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爱玛科技:2021 Annual Report2022-06-11  

                        2021 Annual Report

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                    2021 Annual Report

Stock Code:603529                        Abbreviation: Aima Technology

          2021 Annual Report

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                                                2021 Annual Report

                                           Letter to Shareholders

Dear Shareholders:
      In 1999, Ms. Duan Hua and I jointly founded Taimei Bicycle Business, former Aima Technology. Its growth
over 20 years can be described with three major phases: (1) transformation from trading to manufacture (1999-
2004), and from wholesale and retail of bicycles to production and management of bicycles; (2) transformation
from bicycle to electric vehicle (2004-2019), and from production and management of bicycles to development
and manufacture of electric two-wheel vehicles with self-owned brands; (3) transformation from R&D and
manufacture of electric two-wheel vehicle to digital and smart technological company (2019 to date).The
Company continues to promote change & transformation, and is committed to becoming the world's leading
platform-based technology company that provides green and convenient travel solutions. The year 2021 is the
first year after Aima Technology was public-listed, and is also the milestone year in its development history, and
will start the new development era of Aima Technology.
      Electric two-wheel vehicle is important short-distance transportation and production tool for Chinese
residents. This industry originated, grew rapidly, and became flourishing in China. A complete industry chain has
been formed and relevant products are entering international market after two-decade’s development. In the
past year, the Company, strategically, has deeply developed the market by adhering to its strategic objective to
focus on two-wheel vehicles, expand on multi-wheel vehicles, build around travel, and continue transformation;
and also adhering to the strategic axis of “Customer-Centricity, Outstanding Products, Market Cultivation, and
Diligent Operations”. The Company has firmly progressed in the transformation to becoming a digital and smart
technological company. During last year the Company closely cooperated with its suppliers, dealers, staff and
stakeholders to build the value chain and sustainable industrial ecosystem, and jointly overcome the adverse
impact of COVID-19. Operationally, the Company has made great efforts in improvement of product power,
channel capacity and capability, brand power, technological power, productivity, operational capacity, and
achieved significant financial performance. In 2021, the Company recorded revenue of RMB 15,398,710,870.72,
representing a year-on-year increase of 19.33%, net profit of RMB 667,721,279.19, representing a year-on-year
increase of 9.49%, and the profit attributable to owners of the parent of RMB 663,998,092.90, representing a
year-on-year increase of 10.94%. As of 31 December 2021, the total assets of the Company were RMB
13,396,944,911.18, an increase of 40.16%, and the net assets attributable to owners of the parent of RMB
4,974,827,390.92, an increase of 89.17% compared with the end of last year.
      Differentiation, high-end orientation, intelligence and internationalization will be the development trend of
future electric two-wheel vehicle industry. Smart technology and networking technology will become the public
technologies of the industry. The Company will monitor industry trend; catch industry opportunity; answer to
user’s demand; lead innovative development; enhance research, development and application of new
technologies, new materials and new processes; continually promote marketing, manufacture, decision-making,
management and coordination with digital and smart technologies, and achieve its overall empowerment in all
      Based on the operating performance and overall financial condition of the Company in 2021, the board of
directors has proposed the profit distribution plan and capitalization of capital reserves for the year 2021, taking
into consideration of the Company’s future business development and reasonable return to shareholders. The
Company will distribute a cash dividend of RMB 5.00 (tax included) and issue 4 shares converted by capital
reserve, for every 10 shares held by all shareholders of the Company before 30 June 2022, based on the total
share capital on the registration date. This plan has been submitted to 2021 annual general meeting for
consideration and approval.
      We respect the market, respond to our customers, and reward our shareholders. The Company’s excellent
performance is the best return to shareholders, employees and the public. We insist on creating long-term value
for our shareholders, just like we uphold the belief that “Customer-Centricity”. We are so grateful of all
shareholders for the long journey we have taken together, and I thank you all for the long-lasting support and
trust! Aima Technology will cooperate with our shareholders, stick to our core business values, i.e. Customer-
Centricity, Hard-Working, Honesty & Integrity, and Openness & Innovation. We will continually develop our main
business and strive to become the leader in providing green and convenient transportation solutions for the world.
      I hereby express my gratitude for the staff and management of the Company because it is the teamwork
and solidarity of everyone that drives the progress. Those areas of progress are also inseparable from the long-
term support and acceptance from our shareholders, customers and suppliers, to whom I also owed a big

                                                   Chairman of the Board:

                                                                                                    April 15, 2022

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                                                 2021 Annual Report

                                               Important Notice
I. The Board of Directors (the “Board”), the Board of Supervisors, the directors, the supervisors and
    senior executives of the Company warrant that there are no false representations or misleading
    statements contained in, or material omissions from, this report; and jointly and severally accept full
    responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this
II. All members of the Board attended the Board Meeting.
III. Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP audited and issued a standard unqualified opinion on the annual
    financial statements of the Company.
IV. Zhang Jian, representative of the Company, Zheng Hui, person in charge of accounting operation,
    and head of Accounting Department, make representations in respect of the truthfulness, accuracy
    and completeness of the financial statements contained in the annual report.
V. Proposal for profit distribution and proposal for the capitalization of capital reserve during the
    reporting period approved by the Board
      Upon the audit by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP, the Company recorded the profit attributable to owners of
the parent of RMB 663,998,092.90, and the parent company recorded the net profit of RMB 467,275,778.15 in
2021. By 31 December 2021, the undistributed accumulated profit of the Company amounted to RMB
1,547,164,343.56. Pursuant to the resolution at the 25th meeting of the fourth session of the Board, the Company
intends to take the total shares on the registration date as the basis to execute the profit distribution and
capitalization of capital reserve in year 2021 as below:
      1. The Company intends to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 5.00 (tax included) per 10 shares to all
shareholders. Based on the total share capital of 410,440,003 shares of the Company so far, the cash dividend
to be distributed as above will be RMB 205,220,001.50 in total (tax included). The cash dividend of the Company
in this year accounts for 30.91% in the net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company. After the
profit distribution, the remaining balance of undistributed profit will be accumulated for further distribution in the
years to come.
      2. The Company intends to issue 4 shares converted by capital reserve, per 10 shares to all shareholders.
Based on the total share capital of 410,440,003 shares of the Company so far, the total shares of the Company
will increase to 574,616,004 shares after this conversion (the total share capital of the Company is based on the
final registration result of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch, in
case of the rounding differences if any).
      Before the equity registration date of equity distribution, if the total equity of the Company changes due to
equity-based incentives, repurchase and cancellation of shares granted by equity-based incentives and other
matters, the Company intends to maintain the ratio of distribution and conversion unchanged, and
correspondingly adjust the amount of profit distribution and capital reserve capitalization. This matter needs to
be submitted to the 2021 annual general meeting of the Company for consideration.
VI. Risk relating to forward-looking statements
√Applicable Not applicable
      The future plan, development strategy and other forward-looking statements contained in the report do not
constitute any substantive commitments to investors of the Company. Investors should be fully aware of the
relevant risks and the difference among plan, forecast and commitments, and pay attention to investment risk.
VII. Whether controlling shareholder and its affiliated parties occupy fund on a non-operating purpose
VIII. Whether there was any violation of regulations, decisions or procedures in relation to provisions of
external guarantees
IX. Whether over half of board members cannot guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness
of the annual report declared by the Company
X. Significant risk notice
      In the reporting period, there was no significant risk with material impact on the production and management
of the Company. The Company had described in details relevant risks that may face in the course of production
and operation in the report. Please refer to Section 3, VI. (IV)Possible risks.
XI. Other
Applicable √Not applicable

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                                            2021 Annual Report

                                          Table of Contents
    Section 1     Definition
    Section 2     Company Profile and Key Financial Indexes
    Section 3     Discussion and Analysis of the Management
    Section 4     Corporate Governance
    Section 5     Environmental and Social Responsibility
    Section 6     Significant Events
    Section 7     Changes in Common Shares and Information about Shareholders
    Section 8     Preferred Shares
    Section 9     Corporate Bonds
    Section 10    Financial Report

                 (I) Full text and Abstract of the Company’s Annual Report signed by the legal representative
                 of the Company and stamped by the Company;
Documents        (II) Financial statements signed by the legal representative, the Financial Controller, and the
Available for    head of the accounting department (accounting supervisor) and stamped by the Company;
Reference        (III) The originals of all the Company’s documents and announcements disclosed on
                 newspapers designed by China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting

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                                                    2021 Annual Report

                                                   Section 1 Definition
I. Definition
     In this report, unless otherwise stated in the context, the following terms have the following meanings:
    Definition of common terms
    Aima Technology /Aima
    /Company/the Company /the refers to Aima Technology Group Co., LTD.
    Group /Aima Group
                                                  Changxing Dingai Investment Management Partnership (Limited
    Changxing Dingai                 refers to
                                                  Guangdong Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Aima
    Guangdong Aima                   refers to
                                                  Jiangsu Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Aima
    Jiangsu Aima                     refers to
    Aima Nanfang                     refers to Aima Nanfang Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
                                                  Tianjin Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Tianjin Aima/Tianjin Vehicle     refers to
                                                  Zhejiang Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Zhejiang Aima                    refers to
    Henan Aima                       refers to Henan Aima Vehicle Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
    Aima Sports/Tianjin Sports       refers to Tianjin Aima Sports Goods Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
    Guangxi Aima                     refers to Guangxi Aima Vehicle Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
                                                  Tianjin Suiwanwan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
    Tianjin Suiwanwan                refers to
                                                  Aima Technology
                                                  Tianjin Jinge Industrial Design Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Tianjin Jinge                    refers to
    Xiaopa Electric Technology                    Xiaopa Electric Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
                                     refers to
    /Xiaopa Technology                            Technology
                                                  Wuxi Zhuoyue Industrial Design Co., Ltd., a subsidiary transferred by
    Wuxi Zhuoyue                     refers to
                                                  Aima Technology in the period of report
    Sichuan Aima Technology          refers to Sichuan Aima Technology., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
                                                  Tianjin Aima Share Technology Services Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Aima Share                       refers to
                                                  Tianjin Xiaoma Network Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Xiaoma Network                   refers to
    Tianjin Tianli                   refers to Tianjin Tianli Electric Bicycle Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
                                                  Aima Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Chongqing Aima                   refers to
    Hainan Aima                      refers to Aima Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
                                                  Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Chongqing Vehicle                refers to
    Zhejiang Technology              refers to Aima Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima Technology
                                                  Taizhou Aima Vehicle Manufacture Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Taizhou Aima                     refers to
                                                  Aima Growth Venture Capital (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Ningbo Venture Capital           refers to
                                                  Shenzhen Aima Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of AIMA
    Shenzhen Zhixing                 refers to
                                                  Zhejiang Beisite Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
    Zhejiang Beisite                 refers to
                                                  Aima Technology
                                                  Lishui Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Lishui Vehicle                   refers to
                                                  Suoteng Technology Hong Kong Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Aima
    Suoteng Technology               refers to
                                                  Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd., a company in which Aima
    Tianjin Jiema                    refers to
                                                  Technology holds shares
                                                  Zhejiang Today Sunshine New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd., a company in
    Today Sunshine                   refers to
                                                  which Aima Technology holds shares
                                                  Shandong Geling Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., a company in which Aima
    Shandong Geling                  refers to
                                                  Technology holds shares
                                                  Taizhou Jinfu Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership),a
    Taizhou Jinfu                    refers to
                                                  company in which Aima Technology holds shares
                                                  Shandong Aidebang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a company in
    Aidebang                         refers to
                                                  which Taizhou Jinfu holds shares

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                                                2021 Annual Report

                                            Beijing Zhongzhong Travel Technology Co., Ltd., a company in which
Beijing Zhongzhong              refers to
                                            Aima Technology holds shares
CITIC Investment                refers to   CITIC Securities Investment Co., Ltd.
                                            GoldStone Zhiyu Equity Investment (Hangzhou) Partnership (Limited
GoldStone Zhiyu                 refers to
                                            GoldStone Haofeng Equity Investment (Hangzhou) Partnership
GoldStone Haofeng               refers to
                                            (Limited Partnership)
                                            Three Gorges GoldStone (Shenzhen) Equity Investment Fund
Three Gorges GoldStone          refers to
                                            Partnership (Limited Partnership)
New National Standard           refers to   GB17761-2018 Safety Technical Specification for Electric Bicycle
CRSC                                        China Securities Regulatory Commission
SSE                             refers to   Shanghai Stock Exchange
Company Law                     refers to   Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
Securities Law                  refers to   Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
                                            Expressed in the Chinese currency of RMB
RMB, RMB’0000                  refers to
                                            Expressed in tens of thousands of RMB
Articles of Association         refers to   Articles of Tianjin Aima Technology Co., Ltd.
Reporting Period                refers to   January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
Same period of last year        refers to   January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020
                                            Electric two-wheel vehicles contain “electric bicycles” defined according
                                            to the standard Safety Technical Specification for Electric Bicycle
Electric two-wheel vehicles     refers to   (GB17761-2018) and “electric moped” and “electric motorcycle” with
                                            two wheels defined according to Technical Terms of Motorcycle and
                                            Moped Part 1: Type of Vehicle (GB/T5359.1-2019).
                                            “Electric moped” and “electric motorcycle” with two wheels defined
Electric           two-wheel
                                refers to   according to Technical Terms of Motorcycle and Moped Part 1: Type of
                                            Vehicle (GB/T5359.1-2019).

                        Section 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indexes
I. Company’s Information
 Chinese name                                     爱玛科技集团股份有限公司
 Abbreviation of Chinese name                     爱玛科技
 English name                                     Aima Technology Group Co.,Ltd.
 Abbreviation of English name                     AIMA
 Legal representative                             Zhang Jian

II. Contact Information
                                  Board Secretary                            Securities Representative
 Name                Wang Chunyan                                  Li Xin, Yang Fei
                     22/F, Global Financial Center, No. 2 Dagu     22/F, Global Financial Center, No. 2 Dagu
                     North Road, Heping District, Tianjin City     North Road, Heping District, Tianjin City
 Tel                 022-5959 6888                                 022-5959 6888
 Fax                 022-5959 9570                                 022-5959 9570
 Email               amkj@aimatech.com                             amkj@aimatech.com

III. General Company Information
                                                  No. 5 Aima Road, South Area, Jinghai Economic Development
 Registered address
                                                  Area, Tianjin City
 Changes of registered address                    Not applicable
                                                  No. 5 Aima Road, South Area, Jinghai Economic Development
 Office address
                                                  Area, Tianjin City
 Zip code                                         301600
 Website                                          www.aimatech.com
 Email                                            amkj@aimatech.com

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          IV. Information Disclosure and Place of Preparation
         Media and websites where this Report is        Securities Times, Securities Daily, China Securities Journal ,
         disclosed                                      Shanghai Securities News
         Stock exchange website where this Report
         is disclosed
         Place where this Report is lodged              The Securities Department of the Company

          V. Stock Profile
                                                              Stock profile
                                                                                                          Abbreviation of stock
            Category of stock     Stock exchange        Abbreviation of stock           Stock code
                                                                                                            before change
                                  Shanghai Stock
                 A share                                 Aima Technology                   603529            Not applicable

          VI. Other Relevant Information
                                       Name                             Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP
       Accounting firm engaged by      Office address                   16/F Ernst & Young Building, Eastern Square, No. 1
       the Company (domestic)                                           Dongchangan Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing City
                                       Signed by the Accountants        Zhang Jiong, Zhang Bin
                                       Name                             CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.
                                       Office address                   CITIC Securities Building, No. 48 Liangmaqiao Road,
       Sponsor that exercised
                                                                        Chaoyang District, Beijing City
       supervision  over    the
       Company in the Reporting        Name        of      sponsor
                                                                        Luan Peiqiang, Qin Guoan
       Period                          representative signing
                                       Period of continual direction
                                                                        June 15, 2021 to December 31, 2023
                                       and supervision

          VII. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indexes in Recent Three Years
          (I) Major accounting data
                                                                                                        In: Yuan currency: RMB

      Major accounting data                     2021                            2020                Change (%)             2019

Revenue                                    15,398,710,870.72               12,904,586,099.11             19.33        10,423,830,989.66
Profit attributable to owners of the
                                               663,998,092.90                  598,524,584.35            10.94           521,528,433.85
Net profit excluding non-recurring
gains or losses attributable to                616,214,620.89                  513,503,070.76            20.00           509,692,003.38
owners of the parent
Net cash flows from operating
                                             2,094,187,373.97               1,154,579,844.77             81.38          1,413,660,782.04

                                           2021 year end                   2020 year end            Change (%)        2019 year end

Net assets attributable to owners of
                                             4,974,827,390.92               2,629,761,352.35             89.17          2,033,834,831.94
the parent
Total assets                               13,396,944,911.18                9,558,496,657.40             40.16          7,832,809,565.53

          (II) Major financial indexes
                   Major financial indexes                          2021            2020                Change (%)                2019
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                  1.79             1.77                            1.13         1.54
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                1.79             1.77                            1.13         1.54
Basic earning per share excluding non-recurring gains or              1.66             1.52                            9.21         1.51
losses (RMB/share)
Net return on equity, weighted average(%)                            17.46           25.65    Reducing by 8.19 per cent          29.43
Net return on equity excluding non-recurring gains or losses,          16.31           22.42    Reducing by 6.11 per cent          28.86
weighted average(%)

          Description of major accounting data and financial indexes of the Company within three years before the end
          of the reporting period

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                                                                  2021 Annual Report

               Applicable √Not applicable
               VIII. Difference of Accounting Data under Domestic and International Accounting Standards
               (I) Difference between net profits in the financial report concurrently disclosed according to international
               accounting standard and accounting standard of China, and difference between net assets attributable
               to owners of the parent
               Applicable √Not applicable

               (II)Difference between net profits in the financial report concurrently disclosed according to overseas
               accounting standard and accounting standard of China, and difference between net assets attributable
               to owners of the parent
               Applicable √Not applicable

                (III) Description of difference between overseas and domestic accounting standards:
               Applicable √Not applicable

               IX. Major Financial Data by Quarter in 2021
                                                                                                         In: Yuan currency: RMB
                                                 Q1                           Q2                    Q3                       Q4
                                             (Jan. - Mar.)                (Apr. - Jun.)        (Jul. - Sep.)             (Oct. -Dec.)
Revenue                                      3,127,600,595.24             4,184,053,599.90    5,201,040,110.24          2,886,016,565.34
Net profit attributable to owners of
                                               151,953,448.66              161,943,817.42      263,769,668.98            86,331,157.84
the parent
Net profit excluding non-recurring
gains or losses, attributable to
                                               142,276,620.99              157,741,453.10      249,679,534.14            66,517,012.66
owners of the parent

Net cash flows from operating
                                               201,242,763.42              367,203,056.71     1,962,067,831.98         -436,326,278.14

               Description of difference between quarterly data and data of the disclosed periodical report
               Applicable √Not applicable

               X. Non-recurring Gains or Losses Items and Amounts
               √Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                       In: Yuan currency: RMB
                    Non-recurring gains or losses                               2021             2020                 2019
   Gains or losses from disposal of non-current assets                       -12,713,091.69    -8,941,375.47       -16,490,802.43
   Government grants recognised in during profit or loss
   (excluding those having close relationship with the Company’s
   normal business, conforming to the national policies and                   34,294,933.55    41,825,036.44         9,620,797.77
   regulations and enjoying ongoing fixed amount or quantity
   according to certain standard)
   The investment costs for acquiring subsidiaries, associates
   and joint ventures were less than the income generated by the
   fair value of the identifiable net assets of the investee at the
   time of acquiring the investment
   Except for the effective hedging business related to the
   ordinary business of the Company, changes in fair value of
   financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading, as well
   as the return on investment generated from the disposal of                  9,978,187.68    12,219,498.91         4,354,681.92
   financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and
   financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
   Net non-operating income or expenses other than the above
                                                                               6,361,478.19     6,780,501.09         4,865,456.21
   Other gain or loss in compliance with the definition of non-
                                                                              22,292,050.35    61,478,357.16        13,431,773.83
   recurring gain or loss
   Less: Amount affected by the income tax                                    15,927,824.01    28,340,504.54         3,945,476.83
                                  Total                                       47,783,472.01    85,021,513.59        11,836,430.47

               Description on defining the non-recurring gains or losses items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1
               on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring gains or losses
               as recurring profit and loss items
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                                                      2021 Annual Report

         Applicable √Not applicable
         XI. Items Measured with Fair Value
               √Applicable      Not applicable
                                                                                      In: Yuan currency: RMB
                                                                                                Impact to the
        Name of item                                  Ending balance       Change              profit or loss of
                                                                                               current period
Financial assets at fair value
through other
                                     194,010,599.36      49,295,422.59     -144,715,176.77
comprehensive income-
receivables financing
Financial asset held for
                                     458,440,486.16   1,265,981,818.24     807,541,332.08         33,074,371.64
            Total                    652,451,085.52   1,315,277,240.83     662,826,155.31         33,074,371.64

         XII. Other
         Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                2021 Annual Report

                   Section 3 Discussion and Analysis of the Management

I.   Discussion and Analysis on Operation Situation
     In the reporting period, with more intensive industry competition, rising cost of raw materials, and other
disadvantages, the Company focused on its core business, namely, development and manufacture of electric
two-wheel vehicles by adhering to its strategic axis of “Customer-Centricity, Outstanding Products, Market
Cultivation, and Diligent Operations”, and executing its strategic directives of transformation to digital and smart
technological company. The Company strictly implemented the annual business & operating plan; and achieved
good business results.
     In the reporting period, the Company recorded revenue of RMB 15,398.71 million, representing a year-on-
year increase of 19.33%, the profit attributable to owners of the parent of RMB 664.00 million, representing a
year-on-year increase of 10.94%, and the profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to owners
of the parent of RMB 616.21 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 20.00%. The key milestones of the
Company in 2021 were described below:
     (I) Improvement of product power
     1. Implemented forward development idea and developed hot products
     The Company's core and base is to meet user needs. To meet that goal, the Company established APDS
processes (development processes of AIMA products), which carried out product life-cycle management
covering planning, R&D, marketing, end-of-life from market, improved method and tool for scenario simulation
and investigation of users’ demand, increased relevant inputs, and enhanced success rate of new product
development. Based on the deep understanding of the current consumption demand and fashion trend, the
Company established “Hot Product Sales Improvement” project team, developed key vehicle types that could
accurately meet the demand of a category of consumers by virtue of APDS processes, and utmost enhanced
market reputation and sales of the vehicle type with the marketing methods suitable for the vehicle’s features
and psychology of the consumer group.
     With implementation of APDS, the Company strictly met the keypoint requirements in user image description,
project planning, synchronous development, cost control, quality control and other processes, and ensured each
vehicle model developed as a high-quality product. In the reporting period, the development success rate of new
products of the Company was significantly improved, multiple key vehicle models became popular, and different
consumers deeply liked them, for example, Air force One aiming for technology & fashion, Nina for retro &
modern and XiaoAi for elegance & smartness, etc. In addition, introduction of APDS processes benefited
accurate planning and sales increase, and also contributed reduction of operating costs, as well as optimization
of SKU, its structure and proportional increase of new products and high-margin products in sales.

      2. Carried out all-process quality control system to guarantee product quality
      In R&D aspect, the Company promoted overall implementation of PLM (product life-cycle management)
system on the basis of continual upgrade and optimization of APDS development system, improved
management of quality control keypoint in the course of product development, and sufficiently guaranteed quality
of product introduced into mass production.
      In procurement aspect, the Company continually optimized purchasing management system, improved
supliers qualification, scorecard, performance review, cost comparison, quality control of incoming materials,
quality improvement by suppliers, delivery schedule integration with production plan, and achieved the
management target of timely delivery, cost control and quality guarantee.
      In manufacture aspect, the Company made three business breakthroughs by improvement on quality,
efficiency and logistics under the guidance of the strategy of digital and smart manufacture and in consideration
of QCD (quality, cost and delivery term) operational indicators. Especially in the production processes, the
Company established scientific and restrict keypoint quality control, and used advanced management tools such
as all-process real-time quality management system in order to achieve quality stability and consistence.
      In quality control aspect, the Company executed the quality standard stricter than national standard. In the
reporting period, the Company increased and amended its internal quality standard, added more investment to
testing equipment, and obtained sufficient testing data through virtual simulation and physical testing so as to
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maintain good and stable quality. Furthermore, the Company improved quality control management efficiency
by quality control data standardization and traceability of quality problems.
     3. Suffciently utilized localized marketing function overseas, understood international demand, and
developed products that meet demand of overseas users
     The Company systemically analyzed the regional characteristics and consumption habits of the major
markets in the world, worked out market development plan according to concrete situation. First of all, the
Company intends to realize localization of international marketing team in respective markets. In the reporting
period, our International Business Department established Micro-Travel Business Center for overseas market,
and dispatched marketing teams in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions. They deeply
understood local major segments, and independently developed high-speed electric motorcycles, e-bikes,
electric scooters and other products according to the demand of overseas users.

      (II) Improvement of channel capacity and capability
      1. In the aspect of offline channels, increased quantity of terminals and improved output of single
      The Company insisted on value integration of factory and distributor, took construction of channel as its key
point of strategy and established distribution network system with large coverage and high efficiency. We
improved the penetration and coverage of products. In terms of channel expansion, on one hand, the Company
continued the “channel sinking” strategy. The Company actively extended its channel to city communities and
areas of township, and increased numbers of retail stores; on the other hand, the Company established
scorecards and dynamic channel management system, and ensured rigorous development of its channel system
to “retain winners and retire losers” At the end of reporting period, the Company’s dealership network exceeded
2,000, and retail stores exceeded 20,000. In order to improve output of single store, the Company conducted
the empowerment training for dealer’s store managers and sales assistants both online and offline, completed
upgrade of digital and smart technology on all-channel marketing, set up digital stores and their new online retail
platform, and improved stores operations in all aspects.
      2. In the aspect of online channel, multi-platform operation
      The Company organized a professional e-commerce operation team, actively carried out digital marketing
and entered into e-commerce platforms, such as JD.com, Tmall.com, Suning.com and Pinduoduo.com. The
Company also sold goods through live streaming with the platforms such as Tiktok, Kuaishou, and provided
diversified, convenient and quick shopping experience by online ordering and offline delivery, together with offline
delivery and after-sales service to achieve online and offline coordinated sales.
      3. Actively explored establishment of local marketing network abroad
      The Company’s International Business Department actively explored international market, and established
local marketing network abroad. In the reporting period, the Company strengthened recruitment of talents for
international business and construction of functional teams.
      (III) Improvement of brand power
      1. Improved brand premium with multiple measures
      Aima Technology has engaged in two-wheel vehicle industry for more than 20 years, and becomes the
company with great popularity and reputation in the industry. With “differentiation” and “high-end” strategy, the
Company improved its brand image and brand premium with multi-channel and all-direction strategy, in the
meantime widely met customer’s demands.
      In the aspect of product development, the Company increased investment in R&D, improved product
performance and process design, improved product “quality-touch”, and accelerated brand premium by
increasing additional value of product. In the aspect of product structure, the Company reasonably designed
product categories according to consumer demand, distinguished product grades, actively controlled the
promotion of high-end products, created incentives for dealers to sell more of medium and high-end products,
reduced the proportion of low-end products in the product mix, and achieved brand upgrade. In the aspect of
upgrade of retail stores, retail stores are the major windows for brand image exhibition. In the reporting period,
the Company completed upgrade and reconstruction of stores from decoration standard, store layout, product
display and other areas. The store image reflected the theme of “technology and fashion”, improved fashion
sense and technological sense of the Company’s brands and products, and provided more comfortable shopping
experiences for our customers. In the aspect of marketing, the Company used IP making, scenario
empowerment, and embedded commercials within TV drama & entertainment to establish and strengthen
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emotional bond between its products and customers, thus end users responded and recognized the brands and
products of the Company, which in turn enhanced the “brand tone”.
      In the era of “travel in low carbon way” and “competition with best customer service”, two-wheel electric
vehicle is one of the major transport tools for consumers. Aima Technology provided personalized, low-carbon,
high-end, smart products and services with multi-faceted and multi-level experiences for end-use customers,
and enhanced AIMA’s brand reputation and recognition from consumers.
      2. Brand construction in the new online traffic era
      The Company continually explored brand publicity strategy in the new online traffic era. In the reporting
period, the Company purchased commercial advertisements from China Central Television Network (“CCTV”)
and other top media, and high-speed railway media. It also attempted offline pilots, such as star-adoring plan
(increasing channel delivery), racing-car promotion (improving sale of new products), “spider-web movement”
(clearing inventories of obsolete products), cross-border collaboration on content streaming (low-cost marketing),
and other market promotion measures. The Company made live-stream activities on new streaming platforms
such as Tiktok, Kuaishou and Little Red Book. In addition, The Company insisted on value integration of factory
and distributor, established a professional training system, and staffed a business team to improve marketing
capacity for dealers who leveraged online streaming, including the matrix setup of live-stream for dealers.
      3. Brand polishing strategy
      The Company implemented brand polishing strategy for high-end differentiation, including:(1) improvement
of R&D capacity to build the foundation framework; the Company believed independent R&D capacity of core
technologies involved with cruising mileage, driving safety, smart function played an important role for high-end
development and long-term competition; (2) made the capability of product development as the basis for high-
end brand. With its great development and innovation capacity, the Company manufactured series products from
popular to high-end, developed a matrix of differentiated products by accumulating brand reputation in high-end
market; (3) carried out overall high-end marketing plan to improve brand image, including retail store image
upgrade, IP marketing, scenario empowerment, embedded commercials within TV drama & entertainment, and
      (IV)Improvement of technological power
      The Company fully adopted its development strategy of “transformation to technological company” and took
R&D as its major measure to improve product performance, competitive advantage and engine of long-term
growth. For this particular reason, the Company actively promoted transformation in R&D management and
implemented its project manager system; actively brought in experts and R&D employees, and optimized the
talent structure of R&D team; the Company had a stronger and more vigorous innovative R &D culture; the
Company also established Aima Central Research Institution for concentrating on research of industry core
technology, and promoting smart technology and application, including Internet of vehicles consumption software,
IOT-linked smart hardware. In the reporting period, the Company applied for 52 invention patents, 123 utility
models. The R&D achievements that have been applied included AimaOS smart driving system, new smart
lithium battery and etc. The Company intended to further working on the application of smart helmet, hub motor,
smart device and others
      The Company laid down the ground work and R&D work of core technologies by focusing on user
experience and the carbon peak and neutrality targets. The Company achieved major breakthrough in large-
power and efficient motor and other fields, established advanced end-to-end development processes, and
significantly improved whole vehicle experience by process and standard optimization under user’s demand
      The cost control team specially established by the Company effectively reduced production costs in the
condition of guaranteeing product quality by improving vehicle body structure design, introducing new materials
and new technologies and new processes, and improving existing materials and production processes. In the
reporting period, the Company used PP baking & painting and other cost control measures to improve cost-
related competitive advantage of the Company.
      Besides the above R&D items that can be applied in a short term, the Company also prepared for future
development and made technology reserves through research and development. The Company carried out
development and application researches with a few of universities and research institutions on storage battery
under new energy framework.
      (V) Improvement of productivity
      1. Manufacture and operation management and cost control
      Under three core driving factors including ABS (Aima lean operation system) methodology, talent cultivation
and benchmark setup, the Company raised Aima lean production level, improved the “Improvement Week”
management mechanism, and established performance and contribution-oriented incentive mechanism. In daily
work, the Company implemented the procedures of daily monitoring, continuous improvement, incentivized
demonstration, and coded enhancement. The Company took measures to implement overall budget and annual
operating plan, optimize production capacity with material supply both in busy and off seasons, improve inventory
turnover rate with reduction of long-turnover materials, and control the cost from manufacture, materials and
quality assurance.
      2. Integration of sales and production, value chain integration and use of more information
technologies in manufacture
      The Company completed construction of basic framework of information system in all processes of
manufacture, upgrade of Supplier Resources Management (“SRM”) system and requirement of data transfer

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between manufacture system and SRM. Based on the requirement of integration of sales and production, the
Company researched various information technology solutions and designed implementation plans; the
Company successfully pushed out online APS (Advanced Programming System), MES (Manufacture Execution
System), And on (abnormality management system), QMS (quality management system) and EAM (Enterprise
Asset Management System). The Company achieved seamless connection between manufacture system and
marketing system, integrated digital value chain, smart management and decision-making system, and formed
industry-leading digital and smart standards and best practices. The Company also achieved perfect connection
among marketing plan, production management, purchasing management, storage and transportation
management, plan releasing, order scheduling, production arrangement, production delivery and material control
in the whole process, and resulted in the improvement of manufacture efficiency and product quality.
      3. Lean production with vehicle manufacture platform
      Based on the opportunities of digital and smart management system and APDS process, the Company
established platform, module and data system for new vehicle planning, development, delivery and sales, thus
made a great progress in flexibility of vehicle development, development efficiency and cost control. It in turn
benefited the responsiveness to consumer demand and market opportunity. In current reporting period, the R&D
efficiency of the Company improved by 20%.
      (VI) Improvement of operation capacity
      1. Human resources
       The Company appreciated human capital under the talent management idea of “showing respect for our
staff, improving their competence and making them happy”. In the aspect of talent team construction, the
Company cultivated the “talent forest” idea by external recruitment and internal training to attract experienced
R&D talents and formed “talent forest”; it also conducted on-campus recruitment for graduating students from
universities and colleges as its talent reserve. The Company focused on talent cultivation, talent development
and manager-trainee program, and established qualification system for professionals and technicians. The
Company set up training platform (Aida Course) and released “navigation courses” and “initiation courses” for
top management and low-level managers. In 2021 the platform provided innovation TRIZ courses, cross-culture
courses, courses for gold medal technicians, operator training courses, courses for gold medal team leaders and
courses for craftsmen. In the aspect of remuneration and incentive, the Company continuously optimized the
system based on “Fighter Culture” and performance management result. The Company provided equity incentive
by issuing restrictive stocks to key members of employees for their personal growth and bondage with the
      2. Digital and smart transformation of finance
      The Company linked front-end transactions and back-end finance with smart share system in order to realize
internal and external connection. All internal business lines and external transaction records were connected; all
transactions with external parties were recorded. It significantly improved operation efficiency, quickly responded
to customer’s demand, and integrated deep combination of finance, business and tax.
      The Company sets up data platform between business and management, removed silos between business
systems, and laid foundations for data storage, data management, data use and other digital decision-makings.
With the implementation of financial share center, the Company established data platform to integrate its internal
and external resources, so as to achieve the following developments: from business end data gathering to
financial end processing, overall online analysis, real-time interconnection and automatic and digital
development of finance. Besides, the Company achieved cash flow forecast, income forecast, costs and
expenses forecast; made business and financial data connected; implemented strategic target; and provided
timely, compliant and stable business support for the Company.
      The Company established management accounting and data analysis system to provide digital basis for
effective decision-making by management. With implementation of digital and smart financial system, the
Company systemically improved efficiency and effectiveness in overall budget management, production cost
management, capital management, and interpreted the operation result with detailed and accurate financial data
and information.
      3. Optimization of service system
      The Company optimized service system, standardized service content, service process and service
timeliness on the digital and smart service platform, and fully improved service quality and consumer experience.
The Company also expanded professional service stores and service coverage scope (including scope of region
and brand) to meeting user’s demand.
      In addition, based on the demand from our customers on the battery charging and replacement demand
with safety and convenience, the Company replied upon its long-term channels, capitals and other resources,
and explored its service offering on its comprehensive energy supply system.
      4. Digital and smart overall empowerment
      In the reporting period, the Company continuously invested in the digital and smart field, implemented “361
Digital and Smart Engineering” strategy, and set up multi-layer and multi-field digital and smart management
system with advanced management idea and digital and smart technologies. To empower various business
fields and improve operation efficiency of whole value chain, the Company achieved in milestones across product
development, production process, marketing upgrade, service provision, financial management and other areas.

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II. Company’s Industry in The Reporting Period
      The first electric two-wheel vehicle appeared in China in 1995. After rapid development for more than 20
years, electric two-wheel vehicle became the important transportation and production tools of short-distance
travel for Chinese residents.
      Before implementation of Chinese New National Standard in 2019, the complete industrial eco-system and
broad market condition were formed. The cumulative ownership of electric bicycles in the society has exceeded
250 million sets, and annual average of production and sales quantity maintained some 35 million sets for years,
and market competition was intensive and industrial concentration degree was low.
      The Chinese New National Standard, released in 2019, regulated research and development, production,
sale, distribution and use of electric bicycles, and brought industry new opportunities. Meanwhile, local
governments set up different transition periods for implementation of New National Standard. According to the
actual situation, it was estimated that the transition period would expire at the end of 2024. After the transition
period, the vehicle models, which didn’t meet the requirements of New National Standard, would not be allowed
to run on roads. The subsequent replacement demand would bring new growth point for market volume. With
the compound demands on both organic growth and replacement, the industry entered a new rapid growth period.
In this phase, market shares would be further taken by large-scale, leading and brand enterprises, the industry
would accelerate optimization, and the degree of market concentration would increase.
      Under the macroscopic background of economy transformation, information technology, the carbon peak
and neutrality targets and COVID-19 impact, the consumer electric two-wheel vehicles market showed three
trends:(1) consumption upgrades and personalized consumer demand; (2) environmental protection
awareness by consumers;(3) consumer’s pursuit of convenience and smart technology. In addition, due to the
increased demand from international markets, electric two-wheel industry, originated, developed and flourished
in China, would further penetrate into overseas markets and accelerate its internationalization within the
industry. For this reason, the industry would be trending toward differentiation, high-end orientation,
intelligence and internationalization. After the transition period of the Chinese New National Standard expires,
and the industry would enter a new round of rapid development period, driven by the deep understanding of
consumer demand and product customization, continuous implementation of Internet technologies, smart
technologies and new energy technologies in electric two-wheel vehicle industry, and the expansion and
further growth of global business.

                       Form Development Stages of Electric Two-wheel Vehicle Industry
                                                                                    Industry features and
    development              Period         Development characteristics
                         From 1995 to
                                                                                Many manufacturers, serious
    Generation and       New National       Rapid development from zero
                                                                                product homogenization and
  rapid development     Standard taking
                                                                                  fragmented market share
                           From New           Market volume increasing         Many small enterprises withdraw
                            National         Regulatory system improved        competition, the market share of
     Transition to
                        Standard taking         Industry order meeting            head enterprises is being
                        effect to expiry             specification              improved, and resources are
                          of transition     Market concentration degree             concentrated to head
                             period                    improved                          enterprises
                                              From mainly relying on the
                                                  local the market to
                         From expiry of
                                             combination of local market
      Future and           transition                                            Industry development shows
                                                 and overseas market
     transformed         period of New                                         differential, high-end, smart and
                                             The industry is transformed
     development            National                                                 international features
                                            from manufacture and sale of
                                             vehicles to service provision
                                                    based on users
III. Description of The Company’s Businesses in The Reporting Period
      (I) Main business of the Company
      The Company was established in 1999 and entered electric two-wheel vehicle industry in 2004, and it was
one of the earliest manufacturing enterprises of electric two-wheel vehicles in China. The main business of the
Company is development, production and sale of electric bicycle, electric moped and electric motorcycle. With
development for years, the Company has high market share and is one of leading enterprises in the electric two-
wheel vehicle industry.
        (II) Major products of the Company
      1. Electric two-wheel vehicles
      (1) Classification of products
                                                                 Electric two-wheel motorcycle
      Classification          Electric bicycle
                                                          Electric moped              Electric motorcycle

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     Nature           Non-motor vehicle              Motor vehicle                     Motor vehicle
     Pedal riding
                      Compulsory requirement         None                              None
     Highest          ≤25km/h                       ≤50km/h                          >50km/h
     Whole mass       Shall not exceed 55kg          May exceed 55kg                   May exceed 55kg
     Voltage of       ≤48V                          No restriction                    No restriction
     Production                                                                        With production
                      None                           With production qualification
     qualification                                                                     qualification
                                                                                       3C certification and
                                                     3C certification and
     Product                                         catalogue announcement of
                      3C certification                                                 announcement of the
     qualification                                   the Ministry of Industry and
                                                                                       Ministry of Industry and
                                                     Information Technology
                                                                                       Information Technology
      Riding                                                                           Motorcycle driver’s
                       None                           Motorcycle driver’s license
      qualification                                                                    license
     (2) “Engine MAX” series products
     In January 2021, the high-end series products of the Company were introduced in the market, the energy
control system installed on the series was independently developed by the Company for electric two-wheel
energy management system, and its core were SDS smart power system and CES braking energy recovery
system independently developed by the Company and granted with invention patent. The energy management
system can effectively integrate and significantly improve operation effect of efficient energy accumulation motor,
anti-aging graphene battery, low-rolling resistance tire, whole vehicle LED energy saving lamp component and
other high-quality accessories, and the technical parameters in energy density, energy depletion and energy
recovery had remarkable improvement. In the existing energy framework, energy usage of electric two-wheel
vehicle was optimized and the cruising mileage of vehicle and the service life of battery were improved.
     The engine series products had been verified for long term in the market in the aspect of cruising mileage,
and were widely recognized by customers. Their sales rapidly increased after the product was launched, and
the total sales of the Company in 2021 were 1,849,500 sets, 21.33% of total sales volume. The gross profit level
of the series was higher than the average gross profit level of the Company. The Company will continually take
the engine series products as key products, revamp and upgrade them, optimize their performance by deep
research and further strengthen promotion so as to improve the market penetration rate of the series products.
     2. Electric tricycle
     The electric tricycles in early days were mainly used for short-distance freight transport, and their consumers
were residents in rural area and towns. Their functional configuration and appearance design were mainly for
meeting freight demand, and their function was simple and vehicle models were few. In recent years, with gradual
implementation of urbanization, continuous improvement of people’s living standard, rise of economy of middle-
aged and old people, and other consumers, the demand to leisure and manned function of electric tricycle was
increasing. For this reason, the Company developed electric tricycle for leisure purpose, electric tricycle with
canopy, and electric tricycle for freight. The electric tricycle for leisure purpose was more suitable for the following
demands of young mothers, middle-aged and old people: leisure travel, pickup of children from and to school,
and relevant consumers liked it very much; the electric tricycle with canopy had the function of sheltering from
wind and rain, and it referred to the manufacture and assembly technology of car in the aspects of whole vehicle
design and manufacture process, and this product had good function and fashion features, and greatly met the
demand of comfortable short-distance travel; the electric tricycle for freight was added fashionable elements on
the basis of durability, and consumers highly accepted it. In the reporting period, the operating income of electric
tricycles of the Company increased by 94.29% year over year.

