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                        Stock Code: 200771       Stock ID: Hangqilun B         Announcement No.: 2023-22

                        Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

           Announcement on Changing the English name, Registered Capital ,

                            and Amending the Articles of Association

The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.

     On March 27, 2023, the 32nd meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors will be held, and the
Proposal on the English name ,Registered Capital and Amending the Articles of Association will be
deliberated and approved. The specific matters are as follows:
     1. According to the company’s development needs and business strategy, in order to enhance
the company’s brand image in the international market, it is proposed to change the company’s En
glish name, details are as follows:
            Before the change                                      After change
POWER GROUP CO.,LTD.                          POWER GROUP CO.,LTD.
     2. Due to the repurchase and cancellation of 531,180 restricted stocks and the repurchase and
cancellation of 111,800 remaining stocks in the special securities account, the total share capital of
the Company will be reduced from 980,179,980 to 979,537,000, and the registered capital of the
Company will be reduced from RMB 980,179,980 to RMB 979,537,000. Based on the
above-mentioned changes in registered capital, the Company intends to revise the corresponding
articles in the Articles of Association.
     3. According to the relevant requirements of improving party building and governing
enterprises according to law, the corresponding articles of association will be revised.
     For details, please refer to Annex: Comparison Table of Amendments to Articles of
     This proposal needs to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders for deliberation
after it is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. The above changes in registered capital
and amendments to the Articles of Association shall be subject to the final approval of the industrial
and commercial registration authority.

                     The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

                                         March 29, 2023

      Annex: Comparison Table of Amendments to Articles of Association
S/N       Before amendment                                After amendment
1            Article 2 According to the relevant            Article 2 According to the Constitution, the
        provisions of Company Law and Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the
        Constitution of the Communist Party of Company Law and the Work Regulations of Communist
        China, the party organization has a legal Party of China (CPC) in the Grassroots Organizations of
        position in the corporate governance State-owned Enterprises (Trial), the Company establishes
        structure, and plays a leading and a Party Committee to carry out Party activities and
        political core role.                            provide basic guarantees, and coordinates the work
                                                        among the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors
                                                        and the management. The Board of Directors, the Board
                                                        of Supervisors and the management shall exercise
                                                        relevant rights and obligations according to their
                                                        respective responsibilities and jointly implement the
                                                        party's guidelines, principles and policies.
2            Article 3 In accordance with the               Deleted this clause.
        Constitution, the Constitution of the
        Communist Party of China and the
        Company Law, the Company shall set
        up a Party Committee to carry out its
        work according to the requirements of
        the higher-level party organization and
        coordinate the work among the Board
        of Directors, the Board of Supervisors
        and the management. The Board of
        Directors, the Board of Supervisors and
        the management shall exercise relevant
        rights and obligations according to their
        respective responsibilities and jointly
        implement      the     party's    guidelines,
        principles and policies.

3                                                    Added one clause:
                                                     Article 3 The Company comprehensively promotes
                                                 the construction of enterprise's rule of law, and adheres
                                                 to the joint promotion of governance, operation and
                                                 management according to law, so as to promote the
                                                 sustained and healthy development of the enterprise.
4        Article 5, paragraph 2                      Article 5, paragraph 2
         After the profit distribution plan          In 2023, the Company will repurchase and cancel
    approved by the company at the 2021 531,180 restricted stocks, cancel and repurchase 111,800
    Annual      General        Meeting      of remaining shares, and the Company's share capital will
    Shareholders was implemented with 3 be changed to 979,537,000,
    shares distributed for every 10 shares,          of which 623,772,240 is held by the corporate
    the company's share capital increased to shareholder Hangzhou Steam Turbine Power Group
    980,179,980      shares,      of     which Co., Ltd., accounting for 63.68% of the total share
    623,772,240 shares were national legal capital; Domestic listed foreign shares (B shares) will be
    person shares, accounting for 63.64% of changed to 355,764,760, accounting for 36.32% of the
    the total share capital; The domestic total share capital.
    listed foreign shares (B shares) were
    changed     to   356,407,740       shares,
    accounting for 36.36% of the total share
5        Article 6 Registered name of the            Article 6 Registered name of the company
    company                                          Company Name in Chinese: 杭州汽轮动力集团股份
         Company Name in Chinese: 杭州 有限公司
    汽轮动力集团股份有限公司                         Name in English: HANGZHOU TURBINE POWER
         Name in English: HANGZHOU GROUP CO.,LTD.
    STEAM TURBINE POWER GROUP                        Abbreviation in English: HTC
         Abbreviation in English: HTC
6        Article 8 The registered capital of         Article 8 The registered capital of the Company is
    the company is RMB 980,179,980 RMB979,537,000.
    (including: the increased registered
    capital of RMB 226,169,580 after the
    implementation of the distribution plan
    of 3 shares for every 10 shares adopted
    by the 2021 Annual General Meeting of
7        Article 32 The Party Committee              Article 32 After the approval of the party

