2021 Annual Report Stock Code: 600570 Stock Abbreviation: Hundsun Technologies Hundsun Technologies Inc. 2021 Annual Report 1 / 243 2021 Annual Report Important Notice I. The Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company and the Directors, Supervisors and members of the Senior Management warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents in this Annual Report and confirm that there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements contained in or material omissions from this Annual Report, and accept several and joint legal responsibilities. II. All Directors attended the board meeting of the Company to consider and approve the annual results. III. Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP has issued a standard unqualified auditor’s report for the Company. IV. Peng Zhenggang, chairman of the Company, and Yao Manying, Financial Controller and Head of the Finance Department (person in charge of accounting), warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements contained herein. V. Profit distribution plan or capital reserves share capitalization plan during the Reporting Period upon deliberation at the board meeting Hundsun Technologies Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company", for the parent company, the same as below) realized a total net profit of RMB1,379,884,502.16 (in RMB, the same as below) in 2021. According to the Company Law, the Articles of Association of the Company and the relevant guidelines of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, 10% of the statutory reserve fund shall be withdrawn first, plus the profit carry-over from the previous year. According to the actual situation, the Company plans to implement the profit distribution plan in the following order: 1. The Company will withdraw 10% of the statutory reserve fund of RMB137,988,450.2 first. 2. Based on 1,461,144,040 shares, being the Company’s total share capital of 1,461,560,480 shares (as of March 29, 2022, the same below) less 416,440 shares in the Company’s special repurchase account, a cash dividend of RMB1.00 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares will be paid to all shareholders, totaling RMB146,114,404. 3. Based on 1,461,144,040 shares, being the Company’s total share capital of 1,461,560,480 shares less 416,440 shares in the Company’s special repurchase account, 3 bonus shares will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, totaling 438,343,212 bonus shares. 4. The remaining distributable profits will be carried forward to the next year. The above profit distribution plan shall be submitted for deliberation and approval at the general meeting of the Company before implementation. After implementation, the Company's total share capital will be 1,899,903,692 shares. If, during the period between the disclosure of this profit distribution plan and the record date for dividend distribution, the Company's share capital involved in the profit distribution changes due to relevant matters, the Company plans to maintain the same proportion of profit distribution per share, adjust the total amount of distribution accordingly, and announce the details about adjustment separately. VI. Disclaimer of forward-looking statements 2 / 243 2021 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not Applicable The Company's future strategies and plans contained herein do not constitute substantive commitments to investors by the Company. Investors and stakeholders should be adequately aware of risks herein and understand the differences among plans, forecasts and commitments. VII.Whether the Controlling Shareholder of the Company or its associates has misappropriated the Company’s funds for purposes other than for business? N VIII. Whether the Company has provided external guarantees in violation of any prescribed decision-making procedures? N IX. Whether more than half of the Directors fail to warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents contained in the annual report disclosed by the Company? N X. Reminder of important risks None. The Company has described the potential risks in detail herein. Please refer to "(IV) Potential risks" of "VI. Discussion and analysis of the future development of the Company" in "Section III Management Discussion and Analysis" for details. XI. Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable Note: This document is a translated version of the Chinese version 2021 Annual Report (“2021 年年度报 告 ” ), and the published announcements in the Chinese version shall prevail. The complete published Chinese 2021 Annual Report may be obtained at www.sse.com.cn/ 3 / 243 2021 Annual Report Contents Section I Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators .........................................................................6 Section III Management Discussion and Analysis .........................................................................................9 Section IV Corporate Governance ........................................................................................................... 37 Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ................................................................................. 54 Section VI Significant Events ....................................................................................................................55 Section VII Changes in Shares and Particulars of Shareholders ............................................................64 Section VIII Preferred Shares ......................................................................................................................71 Section IX Corporate Bonds ..........................................................................................................................72 Section X Financial Report .......................................................................................................................... 73 I. Accounting statements signed and sealed by the Chairman, Financial Controller, and Head of the Finance Department (person in charge of accounting) of the Company II. The original Auditor’s Report sealed by Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP and Documents for Inspection sealed and signed by Pan-China's CPAs III. Originals of all documents and announcements of the Company publicly disclosed in the newspaper designated by CSRC during the Reporting Period 4 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section I Definitions I. Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings in this report: Definitions of frequently-used terms Hundsun, Hundsun Technologies Hundsun Technologies Inc. or the Company Handsome Group Hangzhou Handsome Electronics Group Co., Ltd. REITs Real Estate Investment Trusts Wealth Management Connect an arrangement under which individual residents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area carry out cross-boundary investment in wealth management products distributed by banks in the Greater Bay Area POSIF investment adviser Investment Adviser of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds FICC services Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities services, including underlying assets such as fixed income securities, currencies and commodities, as well as derivatives underlying those assets. TA system Transfer Agent, Hundsun’s fund registration and transfer system software, used for investor account management and asset management in the asset management industry, including funds, securities, insurance, futures, and private equity FinTech FinTech mainly refers to the low-threshold financial services provided by Internet companies or high-tech companies through cloud computing, big data, mobile Internet, and other emerging technologies. O45 the Company’s investment trading system, of which O refers to Oracle version and 45 refers to version 4.5 UF3.0 Core Business Operation Platform System Version 3.0 Light technology platform LIGHT, a financial digital infrastructure independently developed by Hundsun and a new generation of IT application innovation infrastructure, which is committed to helping customers win business success and build capabilities leading to the future through technical capabilities CESI China Electronics Standardization Institute NLP Natural Language Processing, a subject that studies the language in human-computer interaction AI Artificial Intelligence, abbreviated as AI Finastra a global company based in the UK with a broad range of financial software products and services, providing financial technology services to financial institutions of all sizes worldwide. LTC a management process that continuously optimizes customer-focused operations and management to improve overall operation targets IPD a set of product and R&D management system, which examines the idea and framework of product and R&D management from the perspective of product investment and development "Three responsibilities" system In order to provide customers with a better and more professional service experience, three types of responsible persons are assigned according to business processes and specialization of work for customer interfaces, namely Account responsible (AR), Solutions responsible (SR), and Fulfillment responsible (FR). "Triumvirate" system the three most important positions in product R&D management, i.e., product manager, system architect, and R&D project manager DSTE strategic planning process Develop Strategy To Execution CRM Customer Relationship Management PB system Prime Brokerage System BPO Business Process Outsourcing SaaS Software-as-a-Service, i.e., providing software services over the network AMS Asset Management System RPA Robotic Process Automation AIOps Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations EAAS Everything As A Service, a service strategy of the Company 5 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators I. COMPANY INFORMATION Chinese name of the Company 恒生电子股份有限公司 Chinese abbreviation 恒生电子 English name of the Company Hundsun Technologies Inc. English abbreviation Hundsun Legal representative of the Company Peng Zhenggang II. CONTACT INFORMATION Secretary of the Board Representative of Securities Affairs Name Tu Haiyan Gu Ning Correspondence address Hundsun Tower, No. 3588 Jiangnan Avenue, Hundsun Tower, No. 3588 Jiangnan Binjiang District, Hangzhou Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou Tel. 0571-28829702 0571-28829702 Fax 0571-28829703 0571-28829703 E-mail investor@hundsun.com investor@hundsun.com III. BASIC INFORMATION Registered address Hundsun Tower, No. 3588 Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou Historical changes to the registered address None Principal place of business Hundsun Tower, No. 3588 Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou Postal code of principal place of business 310053 Website of the Company www.hundsun.com E-mail investor@hundsun.com IV. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND PLACE FOR INSPECTION Newspapers selected by the Company for information China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities disclosure Times, and Securities Daily Website designated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange for www.sse.com.cn publishing the annual report Place for inspection of annual reports of the Company Hundsun Tower, No. 3588 Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou V. BASIC INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY’S SHARES Basic Information of the Company’s Shares Class of shares Stock exchange Stock abbreviation Stock code Stock abbreviation before change A shares Shanghai Stock Hundsun Technologies 600570 None Exchange VI. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Name Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP Accounting firm (domestic) engaged by Office address Hangzhou, the PRC the Company Names of signing Chen Caiqin and Fei Jun accountants VII. KEY ACCOUNTING DATA AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS FOR THE PAST THREE 6 / 243 2021 Annual Report YEARS (I) Key accounting data Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase or decrease for the period over the Key accounting data 2021 2020 2019 same period of the previous year (%) Revenue 5,496,578,624.88 4,172,645,156.56 31.73 3,871,840,010.31 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 1,463,538,930.14 1,321,735,522.48 10.73 1,415,848,641.24 Company Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company net of 946,569,672.55 733,590,924.61 29.03 889,871,300.91 non-recurring profit or loss Net cash flows from 956,789,306.14 1,397,902,270.41 -31.56 1,070,787,954.28 operating activities Increase or decrease at the end of the period as compared to At the end of 2021 At the end of 2020 At the end of 2019 that of the same period of the previous year (%) Net assets attributable to shareholders of the 5,695,031,051.05 4,554,029,323.59 25.05 4,478,963,385.36 Company Total assets 12,079,908,312.76 9,971,144,688.34 21.15 8,359,497,109.35 (II) Key financial indicators Increase or decrease for the period over Key financial indicators 2021 2020 the same period of 2019 the previous year (%) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 1.01 0.90 12.22 0.97 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 1.01 0.90 12.22 0.97 Basic earnings per share net of 0.65 0.50 30.00 0.61 non-recurring profit and loss (RMB/share) Weighted average ROE (%) 30.11 31.57 -1.46 37.16 Weighted mean ROE net of non-recurring 19.47 17.52 1.95 23.35 profit or loss (%) Explanation on the key accounting data and financial indicators of the Company for the past three years before the end of the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable VIII. ACCOUNTING DATA DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE PRC GAAP STANDARDS AND FOREIGN ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (I) Difference arising from the net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company in the financial statements disclosed simultaneously pursuant to the International Accounting Standards and the PRC GAAP Standards □Applicable √Not Applicable 7 / 243 2021 Annual Report (II) Difference arising from the net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company in the financial statements disclosed simultaneously pursuant to the foreign accounting standards and the PRC GAAP Standards □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Explanation on the difference between domestic and foreign accounting standards □Applicable √Not Applicable IX. KEY FINANCIAL DATA OF 2021 BY QUARTER Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 (January to (April to June) (July to September) (October to December) March) Revenue 751,184,334.01 1,300,966,351.64 1,068,727,516.27 2,375,700,422.96 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 168,625,222.28 546,464,316.71 -31,254,513.82 779,703,904.97 Company Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 37,621,735.72 262,070,634.56 -25,520,447.04 672,397,749.31 Company net of non-recurring profit or loss Net cash flows from -832,461,297.53 51,193,250.77 180,904,157.44 1,557,153,195.46 operating activities Explanation on the difference between quarterly results and information disclosed in periodic reports □Applicable √Not Applicable X. NON-RECURRING PROFITS OR LOSSES AND AMOUNTS √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Non-recurring profits or losses Amount for 2021 Note (if applicable) Amount for 2020 Amount for 2019 Profit or loss from disposal of 38,436,050.92 Mainly represented the 344,555,568.21 62,739,044.33 non-current assets investment income from the transfer of shares of HundSun Chang Yun and the fair value recognition of the remaining shares of Dworld AI Government grants recognized 57,355,855.21 Mainly represented the 38,004,499.61 43,196,217.04 in profit or loss for the current government grants for period (excluding those closely special projects related to the normal business of the Company and granted under the national policies and continuously enjoyed according to a certain quota of amount or volume Profit or loss from changes in 489,548,525.78 Mainly represented the 244,076,200.23 489,108,448.60 the fair value generated from profit and loss from the the Company's changes in the fair value held-for-trading and derivative generated from the financial assets, and Company's held-for-trading and derivative held-for-trading financial financial liabilities, and assets, and the investment investment income from the income from the disposal disposal of held-for-trading of the held-for-trading 8 / 243 2021 Annual Report Non-recurring profits or losses Amount for 2021 Note (if applicable) Amount for 2020 Amount for 2019 and derivative financial assets, financial assets held-for-trading and derivative financial liabilities, and other debt investments, except for effective hedging business related to the Company's normal business Other non-operating income and expenses other than the -770,038.19 -2,223,351.85 35,336.42 above Other profits or losses that belong to non-recurring profits -10,389,612.76 and losses Less: Effect on income tax 56,393,147.86 8,719,973.75 57,565,685.81 Effect on minority interests 11,207,988.27 17,158,731.82 11,536,020.25 (after-tax) Total 516,969,257.59 588,144,597.87 525,977,340.33 Explanation on defining the non-recurring profits and losses set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profits and losses □Applicable √Not Applicable XI. ITEMS MEASURED AT FAIR VALUES √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Effect on the profit for Item Opening balance Closing balance Change for the period the period Held-for-trading financial 2,723,350,172.04 1,991,523,094.74 -731,827,077.30 82,538,604.83 assets Other debt investments 83,845,382.74 65,681,018.23 -18,164,364.51 2,660,128.09 Other non-current financial 2,229,463,162.16 2,981,720,276.86 752,257,114.70 478,786,243.21 assets Total 5,036,658,716.94 5,038,924,389.83 2,265,672.89 563,984,976.13 XII. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable Section III Management Discussion and Analysis I. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS (I) Overall operations In 2021, China remained a global leader in pandemic prevention and control and in economic and social development through scientifically integrating these goals. Digital technology has played an important role in terms of information services, pandemic detection and material security in the battle against COVID-19. At the same time, the pandemic has created huge public demand for online education, home office services, healthcare and entertainment, making digitalization a hot topic in various industries, the financial industry included. While keeping abreast of changes in regulatory policy and industry development trends, the Company keenly seized relevant market opportunities, changing or upgrading related business services on a timely basis. Through the efforts of all of its employees, the Company 9 / 243 2021 Annual Report achieved sustained business and organizational growth, making great progress in its products, technology, operations and management. During the Reporting Period, the Company's revenue increased by 31.73% year on year, while net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 10.73% year on year. The main reason for this increase was the increased income from main business, under the influence of financial innovation policies, together with the lack of significant asset impairment losses relative to the previous year, during the Reporting Period. During the Reporting Period, continuous growth was maintained in all of the Company's businesses. In terms of industries, good growth was seen in the insurance and private equity markets, while securities, funds, futures and trusts maintained steady growth. In terms of products, the Company smoothly promoted its new generation of core products, such as 045, Valuation 6.0 & TA, wealth management sales and investment advisory products, which were popular with customers. The Company put UF3.0 into full-service operation and continued to maintain its technological leadership via securing in-depth cooperation with a number of brokers using a distributed cloud-native architecture. In terms of the Company's revenue sources, big retail and big asset management services remained dominant, with product lines such as wealth middle platforms, wealth management sales and investment advisory in big retail services, and product lines such as investment & transaction management, and valuation & asset management platforms in the big asset management services all achieving significant growth. In terms of innovative businesses, revenue from data services, data end-use applications, data middle office, and AI for research and investment recorded satisfactory growth. In order to build a double first-class enterprise, the Company continued to improve customer satisfaction, increase the maturity of its duty mechanism for senior executives, and significantly improve efficiency of delivery, with a 9.6% year-on-year decrease in the contract delivery cycle period. It continued to improve product quality, comprehensively reorganized its technological products, optimized its product management principles and resource allocation for key positions, and successfully implemented an 10 / 243 2021 Annual Report employee share ownership plan. In terms of values, the Company has always adhered to a “customer first” core concept, pursuing the goal of exceeding customer expectations. (II) R&D and technology During the Reporting Period, Hundsun's core products, UF3, O45, Valuation 6 and the new generation of TA all completed cloud-native technological upgrades and were also officially launched to key customers. In terms of technological upgrading, the Company continued to improve the Light technology platform, making it more powerful via the introduction of new technologies and the release of a series of new technological products, such as LightDB, a relational database supporting innovative financial IT application business scenarios; LightCore, a cloud-native foundation supporting comprehensive cloud-based business systems; LightAtom, a low-code development platform supporting customer participation in customized development; and LightHSL, a cross-chain service management platform supporting a variety of heterogeneous underlying chains. It also launched the Light Cloud platform, which offers online API distribution, an online development platform and online community services providing comprehensive assistance customers in their digital transformation and upgrading. The Company was also actively involved in the development of standards for emerging technologies. In the field of databases, the product team released a white paper on databases for the industry and won the tender to develop database testing standards for SSE's IT application innovation base. In the high performance computing field, the product team released an industry initiative on performance measurement standards for FPGA-based ticker products. In AI, the Company’s financial knowledge graph platform was awarded application platform and construction platform product certificates by CESI. The NLP Team released intelligent Q&A evaluation criteria. The Intelligent Multimedia Team released evaluation criteria for intelligent dual-recording visual systems. The AI Business Team began formulation of business event standards, which currently remains in the project approval stage. In the blockchain field, the team participated in the development of five blockchain technical standards, and won three industry awards, with related products passing MIIT CAICT's evaluation based on five technical indicators. (III) M&A and Investment During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to make appropriate efforts concerning investment and mergers and acquisitions, acquiring Hengxin Lirong and thereby gaining business and intellectual property rights from Finastra related to the Summit and Opics fund management systems in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, and carrying out business integration with the subsidiary Cloudwing Network, thereby improving its layout in the OPICS fund trading system field. The Company continued to pursue its internationalization strategy, acquiring a 23.66% stake in N2N Connect, a leading trading solutions provider in Malaysia, through the subsidiary Hundsun Holdings Limited, to expand its business in the Southeast Asian market. The Company further improved its AI investment research product line by increasing its shareholding in Dworld AI. The Company continued to invest in the FinTech ecosystem, including a number of leading tech-based startups in niche markets, such as XSKY and Horizon, through relevant mutual funds, and cooperated with these companies in related business areas to achieve win-win cooperation through business synergy. (IV) Systems management 1. Customer satisfaction first/quality first 11 / 243 2021 Annual Report The Company continued its adherence to customer first values. In order to improve customer satisfaction and product quality, the Company actively implemented LTC, IPD and its "Three responsibilities" system, as well as its duty mechanism for senior executives, along with its "Triumvirate " system, and strives to achieve high performance, high reliability and technological leadership in product quality, thereby improving product quality and delivery efficiency. 2. Management upgrading The Company consolidated the DSTE strategic planning process to enhance its strategic planning capability, and reformed its IPD, enabling the full functioning of process-oriented organization, releasing its organization manual and other related supporting mechanisms. The Company also reformed its LTC to establish an LTC process structure, redefined its business opportunity types, established and piloted its sales/delivery project operation mechanism, and defined and designed a sales performance review, decision-making and authorization mechanism for improved decision-making efficiency. It upgraded its HR system, reconstructed its job position system, established initial professional, expert and management position requirements, completed the first round of job qualification authentication, and implemented its long-term incentives policy. 3. Organizational growth The Company increased its talent recruitment and financial budgetary control efforts, with an emphasis on information, gradually upgrading and putting its internal HR platform, operations and R&D platforms online. The Company continued to work on business risk management, establishing a sound COVID-19 prevention and response mechanism to prudently combat the pandemic. II. INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD 1. Financial industry. The Company mainly serves various financial institutions; thus conditions in customers’ industry indirectly affect its business activities. Taking brokerages and funds, the Company’s main customer groups, as examples, industry association data indicates that securities companies’ total revenue in 2021 was RMB502.41 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 12.03%, and that their net profit was RMB191.119 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 21.32%: (Source: Securities Association of China) 12 / 243 2021 Annual Report As of the end of 2021, publicly offered funds managed by fund management companies totaled approximately RMB25.56 trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 28.51%; private equity funds under management totaled approximately RMB19.76 trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 16.51%: (Source: Asset Management Association of China) Based on the performance of the securities and fund industries described above, the overall development of the financial industry in 2021 was solid, with financial institutions’ overall revenue and profits continuing to grow steadily, creating some positive impact on the Company’s normal operations. 2. Financial market reform and regulation. In 2021, capital market reforms continued to expand and further improve. In terms of institutional reform, the Central Economic Work Conference stressed the need to implement pilot comprehensive reform of market-based allocation of factors of production and full implementation of a registration system for stock issuance. The further advancement of the multi-level market will provide more impetus to innovation-driven transformation for economic development. In terms of financial infrastructure, the merger of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s main-board and second-board market has solved problems relating to homogeneous markets. The start of trading at the Beijing Stock Exchange was a success, and it now offers an ideal platform for serving innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, resolving the financing difficulties of these specialized, excellent, unique and innovative enterprises in a targeted manner. In terms of innovative financial products, the first batch of nine infrastructure public REITs was officially listed and traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, marking an important milestone in the piloting process of public Chinese infrastructure REITs. Since then, the piloting of public REITs has continued to accelerate, and on July 2, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Notice on Further Improving the Pilot of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the Infrastructure Sector, which extended the pilot to nationwide scope. The official implementation of "Wealth Management Connect" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area also represented innovation in personal investment business and further expanded overseas use of the RMB, promoting the in-depth development of RMB internationalization. With the continued innovation and transformation of wealth management business models and new highs in the scale of public fund management, public fund investment advisory business underwent rapid development, with a total of 60 pilot institutions obtaining approval for fund investment advisory pilots. At the same time, the industry's basic system was also gradually improved, and 13 / 243 2021 Annual Report guidelines on fund investment advisory business clarifying responsibilities within that business, were issued for consultation. As the liberalization of foreign investment continued, approval to enter the Chinese market was granted to wholly foreign-owned brokers and public funds, with many additional international investment banks and capital management giants in the process of applying for the relevant licenses. Although their entry into China's financial market may challenge local financial companies in the short term, their corporate governance and assessment mechanisms will, in the long run, positively influence the optimization of local Chinese financial companies, promoting a bigger, better and stronger Chinese fund industry. In terms of financial market reform and regulatory measures, FinTech provides support for businesses’ efficient and orderly development, and also plays a positive role in the Company’s daily operations. In terms of financial security, the NDRC launched the "Demonstration Project for the Secure and Controllable Application of Critical Information Infrastructure" in 2019, with a focus on actively and steadily promoting the specific effects of critical information infrastructure innovation in the financial sector. In 2020, the Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Goals for 2035 proposed the "promotion of infrastructure development in an integrated manner" and the "guaranteeing of national economic security, and strengthening of early warning, prevention and control mechanisms, with capacity building to cope with economic security risks, to make key areas such as important industries, infrastructure, strategic resources and major science & technology secure and controllable", thus strongly promoting the IT application innovation strategy. The IT application innovation industry is the technological foundation of national information security. By end-2021, Hundsun had evaluated over 30 business systems (such as UF3.0, TA system, investment transaction systems, fund operations systems, and custodian and valuation systems) to evaluate whether such systems were suitable for ICT application, with over 20 business systems still undergoing this process. 3. Landscape of technological development and industrial competition. In recent years, the digital transformation of the financial industry has continued to accelerate, most especially the data-centric technology changes driving innovation and transformation in financial products and services. Fully releasing data’s potential will be the key determining factor in the industry’s high-quality development. "Capitalizing on data, utilizing assets and applying intelligence" sums up Hundsun's logic concerning the evolution of data intelligence. To achieve the goals of digitally-intelligent capital and digitally-intelligent wealth management, the industry requires enterprise-grade cloud-native big data platforms, agile data architecture, more diverse data, high-performance databases, and, more importantly, innovative alternative data acquired via data asset ecology. AI is moving rapidly from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence and deep integration with financial services, empowering capital management, customer service, marketing, operations, risk control and many other areas. In the era of digital intelligence, the challenge of artificial intelligence lies in the convergence and integration of technologies, the deepening and broadening of application scenarios, and the implementation and promotion of engineering. In terms of the industry landscape, as the digital transformation of financial institutions accelerates, FinTech companies have increased investment and competition in the market, leading to further 14 / 243 2021 Annual Report intensification of industrial competition in niche business areas. Financial institutions’ increasing demand for customer-specific differentiated services and autonomous control has in recent years led to their increasing investment in FinTech. With its business experiencing new hotspots, such as data and intelligence business, FICC business, core insurance business and international business, the Company will leverage its strengths to continue growth in such new areas. III. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD A leading provider of FinTech products and services in China, and therefore focused on the financial industry, the Company mainly serves customers from sectors including securities, futures, public offerings, trusts, insurance, private equity, banking, industry, stock exchanges and emerging industries, providing one-stop FinTech solutions. Against the background of financial digital transformation and upgrading, the Company has undergone a gradual deepening from process digitization to business digitization, continuously exploring the intelligent application of FinTech using advanced technologies such as cloud-native, high performance, big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain to empower financial institutions to better manage assets and serve their customers, and assist its customers to realize financial digital transformation and upgrading. Based on type of product or service, the Company categorizes its principal business activities into the following six business segments: big retail IT, big asset management IT, banking and industrial IT, data risk and infrastructure IT, Internet innovation, and non-financial. Big Retail IT Business Big retail IT business consists mainly of IT business with securities brokerages and wealth managers. The securities brokerage IT business mainly serves customers from the brokerage business segment, and its main core product is centralized trading systems, mainly configured to provide account management, capital clearing and settlement, commission order management, and access (interaction with exchanges, CSDC, etc.) services. The wealth management IT business mainly serves customers from the marketing, sales and customer service business segments of all kinds of wealth management institutions, including banks, securities firms and third parties, and various asset management institutions such as funds, trusts and insurance asset managers, as well as banks’ and brokers’ custody and outsourcing business segments. Its 15 / 243 2021 Annual Report main core products are registration & transfer, asset allocation, product management, and wealth management sales & marketing systems, which are mainly configured to provide product registration & release, wealth planning proposals, financial product management, wealth management sales transactions, investment advisory business operations, customer marketing/service and investor services. In the securities brokerage business, the Company has put UF3.0, its next-generation comprehensive securities financial services platform, into full-service operation, continuously developed and implemented its distributed cloud-native architecture in IT application innovation, and achieved in-depth cooperation on this architecture with seven securities brokers including Huatai Securities, Founder Securities and Industrial Securities. New business with Beijing Stock Exchange and integrated account optimization also provided retail managers with ample service opportunities and revenues. In wealth management, the Company seized the opportunity offered by the rapid development of investment advisory business for public offerings, adding over 50 partners in the investment advisory business in 2021, with a winning bid ratio of approximately 85% for asset allocation systems, and 11 new customers for its next-generation Huiying marketing service platform. In traditional business, the Company contracted with 40 new partners via the new-generation TA, 38 new partners via the financial sales system and 21 new partners through the CRM and call center, also cooperating with Credit Suisse Securities via the app. In the trust industry, the Company contracted to jointly develop integrated wealth management solutions with new high-quality customers including HKR International Kunlun Trust and China Railway Trust, and to jointly develop family trust solutions with new high-quality customers including CCB Trust, Shandong International Trust and Bank of China. Big Asset Management IT Business Big asset management IT business mainly consists of asset management IT business and institutional service IT business. The asset management IT business mainly serves customers from investment research, investment trading, risk management and other related business segments of securities, funds, insurance, banks, trusts and other asset management institutions; its main core products are investment decision-making systems, investment trading management systems, valuation & accounting systems, and asset management operation systems, which are mainly configured to assist institutions in building a sound investment research process and fund managers in making investment decisions, to provide a trading platform for traders and to support the operation of middle and back-end platforms. The institutional service IT business mainly serves customers from brokers‘ institutional business segment; its main core products are institutional service-related business systems, which are mainly configured to support brokers’ provision of trading of investments, compliance and risk control, low-latency trading, agency trading, strategy algorithms, custody and outsourcing, integrated private equity operations, research services, individualized support and other related services to their institutional customers at home and abroad. In 2021, with the continuous opening-up of financial markets, the continuous increase and improvement of infrastructure and continuous innovation in financial business in China, a series of policies, such as the approval of a new fund-raising management institution, the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange, the interconnection of bond markets, the launch of the new bond platform of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, the participation of insurance funds in securities lending, and changes in the settlement mode of securities brokers, were successively introduced, creating many market opportunities 16 / 243 2021 Annual Report for the Company's asset management business segment. In addition, Hundsun's next generation system also achieved phased results. Outside the trust industry and bank financing sub-industry, the Company officially launched its asset management product O45 to the first customer in the fund industry, cooperated with many customers from securities firms, banks, trusts and funds on Valuation 6.0, also launching additional products at the same time. As the institutionalization of customers accelerates, by integrating new business cooperation scenarios such as income swaps, low-latency trading and algorithm policies, the i2 integrated institutional service platform solution provides strong support for various sell-side institutions operation of institutional service business, while enhancing their single product market coverage. In the field of algorithmic trading especially, businesses were linked by the core component PB system, Genus-Finance's algorithmic services and Cloudbroker Network, forming a service ecology for private equity and HNW customers. Data Risk and Infrastructure IT Business The data risk and infrastructure IT business line mainly serves customers from the risk management and compliance business segments of various financial institutions, local exchanges, etc.. Its main core products are compliance management products, which are mainly configured to provide risk monitoring, compliance reporting, process management, information reporting management, and anti-money laundering services. The data risk and infrastructure IT business exhibited generally sound development trends. ① Data services and traditional business grew solidly, with expansion and deepening of underlying data, and the application of special data via linkages. Rapid accumulation and coverage of macro industry database EDB data, together with financial management data, speeded up the self-construction of models for industrial chains and fund valuations, and with increased investments in the construction of public opinion, law-breaking, judicial and trust modules, the in-depth self-construction and integration of models continues to improve, further enhancing the Company's financial industry market share. ② Data middle platform business: HDP, the integrated data platform system, has significantly improved the efficiency of data asset system construction, and acquired 23 new financial industry customers in 2021. The number of customers for products such as regulatory data reporting, risk data warehouses and the new data center increased, notably alongside a significant increase in regulatory data reporting market share. ③ Risk compliance management: products maintained continuous growth with the influence of the anti-money laundering business further expanding. ④ In terms of financial infrastructure, in 2021, the Company officially put the National Carbon Emission Registration and Trading System it had constructed into operation in the national carbon market, and won the bid for construction of a National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading System, thus establishing a leading position in the carbon market. In local financial supervision, the Company expanded its digital supervision of local financial business, laying the foundation for future large-scale promotion. ⑤ In terms of new business and new products: (1) the Company further improved its research and investment AI product line through increasing its shareholding in Dworld AI, acquiring 12 new customers; (2) Zhejiang Xunchang Wendao Network Technology Co., Ltd., a joint venture with Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd., was set up to operate new content businesses such as wealth management short video and live streaming. 17 / 243 2021 Annual Report Banking and Industrial IT Business The banking and industrial IT business, consisting mainly of banking IT business together with industrial and supply chain finance IT business, mainly serves customers from the corporate business and technology departments of commercial banks, finance companies and various industrial customers (such as medium and large-sized manufacturers, trading enterprises, and e-commerce platforms). Its main core products are cash management platforms and bill business products, mainly configured to provide cash management, enterprise treasury management and bill transaction management services. In 2021, the banking and industrial IT business line released the C9 business finance product brand. The configuration of technology and business middle platforms mainly serving joint-stock and urban commercial banks became more reasonable and improvements in the middle platform strategy continued. The Company further enhanced its financial integration program and increased its cooperation with joint-stock and major urban commercial banks, with over ten newly acquired cooperative customers increasing its cash management and bill businesses, and the maturity of its industrial and financial integration program increasing. Internet Innovation Business and Significant Subsidiaries The Internet innovation business mainly serves customers from funds, securities firms, trusts, futures brokers, insurers, emerging and offshore financial institutions, etc.. Its main core products are one-stop cloud service solutions, and IaaS+PaaS+SaaS layer cloud computing services, which are configured to provide cloud-based investment trading, valuation, custody & clearing, investment supervision, information disclosure, performance evaluation & risk management, algorithmic trading, and other, services. Gildata. In 2021, Gildata continued to strengthen and expand its foundational data, comprehensively improving its investment research and risk data, and actively explored and implemented its digital intelligence application capabilities in order to achieve continuing growth in its data services (which remained positive) and organic development of end products (making breakthroughs). In terms of investment research, Gildata improved its terminal emphasizing key areas, made decisive efforts in AI for research and investment, and took its national-level financial information service terminal project through acceptance testing to successfully delivery. In terms of wealth management, innovation in and iterative upgrading of AI Xiaofan’s digital intelligence components continued, permitting rapid contract growth. In terms of capital management and risk control, Smart Eye products "took root and blossomed", steadily opening up the market. Hundsun Ayers. In 2021, Hundsun Ayers continued to maintain its leading position in Hong Kong, acquiring 18 new retail product line customers and exceeding HK$200 million in revenues. With its next-generation securities trading and clearing system with UF3.0 system design and architectural underpinning, Hundsun Ayers had made positive progress in the Hong Kong market, contracting with eight customers in a single year. Hundsun Ayers was also active in the prime brokerage and buy-side businesses, and developed new products such as PB/ESOP. Jingteng Network. In 2021, Jingteng Network transformed itself from a traditional "software system construction developer" into a "business solution provider". Maintaining stability in its original businesses, the company continued to focus on terminal construction, providing terminal product services such as 18 / 243 2021 Annual Report APP/PC/Web/Html5/applets, product tool services such as cloud components/conditional orders/account analysis, and wealth management services such as investment advisory/wealth management malls, thus achieving contract growth and market development in terms of new customers for all business segments. Jingteng Network made a breakthrough in its innovation business, helping brokers provide targeted customer and business operations services based on its “terminal construction to data enrichment” market strategy, and by providing integrated intelligent operation services. By further serving investors and helping employees in business development from brokers’ perspective, adoption of a new BPO business model permitted the production of new business capabilities. Cloudyee Network. In 2021, Cloudyee Network enhanced its core competitiveness by adhering to its quality-first policy, planning and implementing one-stop wealth management solutions, and developing a new generation of popular core products and services. Operationally, the scale of SAAS services and asset management revenues maintained solid growth, exceeding the same period in the previous year, market coverage continued to expand, customers' operational capacity improved, and regular customers' output and renewal rates reached new highs. In terms of solutions, progress in the planning of a one-stop wealth management service business coverage and technology platform went well. Existing products’ architecture was upgraded, and the overall quality of products/services was improved. In new products and services, promotion of Institutional Trading System/Easy Connect products covering new industries proceeded smoothly. The preliminary verification of AMS integration and operation was completed. Hundsun iBontal. In the first quarter of 2021, Hundsun Technologies acquired Hundsun iBontal, a provider of end-to-end IT services for insurance industry solutions. After a year of integration and development, the company was progressing rapidly. In terms of product research and development, Hundsun iBontal completed the transfer of its property and casualty insurance system core technical framework onto Hundsun's LIGHT platform. The functions of the core non-vehicle insurance system were upgraded iteratively, with third-party testing showing that its quality had reached an industry-leading level. Hundsun iBontal strengthened its life insurance solutions, winning the contract for King Dragon Life’s core project. In terms of capital operations, Hundsun iBontal successfully contracted with Trust Mutual Life, its first strategic investor. IV. ANALYSIS OF CORE COMPETITIVENESS DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD √Applicable □Not Applicable Leading product technology. The goal of the Company is to become a leading one-stop solution provider involved in the development and implementation of industry technical standards and quality standards. At present, the Company’s products are industry-leading in terms of technology. The Company’s core trading system for the securities industry, investment management system for buy side industries such as funds, comprehensive wealth management system for banking, and TA system for relevant fields are all highly regarded by customers. These advantages allow the Company to benefit to some degree from economies of scale, improving marginal returns. At the same time, the Company is also continuously expanding its new areas of business, such as in bond market issuance networks and core insurance systems, via mergers and acquisitions and the establishment of joint ventures, and is improving its data business, with the aim of gaining a technological lead in those new businesses within a short period. In recent years, the Company has been rapidly catching up with the leading international FinTech giants, narrowing their 19 / 243 2021 Annual Report lead to rank 38 in the IDC Fintech Rankings 2021, with an overall upward trend in its ranking. th Strong brand influence. The FinTech industry imposes exacting technical requirements. Compared with industry entrants, the Company has over 20 years of experience as a going concern, during which it gained knowledge of customers’ businesses and accumulated capabilities in providing them with comprehensive services, making its products highly regarded amongst customers. Moreover, financial institutions’ need for stable, safe, long-term and high-quality services, also implies that customers tend to prefer the products and services of industry-leading technology companies. Outstanding ability in innovation. The Company continuously recruits the industry’s top talents and has built complete R&D and product systems and teams. At present, the Company has 899 employees with a master’s degree or above (including doctoral degrees). In 2021, the Company invested a total of RMB2.139 billion in R&D, accounting for 38.92% of its revenue, making it an industry-leading enterprise in terms of R&D expenditure. V. MAJOR OPERATIONAL PARTICULARS DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD 20 / 243 2021 Annual Report During the Reporting Period, the Company recorded revenue of RMB5,496,578,624.88, representing an increase of 31.73% year-on-year. Its net profit attributable to shareholders amounted to RMB1,463,538,930.14, representing an increase of 10.73% year-on-year. (I) Analysis of principal businesses 1. Analysis on Changes of Relevant Items in Statement of Profit or Loss and Statement of Cash Flows Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB During the corresponding period Item During the period Change (%) last year Revenue 5,496,578,624.88 4,172,645,156.56 31.73 Cost of sales 1,484,602,486.66 955,906,825.10 55.31 Selling and distribution expenses 557,934,967.43 353,806,789.89 57.69 General and administrative expenses 681,453,467.57 539,490,612.30 26.31 Finance costs -906,045.34 -6,942,521.87 N/A R&D expenses 2,139,296,366.07 1,496,058,838.32 43.00 Net cash flows from operating 956,789,306.14 1,397,902,270.41 -31.56 activities Net cash flows from operating -423,425,969.13 -791,305,394.02 N/A activities Net cash flows from financing -174,082,923.91 -550,797,168.68 N/A activities The change in the revenue is mainly due to the growth of the Company's business during the period. The change in the cost of sales is mainly due to the increase in the Company's business and labor costs. The change in selling and distribution expenses is mainly due to the increase in employees and their remuneration during the period. The change in general and administrative expenses is mainly due to the increase in employees' remuneration during the period. The change in finance costs is mainly due to the increase in exchange loss and interest expense during the period compared with the same period last year. The change in R&D expenses is mainly due to the increase in employees and their remuneration during the period. The change in net cash flows from operating activities is mainly due to the significant increase in the remuneration paid to employees during the period compared with the same period last year. The change in net cash flows from investing activities is mainly due to the decrease in cash paid by the Company for investment during the period compared with the same period last year. The change in net cash flows from financing activities is mainly due to the increase in bank loans obtained by the Company during the period. Detailed explanation of major changes in the Company's business type, profit composition or profit source during the period □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Analysis on revenue and costs √Applicable □Not Applicable See below for details (1). Performance of principal businesses by segment, by product, by region and by sales model 21 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Principal Businesses by Segment Increase/ Increase/decre decrease in Increase/ decrease in Gross profit ase in revenue By segment Revenue Cost of sales the cost of the gross profit margin margin (%) from last year sales from last from last year (%) (%) year (%) Big retail IT 2,111,138,786.79 642,111,363.26 69.58 39.79 75.58 Decreased by 6.20% business Big asset management IT 1,706,117,915.25 304,358,188.06 82.16 39.84 78.12 Decreased by 3.84% business Data risk and infrastructure IT 353,668,302.36 151,359,671.52 57.20 18.59 60.11 Decreased by 11.10% business Banking and industrial IT 353,719,292.45 181,466,873.42 48.70 -2.54 12.67 Decreased by 6.92% business Internet innovation 803,916,108.12 160,308,152.43 80.06 33.69 45.56 Decrease by 1.62% business Non-financial 163,451,862.47 44,469,792.58 72.79 -6.47 -16.36 Increased by 3.21% business Total 5,492,012,267.44 1,484,074,041. 72.98 31.78 55.32 Decreased by 4.09% 27 Principal Businesses by Product Increase/decre Increase/decre Increase/decrease in Gross profit ase in revenue ase in the cost By product Revenue Cost of sales the gross profit margin margin (%) from last year of sales from from last year (%) (%) last year (%) Revenue from 5,408,195,325.14 1,420,423,285.41 73.74 32.14 59.98 Decreased by 4.57% software Revenue from 66,608,294.30 60,291,366.47 9.48 2.81 -0.67 Increased by 3.16% hardware Revenue from 17,208,648.00 3,359,389.39 80.48 72.87 -51.31 Increased by 49.79% science park Total 5,492,012,267.44 1,484,074,041.27 72.98 31.78 55.32 Decreased by 4.09% Principal Businesses by Region Increase/decre Increase/decre Increase/decrease in Gross profit ase in revenue ase in the cost By region Revenue Cost of sales the gross profit margin margin (%) from last year of sales from from last year (%) (%) last year (%) Mainland China 5,268,862,680.55 1,440,685,304.55 72.66 33.40 58.89 Decreased by 4.38% Overseas 223,149,586.89 43,388,736.72 80.56 2.37 -10.97 Increased by 2.92% Total 5,492,012,267.44 1,484,074,041.27 72.98 31.78 55.32 Decreased by 4.09% Explanation on the performance of principal businesses by segment, by product, by region and by sales model See Section "Business Development during the Reporting Period" for details. (2). Analysis Statement of Production and Sales Volume □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Performance of Major Procurement Contracts and Sales Contracts □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Statement of Cost Analysis Unit: Yuan Cost by Segment 22 / 243 2021 Annual Report Change in Proportio the amount n of Proportion for the amount of amount Amount for the current Cost Amount for the for the for the same By segment same period last period Description components current period current period last year compared period in year in total with the total cost cost (%) same period (%) last year (%) Mainly due to the increase in the cost of labor for business Big retail IT Cost of sales 642,111,363.26 43.26 365,705,114.18 38.28 75.58 growth and the business growth of newly acquired businesses in 2021. Mainly due to the increase in the cost of labor Big asset for business management Cost of sales 304,358,188.06 20.51 170,867,764.37 17.88 78.12 growth and the IT business growth of newly acquired businesses in 2021. Mainly due to Data risk and the increase in infrastructure Cost of sales 151,359,671.52 10.20 94,536,256.19 9.89 60.11 the cost of labor IT business for business growth. Banking and industrial IT Cost of sales 181,466,873.42 12.23 161,062,185.98 16.86 12.67 business Mainly due to Internet the increase in innovation Cost of sales 160,308,152.43 10.80 110,132,936.64 11.53 45.56 the cost of labor business for business growth. Non-financial Cost of sales 44,469,792.58 3.00 53,164,919.31 5.56 -16.36 business Total 1,484,074,041.27 100.00 955,469,176.67 100.00 55.32 Cost by Product Change in Proportio the amount n of Proportion for the amount of amount Amount for the current Cost Amount for the for the for the same By product same period last period Description components current period current period last year compared period in year in total with the total cost cost (%) same period (%) last year (%) Mainly due to the increase in the cost of labor for business Revenue from Cost of sales 1,420,423,285.41 95.71 887,872,191.31 92.93 59.98 growth and the software growth of newly acquired businesses in 2021. Revenue from Cost of sales 60,291,366.47 4.06 60,697,191.12 6.35 -0.67 hardware Revenue from Mainly due to Cost of sales 3,359,389.39 0.23 6,899,794.24 0.72 -51.31 science park the decrease in 23 / 243 2021 Annual Report the cost of sales as a result of the decrease in revenue from the science park rental business. Total 1,484,074,041.27 100.00 955,469,176.67 100.00 55.32 (5). Changes in the Scope of Consolidation due to Changes in the Shareholdings of Major Subsidiaries during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Major Changes or Adjustments in the Company's Business, Products or Services during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable (7). Key Customers and Key Suppliers A. Key Customers of the Company Sales to the Company's top five customers amounted to RMB248,922,600, accounting for 4.53% of the total sales in the year. Among the sales to the top five customers, the sales to their affiliates amounted to RMB0, accounting for 0% of the total sales in the year During the Reporting Period, there were cases in which sales to a single customer exceed 50% of the total, there are new customers among the top five customers, or the Company is heavily dependent on a few customers □Applicable √Not Applicable B. Key Suppliers of the Company Purchases from the Company's top five suppliers amounted to RMB 201,782,400, accounting for 21.83% of the total purchases in the year. Among the purchases to the top five customers, the purchases to their affiliates amounted to RMB40,892,500, accounting for 4.42% of the total purchases in the year During the Reporting Period, there were cases in which purchases to a single supplier exceed 50% of the total, there are new suppliers among the top five suppliers, or the Company is heavily dependent on a few suppliers □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Expense √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB During the Item During the period corresponding Change (%) Reasons for change period last year Selling and distribution Mainly due to the increase in employees 557,934,967.43 353,806,789.89 57.69 expenses and their remuneration during the period General and Mainly due to the increase in employees 681,453,467.57 539,490,612.30 26.31 administrative expenses and their remuneration during the period Mainly due to the increase in employees R&D expenses 1,496,058,838.32 43.00 2,139,296,366.07 and their remuneration during the period Mainly due to the increase in exchange loss and interest expense during the Finance costs -906,045.34 -6,942,521.87 N/A period compared with the same period last year. 24 / 243 2021 Annual Report 4. R&D Investment (1). Statement of R&D Investment √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Expensed R&D investment for the current period 2,139,296,366.07 Capitalized R&D investment for the current period 0 Total R&D investment 2,139,296,366.07 Proportion of total R&D investment in revenue (%) 38.92 Proportion of capitalized R&D investment in total 0 R&D investment (%) (2). R&D Personnel √Applicable □Not Applicable Number of R&D personnel 6,065 Proportion of the number of R&D personnel in the headcount (%) 45.6 Educational Level of R&D Personnel Educational level Number Doctor's Degree 8 Master's Degree 891 Bachelor's Degree 4,922 Junior college 238 High school or below 6 Age Composition of R&D Personnel Age composition Number Under the age of 30 (excluding 30) 3,490 Age 30-40 (including 30 and excluding 40) 2,383 Age 40-50 (including 40 and excluding 50) 186 Age 50-60 (including 50 and excluding 60) 5 Age 60 or above 1 (3). Description √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company continuously recruits top talents in the industry and has built various sound systems and dedicated teams for research and development as well as its products. In 2021, the Company invested a total of RMB2.139 billion in R&D, accounting for 38.92% of revenue. The Company is a top-ranked enterprise in terms of R&D expenses. (4). Reasons for Significant Changes in the Composition of R&D Personnel and Impact on the Company's Future Development □Applicable √Not Applicable 5. Cash Flow √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB During the Items in the statement of cash During the period corresponding Change (%) Reasons for change flows period last year 25 / 243 2021 Annual Report Mainly due to the increase in cash received from sales of goods and Sub-total of cash inflows from 6,193,014,080.29 5,350,358,436.16 15.75 provision of services during the operating activities period compared to the same period last year. Mainly due to the increase in employees and their remuneration Sub-total of cash outflows for and the increase in the purchase of 5,236,224,774.15 3,952,456,165.75 32.48 operating activities goods and receipt of services during the period compared to the same period last year. Mainly due to the fact that the increase in cash inflows from Net cash flows from operating 956,789,306.14 1,397,902,270.41 -31.56 operating activities was less than that activities in cash outflows for operating activities during the period. Mainly due to the decrease in Sub-total of cash inflows from investment returns during the period 5,762,984,326.05 6,211,972,149.70 -7.23 investing activities compared to the same period last year. Mainly due to the decrease in cash Sub-total of cash outflows for paid for investments during the 6,186,410,295.18 7,003,277,543.72 -11.66 investing activities period compared to the same period last year. Net cash flows from operating -423,425,969.13 -791,305,394.02 N/A activities Mainly due to the increase in bank Sub-total of cash inflows from 1,923,543,622.44 523,466,670.28 267.46 loans during the period compared to financing activities the same period last year. Mainly due to the share repurchase and the increase in bank loan Sub-total of cash outflows for 2,097,626,546.35 1,074,263,838.96 95.26 repayment during the period financing activities compared to the same period last year. Net cash flows from financing -174,082,923.91 -550,797,168.68 N/A activities Mainly due to the decrease in net cash outflows for investing activities Net increase in cash and cash 353,405,536.94 52,096,797.72 578.36 and financing activities during the equivalents period compared to the same period last year. (II) Significant Changes in the Profit from Non-Principal Business √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB During the Item During the period corresponding Change (%) Description period last year Mainly due to the significant Gain from changes in changes in the fair value of the 414,401,157.02 103,091,491.83 301.97 fair value Company’s financial assets at fair value during the period. Mainly due to the increase in gains generated from the disposal of the Investment income 275,837,269.79 584,205,393.33 -52.78 Company’s subsidiary, Luofeng Network. (III) Analysis of Assets and Liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable 1. Assets and Liabilities 26 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Proportion of Proportion of amount at the amount at the Amount at the Amount at the end of the end of the Year-on-year Item end of the end of the Description current period previous change (%) current period previous period in total assets period in total (%) assets (%) Cash and bank No significant 1,727,704,846.60 14.30 1,374,842,591.24 13.79 25.67 balances changes Held-for-trading No significant 1,991,523,094.74 16.49 2,723,350,172.04 27.31 -26.87 financial assets changes Mainly due to the growth of the Company's business and the increase in accounts Accounts receivable 762,916,207.50 6.32 523,273,534.51 5.25 45.80 receivable from subsidiaries newly included in the scope of consolidation during the period. Mainly due to the increase in executory costs as a result of the Inventories 466,992,190.19 3.87 351,690,935.90 3.53 32.78 increase in employees and their remuneration during the period. Other debt No significant 65,681,018.23 0.54 83,845,382.74 0.84 -21.66 investments changes Mainly due to the Company's investment in Nanjing Pengxi and its subsidiary Long-term equity 1,110,946,777.17 9.20 738,974,733.43 7.41 50.34 Hundsun Holdings investments Limited's investment in N2N CONNECT BERHAD during the period. Mainly due to the increase in non-current Other non-current 2,981,720,276.86 24.68 2,229,463,162.16 22.36 33.74 financial assets financial assets purchased by the Company during the period. Investment No significant 127,524,968.93 1.06 111,411,248.79 1.12 14.46 properties changes Mainly due to the transfer of the Fixed assets 1,679,515,491.95 13.90 472,506,719.88 4.74 255.45 Hundsun Cloud Production Base to fixed assets. Mainly due to the transfer of the Construction in 26,357,513.90 0.22 732,254,664.28 7.34 -96.40 Hundsun Cloud progress Production Base to fixed assets. Mainly due to the Right-of-use assets 32,023,105.44 0.27 N/A implementation of 27 / 243 2021 Annual Report the new leasing standards during the period. Mainly due to the purchase of Intangible assets 376,460,020.43 3.12 161,012,651.89 1.61 133.81 intangible assets from abroad during the period. No significant Goodwill 367,492,126.98 3.04 312,158,890.50 3.13 17.73 changes Mainly due to the inconsistency between the Deferred income tax 163,436,491.51 1.35 71,410,701.28 0.72 128.87 Corporate Income assets Tax Law and the new income standards. Mainly due to the payment of Summit software Other non-current 112,816,169.61 0.93 441,999.00 0.00 25,424.08 to Finastra by the assets subsidiary, Cloudwing Network. Mainly due to the increase in Short-term 178,028,314.11 1.47 46,718,265.90 0.47 281.07 borrowings from borrowings banks during the period. Mainly due to the increase in the payment to suppliers for "Hundsun Cloud Accounts payable 503,758,715.18 4.17 192,172,938.77 1.93 162.14 Production Base" during the period compared with the end of the previous year. No significant Contract liabilities 3,203,414,609.69 26.52 3,107,149,920.44 31.16 3.1 changes Employee No significant compensation 774,996,501.71 6.42 647,448,189.72 6.49 19.70 changes payable No significant Taxes payable 196,064,942.41 1.62 187,413,250.40 1.88 4.62 changes Mainly due to the pre-receipt of equity disposal Other payables 170,804,176.79 1.41 128,629,520.86 1.29 32.79 from the subsidiary Hangzhou Xinglu during the period. Mainly due to the Current portion of current portion of non-current 154,496,614.61 1.28 N/A long-term bank liabilities borrowings during the period. Other current No significant 305,258,151.46 2.53 305,258,151.46 3.06 0 liabilities changes Long-term No significant 228,454,065.70 1.89 206,090,358.06 2.07 10.85 borrowings changes Mainly due to the Deferred income tax 68,201,491.05 0.56 42,478,589.07 0.43 60.55 significant liabilities changes in the fair 28 / 243 2021 Annual Report value of the Company’s financial assets at fair value during the period. 