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                                             Semi-annual Report for 2024

Stock code: 600415                                 Stock short name: 小商品城

 Zhejiang China Commodities City Group
                Co., Ltd.
       Semi-annual Report for 2024

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                                       Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                     Important Statements
I.      The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the directors, supervisors and
        senior management of the Company hereby warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and
        completeness of the contents of this semi-annual report, guarantee that there are no
        false representations, misleading statements or material omissions contained in this
        semi-annual report, and are jointly and severally responsible for the liabilities of the

II. Directors’ absence from directors’ meetings
       Position of the    Name of the absent
                                                     Reasons for absence   Name of the entrustee
       absent director        director
          Director         ZHANG Leping                      On business       ZHANG Lang

III.     This semi-annual report has not been audited.

IV. WANG Dong, Head of the Company, WANG Dong, Principal in charge of accounting,
        and ZHAO Difang, Head of the accounting department (Accounting Manager), declare
        that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial report
        in the semi-annual report.

V.       The profit distribution plan for the reporting period or the plan for public reserve
        funds into share capital that was approved by the board of directors


VI.      Risk statement with forward-looking representations
√Applicable □Not applicable
        The forward-looking representations involved in this Report such as future plans and
development strategies do not constitute the Company’s substantial commitments to investors.
Investors shall watch out for the investment risks.

VII. Is the Company’s cash occupied by its controlling shareholder or any of other
        affiliates for non-operational purposes?


VIII.      Has the Company provided external guarantee in violation of the prescribed
        decision-making procedures?

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IX.     Whether there is circumstance that more than half of the directors cannot
      guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the semi-annual report
      disclosed by the Company

X.      Reminder of major risks
      During the reporting period, the Company did not have any significant risks that would
affect its continued operations. The Company has provided a detailed description of the
potential risks it may face in the "Potential Risks" part in Section III " Discussion and Analysis of
Managers" of this report.

XI.     Others
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                             Table of Contents

SECTION I.         DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................... 5

SECTION II.        COMPANY PROFILE AND FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS .................................... 6

SECTION III.       DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF MANAGERS ............................................. 9

SECTION IV.        CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ........................................................................ 32

SECTION V.         ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES ................................ 39

SECTION VI.        SIGNIFICANT MATTERS ................................................................................. 40


SECTION VIII. PREFERRED SHARES .................................................................................... 59

SECTION IX.        BONDS.............................................................................................................. 60

SECTION X.         FINANCIAL REPORT ....................................................................................... 66

                                Accounting statements with the signatures and stamps of head of the
                                Company, principal in charge of accounting, and head of the
     Documents for              accounting department (Accounting Manager).
      Inspection                Original copies of all company documents and announcements
                                publicly disclosed on the website designated by the China Securities
                                Regulatory Commission during the reporting period

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                               Section I.            Definitions
For the purpose of this Report, unless otherwise stated in the context, the following terms shall
have the following meanings:
SCO                               means     Yiwu State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.
MDG                               means     Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.
CCCH                              means     Yiwu China Commodities City Holdings Limited
Zhijie Yuangang                   means     Zhejiang Zhijie Yuangang International Supply
                                            Chain Technology Co., Ltd.
CCCP                              means     Yiwu China Commodities City Property
                                            Development Co., Ltd.
CCCF                              means     Yiwu China Commodities City Financial
                                            Holdings Co., Ltd.
Haicheng Company                  means     Haicheng Yiwu China Commodities City
                                            Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shanglv                      means     Yiwu Shanglv Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Chouzhou Financial Lease          means     Zhejiang Chouzhou Financial Lease Co., Ltd.
The Big Data Company              means     Yiwu China Commodities City Big Data Co., Ltd.
Kuaijietong                       means     Kuaijietong Payment Service Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Pay                          means     A payment brand built by Kuaijietong Payment
The Company, the Listed           means
                                            Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co.,
Company, the Group, the
Group Company

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           Section II.       Company Profile and Financial Highlights
I.     Company profile
            Chinese name                         浙江中国小商品城集团股份有限公司
          Chinese short name                                 小商品城
             English name                  Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co.,Ltd
          English short name                                YIWU CCC
          Legal representative                             WANG Dong

II.    Contact information
                                Board Secretary            Securities Affairs Representative
          Name                      XU Hang                          RAO Yangjin
                        YIWU CCC Group Building, No. 567 YIWU CCC Group Building, No. 567
                             Yinhai Road, Yiwu City            Yinhai Road, Yiwu City
        Telephone               0579-85182812                       0579-85182812
           Fax                  0579-85197755                       0579-85197755
          Email              Hxu@cccgroup.com.cn               Hxu@cccgroup.com.cn

III. Introduction to changes in basic information
                                        567 Yinhai Road, Futian Sub-district, Yiwu City, Jinhua
           Registered address
                                                        City, Zhejiang Province
                                        The registered address when the Company was
                                        established was No. 158 Binwang Road, Yiwu City,
                                        Zhejiang Province; In May 2006, the registered address
   Historical changes in the registered of the Company was changed to Haiyang Business
        address of the Company          Building, No. 105 Futian Road, Yiwu City; In January
                                        2024, the registered address of the Company was
                                        changed to No. 567 Yinhai Road, Futian Sub-district,
                                        Yiwu City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province.
                                        YIWU CCC Group Building, No. 567 Yinhai Road, Yiwu
              Office address
    Postal code at the office address                            322000
            Corporate website                           www.cccgroup.com.cn
                   Email                              600415@cccgroup.com.cn

IV. Changes in information disclosure and filing place
Newspaper selected by the Company for China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News
         information disclosure                       and Securities Times
 Website for publishing the Semi-annual
   Place for access to the Company’s
                                             Securities Department of the Company
          Semil-annual Report

V.      Stock profile
      Type of stock       Exchange       Stock short name          Stock code   Stock short name
                                                                                 before change
                        Shanghai Stock
        A share                              小商品城               600415            Nil

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VI. Other relevant information
□ Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company
(i) Main accounting data
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                              YoY change
       Major accounting data                  Jan-Jun 2024               Jan-Jun 2023
Operating revenue                           6,765,934,137.13            5,160,991,043.25             31.10
Net      profits  attributable      to
shareholders     of    the     Listed       1,447,982,745.49            1,998,333,646.74            -27.54
Net      profits  attributable      to
shareholders     of    the     Listed
                                            1,418,908,469.37            1,839,365,824.67            -22.86
Company with non-recurring gains
and losses excluded
Net cash flow from operating
                                              114,363,500.83             143,247,195.78             -20.16
                                                                                            Change of Jun
                                                                                            30, 2024 over
                                              Jun 30, 2024               Dec 31, 2023
                                                                                            Dec 31, 2023
Net     assets     attributable     to     18,078,864,482.54           17,688,393,818.20             2.21
shareholders      of    the    Listed
Total assets                               36,021,693,283.42           36,218,947,223.63             -0.54

(ii) Major financial indicators
      Major financial indictors             Jan-Jun 2024         Jan-Jun 2023        YoY change (%)
Basic EPS (RMB)                                      0.27                 0.37                -27.03
Diluted EPS (RMB)                                    0.27                 0.37                -27.03
Basic    EPS     after     deducting
non-recurring gains and losses                            0.26               0.34                 -23.53
Weighted average ROE (%)                                  7.86              12.30          Down 4.44 ppt
Weighted average ROE after
deducting non-recurring gains and                         7.70              11.32          Down 3.62 ppt
losses (%)

Illustration on major accounting data and financial indicators
√Applicable □Not applicable
      1. The operating revenue increased by RMB 1.605 billion YoY, mainly due to the growth of
market operations, commodity sales, and trade services, which increased by RMB 468 million,
RMB 1.057 billion, and RMB 87 million respectively, with growth rates of 25.99%, 37.24%, and
      2. The net profit attributable to shareholders of the Listed Company decreased by RMB 550
million YoY, due to a decrease of RMB 1.051 billion in investment income and asset disposal
income, and an increase of RMB 501 million in net profit from market operations and trade

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VIII.     Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting
□ Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Non-recurring gains and losses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                Non-recurring items                          Amount           Remark (if applicable)
Gains and losses from the disposal of
non-current assets, including the offsetting
portion of the provision for impairment of
Government grants that are recognized in the
current profit or loss, excluding the
                                                                              Please refer to the
government grants that are closely related to
                                                                              details of government
the normal operation of the Company and
                                                             10,645,620.69    subsidies included in
provided in a fixed amount or quantity and
                                                                              other    income    for
that have a continuous impact on the
Company's gains and losses according to the
national polices and certain standards
Except for effective hedging business related
to the normal operation of the Company, the
fair value gains and losses arising from the
                                                                              Mainly due to gains or
holding of financial assets and financial
                                                              -4,468,954.54   losses arising from the
liabilities by non-financial enterprises, as well
                                                                              change in fair value
as the gains and losses arising from the
disposal of financial assets and financial
Cash occupation fees charged from                                             Cash occupation fee
non-financial enterprises that are recognized                12,872,916.46    for receiving financial
in the current profit or loss                                                 aid
Profits and losses arising from external
entrusted loans
Net income from other non-operating                                           Mainly due to penalty
activities                                                   14,967,685.21    income for breach of
Less: effect of income tax                                    5,461,289.85
    Effect of minority interest (after-tax)                     628,511.41
                     Total                                   29,074,276.12

If the Company recognizes non-recurring profit and loss items that are not listed in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to
the Public as non-recurring profit and loss items with significant amounts, and define
non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public as recurring profit and loss items, the
reasons should be explained.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

X. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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            Section III. Discussion and Analysis of Managers
I.   Description of the industry and the Company’s main business during the reporting
     (I) Main business of the Company
     The Company is committed to building a shared trade service platform for small and
medium-sized enterprises in China, with a strategic positioning of a "world-class international
trade comprehensive service provider", continuously enriching and improving the three major
ecosystems: commodity display and trading ecosystem, trade services ecosystem, supporting
service ecosystem, and trade service ecosystem, in order to reduce trade costs, shorten trade
chains, improve trade efficiency, continuously create value for the circulation of small
commodities, strengthen and consolidate the advantageous position of China's daily consumer
goods supply chain in global trade, and serve the new development pattern of
domestic-international dual circulation.
     The commodity display and trading ecosystem includes offline market operation and
self-operated trade product sales, trade service ecosystem includes Chinagoods online service
platform, warehousing logistics and payment, credit reporting, factoring and other businesses,
and supporting service ecosystem includes exhibition and hotel sectors.
     (II) Industry situation
     According to the definitions in the Guidelines for Industry Classification of Listed
Companies (revised in 2012) released by the CSRC, the Company is engaged in “Business
Service” (L72) in “Lease and Business Service” (L).
     1. Situation of Yiwu market
     As a prestigious global hub for small commodity trade, Yiwu International Trade City has
consistently held a dominant position in China's comprehensive market sector for several years.
Boasting substantial market turnover and an extensive array of products, it has established a
robust industrial cluster that underpins the circulation of small commodities.
     The influence of Yiwu market spans across 233 countries and regions globally, propelling
the growth of 2.1 million small and medium-sized enterprises. In turn, this economic engine
generates employment opportunities for a staggering 32 million industrial workers. This
far-reaching influence not only solidifies Yiwu's status as a pivotal center for the global small
commodity trade but also ensures that consumers across the globe have access to an eclectic
and varied assortment of products.
     2. Significant characteristics of Yiwu market
     (1) Active market entities: The Yiwu market is an important practical platform for the
concept of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". It not only drives the development of more
than 20 industrial clusters, but also attracts over 15,000 resident foreign merchants and nearly
9,000 foreign-owned entities. These numbers make Yiwu an important gathering place for
global merchants, known as the "World Supermarket".

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     (2) A wide range of goods: As the world's largest small commodity distribution center, Yiwu
market gathers 26 major categories and 2.1 million types of products, forming an "ocean of
small commodities and paradise for shoppers ". More than ten thousand new products are
launched every day, and the quality, brand and standard of small commodities are exported to
the world, becoming the representative of "China-chic trend" and "supply place for bestselling
     (3) Innovative business scenarios: The Yiwu market is an important birthplace of innovation
in trade business scenarios. The pioneering market procurement trade method (with a customs
supervision method code of "1039") has driven a huge growth in Yiwu's foreign trade exports in
the past decade and has been promoted to 39 pilot units in China. New business forms such as
import transshipment, internet celebrity live streaming, and cross-border e-commerce are
constantly emerging, forming an e-commerce ecosystem for the full industry chain. The
integration and development of the real economy and digital economy have enabled Yiwu to
continue to lead the new trend of global trade.
     (4) High-quality trade ecology: Yiwu market is the preferred place for merchants and
enterprises to trade small commodities. Since the pilot of the comprehensive reform of
international trade, Yiwu has formed multiple national level open platforms, including the Free
Trade Zone, Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot
Zone, and Import Trade Promotion Innovation Demonstration Zone. The logistics network has
covered over 1,500 counties and cities across China and over 700 hub cities worldwide.
Government, business, and life services are in line with international standards, providing
comprehensive "customs, taxation, currency exchange, transportation, warehousing and
financing" services, with continuously optimized the business environment.
     3. Situation of Yiwu market in the first half of 2024
     The Yiwu market, as a key platform connecting domestic and international trade supply
chains, occupies a core position in the global small commodity supply chain and plays a crucial
role in promoting internal circulation, enhancing external circulation, and serving the new
development pattern of "dual circulation". As a leader and demonstration site of national market
procurement trade method, Yiwu has maintained high-speed growth for years, effectively
stimulating the vitality of market entities and continuously improving the level of trade
     From January to June 2024, the total import and export value of Yiwu reached RMB 324.77
billion, a YoY increase of 20.7%; Among them, exports amounted to RMB 288.03 billion, a YoY
increase of 21.3%; Imports amounted to RMB 36.74 billion, a YoY increase of 16.4%. Building
on a high base in 2023, Yiwu's total import and export volume sustained a high growth rate.
Yiwu continuously gathers new momentum in foreign trade by exploring emerging markets,
building high-level open platforms, and cultivating and strengthening advantageous industries.
From the perspective of trade regions, in the first half of 2024, Yiwu's imports and exports to

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Africa, Latin America, and ASEAN amounted to RMB 57.83 billion, RMB 53.95 billion, and RMB
33.08 billion, respectively, up 17.1%, 32.4%, and 40.2% YoY, respectively; Imports and exports
to India and Saudi Arabia amounted to RMB 16.09 billion and RMB 7.9 billion respectively, up
23.5% and 17.2% YoY, respectively.
    The Company integrates market resources through digital means, connects various links in
the supply chain, improves the efficiency of commodity circulation, and promotes the iterative
upgrading of the market procurement trade method to "Version 2.0 ". Market procurement trade
has become the main force driving Yiwu's export growth. In the first half of 2024, Yiwu exported
RMB 232.87 billion through market procurement trade, a YoY increase of 28.7%, accounting for
80.8% of the total export value. In terms of regional trade, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and
Latin America continue to occupy a high market share in the trade with Yiwu. Countries in the
"Belt and Road" initiative and the RCEP region continue to bring new opportunities to the Yiwu
market. “AI Internationalization” and “RMB Internationalization” have become new highlights of
the Yiwu market. From the perspective of export categories, some categories have strong
overseas demand. In the first half of the year, Yiwu exported RMB 8.39 billion of household
appliances, a YoY increase of 51.9%; The export of automotive spare parts reached RMB 3.61
billion, a YoY increase of 33.3%; The export of sports goods and equipment reached RMB 5.02
billion, a YoY increase of 42.3%.
    In 2024, the Yiwu market has undergone the following changes due to the impact of the
domestic and overseas trade environment (data sourced from related statistics of Yiwu Index):
    (1) The effect of the "Olympic Economy" continued to gain steam. Benefiting from major
sports events such as the European Cup and the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the sales of
sports and related products such as Olympic bracelets, trophies, flags, and jerseys in the
market have been steadily increasing. In particular, the sports equipment industry in the Third
District of the International Trade City has seen significant growth in orders, with orders from
Europe accounting for over 30%.
    (2) The phenomenon of "summer economy" has been thoroughly ignited. As temperatures
climb, the demand for summer consumer goods among shoppers is intensifying. Small
appliances, apparel, and sun protection cosmetics are witnessing a surge in popularity, hitting a
minor sales high in the market. In the realm of finished goods, since the onset of the second
quarter, market sales of products like sun-protective apparel, sun-blocking masks, and ice
sleeves have seen a remarkable upswing, with MoM growth rates surpassing 50% and YoY
increases exceeding 30%. As for raw materials, there has been a significant surge in demand
for zippers used in sun-protective clothing, with the market witnessing a YoY rise of more than
    (3) The peak season for Christmas supplies procurement has started ahead of schedule.
Due to the prolonged sea freight duration and the strain on transportation capacity, some
international buyers have opted to purchase ahead of schedule. Middle Eastern and European

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clients, in particular, have been proactive in their approach, beginning to place advance orders
and build up their inventories as early as February, facilitated by online sample viewings. In the
first half of 2024, the Yiwu market has seen a consistent strong performance in the sales of
traditional products, including Christmas costumes, Christmas trees, and Christmas decorations.
Additionally, there has been a growing demand for more upscale products, such as Christmas
lights and electric Christmas ornaments.
    (4) The heat of the "beauty economy" continued to escalate. Since the dawn of 2024,
press-on nails have gradually gained popularity worldwide due to its convenience in application
and removal, as well as its re-usability, making it highly favored by consumers. A group of top
merchants such as Yanxue and Diefei have gathered in the market, significantly improving the
competitiveness of nail products. According to the latest statistics, a range of trendy nail art
styles, including the cat eye light luxury style, the Maillard style, and the sweet cool style, have
become particularly popular among new customers in South American countries, with order
volumes from these regions increasing by more than 30% YoY.
    From January to June 2024, the express delivery volume in Yiwu reached 6.007 billion
pieces, a YoY increase of 16.7%. Yiwu's express delivery volume accounted for about 7% of
China’s national total, ranking first among county-level cities in China. Notably, the volume of
express deliveries destined for overseas countries and for Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan,
reached 25.354 million pieces, a YoY increase of 17.7%. Relying on the advantages of being a
national comprehensive transportation hub and a national level logistics hub, Yiwu's express
delivery industry integrates various transportation resources such as sea, land, air, and rail to
create a safe, reliable, independent and controllable international logistics supply chain system,
providing richer and more convenient services for export of China's goods and import of
overseas goods.
    As Citywalk tourism gains popularity, Yiwu has emerged as a prime destination for
travelers seeking to "roam" thanks to its rich and varied array of tourist attractions. During the
May Day holiday in 2024, Yiwu became one of the most popular county-level tourist
destinations in Zhejiang Province. Tourists flocked to Yiwu International Trade City to purchase
global goods, tasted the "delicacies of various countries" and experienced exotic flavors in
every mouthful. Just on Chouzhou Road in Yiwu City, there’s a wide range of Middle Eastern
restaurants, each with its own distinct style. The barbecue offerings here encompass a variety
of styles, including Afghan, Syrian, Iranian, Jordanian, Yemeni, Turkish, Egyptian, Pakistani,
and more. It's like "the thousand and one nights" of flavors, right on the tip of your tongue. Yiwu
is a dynamic city renowned for its robust B-end commercial exchanges. It has also
demonstrated significant potential in C-end sectors like food and tourism, indicating a broad
scope for future growth and development.

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II. Analysis of core competitiveness during the reporting period
√Applicable □Not applicable
    (I) First-mover advantages
    At the start of China’s reform and opening-up, Yiwu took the lead in establishing the
commodities market. During the recent forty years, the market has been upgraded five times
and expanded ten times and has been among the top comprehensive national markets with the
highest turnover, pointing to its remarkable first-mover advantages. As the largest commodities
distribution center in the world, the Yiwu commodities market provides more than 2.1 million
products, which fall in 26 categories and supports one-stop purchase. The market boasts
enormous resources and huge business flow, goods flow, cash flow and information flow.
    (II) Brand advantages
    “Yiwu China Commodities City” is the first market identified by the SAIC as a well-known
trademark among the national commodities trading markets. The Company has taken multiple
measures to give play to the brand of “Yiwu China Commodities City” and is committed to
improving its influence and leading role in the industry. Its brand advantages and influence have
kept enhancing.
    (II) Supporting services advantages
    The People’s Government of Yiwu has been providing policy support for the development
of the market for years, and the auxiliary industries are developing rapidly in Yiwu.
    1. Convenient logistics system
    Yiwu has in place perfect commerce and trade auxiliary facilities and advantageous
logistics service. The logistics network has full coverage in Yiwu. A large number of large-sized
international and domestic express delivery and logistics companies have regional distribution
centers in Yiwu, and a world-oriented goods transport and distribution network has been
established. Yiwu has been listed as a "national logistics hub carrier city for commercial and
trade services" by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of
Transport of the PRC.
    2. Industry Support
    During the recent years, thanks to the Yiwu China Commodities City, the Yiwu-centered
manufacturing industry cluster has been developing fast, an commodities industrial belt that is
centered in Yiwu and covers Jinhua, Lishui, Quzhou, Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Taihu, Shaoxing,
Ningbo, Wenzhou and Taizhou with an area of nearly 10,000 km2 has been established, and a
benign mechanism under which the Yiwu wholesales market and the peripheral industry cluster
develop together has been formed.
    3. Support from exhibition service
    The major international trade exhibitions held by the Company’s exhibition business
division such as China Yiwu International Commodities Fair, China Yiwu International Forest
Products Fair, China Yiwu International Imported Commodities Fair and China Yiwu Hardware
and Electrical Expo support and cultivate vertical exhibition in multiple industries such as
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stationery and textiles, have developed multiple professional and international exhibition brands,
and are important national platforms for the China Commodities City to lead industry
development, develop the city economy and maintain the clusters of traders and commodities.
    (IV) Advantages of diversified businesses
    The Company has strengthened its presence in the related industries, made efforts on
financial investment, kept developing the exhibition business, created a new e-commerce
model, developed the hotel business and also run international trade, modern logistics,
advertising information, shopping and tourism businesses. It has created a group structure and
profit-making model of shared and interactive development of market resources.
    (V) Management advantages
    In terms of personnel, management and technology, excellent operation and management
ability is one of the core competences of the Company as a professional market operating
company. The Company has developed a series of perfect management systems for market
operation and management, accumulated rich experience in operation and management, and
has cultivated a professional management team with reasonable knowledge and expertise
structures and strategic development insights.
    (VI) Advantage of online and offline platform integration
    The Company’s international trade city is the global leading commodity market. The
Company’s official Yiwu CCC website, chinagoods platform, relying on the Company’s 75,000
off-line shops, through integration of online and offline services. With trade data integration as
the core driver, it meets the needs of both supply and demand parties in manufacturing, display
transactions, warehousing and logistics, financial credit, market management and other links.
    (VII) Advantage of international logistics
    The Company establishes a logistics platform to replace the multi-layer freight forwarder
system, thus shortening the level of freight forwarder distribution, and improving logistics
efficiency. In contrast, the traditional foreign trade freight forwarders are divided into multiple
levels, the logistics and transportation services are not standardized, and the service prices
vary widely and are usually not the lowest price.

III. Discussion and analysis of operating status
     2024 marks the year of start, the year of breakthroughs, and the year of tireless efforts for
the entire city of Yiwu as it embarks on a mission to “set a model and reclaim glory.” During the
reporting period, the Company's main business entered an era of simultaneous increase in
quantity and price, while its innovative business ventures continued to follow a robust growth
trajectory. The Company has anchored its strategic goal of becoming a "world-class
international trade comprehensive service provider", taking it as its responsibility to build the
world's Capital of Small Commodities with high quality and level. Within the framework of a
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unified national market, it coordinates the promotion of market innovation and enterprise
transformation and upgrading, and accelerates to become a global leading enterprise in
commerce and trade that empowers the mass trade of small commodities.
    During the reporting period, the daily average customer flow in Yiwu market was 218,800;
The daily average number of foreign merchants exceeded 3,600, with a YoY growth of over
80%. The number of foreign merchants has significantly increased, and the main traffic
indicators of the market have all exceeded those of the same period in 2019. According to the
data released by Yiwu City, in the first half of 2024, the total volume of road, railway, and air
passenger traffic in Yiwu City reached approximately 12 million trips, a YoY increase of about
15%. The number of inbound foreign merchant visits was about 250,000, showing a YoY
increase of about 95%.
    (I) Market operation
    1. Digitalization of market operation
    During the reporting period, the Company collaborated with universities to update the index
model, iterate the index platform website, and achieve inter-connectivity with the Chinagoods
platform, completed the asset sorting of index data and promoted the entry of data resources
into the balance sheet. “Empowering Small Commodity Digital Trade Facilitation with Data
Elements” has been selected as one of the first 20 typical cases of “Data Element X” by the
National Data Bureau. In response to the goal of building the Dow Jones Index in the field of
small commodity circulation in China, the Company has formulated a three-year action plan:
    In 2024, the Company will strive to improve its index model, comprehensively upgrade its
index data system, and expand its index publishing channels, actively establishing closer
cooperation with domestic and foreign media. At the same time, the Company will continue to
promote the entry of data assets into the balance sheet, and generate new quality productivity
in the field of "data elements x commercial circulation".
    In 2025, the Company will further expand its index system, innovate and develop more sub
indices to meet the needs of different levels, develop more diversified index application
products for governments, industries, and enterprises, and attempt to develop short-term index
prediction functions to gradually expand the integration and application scope of artificial
    By 2026, the Company will strive to promote the internationalization of small commodity
classification standards and realize the trading of data assets, making the Yiwu China Small
Commodity Index a new business card in the Yiwu market and achieving Yiwu's leading
position in the global small commodity circulation field.

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                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

                             (Yiwu Index 3-year Action Plan Outline)
    During the reporting period, the Company continuously explored the potential of data
elements, continued to leverage their empowering role, and promoted the digital transformation
and reshaping of the entire chain, scenario, and format of small commodity trade. The Market
Operation Branch and the Financial Management Branch took the "Shop Management System"
as the core, relied on resource information collaboration to achieve system integration in
version 4.0, classified and constructed business tags, to establish a rich and detailed market
"resource library", thus achieving asset data management, further optimizing operational
efficiency, and driving market upgrade.
    2. Steadily advance of the construction of the Global Digital Trade Center In the first half of
the year, 62% of the total project volume for the first phase has been completed, and
roof-topping works for the market section main structure of the second phase have been
completed. About 68% of the above-ground main structure of the commercial office building
section has been completed, and the construction of super high-rise buildings has started. The
Company clarifies the network infrastructure construction plan for the global digital trade center
in the construction of intelligent markets in the digital market; actively promotes cross-border
network construction and advances cross-border access product testing; jointly promotes the AI
collaboration project with the Tsinghua ModelBest team; further supplements and improves the
digitalization plan of the Global Digital Trade Center. Based on the Company's digital solution,
the Company improves the overall construction and operation plan of the smart park, and uses
the property cloud platform as the digital base to achieve the transition from existing
single-scenario intelligence to overall intelligence.

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

              (Progress Map of the Global Digital Trade Center Project in June 2024)
    (II) Self-operated trade
    In the process of building a "good foreign trade product" trade service ecosystem, the
Company promotes brand layout and improves the level of trade facilitation for small and
medium-sized entities. During the reporting period, the self-operated trade volume reached
RMB 3.895 billion, a YoY increase of 37.27%. 4 new ICMALL Global Good Goods Collection
Stores were opened, bringing the total number to 19. In terms of innovative foreign trade
business models, the Company has successfully obtained the qualification for exporting
second-hand cars.
    (III) Online platform
    The Company continues to explore the integration model of AI and small commodity trade
business, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional markets. In the first half of
the year, 45 new third-party digital service products were added, bringing the total number of
digital service products listed to 194. These products cover multiple fields such as content
creation, trade services, warehousing and logistics, operational support, marketing strategies,
enterprise management, and software tools. The Chinagoods platform has collaborated with top
teams such as Tsinghua University, iFlytek, and Baidu to build a 100-member AI R&D team.
Targeting the characteristics of the Yiwu market, the team has launched 5 self-developed AI
products, covering functions such as intelligent translation, video generation, and product
publishing, including "AI digital human matrix" that enables 24-hour interactive operation; AI
intelligent translator that supports 36 languages for mutual translation, breaking down language
barriers; AI intelligent product release and AI intelligent image factory that help merchants deal
with complex and professional problems; and Xiaoshang AI that can accurately capture the
needs of buyers through intelligent Q&A, improving order fulfillment rates. At present, 17,000

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                                       Semi-annual Report for 2024

users on the Chinagoods platform have deeply experienced the Xiaoshang AI series, which
helps market merchants achieve digital upgrades in their business.

                                   (Display of Some AI Applications)
    During the reporting period, the net profit of the Big Data Company was RMB 72.7937
million, a YoY increase of 56.89%, and the GMV of Chinagoods was RMB 45 billion, a YoY
increase of 40.6%. There were 40,0000 new registered buyers on the Chinagoods platform,
bringing the total to over 4.45 million.
    (IV) Digital payment
    Kuaijietong is committed to solving the core pain points and bottlenecks in the field of
cross-border foreign exchange settlement, continuously optimizing its payment platform
functions, and taking practical actions to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the Yiwu
market achieve compliance in their funding channels. During the reporting period, Kuaijietong
successfully partnered with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Abu Dhabi Branch to
complete the first direct currency settlement business in the Dubai market. This signifies that

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Kuaijietong has achieved a full-process closed-loop practice in the integrated cross-border RMB
settlement services both at home and abroad.
    In addition, Kuaijietong also works with Bank of China to promote the cross-border
application of e-CNY (i.e., the Digital Currency Bridge project). The application was officially
launched on May 30, 2024. The core goal of the Digital Currency Bridge project is to build a
bridge connecting central banks around the world with digital currencies, aiming to promote
efficient inter-connectivity of global financial systems. With the widespread application of digital
currencies, cross-border payment processes will become more convenient and efficient, and
fund flows will enjoy unprecedented freedom, significantly enhancing the inclusiveness of
financial services. The operation of Digital Currency Bridge project not only brings substantial
convenience to market participants, but also provides valuable practical opportunities and
experience accumulation for central banks of various countries. This will help central banks of
various countries to have a deeper understanding of the development trajectory and laws of
digital currencies, providing solid data support and theoretical basis for the formulation of their
future financial policies.
    As of June 30, the transaction volume of cross-border RMB payment business in 2024
exceeded RMB 12 billion, supporting 25 different currencies and covering more than 150
countries and regions. All transactions have not involved any risk dispute funds, and there have
been no frozen card incidents, providing a solid financial infrastructure guarantee for business
owners to smoothly go overseas.
    During the reporting period, the net profit of Kuaijietong Company was RMB 27.381 million,
a significant increase from RMB -5.7202 million for the same period of the previous year.
    (V) Trade performance
    Zhijie Yuangang has accelerated the layout of FBC "two warehouses and one route"
commercial infrastructure, enhancing its digital cross-border logistics service capabilities. In
March, it held the 2024 Cross-border Logistics Ecological Transformation and Upgrading
Summit Forum and the "Zuhuopai Platform" brand launch event. The "Zuhuopai" digital logistics
fulfillment platform was launched, connecting international logistics enterprises and providing
multiple supports such as routes, warehousing, and systems for small and medium-sized
enterprises. In the first half of 2024, Zhijie Yuangang has provided 35,000 TEUs of more stable
international logistics services with higher quality for the Yiwu market. The digital cross-border
supply chain service fulfillment platform (Zhijie Yuangang) has been included as a key project
for high-quality development of digital trade in Zhejiang Province in 2024.
    (VI) Exhibition
    During the reporting period, the driving effect of exhibitions on trade continued to
strengthen. Driven by the drainage effect of professional exhibitions such as the China Import
and Export Fair and China Yiwu International Hardware & Electrical Appliances Fair, the
number of buyers from outside Zhejiang Province and abroad visiting and purchasing in the

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

market increased. In April alone, the number of foreign merchants entering Yiwu reached
61,991, exceeding that of the same period in 2019. The 8th China Yiwu International Hardware
& Electrical Appliances Fair attracted 83,643 buyers, including 3,024 foreign merchants, with a
total offline transaction volume of RMB 560 million.
    As of the end of June, Yiwu China Commodities City Exhibition Co., Ltd. held a total of 23
domestic exhibitions such as the China Yiwu International Hardware & Electrical Appliances
Fair and the Yiwu Fashion Jewelry Factory Exhibition, as well as 3 overseas exhibitions in
countries such as Indonesia and Cambodia, attracting over 770,000 buyers. The exhibition area
was 380,000 square meters, and the intended transaction volume was RMB 4.3 billion. The
China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair project has been included in the 2024 Zhejiang
Province Import High-quality Development Project Plan.
    (VII) Hotel
    During the reporting period, the hotel business segment (including entrusted hotels)
achieved revenue of RMB 227 million, a YoY increase of 1.3%, and GOP of RMB 24.7138
million, a YoY increase of 4.51%. The hotel segment actively implements the integrated
development strategy of "market+cultural tourism" and "food+shopping", relying on the Yiwu
market to build a comprehensive consumption scene integrating shopping, food, and tourism. It
is committed to creating a unique market cultural tourism IP to significantly enhance the
attractiveness and popularity of the market cultural tourism. The "Taste Global Delicacies, Buy
Global Products" food festival held at the end of June attracted 17 well-known foreign flavor
catering units in Yiwu city to participate. The event was brimming with attendees, and its
overwhelming popularity led to a scarcity of tickets. The mesmerizing fusion of live dance,
music, and lighting elicited exuberant cheers from the crowd, as the array of delectable food,
beer, and snacks provided a veritable feast for the guests. The event surpassed all

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Significant changes in the Company's operations during the reporting period, as well as events
that have a significant impact or are expected to have a significant impact in the future on the
Company's operations
□ Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Operating status during the reporting period
(i) Analysis of main business
1 Analysis of changes in the items of the financial statements
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
Item                                                          Amount in the
                                     Amount in the          same report period
                                                                                 YoY change (%)
                                  current report period       of the previous
Operating revenue                      6,765,934,137.13      5,160,991,043.25                31.10
Operating cost                         4,527,895,348.12      3,582,510,450.35                26.39
Sales expenses                            92,206,144.98          77,763,668.49               18.57
Administrative expenses                  218,138,951.18        267,899,068.22               -18.57
Financial expenses                        53,571,231.34          53,603,900.89               -0.06
R&D expenses                              11,759,206.64          10,524,249.20               11.73
Net cash flow from operating
                                         114,363,500.83       143,247,195.78                -20.16
Net cash flow from investing
                                      -1,323,845,089.70      -505,539,125.40       Not applicable
Net cash flow from financing
                                        -738,900,347.95       543,680,426.49               -235.91
Reasons for the change in operating revenue: The operating revenue increased by RMB 1.605
billion YoY, mainly due to the growth of market operations, commodity sales, and trade services,
which increased by RMB 468 million, RMB 1.057 billion, and RMB 87 million respectively, with
growth rates of 25.99%, 37.24%, and 30.63%.
Reasons for the change in net cash flow from investment activities: The net cash flow from
investment activities decreased by RMB 818 million YoY, mainly due to a decrease of RMB 208
million in net cash received from the disposal of long-term assets because of the relocation of
Digital Mall and others, and a decrease of RMB 495 million in other cash received related to
investment activities because of the pre-allocation of funds of joint ventures and others.
Reasons for the change in net cash flow from financing activities: The net cash flow from
financing activities decreased by RMB 1.283 billion YoY, mainly due to a YoY decrease of RMB
1.15 billion in the net cash flow from financing.

2    Details of material changes in the business types, the components or sources of
     profits of the Company in this reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(ii) Material changes in profits caused by non-main businesses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

              (iii)    Analysis of assets and liabilities
              √Applicable □Not applicable
              1. Status of assets and liabilities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                         As a                                    As a
                                     percentage                            percentage of
                                                    Closing balance
                  Closing balance       of total                           total assets at    YoY
                                                       of the prior                                       Reasons for
     Item          of the current      assets at                           the end of the    change
                                                     corresponding                                          change
                       period         the end of                                 prior         (%)
                                     the current                           corresponding
                                        period                               period (%)
                                                                                                      Due         to     the
Cash     and
                                                                                                      repayment            of
cash               979,696,870.94          2.72     2,922,735,320.61                 8.07    -66.48
                                                                                                      Mainly due to the
                                                                                                      growth        of   the
Prepayments       1,933,879,454.57         5.37       986,062,615.10                 2.72     96.12   product sales and
                                                                                                      the increase in
                                                                                                      advance payment
                                                                                                      Mainly       due    to
Inventories       1,897,027,952.53         5.27     1,247,244,380.91                 3.44     52.10   development costs
                                                                                                      and inventory of
                                                                                                      Mainly       due    to
Development                                                                                           transfer             to
                    11,157,791.11          0.03        18,648,441.93                 0.05    -40.17
expenses                                                                                              intangible assets in
                                                                                                      the current period
                                                                                                      Mainly due to the
                                                                                                      decrease             in
Advance                                                                                               advance receipts of
                   361,888,036.98          1.00       602,364,396.64                 1.66    -39.92
receipts                                                                                              merchant payment
                                                                                                      during the current
                                                                                                      Mainly due to the
                    17,782,397.68          0.05       148,473,258.54                 0.41    -88.02   distribution of merit
                                                                                                      pay for 2023
                                                                                                      Mainly due to the
                                                                                                      transfer-in          of
liabilities due
                  1,767,945,699.70         4.91       179,140,794.24                 0.49    886.90   interest-bearing
within      one
                                                                                                      liabilities due within
                                                                                                      one year
                                                                                                      Mainly       due    to
Bonds                                                                                                 transfer-out         of
                  1,999,398,922.23         5.55     3,498,452,484.47                 9.66    -42.85
payable                                                                                               medium-term notes
                                                                                                      due within one year
              Other statements
              2. Overseas assets
              √Applicable □Not applicable
              (1) Scale of assets
              Among them, overseas assets were RMB 503 million, accounting for 1.40% of the total assets.

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

(2) Explanation of the high proportion of offshore assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
3. Encumbrances on major assets as of the end of the reporting period
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
            Item                        June 30, 2024               December 31, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents                      16,594,295.29                   12,556,381.42
Inventories                                     8,925,585.77                     8,925,585.77
Long-term equity investment                   102,918,559.00                  102,918,559.00
Other non-current financial
                                              631,520,588.85                  631,520,588.85
Other current assets                          399,764,547.68                  313,869,496.74
Total                                       1,159,723,576.59                1,069,790,611.78
    The situation of restricted assets can be found in Financial Report Note VII. 31. Restricted
Assets of Ownership or Use Rights in Section X.

4. Other notes
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iv)     Analysis of investments
1. Overall analysis of external equity investment
√Applicable □Not applicable
    As of June 30, 2024, the total amount of external investments was RMB 8,998.438 million
(including RMB 11.6408 million in held-for-trading financial assets, RMB 6,938.8045 million in
long-term equity investments, RMB 555.6431 million in other equity instrument investments,
and RMB 1,492.3496 million in other non-current financial assets), a decrease of RMB 17.9397
million, or 0.20%, from RMB 9,016.3777 million (including RMB 15.1309 million in
held-for-trading financial assets, RMB 7,022.7795 million in long-term equity investments, RMB
556.8974 million in other equity instrument investments, and RMB 1,421.5699 million in other
non-current financial assets) at the end the previous year. The main changes are as follows:
    I. At the end of the reporting period, held-for-trading financial assets decreased by RMB
3.4901 million from the end of the previous year, which was due to a decrease of RMB 3.4901
million in fair value changes during the reporting period.
    II. At the end of the reporting period, long-term equity investment decreased by RMB
83.975 million from the end of the previous year, mainly due to:
    1. The net decrease of RMB147.7909 million in investment costs, which was due to an
increase of RMB 22.4591 million in investment funds to investees such as JEBEL ALI FREE

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

period, and the recovery of RMB 170.25 million in investment funds to investees such as Yiwu
Hongyi Equity Investment Fund Partnership.
    2. The net increase of RMB 63.8159 million in the accrued income by equity method and
others, mainly due to RMB 98.3488 million in the accrued investment income by equity method,
and RMB 34.75 million in dividends from Yiwu Hongyi Equity Investment Fund Partnership
(Limited Partnership) during the reporting period.
    III. At the end of the reporting period, the investment in other equity instruments decreased
by RMB 1.2543 million from the end of the previous year, due to the change in fair value of
Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd. during the reporting period.
    IV. At the end of the reporting period, other non current financial assets increased by RMB
70.7797 million compared to the end of the previous year. This was due to an increase of RMB
21.7182 million in investment from MASAI MARA TECHNOLOGY LTD, an increase of RMB 60
million in investment to Suzhou Xiangzhong Entrepreneurship Investment Partnership (Limited
Partnership), the recovery of RMB 9.7385 million in investment from Nantong Zijinghuatong
Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), and a decrease of RMB 1.2 million from
cancellation of Yiwu Smart Transportation Co., Ltd.

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                                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

(1).Major equity investments
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB10,000
                     er the                              Wheth                                                                          Imp
                     target                                er to                                                                         act
Investe                is                                           Statem                                          Progres   Estim               her       Disclo   Disclo
                              Invest   Invest            consoli                               Partner    Invest                          on
   d       Main      mainly                     Shareh                 ent         Sourc                            s as of    ated              invol       sure     sure
                               ment     ment               date                                 s (if      ment                         curr
compa     busines    engag                      olding              item (if        e of                            balance   earnin              ved        date    index
                      ed in   metho    amoun             financi                               applica   period                          ent
   ny        s                                   ratio              applica        funds                             sheet     gs (if              in         (if      (if
                     invest     d         t                 al                                  ble)     (if any)                       profi
 name                 ment                                            ble)                                           date      any)             litigat      any)     any)
                                                         statem                                                                          t or
                     busine                                                                                                                       ion
                                                           ents                                                                         loss
Xiangz                                                                                        Taicang
          capital                                                                                                                                          Feb
hong                                                                                          Weizho
          (limited                                                                                                  Accumu                                 10,
Ventur                                                              Other                     ng
          to                                                                       Self-o                           lated                                  2021
e                                                                   non-cu                    Investm
          investm                                                                  wned                  Not        investm                                Nov
Capital                                6,000.                       rrent                     ent
          ent in     Yes      Other             13.70%   No                        Fund                  applic     ent of                      No         19,       Nil
Partner                                    00                       financi                   Manage
          unlisted                                                                 source                able       RMB                                    2020
ship                                                                al                        ment
          enterpri                                                                 s                                160                                    Nov
(Limite                                                             assets                    Co.,
          ses);                                                                                                     million                                18,
d                                                                                             Ltd.,
          Equity                                                                                                                                           2020
Partner                                                                                       etc.
 Total       /         /         /                 /          /         /             /           /         /          /                           /          /            /

(2).Major non-equity investments
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB10,000
                                                                                                                                                            Investment         Cumulative
 Item                                                                                      Progress                                                           amount              actual
                                                                                                                                                             during the        investment

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                                                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                                                                                                                             current        amount
                                                                                                                                                             period           .

                                              The construction of the lower structure of the A-B overpass in the comprehensive protection zone has
The Yiwu Comprehensive
                               624,250.00     been completed, and all other projects have been completed and accepted. Zones A, B, and D have                4,008.12      435,748.16
Bonded Zone Project
                                              been put into use.
Logistics Park S2              108,000.00     Completed and accepted.                                                                                        8,007.27       74,093.26

Logistics Park S3              132,000.00     Completed and accepted.                                                                                       14,509.36       97,597.76
Yiwu International Digital
                               113,600.00     Completed and accepted.                                                                                        6,417.49       83,179.76
Logistics Market
                                              62% of the total project volume for the first phase has been completed, and roof-topping works for the
Global Digital Free Trade                     market section main structure of the second phase have been completed. About 68% of the
                               832,082.00                                                                                                                    8,747.59      289,684.70
Center                                        above-ground main structure of the commercial office building section has been completed, and the
                                              construction of super high-rise buildings has started.

