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						   Fourth Quarter Activities Report
   For period ending 31 December 2018

   24 January 2019

     Record sales revenue and strong production
                 Record quarterly sales revenue of $1,043 million, up 7% and including record quarterly LNG sales revenue
                 of $449 million, up 11%
                 Record annual sales revenue of $3,696 million, up 19%
           Fourth quarter production up 6% to 15.9 mmboe due to sustained strong performance from the core
           portfolio and acquisition of Quadrant Energy, partially offset by the sale of the non-core Asian assets
     Onshore activity levels increasing within disciplined operating model
                 A record 305 wells in GLNG drilled in 2018, up 77%. Expect to drill 350-400 wells in 2019
           85 wells drilled in the Cooper Basin in 2018, up 40%. Expect to drill ~100 wells in 2019, including up to
           16 exploration wells
     Cooper Basin exploration and appraisal success
                 The Cooper Basin exploration program resulted in five new field discoveries (four gas and one oil) and at
                 Moomba South, four appraisal wells targeting a significant 2C resource have been brought on-line
           The Moomba South program also discovered new plays in the Granite Wash and Tirrawarra sandstone
           which are being assessed for further appraisal
     Quadrant Energy acquisition completed on 27 November 2018
           On completion, Santos paid an amount of $1.93 billion, comprising the purchase price of $2.15 billion less
           completion adjustments and cash acquired
     Cash generative core portfolio. Balance sheet supportive of growth profile
                 As at 31 December 2018, Santos had cash and cash equivalents of $1.3 billion and total debt of
                 $4.9 billion, resulting in net debt of $3.6 billion and gearing of approximately 33%

   Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said: “In 2018, Santos delivered higher
   production in the onshore business and acquired Quadrant Energy which will provide a significant boost to our production
   in 2019.”
   “Our cash generative asset portfolio set new records for quarterly and annual sales revenues, notwithstanding the
   divestment of our non-core Asian assets during the year, while our low cost and disciplined operating model enabled
   more investment in exploration and appraisal to improve ongoing organic resource and reserve replacement.”
   “With the completion of the value accretive Quadrant Energy acquisition in November, we are now focused on integrating
   these low cost, long-life conventional assets and realising the $30-50 million combination synergies per annum.”
   “I am pleased that Brett Darley, previously Quadrant’s CEO, has joined Santos to lead our Australian offshore business.”
   “In 2019, we will focus on our disciplined growth portfolio, including PNG LNG expansion, Barossa backfill to Darwin
   LNG, appraisal of the exciting Dorado oil discovery and lifting the drilling activity to grow production and appraisal activity
   in our onshore business.”
   “Santos is positioned for growth across each of our five core assets and we are targeting production of more than
   100 mmboe by 2025, almost double 2018’s level,” Mr Gallagher said.

   Comparative performance (Santos share including Quadrant Energy)1
    Santos share                    Units                 Q4 2018            Q3 2018             Change                 2018           2017     Change
    Production                      mmboe                       15.9               15.0                6%               58.9            59.5        -1%
    Sales volume                    mmboe                       20.9               20.3                3%               79.2            83.4        -5%
    Ave. realised oil price         $/bbl                       68.8               81.1             -15%                75.1            57.9        30%
    Sales revenue                   $million                  1,043                973                 7%              3,696           3,107        19%
    Capital     expenditure2        $million                    272                180               51%                 759            682         11%
   1 Quadrant  Energy included from completion of the acquisition on 27 November 2018.
   2 Capital expenditure including restoration expenditure and acquisition of exploration assets but excluding capitalised interest.

Media enquiries                                        Investor enquiries                                         Santos Limited ABN 80 007 550 923
Daniela Ritorto                                        Andrew Nairn                                               GPO Box 2455, Adelaide SA 5001
+61 8 8116 5167 / +61 (0) 455 319 770                  +61 8 8116 5314 / +61 (0) 437 166 497                      T +61 8 8116 5000 F +61 8 8116 5131
daniela.ritorto@santos.com                             andrew.nairn@santos.com                                    www.santos.com
Sales volumes (Santos share including Quadrant Energy)1
 Product                                  Unit              Q4 2018              Q3 2018       Q4 2017       2018        2017
 LNG                                      000 t                 779.3                  738.6     839.5     2,791.2     3,066.9
 Domestic sales gas & ethane              PJ                     54.6                   55.7      56.5      216.4        224.4
 Crude oil                                000 bbls           2,493.9              2,296.7       2,639.9   10,088.4    10,000.5
 Condensate                               000 bbls           1,226.7              1,063.3       1,064.2    4,179.5     4,304.8
 LPG                                      000 t                  51.6                   41.3      51.7      158.2        183.9
              Own product                 mmboe                  16.3                   15.0      14.1       58.6         58.4
              Third party                 mmboe                    4.6                   5.3        7.7      20.6         25.0
 Total sales volume                       mmboe                  20.9                   20.3      21.8       79.2         83.4
1 Quadrant   Energy included from completion of the acquisition on 27 November 2018.

Fourth quarter sales volumes were higher than the prior quarter due primarily to the completion of the acquisition of
Quadrant Energy on 27 November 2018, partially offset by completion of the sale of Santos’ non-core Asian asset
portfolio on 6 September 2018.

