                                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

           7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity
           Amount in this period
                                                                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                                                       Amount in this period
                                                                                   Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                       Other Equity
                                                        instrument                       Less
                                                                                           :                                                            Comm                             Minor
               Items                                   pref                                          Other                                                                                                  Total of owners’
                                                                                         Shar                          Specialized                      on risk                       shareholders’
                                      Share Capital    erre   Sust Ot   Capital reserves         Comprehensive                         Surplus reserves         Attributable profit                              equity
                                                                                         es in                           reserve                        provisi                          equity
                                                         d    aina he                               Income
                                                                                         stoc                                                             on
                                                       stoc   ble r                        k
                                                         k    debt
I.Balance at the end of last year     754,010,400.00                     139,590,345.09           2,137,419,299.84     27,546,353.37     621,112,807.78            2,705,667,037.15   360,276,427.29         6,745,622,670.52
Add: Change of accounting policy
Correcting of previous errors
Merger of entities under common
II.Balance at the beginning of
                                      754,010,400.00                     139,590,345.09           2,137,419,299.84     27,546,353.37     621,112,807.78            2,705,667,037.15   360,276,427.29         6,745,622,670.52
current year
III.Changed in the current year                                                                     -18,615,099.34       -135,561.07                                  43,995,804.38   -37,956,943.19           -12,711,799.22
(1)Total comprehensive income                                                                     -18,615,099.34                                                    43,995,804.38    16,069,797.27            41,450,502.31
(II)Investment or decreasing of
                                                                                                                                                                                      -19,800,000.00           -19,800,000.00
capital by owners
1.Ordinary Shares invested by S
2 . Holders of other equity instru
ments invested capital
3.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity
(III)Profit allotment                                                                                                                                                               -34,303,448.90           -34,303,448.90
1.Providing of surplus reserves
 2.Providing of common risk
                                                                                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

3.Allotment to the owners (or
                                                                                                                                                                                  -34,303,448.90           -34,303,448.90
(IV) Internal transferring of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves
(or to capital shares)
3.Making up losses by surplus
4. Other
(V). Special reserves                                                                                                -135,561.07                                                        76,708.44              -58,852.63
1. Provided this year                                                                                                 537,862.83                                                       220,142.02              758,004.85
2.Used this term                                                                                                     673,423.90                                                       143,433.58              816,857.48
IV. Balance at the end of this term   754,010,400.00                   139,590,345.09         2,118,804,200.50     27,410,792.30     621,112,807.78            2,749,662,841.53   322,319,484.10         6,732,910,871.30

             Amount in last year

                                                                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                                                                     Amount in last year
                                                                                Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                                                        Other Equity
                                                                                         Less:                                                      Comm                             Minor
                Items                                  pref                                         Other                                                                                               Total of owners’
                                                                                         Shares                    Specialized                      on risk                       shareholders’
                                       Share Capital   erre       Ot    Capital reserves        Comprehensiv                       Surplus reserves         Attributable profit                              equity
                                                                                           in                        reserve                        provisi                          equity
                                                         d Sustai he                     stock
                                                                                                  e Income
                                                       stoc nable r
I.Balance at the end of last year     754,010,400.00                    139,590,345.09            -852,752.00 31,764,920.51 621,112,807.78                   2,673,711,591.42 369,799,705.35 4,589,137,018.15

Add: Change of accounting policy
Correcting of previous errors

                                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Merger of entities under common
II.Balance at the beginning of
                               754,010,400.00   139,590,345.09   -852,752.00 31,764,920.51 621,112,807.78        2,673,711,591.42 369,799,705.35 4,589,137,018.15
current year
III.Changed in the current year                                  375,326.36   -179,698.16                          -31,252,238.19 -28,601,193.39       -59,657,803.38
(1)Total comprehensive income                                  375,326.36                                        -31,252,238.19     5,481,152.16     -25,395,759.67
(II)Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners
1.Ordinary Shares invested by She
2.Holders of other equity instrume
nts invested capital
3.Allotment to the owners (or
(III)Profit allotment                                                                                                             -34,421,187.50     -34,421,187.50
1.Providing of surplus reserves
 2.Providing    of      common    risk
3.Allotment to the owners (or
                                                                                                                                    -34,421,187.50     -34,421,187.50
(IV) Internal transferring of owners’
1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)
2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves
(or to capital shares)
3.Making up losses by surplus
4. Other
(V). Special reserves                                                         -179,698.16                                               338,841.95         159,143.79

                                                                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

1. Provided this year                                                                                      1,168,964.22                                                 570,903.32     1,739,867.54
2.Used this term                                                                                          1,348,662.38                                                 232,061.37     1,580,723.75
IV. Balance at the end of this term   754,010,400.00                  139,590,345.09         -477,425.64 31,585,222.35 621,112,807.78            2,642,459,353.23 341,198,511.96 4,529,479,214.77

           Legal Representative: Zheng Bin     Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo   Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiamao

                                                                                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

            8.Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

            Amount in this period
                                                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                                                  Amount in this period

                                                           Other Equity instrument                      Less:
                Items                                                                                   Shares                                          Common risk                             Total of owners’
                                        Share Capital                                Capital reserves             Comprehensive      Surplus reserves                    Attributable profit
                                                        preferred                                         in                                             provision                                   equity
                                                                  Sustaina   Other
                                                          stock                                                       Income
                                                                  ble debt                              stock

I.Balance at the end of last year      754,010,400.00                                138,953,250.09              2,137,800,156.80     10,874,033.85 602,356,402.65       2,243,299,128.08 5,887,293,371.47

Add: Change of accounting policy

Correcting of previous errors


II.Balance at the beginning of
                                       754,010,400.00                                138,953,250.09              2,137,800,156.80     10,874,033.85 602,356,402.65       2,243,299,128.08 5,887,293,371.47
current year

III.Changed in the current year                                                                                    -18,864,810.24         -25,333.02                          72,999,520.19         54,109,376.93

(I)Total comprehensive income                                                                                    -18,864,810.24                                             72,999,520.19         54,134,709.95

(II) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners

1 . Ordinary Shares invested by sha

2.Holders of other equity instrume
nts invested capital

3.Amount of shares paid and

                                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

accounted as owners’ equity


(III)Profit allotment

1.Providing of surplus reserves

2.Allotment to the owners (or


(IV) Internal transferring of owners’

1. Capitalizing of capital reserves
(or to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of surplus reserves
(or to capital shares)

3.Making up losses by surplus

4. Other

(V). Special reserves                                                                                  -25,333.02                                           -25,333.02

1. Provided this year                                                                                  299,375.65                                           299,375.65

2.Used this term                                                                                      324,708.67                                           324,708.67


IV. Balance at the end of this term      754,010,400.00   138,953,250.09   2,118,935,346.56         10,848,700.83 602,356,402.65     2,316,298,648.27 5,941,402,748.40

            Amount in last year
                                                                                                                        In RMB

                 Items                                                     Amount in last year

                                                                                                                              Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                           Other Equity instrument                                  Other
                                                                                                                    Compre                       Common risk                         Total of owners’
                                     Share Capital                                   Capital reserves   Shares in             Surplus reserves                 Attributable profit
                                                      preferre                                                      hensive                       provision                                equity
                                                               Sustainable Other
                                                      d stock                                            stock
                                                               debt                                                 Income

I.Balance at the end of last year    754,010,400.00                                  138,953,250.09                            13,098,989.67 602,356,402.65 2,201,224,089.10 3,709,643,131.51

Add: Change of accounting

Correcting of previous errors


II.Balance at the beginning of
                                     754,010,400.00                                  138,953,250.09                            13,098,989.67 602,356,402.65 2,201,224,089.10 3,709,643,131.51
current year

III.Changed in the current year                                                                                                                                   22,564,563.07        22,564,563.07

(I)Total comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                  22,564,563.07        22,564,563.07

(II) Investment or decreasing of
capital by owners

1.Ordinary Shares invested by

2 . Holders of other equity instr
uments invested capital

3.Amount of shares paid and
accounted as owners’ equity


(III)Profit allotment

1.Providing of surplus reserves

                                                                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2.Allotment to the owners (or


(IV)Internal transferring of
owners’ equity

 1. Capitalizing of capital
reserves (or to capital shares)

 2. Capitalizing of surplus
reserves (or to capital shares)

 3.Making up losses by surplus

4. Other

(V) Special reserves

1. Provided this year                                                                                                            549,654.39                                           549,654.39

2.Used this term                                                                                                                549,654.39                                           549,654.39


IV. Balance at the end of this
                                  754,010,400.00                                        138,953,250.09                       13,098,989.67 602,356,402.65 2,223,788,652.17 3,732,207,694.58

       Legal Representative: Zheng Bin    Person in charge of accounting:Pu Yangshuo       Accounting Dept Leader: Zhao Jiama

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

III.Company Profile
      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (the Company) was incorporated as a joint stock limited company
exclusively promoted by Hangzhou Steam Turbine & Power Group Company Limited (“HSTG”) approved by the
Securities Regulatory Commission of the State Council with the Document SRC [1998] No. 8 by offering
domestically listed foreign currency ordinary shares (B Shares), with registration date: April 23, 1998,
Headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The company now holds a unified social credit code for the
913300007042026204 business license, The Company’s registered capital is increased to RMB754.0104 million
with total capital share of 754.0104 million shares (face value RMB1.00). Among which state-owned legal person
shares were 479.8248 million shares and 274.1856 million shares of current B shares. The shares were issued and
listed for trading in Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 28, 1998.
The scope of main businesses of the Company: The design, manufacturing, and service of steam turbine, gas
turbine, other rotating and reciprocate machinery and auxiliary equipment, and spare parts and components.
Wholesale, import & export, and service of packaged equipment in electric power supply, industrial driving, and
industrial turbine, Energy Conservation and environmental protection project general contracting.
24 subsidiaries including Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technologies Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam
Turbine Power Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary Co., Ltd.,
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Co., Ltd., and
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industry Co., Ltd., were consolidated to the Financial Statements. For details of
changing consolidation range and equity position please go to the Notes to the Financial Statements.

IV. Basis of compiling the finance report

(1) Basis of compiling
The Company adopts perpetual operation as the basis of financial statements.

(II) Assessment on perpetuation
No issue or situation, in 12 months since the end of report period, composes major doubt on the perpetuation
assumption of the Company.
V. Principal Accounting Policies and Estimations
Principal Accounting Policies and Estimations
Important prompt: The Company utilized detailed accounting polices and estimations on providing of bad debt
provisions, fixed asset depreciation, intangible asset amortization, recognition of revenue, and so forth, according
to its business practices.
Important prompt:
1. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard
The finance report produced by the Company is accordance with the Enterprise Accounting Standard, and reflects
the Company’s financial state, business performance and cash flow frankly and completely.
2. Fiscal year
The Company uses the calendar year for its fiscal year. A fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31.

3. Operational period
The Company’s relatively shorter operational period, which is 12 months, and is used as division of liquidity of
assets and liabilities.
4. Standard currency for bookkeeping
The Company uses Renminbi (RMB) as the standard currency for book keeping.

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

5. Accounting treatment of the entities under common control and different control

1. Treatment of entities under common control
Assets and liabilities acquired in merger of entities are measured at book values at the date of merger. The
difference between the net book value of asset and the offered price (or total of face value of shares issued) will be
adjusted into capital reserves; when the capital reserves is not enough to reduce, it will be adjusted into retained
2. Treatment of entities under different control
The difference of takeover cost over the fair value of recognizable net asset of the acquired entity is recognized as
goodwill at the day of takeover; in case the takeover cost is lower than the fair value of recognizable net asset of
the acquired entity, the measuring process over the recognizable asset, liabilities, contingent liabilities, and
takeover cost, shall be repeated, if comes out the same result, the difference shall be recorded into current income

6. Method for preparing the consolidated financial statements

The parent company puts all of its subsidiaries under its control into the consolidated financial statements. The
consolidated financial statements are prepared according to the “Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 33 –
Consolidated Financial Statements”, basing on the accounts of the parent company and the subsidiaries, and after
adjusting the long-term investment equity in the subsidiary on equity basis.

7. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

Cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Company with short term, strong liquidity and lower risk of
value fluctuation that is easy to be converted into cash of known amount.

8. Foreign currency trade and translation of foreign currencies

1. Translation of foreign currency
Foreign currency trades are translated into RMB at the rate of the day when the trades are made. Those balances
of foreign currencies and monetary items in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rate of the balance
sheet date. Exchange differences, other than special loans satisfying the conditions of capitalization, are accounted
into current income account. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on historical cost are translated at the
rate of the trade day. Non-monetary items in foreign currencies and on fair value are translated at the rate of the
day when the fair value is recognized, where the differences are accounted as gain/loss from change of fair value.
2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
Asset and liability items in the balance sheet are translated basing on the exchange rate of the balance sheet date;
Owners’ equities other than Retained Profit are translated at the exchange rate of the date when the trade
happened. Income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the similar rate of the date when the
trade happened. Differences generated by the above translating of foreign currencies are demonstrated separately
under the owners’ equity in the balance sheet.

9. Financial instruments

1. Type of finance asset and finance debt Finance assets fall into four categories at initial recognition: financial
asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss
accounts(including transactional finance asset and financial asset appointed to be measured at fair value with their
changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), transactional financial assets, debt and account receivable,
finance asset saleable.
 Finance debts fall into two types at initial recognition: financial debt appointed to be measured at fair value with
their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts(including transactional finance debt and financial debt
                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts), other
finance debt.
2. Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset and finance debt When the Company is one part of the
finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized. When on recognizing initially finance asset or
debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with
their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the related transaction expenses are directly accounted
into current gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the related transaction expenses accounted into the
initial recognition account. The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future
possible transaction fee but with exception: (1) Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by
actual interest rate according to the amortized costs. (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in
active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected
with the equity instrument and which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by cost.
2. Basis of recognition and accounting of finance asset and finance debt When the Company is one part of the
finance instrument contract, one finance asset or debt is recognized. When on recognizing initially finance asset or
debt, it is measured by fair value, for the finance asset or debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with
their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, the related transaction expenses are directly accounted
into current gain and loss; for other finance asset and debt, the related transaction expenses accounted into the
initial recognition account. The Company future measures finance asset by fair value without deducting future
possible transaction fee but with exception: (1) Due investment, debt and account receivable are measured by
actual interest rate according to the amortized costs. (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in
active market and which fair value can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected
with the equity instrument and which are summarized through the equity instrument, are measured by cost.
The Company conduct successive measure of finance debt according to amortized cost by actual interest rate with
exception as following: (1) finance debt which appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are
accounted into current gain/loss accounts, is measured at fir value without deducting possible future transactional
fee at settlement; (2) Equity instrument investment which have no quote in active market and which fair value
can’t be measured reliably, and its derived finance assets which are connected with the equity instrument and
which are closed off through the equity instrument, are measured by cost. (3) finance debt sponsorship contracts
which are not appointed to be measured at fair value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss
accounts, or debt agreements at rate lower than market rate and which are not appointed to be measured at fair
value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts, are measured at the higher value between
the optimal estimated value payable according to current obligations and the surplus value from which the initial
recognition value deduct the accumulated amortized amount according to the actual interest rate.
Gain or loss from fluctuation of financial assets or liabilities are handled at the following ways, except for relating
to hedge instrument.
(1) Gain or loss from fluctuation of fair value of financial assets or liabilities and accounted into current gain/loss
account, are accounted into gain/loss of fluctuation of fair value. Interests or cash dividend received in the period
of holding these assets are recognized as investment gains. When they are disposed, the difference between the
amount actually received and initially booked value is recognized as investment gains, and adjust the gain/loss
from fair value fluctuation.
(2) Fluctuation of fair value of sellable financial assets accounted into capital reserves; interests gained at actual
interest rate are accounting into investment gains; the cash dividend received from sellable instrument investment,
are accounted into investment gains when distributed; At disposal of these investment, the difference between
actual amount received and book value are recognized as investment gains after deducting of accumulated change
of fair value which are originally accounted into capital reserves.
As soon as the contract rights of acquiring the cash flow of particular financial asset have been terminated or
almost all of the risks and rewards attached to the financial asset have been transferred, recognition of the
financial asset is terminated; as soon as the current liabilities attached to the financial liability have been
completely or partially relieved, recognition of the financial liability or part of is terminated.
3. Basis of recognition and accounting of financial asset transferring
The Company stop recognizing the finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are transferred to the
receiver; and continue to recognize the transferred finance asset which risks and remuneration of ownership are
kept, and recognize the value as one finance debt. For the finance assets which risks and remuneration of
                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

