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                        HUNDSUN ESG & CSR REPORT
Hundsun Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) Report & Corporate
Social Responsibility Report (CSR)
Technology empowers finance for a better future

04 / Address by the     Corporate Social Responsibility
                        (CSR) Management
Chairman of the Board
05 / About Hundsun      10 / Analysis on substantive
06 / Events
                        12 / Hundsun corporate social
                        responsibility strategy
                        13 / Stakeholder involvement


                        16 / Corporate governance
                        16 / Corporate governance
                        18 / Overview of Board of
                        19 / Overview of performance in
                        the last three years

                        Technology    empowers

                        22 / Actively construt financial
                        24 / Empower the independent
                        and controllable development of
                        China's financial industry
                        27 / Empower the digital
                        transformation of the financial
                        28 / Support the opening-up of
                        China's financial market
                        30 / Consistently serve the real
 Products      and                                        Community   and
 services                                                 charity

34 / Continuously improve                            68 / Investor education
product quality
                                                     70 / Hundsun volunteer
36 / U+ Customer services                            services
                                                     71 / Party committee and
                                                     Labor union
                                                     73 /
                                                     74 / Public welfare foundation
40 / Compliance management
43 / Information security and                             Green
privacy protection
46 / Protection of intellectual                       78 / Clean technology
property rights
                                                      79 / Energy conservation
47 / Responsible procurement                          and emission reduction

 Talents       and

                                  82 / Overview of sustainable development
50 / Talent introduction
                                  82 / List of policies
53 / Talent motivation and
retention                         84 / List of key performance indicators
55 / Training and growth          86 / Index of Environmental, Social and Governance
58 / Employee care
                                  87 / Index of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
64 / Engineering culture          Standards
                                  88 / About this report
Corporate Social Responsibility
Address by the Chairman of the Board

                                  "Perseverance, endless growth" is
                                  Hundsun's spirit, the industry expectation,
                                  the commitment to the society, and also
                                  our dream of sustainable development.

Looking back on the past 2021, we have                     They are in Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai,
experienced many unforgettable moments: the                Shenzhen and other cities. Some of them have
official opening of the Beijing Stock Exchange, the        been working for the Company for more than
rise of green finance and the opening of digital           twenty years and have grown together with the
intelligence finance. In the uncertain environment,        Company; some of them have just graduated and
we have made remarkable achievements in the past           Hundsun is the first stop for them to formally
year. The performance of the Company has                   become members of the society. We hope to
maintained steady growth. The new generation of            create a good development platform for
core products such as O45 / UF3.0 / TA has been            everyone, where everyone can continue to grow
gradually launched, the IPD/LTC reform pilot and           and realize dreams.
the equity incentive plan have been implemented,           In 2021, we continued to devote ourselves to
and        the     new       headquarters      building    public welfare undertakings. Through Zhejiang
Digital-intelligence Hundsun Center has been               Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation established
initiated.                                                 in 2016 and Hundsun Investor Education Base
In 2021, we continued to deepen the core value of          put into operation in 2017, we continued to make
"customer first". Under the guidance of "quality first",   efforts in the fields of targeted poverty alleviation,
we comprehensively improved product quality by             caring for autistic children, and finance business
establishing clear quality objectives at all levels. In    education for teenagers and jointly promoted
2021, the proportion of software defect                    sustainable development of enterprises and
requirements of Hundsun dropped by 43%, and                society. Furthermore, we struggled to save
product quality satisfaction continued to improve. At      energy, reduce emissions and achieve green
the same time, we always put compliance                    development in financial industry depending on
management, information security and data privacy          technology.
protection in the first place, and we are committed to     To assist finance, boost development, and build a
providing customers with safe and reliable products        future       –is the core concept of Hundsun in
and solutions.                                             fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities, and is
In 2021, we initiated the new headquarters building,       what we've been doing. We always believe that,
Digital-intelligence Hundsun Center, continued to          while achieving our own development, we should
provide our employees with a good working                  also work hard to solve social problems and
environment and welfare guarantee, and help them           assume the responsibilities of corporate
achieve their self-fulfillment and personal dreams in      citizenship. In the future, we will continue to give
Hundsun through a perfect growth and training              full play to our technological advantages, take
system. As more young people join Hundsun,                 actual actions to fulfill corporate social
Hundsun has more than 13,000 employees in 2021.            responsibilities, and achieve the sustainable and
                                                           healthy development of the Company and
                                            Peng Zhenggang, Chairman of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                                                                Corporate Social Responsibility

About Hundsun
 Introduction to Hundsun

Hundsun is a financial technology company with
the mission of "making the finance easy",
headquartered in Hangzhou, China. Established in
1995 and listed on the main board of Shanghai
Stock Exchange (600570.SH) in 2003.
Hundsun focuses on the financial industry and
devotes itself to offering integrated solution and       Hundsun 2021
services to the institutions of securities, futures,
funds, trust, insurance, banking, exchange and
private placement. Hundsun has been listed to be
top-100 Financial technology global financial IT
enterprise for 14 consecutive years, ranking 38th in
2021. Hundsun currently has more than 13310                                       Total employees
employees, among which product technology                                                  13,310
personnel account for about 65%. During these
years, relying on the experience of financial IT
construction and the profound insight and
understanding on the internet, Hundsun encircles                    Hundsun is headquartered in
technical services and constantly energizes the                                      Hangzhou,
innovative development of financial institutions by             and has established branches in
using high-quality products and services.                       Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen
Meanwhile, Hundsun also actively fulfills its
corporate social responsibilities and continuously
contributes in the fields of investor education,
poverty alleviation and extension of assistance to
the needy, and caring for autistic children, realizing                                 Turnover
the common sustainable development of the                                     RMB 5,496,578,625
Company and the society.

                                                                              Year-on-year growth
         Make the finance easy

                                                                                 Operating profit
      Become the world's leading                                              RMB 1,463,538,930
          fintech company

                Core values
    Customer      first,  integrity,
    professionalism & dedication
      opening up & cooperation,
          continued growth
Corporate Social Responsibility

                   1995-2005 preliminary development       2006-2011 speed up
                            8 engineers    founded   the   2007   The Company was selected as "Top 10
                            Company                               Enterprises    with      Revenue from
                   1997                                           Self-owned Brand Software Product in
                            Banking     division     was          China in 2007" through the model
                            established                           evaluation of CMMI L4 software
                                                                  capability maturity integration
                   1998     The influence of securities    2008
                            software was expanded; the            Listed to be top-100 Financial
                            bank's IT business was                technology global financial IT enterprise
                            initially developed, and the          for the first time and listed for
                            fund management system                consecutive years since then
                            was started
                   2001     The industry development
                            strategy was determined,       2009   Put forward “network reform industry ”
                            and the three major business          and began to explore the IT construction
                            departments of securities,            of internet finance.
                            banking and fund took shape
                   2003     Listed on the Main Board of           Purchased Shanghai Gildata and
                            Shanghai Stock Exchange               entered the field of financial messaging.
                            (600570.SH)                    2011   The Company has successfully passed
                                                                  ISO20000 certification and has reached
                                                                  an internationally recognized level in
                                                                  terms of IT service standardization and
                                                                  customer service management.
                                                                  Corporate Social Responsibility

2012-2017 Transformation                       2018-2021 New start
2012   Undertook the construction of new       2018
                                                      Fully upgraded its brand, put a new
       generation systems of Shanghai
                                                      logo into use and put forward a new
       Clearing House and NEEQ and
                                                      vision - become a leading fintech
       participated in the construction of
       financial market infrastructures.
2016   Established partnership with the        2019   Established a joint venture together
       Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd.               with IHS Markit, and committed to
       for the development of Qianhai                 supporting the opening-up of China's
       Commodity Trading Platform                     bond market depending on technology.
       PB business was rapidly developed,
       and Hundsun indirectly served more
       than 10,000 private equity and
       institutional end customers
       Actively    explored    cutting-edge    2020   Released O45, a one-stop solution for
       technologies such as blockchain and            asset management, and launched a
       smart finance, and joined the                  new generation of brokerage serving
       blockchain Hyperledger project                 platform UF3.0
                                                      Established a strategic partnership
                                                      with the world's leading fintech
                                                      company Finastra
2017   Launched eight types of AI products     2021   Acquired Baotai Technology and
       based on its artificial intelligence           entered the core field of insurance
       strategy and promoted the application          Assisted in the construction of the
       of smart financial applications                national carbon emission trading
       Launched U+ Campaign, improved                 system and registration system, and
       user experience, and created user              contributed to the realization of the
       value                                          dual carbon goal with financial
                                                      technology power
                                                      Initiated   the    new      headquarters
                                                      building, Digital-intelligence Hundsun
                                                      Beijing Stock Exchange opened and
                                                      Hundsun provided technical support
                                                      and guarantee for the smooth
                                                      operation of Beijing Stock Exchange
                                                      The        new-generation         asset
                                                      management system O45 of Hundsun
                                                      was officially launched in Hwabao WP
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                 Corporate Social Responsibility

 Corporate Social
 Responsibility (CSR)

Hundsun believes that CSR practice is closely
related to and inseparable from Hundsun's
long-term development. This is the fourth
consecutive year that Hundsun has released
the CSR Report since 2018. At the same time,
Hundsun incorporated the Index of ESG
Report of the Stock Exchange into the
compliance standard since 2020, adjusted the
importance of relevant substantive issues, and
disclosed specific CSR practices in 2021.
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate  Social                 Responsibility
(CSR) Management
       Analysis on substantive issues
In the context of sustainable development, in 2021,
Hundsun reviewed and sorted out CSR practices
since its establishment; analyzed and benchmarked
them against international standards, macro policies,
industry policies and peer practices; screened out
important     issues    through     interviews      and        Assessment
questionnaires according to the importance of
assessment and decision-making of the Company
and stakeholders, and the importance of the
economic, environmental and social impacts,
established a substantive analysis matrix of the issues
and submitted it to the Company management for            Strategy         Report
confirmation. Hundsun took moderately or highly
related substantive issues as key disclosures of this
report after assessment according to Hundsun's
current CSR strategy, and confirmed its scope and
                                                                                              Corporate Social Responsibility

High, medium and low-level substantive issues (refer to the Index of Environmental, Social and
Governance Report of the Stock Exchange)
Importance to stakeholders

                                  low-level           medium-level                       high-level
                                    issues              issues                             issues
                                                                                  Importance to business

                             Social issues             Corporate        governance         Environmental issues
                             Compliance                Serve the real economy               Green building
                                                       Empower             industry         Energy     saving       and
                             Information security      transformation          and          environmental protection
                                                       upgrading                            Waste management
                             products                  Promote         industry
                                                                                            Greenhouse gas emissions
                                                       independence and control
                             compensation      and     Anti-corruption
                                                       Promote      infrastructure
                             Staff training and        construction
                                                       Social welfare
                             Stable performance
                                                       Clean technology
                             Customer services
                             Employee        health
                             and safety
Corporate Social Responsibility

       Hundsun CSR Strategy                         Technology empowers the development of
                                                             the financial industry
Hundsun has been actively been fulfilling the
corporate mission of "making the finance
easy" and jointly achieving the corporate
social     responsibility    of      sustainable                    Make the finance
development depending on technology and                                  easy
with "assist finance, boost development, and
build a future" as the core concept of fulfilling
its corporate social responsibilities.                     Customers               Employees
Based on the financial industry, Hundsun is
committed       to    providing      high-quality
technology, products and services to assure          Industry   Government
                                                                              Regulators    Shareholders
the stable operation of the financial market
and empower autonomous and controllable
development of China's financial industry                  Economy, environment and society
while supporting the opening-up of China's
financial market, empowering the digital
transformation of financial institutions, and               Achieve sustainable development
consistently serving the real economy. In                               together
addition, Hundsun is also committed to
growing together with our customers,
employees and shareholders, contributing to
the economy, environment and society and                              Boost finance
building a harmonious society.                           Actively construct financial infrastructure
                                                        Empower the independent and controllable
                                                         development of China's financial industry
                                                          Promote the digital transformation and
                                                            upgrading of the financial industry
                                                        Support the opening-up of financial market
                                                           Consistently serve the real economy

                                                                  Boost development
                                                        Assist employees to achieve self-fulfillment
                                                        Seek common development together with
                                                                 Grow with shareholders

                                                                     Build a future
                                                                     Good economy
                                                                   Green environment
                                                                   Harmonious society
                                                                                        Corporate Social Responsibility

                         Stakeholders     Appeal & response                Communication mechanism
     Stakeholder                                                           Regular reporting and communication on
     involvement                                                           special issues
                                                                           Special meetings and various trainings
Hundsun maintains                         Compliance operation
                                                                           Submit, update and maintain daily
                         Regulators       Risk management
regular                                                                    information
                                          Active response
communication with                                                         Learn and discuss regulatory policies and
its stakeholders such                                                      regulations
                                                                           Cooperate with regulatory questionnaire
as       governments,
                                          Obey the law and pay
regulators,                               taxes according to law           Participate in government projects
customers,                                Promote social progress          Visit & communication
employees, partners,     Governments
                                          Guarantee safety and             Related forum exchange activities
                         at all levels
suppliers,                                stability of financial market    Government visit reception
shareholders,                             Assist in the formulation of     Information submission
investors,                                industry strategies
                                          Provide           high-quality   Customer training
universities,                             products and services            Customer satisfaction survey
academic institutions,                    Provide a stable operating       Service Online / U+App
media             and                     environment                      Customer service hotline / Email / qq /
communities.                              Guarantee        data     and    website
                                          information security             WeChat official account of customer
                                          Improve              customer    service headquarters
                                          experience                       Customer complaint mechanism
                                          Keep good relations
                                                                           Participate in research
                                          Cooperative development
                         Partners     &                                    Participate in industry exhibitions, forums,
                                          Just, fair and open
                         suppliers                                         etc.
                                          Integrity, compliance and
                                                                           Procurement and bidding procedures
                                          Rights protection
                                                                           Party committee
                                          Competitive compensation
                                                                           Labor union
                                          and benefits
                                                                           Satisfaction survey
                                          Good working environment
                                                                           Hundsun College
                         Employees        Perfect training system
                                                                           Hearing / OA / Community / DingTalk / Mail
                                          Fair      promotion       and
                                                                           Performance communication mechanism
                                                                           Employee relations team / HR executive /
                                          Health and safety
                                                                           visit and condolence
                                          Communication and care
                                                                           Timely, true, accurate, complete, concise,
                                                                           clear, easy-to-understand information
                                                                           Investor hotline, public investor mailbox,
                                          Continuous and stable
                                                                           SSE E interactive communication
                         Shareholders     return on investment
                                                                           Participate in the brokerage strategy
                         and investors    Healthy development of
                                                                           meeting for roadshows
                                          company and business
                                                                           Daily telephone communication, research,
                                                                           visit and reception
                                                                           Website / WeChat ID / Weibo
                                                                           multi-channel dissemination
                                                                           Provide internship opportunities
                         Universities     School-enterprise  joint
                                                                           Organize job training
                         and academic     training
                                                                           Integrate production, learning, research,
                         institutions     Promote employment
                                                                           management and use
                                          Healthy development of
                                          company and business             Media interview and reception
                                          Product      and     service     Official website of the Company/ WeChat
                                          innovation                       official account
                                          Integrity, compliance and        Daily communication and exchange
                                          Disseminate         investor
                                          education knowledge
                                                                           Investor Education Base
                                          Participate     in    public
                         Community                                         Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation
                                          welfare undertakings
                                                                           Hundsun Volunteer Association
                                          Support           community
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                   Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate Governance

Hundsun adheres to the core values of
“customer first, integrity, professionalism &
dedication, opening up & cooperation,
continued growth ”and the mission of “making
the finance easy ”and is committed to
becoming the world's leading fintech company.
Since its establishment, Hundsun has been
actively     shouldering     corporate    social
responsibilities, practicing corporate citizens'
responsibilities, and continuously promoting
the sustainable development of the Company
and society.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Governance
    Corporate governance framework
In accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the Company's Articles of Association, the
Company has clarified the setting of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, management and
internal organizations at all levels, staffing, responsibilities, working procedures and related
organizational hierarchy. The organizational hierarchy of the Company is as follows:

                                                        Meeting of
                                                                               Board of
                                                           Board of
                                                           Directors                      Audit Committee            Audit Office

                    Board of Directors Office                                         Compensation and Appraisal

                                                                                           Strategic Investment      Investment
                                                                                                Committee            Department



           Product technical           Industry business           Other business lines                Functional
                 line                         line                                                    organization

In strict accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Rules Governing the Listing of
Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Company's
Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meeting, the Rules of Procedure of the
Board of Director, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors, the Foreign Guarantee
Management System, the Internal Audit Management System and other rules and regulations, the
Company consistently improved the corporate governance structure, standardized company operations,
and improved corporate governance during the reporting period.

