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						                     First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

Stock Code: 600690                                       Short Name: Qingdao Haier

            First Quarter Report of 2018
              Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

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                                 First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

I.     Important Notice .......................................................................................................................3

II.    Company Profile........................................................................................................................3

III.   Important Events ...................................................................................................................... 9

IV.    Appendix ....................................................................................................................................17

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                                      First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

     I.         Important Notice

          1.1     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management

                   of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) hereby assure that the content set out in the

                   quarterly report is true, accurate and complete, and free from any false record, misleading

                   representation or material omission, and are individually and collectively responsible for the

                   content set out therein.

          1.2     Information on absent director from meeting

       Position of director Name of director absent Reason for the absence of
                                                                                                Name of proxy
      absent from meeting      from meeting          director from meeting
      Independent Director      Dai Deming               Personal affair                          Shi Tiantao

          1.3     Liang Haishan (legal representative of the Company), Gong Wei (chief financial officer of the

                   Company) and Ying Ke (the person in charge of accounting department) hereby certify that the

                   financial statement set out in the quarterly report is true, accurate and complete.

          1.4     This First Quarter Report of the Company has not been audited.

     Note: This report and its abstract have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any
     discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

     II.        Company Profile

          2.1     Key financial information
                                                                                             Unit and Currency: RMB
                                                                      As of December 31 2017
                                  As of March 31 2018                                                      Change (%)
                                                            After adjustment       Before adjustment
Total assets                        154,529,514,068.17     151,463,110,707.63 151,463,110,707.63                      2.02
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the                  33,875,351,365.63      32,215,515,201.45      32,215,515,201.45                  5.15
                                                                       January-March 2017
                                   January-March 2018                                                      Change (%)
                                                            After adjustment       Before adjustment

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                                First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

Net cash flows from
                                1,990,934,744.45        5,809,584,002.50       5,809,318,531.26             -65.73
operating activities
                                                                January-March 2017
                             January-March 2018                                                     Change (%)
                                                     After adjustment        Before adjustment
Operating revenue              42,655,164,567.37      37,745,829,388.95      37,741,143,448.27               13.01
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the             1,979,995,364.53        1,736,546,852.11       1,738,763,572.81              14.02
Net profit after deduction
of non-recurring profit or
loss attributable to            1,761,919,417.70        1,461,794,756.85       1,461,794,756.85              20.53
shareholders of the
Weighted average return                                                                              Decreased by
                                             5.99                    6.33                 6.38
on net assets (%)                                                                                     0.34 pct pts
Basic earnings per share
                                            0.325                   0.285                0.285               14.04
(RMB per share)
Diluted earnings per
                                            0.321                   0.285                0.285               12.63
share (RMB per share)

          (1) Summary: ① In the first quarter of 2018, revenue from the Company’s original industry

     (excluding GE Appliances, “GEA”) increased by 18.85%, among which the business of domestic white

     appliances grew by more than 20%; Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company increased by

     14.7%; Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company after deduction of non-recurring profit

     or loss increased by 22.7%. ② In the first quarter of 2018, revenue form GEA as measured in US

     dollars increased by 5.9%, which translates into RMB10.8 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease

     of 1.95%. The decrease was partly due to the significant appreciation of renminbi in the first quarter of

     2018 as compared with the corresponding period of last year. Benefiting from the improvement of

     operation efficiency and the release of synergies, GEA delivered improved profitability, with both net

     profit attributable to shareholders of the Company and net profit after deduction of non-recurring profit

     or loss attributable to shareholders of the Company increasing by more than 10%.

          (2) Domestic market: ① In 2018, revenue of domestic home appliance business increased by

     21.9%, representing the sixth consecutive quarter in which a growth of more than 20% was recorded. ②

     Revenue from Casarte increased by 50%; Refrigerators and washing machines under the Casarte brand

     captured a market share of 36.5% and 70.5% in the price range of over RMB10,000, representing an

     increase of 6.3 and 4.3 pct. pts, respectively. ③ The market share continued to rise across the whole

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                            First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

product portfolio. According to CMM, retail sales of refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners,

water heaters, hoods and stoves rose by 4.05, 3.80, 0.87, 1.47, 0.87 and 0.93 pct. pts, respectively, as

compared with the corresponding period of last year. Refrigerators and washing machines maintained its

top position in the industry and continued to expand the lead. The market share in term of retail sales for

refrigerators and washing machines reached 34.56% and 32.20%, respectively, representing 3.08 and

1.76 times of that of the runner-up brand, respectively. ④ The air-conditioning business has been

delivering remarkable results in terms of technological and product innovation over the years. According

to CMM, the average retail price of air-conditioners of the Company in the first quarter of 2018 was

RMB4,486, an increase of 9.70% as compared with the corresponding period of last year, ranking No.1

among domestic brands in terms of average price. According to ChinaIOL.com, the air-conditioners

export volume of the Company increased by 48.08% in the first quarter of 2018, higher than the industry

growth of 4.39%.

     (3) Overseas markets: ① In the first quarter of 2018, GEA achieved a growth of 5.9% in revenue

as measured in US dollar, far exceeding the industry growth of 2.6% in the North American market

(Source: Stevenson); GEA’s overall market share increased by 1.5 pct. pts as compared with the

corresponding period of last year. ② The business was focused on high-end brand in each region,

enhanced product and marketing competitiveness, and promoted healthy business development. For

example, revenue from the South Asian market grew by more than 40%, while revenue from the

European market grew by more than 30%.

     (4) During the reporting period, the Company was committed to building a smart home

community in the era of the Internet of Things to create an ecological platform in a collaborative

way. Haier Smart Home is comprised of seven ecological circles, including smart kitchen, smart

bathroom, smart living room, smart bedroom, smart washing and care, smart air, and smart security,

providing users with more than 200 kinds of full-scene smart living experiences. Building on the

Dashunguang community interaction cloud platform, the SmartLife cloud platform and the COSMO Plat

industrial cloud platform, we are dedicated to meeting the personalized needs of users for customized

better life and exploring the business model in the era of the Internet of Things.