          (3).Financial assets measured at fair value
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB10,000
                                                         Profit and loss                                    Current
                                                                                  Cumulative fair                       Current       Sale/redemption
                                      Opening          from changes in                                     provision                                     Other         Closing
        Category of assets                                                        value changes                        purchase          amount in
                                      balance           fair value in the       included in equity            for                                       changes        balance
                                                                                                                        amount         current period
                                                         current period                                   impairment
   Held-for-trading  financial
                                           1,513.09              -349.01                              -            -              -                 -             -     1,164.08
   Other equity instruments
                                          55,689.74                         -              151.33                  -              -                 -    -125.43       55,564.31
   Other non-current financial
                                      142,156.99                            -                         -            -    8,171.82            1,093.85              -   149,234.96
               Total                  199,359.82                 -349.01                   151.33                  -    8,171.82            1,093.85     -125.43      205,963.35

          Securities Investment
          √Applicable □Not applicable

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                                                                       Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB10,000
                                                                               and loss
                                                                                  from           Cumulative                Sales     Profit and
                                            Initial                Opening     changes            fair value    Current   amount     loss from     Closing
              Security     Security                   Source of                                                                                                Accounting
Securities                               investment                 book         in fair          changes      purchase     in      investment      book
               code      abbreviation                  funds                                                                                                      item
                                             cost                   value      value in          included in    amount    current    in current     value
                                                                                   the              equity                period       period
                                                                                                                                                            Other equity
                         Shenwan                      Self-owned
Stocks        000166                     55,362.54                 55,689.74                 -       151.33           -         -             -   55,564.31 instruments
                         Hongyuan                     funds
                         Oriental                     Self-owned                                                                                            Held-for-trading
Stocks        600278                      5,000.00                  1,513.09    -349.01                    -          -         -             -    1,164.08
                         Venture                      funds                                                                                                 financial assets
                         Tiantu                       Self-owned
Stocks        833979                     15,519.21                  3,717.19                 -             -          -         -             -    3,717.19 non-current
                         Investment                   funds
                                                                                                                                                            financial assets
Total             /            /         75,881.75        /        60,920.02    -349.01              151.33           -         -             -   60,445.58         /

        Explanation of securities investment
        □ Applicable √Not applicable

        PE investment
        √Applicable □Not applicable
            At the end of this reporting period, the book value of private equity fund investments was RMB 1,272,744,900, an increase of RMB 50.2615 million
        from RMB 1,222,483,400 at the end of the previous year. This was due to the addition of RMB 60 million to Suzhou Xiangzhong Venture Capital
        Partnership (Limited Partnership) and the recovery of RMB 9.7385 million from Nantong Redbud Huatong Equity Investment Partnership (Limited

        Derivatives investment
        □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

(v) Major sales of assets and equity
√Applicable □Not applicable
    The Company held the 18th meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on April 22, 2024, and
the 2023 Annual Shareholders' Meeting on May 23, 2024. The Proposal on Wholly-owned
Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity Transfer and Related Transaction was approved, and it was
agreed that the wholly-owned subsidiary Big Data Company and the controlling shareholder
CCCH would sign an Equity Transfer Agreement, agreeing that Big Data Company would
transfer 100% of its equity in Yiwu Xingchen Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. to CCCH. For
details, please refer to the Announcement on Wholly-owned Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity
Transfer and Related Transaction (L 2024-020), Announcement on the Progress of
Wholly-owned Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity Transfer (L 2024-028), and Announcement on the
Completion of Change Registration with Market Regulation Authorities for Equity Transfer of
Wholly-owned Subsidiary (L 2024-029) disclosed by the Company on the Shanghai Stock
Exchange website on April 23, 2024, July 10, 2024, and July 20, 2024, respectively. The equity
transfer has been fully completed.

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                                                                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

          (vi)     Analysis of major subsidiaries and associates
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB10,000
              Company name                                                       Business                                                     Total assets   Net assets    Net profits
Yiwu China Commodities City Financial         Enterprise's own capital investment, asset management, investment consulting
                                                                                                                                 400,000.00     276,480.69    258,619.40    -2,099.38
Holdings Co., Ltd.                            services, investment management services
                                              Industry investment, investment management, property service, market
                                              development and operation, market auxiliary service, real estate development,
Haicheng Company                                                                                                                  60,000.00     188,582.64   -110,770.92    -5,890.49
                                              sale and lease, design, production and agency of domestic advertising, and
                                              operation and management of parking garages
Yiwu Shangbo Yuncang Enterprise
                                              Enterprise management; property management, etc.                                    30,000.00     132,667.02     49,229.88     -1,074.91
Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shangcheng Gonglian Enterprise
                                              Enterprise management; Real estate development and operation, etc.                  20,000.00      16,242.96     15,756.41      -123.30
Management Co., Ltd.
Kuaijietong Payment Service Co., Ltd.         Internet payment, cross-border RMB, cross-border foreign exchange, etc.             18,000.00      62,658.94     17,996.24     2,738.10
Yiwu Xingchen Enterprise Management Co.,
                                              Enterprise management; Enterprise management consulting                             15,000.00     269,442.05     12,095.75         -0.11
Yiwu China Commodities City Import and
                                              Domestic trade and international trade                                              10,000.00     223,717.33      6,731.69      -805.16
Export Co., Ltd.
                                              Internet data services; professional design services; intelligent control system
Yiwu China Commodities City Big Data Co.,
                                              integration; computer information technology development, technical                 10,000.00      52,017.34     27,770.52     7,279.37
                                              consulting, technical services, technology transfer, etc.
Yiwu China Commodities City Supply Chain
                                              Supply chain management service                                                     10,000.00      15,490.29      6,105.04      -854.02
Management Co., Ltd.
                                              Computer software, multimedia technologies, computer network and
Zhejiang Yiwugou E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                                                                             10,000.00      16,191.77     13,541.03     1,119.34
                                              application, and wholesale & retail
Yiwu China Commodities City Property
                                              Real estate development and sale                                                   500,000.00   2,339,132.01    651,232.83     -1,594.92
Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Hongyi Equity Investment Fund            Investment management, equity investment, asset management and
                                                                                                                                 200,100.00     143,380.84    143,366.88       271.23
Partnership (limited partnership)             investment consulting
Zhejiang Chouzhou Financial Lease Co., Ltd.   Financial lease service, and transfer of financial lease assets                    100,000.00   2,077,490.10    241,915.68    20,777.69
                                              Industrial investment, investment management, property services, parking lot
Yiwu Shanglv Investment Development Co.,
                                              operation and management, commercial marketing planning, business                   80,000.00     130,494.82     96,802.46     4,791.51
                                              management consulting, mall operation and management, etc.
Pujiang Lvgu Property Co., Ltd.               Real estate development and sale                                                    70,000.00     114,682.66     80,152.69     9,453.00
                                              International cargo transportation agency by sea; international cargo
Zhijie Yuangang                                                                                                                   55,556.00      69,362.83     37,797.48     -2,518.95
                                              transportation agency by air; international cargo transportation agency by land;
                                                                                           29   / 213
                                                                           Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                          domestic cargo transportation agency; domestic shipping agency; general
                                          cargo warehousing services, etc.
                                          Real estate development, sale and lease; real estate brokerage service,
Yiwu Guoshen Shangbo Property Co., Ltd.                                                                             4,081.63   218,445.13   189,489.54   774.37
                                          interior decoration service; and landscaping service

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(vii)     Structured entities controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Other disclosure matters
(i) Potential risks
√Applicable □Not applicable
    1. Macroeconomic fluctuation risk. The profitability of the Company's main businesses such
as market operations, hotel exhibitions, and product sales is significantly correlated with the
macroeconomic cycle. If global economic growth is sluggish and trade volume shrinks, it will
lead to a decrease in the overall prosperity of the Yiwu small commodity market, which will have
a negative impact on shop leasing and related businesses.
    2. Risk of insufficient reserves of talents. With the acceleration of market transformation
and the expansion of the Company’s business, and with the expansion of international trade,
warehousing and logistics, supply chain, overseas development, information data, industrial
investment, and business operations, the Company may face the risk of insufficient reserves of
professional talents and inter-disciplinary talents.
    3. External uncertainty. Geopolitical conflicts have caused increased uncertainty in
international trade, and the development of global market trade is more complicated and severe
than before; new technologies are accelerating to breed new opportunities, and new trade
models and new formats are constantly emerging.

(ii) Other disclosure matters
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

                     Section IV. Corporate Governance
I.   General meeting of shareholders
                                   Designated website
                                                                      Date of
  Session of                          on which the                                   Resolution of
                       Date                                      disclosure of the
   meeting                            resolution is                                  the meeting
   The first
 extraordinary                                                                          See the
    general                                                                            resolution
                   Jan 23, 2024      www.sse.com.cn               Jan 24, 2024
  meeting of                                                                         announcement
 shareholders                                                                          for details
    in 2024
 2023 Annual                                                                            See the
   General                                                                             resolution
                  May 23, 2024       www.sse.com.cn               May 24, 2024
  Meeting of                                                                         announcement
 Shareholders                                                                          for details

The preferred shareholders whose voting rights had been restituted requested to convene an
extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Statement on shareholders’ meetings
√Applicable □Not applicable
    1. The first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2024 approved the proposals
on changing registered capital and revising the Articles of Association, revising the Rules of
Procedure for Directors’ Meeting, revising the External Guarantee Management System,
revising the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings, revising the Decision and
Implementation System for Related-party Transactions, and formulating the Independent
Director Work System.
     2. The 2023 Shareholders' Meeting approved the 2023 Board of Directors Work Report,
2023 Board of Supervisors Work Report, 2023 Annual Report and Summary, 2023 Final
Account Report, 2024 Financial Budget Report, 2023 Profit Distribution Plan, Proposal on the
Issuance of Various Debt Financing Instruments in the Next 12 Months, Proposal on the
Redemption of Remuneration for Some Directors of the Company in 2022, and Proposal on
Wholly-owned Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity Transfer and Related Transaction.

II. Changes in directors, supervisors, and senior management of the Company
√Applicable □Not applicable
             Name                           Title                    Change
         WANG Dong            Chairman of the Board of Directors     Election
         WANG Dong                   General Manager              Leaving office
         ZHAO Wenge           Chairman of the Board of Directors  Leaving office
        ZHANG Qizhen               Vice General Manager           Leaving office

Statement on the changes in directors, supervisors and senior officers of the Company
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

III. Plan for profit distribution or capital reserve into share capital
Plan for profit distribution or capital reserve into share capital made in the current period
Whether to distribute profits or capitalize the                                                  No
capital reserve
Number of bonus shares for every 10 shares                                                        0
Dividend payout per 10 shares (RMB)                                                               0
(including tax)
Number of shares converted from the                                                               0
capitalization of capital reserve for every 10
         Explanation of the plan for profit distribution or capital reserve into share capital

IV. Incentive stock option plans, employee stock ownership plans and other employee
     incentives granted by the Company and the impact thereof
(i) Related equity incentive matters that have been disclosed in the provisional
    announcement without progress or change in subsequent implementation
√Applicable □Not applicable
                     Overview of the matter                       Query website
     On October 23, 2020, the 23rd meeting of the 8th board of
directors of the Company passed the Proposal on the Company's
2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and Summary,
Proposal on the Measures for the Evaluation and Management of
the Implementation of the Company's 2020 Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan, Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting of
Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle
Issues Related to Equity Incentives. The independent directors of
                                                                             For details, please
the Company issued relevant independent opinions.
                                                                        refer to the Company's
    On October 23, 2020, the sixth meeting of the eighth Board          announcement      on  the
                                                                        website of the Shanghai
of Supervisors of the Company deliberated and approved the
                                                                        Stock           Exchange
Proposal on the Company's 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan          (www.sse.com.cn)       on
                                                                        October 24, 2020.
(Draft) and its Summary, The Proposal on the Implementation
Evaluation and Management Measures for the Company's 2020
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, Proposal on Verification of the
List of Incentive Objects of the Company's 2020 Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan. The board of supervisors issued relevant
verification opinions.
    Independent financial consultants, lawyers and other
intermediary agencies issued corresponding opinions.
    On November 18, 2020, it received the Approval for                      For specific details,
                                                                        please   refer  to    the
Approving Zhejiang China Commodity City Group Co., Ltd. to
                                                                        announcement    disclosed
implement the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan issued by the        by the Company on the
                                                                        Shanghai Stock Exchange
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office of the
                                                                        website (www.sse.com.cn)

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                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

People's Government of Yiwu City, forwarded by Yiwu China                on November 20, 2020.
Commodity City Holdings Ltd. (Ref: Yiwu SASAO〔2020〕51).
    From November 20, 2020 to November 29, 2020, the list of
incentive objects and positions of the 2020 restricted stock
incentive plan were internally publicized. Within the time limit of
                                                                              For details, please
the publicity, the board of supervisors of the Company did not
                                                                         refer to the Company's
receive any objection from any organization or individual or bad         announcement     on   the
                                                                         website of the Shanghai
feedback, without feedback record. On November 30, 2020, the
                                                                         Stock           Exchange
Board of Supervisors of the Company issued the Examination               (www.sse.com.cn)       on
                                                                         December 1, 2020.
Opinions and Public Statement of the Board of Supervisors on
the List of Incentive Objects of the Company's 2020 Restricted
Stock Incentive Plan.
    On December 10, 2020, the Company's 2020 Fifth
Provisional General Meeting of Shareholders deliberated and
approved the “Proposal on the Company's 2020 Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan (Draft)’ and Summary”, the “Proposal on the                 For details, please
Measures of Assessment and Management of Implementation of               refer to the Company's
                                                                         announcement     on   the
Company’s 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan”, and the               website of the Shanghai
“Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting of Shareholders to          Stock           Exchange
                                                                         (www.sse.com.cn)       on
Authorize the Board of Directors to Deal with Equity Incentive           December 11, 2020.
Related Matters”, and disclosed the “Self-examination Report on
the Trades of Company’s Stocks by Insiders of Company’s 2020
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan”.
    On December 11, 2020, the 26th meeting of the 8th board of
directors of the Company passed the Proposal on Granting
Restricted Shares to Incentive Objects for the First Time. The
independent    directors   of   the   Company        issued   relevant
independent opinions.                                                         For details, please
    On December 11, 2020, the 7th meeting of the Company's               refer to the Company's
                                                                         announcement     on   the
8th board of supervisors passed the Proposal on Granting                 website of the Shanghai
Restricted Stocks to Incentive Objects for the First Time. The           Stock           Exchange
                                                                         (www.sse.com.cn)       on
Board of Supervisors issued the Verification Opinions of the             December 12, 2020.
Board of Supervisors on Matters Related to the First Grant of the
Company's 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan.
    Independent financial consultants, lawyers and other
intermediary agencies issued corresponding opinions.
    On January 15, 2021, the Company received the Securities                  For details, please
                                                                         refer to the Company's

                                               34   / 213
                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

Change Registration Certificate issued by the Shanghai Branch            announcement      on  the
                                                                         website of the Shanghai
of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., and the
                                                                         Stock           Exchange
Company completed the registration of the first grant of restricted      (www.sse.com.cn)       on
                                                                         January 19, 2021.
stocks to incentive objects.
    On August 9, 2021, the 35th meeting of the 8th board of
directors of the Company passed the "Proposal on Reserved
Granting Restricted Stocks to Incentive Objects", "Proposal on
Adjusting the Repurchase Price of Restricted Stocks and
Repurchasing and Cancelling Some Restricted Stocks". The
independent    directors   of   the   Company        issued   relevant        For details, please
independent opinions.                                                    refer to the Company's
                                                                         announcement      on   the
    On August 9, 2021, the 9th meeting of the 8th Boarder of             website of the Shanghai
Supervisors of the Company passed the "Proposal on Reserved              Stock            Exchange
                                                                         (www.sse.com.cn)        on
Granting Restricted Stocks to Incentive Objects", "Proposal on           August 11, 2021.
Adjusting the Repurchase Price of Restricted Stocks and
Repurchasing and Cancelling Some Restricted Stocks". The
Board of Supervisors issued the Verification Opinions of the
Board of Supervisors on Matters Related to the Company's
Reserved Grant of the Restricted Stock Incentive Plan in 2020.
    On November 4, 2021, the Company received the Securities
                                                                            For details, see the
Change Registration Certificate issued by the Shanghai Branch            Company's announcement
of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., and the           on the website of the
                                                                         Shanghai Stock Exchange
Company completed the registration of the reserved grant of              (www.sse.com.cn)     on
restricted stocks to incentive objects.                                  November 6, 2021.

    On November 17, 2021, the Company applied to China
Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch for
repurchase and cancellation of restricted stocks that have been
                                                                            For details, see the
granted but not yet lifted by some resigned employees. On                Company's announcement
November 30, 2021, the Company received the "Securities                  on the website of the
                                                                         Shanghai Stock Exchange
Change Registration Certificate" issued by China Securities              (www.sse.com.cn)     on
Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, and the               November 26, 2021.

Company has completed the registration of the restricted stock
repurchase and cancellation.
    On July 19, 2022, the 51st meeting of the 8th board of
                                                                              For details, see the
directors of the Company reviewed and approved the "Proposal             Company's announcement
on Adjusting the Repurchase Price of Restricted Stocks and the           on the website of the
                                                                         Shanghai Stock Exchange
Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks", and              (www.sse.com.cn) on July
the independent directors of the Company issued a statement on           20, 2022.

                                               35   / 213
                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

this independent opinion expressing consent. On July 19, 2022,
the 14th meeting of the 8th Board of Supervisors of the Company
passed the "Proposal on Adjusting the Repurchase Price of
Restricted Shares and Repurchasing and Cancelling Some
Restricted Shares".
    On October 18, 2022, the Company applied to China
Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch for
repurchase and cancellation of restricted stocks that have been
                                                                              For details, see the
granted but not yet lifted by some resigned employees. On                 Company's announcement
October 21, 2022, the Company received the "Securities Change             on the website of the
                                                                          Shanghai Stock Exchange
Registration Certificate" issued by China Securities Depository           (www.sse.com.cn)      on
and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, and the Company has               October 19, 2022.

completed the registration of the restricted stock repurchase and
    On December 28, 2022, the 6th Meeting of the 9th Board of
Directors of the Company passed the "Proposal on the
Satisfaction of the Unlocking Conditions for the First Unlocking
Period of the First Grant Part of the 2020 Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan ". The independent directors of the Company have
issued independent opinions expressing agreement.                              For details, see the
                                                                          Company's announcement
    On December 28, 2022, the 2nd Meeting of the Company's
                                                                          on the website of the
9th Board of Supervisors passed the "Proposal on the                      Shanghai Stock Exchange
                                                                          (www.sse.com.cn) on July
Satisfaction of the Unlocking Conditions for the First Unlocking
                                                                          20, 2022.
Period of the First Grant Part of the 2020 Restricted Stock
Incentive   Plan".    The   Board   of   Supervisors       issued   the
"Verification Opinion on the Satisfaction of the Unlocking
Conditions for the First Unlocking Period for the First Grant Part
of the 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan".
    On August 17, 2023, the 12th Meeting of the 9th Board of
Directors of the Company approved the Proposal on Adjusting
the Repurchase Price of Restricted Stocks and Repurchasing                    For specific details,
and Cancelling Some Restricted Stocks. The independent                    please   refer   to    the
                                                                          announcement     disclosed
directors of the Company expressed their independent opinion of           by the Company on the
agreement on this. On August 17, 2023, the 5th Meeting of the             Shanghai Stock Exchange
                                                                          website (www.sse.com.cn)
9th Board of Supervisors of the Company approved the Proposal             on August 19, 2023.
on Adjusting the Repurchase Price of Restricted Stocks and
Repurchasing and Cancelling Some Restricted Stocks.
    On October 19, 2023, the 13th Meeting of the 9th Board of                 For   specific   details,
                                              36   / 213
                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

Directors of the Company approved the Proposal on the               please   refer    to   the
                                                                    announcement     disclosed
Satisfaction of the Unlocking Conditions for the First Unlocking
                                                                    by the Company on the
Period of the Reserved Grant Part of the 2020 Restricted Stock      Shanghai Stock Exchange
                                                                    website (www.sse.com.cn)
Incentive Plan. The independent directors of the Company have
                                                                    on October 20, 2023.
issued independent opinions expressing agreement.
    On October 19, 2023, the 6th Meeting of the 9th Board of
Supervisors of the Company approved the Proposal on the
Satisfaction of the Unlocking Conditions for the First Unlocking
Period of the Reserved Grant Part of the 2020 Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan. The Board of Supervisors issued Verification
Opinion on the Satisfaction of the Unlocking Conditions for the
First Unlocking Period of the Reserved Grant Part of the 2020
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan.
    On November 8, 2023, the Company applied to Shanghai
Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
for the repurchase and cancellation of restricted stocks that had       For specific details,
been granted to some resigned employees but still under lock-up.    please   refer   to   the
                                                                    announcement    disclosed
On November 20, 2023, the Company received a Securities             by the Company on the
Change Registration Certificate issued by Shanghai Branch of        Shanghai Stock Exchange
                                                                    website (www.sse.com.cn)
China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, and           on November 16, 2023.
completed the registration for the repurchase and cancellation of
restricted stocks.
    On December 28, 2023, the 14th Meeting of the 9th Board of
Directors of the Company approved the Proposal on the
Satisfaction of the Unlocking Conditions for the Second
Unlocking Period of the First Grant Part of the 2020 Restricted
                                                                        For specific details,
Stock Incentive Plan. On December 28, 2023, the 7th Meeting of
                                                                    please   refer   to   the
the 9th Board of Supervisors of the Company approved the            announcement    disclosed
                                                                    by the Company on the
Proposal on the Satisfactio`n of the Unlocking Conditions for the
                                                                    Shanghai Stock Exchange
Second Unlocking Period of the First Grant Part of the 2020         website (www.sse.com.cn)
                                                                    on December 29, 2023.
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. The Board of Supervisors issued
Verification Opinion on the Satisfaction of the Unlocking
Conditions for the Second Unlocking Period of the First Grant
Part of the 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan.

(ii) Incentives that have not been disclosed in the temporary announcements or had
     further progresses
Incentive stock option
□ Applicable √Not applicable
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                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Employee stock ownership plans
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other incentives
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

        Section V.       Environmental and Social Responsibilities
I.   Environmental issues
(i)  Description of the environmental protection status of the Company and its main
     subsidiaries that are key pollutant discharging units announced by the
     environmental protection authorities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(ii) Description of the environmental protection status of the companies other than the
     key pollutant discharging units
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iii)     Further progress or change of the environmental issues disclosed during the
     reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iv) Relevant information that is conducive to protecting ecology, preventing pollution,
     and fulfilling environmental responsibilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(v) Measures taken to reduce their carbon emissions during the reporting period and
     the effect
√Applicable □Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company's Yiwu International Trade City used clean energy for
power generation, reducing emissions of approximately 10,100 tons of carbon dioxide

II.  Status of consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation, rural
     revitalization and other specific work
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                           Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                Section VI. Significant matters

I. Fulfillment of commitments
(i) Commitments made by the actual controller, shareholders, affiliates and acquirer of the Company, the Company itself and other related
    parties during the reporting period or as of the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

II.  The Company’s funds occupied by its controlling shareholders or any of other affiliates for non-operational purposes during the
     reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
III. Illegal guarantees
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

IV. Information about audit on the semi-annual report
□ Applicable √Not applicable

V.   Changes and handling of matters involved in modified audit opinion in the previous
     year’s annual report
□ Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Matters relating to bankruptcy and reorganization
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

       VII. Material litigations and arbitrations
       √ During the period, the Company had major litigations or arbitrations □ During the period, the Company did not have any major litigations or
       (i) Litigations and arbitrations that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements and have had no further progresses
       □ Applicable √Not applicable
       (ii) Litigations and arbitrations that have not been disclosed in the temporary announcements or have had further progresses
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB10,000
During the reporting period:
                                                                                               Value          Does the
                                    Party      Litig                                                           litigation
                                                                                             involved       (arbitration)
                                  bearing      ation                                                                           Status of                                                 Enforcement
   Plaintiff        Defendant                             Basic information of litigation         in             cause                         Results of litigation (arbitration) and
                                    joint       or                                                            estimated         litigation                                               of judgment
  (claimant)      (respondent)                                     (arbitration)             litigation                                                    effect thereof
                                  liabilitie   arbitr                                                      liabilities and    (arbitration)                                                (award)
                                      s        ation                                                         the amount
                                                                                                  n)            thereof
Beijing Urban
                                                        Dispute over construction project
Construction                                   Litig                                         35,636.1                        Hearings have
                 The Company         Nil                            contract                                    No
Group Co.,                                     ation                                            5                            not been held
                                                            (2024) Z 07 MC No. 534
                                                                                                                             Judgement for
                                                                                                                                 the first
                                                                                                                              instance has
Yiwu China                                                                                                                     been made,
Commodities                                                                                                                  the Company
City Supply                                    Litig           Contract dispute                                              has appealed,
                 Asset               Nil                                                     1,166.06           No
Chain                                          ation      (2024) N 0202 MC No. 514                                               and the
Management                                                                                                                   hearing for the
                 Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                        second
                                                                                                                              instance has
                                                                                                                             not been held
                 third    party                         Dispute over construction project
                                               Litig                                                                         Hearings have
Ying Jianhua     Shenzhen            Nil                     construction contract            836.31            No
                                               ation                                                                         not been held
                 Pengrun                                (2022) Z 0782 MSQT No. 18007
                 Group     Co.,
                                                                                              42   / 213
                                                                        Semi-annual Report for 2024

                Luo Haiquan,
                                                                                                        The hearing
                                                    Dispute case involving                            for the second
                Shuiying, third
                                                  shareholders harming the                             instance has
                party:                  Litig
The Company                       Nil            interests of the Company's       300           No       been held,
                Longchuan               ation
                                                           creditors                                  but judgement
                                                (2023) Y 1622 MC No. 2752                              has not been
                Industrial Co.,
                                                                                                          made yet
                                                                                                                       I. The defendant Yiwu Junhuhui
                                                                                                                       Entertainment Co., Ltd. shall pay the
                                                                                                                       plaintiff Zhejiang China Commodities
                                                                                                                       City Group Co., Ltd. CCC Hotel a rent
China Small                                                                                                                                                    The litigation
                Yiwu Junhuhui                   Disputes over Housing Lease                                            of RMB 5,330,000 and a penalty of
Commodities                             Litig                                                         Judgment has                                             amount has
                Entertainment     Nil                    Contracts               554.66         No                     RMB 334,400 for the period from April
City    Group                           ation                                                          been made                                                  been
                Co., Ltd.                       (2024) Z 0782 MC No. 9083                                              1, 2023 to June 21, 2024;
Co., Ltd. CCC                                                                                                                                                   recovered
                                                                                                                       II. The litigation fee is RMB 25,313
                                                                                                                       (halved), shall be borne by the
                                                                                                                       defendant         Yiwu      Junhuhui
                                                                                                                       Entertainment Co., Ltd.

      (iii)     Other notes
      □ Applicable √Not applicable

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VIII.     Information of the Listed Company and its directors, supervisors, senior
     management, controlling shareholder, and actual controller suspected of violations
     of laws and regulations, penalties and rectification
□ Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Credit standing of the Company and its controlling shareholder and actual controller
√Applicable □Not applicable
    There was no outstanding court judgment or overdue debt of a large amount involving the
Company or its controlling shareholder or actual controller during the reporting period.

X. Significant related transactions
(i) Related transactions relating to regular corporate operation
1. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements and had no
    further progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable
2. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements but had further
    progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

     3. Matters that have not been disclosed in the temporary announcements
     √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                        Reasons for the
                                                                                                                                                        large difference
                                                                                                                   in the
                                 Type of     Contents of                    Price of            Amount of                                                 between the
    Related                                                Pricing                                               amount of Settlement
                 Relationship related-party related-party                related-party        related-party                              Market price      price of the
  counterparty                                            principle                                               similar   method
                               transaction transaction                    transaction          transaction                                              transaction and
                                                                                                                                                       reference market
                  Subsidiary               Property
Yiwu China
                  of the        Acceptance service fee
Commodities                                             Market                                                               Account
                  Company’s    of labor   and greening                 110,312,803.36 110,312,803.36                87.69              110,312,803.36
City Property                                           price                                                                transfer
                  largest       service    maintenance
Service Co., Ltd.
                  shareholder              fee
Yiwu Security     shareholder              Security      Market                                                              Account
                                of labor                                   9,059,886.19         9,059,886.19          7.20                9,059,886.19
Service Co., Ltd. of the                   service fee   price                                                               transfer
Yiwu Shangbo
                  of the        Acceptance
Yungu Enterprise                           Construction Market                                                               Account
                  Company’s    of labor                                   5,203,100.00         5,203,100.00          4.14                5,203,100.00
Management                                 fee          price                                                                transfer
                  largest       service
Co., Ltd.
Yourworld         Branch of
International     Controlling               Entrusted
Conference        shareholder   Other       management Negotiated                                                            Account
                                                                           1,220,016.70         1,220,016.70          0.97                1,220,016.70
Center,           of the        inflows     and license price                                                                transfer
subordinated to Company’s                  fees
Yiwu Market       largest

                                                                               45   / 213
                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

Development        shareholder
                           Total             /             /            125,795,806.25   100.00     /     125,795,806.25          /

Return of large-value goods sales                Not applicable
                                                 Yiwu China Small Commodity City Property Service Co., Ltd. obtained the market property
Illustration on related-party transactions
                                                 service and greening maintenance contract by participating in public bidding.

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

(ii) Related transactions arising from asset acquisitions or equity acquisitions and sales
1. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements and had no
     further progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable
2. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements but had further
     progresses or changes
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Company held the 18th meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on April 22, 2024, and
the 2023 Annual Shareholders' Meeting on May 23, 2024. The Proposal on Wholly-owned
Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity Transfer and Related Transaction was approved, and it was
agreed that the wholly-owned subsidiary Big Data Company and the controlling shareholder
CCCH would sign an Equity Transfer Agreement, agreeing that Big Data Company would
transfer 100% of its equity in Yiwu Xingchen Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. to CCCH. For
details, please refer to the Announcement on Wholly-owned Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity
Transfer and Related Transaction (L 2024-020), Announcement on the Progress of
Wholly-owned Subsidiary’s Proposed Equity Transfer (L 2024-028), and Announcement on the
Completion of Change Registration with Market Regulation Authorities for Equity Transfer of
Wholly-owned Subsidiary (L 2024-029) disclosed by the Company on the Shanghai Stock
Exchange website on April 23, 2024, July 10, 2024, and July 20, 2024, respectively. The equity
transfer has been fully completed.

3. Matters that have not been disclosed in the temporary announcements
□ Applicable √Not applicable
4. If any agreement on the operating results is involved, the achievement of operating
     results during the reporting period shall be disclosed
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iii)      Related transactions arising from joint investments in external entities
1. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements and had no
      further progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable
2. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements but had further
      progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable
3. Matters that have not been disclosed in the temporary announcements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iv)      Credits and liabilities with related parties
1. Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements and had no
     further progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

2.   Matters that have been disclosed in the temporary announcements but had further
     progresses or changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable
3. Matters that have not been disclosed in the temporary announcements
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(v) Financial business between the Company and the associated financial companies,
    the Company's holding financial company and the related parties
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(vi)      Other significant related transactions
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(vii)     Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

XI. Significant contracts and their execution
1 Trusteeship, contracting and leases
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                              Semi-annual Report for 2024

2 Material guarantees fulfilled or not completely fulfilled in the reporting period
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB10,000
                            External guarantees provided by the Company (excluding those provided for the subsidiaries)
         Relationsh                   Date of
               ip                     guarant                                                          Overdu
                                                                                         Is the Is the                           Is it a
           between           Amoun       ee     Guaran Guaran                                             e
                       The                                      Type of Princi Collate guarant guarant                         related-p Related
Guaran        the              t of (signing      tee      tee                                         amount      Counter
                     guarant                                    guarant pal     ral (if    ee      ee                             arty   Relationsh
   tor    guarantor          guarant date of Starting Maturity                                          of the guarantees
                       eed                                         ee     debts any) fulfilled overdu                          guarante      ip
           and the              ee      the      date     date                                         guarant
                                                                                         in full    e                              e
            Listed                    agreem                                                             ee
          Company                       ent)
                                                                and                                             SCO
The      The
                     Yiwu    2,659. Dec 16, Jul 1, Dec 15, several                                              provided a                 Joint
Compa Company                                                                  Nil      No       No           -                Yes
                     Shanglv      17 2015      2015     2026    liability                                       counter-guar              venture
ny       itself
                                                                guarant                                         antee
Hangzh                                                          Joint
ou                                                              and
         Wholly-ow House                                                                                                                Wholly-ow
Shangb                        461.1                             several
         ned         purchas                                                   Nil      No       No           -                No          ned
o                                  3                            liability
         subsidiary er                                                                                                                  subsidiary
Nanxin                                                          guarant
g                                                               ee
Amount of guarantees made during the reporting period
(excluding the guarantees provided for subsidiaries)
Balance of guarantees at the end of the reporting period (A)
(excluding the guarantees provided for subsidiaries)
                                             Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
Amount of guarantees provided for subsidiaries during the
reporting period
Balance of guarantees provided for subsidiaries at the end of
the reporting period (B)

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                                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

                              Total guaran`tees provided by the Company (including those provided for the subsidiaries)
Total amount of guarantees (A+B)                                                                                                                3,120.30
Ratio of the total amount of guarantees to the Company’s net
assets (%)
Among them:
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual
controller and their related parties (C)
Amount of guarantees provided directly or indirectly for the
debtors whose debt-to-asset ratio exceed 70% (D)
Portion of total amount of guarantees in excess of 50% of net
assets (E)
Total (C+D+E)                                                                                                                                             -
Statement on the joint and several liability that may be assumed
                                                                 Not applicable
due to outstanding guarantees
                                                                 1. According to the resolution of the 15th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors on
                                                                 July 1, 2015, the Group applied for a loan of RMB 750 million with Agricultural Bank
                                                                 of China Yiwu Branch for Yiwu Shanglv and provided guarantees in accordance with
                                                                 the shareholding ratio. The guarantee method was joint liability guarantee, the
                                                                 highest guarantee amount was RMB 367.5 million and the guarantee term was11
                                                                 years. As of June 30, 2024, Yiwu Shanglv actually borrowed RMB 54,268,838.96
                                                                 (December 31, 2023: RMB 93,377,327.02) from banks in total. According to the
                                                                 guarantee contract, the Group should bear a guarantee liability of RMB
                                                                 26,591,731.09 (December 31, 2023: RMB 45,754,890.24) to Yiwu Branch of
Statement on guarantees
                                                                 Agricultural Bank of China. SCO provided a counter-guarantee for this guarantee.
                                                                 2. According to relevant regulations, the Group is required to provide mortgage loan
                                                                 guarantees to the bank for the sale of commercial housing before purchasers of the
                                                                 housing obtain the property ownership certificate. The outstanding guarantee amount
                                                                 as of June 30, 2024 was RMB 4,611,250.35 (December 31, 2023: RMB
                                                                 4,629,333.68). Those guarantees would be released after the issuance of the
                                                                 property ownership certificates and are thus little likely to incur losses. Therefore, the
                                                                 management believed that it was not necessary to make provision for the

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

3 Other significant contracts
√Applicable □Not applicable

No.    Contract name                 Signing parties                              Signing time
                                                                     (RMB Ten
      General Contract
      for Global Digital
                           The Company, Zhejiang Provincial
 1      Trade Center                                                 108,064.44    April 2024
                           Yijian Construction Group Co., Ltd.
        Project Super
      High-rise Building
      General Contract
      for Lot 1 of Yiwu
       Comprehensive       The Company, Yiwu              Shenglin
 2                                                                     2,362.69   March 2024
        Bonded Zone        Construction Co., Ltd.
           Phase II
      Overpass Project
         Yiwu Global
        Digital Trade
       Center Phase II     The Company, Yiwu             Jiangshen
 3                                                                     1,755.25   June 2024
           Building        Construction Co., Ltd.

XII. Description of progress in the use of raised funds
□ Applicable √Not applicable
XIII.     Other significant matters
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                         Semi-annual Report for 2024

 Section VII. Changes in Shares and Information of Shareholders
I.   Changes in shares
(i) Table of changes in shares
1. Table of changes in shares
                                                                                             Unit: share
                                        Increase or decrease in the current period
                   Before this change                                                  After this change
                                                            (+, -)
                                               Bon conve
                              Propor    shar                                                      Propor
                                                us      rted               Sub-tot
                   Quantity    tion      es                         Other              Quantity    tion
                                               shar    from                   al
                               (%)      issu                                                       (%)
                                                es    capital
I. Restricted      27,218,7                                        -12,414 -12,414     14,804,1
                                0.50       0      0          0                                      0.27
shares                   50                                           ,600    ,600           50
held by
                   27,218,7                                        -12,414   -12,414   14,804,1
other                           0.50       0       0           0                                    0.27
                         50                                           ,600      ,600         50
s held by
                   27,218,7                                        -12,414   -12,414   14,804,1
domestic                        0.50       0       0           0                                    0.27
                         50                                           ,600      ,600         50
                   5,457,11                                        12,414,   12,414,   5,469,53
Unrestricted                   99.50       0       0           0                                   99.73
                      5,426                                            600       600      0,026
                   5,457,11                                        12,414,   12,414,   5,469,53
minated                        99.50       0       0           0                                   99.73
                      5,426                                            600       600      0,026
III. Total
                   5,484,33                                                            5,484,33
number of                        100       0       0           0        0         0                  100
                      4,176                                                               4,176

2. Explanation of changes in shares
√Applicable □Not applicable
    On January 15, 2024, a total of 12,414,600 restricted shares for the second unlocking
period of the first grant part of the Company's 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan were listed
for circulation.

3. The impact of share changes on financial indicators such as earnings per share and
    net assets per share during the period from the end of the reporting period to the
    disclosure date of the semi-annual report (if any)
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                             Semi-annual Report for 2024

4. Other matters the Company deems it necessary to disclose or required by the
    securities regulatory authority to be disclosed
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

        (ii) Changes in restricted shares
        √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: Ten Thousand Shares
                       Number                                       Number
                                       of       Number of
                          of                                           of
                                   restricted   increased
                      restricted                                   restricted      Reasons
                                    shares      restricted
                      shares at                                    shares at          for
  Shareholder                      unlocked       shares                                         Release date
                         the                                      the end of      restriction
                                     during     during the
                      beginning                                       the          on trade
                                      the        reporting
                        of the                                     reporting
                                   reporting      period
                        period                                       period
                                                                                             The lock-up period
322       incentive                                                                          is 24 months, 36
recipients subject                                                                           months and 48
to the first grant                                                                           months from the
                       2,574.14    1,241.46                   -       1,332.68    stock
under the 2020                                                                               date when the
restricted stock                                                                             registration of the
incentive plan                                                                               first    grant    is
                                                                                             The lock-up period
29        incentive
                                                                                             is 24 months, 36
recipients subject
                                                                                             months and 48
to the reserved                                                                   Restricted
                                                                                             months from the
grant part under       147.735              -                 -       147.735     stock
                                                                                             date when the
the           2020                                                                incentives
                                                                                             registration of the
restricted stock
                                                                                             first    grant    is
incentive plan
Total               2,721.875 1,241.46                 - 1,480.415                      /               /
              The Company's restricted stock incentive plan for 2020             was implemented until the end of
        the reporting period. A total of 75 incentive recipients no longer met the incentive conditions due
        to transfer, resignation, retirement, and other reasons. Their restricted stocks were repurchased
        and cancelled by the Company. As of the end of the reporting period, there were a total of 351
        remaining incentive recipients, holding a total of 14.80415 million shares restricted for sale.

        II.   Information about shareholders

        (i) Total number of shareholders:
        Number of common shareholders as of the end of                                                   139,302
        the reporting period
        As of the end of the reporting period, the total                                                        0
        number of preferred shareholders whose voting
        rights have been restored

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                                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

(ii) Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of tradable shares (or shareholders not subject to trading restrictions)
                                                                                                                                          Unit: share
                                 Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)
                                                                 Number of                                     Pledge, mark or
                                                               shares held at               Number of               freezing
              Shareholder               Change during the                     Proportion                                             Ownership of
                                                               the end of the              non-tradable
               (full name)               reporting period                         (%)                       Status of                 shareholder
                                                                  reporting                shares held                     Quantity
Yiwu China Commodities City                                                                                                             State-owned
                                                           0 3,038,179,392          55.40              0        Nil               0
Holdings Limited                                                                                                                        legal person
Zhejiang Zhecai Capital                                                                                                                 State-owned
                                                           0     147,466,528         2.69              0        Nil               0
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    legal person
Hong Kong Central Clearing
                                                25,706,463       108,568,504         1.98              0       Unk                -           Others
Company Limited
China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -
Traditional - General Insurance                 -6,387,200         33,646,042        0.61              0       Unk                -              Unk
Products -005L-CT001 Shanghai
                                                                                                                                    Overseas natural
Gao Yaping                                                 0       32,261,566        0.59              0       Unk                -
Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China Limited – Huatai-PineBridge              31,710,002         31,710,002        0.58              0       Unk                -              Unk
Bank of China Limited - Guangfa
Small and Medium Cap Selected                    8,034,400         27,830,800        0.51              0       Unk                -              Unk
Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Southern Asset Management-
Agricultural Bank of China-                               0       26,675,000        0.49              0       Unk                -              Unk
Southern China Securities Financial
Assets Management Scheme
Dacheng Fund-Agricultural Bank of
China-Dacheng China Securities                            0       26,447,800        0.48              0       Unk                -              Unk
Financial Assets Management
                                                                        55   / 213
                                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                                                                                                     Domestic natural
Jiang Shibo                                               0      24,387,200             0.44           0       Unk               -
                       Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders not restricted for sale (excluding shares lent through refinancing)
                                                                                                                     Type and quantity of shares
                         Shareholder                                Number of tradable shares held
                                                                                                                      Type                 Quantity
Yiwu China Commodities City Holdings Limited                                                 3,038,179,392                                3,038,179,392
                                                                                                                  common share
Zhejiang Zhecai Capital Management Co., Ltd.                                                   147,466,528                                  147,466,528
                                                                                                                  common share
Hong Kong Central Clearing Company Limited                                                     108,568,504                                  108,568,504
                                                                                                                  common share
China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Traditional - General                                                          RMB-denominated
                                                                                                33,646,042                                   33,646,042
Insurance Products -005L-CT001 Shanghai                                                                           common share
Gao Yaping                                                                                      32,261,566                                   32,261,566
                                                                                                                  common share
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited –                                                              RMB-denominated
                                                                                                31,710,002                                   31,710,002
Huatai-PineBridge CSI 300 ETF                                                                                     common share
Bank of China Limited - Guangfa Small and Medium Cap                                                            RMB-denominated
                                                                                                27,830,800                                   27,830,800
Selected Hybrid Securities Investment Fund                                                                        common share
Southern Asset Management-Agricultural Bank of China
-Southern China Securities Financial Assets Management                                         26,675,000
                                                                                                                  common share
Dacheng Fund-Agricultural Bank of China-Dacheng                                                               RMB-denominated
                                                                                                26,447,800                                   26,447,800
China Securities Financial Assets Management Scheme                                                               common share
Jiang Shibo                                                                                     24,387,200                                   24,387,200
                                                                                                                  common share
Explanation of the special account for repurchased shares
among the top ten shareholders
Explain if any of the shareholders above was involved in
entrusting/being entrusted with voting rights or waiving                                                    Nil
voting rights

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                                                              Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                             Zhejiang Provincial Finance Development Co., Ltd., controlling shareholder of Zhejiang
                                                             Zhecai Capital Management Co., Ltd., holds 9.44% of the shares of Yiwu State-owned
Explanation on the relationship or concerted action
                                                             Capital Operation Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of Yiwu China Commodity City
between the above shareholders
                                                             Holding Limited, the controlling shareholder of Yiwu Market Development Group Co.,
Explanation on the preferred shareholders whose voting
rights had been restituted and the quantity of shares held                                            Nil

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, top ten shareholders, and top
ten shareholders with non-restricted tradable shares in the lending of shares through
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Changes in the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders with non-restricted tradable
shares compared to the prior corresponding period due to lending or return of shares through
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Number of shares held by the top 10 shareholders subject to trading restrictions and the trading
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iii)     Strategic investors or general corporations becoming top ten shareholders due
     to placing of new shares
□ Applicable √Not applicable
III. Directors, supervisors and senior management

(i) Changes in shareholding of resigned directors, supervisors and senior management
    during the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Statement on other matters
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(ii) The equity incentives granted to directors, supervisors and senior management
     during the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iii)     Other notes
□ Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Changes in controlling shareholder or actual controller
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

                           Section VIII. Preferred Shares
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                  Section IX. Bonds
I.  Corporate bonds (including enterprise bonds) and non-financial corporate debt
    financing instruments
√Applicable □Not applicable

(i) Corporate bonds (including enterprise bonds)
√Applicable □Not applicable

1.       Basic information of corporate bonds
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB 100 million
                                          late                              Meth
                                                                                                                                     is a
                                            st                              od of
                                                                                                               Investo               risk
                                          put-                              princi
                                                                                                                   r                  of
                                          bac              Outst              pal
                                                                     Inte            Plac             Trust    approp               termi
Name                              Valu      k      Matur   andin            repa             Lead                          Trade
          Abbre     Co    Issue                                      rest            e of              ee        riate              natin
 of                                e      date      ity      g              ymen             under                         mech
          viation   de     date                                      rate            tradi            man       arrang              g the
bond                              date    after    date    balan            t and            writer                        anism
                                                                     (%)              ng              ager      ement               trans
                                          Aug               ce               inter
                                                                                                                  s (if             actio
                                           ust                                est
                                                                                                                 any)                n in
                                           31,                              paym
                                          202                                 ent
Zhejia                                                                      Simp
ng                                                                          le
China                                                                       inter
Com                                                                         est is
modit                                                                       calcu
y City                                                                      lated,
Group                                                                       the
Co.,                                                                        inter
Ltd.                                                                        est
public                                                                      paym                               Profes
ly        22              Sept    Sept             Sept                     ent                       CITI     sional      Publi
                                                                                     i       CITIC
issue     YIWU      137   embe    embe             embe              2.8    frequ                     C        instituti   c
                                                               8                     Stoc    Secur                                  No
d         CCC       740   r 1,    r 1,             r 1,                8    ency                      Secu     onal        tradin
                                                                                     k       ities
corpo     01              2022    2022             2025                     is                        rities   investo     g
rate                                                                        annu                               rs
bonds                                                                       al,
to                                                                          and
profes                                                                      the
sional                                                                      princi
invest                                                                      pal is
ors in                                                                      repai
2022                                                                        d
(Issue                                                                      once
1)                                                                          due.
Zhejia                                                                      Simp
ng                                                                          le
China                                                                       inter
Com                                                                         est is
modit                                                                       calcu
y City                                                                      lated,
Group                                                                       the
Co.,                                                                        inter
Ltd.                                                                        est
public                                                                      paym                               Profes
ly        22              Sept    Sept             Sept                     ent                       CITI     sional      Publi
                                                                                     i       CITIC
issue     YIWU      137   embe    embe             embe              2.8    frequ                     C        instituti   c
                                                               7                     Stoc    Secur                                  No
d         CCC       815   r 22,   r 22,            r 22,               8    ency                      Secu     onal        tradin
                                                                                     k       ities
corpo     02              2022    2022             2025                     is                        rities   investo     g
rate                                                                        annu                               rs
bonds                                                                       al,
to                                                                          and
profes                                                                      the
sional                                                                      princi
invest                                                                      pal is
ors in                                                                      repai
2022                                                                        d
(Issue                                                                      once
2)                                                                          due.