      Corporate governance

About shareholders and general meeting of shareholders
During the reporting period, the Company held a total of 4 general meetings of shareholders. The
convening and voting procedures of the General Meeting of Shareholders complied with the provisions
of the Company Law, the Articles of Association, and the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of
Shareholders were witnessed by lawyers who issued legal opinions on their legality. The Company had
smooth communication channels with shareholders, treated all the shareholders equally, and ensured
that shareholders can fully exercise their rights so that they had the right to know and participate in
decision-making on major issues.
                                                                                      Corporate Social Responsibility
About directors and Board of Directors
The number and composition of the Company's Board of Directors comply with the laws and regulations, and the
Company's directors are diligent and responsible. The Company has a total of 11 directors, of which 4 are
independent directors, including 2 accounting experts, 1 financial expert and 1 legal expert (female). Independent
directors do not hold any positions other than directors in the Company, which meets relevant regulations.
During the reporting period, the Company held a total of 6 meetings of the Board of Directors, and the convening
and voting procedures of the meetings were in compliance with the provisions of the Company Law, the Company's
Articles of Association, and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors. The Company’s Board of Directors has
four special committees, namely the Strategic Investment Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nomination
Committee and the Compensation and Appraisal Committee, and has formulated the terms of reference and
detailed implementation rules for the special committees to give full play to professional advantages and effectively
ensure that group decisions by the Board of Directors are legal, scientific and correct, which reduces the
Company’s operational risks.
The Board of Directors of the Company actively studied the documents of the CPC Central Committee. According to
the recommendation of the Party Committee of the Company, during the board meeting, the Board of Directors
studied the relevant documents of the 10th meeting of the Central Finance and Economics Committee, and the
Implementation Plan for Zhejiang High-quality Development and Construction of Common Prosperity
Demonstration Zone, etc.
About supervisors and the Board of Supervisors
The Company’s Board of Supervisors consists of 3 members, including 1 chairman of the board of supervisors and
1 employee supervisor (female). During the reporting period, the Company held a total of 5 meetings of the Board of
Supervisors, and the convening and voting procedures of the meetings were in compliance with the provisions of
the Company Law, the Company's Articles of Association, and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors. The
Board of Supervisors can conscientiously perform its duties, supervise the legality and compliance of the
Company's directors and senior managers in performing their duties, and safeguard the legitimate rights and
interests of shareholders.
About information disclosure and transparency
True, accurate, timely and complete information disclosure is an important manifestation of the Company's
fulfillment of social responsibilities. The Company shall make regular reports and disclose interim announcements
in a true, accurate, timely and complete manner and pay special attention to delivering more effective information to
the market from the perspective of investors in strict accordance with the regulations on information disclosure.
Since its listing, the Company has been strengthening the construction of the information disclosure system.
According to actual work needs and the relevant requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission
(CSRC) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), the Company has formulated a series of information disclosure
systems and administration measures: Hundsun's Information Disclosure Management System, Hundsun's Insider
Information Registration and Filing System, Hundsun's Material Information Internal Reporting System, Hundsun's
External Information Reporting, Use and Management System, etc., under which all responsible departments and
persons in charge perform their respective duties and information disclosure channels are smooth.
In 2021, in order to regulate the operation of listed companies and improve the level of corporate governance, a
series of rules and guidelines are promulgated at the regulatory level. In response to the policies and regulations
issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company organized learning activities, and deeply
studied the Administrative Measures for the Information Disclosure by Listed Companies, the Listing Rules of
Shares of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the relevant regulatory guidelines of the China Securities Regulatory
Commission, the relevant self-regulation guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange and templates of annual and
semi-annual reports and other newly promulgated or revised rules. The Company also continuously strengthened
the initiative of information disclosure, disclosed the Company's operating status, development strategies and other
information to the market in a timely and complete manner, and ensured that the information disclosure was true,
accurate, complete, concise, clear and easy to understand.
About investor relations management
The Company has attached great importance to investor relations management, and has formulated the Investor
Relations Management System, and has maintained investor relations through the investor hotline, public mailbox
for investors, and SSE E-interaction, reception of individual investors and institutional investors, summit for
securities companies, etc. During the reporting period, the Company directly conveyed to investors the Company’s
strategic planning goals and confidence in future sustainable development by holding 2020 performance meeting
and 2021 semi-annual performance meeting, which effectively enhanced investors ’understanding of the Company
and maintained the relationship between the Company and investors. Through information disclosure and
exchanges, the Company strengthened communication with investors, enhanced investors' understanding and
recognition of the Company, improved corporate governance, maximized the Company's overall interests, and
protected the legitimate rights and interests of the investors.
Corporate Social Responsibility

      Overview of Board of Directors
The composition of the special committees of the Board of Directors is shown in the following figure:

                                                        Strategic Investment

                                                         Audit Committee
                             Special Committee of the
                                Board of Directors
                                                         Compensation and
                                                        Appraisal Committee


Strategic Investment Committee
Strategic investment committee is a permanent independent body under the Company’s Board of
Directors. It is composed of the Company's directors who are nominated by the Chairman and elected by
the Board of Directors. It is responsible to the Board of Directors, accepts the supervision of the
Company's Board of Supervisors. In order to ensure the strict, standard, orderly and high efficiency work
of the Strategic Investment Committee, the Organization and Working Measures of the Strategic
Investment Committee of the Board of Directors are hereby formulated. The Strategic Investment
Committee shall fulfill the following responsibilities: study and formulate the Company’s long-term
development strategy; formulate the Company's investment policies; formulate the Company’s capital
operation plan; manage and direct the work of the investment development department; submit foreign
investment information for the previous year and the work plan for next year to the Board of Directors for
approval; deliberate the Company’s asset purchase and sales of non-associated transactions, foreign
investment (equity transfer), and asset mortgage, and submit to the Board of Directors for approval after
Audit Committee
In order to strengthen the decision-making function of the Board of Directors of the Company, carry out
relevant audit work according to law, ensure the effective supervision of the Board of Directors over the
management, further improve the corporate governance structure and safeguard the rights and interests
of all shareholders, the Company has set up the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors according
to the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Articles of
Association of the Company and other relevant regulations, and formulated the Organization and
Working Measures of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee, as a
special organization under the Company's Board of Directors, is responsible to the Board of Directors
and carries out its work under the leadership of the Board of Directors. It is mainly responsible for the
Company's internal audit, communication with external audit institutions, annual report audit, budget and
final accounts management, construction and management of internal control system.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility
Compensation and Appraisal Committee
In order to establish and improve the performance appraisal and assessment system for the Company’s
directors and senior managers, formulate a scientific and effective compensation management system,
implement the Company’s talent development and utilization strategy and strengthen the planning and
management of the Company’s overall compensation strategy, the Company has established the
Compensation and Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors, and formulated the Organization
and Working Procedures of the Compensation and Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors.
The Compensation and Appraisal Committee is a special organization under the Board of Directors. It is
responsible to the Board of Directors and carries out its work under the leadership of the Board of
Directors. It is mainly responsible for formulating compensation strategies and plans for the directors and
senior managers, reviewing the performance indicators of the operation management team, appraising
the corresponding performance, implementing the Company’s overall compensation strategy plan and
working out the Company’s equity incentive plan.
Nomination Committee
In order to further improve the corporate governance structure, realize the standard and scientific
selection of directors and senior executives, improve work efficiency, and ensure scientific
decision-making, the Company has set up the Nomination Committee under the Board of Directors and
formulated the Organization and Working Measures of the Nomination Committee under the Board of
Directors according to the Company Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the
Articles of Association of the Company, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors and other
relevant regulations. The special organizations under the Company's Board of Directors are responsible
to the Board of directors and carry out work under the leadership of the Board of Directors. Study and
formulate the criteria and procedures for the selection of directors and senior managers, review the
qualifications of directors and senior managers and make recommendations for their appointment and

    Performance Overview of the Past Three Years

                               2019                         2020                           2021
Total assets            8,359,497,109.35             9,971,144,688.34              12,079,908,312.76
Net assets              4,478,963,385.36             4,554,029,323.59              5,695,031,051.05
Operating income        3,871,840,010.31             4,172,645,156.56              5,496,578,624.88
Dividend per
                               0.53                          0.1                            0.1
Earnings per
                               0.97                         0.90                           1.01

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                    Corporate Social Responsibility

  Technology empowers

Technology is the core competitiveness of
Hundsun. Since its establishment Hundsun
has taken root in the financial industry, stayed
true to the mission, adhered to empowering the
innovation and development of financial
industry with the power of scientific technology,
prevented financial risks and maintained the
stable operation of the financial market. As a
technology company, Hundsun has proactively
leveraged its advantages to participate in the
construction of financial infrastructure at the
national and local levels, empowered the
independent and controllable development and
the digital transformation of the financial
industry, helped China's financial market open
to the outside world, and continued to serve
the real economy.
Corporate Social Responsibility

     Actively Construct Financial Infrastructure
Improving the construction of financial infrastructure and mechanism is an important link of ensuring the
stable operation of the financial market. Since its establishment, Hundsun has proactively constructed
the financial infrastructure and participated in the top-level design and construction of China's financial IT
field to respond to the national call. Hundsun provides infrastructure institutions of the financial market
with comprehensive solutions to comprehensive business such as registration and settlement, trading,
risk control, and comprehensive member agency settlement. At present, Hundsun has provided software
technical services for more than ten infrastructure institutions of the financial market such as Shanghai
Clearing House, Beijing Financial Assets Exchange, NEEQ, Shanghai Insurance Exchange and so on.
Technology empowers finance and technology supports supervision. In recent years, Hundsun has also
actively provided technical support for the construction of regulatory systems for Jiangxi, Guangzhou,
Fujian, and other places. Relying on its own technological advantages and understanding of financial
business, Hundsun constructs the national and local financial infrastructure platforms, which is the
responsibility of Hundsun.
 In 2009, Hundsun assisted China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. in officially launching
     the "New Open-end Fund System for China Clearing".
 In 2012, Hundsun undertook the construction of integrated business system of Shanghai Clearing
 In 2013, Hundsun undertook the construction of the National Equities Exchange and Quotations
     (NEEQ) to support the construction of a multi-level capital market.
 In 2016, the first batch of products on the insurance asset registration and trading platform of
     Shanghai Insurance Exchange Co., Ltd. was successfully launched. Hundsun provided technical
     support for its insurance asset registration and trading platform, which is one of the most important
     core platforms of the Shanghai Insurance Exchange.
 In 2017, Hundsun undertook the "Major Projects of Promoting the Development of Big Data" from
     the National Development and Reform Commission, constructed a "nationwide local financial big
     data supervision platform", conducted the monitoring of big data on 15 types of financial high-risk
     industries, such as local exchanges and online lending platforms across the country, and
     maintained the security and stability of the financial industry by making use of the financial big data
     supervision platform, a fundamental and key technology.
 In 2018, Hundsun undertook the development projects of the new generation registration system,
     custody system, and corporate behavior management system of China Central Depository and
     Clearing Co., Ltd. and the development projects of the new generation clearing system and
     settlement system.
     Hundsun provided comprehensive technical support for Qianhai Bulk Commodity Trading Platform
     established by HKEX.
 In 2019, Hundsun undertook the building of a regulatory system for issuance and review by the
     China Securities Regulatory Commission.
      Hundsun undertook the building of the national carbon emission trading system, to support the
     centralized and unified trading of national carbon emission quota, satisfy multiple trading modes,
     support carbon pledge, carbon borrowing and other businesses, and complete functions such as the
     clearing and settlement of funds and quota.
 In 2020, Hundsun participated in the construction of the custody system for underlying assets of
     standardized notes of Shanghai Commercial Paper Exchange Corporation Ltd.
      Hundsun undertook the building of a regulatory system for the issuance and review of the
     registration-based IPO system for ChiNext Board.
     Hundsun undertook the building of the "Bank-Insurance Link" system for the centralized agency
     sales business platform for insurance asset management products of China Insurance Asset
     Registration and Trading System Co., Ltd. (China Insurance Registration)
 In 2021, the national carbon emission trading system and registration system constructed by
     Hundsun were officially launched.
     Hundsun undertook the CCER trading system of China Beijing Green Exchange.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

    Support the opening of Beijing Stock Exchange
On November 15, 2021, Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) officially opened, and Hundsun provided
technical support and guarantee for the smooth operation of Beijing Stock Exchange.
On September 17, after Beijing Stock Exchange issued the Measures of the Beijing Stock Exchange for
Investor Suitability Management (for Trial Implementation), in order to meet the market demand more
quickly, Hundsun established a trinity guarantee system of "Product Department-Testing
Department-Maintenance Department", deployed plans in the form of special group and assist brokers in
rapidly transforming IT systems to meet regulatory requirements.
At the same time, the data transformation plan of Gildata Beijing Stock Exchange was released, which is
fully compatible with the new regulations of Beijing Stock Exchange, helping financial institutions to carry
out the business of Beijing Stock Exchange with low cost and high efficiency. The whole plan involves
nearly 160 data forms, covering various modules such as quotation, share capital, finance,
shareholders, distribution, dividends, etc. At the same time, product components such as new share
subscription and investment consulting services are introduced to meet the data application of financial
institutions in scenarios such as wealth management, investment and research risk control, etc.
In order to support the smooth development of follow-up business, Hundsun helped financial institutions
to comprehensively transform their trading, risk control, marketing services, front-end and other aspects,
forming a front-to-middle-to-back integrated solution, and laying out in advance and quickly responding
to the system changes brought about by the future rules optimization of Beijing Stock Exchange.
    Provide technical support for green and low-carbon transformation
In recent years, China has paid more and more attention to energy conservation and emission reduction.
In September 2020, China announced that it would increase its nationally determined contributions,
strive to reach a peak in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by
2060. The national GDEA trading market is one of the core policies tools to achieve the goals of "peak
carbon dioxide emissions" and "carbon neutrality". The construction of a unified national GDEA trading
market is a major innovation to use market mechanisms to control and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and promote green and low-carbon development.
The innovative "two-city" model has been adopted in the construction of the national carbon emission
trading market. Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange is responsible for trading, and Hubei
Carbon Emission Trading Center is responsible for registration. As a vital infrastructure in the
construction of the national carbon market, the national GDEA trading system and registration system
are all assisted by Hundsun. Since it was officially launched on July 16, 2021, it has been running
In September 2021, Hundsun once again won the bid for the construction project of the national CCER
trading system of China Beijing Green Exchange. It is expected that the project will be delivered before
June 30, 2022. Since the launch of the national GDEA pilot in 2013, Hundsun has successively
undertaken the construction of the GDEA trading system and registration system in Hubei, Shanghai,
Fujian, Shanxi, etc.
In the process of continuous development of the carbon industry, Hundsun has always been committed
to supporting and empowering the development of a green economy through the organic combination of
its own fintech advantages and the carbon market.
In addition, Hundsun connected enterprises at one end and financial institutions at the other end through
the construction program of local carbon account management system, opening up local big data
centers and various carbon account systems. On the basis of a large amount of data such as industry
and commerce, justice, taxation, water, electricity, coal, carbon quota, carbon trading, credit reporting
and public opinion, etc., the lending efficiency of banks and the financing efficiency of green and
low-carbon projects and emission control enterprises were improved. Gildata also launched ESG index
products for Chinese enterprises to help financial institutions analyze and evaluate the opportunities and
risks of climate change of assets.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Participate in the Formulation of Industry Standards

                      Hundsun has successively participated in many projects of
                      formulation of financial technology standards, and provided
                      professional technical advice for the national financial
                      standards, to escort the smooth operation of the financial

For more than 20 years, Hundsun has been committed to providing technical solutions in the financial
field, and always adhered to the road of independent and controllable development. On the road of
exploring technology, its many advanced technologies have gradually become the industry benchmark.
At present, Hundsun is a member of the Securities Industry Standards Committee and the National
Financial Standardization Technical Committee. It participates in the formulation of a number of financial
industry technical standards, and provides professional technical advice for the national financial
standards, to escort the smooth operation of financial IT and improve the security.
In 2021, the industry standards, the Specification for Internal Application System Log in Securities and
Futures Industry Operating Institutions (JR/T 0233 - 2021) and the Securities and Futures Industry Data
Model - Part 3: Logical Data Model of Securities Companies (JRT0176.3-2021), with the participation of
Hundsun participated in the formulation thereof, were officially released. At the same time, Hundsun
participated in the formulation of the "Relevant Standards for Aging of Mobile Internet Applications of the
Securities and Futures Industry", as well as the development of standards related to commercial
password applications in securities and futures industry, the Technical Indicators of Core Trading
Systems of Securities Companies, and the Guidelines for Data Security Management and Protection in
Securities and Futures Industry.
In addition, Hundsun continued to develop and declare relevant standards such as electronic evidence
standard of credit business blockchain, industry standard of industry event system, and technical
specification of industry mini programs.