Sales revenues (Santos share including Quadrant Energy)1
 Product                                  Unit              Q4 2018             Q3 2018        Q4 2017       2018        2017
 LNG                                      $m                      449                   405        323      1,453        1,178
 Domestic sales gas & ethane              $m                      313                   272        265      1,101        1,027
 Crude oil                                $m                      171                   186        179        757          579
 Condensate                               $m                       85                    84         65        300          235
 LPG                                      $m                       25                    26         29         85           88
              Own product                 $m                      818                   724        563      2,699        2,181
              Third party                 $m                      225                   249        298        997          926
 Total sales revenue                      $m                    1,043                   973        861      3,696        3,107
 3rd   party product purchases            $m                      227                   197        229        831          696
1 Quadrant   Energy included from completion of the acquisition on 27 November 2018.

Fourth quarter sales revenues were higher than the prior quarter primarily due to higher average LNG and domestic
sales gas prices and the completion of the acquisition of Quadrant Energy on 27 November 2018, partially offset by
lower crude oil and liquids prices and completion of the sale of Santos’ non-core Asian asset portfolio on 6 September

Average realised prices
                                  Unit                      Q4 2018            Q3 2018         Q4 2017       2018        2017
 LNG price                        US$/mmBtu                    10.96              10.43           7.33       9.91         7.31
 Domestic gas price               US$/GJ                         5.73                  4.90       4.68       5.09         4.57
 Oil price                        US$/bbl                      68.81              81.09          67.85      75.05        57.85
 Condensate price                 US$/bbl                      69.11              78.78          61.33      71.87        54.59
 LPG price                        US$/t                       488.12             616.89         567.71     537.61       479.78

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                      Page 2 of 4
Production (Santos share including Quadrant Energy)1
    Product                              Unit               Q4 2018              Q3 2018               Q4 2017          2018             2017
    Sales gas to LNG plant               PJ                      31.7                   32.4               31.6        115.0             125.7
    Domestic sales gas & ethane          PJ                      46.5                   40.2               40.3        170.5             158.0
    Crude oil                            000 bbls             1,222.0             1,457.8               1,504.0       5,870.2          6,379.9
    Condensate                           000 bbls               929.4                  865.9              888.4       3,208.5          3,350.7
    LPG                                  000 t                   39.0                   34.5               37.8        145.7             145.2
    Total production                     mmboe                   15.9                   15.0               15.0         58.9              59.5
    Quadrant Energy included from completion of the acquisition on 27 November 2018.

Fourth quarter production was higher than the prior quarter due primarily to the completion of the of acquisition of
Quadrant Energy on 27 November 2018, partially offset by completion of the sale of Santos’ non-core Asian asset
portfolio on 6 September 2018.

2018 Guidance (excluding Quadrant Energy)
Excluding the acquisition of Quadrant Energy, 2018 sales volumes of 77.2 mmboe were above the upper end of
guidance (74-76 mmboe) and production of 57.1 mmboe was within guidance (56-58 mmboe). Upstream production
costs of approximately $8.00/boe were at the lower end of guidance ($8.0-8.6/boe) and capital expenditure of
$732 million was toward the lower end of guidance ($725-775 million).
Updated 2018 guidance shown in the table below excludes the acquisition of Quadrant Energy.
                                                                                               Previous guidance      Updated guidance
    2018 Guidance Item
                                                                                               (excluding Quadrant)   (excluding Quadrant)
    Sales volumes                                                                              74-76 mmboe            77.2 mmboe
    Production                                                                                 56-58 mmboe            57.1 mmboe
    Upstream production costs                                                                  $8.0-8.6/boe           ~$8/boe
    Depreciation, depletion and amortisation (DD&A)                                            $650-700 million       No change
    Capital expenditure                                                                        $725-775 million       $732 million

Further detail of 2018 capital expenditure, including exploration and evaluation expenditure, is reported in the table on
page 11 of this report.
Guidance on 2018 financial outcomes above is preliminary and subject to finalisation of the company’s accounting and
audit processes, and Board review. As such, actual results for the year ended 31 December 2018 may differ from the
guidance given in this update.
Santos will announce its results for the year ended 31 December 2018 on 21 February 2019. The full-year report
(incorporating Appendix 4E) and associated investor briefing presentation will be available on Santos’ website at
www.santos.com. A live webcast briefing, including analyst/investor questions, will be available on Santos’ website from
11:00am AEDT on 21 February 2019.

2019 Guidance
Santos expects 2019 sales volumes to be in the range of 88-98 mmboe and production to be in the range of
71-78 mmboe. Further 2019 guidance will be provided at Santos’ 2018 full-year results on 21 February 2019.
The 2019 first quarter activities report will be released on Wednesday 17 April 2019.

2019 Annual General Meeting
The 2019 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 2 May 2019 at the Adelaide Oval commencing at 10:00am

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                                      Page 3 of 4
Oil price hedging
3.2 million barrels of oil hedging expired in the fourth quarter under the zero-cost three way collar hedges.
As a result of the Quadrant acquisition, 1.4 million barrels of 2019 oil hedges were novated to Santos. The following
oil price hedging positions were in place as at 14 January 2019.
    2019 Open oil price positions                                                                                                    2019
    Swaps (barrels)                                                                                                                  990,000
              Brent fixed swap price ($/bbl)                                                                                         US$63.23

    Re-participating swaps (barrels)1                                                                                                480,000
              Brent fixed swap price ($/bbl)                                                                                         US$67.39
              Brent long call price ($/bbl)                                                                                          US$76.00