                                                             60    / 213
                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

The Company's measures to deal with the risk of bond termination
□ Applicable √Not applicable

2.   Triggering and execution of issuer or investor choice clauses and investor
     protection clauses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

3. Changes in credit ratings
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
     Shanghai New Century Credit Rating Investment Service Co., Ltd. issued the Zhejiang
China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd. Credit Rating Report [XSJQP (2024) 020213] on June
26, 2024. According to the report, the Company's main credit rating is AAA, and the rating
outlook is stable.

4. Changes, variations, and execution of guarantees, debt repayment plans, and other
     debt protection measures during the reporting period and their impacts
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements

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                                                                              Semi-annual Report for 2024

         (ii) Non-financial corporate debt financing instruments in the interbank bond market
         √Applicable □Not applicable
         1. Basic information of non-financial corporate debt financing instruments
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB 100 million
                                                                                                                                                                                    there is a
                                                                                                                             Method of
                                                                                                                                                                                      risk of
                                                                                                                              principal                   Investor
                                                                                                                  Interest                                                         terminating
                                                                                     Maturity       Outstanding              repayment     Place of     appropriate     Trade
       Name of bond            Abbreviation     Code      Issue date   Value date                                   rate                                                                the
                                                                                      date           balance                     and       trading     arrangements   mechanism
                                                                                                                    (%)                                                            transaction
                                                                                                                               interest                    (if any)
                                                                                                                                                                                      in the
                                                          Feb    22,                                                         interest
Zhejiang China Commodities     22 Zhejiang
                                                          2022    to   Feb    24,   Feb     24,                              payment,      Interbank
City Group Co., Ltd.’s 2022   Yiwu CCC       102280347                                                     10       3.29                                                          No
                                                          Feb    23,   2022         2025                                     principal     market
MTN (Issue 1)                  MTN001
                                                          2022                                                               repayment
                                                                                                                             at maturity
                                                          Mar    25,                                                         interest
Zhejiang China Commodities     22 Zhejiang
                                                          2022    to   Mar    29,   Mar     29,                              payment,      Interbank
City Group Co., Ltd.’s 2022   Yiwu CCC       102280660                                                      5       3.57                                                          No
                                                          Mar    28,   2022         2025                                     principal     market
MTN (Issue 2)                  MTN002
                                                          2022                                                               repayment
                                                                                                                             at maturity
                                                          Jul    18,                                                         interest
Zhejiang China Commodities     22 Zhejiang
                                                          2022    to   Jul    20,   Jul     20,                              payment,      Interbank
City Group Co., Ltd.'s 2022    Yiwu CCC       102281584                                                      5       3.00                                                          No
                                                          Jul    19,   2022         2025                                     principal     market
MTN (Issue 3)                  MTN003
                                                          2022                                                               repayment
                                                                                                                             at maturity
Zhejiang China Commodities                                Nov     6,
                               23 Zhejiang                                                                                   of
City Group Co., Ltd. 2023                                 2023    to   Nov     8,   Aug       2,                                           Interbank
                               Yiwu CCC       012384038                                                     10       2.78    principal                                             No
Super Short-term Financing                                Nov     7,   2023         2024                                                   market
                               SCP005                                                                                        and
Bonds (Issue 5)                                           2023
                                                                                                                             interest at
Zhejiang China Commodities     24 Zhejiang    012480815   Mar    11,   Mar    31,   Dec       6,            10       2.40    One-time      Interbank                               No

                                                                                       62   / 213
                                                                             Semi-annual Report for 2024

City Group Co., Ltd.’s 2024   Yiwu CCC                  2024    to   2024        2024                                 repayment     market
Super Short-term Financing     SCP001                    Mar    12,                                                    of
Bonds (Issue 1)                                          2024                                                          principal
                                                                                                                       interest at
Zhejiang China Commodities                               Apr     7,
                               24 Zhejiang                                                                             of
City Group Co., Ltd.’s 2024                             2024    to   Apr    9,   Dec      26,                                       Interbank
                               Yiwu CCC      012481205                                                     10   2.33   principal                 No
Super Short-term Financing                               Apr     8,   2024        2024                                               market
                               SCP002                                                                                  and
Bonds (Issue 2)                                          2024
                                                                                                                       interest at

         The Company's measures to deal with the risk of bond termination
         □ Applicable √Not applicable
         Bonds overdue
         □ Applicable √Not applicable
         Explanation on overdue debts
         □ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                                      63   / 213
                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

2.   Triggering and execution of issuer or investor choice clauses and investor
     protection clauses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

3. Changes in credit ratings
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
     Shanghai New Century Credit Rating Investment Service Co., Ltd. issued the Zhejiang
China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd. Credit Rating Report [XSJQP (2024) 020213] on June
26, 2024. According to the report, the Company's main credit rating is AAA, and the rating
outlook is stable.

4. Execution and changes of guarantees, debt repayment plans, and other debt
     protection measures during the reporting period and their impact
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements

5.   Explanation of other situations regarding non-financial corporate debt financing
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(iii)     Fundraising through corporate bonds
√ All corporate bonds of the Company did not involve the use of raised funds or rectification
during the reporting period □ The Company's bonds involved the use or rectification of the
raised funds during the reporting period
(iv)      Other matters that should be disclosed for special bond varieties
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(v) Important matters related to corporate bonds during the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(vi)      Consolidated loss of the reporting period over 10% of net assets as at the end of
     last year
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

           (vii)    Main accounting data and financial indicators
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                             Increase/decrease at
                                As of the end of                                 the end of the
                                                     At the end of the                                  Reasons for
       Major indicator            the current                                reporting period over
                                                      previous year                                       change
                                reporting period                                 the end of the
                                                                               previous year (%)
Current ratio                                0.43                     0.48                   -10.42
Quick ratio                                  0.30                     0.39                   -23.08
Debt-to-asset ratio (%)                     49.76                    51.12          Down 1.36 ppt
                                                                                                        Reasons for
                                  Jan-Jun 2024         Jan-Jun 2023            YoY change (%)
Net profit after deduction of   1,418,908,469.37     1,839,365,824.67                       -22.86
non-recurring gains and
EBITDA to total debt ratio                   0.27                     0.31                  -12.90
Interest coverage ratio                     16.83                    19.59                  -14.09
Cash interest protection                                                                              Due to the
multiple                                                                                              increase in cash
                                             3.74                     2.25                   66.22
                                                                                                      income tax paid
                                                                                                      in this period
EBITDA-to-interest coverage
                                            20.59                    22.50                   -8.49
Loan repayment rate (%)                      100                      100
Interest payment rate (%)                    100                      100

           II. Convertible bonds
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

                           Section X.          Financial Report
I. Auditor's Report
□ Applicable √Not applicable

II.   Financial statements
                              Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                     June 30, 2024
Prepared by: Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                  Item                      Notes           June 30, 2024      December 31, 2023
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                   979,696,870.94     2,922,735,320.61
  Held-for-trading financial assets                            11,640,817.50        15,130,895.00
  Accounts receivable                                         475,461,557.28       592,857,795.09
  Prepayments                                               1,933,879,454.57       986,062,615.10
  Other receivables                                           121,606,527.40       115,279,387.63
  Inventories                                               1,897,027,952.53     1,247,244,380.91
  Other current assets                                        834,033,616.52       665,132,672.86
     Total current assets                                   6,253,346,796.74     6,544,443,067.20
Non-current assets:
  Debt investments                                             48,066,000.00        48,073,333.34
  Long-term receivables                                       291,886,046.34       278,026,679.25
  Long-term equity investment                               6,938,804,460.82     7,022,779,506.25
  Other equity instruments investment                         555,643,105.79       556,897,379.17
  Other non-current financial assets                        1,492,349,593.33     1,421,569,904.19
  Investment properties                                     4,055,293,637.52     4,144,209,365.57
  Fixed assets                                              4,779,247,066.98     4,940,523,363.51
  Construction in progress                                  4,383,862,731.01     3,955,959,200.32
  Right-of-use assets                                         169,346,250.60       180,873,833.84
  Intangible assets                                         6,244,505,092.51     6,238,384,501.96
  Among them: data resources                                    8,445,063.18                    -
  Development expenses                                         11,157,791.11        18,648,441.93
  Among them: data resources                                    9,101,400.55         7,855,225.73
  Goodwill                                                    284,916,367.87       284,916,367.87
  Long-term prepaid expenses                                  273,485,862.73       330,032,050.64
  Deferred income tax assets                                  101,529,164.07       115,356,912.59
  Other non-current assets                                    138,253,316.00       138,253,316.00
     Total non-current assets                              29,768,346,486.68    29,674,504,156.43
       Total assets                                        36,021,693,283.42    36,218,947,223.63
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                     1,351,119,861.12     1,619,804,888.91
  Accounts payable                                          1,165,262,393.64     1,390,254,849.27
  Advance receipts                                            361,888,036.98       602,364,396.64
  Contract liabilities                                      3,694,027,281.44     4,066,579,965.73
  Payroll payable                                              17,782,397.68       148,473,258.54
  Tax payable                                                 376,044,575.37       348,185,249.71
  Other payables                                            2,288,090,193.05     1,862,720,723.00
  Including: Interest payable                                              -                    -
          Dividend payable                                    608,684,665.60                    -
  Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                            1,767,945,699.70       179,140,794.24
  Other current liabilities                                 3,579,574,210.39     3,514,924,439.85
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                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

   Total current liabilities                                          14,601,734,649.37   13,732,448,565.89
Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings                                                    907,780,063.03      862,798,863.03
 Bonds payable                                                         1,999,398,922.23    3,498,452,484.47
 Lease liabilities                                                       180,232,391.94      176,832,206.26
 Deferred income                                                         152,843,381.09      160,432,656.23
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                          82,839,360.82       84,044,926.48
   Total non-current liabilities                                       3,323,094,119.11    4,782,561,136.47
      Total liabilities                                               17,924,828,768.48   18,515,009,702.36
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) Equity:
 Paid-in capital (share capital)                                       5,484,334,176.00    5,484,334,176.00
 Capital reserve                                                       1,670,651,142.45    1,666,882,087.60
 Less: treasury stocks                                                    40,264,267.55       74,367,173.75
 Other comprehensive income                                               24,877,490.32       23,394,697.32
 Surplus reserve                                                       1,879,651,431.02    1,879,651,431.02
 General risk reserve                                                      4,893,646.97        4,893,646.97
 Undistributed profits                                                 9,054,720,863.33    8,703,604,953.04
   Total equity attributable to owners (shareholders)
of the parent company                                                 18,078,864,482.54   17,688,393,818.20
  Minority interest                                                      18,000,032.40       15,543,703.07
    Total owners’ equity (or
                                                                      18,096,864,514.94   17,703,937,521.27
shareholders’ equity)
      Total liabilities and owners’ equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
                                                                      36,021,693,283.42   36,218,947,223.63

Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong        Principal in charge of accounting:
WANG Dong         Head of accounting department: ZHAO Difang

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

                             Parent Company Balance Sheet
                                     June 30, 2024
Prepared by: Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                   Item                      Notes          June 30, 2024      December 31, 2023
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                   198,541,806.69    2,265,528,812.87
  Accounts receivable                                           9,941,475.80       33,941,436.69
  Prepayments                                                  19,415,853.83       12,620,700.86
  Other receivables                                            28,372,376.18       12,892,088.01
  Inventories                                                 566,410,051.20        5,231,744.36
  Other current assets                                      4,705,066,612.71    3,970,347,163.03
     Total current assets                                   5,527,748,176.41    6,300,561,945.82
Non-current assets:
  Long-term receivables                                        31,864,236.48       31,863,990.46
  Long-term equity investment                              10,818,530,854.21   10,598,239,200.32
  Other equity instruments investment                         555,643,105.79      556,897,379.17
  Other non-current financial assets                          121,590,140.86      121,590,140.86
  Investment properties                                     4,025,134,746.00    4,115,810,590.81
  Fixed assets                                              3,841,463,013.65    3,974,413,890.47
  Construction in progress                                  2,769,840,520.81    2,555,580,061.19
  Right-of-use assets                                          99,627,222.47      103,038,184.75
  Intangible assets                                         5,512,586,381.12    5,610,536,305.45
  Long-term prepaid expenses                                  257,320,794.05      308,633,101.63
  Deferred income tax assets                                   82,035,386.94       95,863,135.46
     Total non-current assets                              28,115,636,402.38   28,072,465,980.57
       Total assets                                        33,643,384,578.79   34,373,027,926.39
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                     1,351,119,861.12    1,619,804,888.91
  Accounts payable                                            701,281,788.73      990,280,605.47
  Advance receipts                                            309,937,182.03      550,737,695.05
  Contract liabilities                                      2,052,964,368.51    3,003,146,485.10
  Payroll payable                                              16,467,499.02      105,072,078.58
  Tax payable                                                 354,108,444.85      311,510,488.15
  Other payables                                            1,958,987,202.28    1,501,163,670.08
  Including: Interest payable                                              -                   -
          Dividend payable                                    608,684,665.60                   -
  Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                            1,726,408,423.62      144,137,373.24
  Other current liabilities                                 3,915,246,940.66    3,763,504,419.10
     Total current liabilities                             12,386,521,710.82   11,989,357,703.68
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                        529,680,000.00      510,290,000.00
  Bonds payable                                             1,999,398,922.23    3,498,452,484.47
  Lease liabilities                                           111,955,291.61      107,858,015.51
  Deferred income                                              94,571,381.09      102,160,656.23
  Deferred income tax liabilities                              11,120,976.54       11,434,544.88
     Total non-current liabilities                          2,746,726,571.47    4,230,195,701.09
       Total liabilities                                   15,133,248,282.29   16,219,553,404.77
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) Equity:
  Paid-in capital (share capital)                           5,484,334,176.00    5,484,334,176.00
  Capital reserve                                           1,902,719,872.26    1,898,950,817.41
  Less: treasury stocks                                        40,264,267.55       74,367,173.75

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  Other comprehensive income                                            1,513,256.09        2,453,961.13
  Surplus reserve                                                   1,879,597,955.19    1,879,597,955.19
  Undistributed profits                                             9,282,235,304.51    8,962,504,785.64
    Total owners’ equity (or
                                                                   18,510,136,296.50   18,153,474,521.62
shareholders’ equity)
      Total liabilities and owners’ equity (or
shareholders’ equity)
                                                                   33,643,384,578.79   34,373,027,926.39

Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong        Principal in charge of accounting:
WANG Dong         Head of accounting department: ZHAO Difang

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                                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                              Consolidated Income Statement
                                                    January-June 2024
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                              Item                                          Notes       H1 2024            H1 2023
I. Gross revenue                                                                    6,765,934,137.13   5,160,991,043.25
Including: operating revenue                                                        6,765,934,137.13   5,160,991,043.25
II. Gross cost                                                                      4,986,564,001.60   4,038,995,021.46
Including: Operating cost                                                           4,527,895,348.12   3,582,510,450.35
          Taxes and surcharges                                                         82,993,119.34      46,693,684.31
          Sales expenses                                                               92,206,144.98      77,763,668.49
          Administrative expenses                                                     218,138,951.18     267,899,068.22
          R&D expenses                                                                 11,759,206.64      10,524,249.20
          Financial expenses                                                           53,571,231.34      53,603,900.89
          Including: interest expenses                                                120,646,122.86     125,445,414.65
                 Interest income                                                       23,637,669.49      38,139,798.22
    Add: other income                                                                  11,178,944.81      14,631,536.76
          Investment income (loss is indicated
                                                                                     107,996,646.94    1,033,500,114.51
by “-”)
      Including: income from investment in
associates and joint ventures
                                                                                      98,348,751.52    1,017,671,762.53
      Changes in fair value (loss is indicated by “-”)                               -3,490,077.50      -7,181,931.08
       Credit impairment loss (loss is
                                                                                          59,404.71         548,917.85
indicated by “-”)
       Income from disposal of assets (loss is
                                                                                              84.36     165,883,894.78
indicated by “-”)
III. Operating profit (loss is indicated by “-”)                                  1,895,115,138.85   2,329,378,554.61
    Add: income from non-operating activities                                          16,256,469.98       3,111,709.63
    Less: expenses from non-operating
                                                                                       1,400,763.97         197,968.35
IV. Profits before tax (loss is indicated by “-”)                                 1,909,970,844.86   2,332,292,295.89
    Less: income tax                                                                  459,552,666.97     331,637,822.02
V. Net profits (net loss is indicated by “-”)                                     1,450,418,177.89   2,000,654,473.87
(I) Categorized by continuity of operation
     Net profits from continuing operation (net loss is
indicated by “-”)
                                                                                    1,450,418,177.89   2,000,654,473.87
(II) Categorized by ownership
     Net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent company
(net loss is indicated by “-”)                                                    1,447,982,745.49   1,998,333,646.74
      Minority interest(net loss is indicated by “-”)                                 2,435,432.40       2,320,827.13
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                              1,503,689.93      67,799,099.64
  (I) Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of
the parent company, net of tax                                                          1,482,793.00      67,916,223.03
     1. Other comprehensive income that
                                                                                         -940,705.04     60,205,122.07
cannot be reclassified as profits or loss
(3) Changes in fair value of investments in
                                                                                         -940,705.04     60,205,122.07
other equity instruments
     2 . Other comprehensive income that will
                                                                                       2,423,498.04       7,711,100.96
be reclassified as profits or loss
Other comprehensive income that can be
transferred into profit and loss under equity                                            217,103.05                   -
(6) Difference arising from the translation of
                                                                                       2,206,394.99       7,711,100.96
foreign currency financial statements
   (2) After -tax net of other comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders
                                                                                          20,896.93         -117,123.39
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                     1,451,921,867.82   2,068,453,573.51
   (I) Total comprehensive income attributable                                      1,449,465,538.49   2,066,249,869.77
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                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

to owners of the parent company
   (II) Total comprehensive income
                                                                                2,456,329.33               2,203,703.74
attributable to minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share                                                            0.27                        0.37
   (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                         0.27                        0.37
For business combinations under common control during the current period, net profits of the merged party prior to the merger
were RMB 0, and net profits of the merged party during the previous period were RMB 0.
Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong        Principal in charge of accounting:
WANG Dong         Head of accounting department: ZHAO Difang

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                                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                        Parent company income statement
                                                January-June 2024
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                        Item                                      Notes       H1 2024             H1 2023
I. Operating revenue                                                      2,428,541,827.28    1,923,534,277.16
   Less: Operating cost                                                     490,180,610.81      525,153,455.43
          Taxes and surcharges                                               64,145,878.71       29,462,268.30
          Sales expenses                                                     35,521,657.02       37,008,590.21
          Administrative expenses                                            95,524,740.97      130,896,651.97
          Financial expenses                                                 59,531,140.85       65,718,043.69
          Including: interest expenses                                      120,646,122.86      125,445,414.65
                 Interest income                                             15,619,670.82       30,709,123.09
   Add: other income                                                          7,944,882.13       12,319,396.64
          Investment income (loss is indicated
                                                                            117,453,264.95    1,044,304,324.89
by “-”)
      Including: income from investment in
associates and joint ventures
                                                                            114,978,264.95    1,040,883,650.78
      Changes in fair value (loss is indicated by “-”)                                  -      -9,305,911.08
       Credit impairment loss (loss is
                                                                                 24,247.94           1,193.47
indicated by “-”)
       Income from disposal of assets (loss is
                                                                                          -    163,241,247.23
indicated by “-”)
II. Operating profits (loss is indicated by “-”)                        1,809,060,193.94    2,345,855,518.71
    Add: income from non-operating activities                                13,204,046.33        1,090,764.24
    Less: expenses from non-operating
                                                                                183,540.75          53,023.89
III. Profits before tax (loss is indicated by “-”)                      1,822,080,699.52    2,346,893,259.06
      Less: income tax                                                      405,483,345.45      320,573,444.90
IV. Net profits (net loss is indicated by “-”)                          1,416,597,354.07    2,026,319,814.16
   (I) Categorized by continuity of operation(net loss is
indicated by “-”)                                                       1,416,597,354.07    2,026,319,814.16
V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                      -940,705.04       60,205,122.07
   (I) Other comprehensive income that
                                                                                -940,705.04     60,205,122.07
cannot be reclassified as profit or loss
      3. Changes in fair value of investments
                                                                                -940,705.04     60,205,122.07
in other equity instruments
VI. Total comprehensive income                                            1,415,656,649.03    2,086,524,936.23

Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong        Principal in charge of accounting:
WANG Dong         Head of accounting department: ZHAO Difang

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                                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                          Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                  January-June 2024
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                     Notes                                H1 2024            H1 2023
I. Cash flows generated from operating activities:
    Cash received from sale of goods and
                                                                              6,947,726,888.17      4,977,640,834.09
rendering of services
    Cash received for taxes and surcharges
                                                                                    20,905,599.66     23,897,946.46
    Other cash receipts relating to operating
                                                                                   127,309,299.43    187,951,543.68
      Sub-total of cash inflow from operating
                                                                              7,095,941,787.26      5,189,490,324.23
    Cash paid for goods and services                                          5,840,206,516.42      4,090,931,069.08
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                     335,050,513.33        339,067,822.26
    Payments of taxes                                                           562,136,323.31        358,963,558.10
    Other cash payments relating to
                                                                                   244,184,933.37    257,280,679.01
operating activities
      Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                                              6,981,578,286.43      5,046,243,128.45
operating activities
        Net cash flow from operating
                                                                                   114,363,500.83    143,247,195.78
II. Cash flows generated from investment activities:
    Cash received from recovery of
                                                                                   156,957,965.07     80,872,677.09
    Cash received from investment income                                             4,507,839.58    136,547,121.87
  Net cash received from disposal of property, plant and
equipment, intangible assets and other long-term assets                                109,332.43    208,129,700.93
  Net cash received from disposal of
                                                                                                -     12,482,830.94
subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash receipts relating to investing
                                                                                     6,842,944.87    501,750,200.00
     Sub-total of cash inflow from investing
                                                                                   168,418,081.95    939,782,530.83
   Cash paid to acquire and construct fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term assets                                  1,388,085,871.65      1,433,747,137.68
    Cash paid to acquire investments                                               104,177,300.00         21,106.36
    Other cash paid related to investing
                                                                                                -     11,553,412.19
      Sub-total of cash outflow from investing
                                                                              1,492,263,171.65      1,445,321,656.23
        Net cash flow from investing
                                                                             -1,323,845,089.70       -505,539,125.40
III. Cash flows generated from financing activities:
    Cash received from borrowings                                             1,311,000,000.00      2,111,485,725.67
    Cash received from bond issuance                                          1,998,540,487.07      2,998,270,624.05
      Sub-total of cash inflow from financing
                                                                              3,309,540,487.07      5,109,756,349.72
    Cash paid for debts repayment                                             3,422,600,000.00      4,072,600,000.00
    Cash paid for distribution of dividends or
                                                                                   617,490,536.58    479,370,705.33
profits or payment of interest
    Other cash paid related to financing
                                                                                     8,350,298.44     14,105,217.90
      Sub-total of cash outflow from financing
                                                                              4,048,440,835.02      4,566,075,923.23
        Net cash flow from financing                                           -738,900,347.95       543,680,426.49
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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

IV. The impact of exchange rate fluctuations
                                                                    1,305,573.28      2,390,230.36
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            -1,947,076,363.54       183,778,727.23
  Add: opening balance of cash and cash
                                                             2,910,178,939.19      1,981,200,941.64
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                  963,102,575.65   2,164,979,668.87

Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong        Principal in charge of accounting:
WANG Dong         Head of accounting department: ZHAO Difang

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                                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                        Parent Company Cash Flow Statement
                                                 January-June 2024
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                     Notes                                H1 2024            H1 2023
I. Cash flows generated from operating activities:
    Cash received from sale of goods and
                                                                              1,569,836,230.15      1,098,788,301.57
rendering of services
    Other cash receipts relating to operating
                                                                                    61,884,473.08     70,609,769.29
      Sub-total of cash inflow from operating
                                                                              1,631,720,703.23      1,169,398,070.86
    Cash paid for goods and services                                               286,262,561.44    236,241,398.35
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                        155,179,719.30    174,499,662.84
    Payments of taxes                                                              446,412,904.13    293,658,960.27
    Other cash payments relating to
                                                                                    71,737,707.82    126,086,015.59
operating activities
      Sub-total of cash outflow from
                                                                                   959,592,892.69    830,486,037.05
operating activities
    Net cash flow from operating activities                                        672,127,810.54    338,912,033.81
II. Cash flows generated from investment activities:
    Cash received from recovery of
                                                                              2,230,398,406.42      4,589,970,369.66
    Cash received from investment income                                             3,165,839.58    124,316,127.19
  Net cash received from disposal of property, plant and
equipment, intangible assets and other long-term assets                                 54,659.85    205,308,403.69
  Other cash receipts relating to investing
                                                                                                -    501,750,200.00
     Sub-total of cash inflow from investing
                                                                              2,233,618,905.85      5,421,345,100.54
   Cash paid to acquire and construct fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term assets                                  1,115,427,273.06        908,361,246.65
    Cash paid to acquire investments                                          3,086,430,000.00      5,053,269,903.20
    Other cash paid related to investing
                                                                                      326,400.00      31,628,618.75
      Sub-total of cash outflow from investing
                                                                              4,202,183,673.06      5,993,259,768.60
        Net cash flow from investing
                                                                             -1,968,564,767.21       -571,914,668.06
III. Cash flows generated from financing activities:
    Cash received from borrowings                                             1,271,000,000.00      1,950,000,000.00
    Cash received from bond issuance                                          1,998,540,487.07      2,998,270,624.05
      Sub-total of cash inflow from financing
                                                                              3,269,540,487.07      4,948,270,624.05
    Cash paid for debts repayment                                             3,422,600,000.00      4,072,600,000.00
    Cash paid for distribution of dividends or
                                                                                   617,490,536.58    479,370,705.33
profits or payment of interest
      Sub-total of cash outflow from financing
                                                                              4,040,090,536.58      4,551,970,705.33
        Net cash flow from financing
                                                                               -770,550,049.51       396,299,918.72
IV. The impact of exchange rate fluctuations
                                                                                                -                  -
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                             -2,066,987,006.18       163,297,284.47
    Add: opening balance of cash and cash
                                                                              2,258,308,812.87      1,431,822,390.59
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VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                191,321,806.69   1,595,119,675.06

Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong        Principal in charge of accounting:
WANG Dong         Head of accounting department: ZHAO Difang

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                                                                         Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                                          January-June 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                 H1 2024

                                                                           Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                                                                                                                                                                                            Minority         Total owners’
                                                                                        Other                                                                                               interest            equity
                   Paid-in capital                             Less: treasury                                              General risk
                                         Capital reserve                            comprehensive   Surplus reserve                           Undistributed profits       Sub-total
                   (share capital)                                stocks                                                    reserve
I. Closing
balance of the    5,484,334,176.00       1,666,882,087.60       74,367,173.75       23,394,697.32   1,879,651,431.02       4,893,646.97         8,703,604,953.04      17,688,393,818.20   15,543,703.07    17,703,937,521.27
previous year
II. Opening
balance of the    5,484,334,176.00       1,666,882,087.60       74,367,173.75       23,394,697.32   1,879,651,431.02       4,893,646.97         8,703,604,953.04      17,688,393,818.20   15,543,703.07    17,703,937,521.27
current year
III. Change in
the current
                                     -       3,769,054.85      -34,102,906.20        1,482,793.00                      -                  -       351,115,910.29        390,470,664.34     2,456,329.33      392,926,993.67
(decrease is
indicated by
(I) Total
comprehensive                        -                     -                    -    1,482,793.00                      -                  -     1,447,982,745.49       1,449,465,538.49    2,456,329.33     1,451,921,867.82
contribution to
                                     -       3,769,054.85      -34,102,906.20                   -                      -                  -                       -      37,871,961.05                 -      37,871,961.05
and reduction
in capital
3. Amount of
                                     -       3,769,054.85      -34,102,906.20                   -                      -                  -                       -      37,871,961.05                 -      37,871,961.05
payment into
owner’s equity
(III) Profits
                                     -                     -                    -               -                      -                  -     -1,096,866,835.20     -1,096,866,835.20                -   -1,096,866,835.20
to owners (or                        -                     -                    -               -                      -                  -     -1,096,866,835.20     -1,096,866,835.20                -   -1,096,866,835.20

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IV. Closing
balance of the    5,484,334,176.00       1,670,651,142.45        40,264,267.55       24,877,490.32       1,879,651,431.02        4,893,646.97        9,054,720,863.33     18,078,864,482.54   18,000,032.40    18,096,864,514.94
current period

                                                                                                                           H1 2023

                                                                           Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                                                                                                                                                                                                Minority         Total owners’
                                                                                         Other                                                                                                  interest            equity
                   Paid-in capital                              Less: treasury                                                    General risk        Undistributed
                                          Capital reserve                            comprehensive         Surplus reserve                                                    Sub-total
                   (share capital)                                 stocks                                                          reserve               profits
I. Closing
balance of the    5,486,074,176.00       1,651,146,033.96       119,483,675.00        -24,008,473.60       1,616,083,136.73       1,038,991.13       6,651,440,591.35     15,262,290,780.57   18,805,602.08    15,281,096,382.65
previous year
II. Opening
balance of the    5,486,074,176.00       1,651,146,033.96       119,483,675.00        -24,008,473.60       1,616,083,136.73       1,038,991.13       6,651,440,591.35     15,262,290,780.57   18,805,602.08    15,281,096,382.65
current year
III. Change in
the current
                                     -       8,933,604.45       -38,730,384.00         67,916,223.03                         -                   -   1,641,738,825.30      1,757,319,036.78   -6,225,956.78     1,751,093,080.00
(decrease is
indicated by
(I) Total
comprehensive                        -                      -                    -     67,916,223.03                         -                   -   1,998,333,646.74      2,066,249,869.77    2,203,703.74     2,068,453,573.51
contribution to
                                     -       8,933,604.45       -38,730,384.00                       -                       -                   -                    -      47,663,988.45                 -       47,663,988.45
and reduction
in capital
3. Amount of
                                     -       8,933,604.45                        -                   -                       -                   -                    -        8,933,604.45                -        8,933,604.45
payment into
owner’s equity
4.Others                            -                      -   -38,730,384.00                       -                       -                   -                    -      38,730,384.00                 -       38,730,384.00

(III) Profits
                                     -                      -                    -                   -                       -                   -    -356,594,821.44       -356,594,821.44                -     -356,594,821.44

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to owners (or                    -                  -               -               -                   -              -    -356,594,821.44     -356,594,821.44               -     -356,594,821.44
(VI) Others                      -                  -               -               -                   -              -                  -                   -   -8,429,660.52       -8,429,660.52
IV. Closing
balance of the    5,486,074,176.00   1,660,079,638.41   80,753,291.00   43,907,749.43   1,616,083,136.73    1,038,991.13   8,293,179,416.65   17,019,609,817.35   12,579,645.30   17,032,189,462.65
current period

              Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong                Principal in charge of accounting: WANG Dong                  Head of accounting department: ZHAO

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                                                                                           Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                         Statement of Changes in the Parent Company Shareholders' Equity
                                                                                January-June 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                     H1 2024
                       Item                        Paid-in capital                                     Less: treasury
                                                                              Capital reserve                                   comprehensiv     Surplus reserve       Undistributed profits   Total owners’ equity
                                                   (share capital)                                        stocks
                                                                                                                                  e income
I. Closing balance of the previous year           5,484,334,176.00           1,898,950,817.41           74,367,173.75            2,453,961.13    1,879,597,955.19        8,962,504,785.64       18,153,474,521.62
II. Opening balance of the current year           5,484,334,176.00           1,898,950,817.41           74,367,173.75            2,453,961.13    1,879,597,955.19        8,962,504,785.64       18,153,474,521.62
III. Change in the current period (decrease is
indicated by “-”)
                                                                        -        3,769,054.85           -34,102,906.20            -940,705.04                      -       319,730,518.87          356,661,774.88
(I) Total comprehensive income                                          -                         -                        -      -940,705.04                      -     1,416,597,354.07        1,415,656,649.03
(II)Owners’ contribution to and reduction in
                                                                        -        3,769,054.85           -34,102,906.20                       -                     -                       -         37,871,961.05
3. Amount of share-based payment into
                                                                        -        3,769,054.85           -34,102,906.20                       -                     -                       -         37,871,961.05
owner’s equity
(III) Profits distribution                                       -                          -                       -                       -                   -        -1,096,866,835.20      -1,096,866,835.20
2. Distribution to owner (or shareholders)                       -                          -                       -                       -                   -        -1,096,866,835.20      -1,096,866,835.20
IV. Closing balance of the current period         5,484,334,176.00           1,902,719,872.26           40,264,267.55            1,513,256.09    1,879,597,955.19         9,282,235,304.51      18,510,136,296.50

                                                                                                                                     H1 2023
                      Item                        Paid-in capital                                     Less: treasury
                                                                            Capital reserve                                    comprehensive     Surplus reserve       Undistributed profits   Total owners’ equity
                                                  (share capital)                                        stocks
I. Closing balance of the previous year          5,486,074,176.00           1,885,778,197.50          119,483,675.00            -40,818,470.36   1,616,029,660.90        6,946,984,958.48       15,774,564,847.52
II. Opening balance of the current year          5,486,074,176.00           1,885,778,197.50          119,483,675.00            -40,818,470.36   1,616,029,660.90        6,946,984,958.48       15,774,564,847.52
III. Change in the current period (decrease is
indicated by “-”)
                                                                    -        -631,849,329.03          -38,730,384.00            60,205,122.07                      -     1,669,724,992.72        1,136,811,169.76
(I) Total comprehensive income                                      -                         -                        -        60,205,122.07                      -     2,026,319,814.16        2,086,524,936.23
(II)Owners’ contribution to and reduction in
                                                                    -          5,769,315.06           -38,730,384.00                         -                     -                       -         44,499,699.06
3. Amount of share-based payment into
                                                                    -          5,769,315.06                            -                     -                     -                       -          5,769,315.06
owner’s equity
4.Others                                                       -                          -          -38,730,384.00                        -                   -                       -           38,730,384.00
(III) Profits distribution                                      -                          -                       -                        -                   -         -356,594,821.44         -356,594,821.44
2. Distribution to owner (or shareholders)                      -                          -                       -                        -                   -         -356,594,821.44         -356,594,821.44
(VI) Others                                                     -            -637,618,644.09                       -                        -                   -                       -         -637,618,644.09
IV. Closing balance of the current period        5,486,074,176.00           1,253,928,868.47           80,753,291.00            19,386,651.71    1,616,029,660.90        8,616,709,951.20       16,911,376,017.28
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                                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Legal representative of the Company: WANG Dong   Principal in charge of accounting: WANG Dong   Head of accounting department: ZHAO

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III. Company profile
1. Company overview
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is a company limited by
share and was incorporated on Dec 28, 1993 in Zhejiang province of the People’s Republic of
China. The RMB-denominated common A shares issued by the Company got listed on
Shanghai Stock Exchange on May 9, 2002. The Company's headquarters is located at No. 567
Yinhai Road, Futian Street, Yiwu City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province.
     The Group’s main business activities: market development and operation and supporting
services, sales of commodities, provision of online trading platforms and services, development
and management of online trading market, etc., in the category of comprehensive services.
     The parent company of the Group is Yiwu China Commodities City Holdings Limited
(hereinafter referred to as “CCCH”) and the final controller of the Group is the State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Office of the People’s Government of Yiwu.

IV. Basis for the preparation of consolidated financial statements
1. Basis of preparation
     The financial statements of the Company were prepared on a going-concern basis.
     The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for
Enterprises-Basic Standards and the specific accounting standards, application guidelines,
interpretations and other related regulations promulgated and amended thereafter (collectively
referred to as “Accounting Standards”). In addition, the financial statements also disclose
relevant financial information in accordance with the Rule No. 15 for the Preparation and
Disclosure of Information by Companies Offering Securities to the Public - General Provisions
for Financial Reporting.

2. Operation as a going concern
√Applicable □Not applicable
     As of June 30, 2024, after deducting the Group’s contract liabilities and advance receipts,
which are to be recognized as revenue upon the provision of services or delivery of goods in the
future, as well as advances to suppliers for goods or services that the Group would receive in
the future, the Group's current liabilities exceeded its current assets by RMB 6,226,351,988.78.
The Board of Directors of the Company comprehensively considered the following sources of
funds available to the Group: 1. The Group’s expected net cash inflow from operating activities
within the next 12 months; 2. As of June 30, 2024, the Group’s unused bank credit line of was
RMB 4,657,661,136.97. The board of directors of the Company is convinced that the available
credit line can be re-approved when it expires based on past experience and good reputation; 3.
In view of the credit history of the Group, other available financing channels from banks and
other financial institutions; 4. , The Group's controlling shareholder CCCH has promised to
continue to provide sufficient financial support in the foreseeable future.
     After evaluation, the Board of Directors of the Company believed that the Group had
sufficient resources to continue operating for a foreseeable future period of no less than 12
months from the end of this reporting period. Therefore, the Board of Directors of the Company
continued to prepare the Group's financial statements on a going concern basis.

V. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates
Reminders on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Group has formulated specific accounting policies and estimates based on the actual
production and operation characteristics, mainly reflected in bad debt provisions for accounts
receivable, inventory valuation methods, provision for inventory depreciation, fixed asset
depreciation, intangible asset amortization, revenue recognition and measurement,
classification of investment properties and fixed assets, and the useful life and residual value of
fixed assets.

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1.   Statement on compliance with ASBE
    The financial statements prepared by the Group comply with the requirements of the
Accounting Standards, and truly and completely reflect the Company’s financial conditions,
operating results, changes in shareholders’ equity, cash flows and other related information.

2.   Accounting period
     The Company’s accounting year is from Jan 1 to Dec 31 of each calendar year.

3. Business cycle
√Applicable □Not applicable
    The business cycle of the Company is relatively short, and 12 months are used as the
standard for defining the liquidity of assets and liabilities.

4.  Bookkeeping base currency
    The Company’s functional currency is RMB.
    The subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates of the Group determine their functional
currencies at their own discretion based on the main economic environments in their places of
businesses and convert all amounts into RMB while preparing financial statements.

5. Method for determining importance criteria and selection basis
√Applicable □Not applicable
               Item                                 Importance criteria
Important debt investment                            Amount greater than RMB 10 million
Important construction in progress                   Amount greater than RMB 10 million
Important minority shareholders’  The total assets are greater than RMB 100 million and
interest                           the minority shareholder's shareholding ratio is greater
                                                                       than or equal to 5%
Important joint ventures or                 Investment targets that align with the Group's
associates                                                          development strategy

6.   Accounting methods for business combinations under common control and
     business combinations not under common control
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Business combinations are divided into business combinations under common control and
business combinations not under common control.
     Business combinations under common control
     A business combination under common control is a business combination in which all of
the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and
after the combination, and that control is not transitory.
     The assets and liabilities acquired by the receiving party in a business combination under
common control (including the goodwill formed through the acquisition of the tranferred party by
the ultimate controller) are accounted according to the book value thereof in the ultimate
controller’s financial statements on the combination date. The difference between the book
value of the net assets obtained by the merging party and the book value of the consideration
for the merger (or the total face value of the issued shares) should be adjusted to the capital
reserve (equity premium); if the capital reserve (equity premium) is not sufficient to offset, the
retained earnings should be adjusted .
     Business combinations not under common control
     A business combination not under common control is a business combination in which all
of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and
after the combination.

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     The acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained from a
business combination not under common control are measured at their fair values on the date
of acquisition. The difference between the merger cost and the fair value share of the
identifiable net assets obtained from the acquired party in the merger is recognized as goodwill
and subsequently measured at cost minus accumulated impairment losses. If the merger cost is
less than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets obtained from the acquired party in
the merger, the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities obtained
from the acquired party, as well as the measurement of the merger cost, shall be reviewed. If
the merger cost is still less than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets obtained from
the acquired party in the merger, the difference shall be recognized in gains and losses for this

7.    Judgment criteria for control and preparation methods for consolidated financial
√Applicable □Not applicable
      The financial statements to be consolidated is determined on the basis of control, including
those of the Company and all of its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries refer to the entities controlled by
the Company (including the severable parts of enterprises and invested entities, and the
structured entities controlled by the Company). When and only when the investor possesses the
following three elements, the investor can control the investee: the investor has the power over
the investee; enjoy variable returns due to participation in related activities of the invested party;
ability to exercise power over the invested party to influence its return amount.
      If the accounting policies or accounting periods adopted by the subsidiary and the
Company are inconsistent, necessary adjustments shall be made to the subsidiary's financial
statements in accordance with the Company's accounting policies and accounting periods
when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Assets, liabilities, equity, income,
expenses and cash flows generated from all deals between companies within the Group are
fully offset at the time of merger.
      If the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority shareholders of a
subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ share in the opening balance of shareholders’
equity in the subsidiary, the excess will still be recognized against minority interest.
      For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not under common control, the
operating results and cash flows of the acquiree will be included in the consolidated financial
statements from the day when the Group acquires control, until the control of the Group ceases.
In the preparation of consolidated financial statements, adjustments will be made to the
financial statements of the subsidiary based on the fair value of its identifiable assets, liabilities
or contingent liabilities determined on the date of acquisition.
      For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination under common control, the
operating results and cash flows of merged party will be included in the consolidated financial
statements since the beginning of the period of the combination. In the preparation of
consolidated financial statements, adjustments will be made to the related items in its previous
financial statements as if the reporting entity formed after the merger has been existing as from
the ultimate controller starts to exercise control.
      In case of any change to one or more elements of the control due to the changes in related
facts and circumstances, the Group will re-evaluate whether to control the investee.
      Without loss of control, changes in minority shareholders' equity are regarded as equity

8. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations
√Applicable □Not applicable
      Joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. Joint operation
refers to a joint arrangement in which the parties thereto enjoy the assets relating to such
arrangement and assume the liabilities relating to such arrangement. Joint venture refers to a
joint arrangement in which the parties thereto only enjoy rights to the net assets in this

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                                       Semi-annual Report for 2024

      Each party to a joint arrangement recognizes the following items relating to its share in the
joint operation: assets held individually by it and assets held jointly based on its share; liabilities
assumed individually by it and liabilities assumed jointly based on its share; revenue from the
sale of its share in the output of the joint operation; revenue from the sale of the output of the
joint operation based on its share; expenses incurred individually by it and expenses incurred
by the joint operation based on its share.

