To be valid, the whole of this PAL must be returned. IMPORTANT THIS PROVISIONAL ALLOTMENT LETTER (THIS “PAL”) IS VALUABLE AND TRANSFERABLE AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THE OFFER CONTAINED IN THIS PAL AND THE ACCOMPANYING EXCESS APPLICATION FORM (THE “EAF”) EXPIRES AT 4:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 (OR SUCH LATER DATE AS MENTIONED IN THE PARAGRAPH HEADED “EFFECT OF BAD WEATHER” BELOW). 2020 8 11 IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT AS TO ANY ASPECT OF THIS PAL, OR AS TO THE ACTION TO BE TAKEN, OR IF YOU HAVE SOLD ALL OR PART OF YOUR H SHARES IN CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. (THE “COMPANY”), YOU SHOULD CONSULT A LICENSED SECURITIES DEALER, BANK MANAGER, SOLICITOR, PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISERS. H REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE PROSPECTUS (THE “PROSPECTUS”) ISSUED BY THE COMPANY DATED JULY 28, 2020 IN RELATION TO THE H SHARE RIGHTS ISSUE. TERMS DEFINED IN THE PROSPECTUS SHALL HAVE THE SAME MEANINGS WHEN USED HEREIN UNLESS THE CONTEXT OTHERWISE REQUIRES. H 2020 7 28 A copy of the Prospectus, together with copies of this PAL, the EAF and other documents specified in the paragraph headed “Statutory and General Information – Documents delivered to the Registrar of Companies” in Appendix III to the Prospectus, have been registered by the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong as required by Section 342C of the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong). The Securities and Futures Commission, Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) take no responsibility as to the contents of any of the documents referred to above. 32 342C Dealings in the securities and the Nil-paid H Rights and the H Rights Shares may be settled through CCASS operated by HKSCC and you should consult a licensed securities dealer, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional advisers for details of those settlement arrangements and how such arrangements may affect your rights and interests. Existing H Shares have been dealt in on an ex-rights basis from Friday, July 17, 2020. Dealings in the Nil-paid H Rights will take place from Thursday, July 30, 2020 to Thursday, August 6, 2020 (both days inclusive). 2020 7 17 H H 2020 7 30 2020 8 6 If you wish to exercise your right to subscribe for all the H Rights Shares specified in this PAL, you should lodge this PAL in accordance with the instructions printed herein, together with a remittance for the full amount payable on acceptance, with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (or such later date as mentioned in the paragraph headed “Effect of Bad Weather” below). All remittances must be made by cheque or cashier’s order in Hong Kong Dollars. Cheques must be drawn on an account with, and cashier’s orders must be issued by, a licensed bank in Hong Kong and made payable to “CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – PAL” and crossed “Account Payee Only”. H 2020 8 11 H 183 17 1712 1716 CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – PAL PAL – 1 Form A (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 6099) 6099 H Share Registrar: Registered office: No. 111, Fuhua Yi Road Computershare Hong Kong PROPOSED H SHARE RIGHTS ISSUE OF Futian Street Investor Services Limited CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. Futian District Shenzhen Shops 1712-1716, OF 294,120,354 H SHARES ON THE BASIS OF Guangdong, PRC 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, THREE(3) H RIGHTS SHARES FOR EVERY TEN(10) Wan Chai, Hong Kong EXISTING H SHARES HELD ON THE H SHARE RECORD DATE AT HK$8.185 PER H RIGHTS SHARE H H 111 (10) H Principal Place of Business 183 17 1712 1716 (3) H H in Hong Kong: 48/F, One Exchange Square 8.185 H 8 Connaught Place 294,120,354 H Central PAYABLE IN FULL ON ACCEPTANCE NOT LATER THAN Hong Kong 4:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 2020 8 11 8 48 PROVISIONAL ALLOTMENT LETTER July 28, 2020 2020 7 28 Provisional Allotment Letter No. Name(s) and address of the Qualified H Shareholder(s) H Number of H Share(s) registered in your name(s) on Monday, July 27, 2020 2020 7 27 H Box A Number of H Rights Shares provisionally allotted to you subject to payment in full on acceptance not later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 H 2020 8 11 Box B Total subscription monies payable Box C HK$ Name of bank on which cheque/cashier’s order is drawn: Cheque/cashier’s order number: Please insert your contact telephone no.: PAL – 2 CCS7642 MERH IN THE EVENT OF TRANSFER OF RIGHT(S) TO SUBSCRIBE FOR H RIGHTS SHARE(S) PRESENTED BY THIS DOCUMENT, AD VALOREM STAMP DUTY IS PAYABLE ON EACH SALE AND EACH PURCHASE. A GIFT OR A TRANSFER OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST OTHER THAN BY WAY OF SALE IS ALSO LIABLE TO AD VALOREM STAMP DUTY. EVIDENCE OF PAYMENT OF AD VALOREM STAMP DUTY WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE REGISTRATION OF ANY TRANSFER OF THE H RIGHTS SHARE(S) REPRESENTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. H H Form B FORM OF TRANSFER AND NOMINATION (To be completed and signed only by the Qualified H Shareholder(s) who wish(es) to transfer all of his/her/its/their right(s) to subscribe for the H Rights Share(s) comprised herein) H H To: The Directors China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. Dear Sirs, I/We, as the Qualified H Shareholders, hereby transfer all of my/our rights to subscribe for the H Rights Shares comprised in this PAL to the person(s) accepting the same and signing the registration application form (Form C) below. H H 1. 