     ① Formation of touchpoint network for the integration of three kinds of stores: Leveraging

on the Dashunguang community interaction cloud platform, we have achieved the organic integration of

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                            First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

“experience stores, online stores and micro-stores”, established the community interaction integrity

system, and built the distribution of the touchpoint network comprising 1.13 million touchpoints,

including 20,000 offline O+O experience stores, 443 online stores, 160,000 smart cloud stores from

communities to villages, 800,000 million micro-stores, and 150,000 million urban and rural

housekeepers. The network builds linkage among hundreds of millions of user resources, tens of

millions of lifetime users, bringing continuous iteration of products and resources through continuous

interaction between the network of touchpoints with users. For example, the Yunxi (云熙) series

washing machines achieved three rounds of rapid iterations and growth for each launch through the

interaction with users on Dashunguang platform. In the first quarter of 2018, the platform achieved a

turnover of RMB2.87 billion, representing an increase of 109%.

     ② Continued iteration of user interaction experience, formation of the common interest

group and realization of a win-win situation: Realization of large-scale customized value added for

users based on the COSMOPlat platform; promoted cross-industry, cross-regional replication, and

enabled transformation and upgrading of Small and Medium Enterprises. Currently the platform serves

11 regions and 12 major industries. For example, taking advantage of its large-scale customization

model, the Recreation Vehicle (“RV”) platform business based on the COSMOPlat platform services

empowered RV companies to transform and change from RV manufacturing companies to the “smart

ecological platform for mobile homes”, by integrating with the Haier smart home ecosystem platform. In

March 2018, the platform revenue of COSMOPlat amounted to RMB566 million (there was no such

business in the corresponding period of last year).

     ③ Based on the smart home core, seven ecosystems were created involving clothing, food,

living and entertainment, which realized the value of the ecosystem with the formation of

experience scenes through user interaction: Smart active service was delivered based on the

combination of big data of smart home appliances (internet appliances) and small data of users, and the

scene-based business model was expanded through the upgrade of operational experience and control of

smart home appliances, construction of an IOT + AI basic technology platform, while building channels

for third-party ecological resources. For example, through the creation of a college laundry platform

across the country, the “smart micro-washing” within smart washing and care ecological circle has

linked 1,265 premises, such as higher education institutions, apartments and hotels, over 9.65 million

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                                    First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

       college students, and brought in ecological revenue through collaborative creation in the ecosystems.

       Meanwhile, the community washing model also achieved rapid growth in various communities across

       Japan. In 2017, a total of 1,776 stores participated in the program and over 6.35 million community

       users were served. The community laundry model has been copied to Southeast Asia and has begun to

       replicate in overseas regions such as the United States. In the first quarter of 2018, revenue of the smart

       home platform amounted RMB54 million, representing an increase of 140% as compared with the

       corresponding period of last year.

       Non-recurring Profit or Loss Items and Amount
       √Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                           Unit and Currency: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount of
                                                                                                     current period
Losses and profits from disposal of non-current assets                                                     476,430.28
Government grants included in current profit or loss, except that closely related to the normal
operating business, complied with requirements of the national policies, continued to be                 59,855,085.10
granted with the amount and quantity determined under certain standards
In addition to the effective hedging business related to the normal operations of the
Company, profit or loss of changes in fair value arising from holding of trading financial
assets and trading financial liabilities, as well as investment gain realized from disposal of
trading financial assets, trading financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale
Other non-operating income and expenses except the aforementioned items                                 103,250,405.83
Minority interests (after tax)                                                                          -32,456,045.44
Income tax                                                                                              -10,589,052.21
                                              Total                                                     218,075,946.83

         2.2    Table of top ten shareholders, top ten common shareholders (or the shareholders without selling

                 restrictions) by the end of the reporting period
                                                                                                           Unit: Share
       Total number of shareholders                                                                              202,628
                                            Shareholdings of top ten shareholders
                                                                     Number of          Status of
                                        Number of                    shares              shares
                                                         Perce                                                Nature
              Name of                   shares held                  held               pledged
                                                         ntage                                                   of
        Shareholder (full name)        at the end of                 with               or frozen
                                                          (%)                                               shareholder
                                         the period                  selling       Status of
                                                                     restriction    shares

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                            First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

Haier Electric                                                                                     Domestic
Appliances International       1,258,684,824    20.64                     Nil                   non-state-owne
Co., Ltd.                                                                                        d legal entity
Haier Group Corporation        1,072,610,764    17.59                     Nil                   non-state-owne
                                                                                                 d legal entity
Hong Kong Securities
                                450,907,644      7.40                     Nil                     Unknown
Clearing Co., Ltd.
KKR HOME                                                                                         Foreign legal
                                362,089,988      5.94                     Nil
INVESTMENT S.A R.L.                                                                                 entity
GIC PRIVATE                                                                                      Foreign legal
                                285,971,753      4.69                     Nil
LIMITED                                                                                             entity
China Securities Finance
                                248,679,560      4.08                     Nil                     Unknown
Corporation Limited
Qingdao Haier Venture                                                                              Domestic
& Investment                                                                                    non-state-owne
Information Co., Ltd. (青       172,252,560      2.83                     Nil                    d legal entity
National social security                                                                          Unknown
                                101,888,830      1.67                     Nil
fund, Portfolio 104
Central Huijin Asset                                                                              Unknown
                                 69,539,900      1.14                     Nil
Management Ltd.
National social security                                                                          Unknown
                                 48,000,449      0.79                     Nil
fund, Portfolio 103
                   Shareholdings of top ten shareholders not subject to selling restrictions
                                                    Number of                Class and number of shares
           Name of shareholder                    shares without
                                                                            Class              Number
Haier Electric Appliances International Co.,
                                                     1,258,684,824     RMB ordinary              1,258,684,824
Haier Group Corporation                              1,072,610,764     RMB ordinary              1,072,610,764
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co., Ltd.                 450,907,644    RMB ordinary                450,907,644
KKR HOME INVESTMENT S.A R.L.                            362,089,988    RMB ordinary                362,089,988
GIC PRIVATE LIMITED                                     285,971,753    RMB ordinary                285,971,753
China Securities     Finance     Corporation
                                                        248,679,560    RMB ordinary                248,679,560
Qingdao Haier Venture & Investment
Information Co., Ltd. (青岛海尔创业投资                 172,252,560    RMB ordinary                172,252,560
National social security fund, Portfolio 104            101,888,830    RMB ordinary                101,888,830