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     In addition, the Company has also launched bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters and other products, all of
them constitute green traffic tool product system for short and medium distance travel.
     (III) Operation model
     The Company mainly used distribution model. Under this distribution model, the Company had direct
business connections with dealers, who purchased the Company’s products without right of return and re-sell
them to final consumers. Dealers were the direct customers and also important partners of the Company who
sell products, provide services and exhibit brand image to consumers. The Company had established a complete
and reasonable management system of dealers, and had formulated detailed rules on admittance, management,
training, appraisal and evaluation of dealers. After the Company established cooperative relationship with
dealers, the Company provided real-time training to dealers according to management standard of dealers,
coordinated dealers in sales planning, market promotion and after-sale service, so as to improve satisfaction of
customers and market position of the Company. The Company generally delivered goods after receiving
payment, and credit sale was in special situation. Customers generally paid for goods by bank transfer, banker’s
acceptance bill, letter of credit and etc.
IV. Analysis on Core Competitive Advantages in The Reporting Period
√Applicable Not applicable
     (I) Product development and innovation based on “technology and fashion”
     After development of electric two-wheel vehicles for more than 20 years, homogeneous phenomenon of
product was highly general. The Company insisted on “technology and fashion” and took R&D and product
innovation as major measures for improving its product competition and realizing long-term development. Based
on the demand of users, the Company continuously explored introduction and application of new technologies
and new materials, improved the existing production technologies and processes, enhanced performance and
additional value of product and acquired leading technological capacity and productivity as guarantee for long-
term development of the Company. Meanwhile, the Company was outstanding in fashion innovation, and the
Company’s products were always the fashion wind vane in vehicle body modeling, paint texture, color matching
and other aspects, and owned diversified product development innovation capacity. The Company can provide
multiple vehicle models and met the requirements of different consumers to safe riding, fashion and personality.
The Company had powerful R&D capacity. By December 31, 2021, the Company owned 13 invention patents,
301 utility model patents and 903 design patents. Many of subsidiaries under the Company had obtained
certification of New & Hi-tech Enterprise.
     In the aspect of R&D talents, with accumulation for years, the Company owned a research, development
and design team with high professional quality, strong development capacity and great industrial influence. Some
renowned design companies provided R&D and design support as long-term exclusive strategic partners of the
     In the field of fashion design, the Company cooperated with China Fashion Color Association (the authority
on color fashion of China) to establish an electric vehicle fashion color R&D base, a leader in the industry, and
had acquired various original design achievements including Mai Mini, ICOOL. In addition, the innovative vehicle
models independently developed by the Company had received various honors, such as Annual Innovative
Vehicle Model, Annual Fashion Vehicle Model issued by Annual Motorcycle Model Selection Organizing
Committee of China, MUSE Golden Medal issued by International Design Awards (IAA).
     In addition, the Company fully utilized its strength in R&D and technology to promote standardization of
industrial technologies. It had organized to compile or participate in drafting 12 national standards and industrial
standards, including Technical Requirements of Charger in Electric Bicycle, Motor Performance Testing Methods
for Electric Motorcycle and Electric Moped, Safety Requirements of Electric Motorcycle and Electric Moped.
Jiangsu AIMA ever obtained the honor title of “Leading Unit in Industrial Standardization” issued by Electric
Bicycle Technical Sub-committee of All-China Bicycle Standardization Technical Committee.
     (II) Reliable production technologies, leading product quality
     The Company always considered technical R&D, stable quality as its development foundation, pursued
excellence in the course of production and guaranteed output of high-quality products. The Company used first-
class electrophoretic technique for manufacture of vehicle frame. Internal and external double-layer paint
spraying provided good packaging of internal frame structure and significantly improved corrosion resistance
and durability; acquired advanced CNC pipe bending machines and robot welding machine to guarantee vehicle
frame cutting and wedding quality and appearance quality. In the aspect of painting, the Company established
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dust-free painting workshop to guarantee painting quality, and took cathode electrophoretic technology to
strengthen anti-rusting performance of products; used high-quality paint materials to guarantee anti-aging, anti-
corrosive performance of products and maintained products cosmetically beautiful. In the aspect of other core
components, the Company cooperated with brand suppliers leading in the industry to ensure stability of operating
system of electric two-wheel vehicles. In the aspect of manufacture and inspection of whole vehicle, the
Company carried out lean production mode to improve profit and guarantee quality with five-inspection system
including first inspection, self-inspection, mutual inspection, sampling and special inspection.
      The Company had established fully equipped testing laboratories in the production bases situated in Tianjin,
Jiangsu, Guangdong and etc. The Company owned 400 sets of testing devices and equipment, and employed
about 30 technicians who had passed ISO/IEC training and obtained qualification certificates. The Company had
set up 7 professional laboratories, including whole vehicle performance laboratory, environment laboratory,
material analysis laboratory, electronic and electric laboratory, mechanic performance laboratory, core
technology laboratory and intelligent laboratory, which owned various testing equipment and powerful technical
capacity, and had the testing capacities to electric two-wheel vehicles, electric tricycles and some low-speed
electric quadricycle. The Testing Technology Center of the Company (Wuxi Base) had received the certificate
from China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). With reference to the product
development testing model used in automobile industry, the Company worked out the testing processes highly
consistent with APDS product development processes and the Company’s production system, and carried out
overall testing to parts, system and whole vehicle to ensure product quality.
      The Company’s products had been sold in the market for years, and the Company had received high-level
accreditation and various honors in the aspect of quality, for example, “All-China Quality Benchmark Enterprise”
issued by China Association for Quality Inspection, AAA Enterprise Credit Rating Certificate issued by China
Urban Transportation Association.
      (III) Sales channel system with large coverage and high efficiency
      In the aspect of offline channel, the Company actively implemented the brand strategy focusing at
consumption demand, grasped the development opportunity of electric two-wheel vehicle market, fully utilized
its brand influence to develop dealer channel and formed an offline sales network over China. The Company
had achieved economy of scale and rapid growth accordingly. The Company insisted on value integration of
factory and dealer, continually improved management rules and system of dealers and attracted excellent
dealers that have large share in district/county markets to establish long-term strategic cooperation relationship
with the Company. After accumulation for years, the Company had established flat marketing channels in unit of
district/county and demonstrated its advantage of wide coverage and high efficiency.
      In the aspect of online channel, the Company had set up online channel system on multiple platforms,
including Tmall, JD and other major e-commerce platforms, as well as Tiktok, Small Red Book, Kuaishou and
other emerging platforms. The Company further provided overall and all-time shopping experience and
convenient after-sale services to online customers by virtue of its digital and smart empowerment platform and
nationwide service network. In addition, by coordination with the marketing measures of the Company, the online
channels played an important role as traffic driver and in new customer acquisition.
      (IV) Service network with high quality, high efficiency and high coverage
      In the aspect of service network, based on long-term operation, the Company had established a perfect
service network, consisting of nationwide service shops, efficient work order distribution system, industrial
leading service effect and service content standards, efficient part warehousing and distribution system,
examination system based on service satisfaction indicators and professional service team. The outstanding and
efficient services of the Company were widely praised by customers and highly accepted by regulatory bodies.
All-China Goods After-sale Service Rating Authentication Reviewing Committee determined the Company
reaching five-star level in technical support, maintenance service and etc., China Customer Connection Center
granted the Company “Customer’s Satisfaction Award”; the Company also participated in drafting the industrial
self-regulatory service specification After-sale Service Specification for Electric Bicycle, organized to draft After-
sale Service Time Effect Specification for Electric Bicycle, which led the standardized development of services
in the industry.
        (V) Brand influence leading in the industry
      The Company took “Technology and Fashion” as its brand strategy and “love, and act at once” as its brand
slogan to carry out brand construction in China on the basis of fashionable and high-quality products. With great
efforts for years, the brand AIMA received general acceptance and high reputation, and its brand influence led
ahead in the industry.
      The qualification and honors that the Company had acquired in brand construction included authentication
of Famous Trademark of China, recognized as the 1st position for ten consecutive years on the list of China
brand influence indexes (C-BPI) in the category of electric bicycles issued by Chnbrand.
      (VI) Production and sales volume leading in the industry, with significant scale advantage and cost
      The Company became one of leading enterprises in the electric two-wheel vehicle industry of China due to
good quality, large distribution system and high brand reputation. Larger scale made the Company to keep
closely cooperative relationship with dealers and suppliers. The Company had great bargaining power when it
made concentrated procurement to suppliers, beneficial for maintaining stable price of raw materials and
obtaining beneficial payment period; while selling goods to dealers, the Company generally used the mode of
delivering goods after receipt of payment, and thus possessed very stable cash flow. Furthermore, larger
production scale can allow the Company to realize lower cost per single vehicle in production and manufacture.
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  With the production scale and sales volume increased, the Company had sufficient resources and development
  strength to improve production processes and technologies, product performance and production efficiency, and
  this would further enhance scale effect and cost competition advantage. The leading production scale made the
  Company to achieve efficiency and cost advantage that its competitors were incomparable in market competition.
        (VII) Digital and smart management system with full empowerment and efficiency improvement
        The Company had started and implemented the “361 digital and smart engineering” strategy to lead digital
  transformation of the Company. The Company had also built up a digital and smart management system highly
  consistent with organizational structure and business procedure, and empowered Company in various business
  fields. The Company had established the digital marketing system based on retail and covering all business
  processes of marketing, and achieved smooth connection of enterprise marketing system to shop terminals of
  dealers, so that the coordinated business of dealers can be made online and thus it significantly improved
  efficiency. Meanwhile, the system data can guide ordering plan of dealers and internal production plan of the
  Company, and improved accuracy of sales and production plan; the Company had constructed private flow pool
  of AIMA, and laid foundation for the Company to perform user operation. The Company carried out
  transformation of intelligent manufacturing, analyzed business plan execution situation through data perspective,
  and realized data-feeding lean manufacturing. The Company promoted supply and sale integration by smooth
  system connection concurrently, which remarkably enhanced efficiency. The Company empowered
  management, realized integration of business and finance, inspected execution of decision with operation data
  and realizes consistent data collection standards and decision-making based on data. With accurate operation,
  forward development, lean manufacture, and accurate data supporting operation decision-making, the Company
  gave quick response and agile treatment to market demand, accurately understood and promptly met users’
  demand, and reduced costs and improved benefit by refinement operation. The Company had initially realized
  overall information technology use, digital operation, smart decision-making and automatic execution.
        (VIII) Talent team with high loyalty and professional level
        The Company upheld the talent management idea of “showing respect for our staff, improving their
  competence and making them happy”, established the human resource management system based on talent
  development and human capital appreciation, including attractive remuneration system, smooth occupational
  promotion channel, professional talent training system, good employee welfare system and inclusive and
  creative diversified business culture, so that the Company became the happy platform of contributors, improved
  professional capacity and quality of staff and cultivated the talent team with high loyalty and professional level,
  and made them happier.
  V. Major Operation Situation in The Reporting Period
        In the reporting period, the Company recorded revenue of RMB15,398.71 million, representing a year-on-
   year increase of 19.33%, the profit attributable to owners of the parent of RMB663.00 million, representing a
   year-on-year increase of 10.94%, and the profit excluding non-recurring gains or losses attributable to owners
   of the parent of RMB616.21 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 20.00%.The main reasons were
   that the Company continuously focused on its core business, i.e. R&D and manufacture of electric two-wheel
   vehicles, executed annual business and operating plan, continuously improved product power, channel capacity
   and capability, brand power, technological power, productivity, operation capacity, and achieved good business
   operations in 2021.
(I) Analysis on main business
  1.   Analysis on change of relevant items in income statement and cash flow statement
                                                                                            In: Yuan currency: RMB
                  Items                   Amount of the current
                                                                      Amount of last year         Change (%)
   Revenue                                  15,398,710,870.72         12,904,586,099.11                    19.33
   Cost of sales                            13,593,606,029.56         11,431,221,982.27                    18.92
   Selling expenses                            550,605,290.98             398,784,858.24                   38.07
   Administrative expenses                     316,594,598.36             265,551,124.65                   19.22
   Financial expenses                         -261,133,668.57            -135,095,939.12                     N/A
   R&D expenses                                404,084,127.91             239,440,162.52                   68.76
   Net cash flows from operating
                                                 2,094,187,373.97       1,154,579,844.77                   81.38
   Net cash flows from investing
                                                -2,024,141,754.57        -560,501,674.27                     N/A
   Net cash flows from financing
                                                 1,797,930,958.66         370,512,394.73                  385.26
  The change in revenue was due to that the Company achieved substantial sales growth by focusing on its main
  business and continually utilizing its brand influence strength.
  The change in cost of sales was due to the business expansion, resulting in an increase of the costs accordingly.
  The change in selling expenses was due to the enlarged sales team and more marketing investment.
  The change in administrative expenses was mainly due to the increased spending of the professional
  consultation services in the reporting period.
  The change in financial expenses was mainly due to the increased interest income generated from the larger

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                                                                2021 Annual Report

                scale of the currency funds.
                The change in R&D expenses was due to that the Company expanded its R&D team and enhanced the R&D
                The change in net cash flows from operating activities was mainly due to that the sales growth led to more cash
                received from operating activities compared with last year.
                The change in net cash flows from investing activities was mainly due to the difference of low-risk financial
                products purchased and redeemed by the Company in the reporting period reduced than in last year.
                The change in net cash flows from financing activities was mainly due to the Company raised capital by IPO in
                the reporting period.
                Detailed description of major changes of the Company in business type, profit makeup or profit source
                Applicable √Not applicable
                2.     Analysis on revenue and cost of sales
                √Applicable Not applicable
                    In the reporting period, the Company recorded revenue of RMB 15,398.71 million, representing a year-on-
                year increase of 19.33%, and cost of sales of RMB 13,593.61 million, representing a year-on-year increase of
                18.92%. The gross profit rate of the Company was 11.72%, as the Company achieved performance growth by
                focusing on its main business, and continually utilizing its brand influence strength.
                (1).    Sales information of principal operation by industry, products, regions and sales models
                                                                                                        In: Yuan currency: RMB
                                                 Information of main business by industries
                                                                                                        Change of
                                                                      Gross             Change of        cost of     Change of gross
   Based on                                                           profit              revenue         sales       profit margin
                          Revenue               Cost of sales
    industry                                                          margin          compared with    compared     compared with last
                                                                      (%)          last year (%)    with last      year(%)
Railway, ship,
aerospace and
other transport                                                                                                       Increased by 0.27
                     15,264,913,767.38      13,491,387,679.85            11.62                 19.36        18.99
equipment                                                                                                             percentage points
Information of principal operation by products
                                                                                                        Change of
                                                                      Gross             Change of        cost of     Change of gross
                                                                      profit              revenue         sales       profit margin
    Product               Revenue               Cost of sales         margin          compared with    compared     compared with last
                                                                      (%)          last year (%)    with last      year(%)
Electric                                                                                                            Increased by 0.61
                        7,159,540,365.16        6,336,213,579.94         11.50                 42.71        41.74
bicycles                                                                                                            percentage points
Electric  two-
                                                                                                                      Increased by 0.00
wheel                   6,765,559,065.06        5,996,024,990.91         11.37                  0.40         0.39
                                                                                                                      percentage points
Electric                                                                                                              Increased by 0.18
                         654,919,354.10          566,701,721.63          13.47                 94.29        93.89
tricycles                                                                                                             percentage points
Bicycles                                                                                                             Decreased by 5.91
                          48,285,658.44           45,487,358.07            5.80               -71.91       -70.03
                                                                                                                      percentage points
Sale of parts                                                                                                         Increased by 0.08
                         636,609,324.62          546,960,029.30          14.08                 21.41        21.30
                                                                                                                      percentage points
Information of principal operation by regions
                                                                                                        Change of
                                                                      Gross             Change of        cost of     Change of gross
                                                                      profit              revenue         sales       profit margin
    Region                Revenue               Cost of sales
                                                                      margin          compared with    compared     compared with last
                                                                      (%)          last year (%)    with last      year(%)
Northeast                                                                                                            Decreased by 0.63
                         376,427,355.52          338,885,915.65            9.97                30.64        31.57
China                                                                                                                 percentage points
East China                                                                                                           Decreased by 0.18
                        5,741,328,245.71        5,049,164,899.73         12.06                 22.17        22.41
                                                                                                                      percentage points
North China                                                                                                           Increased by 1.04
                        2,008,529,559.99        1,760,220,802.16         12.36                 28.34        26.84
                                                                                                                      percentage points
Central China           2,446,408,196.31        2,174,030,088.38         11.13                 16.72        18.48    Decreased by 1.32
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                                                               2021 Annual Report

                                                                                                                       percentage points
South China                                                                                                            Increased by 2.01
                       2,284,528,382.10       2,005,468,926.39            12.22               26.36         23.53
                                                                                                                       percentage points
Southwest                                                                                                              Increased by 8.97
                       1,030,223,320.97        925,861,130.70             10.13               29.26         17.52
China                                                                                                                  percentage points
Northwest                                                                                                             Decreased by 0.30
                        574,744,320.48         498,506,211.31             13.26               -4.85         -4.53
China                                                                                                                  percentage points
Overseas                                                                                                              Decreased by 5.37
                        172,450,122.38         139,944,395.95             18.85               68.14         80.05
                                                                                                                       percentage points
Undetermined                                                                                                           Increased by 4.91
                        630,274,263.92         599,305,309.58              4.91              -23.94        -16.96
region                                                                                                                 percentage points
Information of principal operation by sales models
                                                                                                        Change of
                                                                     Gross             Change of         cost of       Change of gross
                                                                     profit              revenue          sales         profit margin
 Sales model              Revenue             Cost of sales          margin          compared with     compared       compared with last
                                                                     (%)          last year (%)     with last        year(%)
Distribution                                                                                                           Increased by 0.74
                      14,261,757,463.55      12,573,276,668.47            11.84               21.17         20.15
                                                                                                                       percentage points
Direct sales                                                                                                         Decreased by 5.76
                       1,003,156,303.83        918,111,011.38              8.48               -1.52          5.10
                                                                                                                     percentage points

               Description of principal operation by industry, products, regions, sales models

                    1. Description of revenue and cost of sales of principal operation by industry: in the reporting period, the
               Company focused on its main business, continually utilized its brand strength and obtained performance growth.
               Furthermore, the Company strengthened new product development efforts, optimized product structure and
               increased the ratio of the newly developed and high-profit products in sale.
                    2. Description of sales of principal operation by products: in the reporting period, as the main products of
               the Company, the electric bicycles achieved sound sales performance, and the demand of electric tricycles also
               showed the trend of rapid increase.
                    3. Description of sales of principal operation by regions: The Company actively developed its sales channels,
               and consequently caused the steady growth in the major sales regions.
                    4. Description of sales of principal operation by sales models: the revenue from direct sales model reduced
               than last year, because of the decreased orders of sharing bicycles.
               (2).    Analysis on production and sales volumes
                      √Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                         Change of     Change of      Change
                                            Production         Sales                     production      sales           of
           Main product         Unit                                       Inventory
                                             volume           volume                      volume        volume       inventory
                                                                                           (%)        (%)          (%)
       Electric bicycles         Set          5,112,906       5,018,823        258,510           30            29           82
       Electric two-wheel        Set          3,337,703       3,331,682         92,057            -4           -6             6
       Electric tricycles        Set            211,873         204,510         12,307            61           54            143
       Bicycles                  Set            112,756         115,352          2,709           -69          -71            -48
       Total                     Set          8,775,238       8,670,367        365,583            11            9             53

               Description of production and sales volumes
                   At the end of the reporting period, the inventory level of the Company remained stable, with 7-15 turnover
               days, according to the flexible adjustment based on the purchase order obtained.
               (3).    Performance situation of major purchasing contracts, major sales contracts
               Applicable √Not applicable
               (4).    Cost analysis form
                                                                                                                           In: RMB
                                                       Information based on industry
                                                                   Ratio in                                   Ratio in
                                                                                                                             Change in
                             Cost         Consumed in current     total cost                               total cost in
          Industry                                                            Consumed in last year                         consumption
                          components            year              in current                                 last year
                                                                   year (%)                                     (%)

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                                                    2021 Annual Report

Railway,        Direct
                                     12,835,977,562.81       95.14         10,700,510,285.79          94.38             19.96
ship,           materials
and      other Direct labor
transport       and
                                       655,410,117.04          4.86           637,314,854.14            5.62             2.84
equipment       manufacture
manufacture     expenses
             Total                   13,491,387,679.85      100.00         11,337,825,139.93         100.00             18.99
Information based on product
                                                          Ratio in                                 Ratio in
                   Cost                                                                                          Change in
                                                         total cost                             total cost in
                 structure      Consumed in current                   Consumed in last year                     consumption
  Product                                                in current                               last year
                    item              year                                                                          (%)
                                                          year (%)                                   (%)

                                      5,936,021,994.54       44.00          4,121,418,810.02          36.35             44.03
               Direct labor
   bicycle                             400,191,585.40          2.97           338,136,932.96            2.98            18.35
               Sub-total              6,336,213,579.94       46.97          4,459,555,742.98          39.33             42.08
                                      5,796,324,564.55       42.96          5,739,523,116.88          50.62              0.99
Electric two- Direct labor
    wheel      and
                                       199,700,426.37          1.48           243,773,225.48            2.15            -18.08
 motorcycle    manufacture
               Sub-total              5,996,024,990.92       44.44          5,983,296,342.36          52.77              0.21
                                       515,830,075.38          3.82           258,126,853.58            2.28            99.84
               Direct labor
   tricycle                             50,871,646.25          0.38            34,158,822.96            0.30            48.93
               Sub-total               566,701,721.63          4.20           292,285,676.54            2.58            93.89
                                        40,840,899.05          0.30           130,521,149.01            1.15            -68.71
               Direct labor
  Bicycle      and
                                          4,646,459.02         0.03            21,245,872.73            0.19            -78.13
               Sub-total                45,487,358.07          0.34           151,767,021.74            1.34            -70.03
Sale of parts Direct                   546,960,029.29          4.05           450,920,356.31            3.98             21.30
            Total                    13,491,387,679.85      100.00         11,337,825,139.93         100.00             18.99

       Description of other situations in cost analysis
           In the reporting period, as affected by price rise of bulk raw materials, the costs of main raw materials
       showed rising trend, while the overall cost structure of the Company was basically steady.
       (5).   Equity change of major subsidiaries in the reporting period caused change of consolidation scope
       Applicable √Not applicable
       (6). Major changes of the Company about business, product or service in the reporting period or
       relevant adjustment situation
       Applicable √Not applicable
       (7). Major customers and major suppliers
       A. Information of major customers of the Company
         The total sales amount to the top five customers was RMB1,043.04 million, accounting for 6.83% of the annual
       sales amount. Among the sales to the top five customers, the amount of sales to the related parties was nil,
       accounting for 0% of the annual sales amount.
         In the reporting period, the circumstance that sales ratio to single customer exceeded 50% of total amount,
       there were new customers in top five customers or it seriously relied on minority customers
       Applicable √Not applicable

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                                                         2021 Annual Report

       B. Information of major suppliers of the Company
         The total purchasing amount from the top five suppliers was RMB 4,399.14 million, accounting for 32.88% of
       the annual purchasing amount. Among the purchase from the top five suppliers, the amount of purchase from
       the related parties was nil, accounting for 0% of the annual purchases.
         In the reporting period, the circumstance that purchasing ratio from single supplier exceeded 50% of total
       amount, there were new suppliers in top five suppliers or it seriously relied on minority suppliers
       Applicable √Not applicable
       3.     Expenses
       √Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                 In: RMB
Expense item         Current year            Prior year            Change(%)            Description of change reasons
   Selling                                                                            The enlarged sales team and more
                       550,605,290.98        398,784,858.24                   38.07
 expenses                                                                             marketing investment
                                                                                      The increased spending of the
                       316,594,598.36        265,551,124.65                   19.22   professional consultation services in
                                                                                      the reporting period
                                                                                      The increased interest income
                    -261,133,668.57         -135,095,939.12                    N/A    generated from the larger scale of the
                                                                                      currency funds
    R&D                                                                               The Company expanded its R&D team
                       404,084,127.91        239,440,162.52                   68.76
  expenses                                                                            and enhanced the R&D investment

       4.     Research and development input
       (1).R&D input form
              √Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                               In: RMB
        Research and development input expensed                                                        404,084,127.91
        in current period
        Research       and     development       input                                                               0
        capitalized in current period
        Total of research and development input                                                        404,084,127.91
        Ratio of total R&D input in operating income                                                             2.62
        Ratio of capitalization of R&D input(%)                                                                    0

       (2).Information of R&D personnel
       √Applicable Not applicable

      Quantity of R&D personnel of the Company                                                                       701
      Ratio of R&D personnel in staff of the Company(%)                                                           9.62
      Educational structure of R&D personnel
      Category of educational structure                                           People in educational structure
      Doctorate                                                                                                          3
      Master degree                                                                                                   24
      University                                                                                                     304
      Junior college                                                                                                 223
      High school and below                                                                                          147
      Age structure of R&D personnel
      Category of age structure                                                   People in age structure
      Below 30 (exclusive)                                                                                           241
      30-40 (inclusive 30, exclusive 40)                                                                             377
      40-50 (inclusive 40, exclusive 50)                                                                              67
      50-60 (inclusive 50, exclusive 60)                                                                              15
      Above 60                                                                                                           1
       (3).Description of situation
       Applicable √Not applicable
       (4).Reasons of major change about R&D personnel structure and impact on future development of the
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                                                             2021 Annual Report

              Applicable √Not applicable
              5.    Cash flows
              √Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                        In: RMB
            Cash flow item            Current year               Prior year                           Description of change reasons
                                                                                                     The sales growth led to more
         Net cash flows from                                                                         cash received from operating
                                      2,094,187,373.97         1,154,579,844.77            81.38
         operating activities                                                                        activities compared with last
                                                                                                     The difference of low-risk
                                                                                                     financial products purchased
         Net cash flows from
                                     -2,024,141,754.57           -560,501,674.27               N/A   and redeemed by the Company
         investing activities
                                                                                                     in the reporting period reduced
                                                                                                     than in last year.
         Net cash flows from                                                                         The Company raised capital by
                                      1,797,930,958.66           370,512,394.73           385.26
         financing activities                                                                        IPO in the reporting period.

              (II) Description of major changes of project caused by non-main business
              Applicable √Not applicable

              (III) Analysis on assets and liabilities
              √Applicable Not applicable

              1.    Assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                        In: RMB
                                                          of closing
                                                                                                 of closing
                                                          balance of                                           Year-on-year
                                  Closing balance of                    Closing balance of       balance of                   Description
             Item                                          current                                               Change
                                     current year                            last year          last year in                  of change
                                                            year in                                              (%)
                                                                                                total assets
                                                         total assets
Currency funds                      2,846,143,310.70            21.24    1,249,120,118.26             13.07         127.85      Note 1
Financial assets held for           1,265,981,818.24                       458,440,486.16                                       Note 2
                                                                9.45                                   4.80         176.15
Receivables financing                  49,295,422.59            0.37          194,010,599.36           2.03          -74.59     Note 3
Other receivables                     150,069,854.58            1.12           85,518,641.96           0.89           75.48     Note 4
Inventories                           795,689,208.89            5.94          494,751,269.64           5.18           60.83     Note 5
Other current assets                  170,807,953.30            1.27          120,605,121.80           1.26           41.63     Note 6
Current portion of non-                                                       875,045,616.43                                    Note 7
                                                                                                       9.15         -100.00
current assets
Long-term equity investment           105,073,280.23            0.78           32,946,576.25           0.34         218.92     Note 8
Construction in progress              114,131,095.16            0.85           47,995,478.09           0.50         137.80     Note 9
Right-of-use assets                    41,226,833.58            0.31                                                  N/A      Note 10
Long-term               prepaid        29,394,318.63                           11,802,083.24                                   Note 11
                                                                0.22                                   0.12         149.06
Deferred tax assets                    88,843,633.31            0.66        56,365,819.88              0.59          57.62     Note 12
Other non-current assets            4,942,771,969.13           36.89     3,402,470,277.28             35.60          45.27     Note 13
Accounts payable                    2,132,113,371.54           15.91     1,382,013,472.83             14.46          54.28     Note 14
Receipts in advance                    13,125,994.89            0.10                                                   N/A     Note 15
Contract liabilities                  483,535,624.57            3.61          318,471,009.89           3.33          51.83     Note 16
Taxes      and      surcharges         58,301,487.57                           25,977,920.73                                   Note 17
                                                                0.44                                   0.27         124.43
Current portion of non-                 5,923,801.00                                                                           Note 18
                                                                0.04                                                   N/A
current liabilities
Other current liabilities              39,990,259.74           0.30            12,219,830.60           0.13          227.26    Note 19
Lease liabilities                      46,589,311.07           0.35                                                     N/A    Note 20
Deferred income                       118,883,340.46           0.89            73,775,195.25           0.77           61.14    Note 21
Deferred tax liabilities                  431,224.44         0.0030                 8,740.26         0.0001        4,833.77    Note 22

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                                               2021 Annual Report

Other notes
Note 1: the increase of currency funds was mainly due to the fund raised by IPO, and the sales growth in the
reporting period.
Note 2: the increase of financial assets held for trading were mainly due to two reasons as below. Firstly, the
Company acquired the strategic allotted shares issued by Tianneng Battery Group Co., Ltd. in its IPO on STAR
market of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Secondly, the Company purchased more low-risk financial products in the
reporting period.
Note 3: the declined receivables financing was due to the decreased undue bank acceptance bill held by the
Company at the end of reporting period.
Note 4: other receivables increased because of the deposit paid to the suppliers for locking in the purchasing
price of lithium batteries when the upstream raw materials were fast rising.
Note 5: inventories increased mainly due to the three reasons as below. Firstly, the business expansion of the
Company in the reporting period. Secondly, preparation of finished goods for Chinese New Year vacation and
strategic reserve of some materials. Thirdly, the rising prices of the raw materials in the reporting period.
Note 6: the increased other current assets mainly represented the input VAT to be deducted, as the Company
purchased more raw materials by the end of the reporting period.
Note 7: the current portion of non-current assets decreased, because the three-year term deposit recorded in
this account was due and received in this period, and there was no fixed term deposit would be due within a year
by the end of the reporting period.
Note 8: the increased long-term equity investment mainly represented the newly invested associates in the
reporting period.
Note 9: construction in progress increased mainly due to the three reasons as below. Firstly, the plant building
decoration of Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd . was not completed. Secondly, the new information
technology system was still under development. Thirdly, the Company purchased more decoration materials for
terminal sales stores’ renovation, to expand and improve the distribution network.
Note 10: the increased right-of-use assets were due to the adoption of the new lease standard.
Note 11: the increased long-term prepaid expenses were due to the plant building decoration and workshops
reconstruction of the Company in the reporting period.
Note 12: the increased deferred tax assets were mainly attributable to the deductible tax losses of some entities.
Note 13: the increased other non-current assets were due to the purchase of three-year term deposit in the
reporting period.
Note 14: accounts payable increased mainly due to more raw materials were purchased to meet the production
requirements in the business expansion in the reporting period.
Note 15: the increased receipts in advance represented the rental prepayments received at the end of the
reporting period.
Note 16: the contract liabilities increased, mainly due to that the distributors prepaid more advance to the
Company by the end of the reporting period, to ensure sufficient stock before Chinese New Year vacation.
Note 17: the increased taxes and surcharges payable mainly represented the increasing corporate income tax
payable due to the sales growth in the fourth quarter in the reporting period.
Note 18: the increased current portion of non-current liabilities were due to the adoption of the new lease
Note 19: the increased other current liabilities represented the output VAT related to the advance payments from
the distributors.
Note 20: the increased lease liabilities were due to the adoption of the new lease standard.
Note 21: the increased deferred income represented the government grants relating to assets received in the
reporting period.
Note 22: the increased deferred tax liabilities mainly represented the investment income of undue financial
products at the end of the reporting period.
2.   Information of overseas assets
Applicable √Not applicable
3.   Information of main restricted assets at the end of reporting period
√Applicable Not applicable

              Item                          Closing book value                     Restriction reason
Financial assets held for trading                      390,000,000.00            Pledged for bank credit
Fixed assets                                             51,854,177.47          Mortgaged for bank credit
Intangible assets                                        30,632,651.23          Mortgaged for bank credit
Other non-current assets                              4,700,000,000.00           Pledged for bank credit
              Total                                   5,172,486,828.70
4.   Other descriptions
Applicable √Not applicable

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    (IV) Analysis on industrial operation information
    Applicable √Not applicable
    (V) Analysis on investment status
    Overall analysis on external equity investment
    √Applicable Not applicable
    See the following “major non-equity investments” and “financial assets measures with fair value” for details.
    1. Major equity investments
    Applicable √Not applicable
    2. Major non-equity investments
    √Applicable Not applicable
         (1) Chongqing Base
         On August 16, 2021, the Company held the first temporary general meeting of 2021 and discussed and
    adopted the Proposal on the Company Intends to Sign Project Agreement with the Management Committee of
    Chongqing Tongliang High-tech Industrial Development Area, and the Company was agreed to invest about
    RMB 2 billion to build up the project of AIMA Southwest Manufacture Base at Tongliang District, Chongqing City
    in manner of establishing a holding project company. The total land used for the project was about 1100 mu
    (Chinese acres), and the land for the first phase of project was about 300 mu. The land was obtained in manner
    of acquisition, and the government would assist in completion; the land for the second phase was about 800 mu,
    and obtained through land remising.
         ON August 17, 2021, the project company Chongqing Aima Vehicle Industry Technology Co., Ltd. Received
    the Business License granted by the Market Supervision Administration of Tongliang District, Chongqing City.
         On August 23, 2021, Chongqing Vehicle Industry and Zhongke Chuangxun Technology Co., Ltd. Signed
    the Assets Purchasing Agreement to purchase relevant land use right and houses and buildings for construction
    of the first phase of Aima Southwest Manufacture Base. In January 2022, the first phase project of Aima
    Southwest Manufacture Base was formally put on production.
         (2) Taizhou Base
         On September 3, 2021, the Company held the 21st meeting of the fourth board of directors, discussed and
    adopted the Proposal on the Company Intends to Sign the Investment Agreement with the People’s Government
    of Qingtian County, Lishui City, and the Company was agreed to build up the smart electric vehicles and high-
    speed electric motorcycle project of Taizhou at Huangyan District, Taizhou City in manner of establishing a
    project company.
         On November 4, 2021, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Taizhou Aima Vehicle Manufacture
    Co., Ltd., was responsible for all production and management of Taizhou Smart Electric Vehicles and High-
    speed Electric Motorcycle Project.
         In January 2022, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, Taizhou Aima, signed Contract for
    Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land with Taizhou Natural Resources and Planning
    Bureau of Taizhou City.
         (3) Lishui Base
         On November 15, 2021, the Company held the second temporary general meeting of 2021, discussed and
    adopted the Proposal on the Company Intends to Sign the Investment Agreement with the People’s Government
    of Qingtian County, Lishui City, and the Company was agreed to set up a holding project company at Qingtian
    County, Lishui City to invest for construction of the project of Aima New Energy Smart Transportation Ecological
    Industry Park.
         In the reporting period, the project company set up by a wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company Aima
    Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. with full investment received the Business License from the Market
    Supervision Administration of Qingtian County.
    3. Financial assets measured at fair value
    √Applicable Not applicable
         On 1 December 2020, in the 12th meeting of the fourth session, the Board considered and approved the
    “Proposal on Signing the Strategic Allotted Subscription Agreement with Tianneng Battery Group Co., Ltd.”,
    pursuant to which the Company was agreed to participate in strategic allotted subscription of Tianneng Battery
    Group Co., Ltd. as a strategic investor with its own capital no more than RMB 100 million, which should be
    completed in January 2021.
                                                                                    In: RMB’0000, currency: RMB
                                                     Shares held at Book value     Whether
            Abbreviati                                                                            income in
Category                Code of         Initial        the end of   at the end purchased or                   Change of
              on of                                                                                   the
of security             security investment cost reporting period of reporting sold in the                    fair value
             security                                                                              reporting
                                                    (10000 shares)    period reporting period
  Share Tianneng
                       688819.SH          8,399.79              200    8,560.00 Purchasing             120.00     160.21
    4.   Concrete progress of restructuring and integration of major assets in the reporting period
    Applicable √Not applicable
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  (VI) Sale of major assets and equity
  Applicable √Not applicable
  (VII) Analysis of major controlling and companies invested by the Company
  √Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                      In: RMB’0000, currency: RMB
Name of          Control                            Registered        Total         Net
                                Main business                                                  Revenue      Net profit
company        relationship                           capital        assets        assets
  Henan                          manufacture and
                 owned                                      10,000   25,895.36 12,010.07          54,037.31     1,543.70
  Aima                            sale of electric
                                 manufacture and
Guangdong                         sale of electric
                   owned                                    10,000   76,654.04 16,781.83 142,956.64             4,251.90
    Aima                          bicycle, electric
                                  moped, electric
                                 manufacture and
 Zhejiang                         sale of electric
                   owned                                    10,000   72,927.75 16,125.40 136,156.76             4,224.94
    Aima                          bicycle, electric
                                  moped, electric
                                 manufacture and
  Jiangsu                         sale of electric
                   owned                                    44,000 276,744.28 97,420.67 417,481.48 19,311.48
    Aima                          bicycle, electric
                                  moped, electric
                                 manufacture and
                   Wholly-        sale of electric
                   owned          bicycle, electric         10,000 302,567.71 29,465.99 549,382.36 14,274.02
                  subsidiary      moped, electric
                                  electric tricycle
                                 manufacture and
 Guangxi                          sale of electric
                   owned                                     8,000   38,278.75 14,134.91 113,157.66             8,064.43
    Aima                          bicycle, electric
                                  moped, electric
                                 manufacture and
Chongqing                         sale of electric
                   owned                                     1,000   98,180.23 16,869.15 285,055.56 16,669.15
    Aima                          bicycle, electric
                                  moped, electric
        In the reporting period, net profit realized by the above important wholly-funded subsidiaries came from the
  sales of major products including electric two-wheel vehicles, electric tricycles. Other subsidiaries and associates
  of the Company were in normal operation, and their profit and loss situation had little impact to the Company.
 (VIII) Information of structured subjects under control of the Company
  Applicable √Not applicable
  VI. Discussion and Analysis of The Company on Its Future Development
 (I) Industrial structure and trend
  √Applicable Not applicable
       1. Competition situation of industry
       With more intensive market competition and implementation of New National Standard, a large number of
  small-scale and low-efficiency enterprises that don’t have product development and technological
  competitiveness have been eliminated or closed down, and the industry concentration has continued to increase.
  In view of enterprise features, the industry participants mainly include three categories of enterprises: the
  enterprises in the first category are nationwide brand enterprises, which have nationwide marketing network,
  nationwide production layout, independent product development capacity, powerful capital strength and good
  market reputation. These enterprises generally have significant scale strength and brand influence, pay attention
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to product development and technical innovation and own wide user foundation and market recognition; the
enterprises in the second category are regional brand enterprises, which have formed unique competition
strength in long-term market competition, have certain market strength in specific regions and specific products,
and have powerful industry chain integration capacity and market promotion capacity; the enterprises in the third
category are newcomers, which start to enter the industry after the electric two-wheel vehicle industry has been
mature. By focusing on products for specific users or specific uses, with intelligence and networking technology
as the selling point, as they gain a certain market in specific markets and specific uses, they begin to penetrate
into the mass consumer market.
                           Form market competition situation of electric two-wheel vehicles
       Market         Customer group                Brand               Channel          Distribution of manufacture
    participant                                  influence                                             base
                                                                                          Select a few of regions with
     Nationwide                                  With brand          Has set up the
                           Nationwide                                                      industrial cluster effect in
       brand                                    popularity in          nationwide
                           consumers                                                      China, establish nationwide
     enterprises                                    China           marketing network
                                                                                           manufacture base system
      Regional                                   With brand            With good
                                                                                          Establish manufacture base
       brand           Local consumers         popularity in a      marketing network
                                                                                                  at local place
     enterprises                                    region            at local place
                         A segmenting
                        consumer group           With brand
                                                                    Channels mainly
                      (currently they are        popularity
                                                                     concentrated in      Outsource some production
    Newcomers             mainly high-         mainly in first-
                                                                      first-tier and               processes
                       income people in      tier and second-
                                                                    second-tier cities
                          first-tier and          tier cities
                      second-tier cities)
      2. Industrial drive factors
      (1) Policy
      The supervision system in the aspect of policy is becoming better, and implementation of New National
Standard and other industrial policies regulates development of industry and brings development opportunities
for head enterprises.
      1)New National Standard
      Implementation of New National Standard brings changes in competition order and market volume.
      The inspection rules of Old National Standard are divided into three categories, veto items, important items
and common items. The electric bicycle, meeting all veto items, at least 15 ones in 18 important items and at
least 9 items in 13 common items, are deemed as qualified in inspection conclusion. The New National Standard
does not distinguish the inspection rules of electric bicycle, all technical parameters are compulsory requirements,
and insists on the nature of non-motor vehicle of electric bicycle in a few of aspects, for example, the highest
velocity of vehicle shall not exceed 25km/h, and increases the technical requirement to prevent changing
maximum speed.
      With implementation of New National Standard, in order to further strengthen transportation safety
management, the administrative departments implement transition period management policy for the existing
electric bicycles that exceed the standard, and each local government set the transition period. After the
transition period expires, the electric bicycles exceeding the standard will not be allowed to run on the road again.
Local governments promulgated the management policies for electric bicycles that exceed the standard, and set
different transition periods (generally 5 years, i.e. closing before the end of 2024). And also they strictly executed
the New National Standard, and the digital and smart transport monitoring equipment and execution tools greatly
reduced execution difficulty, therefore, the implementation effect of the New National Standard was good, and
the replacement demand increasing every year extended the industry’s market volume.
      After implementation of the New National Standard, the demand to electric mopeds and electric motorcycles
significantly increased, many manufacturers had to pass strict entry examination in order to obtain production
and management qualification. In addition, all electric two-wheel vehicles must pass 3C authentication before
sale in the market, and the authentication would generate certain expenses. These requirements significantly
raised industrial entry barrier and the operating costs of whole vehicle manufacturers, accelerated survival of the
fittest in the industry, and had active promotion action for regulating development and competition order of
electric two-wheel vehicle industry. In view of implementation effect of New National Standard in recent two
years, integration showed acceleration trend in the industry, and the market share would be concentrated to the
leading enterprises.
      2)Other important industry policies
      The industry supervision and administration policies promulgated and implemented in recent years were
mainly related to safety (including riding safety and fire safety). Benefiting from digital and smart transportation
monitoring equipment and execution tools, execution strength and effect continually increase, safety use of
electric two-wheel vehicles and industrial order were strictly regulated from production end, sales end and user
      The State Taxation Administration, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public
Security jointly released Measures for the Use of Motor Vehicle Invoices, which was formally implemented in
July 2021. Enterprises which manufacture and sell motor vehicles shall issue unified invoices for the motor
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vehicles which they have sold according to the principle of “one invoice for one vehicle”, and any electric
motorcycle and electric moped not issued with invoice cannot obtain license plate and run on road. The policy
of “one invoice for one vehicle” is convenient for after-sale claim of consumers and effectively removes
unsymmetrical competition in the industry.
      In addition, occurrence of public safety accidents arising from electric two-wheel vehicle on fire catches
more social attention in recent years. Execution of the rule “electric vehicles shall not be upstairs” is stricter, safe
charging had become the focal point in consumption and an important issue affecting the development of the
industry, and generated a huge potential demand market, and also provided room for business expansion and
performance growth.
      The common view of “low carbon emission and green transport”, worse traffic jam, influence of
COVID-19 to commute habit made more users to accept electric two-wheel vehicles.
      In recent years, governments of various nations continually improved the policy and law system on low
carbon emission, and advocated the concept of green environmental protection, in order to solve greenhouse
effect. The common view of “low carbon emission and green transport” made electric two-wheel vehicles
accepted by more customers; traffic jam had become worse day by day, many families and individuals who
owned car or electric four-wheel vehicles were willing to select electric two-wheel vehicles for medium and short-
distance travel because they were flexible and convenient. Considering risk of epidemic infection, many people
gave up closed public transportation and in favor of open personal electric vehicle.
      The medium and short-distance travel demand of residents is basic, transport cost advantage makes
electric two-wheel vehicle as major selection for medium and short-distance travel; the rise of take-out
distribution and other emerging businesses remarkably extend the use scenarios of electric two-wheel
      With economic development and urbanization progress, the travel radius of residents (including urban and
rural residents) continually increases, and the medium and short-distance travel demand is increasing.
Compared with other medium and short-distance vehicles, electric two-wheel vehicle has the following
advantages: economical, convenient, time-saving and labor-saving, and the transportation cost advantage is
even more obvious, this highly meets the demand of residents and it becomes the major selection of residents
for medium and short-distance travel. This is the basic drive factor of industry development.
      Furthermore, when consumption awareness of residents improves and the “Internet +” service model is
becoming mature in China, various door-to-door services have become mainstream of new consumption, take-
out services driven under 020 (online/offline) model and express services driven under e-commerce have
become the new consumption scenarios of electric two-wheel vehicle, which benefits the expansion of industry
      In-depth research on the design, technology and process of electric two-wheel vehicles and the
continuous application of networking and intelligence jointly drive the technological development of the
      Industry technologies are developed mainly in two paths, one is innovation and improvement of the inherent
technology system of the industry (including material, process and structure), including performance
improvement of core hardware such as battery, application of new environment-friendly materials and new
technologies, improvement of vehicle body structure. The other is technical application crossing industries,
networking and smart technical application is the R&D field of current important cross-industry technical
application. Both of them jointly promote technology development of the industry, improvement of product
performance and function expansion, and it is beneficial that the products in the industry obtain wider market
recognition. After the leading enterprises with strength in R&D investment acquire economic interest from
research and development, they will further increase input in R&D and design, so that it can generate good cycle
of R&D - design - manufacture - sale, and promote improvement of industry concentration and whole upgrading
of industry.
      (5)International demand
      Carbon emission reduction is an important strategic consensus formed on a global scale. Under the
background of the continuous implementation of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" policies in
various countries, the international market for electric two-wheel vehicles is showing a growing trend.
      Since electric two-wheel vehicle emerged, the domestic market is the major consumption market, but the
international market has low demand to electric two-wheel vehicles. Compared with electric two-wheel vehicles,
motorcycles and electric assistance products with leisure and fitness function are greatly acceptable by overseas
customers. A few of manufacturers in China have a little export business, and they try to build up factories in
Southeast Asia /other countries for developing business, but the effect is very little. While environmental
protection awareness is being strengthened in the world, many countries promulgate relevant policies for
“prohibiting motorcycle” or encouraging “replacing oil with electricity”, and the demand to electric two-wheel
vehicles in the international market shows increasing trend, and this provides another huge development space
for the industry.