2. 3. 4. Signature(s) (all joint H Shareholders must sign) H Date: 2020 2020 Ad valorem stamp duty is payable by the transferor(s) and the transferee(s) in connection with the transfer of rights to subscribe for the H Rights Shares if this form is completed. H Form C REGISTRATION APPLICATION FORM (To be completed and signed only by the person(s) to whom the rights to subscribe for the H Rights Shares has/have been transferred) H To: The Directors China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) Dear Sirs, I/We request you to register the number of H Rights Shares mentioned in Box B of Form A in my/our name(s). I/We agree to accept the same on the terms embodied in this PAL and the Prospectus and subject to the articles of association of the Company. H H Existing H Shareholders(s) Please mark “X” in this box H X To be completed in BLOCK LETTERS in ENGLISH. Joint applicants should give the address of the first-named applicant only. For Chinese applicant(s), please provide your name in both English and Chinese. Name in English Family Name or Company Name Other name(s) Name in Chinese Name continuation and/or full name(s) of joint applicants (if applicable) Address in English (Joint applicants should give the address of the first-named applicant only) Occupation Tel. No. Dividend Instructions Name and address of bank Bank account number BANK BRANCH ACCOUNT 1. 2. 3. 4. Signature(s) (all joint applicants must sign) Date: 2020 2020 Ad valorem stamp duty is payable by the transferor(s) and the transferee(s) in connection with the transfer of rights to subscribe for the H Rights Shares if this form is completed. H PAL – 3 Subject to the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Nil-paid H Rights and H Rights Shares on the Stock Exchange, and subject to compliance with the stock admission requirements of HKSCC, the Nil-paid H Rights and H Rights Shares will be accepted as eligible securities by HKSCC for deposit, clearance and settlement in CCASS with effect from the respective commencement dates of dealings in the Nil-paid H Rights and H Rights Shares on the Stock Exchange or such other date(s) as determined by HKSCC. Settlement of transactions between participants of the Stock Exchange on any trading day is required to take place in CCASS on the second trading day thereafter. All activities under CCASS are subject to the “General Rules of CCASS” and the “CCASS Operational Procedures” in effect from time to time. H H H H H H Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, the Stock Exchange and HKSCC take no responsibility for the contents of this PAL, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this PAL. PAL – 4 THE PROSPECTUS DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE REGISTERED OR FILED UNDER ANY APPLICABLE SECURITIES OR EQUIVALENT LEGISLATION OF ANY JURISDICTION OTHER THAN (I) HONG KONG AND (II) THE PRC (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOTICE OF THE CSRC FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR HONG KONG LISTED ISSUERS MAKING RIGHTS ISSUE TO MAINLAND SHAREHOLDERS THROUGH MAINLAND-HONG KONG STOCK CONNECT (ANNOUNCEMENT [2016] NO. 21) (“CSRC NOTICE”)). NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN TO PERMIT A PUBLIC OFFERING OF THE NIL-PAID H RIGHTS AND/OR H RIGHTS SHARES, OTHER THAN IN HONG KONG, OR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PAL AND OTHER PROSPECTUS DOCUMENTS IN ANY JURISDICTION OTHER THAN HONG KONG. (I) (II) [2016]21 H H NO PERSON RECEIVING THE PROSPECTUS DOCUMENTS IN ANY TERRITORY OUTSIDE HONG KONG MAY TREAT IT AS AN OFFER OR INVITATION TO APPLY FOR THE H RIGHTS SHARES OR EXCESS H RIGHTS SHARES, UNLESS IN A TERRITORY WHERE SUCH AN OFFER OR INVITATION COULD LAWFULLY BE MADE WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH ANY REGISTRATION OR OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS THEREOF. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ANYONE OUTSIDE HONG KONG WISHING TO ACCEPT THE PROVISIONALLY ALLOTTED H RIGHTS SHARES OR MAKE AN APPLICATION FOR EXCESS H RIGHTS SHARES TO SATISFY HIMSELF/HERSELF/ITSELF/THEMSELVES, BEFORE ACQUIRING NIL-PAID H RIGHTS OR TO APPLY FOR EXCESS H RIGHTS SHARES, AS TO THE OBSERVANCE OF THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF ALL RELEVANT TERRITORIES, INCLUDING OBTAINING OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL OR OTHER CONSENTS, AND TO PAY ANY TAXES AND DUTIES REQUIRED TO BE PAID IN SUCH TERRITORY IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE FOREGOING. THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY ACCEPTANCE OF NIL-PAID H RIGHTS OR ANY APPLICATION FOR EXCESS H RIGHTS SHARES WHERE IT BELIEVES THAT DOING SO WOULD VIOLATE APPLICABLE SECURITIES LEGISLATIONS OR OTHER LAWS OR REGULATIONS OF ANY JURISDICTION. H H H H H H H H PAL – 5 TO TAKE UP YOUR RIGHT TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE H RIGHTS SHARES PROVISIONALLY ALLOTTED TO YOU IN FULL, YOU MUST LODGE THIS PAL INTACT WITH THE H SHARE REGISTRAR, COMPUTERSHARE HONG KONG INVESTOR SERVICES LIMITED, AT SHOPS 1712-1716, 17TH FLOOR, HOPEWELL CENTRE, 183 QUEEN’S ROAD EAST, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG, TOGETHER WITH A REMITTANCE FOR THE FULL AMOUNT PAYABLE ON ACCEPTANCE, SHOWN IN BOX C OF FORM A OF THIS PAL SO AS TO BE RECEIVED BY THE H SHARE REGISTRAR NOT LATER THAN 4:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 (OR SUCH LATER DATE AS MENTIONED IN THE PARAGRAPH HEADED “EFFECT OF BAD WEATHER” BELOW). ALL REMITTANCES MUST BE MADE BY CHEQUE OR CASHIER’S