    Zero-cost collars (barrels)2                                                                                                     3,431,000
              Ceiling ($/bbl)                                                                                                        US$79.27
              Floor ($/bbl)                                                                                                          US$45.00

  When Brent price is below the weighted average long call price, Santos realises fixed swap price. When Brent price is above the call strike price, Santos
  realises Brent price less the difference between the long call price and the fixed swap price.
2 When Brent price is above the weighted average ceiling price, Santos realises ceiling price. When Brent price is between the floor and ceiling price,

  Santos realises Brent price. When Brent price is below the floor price, Santos realises floor price.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                                                  Page 4 of 4
Cooper Basin
 Santos share                   Units             Q4 2018          Q3 2018         Q4 2017            2018            2017
 Sales volume
 Sales gas and ethane
         Own product            PJ                     16.3            17.8            14.0            63.7            66.6
         Third party            PJ                      0.9             1.3             0.6             3.6             2.6
         Total                  PJ                     17.2            19.1            14.6            67.3            69.2
         Own product            000 bbls             376.7           429.3            314.6         1,561.4         1,556.8
         Third party            000 bbls               30.2            58.0             8.6           240.2           172.6
         Total                  000 bbls             406.9           487.3            323.2         1,801.6         1,729.4
         Own product            000 t                  30.3            33.8            40.2           112.0           134.4
         Third party            000 t                  13.5             4.2             5.2            26.6            16.5
         Total                  000 t                  43.8            38.0            45.4           138.6           150.9
 Crude oil
         Own product            000 bbls             709.3           558.2            511.4         2,344.3         2,175.2
         Third party            000 bbls            1,098.1         1,205.2         1,131.5         4,848.7         3,981.1
         Total                  000 bbls            1,807.4         1,763.4         1,642.9         7,193.0         6,156.3
 Total sales volume             mmboe                   5.5             5.8             4.9            21.6            21.0
 Total sales revenue            $million               272             306             212            1,080             803
 Sales gas and ethane           PJ                     15.6            15.3            15.4            60.6            58.4
 Condensate                     000 bbls             231.5           253.1            247.9           933.4           881.7
 LPG                            000 t                  32.7            30.2            27.9           125.7           110.4
 Crude oil                      000 bbls             845.7           901.9            647.8         3,175.5         2,624.4
 Total production               mmboe                   4.0             4.0             3.7            15.5            14.4
 Capital expenditure            $million                80              57               61             245             199

2018 Cooper Basin production was up 8% year-on-year to 15.5 mmboe, demonstrating the success in arresting
production decline and returning the asset to growth.

With four rigs in operation in the fourth quarter, 26 wells were drilled comprising seven exploration wells, twelve appraisal
wells and seven development wells. A record spud to oil on-line time of 28 days was achieved with Cooroo North West
2 as the onshore business continues to set new operating limits to efficiently commercialise the vast discovered resource
that remains undeveloped. A total of 85 wells were drilled in 2018 and Santos expects to drill ~100 wells in 2019.

The eight well Moomba South appraisal program continued during the quarter with four wells successfully brought on-
line at the end of the quarter and two new plays discovered. A summary of exploration and appraisal activity is included
on page 12 of this report.

Also during the quarter, Santos announced a project to convert beam pumps on oil wells to solar and batteries at
56 sites. The solar beam pump will reduce emissions and waste from oil production, saving 140 barrels of oil per day
which is required to fuel the pumps and instead will be sold for beneficial use. The A$16 million project will be partially
funded by a grant of A$4.2 million from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

In January, Santos announced it had executed binding agreement extensions with Beach Energy and Senex Energy for
gas processing and related gas liquids purchases at the Moomba gas facilities. The gas processing agreement
extensions are expected to result in the production of up to 18 TJ of sales gas per day, or 20 PJ over the three year

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                  Page 5 of 4
Queensland & NSW 1
    Santos share                              Units                 Q4 2018             Q3 2018      Q4 2017   2018 YTD        2017 YTD
    Sales volume
    GLNG Joint Venture
               LNG                            000 t                     378.1              343.5       477.1     1,452.3          1,630.7
               Domestic contracts             PJ                           5.5                7.0        7.5       25.5              26.4
    Eastern Qld (non-GLNG)2                   PJ                           6.1                6.1        4.2       23.6              17.7
    Total sales   volume3                     mmboe                        5.5                5.5        6.4       22.0              22.6
    Total sales   revenue3                    $million                    282                 259       216       1,004              758
    GLNG Joint Venture
               Sales gas to LNG               PJ                           9.7                9.6       10.7       37.8              41.8
               Domestic contracts             PJ                           2.7                2.6        0.7         9.9              3.1
    Eastern Qld (non-GLNG)2                   PJ                           5.8                5.8        5.6       22.6              22.1
    NSW 1                                     PJ                           0.2                0.2        0.2         0.8              0.7
    Total   production3                       mmboe                        3.2                3.1        3.0       12.2              11.7
    Capital expenditure                       $million                      70                 64         59        244              190
  New South Wales entered the core portfolio on 1 January 2018.
  Combabula, Scotia (Santos legacy domestic volumes), Spring Gully and Denison.
  Total sales volume, sales revenue and production include minor condensate production from Denison and sales gas from NSW assets. Denison
conventional assets were sold in April 2018.