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      3. Industry development trend
      Economic transformation and consumption upgrading, application of networking and smart
 technologies and rise of international demand under carbon peaking and carbon neutrality will drive
 electric two-wheel vehicle industry developing to differential, high-end, smart and international direction.
      Electric two-wheel vehicles in early days mainly met the short-distance travel demand of the public, and the
 products focused at riding function and cost performance, they had simple functions and are homogeneous. With
 improvement of living standard of residents and development of consumption upgrading trend, the consumption
 demand to electric two-wheel vehicles changes to the direction of quality, function, personality and experience,
 including color, vehicle model and style (such as business, fashion and sports), cruising mileage, smart
 interaction, riding comfort, brake safety, stability, etc. In the trend of consumption demand transformation and
 consumption upgrading, electric two-wheel vehicles will show differential trend, namely, manufacturers carry out
 precise identification and deep research to segmenting consumption demand, and organize customized
 production according to different personal demands.
      With more intensive competition in the industry, restructuring of industry order and change of consumption
 demand, high-end will be the necessary option of electric two-wheel vehicle industry, and is also only way of
 brand enterprises. High-end trend of the industry includes three aspects: first, product function upgrading and
 expansion, second, brand re-positioning and extension, third, overall high-end transformation. Overall high-end
 transformation mainly refers to innovation, evolution and upgrading of the existing industrial pattern under the
 networking, smart and digital trend.
      Consumption upgrading and cross-industry technical application provide opportunities for smart
 development of the industry, including development and application of automatic driving, automatic parking,
 smart navigation, automatic unlocking, health testing, remote failure diagnosis, anti-theft warning and other smart
 modules. Especially, new generation people who have been one of the major consumption groups (born after
 1990 and 2000) pay more attention to smart unlocking, human-vehicle interconnection and other smart functions.
 With continual development of Internet of vehicles, smart function is hopeful to be the standard function
 configuration. At that time, electric two-wheel vehicles will not be limited to be short-distance transport vehicle,
 and they will become an important part of smart networking media system of residents and the important source
 of social networking data.
      With formation of international common view on carbon emission reduction and understanding of overseas
 users about green and convenient characteristics of electric two-wheel vehicle, international market faces
 development opportunity, electric two-wheel vehicle industry will gradually move from domestic market to global
 market. At present, many domestic manufacturers of China Intensify their efforts to expand the international
 market. In spite of the obstruction of trade protectionism in the course of internationalization, the unique
 advantage of electric two-wheel vehicle industry and the international strategy of some leading enterprises will
 be helpful for electric two-wheel vehicles to enter overseas market, and this will become the important
 development trend of this industry.
(II) Development strategy of the Company
 √Applicable Not applicable
       The Company will, based on its strategic axis of “Customer-Centricity, Outstanding Products, Market
 Cultivation, and Diligent Operations” and following its strategic direction of transforming to digital and smart
 technical company, focus its core business and carry out differential competition. The Company will achieve
 products smart and high-end by application of Internet of vehicle technologies and development of core
 hardware and others, and actively develop international market.
(III) Management plan
√Applicable Not applicable
      1. Product
      The Company's core and base was to meet user needs. To meet that goal, constantly improve product
forward development processes and develop hot products projects, the Company improves the success rate of
product development and the sales contribution rate of best-selling products; continually carries out SKU
simplification, platform orientation, standardization and efficient resource utilization; further makes the whole
processes of planning, design, development, manufacturing and procurement smooth, solves coordination
problem in the course of product development and improves efficiency. The Company continues to optimize and
strictly implement the whole-process quality control system, strictly control the key point management of new
product quality, increase investment in product testing equipment, and promote the implementation of key
component standards to ensure product quality. The Company takes improvement of product service experience
as an important strategic measure of improving brand and product competition, adds input to digital and smart
service platform and professional service team, improves service quality and accelerates service demand
      2. Channel
      The Company carries out defined management of domestic channels, insists on value integration direction
of factories and dealers, continually adds quantity of shops and optimizes dealers and shops management
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 system and digital and smart management to improve marketing capacity of dealers and single shop output. The
 Company concurrently adds input to e-commerce platforms and makes more efforts in drawing online attention
 and development of new customers, so as to promote online and offline collaborative development.
      3. Research and Development
      The Company continues to implement the R&D project manager system in depth, focuses on the research
 on the application of the Internet of vehicles technology and the research on the core technology of the industry,
 and at the same time increases the project investment in the application of the R&D results, to actively promote
 the transformation of the results.
      4. Marketing
      The Company continually explores brand publicity strategy in the new online traffic era, improves the
 marketing capacity of dealers in new flow era and takes adjustment of product structure as marketing point to
 increase marketing strength of best selling products.
      5. Digital and smart project
      The Company continues to promote the construction of digital and intelligent projects, empower all business
 units, and focus on promoting the iterative launch of systems in the three major areas of manufacturing,
 marketing and information. At the same time, the Company continuously strengthen its ability to "raise data,
 manage data, and use data", and establishes data-driven management capabilities.
      6. Development of international market
      The Company increased input, firmly develops international market with localization strategy, focuses on
 main markets and realizes collaborative development between key OEM customers and independent brand
 business; actively promotes overseas localization construction and international manufacturing system
 upgrading, and builds core competitive advantages for the global markets.
      7. Human resources
      The Company further optimizes the organizational level, clarifies functions and responsibilities, and fully
 implements the application of performance results in training, recruitment & promotion, incentives, and other
 areas; strengthens cultivation of technicians, improves training and development system of skilled personnel,
 and improves professional development path of skilled personnel related to remuneration distribution.
(IV) Potential risks
√Applicable Not applicable
     1. More intensive competition in the industry
     The competition in the electric two-wheel vehicle industry is more intensive increasingly. In recent years,
with regulatory development of industry and optimization of competition order, many small enterprises withdraw
from the market, and industry competition mainly exists between leading enterprises. This is a new situation.
These enterprises continue to reduce sales prices while improving product performance and expanding service
coverage, greatly increasing the difficulty of competition. If a manufacturer fails to promptly launch high-cost
performance products and offer high-quality services according to market demand, it may lose original
competition advantage and industrial position. At present, the Company has maintained a leading position in the
industry by virtue of its capabilities of strong product development, technological innovation, excellent cost
control and quality management, good brand image and user reputation, nationwide marketing channels and
service networks and other competitive advantages. The Company will continually focus on users’ demand, carry
out differential competition, realize smart and high-end products by application of Internet of vehicles
technologies, development of industrial core hardware, improve production efficiency and defined operation
through digital and smart upgrading, development and cost reduction and raise its cost competition advantage.
     2. Product R&D risks
     With the improvement of consumers' consumption awareness and the trend of consumption upgrading
becoming more and more obvious, consumers' demand for electric two-wheeled vehicles presents the
characteristics of fashion, intelligence and networking, which requires electric two-wheeled vehicle
manufacturers to continuously research and predict the trend of consumer demand, continue to carry out product
innovation and technology research and development, and launch new models with new shapes and new
functions to meet the constantly upgraded consumer needs of users. Failure to meet consumption expectations
will have a negative impact on performance. In addition, the R&D of new models requires a certain period of
time. If a manufacturer takes the lead in developing similar products and locks the relevant patents, it may put
pressure on the R&D of other manufacturers. The Company always regards R&D and product innovation as the
main means to enhance its product competitiveness and achieve long-term development. Starting from the
needs of users, after years of continuous R&D investment and exploration, it has acquired the relevant
capabilities of accurate user demand positioning, excellent technology and innovation, which makes its products
popular among consumers. The Company will continue to improve the APDS process with a user-centered R&D
strategy, and enhance the Company's technological capabilities to reduce R&D risks.
     3. Management risks to dealers
     The main sales model of the Company's products is distribution. Dealers are not only the Company's direct
customers, but also important windows for the Company to show its brand image and enhance its brand
reputation to consumers in its distribution areas. The operating capabilities, risk appetite and willingness to work
hard of the dealers have a greater impact on the sales of the Company's products in the relevant distribution
areas. If the dealer's operation method and service quality are contrary to the Company's business purpose or
the dealer's understanding of the Company's management philosophy deviates, it may have an adverse impact
on the Company's business performance and brand image. In this regard, the Company continuously improves
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 the dealer management system, strictly implements the management standards for dealer access, training,
 assessment and exit, etc., and establishes a scorecards and dynamic channel management system to “retain
 winners and retire losers”, to stimulate the dealer’ working enthusiasm, improve their operation capabilities and
 ensure the vitality and healthy development of the Company's channel system.
      4. Material price fluctuation risks
      The purchase price of raw materials in the industry is affected by factors such as macro trends and industrial
 policies, and there is the possibility of fluctuations, which increases the difficulty of controlling purchase costs
 and may have a certain impact on the operating performance of production enterprises. In this regard, the
 Company has built and will continue to improve a high-quality and efficient supply chain system, set up a special
 supplier quality management department, and select and integrate global supply chain resources. The Company
 invested in key parts manufacturers to ensure the safety of the supply of key parts; at the same time, for products
 with a clear price increase, the Company adopts the method of locking the price in advance and locking the
 purchase volume to avoid operating risks caused by sharp price increases. The Company has established close
 strategic cooperative relations with major parts suppliers, which is conducive to achieving sufficient supply of
 raw materials and stable prices. At the same time, the Company upgrades and optimizes the supply chain
 platform through the construction of digital intelligence, realizes the deep synergy between the Company's
 manufacturing process and the supply chain system, and hedges the cost control pressure caused by rising raw
 materials with the improvement of production efficiency.
      5. Impact of COVID-19 against production and management of the Company
      Various measures have been adopted in various places of China to prevent and control the epidemic.
 However, the repeated outbreak of the new crown epidemic, especially during the period of concentrated
 outbreaks of COVID-19 cases, the production, material circulation and other business activities of local
 production enterprises will be negatively affected to varying degrees. The Company's procurement, production,
 sales and shipping may be affected. In this regard, the Company gives full play to the advantages of its diversified
 and flexible supply chain and the network of production bases that radiate across the country, does a good job
 in normalizing the prevention and control of the pandemic, strengthens flexible stocking and lean production
 management, and ensure the smooth delivery of procurement, production and sales to reduce COVID-19 impact
 against the Company to the least.
(V) Other
Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Explanation for Non-disclosure in Accordance with The Accounting Standard due to Being Not
Applicable to The Provisions of The Standard or State Secret and Business Secrete and Other Special
Applicable √Not applicable

                                     Section 4 Corporate Governance
I. Related Information about Corporate Governance
√Applicable Not applicable
      The Company is operated strictly in accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law and other laws and
regulations, as well as the regulations and rules issued by China Regulatory Securities Committee and relevant
requirements of various rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Based on its actual situation, the Company has
established and improved its corporate governance structure, and actively promoted the optimization of the
corporate governance structure to ensure the maximization of the interests of the Company's shareholders.
      The general meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and managers have their
respective clear rights and responsibilities, and they perform according to their duties and specifications. Four
specialized committees including the Strategy and Development Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination
Committee, Remuneration and Appraisal Committee have been set up under the Board of Directors, and each
specific committee does its work according to its duties. In 2021, the Company held 4 general meetings of
Shareholders, 11 meetings of board of directors and 8 meetings of board of supervisors, reviewing the important
matters such as external guarantees, related transactions, external investments and equity incentives. The
independent directors of the Company seriously performed duties, expressed independent opinions on relevant
matters and practically maintained legal interest of all shareholders in accordance with the requirements of
relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. Concurrently, the Company has formulated
relevant rules, and continue to amend and improve them, which are effectively executed; The Company has
established impartial, transparent performance evaluation standard and incentive and restriction mechanism for
senior executives, and has made comprehensive evaluation with reference to the operation targets of the
Company and its business units, individual ability and performance examination.
      The Company continually improves information disclosure quality according to the provisions of the Articles
of Association, Management Method on Information Disclosure and other rules. The Company insists on
combination of statutory information disclosure and voluntary information disclosure and ensure that all
shareholders and other stakeholders could obtain the Company’s information equally. Since the Company’s
listing date and up to December 31, 2021, the Company has disclosed 57 temporary reports, 2 regular reports.

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The Company also strictly executed the Insider Registration and Filing System and done well in management of
insider information.
     The Company attaches importance to management and maintenance of investor relations, and continually
improves investor relations management level. After listed, in order to know and properly handle the opinions
and proposals of shareholders and investors. the Company communicated with investors in multi-tier and multi-
channel manner, including video, telephone, on site, and fully utilized investor hotline, Shanghai Stock Exchange
E Interaction Platform to allow investors to understand the operation and management situation of the Company,
the Company also organized institutions for investigation several times and attended strategy conferences
organized by Securities and Investment Institutes,
     Indicate whether there was any material incompliance with the applicable laws and regulations, as well as
the CSRC’s requirements in corporate governance. If yes, please explain.
Applicable √Not applicable
II. Specific Measures Taken by the Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller to Guarantee the Asset,
Personnel, Financial, Organizational and Business Independence of the Company, as well as Solutions,
Progress and Subsequent Plans when the Company’s Independence Is Intervened
√Applicable Not applicable
      Since incorporation, the Company has been operating strictly according to the Company Law, Articles of
Association and other relevant regulations the Company has established and continues to improve corporate
governance structure and is independent of the controlling shareholder, the actual controller and other
enterprises under its control in assets, personnel, finance, organization, business, etc. The Company owns
complete business system and the ability to operate independently in the market. The concrete situation is as
     (I) Intact assets
      The Company was changed in whole and incorporated from a limited company, and all businesses,
assets, organization, and relevant claims and debts of the limited company at the time of change in whole
entered into the joint stock company. The Company has the main production system, auxiliary production
system and supporting facilities related to production and management, has independent raw material
purchasing and product selling system, legally owns land use rights, workshop, equipment, intangible assets
and other assets related to production and management, and has the legal and complete ownership or use
right of such assets.
     (II) Independent personnel
      The Company has set up independent human resource department, and has formulated the rules related
to labor, personnel, salary. The general manager, vice general manager, secretary of board of directors, Chief
Financial Officer and other senior executives of the Company do not hold positions other than director, supervisor
in the controlling shareholder, actual controller of the Company and other enterprises under control thereof, and
do not receive salary in the controlling shareholder, actual controller of the Company and other enterprises under
control thereof; the financial staff of the Company do not take any part-time job or receive salary in the controlling
shareholder, actual controller of the Company and other enterprises under control thereof; the labor, personnel
and salary management of the Company is absolutely independent with the controlling shareholder, actual
controller of the Company and other enterprises under control thereof. The directors, supervisors and senior
executives of the Company generate strictly according to the Company Law, Articles of Association and other
relevant rules.
     (III) Independent finance
      The Company has established a set of independent, complete and normative accounting system and
financial management system strictly according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and
relevant rules, and has established relevant internal control rules and independently makes financial decisions.
The Company independently opens banking accounts, pays tax, and does not use any joint account with the
controlling shareholder, actual controller and other enterprises under control thereof.
     (IV) Independent organization
      The Company has established and continues to improve corporate governance structure, and its general
meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and senior executives perform their respective
responsibilities strictly according to the Company Law and Articles of Association; The Company has established
the independent organizational structure suitable for its own developmental needs, and has formulated
reasonable and complete position duties and internal management rules. Each department independently
operates according to the stated responsibilities, has independent operation and office space. There is no
situation that the shareholder entities, any other entities or individual interferes with the establishment of the
Company's organization, and the Company has no common institution with the controlling shareholder, actual
controller and other enterprises under control thereof.
     ((V) Independent business
     The Company owns independent and complete business system including purchasing, production, and sale
system, and has the capacity of independently operating its business in market. The Company has independent
management decision-making rights, independently organizes its production and management according to
operation plans, independently carries out business, which is independent with the controlling shareholder,
actual controller and other enterprises under control thereof. The Company does not have horizontal competition
or unconscionable related transaction with the controlling shareholder, actual controller and other enterprises
under control thereof.
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                                                      2021 Annual Report

           Indicate whether the controlling shareholder, the actual controller, or any entity under their control is
      engaged in the same or similar business with the Company. Explain the impact of horizontal competition or any
      significant change to horizontal competition on the Company, solutions taken, progress and subsequent plans.
      Applicable √Not applicable

      III. Introduction to General Meetings of Shareholders

                                 Index to disclosed       Disclosure
  Meeting            Date                                                                     Resolutions
                                    resolutions              date
                                                                           Reviewed and adopted the Work Report of the
                                                                           Board of Directors of 2020, Work Report of the
                                                                           Board of Supervisors of 2020, Final Financial
                                                                           Report of 2020, Proposal on Reviewing
                                                                           Remuneration Situation of Directors, Supervisors
General                                                                    and senior executives in 2020 and Remuneration
meeting      of   May 17, 2021          N/A                  N/A           Program for 2021, Proposal on Estimated Daily
2020                                                                       Related Transactions in 2021, Proposal on
                                                                           Guarantee Plan of the Company in 2021, Proposal
                                                                           on Use of Idle Self-owned Fund for Cash
                                                                           Management, Profit Distribution Plan of 2020,
                                                                           Proposal on Continuing to Employ Accounting Firm
                                                                           for 2021.
                                                                           Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on the
                   August 16,                             August 17,       Company Intends to Sign Project Agreement with
general                          www.sse.com.cn
                     2021                                   2021           the Management Committee of Chongqing
meeting of
                                                                           Tongliang High-tech Industrial Development Area
                                                                           Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on the
                                                                           Company Intends to Sign the Investment
Second                                                                     Agreement with the People’s Government of
temporary                                                                  Qingtian County, Lishui City, Proposal on Amending
                  November 15,                          November 16,
general                          www.sse.com.cn                            Articles of Association, Proposal on Amending
                     2021                                  2021
meeting of                                                                 Rules of Procedure of General Meeting of
2021                                                                       Shareholders, Proposal on Amending Rules of
                                                                           Procedure of Directors’ Meeting, Proposal on
                                                                           Applying for Comprehensive Credit to Bank.
                                                                           Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Restricted
Third                                                                      Stock Incentive Plan of the Company for 2021
temporary                                                                  (Draft) and Its Summary, Proposal on Measures for
                  December 27,                          December 28,
general                          www.sse.com.cn                            Examination on Implementation of Restricted Stock
                     2021                                  2021
meeting of                                                                 Incentive Plan of the Company for 2021, Proposal
2021                                                                       on Requesting General meeting to Authorize Board
                                                                           of Directors to Handle Equity Incentive Matters.

      Extraordinary general meetings of shareholders convened at the request of preference shareholders
      with resumed voting rights:
      Applicable √Not applicable
      Description of general meetings of shareholders
      √Applicable Not applicable

           On May 17, 2021, the Company held the general meeting of shareholders of 2020, reviewed and adopted
      all proposals. The Company was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange on June 15, 2021, so it did not publish
      relevant announcement about the general meeting of shareholders of 2020 on designated website or media.

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   IV. Situation of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
   (I) Shareholding changes and remunerations of incumbent directors, supervisors and senior executives and those who resigned before the end of their tenures
   during the Reporting Period
   √Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                        In: share
                                                                                                                                       Total amount
                                                                                                                Change in              remuneration       Whether
                                                                                                               shareholding               pre-tax        acquiring
                                                                                 Opening          Closing                     Reason
                                                    Start of      End of                                          in the               acquired from   remuneration
  Name        Office title (note)   Gender   Age                               shareholding     shareholding                    for
                                                    tenure        tenure                                        Reporting              the Company     in the related
                                                                                 (share)          (share)                     change
                                                                                                                  Period                   in the      parties of the
                                                                                                                 (share)                 reporting       Company
              Chairman of the
Zhang Jian     Board, general         M      52    1999/09/27   2022/09/10      282,317,000     282,317,000                                   186.72        No
              Vice Chairman of
Duan Hua       the Board, vice        F      53    2013/09/13   2022/09/10                                                                    186.58
  Zhang                                                                                                                                                     No
                  Director            F      28    2013/09/13   2022/09/10                                                                     49.20
 Peng Wei         Director            M      51    2009/08/26   2022/09/10        3,150,000        3,150,000                                   34.16
Liu Jianxin       Director            M      55    2009/08/26   2022/09/10        3,150,000        3,150,000                                       0
Fang Hao          Director            M      47    2017/11/28   2022/09/10                                                                         0
                Independent                                                                                                                                 No
Wang Aijian                           F      67    2018/04/16   2022/09/10                                                                      8.00
   Sun          Independent                                                                                                                                 No
                                      M      58    2018/01/24   2022/09/10                                                                      8.00
Guangliang         director
                Independent                                                                                                                                 No
Xu Haoran                             M      52    2018/01/24   2022/09/10                                                                      8.00
                Chairman of
 Xu Peng           board of           M      32    2016/09/13   2022/09/10                                                                     28.76
  Li Yan          Employee            F      38    2018/05/07   2022/09/10                                                                     34.44        No
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                                                                                2021 Annual Report

Wu Lyubo          Supervisor         M        53      2009/08/26     2022/09/10                                                                                   0
 Li Yubao          Vice GM           M        46      2018/01/24     2022/09/10                                                                              181.90
                   Vice GM,
  Wang                                                                                                                                                                       No
                 secretary of        M        42      2018/01/24     2022/09/10                                                                               83.70
               board of director
                Vice GM, Chief                                                                                                                                               No
Zheng Hui                            F        40      2021/07/21     2022/09/10                                                                              153.08
               Financial Officer
Hu Yupeng          Vice GM           M        42      2020/05/14     2022/09/10                                                                              104.57
Quanzhang          Vice GM           M        51      2018/01/24     2021/03/22                                                                                4.55
Hao Hong       Vice GM, Chief                                                                                                                                                No
                                     M        43      2013/08/23     2021/07/17                                                                               97.52
 (former)      Financial Officer
Ren Yong                                                                                                                                                                     No
               General manager       M        41      2020/05/14     2021/10/31                                                                              139.47
   Total               /              /        /           /               /          288,617,000      288,617,000                          /              1,308.65   /

      Name                                                                            Main working experience
                  Former executive director of Tianjin Qiyu Interactive Technology Co., Ltd., former director of Tianjin Sanshang Investment Management Co., Ltd. Current
    Zhang Jian
                  Chairman of the Board and general manager of the Company.
    Duan Hua      Former vice general manger of Aima Technology. Current vice Chairman of the Board, vice general manger.
     Zhang        Former general manager assistant, former secretary of Chairman of the Board of the Company. Current director of the Company, executive director and
      Gege        general manager of Tianjin Suiwanwan, executive partner of Changxin Dingai.
    Peng Wei      Former general manager of Tianjin Bond Fushida Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., former general manager of Aima Sports. Current director of the Company.
                  Former safety commissioner of the Company, former vice general manager of Tianjin Bond Fushida Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., former director and general
    Liu Jianxin   manager of Tianjin Lepuning Packaging Materials Co., Ltd. Current director of the Company, current supervisor of Tianjin Sanshang Investment Management
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Former general manager of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd., former executive director and general manager of Qingdao Jinshi Hanna Investment Co., Ltd. Current
                  director and general manager of the Company, current director of China National Gold Group Gold Jewellery Co., Ltd., director of CITIC Industry Investment
                  Fund Management Co., Ltd., director of Zhejiang Huayou New Energy Technology Co., Ltd director of Zhejiang Xingxing Cold Chain Integration Co., Ltd.,
    Fang Hao
                  director of Jupiter Connection Limited, director of Neptune Connection Limited, director of Uranus Connection Limited, director of Pluto Connection Limited,
                  director of CS Regal Holding Limited, director of CSI Capricornus Limited, director of China Investment and Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., director of Shenzhen
                  BGI Smart Manufacture Technology Corp., Ltd., general manager of Guangzheng Lingxiu Investment Co., Ltd.
                  Former vice president of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, and former director of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. Current independent
                  director of the Company, teacher of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, independent director of TASLY PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP CO., LTD.,
                  director of Northern International Trust Co., Ltd. and etc.

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                                                                             2021 Annual Report

    Sun        Former lawyer of China Legal Affairs Center, lawyer of Zhongxin Law Firm, independent director of Daheng New Epoch Technology, Inc. Current
 Guangliang    independent director of the Company, director of Beijing Huatang Law Firm, independent director of Dongxing Securities Corporation Limited and etc.
               Former senior vice president of Far East Holding Group, senior editor of Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation, director journalist of Guangdong Television Station.
               Current independent director of the Company, supervisor of Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd., vice Chairman of the Board of Beijing Youshi Capital
 Xu Haoran     Management Co., Ltd., director of TOJOY Holding Group Co., Ltd., executive director of TOJOY (Qingdao) Financial Technology Group Co., Ltd., Chairman
               of the Board of Yonghu Cross-border E-commerce Co., Ltd., supervisor of Jiangsu Tianzheng Media Advertising Co., Ltd., supervisor of Beijing Huizhi Huaxia
               Business Management Consultation Co., Ltd.
               Former Chairman of the Board of Tianjin Bond Fushida Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., former general manager assistant of Tianjin Sanshang Investment
  Xu Peng
               Management Co., Ltd. Current chairman of board of supervisors of the Company.
               Former section chief of Supplier Management Section of Procurement Department of the Company, former secretary of vice Chairman of the Board, former
   Li Yan      director of Improvement Office, Brand Management Center, former director of office of vice Chairman of the Board. Current employee supervisor, product
               manager of R & D Department of the Company.
               Former director of General Affairs Department, former vice director of Business Management Department, former director of Department of Supervision, former
  Wu Lyubo
               public relationship manager of Administrative Department of the Company. Current supervisor of the Company.
               Former director of Procurement Department of Tianjin New Times Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd., former director of Procurement Department of Tianjin Taimei
  Li Yubao
               Bicycle Co., Ltd., former supervisor of Procurement Department of the Company. Current vice general manager of the Company.
   Wang        Former lecturer of Shanghai Ocean University, former Chairman of the Board and president of Tianjin Sanshang Investment Management Co., Ltd. Current
  Chunyan      vice general manager, secretary of board of directors of the Company.
               Former financial manager of Product Company of Midea Group Co., Ltd., former vice general manager, Chief Financial Officer of Meizhi Photoelectric
 Zheng Hui     Technology Co., Ltd., former vice general manager of Foshan Hange E-commerce Technology Co., Ltd., former Senior Financial Director of Foshan Yunmi
               Electric Technology Co., Ltd., former Senior Financial Director of the Company. Current vice general manager, Chief Financial Officer of the Company.
               Former employee of Beijing Youshi Accurate Marketing Management Consultation Co., Ltd., former general manager of Wuhan Youshi Accurate Marketing
 Hu Yupeng     Management Consultation Co., Ltd., former general manager of Wuhan Zhuoyue Youshi Accurate Marketing Management Consultation Co., Ltd., former
               operations director of the Company. Current vice general manager of the Company.
               Former workshop director of Xuchang Machine Manufacture Factory, former general manager assistant of Xinlong Industrial Co., Ltd., former Lean Promotion
               Office of Structure Branch of XJ Electric Co., Ltd., former assistant manager of Tianjin Xinlong Co., Ltd, former improvement Promotion Department, General
               Manager’s Office of the Company, former director of General Manager’s Office, former vice general manager of the Company. Current information technology
               consultant of the Company.
               Former director of Planning Department of LG Electronic (Tianjin) Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., former financial manager of OTIS (China) Co., Ltd., former
  Hao Hong
               director of Financial Plan & Analysis Department, former director of Financial Management Department, former vice general manager of the Company. Current
               director of audit center of Audit Center of the Company.
                Former domestic sale general manager of Domestic Appliance Business Department of Midea Group Co., Ltd., former senior superintendent of President’s
  Ren Yong      Office, former senior superintendent in market construction and coordination of China Region, former general manager of innovative services of VATTI
   (former)     CORPORATION LIMITED, former general manager of Jizhi Kitchen, former vice general manager, general manager of the Company. Current strategic
                development consultant of the Company.
Description of other situation
√Applicable Not applicable
1. In March 2021, Wang Quanzhang, vice general manager of the Company, resigned for personal reasons.

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2. On July 21, 2021, the 18th meeting of the fourth board of directors of the Company reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Appointing Vice General Manager and Chief
Financial Officer of the Company. Hao Hong resigned job of vice general manager and Chief Financial Officer for work need, and acted as director of Audit Center of the
Company after the resignation; Zheng Hui was employed as vice general manager and Chief Financial Officer of the Company.
3. On July 30, 2021, the 19th meeting of the fourth board of directors of the Company reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Appointing General Manager of the Company, in
consideration of operation and long-term development strategy of the Company, Chairman of the Board Zhang Jian would not act as general manager concurrently; Ren Yong
was employed as general manager of the Company.
4. On November 16, 2021, the Company held the 23rd meeting of the fourth board of directors of the Company reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Appointing General
Manager of the Company, Ren Yong applied for resignation of the position of general manager of the Company for job change, and would act as strategic development
consultant of the Company after resignation; in consideration of operation and long-term development strategy of the Company, Mr. Zhang Jian was employed as general
manager of the Company.

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              (II) Incumbency of current and resigned directors, supervisors and senior executives during the
              reporting period
              1. Position at the shareholder entity
              √Applicable Not applicable
                      Name of         Name of shareholding       Position held in     Starting date of   Ending date of
                  in-service staff             entity           shareholder entity         tenure           tenure
                                          CITIC Securities       Director, general     August 2017
                     Fang Hao
                                       Investment Co., Ltd.          manager
                Statement of the
                position held in                                              N/A
                shareholding entity

              2. Statement of the position held in other entities
              √Applicable Not applicable
  Name of                                                                                                           Ending
                                                                          Position held in
 in-service                                                                                    Starting date of     date of
                                Name of other entities                     other entities
    staff                                                                                           tenure          tenure

Zhang Jian     Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd.                   Director             Jan. 2019
Zhang Jian     Tianjin Tianli Electric Bicycle Co., Ltd.                 Executive director       Jul. 2019
Zhang Jian     Aima Nanfang Co., Ltd.                                    General manager          Aug. 2013
Zhang Jian     Zhejiang Today Sunshine New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd.          Director             Aug. 2016        Feb. 2022
Duan Hua       Jiangsu Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                    Supervisor            Nov. 2018
Duan Hua       Zhejiang Beisite Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.           Supervisor            Aug. 2021
Duan Hua       Chongqing Xiaoma Smart Technology Co., Ltd.                  Supervisor            Jan. 2022
Duan Hua       Aima Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.                        Supervisor            Apr. 2021
Duan Hua       Aima Technology (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.                         Supervisor            Aug. 2021
Duan Hua       Tianjin Xiaoma Network Technology Co., Ltd.                  Supervisor            Jun. 2017
Duan Hua       Tianjin Aima Shared Technology Service Co., Ltd.             Supervisor            Aug. 2017
Duan Hua       Tianjin Tianli Electric Bicycle Co., Ltd.                    Supervisor            Jul. 2019
Duan Hua       Guangdong Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                  Supervisor            Dec. 2018
Duan Hua       Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                  Supervisor            Aug. 2021
Duan Hua       Xiaopa Electric Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.              Supervisor            Nov. 2018
Duan Hua       Tianjin Jinge Industrial Design Co., Ltd.                    Supervisor            Jun. 2020
Duan Hua       Aima Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.                           Supervisor            Apr. 2021
Duan Hua       Zhejiang Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                   Supervisor            Mar. 2019
Duan Hua       Aima South Co., Ltd.                                         Supervisor            Jul. 2020
Duan Hua       Tianjin Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                    Supervisor            Apr. 2017
Duan Hua       Sichuan Aima Technology Co., Ltd.                            Supervisor            Jan. 2017
Duan Hua       Henan Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                      Supervisor            Mar. 2019
Duan Hua       Shenzhen Aima Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd.                   Supervisor            Aug. 2021
Duan Hua       Guangxi Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                    Supervisor            Jan. 2018
Duan Hua       Tianjin Suiwanwan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.           Supervisor            Aug. 2016
Duan Hua       Tianjin Aima Sports Goods Co., Ltd.                          Supervisor            Mar. 2017
Zhang Gege     Tianjin Suiwanwan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.                                 Aug. 2016
                                                                         executive director
               Changxin Dingai Investment Management Partnership
Zhang Gege                                                               Executive partner        Dec. 2017
               (Limited Partnership)
Peng Wei       Tianjin Tianli Electric Bicycle Co., Ltd.                     Manager              Nov. 2021
Peng Wei       Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.               Executive director       Aug. 2021
Peng Wei       Xiaopa Electric Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.           Executive director       Mar. 2022
Liu Jianxin    Tianjin Sanshang Investment Management Co., Ltd.             Supervisor            Feb. 2017
Fang Hao       CITIC Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.           Director             Jun. 2018
Fang Hao       Zhejiang Huayou New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.               Director             May 2019
Fang Hao       China Investment and Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.            Director             Nov. 2019
Fang Hao       Zhejiang Xingxing Cold Chain Integration Co., Ltd.            Director             Dec. 2019
Fang Hao       China National Gold Group Gold Jewellery Co., Ltd             Director             Oct. 2017
Fang Hao       Shenzhen BGI Smart Manufacture Technology Co., Ltd.           Director             Jun. 2020
Fang Hao       CSI Capricornus Limited                                       Director
Fang Hao       Jupiter Connection Limited                                    Director
Fang Hao       Neptune Connection Limited                                    Director
Fang Hao       Uranus Connection Limited                                     Director
Fang Hao       Pluto Connection Limited                                      Director

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Fang Hao      CS Regal Holding Limited                                             Director
Fang Hao      Sailing International Investment Fund (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.           Director         Jun. 2021
Fang Hao      Xi’an Yisiwei Material Technology Co., Ltd.                         Director         Jul. 2021
                                                                              Executive director,
Fang Hao      Guangzheng Lingxiu Investment Co., Ltd.                                               Dec. 2020
                                                                               general manager
Fang Hao      Hunan Steel Group Co., Ltd.                                          Director         Oct. 2021
Fang Hao      Citron PE Holdings Limited                                           Director
Wang Aijian   Northern International Trust Co., Ltd. and etc.                      Director         Dec. 2015
Wang Aijian   TASLY PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP CO., LTD.                                                  Jun. 2021
   Sun                                                                           Independent
              Dongxing Securities Corporation Limited                                               Dec. 2017
Guangliang                                                                          director
   Sun                                                                           Independent
              CITIC Metal Co., Ltd.                                                                 Sep. 2020
Guangliang                                                                          director
              Beijing Huatang Law Firm                                              Director        Jan. 1998
                                                                              Vice Chairman of
Xu Haoran     Beijing Youshi Capital Management Co., Ltd.                                           Sep. 2019
                                                                                  the Board
Xu Haoran     Kunming Mengtang Technology Co., Ltd.                                Director         Dec. 2015
              Beijing Gaopeng Tianxia Investment Management Co.,
Xu Haoran                                                                           Director        Jul. 2014
Xu Haoran     Jiangsu Tianzheng Media Advertising Co., Ltd.                        Supervisor       Mar. 2004
Xu Haoran     Chongqing Yunhuan Cultural Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.                 Director        Oct. 2018
Xu Haoran     TOJOY Holding Group Co., Ltd.                                         Director        Sep. 2020
              Guangzhou Dingda Educational Information Consultation
Xu Haoran                                                                          Supervisor       Aug. 2008
              Co., Ltd.
                                                                               Chairman of the
Xu Haoran     Yonghu Cross-border E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                              Jul. 2018
              Beijing Huizhi Huaxia Business Management Consultation
Xu Haoran                                                                          Supervisor       May 2021
              Co., Ltd.
Xu Haoran     Chongqing Yunyixuan Cultural Technology Co., Ltd.                   Director          Jun. 2017
Xu Haoran     Qinzhi Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                                 Director          Jul. 2015
Xu Haoran     Far East Holding Group Co., Ltd.                                   Supervisor         Jan. 2019
Xu Haoran     TOJOY (Qingdao) Financial Technology Group Co., Ltd.            Executive director    Oct. 2019
 Xu Peng      Taizhou Aima Vehicle Manufacture Co., Ltd.                      Executive director    Nov. 2021
 Xu Peng      Aima Growth Venture Capital (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                  Executive director    Nov. 2021
 Xu Peng      Lishui Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                        Executive director    Dec. 2021
 Li Yubao     Zhejiang Best Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                                       Aug. 2021   Mar. 2022
                                                                              executive director
Hao Hong
              Jiangsu Aima Vehicle     Technology Co., Ltd.                   Executive director    Jun. 2020
Hao Hong
              Aima Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.                           Executive director    Apr. 2021
Hao Hong
              Tianjin Xiaoma Network Technology Co., Ltd.                     Executive director    May 2020
Hao Hong
              Tianjin Aima Shared Technical Service Co., Ltd.                 Executive director    May 2020
Hao Hong
              Guangdong Aima Vehicle      Technology Co., Ltd.                Executive director    Jun. 2020
Hao Hong
              Aima Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.                              Executive director    Apr. 2021
Hao Hong
              Zhejiang Aima Vehicle    Technology Co., Ltd.                   Executive director    May 2020
Hao Hong
              Aima South Co., Ltd.                                            Executive director    Jul. 2020
Hao Hong
              Tianjin Aima Vehicle    Technology Co., Ltd.                    Executive director    May 2020
Hao Hong
              Sichuan Aima Technology Co., Ltd.                               Executive director    May 2020
Hao Hong
              Henan Aima Vehicle      Technology Co., Ltd.                    Executive director    Sep. 2020
Hao Hong
              Shenzhen Aima Zhixing Technology Co., Ltd.                      Executive director    Aug. 2021
Hao Hong      Guangxi Aima Vehicle     Technology Co., Ltd.                   Executive director    May 2020

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                                                              2021 Annual Report

Hao Hong
               Tianjin Aima Sports Goods Co., Ltd.                             Executive director       May 2020
Ren Yong                                                                        Chairman of the
               Guangdong Chengyi Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   Dec. 2021
 (former)                                                                       Board, manager
Ren Yong                                                                          Manager,
               Guangdong Guidepost Investment Co., Ltd.                                                 Jan. 2022
 (former)                                                                      executive director
 of taking
 office in
other units

              (III) Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior executives
              √Applicable Not applicable

                                                        The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the board of directors
                                                        brings forth a proposal to the board of directors about remuneration of
               Decision-making process for the
                                                        directors and senior executives of the Company. The board of directors
               remuneration      of      directors,
                                                        decides remuneration of management, reward and punishment affairs,
               supervisors and senior executives
                                                        and general meeting of shareholders decides remuneration affairs of
                                                        directors and supervisors.