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                               First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd.                       69,539,900     RMB ordinary              69,539,900
National social security fund, Portfolio 103               48,000,449     RMB ordinary              48,000,449
Related-parties or parties acting in concert       (1) Haier Electric Appliances International Co., Ltd. is a
among the aforesaid shareholders                   holding subsidiary of Haier Group Corporation. Haier Group
                                                   Corporation holds 51.20% of its equity. Qingdao Haier
                                                   Venture & Investment Information Co., Ltd. (青岛海尔创业
                                                   投资咨询有限公司) is a party acting in concert with Haier
                                                   Group Corporation;
                                                   (2) The Company is not aware of the existence of any
                                                   connections of other shareholders.
Description of preferential shareholders           N/A
with restoration of voting rights and their

 2.3        Total number of preferential shareholders, top ten preferential shareholders and top ten holders

            of preference shares without selling restriction by the end of the reporting period

       □Applicable √ Not Applicable

III. Significant Events

3.1         The changes in the key financial results of this reporting period and the reasons for such


       √Applicable □Not Applicable

       1)    Financial assets measured at fair value and its changes of which included in current profit or

loss decreased by 63.90% from the beginning of the year, which was mainly attributable to the influence

of change in fair value of derivative financial instruments such as foreign exchange contracts;

       2)    Other non-current assets increased by 48.27% from the beginning of the year, which was

mainly attributable to the change in fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts held by the

Company as at the end of the period with a maturity date of more than one year;

       3)    Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss for the period increased by

798.60% from the beginning of the year, which was mainly attributable to changes in fair value of

derivative financial instruments such as foreign exchange contracts for the period;

       4)    Taxes payable increased by 34.95% from the beginning of the year, which was mainly due to

the increase in taxes that have been accrued by the Company;
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                             First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

     5)   Interest payable increased by 148.43% from the beginning of the year, which was mainly due

to the increase in accrued unpaid interest;

     6)   Deferred income tax liabilities decreased by 32.71% from the beginning of the year, which

was mainly due to the decrease in the reserve of income tax of foreign companies due to the actual

dividends distributed by the subsidiaries of the Company.

     7)   Other comprehensive income decreased by 675.00% from the beginning of the year, which

was mainly due to the decrease in the share of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into

profit or loss and the change in foreign currency translation differences;

     8)   Financial expenses increased by 108.15% as compared with the corresponding period of last

year, which was mainly due to the increase in exchange losses for the period as compared with the

corresponding period of last year;

     9)   Revenue from changes in fair value increased by 30.81% as compared with the corresponding

period of last year, which was mainly due to changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments

such as forward foreign exchange;

     10) Gain on disposal of assets increased by 121.30% as compared with the corresponding period

of last year, which was mainly due to the decrease in expenses related to the disposal of recurrent assets

for the period;

     11) Other income increased by 36.97% as compared with the corresponding period of last year,

which was mainly due to the increase in government grants related to daily operations and included in

current profit or loss;

     12) Non-operating expenses decreased by 84.55% as compared with the corresponding period of

last year, which was mainly due to the scrapping of some fixed assets in the corresponding period of last

year and fewer occurrences for the period;

     13) Net cash flows from operating activities decreased by 65.73% as compared with the

corresponding period of last year, which was mainly due to the higher net cash flows from operating

activities during the corresponding period of last year, which resulted in a higher base; net cash flows

from operating activities for the period is in line with the profitability and the target has been achieved;

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                               First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

      14) Net cash flows from investing activities decreased by 33.94% as compared with the

corresponding period of last year, which was mainly due to the increase in expenditures for the

construction of plants and warehouses for the period;

      15) Net cash flows from financing activities decreased by 76.17% from the same period of last

year, which was mainly due to the increase in expenses in respect of repayment of borrowings for the


3.2         Note and analysis on the progress of significant events and their impact and solution

      √ Applicable □Not Applicable

      (1)    As of the end of the reporting period, the external guarantees of the Company and its

subsidiaries are all guarantees among the Company and its subsidiaries, and the period-end balance of

the external guarantees amounted to RMB28.38 billion, representing 88.3% of net assets and 18.7% of

the total assets of the Company for the latest period.

      (2) As of the end of the reporting period, the balance of the Company’s transactions of derivative

foreign exchange products amounted to approximately US$3.58 billion.

      (3) As of the end of the reporting period, the amount of entrusted wealth management of the

Company was approximately RMB1.98 billion.

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                                                               First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

   3.3      Overdue commitments in the reporting period or ongoing at the period-end.
         □Applicable √Not applicable

         During the reporting period, the Company has no undertakings that have past due but not performed.

