Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Stock Code:200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No.:2021-37 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) (Stock Code:200771 ) April 2021 1 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) I. Important Prompt The Board of Directors, The Supervisory Committee, the supervisors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Report. All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined. Chairman Mr. Zheng Bin, Chief Financial Officer Mr.Zhao Jiamao, and the Chief of Accounting Department Mr. Jin Can hereby declare: the Financial Statement in the report is guaranteed to be truthful and complete. 2 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) II. Basic information about the company I. Main financial data and indices Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data. □ Yes √ No Changes of this period Same period of last This period over same period of year last year(%) Operating income(Yuan) 1,181,683,010.42 697,880,677.71 69.32% Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed 161,578,759.88 -15,519,633.02 1,141.12% company(Yuan) Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss 54,440,724.84 -22,412,384.48 342.90% attributable to the shareholders of listed company(Yuan) Cash flow generated by business operation, net(Yuan) 157,547,348.48 150,122,015.81 4.95% Basic earning per share(Yuan/Share) 0.22 -0.02 1,200.00% Diluted gains per share(Yuan/Share) 0.22 -0.02 1,200.00% Weighted average return on equity(%) 1.92% -0.24% 2.16% Changes of this period-end over same End of this period End of last period period-end of last year(%) Gross assets(Yuan) 16,389,503,692.97 15,392,653,924.41 6.48% Net assets attributable to the shareholders of the listed 8,721,283,524.73 8,104,788,941.36 7.61% company(Yuan) Items and amount of non-current gains and losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB Amount from year-begin to Items Notes period -end Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part -59,619.39 for which assets impairment provision is made) Tax refund, deduction and exemption that is examined and approved by authority exceeding or has no official approval 0.00 document. Governmental Subsidy accounted as current gain/loss, except for those subsidies at with amount or quantity fixed by the national 1,450,067.44 government and closely related to the Company’s business 3 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) operation. Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that are 0.00 recorded into current gains and losses Gains due to that the investment costs for the Company to obtain subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than the 0.00 enjoyable fair value of the identifiable net assets of the investees when making the investments Gain/loss on non-monetary asset swap 0.00 Gain/loss on entrusting others with investments or asset 0.00 management Asset impairment provisions due acts of God such as natural 0.00 disasters Gains/losses of debt restructure 0.00 Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for allocation of 0.00 employees and integration fee Gains/losses exceeding the fair value arising from transactions 0.00 with obviously unfair prices Net gain and loss of the subsidiary under the common control and produced from enterprise consolidation from the beginning of the 0.00 period to the consolidation date Gain and loss arising from contingent matters irrelevant with the 0.00 Company’s normal operation business Gain and loss from change of the fair value arising from transactional monetary assets, transactional financial liabilities as held as well as the investment income arising from disposal of the transactional monetary assets, transactional financial liabilities 9,052,164.94 and financial assets available for sale excluding the effective hedging transaction in connection with the Company’s normal business Reverse of the provision for impairment of accounts receivable 0.00 undergoing impairment test individually Gain/loss from external entrusted loan 0.00 Gain and loss arising from change in the fair value of the investment based real estate measure afterwards by means of fair 0.00 value model Influence upon the current gains and losses from the once-and –for –all adjustment over the current gains and losses according 0.00 to the taxation and accounting laws and regulations Income from custodian charge obtained from entrusted operation 0.00 4 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Operating income and expenses other than the aforesaid items 116,605,143.21 Less: Influenced amount of income tax 19,502,579.61 Amount of influence of minority interests(After tax) 407,141.55 Total 107,138,035.04 -- For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Compaines Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason. None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recorgnized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period. II. Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders 1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders In shares Total number of common shareholders Total preference shareholders with the voting power recovered at the 11422 0 at the period-end end of the reporting period(if any) Shares held by the top 10 shareholders Amount of Pledging or freezing Share tradable shares Properties of Shareholder name proporti Quantity with Status of shareholder Quantity on % Conditional the shares held State-owned Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. 