ownership are not transferred or kept, the Company recognize them as following: (1) stop recognizing the finance
asset which are given up the control; (2) continue to recognize the finance asset and related finance debt according
to the extend which involved into the transferred finance asset for the finance asset which are not given up control.
The Company measured the surplus between the following two values for the transferred finance assets which
fulfill the stop recognition requirements into current gain or loss: (1) Account value of the transferred finance
asset; (2) Consideration plus the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership
rights. For the transferred finance assets which partly fulfill the stop recognition requirements the Company
amortized the stopped recognition part and the not-stopped recognition part of the account value of the whole
transferred finance asset, and account the surplus between the following two values into current gain or loss: (1)
Account value of the stopped recognition part; (2) consideration plus the corresponding stopped recognition part
of the accumulated fair value changes which were accounted directed into ownership rights.
4. Recognition of fair value of financial assets and liabilities
The Company utilizes evaluation technologies supported by sufficient data and information to recognize the fair
values of financial assets and liabilities. Values inputted to the evaluation technology are divided into following
levels and used in sequence:
(1) Level 1 input: unadjusted quotations obtained from an active market of the similar asset or liability at the date
of measurement;
(2) Level 2 input: values of the asset or liability observable, directly or indirectly, other than level 1 input,
including: quotation of similar asset or liability in an active market; quotation of similar asset or liability in an
non-active market; other observable value other than quotations, i.e. observable interest or gain curves in normal
intervals of quotations.
(3) Level 3 input: non-observable input value of the asset or liability, including interest rates which are not
observable or not testified by observable market data, fluctuation of stock prices, future cash flow of disposal
liabilities undertaken from merger of entities, or financial predictions upon data itself.
5.   Impairment test and impairment reserves plan
(1) The Company conduct impairment test to the finance asset other than which appointed to be measured at fair
value with their changes are accounted into current gain/loss accounts on balance sheet day. Impairment provision
is provided as long as evidence showing that impairment has happened to the financial asset.
(2) In dealing with major financial assets such as investment hold-to-mature, loans, and receivables, the Company
conduct independently impairment test for single finance asset. Impairment tests are conducted with those of the
finance asset composition which have similar credit risk characteristics; for the non impairment assets which are
tested independently, the Company conduct the impairment test with those of the finance asset composition which
have similar credit risk characteristics. The balance of book value over current value of expected future cash flow
is recognized as impairment loss.
(3) Objective evidences of impairment on sellable financial assets 1) Objective evidences supporting the
impairment of investment on sellable liability instruments are: a. Material financial dilemma with the debtor; b.
Violating of the contract by the debtor, e.g. overdue of payment for interests or principal; c. Compromise made to
the debtor who is in financial crisis with consideration of financial or legal factors; d. Possible bankruptcy or
financial restructuring of the debtor; e. The liability instrument is not able to be traded in an active market for the
debtor is in material financial dilemma; f. Other circumstances that are showing that impairment has already
2) Objective evidence showing that impairment has already occurred on sellable equity instruments are:
significant or non-temporary fall of fair value, the invested entities suffers from material negative situations in
aspects of technical, market, economy, or legislation environment. The Company performs tests on investments on
sellable equity instruments individually on the balance sheet day. For investment on equity instruments measured
on fair value, if the fair value on the balance sheet day is lower than the cost by 50% (included), or lower than the
costs for successively 12 months (included), impairment is recognized; If the fair value is lower than the cost by
more than 20% (included), but higher than 50%, or lower than the cost for successively 6 months (included) but
not more than 12 months, the Company will determine if impairment occurred with consideration of other factors,
e.g. fluctuation of prices. For those equity instruments on cost basis, the Company will decided about impairment
with consideration of the invested entities’ situations in aspects of technical, market, economy, or legislation
                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

When impairment occurred with a sellable financial asset, the accumulated losses caused by decreasing of fair
value which have originally been written into owners’ equity shall be carried over to current gain/loss account. If
practical evidence showing that the value of a particular financial asset has recovered in value after a impairment
loss has been recognized and practically related to the issues occurred after recognition of the loss, the impairment
loss recognized shall be restored and accounted into current gain/loss. Impairment loss of sellable equity
investment instrument will be restored to owners’ equity when the fair value has increased afterward. When
impairment occurs on sellable equity instrument on cost basis, the balance between its book value and the current
value of the predictable future cash flow upon current market gain rate, is recognized as impairment loss and
recorded to current gain/loss account. It will not be written back in subsequent years.
When impairment occurred with a sellable financial asset, the accumulated losses caused by decreasing of fair
value which have originally been written into owners’ equity shall be carried over to current gain/loss account. If
practical evidence showing that the value of a particular financial asset has recovered in value after a impairment
loss has been recognized and practically related to the issues occurred after recognition of the loss, the impairment
loss recognized shall be restored and accounted into current gain/loss. Impairment loss of sellable equity
investment instrument will be restored to owners’ equity when the fair value has increased afterward.

10. Receivable accounts

(1) Recognition and providing of bad debt provision on individual receivable account with large amount
Basis of recognition or standard amount of
                                                  Accounts take over 10% of the book balance of receivable accounts
individual account with large amount

                                                  Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be provided at
Basis of bad debt provision
                                                  the difference of expected cash flow lower than the book value.

2.Recognition and providing basis of bad debt reserves for group of receivable accounts with similar

characteristics of credit risks

                    Name      of the Group                                       Basis of bad debt provision

Group by age analysis                                           Age analysis method

Combined range of association                                   Other method

 Bad debt profisions are provided on age analyze basis in the protfolio

                                                                                         Rate of provision on other receivable
                   Age                       Rate of provision on receivable account

Within 1 year)included)                                                        5.00%                                       5.00%

1-2 years                                                                    10.00%                                     10.00%

2-3 years                                                                    30.00%                                     30.00%

3-4 years                                                                    60.00%                                     60.00%

4-5 years                                                                    80.00%                                     80.00%

Over 5 years                                                                 100.00%                                    100.00%

Bad debt provisions are provided on percentage basis in the portfolio

Not applicable

                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bad debt provisions are provided on other basis in the portfolio

Not applicable

(3)Receivable accounts with minor amount but bad debt provisions are provided individually
                                           When there is significant difference between the current value of future cash flow of
Basis of providing bad debt individually
                                           the receivable account and the current value of future cash flow of the group

                                           Impairment test performed individually, bad debt provision will be provided at the
Basis of bad debt provision
                                           difference of expected cash flow lower than the book value.

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
 (1) Inventory classification

Inventories include saleable finished goods or merchandise, product-in-process , consumption material and goods
in manufacturing procedure or working procedure.

(2) Pricing of inventory to be delivered

Pricing basis:
Delivered out materials are accounted by weighted average method, issued out finished products are accounted at
individual price.

(3) Recognition of realizable net value of inventory and providing of inventory impairment provision

At the balance sheet day, inventories are measured at the lower of costs and cashable net values, the individual
difference between the cashable net value and cost are provided as inventory impairment provision. For finished
product, merchandise, saleable material and other saleable merchandise inventory, their cashable net values are
recognized by their estimated sale price in normal operation deducting estimated sale expenses and related taxes;
for material inventory which need processing, it cashable net value are recognized by the estimated sale prices of
its finished products in normal operation deducting the estimated cost, sale expenses and related taxes due to the
end of processing; At the balance sheet day, for inventory item which part has contract price and part has no
contract price, the cashable net value is accounted separately, and recognize the inventory impairment provision
or returnable cash..

(4) Inventory system

Inventory system: perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and packaging materials

1.Low price consumable
Basis of amortizing: one-off
2.Packaging materials
Basis of amortizing: one-off

12. Long-term equity investment
1. Recognition of common control and substantial influence
According to the contract, if the invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy need to be agreed by the
other investing party, the investment is common control investment; if only have participating decision rights in
invested enterprise’s main finance and operation policy but have no own control or common control with other

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

investing part, the investment is investment with substantial influence.
2. Recognition of initial investment costs
(1) For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger under common control, if it is the long-term
equity investment obtained from the corporate merger by paying cash, transferring non-cash asset, bear liability
and issuing equity securities, the share of book value of owner's equity of the merged party on the merger date
shall be taken as the initial investment cost. The asset reserve is adjusted according to the difference between the
initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of paid combined consideration or
issued securities; if the capital is not enough for deduction, the remain earnings are adjusted.
Recognition of “one-off” trade when long-term equity investment is composed by merger of entities under
common control by multiple steps.
Transactions under an “one-off” trade are accounted as a common trade of ownership.
Transactions which are not “one-off” trades are recognized for their initial investment cost basing on the share of
book value of net asset in the consolidated financial statement of the entities acquired. Balance between the initial
investment cost and the book value of the long-term equity investment before merger and the premium paid for
the new shares after merger, is adjusted to capital reserves; when the capital reserve is not enough to offset,
retained profit shall be adjusted thereof.
(2) For the long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises under different control, the initial
investment cost is recognized by the fair value of combined consideration on purchasing day and related expenses.
Long-term equity investment formed by acquisition of entities under different control by trade in multiple stages
are accounted separately in the financial statements and consolidated financial statements.
1) In individual financial account, the sum of book value of original equity investment plus new investment cost is
recognized as the initial investment cost on cost basis.
  2) Recognition of “one-off” trade in consolidated financial statements
Transactions under an “one-off” trade are accounted as a common trade of ownership. Transactions which are not
“one-off” trades are re-measured for their fair value at the day of acquisition. Balance between the fair value and
the book value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted to current investment gains; other gains from equity
on equity basis before the acquisition day are written over to current gains of at the day of acquisition, but not the
gains from re-calculating of changes in net liability or asset by the invested entity.
(3) Formed by means other than entity merger:
Acquired by cash payment – initial investment cost is the actual amount of payment;
Acquired by issuing of equity certificates – initial investment cost is the fair value of equity certificate issued;
Acquired by debtor restructuring – initial cost recognized as according to the Enterprise Accounting Standard
No.12 – Debtor restructuring;
Acquired by trading of non-monetary asset - initial cost recognized as according to the Enterprise Accounting
Standard No.12 – Trade of non-monetary assets;
3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss
Cost basis is adopted in accounting of long-term equity investment in entities under substantial control of the
Company; while equity basis is adopted in accounting of investment in affiliates and joint-ventures.
4. Treatment of disposal of subsidiaries by stages till losing of control power
(1) Individual account
At disposal of equity shares, the balance between book value and actual consideration received is recorded to
current gain/loss account.
When the retained share equity is composing major influence or joint control with other parties on the invested
entity, accounting will be on equity basis;
When none of substantial control, joint control, or major influence on the entity, it will be recognized as sellable
financial asset and accounted on fair value.
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(2) Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements
1) Losing of controlling power on a subsidiary through disposal of equity by multiple trades, and not recognized
as “one-off” trade:
Before losing of control power, the balance of disposal consideration and the share of net asset attributable to the
Company on continued basis since purchasing or merger, is adjusted to capital reserves (capital premium),
whereas if the capital premium is not enough to offset the amount, retained profit will be offset at corresponding
At losing of control power over a former subsidiary, the retained equity shares shall be re-calculated according to
the fair value at the day of losing power. Sum of the consideration obtained from disposal and fair value of the
retained equity shares, less the share of net asset attributable to the Company on continued basis since purchasing
or merger, is accounted into investment gains of the period when the control power is disposed, and goodwill shall
be offset meanwhile. Other gains related to the equities in formal subsidiary shall be written over to current
investment gains at the period when control power was disposed.
2) Losing of controlling power on a subsidiary through disposal of equity by multiple trades, and recognized as
“one-off” trade:
The multiple trades are treated as one trade that causes losing of control power on a subsidiary. However, the
balance between the consideration received from each trade and corresponding share of net asset is recognized as
other gains in the consolidated accounts, and transferred collectively to gain/loss account of the period in which
the control power was lost.
13. Fixed assets
1. Conditions for fixed asset recognition
Fixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods, providing
services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one year of service life. Fixed assets are
recognized at satisfying of great possibility of benefit inflow and costs are accountable.
2. Depreciation

       Categories         Basis of depreciation   Depreciation age (year)       Retain value rate   Annual depreciation ratio

                        Straight average on
Houses & buildings                                20-30                     4                       4.8-3.2

                        Straight average on
Equipment & machinery                             8-15                      4                       12-6.4

Transportation          Straight average on
                                                  4-8                       4                       24-12
equipment               period

                        Straight average on
Office equipment                                  5                         4                       19.2
14. Construction in process
1. Construction in process is recognized on the basis of characteristics: very possible economic benefit flow in,
cost can be measured reliably. Since the date when the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected,
the construction in process is measured by the happened cost Since the date when the construction in process
reaches its useful status as expected.
2. When the construction in process reaches its useful status as expected, it is transferred into fixed asset at actual
cost. If the construction in process has reached useful status but with completion of project settlement process, it is
transferred to fixed asset at the value estimated, and adjustment will happen after completion of project settlement
process but no adjustment on depreciation provided previously.
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15. Loan expenses
1. Capitalizing of loan expenses
Loan expenses occurred in the Company, which can be categorized to purchasing or construction of assets
satisfying the conditions of capitalization, shall be capitalized and accounted into capital costs; while other loan
expenses are recognized as expenses and recorded into current income account.
2. Capitalization period of loan expenses
(1) Capitalization started as soon as all of these conditions are satisfied: 1) Capital expenditures have occurred; 2)
Loan expenses have occurred; 3) Necessary purchasing or construction processes have been started to make the
asset usable or sellable.
(2) If irregular interruption occurred in the purchasing or construction process of the assets satisfying the
capitalizing conditions, and suspended for over successive three months, capitalizing of loan expenses is
suspended; loan expenses occurred during the suspension period are recognized as current expenses until the
purchasing or construction process resumes.
(3) Capitalizing of loan expenses is terminated as soon as the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions reaches
the state of usable or sellable as expected.
3. Rates and amounts of loan expense capitalization
Special loans raised for purchasing or construction of assets satisfying the conditions of capitalization, interest to
be capitalized will be the actual interest expenses occurred in the current period of loan (including the discount,
premium, or amortizing decided on actual interest rate basis), less the interest income from the unused loans in
bank account or provisional investment gains; common loans used for purchasing or construction of assets
satisfying the conditions of capitalization, the interest to be capitalized will be the weighted average of balance
over special loans multiply capitalization rate of common loans.
16. Intangible assets

(1)Pricing Method, service life and impairment test
1. Intangible assets are land using rights, patents, and non-patent technologies, which are measured at cost basis.
2. For intangible assets with limited useful life, during the use life it is amortized according to the anticipating
implementation method of the economic benefit of the intangible asset systematically and reasonably. If can’t
recognize the anticipating implementation method, the straight basis is deployed.

       Items                                      Amortiing years

               Land using right                         50

        Patent and Special technology                  5-20

                  Software                              5

(2) Accounting policy for internal research and development expenditure
  Expenditures of internal researching projects are accounted into current term gain and loss when happens. The
development period expenditures are recognized as intangible assets when fulfill following conditions: (1) The
intangible asset is completed and technically possible to be used or sold; (2) With intention to complete the
intangible asset for purpose of use or sale; (3) Evidence showing that there are markets or the products produced
with using of the intangible asset, or markets of the intangible asset itself, by which the intangible asset may
produce financial benefits. Intangible assets used inside the Company must be approved for their usable characters.
(4) Developing of the intangible assets are supported by sufficient technical, financial, and other resources, and
the intangible assets can be used or sold. (5) Expenditures occurred in developing of the intangible asset may be
reliably measured.