2. Overseas Assets √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Asset scale Including: overseas assets were 822,731,972.19 (Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB), accounting for 6.82% of the total assets. Proportion Whether Control of there is Operation measures to overseas Item Reason Asset scale Location Revenue significant pattern safeguard assets in impairment asset security total risk assets (%) Corporate governance, financial Established Japan Hundsun Autonomous management, by the 43,087,407.06 Japan 635,919.61 0.36 N Software Inc. operation audit Company regulatory, performance assessment Corporate governance, financial Hundsun Established Hong Autonomous management, Holdings by the 726,627,786.49 54,093,813.83 6.02 N Kong operation audit Limited Company regulatory, performance assessment Corporate governance, Hundsun financial Established Intercontinental Hong Autonomous management, by the 41,065,733.06 29,468.71 0.34 N Holdings (HK) Kong operation audit Company Limited regulatory, performance assessment Corporate governance, Hundsun IHS financial Markit China Established Hong Autonomous management, (Hong Kong) by the 1,059,893.93 -300,732.02 0.01 N Kong operation audit Technologies Company regulatory, Limited performance assessment Corporate governance, Business GenSys financial combination Technology Hong Autonomous management, not under 10,891,151.65 -1,185,270.31 0.09 N (International) Kong operation audit common Limited regulatory, control performance assessment (2) Notes to the High Proportion of Oversea Assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Restriction on Major Assets as at the End of the Reporting Period 29 / 243 2021 Annual Report √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Item Carrying amount at the end of the period Reason Cash and bank balances 4,270,755.00 Guarantee deposit Intangible assets 73,153,291.09 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Construction in progress 25,139,995.40 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Fixed assets 1,117,020,509.26 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Other debt investments 65,681,018.23 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Total 1,285,265,568.98 4. Other notes □Applicable √Not Applicable (IV) Analysis of the Industry Operation Information √Applicable □Not Applicable Please refer to Section "Discussion and Analysis on Business Operations" for details. (V) Analysis of Investments Overall Analysis of External Equity Investments √Applicable □Not Applicable Please refer to the "M&A and Investment" in Section "Discussion and Analysis on Business Operations" for details. 1. Major equity investment √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Shareholding Investment Lawsuit Investment ratio at the end profit or loss Investee Principal business Source of funds involved or cost of the period during the not (%) period Provide OTCBB and N2N CONNECT marketing intelligence Self-owned 15,868.40 23.657 450.23 N BERHAD services for brokers in capital Southeast Asia Nanjing Pengxi Self-owned Equity Investment Equity investment 12,000.00 40 -331.57 N capital Center (L.P.) 2. Major non-equity investment □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Financial assets at fair value √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Initial Purchase Disposal Closing Closing Investment Changes in Item investment during the during the balance balance income fair value cost Reporting Reporting 30 / 243 2021 Annual Report Period Period Stocks 21,290 72,583 55,722 38,150 65,601 781 24,316 Funds 50,369 74,103 34,790 89,682 90,397 2,227 1,759 Trusts 257,578 232,173 380,608 109,142 146,945 6,629 15,813 Others 2,925 3,780 2,020 4,685 6,039 0 52 Financial 8,160 1,839 6,321 6,568 266 bonds Debt 2,800 2,800 -318 -88 instruments Financial 27,245 109,700 58,075 78,870 78,870 2,898 products Equity 91,465 21,632 3,479 109,618 109,472 2,063 instruments Total 461,831 513,970 539,333 436,469 503,892 14,546 41,852 4. Specific progress of major asset restructuring and integration during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable (VI) Disposal of Major Assets and Equity □Applicable √Not Applicable (VII) Analysis of Major Companies Controlled and Invested in by the Company √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Nature of Registered Full company name Total assets Net assets Revenue Net profit business capital Hangzhou Hundsun Industrial Cloud Investment 16,500.00 54,450.11 22,148.59 1,654.79 850.78 investment Holding Co., Ltd. Japan Hundsun Software Software JPY 7,850.00 4,308.74 2,023.68 5,188.95 -213.63 Inc. Hangzhou Cloudyee Network Technology Software 10,000.00 23,563.53 16,408.33 14,207.26 6,005.21 Co., Ltd. Hundsun Holdings Investment HKD 10,000.00 72,662.78 58,123.72 17,160.17 5,428.01 Limited management Hangzhou Cloudbroker Network Technology Software 5,176.50 7,678.01 3,673.92 4,810.88 -235.75 Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Cloudwing Network Technology Software 46,606.11 39,736.41 33,436.92 2,929.41 -1,143.81 Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun Wengine Network Software 1,250.00 20,787.11 10,882.20 9,243.12 5,266.35 Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Xinglu Equity Investment Investment Partnership 24,100.00 10,560.04 6,413.87 -422.82 management (L.P.) Zhejiang Jingteng Network Technology Software 5,428.58 11,927.40 6,131.88 11,791.57 148.23 Co., Ltd. Wuxi Xinglu Tiancheng Investment Investment Management 30,100.00 2,402.51 2,402.51 -347.67 management Partnership (L.P.) Shanghai Gildata Inc Software 12,250.00 26,412.47 9,820.54 29,062.17 851.58 31 / 243 2021 Annual Report Nature of Registered Full company name Total assets Net assets Revenue Net profit business capital Business Intelligence Info. Tech. (Hangzhou) Software 2,793.58 7,849.76 3,263.74 7,463.35 65.44 Co., Ltd. Shanghai Genus-Finance Information Technology Software 2,122.03 9,353.74 6,717.23 5,158.58 484.22 Co., Ltd. Nanjing Xingcheng Investment Equity Investment 30,300.00 29,532.77 29,532.77 -950.60 management Partnership (L.P.) Hundsun&IHS Markit China Technologies Co., Software 7,000.00 5,453.09 5,271.40 21.28 -1,024.59 Ltd. Hundsun iBontal (Guangdong) Technology Software 8,000.00 8,980.72 6,516.42 8,092.43 -3,393.00 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Xunchang Wendao Network Software 5,000.00 4,201.32 3,606.21 440.16 -1,393.79 Information Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Dworld AI Software 2,161.00 4,928.60 4,511.62 632.58 -366.30 Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Ricequant Software 1,140.63 2,094.96 1,871.07 1,409.27 -863.17 Technology Co., Ltd. Ant (Hangzhou) Funds Finance 15,562.00 1,084,851.54 100,081.17 1,212,421.85 50,386.38 Sales Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Trade Blazer Software 3,546.97 15,098.27 14,322.46 3,393.84 1,732.86 Technology Co., Ltd. Hundsun Cloud Financing Network Software 6,870.00 10,780.29 4,319.27 11,461.61 -2,929.65 Technology Co., Ltd. (VIII) Status of Structured Entity Controlled by the Company □Applicable √Not Applicable VI. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY’S FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (I) Industry pattern and trends √Applicable □Not Applicable In 2021, the Company continued to be suffered from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the financial industry, efforts to combat the pandemic led to the rapid development of "non-contact" financial services, with banks and other financial institutions attempting to provide users with services such as account opening, transfer, repayment, investment and wealth management via various electronic channels. The pandemic has thus become a long-term "driver" of the financial industry’s digital transformation, which is spreading from products and channels to organizational transformation and the upgrading of IT architecture. FinTech has gone through three stages of development and is now moving into the digital era. The first stage, during 2000-2010, was the application of electronics in finance, i.e., the application of technological tools to replace manpower, mainly for handling transactions. Technology was mainly applied in the form of databases and middleware, and the technical goal of the whole financial industry was the provision of solutions support for back-office business systems. The second stage was the application of Internet technology in finance, which mainly resolved difficulties in information discovery through technology, focusing on delivery and links. These technical 32 / 243 2021 Annual Report capabilities and achievements were embodied in the mobile Internet, cloud computing and distributed computing, with technology playing the role of business driver. The third stage is the advent of financial digitalization. Technology can now replace mental work, focusing mainly on data processing and content analysis, to make final business decisions, and more attention is being paying to active push. The main technical capabilities and achievements of this stage lie in big data, AI, information distribution & delivery, and data security, In this stage, the mutual empowerment of technology and business is making achieving relevant goals via technology or business alone difficult, with a spiraling process of technology and business integration more often suitable, i.e., the process of financial digitalization. 1. Regulatory environment and trends On January 4, 2022, the Central Bank issued the FinTech Development Plan (2022-2025), proposing whole-process integration of digitalization into financial services, the adoption of digital thinking for all stages of business operations and a focus on technology-driven, data-enabled financial innovation via strengthened application of financial data, for the main purposes of deepening structural reform of the financial supply side, accelerating the digital transformation of financial institutions, strengthening prudential regulation of FinTech, and thus achieving a leap forward in the industry’s overall standards and core competitiveness by 2025. The Plan aims to emphasize the digital transformation of financial institutions and prudential regulation of FinTech, as well as the solution of problems such as FinTech’s unbalanced and insufficient development, so as to promote a sound FinTech governance system and the deeper integration and more sustainable development of finance and technology, improve digital infrastructure, and better meet the new requirements and tasks presented by the era of the digital economy. 2. FinTech patterns and trends in financial institutions A wide gap in technological investment between foreign and domestic financial institutions remains. Taking the securities industry as an example, in 2020, the average IT investment of top 10 overseas investment banks accounted for 6.6% of their revenue, while that of the top 10 domestic brokers accounted for only 3.3%. In the same year, the IT investment of global commercial banks J.P. Morgan Chase and Citi accounted for 8.6% and 9.8% of their revenue respectively, while that of the top six domestic banks accounted for only 2.89% on average. As the domestic economy has developed, leading domestic financial institutions have gradually caught up with overseas giants in revenue terms, but the wide gap in IT investment remains. In the context of deepening financial reform and an increasingly open domestic financial market, domestic financial institutions must continuously increase their FinTech investment in order to compete with their foreign financial counterparts. 33 / 243 2021 Annual Report The market competition in FinTech has also become more intense, mainly in the following ways. Leading financial institutions have continued to increase their investment in independent R&D, and to export FinTech to the outside world. Leading FinTech companies have been providing technical empowerment to financial institutions in the form of scenario-enabled technology. And foreign-funded financial institutions have been entering China's financial market to set up foreign FinTech companies. Facing these new patterns of competition, Hundsun will continue to increase its R&D investment to maintain a leading position in the industry, and strengthen cooperative innovation, building innovation labs together with customers in order to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results 3. Development trends in new technologies Hundsun, together with a number of financial institutions, released the FinTech Trends Report 2022, the first such report addressed to the industry analyzing and forecasting new technological trends in data, AI, efficiency and security. ● Data: Big data platforms are gradually developing from application in projects/departments to application across enterprises; open-source and domestic databases are gradually being applied to core financial systems, and NoSQL databases are becoming increasingly dominant; privacy enhancement technologies are helping the data asset ecosystem move towards federalization. ● AI: AI algorithms are increasingly highly-engineered and multi-modality, with reduced resource and data requirements ushering financial "digital intelligence" into a new phase. The integration of RPA and AI technology is expanding the scenarios covered by digital operation, and many "digital employees" are set to be put to use in financial institutions. The development of AI for research and investment requires “one core and three levels of integration” i.e., core industrial chain knowledge graph technology, plus integration in terms of investment & research, data and supply & demand. AIOps will enhance the depth and breadth of financial institutions' operation and maintenance through dynamic, optimized insight strategies. ● Efficiency: Enterprise-level applications are generally being reconstructed on cloud-native platforms. Achieving high performance and low latency requires the correct combination of hardware and software, leveraging the potential of FPGAs, DPUs, nonvolatile memory, and other hardware. Low-code platforms will become more common as enterprise-level development platforms, permitting rapid innovation. Multi-experience and composable services will provide the foundation of the digitalized experience. ● Security: Data security has become core to information security systems, with institutions shifting to 34 / 243 2021 Annual Report guarantee data asset security compliance via secure operating systems. Zero trust will be the best method of protecting the financial system in future. The increasingly complex software ecosystem is exacerbating supply chain security risks, with open-source technology becoming a key target of information security protection efforts. As a leading Chinese FinTech company, Hundsun has made rich achievements in the application of new technologies as follow. ● Beginning cooperation with pioneering labs. Based on actual business capability scenarios, pioneering labs will actively explore technological, business and integrated innovations that combine domestic high-end technical achievements, accelerate the implementation of industrial innovation topics and standards, help to form a consensus on innovation within the industry, and promote the industry’s overall progress. At present, cooperation with pioneer labs includes areas such as the introduction of IT application innovation and high-performance ecosystems, incubation of scenario-based innovation, databases and AI, academic cooperation, research into AI investment, and joint development of business event standards. Through its cooperation with pioneering labs, the Company hopes to make cutting-edge technologies more suitable for application in the financial industry, finally permitting realization of their engineering application within the industry. ● Databases. Hundsun released its LightDB enterprise database product, completed testing and certification of its IT application innovation hardware and software platform, and jointly constructed an IT application innovation model using its next generation TA, initially putting this online in Soochow Securities. ● High performance. Hundsun released LDP, a next-generation low-latency, and high-availability distributed technology platform, improving its communications and memory access performance in 2021 via platform encapsulation. In August 2021, the LDP platform’s end-to-end delay broke through 100ns to rank first in the industry. ● Artificial intelligence. Hundsun's Financial Knowledge Graph Tool Platform 1.0 offers customers a localized platform implementation providing computing and data services locally. These include equity, suspected actual controller, suspected beneficial owner, persons acting in concert, graph relational data services, and group accounts. ● Blockchain. During the year, Hundsun released two blockchain products, H-BaaS 1.0 and FTCU Chain Digital Asset Platform 1.0 and contracted with 24 customers. It completed the application of the two products in government and industry, and completed the first blockchain credit financing business. In future, in addition to continuing its efforts in existing businesses such as FinTech and supply chain finance, Hundsun also plans continue to further research blockchain area application scenarios based on regulatory technology. ● Establishment of Post-Doctoral Research Center. After establishing the Research Center with Zhejiang Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security approval, the first batch of postdoctoral researchers started their research in the Center, which Hundsun is using as its innovation platform, promoting its overall capacity for scientific research and providing greater technological empowerment to China's capital market. In 2021, Hundsun's first postdoctoral researcher at the Center completed his/her research, with the result, "A Cross-Sentence Event Detection Network", selected for the Annual 35 / 243 2021 Annual Report Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL). At the same time, Hundsun's doctoral team also obtained achievements in the macro investment research, financial risk management and stock risk research areas. (II) Company development strategies √Applicable □Not Applicable 1. Customer satisfaction first, product quality first "Customer first, quality first” was Hundsun’s original vision and remains its strategic cornerstone for future development. Hundsun was founded on the basis of customers’ needs and has grown together with its customers. Hundsun can only succeed by satisfying customers, depending on excellent products. Hundsun’s aim is to improve its products, service capability and organizational capability in all aspects, including strategic planning, organizational optimization, process systems and team membership, to truly embody its “customer first” core values, exceed customer expectations, and develop into a world-leading FinTech company. 2. Product-oriented strategy The Company will continue to focus on its product-oriented strategy to maintain its core product lines’ overall leadership and the comprehensive strength of its competitive product lines, to strive for excellence in terms of its product lines, and to expand and strengthen its Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) business and international business. 3. Digital intelligence strategy The Company aims to establish the top brand in data intelligence, promote its construction of market data and customer data centers, and establish technological leadership via digital intelligence in its core business. 4. Light strategy Hundsun will continue to construct its unified Light technology brand ecosystem to fully empower the digital transformation of finance via industry leading technologies. In future, the Company will continue its investments in cloud-native architecture, low latency systems, hardware and software systems integration, hybrid clouds, low code development, front-end micro-application systems, information technology application innovation industry databases, big data real-time computing, AI in RPA, blockchain technology, and other cutting-edge technologies. The Company will continue to make the Light technology platform available to the industry, issue complete white papers on technical standards, and operate the developer ecosystem, to building up a highly influential FinTech technology brand. 5. EAAS strategy The Company will focus on developing wealth management cloud and private equity cloud services, data & component subscription services, and wealth management BPO & KPO services, striving to increase the proportion of revenues derived from its value-added services. (III) Operation plan √Applicable □Not Applicable Based on the Company's new strategic plan and organizational restructuring, together with the outlook for the market and regulatory policies in 2022, the Company's main business revenues for 2022 are budgeted to increase by approximately 25% year on year, while costs and expenses for 2022 are budgeted 36 / 243 2021 Annual Report to increase by approximately 30% year on year. (IV) Potential risks √Applicable □Not Applicable The main risks faced by the Company are policy and regulatory risks, market competition and HR risks, and technological risks. Financial regulatory policies on the one hand have a significant impact on the Company's customers’ business development, in turn affecting their demand and revenue sources, and on the other hand may affect the Company's efforts to invest in innovative products and technologies, in addition to the formulation and implementation of the Company's strategies. The Company's response to policy and regulatory risks is to “embrace regulation & secure innovation” with a focus on compliance in its construction, and strict control and prevention of operational risks. In terms of market competition and HR risks, the Company mainly faces competition from new market players in the industry, such as niche business competitors and the FinTech subsidiaries of traditional financial institutions. The competition for outstanding FinTech talents may, in particular, adversely affect the Company's human resources. The Company's responses include strengthening new product research and development, improving employees’ compensation levels, the development of a sound performance incentive system and the establishment of a multi-tiered medium and long-term incentive system. In terms of technological risks, due to the rapid development of emerging technology trends, such as AI, blockchain, big data and cloud computing, the Company needs to keep abreast of technological trends, and maintaining sufficient investment in research and development in order to avoid lagging behind. The Company's responses include actively monitoring cutting-edge technologies, improving its R&D system and team, and conducting training on various new technologies. (V) Others □Applicable √Not Applicable VII. CIRCUMSTANCES OF AND REASONS FOR THE COMPANY FAILING TO MAKE DISCLOSURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT STANDARDS FOR SPECIAL REASONS, SUCH AS THE NON-APPLICABILITY OF STANDARDS, STATE SECRETS OR TRADE SECRETS □Applicable √Not Applicable Section IVCorporate Governance I. EXPLANATION OF CIRCUMSTANCES RELEVANT TO CORPORATE GOVERNANCE √Applicable □Not Applicable Through observing its "Customer First, Integrity, Professionalism, Openness, Cooperation & Continuous Growth" core values and upholding its mission to "Make Finance Easy", Hundsun is committed to developing into the world's leading FinTech company. Since its establishment, Hundsun has been actively undertaking social responsibility as a corporate citizen and continuously promoting both its own sustainable development and that of society. In accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, and with its Articles of Association, the Company has defined the organizational hierarchy of the Board & Supervisory Board, its management & internal departments, staffing, responsibilities & 37 / 243 2021 Annual Report authority, working procedures, and related requirements. The Company continues to improve its corporate governance structure, standardize its operations and enhance its corporate governance in strict accordance with the provisions of the Company Law, Securities Law, Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the requirements of its Articles of Association, Procedural Rules for Shareholders' General Meetings, Procedural Rules for Board Meetings, Procedural Rules for Supervisors' Meetings, Management Rules for External Guarantees, Management Rules for Internal Audit and other rules and regulations. (1) Shareholders and shareholders' general meetings. During the Reporting Period, the Company held four shareholders' general meetings in total. The convening, holding and voting procedures of these meetings were in line with the provisions of the Company Law and the Company's Articles of Association and Procedural Rules for Shareholders' General Meetings, with lawyers attending the meetings and issuing legal opinion attesting to their legality. The Company kept communication channels with its shareholders open, treated all shareholders equally, and ensured that shareholders could fully exercise their rights, enjoying their right to be informed and to participate in decision-making on major matters. (2) Directors and the Board. The number and composition of the Company's Board meet legal and regulatory requirements, and the Directors are all responsible and diligent. There are a total of 11 directors, including four independent directors; two accounting experts, one financial expert and one legal expert (female). The independent directors do not hold positions in the Company other than as director, in accordance with the relevant regulations. During the Reporting Period, the Company held six board meetings, the convening, holding and voting procedures of which were in line with the provisions of the Company Law and the Company's Articles of Association and Procedural Rules for Board Meetings. The Board has established four special committees, the Strategy & Investment Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and Remuneration & Evaluation Committee, and formulated terms of reference and implementation rules for each committee designed to fully leverage its professional strengths in order to guarantee the legitimacy, scientific nature and correctness of the Board’s collective decisions and reduce the operational risk faced by the Company. The Board is always eager to keep up to date with documents issued by the Party Central Committee and, during the period during which board meetings were held, based on the recommendations of the Company's Party Committee, studied documents related to the 10th meeting of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs of the CPC and the Implementation Plan for the High-Quality Development and Construction of a Demonstration Zone for Common Prosperity in Zhejiang. (3) Supervisors and Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board consists of a Chairman and three members, including one employee supervisor (female). During the Reporting Period, the Company held five Supervisory meetings in total, the convening, holding and voting procedures of which were in line with the provisions of the Company Law, the Company's Articles of Association and Procedural Rules for Supervisors' Meetings. The Supervisory Board was able to earnestly perform its duties and supervise the legitimacy and compliance of the Company's Directors and Senior Management in the performance of their duties, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of Shareholders. (4) Information disclosure and transparency. The Company fulfills its social responsibilities mainly via ensuring faithful, accurate, timely and complete disclosure of information. In strict accordance with the 38 / 243 2021 Annual Report regulations relating to information disclosure, the Company makes faithful, accurate, timely and complete disclosures in the form of periodic reports and interim announcements, paying special attention to the delivery of more effective information to market investors. Since its listing, the Company has increased the efforts relating to the development of its information disclosure regulations. Based on actual working requirements, and the relevant CSRC and Shanghai Stock Exchange requirements, the Company has developed a series of information disclosure regulations and management measures, including Hundsun's Regulations on Information Disclosure, Hundsun's Regulations on Registration of Insiders Who Have Access to Insider Information, Hundsun's Regulations on Internal Reporting of Significant Information, and Hundsun's Regulations on the Management of External Information Reporting and Use. These regulations ensure that all departments and persons in charge fulfill their respective duties and guarantee the unimpeded disclosure of information. In 2021, a series of rules and guidelines were issued at regulatory level to regulate the operation of the Company and improve corporate governance. The Company organized study activities in response to the policies and regulations issued by the CSRC and conducted in depth study of newly issued or revised rules such as the Measures for Administrating the Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange, the CSRC’s relevant regulatory guidelines, relevant self-regulatory guidelines issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and sample annual and semi-annual reports. The Company increased its proactivity of information disclosure, making timely and complete disclosures to the market concerning its business operations and development strategies, and ensured that the information disclosed was true, accurate, complete, concise, clear and comprehensible. (5) Investor relations management. The Company attaches importance to investor relations management and has formulated its Regulations on Investor Relations Management. It receives visits from individual investors and institutional investors via its investor hotline, email address open to investors, and SSE E-Interactive platform, and maintains investor relationships through participation in securities companies’ exchange summits. During the Reporting Period, the Company directly communicated its strategic planning goals and confidence concerning its future sustainable development to investors via holding its 2020 Earnings Communication Conference and 2021 Semi-annual Earnings Communication Conference, which allowed investors to learn more about the Company and maintained its relationship with investors. The Company strengthens communication with investors via information disclosure and communication, increasing investors’ knowledge of and approval for the Company, enhancing corporate governance, maximizing its overall interests, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of its investors. Whether there are material differences between corporate governance and the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the CSRC on the governance of listed companies; if so, the reasons should be given □Applicable √Not Applicable II. SPECIFIC MEASURES TAKEN BY THE CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER AND ACTUAL CONTROLLER TO ENSURE THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE COMPANY'S ASSETS, PERSONNEL, FINANCE, DEPARTMENTS AND BUSINESS, AS WELL AS THE SOLUTIONS, WORK SCHEDULE AND FOLLOW-UP WORK PLANS AFFECTING THE 39 / 243 2021 Annual Report COMPANY’S INDEPENDENCE □Applicable √Not Applicable Where the Controlling Shareholder, the Actual Controller and other companies under their control are engaged in the same or similar business as the Company, the impact of horizontal competition or significant changes in the horizontal competition facing the Company, solutions adopted, progress and follow-up solutions □Applicable √Not Applicable III. INTRODUCTION TO SHAREHOLDERS' GENERAL MEETING Media in which Session of Date resolutions were Date of disclosure Resolutions meeting disclosed 2020 annual June 3, 2021 www.sse.com.cn June 4, 2021 The Full Text and Summary of the 2020 general Annual Report, the 2020 Annual Work meeting Report of the Board, the 2020 Annual Work Report of the Supervisory Committee, the 2020 Annual Final Accounting Report, the Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control in 2020, the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020, the Proposal on the Further Employment of Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP and its Remuneration, and the Proposal on the Joint Subscription of Nanjing Xingding Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.) by the Company and its Associated Corporations were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-027. 2021 first September 14, 2021 www.sse.com.cn September 15, 2021 The Proposal on the Related Transaction of extraordinary Providing Performance Guarantee of general Business Contracts for the Subsidiaries, the meeting Proposal on the Related Party Transactions of Joint Investment in Hundsun Holdings Limited by the Company and its Associated Corporations, and the Proposal on the Election of Independent Directors were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-045. 2021 second November 16, 2021 www.sse.com.cn November 17, 2021 The Proposal on Revising the Investment and extraordinary Management Measures of Key Employees general Buying Shares in Hundsun's Innovative meeting Business Subsidiaries and the Proposal on the Election of Supervisors were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-054. 2021 third December 14, 2021 www.sse.com.cn December 15, 2021 The Proposal on the Related Party extraordinary Transactions of Increasing Investment in the general Subsidiary Cloudwing Network and the meeting Proposal on the Election of Directors were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-062. The preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights request for an extraordinary general meeting □Applicable √Not Applicable Information of Shareholders’ General Meetings √Applicable □Not Applicable 40 / 243 2021 Annual Report All the proposals were not rejected but adopted at the above general meetings through deliberation. The convening and holding procedures, the qualification of the convener, the qualification of the attendees and the voting procedures were in line with the provisions of the Company Law and the Company's Articles of Association, and the resolutions made at the meetings were legally valid. 41 / 243 2021 Annual Report IV. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management (I) Changes in Shareholding and Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Currently in Office and Resigned during the Reporting Period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: share Total pre-tax Whether to remuneration receive Number of Change in received from compensation Number of shares Date of term Date of term shares held at shares during the Company from related Name Position (Note) Gender Age held at the end of Reasons commencement expiration the beginning the Reporting during the parties of the the year of the year Period Reporting Company Period (RMB 10,000) Peng Chairman Male 53 2007-02-16 2022-04-18 Decrease in 454.49 N Zhenggang shareholdings after 11,518,000 15,000,000 3,482,000 equity distribution of the Company in 2020 Liu Shufeng Vice Chairman Male 52 2013-02-04 2022-04-18 Equity distribution 473.67 N and General 8,667,435 12,134,409 3,466,974 of the Company in Manager 2020 Jiang Director Male 51 2007-02-16 2022-04-18 Equity distribution 344.13 N Jiansheng 19,871,806 27,820,528 7,948,722 of the Company in 2020 Jing XiandongDirector Male 50 2014-10-31 2022-04-18 Han Xinyi Director Male 45 2016-02-03 2022-04-18 Hu Xi Director Male 41 2019-04-19 2021-11-27 Zhu Chao Director Male 42 2019-04-19 2022-04-18 Yu Bin Director Male 45 2021-12-14 2022-04-18 Wang Independent Male 65 2020-04-21 2022-04-18 24.00 Xiangyao Director Liu Xiaolun Independent Male 50 2019-04-19 2022-04-18 24.00 Director Liu Lanyu Independent Female 56 2016-02-03 2022-04-18 24.00 Director Ding Wei Independent Male 62 2021-09-14 2022-04-18 7.10 Director Guo Tianyong Independent Male 54 2019-04-19 2021-09-14 16.92 42 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total pre-tax Whether to remuneration receive Number of Change in received from compensation Number of shares Date of term Date of term shares held at shares during the Company from related Name Position (Note) Gender Age held at the end of Reasons commencement expiration the beginning the Reporting during the parties of the the year of the year Period Reporting Company Period (RMB 10,000) Director Huang Chenli Chairman of Male 42 2016-02-03 2022-04-18 Supervisory Committee Zhao Ying Supervisor Female 49 2016-02-03 2021-10-29 Xie Lijuan Supervisor Female 40 2019-05-22 2022-04-18 69.51 Fan Jingwu Deputy General Male 51 2007-10-26 2022-04-18 Equity distribution 344.94 N Manager 908,629 1,272,080 363,451 of the Company in 2020 Guan Xiaolan Deputy General Male 51 2007-10-26 2022-04-18 Decrease in 274.44 N Manager shareholdings after 1,745,264 2,153,329 408,065 equity distribution of the Company in 2020 Ni Shouqi Deputy General Male 48 2014-01-22 2022-04-18 168.64 N 0 Manager Tong Deputy General Male 50 2010-02-08 2022-04-18 151.10 N Chenghui Manager Fu Meiying Deputy General Female 67 2019-04-19 2022-04-18 221.58 N 0 Manager Wang Feng Deputy General Male 45 2016-02-03 2022-04-18 190.14 N 0 Manager Zhang Deputy General Male 45 2016-02-03 2022-04-18 256.92 N 0 Guoqiang Manager Zhang Yong Deputy General Male 45 2017-03-24 2022-04-18 256.31 N 0 Manager Zhou Feng Deputy General Male 59 2019-04-19 2022-04-18 147.70 N 0 Manager Zhang Deputy General Male 54 2019-04-19 2022-04-18 Equity distribution 165.63 N Xiaodong Manager 169 237 68 of the Company in 2020 Yao Manying Head of Finance Female 47 2018-03-23 2022-04-18 0 98.31 N Tu Haiyan Secretary of the Female 52 2020-03-18 2022-04-18 0 89.35 N 43 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total pre-tax Whether to remuneration receive Number of Change in received from compensation Number of shares Date of term Date of term shares held at shares during the Company from related Name Position (Note) Gender Age held at the end of Reasons commencement expiration the beginning the Reporting during the parties of the the year of the year Period Reporting Company Period (RMB 10,000) Board Total / / / / / 42,711,303 58,380,583 15,669,280 3,802.88 / Name Major work experience Peng Zhenggang one of the co-founders who founded the Company in 1995 and currently serves as the Company’s Chairman. Liu Shufeng one of the co-founders who founded the Company in 1995 and currently serves as the Company's Vice Chairman and General Manager Jiang Jiansheng one of the co-founders who founded the Company in 1995 and currently serves as the Company's Executive Director Jing Xiandong the Chairman and CEO of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. Han Xinyi the CFO of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. and the legal representative of Hangzhou Handsome Electronics Group Co., Ltd. Yu Bin the General Manager of CTO Digital Technology Division of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. Zhu Chao the senior director and head of the Corporate Development Department of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. Huang Chenli the head of the Corporate Finance Department of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. Chen Zhijie the director of the Investment and Corporate Development Department of Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. Ding Wei Born in 1960, he graduated from the Finance Department of Renmin University of China in 1982, studied for a doctoral degree in the Department of Economics of the University of Texas at Austin with the Fulbright scholarship from 1984 to 1987, and completed the executive training course at Harvard Business School in 1998. With extensive experience in banking and finance, he worked for the World Bank, Deutsche Bank, CICC, Temasek and other organizations and institutions, is currently the founder and chairman of Borun Capital, and has been an independent director of the Company since September 2021. Wang Xiangyao Born in 1957, he is a senior accountant, Chinese CPA, doctor of economics, accounting professor, and doctoral supervisor. He has won the first and second prizes of the Higher Teaching Achievement Award of Zhejiang Province, the Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Zhejiang Province, and many other awards. He is also the deputy director of the Accounting Standards Professional Committee of the Chinese Accounting Association, an academic member of the Internal Audit Society, and an independent director of BeingMate Co., Ltd. and the Company. Liu Xiaolun Born in 1972, he has a Ph.D. in Business Management (Corporate Governance) and is currently the executive director of the Institute of Finance of Beijing National Accounting Institute, the professor in charge of the risk management and internal control program/China Financial Industry CRO Training Program, and the supervisor of master students of Beijing National Accounting Institute/Tsinghua University/Ministry of Finance Academy of Finance. He was the senior auditor and senior experienced auditor of PricewaterhouseCoopers and Andersen Hua Qiang Certified Public Accountant and the first and second director of the Institute of Audit and Risk Management of the National Accounting Institute and is also a member of the 7th Committee on Internal Control Standards of China Accounting Society, a member of the 8th Fundamental Accounting Theory Committee of China Accounting Society, a non-practicing member of CICPA, a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), and an honorary member of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). Liu Lanyu Born in 1966, she has a master's degree in civil law from Renmin University of China, and is currently a lawyer of Beijing Haiyun Law Firm and a member of the First Listing Committee and the First M&A and Corporate Restructuring Committee of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM. She has been engaged in financial and securities legal services for many years, with a solid legal theoretical foundation and rich practical experience. Xie Lijuan joined the Company in 2010 and is currently the director of the Company's audit office. 44 / 243 2021 Annual Report Fan Jingwu joined the Company in 1996 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Guan Xiaolan joined the Company in 1996 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Ni Shouqi joined the Company in 1998 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Tong Chenghui joined the Company in 2002 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Fu Meiying joined the Company in 2000 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Wang Feng joined the Company in 2001 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Zhang Guoqiang joined the Company in 1999 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Zhang Yong joined the Company in 2004 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Zhou Feng joined the Company in 1999 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Zhang Xiaodong joined the Company in 2000 and is currently the Deputy General Manager of the Company Yao Manying joined the Company in 2000 and is currently the Head of Finance of the Company. Other information □Applicable √Not Applicable 45 / 243 2021 Annual Report (II) Positions of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Currently in Office and Resigned during the Reporting Period 1. Position in the Shareholder's Entity √Applicable □Not Applicable Name of the Shareholder's Position in the Date of term Date of term Name of officer entity Shareholder's entity commencement expiration Executive Director, Hangzhou Hundsun Han Xinyi General Manager, and September 10, 2018 Electronics Group Co., Ltd. Legal Representative Explanation on position in None the shareholder's entity (III) Compensation of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management √Applicable □Not Applicable Decision-making process of compensation of During the Reporting Period, the remuneration of Directors, Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Supervisors and Senior Management who receive remuneration from the Company is determined in accordance with the regulations on remuneration assessment established by the Company. Basis for determining the remuneration of Directors, Based on the wage base and appraisal principles determined by the Supervisors and Senior Management Board, annual remuneration is paid based on the results of the annual performance appraisal. Actual payment of remuneration to Directors, Please refer to Section "Changes in Shareholding and Remuneration Supervisors and Senior Management of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Currently in Office and Resigned during the Reporting Period" for details Total payment of remuneration before tax to See notes for details Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management as at the end of the Reporting Period (IV) Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company √Applicable □Not Applicable Name Position Changes Reasons Hu Xi Director Resigned Job transfer Yu Bin Director Elected By-election Zhao Ying Supervisor Resigned Job transfer Chen Zhijie Supervisor Elected By-election Guo Tianyong Independent Director Resigned Term expires Ding Wei Independent Director Elected By-election (V) Details of Fines Imposed by Securities Regulatory Bodies In the Past Three Years □Applicable √Not Applicable (VI) Others □Applicable √Not Applicable V. BOARD MEETINGS HELD DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD Session of meeting Date Resolutions 16th meeting of the March 18, 2021 The Proposal on Provision for Impairment of Assets, the Proposal on Financial Seventh Board Assistance to Subsidiaries and Related Party Transactions, the Proposal on the Application for Comprehensive Credit Line for 2021, and the Proposal on Related Party Transactions Concerning Daily Operations Expected in 2021 were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-008. 17th meeting of the April 23, 2021 The Full Text and Summary of the 2020 Annual Report, the Work Report of 46 / 243 2021 Annual Report Session of meeting Date Resolutions Seventh Board General Managers in 2020, the 2020 Annual Work Report of the Board, the 2020 Annual Final Accounting Report, the 2020 Annual Work Report of the Audit Committee, the 2020 Annual Work Report of the Remuneration and Evaluation Committee, the 2020 Annual Work Report of the Strategy and Investment Committee, the 2020 Annual Work Report of the Nominations Committee, the Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control in 2020, the Proposal on the Further Employment of Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP and its Remuneration, the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020, the 2020 Social Responsibility Report of Hundsun, the Proposal on the Joint Subscription of Xingding Fund by the Company and its Associated Corporations, the Proposal on the Application for Bank Loan Credit for the Hundsun Cloud Production Base Project Phase II, the Proposal on the By-election of Members of Relevant Special Committees of the Board and the Proposal on the Request for Convening the Shareholders' General Meetings for 2020 were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-018. 18th meeting of the April 27, 2021 The First Quarterly Report of 2021 and the Q1 Work Report of General Seventh Board Managers in 2020 were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-024. 19th meeting of the August 24, 2021 The Full Text and Summary of the 2021 Semi-annual Report, the 2020 Seventh Board Semi-annual Work Report of General Managers in 2020, the Proposal on the Related Transaction of Providing Performance Guarantee of Business Contracts for the Subsidiaries, the Proposal on the Related Party Transactions of Joint Investment in Hundsun Holdings Limited by the Company and its Associated Corporations, the Proposal on Increasing Construction Budget for the Hundsun Cloud Production Base Project Phase II, the Proposal on the Nomination of Candidates for Independent Directors and the Proposal on the Request for Convening the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for 2021 were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-037. 20th meeting of the October 27, 2021 The Third Quarterly Report of 2021, the Q3 Work Report of General Managers Seventh Board in 2021, the Proposal on Revising the Investment and Management Measures of Key Employees Buying Shares in Hundsun's Innovative Business Subsidiaries, the Proposal on Revising the Implementation Measures of Employee Stock Ownership Scheme of Hundsun's Innovative Business Subsidiaries, the Proposal on Related Party Transactions of Increasing Investment in the Subsidiary (Hundsun iBontal), the Proposal on By-election of Members of Relevant Special Committees of the Board, and the Proposal on the Request for Convening the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for 2021 were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-047. 21st meeting of the November 26, 2021 The Proposal on the Increase of Loan Limit for the Phase II Project of Hundsun Seventh Board Financial Cloud Base, the Proposal on the Nomination of Candidates for Directors, the Proposal on the Acquisition of Summit Business of Finastra by the Company's Subsidiary Cloudwing Network, the Proposal on the Related Party Transactions of Increasing Investment in the Subsidiary Cloudwing Network, and the Proposal on the Request for Convening the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for 2021 were adopted at the meeting through deliberation. Details of the above resolutions are set out in the Company's Announcement No. 2021-056. VI. THE PERFORMANCE OF DIRECTORS' DUTIES (I) The Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings Independent Attendance Director director or Attendance at Board meetings at general Name not meetings 47 / 243 2021 Annual Report Two Number Number consecutive of Board Number of Number of Number of of Number Board meetings meetings meetings attended general meetings of meetings not to be attended in by way of meetings attended Absence attended in attended person telecommunication attended by proxy person or this year not Peng N 6 6 3 0 0 N 2 Zhenggang Liu Shufeng N 6 6 3 0 0 N 4 Jiang Jiansheng N 6 6 3 0 0 N 4 Jing Xiandong N 6 6 3 0 0 N 0 Han Xinyi N 6 6 3 0 0 N 0 Hu Xi N 6 6 3 0 0 N 0 Zhu Chao N 6 6 3 0 0 N 0 Yu Bin N 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 Guo Tianyong Yes 4 4 2 0 0 N 0 Wang Yes 6 6 3 0 0 N 2 Xiangyao Liu Xiaolun Yes 6 6 3 0 0 N 0 Liu Lanyu Yes 6 6 3 0 0 N 0 Ding Wei Yes 2 2 1 0 0 N 0 Note: On December 14, 2021, Director Yu Bin was elected at the general meeting through deliberation, and after that, no Board meeting was held by the Company until the end of 2021. Explanation on non-attendance in person by Directors at two consecutive Board meetings □Applicable √Not Applicable Number of Board meetings held during the year 6 Including: Number of on-site meetings 0 Number of meetings held by way of telecommunication 3 Number of meetings held by a combination of on-site and 3 telecommunication (II) Objection to Related Matters of the Company by Independent Directors □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Others □Applicable √Not Applicable VII. SPECIAL COMMITTEES UNDER THE BOARD √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Membership of special committees under the Board Name of special committee Member name Audit Committee Liu Xiaolun, Zhu Chao, Ding Wei, Wang Xiangyao, Jiang Jiansheng Nominations Committee Ding Wei, Jiang Jiansheng, and Liu Lanyu Remuneration and Evaluation Committee Wang Xiangyao, Jing Xiandong, Liu Lanyu, Liu Xiaolun, and Jiang Jiansheng Strategy Committee Peng Zhenggang, Jing Xiandong, Han Xinyi, Liu Shufeng, and Jiang Jiansheng (2) The Strategy Committee held one meeting during the Reporting Period 48 / 243 2021 Annual Report Important comments and Other performance of Date Meeting content suggestions duties April 23, To deliberate the 2020 Annual Work Report The attending members adopted the 2021 of the Strategy and Investment Committee Proposal through serious discussion and deliberation and agreed to submit the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. (3) The Audit Committee held six meetings during the Reporting Period Other Date Meeting content Important comments and suggestions performance of duties March 8, 2021 1. To deliberate the Proposal on Provision for The attending members adopted the Impairment of Assets; 2. To deliberate the Proposal Proposal through serious discussion on Financial Assistance to Subsidiaries and Related and deliberation and agreed to submit Party Transactions; 3. To deliberate the Proposal on the Proposals to the Board for Related Party Transactions Concerning Daily deliberation. Operations Expected in 2021 April 22, 2021 1. To deliberate the Full Text and Summary of the The attending members adopted the 2020 Annual Report; 2. To deliberate the Proposal through serious discussion Self-evaluation Report on Internal Control in 2020; and deliberation and agreed to submit 3. To deliberate the Proposal on the Further the Proposals to the Board for Employment of Pan-China Certified Public deliberation. Accountants LLP and its Remuneration; 4. To deliberate the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020; 5. To deliberate the Proposal on the Joint Subscription of Xingding Fund by the Company and its Associated Corporations April 27, 2021 1. To deliberate the First Quarterly Report of 2021 The attending members adopted the Proposal through serious discussion and deliberation and agreed to submit the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. August 24, 2021 1. To deliberate the Full Text and Summary of the The attending members adopted the 2021 Semi-Annual Report; 2. To deliberate the Proposal through serious discussion Proposal on the Related Transaction of Providing and deliberation and agreed to submit Performance Guarantee of Business Contracts for the Proposals to the Board for the Subsidiaries; 3. To deliberate the Proposal on deliberation. the Related Party Transactions of Joint Investment in Hundsun Holdings Limited by the Company and its Associated Corporations October 15, 1. To deliberate the Third Quarterly Report of 2021; The attending members adopted the 2021 2. To deliberate the Proposal on Related Party Proposal through serious discussion Transactions of Increasing Investment in the and deliberation and agreed to submit Subsidiary (Hundsun iBontal) the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. November 22, 1. To deliberate the Proposal on the Related Party The attending members adopted the 2021 Transactions of Increasing Investment in the Proposal through serious discussion Subsidiary Cloudwing Network and deliberation and agreed to submit the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. (4) The Remuneration and Evaluation Committee held one meeting during the Reporting Period Other performance of Date Meeting content Important comments and suggestions duties April 23, The 2020 Annual Work Report of the The attending members adopted the 2021 Remuneration and Evaluation Committee Proposal through serious discussion was adopted at the meeting through and deliberation and agreed to deliberation. submit the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. (5) The Nominations Committee held two meetings during the Reporting Period 49 / 243 2021 Annual Report Other performance of Date Meeting content Important comments and suggestions duties August 13, To deliberate the Proposal on the The attending members adopted the 2021 Nomination of Candidates for Proposal through serious discussion and Independent Directors deliberation and agreed to submit the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. November 22, To deliberate the Proposal on the The attending members adopted the 2021 Nomination of Candidates for Proposal through serious discussion and Directors deliberation and agreed to submit the Proposals to the Board for deliberation. (6) Details of matters in question □Applicable √Not Applicable VIII. EXPLANATION ON EXISTENCE OF RISKS DISCOVERED BY THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE □Applicable √Not Applicable The Supervisory Committee had no objection to the matters supervised during the Reporting Period. IX. EMPLOYEES OF THE PARENT COMPANY AND MAIN SUBSIDIARIES AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD (I) Employees Number of employees in the parent company 8,329 Number of employees in main subsidiaries 4,981 Total number of employees on job 13,310 Number of the retired staff with expenses borne by the parent company and main subsidiaries Professions Type of professions Number of employees On-site implementation 1,413 Product technology 8,659 Marketing and sales 369 Functional management 499 Customer services 2,370 Total 13,310 Level of education Level of education Number of employees Master's degree and above 1,418 Bachelor's Degree 10,671 Junior college and below 1,221 Total 13,310 (II) Remuneration Policy √Applicable □Not Applicable The remuneration of the Company’s employees includes salaries, bonuses and other benefit plans. In compliance with relevant PRC laws and regulations, the Company implements different remuneration standards for different employees based on their positions, abilities, performance and other factors. (III) Training Plan √Applicable □Not Applicable 50 / 243 2021 Annual Report The Company focuses on improving the overall quality of the workforce and formulates talents training plans according to the development needs of various talents so that the Company’s management level and human resources can be continuously improved. (IV) Labor Outsourcing √Applicable □Not Applicable Total hours outsourcing 14,456.96 hours per capita per month Total payment for labor outsourcing RMB244,772,575.11 X. PLAN FOR PROFIT DISTRIBUTION OR CONVERSION OF COMMON RESERVE FUND INTO SHARE CAPITAL (I) Formulation, Implementation or Adjustment to the Cash Dividend Policy √Applicable □Not Applicable During the Reporting Period, the Company implemented the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020. On July 12, 2021, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Implementation of the Dividend Distribution Plan for 2020, with a specific distribution plan of a cash dividend of RMB0.1 per share and 0.4 bonus shares per share. As the actual number of shares for profit distribution was 1,043,674,314, the total cash dividend distributed by the Company was RMB104,367,431.4 (including tax) and the number of bonus shares distributed was 417,469,726. The Company had 1,461,560,480 shares outstanding after the share distribution. (II) Special Explanation on Cash Dividend Policy √Applicable □Not Applicable Whether it complies with the provisions of the Articles of Association or the requirements of √Yes □No resolutions of the general meetings Whether the dividend standard and proportion are well defined and clear √Yes □No Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete and sound; √Yes □No Whether the Independent Directors have performed their duties and played their due roles √Yes □No Whether the minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express their opinions and √Yes □No demands and whether their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected (III) If the Company was Profitable during the Reporting Period and the Parent Recorded Profits Distributable to the Shareholders, but No Cash Profit Distribution Plan was Proposed, the Company shall Disclose in Detail the Reasons for Non-Distribution as Well as the Use and Future Plans of the Undistributed Profits □Applicable √Not Applicable XI. THE COMPANY'S EQUITY INCENTIVE SCHEME, EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP SCHEME OR OTHER EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES AND THE IMPACT THEREOF (I) Incentives Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements and without Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation √Applicable □Not Applicable Summary of events Enquiry index Announcement on the Completion of Non-trade Stock Transfer under the Announcement No. 2021-031www.sse.com.cn 51 / 243 2021 Annual Report 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme Announcement of Resolutions of the First Holders' Meeting under the Announcement No. 2021-034 www.sse.com.cn 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (II) Incentives Undisclosed in Temporary Announcements or with Progress in Subsequent Implementation Equity incentives □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes □Applicable √Not Applicable Employee Stock Ownership Scheme □Applicable √Not Applicable Other incentives □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Equity Incentives Granted to Directors and Senior Management during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable (IV) Establishment and Implementation of Appraisal Mechanism and Incentive Mechanism for Senior Management during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable XII. Establishment and Implementation of Internal Control System during the Reporting period √Applicable □Not Applicable For details, please refer to the Company's Internal Control Self-assessment Report 2021 as disclosed on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange at www.sse.com.cn. Explanation on Significant Deficiencies in Internal Control During the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable XIII. MANAGEMENT CONTROL OVER THE SUBSIDIARIES DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD √Applicable □Not Applicable According to the Company Law, the Articles of Association and other relevant laws, regulations and rules, as well as the provisions of the Management Rules for Subsidiaries of Management Rules, the Company guided, managed and supervised its subsidiaries, and explicitly required the subsidiaries to operate in a standardized manner, to make financial management and operation decisions in compliance, to extend their efforts in reporting related party transactions, external guarantees, foreign investments and other important matters to the Company in advance, and to strengthen the collaborative management of 52 / 243 2021 Annual Report technology, research and development, sales and other aspects to jointly safeguard the Company's rights and interests. During the Reporting Period, Hundsun Lirong, Hundsun iBontal, Dworld AI and Genus-Finance became the Company's subsidiaries. The details are as follows. Genus-Finance. After completing the merger and acquisition of Genus-Finance, the Company incorporated this subsidiary's HR, finance and information construction departments into its unified control system, specially assigned persons to take charge of these departments, and integrated this subsidiary's businesses into its asset management business to make business cooperation with other departments. Thanks to the smooth integration process, Genus-Finance is now operating normally. Dworld AI. After completing the merger and acquisition of Dworld AI, the Company incorporated this subsidiary's HR, finance and information construction departments into its unified control system, specially assigned persons to take charge of these departments, and integrated this subsidiary's businesses into its management of data risk and infrastructure business committee to make business cooperation with another subsidiary Gildata. Thanks to the smooth integration process, Dworld AI is now operating normally. Hundsun Lirong. Because the businesses and customers of Cloudwing Network and Hundsun Lirong overlap to some extent, Cloudwing Network had acquired 76.01% shares of Hundsun Lirong held by Hundsun Electronics, so as to eliminate internal competition and to share and integrate the assets, business, HR, financial and other resources of the two subsidiaries. Hundsun iBontal. After completing the merger and acquisition of Hundsun iBontal, the Company appointed the chairman of this subsidiary, specially assigned persons to take charge of relevant departments, and integrated this subsidiary's HR management, financial management, market contract management and information synergy management into the control system of the parent company. The Company also successfully introduced new strategic investors to this subsidiary and made a breakthrough in the R&D of core life insurance systems and market exploitation. Through one year of integration, Hundsun iBontal is now operating its market exploitation and various businesses well. XIV.INFORMATION ON AUDIT REPORT OF INTERNAL CONTROL √Applicable □Not Applicable Whether or not to disclose the audit report of internal control: Yes Type of opinion on the audit report on internal control: Standard unqualified opinion XV. RECTIFICATION OF PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED IN THE SELF-INSPECTION OVER THE COMPANY'S SPECIAL GOVERNANCE MEASURES The Company had rectified several problems identified in the self-inspection in a targeted manner. At present, there is only the problem of requiring Independent Directors to work on the spot, which cannot be rectified temporarily due to the COVID-19 epidemic. XVI. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable 53 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility I. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (I) Explanation on Environmental Protection of Companies and Their Significant Subsidiaries Classified as the Key Pollutant Discharging Entities Announced by the Environmental Protection Department □Applicable √Not Applicable (II) Environmental Protection of the Companies Other than Key Pollutant Discharging Entities √Applicable □Not Applicable 1. Administrative penalties imposed for environmental problems □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Disclosure of other environmental information with reference to key pollutant discharging entities √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company is mainly engaged in providing software products and services to domestic financial institutions, in which the resources used are mainly human resources, and the products produced are mainly software, systems, data and various platform services, so there is almost no environmental pollution. 3. Reasons for failure to disclose other environmental information □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Relevant information that is conducive to ecological protection, pollution prevention and environmental responsibility fulfillment □Applicable √Not Applicable (V) Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the Reporting Period and their effectiveness □Applicable √Not Applicable II. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY √Applicable □Not Applicable For details, please refer to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report and Corporate Social Responsibility Report of the Company as disclosed on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange at www.sse.com.cn. III. DETAILS ON THE COMPANY CONSOLIDATING AND EXPANDING ITS ACHIEVEMENTS IN POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND RURAL REVITALIZATION √Applicable □Not Applicable In 2021, the Company participated in the poverty alleviation by developing industries and education development project of the Henan Provence Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (HNFPA) in Luochen 54 / 243 2021 Annual Report Village, Guangshan County, donated educational resources to the poverty alleviation project of in-service teachers in Yufeng Primary School, provided assistance in the construction of reading rooms in impoverished mountainous schools in Sichuan Province, participated in the educational poverty alleviation and education assistance project of Zhanlei Primary School in Leshan County, Guizhou Province, and subsidized various needy families, with a total investment of approximately RMB840,000. Section VI Significant Events I. PERFORMANCE OF COMMITMENTS (I) Commitments of the Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties, Acquiring Parties of the Company and the Company and Other Parties Involved During the Reporting Period or Subsisting to the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable (II) If the Company Has Made a Profit Forecast as to Its Assets or Projects, and the Reporting Period is within the Profit Estimate Period, the Company’s Explanation on whether Its Assets or Projects Meet Its Previous Profit Forecast and the Reasons □Meet □Not meet √Not Applicable (III) Fulfillment of the Performance Commitment and Its Impact on the Goodwill Impairment Test □Applicable √Not Applicable II. FUNDS FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN FOR BUSINESS MISAPPROPRIATED BY THE CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDERS AND OTHER RELATED PARTIES DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD □Applicable √Not Applicable III. ILLEGAL GUARANTEE □Applicable √Not Applicable IV. THE COMPANY'S NOTES ON THE "NON-STANDARD OPINION AUDIT REPORT" OF ACCOUNTING FIRMS □Applicable √Not Applicable V. ANALYSIS AND EXPLANATION OF THE REASONS FOR AND EFFECTS OF CHANGES IN THE ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES OF THE COMPANY OR REMEDIES FOR MAJOR ACCOUNTING ERRORS (I) Explanations of the Company on the Reasons for and Effects of Changes in the Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates √Applicable □Not Applicable 1. Changes in significant accounting policies (1) Changes in accounting policies caused by changes in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises 1) The Company implemented the revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 55 / 243 2021 Annual Report 21- Leases (hereinafter referred to as the new lease standards) from January 1, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the First Implementation Date). ① For contracts that existed before the First Implementation Date, the Company chose not to reassess whether these contracts are lease contracts or contracts containing provisions on leases. ② For leases in which the Company was the lessee, the Company adjusted the retained earnings and the amount of other relevant items in financial statements at the beginning of the Reporting Period with regard to the cumulative impact of applying the new lease standards and the previous standards on the First Implementation Date, without adjusting the items during comparable periods. The specific process is as follows. For operating leases before the First Implementation Date, the Company measured the lease liabilities on the First Implementation Date based on the present value of the remaining lease payments discounted at the Company's incremental borrowing rate as of the First Implementation Date, and measured the right-of-use assets by the carrying value obtained as if the Company adopted the new lease standards from the commencement date of the lease term (discounted at the Company's incremental borrowing rate as of the First Implementation Date) and the properly adjusted advance rental payments. On the First Implementation Date, the Company conducted an impairment test on the right-of-use assets and carries out corresponding accounting in accordance with the provisions of Note V (30) to the financial statements. A. The principal effects of the implementation of the new lease standards on the Company's financial statements as of January 1, 2021 are as follows. Balance Sheet Item December 31, 2020 Adjustment effects of new January 1, 2021 lease standards Right-of-use assets 10,271,192.32 10,271,192.32 Prepayments 9,007,186.01 -834,932.30 8,172,253.71 Lease liabilities 2,654,639.37 2,654,639.37 Current portion of non-current 7,111,829.18 7,111,829.18 liabilities Provision for liabilities 12,147,826.09 100,000.00 12,247,826.09 Surplus reserve 195,947,299.77 -4,502.28 195,942,797.49 Undistributed profits 2,893,625,565.93 -291,827.99 2,893,333,737.94 Minority interests 483,731,488.14 -133,878.26 483,597,609.88 B. The weighted average of the Company's incremental borrowing rates used for lease liabilities charged to the Balance Sheet on the First Implementation Date was 4.71%. C. Operating leases before the First Implementation Date were simplified a. The Company simplified leases that had been completed within 12 months after the First Implementation Date, with right-of-use assets and lease liabilities not recognized. b. The Company adopted the same discount rate for lease contracts with similar characteristics when measuring the lease liabilities. c. No initial direct costs were included in the measurement of right-to-use assets. d. The Company determined the term of the lease based on the actual exercise of the renewal option or termination option before the First Implementation Date and other updates. 56 / 243 2021 Annual Report e. As an alternative to the impairment test of the right-of-use assets, the Company assessed whether the contracts containing provisions on leases were onerous contracts before the First Implementation Date in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies, and adjusted the right-of-use assets by the amount of the provision for losses charged on the balance sheet date before the First Implementation Date. f. In case of any changes in leases before the First Implementation Date, the Company carried out accounting based on the final arrangement of the changes in leases. The simplifications above had no significant impact on the Company's financial statements. ③ The Company simplified operating lease contracts with low-value assets that existed before the First Implementation Date, with the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities not recognized, and carried out accounting in accordance with the new lease standards from the First Implementation Date. ④ For lease contracts in which the Company was the lessor, the Company carried out accounting in accordance with the new lease standards from the First Implementation Date. 2) On January 26, 2021, the Company implemented the Interpretation No. 14 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance in 2021, and this change in accounting policies had no impact on the Company's financial statements. 3) On December 31, 2021, the Company implemented the provisions of the Interpretation No. 15 of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance, and this change in accounting policies had no impact on the Company's financial statements. (II) Analysis and Explanation of the Reasons for and Effects of the Company’s Remedies for Major Accounting Errors □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Communication with Former Accounting Firms □Applicable √Not Applicable (IV) Other Notes □Applicable √Not Applicable VI. APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF ACCOUNTING FIRMS Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Current appointment Name of domestic accounting firm Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP Remuneration for domestic accounting firm 161 Term of audit by domestic accounting firm 19 Name Remuneration Accounting firm for internal control Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP 35 audit Explanation on Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms 57 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable Change of the accounting firms during the Audit Period □Applicable √Not Applicable VII. FACING THE RISK OF SUSPENSION OF LISTING (I) Reasons for Suspension of Listing □Applicable √Not Applicable (II) Measures Taken by the Company □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) SITUATION AND REASONS FOR TERMINATION OF LISTING □Applicable √Not Applicable VIII. MATTERS RELATED TO BANKRUPTCY REORGANIZATION □Applicable √Not Applicable IX. MAJOR LITIGATION AND ARBITRATION MATTERS □Major litigation and arbitration matters in this year √No major litigation and arbitration matters X. PENALTIES ON THE COMPANY AND ITS DIRECTORS, SUPERVISORS, SENIOR MANAGEMENT, CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDERS AND ACTUAL CONTROLLER DUE TO SUSPECTED VIOLATION OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS, AND RECTIFICATION □Applicable √Not Applicable XI. EXPLANATION ON THE INTEGRITY OF THE COMPANY AND ITS CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDERS AND ACTUAL CONTROLLERS DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD □Applicable √Not Applicable XII. MAJOR RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (I) Related Party Transactions Related to Daily Operations 1. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements and without Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation √Applicable □Not Applicable Summary of events Enquiry index The Announcement on Expected Related Party Transactions For the Announcement No. 2021-013, please refer to Related to Daily Operations in 2021 www.sse.com.cn 2. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements but with Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation □Applicable √Not Applicable 58 / 243 2021 Annual Report 3. Events Undisclosed in the Temporary Announcements □Applicable √Not Applicable (II) Related Party Transactions from Acquisition and Disposal of Assets or Equity 1. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements and without Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements but with Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Events Undisclosed in the Temporary Announcements □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. The Performance Achievements during the Reporting Period Shall be Disclosed if Undertakings on Performance are Involved □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Material Related Party Transactions involving Joint Foreign Investments 1. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements and without Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation √Applicable □Not Applicable Summary of events Enquiry index Related party transactions on the joint subscription of Nanjing For the Announcement No. 2021-022, please refer to Xingding Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.) by the www.sse.com.cn Company and its associated corporations Related party transactions on the joint investment in Hundsun For the Announcement No. 2021-040, please refer to Holdings Limited by the Company and its Associated www.sse.com.cn Corporations Related party transactions on increasing investment in the For the Announcement No. 2021-049, please refer to Holding Subsidiary Hundsun iBontal www.sse.com.cn Related party transactions on increasing investment in the For the Announcements No. 2021-059 and No. 2021-063, Holding Subsidiary Cloudwing Network please refer to www.sse.com.cn 2. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements but with Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Events Undisclosed in the Temporary Announcements □Applicable √Not Applicable (IV) Claims and Liabilities between Related Parties 1. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements and without Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation 59 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Events Disclosed in the Temporary Announcements but with Progress or Changes in Subsequent Implementation □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Events Undisclosed in the Temporary Announcements □Applicable √Not Applicable (V) Financial Business between the Company and Related Financial Companies, Holding Financial Companies and Related Parties □Applicable √Not Applicable (VI) Others □Applicable √Not Applicable XIII. MATERIAL CONTRACTS AND PERFORMANCE (I) Trust, Contracting and Leasing 1. Trust □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Contracting □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Leasing □Applicable √Not Applicable 60 / 243 2021 Annual Report (II) Guarantee √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: yuan Currency: RMB External guarantee (excluding guarantees provided to subsidiaries) Relation Date of Guarantee Guarantee between guarantee Guarantee provided Secured Guarantee Type of Collateral has been Amount . Guarantor guarantor (agreement Valid from Expired at is overdue Counter-guarantee to related party amount guarantee (if any) performed override Relation and the signing or not parties or or not Company date) not None Total guarantee amount during the Reporting Period (excluding guarantees 0 provided to subsidiaries) Balance of total guarantees at the end of the Reporting Period (A) (excluding 0 guarantees provided to subsidiaries) Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries to subsidiaries Total guarantee amount to subsidiaries during the Reporting Period 0 Balance of total guarantees to subsidiaries at the end of the Reporting Period 278,000,000 (B) Total guarantee amount (including guarantees to subsidiaries) provided by the Company Total guarantee amount (A+B) 278,000,000 Proportion of total guarantee amount in the Company's net assets (%) 4.88% Including: Amount of guarantees provided by the Company to its shareholders, Actual 0 Controller and related parties (C) Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly by the Company to 0 secured parties with an asset-liability ratio exceeding 70% (D) Total guarantee amount exceeding 50% of the net assets (E) 0 Total amount of above three guarantees (C+D+E) 0 Explanation of possible joint and several liabilities for unexpired guarantee None Notes for guarantees (1) The proposal on the provision of business contract performance guarantees of up to RMB168 million in total to eight subsidiaries from FY2019 to FY2021 was adopted through deliberation at the 26th meeting of the Sixth Board of the Company. (Please refer to the Company's Announcement No. 2019-017 for details.) (2) The proposal on the provision of a loan credit guarantee of RMB80 million to Hundsun Ayers Technologies Limited, Hundsun Ayers Technologies Limited, from FY2020 to FY2022 was adopted through deliberation at the 6th Meeting of the Seventh Board of the Company. (Please refer to the Company's Announcement No. 2020-012 61 / 243 2021 Annual Report for details.) (3) The proposal on the provision of business contract performance guarantees of up to RMB58 million in total to Cloudyee Network and Jingteng Network, subsidiaries of the Company, from FY2022 to FY2023 was adopted through deliberation at the 19th meeting of the Seventh Board of the Company. (Please refer to the Company's Announcement No. 2021-039 for details.) 62 / 243 2021 Annual Report (III) Entrustment of Asset Management 1. Entrusted wealth management (1) Overall entrusted wealth management √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Amount overdue but Type Source of funds Amount incurred Outstanding balance uncollected Bank wealth Self-owned fund 107,020.00 78,870.00 0 management products Trust wealth Self-owned fund 216,850.00 46,200.00 0 management products Total 323,870.00 125,070.00 0 Others □Applicable √Not Applicable (2) Impairment provision for entrusted wealth management □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Entrusted loan (1) Overall entrusted loan □Applicable √Not Applicable Others □Applicable √Not Applicable (2) Single entrusted loan □Applicable √Not Applicable Others □Applicable √Not Applicable (3) Impairment provision for entrusted loans □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable (IV) Other Material Contracts □Applicable √Not Applicable XIV. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS THAT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON INVESTORS' VALUE JUDGMENTS AND INVESTMENT DECISIONS □Applicable √Not Applicable 63 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section VII Changes in Shares and Particulars of Shareholders I. CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDING OF SHARES (I) Statement of Changes in Shares 1. Statement of Changes in Shares Unit: share Before this change Increase (+)/decrease (-) in this change After this change Conversion Issuance of the Propor- Proportion Number of new Bonus shares reserve Others Sub-total Number tion (%) (%) shares funds into shares I. Shares not subject to selling 1,044,090,754 100 +417,469,726 417,469,726 1,461,560,480 100 restrictions 1. RMB-denominate 1,044,090,754 100 +417,469,726 417,469,726 1,461,560,480 100 d ordinary shares II. Total number 1,044,090,754 100 +417,469,726 417,469,726 1,461,560,480 100 of shares 2. Particulars of Changes in Shares √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company adopted the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020 through deliberation at the 17th meeting of the Seventh Board held on April 23, 2021, and then adopted the Plan through deliberation at the shareholders' general meeting held on June 3, 2021. The change in shares in the Profit Distribution Plan is that the Company will distribute a cash dividend of RMB1.00 (including tax) for every 10 shares and 4 bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on the shares outstanding registered on the date of registration of the implementation of the equity distribution less the number of shares in the special securities repurchase account of the Company. Based on 1,035,695,014 shares, being 1,044,090,754 shares outstanding less 8,395,740 shares in the Company's special securities repurchase account, the Company will distribute the total cash dividend of RMB103,569,501.40 (including tax) and 414,278,006 bonus shares. If the shares outstanding for the profit distribution change, the Company will adjust the total shares to be distributed at the same distribution ratio per share. On June 28, 2021, the Company received the Confirmation of Transfer Registration issued by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, 7,979,300 shares in 8,395,740 shares in the Company's special securities repurchase account were transferred to the Company's account under the 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme through non-trade transfer on June 25, 2021 (please refer to Announcement No. 2021-031 for details). There were 416,440 shares remaining in the Company's special securities repurchase account. As a result of the above, the basic shares for profit distribution were changed to 1,043,674,314 from 1,035,695,014. In accordance with the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020 adopted through deliberation at the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Company, and the principle of "adjusting the total shares to be distributed at the same distribution ratio per share", i.e., distributing a cash dividend of RMB1.00 for every 10 shares (including tax) and 4 bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders, Company adjusted the total cash dividend to RMB104,367,431.4 (including tax) and the total bonus shares 64 / 243 2021 Annual Report to 417,469,726. The Company had 1,461,560,480 shares outstanding after the share distribution. 3. Effect of Changes in Shares on Financial Indicators such as Earnings per Share and Net Assets per Share for the Recent Year and the Recent Period (if any) √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company announced the implementation of the 2020 annual equity distribution on July 12, 2021, stipulating that the share registration date was July 15, 2021, the ex-dividend date was July 16, 2021, and the additional shares not subject to selling restrictions were listed on July 19, 2021. After the completion of the share distribution, the Company had 1,461,560,480 shares in total. The effect of the share change on the relevant financial indicators is as follows. The same period The same period Key financial indicators January to September 2021 last year (after last year (before changes of shares) changes of shares) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.47 0.90 1.27 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.47 0.90 1.27 Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of the 3.07 3.12 4.36 Company (RMB/ share) 4. Other Information that the Company Deems Necessary or as Required by Securities Regulators □Applicable √Not Applicable (II) Changes in Restricted Shares □Applicable √Not Applicable II. SECURITY ISSUANCE AND LISTING (I) Security Issuance during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable Explanation on the issuance of securities during the Reporting Period (please describe bonds with different interest rates during the duration separately): □Applicable √Not Applicable (II) Changes in Number of Shares and Shareholding of the Company’s Shares and the Changes in Structure of its Balance Sheet √Applicable □Not Applicable Please refer to "Particulars of Changes in Shares" above (III) Existing Internal Staff Shares □Applicable √Not Applicable III. SHAREHOLDERS AND ACTUAL CONTROLLERS (I) Total Number of Shareholders Total number of ordinary Shareholders at the end of the 88,641 Reporting Period (Nr.) Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of last month 100,924 before the disclosure date of the Annual Report (Nr.) 65 / 243 2021 Annual Report (II) Shareholding of the Top 10 Shareholders and Top 10 Outstanding Shareholders (or Holders of Unrestricted Shares) at the End of the Reporting Period Unit: share Shareholding of the Top 10 Shareholders Increase or Pledged, Marked or Nature of Number Decrease Frozen Shares Shareholder Name of Shareholder Number of Shares Held Proportion of during the (Full Name) At the End of the Period (%) Restricted Status of Reporting Number Shares Shares Period Hangzhou Hundsun Domestic Electronics Group 86,536,942 302,879,298 20.72 0 None non-state-owned Co., Ltd. corporate Hong Kong Overseas Securities Clearing 132,532,565 223,754,436 15.31 0 Unknown corporate Company Limited Domestic Jiang Jiansheng 7,948,722 27,820,528 1.90 0 None natural person Zhou Lingen 7,577,967 25,892,883 1.77 0 Unknown Unknown China Securities State-owned Finance Corporation 1,049,517 19,182,439 1.31 0 Unknown corporate Limited Overseas Peng Zhenggang 3,482,000 15,000,000 1.03 0 None natural person China Merchants New Bank Co., Ltd. - shareholding BOCOM Schroeder State-owned during 14,683,859 1.00 0 Unknown New Growth Hybrid corporate Reporting Securities Period Investment Fund Industrial and Commercial Bank of New China Limited - shareholding State-owned Guangfa Multi-factor during 12,865,307 0.88 0 Unknown corporate Flexible Allocation Reporting Hybrid Securities Period Investment Fund Domestic Liu Shufeng 3,466,974 12,134,409 0.83 0 None natural person Chen Hong 3,141,864 12,009,025 0.82 0 Unknown Unknown Shareholding of the Top 10 Shareholders without Restrictions Number of Type and Number of Shares Name of Shareholder Outstanding Shares without Restrictions Type Number Ordinary shares Hangzhou Hundsun Electronics Group Co., Ltd. 302,879,298 denominated in 302,879,298 RMB Ordinary shares Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited 223,754,436 denominated in 223,754,436 RMB Ordinary shares Jiang Jiansheng 27,820,528 denominated in 27,820,528 RMB Ordinary shares Zhou Lingen 25,892,883 denominated in 25,892,883 RMB Ordinary shares China Securities Finance Corporation Limited 19,182,439 denominated in 19,182,439 RMB Ordinary shares Peng Zhenggang 15,000,000 denominated in 15,000,000 RMB 66 / 243 2021 Annual Report Ordinary shares China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - BOCOM Schroeder New 14,683,859 denominated in 14,683,859 Growth Hybrid Securities Investment Fund RMB Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited - Guangfa Ordinary shares Multi-factor Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment 12,865,307 denominated in 12,865,307 Fund RMB Ordinary shares Liu Shufeng 12,134,409 denominated in 12,134,409 RMB Ordinary shares Chen Hong 12,009,025 denominated in 12,009,025 RMB Special securities repurchase account of the top 10 None Shareholders The above Shareholders entrust and waive their voting rights Unknown or are entrusted with the voting right Related relationship or acting in concert among the above Unknown Shareholders Shareholdings of Top 10 Shareholders with Trading Restrictions and Conditions of Such Restrictions □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Strategic Investors or General Corporations Becoming Top 10 Shareholders Due to the Placement of New Shares □Applicable √Not Applicable IV. CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER AND ACTUAL CONTROLLER (I) Controlling Shareholder 1 Corporation √Applicable □Not Applicable Name Hangzhou Hundsun Electronics Group Co., Ltd. Person in charge or legal representative Han Xinyi Incorporation date September 28, 1998 Principal Operating Business Services: non-financial technology project investment, corporate financial management consulting, technology development of integrated circuits and communication equipment, technical consulting, and transfer of achievements; wholesale and retail: communication equipment, and groceries; import and export of goods (except for those prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, and those restricted by laws and administrative regulations can be operated only after obtaining a license). (Projects approved by law can be operated only after obtaining the approval of relevant authority) Shareholding of other domestic and overseas None listed companies controlling and holding shares during the Reporting Period Others None 2 Natural person □Applicable √Not Applicable 3 Special explanation on no controlling shareholders of the Company □Applicable √Not Applicable 4 Changes in controlling shareholders during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable 5 Block diagram of property rights and control relationship between the Company and the 67 / 243 2021 Annual Report Controlling Shareholder √Applicable □Not Applicable (II) Actual Controller 1 Corporation □Applicable √Not Applicable 2 Natural person √Applicable □Not Applicable Name Ma Yun Nationality China Right of residence in other countries or N regions acquired or not Main occupation and title Founder of Alibaba Group Domestic and foreign listed companies held None thereby in the past 10 years 3 Special explanation on no actual controllers of the Company □Applicable √Not Applicable 4 Changes in the Company's control rights during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable 5 Block diagram of property rights and control relationship between the Company and the Actual Controller √Applicable □Not Applicable 68 / 243 2021 Annual Report 6 Actual Controller controlling the Company by way of trust or other asset management methods □Applicable √Not Applicable (III) Summary of Other Facts about the Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller □Applicable √Not Applicable V. THE COMPANY'S CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER OR THE FIRST MAJORITY SHAREHOLDER AND ITS CONCERT PARTIES PLEDGED A TOTAL OF 80% OR MORE OF THEIR SHAREHOLDINGS IN THE COMPANY □Applicable √Not Applicable VI. OTHER CORPORATE SHAREHOLDERS WITH OVER 10% OF SHAREHOLDING IN THE COMPANY □Applicable √Not Applicable VII. DETAILS ON RESTRICTION ON SHAREHOLDING REDUCTION □Applicable √Not Applicable VIII.SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION OF SHARE REPURCHASE DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Name of Share Repurchase Scheme Announcement on the Proposal to Repurchase the Company's Shares in Call Auction Trading Date of disclosure December 9, 2020 Number of shares to be repurchased and the Under the condition that the price of repurchased shares does not exceed RMB120 per share, the number of shares to be repurchased is expected to be 69 / 243 2021 Annual Report proportion (%) in total shares outstanding about 6,666,667, accounting for about 0.64 of the Company's total shares outstanding, based on the upper limit of the repurchase amount of RMB800 million, and is expected to be about 5,000,000, accounting for about 0.48 of the Company's total shares outstanding, based on the lower limit of the repurchase amount of RMB600 million Proposed amount for repurchase Not less than RMB600 million (inclusive) and not more than RMB800 million (inclusive) Proposed repurchase term (1) The term of the share repurchase shall be 12 months from the date of approval of the Share Repurchase Scheme by the Board. The Company will repurchase at its discretion and in accordance with market conditions during the repurchase term as determined by the Board. The repurchase term shall expire earlier if the following conditions occur or are met: (i) if the funds for repurchase used reaches the upper limit of the repurchase amount during the term, the Share Repurchase Scheme shall be completed, i.e., the repurchase term shall expire earlier from such date; (ii) if the Board of the Company decides to terminate the Scheme, the repurchase term shall expire earlier from the date of the resolution of the Board to terminate the Scheme. (2) The Company shall not repurchase its shares during the following periods: (i) within 10 trading days prior to the announcement of the Company's regular report, earnings preannouncement or preliminary earnings estimate; (ii) within 2 trading days from the date of occurrence or during the decision-making process of a material matter that may have a significant impact on the trading price of the Company's shares to the date of disclosure according to law; (iii) other circumstances as prescribed by the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. During the implementation of the repurchase, if the Company's shares are delisted for more than 10 consecutive trading days due to the planning of major events, the Share Repurchase Scheme will be postponed to implement and disclosed in a timely manner upon the resumption of trading of shares. Repurchase purpose For the employee stock ownership scheme Number of shares repurchased (share) 8,395,740 Number of repurchased shares as a percentage of the underlying shares under the share incentive scheme (%) (if any) Progress of the Company's share repurchase None reduction in call auction trading 70 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section VIII Preferred Shares □Applicable √Not Applicable 71 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section IXCorporate Bonds I. ENTERPRISE BONDS, CORPORATE BONDS AND DEBT FINANCING INSTRUMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES □Applicable √Not Applicable II. CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS □Applicable √Not Applicable 72 / 243 2021 Annual Report Section X Financial Report I. AUDITOR'S REPORT √Applicable □Not Applicable 73 / 243 2021 Annual Report Auditor's Report TJS [2022] No. 1658 To all shareholders of Hundsun Technologies Inc. I. OPINION We have audited the financial statements of Hundsun Technologies Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Hundsun Technologies), including the consolidated and parent company's balance sheets as of December 31, 2021, the consolidated and parent company's income statements, cash flow statements and statements of retained earnings for 2021, and related notes to the financial statements. In our opinion, the attached financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated and parent company's financial position of Hundsun Technologies as of December 31, 2021, and the consolidated and the parent company's records of performance and cash flow statements for 2021, prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. II. BASIS FOR OPINION We have conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Chinese Certified Public Accountants. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Section "Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements" of our report. We are independent of Hundsun Technologies in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities of the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit. III. KEY AUDIT MATTERS Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, we consider to be most significant to the audit of the financial statements for the period. These matters are addressed in the context of the audit of the financial statements as a whole and the formation of an audit opinion, and we do not express an opinion on these matters individually. (I) Revenue Recognition 1. Introduction The revenue of Hundsun Technologies mainly comes from the provision of overall software solutions and network services for securities, futures, funds, trusts, insurance, banks, exchanges, private equity firms and other institutions. Hundsun Technologies recorded revenue of RMB5,496,578,600 in 2021, of which revenue from software product sales and services accounted for 99.60%. As disclosed in the significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (XXVI) set out in Note III to the financial statements, Hundsun Technologies applies different revenue recognition methods to revenue from sales of self-developed software products, revenue from sales of customized software and revenue from software services. Revenue is one of the key performance indicators of Hundsun Technologies and involves significant judgment of Hundsun Technologies’ management (hereinafter referred to as Management), and 74 / 243 2021 Annual Report revenue may be recognized in inappropriate accounting periods, thus we considered revenue recognition as a key audit matter. 2. Audit Response The audit procedures we implement for revenue recognition mainly include: (1) Understanding the key internal controls related to revenue recognition, evaluating the design of these controls, determining whether these controls are implemented, and testing the implementation effectiveness of related internal controls; (2) Obtaining Company's sales revenue account, analyzing the growth rate of revenue over the same period, identifying whether there are major or abnormal fluctuations at the overall level based on monthly and product type analysis procedures, and finding out the causes of fluctuations; (3) Testing details, sampling sales contracts and related completion orders for which revenues are recognized during the period, and checking whether projects are completed and whether the service term is consistent according to the completion conditions and service term agreed in the contracts; (4) Sampling projects for on-the-spot inspection to understand the progress of project implementation; (5) Implementing confirmation procedures for key customers to confirm information such as accounts receivable, contract assets and debt balances, sales revenue for the period, project progress and service terms; (6) Performing cut-off tests for revenues recognized before and after the balance sheet date to evaluate whether revenues are recognized in the appropriate period; (7) Checking whether the information relating to revenue has been properly presented in the financial statements. (II) Goodwill Impairment Test 1. Introduction As of December 31, 2021, Hundsun Technologies recorded the original carrying value of goodwill of RMB539,186,500 and the provision for impairment of RMB171,694,300, resulting in a carrying value of RMB367,492,100. As described in the significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (XX) in Note III to the financial statements, the Management is required to perform annual impairment tests on goodwill resulting from business combinations, regardless of whether impairment exists, and to adjust the carrying value of goodwill based on the test results. The Management tests goodwill for impairment in conjunction with the asset group or combination of asset groups related thereto, and the recoverable amount of the related asset group or combination of asset groups is determined based on the present value of projected future cash flows. Significant judgments and assumptions made by the Management, such as the estimation of the revenue growth rate, profit margin, appropriate discount rate and other indicators, are considered in the determination of the present value of future cash flows and therefore we considered the goodwill impairment test as a key audit matter. 2. Audit Response The audit procedures we implement for goodwill impairment tests mainly include: (1) Understanding the key internal controls related to goodwill impairment tests, evaluating the design of these controls, determining whether these controls are implemented, and testing the implementation 75 / 243 2021 Annual Report effectiveness of related internal controls; (2) Reviewing the Management’s projections of the present value of future cash flows and actual results of operations for prior years and evaluating the accuracy of the Management's historical projections; (3) Understanding the historical performance and development plans for each asset group, as well as the macroeconomic and development trends of the industries to which they belong; (4) Understanding and evaluating the competency, professionalism and objectivity of the external valuation experts engaged by the Management; (5) Evaluating the reasonableness and consistency of the methods used by Management in the impairment test; (6) Reviewing the reasonableness of the level of cash flow projections and the discount rate adopted, including the growth rate of future sales revenue, projected profit margin and related expenses of the corresponding asset group, and conducting a comparative analysis with the historical data of the corresponding asset group and future market trends; (7) Testing the accuracy of the Management's calculation of the present value of projected future cash flows; (8) Checking whether the information relating to goodwill impairment has been properly presented in the financial statements. IV. OTHER INFORMATION The Management is responsible for other information. Other information includes the information covered in the Annual Report but excludes the financial statements and our auditor's report. Our audit opinion on the financial statements does not cover other information, and we do not express an assurance conclusion of any kind on other information In conjunction with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with, or appears to be materially misstated in, the financial statements or what we have learned during the audit. Based on the work we have performed, if we determine that other information is materially misstated, we should report that fact. We do not have any matters to report in this regard. V. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGEMENT AND THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Management shall be responsible for preparing financial statements that present fairly the data in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for designing, implementing and maintaining the internal controls as the Management deems necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In the preparation of the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing Hundsun Technologies' continuing operating capacity, disclosing matters relating to continuing operations (if applicable) and applying the continuing operating assumptions unless there are plans to liquidate Hundsun Technologies and cease to operate or no realistic alternative is available. Those charged with governance of Hundsun Technologies (hereinafter referred to as the Governance) 76 / 243 2021 Annual Report is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of Hundsun Technologies. VI. AUDITOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report containing our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but it does not guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards can always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are generally considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users made on the basis of these financial statements. We exercised professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism in carrying out our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards. We also carried out the following works: (I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for our audit. The risk of failing to detect a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than that due to error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or overriding internal controls. (II) Understand the internal controls related to the audit to formulate appropriate audit procedures. (III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies adopted by and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Management. (IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the continuing operating assumptions made by the Management and, based on the audit evidence obtained, on whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on Hundsun Technologies' ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, according to the auditing standards, we are required to draw the attention of statement users to the relevant disclosures in the financial statements in our auditor's report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, we should express our non-unqualified opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained as of the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause Hundsun Technologies to cease. (V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and also whether the financial statements fairly present the underlying transactions and events. (VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence about the financial information of the entities or operations in Hundsun Technologies to express our audit opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for directing, supervising and performing the group audit and accept full responsibility for the audit opinion. We communicate with the Governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and schedule of the audit and significant audit findings, including any internal control deficiencies of concern that we found during our audit. We also provide the Governance with a statement regarding compliance with ethical requirements related to independence and communicate with the Governance about all relationships and other matters 77 / 243 2021 Annual Report that could reasonably be considered to affect our independence, as well as related precautions (if applicable). Among matters about which we had communicated with the Governance, we determined which matters are the most important to audit the current period's financial statements, therefore, such matters are key audit matters. We described these matters in our auditor's report, except in those cases where public disclosure of such matters is prohibited by law or regulation, or in those rare cases where we determine not to communicate with the Governance about a matter in our auditor's report if we reasonably expect that the adverse consequences of communicating about such matter in our auditor's report would outweigh the benefits in the public interest. Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP CPA of China: (Engagement Partner) Hangzhou, China CPA of China: March 29, 2022 78 / 243 2021 Annual Report II. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Consolidated Balance Sheet December 31, 2021 Prepared by: Hundsun Technologies Inc. Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Notes December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Current assets: Cash and bank balances VII.1 1,727,704,846.60 1,374,842,591.24 Balances with clearing companies Placements with banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial assets VII.2 1,991,523,094.74 2,723,350,172.04 Derivative financial assets Bills receivable VII.4 636,600.00 194,609.13 Accounts receivable VII.5 762,916,207.50 523,273,534.51 Receivables financing Prepayments VII.7 11,856,440.88 9,007,186.01 Premium receivables Reinsurance account receivables Deposit receivables from reinsurance contracts Other receivables VII.8 30,706,405.33 27,411,805.19 Including: Interest receivables Dividend receivables Financial assets held under resale agreements Inventories VII.9 466,992,190.19 351,690,935.90 Contract assets VII.10 33,668,468.37 34,180,843.24 Held-for-sale assets Current portion of non-current assets Other current assets VII.13 8,672,321.71 10,342,520.82 Total current assets 5,034,676,575.32 5,054,294,198.08 Non-current assets: Loans and advances to customers Debt investments Other debt investments VII.15 65,681,018.23 83,845,382.74 Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments VII.17 1,110,946,777.17 738,974,733.43 Other equity instrument investments Other non-current financial assets VII.19 2,981,720,276.86 2,229,463,162.16 Investment properties VII.20 127,524,968.93 111,411,248.79 Fixed assets VII.21 1,679,515,491.95 472,506,719.88 Construction in progress VII.22 26,357,513.90 732,254,664.28 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets VII.25 32,023,105.44 Intangible assets VII.26 376,460,020.43 161,012,651.89 Development expenditure Goodwill VII.28 367,492,126.98 312,158,890.50 Long-term prepaid expense VII.29 1,257,776.43 3,370,336.31 Deferred income tax assets VII.30 163,436,491.51 71,410,701.28 Other non-current assets VII.31 112,816,169.61 441,999.00 Total non-current assets 7,045,231,737.44 4,916,850,490.26 79 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total assets 12,079,908,312.76 9,971,144,688.34 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings VII.32 178,028,314.11 46,718,265.90 Borrowings from the central bank Placements from banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Bills payable Accounts payable VII.36 503,758,715.18 192,172,938.77 Advances from customers VII.37 2,283,715.48 1,491,017.37 Contract liabilities VII.38 3,203,414,609.69 3,107,149,920.44 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Deposits from banks and other financial institutions Customer deposits for securities trading Customer deposits for securities underwriting Employee compensation payable VII.39 774,996,501.71 647,448,189.72 Taxes payable VII.40 196,064,942.41 187,413,250.40 Other payables VII.41 170,804,176.79 128,629,520.86 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Handling charges and commission payable Reinsurance accounts payable Held-for-sale liabilities Current portion of non-current liabilities VII.43 154,496,614.61 Other current liabilities VII.44 305,258,151.46 305,258,151.46 Total current liabilities 5,489,105,741.44 4,616,281,254.92 Non-current liabilities: Deposits for insurance contracts Long-term borrowings VII.45 228,454,065.70 206,090,358.06 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities VII.47 23,298,204.05 Long-term accounts payable Long-term employee remuneration payable Provision for liabilities VII.50 17,316,775.77 12,147,826.09 Deferred income VII.51 38,210,906.29 56,385,848.47 Deferred income tax liabilities VII.30 68,201,491.05 42,478,589.07 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 375,481,442.86 317,102,621.69 Total liabilities 5,864,587,184.30 4,933,383,876.61 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): Paid-up capital (or share capital) VII.53 1,461,560,480.00 1,044,090,754.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve VII.55 272,730,547.65 545,385,635.52 Less: Treasury stocks VII.56 39,676,146.96 117,376,268.28 Other comprehensive income VII.57 -19,063,233.86 -7,643,663.35 Special reserves Surplus reserves VII.59 322,432,343.76 195,947,299.77 General risk reserve Undistributed profits VII.60 3,697,047,060.46 2,893,625,565.93 80 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total equity attributable to owners (or shareholders) of 5,695,031,051.05 4,554,029,323.59 the parent company Minority interests 520,290,077.41 483,731,488.14 Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 6,215,321,128.46 5,037,760,811.73 Total liabilities and owners' equity (or 12,079,908,312.76 9,971,144,688.34 shareholders' equity) Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 81 / 243 2021 Annual Report Balance Sheet of Parent Company December 31, 2021 Prepared by: Hundsun Technologies Inc. Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Notes December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 908,419,084.93 628,498,594.80 Held-for-trading financial assets 1,012,890,244.13 1,833,907,601.08 Derivative financial assets Bills receivable 636,600.00 194,609.13 Accounts receivable XVII.1 557,715,998.70 427,331,540.43 Receivables financing Prepayments 8,933,838.72 30,871,016.72 Other receivables XVII.2 66,212,431.56 43,769,249.04 Including: Interest receivables Dividend receivables Inventories 427,163,074.94 325,151,655.77 Contract assets 27,841,320.54 31,553,316.68 Held-for-sale assets Current portion of non-current assets Other current assets 5,647,177.34 Total current assets 3,009,812,593.52 3,326,924,760.99 Non-current assets: Debt investments Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments XVII.3 3,230,955,642.19 2,419,704,939.59 Other equity instrument investments Other non-current financial assets 2,740,664,539.46 2,050,871,495.84 Investment properties 7,736,779.02 8,184,029.66 Fixed assets 1,354,919,216.28 399,589,221.27 Construction in progress 25,139,995.40 456,818,577.02 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 24,756,019.73 Intangible assets 237,628,836.54 146,164,296.77 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expense 131,567.10 2,380,469.45 Deferred income tax assets 187,252,839.81 91,506,512.97 Other non-current assets 441,999.00 Total non-current assets 7,809,185,435.53 5,575,661,541.57 Total assets 10,818,998,029.05 8,902,586,302.56 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 150,862,784.72 Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Bills payable Accounts payable 528,701,393.13 197,656,300.15 Advances from customers Contract liabilities 2,844,015,508.61 2,795,258,134.72 Employee compensation payable 606,636,561.56 515,782,981.89 82 / 243 2021 Annual Report Taxes payable 146,989,441.53 152,414,189.43 Other payables 89,229,544.02 83,908,718.54 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Held-for-sale liabilities Current portion of non-current liabilities 149,878,491.45 Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 4,516,313,725.02 3,745,020,324.73 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 148,159,511.11 122,536,819.73 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 21,129,263.20 Long-term accounts payable Long-term employee remuneration payable Provision for liabilities 16,258,263.99 11,269,713.18 Deferred income 38,094,994.90 56,183,143.62 Deferred income tax liabilities 65,662,318.43 39,723,311.77 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 289,304,351.63 229,712,988.30 Total liabilities 4,805,618,076.65 3,974,733,313.03 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): Paid-up capital (or share capital) 1,461,560,480.00 1,044,090,754.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 16,659,761.86 284,304,968.23 Less: Treasury stocks 39,676,146.96 117,376,268.28 Other comprehensive income 346,075.73 346,075.73 Special reserves Surplus reserve 671,500,924.20 533,516,976.26 Undistributed profits 3,902,988,857.57 3,182,970,483.59 Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 6,013,379,952.40 4,927,852,989.53 Total liabilities and owners' equity (or 10,818,998,029.05 8,902,586,302.56 shareholders' equity) Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 83 / 243 2021 Annual Report Consolidated Income Statement January to December 2021 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Notes 2021 2020 I. Total revenue 5,496,578,624.88 4,172,645,156.56 Including: Revenue VII.61 5,496,578,624.88 4,172,645,156.56 Interest income Premiums earned Handling charges and commission income II. Total cost of sales 4,922,774,631.17 3,392,825,437.84 Including: Cost of sales VII.61 1,484,602,486.66 955,906,825.10 Interest expenses Handling charges and commission expenses Payments on surrender Net claim expenses Net provision for insurance contract reserves Policyholder dividend expenses Reinsurance costs Taxes and surcharges VII.62 60,393,388.78 54,504,894.10 Selling and distribution expenses VII.63 557,934,967.43 353,806,789.89 General and administrative expenses VII.64 681,453,467.57 539,490,612.30 R&D expenses VII.65 2,139,296,366.07 1,496,058,838.32 Finance costs VII.66 -906,045.34 -6,942,521.87 Including: Interest expenses 10,507,675.01 2,855,157.07 Interest income -17,150,371.61 -11,939,357.58 Add: Other incomes VII.67 289,880,269.30 227,428,386.00 Investment income (loss denoted by "-") VII.68 275,837,269.79 584,205,393.33 Including: Share of results of associates and joint 91,328,055.87 10,473,834.46 ventures Derecognition of income from financial assets measured at amortized cost Exchange gains (loss denoted by "-") Gains from net exposure to hedging (loss denoted by "-") Gain from changes in fair value (loss expressed VII.70 414,401,157.02 103,091,491.83 with "-") Credit impairment Losses (loss denoted by "-") VII.71 -30,961,258.63 -15,087,185.55 Impairment of assets (loss denoted by "-") VII.72 -11,858,839.61 -239,011,710.38 Gains from the disposal of assets (loss to be listed VII.73 -552,528.07 577,248.05 with “-”) III. Operating profit (loss denoted by "-") 1,510,550,063.51 1,441,023,342.00 Add: Non-operating income VII.74 2,491,487.26 1,847,341.17 Less: Non-operating expenses VII.75 3,318,935.14 5,155,492.52 IV. Total profit (total loss denoted by "-") 1,509,722,615.63 1,437,715,190.65 Less: Income tax expenses VII.76 19,593,930.63 74,562,836.44 V. Net profit (net loss denoted by "-") 1,490,128,685.00 1,363,152,354.21 (I) Classified by the continuity of operations 1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss 1,490,128,685.00 1,363,152,354.21 denoted by "-") 2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss denoted by "-") (II) Classified by attribution of ownership 1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 1,463,538,930.14 1,321,735,522.48 parent company (net loss denoted by "-") 2. Profit and loss of minority shareholders (net loss 26,589,754.86 41,416,831.73 84 / 243 2021 Annual Report denoted by "-") VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax VII.77 -13,786,289.23 -18,814,662.97 (I) Other comprehensive income attributable to owners -11,419,570.51 -17,307,209.29 of the parent company, net of tax 1. Other comprehensive income not to be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss (1) Amount of change arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan (2) Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method (3) Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments (4) Changes in fair value attributable to changes in credit risk 2. Other comprehensive income to be subsequently -11,419,570.51 -17,307,209.29 reclassified to profit or loss (1) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method (2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments -25,707.87 557,500.45 (3) Amount of financial assets reclassified and charged to other comprehensive incomes (4) Credit loss impairment of other debt investments (5) Cash flow hedge reserve (6) Foreign currency translation difference in the -11,393,862.64 -17,864,709.74 statements (7) Others (II) Other comprehensive income attributable to -2,366,718.72 -1,507,453.68 minority shareholders, net of tax VII. Total comprehensive income 1,476,342,395.77 1,344,337,691.24 (I) Total comprehensive income attributable to the 1,452,119,359.63 1,304,428,313.19 owners of the parent company (II) Total comprehensive income attributable to 24,223,036.14 39,909,378.05 minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 1.01 0.90 (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 1.01 0.90 Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 85 / 243 2021 Annual Report Income Statement of the Parent Company January to December 2021 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Notes 2021 2020 I. Revenue XVII.4 4,540,414,080.82 3,479,724,560.56 Less: Cost of sales XVII.4 1,281,192,903.55 804,381,909.99 Taxes and surcharges 48,187,613.26 44,090,921.30 Selling and distribution expenses 401,894,792.45 256,336,398.72 General and administrative expenses 502,017,276.69 424,746,766.49 R&D expenses XVII.6 1,811,641,736.55 1,262,846,986.40 Finance costs 2,316,928.82 -8,575,348.42 Including: Interest expenses 9,835,206.38 436,333.33 Interest income -13,406,287.93 -9,511,502.38 Add: Other incomes 271,497,389.32 202,214,267.06 Investment income (loss denoted by "-") XVII.5 265,504,833.35 322,590,071.86 Including: Share of results of associates and joint 90,518,351.65 10,437,512.44 ventures Derecognition of income from financial assets measured at amortized cost Gains from net exposure to hedging (loss denoted by "-") Gain from changes in fair value (loss expressed 419,730,141.73 99,518,213.82 with "-") Credit impairment Losses (loss denoted by "-") -20,000,010.63 -8,697,979.82 Impairment of assets (loss denoted by "-") -52,631,912.66 -236,331,294.32 Gains from the disposal of assets (loss to be listed -517,980.17 568,970.50 with “-”) II. Operating profits (loss denoted by "-") 1,376,745,290.44 1,075,759,175.18 Add: Non-operating income 1,727,963.18 1,703,213.73 Less: Non-operating expenses 2,578,075.83 4,815,965.78 III. Total profit (total loss denoted by "-") 1,375,895,177.79 1,072,646,423.13 Less: Income tax expenses -3,989,324.37 48,636,564.95 IV. Net profit (net loss denoted by "-") 1,379,884,502.16 1,024,009,858.18 (I) Net profit from continuing operations (net loss 1,379,884,502.16 1,024,009,858.18 denoted by "-") (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss denoted by "-") V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax (I) Other comprehensive income not to be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss 1. Amount of change arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan 2. Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 3. Changes in fair value of other equity instruments investments 4. Changes in fair value attributable to changes in credit risk (II) Other comprehensive income to be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investment 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified and charged to other comprehensive income 4. Credit loss impairment of other debt investments 86 / 243 2021 Annual Report 5. Cash flow hedge reserve 6. Foreign currency translation difference in the statements 7. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 1,379,884,502.16 1,024,009,858.18 VII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 87 / 243 2021 Annual Report Consolidated Cash Flow Statement January to December 2021 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Notes 2021 2020 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods and provision of 5,844,844,692.26 5,027,045,459.45 services Net increase in deposits from customers and placements from banks and other financial institutions Net increase in borrowings from the central bank Net increase in placements from other financial institutions Cash received from premiums of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance operations Net increase in policyholders' deposits and investments Cash received from interest, handling charges and commission Net increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions Net increase in capital for repurchase Net cash received from securities trading agency services Tax rebate received 227,091,597.48 183,938,205.09 Cash received from other operating activities VII.78 121,077,790.55 139,374,771.62 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 6,193,014,080.29 5,350,358,436.16 Cash paid for goods and services 429,996,599.28 264,686,930.17 Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in deposits in the central bank and other financial institutions Cash paid for claims on original insurance contracts Net increase in placements with banks and other financial institutions Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commission Cash paid for policyholders' dividend Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 3,523,292,673.44 2,407,934,548.23 Cash paid for taxes and dues 573,426,098.40 513,810,513.17 Cash paid for other operating activities VII.78 709,509,403.03 766,024,174.18 Sub-total of cash outflows for operating activities 5,236,224,774.15 3,952,456,165.75 Net cash flows from operating activities 956,789,306.14 1,397,902,270.41 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of investments 5,671,375,826.88 6,100,880,297.34 Cash received from investment income 91,272,753.60 107,965,090.44 Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, 335,745.57 876,150.00 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and 121.84 other operating entities Cash received from other investment activities VII.78 2,250,490.08 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 5,762,984,326.05 6,211,972,149.70 Cash paid for acquisition and construction of fixed 684,126,691.10 482,188,248.36 assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investments 5,354,401,853.32 6,418,659,009.01 Net increase in pledged loans Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other 147,881,750.76 101,506,128.82 88 / 243 2021 Annual Report operating entities Cash paid for other investing activities VII.78 924,157.53 Sub-total of cash outflows for investing activities 6,186,410,295.18 7,003,277,543.72 Net cash flows from operating activities -423,425,969.13 -791,305,394.02 III. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from capital contributions 104,148,194.52 135,304,016.20 Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from capital 92,113,044.45 135,304,016.20 contributions of minority shareholders Cash received from borrowings 1,457,773,551.92 388,162,654.08 Cash received from other financing activities VII.78 361,621,876.00 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 1,923,543,622.44 523,466,670.28 Cash paid for repayment of debts 1,154,950,725.42 354,029,904.68 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits or 165,693,795.60 500,966,359.80 settlement of interest Including: Dividends and profits paid by the 40,942,500.00 66,441,700.00 subsidiaries to non-controlling interests Cash paid for other financing activities VII.78 776,982,025.33 219,267,574.48 Sub-total of cash outflows for financing activities 2,097,626,546.35 1,074,263,838.96 Net cash flows from financing activities -174,082,923.91 -550,797,168.68 IV. Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and -5,874,876.16 -3,702,909.99 cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 353,405,536.94 52,096,797.72 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,370,028,554.66 1,317,931,756.94 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,723,434,091.60 1,370,028,554.66 Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 89 / 243 2021 Annual Report Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company January to December 2021 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Notes 2021 2020 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods and provision of 4,888,058,491.22 4,278,115,680.39 services Tax rebate received 215,981,764.66 174,769,339.66 Cash received from other operating activities 182,379,629.26 196,124,272.73 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 5,286,419,885.14 4,649,009,292.78 Cash paid for goods and services 712,654,259.84 464,291,427.61 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 2,507,969,694.70 1,810,974,944.77 Cash paid for taxes and dues 474,127,303.70 443,681,780.76 Cash paid for other operating activities 687,191,064.00 708,261,496.85 Sub-total of cash outflows for operating activities 4,381,942,322.24 3,427,209,649.99 Net cash flows from operating activities 904,477,562.90 1,221,799,642.79 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of investments 3,446,679,775.75 4,508,170,797.85 Cash received from investment income 125,221,208.23 193,176,895.95 Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, 281,848.77 851,150.00 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other operating entities Cash received from other investment activities 189,562,371.40 7,140,331.25 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 3,761,745,204.15 4,709,339,175.05 Cash paid for acquisition and construction of fixed 474,359,557.11 232,296,921.00 assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investments 3,579,910,798.63 5,020,267,961.11 Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating entities Cash paid for other investing activities 206,222,100.00 6,924,157.53 Sub-total of cash outflows for investing activities 4,260,492,455.74 5,259,489,039.64 Net cash flows from operating activities -498,747,251.59 -550,149,864.59 III. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from capital contributions Cash received from borrowings 1,338,000,000.00 246,000,000.00 Cash received from other financing activities 561,621,876.00 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 1,899,621,876.00 246,000,000.00 Cash paid for repayment of debts 1,016,260,000.00 211,600,000.00 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits or 123,094,675.57 431,976,856.57 settlement of interest Cash paid for other financing activities 885,804,607.30 117,376,268.28 Sub-total of cash outflows for financing activities 2,025,159,282.87 760,953,124.85 Net cash flows from financing activities -125,537,406.87 -514,953,124.85 IV. Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and -265,047.73 -225,026.89 cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 279,927,856.71 156,471,626.46 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 625,673,073.22 469,201,446.76 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 905,600,929.93 625,673,073.22 Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 90 / 243 2021 Annual Report Consolidated Statement of Retained Earnings January to December 2021 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 2021 Owners' equity attributable to the parent company Item Minority Total owners' Other equity instruments Other General interests equity Paid-up capital (or Less: Treasury Special Undistributed Capital reserve comprehensive Surplus reserve risk Others Sub-total share capital) Preferred Perpetual stocks reserves profits Others income reserve shares bonds I. Closing balance of 1,044,090,754.00 545,385,635.52 117,376,268.28 -7,643,663.35 195,947,299.77 2,893,625,565.93 4,554,029,323.59 483,731,488.14 5,037,760,811.73 the previous year Add: Changes in -4,502.28 -291,827.99 -296,330.27 -133,878.26 -430,208.53 accounting policies Correction of prior period errors Business combination under common control Others II. Opening balance 1,044,090,754.00 545,385,635.52 117,376,268.28 -7,643,663.35 195,942,797.49 2,893,333,737.94 4,553,732,993.32 483,597,609.88 5,037,330,603.20 of the current year III. Increases/decreases in the current period 417,469,726.00 -272,655,087.87 -77,700,121.32 -11,419,570.51 126,489,546.27 803,713,322.52 1,141,298,057.73 36,692,467.53 1,177,990,525.26 (decreases denoted by "-") (I) Total comprehensive -11,419,570.51 1,463,538,930.14 1,452,119,359.63 24,223,036.14 1,476,342,395.77 income (II) Capital contributed and -272,655,087.87 -77,700,121.32 -11,498,903.95 -206,453,870.50 53,411,931.39 -153,041,939.11 reduced by owners 1. Ordinary shares 28,188,068.18 28,188,068.18 contributed by owners 2. Capital contributed by the holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payments -289,923,619.47 -77,700,121.32 -212,223,498.15 -212,223,498.15 charged to owners' equity 4. Others 17,268,531.60 -11,498,903.95 5,769,627.65 25,223,863.21 30,993,490.86 (III) Profit 417,469,726.00 137,988,450.22 -659,825,607.62 -104,367,431.40 -40,942,500.00 -145,309,931.40 distribution 1. Appropriation to 137,988,450.22 -137,988,450.22 surplus reserve 91 / 243 2021 Annual Report 2. Appropriation to general risk provision 3. Distribution to owners (or 417,469,726.00 -521,837,157.40 -104,367,431.40 -40,942,500.00 -145,309,931.40 shareholders) 4. Others (IV) Internal transfers of owners' equity 1. Capital (or share capital) transferred from capital reserve 2. Capital (or share capital) transferred from surplus reserve 3. Recovery of losses by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings transferred from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Appropriation in the current period 2. Utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing balance 1,461,560,480.00 272,730,547.65 39,676,146.96 -19,063,233.86 322,432,343.76 3,697,047,060.46 5,695,031,051.05 520,290,077.41 6,215,321,128.46 in the current period 92 / 243 2021 Annual Report 2020 Owners' equity attributable to the parent company Item Total owners' Other equity instruments Minority interests Other General equity Paid-up capital (or Less: Treasury Special Undistributed Capital reserve comprehensive Surplus reserve risk Others Sub-total share capital) Preferred Perpetual stocks reserves profits Others income reserve shares bonds I. Closing balance of 803,146,734.00 472,118,644.41 9,663,545.94 186,920,340.97 3,007,114,120.04 4,478,963,385.36 414,413,594.24 4,893,376,979.60 the previous year Add: Changes in -72,096,457.53 -666,211,301.75 -738,307,759.28 -10,682,109.25 -748,989,868.53 accounting policies Correction of prior period errors Business combination under common control Others II. Opening balance of 803,146,734.00 472,118,644.41 9,663,545.94 114,823,883.44 2,340,902,818.29 3,740,655,626.08 403,731,484.99 4,144,387,111.07 the current year III. Increases/decreases in the current period 240,944,020.00 73,266,991.11 117,376,268.28 -17,307,209.29 81,123,416.33 552,722,747.64 813,373,697.51 80,000,003.15 893,373,700.66 (decreases denoted by "-") (I) Total comprehensive -17,307,209.29 1,321,735,522.48 1,304,428,313.19 39,909,378.05 1,344,337,691.24 income (II) Capital contributed and 73,266,991.11 117,376,268.28 -21,277,569.49 -65,386,846.66 106,532,325.10 41,145,478.44 reduced by owners 1. Ordinary shares 75,703,547.00 75,703,547.00 contributed by owners 2. Capital contributed by the holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payments 117,376,268.28 -117,376,268.28 -117,376,268.28 charged to owners' equity 4. Others 73,266,991.11 -21,277,569.49 51,989,421.62 30,828,778.10 82,818,199.72 (III) Profit 240,944,020.00 102,400,985.82 -769,012,774.84 -425,667,769.02 -66,441,700.00 -492,109,469.02 distribution 1. Appropriation to 102,400,985.82 -102,400,985.82 surplus reserve 2. Appropriation to general risk provision 3. Distribution to 240,944,020.00 -666,611,789.02 -425,667,769.02 -66,441,700.00 -492,109,469.02 owners (or 93 / 243 2021 Annual Report shareholders) 4. Others (IV) Internal transfers of owners' equity 1. Capital (or share capital) transferred from capital reserve 2. Capital (or share capital) transferred from surplus reserve 3. Recovery of losses by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings transferred from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Appropriation in the current period 2. Utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing balance in 1,044,090,754.00 545,385,635.52 117,376,268.28 -7,643,663.35 195,947,299.77 2,893,625,565.93 4,554,029,323.59 483,731,488.14 5,037,760,811.73 the current period Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 94 / 243 2021 Annual Report Statement of Retained Earnings of the Parent Company January to December 2021 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 2021 Other Less: Treasury Special Other equity instruments Capital reserve comprehensive Surplus reserve Item Paid-up capital stocks reserves income Undistributed profits Total owners' equity (or share capital) Preferred Perpetual Others shares bonds I. Closing balance of the 1,044,090,754.00 284,304,968.23 117,376,268.28 346,075.73 533,516,976.26 3,182,970,483.59 4,927,852,989.53 previous year Add: Changes in -4,502.28 -40,520.56 -45,022.84 accounting policies Correction of prior period errors Others II. Opening balance of 1,044,090,754.00 284,304,968.23 117,376,268.28 346,075.73 533,512,473.98 3,182,929,963.03 4,927,807,966.69 the current year III. Increases/decreases in the current period 417,469,726.00 -267,645,206.37 -77,700,121.32 137,988,450.22 720,058,894.54 1,085,571,985.71 (decreases denoted by "-") (I) Total comprehensive 1,379,884,502.16 1,379,884,502.16 income (II) Capital contributed -267,645,206.37 -77,700,121.32 -189,945,085.05 and reduced by owners 1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners 2. Capital contributed by the holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payments -289,477,689.92 -77,700,121.32 -211,777,568.60 charged to owners' equity 4. Others 21,832,483.55 21,832,483.55 (III) Profit distribution 417,469,726.00 137,988,450.22 -659,825,607.62 -104,367,431.40 1. Appropriation to 137,988,450.22 -137,988,450.22 surplus reserve 2. Distribution to 417,469,726.00 -521,837,157.40 -104,367,431.40 owners (or shareholders) 3. Others 95 / 243 2021 Annual Report (IV) Internal transfers of owners' equity 1. Capital (or share capital) transferred from capital reserve 2. Capital (or share capital) transferred from surplus reserve 3. Recovery of losses by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings transferred from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Appropriation in the current period 2. Utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing balance in 1,461,560,480.00 16,659,761.86 39,676,146.96 346,075.73 671,500,924.20 3,902,988,857.57 6,013,379,952.40 the current period 96 / 243 2021 Annual Report 2020 Other equity instruments Other Item Paid-up capital Less: Treasury Special Preferred Perpetual Capital reserve comprehensive Surplus reserve Undistributed profits Total owners' equity (or share capital) Others stocks reserves shares bonds income I. Closing balance of 803,146,734.00 245,949,078.60 346,075.73 503,212,447.97 3,576,841,517.98 5,129,495,854.28 the previous year Add: Changes in -72,096,457.53 -648,868,117.73 -720,964,575.26 accounting policies Correction of prior period errors Others II. Opening balance of 803,146,734.00 245,949,078.60 346,075.73 431,115,990.44 2,927,973,400.25 4,408,531,279.02 the current year III. Increases/decreases in the current period 240,944,020.00 38,355,889.63 117,376,268.28 102,400,985.82 254,997,083.34 519,321,710.51 (decreases denoted by "-") (I) Total comprehensive 1,024,009,858.18 1,024,009,858.18 income (II) Capital contributed 38,355,889.63 117,376,268.28 -79,020,378.65 and reduced by owners 1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners 2. Capital contributed by the holders of other equity instruments 3. Amount of share-based payments 117,376,268.28 -117,376,268.28 charged to owners' equity 4. Others 38,355,889.63 38,355,889.63 (III) Profit distribution 240,944,020.00 102,400,985.82 -769,012,774.84 -425,667,769.02 1. Appropriation to 102,400,985.82 -102,400,985.82 surplus reserve 2. Distribution to owners (or 240,944,020.00 -666,611,789.02 -425,667,769.02 shareholders) 3. Others (IV) Internal transfers of owners' equity 97 / 243 2021 Annual Report 1. Capital (or share capital) transferred from capital reserve 2. Capital (or share capital) transferred from surplus reserve 3. Recovery of losses by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings transferred from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings transferred from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Appropriation in the current period 2. Utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing balance in 1,044,090,754.00 284,304,968.23 117,376,268.28 346,075.73 533,516,976.26 3,182,970,483.59 4,927,852,989.53 the current period Chairman of the Company: Peng Zhenggang Financial Controller: Yao Manying Head of the Accounting Firm: Yao Manying 98 / 243 2021 Annual Report III. GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY 1. Company Profile √Applicable □Not Applicable Hundsun Technologies Inc. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) is a joint-stock limited company established by 15 individual shareholders, including Hangzhou Hundsun Electronics Group Co., Ltd., China National Investment & Guaranty Co., Ltd. and Huang Dacheng, on the basis of the original Hundsun Technologies Inc., which was registered with the Industrial and Commercial Administration of Zhejiang Province on December 13, 2000, with the approval of the Listing Affair Team of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province through the document (ZSS [2000] 48). The Company now holds a business license with USCI: 913300002539329145, and the registered capital of RMB1,461,560,480 divided into a total of 1,461,560,480 shares (RMB1 for each share), all of which are outstanding shares without selling restrictions. The Company's shares were listed on The Shanghai Stock Exchange on December 16, 2003. The Company operates in the software and information technology service industry. The Company's business covers technology development, consultancy, services and results transfer of computer software; computer systems integration; design, contracting and installation of automation and control engineering; sales of computers and accessories; production and sales of electronic equipment, communication equipment, computer hardware and external devices; leases of self-owned premises; import and export business. Main products or services provided by the Company cover development and sales of computer software products and system integration for securities, finance, transportation and other industries; and sales of computers and accessories. The financial statements have been approved for publication at the 24th meeting of the Seventh Board of the Company on March 29, 2022. 2. Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements √Applicable □Not Applicable The subsidiaries included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the current period are shown below, please refer to Notes VIII and IX to these financial statements for details. S/N Full company name Abbreviation Remark 1 Hangzhou Hundsun Cloud Investment Holding Co., Ltd. Cloud Investment Subsidiary Hundsun Science Subsidiary of Cloud 1-1 Hangzhou Hundsun Science Park Development Co., Ltd. [Note 1] Park Investment Subsidiary of Hundsun 1-1-1 Nanjing Hundsun Science Park Operation Management Co., Ltd. Nanjing Hundsun Science Park Quzhou Hundsun Science Park Operation Management Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of Hundsun 1-1-2 Quzhou Hundsun [Note 2] Science Park Shaoxing Keqiao Henghui Phoenix Science Park Operation Subsidiary of Hundsun 1-1-3 Shaoxing Henghui Management Co., Ltd. Science Park 2 Wuxi Henghua Technology Development Co., Ltd. Wuxi Henghua Wholly-owned subsidiary 3 Hangzhou Hundsun Data Security Technology Co., Ltd. Data Security Subsidiary 4 Jinrui Software Technology (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. Jinrui Software Wholly-owned subsidiary 5 Beijing Qiantang Hundsun Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Qiantang Wholly-owned subsidiary 6 Shanghai Yirui Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yirui Subsidiary 7 Japan Hundsun Software Inc. Japan Hundsun Subsidiary 7-1 Hangzhou Beiying Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Beiying Subsidiary of Japan 99 / 243 2021 Annual Report S/N Full company name Abbreviation Remark Hundsun Hundsun 8 Hundsun International Technologies Holding Limited International Subsidiary Technologies 9 Hundsun Holdings Limited Hundsun Holdings Subsidiary Subsidiary of Hundsun 9-1 Hundsun Ayers Technologies Limited Hundsun Ayers Holdings Ayers Technologies Subsidiary of Hundsun 9-2 Ayers Technologies(Singapore) Private Limited (Singapore) Ayers Subsidiary of Hundsun 9-3 Hundsun.Com Co., Limited Hundsun HK Ayers Subsidiary of Hundsun 9-4 Shenzhen Yungang Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Yungang Ayers 10 Shanghai Liming Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Liming Wholly-owned subsidiary 11 Shanghai Gildata Inc Shanghai Gildata Subsidiary Subsidiary of Shanghai 11-1 Hangzhou Gildata Information Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Gildata Gildata 12 Hangzhou Yunhui Investment Management Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Yunhui Wholly-owned subsidiary 13 Hangzhou Cloudwing Network Technology Co., Ltd. Cloudwing Network Subsidiary Subsidiary of Cloudwing 13-1 Hangzhou Hundsun Lirong Software Co., Ltd. Hundsun Lirong Network Securities 14 Hangzhou Securities Investment Network Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investment Network 15 Hangzhou Cloudyee Network Technology Co., Ltd. Cloudyee Network Subsidiary 16 Hangzhou Yunyong Network Technology Co., Ltd. Yunyong Network Subsidiary Cloudbroker 17 Hangzhou Cloudbroker Network Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Network 18 Hangzhou Yunlian Network Technology Co., Ltd. Yunlian Network Subsidiary 19 Hangzhou Shanshang Network Technology Co., Ltd. Shanshang Network Subsidiary Subsidiary of Shanshang 19-1 Beijing Xinruanfu Information Technology Co., Ltd. [Note 3] Beijing Xinruanfu Network 20 Hangzhou Yima Investment Management Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Yima Wholly-owned subsidiary 21 Hangzhou Hundsun Wengine Network Technology Co., Ltd. Wengine Network Subsidiary Intercontinental 22 Hundsun Intercontinental Holdings (HK) Limited Wholly-owned subsidiary Holdings Subsidiary of 22-1 Hundsun Global Services Inc. Hundsun U.S. Intercontinental Holdings Subsidiary of 22-2 Chain Next Technologies Limited Chain Next Intercontinental Holdings Hundsun Subsidiary of 22-3 Hundsun International (PTC) Ltd International Intercontinental Holdings Guangdong Institute 23 Guangdong Institute of Financial Innovation Subsidiary of Finance 24 Hangzhou Xinglu Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.) Hangzhou Xinglu Subsidiary Business 25 Business Intelligence Info. Tech. (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. Intelligence Subsidiary (Hangzhou) 26 Shanghai Hunsun Shengtian Network Technology Co., Ltd. Shengtian Network Wholly-owned subsidiary 27 Hangzhou Zhigu Network Technology Co., Ltd. Zhigu Network Subsidiary 28 Zhejiang Jingteng Network Technology Co., Ltd. Jingteng Network Subsidiary Wuxi Xinglu Tiancheng Investment Management Partnership 29 Wuxi Xinglu Subsidiary (L.P.) 30 Hundsun IHS Markit China Technologies Co., Ltd. IHS Markit Subsidiary IHS Markit (Hong 30-1 Hundsun IHS Markit China (Hong Kong) Technologies Limited Subsidiary of IHS Markit Kong) 31 BusinessMatrix Software Technology Ltd. BusinessMatrix Subsidiary 32 Nanjing Xingcheng Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.) Nanjing Xingcheng Subsidiary 33 Shanghai Genus-Finance Information Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Genus Subsidiary 100 / 243 2021 Annual Report S/N Full company name Abbreviation Remark Subsidiary of Shanghai 33-1 GenSys Technology (International) Limited GenSys Technology Genus 34 Shanghai Dworld AI Tech Co., Ltd. Shanghai Dworld Subsidiary Subsidiary of Shanghai 34-1 Changsha Dworld AI Technology Co., Ltd. Changsha Dworld Dworld 35 Hundsun iBontal (Guangdong) Technology Co., Ltd. Hundsun iBontal Subsidiary Zhejiang Xunchang Wendao Network Information Technology 36 Xunchang Wendao Subsidiary Co., Ltd. 37 Nanjing Xingding Equity Investment Partnership (L.P.) Nanjing Xingding Subsidiary [Note 1] Formerly known as Hangzhou Hundsun Baichuan Technology Co., Ltd. [Note 2] Quzhou Hundsun completed the company cancellation procedures on September 15, 2021. [Note 3] Beijing Xinruanfu completed the company cancellation procedures on September 15, 2021. IV. BASIS OF PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Basis of Preparation The financial statements of the Company are presented on a continuing operation basis. 2. Continuing Operation √Applicable □Not Applicable There were no events or circumstances that would give rise to material doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern during 12 months from the Reporting Period. V. MAJOR ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES Notes to specific accounting policies and accounting estimates: √Applicable □Not Applicable Important Note: The Company has formulated specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for transactions or events such as impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation of right-to-use assets, amortization of intangible assets and recognition of income according to the actual production and operation characteristics. 1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and fully present the information such as the financial position, business performance, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows of the Company. 2. Accounting Period The accounting year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31. 3. Operating Cycle √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company adopts 12 months to identify the current nature of assets and liabilities since the operating cycle is too short for the Company's business. 101 / 243 2021 Annual Report 4. Functional Currency Renminbi ("RMB") is adopted by the Company as the functional currency. The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as their functional currency, and its overseas subsidiaries such as Japan Hundsun, Hundsun International Technologies, Hundsun Holdings, Hundsun Ayers, Hundsun HK, Ayers Technologies (Singapore), Intercontinental Holdings, Hundsun U.S., Chain Next, Hundsun International, Hundsun Holdings, IHS Markit (Hong Kong) and GenSys Technology, which engaged in overseas operations, adopt the currency of their specific economic environments as their functional currency. 5. Accounting Methods for Business Combination under and Not under Common Control √Applicable □Not Applicable 1. Accounting method for business combination under common control Assets and liabilities obtained by the Company in the business combination are recognized at their carrying amounts at the combination date as recorded by the acquiree. The Company adjusts its capital reserves by the difference between the carrying amount of the owners' equity in the acquiree accounted for in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the business combination (or aggregate carrying amount of the shares issued). If the balance of the capital reserve is insufficient for the written-off, the retained profits will be adjusted accordingly. 2. Accounting method for business combination not under common control Where the combination cost exceeds the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets on the combination date in the business combination, the difference is recognized as goodwill. Where the combination cost is less than the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets in the business combination, the measurement of the fair value of various identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired from the acquirees and the combination cost will be reviewed first and the difference is charged to the current profit or loss in the event the combination cost by the acquirer is still less than the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets in the business combination after review. 6. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements √Applicable □Not Applicable The parent company includes all subsidiaries under its control in the consolidation scope for consolidated financial statements, which are prepared by the parent company pursuant to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33 - Consolidated Financial Statements based on the financial statements of the parent company and its subsidiaries and other relevant information. 7. Classification of Joint Arrangement and Accounting Method for Joint Operation √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) A joint arrangement is divided into joint operation and joint venture. (2) When the Company is a party of a joint operation, the following items associated with the interest 102 / 243 2021 Annual Report share of the joint operation will be recognized: 1) the assets separately held and the assets jointly held according to the holding shares; 2) the liabilities separately assumed and the liabilities jointly assumed according to the holding shares; 3) the revenue arising from the recognition of the share of the joint operation attributable to the disposal company; 4) the revenue arising from the disposal of assets of the joint operation recognized according to the holding shares of the Company; 5) the expenses recognized unilaterally and the expenses in the joint operation recognized according to the holding shares. 8. Recognition Standards for Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash equivalents represent the enterprises' short-term (generally maturing within three months from the date of purchase) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash, and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 9. Translation of Foreign Currency Operations and Foreign Currency Statements √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Translation of foreign currency operations Upon initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into amounts in RMB at exchange rates that approximate the spot exchange rates on the dates of transactions. On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The translation differences arising from different exchange rates, except those relating to the principle of and interests on the foreign currency borrowings for the acquisition, construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, are charged to the current profit or loss. Also on the balance sheet date, foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost continue to be translated at the rates that approximate the spot exchange rates on the dates of transactions and it does not change its carrying amount in RMB. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange rate on the fair value recognition date. The differences arising from the above translations are charged to the current profit or loss or other comprehensive income for the current period. (2) Foreign currency translation in the statements Assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date; owners' equity items except for "undistributed profits" are translated at the spot exchange rates on the dates of transactions; income and expenses in the income statement are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The foreign currency translation differences in the statements arising from the above translations are charged to other comprehensive income. 10. Financial Instruments √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities 103 / 243 2021 Annual Report The Company classifies its financial assets into the following three categories at initial recognition: 1) financial assets at amortized cost; 2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; 3) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL). The Company classifies its financial liabilities into the following four categories at initial recognition: 1) financial liabilities at FVTPL; 2) financial liabilities arising from the transfer of financial assets which did not qualify for derecognition or continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets; 3) financial guarantee contracts not classified as those specified in the above item 1) or 2), and loan commitment for loans to be granted at an interest rate below the market rate which is not classified as those specified in the above item 1); 4) financial liabilities at amortized cost. (2) Recognition, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities 1) Basis of recognition and initial measurement method of financial assets and financial liabilities The Company recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when being one party to a financial instrument contract. Financial assets or financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value. For financial assets or financial liabilities at FVTPL, the relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in profit or loss for the period; for other financial assets or financial liabilities, the relevant transaction costs are recognized in their initial recognition amount. However, accounts receivable without a significant financing component initially recognized by the Company, or financing components not considered by the Company in a contract valid for less than one year, are initially measured at transaction price as defined in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.14 - Revenue. 2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets ① Financial assets at amortized cost These financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost, using the effective interest method. Any gains or losses on financial assets at amortized cost which are not part of the hedging relationship are charged to the current profit or loss at derecognition, reclassification, amortization using the effective interest method, or recognition of impairment. ② Debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income These debt instrument investments are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains or losses calculated using the effective interest method are charged to the current profit or loss, while other gains or losses are charged to other comprehensive income. At derecognition, cumulative gains or losses previously charged to other comprehensive income are transferred from other comprehensive income and charged to the current profit or loss. ③ Equity instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income These equity instrument investments are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividends obtained (excluding those obtained as investment costs recovered) are charged to the current profit or loss, while other gains or losses are charged to other comprehensive income. At derecognition, cumulative gains or losses previously charged to other comprehensive income are transferred from other comprehensive income and charged to retained earnings. ④ Financial assets at FVTPL These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and any gains or losses therefrom 104 / 243 2021 Annual Report (including interest and dividend incomes) are charged to the current profit or loss unless such financial assets are part of the hedging relationship 3) Subsequent measurement method of financial liabilities ① Financial liabilities at FVTPL These financial liabilities include held-for-trading liabilities (including derivative instruments classified as financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at FVTPL. Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in the fair value of financial liabilities designated at FVTPL as a result of changes in the Company’s own credit risk are charged to other comprehensive income unless this approach creates or enlarges an accounting mismatch in the profit or loss. Other gains or losses on such financial liabilities (including interest expenses and changes in fair value other than as a result of changes in the Company’s own credit risk) are charged to the current profit or loss unless such financial liabilities are part of the hedging relationship. At derecognition, cumulative gains or losses previously charged to other comprehensive income are transferred from other comprehensive income and charged to retained earnings. ② Financial liabilities arising from the transfer of financial assets which did not qualify for derecognition or continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets are measured in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.23 -Transfer of Financial Assets. ③ Financial guarantee contracts not classified as those specified in the above item ① or ② , and loan commitment for loans to be granted at an interest rate below the market rate which is not classified as those specified in the above item ① After initial recognition, the amounts in the above two cases are subsequently measured at the higher of I) provisions for losses determined according to requirements on the impairment of financial instruments; II) the initially recognized amount less accumulated amortization determined according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue. ④ Financial liabilities at amortized cost These financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost, using the effective interest method. Any gains or losses on financial liabilities at amortized cost and not part of any hedging relationship are charged to the current profit or loss at derecognition, or amortization using the effective interest method. 4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities ① Financial assets are derecognized when: I) the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets expire; II) the financial assets have been transferred, and such transfer meets the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets on the derecognition of financial assets. ② Financial liabilities (or part thereof) are derecognized if present obligations for the financial liabilities (or part thereof) are released. (3) Recognition basis and measurement method for transfer of financial assets When transferring substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets, the Company shall derecognize the financial assets and recognize separately as assets or liabilities any rights 105 / 243 2021 Annual Report and obligations created or retained in the transfer. When retaining substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets, the Company shall continue to recognize the financial assets. If the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, and (1) if the Company has not retained control of the financial asset, it shall derecognize the financial assets and recognize any rights and obligations created or retained in the transfer separately as assets or liabilities; (2) if the Company has retained control of the financial asset, it shall continue to recognize the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the financial asset, and relevant liabilities accordingly. If a transfer of financial assets in their entirety qualifies for derecognition, the difference between the following two items shall be charged to the current profit or loss: (1) the carrying amount of the transferred financial assets at the date of derecognition; (2) the sum of the consideration received for the transfer of financial assets and the portion of accumulated fair value adjustments previously charged to other comprehensive income which is derecognized (with the transferred assets being debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income). If a part of the financial assets is transferred, and such transferred portion qualifies for derecognition in its entirety, the carrying amount of the financial asset prior to the transfer is allocated between the portion derecognized and the portion retained, at their respective relative fair values on the date of transfer, and the difference between the following two items is charged to the current profit or loss: (1) the carrying amount of the portion derecognized; (2) the sum of the consideration of the portion derecognized, and the portion of accumulated fair value adjustments previously charged to other comprehensive income which is derecognized (with the transferred assets being debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income). (4) Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities The Company recognizes the fair values of relevant financial assets and financial liabilities by adopting valuation techniques that are currently applicable and have sufficient data available and other information support. The Company categorizes inputs of the valuation techniques into the following levels: 1) Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities available for entities on the measurement date; 2) Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable for the relevant asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; including similar quoted prices of assets and liabilities in active markets, the same or similar quoted prices of assets and liabilities in non-active markets, other significant inputs other than quoted prices such as observable interest rate curves and return curves in the normal quoting intervals, and the inputs verified by the markets; 3) Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the relevant asset or liability, including interest rate, volatility in equity prices, future cash flows in respect of the abandoned obligations committed in the business combination, and financial predictions using own data, which cannot be directly observed or verified by observable market data. (5) Impairment of financial instruments Measurement of and accounting for impairment of financial instruments Based on expected credit losses, the Company accounts for the impairment of, and recognizes provisions for losses on, financial assets at amortized cost, debt instrument investments at fair value 106 / 243 2021 Annual Report through other comprehensive income, contract assets, lease receivables, loan commitment not classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, and financial guarantee contracts not classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or financial liabilities arising from the transfer of financial assets not qualify for derecognition or continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets. The expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments that are weighted by the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable from the contract and all cash flows expected to be received by the Company at the original effective interest rate, namely, the present value of all cash shortages. Among them, purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets shall be discounted at the adjusted effective interest rate of the financial assets. For purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets, the Company recognizes as loss reserves on the balance sheet date, only the cumulative changes in lifetime expected credit losses from initial recognition. For lease receivables, and receivables and contract assets arising from a transaction under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue, the Company calculates the loss reserves based on the lifetime expected credit loss using a simplified measurement method. In addition to financial assets in respect of which the aforesaid measurement approaches are adopted, the Company assesses whether there has been a significant increase in its credit risk, on each balance sheet date. If there has been a significant increase in the credit risk since initial recognition, the loss reserves are measured at the lifetime expected credit loss. If there has not been a significant increase in the credit risk since initial recognition, the loss reserves are measured at the 12-month expected credit loss. Whether there has been a significant increase in the credit risk on a financial instrument since initial recognition is determined, using available, reasonable and supportable information including forward-looking information, and by comparing the risk of default on the financial instrument on the balance sheet date with that on the date of initial recognition. The Company assumes that there has not been a significant increase in the credit risk if a financial instrument is determined to have a low credit risk on the balance sheet date. The Company assesses the expected credit risk and measures the expected credit losses on the basis of an individual financial instrument or a portfolio of financial instruments. When conducting an assessment and measurement based on a portfolio of financial instruments, the Company categorizes financial instruments into various groups based on common characteristics of risks. Expected credit losses are remeasured on each balance sheet date, and any increase or reversal of loss reserves arising therefrom is charged to the current profit or loss as impairment losses or gains. For a financial asset at amortized cost, the loss reserve reduces the carrying amount of the financial asset as presented in the balance sheet. For a debt instrument investment at fair value through other comprehensive income, the loss reverse is recognized in other comprehensive income without reducing the carrying amount of the financial asset. (6) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately from each other in the balance sheet and are not offset. However, financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is 107 / 243 2021 Annual Report presented in the balance sheet when both of the following conditions are met: 1) the Company has a legal right to set off the recognized amounts and the legal right is currently enforceable; 2) the Company intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the financial assets and settle the financial liabilities simultaneously. When the transfer of financial assets fails to meet the derecognition conditions, the Company shall not offset such transferred financial assets with the relevant liabilities. 11. Bills receivable Determination Method and Accounting Method of Expected Credit Loss of Bills Receivable √Applicable □Not Applicable Item Grouping basis Expected credit loss calculation method The expected credit loss is calculated, with Bank acceptance bill receivable reference to historical credit loss experience, in consideration of current conditions and expectation Bill Type of future economic conditions, and based on the Commercial acceptance bill receivable default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit loss rate. 12. Accounts receivable Determination Method and Accounting Method of Expected Credit Loss of Accounts Receivable √Applicable □Not Applicable Item Grouping basis Expected credit loss calculation method A table of aging of accounts receivable and lifetime expected credit loss rates is prepared, and the expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to Accounts receivable - grouped by aging Aging historical credit loss experience, in consideration of current conditions and expectations of future economic conditions. The expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to historical credit loss experience, in Accounts receivable - grouped by related consideration of current conditions and expectation party transactions in the consolidation Nature of future economic conditions, and based on the scope default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit loss rate. Accounts Receivable - A Table of Aging of Accounts Receivable and Lifetime Expected Credit Loss Rates Grouped by Aging Accounts receivable Aging Expected credit loss rate (%) Within 1 year (inclusive, the same below) 5.00 1-2 years 10.00 2-3 years 30.00 Over 3 years 100.00 13. Receivables financing □Applicable √Not Applicable 108 / 243 2021 Annual Report 14. Other receivables Determination Method and Accounting Method of Expected Credit Loss of Other Receivables √Applicable □Not Applicable Item Grouping basis Expected credit loss calculation method Other receivables - grouped by related The expected credit loss is calculated, with party transactions in the consolidation Nature reference to historical credit loss experience, in scope consideration of current conditions and expectation of future economic conditions, and based on the Other receivables - grouped by aging Aging default risk exposure and 12-month or lifetime expected credit loss rate. 15. Inventories √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Classification of inventories Inventories are finished goods or merchandise held for sale in the ordinary course of business, products in production, or materials or supplies to be consumed in production or in the rendering of services. (2) Cost of inventories transferred out The cost of inventories transferred out is determined using the individual pricing method. (3) Basis for determining the net realizable value of inventories On the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the cost or net realizable value (whichever is lower). Any excess of the cost over the net realizable value of each item/class of inventories is recognized as a provision for diminution in the value of inventories. For inventories directly for sale, net realizable value is determined based on the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. For inventories that need processing, net realizable value is determined based on the estimated selling price of finished goods in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. On the balance sheet date, for an item of inventories where a portion is subject to contractual price while the remainder is not, their net realizable values are determined and compared with their corresponding costs respectively to recognize the amount of provision, or reversal of provision, for diminution in the value of inventories. (4) Inventory system The Company maintains a perpetual inventory system. (5) Amortization methods for consumables including low-value consumables and packaging materials 1) Low-value consumables Low-value consumables are amortized in full when received for use. 2) Packaging materials Low-value consumables are amortized in full when received for use. 16. Contract assets (1). Recognition methods and standards of contract assets √Applicable □Not Applicable 109 / 243 2021 Annual Report The Company presents its right to receive consideration from customers unconditionally (i.e. only depending on the passage of time) as receivables and the right to receive consideration for the transfer of goods to customers (which depends on other factors other than the passage of time) as a contract asset. The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between performance obligations and customer payments. The Company will present the net amount after offsetting the contract assets with the contract liabilities under the same contract. (2). Determination method and accounting method of expected credit loss of contract assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Item Grouping basis Expected credit loss calculation method The expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to historical credit loss experience, in consideration of Contract assets – grouped by aging Aging current conditions and expectation of future economic conditions, and based on the default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit loss rate. The expected credit loss is calculated, with reference Contract assets – grouped by related to historical credit loss experience, in consideration of party transactions in the consolidation Nature current conditions and expectation of future economic scope conditions, and based on the default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit loss rate. 17. Held-for-sale assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 18. Debt investments (1). Determination method and accounting method of expected credit loss of debt investments □Applicable √Not Applicable 19. Other debt investments (1). Recognition method and accounting method of expected credit losses of other debt investments √Applicable □Not Applicable Item Grouping basis Expected credit loss calculation method Other debt investments - grouped by The expected credit loss is calculated, with government debts reference to historical credit loss experience, in Other debt investments - grouped by consideration of current conditions and Type of debts financial debts expectation of future economic conditions, and Other debt investments - grouped by based on the default risk exposure and 12-month enterprise debts or lifetime expected credit loss rate. 20. Long-term receivables (1). Recognition method and accounting method of expected credit losses of long-term receivables □Applicable √Not Applicable 21. Long-term equity investments √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Judgment on joint control and significant influence 110 / 243 2021 Annual Report Joint control is recognized as control held for a certain arrangement under the relevant agreement, the relevant activity of which should be unanimously agreed by the parties sharing the control. The influence is deemed as significant if there involves the power of participating in decision-making on the financial and operational policies of the investee, but the power cannot control or jointly control with other parties the formulation of the policies. (2) Recognition of investment costs 1) If formed through a business combination under joint control, and the consideration for such combination is settled by cash payment, transfer of non-cash assets, debt obligation and issuance of equity securities by the acquirer, the initial investment cost shall be the Company's share of the carrying amount of shareholders' equity of the acquiree presented in the consolidated financial statement of the equities under common control on the combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the carrying value of the paid combination consideration or total par value of issued shares adjusts the capital reserve. Retained earnings shall be adjusted if the capital reserve is not sufficient for offset. The Company realizes long-term equity investment formed through business combination under joint control by trading step by step and judges whether the transaction is categorized as a "package deal" or not. If so, all transactions will be treated as control transactions in accounting. If not, the initial investment cost shall be the share of the carrying amount presented in the consolidated financial statement of the equities under common control based on the net assets of the acquiree after combination on the combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment on the combination date and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment before combination plus the carrying amount of new share consideration further obtained on the combination date shall be adjusted to capital reserve. Retained earnings shall be adjusted if the capital reserve is not sufficient for offset. 2) If formed through a business combination under common control, the initial investment cost is the fair value of the consideration given for combination at the combination date. As for business combinations that involve enterprises not under common control and are carried out in stages, the separate financial statements and the consolidated financial statements shall be treated separately in accounting: ① In the separate financial statements, the initial investment cost accounted for using the newly adopted cost method is the sum of the carrying value of equity investment originally held and the addition of investment cost. ② The Company judges whether the transaction is categorized as a "package deal" for the purpose of the consolidated financial statements. If so, all transactions will be treated as control transactions in accounting. If not, the equity interest of the acquiree held before the date of acquisition is re-measured according to its fair value at the date of acquisition. The difference between the fair value and its carrying amount is charged to the investment income of the applicable period. If the equity of the acquiree held before the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income accounted for using the equity accounting method, they are transferred to income for the period covering the date of acquisition together with the relevant other comprehensive income, excluding other comprehensive income resulting from changes in net liabilities or net assets arising from the defined benefit plan through the re-measurement on 111 / 243 2021 Annual Report the investee. 3) The initial investment cost acquired otherwise than through a business combination is initially recognized at the actual consideration paid if the investment is acquired by cash, or at the fair value of the equity securities issued if the investment is acquired by issuing equity securities. The initial investment costs acquired through debt restructuring are recognized pursuant to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.12 - Debt Restructuring. The initial investment costs acquired through the exchange of non-monetary assets are recognized pursuant to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non-monetary Assets. (3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss When the Company controls the investee, the cost method is adopted for long-term equity investment while the equity method is adopted for long-term equity investment of associates and joint ventures in accounting. (4) Step-by-step disposal of investment in subsidiaries through a series of transactions to loss of control 1) Separate financial statements For the disposal of equity, the difference between the carrying amount and the actual consideration obtained is charged to the current profit or loss. The equity method is adopted for the remaining equities that have a significant influence on the investee or perform joint control with other parties in accounting. The remaining equities that do not control, jointly control or have a significant influence on the investee shall be calculated according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. 2) Consolidated financial statements ① For the disposal of investment in a subsidiary to loss of its right to control in stages through a series of transactions that are not categorized as a "package deal" Prior to the loss of the right to control, the capital reserve (capital premium) is adjusted with the difference between the consideration of the disposal and the entitled share of the net assets of the subsidiary that would have been entitled to by the disposal of long-term equity investment and continuously accounted for from the acquisition date or combination date. If the balance of the capital premium is insufficient for the written-off, then the retained earnings will be written off accordingly. When the right to control the former subsidiary is lost, the remaining equities are re-measured at fair value on the date when the right to control is lost. The sum of the consideration obtained from disposal and the fair value of the remaining equities less the share of the net assets of the subsidiary that would have been entitled to and continuously accounted for according to the original shareholding percentage from the acquisition date or combination date is charged to the investment income for the period covering the date of loss of control, offsetting the goodwill at the same time. Other comprehensive income related to the equity investment in the former subsidiary shall be transferred to the investment income for the period covering the date of loss of control. ② For the disposal of investment in a subsidiary to loss of its right to control in stages through various transactions that are categorized as a "package deal" The transactions are treated as one single transaction of disposal of a subsidiary and loss of the right to control. However, prior to the loss of the right to control, the difference between each of the consideration 112 / 243 2021 Annual Report of disposal and the share of net assets of that subsidiary that would have been entitled to by the disposal of investment is recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and transferred to profit or loss for the period covering the date of loss of control. 22. Investment properties (1). If the cost method is adopted: Depreciation or amortization method Investment properties are depreciated or amortized, using a method similar to that for fixed assets and intangible assets. 23. Fixed assets (1). Recognition condition √Applicable □Not Applicable Fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the purpose of producing commodities, providing labor services, leasing or operation, and management, with an age exceeding one fiscal year. Fixed assets are recognized when economic benefits are likely to flow in and costs can be measured reliably. (2). Depreciation method √Applicable □Not Applicable Depreciable life Annual depreciation Class Depreciation method Residual ratio (years) rate Buildings Straight-line depreciation 5-50 5.00% 1.90%-19.00% Electronic equipment Straight-line depreciation 3-5 5.00% 19.00%-31.67% Vehicles Straight-line depreciation 5 5.00% 19.00% Other equipment Straight-line depreciation 3-12 5.00% 7.92%-31.67% (3). Appraisal Basis, Pricing and Depreciation Method of the Financing Leased Fixed Assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 24. Construction in progress √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) When the inflow of economic benefits is probable and the cost can be reliably measured, construction-in-progress is recognized and measured at the actual cost incurred till it is ready for its intended use. (2) Construction-in-progress is transferred into fixed assets at the actual cost when it is ready for its intended use. For a completed project ready for its intended use but the final accounts for completion have not been made, the asset is transferred into fixed assets at an estimated value. After the final accounts for completion have been made, the previously estimated value is adjusted at the actual cost, but there is no need to adjust the depreciation retrospectively. 25. Borrowing Costs √Applicable □Not Applicable 113 / 243 2021 Annual Report (1) Recognition principle for capitalization of borrowing costs Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or origination of assets qualified for capitalization are capitalized as part of the cost of those assets. Other borrowing costs are expensed and charged to the current profit or loss when incurred. (2) Timing of borrowing costs capitalization 1) Borrowing costs shall be capitalized when: ① capital expenditures have been incurred; ② borrowing costs have been incurred; ③ activities relating to the acquisition, construction or origination of assets necessary to make the asset ready for its intended use or sale have commenced. 2) Capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended during periods in which abnormal interruption has lasted for more than three months in the acquisition, construction or origination of assets qualified for capitalization. The borrowing costs incurred during interruption are recognized as current expenses until the acquisition, construction or origination activities resume. 3) The capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the acquired, constructed or originated assets qualified for capitalization are ready for their intended use or sale. (3) Capitalization rate and amount of borrowing costs For specific borrowings used to acquire, construct or originate assets qualified for capitalization, the amount of interest costs (including amortization of discount or premium determined by the effective interest method) actually incurred on such borrowings for the period shall be capitalized after deducting any interest earned from depositing the unused borrowings in the bank or any investment income arising from the temporary investment of those borrowings. For general borrowings used to acquire, construct or originate assets qualified for capitalization, the capitalized amount of interests on general borrowings shall be determined by multiplying the weighted average (of the excess of cumulative assets expenditures over the specific borrowings) by the capitalization rate (of used general borrowings). 26. Biological assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 27. Oil and gas assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 28. Right-of-use assets √Applicable □Not Applicable The right-of-use shall be initially measured at costs, including 1) the initial measured amount of lease liabilities; 2) the lease amount paid on or before the commencement date of the lease term (in case of lease incentives, the amount related to the lease incentives already enjoyed shall be deducted); 3) the initial and direct costs borne by the lessee; 4) costs expected to incur from the lessee's dismantling and removing the leased assets, recovering the original site of the leased assets, or restoring the leased assets to the state as specified in the lease provisions. The Company depreciates the right-to-use assets by the straight-line method. Where the ownership of the leased assets can be reasonably determined at the end of the lease term, the Company shall depreciate 114 / 243 2021 Annual Report the leased assets during the remaining life of such assets. In case of a failure to determine the ownership of the leased assets reasonably at the end of the lease term, the Company shall depreciate the leased assets within the lease term or the remaining life of such assets, whichever is shorter. 29. Intangible assets (1). Pricing method, life and impairment test √Applicable □Not Applicable 1) Intangible assets, including land use rights, patent rights and non-patented technologies, are initially measured at cost. 2) Intangible assets with a definite life are systematically and reasonably amortized during the life in accordance with the expected realization of economic benefits related to the intangible assets. Intangible assets whose economic benefits realization cannot be reliably determined are amortized on a straight-line basis during the following life: Item Amortization life (years) Land use rights 40-50 Trademark rights 10 Management software and copyright 5-10 Patent rights 10 Non-patented technologies 5 (2). Accounting policy of internal research and development expenditure √Applicable □Not Applicable Expenditures for internal research and development activities are charged to the current profit and loss when incurred. The expenditures for internal research and development projects in the development stage are recognized in intangible assets when all of the following conditions are met: 1) the completion of such intangible assets for use or sale is technically feasible; 2) the Company has the intention to use or sell the intangible assets upon completion; 3) the way in which the intangible assets bring economic benefits shows that there exists consumption market for the products produced by these intangible assets or the intangible assets themselves, or that the assets are useful in case of internal utilization; 4) the Company has sufficient technological, financial and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets and the ability to make them ready for use or sale; 5) the expenditures attributable to such intangible assets can be measured reliably in the development stage. Specific criteria for the Company to distinguish the expenditures in the research stage from the development stage of a research and development project: the research stage involves activities carried out for planned investigation for acquiring new technology and knowledge, and the preparation of information and related aspects for further development activities, with great uncertainty about whether it will be transferred to development in the future and whether it will form intangible assets after development. The development stage, as opposed to the research stage, involves activities completed in the research stage, to a large extent that the basic conditions for the formation of a new product or technology are in place. 