ORDER IN HONG KONG DOLLARS. CHEQUES MUST BE DRAWN ON A BANK ACCOUNT WITH, AND CASHIER’S ORDERS MUST BE ISSUED BY, A LICENSED BANK IN HONG KONG, AND MADE PAYABLE TO “CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – PAL” AND CROSSED “ACCOUNT PAYEE ONLY”. INSTRUCTIONS ON TRANSFER AND SPLITTING ARE SET OUT IN AN ENCLOSED SEPARATE SHEET. NO RECEIPT WILL BE GIVEN FOR SUCH REMITTANCES. H 2020 8 11 H 183 17 1712 1716 CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – PAL PAL – 6 The H Share Rights Issue is conditional upon the fulfilment of the conditions set out in the paragraph headed “Letter from the Board-Conditions of the H Share Rights Issue” of the Prospectus. If any of the conditions of the H Share Rights Issue are not fulfilled, the H Share Rights Issue will not proceed. H H H H The Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) have the right under the Underwriting Agreement to terminate the Underwriting Agreement by notice in writing to the Company at any time prior to the Latest Time for Termination, in certain circumstances set out in the Underwriting Agreement. Details of the circumstances under which the Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) have the right to terminate the Underwriting Agreement are set out below in this PAL in the paragraph headed “Termination of the Underwriting Agreement”. If prior to the Latest Time for Termination, the Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) terminate the Underwriting Agreement, the H Share Rights Issue will not proceed. H H Shareholders should note that the H Shares have been dealt in on an ex-rights basis on the Stock Exchange from Friday, July 17, 2020. The Nil-paid H Rights will be dealt in from Thursday, July 30, 2020 to Thursday, August 6, 2020 (both days inclusive). H H 2020 7 17 H 2020 7 30 2020 8 6 Any dealings in the H Shares from the date of the Prospectus up to the date on which all the conditions of the H Share Rights Issue are fulfilled or waived (as applicable), which is currently expected to be 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, and any dealings in the Nil-paid H Rights between Thursday, July 30, 2020 to Thursday, August 6, 2020 (both days inclusive) are accordingly subject to the risk that the H Share Rights Issue may not become unconditional and may not proceed. H Shareholders and potential investors should therefore exercise caution when dealing in the H Shares and/ or Nil-paid H Rights Shares, and if they are in any doubt about their position, they are recommended to consult their professional advisers. H 2020 8 12 H 2020 7 30 2020 8 6 H H H H H NO RECEIPT WILL BE GIVEN PAL – 7 – This page is intentionally blank page – PAL – 8 (A joint stock company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 6099) July 28, 2020 Dear Qualified H Shareholder(s), INTRODUCTION In accordance with the terms and conditions of this PAL and those set out in the Prospectus and subject to the articles of association of the Company, the Directors have provisionally allotted to you the number of H Rights Shares indicated in Form A of this PAL on the basis of three (3) H Rights Shares for every ten (10) Existing H Shares registered in your name in the H Shareholders’ Register on Monday, July 27, 2020. Your holding of Existing H Shares as at that date is set out in Box A of Form A of this PAL and the number of H Rights Shares provisionally allotted to you is set out in Box B of Form A of this PAL. Terms defined in the Prospectus have the same meanings when adopted herein unless the context otherwise requires. You have the right to acquire the H Rights Shares provisionally allotted to you at a price of HK$8.185 per H Rights Share payable in full on acceptance, in the manner set out below, by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (or such later date as mentioned in the paragraph headed “Effect of Bad Weather” below). You may, subject to the paragraph headed “Qualified H Shareholders and Excluded H Shareholders” below, accept all or any number of the H Rights Shares provisionally allotted to you hereunder or dispose of your right to all or any of them. If you wish to accept only part of your provisional allotment and to transfer the remainder or to transfer your provisional allotment to more than one person, you should refer to the instructions in the paragraph headed “Splitting” below. If you wish to transfer all of your provisional allotment you should refer to the instructions in the paragraph headed “Transfer” below. The H Share Rights Issue is conditional upon (i) the Underwriting Agreement becoming unconditional and not being terminated in accordance with its terms; and (ii) there not having occurred any event which would prevent the H Share Rights Issue from becoming unconditional. If the conditions of the H Share Rights Issue are not fulfilled or waived (as applicable), the H Share Rights Issue will not proceed. H RIGHTS SHARES The H Rights Shares, when allotted, issued and fully-paid (including credited as fully-paid as the case may be), will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing H Shares then in issue such that holders of fully-paid H Rights Shares will be entitled to receive all future dividends and distributions which are declared, made or paid after the date of issue and allotment of the H Rights Shares in their fully-paid form. Subject to the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Nil-paid H Rights and H Rights Shares on the Stock Exchange, and subject to compliance with the stock admission requirements of HKSCC, the Nil-paid H Rights and H Rights Shares will be