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                                                                              Next Day Disclosure Return
                                                        (Equity issuer - changes in issued share capital and/or share buybacks)

 Instrument:                 Equity issuer                                                                                                 Status:          New Submission

 Name of Issuer:             China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

 Date Submitted:              30 December 2022

Section I must be completed by a listed issuer where there has been a change in its issued share capital which is discloseable pursuant to rule 13.25A of the Main Board Rules (the “Main Board
Listing Rules”) / rule 17.27A of the GEM Rules (the “GEM Listing Rules”) Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Exchange”)

Section I

1. Type of shares            Ordinary shares                       Class of shares     Class A                                Listed on SEHK (Note 11)       No                                    +

Stock code (if listed)                                             Description         Listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 600028)

                                                                                                Issued shares as a %
                                                                                                                                                 Closing market price per   % discount(-)/
                                                                                                 of existing number of
                         Issues of shares                                                                                Issue price per share   share of the immediately premium of issue
                                                                       No. of shares            issued shares before
                          (Notes 6 and 7)                                                                                   (Notes 1 and 7)      preceding business day price to market price
                                                                                                 relevant share issue
                                                                                                                                                         (Note 5)              (Note 7)
                                                                                                  (Notes 4, 6 and 7)

Opening balance as at (Note 2) 25 November 2022                               95,557,771,046

1).   Repurchase of shares (or other securities) and                                                                                                                                               +
                                                                                 -442,300,000                 0.37 %                                                                        %
      Shares repurchased on 21, 26, 27, 28 and 29
      September, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24,
      25, 26, 27, 28 and 31 October, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10,
      11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 25 November 2022
      and cancelled on 30 December 2022.
      Date of changes 30 December 2022

Closing balance as at (Note 8) 30 December 2022                               95,115,471,046

                                                                                           Page 1 of 10                                                                                v 1.2.4

           1. The Company commenced H share repurchase on 21 September 2022 and has repurchased and cancelled 54,414,000 H shares as of 14 October 2022. The
           Company has further repurchased and cancelled 678,088,000 H shares as of 29 December 2022.
           2. The Company commenced A share repurchase on 21 September 2022 and completed A share repurchase on 25 November 2022, during which period an aggregate
           number of 442,300,000 A shares was repurchased. The Company applied for the 442,300,000 repurchased A shares to be cancelled on 30 December 2022.
           3. Issued shares as a % of existing number of issued shares before relevant share issue is calculated with reference to the Company's total number of issued shares of
           120,338,707,646 shares (comprising 24,780,936,600 H shares and 95,557,771,046 A shares).

                                                                                 Page 2 of 10                                                                                 v 1.2.4

We hereby confirm to the best knowledge, information and belief that, in relation to each issue of securities as set out in Section I, it has been duly authorised by the board of directors of the
listed issuer and, insofar as applicable:
(Note 9)

(i)      all money due to the listed issuer in respect of the issue of securities has been received by it;

(ii)     all pre-conditions for the listing imposed by the Main Board Listing Rules / GEM Listing Rules under "Qualifications of listing" have been fulfilled;

(iii)    all (if any) conditions contained in the formal letter granting listing of and permission to deal in the securities have been fulfilled;

(iv)     all the securities of each class are in all respects identical (Note 10);

(v)      all documents required by the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance to be filed with the Registrar of Companies have been duly filed and that compliance
         has been made with other legal requirements;

(vi)     all the definitive documents of title have been delivered/are ready to be delivered/are being prepared and will be delivered in accordance with the terms of issue;

(vii)    completion has taken place of the purchase by the issuer of all property shown in the listing document to have purchased or agreed to be purchased by it and the purchase
         consideration for all such property has been duly satisfied; and

(viii)   the trust deed/deed poll relating to the debenture, loan stock, notes or bonds has been completed and executed, and particulars thereof, if so required by law, have been filed with the
         Registrar of Companies.

Notes to Section I:

1.       Where shares have been issued at more than one issue price per share, a weighted average issue price per share should be given.

2.       Please insert the closing balance date of the last Next Day Disclosure Return published pursuant to Main Board Rule 13.25A / GEM Rule 17.27A or Monthly Return pursuant to Main
         Board Rule 13.25B / GEM Rule 17.27B, whichever is the later.