    GLNG operational data
                                             Units                 Q4 2018            Q3 2018       Q4 2017       2018             2017
    Sales gas to domestic market             PJ                           25                  29        35         108              127
    LNG   produced1                          000 t                    1,198               1,178       1,585      4,832            5,431
    Sales gas to LNG plant
               GLNG equity gas               PJ                           36                  37        29         143              124
               Santos portfolio gas          PJ                           15                  15        15          59               62
               Third-party                   PJ                           26                  19        44          94              120
    Total sales gas to LNG plant             PJ                           77                  71        88         297              306
    LNG cargoes shipped                                                   20                  20        26          80               89
1 Includes   LNG produced from GLNG equity gas, Santos portfolio gas and third-party quantities.

Annual LNG production was lower than the prior year primarily due to the GLNG joint venture partners diverting about
40 PJ of gas to the domestic market. The diverted gas, originally slated for export cargoes and equivalent to
~0.7 million tonnes of LNG, was sold to east coast domestic customers. When combined with 4.8 million tonnes of LNG
exported, annual LNG-equivalent production was ~5.5 million tonnes.

Gross GLNG-operated upstream sales gas production increased to 585 TJ/d at the end of the quarter, supported by
growth in Scotia production and continued steady incline in Roma.

Gross daily production from Fairview increased to 431 TJ/day at the end of the quarter. Focus continues to be on
improving well availability. Gross daily production from Roma increased to 82 TJ/day at the end of the quarter. Field
production is expected to continue building as new development areas come online. Drilling continues in the Roma East
project with 121 wells drilled to date. 80 wells are now on flare with early dewatering continuing.

Gross daily production from the Scotia field grew to 63 TJ/d at the end of the quarter. Production from the field continues
to grow as the reservoir de-pressures. Production from the Arcadia field remained steady. Drilling continues in the
Arcadia Valley project with 39 wells drilled to date. First production from this next phase of development is expected in
late 2019.

Santos’ share of production from the non-operated Combabula and Spring Gully fields was 42 TJ/day.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                              Page 6 of 4
92 wells were drilled across the GLNG acreage in the fourth quarter with a record number of wells drilled (305) and
connected (300) in 2018. In 2019, 350-400 wells are expected to be drilled.

58 development wells were drilled across Santos’ non-operated Eastern Queensland acreage in the quarter.

Also during the quarter, Santos as operator was appointed preferred tenderer to explore new acreage in a 50-50 joint
venture with Shell. The PLR201718-2-5 licence covers approximately 400 square kilometres, 19 kilometres east of the
town of Surat and was released by the Queensland Government exclusively to boost domestic gas supply on the east

    Santos share                          Units      Q4 2018      Q3 2018      Q4 2017            2018            2017
    Sales volume
              LNG1                        000 t        314.0        303.5         282.6         1,001.8        1,101.2
              Condensate                  000 bbls     460.4        327.3         378.1         1,289.8        1,608.4
    Crude oil                             000 bbls       4.1          2.7           3.4            12.1           15.3
    Total sales volume                    mmboe          3.4          3.2           3.0            10.8           12.0
    Total sales revenue                   $million       215         191            139            621             526
              Sales gas to LNG1           PJ            17.1         17.8          16.4            58.5           65.3
              Condensate                  000 bbls     363.6        378.9         354.4         1,250.5        1,474.2
    Crude oil                             000 bbls       3.3          3.7           4.1            12.0           19.1
    Total production                      mmboe          3.3          3.4           3.1            11.2           12.6
    Capital expenditure                   $million         8           16            10              39                32
1 Includes   SE Gobe

    PNG LNG operational data
                                          Units      Q4 2018      Q3 2018       Q4 2017            2018            2017
    LNG                                   Mt              2.2          2.2           2.1             7.4               8.3
    Sales gas to LNG plant                PJ             129          133            123            439                491
    Condensate1                           000 bbls      2,664        2,818         2,611           9,243         10,887
    Sales gas (SE Gobe)2                  PJ               2            2              4               7                17
    LNG cargoes shipped                                   30           30             29             98                110
1 Measured   at the Kutubu entry point.
2   Purchased by PNG LNG.

Continued strong performance from PNG LNG during the quarter saw sales volumes and production in-line with the
prior quarter. The LNG plant operated at an annualised rate of 8.7 mtpa during the fourth quarter and achieved daily
rates in excess of 9 mtpa annualised. Annual production in 2018 was however lower than the prior year primarily due
to the impact of a severe earthquake in the first half.

PNG LNG expansion opportunities continue to be progressed with a proposal for Santos to farm-in to PRL 3 (P’nyang)
under negotiation.

Santos along with the other PNG LNG parties and the Papua LNG Joint Venture are also continuing discussions to
build alignment for the proposed construction of three additional LNG trains at the PNG LNG site, with two trains to
process gas from the Papua LNG project and one train for the proposed PNG LNG expansion.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                              Page 7 of 4
Northern Australia
 Santos share                  Units             Q4 2018          Q3 2018      Q4 2017           2018             2017
 Sales volume
 Darwin LNG
         LNG                   000 t                 87.2             91.6         79.8          337.1            334.8
 Bayu Undan
         Condensate            000 bbls              76.5             54.3        157.1          283.5            538.0
         LPG                   000 t                  8.0              3.6          6.3           19.9             33.0
 Total sales volume            mmboe                  1.0              1.0          1.0            3.6              4.0
 Total sales revenue           $million               57               51           41             183             153
 Darwin LNG
         Sales gas to LNG      PJ                     4.8              5.1          4.4           18.7             18.5
 Bayu Undan
         Condensate            000 bbls              97.0             66.3        155.8          307.0            511.5
         LPG                   000 t                  6.3              4.4          9.9           20.0             34.8
 Total production              mmboe                  1.0              1.0          1.1            3.7              4.0
 Capital expenditure           $million               13               24            7              66              63