9.   Criteria of cash and cash equivalents
     Cash refers to the Group’s cash on hand and deposits that can be used for payment at any
time; cash equivalent refers to the investment held by the Group with a short term, strong
liquidity, easy to convert into cash with a known amount, and with low risk of value changes.

10. Foreign currency business and foreign currency financial statement conversion
√Applicable □Not applicable
     For foreign currency transactions, the Group will translate the foreign currency amounts
into its functional currency amounts.
     In the initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the foreign currency amount is
translated to a functional currency amount according to the spot exchange rate on the date of
transaction. On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items are translated
according to the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The translation difference
between settlement and monetary items is recognized in the profit or loss for the current period,
except for the difference arising from the special foreign currency borrowing relating to the
acquisition and construction of the assets qualified for capitalization, which will be treated based
on the principles for the capitalization of borrowing expenses. Foreign currency non-monetary
items measured at historical cost are still converted using the exchange rate used at initial
recognition, without changing their accounting base currency amount. The foreign currency
non-monetary items measured by fair value are translated according to the spot exchange rate
on the fair value determination date and the difference arising therefrom is recognized in the
profit or loss or other comprehensive income for the current period based on the nature of the

     The Group translates the functional currency of its foreign business into RMB while
preparing the financial statements. The assets and liabilities items in the balance sheet are
translated according to the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the shareholders’
equity items are translated according to the spot exchange rate at the occurrence of the items
except for “undistributed profits”; revenue and expenses items in the income statement are
translated according to the average exchange rate during the period in which the transaction
happens (conversion shall be at the spot rate on the date of the transaction, unless exchange
rate fluctuations make such conversion inappropriate). The translation differences of foreign
currency statements arising from the above translations are recognized as other
comprehensive income. For the disposal of foreign business, other comprehensive income
relating to the foreign business is recognized in the profit or loss of the disposal for the current
period and is calculated pro rata for partial disposal.
     Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows of overseas subsidiaries are converted using
the average exchange rate for the period in which the cash flows occur (unless exchange rate
fluctuations make the exchange rate inappropriate, the spot exchange rate on the day the cash
flows occur) is used for conversion. The amount of impact of the changes in exchange rate on
cash is separately stated in the cash flow statement as an adjustment item.

11. Financial instruments
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Financial instruments refer to the contracts which form financial assets of an enterprise and
form financial liabilities or equity instruments of other entities.
    Recognition and de-recognition of financial instruments

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      The Group recognizes a financial asset or financial liability at the time of becoming a party
to a financial instrument contract.
      The Group will derecognize a financial asset (or a part of the financial asset or a part of a
group of similar financial assets), i.e. writing off the asset from its account and balance sheet, if:
      (1) The right to receive cash flows from financial assets expires;
      (2) The Company transferred the right to receive cash flows from financial assets, or
assumed the obligation to timely and fully pay the received cash flows to third parties under a
"pass through agreement"; and essentially transferred almost all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset, or relinquished control over the financial asset even though it
neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards of ownership.
      If a financial liability has been fulfilled, revoked or expired, it will be derecognized. If an
existing financial liability is replaced by the same creditor with another financial liability under
substantially different terms or the terms of the existing liability are substantially modified in
whole, the existing liability will be derecognized and the new liability will be recognized, and the
difference will be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period.
      For the transactions of financial assets in regular ways, the recognition and de-recognition
thereof will be conducted based on the accounting on the transaction date. Buying and selling
financial assets in a conventional manner refers to the purchase or sale of financial assets in
accordance with contractual provisions, and the terms of the contract stipulate that financial
assets are delivered according to the time schedule usually determined by regulations or
market practices. The transaction date refers to the date when the Group promises to buy or
sell the financial assets.
      Classification and measurement of financial assets
      The financial assets of the Group are classified at initial recognition based on the business
model of managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial
assets as financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value
with changes recognized in other comprehensive income, and financial assets measured at fair
value with changes recognized in current period profit and loss. All affected related financial
assets will be reclassified only when the Group changes its business model for managing
financial assets.
      If a financial asset is measured by fair value at initial recognition, but the accounts
receivable or notes receivable from the sale of goods or rendering of service do not include
significant financing components or the financing components with a term no longer than one
year are not considered, the initial measurement will be made based on the transaction price.
      For the financial assets that are measured by fair value and of which the changes in fair
value are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period, the related transaction fees will
be directly recognized in the profit or loss for the current period; the related transaction fees of
other financial assets will be recognized in the initially recognized amounts thereof.
      The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on the classification thereof:
      Investment in debt instruments measured by amortized cost
      A financial asset is classified into those measured by amortized cost, if the business model
for the management of the asset is for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flow; and the
terms of the contract of the asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on the specific date is
only the repayment of principal and the payment of interest on the outstanding principal. The
interest income of such financial assets is recognized with the effective interest method, and the
gains or losses from the de-recognition, modification or impairment thereof are all recognized in
the profit or loss for the current period.
      Investment in the equity instruments that are measured by fair value and of which
the changes in fair value are recognized in other comprehensive income
      The Group has irrevocably chosen to designate some non-trading equity instrument
investments as the financial assets that are measured by fair value and of which the changes in
fair value are recognized in other comprehensive income. Only the related dividend income
(except for the dividend income expressly acting as a recovery of investment cost) is
recognized in the profit or loss for the current period, while the subsequent changes in fair value
are recognized in other comprehensive income, and no provision is required for impairment.
When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses previously

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recognized in other comprehensive income will be moved out of other comprehensive income
and recognized in retained earnings.
      Financial assets that are measured by fair value and of which the changes in fair
value are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period
      The financial assets other than the above financial assets measured by amortized cost and
the above financial assets that are measured by fair value and of which the changes in fair
value are recognized in other comprehensive income are classified as the financial assets that
are measured by fair value and of which the changes in fair value are recognized in the profit or
loss for the current period. Those financial assets are subsequently measured by fair value and
all changes in the fair value thereof are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period.
      Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
      The financial liabilities of the Group are classified at initial recognition as financial liabilities
measured at fair value through profit or loss, and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost.
For financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant transaction
costs are directly recognized in profit or loss, while the relevant transaction costs of financial
liabilities measured at amortized cost are recognized in their initial recognition amount.
      The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on the classification thereof:
      Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss
      The financial liabilities that are measured by fair value and of which the changes in fair
value are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period include financial liabilities held for
trading (including the derivative instruments as financial liabilities) and the liabilities that are
designated at initial recognition as the financial liabilities that are measured by fair value and of
which the changes in fair value are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period. The
financial liabilities held for trading (including the derivative instruments as financial liabilities) are
subsequently measured by fair value and all changes in the fair value are recognized in the
profit or loss for the current period.
      Financial assets measured at amortized cost
      Those financial liabilities are subsequently measured by amortized cost with the effective
interest method.
      Impairment of financial instruments
      The Group has treated and recognized the impairment of the financial assets measured by
amortized cost based on the expected credit loss.
      For receivables that do not contain significant financing components, the Group measures
the loss provision based on the amount of expected credit loss equivalent to the entire duration
under a simplified measurement method,
      For the financial assets not measured with the simplified method, the Group evaluates on
each balance sheet date whether their credit risks have increased significantly since the initial
recognition. If the credit risk of a financial asset has not increased significantly since the initial
recognition, the asset is in the first stage and the Group will make provision for loss based on
the amount of expected credit loss within the coming 12 months and calculate interest income
based on the book balance and effective interest rate; if the credit risk has increased
significantly since the initial recognition, but credit has not been impaired, the asset is in the
second stage and the Group will make provision for loss equivalent to the amount of expected
credit loss during the entire term and calculate interest income based on the book balance and
effective interest rate; if credit has been impaired after the initial recognition, the asset is in the
third stage and the Group will make provision for loss equivalent to the amount of expected
credit loss during the entire term and calculate interest income based on the amortized cost and
effective interest rate.
      The Group evaluates the expected credit losses of financial instruments on an individual
and grouping basis. The Group considers the credit risk characteristics of different customers,
evaluates the expected credit losses of accounts receivable based on grouping by aging, and
determines the aging based on the invoicing date. Except for the aforementioned financial
instruments that are evaluated for expected credit losses on a grouping basis, the Group
assesses their expected credit losses on an individual basis.
      Please refer to Note XII. 1. Risk of Financial Instruments for the disclosure of the criteria for
significantly increasing credit risk and the definition of credit impairment assets that have
occurred by the Group.
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     The factors reflected in the Group's method of measuring expected credit losses of
financial instruments include: unbiased probability-weighted average amount determined by
evaluating a series of possible outcomes; time value of money; no unnecessary additional cost
or effort on the balance sheet date Reasonable and evidence-based information that is readily
available about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.
     When the Group no longer reasonably expects that it can recover the contractual cash flow
of a financial asset in whole or in part, it will directly write down the book balance of the asset.

12. Notes receivable
□ Applicable √Not applicable
13. accounts receivable
√Applicable □Not applicable
Grouping classification and determination basis of provision for bad debt based on
grouping of credit risk characteristics
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Please refer to Note V - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial Instruments.

Account aging calculation method in which the credit risk characteristic grouping is
comfirmed by account aging
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note V - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial Instruments.

Determination criteria for provision of bad debts on an individual basis
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note V - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial Instruments.

14. Receivables Financing
□ Applicable √Not applicable

15. Other receivables
√Applicable □Not applicable
Grouping classification and determination basis of provision for bad debt based on
grouping of credit risk characteristics
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note V - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial Instruments.

Account aging calculation method in which the credit risk characteristic grouping is
comfirmed by account aging
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note V - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial Instruments.

Determination criteria for provision of bad debts on an individual basis
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note V - Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates - 11.
Financial Instruments.

16. Inventories
√Applicable □Not applicable

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Inventories category, valuation method for issuance, inventory system, amortization method for
low-value consumables and packaging materials
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Inventories includes raw materials, work-in-progress materials, finished goods, real estate
development costs and real estate development products.
     Inventories is initially measured by cost. The costs of inventory except development costs
and development products include the procurement cost, processing cost and other costs. The
actual costs of items out of inventory are determined with the weighted average method.
Work-in-progress materials include low-value consumables and packages, which are amortized
with the one-off amortization method.
     Development costs refer to the properties that have not been completed and are developed
for the purpose of being sold. Development products refer to the properties that have been
completed and are ready for sale. The actual costs of real estate development costs and
development products include the land acquisition cost, expenditures on construction and
installation works, capitalized interest and other direct and indirect development expenses. The
use right of the land for development purpose at the development of a project is amortized and
recognized as the development cost of the project based on the site area of the development
product, and the development cost will be changed over to development product after being
     If the public auxiliary facilities are completed earlier than the related development product,
the facilities will be allocated to and recognized in the development cost of related development
project based on the floor space of the project after final accounting of the facilities upon
completion; if the public auxiliary facilities are completed later than the related development
product, they will be recognized in the development cost of related development project based
on the predicted cost of the public auxiliary facilities.
     Hotel, catering and fresh goods inventories are subject to onsite inventory, while other
inventories are subject to perpetual inventory.

Recognition criteria and provision methods for provision for inventory depreciation
√Applicable □Not applicable
      On the balance sheet date, inventory is measured by cost and net realizable value,
whichever is lower. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value, provision will be made for
inventory depreciation, which will be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period. Net
realizable value is the estimated selling price of inventory less the cost estimated to occur as of
completion, estimated sales expenses and related taxes. In principle, provisions for inventory
depreciation shall be made for inventory items individually. For the inventory with a large
quantity and a low unit price, inventory depreciation provision will be made based on the Groups
of items.

Grouping classification and determination basis for provision for inventory depreciation
on a grouping basis, and determination basis for net realizable value of inventory of
different categories
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Calculation methods and determination basis for the net realizable value of each
inventory aging grouping for which the net realizable value is comfirmed by inventory
□ Applicable √Not applicable

17. Contract assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

18. Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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Recognition criteria and accounting treatment methods for non-current assets or disposal
groups classified as held for sale
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Recognition criteria and reporting methods for termination of operations
□ Applicable √Not applicable

19. Long-term equity investment
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Long-term equity investment includes equity investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and
    Long-term equity investment is initially measured by the initial investment cost at the time
of being acquired. The initial investment cost for long-term equity investments obtained through
business combinations under common control shall be the share of the book value of the
owner's equity of the transferred party obtained on the combinaton date in the consolidated
financial statements of the ultimate controlling party; The difference between the initial
investment cost and the book value of the merger consideration shall be adjusted to the capital
reserve (if it is not sufficient to offset, it shall be offset against retained earnings). Long term
equity investments obtained through business combinations not under common control are
initially invested at the cost of the merger (if a business combination not under common control
is achieved through multiple transactions in steps, the initial investment cost is the sum of the
book value of the equity investments held by the acquired party before the purchase date and
the newly added investment cost on the purchase date). The initial investment costs of the
long-term equity investment acquired other than through merger are determined with the
following methods: if an investment is acquired through the payment of cash, its initial
investment cost consists of the purchase price actually paid and the expenses, taxes and other
necessary expenses directly relating to the acquisition of the investment; and if an investment is
acquired through the offering of equity securities, its initial investment cost is the fair value of the
equity securities offered.
    For the accounting of the long-term equity investment through which the Company can
exercise control over the investees, the Company adopts the cost method in individual financial
statements. Control refers to the power over an investee, with which the investor enjoys
variable return by participating in the investee’s related activities and is able to exercise its
power over the investee to affect the amount of return.
    In the cost method, the long-term equity investment is measured by initial investment cost.
If the investment is added or recovered, the cost of long-term equity investment will be adjusted.
The cash dividend or profit declared by the investees to be distributed is recognized as the
investment income for the current period.
    If the Group has joint control over or significant influence on the investee, the long-term
equity investment will be measured with the equity method. Joint control refers to joint control
over an arrangement in accordance with related agreements, and decisions on the activities
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relating to the arrangement shall be made only after the parties sharing the control reach an
agreement. Significant influence refers to the power over the decision-making on the financial
affairs and business policies of the investee, but the investor does not have control or joint
control with others over the formulation of those policies.
    In the equity method, if the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment is higher
than the share enjoyed by the Group in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at
investment, the excess will be recognized in the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment; if the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment is lower than the share
enjoyed by the Group in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at investment, the
difference will be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period and the cost of the
long-term equity investment will be adjusted simultaneously.
    In the equity method, after long-term equity investment is acquired, the investment gains or
losses and other comprehensive income shall be recognized and the book value of the
long-term equity investment shall be adjusted based on the share in the net gains or losses and
other comprehensive income realized by the investees to be enjoyed or assumed. The share in
the investee’s net gains or losses to be enjoyed shall be determined based on the fair value of
the investee’ s identifiable assets at the acquisition of investment, according to the Group’s
accounting policies and accounting periods and after net profits of the investee are adjusted
with the portion of gains or losses from the internal transactions with its associates and joint
ventures that is attributable to the investor based on the share to be enjoyed by it (but if the loss
from internal transactions falls in the assets impairment loss, it shall be recognized in full) offset,
except for the invested and sold assets that constitute businesses. The book value of long-term
equity investment shall be reduced according to the share to be enjoyed by it in the profits or
cash dividend declared by the investees to be distributed. For an investee’s net losses
recognized by the Group, the book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term
equity that substantially constitute net investment in the investee shall be written down to zero
at maximum, except for the extra losses for which the Group is liable. For the investee’s other
changes in shareholders’ equity other than net gains or losses, other comprehensive income
and profit distribution, the book value of the long-term equity investment will be adjusted and the
changes will be recognized in the shareholders’ equity.

20. Investment properties
(1).With the cost measurement model
Depreciation or amortization method
    Investment properties refer to properties held for the purpose of earning rent or capital
appreciation, or both.
    Investment real estate is initially measured at cost. The subsequent expenses relating to
investment properties will be recognized in the cost of the investment properties if the economic
benefits relating to the asset are very likely to flow in and the cost thereof can be measured

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reliably. Otherwise, they will be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period at the time
of being incurred.
     The Group subsequently measures its investment properties with the cost model. The
depreciation/amortization of investment properties is calculated on a straight line basis. The
service life, estimated net residual value and annual depreciation rate of investment properties
are as follows:
       Category                Service life           Estimated net           Annual depreciation
                                                      residual value                  rate
Buildings          and              20-30 years                        4%               3.2%-4.8%
Land use right                      40-70 years                          -              1.4%-2.5%

21. Fixed assets
(1). Confirmation conditions
√Applicable □Not applicable
      A fixed asset will be recognized only if the economic benefits relating thereto are very likely
to flow into the Group and its cost can be measured reliably. If meeting the above recognition
requirement, the subsequent expenses relating to a fixed asset will be recognized in the cost of
the fixed asset, and the book value of the replaced part will be deleted; otherwise, the
subsequent expenses will be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period at the time of
being incurred.
      Fixed assets are initially measured by cost. The costs of purchasing a fixed asset include
the purchase price, related taxes and other expenses that are incurred before the fixed asset is
made to the predetermined ready-for-use status and are directly attributable to the asset.
      The Group reviews and makes adjustment to, if necessary, the service life, estimated
residual value and depreciation method of its fixed assets at least at the end of each year.

(2). Depreciation method
√Applicable □Not applicable
                      Depreciation                                  Residual value       Annual
   Category                              period (number
                       methods                                           rate        depreciation rate
                                            of years)
Buildings and      Straight-line                   10-40                        4%         2.4%-9.6%
structures         method
General            Straight-line                            5-10                4%       9.6%-19.2%
equipment          method
Transportation     Straight-line                              6                 4%             16.0%
equipment          method

22. Construction in progress
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The cost of construction in progress is determined based on the actual expenses, including
the necessary expenses on the works incurred during the construction, the borrowing costs
incurred before the works reach the predetermined ready-for-use status that shall be capitalized
and other related expenses.
     The construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets, investment properties and
long-term deferred expenses when it reaches the expected serviceable condition. The
standards are as follows:
                                                   Standards for carrying forward fixed assets
Buildings and structures                                                   Actual start of use
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Machinery equipment                                Completion of installation and commissioning
Transportation equipment                              Obtaining a transportation vehicle driving
Other equipment                                             Actual start of use or completion of
                                                                      installation and debugging

23. Borrowing costs
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production
of the assets qualified for capitalization shall be capitalized, and other borrowing costs shall be
recognized in the profit or loss for the current period.
     When capital expenditures and borrowing costs have already occurred, and the necessary
acquisition or production activities to bring the asset to its intended usable or saleable state
have begun, borrowing costs begin to be capitalized.
     The borrowing costs for the assets qualified for capitalization shall cease being capitalized
when the assets reach the predetermined ready-for-use or sale status after the acquisition,
construction or production. The borrowing costs incurred subsequently will be recognized in the
profit or loss for the current period.
     During the capitalization period, the capitalization amount of interest for each accounting
period shall be determined according to the following method: specialized loans shall be
determined based on the actual interest expenses incurred in this period, minus temporary
deposit interest income or investment income; The general borrowing used is calculated and
determined based on the weighted average of the accumulated asset expenses exceeding the
special borrowing portion multiplied by the weighted average interest rate of the general
borrowing used.
     If assets that meet the capitalization criteria experience abnormal interruptions during the
acquisition, construction, or production process, except for the necessary procedures to reach
the predetermined usable or saleable state, and the interruption period lasts for more than 3
consecutive months, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing
costs incurred during the interruption will be recognized as expenses and in the profit or loss for
the current period until the acquisition, construction or production of the asset is resumed.

24. Biological assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

25. Oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

26. Intangible assets
(1). Service life and its determination basis, estimated situation, amortization method or
    review procedure
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Goodwill is an intangible asset with an uncertain useful life. Such intangible assets are not
amortized, and impairment testing is conducted annually regardless of whether there are signs
of impairment; During each accounting period, its useful life is reviewed, and if there is evidence
that its useful life is limited, accounting treatment is carried out according to the policy of
intangible assets with limited useful life.
     The remaining intangible assets are amortized using the straight-line method over their
useful lives, with the following useful lives:
Category                                                 Service life            Determination basis
Land use right                                          40-50 years          Term of land use rights
Software       and        software                         10 years Which is shorter between the
copyright                                                                    contract period and the

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                                                                               expected service life

(2). The scope of R&D expenditure collection and related accounting treatment methods
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Group divides expenditures for internal R & D projects into research expenditures and
development expenditures. Research expenses are recognized in the profit or loss for the
current period at the time of being incurred. Development expenditures can be capitalized only
when all of the following conditions are met at the same time, that is, it is technically feasible to
complete the intangible asset to make them usable or saleable; there is an intention to complete
the intangible asset and use or sell it; the way for intangible assets to generate economic
benefits, including the ability to prove that there are markets for the products generated by the
intangible assets or the intangible assets themselves. Intangible assets that will be used
internally can prove their usefulness; there are sufficient technology, financial resources and
other resource supports to complete the development of the intangible asset and ability to use
or sell the intangible asset; the expenditure attributable to the development of such intangible
asset can be reliably measured. Development expenditures that do not satisfy the above
conditions are included in the current profits and losses when incurred.

27. Impairment of long-term assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The impairment of assets other than inventory, deferred income tax assets, and financial
assets is determined using the following method: On the balance sheet date, it is determined
whether there are signs of possible impairment of assets. If there are signs of impairment, the
Group will estimate their recoverable amount and conduct impairment testing; For goodwill
formed by business combinations, intangible assets with uncertain useful lives, and intangible
assets that have not yet reached a usable state, regardless of whether there are signs of
impairment, impairment testing shall be conducted at least at the end of each year.
     The recoverable value of an asset is determined based on the fair value of the asset less
the disposal expenses or the present value of the expected future cash flows of the asset,
whichever is higher. The Group estimates the recoverable value of each asset. For an asset
whose recoverable value is hard to be estimated, the Group estimates the recoverable value of
the assets group which the asset belongs to. An assets group is identified based on whether the
main cash inflows from the Group are independent from the cash inflows from other assets or
assets groups.
     When the recoverable value of an asset or assets group is lower than its book value, the
Group will write down its book value to the recoverable value and the amount written down will
be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period; meanwhile, it will make provision for the
impairment thereof.
     As for the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill shall be allocated to the
relevant asset groups or groups of asset groups in a reasonable manner from the date of
acquisition. The relevant asset groups or groups of asset groups refer to asset groups or groups
of asset groups that can benefit from the synergistic effects of business combinations, and are
not larger than the operating segments determined by the Group.
     Compare the book value and recoverable amount of asset groups or groups of asset
groups that contain goodwill. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the
impairment loss amount is first offset against the book value of goodwill allocated to the asset
group or group of asset groups. Then, based on the proportion of the book value of other assets
in the asset group or group of asset groups except for goodwill, the book value of other assets is
proportionally offset.
     The above assets impairment loss will not be reversed during the subsequent accounting

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28. Long-term deferred expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Long-term prepaid expenses are amortized with the straight-line method and the
amortization periods are as follows:
Category                                                               Amortization period
Architectural ornaments of buildings                                             3-5 years
Advertising facilities                                                           3-5 years

29. Contract liabilities
√Applicable □Not applicable
     A contractual liability refers to an obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for
the consideration received or receivable from the customer, such as the amount received by the
enterprise before the transfer of committed goods or services.

30. Employee compensation
(1). Accounting treatment methods for short-term compensation
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The short-term compensations actually incurred during the accounting period when the
employees provide service for the Group are recognized as liabilities and are recognized in the
profit or loss for the current period or costs of related assets.

(2). Accounting treatment method for post-employment benefits
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The employees of the Group participate in the endowment insurance and unemployment
insurance managed by the local government, as well as the enterprise annuity, and the
corresponding expenditures are included in the relevant asset cost or current profit and loss
when incurred.

(3). Accounting treatment methods for termination benefits
√Applicable □Not applicable
      Where the Group provides severance benefits to its employees, the employee
compensation liabilities arising from the severance benefits will be recognized, and the amount
will be recognized in the profit or loss for the current period on the earlier date below: the date
when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the severance benefits provided as a result of the
employment termination plan or downsizing proposal; or the date when the Group recognizes
the costs or expenses relating to the reorganization involving the payment of severance

(4). Accounting treatment methods for other long-term employee benefits
□ Applicable √Not applicable

31. Estimated liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

32. Share-based payment
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Share-based payment is divided into equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled
share-based payment. An equity-settled share-based payment refers to a deal in which the
Group uses shares or other equity instruments as the consideration for settlement to obtain

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      The equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for services provided by employees
shall be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees. If it can be
exercised immediately after the grant, it shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses at
fair value on the grant date, and the capital reserve shall be increased accordingly; if it cannot
be exercised until the service within the waiting period has been completed or the specified
performance conditions have been satisfied on each balance sheet date during the waiting
period, the Group will, based on the best estimate of the number of exercisable equity
instruments, include the services acquired in the current period, as relevant costs or expenses
based on the fair value on the grant date, and increase the capital reserve accordingly . The fair
value of equity instruments is determined using market quotations, as detailed in Note XIII. 2.
      If the equity-settled share payment is canceled, it will be treated as an accelerated exercise
on the cancellation day, and the unrecognized amount shall be recognized immediately. If an
employee or other party has option to satisfy the non-exercising conditions but fails to satisfy
within the waiting period, it shall be treated as cancellation of equity-settled share-based
payment. However, if a new equity instrument is granted and if it is determined that the new
equity instrument granted is used to replace the canceled equity instrument on the grant date of
the new equity instrument, the replacement equity instruments granted in the same way shall be
treated in the same way as that for the modification of the terms and conditions for the original
equity instrument.

33. Preferred stocks, perpetual bonds, and other financial instruments
□ Applicable √Not applicable

34. Revenue
(1). Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and
      measurement by business type
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Group recognizes incomes when it has fulfilled its performance obligations in the
contract, that is, the customer has acquired the control over the relevant goods or services. The
acquisition of the control over related goods or services means the ability to control the use of
the goods or the provision of the service and obtain almost all of the economic benefits from
      Commodity sales contracts
     Sales contracts between the Group and customers typically include commitments to
transfer goods, which may vary depending on the customer's agreement. As customers are
able to benefit separately from the aforementioned goods or services or use them together with
other readily available resources, and there is no significant integration, modification,
customization, or high correlation between the aforementioned goods or services, the Group
considers them as clearly distinguishable goods and constitutes separate performance
     On the basis of comprehensive consideration of the following factors, the Group recognizes
revenue at the time when the customer obtains control over the relevant goods: the current right
to receive payment for the goods, the transfer of the main risks and rewards of ownership of the
goods, the transfer of legal ownership of the goods, the transfer of physical assets of the goods,
and the customer's acceptance of the goods.
      Service contracts
     The service contracts between the Group and customers usually include performance
obligations such as providing the use of shops in Yiwu Market and the supporting services for
operation , providing hotel accommodation and catering services, providing paid use services
for funds to external parties of the Group, and providing collection and payment services.
      The use of shops in Yiwu Market and its supporting services
     Since customers obtain and consume the economic benefits brought about by the Group’s
performance at the time of the performance by the Group, the Group regards them as a
performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain period of time and recognizes an income
based on the performance progress, except that the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined. Under the output method, the Group determines the performance
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progress of the provision of the use of shops in Yiwu Market and the supporting services for its
operation based on the number of using days of the shops When the performance progress
cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost incurred by the Group is expected to be
compensated, the income shall be recognized according to the amount of the cost incurred until
the performance progress can be reasonably determined.
     Hotel accommodation business
     Since customers obtain and consume the economic benefits brought about by the Group’s
performance at the time of the performance by the Group, the Group regards them as a
performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain period of time and recognizes an income
based on the performance progress, except that the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined. In accordance with the output method, the Group determines the
performance progress of hotel accommodation services based on the number of staying days. .
When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost incurred by the
Group is expected to be compensated, the income shall be recognized according to the amount
of the cost incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined.
     Hotel catering business
     For individual performance obligations in the provision of hotel catering services, the Group
prices hotel catering services separately, and uses the completion of hotel catering services as
the point of income recognition.
     Fixed -time paid funding services
     Since customers obtain and consume the economic benefits brought about by the Group’s
performance at the time of the performance by the Group, the Group regards them as a
performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain period of time and recognizes an income
based on the performance progress, except that the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined. Under the output method, the Group determines the performance
progress of the services for the fixed-term paid funding services based on the number of using
days of funds. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost
incurred by the Group is expected to be compensated, the income shall be recognized
according to the amount of the cost incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably
(2). Adopting different business models for similar businesses involves different
     revenue recognition methods and measurement methods
□ Applicable √Not applicable

35. Contract cost
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Group's assets related to contract costs include contract acquisition costs and contract
performance costs. According to their liquidity, they are presented in inventory, other current
assets and other non-current assets respectively.
     If the incremental cost incurred by the Group to acquire a contract is expected to be
recoverable, it is recognized as an asset as the contract acquisition cost, unless the
amortization period of the asset does not exceed one year.
     If the cost incurred by the Group for the performance of the contract does not apply to the
scope of the relevant standards such as inventory, fixed assets or intangible assets, and meets
the following conditions at the same time, it is recognized as an asset as the cost of contract
     (1) This cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor,
direct materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs clearly borne by the
customer, and other costs incurred solely due to the contract;
     (2) This cost increases the resources that the enterprise will use in the future to fulfill its
contractual obligations;
     (3) This cost is expected to be recovered.
     The Group amortizes the assets related to contract costs on the same basis as the revenue
recognition related to the assets, and includes them in the current profit and loss.

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     For assets related to contract costs, if the book value is higher than the difference between
the following two items, the Group will make provision for impairment for the excess part and
recognize it as asset impairment loss:
     (1) The expected remaining consideration that the enterprise can obtain from the transfer
of goods or services related to the asset;
     (2) The estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods or services.

36. Government grants
√Applicable □Not applicable
     A government grant is recognized when it can meet the requirements and can be received.
If a government grant falls in monetary assets, it will be measured by the amount received or
receivable. If a government grant does not fall in monetary assets, it will be measured by fair
value. If the fair value of a grant cannot be determined reliably, it will be measured by its
nominal amount.
     A government grant prescribed by government documents to be used to acquire or
construct or otherwise form long-term assets will be deemed as an asset-related government
grant; if no government documents have express provisions, the grants that are used to acquire
or construct or otherwise form long-term assets will be deemed as asset-related government
grants and others as income-related government grants.
     The Group recognizes government subsidies received using the total amount method.
     Government subsidies related to income, used to compensate for related costs or losses in
future periods, are recognized as deferred income and are recognized in this period's profit or
loss or offset against related costs during the period of recognition of related costs or losses;
For compensating for related costs or losses that have already occurred, they are directly
recognized in this period's profit and loss or offset against related costs. The Group recognizes
government subsidies received using the total amount method.
     The asset-related government grants shall be used to offset the book value of related
assets; or recognized as deferred income, and included in profit and loss in stages under a
reasonable and systematic method during the useful life of the related assets (but government
grants measured at a nominal amount shall be directly included in the current profit and loss); if
the relevant asset is sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of its useful life, the
balance of the undistributed deferred income shall be transferred to the current profit and loss
when the asset is disposal.

37. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities
√Applicable □Not applicable
      The Group recognizes deferred income tax with the balance sheet liability method based
on the temporary difference between the book value of assets and liabilities on the balance
sheet date and the tax base and that between the book value of the items that have not been
recognized as assets and liabilities but whose tax base can be determined according to the tax
law and the tax base thereof.
      All taxable temporary differences will be recognized as deferred income tax liabilities,
      (1) Taxable temporary differences arise in the following transactions: initial recognition of
goodwill, or initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from individual transactions with the
following characteristics: the transaction is not a business combination, the transaction does not
affect accounting profits or taxable income or deductible losses at the time of occurrence, and
the initially recognized assets and liabilities do not result in equal amounts of taxable temporary
differences and deductible temporary differences;
      (2) For taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures,
and associates, the timing of the reversal of such temporary differences can be controlled and it
is likely that they will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.
      For the deductible temporary differences and the deductible losses and tax deductions that
can be carried forward to the subsequent years, the Group recognizes the deferred income tax
assets arising therefrom within the limit of the future taxable income that is very likely to be

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obtained and used to be offset against the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses
and tax deductions, unless:
       (1) Deductible temporary differences arise in the following individual transactions: the
transaction is not a business combination, the transaction does not affect accounting profits or
taxable income or deductible losses at the time of occurrence, and the initially recognized
assets and liabilities do not result in an equal amount of taxable temporary differences and
deductible temporary differences;
       (2) For deductible temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, joint
ventures, and associates, such temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the
foreseeable future and are likely to receive taxable income used to offset such temporary
differences in the future.
       The Group measures, on the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and
liabilities based on the applicable tax rate for the period when the assets are expected to be
recovered or the liabilities are expected to be paid off, in accordance with the tax law, which will
also reflect the impact of the way of the expected recovery of assets or repayment of liabilities
on the income tax on the balance sheet date.
       The Group reviews the book value of deferred income tax assets on the balance sheet date.
If it is very likely to be unable to acquire adequate taxable income to be offset against the
benefits of deferred income tax assets in the future, the book value of deferred income tax
assets will be written down. On the balance sheet date, the Group re-evaluates the
unrecognized deferred income tax assets and recognizes the same to the extent that it is very
likely to acquire adequate taxable income to reverse all or part of the deferred income tax
       If all the following requirements are met, deferred income tax assets and liabilities will be
presented in net amount after offsetting: the Group has the legal right to settle the current
income tax assets and liabilities in net amount; the deferred income tax assets and liabilities are
related to the income tax levied by an identical tax authority on an identical taxpayer, or are
related to the income tax levied by an identical tax authority on different taxpayers, but during
each important period when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities are reversed, the
involved taxpayers intend to settle the current income tax assets and liabilities in net amount or
acquire assets or pay off debts simultaneously.

38. Lease
√Applicable □Not applicable
Judgment basis and accounting treatment methods for simplifying short-term leases and
low-value asset leases as a lessee
√Applicable □Not applicable
       The Group recognizes leases with a lease term not exceeding 12 months and excluding
purchase options as short-term leases on the commencement date of the lease term; Leases
with lower value when a single leased asset is considered a brand new asset are recognized as
low-value asset leases. The Group chooses not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease
liabilities for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. In each period of the lease term,
it is included in the relevant asset cost or current profit and loss on a straight-line basis.

Classification criteria and accounting treatment methods for leasing as a lessor
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The lease that transfers virtually all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the
leased asset on the lease commencement date is a finance lease, and other leases are
operating leases.
     Rental income from operating leases is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis
over each period of the lease term, and variable lease payments not included in lease receipts
are included in profit or loss for the current period when actually incurred. The capitalized initial
direct expenses shall be amortized on the same basis recognized with the rental income during
the lease period, and shall be included in the current profit and loss in installments.

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39. Other important accounting policies and accounting estimates
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Measurement of fair value
     The Group measures the fair values of equity instruments investments on each balance
sheet date. Fair value refers to the price received from the sale of an asset or paid for the
transfer of a liability by a market player in the orderly transactions on the measurement date.
     For the assets and liabilities which are measured or disclosed by fair value in the financial
statements, the levels of fair value are determined based on the lowest-level input of important
significance for the overall measurement of fair values: Level 1 input is the unadjusted offer
price for an identical asset or liability that can be obtained in an active market on the
measurement date; Level 2 inputs are the inputs that are directly or indirectly observable for
related assets or liabilities other than Level 1 inputs; Level 3 inputs are the inputs that are
observable for related assets or liabilities.
On each balance date, the Group re-evaluates the assets and liabilities that are recognized in
the financial statements and keep being measured by fair value so as to determine whether to
change the measurement levels of fair value.
     Significant accounting judgments and estimates
     In the preparation of financial statements, the management need to make judgments,
estimates and assumptions, which will affect the presented amounts and disclosure of revenue,
expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities on the balance sheet
date. However, the uncertainty of these assumptions and estimates may result in significant
adjustments to the book value of future affected assets or liabilities.
     When applying the Group’s accounting policies, the management have made the following
judgments which have had significant influence on the amounts recognized in the financial
     Operating lease - as a lessor
     The Group has signed lease contracts for investment properties. The Group thinks that
according to the terms of the lease contracts, the Group retains all major risks and
compensations on the titles of those real estate properties and thus handles them as operating
     Classification of investment properties and fixed assets
     The Group classifies the buildings and structures leased out other than for the main
businesses such as market and hotel services as well as the auxiliary land use rights thereof as
investment properties, including but not limited to the auxiliary banking and catering outlets for
market operation and the auxiliary service outlets for hotels. Other buildings and structures
leased out are classified as fixed assets.
     Business model
     The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the Group’s business
model for the management of financial assets. When judging the business model, the Group
factors in the enterprise evaluation, the way of reporting financial assets performance to key
management personnel, the risks affecting the performance of financial assets, the way of
managing financial assets and the way of related business management personnel obtaining
remunerations. When assessing whether to aim at the collection of contractual cash flow, the
Group needs to analyze the reasons, time, frequency and value for sale of the financial assets
to be sold before the expiry dates thereof.
     Contract cash flow characteristics
     The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the characteristics of
the contractual cash flow of the financial assets. For the judgment on whether the contractual
cash flow is the repayment of principal and the payment of interest on outstanding principal,
including the evaluation of the adjustment to the time value of money, it should be judged
whether it is significantly different from the benchmark cash flow; for the financial assets with
the early repayment characteristic, it should be judged whether the fair value of the early
repayment characteristic is extremely low.
     Uncertainties of estimates

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     The following are key assumptions regarding the future at the balance sheet date and other
key sources of estimation uncertainty that may result in significant adjustments to the book
value of assets and liabilities in future accounting periods.
     Impairment of financial instruments
     The Group evaluates the impairment of financial instruments with the expected credit loss
model. To apply the model, the Group needs to make significant judgments and estimates and
take into account all reasonable and evidenced information, including forward-looking
information. When making these judgments and estimates, the Group infers the expected
changes in the debtors’ credit risks based on their historical repayment data, in combination
with the economic policies, macroeconomic indicators and industry risks. Different estimates
may affect the provisions for impairment and the provision that has been made for impairment
may not necessarily be equal to the actual amount of impairment loss in the future.
     Net realizable value of property inventory
     The Group’s property inventory is measured by cost or net realizable value, whichever is
lower. For the calculation of net realizable value, assumptions and estimates should be used. If
the management adjust the estimated price and the costs and expenses to be incurred until the
completion, it will affect the estimate of the net realizable value of the inventory and the
difference will affect the provision for inventory depreciation.
     Impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets (excluding goodwill)
     The Group determines, on the balance sheet date, whether the non-current assets other
than financial assets have a sign of being impaired. Non-current assets other than financial
assets are subject to impairment testing when there are indications that their book value is
irrecoverable. When the book value of an asset or a group of assets is higher than its
recoverable value, i.e. fair value less the disposal expenses or the present value of expected
future cash flow, whichever is higher, the asset or group has been impaired. For the fair value
less the disposal expenses, the Group refers to the agreed selling price or observable market
price of the similar asset in a fair transaction, less the cost increase directly attributable to the
disposal of the asset. When predicting the present value of future cash flows, the management
must estimate the expected future cash flows of the asset or group of assets and select an
appropriate discount rate. When identifying a group of assets, the management consider
whether the smallest identifiable group of assets can generate income and cash flows
independently from other departments or units, or the income and cash inflows generated
thereby are mostly independent from other departments or units, and also take into account the
way of managing or monitoring production and operating activities and the way of making
decisions on the continued use or disposal of the asset. Please refer to Note VI. 21 for details.
     Goodwill impairment
     The Group tests goodwill for impairment at least annually. This requires estimating the
present value of the future cash flows of the asset group or groups of asset groups to which the
goodwill is allocated. When estimating the present value of future cash flows, the Group needs
to estimate the cash flows generated by future asset groups or groups of asset groups, and at
the same time select an appropriate discount rate to determine the present value of future cash
flows. Please refer to Note VI. 27 for details.
     Fair value of non-listed equity investments
     The Group determines the fair value of non-listed equity investments based on the
expected future cash flows discounted at the current discount rate of other financial instruments
with similar contractual terms and risk characteristics. This requires the Group to estimate the
expected future cash flows, credit risk, volatility and discount rate, which brings uncertainties.
     Development expenditure
     When determining the amount of capitalization, management must make assumptions on
the expected future cash flow, the applicable discount rate, and the expected benefit period of
the asset.
     Deferred tax assets
     To the extent that it is very likely for the Group to have enough taxable income to be offset
against the deductible losses, the Group shall recognize deferred income tax assets in
connection with the outstanding deductible losses. This requires the management to use lots of
judgments to estimate the acquisition time and amount of the taxable income to be acquired in

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the future to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets to be recognized, in
consideration of the tax payment planning strategy.
     Lessee incremental borrowing interest rate
     For leases where the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be determined, the Group
uses the lessee's incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate to calculate the present value
of the lease payments. When determining the incremental borrowing rate, the Group takes the
observable interest rate as the reference basis for determining the incremental borrowing rate
according to the economic environment it is in. On this basis, the Group adjusts the reference
interest rate according to its own situation, the underlying asset situation, the lease term, the
amount of lease liabilities and other specific conditions of the lease business to obtain the
applicable incremental borrowing rate.

