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						ASX / Media Release

      24 August 2017

      Santos 2017 Half-year results
      Underlying profit increased to US$156 million. Net loss of US$506 million, including
      previously announced US$689 million after-tax net impairment

      Strong delivery of the Santos turnaround. Costs reduced, sales volume guidance upgraded,
      stronger cash flows, free cash flow breakeven reduced to US$33 per barrel and net debt
      reduced to US$2.9 billion
      Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said the company’s half-year results
      delivered strong progress on the Santos turnaround strategy.

      “We have removed substantial costs, generated significant free cash flow and reduced net debt.

      “Our forecast free cash flow breakeven for 2017 sits at US$33 per barrel and we generated
      US$302 million in free cash flow in the first half.(1) This is pleasing progress towards our goal of
      transforming Santos into a low-cost, reliable and high performance business with a strong portfolio
      that can generate significant free cash flow in a low oil price environment,” Mr Gallagher said.

      Excluding the previously announced net impairment and other significant items, the company
      recorded an underlying profit of US$156 million, a substantial improvement on the underlying loss
      of US$5 million in the corresponding period.

      “Our focus on more efficient, lower cost operations has delivered significant improvements in
      earnings and cash flow. Santos’ core asset portfolio of five long-life natural gas assets now provides
      stable base production for the next decade,” Mr Gallagher said.

      “Material reductions in drilling costs in the Cooper Basin and GLNG are unlocking more gas supply.
      In the coming months, Santos expects to announce further domestic supply contracts to support the
      Federal Government’s efforts to deliver affordable and reliable energy to households and industry.

      “2017 sales volume guidance is upgraded to 77 to 82 million barrels of oil equivalent, following
      strong volumes from the core assets in the first half and higher forecast domestic sales volumes.

      “We are also focused on future growth, with exploration and appraisal activity growing as part of
      our disciplined operating model and delivering successful outcomes in the Cooper Basin, as well as
      Muruk in PNG and Barossa offshore Northern Australia.

      “Santos is now positioned to deliver future success and provide sustainable shareholder value.” Mr
      Gallagher said.

      Consistent with the company’s focus on debt reduction, the Board has determined not to pay an
      interim dividend. The Board will continue to review each dividend decision in light of the focus on
      debt reduction.
       (1) Free cash flow breakeven is the average annual oil price in 2017 at which cash flows from operating activities (including hedging) equals cash flows from
           investing activities. Forecast methodology uses corporate assumptions. Excludes one-off restructuring and redundancy costs and asset divestitures.

Media enquiries                                          Investor enquiries                                           Santos Limited ABN 80 007 550 923
Joanna Vaughan                                           Andrew Nairn                                                 GPO Box 2455, Adelaide SA 5001
+61 (0) 419 111 779                                      +61 8 8116 5314 / +61 (0) 437 166 497                        T +61 8 8116 5000 F +61 8 8116 5131
joanna.vaughan@santos.com                                andrew.nairn@santos.com                                      www.santos.com
Results summary
Six months ended 30 June                                                                                         2017                      2016             Change
Average realised oil price                                                         US$/bbl                       54.8                      42.8               +28%
Production volumes                                                                 mmboe                         29.5                      31.1                -5%
Sales volumes                                                                      mmboe                         40.1                      40.9                -2%
Revenue                                                                             US$m                        1,496                     1,205               +24%
EBITDAX(1)                                                                          US$m                          718                       491               +46%
Net impairment loss                                                                 US$m                        (920)                   (1,516)
EBIT(1)                                                                             US$m                        (603)                   (1,471)
Net profit/(loss) for the period                                                    US$m                        (506)                   (1,104)
 + Impairment losses                                                                US$m                           689                    1,061
 + Net gains on asset sales                                                         US$m                          (51)                         4
 + Other                                                                            US$m                            24                        34
Underlying profit/(loss) for the period(1)                                          US$m                          156                        (5)         +3,220%

Operating cash flow                                                                   US$m                        662                        291            +128%
Capital expenditure(2)                                                                US$m                        321                        283             +13%
Net debt                                                                              US$m                      2,928                      4,528             -35%

Interim dividend per share                                                Acents/share                                  -                         -                    -
(1) EBITDAX (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, depletion, exploration, evaluation and impairment), EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) and underlying
    profit are non-IFRS measures that are presented to provide an understanding of the performance of Santos’ operations. Underlying profit excludes the impacts of
    asset acquisitions, disposals and impairments, as well as items that are subject to significant variability from one period to the next, including the effects of fair
    value adjustments and fluctuations in exchange rates. The non-IFRS financial information is unaudited however the numbers have been extracted from the financial
    statements which have been subject to review by the company’s auditor.
(2) Excluding capitalised interest.