         The undertakings made by the actual controlling shareholders, shareholders, related parties, purchasers and the Company and others during or up to the

   reporting period are as follows:

                                                                                                                                             Whether      Whether
                                                                                                                                             it has a       it is
                             Coven                                                                                            Time and       deadline    performed
Background        Type                                                       Content
                             anter                                                                                              term            for     in a timely
                                                                                                                                             performa     and strict
                                                                                                                                                nce         way
                                         During the period from September 2006 to May 2007, the Company issued
                                         shares to Haier Group Corporation (“Haier Group”) to purchase the controlling
               Eliminate                 equity in its four subsidiaries, namely Qingdao Haier Air-Conditioner Electronics
               the                       Co., Ltd. (青岛海尔空调电子有限公司), Hefei Haier Air-conditioning Co.,
related to                  Haier
               property                  Limited (合肥海尔空调器有限公司), Wuhan Haier Electronics Co., Ltd. (武汉           27 September
significant                 Group
               right                     海尔电器股份有限公司), Guizhou Haier Electronics Co., Ltd. (贵州海尔电器               2006, long    YES          YES
assets                      Corpor
               defects in                有限公司). With regard to the land and property required in the operation of                 term
reorganizati                ation
               land and                  Qingdao Haier Air-Conditioner Electronics Co., Ltd. (青岛海尔空调电子有限
               etc.                      公司) , Hefei Haier Air-conditioning Co., Limited (合肥海尔空调器有限公司),
                                         Wuhan Haier Electronics Co., Ltd. (武汉海尔电器股份有限公司) (the
                                         “Covenantees”), Haier Group made an undertaking (the “2006 Undertaking”).

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                                                           First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

                                    According to the content of 2006 Undertaking and current condition of each
                                    Covenantee, Haier Group will constantly assure that Covenantees will lease the
                                    land and property owned by Haier Group for free. Haier Group will make
                                    compensation in the event that the Covenantees suffer loss due to the
                                    unavailability of such land and property.
                                    Haier Group Corporation undertakes that it will assure Qingdao Haier and its
                                    subsidiaries of the constant, stable and unobstructed use of the leased property. In
                                    the event that Qingdao Haier or any of its subsidiaries suffers any economic loss
                                    due to the fact that leased property has no relevant ownership certificate, Haier
                                    Group Corporation will make compensation to impaired party in a timely and
                                    sufficient way and take all reasonable and practicable measures to support the
                                    impaired party to recover to normal operation before the occurrence of loss.
                                    Upon the expiration of relevant leasing period, Haier Group Corporation will
                                    grant or take practicable measures to assure Qingdao Haier and its subsidiaries of
                           Haier    priority to continue to lease the property at a price not higher than the rent in
Undertaking   property                                                                                                      24 December
                           Group    comparable market at that time. Haier Group Corporation will assure Qingdao
related to    right                                                                                                           2013, long   YES   YES
                           Corpor   Haier and its subsidiaries of the constant, stable, free and unobstructed use of
refinancing   defects in                                                                                                            term
                           ation    self-built property and land of the Group. In the event that Qingdao Haier or any
              land and
                                    of its subsidiaries fails to continue to use self-built property according to its own
                                    will or in original way due to the fact that self-built property has no relevant
                                    ownership certificate, Haier Group Corporation will take all reasonable and
                                    practicable measures to eliminate obstruction and impact, or will support
                                    Qingdao Haier or its affected subsidiary to obtain alternative property as soon as
                                    possible, if Haier Group Corporation anticipates it is unable to cope with or
                                    eliminate the external obstruction and impact with its reasonable effort. For
                                    details, please refer to the Announcement of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. on the
                                    Formation, Current Situation of the Defective Property, the Influence on

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                                                           First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

                                     Operation of Issuer Caused by Uncertainty of Ownership, Solution for the Defect
                                     and Guarantee Measures (L 2014-005) published by the Company on the four
                                     major securities newspapers and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on 29
                                     March 2014.
                                     The Company undertakes that it will eliminate the property defects of the
              Eliminate              Company and main subsidiaries within five years with reasonable business effort
              the                    since 24 December 2013, so as to achieve the legality and compliance of the
              property               Company and main subsidiaries in terms of land and property. For details, please   24 December
                           o Haier
              right                  refer to the Announcement of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. on the Formation, Current        2013, five   YES   YES
              defects in             Situation of the Defective Property, the Influence on Operation of Issuer Caused          years
              land and               by Uncertainty of Ownership, Solution for the Defect and Guarantee Measures (L
              etc.                   2014-005) published by the Company on the four major securities newspapers
                                     and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on 29 March 2014.
                                     Inject the assets of Fisher&Paykel to the Company or dispose such assets through
                           Haier     other ways according to the requirements of the domestic supervision before June
Other                                                                                                                          May
              Asset        Group     2020. For more details, please refer to the Announcement of Qingdao Haier Co.,
undertaking                                                                                                               2015-June     YES   YES
              injection    Corpor    Ltd. on the Changes of Funding Commitment of Haier Group Corporation (L
s                                                                                                                              2020
                           ation     2015-015) published on the four major securities newspapers and the website of
                                     Shanghai Stock Exchange on 26 May 2015.
                                     Inject the assets of Haier Photoelectric to the Company or dispose such assets
                           Haier     through other ways according to the requirements of the domestic supervision
Other                                                                                                                     December
              Asset        Group     before June 2020. For more details, please refer to the Announcement of Qingdao
undertaking                                                                                                               2015-June     YES   YES
              injection    Corpor    Haier Co., Ltd. on the Changes of Funding Commitment of Haier Group
s                                                                                                                             2020
                           ation     Corporation (L 2015-063) published on the four major securities newspapers and
                                     the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on 23 December 2015.
Other         Profit       Haier     In December 2015 and January 2016, the meeting of the Board of Directors and          December
                                                                                                                                        YES   YES
undertaking   forecast     Group     general meeting of the shareholders considered and approved the matters in               2015-
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                                               First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

s   and         Corpor   relation to the acquisition of minority equity interest of Mitsubishi Heavy         December
    compensat   ation    Industries Haier and Carrier Refrigeration Equipment held by Haier Group. The           2018
    ion                  Company signed the Profit Compensation Agreement with Haier Group to
                         forecast the profits achieved by the aforementioned two companies in 2015 -
                         2018. If the profits are not reached during the commitment period, the difference
                         part will be made up to the Company by Haier Group in cash. For more details,
                         please refer to the Announcement of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. on the Acquisition
                         of Equity in Sino-foreign Joint Venture Held by Haier Group Corporation and
                         Related-party Transaction (L 2015-062) published on the four major securities
                         newspapers and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on 23 December 2015.