    (Committee for Discipline Inspection) organization at the higher level, the Company shall set
    of the company consists of the up a party committee. The Party Committee of the
    secretary,    deputy       secretary        and Company consists of the secretary, deputy secretary and
    members.      The      secretary,      deputy members. In principle, the secretary of the Party
    secretary and members shall be elected Committee and chairman shall be the same person, and
    by the party members' congress of the a full-time deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and
    company and reported to the superior Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection shall
    party organization for approval, or be set up.                  The Party Committee of the Company
    appointed     by    the    superior        party participates in the decision-making on major issues
    organization. The term of office of the through the leadership system of two-way entry and
    Party   Committee         (Committee        for cross-employment. Eligible party committee members
    Discipline Inspection) and the general can enter the Board of Directors, the Board of
    election shall be subject to the Supervisors and the managers through legal procedures.
    provisions of the Constitution of the The party member, who meets the requirements among
    Communist Party of China and the the members of the Board of Directors, the Board of
    Regulations on the Election of Local Supervisors and the managers, can enter the Party
    Organizations in the Communist Party Committee in accordance with relevant regulations and
    of China.                                         procedures.

8        Article 33 The Party Committee of                The content of this clause has been incorporated
    the Company participates              in    the into Article 32, and this clause is deleted.
    decision-making      on     major       issues
    through the leadership system of
    two-way entry and cross-employment.
    Eligible party committee members can
    enter the Board of Directors, the Board
    of Supervisors and the managers
    through legal procedures. The party
    member, who meets the requirements
    among the members of the Board of
    Directors, the Board of Supervisors and
    the managers, can enter the Party
    Committee in accordance with relevant
    regulations    and        procedures.        In
    principle, the secretary of the Party
    Committee and chairman shall be the
    same person, and a full-time deputy
    Secretary of the Party Committee and

     Secretary of Committee for Discipline
     Inspection shall be set up.

9         Article 34 The Party Committee           Article 33 The Party Committee of the Company
     (Committee for Discipline Inspection) will set up a working organization, staffed with Party
     of the Company will set up a working workers corresponding to the Company's scale, and its
     organization, staffed with Party workers organizational setup and staffing will be included into
     corresponding to the Company's scale, the Company's management organization and staffing
     and its organizational setup and staffing simultaneously. The remuneration of party workers is
     will be included into the Company's the same as that of management personnel at the same
     management organization and staffing level, with equal pay at the same post. The party work
     simultaneously. The remuneration of funds are included in the Company's financial budget
     party workers is the same as that of and listed in management fees.
     management personnel at the same
     level, with equal pay at the same post.
     The party work funds are included in
     the Company's financial budget and
     listed in management fees.
10        Article 35 The Party Committee           Article 34 The Party Committee of the Company
     shall perform the following functions shall play a leading role, take the direction, control the
     and powers:                               overall situation and promote implementation, and
          (I) Give play to the role of discuss and decide major issues of the enterprise in
     leadership and political core, and carry accordance with regulations. The main responsibilities
     out work around the production and are follows:
     operation of enterprises.                     (I) To strengthen the political construction of the
          (II) Ensure the implementation of enterprise party, adhere to and implement the
     the guidelines, principles and policies   fundamental system, basic system, and important
     of the party and the state in the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and
     Enterprise.                               educate and guide all party members to always maintain
          (III)    Support   the   Board   of a high degree of consistency with the Party Central
     Directors, the Board of Supervisors and Committee centered by Comrade Xi Jinping in terms of
     the managers to exercise their functions political stance, political direction, political principles,
     and powers according to law.              and political path;
          (IV) Wholeheartedly rely on the          (II) To study and implement Xi Jinping's Thought