63.64% 479,824,800 479,824,800 legal person VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK Foreign legal 0.71% 5,365,877 0 INDEX FUND person State-owned China Merchants Securities(HK)Co., Ltd. 0.60% 4,500,630 0 legal person Domestic Zhou Jie 0.58% 4,341,100 0 Natural person VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX Foreign legal 0.55% 4,122,282 0 FUND person GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) Foreign legal 0.54% 4,053,180 0 LIMITED person Foreign legal ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF 0.47% 3,555,928 0 person Foreign legal NORGES BANK 0.33% 2,514,529 0 person Xia Zulin Domestic 0.31% 2,320,000 0 5 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Natural person Domestic Gu Yang 0.20% 1,504,552 0 Natural person Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares Number of the Share type Shareholders’ Names non-restricted shares held Share type Quantity Foreign shares placed VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND 5,365,877 5,365,877 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed China Merchants Securities(HK)Co., Ltd. 4,500,630 4,500,630 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed Zhou Jie 4,341,100 4,341,100 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND 4,122,282 4,122,282 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 4,053,180 4,053,180 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF 3,555,928 3,555,928 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed NORGES BANK 2,514,529 2,514,529 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed Xia Zulin 2,320,000 2,320,000 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed Gu Yang 1,504,552 1,504,552 in domestic exchange Foreign shares placed Wang Yihu 1,503,966 1,503,966 in domestic exchange (1)It is unknown to the Company if there is any relationship among the top 10 common share holders without restriction. (2) Explanation on associated relationship or concerted action of the above Other Shareholders. is not an action-in-concert” party with any of shareholders other shareholders as described by the “Administration Rules of Informational Disclosure about Change of Shareholding Statues of PLCs”. Note to the top 10 common stockholders involved in margin financing & Not applicable securities lending (If any) Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period. □ Yes √ No The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period. 6 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) 2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of the report period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 7 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) III. Significant Events I. Changes in the principal accounting statement items and financial indications and the causes √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB 10,000 Beginning of Scale of Remarks on the change Liabilities and Owner's equity End of term change term Mainly due to the purchase of 688 million yuan of Monetary fund 118,543.00 182,948.12 -35.20% convertible bonds of Bank of Hangzhou in the current period. Transactional financial assets 169,928.34 102,168.18 66.32% The same as above Mainly due to the Zhongrun Company-invested by Long term share equity Turbine Company-is included in the scope of 1,145.61 2,335.54 -50.95% investment consolidation in the current period, and the long-term equity investment is combined to offset. Mainly due to the year-end bonus accrued at the Employees’ wage payable 5,760.92 11,640.02 -50.51% end of the previous period is distributed in the current period. Mainly because of the suspension of the Huoqiu project in 2019, the original received pre-payment Other account payable 3,916.08 7,521.26 -47.93% of 34 million were temporarily transferred to other payables. However as the judgment result was clear, it’s reversed. Items Same period of Scale of This period Remarks on the change last year change Business income Mainly due to the sales in the same period last year were affected by the "new coronavirus " epidemic, 118,168.30 69,788.07 69.32% and the business situation in the current period has basically recovered and the sales revenue has increased significantly YOY. Business costs Mainly due to the increase in sales revenue, thus 83,348.02 49,775.21 67.45% led to the increase in costs. Mainly due to the increase in value-added tax Business taxes and surcharges 631.30 264.53 138.65% payable in the current period. Mainly due to the impact of the "new coronavirus " epidemic in the same period last year, travel expenses, hospitality expenses, and merchandise Sale expenses 4,456.76 3,434.60 29.76% transportation expenses had dropped significantly, however in the current period those have basically recovered. 