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                            First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

3.4      Warning and explanation on reasons for accumulated net profit for the period from the

      beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period to be at a loss or expected to have

      material change as compared to those of the same period of last year.

      Applicable √Not Applicable

                                                        Name of Company       Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

                                                     Legal representatives    Liang Haishan

                                                                       Date   24 April 2018

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                                First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

IV. Appendix

 4.1      Financial Statements

                                          Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                  31 March 2018

Prepared by: Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB


                     Items                             Closing balance                   Opening balance
Current Assets:
       Cash                                                 34,072,725,366.99                35,177,276,903.91
       Clearing settlement funds
       Placements with banks
     Financial assets measured at fair
value and changes of which included in                            33,897,429.51                  20,681,695.50
current profit and loss
       Derivative financial assets
       Notes receivables                                    12,420,131,506.45                13,033,083,520.99
       Accounts receivables                                 15,833,303,930.11                12,448,004,833.06
       Prepayments                                               603,350,177.16                 590,693,658.21
       Premiums receivable
       Reinsurance accounts receivables
     Reinsurance contract reserves
       Interests receivables                                     255,716,384.55                 203,637,543.83
       Dividends receivables                                       4,524,472.84                   4,524,472.84
       Other receivables                                         901,313,953.98                 961,263,981.87
     Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements
       Inventories                                          22,850,509,586.29                21,503,524,800.18
       Held for sale assets
       Non-current assets due within one
       Other current assets                                  4,519,926,995.06                 4,389,760,018.83
         Total current assets                               91,495,399,802.94                88,332,451,429.22
Non-current assets:
       Loans and advances granted
       Available-for-sale financial assets                   1,378,724,861.35                 1,415,354,307.82

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                              First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

     Held-to-maturity investments
     Long-term receivables
     Long-term equity investments                         13,247,491,506.51           12,992,767,394.28
     Investment properties                                      30,313,843.60             31,214,015.99
     Fixed assets                                         15,588,932,136.22           16,017,523,376.11
     Construction in progress                              1,885,717,211.24            1,530,390,130.25
     Construction materials
     Disposals of fixed assets                                  55,808,808.81             55,808,808.81
     Biological assets for production
     Fuel assets
     Intangible assets                                     6,759,264,347.28            7,005,186,296.28
     Development expenses                                  1,007,296,297.14             966,051,333.81
     Goodwill                                             19,110,949,048.42           19,843,317,357.30
    Long-term amortization                                     152,728,496.68           123,768,671.33
     Deferred income tax assets                            1,957,535,076.97            1,895,213,404.67
     Other non-current assets                              1,859,352,631.01            1,254,064,181.76
       Total non-current assets                           63,034,114,265.23           63,130,659,278.41
          Total assets                                   154,529,514,068.17          151,463,110,707.63
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                                11,114,536,392.33           10,878,580,275.18
     Borrowings from central bank
     Absorbing deposit and deposit in
     inter-bank market
     Placements from banks
      Financial liabilities measured at                         22,685,707.54              2,524,569.45
fair value and changes of which
included in current profit and loss
     Derivative financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                        18,404,685,210.58           16,378,699,659.77
     Accounts payables                                    29,341,571,372.43           25,654,013,649.96
     Payments received in advance                          4,457,946,217.94            5,833,552,815.05
     Disposal of repurchased financial
    Handling charges and commissions
     Staff remuneration payable                            1,841,561,578.16            2,349,189,122.90
     Taxes payable                                         2,576,569,157.76            1,909,260,527.42
     Interests payable                                         143,235,601.79             57,656,458.79
     Dividends payable                                         158,965,235.09           153,756,315.64
     Other payables                                        9,970,601,666.79           10,805,162,943.62
     Reinsurance accounts payable

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                              First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

     Deposits for insurance contracts
     Customer deposits for trading in
     Amounts due to issuer for
securities underwriting
     Held for sale liabilities
     Non-current liabilities due within                    2,330,383,347.39            2,850,325,000.00
one year
     Other current liabilities                                  27,313,282.12             21,729,198.70
       Total current liabilities                          80,390,054,769.92           76,894,450,536.48
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings                                 13,613,417,306.10           16,036,492,809.81
     Debentures payable                                    5,995,671,346.64            6,211,088,362.68
     Including: preference shares
             perpetual bonds
     Long-term payable                                         102,833,569.29           106,020,029.74
    Long-term payables for staff’s                            884,278,301.73           898,160,742.53
     Special payable
     Estimated liabilities                                 2,631,779,719.51            2,619,699,551.41
     Deferred income                                           525,458,976.51           497,141,088.72
     Deferred income tax liabilities                           187,823,829.18           279,114,620.35
     Other non-current liabilities                         1,344,958,187.97            1,170,936,828.55
       Total non-current liabilities                      25,286,221,236.93           27,818,654,033.79
          Total liabilities                              105,676,276,006.85          104,713,104,570.27
Owners’ equity
     Share capital                                         6,097,402,727.00            6,097,402,727.00
     Other equity instruments                                  431,424,524.07           431,424,524.07
     Including: preference shares
                 perpetual bonds
     Capital reserve                                           827,598,495.52           826,883,093.84
     Less: Treasury stock
     Other comprehensive income                                -281,820,717.97           -36,363,809.96
     Special reserve
     Surplus reserve                                       2,103,057,782.41            2,103,057,782.41
     General risk provisions
     Undistributed profits                                24,697,688,554.60           22,793,110,884.09
     Total equity attributable to owners                  33,875,351,365.63           32,215,515,201.45
of the parent company
     Minority interests                                   14,977,886,695.69           14,534,490,935.91
       Total owners’ equity                              48,853,238,061.32           46,750,006,137.36
          Total liabilities and owners’                 154,529,514,068.17          151,463,110,707.63

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                              First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.