                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

17. Impairment of partial long-term assets
For those long-term assets such as equity investment, fixed assets measured on cost basis, construction-in-process,
intangible assets with limited service life, their recoverable amount shall be evaluated as soon as there was
evidence indicating impairment at the balance sheet day. For intangible assets such as goodwill from merger or
intangible assets with uncertain service lives, impairment test is performed each year whatever there is evidence
of impairment or not. Impairment test on goodwill is performed on combination of related assets.
When the result of prediction shows that the recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the balance shall be
provided impairment provision and accounted into current gain/loss.

18. Long-term amortizable expenses
Long-term amortizable expenses which have been paid but with amortizing period over 1 year (not included).
Long-term amortizable expenses are recorded at actual amount occurred, and straight amortized to stipulated
periods. In case a long-term expense was not benefiting the succeeding periods, then the balance of the account
shall be transferred over to current income account.

19. Employees’ wage
1. Accounting of short-term wages
In the fiscal period when an employee is providing services, short-term wages actually occurred is recognized as
liability, and recorded into current gain/loss account or cost of related asset.
2.Accounting of stipulated beneficiary plan is on following steps:
1) On basis of expected accumulation of welfare, estimations on population variables and financial variables,
calculating of liabilities from stipulated beneficiary plan, and recognition of the period of related liabilities, are
performed on basis of non-bias and accordance actuary. Meanwhile, discount is performed on the liabilities from
stipulated beneficiary plan to recognize the current value and service cost of the liabilities from the stipulated
beneficiary plan.
2) When there is asset involved in the stipulated beneficiary asset, the deficit or premium from the balance of the
current value of liabilities of stipulated beneficiary plan over their fair values is recognized as its net liability or
net asset. When there is a premium with a stipulated beneficiary plan, the lower one between the premium and the
upper limit of the asset is recognized as the net asset of such stipulated beneficiary asset;
   3) At end of period, employees’ wages from stipulated beneficiary plan are recognized by three parts including
service cost, net interest of net liability or net asset, and recalculated net asset or liability variation. The first two
are recorded into current gain/loss or related asset cost, the third is recorded to other gains, which will not be
written back to gain/loss in successive fiscal periods, but the amount can be transferred with the range of equity.
3. Accounting of dismissing welfare
Welfares for employees who are dismissed, the earlier one of the following is recognized as employee wage
liability, and recorded to current gain /loss:
(1) When the Company cannot, on its own call only, retrieve the dismissing welfare provided by dismissing of
service plan or suggestion;
(2) When the costs or expenses related to restructuring involved in the dismissing welfare are recognized by the
4. Accounting of other long-term employees’ welfares
As of long-term welfares provided to the employees, those which satisfy conditions of the stipulated saving plan
are treated according to related regulations of stipulated saving plan; those which other than the aforesaid, are
treated according to the stipulated beneficiary plan. In viewing of simplifying accounting treatment, employee
wage costs are recognized as service costs, the net amounts of interests of other long-term welfare net liability or
asset, along with recalculated variations of the both are recorded to the related gain/loss or cost of related asset.
                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

20. Expected liabilities
      (1) When it is very much likely to cause economic interests which can be reliably calculated outflow from
the company to fulfill the obligation which is due to giving security outside, contentious matter, quality guarantee
of products, onerous contract and other contingency, the company will regard the obligation as anticipation

     (2) The company will make an initial measurement of anticipation liabilities according to needed expense
of best estimation when fulfilling related obligations and check the book value of anticipation liabilities on the
balance sheet date.

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
1. Recognizing of revenue
(1) Sales of goods
Sales income is recognized when all of these conditions are satisfied: (1) Major risks and rewards attached to the
goods have been transferred to the purchaser; (2) The Company holds neither successive management power
which is normally attached to ownership, nor effective control, over the goods which have been sold out; (4)
Amount of income may be reliably measured; (5) when the costs, occurred or will occur, may be measured
 (2) Providing of services
At balance sheet day, those service trades (simultaneously satisfying the requirements of those: income can be
measured reliably, related economic benefit will flow in very possibly, transaction procedure can be confirmed
reliably, happened and happening cost can be measured reliably) which can be reliably estimated are recognized
at the percentage of completion, and progress of completion of service is decided by the portion of costs occurred
over the estimated total costs. At balance sheet day, those service trades which can not be reliably estimated, if the
happened services cost will be compensated, the services income are recognized according to happened service
cost and transited to service cost according to same amount; if the happened services cost will not be compensated,
the happened services cost are accounted into current term’s gain or loss and the services income will not be

(3) Giving of asset using rights
Income from giving of assets is recognized when satisfying requirements: related economic benefit flows in very
possibly, income can be measured reliably. Amount of interest income is calculated according to the time and
actual interest rate of the monetary capital is used by other party. Income of using fee is calculated upon the
charge period and calculation provided by the related contract or agreement.
  (4) Construction contracts
1) When the result of the construction contract is able to be evaluated reliably at the balance sheet date, the
income and cost of the contract are recognized on completion percentage basis. If the result of the construction
contract is not able to be evaluated reliably, but the contract cost may be recovered, the income is recognized at
the cost actually recovered, and the cost of the contract is recognized as contract expenses of the current period
when it is occurred.
2) When all of the following conditions were satisfied, the result of a fix-amount contract is regarded as can be
evaluated reliably: the total income of the contract may be measured reliably, there is great possibility that the
financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the actual contract costs may be identified and measured
clearly and reliably, the construction progress and the cost to occur are able to be measured reliably. When all of
                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

the following conditions are satisfied, the result of a cost-plus-commission contract is regarded as can be
evaluated reliably: there is great possibility that the financial benefit in relation with the contract will inflow, the
actual costs may be identified and measured clearly and reliably.
     3) Contract progress is recognized at the ratio of accumulative actual cost on the predicted complete cost.
4) In case the expected total cost is greater than the total income, the expected loss will be recognized as expense
of the current period. If the construction is in process, the balance is accounted as inventory impairment provision;
if the contract is not executed, the balance is accounted as expected liability.
2. Practical basis for recognition of revenue
Particular methods for recognition of revenue. The Company is mainly engaged in designing, manufacturing,
sales, and service of steam turbines and gas turbines falling in the range of rotating and reciprocating machinery,
and parts. Recognition of sales in the country shall satisfy: products had been delivered to the buyer and the
amount had been fixed. Payment was received or documents received with great possibility of cash inflow. And
the cost of the products is able to be measured appropriately. Recognition of sales outside the country shall satisfy:
The goods had been filed by the custom with bill of lading obtained. The amount had been fixed, and payment
was received or documents received with great possibility of cash inflow. And the cost of the products is able to
be measured appropriately.

22. Government subsidy
1. Recognition basis and accounting of asset-related government subsidy
Government subsidies to the Company for purchasing or acquiring by other means of long-term asset are
asset-related government subsidies. They are recognized as deferred income and amortized straightly to their
service lives and accounted in current gain/loss. Whereas government subsidy measured by nominal amount are
recorded to current gain/loss account.
2. Recognition basis and accounting of income-related government subsidy
Government subsidies other than asset-related subsidies are recognized as income-related government subsidies.
Those, which are used to cover costs or losses in subsequent periods, are recognized as deferred income and
accounted to current gain/loss to the periods of related expenses. Those, which are used to makeup expenses or
losses already occurred, are recorded to current gain/loss account.

23. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities
1. Deferred income tax liabilities or assets are recognized at proper rate in the term of retrieving the assets or
paying the liabilities according to difference (for not recognized assets and liabilities which tax basis can be
recognized, the difference is between the tax basis and the book value) between book value of the assets or
liabilities and the tax basis.
2. Deferred income tax assets are recognized limitedly by the income tax which very possibly deduct deductible
temporary difference. At balance sheet day, the not-yet recognized deferred income tax assets in previous fiscal
term are recognized if have evidence to prove there is enough income tax very possibly to deduct deductible
temporary difference.
3. At the balance sheet day, verification will be performed on the book value of differed income tax assets. If it is
not possible to obtain enough taxable income to neutralize the benefit of differed income tax assets, then the book
value of the differed income tax assets shall be reduced. Whenever obtaining of taxable income became possible,
the reduced amount shall be restored.
4. Current income tax and differed income tax are accounted into current gain/loss account as income tax
expenditures or gains, but exclude the following income taxes: (1) Merger of enterprises; (2) Transactions or
events recognized directly in owners’ equity.

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

24. Lease
Accounting of operational lease
When the Company is the leasee, the amount is recorded to asset cost or recognized as gain/loss of current period
on straight basis to the periods of lease. Initial direct expenses are accounted into current gain/loss. Contingent
rentals are recorded to current gain/loss at actual occurrence.
When the Company is the leaser, the amount is recorded to current gain/loss at straight basis to the periods of
lease. Initial direct expenses are recorded to current gain/loss other than those with greater amount which are
capitalized and recorded to gain/loss of different periods. Contingent rentals are recorded to current gain/loss at
actual occurrence.

VI. Taxation
1. Main categories and rates of taxes
        Category of taxes                                         Tax base                                          Tax rate

VAT                                Sales of goods or providing of taxable labor service                   17%

City maintenance and
                                   Turnover tax payable                                                   7%
construction tax

Enterprise income tax              Amount of income taxable                                               15%、25%[Notes]

Educational surcharge              Turnover tax payable                                                   3%

Local education additional         Turnover tax payable                                                   2%

                                   For those on price basis, taxes are paid at 1.2% of the balance of

House tax                          original value of the property after deducting of 30%; for those on    1.2%、12%
                                   rental basis, taxes are paid at 12% of the rental.
Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate
                             Name                                                            Income tax rate

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.                                                                   15%

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd.                                                   15%

Zhejiang Steam Turbine Packaged Technology Development Co.,

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd.                                                           15%

Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine Machinery Co.,Ltd.                                                  15%

Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co.,Ltd.                                                15%

                                                                      Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power (Indonesia) Co.,

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power( Indonesia)Co., Ltd Ltd. registered in Indonesia overseas subsidiaries, the applicable

                                                                                  local relevant tax laws and regulations

Other Subsidiary(Domestic)                                                                       25%
(II) Preferential tax
1. According to the document “Notice for Qualification of High-tech Enterprises” (GKHZD〔2015〕No.29) issued
                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

by Department of Science and Technology High-tech Development Center, the Company along with Hangzhou
Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Packaged Technologies Development Co., Ltd. –
subsidies of the Company, were qualified as high-tech enterprises for term of three years. Therefore they enjoy
15% of tax for 2016.
2. According to the document “Notice for Qualification of High-tech Enterprises” (GKHZD〔2016〕No.149) issued
by Department of Science and Technology High-tech Development Center, Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co.,
Ltd– subsidies of the Company, were qualified as high-tech enterprises for term of three years. Therefore they
enjoy 15% of tax for 2016.
3. According to the document “Notice for Qualification of High-tech Enterprises” (GKHZD〔2015〕No.36) issued
by Department of Science and Technology High-tech Development Center, Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine
Machinery Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. – subsidies of the Company,
were renewed or their qualifications as high-tech enterprises. Therefore they enjoy 15% of tax for 2016.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1.Monetary Capital

                                                                                                             In RMB
                  Items                          End of term                             Beginning of term

Cash in stock                                                     204,146.76                                 326,226.09

Bank deposit                                      1,010,445,229.00                                     830,910,758.76

Other monetary fund                                   45,160,002.72                                     63,800,574.49

Total                                                     1,055,809,378.48                             895,037,559.34

Incl:Total of accounts saved overseas                            3,256,410.89                            4,796,746.67
Other statements
Other monetary fund composes of security for bank acceptance notes, RMB43,585,002.75 of security for Letter of
credit, RMB1,575,000 of security for bank guarantee letter. Both under limitation of using.


(1) Notes receivable listed by category
                                                                                                              In RMB

Items                                            End of term                             Beginning of term

Bank acceptance                                                645,701,184.36                          421,520,454.12

Commercial acceptance                                           50,387,954.04                           58,195,867.50

Total                                                          696,089,138.40                          479,716,321.62
(2) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the period-end
                                                                                                               In RMB
  Items                                                                         Amount on pledge

                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Bank acceptance                                                                                           22,970,000.00

Total                                                                                                     22,970,000.00
(3)Notes receivable which had endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due on the balance
sheet date at the period-end
                                                                                                               In RMB

                                    Amount of recognition termination at the    Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                  period-end                               the preriod -end

Bank acceptance                                                470,957,242.50
Total                                                          470,957,242.50

                                                                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

        3. Account receivable
        (1)Detailed categories
                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                               End of term                                                                        Beginning of term

        Category                  Book balance                   Bad debt provision                                  Book balance                      Bad debt provision                        Propor
                                                                                               Book value                                                                          Amount
                               Amount             Proportion    Amount            Proportion                      Amount             Proportion       Amount          Proportion                  tion

Account receivables
provided bad debt
                               2,784,969,667.51     98.94%       972,672,126.99       34.93%   1,812,297,540.52   2,812,043,945.50     98.95%        941,870,597.18     33.49%       1,870,173,348.32
provision in credit
risk groups

Account receivable
with minor
individual amount
                                 29,819,607.69        1.06%       29,819,607.69    100.00%                          29,819,607.69        1.05%        29,819,607.69    100.00%
but bad debt
provision is

Total                          2,814,789,275.20    100.00%     1,002,491,734.68       35.62%   1,812,297,540.52   2,841,863,553.19    100.00%        971,690,204.87     34.19%       1,870,173,348.32

        Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
              Not applicable

                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

        Receivable accounts in the group on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                    End of term
                                                   Book balance                  Bad debt provision                    Proportion

         Subitem Within 1 year

         Within 1 year                                    897,301,429.87                      44,874,653.80                             5.00%

         Subtotal within 1 year                           897,301,429.87                      44,874,653.80                             5.00%

         1-2 years                                        516,378,722.74                      51,637,872.29                            10.00%

         2-3 years                                        412,409,612.41                  123,722,883.75                               30.00%

         Over 3 years                                     958,879,902.49                  752,436,717.15

         3-4 years                                        399,567,205.23                  239,740,323.14                               60.00%

         4-5 years                                        233,081,516.26                  186,465,213.01                               80.00%

         Over 5 years                                     326,231,181.00                  326,231,181.00                              100.00%

         Total                                           2,784,969,667.51                 972,672,126.99                               34.93%

        In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
        Not applicable
        In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision::

        (2)Accrual period, recovery or reversal of bad debts situation

        The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB35,164,522.75 ; recovery or payback for bad debts
        Amount is RMB0.00.