               Basis for deciding the remuneration      The Company determines the remuneration of directors, supervisors
               of directors, supervisors and senior     and senior executives according to the Articles of Association and
               executives                               relevant rules.

                                                        The directors Liu Jianxin, Fang Hao are external directors who have
                                                        not acted as other positions in the Company and do not receive
               Actual payment of remuneration for
                                                        remuneration in the Company; the supervisor Wu Lyubo is shareholder
               directors, supervisors and senior
                                                        representative supervisor and does not receive remuneration in the
                                                        Company; the remunerations of other directors, supervisors and senior
                                                        executives are paid by the Company according to relevant rules.

               Total     remuneration        actually
               obtained      by     all    directors,
                                                        1,308.65 RMB’0000
               supervisors and senior executives
               at the end of reporting period

              (IV) Changes in directors, supervisors and senior executives
              √Applicable Not applicable

                      Name                  Position                    Change                       Reason of change
               Wang Quanzhang               Vice general manager        Resigned                     Personal reason
                                            Vice general manager,
               Hao Hong                                                 Resigned                     Job adjustment
                                            Chief Financial Officer
                                            Vice general manager,                                    General        manager
               Zheng Hui                                                Employment
                                            Chief Financial Officer                                  nominates to employ
               Ren Yong                     General manager             Resigned                     Job adjustment
                                                                                                     Chairman of the Board
               Zhang Jian                   General manager             Employment
                                                                                                     nominates to employ
              (V) Punishments imposed by securities regulators in the past three years
              Applicable √Not applicable
              (VI) Other
              Applicable √Not applicable
              V. Board Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period
                Meeting              Convening date                                    Resolutions
         14th meeting of the
                                                            Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Approving Financial
         fourth    board   of    January 31, 2021
                                                            Statement Reviewing Report of 2020.
         15th meeting of the     March 23, 2021             Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Approving the Audited

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                                            2021 Annual Report

fourth board                              Financial Report of 2018, 2019 and 2020, the Proposal on
                                          Confirming the Related Transactions of the Company in 2020.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Work Report of Board of Directors of
                                          2020, Final Financial Report of 2020, Motion to approve the
                                          review report of the financial statements for the three-month
                                          period ending March 31, 2021, Proposal on Reviewing
                                          Remuneration Situation of Directors, Supervisors and senior
16th meeting of the                       executives in 2020 and Remuneration Program for 2021,
                      April 27, 2021
fourth board                              Proposal on Estimated Daily Related Transactions in 2021,
                                          Proposal on Guarantee Plan of the Company in 2021, Proposal
                                          on Use of Idle Self-owned Fund for Cash Management, Profit
                                          Distribution Plan of 2020, Proposal on Continuing to Employ
                                          Accounting Firm for 2021,Proposal on Holding General Meeting
                                          of shareholders of 2020.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Amending Articles of
                                          Association and Completing Business Change Registration,
17th meeting of the                       Proposal on Using Raised Fund for Providing Loan to Wholly-
                      June 23, 2021
fourth board                              owned Subsidiaries for Implementing Raised Investment Projects,
                                          Proposal on Using Temporary Idle Raised Fund for Cash
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Adjusting Organizational
                                          Structure of the Company, Proposal on Employing Vice General
18th meeting of the                       Manager and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, Proposal
                      July 21, 2021
fourth board                              on Using Raised Fund for Replacing Raised Investment Projects
                                          Inputted in Advance and Self-raised Fund of Paid Issuance
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on the Company Intends to
                                          sign the Project Agreement with the Management Committee of
19th meeting of the                       Chongqing Tongliang High-tech Industrial Development Area,
                      July 30, 2021
fourth board                              Proposal on Employing General Manager of the Company,
                                          Proposal on Holding the First Temporary General Meeting of
                                          shareholders of the Company in 2021.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Semi-annual Report of
                                          2021 and Its Summary, Proposal on Adjusting the Limit of Using
20th meeting of the                       Temporary Idle Raised Fund for Cash Management and
                      August 26, 2021
fourth board                              Extending Term of Investment, Proposal on Special Report for
                                          Semi-annual Deposit and Use Situation of Raised Fund of 2021,
                                          the Proposal on Employing Representative of Securities Affairs.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on the Company Intends to
21st meeting of the
                      September 3, 2021   Sign the Agreement for Investment on Taizhou Smart Electric
fourth board
                                          Vehicle and High-speed Electric Motorcycle Project.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Report of Third Quarter
                                          of 2021, Proposal on the Company Intends to Sign the Investment
                                          Agreement with the People’s Government of Qingtian County,
                                          Lishui City, Proposal on Amending Articles of Association,
22nd meeting of the
                      October 28, 2021    Proposal on Amending Rules of Procedure for General Meeting
fourth board
                                          of Shareholders, Proposal on Amending Rules of Procedure for
                                          Board of Directors, Proposal on Holding the Second Temporary
                                          General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2021,
                                          Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line to Bank.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Restricted Stock
                                          Incentive Plan of 2021 (Draft) of the Company and Its Summary,
                                          Proposal on Examination Management Measures for
                                          Implementation of Restricted Stock Incentive Plan of 2021 of the
23rd meeting of the
                      November 16, 2021   Company, Proposal on Requesting General Meeting to Authorize
fourth board
                                          Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to Equity Incentive,
                                          Proposal on Employing General Manager of the Company,
                                          Proposal on Holding the Third Temporary General Meeting of
                                          Shareholders of the Company in 2021.
                                          Reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Adjusting the List of First
                                          Granted Incentive Objects Under Restricted Stock Incentive Plan
24th meeting of the                       of 2021 and Quantity of Equity Granted, Proposal on Granting
                      December 27, 2021
fourth board                              Restricted Stock to Incentive Objects First Time, Proposal on
                                          Formulating Internal Audit Rules, Proposal on Formulating
                                          Internal Control Rules.

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                                                        2021 Annual Report

          VI. Performance of Duty by Directors
          (I) Attendance of directors at board meetings and general meetings of shareholders during the Reporting
                                                                                                                 at general
                                                         Attendance at board meetings
                                                                                                                 meetings of
                                 number                                                                The
                 Independent                                                                                      number of
    Name of                      of board                                                           director
                  director or                 Board                            Board                               general
    director                    meetings                  Board meetings                            failed to
                      not                    meetings                        meetings                            meetings of
                                    The                  attended by way                           attend two
                                             attended                        Attended   Absence                 shareholders
                                 director                       of                                consecutive
                                                 on                          through                             the director
                                   was                  telecommunication                             board
                                                site                          a proxy                                was
                                supposed                                                           meetings
                                                                                                                supposed to
                                     to                                                             (yes/no)
   Zhang Jian        No              11          11              7               0         0          No             4
   Duan Hua          No              11          11              7               0         0          No             4
                     No            11            11              7               0         0          No             4
    Peng Wei         No            11            11             7                0         0          No             4
   Liu Jianxin       No            11            11             10               0         0          No             4
   Fang Hao          No            11            11             11               0         0          No             3
                     Yes           11            11             11               0         0          No             3
                     Yes           11            11             11               0         0          No             3
   Xu Haoran         Yes           11            11             11               0         0          No             3

          Explain why any director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings.
          Applicable √Not applicable

           Total number of board meetings convened in the
           Reporting Period
           Of which: on-site meetings                                                     0
           Meetings convened by way of telecommunication                                  7
           Meetings where on-site attendance and attendance
           by telecommunication were both allowed
          (II) Objections raised by directors on matters of the Company
          Applicable √Not applicable
          (III) Other
          Applicable √Not applicable
          VII. Specialized Committees under the Board of Directors
          √Applicable Not applicable
          (1).Members of the specialized committees
              Specialized committee                                          Members
          Audit Committee                   Wang Aijian, Sun Guangliang, Xu Haoran Zhang Jian
          Nomination Committee              Wang Aijian, Sun Guangliang, Xu Haoran
          Remuneration and Appraisal
                                            Wang Aijian, Sun Guangliang, Xu Haoran
          Strategy and Development
                                            Wang Aijian, Sun Guangliang, Xu Haoran, Zhang Jian

         (2).The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee held two meetings during the Reporting Period.
                                                                                                         Other performance
                                                                            Important comments and
Convening date                    Content of meeting                                                             of
               Reviewed the Proposal on Restricted Stock Incentive Plan
November 15, of 2021 (Draft) of the Company and Its Summary, Proposal     Agree to submit to the board
2021           on    Examination      Management       Measures       for  of directors for deliberation
               Implementation of Restricted Stock Incentive Plan of 2021
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                                                           2021 Annual Report

                    of the Company, Proposal on Verifying the List of Incentive
                    Objects of the 2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan.
                    Reviewed the Proposal on Adjusting the List of First
                    Granted Incentive Objects Under Restricted Stock
December      22,                                                                 Agree to submit to the board
                    Incentive Plan of 2021 and Quantity of Equity Granted,                                                   Nil
2021                                                                               of directors for deliberation
                    Proposal on Granting Restricted Stock to Incentive Objects
                    First Time.

             (3).The Audit Committee held five meetings during the Reporting Period.
                                                                                                                    Other performance
Convening                                                                             Important comments and
                                        Content of meeting                                                                  of
  date                                                                                      suggestions
                                                                                     Agree to submit to      the
January 29,     Reviewed the Proposal on Approving Financial Statement
                                                                                     board of directors       for            Nil
2021            Reviewing Report of 2020.
                Reviewed the Proposal on Approving the Audited Financial Report      Agree to submit to      the
March 22,
                of 2018, 2019 and 2020, the Proposal on Confirming the Related       board of directors       for            Nil
                Transactions of the Company in 2020                                  deliberation
                Reviewed the Final Financial Report of 2020, Proposal on
                Approving the Financial Statement Reviewing Report in the Period     Agree to submit to the
April 26,
                of Three Period up to March 31, 2021, Proposal on Estimated Daily    board of directors for                  Nil
                Connected Transactions for 2021, Proposal on Continually             deliberation
                Employing the Accounting Firm for 2021
                Reviewed the Proposal on Semi-annual Report of 2021 and Its            Agree to submit to the
August 25,
                Summary, Proposal on Special Report for Semi-annual Deposit and        board of directors for                Nil
                Use Situation of Raised Fund of 2021                                       deliberation
                                                                                       Agree to submit to the
October 26,
                Reviewed the Proposal on Third Quarter Report of 2021                  board of directors for                Nil

            (4).The Nomination Committee held three meetings during the Reporting Period.
                                                                                Important comments                       Other
     Convening date                       Content of meeting                             and                        performance of
                                                                                    suggestions                          duties
                                                                                Agree to submit to the
                        Reviewed the Proposal on Employing Vice General
  July 20, 2021                                                                 board of directors for                      Nil
                        Manager and Chief Financial Officer of the Company
                                                                                Agree to submit to the
                        Reviewed the Proposal on Employing General Manager of
  July 29, 2021                                                                 board of directors for                      Nil
                        the Company
                                                                                Agree to submit to the
                        Reviewed the Proposal on Employing General Manager of
  November 15, 2021                                                             board of directors for                      Nil
                        the Company

             (5).Specification of Objections
             Applicable √Not applicable
             VIII. Risks Detected by the Board of Supervisors
             Applicable √Not applicable
             The board of supervisor raised no objections during the Reporting Period.
             IX. Employees of the Company as the Parent and Its Principal Subsidiaries at the Period-end
             (I) Employees
       Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent                                                  1,073
       Number of in-service employees of principal subsidiaries                                                     6,215
       Total number of in-service employees                                                                         7,288
       Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its principal                                            0
       subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions
       Function                                                                      Employees
       Production                                                                                                   4,516
       Sales                                                                                                        1,081
       Technical                                                                                                      924
       Financial                                                                                                      150
       Administrative                                                                                                 617
       Total                                                                                                        7,288
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                                                    2021 Annual Report

                                          Educational background
Category of education level                                                      Quantity (person)
Doctor                                                                                                               5
Master                                                                                                              68
Undergraduate                                                                                                    1,087
Junior College and Technical secondary school                                                                    1,090
High school and below                                                                                            5,038
Total                                                                                                            7,288

   (II) Remuneration policy
   √Applicable Not applicable
         Guided by the Fighters Culture and the performance-oriented idea, The Company implements a
   remuneration policy that is internally fair, externally competitive, and based on performance evaluation, which
   takes the post system as the standard and the qualification evaluation as the basis to establish a sound, scientific
   and reasonable promotion and compensation system. At the same time, through the implementation of incentive
   measures such as equity incentives, the Company has realized the deep binding between its interests and the
   key employees and improved loyalty. Under its framework of overall compensation system, for key businesses
   (including marketing, R&D and manufacturing), the Company conducts performance appraisals based on
   business attributes and the final realization of the value of related products, including hot product development
   and marketing incentive, and reward of production process improvements, etc.
   (III) Training plans
   √Applicable Not applicable
       The Company appreciated human capital under the talent management idea of “showing respect for our staff,
   improving their competence and making them happy”. In the aspect of talent team construction, the Company
   cultivated the “talent forest” idea by external recruitment and internal training to attract experienced R&D talents
   and formed “talent forest”; it also conducted on-campus recruitment for graduating students from universities
   and colleges as its talent reserve. The Company focused on talent cultivation, talent development and manager-
   trainee program, and established qualification system for professionals and technicians. The Company set up
   training platform (Aida Course) and released “navigation courses” and “initiation courses” for top management
   and low-level managers. In 2021 the platform provided innovation TRIZ courses, cross-culture courses, courses
   for gold medal technicians, operator training courses, courses for gold medal team leaders and courses for
   craftsmen. And there are Young Eagle Training Camp and Eagle Mentor Training Program for 2021 graduates.
   (IV) Labor outsourcing
   √Applicable Not applicable
     Total remuneration paid for labor outsourcing                                                RMB73,615,077.43
   X. Plan on Profit Distribution or Conversion of Capital Reserve
   (I) Formulation, implementation or adjustment of the cash dividend policy
   √Applicable Not applicable
         1. According to the Articles of Association, the cash dividend policy of the Company is as below:
         If the Company’s profit for the year and the accumulative undistributed profit are positive, and it has no
   significant investment plan or material cash spending, the Company shall give priority to cash dividends in the
   profit distribution, which shall be no less than 20% of distributable profit recorded in the year, provided that such
   distribution shall not prejudice the normal operation and long-term business development of the Company. The
   dividend ratio of each year shall be formulated by the board of directors according to the operation condition and
   relevant regulations, and submitted to the general meeting for consideration and approval.
         When proposing the profit distribution, the board of directors shall take into consideration of the industry
   characteristics, ranking in the industry, competition power, profit margin when determining the Company’s
   development stage, and whether it has any significant capital expenditure arrangements, and formulate the profit
   distribution proposal, in accordance with the provisions set out below:
         (1) If the Company is at the mature stage, and has no significant capital expenditure arrangement, the ratio
   of cash dividends shall be at least 80%in the profit distribution.
         (2) If the Company is at the mature stage, and has a significant capital expenditure arrangement, the ratio
   of cash dividends shall be at least 40% in the profit distribution.
         (3) If the Company is at the growing stage, and has a significant capital expenditure arrangement, the ratio
   of cash dividends shall be at least 20% in the profit distribution.
         (4) If it is difficult to determine the development stage of the Company while it has a significant capital
   expenditure arrangement, the profit distribution may be dealt with according to the rules applied in the previous
         2. Pursuant to the resolution at the 25th meeting of the fourth session of the Board, the Company intends
   to take the total shares on the registration date as the basis to execute the profit distribution and capitalization
   of capital reserve in year 2021 as below:
         (1) The Company intends to distribute a cash dividend of RMB5.00 (tax included) per 10 shares to all
   shareholders. Based on the total share capital of 410,440,003 shares of the Company so far, the cash dividend

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                                                     2021 Annual Report

    to be distributed as above will be RMB 205,220,001.50 in total (tax included). The cash dividend of the Company
    in this year accounts for 30.91% in the net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company. After the
    profit distribution, the remaining balance of undistributed profit will be accumulated for further distribution in the
    years to come.
           (2) The Company intends to issue 4 shares converted by capital reserve, per 10 shares to all shareholders.
    Based on the total share capital of 410,440,003 shares of the Company so far, the total shares of the Company
    will increase to 574,616,004 shares after this conversion (the total share capital of the Company is based on the
    final registration result of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch, in
    case of the rounding differences if any)
           Before the equity registration date of equity distribution, if the total equity of the Company changes due to
    equity-based incentives, repurchase and cancellation of shares granted by equity-based incentives and other
    matters, the Company intends to maintain the ratio of distribution and conversion unchanged, and
    correspondingly adjust the amount of profit distribution and capital reserve capitalization. This matter needs to
    be submitted to the 2021 annual general meeting of the Company for consideration.
    (II) Special description of cash dividend policy
    √Applicable Not applicable
             In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association or the relevant resolutions     √Yes No
      of general meeting of shareholders
             Specific and clear dividend standards and ratios                                          √Yes No
             Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                          √Yes No
             Independent directors have faithfully performed their duties and played their due         √Yes No
             Non-controlling shareholders are able to fully express their opinion and demand and       √Yes No
      their legal rights and interests are fully protected

    (III) Where the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal despite the facts that the Company
    has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as the parent distributable to
    shareholders are positive, it shall give a detailed explanation of why, as well as of the purpose and use
    plan for the retained earnings.
    Applicable √Not applicable
    XI. Status and Impact of Share Incentive Schemes, Employee Shareholding Plan or Other Incentive
    Measures for Employees
    (I) Relevant incentive matters disclosed in current announcement with no subsequent progress or
    √Applicable Not applicable
                                   Overview                                                Index to the disclosed information
      The Company held the 23rd meeting of the fourth board of directors on
November 16, 2021, reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Restricted Stock
                                                                                            See the relevant announcements
Incentive Plan of 2021 (Draft) of the Company and Its Summary, Proposal on
                                                                                      disclosed on the website of Shanghai
Examination Management Measures for Implementation of Restricted Stock
                                                                                      Stock Exchange on November 17, 2021
Incentive Plan of 2021 of the Company, Proposal on Requesting General
                                                                                      for details.
Meeting to Authorize Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to Equity
      The Company held the 24th meeting of the fourth board of directors on
                                                                                            See the relevant announcements
December 27, 2021, reviewed and adopted the Proposal on Adjusting the List of
                                                                                      disclosed on the website of Shanghai
First Granted Incentive Objects Under Restricted Stock Incentive Plan of 2021
                                                                                      Stock Exchange on December 28, 2021
and Quantity of Equity Granted, Proposal on Granting Restricted Stock to
                                                                                      for details.
Incentive Objects First Time.
                                                                                            See the relevant announcements
      On January 24, 2022, the Company completed first granting registration of
                                                                                      disclosed on the website of Shanghai
restricted stock incentive plan of 2021 with China Securities Depository and
                                                                                      Stock Exchange on January 26, 2022 for
Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch.

    (II) Incentives not disclosed in temporary announcement or with subsequent progress
    Equity incentive situation
    Applicable √Not applicable
    Other description
    Applicable √Not applicable
    Employee stock ownership plan
    Applicable √Not applicable
    Other incentive measures
    Applicable √Not applicable

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            (III) Equity incentives granted to directors and senior management during the Reporting Period
            √Applicable Not applicable
                                                                                                                       In: share
                                                                 Shares                                                Restricted    Closing
                                               Shares held                         Grant                   Shares
                                                                granted in                    Unlocked                   shares      market
    Name                     Position             at the                           price                    still in
                                                                   The                         shares                  held at the    price
                                                 period-                          (RMB)                    lockup
                                                                Reporting                                              period-end    (RMB)
                Vice general manager,
Zheng Hui                                                    400,000         20.23
                Chief Financial Officer
Hu Yupeng       Vice general manager                         200,000         20.23
Total           /                                            600,000             /                                                             /
               By December 31, 2021, the 2021 restricted shares granted by the Company to Zheng Hui and Hu Yupeng
          have not yet been registered.
          (IV) Establishment and formulation of appraisal and incentive mechanisms for senior executives during
          the Reporting Period
            √Applicable Not applicable
                 The evaluation and incentive mechanisms of the Company to is based on" Developing with the organization
            and Achieving organizational goals", the Company selects suitable performance indexes (including financial
            indexes, operation indexes, quality indexes, key events and veto item) according to business attributes, sets up
            short-term performance target and long-term performance target to the departments or business units for which
            the senior executives are responsible, the Company regularly tracks and implements the achievement of these
            target, and implements short-term and long-term incentives based on assessment and achievement of
            organizational goals.
            XII. Establishment and Implementation of Internal Control System in the Reporting Period
            √Applicable Not applicable
                  In order to strengthen and regulate internal control management, establish and improve effective self-
            restraint mechanism, improve risk management level, achieve the strategic target and promote sustainable
            development, the Company formulated the Internal Control Rules and considered and approved it in the 24th
            meeting of the fourth session of the Board held on December 27, 2021, in accordance with the Company Law,
            Securities Law, Basic Standards for Internal Control of Enterprises and its auxiliary guide, Articles of Association
            and other rules,. The Company continually improves internal control system in consideration of the actual
            operation situation since it was listed on June15, 2021.
                  Description of major defects existing in internal control in the reporting period.
            Applicable √Not applicable
            XIII. Management and Control of Subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
            √Applicable Not applicable
                 In order to strength the Company’s management and control of the subsidiaries, standardize the internal
            operation mechanism and maintain legal rights of the Company and the investors, in accordance with the
            Company Law, Securities Law, Stock Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Articles of Association and
            other relevant rules, the Company formulated Subsidiary Management Rules, which was considered and
            approved in the 25th meeting of the fourth session of the Board. In the reporting period, the subsidiaries of the
            Company were in normal operation without major violations of laws and regulations.
            XIV. Information about the Internal Control Audit Report
            Applicable √Not applicable
            Whether internal control audit report is disclosed: no
                 In accordance with The Notice on Implementation of Enterprise Internal Control Norms System for
            Companies Listed on the Main Board by Categories and Batches in Year 2012 issued by China Securities
            Regulatory Commission, the companies newly listed on the Main Board shall start to establish an internal control
            system in the year of listing, and disclose an internal control self-appraisal report and audit report at the time of
            disclosure of annual report for the year following the listing. Therefore, the Company did not disclose internal
            control audit report.
            XV. Rectification of Issues in Self- inspection of Special Actions for Governance of the Listed Company
            Not applicable
            XIV. Other
            Applicable √Not applicable

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                        Section 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility
I. Environmental Information
(I) Information about environmental protection of the Company and its main subsidiaries as the key
pollutant discharging entities published by environmental protection department
√Applicable Inapplicable
1.   Pollutant discharging information
√Applicable Not Applicable
     In accordance with the List of Key Pollutant Discharging Entities of Tianjin City in 2021, Tianjin Aima, a
subsidiary of the Company, was listed as a key pollutant discharging entity of atmospheric environment, solid
waste and hazardous waste of Tianjin City in 2021. In accordance with the List of Key Pollutant Discharging
Entities of GuiGang City in 2021, Guangxi Aima, a subsidiary of the Company, was listed as a key pollutant
discharging entity of atmospheric environment in September 2021.
     Tianjin Aima and Guangxi Aima have strictly executed relevant requirements of laws, regulations and
pollutant discharging permit, they have truthfully disclosed relevant information to the public on the nationwide
pollutant discharging permit management information platform, including pollutants, discharging manner,
discharging concentration and total discharging volume, construction and operation situation of pollution
prevention and control facilities, and accept supervision of the public.
2.   Construction and operation situation of pollution prevention and control facilities
√Applicable Not Applicable
      Tianjin Aima and Guangxi Aima have constructed various pollutant treatment facilities strictly according to
regulations, standards, environmental impact assessment and approval requirements, and these pollutant
treatment facilities are operating well. They have strictly executed national, local discharging standards to ensure
that the pollutant discharging concentration meet the standards, and the solid waste has been properly disposed.
Details are as follows:
      (1) Tianjin Aima
      The major waste gases emitted by Tianjin Aima include spraying dust, organic waste gas and fuel waste
gas, and the major factors of these pollutants are dust, methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, VOCs, smoke dust,
SO2, NOx. Painting rooms, leveling rooms and drying rooms of various production lines are airtight, the purifying
method of organic waste gases is mainly “zeolite roller + RTO”, and the gases are emitted through exhaust stack
after treatment; Dust from the static powder spraying process is recovered through recovery system, and the tail
gas is fully emitted through exhaust tubes. The main waste gas exhaust port of spraying workshop is set with
online monitoring devices, which is networked withTIanjin Ecology and Environment Bureau to real-time monitor
of atmospheric pollutants emission meeting standards. The waste gas treatment facilities of Tianjin Aima are in
good operation, methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, VOCs, PM, smoke dust, SO2, NOx and other pollutants are
discharged up to the standard.
      Tianjin Aima has constructed a temporary storage room of hazardous waste, recovery area of general solid
waste and other facilities, the construction of the temporary storage room of hazardous waste met Pollution
Control Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage General industrial solid waste has been disposed according to
garbage classification, in basis of which the recycling value has been delivered to the qualified professional
institutions for recycle ,production and domestic waste has been cleaned and transported regularly by sanitation
departments, and hazardous waste has been disposed of safely by qualified professional companies. In 2021,
Tianjin Aima fully performed the hazardous waste transfer formalities according to laws, and the hazardous
waste was disposed of on the basis of compliance.
       (2) Guangxi Aima
      The main waste gases emitted from Guangxi Aima are spraying dust, organic waste gas and fuel waste gas,
and main pollutant factors are dust, methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, VOCs, smoke dust, SO2, NOx. Painting
rooms, leveling rooms and drying rooms of various production lines are airtight, the purifying method of organic
waste gas is mainly “pre-treatment with dry filtration + activated carbon adsorption desorption analytic
combustion”, the waste gases are emitted according to relevant standards through exhaust tubes after treatment,
meeting the requirements of Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Policy for Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOCs); The waste gas treatment facilities of Guangxi Aima are in good operation, and the pollutant factors of
methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, VOCs, PM, smoke dust, SO2, NOx and other pollutants are discharged up to
the standard.
      Besides the above environmental protection measures, Tianjin Aima and Guangxi Aima have taken
corresponding environmental protection measures to drainage and noise, which met the requirements in relevant
with national and local environmental protection.
3.   Environmental impact assessment of construction project and other administrative licenses for
     environmental protection
√Applicable Not applicable
    Strictly according to the requirements of laws and regulations, The Company prepares environmental impact
assessment documents for the new, reconstruction and expansion projects that need to go through
environmental protection procedures, and obtains environmental impact assessment approval documents, and
constructs strictly according to laws, regulations and environmental impact assessment approval documents.
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The Company performs the completion and acceptance procedures of environmental protection according to
laws and regulations after the completion of the construction.
4.   Emergency plan for environmental accident
√Applicable Not applicable
    Tianjin Aima and Guangxi Aima filed their contingency plans for environmental emergencies in local
environmental protection administrations in August 2021 and September 2021 respectively and received the
corresponding filing receipt. They further inspected risk sources and took relevant corrective measures to
improved environmental risk prevention mechanism, and reduce the possibility of environmental risk accidents.
Tianjin Aima and Guangxi Aima have organized relevant personnel every year to carry out emergency drills for
environmental risk accidents in order to improve emergency response capacities.
5.   Environmental self-monitoring program
√Applicable Not applicable
      The main waste gas and wastewater discharging ports of Tianjin Aima are installed with online monitoring
system for real-time monitoring of main pollutants, and monitoring data is directly uploaded to environmental
protection data platform, various pollutants are discharged in conformity with relevant standards. The Company
keeps operation and maintenance records on production and waste gas, wastewater treatment facilities in daily
production, and solid waste and hazardous waste records. Tianjin Aima entrusts qualified testing institutions to
regularly monitor waste water, waste gas and noise strictly in accordance with self-monitoring Technical
Guidance for Pollutant Discharging Entities and other standards, as well as monitoring frequency requirement
of environmental impact evaluation documents and pollutant discharging license. The testing report is uploaded
to the pollution source monitoring data management and information sharing platform.
      Guangxi Aima entrusts qualified testing institutions to regularly monitor wastewater, waste gas and noise
strictly in accordance with self-monitoring Technical Guidance for Pollutant Discharging Entities and other
standards, as well as monitoring frequency requirement of environmental impact assessment documents and
pollutants-discharging license. Various pollutants are discharged according to relevant standards. The testing
report is uploaded to the management and information sharing platform for pollution source monitoring data.
Guangxi Aima keeps operation and maintenance records on production and waste gas, wastewater treatment
facilities in daily production, and solid waste and hazardous waste transfer records.
6. Administrative penalty due to environmental issues in the reporting period
       Applicable √Not applicable
7.   Other environmental information that should be disclosed
Applicable √Not applicable
(II) Description of environmental protection situation of companies other than those defined as key
pollutant-discharging entities
√Applicable Not applicable
1.   Administrative penalty due to environmental issues
Applicable √Not applicable
2.   Other environmental information disclosed with reference to major pollutant discharging entities
√Applicable Not applicable
     The Company attaches importance to environmental protection, each production base has acquired
pollutants- discharging license, has marked flow directions of wastewater and rainwater pipelines to complete
rain and sewage diversion. Production wastewater, domestic wastewater and rainwater are separately drained;
the wastewater treated by the wastewater treatment station is drained through municipal pipelines; the
Company regularly inspects to ensure that the wastewater standards of each base in conformity with relevant
requirements. The general wastewater drainage port at the Production area of Tianjin Production Base is
installed with online monitoring device, which is connected with Tianjin Ecology and Environment Bureau for
real-time monitoring of pollutant in the external drainage water of the production area, so that its drainage met
relevant discharging standards.
     Each production base makes classified disposal of general solid waste, and delivers the general solid
waste that can be recovered, such as packaging materials, to third parties for recovery, and other waste is
delivered to the local sanitation department for treatment.
     The Company has established and strictly executed the special management mechanism of hazardous
solid waste, has set special sites, marks and responsible person for collection, storage and transfer of
hazardous solid waste, and promptly makes records. All hazardous solid waste is entrusted to the qualified
third-party professional institutions for treatment or recycled by the original manufacturers.
     The production bases of the Company make reasonably layout of noise equipment, and takes sound
insulation, sound absorption, vibration reduction and other measures. The noise at the boundary of factory
meets requirements of standard and relevant factories would not generate adverse influence on ambient
sound environment.
3.   Reasons of not disclosing other environmental information
Applicable √Not applicable

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      (III) Relevant information favorable to ecological protection, pollution prevention and control and
      environmental responsibility fulfillment
      √Applicable Not applicable
           The Company invests in building a digitally-intelligent energy consumption data collecting and analyzing
      system to support green production decisions such as process improvement, optimization of production process
      with energy consumption data, and improve energy utilization efficiency in production and management. The
      Company and its subsidiaries actively carry out inspection, transformation and replacement of high energy
      consumption equipment, select energy saving, water saving products, use recyclable package if possible, and
      improved service life of turnover box so as to reduce consumption of resources and energy.
      (IV) Measures taken during the Reporting Period to reduce carbon emission and their effectiveness
      √Applicable Not applicable
           The Company actively implements energy saving and consumption reduction projects, considers energy
      saving and emission reduction throughout the enterprise research and development, production and marketing
      processes, actively explores the effective paths of reducing resources and energy consumption, realizes cyclic
      resource utilization to improve comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy and other resources. The Company
      also establishes the consciousness of energy saving and emission reduction, develops energy conservation and
      emissions reduction enterprise culture, and encourages employees to start from the intravenous drip, such as
      saving electricity and water. The specific energy saving projects in 2021 are as follows:
           1. Reclaimed water recycling project of Tianjin Aima
           Tianjin Aima completed wastewater recycling project in the second half of 2021, and the water quality of
      treated wastewater in the wastewater treatment station met level 3 drainage standard and can be used for
      production process without special requirements, and toilet in office building.
           2. Energy saving and consumption reduction project of Zhejiang Aima
           Zhejiang Aima made energy consumption analysis on water and electricity consumption situation in the
      production area, formulated and executed energy saving and consumption reduction transformation of
      production area based on data analysis, including investments in replacing energy-saving variable frequency
      compressor, lighting equipment, installing water monitoring smart devices and etc.
      II. Performance of Social Responsibilities
      √Applicable Not applicable
            The Company has actively undertaken social responsibility and supported charity events. In June 2021, in
      order to support local epidemic control work, Guangdong Aima donated electric bicycles and tents valued RMB
      425,000 to Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, where COVID-19 broke out in large numbers. In July 2021,
      affected by extreme weather, Zhengzhou City in Henan Province suffered catastrophic flood. The Company
      established a disaster relief guidance team immediately to take a few of disaster relief measures, including
      donated 10 vehicles of goods for disaster relief, organized employees to donate RMB 520,000, and it also
      appointed a special service team to carry out road relief, vehicle inspection and repair free of charge for residents
      in the disaster - stricken region.
      III. Particulars on the Efforts to Consolidate and Expand Its Achievements in Poverty Alleviation and
      Rural Area Invigoration
      √Applicable Not applicable
            The Company has been pursuing the development concept of "love" for many years, actively undertaking
      social responsibilities and practicing public welfare undertakings. In the course of responding to the policy all of
      “precise poverty alleviation”, the Company took different support measures according to the actual demand of
      the supported targets.
            As an important enterprise participating in the point-to-point assistance of Tianjin Municipal Government to
      in the poverty-stricken areas in West China, the Company actively helped the villages in West China to realize
      vitalization. In June 2021, the Company donated Aima electric tricycles valued RMB 1.20 million to Zhengyuan
      County, Gansu Province in order to support local rural construction. In July 2021, the Company donated Aima
      electric bicycles valued RMB 1.50 million to its targeted support region Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous
      Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and this effectively solved the local travel problem of local officials and employees.
            In September 2021, Guangxi Aima donated educational materials to Zhengcun Primary School in Dongjin
      Town, Guigang City, Guangxi province to support local rural education. Guangxi Aima built a cement road 100m
      (L) x 3.5m (W) x 0.16m (D) in Zhongli Village, Zhongli Township, Guigang City, Guangxi province to promote
      local economic development. In addition, Henan Aima actively cooperated with local Labor Bureau of Shangqiu
      City to provide jobs for local women and support local development.

                                                Section 6 Significant Events
      I. Fulfillment of Commitments
      (I)Commitments of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirer, as well as
      the Company and other relevant entities during or up to the reporting period
      "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
Commitment   Commitment                          Commitment    Commitment     Whether there   Whether it   If it is not   If it is not
background    Category                           Description    Duration      is a deadline   is timely      timely         timely
                                                            47 / 187
                                                                2021 Annual Report