Legal representative:           Chief accountant:                   Person in charge of accounting department:
Liang Haishan                   Gong Wei                                                            Ying Ke

                                  Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                             31 March 2018

Prepared by: Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     Unit and Currency: RMB
                   Items                                Closing balance                Opening balance
Current Assets:
  Cash                                                          3,172,463,996.76            2,070,527,802.97
  Financial assets measured at fair value
and changes of which included in current
profit and loss
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivables
  Accounts receivables                                           334,140,723.95               288,499,726.07
  Prepayments                                                     73,048,606.66                20,000,000.00
  Interests receivables                                          248,729,039.22               220,157,282.75
  Dividends receivables                                          958,851,045.94               970,851,045.94
  Other receivables                                              350,096,477.76                15,895,048.43
  Inventories                                                    108,306,782.28                89,650,514.91
  Held for sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                                           115,255,086.18                87,165,597.70
     Total current assets                                       5,360,891,758.75            3,762,747,018.77
Non-current assets:
  Available-for-sale financial assets                               5,690,636.76                5,818,587.80
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term receivables                                         8,600,000,000.00            8,600,000,000.00
  Long-term equity investments                                 23,626,271,572.17           23,581,254,928.08
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                                                   115,025,129.81               118,553,830.32
  Construction in progress                                        16,078,100.17                13,594,976.50
  Construction materials
  Disposals of fixed assets
  Biological assets for production

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                              First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

  Fuel assets
  Intangible assets                                               14,422,217.09         14,601,582.38
  Development expenses
  Long-term amortization expenditures                               5,740,180.74
  Deferred income tax assets                                     106,347,777.99        106,347,777.99
  Other non-current assets                                           813,804.30
     Total non-current assets                                  32,490,389,419.03     32,440,171,683.07
       Total assets                                            37,851,281,177.78     36,202,918,701.84
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
  Financial liabilities measured at fair value
and changes of which included in current
profit and loss
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payables                                              294,178,194.49        310,387,267.67
  Payments received in advance                                  2,913,185,303.02      2,465,908,721.32
  Staff remuneration payable                                      15,709,604.82         51,533,384.22
  Taxes payable                                                   64,085,749.63         62,255,803.87
  Interests payable                                               67,012,725.74        156,447,167.63
  Dividends payable
  Other payables                                               22,400,064,899.25     21,112,143,360.73
  Held for sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due within one
  Other current liabilities                                       14,083,470.32         12,498,265.43
     Total current liabilities                                 25,768,319,947.27     24,171,173,970.87
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Debentures payable
  Including: preference shares
                perpetual bonds
  Long-term payable                                               20,000,000.00         20,000,000.00
  Long-term payables for staff’s
  Special payable
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income                                                 37,700,000.00         37,700,000.00
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                 36,133,622.68         36,152,815.34
  Other non-current liabilities
     Total non-current liabilities                                93,833,622.68         93,852,815.34

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                              First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

     Total liabilities                                         25,862,153,569.95            24,265,026,786.21
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                                                 6,097,402,727.00             6,097,402,727.00
  Other equity instruments
  Including: preference shares
                 perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                               2,317,907,947.71             2,317,907,947.71
  Less: Treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                                      -20,437,041.80               -43,234,737.77
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                                               1,437,313,649.93             1,437,313,649.93
  Undistributed profits                                         2,156,940,324.99             2,128,502,328.76
  Total owners’ equity                                        11,989,127,607.83            11,937,891,915.63
        Total liabilities and owners’ equities                37,851,281,177.78            36,202,918,701.84

Legal representative:                  Chief accountant:            Person in charge of accounting department:
Liang Haishan                          Gong Wei                     Ying Ke

                                      Consolidated Income Statement
                                           January-March 2018
Prepared by: Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     Unit and Currency: RMB
                        Items                                  Current amount              Prior amount
I. Total operating revenue                                       42,655,164,567.37          37,745,829,388.95
Including: Operating revenue                                     42,655,164,567.37          37,745,829,388.95
            Interest income
            Insurance premiums earned
            Fee and commission income
II. Total cost                                                   40,388,152,695.05          35,834,083,962.03
Including: Cost of sales                                         30,449,298,701.96          26,380,596,377.85
            Interest expenses
            Fee and commission expenses
            Insurance withdrawal payment
            Net payment from indemnity
            Net provisions for insurance contract
            Insurance policy dividend paid
            Reinsurance cost
            Business taxes and surcharge                            223,258,372.32             178,393,139.98
            Selling expenses                                      6,254,887,373.85           6,683,104,490.92
            Administrative expenses                               2,746,972,301.60           2,143,172,877.49

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                                First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

