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                        Stock Code: 200771        Stock ID: Hangqilun B        Announcement No. :2022-07

                            Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
  Resolutions of the Second Provisional Shareholders' General Meeting of 2022

    The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the

truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading

statement or significant omission carried in this announcement.

    Special remarks:

1. Notice of Holding the Second Provisional shareholders’ general meeting of 2022 were released
on January 26,2022 with Securities Times, Shanghai Commercial Daily, Hong Kong Commercial
Daily, and http://www.cninfo.com.cn( Announcement No .:2022-06).
2. No proposal was rejected at the meeting.

3. No resolution of previous shareholders’ meeting was changed by this meeting.

I. Holding of the meeting

1. Time of the meeting:

(1) Time of the onsite meeting: February 18, 2022(Friday) 15:00;

(2)Time of voting through network: February 18, 2022

Of which, Online voting through the trading system of SSE was 9:15~9:25, 9:30~11:30 and

13:00~15:00;Votes can be made anytime between 9:15 to 15:00 through the online voting

system provided by SSE.

2. Venue: Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. (No.1188 Dongxin Road, Hangzhou)

Meeting Room No. 304, Steam Turbine Power Building

3. Way of meeting: This shareholders’ meeting was held both onsite and online.
4. Convener: The Board of Directors of the Company
5. Host of the meeting: Chairman of the Company, Mr. Zheng Bin
6. The calling and holding procedures were complying with the Company Law, Rules of Listing
of SSE, and the Articles of Association.

   II. Delegates at the meeting
   1. Presenting of the meeting by shareholders

                                               Number of
                                                               Number of          Percentage of the company's total
                 Classification                  people
                                                              shares(shares)                voting shares

   1)Total on-site and voting through
                                                     125         516,124,925                                68.46%

   Of which:Domestic shareholders                        1      479,824,800                                63.65%
        B-shareholders                               124           36,300,125                               4.81%
   2)On-site meeting voting                           62        507,170,915                                67.27%
   3)Voting through network                           63           8,954,010                               1.19%

   2. Presenting of other delegates
            The directors, supervisors and executives of the Company, as well as the law consultant –
        Zhejiang Tiance Law Firm presented the meeting.
   III. Proposals and voting results
        The following proposals were voted and adopted at the meeting by means of online and
   onsite voting:

   1.The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal on Providing Guarantee for Steam
   Turbine New Energy Company
                                    In favor                         Objection                          Waive

                         Number of shares      Proportion     Number of        Proportion   Number of       Proportion

                                                                shares                         shares
shareholders                479,824,800          100.00%                   0      0.00%                 0       0.00%
B-shareholders               30,137,992           83.02%        5,804,006        15.99%       358,127           0.99%
Total                       509,962,792           98.81%        5,804,006         1.12%       358,127           0.07%

Including: votes by mid-small shareholders: (Shareholders with 5% or lower of the capital shares,the
same below)

                             30,137,992           83.02%        5,804,006        15.99%       358,127           0.99%

   IV. Legal Opinions from the Solicitors
        1. Name of the law firm: Zhejiang Tianche Law Firm
        2. Names of the lawyers: Liu Bin,He Jiabei
        3. Conclusive opinion:
        In the lawyers’ opinion, the convening and holding procedures, the qualification of attendees,
   and voting procedures of the Second Provisional Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2022 was
   complying with the laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company. Therefore
   the resolutions are legal and valid.

V. Documents for Reference

   1. Resolutions of the Second Provisional Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2022 carrying the
signatures of the directors and secretary of Board;

   2. Legal opinion issued by Zhejiang Tianche Law Firm on the shareholders’ meeting.

   This announcement is hereby made.

                                Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co., Ltd.
                                                      February 19, 2022