40. Changes in important accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1). Changes in important accounting policies
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2). Changes in important accounting estimates
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3). From 2024, the implementation of new accounting standards or standard
     interpretations for the first time would involve adjustments to the financial
     statements at the beginning of the first implementation year
□ Applicable √Not applicable

41. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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         VI. Taxes
         1.    Main tax types and tax rates
         Major taxes and tax rates
         √Applicable □Not applicable
       Tax               Base of taxation                                             Rate
                                                    The Company is a general taxpayer, and the taxable income is
                                                    calculated for output tax at the tax rates of 13%, 9%, and 6%.
                    The difference between
                                                    Value added tax is calculated and paid based on the difference
                    the output tax amount
                                                    after deducting the input tax allowed for deduction in this period.
                    calculated based on sales
                                                    In addition, for the sale of self-developed old real estate projects
VAT                 revenue and applicable
                                                    (the contract commencement date specified in the Construction
                    tax rates, and the input
                                                    Engineering Construction Permit is before April 30, 2016) and the
                    tax amount allowed for
                                                    rental of real estate acquired by the Group before April 30, 2016,
                                                    the simplified tax calculation method is applicable, and the
                                                    payable tax amount is calculated and paid at a 5% tax rate
                    Actual paid value-added
maintenance and                                     Paid at 5% or 7% of the actual turnover tax paid.
                    tax amount
construction tax
                                                    Except for the tax incentives listed in Note VI. 1 and the
                                                    subsidiaries registered in Prague, Czech Republic, Hong Kong
Corporate income                                    Special Administrative Region, Germany, Kenya, Rwanda, and
                    Taxable income
tax                                                 Dubai, the corporate income tax of the Company and its
                                                    subsidiaries within the Group is calculated and paid at 25% of the
                                                    taxable income.
                                                    According to the ratio of value-added to deduction items, a four-level
Land appreciation   Value added from the transfer
                                                    progressive tax rate (30% to 60%) will be implemented for exceeding the
tax                 of real estate
                    Ad valorem taxation:
                    deducting a certain
                                                    If the tax is levied according to price, the amount is 1.2% of the
                    proportion from the
                                                    balance of the original value of the property after a 30%
Real estate tax     original value of the
                                                    deduction; if the tax is levied according to rental, the amount is
                                                    12% of the rental income.
                    Levy based on rent:
                    rental income
Education           Actual paid value-added
                                                    Paid at 3% of the actual turnover tax paid.
surcharge           tax amount
Local education     Actual paid value-added
                                                    Paid at 2% of the actual turnover tax paid.
surcharge           tax amount
undertaking         Advertising turnover            Calculated and paid at 3% of the advertising industry's revenue.
development fee

         Disclosure of taxpayers subject to different income tax rates
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                       Taxpayer                                           Income tax rate (%)
         Huafrica (Kenya) Investment Development Co., Limited                                             30.00
         BETTER SILK ROAD RWANDA Ltd                                                                      30.00
         Mingzhe Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                                         20.00
         European Huajie Investment Development Co., Ltd.                                                 19.00
         Yiwu China Commodities City (Hong Kong) International Trade Co.,                                 16.50
         Hong Kong Better Silk Road Co., Ltd.                                                                16.50
         Yiwu China Commodity City (Germany) Co., Ltd.                                                       15.00
         Yiwu China Commodities City Big Data Co., Ltd.                                                      15.00

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BETTER SILK ROAD FZE                                                    Not subject to corporate
                                                                                     income tax

2.    Tax incentives
√Applicable □Not applicable
    According to the Announcement on the Filing of High-tech Enterprises recognized by
Zhejiang Provincial Accreditation Agency in 2022 issued by the Office of the National High-tech
Enterprise Accreditation Management Leading Group, Yiwu China Small Commodities City Big
Data Co., Ltd. has been listed in the filing list of high-tech enterprises recognized by Zhejiang
Provincial Accreditation Agency in 2022 and passed the recognition of high-tech enterprises.
The Certificate number is GR202233004297, date of issue: December 24, 2022, valid period:
three years. From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, Yiwu China Commodities City Big
Data Co., Ltd. will be subject to a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15%.

3.    Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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VII. Notes to items in consolidated financial statements
1. Cash and cash equivalents
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Item                             Closing balance          Opening balance
Cash on hand                                                  213,381.46               249,915.87
Bank deposits                                            976,757,905.00          2,922,477,584.50
Other cash and cash equivalents                             2,725,584.48                 7,820.24
Total                                                    979,696,870.94          2,922,735,320.61
    Including: amount deposited abroad                     13,217,960.58           100,628,215.18

Other statements
     Monetary funds with restricted usage rights are detailed in Note VII. 31. Assets with
restricted ownership or usage rights.

2. Held-for-trading financial assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                   Opening     Reasons and basis
              Item                   Closing balance
                                                                   balance      for determination
Financial assets that are                                                                         /
measured by fair value and of
which the changes in fair value          11,640,817.50         15,130,895.00
are recognized in the profit or
loss for the current period
Among them:
       Equity instrument                                                                          /
                                         11,640,817.50         15,130,895.00
                Total                    11,640,817.50         15,130,895.00                      /
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

3. Derivative financial assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

4. Notes receivable
(1). List of notes receivable by category
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Notes receivable that have been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end
     of the period and have not yet matured on the balance sheet date
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(4). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:

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           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

           Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of accounts receivable with changes in
           loss provisions in this period:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           (5). The situation of bad debt provision
           □ Applicable √Not applicable
           In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Other notes:

           (6). Notes receivable actually written off during the current period
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Important notes receivable written off:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Description of notes written off:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Other notes:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           5. accounts receivable
           (1). Disclosure by aging
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                   Account aging                     Closing book balance          Opening book balance
           Within 1 year
           Including: sub-items
           Within 1 year                                         472,258,564.38                587,700,197.38
           Within 1 year                                         472,258,564.38                587,700,197.38
           1 to 2 years                                            8,083,399.52                 10,408,255.33
           2 to 3 years                                            1,522,338.68                  1,195,926.30
                        Total                                    481,864,302.58                599,304,379.01

           (2). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
Category                           Closing balance                                    Opening balance

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                              Book balance                Bad debt provision                             Book balance                Bad debt provision
                                                                                       Book                                                                     Book
                                           Proportion                  Provision       value                         Proportion                    Provision    value
                            Amount                        Amount                                      Amount                         Amount
                                              (%)                      ratio (%)                                        (%)                        ratio (%)
Provision for bad debts
on an individual basis
                            6,261,907.10           1.30 6,261,907.10     100.00                   -   6,261,907.10           1.04   6,261,907.10     100.00              -
Among them:
Lease receivables           6,261,907.10           1.30 6,261,907.10     100.00                   -   6,261,907.10           1.04   6,261,907.10     100.00              -
Provision for bad debts
                          475,602,395.48       98.70      140,838.20       0.03 475,461,557.28 593,042,471.91            98.96       184,676.82        0.03 592,857,795.09
on a grouping basis
Among them:
Provision for bad debts
by grouping of credit     475,602,395.48       98.70      140,838.20       0.03 475,461,557.28 593,042,471.91            98.96       184,676.82        0.03 592,857,795.09
risk characteristics
          Total           481,864,302.58       /        6,402,745.30       /       475,461,557.28 599,304,379.01         /          6,446,583.92       /

                 Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
                 √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Closing balance
                           Name                                                     Bad debt        Provision ratio                       Reason for
                                                     Book balance
                                                                                    provision            (%)                               provision
                                                                                                                                       Due to
                                                                                                                                       deterioration of
                 Lease receivables                      6,261,907.10                6,261,907.10                        100.00
                                                                                                                                       expected not to
                                                                                                                                       be recovered
                          Total            6,261,907.10      6,261,907.10             100.00                                                    /
                 Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
                 □ Applicable √Not applicable
                 Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
                 √Applicable □Not applicable
                 Provision items on a grouping basis: by grouping of credit risk characteristics
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                    Closing balance
                                          Accounts receivable      Bad debt provision      Provision ratio (%)
                 Within 1 year                  472,258,564.38                50,914.35                     0.01
                 1 - 2 years                      1,821,492.42                33,991.91                     1.87
                 2 -3 years                       1,522,338.68                55,931.94                     3.67
                         Total                  475,602,395.48               140,838.20                        /
                 Description of provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
                 □ Applicable √Not applicable
                 Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
                 √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                           Stage 1                   Stage 2                    Stage 3
                                                                                Expected credit            Expected credit
                                                     Expected credit
                                                                               loss in the entire         loss in the entire
                     Bad debt provision                loss in the                                                                                 Total
                                                                                duration (credit           duration (credit
                                                       coming 12
                                                                                 has not been                 has been
                                                                                   impaired)                  impaired)
                 Balance as of                          6,446,583.92                                                                          6,446,583.92
                 January 1, 2024
                 Provision made in                        215,577.51                                                                            215,577.51
                 the current period
                 Current reversal                         259,416.13                                                                            259,416.13
                 Balance as of June                     6,402,745.30                                                                          6,402,745.30
                 30, 2024

                 Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

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          Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of accounts receivable with changes in
          loss provisions in this period:
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          (3). The situation of bad debt provision
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                        Amount of change during the
                                    Opening                    current period
                Category                                                                    Closing balance
                                    balance                               Recovery or
          Bad debt provision       6,446,583.92           215,577.51         259,416.13       6,402,745.30
          for accounts
                 Total             6,446,583.92             215,577.51         259,416.13     6,402,745.30

          In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          Other notes:

          (4). Accounts receivable actually written off during the current period
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          Information of write-off of important accounts receivable
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          Description of accounts receivable written off:
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

            (5). The five largest accounts receivable and contract assets aggregated by debtor at the
                  end of the period
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                               Proportion in
                                                                                 the total
                                      Closing                Closing balance      closing
                                                  balance                                           Closing
                                    balance of                 of accounts      balance of
              Debtor                                  of                                       balance of bad
                                     accounts                receivable and      accounts
                                                  contract                                      debt provision
                                    receivable               contract assets receivable and
                                                                                assets (%)
Dalian Guanglong Zhongbang
International Trade Co., Ltd.     12,659,696.23            -   12,659,696.23             2.63         1,364.85
Zhejiang Jielian Network
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                 6,261,907.10                 -       6,261,907.10            1.30   6,261,907.10
LPS COMPANY LTDA                 6,252,078.36                 -       6,252,078.36            1.30         674.04
LIMITED                          2,850,404.07                 -       2,850,404.07            0.59         307.30
SWONIA, a.s.                     2,769,068.86                 -       2,769,068.86            0.57         298.53
        Total                   30,793,154.62                 -      30,793,154.62            6.39   6,264,551.82

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Other statements

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

6.    Contract assets
(1). Contract assets situation
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). The amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of contract assets with changes in loss
provisions in this period:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Provision for bad debts of contract assets in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

(5). Actual written-off contract assets in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Among them, important contract assets write off
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Description of contract assets written off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

7.    Receivables Financing
(1). Accounts receivable financing listed by classification
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Accounts receivable financing pledged by the Company at the end of the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Accounts receivable financing that has been endorsed or discounted by the
Company at the end of the period and has not yet matured on the balance sheet date
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(4). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

Explanation of significant changes in the financing book balance of accounts receivable with
changes in loss provisions in this period:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). The situation of bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Not applicable
In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

(6). Accounts receivable financing actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Among them, important accounts receivable financing written off
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation of writing-off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(7). Changes in accounts receivable financing and changes in fair value in this period:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(8). Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

8. Prepayments
(1). Presentation of prepayments by aging
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
    Account                 Closing balance                        Opening balance
     aging            Amount             Proportion (%)       Amount           Proportion (%)
Within 1 year    1,925,038,260.48                   99.54   969,194,841.33                 98.29
1 to 2 years          3,050,841.07                   0.16    12,339,052.53                  1.25
2 to 3 years          2,138,045.31                   0.11     4,404,721.24                  0.45
Over 3 years          3,652,307.71                   0.19       124,000.00                  0.01
     Total       1,933,879,454.57                  100.00   986,062,615.10               100.00
Explanation for failure to settle the prepayments with an account aging longer than one year
and in important amounts:

(2).   The five largest advances to suppliers aggregated by debtor at the end of the
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                             Proportion in closing balance
               Debtor                  Closing balance
                                                               of total prepayments (%)
Total amount of the five largest            691,010,197.59                            35.73
advances to suppliers at the end
of the period
                Total                       691,010,197.59                            35.73

Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

9. Other receivables
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
              Item                       Closing balance                Opening balance
Other receivables                              121,606,527.40                 115,279,387.63
              Total                             121,606,527.40                115,279,387.63
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Interest receivable
(1). Classification of interest receivable
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Significant overdue interest
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
                                             111   / 213
                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). The situation of bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Not applicable
In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

(6). Interest receivable actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Important interest receivable written off among them
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation of writing-off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Dividends receivable
(1). Dividend receivable
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Important dividend receivable with an account aging longer than 1 year
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). The situation of bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Not applicable
In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
                                             112   / 213
                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

(6). Dividends receivable actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Important dividend receivables written off among them
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation of writing-off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other receivables
(1). Disclosure based on account aging
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
         Account aging                 Closing book balance               Opening book balance
Within 1 year
Including: sub-items
Within 1 year                                         96,390,810.91                       51,791,601.59
Within 1 year                                         96,390,810.91                       51,791,601.59
1 to 2 years                                           5,268,169.86                       41,019,455.29
2 to 3 years                                           1,368,236.00                        5,014,989.22
Over 3 years                                          22,620,082.18                       21,509,679.17
Bad debt provision for other                          -4,040,771.55                       -4,056,337.64
             Total                                   121,606,527.40                      115,279,387.63

(2). Classification based on the nature of accounts
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
     Nature of receivable              Closing book balance               Opening book balance
Withholdings and deposits                       116,138,182.11                     107,984,533.23
Receivables from export tax                        7,823,624.70                      9,508,128.96
Reserve                                                1,685,492.14                        1,843,063.08
            Total                                    125,647,298.95                      119,335,725.27

(3). Bad debt provision
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                 Stage 1            Stage 2              Stage 3
                                                Expected credit      Expected credit
                           Expected credit
                                               loss in the entire   loss in the entire
   Bad debt provision        loss in the                                                      Total
                                                duration (credit     duration (credit
                             coming 12
                                                 has not been           has been
                                                   impaired)            impaired)
Balance as of January 1,
                               4,056,337.64                                                4,056,337.64
                                               113   / 213
                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Provision made in the
                                47,536.69                                               47,536.69
current period
Current reversal                63,102.78                                               63,102.78
Balance as of June 30,
                             4,040,771.55                                            4,040,771.55
Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

Significant changes in the book balance of other receivables with changes in loss provisions:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Basis for the bad debt provision made in the current period and for assessing whether the credit
risk of financial instruments has increased significantly:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Provisions for bad debts
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                       Amount of change during
                                                          the current period
        Category             Opening balance                                       Closing balance
                                                                    Recovery or
Bad debt provision for            4,056,337.64         47,536.69       63,102.78     4,040,771.55
other receivables
          Total                   4,056,337.64          47,536.69     63,102.78      4,040,771.55

In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other statements

(5). Other receivables actually written off during the current period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Of which, important write-offs of other receivables:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Notes on the write-off of other receivables:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(6). The five largest other accounts receivable aggregated by debtor at the end of the
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                       Weight in the total
                                                                                    balance of
                             Closing   closing balance of   Nature of   Account
  Debtor                                                                             bad debt
                             balance    other receivables  receivable    aging

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                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

Yiwu Taxation Bureau, State                                                   Export tax     Within 1
                                        7,823,624.70                     6.23                                    -
Administration of Taxation                                                    rebate         year
Yiwu Junhuhui Entertainment Co.,                                              Transactions
                                                                                             Within 1
Ltd                                     6,212,477.30                     4.94 between                            -
                                                                                Advance      Within 1
INTERCAMBIO ENTRE YIWU Y                5,572,630.27                     4.44                                    -
                                                                                payment      year
Yiwu Weiniuke Trading Co., Ltd                                                Advance        Within 1
                                        3,898,300.00                     3.10                                    -
                                                                              payment        year
Yiwu Shengran Trading Co., Ltd.                                               Advance        Within 1
                                        3,616,300.00                     2.88                                    -
                                                                              payment        year
              Total                    27,123,332.27                    21.59      /               /             -

           (7). Reported as other receivables due to centralized fund management
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Other notes:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           10. Inventories
           (1). Inventories classification
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                    Closing balance                        Opening balance
                                      Provision for                          Provision for
                                       inventory                              inventory
                                    depreciation/pr                         depreciation/pr
                  Item     Book        ovision for                 Book       ovision for
                                                      Book value                             Book value
                          balance    impairment of                balance   impairment of
                                        contract                               contract
                                      performance                            performance
                                          cost                                   cost
           Raw           209,465.68                 - 209,465.68 159,406.39                - 159,406.39
           Finished      254,186,01                 - 254,186,01 162,423,27                      - 162,423,27
           goods                5.31                         5.31        8.28                             8.28
           Work-in-pro   3,577,734.0                - 3,577,734.0 4,042,462.1                    - 4,042,462.1
           gress                   0                            0           8                                8
           Developme     629,034,89 28,303,338.06 600,731,55 67,478,414. 28,303,338.06 39,175,076.
           nt cost              1.04                      2.98          27                        21
           Developme     1,038,323,1             - 1,038,323,1 1,041,444,1             - 1,041,444,1
           nt products         84.56                     84.56       57.85                     57.85
               Total     1,925,331,2 28,303,338.06 1,897,027,9 1,275,547,7 28,303,338.06 1,247,244,3
                               90.59                     52.53       18.97                     80.91

           (2). Data resources confirmed as inventory
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           (3).   Provision for inventory depreciation/provision for impairment of contract
               performance cost
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                         115   / 213
                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                    Increase in the             Decrease in the
                                                     current period              current period
                 Item         Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                                                  Reversal or
          Development           28,303,338.06                              -                    -      28,303,338.06
               Total            28,303,338.06                              -                      -    28,303,338.06

          The reason for the reversing or charging off provision for inventory depreciation in this period
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          Provision for inventory depreciationon on a grouping basis
          □ Applicable √Not applicable
          Provision standards for provision for inventory depreciation on a grouping basis
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          (4).   The capitalized amount of borrowing costs contained in the closing balance of
              inventory and its calculation criteria and basis
          √Applicable □Not applicable
              As of June 30, 2024, the inventory with a book value of RMB 45,315,858.73 (December 31,
          2023: RMB 35,797,443.87) was formed by capitalization of borrowing costs. In January-June
          2024, the capitalized amount of inventory borrowing costs for the Group was RMB 9,518,414.86
          (2023: RMB 0.00), and the cumulative capitalized amount of borrowing costs was RMB
          45,315,858.73 (2023: RMB 35,797,443.87)

          (5).    Explanation of amortization amount of contract performance cost in the current
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

           Other notes:
           √Applicable □Not applicable
           Inventories-Development Cost                                                                Unit: RMB
             Item                  Opening         Increase in the             Decrease in the        Closing balance
                                   balance          current period              current period
Haicheng        Phase      I
                                67,478,414.27                          -                      -            67,478,414.27
Business Street
Global Digital Trade Center
                                            -      526,841,761.92                             -          526,841,761.92
Phase II sellable projects
Global Digital Trade Center
Super              High-rise
                                            -       34,714,714.85                             -            34,714,714.85
Commercial Office Building
Total                           67,478,414.27      561,556,476.77                             -          629,034,891.04

          Inventories-Developed Products                                                                Unit: RMB
           Item              Opening balance         Increase in the            Decrease in the          Closing balance
                                                      current period             current period
Haicheng      Phase       I
                                 915,706,130.79                            -                      -         915,706,130.79
Business Street
Haicheng      Phase      II
                                 125,738,027.06           579,705.43                3,700,678.72            122,617,053.77
Business Street
Total                          1,041,444,157.85           579,705.43                3,700,678.72          1,038,323,184.56

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       11. Held-for-sale assets
       □ Applicable √Not applicable

       12. Non-current assets due within one year
       □ Applicable √Not applicable
       Debt investments due within one year
       □ Applicable √Not applicable

       Other debt investments due within one year
       □ Applicable √Not applicable

       Other statement for non-current assets due within one year

       13. Other current assets
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                        Closing balance                        Opening balance
      Payment business reserve                           399,764,547.68                         313,869,496.74
      To-be-deducted input tax                           399,219,355.16                         326,795,702.79
      Advance income tax                                   17,203,738.80                         17,252,758.70
      To-be-certified input tax                            16,404,029.61                          5,662,735.21
      Entrusted loans to the market                         1,627,445.27                          1,737,479.42
      Less: bad debt provision for                                   -185,500.00                     -185,500.00
      entrusted loans
                     Total                                    834,033,616.52                     665,132,672.86
        Other notes:

       14. Debt investments
       (1). Debt investments
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                               Closing balance                                         Opening balance
     Item                        Impairment                                              Impairment
                 Book balance                  Book value                 Book balance                    Book value
                                  provision                                               provision
Entrusted        48,066,000.00              - 48,066,000.00               48,073,333.34             - 48,073,333.34
     Total       48,066,000.00                -   48,066,000.00           48,073,333.34                -    48,073,333.34

       Changes in provision for impairment of debt investments in this period
       □ Applicable √Not applicable
       (2). Important debt investment at the end of the period
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                              Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                     Actua                                                 Actua
                                                        Overd                                               Overd
        Item                 Coup       l     Maturi                               Coup       l    Maturi
                                                          ue                                                  ue
                Face value    on     intere     ty                    Face value    on     intere    ty
                                                        princip                                             princip
                             rate      st      date                                rate      st     date
                                                           al                                                  al
                                      rate                                                  rate

                                                       117   / 213
                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                      Dec                                               Dec
Trade     48,000,000                                         48,000,000
                       5.5%   5.5%    19,               -                 5.5%   5.5%   19,    -
City             .00                                                .00
                                      2024                                              2024
ed loan
          48,000,000    /        /      /               -    48,000,000    /      /       /    -
                 .00                                                .00

(3). Provision for impairment
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Segmentation basis and provision ratio for impairment in each stage:

Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of debt investments with changes in loss
provisions in this period:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Amount of impairment provision for the current period and the basis for assessing whether there
is significant increase in the credit risk of financial instruments:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Debt investments actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Important debt investments written off among them
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Description of debt investments written off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

15. Other debt investments
(1). Other debt investments
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Changes in provision for impairment of other debt investments in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2). Other significant debt investments at the end of the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Provision for impairment
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Other debt investments actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Important other debt investments written off among them
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Description of other debt investments written off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             16. Long-term receivables
             (1). Long-term receivables
             √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                            Closing balance                                 Opening balance               Range of
     Item                      Bad debt                                        Bad debt                   discount
                 Book balance              Book value            Book balance              Book value
                               provision                                       provision                    rate
                  7,187,997.99           -    7,187,997.99         7,270,907.13       -     7,270,907.13 2.78%-7.55%
                284,698,048.35           - 284,698,048.35 270,755,772.12              - 270,755,772.12 0.00%-6.74%
receivable from
joint ventures
       Total    291,886,046.34           - 291,886,046.34 278,026,679.25              - 278,026,679.25       /

             (2). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
             □ Applicable √Not applicable
             Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             (3). The situation of bad debt provision
             □ Applicable √Not applicable
             In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Other notes:

             (4). Actual long-term accounts receivable written off in this period
             □ Applicable √Not applicable
             Important long-term accounts receivable written off among them
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Explanation of writing-off:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Other notes:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

         17. Long-term equity investment
         (1). Long term equity investment situation
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Change in the current period
                                                                                                       Investment gains Adjustment                                                       Closing
                                                                                                            or losses         of other         Declared a                              balance of
                  Investee                       Opening balance      Additional         Decrease in                                                              Closing balance
                                                                                                        recognized with     comprehen         cash dividend                           impairment
                                                                     investment          investment
                                                                                                           the equity           sive             or profit                              provision
                                                                                                             method           income
1. Joint ventures
Yiwu Shanglv                                       435,929,928.58                  -                     -       23,714,674.25            -                   -     459,644,602.83               -
Yiwu Rongshang Property Co., Ltd.                   65,650,697.03                  -                     -              180.99            -                   -      65,650,878.02               -
Yiwu Chuangcheng Property                           27,685,633.41                  -                     -          565,950.74            -                   -      28,251,584.15               -
Yiwu Guoshen Shangbo Property Co., Ltd.            927,219,681.28                  -                     -        1,279,075.67            -                   -     928,498,756.95               -
Others                                              33,956,893.18                  -                     -         -811,605.27            -                   -      33,145,287.91    3,327,216.16
Sub-total                                        1,490,442,833.48                  -                     -       24,748,276.38            -                   -   1,515,191,109.86    3,327,216.16
2. Associates
Huishang Micro-finance                              78,587,936.11                  -                     -          668,603.28            -                   -     79,256,539.39                   -
Huishang Zijing                                     66,800,947.43                  -                     -       -6,620,081.78            -                   -     60,180,865.65                   -
Chouzhou Financial Lease                           574,958,766.29                  -                     -       54,021,989.23            -                   -    628,980,755.52                   -
Yiwu China Commodities City Investment
                                                     9,508,049.22                  -                     -                   -            -                   -       9,508,049.22    9,508,049.22
Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Fuxing
                                                   102,918,559.00                  -                     -                   -            -                   -    102,918,559.00                   -
Investment Center (Limited Partnership)
Pujiang Lvgu Property Co., Ltd.                    349,641,685.10                  -                     -       46,319,683.10            -                   -    395,961,368.20                   -
Yiwu China Commodities City Property
                                                 3,122,444,390.10                  -                     -       -5,218,340.42            -                   -   3,117,226,049.68                  -
Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Hongyi Equity Investment Fund Partnership
(limited partnership)
                                                   904,833,747.27                  -    165,250,000.00           11,642,391.12            -   34,750,000.00        716,476,138.39                   -
Zhijie Yuangang                                    131,982,044.17                  -                     -       -5,687,009.55            -                   -    126,295,034.62                   -
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Phase II Investment
Partnership (limited partnership)
                                                   138,367,322.19                  -       5,000,000.00             66,458.61             -                   -    133,433,780.80                   -
Others                                              65,128,491.27   22,459,100.00                    -       -21,593,218.45      217,103.05               -          66,211,475.87               -
Sub-total                                        5,545,171,938.15   22,459,100.00       170,250,000.00        73,600,475.14      217,103.05   34,750,000.00       5,436,448,616.34    9,508,049.22
                    Total                        7,035,614,771.63   22,459,100.00       170,250,000.00        98,348,751.52      217,103.05   34,750,000.00       6,951,639,726.20   12,835,265.38

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                                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

(2). Impairment testing of long-term equity investments
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other statements
    Provision for impairment of long-term equity investment:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
        Investee                                                Opening balance               Increase in       Decrease in the     Closing balance
                                                                                              the current        current period
        Yiwu   China Commodities          City    Investment
                                                                      9,508,049.22                          -                 -         9,508,049.22
        Management Co., Ltd. [Note 1]
        Others                                                        3,327,216.16                          -                 -         3,327,216.16
        Total                                                        12,835,265.38                          -                 -        12,835,265.38
    Note 1: In 2017, the Group’s wholly-owned subsidiary Yiwu China Commodities City Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. (“CCCF”) and Shanghai Fuxing
Industry Group Co., Ltd. (“Fuxing Group”) jointly established an industry fund Yiwu China Commodities City Fuxing Investment Center (Limited
Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as the “FOF”). The FOF as a limited partner invested in 12 sub-funds including Yiwu Shangfu Chuangzhi
Investment Center (Limited Partnership) (“Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund”).
    CCCF, as a limited partner, subscribed RMB 998 million in the FOF, accounting for 49.9% of the subscribed capital. The paid-in capital was RMB
102.92 million, and there is no deadline for the payment for the unpaid capital contribution. The other limited partner of the FOF is Fuxing. CCCF also
contributed RMB 9.8 million, as the general partner of the above-mentioned FOF and sub-funds, with a shareholding ratio of 49%, to jointly establish
Yiwu China Commodity City Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “CCCIM” with Fuxing. The FoF and CCCIM are both under
the control of Fuxing and are associates of CCCF.
    As a limited partner of Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund, CCCF has subscribed and paid in a capital contribution of RMB 617.51 million. Since the capital
contribution was guaranteed by Fuxing's fixed income, it was recognized as other non-current financial assets. The above paid-in capital contribution
made by CCCF to the FoF has been contributed to Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund together with the capital contribution of Fuxing to the FoF through the
FoF as a limited partner. With the capital contribution from the FoF as a limited partner and CCCF’s capital contribution to Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund as

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                                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

a limited partner, Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund made capital contribution of RMB 820.54 million to subscribe for the increase in the registered capital of
Hubei Provincial Asset Management Co., Ltd. to acquire 22.667% equity therein.
    In 2018, CCCF learned during its after-investment follow-up management that Fuxing and its actual controller ZHU Yidong were suspected of
having committed a criminal offense and the 22.667% equity held by Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund in Hubei Provincial Asset Management Co., Ltd. was
frozen by the Public Security Bureau of Shanghai due to Fuxing’s contribution to the sources of the capital contribution. The Group believes that, on
June 30, 2024, the Group’s investment in the FOF and Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund was non-related to Fuxing’s investment, and there was no indication
of impairment of the underlying assets. Although they were still frozen, that had no impact on the Group’s equity. Therefore, there was no impairment.
However, for the equity investment in CCCIM, a full impairment provision has been made since 2018.

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18. Other equity instrument investments
(1).Investments in other equity instruments
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                          Change in the current period                                                                 Reason for
                                                              Losses                                                                 designing it as
                                      Gains recognized                                             Dividend              gains
                                                           recognized in                                                               measured at
                        Opening            in other                                Closing          income           recognized in
      Item                                                     other                                                                    fair value
                        balance        comprehensive                               balance      recognized in            other
                                                          comprehensive                                                               through other
                                       income for this                                            this period       comprehensive
                                                          income for the                                                             comprehensive
                                            period                                                                      income
                                                           current period                                                                income
Hongyuan Group       556,897,379.17                   -     1,254,273.38       555,643,105.79                   -     1,513,256.09   Non-trading
Co., Ltd.
      Total          556,897,379.17                   -     1,254,273.38       555,643,105.79                   -     1,513,256.09   /

(2).Description of termination of recognition in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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19. Other non-current financial assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
               Item                          Closing balance                 Opening balance
PE investment                                   1,272,744,910.29                1,222,483,421.12
Unlisted equity investment                        182,432,741.89                  161,914,541.90
New OTC Market equity investment                   37,171,941.15                   37,171,941.17
                 Total                          1,492,349,593.33                1,421,569,904.19
Other notes:

20. Investment properties
Measurement models of investment properties
(1). Investment properties measured at cost
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                   Buildings and
             Item                                           Land use right           Total
I. Original book value
     1. Opening balance            4,512,941,362.63     441,780,232.93          4,954,721,595.56
     2. Increase in the current                   -                  -                         -
     (1) Purchased                                -                  -                         -
     3. Decrease in the current                   -                  -                         -
     (1) Disposal                                 -                  -                         -
      4. Closing balance           4,512,941,362.63     441,780,232.93          4,954,721,595.56
II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortization
      1. Opening balance             706,382,061.59     104,130,168.40            810,512,229.99
      2. Increase in the current      83,250,364.94       5,665,363.11             88,915,728.05
     (1) Provision or amortization    83,250,364.94       5,665,363.11             88,915,728.05
      3. Decrease in the current                  -                  -                         -
     (1) Disposal                                 -                  -                         -
      4. Closing balance             789,632,426.53     109,795,531.51            899,427,958.04
III. Depreciation provision
      1. Opening balance                          -                  -                         -
      4. Closing balance                          -                  -                         -
IV. Book value
     1. Closing book value         3,723,308,936.10     331,984,701.42          4,055,293,637.52
     2. Opening book value         3,806,559,301.04     337,650,064.53          4,144,209,365.57

(2).   Investment properties for which property ownership certificates have not been
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Impairment testing of investment properties measured at cost
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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       21. Fixed assets
       Presentation of items
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                      Item                          Closing balance                  Opening balance
       Fixed assets                                     4,779,247,066.98                 4,940,523,363.51
                      Total                             4,779,247,066.98                 4,940,523,363.51
       Other notes:

       Fixed assets
       (1). Overview of fixed assets
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                               Buildings and               Machinery          Transportation
           Item                                                                                         Total
                                structures                 equipment            equipment
I. Original book value:
      1. Opening balance       7,913,881,415.11       4,034,531,447.24        10,150,315.37        11,958,563,177.72
      2. Increase in the
                                   1,255,669.90             25,220,263.28                      -      26,475,933.18
current period
         (1) Purchase              1,255,669.90             25,220,263.28                      -      26,475,933.18
       3. Decrease in the
                                                -            1,785,041.89                      -        1,785,041.89
current period
         (1) Disposal or
                                                -            1,785,041.89                      -        1,785,041.89
      4. Closing balance       7,915,137,085.01       4,057,966,668.63        10,150,315.37        11,983,254,069.01
II. Accumulated depreciation
      1. Opening balance       3,269,495,712.70       3,269,131,025.42          8,249,608.24        6,546,876,346.36
      2. Increase in the
                                148,972,351.30              38,341,324.73        367,200.90          187,680,876.93
current period
         (1) Provision          148,972,351.30              38,341,324.73        367,200.90          187,680,876.93
      3. Decrease in the
                                                -            1,713,689.11                      -        1,713,689.11
current period
         (1) Disposal or
                                                -            1,713,689.11                      -        1,713,689.11
      4. Closing balance       3,418,468,064.00       3,305,758,661.04          8,616,809.14        6,732,843,534.18
III. Depreciation provision
      1. Opening balance        471,163,467.85                            -                    -     471,163,467.85
      4. Closing balance        471,163,467.85                            -                    -     471,163,467.85
IV. Book value
      1. Closing book value    4,025,505,553.16            752,208,007.59       1,533,506.23        4,779,247,066.98
      2. Opening book value    4,173,222,234.56            765,400,421.82       1,900,707.13        4,940,523,363.51

       (2). Temporarily idle fixed assets
       □ Applicable √Not applicable

       (3). Fixed assets leased out through operating lease
       □ Applicable √Not applicable

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(4). Fixed assets for which the ownership certificates have not been obtained
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                     Reasons for having not
            Item                          Book value                 obtained the ownership
Liaoning Xiliu Yiwu China                     229,676,129.09      Completion settlement not
Commodity City                                                    completed
Huangyuan Clothing Market                     223,860,329.85      Completion settlement not
CCC Hotel                                         47,359,583.83   Completion settlement not
Total                                         500,896,042.77

(5). Impairment testing of fixed assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Fixed asset liquidation
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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22. Construction in progress
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Item                                         Closing balance                                   Opening balance
Construction in progress                                                         4,383,862,731.01                                  3,955,959,200.32
                       Total                                                     4,383,862,731.01                                  3,955,959,200.32
Other notes:

Construction in progress
(1). Overview of construction in progress
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                  Closing balance                                                Opening balance
             Item                                   Impairment                                                     Impairment
                                Book balance                                  Book value       Book balance                              Book value
                                                        provision                                                     provision
The Yiwu Comprehensive
                               1,261,434,839.25                     - 1,261,434,839.25        1,221,353,672.38                     -   1,221,353,672.38
Bonded Zone Project
Global Digital Free Trade
                                 840,760,959.78                     -     840,760,959.78       753,285,037.73                      -    753,285,037.73
Logistics Park S3                791,916,664.08                     -     791,916,664.08       646,823,075.05                      -    646,823,075.05
Yiwu International Digital
                                 694,972,397.57                     -     694,972,397.57       630,797,491.91                      -    630,797,491.91
Logistics Market
Logistics Park S2                660,644,123.83                     -     660,644,123.83       580,571,402.07                      -    580,571,402.07
The Chian West Sea tourism
                                  71,217,757.44                     -         71,217,757.44     70,693,880.52                      -     70,693,880.52
Liaoning Xiliu Yiwu China
Commodities City Commerce         32,290,506.33     -4,635,059.96             27,655,446.37     32,290,506.33       -4,635,059.96        27,655,446.37
Phase I Project—Hotel Project
The Zhimei Dachen tourism
                                  27,798,801.17                     -         27,798,801.17     24,438,877.36                      -     24,438,877.36
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                                                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

          Other projects                   7,461,741.52                         -     7,461,741.52                        340,316.93                   -         340,316.93
                      Total            4,388,497,790.97             -4,635,059.96 4,383,862,731.01                  3,960,594,260.28       -4,635,059.96   3,955,959,200.32

          (2). Changes to important construction in progress during the current period
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB10,000
                                                                  Other                                                        Including:
                                                                                             Ratio of                                         Interest
                                                Increase       reduction                                                       capitalized
                                                                                          accumulated             Accumulated              capitalization
                                    Opening       in the        amount         Closing                Progress of              interest in
        Item            Budget                                                             investment              capitalized              ratio for the   Source of funds
                                    balance      current         for the       balance                  project                    the
                                                                                            to budget               interest                  current
                                                 period         current                                                          current
                                                                                               (%)                                           period (%)
                                                                 period                                                          period
Liaoning Xiliu Yiwu
China Commodities
City Commerce
Phase I
                       180,000.00    3,229.05              -               -   3,229.05                96.32 Shutdown           154.61            -            / Self-owned/financing
The Zhimei
Dachen tourism           6,000.00    2,443.89     335.99                   -   2,779.88                97.30                           -          -            / Self-owned
The Chian West
Sea tourism              8,000.00    7,069.39      52.39                   -   7,121.78                89.02                           -          -            / Self-owned
The Yiwu                                                                                                     Under
Comprehensive Bonded   624,250.00 122,135.37 4,008.12                      - 126,143.49                47.51                  6,046.39     1,784.08        2.93 Self-owned/financing
Zone Project                                                                                                 construction
Global Digital Free                                                                                          Under
                       832,082.00   75,328.50 8,747.59                     - 84,076.09                 10.10                  1,843.23     1,000.80        2.93 Self-owned/financing
Trade Center                                                                                                 construction
Logistics Park S2      108,000.00   58,057.14 8,007.27                     - 66,064.41                 61.17                  1,631.66      737.82         2.93 Self-owned/financing
Logistics Park S3      132,000.00   64,682.31 14,509.36                    - 79,191.67                 59.99                  1,850.45      567.52         2.93 Self-owned/financing
Yiwu International
Digital Logistics      113,600.00   63,079.75 6,417.49                     - 69,497.24                 61.18                  1,222.35      466.55         2.93 Self-owned/financing
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                                                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Other projects                   -        34.03   712.14         -     746.17                 /                           -          -       / Self-owned
      Total         2,003,932.00 396,059.43 42,790.35            - 438,849.78          /               /          12,748.69   4,556.77   /             /

         (3). Provision for impairment of construction in progress in this period
         □ Applicable √Not applicable
         (4). Impairment testing of construction in progress
         □ Applicable √Not applicable

         Other statements
         □ Applicable √Not applicable

         Engineering materials
         □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

23. Productive biological assets
(1). Productive biological assets measured at cost
□ Applicable√Not applicable
(2). Impairment testing of productive biological assets measured at cost
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3). Productive biological assets measured at fair value
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

24. Oil and gas assets
(1). Situation of oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Impairment testing of oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
25. Right-of-use assets
(1). Situation of right-of-use assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                 Buildings and
           Item                                                   Land                Total
I. Original book value
      1. Opening balance          156,539,430.45                 125,879,033.69   282,418,464.14
      4. Closing balance          156,539,430.45                 125,879,033.69   282,418,464.14
II. Accumulated depreciation
      1. Opening balance            84,334,532.18                 17,210,098.12   101,544,630.30
      2. Increase in the             8,236,521.95                  3,291,061.29    11,527,583.24
current period
         (1) Provision               8,236,521.95                  3,291,061.29    11,527,583.24
      4. Closing balance            92,571,054.13                 20,501,159.41   113,072,213.54
III. Depreciation provision
      1. Opening balance                             -                        -                -
      4. Closing balance                             -                        -                -
IV. Book value
1. Closing book value               63,968,376.32                105,377,874.28   169,346,250.60
2. Opening book value               72,204,898.27                108,668,935.57   180,873,833.84

(2). Impairment testing of right-of-use assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

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         26. Intangible assets
         (1). Intangible assets
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                       Software and
           Item                 Land use right                                 Data resources        Total
                                                     software copyright
I. Original book value
1. Opening balance             8,065,716,144.56          213,192,305.09                     -   8,278,908,449.65
      2. Increase in the          96,717,000.00            9,886,921.27          8,724,238.82     115,328,160.09
current period
         (1) Purchase             96,717,000.00               157,461.24                    -      96,874,461.24
         (2) Internal R&D                     -             9,729,460.03         8,724,238.82      18,453,698.85
3. Decrease in the current                    -                        -                    -                  -
         (1) Disposal                         -                       -                     -                  -
4. Closing balance             8,162,433,144.56          223,079,226.36          8,724,238.82   8,394,236,609.74
II. Accumulated amortization
      1. Opening balance       1,995,851,982.75            44,671,964.94                    -   2,040,523,947.69
      2. Increase in the         100,699,225.03             8,229,168.87           279,175.64     109,207,569.54
current period
         (1) Provision           100,699,225.03             8,229,168.87           279,175.64    109,207,569.54
      3. Decrease in the                      -                        -                    -                 -
current period
         (1) Disposal                         -                        -                    -                  -
      4. Closing balance       2,096,551,207.78            52,901,133.81           279,175.64   2,149,731,517.23
III. Depreciation provision
      1. Opening balance                         -                         -                -                  -
      4. Closing balance                         -                         -                -                  -
IV. Book value
1. Closing book value          6,065,881,936.78          170,178,092.55          8,445,063.18   6,244,505,092.51
2. Opening book value          6,069,864,161.81          168,520,340.15                     -   6,238,384,501.96

         At the end of the period, the proportion of intangible assets formed through internal research
         and development of the Company in the balance of intangible assets was 1.32%

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(2). Data resources confirmed as intangible assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                             Self-developed data
                Item                                                                   Total
                                        resources as intangible assets
I. Original book value
1. Opening balance                                                     -                            -
2. Increase in the current period                           8,724,238.82                 8,724,238.82
Including: Purchased                                                   -                            -
       Internally developed                                 8,724,238.82                 8,724,238.82
3. Decrease in the current period                                      -                            -
4. Closing balance                                          8,724,238.82                 8,724,238.82
II. Accumulated amortization
1. Opening balance                                                     -                           -
2. Increase in the current period                             279,175.64                  279,175.64
4. Closing balance                                            279,175.64                  279,175.64
III. Depreciation provision
1. Opening balance                                                      -                           -
4. Closing balance                                                      -                           -
IV. Book value
1. Closing book value                                       8,445,063.18                 8,445,063.18
2. Opening book value                                                  -                            -

Other notes:

(3). Fixed assets for which the land use certificate have not been obtained
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(4). Impairment testing of intangible assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

27. Goodwill
(1). Original book value of goodwill
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                    Decrease in
                                              Increase in the
  The name of the                                                   the current
                                               current period
  invested unit or          Opening                                   period
                                                                                      Closing balance
  matters forming           balance             Formed by a
      goodwill                                   business            Disposal
Xunchi Group            284,916,367.87                          -                 -   284,916,367.87
        Total           284,916,367.87                          -                 -   284,916,367.87

(2). Provision for impairment of goodwill
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

(3).   Relevant information on the asset group or group of asset groups where goodwill
    is located
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                    Operating    Whether it
                                                                   segment to        was
                 The composition of the asset group or group of
   Name                                                              which it     consistent
                    asset groups to which it belongs and basis
                                                                   belongs and     with the
                                                                       basis    previous year
               It is composed of Kuaijietong Payment Services
               Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Zhejiang Xunchi Digital
                                                                  For internal
               Technology Co., Ltd. Since the synergistic effect
               of the acquisition of Xunchi Group is reflected in
Kuaijietong the Kuaijietong's subsidiaries, the main cash flow
                                                                  this group of
asset          generated by the Kuaijietong's subsidiaries is                        Yes
                                                                  asset groups
group          independent of other subsidiaries of the Group,
                                                                  belongs to
               and the Group manages the production activities
               of the Kuaijietong's subsidiaries independently,
               so the goodwill is allocated to the Kuaijietong
               asset group.