        (3)The current accounts receivable write-offs situation

                                                                                                            In RMB

                                    Items                                                               Amount

         Uncollectible amount                                                                                                   4,362,992.94
        Of which the significant actual write-off accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                            Nature of                                                                               Arising from related
                                                                                  Reason for
         Name                                account       Amount written off                         Verification procedures       transactions (Y/N)
                                                                                  written off

                                                                                                  The examined and adopted to
China Air Separation Engineering Co., Ltd. Goods                  1,674,643.00 quality loss                                      No
                                                                                                  Board of directors

Huaneng Energy saving Powergeneration    Goods                      760,000.00 quality loss       The examined and adopted to No

                                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

 Co., Ltd.                                                                                               Board of directors

                                                                                          Debt           The examined and adopted to
Tangshan Yanshan Steel Co.,Ltd.                Goods                       623,280.00                                                       No
                                                                                          Restructuring Board of directors

Inner Mongolia Runbang Biogechnology                                                                     The examined and adopted to
                                               Goods                       620,000.00 quality loss                                          No
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                Board of directors

                                                                                          allowance      The examined and adopted to
Other                                          Goods                       685,069.94                                                       No
                                                                                          method         Board of directors

Total                                                --                  4,362,992.94             --                   --                            --

            (4)Receivables account of the top five parties

              Name                                          Amount                    Proportion(%)                           Bad debt provision

            Client 1                                            706,982,732.92                                   25.12%                321,311,615.97

            Client 2                                            302,917,954.20                                   10.76%                177,345,224.20

            Client 3                                             61,659,500.00                                    2.19%                     3,164,975.00

            Client 4                                             53,974,395.99                                    1.92%                     6,766,258.59

            Client 5                                             27,635,200.00                                    0.98%                     1,381,760.00

              Subtotal                                        1,153,169,783.11                                   40.97%                509,969,833.76

            4. Prepayments

            (1)Age analysis

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                          Balance in year-end                                  Balance in year-begin
                                            Book balance                 Proportion(%)                 Book balance            Proportion(%)
            Within 1 year                       422,625,349.59                           94.08%           169,302,923.28                         83.74%
            1-2 years                              5,019,419.00                           1.12%            10,874,142.27                         5.38%
            2-3 years                             14,313,131.18                           3.19%            17,195,603.48                         8.50%
            Over 3 years                           7,276,313.90                           1.62%             4,812,189.80                         2.38%
            Total                               449,234,213.67                   --                       202,184,858.83               --

            (2) Top 5 of the closing balance of the prepayment colleted according to the prepayment target

                                                Name                                                              Amount               Proportion(%)

 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery       AB                                                                        117,785,363.75                  26.22%
                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd.                                                               36,012,500.00               8.02%

Shanghai Huiyi International Freight agency Co., Ltd.                                         33,390,658.96               7.43%

Jinling International Co., Ltd.                                                               23,163,441.57               5.16%

GEA Batyneo Heat-energy Technology(Changshu) Co., Ltd.                                        10,700,108.80               2.38%

Subtotal                                                                                     221,051,073.08              49.21%

           5.Dividend Receivable
           (1)Dividend Receivable
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                            Items                        Balance in year-end                  Balance in year-begin

           Hangzhou Bank(Pledged share bonus)                           6,900,000.00

           Total                                                          6,900,000.00

                                                                                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

   6. Other account receivable
   (1) Detailed categories
                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                              End of term                                                                            Beginning of term

                                 Book balance                     Bad debt provision                                        Book balance                   Bad debt provision
                                              Proportion                          Proportion      Book value                          Proportion                          Proportion     Book value
                             Amount                             Amount                                                Amount                              Amount
                                                  %                                    %                                                    %                                   %

Other Accounts
receivable portfolio
                             32,074,225.09       100.00%         11,341,511.69        35.36%       20,732,713.40      42,152,338.08        100.00%        11,127,630.36         26.40%    31,024,707.72
subject to impairment
by credit risk
Total                        32,074,225.09       100.00%         11,341,511.69        35.36%       20,732,713.40      42,152,338.08        100.00%        11,127,630.36         26.40%    31,024,707.72

   Other Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
   Not applicable
   Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the other method in the portfolio
                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                               End of term
                                             Book balance                   Bad debt provision                 Proportion
    Subitem within 1 year
    Within 1 year                                     12,493,631.86                        624,514.21                         5.00%
    Subtotal within 1 year                            12,493,631.86                        624,514.21                         5.00%
    1-2 years                                          3,214,702.62                        321,470.26                        10.00%
    2-3 years                                          5,218,118.67                    1,565,295.20                          30.00%
    Over 3 years                                      11,147,771.94                    8,830,232.02
    3-4 years                                          5,741,839.00                    3,445,103.40                          60.00%
                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

4-5 years        104,021.60       83,217.28    80.00%
Over 5 years    5,301,911.34    5,301,911.34   100.00%
Total          32,074,225.09   11,341,511.69   35.36%

                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

       In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
       Not applicable
       In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to accrue bad debt provision::

       (2)Accrual period, recovery or reversal of bad debts situation

       The current amount of provision for bad debts is RMB213,881.33 ; recovery or payback for bad debts Amount is

       (3)     Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

                                                                                                    In RMB
                           Nature                          Closing book balance                          Opening book balance

       Export drawback receivable                                                1,888,034.21                               13,234,170.89

       Deposit                                                                 16,802,825.24                                19,810,421.19

       Petty cash                                                                1,010,482.25                                1,156,796.99

       Other                                                                   12,372,883.39                                 7,950,949.01
       Total                                                                   32,074,225.09                                42,152,338.08
       (4)Top 5 of the closing balance of Other accounts receivable collated according to the arrears party
                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                Percentage in total other
  Name of the company             Account property   Book balance                Age                                        Bad debt provision
                                                                                                     receivable %

Shanghai Customs
                                 Current account        3,710,320.94 Over 5 years                                 11.57%          3,710,320.94
Waigaoqiao Office

Export drawback
                                 Export drawback        1,888,034.21 Within 1 year                                  5.89%            94,401.71

Guodian Chengxin                                                       Within 1 year, Over
                                 Deposit                1,294,500.00                                                4.04%           539,725.00
Tendering Co. Ltd.                                                     5 years

Guoxin Bidding Group                                                   1-2 years, Over 5
                                 Deposit                  849,500.00                                                2.65%           129,500.00
Co.,Ltd.                                                               years
Guodian        Trust   Bidding
                                 Deposit                  728,000.00 Within 1 year                                  2.27%            36,400.00
Co., Ltd.

Toal                                       --           8,470,355.15              --                              26.41%          4,510,347.65

       7. Inventories

                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

        Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry

          (1)           Details

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                     End of term                                                          Beginning of term
                       Book balance      Impairment provision          Book value             Book balance                                 Book value

                        521,124,494.23             309,803.19            520,814,691.04           568,639,726.41            309,803.19     568,329,923.22

Product         in

                        486,153,169.10          10,345,866.48            475,807,302.62           400,195,046.11       10,345,866.48       389,849,179.63

Products        in

                      1,109,393,564.03          53,347,861.70          1,056,045,702.33           998,661,308.19       55,296,052.78       943,365,255.41

Total                 2,116,671,227.36          64,003,531.37          2,052,667,695.99         1,967,496,080.71       65,951,722.45     1,901,544,358.26

        Whether the company is required to comply with the "Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure
        Guidelines No. 4 - listed companies engaged in seed industry, planting business" disclosure requirements

          (2) Inventory depreciation provision

                                                                                          In RMB

                                                         Increased this period            Decreased this period
            Items                  Beginning of term                                                                               End of term
                                                         Provided         Others          Written back or off      Others

          Raw materials                    309,803.19                                                                                    309,803.19

                Product      in          10,345,866.48                                                                               10,345,866.48

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Products in stock           55,296,052.78                                 1,948,191.08                     53,347,861.70

Total                       65,951,722.45                                 1,948,191.08                     64,003,531.37

At the end of the period, for the finished products which are directly to be sold and the raw materials that need
further process, the estimated selling price of the finished products after the completion of the production reduces
the expected cost incurring at the time of completion, the estimated selling expenses and the relevant taxes and
fees, which determines the amount of net realizable value. According to the balance between the net realizable
value and the cost of single inventory, the inventory depreciation reserve is extracted. The reduction of the
inventory depreciation reserve for the current period is RMB1,948,191.08, which is the provision for the
inventory depreciation reserve due to the use or sale of inventory.

8. Other current asset

                                                                                                              In RMB

Items                                       End of term                         Beginning of term

Bank financing products[Notes]                                 763,150,000.00                           853,767,338.00

Input tax deductible                                             3,745,966.92                             6,410,137.62

To verify the input tax                                                                                    995,153.86

Prepaid income tax                                               1,042,554.65                             1,845,850.11

Prepayment of other tax

Profit & loss of assets pending disposal                          297,660.50

Total                                                          773,074,562.65                           863,018,479.59

[Note]: Financial products are financial products and trust financial products, are in non-guaranteed
floating-income short-term (or short-term redeemable) financial products, and no active market price.

9 Sellable financial asset

(1) Details

                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                              End of term                                               Beginning of term

                                                       Impairm                                                   Impair
                                   Book balance          ent        Book value               Book balance        ment         Book value

                                                       provisio                                                  provis

                                                          n                                                       ion
Available-for-sale equity
                                    3,010,113,616.40                 3,010,113,616.40         3,060,865,862.60                     3,060,865,862.60

 Including               :
                                    2,883,819,153.60                 2,883,819,153.60         2,906,013,048.00                     2,906,013,048.00
Measured by fair value

Measured by cost                      126,294,462.80                   126,294,462.80           154,852,814.60                      154,852,814.60

  Total                             3,010,113,616.40                 3,010,113,616.40         3,060,865,862.60                     3,060,865,862.60
        (2) Available-for-sale financial assets measured by vair value at the period-end
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                      Available-for-sale equity    Available-for –sale
Type                                        instruments           Liabilities instruments                                 Total

Vair value                                     2,883,819,153.60                                                           2,883,819,153.60

                                                                                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

            (3)Available-for-sale financial assets measured by cost at the period-end
                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                                           Book balance                                          Impairment provision              Shareholding

                                                                                                                                                                                    proportion       Cash bonus of the
Investee                                                                                                                               Period                           Period-e
                                                        Period-begin            Increase                                                        Increase    Decrease                among the        reporting period
                                                                                                                                       -begin                             nd

Hangzhou Changdi Equity Investment
                                                           48,558,351.80                              48,558,351.80             0.00                                                         0.00%
Partnership(Limited liability)

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.               30,000,000.00                                               30,000,000.00                                                     15.00%

Hangzhou Jushi Investment Partnership(Limited
                                                           30,000,000.00        20,000,000.00                          50,000,000.00                                                     33.33%

Wuxi Xinchang Steel Bube Co., ltd.                         15,159,689.58                                               15,159,689.58                                                     18.00%

Zhejiang Zhongkong Solar Energy Technology
                                                           15,000,000.00                                               15,000,000.00                                                         5.27%
Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Tianhang Steam Turbine Auxiliary
                                                           10,000,000.00                                               10,000,000.00                                                     33.33%
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Greenesol Co.(India)                                        5,534,773.22                                                5,534,773.22                                                     37.00%           1,590,356.24
Zhejiang Sanxin Automatic Engineering Co., Ltd.               600,000.00                                                 600,000.00                                                          6.00%

  Total                                                  154,852,814.60         20,000,000.00         48,558,351.80   126,294,462.80                                                    --                1,590,356.24

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     10Fixed assets

     (1) Details

                                                                                                                    In RMB

  Items                       Houses & buildings    Machinery equipment                         Office equipment      Total

I. Original price

1. Balance at
                                  446,446,798.60          998,985,150.60       29,749,331.84        95,844,377.35    1,571,025,658.39

2.Increase in the current
                                    17,550,203.26            4,763,758.46         244,258.80         1,818,156.12       24,376,376.64

  (1) Purchase                                               1,361,091.42         244,258.80           580,855.49        2,186,205.71

( 2 ) Inventory\Fixed
assets\   Transferred from          17,550,203.26            3,402,667.04                            1,237,300.63       22,190,170.93
construction in progress

          (3)Increased of
Enterprise Combination

3.Decreased amount of the
                                                                                  784,794.00           760,019.44        1,544,813.44

  (1)Dispose                                                                    784,794.00           760,019.44        1,544,813.44

                                                                                         0.00                                      0.00
4. Balance at period-end          463,997,001.86         1,003,748,909.06      29,208,796.64        96,902,514.03    1,593,857,221.59

1.Opening balance                 176,390,042.92          673,282,598.59       20,553,828.14        78,225,107.16      948,451,576.81
2.Increased amount ofthe
                                     6,755,225.91          28,241,862.25          321,364.35         3,236,536.24       38,554,988.75

     (1) Withdrawal                  6,755,225.91          28,241,862.25          321,364.35         3,236,536.24       38,554,988.75

3.Decrease in the reporting
                                                                                  571,591.86           703,597.05        1,275,188.91

(1)Disposal                                                                     571,591.86           703,597.05        1,275,188.91

4.Closing balance                 183,145,268.83          701,524,460.84       20,303,600.63        80,758,046.35      985,731,376.65
III. Impairment provision                                                                                                          0.00
1.Opening balance                    1,504,928.24            4,033,520.42                            1,113,523.01        6,651,971.67

                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2.Increase in the reporting

(1)Withdrawl                                                                                                       0.00

3.Decrease i the reporting

(1)Disposal                                                                                                        0.00

4. Closing balance              1,504,928.24     4,033,520.42              0.00       1,113,523.01           6,651,971.67
IV. Book value

1.Book value ofthe
                              279,346,804.79   298,190,927.80      8,905,196.01     15,030,944.67          601,473,873.27

2.Book value of the
                              268,551,827.44   321,669,031.59      9,195,503.70     16,505,747.18          615,922,109.91

                                                                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

       11 Construction in process

                                                                                        In RMB
                                                     End of term                                      Beginning of term
                                                     Impairment                                          Impairment
                                 Boook balance                      Book value        Boook balance                         Book value
                                                     provision                                            provision

Construction in process of
                                     97,239,204.16                    97,239,204.16      94,170,909.99                       94,170,909.99
parent Company

Tangxi Workshop PhaseII,
                                      3,343,792.51                     3,343,792.51      16,246,978.15                       16,246,978.15
Gouneng Company

Project of steam turbine heavy
                                     44,399,257.47                    44,399,257.47      32,654,575.18                       32,654,575.18

Casting companies to clean up
                                      5,350,975.59                     5,350,975.59       4,870,579.64                        4,870,579.64
cross project

Casting company networking
                                      1,588,669.64                     1,588,669.64       1,517,473.06                        1,517,473.06
system project

Prepayment for equipment or
                                      4,149,764.39                     4,149,764.39       4,283,373.39                        4,283,373.39

  Total                             156,071,663.76                   156,071,663.76    153,743,889.41                       153,743,889.41

           (2)    Changes of significant construction in progress

                                                                                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Capitaliz Source
                                                                                                                                                               Project Capitaliz   capitaliz
                                                                                        Transferred to fixed                                      Proportion                                      ation of of
       Name of project            Budget            Opening balance     Increase                               Other decrease   End balance                    proces ation of     ation of
                                                                                               assets                                                 %                                           interest   fundin
                                                                                                                                                                  s     interest   interest
                                                                                                                                                                                                  rate (%)      g

Construction in process of
                                  128,221,400.00       90,619,544.91     6,619,659.25                                            97,239,204.16      75.84% Constr                                            Self
parent Company
Completed project of parent                                                                                                                                    Compl
                                     6,750,000.00        3,551,365.08      566,834.20          4,118,199.28                                         61.01%                                                   Self
Company                                                                                                                                                        eted

Tangxi Workshop PhaseII,
                                   30,000,000.00       16,246,978.15     5,168,786.01         18,071,971.65             0.00       3,343,792.51     71.39% Constr                                            Self
Gouneng Company
Project of steam turbine heavy
                                 1,794,100,000.00      32,654,575.18    11,744,682.29                                            44,399,257.47        2.47% Constr                                           Self
Casting companies to clean up
                                   10,000,000.00         4,870,579.64      480,395.95                                              5,350,975.59     53.51% Constr                                            Self
cross project
Casting company networking
                                     4,000,000.00        1,517,473.06       71,196.58                                              1,588,669.64     39.72% Constr                                            Self
system project

                                                                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Prepayment for equipment or
                                                   4,283,373.39     725,000.00                    858,609.00     4,149,764.39          Constr                                Self
projects                                                                                                                               uction

  Total                       1,973,071,400.00   153,743,889.41   25,376,554.28   22,190,170.93   858,609.00   156,071,663.76   --       --                                   --

                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     12 Intangible assets

                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                   Non patent
             Items           Landusing right      Patent                               Software               Total