 Darwin LNG / Bayu-Undan
                                Units            Q4 2018          Q3 2018      Q4 2017            2018            2017
 operational data (gross)
 LNG                            000 t                921             934            902          3,343            3,315
 Sales gas to LNG plant         PJ                     57              57            55            205             200
 Condensate                     000 bbls            1,241            808          1,299          3,588            5,606
 LPG                            000 t                  66              52            77            213             312
 LNG cargoes shipped                                   16              14            14             54              51

Darwin LNG sales volumes and production were consistent with prior quarter, in-line with the delivery schedule.
Santos announced on 3 December 2018 that the 3-well Bayu Undan infill program was delivered 40% under budget
and the final well brought on-line during the quarter, over three months ahead of schedule. The program’s success has
resulted in delivery of higher liquids production and increased offshore well capacity. As a result, condensate and LPG
production were significantly higher than the previous quarter.
Following FEED entry in April 2018, detailed engineering design for the Barossa development is being advanced across
a number of fronts with a final investment decision targeted towards the end of 2019. Bids for the Subsea Production
System have been evaluated and contract award is expected in the first quarter of 2019. The FPSO design competition
between Modec and the TechnipFMC/Samsung consortium is progressing well.
The successful development of Barossa would extend the operating life of Darwin LNG for more than 20 years and
deliver ~9 mmboe average annual net production to Santos.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                             Page 8 of 4
Western Australia1 (excluding Quadrant Energy acquisition)
 Santos share                             Units                  Q4 2018            Q3 2018             Q4 2017                2018        2017
 Sales volume
 Sales gas                                PJ                         14.0                13.5                12.2               56.3        52.2
 Condensate                               000 bbls                  176.8               193.8              203.5               694.4       422.7
 Crude oil                                000 bbls                  111.4               110.0              416.6               661.2     1,401.7
 Total sales volume                       mmboe                        2.7                2.6                 2.7               11.0        10.8
 Total sales revenue                      $million                      79                 82                  96               328          324
 Sales gas                                PJ                         13.9                12.9                13.6               54.8        51.2
 Condensate                               000 bbls                  142.2               165.8              128.0               615.6       472.7
 Crude oil                                000 bbls                  118.9               118.3              279.0               712.9     1,310.0
 Total production                         mmboe                        2.6                2.5                 2.7               10.7        10.5
 Capital expenditure                      $million                      38                 11                  22                66           79
1 Includes   Western Australia oil assets. The comparative periods have been restated accordingly. Excludes Quadrant Energy.

Sales gas sales volumes and production were higher than the prior quarter primarily due to higher customer nominations.

Quadrant Energy (27 November to 31 December 2018)
 Santos share                             Units                 Q4 20181
 Sales volume
 Sales gas                                PJ                           7.6
 Condensate                               000 bbls                  106.8
 Crude oil                                000 bbls                  570.9
 Total sales volume                       mmboe                        2.0
 Total sales revenue                      $million                      80
 Sales gas                                PJ                           8.3
 Condensate                               000 bbls                   95.0
 Crude oil                                000 bbls                  254.1
 Total production                         mmboe                        1.8
 Capital expenditure                      $million                      27
1 27   November to 31 December 2018

On 27 November 2018, Santos announced the completion of the acquisition of Quadrant Energy. On completion Santos
paid an amount of $1.93 billion, comprising the purchase price of $2.15 billion less completion adjustments and cash
acquired. The completion amount was fully funded from Santos’ existing cash resources and $1.2 billion of new debt
2018 full-year production from the Quadrant Energy assets was approximately 18 mmboe.
During the fourth quarter, the Van Gogh infill project saw the drilling and completion of two subsea wells and connection
into existing offshore infrastructure. The wells were brought online in January 2019.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                                        Page 9 of 4
 Santos share                           Units                   Q4 2018             Q3 2018              Q4 2017                  2018                 2017
 Sales volume
 Sales gas                              PJ                               -                 3.0                  4.9                11.5                21.6
 Condensate                             000 bbls                         -                 0.9                  2.3                 5.7                  5.1
 Crude oil                              000 bbls                         -              420.6                577.0             1,651.2              2,400.7
 Total sales volume                     mmboe                            -                 0.9                  1.4                 3.6                  6.1
 Total sales revenue                    $million                         -                  47                  65                  181                 256
 Sales gas                              PJ                               -                 3.3                  4.9                11.7                21.6
 Condensate                             000 bbls                         -                 1.8                  2.1                 6.7                  5.0
 Crude oil                              000 bbls                         -              433.9                573.0             1,715.7              2,409.6
 Total production                       mmboe                            -                 1.0                  1.4                 3.7                  6.1
 Capital expenditure                    $million                         1                   3                  17                     8                  34
1 As at 1 January 2018, the ‘Other’ reporting segment was restructured to comprise Santos’ Asian assets only. New South Wales entered the core portfolio and
 is now reported under the segment ‘Queensland and NSW’ and WA Oil is now reported under the segment ‘Western Australia’. The comparative periods have
 been restated accordingly.