8 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Mainly due to the increase in R&D investment in R & D Costs 9,033.51 5,651.63 59.84% the current period. Mainly because interest income fell YOY, and net Financial expenses -40.79 -1,594.06 97.44% foreign exchange gains also fell YOY. Mainly due to the delay in the return of the Impairment losses on assets 1,785.75 827.16 115.89% warranty money due to the impact of the "new coronavirus” epidemic in the same period last year. Mainly due to the delay in payment collection due Loss of credit impairment -3,833.94 -6,752.20 43.22% to the impact of the "new coronavirus" epidemic in the same period last year. Mainly due to confirm the loss of subsidiary equity Investment income 259.00 845.97 -69.38% investment. Mainly due to the increase in other income Other income 683.00 114.59 496.04% recognized by relocation expenses during the current period Mainly due to the termination of the gas turbine contract for the Huoqiu project with Sinosteel Non-Operating income 11,789.53 257.49 4478.64% Equipment Co., Ltd under the mediation of the court, and gained the compensation for losses of 109 million yuan. Mainly due to the YOY increase in sales gross profit and gained 109 million yuan of Total of profit 20,763.10 -1,857.24 1217.95% compensation for losses from Sinosteel Equipment Co., Ltd. Items Same period of Scale of This period Remarks on the change last year change Net cash flow generated by Mainly due to the purchase of 688 million yuan of -78,044.44 -10,013.41 -679.40% convertible bonds of Bank of Hangzhou in the investment current period. Net cash flow generated by Mainly due to the repurchase of treasury stocks in -2,310.25 -4,718.06 51.03% Financing the same period last year. II. Progress of Significant Events, their Influences and Analytical Notice on the Solutions √ Applicable □ Not applicable On March 29, 2021, the Company subscribed for 6,875,720 bank of Hangzhou convertible bonds through the trading system, with a unit price of 100 yuan/bond and the subscription amount of 687,572,000 yuan. On April 2, 2021, Bank of Hangzhou disclosed the "Announcement on the Results of Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds", the Company's subscription amount was fully allotted, and the Company held 6,875,720 Bank of Hangzhou convertible bonds. Date of disclosing Provisional Description of the website for disclosing Description of provisional announcement announcement Provisional announcement 9 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Announcement on the progress of (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) subscribing to the convertible bonds of April 6,2021 (Announcement No.:2021-09) Bank of Hangzhou Progress in the implementation of share repurchase □ Applicable √ Not applicable Progress in the implementation of the reduction of the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding □ Applicable √ Not applicable III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable The company has no commitments completed in period and those without completed till lend of the period from actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies. 10 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) IV. Financial asset investment 1. Investment in securities √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB Sale Mode of Book value Gain/loss Book value Changes in Cumulative fair Purchase amoun Security Securit Stock Initial accounting balance at the of the balance at the Accounting Sauce of fair value of value changes amount in the t in the category y code Abbreviation: investment cost measuremen beginning of the reporting end of the items the shares the this period in equity this period this t reporting period period reporting period period Domestic Other equity and Bank of 4,056,378,073.5 535,594,155.8 4,201,018,189.3 4,591,972,229. 600926 390,954,040.00 FVM Instrument Self funds foreign Hangzhou 2 2 4 34 investment stocks Domestic Transactiona Debt and LUTIANHU 29,579.6 000912 2,869,219.80 FVM 1,681,809.34 29,579.62 -1,157,830.84 1,711,388.96 l Financial restructurin foreign A 2 Assets g stocks Transactiona Convertibl 687,572,000.0 110079 HBCB 687,572,000.00 FVM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 687,572,000.00 l Financial Self funds e bond 0 Assets 1,081,395,259.8 4,058,059,882.8 535,623,735.4 4,199,860,358.5 687,572,000.0 29,579.6 5,281,255,618. Total -- 0.00 -- -- 0 6 4 0 0 2 30 Disclosure Date of Announcement on Securities Investment Approved by the Board of Directors 11 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Disclosure Date of Announcement on Securities Investment Approved by the Shareholders Meeting(If any) 2.Investment in derivatives □ Applicable √Not applicable There is no derivative investment during the report period. V. Progress of investment projects with raised funds □ Applicable √Not applicable 12 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) VI. Prediction of the performances from January to June 2021 Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason □ Applicable √Not applicable VII. Major contracts for daily operations □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Entrusted Financial Management √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB10,000 Type Source Amount Unexpired balance Overdue amount Bank financing product Idle own funds 152,000 101,000 0 Total 152,000 101,000 0 Specific Circumstance of Trust Investment which is large in single amount, low in security, poor in liquidity or unguaranteed in high risk □ Applicable √ Not applicable Entrust financial expected to be unable to recover the principal or impairment might be occurred □ Applicable √ Not applicable IX. External guarantee get out of line □ Applicable √Not applicable The Company has no external guarantee get out of the line in the Period X. Controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company □ Applicable √Not applicable There are no controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company in Period XI. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for future reference □ Applicable √Not applicable No such cases in the reporting period. 13 Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2021(Text) Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board: Zheng Bin April 27,2021 14