    Empower the Independent and Controllable Development of China's Financial
At the 13th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General
Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that: "it is necessary to accelerate the construction of financial market
infrastructure and steadily promote the localization of key information infrastructure in the financial
industry". At the beginning of 2021, the Central Economic Working Conference took "strengthening
national strategic technology capabilities, and enhancing independent controllable capabilities of
industrial chain and supply chain" as a key task in 2021 for deployment. The independent and
controllable core technology is related to the national strategy and plays an increasingly important role in
the national financial security. In the field of fintech, independent and controllable characteristics have
also become a prerequisite for building a safe and reliable financial service system. Hundsun is
committed to the research, development and promotion of independent and controllable software and
hardware financial business systems to empower the independent and controllable development of
China's financial industry.
                                                                                  Corporate Social Responsibility
Independent research and development in key areas of information technology application
In 2021, Hundsun launched two core self-developed technology products: Light-LDP and LightDB in
independent research and development in key areas of information technology application innovation
Light-LDP is a message transmission bus and application development platform with the characteristics
of extremely low latency, distributed decoupling, flexibility and openness. It supports microsecond
business applications of financial institutions. It is mainly for self-operated business of securities
companies, and asset management and institutional business of securities companies, covering
business scenarios such as strategy trading, algorithm trading, intelligent routing, data distribution and
processing. LDP platform is based on the fully self-developed components of Hundsun, and it does not
rely on third-party libraries, and has a solid foundation. At the same time, it fully adapts to the ecosystem
of domestic hardware, and supports domestic processors such as Huawei Kunpeng and Hygon, as well
as domestic operating systems including KylinOS. At present, the solutions based on LDP platform, such
as rapid trading, rapid market and rapid risk control, have been launched in a number of securities
companies, boosting the scale and ecologicalization of high-performance scenario applications.
LightDB is an integrative distributed database that supports online transaction processing and on-line
analytical processing. It has the core features of high SQL compatibility, flexible capacity, high availability
of financial grade, modern hardware convergence, pure memory computing, etc. It is mainly suitable for
financial systems with high requirements for availability and consistency. As an important part of financial
information technology application innovation, LightDB supports domestic operating systems such as
Kyrin Linux and openEuler, and domestic processors such as Huawei Kunpeng ARM and Hygon x86
processor, and it has successfully passed the basic capability evaluation of distributed transactional
database of China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT. At present, LightDB has officially
landed in the TA system of Soochow securities, and it has been applied to the internal efficiency platform
of Hundsun and other systems.
Create an information innovation laboratory of Hundsun
Advancing the promotion of domestic basic software and hardware by using the construction of financial
information technology platform is the core objective of Hundsun in financial information technology
application innovation. The key information infrastructure technology innovation laboratory built by
Hundsun (Hundsun Information Innovation Laboratory) is committed to continuously promoting the
information technology application innovation and adaptation of core products.
Hundsun Information Innovation Laboratory uses Ali Apsara Cloud as its base, domestic chip (Kunpeng,
Hygon, etc.) servers and domestic network equipment as its foundation, and self-developed distributed
middleware JRES3.0 and low-latency middleware LDP as its development framework. In the domestic
OS (Kyrin, UOS) and domestic database environment, Hundsun made in-depth adaptation
transformation of its own business system, and introduced TiDB into the information innovation test.
In terms of personnel and technical capabilities, Hundsun has set up a team of 200 business technical
experts and a domestic database team to assist in solving various problems of database use,
development and transformation in the project, and help customers complete the whole life cycle
management from business database design, testing to deployment and delivery.
By the end of 2021, more than 30 business systems of Hundsun have completed the adaptation test of
information technology application innovation, including UF3.0, TA system, investment and trading
system, fund operation system, custody and valuation system, etc., and more than 20 business systems
are undergoing adaptation test.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Jointly build the industrial ecology of information technology application innovation industry
In addition to its own R&D investment, in 2020, Hundsun teamed up with financial institution customers
to set up a financial infrastructure application innovation alliance, aiming at opening up the technology
accumulation of Hundsun and the practical experience of industry customers and eco-manufacturers,
and forming a sustainable industrial ecology.
In 2021, with the joint support of innovation alliance and Hundsun Information Innovation Laboratory,
Hundsun kept landing industrial information innovation cases and set an industry benchmark. At present,
Hundsun has cooperated with 22 financial institutions to carry out the declaration of information
technology application innovation, covering UF3.0, valuation 6.0, new generation TA, etc.
On the other hand, the cooperation between Hundsun and leading enterprises of information technology
application innovation is also moving towards a deeper level. In 2021, Hundsun carried out in-depth
cooperation with openEuler Community, and signed CLA to formally join openEuler Community, making
good cooperation progress in low latency and lightweight secure containers. At the 2021 LIGHT
Developer Cloud Conference, Hundsun officially launched the Light-Core joint solution based on
openEuler system to create a new generation of information innovation cloud native PaaS technology
Industry-university-research cooperation is also an important form for Hundsun to promote the
development of information technology application innovation. Taking the distributed database LightDB
as an example, in order to ensure that the database technology is safe, reliable and self-controllable,
Hundsun joined hands with East China Normal University to break through the bottleneck of database
technology, research and develop financial-grade database products with independent property rights in
China, and promote the establishment of testing standards for the industry database of information
technology application innovation.
Benchmark case of information technology application innovation
 Merchants Securities
In 2021, China Merchants Securities and Hundsun, based on independent and controllable basic
hardware and software, carried out pioneering practice of integrated financial platform for securities, and
further cooperated in the core system UF3.0. Based on the system cloud native, high-performance and
low-latency distributed development platform, the full-stack adaptation transformation of information
innovation technology was carried out. After the completion of the system, it could support the
trillion-dollar market volume.
 SOOCHOW Securities
In 2021, the project "TA System +LightDB Database" jointly built by SOOCHOW Securities and Hundsun
was successfully put into operation. Through the full cooperation of this project, Hundsun helped
SOOCHOW Securities to complete the comprehensive information innovation selection and adaptation
transformation of TA system in terms of basic hardware and software, and realized the construction of
full-stack information innovation system.
At the same time, for this project, it is also the first time that the self-developed database LightDB of
Hundsun has been put into use, which is of pioneering significance to the practice and expansion of the
self-developed database of Hundsun.
 Shanxi Securities
In 2021, Shanxi Securities and Hundsun launched a new generation of distributed securities integrated
financial platform. The business system is based on distributed micro-service. With business middle
ground as the core, it adapted to the reconstruction construction in information innovation infrastructure,
and gradually migrated the business system to the information innovation platform. After construction,
the system can support parallel expansion, and can accommodate hundreds of millions of customers.
The daily capacity of single transaction core in handling entrustment can exceed 10 million.
                                                                                       Corporate Social Responsibility

    Empower the Digital Transformation and Upgrading of the Financial Industry
Upgrading and Innovation of the New Generation Core Products

               In the 27 years of development, Hundsun has emerged many star products, and has
               won market and industry recognition by virtue of its own strength. On the basis of
               fully understanding the changes in financial business needs, we have accelerated
               the R&D and upgrading of the new generation core products, hoping to help financial
               institutions gradually deepen from process digitalization to business digitalization
               and realize digital transformation and upgrading.

In 2021, Hundsun launched new products such as O45, UF3.0, valuation 6.0 and new generation TA
based on the new generation of technical architecture, successfully and successively acquired
benchmarking customers from securities, fund, bank, insurance, trust and other financial institutions,
and supported financial institutions in upgrading their technical architectures.
In the field of asset management, on December 20, 2021, Hundsun’s new generation asset
management system O45 was first launched in Hwabao WP Fund. O45 is based on Hundsun's new
generation distributed micro-service technology base. It has the characteristics of openness and
stronger expansibility. It is innovated in system architecture, coupling, system performance, system
capacity, interface openness, technology platform, version management, operation management and
other aspects. The first launch of O45 in the fund industry also represents the start of a new round of
digital transformation and upgrading of asset management.
In the field of brokerage business, Hundsun assisted China Merchants Securities in building a new
generation of core business systems, leading the industry-level transformation and upgrading. In
January 2021, UF3.0 was launched in over 300 branches of China Merchants Securities, covering key
businesses such as margin financing and securities lending, stock options, and wealth management.
UF3.0, a new generation of securities core trading system, has the characteristics of "high capacity,
large concurrency and low latency", and it can support 5 trillion to 10 trillion or even larger trading
In the field of valuation business, in December 2021, Hundsun’s new generation valuation system 6.0
was fully switched online in Ping An Securities, and entered a stable operation period. Hundsun’s new
generation valuation 6.0 adopts micro-service architecture and memory operation. The system meets
the requirements of high openness, fast liquidation and simple operation and maintenance, and helps
Ping An Securities improve its valuation efficiency and operational efficiency. At present, Hundsun’s new
generation valuation system 6.0 has been launched in more than ten customers, including Huatai
Securities, BITIC, China CITIC Bank, Agricultural Bank, Hangyin Wealth Management, Qianhai Alliance
Asset Management and Xingyin Fund.
TA system is one of the core systems of asset management. On the basis of retaining all the business
functions of the last-generation TA, Hundsun's new-generation of TA breaks the original architecture
system and provides standardized service interface, which fundamentally improves the flexibility and
expandability of the TA platform, and can quickly support the business innovation under the
transformation in accordance with the new regulations on the asset management. At present, Hundsun’s
new generation TA system has reached cooperation with dozens of financial institutions.
Corporate Social Responsibility

    Support the Opening-up of China’s Financial Market

With the continuous advancement of globalization, Chinese-funded financial institutions have gone
abroad, and foreign financial institutions have also accelerated their pace of entering China. China's
financial market has become an international financial market. In the context of the ever-expanding
financial opening, Hundsun, on the one hand, provides systematic and overall solutions for
foreign-funded & joint venture financial institutions entering China's market; on the other hand, it
empowers domestic financial institutions to connect to the international market through technological
Support the construction of core systems of foreign financial institutions
Hundsun provided system and solution support for a number of foreign-funded and joint-venture
financial institutions entering the domestic financial market. Since 2016, Hundsun has successively
provided system and solution support for the preparation and business development of CEPA brokers
including Shengang Securities, Huajing Securities, East Asia Qianhai Securities, HSBC Qianhai
Securities, the foreign-owned joint venture broker Nomura Orient International Securities, and the
cross-strait joint venture broker Jinyuan President Securities. In 2021, Hundsun provided overall
solutions for DBS Securities and Daiwa Securities, and exported professional consulting service
capabilities in the newly-raised fields of institutions.
In the context of the continuous opening of China's financial market to the outside world, foreign
institutions are also accelerating the layout of public fund business in China. In June 2021, BlackRock
became the first foreign asset management company approved to carry out public fund business in
China, and Hundsun provided it with IT system preparation consulting services, as well as IT overall
solutions for public fund. Since then, Fidelity Fund and Neuberger Berman Fund have been approved
one after another. For the approved wholly foreign-owned public offerings, both of them have chosen the
overall solutions of Hundsun.
In addition, the pace of entry of foreign capital into the mainland wealth management market is also
accelerating. For wealth management subsidiaries of joint ventures, they face difficulties such as short
preparation time of the system after being approved for establishment. They need a set of professional,
comprehensive and mature integrated solutions. The wealth management integration solution of
Hundsun can provide wealth management subsidiaries with comprehensive solutions covering "planning
consultation", "infrastructure construction" and "application system construction", and support customers
to "use directly" and land quickly. In 2021, Hundsun prepared an integrated solution for the third
Sino-foreign joint venture wealth management company, BOCOM Schroder.
Introduce the products and experiences of the world's leading financial technology companies
In June, 2020, Hundsun established a strategic partnership with Finastra, and took a key step for the
internationalization strategy. The two parties announced that they would jointly develop and launch a
new version of Finastra's portfolio management system, Fusion Invest, to help investment research
management quickly realize the leap from How-to-buy to What-to-buy to Auto-buy.
In June 2021, Hundsun Lirong, a subsidiary of Hundsun, announced the acquisition of Opics fund
management system from Finastra. Opics mainly covers small and medium-sized banks, helping them
to handle trading accounts and complete a variety of financial asset transactions, such as hedging
financial asset risks by using foreign exchange and derivatives, and making low-risk investments
according to treasury management needs.
                                                                             Corporate Social Responsibility
On November 27, 2021, CloudWing NetWork, a holding subsidiary of Hundsun, acquired the franchise
and exclusive licensed development rights of Summit, a bank treasury management system of an
internationally renowned financial technology company Finastra, in mainland China, Hong Kong and
Macau, at the price of 65 million dollars. This acquisition has enhanced Hundsun's ability to provide
complete solutions for customers in the financial market department of large and medium-sized banks.
Promote the application of financial technology abroad
Internationalization strategy is one of the long-term development goals of Hundsun, and Hundsun is
actively promoting the application of advanced and efficient financial technology in China to go global.
Hundsun undertook the "going global" part of the internationalization strategy through its subsidiary
Hundsun Ayers. Hundsun Ayers provided financial institutions with one-stop overseas trading solutions.
The Alpha Broker system developed by Hundsun Ayers based on UF3.0 underlying technology includes
three subsystems: transaction, settlement and account opening. It was launched in Donghai
International in August 2020, and was officially launched in Huatai Financial, Infast Brokerage (Hong
Kong) and other securities companies in 2021. At present, the majority of China-invested securities firms
choose Hundsun Ayers as a provider of financial IT solutions and a long-term partner for overseas
business development.
At the same time, Hundsun actively responded to the Belt and Road Initiative of China, and in April 2021,
through its subsidiary Hundsun Holdings, it acquired 23.8% share of N2N Connect Berhad. N2N
Connect Berhad is a Malaysian listed company serving the Asia-Pacific region, mainly providing
comprehensive front-end and back-end solutions based on the transaction management service model
of financial institutions, as well as network and infrastructure related services.
Through the investments and development in the co-building countries along the Belt and Road Initiative,
Hundsun promoted its existing advantageous products to the local financial market, exported China's
"soft power" of financial technology, and helped overseas financial institutions accelerate their digital
transformation with more advanced technology and better products.
Corporate Social Responsibility

      Consistently Serve the Real Economy
At the 13th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General
Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that: "we should deepen supply-side structural reform of the financial
sector and enhance the ability of finance to serve the real economy". The bulk commodity is the blood of
the real economy. Hundsun has continued to provide supply chain products and solutions for bulk
commodities and other real economy fields for many years, and has penetrated its technology into all
links of the real economy, promoting the integration of finance and real economy, and supporting the
supply-side reform.
After more than 20 years of industrial finance business, Hundsun has built a series of products and
solutions for banks and industrial customers, serving more than 150 bank customers and over 200
industrial customers from more than 20 industries, helping more than 100,000 enterprises to realize
innovation and development.
In view of the problems of fund shortage, difficult and expensive financing of upstream and downstream
enterprises in the supply chain of the real economy, Hundsun independently researched and developed
a supply chain financial service platform. Through the application of big data, blockchain, intelligent risk
control and other technologies, it connected the supply chain assets and the resources of financial
institutions, built an online supply chain financial service platform for enterprise groups, three-party
service organizations, etc., and provided a variety of scene and digital financing modes to meet the
financing service needs in the supply chain business. At present, the supply chain financial service
platform of Hundsun has been applied to many large groups of industrial entities such as chemical
industry, energy, and steel.
In addition to supply chain finance, Hundsun also kept expanding the breadth of technology
empowerment, extending its technical capabilities to all aspects of industrial digital transformation, and
assisting core supply chain enterprises and upstream and downstream small and micro enterprises with
professional digital solutions to construct the industry-finance ecology of "co-construction,
co-management, sharing, and win-win".
In addition to the industry side, Hundsun also provided banks with corporate integration solutions
including cash management, payment and settlement, bill business, trade finance, supply chain finance,
asset pools, investment and wealth management, and capital supervision, connecting the industrial
ecology with the financial ecology and creating an ecological service platform of
"scene+technology+finance", and forming an open ecology of synergy, interconnection, integration and
                                                                                Corporate Social Responsibility

    Jinneng Holding Yingshida Supply Chain Platform
"Jinneng Supply Chain Management Platform" is a comprehensive industrial supply chain service
platform. The platform helps the group to solve the problems of poor strategic synergy, high transaction
costs, difficult financing, and expensive financing in various industrial sectors such as coal, fertilizer,
chemical, and ore. It covers production, circulation, consumption and other links in the entire industrial
whole value chain and builds an industry-finance ecology of "co-construction, co-management, sharing,
and win-win".
    Yuntianhua Tiantai E-commerce Supply Chain Financial Service Platform
Yuntianhua is a comprehensive large-scale state-owned listed company with core resource advantages,
ranking among the top three listed companies in China's chemical industry for many years. Yuntian
digital supply chain financial platform provides a variety of financing modes for the upstream and
downstream enterprises in the industry. Through the credit penetration of core enterprises, superposition
of the credit of block chain, assets such as accounts receivable, bills, and inventories were digitized,
thus providing credible and traceable assets for the bank and solving the difficulties in financing and
expensive financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.
    Core business system of International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd.
In April 2021, Hundsun joined hands with Far East International Leasing Co., Ltd. to build a management
system for financing lease collection. The system realized the business connection among the capital
system, the financial system, the core business system, and the post-leasing management system, and
achieved the goal of 80% of the automatic write-off rate for total collection of financing projects. Its main
functions included customer information management, collection management, mail management, letter
management, telephone service, etc., and provided real-time interface data reporting for the big data
statistics platform, helped other business systems to obtain real-time and accurate collections of each
    Smart Debt Management Platform of YCIC
The Smart Debt Management System of Yunnan Communications Investment & Construction Group
Co., Ltd. built by Hundsun was successfully launched in June 2021. The system satisfies the
"five-precision" management requirements of planning, financing, use, settlement, and data, and
realizes comprehensive management of debt varieties, full-life-cycle management of debt, intelligent
debt risk warning, debt stress testing, real-time state-owned assets supervision data reporting, intelligent
robot application, contract OCR identification application, and many other business functions, as well as
meets the comprehensive and unified debt management requirements of YCIC.
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                       Corporate Social Responsibility

   Products and services

“Customer first ”is Hundsun's consistent value,
and close attention to customer feedback and
continuous process improvement are the
cornerstone of Hundsun's development. Better
and higher-quality technologies, products and
services are the goals we have been striving to
pursue, and are also the direction we must
strive for in fulfilling the mission of “making the
finance easy”.
Corporate Social Responsibility

    Continuously Improve Product Quality
Quality policy
Continuously improve the process, improve process performance and product & service quality, and
realize customer satisfaction.
Customer-centric quality culture
Attention to customer feedback and continuous process improvement are the cornerstone of Hundsun's
development. Hundsun has an industry-recognized excellent management services, and is one of the
first batch of software enterprises that have passed the ISO9001 international quality certification in
China. In recent years, the Company has enriched and improved the management system based on the
Company's core value of "customer first" and “quality first”, as well as the advanced theoretical system
in the industry to ensure that the management systems have been effectively implemented and
continuously improved in an institutionalized way.
In terms of IT service standardization and customer service management, Hundsun has reached the
recognized domestic leading level, established a sound business process and management system,
provided high-standard technology and products, and made continuous improvement. Hundsun has
established a product technology management system for the entire life cycle, and maintained its core
competitiveness through efficient product management, technology management, software asset
management, and technical capability improvement, and ensured the safety of software assets.
Hundsun kept optimizing the whole R&D management system and delivery management system,
including the management of the whole product life cycle and service life cycle, such as product
establishment, R&D, release, delivery, operation and maintenance, after-sales service, etc. According to
the key nodes of the internal R&D management process, it iterated from demands, design, development,
integration, testing, release, operation and feedback.
In order to provide its customers with better products and services, Hundsun has conducted customer
satisfaction surveys in each 4rd quarter for 20 consecutive years (refer to the ACSI Customer
Satisfaction Index model), listen to its customers in multiple dimensions, including quality,
implementation, maintenance, market, marketing and solutions based on core corporate culture of
"customer first, market oriented". Arrange satisfaction improvement plans, and review and follow up such
plans regularly in response to customer opinions.
                                                                                Corporate Social Responsibility
Continuously improve the quality
In order to improve product quality and practice the value of "customer first", Hundsun has been
committed to continuously improving the quality. In order to strengthen the quality awareness of the
Company's R&D and testing personnel and improve coding and testing capabilities, Hundsun has
formulated a special product quality improvement plan for R&D personnel undertaking coding work and
testers undertaking testing work.
In 2021, Hundsun put quality first in an all-round way by establishing clear quality objectives at all levels
and focusing on product quality radar charts (functionality, reliability, user experience, performance,
maintainability, and easy installation). In terms of system process, Hundsun strengthened the quality
control points and adhered to the principle of quality release. Through Q plan, red and black list, quality
empowerment manual, etc., the Company strengthened the quality awareness of employees in all links
and the practically and continuously improved product quality. It constantly optimized the system
process of the whole life cycle, covering development, testing, implementation and other links; improved
quality standards, strengthened process quality control points, improved automation coverage,
introduced industry-leading performance and terminal testing platforms and technologies, improved
quality assurance capability, conducted online management through R&D management platform,
adhered to the principle of quality release, and earnestly implemented the principle of "quality first".
               Related certifications:
     The Company passed the ISO9001
     certification in the domestic securities
     software industry and was approved for
     registration as the first company in 1999.
     The      Company       passed    CMMI      L4
     assessment in 2007.
     The       Company        passed    ISO27001
     certification in 2008.
     The       Company        passed    ISO20000
     certification in 2011.
     The      Company       passed    CMMI      L5
     assessment in 2017.
Corporate Social Responsibility

    U+ Customer Services
Hundsun always adhered to the core value of "customer first", constantly improved the end-to-end
management system and innovative working methods, took the promotion of customer satisfaction as
the starting point, adopted a number of measures, put through products, services and organizations,
carried out comprehensive promotion, and implemented the principle of customer first.
Hundsun has established a professional, standardized and efficient customer service system, and has
passed ISO20000 management system certification. Adhering to the service concept of “high-efficiency,
professionalism and transparency", Hundsun is committed to providing timely, high-quality and
innovative IT services to its customers. Provide its customers with software implementation,
maintenance and training services through about 1,000 Hundsun engineers across China, provide
professional technical support services through 7×24h customer service hotline and all-round interactive
customer services by online means such as U+ APP, customer service website Service Online and
WeChat official account.