                                                                                           for            and       performed,   performed,
                                                                                      implementation     strictly       the       the plan
                                                                                                       performed     specific      for the
                                                                                                                     reasons       further
                                                                                                                    should be       step
                                                                                                                      stated     should be
                                                                         June   15,
                 Restricted                                             2021     to                                    Not          Not
                                shareholder         and    Note 1                          Yes            Yes
                 shares                                                 June    14,                                 applicable   applicable
                                actual controller
                                                                         June   15,
                 Restricted     Changxing Dingai and                    2021     to                                    Not          Not
                                                           Note 2                          Yes            Yes
                 shares         its partner                             June    14,                                 applicable   applicable
                                CITIC       Investment,
                                Jinshi Zhiyu, Jinshi
                                Haofeng,          Three                  June   15,
                 Restricted     Gorges Jinshi, Liu                      2021     to                                    Not          Not
                                                           Note 3                          Yes            Yes
                 shares         Jianxin, Peng Wei,                      June    14,                                 applicable   applicable
                                Han      Jianhua,     Li                2022
                                Shishuang and Qiao
                                shareholder,      actual
related to IPO
                                controller, Changxing                                                                  Not          Not
                 Others                                    Note 4       Long term          No             Yes
                                Dingai and its partner,                                                             applicable   applicable
                                Liu Jianxin and Peng
                                The Company, the
                                                                         June   15,
                                shareholder,      actual
                                                                        2021     to                                    Not          Not
                 Others         controller,    directors   Note 5                          Yes            Yes
                                                                        June    14,                                 applicable   applicable
                                (independent directors
                                are excluded) and
                                senior executives
                 Solution to    Controlling
                                                                                                                       Not          Not
                 horizontal     shareholder         and    Note 6       Long term          No             Yes
                                                                                                                    applicable   applicable
                 competition    actual controller
                 Solution to    Controlling                Note 7
                                                                                                                       Not          Not
                 related        shareholder and                         Long term          No             Yes
                                                                                                                    applicable   applicable
                 transactions   actual controller
              Note 1: Commitment of the controlling shareholder and actual controller for locking up their shares
              Zhang Jian, the Company's controlling shareholder and the actual controller and Zhang Gege, the
         Company’s actual controller have made the following commitment and confirmed that:
              (1) Within 36 months from the date of lPO, I shall not transfer or entrust others to manage the shares directly
         or indirectly held by me that have been issued before the Company's public offering, nor shall the Company
         repurchase the shares directly or indirectly held by me that have been issued before the Company's public
              (2) Within 6 months after the listing of the Company's stock, the closing price of the Company's stock is
         continuously lower than the issuing price for successively 20 trading days, or the closing price is lower than the
         issuing price at the end of the 6 months after listing, the locking duration of the shares held by me in the Company
         shall prolong automatically 6 months.
              Note 2: Commitment of Changxing Dingai and its partner for locking up their shares
              Within 36 months from the date of IPO, I shall not transfer or entrust others to manage the shares directly
         or indirectly held by me that have been issued before the Company's public offering, nor shall the Company
         repurchase the shares directly or indirectly held by me that have been issued before the Company's public
              Note 3: Commitment of CITIC Investment, Jinshi Zhiyu, Jinshi Haofeng, Three Gorges Jinshi, Liu
         Jianxin, Peng Wei, Han Jianhua, Li Shishuang and Qiao Baogang for locking up their shares
              Within 12 months from the date of listing of the Company's shares, I shall neither transfer nor entrust others
         to manage the shares directly or indirectly held by me that have been issued before the Company's public offering,
         nor shall the Company repurchase such shares directly or indirectly held by me that have been issued before
         the Company's public offering.
              Note 4:Commitment of the partner of Changxing Dingai, Liu Jianxin, and Peng Wei as the controlling
         shareholder, actual controller, directors/senior executives for the intentions about shareholding or
         reduction of shares
              (1) During my tenure as a director or senior executive of the Company, the annual transfer of the shares of
         the Company directly or indirectly held by me shall not exceed 25% of the total shares of the Company directly
         or indirectly held by me; within six months after my leave from the office, none of the shares of the Company
         directly or indirectly held by me shall be transferred.
              (2) I commit that if the shareholding is lessened within two years after the expiration of the lock-up period,
         the price of the shares reduced shall not be lower than the issue price. In the event of dividends, bonus shares,
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capitalization of provident fund, share allotment, etc., the price shall be adjusted accordingly based on the ex-
right and ex-dividend conditions.
      (3) The above commitments shall not be exempted from the implementation due to job change, leave from
office, etc. If I cause any loss to the Company or other investors due to my failure to perform the above
commitments, I shall be liable for compensation to the Company or other investors in accordance with the law.
      Note 5: Commitment for the stabilization of the share price and share repurchase
      (1) The Company's Commitment
      ① Within three years from the date of IPO, if the closing price of the stock is lower than the Company's
latest audited net assets per share for 20 consecutive trading days (if ex-right and ex-right is conducted due to
the distribution of the cash bonus, bonus shares, capitalization of reserve or additional issuing of new shares,
the closing price shall be adjusted accordingly, the same below), and the repurchase measures do not result
in the Company's equity distribution not meeting the listing criteria, the Company will initiate the measures for
stabilizing the stock price through repurchasing of the shares in accordance with the relevant laws, rules and
      ②The Board of Directors should hold a Board meeting to review the proposal for repurchase of the
Company's shares within 5 trading days commencing from the day of starting the measures for stabilizing the
stock price as stated above and submit the same to the general meeting for examination. The Company should
start the repurchase commencing from the date when the general meeting has reviewed and approved such a
      ③The price of the Company’s shares repurchased shall not be higher than the net assets per share in the
latest audited financial statements. The repurchase of the shares is conducted in a way of centralized bidding,
tender offer or other ways as recognized by the securities regulatory authority. Under the premise that the
Company's equity distribution may not be caused to fail to meet the listing conditions, the amount of the funds
used by the Company for repurchase at a time is not less than RMB 10 million in principle, the total repurchase
funds used to stabilize the stock price in a single fiscal year shall not exceed 50% of the net profit attributable to
the shareholders of the parent Company in the latest audited financial statements, and the total amount of funds
used by the Company to repurchase shares shall not exceed the total amount of funds raised by the Company's
initial public offering of shares.
      ④From the time when the Company initiates the stock price stabilization plan to that before the formal
implementation of the stock price stabilization measures, or during the implementing the measures for stabilizing
the stock price, if any of the conditions as stated in the “conditions for terminating the implementation of the
measures for stabilizing the stock price” in the “AIMA Technology Group Co., Ltd.'s IPO of RMB Common Shares
(A Shares) and The Stabilization of The Stock Price within Three Years After Listing of the Company’s Stock" is
triggered, the implementation of the above-mentioned price stabilization plan will be terminated.
      ⑤Within three years from the date of the listing of the Company's stock, if the Company has newly appointed
directors (independent directors are exclusive) and senior executives, the Company will require these newly
appointed directors and senior executives to fulfill the corresponding commitments made by the directors and
senior executives appointed at the time of the listing.
      (2) Controlling shareholder and actual controller
      ① Within three years from the date of IPO, if the closing price of the stock is lower than the Company's
latest audited net assets per share for 20 consecutive trading days (if ex-right and ex-right is conducted due to
the distribution of the cash bonus, bonus shares, capitalization of reserve or additional issuing of new shares,
the closing price shall be adjusted accordingly, the same below), and the repurchase measures do not result
in the Company's equity distribution not meeting the listing criteria, I will initiate the measures for stabilizing the
stock price through repurchasing of the shares in accordance with the relevant laws, rules and regulations.
      ②If the closing price of the stock is lower than the Company's latest audited net assets per share for 10
consecutive trading days from the day after the Company has finished implementation of the measures for
stabilizing the stock price (subject to the date of the announcement that implementation is finished), or within 3
months from the day after the Company has finished implementation of the measures for stabilizing the stock
price (subject to the date of the announcement that implementation is finished), the closing price of the
Company’s stock is once again lower than the Company's latest audited net assets per share for 20 consecutive
trading days, I will initiate the measures for stabilizing the stock price.
      ③Within 5 trading days from the day when the above-mentioned conditions for initiating the measures to
stabilize the stock price are satisfied, I will propose a plan to increase my shareholding of the Company’s shares
(including the number of shares to be increased, the price range, the completion period, etc.) and notify the
Company. After receiving my shareholding plan, the Company should announce the increasing plan in
accordance with the relevant regulations; and I will start to increase the shareholding on the trading day after the
day of announcement for the increasing plan.
      ④ The price of my increased shares is not higher than the Company’s audited net assets per share at the
end of the previous fiscal year. Under the premise that the Company's equity distribution may not be caused to
fail to meet the listing conditions, and the cumulative number of the increased shares shall not exceed 1% of the
Company’s total shares within every 12 months from the day when the condition for taking the measures to
stabilize the stock price is triggered, the funds I use to increase my shareholdings are not less than 30% of the
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total amount of the cash dividends, remuneration or allowance(after-tax) that I receive directly or indirectly from
the Company in the previous year within every 12 months from the day when the condition for taking the
measures for stabilizing stock price is triggered.
      ⑤From the time when the Company initiates the stock price stabilization plan to that before the formal
implementation of the stock price stabilization measures, or during the implementing the measures for stabilizing
the stock price, if any of the conditions as stated in the “conditions for terminating the implementation of the
measures for stabilizing the stock price” in the “AIMA Technology Group Co., Ltd.'s IPO of RMB Common Shares
(A Shares) and The Stabilization of The Stock Price within Three Years After Listing of the Company’s Stock" is
triggered, the implementation of the above-mentioned price stabilization plan will be terminated.
      ⑥I guarantee that when the Company implements the plan for stabilizing stock price, I shall vote in favor of
the resolution to repurchase shares.
      (3) Commitments of the directors (independent directors are exclusive) and senior executives
      ① Within three years from the date of IPO, if the closing price of the stock is lower than the Company's
latest audited net assets per share for 20 consecutive trading days (if ex-right and ex-right is conducted due to
the distribution of the cash bonus, bonus shares, capitalization of reserve or additional issuing of new shares,
the closing price shall be adjusted accordingly, the same below), and the repurchase measures do not result
in the Company's equity distribution not meeting the listing criteria, I will initiate the measures for stabilizing the
stock price through repurchasing of the shares in accordance with the relevant laws, rules and regulations..
      ②If the closing price of the stock is lower than the Company's latest audited net assets per share for 10
consecutive trading days from the day after the Company has finished implementation of the measures for
stabilizing the stock price (subject to the date of the announcement that implementation is finished), or within 3
months from the day after the Company has finished implementation of the measures for stabilizing the stock
price (subject to the date of the announcement that implementation is finished), the closing price of the
Company’s stock is once again lower than the Company's latest audited net assets per share for 20 consecutive
trading days, I will initiate the measures for stabilizing the stock price.
      ③Within 5 trading days from the day when the above-mentioned conditions for initiating the measures to
stabilize the stock price are satisfied, I will propose a plan to increase my shareholding of the Company’s shares
(including the number of shares to be increased, the price range, the completion period, etc.) and notify the
Company. After receiving my shareholding plan, the Company should announce the increasing plan in
accordance with the relevant regulations; and I will start to increase the shareholding on the trading day after the
day of announcement for the increasing plan.
      ④ The price of my increased shares is not higher than the Company’s audited net assets per share at the
end of the previous fiscal year. Under the premise that the Company's equity distribution may not be caused to
fail to meet the listing conditions, and the cumulative number of the increased shares shall not exceed 1% of the
Company’s total shares within every 12 months from the day when the condition for taking the measures to
stabilize the stock price is triggered, the funds I use to increase my shareholdings are not less than 30% of the
total amount of the cash dividends, remuneration or allowance(after-tax) that I receive directly or indirectly from
the Company in the previous year within every 12 months from the day when the condition for taking the
measures for stabilizing stock price is triggered.
      ⑤ From the time when the Company initiates the stock price stabilization plan to that before the formal
implementation of the stock price stabilization measures, or during the implementing the measures for stabilizing
the stock price, if any of the conditions as stated in the “conditions for terminating the implementation of the
measures for stabilizing the stock price” in the “AIMA Technology Group Co., Ltd.'s IPO of RMB Common Shares
(A Shares) and The Stabilization of The Stock Price within Three Years After Listing of the Company’s Stock" is
triggered; the implementation of the above-mentioned price stabilization plan will be terminated.
      ⑥I guarantee that when the Company implements the plan for stabilizing stock price, I shall vote in favor of
the resolution to repurchase shares.
      Note 6: Commitment to resolve or avoid the Horizontal Competition
      The Company's controlling shareholder and actual controller have issued a letter of commitment to resolve
or avoid the horizontal competition with the commitment as follows:
      (1) For the purpose of avoiding horizontal competition between the enterprise I control or imposing
significant impact on and the Company after listing, I hereby commit that while I act as a shareholder and actual
controller of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd., the enterprise I may control or exert significant influence on shall
not be directly or indirectly involved in any business or activities which may form competition with Aima
Technology by any means both in and out of the territory of China (including but not limited to independent
operation, operation through joint venture or owning of the shares and other equity in another company or
enterprise), I shall not hold any post to perform any practical management duties in any economic organization
that competes with the Company.
      If Aima Technology further expands its business scope, I promise and will urge the enterprise that I control
or exert significant influence on to commit not to compete with the expanded business of Aima Technology; if I
and the enterprise that I control or exert significant influence on have any business opportunity to do or participate
in any activity which may compete with Aima Technology currently or in future, I will take and urge the enterprise
that I control or exert significant influence on to take all possible and reasonable measures to transfer such
opportunity to Aima Technology; if Aima Technology does not accept the transfer of such opportunity, the
enterprise that I control or exert significant influence on will take any possible measures before the

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implementation of such opportunity to any unaffiliated third party or voluntarily withdraw from such business
opportunity, or take any other measures favorable to protect Aima Technology’s interest and to avoid horizontal
competition with Aima Technology.
       For enterprises that I control or exert significant influence on, I will urge these enterprises to perform their
obligations in this letter of commitment by dispatching agencies and personnel (including but not limited to
directors and managers) and obtaining controlling positions, and commit not to be involved in horizontal
competition with Aima Technology.
       (2)I commit not to take advantage of my status as the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Aima
Technology to damage the legitimate rights and interests of Aima Technology and other minority shareholders,
nor to use my special status to seek abnormal additional interests.
       (3) I confirm that each of the commitments contained in this letter of commitment is independently
enforceable. If any of the above commitments is violated, Aima Technology has the right to require me and the
enterprises I control or exert significant influence on to immediately stop horizontal competition, and has the right
to require me or the enterprises I control or exert significant influence on to bear the direct or indirect economic
losses, claim liability and related expenses caused to Aima Technology.
       (4) I guarantee that the above commitments shall continue to be valid and irrevocable as long as Aima
Technology remains listed on the domestic stock exchange and I act as its controlling shareholder and actual
controller. If change takes place in the relevant laws, rules or regulations, I shall update or supplement the
relevant commitments in a timely manner in accordance with the regulations.
       Note 7: Measures taken by the Company to reduce related transactions
       In order to further regulate and reduce related-party transactions, the controlling shareholder and actual
controller of the Company issued the letter of commitment on regulating and reducing related transactions with
details as follows:
       (1) My close relatives and I, other economic organizations controlled by myself or my close relatives, will try
to avoid or reduce related transactions with Aima Technology (including its subsidiaries within the scope of
consolidated financial statements, the same below). Transactions between the independent third parties and
Aima Technology that occur through the market will be carried out by the independent third parties and Aima
Technology. My close relatives and I, other economic organizations controlled by myself or my close relatives,
will strictly avoid borrowing from Aima Technology, appropriating Aima Technology funds or taking the form of
advances and payments to occupy Aima Technology funds, etc.
       (2)Any necessary transaction between my close relatives and myself, other economic organizations
controlled by myself or my close relatives and Aima Technology will strictly comply with the market principle and
in accordance with the general principles of equality and mutual benefit, and the transaction should be fair and
reasonable. If there is government price in pricing for the transaction, the government price shall be applicable;
if there is no government price, the market fair price shall be applicable; if there is neither government price nor
market price for reference, the cost price shall be determined according to the cost plus a comparable and
reasonable profit level.
       (3) Any related transactions between my close relatives and myself, other economic organizations controlled
by myself or my close relatives and Aima Technology will be clearly stipulated in the form of signing a written
contract or agreement. And these transactions must comply with the necessary statutory procedures, which
stipulated in the Aima Technology’s Articles of Association and the Regulations Concerning Management of
Related Transactions. When the authority of Aima Technology reviews the concerned related transaction, I will
initiatively implement the obligation of avoidance in accordance with the law. The related transactions that need
to be reported to the authority should be implemented only after the authority has deliberated and approved
       (4) I promise not to obtain any improper benefit through related transactions or making Aima Technology
undertake any improper obligations. If the violation of the above commitments causes Aima Technology to lose
or using the related transactions to encroach on the interests of Aima Technology. Aima Technology has the
right to unilaterally terminate such related transactions, and I shall bear the loss of Aima Technology.
       (5) For any unavoidable related transaction, I shall urge Aima Technology to strictly implement the related
transaction decision-making procedures, the voting avoidance system and the information disclosure system
formulated by the Company's articles of association, so as to ensure the fairness, impartiality and impartiality of
related party transactions, and to avoid related transactions that harm the interest of Aima Technology and its
       (6)The above commitments will retain valid during the period when I constitute a related party of Aima
(II)If there is earnings forecast for the assets or projects of the Company and the reporting period is still
in the earnings forecast period, the Company should explain whether the asset or project reaches the
original earnings forecast and give the reasons
"□ Already reached " "□ Not reached " "√ Not applicable"
(III) Fulfillment of commitments on the performance and its impacts on goodwill impairment test
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
II. Non-operational Occupancy of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder and its Related
Parties during the Reporting Period
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
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III. Information on Non-compliance Guarantees
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
IV. Explanation of the Board of Directors in Company on the “Non-standard audit report” Issued by the
Accounting Firm
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
V. Analysis and Explanation on the Causes and Influences of the Changes in the Company’s Accounting
Policies, Accounting Estimates or Correction of Major Accounting Errors
(I) Analysis and explanation of the Company on the causes and influences of the changes in the
accounting policies and accounting estimates
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Ministry of Finance promulgated the Circular on Revision, Printing and Issuing of the "Accounting
Standards for Enterprises No. 21-Revenues” (CAI KUAI [2018] No. 35) in December, 2018, according to which,
a company which is listed both at home and abroad or listed overseas and prepares its financial statements
according to the International Financial Reports Standards or the Accounting Standards for Enterprises started
implementing the said accounting standards commencing from January 1, 2019; other domestically listed
enterprises started the implementation commencing from January 1, 2021. Due to the revision of the above
accounting standards, the Company started implementing the new lease standards commencing from January
1, 2021, and made changes to the relevant accounting policies previously adopted.
     The Company made changes in its accounting policy according to the relevant rules and regulations
promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. After the change, the accounting policy may objectively and fairly reflect
the Company's financial status and operating results, in line with relevant laws and regulations and the
Company's actual situation. The change in the accounting policy would neither lead to significant impact on the
Company's financial position, operating results or cash flow, nor would it harm the interests of the Company and
its shareholders.
(II)Explanation of the Company’s analysis on reasons and effects of the correction of significant
accounting errors
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
(III) Communication with former accounting firm
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
(IV) Other notes
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
VI. Engagement/Disengagement of the CPAs
                                                                                   In: RMB’0000    Currency: RMB
                                                                                 Currently engaged
                 Name of the domestic CPAs                           Ernst & Young (Special General Partnership)
             Remuneration to the domestic CPAs                                                                235
         Years of the domestic CPAs offering auditing                                                            9
Note to Engagement/Disengagement of the CPAs
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     On May 17, 2021, the Company's 2020 Annual General Meeting reviewed and approved the Proposal on
the Renewal of the Employment of the CPAs for 2021, and agreed to appoint Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP as
the Company's auditor for 2021.
Note to the replacement of the CPAs during the auditing
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
VII. Delisting Risk
(I) Reasons for the delisting risks warning
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
(II) Solution to be adopted by the Company
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
(III) Termination of the listing and its reasons
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
VIII. Events Related to Bankruptcy and Reorganization
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
IX. Major Lawsuit and Arbitration Issues
"□ Significant lawsuits and arbitrations in the reporting period"
"√ No significant lawsuit or arbitration in the reporting period"

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          X. Punishment and Correction on the Listed Company as well as its Directors, Supervisors, Senior
          Management, Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controller due to Suspect of Law Violations
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          XI. Integrity Status of the Company, its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller during the
          Reporting Period
          "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
               During the reporting period, the Company, its controlling shareholder and actual controller were all enjoying
          good reputation in integrity, and there was no failure to perform any effective judgment of the court, or large
          amount of outstanding due debts remaining unpaid.
          XII. Significant Related Transactions
          (I) Related Transactions Related with Day-to-Day Operations
          1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          3. Matters not disclosed in the interim announcement
          "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In: RMB’0000   Currency: RMB
                                                                               Pricing                     of the      Way of
                                                  Type of    Description of                Amount of
                                   Incidence                                 principle of                amount in settlement
  Party of related transaction                     related     the related                 the related
                                    relation                                   related                  the similar of related
                                                transaction   transactions                transactions
                                                                            transactions               transactions transactions
                                                              Purchase of
     Tianjin Jiema Electric                     Purchase of accessories and    Market                                    Bank
                                   Associate                                                1,109.57        0.08
     Technology Co., Ltd.                           goods    semi-finished      price                                  transfer
                                                             products, etc.
                                                 Supply of       Mould
     Tianjin Jiema Electric                                                    Market                                    Bank
                                   Associate        labor      machining                     22.34          0.83
     Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       price                                  transfer
                                                  services      services
     Tianjin Jiema Electric                      Rent and                      Market                                    Bank
                                   Associate                 Property lease                  633.35        16.31
     Technology Co., Ltd.                           lease                       price                                  transfer
                                                 Rent and                        Market                                    Bank
           Duan Hua                  related                  Property lease                   476.19        27.67
                                                  lease                           price                                  transfer
     Tianjin Jiema Electric                      Rent and       Equipment        Market                                    Bank
                                   Associate                                                    2.65          0.07
     Technology Co., Ltd.                         lease           hiring          price                                  transfer
                                     Total                                          /           2,244.10         /           /
Particulars about the big sales return                                                                    Not applicable
                                       The 28th Session of the Third Board of Directors held on July 8, 2019 reviewed and approved
                                  the Proposal on the Company to Rent Office Space and Related Transaction and the Proposal
                                  on the Company to Lease Property to Tianjin Jijema Electric Technology Co., Ltd. and Related
                                  Transaction. The aforesaid related transaction between Duan Hua and Tianjin Jiema was
  Note to related transactions reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
                                       2020 Annual General Meeting held on May 17, 2021 reviewed and approved the Proposal
                                  on the Predicted Routine Related Transactions of Year 2021. The related transactions, including
                                  purchase of commodities, supply of labor services, sales of products and lease of equipment,
                                  were reviewed and approved by the General Meeting.

          (II) Related transactions concerning acquisition and sales of assets or equity
          1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          3. Matters not disclosed in the interim announcement
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
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                   4. If a performance agreement is involved, the achievement of performance during the reporting period
                   should be disclosed
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   (III) Significant related transactions concerning joint investment in foreign countries
                   1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   3. Matters not disclosed in the interim announcement
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   (IV) Current Associated Rights of Credit and Liabilities
                   1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcement but with no progress or change in subsequent
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   3. Matters not disclosed in the interim announcement
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   (V) Financial business between the Company and the financial company with an associated relationship,
                   the Company's holding financial company and the related party
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   (VI) Others
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   XIII. Important Contracts and Implementation
                   (I) Custody, Contacting and Leases
                   1. Custody
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   2. Contracting
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   3. Leases
                   "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                   (II) Guarantees
                   applicable□ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                      Outward guarantees by the Company (excluding guarantee to the subsidiaries)
                                                      occurrence                                                    Has the
                     between the                                  Guarantee                                 Is the                     About Guarantee
                                            Amount     date (date           Guarantee Type of Collateral           guarantee Overdue                     Associated
    Guarantors        guarantor Guarantees                         Starting                              guarantee                    counter to related
                                           guaranteed of signing            Due date guarantee (if any)              been    amount                      Relationship
                       and the                                      date                                  finished                   guarantee party?
                                                          the                                                       overdue
Total amount of guarantees incurred during the reporting period (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)

Total amount of guarantees incurred at the end of the reporting period (A) (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)

Guarantee to the subsidiaries provided by the Company and its subsidiaries

Total amount of guarantee to the subsidiaries incurred in the reporting period                                                                         4,722,795,186.44

Total balance of guarantees to the subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period (B)                                                                 2,800,769,582.04

About total amount of guarantees provided by the Company (including guarantees to subsidiaries)

Total amount of guarantees (A+B)                                                                                                                       2,800,769,582.04

Proportion of the total amount of guarantees in the Company’s net assets (%)                                                                                    56.30


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                                                                                       2021 Annual Report

Amount of guarantees offered to the shareholders, actual controller and its related parties (C)

Amount of guarantee for liabilities directly or indirectly offered to the guarantees with the asset-liability ratio exceeding 70% (D)                                     1,770,627,153.15

Guarantee with total amount exceeding 50% of the net assets (E)                                                                                                             313,355,886.58

Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees (C+D+E)                                                                                                                    2,083,983,039.73

Note to the immature guarantees which may bear joint liability for repayment                                                                                                 Not applicable
                                                                                                                                        The 2020 Annual General Meeting held on May 17,
                                                                                                                                        2021 reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the
Note to the guarantees                                                                                                                  Company's Guarantee Plan for Year 2021", and the
                                                                                                                                        above-mentioned guarantees have been reviewed and
                                                                                                                                        approved by the Company's General Meeting.

                   (III) Entrusting a Third Party to Manage the Cash Assets
                   1. Finance Management on Commission
                   (1) General of consigned financing
                         "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                                  In: RMB’0000   Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                             Immature         Overdue amount
                              Type                       Capital source                   Amount incurred
                                                                                                                              balance           unrecovered
                       Bank financial
                                              Self-raised capital        240,220.00           116,741.00
                       Bank financial
                                               Raised proceeds           126,230.77            56,837.59
                         Note: The amount of consigned financing in the above table is the highest single-day balance of this type of
                   wealth management product.
                   Other Information
                   "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                         1. About cash management of the idle self-raised funds
                         The Company’s 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 17, 2021, reviewed and
                   approved the "Proposal on Using Idle Self-raised Capital for Cash Management", and agreed that the Company
                   and its controlled subsidiaries (including subsidiaries of the controlled subsidiaries) intend to use no more than
                   RMB 5 billion of idle funds to purchase low-risk cash management products with high security and good liquidity,
                   from the date of approval at the 2020 Annual General Meeting to the date of the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
                         2. About cash management of the idle raised capital
                         The 17th session of the Fourth Board of Directors and the 7th session of the Fourth Board of Supervisors
                   held on June 23, 2021 respectively reviewed and approved the Proposal on Use of the Temporarily Idle Raised
                   Capital for Cash Management, and approved the Company to use no higher than RMB 1.3 billion idle raised
                   capital for cash management to purchase investment products with high security and good liquidity. The Proposal
                   came into force within 3 months commencing from the date when the Proposal was reviewed and approved by
                   the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors. Within the aforesaid limit, the capital may be applied in a
                   rolling way.
                         The 20th session of the Fourth Board of Directors and the 9th session of the Fourth Board of Supervisors
                   held on August 26, 2021 respectively reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Adjustment of the Application
                   Limit of the Temporarily Idle Raised Capital for Cash Management and Prolonging the Investment Deadline,
                   approved that commencing from August 26, 2021, the Company and its subsidiaries would adjust the amount of
                   temporarily idle raised funds of no more than RMB 1.3 billion for cash management to no more than RMB 650
                   million. At the same time, the investment period would be extended to June 22, 2022, and the above limit of the
                   raised capital may be used in a rolling way within effective period.
                         3. In the reporting period, the Company conducted the cash management with the idle raised capital strictly
                   based on the limit as approved by the Board of Directors and the General Meeting. The aforesaid wealth
                   management products are the wealth management products or structured deposits with high security, good
                   liquidity, low risk and open-end.

                          (2) About single consigned financing
                          "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                                        In:RMB’0000       Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                      Has       it
                                                                Date          of           Date     of
                          Type     of        Amount of                                                                                    Actual                      gone
                                                                commencement               end      of        Fund           Annual                      Actual
     Consignee            consigned          consigned                                                                                    Income                      through
                                                                of    consigned            consigned          Source         Yield                       recovery
                          financing          financing                                                                                    or loss                     statutory
                                                                financing                  financing

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                                                         2021 Annual Report

             Structured                                     December
ICBC                       20,000        July 16, 2021                   raised   3.72% 340.45       Recovered Yes
             deposit                                        30, 2021
                Structured                   November 24,     August
ICBC                           40,000                                    raised   3.75%                           Yes
                deposit                    2021              24, 2022
                Structured                                    October
ICBC                           20,000        April 16, 2021              raised   3.75% 380.14       Recovered Yes
                deposit                                      18, 2021
ICBC                           20,000        May 12, 2021    November raised      3.78% 389.39       Recovered Yes
                                                             16, 2021    capital
Bohai           Structured                   August      13,  February
                               30,000                                    raised   3.55%                           Yes
Bank            deposit                    2021              14, 2022
Industrial      Structured                   August      17,  February
                               39,000                                    raised   3.03%                           Yes
Bank            deposit                    2021              18, 2022
                Note: The above table shows the wealth management products of the Company's single significant amount
           of structured deposits during the reporting period, and other open-end wealth management products are Not
           Other Information
           "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
           (3) Provision for impairment of consigned financing
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         2. About consigned loans
         (1) General of consigned loans
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         Other Information
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         (2) About single consigned loan
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         Other Information
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         (3) Provision for impairment of consigned loans
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         3. Other Information
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         (IV) Other Important Contracts
         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
         XIV. Note to Other Major Events that have Significant Impact on Investors' Value Judgments and
         Investment Decisions
         "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
              During the reporting period, Tianjin Aima, Guangdong Aima, and Guangxi Aima acquired the qualifications
         of high-tech enterprises, and may enjoy income tax preference policy for high-tech enterprises for three
         consecutive years (i.e. 2021, 2022 and 2023); that means they pay corporate income tax at a rate of 15%. As of
         the disclosure date of the Report, only Tianjin Aima received the certificate of hi-tech enterprise but the other
         two did not.
                    Section 7 Changes in Common Shares and Information about Shareholders

         I. Changes in Shares Capital
         (I) Table of Changes in shares
         1. Table of Changes in shares
                                                                                                                In: share
                 Before the change                  Increase or decrease of the change (+, -)               After the change
                                                New                  Shares
                            Percentage                    Bonus                                                        Percentage
              Quantity                         shares              converted Others        Subtotal      Quantity
                               (%)                        shares                                                          (%)
                                               issued                 from

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                                                              2021 Annual Report

I. Restricted
                    338,660,003            100                                                               338,660,003           83.90
held by the
held by the
legal entities
domestic            338,660,003            100                                                               338,660,003           83.90
shares held
by Domestic
                     40,593,003          11.99                                                                40,593,003           10.06
owned legal
Shares held
by domestic         298,067,000          88.01                                                               298,067,000           73.84
4. Oversea
shares held
by foreign
legal entities
Shares held
by foreign
II. Tradable
without                                          65,000,000                                    65,000,000     65,000,000           16.10
1. RMB
common                                           65,000,000                                    65,000,000     65,000,000           16.10
2. Domestic
listed foreign
3. Overseas
listed foreign
4. Others
III. Total
                    338,660,003         100.00   65,000,000                                    65,000,000    403,660,003          100.00

                 2. Statement on the change in shares
                 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                       With the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission by the “Official Reply on Approving the
                 Initial Public Offering of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd.” (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 1775), the Company
                 publicly issued 65,000,000 RMB common shares (A-shares) through the Shanghai Stock Exchange on June 15,
                 3. Effect of changes in shares on financial indicators such as earnings per share and net asset per share
                 for the latest year and period (if any) over the last year and the last reporting period
                 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                      During the reporting period, the Company publicly issued 65,000,000 RMB common shares (A shares), and
                 the Company's total share capital changed from 338,660,003 shares to 403,660,003 shares. The above-
                 mentioned change in shares has resulted in the dilution of the Company's basic earnings per share and net
                 assets per share in 2021 and other financial indicators.

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                                                         2021 Annual Report

        4. Other contents that the Company deems necessary and the securities regulatory authorities require
        "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
              The Company’s 2021 third Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 27, 2021 reviewed and
        approved the "Proposal on the Company's “2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft)” and its Summary", etc.,
        and the 24th session of the Fourth Board of Directors reviewed and approved the "Proposal on Granting
        Restricted Shares to Incentive Objects for the First Time", etc., and determined to grant restricted stocks to
        incentive objects.
              On January 24, 2022, the Company completed the registration of the first grant of the 2021 Restricted Stocks
        Incentive Plan with the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited; and
        the Company's total capital stock increased to 410,440,003 shares from 403,660,003 shares.
        (II) Changes in restricted shares
        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
        II. Securities Issuance and Listing
        (I) Issuance of securities during the reporting period
        "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                In: share Currency: RMB
         Stock and its                                                                           Quantity
                                              Issuing price                                                    Expiry
         derivatives      Date of                                                Date of         approved for
                                              (or interest    Shares issued                                    date of
         Types of         issuance                                               listing         being listed
                                              rate)                                                            trading
         securities                                                                              and traded
         Type of common stock
                          June 3,                                                June 15,
         A-shares                             27.86           65,000,000                           65,000,000
                          2021                                                   2021

              Note to issuance of securities during the reporting period (for the bonds with different interest rates during
        the period, please explain separately):
        "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
              With the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission by the “Official Reply on Approving the
        Initial Public Offering of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd.” (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 1775), on June 3, 2021,
        the Company publicly issued 65,000,000 RMB common shares (A-shares) through the Shanghai Stock
        Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the “SSE”) trading system and the offline subscription electronic platform
        which were listed for trading with Shanghai Stock Exchange on June 15, 2021.
        (II) Changes in total common shares and shareholders structure, as well as in assets and liabilities
        "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
              During the reporting period, the Company publicly issued 65,000,000 common shares (A shares), and the
        Company's total capital stock changed from 338,660,003 shares to 403,660,003 shares. At the end of the
        previous year, the total assets amounted to RMB9,558,496,657.40, the total liabilities amounted to
        RMB6,910,653,818.49, and the gearing ratio was 72.30%; at the end of the reporting period, the total assets
        amounted to RMB13,396,944,911.18, the total liabilities amounted to RMB8,417,177,181.15, and the gearing
        ratio was 62.83%.
        III. Shareholders and Actual Controller
        (I) Total number of shareholders
         Total number of common shareholders up to the end of the reporting period                                  31,306
         Total number of common shareholders as at the end of the last month prior to
         the disclosure day of the annual report
        (II) Table of top 10 shareholders, top 10 common shares (or tradable shares without selling restrictions)
        by the end of reporting period
                                                                                                                    In: share
                                               Shareholdings by top 10 shareholders
                                                                                             Status of shares
                                              Number of
                                                                                             pledged, marked or
Names of the         Increase/Decrease        shares held                     Number of
                                                              Percentage                     frozen                   Nature of the
Shareholders         during the               at the end of                   restricted
                                                              (%)                            Status                   shareholder
(Full name)          reporting period         the reporting                   shares
                                                                                             of the      Quantity
Zhang Jian                                    282,317,000          69.94       282,317,000   Nil
                                                                                                                      natural person

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                                                     2021 Annual Report

Changxing Dingai
                                                                                                              Domestic non-
                                            16,933,000           4.19     16,933,000    Nil                   state legal
Partnership (LLP)
CITIC Securities                                                                                              Domestic non-
Investment Co.,                              8,400,000           2.08       8,400,000   Nil                   state legal
Ltd.                                                                                                          entity
Jinshi Zhiyu Equity
                                                                                                              Domestic non-
                                             8,260,001           2.05       8,260,001   Nil                   state legal
Three Gorges
Jinshi (Wuhan)                                                                                                Domestic non-
Equity Investment                            3,500,001           0.87       3,500,001   Nil                   state legal
Fund Partnership                                                                                              entity
Jinshi Haofeng
                                                                                                              Domestic non-
Equity Investment
                                             3,500,001           0.87       3,500,001   Nil                   state legal
Partnership (LLP)
Peng Wei                                     3,150,000           0.78       3,150,000   Nil
                                                                                                              natural person
Han Jianhua                                  3,150,000           0.78       3,150,000   Nil
                                                                                                              natural person
Li Shishuang                                 3,150,000           0.78       3,150,000   Nil
                                                                                                              natural person
Liu Jianxin                                  3,150,000           0.78       3,150,000   Nil
                                                                                                              natural person
Qiao Baogang                                 3,150,000           0.78       3,150,000   Nil
                                                                                                              natural person
                       Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders of tradable shares without selling restrictions
                                           Number of tradable shares without               Types and Number of shares
Names of the Shareholders
                                           selling restrictions                            Types                 Quantity
                                                                                              Common floating
National Social Security Fund 113                                            2,699,913                              2,699,913
Basic Endowment Insurance Fund                                                                Common floating
                                                                             1,745,500                              1,745,500
Portfolio 802                                                                                      shares
                                                                                              Common floating
Huang Yunhai                                                                 1,671,748                              1,671,748
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - E Fund
                                                                                              Common floating
Day Fenghua Bond Type Securities                                             1,521,784                              1,521,784
Investment Fund
Construction Bank of China - BOSERA
                                                                                              Common floating
THEME INDUSTRY Mixed Securities                                              1,457,932                              1,457,932
Investment Fund (LOF)
TAIPING LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY                                                                Common floating
                                                                               900,026                                900,026
LIMITED                                                                                            shares
Dajia Life Insurance Co., Ltd.- Universal                                                     Common floating
                                                                               865,324                                865,324
Products                                                                                           shares
Construction Bank of China Co., Ltd. -
Huaxia Emerging Economies 1-Year                                                              Common floating
                                                                               763,858                                763,858
Holding Hybrid Securities Investment                                                               shares
Shanghai Ruiyi Investment Development
Center - Ruiyi Investment Panshan                                                             Common floating
                                                                               563,219                                563,219
Phase VI Block Trading Private                                                                     shares
Placement Investment Fund
Construction Bank of China Co., Ltd. -
Huaxia Emerging Economies 1-Year                                                              Common floating
                                                                               506,919                                506,919
Holding Hybrid Securities Investment                                                               shares
Explanation on repurchase account of
                                                                              Not applicable
top 10 shareholders

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                                                           2021 Annual Report

Explanation on delegated voting rights,
entrusted voting rights, abstained voting                                           Not applicable
rights of the aforesaid shareholders
                                                CITIC Investment, Jinshi Zhiyu, Jinshi Haofeng and Three Gorges Jinshi are
                                                enterprises under the same control of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. and are concerted
Notes to the related relation or consistent
                                                actors. Apart from the above circumstance, it is not known whether there is an
actions of the above-mentioned
                                                associated relationship among the other shareholders mentioned above, and it is
                                                also unknown whether the other shareholders are concerted actors as stipulated in
                                                the Measures for the Administration of the Acquisition of Listed Companies.
Explanation on preference stockholders
with recovered voting rights and the         Not applicable
number of stocks held by them
         Number of shares held by top ten shareholders with selling restrictions and the selling restrictions
         "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                        In: share
                                                                                 Restricted shares allowed for public
                                                                                                        Increase in
             Names of shareholders with selling               Number of                                                        Selling
No.                                                                                                      restricted
                        restrictions                       restricted shares    Date when public                             restrictions
                                                                                                      shares allowed
                                                                                trading is allowed
                                                                                                         for public
                                                                                                                      Non-tradable for
 1                       Zhang Jian                          282,317,000         June 15, 2024                        36 months from
                                                                                                                      Non-tradable for
        Changxing Dingai Investment Management
 2                                                           16,933,000          June 15, 2024                        36 months from
                   Partnership (LLP)
 3          CITIC Securities Investment Co., Ltd.             8,400,000          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                                                                                                                         from IPO
         Jinshi Zhiyu Equity Investment (Hangzhou)                                                                     Non-tradable
 4                       Partnership                          8,260,001          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                    (Limited Partnership)                                                                                from IPO
            Three Gorges Jinshi (Wuhan) Equity
 5                                                            3,500,001          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
             Investment Fund Partnership (LLP)
                                                                                                                         from IPO
              Jinshi Haofeng Equity Investment                                                                         Non-tradable
 6                      (Hangzhou)                            3,500,001          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                      Partnership (LLP)                                                                                  from IPO
 7                        Peng Wei                            3,150,000          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                                                                                                                         from IPO
 8                       Han Jianhua                          3,150,000          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                                                                                                                         from IPO
 9                      Li Shishuang                          3,150,000          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                                                                                                                         from IPO
10                        Liu Jianxin                         3,150,000          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                                                                                                                         from IPO
11                      Qiao Baogang                          3,150,000          June 15, 2022                         for12 months
                                                                                                                         from IPO
                                                          CITIC Investment, Jinshi Zhiyu, Jinshi Haofeng and Three Gorges Jinshi
                                                          are enterprises under the same control of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. and
                                                          are concerted actors. Apart from the above circumstance, it is not known
Notes to the related relation or consistent actions of
                                                          whether there is an associated relationship among the other shareholders
        the above-mentioned shareholders
                                                          mentioned above, and it is also unknown whether the other shareholders
                                                          are concerted actors as stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of
                                                          the Acquisition of Listed Companies.
          (III) Strategic investors or general legal entity who became the top 10 shareholders due to placing of new
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                                                                60 / 187
                                               2021 Annual Report

IV. Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers
(I) Controlling shareholder
1. Legal entity
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
2. Natural person
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
 Name                                     Zhang Jian
 Nationality                              China
 Residency in other countries or
 regions (yes/no)
 Main occupations and positions           Chairman of the Board & General Manager
3. Special statement about no controlling shareholder in the Company
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
4. Explanation on changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
5. Framework of the ownership and controlling relationship between the Company and its controlling
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

(II) Actual controller
1. Legal entity
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
2. Natural person
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
 Name                                                Zhang Jian, Zhang Gege
 Nationality                                         China
 Residency in other countries or regions (yes/no)    No
                                                     Zhang Jian is the Chairman of the Board and the
                                                     General Manager of the Company; Zhang Gege is a
 Main occupations and positions                      director of the Company, the executive director and
                                                     general manager of Tianjin Suiwanwan, and the
                                                     executive partner of Changxing Dingai.
 Controlling interests in other domestically and
                                                     Not applicable
 overseas listed companies in the past 10 years
3. Special statement about no actual controller in the Company
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
4. Explanation on changes in the Company’s Control during the reporting period
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
5. Framework of ownership and controlling relationship between the Company and the actual controllers
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

6. The actual controller controls the Company by way of Trust or other Assets Management
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

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                                                 2021 Annual Report

(III) Other information about Controlling shareholders and actual controllers
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Zhang Jian and Zhang Gege, the actual controllers of the Company, are in a father-daughter relationship,
in which Zhang Jian directly holds 282,317,000 shares of the Company, and Zhang Gege indirectly holds
4,571,910 shares of the Company through Changxing DingAi Investment Management Partnership (Limited
     On January 24, 2022, the Company's 2021 equity incentive restricted shares were first granted and
registered, resulting in a change in the Company's total capital stock, and the proportion of the shares in the
Company held b y Zhang Jian and Zhang Ge, the two actual controllers of the Company, was reduced from
71.07% to 69.90%.
V. The Proportion of The Accumulated Number of Shares Pledged by The Controlling Shareholders or
The Largest Shareholder of the Company, Together with The Parties Acting in Concert with Them to The
Number of Shares of The Company Held by Them Amounts to More Than 80%
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
VI. Other Legal Entity Shareholder Holding More Than 10%
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
VII. Explanation on The Reduction of Restricted Shares
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     For details, please refer to the interpretation on shareholding lessening as stated in “Section 6 I. (I)
Commitments of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties, acquirer, as well as the
Company and other relevant entities during or up to the reporting period”. There existed no shareholding
lessening by any of the subjects restricted for shareholding lessening against the regulations.
VIII. Specific Implementation of Share Repurchase During The Reporting Period
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                         Section 8 Preferred Shares
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                                         Section 9 Corporate Bonds
I. Enterprise Bonds, Corporate Bonds and Debt Financing Instruments for Non-financial Enterprises
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

II. Convertible Corporate Bonds
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                        Section 10 Financial Report
I. Auditor’s Report
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                     Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2022) Shen Zi NO.60968971_B01
                                                                            AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD.