30. Long-term asset impairment 115 / 243 2021 Annual Report √Applicable □Not Applicable The recoverable amount of long-term assets, such as long-term equity investments, investment property measured at cost, fixed assets, construction in progress, and intangible assets with a finite life, is estimated where there is evidence of impairment on the balance sheet date. An annual impairment test shall be carried out on goodwill arising from business combination and intangible assets with an indefinite life, whether where there is evidence of impairment. An impairment test is carried out on goodwill together with its relevant asset group or portfolio of asset groups. When the recoverable amount of such long-term assets is less than the carrying amount thereof, the difference is recognized as the asset impairment reserve and charged to the current profit or loss. 31. Long-term prepaid expense √Applicable □Not Applicable Long-term deferred expenses are expenses that have been recognized with an amortization period over one year (excluding one year). These expenses are recorded as actually incurred, and amortized evenly over the benefit period or specified period. If the long-term deferred expenses fail to benefit the future accounting period, their amortized values are all included in the current profit or loss. 32. Contract liabilities (1). Recognition method of contract liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company presents as a contract liability the obligation to transfer goods to customers for consideration received or receivable from customers. The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between performance obligations and customer payments. The Company will present the net amount after offsetting the contract assets with the contract liabilities under the same contract. 33. Employee compensation (1). Accounting method for short-term remuneration √Applicable □Not Applicable During the accounting period when employees provide services to the Company, the actual short-term remuneration is recognized as liabilities and charged to the current profit or loss or the cost of related assets. (2). Accounting method for post-employment benefits √Applicable □Not Applicable Post-employment benefits are divided into the defined contribution plan and the defined benefit plan. 1) The amounts deposited are recognized as debts according to the defined contribution plan and charged to the current profit or loss or relevant assets cost when employees provide services to the Company. 2) The accounting method in the defined benefit plan generally includes the following procedures: 116 / 243 2021 Annual Report ① According to the projected unit credit method, the unbiased and mutually agreed actuarial assumptions are adopted by the Company to estimate the relevant demographic variables and financial variables, calculate the obligations arising from the defined benefit plan and determine the period of relevant obligations belonging thereto. Meanwhile, the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan is discounted to determine the present value of such obligation under the defined benefit plan and the service cost for the current period; ② Where there are assets in the defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus from the present value of the defined benefit plan less the fair value of the defined benefit plan is recognized as a net debt or asset of a defined benefit plan. Where there is a surplus in the defined benefit plan, the surplus of the defined benefit plan and the upper limit of the assets (whichever is lower) will be adopted to calculate the net assets of the defined benefit plan; ③ At the end of the period, the cost of employee compensation under the defined benefit plan will be recognized as the service cost, the net interest on the net assets or net debts under the defined benefit plan and the changes arising from the remeasurement of the net assets or net debts under the defined benefit plan. The service cost and the net interest on the net assets or net debts under the defined benefit plan will be recognized in the current profit or loss or relevant assets cost. The changes arising from the remeasurement of the net assets or net debts under the defined benefit plan will be recognized in other comprehensive income and shall not be reversed to the profit or less in subsequent accounting periods, but the amounts recognized in other comprehensive income can be transferred within the scope of interests. (3). Accounting method for dismission benefits √Applicable □Not Applicable When there is a plan to provide dismission benefits to employees, the employee compensation debts arising from the recognition of dismission benefits will be recognized in the current profit or loss at the earlier of: (1) when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismission benefits for the release of the labor relationship or the dismission proposal; (2) when the Company recognized relevant costs or expenses associated with the reorganization of the payment of the dismission benefits. (4). Accounting method for other long-term benefits √Applicable □Not Applicable Other long-term benefits provided by the Company to employees, when meeting the conditions of the defined contribution plan, will be subjected to accounting under the defined contribution plan. Other long-term benefits other than the above benefits will be subjected to accounting under the defined benefit plan. To simplify corresponding accounting methods, the employee compensation costs incurred are recognized as the service cost and the total net amount of the components such as net interest amount of net liabilities or net assets in terms of other long-term employees' benefits, and changes arising from re-measuring the net liabilities or net assets in terms of other long-term employees' benefits are recognized in the current profit or loss or relevant cost of assets. 117 / 243 2021 Annual Report 34. Lease liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable On the inception date of the lease term, the Company will recognize the present value of the outstanding lease payments as lease liabilities. In the process of calculating the present value of lease payments, the interest rate set out in the lease contract is taken as the discount rate. If such an interest rate is not available, the incremental borrowing rate shall be adopted. The difference between the lease payments and their present value is recognized as an unrecognized financing expense, and the interest expense is recognized at the discount rate of the present value of the recognized lease payments during each period of the lease term and is charged to the current profit or loss. Variable lease payments not considered in the measurement of lease liabilities are charged to the current profit or loss when actually incurred. In case of any changes in the amount of substantive fixed payments, the amount expected to be payable for the residual guarantee, the index or rate used to determine the lease payments, or the evaluation result or actual exercise of the call option, renewal option or termination option after the inception date of the lease term, the Company will remeasure the lease liabilities at the present value of the changed lease payments and adjust the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets accordingly. If the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets is reduced to zero but the lease liabilities still need to be further reduced, the remaining amount is recognized in the current profit or loss. 35. Provision for liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Where the Company has a present obligation as a result of contingencies such as the provision of external guarantee, litigation, product quality warranty, and loss-making contract, the performance of the obligations may result in the outflow of economic benefits, and the amount of the obligations can be measured reliably, such obligation is recognized as the provisions for liabilities. (2) Provisions are initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required for performing the present obligation. Carrying amounts of all provisions for liabilities will be reviewed on the balance sheet date. 36. Share-based payment √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Types of share-based payment The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments. (2) Accounting method for implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment 1) Equity-settled share-based payment As to an equity-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, if the right may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the equity instruments shall, on the date of the grant, be charged to the relevant cost or expense and the capital reserves shall be adjusted accordingly. As to an equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services, if the right cannot be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed performance conditions are met, then on each 118 / 243 2021 Annual Report balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments, be charged to the relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of the equities instruments on the date of the grant, and the capital reserves shall be adjusted accordingly. Equity-settled share-based payments in return for services rendered by other parties are measured at the fair value of the services rendered by other parties on the receiving date if such fair value can be reliably measured. If the fair value of the services rendered by other parties cannot be reliably measured, equity-settled share-based payments in return for services rendered by other parties are measured at the fair value of equity instruments on the date of receiving services and charged to relevant costs or expenses and shareholders' equity is credited accordingly, provided that the fair value of equity instruments can be reliably measured. 2) Cash-settled share-based payments As to a cash-settled share-based payment instruments in return for services of employee, if the right may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company shall, on the date of the grant, be charged to the relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly. As to a cash-settled share-based payment in return for services of employee, if the right may not be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified performance conditions are met, on each balance sheet date with in the vesting period, the services obtained in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the information about the vesting conditions, be charged to the relevant costs or expenses and the corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company. 3) Share-based payment plan modification and termination When the Company modifies the share-based payment plan, if the fair value of the distributed equity instrument is increased due to the modification, the increment of the obtained services shall be recognized accordingly; if the quantity of the distributed equity instrument is increased due to the modification, the increment of obtained services shall be recognized accordingly. If the Company modifies the vesting conditions on terms favorable to its employees, it will consider the vesting conditions after modification when dealing with the conditions. If the modification decreases the fair value of equity instruments granted, the Company continues to recognize the value of service obtained based on the equity instruments' fair value on the grant date without any consideration of the decrease on equity instrument's fair value. If the modification decreases the quantity of equity instruments, the Company records the decrease in conformity with the cancellation of equity instruments granted. If the Company modifies the vesting conditions on terms not favorable to its employees, it will not consider the vesting conditions after modification when dealing with the conditions. If the granted equity instruments are canceled or settled within the vesting period (except that canceled due to failure to meet the vesting conditions), the Company shall regard the canceling or settlement as acceleration of the vest, and immediately recognize the amount supposed to be recognized within the residual vesting period. 37. Other financial instruments including preferred shares and perpetual bonds 119 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable 38. Revenue (1). Accounting policies for revenue recognition and measurement √Applicable □Not Applicable 1) Revenue recognition principles The Company will evaluate a contract on the effective date of the contract, identify all performance obligations contained in the contract and determine whether these performance obligations are to be performed within a certain period of time or at a certain time point. A performance obligation is satisfied within a certain period of time if one of the following criteria is met, otherwise it is satisfied at a certain time point: ① the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company's performance as the Company performs; ② the Company's performance creates goods or services that the customer controls as the goods are created; ③ the Company's performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the Company and the Company has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date during the term of the contract. In the case of an obligation satisfied within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize revenue the revenue within that period according to the performance progress. If the Company fails to do so reasonably and expects to recover the costs incurred, the revenue is recognized in line with cost incurred, until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. In the case of a performance obligation satisfied at a certain time point, the revenue is recognized at a certain time point when a customer obtains control of relevant goods or services. To determine the time point at which a customer obtains control of goods, the Company considers the following indicators: ① the Company has a present right to payment for the goods, or the customer has the present obligation to pay for the goods; ② the Company has transferred the legal title to the goods to the customer, or the customer has legal title to the goods; ③ the Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, or the customer has physical possession of the goods; ④ the Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer, or the customer has the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the asset; ⑤ the customer has accepted the goods; ⑥ other indicators that the customer obtains control of the goods. 2) Revenue measurement principles ① The Company recognizes revenue at the transaction price apportioned to each individual performance obligation. Transaction price is the amount of consideration in a contract to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties or expected to be refunded to a customer. ② If a contract has variable consideration, the Company determines the appropriate estimate based on the expected value or the most likely amount, provided that a transaction price including variable consideration shall not exceed the amount of cumulative revenue recognized which is highly unlikely to be subject to significant reversal when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is 120 / 243 2021 Annual Report subsequently resolved. ③ If a contract contains a significant financing component, the Company determines the transaction price based on the amount that a customer would have paid when it obtains control of goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration is amortized during the term of the contract using the effective interest method. ④ If there are two or more performance obligations under a contract, the Company shall, at contract inception, apportion the transaction price to each performance obligation in proportion to the stand-alone selling prices of goods underlying each performance obligation. 3) Specific methods for revenue recognition ① Revenue from sales of self-developed software products The Company recognizes revenue when the software product is delivered to the customer and the customer obtains control over the product as a performance obligation to be performed at a certain time point, usually after taking into account the following factors: I) the Company has a present right to payment for the goods; II) the Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer; III) the Company has transferred the legal title to the goods to the customer; IV) the Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer; V) the customer has accepted the goods. For the software products within the warranty period stipulated in the contract, the Company shall accrue the software maintenance cost at 0.5% of revenue while recognizing revenue. ② Revenue from sales of customized software The Company recognizes revenue when the software product is delivered to the customer and the customer obtains control of the product as a performance obligation to be performed at a point in time, usually after taking into account the following factors: I) the Company has a present right to payment for the goods; II) the Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer; III) the Company has transferred the legal title to the goods to the customer; IV) the Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer; V) the customer has accepted the goods. For the software products within the warranty period stipulated in the contract, the Company shall accrue the software maintenance cost at 0.5% of revenue while recognizing revenue. ③ Revenue from software services For software service contracts where I) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company's performance as the Company performs; II) or the customer can control the goods or services in progress during the Company's performance; III) or the software services provided by the Company during the Company's performance have alternative use, and the Company has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date, the Company recognizes revenue as a performance obligation to be performed within a period of time in accordance with the progress of performance, except when the progress of the performance cannot be reasonably determined. The Company determines the progress of the performance of services provided in accordance with the input method, based on the costs incurred or the time schedule. When the progress of the performance cannot be 121 / 243 2021 Annual Report reasonably determined, and the costs incurred by the Company are expected to be compensated, the revenue will be recognized based on the amount of costs incurred, until the progress of the performance can be reasonably determined. For services that do not meet the above requirements for revenue recognition according to the performance progress, the Company recognizes revenue when the services have been provided, the price has been received or evidence of collection has been obtained. ④ Revenue from sales of outsourced goods Outsourced goods include outsourced software and hardware goods. The Company recognizes revenue as a performance obligation to be performed at a certain time point, usually when the outsourced goods are delivered to the customer and the customer obtains control over the goods, taking into account the following factors: I) the Company has a present right to payment for the goods; II) the Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer; III) the Company has transferred the legal title to the goods to the customer; IV) the Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer; V) the customer has accepted the goods. ⑤ Revenue from sales of Science Park Project The sale of the Company's science park properties is a performance obligation to be performed at a certain time point and revenue is recognized when the customer has accepted delivery, the price has been received or the right to receive payment has been obtained and the related economic benefits are likely to flow in. ⑥ Revenue from property management The Company's provision of property management services is a performance obligation to be performed within a certain period of time. The Company determines the progress of the performance of the service provided based on the proportion of costs incurred to the estimated total costs and recognizes revenue based on the progress of the performance. When the progress of the performance cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred by the Company are expected to be compensated, the revenue will be recognized based on the amount of costs incurred, until the progress of the performance can be reasonably determined. ⑦ Revenue from property rental The Company's principles for recognizing the revenue from property rental are detailed in Note V(42) to the financial statements. ⑧ Revenue from other businesses The performance obligations under contracts are fulfilled in accordance with the relevant contracts and agreements, i.e., revenue is recognized when the customer obtains the right to control the relevant goods. (2). Differences in accounting policies for revenue recognition due to different business models for the same type of business □Applicable √Not Applicable 39. Contract costs √Applicable □Not Applicable 122 / 243 2021 Annual Report Assets related to contract costs include contract acquisition costs and contract performance costs. If the incremental cost incurred by the Company in obtaining the contract can be expected to be recovered, the contract acquisition cost shall be recognized as an asset. The contract acquisition cost with an amortization period not exceeding one year is directly charged to the current profit or loss when incurred. The costs incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract which does not fall under the scope of the standards relating to inventories, fixed assets and intangible assets are recognized as an asset as contract performance costs when the following conditions are met: (1) Such cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing costs (or similar costs), costs clearly borne by the customer and other costs incurred solely due to the contract; (2) Such cost increases the resources of the Company to fulfill its performance obligations in the future. (3) Such cost is expected to be recovered. The Company will amortize assets related to the cost of the contract are amortized on the same basis as the revenue recognition of the goods or services related to the asset, and charged the cost to the current profit or loss when incurred. If the fair value of assets related to contract costs exceeds the remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or services related to the assets less estimated costs to be incurred, a provision for impairment is made for the excess, which is recognized as impairment losses on assets. If the remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or services related to the assets less estimated costs to be incurred exceeds the fair value of assets, due to subsequent changes in impairment conditions existing in prior periods, the provision previously made for impairment of the assets is reversed and recorded in the current profit or loss, provided that the carrying amount of the assets after the reversal is not more than the carrying amount of the assets which would have been recorded at the date of reversal if the provision for impairment had not been made. 40. Government grants √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) The government grants are recognized when 1) the Company is able to comply with the conditions attaching to the government grants; 2) the Company is able to receive the government grants. Government grants which are monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. Government grants which are non-monetary assets are measured at fair value, or at nominal amount if the fair value cannot be reliably measured. (2) Judgment basis and accounting methods for government grants related to assets Government grants which shall be used for constructing or otherwise forming long-term assets as specified in government documents are classified as government grants related to assets. In the absence of specific requirements in government documents, the determination is made according to basic conditions for obtaining the grants; if constructing or otherwise forming long-term assets is treated as a basic condition, the grants are classified as government grants related to assets. Government grants relating to assets are 123 / 243 2021 Annual Report offset against the carrying amount of such assets or recognized as deferred income. Government grants relating to assets recognized as deferred income are charged to the profit or loss on a reasonable and systematic basis over the useful lives of the relevant assets. Government grants measured at notional amount are directly charged to the current profit or loss. For assets sold, transferred, disposed or damaged prior to the end of their useful lives, balance of undistributed deferred income is transferred to the current profit or loss from assert disposal. (3) Judgment basis and accounting methods for the government grants related to revenue Other than government grants related to assets, other government grants are government grants related to revenue. The Company classifies government grants that contain both assets-related and revenue-related portion or those that are difficult to distinguish as the ones related to revenue on an entire basis. Government grants related to revenue and applied to the reimbursement of related costs or losses in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and charged to the current profit or loss or offset against the related costs for the period in which the related costs or losses are recognized. Government grants, applied to the reimbursement of related costs or losses already incurred, are directly charged to the current profit or loss or offset against the related costs. (4) Government grants related to the Company's daily operations are charged to other income or offset against relevant expenses according to the economic nature of business. Government grants not related to the Company's daily operations are charged to the non-operating income or expenses. 41. Deferred tax assets / deferred tax liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities are recognized based on the difference between the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities and their tax bases (or, for an item not recognized as assets or liabilities but whose tax base can be determined under tax laws, the difference between the tax base and the carrying amount), and are calculated at the tax rates expected to apply to the period in which the assets are recovered or the liabilities are settled. (2) Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized. On the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets unrecognized in prior periods are recognized to the extent that there is obvious evidence that it has become probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in subsequent periods against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized. (3) The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed on the balance sheet date and written down to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available against which the deferred tax asset can be utilized. Such amount is written back to the extent that it has become probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available. (4) The Company's current and deferred income taxes are charged to the current profit or loss as tax expense or profit, excluding income tax arising from 1) the business combination, and 2) transactions or items directly recognized in equity. 42. Leases 124 / 243 2021 Annual Report (1). Accounting method for operating leases □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Accounting method for finance leases □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Lease recognition and accounting methods under the new lease standards √Applicable □Not Applicable 1) The Company as the leasee On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes leases with a lease term of not more than 12 months and without a purchase option as short-term leases and leases with a lower value when the single leased asset is a brand-new asset as leases of low-value assets. Where the Company subleases or intends to sublease the leased asset, the original lease shall not be recognized as a lease of low-value assets. For all short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Company charges lease payments on a straight-line basis over the respective periods of the lease term to the cost of the related assets or to the current profit or loss. Except for the above short-term leases and leases of low-value assets that are simplified, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases at the beginning of the lease term. 2) The Company as the leaser On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards associated with the ownership of the leased asset as a finance lease, except for those that are recognized as operating leases. ① Operating leases During each period of the lease term, the Company recognizes lease receipts as rental income on a straight-line basis, and capitalizes and apportions the initial direct costs incurred on the same basis as rental income, which shall be charged to the current profit or loss. The variable lease receipts obtained by the Company related to operating leases and not charged to the lease receipts shall be charged to the current profit and loss when actually incurred. ② Finance leases On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes finance lease receipts at the net lease investment (the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received on the commencement date of the lease term discounted at the interest rate of the lease) and derecognizes the finance lease assets. During each period of the lease term, the Company calculates and recognizes interest income at the interest rate of the lease. Variable lease payments obtained by the Company but not considered in the measurement of net investment in leases are recognized in the current profit or loss when actually incurred. 3) Leaseback ① The Company as the lessee 125 / 243 2021 Annual Report The Company assesses and determines whether the transfer of assets in leaseback transactions can be recognized as sales in accordance with the provisions of the ASBE No. 14 - Revenue. If so, the Company measures the right-of-use assets from the leaseback at the portion of the original asset's carrying amount related to the right of use acquired by the leaseback and recognizes gains or losses related to the right transferred to the lessor only. If not, the Company continues to recognize the transferred assets as well as a financial liability equal to the transfer proceeds and carries out accounting on the financial liability in accordance with the ASBE No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. ② The Company as the leaser The Company assesses and determines whether the transfer of assets in leaseback transactions can be recognized as sales in accordance with the provisions of the ASBE No. 14 - Revenue. If so, the Company carries out accounting on the purchase of assets in accordance with other applicable ASBEs and on the lease of assets in accordance with the ASBE No. 21 - Leases. If not, the Company does not recognize the transferred assets but recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds and carries out accounting on the financial asset in accordance with the ASBE No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. 43. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Accounting method for maintenance funds According to the relevant provisions at the location of the developed projects, the maintenance funds should be withdrawn from the purchaser and stated by the Company as development costs of relevant developed projects at the time of sale (presale) of the developed projects and uniformly turned in to the maintenance fund management department. (2) Accounting method for quality assurance funds The quality assurance funds should be deducted from the project funds for the construction contractor according to the construction contracts. Maintenance expenses incurred in the warranty period of the developed projects should be written down by the quality assurance funds. The balance of the quality assurance funds should be returned to the construction contractor upon the expiry of the specified warranty period in the development of products. (3) Segment reporting The Company determines the operating segments on the basis of the internal organizational structure, management requirements and internal reporting system. The operating segment of the Company refers to the component that meets all of the following conditions: 1) The component can generate incomes and incur expenses in daily activities; 2) The management can regularly evaluate the operating results of the component to determine the allocation of resources and assess its performance; 3) The financial position, operating results, cash flow and other relevant accounting information of the component can be obtained through analysis. (4) Accounting method related to repurchase of the Company’s shares 126 / 243 2021 Annual Report If the Company’s shares are repurchased due to a reduction in registered capital or reward for employees, the amount actually paid should be regarded as treasury shares and registered for reference. If the shares repurchased are canceled, the capital reserve will be written down by the difference between the total par value of shares calculated from the par value and the number of the canceled shares and the amount actually paid for repurchase. If the capital reserve is insufficient to be written down, retained earnings shall be written down. If the repurchased shares are awarded to the Company's employees as equity-settled share payment, the cost of treasury shares delivered to the employees and the accumulative amount of capital reserve (other capital reserves) during the vesting period should be written off when the employees receive the payment for purchasing the shares of the Company through the exercise of their rights. Meanwhile, the capital reserve (equity premium) is adjusted based on the difference. 44. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (1). Changes in significant accounting policies √Applicable □Not Applicable Other Description Accounting policy changes caused by changes in enterprise accounting standards: 1) The Company implemented the revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (hereinafter referred to as the new lease standards) from January 1, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the First Implementation Date). ① For contracts that existed before the First Implementation Date, the Company chose not to reassess whether these contracts are lease contracts or contracts containing provisions on leases. ② For leases in which the Company was the lessee, the Company adjusted the retained earnings and the amount of other relevant items in financial statements at the beginning of the Reporting Period with regard to the cumulative impact of applying the new lease standards and the previous standards on the First Implementation Date, without adjusting the items during comparable periods. The specific process is as follows. For operating leases before the First Implementation Date, the Company measured the lease liabilities on the First Implementation Date based on the present value of the remaining lease payments discounted at the Company's incremental borrowing rate as of the First Implementation Date, and measured the right-of-use assets by the carrying value obtained as if the Company adopted the new lease standards from the commencement date of the lease term (discounted at the Company's incremental borrowing rate as of the First Implementation Date) and the properly adjusted advance rental payments. On the First Implementation Date, the Company conducted an impairment test on the right-of-use assets and carries out corresponding accounting in accordance with the provisions of Note V (30) to the financial statements. A. The principal effects of the implementation of the new lease standards on the Company's financial statements as of January 1, 2021 are as follows. Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Balance Sheet Item December 31, 2020 Adjustment effects of new January 1, 2021 127 / 243 2021 Annual Report lease standards Right-of-use assets 10,271,192.32 10,271,192.32 Prepayments 9,007,186.01 -834,932.30 8,172,253.71 Lease liabilities 2,654,639.37 2,654,639.37 Current portion of non-current 7,111,829.18 7,111,829.18 liabilities Provision for liabilities 12,147,826.09 100,000.00 12,247,826.09 Surplus reserve 195,947,299.77 -4,502.28 195,942,797.49 Undistributed profits 2,893,625,565.93 -291,827.99 2,893,333,737.94 Minority interests 483,731,488.14 -133,878.26 483,597,609.88 B. The weighted average of the Company's incremental borrowing rates used for lease liabilities charged to the Balance Sheet on the First Implementation Date was 4.71%. C. Operating leases before the First Implementation Date were simplified a. The Company simplified leases that had been completed within 12 months after the First Implementation Date, with right-of-use assets and lease liabilities not recognized. b. The Company adopted the same discount rate for lease contracts with similar characteristics when measuring the lease liabilities. c. No initial direct costs were included in the measurement of right-to-use assets. d. The Company determined the term of the lease based on the actual exercise of the renewal option or termination option before the First Implementation Date and other updates. e. As an alternative to the impairment test of the right-of-use assets, the Company assessed whether the contracts containing provisions on leases were onerous contracts before the First Implementation Date in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies, and adjusted the right-of-use assets by the amount of the provision for losses charged on the balance sheet date before the First Implementation Date. f. In case of any changes in leases before the First Implementation Date, the Company carried out accounting based on the final arrangement of the changes in leases. The simplifications above had no significant impact on the Company's financial statements. ③ The Company simplified operating lease contracts with low-value assets that existed before the First Implementation Date, with the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities not recognized, and carried out accounting in accordance with the new lease standards from the First Implementation Date. ④ For lease contracts in which the Company was the lessor, the Company carried out accounting in accordance with the new lease standards from the First Implementation Date. 2) On January 26, 2021, the Company implemented the Interpretation No. 14 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance in 2021, and this change in accounting policies had no impact on the Company's financial statements. 3) On December 31, 2021, the Company implemented the provisions of the Interpretation No. 15 of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance, and this change in accounting policies had no impact on the Company's financial statements. (2). Changes in significant accounting estimates □Applicable √Not Applicable 128 / 243 2021 Annual Report (3). Changes in the financial statements at the beginning of the year when the New Lease Standards were first implemented in 2021 √Applicable □Not Applicable Consolidated Balance Sheet Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item December 31, 2020 January 1, 2021 Adjustments Current assets: Cash and bank balances 1,374,842,591.24 1,374,842,591.24 Balances with clearing companies Placements with banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial assets 2,723,350,172.04 2,723,350,172.04 Derivative financial assets Bills receivable 194,609.13 194,609.13 Accounts receivable 523,273,534.51 523,273,534.51 Receivables financing Prepayments 9,007,186.01 8,172,253.71 -834,932.30 Premium receivables Reinsurance account receivables Deposit receivables from reinsurance contracts Other receivables 27,411,805.19 27,411,805.19 Including: Interest receivables Dividend receivables Financial assets held under resale agreements Inventories 351,690,935.90 351,690,935.90 Contract assets 34,180,843.24 34,180,843.24 Held-for-sale assets Current portion of non-current assets Other current assets 10,342,520.82 10,342,520.82 Total current assets 5,054,294,198.08 5,053,459,265.78 -834,932.30 Non-current assets: Loans and advances to customers Debt investments Other debt investments 83,845,382.74 83,845,382.74 Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 738,974,733.43 738,974,733.43 Other equity instrument investments Other non-current financial assets 2,229,463,162.16 2,229,463,162.16 Investment properties 111,411,248.79 111,411,248.79 Fixed assets 472,506,719.88 472,506,719.88 Construction in progress 732,254,664.28 732,254,664.28 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 10,271,192.32 10,271,192.32 Intangible assets 161,012,651.89 161,012,651.89 Development expenditure Goodwill 312,158,890.50 312,158,890.50 Long-term prepaid expense 3,370,336.31 3,370,336.31 Deferred income tax assets 71,410,701.28 71,410,701.28 Other non-current assets 441,999.00 441,999.00 129 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total non-current assets 4,916,850,490.26 4,927,121,682.58 10,271,192.32 Total assets 9,971,144,688.34 9,980,580,948.36 9,436,260.02 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 46,718,265.90 46,718,265.90 Borrowings from the central bank Placements from banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Bills payable Accounts payable 192,172,938.77 192,172,938.77 Advances from customers 1,491,017.37 1,491,017.37 Contract liabilities 3,107,149,920.44 3,107,149,920.44 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Deposits from banks and other financial institutions Customer deposits for securities trading Customer deposits for securities underwriting Employee compensation payable 647,448,189.72 647,448,189.72 Taxes payable 187,413,250.40 187,413,250.40 Other payables 128,629,520.86 128,629,520.86 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Handling charges and commission payable Reinsurance accounts payable Held-for-sale liabilities Current portion of non-current liabilities 7,111,829.18 7,111,829.18 Other current liabilities 305,258,151.46 305,258,151.46 Total current liabilities 4,616,281,254.92 4,623,393,084.10 7,111,829.18 Non-current liabilities: Deposits for insurance contracts Long-term borrowings 206,090,358.06 206,090,358.06 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 2,654,639.37 2,654,639.37 Long-term accounts payable Long-term employee remuneration payable Provision for liabilities 12,147,826.09 12,247,826.09 100,000.00 Deferred income 56,385,848.47 56,385,848.47 Deferred income tax liabilities 42,478,589.07 42,478,589.07 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 317,102,621.69 319,857,261.06 2,754,639.37 Total liabilities 4,933,383,876.61 4,943,250,345.16 9,866,468.55 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): Paid-up capital (or share capital) 1,044,090,754.00 1,044,090,754.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 545,385,635.52 545,385,635.52 Less: Treasury stocks 117,376,268.28 117,376,268.28 Other comprehensive income -7,643,663.35 -7,643,663.35 Special reserves 130 / 243 2021 Annual Report Surplus reserve 195,947,299.77 195,942,797.49 -4,502.28 General risk reserve Undistributed profits 2,893,625,565.93 2,893,333,737.94 -291,827.99 Total equity attributable to owners (or 4,554,029,323.59 4,553,732,993.32 -296,330.27 shareholders) of the parent company Minority interests 483,731,488.14 483,597,609.88 -133,878.26 Total owners' equity (or shareholders' 5,037,760,811.73 5,037,330,603.20 -430,208.53 equity) Total liabilities and owners' equity (or 9,971,144,688.34 9,980,580,948.36 9,436,260.02 shareholders' equity) Description of adjustments of each item: □Applicable √Not Applicable Balance Sheet of Parent Company Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item December 31, 2020 January 1, 2021 Adjustments Current assets: Cash and bank balances 628,498,594.80 628,498,594.80 Held-for-trading financial assets 1,833,907,601.08 1,833,907,601.08 Derivative financial assets Bills receivable 194,609.13 194,609.13 Accounts receivable 427,331,540.43 427,331,540.43 Receivables financing Prepayments 30,871,016.72 30,532,426.68 -338,590.04 Other receivables 43,769,249.04 43,769,249.04 Including: Interest receivables Dividend receivables Inventories 325,151,655.77 325,151,655.77 Contract assets 31,553,316.68 31,553,316.68 Held-for-sale assets Current portion of non-current assets Other current assets 5,647,177.34 5,647,177.34 Total current assets 3,326,924,760.99 3,326,586,170.95 -338,590.04 Non-current assets: Debt investments Other debt investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 2,419,704,939.59 2,419,704,939.59 Other equity instrument investments Other non-current financial assets 2,050,871,495.84 2,050,871,495.84 Investment properties 8,184,029.66 8,184,029.66 Fixed assets 399,589,221.27 399,589,221.27 Construction in progress 456,818,577.02 456,818,577.02 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 7,423,409.28 7,423,409.28 Intangible assets 146,164,296.77 146,164,296.77 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expense 2,380,469.45 2,380,469.45 Deferred income tax assets 91,506,512.97 91,506,512.97 Other non-current assets 441,999.00 441,999.00 Total non-current assets 5,575,661,541.57 5,583,084,950.85 7,423,409.28 131 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total assets 8,902,586,302.56 8,909,671,121.80 7,084,819.24 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Bills payable Accounts payable 197,656,300.15 197,656,300.15 Advances from customers Contract liabilities 2,795,258,134.72 2,795,258,134.72 Employee compensation payable 515,782,981.89 515,782,981.89 Taxes payable 152,414,189.43 152,414,189.43 Other payables 83,908,718.54 83,908,718.54 Including: Interest payable Dividends payable Held-for-sale liabilities Current portion of non-current liabilities Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 3,745,020,324.73 3,745,020,324.73 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 122,536,819.73 122,536,819.73 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 7,129,842.08 7,129,842.08 Long-term accounts payable Long-term employee remuneration payable Provision for liabilities 11,269,713.18 11,269,713.18 Deferred income 56,183,143.62 56,183,143.62 Deferred income tax liabilities 39,723,311.77 39,723,311.77 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 229,712,988.30 236,842,830.38 7,129,842.08 Total liabilities 3,974,733,313.03 3,981,863,155.11 7,129,842.08 Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity): Paid-up capital (or share capital) 1,044,090,754.00 1,044,090,754.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 284,304,968.23 284,304,968.23 Less: Treasury stocks 117,376,268.28 117,376,268.28 Other comprehensive income 346,075.73 346,075.73 Special reserves Surplus reserve 533,516,976.26 533,512,473.98 -4,502.28 Undistributed profits 3,182,970,483.59 3,182,929,963.03 -40,520.56 Total owners' equity (or 4,927,852,989.53 4,927,807,966.69 -45,022.84 shareholders' equity) Total liabilities and owners' equity 8,902,586,302.56 8,909,671,121.80 7,084,819.24 (or shareholders' equity) Description of adjustments of each item: □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Note on retroactive adjustments of previous comparative data when the New Lease Standards were first implemented in 2021 132 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable 45. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable VI. TAXES 1. Main taxes and rates Main taxes and rates √Applicable □Not Applicable Taxes Tax basis Tax rate Value-added tax (VAT) The output VAT is calculated from the revenue from sales of goods or rendering of services in accordance with the tax law, net of the input VAT that is allowed to 3%、5%、6%、9%、13% be deducted in the current period, the difference is VAT payable Urban maintenance and Turnover tax actually paid 1%、7% construction tax Enterprise income tax Taxable income For details, please refer to the disclosure statement of taxable entities with different corporate income tax rates Land appreciation tax Appreciation tax resulting from the paid transfer of use According to the document GSF [2010] right of state-owned land, and property right of No. 53 issued by the State Taxation above-ground structures and other attachments Administration and the relevant regulations of local tax bureaus where real estate projects are developed, subsidiaries engaged in real estate development accrue and prepay land appreciation tax based on a certain percentage of real estate sales revenue and advance receipts and apply to the tax authorities for liquidation after the projects are fully completed and sales target is achieved. Property tax For ad valorem collection,1.2% of the remaining value 1.2%、12% after 30% of the original value of the property is deducted by lump sum; for rent-based collection, 12% of the rental income Educational surcharge Turnover tax actually paid 3% Local education Turnover tax actually paid 2% surcharges Disclosure statement of taxable entities with different corporate income tax rates √Applicable □Not Applicable Name of taxable entity Income tax rate (%) The Company 10% Quzhou Hundsun, Shaoxing Henghui, Wuxi Henghua, Beijing Qiantang, Shanghai Yirui, Hangzhou Beiying, Shanghai Liming, Hangzhou Yunhui, Yunlian Network, Shanshang Network, Beijing Xinruanfu, Hangzhou Yima, Guangdong Institute of Finance, Shenzhen Softbi, Shengtian Network, and Shenzhen Yungang [Note 7] Data Security, Shanghai Gildata, Hangzhou Gildata, Cloudwing 15% Network, Yunyong Network, Cloudbroker Network, Jingteng Network, Shanghai Genus, and Hundsun iBontal Cloudyee Network, and Wengine Network 12.5% Hangzhou Xinglu, Wuxi Xinglu, Nanjing Xingcheng, and Nanjing Xingding [Note 8] Overseas subsidiaries Japan Hundsun, Hundsun International Technologies, Hundsun Ayers, Hundsun HK, Ayers Technologies 133 / 243 2021 Annual Report (Singapore), Hundsun U.S., Intercontinental Holdings, Chain Next, Hundsun International, Hundsun Holdings, Hundsun IHS Markit (Hong Kong), and GenSys [Note 9] Other taxable entities other than the above 25% [Note 7] Taxes are paid at the prescribed rate for small and micro enterprises. [Note 8] These subsidiaries are partnership enterprises and the income tax rate is not applicable. [Note 9] Taxes are paid at the rates prescribed by the jurisdictions in which they operate. 2. Tax preferences √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) In accordance with the requirements of the document (CS [2011] No. 100) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, the taxes of sales of software products (sales of self-developed and produced software products and not accompanied by a transfer of copyrights and ownership) of the Company and its subsidiaries and software service revenue (version upgrade services) shall be paid at a rate of 13%, and the refund policies will be applied for the excess of the actual tax burden over 3% upon verification by the competent tax authorities. (2) As certified by Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Company is a key software enterprise within the national planning layout. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Notice on Issues Concerning Preferential Policies on Corporate Income Tax for Software and Integrated Circuit Industry (CS [2016] No. 49) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, the Company is entitled to the preferential income tax policy for key software and integrated circuit design enterprises within the national planning layout. The corporate income tax was paid at a rate of 10% in the current period. (3) In accordance with the relevant provisions of Measures for the Administration of the Recognition of High-tech Enterprises (GKFH [2016] No. 32) and the Guidelines for the Recognition Management of High-tech Enterprises (GKFH [2016] No. 195) issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration, Data Security, Yunyong Network, Cloudbroker Network have been recognized as high-tech enterprises since 2018, with a valid period of three years, the Company applied for the review of the valid period in the current period and thus these subsidiaries paid their corporate income taxes at a temporary rate of 15% in the current period. Shanghai Gildata and Shanghai Genus have been recognized as high-tech enterprises since 2019, with a valid period of three years. Cloudwing Network, Hangzhou Gildata and Hangzhou Gildata have been recognized as high-tech enterprises since 2020, with a valid period of three years, and paid their corporate income taxes at a rate of 15% in the current period. (4) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small and Micro Enterprises (CS[2019] No. 13) and the Announcement on Matters Relating to the Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies to Support the Development of Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households (SAT Announcement No. 8 of 2021), Shanghai Yirui, Beijing Qiantang, Hangzhou Beiying, Shanghai Liming, Hangzhou Yunhui, Yunlian Network, Shanshang Network, Beijing Xinruanfu, Hangzhou Yima, Guangdong Institute of Finance, Business Intelligence (Hangzhou), Shengtian Network, 134 / 243 2021 Annual Report Quzhou Hundsun, Shaoxing Henghui, Wuxi Henghua and Shenzhen Yungang were qualified as small and micro enterprises in the current period. Small low-profit enterprises with an annual taxable income not exceeding RMB1 million shall reduce their taxable income by 12.5% and be subject to a corporate income tax at a rate of 20%. Those with an annual taxable income exceeding RMB1 million but not exceeding RMB3 million shall reduce their taxable income by 50% and be subject to a corporate income tax at a rate of 20%. (5) In accordance with the provisions of the Announcement on Corporate Income Tax Policies for Integrated Circuit Design and Software Industries [2019 No. 68] issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration, software enterprises, established in accordance with the law and eligible for the preferential period calculated from the profit-making year before December 31, 2018, shall be exempt from corporate income tax from the first year to the second year and pay corporate income tax at a reduced statutory tax rate of 25% from the third year to the fifth year. The current period is the third profit-making year of Wengine Network, so this subsidiary is exempt from income tax. The current period is the fourth profit-making year of Cloudyee Network, so this subsidiary pays half of its income tax. (6) In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Policies and Catalogue of Income Tax Preferences for Enterprises in Guangdong Hengqin New Area, Fujian Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, and Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperative Zone (CS [2014] No. 26) issued by Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, enterprises in encouraged industries located in Hengqin New Zone, Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone and Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperative Zone shall pay their corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15% till December 31, 2020. In accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Rules of Shenzhen Municipality on the Making of Normative Documents of Administrative Organizations (Order 305 of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government), it is decided through deliberation to renew the Operational Guidelines on Recognizing the Enterprises Enjoying Reduced CIT in Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Services Industry Cooperation Zone (Trial) (SQHG [2018] No. 4), which is effective from August 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. Therefore, Hundsun iBontal paid its corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15% at a discount of 10% in the current period. 3. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable VII. NOTES ON THE MAIN ITEMS IN THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Cash and bank balances √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Cash on hand 365,020.30 680,095.55 Bank deposits 1,707,660,259.64 1,271,428,003.78 Other cash and bank balances 19,679,566.66 102,734,491.91 Total 1,727,704,846.60 1,374,842,591.24 135 / 243 2021 Annual Report Item Closing balance Opening balance Including: total amount 112,690,519.32 92,131,259.64 deposited abroad Other Description (1) Centralized management of funds Hundsun iBontal, a subsidiary incorporated into the scope of consolidation during the period, has entered into the Group Funds Pooling Agreement with its former controlling shareholder, Shenzhen Sunline Tech Co., Ltd., which has not been dissolved as of December 31, 2021, so there is no balance of funds allocated to or from Hundsun iBontal. Other than the above, the Company does not manage its funds in a centralized manner. (2) Other notes Other cash and bank balances at the end of the period include a guarantee deposit of RMB 4,270,755.00, which is restricted in use. 2. Held-for-trading financial assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 1,991,523,094.74 2,723,350,172.04 Including: Equity instrument investment 23,523,040.35 203,584,270.32 Debt instrument investment 32,058,053.43 Short-term bank wealth management 1,968,000,054.39 2,487,707,848.29 products and fund trust etc Total 1,991,523,094.74 2,723,350,172.04 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Derivative financial assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Bills receivable (1). Bills receivable by category √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Commercial acceptance bills 636,600.00 194,609.13 Total 636,600.00 194,609.13 (2). Pledged bills receivable by the Company as at the end of the period □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Bills receivable endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and not yet due on the balance sheet date 136 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Bills receivable transferred to accounts receivable by the Company due to non-performance by the drawer at the end of the period □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Disclosure by categories by means of allowance for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Allowance for bad Allowance for bad Class Book balance Book balance debts Carrying debts Carrying Proportion Proportion value Proportion Proportion value Amount Amount Amount Amount (%) (%) (%) (%) Allowance for bad debts made 636,600.00 100.00 636,600.00 194,609.13 100.00 194,609.13 on a collective basis Including: Commercial acceptance 636,600.00 100.00 636,600.00 194,609.13 100.00 194,609.13 bill receivable Total 636,600.00 / / 636,600.00 194,609.13 / / 194,609.13 Allowance for bad debts made on an individual basis: □Applicable √Not Applicable Allowance for bad debts made on a collective basis: √Applicable □Not Applicable Item for which allowance was made on a collective basis: commercial acceptance bills receivable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Bills receivable Allowance for bad debts Provision (%) Commercial acceptance bill 636,600.00 receivable Total 636,600.00 Recognition criteria and description of allowance for bad debts made on a collective basis √Applicable □Not Applicable Expected credit losses are calculated by referring to historical credit loss experience and based on current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions through default exposures and expected credit loss rates throughout the duration. If allowance for bad debts is made as per the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Allowance for bad debts 137 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable (7). Actual write-off of bills receivable in the current period □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 5. Accounts receivable (1). Disclosure by aging √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing book balance Sub-total within 1 year 629,478,391.81 1-2 years 147,974,035.69 2-3 years 49,134,360.65 Over 3 years 119,133,613.87 Total 945,720,402.02 138 / 243 2021 Annual Report (2). Disclosure by category by means of allowance for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Book balance Allowance for bad debts Book balance Allowance for bad debts Class Carrying Proportion Proportion Proportion Proportion Carrying value Amount Amount value Amount Amount (%) (%) (%) (%) Allowance for bad debts made on an individual 52,964,932.39 5.60 52,964,932.39 100.00 71,904,016.32 10.35 71,904,016.32 100.00 basis Including: Allowance for bad debts made on a collective 892,755,469.63 94.40 129,839,262.13 14.54 762,916,207.50 623,053,966.31 89.65 99,780,431.80 16.01 523,273,534.51 basis Including: Aging portfolio 892,755,469.63 94.40 129,839,262.13 14.54 762,916,207.50 623,053,966.31 89.65 99,780,431.80 16.01 523,273,534.51 Total 945,720,402.02 / 182,804,194.52 / 762,916,207.50 694,957,982.63 / 171,684,448.12 / 523,273,534.51 139 / 243 2021 Annual Report Allowance for bad debts made on an individual basis √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Allowance for bad Book balance Provision (%) Reasons debts Amount of other software 52,964,932.39 52,964,932.39 100.00 services Total 52,964,932.39 52,964,932.39 100.00 / Allowance for bad debts made on an individual basis: □Applicable √Not Applicable Allowance for bad debts made on a collective basis: √Applicable □Not Applicable Item for which allowance was made on a collective basis: grouped by aging Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Accounts receivable Allowance for bad debts Provision (%) Within 1 year 629,478,391.81 31,473,919.62 5.00 1-2 years 146,876,326.22 14,687,632.61 10.00 2-3 years 46,747,202.44 14,024,160.74 30.00 Over 3 years 69,653,549.16 69,653,549.16 100.00 Total 892,755,469.63 129,839,262.13 14.54 Recognition criteria and description of allowance for bad debts made on a collective basis: √Applicable □Not Applicable A table of aging of accounts receivable and lifetime expected credit loss rates is prepared, and the expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to historical credit loss experience, in consideration of current conditions and expectations of future economic conditions. If allowance for bad debts is made as per the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Allowance for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Change during the current period Opening Recovered Class Write-off or Other Closing balance balance Provision or cancellation changes reversed Allowance for bad debts made on an 71,904,016.32 1,066,721.15 20,005,805.08 52,964,932.39 individual basis 140 / 243 2021 Annual Report Change during the current period Opening Recovered Class Write-off or Other Closing balance balance Provision or cancellation changes reversed Allowance for bad debts made on a 99,780,431.80 30,058,830.33 129,839,262.13 collective basis Total 171,684,448.12 31,125,551.48 20,005,805.08 182,804,194.52 The significant amount of provision reversal and recovery of bad debts in the current period: □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Actual accounts receivable written off in the current period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Write-off Actual accounts receivable written off 20,005,805.08 Write-off of significant account receivables √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Nature of From related Reason for Write-off procedures Item accounts Write-off party transactions write-off adopted receivable or not HOMS software sales Software sales 19,696,640.08 Expected Management approval N receivable receivable unrecoverable Total / 19,696,640.08 / / / Notes on write-off of accounts receivable: □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Top five account receivables according to closing balances grouped by the debtor √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion in the total closing Closing balance of allowance Item Closing balance balance of accounts receivable for bad debts (%) Customer 1 16,516,367.34 1.75 1,202,762.61 Customer 2 15,030,256.40 1.59 751,512.82 Customer 3 14,448,854.85 1.53 880,042.74 Customer 4 14,440,000.00 1.53 722,000.00 Customer 5 14,215,692.40 1.50 873,218.89 Total 74,651,170.99 7.90 4,429,537.06 (6). Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (7). Amount of assets or liabilities due to the transfer of accounts receivable and continuing involvement □Applicable √Not Applicable 141 / 243 2021 Annual Report Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 6. Receivables financing □Applicable √Not Applicable 7. Prepayments (1). Disclosure by aging √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Aging Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) Within 1 year 11,098,252.30 93.61 7,457,443.42 91.25 1-2 years 747,155.77 6.30 268,613.92 3.29 2-3 years 11,032.81 0.09 76,108.43 0.93 Over 3 years 370,087.94 4.53 Total 11,856,440.88 100.00 8,172,253.71 100.00 Explanation of reasons for delayed settlement of important prepayments with aging over 1 year: [Note 10] The differences between the opening balances and the closing balances of the previous year (December 31, 2020) are detailed in Note V (44) 1) of the financial statements. (2). Top five prepayments according to closing balances grouped by prepayers √Applicable □Not Applicable Proportion in the total closing balance of Item Closing balance prepayments (%) Customer 1 1,679,245.29 14.16 Customer 2 1,281,742.00 10.81 Customer 3 845,178.90 7.13 Customer 4 745,283.02 6.29 Customer 5 522,282.38 4.41 Total 5,073,731.59 42.80 Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 8. Other receivables Item √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Other receivables 30,706,405.33 27,411,805.19 Total 30,706,405.33 27,411,805.19 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 142 / 243 2021 Annual Report Interest receivable (1). Classification of interest receivable □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Significant overdue interest □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Allowance for bad debts □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Dividend receivables (4). Dividend receivables □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Significant dividends receivable with the aging over 1 year □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Allowance for bad debts □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other receivables (7). Disclosure by aging √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing book balance Sub-total within 1 year 24,814,884.87 1-2 years 4,359,327.23 2-3 years 4,684,100.30 Over 3 years 16,723,206.21 Total 50,581,518.61 (8). Other receivables by nature √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance Deposits 35,970,661.72 28,336,515.98 Imprest fund 13,371,823.96 16,131,549.56 Current payments 2,200,000.00 Equity transfer payment 400,000.00 Others 1,239,032.93 541,210.83 143 / 243 2021 Annual Report Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance Total 50,581,518.61 47,609,276.37 (9). Allowance for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Allowance for bad Expected credit loss Lifetime ECL (not Lifetime ECL Total debts ("ECL") over the credit-impaired) (credit-impaired) next 12 months Balance as of January 949,777.35 934,546.27 18,313,147.56 20,197,471.18 1, 2021 Balance as of January 1, 2021 during the period - Transfer to stage 2 -217,966.36 217,966.36 - Transfer to stage 3 -558,410.03 558,410.03 - Reverse to stage 2 - Reverse to stage 1 Provision in the period 508,933.27 -158,169.88 -515,056.21 -164,292.82 Reversal in the period -50,000.00 -50,000.00 Write-off in the period Cancellation in the 39,211.91 39,211.91 period Other changes -168,853.17 -168,853.17 Balance as of 1,240,744.26 435,932.72 18,198,436.30 19,875,113.28 December 31, 2021 [Note 11]: Other changes represent transfers from business combinations, write-off transfers and the exchanges in the exchange rate. Notes on significant changes in the carrying amount of other receivables for which changes in the allowance for losses occurred during the current period: □Applicable √Not Applicable Amount of allowance for bad debts for the current period and basis for evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments increases significantly: □Applicable √Not Applicable (10). Allowance for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Change during the current period Opening Class Recovered or Write-off or Closing balance balance Provision Other changes reversed cancellation Allowance for bad debts made on an 383,333.33 100,000.00 483,333.33 individual basis Allowance for bad debts made on a 19,814,137.85 -264,292.82 -50,000.00 39,211.91 -168,853.17 19,391,779.95 collective basis Total 20,197,471.18 -164,292.82 -50,000.00 39,211.91 -168,853.17 19,875,113.28 144 / 243 2021 Annual Report The significant transfers or reversals with allowance for bad debts during the current period: □Applicable √Not Applicable (11). Other receivables actually written off in the period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Write-off Other receivables actually written off 39,211.91 Write-off of significant other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable Notes on write-off of other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable (12). Top five other receivables according to closing balances grouped by the debtor √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion in the Closing balance of total closing Item Nature Closing balance Aging allowance for bad balance of other debts receivables (%) Customer 1 Deposits 7,771,000.00 Over 3 years 15.36 7,771,000.00 The amounts are RMB990,911.12 for less than 1 year, RMB559,896.79 for Customer 2 Deposits 2,570,069.22 5.08 860,634.52 1-2 years, RMB377,374.32 for 2-3 years and RMB641,886.99 for over 3 years, respectively Customer 3 Deposits 1,711,300.41 Within 1 year 3.38 85,565.02 Deposits and Customer 4 1,560,079.27 Within 1 year 3.08 78,003.96 advances Customer 5 Deposits 1,509,817.02 2-3 years 2.98 452,945.11 Total / 15,122,265.92 / 29.88 9,248,148.61 (13). Receivables involving government grants □Applicable √Not Applicable (14). Other receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (15). Amount of assets or liabilities due to the transfer of other receivables and continuing involvement □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 145 / 243 2021 Annual Report 9. Inventories (1). Classification of inventories √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Provision for price reduction of Provision for price Item inventories/ reduction of Book balance impairment Carrying value Book balance inventories/impairment Carrying value provision for provision for contract contract performance cost performance cost Raw materials 52,630.18 14,565.00 38,065.18 32,435.38 6,487.08 25,948.30 Finished goods 46,678,737.87 2,307,524.53 44,371,213.34 37,099,707.37 2,613,622.50 34,486,084.87 Contract performance 425,709,305.22 3,236,969.83 422,472,335.39 317,035,369.52 317,035,369.52 costs Consigned processing 124,488.30 13,912.02 110,576.28 179,416.51 35,883.30 143,533.21 materials Total 472,565,161.57 5,572,971.38 466,992,190.19 354,346,928.78 2,655,992.88 351,690,935.90 (2). Provision for price reduction of inventories and impairment provision for contract performance cost √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Decrease in the current Increase in the current period Opening period Item Closing balance balance Reversal or Provision Others Others write-off Raw materials 6,487.08 15,236.04 7,158.12 14,565.00 Finished goods 2,613,622.50 472,454.36 778,552.33 2,307,524.53 Contract performance 3,236,969.83 3,236,969.83 costs Consigned processing 35,883.30 13,912.02 35,883.30 13,912.02 materials Total 2,655,992.88 3,738,572.25 821,593.75 5,572,971.38 (3). Amount of capitalized borrowing costs included in the closing balance of inventories □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Amortization amount of contract performance cost in the current period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Impairment Opening Increase in the current Amortization in the Item provision in the Closing balance balance period period period [Note 12] Employee 190,355,811.63 880,614,131.91 804,162,688.77 3,236,969.83 263,570,284.94 compensation Travel expenses 39,774,847.51 125,435,003.08 102,749,424.74 62,460,425.85 Consulting fee for 82,833,777.75 192,660,239.60 182,033,472.51 93,460,544.84 special items Others 4,070,932.63 14,159,819.63 15,249,672.50 2,981,079.76 Sub-total 317,035,369.52 1,212,869,194.22 1,104,195,258.52 3,236,969.83 422,472,335.39 146 / 243 2021 Annual Report [Note 12] It is the amount of impairment provision for each item of contract performance cost Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 10. Contract assets (1). Contract assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Impairment Impairment Book balance Carrying value Book balance Carrying value provision provision Retention 36,392,215.79 2,723,747.42 33,668,468.37 36,404,323.30 2,223,480.06 34,180,843.24 receivables Total 36,392,215.79 2,723,747.42 33,668,468.37 36,404,323.30 2,223,480.06 34,180,843.24 (2). Amount and reasons for significant changes in carrying value during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Provision for impairment of contract assets in the current period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Reversal in the Cancellation Provision in Item period /write-off in the Reason the period current period The expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to historical credit loss experience, in Provision made on a consideration of current conditions and 500,267.36 collective basis expectation of future economic conditions, and based on the default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit loss rate. Total 500,267.36 / If allowance for bad debts is made as per the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: √Applicable □Not Applicable Contract assets with impairment provision made on a collective basis: Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Item Book balance Impairment provision Proportion (%) Aging portfolio 36,392,215.79 2,723,747.42 7.48 Including: within 1 year 23,434,775.09 1,171,738.75 5.00 1-2 years 11,676,117.70 1,167,611.77 10.00 2-3 years 1,281,323.00 384,396.90 30.00 Sub-total 36,392,215.79 2,723,747.42 7.48 147 / 243 2021 Annual Report 11. Held-for-sale assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 12. Current portion of non-current assets □Applicable √Not Applicable Significant debt investments and other debt investments as at the end of the period: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description 13. Other current assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Prepaid taxes 2,194,044.75 6,020,315.27 Input VAT to be deducted 6,478,276.96 4,322,205.55 Total 8,672,321.71 10,342,520.82 14. Debt investments (1). Debt investments □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Significant debt investments at the end of the period □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Provision for impairment □Applicable √Not Applicable Amount of provision for impairment for the current period and basis for evaluating whether credit risk of financial instruments increase significantly □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 15. Other debt investments (1). Other debt investments √Applicable □Not Applicable 148 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Accumulated Changes in allowance for fair value Accumulated losses Opening Accrued Closing Interest Item in the Cost changes in recognized in Remark balance interest balance adjustment current fair value other period comprehensive income Financial 83,845,382.74 582,743.09 -50,507.13 65,681,018.23 63,214,598.80 -302,830.41 2,186,506.75 bonds Total 83,845,382.74 582,743.09 -50,507.13 65,681,018.23 63,214,598.80 -302,830.41 2,186,506.75 / (2). Significant other debt investments at the end of the period □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Provision for impairment □Applicable √Not Applicable Amount of provision for impairment for the current period and basis for evaluating whether credit risk of financial instruments increase significantly □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: √Applicable □Not Applicable All other debt investments in the current period are financial bonds purchased from UBS Switzerland AG (UBS) by Hundsun Ayers. As of December 31, 2021, the carrying value of bonds held by Hundsun Ayers in a leased status amounted to RMB19,400,458.33. 16. Long-term receivables (1). Long-term receivables □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Allowance for bad debts □Applicable √Not Applicable Amount of allowance for bad debts for the current period and basis for evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments increases significantly □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Long-term receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Amount of assets or liabilities due to the transfer of long-term receivables □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 149 / 243 2021 Annual Report 17. Long-term equity investments √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Changes in the current period Closing Opening Investment Other Cash Closing balance of Investee Other balance Increase in Decrease in profit or loss comprehensive dividends Impairment balance impairment changes in Others investment investment recognized by income and profits provision provision equity equity method adjustments declared I. Joint ventures Sub-total II. Associates Ant (Hangzhou) Funds 13,547.81 12,079.21 23.64 25,650.66 Sales Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun 3,981.77 -427.61 3,554.16 Century Industry Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Trade Blazer 5,034.21 397.37 47.90 896.64 4,582.84 4,132.51 Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Rongdu Science 892.53 -194.51 698.02 1,647.27 & Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Santan 1,817.30 -492.55 1,324.75 Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hundsun Changyun Network 743.31 661.50 58.98 -140.79 Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun Yuntai Network Technology Co., 3,288.42 3.70 -2,226.06 1,135.21 0.58 2,194.45 Ltd. Guangdong Yuecai Internet 460.86 10.44 471.30 Finance Co., Ltd. Beijing Hongtian Rongda Information Technology 15.38 -15.38 235.09 Co., Ltd. Golden State Investment 2,746.73 422.08 3,168.81 Services Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Ricequant 2,009.96 -186.76 1,823.20 4,765.12 Technology Co., Ltd. Fujian Trading Market Registration and Settlement 776.05 -42.69 733.36 Center Co., Ltd. 150 / 243 2021 Annual Report Hundsun Cloud Financing Network Technology Co., 1,697.50 -164.16 865.43 2,398.77 Ltd. Hangzhou Fupu Gongjin Investment Partnership 2,332.02 410.62 2,742.64 (L.P.) Hangzhou HISOME Digital Equipment 2,455.68 594.40 3,050.08 Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun Registration and Settlement 126.35 48.12 174.47 Center Co., Ltd. Guangdong Yuecai Net Small Loan Microfinance 2,178.81 16.79 2,195.60 Co., Ltd. Shanghai Leanwork Financial Information 742.15 -23.31 17.64 101.00 635.48 1,148.60 Service Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Wanming Digital Technology Co., 491.71 -3.66 488.05 Ltd. Beijing Hezhi Xingtu 5,940.98 -462.78 191.09 5,669.29 Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Dworld AI Tech 168.92 6,574.79 6,948.71 -197.44 402.44 Co., Ltd. Hanzhou Eceyes Internet 6,450.66 350.13 -147.68 6,653.11 Financial Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhongjin Xinzhi Investment Management 362.34 70.00 339.55 166.08 605.81 Co., Ltd. Beijing Yuntu Hanxing Information Technology 1,054.31 11.25 661.00 404.56 661.00 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Baiying 2,768.45 -206.35 2,562.10 Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou National Software Industry Base 270.99 -39.03 231.96 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Institute of Modern Capital and 2.91 -0.02 2.89 Industry 151 / 243 2021 Annual Report Beijing Tongchuang Yongyi Technology 5,240.51 -683.82 56.70 4,613.39 Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai Qianyun Information Technology 2,948.39 -158.32 2,790.07 Co., Ltd. Databaker (Beijing) 3,350.45 -154.60 3,195.85 Technology Co., Ltd. N2N CONNECT 15,868.40 450.23 819.17 15,499.46 BERHAD Shanghai Yitongtou 1,350.00 -40.30 1.43 1,311.13 Technology Co., Ltd. Nanjing Pengxi Equity 12,000.00 -331.57 11,668.43 Investment Center (L.P.) Sub-total 73,897.46 35,863.19 7,613.91 9,138.25 2,191.36 1,881.89 762.00 262.23 111,094.69 12,589.59 Total 73,897.46 35,863.19 7,613.91 9,138.25 2,191.36 1,881.89 762.00 262.23 111,094.69 12,589.59 152 / 243 2021 Annual Report 18. Other equity instrument investments (1). Investments in other equity instruments □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Investments in non-trading equity instruments □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 19. Other non-current financial assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Financial assets at FVTPL 2,981,720,276.86 2,229,463,162.16 Including: Investments in equity instruments 1,740,015,513.31 1,082,289,046.68 Trust plans, other funds, etc. 1,241,704,763.55 1,147,174,115.48 Total 2,981,720,276.86 2,229,463,162.16 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 20. Investment properties Measurement model of investment properties (1). Investment properties measured at cost Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Houses and buildings Land use rights Total I. Original carrying value 1. Opening balance 124,080,175.09 213,096.60 124,293,271.69 2. Increase in the current period 22,908,485.39 22,908,485.39 (1) Outsourcing (2) Transferred from inventories, fixed 22,908,485.39 22,908,485.39 assets or construction in progress (3) Increase from business combination 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer-out 4. Closing balance 146,988,660.48 213,096.60 147,201,757.08 II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortization 1. Opening balance 12,803,519.95 78,502.95 12,882,022.90 2. Increase in the current period 6,789,297.65 5,467.60 6,794,765.25 (1) Provision or amortization 3,665,073.08 5,467.60 3,670,540.68 (2) Transfer to fixed assets 3,124,224.57 3,124,224.57 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer-out 4. Closing balance 19,592,817.60 83,970.55 19,676,788.15 153 / 243 2021 Annual Report III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal (2) Other transfer-out 4. Closing balance IV. Carrying value 1. Closing carrying value 127,395,842.88 129,126.05 127,524,968.93 2. Opening carrying value 111,276,655.14 134,593.65 111,411,248.79 [Note 13] Houses and buildings include land use rights that have been leased but cannot be measured separately. (2). Investment properties without the title certificates □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 21. Fixed assets Item √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Fixed assets 1,679,515,491.95 472,506,719.88 Total 1,679,515,491.95 472,506,719.88 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Fixed assets (1). Fixed assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Electronic Item Buildings Vehicles Other equipment Total equipment I. Original carrying value: 1. Opening balance 435,780,902.06 257,193,424.47 12,276,984.60 69,733,338.71 774,984,649.84 2. Increase in the 1,124,188,866.43 77,790,130.55 1,088,735.41 92,812,285.17 1,295,880,017.56 current period (1) Purchase 3,270,662.29 77,452,962.98 1,088,735.41 5,940,193.36 87,752,554.04 (2) Transfer to 1,120,918,204.14 86,774,294.09 1,207,692,498.23 construction in progress (3) Increase from 541,967.34 117,229.59 659,196.93 business combination (4) Effects from translation of financial -204,799.77 -19,431.87 -224,231.64 statements in foreign currency 154 / 243 2021 Annual Report 3. Decrease in the 23,135,772.89 5,617,118.30 836,221.40 2,300,104.67 31,889,217.26 current period (1) Disposal or 227,287.50 5,617,118.30 836,221.40 2,300,104.67 8,980,731.87 retirement (2) Transfer to 22,908,485.39 22,908,485.39 investment properties (3) Consolidated Transfer-out (4) Effects from translation of financial statements in foreign currency 4. Closing balance 1,536,833,995.60 329,366,436.72 12,529,498.61 160,245,519.21 2,038,975,450.14 II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Opening balance 93,957,222.83 155,476,628.78 7,243,647.95 45,800,176.39 302,477,675.95 2. Increase in the 18,067,519.90 43,386,259.79 1,408,111.80 5,237,528.04 68,099,419.53 current period (1) Provision 18,124,822.10 43,219,816.54 1,340,121.88 5,094,427.59 67,779,188.11 (2) Increase from 330,122.61 67,989.92 159,253.87 557,366.40 business combination (3) Effects from translation of financial -57,302.20 -163,679.36 -16,153.42 -237,134.98 statements in foreign currency 3. Decrease in the 3,351,512.07 5,291,892.44 746,286.75 1,727,700.04 11,117,391.30 current period (1) Disposal or 227,287.50 5,291,892.44 746,286.75 1,727,700.04 7,993,166.73 retirement (2) Transfer to 3,124,224.57 3,124,224.57 investment properties (3) Effects from translation of financial statements in foreign currency 4. Closing balance 108,673,230.66 193,570,996.13 7,905,473.00 49,310,004.39 359,459,704.18 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 254.01 254.01 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal or retirement 4. Closing balance 254.01 254.01 IV. Carrying value 1. Closing carrying 1,428,160,764.94 135,795,440.59 4,624,025.61 110,935,260.81 1,679,515,491.95 value 2. Opening carrying 341,823,679.23 101,716,795.69 5,033,336.65 23,932,908.31 472,506,719.88 value [Note 14] Houses and buildings include land use rights that cannot be measured separately. (2). Temporary idle fixed assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Fixed assets rented in through financing lease □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Fixed assets rented out through operating lease 155 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Fixed assets without the title certificate √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Carrying value Reason Hundsun Cloud Production Base (Phase I) 847,466,919.52 In process Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Disposal of fixed assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 22. Construction in progress Items √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Construction in progress 26,357,513.90 732,254,664.28 Total 26,357,513.90 732,254,664.28 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Construction in progress (1). Construction in progress √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Impairment Impairment Book balance Carrying value Book balance Carrying value provision provision Hundsun Cloud Production Base 455,668,473.90 455,668,473.90 (Phase I) Hundsun Cloud Production Base 25,139,995.40 25,139,995.40 1,150,103.12 1,150,103.12 (Phase II) Wong Chuk Hang Office Building in 275,436,087.26 275,436,087.26 Hong Kong Sporadic projects 1,217,518.50 1,217,518.50 Total 26,357,513.90 26,357,513.90 732,254,664.28 732,254,664.28 (2). Significant changes in CIP during the period √Applicable □Not Applicable 156 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Proportion Cap Amount Including: Other of rate of Increase transferred Accumulated Amount of Opening decreases Closing cumulative interest in the into fixed Construction amount of capitalized Source of Item Budget during project during balance current assets balance progress capitalized interest funds the investment the period during the interest during the period in budget period period period (%) (%) Hundsun Cloud Self-owned Production 117,478.00 45,566.85 47,857.27 93,424.12 79.52 100.00 2,038.37 1,010.70 4.14 capital and Base (Phase I) bank loan Hundsun Cloud Self-owned Production 79,930.00 115.01 2,398.99 2,514.00 3.15 3.15 capital and Base (Phase II) bank loan Wong Chuk Self-owned Hang Office 33,332.70 27,543.61 27,345.13 198.48 82.63 100.00 63.00 43.91 1.06 capital and Building in bank loan Hong Kong Self-owned Sporadic 121.75 121.75 circulating projects fund Total 230,740.70 73,225.47 50,378.01 120,769.25 198.48 2,635.75 2,101.37 1,054.61 [Note 15] Other decreases in the current period are the differences in translation of financial statements in foreign currency due to changes in exchange rates. (3). Provision for impairment of CIP during the period □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable Construction materials (4). Construction materials □Applicable √Not Applicable 23. Productive biological assets (1). Productive biological assets measured at cost □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Productive biological assets measured at fair value □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 24. Oil and gas assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 25. Right-of-use assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Buildings Total I. Original carrying value 1. Opening balance 20,989,007.40 20,989,007.40 2. Increase in the current period 34,379,116.88 34,379,116.88 157 / 243 2021 Annual Report Item Buildings Total 3. Decrease in the current period 4. Closing balance 55,368,124.28 55,368,124.28 II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Opening balance 10,717,815.08 10,717,815.08 2. Increase in the current period 12,627,203.76 12,627,203.76 (1) Provision 12,627,203.76 12,627,203.76 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance 23,345,018.84 23,345,018.84 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in the current period (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance IV. Carrying value 1. Closing carrying value 32,023,105.44 32,023,105.44 2. Opening carrying value 10,271,192.32 10,271,192.32 Other notes: [Note 16] The differences between the opening balances and the closing balances of the previous year (December 31, 2020) are detailed in Note V(44) 1) of the financial statements. 26. Intangible assets (1). Intangible assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Management Land use Trademark Non-patented Item Patent rights software and Total rights rights technologies copyright I. Original carrying value 1. Opening balance 87,062,404.13 6,946,400.00 2,700,000.00 5,105,263.72 156,459,393.82 258,273,461.67 2. Increase in 459,716.28 247,479,608.19 247,939,324.47 the current period (1) Purchase 459,716.28 217,051,378.05 217,511,094.33 (2) Effects from translation of -964,448.98 -964,448.98 financial statements in foreign currency (3) Increase from business 31,392,679.12 31,392,679.12 combination 3. Decrease in the 664,980.00 305,392.15 970,372.15 current period (1) Disposal 664,980.00 305,392.15 970,372.15 4. Closing balance 87,062,404.13 6,946,400.00 2,700,000.00 4,900,000.00 403,633,609.86 505,242,413.99 II. Accumulated amortization 158 / 243 2021 Annual Report Management Land use Trademark Non-patented Item Patent rights software and Total rights rights technologies copyright 1. Opening 8,344,657.95 6,946,400.00 2,288,333.38 2,328,596.89 70,658,300.11 90,566,288.33 balance 2. Increase in 1,748,840.12 259,999.98 30,013,437.12 32,022,277.22 the current period (1) Provision 1,748,840.12 259,999.98 25,980,944.49 27,989,784.59 (2) Effects from translation of -349,869.29 -349,869.29 financial statements in foreign currency (3) Increase from business 4,382,361.92 4,382,361.92 combination 3. Decrease in 205,263.72 157,929.60 363,193.32 the current period (1) Disposal 205,263.72 157,929.60 363,193.32 4. Closing 10,093,498.07 6,946,400.00 2,548,333.36 2,123,333.17 100,513,807.63 122,225,372.23 balance III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening 2,776,666.83 3,917,854.62 6,694,521.45 balance 2. Increase in the current period (1) Provision 3. Decrease in 137,500.12 137,500.12 the current period (1) Disposal 137,500.12 137,500.12 4. Closing 2,776,666.83 3,780,354.50 6,557,021.33 balance IV. Carrying value 1. Closing carrying 76,968,906.06 151,666.64 299,339,447.73 376,460,020.43 value 2. Opening carrying 78,717,746.18 411,666.62 81,883,239.09 161,012,651.89 value The proportion of intangible assets formed through internal research and development in the balance of intangible assets at the end of the period was 0 (2). Land use rights without the title certificates □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 27. Development expenditure □Applicable √Not Applicable 28. Goodwill (1). Original carrying value of goodwill √Applicable □Not Applicable 159 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Decrease in the Increase in the current period current period Investees or items that Opening balance Arising from Closing balance generate goodwill business Disposal combination Hundsun Global Services 1,110,721.19 1,110,721.19 Inc. Business Intelligence 14,091,467.31 14,091,467.31 (Hangzhou) Hundsun Holdings 340,974,202.26 340,974,202.26 Hundsun Baichuan 9,156,921.06 9,156,921.06 BusinessMatrix 67,765,537.97 67,765,537.97 Shanghai Genus 50,754,368.23 50,754,368.23 Hundsun Lirong 12,242,732.96 12,242,732.96 Shanghai Dworld 33,547,864.43 33,547,864.43 Hundsun iBontal 9,542,639.09 9,542,639.09 Total 483,853,218.02 55,333,236.48 539,186,454.50 (2). Provision for impairment of goodwill √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the current Decrease in the current Investees or items that period period Closing Opening balance generate goodwill balance Provision Disposal Hundsun Global 1,110,721.19 1,110,721.19 Services Inc. Hundsun Holdings 132,138,046.09 132,138,046.09 Hundsun Baichuan 9,156,921.06 9,156,921.06 BusinessMatrix 29,288,639.18 29,288,639.18 Total 171,694,327.52 171,694,327.52 (3). Information on asset groups or combination of asset groups including goodwill √Applicable □Not Applicable 1) Combination of asset groups of Business Intelligence (Hangzhou) Goodwill assets and liabilities of Business Intelligence Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups (Hangzhou) Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups -11,862,591.81 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 45,456,346.15 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 33,593,754.34 including goodwill Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year 2) Combination of asset groups of Hundsun Holdings Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups Goodwill assets and liabilities of Hundsun Holdings Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 304,267,066.69 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 381,783,721.43 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 686,050,788.12 including goodwill 160 / 243 2021 Annual Report Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year 3) Combination of asset groups of BusinessMatrix Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups Goodwill assets and liabilities of BusinessMatrix Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 18,540,198.68 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 45,266,939.76 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 63,807,138.44 including goodwill Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year 4) Combination of asset groups of Shanghai Genus Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups Goodwill assets and liabilities of Shanghai Genus Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 15,622,760.74 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 88,408,241.19 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 104,031,001.93 including goodwill Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year 5) Combination of asset groups of Hundsun Lirong Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups Goodwill assets and liabilities of Hundsun Lirong Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 90,003,976.54 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 12,242,732.96 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 102,246,709.50 including goodwill Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year 6) Combination of asset groups of Shanghai Dworld Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups Goodwill assets and liabilities of Shanghai Dworld Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 946,143.56 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 51,275,146.70 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 52,221,290.26 including goodwill Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year 7) Combination of asset groups of Hundsun iBontal Composition of asset groups or combination of asset groups Goodwill assets and liabilities of Hundsun iBontal Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 43,015,832.58 Carrying value and allocation method of goodwill allocated to 10,905,873.25 asset groups or combination of asset groups Carrying value of asset groups or combination of asset groups 53,921,705.83 including goodwill 161 / 243 2021 Annual Report Are asset groups or combination of asset groups consistent with those determined in the goodwill impairment test on the Yes acquisition date in the previous year (4). Note on the process of goodwill impairment test, key parameters (such as forecast growth rate, steady growth rate, profit margin, discount rate, forecast period (if applicable) in estimating the present value of future cash flow) and recognition method of impairment loss on goodwill √Applicable □Not Applicable 1) Combination of asset groups of Business Intelligence (Hangzhou) The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 11.96%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software service revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was tested to be higher than the carrying value and there was no impairment loss on goodwill. 2) Combination of asset groups of Hundsun Holdings The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 12.28%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software sales revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was tested to be higher than the carrying value and there was no impairment loss on goodwill. 3) Combination of asset groups of BusinessMatrix The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 14.52%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software sales revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. 162 / 243 2021 Annual Report After tests, the recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was RMB65,928,200.00, higher than the carrying value of RMB65,635,158.44, and thus there was no impairment loss on goodwill. 4) Combination of asset groups of Shanghai Genus The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 12.41%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software sales revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was tested to be higher than the carrying value and there was no impairment loss on goodwill. 5) Combination of asset groups of Hundsun Lirong The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 15.23%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software sales revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was tested to be higher than the carrying value and there was no impairment loss on goodwill. 6) Combination of asset groups of Shanghai Dworld The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 14.40%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software sales revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was tested to be higher than the carrying value and there was no impairment loss on goodwill. 163 / 243 2021 Annual Report 7) Combination of asset groups of Hundsun iBontal The recoverable amount of goodwill is calculated by the present value of the expected future cash flow. The expected cash flows are based on the five-year cash flow forecast approved by the Company. The discount rate used in the cash flow forecast is 13.16%, which is basically approximate to the discount rates adopted by companies in the same industry. Other key data used in the impairment test include software sales revenue, staff costs and other related expenses. The Company determines the above key data based on historical experience and market development forecast. The discount rate adopted by the Company is the pretax rate reflecting the time value of the current market currency and the specific risk of the relevant asset group. The recoverable amount of the asset group or combination of asset groups including goodwill was tested to be higher than the carrying value and there was no impairment loss on goodwill. (5). Effect of goodwill impairment test □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 29. Long-term prepaid expense √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening Increase in the Amortization in the Other decreases Closing balance balance current period current period Renovation expense of 3,370,336.31 610,846.31 2,723,406.19 1,257,776.43 leased fixed assets Total 3,370,336.31 610,846.31 2,723,406.19 1,257,776.43 30. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities (1). Deferred tax assets before offset √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Deductible temporary Deferred tax Deductible temporary Deferred tax difference assets difference assets Provision for asset 265,075,656.77 26,992,920.46 259,018,386.82 26,250,497.02 impairment Deferred income 38,094,994.90 3,809,499.49 56,183,143.62 5,618,314.36 Accrued expenses 55,298,353.65 5,588,772.82 51,273,907.00 5,186,725.76 Provision for liabilities 16,523,860.93 1,665,818.79 11,052,089.47 1,116,409.31 Share-based payments 123,794,153.23 12,487,113.82 19,292,637.23 1,929,263.72 Software development tax 1,122,853,556.52 112,285,355.65 313,094,911.11 31,309,491.11 difference [Note 17] Changes in fair value of held-for-trading financial 3,762,656.15 607,010.48 assets 164 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total 1,625,403,232.15 163,436,491.51 709,915,075.25 71,410,701.28 [Note 17] The difference was due to the fact that the Company's software development projects were performance obligations to be performed at a certain time point in accordance with the new revenue standards. The revenue is recognized upon completion and acceptance of the projects, while the tax revenue is recognized in accordance with the progress of project development, so the difference is the difference in the amount of revenue under the two standards. (2). Deferred tax liabilities before offset √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Taxable temporary Deferred tax Taxable temporary Deferred tax difference liabilities difference liabilities Changes in the fair value of 678,407,174.31 67,840,717.44 419,942,441.33 42,109,481.78 financial assets at FVTPL Changes in fair value of debt investments charged to other 2,186,506.75 360,773.61 2,237,013.88 369,107.29 comprehensive income Total 680,593,681.06 68,201,491.05 422,179,455.21 42,478,589.07 (3). Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented in the net amount after offset □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Breakdown of unrecognized deferred tax assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Deductible temporary difference 269,295,856.20 372,717,354.02 Deductible losses 735,174,456.32 672,110,717.25 Total 1,004,470,312.52 1,044,828,071.27 (5). Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets due in the following year □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 31. Other non-current assets √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Book balance Impairment Book balance Impairment Carrying value Carrying value provision provision Prepayment for acquisition [Note 112,816,169.61 112,816,169.61 18] Prepayment for 441,999.00 441,999.00 investment Total 112,816,169.61 112,816,169.61 441,999.00 441,999.00 165 / 243 2021 Annual Report [Note 18] For details, please refer to Note XIV (1) 3) to the financial statements. 32. Short-term borrowings (1). Classification of short-term borrowings √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Mortgage loans 27,165,529.39 46,718,265.90 Loans in credit 150,862,784.72 Total 178,028,314.11 46,718,265.90 Notes on the classification of short-term borrowings: Mortgage loans refer to loans from UBS Switzerland AG (UBS) to Hundsun Ayers to meet the daily working capital needs. According to the loan agreement signed between Hundsun Ayers and UBS, the loan obtained by Hundsun Ayers is secured by other debt investments that Hundsun Ayers can freely trade in UBS’s account. (2). Short-term loans overdue and outstanding □Applicable √Not Applicable The short-term loans overdue and outstanding are as follows: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 33. Held-for-trading financial liabilities □Applicable √Not Applicable 34. Derivative financial liabilities □Applicable √Not Applicable 35. Bills payable (1). Breakdown of bills payable □Applicable √Not Applicable 36. Accounts payable (1). Breakdown of accounts payable √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Accounts payable for goods and material purchase 37,530,321.62 18,157,821.13 Accounts payable for long-term asset acquisition 333,841,308.45 94,415,085.61 Cost and expense payments 132,387,085.11 79,600,032.03 166 / 243 2021 Annual Report Total 503,758,715.18 192,172,938.77 (2). Significant accounts payable with the aging over one year □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 37. Advances from customers (1). Breakdown of advances from customers √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Advances from house leases 2,283,715.48 1,491,017.37 Total 2,283,715.48 1,491,017.37 (2). Significant advances from customers with the aging over one year □Applicable √Not Applicable Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 38. Contract liabilities (1). Contract liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Payments for software sales and 3,107,149,920.44 3,203,414,609.69 services Total 3,203,414,609.69 3,107,149,920.44 (2). Amount and reasons for significant changes in carrying value during the Reporting Period □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 39. Employee compensation payable (1). Breakdown of employee remuneration payable √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period I. Short-term compensation 618,666,867.09 3,534,518,717.61 3,412,930,693.56 740,254,891.14 II. Post-employment benefits-defined 3,604,724.39 104,501,905.36 102,469,171.62 5,637,458.13 contribution plans III. Termination benefits 509,405.00 3,187,747.56 3,697,152.56 167 / 243 2021 Annual Report IV. Other benefits due within one year V. Share-based payments 24,667,193.24 11,882,474.32 7,445,515.12 29,104,152.44 VI. Non-competition 3,525,187.63 3,525,187.63 compensation Total 647,448,189.72 3,657,616,032.48 3,530,067,720.49 774,996,501.71 [Note 19] Increase in transfer from consolidation was RMB 3,787,914.30 in the current period. (2). Breakdown of short-term compensation √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period I. Wages, bonuses, 479,820,007.13 3,147,044,760.78 3,018,091,144.77 608,773,623.14 allowances and subsidies II. Employee benefits 61,205,311.05 61,205,311.05 III. Social insurance 3,556,577.15 69,715,266.37 69,385,248.84 3,886,594.68 premiums Including: Medical 3,502,625.07 67,314,753.86 67,011,273.21 3,806,105.72 insurance Work-related injury 49,157.79 1,568,370.06 1,537,647.85 79,880.00 insurance Maternity insurance 4,794.29 832,142.45 836,327.78 608.96 IV. Housing provident fund 358,849.89 243,412,301.88 243,319,976.99 451,174.78 V. Trade union funds and 134,931,432.92 13,141,077.53 20,929,011.91 127,143,498.54 staff education funds Total 618,666,867.09 3,534,518,717.61 3,412,930,693.56 740,254,891.14 (3). Details of defined contribution plan √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the current Decrease in the Item Opening balance Closing balance period current period 1. Basic endowment 3,481,681.19 101,000,454.63 99,036,346.24 5,445,789.58 insurance 2. Unemployment insurance 123,043.20 3,501,450.73 3,432,825.38 191,668.55 3. Enterprise annuity Total 3,604,724.39 104,501,905.36 102,469,171.62 5,637,458.13 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 40. Taxes payable √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Value-added tax (VAT) 119,462,002.58 144,713,671.10 Enterprise income tax 26,806,846.66 17,056,046.41 Individual income tax 18,287,729.35 11,454,770.16 Urban maintenance and construction 15,514,925.91 5,065,134.65 168 / 243 2021 Annual Report tax Educational surcharge 6,666,440.13 3,159,389.55 Property tax 2,634,194.57 2,463,560.46 Land use tax 1,192,807.59 743,113.13 Local education surcharges 4,396,774.09 2,058,740.31 Stamp duty 1,098,117.24 695,715.38 Disabled security fund 3,044.75 3,109.25 Local water conservancy fund 2,059.54 Total 196,064,942.41 187,413,250.40 41. Other payables Item √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Other payables 170,804,176.79 128,629,520.86 Total 170,804,176.79 128,629,520.86 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Interests payable (1). Details of classification □Applicable √Not Applicable Dividends payable (2). Details of classification □Applicable √Not Applicable Other payables (1). Other accounts payable by nature of payment √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Temporary receipts payable 21,204,885.84 26,957,978.00 Deposits and construction quality 41,226,333.93 32,994,546.24 guarantee deposit Outstanding operating expenses settled 41,592,644.51 35,316,837.87 Equity transfer payable [NAote 20] 60,751,425.87 28,589,770.87 Current payments 1,279,679.27 2,200,000.00 Others 4,749,207.37 2,570,387.88 Total 170,804,176.79 128,629,520.86 [Note 20] RMB12,189,841.00 out of the equity transfer payable represents the outstanding equity transfer from the original shareholders of BusinessMatrix, RMB41,461,706.00 represents the payment for equity acquisition that has not met the delivery conditions, and the remaining RMB7,099,878.87 represents the outstanding equity transfer from the employees of the shareholding platform. The outstanding amount 169 / 243 2021 Annual Report of equity transfer from the employees of the shareholding platform of RMB7,099,878.87 is detailed in Note XIV (2)1) to the financial statements. (2). Other significant accounts payable with the aging over one year □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 42. Held-for-sale liabilities □Applicable √Not Applicable 43. Current portion of non-current liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Current portion of long-term 145,804,947.56 borrowings Current portion of lease liabilities 8,691,667.05 7,111,829.18 Total 154,496,614.61 7,111,829.18 Other notes: (1) The differences between the opening balances and the closing balances of the previous year (December 31, 2020) are detailed in Note V (44) 1) of the financial statements. (2) The current portion of long-term borrowings of RMB143,802,792.00 was secured by mortgages provided by the Company for the Hundsun Cloud Production Base Project and its land use rights. 44. Other current liabilities Other current liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Withholding of land appreciation tax 305,258,151.46 305,258,151.46 Total 305,258,151.46 305,258,151.46 [Note 21] The withholding of land appreciation tax is detailed in Note XVI (7) to the financial statements. Changes in short-term bonds payable: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 45. Long-term borrowings (1). Classification of long-term borrowings √Applicable □Not Applicable 170 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Mortgage loans 77,523,804.59 206,090,358.06 Guaranteed loan 2,770,750.00 Loans in credit 148,159,511.11 Total 228,454,065.70 206,090,358.06 [Note 22] Mortgage loans are secured by the mortgage of the Wong Chuk Hang office building project under construction in Hong Kong. Other notes, including the interest rate collar: □Applicable √Not Applicable 46. Bonds payable (1). Bonds payable □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Changes in bonds payable: (excluding preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities) □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Conditions and timing of conversion for convertible bonds □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities Basic information on preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of the period □Applicable √Not Applicable Changes in preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of period □Applicable √Not Applicable Basis for classifying other financial instruments as financial liabilities: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 47. Lease liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Outstanding lease payments 24,699,694.62 2,725,018.12 Less: Unrecognized financial charges -1,401,490.57 -70,378.75 Total 23,298,204.05 2,654,639.37 171 / 243 2021 Annual Report [Note 23] The differences between the opening balances and the closing balances of the previous year (December 31, 2020) are detailed in Note V (44) 1) of the financial statements. 48. Long-term accounts payable Item □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Long-term accounts payable (1). Long-term accounts payable by nature □Applicable √Not Applicable Specific accounts payable (2). Specific accounts payable by nature □Applicable √Not Applicable 49. Long-term employee remuneration payable □Applicable □Not Applicable (1). Long-term employee remuneration payable □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Changes in defined benefit plans Present value of obligations under defined benefit plans: □Applicable √Not Applicable Assets under plans: □Applicable √Not Applicable Net liabilities (net assets) under defined benefit plans □Applicable √Not Applicable Notes on the content of defined benefit plans, relevant risks and influence on the future cash flow, time and uncertainty of the Company: □Applicable √Not Applicable Notes on major actuarial assumptions and sensitive analysis results of defined benefit plans □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 50. Provision for liabilities √Applicable □Not Applicable 172 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Closing balance Reason Pending litigation 438,483.82 It is due to the provision of software maintenance expense at 0.5% of software revenue (measured based on actual Product quality historical data) in accordance with the terms 11,709,342.27 15,685,038.46 guarantee of the software sales contract signed between the Company and the customer regarding the commitment of free maintenance. The differences between the opening balances and the closing balances of the Recovery fee 100,000.00 1,631,737.31 previous year (December 31, 2020) are detailed in Note V (44) 1) of the financial statements. Total 12,247,826.09 17,316,775.77 / 51. Deferred income Deferred income √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the Decrease in the Item Opening balance Closing balance Reason current period current period Government grants 56,385,848.47 1,363,500.00 19,538,442.18 38,210,906.29 Total 56,385,848.47 1,363,500.00 19,538,442.18 38,210,906.29 / Items related to government grants: √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount Amount Increase in charged to Opening charged to Other Closing Liability item grants for non-operating Asset/revenue-related balance other income changes balance the period income for for the period the period Cloud computing 111,306.30 111,306.30 Asset-related project Construction project of provincial key 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Asset-related enterprise institute [Note 25] Software development and industrialization project of tool 873,928.08 686,412.00 187,516.08 Asset-related set based on financial industry information knowledge base National demonstration 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 project on research and 173 / 243 2021 Annual Report development and application of securities security and safety business system Financial cloud computing service platform and financial big 1,072,723.36 665,710.34 407,013.02 Asset-related data support platform development and application project Strategic emerging industry project 156,260.39 156,260.39 Asset-related IPV6 project in 2015 Financial big data 2,477,214.80 1,637,048.25 840,166.55 Asset-related infrastructure project Hundsun Cloud Production 16,710,000.00 16,710,000.00 Asset-related Base [Note 25] Crossover service design methods and 618,000.00 82,000.00 700,000.00 Asset-related key technologies Crossover service integration 584,800.00 85,200.00 670,000.00 Asset-related methods and support carriers Major big data-based intelligent investment 1,175,210.69 434,145.16 741,065.53 Asset-related advisory service platform Intelligent service adaptation 663,700.00 36,300.00 700,000.00 Asset-related theory and key technologies Full process supply chain and enterprise service 1,740,000.00 1,160,000.00 120,000.00 2,780,000.00 Asset-related platform development and application project Innovation and application projects of key information 15,000,000.00 10,640,766.28 4,359,233.72 Asset-related infrastructure in securities industry Support the 202,704.85 86,793.46 115,911.39 Asset-related 174 / 243 2021 Annual Report construction of Lujiazui internet emerging financial gathering platform - Lujiazui hedge fund quantitative algorithmic trading service platform project [Note 24] The amount of government grants charged to the current profit or loss is detailed in Note VII (84) to the financial statements. [Note 25] As of 31 December 2021, none of these projects had been accepted. [Note 26] The amortization of the full process supply chain and enterprise service platform development and application project in the current period was paid to the joint R&D party. Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 52. Other non-current liabilities □Applicable √Not Applicable 53. Share capital √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase (+)/decrease (-) for the period Conversion Opening balance Issuance of the Closing balance of new Bonus shares reserve Others Sub-total shares funds into shares Total shares 1,044,090,754.00 417,469,726.00 417,469,726.00 1,461,560,480.00 Other notes: According to the profit distribution plan adopted at the Company's 2020 annual general meeting on June 3, 2021, the Company intends to distribute a cash dividend of RMB1.00 (including tax) for every 10 shares and 4 bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on the shares outstanding registered on the date of registration of the implementation of the equity distribution less the number of shares in the special securities repurchase account of the Company. As of July 19, 2021, the Company distributed a cash dividend of RMB1.00 (including tax) for every 10 shares and 4 bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on the shares outstanding registered on the date (July 15, 2021) of registration of the implementation of the equity distribution less the number of shares in the special securities repurchase account of the Company, with a total cash dividend of RMB104,367,431.40 (including tax) and 417,469,726 bonus shares distributed. The above transfer was audited by Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP, which issued the Capital Verification Report (TJY [2021] No. 401). 175 / 243 2021 Annual Report 54. Other equity instruments (1). Basic information on preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of the period □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Changes in preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments outstanding at the end of period □Applicable √Not Applicable Changes in other equity instruments during the period, the reasons for the changes, and the basis for the related accounting: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 55. Capital reserve √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period Other capital reserves 545,385,635.52 128,512,870.93 401,167,958.80 272,730,547.65 Total 545,385,635.52 128,512,870.93 401,167,958.80 272,730,547.65 Other notes, including changes in the current period and reasons for the changes: Increase for the period: 1) Share-based payment: According to the Investment and Management Measures of Hundsun's Key Employees Subscribing Shares of Hundsun's Innovative Business Subsidiaries adopted through deliberation at the Company's 21st meeting of the Fifth Board on February 12, 2015, the Company granted the corresponding equity interests in the subsidiary to the key employees of its subsidiary Shanghai Gildata. The above equity-settled share-based payment amounted to RMB2,190,521.64 calculated in proportion to the Company’s shareholding, increasing the capital reserve-other capital reserve. According to the Proposal on Hundsun's 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (Draft) and its Summary and the Proposal on Hundsun's Management Measures for 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (hereinafter referred to as the 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme) adopted through deliberation at the Company's 15th board meeting of the Fifth Board held on December 8, 2020 and the third extraordinary general meeting of 2020 held on December 25, 2020, the above equity-settled share-based payment amounted to RMB106,488,455.61 calculated in proportion to the Company’s shareholding, increasing the capital reserve-other capital reserve. 2) The Company's share of other changes in owners’ equity arising from associates other than net profit or loss and profit distribution amounted to RMB18,417,249.85 calculated in proportion to the Company's shareholding, increasing capital reserve - other capital reserve. 176 / 243 2021 Annual Report 3) The Company's share of other changes held by Company’s shareholding platform in the ownership interests of subsidiaries within the scope of the Company’s consolidation for the period other than net profit or loss and profit distribution amounted to RMB1,416,643.83 in the consolidated statements of income through cross-shareholding in subsidiaries, increasing capital reserve - other capital reserve. Decrease for the period: 1) The Company acquired the control of Shanghai Dworld, a former associate, as a result of additional investment. Other comprehensive income and other changes in owner's equity of RMB2,565,362.08 related to the original holding prior to the date of purchase were transferred to investment income, decreasing capital reserve - other capital reserve. 2) Other decrease in capital reserve of RMB398,602,596.72 is described in Note VII (56) to the financial statements. 56. Treasury shares √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase in the current Decrease in the current Item Opening balance Closing balance period period Share repurchase 117,376,268.28 682,524,351.40 760,224,472.72 39,676,146.96 Total 117,376,268.28 682,524,351.40 760,224,472.72 39,676,146.96 Other notes, including changes in the current period and reasons for the changes: According to the Company's 2020 Employee Stock Purchase Scheme, the Company proposed to repurchase some shares of the public with its own funds through call auction trading for its Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. During the period, the Company paid RMB682,524,351.40 for the repurchase of 7,190,295 shares. As of December 31, 2021, the Company paid a total of RMB799,900,619.68 for the repurchase of a total of 8,395,740 shares, and transferred 7,979,300 repurchased shares through non-trade stock transfer to the account of the Company's 2020 Employee Stock Purchase Scheme at a price of RMB45.32 per share, with 416,440 shares retained in its special securities repurchase account. The Company received a total of RMB361,621,876.00 from the Scheme Participants for the share subscription, carried forward RMB760,224,472.72 of treasury shares at the average repurchase price, and accordingly decreased capital reserve - other capital reserve by RMB398,602,596.72. 177 / 243 2021 Annual Report 57. Other comprehensive income √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount incurred in the current period Less: Amount Less: Amount charged to in other charged to other Opening comprehensive After-tax amount Closing Item Amount incurred comprehensive Post-tax amount balance income in the Less: Income tax attributable to balance before income tax income in the attributable to the previous period but expenses minority in the current period previous period but parent company transferred to the shareholders transferred to the current retained current profit or loss earnings I. Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified into profit and loss Including: Amount of change arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified into profit or loss by the equity method Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments Changes in the fair value of the Company's own credit risk II. Other comprehensive income to be -7,643,663.35 -13,786,289.23 -11,419,570.51 -2,366,718.72 -19,063,233.86 subsequently reclassified into profit or loss Including: Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit 1,248,972.79 1,248,972.79 or loss by the equity method 178 / 243 2021 Annual Report Changes in fair value 1,801,595.88 -26,654.09 -25,707.87 -946.22 1,775,888.01 of other debt investments Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments Cash flow hedge reserve Foreign currency translation difference in -10,694,232.02 -13,759,635.14 -11,393,862.64 -2,365,772.50 -22,088,094.66 the statements Total other -7,643,663.35 -13,786,289.23 -11,419,570.51 -2,366,718.72 -19,063,233.86 comprehensive income 179 / 243 2021 Annual Report 58. Special reserves □Applicable √Not Applicable 59. Surplus reserve √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Increase in the current Decrease in the current Closing balance period period Statutory surplus 195,942,797.49 137,988,450.22 11,498,903.95 322,432,343.76 reserves Total 195,942,797.49 137,988,450.22 11,498,903.95 322,432,343.76 [Note 27] The differences between the opening balances and the closing balances of the previous year (December 31, 2020) are detailed in Note V (44) 1) of the financial statements. Note on surplus reserves, including changes (increase or decrease) during the current period and reasons for such changes: Cloudbroker Network: According to the Equity Transfer Agreement signed between the Company and Ningbo High-tech Zone Shanzhao Equity Investment Management Partnership (L.P.), the Company acquired 1,745,000 shares of Cloudbroker Network held by Shanzhao Equity Investment with RMB5,251,770.00 during the period. The surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve was written down by Cloudbroker Network's net asset share difference of RMB4,026,285.16 calculated by the Company between the acquisition cost and the percentage of shares acquired. Hundsun Lirong: According to the Capital Increase Agreement signed between the Company and Hangzhou Hengxin Juchuang Enterprise Management Partnership (L.P.) (Hengxin Juchuang), Hengxin Juchuang paid RMB44.4 million for the subscription of Hundsun Lirong's new registered capital of RMB28.4 million and the Company paid RMB140 million for the subscription of Hundsun Lirong's new registered capital of RMB70 million. As of December 31, 2021, Hengxin Juchuang paid RMB20.4 million for capital increase (corresponding to a registered capital of RMB14.4 million) and the Company paid RMB140 million for capital increase (corresponding to a registered capital of RMB70 million). The surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve was written down by Hundsun Lirong's net asset share difference of RMB2,627,760.30 calculated by the Company between the paid-in capital contribution ratios before and after the capital increase. Shanghai Genus: According to the Share Transfer Agreement entered into by the Company, Wuxi Meisa Enterprise Management Partnership (L.P.), Cloud Plain Holdings Ltd. and Hangzhou Senchuan Information Consulting Partnership (L.P.), the Company transferred 636,610 shares of Shanghai Genus to Hangzhou Senchuan for RMB2,250,000.00, and carried forward the investment cost of RMB4,377,613.16 according to the transfer ratio. At the same time, according to the Share Transfer Agreement entered into by the Company and the Dazi Huashi Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd., the Company acquired 636,610 shares of Shanghai Genus held by Dazi Huashi with RMB 7 million. The surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve was written down by the net asset share difference of RMB2,622,386.84 of Shanghai Genus calculated by the Company between the net acquisition cost and the percentage of shares acquired. According to the Supplemental Agreement to the 180 / 243 2021 Annual Report Investment Agreement entered into between the Company and Ye Zhiyun, Ye Zhiyun transferred 110,000 shares held thereby in Shanghai Genus to the Company for RMB1,767,997.00. The surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve was written down by the net asset share difference of RMB1,431,851.85 of Shanghai Genus calculated by the Company between the net acquisition cost and the percentage of shares acquired. Hundsun iBontal: According to the Share Transfer Agreement entered into between the Company and Xiong Wei, Xiong Wei transferred 2,925,000 shares held thereby in Hundsun iBontal to the Company for RMB3,802,500.00. The surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve was written down by Hundsun iBontal's net asset share difference of RMB1,002,499.37 calculated by the Company between the acquisition cost and the percentage of shares acquired. Cloudwing Network: According to the Capital Increase Agreement signed by the Company, Ningbo High-tech Zone Yunhan Equity Investment Management Partnership (L.P.) and Ningbo High-tech Zone Shanying Equity Investment Management Partnership (L.P.), the Company paid RMB630 million for the subscription of Cloudwing Network's new registered capital of RMB446,061,116. As of December 31, 2021, the Company paid RMB300 million for the capital increase (corresponding to a registered capital of RMB212,410,100). The surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve was written down by Cloudwing Network's net asset share difference of RMB-211,879.57 calculated by the Company between the paid-in capital contribution ratios before and after the capital increase. 