accepted as eligible securities by HKSCC for deposit, clearance and settlement in CCASS with effect from the respective commencement dates of dealings on the Stock Exchange or such other dates as determined by HKSCC. Settlement of transactions between participants of the Stock Exchange on any trading day is required to take place in CCASS on the second trading day thereafter. All activities under CCASS are subject to the “General Rules of CCASS” and “CCASS Operational Procedures” in effect from time to time. TC – 1 6099 H H 2020 7 27 H (10) H (3) H H H 2020 8 11 H 8.185 H H H H H (i) (ii) H H H H H H H H H H H H TC – 2 PROCEDURE FOR ACCEPTANCE Any person (including, but not limited to, any agent, custodian, nominee and trustee) wishing to take up his/her/ its rights under the H Share Rights Issue must satisfy himself/herself/itself as to full observance of the applicable laws of any relevant territories, including obtaining any requisite governmental or other consents, observing any other requisite formalities and paying any issue, transfer or other taxes due in such territories. The attention of H Shareholders with registered addresses in any of the Specified Territories or holding H Shares on behalf of persons with such addresses is drawn to the section headed “Notice” in the Prospectus and the paragraph below headed “Qualified H Shareholders and Excluded H Shareholders”. Qualified H Shareholders who wish to take up their provisional allotment of H Rights Shares in full, must lodge the whole of this PAL intact with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, together with a remittance for the full amount payable on acceptance, as shown in Box C of Form A of this PAL, so as to be received by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (or such later date as mentioned in the paragraph headed “Effect of Bad Weather” below). All remittances must be made in Hong Kong dollars and cheques must be drawn on a bank account with, or cashier’s orders must be issued by, a licensed bank in Hong Kong and made payable to “CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – PAL” and crossed “Account Payee Only”. Any payments for the H Rights Shares should be rounded up to 2 decimal points. Such payment will constitute acceptance of the provisional allotment on the terms of this PAL and the Prospectus and subject to the articles of association of the Company. No receipt will be given for such remittances. It should be noted that, unless a PAL, duly completed, together with the appropriate remittance shown in Box C of Form A of this PAL, has been lodged with the H Share Registrar by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (or such later date as mentioned in the paragraph headed “Effect of Bad Weather” below), whether from the original allottee or any person in whose favour the rights have been validly transferred, your provisional allotment and all rights thereunder will be deemed to have been declined and will be cancelled and such H Rights Shares will be available for application under the EAFs by Qualified H Shareholders. The Company may (at its sole discretion) treat a PAL as valid and binding on the person(s) by whom or on whose behalf it is lodged even if not completed in accordance with the relevant instructions. SPLITTING If you wish to accept only part of your provisional allotment or transfer all or part of provisionally allotment to more than one person, the original PAL must be surrendered and lodged for cancellation with a covering letter stating clearly the number of split PALs required and the number of Nil-paid H Rights to be comprised in each split PAL (which, in aggregate, should be equal to the number of H Rights Shares provisionally allotted to you as stated in Box B of Form A of this PAL), by no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2020 to the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, who will cancel the original PAL and issue new PALs in the denominations required which will be available for collection at the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, after 9:00 a.m. on the second Business Day after the surrender of the original PAL. It should be noted that Hong Kong stamp duty is payable in connection with the transfer of your rights to subscribe for the relevant H Rights Shares to the transferee(s) and the acceptance by the transferee(s) of such rights. The Company may (at its sole discretion) treat a PAL as valid and binding on the person(s) by whom or on whose behalf it is lodged even if not completed in accordance with the relevant instructions. TRANSFER If you wish to transfer all of your Nil-paid H Rights to another person you should complete and sign the “Form of Transfer and Nomination” (Form B) in this PAL and hand the original completed and signed PAL to the person(s) to or through whom you are transferring your Nil-paid H Rights. The transferee must then complete and sign the “Registration Application Form” (Form C) in this PAL and lodge this PAL intact together with a remittance for the full amount payable on acceptance with the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, to effect the transfer by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (or such later date as mentioned in the paragraph headed “Effect of Bad Weather” below). TC – 3 H H H H H H H 2020 8 11 H 183 17 1712 1716 CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – PAL H H 2020 8 11 H H H 2020 8 3 H H H 183 17 1712 1716 H H 183 17 1712 1716 H H H 2020 8 11 H 183 17 1712 1716 TC – 4 It should be noted that Hong Kong stamp duty is payable in connection with