To all shareholders of AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD.,
     I. Opinion
     We have audited the financial statements of AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD. (the “Company”), which
comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2021, and the consolidated and
company income statements, the consolidated and company statement of changes in equity and the
consolidated and company statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements.
     In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of the consolidated and company as at 31 December 2021, and of its financial performance and cash
flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (“ASBEs”).
     II. Basis for opinion
     We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing (“CSAs”). Our responsibilities
under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial
statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with China Code of Ethics
for Certified Public Accountants (the “Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance
with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our opinion.
     III. Key audit matters
     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our
audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit
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                                                  2021 Annual Report

of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate
opinion on these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our audit addressed the matter is
provided in that context.
      We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial
statements section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit included the
performance of procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
financial statements. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures performed to address the
matters below, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying financial statements.
                             Key audit matters:                 How our audit addressed the key audit matter:
                                                      Sales rebates and incentives
        The book value of sales rebates and incentives              Our audit procedures performed on sales
  payable in the consolidated financial statements on rebates and incentives mainly include:
  December 31, 2021 was RMB 186,926,832.16, and                     1) Understand the internal control of sales
  the book value of sales rebates and incentives rebate and incentives management, perform
  payable in the Company's financial statements was walkthrough test and control test on identified
  RMB 101,065,324.67.                                          controls;
                                                                    2) Check the distribution agreements signed
        It is stipulated in the distribution agreement with several dealers in 2021, and checking the
  signed with the dealers that sales rebates and other provisions in the distribution agreements on sales
  specific incentives should be given based on the rebates and incentives;
  purchase volume to offset against revenue. On the                 3) Select a number of dealers to check whether
  balance sheet date, sales rebates and incentives are the sales rebates and incentives obtained by them
  estimated based on the dealers’ purchase volume and comply with the relevant sales policies, and check
  other rebates and promotion policies. Due to the large the application of these dealers' sales rebates and
  number of dealers and the various forms of sales incentives;
  rebates and incentives, the purchase volume of each               4) Check the year-end sales rebate calculation
  dealer and the achievement of other performances process prepared by the management, and check
  needs to be considered in order to determine the whether the target sales volume of the dealer's year-
  period of sales rebates and incentives. The calculation end sales rebate has been achieved for the year-end
  of sales rebates and incentives depends on the rebate; and check whether the quantity and unit
  judgment and estimate of the management.                     price of the calculated sales rebate are consistent
                                                               with the specific terms in the distribution agreement;
        The accounting policies, accounting estimates               5) Execute the subsequent review procedure to
  and disclosures for the sales rebates and incentives check the sales rebate payable by the Company at
  are set out in “V. 38. Revenue”, “V. 43. Other the end of the year and the actual payment status
  significant accounting policies and accounting thereafter.
  estimates” and “VII. 38. Contract liabilities” of the
  financial report in this section”.
                                                Bad debt provision of accounts receivable
        The book value of accounts receivable in the                Our audit procedures performed on bad debt
  consolidated financial statements on December 31, provision for accounts receivable mainly include:
  2021 was RMB 207,629,801.65, and the book value                   1)For the accounts receivable that have been
  of the accounts receivable in the Company's financial individually assessed for impairment, interview the
  statements was RMB 90,196,112.09.                            managers of the sales department and the legal
                                                               department, and review the basis for the
        The management considers the credit risk management to estimate the bad debt provision,
  characteristics of different customers and evaluates including the communication correspondences
  the expected credit losses (“ECLs”) of accounts between the management and the relevant
  receivable based on the aging portfolio. Then, on the customers, the management’s assessment on credit
  basis of ECLs, the bad debt provision is measured risks of the customers in consideration of                    their
  according to the ECLs amount equivalent to the entire operating conditions and historical payment record,
  lifetime. The management considers reasonable and etc.;
  supportable information about past events, current                2) For the accounts receivable assessed by
  conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions combination, review the management's setting of the
  when assessing ECLs.                                         combination of credit risk characteristics, key
                                                               information such as the aging and credit quality
        The dealers’ customers are scattered and records of each combination by sampling; and with
  numerous, and the estimation of bad-debt provision the combination of credit risk characteristics (i.e.
  for accounts receivable depends on the judgment and ageing combination) as the base, review the
  estimation of the management.                                management’s basis to assess the credit risk and
                                                               ECLs amount, including testing historical default
        The accounting policies and disclosures for bad- data, evaluating adjustments to historical loss rates
  debt provision for accounts receivable are set out in based on current economic conditions, and
  “V. 10. Financial instruments”, “V. 43. Other important evaluating forward-looking information by examining
  accounting policies and accounting estimates”, “VII. 5. publicly available macroeconomic factors, and
  Accounts receivable” in the financial report of this check the actual credit losses incurred during the
                                                       63 / 187
                                                 2021 Annual Report

 section, “XVII. 1. Accounts receivable".                   year;
                                                                  3) Check the subsequent collection of accounts
                                                             receivable, and consider the impact of subsequent
                                                             events on the estimation of bad debt provision;
                                                                  4)Retest the calculation process of bad debt
                                                             provision for accounts receivable, and review the
                                                             amount of bad debt provision;
                                                                  5) Review the disclosure of bad debt provision
                                                             for accounts receivable in the financial statements.
     IV. Other information
     The management of AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD. is responsible for the other information. The other
information comprises the information included in the Annual Report, other than the financial statements and our
auditor’s report thereon.
     Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any
form of assurance conclusion thereon.
     In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements
or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
     If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
     V. Responsibilities of the management and those charged with governance for the financial
     The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements in accordance with ASBEs, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as
the management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
     In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing AIMA Technology Group
Co., LTD.’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern
and using the going concern basis of accounting unless either intend to liquidate AIMA Technology Group Co,.
LTD. or to cease operations or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
     Those charged with governance is responsible for overseeing AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD.’s financial
reporting process.
     VI. Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
     Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our
opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
accordance with CSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from
fraud or error and are generally considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be
expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
     As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
     (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement
resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional
omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
     (2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that
are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of
internal control.
     (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
     (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting
and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions
that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a
material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in
the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are
based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or
conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
     (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner
that achieves fair presentation.
     (6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business
activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the
direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

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                                                   2021 Annual Report

     We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope
and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that
we identify during our audit.
     We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant
ethical requirements regarding independence and to communicate with those charged with governance all
relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where
applicable, related safeguards.
     From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were
of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP                      Chinese Certified Public Accountant: ZhangJiong

                                                Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Zhang Bin

Beijing, the People’s Republic of China                                                   14 April 2022

II. Financial Statements
                                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                         December 31, 2021
Prepared by AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD.
                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                Items                      Notes           December 31, 2021               December 31, 2020
 Current assets:
 Currency funds                         VII.1                      2,846,143,310.70               1,249,120,118.26
 Settlement reserve
 Inter-bank lending
 Financial assets held for trading      VII.2                      1,265,981,818.24                 458,440,486.16
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                    VII.5                       207,629,801.65                  187,700,162.28
 Receivables financing                  VII.6                        49,295,422.59                  194,010,599.36
 Prepayments                            VII.7                        21,538,098.38                   20,248,469.38
 Receivable premium
 Reinsurance accounts receivable
 Reserve for reinsurance contract
 Other receivables                      VII.8                       150,069,854.58                   85,518,641.96
 Including: Interest receivable                                         642,997.45                      930,559.39
 Dividend receivable
 Redemptory monetary capital for
 Inventories                            VII.9                       795,689,208.89                  494,751,269.64
 Contract assets
 Assets classified as held for sale
 Current portion of non-current         VII.12
 Other current assets                   VII.13                       170,807,953.30                 120,605,121.80
 Total current assets                                              5,507,155,468.33               3,685,440,485.27
 Non-current assets:
 Loan issuing and advance in
 Debt investments
 Other debt investments
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investments           VII.17                      105,073,280.23                   32,946,576.25

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Other equity investments
Other non-current financial
Investment properties                VII.20                      270,188,544.27      223,753,945.07
Fixed assets                         VII.21                    1,966,085,704.31    1,781,506,536.14
Construction in progress             VII.22                      114,131,095.16       47,995,478.09
Productive biological asset
Oil and Gas Assets
Right-of-use assets                  VII.25                      41,226,833.58
Intangible assets                    VII.26                     332,074,064.23      316,215,456.18
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses           VII.29                       29,394,318.63       11,802,083.24
Deferred tax assets                  VII.30                       88,843,633.31       56,365,819.88
Other non-current assets             VII.31                    4,942,771,969.13    3,402,470,277.28
Total non-current assets                                       7,889,789,442.85    5,873,056,172.13
Total assets                                                  13,396,944,911.18    9,558,496,657.40
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Borrowings from the central bank
Loans from other banks
Financial liabilities held for
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                        VII.35                    4,926,337,711.40    4,555,247,953.70
Accounts payable                     VII.36                    2,132,113,371.54    1,382,013,472.83
Receipts in advance                  VII.37                       13,125,994.89
Contract liabilities                 VII.38                      483,535,624.57     318,471,009.89
Money from sale of the
repurchased financial assets
Deposits taking and interbank
Acting trading securities
Income from securities
underwriting on commission
Employee benefits payable            VII.39                     113,584,622.70       89,154,510.59
Taxes and surcharges payable         VII.40                      58,301,487.57       25,977,920.73
Other payables                       VII.41                     478,360,431.77      453,785,184.64
Including: interest payable
Dividends payable
Service charge and commission
Payable reinsurance
Liabilities classified as held for
Current portion of non-current       VII.43
Other current liabilities            VII.44                       39,990,259.74       12,219,830.60
Total current liabilities                                      8,251,273,305.18    6,836,869,882.98
Non-current liabilities:
Reserve for insurance contract
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Lease liabilities                    VII.47                        46,589,311.07
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits
Deferred income                      VII.51                     118,883,340.46       73,775,195.25
Deferred tax liabilities             VII.30                         431,224.44            8,740.26
Other non-current liabilities
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 Total non-current liabilities                                     165,903,875.97              73,783,935.51
 Total liabilities                                               8,417,177,181.15           6,910,653,818.49
 Share capital                        VII.53                      403,660,003.00              338,660,003.00
 Other equity instruments
 Including: preferred shares
 Perpetual bond
 Capital reserves                     VII.55                     1,935,686,839.31             319,618,893.64
 Less: Treasury shares
 Other comprehensive income
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                     VII.59                      201,830,001.50              189,936,412.55
 General risks reserves
 Retained earnings                    VII.60                     2,433,650,547.11           1,781,546,043.16
 Total shareholders’ equity
 attributable to the parent                                      4,974,827,390.92           2,629,761,352.35
 Non-controlling interests                                           4,940,339.11              18,081,486.56
 Total shareholder’s equity                                     4,979,767,730.03           2,647,842,838.91
 Total Liabilities and
                                                                13,396,944,911.18           9,558,496,657.40
 Shareholder’s Equity

Legal representative: Zhang Jian       Financial controller: Zheng Hui        Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

                                      Balance Sheet, Parent Company
                                          December 31, 2021
Prepared by: AIMA Technology Group Co,. LTD.
                                                                                        In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                Items                   Notes            December 31, 2021             December 31, 2020
 Current assets:
 Currency funds                                                  1,381,189,954.73           1,026,281,081.52
 Financial assets held for trading                                 487,120,547.95              60,600,000.00
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                  XVII.1                         90,196,112.09            187,973,999.10
 Receivables financing                                                                          2,920,000.00
 Prepayments                                                        8,325,601.78                9,320,260.63
 Other receivables                    XVII.2                      226,834,333.25               54,343,683.45
 Including: Interest receivable                                       255,452.31                  928,998.18
 Dividend receivable
 Inventories                                                         11,327,860.00              5,103,408.33
 Contract assets
 Assets classified as held for sale
 Current portion of non-current
 Other current assets                                                1,908,746.07              48,187,421.72
 Total current assets                                            2,206,903,155.87           2,269,775,471.18
 Non-current assets:
 Debt investments
 Other debt investments
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investments         XVII.3                      874,946,715.49              693,448,588.33
 Other equity investments
 Other non-current financial
 Investment properties                                            426,912,592.10              438,596,163.82
 Fixed assets                                                      62,254,198.18               48,254,628.34
 Construction in progress                                          49,538,123.48               13,543,609.26
 Productive biological asset
 Oil and Gas Assets
 Right-of-use assets                                                 11,005,806.85

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 Intangible assets                                                  59,929,778.27              30,295,640.40
 Development expenditures
 Long-term prepaid expenses                                       14,285,240.24                 1,021,465.06
 Deferred tax assets                                              43,885,593.62                20,994,245.62
 Other non-current assets                                      4,108,653,262.00             3,190,437,580.45
 Total non-current assets                                      5,651,411,310.23             4,436,591,921.28
 Total assets                                                  7,858,314,466.10             6,706,367,392.46
 Current liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings
 Financial liabilities held for
 Derivative financial liabilities
 Notes payable                                                 1,200,158,631.00             1,535,609,263.11
 Accounts payable                                              1,856,691,257.42             2,581,643,212.31
 Receipts in advance                                              18,776,664.32
 Contract liabilities                                            259,774,265.64               293,258,453.68
 Employee benefits payable                                        32,754,658.59                25,528,265.93
 Taxes and surcharges payable                                      1,220,779.78                   666,987.59
 Other payables                                                  356,709,196.67               308,332,553.91
 Including: interest payable
 Dividends payable
 Liabilities classified as held for
 Current portion of non-current
 Other current liabilities                                        22,063,245.17                 9,711,127.61
 Total current liabilities                                     3,752,497,796.88             4,754,749,864.14
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings
 Bonds payable
 Including: preferred shares
 Perpetual bond
 Lease liabilities                                                   6,909,182.17
 Long-term payables
 Long-term employee benefits
 Deferred income                                                    35,407,977.88              36,257,597.30
 Deferred tax liabilities
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                    42,317,160.05                36,257,597.30
 Total liabilities                                             3,794,814,956.93             4,791,007,461.44
 Share capital                                                   403,660,003.00               338,660,003.00
 Other equity instruments
 Including: preferred shares
 Perpetual bond
 Capital reserves                                              1,910,845,161.11               294,981,361.11
 Less: Treasury shares
 Other comprehensive income
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                                                201,830,001.50               189,936,412.55
 Retained earnings                                             1,547,164,343.56             1,091,782,154.36
 Total shareholder’s equity                                   4,063,499,509.17             1,915,359,931.02
 Total Liabilities and
                                                               7,858,314,466.10             6,706,367,392.46
 Shareholder’s Equity
Legal representative: Zhang Jian      Financial controller : Zheng Hui       Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

                                      Consolidated Income Statement
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                                                    2021 Annual Report

                                                                                             In:Yuan Currency: RMB
                       Items                             Notes                2021                    2020
I. Revenue                                                               15,398,710,870.72       12,904,586,099.11
Including: operating revenue                             VII.61          15,398,710,870.72       12,904,586,099.11
Interest income
Earned insurance premium
Service charge and commission income
II. Total operating costs                                                14,659,904,964.29      12,252,528,155.38
Including: cost of sales                                 VII.61          13,593,606,029.56      11,431,221,982.27
Interest payment
Service charge and commission payment
Surrender Value
Compensation expenses, net
Provision of reserve for insurance liabilities, net
Payment of policy dividend
Reinsurance expenses
Taxes and surcharges                                     VII.62              56,148,586.05          52,625,966.82
Selling expenses                                         VII.63             550,605,290.98         398,784,858.24
Administrative expenses                                  VII.64             316,594,598.36         265,551,124.65
Research and development expenses                        VII.65             404,084,127.91         239,440,162.52
Financial expenses                                       VII.66            -261,133,668.57        -135,095,939.12
Including: Interest expenses                                                  1,869,959.31          10,954,710.98
Interest income                                                             264,701,993.37         150,694,536.85
Add: Other income                                        VII.67              22,672,276.61          29,136,346.91
Investment income (loss is stated with “-”)            VII.68             -16,374,983.63          71,851,196.50
Including: Income from investments in associates
                                                                            -39,867,033.98          10,372,839.35
and joint ventures
Income from the derecognition of financial assets
measured at amortised cost
Exchange income (loss stated with “-“)
Net position hedging gains (loss stated with “-“)
Fair value gains (loss is stated with “-”)             VII.70               9,978,187.68          12,219,498.91
Credit impairment losses (loss is stated with “-”)     VII.71               5,960,856.26           3,965,931.68
Impairment losses of assets (loss is stated with         VII.72
                                                                            -11,557,401.98            -679,328.75
Gains on disposal of non-current assets (loss is         VII.73             -10,592,015.11
stated with “-”)
III. Operating profit (loss is stated with “-“)                          738,892,826.26         764,180,304.09
Add: Non-operating income                                VII.74             30,687,494.40          26,135,758.67
Less: Non-operating expenses                             VII.75             11,326,697.86          11,236,658.62
IV. Total profit (total loss is stated with “-”)                         758,253,622.80         779,079,404.14
Less: Income tax expense                                 VII.76             90,532,343.61         169,238,614.08
V. Net Profit (net loss is stated with “-“)                              667,721,279.19         609,840,790.06
(I) Classified by continuity of operations
1. Profit from continuing operations(loss is stated
with “-”)
2. Profit from discontinued operations(loss is
stated with “-”)
(II) Classified by ownership
1. Profit attributable to owners of the parent(loss is
                                                                           663,998,092.90         598,524,584.35
stated with “-”)
2. Profit attributable to non-controlling
                                                                              3,723,186.29          11,316,205.71
interests(loss is stated with “-”)
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax
(I) Other comprehensive income, net of tax,
attributable to owners of the parent
1 Other comprehensive income that will not be
reclassified to profit or loss
(1) Remeasurement of a defined benefit plan
(2) Other comprehensive income using the equity
method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
(3) Change in the fair value of other equity

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 (4) Change in the fair value of the entity’s own
 credit risks
 2. Other comprehensive income that may be
 reclassified to profit or loss
 (1) Other comprehensive income using the equity
 method that may be reclassified to profit or loss
 (2) Change in the fair value of other debt
 (3) Amount recognized in other comprehensive
 income resulting from the reclassification of
 financial assets
 (4) Provision for credit impairment of receivables
 (5) Cash flow hedge reserve (Effective portion of
 cash flow hedges)
 (6) Exchange differences on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements
 (7) Others
 (II) Other comprehensive income, net of tax,
 attributable to non-controlling interests
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                               667,721,279.19        609,840,790.06
 (I) Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                               663,998,092.90        598,524,584.35
 owners of the parent
 (II) Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                 3,723,186.29          11,316,205.71
 non-controlling interests
 VIII. Earnings per share:
 (I)Basic earning per share (RMB/share)                                                  1.79                   1.77
 (II) Diluted earning per share (RMB/share)                                              1.79                   1.77

    Legal representative: Zhang Jian         Financial controller: Zheng Hui        Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

                                           Income Statement, Parent Company
                                                                                                In:Yuan Currency: RMB
                          Items                               Notes                2021                    2020
I. Operating revenue                                     XVII.4             10,943,228,159.23       11,794,656,290.53
Less: cost of sales                                      XVII.4             10,678,372,712.23       11,546,176,689.61
Taxes and surcharges                                                            10,355,046.08           13,663,859.20
Selling expenses                                                               365,753,276.19          277,532,607.93
Administrative expenses                                                        179,546,823.66          100,509,267.05
Research and development expenses                                                8,486,096.33
Financial expenses                                                            -210,284,084.80        -124,131,405.89
Including: Interest expenses                                                       646,375.99
Interest income                                                                211,239,319.46        125,442,381.35
Add: Other income                                                                3,645,613.87          4,487,710.36
Investment income (loss is stated with “-”)            XVII.5                511,195,864.47        380,728,865.97
Including: Income from investments in
                                                                               -39,589,711.80          10,372,839.35
associates and joint ventures
Income from the derecognition of financial assets
measured at amortised cost
Net position hedging gains (loss stated with “-“)
Fair value gains (loss is stated with “-”)                                     3,122,647.95          10,600,000.00
Credit impairment losses (loss is stated with “-”)                             7,853,598.98
Impairment losses (loss is stated with “-”)                                                          -3,090,527.33
Gains on disposal of non-current assets (loss is
                                                                                 1,101,007.69             288,816.97
stated with “-”)
II. Operating Profit (loss is stated with “-”)                               437,917,022.50        372,936,330.65
Add: Non-operating income                                                       11,846,519.04          4,874,439.87
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                     5,497,070.24          2,014,877.86
III. Total profit (total loss is stated with “-“)                            444,266,471.30        375,795,892.66
Less: Income tax expense                                                       -23,009,306.85         10,989,295.61
IV. Net Profit (net loss is stated with “-“)                                 467,275,778.15        364,806,597.05
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                                                         2021 Annual Report

(I) Profit from continuing operations (net loss is
                                                                                 467,275,778.15          364,806,597.05
stated with “-”)
(II) Profit from a discontinued operation (net loss
is stated with “-”)
V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax
(I) Other comprehensive income which cannot be
re-classified into the gain and loss
1. Remeasurement of a defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive income using the equity
method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
3. Change in the fair value of other equity
4. Change in the fair value of the entity’s own
credit risks
(II) Other comprehensive income that may be
reclassified to profit or loss
1. Other comprehensive income using the equity
method that may be reclassified to profit or loss
2. Change in the fair value of other debt
3. Amount recognised in other comprehensive
income resulting from the reclassification of
financial assets
4. Provision for credit impairment of receivables
5. Cash flow hedge reserve (Effective portion of
cash flow hedges)
6. Exchange differences on translation of foreign
currency financial statements
7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                   467,275,778.15          364,806,597.05
VII. Earnings per share:
(I)Basic earning per share (RMB/share)
(II) Diluted earning per share (RMB/share)

    Legal representative: Zhang Jian         Financial controller: Zheng Hui           Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

                                         Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                                                                                  In:Yuan Currency: RMB
                         Items                                  Notes                2021                    2020
 I. Cash flows from operating activities
 Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the
                                                                              17,756,512,273.66       15,475,502,884.84
 rendering of services
 Net increase of customers’ deposit and due
 from banks
 Net increase of borrowings from the central
 Net increase of borrowings from other financial
 Cash received from the premium of the original
 insurance contract
 Net cash received from the reinsurance
 Net increase of the reserve from policy holders
 and investment
 Cash received from interest, service charge
 and commission
 Net increase of loan from other banks
 Net increase of fund from repurchase business
 Net cash received from securities trading on
 Receipts of taxes and surcharges refunds                                        52,669,169.36             4,853,543.93
 Other cash receipts relating to operating                VII.78
                                                                                151,715,468.87           103,151,684.34
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Total cash inflows from operating activities                            17,960,896,911.89   15,583,508,113.11
Cash payments for goods and services                                    13,901,355,060.72   12,911,439,657.89
Net increase of loans and advances to
Net increase of due from central bank and due
from other banks
Cash from payment for settlement of the
original insurance contract
Net increase of the lending capital
Cash paid for interest, service charge and
Cash for payment of policy dividend
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                               993,967,512.50      666,386,325.08
Payments of all types of taxes and surcharges                             427,444,370.30      439,740,523.39
Other cash payments relating to operating           VII.78
                                                                          543,942,594.40      411,361,761.98
Total cash outflows from operating activities                           15,866,709,537.92   14,428,928,268.34
Net cash flows from operating activities                                 2,094,187,373.97    1,154,579,844.77
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash receipts from returns of investments                                 119,800,000.00     2,989,200,000.00
Cash receipts from returns on investments                                 141,528,971.25       108,378,734.93
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                           17,849,229.40       30,428,864.95
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries
and other business units
Other cash receipts relating to investing           VII.78
Total cash inflows from investing activities                              295,180,300.65     3,128,007,599.88
Cash payments to acquire fixed assets,
                                                                          659,592,055.18      363,509,274.15
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash payments for investments                                            1,659,730,000.04    3,225,000,000.00
Net increase of the pledged loan
Net cash payments for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash payments relating to investing
Total cash outflows from investing activities                            2,319,322,055.22    3,688,509,274.15
Net cash flows from investing activities                                -2,024,141,754.57     -560,501,674.27
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash proceeds from investments by others                                 1,828,453,699.40
Including: Cash receipts from capital
contributions from non-controlling interests of
Cash receipts from borrowing
Other cash receipts relating to financing           VII.78
Total cash inflows from financing activities                             1,828,453,699.40     466,996,028.88
Cash repayments for debts
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or
                                                                           13,230,000.00         4,302,051.07
profit and interest expenses
Including: Dividends or profit paid to non-
                                                                           13,230,000.00         4,302,051.07
controlling shareholders of subsidiaries
Other cash payments relating to financing           VII.78
                                                                           17,292,740.74       92,181,583.08
Total cash outflows from financing activities                               30,522,740.74      96,483,634.15
Net cash flows from financing activities                                 1,797,930,958.66     370,512,394.73
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
                                                                              -534,069.84       -2,338,295.06
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                         1,867,442,508.22     962,252,270.17
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                                          978,700,802.48       16,448,532.31
beginning of the year
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
                                                                         2,846,143,310.70     978,700,802.48
the year

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    Legal representative: Zhang Jian        Financial controller: Zheng Hui         Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

                                      Statement of Cash Flows, Parent Company
                                                                                                In:Yuan Currency: RMB
                         Items                               Notes                 2021                   2020
I. Cash flows from operating activities
Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the                                12,479,010,351.93       13,289,330,508.54
rendering of services
Receipts of tax and surcharges refunds                                          31,843,942.86
Other cash receipts relating to operating                                       58,877,297.11          106,402,786.35
Total cash inflows from operating activities                                12,569,731,591.90       13,395,733,294.89
Cash payments for goods and services                                        13,036,232,276.18       10,596,245,189.98
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                    254,458,245.22          137,501,877.81
Payments of all types of taxes and surcharges                                   25,016,277.14           76,114,567.00
Other cash payments relating to operating                                      353,843,037.93          210,308,120.61
Total cash outflows from operating activities                               13,669,549,836.47       11,020,169,755.40
Net cash flows from operating activities                                    -1,099,818,244.57        2,375,563,539.49
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash receipts from returns of investments                                       5,724,000.00         1,425,367,528.00
Cash receipts from returns on investments                                     661,081,902.78           390,532,498.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                                 1,516,772.14              335,209.76
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries
and other business units
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                           26,002,100.00
Total cash inflows from investing activities                                  694,324,774.92         1,816,235,235.76
Cash payments to acquire fixed assets,
                                                                              135,643,702.12            60,729,640.87
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash payments for investments                                                 673,914,101.00         3,000,000,000.00
Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries
and other business units
Other cash payments relating to other investing
                                                                              185,000,000.00           105,000,000.00
Total cash outflows from investing activities                                   994,557,803.12        3,168,429,640.87
Net cash flows from investing activities                                       -300,233,028.20       -1,352,194,405.11
                                                                             III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash proceeds from investments by others                                     1,828,453,699.40
Cash receipts from borrowings
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
Total cash inflows from financing activities                                 1,828,453,699.40
Cash repayments for debts
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or
profit and interest expenses
Other cash payments relating to financing
                                                                                 8,327,413.70           63,978,025.00
Total cash outflows from financing activities                                    8,973,789.69           63,978,025.00
Net cash flows from financing activities                                     1,819,479,909.71          -63,978,025.00
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
                                                                                  -308,858.66              -402,836.52
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                              419,119,778.28           958,988,272.86
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
                                                                              962,070,176.45             3,081,903.59
of the year
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
                                                                             1,381,189,954.73          962,070,176.45
the year

    Legal representative: Zhang Jian       Financial controller: Zheng Hui        Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

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                                                                                                         2021 Annual Report

                                                                                      Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         In:Yuan Currency: RMB

                                                                             Owners’ equity attributable to the parent company
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Non-             Total
       Items                           Other equity instruments                                                                                  Reserves
                                                                                      Less:      Other                                                                                                  controlling shareholders’
                        Share                                        Capital                                  Special         Surplus               for      Retained
                                       Preferred Perpetual                           Treasury comprehensive                                                                    Others Sub-total         interests         equity
                        capital                              Others reserves                                  reserves       Reserves            general     earnings
                                       shares   bond                                 shares     income
I. Balance at end
                      338,660,003.00                                319,618,893.64                                              189,936,412.55              1,781,546,043.16         2,629,761,352.35    18,081,486.56 2,647,842,838.91
of prior year
Add: Changes in
accounting policy
Correction of prior
period errors
involving entities
under common
II. Balance at the
beginning             338,660,003.00                                319,618,893.64                                       189,936,412.55                     1,781,546,043.16         2,629,761,352.35    18,081,486.56 2,647,842,838.91

 of the year

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III. Changes for
the year(decrease 65,000,000.00         1,616,067,945.67                        11,893,588.95   652,104,503.95   2,345,066,038.57   -13,141,147.45 2,331,924,891.12

is stated with “-“)
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                   663,998,092.90    663,998,092.90     3,723,186.29     667,721,279.19

(II) Shareholders’
contributions and       65,000,000.00   1,616,067,945.67                                                         1,681,067,945.67    -3,634,333.74 1,677,433,611.93

reduction in capital
1. Capital
contributions by        65,000,000.00   1,615,863,800.00                                                         1,680,863,800.00                    1,680,863,800.00

2. Capital
contributed by
other equity
3. Amount of
recognised in
4. Others
5. Purchase of the
non-controlling                              204,145.67                                                               204,145.67     -3,898,246.67      -3,694,101.00


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                       2021 Annual Report

6. Disposal of
                                                                                263,912.93       263,912.93
(III) Profit
                                            11,893,588.95   -11,893,588.95   -13,230,000.00   -13,230,000.00
1. Transfer to
surplus                                     11,893,588.95   -11,893,588.95

2. Transfer to
general risks
3. Distribution to
                                                                             -13,230,000.00   -13,230,000.00
4. Others
(IV) Internal carry-
over of owners’
1. Capitalisation of
capital reserves
2. Capitalisation of
surplus reserves
3. Loss made up
by surplus
4. Transfer of
changes in the
defined benefit

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                                                                                                     2021 Annual Report

plan to retained
5. Transfer of
income to retained
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Appropriation
for the year
2. Utilisation for
the year
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at end
                     403,660,003.00                              1,935,686,839.31                                          201,830,001.50             2,433,650,547.11      4,974,827,390.92   4,940,339.11 4,979,767,730.03
of year


                                                                             Owners’ equity attributable to the parent company

                                                                                                                                            Reserves                                              Non-            Total
        Items                         Other equity instruments
                                                                                       Less:         Other                                                                                     controlling shareholder
                      Share                                            Capital                                   Special      Surplus          for         Retained
                                  Preferre Perpetu                                    Treasury comprehensi                                                               Others Sub-total       interests       s’ equity
                      capital                         Others          reserves                                  reserves Reserves           general        earnings
                                  d shares al bond                                     shares     ve income

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                                                       2021 Annual Report

I. Balance at end
                     338,660,003.00   322,216,957.58                        189,936,412.55   1,183,021,458.81   2,033,834,831.94 10,974,267.98 2,044,809,099.92
of prior year
Add: Changes in
Correction of
prior period
involving entities
under common
II. Balance at the
beginning of the     338,660,003.00   322,216,957.58                        189,936,412.55   1,183,021,458.81   2,033,834,831.94 10,974,267.98 2,044,809,099.92

III. Changes for
                                       -2,598,063.94                                          598,524,584.35     595,926,520.41    7,107,218.58 603,033,738.99
year(decrease is
stated with “-“)
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                 598,524,584.35     598,524,584.35 11,316,205.71 609,840,790.06

                                       -2,598,063.94                                                               -2,598,063.94     93,063.94    -2,505,000.00

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                                     2021 Annual Report

contributions and
reduction in
1. Capital
contributions by
2. Capital
contributed by
other equity
3. Amount of
recognised in
4. Others            -2,598,063.94                        -2,598,063.94      93,063.94    -2,505,000.00

(III) Profit
                                                                          -4,302,051.07   -4,302,051.07
1. Transfer to
2. Transfer to
general risk
3. Distribution to                                                        -4,302,051.07   -4,302,051.07

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                    2021 Annual Report

4. Others
(IV) Internal
carry-over of
owners’ equity
1. Capitalisation
of capital
2. Capitalisation
of surplus
3. Loss made up
by surplus
4. Transfer of
changes in the
defined benefit
plan to retained
5. Transfer of
income to
6. Others

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                                                                                                          2021 Annual Report

 (V) Special
 1. Appropriation
 for the year
 2. Utilisation for
 the year
 (VI) Others
 IV. Balance at
                         338,660,003.00                               319,618,893.64                                             189,936,412.55               1,781,546,043.16         2,629,761,352.35 18,081,486.56 2,647,842,838.91
 end of year
                Legal representative: Zhang Jian                              Financial controller: Zheng Hui                                             Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

                                                                              Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity, Parent Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                         Other equity instruments                                              Other
                                                                                                                                Less:                                       Surplus
                      Items                                                                                    Capital                      comprehe Special                                                                    Total
                                              Share capital           Preferred Perpetu                                        Treasury                                    Reserves          Retained earnings
                                                                                                 Others       reserves                            nsive     reserves                                                     shareholders’ equity
                                                                        shares         al bond                                 shares
I. Balance at end of prior year                      338,660,003.00                                           294,981,361.11                                                189,936,412.55            1,091,782,154.36            1,915,359,931.02

Add: Changes in accounting policy
Correction of prior period errors
II. Balance at the beginning                         338,660,003.00                                           294,981,361.11                                                189,936,412.55            1,091,782,154.36            1,915,359,931.02

 of the year

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                                                              2021 Annual Report

III. Decrease/increase of the report year     65,000,000.00      1,615,863,800.00                                    2,148,139,578.15
                                                                                    11,893,588.95   455,382,189.20
(decrease is stated with “-“)
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                      467,275,778.15    467,275,778.15

(II) Shareholders ‘contributions and         65,000,000.00      1,615,863,800.00                                    1,680,863,800.00

reduction in capital
1. Capital contributions by shareholders      65,000,000.00      1,615,863,800.00                                    1,680,863,800.00

2. Capital contributed by other equity
instruments holders
3. Amount of payment for shares
counted to shareholders’ equity
4. Others
(III) Profit Distribution                                                           11,893,588.95   -11,893,588.95

1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                                     11,893,588.95   -11,893,588.95

2. Distributions to shareholders
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over of owners’ equity
1. Capitalisation of capital reserves
2. Capitalisation of surplus reserves
3. Loss made up by surplus reserves
4. Transfer of changes in the defined
benefit plan to retained earnings
5. Transfer of other comprehensive
income to retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserves

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                                                                                               2021 Annual Report

1. Appropriation for the year
2. Utilisation for the year
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at end of year                         403,660,003.00                                 1,910,845,161.11                                      201,830,001.50        1,547,164,343.56          4,063,499,509.17

                                                                                                                        Year 2020
                                                                    Other equity instruments                            Less:   Other     Specia
                   Items                                                                                 Capital       Treasur comprehe     l                                                           Total
                                         Share capital       Preferred     Perpetual                                                               Surplus Reserves      Retained earnings
                                                                                         Others        reserves          y      nsive     reserv                                                 shareholders’ equity
                                                               shares         bond
                                                                                                                       shares   income     es
 I. Balance at end of prior year            338,660,003.00                                            294,981,361.11                                    189,936,412.55         726,975,557.31          1,550,553,333.97
 Add: Changes in accounting policy
 Correction of prior period errors
 II. Balance at the beginning
                                            338,660,003.00                                            294,981,361.11                                    189,936,412.55         726,975,557.31          1,550,553,333.97
   of the year
 III. Decrease/increase of the report
                                                                                                                                                                               364,806,597.05            364,806,597.05
 year (decrease is stated with “-“)
 (I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                364,806,597.05            364,806,597.05
 (II) Shareholders ‘contributions and
 reduction in capital
 1. Capital contributions by

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                                                                                       2021 Annual Report

2. Capital contributed by other equity
instruments holders
3. Amount of payment for shares
counted to shareholders’ equity
4. Others
(III) Profit Distribution
1. Transfer to surplus reserves
2. Distributions to shareholders
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over of owners’
1. Capitalisation of capital reserves
2. Capitalisation of surplus reserves
3. Loss made up by surplus reserves
4. Transfer of changes in the defined
benefit plan to retained earnings
5. Transfer of other comprehensive
income to retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Appropriation for the year
2. Utilisation for the year
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at end of year                   338,660,003.00                                  294,981,361.11               189,936,412.55   1,091,782,154.36   1,915,359,931.02
              Legal representative: Zhang Jian       Financial controller: Zheng Hui   Accounting supervisor: Zheng Hui

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III. Company Profile

1.       About the Company

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD. is a joint stock limited company registered in Tianjin, People's
Republic of China. It was established on September 27, 1999. The Company is headquartered at 5 Aima
Road, Jinghai Economic Development Zone, Tianjin.
      The Company's principal businesses: manufacture, R&D, machining and assemble of bicycles, electric
bicycles, electric tricycles, electric four-wheeled vehicles (excluding automobiles), sightseeing vehicles
(excluding automobiles), off-highway recreational vehicles (excluding automobiles), sports equipment and
its parts and components; sales and after-sales services of bicycles, electric bicycles, electric motorcycles
and their parts and components; wholesale and retail of hardware and electrical equipment, chemical
products (except hazardous chemicals and precursor chemicals); import and export of goods and
technologies; supply of consulting services in business Information, financial information, business
management, technology, marketing planning and other related consulting services; R&D, foundation
construction, installation, testing and trial-run, maintenance and technical services of public bicycle
intelligent management systems; housing leasing; property management services. (Unless otherwise
specified in the laws, administrative rules and regulations)(Businesses subject to approval in accordance
with the law must not be carried out until being approved by the competent department.)
      On July 31, 2009, Zhang Jian, Qiao Baogang, Yu Lin, Liu Jianxin, Han Jianhua, Li Shishuang and
Peng Wei, shareholders of Tianjin Taimei Vehicle Co., Ltd. (the predecessor of the Company, hereinafter
referred to as "Tianjin Taimei") jointly signed the “Tianjin Aima Technology Co., Ltd. Founder Agreement",
held its founding conference on August 26, 2009, signed the "Articles of Tianjin Aima Technology Co., Ltd."
on August 28, 2009, and established a joint stock limited company as a whole and renewed with the
company name as Tianjin Aima Technology Co., Ltd. (the Company's former name). The amount of the
registered capital and share capital of Tianjin Aima Technology Co., Ltd. was both RMB 50,000,000.00 at
the time of establishment. The number of shares held by each founder and the shareholding ratio were as
                                             Number of shares
                                                                             Amount             Shareholding
                   Name of the            held/Number of shares
    No.                                                                  contributed (in          proportion
                     founder                converted (in 10,000
                                                                           RMB10,000)               (%)
     1            Zhang Jian                                 4,100.00            4,100.00              82.00
     2           Qiao Baogang                                 200.00               200.00                4.00
     3              Yu Lin                                    200.00               200.00                4.00
     4            Liu Jianxin                                 150.00               150.00                3.00
     5            Han Jianhua                                 150.00               150.00                3.00
     6           Li Shishuang                                 100.00               100.00                2.00
     7             Peng Wei                                   100.00               100.00                2.00
               Total                                       5,000.00                5,000.00            100.00
     After the previous changes, up to January 1, 2017, the Company’s registered capital increased to RMB
     On October 31, 2017, through the resolution of the 5th extraordinary general meeting of the Company,
the Company increased its capital by 11,266,668.00 shares, and increased its registered capital by RMB
11,266,668.00. The four new shareholders (collectively referred to as “Shareholders of Private Placements")
subscribed the shares. Where, CITIC Securities Investment Co., Ltd. subscribed RMB 4,000,000.00,
GoldStone Zhiyu Equity Investment (Hangzhou) Partnership (Limited Partnership) subscribed RMB
3,933,334.00, and GoldStone Haofeng Equity Investment (Hangzhou) Partnership (Limited Partnership)
subscribed RMB 1,666,667.00, and Three Gorges GoldStone (Shenzhen) Equity Investment Fund
Partnership (Limited Partnership) subscribed RMB 1,666,667.00. The registered capital and capital stock
after the said private placement amounted to RMB 161,266,668.00.
     On November 28, 2017, through the resolution of the Company's sixth extraordinary general meeting
in 2017, with the Company's total share capital of 161,226,688.00 shares as the base, the Company
capitalized its capital reserves to all shareholders at the rate of 11 shares for every 10 shares, a private
placement and the ratio of 11 shares for every 10 shares was transferred to all shareholders by capital
reserves. Share capital and a total of 177,393,335.00 shares were capitalized. After the said capitalization,
the capital stock amounted to RMB 338,660,003.00 and the amount of both registered capital and share
capital was RMB 338,660,003.00.

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                                             2021 Annual Report

     On December 25, 2017, Mr. Zhang Jian, the controlling shareholder of the Company, transferred
16,933,000.00 shares of the Company to Changxing Dingai Investment Management Partnership (Limited
Partnership). The registered capital and capital stock after the change amounted to RMB 338,660,003.00.
     On May 20, 2021, with the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission by the “Official
Reply on Approving the Initial Public Offering of AIMA Technology Group Co,. LTD.” (Zheng Jian Xu Ke
[2021] No. 1775), the Company publicly issued RMB common shares no more than 65,000,000 shares with
a par value of RMB 1.00 per share. On June 9, 2021, the Company received the total amount of the
proceeds raised from the public offering of RMB 1,810,900,000.00. The net amount was RMB
1,810,900,000.00 after the professional service fee of legal, audit, capital verification and other issuance
related expenses and taxes deducted, with RMB 65,000,000.00 recorded in “share capital”, and RMB
1,615,863,800.00 recorded in “capital reserves - share capital premium”. As of June 9, 2021, the
Company’s share capital after the change amounted to RMB 403,660,003.00, which equaled to the latest
registered capital, with the corresponding accounting treatment completed. For the detail of the registered
capital and share capital, please refer to "Section 10 VII. 53 Share capital".
     The Company's controlling shareholder is Mr. Zhang Jian, a natural person.
     The financial statements were approved and issued through the resolution of the Board of Directors
dated April 14, 2022.
2.   Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     For the detail of the scope of the consolidated financial statements and the changes, please refer to
“Section 10: Changes in the Scope of Consolidation” and “Section 10: IX. Interests in Other Entities”.
IV. Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis
     These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises - Basic Standard and specific accounting standards, implementation guidance, interpretations
and other relevant provisions issued subsequently by the Ministry of Finance (the “MOF”) (collectively
referred to as “ASBEs”).
2. Operation on Going Concern Basis

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The financial statements of the Company have been prepared on going concern basis. The financial
statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for certain financial
instruments. If the assets are impaired, corresponding provisions for impairment shall be made according
to relevant requirements.
V. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

Presentation on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Company has formulated specific accounting policies and accounting estimates based on the
practical production and operation characteristics, which are mainly reflected in the provision for bad debts
of receivables, inventory valuation methods, depreciation and amortization of investment properties,
depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, amortization of long-term prepaid expenses,
1. Statement on complying with the accounting standard for business enterprises
     The Company declares that the financial statements prepared by the Company comply with
requirements of the enterprise accounting standards, truly and completely reflect the concerned information,
including the Company’s financial position as at December 31, 2021 and results of their operations, cash
flow, etc. of the year then ended.
2. Accounting period
     The accounting year of the Group is a calendar year, i.e., from 1 January to 31 December of each year.
3. Business Cycle

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Company takes 12 months as a business cycle.

4. Functional currency for bookkeeping
    The Company’s functional and presentation currency is RMB. The currency unit is RMB Yuan unless
otherwise stated.

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                                               2021 Annual Report

5.The accounting treatment on business consolidation under the common control and not under
     the common control

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving entities under common
control and business combinations not involving entities under common control.
      (1) Business combinations involving entities under common control
      A business combination involving entities under common control is a business combination in which
all of the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the
combination, and that control is not transitory. In a business combination involving entities under common
control, the entity that, at the combination date, obtains control of another combining entity is the absorbing
entity, while that other combining entity is the entity being absorbed. The combination date is the date on
which the absorbing entity effectively obtains control on the entity being absorbed.
      The assets and liabilities (including goodwill arising from the ultimate controlling party’s acquisition of
the entity being absorbed) that are obtained by the absorbing entity in a business combination involving
entities under common control shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amounts in the financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date. The difference between the carrying
amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination
(or the aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) shall be adjusted to capital premium under
capital reserves. If the capital premium is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be
adjusted against retained earnings.