              Financial expenses                                    468,944,062.41      225,289,791.40
              Loss in assets impairment                             244,791,882.91      223,527,284.39
   Add: Income from change in fair value (losses
                                                                    207,293,485.79      158,467,287.04
are represented by “-”)
            Investment income (losses are represented
                                                                    242,480,840.14      319,933,556.06
by “-”)
       Including: investment income of
associates and joint ventures
       Gains on disposal of assets (losses are
                                                                        429,548.74        -2,016,573.57
represented by “-”)
            Exchange gain (losses are represented by
            Other incomes                                           106,214,641.01       77,545,764.01
III. Operating profit (losses are represented by
                                                                  2,823,430,388.00     2,465,675,460.46
   Add: Non-operating income                                        111,793,323.64      144,996,386.52
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                       8,496,036.27       55,000,489.53
IV. Total profit (total losses are represented by
                                                                  2,926,727,675.37     2,555,671,357.45
   Less: Income tax expense                                         458,014,171.70      407,958,955.60
V. Net profit (net losses are represented by “-”)               2,468,713,503.67     2,147,712,401.85
     (I) Classification by continuous operation
     1.Net profit from continuous operation (net
                                                                  2,468,713,503.67     2,147,712,401.85
losses are represented by “-”)
      2. Net profit from discontinuous operation
(net losses are represented by “-”)
   (II)Classification by ownership of the equity
         1.Profit or loss of minority shareholders                  488,718,139.14      411,165,549.74
   2.Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                  1,979,995,364.53     1,736,546,852.11
VI. Post tax other comprehensive income                            -331,219,394.34          466,905.94
   Post tax other comprehensive income
                                                                   -285,717,414.13       17,502,928.86
attributable to owners of the Company
     (I) Other comprehensive income that will not
                                                                     -1,280,674.80            -7,751.33
be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
        1. Changes in net liabilities or net assets
arising from re-measurement of defined benefit                       -1,280,674.80            -7,751.33
        2. Share of other comprehensive income
of investees that cannot be reclassified to profit or
loss under equity method
     (II) Other comprehensive income to be
                                                                   -284,436,739.33       17,510,680.19
reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
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                                 First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

        1. Share of other comprehensive income
of investees that will be reclassified subsequently                   -42,701,390.85              -40,488,326.71
to profit or loss under equity method
        2. Gain or loss from change in fair value
                                                                         -678,068.23                 -499,456.91
of available-for-sale financial assets
        3. Gain or loss arising from
reclassification from held-to-maturity investments
to available-for-sale financial assets
       4. Gains or losses on effective cash flow
                                                                       14,114,618.65               -1,795,233.82
        5. Exchange differences on translation of
financial statements denominated in foreign                          -255,171,898.90               60,293,697.63
            6. Other
   Other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                      -45,501,980.21              -17,036,022.92
   minority shareholders, net of tax
VII. Total comprehensive income                                     2,137,494,109.33            2,148,179,307.79
            Attributable to owners of the Company                   1,694,277,950.40            1,754,049,780.97
            Attributable to non-controlling interests                 443,216,158.93              394,129,526.82
VIII. Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                    0.325                       0.285
   (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                 0.321                       0.285

Legal representative:             Chief accountant:                  Person in charge of accounting department:
Liang Haishan                     Gong Wei                                                            Ying Ke

                            Income Statement of the Parent Company
                                      January-March 2018
Prepared by: Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        Unit and Currency: RMB
                          Items                                   Current amount               Prior amount
I. Operating revenue                                                  743,844,065.67              813,013,367.46
   Less: Operation cost                                               533,278,383.46              594,504,109.45
            Taxes and surcharge                                         5,402,608.47                6,561,826.29
            Selling expenses                                           68,121,527.59               52,682,906.16
            Administrative expenses                                   108,216,752.39              127,936,222.24
            Financial expenses                                         25,428,042.84               18,751,061.43
            Loss in assets impairment                                  10,058,187.90                  486,242.29
   Add: Income from change in fair value (losses
are represented by “-”)
            Investment income (losses are represented
                                                                       50,428,218.53               42,029,840.49
by “-”)

                                                        24 / 30
                              First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

       Including: Investment income of
associates and joint ventures
       Gains on disposal of assets (losses are
represented by “-”)
        Other incomes                                               5,969,287.05
II. Operating profit (losses are represented by “-”)             49,736,068.60     54,120,840.09
   Add: Non-operating income                                        8,370,547.68      5,795,459.39
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                       233,919.53
III. Total Profit (losses are represented by “-”)                57,872,696.75     59,916,299.48
     Less: Income tax expense                                       1,116,671.73      2,669,218.85
IV. Net Profit (net losses are represented by “-”)               56,756,025.02     57,247,080.63
   (I) Net profit from continuous operation (net
                                                                   56,756,025.02     57,247,080.63
losses are represented by “-”)
  (II) Net profit from discontinuous operation
(net losses are represented by “-”)
V. Post tax other comprehensive income                              7,680,578.08     -11,481,154.32
   (I) Other comprehensive income will not be
reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
  1. Changes in net liabilities or net assets arising
from re-measurement of defined benefit plans
 2. Share of other comprehensive income of
investees that cannot be reclassified to profit or
loss under equity method
   (II) Other comprehensive income to be
                                                                    7,680,578.08     -11,481,154.32
reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
     1. Share of other comprehensive income of
investees that will be reclassified subsequently to                 7,789,336.46     -11,874,318.49
profit or loss under equity method
     2. Gain or loss from change in fair value of
                                                                     -108,758.38        393,164.17
available-for-sale financial assets
     3. Gain or loss arising from reclassification
from held-to-maturity investments to
available-for-sale financial assets
    4. Gains or losses on effective cash flow
     5. Exchange differences on translation of
financial statements denominated in foreign
      6. Other
VI. Total comprehensive income                                     64,436,603.10     45,765,926.31
VII. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/ share)
     (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)
                                                        25 / 30
                             First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

Legal representative:           Chief accountant:                 Person in charge of accounting department:
Liang Haishan                   Gong Wei                                                            Ying Ke

                                   Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                            January-March 2018

Prepared by: Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    Unit and Currency: RMB


                     Items                             Current amount                   Prior amount
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods and
                                                              39,294,461,022.85           42,040,544,736.74
  rendering of services
  Net increase in customer and interbank
  Net increase in borrowing from PBOC
  Net cash increase in borrowing from
  other financial institutes
  Cash received from premiums under
  original insurance contract
  Net cash received from reinsurance
  Net increase in deposits of policy holders
and investment
  Net increase from the disposal of
  financial assets measured at fair value and
  changes of which included in current
  profit and loss
  Cash paid for interest, bank charges and
  Net increase in cash borrowed
  Net increase in cash received from
  repurchase operation
  Refunds of taxes                                              242,113,942.09               305,118,454.78
  Cash received from other related
                                                                244,653,473.68               368,100,490.83
  operating activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                              39,781,228,438.62           42,713,763,682.35
     operating activities
  Cash paid on purchase of goods and
                                                              26,876,400,215.94           27,222,452,573.86
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                            First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