Changes in asset groups or groups of asset groups
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
√Applicable □Not applicable
     In July 2022, the Group acquired 100% equity of Zhejiang Xunchi Digital Technology Co.,
Ltd. and Kuaijietong Payment Services Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Xunchi
Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Xunchi Group"), resulting in a goodwill of RMB

(4). The specific method for determining the recoverable amount
The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount after deducting disposal
expenses from fair value
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined based on the present value of expected future cash
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Reasons for significant discrepancies between the aforementioned information and the
information used in previous year's impairment testing or external information
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Reasons for significant discrepancies between the information used in the Company's previous
year’s impairment testing and the actual situation of that year
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). Performance commitments and corresponding impairment of goodwill
When goodwill is formed, there is a performance commitment and the reporting period or the
previous period in the reporting period is within the performance commitment period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

28. Long-term deferred expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                Opening         Increase in         Amortized        Other
   Item                                                                        Closing balance
                balance         the current        amount in the   reduction
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                                          Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                          period           current period        amount
         buildings    308,876,621.58   1,721,106.20         53,858,871.02                 -   256,738,856.76
                       21,155,429.06      35,398.23              4,443,821.32             -    16,747,005.97
             Total    330,032,050.64   1,756,504.43         58,302,692.34                 -   273,485,862.73
         Other notes:

         29. Deferred income tax assets/ deferred income tax liabilities
         (1). Deferred income tax assets having not been offset
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                          Closing balance                               Opening balance
             Item                 Deductible        Deferred income              Deductible      Deferred income
                                  temporary               tax                    temporary              tax
                                  difference            assets                   difference           assets
Provision for impairment of
                                  18,342,152.04           4,585,538.01           18,917,033.18         4,729,258.30
Unrealized profits of internal
                                   1,051,115.67              262,778.92           1,051,115.67          262,778.92
Deductible losses                 27,193,584.84           6,798,396.21           26,986,391.85         6,746,597.98
Recognized but unpaid
                                 119,357,082.99          29,839,270.75          178,820,383.73       44,705,095.94
Overspent advertising cost        18,679,540.24           4,669,885.06           15,934,608.52        3,983,652.13
Lease liabilities                122,035,355.81          30,508,838.95          124,053,478.91       31,013,369.72
Asset-related government
                                  79,879,800.00          19,969,950.00           79,879,800.00       19,969,950.00
Changes in fair value of other
                                 120,296,259.64          30,074,064.91          118,020,122.13       29,505,030.53
non-current financial assets
Changes in fair value of
held-for-trading financial                     -                         -        2,276,137.50          569,034.38
              Total              506,834,891.23       126,708,722.81            565,939,071.49      141,484,767.90

         (2). Deferred income tax liabilities having not been offset
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                          Closing balance                               Opening balance
             Item                  Taxable                                        Taxable
                                                    Deferred income                              Deferred income
                                  temporary                                      temporary
                                                      tax liabilities                              tax liabilities
                                  difference                                     difference
Asset evaluation appreciation
for business combinations not     18,953,209.16           4,738,302.29           22,521,198.48         5,630,299.60
under common control
Change in fair value of other
                                   2,017,674.80              504,418.70           3,271,948.17          817,987.04
equity instruments investment
Changes in the fair value of
other non-current financial      310,386,559.32          77,596,639.83          310,386,559.36       77,596,639.84

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                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

Right-of-use assets                100,718,234.96           25,179,558.74         104,511,421.24             26,127,855.31
            Total                  432,075,678.24          108,018,919.56         440,691,127.25            110,172,781.79

        (3). Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented as net amount after offsetting
        √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                              Offset amount
                                                            Closing                                     Opening
                                        Deferred                                  between
                                                          balance of                                  balance of
                                      income tax                                  deferred
                                                            deferred                                    deferred
                                      assets and                                income tax
                  Item                                    income tax                                  income tax
                                   liabilities offset                           assets and
                                                           assets or                                   assets or
                                     at the end of                           liabilities at the
                                                        liabilities after                           liabilities after
                                       the period                              beginning of
                                                           offsetting                                  offsetting
                                                                                 the period
        Deferred income tax        25,179,558.74        101,529,164.07         26,127,855.31       115,356,912.59
        Deferred income tax        25,179,558.74         82,839,360.82        26,127,855.31         84,044,926.48

        (4). Details of unconfirmed deferred tax assets
        √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                    Item                          Closing balance                       Opening balance
        Deductible temporary                             482,627,092.06                        462,360,964.70
        Deductible losses                                 826,067,540.48                            933,593,373.14
                    Total                               1,308,694,632.54                          1,395,954,337.84

        (5).   The deductible losses of unconfirmed deferred tax assets will expire in the
            following year
        √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                Year              Closing amount     Opening amount        REMARKS
        2024                                       -    160,812,048.37
        2025                          197,127,086.32    205,661,578.38
        2026                          208,744,327.07    227,475,259.53
        2027                          165,375,700.71    165,825,700.71
        2028                          152,256,135.84    173,818,786.15
        2029                          102,564,290.54                 -
                Total                 826,067,540.48    933,593,373.14         /

        Other notes:
        √Applicable □Not applicable
             The Group believes that the above temporary differences in fixed asset depreciation, asset
        impairment provisions, and deductible losses of some subsidiaries can be offset in the
        foreseeable future, and it is expected that the Group will have sufficient pre-tax profits to offset
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                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

     during the reversal period. Therefore, the Group deemed it necessary to recognize the above
     deferred income tax assets.

     30. Other non-current assets
     √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                             Closing balance                                             Opening balance
 Item                          Impairment                                                  Impairment
                Book balance                 Book value                     Book balance                   Book value
                                provision                                                   provision
          138,253,316.00                       -    138,253,316.00         138,253,316.00                    -    138,253,316.00
  Total   138,253,316.00                       -    138,253,316.00         138,253,316.00                    -    138,253,316.00
      Other notes:

     31. Assets with restricted ownership or usage rights
     √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                 Closing amount                                         Opening amount
                      Book       Book value  Restric         Restric         Book       Book value  Restric         Restric
        Item         balance                    tion           tion         balance                   tion            tion
                                                type         situatio                                type           situatio
                                                                 n                                                      n
                   16,594,295.   16,594,295.       Pledge    [Note        12,556,381.   12,556,381.   Pledge        [Note
                           29            29        d         2]                   42            42    d             2]
     Inventor      8,925,585.7   8,925,585.7                 [Note        8,925,585.7   8,925,585.7                 [Note
                                                   Seized                                             Seized
     ies                     7             7                 3]                     7             7                 3]
                   102,918,559   102,918,559                 [Note        102,918,559   102,918,559                 [Note
     equity                                        Frozen                                             Frozen
                           .00           .00                 4]                   .00           .00                 4]
                   631,520,588   631,520,588                 [Note        631,520,588   631,520,588                 [Note
     rent                                          Frozen                                             Frozen
                           .85           .85                 4]                   .85           .85                 4]
     l assets
                   399,764,547   399,764,547       Pledge    [Note        313,869,496   313,869,496   Pledge        [Note
                           .68           .68       d         5]                   .74           .74   d             5]
                   1,159,723,5   1,159,723,5                              1,069,790,6   1,069,790,6
        Total                                         /           /                                      /             /
                         76.59         76.59                                    11.78         11.78

     Other notes:
         Note 2: As of June 30, 2024, the ownership or use rights of bank deposits with a book value
        of RMB 6,888,542.08 (December 31, 2023: RMB 3,888,542.08) were restricted as a risk
        margin for express payment business. As of June 30, 2024, bank deposits with a book value

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

 of RMB 7,220,000.00 (December 31, 2023: RMB 7,220,000.00) were used as a performance
 bond for the civil defense project of the hotel plot of the Yiwu Global Digital Free Trade Center
 project. As of June 30, 2024, bank deposits with a book value of RMB 2,485,753.21
 (December 31, 2023: RMB 1,447,839.34) were used as special funds for S3 Logistics Park
 and Yidongbei Engineering Project, and the ownership or use rights were restricted.
    Note 3: As of June 30, 2024, inventory with a book value of RMB 8,925,585.77 (December
 31, 2023: RMB 8,925,585.77) was seized by the court due to litigation.
    Note 4: As of June 30, 2024, long-term equity investments with a book value of RMB
 102,918,559.00 (December 31, 2023: RMB 102,918,559.00) and other non-current financial
 assets with a book value of RMB 631,520,588.85 (December 31, 2023: RMB 621,447,424.37)
 were frozen by the Second Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai.
    Note 5: As of June 30, 2024, the payment business reserve fund with a book value of RMB
 399,764,547.68 (December 31, 2023: RMB 313,869,496.74) was established by the Company
 in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for Payment Services of Non-financial
 Institutions" and "Measures for the Custody of Customer Reserve Funds of Payment
 Institutions" Bank special deposit account. The scope of funds stored and received by the
 Company through the customer reserve account includes funds received from bank card
 acquiring business, third-party payment convenience service business, credit card repayment
 business, credit payment settlement business, and other part of the Company's business.

32. Short-term borrowings
(1). Classification of short-term borrowings
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
             Item                        Closing balance                Opening balance
Credit loans                                 1,351,119,861.12               1,619,804,888.91
             Total                           1,351,119,861.12               1,619,804,888.91
Note to the classification of short-term borrowings:

(2). Overdue short-term borrowings
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
√Applicable □Not applicable
     As of June 30, 2024, the annual interest rate of the above-mentioned loan was 2.85%
-3.75% (December 31, 2023: 2.95% -3.75%).

33. Held-for-trading financial liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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34. Derivative financial liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

35. Notes Payable
□ Applicable √Not applicable

36. Accounts payable
(1). Presentation of accounts payable
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
             Item                      Closing balance                 Opening balance
Accounts payable for                           723,773,900.73               1,158,111,539.96
market and auxiliary works
Accounts payable for                           363,270,622.04                  180,132,641.98
logistics park projects
Trade payables                                    33,523,711.13                 12,022,684.89
Accounts payable for                              31,436,663.10                 29,601,176.89
procurement for the hotel
Others                                          13,257,496.64                   10,386,805.55
             Total                           1,165,262,393.64                1,390,254,849.27

(2). Important accounts payable with an aging of over 1 year or overdue
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The accounts payable are free of interest and are generally paid within two months after
receipt of the payment notice or based on the project contracts and progress of projects. The
balance payments for the projects are made after completion of settlement.

37. Advance receipts
(1). Presentation of advance receipts
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
           Item                        Closing balance                 Opening balance
Advance receipts for rent                     200,663,041.24                  224,790,926.84
Advance receipts of                           159,508,936.00                  373,307,194.00
merchant payment
Others                                            1,716,059.74                   4,266,275.80
          Total                                 361,888,036.98                 602,364,396.64

(2). Significant advance receipts with more than one year of account aging
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). The amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
√Applicable □Not applicable

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                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

              Due to the fact that advances received mainly come from advance receipts of merchant
         payment and advance receipts for rent, with relatively small individual amounts, there were no
         single large advance receipts with an aging of more than 1 year as of June 30, 2024.

         38. Contract liabilities
         (1). Contract liabilities
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                      Item                       Closing balance                    Opening balance
         Advance receipts for use fee                  2,074,881,218.36                  3,034,398,081.66
         of shops
         Advance receipts for goods                     1,320,149,723.80                   820,058,121.03
         Advance receipts for                             225,874,136.31                   141,534,555.46
         advertising fee
         Advance receipts for use fee                         14,272,150.22                  16,677,298.52
         of networking cables
         Advance receipts for loyalty                          8,653,840.53                   9,350,894.14
         Advance receipts for                                  2,718,107.75                   5,090,581.43
         housing purchase
         Others                                            47,478,104.47                     39,470,433.49
                      Total                             3,694,027,281.44                  4,066,579,965.73

         (2). Significant contractual liabilities with an aging of over 1 year
         □ Applicable √Not applicable
         (3). The amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting
         □ Applicable √Not applicable
         Other notes:
         □ Applicable √Not applicable

         39. Employee compensation payable
         (1). Employee compensation payable
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                           Opening             Increase in the   Decrease in the
               Item                                                                                 Closing balance
                                            balance             current period    current period
I. Short-term compensation               148,095,620.61         149,939,393.71   280,252,616.64       17,782,397.68
II. Post employment benefits –              377,637.93          19,026,147.00     19,403,784.93                  -
defined contribution plan
III. Severance benefits                               -           1,489,922.83      1,489,922.83                  -
                Total                    148,473,258.54         170,455,463.54    301,146,324.40      17,782,397.68

         (2). List of short-term compensation
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                              Increase in the    Decrease in the
              Item                 Opening balance                                                  Closing balance
                                                               current period     current period
1. Salary, bonus, allowance and      147,806,727.99            108,739,134.21     239,260,702.08      17,285,160.12
2. Employee benefits                                -           12,060,825.36      12,060,825.36                  -
3. Social security contribution            167,642.26           11,320,564.21      11,488,206.47                  -
Including: contribution to                  80,149.81           10,795,907.38      10,876,057.19                  -
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                                              Semi-annual Report for 2024

medical insurance scheme
      Contribution to                      57,937.54                 500,135.98          558,073.52                  -
work-related injury insurance
      Contribution to maternity            29,554.91                  24,520.85           54,075.76                  -
insurance scheme
4. Housing provident fund                  82,804.00           13,180,360.00          13,263,164.00                 -
5. Contribution to trade union             38,446.36            4,638,509.93           4,179,718.73        497,237.56
fund and employee education
              Total                  148,095,620.61          149,939,393.71          280,252,616.64      17,782,397.68

         (3). List of defined contribution plans
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                          Opening        Increase in the          Decrease in the     Closing
                                          balance         current period           current period     balance
         1. Contribution to the           363,602.60       18,401,069.99            18,764,672.59             -
         basic endowment
         insurance scheme
         2. Contribution to the            14,035.33            625,077.01            639,112.34              -
         unemployment insurance
                   Total                  377,637.93         19,026,147.00         19,403,784.93              -

         Other notes:
         □ Applicable √Not applicable

         40. Taxes payable
         √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
         VAT                                               4,759,020.66                         12,041,528.84
         Corporate income tax                            288,646,508.24                        179,050,896.50
         Individual income tax                             2,927,670.03                          1,153,545.22
         Urban maintenance and                                66,045.87                             101,195.78
         construction tax
         Real estate tax                                  46,043,137.45                   86,296,272.76
         Land use tax                                     33,163,195.39                   67,659,355.62
         Others                                               438,997.73                   1,882,454.99
                       Total                             376,044,575.37                  348,185,249.71
         Other notes:
              As of June 30, 2024, the details of the main taxes prepaid by the Group are as follows:
         Currency: RMB
                        Item                       Qiantang         Occident Center     Total amount of
                                               Impression Real        Real Estate         prepaid tax
                                                Estate Project           Project
         Business tax                                 240,013.55                    -         240,013.55
         Urban       maintenance      and
                                                                -         731,793.32          731,793.32
         construction tax
         Land appreciation tax                                            247,373.48          247,373.48
         Education surcharge and local
                                                                -         522,709.51          522,709.51
         education surcharge
                        Total                         240,013.55        1,501,876.31       1,741,889.86

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

41. Other payables
(1). Presentation of items
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
             Item                          Closing balance            Opening balance
Dividend payable                                 608,684,665.60                          -
Other payables                                 1,679,405,527.45           1,862,720,723.00
Total                                          2,288,090,193.05           1,862,720,723.00

(2). Interest payable
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3). Dividends payable
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
             Item                      Closing balance                Opening balance
Common stock dividends                         608,684,665.60                               -
            Total                              608,684,665.60                               -
Other explanations, for important dividends payable that have not been paid for more than one
year, include disclosure of the reasons for non-payment:

(4). Other payables
Presentation of other payables by nature
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
             Item                     Closing balance                Opening balance
Pending investment refunds                   919,120,810.37                 977,172,602.34
Withholdings and deposits                    477,590,192.54                 490,913,484.14
Operating expenses payable                   241,603,327.27                 320,135,730.30
Restricted stock incentive                    40,264,267.55                  74,367,173.75
Others                                             826,929.72                    131,732.47
            Total                            1,679,405,527.45              1,862,720,723.00

Significant other payables with an aging of over 1 year or overdue
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

42. Held-for-sale liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

43. Non-current liabilities due within one year
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
           Item                       Closing balance                Opening balance
Long-term borrowings within                  187,391,704.59                  93,995,355.93
one year
Bonds payable due within 1                   1,564,653,921.09                 61,508,191.79
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Lease liabilities due within 1                 15,900,074.02            23,637,246.52
             Total                        1,767,945,699.70             179,140,794.24
Other notes:

44. Other current liabilities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                             Unit: RMB
             Item                    Closing balance             Opening balance
Short-term financing notes                 3,029,408,685.78          3,025,604,467.02
Payment business                               424,950,326.79          360,157,213.40
Deferred output tax liability                  120,478,684.35          124,426,245.96
Dividend payable to                              2,653,400.82            2,653,400.82
to-be-recognized accounts
Dividend announced but not                        2,083,112.65            2,083,112.65
collected before listing
             Total                          3,579,574,210.39          3,514,924,439.85

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          Changes in short-term bonds payable:
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                           Coupon                                                              Issue in the                                           Repayment in the                      Whethe
                   Face             Issuing   Bond       Issuing            Opening                                  accrued       Premium/discount
  Bond name                 rate                                                              current period                                           current period    Closing balance     it was
                   value              date    term       amount             balance                                based on face     amortization
                            (%)                                                                                                                                                             overdu
Super-short-term                    Jun
commercial          100      2.68   20,              1,000,000,000.00   1,014,109,474.89                       -    5,379,459.54        208,333.33    1,019,697,267.76                  -        N
paper                               2023
Super-short-term                    Sep
commercial          100      2.72   13,              1,000,000,000.00   1,007,838,592.80                       -    7,409,297.11        358,667.47    1,015,606,557.38                  -        N
paper                               2023
                                    Nov 8,    268
commercial          100      2.78                    1,000,000,000.00   1,003,656,399.33                       -   13,812,806.35        369,045.69                   -   1,017,838,251.37        N
                                    2023      days
Super-short-term                    Mar
commercial          100      2.40   13,              1,000,000,000.00                   -   1,000,000,000.00        7,213,114.75        305,555.55                   -   1,006,774,225.86        N
paper                               2024
                                    Apr 9,    261
commercial          100      2.33                    1,000,000,000.00                   -   1,000,000,000.00        5,283,879.78        227,397.26                   -   1,004,796,208.55        N
                                    2024      days
     Total           /       /         /       /     5,000,000,000.00   3,025,604,467.02    2,000,000,000.00       39,098,557.53       1,468,999.30   2,035,303,825.14   3,029,408,685.78

          Other notes:
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

45. Long-term borrowings
(1). Classification of long-term borrowings
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
             Item                      Closing balance               Opening balance
Credit loans                               1,095,171,767.62                 956,794,218.96
Long-term borrowings due                    -187,391,704.59                 -93,995,355.93
within one year
             Total                             907,780,063.03                862,798,863.03
Notes on the classification of long-term borrowings:

Other statements
√Applicable □Not applicable
    As of June 30, 2024, the annual interest rate of the above-mentioned loan was
2.55%-3.00% (December 31, 2023: 2.70%-3.20%).

46. Payable bonds
(1).    Payable bonds
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
            Item                       Closing balance               Opening balance
Bonds payable                                 3,564,052,843.32            3,559,960,676.26
Bonds payable due within one                 -1,564,653,921.09              -61,508,191.79
           Total                                 1,999,398,922.23          3,498,452,484.47

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                                                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

            (2). Specific situation of payable bonds: (excluding preferred stocks, perpetual bonds, and other financial instruments classified as
                 financial liabilities)
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                      t in                                             Whet
               Face                                                                                       Interest                    the    Transfer to bonds                         her it
  Bond                 Coupon                       Bond                                                                 scount
               value                 Issuing date           Issuing amount      Opening balance       accrued based                  curre    due within one     Closing balance        was
  name                 rate (%)                     term                                                               amortizatio
              (RMB)                                                                                    on face value                   nt          year                                overd
                                                                                                                                     perio                                              ue

                                         Feb 24,    3                                                                                    -   1,011,172,476.35                      -
MTN              100          3.29                          1,000,000,000.00       999,543,046.26     11,447,397.26    182,032.83                                                         No
                                            2022    years
                                         Mar 29,    3                                                                                    -     504,441,883.10                      -
MTN              100          3.57                           500,000,000.00        499,754,132.13      4,596,986.30     90,764.67                                                         No
                                            2022    years
                                         July 20,   3                                                                                    -      14,219,178.08
MTN              100          3.00                           500,000,000.00        499,699,270.69     14,219,178.08     91,278.13                                 499,790,548.82          No
                                            2022    years
Corporate                                           3                                                                                    -      19,189,479.45
                 100          2.88   Sep 1, 2022             800,000,000.00        799,714,114.98     19,189,479.45     81,287.56                                 799,795,402.54          No
bonds                                               years
Corporate                                Sep 22,    3                                                                                    -      15,630,904.11
                 100          2.88                           700,000,000.00        699,741,920.41     15,630,904.11     71,050.46                                 699,812,970.87          No
bonds                                       2022    years
  Total          /        /               /            /    3,500,000,000.00     3,498,452,484.47     65,083,945.20    516,413.65        -   1,564,653,921.09    1,999,398,922.23           /

            (3). Description of convertible corporate bonds
            □ Applicable √Not applicable
            Accounting treatment and judgment basis for equity conversion
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

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(4).    Explanation of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
Basic information of other financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds
outstanding at the end of the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Changes in other financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds
outstanding at the end of the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Basis for other financial instruments being classified as financial liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

47. Lease liabilities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                Item                      Closing balance                Opening balance
Undiscounted amount of finance                    280,220,129.27                 295,896,757.48
lease payables
Unrecognized financing charges                    -84,087,663.31                  -95,427,304.70
Lease liabilities due within 1 year               -15,900,074.02                  -23,637,246.52
                Total                             180,232,391.94                 176,832,206.26
Other notes:
     Note: The Group uses the incremental borrowing rate of 2.78%-8.01% as the discount rate
to calculate book value to determine the lease liability and measure right-of-use assets.

48. Long-term payables
Presentation of items
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Long-term payables
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Special accounts payable
□ Applicable √Not applicable

49. Long-term employee compensation payable
□ Applicable √Not applicable

50. Estimated liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

51. Deferred income
Overview of deferred income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                   Increase in       Decrease in
                   Opening                                            Closing        Cause of
    Item                           the current       the current
                   balance                                            balance        formation
                                     period            period
government      160,432,656.23                 -    7,589,275.14   152,843,381.09
    Total       160,432,656.23                 -    7,589,275.14   152,843,381.09         /

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

52. Other non-current liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

53. Share capital
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                            Increase or decrease in the
                    Opening balance             current period (+, -)           Closing balance
                                              Others           Sub-total
Total number of     5,484,334,176.00                    -                  -    5,484,334,176.00

Other notes:

54. Other equity instruments
(1) Basic information of other financial instruments such as preferred stocks and
     perpetual bonds outstanding at the end of the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2) Statement of changes in financial instruments such as preferred stocks and
     perpetual bonds outstanding at the end of the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Changes in other equity instruments in the current period, the reasons therefor and the basis for
relevant accounting treatment:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

              55. Capital reserve
              √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                     Increase in the        Decrease in the
                   Item         Opening balance                                               Closing balance
                                                      current period         current period
              Capital surplus
              (share             1,576,915,195.61       26,939,682.00                   - 1,603,854,877.61
              Stock incentive        49,272,885.07       3,769,054.85     26,939,682.00      26,102,257.92
              Other capital
                                     40,694,006.92                  -                   -    40,694,006.92
                    Total        1,666,882,087.60       30,708,736.85     26,939,682.00 1,670,651,142.45
              Other notes including those on the changes in the current period and the reasons therefor:
                   This year, the Group unlocked some restricted stocks. The corresponding capital reserve
              for the unlocking of restricted shares was RMB 26,939,682.00.
                   The confirmed share-based payment expense for this year was RMB 3,769,054.85, which
              was included in the capital reserve.

              56. Treasury stocks
              √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                     Increase in the        Decrease in the
                   Item         Opening balance                                               Closing balance
                                                      current period         current period
              Restricted stock
                                    74,367,173.75                     -    34,102,906.20     40,264,267.55
              incentive plan
                    Total           74,367,173.75                     -    34,102,906.20     40,264,267.55
              Other notes including those on the changes in the current period and the reasons therefor:
                   This year, the Group unlocked some restricted stocks. The corresponding decrease in
              treasury shares for the unlocking of restricted shares was RMB 34,102,906.20.

              57. Other comprehensive income
              √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                         Amount in the current period
                                               Amount before                      Amount after
           Item                                tax incurred in   Less: income tax attributable         Closing balance
                                                 the current          tax         to the parent
                                                    period                          company
I. Other comprehensive
income that cannot be
                                2,453,961.13       -1,254,273.38        -313,568.35     -940,705.04       1,513,256.09
reclassified into profit or
    Change in fair value of
other equity instruments        2,453,961.13       -1,254,273.38        -313,568.35     -940,705.04       1,513,256.09
II. Other comprehensive
income to be reclassified      20,940,736.19        2,423,498.04                   -   2,423,498.04      23,364,234.23
into profit or loss
Other comprehensive
income that can be
                                4,945,544.14          217,103.05                   -     217,103.05       5,162,647.19
transferred into profit and
loss under equity method
Difference arising from the
                               15,995,192.05        2,206,394.99                   -   2,206,394.99      18,201,587.04
translation of foreign
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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

currency financial
Total other comprehensive
                             23,394,697.32         1,169,224.66        -313,568.35    1,482,793.00    24,877,490.32

            Other notes, including those on the adjustment of the initially recognized amount of hedged
            items converted from the effective part of gains or losses from cash flow hedging:

            58. Special reserves
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            59. Surplus reserve
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                  Item         Opening balance      Increase in the       Decrease in the    Closing balance
                                                     current period        current period
            Statutory         1,827,766,734.43                     -                     - 1,827,766,734.43
            surplus reserve
            Discretionary        40,195,855.68                   -                  -     40,195,855.68
            surplus reserve
            Others               11,688,840.91                   -                  -     11,688,840.91
                  Total       1,879,651,431.02                   -                  - 1,879,651,431.02
            Notes on surplus reserves, including those on the changes in the current period and the
            reasons therefor:

            60. Undistributed profit
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                  Item                           Current period           Previous year
            Undistributed profits at the end of the                8,703,604,953.04       6,651,440,591.35
            previous reporting period before adjustment
            Opening undistributed profits after                    8,703,604,953.04       6,651,440,591.35
            Add: net profits attributable to shareholders          1,447,982,745.49       2,676,182,133.26
            of the parent company in the current period
            Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve                           -        263,568,294.29
                 General risk reserve                                               -          3,854,655.84
                 Common share dividend payable                     1,096,866,835.20          356,594,821.44
            Closing undistributed profits                          9,054,720,863.33       8,703,604,953.04
            Details of the adjustment of opening undistributed profits:
            1. The opening undistributed profits affected by the retroactive adjustment made in accordance
            with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises and related new provisions amounted to RMB 0.
            2.The opening undistributed profits affected by the changes in accounting policies amounted to
            RMB 0.
            3. The opening undistributed profits affected by the correction of major accounting errors
            amounted to RMB 0.
            4. The opening undistributed profits affected by changes in the scope of mergers caused by
            common control amounted to RMB 0.
            5. The opening undistributed profits affected by other adjustments together amounted to RMB
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                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

61. Operating revenue and operating cost
(1). Overview of operating revenue and operating cost
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                             Amount in the prior corresponding
                   Amount in the current period
     Item                                                                 period
                   Revenue           Cost of sales             Revenue            Cost of sales
 Main          6,596,681,432.31    4,485,665,686.10        4,981,391,903.99 3,497,747,787.03
 Other           169,252,704.82       42,229,662.02             179,599,139.26     84,762,663.32
     Total     6,765,934,137.13    4,527,895,348.12        5,160,991,043.25      3,582,510,450.35

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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

            (2). Breakdown information of operating revenue and operating costs
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                        Classified by type of contract
                                                                       Operating revenue     Operating cost
            By Industry type
                 Market operation                                        2,269,320,902.37      412,933,423.81
                 Trade services                                            370,849,952.74       81,210,859.23
                 Supporting services                                       231,045,537.97      170,312,418.96
                 Product sales                                           3,894,717,744.05    3,863,438,646.12
            By business region
                 Chinese Mainland                                        6,648,328,598.74    4,425,255,978.59
                 Overseas                                                  117,605,538.39      102,639,369.53
            By the time of transfer of goods
                 Recognizing revenue at a certain point in time          4,162,174,451.35    3,956,556,265.15
                 Recognizing revenue during a certain period of          2,603,759,685.78      571,339,082.97
                                     Total                               6,765,934,137.13    4,527,895,348.12

            Other statements
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                The income recognized in the current year and included in the opening book value of
            contractual liabilities is as follows:
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                    Industry type                             Current period
            Market operation                                                         2,144,527,009.14
            Trade services                                                             185,397,616.77
            Supporting services                                                         39,122,342.26
            Sales of goods                                                             820,058,121.03
            Total                                                                    3,189,105,089.20

            (3). Contract performance obligations
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       The types of
                                                                           Whether       Payments
                                                     Nature of the                                         quality
                   Time for                                                   the      borne by the
                                                     goods that the                                     assurance
                   fulfilling      Important                              Company      Company that
    Item                                               Company                                         provided by
                 performance     payment terms                           is the main       will be
                                                      promises to                                     the Company
                  obligations                                             responsibl    refunded to
                                                        transfer                                       and related
                                                                           e person      customers
                 When           payment or right
Sales of                                            Trade retail
                 delivering     to receive                                     Yes                 -   Nil
goods                                               goods
                 goods          payment after
                                delivery of goods
                                Part of the
                                deposit will be
The use of
                                collected in        Shop use right
shops in Yiwu    When
                                advance, and        / supporting
Market and its   providing                                                     Yes                 -   Nil
                                the remaining       services for
supporting       services
                                amount will be      operation
                                collected upon
                                completion of the
                                                         151   / 213
                                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

Hotel            When           Collection upon      Hotel
accommodati      providing      completion of        accommodatio               Yes                -   Nil
on business      services       performance          n service
                                Collection upon
Hotel catering   completion                          Catering
                                completion of                                   Yes                -   Nil
business         of the                              services
Terminable       When
paid use of      providing                           Fund sources               Yes                -   Nil
funds services   services
     Total              /                /                    /                  /                 -         /

            (4). Explanation of allocation to remaining contract performance obligations
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            (5). Significant contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments
            □ Applicable √Not applicable
            Other notes:
                 In January-June 2024, there was no revenue recognized in this period for performance
            obligations already fulfilled (or partially fulfilled) in the previous period.

            62. Taxes and surcharges
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                             Amount in the current period              Amount in the prior
                                                                                      corresponding period
            Real estate tax                                       63,375,167.44                  59,770,011.60
            Land use tax                                           9,521,117.83                 -20,871,643.50
            Stamp duty                                             3,876,045.62                   2,760,376.78
            Urban maintenance and                                  3,481,163.04                   2,592,625.45
            construction tax
            Education surcharge                                    1,431,100.14                  1,111,245.71
            Local education surcharge                                954,066.68                    740,831.51
            Cultural undertaking                                     352,418.59                    285,127.01
            development fee
            Vehicle and vessel use tax                                 2,040.00                      1,380.00
            Land appreciation tax                                             -                    303,673.11
            Consumption tax                                                   -                         56.64
                        Total                                     82,993,119.34                 46,693,684.31

            Other notes:

            63. sales expense
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                            Amount in the current         Amount in the prior
                                                                  period                 corresponding period
            Marketing expenses                                       58,655,407.13              44,804,065.01
            Security and insurance expenses                          14,881,145.37              16,637,122.08
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                                       Semi-annual Report for 2024

Advertising expenses                                          11,813,472.20           8,817,741.95
Water, electricity and fuel expenses                           3,714,266.39           3,001,783.95
Depreciation and amortization                                    456,351.72              68,097.07
Others                                                         2,685,502.17           4,434,858.43
                   Total                                      92,206,144.98          77,763,668.49
Other notes:

64. Management costs
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Amount in the current         Amount in the prior
                                                       period                 corresponding period
Employee and uniform expenses                          131,154,974.85               167,894,577.09
Depreciation and amortization                            67,190,228.01               73,931,835.81
Office expenses                                           5,094,467.96                5,162,481.69
Intermediary expenses                                     4,253,052.99                5,181,120.84
Travel expenses                                           2,716,793.06                3,181,309.38
Promotion and market traders                                 122,347.60                 174,131.61
introduction expenses
Start-up fee                                                      22,094.75              61,043.87
Others                                                         7,584,991.96          12,312,567.93
                  Total                                      218,138,951.18         267,899,068.22
Other notes:

65. Research and development expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Amount in the current         Amount in the prior
                                                       period                 corresponding period
Labor cost                                                9,080,982.23                7,187,298.15
Technology R&D expenses                                   2,517,921.67                3,114,081.41
Depreciation and amortization                                 41,306.12                   93,741.44
Others                                                       118,996.62                 129,128.20
                 Total                                   11,759,206.64               10,524,249.20
Other notes:

66. Financial expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Amount in the current         Amount in the prior
                                                       period                 corresponding period
Interest expenses                                      120,646,122.86               125,445,414.65
Amortization of short-term commercial                     1,860,172.07                1,974,371.03
paper discount
Less: interest income                                         23,637,669.49          38,139,798.22
Less:capitalized amount of interest                           51,962,221.53          35,577,046.98
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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

Foreign exchange gains or losses                       -555,504.48             -6,265,717.17
Amortization of unrecognized financing                5,402,522.51              5,893,167.81
Others                                                1,817,809.40                273,509.77
                  Total                              53,571,231.34             53,603,900.89
Other notes:
The capitalized amount of borrowing costs has been included in inventory and construction in

67. Other income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
          Classified by nature               Amount in the current            Amount in the prior
                                                   period                    corresponding period
Government subsidies related to daily               11,178,944.81                   14,631,536.76
               Total                                      11,178,944.81             14,631,536.76
Other notes:

68. Investment income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amount in the prior
                                                            Amount in the
                      Item                                                         corresponding
                                                            current period
Income from long-term equity investment                        98,348,751.52       1,017,671,762.53
calculated with the equity method
Investment income from disposal of long-term                                  -       11,475,509.19
equity investment
Interest income from debt investment during                       1,258,704.40          1,252,476.06
holding period
Investment income from disposal of                                            -         1,763,697.53
held-for-trading financial assets
Investment income from disposal of wealth                                     -            31,995.58
management products
Income acquired from other non-current financial                  9,368,068.09          2,110,591.00
assets during the holding period
Investment income from disposal of other                           -978,877.07           -805,917.38
non-current financial assets
                       Total                                 107,996,646.94        1,033,500,114.51
Other notes:
69. Net exposure hedging income
□ Applicable √Not applicable

70. Gains from changes in fair value
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
Sources of income from changes          Amount in the current                 Amount in the prior
            in fair value                     period                         corresponding period
Held-for-trading financial assets                 -3,490,077.50                        2,123,980.00
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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Other non-current financial assets                                 -                 -9,305,911.08
              Total                                    -3,490,077.50                 -7,181,931.08
Other notes:

71. Credit impairment loss
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                           Amount in the current             Amount in the prior
                                                 period                     corresponding period
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable                    43,838.62                       529,746.89
Loss for bad debts of other                             15,566.09                        19,170.96
                Total                                       59,404.71                  548,917.85

Other notes:

72. Asset impairment loss
□ Applicable √Not applicable

73. Asset disposal income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
               Item               Amount in the current period           Amount in the prior
                                                                        corresponding period
Income from disposal of                                    84.36                 165,883,894.78
property,   plant   and
          Total                                            84.36                 165,883,894.78

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

74. Non-operating income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                             Amount recognized in
                         Amount in the current       Amount in the prior      non-recurring gains
                               period               corresponding period       and losses for the
                                                                                 current period
Incomes from                     14,453,216.26               2,515,430.08            14,453,216.26
liquidated damages
Others                            1,803,253.72                 596,279.55            1,803,253.72
        Total                    16,256,469.98               3,111,709.63           16,256,469.98

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

75. Non operating expenditure
√Applicable □Not applicable
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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                         Amount in the        Amount recognized in
                                  Amount in the               prior            non-recurring gains
                                  current period         corresponding          and losses for the
                                                             period               current period
Total loss for disposal of             111,979.20            108,245.71                  111,979.20
non-current assets
Including: loss for disposal of        111,979.20                108,245.71             111,979.20
property, plant and equipment
Others                              1,288,784.77                  89,722.64           1,288,784.77
              Total                 1,400,763.97                 197,968.35           1,400,763.97
Other notes:

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

76. Income tax expense
(1) Table of income tax expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                      Amount in the prior
               Item                 Amount in the current period
                                                                     corresponding period
Current income tax expenses                         446,616,915.76            319,963,973.46
Deferred income tax expenses                         12,935,751.21             11,673,848.56
             Total                                  459,552,666.97            331,637,822.02

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profits and income tax expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                   Amount in the current
Profits before tax                                                           1,909,970,844.86
Income tax expenses calculated at the statutory/applicable tax rate            477,492,711.22
Impact of different tax rates applied by subsidiaries                            -6,214,759.16
Effect of adjusting income tax of previous period                                 3,010,152.95
Effect of non-taxable income                                                     -4,243,741.15
Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                              -4,566,285.00
Effect of using deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax            -6,979,296.66
assets in previous period
Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses of               25,641,072.64
unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the current period
Profits or losses attributable to joint ventures and associates                 -24,587,187.87
Income tax expenses                                                             459,552,666.97

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

77. Other comprehensive income
√Applicable □Not applicable
For details, please refer to Note 57. Other comprehensive income

78. Cash flow statement items
(1). Cash related to operating activities
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                Item                  Amount in the current period       Amount in the prior
                                                                        corresponding period
Deposit and margin received                         99,768,071.94                 82,617,679.95
Bank deposit interest income                                                      38,139,798.22
received                                            23,637,669.49
Government grants received                           3,128,471.15                64,401,761.02
Bank reserve received                                           -                 1,930,508.43
Others                                                 775,086.85                   861,796.06
               Total                              127,309,299.43                187,951,543.68
Notes on other cash receipts relating to operating activities:
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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Other cash payments relating to operating activities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Item                  Amount in the current period         Amount in the prior
                                                                          corresponding period
Fees paid                                            163,115,497.55                137,806,934.75
Margins paid                                          68,812,485.01                115,118,650.38
Bank reserve paid                                      9,828,318.72                             -
Others                                                 2,428,632.09                  4,355,093.88
                Total                                244,184,933.37                257,280,679.01
Notes on other cash payments relating to operating activities:
(2). Cash related to investment activities
Cash received related to important investment activities
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Cash paid related to important investment activities
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                        Item                            Amount in the      Amount in the prior
                                                        current period    corresponding period
Recovered pending investment refunds                         6,842,944.87                      -
Financial assistance received from joint ventures                               501,750,200.00
and their subsidiaries                                                  -
                       Total                                 6,842,944.87       501,750,200.00
Notes on other cash receipts relating to investing activities:

Other cash payments relating to investing activities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Item                  Amount in the current period         Amount in the prior
                                                                          corresponding period
Payment of financial assistance                                                    11,553,412.19
funds                                                                 -
                Total                                                 -            11,553,412.19
Other cash paid related to investment activities:
(3). Cash related to financing activities
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other cash payments relating to financing activities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Item                  Amount in the current period         Amount in the prior
                                                                          corresponding period
Lease payments paid                                        8,350,298.44            14,105,217.90
              Total                                        8,350,298.44            14,105,217.90
Other cash paid related to financing activities:

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                                                                      Semi-annual Report for 2024

    Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
    √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                            Increase in the current period            Decrease in the current period
            Item                 Opening balance         Cash changes            Non-cash           Cash changes       Non-cash changes   Closing balance
Short-term borrowings            1,619,804,888.91       1,150,000,000.00        17,613,194.43       1,436,298,222.22                  -   1,351,119,861.12
Non-current liabilities due                                              - 1,671,761,851.02            82,956,945.56                  -   1,767,945,699.70
within one year                    179,140,794.24
Other current liabilities        3,025,604,467.02       1,998,540,487.07        40,567,556.83       2,035,303,825.14                  -   3,029,408,685.78
Long-term borrowings               862,798,863.03         161,000,000.00                    -                      -     116,018,800.00     907,780,063.03
Bonds payable                    3,498,452,484.47                      -        65,600,358.85                      -   1,564,653,921.09   1,999,398,922.23
Lease liabilities                  176,832,206.26                      -        23,090,125.51           8,350,298.44      11,339,641.39     180,232,391.94
             Total               9,362,633,703.93       3,309,540,487.07     1,818,633,086.64       3,562,909,291.36   1,692,012,362.48   9,235,885,623.80

    (4). Description of cash flows reported on a net basis
    □ Applicable √Not applicable
    (5). Significant activities and financial impacts that do not involve current cash inflows and outflows but affect the financial condition of the
         enterprise or may affect the cash flow of the enterprise in the future
    □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

79. Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows
(1). Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount in the prior
                                                         Amount in the
                 Supplements                                               corresponding
                                                         current period
1. Adjustment of net profit to cash flow from operating activities:
Net profits                                               1,450,418,177.89    2,000,654,473.87
Add: provision for impairment of assets                                   -                  -
Loss of impairment of credit                                     -59,404.71        -548,917.85
Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and
gas assets and depreciation of bearer biological            187,680,876.93      188,468,645.61
Amortization of right-of-use assets                          11,527,583.24       15,937,530.77
Amortization of intangible assets                           109,207,569.54      109,533,646.98
Depreciation and amortization of investment
                                                             88,915,728.05       69,501,857.47
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                   58,302,692.34       39,324,216.01
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets (gains                             -84.36    -165,883,894.78
indicated by “-”)
Loss from fixed assets retirement (gains
                                                                 111,979.20         108,245.71
indicated by “-”)
Loss from changes in fair value (gains indicated
                                                              3,490,077.50        7,181,931.08
by “-”)
Financial expenses (gains indicated by “-”)                75,946,595.91       97,735,906.51
Investment loss (gains indicated by “-”)                 -107,996,646.94   -1,050,919,439.23
Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                             13,827,748.52       -1,100,746.99
(increase indicated by “-”)
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
                                                             -1,205,565.66       32,842,969.56
(decrease indicated by “-”)
Decrease in inventory (increase indicated by “-”)       -649,783,571.62      106,993,100.52
Decrease in operating receivables (increase
                                                          1,005,589,280.38     -381,251,455.03
indicated by “-”)
Increase in operating payables (decrease
                                                         -2,131,609,535.38     -925,330,874.43
indicated by “-”)
Net cash flow from operating activities                     114,363,500.83      143,247,195.78
2. Investment and financing activities that do not involve cash income and payment:
3. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents:
Closing balance of cash                                     963,102,575.65    2,164,979,668.87
Less: opening balance of cash                             2,910,178,939.19    1,981,200,941.64
Add: closing balance of cash equivalents                                  -                  -
Less: opening balance of cash equivalents                                 -                  -
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                -1,947,076,363.54      183,778,727.23

(2). Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

(3). Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Composition of cash and cash equivalents
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Closing balance      Opening balance
I. Cash                                                     963,102,575.65     2,910,178,939.19
Including: cash on hand                                          213,381.46          249,915.87
Bank deposit that can be used for payment at
                                                            960,163,609.71     2,909,921,203.08
any time
Other monetary capital that can be used for
                                                              2,725,584.48             7,820.24
payment at any time
II. Cash equivalents                                                      -                   -
Including: bond investments due within three
                                                                          -                   -
III. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                            963,102,575.65     2,910,178,939.19
Including:cash and cash equivalents with
restricted use by the parent company or its                  16,594,295.29        12,556,381.42

(5). Situations where the scope of use is limited but still listed as cash and cash
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(6). Monetary funds that do not belong to cash and cash equivalents
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

80. Notes to items in the statement of changes in owners' equity
Names of “others” items whose closing balances in the previous year are adjusted and the
amounts of adjustments:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

81. Foreign currency monetary items
(1). Foreign currency monetary items
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                               Closing balance
                                Closing balance in                             after convertion:
            Item                                           Exchange rate
                                 foreign currency                                    RMB

Cash and cash equivalents                       -                        -
Including: US dollars                5,103,572.22                   7.1268        36,372,138.50
Euro                                   128,458.22                   7.6617           984,208.34
Rwandan Franc                       15,749,722.00                   0.0055            87,300.71
Dirham                                  36,499.00                   1.9462            71,034.35
Koruna                               5,562,935.07                   0.3100         1,724,509.88
Accounts receivable                             -                        -
Including: US dollars                  416,308.57                   7.1268         2,966,947.93
EURO                                       152.18                   7.6617             1,165.96
Koruna                              15,819,861.76                   0.3100         4,904,157.14
Other receivables                               -                        -
Including: US dollars                  361,319.11                   7.1268         2,575,049.03
EURO                                    20,060.00                   7.6617           153,693.70
Koruna                              18,148,013.89                   0.3100         5,625,884.31
Accounts payable                                -                        -
Including: US dollars                1,846,880.16                   7.1268        13,162,345.52
Koruna                                 147,421.10                   0.3100            45,700.54
Other payables                                  -                        -
Including: US dollars                1,738,995.14                   7.1268        12,393,470.57
EURO                                    24,948.87                   7.6617           191,150.76
Koruna                             138,490,383.66                   0.3100        42,932,018.93

Other notes:

(2). Description of overseas operating entities, for important overseas operating entities,
includes the disclosure of principal overseas place of business, functional currency and
the basis for selection, and the reason for the change in functional currency.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

82. Lease
(1). As a leasee
√Applicable □Not applicable

Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Simplified short-term lease or low-value assets leasing expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Simplified short-term lease expenses of RMB 7,512,968.82 included in profit or loss for the
current period.
     Simplified low-value assets lease expenses of RMB 450,583.97 included in profit or loss for
the current period.