(2) Business combinations not involving entities under common control
     A business combination not involving entities under common control is a business combination in
which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and
after the combination. In a business combination not involving entities under common control, the entity
that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another combining entity is the acquirer, while that other
combining entity is the acquiree. The acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains
control of the acquiree.
     The acquirer shall measure the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
acquired in the business combination at their fair values on the acquisition date.
      Goodwill is initially recognised and measured at cost, being the excess of the aggregate of the fair
value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the equity securities issued) and any fair value of
the Group’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree over the Group’s interest in the fair value of the
acquiree’s net identifiable assets. After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any
accumulated impairment losses. Where the aggregate of the fair value of the consideration transferred
(or the fair value of the equity securities issued) and any fair value of the Group’s previously held equity
interest in the acquiree is lower than the Group’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s net identifiable
assets, the Group reassesses the measurement of the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities and the fair value of the consideration transferred (or the fair value of the
equity securities issued), together with the fair value of the Group’s previously held equity interest in the
acquiree. If after that reassessment, the aggregate of the fair value of the consideration transferred (or
the fair value of the equity securities issued) and the Group’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree
is still lower than the Group’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s net identifiable assets, the Group
recognises the remaining difference in profit or loss.
6. Consolidated financial statements

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The scope of the consolidated financial statements, which include the financial statements of the
Company and all of its subsidiaries, is determined on the basis of control. A subsidiary is an entity that is
controlled by the Company (such as an enterprise, a deemed separate entity, or a structured entity
controlled by the Company).
     In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, the financial statements of subsidiaries are
prepared for the same accounting year as the Company, using consistent accounting policies. All intra-
group assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transactions between
members of the Group are eliminated in full on consolidation.
     Where the loss for the current period attributable to non-controlling interests of a subsidiary exceeds
the non-controlling interests of the opening balance of equity of the subsidiary, the excess shall still be
allocated against the non-controlling interests.
     For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations not involving entities under common control,
the financial performance and cash flows of the acquiree shall be consolidated from the date on which the
Group obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date such control ceases. While preparing
the consolidated financial statements, the Group shall adjust the subsidiary’s financial statements, on the
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basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognised on the
acquisition date.
     For subsidiaries acquired through business combinations involving entities under common control, the
financial performance and cash flows of the entity being absorbed shall be consolidated from the beginning
of the period in which the combination occurs. While preparing the comparative financial statements,
adjustments are made to related items in the financial statements for the prior period as if the reporting
entity after the combination has been in existence since the date the ultimate controlling party first obtained
the control.
     The Group reassesses whether or not it controls an investee if any change in facts and circumstances
indicates that there are changes to one or more of the three elements of control.
     A change in the non-controlling interests, without a loss of control, is accounted for as an equity
7. Classification of joint arrangement and joint operation

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      A joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture. A joint operation is a
joint arrangement whereby the joint operators have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities,
relating to the arrangement. A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the joint operators have rights
to the net assets of the arrangement.
      A joint operator recognises the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation: its solely-
held assets, and its share of any assets held jointly; its solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any
liabilities incurred jointly; its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; its solely-incurred expenses, and
its share of any expenses incurred jointly.
8. Cash and cash equivalents
     Cash comprises the Group’s cash on hand and bank deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand.
Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts
of cash, and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
9. Foreign currency transactions and foreign currency translation

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Group translates foreign currency transactions into its functional currency.
     Foreign currency transactions are initially recorded, on initial recognition in the functional currency
using average exchange rates for the period in which the transactions occur. Monetary items denominated
in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date.
Differences arising on settlement or translation of monetary items are recognised in profit or loss, with the
exception of those relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for the construction and acquisition
of qualifying assets, which are capitalised in accordance with the guidance for capitalisation of borrowing
costs. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated
using the exchange rates at the dates of the initial transactions, and the amount denominated in the
functional currency is not changed. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are
translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was measured. The resulting
exchange differences are recognised in profit or loss or other comprehensive income depending on the
nature of the non-monetary items.
     Foreign currency cash flows are translated using the average exchange rates for the period during
which the cash flows occur. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is separately presented as an
adjustment item in the statement of cash flows.
10. Financial instruments

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial
liability or equity instrument of another entity.
      (1) Recognition and derecognition
      The Group recognises a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to the contractual
provisions of a financial instrument.
      A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial
assets) is primarily derecognised (i.e., removed from the Group’s consolidated balance sheet) when:
      1) the rights to receive cash flows from the financial asset have expired; or
      2) the Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the financial asset, or has assumed
an obligation to pay the received cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a “pass-
through” arrangement; and either (i) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial
asset, or (ii) has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has
transferred control of the financial asset.

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     A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled,
or expires. When an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially
different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or
modification is treated as a derecognition of the original liability and a recognition of a new liability, and the
difference between the respective carrying amounts is recognised in profit or loss.
     Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised and derecognised using trade
date accounting. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that require
delivery within the period generally established by regulation or convention in the marketplace. The trade
date is the date that the Group committed to purchase or sell a financial asset.
     (2) Classification and measurement of financial assets
     The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the financial asset’s contractual
cash flow characteristics and the Group’s business model for managing them: financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss, financial assets at amortised cost and financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income. Financial assets are measured at fair value on initial recognition, but accounts
receivable or notes receivable arising from the sale of goods or rendering of services that do not contain
significant financing components or for which the Group has applied the practical expedient of not adjusting
the effect of a significant financing component due within one year, are initially measured at the transaction
     For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognised
in profit or loss, and transaction costs relating to other financial assets are included in the initial recognition
     The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification as follows:
     1) Debt investments measured at amortised cost
     The Group measures financial assets at amortised cost if both of the following conditions are met: the
financial asset is held within a business model with the objective to hold financial assets in order to collect
contractual cash flows; the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows
that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Financial assets
at amortised cost are subsequently measured using the effective interest method and are subject to
impairment. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the asset is derecognised, modified
or impaired. Such financial assets mainly include currency funds, notes receivable, accounts receivable
and other receivables.
     2) Debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
     The Group measures debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income if both of
the following conditions are met: the financial asset is held within a business model with the objective of
both holding to collect contractual cash flows and selling; the contractual terms of the financial asset give
rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal
amount outstanding. Interest income is recognised using the effective interest method. The interest
income, impairment losses and foreign exchange revaluation are recognised in profit or loss. The
remaining fair value changes are recognised in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the
cumulative fair value change recognised in other comprehensive income is recycled to profit or loss. Such
financial assets are reported as other creditor's rights investments, other creditor's rights investments that
mature within one year as of the balance sheet date are reported as non-current assets that mature within
one year, and other creditor's rights investments whose original maturity is within one year are reported as
other current assets.
     3) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
     The financial assets other than the above financial assets measured at amortised cost and financial
assets at fair value through other comprehensive income are classified as financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value with net changes in
fair value recognised in profit or loss. Such financial assets are presented as held-for-trading financial
assets, and those with maturity more than one year from the balance sheet date and expected to be held
for more than one year are presented as other non-current financial assets.
     (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
     The financial liabilities of the Company are classified as: other financial liabilities related transaction
costs are included in the initial recognition amount.
     The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:
     Other financial liabilities: The effective interest method is applied for this category of financial liabilities
and the subsequent measurement is conducted according to the amortized cost.
     (4) Impairment of financial instruments
     Based on the expected credit losses (“ECLs”), the Group recognises an allowance for ECLs for the
financial assets measured at amortised cost, debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive
     For accounts receivable and contract assets that do not contain a significant financing component, the
Group applies the simplified approach to recognise a loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs.
     Except for financial assets which apply the simplified approach as mentioned above, other financial
assets, [loan commitments] and [financial guarantee contracts], the Group assesses whether the credit risk
has increased significantly since initial recognition at each balance sheet date. If the credit risk has not
increased significantly since initial recognition (stage 1), the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal
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to 12-month ECLs by the Group and the interest income is calculated according to the carrying amount and
the effective interest rate; if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition but are not
credit-impaired (stage 2), the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs by the Group
and the interest income is calculated according to the carrying amount and the effective interest rate; if
such financial assets are credit-impaired after initial recognition (stage 3), the loss allowance is measured
at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs by the Group and the interest income is calculated according to the
amortised cost and the effective interest rate. For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance
sheet date, the Company assumes that its credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial
      The Group assesses the expected credit losses of financial instruments based on individual items and
portfolios. The Group has considered the credit risk characteristics of different customers and assessed
the expected credit losses of receivables based on the age combination.
      The Group considers reasonable and supportable information about past events, current conditions
and forecasts of future economic conditions when assessing expected credit losses.
      For the Group's judgment criteria for significant increase in credit risk, the definition of credit-impaired
assets, and the assumption for the measurement of expected credit losses, please refer to “Section 10 X.
Risks Related to Financial Instruments”.
      When the Group no longer reasonably expects to collect all or part of the contractual cash flows of the
financial asset, the Group directly writes down the carrying amount of the financial asset.
      (5) Offsetting of financial instruments
      Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the balance sheet
if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts; and there is an intention to
settle on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.
      (6) Financial guarantee contract
      Financial guarantee contracts are those contracts that require a payment to be made by the issuer to
reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because the specified debtor fails to make a payment when due in
accordance with the terms of a debt instrument. Financial guarantee contracts are measured, on initial
recognition, at fair value. For financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financial liabilities
at fair value through profit or loss, they are, after initial recognition, subsequently measured at the higher
of: (i) the amount of provisions for ECLs at the balance sheet date, and (ii) the amount initially recognised
less the cumulative amortisation recognised in accordance with the guidance for revenue recognition.
      (7) Transfer of Financial Assets
      A financial asset is derecognised when the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and
rewards of the asset to the transferee. A financial asset is not derecognised when the Group retains
substantially all the risks and rewards of the financial asset.
      When the Group has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the
financial asset, it either (i) derecognises the financial asset and recognises the assets and liabilities created
in the transfer when it has not retained control of the asset; or (ii) continues to recognise the transferred
asset to the extent of the Group's continuing involvement, in which case, the Group also recognises an
associated liability.
      Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred financial asset is
measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the financial asset and the guarantee amount.
The guarantee amount is the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be required to repay.
11. Notes receivable

Method for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of other receivables

"□ Applicable " "√ Not applicable"

12. Accounts receivable

Method for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of other receivables

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     For details, please refer to “10. Financial Instruments" and "V. 43. Other Important Accounting Policies
and Accounting Estimates" of "V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates" in "Section X.
Financial Report".
13.Receivables financing

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     For details, please refer to “10. Financial Instruments" and "V. 43. Other Important Accounting Policies
and Accounting Estimates" of "V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates" in "Section X.
Financial Report".

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14. Other receivables

Method for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of other receivables

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     For details, please refer to “10. Financial Instruments" and "V. 43. Other Important Accounting Policies
and Accounting Estimates" of "V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates" in "Section X.
Financial Report".
15. Inventories

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Company’s inventories consist of raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods.
     Inventories are initially carried at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of
conversion and other costs. For inventories delivered, the actual costs are determined on the weighted
average basis. Turnover materials include low value consumables and packing materials, which are on the
immediate write-off basis.
     The Company adopts the perpetual inventory system.
     At the balance sheet date, inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The
inventories are written down below cost to net realisable value and the write-down is recognised in profit or
loss if the cost is higher than the net realisable value. When the circumstances that previously caused
the inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist, in which case the net realisable value of
inventories becomes higher than the carrying amount, the amount of the write-down is reversed. The
reversal is limited to the amount of the original write-down, and is recognised in profit or loss.
     Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated
costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. Raw materials
and finished goods are written down item by item.
16. Contract assets

(1). Recognition method and impairment test method of contract assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2) Methods for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of contract

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

17. Held-for-sale assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

18. Debt investment

(1). Methods for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of debt

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

19. Other debt investment

(1). Methods for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of other debt

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

20. Long-term receivables

(1). Method for determination and accounting treatment of the expected credit loss of long-term

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

21. Long-term equity investments

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Long-term equity investments include equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.

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      A long-term equity investment is initially measured at its initial investment cost on acquisition. The
initial cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises
under common control is the Company’s share of the carrying amount of the subsidiary’s equity in the
consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date. The difference
between the initial investment cost and the carrying amounts of the consideration given is adjusted to the
capital premium in the capital reserve, with any excess adjusted to retained earnings. For OCI before the
combination date, when disposing of the investment, the same basis as the investee's direct disposal of
relevant assets or liabilities shall be adopted. Shareholders' equity recognized due to changes in
shareholders' equity other than net profit or loss, OCI and profit distribution of the investee shall be
transferred to the profit or loss upon the disposal of the investment. Those that are still long-term equity
investments after disposal are carried forward on a pro-rata basis, and those that are converted into
financial instruments after disposal are carried forward in full.
      For a long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not involving enterprises
under common control, the initial cost comprises the aggregate of the fair value of assets transferred,
liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the Company, in exchange for control of the
acquiree. For a long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not involving
enterprises under common control and achieved in stages, the initial cost comprises the carrying value of
the previously-held equity investment in the acquiree immediately before the acquisition date, and the
additional investment cost at the acquisition date. OCI held before the acquisition date and recognized by
the use of the equity method shall be accounted for when the investment is disposed of on the same basis
as the investee directly disposes of the relevant assets or liabilities. Shareholders' equity recognized as a
result of changes in shareholders' equity other than net profit or loss, OCI and profit distribution of the
investee is transferred to profit or loss upon the disposal of the investment. Those that remain long-term
equity investments after disposal are carried forward on a pro-rata basis, while those that are converted
into financial instruments after disposal are carried forward in full. For long-term equity investments
obtained by means other than business combination, the initial investment cost is determined according to
the following method: for those obtained by paying cash, the actual purchase price paid and the expenses,
taxes and other necessary costs directly related to the acquisition of long-term equity investments shall be
used. Expenses are taken as the initial investment cost. For those obtained by issuing equity securities,
the fair value of the issued equity securities is taken as the initial investment cost.
      For a long-term equity investment where the Company can exercise control over the investee, the
long-term investment is accounted for using the cost method in the Company’s individual financial
statements. Control is achieved when the Group is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its
involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee.
      Under the cost method, the long-term equity investment is measured at its initial investment cost.
When additional investment is made or the investment is recouped, the cost of long-term equity investment
is adjusted accordingly. Cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee are recognised as
investment income in profit or loss.
      The equity method is adopted when the Group has joint control, or exercises significant influence over
the investee. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists
only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing
control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the
investee, but is not control or joint control with other parties over those policies.
      Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds
the Group’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no
adjustment is made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s
interest in the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is
charged to profit or loss, and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.
      Under the equity method, after it has acquired a long-term equity investment, the Group recognises its
share of the investee’s profit or loss, as well as its share of the investee’s other comprehensive income, as
investment income or loss and other comprehensive income, and adjusts the carrying amount of the
investment accordingly. The Group recognises its share of the investee’s profit or loss after making
appropriate adjustments to the investee’s profit or loss based on the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
assets at the acquisition date, using the Group’s accounting policies and periods. Unrealised profits and
losses from transactions with its joint ventures and associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s
investments in the associates or joint ventures (except for assets that constitute a business) (However, any
loss arising from such transactions which are attributable to an impairment loss shall be recognised at its
entirety). For any long-term equity investment differences (debit side) arising from investments in joint
ventures and associates held before the first-time adoption of ASBEs, the investment income or loss is
recognised after deducting the debit balance to be amortised over the remaining period on a straight-line
basis. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced based on the Group’s share of any profit
distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee. The Group’s share of losses of the investee is
recognised to the extent that the carrying amount of the investment together with any long-term interests
that in substance form part of its net investment in the investee is reduced to zero, except that the Group
has the obligations to assume further losses. The Group’s share of the investee’s equity changes, other
than those arising from the investee’s profit or loss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution, is

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recognised in the Group’s equity, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted
    Upon disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received
and the carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss. For a long-term equity investment accounted for
using the equity method, when the Group discontinues using the equity method due to disposal, all amounts
previously recognised in other comprehensive income are accounted for on the same basis as would have
been required if the investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. Equity previously
recognised resulting from the investee’s equity changes other than profit or loss, other comprehensive
income and profit distribution is reclassified to profit or loss in its entirety.
    When the Group continues to use the equity method, the amounts previously recognised in other
comprehensive income are accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee
had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities and reclassified to profit or loss on a pro-rata basis.
Equity previously recognised resulting from the investee’s equity changes other than profit or loss, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution is reclassified to profit or loss on a pro-rata basis.
22. Investment properties

(1) If the cost measurement model is used,

Depreciation or amortization method
      Investment properties are properties held to earn rental income and/or for capital appreciation.
Investment properties include land use rights leased out, land use rights held for transfer upon capital
appreciation, and buildings leased out.
      An investment property is measured initially at cost. If the economic benefits relating to an investment
property will probably flow in and the cost can be reliably measured, subsequent costs incurred for the
property are included in the cost of the investment property. Otherwise, subsequent costs are recognised
in profit or loss as incurred.
      The Group uses the cost model for the subsequent measurement of its investment properties. For the
depreciation method of houses and buildings in investment real estate, please refer to the relevant content
of “Section 10 V. 23 Fixed Assets”, and for the amortization method of land use rights in investment real
estate, please refer to “Section 10 V. 29 Intangible Assets".
23. Fixed asset

(1) Recognition of fixed assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     A fixed asset is recognised only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will probably
flow into the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditures incurred
for a fixed asset that meets the recognition criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the
carrying amount of the component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognised. Otherwise,
such expenditures are recognised in profit or loss as incurred.
     The fixed assets are initially measured at the cost. The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the
purchase price, relevant taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working
condition for its intended use.
(2) Depreciation methods

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                          Depreciation                                                            Annual
    Categories                                 Useful life (year)       Residual rate
                             method                                                          depreciation rate
 Buildings                                                     20                    5%                  4.75%
 Machinery      and           Straight-line
                                                               10                    5%                  9.50%
 equipment                         method
 Office equipment                                               5                    5%                 19.00%
 Vehicles                                                       4                    5%                 23.75%
 Electronic                   Straight-line
                                                                3                    5%                 31.67%
 equipment                         method

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 Production tools                                                3                    5%                 31.67%
    The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation
method applied at least at each year end, and make adjustments if necessary.
(3) Basis for recognizing the fixed assets under financing lease, pricing and depreciation methods

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

24. Construction in progress

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual expenditures incurred for
the construction, including all necessary construction expenditures incurred during the construction period
and other relevant expenditures. An item of construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets, when
the asset is ready for its intended use.
25. Borrowing costs

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

26. Biological assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

27. Oil and gas assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

28. Right-of-use assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Group’s right-of-use assets include plant and buildings.
     At the commencement date, the Group recognises the right of using leased assets within the lease
term as right-of-use assets, the amount of which includes: (1) the amount of the initial measurement of the
lease liability; (2) any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives
received (if applicable); (3) any initial direct costs incurred; (4) an estimate of costs to be incurred by the
lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring
the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease. The Group
depreciates right-of-use assets using the straight-line method. If the lease transfers ownership of the
underlying assets to the lessee by the end of the lease term or if the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects
that the lessee will exercise a purchase option, the lessee shall depreciate the right-of-use asset from the
commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the lessee shall
depreciate the right-of-use asset from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of
the right-of-use asset and the end of the lease term.
     The Group remeasures the lease liability at the present value of the changed lease payments and
adjusts the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets accordingly, when the carrying amount of the right-
of-use asset is reduced to zero, and there is a further reduction in the measurement of the lease liability,
the Group recognises the remaining amount of the remeasurement in profit or loss.
29. Intangible assets

(1). Pricing Method, Service Life and Impairment Test

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      An intangible asset shall be recognised only when it is probable that the economic benefits associated
with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Intangible assets
are measured initially at cost. However, intangible assets acquired in a business combination not
involving entities under common control with a fair value that can be measured reliably are recognised
separately as intangible assets and initially measured at the fair value at the date of acquisition.
      The useful life of an intangible asset is determined according to the period over which it is expected to
generate economic benefits for the Group. An intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful
life when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset is expected to generate economic
benefits for the Group.
      Land use rights that are purchased by the Group are accounted for as intangible assets. An intangible
asset with a finite useful life is amortised using the straight-line method over its useful life. For an intangible
asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortisation method at least at each
year end and makes adjustment if necessary.

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    The useful life of each intangible asset is as follows:
                         Items                                             Useful Life
 Land use rights                                                                                  50 years
 Software                                                                                       5-10 years
 Trademarks                                                                                     5-10 years

(2). Accounting policy for internal research and development expenditure

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

30. Impairment of long term assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      The Group determines the impairment of assets other than impairment of inventories, contract assets
and assets related to contract costs, deferred income tax and financial assets, using the following methods:
      The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the Group estimates the recoverable
amount of the asset and performs impairment testing. Goodwill arising from a business combination and
an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life are tested for impairment at least at each year end,
irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. Intangible assets that have
not been ready for their intended use are tested for impairment each year.
      The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present
value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. The Group estimates the recoverable
amount on an individual basis unless it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual
asset, in which case the recoverable amount is determined for the asset group to which the asset belongs.
Identification of an asset group is based on whether major cash inflows generated by the asset group are
largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.
      When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is less than its carrying amount, the carrying
amount is reduced to the recoverable amount by the Group. The reduction in the carrying amount is
treated as an impairment loss and recognised in profit or loss. A provision for impairment loss of the asset
is recognised accordingly.
      For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill acquired in a business
combination is allocated from the acquisition date on a reasonable basis, to each of the related asset
groups unless it is impossible to allocate to the related asset groups, in which case it is allocated to each
of the related sets of asset groups. Each of the related asset groups or sets of asset groups is an asset
group or a set of asset groups that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination
and shall not be larger than a reportable segment determined by the Group.
      When testing an asset group (a set of asset groups) to which goodwill has been allocated for
impairment, if there is any indication of impairment, the Group firstly tests the asset group (set of asset
groups), excluding the amount of goodwill allocated, for impairment, i.e., the Group determines and
compares the recoverable amount with the related carrying amount and recognises any impairment loss.
After that, the Group tests the asset group (set of asset groups), including goodwill, for impairment, the
carrying amount of the related asset group (set of asset groups) is compared to its recoverable amount.
If the carrying amount of the asset group (set of asset groups) is higher than its recoverable amount, the
amount of the impairment loss is firstly used to reduce the carrying amount of the goodwill allocated to the
asset group (set of asset groups), and then used to reduce the carrying amount of other assets (other than
the goodwill) within the asset group (set of asset groups), on a pro-rata basis of the carrying amount of
each asset.
      Once the above impairment loss is recognised, it cannot be reversed in subsequent accounting periods.
31. Long term prepaid expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
Long-term expenses to be apportioned are amortized using the straight-line method, and the amortization
period is as follows:
                         Items                                          Amortization term
 Building decoration                                                                            36 months
 Leasehold Improvement                                                                          36 months
 Others                                                                                   24 to 60 months

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32. Contract liabilities

(1). Recognition of contract liabilities

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Company presents contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between the
performance of the contract obligations and the payment by the customer.
     A contractual liability is an obligation to transfer goods or service to a customer for consideration
received or receivable from the customer, such as money that a business has received before transferring
the promised goods or service.
33. Employee benefits

(1). Accounting treatment of short term salaries

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Employee benefits refer to all forms of consideration or compensation [other than share-based
payments] given by the Group in exchange for services rendered by employees or for termination of
employment. Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits,
termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits. Benefits given by the Group to an employee’s
spouse, children and dependents, family members of deceased employees and other beneficiaries are also
employee benefits.
     The Company recognizes the actual short-term remuneration as a liability during the accounting period
when employees provide services to the Group, and stated in the profit or loss or the cost of related assets.
(2). Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The employees of the Group participate in a pension scheme and unemployment insurance managed
by the local government, the corresponding expenses shall be included in the cost of related assets or
profit or loss..
(3). Dismission benefits

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(4). Other long term employees' benefits

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

34. Lease liabilities

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     At the commencement date of the lease, the Group measures the lease liability at the present value
of the lease payments that are not paid at that date, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value
assets. In calculating the present value of the lease payments, the Group uses the interest rate implicit in
the lease as the discount rate. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the Group uses the lessee’s
incremental borrowing rate. The Group calculates the interest expenses of the lease liability in each period
during the lease term using the constant periodic rate of interest, and recognises such interest expenses
in profit or loss, except those in the costs of the related asset as required. Variable lease payments that
are not included in the measurement of the lease liabilities are recognised in profit or loss as incurred,
except those in the costs of the related asset as required.
     A lessee shall remeasure the lease liability by discounting the revised lease payments, if (a) there is a
change in the actual fixed lease payments; (b) there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable
under a residual value guarantee; (c) there is a change in future lease payments resulting from a change
in an index or a rate used to determine those payments; (d) there is a change in the assessment of an
option to purchase the underlying asset, to renew the lease or a change in the actual exercise of the option.
35. Provisions

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     An obligation related to a contingency shall be recognised by the Group as a provision when all of the
following conditions are satisfied, except for contingent considerations and contingent liabilities assumed
in a business combination not involving entities under common control:
     (1) the obligation is a present obligation of the Group;
     (2) it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Group will be required to settle the
obligation; and
     (3) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

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     A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related
present obligation, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties
and time value of money as a whole. Provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date. Where there
is clear evidence that the carrying amount of a provision does not reflect the current best estimate, the
carrying amount is adjusted to the current best estimate.
36. Share-based payment

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      A share-based payment is classified as either an equity-settled share-based payment or a cash-settled
share-based payment. An equity-settled share-based payment is a transaction in which the Group
receives services and uses shares or other equity instruments as consideration for settlement.
      An equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for services received from employees is
measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees. If such equity-settled
share-based payment could vest immediately, related costs or expenses at an amount equal to the fair
value on the grant date are recognised, with a corresponding increase in capital reserves; if such equity-
settled share-based payment could not vest until the completion of services for a vesting period, or until
the achievement of a specified performance condition, the Group at each balance sheet date during the
vesting period recognises the services received for the current period as related costs and expenses, with
a corresponding increase in capital reserves, at an amount equal to the fair value of the equity instruments
at the grant date, based on the best estimate of the number of equity instruments expected to vest. The
fair value is determined using the market price.
      For awards that do not ultimately vest because non-market performance and/or service conditions
have not been met, no expense is recognised. Where awards include a market or non-vesting condition,
the transactions are treated as vesting irrespective of whether the market or non-vesting condition is
satisfied, provided that all other performance and/or service conditions are satisfied.
      Where the terms of an equity-settled share-based award are modified, as a minimum an expense is
recognised as if the terms had not been modified. In addition, an expense is recognised for any
modification that increases the total fair value of the share-based payments, or is otherwise beneficial to
the employee as measured at the date of modification.
      Where an equity-settled share-based award is cancelled, it is treated as if it had vested on the date of
cancellation, and any expense not yet recognised for the award is recognised immediately. This includes
any award where non-vesting conditions within the control of either the Group or the employee are not met.
However, if a new award is substituted for the cancelled award, and is designated as a replacement on the
date that it is granted, the cancelled and new awards are treated as if they were a modification of the
original award.
37. Other financial instruments, such as preferred shares, perpetual bonds, etc.

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

38. Revenue

(1). Accounting policies used in revenue recognition and measurement

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Revenue from contracts with customers is recognised when the Group has fulfilled its performance
obligations in the contracts, that is, when the customer obtains control of relevant goods or services.
Control of relevant goods or services refers to the ability to direct the use of the goods, or the provision of
the services, and obtain substantially all of the remaining benefits from the goods or services.
     1) Contracts for the sale of goods
     A contract for the sale of goods between the Group and the customer usually only includes the
performance obligation to transfer the xx goods. The revenue is recognised at xx point in time based on
the following indicators, which include: a present right to payment for goods, the transfer of significant risks
and rewards of ownership of goods, the transfer of legal title to goods, the transfer of physical possession
of goods, the customer's acceptance of goods.
     2)Contracts for the rendering of services
     A contract for the rendering of services between the Company and the customer usually includes the
performance obligation of after-sales service guarantee. Because the customer simultaneously receives
and consumes the benefits provided by the Group's performance as the Group performs, the revenue is
recognised over time only if the Group can reasonably measure its progress towards the complete
satisfaction of the performance obligation. The Company uses the straight-line method and determines the
progress of the services rendered on the basis of the time elapsed. If the progress towards the complete
satisfaction of the performance obligation cannot be reasonably measured, but the Group expects to
recover the costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation, the revenue is recognised only to the
extent of the costs incurred until such time that the Group can reasonably measure the progress towards
the complete satisfaction of the performance obligation.

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      3) Variable consideration
      Some of the Group's contracts with customers including arrangements of sales rebates result in
variable consideration. The Group determines the best estimate of variable consideration by using the
expected value method or the most likely amount method. However, the transaction price including
variable consideration is only to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount
of cumulative revenue recognised will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable
consideration is subsequently resolved.
      4)Consideration payable to a customer
      The Group accounts for the consideration payable to a customer as a reduction of the transaction price,
and recognises the reduction of revenue when (or as) the later of the recognition of relevant revenue and
the payment (or promised payment) of the consideration to a customer, unless the payment to the customer
is in exchange for a distinct good or service that the customer transfers to the Group.
      The Group provides a warranty in connection with the sale of a good in accordance with the contract
and the relevant laws and regulations, etc. For an assurance-type warranty that provides the customer the
assurance that the good complies with agreed-upon specifications. When assessing whether a service-
type warranty provides a customer with a separate service in addition to the assurance that the good
complies with agreed-upon specifications, the Group considers whether the warranty is required by law,
the length of the warranty coverage period and the nature of the tasks that the Group promises to perform,
(2) Differences in accounting policies for revenue recognition caused by the adoption of different
     business models for similar businesses

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

39. Contract cost assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Group’s contract cost assets include the costs to obtain and fulfill a contract and are classified as
inventories, other current assets and other non-current assets by liquidity.
     The Group recognises as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer if the
Group expects to recover those costs, unless the amortisation period of the asset is one year or less.
     Other than the costs which are capitalised as inventories, fixed assets and intangible assets, etc., costs
incurred to fulfill a contract with a customer are capitalised as an asset if all of the following criteria are met:
     (1) the costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract, including direct labour, direct
materials, overheads (or similar expenses), costs that are explicitly chargeable to the customer and other
costs that are incurred only because an entity entered into the contract;
     (2) the costs generate or enhance resources of the Group that will be used in satisfying performance
obligations in the future; and
     (3) the costs are expected to be recovered.
     The contract cost asset is amortised and charged to profit or loss on a systematic basis that is
consistent with the pattern of the revenue to which the asset related is recognised.
     The Group accrues provisions for impairment and recognises impairment losses to the extent that the
carrying amount of a contract cost asset exceeds:
     (1) the remaining amount of consideration that the entity expects to receive in exchange for the goods
or services to which the asset relates; less
     (2) the costs that are expected to be incurred to transfer those related goods or services.
     The Group recognises in profit or loss a reversal of the impairment loss previously recognised to the
extent that the difference between (1) and (2) exceeds the carrying amount of the asset due to the
subsequent changes of the factors causing asset impairment in previous periods, but the carrying amount
after the reversal does not exceed the carrying amount of the asset at the reversal date if no impairment
loss is otherwise recognised.
40. Government grants

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      Government grants are recognised when all attaching conditions will be complied with and the grants
will be received. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at
the amount received or receivable.
      Asset-related government grants are recognised when the government document designates that the
government grants are used for constructing or forming long-term assets. If the government document is
inexplicit, the Company should make a judgement based on the basic conditions to obtain the government
grants, and recognises them as asset-related government grants if the conditions are to form long-term
assets through construction or other method. Otherwise, the government grants should be income-related.
      The Company's government grants are subject to the gross method.

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     A government subsidy related to income, which is used to compensate the related costs or losses in
the future period, is recognized as deferred income, and is recorded into the profit or loss or to offset the
relevant costs during the period when the related costs and expenses or losses are recognized; costs or
losses incurred in compensation is directly recorded into the profit or loss or offset the relevant costs.
     A government grant relating to an asset shall be offset against the carrying amounts of relevant assets,
or recognised as deferred income and amortised in profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset by
annual installments in a systematic and rational way (however, a government grant measured at a nominal
amount is recognised directly in profit or loss). Where the assets are sold, transferred, retired or damaged
before the end of their useful lives, the rest of the remaining deferred income is released to profit or loss
for the period in which the relevant assets are disposed of.
41. Deferred income tax asset/deferred income tax liability

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      Based on the differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement of
financial position and its tax base, and the differences between the carrying amounts of some items that
have a tax base but are not recognised as assets and liabilities and their tax base, the Group adopts the
liability method for the provision of deferred tax.
      Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences, except:
      (1) when the taxable temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of goodwill, or an asset or
liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of transaction, affects neither
accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and
      (2) in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures, when the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is
probable that the temporary differences will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.
      Deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, and the carryforward of
unused tax losses and any unused tax credits. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is
probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, the
carryforward of unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilised, except:
      (1) when the deductible temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability
in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the
accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and
      (2) in respect of the deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures, deferred tax assets are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that
the temporary differences will be reversed in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available
against which the temporary differences can be utilised in the future.
      At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are
expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, in accordance with the
requirements of tax laws. The measurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the
tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Group expects, at the balance sheet
date, to recover the assets or settle the liabilities.
      The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at the balance sheet date and reduced to the
extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future periods to allow
the deferred tax assets to be utilised. Unrecognised deferred tax assets are reassessed at the balance
sheet date and are recognised to the extent that it has become probable that sufficient taxable profit will be
available to allow all or part of the deferred tax asset to be recovered.
      Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if and only if the Group has a legally
enforceable right to set off current tax assets and current tax liabilities, and the deferred tax assets and
deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same
taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a
net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which
significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered.
42. Leases

(1) Accounting process for operating lease

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2) Accounting treatment method for finance lease

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3) Determination method and accounting treatment method for lease under the new lease standard

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Applicable Commencing from January 1, 2021
     1) Identification of leases

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      At inception of a contract, the Group assesses whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. A contract
is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period
of time in exchange for consideration. To assess whether a contract conveys the right to control the use
of an identified asset for a period of time, the Group assesses whether, throughout the period of use, the
customer has both of the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the identified
asset and the right to direct the use of the identified asset.
      2) Identification of separate lease components
      For a contract that contains multiple separate lease components, the Group separates the components
of the contract and accounts for each separate lease component. The right to use an underlying asset is
a separate lease component if both:
      ① the lessee can benefit from use of the underlying asset either on its own or together with other
resources that are readily available to the lessee; and
      ② the underlying asset is neither highly dependent on, nor highly interrelated with, the other
underlying assets in the contract.
      3) Separating lease components and non-lease components
      For a contract that contains lease components and non-lease components, the Group accounts for
lease components and non-lease components separately as a lessor or a lessee.
      4) Assessment of the lease term
      The lease term is the non-cancellable period of a lease for which the Group has the right to use an
underlying asset. If the Group has an option to extend the lease, that is, the Group has the right to extend
the lease, and is reasonably certain to exercise that option, the lease term also includes periods covered
by an option to extend the lease. If the Group has an option to terminate the lease, that is, the Group has
the right to terminate the lease, but is reasonably certain not to exercise that option, the lease term includes
periods covered by an option to terminate the lease. The Group reassesses whether it is reasonably
certain to exercise an extension option, purchase option, or not to exercise a termination option, upon the
occurrence of either a significant event or a significant change in the circumstances that is within the control
of the Group and affects whether the Group is reasonably certain to exercise an option not previously
included in its determination of the lease term.
      5) As lessee
      ① Lease modifications
      Lease modification is a change in the scope of a lease, or the consideration for a lease, that was not
part of the original terms and conditions of the lease, for example, adding or terminating the right to use
one or more underlying assets, or extending or shortening the contractual lease term.
      The Group accounts for a lease modification as a separate lease if both:
      (1) the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more underlying
assets; and
      (2) the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-alone price
for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustments to that stand-alone price to reflect the
circumstances of the particular contract.
      For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of the lease
modification the Group remeasures the lease liability by discounting the revised lease payments using a
revised discount rate. The revised discount rate is determined as the interest rate implicit in the lease for
the remainder of the lease term, or the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the effective date of the
modification, if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily determined.
      For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Group accounts for the
remeasurement of the lease liability by:
      (1) decreasing the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset to reflect the partial or full termination
of the lease for lease modifications that decrease the scope of the lease, and recognising the gain or loss
relating to the partial or full termination of the lease in profit or loss; or
      (2) making a corresponding adjustment to the right-of-use asset for all other lease modifications.
      ② Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
      The Group considers a lease that, at the commencement date of the lease, has a lease term of 12
months or less, and does not contains any purchase option as a short-term lease; and a lease for which
the value of the individual underlying asset is not more than RMB 40,000 when it is new as a lease of low-
value assets. If the Group subleases an asset, or expects to sublease an asset, the head lease does not
qualify as a lease of a low-value asset. The Group does not recognize right-of-use assets and lease
liabilities for short-term leases and low-value asset leases. The Group recognises lease payments on short-
term leases and leases of low-value assets in the costs of the related asset or profit or loss on a straight-
line basis
      The Group does not assess whether there is a lease modification, and continues to calculate the
interest expense of the lease liability at the same discount rate as before the discount,and include it in the
profit or loss, and continues to depreciate the right-of-use asset according to the same method as before
the discount. For the rent reduction or exemption as incurred, the Group regards the reduced rent as the
variable lease payment amount. When the original rent payment obligation is relieved by reaching a
reduction agreement, the undiscounted amount is used to offset the relevant asset costs or expenses, and

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the lease liabilities is adjusted accordingly; for the deferred payment of rent as incurred, the Company
offsets the lease liabilities recognised in the previous period when the actual payment is made.
     6) As the lessor
     A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental
to ownership of an underlying asset, except that a lease is classified as an operating lease at the inception
     7)As the lessor of operating lease
     Rental income under an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis
     over the lease term, through profit or loss. Variable lease payments that are not included in the
measurement of lease receivables are charged to profit or loss as incurred.
     The Group accounts for a modification to an operating lease as a new lease from the effective date of
the modification, considering any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating to the original lease as part
of the lease payments for the new lease.
43. Other Important Accounting Policy and Accounting Estimates

Applicable □Not applicable
      The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities, and their
accompanying disclosures, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the balance sheet date.
Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that could require a material
adjustment to the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future.
      (1) Judgments
      ① Business models
      The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the Group's business model for
managing financial assets. When determining the business model, the Group considers the methods to
include evaluation and report financial asset performance to key management, the risks affecting the
performance of financial assets and the risk management, and the manner in which the relevant
management receives remuneration. When assessing whether the objective is to collect contractual cash
flows, the Group needs to analyse and judge the reason, timing, frequency and value of the sale before the
maturity date of the financial assets.
      ② Contractual cash flow characteristics
      The classification of financial assets at initial recognition depends on the financial asset’s contractual
cash flow characteristics, and the judgements on whether the contractual cash flows are solely payments
of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, including when assessing the modification of
the time value of money, the judgement on whether there is any significant difference from the benchmark
cash flow and whether the fair value of the prepayment features is insignificant for financial assets with
prepayment features, etc.
      (2)Estimation uncertainty
      The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the
balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
assets and liabilities within the future accounting periods, are described below.
      ① Write down inventories to net realisable value
      The Group writes down inventories to net realisable value based on the estimation of the realizable
inventories. The assessment of write-downs requires management's judgment and reasonable estimates.
Once there is a difference between the expectation and the original estimate, the difference may affect the
book value of inventories in the estimate changed period and the impairment losses of assets.
      ② Impairment of financial instruments
      Commencing from January 1, 2019, the Company has adopted the expected credit loss model to
assess the impairment of financial instruments. The Group is required to perform significant judgement and
estimation and take into account all reasonable and supportable information, including forward-looking
information. When making such judgements and estimates, the Group infers the expected changes in the
debtor's credit risk based on historical repayment data combined with economic policies, macroeconomic
indicators, industry risks and other factors. The different estimates may impact the impairment
assessment, and the provision for impairment may also not be representative of the actual impairment loss
in the future.
      ③ Impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets (other than goodwill)
      The Group assesses whether there are any indications of impairment for all non-current assets other
than financial assets at the balance sheet date. Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are tested for
impairment annually and at other times when such an indication exists. Other non-current assets other
than financial assets are tested for impairment when there are indications that the carrying amounts may
not be recoverable. An impairment exists when the carrying amount of an asset or asset group exceeds
its recoverable amount, which is the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of
the future cash flows expected to be derived from it. The calculation of the fair value less costs of disposal
based on available data from binding sales transactions in an arm’s length transaction of similar assets or
observable market prices less incremental costs for disposing of the assets. When the calculations of the

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present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or asset group are undertaken,
management must estimate the expected future cash flows from the asset or asset group and choose a
suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows.