  Net increase in loans and advances
  Net increase in deposits in PBOC and
  Cash paid for compensation payments
  under original insurance contract
  Cash paid for interest, bank charges and
  Cash paid for insurance policy dividend
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                     4,552,161,808.21      4,836,611,393.11
  Cash paid for all types of taxes                            2,146,684,682.86      1,619,809,910.52
  Cash paid to other operation related
                                                              4,215,046,987.16      3,225,305,802.36
      Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                             37,790,293,694.17     36,904,179,679.85
     operating activities
        Net cash flows from operating
                                                              1,990,934,744.45      5,809,584,002.50
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from disposal of
                                                                12,305,650.00           7,431,782.63
  Cash received from return on investments                     112,610,536.61         64,142,955.22
    Net cash received from the disposal of
  fixed assets, intangible assets and other                     38,778,216.12            198,536.43
long term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of
  subsidiaries and other operating entities
  Cash received from other investment
  related activities
      Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                               230,944,191.83         71,773,274.28
      investing activities
  Cash paid on purchase of fixed assets,
  intangible assets and other long term                       1,391,128,737.25       727,144,871.20
  Cash paid for investments                                    289,116,220.14        349,845,557.45
  Net increase in secured loans
  Net cash paid on acquisition of
  subsidiaries and other operating entities
  Cash paid on other investment related
                                                                    15,000.00         76,823,787.07
     Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                              1,680,259,957.39      1,153,814,215.72
     investing activities
       Net cash flows from investing
                                                             -1,449,315,765.56     -1,082,040,941.44
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
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                           First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

  Cash received from investment                                  8,278,135.66               22,247,648.00
  Including: Cash received by
  subsidiaries from minority shareholders’
  Cash received from borrowings                              3,589,764,080.03           10,375,831,949.73
  Cash received from issuing bonds
  Cash received from other financing
  related activities
    Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                             3,656,992,215.69           10,398,079,597.73
    financing activities
  Cash paid on repayment of borrowings                       5,291,464,063.74           11,291,851,345.83
  Cash paid on distribution of dividends,
                                                               38,225,632.87                74,495,510.24
  profits, or interest expenses
  Including: Dividend, profit paid to
  minority shareholders by subsidiaries
  Cash paid on other financing activities                      62,515,783.81                16,702,520.08
    Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                             5,392,205,480.42           11,383,049,376.15
    financing activities
       Net cash flows from financing
                                                            -1,735,213,264.73             -984,969,778.42
IV. Effect of fluctuations in exchange
                                                              -396,885,933.47               29,621,430.35
rates on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            -1,590,480,219.31            3,772,194,712.99
  Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                            34,340,013,574.22           23,295,157,047.86
  equivalents at the beginning of the period
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                            32,749,533,354.91           27,067,351,760.85
at the end of the period

Legal representative:         Chief accountant:                 Person in charge of accounting department:

Liang Haishan                 Gong Wei                                                           Ying Ke

                          Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
                                     January-March 2018
Prepared by: Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB
                   Items                             Current amount                   Prior amount
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods
                                                              816,513,664.12                34,265,286.31
  or rendering of services
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                            First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

  Refunds of taxes                                              2,249,452.13
  Cash received from other related
                                                              21,182,595.59            3,562,034.19
  operating activities
    Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                             839,945,711.84           37,827,320.50
    operating activities
  Cash paid on purchase of goods and
                                                             221,179,942.07          605,901,367.09
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                    131,351,975.78          371,066,552.46
  Cash paid for all types of taxes                            29,006,267.68           47,645,546.40
  Cash paid to other operation related
                                                             116,047,065.74           98,883,185.35
    Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                             497,585,251.27        1,123,496,651.30
    operating activities
    Net cash flows from operating
                                                             342,360,460.57        -1,085,669,330.80
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash received from disposal of
  Cash received from return on
                                                              12,000,613.55           39,306,692.40
  Net cash received from the disposal of
  fixed assets, intangible assets and other
  long term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of
  subsidiaries and other operating entities
  Cash received from other investment
  related activities
    Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                              12,078,938.55           39,306,692.40
    investing activities
  Cash paid on purchase of fixed assets,
  intangible assets and other long term                       11,279,152.65              364,910.00
  Cash paid for investments                                                          168,659,237.50
  Net cash paid on acquisition of
  subsidiaries and other operating entities
  Cash paid on other investment related
    Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                              11,279,152.65          169,024,147.50
    investing activities
        Net cash flows from investing
                                                                  799,785.90        -129,717,455.10
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash received from investment
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                             First Quarter 2018 Report of Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.

  Cash received from borrowings
  Cash received from other financing
  related activities
         Sub-total of cash inflows from
       financing activities
  Cash paid on repayment of borrowings
  Cash paid on distribution of dividends,
  profits, or interest expenses
  Cash paid on other financing activities                                                   177,527,578.53
       Sub-total of cash outflows from
       financing activities
         Net cash flows from financing
                                                               758,777,670.99              -177,527,578.53
IV. Effect of fluctuations in exchange
                                                                     -1,723.67                     -263.89
rates on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                              1,101,936,193.79           -1,392,914,628.32
  Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                              2,070,527,802.97            3,888,623,400.28
  equivalents at the beginning of the period
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                                                              3,172,463,996.76            2,495,708,771.96
at the end of the period

Legal representative:              Chief accountant:              Person in charge of accounting department:
Liang Haishan                      Gong Wei                                                        Ying Ke

 4.2      Audit Report
□Applicable √Not Applicable

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