the transfer of your rights to subscribe for the relevant H Rights Shares to the transferee(s) and the acceptance by the transferee(s) of such rights. The Company may (at its sole discretion) treat a PAL as valid and binding on the person(s) by whom or on whose behalf it is lodged even if not completed in accordance with the relevant instructions. The Company reserves the right to refuse to register any transfer in favour of any person in respect of which the Company believes such transfer may violate applicable legal or regulatory requirements. EFFECT OF BAD WEATHER The latest time for acceptance of and payment for H Rights Shares and application and payment for excess H Rights Shares will not take place at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 if there is a tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above, or a “black” rainstorm warning, or “extreme conditions” caused by super typhoons: (i) in force in Hong Kong at any local time before 12:00 noon and no longer in force after 12:00 noon on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. Instead, the latest time for acceptance of and payment for H Rights Shares and application and payment for excess H Rights Shares will be extended to 5:00 p.m. on the same Business Day; or (ii) in force in Hong Kong at any local time between 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020. Instead, the latest time for acceptance of and payment for H Rights Shares and application and payment for excess H Rights Shares will be rescheduled to 4:00 p.m. on the following Business Day which does not have either of those warnings in force at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.. If the latest time for acceptance of and payment for H Rights Shares and application and payment for excess H Rights Shares does not take place on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, the dates mentioned in this PAL may be affected. The Company will notify the H Shareholders by way of an announcement of any change to the expected timetable as soon as practicable. TERMINATION OF THE UNDERWRITING AGREEMENT It should be noted that the Underwriting Agreement grants the Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) the right to terminate the Underwriting Agreement by notice in writing to the Company at any time prior to the Latest Time for Termination in certain circumstances set out in the Underwriting Agreement. Details of the circumstances in which the Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) have the right to terminate the Underwriting Agreement are set out in the paragraph headed Letter from the Board- Termination of the Underwriting Agreement in the Prospectus. If the Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) exercise such right and a notice to terminate the Underwriting Agreement is given by the Joint Global Coordinators (on behalf of the Underwriters) prior to the Latest Time for Termination, save in respect of certain rights or obligations under the Underwriting Agreement, the Company shall not be under any obligation or liability under the Underwriting Agreement and the Underwriters shall be under no obligation or liability to the Company and the H Share Rights Issue will not proceed. CHEQUES AND CASHIER’S ORDERS All cheques and cashier’s orders will be presented for payments immediately following receipt and all interest earned on such monies will be retained for the benefit of the Company. Any PAL and/or EAF in respect of which the cheque or cashier’s order is dishonoured on first presentation is liable to be rejected. Completion and return of a PAL and/or EAF with a cheque and/or cashier’s order, whether by you or by any nominated transferee will constitute a warranty by the applicant that the cheque or cashier’s order will be honoured on first presentation. Without prejudice to other rights of the Company in respect thereof, the Company reserves the right to reject any PAL in respect of which the accompanying cheque or cashier’s order is dishonoured on first presentation, and, in such event, the relevant provisional allotment and all rights and entitlements thereunder will be deemed to have been declined and will be cancelled. You must pay the exact amount payable upon application for the H Rights Shares, any underpaid applications will be rejected. In the event of an overpaid application, a refund cheque will be made out to you only if the overpaid amount is HK$100 or above. Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions of the H Share Rights Issue, refund cheques in respect of wholly or partially unsuccessful applications for excess H Rights Shares (if any) are expected to be sent by ordinary post or courier at your own risk to your registered addresses, or other persons entitled thereto, on or about Wednesday, August 19, 2020. TC – 5 H 8 H H 2020 8 11 (i) 2020 8 11 H H (ii) 2020 8 11 H H H H 2020 8 11 H — H H 100 H H 2020 8 19 TC – 6 H SHARE CERTIFICATES FOR H RIGHTS SHARES AND REFUND CHEQUES FOR THE H SHARE RIGHTS ISSUE Subject to the fulfilment of the conditions of the H Share Rights Issue as set out in the paragraph headed “Letter from the Board — Conditions of the H Share Rights Issue” in the Prospectus, share certificates for all fully-paid (including credited as fully paid as the case may be) H Rights Shares are expected to be despatched on or about, Wednesday, August 19, 2020 to those Qualified H Shareholders who have accepted and (where applicable) applied for, and paid for, the H Rights Shares by ordinary post or courier at their own risk. Refund cheques in respect of wholly or partially