Santos’ portfolio is focused on five core, long-life natural gas assets: Cooper Basin, GLNG, PNG,
Northern Australia and Western Australia Gas. Other assets (Asia, NSW and WA oil) have been
packaged and run separately for value as a standalone business.

Production from the core assets increased by 2% to 25.3 mmboe in the first half, primarily due to
the ramp-up of GLNG and stronger PNG LNG production. Core asset sales volumes were up 5% to
36.1 mmboe, driven by the ramp-up of GLNG and higher WA gas and PNG sales volumes, partially
offset by lower Cooper Basin sales.

Production and sales volumes from other assets decreased to 4 mmboe due to the sale of the
Victorian, Mereenie and Stag assets.

Total revenue increased by 24% to US$1.5 billion due to higher LNG sales volumes reflecting the
ramp-up of GLNG and strong performance from PNG LNG, combined with higher prices for all
products. The average realised oil price was up 28% to US$54.79 per barrel and the average LNG
price was 26% higher at US$7.21/mmbtu. LNG sales revenue was up 44% due to the ramp-up of
GLNG and strong performance from PNG LNG.

Sales volume guidance for 2017 is upgraded to 77 to 82 mmboe (previously 75 to 80 mmboe).

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Revenue and EBITDAX(1) by asset

Six months ended 30 June                              2017                   2016                                2017                     2016
                                                   Revenue                Revenue                             EBITDAX                  EBITDAX
                                                 US$million              US$million           Change         US$million               US$million           Change
Cooper Basin                                                395                    353         +12%                      157                    104         +51%
GLNG                                                        358                    224         +60%                      156                      65       +140%
PNG                                                         250                    210         +19%                      203                    165         +23%
Northern Australia                                             78                    71        +10%                        45                     37        +22%
WA Gas                                                      135                      74        +82%                      116                    126             -8%
Other Assets                                                170                    217           -22%                    116                    103         +13%
Corporate, exploration and
                                                            110                      56        +96%                     (75)                 (109)            -31%
inter-segment eliminations
Total                                                    1,496                  1,205          +24%                      718                    491         +46%
(1) EBITDAX (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, depletion, exploration, evaluation and impairment) is a non-IFRS measure that is presented to provide an
    understanding of the performance of Santos’ operations. The non-IFRS financial information is unaudited however the numbers have been extracted from the
    financial statements which have been subject to review by the company’s auditor.

Upstream production costs dropped by 12% to US$239 million (US$8.08 per boe), primarily due to
cost savings and efficiency gains across the core assets and the sale of non-core assets.

Other operating costs increased by US$19 million to US$189 million, primarily due to higher LNG
plant costs following the start-up of GLNG train 2 in May 2016, higher pipeline capacity charges, and
higher royalty and excise cost due to higher average commodity prices.

Higher sales revenues and lower costs combined to deliver a near 50% boost in EBITDAX to
US$718 million for the first half. All core assets delivered higher EBITDAX, with the exception of WA
Gas, which benefited from a settlement under a revised gas sales agreement in the corresponding

Strengthening the balance sheet
Net debt reduced to US$2.9 billion as at 30 June 2017, down from US$3.5 billion at the start of the
year. The company’s gearing ratio was 30%, down from 33% at the prior year end.

Net debt was reduced through a combination free cash flows generated by the business, asset sales
and a share purchase plan during the first half.

In May 2017, S&P Global Ratings reaffirmed Santos’ BBB- credit rating with stable outlook.

As previously announced, Santos is exercising its option to redeem its Euro 1 billion Subordinated
Notes on the first call date in September 2017. Santos has ample cash and liquidity of US$4.2 billion
to fund the redemption. Debt markets remain buoyant and open for Santos, and the company
expects to undertake suitable additional debt funding at significantly lower interest costs in the near-

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Impairment of assets
As previously announced, the 2017 first-half result includes a net impairment charge of
US$689 million after tax, primarily due to lower oil prices. Impairment charges were recognised
against the GLNG (US$867 million) and AAL assets (US$149 million), partially offset by a positive
net write-back to the Cooper Basin of US$336 million, where lower forecast development costs and
higher production more than offset the impact of lower oil prices.

2017 Guidance
2017 sales volume guidance is upgraded to 77-82 mmboe, while recently upgraded production
guidance is maintained at 57-60 mmboe. All guidance for 2017 is shown in the table below.

Item                                                       2017 Guidance
Production                                                        57-60 mmboe
Sales                                                             77-82 mmboe
Upstream production costs (excluding LNG plant costs)   US$8-8.25/boe produced
Depreciation, depletion & amortisation (DD&A) expense        US$700-750 million
Capital expenditure (excluding capitalised interest)         US$700-750 million


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