Santos announced the completion of the sale of its producing Asian assets on 7 September 2018.
Santos completed the sale of its exploration assets in Malaysia during the fourth quarter. Completion for certain
exploration assets in Vietnam and Bangladesh remains subject to customary consents and regulatory approvals.
Santos has agreed to sell its 50% interest in the Northwest Natuna Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia, which
contains the undeveloped Ande Ande Lumut oil field, to AWE Holdings Singapore Pte Ltd (an entity held by Mitsui).
Completion of the sale is subject to customary consents and regulatory approvals and is expected in the coming months.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                                                Page 10 of 4
Corporate, exploration and eliminations
    Santos share                            Units                Q4 2018   Q3 2018    Q4 2017      2018         2017
    Total sales volume                      mmboe                    0.8       1.2         2.3      4.6          6.6
    Total sales revenue                     $million                 58        37          92       219          287
    Capital expenditure                     $million                 35         6          15        64           85

Sales volumes and revenues in the corporate segment primarily represents gas trading activities.
Fourth quarter capital expenditure included $18 million for seismic acquisition and $14 million for exploration and
evaluation activities, primarily in the NT, not recorded against core assets.

Capital expenditure (including Quadrant Energy)
Total exploration, evaluation and development expenditure, including Quadrant Energy from 27 November 2018, is
summarised in the table below.

    $million                                                     Q4 2018   Q3 2018    Q4 2017      2018        2017
    Capital expenditure
               Exploration1                                           26        14        27         78          113
               Evaluation                                             34        34        29         92           99
               Development and other capex (inc restoration)         211       132       148        589          470
    Capital expenditure excl capitalised interest                    272       181       194        759          682
               Capitalised interest                                    4        (0)         1         6            6
    Total capital    expenditure1                                    275       181       195        766          688
    Exploration and evaluation expensed
               Exploration                                            18        13        15         67           64
               Evaluation                                             25         4        12         38           29
    Total current year expenditure                                    43        17        27        105           93
               Write-off of amounts capitalised in prior years         -          -       (2)         -            3
    Total expensed                                                    43        17        25        105           96
1   Includes acquisition of exploration assets

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                           Page 11 of 4
Exploration and appraisal activity
Cooper Basin
During the quarter, seven near field exploration wells and 12 appraisal wells were drilled, with a further appraisal well
drilling ahead at year end.
The exploration program resulted in five new field discoveries (four gas and one oil).
Six of eight planned Moomba South appraisal wells had been completed to the end of December. Four wells were
fracture stimulated and brought online by the end of the quarter, and a further well has been cased and suspended and
awaits fracture stimulation and testing. Two wells remain to be drilled in the current campaign. The program seeks to
delineate and establish initial FEED input to the potential development of a large unexploited gas contingent resource
in the Patchawarra reservoirs on the southern flanks of the Moomba high. Secondary exploration targets include the
Granite Wash and Tirrawarra sandstones. An update on the outcome of the appraisal will be made following the program
Elsewhere in the Cooper, seven appraisal wells (four gas and three oil) were drilled resulting in six being cased and
suspended for future production.
Eastern Queensland
In the Mahalo JV (ATP 1191), five appraisal wells were drilled, cased and suspended – the Straun Pilot (Straun-2 vertical
corehole, Straun-3 lateral), the Sirus Road pilot (Sirius Road-1 vertical corehole, Sirius Road 2 lateral) and the Memooloo
corehole. These wells are designed to convert significant remaining contingent and prospective resource potential to
reserves category. All wells are on-line and flowing water at encouraging initial rates.
ATP2040, a 393km2 block in the Bowen Basin was granted to Santos (50% and operator). Exploration will target Early
Permian sandstones and commence on 1 January 2019 for a six year term.
Western Australia
During the quarter, preparations continued for a multi-well Santos-operated drilling program that will commence in March
2019 with Corvus-2 in the Dampier Sub-basin, before moving to the Bedout Basin to drill the Dorado-2 and Dorado-3
wells, appraising the 2018 Dorado-1 oil and gas discovery. In addition, the Roc South-1 near field exploration well will
test an oil and gas prospect analogous and adjacent to the Dorado field.
Planning for the 3,326km2 Keraudren 3D dual purpose (exploration delineation and Dorado development preparation)
seismic survey in the Bedout Sub-basin progressed, with acquisition anticipated to commence in March 2019.
Northern Australia
In the McArthur Basin two water monitoring bores were installed during the quarter and monitoring commenced to
support applications for multi-well exploration activity in 2019.
In the Amadeus Basin final approvals and agreements were progressed to support the drilling of the planned 2019
Dukas 1 wildcat well. Dukas will test the gas-bearing potential of a large pre-salt prospect in the southern Amadeus
In the offshore Bonaparte Basin, processing of the Beehive 3D seismic survey has commenced.
The Muruk-2 appraisal well spudded 10 November. At 31 December the well had reached a depth of 3,127m MD. The
primary target Toro Sandstone, is prognosed to be 350-400m below current depth at the end of the quarter.