     masses of workers and support the work on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New
     of the workers' congress.                                  Era, study and publicize the party's theories, implement
             (V)       Participate               in      the the party's guidelines, principles and policies, supervise
     decision-making of major issues of the and ensure the implementation of major decisions and
     enterprise.       Implement             the      "three deployments of the party central committee and the
     important             and         one            major" resolutions of higher-level party organizations in the
     decision-making                         supervision        Enterprise;
     mechanism.            When       the Board           of        (III) To study and discuss major business
     Directors decides on major issues of the management issues of the Enterprise, and support the
     Company, it shall listen to the opinions general meeting of shareholders/Board of Shareholders,
     of the party committee of the Company the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the
     in       advance.           Major             business managers to exercise their functions and powers
     management matters must be studied according to law;
     and discussed by the Company's party                           (IV) To strengthen the leadership and control over
     committee, and then decided by the the selection and employment of the enterprise
     Board of Directors and managers.                           personnel, and well ensure the construction of leading
             (VI)            Strengthen                  the team, cadres and talents;
     self-construction of party organizations                       (V) To fulfill the main responsibility of improving
     and lead ideological and political work, Party conduct and upholding integrity in the enterprise,
     spiritual civilization construction and lead and support the internal discipline inspection
     mass organizations such as trade unions organizations to perform their duties of supervision and
     and the Communist Youth League.                            accountability, strictly observe political discipline and
             (VII)         Fulfill         the         main     rules, and promote the comprehensive and strict
     responsibility         of    improving Party administration of the party to the grassroots;
     conduct         and     upholding             integrity.       (VI) To strengthen the construction of grass-roots
     Regularly study the work of improving party organizations and party member team, unite and
     Party conduct and upholding integrity, lead the workers and staff to actively participate in
     support the Committee for Discipline                       enterprise reform and development;
     Inspection to carry out its work, and                          (VII) To lead the enterprise's ideological and
     fully      implement            its     supervisory political work, spiritual civilization construction and
     responsibilities.                                          united front work, lead the enterprise's trade unions, the
     (VIII) Other work that the Party Communist Youth League, women's organizations and
     Committee considers necessary to study other group organizations.
     and decide                                                     (VIII) In accordance with the principle of
                                                                upgrading management, perform the above duties for
                                                                subordinate enterprises that have not established party
11                                                                  Added one clause:

                                                   Article 35 The Party Committee's study and
                                               discussion is the pre-procedure for the Board of
                                               Directors and managers to make decisions on major
                                               issues. When the Board of Directors and managers
                                               decide on major issues of the Company, they shall listen
                                               to the opinions of the party committee of the Company
                                               in advance. Major business management matters must
                                               be studied and discussed by the Company's party
                                               committee, and then decided by the Board of Directors
                                               and managers.
12       Article   36   The    method     of           Article   36 Party Committee's Method of
     deliberation of the party committee is Deliberation
     specified in the system of deliberation        (I) Under normal circumstances, the date and
     of the party committee.                   place of the party committee meeting shall be notified to
                                               the participants two days in advance by the Party
                                               Construction Department. The proposal to be submitted
                                               to the Party Committee for studying and deciding and
                                               pre-study discussion is generally put forward by the
                                               relevant functional departments, or by the Party
                                               Committee members and determined by the Secretary
                                               of the Party Committee.
                                                    (II) A party committee meeting can only be held
                                               when more than half of the party committee members
                                               are present. When discussing and studying the
                                               appointment and dismissal of cadres, rewards and
                                               punishments, and other major issues and important
                                               matters involving the overall situation, more than
                                               two-thirds of party committee members shall attend the
                                               meeting before convening.        The party committee
                                               members who are unable to attend the meeting for some
                                               reason shall ask for leave from the Secretary of the Party
                                               Committee or the Convenor before the meeting, and
                                               their opinions can be expressed in writing. According to
                                               the study items and work needs, relevant personnel may
                                               be invited to attend the meeting as nonvoting delegates,
                                               which shall be determined by the Secretary of the Party
                                                   (III) In principle, a party committee meeting shall

be convened to study and decide on and pre-decide on
and discuss major issues in advance. The party
committee meeting shall be held generally no less than
once a month, and can be convened at any time in case of
important circumstances or work needs. When the
Secretary of the Party Committee believes it necessary,
he/she may decide to convene an (enlarged) meeting of
the Party Committee. The party committee shall be
convened and presided over by the Secretary of the
Party Committee.
      (IV) All matters submitted to the Party Committee
for discussion shall be explained to the meeting by the
members of the Party Committee in charge, the people
attending the meeting or the person in charge of the
agenda organizer.
      (V) The moderator shall propose a vote, and the
party committee members present at the meeting shall
express their opinions in turn and vote one by one, with
the Secretary of the Party Committee taking the last
position.   Generally,     opinions    of      agreement,
disagreement or postponement are expressed by oral
voting. If more than one item is discussed and decided at
the meeting, they shall be voted one by one.
      (VI) After the meeting, the moderator of the
meeting shall inform the members of the Party
Committee who are absent for some reason about the
decisions of the meeting directly or by entrusting the
persons attending the meeting.