unsuccessful applications for excess H Rights Shares (if any) are expected to be despatched on or about Wednesday, August 19, 2020 to the applicants by ordinary post or courier at their own risk. EXCESS H RIGHTS SHARES The Qualified H Shareholders (other than the PRC Southbound Trading Investors) may apply, by way of excess application, for any H Rights Shares provisionally allotted but not validly accepted by Qualified H Shareholders or otherwise subscribed for by renouncees or transferees of Nil-paid H Rights, any H Rights Shares representing any unsold entitlements of the Excluded H Shareholders, and any unsold fractional entitlements to H Rights Shares. Application for excess H Rights Shares should be made only by Qualified H Shareholders (other than the PRC Southbound Trading Investors). If a Qualified H Shareholder (other than the PRC Southbound Trading Investors) wishes to apply for excess H Rights Shares in addition to his/her/its provisional allotment, he/she/it must complete and sign an EAF (in accordance with the instructions printed thereon) and lodge it with the H Share Registrar, together with a separate cheque or cashier’s order, for the amount payable on application in respect of the excess H Rights Shares applied for by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 (or such later date as mentioned in the paragraph headed “Effect of Bad Weather” above). All remittances must be made in Hong Kong dollars. Cheques must be drawn on an account with, and cashier’s orders must be issued by, a licensed bank in Hong Kong and made payable to “CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – EAF” and crossed “Account Payee Only”. Any payments for the excess H Rights Shares should be rounded up to 2 decimal points. The Company may at its discretion treat an EAF as valid and binding on the person(s) by himself/herself/itself/themselves or on whose behalf it is lodged even if not completed in accordance with the relevant instructions. The Directors will allocate the excess H Rights Shares (if any) at their sole and absolute discretion on a fair and equitable basis but will give preference to topping-up odd lots to whole board lots. The remaining excess H Rights Shares (if preference will be given) or all excess H Rights Shares (if no preference will be given) will be allocated to Qualified H Shareholders (other than the PRC Southbound Trading Investors) who have applied for excess H Rights Shares on a pro rata basis with reference to their number of excess H Rights Shares applied for and with board lot allocations to be made on a best effort basis. If the aggregate number of H Rights Shares not taken up by the Qualified H Shareholders under PALs is greater than the aggregate number of excess H Rights Shares applied for through the EAFs, the Directors will allocate to each Qualified H Shareholder (other than the PRC Southbound Trading Investors) who applies for excess H Rights Shares in full application. Beneficial H Shareholders whose H Shares are held by a nominee company (including HKSCC Nominees Limited), should note that the Board will regard the nominee company (including HKSCC Nominees Limited) as a single H Shareholder according to the H Shareholders’ Register. Accordingly, the Beneficial H Shareholders should note that the aforesaid arrangement for the allocation of the excess H Rights Shares will not be extended to the Beneficial H Shareholders individually (including those Beneficial H Shareholders holding the H Shares through HKSCC Nominees Limited). TC – 7 H H H H H H 2020 8 19 H H H 2020 8 19 H H H H H H H H H H H H 2020 8 11 H H CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES CO., LTD. – EAF H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H TC – 8 FRACTIONAL ENTITLEMENTS The entitlements of Qualified H Shareholders will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and fractional entitlements to H Rights Shares will not be provisionally allotted to the H Shareholders. The Nil-paid H Rights representing the aggregate of all the fractional entitlements to H Rights Shares (rounded down to the nearest whole number) will be provisionally allotted to a nominee or nominees appointed by the Company and, if a premium (net of expenses) can reasonably be obtained, will be sold by the nominee or nominees on the Company’s behalf in the market as soon as practicable after the commencement of dealing in the Nil-paid H Rights and the net proceeds of such sale will be retained by the Company for its own benefit. Any unsold fractions of the H Rights Shares will be made available for excess application by the Qualified H Shareholders. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PAL AND THE OTHER PROSPECTUS DOCUMENTS This PAL shall only be sent to the Qualified H Shareholders only. Distribution of this PAL and the other Prospectus Documents into jurisdictions other than Hong Kong may be restricted by laws. Persons who come into possession of the Prospectus Documents (including, but not limited to, agents, custodians, nominees and trustees) should inform themselves of and observe any such restriction. Any failure to comply with such restriction may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. The Prospectus Documents will not be registered or filed under any applicable securities or equivalent legislation of any jurisdiction other than (i) Hong Kong and (ii) the PRC, in accordance with the CSRC Notice. QUALIFIED H SHAREHOLDERS AND EXCLUDED H SHAREHOLDERS To qualify for the H Share Rights Issue and to accept the H Rights Shares provisionally allotted under this PAL, an H Shareholder