                                                                         WeChat official account
                                        Customer service website
          Service       Green channel      Demand         Announcement   Sharing of O&M       Training information
        management                         channel                            points                  push
         Demand           Project           Service         Project      Version highlights   Promotion of popular
        management      management        management      management                               activities
         Online class      Studio          Online class     Download
           Solution       Feedback       Business topic    Knowledge

Construct a perfect end-to-end customer satisfaction management system
Construct and improve the customer service management system, classify and grade events and
service requests, establish a customer voice processing mechanism, and implement the same to
process tools to ensure that the processing of each customer voice can be closed-loop. The customer
service hotline is 7*24 hours, and the customer demands shall be answered within 2 working days; the
definition of abnormal events is in line with industry standards and even stricter than the industry
standards. A complete processing process has been established for the handling of abnormal events.
The corresponding responsible department implements emergency plan/solution to ensure that
customer business can be restored as soon as possible; In response to customer complaints, it
communicates with customers within 0.5 working days and report the same internally to ensure that
customer problems can be solved in a timely and effective manner.
Optimize the customer satisfaction model, incorporate customer satisfaction into the Company's strategy
and organizations, and decompose the dimensions of the customer satisfaction model into the KPI
assessment indicators of each organization. At the same time, at the beginning of 2021, each
department formulated corresponding management measures to improve customer satisfaction to
strengthen customer service awareness and cognition of various departments, and improve customer
satisfaction by enhancing product quality and service quality.
Carry out the duty system of senior executives, and arrange a senior executive of the Company to be in
charge of promoting the handling of major events and participate in the review of major events.
Regularly convene special meetings on customer satisfaction, analyze and summarize the daily voices
from customers, identify key, typical and systemic problems to promote solutions, and continue to
optimize the related internal system processes and systems of the Company.
                                                                            Corporate Social Responsibility
Build a U+Online platform and construct online service ecosystem
Through the U+Online platform, Hundsun has made the internal software delivery process online and
transparent, so that customers can directly enter demands, and can check the demands realization
process, problem handling progress, project delivery plan and progress in real time. At the same time,
the customers having intention may participate in each node of demand realization, and improve the
whole scheme in the process of demand realization.
Empower customers and grow with them
Hundsun has accumulated abundant product knowledge, industry knowledge and operation knowledge,
and formed a huge knowledge base. They are open to customers in the whole industry through
U+Online. At the same time, Hundsun regularly shared the interpretation of new industry regulations,
introduced new businesses, organized systematic business/technical operation and maintenance
training, etc. for customers through systematic short videos and live broadcasts, regularly conducted
offline customer business technical training activities, and established an industry business technical
exchange circle.
Carry out customer satisfaction survey and dig deep into the demands for products and services
In order to fully understand customers' demands for products and services of Hundsun, Hundsun
conducts regular customer satisfaction surveys every year. In 2021, Hundsun conducted semi-annual
and annual general customer satisfaction surveys. Besides the original customer service hotline
satisfaction evaluation and complaint channels, Hundsun added an evaluation channel for daily
important customer contact points. Customers could directly evaluate each service record, processing of
each demand and delivery of each project through U+ APP. It truly achieved end-to-end, collection and
analysis of customer opinions and suggestions, thus promoting the continuous improvement of products
and services.
Significant improvement in customer satisfaction
In 2021, the U+ studio conducted hundreds of live broadcasts to customers, covering industry policy
interpretation, new business introduction, product launch training, technical knowledge training of
product business, etc.; U+Online online classroom opened more than 2,500 courses to customers. A
total of over 4200 users have experienced online classes in 2021, with the cumulative learning volume of
nearly 170,000 person-times.
The new evaluation channel of daily customer contact points in 2021 has received more than 90,000
customer evaluation data throughout the year. The satisfaction rate reached 99.48%. Customers have
good comments on products, project delivery and after-sales service.
The annual customer satisfaction survey of Hundsun in 2021 showed that Hundsun’s satisfaction in
product quality, implementation and delivery, continuous service, marketing service, corporate image
dimension and overall satisfaction of the Company had all improved to a certain extent compared with
that in 2020. Customers fully affirmed Hundsun's products and services, and at the same time, they put
forward many valuable opinions and suggestions. Each product and service organization has formulated
improvement measures according to the opinions and suggestions put forward by customers, and would
continue to push forward the implementation of these measures in the future.
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                    Corporate Social Responsibility

      Compliance and safety

Hundsun always puts compliance management,
information security and data protection in the
first place, and it is committed to providing
customers with safe and reliable products and
solutions. In terms of protection of intellectual
property rights, Hundsun strictly complied with
the laws and regulations on intellectual property
rights, and actively publicized and implemented
the protection of intellectual property rights,
including trade secrets. As for responsible
procurement, Hundsun conducted procurement
according to the principles of fairness,
openness and justice, and signed and
performed contracts with suppliers according to
the basic principles of honesty and
Corporate Social Responsibility

      Compliance Management

As a fintech company, Hundsun has been serving the financial market, keeping in mind the principles of
"embrace supervision and make prudent innovation", and actively promoting the healthy and efficient
development of the financial market.
As technical services are supervised, Hundsun has been consistently embracing supervision, paying
close attention to changes in supervisory policies, and actively promoting the implementation of relevant
supervisory policies. The Company has established a perfect legal risk prevention system, and has set
up a special legal risk prevention department - the Legal Compliance Department. The Company has
been approved by the judicial department to establish the Company's legal department, and has
professional legal workers. In December 2020, Hundsun completed the filing of information technology
service organizations as one of the first batch of enterprises.
Hundsun always maintains compliance sensitivity, maintains communication and interaction with
relevant government authorities, industries and partners, disseminates compliance concepts, shares
compliance practices, and works with the regulators and partners to create a good ecological
environment that is conducive to industry development.
Focus on the construction of compliance risk control system
In order to effectively identify and manage compliance risks in businesses, Hundsun actively prevents
the violations and promotes the compliance and safety development of the Company. Hundsun has set
up the Legal Compliance Department to fulfill compliance functions, and takes the lead in the domestic
financial technology field. The operating mechanism of compliance risk control & management and
compliance supervision has been established and implemented, and the compliance risk control system
has been established. The compliance of business units and subsidiaries can be monitored and
managed in a timely manner to promote compliance management and ensure steady operation.
Integrate compliance operations into various business scenarios
During the entire life cycle of the planning, approval and online operation of new businesses, Hundsun
provides compliance guidance, assessment, monitoring and auditing, clarifies compliance requirements,
promptly and effectively identifies and prompts potential internal and external risks, so as to ensure that
the business units and subsidiaries operate in compliance, and continuously promote the industry
development with safe and compliant services.
Clarify and implement customer access standards
In some immature emerging industries, the organizations' operating capabilities and compliance
awareness are inconsistent, easily leading to risk events. Hundsun's integrated business involves
relevant factors such as regulatory requirements, required qualifications, customer operating capabilities,
user risk credit status and background, and customer access requirements are sorted out and clarified.
The existing businesses of all business units and subsidiaries have access standards, and those groups
that fail to meet the access requirements after review would be resolutely rejected. Examined whether
the access standards were in line with the business change and development by means of compliance
audit year by year, and continuously updated the same.
                                                                              Corporate Social Responsibility
Carry out compliance publicity, and the awareness of compliance is deeply rooted in people's

The Legal Compliance Department of the
Company set August as the "Legal Compliance
Culture Publicity Month" every year, signed the
"Compliance Commitment Letter" on the electronic
signing platform, invited external professional
lawyers to provide on-site legal consultation, and
conducted a series of legal compliance lecture
courses about "Legal Courses at Work". In order to
improve the employees' knowledge of legal
compliance, it conducted the examination about
employees' knowledge of legal compliance. In
addition, the Legal Compliance Department of the
Company publishes four issues of "Compliance
Watch" every year, inviting experts from the
Company or industries to discuss about legal
issues related to financial technology and
innovative business forms.

Intensify efforts to fight corruption and advocate integrity
Fighting corruption and advocating integrity is an important guarantee for the stable development of an
enterprise, and integrity is Hundsun's corporate value. At the institutional level, the Company has issued
the Anti-fraud Management System to clarify the employee code of conduct based on the Management
System for on-the-Job Employees and the Administrative Measures on the Receiving of Gifts by
In 2018, 40 managers signed the Integrity Undertaking issued by the Company's Legal Compliance
Department and Audit Office. In 2019, the Company continued to strengthen the promotion of legal and
compliance culture (including online anti-corruption course training and examinations) and enhance the
anti-corruption awareness of the staff. In 2020, based on the Company's actual conditions, we continued
to strengthen the construction of compliance culture of anti-corruption and anti-fraud, implemented the
complaint reporting mechanism, and further promoted the establishment of good corporate images of
fair competition, honesty and trustworthiness. In 2021, the signing of the Employee Compliance
Commitment of all employees, including senior executives, was completed, further implementing the
implementation of anti-corruption and anti-fraud related systems.
Hundsun encourages employees to make real-name or anonymous reports on corruption and fraud
clues, and provides internal and external anti-corruption/fraud reporting channels. Employees of the
Company and all social parties that have direct or indirect economic relations with the Company can
make complaints and reports on fraud to the Legal Compliance Department of Hundsun by telephone,
email, letter and interview and other forms. Hundsun implements strict confidentiality measures for
informers. If the reported matters are verified, the Company will give rewards to informers as
Corporate Social Responsibility
Boost supervision and maintain financial security
While embracing regulatory compliance operations, Hundsun also paid close attention to changes in
regulatory policies, actively assisted supervision and provided financial institutions with anti-money
laundering systems and overall solutions relying on its own technological advantages and industry
Technology empowers anti-money laundering
Anti-money laundering is of far-reaching significance in dissolving financial risks and safeguarding
national financial security, and financial institutions are the first line to implement anti-money laundering
policies. Actively promoting the implementation of regulatory policies is an important measure for
Hundsun to fulfill its corporate social responsibility. Hundsun pays close attention to the changes in
regulatory policies, assists financial institutions in anti-money laundering and maintains financial market
stability by immediately interpreting the policies, providing corresponding system support and quickly
releasing new versions.
As early as 2007, Hundsun began to focus on the construction of anti-money laundering systems for
financial institutions, covering securities, funds, insurance, asset management, futures, trusts, third-party
payments, wealth management subsidiaries and other financial industries. After years' exploration and
practice, Hundsun promoted the comprehensive upgrade and reconstruction of the new generation of
anti-money laundering management system in 2020, which focused on quality and quality, so as to
adapt to the new regulatory situation and help financial institutions continuously improve the anti-money
laundering efficiency.
At present, Hundsun' new generation anti-money laundering management system has reached
cooperation with more than 300 financial institutions in multiple industries such as securities, funds,
insurance asset management and trusts, to help financial institutions further improve their anti-money
laundering efficiency.
                                                                                     Corporate Social Responsibility

    Information Security and Privacy Protection

                Hundsun attaches great importance to information security and regards information
                security as one of the Company's core competitiveness. By establishing a complete
                information security assurance system, Hundsun has set an industry security
                benchmark, provided professional security technical support for the Company and
                its customers, and created a safe and credible business platform.

In the financial industry, information security is also
the top priority in enterprise information
construction. As a key unit of the "Large Internet
Enterprises for Special Network Security
Protection in Zhejiang Province", Hundsun has
been implementing the national security work and
national security strategy requirements, fully
protecting the enterprise information security and
data security, and fulfilling the compliance
requirements and major issues necessary for the
State. Hundsun has hired a third-party assessment
institution every year to comprehensively assess
information technology risk, control mechanism of
each risk point and the effectiveness of the control
mechanism. In 2019, Hundsun participated in the
Zhejiang Information Security Administrator
Knowledge and Skills Competition and won the
provincial-level third prize.
In 2008, Hundsun passed the testing certification
of ISO27001 information security management
system for the first time. ISO27001 is currently a
representative information security management
system standard in the world, and an important
reference for the enterprises to build an
information security management system. After
certification, Hundsun accepts supervision and
audit every year and is re-certified every three
years. The latest certificate is valid until December
2023, thus guaranteeing that the Company has
sufficient and targeted security control options.
Corporate Social Responsibility
By the end of 2021, six major business systems of Hundsun and its holding subsidiaries have passed
the three-level assessment and filing under equal protection and were regularly retested. The relevant
business systems have passed more than 300 items of detailed requirements for information protection,
data security and confidentiality technology, including the Classified Criteria for Security Protection of
Computer Information System, the Baseline for Classified Protection of Information System Security, the
Common Security Techniques Requirement for Information System, the Security Techniques
Requirement for Server and so that its customers can enjoy the highest level of security in the industry in
terms of resources, data and property. The products of its holding subsidiaries have passed the Payment
Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) security certification, including security management,
security policies, processes, network architecture, software design requirements and data security
protection requirements, to fully guarantee transaction data security.
In addition, Hundsun has established leading security technical means and a comprehensive information
security management system to ensure that information assets and important data are safe. The
Company has established multiple layers and sets of security detection and protection systems such as
firewall, threat intrusion detection, threat detection and threat discovery to protect business information
and core data from malicious attacks. The core data are protected by security protection mechanisms
such as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Data Leakage Prevention. Sensitive data is regularly review
through threat intelligence and Internet risk monitoring. And real-time hot backup, redundant storage,
multi-site backup of master-slave data and emergency drills are applied to ensure the safety, reliability
and continuous availability of business data.
In 2021, in response to the requirements of the Personal Information Protection Law of China, Hundsun
carried out the special governance inspection of privacy protection, and organized the interpretation and
training of special laws to effectively strengthen the legal compliance management of the Company. At
the same time, in order to strengthen the implementation of security management and control, the
Company regularly carried out security audits of the headquarters and subsidiaries, analyzed and
improved existing problems, and further improved the overall information security level of the Group.

In terms of company rules and regulations,
Hundsun has formulated the Hundsun's Electronic
Information Security Management System for its
employees, which clarifies information security
policies, strategies and goals and controls the
human resources safety, information assets safety,
physical and environment security, communication
safety, software development and maintenance
safety and operation safety. Hundsun has
formulated responsibilities and ability requirements
related to information security and service
management, and conducted information security
skills training for personnel involved in information
technology services and information security
management every year. The Company formulated
information security training plans and courses for
all employees, and organized all employees to
conduct online training and examinations, such as
employee code of conduct and software asset
security awareness training. At the same time,
through the forms of safety tips, safety tweets,
safety cartoons, etc., the information security
publicity work was regularly carried out to further
enhance employees ’awareness of information
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility
Data security protection
Hundsun has been committed to protecting customers' privacy and data security. In order to standardize
employees' professional behavior, improve service safety and compliance awareness, and ensure
customers' information security, Hundsun formulated the Work Specifications on Customer Service
Security and Compliance in 2016, covering package release specification, on-site implementation
specification, and remote operation specification. In 2021, Hundsun revised the Work Specifications on
Customer Service Security and Compliance.
As a holding subsidiary of Hundsun, Gildata strictly complied with the relevant regulations on information
security by the national competent authorities, departments of securities, press and publication, radio
and television, post and telecommunications, public security, industry and commerce and other
administrative departments. The data information processed by Gildata includes: information about the
issuance, trading and related activities of securities issued by securities authorities, stock exchanges,
listed companies or other legal institutions according to legal procedures; information such as analysis
reports and comments on the prediction of the securities market trend and other aspects made by
securities institutions, securities consulting service institutions and stock analysts, etc. that may affect
the price of the securities market; macro-economic and industrial economic information released by
national departments or professional institutions. Gildata advocates the purpose of rational investment,
and the information released always adheres to the principle of not making, believing, or spreading
rumors, and never spreads all kinds of rumors and false information.
In terms of ensuring data security, "Gildata Application Data" has established a disaster recovery
operation system after analyzing various abnormal events, consisting of two sets of production and
application database systems that are mutually backup (the data of the two systems are subject to
real-time synchronization) and three sets of managed server groups in Shanghai and Beijing (used to
synchronize users' application databases). Once any uncontrollable local abnormal disaster (such as
earthquakes, plagues, etc.) occurs, the remaining system can still operate normally, so as to ensure the
continuous updating of users' information.
Data security policy
    It is forbidden to modify customer environment data without authorization.
    It is forbidden to access customer data without authorization.
    It is forbidden to spread any information obtained from customers.
    It is forbidden to modify the source code of the release package without authorization.
    It is forbidden to conduct remote access to any customer's environment.
    It is forbidden to log in to any customer's intranet system by using media such as U flash disk
    without authorization.
    It is forbidden to change any customer's system without authorization.
Corporate Social Responsibility

    Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Hundsun strictly complied with the laws and         In 2018, Hundsun successfully passed the audit of
regulations on intellectual property rights, and    intellectual property management system and
actively publicized and implemented the             obtained the Intellectual Property Management
protection of intellectual property rights,         System Certificate. Since the certification, Hundsun
including trade secrets. The Legal and              has been subject to supervision and audits every
Compliance Department coordinated and               year. Re-certification is carried out every three years.
managed the Company's intellectual property         The latest certification is valid until July 2024, which
protection, and actively took various legal         indicates that Hundsun has been fully recognized in
measures to severely crack down on unfair           the field of intellectual property rights. Hundsun
competitions such as infringement of company        attaches great importance to trademark protection
trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.           and patent protection. In 2021, Hundsun applied for
While safeguarding its own intellectual property    21 new invention patents, 94 software copyrights, and
rights, Hundsun also strictly prevented,            25 trademarks.
controlled, reduced the risk of infringement and
prevented infringement of others' intellectual
property rights by formulating and implementing
the systems and procedures for the
identification, investigation and use of
infringement risks of third-party intellectual
property products.
In order to strictly manage and effectively
protect the independent intellectual property
rights of the Company, encourage technological
innovation and invention, Hundsun issued the
Intellectual Property Management System, the
Regulation on the Management of Software
Copyright, Third Party Test and Patent, the
Guidelines for Intellectual Property Transfer and
Licensing and other related systems. The
intellectual property management of Hundsun
aims at "promoting the preservation and
appreciation of the Company's intellectual
property and ensuring security", and conducts
classified management over copyrights, patent
rights, trademark rights, trade secret rights,
network domain name rights, enterprise names,
etc. in the principle of “centralized and
classified management and standardized use”.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

    Responsible Procurement
Hundsun conducted procurement in accordance with the principles of fairness, openness and
impartiality, and concluded and performed contracts with suppliers based on the basic principles of
honesty and trustworthiness. During the whole procurement, it always abides by relevant national laws
and regulations.
According to the policy of "unified management and centralized procurement", Hundsun has formulated
the Procurement Management System. The Procurement Demand Department initiate a purchase
requisition in the Company's collaborative system according to the Company's business demands for
different procurement types (contract project equipment procurement, self-use IT equipment
procurement, self-use non-IT equipment procurement, service procurement, outsourcing procurement,
gift/welfare procurement, etc.). Hundsun has refined the procurement into 12 processes, including
procurement demand application, procurement demand review, procurement demand approval,
procurement method determination, supplier selection, signing of procurement contract, execution of
procurement contract, procurement contract modification, product acceptance, supplier evaluation,
equipment returns and exchange, payment for procurement, and conducted management and control in
the process.
Hundsun performed strict management of suppliers' warehouse-in to ensure that the products and
services provided by suppliers are "responsible" and to avoid related liability risks. For procurement
demands, it is necessary to investigate and verify the qualification of the supplier to be selected, and the
supplier shall provide the Supplier Credit Investigation and Evaluation Form to ensure that the supplier
possesses the relevant qualifications. The Procurement Management Department would evaluate the
credit rating of suppliers every year. Suppliers need to sign the Commitment Letter of Anti-Commercial
Bribery at the time of warehouse-in, and the Procurement Management Department needs to sign the
Commitment Letter of Integrity of Purchasing Personnel every year to avoid interest exchange and
transfer in the purchasing process.
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                    Corporate Social Responsibility

     Talents and development

As a technology-driven fintech company,
Hundsun regards talents as its most valuable
asset. We always adhere to the talent concept
of "equal stress on integrity and ability", and
are committed to providing a broad career
platform for employees to realize their
self-fulfillment and personal dreams. It is our
commitment to every employee to constantly
improve talent strategy, safeguard the basic
rights and interests of employees, build a
sound salary and welfare system, care for the
physical and mental health of employees, and
create a comfortable office and living
environment. We hope to create an
environment where the young struggles
happily, inspire employees' enthusiasm for
work and innovative spirit, so that employees
can combine their self-fulfillment with corporate
value, and develop and progress together with
Corporate Social Responsibility

    Talent Introduction
In order to attract more outstanding talents to forge ahead together with the Company, Hundsun
formulated a series of policies to attract talents, always adhered to the principle of equal employment
and actively carries out industry-university-research cooperation and training with major universities, and
provided a competitive salary and welfare system in the industry. It was committed to building a "young
and innovative" talent team of Hundsun.
Equal employment
Hundsun strictly abide by the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant
laws and regulations, pursue the employment policy of "open, fair and equal", and eliminate the
discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, disability, marital
status in the recruitment, selection, promotion, punishment, staff development, benefits and termination
of labor contract.
Hundsun has formulated a complete Recruitment Management System and Qualifications Standards,
formulated clear screening standards and qualifications for each post, made corresponding
requirements and explanations on the position, core responsibilities, professional skills, general abilities
and experience of the post, and strictly controlled the recruitment of talents. At the same time, it
stipulated the screening requirements of interviewers, and formulated different interview methods and
interviewer selection criteria according to the post level to ensure the applicability and fairness of
As at December 31, 2021, Hundsun had a total of 13,310 employees, of which female employees
accounted for 27.3%. The team continues to be young and professional, with an average age of 29.7
years. 65.0% of the employee engage in technical work, and more than 90.8% of employees have the
education background of bachelor degree or above.
In order to optimize the staff structure and accelerate the development of the workforce, we carry out the
industry-university-research cooperation with Zhejiang University, Fudan University and many other
universities, and recruit fresh graduates from major universities every year. In 2021, Hundsun recruited a
total of 1045 fresh graduates and 298 interns.

     Realize the informatization reform of human resource management
Hundsun launched the recruitment management system in 2013, which made the recruitment module
get rid of the traditional paper document transmission mode, and ushered in systematization. The whole
process, including recruitment demand proposal, vacancy release, resume screening, interview
arrangement, recruitment process and job release, was operated online systematically, with smoother
nodes and clearer processes, which ensured the implementation of the recruitment system, saved the
management cost of the enterprise, improved the work efficiency, and significantly improved the
recruitment satisfaction. In 2021, Hundsun launched a brand-new human resource management
system, and opened the first phase of functions, including organizational structure, personnel,
attendance, employee self-assistance and other related basic data and business processes.
                                                                        Corporate Social Responsibility

 Sex distribution of                             Post distribution of
Hundsun employees                               Hundsun employees

                                                                                        Product technology

                                                                                        Customer services
                         Male                                                           Functional

                                                Regional distribution
Degree distribution of                              of Hundsun
Hundsun employees                                   employees

                         Bachelor degree                                                Mainland China

                         Master degree and above                                        Overseas
                         Junior college degree or below                                 Hong Kong, Macao
                                                                                        and Taiwan
Corporate Social Responsibility
Salary and welfare system
Hundsun sincerely thanks all employees for their every contribution, and hopes to share the results of
corporate development with them. We have established a sound salary and welfare system, and provide
competitive salary in the industry according to employee posts. In addition to fixed wages, we also
provide long-term incentive plans and rich welfare policies and items, such as holiday benefits, special
gifts, health examination, commercial insurance, group building funds, love funds, entry anniversary
celebrations and so on, to enhance employees' sense of belonging, achievement and happiness.

             Fixed salary, performance bonus, special incentive, long-term incentive, and multiple
             Employee Benefit
             Five Social Insurance and One Housing Fund, Commercial Insurance, Holiday Benefits,
             Special Cash Gifts, Health Examination, Park Shuttle, Staff Restaurant......

Reconstruction of a new generation post rank system
In 2021, in order to build a "first-class organization and first-class team", Hundsun started to restructure
a new generation of post rank system and optimize the compensation structure system, so as to improve
the division of labor based on specialization and professional level of the organization, and then improve
the overall professional ability and organizational efficiency of the Company.
The reconstruction of the new-generation post rank system reorganized the Company's business
objectives and organizational capacity requirements, and focused on the business value link, sorted out
post responsibilities, and formed specific job descriptions. The new generation post rank system
reconstructed the top-level design of the position sequence, added new business and operation
sequences, and optimized each sequence. As a whole, a number of career development paths were
designed, and expert paths were added. It advocated continuous professional improvement and opened
up career development channels for employees. The reconstruction of the new generation post rank
system of Hundsun has completed the switching of the new rank system for all employees in 2021, and
has been steadily implemented in the rank adjustment work.
The post rank system and the qualification standards for each sequence form an important link between
organizations and individuals. The reconstruction of the new generation post rank system provides a
clearer direction for the continuous growth of employees.
                                                                             Corporate Social Responsibility

    Talent Motivation and Retention
Hundsun regards talents as the core resource for the future, and is committed to retaining key talents
with sound management system and reasonable incentive measures, and constantly expanding the
team of high-quality talents in the enterprise. Currently, Hundsun has established a relatively complete
growth sharing plan.
Equity incentives for the parent company
In order to establish and improve the benefit        The Company held the First Meeting of the
sharing mechanism for its employees and              Holders of 2020 Employee Stock Ownership Plan,
shareholders, improve corporate governance,          reviewing and approving the Proposal on
enhance the cohesion of its employees and the        Establishing the Management Committee of the
competitiveness of the Company, mobilize the         2020 Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Hundsun
enthusiasm and creativity of its employees, and      Technologies Inc. The meeting of holders agreed
promote the long-term, sustainable and healthy       to set up a management committee, and
development of the Company, the Company has          authorized the management committee to be the
formulated the employee stock ownership plan for     management organization of the employee stock
2020 which was deliberated and approved by the       ownership plan, to supervise the daily
15th Meeting of the 7th Board of Directors and the   management of the employee stock ownership
3rd General Meeting of Shareholders in 2020.         plan, and exercise shareholders' rights on behalf of
Please refer to the Company's No.2020-062            the holders. The Proposal on Electing Members of
announcement for details. Participants of the        the Management Committee of 2020 Employee
current employee stock ownership plan are the        Stock Ownership Plan of Hundsun Technologies
Company's directors (excluding independent           Inc. was deliberated and approved. The Proposal
directors), supervisors, senior managers, middle     on Authorizing the Management Committee of
management of the Company and its holding            2020 Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Hundsun
subsidiaries, key employees, and other employees     Technologies Inc. and Its Delegated Related
that should be motivated in the opinion of the       Persons to Handle Matters Related to the
Company's Board of Directors. The total number of    Employee Stock Ownership Plan was deliberated
employees participating in this employee stock       and approved. In order to ensure the smooth
ownership plan does not exceed 5,500, including      implementation of the Company's 2020 employee
16 directors (excluding independent directors),      stock ownership plan, it was agreed to authorize
supervisors and senior managers.                     the management committee of employee stock
On June 28, 2021, among the 8,395,740 company        ownership plan of the Company and its delegated
shares held in the Company's special securities      persons to handle matters related to this employee
repurchase account, 7,979,300 shares were            stock ownership plan.
transferred to the Company's account for             Based on the confidence in the Company's future
employee stock ownership plan in 2020 via            development prospects and high recognition of the
non-trading method on June 25, 2021. The transfer    Company's value, in order to safeguard the
price was RMB 45.32 per share. The non-trading       interests of the investors, enhance investor
transfer of shares for the Company's employee        confidence, establish a sound long-term incentive
stock ownership plan in 2020 has been completed.     mechanism, fully arouse the initiative of middle and
                                                     senior management and core backbone personnel,
                                                     as well as support the long-term development of
                                                     the Company, the Company announced on
                                                     February 15, 2022 that it planned to buy back
                                                     some public shares with its own funds of not less
                                                     than RMB 100 million (inclusive) and not more
                                                     than RMB 150 million (inclusive) by means of
                                                     centralized bidding transaction for equity incentive
                                                     or employee stock ownership plan, by taking into
                                                     account the Company's financial status and future
                                                     profitability, in   accordance       with   relevant
Corporate Social Responsibility

Equity plan of innovation subsidiaries
In order to guide the Company to enter the financial innovation business field, stimulate the
entrepreneurial spirit and combat effectiveness of front-line core employees, continue to introduce
Internet and innovative talents, and enhance the Company's long-term core competitiveness, the
Company has launched the equity incentive plan.
In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the Administrative Measures for Subsidiaries
of Hundsun Technologies Inc., as well as relevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law, the
Securities Law and the Partnership Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China, the Company
hereby has formulated the Measures of Hundsun Technologies Inc. for the Investment and Management
of Employee Stock Ownership in "Innovation Subsidiaries" (2015 Edition) and the Operational Measures
for Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Innovation Subsidiaries (2017 Edition). The employees
participating in the subsidiary-level equity incentive plan include the Company's core management, core
employees of business division, key front-line employees and core employees of its subsidiaries
(including innovation subsidiaries), as well as ordinary employees of the Company and its subsidiaries;
the stock ownership plan is mainly applicable to the employees who have significant values and roles on
the development of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Keep plan
Hundsun attaches great importance to the retention of core talents. The "Keep Personnel Retention
Plan" is a talent retention plan developed by Hundsun for the purpose of retaining core employees under
the situation of increasingly fierce competition for talents. The plan helps Hundsun to increase the
retention rate of core employees by identifying "key", "excellent", and "high potential" employees, and
continuing to focus on and motivate them, so as to achieve the goal of building corporate talent
competitiveness and promoting corporate sustainable development. In 2021, we finally achieved the
retention rate of key employees of nearly 95% by personnel inventory, regular communication,
continuous attention, resource incline, key point intervention, and other ways, helping Hundsun retain
core talents.
HRBP system
To better empower the business department, the Hundsun HR team adopts the HR three-pillar model of
Dave Ulrich to build the HRBP system, which serves as a bridge between the business department and
the various modules of human resources. Hundsun HRBP system serves Hundsun's business, and
empowers the business through the rebuilding of organizational capabilities, better creating value for the
Retention of employees from mergers and acquisitions
For merger and acquisition companies newly joined in Hundsun, Hundsun would develop personalized
and comprehensive solutions according to the business characteristics and organizational
characteristics of the new companies, focusing on cultural integration, product integration, technology
upgrading and other aspects.
In terms of cultural integration, in the initial stage of joining the Company, the management of the
Company attended the welcome meeting of the new team in person, interpreted the essence of
Hundsun culture, and adhered to the Company's culture in dealing with differences in organizational
integration, and carried out cultural traction and shaping from top to bottom, and made the new team
build a sense of identity and belonging. Meanwhile, in terms of products and technologies, relying on the
scientific and mature management platform of Hundsun, Hundsun conducted comprehensive upgrade
and empowerment. In addition to ensuring smooth transition, Hundsun helped the merger and
acquisition company to further develop in a healthy and orderly manner.
                                                                            Corporate Social Responsibility
Performance management
Hundsun formulated the Performance Management System, and organized the performance
assessment as "KPI assessment". Performance grade is directly linked to bonus distribution coefficient,
promotion and honor, so as to effectively motivate employees. In the performance management system,
at the beginning of each year, the Company formulates annual and semi-annual KPIs at all levels
according to its strategic objectives, and decomposes them down to each employee. In the semi-annual
period, the performance plan can be adjusted according to the actual situation. The Company
incorporated values into performance evaluation, and comprehensively evaluated personal performance
grades (A/B/C) based on personal performance and values. After the completion of the performance
evaluation of an employee, supervisor needs to have an interview with the employee. The employee can
submit whether to accept the evaluation results through the performance system. If there is any
objection to his or her own performance, the superior will provide timely feedback. At present, the
performance management system of Hundsun has achieved comprehensive information management,
and all online system operations such as performance plan filling, performance evaluation, performance
result inquiry and result feedback.

    Training and Growth
Hundsun pays attention to the growth of employees, and supports the diversified development of
employees. We provide employees with a sound growth training system, and employees can choose
corresponding courses to learn according to their actual needs. We support employees in freely
choosing their career development paths based on their interests, and provide them with a dual-channel
employee career development system, so that employees on the management and professional posts
can find the path most suitable for their own development in Hundsun, maximize their potential, and
continuously improve job satisfaction and sense of happiness through personal growth. Starting from
level 5, employees can choose different development direction of the professional channel or
management channel in light of their own abilities, interests and career plans.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Training system
         Training level                 Training group                        Training project
                                       New employee               First-level training for new employees,
             Training of young     Campus recruitment of          intensified training for fresh graduates
                   talents        high-potential employees                          A Plan
                                  Grassroots team leaders                            E2M
             Cadre leadership       Department Manager             Leadership Acceleration Program
              improvement              BU Directors             BU captain class and youth training class
                                                                   "Cheese Class" Knowledge Sharing
                Professional                                                      Column
                   quality                 All staff                             HSPMP
               improvement                                           Financial Literacy Improvement
                                                                      Reading Festival of Hundsun

Hundsun is committed to extracting excellent organizational practical experience for Hundsun,
accumulating valuable knowledge wealth, empowering internal employees while exporting advanced
concepts to the outside world, and promoting the development of fintech talents and the improvement of
the overall ability of the industry. Hundsun has developed a series of courses with five major themes,
including more than 300 sub-courses, more than 50% of which are professional and technical courses,
covering financial business, leadership development, professional quality, cultural life and other fields at
the same time.
In 2021, Hundsun continued to provide targeted training services for employees at different growth
stages, optimized and upgraded classic programs, including first-level training for new employees, A
plan for high-potential employees, E2M for grassroots team leaders, leadership acceleration for
department managers, BU captain class for mid-level managers and youth training class, etc.
On the other hand, Hundsun kept bringing forth the new through the old. In order to improve the
professional ability and financial literacy of all employees, Hundsun set up a certification center in 2021,
opened the first HSPMP certification program, introduced a strong application policy, built a wealth of
learning resources, and encouraged all employees to obtain various financial qualification certificates.
In 2021, Hundsun upgraded the online learning platform E-learning, explored learning data and training
results of all employees, and opened the PC and mobile terminals at the same time, realizing a
comprehensive grasp of employees' learning and training needs and all-process tracking and
management of learning and training situation. In order to meet the challenge brought by the epidemic, a
live broadcast center was built simultaneously. It was equipped with powerful authority control function
and convenient editing and playback function. It flexibly supported the business departments to launch
exclusive live broadcast training according to personalized demands and carry out later precipitation use,
thus helping Hundsun enter the digital learning 2.0 era of "online learning anytime and anywhere".
                                                                             Corporate Social Responsibility

In order to accumulate and summarize the
experience of personnel training, improve the
quality of personnel training and promote the
systematization, normalization and standardization
of training, in 2021, Hundsun started the
reconstruction and upgrading of training system,
and built a training system with three modules
including system guarantee, platform support and
product core, so as to provide employees with
more scientific, efficient and practical learning
experience through more standardized systems,
stronger platforms and abundant products.
In 2021, the Company encouraged employees to
obtain relevant financial qualification certificates.
For those who pass the corresponding financial
qualification certificate examinations (related to
securities, fund, futures or banking practice), the
examination fees will be reimbursed in full. The
Company encourages employees to increase
financial business knowledge and improve
financial literacy through examinations, and help
them build a basic financial knowledge structure.