Seismic activity
No new seismic acquisitions were undertaken in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                Page 12 of 4
Drilling summary
Near-field exploration (NFE) / Appraisal wells                              Development wells
  Cooper Basin oil                                                          Cooper Basin gas
  Well name               Basin/area     Santos             Well status     Well name       Basin/area    Santos        Well status
  Cooroo North                                                              Big Lake 147*       SA        66.6%       C&C, successful
                             QLD         55.5%      C&C, successful
  West 2
                                                                            Moorari 15          SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
  Jarrar 4                   QLD         55.5%      C&S, successful
                                                                            Moorari 16          SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
  Jarrar 5                   QLD         55.5%      C&S, successful
                                                                            Moorari 18          SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
  Pallano East 1             QLD         55.5%      P&A
                                                                            Namur 11            SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
  Wallis 1                   QLD         55.5%      C&S, successful
                                                                            Namur 12            SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
  Wenda 1                    QLD         55.5%      P&A
                                                                            Namur 13            SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
                                                                            Namur 14            SA        66.6%       C&S, successful
  Cooper Basin gas
  Well name            Basin/area     Santos          Well status
  Anna North 1            QLD         60.06%     C&S, successful            Northern Australia gas
  Barrolka 18             QLD         60.06%     Drilling                   Well name        Basin/area      Santos       Well status
                                                                            Bayu Undan
  Bolah 3                 QLD         60.06%     C&S, successful                              Bonaparte      11.49%    C&C, successful
  Bolah 4                 QLD         60.06%     C&S, successful
  Lane 1                  QLD         60.06%     C&S, successful
                                                                            Queensland - GLNG gas
  Lois 1                  QLD         60.06%     C&S, successful
                                                                            Well name       Basin/area    Santos        Well status
  Tillamook 1*            QLD         60.06%     C&S, successful
                                                                            AC21-42-1        Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Moomba 228               SA          66.6%     C&C, successful
                                                                            AC21-43-1        Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Moomba 229               SA          66.6%     C&C, successful
                                                                            AC21-47-1        Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Moomba 230               SA          66.6%     C&C, successful
  Moomba 231               SA          66.6%     C&C, successful                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
                                                                            Kingsley 11
  Moomba 232               SA          66.6%     C&S, successful            Mount
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
                                                                            Kingsley 24
  Moomba 233               SA          66.6%     P&A
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Moorari 17               SA          66.6%     C&S, successful            Kingsley 30
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Queensland - Eastern Queensland gas (EQ)                                  Sunnyholt
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Well name              Basin/area    Santos           Well status         Sunnyholt
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Memooloo 2##            Mahalo         30%      C&C, successful           22
  Sirius Road 1##         Mahalo         30%      C&C, successful                            Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Sirius Road 2           Mahalo         30%      C&C, successful           Sunnyholt
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Struan 2   ##
                          Mahalo         30%      C&C, successful           24
  Struan 3##              Mahalo         30%      C&C, successful                            Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Papua New Guinea gas                                                      Sunnyholt
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
  Well name             Basin/area       Santos        Well status
  Muruk 2#             Southern            **          Drilling                              Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
                       PNG                                                  Sunnyholt
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
# Notoperated by Santos                                                     30
## Initial
        Operator Comet Ridge on behalf of Santos                            Sunnyholt
* Spud in Q3, completed in Q4                                                                Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
** Muruk-2 is being drilled in PDL 9. Santos will have an interest in any
Muruk hydrocarbons located in PDL 9 and is funding a share of the           Sunnyholt
                                                                                             Arcadia       30%        C&S, successful
appraisal well.                                                             32

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                             Page 13 of 4
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM06-46-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
 33                                                               RM06-47-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM06-48-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
                                                                  RM06-49-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful             RM06-50-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                                                                  RM06-51-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&C, successful             RM49-15-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM49-22-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
 37                                                               RM49-22-2             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM49-34-2             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
 38                                                               RM49-75-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM49-75-2             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
                                                                  RM49-80-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful             RM49-81-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM49-92-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
 41                                                               RM50-49-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM50-50-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
 42                                                               RM50-54-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM50-57-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
                                                                  RM50-60-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful             RM50-64-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM50-65-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful             RM50-66-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM50-67-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
 46                                                               RM50-68-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 Sunnyholt                                                        RM50-69-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful
                                                                  RM50-70-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                Arcadia     30%       C&S, successful             RM50-71-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                                                                  RM50-75-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 Fairview 212   Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
                                                                  RM50-76-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 FV06-46-3      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             RM50-77-1             Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 FV06-47-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             RM50-81-1             Roma        30%           C&C, successful
 FV08-01-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             Wyena 4               Roma        30%           C&S, successful
                                                                  Wyena 5               Roma        30%           C&S, successful
 FV08-11-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
                                                                  Collingwood           Scotia      30%           C&S, successful
 FV08-18-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
 FV11-79-21     Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             Scotia 59A            Scotia      30%           C&C, successful
 FV11-87-1A     Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             Woodroyd              Scotia      30%           C&C, successful
 FV11-92-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             3A
 FV12-52-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
 FV12-54-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
                                                                  Queensland - Eastern Queensland gas (EQ)
 FV12-57-21     Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
 FV16-26-2      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             Well name                Basin/area     Santos       Well status
 FV16-51-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful                               #                                    C&S,
                                                                  Combabula 90             Combabula      7.28%
 FV16-55-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful                                                                  successful
 FV16-56-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful                                                                    C&S,
                                                                  Combabula 388#           Combabula      7.28%
 FV16-57-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful
 FV16-58-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful             Combabula 433#           Combabula      7.28%
 FV16-59-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful                                                                    C&S,
                                                                  Pine Hills 154#          Combabula      7.28%
 FV18-48-1      Fairview   23.85%     C&C, successful                                                                  successful
 Moonah         Fairview   23.85%     C&S, successful                                                                    C&S,
                                                                  Pine Hills 175#          Combabula      7.28%
 East 5                                                                                                                successful
 RM06-40-1       Roma       30%       C&S, successful                                                                    C&S,
                                                                  Pine Hills 206#          Combabula      7.28%
 RM06-41-1       Roma       30%       C&S, successful                                                                  successful
 RM06-42-1       Roma       30%       C&S, successful                                                                    C&S,
                                                                  Pine Hills 354#          Combabula      7.28%
 RM06-43-1       Roma       30%       C&S, successful                                                                  successful
 RM06-44-1       Roma       30%       C&S, successful                                                                    C&S,
                                                                  Pine Hills 377#          Combabula      7.28%
 RM06-45-1       Roma       30%       C&S, successful