must have been registered as a member of the Company at the close of business on Monday, July 27, 2020 and not be an Excluded H Shareholder. Excluded H Shareholders are: (i) H Shareholders whose name(s) appear in the H Shareholders’ Register at the close of the business on Monday, July 27, 2020 and whose address(es) as shown in such register is/are in any of the Specified Territories, except for those H Shareholders with addresses in Australia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the PRC and the UK who fulfil the relevant requirements to the satisfaction of the Company; and (ii) any H Shareholders or Beneficial H Shareholders at that time who are otherwise known by the Company to be resident in any of the Specified Territories, except for those H Shareholders or Beneficial H Shareholders with addresses in Australia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the PRC and the UK who fulfil the relevant requirements to the satisfaction of the Company. Beneficial H Shareholders may or may not be eligible to take part in the H Share Rights Issue. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Prospectus Documents, the Company reserves the right to permit any H Shareholder or Beneficial H Shareholder to participate in the H Share Rights Issue and take up his/her/its entitlement to the H Rights Shares if the Company, in its absolute discretion, is satisfied that the offer under the H Share Rights Issue is exempt from or not subject to the legislation or regulations giving rise to the restrictions in questions. The Company also reserves the right to refuse to accept any application for H Rights Shares where it believes that doing so would violate the applicable securities or other laws or regulations of any jurisdiction. TC – 9 H H H H H H H H H (i) (ii) H H H H H 2020 7 27 H H : (i) 2020 7 27 H H H (ii) H H H H H H H H H H H H TC – 10 Receipt of this PAL and/or any other Prospectus Documents or the crediting of H Share Rights Shares in nil-paid form to a stock account in CCASS does not and will not constitute an offer in those jurisdictions in which it would be illegal to make an offer and, in those circumstances, this PAL and/or any other Prospectus Documents must be treated as sent for information purposes only and should not be copied or redistributed. Persons (including, but not limited to, agents, custodians, nominees and trustees) who receive a copy of this PAL and/or any other Prospectus Documents should not, in connection with the H Share Rights Issue, distribute or send the same in, into or from, or transfer Nil-paid H Rights to any person in, into or from, any of the Specified Territories. If a PAL and/or any other Prospectus Documents or any credits of Nil-paid H Rights to a stock account in CCASS are received by any person in any Specified Territories, or by his/her/its /their agent, custodian, nominee or trustee, he/she/it must not seek to take up such Nil-paid H Rights or transfer this PAL or transfer such Nil-paid H Rights in CCASS (if applicable) unless such person is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Company, or the Company determines that such actions would not violate applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Any person (including, but not limited to, agents, custodians, nominees and trustees) who does forward this PAL or any other Prospectus Documents in, into or from any Specified Territories (whether under a contractual or legal obligation or otherwise) should draw the recipient’s attention to the contents of this section. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES By completing, signing and submitting this PAL, each subscriber of H Rights Shares being offered and sold outside the United States hereby represents and warrants to the Company and the Underwriters and to any person acting on their behalf, unless in their sole discretion, the Company and the Underwriters waive such requirement expressly in writing that: (i) he/she/it was an H Shareholder at the H Share Record Date, or he/she/it lawfully acquired or may lawfully acquire the Nil-paid H Rights, directly or indirectly, from such a person; (ii) he/she/it is not located in any other jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to purchase or take up the Nil-paid H Rights or subscribe for or accept H Rights Shares; (iii) he/she/it is not resident or located in, or a citizen of, the United States; (iv) he/she/it is not accepting an offer to purchase or take up the Nil-paid H Rights or subscribe for or accept H Rights Shares on a non-discretionary basis for a person who is resident or located in, or a citizen of, the United States at the time the instruction to accept was given; (v) he/she/it is not doing so for the account of any person who is located in the United States, unless: (a) the instruction to purchase or take up the Nil-paid H Rights or to subscribe for or accept H Rights Shares was received from a person outside the United States; and (b) the person giving such instruction has confirmed that he/she/it (x) has the authority to give such instruction, and (y) either (A) has investment discretion over such account or (B) is an investment manager or investment company that is acquiring the H Rights Shares in an “offshore transaction” within the meaning of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act; TC – 11 H H H H H H H (i) H H H (ii) H H (iii) (iv) H H (v) (a) H H (b) (x) (y)(A) (B) S H TC – 12 (vi) he/she/it is acquiring the Nil-paid H Rights and/or the H Rights Shares in an “offshore transaction” as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act; (vii) he/she/it