3.       Please set out all changes in issued share capital requiring disclosure pursuant to Main Board Rule 13.25A / GEM Rule 17.27A together with the relevant dates of issue. Each category
         will need to be disclosed individually with sufficient information to enable the user to identify the relevant category in the listed issuer's Monthly Return. For example, multiple issues of
         shares as a result of multiple exercises of share options under the same share option scheme or of multiple conversions under the same convertible note must be aggregated and
         disclosed as one category. However, if the issues resulted from exercises of share options under 2 share option schemes or conversions of 2 convertible notes, these must be disclosed
         as 2 separate categories.

4.       The percentage change in the number of issued shares of listed issuer is to be calculated by reference to the listed issuer's total number of shares in issue (excluding for such purpose
         any shares repurchased or redeemed but not yet cancelled) as it was immediately before the earliest relevant event which has not been disclosed in a Monthly Return or Next Day
         Disclosure Return.

5.       Where trading in the shares of the listed issuer has been suspended, “closing market price per share of the immediately preceding business day” should be construed as “closing market
         price per share of the business day on which the shares were last traded”.

6.       In the context of a repurchase of shares:
         ■       “issues of shares” should be construed as “repurchases of shares”; and

                                                                                                  Page 3 of 10                                                                                  v 1.2.4
      ■        “issued shares as a % of existing number of shares before relevant share issue” should be construed as “repurchased shares as a % of existing number of shares before
                relevant share repurchase”.

7.    In the context of a redemption of shares:
      ■       “issues of shares” should be construed as “redemptions of shares”;
      ■       “issued shares as a % of existing number of shares before relevant share issue” should be construed as “redeemed shares as a % of existing number of shares before relevant
               share redemption”; and
      ■       “issue price per share” should be construed as “redemption price per share”.

8.    The closing balance date is the date of the last relevant event being disclosed.

9.    Items (i) to (viii) are suggested forms of confirmation which may be amended to meet individual cases.

10.   “Identical” means in this context:

      ■        the securities are of the same nominal value with the same amount called up or paid up;
      ■        they are entitled to dividend/interest at the same rate and for the same period, so that at the next ensuing distribution, the dividend/interest payable per unit will amount to
                exactly the same sum (gross and net); and
      ■        they carry the same rights as to unrestricted transfer, attendance and voting at meetings and rank pari passu in all other respects.

11.    SEHK refers to Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

                                                                                             Page 4 of 10                                                                                     v 1.2.4

Section II must also be completed by a listed issuer where it has made a repurchase of shares which is discloseable under Main Board Rule 10.06(4)(a) / GEM Rule 13.13(1).

The issuer has Purchase report or additional information for issuer whose primary listing is on the Exchange                            Not applicable

      Submitted by: Huang Wensheng

               Title: Vice President and Secretary to the Board of Directors
                     (Director, Secretary or other Duly Authorised Officer)

                                                                                          Page 5 of 10                                                                       v 1.2.4

                                                              (股份發行人 ── 已發行股本變動及/或股份購回)

 表格類別:               股票                                                                                                狀態:         新提交

  公司名稱:              中國石油化工股份有限公司

 呈交日期:                2022年12月30日

如上市發行人的已發行股本出現變動而須根據《香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則》(《主板上市規則》)第13.25A條 / 《香港聯合交易所有限公司GEM證券上市規則》(《GEM上市規則》)第
17.27A條作出披露,必須填妥第一章節 。


1. 股份類別                      普通股                          股份分類         A股                               於香港聯交所上市(註11)   否                                 +

證券代號 (如於香港聯交所上市)                                    說明             於上海證券交易所上市(證券代號:600028)

                                                                                           有關股份發行前的                            上一個營業日      發行價較市值的折讓/
                         發行股份                                                                                每股發行價
                                                                  股份數目               現有已發行股份數目                            的每股收市價        溢價幅度(百分比)
                         (註6及7)                                                                                  (註1及7)
                                                                                                百分比                                     (註5)                 (註7)

於下列日期開始時的結存(註2)     2022年11月25日                          95,557,771,046

1).   購回股份(或其他證券) 並已註銷                                       -442,300,000                0.37 %                                                                %   +
      於 2022年9月21日、26日、27日、28日及29日,10
      變動日期        2022年12月30日

於下列日期結束時的結存(註8)     2022年12月30日                          95,115,471,046

                                                                                   第 6 頁 共 10 頁                                                                 v 1.2.4