In 2021, all training programs had a total of 2360 courses, covering more than 40,000 person-times, with
a total of class hour of more than 20000 hours. The average offline satisfaction was over 4.7 points. As
of the end of December 2021, a total of 359 employees served as "lecturers" to teach and share
knowledge, creating a good knowledge learning atmosphere for the Company, ensuring and improving
the training quality, and cultivating high-quality talents in the fintech industry.

Annual training data display of 2021
2360 courses of learning resources
359 lecturers
Corporate Social Responsibility

    Employee Care
Hundsun provides employees with a harmonious and comfortable office environment, and creates a free
and open working atmosphere. It promotes employees to form a healthy and happy working style,
balance work and life, and develop in coordination with the Company through carrying out regular and
diverse employee care activities.
Security and benefits
Hundsun pays attention to the actual needs of employees and actively protects the rights and welfare of
employees. The Company provides security benefits for employees, including endowment insurance,
medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, as well as
housing provident fund. At the same time, the Company configures commercial insurance benefits for
regular employees (covering outpatient and serious illness compensation), and also sets up stepped
commercial insurance benefits for employees' families according to the employees' service time in the
Company. In addition, in order to meet the diversified and personalized choices of employees, Hundsun
continues to deliver cost-effective holiday benefits to employees, including Spring Festival cash gifts, red
packets for opening, and Mid-Autumn Festival benefits.
Establishment of subsidies and consolation money for employees in need: Hundsun Labor Union has
effectively guaranteed employee benefit and established subsidies and consolation money for
employees in need. Since its establishment in 2000, Hundsun has granted a total of RMB 640,000 of
subsidies and consolation money, benefiting 402 people.
Hundsun Charity Fund: It was spontaneously established by Hundsun's employees and led by the
Hundsun Labor Union in conjunction with the human resources department of Hundsun in 2014 under
the supervision by all employees of Hundsun. It is specifically used to subsidize the regular employees
who have medical or family difficulties caused by death, serious illness, accidental injury and other
events. Since its initiation, the Hundsun Charity Fund has provided relief for 19 employees suffering from
malignant tumor and other serious diseases, with a total of RMB 1.36 million of charity funds used.
Care for Female Employees: We pay attention to promoting women’s employment, strictly implement the
provisions on female employees ’leave during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, and ensure that
female employees have equal salary and welfare as well as career development opportunities. We have
elevators and fast track for meals for pregnant women, and set up love parking spaces for pregnant
women in the parking lot and exclusive mother-and-baby rooms in the office building.
                                                         Total number of employees on maternity leave

                                                                       2019              151

                                                                       2020              114

                                                                       2021              185
                                                                                   Corporate Social Responsibility

Safety and health
The Company pays attention to employees' physical and mental health, strives to provide a harmonious
and comfortable office environment for employees, creates a free and open working atmosphere,
provides professional physical and mental health care services, and it is committed to building a healthy
workplace so that employees can work with peace of mind and confidence.
Provide a healthy and safe working environment
In order to protect the health and safety of employees and create a good office environment, Hundsun
have formulated a series of standardized processes in terms of ensuring drinking water safety, air quality,
and catering safety. In 2021, Hundsun initiated its new building, Digital-intelligence Hundsun Center.
Before entering the building, it invited a third party to carry out air quality testing and issue a certified air
testing report. After the testing point met the air quality requirements of GB50325 (national standards),
Hundsun entered the building, and equipped the office area with air purifiers and activated carbon to
create a healthy air environment for employees.
In 2019, we also set up a leading working group for the work safety to build a top-down work safety
standardization system. 100 floor emergency and safety administrators were recruited via the party
committee and labor union organization, in order to prevent and reduce various safety hazards such as
sudden illnesses of Hundsun's employees or sudden fire disasters in Hundsun homeland, and to protect
the personal and property safety of employees.
The Company also pays great attention to employees' physical health and assists employees in health
management. Every year, all employees are provided with physical examination, and medical
examination report interpretation service is arranged to let employees be familiar with their own health
status; At the same time, Hundsun provides expert health consultation, free expert clinic, etc. In addition,
the opening of "Hundsun" Green Link provides professional medical consultation and related medical
services for employees, provides health protection and support for employees, and enables employees
to meet the workplace with better physical conditions.
Provision of professional physical and mental health care services
In 2021, the Company kept upgrading the "Perseverance" EAP project, providing employees with
professional physical and mental health care services. Based on the needs of the enterprise and
employees, EAP project helped employees improve their physical and mental health by regularly
publishing physical and mental health knowledge, carrying out carnival activities of psychological care,
and organizing physical and mental care training salons with different themes (such as happiness
psychology, parent-child education, OH card courses, etc.). In addition, through the internal hotline and
external 7*24 hours consultation and appointment hotline, Hundsun answered employees' confusion in
stress management, parent-child relationship, marriage and family, interpersonal relationship, career
development, work-life balance, etc. The internal EAP ambassador team established by the Company
would also regularly promote publicity projects, and give timely attention and support to employees at
specific stages. At the same time, the project team regularly provides empowerment training for
managers and HR groups every year to improve HR and grassroots managers' ability to identify
common psychological problems of employees and related handling methods and skills, so as to support
enterprise management and the construction of a "high-quality workplace".
From the aspects of popular science propaganda, thematic training, psychological counseling, and
activity organization, EAP project helps employees to shape a positive attitude, establish good
interpersonal relationships, and achieve personal growth. Meanwhile, EAP project assists the enterprise
in optimizing human resources management, improving organizational efficiency, and creating a healthy
and harmonious workplace ecological environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Employee activities

Hundsun is committed to creating a happy
workplace. Starting from the needs of employees,
it organized and carried out classic activities such
as parent-child activities, Micro-Charity, "Hundsun
Good Voice", youth fellowship, Halloween,
summer condolences, and Christmas fellowship.
Affected by the epidemic in 2020, some activities
were mainly carried out online, and the "Hundsun
Employee Health Season" activity was added to
give care to employees in all aspects, enhance
their sense of belonging, and create a happy and
positive working atmosphere.
Inherit classic brand activities and push employee
activities to all employees every month. The
parent-child activity "Childhood is Different &
YOUNG”, classic birthday celebration activity,
summer condolences, Hundsun Good Voice -
"Music for Love”, Halloween activity and other
activities were held this year. Create a workplace
atmosphere that employees like with all kinds of
classic activities, and jointly feel the company
atmosphere in the activities to create a harmonious
and friendly company environment.

      Parent-child Activities

Hundsun has held parent-child activities every year since 2004. It hopes to increase the connection
between employees and their families through parent-child interaction. In the past two years, affected by
the epidemic, parent-child activities were mainly carried out online, and promoted through multiple online
channels such as video / TV / community. In 2021, Hundsun presented Children’s Day gifts to more than
3,120 employees, which promoted parent-child interaction, strengthened the care for employees'
families, and tightened the relationship between employees and the Company.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

      Birthday Activities

Since 2012, in order to motivate and care for the old employees, Hundsun held work anniversary
celebrations for old employees. In 2021, Hundsun sent blessings to its employees for their 10th
anniversary (10 years of youth), 15th anniversary (Time without regret), 20th anniversary (20 years of
fragrance) and 25th anniversary (golden years) in various forms such as special birthday party,
departmental birthday party and birthday luncheon. The senior management of the Company attached
great importance to these activities, and colleagues and partners actively participated in these activities,
thus greatly enhancing the cohesion of employees.

      Fellowship Activity

Youth Christmas fellowship activities have been a tradition in Hundsun for about 15 years, and they are
widely welcomed by employees. In 2021, in order to meet the needs of more single youth in the
Company for making friends, the Company launched the “Heart-to-heart Encounter in Hundsun" project
to provide employees with dating services in multiple forms and dimensions. In 2021, Hundsun held a
number of youth fellowship activities, including Heart-to-heart Encounter in Hundsun - Cloud Fellowship,
Stand by me & make friends with movies, Make friends with music for love, Sweet Qixi Festival, Elope to
the moon game fellowship, Halloween dance and Christmas fellowship.
Corporate Social Responsibility


In order to enrich employees' spare time life and create a happy and healthy corporate culture
atmosphere, Hundsun has gathered Hundsun partners with the same interests to set up their own
distinctive circles. The Company has movie circle, running circle, board game circle, music circle,
photography circle, animation circle, U-point creative circle, parent-child circle and pet circle, etc. By
organizing regular activities, each circle has become an information exchange platform for Hundsun’s
friends, a haven for relaxation and a link for communication and friendship. In 2021, the Company
organized the Rose Run & Online Marathon in the running circle, Friday Cinema & Film Critic Sharing in
the film circle, Four Seasons Theme Photo Contest in the photography circle, Dried Flower DIY & Graffiti
Contest in the U Circle, Honor of Kings & Werewolves of Miller's Hollow in the board game circle, online
cloud chorus & good voice in the music circle, June 1 & Halloween activities in the parent-child circle,
home party in the animation circle, pet competition in the pet circle, etc. All of them were very popular
among employees.

      Corporate Culture Official Account HSTV

Operate the official account HSTV, as Hundsun’s own TV station, to provide timely and high-quality
reports on news and convey corporate culture. Carry out topics and interactions related to employees'
work and life, pay attention to employees' real feelings and ideas, create a warm and positive
atmosphere, and enhance their sense of happiness. Reach out to employees through various forms
such as videos, pictures and texts, and online and offline activities, making the cultural communication
and employee care of Hundsun more interesting and appealing.
                                                                   Corporate Social Responsibility

     Annual Challenge Series

The challenge series is Hundsun's incentives for the
Company's grass-roots teams. We set up an annual
challenge theme every year to encourage employees to
challenge the goal of exceeding KPI. From challenging
Tesla in 2014 and challenging Hawaii in 2015 to
challenging Himalaya in 2021, the challenge series has
gone through 8 years. To challenge Himalaya in 2021, we
assembled 553 teams with more than 6,000 participants.


                                                   United States
                                                    of America
                                 Northern lights
              Hawaii                                                   New Zealand

                                                   Aegean Sea

     Company Annual Meeting

At the beginning of each year,
employees of Hundsun gather
together. Most of the programs are
choreographed and performed by
employees. The Company's annual
meeting also conveys the corporate
strategy and business layout to
employees, commends outstanding
teams, encourages employees to
keep up high morale, and motivate
employees to make persistent efforts
in the New Year.
Corporate Social Responsibility

      Communication Channel                                           Hundsun        Community

Hundsun has transparent and efficient communication channels, listens to employees' suggestions on
all aspects of the Company, and gives timely feedback to improve employee satisfaction in all aspects.
Hundsun has built an internal community - Hundsun E Community, which pays attention to the voice of
employees and creates an open, equal and transparent communication atmosphere within the Company.
The forum covers all aspects of employees' work and life, with clear positioning and bright spots,
increases internal sharing channels and platforms, provides a platform for company information
retention and sharing, thus linking employees all over the country.

Hundsun has been conducting functional satisfaction surveys
since 2007, inviting all employees to rate and make suggestions
for each functional department. In 2021, over 3,000 employees
participated, and 3,109 comments and suggestions were
received. The comments and suggestions fed back by
employees were analyzed by relevant functional departments,
and improvement measures were formulated and absorbed into
the annual work plan, which promoted the optimization of the
overall functional work of the Company.

    Engineering Culture

Technology is the core competitiveness of Hundsun. Since its establishment, Hundsun has been
committed to building a company with engineering culture. Hundsun believes that "engineers define the
future". We encourage employees to innovate and change the world with codes.

       Technological culture

In 2021, in order to practice the principle of "quality first" in depth, the
Company launched the LIGHT technology competition, carefully designed
the programming competition questions around the product quality model,
and made employees pay more attention to code quality and improve
product quality through team competition. At the same time, the Company
selected the Quality Star and the Quality Red List, so that excellent role
models can infect every employee around them.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

      Technical evangelism

The Company released a series of special trainings of
"evangelism plan", focusing on the improvement of technical
ability, and launched excellent courses including architecture
design, technical development, testing, cutting-edge
technical insight and technical platform analysis, which
formed a professional technical training output platform of
the Company. In 2021, the evangelism program launched a
series of courses on "quality improvement" around the theme
of "quality first" in the Company. Meanwhile, a series of
courses of "LIGHT Master Talk" was launched. LIGHT
Master Talk focused on frontier technology exploration and
insight, and brought high-quality sharing of technical experts
in various fields from the Company. The evangelism plan
opened 85 courses in 2021, covering 5 online learning
groups, with the total number of students of nearly 5,000, the
cumulative learning person-time of more than 100,000, and
the cumulative learning time of over 7761 hours.

      Developer community

In order to support the growth of developers, Hundsun has established an open community of financial
technology - LIGHT Cloud Community. Hundsun was committed to building it into a comprehensive
technology community in the financial industry. The LIGHT Cloud Community provides financial
developers with services including professional original articles, free courses, exchange forums, events,
etc., connects technical products, technology platforms and technical experts in the financial industry,
and conducts technology opening, knowledge sharing, experience exchange and new technology
research through the community.
The LIGHT Cloud Community has been online for more than one year, and has served over 30,000
financial developers to communicate and learn in the community. It has also launched light source
program and lecturer recruitment activities to support developers to grow in the community and create
personal influence.
In the future, we would continue to provide online multi-skill certification and professional certification
through online interaction of technical masters, offline summits, programming competitions, etc., to
online development of the financial knowledge of Hundsun for more than 20 years, in order to provide
developers with professional and authoritative knowledge, series and free financial course training and
help developers quickly join the industry.
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                   Corporate Social Responsibility

   Community and charity

As a corporate citizen, Hundsun hopes to
assume social responsibility better in the
community. Zhejiang Hundsun Public Welfare
Foundation was formally established in 2016;
Hundsun Investor Education Base was put into
operation in 2017......Since its establishment
for more than 20 years, Hundsun has been
based on sustainable development, and has
made continuous contributions in areas such
as targeted poverty alleviation, caring for
autistic children, finance business education
for teenagers and green and environmental
protection. At the same time, Hundsun actively
expanded               cooperation            in
Industry-University-Research,     and    united
universities     to     carry    out    various
school-enterprise cooperation modes to realize
the joint sustainable development of
enterprises and society.
Corporate Social Responsibility

          As a fintech company, Hundsun devotes its expertise to inclusive
          finance and investor education. In 2017, it built and operated the
          Hundsun Investor Education Base, opened investment education
          classes to the public for free, and implemented investment education

       Investor Education

In recent years, investor education and protection issues
have become a hot topic, and government departments
are actively promoting the investor education to be
included into the national education system. Relying on its
technological advantages and accumulation in the
financial field, Hundsun not only uses technology to
facilitate the development of online investment education
activities, but also establishes an investor education base
to provide "Future Financier" FQ education courses, and
open up new ideas for promoting investor education               History of Hundsun Investor Education
through online and offline empowerment.                                          Base
Hundsun Investor Education Base is a free and open
investor education public welfare venue for the public and
was approved in May 2017 to become the first batch of
provincial investor education bases in Zhejiang. The Base
                                                               December 2016
is characterized by technology and interactive experience.
It has more than 100 investment and education products,        The Hundsun Investor Education Base was
has held hundreds of investment and education activities       officially established and put into operation
since its establishment, and has received tens of
                                                               May 2017
thousands of investors. At the same time, the Base also
originally developed excellent investment and education        Hundsun Investor Education Base was
products such as the "Future Financier" youth FQ investor      approved as the first batch of provincial
education class, intelligent investment, education robots,     investor education bases in Zhejiang
one-stop simulation investment software and investment
                                                               August 2018
and education cartoons.
In 2021, the Hundsun Investor Education Base held 26           Hundsun Investor Education Base was
investor education activities, covering 5284 participants,     rated as excellent in the first assessment
including lectures on financial risk prevention, live public   August 2019
welfare lectures "Guarding Wealth from Investment Trap",
"Shareholders Are Coming ”and 2021 answering                  Was rated as excellent in the provincial
questions and going through event, etc. for middle-aged        investor education base assessment for the
and elderly people in the community. In addition, the          second successive year
Hundsun Investor Education Base carried out a total of 80
reception activities in 2021, with a total of 622
                                                                                  Corporate Social Responsibility

 "Future Financier" FQ Education Classroom
 The "Future Financier" FQ Education Classroom jointly initiated by
 the Zhejiang Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation, the Hundsun
 Investor Education Base and FinTech New Youth began to deliver
 the public welfare courses to the key primary and secondary
 schools in Hangzhou from 2017. The courses are developed
 around four aspects: understanding money, learning to save,
 understanding investment and understanding risks for the purpose
 of helping teenagers establish correct outlook on wealth,
 popularizing basic financial knowledge and basic financial
 management skills, and raising awareness of risk prevention.
In 2021, the "Future Financier" FQ Education Classroom covered 9 schools from Hangzhou and
Guizhou, namely, Hangzhou Changhe Primary School, Binjiang Primary School, Gaoxin Experimental
School, Danfeng Primary School, Wentao Middle School, the Attached Primary School of Teaching and
Research Office of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education, Guizhou Guanling County Puli Ethnic
Primary School, Liangmao Primary School and Jiangxiping Primary School; covering 7 grades, namely,
the first to the sixth grade of primary school and the first grade of junior high school; a total of 22 courses
were delivered, covering 3709 teenagers.
In addition, in December 2021, the "Future Financier" FQ Education Classroom entered Guanling, a
county in Guizhou, and through in-depth cooperation with Dishui Commonweal, it helped local primary
school students learn basic financial knowledge, enlightened local FQ education, and actively promoted
educational public welfare undertakings. The lecturer brought a wealth of stationery and gifts to the
students of local primary schools, and taught them the basic financial knowledge of "How to manage
pocket money" in the series of financial and business education courses.