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Leaseback transactions and judgment basis
□ Applicable √Not applicable

The total cash outflow related to leasing was RMB 8,350,298.44.

(2). As a lessor
Operating lease as lessor
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Financing lease as lessor
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Adjustment table for undiscounted lease receipts and net lease investments
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Undiscounted lease receipts for the next five years
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3). Confirmed gains and losses of financing lease sales as a manufacturer or distributor
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other statements
     The leased assets of the Group include houses, buildings, land use rights, and other
equipment used in the operating process. The lease term for houses and buildings is usually
2-5 years, and the lease term for land use rights is 10 years.
     For right-of-use assets, please refer to Note VII.25. Right-of-use assets; for lease liabilities,
please refer to Note VII.47. Lease liabilities.

83. Data resources
□ Applicable √Not applicable

84. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

VIII.     R&D expenditure
(1). Listed by nature of expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                         Amount in the current         Amount in the prior
                                                      period                 corresponding period
Labor cost                                              19,706,355.70               18,478,351.38
Technology development fee                                  193,408.81                 371,144.77
Depreciation and amortization                            4,737,153.26                6,427,753.86
Others                                                      163,773.60                 521,160.10
                 Total                                  24,800,691.37               25,798,410.11
Among them: Expensed R&D                                11,759,206.64               10,524,249.20
      Capitalized R&D expenditure                           13,041,484.73             15,274,160.91
Other notes:

(2). R&D project development expenditure that meet capitalization criteria
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB

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                                               Increase in the
                                                                        Decrease in the current period
                                                current period
                                Opening                                                                         Closing
           Item                                    Internal                              Transfer to profit
                                balance                             Recognized as                               balance
                                                development                               or loss for the
                                                                   intangible assets
                                                 expenditure                              current period
The development project        7,130,228.92      1,057,601.03            5,966,692.23        2,078,436.70       142,701.02
for platform “chinagoods”
Kuaijietong Core Payment       3,662,987.28     2,013,470.06             3,762,767.80                     -    1,913,689.54
Data resources                 7,855,225.73     9,970,413.64             8,724,238.82                   -      9,101,400.55
            Total             18,648,441.93    13,041,484.73            18,453,698.85        2,078,436.70     11,157,791.11

              Important capitalized research and development projects
              □ Applicable √Not applicable
              Provision for impairment of development expenditure
              □ Applicable √Not applicable
              Other statements

              (3). Important outsourced projects under research
              □ Applicable √Not applicable

              IX. Changes in the scope of consolidation
              1. Business combinations not under common control
              □ Applicable √Not applicable

              2. Business combinations under common control
              □ Applicable √Not applicable

              3. Reverse acquisition
              □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

4. Disposal of subsidiaries
Whether there were any transactions or events that resulted in the loss of control over a subsidiary in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Is there a situation where investments in subsidiaries were disposed of in stages through multiple transactions and control was lost in the current
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

5. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons
Changes in the consolidation scope for other reasons (e.g. new establishment of subsidiaries, liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and the related
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Company established subsidiaries Yiwu Yundailu Data Technology Co., Ltd. and Mingzhe Technology Development Co., Ltd. in this period.

6. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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               X. Equity in other entities
               1. Equity in subsidiaries
               (1). Composition of the Group
               √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB10,000
  Subsidiary       Main place    Registered      Place of                            ratio (%)            Acquisition
    Name           of business    capital      registration                                                Method
                                                                                 Direct Indirect
Yiwu China
Commodities        Yiwu,                       Yiwu,
                                  10,000.00                     Wholesale                           Establishment
City Import and    Zhejiang                    Zhejiang                          100.00
Export Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
City Supply        Yiwu,                       Yiwu,
                                  10,000.00                     Wholesale                           Establishment
Chain              Zhejiang                    Zhejiang                          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Bonded Zone        Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
                                  10,000.00                                                         Establishment
Operation and      Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
City Overseas      Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
                                  10,000.00                                                         Establishment
Investment and     Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
                   Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
City Tourism                      10,000.00                                                         Establishment
                   Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
City Assets        Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
                                    1,000.00                                                        Establishment
Operation and      Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yindu
Hotel              Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
                                    1,000.00                                                        Establishment
Management         Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Yandoo
Shangtu            Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
                                     500.00                                                         Establishment
Catering Co.,      Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service                   100.00
Yiwu China
                   Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
City Research                       1,000.00                                                        Establishment
                   Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
Institute Co.,
Yiwu Shangbo
Shuzhi             Yiwu,                       Yiwu,            Business
                                  30,000.00                                                         Establishment
Enterprise         Zhejiang                    Zhejiang         service          100.00
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Co., Ltd.
                                                          Software and
Yiwu China
Commodities        Yiwu,                    Yiwu,
                                10,000.00                 Technology                          Establishment
City Big Data      Zhejiang                 Zhejiang                         100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Xinlian                                              Professional
Technology         Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         technical
                                 1,000.00                                             51.00   Establishment
Service Co.,       Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      service
Ltd.                                                      industry
Gonglian           Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         Business
                                20,000.00                                                     Establishment
Enterprise         Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      service            100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shangbo
                   Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         Business
Enterprise                      30,000.00                                                     Establishment
                   Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      service            100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
                   Yiwu,                    Yiwu,
City Information                 5,000.00                 IT                                  Establishment
                   Zhejiang                 Zhejiang                         100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
                   Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         Financial
City Financial                 400,000.00                                                     Establishment
                   Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      industry           100.00
Holdings Co.,
Yiwu China
Commodities                                               Multimodal
City Logistics     Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         transport and
                                10,000.00                                                     Establishment
and                Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      transportation     100.00
Warehousing                                               agency
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
Commodities        Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         Business
                                 3,000.00                                     98.00    2.00   Establishment
City Exhibition    Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      service
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Yundailu
                                                          Internet and
Data               Yiwu,                    Yiwu,                                             Establishment
                                50,000.00                 related
Technology         Zhejiang                 Zhejiang                         100.00
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huajie
Investment and     Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         Business
                                50,000.00                                     96.40           Establishment+acquisition
Development        Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      service
Co., Ltd.
Huajie             Prague,                  Prague,
Investment         Czech      CZK1,580.00   Czech                                     96.40   Establishment+acquisition
Development        Republic                 Republic
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang China
                   Yiwu,                    Yiwu,         Financial
City Group                      20,000.00                                     60.00   40.00   Establishment
                   Zhejiang                 Zhejiang      industry
Factoring Co.,
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Yiwugou            Yiwu,                     Yiwu,
                                 10,000.00                   IT                         51.00   Establishment
E-commerce         Zhejiang                  Zhejiang
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Xingchen
Enterprise         Yiwu,                     Yiwu,           Business
                                 15,000.00                                                      Establishment
Management         Zhejiang                  Zhejiang        service                   100.00
Co., Ltd
Yiwu China
Commodities        Yiwu,                     Yiwu,
                                  1,000.00                   Advertising                        Establishment
City Advertising   Zhejiang                  Zhejiang                                  100.00
Co., Ld.
Trade              Yiwu,                     Yiwu,
                                 10,000.00                   Wholesale                  60.00   Establishment
Comprehensive      Zhejiang                  Zhejiang
Service Co.,
Yiwu China
                   Yiwu,                     Yiwu,
City Credit                       1,000.00                   Service                    85.00   Establishment
                   Zhejiang                  Zhejiang
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Aiximao
Supply Chain       Yiwu,                     Yiwu,
                                   500.00                    Service                            Establishment
Management         Zhejiang                  Zhejiang                                  100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
City Internet
                   Yiwu,                     Yiwu,           Financial
Financial                         1,000.00                                                      Establishment+acquisition
                   Zhejiang                  Zhejiang        industry                  100.00
Service Co.,
Yiwu China
Commodity City
RMB and
                   Yiwu,                     Yiwu,           Financial
Foreign                           1,000.00                                                      Establishment
                   Zhejiang                  Zhejiang        industry                  100.00
Exchange Co.,
                   Hangzhou,                 Hangzhou,
Nanxing                           5,000.00                   Real estate                        Establishment
                   Zhejiang                  Zhejiang                         100.00
Property Co.,
Haicheng           Haicheng,                 Haicheng,
                                 60,000.00                   Real estate                95.00   Establishment
Company            Liaoning                  Liaoning
Ningxia Yiwu
Commodity City     Shizuishan,               Shizuishan,
                                  2,000.00                   Service                            Establishment
Supply Chain       Ningxia                   Ningxia                                   100.00
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China
                   Hong                      Hong
                   Kong,         HKD 1.00    Kong,           Wholesale                          Establishment
City (Hong                                                                             100.00
                   China                     China
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                                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

Trade Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong         Hong                          Hong
Better Silk       Kong,                         Kong,          Service                              Establishment
                                    10800.00                                               100.00
Road Co., Ltd.    China                         China
                  Nairobi,                      Nairobi,
Investment                      KES 3000.00                    Service                              Establishment
                  Kenya                         Kenya                                      100.00
Co., Limited
BETTER SILK       Dubai,                AED     Dubai,
                                                               Service                              Establishment
ROAD FZE          UAE                5040.00    UAE                                        100.00
                  Kigali,              RWF      Kigali,
ROAD                                                           Service                              Establishment
                  Rwanda            27000.00    Rwanda                                     100.00
Yiwu Zheqing
                  Yiwu,                         Yiwu,
Trading Co.,                        2,200.00                   Wholesale                            Establishment
                  Zhejiang                      Zhejiang                                   100.00
                  Tortola                       Tortola
                  Island,                       Island,
Technology                                                     Financial
                  British        USD 0.0005     British                                             Establishment
Development                                                    industry                    100.00
                  Virgin                        Virgin
Co., Ltd.
                  Islands                       Islands
Yiwu China
Commodity City    Frankfurt,                    Frankfurt,
                                 EUR 100.00                    Service                              Establishment
(Germany) Co.,    Germany                       Germany                                    100.00
Yiwu China
Commodities       Madrid,                       Madrid,
                                  EUR 20.00                    Service                              Establishment
City (Spain)      Spain                         Spain                                      100.00
Co., Ltd.
Xunchi Digital    Hangzhou,                     Hangzhou,
                                   19,000.00                   IT                                   Acquisition
Technology        Zhejiang                      Zhejiang                          100.00
Co., Ltd.
Payment           Hangzhou,                     Hangzhou,
                                   18,000.00                   IT                                   Acquisition
Service Co.,      Zhejiang                      Zhejiang                                   100.00
              Explanation for the difference between the shareholding ratio and voting right ratio in a

              Basis for holding half or less voting rights in but still controlling an investee, and holding more
              than half of the voting rights in but not controlling an investee:

              Basis for controlling important structured entities included in the consolidation scope:

              Basis for determining whether a company is an agent or a principal:

              Other notes:

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       (2).    Important non-wholly owned subsidiaries
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                   Profits or losses attributable to         Dividends declared to be distributed
                                       Shareholding ratio of                                                                                         Closing balance of minority
      Name of subsidiary                                            minority shareholders in the               to minority shareholders for the
                                     minority shareholders (%)                                                                                                interest
                                                                            current period                              current period
Zhejiang Yiwugou E-commerce                                 49                       5,484,758.47                                                -                 66,379,109.76
Co., Ltd.
Haicheng Company                                             5                     -2,945,244.02                                                 -                -55,385,459.23
        Explanation for the difference between the shareholding ratio and voting right ratio of minority shareholders in a subsidiary:
        □ Applicable √Not applicable

       Other notes:
       □ Applicable √Not applicable

       (3).    Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB10,000
                                                         Closing balance                                                              Opening balance
    Name of subsidiary         Current        Non-current     Total       Current                 Total         Current     Non-current    Total       Current       Total
                                assets          assets       assets      liabilities           liabilities       assets       assets      assets      liabilities liabilities
Zhejiang Yiwugou E-commerce    10,568.43        5,623.34    16,191.77      2,650.75              2,650.75       12,224.24     5,653.21   17,877.45      5,450.03    5,450.03
Co., Ltd.
Haicheng Company              122,072.96       66,509.68   188,582.64     299,353.56       299,353.56         109,040.55      83,210.84    192,251.39   297,131.82    297,131.82

                                                       Amount in the current period                                         Amount in the prior corresponding period
                                                                      Total                                                                     Total
     Name of subsidiary            Operating                                         Cash flow from               Operating                                   Cash flow from
                                                   Net profits  comprehensive                                                Net profits comprehensive
                                    revenue                                         operating activities           revenue                                  operating activities
                                                                     income                                                                    income
Zhejiang Yiwugou                        3,173.27     1,119.34           1,119.34                195.82             3,171.00   1,055.64            1,055.64              751.05
E-commerce Co., Ltd.
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                                           Semi-annual Report for 2024

Haicheng Company      941.96   -5,890.49   -5,890.49               -3,202.47   4,257.07   -5,562.04   -5,562.04   -1,874.50
       Other notes:

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                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

            (4).    Major restrictions on the use of the Group’s assets and repayment of the Group’s
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            (5).    Financial or other support provided to structured entities included in the scope of
                consolidated financial statements:
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            Other notes:
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            2. Transactions in which the owners' equity share of a subsidiary changes while still
                controlling the subsidiary
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            3. Equity in joint ventures or associates
            √Applicable □Not applicable
            (1). Important joint ventures or associates
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Shareholding        Accounting
                                                                                            ratio (%)         treatment
                                             Main place                                                       method of
                                                            Place of
  Name of joint venture or associate             of                         Business                        investment in
                                              business                                  Direct Indirect        the joint
                                                                                                              venture or
Joint ventures
Yiwu Shanglv Investment                      Yiwu,        Yiwu,
                                                                          Real estate      49             Equity method
Development Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang     Zhejiang
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital                 Yiwu,        Yiwu,           Financial
                                                                                                     20   Equity method
Management Co., Ltd.                         Zhejiang     Zhejiang        industry
                                             Yiwu,        Yiwu,
Yiwu Rongshang Property Co., Ltd.                                         Real estate      49             Equity method
                                             Zhejiang     Zhejiang
                                             Yiwu,        Yiwu,
Yiwu Chuangcheng Property Co., Ltd.                                       Real estate      24             Equity method
                                             Zhejiang     Zhejiang
Yiwu Guoshen Shangbo Property Co.,           Yiwu,        Yiwu,
                                                                          Real estate      49             Equity method
Ltd.                                         Zhejiang     Zhejiang
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Equity                  Yiwu,        Yiwu,           Commercial
                                                                                                  10.42   Equity method
Investment Co., Ltd. (Note 6)                Zhejiang     Zhejiang        services
Zhejiang Chouzhou Financial Lease            Hangzhou,    Yiwu,           Financial
                                                                                           26             Equity method
Co., Ltd.                                    Zhejiang     Zhejiang        industry
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Phase II                                             Lease and
                                             Yiwu,        Yiwu,
Investment Partnership (limited                                           business      10.41             Equity method
                                             Zhejiang     Zhejiang
partnership) [Note 7]                                                     service
Yiwu Hongyi Equity Investment Fund           Yiwu,        Yiwu,           Financial
                                                                                                  49.98   Equity method
Partnership (limited partnership)            Zhejiang     Zhejiang        industry
                                             Pujiang,     Pujiang,
Pujiang Lvgu Property Co., Ltd.                                           Real estate      49             Equity method
                                             Zhejiang     Zhejiang
Yiwu China Commodities City Property         Yiwu,        Yiwu,
                                                                          Real estate      49             Equity method
Development Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang     Zhejiang

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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                          Yiwu,       Yiwu,        and
Zhijie Yuangang                                                                        27               Equity method
                                          Zhejiang    Zhejiang     application
            Explanation for the difference between the shareholding ratio and voting right ratio in a joint
            venture or associate:

            Bases for holding less than 20% of the voting rights but having significant influence, or holding
            20% or more of the voting rights but not having significant influence:
               Note 6: The Company held 10.42% (2023: 10.42%) of equity of Yiwu Huishang Redbud
            Equity Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Redbud Equity Investment"), but
            regarded it as an associated company of the Company. According to Redbud Investment’s
            articles of association, it is engaged in investing and its important financial and operating
            decision-making activities are to pick and manage investment projects, which have been fully
            entrusted to the Company’s joint venture Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital Management Co., Ltd.
            (“Redbud Capital”). Redbud Capital picks and manages investment projects via its investment
            decision-making committee. Except for special investment matters, which are subject to the
            resolution of Redbud Investment’s board of directors, other important financial and operating
            decision-making activities are conducted by Redbud Capital on the behalf of Redbud
            Investment. Therefore, the Company was able to exercise significant influence on Redbud
            Investment in which the Company held 10.42% of total equity.
                 Note 7: The Company held 10.41% (2023: 10.41% ) equity of Yiwu Huishang Redbud
            Phase II Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (“Redbud Phase II”), but regarded it as
            an associated company of the Company. According to Redbud Phase II’s articles of association,
            it is engaged in investing and its important financial and operating decision-making activities are
            to pick and manage investment projects, which have been fully entrusted to the Company’s joint
            venture Redbud Capital. Redbud Capital picks and manages investment projects via its
            investment decision-making committee. Except for special investment matters, which are
            subject to the resolution of Redbud Phase II’s board of directors, other important financial and
            operating decision-making activities are conducted by Redbud Capital on the behalf of Redbud
            Phase II. Therefore, the Company could exert significant influence on Redbud Phase II of which
            it held 10.41% equity.

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                                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

(2). Key financial information of important joint ventures
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB10,000
                                          Closing balance/amount in the current period                Opening balance/amount in the previous period
                                        Yiwu          Yiwu          Yiwu         Guoshen              Yiwu        Yiwu          Yiwu         Guoshen
                                      Shanglv     Rongshang Chuangcheng          Shangbo            Shanglv   Rongshang Chuangcheng          Shangbo
                                                   Property       Property                                      Property      Property
Current assets                         6,573.61     13,398.20      75,428.66 218,411.82              5,868.55   13,398.19      37,987.32 237,167.69
    Including: cash and cash           5,413.08         49.17           37.61    10,860.63           4,831.90       49.30           95.43    18,717.68
Non-current assets                   123,921.21            -          5,320.29             33.31   125,809.14           -           1.30         43.43
Total assets                         130,494.82    13,398.20         80,748.95        218,445.13   131,677.69   13,398.19      37,988.62    237,211.12

Current liabilities                   33,692.37         0.06         67,644.28         28,955.59    39,666.74        0.09      25,119.76     47,982.62
Non-current liabilities                       -            -          1,333.17                 -            -           -       1,333.18             -
Total liabilities                     33,692.37         0.06         68,977.45         28,955.59    39,666.74        0.09      26,452.94     47,982.62

Shareholders’ equity attributable    96,802.45    13,398.14         11,771.50        189,489.54    92,010.95   13,398.10      11,535.68    189,228.50
to parent company

Share of net assets calculated        47,433.20     6,565.09           2,825.16        92,849.87    45,085.36    6,565.07        2,768.56    92,721.97
based on shareholding ratio
Adjustments                           -1,468.74             -                    -             -    -1,492.37            -              -            -
--Unrealized profits of internal      -1,468.74             -                    -             -    -1,492.37            -              -            -
Book value of equity investment in    45,964.46     6,565.09           2,825.16        92,849.88    43,592.99    6,565.07        2,768.56    92,721.97
joint ventures

Operating revenue                     13,002.45            -                  -        11,596.00    12,250.84            -              -   973,498.72
Financial expenses                       271.00         0.10               0.23           -37.14       529.18        -0.08           0.23       -90.79
Net profits                            4,791.51        -0.10            -126.64           774.37     4,168.51         0.08      -2,057.65   175,429.06
Total comprehensive income             4,791.51        -0.10            -126.64           774.37     4,168.51         0.08      -2,057.65   175,429.06

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                Dividends received from joint                    -            -                    -               -                -                -                -               -
                ventures this year

                Other statements
                (3). Main financial information of important associates
                √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB10,000
                                                Closing balance/amount in the current period                                  Opening balance/amount in the previous period
                                      Chouzhou        Hongyi      Yiwu China       Pujiang           Zhijie         Chouzhou        Hongyi      Yiwu China        Pujiang                   Zhijie
                                      Financial        Fund      Commodities        Lvgu           Yuangang          Financial       Fund      Commodities         Lvgu                   Yuangang
                                        Lease                    City Property                                        Lease                    City Property
                                                                 Development                                                                   Development
                                                                   Co., Ltd.                                                                     Co., Ltd.
Current assets                          69,190.10     5,759.92 2,289,878.02 111,778.36              65,928.52        101,696.23    15,500.19 2,046,024.61 127,841.28                      57,624.29
Non-current assets                   2,008,299.99 137,620.92         49,253.99     2,904.30          3,434.30      1,917,528.55 170,802.46         46,906.23      6,373.08                 3,134.10
Total assets                         2,077,490.09 143,380.84 2,339,132.01 114,682.66                69,362.82      2,019,224.78 186,302.65 2,092,930.84 134,214.36                        60,758.39
Current liabilities                  1,263,746.63        13.96 1,401,761.70       33,532.60         31,565.35      1,209,345.22     2,275.47 1,239,064.78        59,238.51                20,449.28
Non-current liabilities                571,827.79             -    286,137.48        997.36                 -        588,800.25             -    201,027.66       4,303.02                        -
Total liabilities                    1,835,574.42        13.96 1,687,899.18       34,529.96         31,565.35      1,798,145.47     2,275.47 1,440,092.44        63,541.53                20,449.28

Shareholders’ equity                 241,915.67    143,366.88       651,232.83     80,152.70       37,797.47          221,079.31       184,027.18       652,838.40       70,672.83       40,309.11
attributable to parent

Share of net assets calculated          62,898.07    71,640.43       311,545.35     39,274.82       10,205.24           57,480.62        91,976.78       312,067.18       34,629.69       10,883.38
based on shareholding ratio
Adjustments                                  0.01         7.18          177.25          321.32          2,424.26           15.26         -1,493.41          177.26          334.48         2,314.82
--Unrealized profits of                      0.01         7.18          177.25          321.32          2,424.26           15.26         -1,493.41          177.26          334.48         2,314.82
internal transactions
Book value of equity investment in      62,898.08    71,647.61       311,722.60     39,596.14       12,629.50           57,495.88        90,483.37       312,244.44       34,964.17       13,198.20
joint ventures

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Operating revenue                        36,795.59         -    20,104.29     39,338.44       64,164.40       34,574.83        -   185,257.95        1.38    9,402.91
Net profits                              20,777.69    271.23    -1,594.92      9,453.00       -2,518.95       20,066.83   720.44    26,262.14   -1,831.78   -2,654.82
Total comprehensive                      20,777.69    271.23    -1,594.92      9,453.00       -2,518.95       20,066.83   720.44    26,262.14   -1,831.78   -2,654.82
Dividend on associates received in the
current year                                     -   3,475.00           -                 -               -           -        -            -           -           -

                  Other statements

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(4). Summary of financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associates
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                Closing balance/amount in the    Opening balance/amount in
                                        current period               the previous period
Joint ventures:
Total book value of                             29,818,071.75                   30,629,677.74
Total amounts of the following items calculated based on shareholding ratio
--Net profits                                     -811,605.27                     -730,256.49
--Other comprehensive                                        -                              -
--Total comprehensive                             -811,605.27                     -730,256.49
Total book value of                            442,001,220.71                 451,803,256.03
Total amounts of the following items calculated based on shareholding ratio
--Net profits                                  -27,478,238.34                  -39,298,606.17
--Other comprehensive                              217,103.05                               -
--Total comprehensive                          -27,261,135.29                  -39,298,606.17
Other statements

(5).    Explanation of significant limitations on the ability of joint ventures or associates
    to transfer funds to the Company
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(6). Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(7). Unconfirmed commitments related to joint venture investments
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(8). Contingent liabilities relating to investment in joint ventures or associates
□ Applicable √Not applicable

4. Important joint operations
□ Applicable √Not applicable

5. Equity in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial
Notes on structured entities not included in the consolidated financial statements:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

6. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable
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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

             XI. Government grants
             1、 Government subsidies recognized by accounts receivable at the end of the reporting
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             Reasons for not receiving the expected amount of government subsidies at the expected time
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             2、 Liabilities items involving government subsidies
             √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                  Transfer to other
 Financial statement                                                                                      Related to
                            Opening balance        income in this              Closing balance
        items                                                                                           assets/income
Deferred income                160,432,656.23         7,589,275.14                152,843,381.09   Related to assets
        Total                  160,432,656.23         7,589,275.14                152,843,381.09   /

             3、 Government grant included in profit or loss for the current period
             √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Amount in the prior
                        Type                  Amount in the current period
                                                                                       corresponding period
             Related to assets                                  7,589,275.14                         710,736.84
             Income-related                                     3,589,669.67                      13,920,799.92
                         Total                                 11,178,944.81                      14,631,536.76

             Other notes:

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XII. Risks associated with financial instruments
1. Risk of financial instruments
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The risks associated with financial instruments faced by the Group in regular activities
mainly include credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The risk management policies of the
Group for these risks are outlined below.

     The Group diversifies its investment and business portfolio appropriately to diversify
financial instrument risks, and reduces risks concentrated in any single industry, specific region,
or specific counterparty by formulating corresponding risk management policies.

     Credit risk

     The Group only deals with the recognized third parties with good reputation. According to
its policy, the Group needs to carry out credit review on all clients who require to deal with the
Group on credit. In addition, the Group keeps monitoring the balance of accounts receivable to
ensure it will not face any material bad debt risk. For the transactions settled other than in the
functional currency of related business entities, unless with specific approval of the Group’s
credit control department, the Group will not provide the conditions for dealing on credit.

    As the counterparties to the transactions of cash are banks with good reputation and high
credit ratings, the credit risk of those financial instruments is relatively low.

    Other financial assets of the Group include accounts receivable, other receivables, other
current assets, debt investments, long-term receivables, and other non-current assets. The
credit risk of these financial assets arises from counterparty defaults, and the maximum risk
exposure is equal to the book value of these instruments.

    The Group also faces credit risks due to providing financial guarantees, as disclosed in
Note XVI. 2.

     Due to the Group only engaging in transactions with recognized and reputable third parties,
no collateral is required. Credit risk is centrally managed based on customers/counterparties,
geographic regions, and industries. As the clients from which the Group’s accounts receivable
are receivable are scattered in different sectors and industries, there’s no material credit risk
concentrated within the Group. The Group does not have any collaterals or other credit
enhancements for the balance of its accounts receivable.

     Criteria for significant increase in credit risk
     The Group evaluates, on each balance sheet date, whether the credit risk of related
financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition thereof. The main
criteria for the Group to judge a significant increase in credit risk are significant changes in one
or more of the following indicators: the operating environment of the debtor, internal and
external credit ratings, and significant adverse changes in actual or expected operating results.

    Definition of the assets whose credit has been impaired
    The main criterion for determining credit impairment in the Group is that if internal or
external information shows that the contract amount may not be fully recovered before
considering any credit enhancement held.

   The credit impairment of financial assets may be caused by multiple events together and
may not necessarily be caused by an individually identifiable event.

Credit risk exposure

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                     Disclose the credit risk exposure of the book balance of financial assets according to the
                 credit risk level, and disclose the expected credit losses for the next 12 months and the credit
                 losses for the entire duration of the asset separately.

                     The Group directly accounts for accounts receivable using simplified methods and provides
                 impairment provisions for expected credit losses of other accounts receivable in the next 12
                 months using general methods. The quantitative data of the Group's credit risk exposure arising
                 from accounts receivable and other accounts receivable are detailed in Note VII. 5 and Note VII.

                     Liquidity risk
                     The Group's goal is to use various financing methods to maintain a balance between the
                 sustainability and flexibility of financing. The Group finances its operations through funds
                 generated from operations and borrowings.

                         The following table summarizes theanalysis on the due day of financial liabilities based on
                         non-discounted contractual cash flows:
                         June 30, 2024
         Item                 Within 1 year        1-2 years                 2-3 years         Over 3 years           Total

                             1,351,119,861.12                   -                         -                   -    1,351,119,861.12
Accounts payable               692,706,560.58                   -                         -                  -       692,706,560.58
Other payables               1,225,291,430.90                   -                         -     455,671,033.57     1,680,962,464.47
Other           current
                             4,213,751,012.13                   -                         -                   -    4,213,751,012.13
liabilities      due         1,821,483,163.45                   -                         -                   -    1,821,483,163.45
within one year
                                27,089,891.55     162,231,925.36              94,080,425.36     878,258,924.68     1,161,661,166.95
Lease liabilities                           -       31,773,627.93             30,411,583.60     184,519,103.27       246,704,314.80
Bonds payable                               -    2,059,170,000.00                         -                  -     2,059,170,000.00
Total                        9,331,441,919.73    2,253,175,553.29            124,492,008.95   1,518,449,061.52    13,227,558,543.50

          Item               Within 1 year        1-2 years                 2-3 years         Over 3 years           Total
                             1,633,387,388.91                  -                          -                   -    1,633,387,388.91
Accounts payable             1,390,254,849.27                  -                          -                 -      1,390,254,849.27
Other payables               1,393,726,397.83                  -                          -    468,994,325.17      1,862,720,723.00
Other          current
                             3,420,706,329.61                  -                          -                   -    3,420,706,329.61
liabilities       due          193,144,703.38                  -                          -                   -     193,144,703.38
within one year
                                20,441,113.41      48,482,098.41              55,102,649.41    798,322,481.14       922,348,342.37
Lease liabilities                           -      32,905,926.59              32,828,436.37     194,173,777.30       259,908,140.26
Bonds payable                               -   3,608,950,000.00                          -                  -     3,608,950,000.00
Total                        8,051,660,782.41   3,690,338,025.00              87,931,085.78   1,461,490,583.61    13,291,420,476.80

                          Market risks

                      Interest rate risk
                      The risk of changes in market interest rates faced by the Group is mainly related to the
                 Group's long-term liabilities at floating interest rates. The Group manages interest rate risk
                 by closely monitoring changes in interest rates and regularly reviewing borrowings.

                       As of Jun 30, 2024, the Company had long-term borrowings of RMB 378 million among
                 its long-term liabilities, the interest rates of which were adjusted on an annual basis based

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                                             Semi-annual Report for 2024

on the benchmark loan rate on the anniversary dates. Therefore, the management believe
that its risk of market interest rate change is relatively low.

    Foreign exchange rate risk
    The Group faces trading exchange rate risks. Such risks are caused by sales or
purchases made by certain business units in currencies other than their bookkeeping
currency. Considering the Group’s short time of inventory and timely collection of accounts
receivable, the management believe that its foreign exchange rate risk is relatively low.

     Price risk of equity instrument investments
     The price risk of equity instrument investments refers to the risk of the fair value of
equity securities decreasing due to the changes in stock indices and value of individual
securities. As of Jun 30, 2024, the Group was exposed to the price risk of equity instrument
investments arising from the individual equity instrument investments classified as the
financial instruments that are measured at fair value through profit or loss (Note VII. 2) or
through other comprehensive income (Note VII. 18). The Group manages risks by holding
investment portfolios with different risks.

      The following table illustrates the sensitivity of the Group's net profit and loss and other
comprehensive income net after tax to every 10% change in the fair value of equity
instrument investments based on the book value at the balance sheet date, assuming that
all other variables remain constant.

        June 30, 2024
                                   instrument                                                   Total shareholders'
                                                    Net profit or loss       comprehensive
                                  investment                                                                equity
                                                                         income net after tax
                                  book value
 Equity         instrument
                                                 increase/(decrease)     increase/(decrease)    increase/(decrease)
   Fair               value
 Investment       in    the
 equity instruments that
 are measured by fair
 value and of which the
                              555,643,105.79                         -        41,673,232.93          41,673,232.93
 changes in fair value
 are recognized in other
 Equity         instrument
 investments measured
                               11,640,817.50             873,061.31                         -           873,061.31
 at fair value through
 profit or loss
                                   instrument                                                   Total shareholders'
                                                    Net profit or loss       comprehensive
                                  investment                                                                equity
                                                                         income net after tax
                                  book value
 Equity     instrument
                                                 increase/(decrease)     increase/(decrease)    increase/(decrease)
   Fair           value
 Investment    in    the
 equity instruments that
 are measured by fair         556,897,379.17                         -        41,767,303.44          41,767,303.44
 value and of which the
 changes in fair value

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                                         Semi-annual Report for 2024

 are recognized in other
 comprehensive income
 Equity         instrument
 investments measured
                             15,130,895.00         1,134,817.13                     -         1,134,817.13
 at fair value through
 profit or loss

     Capital management

    The main objective of the Group in capital management is to ensure the Group’s ability to
continue operations and maintain a healthy capital ratio to support its business development
and maximize the values for shareholders.

     The Group manages and adjusts its capital structure based on the changes in the
economic situation and the risk characteristics of related assets. To maintain or adjust the
capital structure, the Group may adjust the distribution of profits to shareholders, return capital
contribution to shareholders or issue new shares. The Group is not subject to external
mandatory capital requirements. There were no changes in the capital management goals,
policies, or procedures from 2023 to 2024.

      The Group adopts an asset-liability ratio to manage capital, which refers to the ratio of total
liabilities to total assets. The Group's policy will maintain a relatively stable asset-liability ratio.
Total liabilities include current liabilities and non-current liabilities. The asset-liability ratio of the
Group on the balance sheet date is as follows:
                                                             June 30, 2024                            2023

Total liabilities                                          17,924,828,768.48            18,515,009,702.36

Total assets                                               36,021,693,283.42            36,218,947,223.63

Asset-liability ratio                                                  49.76%                     51.12%

2. Hedging
(1) The Company conducts hedging business for risk management
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2) The Company conducts eligible hedging business and applies hedging accounting
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3) The Company conducts hedging business for risk management and expects to
achieve risk management goals, but has not applied hedging accounting
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other statements
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

            3.   Financial asset transfer
            (1) Classification of transfer methods
            □ Applicable √Not applicable
            (2) Financial assets derecognized due to transfer
            □ Applicable √Not applicable
            (3) Transferred financial assets in which the Group continued to be involved
            □ Applicable √Not applicable
            Other statements
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            XIII.    Disclosure of fair value
            1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                           Closing fair value
                   Item                                             Level 2 fair
                                             Level 1 fair value                   Level 3 fair value       Total
I. Continuous fair value measurement
(I) Held-for-trading financial assets           11,640,817.50                   -                  -     11,640,817.50
1. Financial assets that are measured at
fair value and whose changes are                11,640,817.50                   -                  -     11,640,817.50
included in the current profit and loss
(2) Investment in equity instruments           11,640,817.50                    -                -        11,640,817.50
(III) Other equity instrument investments     555,643,105.79                    -                -       555,643,105.79
(vi) Other non-current financial assets                                         - 1,492,349,593.33     1,492,349,593.33
Total assets continuously measured at fair
                                              567,283,923.29                    - 1,492,349,593.33     2,059,633,516.62

            2.   Basis for determining the market prices of the items continuously and
                 non-continuously measured at Level 1 fair value
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                 The Group's continuous first level fair value measurement project is equity instruments of
            the Listed Company, and fair value is determined based on market quotations.

            3.   Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important
                 parameters for the items continuously and non-continuously measured at Level 2
                 fair value
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            4.   Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important
                 parameters for the items continuously and non-continuously measured at Level 3
                 fair value
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                 The Group's finance department, headed by the General manager of the Group Finance
            Center, is responsible for developing policies and procedures for the fair value measurement of
            financial instruments. The General Manager of the Group Finance Center reports directly to the
            Group Finance Officer, who reports to the Audit Committee. On each balance sheet date, the
            financial department analyzes the changes in the value of financial instruments and determines
            the main input values applicable to the valuation. The valuation shall be reviewed and approved

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

by the Group's Financial Director. For the purpose of annual financial statements, the valuation
process and results are discussed twice a year with the audit committee.
     Non-listed equity instrument investments are estimated at fair value using the market
method based on unobservable market prices or interest rate assumptions, or fair value is
determined using the asset-based method for non-listed equity instruments as of the balance
sheet date. The Group needs to determine comparable listed companies based on industry,
scale, leverage, and strategy, and calculate appropriate market multipliers, such as price to
earnings ratios, for each identified comparable listed company. Adjust based on specific facts
and circumstances of the enterprise, taking into account factors such as liquidity and size
differences with comparable listed companies. The Group believes that the fair value and its
changes estimated using valuation techniques are reasonable and the most appropriate value
on the balance sheet date. For the fair value of non-listed equity instrument investments, the
Group estimates the potential impact of using other reasonable and possible assumptions as
inputs to the valuation model.

5.   Adjustment information between the opening book value and closing book value,
     and the sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters for items continuously
     measured at Level 3 fair value
□ Applicable √Not applicable

6.   For items continuously measured at fair value, if there is conversion between
     different levels in the current period, the reasons for the conversion and the policy
     for determining the time of conversion
□ Applicable √Not applicable

7. Changes in valuation techniques in the current period and reasons for changes
□ Applicable √Not applicable

8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value
□ Applicable √Not applicable

9. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                       Semi-annual Report for 2024

XIV.     Related parties and related transactions
1. Parent company of the Company
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB10,000
                                                                          Shareholding Voting right
   Name of parent         Place of                           Registered    ratio in the      ratio in the
     company            registration                          capital       Company           Company
                                                                               (%)               (%)
Yiwu China
                         Yiwu,          Asset
Commodities City                                            100,000         55.40          55.40
                         Zhejiang       management
Holdings Limited
Notes on the parent company of the Company
The ultimate controlling party of this enterprise is the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Office of Yiwu Municipal People's Government.
Other notes:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
For details of the Company’s subsidiaries, please refer to the Notes
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note VI. 1. Equity in Subsidiaries

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
For details of the Company’s important joint ventures or associates, please refer to the Notes
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Please refer to Note X. 3 Equity in Joint Ventures or Associates

Other joint ventures or associates that have related-party transactions with the Company in the
current period or had related-party transactions with the Company in the prior year which
resulted in an outstanding amount are as follows
√Applicable □Not applicable
                      Name of joint venture or associate                           Relationship
                                                                                      with the
Yiwu Shanglv                                                                      Joint venture
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital Management Co., Ltd.                                 Joint venture
Yiwu China Commodities City Creative Design and Development Services              Joint venture
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Guoshen Shangbo Property Co., Ltd.                                           Joint venture
Yiwu Rongshang Property Co., Ltd.                                                 Joint venture
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital Management Co., Ltd.                                 Joint venture
Hangzhou Binjiang Shangbo Property Development Co., Ltd.                          Associate
Huishang Micro-finance                                                            Associate
Zhejiang Yemai Data Technology Co., Ltd.                                          Associate
Yiwu Meipinshu Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                                  Associate
JEBEL ALI FREE ZONE TRADER MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND                                 Associate
Yiwu Digital Port Technology Co., Ltd.                                            Associate
Yiwu China Commodities City Property Development Co., Ltd.                        Associate
Hangzhou MicroAnts Co., Ltd.                                                      Associate
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Equity Investment Co., Ltd.                                  Associate
Zhijie Yuangang                                                                   Associate
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                                           Semi-annual Report for 2024

        Yiwu Heimahui Enterprise Service Co., Ltd.                                       Associate
        Yiwu Shangfu Chuangzhi Investment Center (limited partnership)                   Associate
        Other statements
        □ Applicable √Not applicable

        4. Other related parties
        √Applicable □Not applicable
                        Name of other related party                       Relationship with the Company
                                                                         Parent company of controlling
        Yiwu State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.                     shareholder of the Company’s
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Controlling shareholder of the
        Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                         Company’s largest shareholder
                                                                         Subsidiary of controlling
        Yiwu Security Service Co., Ltd.                                  shareholder of the Company’s
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Subsidiary of controlling
        Yiwu Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.                           shareholder of the Company’s
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Branch of Controlling
        Yourworld International Conference Center Company of
                                                                         shareholder of the Company’s
        Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Subsidiary of controlling
        Yiwu Market Development Service Center Co., Ltd.                 shareholder of the Company’s
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Subsidiary of the Company’s
        Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Subsidiary of the Company’s
        Yiwu China Commodities City Property Service Co., Ltd.
                                                                         largest shareholder
                                                                         Minority shareholder of major
        Yisha Chengdu International Trade City Co., Ltd.
        Other statements

          5. Related transactions
          (1). Related transactions for purchasing and selling commodities, providing and
              receiving labor services
          Purchasing goods/accepting service
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                          Approved       Whether the       Amount in the
                            Contents of
                                         Amount in the   transaction   transaction limit        prior
     Related party         related-party
                                         current period   amount (if   was exceeded (if corresponding
                                                         applicable)      applicable)          period
Yiwu China
                          service fee
Commodities City
                          and greening   110,312,803.36 Not applicable    Not applicable 98,212,858.68
Property Service Co.,
Yiwu Security Service Security
                                           9,059,886.19 Not applicable    Not applicable 10,038,757.30
Co., Ltd.                 service fee
Yiwu Shangbo Yungu
Enterprise                                 5,203,100.00 Not applicable    Not applicable     4,913,807.45
Management Co., Ltd.

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

Zhejiang Yemai Data    and system
                                     1,167,985.85          Not applicable   Not applicable   879,922.62
Technology Co., Ltd.   development
Yiwu China
Commodities City
Creative Design and    Design fee     651,089.11           Not applicable   Not applicable   384,466.02
Development Services
Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou MicroAnts     Information
                                      413,850.00           Not applicable   Not applicable    86,451.00
Co., Ltd.              service fee
International          Procurement
Conference Center      and meeting
                                       34,982.00           Not applicable   Not applicable   233,917.62
Company of Yiwu        affair
Market Development     expenses
Group Co., Ltd.

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                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

             Selling goods/rendering service
             √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Amount in the
                                                                   Contents of
                                                                                   Amount in the          prior
                      Related party                               related-party
                                                                                   current period   corresponding
Yiwu China Commodities City Property Service Co., Ltd.      Product sales and        6,178,159.43       1,787,078.02
                                                            system development
Zhijie Yuangang                                             Warehousing cost           978,113.21                  -
Yiwu Heimahui Enterprise Service Co., Ltd.                  Information service        345,800.00                  -
Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.                     Software service fee       292,500.00                 -
Yourworld International Conference Center Company of        Product sales and                   -        410,332.78
Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.                     washing fees
Yiwu Jinyue Shangbo Real Estate Co., Ltd                    Advertising                          -        97,924.53
                                                            production costs
Yiwu Security Service Co., Ltd.                             Meal expenses                        -        57,390.00
Zhejiang YXE Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.              Payment for goods                    -        36,196.94
Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.          Advertising                          -        16,677.36
                                                            production costs
Yiwu Hongtu Shangbo Real Estate Co., Ltd                    Advertising                          -        14,433.96
                                                            production costs
Yiwu Huishang Micro-finance Co., Ltd.                       Payment for goods                    -        10,996.30

             Notes on related-party transactions of purchasing and selling goods and rendering and
             accepting service
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

             (2). Entrustment/contracting from and to related parties
             Entrustment/contracting to the Company:
             √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                          Starting Ending                     Entrustment
                                                          date of date of       Pricing of   income/contr
                Name of      Name of         Type of
                                                         entrustm entrustm entrustment       acting income
             consignor/em consignee/cont entrusted/contr
                                                            ent       ent    income/contr    recognized in
                  ployer      ractor      acted assets
                                                         /contract /contract acting income     the current
                                                            ing       ing                        period
             Yiwu Market The Company Entrustment of Feb 1, Jan 31, Negotiated                 1,220,016.70
             Development                 other assets    2020      2025      price
             Group Co.,

             Notes on entrustment/contracting from related parties
             √Applicable □Not applicable
                  According to the management contract signed between the Company and Yiwu Market
             Development Group Co., Ltd. for the Yourworld International Conference Center, the Company
             is entrusted to manage the Yourworld International Conference Center Hotel located at No. 100
             Xingfuhu Road, Yiwu City. The hotel management fee charged during this reporting period was
             RMB 1,220,016.70 (January-June 2023: RMB 1,973,291.12).