I. Original price
1. Balance at
                                 332,298,312.33    209,433.96         8,000,000.00         328,376.07        340,836,122.36

2.Increase in the current

(1) Purchase

(2)Internal Development

(3)Increased of Enterprise


 3.Decreased amount of

the period


4.Closing balance                332,298,312.33    209,433.96         8,000,000.00         328,376.07        340,836,122.36



     1.Opening balance            41,782,089.97    114,000.00         1,266,666.71         267,931.60         43,430,688.28
  2.Increased amount of
                                   2,575,171.78     28,000.00          400,000.02           22,837.60          3,026,009.40
 the period

  (1) Withdrawal                   2,575,171.78     28,000.00          400,000.02           22,837.60          3,026,009.40

3.Decreased amount of the



 4.Closing balance                44,357,261.75    142,000.00         1,666,666.73         290,769.20         46,456,697.68

III. Impairment provision

                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    1.Opening balance

 2.Increased amount of the

    (1) Withdrawal

  3.Decreased amount of

 the period


    4.Closing balance

 IV. Book value

      1.Closing book value              287,941,050.58           67,433.96               6,333,333.27               37,606.87           294,379,424.68
      2.Opening book value              290,516,222.36           95,433.96               6,733,333.29               60,444.47           297,405,434.08

       The intangible assets by the end of the formation of the company's internal R & D accounted for 0.00% of the
       proportion of the balance of intangible assets
       13 Long-term amortize expenses
                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                             Amortized expenses
                                     Balance in          Increase in this
                Items                year-begin              period                                          Other loss        Balance in year-end

       Redecoration                    1,306,880.81                                       132,581.88                                  1,174,298.93

       Afforestation fees                124,088.00                                                                                    124,088.00
       Total                           1,430,968.81                                       132,581.88                                  1,298,386.93

       14 Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

       (1) Deferred income tax assets had not been off-set

                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                          Balance in year-end                                      Balance in year-begin

                  Items                    Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax              Deductible temporary        Deferred income tax

                                                  difference                    assets                       difference                    assets

Provision for Asset Impairment                    1,012,675,154.36              157,148,474.80                   981,341,256.69            153,377,711.38
Internal trade profit not realized
                                                      49,905,473.34               7,485,821.00                    58,099,229.91              9,500,467.96
Deductible loss                                       38,302,132.26               5,745,319.84                    30,002,132.26              4,500,319.84
Inventory impairment provision                        64,003,531.37               9,600,529.70                    65,951,722.45              9,892,758.36

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Fixed assets depreciation reserves                        6,651,971.67                 997,795.75                     6,651,971.67                997,795.75

Temporary difference such as
                                                          3,751,710.39                 562,756.56                     3,751,710.39                562,756.56
amortizing of software expense

Total                                                 1,175,289,973.39           181,540,697.65                   1,145,798,023.37            178,831,809.85

         (2) Deferred income tax liabilities had not been off-set

                                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                          Balance in year-end                                         Balance in year-begin

    Items                                  Deductible temporary           Deferred income tax              Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax

                                                 difference                     liabilities                     difference                 liabilities
Changes in fair value of tradable
                                                   2,492,865,113.60              373,929,767.04                   2,515,059,008.00            377,258,851.20
financial assets

Accumulated depreciation                                 6,651,971.67                  997,795.75                     6,651,971.67               997,795.75

Total                                              2,499,517,085.27              374,927,562.79                   2,521,710,979.67            378,256,646.95

         (3)Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amount after neutralization

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                Deferred Income Tax Assets    Temporarily Deductable or          Deferred Income Tax Assets       Temporarily Deductable or
              Items             or Liabilities at the End of Taxable Difference at the End            or Liabilities at the        Taxable Difference at the
                                      Report Period                  of Report Period             Beginning of Report Period      Beginning of Report Period

Deferred       income     tax
                                                                            181,540,697.65                                                     178,831,809.85
Deferred       income     tax
                                                                            374,927,562.79                                                     378,256,646.95
           (4)Details of income tax assets not recognized
                                                                                        In RMB

               Items                                                     End of term                                   Beginning of term

         Deductible provisional differences                                                   931,148.96                                1,476,578.54

         Deductible losses                                                               9,924,189.66                                  12,315,626.29

              Subtotal                                                                  10,855,338.62                                  13,792,204.83

         (5) The un-recognized deductible losses of deferred income tax assets will due in the following years:

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                         Year                          End of term                      Beginning of term            Remark

         2018                                                                                           684,308.39

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2019                                                                 1,037,052.28

2020                                 2,272,672.55                    3,113,580.77

2021                                 6,550,312.26                    7,480,684.85

2022                                 1,101,204.85

Total                                9,924,189.66                   12,315,626.29                 --

15Short-term loans

(1)Category of short-term loans

                                                                                                             In RMB
                  Items                 Balance in year-end                         Balance in year-begin

Mortgage loan                                             78,700,000.00                                73,000,000.00

Guarantee loan                                           100,000,000.00                             100,000,000.00

Credit loan                                               19,000,000.00

Total                                                    197,700,000.00                             173,000,000.00

16.Bill payable
                                                                                                            In RMB
  Items                                    End of term                               Beginning of term

Bank acceptance                                          151,467,745.11                             143,007,715.10

Total                                                    151,467,745.11                             143,007,715.10

17. Account payable
(1)Category of Account payable
                                                                                                             In RMB

  Items                                    End of term                               Beginning of term

Goods                                                 1,090,300,026.76                              832,264,375.15

Payment for equipment and projects                         7,763,195.94                                21,188,214.36

Total                                                 1,098,063,222.70                              853,452,589.51

18. Advances received
(1)Category of Advances received
                                                                                                             In RMB

  Items                                    End of term                               Beginning of term

Goods                                                 2,197,267,051.95                            1,827,959,793.62

                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

        Total                                                                 2,197,267,051.95                            1,827,959,793.62

        19. Employees’ wage payable
        (1) Details
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Items             Beginning of term         Increased this period    Decreased this period           End of term

        I. Short-term wages                     48,273,561.62          312,239,012.26             312,792,720.04             47,719,853.84

        II. Welfare after leaving
         of position-fixed                      22,951,072.41            36,715,209.10             46,319,226.63             13,347,054.88
         provision scheme
        Total                                   71,224,634.03          348,954,221.36             359,111,946.67             61,066,908.72
        (2) Details of short term wages

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                    Items                       Beginning of term      Increased this period     Decreased this period       End of term

1.Wage, bonus, allowance and subsidies                 35,531,106.94          228,812,538.96            244,250,107.13           20,093,538.77

2. Employee welfare                                                            26,723,363.71             14,392,988.46           12,330,375.25

3. Social insurance                                     5,862,944.64           23,214,535.38             23,283,256.62            5,794,223.40

Incl. Medical insurance                                 5,423,894.94           20,690,298.82             20,705,065.85            5,409,127.91
Labor injury insurance
                                                          124,073.45               760,449.54               768,860.84                 115,662.15

Maternity insurance                                       314,976.25             1,763,787.02             1,809,329.93                 269,433.34

4. Housing fund                                           109,020.96           22,800,436.00             22,792,856.00                 116,600.96

5. Labour union fee and employee
                                                        6,770,489.08             9,683,454.88             7,068,828.50            9,385,115.46
education fee
7.Short-term profit sharing scheme                                               1,004,683.33             1,004,683.33
Total                                                  48,273,561.62          312,239,012.26            312,792,720.04           47,719,853.84
        (3) Details of fixed provision scheme

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                    Items             Beginning of term         Increased this period    Decreased this period           End of term
        1.Basic             pension
                                                 4,430,334.68            25,046,017.10             25,693,581.95              3,782,769.83

        2. Unemployment
                                                  314,118.76              1,535,422.12               1,673,757.04               175,783.84

        3. Enterprise annual fee                18,206,618.97            10,133,769.88             18,951,887.64              9,388,501.21
        Total                                   22,951,072.41            36,715,209.10             46,319,226.63             13,347,054.88

        20. Tax Payable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                     Items                Balance in year-end                  Balance in year-begin

 VAT                                                       18,399,163.94                        59,676,617.21

 Expenditure taxes                                                    0.00                                  0.00

                                                              3,962,801.22                      16,338,759.59
 Enterprise Income tax
 Individual Income tax                                        2,582,904.92                       2,035,807.07

 City Construction tax                                        1,401,749.60                       4,224,180.62

 Business Tax
 Property tax                                                   945,279.30
 Education subjoin                                              639,818.15                       1,822,362.43
 Locality Education subjoin                                     376,718.50                       1,202,457.87
 Stamp tax                                                       29,716.82                             56,823.07
 Local water source foundation                                1,767,814.88                       1,767,814.88
 Disabled security fund                                           2,087.42                              2,087.42

 Land use tax                                                   381,733.15                       3,112,763.00

 Total                                                     30,489,787.90                        90,239,673.16

 21. Interest payable

                                                                                                        In RMB
                      Items                     End of term                     Beginning of term

Long term interest on borrowings due in

Interest on short-term borrowings                                                                      92,625.69

  Total                                                                                             134,376.32

 22.Other account payable
 (1) Details
                                                                                                        In RMB
                     Items                   End of term                        Beginning of term

 Deposite                                                     1,005,905.34                       3,607,868.79

 Provisional account payable                               19,168,000.22                        23,344,791.25

 Other                                                        8,854,954.77                       3,868,320.76

 Total                                                     29,028,860.33                        30,820,980.80

                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

23. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                   Items                                   End of term                                     Beginning of term

Long-term loans due within 1 year                                            18,300,000.00                                 18,500,000.00

Total                                                                        18,300,000.00                                 18,500,000.00

24.. Long-term loan

(1) Details
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                   Items                                   End of term                                     Beginning of term

Mortgage loan                                                                 4,900,000.00                                  4,900,000.00

Total                                                                         4,900,000.00                                  4,900,000.00

25.Long term account payable

(1) Details
                                                                                                                                    In RMB
                   Items                                   End of term                                     Beginning of term

CDB investment fund                                                      208,000,000.00                                  208,000,000.00

Drawing in administrative restructuring                                        330,000.00                                      330,000.00

Income payable of CDB                                                                                                           27,733.33

Total                                                                    208,330,000.00                                  208,357,733.33

26. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                    In RMB
  Items                                                             Decreased         this
                      Beginning of term     Increased this period                            End of term           Cause

Government subsidy           5,422,895.00           1,808,000.00                                    7,230,895.00

           Total             5,422,895.00           1,808,000.00                                    7,230,895.00               --

(2) Details of government subsidies
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


                                                               New    subsidy     in transferred       to Other                          Asset-related    or
Items                                  Beginning of term                                                           End of term
                                                               current period        non-operational     changes                         income-related


Financial   support   for industrial
                                                 287,800.00             400,000.00                                         687,800.00 Asset-related

Government subsidy for casting
                                                 287,800.00                                                                287,800.00 Asset-related

Circular economy financial subsidy               114,100.00                                                                114,100.00 Asset-related

Projects of technological
                                                  26,000.00                                                                  26,000.00 Asset-related

Subsidy for industrial upgrading by
                                                 480,000.00                                                                480,000.00 Asset-related
provincial government

Finance for casting project                     3,906,405.00                                                              3,906,405.00 Asset-related

Government subsidy for industrial

entities from Yuhang District                    320,790.00                                                                320,790.00 Asset-related

Government in the 2nd half of 2009

Financial subsidy for R & D
                                                                      1,408,800.00                                        1,408,800.00 Asset-related

Total                                           5,422,895.00          1,808,000.00                                        7,230,895.00              --

                                                                                                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                      Increase/decrease this time (+ , - )
                         Balance Year-beginning   Issuing of new      Bonus       Transferred from                                  Balance year-end
                                                                                                         Other     Subtotal
                                                        share         shares            reserves

Total of capital
                                 754,010,400.00                                                                                         754,010,400.00


                                                                                                                      In RMB

                 Items                  Year-beginning balance        Increase in the       Decrease in the      Year-end balance

                                                                      current period         current period
Share premium                                         81,815,220.00                                                     81,815,220.00
Other capital reserves                                57,775,125.09                                                     57,775,125.09

   Total                                          139,590,345.09                                                      139,590,345.09

29. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                         Occurred current term

         Items                    Beginning of term        Amount occurred      Less: accounted as other gains   Less: Income tax        Attributable to the    Attributable to   End of term

                                                         before income tax of   previously but transferred to       expenses             parent co. after tax      minority

                                                                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                           the period        gain/loss this period                                       shareholders

                                                                                                                                           after tax

II. Other Comprehensive income

that will be reclassified               2,137,419,299.84    -21,607,437.73                           -3,329,084.16      -18,615,099.34      336,745.77     2,118,804,200.50

subsequently to profit or loss
Gains or losses on changes in fair
value      of      available-for-sale   2,137,800,156.80    -22,193,894.40                           -3,329,084.16      -18,864,810.24                     2,118,935,346.56
financial assets

Difference of translating of foreign
                                            -380,856.96         586,456.67                                                 249,710.90       336,745.77         -131,146.06
currency accounts

Total of other comprehensive
                                        2,137,419,299.84    -21,607,437.73                           -3,329,084.16      -18,615,099.34      336,745.77     2,118,804,200.50

                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

30.Special reserves
                                                                                                                           In RMB
            Items              Beginning of term        Increased this period       Decreased this period         End of term

Labor safety expenses                  27,546,353.37                537,862.83                  673,423.90            27,410,792.30

Total                                  27,546,353.37                537,862.83                  673,423.90            27,410,792.30

31. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                           In RMB
            Items              Beginning of term        Increased this period       Decreased this period         End of term

Statutory           surplus
                                      621,112,807.78                                                                 621,112,807.78

  Total                               621,112,807.78                                                                 621,112,807.78

32. Retained profit
                                                                                                                           In RMB
                          Items                                     Current term                     Same period of last term

Amount of retained profit at beginning of period                          2,705,667,037.15

Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent

            Common share dividend payable                                 2,749,662,841.53

As regards the details of adjusted the beginning undistributed profits

(1)As the retroactive adjustment on Enterprise Accounting Standards and its related new regulations, the affected

beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(2) As the change of the accounting policy, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00.

(3) As the correction of significant accounting error, the affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

(4) As the change of consolidation scope caused by the same control, the affected beginning undistributed profits

are RMB 0.00.

(5) Other adjustment of the total affected beginning undistributed profits are RMB 0.00 .