         1. 本公司自2022年9月21日起開始回購H股股份,截至2022年10月14日,本公司回購並註銷了54,414,000股H股。截至2022年12月29日,本公司進一步回購並註銷了
         3. 已發行股份佔有關股份發行前的現有已發行股份數目百分比是依據本公司已發行股份數目總額120,338,707,646股 (包括24,780,936,600股 H 股及95,557,771,046 股A股)

                                                                         第 7 頁 共 10 頁                                                                    v 1.2.4



(i) 上市發行人已收取其在是次發行應得的全部款項;

(ii) 已履行主板上市規則 / GEM上市規則「上市資格」項下所規定有關上市的一切先決條件;

(iii) 批准證券上市買賣的正式函件內所載的所有條件(如有)已予履行;

(iv) 每類證券在各方面均屬相同(註10);

(v) 《公司(清盤及雜項條文)條例》規定送呈公司註冊處處長存檔的全部文件已經正式存檔,而一切其他法律規定亦已全部遵行;

(vi) 確實所有權文件按照發行條款的規定經已發送/現正準備發送/正在準備中並將會發送;

(vii) 發行人的上市文件所示已由其購買或同意購買的全部物業的交易已完成;全部該等物業的購買代價已予繳付;及

(viii) 有關債券、借貸股份、票據或公司債券的信託契約/平邊契據經已製備及簽署,有關詳情已送呈公司註冊處處長存檔(如法律如此規定)。


1.      若股份曾以超過一個每股發行價發行,須提供每股加權平均發行價。

2.      請填上根據《主板上市規則》第13.25A條 / 《GEM上市規則》第17.27A條刊發的上一份「翌日披露報表」或根據《主板上市規則》第13.25B條 / 《GEM上市規則》第17.27B條刊發的上一

3.      請列出所有須根據《主板上市規則》第13.25A條 / 《GEM上市規則》第17.27A條披露的已發行股本變動,連同有關的發行日期。每個類別須獨立披露,並提供充足資料,以便使用者可在

4.      在計算上市發行人已發行股份數目變動的百分比時,將參照以上市發行人在發生其最早一宗相關事件前的已發行股份數目總額 (就此目的而言不包括已購回或贖回但尚未註銷的任何股
        份) ;該最早一宗相關事件是之前並未有在「月報表」或「翌日披露報表」內披露的。

5.      如上市發行人的股份暫停買賣,則「上一個營業日的每股收市價」應理解為「股份作最後買賣的營業日當天的每股收市價」。

6.      如購回股份:
        ■      「發行股份」應理解為「購回股份 」;及
        ■      「已發行股份佔有關股份發行前的現有已發行股份數目百分比」應理解為「已購回股份佔有關股份購回前的現有已發行股份數目百分比」。

7.      如贖回股份:
        ■      「發行股份」應理解為「贖回股份 」;及
        ■      「已發行股份佔有關股份發行前的現有已發行股份數目百分比」應理解為「已贖回股份佔有關股份贖回前的現有已發行股份數目百分比」。
        ■      「每股發行價」應理解為「每股贖回價」。

                                                                                      第 8 頁 共 10 頁                                                               v 1.2.4

8.    期終結存日期為最後一宗披露的相關事件的日期。

9.    (i) 至 (viii) 項為聲明的建議格式,可按個別情況予以修訂。

10.   在此「相同」指:

      ■      證券的面值相同,須繳或繳足的股款亦相同;
      ■      證券有權領取同一期間內按同一息率計算的股息╱利息,下次派息時每單位應獲派發的股息╱利息額亦完全相同(總額及淨額);及
      ■      證券附有相同權益,如不受限制的轉讓、出席會議及於會上投票,並在所有其他方面享有同等權益。

11.   香港聯交所指香港聯合交易所。

                                                                               第 9 頁 共 10 頁                                      v 1.2.4

如上市發行人購回股份而須根據《主板上市規則》第10.06(4)(a)條 / 《GEM上市規則》第13.13(1) 條作出披露,則亦須填妥第二章節。

發行人持有購回報告或其他資料以表明本交易所為發行人的第一上市地                                                                不適用

          呈交者: 黄文生

            職銜: 副總裁、董事會秘書

                                                                                   第 10 頁 共 10 頁                                   v 1.2.4