             Entrustment/contracting from the Company:
             □ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                              Semi-annual Report for 2024

           Notes on related-party management/contracting
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           (3). Related leasing
           The Company as the lessor:
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                              Rental income         Rental income
            Name of lessee                  Type of leased asset            recognized in the     recognized in the
                                                                              current period       previous period
Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise              Office space                              485,524.71            292,115.22
Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Property       Office space                             367,373.40            494,462.28
Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Market Development Service Center     Parking lot                              300,962.77            320,811.73
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Property       Office space                             234,964.68             97,139.70
Service Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shanglv                               Warehouse and parking                    229,357.80            917,431.19
Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital               Office space                             143,977.85            136,139.73
Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Meipinshu Supply Chain Management     Office space                             107,716.98            174,028.87
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Digital Port Technology Co., Ltd.     Office space                             106,579.08            118,715.50
Yiwu Huishang Micro-finance Co., Ltd.      Auxiliary buildings                       78,360.00             81,909.41
Zhijie Yuangang                            Office space                              72,672.18             74,028.00
Hangzhou MicroAnts Co., Ltd.               Office space                              29,524.76             81,183.79

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                                                                  Semi-annual Report for 2024

The Company as the lessee
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                             Variable lease
                             Simplified treatment of
                                                              payments not
                              rental expenses for                                                              Interest expense on
                                                             included in the                                                                   Increased
                             short-term leases and                                           Rent paid             lease liability
                                                         measurement of the                                                               right-of-use assets
                           leases of low-value assets                                                                assumed
                                                            lease liability (if
               Type of           (if applicable)
  lessor                                                       applicable)
  name                                                  Amou                            Amou                   Amou                      Amou
                                           Amount in     nt in      Amount in            nt in    Amount in     nt in    Amount in        nt in    Amount in
                            Amount in
                                            the prior     the        the prior           the       the prior    the       the prior       the       the prior
                            the current
                                          correspondi   curren correspondi              curren   correspondi   curren   correspondi      curren   correspondi
                                           ng period        t       ng period              t      ng period       t      ng period          t      ng period
                                                        period                          period                 period                    period
Yiwu China
              Warehous      7,512,968.    7,512,968.8
es City                                                       -                   -                                 -                -        -                 -
              es                   82               2

Notes on related-party lease
√Applicable □Not applicable
    The Group rent office spaces from above related parties at market prices

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                                             Semi-annual Report for 2024

          (4). Related guarantees
          The Company as the guarantor
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                              Amount of     Starting date of        Expiry date of the   Is the guarantee
           The guaranteed
                              guarantee      the guarantee             guarantee           fulfilled in full
          Yiwu Shanglv       26,591,731.09 Jul 1, 2015              Dec 15, 2026       No

          The Company as the guaranteed party
          □ Applicable √Not applicable

          Notes on related-party guarantees
          √Applicable □Not applicable
               The Group provided guarantee for the borrowings of Yiwu Shanglv. As of June 30, 2024,
          Yiwu Shanglv actually borrowed RMB 54.2688 million ( December 31, 2023: RMB 93.3773
          million ) from banks. According to the guarantee contract, the Group assumed liability for RMB
          26.5917 million (December 31, 2023: RMB 45.7549 million). Yiwu State-owned Capital
          Operation Co., Ltd. provided a counter-guarantee

          (5). Related-party fund lending
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
  Related party          Amount         Starting date                                      Description of
                                                                           In 2022, the Group transferred a total of
                                                                           RMB 23,996,981.25 from Chengzhen
                                                                           Property, according to the shareholding
                                                                           ratio, at the annual interest rate of 0%. As of
                      23,996,981.25    Jan 18, 2022                        June 30, 2024, RMB 326,400.00 has been
                                                                           transferred back, and the remaining fund
                                                                           repayment date would be determined based
                                                                           on the funding needs of Chengzhen Property
Yiwu Guoshen
                                                                           The Group allocated a total of RMB
Shangbo              230,600,000.00    Dec 31, 2022
                                                                           230,600,000.00 of surplus funds from
Property Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Guoshen Shangbo in 2022. The allocations
Yiwu Guoshen
                                                                           were based on the share holding rate and
Shangbo              294,000,000.00    Jun 29, 2023
                                                                           the annual interest rates were 0%. The
Property Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Group allocated a total of RMB
Yiwu Guoshen
                                                                           489,988,200.00 of surplus funds from
Shangbo               98,000,000.00    Oct 30, 2023
                                                                           Guoshen Shangbo in 2023. The repayment
Property Co., Ltd.
                                                                           date would be determined according to the
Yiwu Guoshen
                                                                           funding needs of Guoshen Shangbo
Shangbo               97,988,200.00    Nov 1, 2023                         projects.
Property Co., Ltd.
                                                                           The Company received a pre-dividend of
                                                                           RMB 64,418,683.00 from Rongshang
Yiwu Rongshang                                                             Property in 2022, and the specific date of
                      64,418,683.00    Jun 30, 2022
Property Co., Ltd.                                                         repayment of funds would be determined
                                                                           according to the distribution of dividend

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                                               Semi-annual Report for 2024

                                                                             The Company received a pre-dividend of
Huishang Zijing         4,500,000.00      Dec 31, 2021                       RMB 4,500,000.00 from Huishang Redbud
                                                                             in 2021, a pre-dividend of
Huishang Zijing        12,000,000.00      Dec 31, 2022                       RMB12,000,000.00 from Huishang Redbud
                                                                             in 2022, and a pre-dividend of RMB
                                                                             2,250,000.00 from Huishang Redbud in
Huishang Zijing         2,250,000.00      Dec 29, 2023                       2022. The specific date of return of funds
                                                                             would be determined according to the
                                                                             distribution of dividend resolutions.

 Related party          Amount          Starting date          Maturity                  Description of
Lending to
DEVELOPMENT           63,465,484.42    Mar 9, 2020
AND                                                                       In 2020, the Group provided JEBEL ALI
OPERATION                                                                 FREE       ZONE       TRADER        MARKET
FZCO                                                                      DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION FZCO
JEBEL ALI FREE                                                            with financial assistance totaling RMB
ZONE TRADER                                                               63,465,484.42; in 2021, the Group provided
MARKET                                                                    it with financial assistance totaling RMB
DEVELOPMENT          109,636,517.09    Mar 31, 2021                       109,636,517.09; in 2022, the Group
AND                                                                       provided it with financial assistance totaling
OPERATION                                                                 RMB 41,772,885.00, all at an annual
FZCO                                                                      interest rate of 6-month average EIBOR
JEBEL ALI FREE                                                            plus 5%. The repayment term of the
ZONE TRADER                                                               financial assistance would be determined
MARKET                                                                    based on the progress of the project.
DEVELOPMENT           41,772,885.00    May 12, 2022

          (6). Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties
          □ Applicable √Not applicable
          (7). Compensation for key officers
          √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB10,000
                                                                                          Amount in the prior
                        Item                    Amount in the current period
                                                                                         corresponding period
          Remunerations of key officers                                      1,231.90                 1,107.37

          (8). Other related transactions
          √Applicable □Not applicable
          Related party entrusted loan
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                             Unit                                      June 30, 2024                 2023
          Yisha Chengdu International Trade City Co.,                       48,000,000.00         48,000,000.00

              After deliberation and approval at the fifth meeting of the ninth Board of Directors held by
          the Group on December 15, 2022, Yiwugou, an indirectly controlled subsidiary of the Group,
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                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

               provided an entrusted loan of RMB 48 million to Yisha Chengdu International Trade City Co.,
               Ltd., a minority shareholder of Yiwugou, in the form of monetary funds through Yiwu Branch of
               Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd., with a term of 2 years and an annual interest rate of 5.5%.

               6. Unsettled items such as accounts receivable and related parties payable
               (1). Receivable items
               √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                            Closing balance              Opening balance
        Item                Related party                               Bad debt                      Bad debt
                                                       Book balance                 Book balance
                                                                        provision                     provision
Accounts          Yiwu Shanglv Investment               1,921,620.36         207.17      7,824.20          149.10
receivable        Development Co., Ltd.
                  Yourworld International
Accounts          Conference Center Company of
                                                           617,710.49             66.60    535,559.20      10,205.81
receivable        Yiwu Market Development Group
                  Co., Ltd.
Accounts          Yiwu Meipinshu Supply Chain
                                                           118,567.10             12.78              -                 -
receivable        Management Co., Ltd.
Accounts          Zhejiang YXE Supply Chain
                                                                 175.20            0.02              -                 -
receivable        Management Co., Ltd.
Accounts          Yiwu China Commodities City
                                                                         -            -    711,617.24      13,307.24
receivable        Property Service Co., Ltd.
Accounts          Yiwu Market Development Group
                                                                         -            -    292,500.00        5,573.98
receivable        Co., Ltd.
Accounts          Yiwu China Commodities City
                                                                         -            -        999.00              19.04
receivable        Property Development Co., Ltd.
Total                                                   2,658,073.15             286.57   1,548,499.64     29,255.17
Other             Yiwu Market Development Group
                                                           340,691.60                 -    440,168.00                  -
receivables       Co., Ltd.
Other             Yiwu China Commodities City
                                                           231,250.00                 -    132,400.00                  -
receivables       Property Service Co., Ltd.
Other             Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital
                                                              1,912.00                -              -                 -
receivables       Management Co., Ltd.
Other             Zhejiang Xingfuhu Sports
                                                                 533.40               -        148.30                  -
receivables       Development Co., Ltd.
                  Zhijie Yuangang                                214.40               -                                -
Other             Yiwu Market Development Service
                                                                         -            -     42,393.12                  -
receivables       Center Co., Ltd.
                  Hangzhou MicroAnts Co., Ltd.                           -            -        342.58                  -
Total                                                      574,601.40                 -    615,452.00                  -
Long-term         Yiwu Shanglv
                                                       31,850,000.00                  - 31,850,000.00                  -
                  JEBEL ALI FREE ZONE TRADER
                  MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND 252,848,048.35                               - 238,905,772.12                 -
                  OPERATION FZCO
Total                                        284,698,048.35                           - 270,755,772.12                 -

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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

              (2). Payable items
              √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
       Item                              Related party                         Closing book      Opening book
                                                                                 balance           balance
                     Yiwu China Commodities City Property Service Co.,            1,819,306.37     5,606,633.72
Accounts payable
Accounts payable     Yiwu Digital Port Technology Co., Ltd.                       1,692,174.34     1,692,174.34
Accounts payable     Zhejiang Yemai Data Technology Co., Ltd.                       455,475.28       629,311.13
                     Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise Management Co.,                           -     3,592,709.55
Accounts payable
Accounts payable     Yiwu Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.                                  -       402,739.20
Total                                                                             3,966,955.99    11,923,567.94
Advance receipts Zhijie Yuangang                                                    699,668.24       274,063.34
Advance receipts Yiwu Shanglv Investment Development Co., Ltd.                      420,489.29       649,847.09
                     Yiwu China Commodities City Property                           329,641.51       824,103.79
Advance receipts
                     Development Co., Ltd.
                     Yiwu Meipinshu Supply Chain Management Co.,                     55,363.39       209,100.37
Advance receipts
Advance receipts Yiwu Digital Port Technology Co., Ltd.                              54,843.54       156,951.99
                     Yiwu China Commodities City Property Service Co.,                       -       932,547.16
Advance receipts
                     Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise Management Co.,                           -       584,230.37
Advance receipts
Advance receipts Yiwu Market Development Group Co., Ltd.                                     -       403,301.89
                     Yiwu Huishang Redbud Capital Management Co.,                            -        90,759.83
Advance receipts
Total                                                                             1,560,005.97     4,124,905.83
                     Yiwu China Commodities City Property Service Co.,              129,540.17       139,919.81
Contract liabilities
Contract liabilities Yiwu Digital Port Technology Co., Ltd.                          49,636.81        45,657.30
Contract liabilities Yiwu Huishang Micro-finance Co., Ltd.                           34,591.20        11,792.46
                     Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise Management Co.,                           -         4,880.58
Contract liabilities
Total                                                                               213,768.18       202,250.15
Other payables       Yiwu Guoshen Shangbo Property Co., Ltd.                    720,588,200.00   720,588,200.00
Other payables       Yiwu Rongshang Property Co., Ltd.                           64,418,683.00    64,418,683.00
Other payables       Yiwu Chengzhen Property Co., Ltd.                           23,670,581.25    23,996,981.25
Other payables       Yiwu Huishang Redbud Equity Investment Co., Ltd.            18,750,000.00    18,750,000.00
Other payables       Yiwu China Commodities City Holdings Limited                 2,000,000.00                -
Other payables       Zhijie Yuangang                                                472,800.00       322,800.00
                     Yiwu China Commodities City Property
Other payables                                                                      240,000.00       240,000.00
                     Development Co., Ltd.
                     Yiwu Shangbo Yungu Enterprise Management Co.,
Other payables                                                                      200,000.00       200,000.00
                     Yourworld International Conference Center
Other payables       Company of Yiwu Market Development Group Co.,                  150,043.37        96,522.47
Other payables       Yiwu Heimahui Enterprise Service Co., Ltd.                     100,000.00       100,000.00
                     Yiwu Meipinshu Supply Chain Management Co.,
Other payables                                                                       88,050.00        57,000.00
Other payables       Yiwu Digital Port Technology Co., Ltd.                          32,000.00        25,000.00
                     Yiwu Huishang Redbud Phase II Investment
Other payables                                                                               -     5,000,000.00
                     Partnership (Limited Partnership)
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                                                 Semi-annual Report for 2024

Other payables      Zhejiang Yemai Data Technology Co., Ltd.                                        -            70,430.19
Other payables      Hangzhou MicroAnts Co., Ltd.                                                    -            26,000.00
                    Yiwu China Commodities City Property Service Co.,
Other payables                                                                                      -             5,062.00
Other payables      Yiwu China Commodities City Trading Co., Ld.                                  -               2,500.00
Total                                                                                830,710,357.62         833,899,178.91

           (3). Other projects
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                 Item                    Related party                          Closing book        Opening book
                                                                                  balance             balance
           Debt           Yisha Chengdu International Trade City                  48,066,000.00     48,073,333.34
           investment     Co., Ltd.

           7. Related-party commitments
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           8. Other
           □ Applicable √Not applicable
           XV. Share-based payment
           1. Various equity instruments
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                      Quantity unit: share Amount unit: RMB
           Grant object      Grant in this period         Unlocked in this period       Expired in this period
             category        Quantity     Amount         Quantity         Amount        Quantity     Amount
           Management                -            -   12,249,600.00 36,013,824.00                -            -
           R&D                       -            -      165,000.00            485,100.00               -           -
               Total                 -            -   12,414,600.00         36,498,924.00               -           -

           Stock options or other equity instruments issued to the public as of the end of the period
           √Applicable □Not applicable

                                             Other equity instruments issued to the public as of the
                                                                end of the period
                 Grant object category
                                             The range of exercise        Remaining term of the
                                                      price                       contract
           Management        and     R&D     2.94/2.39                60 months from the date of
           personnel                                                  grant

           Other statements

           2. Share-based payments settled in equity
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
           Method for determining the fair value of equity              Market price on grant day

                                                          195   / 213
                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

instruments on the grant date
Important parameters of fair value of equity               /
instruments on grant date
Basis for determining the number of exercisable            Determined based on the number of
equity instruments                                         incentive objects that have reached the
                                                           assessment target, through annual
                                                           assessment on the Company’s financial
                                                           performance indicators and personal
                                                           performance indicators.
Reason for the significant difference between the          Nil
estimates in the current period and in the
previous period
Cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based                                        82,810,770.00
payments included in the capital reserve
Other statements

3. Share-based payments settled in cash
□ Applicable √Not applicable
4. Share-based payment expenses in this period
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
    Grant object category          Equity-settled share-based             Cash-settled share-based
                                      payment expenses                      payment expenses
Administrative expenses                            2,881,766.53                                     /
R&D expenses                                          67,229.32                                     /
             Total                                 2,948,995.85                                     /

Other statements
     On December 10, 2020, the Fifth Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the
Company approved the Proposal on the 2020 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and its
Abstract, granting stock options to 405 eligible directors, senior management, core technical
personnel, and other personnel deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to be incentivized.
The price for the restricted stocks in the first grant under this plan was RMB 2.94 per share; The
price for the restricted stocks in the reserved grant part was RMB 2.39 per share.
     On September 6, 2021, Zhejiang Zhicheng Certified Public Accountants LLP issued the
capital verification report (ZZKYZ [2021] No. 17): The Company has received a total of RMB
5,592,600.00 for subscription of restricted shares from 31 restricted stock incentive objects,
including RMB 2,340,000.00 in newly registered capital (share capital), and RMB 3,252,600.00
in capital reserve. The registered capital and share capital of the Company before the capital
increase were both RMB 5,489,914,176.00, and the registered capital and share capital after
the change were both RMB 5,492,254,176.00. During this grant registration process, in view of
the fact that 3 of the incentive objects to be granted on the reserved grant date are no longer
eligible for incentive objects due to their voluntary abandonment; 31 incentive objects actually
subscribed this time, and 2.34 million shares were subscribed. On November 4, 2021, the
registration procedures for the reserved grant part of restricted stocks involved in this incentive
plan were completed, and the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing
Corporation Limited issued the "Securities Change Registration Certificate".

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment
□ Applicable √Not applicable

6. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

XVI.       Commitments and contingencies
1. Important commitments
√Applicable □Not applicable
Important external commitments, nature and amount thereof as of the balance sheet dates
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
     Capital commitments                 June 30, 2024                         2023
Signed but not provided                       4,281,179,919.98                4,549,081,338.19
      In 2017, the Group’s wholly-owned subsidiary Yiwu China Commodities City Financial
Holdings Co., Ltd. (“CCCF”) and Shanghai Fuxing Industry Group Co., Ltd. (“Fuxing Group”)
jointly established an industry fund Yiwu China Commodities City Fuxing Investment Center
(Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as the “FOF”). The FOF as a limited partner
invested in 12 sub-funds including Yiwu Shangfu Chuangzhi Investment Center (Limited
Partnership) (“Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund”). CCCF subscribed for capital contribution of RMB
998 million in the FoF as a limited partner, accounting for 49.9% of the total capital contribution,
and has paid in RMB 102.92 million. The unpaid portion of its subscribed capital contribution
was promised to be RMB 895.08 million and was not subject to a term. CCCF also made capital
contribution of RMB 9.8 million (49% equity) to Yiwu China Commodities City Investment and
Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “CCCIM”), which was a general partner of
the above FoF and sub-funds. Fuxing made capital contribution of 51% to and had control over
      Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund raised funds of RMB 823.36 million in total. The FoF has
subscribed for and paid in capital contribution of RMB 205.84 million as a limited partner
(including the above RMB 102.92 million from CCCIM and the rest was contributed by Fuxing,
the other limited partner of the FoF). As the other limited partner of Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund,
CCCF has separately subscribed for and paid in capital contribution of RMB 617.51 million. In
addition, neither the Group nor CCCF have invested in other sub-funds of the FoF. Shangfu
Chuangzhi Fund subsequently subscribed to the increased registered capital of Hubei Asset
Management Co., Ltd. for RMB 820.54 million, holding 22.6667% of its equity. In 2019, 9 out of
the 12 sub-funds mentioned above were cancelled.
      In 2018, CCCF learned during its after-investment follow-up management that Fuxing and
its actual controller ZHU Yidong were suspected of having committed a criminal offense and the
22.667% equity held by Shangfu Chuangzhi Fund in Hubei Provincial Asset Management Co.,
Ltd. was frozen by the Public Security Bureau of Shanghai due to Fuxing’s contribution to the
sources of the capital contribution. As of the date of approval for the financial statements, the
relevant equity was still frozen.
      As of the approval date of the financial statements, the Group had not received any notice
of capital contribution other than the above contributions that had been made or any notice of
action involving the Group, CCCF, FOF and its sub-funds.
      In addition, as of June 30, 2024, the Group had other investment commitments totaling
RMB 202.7182 million (December 31, 2023: RMB 117.68 million).
      For lease commitment as a lessee, please refer to Note VII. 82.

2. Contingencies
(1). Important contingencies on the balance sheet date
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
Item                                        June 30, 2024                   2023
Contingent liabilities resulting from              31,202,981.44            50,384,223.92
the guarantee provided externally
     According to relevant regulations, the Group is required to provide mortgage loan
guarantees to the bank for the sale of commercial housing before the purchaser of the housing
has completed the property ownership certificate. The outstanding guarantee amount as of
June 30, 2024 was RMB 4,611,250.35 (December 31, 2023: RMB 4,629,333.68). Those
                                             197   / 213
                                                Semi-annual Report for 2024

           guarantees would be released after the issuance of the property ownership certificates and are
           thus little likely to incur losses. Therefore, the management believed that it was not necessary to
           make provision for the guarantees.
                 According to the resolution of the 15th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors on Jul 1, 2015,
           the Group applied to the Yiwu Branch of ABC for a loan of RMB 750 million for Yiwu Shanglv
           and provided guarantee based on its shareholding ratio. The guarantee was a joint and several
           liability guarantee, the maximum amount of guarantee was RMB 367.5 million and the term was
           11 years. As of June 30, 2024, Yiwu Shanglv actually borrowed RMB 54,268,838.96 from banks
           (December 31, 2023: RMB 93,377,327.02). According to the guarantee contract, the Group
           should bear a guarantee liability of RMB 26,591,731.09 (December 31, 2023: RMB
           45,754,890.24) to Yiwu Branch of Agricultural Bank of China. Yiwu State-owned Capital
           Operation Co., Ltd. provided a counter-guarantee for this guarantee.

           (2).   The Company should also provide an explanation if there are no important or
                contingent matters that need to be disclosed:
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           3. Other
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

           XVII.    Matters after the balance sheet date
           1. Important non-adjustment events
           √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB 100 million
                                                                                          Effect on      Reasons
                                                                                       financial status for inability
    Item                                       Content
                                                                                        and operating to estimate
                                                                                           results       the effect
Issuance of       On July 29, 2024, the Company issued Zhejiang China
ultra-short       Commodities City Group Co., Ltd.'s 2024 super-short-term
term              financing bonds (Issue 3) for RMB 1 billion, with a term of 268
financing         days and a one-time repayment of principal and interest when
notes             due, at an issuance interest rate of 2.00%.
Equity            On July 20, 2024, the Company’s original wholly-owned
transfer of       subsidiary Yiwu Xingchen Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.
wholly-owned      completed the change registration with market regulation
subsidiary        authorities for the transfer of 100% equity in it to the Company's
[Note 6]          controlling shareholder Yiwu China Commodities City Holdings
                  Limited. The equity transfer has been fully completed.
                Note 6: The equity transfer and related debt repayment were completed on July 10, with a
           total amount of RMB 2.574 billion received; The equity delivery was completed on July 18. After
           the completion of this transaction, monetary funds increased by RMB 2.574 billion (partially
           used to repay interest-bearing debts), inventory and long-term assets decreased by
           approximately RMB 1.838 billion, capital reserve increased by RMB 681 million, and minority
           shareholders' equity increased by RMB 55 million.

           2. Profit distribution
           □ Applicable √Not applicable
           3. Sales return
           □ Applicable √Not applicable

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4. Other events after the balance sheet date
□ Applicable √Not applicable

XVIII.    Other important matters
1. Correction of previous accounting errors
(1). Retrospective restatement
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Prospective application
□ Applicable √Not applicable
2. Significant debt restructuring
□ Applicable √Not applicable

3. Exchange of assets
(1). Non-monetary asset exchange
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(2). Exchange of other assets
□ Applicable √Not applicable

4. Pension plan
□ Applicable √Not applicable

5. Termination of operations
□ Applicable √Not applicable

6. Information of divisions
  (1). Determination basis and accounting policy of reporting divisions
√Applicable □Not applicable
    Information of divisions is reported based on business divisions of the Group. In the
identification of region-based divisions, revenue is attributable to the divisions in the regions
where the clients are located, and assets are attributable to the divisions in the regions where
the assets are located. As the Group’s main operating activities and operating assets are both
concentrated in mainland China, it is not required to report more detailed information on
region-based divisions.
    The Group’s businesses are organized and managed separately based on the nature of
business and the products and services provided. Each business division of the Group is a
business department or a subsidiary and provides the products and services that face the risk
different from that faced by other business divisions and bring the compensations different from
those brought by other business divisions. The detailed information on business divisions are
summarized as follows:

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                      (a) Market operation segment refers to the business that the Group is engaged in market
            operation, including the collection of business space usage fees and the rent of auxiliary
            buildings and office buildings;
                      (b) The trade services division includes providing market-related supporting services;
                      (c) The supporting service division refers to the operational activities of hotels, including
            guest room accommodation, catering services, as well as the design, production, publishing,
            and advertising agency business;
                      (d) The commodity sales division refers to the business of buying and selling commodities
            such as export trade.
                      The transfer pricing between divisions is made based on the prices offered to third parties
            and the then prevailing market prices.
                      The management manages the operating results of each business unit separately for the
            purpose of allocating resources and evaluating performance. Division performance is evaluated
            based on the reported division profits.

              (2). Financial information of reporting divisions
            √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB million
        Item                    Market           Trade         Supporting            Sales of     Set-offs        Total
                               operation        services        services              goods        among
Revenue from
                                 2,269.00           371.00           231.00           3,895.00             -          6,766.00
external transactions
Revenue from
inter-division                       30.00           38.00            16.00                3.00       87.00                  -
Profits before tax               1,801.00           133.00           -6.00              -14.00         4.00        1,910.00
Total assets                    46,501.00        11,631.00        1,514.00            2,519.00    26,143.00       36,022.00
Total liabilities               27,267.00         5,872.00        1,384.00            2,373.00    18,971.00       17,925.00
Capital expenditures               215.00           335.00            1.00                   -            -          551.00
Long-term equity
investment in joint
                                 5,991.00           946.00                   -             2.00            -          6,939.00
ventures and

               (3). If the Company does not have reporting divisions or is unable to disclose the total
                 assets and total liabilities of each division, please explain
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            (4). Other notes
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            7. Other important transactions and events that have influence on investors’ decisions
            □ Applicable √Not applicable

            8. Other
            □ Applicable √Not applicable
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                       XIX.     Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company
                       1. accounts receivable
                       (1). Disclosure by aging
                       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                               Account aging             Closing book balance           Opening book balance
                       Within 1 year
                       Including: sub-items
                       Within 1 year                                  8,236,506.26                32,222,205.22
                       Within 1 year                                  8,236,506.26                32,222,205.22
                       1 to 2 years                                     304,582.11                   621,620.47
                       2 to 3 years                                   1,522,338.68                 1,195,926.30
                                    Total                           10,063,427.05                 34,039,751.99

                       (2). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
                       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                 Closing balance                                                         Opening balance
              Category                       Book balance              Bad debt provision                            Book balance            Bad debt provision
                                                                                                     Book                                                                 Book
                                                         Proportion                Provision         value                      Proportion               Provision        value
                                          Amount                       Amount                                     Amount                     Amount
                                                            (%)                    ratio (%)                                       (%)                   ratio (%)
Provision for bad debts on a grouping
                                         10,063,427.05      100.00 121,951.25              1.21    9,941,475.80 34,039,751.99      100.00    98,315.30           0.29   33,941,436.69
Among them:
Provision for bad debts by grouping of   10,063,427.05      100.00 121,951.25              1.21    9,941,475.80 34,039,751.99      100.00    98,315.30           0.29   33,941,436.69
credit risk characteristics
                 Total                   10,063,427.05       /        121,951.25       /           9,941,475.80 34,039,751.99       /        98,315.30       /          33,941,436.69

                       Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
                       □ Applicable √Not applicable

                       Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
                       √Applicable □Not applicable
                       Provision items on a grouping basis: by grouping of credit risk characteristics
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Closing balance
                                                Accounts receivable                                 Bad debt provision                  Provision ratio (%)
                       Provision for bad
                       debts by grouping
                                                       10,063,427.05               121,951.25                                                                      1.21
                       of credit risk
                               Total                   10,063,427.05               121,951.25                                                                      1.21
                       Description of provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
                       □ Applicable √Not applicable

                       Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
                       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                        Stage 1                     Stage 2                  Stage 3
                                                                                               Expected credit          Expected credit
                                                                                              loss in the entire       loss in the entire
                              Bad debt provision                   credit loss in                                                                          Total
                                                                                               duration (credit         duration (credit
                                                                  the coming 12
                                                                                                has not been               has been
                                                                                                  impaired)                impaired)
                       Balance as of January 1,                         98,315.30                                                                          98,315.30
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Movements for the current
Provision made in the            127,476.74                                            127,476.74
current period
Current reversal                 103,840.79                                            103,840.79
Balance as of June 30,           121,951.25                                            121,951.25

Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of accounts receivable with changes in
loss provisions in this period:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(3). The situation of bad debt provision
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                               Amount of change during the
                            Opening                   current period
     Category                                                                    Closing balance
                            balance                              Recovery or
Bad debt provision           98,315.30           127,476.74         103,840.79       121,951.25
for accounts
       Total                 98,315.30            127,476.74        103,840.79       121,951.25

In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other statements

(4). Accounts receivable actually written off during the current period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Information of write-off of important accounts receivable
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Description of accounts receivable written off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). The five largest accounts receivable and contract assets aggregated by debtor at the
     end of the period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
√Applicable □Not applicable
    The Company mainly engages in market operations and hotel services, and the business
income obtained from individual customers is very low. Therefore, the total accounts receivable
from the top five customers account for a small proportion of the Company's total accounts
receivable balance.
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2. Other receivables
Presentation of items
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Item                       Closing balance          Opening balance
Other receivables                                28,372,376.18            12,892,088.01
             Total                               28,372,376.18            12,892,088.01

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Interest receivable
(1). Classification of interest receivable
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Significant overdue interest
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). The situation of bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Not applicable
In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

(6). Interest receivable actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Important interest receivable written off among them
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation of writing-off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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Dividends receivable
(1). Dividend receivable
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(2). Important dividend receivable with an account aging longer than 1 year
□ Applicable √Not applicable
(3). Categorized disclosure based on the bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation for provision for bad debts on an individual basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Provision for bad debts on a grouping basis:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). The situation of bad debt provision
□ Applicable √Not applicable
In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:

(6). Dividends receivable actually written off in this period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Important dividend receivables written off among them
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Explanation of writing-off:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other receivables
(1). Disclosure by aging
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                 Unit: RMB
         Account aging                Closing book balance         Opening book balance
Within 1 year
Including: sub-items
Within 1 year                                      27,240,027.28             11,372,670.58
Within 1 year                                      27,240,027.28             11,372,670.58
1 to 2 years                                          365,703.11                230,770.07
2 to 3 years                                           74,836.00              1,086,758.22
Over 3 years                                        1,399,486.10                957,449.34
Bad debt provision for other                         -707,676.31               -755,560.20
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             Total                                      28,372,376.18                           12,892,088.01

(2). Categorized by nature of accounts receivable
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
     Nature of receivable               Closing book balance                   Opening book balance
Withholdings and deposits                         28,465,429.86                          13,444,205.52
Reserve                                               614,622.63                            203,442.69
            Total                                 29,080,052.49                          13,647,648.21

(3). Provision for bad debts
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                  Stage 1                 Stage 2              Stage 3

                                                    Expected credit         Expected credit
                               Expected credit
                                                   loss in the entire      loss in the entire        Total
    Bad debt provision           loss in the
                                                    duration (credit        duration (credit
                                 coming 12
                                                     has not been              has been
                                                       impaired)               impaired)

Balance as of January 1,          755,560.20                                                      755,560.20
Movements for the current
Provision made in the              26,171.69                                                       26,171.69
current period
Current reversal                   74,055.58                                                       74,055.58
Balance as of June 30,            707,676.31                                                      707,676.31

Classification basis and bad debt provision ratio for each stage

Significant changes in the book balance of other receivables with changes in loss provisions:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Basis for the bad debt provision made in the current period and for assessing whether the credit
risk of financial instruments has increased significantly:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). The situation of bad debt provision
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                          Amount of change during the
                                      Opening                   current period                     Closing
                                      balance                            Recovery or               balance
Bad debt provision for other           755,560.20           26,171.69       74,055.58             707,676.31
            Total                      755,560.20              26,171.69        74,055.58         707,676.31

In which the recovered or reversed amount is important:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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Other statements

(5). Other receivables actually written off during the current period
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Of which, important write-offs of other receivables:
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Notes on the write-off of other receivables:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(6). The five largest other accounts receivable aggregated by debtor at the end of the
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                   As a percentage of
                                                                            balance of
                         Closing  the closing balance Nature of   Account
       Debtor                                                                bad debt
                         balance      of total other  receivable   aging
                                    receivables (%)
Yiwu Junhuhui                                                Transactions
                                                                          Within 1
Entertainment Co., 6,212,477.30                        21.36 between                                -
Ltd                                                          companies
Sub-district Office                                             Transactions
                                                                             Within 1
of Yiwu Municipal    2,631,845.00                          9.05 between                             -
People's                                                        companies
Yiwu Power
Transmission and
                                                                  Guarantee     Within 1
Transformation       1,287,187.00                          4.43                                     -
                                                                  deposit       year
Engineering Co.,
Zhejiang Yuntong                                                Transactions
                                                                             Over 3
Advertising Co.,       596,580.00                          2.05 between                    596,580.00
Ltd.                                                            companies
Yiwu Branch of
China Telecom                                                     Electricity   Within 1
                       432,269.96                          1.49                                     -
Corporation                                                       charge        year
       Total        11,160,359.26                      38.38            /           /      596,580.00

(7). Reported as other receivables due to centralized fund management
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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3. Long-term equity investment
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                  Closing balance                                              Opening balance
             Item                                    Impairment                                                   Impairment
                                  Book balance                               Book value          Book balance                    Book value
                                                      provision                                                    provision
Investment in subsidiaries        4,825,639,030.22              -          4,825,639,030.22      4,720,325,641.28            - 4,720,325,641.28
Investment in associates and      5,992,891,823.99              -          5,992,891,823.99      5,877,913,559.04            - 5,877,913,559.04
joint ventures
               Total             10,818,530,854.21               -     10,818,530,854.21        10,598,239,200.32               - 10,598,239,200.32

(1) Investment in subsidiaries
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Decrease in                            Closing balance of
                                                               Increase in the
                 Investee                   Opening balance                               the current       Closing balance         impairment
                                                                current period
                                                                                            period                                    provision
Yiwu China Commodities City Financial       2,239,709,817.88               91,741.10                    -    2,239,801,558.98                     -
Holdings Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shangbo Yuncang Enterprise              500,000,000.00                        -                    -      500,000,000.00                     -
Management Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Xunchi Digital Technology Co.,      444,496,865.60                28,501.54                    -      444,525,367.14                     -
Yiwu Shangbo Shuzhi Enterprise               300,000,000.00                        -                    -      300,000,000.00                     -
Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Shangcheng Gonglian Enterprise          200,000,000.00                        -                    -      200,000,000.00                     -
Management Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang China Commodities City Group        120,170,407.81                24,701.34                    -      120,195,109.15                     -
Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Big Data Co.,    105,483,537.63            244,502.42                       -      105,728,040.05                     -
Yiwu China Commodities City Import and       102,548,043.93                62,703.40                    -      102,610,747.33                     -

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Export Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Logistics and    102,460,999.18           136,509.74                  -         102,597,508.92                   -
Distribution Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Overseas         101,856,782.73           122,301.09                  -         101,979,083.82                   -
Investment and Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Supply Chain     101,749,098.22           113,392.84                  -         101,862,491.06                   -
Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Tourism          101,233,724.56               52,569.52               -         101,286,294.08                   -
Development Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Huajie Investment and                79,050,980.24         3,656,126.42                  -          82,707,106.66                   -
Development Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Comprehensive Bonded Zone                60,777,551.11               66,840.32               -          60,844,391.43                   -
Operation and Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Information       51,083,052.18               23,909.63               -          51,106,961.81                   -
Technology Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou Shangbo Nanxing Property Co.,        50,000,000.00                       -               -          50,000,000.00                   -
Yiwu China Commodities City Exhibition        20,973,615.43           167,842.43                  -          21,141,457.86                   -
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yindu Hotel Management Co., Ltd.     15,120,730.48           304,492.03                  -          15,425,222.51                   -
Yiwu China Commodities City Assets            11,971,370.03           118,439.75                  -          12,089,809.78                   -
Operation and Management Co., Ltd.
Yiwu China Commodities City Research          11,639,064.27               98,815.37               -          11,737,879.64                   -
Institute Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Yundailu Data Technology Co., Ltd.                    -      100,000,000.00                  -         100,000,000.00                   -
                     Total                  4,720,325,641.28      105,313,388.94                  -       4,825,639,030.22                   -

(2) Investments in joint ventures and associates
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                        Change in the current period                                  Closing
             Investment                                                                          Investment                         balance of
                                        Opening balance         Additional    Decrease in                        Closing balance
                Unit                                                                           gains or losses                     impairment
                                                               investment     investment
                                                                                               recognized with                       provision
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                                                                                                  the equity
1. Joint ventures
Yiwu Shanglv Investment Development       435,929,928.58                    -               -    23,714,674.25    459,644,602.83        -
Co., Ltd.
Yiwu Rongshang Property Co., Ltd.          65,650,697.03                    -               -           180.99     65,650,878.02    -
Yiwu Chuangcheng Property Co., Ltd.        27,685,633.41                    -               -       565,950.74     28,251,584.15    -
Yiwu Guoshen Shangbo Property Co.,        927,219,681.28                    -               -     1,279,075.67    928,498,756.95    -
Others                                     23,531,994.72                    -               -      -710,086.13      22,821,908.59   -
Sub-total                               1,480,017,935.02                    -               -    24,849,795.52   1,504,867,730.54   -
2. Associates
Huishang Micro-finance                     78,587,936.11                    -               -       668,603.28      79,256,539.39   -
Chouzhou Financial Lease                  574,958,766.29                    -               -    54,021,989.23     628,980,755.52   -
Pujiang Lvgu Property Co., Ltd.           346,296,866.40                    -               -    46,319,683.10     392,616,549.50   -
Yiwu China Commodities City Property    3,127,041,142.49                    -               -    -5,218,340.42   3,121,822,802.07   -
Development Co., Ltd.
Zhijie Yuangang                           131,982,044.17                -                   -    -5,687,009.55     126,295,034.62   -
Others                                    139,028,868.56     5,000,000.00        5,000,000.00        23,543.79     139,052,412.35   -
Sub-total                               4,397,895,624.02     5,000,000.00        5,000,000.00    90,128,469.43   4,488,024,093.45   -
                  Total                 5,877,913,559.04     5,000,000.00        5,000,000.00   114,978,264.95   5,992,891,823.99   -

(3). Impairment testing of long-term equity investments
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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4.   Operating revenue and operating cost
(1). Overview of operating revenue and operating cost
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                     Amount in the prior corresponding
                         Amount in the current period
       Item                                                                       period
                          Revenue            Cost of sales              Revenue           Cost of sales
Main business         2,272,200,082.79      453,367,623.13          1,778,783,417.92 476,160,908.86
Other businesses        156,341,744.49       36,812,987.68            144,750,859.24      48,992,546.57
       Total          2,428,541,827.28      490,180,610.81          1,923,534,277.16 525,153,455.43

(2). Breakdown information of operating revenue and operating costs
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
           Classified by type of contract
                                                            Operating revenue     Operating cost
Types of goods
    Market operation                                         2,289,518,896.85          366,269,144.95
    Supporting services                                        139,022,930.43          123,911,465.86
Classified by business area
    Chinamainland                                            2,428,541,827.28          490,180,610.81
Classified by contract term
    Revenue confirmed at certain time point                     67,336,323.58           31,862,677.38
    Revenue confirmed during certain time period             2,361,205,503.70          458,317,933.43
                        Total                                2,428,541,827.28          490,180,610.81

Other statements
√Applicable □Not applicable
The income recognized in the current year and included in the opening book value of
contractual liabilities is as follows:
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Type of contract                                        Current period
Market operation                                                                  2,139,554,703.34
Supporting services                                                                  12,817,090.96
Total                                                                             2,152,371,794.30

(3). Contract performance obligations
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(4). Explanation of allocation to remaining contract performance obligations
□ Applicable √Not applicable

(5). Significant contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Other notes:
     The information related to the performance obligations of the Group is as follows:
     The use of shops in Yiwu Market and its supporting services

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                                     Semi-annual Report for 2024

    The contractual performance obligation is fulfilled when providing the use of shops in Yiwu
Market and the supporting services for business. For the use of shops in Yiwu Market and the
supporting services for business, the progress of contract performance is determined based on
the number of using days of the shops. Customers usually need to pay in advance before the
use of shops in Yiwu Market and the supporting services for business are provided.
    Hotel accommodation business
    The performance obligation is fulfilled when providing hotel accommodation services. For
the hotel accommodation business, the progress of contractual performance is determined
based on the number of days of stay. For hotel accommodation services, a partial deposit
iscollected from the customer first, and the remaining contract price is usually collected upon
the completion of the hotel accommodation services.
    Hotel catering business
    The performance obligation is fulfilled when the hotel catering services are provided. The
contract price for hotel catering services is usually charged when the hotel catering services are
    Terminable paid use of funds services
    The performance obligation is fulfilled when the fixed-time paid funding service is provided.
For the fixed-time paid funding service, the progress of contractual performance is determined
based on the number of using days the fund. For the fixed-time paid funding service, the
contract price is usually charged regularly as agreed in the contract.

5. Investment income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Amount in the prior
                                                              Amount in the
                         Item                                                       corresponding
                                                              current period
Income from long-term equity investment calculated           114,978,264.95         1,040,883,650.78
with the equity method
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity                            -         1,296,480.56
Investment income from disposal of held-for-trading                            -            13,602.55
financial assets
Return on investment during investment holding                     2,475,000.00          2,110,591.00
period of other non-current financial assets
                         Total                               117,453,264.95         1,044,304,324.89
Other notes:

6. Other
□ Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                   Semi-annual Report for 2024

      XX. Supplementary information
      1. Detailed statement of non-recurring gains and losses for the current period
      √Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                   Amount       Description of
Non-current asset disposal gains and losses, including the offsetting
portion of the provision for impairment of assets
                                                                                       Please refer to
Government grants that are recognized in the current profit or loss,                   the details of
excluding the government grants that are closely related to the normal                 government
operation of the Company and provided in a fixed amount or quantity and 10,645,620.69 subsidies
that have a continuous impact on the Company's gains and losses                        included      in
according to the national polices and certain standards                                other income
                                                                                       for details
Except for effective hedging business related to the normal operation of the
Company, the fair value gains and losses arising from the holding of financial assets
and financial liabilities by non-financial enterprises, as well as the gains and losses
arising from the disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities
Cash occupation fees charged from non-financial enterprises that are                                      occupation fee
recognized in the current profit or loss                                                                  for receiving
                                                                                                          financial aid
Profits and losses arising from external entrusted loans                                   1,258,704.40
                                                                                                          Mainly due to
Net income from other non-operating activities                                            14,967,685.21   income    for
                                                                                                          breach     of
Less: effect of income tax                                                                 5,461,289.85
    Effect of minority interest (after-tax)                                                  628,511.41
                                     Total                                                29,074,276.12

       If the Company recognizes non-recurring profit and loss items that are not listed in the
       Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to
       the Public as non-recurring profit and loss items with significant amounts, and define
       non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
       Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public as recurring profit and loss items, the
       reasons should be explained.
       □ Applicable √Not applicable
       Other statements
       □ Applicable √Not applicable
       2. Return on equity and earnings per share
       √Applicable □Not applicable
                                               Weighted                                         EPS
             Profits in the reporting period average ROE
                                                  (%)                               Basic EPS         Diluted EPS
       Net profits attributable to common
                                                      7.86                                   0.27             0.27
       shareholders of the Company
       Net profits attributable to common
       shareholders of the Company after
                                                      7.70                                   0.26             0.26
       deducting non-recurring gains and

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                                    Semi-annual Report for 2024

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards
□ Applicable √Not applicable

4. Others
□ Applicable √Not applicable

                                                  Chairman of Board of Directors: WANG Dong
                       Date of approving by the Board of Directors for release: August 16, 2024

□ Applicable √Not applicable

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