60. Undistributed profits √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Current period Previous period Undistributed profits at the end of the previous 2,893,625,565.93 3,007,114,120.04 period before adjustment Total amount of undistributed profits at the -291,827.99 -666,211,301.75 beginning of the period (adjustment +/-) Undistributed profits at the beginning of the 2,893,333,737.94 2,340,902,818.29 period after adjustment Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the 1,463,538,930.14 1,321,735,522.48 parent company during the period Less: Statutory surplus reserves appropriated 137,988,450.22 102,400,985.82 Dividends payable on ordinary shares 104,367,431.40 425,667,769.02 Ordinary shares dividends transferred to 417,469,726.00 240,944,020.00 share capital Undistributed profits at the end of the period 3,697,047,060.46 2,893,625,565.93 Breakdown of adjustments to undistributed profits at the beginning of the period 1) Due to the retrospective adjustment made under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its related new regulations, the undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were RMB-291,827.99. 61. Revenue and cost of sales (1). Revenue and cost of sales √Applicable □Not Applicable 181 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Item Revenue Cost Revenue Cost Principal businesses 5,492,012,267.44 1,484,074,041.27 4,167,541,269.62 955,469,176.67 Other businesses 4,566,357.44 528,445.39 5,103,886.94 437,648.43 Total 5,496,578,624.88 1,484,602,486.66 4,172,645,156.56 955,906,825.10 (2). Revenue from contracts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Classification of contract Reporting segment Total By type of product Software 5,476,020,294.42 5,476,020,294.42 Real estate 17,208,648.00 17,208,648.00 By operating regions Mainland China 5,270,079,355.53 5,270,079,355.53 Overseas 223,149,586.89 223,149,586.89 By time of transfer of goods Revenue recognized at a certain time point 3,929,729,359.16 3,929,729,359.16 Revenue recognized within a certain period of 1,563,499,583.26 1,563,499,583.26 time Total 5,493,228,942.42 5,493,228,942.42 [Note 28] Excluding lease income. Breakdown of revenue from contracts: □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Contract performance obligations √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company's revenue mainly comes from sales of self-made and customized software, software services, outsourced goods, and properties in the science park. Sales of self-made and customized software, outsourced goods and properties in the science park are performance obligations to be performed at a certain time point, and the revenue shall be recognized when the products are delivered to the customer and the customer obtains control of the products. Sales of software services are performance obligations to be performed within a certain time period and the revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the performance progress. (4). Apportionment to remaining performance obligations □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: The revenue recognized in the opening carrying value of contract liabilities during the current period was RMB2,105,149,298.90. 62. Taxes and surcharges 182 / 243 2021 Annual Report √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Business tax -1,470,001.70 Urban maintenance and construction tax 28,527,494.06 25,820,737.49 Educational surcharge 12,182,314.06 11,065,177.78 Local education surcharges 8,121,542.84 7,376,785.23 Property tax 5,452,932.31 5,100,723.01 Consumption tax in Japan 1,628,529.47 2,239,484.55 Land use tax 729,325.55 881,561.64 Vehicle and vessel use tax 25,870.00 27,535.00 Stamp duty 3,720,809.02 2,239,558.21 Land appreciation tax 4,571.47 1,223,332.89 Total 60,393,388.78 54,504,894.10 63. Selling and distribution expenses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Employee compensation 444,391,580.88 282,463,214.14 Share-based payment 19,704,377.96 255,411.12 Travel expenses 34,511,742.58 26,201,096.68 Consulting fee for special items 30,657,327.35 11,625,924.75 Marketing and promotion expenses 14,775,781.58 18,971,122.20 Communication expenses 897,106.94 3,347,054.70 Office expenses 6,785,409.66 5,805,283.27 Depreciation and amortization 2,133,005.47 1,702,648.49 Vehicle expenses 3,021,727.32 2,661,534.00 Others 1,056,907.69 773,500.54 Total 557,934,967.43 353,806,789.89 64. General and administrative expenses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Employee compensation 324,789,305.66 255,282,698.49 Share-based payment 28,633,427.21 -264,997.88 Office expenses 75,040,330.93 82,476,056.02 Business expenses 91,028,682.21 89,378,472.94 Depreciation and amortization 72,829,790.22 42,200,199.15 Consulting fee for special items 48,770,432.11 22,268,759.62 Communication expenses 7,740,488.59 15,500,091.10 Intermediary fees 8,593,720.23 13,232,800.46 Travel expenses 8,847,865.25 4,918,274.52 Vehicle expenses 8,533,686.99 4,072,402.15 Taxes and dues 6,314,399.80 4,422,166.76 Others 331,338.37 6,003,688.97 Total 681,453,467.57 539,490,612.30 183 / 243 2021 Annual Report 65. R&D expenses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Employee compensation 1,774,143,884.49 1,338,577,793.78 Share-based payment 51,150,543.46 1,216,497.17 Technology development costs 125,425,990.49 9,716,452.90 Travel expenses 61,614,651.88 48,578,631.43 Communication expenses 84,448,221.60 70,739,666.41 Depreciation and amortization 28,998,005.21 19,424,213.73 Vehicle expenses 4,615,782.70 3,695,690.10 Office expenses 7,839,989.02 3,108,667.69 Intermediary fees 725,072.46 785,336.06 Business expenses 334,224.76 215,889.05 Total 2,139,296,366.07 1,496,058,838.32 66. Finance costs √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Interest expenses 10,507,675.01 2,855,157.07 Interest income -17,150,371.61 -11,939,357.58 Net foreign exchange gain or loss 4,365,039.81 447,462.46 Others 1,371,611.45 1,694,216.18 Total -906,045.34 -6,942,521.87 67. Other income √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Asset-related government grants 8,818,442.18 7,603,569.04 Revenue-related government grants 275,629,010.51 214,339,135.66 Refund of handling charges for 3,623,437.38 3,996,499.34 withholding individual income tax Weighted deduction of input VAT 1,809,379.23 1,489,181.96 Total 289,880,269.30 227,428,386.00 [Note 29] The government grants charged to other income during the current period are detailed in Note VII (84) to the financial statements. 68. Investment income √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Income from long-term equity investments 91,328,055.87 10,473,834.46 calculated by the equity method Investment income from the disposal of long-term 39,045,988.68 345,063,119.66 equity investments 184 / 243 2021 Annual Report Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Investment income from holding held-for-trading 71,473,085.31 84,736,954.27 financial assets Investment income from holding other debt 2,963,365.04 4,474,153.77 investments Investment income from disposal of held-for-trading 71,330,011.84 139,284,717.55 financial assets Investment income from disposal of other debt -303,236.95 172,613.62 investments Total 275,837,269.79 584,205,393.33 69. Gain from Net Exposure to Hedging □Applicable √Not Applicable 70. Gain from changes in fair value √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Source of gain from changes in fair value Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Held-for-trading financial assets 418,521,750.89 104,618,869.06 Gain from changes in fair value of cash-settled -4,120,593.87 -1,527,377.23 share-based payment liabilities Total 414,401,157.02 103,091,491.83 71. Credit impairment losses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Bad debt loss of accounts receivable -31,125,551.48 -9,469,468.45 Bad debt loss of other receivables 164,292.85 -5,617,717.10 Total -30,961,258.63 -15,087,185.55 72. Asset impairment losses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period II. Loss on diminution in value of inventories and impairment loss on contract performance -3,738,572.25 -1,259,970.58 cost III. Impairment loss on long-term equity -7,620,000.00 -76,950,746.90 investments X. Impairment loss on intangible assets -3,037,351.54 XI. Impairment loss on goodwill -157,089,435.82 XIII. Impairment loss on contract assets -500,267.36 -674,205.54 Total -11,858,839.61 -239,011,710.38 73. Gain from disposal of assets √Applicable □Not Applicable 185 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Gain from disposal of fixed assets -552,528.07 577,248.05 Total -552,528.07 577,248.05 74. Non-operating income Non-operating income √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount charged to Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period non-recurring profit or loss Total income from disposal of 82,710.62 1,650.00 82,710.62 non-current assets Including: Income from 82,710.62 1,650.00 82,710.62 disposal of fixed assets Waiver of accounts payable 93,751.00 900,000.00 93,751.00 Income from compensation 332,526.79 839,290.00 332,526.79 and penalty Others 1,982,498.85 106,401.17 1,982,498.85 Total 2,491,487.26 1,847,341.17 2,491,487.26 Government grants charged to the current profit or loss □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 75. Non-operating expenses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount in the current Amount charged to Item Amount in the previous period period non-recurring profit or loss Total losses on disposal of 140,120.31 1,086,449.50 140,120.31 non-current assets Including: Loss on disposal of fixed 55,844.81 1,086,449.50 55,844.81 assets Loss on disposal of intangible 84,275.50 84,275.50 assets Compensation and penalty 79,653.38 109,230.02 79,653.38 Donation 2,425,000.00 2,649,720.00 2,425,000.00 Indemnities 75,424.13 1,275,876.00 75,424.13 Local water conservancy fund 2,439.61 2,439.61 Others 596,297.71 34,217.00 596,297.71 Total 3,318,935.14 5,155,492.52 3,318,935.14 76. Income tax expenses (1). Income tax expenses √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period 186 / 243 2021 Annual Report Current income tax expenses 85,888,485.20 27,528,138.18 Deferred income tax expenses -66,294,554.57 47,034,698.26 Total 19,593,930.63 74,562,836.44 (2). Process of adjusting accounting profit and income tax expense √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Total profit 1,509,722,615.63 Income tax expenses based on statutory/applicable tax rate 150,972,261.56 Effects of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries -2,418,007.77 Effect of income tax during the period before adjustment 35,386,471.26 Effects of non-taxable income -15,000,523.39 Effects of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses 7,891,914.14 Effect of deductible loss arising from deferred income tax -62,599,518.66 assets not previously recognized Effect of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss arising from deferred income tax assets unrecognized during 26,718,232.09 the period Effect of weighted deduction on R&D expenses and salaries of -121,356,898.60 disabled employees Income tax expenses 19,593,930.63 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 77. Other comprehensive income √Applicable □Not Applicable See notes for details 78. Items in the statement of cash flows (1). Cash received from other operating activities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Temporary receipts payable 1,310,239.45 1,855,155.09 Security deposit received 49,245,279.78 61,221,858.62 Government grants 39,325,041.86 50,037,993.45 Guarantee deposit received 2,508,515.00 5,425,921.00 Cash received from rental properties 3,836,914.23 3,433,499.33 Interest income 17,096,437.51 11,939,357.58 Others 7,755,362.72 5,460,986.55 Total 121,077,790.55 139,374,771.62 (2). Cash paid for other operating activities √Applicable □Not Applicable 187 / 243 2021 Annual Report Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Administration expenses paid by cash 235,290,504.46 267,462,251.44 R&D expenses paid by cash 309,100,150.16 285,360,121.23 Selling expenses paid by cash 99,380,929.65 124,863,263.26 Security deposit paid 50,448,072.97 53,269,550.18 Temporary receipts payable 3,704,922.27 26,238,152.81 Guarantee deposit paid 2,163,955.00 4,074,515.00 Others 9,420,868.52 4,756,320.26 Total 709,509,403.03 766,024,174.18 (3). Cash received from other investing activities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and 1,185,670.07 other business entities Release of frozen cash and bank balances for 1,064,820.01 investment matters involving litigation Total 2,250,490.08 (4). Cash paid for other investing activities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Return of dividends to 924,157.53 Hangzhou Everfine Photo-E-Info Co., Ltd. Total 924,157.53 (5). Cash received from other financing activities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Contributions received under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme 361,621,876.00 Total 361,621,876.00 (6). Cash paid for other financing activities √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Share repurchase 682,624,959.25 117,376,268.28 Payment by subsidiaries to minority interests for 59,600,469.20 63,504,870.16 capital reduction Acquisition of minority interests 19,366,414.00 42,290,837.00 Payment for lease of right-to-use assets 11,485,781.92 Total 776,982,025.33 219,267,574.48 188 / 243 2021 Annual Report 79. Supplementary information of the cash flow statement (1). Supplementary information of the cash flow statement √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Supplementary information Amount for the current period Amount in the previous period 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities: Net profit 1,490,128,685.00 1,363,152,354.21 Add: Asset impairment provision 11,858,839.61 239,011,710.38 Credit impairment losses 30,961,258.63 15,087,185.55 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and 71,444,261.19 60,309,062.80 productive biological assets Amortization of right-of-use assets 12,627,203.76 Amortization of intangible assets 27,995,252.05 9,959,601.28 Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses 2,723,406.19 2,142,752.90 Losses on the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 552,528.07 -577,248.05 and other long-term assets (gain denoted by "-") Losses on write-off of fixed assets (gain denoted by "-") 57,409.69 1,084,799.50 Loss on changes in fair value (gain denoted by "-") -414,401,157.02 -103,091,491.83 Financial expenses (gain denoted by "-") 14,872,714.82 3,234,619.54 Investment losses (gain denoted by "-") -275,837,269.79 -584,205,393.33 Decrease in deferred income tax assets (increase denoted -92,025,790.23 36,291,029.31 by "-") Increases in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease 25,731,235.65 10,877,462.83 denoted by "-") Decrease in inventories (increase denoted by "-") -108,500,758.56 -127,928,212.71 Decrease in operating receivables (increase denoted by -211,237,984.73 -258,805,686.82 "-") Increase in operating items payable (decrease denoted by 257,247,872.00 732,553,018.83 "-") Others 112,591,599.81 -1,193,293.98 Net cash flows from operating activities 956,789,306.14 1,397,902,270.41 2. Major investing and financing activities not involving cash receipts and payments: Conversion of debts into capital Current portion of convertible corporate bonds Financing leased fixed assets 3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 1,723,434,091.60 1,370,028,554.66 Less: Opening balance of cash 1,370,028,554.66 1,317,931,756.94 Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 353,405,536.94 52,096,797.72 [Note 30]: Others represent the amount of equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for employee services. (2). Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount Cash or cash equivalents paid in the current period for business combinations in the 186,250,000.00 current period: Including: Shanghai Dworld 50,000,000.00 189 / 243 2021 Annual Report Hundsun Lirong 40,000,000.00 Hundsun iBontal 96,250,000.00 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the date of acquisition 47,668,300.24 Including: Shanghai Dworld 28,410,070.57 Hundsun Lirong 111,533.90 Hundsun iBontal 19,146,695.77 Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid in the current period for business combinations in 9,300,051.00 the previous period Including: BusinessMatrix 7,313,904.00 Shanghai Genus 1,986,147.00 Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries 147,881,750.76 (3). Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries during the current period □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Composition of cash and cash equivalents √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance I. Cash 1,723,434,091.60 1,370,028,554.66 Including: Cash on hand 365,020.30 680,095.55 Bank deposits readily available for payment 1,707,660,259.64 1,271,229,282.20 Other cash and bank balances readily available 15,408,811.66 98,119,176.91 for payment II. Cash equivalents Including: Bond investment due within three months III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,723,434,091.60 1,370,028,554.66 Including: Restricted cash and cash equivalents used by the parent company or subsidiaries under the Group Other notes: √Applicable □Not Applicable The Item "closing balance of cash and cash equivalents" in the consolidated cash flow statement was RMB1,723,434,091.60 and the Item "closing cash and bank balances" in the balance sheet was RMB1,727,704,846.60. The difference was due to the deduction of the guarantee deposit of RMB4,270,755.00 not meeting the standard of cash and cash equivalents from the "closing balance of cash and cash equivalents" in the Company's cash flow statement. The Item "opening balance of cash and cash equivalents" in the consolidated cash flow statement was RMB1,370,028,554.66 and the Item "opening cash and bank balances" in the balance sheet was RMB1,374,842,591.24. The difference was due to the deduction of the guarantee deposit of RMB4,615,315.00 not meeting the standard of cash and cash equivalents and the bank deposits restricted in use of RMB198,721.58 from the "opening balance of cash and cash equivalents" in the Company's cash flow statement. 190 / 243 2021 Annual Report 80. Notes to items in the Statement of Retained Earnings Explanation of the name of the Item "others" that adjusted the closing balance of the previous year and the amount of adjustment: □Applicable √Not Applicable 81. Assets with restricted ownership or right-of-use √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Carrying amount at the end of the period Reason Cash and bank balances 4,270,755.00 Guarantee deposit Intangible assets 73,153,291.09 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Construction in progress 25,139,995.40 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Fixed assets 1,117,020,509.26 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Other debt investments 65,681,018.23 Pledged to secure bank borrowings Total 1,285,265,568.98 / 82. Foreign currency monetary items (1). Foreign currency monetary items √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Foreign currency closing Closing balance in RMB Item Exchange rate balance balance Cash and bank balances - - Including: USD 130,593.92 6.3757 832,627.66 JPY 684,891,253.79 0.055415 37,953,248.83 HKD 44,020,954.68 0.81760 35,991,532.55 SGD 122,497.27 4.7179 577,929.87 MYR 7,105,134.88 1.52667 10,847,196.27 Accounts receivable - - Including: JPY 63,831,273.10 0.055415 3,537,210.00 HKD 46,934,755.71 0.81760 38,373,856.27 Other receivables Including: JPY 51,920,928.88 0.055415 2,877,198.27 HKD 2,205,864.08 0.81760 1,803,514.47 Short-term borrowings Including: HKD 33,225,941.03 0.81760 27,165,529.39 Accounts payable Including: JPY 96,077,624.73 0.055415 5,324,141.57 HKD 2,888,026.00 0.81760 2,361,250.06 Other payables Including: JPY 246,699,113.72 0.055415 13,670,831.39 HKD 2,083,968.47 0.81760 1,703,852.62 Long-term borrowings - - Including: HKD 94,818,743.38 0.81760 77,523,804.59 JPY 50,013,537.91 0.055415 2,771,500.20 (2). Information of overseas operating entities, in which main business location, recording currency and 191 / 243 2021 Annual Report basis of selection shall be disclosed for significant overseas operating entities, and the reason shall be disclosed in case of changes in recording currency √Applicable □Not Applicable Company name Place of registration Functional Currency Basis of selection Common currency of the place Japan Hundsun Tokyo, Japan JPY of business Common currency of the place Hundsun International Technologies Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place Hundsun Ayers Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place Hundsun HK Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place Ayers Technologies (Singapore) Singapore SGD of business Common currency of the place Intercontinental Holdings Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place Hundsun U.S. Delaware, USA USD of business Common currency of the place Chain Next Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place Hundsun International British Virgin Islands USD of business Common currency of the place Hundsun Holdings Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place IHS Markit (Hong Kong) Hong Kong HKD of business Common currency of the place GenSys Technology Hong Kong HKD of business 83. Hedging □Applicable √Not Applicable 84. Government grants (1). Basic information of government grants √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount charged to the current Type Amount Item presented profit or loss Asset-related government grants 38,210,906.29 Deferred income 8,938,442.18 Revenue-related government grants used to compensate the Company for related costs Deferred income 10,600,000.00 or losses in future periods Revenue-related government grants used to compensate the Company for related costs 265,029,010.51 Other income 265,029,010.51 or losses incurred (2). Refund of government grants □Applicable √Not Applicable 192 / 243 2021 Annual Report 85. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable VIII. Changes in the Scope of Consolidation 1. Business combination not under common control √Applicable □Not Applicable (1). Business combinations not under common control in the current period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Income of the Net profits of Shareholding Determination acquiree from acquiree from Name of Acquisition Acquisition percentage Acquisition Purchase basis of the purchase the purchase acquiree date cost method date (%) purchase date date to the end date to the end of the period of the period Established 2018.12.11 4,000,000.00 15.43 by Shanghai investment 2021.5.31 Acquisition of 6,325,751.48 -3,663,012.75 Dworld control Capital 2021.5.20 50,000,000.00 50.00 increase Hundsun Share Acquisition of 2021.5.24 40,000,000.00 100.00 2021.5.31 27,052,995.34 -14,857,631.04 Lirong transfer control Share Hundsun transfer Acquisition of 2021.1.20 96,250,000.00 87.50 2021.1.31 80,924,321.04 -33,929,955.87 iBontal and capital control increase (2). Consolidated cost and goodwill √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Consolidated cost Shanghai Dworld Hundsun Lirong Hundsun iBontal --Cash 50,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 96,250,000.00 --Fair value of shares held before the 15,462,727.93 purchase date Total consolidated cost 65,462,727.93 40,000,000.00 96,250,000.00 Less: Fair value of net identifiable assets 31,914,863.50 27,757,267.04 86,707,360.91 acquired Amount of goodwill/consolidated cost less than the fair value of identifiable net assets 33,547,864.43 12,242,732.96 9,542,639.09 acquired Recognition method of the fair value of consolidated cost or contingent consideration and change thereof: According to the Capital Increase Agreement entered between the Company, Shanghai Dworld and its original shareholders in April 2021, the Company increased its capital by RMB50 million with cash and bank balances in Shanghai Dworld, including the newly increased registered capital of RMB10.9 million and the capital reserve of RMB39.1 million. Upon completion of the capital increase, the company held a total of 65.43% of the shares of Shanghai Dworld, including 55.07% held by itself and 10.36% held through Hangzhou Xinglu, and thus acquired control over Shanghai Dworld. The transaction price was determined based on the Asset Appraisal Report on the Value of All Shareholders' Interests in Shanghai Dworld AI Tech Co., Ltd. Involved in the Proposed 193 / 243 2021 Annual Report Capital and Share Increase by Hundsun Technologies Inc. (TYPBZ [2021] No. 0107) issued by Shaoxing Tianyuan Asset Evaluation Co., Ltd. on the valuation date of December 31, 2020. According to the Share Transfer Agreement entered into between the Company and Hangzhou Xinli Technology Co., Ltd. in March 2021, Hangzhou Xinli transferred its full shares, i.e., 20 million shares, in Hundsun Lirong to the Company for RMB40 million. Upon completion of the share transfer, the Company held 100.00% of the shares of Hundsun Lirong and thus acquired control over Hundsun Lirong. The transaction price was determined based on the Asset Appraisal Report on the Value of Certain Assets and Liabilities of Hangzhou Xinli Technology Co., Ltd. Involved in the Assets to be Verified by Hangzhou Xinli Software Co., Ltd. (WLPBZ [2021] No.10321) issued by Shanghai Wanlong Asset Evaluation Co., Ltd. on the valuation date of December 31, 2020. According to the Share Transfer Agreement and the Capital and Share Increase Framework Agreement entered into between the Company and Hundsun iBontal and its original shareholders, the original shareholders of Hundsun iBontal transferred 16 million shares held thereby in Hundsun iBontal to the Company for RMB22 million. At the same time, the Company increased its capital by RMB74.25 million with cash and bank balances in Hundsun iBontal, including the newly increased registered capital of RMB54 million and the capital reserve of RMB20.25 million. Upon completion of the share transfer and capital increase, the Company held 87.50% of the shares of Hundsun iBontal and thus acquired control over Hundsun iBontal. The transaction price was determined based on the Asset Appraisal Report on the Value of All Shareholders' Interests in Hundsun iBontal Involved in the Proposed Capital Increase in Hundsun iBontal by Hundsun Technologies Inc. (TYPBZ [2021] No. 0137) issued by Shaoxing Tianyuan Asset Evaluation Co., Ltd. on the valuation date of December 31, 2020. (3). Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the purchase date √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Shanghai Dworld Hundsun Lirong Hundsun iBontal Fair value on the Book value on the Fair value on the Book value on Fair value on the Book value on Assets: 51,814,549.44 purchase date purchase date 31,088,240.45 the 31,088,240.45 purchase date 51,301,360.12 purchase date purchase date purchase date 113,088,538.03 the108,254,075.07 Cash and bank 28,410,070.57 28,410,070.57 111,533.90 111,533.90 19,146,695.77 19,146,695.77 balances Accounts 357,184.80 357,184.80 25,631,799.40 25,631,799.40 24,186,991.63 24,186,991.63 receivable Prepayments 6,000.00 6,000.00 284,492.00 284,492.00 Other receivables 20,096,325.82 20,096,325.82 77,800.27 77,800.27 39,368,735.71 39,368,735.71 Inventories 2,278,162.96 2,278,162.96 945,648.07 945,648.07 7,224,491.15 7,224,491.15 Contract assets 392,815.42 392,815.42 Other current 389.13 389.13 assets Fixed assets 153,615.97 153,615.97 12,989.35 12,989.35 86,026.34 86,026.34 Intangible assets 513,189.32 4,023,588.33 4,023,588.33 22,473,539.55 17,639,076.59 Deferred income 209,242.46 209,242.46 tax assets Liabilities: 3,035,310.11 3,035,310.11 3,330,973.41 3,330,973.41 13,994,411.28 13,994,411.28 Accounts payable 2,192,613.63 2,192,613.63 40,176.02 40,176.02 Advances from 4,377,212.30 4,377,212.30 194 / 243 2021 Annual Report customers Contract 2,388,226.19 2,388,226.19 4,575,754.24 4,575,754.24 liabilities Employee compensation 592,446.36 592,446.36 1,138,359.78 1,138,359.78 1,981,037.71 1,981,037.71 payable Taxes payable 25,179.75 25,179.75 2,029,944.66 2,029,944.66 Other payables 21,200.00 21,200.00 22,752.16 22,752.16 Provision for 8,257.81 8,257.81 967,534.19 967,534.19 liabilities Net assets 48,779,239.33 48,266,050.01 27,757,267.04 27,757,267.04 99,094,126.75 94,259,663.79 Less: Minority 16,864,375.83 16,962,182.30 12,386,765.84 11,782,457.97 interests Net assets 31,914,863.50 31,303,867.71 27,757,267.04 27,757,267.04 86,707,360.91 82,477,205.82 acquired Recognition methods of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities: The fair value of identifiable assets of Shanghai Genus was determined based on the Asset Appraisal Report on the Value of All Shareholders' Interests in Shanghai Dworld AI Tech Co., Ltd. Involved in the Proposed Capital and Share Increase by Hundsun Technologies Inc. (TYPBZ [2021] No. 0107) issued by Shaoxing Tianyuan Asset Evaluation Co., Ltd. on March 25, 2021. The fair value of identifiable assets of Hundsun Lirong was determined based on the Asset Appraisal Report on the Value of Certain Assets and Liabilities of Hangzhou Xinli Technology Co., Ltd. Involved in the Assets to be Verified by Hangzhou Xinli Software Co., Ltd. (WLPBZ [2021] No.10321) issued by Shanghai Wanlong Asset Evaluation Co., Ltd. on February 26, 2021. The fair value of identifiable assets of Hundsun iBontal was determined based on the Asset Appraisal Report on the Value of All Shareholders' Interests in Hundsun iBontal Involved in the Proposed Capital Increase in Hundsun iBontal by Hundsun Technologies Inc. (TYPBZ [2021] No. 0137) issued by Shaoxing Tianyuan Asset Evaluation Co., Ltd. on April 12, 2021. (4). Gains or losses arising from the remeasurement at the fair value of shares held before the purchase date Whether there are multiple transactions that realize business combination step by step and acquire control in the Reporting Period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount of other Gains or losses arising Method and main comprehensive income Carrying value of from the assumptions for Fair value of the original related to the original Name of the original shares remeasurement at the determining the fair shares held before the shares held before the acquiree held before the fair value of original value of the original purchase date purchase date purchase date shares held before the shares held before the transferred to the purchase date purchase date investment income Shanghai -285,189.76 15,462,727.93 15,747,917.69 Asset Appraisal Report 2,565,362.09 Dworld (5). Notes related to the inability to reasonably determine the merger consideration or the fair value of the 195 / 243 2021 Annual Report acquiree's identifiable assets and liabilities on the purchase date or at the end of the period of the merger □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Business combination under common control □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Counter purchase □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Disposal of subsidiaries Is there any circumstance that the control is lost due to the disposal of subsidiaries in investment □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 5. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons (such as establishing new subsidiaries, liquidating subsidiaries) and related information: √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) Expanded scope of consolidation Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion of Company name Acquisition method Acquisition date Amount of contribution contribution Established by Xunchang Wendao 2021.4.8 35,000,000.00 70.00% investment Established by Nanjing Xingding 2021.4.13 27,955,000.00 58.33% investment (2) Narrowed scope of consolidation Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Net profit from the Net assets as of the Company name Share disposal method Date of disposal beginning of the period disposal date to the disposal date Quzhou Hundsun Cancellation 2021.9.15 952,196.52 1,291,374.08 Beijing Xinruanfu Cancellation 2021.9.15 -500,029.52 161,143.80 6. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable 196 / 243 2021 Annual Report IX. Equity in Other Entities 1. Equity in subsidiaries (1). Composition of the Group √Applicable □Not Applicable Shareholding percentage Principal place of Place of Nature of (%) Acquisition Name of subsidiary business registration business method Direct Indirect Hangzhou Hundsun Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Industrial Cloud Investment 69.70 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang investment Holding Co., Ltd. Wuxi Henghua Wuxi, Technology Development Wuxi, Jiangsu Real estate 100.00 Establishment Jiangsu Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun Data Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Security Technology Co., Software 87.70 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Jinrui Software Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Technology (Hangzhou) Software 100.00 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Co., Ltd. Beijing Qiantang Hundsun Technology Co., Beijing Beijing Software 94.00 6.00 Establishment Ltd. Shanghai Yirui Management Management Consulting Shanghai Shanghai 70.00 Establishment consulting Co., Ltd. Japan Hundsun Software Japan Japan Software 48.95 Establishment Inc. Hundsun International Business Technologies Holding Investment combination not Hong Kong Hong Kong 96.45 1.33 Limited management under common control Shanghai Liming Business Technology Co., Ltd. combination not Shanghai Shanghai Software 100.00 under common control Shanghai Gildata Inc Business combination not Shanghai Shanghai Software 63.19 5.91 under common control Hangzhou Yunhui Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Investment Investment Management 100.00 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang management Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Cloudwing Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Network Technology Co., Software 96.56 1.13 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Hangzhou Securities Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Investment Network Software 60.00 13.39 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Cloudyee Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Network Technology Co., Software 56.43 11.72 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Hangzhou Yunyong Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Network Technology Co., Software 60.00 13.12 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Hangzhou Cloudbroker Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Network Technology Co., Software 57.93 10.64 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Hangzhou Yunlian Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Network Technology Co., Software 60.00 23.57 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Hangzhou Shanshang Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Software 60.00 23.57 Establishment 197 / 243 2021 Annual Report Shareholding percentage Principal place of Place of Nature of (%) Acquisition Name of subsidiary business registration business method Direct Indirect Network Technology Co., Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Wengine Network Software 70.00 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Yima Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Investment Investment Management 100.00 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang management Co., Ltd. Hundsun Intercontinental Investment Hong Kong Hong Kong 100.00 Establishment Holdings (HK) Limited management Guangdong Institute of Academic Financial Innovation exchange and Guangzhou, Guangzhou, discussion; 60.00 Establishment Guangdong Guangdong cultivation of high-end financial talents Hangzhou Xinglu Equity Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Investment Investment Partnership 75.10 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang management (L.P.) Business Intelligence Business Info. Tech. (Hangzhou) Hangzhou, Hangzhou, combination not Software 60.49 6.16 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhejiang under common control Shanghai Hunsun Shengtian Network Shanghai Shanghai Software 100.00 Establishment Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Zhigu Network Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Software 60.00 13.38 Establishment Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhejiang Zhejiang Jingteng Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Network Technology Co., Software 59.21 12.12 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Wuxi Xinglu Tiancheng Wuxi, Investment Investment Management Wuxi, Jiangsu 60.13 Establishment Jiangsu management Partnership (L.P.) Hundsun IHS Markit Hangzhou, Hangzhou, China Technologies Co., Software 67.00 Establishment Zhejiang Zhejiang Ltd. Nanjing Xingcheng Nanjing, Investment Equity Investment Nanjing, Jiangsu 59.41 0.99 Establishment Jiangsu management Partnership (L.P.) Hundsun Holdings Investment Hong Kong Hong Kong 96.45 1.33 Establishment Limited management BusinessMatrix Software Business Technology Ltd. Guangzhou, Guangzhou, combination not Software 85.00 Guangdong Guangdong under common control Shanghai Genus-Finance Business Information Technology combination not Shanghai Shanghai Software 57.93 17.54 Co., Ltd. under common control Hundsun iBontal Business (Guangdong) Technology Shenzhen, Shenzhen, combination not Software 91.16 Co., Ltd. Guangdong Guangdong under common control Zhejiang Xunchang Wendao Network Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Software 70.00 Establishment Information Technology Zhejiang Zhejiang Co., Ltd. Shanghai Dworld AI Tech Business Co., Ltd. Shanghai Shanghai Software 55.07 10.36 combination not under common 198 / 243 2021 Annual Report Shareholding percentage Principal place of Place of Nature of (%) Acquisition Name of subsidiary business registration business method Direct Indirect control Nanjing Xingding Equity Nanjing, Investment Investment Partnership Nanjing, Jiangsu 58.33 2.09 Establishment Jiangsu management (L.P.) The basis for the Company's control over the investee when holding half or less of the voting rights and the Company's control over the investee when holding more than half of the voting rights: The Company holding 48.95% of the shares of Japan Hundsun is the largest shareholder of this subsidiary. The Board of Japan Hundsun has three Directors, among which two are appointed by the Company, thus the Company has substantial control over this subsidiary. Therefore, Japan Hundsun is incorporated into the scope of the consolidated financial statements (2). Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Shareholding Profit or loss attributable Dividends declared to Balance of minority percentage of Name of subsidiary to minority shareholders minority shareholders in interests at the end of minority in the current period the current period the period shareholders Cloud Investment 30.30 3,190,300.62 1,440,000.00 60,070,496.35 Japan Hundsun 51.05 -1,090,576.21 10,330,875.50 Cloudyee Network 31.85 19,129,268.72 30,502,500.00 52,267,846.96 Cloudbroker Network 31.43 -740,972.93 11,054,551.31 Wengine Network 30.00 15,799,047.28 9,000,000.00 32,646,613.69 Hangzhou Xinglu 24.90 -1,052,660.98 15,968,151.00 Jingteng Network 28.67 424,932.00 17,578,054.46 Wuxi Xinglu 39.87 -1,386,067.90 9,578,111.12 Shanghai Gildata 30.90 2,631,224.57 29,124,354.44 Business Intelligence 33.35 218,252.11 10,750,680.37 (Hangzhou) Shanghai Genus 24.53 829,804.25 15,567,012.44 IHS Markit 33.00 -3,381,146.92 17,395,611.17 Nanjing Xingcheng 39.60 -3,788,043.29 116,961,480.23 Cloudwing Network 2.31 79,098.80 31,509,604.76 Hundsun Holdings 2.22 1,204,877.45 12,751,304.97 Hundsun iBontal 8.84 -3,823,808.85 5,762,956.36 Xunchang Wendao 30.00 -4,181,380.14 10,818,619.86 Shanghai Dworld 34.57 -1,266,408.10 15,597,967.73 Notes on the difference between the shareholding percentage of minority shareholders of subsidiaries and the voting rights ratio: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 199 / 243 2021 Annual Report (3). Main financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Name of subsidiary Current Non-current Current Non-current Total Current Non-current Current Non-current Total Total assets Total assets assets assets liabilities liabilities liabilities assets assets liabilities liabilities liabilities Cloud Investment 40,695 13,755 54,450 32,302 32,302 40,626 14,049 54,675 33,157 18 33,175 Japan Hundsun 4,266 43 4,309 2,008 277 2,285 4,807 41 4,848 2,267 27 2,294 Cloudyee Network 23,177 386 23,563 7,155 7,155 22,587 560 23,147 5,920 2 5,922 Cloudbroker 7,289 389 7,678 4,003 1 4,004 5,574 548 6,122 2,317 1 2,318 Network Wengine Network 20,618 169 20,787 9,879 26 9,905 18,384 177 18,561 9,925 21 9,946 Hangzhou Xinglu 122 10,438 10,560 4,146 4,146 1,297 17,063 18,360 Jingteng Network 8,571 3,356 11,927 5,765 31 5,796 8,528 3,780 12,308 6,522 13 6,535 Wuxi Xinglu 77 2,325 2,402 6,294 4,906 11,200 Shanghai Gildata 24,017 2,395 26,412 16,530 61 16,591 20,353 1,930 22,283 13,624 13,624 Business 7,810 40 7,850 4,557 29 4,586 6,641 43 6,684 3,543 15 3,558 Intelligence (Hangzhou) Shanghai Genus 6,631 2,723 9,354 2,625 12 2,637 6,048 3,071 9,119 2,862 20 2,882 IHS Markit 5,425 28 5,453 182 182 6,425 30 6,455 214 214 Nanjing Xingcheng 124 29,409 29,533 2,102 20,042 22,144 Cloudwing 4,686 3 4,689 2,148 2,148 15,326 24,410 39,736 6,293 7 6,300 Network Hundsun Holdings 10,401 62,262 72,663 6,748 7,791 14,539 8,127 49,291 57,418 11,471 8,395 19,866 Hundsun iBontal 7,003 1,978 8,981 2,392 72 2,464 Xunchang Wendao 3,778 424 4,202 487 108 595 Shanghai Dworld 4,869 59 4,928 416 1 417 200 / 243 2021 Annual Report Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Name of subsidiary Total Total Cash flow from Cash flow from Revenue Net profit comprehensive Revenue Net profit comprehensive operating activities operating activities income income Cloud Investment 1,655 851 851 -85 922 1,854 1,854 -72 Japan Hundsun 5,189 -214 -214 -447 6,487 64 64 -1,075 Cloudyee Network 14,207 6,005 6,005 5,440 8,889 3,461 3,461 4,905 Cloudbroker Network 4,811 -236 -236 525 2,246 -1,484 -1,484 -843 Wengine Network 9,243 5,266 5,266 3,872 7,833 4,381 4,381 5,970 Hangzhou Xinglu -423 -423 -2 -2,031 -2,031 -241 Jingteng Network 11,792 148 148 -765 12,594 3,030 3,030 4,633 Wuxi Xinglu -348 -348 -2 277 277 -2 Shanghai Gildata 29,062 852 852 3,046 21,460 732 732 1,883 Business Intelligence 4,133 24 24 713 7,463 65 65 -680 (Hangzhou) Shanghai Genus 5,159 484 484 338 IHS Markit 21 -1,025 -1,025 -1,191 77 -756 -760 -733 Nanjing Xingcheng -951 -951 -300 Cloudwing Network 2,929 -1,144 -1,144 -1,278 4,646 1,620 1,620 720 Hundsun Holdings 17,160 5,428 5,428 5,586 15,657 5,409 5,409 6,936 Hundsun iBontal 8,092 -3,393 -3,393 -1,664 Xunchang Wendao 440 -1,394 -1,394 -1,118 Shanghai Dworld 633 -366 -366 -336 201 / 243 2021 Annual Report (4). Substantial restriction on the usage of assets or the settlement of liabilities of the Group □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Financial support or other support provided to structured entities within the scope of the consolidated financial statement □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Transactions in which the owners' equity in a subsidiary has changed and the subsidiary is still under control √Applicable □Not Applicable (1). Changes in the owners' equity in subsidiaries √Applicable □Not Applicable Shareholding percentage before Shareholding percentage after Name of subsidiary Date of change change change Cloudbroker Network 2021.6.24 64.60% 68.57% Shanghai Genus 2021.5.25\2021.7.9 57.41% 75.47% Hundsun iBontal 2021.9.29 87.50% 91.16% Cloudwing Network 2021.12.16 72.38% 97.69% Hundsun Lirong 2021.12.22 100.00% 86.21% (2). Effect of transactions on minority equity and owners' equity attributable to the parent company √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Cloudbroker Shanghai Hundsun Cloudwing Hundsun Lirong Network Genus iBontal Network Acquisition cost/disposal consideration --Cash 5,251,770.00 4,390,383.84 3,802,500.00 300,000,000.00 140,000,000.00 -- Fair value of non-cash assets Total acquisition cost/disposal 5,251,770.00 4,390,383.84 3,802,500.00 300,000,000.00 140,000,000.00 consideration Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries based on the percentage of shares 1,225,484.84 336,145.15 2,800,000.63 300,211,879.57 137,372,239.70 acquired/disposed Difference 4,026,285.16 4,054,238.69 1,002,499.37 -211,879.57 2,627,760.30 Including: Adjustment to capital reserves Adjustment to surplus reserves -4,026,285.16 -4,054,238.69 -1,002,499.37 211,879.57 -2,627,760.30 Adjustment to undistributed profits Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 202 / 243 2021 Annual Report 3. Equity in joint ventures or associates √Applicable □Not Applicable (1). Significant joint ventures or associates √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Shareholding percentage Accounting methods Principal Name of joint venture or Place of Nature of (%) for the investment in place of associate registration business joint ventures or business Direct Indirect associates Shenzhen Ricequant Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Shenzhen Software 17.25 4.38 Equity method (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Ricequant) Ant (Hangzhou) Fund Sales Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred Finance 24.10 Equity method Zhejiang Zhejiang to as Ant Fund) Shenzhen Tradeblazer Technology Co., ,Ltd. Shenzhen Shenzhen Software 28.02 6.99 Equity method (hereinafter referred to as Shenzhen Tradeblazer) Hundsun Cloud Financing Network Technology Co., Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Software 21.80 4.83 Equity method Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Zhejiang Zhejiang as Cloud Financing Network) (2). Main financial information of significant joint ventures □Applicable √Not Applicable 203 / 243 2021 Annual Report (3). Main financial information of significant associates √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance / amount in the current period Opening balance/ amount in the previous period Shenzhen Ant Fund Shenzhen Cloud Financing Shenzhen Ricequant Ant Fund Shenzhen Cloud Financing Ricequant Tradeblazer Network Tradeblazer Network Current assets 14,911,118.64 10,750,923,413.25 147,521,500.53 106,082,067.43 21,466,250.33 8,219,298,026.76 156,831,002.23 56,261,017.89 Non-current assets 6,038,494.06 97,591,983.00 3,461,210.46 1,720,873.97 6,847,511.31 30,026,232.35 4,811,031.01 1,069,654.41 Total assets 20,949,612.70 10,848,515,396.25 150,982,710.99 107,802,941.40 28,313,761.64 8,249,324,259.11 161,642,033.24 57,330,672.30 Current liabilities 2,238,896.79 9,846,261,484.40 7,758,112.00 64,273,940.02 971,297.48 7,750,764,449.35 3,729,539.47 42,915,530.49 Non-current liabilities 1,442,220.19 336,275.73 289,869.32 Total liabilities 2,238,896.79 9,847,703,704.59 7,758,112.00 64,610,215.75 971,297.48 7,750,764,449.35 3,729,539.47 43,205,399.81 Minority interests -23,393.07 -6,902.06 Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent 18,710,715.91 1,000,811,691.66 143,247,992.06 43,192,725.65 27,342,464.16 498,559,809.76 157,919,395.83 14,125,272.49 company Shares of net assets at the 4,047,344.18 241,167,192.12 50,151,063.08 11,500,352.55 5,914,957.07 120,138,753.80 54,664,758.03 4,392,349.73 shareholding percentage Adjustments 61,835,817.56 15,339,388.62 37,002,476.34 12,487,431.15 61,835,817.56 15,339,388.62 37,002,476.34 12,582,695.51 --Goodwill 61,816,357.91 45,757,024.16 15,803,266.37 61,816,357.91 45,757,024.16 15,803,266.37 --Unrealized profit of internal transaction --Others 19,459.65 15,339,388.62 -8,754,547.82 -3,315,835.22 19,459.65 15,339,388.62 -8,754,547.82 -3,220,570.86 41,325,091.00 47,651,170.76 41,325,091.00 Impairment provision 47,651,170.76 Carrying value of equity 18,231,990.98 256,506,580.74 45,828,448.42 23,987,783.70 20,099,603.87 135,478,142.42 50,342,143.37 16,975,045.24 investments in associates Fair value of equity investments in associates with a public offer Revenue 14,092,679.89 12,124,218,535.44 33,938,385.54 114,616,067.68 9,829,008.61 6,011,650,173.07 23,285,468.67 77,992,615.92 Net profit -8,631,748.25 503,863,782.59 17,328,596.23 -29,296,546.84 -18,540,841.04 98,748,334.35 9,749,748.29 -28,354,348.17 204 / 243 2021 Annual Report Net profit from discontinued operations Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income -8,631,748.25 503,863,782.59 17,328,596.23 -29,296,546.84 -18,540,841.04 98,748,334.35 9,749,748.29 -28,354,348.17 Dividends received from 8,966,400.00 associates in the current year 205 / 243 2021 Annual Report (4). Summarized financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance / amount in the current Opening balance/ amount in the previous period period Associates: Total carrying amount of investments 766,391,973.34 516,079,798.53 Total amount of the following items at the shareholding percentage -- Net profit -156,306,553.89 -4,233,446.90 -- Other comprehensive income -- Total comprehensive income -156,306,553.89 -4,233,446.90 (5). Significant restrictions on joint ventures or associates transferring funds to the Company □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Excess loss incurred by joint ventures or associates □Applicable √Not Applicable (7). Unrecognized commitments related to investment in joint ventures □Applicable √Not Applicable (8). Contingent liabilities related to investment in joint ventures or associate □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Significant joint venture □Applicable √Not Applicable 5. Equity in structured entities not included in the consolidated financial statement Information of structured entities not included in the financial statements: □Applicable √Not Applicable 6. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable X. Risks Related to Financial Instruments √Applicable □Not Applicable With an objective of achieving a balance between risk and revenue through risk management, the Company minimizes the negative impact of risk on its operating results to maximize the interest of its Shareholders and other equity investors. According to the objective set for risk management, the basic strategy of the Company's risk management is to identify and analyze the Company's exposures to risk, establish appropriate tolerance thresholds for risks and implement risk management. In addition, the 206 / 243 2021 Annual Report Company supervises various risks in a timely and reliable manner to keep risks within limits. During the daily operation, the main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments include credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The Management has reviewed and approved policies for managing all risks and summarized below. (I) Credit risk Credit risk refers to the risk that one party to a financial instrument fails to perform its obligations, resulting in financial losses to the other party. 1. Credit risk management practices (1) Credit risk assessment method The Company assesses whether the credit risk of the relevant financial instrument has increased significantly since the initial recognition on each balance sheet date. In determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company considers reasonable and supportable information that can be obtained without unnecessary additional costs or efforts, including qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk ratings and forward-looking information. Based on a single financial instrument or a combination of financial instruments with similar credit risk characteristics, the Company determines the changes in the risk of default of the financial instrument during the expected life of the instrument by comparing the risk of default on the financial instrument on the balance sheet date with that on the date of initial recognition. The Company considers a financial instrument to have experienced a significant increase in credit risk when one or more of the following quantitative or qualitative criteria have been met: 1) Quantitative criteria mainly refer to the probability of default for the remaining life on the balance sheet date increasing by more than a certain percentage from the initial recognition; 2) Qualitative criteria mainly refer to the significant adverse change in debtor’s operation or financial position, existing or anticipated changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment that will have a material adverse effect on the debtors’ abilities to repay loans to the Company. (2) Definition of default and credit-impaired asset When a financial instrument meets one or more of the following conditions, the Company defines a financial asset as a default asset, which is consistent with the definition of credit-impaired asset: 1) The debtor has major financial difficulties; 2) The debtor violates the provisions of the contract binding thereon; 3) The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo financial restructuring; 4) The creditor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty, grants the debtor concessions that would not have been made in any other circumstances. 2. ECL measurement The key parameters of ECL measurement include probabilities of default (PD), losses given default (LGD) and exposures at default (EAD). The Company takes into account the quantitative analysis of historical statistics (such as ratings of the counterparty, manners of guarantees and types of collateral, and repayments) and forward-looking information in order to establish a model of PD, LGD and EAD. 3. The reconciliation of the opening balance and the closing balance of the allowance for losses on financial instruments is detailed in Note VII(4), (5), (8), (10) and (15) to the financial statements. 207 / 243 2021 Annual Report 4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentration Credit risks of the Company arise primarily from cash and bank balances and accounts receivable. In order to control the relevant risks above, the Company takes the following measures respectively. (1) Cash and bank balances The Company keeps bank deposits and other cash and bank balances in financial institutions at higher credit ratings, so their credit risks are low. (2) Accounts receivable The Company regularly conducts credit assessments on customers who trade on credit terms. Based on the assessment results, the Company chooses to trade with recognized and creditworthy customers and monitors their accounts receivable balances to ensure that the Company will not be exposed to significant bad debt risk. As the Company's exposure to accounts receivable is spread across multiple partners and multiple customers, 7.90% (December 31, 2020: 6.42%) of the Company’s accounts receivable arose from the top five customers with balances as of December 31, 2021, and the Company did not have significant credit concentration risk. The maximum credit risk exposure of the Company was the carrying amount of each financial asset on the balance sheet. (II) Liquidity risk Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds arising from the performance of the Company's obligations to settle by delivery of cash or other financial assets. Liquidity risk may arise from the inability to sell financial assets at fair value as quickly as possible, or from the failure of the other party to repay its contractual obligations, or from debts maturing early, or from the failure to generate the desired cash flow. In order to control this risk, the Company maintains a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility using several financing methods such as notes settlement and bank borrowings and by optimizing the financing structure through the combination of long and short-term financing. The Company has obtained bank lines of credit from a number of commercial banks to meet working capital requirements and capital expenditure. Classification of financial assets by the remaining maturity Closing balance Item Contract amount Carrying value Within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3 years before discount Bank borrowings 406,482,379.81 423,546,817.44 194,009,340.75 163,120,828.12 66,416,648.57 Accounts 503,758,715.18 503,758,715.18 503,758,715.18 payable Other payables 170,804,176.79 170,804,176.79 170,804,176.79 Current portion of non-current 154,496,614.61 160,966,349.12 160,966,349.12 liabilities Lease liabilities 23,298,204.05 24,699,694.62 17,191,767.51 7,507,927.11 Sub-total 1,258,840,090.44 1,283,775,753.15 1,029,538,581.84 180,312,595.63 73,924,575.68 (Continued) Closing balance of the previous year Item Contract amount Carrying value Within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3 years before discount 208 / 243 2021 Annual Report Bank 252,808,623.96 273,181,365.91 52,044,014.74 141,276,618.07 79,860,733.10 borrowings Accounts 192,172,938.77 192,172,938.77 192,172,938.77 payable Other payables 128,629,520.86 128,629,520.86 128,629,520.86 Sub-total 573,611,083.59 593,983,825.54 372,846,474.37 141,276,618.07 79,860,733.10 (III) Market risk Market risk is the risk that the fair value or the future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. Market risk mainly includes interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk. 1. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. Interest-bearing financial instruments with a fixed interest rate expose the Company to fair value interest risk, while interest-bearing financial instruments with variable interest rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate. The Company determines the proportion of fixed-rate and variable-rate financial instruments based on market conditions, and maintains an appropriate portfolio of financial instruments through regular review and monitoring. The Company's cash flow interest risk is primarily related to its bank borrowings at variable interest rates. As of December 31, 2021, the Company's bank borrowings at floating interest rates amounted to RMB371,163,804.59 (as of December 31, 2020: RMB205,953,538.33). Assuming that other variables remain constant, a 50 bps change in the interest rate will not have a material impact on the Company's total profit and shareholders' equity. 2. Foreign exchange risk Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the fair value or the future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in exchange rates. The Company's foreign currency risk is primarily related to monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies. In case of a short-term imbalance between foreign currency assets and liabilities, the Company may trade foreign currency at the market exchange rate when necessary, to keep the net risk exposure at an acceptable level. The Company’s monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies at the end of the period are detailed in Note VII (82) to the financial statements. XI. Disclosure of Fair Value 1. Closing fair values of assets and liabilities at fair value √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing fair value Item Level I Level II Level III measurement at measurement at measurement at fair Total fair value fair value value I. Continuous fair value measurement (I) Held-for-trading financial assets 1,453,346,143.14 2,425,173,315.15 1,094,723,913.31 4,973,243,371.60 1. Financial assets measured at FVTPL 1,453,346,143.14 2,425,173,315.15 1,094,723,913.31 4,973,243,371.60 (1) Debt instrument investments 209 / 243 2021 Annual Report Closing fair value Item Level I Level II Level III measurement at measurement at measurement at fair Total fair value fair value value (2) Equity instrument investments 668,814,640.35 1,094,723,913.31 1,763,538,553.66 (3) Derivative financial assets (4) Others 784,531,502.79 2,425,173,315.15 3,209,704,817.94 (II) Other debt investments 65,681,018.23 65,681,018.23 Total assets continuously measured 1,519,027,161.37 2,425,173,315.15 1,094,723,913.31 5,038,924,389.83 at fair value 2. Basis for recognition of market prices for continuous and non-continuous level I measurement items at fair value √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company recognizes the fair value based on unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that are available on the measurement date. 3. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques and significant parameters used for continuous and non-continuous level II measurement items at fair value √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company recognizes the fair value based on similar quoted prices of assets and liabilities in active markets, the same or similar quoted prices of assets and liabilities in non-active markets, and observable interest rate curves and return curves during the normal quoting intervals. 4. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques and significant parameters used for continuous and non-continuous level III measurement items at fair value √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company recognizes the fair value by specific valuation techniques on the measurement date, and the important parameters adopted include interest rates that cannot be directly observed or verified by observable market data. 5. Reconciliation information between opening and closing carrying amounts and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters for continuous level III measurement items at fair value □Applicable √Not Applicable 6. Reasons for conversion and policy for determining the timing of conversion for items that are continuously measured at fair value and converted between levels during the period □Applicable √Not Applicable 7. Changes in valuation techniques during the period and reasons □Applicable √Not Applicable 8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value 210 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable 9. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable XII. RELATED PARTY AND RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 1. Information of the parent company √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Shareholding Voting right percentage Name of parent Place of Nature of percentage of the Registered capital of the parent company company registration business parent company in the in the Company (%) Company (%) Hangzhou Hundsun Industrial Electronics Group Hangzhou 5,000 20.72 20.72 investment Co., Ltd. Information of the parent company The ultimate controlling party of the parent company is Ma Yun. The ultimate controlling party of the Company is Ma Yun. 2. Subsidiaries of the Company The information on the Company's subsidiaries is detailed in the Notes. □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company The information on the Company's significant joint ventures and associates is detailed in the Notes. √Applicable □Not Applicable Other joint ventures or associates with which the Company had related party transactions during the period or in prior periods that resulted in balances are as follows: √Applicable □Not Applicable Name of joint ventures or associates Relationship with the Company Hangzhou Rongdu Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Rongdu Associate Science & Technology) Databaker (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Databaker Associate Technology) Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun Registration and Settlement Center Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred Associate to as Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun) Zhejiang Hundsun Changyun Network Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Associate Hundsun Changyun) Zhejiang Baiying Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Baiying Technology) Associate Zhejiang Santan Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Santan Technology) Associate Golden State Investment Services Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Golden State Associate Investment) Fujian Trading Market Registration and Settlement Center Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Associate referred to as Fujian Settlement Center) Hangzhou Hundsun Yuntai Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Associate Hundsun Yuntai) Hangzhou Hundsun Century Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Century Associate 211 / 243 2021 Annual Report Industry) Beijing Hongtian Rongda Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Associate Hongtian Rongda) Hangzhou Wanming Digital Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Wanming Associate Technology) Shanghai Yitongtou Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Yitong) Associate Shanghai Dworld AI Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Dworld) Associate [Note 31] [Note 31] Shanghai Dworld was incorporated into the consolidation scope in the current period. Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Other related parties √Applicable □Not Applicable Name of other related parties Relationship with the Company Ant Group Co., Ltd. [Note 32] Others Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Alibaba Cloud) [Note 33] Alibaba (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Alibaba (China)) [Note 33] Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Taobao (China) Software) [Note 33] Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Private Limited Others (hereinafter referred to as Alibaba Cloud (Singapore)) [Note 33] Ant Fortune (Shanghai) Financial Information Services Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ant Fortune (Shanghai)) [Note 34] Beijing Ant Cloud Financial Information Services Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ant Cloud Financial) [Note 34] Ant Blockchain Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ant Blockchain) [Note 34] Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Alipay (China)) [Note 34] Hangzhou Ant Shangshu information technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ant Shangshu) [Note 34] Beijing OceanBase Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as OceanBase) [Note 34] Ant Rongxin (Chengdu) Network Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ant Rongxin) [Note 34] Ant Lemaibao (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ant Lemaibao) [Note 34] E-Capital Transfer Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as E-Capital Transfer) [Note 35] China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as China Securities Credit) [Note 35] Daocloud Internet Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Daocloud Internet) [Note 35] Xinghuan Information Technology (Shanghai) Stock Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Xinghuan Information) [Note 35] Hangzhou Utry Technology Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Hangzhou Utry) [Note 35] Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Bank of Qingdao) [Note 35] Softbi Corp. Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Softbi) [Note 36] Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Ping An Bank) [Note 37] 212 / 243 2021 Annual Report Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as E-Commerce Bank) [Note 38] Tianhong Asset Management Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Tianhong Asset) [Note 38] Tianjin Financial Assets Exchange Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as Tianjin Financial Assets Exchange) [Note 38] ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co., Ltd. Others (hereinafter referred to as ZhongAn Online) [Note 38] Cathay Insurance Company Limited Others (hereinafter referred to as Cathay Insurance) [Note 38] Trust Mutual Life Insurance Company Others (hereinafter referred to as Trust Mutual Life) [Note 38] Zhejiang Hundsun Electronics Charity Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Hundsun Electronics Charity Foundation) [Note Others 39] Peng Zhengzang, Liu Shufeng, Jiang Jianshing, Jing Xiandong, Han Xinyi, Zhu Chao, Yu Bin, Liu Xiaolun, Liu Langyu, Wang Xiangyao, Ding Wei, Huang Chenli, Chen Zhijie, Xie Lijuan, Fan Jingwu, Guan Xiaolan, Zhang Others Guoqiang, Zhang Yong, Fu Meiying, Wang Feng, Tong Chenhui, Ni Shouqi, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhou Feng, Yao Manying, and Tu Haiyan [Note 40] [Note 32] The largest shareholder indirectly holding shares of the Company [Note 33] An entity having a significant influence on the largest shareholder indirectly holding shares of the Company [Note 34] A company controlled by the largest shareholder indirectly holding shares of the Company [Note 35] A company holding non-controlling interests in the Company [Note 36] A company controlled by the Actual Controller of Softbi Hong Kong Corporation Limited, a shareholder of Softbi [Note 37] A company of which Guo Tianyong is an independent director [Note 38] A company of which Han Xinyi is a director [Note 39] A foundation of which Fu Meiying is the chairman. [Note 40] Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management 5. Related party transactions (1). Related party transactions for the purchase and sale of goods and provision and receipt of services Purchase of goods / receipt of services √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount in the previous Related party Content Amount in the current period period Alibaba Cloud Purchase of goods and 35,976,749.11 39,883,577.84 receipt of services Ant Cloud Financial [Note 41] Purchase of goods and -182,771.87 132,012.24 receipt of services Rongdu Science & Technology Purchase of goods and 76,839.90 735,909.14 receipt of services Databaker Technology Purchase of goods and 200,547.67 143,738.94 receipt of services Ant Blockchain Purchase of goods 60,411.99 Cloud Financing Network Purchase of goods and 2,903,092.06 14,002,689.31 receipt of services 213 / 243 2021 Annual Report Alipay (China) Receipt of services 49,386.79 Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun Receipt of services 50,377.36 Hundsun Changyun Receipt of services 656.60 Baijin Technology Receipt of services 179,245.28 Daocloud Internet Purchase of goods 1,118,584.08 1,981,966.94 Xinghuan Information Receipt of services 94,339.62 Hangzhou Utry Receipt of services 45,480.00 Alibaba (China) Receipt of services 611,877.93 Shanghai Dworld Receipt of services 1,122,907.14 Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Receipt of services 227,559.86 Sub-total 41,132,710.35 58,282,467.58 [Note 41] The current period's amount incurred by Ant Cloud Financial is an adjustment to the prior period's settlement amount Sale of goods and provision of services √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount in the previous Related party Content Amount in the current period period Software services and Alipay (China) sales of outsourced 5,040,898.42 11,761,010.98 goods Tianhong Asset Software services 20,946,411.80 15,945,543.19 E-Commerce Bank Software services 4,148,406.24 13,400,663.47 Bank of Qingdao Software services 20,324,537.53 Ant Fortune (Shanghai) Software services 7,573,967.78 7,387,735.86 Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun Software services 2,156,653.79 1,030,150.64 Cloud Financing Network Software services 282,352.53 66,237.43 Santan Technology Software services 1,178,108.04 1,366,904.59 ZhongAn Online Software services 1,860,505.27 936,489.49 Alibaba Cloud Software services 3,258,406.61 221,842.92 Golden State Investment Software services 3,981,614.06 1,622,951.41 Fujian Settlement Center [Note 42] Software services -35,575.23 5,883.44 Shenzhen Ricequant Software services 573,704.19 567,637.62 China Securities Credit Software services 352,915.26 342,944.82 Tianjin Financial Assets Exchange Software services 396,226.41 170,532.20 Ant Cloud Financial Software services 1,179,490.45 859,787.66 E-Capital Transfer Software services 1,127,358.49 Workplace and property Hundsun Changyun 433,406.72 management fee etc. Workplace and property Hundsun Yuntai 163,880.17 management fee etc. Workplace and property Shenzhen Tradeblazer 94,339.62 61,645.86 management fee etc. Workplace and property Century Industry 68,389.86 64,239.16 management fee etc. Ant Blockchain Software services 13,988,679.25 831,132.08 Ping An Bank Software services 9,779,663.21 15,110,238.81 Baijin Technology Software services 9,539.17 50,413.71 Taobao (China) Software Software services 308,018.80 1,359,845.12 Shanghai Dworld Software services 33,113.21 Ant Shangshu Software services 688,806.03 641,509.41 OceanBase Software services 283,018.87 214 / 243 2021 Annual Report Trust Mutual Life Software services 3,472,851.58 Hangzhou Utry Software services 64,655.17 Cathay Insurance Software services 264,498.08 Hundsun Yuntai Software services 18,259.28 Ant Lemaibao Software services 713,207.56 Sub-total 82,648,012.10 95,887,635.99 [Note 42] The current period's amount incurred by Fujian Settlement Center is an adjustment to the prior period's settlement amount Related party transactions for the purchase and sale of goods and provision and receipt of services □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusting management/outsourcing The Company's Entrusted management/contracting: □Applicable √Not Applicable Related entrusting/contracting □Applicable √Not Applicable The Company's entrusting management/outsourcing □Applicable √Not Applicable Related management/outsourcing □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Related party leases The Company as the lessor: √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Lease income recognized in the Lease income recognized in the Name of lessee Type of asset leased current period previous period Santan Technology Buildings 1,559,633.03 1,559,633.03 Hundsun Electronics Charity Buildings 66,055.05 66,055.05 Foundation The Company as the lessee: □Applicable √Not Applicable Related party leases □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Related party guarantees The Company as the guarantor □Applicable √Not Applicable The Company as the guarantee □Applicable √Not Applicable 215 / 243 2021 Annual Report Related party guarantees □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Loans and borrowings from/to related parties □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties □Applicable √Not Applicable (7). Remuneration of key management personnel √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Remuneration of key management personnel 4,569.88 3,656.91 [Note 43] The remuneration of Senior Management in 2021 was RMB52 million, and the difference between the annual bonus of Senior Management accrued in 2020 after adjustment and the actual amount paid was RMB6,301,200. (8). Other related party transactions √Applicable □Not Applicable According to the Proposal on Related Party Transactions of Increasing Capital and Share in Hundsun iBontal adopted through deliberation at the 20th meeting of the Seventh Board held by the Company on October 27, 2021, Hundsun iBontal proposed to apply for a capital increase of RMB22.5 million to be contributed with cash and bank balances by Trust Mutual Life and Zhiming Hongde (Shanghai) Technology Center (which is a related party of Trust Mutual Life and is still in the process of establishment, and its specific name shall be subject to the final name registered for industry and commerce, hereinafter referred to as Zhiming Hongde). Upon the completion of the capital increase, Trust Mutual Life and Zhiming Hongde proposed to hold about 15.00% of the shares of Hundsun iBontal, the Company and other original shareholders waived the right to make a capital increase in the same proportion. As of December 31, 2021, Hundsun iBontal had not yet received payments for capital increase and completed the business procedures. 6. Receivables and payables of related parties (1). Receivables √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Related party Allowance for Allowance Book balance Book balance bad debts for bad debts Accounts receivable Bank of Qingdao 6,342,907.00 362,406.74 Accounts receivable Ant Fortune (Shanghai) 465,406.00 23,270.30 497,280.00 24,864.00 Accounts receivable Santan Technology 536,587.87 72,088.13 842,661.08 44,549.10 Accounts receivable Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun 230,404.73 11,520.24 230,404.73 11,520.24 Accounts receivable Cloud Financing Network 291,121.64 87,056.08 295,459.96 29,347.55 Accounts receivable Tianjin Financial Assets Exchange 715,000.00 118,393.56 715,000.00 47,473.39 Accounts receivable Ant Fund 246,726.11 246,726.11 246,726.11 246,726.11 216 / 243 2021 Annual Report Closing balance Opening balance Item Related party Allowance for Allowance Book balance Book balance bad debts for bad debts Accounts receivable Fujian Settlement Center 60,000.00 3,000.00 Accounts receivable Alibaba Cloud 2,068,205.91 103,410.30 Accounts receivable Alipay (China) 3,206,936.84 340,601.84 1,983,319.73 306,216.73 Accounts receivable E-Commerce Bank 906,955.00 45,347.75 Accounts receivable Ant Blockchain 6,159,800.00 307,990.00 440,500.00 22,025.00 Accounts receivable Tianhong Asset 1,928,184.07 370,579.20 2,590,132.00 340,676.60 Accounts receivable E-Capital Transfer 1,352,000.00 1,352,000.00 1,352,000.00 1,310,000.00 Accounts receivable Ping An Bank 3,688,522.22 244,570.40 2,903,010.63 201,394.78 Accounts receivable Ant Shangshu 400,134.41 20,006.72 272,000.00 13,600.00 Accounts receivable OceanBase 50,000.00 2,500.00 Accounts receivable Trust Mutual Life 67,612.18 3,380.61 Accounts receivable ZhongAn Online 385,411.90 19,270.60 Accounts receivable Ant Lemaibao 192,000.00 9,600.00 Prepayments Alibaba Cloud 298,022.08 573,371.82 Prepayments Ant Cloud Financial 12,679.84 840.13 Prepayments Alibaba (China) 366,172.31 Other receivables Bank of Qingdao 78,000.00 45,800.00 Other receivables Ant Fund 112,950.80 112,950.80 112,950.80 112,950.80 Other receivables Ant Cloud Financial 50.00 5.00 50.00 2.50 Other receivables Alibaba Cloud 353,669.73 19,583.49 21,320.93 3,466.05 Other receivables Alipay (China) 2.75 0.14 Other receivables Baijin Technology 50,000.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 2,500.00 Other receivables Hongtian Rongda 25,000.00 1,250.00 Hundsun Electronics Charity Other receivables 2,200,000.00 110,000.00 Foundation Other receivables Alibaba (China) 428,481.48 21,424.07 Contract assets Bank of Qingdao 1,471,980.00 83,974.00 Contract assets Ping An Bank 145,000.00 14,500.00 960,600.00 48,030.00 Contract assets Tianjin Financial Assets Exchange 42,000.00 2,100.00 Contract assets Alibaba Cloud 270,000.00 13,500.00 Contract assets E-Commerce Bank 259,840.00 12,992.00 Sub-total 24,322,922.87 3,535,019.59 25,172,469.92 3,417,121.34 (2). Payables √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Related party Closing book balance Opening book balance Accounts payable Alibaba Cloud 5,776,721.11 1,364,472.56 Accounts payable Cloud Financing Network 1,332,364.33 1,427,949.22 Accounts payable Ant Cloud Financial 53,445.93 1,914,681.78 Rongdu Science & 76,839.90 452,639.90 Accounts payable Technology Accounts payable Xinghuan Information 76,000.00 254,632.48 Accounts payable E-Capital Transfer 154,734.01 154,734.01 Accounts payable Databaker Technology 153,385.00 173,725.00 Accounts payable Daocloud Internet 2,449,552.94 2,761,276.94 Accounts payable Ant Blockchain 60,411.99 Accounts payable Shanghai Dworld 933,000.00 Contract liabilities Alipay (China) 275,254.87 Contract liabilities Tianhong Asset 11,959,504.82 8,054,272.00 217 / 243 2021 Annual Report Item Related party Closing book balance Opening book balance Contract liabilities Golden State Investment 326,316.66 2,980,948.56 Contract liabilities ZhongAn Online 842,827.53 Contract liabilities Ant Cloud Financial 477,758.32 Contract liabilities E-Capital Transfer 3,233,977.13 1,448,277.12 Contract liabilities China Securities Credit 148,918.38 158,498.64 Contract liabilities Shenzhen Ricequant 307,585.39 320,766.53 Contract liabilities Hundsun Changyun 181,834.71 Contract liabilities E-Commerce Bank 2,344,241.29 Contract liabilities Cloud Financing Network 272,752.07 Contract liabilities Santan Technology 69,302.13 68,642.60 Tianjin Financial Assets 1,862,070.28 2,111,646.50 Contract liabilities Exchange Contract liabilities Ant Blockchain 1,113,189.60 4,099,672.67 Contract liabilities Fujian Settlement Center 9,000.82 Contract liabilities Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun 1,387.59 1,309.05 Contract liabilities Ping An Bank 2,311,314.79 363,667.63 Contract liabilities Baijin Technology 64,111.52 Contract liabilities Taobao (China) Software 23,584.91 51,500.00 Contract liabilities Ant Rongxin 304,245.28 608,490.56 Contract liabilities Wanming Technology 38,339.06 41,646.58 Contract liabilities Bank of Qingdao 2,516,264.65 Contract liabilities Alibaba Cloud 1,976,625.33 Contract liabilities Hundsun Yuntai 138,751.74 Contract liabilities Shanghai Yitong 1,835.82 Contract liabilities Trust Mutual Life 281,071.25 Contract liabilities Alipay (China) 275,254.87 Other payables Alibaba Cloud 49,235.99 300,000.00 Other payables Softbi 2,200,000.00 Sub-total 34,555,966.23 39,230,496.11 7. Commitments by related parties □Applicable √Not Applicable 8. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable XIII. SHARE-BASED PAYMENT 1. Share-based payment √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Ownership Scheme for Key Employees 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Subscribing Shares of Innovative Business Scheme Subsidiaries Total number of various equity instruments of the Company granted 12,587,301 7,979,300 in the current period Total number of various equity instruments of the Company exercised 2,348,260 in the current period Total number of various equity 4,594,545 instruments of the Company lapsed in 218 / 243 2021 Annual Report the current period The exercise price of Yunhan Share Option is the cost plus the annualized interest rate, which shall be exercised in three to four years from the date of grant. The exercise price of Shanghai Gildata's Share Option is Scope of the exercise price of the RMB1.95 on the initial warrant, RMB 2.73 outstanding share options of the on the first to third warrants and RMB Company with the remaining term of 4.905 on the fifth and sixth warrants, the contract at the end of the period which shall be exercised in three years from the date of grant. The exercise price of Softbi's Share Option is RMB2.65 on the initial warrant, which shall be exercised in three years from the date of grant.. The exercise price of Yunhan stock The grant price is RMB45.32 per share, appreciation rights (SAR) is RMB1 per which will be unlocked 12 months, 24 Scope of exercise Price of other share, which shall be exercised in three to months and 36 months from the date outstanding equity instruments of the five years from the grant date right. The when the last underlying shares are Company and remaining term of the exercise price of Shanghai Gildata's initial transferred to the Employee Stock contract at the end of the period SARs is RMB1.95, and that of other SARs Ownership Scheme as announced by the is RMB2.73, which shall be exercised in Company. three years from the grant date. Other Description (1) Ownership Scheme for Key Employees Subscribing Shares of Innovative Business Subsidiaries According to the Investment and Management Measures of Hundsun's Key Employees Subscribing Shares of Innovative Business Subsidiaries adopted through deliberation at the 10th meeting of the Fifth Board held by the Company on January 27, 2014, the Company determined to jointly establish a "limited partnership" enterprise by the Company and its authorized representatives to manage and exercise the shares of the innovative business subsidiaries. The different "partnership enterprises" are required to be set up by "key employees" of different innovation business subsidiaries (full-time key employees responsible for the management, technology, and business in innovation subsidiaries) for making unified investments in subsidiaries, while a unified "partnership enterprise" is required to be set up by the "Key Management" of the Company (including the senior management team and other key persons working at the headquarters of the Company) for making unified investments in innovative business subsidiaries. According to the Proposal on Revising the Investment and Management Measures above adopted through deliberation at the 13th and 21st meetings of the Fifth Board held by the Company on July 17, 2014 and February 12, 2015, respectively, the Company determined that there are three types of employee stock ownership schemes, namely share subscription in cash by employees (contribution by employees to establish partnership enterprises), investment share option and SAR. According to the resolution of the 13th meeting of the Fifth Board held by the Company on July 17, 2014, the Company and its "Key Management" and "key employees of subsidiaries" jointly invested in the establishment of Yunhan, Yunxia, Yunyin, Yunjin, Yunqin, Yunming, Yuntang, Yunwei, Yunshu, Yunwu and Yunsong. According to the Resolution on the Establishment of Eight New Employee Stock Ownership Platforms (Hundsun Executive Committee 2016 No. 011) issued by the Company's Executive Committee of Stock Ownership Plan Management in August 2016, the Company and Hangzhou Yunhui, a wholly-owned subsidiary, established Yunchu, Yunliao, Yunqi, Yuncao, Yunhan, Yunzhou, Yunliang and Yunzheng. According to the resolution of the 12th meeting of the Sixth Board on April 25, 2017, the Company and Hangzhou Yunhui, a wholly-owned subsidiary, established Shanyi, Shandu, Shangui, 219 / 243 2021 Annual Report Shanying (formerly known as Shanyu), Shanzhao, Shanlu, Shanyu, Shanlun and Shanru (as of December 31, 2021, Shanyi, Shandu and Shanru had not completed the registration procedures for industrial and commercial establishment). According to the resolutions of the 5th, 15th and 18th meetings of the Sixth Board, the Company and Hangzhou Yunhui, a wholly-owned subsidiary, established Yunyue, Shanzhi and Shanjing. With the advancement of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, the shares held by the Company in the above employee stock ownership platforms had been transferred to relevant employees gradually. (2) 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme According to the Proposal on Hundsun's 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (Draft) and its Summary and the Proposal on Hundsun's Management Measures for 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme adopted through deliberation at the Company's 15th board meeting of the Fifth Board held on December 8, 2020 and the third extraordinary general meeting of 2020 held on December 25, 2020, Company the Company proposed to repurchase some shares of the public with its own funds through call auction trading for its Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. As of June 30, 2021, the Company had transferred 7,979,300 shares to its account under the 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme through non-trade transfer at a price of RMB45.32 per share. At this point, the Company completed the non-trade transfer of all shares under the 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. According to the provisions of the 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme (Draft) of Hundsun Technologies Inc., the underlying shares acquired under this Scheme were unlocked in three phases, namely 12 months, 24 months and 36 months from the date when the Company announces the transfer of the last underlying shares to this Scheme. The proportion of underlying shares unlocked in each phase was 40%, 30% and 30%, respectively Under the 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Scheme, the Company will conduct individual performance appraisal based on its own performance appraisal system from 2021 to 2023, and determine the final number of underlying shares to be unlocked for the shareholder based on the results of individual performance appraisal as follows. Appraisal results A B C D Individual unlocking 100% 100% 50% 0% factor The actual number of shares for individuals are unlocked based on the appraisal results of the previous year. Based on the shareholder's individual appraisal results, the actual number of shares to be unlocked in the current period = the number of shares granted for the current period × individual unlocking factor. The underlying shares corresponding to the actual number of shares to be unlocked in the current period shall be sold collectively by the Management Committee in a proper manner at its discretion after the expiration of the lock-up period, and the remaining earnings from the sale of shares net of relevant taxes and fees shall be distributed to the shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the Scheme. If the individual appraisal result in the first or second year is Grade C, the shareholder's shares to be unlocked in the current period will be deferred to the next year accordingly, and will be unlocked in the next year when the individual appraisal result reaches Grade B or above in corresponding proportion. If the individual appraisal result in the next year is still Grade C, the shareholder's shares that cannot be unlocked will be recovered by the Management Committee of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in accordance with appropriate provisions. If the individual appraisal result in the third year is Grade C, the shareholder's 220 / 243 2021 Annual Report share that cannot be unlocked in the current period shall be recovered by the Management Committee of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in accordance with appropriate provisions. If the individual appraisal result is Grade D, the shareholder's share that cannot be unlocked in the current period shall be recovered by the Management Committee of the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme in accordance with appropriate provisions. The Management Committee has the right to recover the unlocked interests and shares under the Scheme at a price determined by the original contribution amount or the net value (whichever is lower) of the underlying shares to which the shares correspond. 2. Equity-settled share-based payment √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Ownership Scheme for Key Employees 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Item Subscribing Shares of Innovative Business Scheme Subsidiaries Recognition method for the fair value When there are external investors at the time of equity instruments on the grant date of grant, the investment price shall be Share price on the grant date adopted, and the fair price is calculated when there are no external investors Basis for determining the number of Based on the limit of warrants granted, the Based on the number of shares exercisable equity instruments Company comprehensively considers the granted, the number of exercisable number of employees with vesting equity instruments is determined by conditions on each balance sheet date, its taking into account the changes in the performance appraisal indicators and the number of employees with vesting individual performance appraisal results of conditions on each balance sheet date each grantee in each year with vesting and the individual performance conditions appraisal results in each year with vesting conditions Reasons for significant differences between current estimates and previous estimates Aggregate amount of equity-settled share-based payment charged to the 76,101,204.54 106,488,455.61 capital reserve Total expenses recognized by equity-settled share-based payment in 3,466,693.01 109,124,906.80 the current period 3. Cash-settled share-based payment √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Recognition method for the fair value of liabilities assumed by Appraisal price the enterprise and calculated and recognized based on shares or other equity instruments Aggregate liabilities arising from cash-settled share-based 29,104,152.44 payments in liabilities Total expenses recognized for cash-settled share-based 7,761,880.45 payments in the current period Gain from changes in the fair value recognized for cash-settled 4,120,593.87 share-based payment liabilities Amount of options exercised during the period 7,445,515.12 Other Description (1) According to the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments regarding the recognition of fair value, the 221 / 243 2021 Annual Report Company will measure the fair value of share appreciation rights granted under the share incentive scheme at the appraisal price on each balance sheet date. (2) The Company's ASRs are exercised in the form of installment cash dividends and repurchases. When the ASRs are exercised in the form of cash dividends, the probability of dividends is estimated to be 20% based on the future cash inflow of each shareholding platform in the recognition of the fair value of the liabilities for the Yunhan ASRs. 4. Modification and termination of share-based payment □Applicable √Not Applicable 5. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable XIV.COMMITMENT AND CONTINGENCIES 1. Significant commitments √Applicable □Not Applicable Significant external commitments on the balance sheet date and their nature and amount (1) The Company participated as a limited partner in the investment in Suzhou Fangguang Phase III Venture Capital Partnership (L.P) (hereinafter referred to as Fangguang Phase III Fund) during the period and proposed to invest RMB30 million to acquire the capital contribution of RMB30 million (including a paid-in capital contribution of RMB1 million) transferred by the original partner of Fangguang Phase III Fund. Fangguang Phase III Fund completed the procedures for industrial and commercial registration of changes on December 17, 2020. As of December 31, 2021, the Company had paid RMB22.5 million for the investment. (2) The Company participated as a limited partner of Costone in the investment in Nanjing Pengxi Equity Investment Center (L.P.) (hereinafter referred to as Nanjing Pengxi) and proposed to invest RMB200 million under the partnership contract. Nanjing Pengxi completed the procedures for industrial and commercial registration of changes on December 24, 2020. As of December 31, 2021, the Company had paid RMB120 million for the investment. (3) According to the Summit Agreement entered into between Cloudwing Network and Finastra International Limited (hereinafter referred to as Finastra) in November 2021, Cloudwing Network proposed to invest USD65 million to acquire the Summit software-related business owned by Finastra. As of December 31, 2021, the Company had not yet completed the settlement procedures with Finastra and paid a cumulative amount of USD19.0 million for the acquisition, which is equivalent to RMB112,816,169.61 presented in other non-current assets. 2. Contingencies (1). Important contingencies on the balance sheet date √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) According to the resolution of the 21st meeting of the Sixth Board held by the Company on July 11, 222 / 243 2021 Annual Report 2018, the Company dismissed Liao Zhangyong, its former Senior Vice President, and Shen Zhiwei, its former Vice President, and terminated the labor relations with Xu Binshan, its employee, on July 16, 2018. According to the Notice of Delisting and Employee Stock Ownership Scheme issued by the Company and the employee stock ownership platforms in August 2018, the Company decided to delist the above three persons from the employee stock ownership platforms repurchased their property shares in the employee stock ownership platforms at a net asset price, and charged the payment of RMB7,148,090.87 for repurchasing the above property shares to other payables. The Company completed the procedures for industrial and commercial registration of changes for the repurchase in September 2018, and the outstanding payment for repurchase was RMB7,099,878.87 as of December 31, 2021. Liao Zhang Yong applied for labor arbitration with Hangzhou Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission on August 5, 2019, requiring the Company to pay compensation for the illegal termination of the labor contract and wage arrears in the amount of RMB1,718,100. Hangzhou Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission issued a notice on February 15, 2022 (ZHLRZA [2019] No. 407) rejecting all of Liao Zhang Yong's arbitration claims. As of the approval date of the financial statements, the case has not yet been finalized. (2) As of December 31, 2021, the balance of the Company's outstanding guarantee was RMB16,153,155.00. (2). A situation statement shall be made in case of no significant contingencies to be disclosed: □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Others □Applicable √Not Applicable XV. EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE 1. Important non-adjusting events □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Profit distribution √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Profit or dividend to be distributed Profit or dividend declared after approval through According to the Profit Distribution Plan for 2020 adopted at the 23rd deliberation meeting of the Seventh Board held by the Company on March 29, 2022, the Company proposed to distribute a cash dividend of RMB1.00 (including tax) for every 10 shares and 3 bonus shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on 1,461,144,040 shares, being 1,461,560,480 shares outstanding less 416,440 shares in the special repurchase account of the Company. 3. Sales return □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Notes on other events after the balance sheet date 223 / 243 2021 Annual Report √Applicable □Not Applicable (1) According to the Proposal to Repurchase the Company's Shares in Call Auction Trading adopted through deliberation at the 22nd meeting of the Board held by the Company on February 14, 2022, the Company proposed to repurchase some shares of the public with its own funds through call auction trading for its Share Incentive Scheme or Employee Stock Ownership Scheme. The total amount of funds to be used in the repurchase of shares shall not be less than RMB100 million and not more than RMB 150 million, and the price of each share repurchased shall not exceed RMB80. As of the approval date of the financial statements, the Company has not yet made any actual repurchases. (2) As of the approval date of the financial statements, the Company and its subsidiaries have not yet completed the final settlement and payment of income taxes for 2021. XVI. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 1. Correction of accounting errors in the previous period (1). Retrospective restatement □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Prospective application □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Debt restructuring □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Asset replacement (1). Exchange of non-monetary assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Exchange of other assets □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Annuity plan □Applicable √Not Applicable 5. Discontinued operations □Applicable √Not Applicable 6. Segment information (1). Basis for determining reporting segments and accounting policies √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company determines the reporting segment based on its internal organizational structure, management requirements and internal reporting system and takes the industry segment as the basis to determine the reporting segment. The operating performance of software business, commercial business, real estate business and commercial service business shall be assessed respectively. Assets and liabilities 224 / 243 2021 Annual Report commonly used in all segments are distributed among different segments according to the scale. The Company determines the reporting segments based on the regional segments. The revenue from and cost of principal businesses are divided by the place where the sales are finally realized, and the assets and liabilities are divided by the place where the operating entity is located. (2). Financial information of reportable segments √Applicable □Not Applicable 1) Regional division Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Mainland China Overseas Inter-segment offset Total Revenue from principal 5,268,862,680.55 223,149,586.89 5,492,012,267.44 businesses Cost of principal businesses 1,440,685,304.55 43,388,736.72 1,484,074,041.27 Total assets 11,203,978,995.12 875,929,317.64 12,079,908,312.76 Total liabilities 5,693,108,501.99 171,478,682.31 5,864,587,184.30 2) Industry segment Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Investment Inter-segment Item Software Real estate Total management offset Revenue from 5,474,803,619.44 17,208,648.00 5,492,012,267.44 principal businesses Cost of principal 1,480,714,651.88 3,359,389.39 1,484,074,041.27 businesses Total assets 10,798,192,903.15 564,932,856.24 716,782,553.37 12,079,908,312.76 Total 5,497,124,437.98 324,822,701.13 42,640,045.19 5,864,587,184.30 liabilities (3). Explanation shall be given if the Company has no reportable segments or cannot disclose total assets and total liabilities of reportable segments □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Other Description □Applicable √Not Applicable 7. Other significant transactions and events affecting investors' decisions √Applicable □Not Applicable According to the relevant provisions of the Provisional Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Land Appreciation Tax, the land appreciation tax shall be paid at four-level progressive rates, i.e., the tax rate is 30% when the appreciation volume is less than 50% of the amount deducted; the tax rate is 40% when the appreciation volume is more than 50% and less than 100% of the amount deducted; the tax rate is 50% when the appreciation volume is more than 100% and less than 200% of the amount deducted; the tax rate is 60% when the appreciation volume is more than 200% of the amount deducted. The sale of ordinary standard residential buildings with an appreciation volume not exceeding 20% of the amount deducted is exempt from the land appreciation tax. 225 / 243 2021 Annual Report In addition to paying the land appreciation tax calculated at a withholding rate prescribed by the local tax bureau, Hundsun Science Park, a subsidiary of the Company, accrued real estate development projects that have met the relevant prescribed liquidation conditions but have not yet been liquidated, as well as real estate development projects for which sales revenue has been recognized but have not met the relevant prescribed liquidation conditions, based on the difference between the land appreciation tax payable and that actually paid. As of December 31, 2021, the accumulated difference of land appreciation tax accrued by Hundsun Science Park was RMB305,258,151.46. 8. Others √Applicable □Not Applicable Leases (1) The Company as the leasee 1) Information related to the right-to-use assets is detailed in Note VII (25) to the financial statements; 2) The Company's accounting policies for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets are detailed in Note V (42) to the financial statements. The amount of expenses for short-term leases and low-value asset leases charged to the current profit or loss is as follows: During the period During the Item corresponding period last year Expenses for short-term leases and low-value asset leases 35,696,783.16 28,741,017.65 Total 35,696,783.16 28,741,017.65 3) Current profit or loss and cash flow related to leases During the period During the Item corresponding period last year Interest expenses on lease liabilities 637,194.89 161,810.25 Variable lease payments not charged to the measurement of lease liabilities but to the current profit and loss Income from subletting the right-to-use assets Total cash outflows related to leases 47,182,565.08 30,237,429.55 Profit and loss related to leaseback transactions 4) The maturity analysis of lease liabilities and the corresponding liquidity risk management are detailed in Note X (2) to the financial statements. (2) The Company as the leaser 1) Operating lease ① Lease income During the period During the Item corresponding period last year Lease income 3,349,682.46 3,284,777.58 Including: Income that is related to variable lease payments and not charged to lease receipts ② Operating lease assets Closing balance Closing balance of the Item previous year Investment properties 127,524,968.93 111,411,248.79 Sub-total 127,524,968.93 111,411,248.79 226 / 243 2021 Annual Report XVII. NOTES TO MAIN ITEMS IN THE PARENT COMPANY'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Accounts receivable (1). Disclosure by aging √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing book balance Within 1 year Including: Sub-items within 1 year Sub-total within 1 year 451,541,768.25 1-2 years 113,030,463.48 2-3 years 39,611,637.04 Over 3 years 101,053,740.28 Total 705,237,609.05 227 / 243 2021 Annual Report (2). Disclosure by category by means of allowance for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Book balance Allowance for bad debts Book balance Allowance for bad debts Class Carrying Carrying Proportion Proportion value Proportion Proportion value Amount Amount Amount Amount (%) (%) (%) (%) Allowance for bad debts made on an 39,136,044.00 5.55 39,136,044.00 100.00 55,969,423.14 9.76 55,969,423.14 100.00 individual basis Including: Allowance for bad debts made on a 666,101,565.05 94.45 108,385,566.35 16.27 557,715,998.70 517,475,143.99 90.24 90,143,603.56 17.42 427,331,540.43 collective basis Including: Aging portfolio 645,337,176.00 91.51 108,385,566.35 16.80 536,951,609.65 493,150,603.93 86.00 90,143,603.56 18.28 403,007,000.37 Grouped by related party transactions in the 20,764,389.05 2.94 20,764,389.05 24,324,540.06 4.24 24,324,540.06 consolidation scope Total 705,237,609.05 / 147,521,610.35 / 557,715,998.70 573,444,567.13 / 146,113,026.70 / 427,331,540.43 Provision for bad debts is accrued on an individual basis: √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: RMB Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Book balance Allowance for bad debts Provision (%) Reasons Amount of other software services 39,136,044.00 39,136,044.00 100.00 Expected difficulty in collection Total 39,136,044.00 39,136,044.00 100.00 / Allowance for bad debts made on an individual basis: □Applicable √Not Applicable 228 / 243 2021 Annual Report Allowance for bad debts made on a collective basis: √Applicable □Not Applicable Item for which allowance was made on a collective basis: grouped by aging Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Accounts receivable Allowance for bad debts Provision (%) Within 1 year 431,192,822.33 21,559,641.12 5.00 1-2 years 111,612,920.35 11,161,292.04 10.00 2-3 years 38,381,143.04 11,514,342.91 30.00 Over 3 years 64,150,290.28 64,150,290.28 100.00 Total 645,337,176.00 108,385,566.35 16.80 Item for which allowance was made on a collective basis: Grouped by related party transactions in the consolidation scope Allowance for bad Item Book balance Reasons debts Shanghai Genus 16,879,363.15 No impairment found by individual test Shanghai Gildata 1,295,429.66 No impairment found by individual test Jingteng Network 1,270,848.41 No impairment found by individual test Yunyong Network 685,242.50 No impairment found by individual test Hundsun HK 392,500.49 No impairment found by individual test Japan Hundsun 136,983.87 No impairment found by individual test Hundsun Ayers 71,364.71 No impairment found by individual test Cloudbroker Network 17,722.08 No impairment found by individual test Hundsun Science Park 13,100.00 No impairment found by individual test Cloudyee Network 1,834.18 No impairment found by individual test Sub-total 20,764,389.05 Recognition criteria and description of allowance for bad debts made on a collective basis: √Applicable □Not Applicable Item Grouping basis Expected credit loss calculation method A table of aging of accounts receivable and lifetime expected credit loss rates is prepared, and the expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to Accounts receivable - grouped by aging Aging historical credit loss experience, in consideration of current conditions and expectations of future economic conditions. The expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to historical credit loss experience, in Accounts receivable - grouped by related consideration of current conditions and expectation party transactions in the consolidation Nature of future economic conditions, and based on the scope default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit loss rate. If bad debt reserves are accrued according to the general model of expected credit losses, please refer to other receivables for disclosure: □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Allowance for bad debts 229 / 243 2021 Annual Report √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Change during the current period Opening Class Recovered Write-off or Other Closing balance balance Provision or reversed cancellation changes Allowance for bad debts made on an 55,969,423.14 2,863,260.94 19,696,640.08 39,136,044.00 individual basis Allowance for bad debts made on a 90,143,603.56 18,241,962.79 108,385,566.35 collective basis Total 146,113,026.70 21,105,223.73 19,696,640.08 147,521,610.35 The significant amount of provision reversal and recovery of bad debts in the current period: □Applicable √Not Applicable (4). Actual accounts receivable written off in the current period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Write-off Actual accounts receivable written off 19,696,640.08 Write-off of significant account receivables √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Nature of Reason for Write-off procedures From related party Item accounts Write-off write-off adopted transactions or not receivable HOMS software sales Software sales 19,696,640.08 Expected Management N receivable receivable unrecoverable approval Total / 19,696,640.08 / / / Notes on write-off of accounts receivable: □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Top five account receivables according to closing balances grouped by the debtor √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion in the total closing Closing balance of allowance Item Closing balance balance of accounts receivable for bad debts (%) Customer 1 16,879,363.15 2.39 Customer 2 15,137,006.14 2.15 1,133,794.55 Customer 3 14,440,000.00 2.05 722,000.00 Customer 4 12,537,000.00 1.78 784,450.00 Customer 5 11,229,300.00 1.59 1,715,299.36 Total 70,222,669.29 9.96 4,355,543.91 230 / 243 2021 Annual Report (6). Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (7). Amount of assets or liabilities due to the transfer of accounts receivable and continuing involvement □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Other receivables Item √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Interest receivable Dividend receivables Other receivables 66,212,431.56 43,769,249.04 Total 66,212,431.56 43,769,249.04 Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Interest receivable (1). Classification of interest receivable □Applicable √Not Applicable (2). Significant overdue interest □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Allowance for bad debts □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Dividend receivables (4). Dividend receivables □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Significant dividends receivable with the aging over 1 year □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Allowance for bad debts □Applicable √Not Applicable 231 / 243 2021 Annual Report Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable Other receivables (1) Disclosure by aging √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing book balance Within 1 year Including: Sub-items within 1 year Sub-total within 1 year 49,611,148.79 1-2 years 13,805,551.77 2-3 years 4,116,883.34 Over 3 years 11,409,094.28 Total 78,942,678.18 (2). Classified by nature of accounts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Nature Closing book balance Opening book balance Deposits 24,757,254.20 18,738,342.14 Current payments 45,472,539.58 30,251,965.83 Imprest fund 8,584,754.80 8,565,300.79 Others 128,129.60 Total 78,942,678.18 57,555,608.76 (3). Provision for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Allowance for bad debts Expected credit Total Lifetime ECL (not Lifetime ECL loss ("ECL") over credit-impaired) (credit-impaired) the next 12 months Balance as of January 1, 2021 720,892.16 196,848.34 12,868,619.22 13,786,359.72 Balance as of January 1, 2021 during the period - Transfer to stage 2 -143,232.16 143,232.16 - Transfer to stage 3 -151,096.44 151,096.44 - Reverse to stage 2 - Reverse to stage 1 Provision in the period 322,552.53 97,480.27 -1,525,245.90 -1,105,213.10 Reversal in the period -50,000.00 -50,000.00 Write-off in the period Cancellation in the period 900.00 900.00 Other changes Balance as of December 31, 900,212.53 286,464.33 11,543,569.76 12,730,246.62 2021 Notes on significant changes in the carrying amount of other receivables for which changes in the allowance for losses occurred during the current period: 232 / 243 2021 Annual Report □Applicable √Not Applicable Amount of allowance for bad debts for the current period and basis for evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments increases significantly: √Applicable □Not Applicable The expected credit loss is calculated, with reference to historical credit loss experience, in consideration of current conditions and expectation of future economic conditions, and based on the default risk exposure and 12-month or lifetime expected credit loss rate. (4). Provision for bad debts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Change during the current period Opening Class Recovered or Write-off or Closing balance balance Provision Other changes reversed cancellation Allowance for bad debts made on a 13,786,359.72 -1,105,213.10 -50,000.00 900.00 12,730,246.62 collective basis Total 13,786,359.72 -1,105,213.10 -50,000.00 900.00 12,730,246.62 The significant transfers or reversals with allowance for bad debts during the current period: □Applicable √Not Applicable (5). Other receivables actually written off in the period √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Write-off Other receivables actually written off 900.00 Write-off of significant other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable Notes on write-off of other receivables: □Applicable √Not Applicable (6). Top five other receivables according to closing balances grouped by the debtor √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion in the Allowance for bad total closing Item Nature Closing balance Aging debts balance of other Closing balance receivables (%) Customer 1 Current payments 25,471,606.05 Within 1 year 32.27 RMB507,676.41 within 1 Customer 2 Current payments 7,553,210.36 year; RMB7,045,533.95 for 9.57 1-2 years RMB4,627,971.30 within 1 Customer 3 Current payments 5,174,895.12 6.56 year; RMB546,923.82 for 233 / 243 2021 Annual Report Proportion in the Allowance for bad total closing Item Nature Closing balance Aging debts balance of other Closing balance receivables (%) 2-3 years Customer 4 Deposits 7,771,000.00 Over 3 years 9.84 7,771,000.00 RMB2,413,434.85 within Customer 5 Current payments 2,848,870.95 1-2 years; RMB435,436.10 3.61 within 2-3 years Total / 48,819,582.48 / 61.85 7,771,000.00 (7). Receivables involving government grants □Applicable √Not Applicable (8). Other receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets □Applicable √Not Applicable (9). Amount of assets or liabilities due to the transfer of other receivables and continuing involvement □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: □Applicable √Not Applicable 3. Long-term equity investments √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Impairment Impairment Book balance Carrying value Book balance Carrying value provision provision Investment in 2,758,321,839.55 262,249,246.66 2,496,072,592.89 2,137,362,716.25 214,131,968.35 1,923,230,747.90 subsidiaries Investment in associates and 839,073,663.56 104,190,614.26 734,883,049.30 599,654,805.95 103,180,614.26 496,474,191.69 joint ventures Total 3,597,395,503.11 366,439,860.92 3,230,955,642.19 2,737,017,522.20 317,312,582.61 2,419,704,939.59 (1). Investments in subsidiaries √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Provision for Closing balance Increase in the Decrease in the impairment Investee Opening balance Closing balance of impairment current period current period during the provision period Cloud Investment 115,000,000.00 198,302.00 115,198,302.00 Wuxi Henghua 15,814,000.00 15,814,000.00 Data Security 10,383,589.00 10,383,589.00 Jinrui Software 30,180,000.00 20,221,551.20 50,401,551.20 Beijing Qiantang 9,400,000.00 2,971,794.80 12,371,794.80 234 / 243 2021 Annual Report Shanghai Yirui 700,000.00 700,000.00 Japan Hundsun 2,960,123.04 2,960,123.04 Shanghai Liming 47,547,500.00 47,547,500.00 41,169,916.78 41,169,916.78 Shanghai Gildata 92,978,556.73 92,978,556.73 Hangzhou Yunhui 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 Cloudwing 12,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 312,000,000.00 Network Securities Investment 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 23,072,212.58 Network Cloudyee Network 27,000,000.00 1,788,820.80 28,788,820.80 Yunyong Network 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 Cloudbroker 36,967,500.00 6,292,513.60 43,260,013.60 Network Yunlian Network 12,600,000.00 12,600,000.00 6,947,361.53 6,947,361.53 Shanshang 12,600,000.00 12,600,000.00 10,560,441.13 Network Wengine Network 8,750,000.00 8,750,000.00 Hangzhou Yima 10,000,000.00 88,894.00 10,088,894.00 Intercontinental 53,194,000.00 53,194,000.00 Holdings Guangdong 300,000.00 300,000.00 Institute of Finance Hangzhou Xinglu 150,000,000.00 87,974,610.49 62,025,389.51 Business Intelligence 67,083,948.28 67,083,948.28 (Hangzhou) Hundsun International 853,678,200.00 853,678,200.00 164,489,250.55 Technologies Hundsun Holdings 154,790,717.70 154,790,717.70 Shengtian Network 1,000,000.00 1,342,983.20 2,342,983.20 Zhigu Network 18,000,000.00 723,460.40 18,723,460.40 6,473,762.09 Jingteng Network 60,000,000.00 2,104,736.40 62,104,736.40 Wuxi Xinglu 65,729,296.20 50,670,000.00 15,059,296.20 IHS Markit 46,900,000.00 581,230.00 47,481,230.00 Hundsun Science 22,184,900.00 22,184,900.00 Park Nanjing 132,000,000.00 48,000,000.00 180,000,000.00 Xingcheng BusinessMatrix 76,639,502.00 2,917,041.95 79,556,543.95 9,536,302.00 Shanghai Genus 83,771,601.00 8,767,996.00 4,377,613.16 88,161,983.84 Xunchang Wendao 35,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 Hundsun iBontal 100,052,500.00 100,052,500.00 Hundsun Lirong 180,000,000.00 180,000,000.00 Shanghai Dworld 50,183,804.90 50,183,804.90 Nanjing Xingding 27,955,000.00 27,955,000.00 Total 2,137,362,716.25 943,981,346.95 323,022,223.65 2,758,321,839.55 48,117,278.31 262,249,246.66 235 / 243 2021 Annual Report (2). Investments in associates and joint ventures √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: 10,000 yuan Currency: RMB Changes in the current period Closing Opening Investment Other Cash Closing balance of Investor Other balance Increase in Decrease in profit or loss comprehensive dividends and Impairment balance impairment changes in Others investment investment recognized by income profits provision provision equity equity method adjustments declared I. Joint ventures Sub-total II. Associates Ant (Hangzhou) Funds 13,547.81 12,079.21 23.64 25,650.66 Sales Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun Century Industry Co., 3,981.77 -427.61 3,554.16 Ltd. Shenzhen Trade Blazer 4,867.77 485.58 896.64 4,456.71 4,132.51 Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Rongdu Science & Technology 892.53 -194.51 698.02 1,647.27 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Santan 1,735.29 -582.80 1,152.49 Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Hundsun Changyun Network 743.31 661.50 58.98 -140.79 Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hundsun Yuntai Network 3,288.42 3.70 -2,226.06 1,135.21 0.58 2,194.45 Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong Yuecai 460.86 10.44 471.30 Internet Finance Co., Ltd. Beijing Hongtian Rongda Information Technology 15.38 -15.38 235.09 Co., Ltd. Golden State Investment 2,543.29 330.12 2,873.41 236 / 243 2021 Annual Report Services Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Ricequant 1,357.59 230.23 -128.90 1,458.92 3,255.59 Technology Co., Ltd. Fujian Trading Market Registration and 776.05 -42.69 733.36 Settlement Center Co., Ltd. Hundsun Cloud Financing Network Technology Co., 361.50 -673.47 1,253.53 941.56 Ltd. Hangzhou Fupu Gongjin Investment Partnership 2,332.02 410.62 2,742.64 (L.P.) Hangzhou HISOME Digital Equipment 2,455.68 594.40 3,050.08 Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Lianjiaoyun Registration and 116.97 38.21 155.18 Settlement Center Co., Ltd. Guangdong Yuecai Net Small Loan Microfinance 2,178.81 16.79 2,195.60 Co., Ltd. Shanghai Leanwork Financial Information 742.15 -23.31 17.64 101 635.48 1,148.60 Service Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Wanming Digital Technology Co., 491.71 -3.66 488.05 Ltd. Beijing Hezhi Xingtu 1,956.93 -121.92 1,835.01 Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Dworld AI 42.23 5,000.00 5,100.00 -23.85 81.62 Tech Co., Ltd. Hanzhou Eceyes Internet 2,421.89 132.07 19.29 2,573.25 Financial Co., Ltd. Hangzhou National Software Industry Base 270.99 -39.03 231.96 Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Institute of Modern Capital and 2.91 -0.02 2.89 Industry 237 / 243 2021 Annual Report Beijing Tongchuang Yongyi Technology 1,572.15 -205.14 17.01 1,384.02 Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai Qianyun Information Technology 491.40 -26.39 465.01 Co., Ltd. Databaker (Beijing) 562.50 2.04 564.54 Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yitongtou 1,350.00 -40.30 1.43 1,311.13 Technology Co., Ltd. Nanjing Pengxi Equity 12,000.00 -331.57 11,668.43 Investment Center (L.P.) Sub-total 49,647.41 19,142.73 5,765.20 9,051.85 2,467.75 896.64 101.00 -58.59 73,488.31 10,419.06 Total 49,647.41 19,142.73 5,765.20 9,051.85 2,467.75 896.64 101.00 -58.59 73,488.31 10,419.06 Other notes: 238 / 243 2021 Annual Report 4. Revenue and cost of sales (1). Revenue and cost of sales √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Item Revenue Cost Revenue Cost Principal businesses 4,519,733,092.73 1,280,745,652.91 3,466,445,741.88 804,119,886.50 Other businesses 20,680,988.09 447,250.64 13,278,818.68 262,023.49 Total 4,540,414,080.82 1,281,192,903.55 3,479,724,560.56 804,381,909.99 (2). Revenue from contracts √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Classification of contract Reporting segment Total By type of product Software 4,536,895,384.85 4,536,895,384.85 By operating regions Mainland China 4,536,895,384.85 4,536,895,384.85 By time of transfer of goods Revenue recognized at a certain time point 3,291,396,060.38 3,291,396,060.38 Revenue recognized within a certain period of 1,245,499,324.47 1,245,499,324.47 time Total 4,536,895,384.85 4,536,895,384.85 [Note 44] Excluding lease income. Breakdown of revenue from contracts: □Applicable √Not Applicable (3). Contract performance obligations √Applicable □Not Applicable The Company's revenue mainly comes from sales of self-made and customized software, software services and outsourced goods. Sales of self-made and customized software and outsourced goods are performance obligations to be performed at a certain time point, and the revenue shall be recognized when the products are delivered to the customer and the customer obtains control of the products. Sales of software services are performance obligations to be performed within a certain time period and the revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the performance progress. (4). Apportionment to remaining performance obligations □Applicable √Not Applicable Other notes: The revenue recognized in the opening carrying value of contract liabilities during the current period was RMB1,878,230,377.70. 239 / 243 2021 Annual Report 5. Investment income √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Income from long-term equity investments 60,497,500.00 105,463,000.00 calculated by the cost method Income from long-term equity investments 90,518,351.65 10,437,512.44 calculated by the equity method Investment income from the disposal of 20,732,708.91 6,394,004.09 long-term equity investments Investment income from holding held-for-trading 56,045,308.23 80,343,339.95 financial assets Investment income from disposal of 37,710,964.56 119,952,215.38 held-for-trading financial assets Total 265,504,833.35 322,590,071.86 6. Others √Applicable □Not Applicable R&D expenses Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount in the current period Amount in the previous period Employee compensation 1,432,390,117.14 1,029,032,004.50 Share-based payment 48,176,369.19 1,216,497.17 Technology development costs 187,488,105.20 123,332,415.56 Communication expenses 54,732,886.58 42,893,154.15 Travel expenses 51,359,608.68 41,229,420.10 Depreciation and amortization 27,768,520.46 18,786,141.12 Vehicle expenses 4,249,187.86 3,411,206.56 Office expenses 4,522,430.16 2,144,858.76 Intermediary fees 657,361.05 699,412.77 Business expenses 297,150.23 101,875.71 Total 1,811,641,736.55 1,262,846,986.40 XVIII. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1. Breakdown of current non-recurring profit or loss √Applicable □Not Applicable Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount . Mainly represented the investment income from the transfer of shares of HundSun Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets 38,436,050.92 Chang Yun and the fair value recognition of the remaining shares of Dworld AI Government grants charged to the current profit or loss Mainly represented the (other than those closely related to corporate business 57,355,855.21 government grants for special and granted based on a fixed amount or a fixed quantity projects unified by the state) Profit or loss from changes in the fair value generated Mainly represented the profit and from the Company's held-for-trading and derivative loss from the changes in the fair financial assets, and held-for-trading and derivative 489,548,525.78 value generated from the financial liabilities, and investment income from the Company's held-for-trading disposal of held-for-trading and derivative financial financial assets, and the 240 / 243 2021 Annual Report Item Amount . assets, held-for-trading and derivative financial investment income from the liabilities, and other debt investments, except for disposal of the held-for-trading effective hedging business related to the Company's financial assets normal business Other non-operating income and expenses other than -770,038.19 the above Less: Effect on income tax 56,393,147.86 Effect on minority interests 11,207,988.27 Total 516,969,257.59 Reasons shall be given with respect to the Company classifying the non-recurring profit and loss items defined and listed in the Explanatory Notice on Information Disclosure of Companies with Public Offering No. 1-Non-recurring Profit and Loss as recurring profit and loss items. □Applicable √Not Applicable 2. Return on net assets and earnings per share √Applicable □Not Applicable Weighted average ROE Earnings per share Profit during the Reporting Period (%) Basic EPS Diluted EPS Net profit attributable to ordinary 30.11 1.01 1.01 shareholders of the Company Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company net of 19.47 0.65 0.65 non-recurring profits and losses 3. Differences in accounting data between domestic and overseas accounting standards □Applicable √Not Applicable 4. Others √Applicable □Not Applicable 1. Calculation of weighted average ROE Item S/N During the period Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company A 1,463,538,930.14 Non-recurring profit and loss B 516,969,257.59 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares net of non-recurring profit or C=A-B 946,569,672.55 loss Opening net assets attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the Company D 4,553,732,993.32 Net assets attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the Company increased due E to offering of new shares or conversion of debts into shares Number of months from the next month following the increase up to the end of the F reporting period Net assets attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the Company decreased due G 104,367,431.40 to share repurchase or reduced cash dividends Number of months from the month following the decrease in net assets up to the end of H 5 the reporting period Other changes in owners' equity arising from associates other than net profit or I1 18,417,249.85 loss and profit distribution Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net Other J1 6 assets up to the end of the reporting period s Others - Other changes held by Company’s shareholding platform in the ownership interests of subsidiaries within the scope of the Company’s I2 1,416,643.83 consolidation for the period other than net profit or loss and profit distribution 241 / 243 2021 Annual Report Item S/N During the period Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net J2 6 assets up to the end of the reporting period Others- Other comprehensive income and other changes in owner's equity related to the originally held equity before the purchase date transferred into I3 -2,565,362.09 investment income Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net J3 7 assets up to the end of the reporting period Other-Changes in owner's equity arising from share-based payments I4 108,678,977.25 Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net J4 5、6 assets up to the end of the reporting period Other-Share repurchase under the Employee Stock Ownership Scheme I5 -682,524,351.40 Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net J5 9、10、11 assets up to the end of the reporting period Others-Contributions by employees under the Employee Stock Ownership J6 361,621,876.00 Scheme Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net I6 5 assets up to the end of the reporting period Others-Changes arising from changes in owners' equity shares of subsidiaries J6 -11,498,903.95 but still controlling subsidiaries Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net I7 3、5、7 assets up to the end of the reporting period Others-Changes in the fair value of other debt investments J7 -25,707.87 Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net I8 6 assets up to the end of the reporting period Including: Foreign currency translation difference in the statements I9 -11,393,862.64 Number of months from the month following the increase or decrease in net J9 6 assets up to the end of the reporting period Number of months during the Reporting Period K 12 L= D+A/2+ Weighted average net assets E×F/K-G×H / 4,861,181,855.45 K±I×J/K Weighted average ROE M=A/L 30.11% Weighted average ROE net of non-recurring profit and loss N=C/L 19.47% 2. Calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share (1) Calculation of basic earnings per share Item S/N During the period Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company A 1,463,538,930.14 Non-recurring profit and loss B 516,969,257.59 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares net of non-recurring profit or loss C=A-B 946,569,672.55 Total number of shares at the beginning of the period D 1,044,090,754.00 Number of shares increased due to the capitalization of capital reserves or the E 417,469,725.60 distribution of shares and dividends Number of shares increased due to new shares issuance or conversion of debt to capital F Number of months from the month following the increase of shares to the end of G the Reporting Period Decrease in the number of shares due to repurchase H 7,190,295.00 Number of months from the month following the increase in shares up to the end of the I 9, 10, 11 Reporting Period Decrease in the number of shares during the Reporting Period J Number of months during the Reporting Period K 12 L=D+E+F ×G/ Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares 1,455,437,146.93 K-H×I / K-J Basic EPS M=A/L 1.01 Basic earnings per share net of non-recurring profit and loss N=C/L 0.65 242 / 243 2021 Annual Report (2) Calculation of diluted earnings per share The calculation of diluted earnings per share is the same as that of basic earnings per share. Chairman: Peng Zhenggang Submission date for approval of the Board: March 29, 2022 Revision Information □Applicable √Not Applicable 243 / 243