                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

33. Business income and Business cost
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                    Occurred current term                                   Occurred in previous term
                              Income                        Cost                         Income                     Cost

Main Business                  1,565,958,109.92             1,100,055,409.37             1,362,270,491.45           848,808,322.11

Other                            97,766,592.34                92,329,642.11                  5,153,280.43               2,129,583.93

Total                          1,663,724,702.26             1,192,385,051.48             1,367,423,771.88           850,937,906.04

34. Business tax and surcharge
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                     Items                           Occurred current term                        Occurred in previous term

City maintenance and construction tax                                    5,790,983.04                                   4,848,384.15

Education surtax                                                         2,632,346.60                                   2,123,039.65

House tax                                                                4,754,574.06

Land use tax                                                             2,768,440.30

vehicle and vessel tax                                                       23,508.00

Stamp tax                                                                1,196,199.41

Locality Education surcharge                                             1,570,499.17                                   1,415,359.85

Business tax                                                                                                                36,467.22

Total                                                                   18,736,550.58                                   8,423,250.87

35. Sales expense

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                     Items                           Amount of this period                          Amount of last period

Employees’ remunerations                                               31,132,404.87                                24,144,838.68

Transportation                                                          15,433,500.28                                22,067,695.57

Business trips                                                          11,409,777.43                                   9,321,130.31

Business reception expenses                                              3,630,718.14                                   3,856,181.75
                                                                         1,702,501.62                                    762,768.90
Consulting service fee
                                                                         8,523,496.71                                   7,376,359.34

Insurance for turbine unit                                                 241,740.99                                    115,012.33

Warranty expense                                                         2,654,824.68                                   1,360,196.29
Product exhibition
                                                                           462,976.14                                    879,035.70
                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Office expenses
                                                               803,886.89                            290,453.85
                                                             5,878,188.10                          5,693,921.26
Total                                                       81,874,015.85                         75,867,593.98


                                                                                                       In RMB
                   Items                   Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
Employees’ remunerations                                  158,545,322.20                        154,766,064.42
R&D expenses                                               140,500,456.42                        138,018,919.01
Asset depreciation and amortizing                            7,147,861.91                         10,600,496.96
Business reception expenses                                  6,238,067.45                          6,075,008.72
House rental, property management, water
                                                             3,701,610.81                          3,912,114.29
and power

Traveling fees                                               3,768,385.52                          3,693,110.12
Taxes                                                                                              5,995,092.98
Material, low-value-consumable                               1,137,285.58                          1,179,867.75
Office expenses
                                                             1,693,719.65                          1,529,414.33
Maintaining                                                  1,863,668.96                          1,393,232.10
Other                                                       29,815,399.31                         27,943,597.87
Total                                                      354,411,777.81                        355,106,918.55


                                                                                                           In RMB
                   Items                   Occurred current term               Occurred in previous term
Interest expense
                                                             5,243,164.77                          4,856,082.74
Less: Incoming interests
                                                             3,290,329.23                          2,276,735.92
Exchange gains/losses
                                                             3,746,363.69                         -3,218,647.71
Commission                                                   1,795,106.71                          1,004,308.45
Other                                                          450,938.35                            147,021.61
Total                                                        7,945,244.29                            512,029.17


                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                               Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                             Items                                Occurred current term                         Occurred in previous term
        I .Losses for bad debts                                                       35,378,404.08                               125,619,636.17
        Total                                                                         35,378,404.08                               125,619,636.17

       39. Investment income

                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                        Items                                      Occurred current term             Occurred in previous term

        Investment gains from holding of sellable financial assets                                44,203,908.24                      3,587,659.70

        Investment income from disposal of available for sale financial

        Gains from financing products                                                             19,662,950.09                    11,457,674.92

        Total                                                                                     88,988,506.53                    15,045,334.62

       40.Non-Operation income

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                                                                   Recorded in the amount of the
                        Items                   Occurred current term Occurred in previous term
                                                                                                                   non-recurring gains and losses
        Total gains from disposal of
                                                                  196,910.10                          17,299.04                        196,910.10
        non-current assets

        Including:Gains from disposal of
                                                                  196,910.10                          17,299.04                        196,910.10
        fixed assets

        Government Subsidy                                   2,505,237.27                           318,530.00                       2,505,237.27

        Compensation income                                  1,397,065.22                         6,372,280.92                       1,397,065.22
        Other                                                     455,637.29                        136,652.06                         455,637.29
        Total                                                4,554,849.88                         6,844,762.02                       4,554,849.88

       Government subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses

                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                      Whether the
                                                                                                                                       Asset-related    or
                                           Issuin Releas               impact of      Whether
                                                                                                  Amount of this      Amount of last income-related
Subsidy items                              g      e        Type     subsidies on the special
                                                                                                       period           period
                                           subject cause             current profit   subsidies
                                                                       and loss

In 2014 the provincial patent grant /                                     No              No                                4,000.00        Income-related

                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Yuhang District of Hangzhou Science

and Technology Bureau

2014 R & D investment subsidy                                               No             No                               314,200.00        Income-related

Tax service fee                                                             No             No                                     330.00      Income-related

Yuhang District Finance Bureau 2016

Industrial Supplies and Industrial                                          No             No          1,230,000.00                           Income-related

Internet Project Grant

Yuhang District in 2016 Hangzhou high

- tech industrialization project special                                    No             No          1,000,000.00                           Income-related


Color steel shed "Chu Lan Mei Hua"
                                                                            No             No               251,851.20                        Income-related
incentive funds

Other small amount subsidies                                                No             No                23,386.07                        Income-related

Total                                          --       --     --           --              --         2,505,237.27         318,530.00            --

         41. Non-operational expenditure

                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                                                                                   Amount         accounted       into

    Items                                           Current term                 Same period of last term          non-recurring      gain/loss    of

                                                                                                                   current term

    Total of loss from disposal of non-current
                                                                     16,356.68                       181,198.86                             16,356.68

    Incl. Loss from disposal of fixed assets                         16,356.68                       181,198.86

    Donations                                                        10,000.00                                                              10,000.00
                                Penalty paid out                    232,194.24                       121,140.00                            232,194.24
                   Local water source foundation                      1,462.68                     1,606,344.54


    Loss damage                                                      19,777.53                        44,881.67                             19,777.53

    Other                                                           279,791.13                     1,957,694.65                            278,328.45


         42. Income tax expenses

                (1) Details
                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                                             In RMB

Items                                         Current term                                     Same period of last term

Income tax of current term                                                   9,237,255.37                                 10,258,830.52

Deferred income tax                                                         -2,708,887.80                                 -13,092,761.86

Total                                                                        6,528,367.57                                  -2,833,931.34

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses
                                                                                                                            In RMB

Items                                                                Current term

Total profit                                                                                                              66,257,223.45

Income tax expense at statutory / applicable tax rates                                                                     9,938,583.52

Effect of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                                   2,431,049.22

Income not subject to tax                                                                                                  -6,730,586.24

Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                                                                     614,019.86

Taxation influence of unrecognized deductible loss and
deductible temporary difference

Income tax expenses                                                                                                        6,528,367.57

43.Other Comprehensive income

Please find the statement in the notes of consolidated balance sheet.

44. Notes Cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received from business operation
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                    Items                                  Occurred current term                       Occurred in previous term

Deposit interest                                                             3,290,329.23                                  2,276,884.34

Government subsidies received                                                4,313,237.27                                  3,628,381.23

Deposit for bidding and other                                                  350,000.00                                     -50,000.00

Compensation income                                                                10,697.28                                 163,534.00

Other                                                                              46,018.25                                 668,444.48

Total                                                                        8,010,282.03                                  6,687,244.05

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

2. Other cash paid for business activities
                                                                                                                      In RMB
                       Items                           Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term

Travel expenses                                                         15,569,947.22                               16,226,976.75

Transportation                                                           2,386,213.92                                3,272,653.84

Business trips                                                           9,114,231.52                               10,323,734.57

Maintaining                                                                892,883.85                                 609,448.28

Property management and civil services                                   3,045,005.51                                3,269,592.99

Deposit for bidding and others                                             533,396.53                                3,788,086.28

Office expenses                                                          3,374,787.41                                2,915,351.76

Conferences                                                              1,984,035.08                                1,286,764.88

Consulting service fee                                                   9,794,242.77                                7,080,357.89

Transportation and vehicles                                              2,794,047.26                                2,377,922.97

Other                                                                   29,495,330.68                               27,694,463.47

Total                                                                   78,984,121.75                               78,845,353.68

3. Other investment-related cash received
                                                                                                   In RMB
                       Items                           Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term
Repurchasing of trusteeship                                          1,819,767,338.00                              812,150,000.00

Total                                                                1,819,767,338.00                              812,150,000.00

4. Other cash paid for investment activities

                                                                                            In RMB

Items                                         Current term                              Same period of last term

Purchasing of financial products                                     1,729,150,000.00                              938,850,000.00

Total                                                                1,729,150,000.00                              938,850,000.00

5. Other financing-related cash received
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                       Items                           Occurred current term                    Occurred in previous term

Cancellation      of     company   property

Total                                                                   12,824,456.40

                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    45 Supplementary data of cash flow statement
    (1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                       Supplementary Info.                         Amount of the Current Term         Amount of the Previous Term

                                                                               --                                 --
I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities

     Net profit                                                                      59,728,855.88                     -26,277,229.57

Add: Impairment loss provision of assets                                    35,378,404.08                          125,619,636.17

Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and consumable
                                                                            38,554,988.75                              41,159,790.67
biological assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                                      3,026,009.40                     3,663,502.57

Amortization of Long-term deferred expenses                                             132,581.88

Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                       -180,553.42                          5,418.05
long-term deferred assets

Financial cost                                                                         8,369,082.20                     9,053,563.16

Loss on investment                                                                   -88,988,506.53                    -15,045,334.62

Decrease of deferred income tax assets                                                -2,708,887.80                    -13,949,461.00

Increased of deferred income tax liabilities                                          -3,329,084.16                             0.00

Decrease of inventories                                                             -151,123,337.73                -408,813,212.52

Decease of operating receivables                                                    -431,306,194.64                    62,274,426.08

Increased of operating Payable                                             522,271,847.58                          437,187,652.12

Other                                                                                  -135,561.07                       -179,698.16

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                           -10,310,355.58                          214,699,052.95

II. Significant investment and financing activities that without
                                                                               --                                 --
cash flows:

3.Movement of cash and cash equivalents:                                     --                                 --

Ending balance of cash                                                  1,010,649,375.76                           768,360,107.29

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents                                         895,037,559.34                 751,596,796.24

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                  115,611,816.42                              16,763,311.05

    (2)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                            In RMB

                         Items                        Amount of current period                   Amount of previous period

                                                                       1,055,809,378.48                             895,037,559.34
I. Cash

                                                                             204,146.76                                  326,226.09
Of which: Cash in stock
Demand bank deposit                                                    1,010,875,229.00                             840,734,362.93

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                       1,055,809,378.48                             895,037,559.34
the period end

46. Assets with limitation on ownership or using rights

                                                                                                                         In RMB

            Items                Closing book value                                Causation o limitation

Monetary capital                  45,160,002.72 Used as security for issuing of acceptance drafts and bill of guarantees
Bill receivable                          22,970,000.00Used as security for issuing of acceptance drafts

Fixed assets                            117,870,021.27Used to obtain bank loans

Intangible assets                        89,391,343.91Collateral for obtaining bank loans and investment funds from CDB

Available for sale financial
                                        478,170,000.00 nvestment funds for the development of the State Fund

Total                            753,561,367.90 --

47Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                                      Translated to RMB at end of
               Items                 Balance at end of period               Exchange rate
Monetary capital                                                --                               --                 175,766,140.21

Incl:USD                                         25,328,618.45                               6.774                 171,576,061.38

                  Euro                                120,248.35                              7.750                      931,876.62

JPY                                                     9,031.00                              0.060                          543.45

Rupiah                                         6,286,507,508.01                             0.00052                   3,256,410.89

                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Ruble                                               10,650.00                           0.117                        1,247.87

Account receivable                          --                                 --                           191,093,308.06

Incl:USD                                        24,542,406.53                         6.774                166,250,261.83

         Euro                                     2,582,293.40                         7.750                 20,011,741.08

Rupiah                                     9,326,843,918.91                          0.00052                  4,831,305.15

Other account receivable                                                                                        247,685.61

Incl:USD                                           36,562.00                          6.774                    247,685.61

(2) Note to overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities, which should be disclosed
about its principal business place, function currency for bookkeeping and basis for the choice. In case of any
change in function currency, the cause should be disclosed.
Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam Turbine Power (Indonesia) Co., Ltd. has its business located in Indonesia Rupee is
the pricing and booking currency of business operation.

VIII.Changes of consolidation scope

1.Disposal of subsidiary
Whether there is a single disposition to invest in the subsidiary that is the case of loss of control

Whether there is a case where the investment is made to the subsidiary and the loss of control in the current period
2.Other reasons for the merger scope change

Other causes of the consolidation scope changes (e.g., the new subsidiary, liquidation subsidiary, etc.) and its
related conditions:

                                                            Acquisition and

                                                         disposal of subsidiaries
                     Company name                                                   Write off time   Contribution       Funded ratio
                                                          during the reporting


Xinjiang Taifeng Hangzhou Steam turbine complete
                                                                 Write off           April 2017      10.20 million          51%
 technology development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Hangqi Boiler Co., Ltd                                  Write off           April 2017       10 million            50%

                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

IX. Equities in Other Entities

(I) Equity in major subsidiaries

1. Composition of major subsidiaries

                                          Main       business                      Business        Share proportion %
Name of the subsidiaries                                        Reg. Add.                                                  Way of obtain
                                          location                                 property          Direct     Indirect
Zhejiang Steam Trubine Packaged
                                          Hangzhou              Hangzhou
Technologies Development Co.,                                                      Manufacturing      70.86%               Incorporation
Ltd.                                      Zhejiang              Zhejiang

Hangzhou      Zhongneng          Steam
                                          Hangzhou              Hangzhou
Turbine     Power        Co.,      Ltd.                                            Manufacturing      60.83%               Incorporation
                                          Zhejiang              Zhejiang
(Zhongneng Co.)

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Hangzhou                         Hangzhou
                                                                                   Manufacturing      51.00%               Incorporation
Co., Ltd.                                 Zhejiang

Hangzhou         Steam          Turbine Hangzhou                Hangzhou
                                                                                   Manufacturing      52.00%               Incorporation
Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.             Zhejiang              Zhejiang

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary
                                          Hangzhou              Hangzhou
Machinery Co., Ltd. (Auxiliary                                                     Manufacturing      87.53%               Incorporation
                                          Zhejiang              Zhejiang
Machinery Co.)

Zhejiang Turbine Import & Export Hangzhou                       Hangzhou
                                                                                   Commerce          100.00%               Incorporation
Co., Ltd. (Turbine Co.)                   Zhejiang

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Heavy Hangzhou                           Hangzhou
                                                                                   Manufacturing     100.00%               Incorporation
Industry Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang              Zhejiang

Zhejiang Huayuan Steam Turbine            Deqing                Hangzhou
                                                                                   Manufacturing                  75.00% Incorporation
Machinery Co., Ltd.                       Zhejiang              Zhejiang

Hangzhou Guoneng Steam Turbine Hangzhou                         Hangzhou
                                                                                   Manufacturing                  75.00% Incorporation
Engineering Co., Ltd.                     Zhejiang              Zhejiang

Xinjiang Taifeng Hangzhou Steam
Turbine Packaged Technology               Xinjiang              Xinjiang           Manufacturing                  51.00% Incorporation
Development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Bypass Mechanical &              Hangzhou              Hangzhou           Manufacturing                  70.00% Incorporation

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.      Zhejiang          Zhejiang

Shijiazhuang Hangneng Steam
                                    Shijiazhuang      Shijiazhuang
Turbine Technology Service Co.,                                          Service                      60.00% Incorporation
                                    Hebei             Hebei

Kunming Hangzhong Steam
Turbine Technology Sevrvice Co., Kunming Yunnan Kunming Yunnan Service                                60.00% Incorporation

Wulumuqi Hangzhongneng Steam
                                    Wulumuqi          Wulumuqi
Turbine Technology Sevrvice Co.,                                         Service                      60.00% Incorporation
                                    Xingjiang         Xingjiang

Tangshan Hangneng Steam turbine
                                    Tangshan Hebei    Tangshan Hebei     Service                      60.00% Incorporation
Technology Sevrvice Co., Ltd

Jilin Hangzhongneng Steam turbine
                                    Jilin             Jilin              Service                      60.00% Incorporation
Technology Sevrvice Co., Ltd

Guangxi Hangzhongneng Steam
turbine Technology Sevrvice Co.,    Nanning Guangxi Nanning Guangxi Service                           60.00% Incorporation
Ltd. N

Chengdu Hangzhongneng Steam
turbine Technology Sevrvice Co.,    Chengdu Sichuan Chengdu Sichuan Service                           60.00% Incorporation

Luoyang Hangzhongneng Steam
turbine Technology Sevrvice Co.,    Luoyang Henan     Luoyang Henan      Service                      60.00% Incorporation

Hangzhou Steam turbine Boiler       Hangzhou          Hangzhou
                                                                         Manufacturing                50.00% Incorporation
Co., Ltd.                           Zhejiang          Zhejiang