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                         Page 14 of 4
                                             C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Pine Hills 380#       Combabula   7.28%                           South 63#                                          successful
                                                                   Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek 13#       Combabula   7.28%                           South 64#                                          successful
                                                                   Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                                             C&S,                  South 65#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek 22#       Combabula   7.28%
                                           successful              Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                   #                         C&S,                  South 66#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek 179       Combabula   7.28%                           Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek 205   #
                                             C&S,                  South 67#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%                           Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                                                                   South 68#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek 241                             C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%
                                           successful              South 75#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek 242#                            C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%
                                           successful              South 76#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek 271#                            C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%                           South 77#                                          successful
                                                                   Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek 273#                            C&S,                  South 78#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%
                                           successful              Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek 219#                            C&S,                  South 79#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%
                                           successful              Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  South 80#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%                           Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 South 6#                                  successful
                                                                   South 81#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%                           Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 South 7#                                  successful
                                                                   South 82#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%
 South 8#                                  successful              South 83#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%                           South 84#                                          successful
 South 25#                                 successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%                           South 85#                                          successful
 South 26#                                 successful
                                                                   Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  South 87#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%
 South 27#                                 successful              Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  South 91#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%
 South 28#                                 successful              Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  South 92#                                          successful
                       Combabula   7.28%                           Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
 South 40#                                 successful
                                                                   South 93#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%
 South 41#                                 successful              South 98#                                          successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%
 South 42#                                 successful              South 104#                                         successful
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,                  Reedy Creek            Combabula        7.28%         C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%                           South 177#                                         successful
 South 43#                                 successful
                                                                   Durham Ranch           Spring Gully       4%         Drilling
 Reedy Creek                                 C&S,
                       Combabula   7.28%                           894#
 South 45#                                 successful
 Reedy Creek           Combabula   7.28%     C&S,
 South 46#                                 successful
 Reedy Creek           Combabula   7.28%     C&S,
                                                                   Western Australia gas
 South 47#                                 successful              Well name          Basin/area         Santos     Well status
 Reedy Creek           Combabula   7.28%     C&S,
                                                                   VGB 15H*           Carnarvon          52.5%     C&C, successful
 South 57#                                 successful
 Reedy Creek           Combabula   7.28%     C&S,                  VGB 15HL1          Carnarvon          52.5%     C&C, successful
 South 60#                                 successful             # Not operated by Santos

 Reedy Creek           Combabula   7.28%     C&S,                 * Spud in Q3, completed in Q4
 South 61#                                 successful
 Reedy Creek           Combabula   7.28%     C&S,
 South 62#                                 successful

Santos Ltd l Fourth Quarter Activities Report l 24 January 2019                                                        Page 15 of 4
Abbreviations and conversion factors
  Abbreviations                                                               Conversion factors
  C&C                  cased and completed                                    Sales gas and ethane, 1 PJ            171.937 boe x 10
  C&S                  cased and suspended                                    Crude oil, 1 barrel                   1 boe
  gas                  coal seam gas                                          Condensate, 1 barrel                  0.935 boe
  DES                  delivered ex ship                                      LPG, 1 tonne                          8.458 boe
  FPSO                 floating production, storage and offloading            LNG, 1 PJ                             18,040 tonnes
  GJ                   Gigajoules                                             LNG, 1 tonne                          52.54 mmBtu
  kbbls                thousand barrels

  kt                   thousand tonnes

  LNG                  liquefied natural gas
  LPG                  liquefied petroleum gas

  m                    Million

  mmbbl                million barrels

  mmboe                million barrels of oil equivalent

  mmBtu                million British thermal units

  mmscf                million standard cubic feet

  mt                   million tonnes

  mtpa                 million tonnes per annum

  NFE                  near-field exploration

  P&A                  plugged and abandoned

  pa                   per annum

  PJ                   petajoules

  PSC                  production sharing contract

  t                    tonnes

  TJ                   terajoules

This report contains forward looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with the oil and gas industry. It is believed that the
expectations reflected in these statements are reasonable, but they may be affected by a range of variables which could cause actual results or
trends to differ materially, including but not limited to: price fluctuations, actual demand, currency fluctuations, geotechnical factors, drilling and
production results, gas commercialisation, development progress, operating results, engineering estimates, reserve estimates, loss of market,
industry competition, environmental risks, physical risks, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments, economic and financial markets conditions
in various countries, approvals and cost estimates.

All references to dollars, cents or $ in this document are to United States currency, unless otherwise stated.

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