has not been offered the H Rights Shares by means of any “directed selling efforts” as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act; (viii) he/she/it is not purchasing or taking up the Nil-paid H Rights or subscribing for or accepting H Rights Shares with a view to the offer, sale, allotment, take up, exercise, resale, renouncement, pledge, transfer, delivery or distribution, directly or indirectly, of any such Nil-paid H Rights or H Rights Shares into the United States or any other jurisdiction referred to in paragraph (ii) above; (ix) he/she/it understands that neither the Nil-paid H Rights nor the H Rights Shares have been or will be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state, territory, or possession of the United States and the Nil-paid H Rights or H Rights Shares are being distributed and offered outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act. Consequently, he/she/it understands the Nil-paid H Rights or H Rights Shares may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred in or into the United States, except in reliance on an exemption from, or in transactions not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act; and (x) if he/she/it (or any person for whom he/she/it is acquiring the H Shares) is in New Zealand, he/she/it (and any such person): a. is a person who (i) is an investment business within the meaning of clause 37 of Schedule 1 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (New Zealand) (the “FMC Act”); (ii) meets the investment activity criteria specified in clause 38 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act; (iii) is large within the meaning of clause 39 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act; or (iv) is a government agency within the meaning of clause 40 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act; b. acknowledges that: (i) Part 3 of the FMC Act shall not apply in respect of the offer of shares to him/ her/it; (ii) no product disclosure statement under the FMC Act may be prepared in respect of the offer of shares; and (iii) any information provided to him/her/it in respect of the offer is not required to, and may not, contain all of the information that a product disclosure statement under New Zealand law is required to contain; c. warrants that if in the future he/she/it elects to directly or indirectly offer or sell any of the shares allotted to him/her/it, he/she/it undertakes not to do so in a manner that could result in (i) such offer or sale being viewed as requiring a product disclosure statement or other similar disclosure document or any registration or filing in New Zealand; (ii) any contravention of the FMC Act; or (iii) the Company or its directors incurring any liability; and d. warrants that (i) any person for whom he/she/it is acquiring shares meets one or more of the criteria specified in subclause (a) above; and (ii) he/she/it has procured, where required, a safe harbour certificate in accordance with clause 44 of Schedule 1 of the FMC Act. For the avoidance of doubt, neither HKSCC nor HKSCC Nominees Limited is subject to any of the representations and warranties above. GENERAL Lodgement of this PAL with, where relevant, the form of transfer and nomination purporting to have been signed by the person(s) in whose favour this PAL has been issued, shall be conclusive evidence of the title of the party or parties lodging it to deal with the same and to receive a split PAL and/or the share certificates for the H Rights Shares. Further copies of the Prospectus are available at the H Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. All documents, including cheques for refund, will be sent by ordinary post or courier at the risk of the relevant applicants or other persons entitled thereto. This PAL and all acceptances of the offer contained in it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Nil-paid H Rights are expected to be traded in board lots of 200 shares (as the existing H Shares are currently traded on the Stock Exchange in board lots of 200). References in this PAL to time are to Hong Kong time unless otherwise stated. TC – 13 (vi) S H H (vii) S H (viii) H H (ii) H H (ix) H H H H S H H (x) H a. (i) 2013 37 (ii) 38 (iii) 39 (iv) 40 b. (i) 3 (ii) (iii) c. (i) (ii) (iii) d. (i) (a) (ii) 44 H H 183 17 1712 1716 H 200 H 200 TC – 14 By completing, signing and submitting this PAL, you agree to disclose to the Company and/or its H Share Registrar and their respective advisers and agents personal data and any information which they require about you or the person(s) for whose benefit you have made the acceptance of the provisional allotment of H Rights Shares. The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) provides the holders of securities with rights to ascertain whether the Company or its H Share Registrar hold their personal data, to obtain a copy of that data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong), the Company and its H share Registrar have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. All requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and the kinds of data held should be addressed to the Company, at its principal place of business in Hong Kong at 48/F, One Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong or as notified from time to time in accordance with applicable law, for the attention of the Company Secretary or (as the case may be) the H share Registrar. By order of the Board of China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. HUO DA Chairman TC – 15 H H 486 H 486 H 8 48 H 2020 7 28 TC – 16