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam
                                    Indonesia         Indonesia          Manufacturing                70.00% Incorporation
turbine (Indonesia) Co., Ltd

Hangzhou Kaineng Casting Co.,       Hangzhou          Hangzhou
                                                                         Manufacturing               100.00% Incorporation
Ltd                                 Zhejiang          Zhejiang

Zhejiang Runhong Burming            Hangzhou          Hangzhou
                                                                         Manufacturing                58.00% Incorporation
Machine Engineering Co., Ltd        Zhejiang          Zhejiang

Zhejiang Zhongrun Burning
                                    Huzhou Zhejiang   Huzhou Zhejiang    Manufacturing                55.55% Incorporation
machine Technology Co., Ltd

(2)Major non-fully-Owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                 Share protion     Gains/loss of the      Dividend announced in   Balance of eqiuty of

           Name of the subsidiaries                of minor      period attributable to    the period to minor    minor shareholders at

                                                 shareholders    minor shareholders           shareholders            end of period

Zhejiang     Steam      Trubine       Packaged
                                                      29.14%               800,412.38              2,229,600.00           21,839,491.20
Technologies Development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam turbine
                                                      39.17%            -1,237,068.91              3,917,200.00          130,094,169.76
PowerCo., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co., Ltd.              49.00%             2,850,729.66              9,702,000.00           79,055,945.25

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery
                                                      48.00%            11,315,541.93             21,600,000.00           60,700,450.90
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Auxiliary
                                                      12.47%             2,733,628.42              2,992,800.00           27,530,188.29
Machinery Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

         (3) Material financial information of major non-fully-owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                                             End of term                                                                                       Beginning of term
Subsidiaries Name                                   Non-current                       Current           Non-current                                                                            Current          Non-current
                                   Current assets                   Total of assets                                    Total of liability Current assets Non-current assetsTotal of assets                                     Total of liability
                                                      assets                          liabilities        liabilities                                                                          liabilities        liabilities

Zhejiang Steam trubine
                                    269,344,697. 23,763,573.8 293,108,271. 218,161,493.                                    218,161,493.                                     279,877,771. 191,451,594.                            191,451,594.
Packaged Technology                                                                                                                       255,821,238.00   24,056,533.07
                                              59                9               48              18                                   18                                                 07               17                                  17
Development Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam            986,770,801. 72,861,237.4 1,059,632,03 745,464,675.                                    747,202,675.                                     960,130,000. 623,195,514.                            623,525,514.
                                                                                                        1,738,000.00                      884,998,690.44   75,131,310.55                                           330,000.00
turbine PowerCo., Ltd.                        41                0             8.81              96                                   96                                                 99               10                                  10

Hangzhou Steam Turbine              229,398,790. 188,438,223. 417,837,013. 246,496,244. 10,002,105.0 256,498,349.                                                           406,270,109. 230,708,288.                            240,710,393.
                                                                                                                                          211,392,397.15 194,877,712.30                                         10,002,105.00
Casting Co., Ltd.                             06               13               19              42                     0             42                                                 45               79                                  79

Hangzhou Steam Turbine
                                    189,297,411. 21,148,841.5 210,446,253. 83,986,980.4                                    83,986,980.4                                     222,830,937. 75,404,339.6                            75,404,339.6
Machinery Equipment Co.,                                                                                                                  200,333,215.84   22,497,721.65
                                              54                8               12                  1                                 1                                                 49                  7                                 7

Hangzhou Steam Turbine              383,280,878. 117,672,960. 500,953,839. 279,861,691.                                    280,182,481.                                     548,004,777. 324,598,336.                            324,919,126.
                                                                                                         320,790.00                       432,548,733.64 115,456,043.82                                            320,790.00
Auxiliary Machinery Co., Ltd.                 88               20               08              50                                   50                                                 46               06                                  06

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                Amount of current period                                                                   Amount of previous period
             Subsidiaries Name
                                                                                                                              Cash flow for                                                                          Cash flow for
                                                      Turnover                Net profit            Total Misc Gains                                 Turnover              Net profit        Total Misc Gains
                                                                                                                            business activities                                                                    business activities
  Zhejiang    Steam      Turbine     Packaged
                                                       95,183,579.66           2,530,829.59               2,530,829.59           9,781,050.35         83,612,988.73         3,773,929.86          3,773,929.86          16,927,682.56
  Technology Development Co., Ltd

  Hangzhou Zhongneng Steam turbine                    308,881,733.81          -4,491,604.31              -4,491,604.31          10,110,775.10        341,837,358.58        -5,746,192.61         -5,746,192.61          24,130,671.69

                                                                                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Power Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Casting Co.,
                                            144,755,281.64    5,817,815.64    5,817,815.64     422,629.68    154,101,020.08    3,014,779.43     3,014,779.43     -7,002,715.11

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Machinery
                                            112,615,226.37   23,574,045.69   23,574,045.69   36,474,841.23    87,048,057.73   20,374,232.88    20,374,232.88    20,967,344.33
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou    Steam     Turbine   Auxiliary
                                            214,290,527.44   21,921,639.27   21,921,639.27   30,104,537.33   170,532,221.25   12,008,146.90    12,008,146.90    20,063,610.04
Machinery Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

X. Risks related to financial instruments
The objective of the Company’s risk management is to achieve a balance between the risk and gains. Constrain
the negative influence on business operation to the lowest limit, and maximum the interests of shareholders and
other equity holders. With regard to this target, the basic policies of the Company are; locate and analyse the risks,
set appropriate bottom line for risks, and manage and monitor on each risk and constrain them in a certain extent.
Risks attached to financial instruments are mainly credit risks, liquidity risks, and market risks.
The following risk managing policies have been examined and approved by the management:
(I) Credit risks
Credit risks are introduced when one party of the financial instrument failed to exercise its liabilities and then
caused financial loss to another.
The credit risks of the Company are mainly composed by bank savings and receivable accounts. Following
measurements are adopted to control these risks:
1. Bank deposit
The Company puts its bank savings in financial institutions with higher credit ranks, therefore with lower risks.
 2. Account receivable
The Company performs credit assessment on the clients on periodic and constant basis. Results suggested by the
assessment are used by the Company to determine clients with higher ranks and to overlook the rest. This was
conducted to avoid risks brought by material bad debts.
     As the Company only does business with recognized and reputable third parties, so no collateral is needed.
Credit risks are centralized managed in accordance with customers. As of June 30, 2017, the Company has a
characteristic of specific credit risk concentration. 40.97% (December 31, 2016: 41.79%) of the Company's
accounts receivable comes from the top five customers. The Company does not hold any collateral or other credit
enhancement for the balance of accounts receivable.
(1) Analyzing of receivable accounts neither due nor impaired, and those have due but not impaired:

     Items                                                      End of term

                   Not overdue and not                   Overdue but not impaired                   Total
                                              Within 1 year       1-2 years        Over 2 years

Bill receivable              696,089,138.4                                                           696,089,138.4

 Subtotal                    696,089,138.4                                                           696,089,138.4


     Items                                                    Beginning of term

                  Not overdue and not                   Overdue but not impaired                    Total
                                             Within 1 year      1-2 years         Over 2 years

Bill receivable          479,716,321.62                                                              479,716,321.62

 Subtotal                479,716,321.62                                                              479,716,321.62

     (2) See the accounts receivable of the individual impairment losses in the notes to the financial statement,

                                                                  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

     the explanation for the accounts receivable of the financial statement item.

       (II) Liquidation risks
     Liquidation risks are the possibilities of short in cash at fulfilling liabilities of payment or settlement for financial
     assets. They may be caused by failing to cash financial assets at fair value instantly; debtors’ failing of paying
     debts due; debts due before schedule; or failing of generating expected cash flow.
       To handle these risks, the Company adopted multiple measures such as note clearance and bank loans.
     Long-term and short-term financing approaches were used to maintain balance between constancy and flexibility.
     The Company has obtained credit from multiple banks to satisfy the needs of business operation and capital

        Categorizing of financial liabilities on remained period to due
                                                                          End of term
                                 Book value      Contract amount not        within 1 year          1-3 years         Over 3 years

Financial liabilities

Short-term loans               197,700,000.00       201,600,408.27         201,600,408.27

Notes payable                  151,467,745.11       151,467,745.11         151,467,745.11

Non-current     liabilities
                                18,300,000.00        18,347,631.00          18,347,631.00
due to 1 year

Long-term loan                   4,900,000.00         5,066,355.00                               5,066,355.00

 Long-term payable             208,330,000.00       222,751,733.33                              24,779,733.33 197,972,000.00

Account payable               1,098,063,222.70   1,098,063,222.70 1,098,063,222.70
Other account payable           29,028,860.33        29,028,860.33          29,028,860.33
Subtotal                      1,707,789,828.14   1,726,325,955.74 1,498,507,867.41              29,856,088.33 197,972,000.00


                                                                       Beginning of term
                                 Book value      Contract amount not        within 1 year          1-3 years         Over 3 years

Financial liabilities

Short-term loans                173,000,000.00      177,681,933.75         177,681,933.75
Notes payable                   143,007,715.10      143,007,715.10         143,007,715.10
Non-current     liabilities

due to 1 year                   18,500,000.00        19,583,120.86          19,583,120.86
Long-term loan                    4,900,000.00        5,145,034.03                               5,145,034.03

 Long-term payable
                                208,027,733.33      223,972,000.00                              26,000,000.00 197,972,000.00

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Account payable              853,452,589.51               853,452,589.51       853,452,589.51
Other account payable          30,820,980.80              30,820,980.80             30,820,980.80
Subtotal                  1,431,709,018.74             1,453,663,374.05 1,224,546,340.02               31,145,034.03 197,972,000.00

    (III) Market risks

    Market risks are those brought by change of fair value or expectable cash flow of financial instruments due to

    change of market prices, mainly interest risks and exchange rate risks.

    1. Interest risks

    Interest risks are those brought by change of fair value or expectable cash flow of financial instruments due to

    change of interest rates, mainly regards the loans at floating interest rates.

    2. Foreign currency risks
         Foreign currency risks (exchange rate risks) are those caused by change of fair value or expectable cash flow
    of financial instruments due to fluctuation of exchange rates. These risks are mainly related to foreign currency
    assets and liabilities. The Company operates in mainland China and mostly uses RMB as standard currency,
    therefore no major risks regarding exchange rates. For details of foreign currency assets and liabilities, please go
    to the descriptions in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

    XI. Related parties and related transactions

    1. Parent company of the Company

                                               Business                                 Shareholding of the parent Voting rights of the parent
    Name of the parent co. Reg. Add.                           Registered capital
                                               property                                 co.                        co. %

    Hangzhou            Steam Hangzhou
                                               Manufacturing   RMB 800 milllion         63.64%                     63.64%
    Turbine Group             China

    Hangzhou Municipal Government State-owned Asset Supervisory Committee is the ultimate controller of the Company.。

    2. For details of subsidiaries please go to the statement of equities in other entities.
    3. Other related parties

                         Name of the related parties                                   Relationship with the Company

     Hangzhou Steam turbine Automobile sales service Co., Ltd.       Affiliate of the Group

     Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.            Affiliate of the Group
                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

            Hangzhou Nanfangtongda Gears Co., Ltd.                           Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd.                       Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrical Co., Ltd.                     Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Technologies Co., Ltd.              Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.                     Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Equipment Co., Ltd.           Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Electronic Tube Co., Ltd.                 Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor Co., Ltd.                      Affiliate of the Group

            HSTG(Hangzhou )Union Research Co., Ltd                          Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou Wandong Electric Co., Ltd                               Affiliate of the Group

            Greenesol Co.(India)                                             Affiliate of the Group

            Hangzhou      Steam Turbine Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.           Affiliate of the Group

            Zhejiang Juqing Investment Co., Ltd.                            Affiliate of the Group

            4.Related transaction
            (1) Sale of goods/rendering of labor services/labor service offering
            Purchase of goods and service
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                                                                                      Over the
                                                     Content of related    Amount of current    Amount of previous    trading    Amount of last
                    Ralated parties
                                                           transaction                                                limit or       period
                                                                                 period               period

Hangzhou Steam turbine Automobile sales service Transportation ,
                                                                                22,740,891.37         22,740,891.37     No          22,025,165.68
Co., Ltd.                                            repair , etc.

Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment
                                                     Generators                 56,688,888.99         56,688,888.99     No          66,620,352.11
Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd.           Packaging                   5,928,878.83          5,928,878.83     No           7,597,558.46

Hangzhou Nanfang Tongda Gears Co., Ltd.              Gear boxes                  5,635,780.34          5,635,780.34     No           1,806,463.25

                                                     Raw materials
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co., Ltd.          processing ,                  482,896.70           482,896.70      No             640,102.34
                                                     cleaning fees, etc.

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                         Equipment
                                                                                 7,154,774.65          7,154,774.65     No           6,699,607.87

HSTG Technology Association                                Industrial                                                   No

                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017


Greenesol Co. (India)                            Generators                        34,062.49                 34,062.49        No

HSTG (Hangzhou) United Institutes Co., Ltd.          Law material                 677,912.62                677,912.62        No                  277,500.00
Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.     Technical service                 86,792.45                 86,792.45        No                2,420,773.08

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Electronic Tube Co., Ltd. Law material                                                                 No

Hangzhou Wandong Electric Co., Ltd.                                                                                           No                   13,333.33

Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industry & Trade Co., Grinding service
                                                                                2,368,081.20              2,368,081.20        No
Ltd.                                                      fee
Subtotal                                                                     101,798,959.64             101,798,959.64        No             108,100,856.11

           Related transactions regarding sales of goods or providing of services
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                         Subjects of the related
           Related parties                                                               Current term                Same period of last term

           Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Cast         parts,   industrial
                                                                                                      5,756,434.06                   5,447,419.07
           Co., Ltd.                                     co-operation

           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd. Steam turbine                                28,790,427.34                       136,752.14

           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                  Development services                            45,283.02                          376.09

           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales
                                                         Small amount materials                          24,077.26
           Service Co., Ltd.

           Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd. Small amount materials

           Greenesol Co.(India)                          Part                                           422,686.78                   1,664,712.44

           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor Co., Ltd.                                                   34,012.82                        76,923.08

           Subtotal                                                                                  35,072,921.28                   7,326,182.82

           (2)Information of related lease
           The Company was lessor

                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                     Category of lease      The lease income confirmed in The lease income confirmed in
                       Name of lessee
                                                          assets                         this year                           last year

  HSTG                                           House and Building                                  677,309.71                          474,116.80

  Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Site leasing                                          1,397,601.51                             782,514.62

                                                                   Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Service Co., Ltd.

       (3)Related-party guarantee
       The Company was guarantor

                                                                                                                              In RMB
               Guarantor           Guarantee amount             Start date                        End date             accomplished or

       HSTG                                100,000,000.00       December 18,2017                 December 18,2019            No

            in accordance with the National Development Fund Investment Contract, jointly signed by the Company,
       NDF, Turbine Industry Company and Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group, the investment of the NDF on Turbine
       Industry Company, RMB 20,800,000.00, is repurchased by the Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group, and the NDF
       asks the Company and Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group to provide guarantee for the fulfillment of Hangzhou
       Steam Turbine Group of the transferee equity obligations. The Company and Steam Turbine Company pledge to
       the NDF with a total of 23 million shares of Hangzhou Bank Co., Ltd. with book value of RMB 481,850,000.00
       and the land use right with book value of RMB 69,631,244.57.
       4. Remunerations of key managements

                                                                                                                              In RMB
       Items                                     Current term                               Same period of last term

       Remunerations of key managements                                      2,116,859.61                                 2,269,038.36

       5. Other related transactions

       (1) Service and power supply
       HSTG supplies water and power to the Company and some of the subsidiaries amounted to RMB6,069,868.99
       this period.
       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales & Service Co., Ltd. provided transportation to the Company’s
       employees and RMB1,105,560 was paid this period.
       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industry Co., Ltd. provided cleaning services to the Company and RMB708,176.09 was
       paid this period.
          HSTC pay the wages on behalf and newspapers fee of the company , this period occurred RMB767,548.28 and
       RMB 1,740,399.52.