 “Evergreen Project” - Financial risk prevention education for middle-aged and elderly people
According to the statistics of the United Nations, China's aging degree will be the highest in the world in
2030, and almost one out of every three people is an old person. China is entering an aging society. With
the increasing number of letters and complaints and sudden risks arising from financial services for the
elderly, the relationship between improvement in financial services for middle-aged and elderly
consumers and effective prevention of risks cannot be ignored.
In order to remind middle-aged and elderly people to "safeguard their money bags", the Hundsun
Investor Education Base cooperated with the Zhejiang Hundsun Foundation to invite professional
lecturers to explain financial risk prevention knowledge to the middle-aged and elderly in the community
in a clear and intelligible way, and focus on analysis of influential cases in real life, so as to help the
elderly identify financial risks and defend against financial fraud. At present, the Hundsun Investor
Education Base has completed training seminars for more than 700 people from 9 communities.
Corporate Social Responsibility

       Hundsun Volunteer Services

On December 1, 2015, the "Sunshine Hundsun Volunteers Association", a non-profit organization
spontaneously formed by employees of Hundsun, was established. Adhering to the concept of
"Sunshine in Hundsun, warming the world", they are daily active in various public welfare fields such as
voluntary blood donation, first aid training, charity sales, low-carbon environmental protection and so on.
Since its establishment in 2015, the Hundsun Volunteers Association has organized and participated in
125 charity events, with a total of more than 3908 volunteer service participants and more than 15806
hours. Affected by the epidemic, in 2021, the Hundsun Volunteers Association has supported a total of
18 events, helping 167 persons through volunteer service during 1023 hours. Currently, the Hundsun
Volunteers Association has 136 full members and 252 associates.
In 2016, China hosted the G20 Summit for the first time. Hundsun volunteers participated in a
three-month volunteer service for traffic guidance on community street traffic lights. During the period of
the G20 Summit, 198 volunteers worked with high intensity every day and won the honorary title of
"Servicing and Guaranteeing G20 Hangzhou Summit Advanced Collective".
In 2018, Sunshine Hundsun First-aid Team was established. As of the end of 2021, Hundsun has held 10
first-aid trainings, more than 400 employees have obtained the ambulanceman certificates issued by the
Red Cross, and 34 members have obtained the AHA (American Heart Association) ambulanceman
In 2019, we established a team consisting of 100 floor safety administrators to provide first-aid services
to protect the personal safety of the building and the nearby residents. In 2021, floor safety
administrators continued to stick to their posts to prevent and reduce various potential safety hazards
such as sudden illnesses of Hundsun's employees or sudden fires in Hundsun Homes, and protect
everyone's personal and property safety.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

      Party Committee and Labor Union
Consolidate grass-roots Party building
Hundsun took the lead in establishing the party organization and labor
union organization as early as 2000. At present, party members account
for nearly 20% of the total employees, and the proportion of party
members in the management reaches 48%. Hundsun party committee
was organized. Currently, there is 1 party committee, 13 general party
branches, and 45 party groups, with the management accounting for
more than 35%. Employees actively participated in the life of the party
organization and have carried out a total of 82 party member activities.
By combining corporate culture and party building, Hundsun party
committee has created the characteristic brand of "red index" and
promoted the Company to achieve strong Party building and
development with the multi-dimensional indicators of "five major
indexes". We highlight the promotion by assistance with the corporate
"development index"; strengthen position construction with the
organization "vitality index"; perfect the point management by "vanguard
index" of party members; lead the cultivation and incubation with the
talent "growth index"; and achieve cultural guidance with the employee
"happiness index".
The Hundsun party committee has been established for 20 years, and
has successively won the honorary titles such as Hangzhou Two-New
Party Building Demonstration Unit, Hangzhou Demonstration Unit of
Double Brands of "Strong Party Building and Strong Development" ,
Hangzhou Advanced Enterprise of Harmonious Labor Relations,
Advanced Grassroots Party Organization in Binjiang District, National
May 1st Labor Medal, Zhejiang Outstanding Communist Party Member,
Zhejiang Women Civilization Post, Hangzhou Model Women's Home
and Medal of dedication of Red Cross Society of China.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, the secretary of the
Hundsun party committee took the lead in organizing a donation of RMB
2 million to the District Red Cross to fight against the COVID-19, and
mobilized party members and all employees to donate more than RMB
760,000 later. At the most difficult time of the national epidemic, the
senior executives of Hundsun were mobilized to purchase epidemic
prevention supplies through various channels, and donated medical and
epidemic prevention and control supplies (masks, protective clothing,
etc.) worth more than RMB 270,000 through Zhejiang Hundsun
Foundation to Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, the
Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Wuhan
Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science & Technology,
the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, the
First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, and
other hospitals, assisting hospitals, community frontline medical
workers, and community epidemic prevention and control workers in
improving the critical shortage of protective materials.
On April 16, 2021, Hundsun held the first women's congress and elected
the first executive committee of the Women's Federation of the
Company. In order to further strengthen the construction of women's
organizations, according to the requirements of reforms of mass
organizations, Hundsun established the Women's Association of
Hundsun Technologies Inc.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Employee activities of the Labor Union
As a young and dynamic fintech company, Hundsun helps employees
balance work and life by regularly organizing various employee
At present, Hundsun has 11 employee clubs, covering basketball,
football, badminton, table tennis, tennis, billiards, cycling, calligraphy
and paintings, parent-child, fishing and yoga; it has accumulated
1,100 club members, so that employees can also find their favorite
activities and like-minded friends in Hundsun. Each club holds or
participates in 1-2 large-scale activities every year to interact with
various enterprises on behalf of the Company. The football players of
Hundsun struggled courageously on the pitch, and were united as one
and positive, showing the good spirit of the Hundsun people, and
interpreting the team spirit and Hundsun strength. It won the runner-up
of the 2021 Internet Town Cup.
In addition, Hundsun also has a service association (Hundsun
Sunshine Volunteers Association). There are couples of activities,
such as fixed party member activity day, first aid skills training,
photography exhibition, employee painting exhibition of trade union,
weekend cinema, Latin dance troupe, baking class, tea art classroom,
flower arrangement class, jazz dance troupe, parent-child interactive
class, light color class, and primary nursery teacher training, thus
satisfying the full range of interests and hobbies of employees, and
stimulating their vitality and creativity. In 2021, a total of 18 employee
interest courses were opened, covering 810 employees, focusing on
improving employee skills, cultivating personal interests and hobbies,
and enriching spare time life of employees.
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

      Industry-university-research Cooperation

In order to deeply cultivate high-level applied engineering and technical talents needed by the
development of digital economy and society, Hundsun united universities to actively develop various
university-industry cooperation modes, including setting up postdoctoral workstations, customizing
exclusive training programs, and building vocational education platforms.
Financial Technology Innovation Training Camp
The “Financial Technology Innovation Training Camp" plans
to select outstanding students from colleges and
universities, customize the exclusive training programs
according to the design concept of compound talent training
integrating industry with university, stimulate students'
interest in the financial technology industry, enhance
students' awareness of the financial technology industry,
improve students' innovative practice ability, and finally
cultivate the new era financial technology talents with deep
integration of technology and business.
In 2021, the university-industry cooperation of Hundsun was
approved as “the first batch of supply-demand matching
employment and education projects of the Ministry of
Education”. Applications from 43 universities and 52 project
applications were received. At the same time, Hundsun
strengthened the construction of the "Youth Talent
Development Center", and cooperated with 985 and 211
universities such as Xidian University to hold a financial
technology innovation training camp, and it was successfully
selected into the “2021 Provincial Key Support List of
Modern Industrial Colleges in Zhejiang Province".

"FinTech New Youth "Vocational Education Platform
In 2021, Hundsun initially built the "FinTech New Youth" vocational education platform, focusing on talent
training in the field of financial technology, aiming to help college students learn professional knowledge
in the field of financial technology, improve IT skills and financial literacy, and expand their career
development path.
The FinTech New Youth launched a series of popular science works named "This is Financial
Technology", and conducted in-depth interviews and live sharing with experts in various technical fields
within the Company, so as to export professional knowledge and experience for college students and
empower their future career life.
In addition, Hundsun also jointly carried out talent training with customers. The newly recruited personnel
of customers were entrusted to be trained by Hundsun. Through the entrusted training and subsequent
learning of open knowledge, they can serve customers better.
Establish a post-doctoral workstation
Hundsun officially established a post-doctoral workstation in 2017, and jointly recruited and cultivated
postdoctors with the post-doctoral mobile station of Zhejiang University, delivering talents and innovation
forces to the State. In addition to carrying out a number of research projects in the fields of artificial
intelligence, big data, blockchain, high-performance computing and other cutting-edge technologies, the
station were also equipped with a strong lineup of leading experts in the financial industry. In December
2021, the post doctor assessment and defense at Hundsun Postdoctoral Workstation was held, and Lou
Dongfang from Hundsun Research Institute successfully passed the assessment and became the first
post doctor departed from the station.
Corporate Social Responsibility

           Hundsun Foundation is committed to deeply integrating technical
           expertise with public welfare, actively exploring new sustainable public
           welfare models, participating in public welfare practices, and influencing
           more people to participate in public welfare undertakings.

     Public Welfare Foundation

Hundsun Foundation was established on December 26,
2016 under the administration of the Zhejiang Civil
Affairs Bureau and is a non-public charitable
organization. Hundsun Foundation is committed to
deeply integrating technical expertise with public welfare
undertakings, through active public welfare practices, to
influence more people to participate in public welfare
undertakings to promote sustainable development. In
2019, Hundsun Foundation passed the provincial social
organization evaluation by the Zhejiang Civil Affairs
Bureau and was rated as an AAAA-level social
In recent years, the public welfare projects that
the Hundsun Foundation has focused on include
continuous targeted poverty alleviation, "Future
Financier" FQ education public welfare classes
(benefited 3709 teenagers in 2021, a total of more
than 10000), and caring for autistic children
rehabilitation projects (benefited 40 families with
autism difficulties in 2021, a total of 160 families),
financial risk prevention for middle-aged and
elderly people (benefited 254 middle-aged and
elderly people in 2021, a total of more than 700),
etc. In 2021, the Hundsun Foundation organized
more than 45 public welfare activities with
participation     of    5678    voluntary     service
participants, and the recipients of public welfare
projects reached 6500, and the total amount of
public welfare assistance reached RMB
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility

Caring for autistic children
Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation has been paying attention to
the education and life of disadvantaged groups for many years. It
launched the "Stars Lighting Project”, cooperated with social
rehabilitation institutions to give attention to the children with
autism, hoped that the children of the stars would be seen and
accepted by the world, and helped them realize their shimmering
dreams. Since 2012, Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation has
begun to pay attention to autistic children, and care for this
vulnerable group every year through charity bazaar,
companionship, establishment of rehabilitation classrooms and run
for charity. In 2021, Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation launched
"U Public Welfare" on the U+app, inviting customers and
employees to participate in the interaction. A total of over 4,500
people participated in lighting up the stars, which opened a new
charity model for caring for autistic children. In 2021, Hundsun
Public Welfare Foundation held a micro-charity event named
“Micro-Love Action—Children Who Guard the Stars”. Through
online auction of children’s paintings and 2 offline charity bazaars,
the event increased the attention of employees and caring people
from all walks of life to children with autism. attention, spread the
concept of public welfare, and created an atmosphere of love and
dedication in the Company.
Continuous targeted poverty alleviation
Hundsun Foundation actively responds to the call of the CPC Central Committee, earnestly implements
the relevant requirements of “targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty elevation”, leverages its
comprehensive advantages in capital, technology, industry and talents, aggregates resources,
strengthens the team, innovates methods, and actively invests in the process of poverty alleviation. In
2021, Hundsun Public Welfare Foundation donated to the Agricultural Industry Infrastructure
Construction" in Maotou Village, Batang Township, southeast of Guizhou Province and the construction
of canal, with a cumulative aid fund of RMB 300,000, and continued to help 15 impoverished college
students in Jianshi County, Enshi, Hubei Province to go to school and find jobs.
Public Welfare Mountain Cleanup Action
The public welfare mountain cleanup action, “Clean
Mountain Forest”, was initiated by Cheng * zhu, an employee
of Hundsun. This public welfare activity aimed to awaken
people's awareness of environmental protection, guide more
people to enter nature responsibly, enjoy nature, and
cultivate responsible civic awareness. In 2021, 15 public
welfare mountain cleanup activities were carried out, with
477 participants, walking distance of 202 kilometers, and
outdoor garbage collected of 604 kilograms. Hundsun
sponsored garbage bags and other related cleanup materials
for the public welfare mountain cleanup activity to ensure the
smooth development of the activity. Hundsun hoped to call
on more people to protect and cherish nature by supporting
the public welfare mountain cleanup action.
Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                 Corporate Social Responsibility

     Green operation

Hundsun pays more attention to the
harmonious      progress     of      economic
development and ecological balance while
seeking its own business development. By
embracing clean technologies such as cloud
computing and blockchain, we help customers
reduce energy consumption and save
resources, actively apply electronic contracts
and other measures, and practice the
environmental protection policy. In terms of
energy conservation and emission reduction,
we actively promote green office, practice
low-carbon and environmentally-friendly life,
and advance resource recycling and
sustainable development.
Corporate Social Responsibility

       Clean Technology
Embracing cloud computing
Today, when enterprises are undergoing digital transformation, the full embracing of cloud computing is
becoming the choice of more and more enterprises. Cloud computing can not only help customers save
IT infrastructure investment costs and shorten the project launch cycle, but also has impressive
performance in terms of energy conservation and environmental protection. In the initial stage of the
construction of traditional IT systems, enterprises usually choose to build their own Internet Data Center
(IDC). Since IDC is designed with peak value, the system does not operate at full capacity most of the
time and the resource utilization rate is low, resulting in a lot of waste of computing power and energy
consumption, while the elastic expansion of cloud computing solves properly the problems in this regard
(need-based operation).
Take the counter industry cloud disaster recovery system built by Kaiyuan Securities with the assistance
of Hundsun as an example. If the energy consumption of the IDC machine room built by customer is
about 18kw/h, while the energy consumption of the machine with the use of cloud technology is only
about 9.5kw/h, which is about half of self-built IDC. A total of 74,460 kilowatt-hours of electricity can be
saved in a year, which is equivalent to the saving of 30 tons of standard coal each year, while reducing
the pollution emissions by 20 tons of carbon and 58 tons of carbon dioxide. At present, in addition to
Kaiyuan Securities, Hundsun's securities counter industry cloud disaster recovery system has also been
launched in financial institutions such as Shanxi Securities and Zheshang Securities.
Note: According to expert statistics, for every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity saved, 0.4 kg of standard
coal will be saved correspondingly, and pollution emissions are reduced by 0.272 kg of carbon and 0.785
kg of carbon dioxide.
                                  Savings for a year           Reduction of pollution emissions

                          74,460 kWh of     30 tons of    20 tons of     58 tons of
                            electricity   standard coal    carbon      carbon dioxide

As an innovative financial technology company under Hundsun, Cloudyee Network integrates the wealth
management cloud platform, focuses on providing SaaS cloud services in the field of wealth
management for small and medium-sized and newly-raised institutional investors. Through the
cooperation with SSCC, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Alibaba Cloud and other industry cloud platforms,
large energy-consuming equipment used daily by financial institutions, such as servers, storage
hardware, power management, private wire network, etc., were hosted on industry cloud platforms, thus
saving power and management resources, reducing huge carbon emissions, saving more expenses for
financial enterprises, and solving the problems of high self-construction cost in the initial stage of small
and medium-sized enterprises and newly-raised enterprises, difficulty in developing new businesses,
As of the end of December 2021, more than 200 financial institutions have used the solutions and
innovative products provided by Cloudyee Network to simplify the configuration of the system and move
towards "low-carbon" development. For example, several famous fund companies took the lead in
adopting cloud solutions provided by Cloudyee Network for the public fund industry, including investment,
valuation, TA, fund clearing, direct sales, e-commerce, call center, data center, active service, website,
anti-money laundering systems etc. As the entire IT equipment supporting the operation of the system
adopts SSCC's industry cloud resources, and the dedicated operation and maintenance team of
Cloudyee Network provides the escort of 7x24 hours, it not only saves millions of RMB in operating
expenses, but also increases the scale of assets from several hundred million to more than 450 billion.
In addition to SaaS services such as asset management cloud services, valuation cloud services, and
wealth cloud services, Cloudyee Network also provided rich inter-agency connection services, for
example, providing docking services for investment transaction management systems such as funds,
insurance, banks, etc. to access the sales systems of three-party commission agencies. It is committed
to driving the innovation and development of financial institutions and realizing digital and low-carbon
                                                                               Corporate Social Responsibility
Electronic contracts energize energy conservation and emission reduction
In order to achieve the carbon neutrality goal, electronic signing is an important booster. Electronic
signing replaces paper contracts with electronic contracts, which can eliminate paper consumption
caused by paper contract signing and the corresponding consumables in the process of printing,
express, and management. It is more low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and it can accelerate the
realization of carbon neutrality. Hundsun Blockchain Electronic Contract is based on blockchain and
cryptography technology. It relies on the one-stop service of electronic contract signing services and
contract evidence keeping, notarization and certificate issuance provided by FTCU to users.
In 2021, Hundsun used electronic contracts instead of paper contracts to sign human resources
contracts, compliance commitments, equity subscription and other related agreements, which was
equivalent to saving 198,358 sheets of paper for the planet, reducing about 400 packs of A4 paper, and
reducing paper usage by 866 kilograms.

      Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction

Energy saving and environmental protection
As a responsible corporate citizen, Hundsun pays more attention to the harmonious progress of
economic development and ecological balance while constantly seeking business development. We
actively promote green office, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and promoting resource recycling and
sustainable development through the measures such as waste sorting, paper saving, water saving, air
conditioning temperature control, and fixed switch lighting.
In order to practice a low-carbon and environmentally friendly life, we have carried out centralized control
and transformation of the air-conditioning in the Hundsun park, and propose relevant requirements for
the activation and management: the heating mode of air-conditioning system can only be turned on if the
indoor temperature in the office area reaches 12°C for three consecutive days in winter, and the given
temperature should not be higher than 22℃; in summer, the refrigeration mode of air-conditioning
system can only be turned on if the indoor temperature reaches 28 ℃or higher for three consecutive
days, and the given temperature should not be lower than 26℃; when the room temperature does not
meet the aforesaid requirements, the air-conditioning equipment will be maintained in a power-off state.
As the significant increase of the total number of employees and the initiation of the new headquarters
building, Hundsun’s total electricity consumption in 2021 was 10.622 million kWh, an increase of 105.0%
compared with that of 2020, and the total greenhouse gas emissions increased by 4271.4 tons of carbon
dioxide equivalent compared with that of 2020.
                   Power consumption per capita              Greenhouse gas emissions (tons CO2
                          (kWh / person)                                 equivalent)
    2021                        798.10                                        8338.7
    2020                        531.98                                        4067.3
    2019                        727.79                                        4202.9
Waste sorting
According to the Hangzhou Municipal Domestic Waste
Management Regulations newly revised on August 15, 2019,
Hangzhou City fully implements waste sorting system.
Hundsun has begun to officially implement the waste sorting
system in its park from October 2019, and promote the
employees' awareness of waste sorting through a series of
promotional activities. Since October 2019, the average daily
recyclable waste in the park is about 33.5kg after official
implementation of garbage sorting in the park. In 2021,
Hundsun sorted out 7,962 barrels of garbage, and sorted out
9,180 kg of recyclable garbage in the whole year, with a total
amount of RMB 24,000 recovered.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Green new Headquarters
The No.1 building of the new headquarters of Hundsun, Digital-intelligence Hundsun Center, was
officially initiated in September 2021, with a total construction area of 151,615.84 square meters. During
the design stage and construction stage, the new headquarters building used ten special energy-saving
technologies to create a new type of "green, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly" smart building,
providing employees with an "applicable", "healthy" and "environmentally friendly" office environment.

Energy-saving curtain wall
The glass curtain wall of the building adopts three-silver-layer LOW-E glass. Such curtain wall has a light
reflectivity of 0.2, which can effectively reduce light pollution, and at the same time, it has remarkable
functions of heat insulation, noise prevention, radiation prevention, and effective light blocking, and its
heat insulation coefficient is 90%, which makes it effectively block the loss of indoor heat, improve the
indoor thermal insulation effect, and save 10%-15% of total energy consumption each year.
Fabricated steel structure
The building adopts the steel structure, and the indoor building layout is flexible, therefore, it can
increase the effective area of the building by 5-8% compared with the reinforced concrete structure. The
steel structure has a fast industrialized construction speed, low noise during construction, less dust and
construction waste, is not affected by the climate, and meets the requirements of green building
construction. Steel is a green and recyclable material, which can be recycled when the building is
demolished, effectively solving the problem of building energy consumption.
Energy-saving wall materials
The wall of the building adopts polystyrene particle lightweight partition board, which has the advantages
of low weight, good sound insulation and heat insulation, high strength, impact resistance, environmental
protection, etc., which can reduce the occupied area of the wall, increase the utilization rate of the
construction area, reduce the structure load, and improve the seismic capacity and safety performance
of the building.
Three-in-one landscape
The green area rate in the park is as high as 30%+. The project’s landscape design is based on the
three-in-one concept, that is, the landscape belt along the Yongjiu River in the east and north, the
landscape arrangement in the park and the setting of a landscape atrium inside the building, which may
increase daylighting and activity space, facilitating the organization of various activities, provide
employees with a better office and living environment and enhance their sense of belonging.
                                                                                  Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental protection municipal supporting
The municipal supporting facilities of the new building cover the light guide tube lighting, biochemical
treatment septic tank and rainwater collection. Part of the basement lighting adopts photoconductive
lighting technology, and the light source comes from outdoor natural light, which can provide daytime
indoor lighting without conventional energy, thus reducing the environmental pollution caused by
conventional energy. The septic tank is equipped with biochemical treatment, and the contact oxidation
tank uses aerobe to oxidize the organic matter in the wastewater, reducing the COD concentration of the
wastewater, and using nitrobacterium to convert ammonia nitrogen into nitrate nitrogen, thus reducing
the ammonia nitrogen concentration, and ensuring that the effluent reaches the discharge standards;
There is also a rainwater collection system in the park. Through the modular water storage tank, the
collected rainwater can be used for sprinkling roads and watering lawns after effective treatment, so as
to realize the recycling of water resources.
Smart elevator system
The new building adopts a destination floor control system and a face recognition gate, which integrates
digitization and intelligence. The system may optimize the operation mode of the elevator group based
on the selected destination floor and the number of waiting passengers. It can reduce the number of
elevators stops during operation without increasing the number of elevators, effectively improve the
operation efficiency of the elevator group, and save the time for waiting elevators, and thus enhance the
overall office comfort.
Air conditioning and fresh air system
The podium of the new building adopts air-cooled heat pump units, and the main building adopts VRF
multi-couple unit air conditioning system + fresh / exhaust air full heat recovery system. Both the fresh air
unit and air conditioning unit are equipped with micro-electrostatic PM2.5 purification treatment devices,
and the basement garage is dispersedly installed with CO concentration sensors. Set up indoor air
quality monitoring systems in conference and multi-function halls where the density of people varies
greatly. Real-time monitoring and automatic feedback adjustment of indoor air quality through carbon
dioxide sensors, and alarms when the indoor carbon dioxide concentration exceeds the standard are
adopted to ensure the air quality in the building.
Special water-saving measures
The new building is equipped with a variety of energy-saving methods for water supply and drainage.
For the different water consumption units and users of different water properties in the building,
household-based water metering facilities are provided for water metering to control water consumption.
Sanitary ware adopts water-saving types, and the wash basins in public toilets adopt sensor faucets, so
as to save water to the greatest extent.
Special power-saving measures
The power-saving measures for the new building include the adoption of effective power-saving
technical means and the strengthening of power-saving management. There are two substations in the
building, and the substations are designed in the center of the electrical load of the building; The new
headquarters building is equipped with electricity meters according to the types and regions of electricity
consumption, so as to conduct metering/charging, and control electricity consumption from the
perspective of management and save electricity from the perspective of economy; LED light source is
used for basement and outdoor lighting, and the electro-optical power conversion efficiency is close to
100%. The same lighting effect saves more than 80% of energy than traditional light sources, and its life
is 10 times longer than that of traditional light sources; for office area and public area lighting, intelligent
lighting control technology improves the efficiency of artificial lighting through automatic control of
effective lighting areas, illumination requirements and lighting time.
Energy consumption monitoring system
In order to effectively monitor the overall energy consumption of the park, the new building uses modern
computer technology to comprehensively and effectively monitor the mechanical and electrical
equipment, adopts a distributed network structure to conduct unified monitoring and management of the
mechanical and electrical equipment in the building, and provides the air exhaust, electric transformer
and distribution, water supply and drainage, lighting and elevators with monitoring functions to maximize
the reasonable utilization of energy.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Overview on the performance of sustainable development
      List of Policies

ESG indicators           Corresponding applicable national     Corresponding   internal   policy   of   the
                         laws, regulations and policies        Company
                         Environmental Protection Law of
A1 Emissions             the People's Republic of China
A2          Resource     Energy Conservation Law of the        Self-use IT Equipment Management System
utilization              People's Republic of China            of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
A3    Environment
and         natural
                         Labor Law of        the   People's
B1 Employment
                         Republic of China
                         Labor Contract Law of          the
                         People's Republic of China
                         Trade Union Law of the People's       Recruitment Management         System     of
                         Republic of China                     Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                         Decoration Management System          Performance Management         System     of
                         of Hundsun Technologies Inc.          Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                         Employment Promotion Law of the
                         People's Republic of China
                         Law of the People's Republic of
                         China on the Protection of the
                         Rights and Interests of Women
B2 Health         and    Labor Law of        the   People's
safety                   Republic of China
                         Fire Protection Law of the People's
                         Republic of China
                         Law of the People's Republic of
                         China on the Prevention and
                         Control of Occupational Diseases
                         Regulations on       Work-Related
                         Injury Insurance
B3 Development                                                 Training Management System of Hundsun
and training                                                   Technologies Inc.
                                                               Organization and Post Management System
                                                               of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                                                               Employee Promotion Management System
                                                               of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                                                               Cadre Management System of Hundsun
                                                               Technologies Inc.
                                                                              Corporate Social Responsibility

B6        Product   Constitution of the       People's    VOC (Voice of Customers) Management System
liability           Republic of China                     of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    General Principles of the Civil Law   Information Security Outsourcing Management
                    of the People's Republic              System of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Tort Law of the People's Republic     Data Asset Classification and Protection
                    of China                              Specification of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Trademark Law of the People's         Product Development Project Management
                    Republic of China                     Regulations of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Advertisement Law of the People's     Customer Service Safety and Compliance Work
                    Republic of China                     Specification of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Product Quality Law of         the    After-sale Service Management        System     of
                    People's Republic of China            Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Law of the People's Republic of
                                                          Software Copyright and Patent Management
                    China on Protection of Consumer
                                                          Regulations of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Rights and Interests
                    Cybersecurity Law of the People's     Copyright Registration Operation       Guide    of
                    Republic of China                     Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Intellectual Property Law of the
                    People's Republic of China
B7                  Criminal Law of the       People's    Existing Employee Management System             of
Anti-corruption     Republic of China                     Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                    Bid Invitation and Bidding Law of     Administrative    Measures     of    Hundsun
                    the People's Republic of China        Technologies Inc. on the Receiving of Gifts by
                                                          Legal Risk Prevention Management System of
Others                                                    Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                                                          Business Compliance Assessment Guide of
                                                          Hundsun Technologies Inc.
                                                          Business Compliance Audit Guide of Hundsun
                                                          Technologies Inc.
                                                          Information Technology Service Compliance
                                                          Manual of Hundsun Technologies Inc.
Corporate Social Responsibility

      List of Key Performance Indicators

      ESG indicators                                Unit                         2020            2021
                                                    A1 Emissions
                                   A1.2 Greenhouse gas emissions and density
Greenhouse               gas
                                  Tons  CO2 equivalent                    4067.3        8338.7
Greenhouse gas emission
                                  Tons  CO2 equivalent / Million of
intensity (Per million of                                                 0.97          1.52
                                  operating income
Greenhouse gas emission
                                  Tons  CO2 equivalent / Square
intensity (Per square                                                     0.070         0.038
                                                A2 Resource utilization
                                       A2.1 Energy consumption and density
Total power consumption           kWh                                     518.1         1062.2
Electricity usage density
                                  kWh / square meter                      88.7          48.5
(Per square meter)
Electricity usage density
                                  kWh / person                            531.98        798.05
(Per person)
                                          A2.2 Water consumption and density
Total water consumption           Tons                                    61627         83328
Water         consumption
density     (Per   square         Tons / square meter                     1.06          0.38
Water         consumption
                                  Tons / person                           6.26          10.82
density (per person)
                                                A2.3 Resource usage
Office paper                      kg                                      5653          5020
Paper consumption per
                                  Kg / person                             0.57          0.38
Gasoline                          Litre                                   13400         11803

(Remark: Data in 2021 covers Hundsun Building, Digital-intelligence Hundsun Center, Beijing Branch,
Shanghai Branch, Shenzhen Branch and Wuhan R&D Platform)
                                                                                     Corporate Social Responsibility

                   ESG indicators                         Unit                2020                    2021
                                                 B1 Employment
Total number of employees                              person         9739                   13310
                      Male employee                    person         7107                   9680
By gender
                      Female Person                    person         2632                   3630
                      Marketing                        person         327                    369
                      Functional management            person         526                    499
By professional
composition           Product technology               person         5749                   8659
                      Customer service (including      person         3137                   3783
                      on-site implementation)
                      Master degree and above          person         993                    1418
By     education      Bachelor degree                  person         7989                   10671
background            Junior college degree or         person         757
                      Before 1980                      person         366                    420
By date of birth      After 1980 (inclusive)           person         2965                   3274
                      After 1990 (inclusive)           person         6408                   9616
                                               B2 Health and safety
Number of work-related deaths each year                person         0                      0
Number of employee on / with maternity leave           person         114                    185
                                        B3 Development and training
Number of employee training sessions                   Session        350                    2360
Total number of employees participating in
                                                       Participants   10628                  40808
Training time                                          Hour(s)        1019.25                20000
Corporate Social Responsibility
Index of Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide
ESG indicators          Content of report
                        Clean Technology | Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction | List of Policies
A1 Emissions            | List of Key Performance Indicators
A2         Resource     Clean Technology | Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction | List of Policies
utilization             | List of Key Performance Indicators
A3    Environment
                        Clean Technology | Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction | List of Policies
and        natural
                        | List of Key Performance Indicators
                        Equal Employment | Salary and Welfare System | List of Policies | List of Key
B1 Employment
                        Performance Indicators
B2 Health        and
                        Employee Care | List of Policies | List of Key Performance Indicators
B3 Development
                        Training and Growth | List of Policies | List of Key Performance Indicators
and training
                        Continuously improve product quality | Compliance Management | Information
B6 Product liability    Security and Privacy Protection | Protection of Intellectual Property Rights | List of
B7 Anti-corruption      Intensify efforts to fight corruption and advocate integrity
B8     Community        Public Welfare Foundation / Investor Education / Party Committee and Labor Union
investment              / Hundsun Volunteer Services/ Industry-university-research Cooperation

Some indicators in the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide, including "A4 climate
change", "B4 Labor standards", "B5 Supplier management" etc., are determined to be non-substantive
issues through the substantive analysis process, and are not required to be disclosed in this Report. For
more information, please visit the official website: https://gongyi.hundsun.com/gy/.
                                                                             Corporate Social Responsibility
Index of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
Index No.    Content of index          Content of report
                                       Company Profile; Events; Corporate Social Responsibility
             Basis                     Management; Overview on the Performance of Sustainable
101                                    Development; About This Report
             General Disclosure        Address by the Chairman of the Board; Company Profile;
                                       Corporate Social Responsibility Management; Corporate
102                                    Governance; Products and Services; Outline of Each Chapter;
                                       Overview on the Performance of Sustainable Development;
                                       About This Report
                                       Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Management; Corporate
103          Management Method
             Economic                  Events; Enterprise Scale; Overview of Performance in Recent
201          Performance               Three Years
202          Market Performance        Build A Sound Salary and Welfare System
203          Indirect    Economic      Actively undertake financial infrastructure; Empower the
             Impact                    independent and controllable development of China's financial
                                       industry; Support the financial market to be open to the outside
                                       world; Empower the digital transformation of the financial
                                       industry; Continue to serve the real economy
205          Anti-corruption           Intensify efforts to fight corruption and advocate integrity
                                       Clean Technology; Energy Conservation and Emission
302          Energy
                                       Reduction; List of Key Performance Indicators
             Water Resources and       Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction; List of Key
             Sewage                    Performance Indicators
                                       Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction; List of Key
305          Emission
                                       Performance Indicators
401          Employment                Equal Employment; Salary and Welfare System
                                       Talent Motivation and Retention; Salary and Welfare System;
402          Labor Relations
                                       Training and Growth
             Occupational Health       Provision of A Safe and Healthy Working Environment; List of Key
             and Safety                Performance Indicators
404          Training and Health       Training and Growth; List of Key Performance Indicators
             Diversity and equal
405                                    Equal Employment
406          Anti-discrimination       Equal Employment
                                       Public welfare foundation; investor education; Hundsun volunteer
                                       services; Party committee and labor union;
413          Local Community           Industry-university-research Cooperation
418          Customer Privacy          Information security and privacy protection
419          Social and Economic       Compliance Operation; Responsible procurement
Some indicators in the GRI Standards. including "204 Procurement practices", “206 Unfair competition”,
"207 Taxation", "301 Materials", "304 Biodiversity", "306 Sewage and waste", "307 Environmental
compliance", "308 supplier environmental assessment", "407 freedom of association and collective
bargaining", "408 Child labor","409 Forced or compulsory labor","410 Security practices","411 Aboriginal
rights","412 Human rights assessment","414 Supplier social assessment","415 Public policy","416
Customer health and safety","417 Marketing and labeling", etc. are determined to be non-substantive
issues through the substantive analysis process, and are not required to be disclosed in this Report. For
more information, please visit the official website: https://gongyi.hundsun.com/gy/.
About This Report
This Report is the fourth corporate social
responsibility report released by Hundsun
Technologies Inc. (referred to as "Hundsun",
"Company" or "We").
This Report covers some sub-affiliated companies
such as Zhejiang Jingteng Network Technology
Co., Ltd.
Basis of preparation:
This Report is prepared by referencing the GRI
Sustainability  Reporting    Standards     (GRI
Standards) issued by the Global Sustainability
Standards Board (GSSB) and the Environmental,
Social and Governance Reporting Guide issued by
the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Time span:
The time span of this Report is 2021, i.e., from
January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, part of the
content exceeds this time span.
Data Sources:
Unless otherwise specified, the data in this Report
is taken from Hundsun's prospectus, internal
statements and related statistics. If the data
statistics use the natural year as the span, it shall
be marked as "year", such as "2021".
Unless otherwise specified, the amounts shown in
this Report are all presented in RMB.
Accessibility of the report:
In order to protect the environment, we
recommend that you read the electronic version of
the report in PDF format. You can download it by
visiting Hundsun's Corporate Social Responsibility
website (https://gongyi.hundsun.com/gy/).
If you have any questions, comments or feedback
about this Report, please contact the Brand &
Public Relations Department of Hundsun via email
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release the information about the Company's
business development in real time.
                  Corporate Social Responsibility

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