       (2) Using of trademark

       The Company pays RMB495,163.96 to HSTG for using of the registered trademark.
       6. Receivables and payables of related parties

                                                                                                                           In RMB
Name                       Related party                           End of term                                   Beginning of term

                                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                            Book balance           Bad debt provision     Book balance          Bad debt provision

Account      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering
                                                                   66,174,395.99         6,767,458.59           52,898,295.99         6,117,053.80
receivable   Co., Ltd.

             Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                                                   21,483,302.40         1,428,322.45           17,950,170.60         1,146,223.10
             Equipment Co., Ltd.

             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
             Complete Equipment Engineering Co.,                     305,000.00            244,000.00             305,000.00            244,000.00

             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor
                                                                       59,000.00              5,900.00             59,000.00                 5,900.00
             Co., Ltd.

             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
                                                                     158,500.00            158,500.00             158,500.00            158,500.00
             Co., Ltd.

             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile
                                                                                                                      544.67                   27.23
             Sales Service Co., Ltd.

             Greenesol Co.(India)                                  17,411,522.43        13,575,418.13           15,642,523.36        12,514,018.69

Subtotal                                                          105,591,720.82        22,179,599.17           87,014,034.62        20,185,722.82
             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering
Prepayment                                                          2,272,000.00
             Co., Ltd.

             Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating
                                                                   49,157,785.00                                21,515,346.37
             Equipment Co., Ltd.

             Hangzhou Nanfang Tongda Gears Co.,

Subtotal                                                           51,884,785.00                                21,515,346.37
                                                                                                                                 In RMB
      Name                                 Related party                               Amount at year           Amount at year beginning

Account payable     Hangzhou Hangfa Power Generating Equipment Co., Ltd.                      151,726,504.75              115,744,578.95
                    Greenesol Co.(India)                                                        3,510,877.24                3,595,145.76
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.                               15,707,353.86                3,395,546.79
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Service Co.,
                                                                                                8,089,221.80                7,504,708.74

                    Hangzhou Nanhua Wooden Packaging Co., Ltd.                                   1,111,165.97                   963,509.03
                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.                                1,690,000.00                1,780,566.04
                    HSTG (Hangzhou) United Institutes Co., Ltd.                                   306,375.00                    597,075.00

                    Hangzhou Nanfang Tongda Gears Co., Ltd.                                     4,230,250.00                2,464,950.00

                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Industrial Co., Ltd.                                   212,774.10                    212,294.57

                    Hangzhou Wandong Electric Co., Ltd.                                                  0.00                    20,640.00

Subtotal                                                                                      186,584,522.72              136,279,014.88
                                                                    Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Advances received Hangzhou Steam Turbine Engineering Co., Ltd.                         53,933,290.00          38,972,720.00

                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Compressor Co., Ltd.                       14,310,724.49          14,190,000.00

                     Greenesol Co.(India)                                                 84,526.93

Subtotal                                                                               68,328,541.42          53,162,720.00

Other      account
                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Group                                       2,737,187.43           5,731,384.50
                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Automobile Sales Service Co.,
                                                                                         100,000.00              100,000.00

Subtotal                                                                                2,737,187.43           5,831,384.50

        XII. Other Material Issues
        Segment information
        1. Recognition of segments and accounting policies
        Business segments are determined according to the administration structure, management requirement, and
        internal reporting mechanism. Segments are parts of the Company’s business satisfying all of the following
        (1) Generate revenue and expenses in daily operations;
        (2) Operational results can be assessed by the management to decide the resources to be allocated;
        (3) Financial position, business results, and cash flow of the part is accessible through analyzing.
        2. Reasons of not being able to report about the segments
        The Company’s business range is relatively narrow and mainly involved in producing and selling of steam
        turbines, gas turbines and auxiliary machinery and parts. It is regarded as an integral business by the management.
        Therefore segment report is not included in this report.

                                                                                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    XIII. Notes to the Financial Statements of the Parent Co.
    1. Account receivable
    (1)Detailed categories
                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                   End of term                                                                                     Beginning of term

         Category                  Book balance                      Bad debt provision                                              Book balance                       Bad debt provision
                                                                                                       Book value                                                                                   Book value
                                Amount            Proportion        Amount           Proportion                                   Amount           Proportion          Amount          Proportion
Account receivables
provided bad debt
                               2,079,709,555.62      98.59%         775,959,401.58      37.31%          1,303,750,154.04        2,177,424,114.16          98.65%      752,473,417.58      34.56%    1,424,950,696.58
provision in credit risk

Account receivable
with minor individual
                                  29,819,607.69       1.41%          29,819,607.69     100.00%                       0.00          29,819,607.69          1.35%        29,819,607.69     100.00%
amount but bad debt
provision is provided

Total                          2,109,529,163.31     100.00%         805,779,009.27      38.20%          1,303,750,154.04        2,207,243,721.85     100.00%          782,293,025.27      35.44%    1,424,950,696.58
    Receivables with individually significant amount and provision for bad and doubtful debts individually provided at the end of the reporting period.

    Not applicable

                                                                       Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

    Receivable accounts in the group on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                 End of term
                                          Other receivable account          Bad debt provision                 Proportion%

     Subitem within 1 year

     Within 1 year                                   556,071,174.35                      27,803,558.71                        5.00%

     Subtotal within 1 year                          556,071,174.35                      27,803,558.71                        5.00%
     1-2 years                                       342,131,995.28                      34,213,199.53                       10.00%
     2-3 years                                       312,878,346.40                      93,863,503.92                       30.00%
     Over 3 years                                    786,450,051.61                    620,079,139.42
     3-4 years                                       331,895,783.51                    199,137,470.11                        60.00%
     4-5 years                                       168,062,993.95                    134,450,395.16                        80.00%
     Over 5 years                                    286,491,274.15                    286,491,274.15                        100.00%
     Total                                          1,997,531,567.64                   775,959,401.58                        38.85%

    Receivable accounts combined within consolidating range for providing of bad debt provisions
                                                                           End of term
                                               Book balance            Bad debt provision           Providing rate %

Combinations of related transactions in          82,177,987.98
consolidation range

Subtotal                                         82,177,987.98
         Remarks on deciding of combinations:
    Receivable accounts and other receivable accounts within the consolidation range are tested for impairment
    individually. No bad debt provision is provided in case there is no impairment occurred.
    Receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the balance percentage method in the portfolio
    Not applicable
    Receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the other method in the portfolio

             (2) Provision of allowance for doubtful debts within this year is RMB27,582,445.00 and no recovery or

    reversal of provision during the year.

             (3) Receivable accounts actually written off in the report period

                                                                                                                        In RMB
     Items                                                              Amount

     Uncollectible amount                                               4,096,461.00

                                                                      Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

        The significant actual write-off accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                              Nature of
                                                                                   Reason for       Verification      Arising from related
                     Name                      account      Amount written off
                                                                                   written-off       procedures         transactions(Y/N)

                                                                                                 The examined and

China Air Separation Engineering Co., Ltd.   Goods                1,674,643.00 quality loss      adopted to Board     No
                                                                                                 of directors

                                                                                                 The examined and
Huaneng Energy saving Powergeneration Co.,
                                             Goods                  760,000.00 quality loss      adopted to Board     No
                                                                                                 of directors

                                                                                                 The examined and
Tangshan Yanshan Steel Co.,Ltd.              Goods                  623,280.00                   adopted to Board     No
                                                                                                 of directors

                                                                                                 The examined and
Inner Mongolia Runbang Biogechnology Co.,
                                             Goods                  620,000.00 quality loss      adopted to Board     No
                                                                                                 of directors

                                                                                                 The examined and
Other                                        Goods                  418,538.00                   adopted to Board     No
                                                                                                 of directors

Total                                             --       4,096,461.00                   --              --                   --

        Notes :

        (4)Receivables account of the top five parties

          Name                                 Amount             Proportion(%)                                    Bad debt provision

        Client 1                                600,440,422.92                          28                              273.708.897.87

        Client 2                                301,330,454.20                          14                              175,770,724.20

        Client 3                                  61,659,500.00                         3                                  3,164,975.00

        Client 4                                  57,859,245.99                         3                                  5,861,438.59

        Client 5                                  35,751,500.00                         2                                  1,787,575.00

          Subtotal                             1,057,041,123.11                         50                              460,293,610.66

                                                                                                                                          Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

          2. Other account receivable

                                                                                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                        End of term                                                                         Beginning of term

                                           Book balance                    Bad debt provision                                     Book balance                   Bad debt provision
                                                        Proportion                                        Book value                           Proportion                       Proportion    Book value
                                        Amount                           Amount          Proportion %                      Amount                               Amount
                                                            %                                                                                      %                                %

Other receivables provided bad

debt provision in credit risk           12,963,578.72     100.00%         6,246,660.52        48.19%       6,716,918.20        74,189,903.93     100.00%        6,185,197.69          8.34%    68,004,706.24


Total                                   12,963,578.72     100.00%         6,246,660.52        48.19%       6,716,918.20        74,189,903.93     100.00%        6,185,197.69          8.34%    68,004,706.24

    Other Receivable accounts with large amount individually and bad debt provisions were provided
    Not applicable
    Other receivable accounts in the group on which bad debt provisions are provided on age basis
                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                  End of term
                                         Other receivable account             Bad debt provision                 Proportion%

    Subitem within 1 year

    Within 1 year                                        3,182,783.71                       159,139.19                           5.00%

    Subtotal within 1 year                               3,182,783.71                       159,139.19                           5.00%
    1-2 years                                            1,253,519.24                       125,351.92                          10.00%
    2-3 years                                            1,363,026.90                       408,908.07                          30.00%
    Over 3 years                                         6,050,215.34                      5,553,261.34
    3-4 years                                            1,203,039.00                       721,823.40                          60.00%
                                                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

4-5 years         78,692.00      62,953.60    80.00%
Over 5 years    4,768,484.34   4,768,484.34   100.00%
Total          11,849,545.19   6,246,660.52   52.72%

                                                           Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

  Notes :
  Receivable accounts combined within consolidating range for providing of bad debt provisions
                                                                  End of term
                                       Book balance         Bad debt provision       Providing rate %

Combinations of related transactions      1,114,033.53
in consolidation range

Subtotal                                  1,114,033.53
       Remarks on deciding of combinations:
  Receivable accounts and other receivable accounts within the consolidation range are tested for impairment
  individually. No bad debt provision is provided in case there is no impairment occurred.
  Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the balance percentage method in the
  Not applicable
  Other receivables with provision for bad and doubtful debts based on the other method in the portfolio
  Not applicable

  (2)Bad debt provision withdrawal, reversed or recovered in the report period.

        Provision of allowance for doubtful debts within this year is RMB 61,462.83 and no recovery or reversal of

  provision during the year.

        (3) Combination of other receivable accounts

                                                                                                             In RMB
     Property                                          End of term                       Beginning of term

  Related party funds                                                 1,114,033.53                      60,000,000.00

     Deposit                                                          6,460,710.00                      13,039,563.14

     Petty cash                                                       4,935,171.59                           167,900.00

     Provisional payment receivable                                    453,663.60                            982,440.79

     Total                                                           12,963,578.72                      74,189,903.93

  (4) Top 5 of the closing balance of Other accounts receivable
                                                                                 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                            Account                                                                Percentage in total
         Name of the company                                       Book balance                  Age                                          Bad debt provision
                                            property                                                               other receivable %

                                           Deposit in
Shanghai Customs Waigaoqiao Office                                     3,710,320.94          Over 5 years                         28.62%              3,710,320.94

Guodian Trust Bidding Co., Ltd.            Deposit in                                    Within 1 year, over 5
                                                                       1,294,500.00                                                  9.99%              539,725.00
Guoxin Bidding Group Co., Ltd.             Deposit in
                                                                         849,500.00     1-2 years, over 5 years                      6.55%              129,500.00

China    Electric   Power    Complete
                                            Services                     728,000.00         Within 1 year                            5.62%               36,400.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Guodian Longyuan Power Technology Deposit                  in
                                                                         500,000.00           3-4 years                              3.86%              300,000.00
Engineering Co., Ltd.                   custom

Total                                           --                     7,082,320.94                 --                                                4,715,945.94

        3. Long-term share equity investment
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                              End of term                                                         Beginning of term

                                                 Impairm                                                                   Impair

Items                                                ent                                                                   ment
                            Book balance                              Book value                Book balance                                  Book value
                                                 provisio                                                                  provisi

                                                     n                                                                       on
Investment          on
                               502,919,378.03                           502,919,378.03                   502,919,378.03                           502,919,378.03

Total                          502,919,378.03                           502,919,378.03                   502,919,378.03                           502,919,378.03

        (1)Investment to the subsidiary

                                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                                                                                    balance of
                    Name                             Opening balance            Increase Decrease        Closing balance          provision in
                                                                                                                                  the reporting

Touping Imports & Exports Co.                                   20,000,000.00                                 20,000,000.00

                                                                             Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

Heavy Industry Co.                                       360,000,000.00                                 360,000,000.00

Auxiliary Machine Co                                       46,286,513.41                                 46,286,513.41

Packaged Co.                                               29,800,389.56                                 29,800,389.56

Zhongneng Co.                                              27,644,475.06                                 27,644,475.06

Machinery Co.                                               7,968,000.00                                  7,968,000.00

Casting Co.                                                11,220,000.00                                 11,220,000.00

Total                                                    502,919,378.03                                 502,919,378.03

        4. Business income and Business cost
                                                                                                                              In RMB

        Items                                 Amount of current period                                 Amount of previous period

                               Revenue                         Cost                        Revenue                    Cost

        Main business                       1,022,711,006.96           758,653,563.38                865,641,911.52          540,221,337.74

        Other business                         93,434,073.65               90,328,583.22               8,058,477.84            5,896,004.22
        Total                               1,116,145,080.61           848,982,146.60                873,700,389.36          546,117,341.96

        5.Investment income

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                            Amount of current period           Amount of previous period

        Investment income form holding available-for-sale equity
                                                                                             43,203,908.24                     2,587,659.70

        Investment income from disposal of available for sale
        financial assets
        Long-term equity investment income by Cost method                                    60,959,407.50                    73,528,812.50
        Investment income of financial products                                              12,028,688.59                     2,697,347.51

        Total                                                                               141,313,652.53                    78,813,819.71

        XIII. Supplement information

        1. Particulars about current non-recurring gains and loss

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

                                                Items                                                    Amount                 Notes
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset                                                           180,553.42
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and loess(while closely related with the
normal business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion                              2,505,237.27
governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard)

Gains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financial assets and
financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related to normal business of the
Company, and investment income from disposal of transactional financial assets and
liabilities and financial assets available for sale

Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                             1,590,730.74
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                                       7,982,642.11
Amount of influence of minority interests                                                                     642,891.62
Total                                                                                                      40,435,585.99 --

        For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
        information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
        its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure
        for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as
        recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.
        Not applicable

        2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS)

                                                               Weighted                               EPS(Yuan/share)
                     Profit as of reporting period            average ROE
                                                                                          EPS-basic               EPS-diluted

        Net profit attributable to common
                                                                         0.69%                             0.06                          0.06
        shareholders of the Company

        Net profit attributable to common
        shareholders of the Company after
                                                                         0.06%                            0.005                         0.005
        deduction of non-recurring profit
        and loss

                                                         Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual Report 2017

XI. Documents for Reference
(I) Financial Statements signed and sealed by the Chairman of the Board , chief accountant and director of
the financial division;
(II) All the originals of the Company’s documents and public notices disclosed in the newspapers
designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission in the report period;
(III) Original copy of Resolutions of the 13th Meeting of the 7th Term of Board.

                                                     Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                                     Chairman of the Board: Zheng Bin

                                                         August 18, 2017