     ④Service life and estimated net residual value of fixed assets
     During the use of fixed assets, the economic environment, technology environment and other
environments in which they are may have a greater impact on the service life and estimated net residual
value of fixed assets. At the end of each year, the management reviews the service life and estimated net
residual value of fixed assets. If there is conclusive evidence that: the estimated service life of the fixed
asset is different from the original estimate, the service life of the fixed asset shall be adjusted; the estimated
net residual value of the fixed asset is different from the original estimate, and the estimated net residual
value shall be adjusted.
     ⑤ Deferred income tax asset
     Deferred tax assets are recognised for all unused tax losses to the extent that it is probable that taxable
profit will be available against which the losses can be utilised. Significant management judgement is
required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognised, based upon the likely
timing and level of future taxable profits together with future tax planning strategies.
     ⑥ Warranties
     The Group makes reasonable estimate of the warranty rate of a group of contracts with similar
characteristics based on historical warranty data, current warranty, as well as all relevant information such
as product improvements, market changes, etc. Estimates of the expected warranty rate may not be
representative of the actual warranty rate in the future. The Group re-evaluates the warranty rate at least
on each balance sheet date and updates the measurement of the provisions based on the re-evaluated
warranty rate.
     ⑦ Provision of Sales Rebates and Rewards
     The Group applies the sales rebate and incentive policy to the dealers. According to the relevant
stipulations in the distribution agreement, with reference to the completion of the agreed assessment
indicators by the dealers, sales rebates and incentives are estimated and accrued at the end of each year.
44. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1). Change in accounting policies

Applicable       □Not applicable
                                                                                       Remarks (Names and
  Contents and causes of the change in accounting            Examination and          amounts of report items
                     policies                               approval procedures         that are significantly
  The MOF issued the "Accounting Standard for
  Business Enterprises No. 21 – Leases” (CAI KUAI
  [2018] No. 35) on December 7, 2018. According to
                                                           The MOF issued the
  the requirement of the MOF, a company which is
  listed both at home and abroad or listed overseas
                                                               Standards for
  and prepares its financial report according to the
                                                           Business Enterprises                 Note
  International Financial Reports Standards or the
                                                              No. 21 – Leases
  Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
                                                             (CAI KUAI (2018)
  started implementing the said accounting standards
                                                                  No. 35).
  commencing from January 1, 2019; other
  domestically listed enterprises started the
  implementation commencing from January 1, 2021.
Other notes
      On December 7, 2018, the MOF issued revised Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21
– Leases (the “New Leases Standard”). The New Leases Standard introduces a single model similar to
the current accounting treatment of finance leases, requiring the lessor to recognise right-of-use assets
and lease liabilities for all the leases, except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, and
recognise depreciation and interest expense, respectively. The Group has accounted for leases under
the revised leases standard since 1 January 2021. As a practical expedient, the Group did not reassess
whether a contract is, or contains, a lease at the date of initial application. According to the transitional
requirements, the Group did not restate comparative information. Instead, the Group recognised the
cumulative effect of the initial application of the New Leases Standard as an adjustment to the opening
balance of retained earnings of 2021 at the date of initial application:
      1) the Group recognised the right-of-use asset and the lease liabilities at the amount of the carrying
amount of the lease asset and lease liability under the original standards applicable at the date of initial
application for leases previously classified as finance leases;
      2) for leases previously classified as operating leases, the Group recognised lease liabilities based on
the present value of the remaining lease payments discounted at the incremental borrowing rate at the date
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                                             2021 Annual Report

of initial application, and measured right-of-use assets based on the amount equal to the lease liabilities,
adjusted for any related prepaid and accrued lease payments previously recognised; and
     3) the Group performed its impairment test of right-of-use assets and account for the impairment.
     Identify the fulfilled and outstanding performance obligations, determine transaction prices, and
allocate transaction prices between fulfilled and outstanding performance obligations.
     For operating leases of low-value assets and operating leases for which the lease term ends within 12
months before initial application, the Group applied a simplified approach and did not recognise the right-
of-use assets and lease liabilities:
     1) applied a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with reasonably similar characteristics; and
excluded the initial direct costs from the measurement of the right-of-use asset at the date of initial
     2) used hindsight in determining the lease term where the contract contained options to extend or
terminate the lease;
     3) relied on its assessment of whether leases are onerous applying “42. Leases” of “V. Significant
Accounting Policy and Accounting Estimate” of “Section 10. Financial Report” immediately before the date
of initial application as an alternative to performing an impairment review, and adjusted the right-of-use
assets at the date of initial application by the amount of any provision for onerous leases recognised in the
balance sheet immediately before the date of initial application; and
     4) accounted for the changes in leases before the date of initial application based on the final
arrangement for such changes.
(2). Change of Significant Accounting Estimates

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3) The Company started implementing the New Leases Standard commencing from 2021 and
    adjusted the financial statements at the beginning of the current year

"√ Applicable" "□ Inapplicable"
                                       Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                      In: Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                        Amount involved
                Items                   December 31, 2020         January 01, 2021
                                                                                        in the adjustment
 Current assets:
 Currency funds                            1,249,120,118.26        1,249,120,118.26
 Settlement reserve
 Inter-bank lending
 Financial assets held for trading           458,440,486.16         458,440,486.16
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                         187,700,162.28         187,700,162.28
 Receivables financing                       194,010,599.36         194,010,599.36
 Prepayments                                  20,248,469.38          18,328,847.77           -1,919,621.61
 Receivable premium
 Reinsurance accounts receivable
 Reserve for reinsurance contract
 Other receivables                            85,518,641.96          85,518,641.96
 Including: Interest receivable                  930,559.39             930,559.39
 Dividends receivable
 Redemptory monetary fund for
 Inventories                                 494,751,269.64         494,751,269.64
 Contract assets
                                                 103 / 187
                                       2021 Annual Report

Assets classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current
                                       875,045,616.43        875,045,616.43
Other current assets                   120,605,121.80        120,605,121.80
Total current assets                  3,685,440,485.27      3,683,520,863.66   -1,919,621.61
Non-current assets:
Loan issuing and advance in cash
Debt investments
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments            32,946,576.25         32,946,576.25
Other equity investments
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties                  223,753,945.07        223,753,945.07
Fixed assets                          1,781,506,536.14      1,781,506,536.14
Construction in progress                47,995,478.09         47,995,478.09
Productive biological asset
Oil and Gas Assets
Right-of-use assets                                           56,116,227.00    56,116,227.00
Intangible assets                      316,215,456.18        316,215,456.18
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses              11,802,083.24         11,802,083.24
Deferred tax assets                     56,365,819.88         56,365,819.88
Other non-current assets              3,402,470,277.28      3,402,470,277.28
Total non-current assets              5,873,056,172.13      5,929,172,399.13   56,116,227.00
Total assets                          9,558,496,657.40      9,612,693,262.79   54,196,605.39
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Borrowings from the central bank
Loans from other banks
Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                         4,555,247,953.70      4,555,247,953.70
Accounts payable                      1,382,013,472.83      1,382,013,472.83
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities                   318,471,009.89        318,471,009.89
Money from sale of the
repurchased financial assets
Deposits taking and interbank
Acting trading securities

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                                        2021 Annual Report

Income from securities
underwriting on commission
Employee benefits payable                    89,154,510.59     89,154,510.59
Taxes and surcharges payable                 25,977,920.73     25,977,920.73
Other payables                           453,785,184.64       446,629,221.36    -7,155,963.28
Including: interest payable
Dividends payable
Service charge and commission
Payable reinsurance
Liabilities classified as held for
Current portion of non-current
                                                                 9,424,674.23    9,424,674.23
Other current liabilities                    12,219,830.60     12,219,830.60
Total current liabilities              6,836,869,882.98      6,839,138,593.93    2,268,710.95
Non-current liabilities:
Reserve for insurance contract
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Lease liabilities                                              51,927,894.44    51,927,894.44
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits
Predicted liabilities
Deferred income                              73,775,195.25     73,775,195.25
Deferred tax liability                            8,740.26           8,740.26
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                73,783,935.51    125,711,829.95    51,927,894.44
Total liabilities                      6,910,653,818.49      6,964,850,423.88   54,196,605.39
Owner’s equity(or shareholder’s equity):
Share capital                            338,660,003.00       338,660,003.00
Other equity instruments
Including: preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Capital reserves                         319,618,893.64       319,618,893.64
Less: Treasury shares
Other comprehensive income
Special reserves
Surplus reserves                         189,936,412.55       189,936,412.55
General risks reserves

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 Retained earnings                          1,781,546,043.16       1,781,546,043.16
 Total shareholders’ equity
                                            2,629,761,352.35       2,629,761,352.35
 attributable to the parent company
 Non-controlling interests                     18,081,486.56         18,081,486.56
 Total shareholder’s equity                2,647,842,838.91       2,647,842,838.91
 Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s
                                            9,558,496,657.40       9,612,693,262.79      54,196,605.39

Note to various item adjustments:
"□ Applicable" "√ Inapplicable"

                                        Balance Sheet, Parent Company
                                                                                  In: Yuan Currency: RMB
                Items                     December 31, 2020        January 01, 2021    involved in the
 Current assets:
 Current assets                               1,026,281,081.52      1,026,281,081.52
 Financial assets at fair value
                                                 60,600,000.00         60,600,000.00
 through profit or loss
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                            187,973,999.10        187,973,999.10
 Receivables financing                            2,920,000.00          2,920,000.00
 Prepayments                                      9,320,260.63          9,320,260.63
 Other receivables                               54,343,683.45         54,343,683.45
 Including: Interest receivable                     928,998.18            928,998.18
 Dividend receivable
 Inventories                                      5,103,408.33          5,103,408.33
 Contract assets
 Assets classified as held for sale
 Current portion of non-current
                                                875,045,616.43        875,045,616.43
 Other current assets                            48,187,421.72         48,187,421.72
 Total current assets                         2,269,775,471.18      2,269,775,471.18
 Non-current assets:
 Debt investments
 Other debt investments
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investments                   693,448,588.33        693,448,588.33
 Other equity investments
 Other non-current financial

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                                     2021 Annual Report

Investment properties                 438,596,163.82       438,596,163.82
Fixed asset                             48,254,628.34       48,254,628.34
Construction in progress                13,543,609.26       13,543,609.26
Productive biological asset
Oil and Gas Assets
Right-of-use assets                                         16,638,789.86    16,638,789.86
Intangible assets                       30,295,640.40       30,295,640.40
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses               1,021,465.06         1,021,465.06
Deferred tax assets                     20,994,245.62       20,994,245.62
Other non-current assets             3,190,437,580.45     3,190,437,580.45
Total non-current assets             4,436,591,921.28     4,453,230,711.14   16,638,789.86
Total assets                         6,706,367,392.46     6,723,006,182.32   16,638,789.86
Current liabilities:
Short term borrowings
Financial liabilities held for
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                        1,535,609,263.11     1,535,609,263.11
Accounts payable                     2,581,643,212.31     2,581,643,212.31
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities                  293,258,453.68       293,258,453.68
Employee benefits payable               25,528,265.93       25,528,265.93
Taxes and surcharges payable               666,987.59          666,987.59
Other payables                        308,332,553.91       308,332,553.91
Including: interest payable
Dividends payable
Liabilities classified as held for
Current portion of non-current
                                                              4,766,830.14    4,766,830.14
Other current liabilities                9,711,127.61         9,711,127.61
Total current liabilities            4,754,749,864.14     4,759,516,694.28    4,766,830.14
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Lease liabilities                                           11,871,959.72    11,871,959.72
Long-term      payables
Long-term employee benefits

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 Deferred income                                   36,257,597.30             36,257,597.30
 Deferred tax liabilities
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                     36,257,597.30             48,129,557.02       11,871,959.72
 Total liabilities                             4,791,007,461.44        4,807,646,251.30          16,638,789.86
 Shareholder’s equity:
 Share capital)                                  338,660,003.00          338,660,003.00
 Other equity instruments
 Including: preferred shares
 Perpetual bond
 Capital reserves                                294,981,361.11          294,981,361.11
 Less: Treasury shares
 Other comprehensive income
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                                189,936,412.55          189,936,412.55
 Retained earnings                             1,091,782,154.36        1,091,782,154.36
 Total shareholder’s equity                   1,915,359,931.02        1,915,359,931.02
 Total Liabilities and
                                               6,706,367,392.46        6,723,006,182.32          16,638,789.86
 Shareholder’s Equity
Note to various item adjustments:
"□ Applicable" "√ Inapplicable"

(4) Note to the retroactive adjustment of the previous comparative data according to the new
     standards for lease initially implemented from 2021

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

45. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

VI. Taxes

1. Types of major taxes and tax rates

Types of major taxes and tax rates
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
   Types of taxes                            Tax basis                                       Tax rates
                         The output VAT is calculated based on the sales
                         of goods and taxable labor income according to
 Value-added tax         the tax law. After deducting the offsetable input                        13%, 9%, 6%
                         VAT in the reporting period, the difference is the
                         value-added tax payable.
 maintenance and         It is paid based on the turnover tax actually paid                                7%
 construction tax
                         Based on the amount of income taxable                                  25%, 20%, 15%
 income tax

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                       It is paid based on the turnover tax actually paid                               3%
 Local   education
                       It is paid based on the turnover tax actually paid                               2%

     In case there exist taxpayers subject to different corporate income tax rates, disclose the information.
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                             Taxpayers                                        Income tax rate (%)
 Tianjin Suiwanwan Culture Communication Co., Ltd.                                                        20
 Tianjin Tianli Electric Bicycle Co., Ltd.                                                                20
 Tianjin Jinge Industrial Design Co., Ltd.                                                                20
 Xiaopa Electric Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd                                                         20
 Tianjin Xiaoma Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                              20
 Aima Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.                                                                    15
 Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                                                              15
 Aima Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.                                                                       15
 Tianjin Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                15
 Guangdong Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.                                                              15
 Guangxi Aima Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                                                           15

2. Tax Preferences

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     In 2021, Tianjin Jinge Industrial Design Co., Ltd., Tianjin Suiwanwan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.,
Xiaopa Electric Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Tianjin Tianli Electric Bicycle Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Xiaoma
Network Technology Co., Ltd. enjoyed preferential taxes for small low-profit enterprises. In accordance with
the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China and the regulations for the
implementation, and the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Implementing the
Inclusive Tax Deduction and Exemption Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises (CAISHUI [2019] No. 13),
from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, the annual taxable income of a small low-profit enterprise
that is not more than RMB 1 million shall be included in its taxable income at the reduced rate of 25%,
with the applicable enterprise income tax rate of 20%; and the annual taxable income that is not less than
RMB 1 million nor more than RMB 3 million shall be included in its taxable income at the reduced rate
of 50%, with the applicable enterprise income tax rate of 20%. In accordance with the Announcement of
the State Administration of Taxation on the Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies Supporting
the Development of Small and Low-profit Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households
(State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. 8 [2021]),from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022,
the annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises does not exceed RMB 1 million, a reduction
of 12.5% shall be included in the taxable income, and the corporate income tax shall be paid at the rate of
     Aima Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. belong to
the encouraged industrial companies of the Western Development, and can enjoy the tax preference of 15%
corporate income tax from 2021 to 2030.
     Aima Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd. Enjoys the tax preference policy for and Chongqing Aima Vehicle
Technology Co., Ltd. Enjoys preferential tax policy for Hainan Free Trade Port ,and can enjoy the tax
preference of 15% corporate income tax from 2020 to 2024.
     Tianjin Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. and
Guangxi Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. Were qualified for hi-tech enterprise in 2021, and may enjoy
the tax preference of 15% corporate income tax from 2021 to 2023.
3. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

VII. Notes to Items of Consolidated Financial Statements

1.Currency funds
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                  109 / 187
                                               2021 Annual Report

                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
            Items                          Ending balance                         Opening balance
  Cash at banks                                   2,844,921,448.22                           977,405,317.96
  Others                                               1,221,862.48                          271,714,800.30
            Total                                 2,846,143,310.70                         1,249,120,118.26
 Other notes
      The details of the Company's currency funds that have restrictions on use due to mortgage, pledge or
 freezing, and which are deposited overseas and restricted from repatriation of funds are as follows:
      As of December 31, 2021, the Company had no monetary funds with restricted ownership (December
 31, 2020: RMB 269,196,678.00).
      For the bank demand deposits, the interest income is received at the interest rate of bank demand
 deposits. As at December 31, 2021,there was no short-term fixed-term deposit.
 2. Financial assets held for trading

 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                     Items                            Ending balance                   Opening balance
  Financial assets at fair value through
                                                            1,265,981,818.24                 458,440,486.16
  profit or loss
  Equity investments                                            85,600,000.00
  Financial products                                        1,180,381,818.24                 458,440,486.16
  Financial assets designated at fair
  value through profit or loss
                     Total                                  1,265,981,818.24                 458,440,486.16
 Other notes:
 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
 The details of the financial products with the use right restricted are as follows:
                    Items                              Ending balance                   Opening balance
Financial products                                              390,000,000.00                 280,000,000.00

 3. Derivative financial assets

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 4.Notes receivable

 (1) Classification of notes receivable

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 (2) Notes receivable already pledged by the Company at the end of the reporting period

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 (3) Endorsed or discounted notes receivable at the end of the reporting period, but not yet due on
      the balance sheet date

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 (4) Notes transferred to receivables due to issuer’s default at the end of the reporting period

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                                                    110 / 187
                                                              2021 Annual Report

               (5) Classified disclosure based on the method of provision for bad debt

               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
               Individual provision for bad debts:
               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                    Provision for bad and doubtful debts based on portfolio:
               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                    If the provision for bad debt is accrued in accordance with the general model of expected credit loss,
               please refer to the disclosure of other receivables
               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

               (6) Provision for bad debts

               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

               (7) Notes receivable actually written off in the reporting period

               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
               Other notes
               "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

               5. Accounts receivable

               (1) Disclosed based on aging

               "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                            In: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                          Aging                                             Ending book balance
                Within 1 year
                Where: Itemized within 1 year
                Within 1 year                                                                                     209,442,121.39
                Sub-total within 1 year                                                                           209,442,121.39
                1 to 2 years                                                                                          524,323.97
                2 to 3 years
                Over 3 years
                                          Total                                                                   209,966,445.36

               (2) Classified disclosure based on the method of provision for bad debt

               "□ Applicable" "√ Inapplicable"
                                                                                                            In: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                     Ending balance                                                   Opening balance
                  Book balance       Bad debt reserve                          Book balance                 Bad debt reserve
                                                   Provi                                                                Provisi
 Categories                  Prop                  sion                                                                   on
                                                           Book value                           Proporti                          Book value
                  Amount ortion       Amount       propo                      Amount                         Amount     propor
                                                                                                on (%)
                               (%)                 rtion                                                                 tion
                                                     (%)                                                                 (%)
bad debt
                                                                                 4,248,734.54        2.15                             4,248,734.54

                                                                  111 / 187
                                                                      2021 Annual Report

amount and
                                                                                             4,248,734.54    2.15                                 4,248,734.54
provision for
bad debts
bad debt
                  209,966,445.36   100.00   2,336,643.71   1.11       207,629,801.65       193,547,668.80   97.85       10,096,241.06   5.22    183,451,427.74
in portfolio
based on
credit risk       209,966,445.36   100.00   2,336,643.71   1.11       207,629,801.65       193,547,668.80   97.85       10,096,241.06   5.22    183,451,427.74

     Total        209,966,445.36        /   2,336,643.71      /       207,629,801.65       197,796,403.34        /      10,096,241.06      /    187,700,162.28

                Individual provision for bad debts:
                "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                     Provision for bad and doubtful debts based on portfolio:
                Applicable □ Not applicable
                Provision items on portfolio
                                                                                                                     In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                         Ending balance
                           Name                                                                                      Provision proportion
                                                  Accounts receivable                  Bad debt provision
                 Within 1 year (with 1
                                                           209,442,121.39                        2,220,086.49                            1.06
                 year inclusive)
                 1 to 2 years (with 2
                                                                  524,323.97                        116,557.22                          22.23
                 years inclusive)
                 2 to 3 years (with 3
                 years inclusive)
                 Over 3 years
                            Total                          209,966,445.36                        2,336,643.71                            1.11
                     Criteria of and note to recognition of provision for bad debts based on portfolio:
                "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                     If the provision for bad debt is accrued in accordance with the general model of expected credit loss,
                please refer to the disclosure of other receivables
                "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                (3) Provision for bad debts

                "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                  Categories                                 Amount of movement during the reporting period

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                                             2021 Annual Report

                       Opening                                            Charge-                       Ending
                                                        Recovery or                        Other
                       balance         Provision                           off or                      balance
                                                         reversal                      changes
 bad debt
                     10,096,241.06    6,513,215.15     14,272,719.28        93.22                    2,336,643.71
 in portfolio
     Total           10,096,241.06    6,513,215.15     14,272,719.28        93.22                    2,336,643.71

     Where the significant amount of the reserve for bad debt recovered or reversed:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the reporting period

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(5) Accounts receivable owed by the top five debtors based on the ending balance
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                             In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                          Proportion in total ending           Ending balance of
     Organization name            Ending balance            balance of accounts              the provision for bad
                                                                 receivable (%)                     debts
 Customer 1                           21,928,902.65                               10.44               232,446.37
 Customer 2                           13,641,918.29                                 6.50              144,604.33
 Customer 3                            9,414,533.53                                 4.48                99,794.06
 Customer 4                            7,605,767.51                                 3.62                80,621.14
 Customer 5                            7,235,102.18                                 3.45                76,692.08
             Total                    59,826,224.16                               28.49               634,157.98

(6) Account receivable with recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
(7) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of account receivable and continuing
     to be involved
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
6. Receivables financing

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Items                             Ending balance                          Opening balance
 Bank acceptance notes                                      49,295,422.59                          194,010,599.36
                 Total                                      49,295,422.59                          194,010,599.36

     Change of increase/decrease and fair value of accounts receivable financing in the reporting period:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     If the provision for bad debt is accrued in accordance with the general model of expected credit loss,
please refer to the disclosure of other receivables
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                                     113 / 187
                                             2021 Annual Report

7. Prepayments

(1)Prepayments are presented based on aging

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                 Ending balance                                 Opening balance
                           Amount           Proportion (%)              Amount                Proportion (%)
 Within 1 year           20,878,129.11                  96.94          17,851,166.97                     97.40
 1 to 2 years               559,969.27                   2.60                370,840.99                   2.02
 2 to 3 years                                                                106,839.81                   0.58
 Over 3 years               100,000.00                   0.46
     Total               21,538,098.38                 100.00          18,328,847.77                   100.00

(2) Prepayments to the top five debtors of the ending balance collected based on the debtors of the
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                 Proportion in total ending
             Organization name                    Ending balance
                                                                               balance of prepayments (%)
 Supplier 1                                               2,593,313.53                                  12.04
 Supplier 2                                               1,605,683.60                                    7.46
 Supplier 3                                               1,587,174.59                                    7.37
 Supplier 4                                               1,140,287.61                                    5.29
 Supplier 5                                                    487,834.30                                 2.26
                   Total                                  7,414,293.63                                  34.42

Other notes
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

8.Other receivables

Items Presentation

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Items                            Ending balance                     Opening balance
 Interest receivables                                           642,997.45                         930,559.39
 Dividends receivable
 Other receivables                                       149,426,857.13                         84,588,082.57
                 Total                                   150,069,854.58                         85,518,641.96

Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Interest receivables

(1) Classification of interest receivable

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB

                                                   114 / 187
                                         2021 Annual Report

                Items                    Ending balance                       Opening balance
Deposit and wealth investment                                                                 331,204.44
Interest of accounts receivable                          642,997.45                           599,354.95
                Total                                    642,997.45                           930,559.39

(2) Significant overdue interest

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3) Provision for bad debts

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Dividend receivable

(4) Dividend receivable

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(5) Significant dividends receivable with age exceeding 1 year

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(6) Provision for bad debts

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Other receivables

(7) Disclosed based on aging

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                  In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                           Aging                                      Ending book balance
 Within 1 year
 Where: Itemized within 1 year
 Within 1 year                                                                         144,245,727.86
 Sub-total within 1 year                                                               144,245,727.86
 1 to 2 years                                                                               3,156,255.55
 2 to 3 years                                                                               3,708,453.30
 Over 3 years                                                                           24,323,512.34
                           Total                                                       175,433,949.05

(8) Classification based on the nature of fund

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                  In:Yuan Currency:RMB
         Nature of the fund             Ending book balance                  Opening book balance
 Engineering fees to be
                                                    24,164,117.84                       24,164,117.84
 Deposits                                         138,555,562.94                            2,161,666.16
                                             115 / 187
                                                2021 Annual Report

 Listing expenses                                                                               30,534,966.17
 Reimbursement of the advance
                                                                406,934.00                         176,881.17
 to employees
 Receivable from disposal of
                                                               5,248,574.23                     16,509,154.50
 fixed assets
 Rebate to suppliers                                                                            17,806,530.09
 Others                                                        7,058,760.04                     17,443,210.69
                 Total                                   175,433,949.05                        108,796,526.62

(9) Provision for bad debts

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                         In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Stage 1           Stage 2                Stage 3
                                                   Lifetime              Lifetime     ECLs
     Bad debt provision                             ECLs (no credit      (credit                   Total
                                                   impairment            impairment
                                credit losses
                                                   incurred)             already incurred)
 Balance as at January 1,
                                      26,894.68           17,431.53           24,164,117.84     24,208,444.05
 Balance as at January 1,
 2021 in the reporting
 -- transferred into Stage 2
 -- transferred into Stage 3
 -- revered to Stage 2
 -- reversed to Stage 1
 Accrual                              21,647.20        1,821,326.88                              1,842,974.08
 Reversal                             26,894.68           17,431.53                                 44,326.21
 Transfer out
 Other changes
 Balance as at
                                      21,647.20        1,821,326.88           24,164,117.84     26,007,091.92
 December 31, 2021

     Note to the significant changes in the book balance of other receivables with changes in provision for
loss in the reporting period:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     The amount of provision for bad debts in the reporting period and the basis for assessing whether the
credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(10) Provision for bad debts

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
  Categories                             Amount of movement during the reporting period

                                                    116 / 187
                                              2021 Annual Report

                         Opening                         Recovery         Charge-                         Ending
                         balance         Provision           or            off or                         balance
                                                          reversal        write-off
   Bad debt
                     24,208,444.05      1,842,974.08     44,326.21                                     26,007,091.92
        Total        24,208,444.05      1,842,974.08     44,326.21                                     26,007,091.92

       Where a significant amount of the reserve for bad debt recovered or reversed during the reporting
  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

  (11) Other receivables actually written off in the reporting period

  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

  (12) Other receivables owed by the top five debtors based on the ending balance

  "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                               In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                    in total
Organizatio                                                                                         Bad debt reserve
                Nature of Payment       Ending balance            Aging         balance of
  n name                                                                                            Ending balance
                                                             Within       1
Customer 1      Deposits                 107,506,442.86                                  61.28
                                                             Within       1
Customer 2      Deposits                  28,534,883.61                                  16.27
                Engineering fees to                          Over         3
Customer 3                                24,164,117.84                                  13.77        24,164,117.84
                be recovered                                 years
                Receivable     from
Customer 4      disposal of fixed          2,998,574.23      2-3 years                      1.71         696,326.88
                Receivable     from
Customer 5      disposal of fixed          2,250,000.00      2-3 years                      1.28       1,125,000.00
Total           /                        165,454,018.54                                  94.31        25,985,444.72

  (13) Accounts receivable involving government subsidy

  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

  (14) Other receivables with recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets

  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

  (15) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuing
        to be involved

  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                                     117 / 187
                                                           2021 Annual Report

            Other notes:
            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

            9.   Inventories

            (1) Classification of inventories

            "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                  In:Yuan       Currency:RMB
                                   Ending balance                                           Opening balance
                                                                                               Provision for
                                     Provision for                                              write-down
                                    write-down of                                                    of
  Items                             inventories/im                                             inventories /
                 Book balance                            Book value          Book balance                           Book value
                                     pairment of                                               impairment
                                    costs to fulfill                                            of costs to
                                      a contract                                                  fulfill a
Raw                                                                                                                214,194,795.3
                 359,993,370.61      4,730,148.62      355,263,221.99        214,631,044.28     436,248.90
materials                                                                                                                        8
Finished                                                                                                           280,556,474.2
                 440,425,986.90                        440,425,986.90        280,754,523.22     198,048.96
goods                                                                                                                            6
  Total          800,419,357.51      4,730,148.62      795,689,208.89        495,385,567.50     634,297.86

            (2) Provision for write-down of inventories / impairment of costs to fulfill a contract

            "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                              Amount increased in the        Decrease in the reporting
                               Opening             reporting period                   period
                 Items                                                                                        Ending balance
                                balance                            Other      Reversal or
                                                   Provision                                   Others
                                                                      s         write-off
                               436,248.90         6,878,033.90                 2,584,134.18                     4,730,148.62
                               198,048.96                                        198,048.96
                 Total         634,297.86         6,878,033.90                 2,782,183.14                     4,730,148.62

            (3)Note to the amount of capitalized borrowing costs involved in the ending balance of inventories

            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

            (4) Note to the current amortization amount of contract performance costs

            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
            Other notes
            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                                                 118 / 187
                                            2021 Annual Report

10. Contract assets

(1)   About contract assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2)The amount involved in the significant change of the book value and the cause during the
      reporting period

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Provision for impairment of contract assets in the reporting period

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     If the provision for bad debt is accrued in accordance with the general model of expected credit loss,
please refer to the disclosure of other receivables
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

11. Held-for-sale assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

12. Non-current assets due within a year

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Items                          Ending balance                   Opening balance
 Fixed term deposit due within a
                 Total                                                                   875,045,616.43

     Significant debt investment and other debt investments at the end of the reporting period:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

13. Other current assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                   In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Items                          Ending balance                   Opening balance
 CIT paid in advance                                     78,929,325.30                     54,956,430.47
 Input VAT to be credited                                91,878,628.00                     65,648,691.33
                 Total                                  170,807,953.30                   120,605,121.80

14. Debt investment

(1)   About debt investment

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2) Significant debt investment at the end of the reporting period

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Provision for impairment

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     The amount of provision for impairment in the reporting period and the basis for assessing whether
the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly

                                                 119 / 187
                                                    2021 Annual Report

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
      Other notes
      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      15. Other debt investment

      (1)   About other debt investment

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      (2) Significant other debt investment at the end of the reporting period

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      (3)Provision for impairment

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
           The amount of provision for impairment in the reporting period and the basis for assessing whether
      the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly
      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
      Other notes:
      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      16. Long-term receivables

      (1)About long-term receivables

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      (2) Provision for bad debts

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
           The amount of provision for bad debts in the reporting period and the basis for assessing whether the
      credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly
      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      (3) Long term receivables with recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      (4) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of long-term receivables and continuing
            to be involved

      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
      Other notes
      "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

      17. Long-term equity investments

      Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                           In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
                                 Increase/ Decrease (+ / -) in the reporting period
                                        Investm                 Ot                                             Impairm
            Openi                                                      Cash      Provis
                                             ent     Other      her                                             ent at
             ng                                                          divid    ion                Ending
Investees            Increa   Decre                 compreh     eq                        Other                the end
            balan                                                        end       for               balance
                      se       ase      income      ensive      uity                       s                      of
             ce                                                        decla     impair
                                            under   income      mo                                             the year
                                                                         red     ment
                                             the                ve

                                                        120 / 187
                                                             2021 Annual Report

                                                equity                  me
                                            method                       nt
I. Joint Venture
II. Associates
TODAY            13,29                                   -
SUNSHI           8,705                      1,729,3
NE                 .15                           10.83
                 19,64                                                            5,72
Tianjin                                         651,72                                             14,575,5
                 7,871                                                            4,00
Gamma                                             8.75                                               99.85
                   .10                                                            0.00
                         22,71                           -
Shandon                                                                                            19,255,2
                         7,737.             3,462,4
g Grand                                                                                              84.44
                            96                   53.52
                         90,00                           -
Taizhou                                                                                            54,950,3
                         0,000.             35,049,
Jinfu                                                                                                23.80
                            00                  676.20
Beijing                  5,000,                          -
Zhongzh                  000.0                  277,32
ong                           0                   2.18
                 32,94   117,7                           -                        5,72
Sub-total        6,576   17,73              39,867,                               4,00
                   .25    7.96                  033.98                            0.00
                 32,94   117,7                           -                        5,72
Total            6,576   17,73              39,867,                               4,00
                   .25    7.96                  033.98                            0.00

          18. Other equity instrument investment

          (1)   Other equity instrument investment

          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

          (2) Investment in non-transactional equity instruments

          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          Other notes:
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

          19. Other non-current financial assets

          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
          Other notes:
          "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

          20. Investment properties
                Measurement model for investment-oriented real estate
          (1) Investment properties measured based on the cost method

                                                                                         In:Yuan    Currency:RMB

                                                                 121 / 187
                                           2021 Annual Report

                    Items                       Buildings       Land use rights      Total
I. Original book value
1. Opening balance                            185,765,336.74     74,456,169.46    260,221,506.20
2. Amount increased in the reporting
                                               60,263,759.97      4,553,291.88     64,817,051.85
(1) Purchased
(2) Inventories\fixed
assets/construction in process                 60,263,759.97      4,553,291.88     64,817,051.85
transferred in
(3) Increase of enterprise consolidation
3. Amount decreased in the reporting
(1) Disposals
(2) Other transfer out
4. Ending balance                             246,029,096.71     79,009,461.34    325,038,558.05
II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative amortization
1. Opening balance                             31,718,011.86      4,749,549.27     36,467,561.13
2. Amount increased in the reporting
                                               16,083,857.91      2,298,594.74     18,382,452.65
(1) Depreciation and amortisation
                                               14,160,853.82      1,676,311.53     15,837,165.35
provided during the year
(2)Transfer-in of the fixed asset or
                                                 1,923,004.09       622,283.21      2,545,287.30
intangible assets
3. Amount decreased in the reporting
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer out
4. Ending balance                              47,801,869.77      7,048,144.01     54,850,013.78
III. Provision for impairment
1. Opening balance
2. Amount increased in the reporting
(1) Provision
3. Amount decreased in the reporting
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer out
4. Ending balance
IV. Book value
1.Book value at the end of the
                                              198,227,226.94     71,961,317.33    270,188,544.27
reporting period
2.Book value at the beginning of the
                                              154,047,324.88     69,706,620.19    223,753,945.07
reporting period

                                               122 / 187
                                                                         2021 Annual Report

              (2) Investment property with no title certificate

              "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
              Other notes
              "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                   As at December 31, 2021, the book value of investment properties leased out for operation was RMB
              270,188,544.27 (December 31, 2020: RMB 223,753,945.07).
              21. Fixed asset

              Items Presentation

              "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                     In:Yuan       Currency:RMB
                                        Items                                    Ending balance                      Opening balance
               Fixed asset                                                             1,964,000,630.29                       1,767,169,467.93
               Disposal of fixed assets                                                      2,085,074.02                        14,337,068.21
               Total                                                                   1,966,085,704.31                       1,781,506,536.14

              Fixed asset

              (1) About fixed assets

              "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                    In:Yuan      Currency:RMB
                                          Machinery and                                            Electronic       Production
      Items         Buildings                                    Vehicles          equipme                                                Total
                                            equipment                                              equipment          tools
I. Original book value:
1. Opening
                   1,768,039,850.30             412,056,293.74   34,278,128.63     24,894,753.24    32,438,750.68      152,289,639.91     2,423,997,416.50
2. Amount                                                                                                               95,232,540.08      455,927,069.38

increased in
                       201,104,063.47           127,258,977.44    7,492,659.68     12,510,123.55    12,328,705.16
the reporting
                         7,530,400.97            44,201,243.17    7,492,659.68     10,692,376.22    10,712,956.44       13,386,186.11       94,015,822.59
(2) Transfers
                       193,573,662.50            83,057,734.27                      1,817,747.33     1,615,748.72       81,846,353.97      361,911,246.79
in progress
(3) Increase
of enterprise
3. Amount
                        60,780,041.91            24,336,889.48    3,901,120.92      1,005,471.42     1,535,783.00        3,431,088.81       94,990,395.54
decreased in

                                                                                 123 / 187
                                                             2021 Annual Report

the reporting
Disposals or          516,281.94     24,336,889.48    3,901,120.92     1,005,471.42    1,535,783.00     3,431,088.81     34,726,635.57

into               60,263,759.97                                                                                         60,263,759.97

4. Ending
                 1,908,363,871.86   514,978,381.70   37,869,667.39    36,399,405.37   43,231,672.84   244,091,091.18   2,784,934,090.34
II. Accumulative depreciation
1. Opening
                  369,892,757.90    155,184,797.76   22,898,049.49    15,379,543.09   22,964,885.20    64,988,863.78    651,308,897.22
2. Amount
increased in
                   84,914,679.78     38,466,255.99    4,439,128.89     3,134,060.55    6,407,368.70    46,161,195.37    183,522,689.28
the reporting
provided           84,914,679.78     38,466,255.99    4,439,128.89     3,134,060.55    6,407,368.70    46,161,195.37    183,522,689.28

during the
(2) Others
3. Amount
decreased in
                    2,034,805.47      6,464,286.55    3,706,050.67      842,246.58     1,044,998.04     3,025,752.64     17,118,139.95
the reporting
Disposals or          111,801.38      6,464,286.55    3,706,050.67      842,246.58     1,044,998.04     3,025,752.64     15,195,135.86

into                1,923,004.09                                                                                          1,923,004.09

4. Ending
                  452,772,632.21    187,186,767.20   23,631,127.71    17,671,357.06   28,327,255.86   108,124,306.51    817,713,446.55
III. Provision for impairment
1. Opening
                                      5,519,051.35                                                                        5,519,051.35
2. Amount
                                      4,929,182.19                         6,374.31      20,546.55         85,113.04      5,041,216.09
increased in
                                                                     124 / 187
                                                                 2021 Annual Report

the reporting
(1) Provision                             4,929,182.19                         6,374.31          20,546.55               85,113.04        5,041,216.09

3. Amount
decreased in
                                          7,228,354.52                         6,374.31          20,412.07               85,113.04        7,340,253.94
the reporting
(1) Disposals
or                                        7,228,354.52                         6,374.31          20,412.07               85,113.04        7,340,253.94

4. Ending
                                          3,219,879.02                                              134.48                                3,220,013.50
IV. Book value
1.Book value
at the end of
                   1,455,591,239.65     324,571,735.48   14,238,539.68    18,728,048.31       14,904,282.50         135,966,784.67     1,964,000,630.29
the reporting
2.Book value
at the
beginning of       1,398,147,092.40     251,352,444.63   11,380,079.14     9,515,210.15        9,473,865.48          87,300,776.13     1,767,169,467.93

the reporting

            (2) About temporarily idle fixed assets

            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

            (3) Fixed assets rented through finance lease

            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

            (4) Fixed assets leased through operating lease

            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

            (5) About fixed assets without title certificate

            "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                   In:Yuan      Currency:RMB
                                                                                          The reason why the title certificate has not
                                Items                       Book value
                                                                                                              been granted
                                                                                      For self-built auxiliary function houses, it is
               Buildings                                        6,143,202.01
                                                                                      unnecessary to apply for title certificate.

            Other notes:
            "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                 On December 31, 2021, the book value of the Group's fixed assets of houses and buildings with
            restricted ownership was RMB 51,854,177.47 (December 31, 2020: RMB 56,311,395.08).

                                                                         125 / 187
                                                          2021 Annual Report

           Disposal of fixed assets

           "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                In:Yuan     Currency:RMB
                          Items                         Ending balance                       Opening balance
              Disposal of fixed assets                             2,085,074.02                         14,337,068.21
                          Total                                    2,085,074.02                         14,337,068.21

           22. Construction-in-progress

           Items Presentation

           "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                In:Yuan     Currency:RMB
                            Items                            Ending balance                    Opening balance
            Engineering supplies                                        18,007,496.51
            Construction-in-progress                                    96,123,598.65                      47,995,478.09
                             Total                                    114,131,095.16                       47,995,478.09

           Other notes:
           "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"


           (1) About construction-in-progress

           "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                In:Yuan     Currency:RMB
     Items                             Ending balance                                    Opening balance
                                         Impairment                                        Impairment
                     Book balance                        Book value       Book balance                      Book value
                                          reserve                                            reserve
Aima Group
                     35,596,259.61                      35,596,259.61     12,090,511.86                   12,090,511.86
Aima Group
Engineering           1,338,400.38                       1,338,400.38
Tianjin Sports
                      1,408,406.98                       1,408,406.98       369,469.04                       369,469.04
Henan Aima
                          729,606.65                      729,606.65       6,621,681.44                    6,621,681.44
Henan Aima
machinery             1,945,749.80                       1,945,749.80      1,801,980.20                    1,801,980.20
Henan Aima
                           67,256.64                        67,256.64
appliance tools
Jiangsu Aima
machinery                 936,637.18                      936,637.18

                                                              126 / 187
                                     2021 Annual Report

Jiangsu Aima
                    5,026,548.70    5,026,548.70     2,986,725.69   2,986,725.69
Jiangsu Aima
                    1,431,676.12    1,431,676.12      106,194.69     106,194.69
Jiangsu Aima
                      53,097.35       53,097.35
appliance tools
Zhejiang Aima
housing and           89,867.93       89,867.93
                   10,564,885.68   10,564,885.68
Tianjin Vehicle
machinery           5,289,305.01    5,289,305.01     9,739,730.11   9,739,730.11
Tianjin Vehicle
                     880,088.49      880,088.49      3,547,787.58   3,547,787.58
Tianjin Vehicle
engineering         2,655,991.45    2,655,991.45     6,891,351.54   6,891,351.54
Tianjin Vehicle
                     275,748.98      275,748.98
office furniture
Technology           668,168.11      668,168.11
Vehicle office       389,380.40      389,380.40
Vehicle housing    23,791,124.92   23,791,124.92
& buildings
                    2,682,300.92    2,682,300.92
Vehicle              303,097.35      303,097.35
appliance tools
Guangxi Aima
machinery                                            1,415,929.28   1,415,929.28
Aima Group
                                                      143,362.84     143,362.84
office furniture
                                         127 / 187
                                                                        2021 Annual Report

 Aima Group
 electronic                                                                                1,309,734.56                       1,309,734.56
 Henan Aima
 electronic                                                                                  743,716.85                        743,716.85
 Aima office                                                                                  34,823.01                           34,823.01
 Aima appliance                                                                               55,398.23                           55,398.23
 Network                                                                                      79,203.54                           79,203.54
                                                                                              57,877.63                           57,877.63
          Total             96,123,598.65                            96,123,598.65        47,995,478.09                      47,995,478.09

             (2) Movements of important construction-in-progress projects in the reporting period

             "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                   In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
                                                                                                                   The proportion of
                                                                    Transferred                                        projects
  Project                          Opening                                                Other     Ending                                      Capital
                   Budget                           Addition        to the fixed                                      investment
  name                             balance                                             decreases   balance                                      source
                                                                      assets                                        accounted for
                                                                                                                      budget (%)
                  201,880,000.00                   194,333,842.31     170,542,717.39               23,791,124.92                   96%         Own fund
Tianjin                                                                                                                                        Proceeds
Vehicle           193,410,800.00    9,600,505.62    57,809,938.50      62,121,139.11                5,289,305.01                   59%         and own
equipment                                                                                                                                        fund
                   80,720,000.00   12,090,511.86    60,216,427.77      36,710,680.02               35,596,259.61                   90%         and own
   Total          476,010,800.00   21,691,017.48   312,360,208.58     269,374,536.52               64,676,689.54                       /   /

             (3) Provision for impairment of construction in progress in the reporting period

             "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                                                                              128 / 187
                                             2021 Annual Report

Other notes
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Engineering supplies

(4). About engineering supplies

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                           Ending balance                           Opening balance
                                             Provision                                  Provision
          Items                                                              Book                      Book
                            Book balance        for           Book value                      for
                                                                            balance                    value
                                            impairment                                 impairment
                           18,007,496.51                    18,007,496.51
 Total                     18,007,496.51                    18,007,496.51

23. Productive biological asset

(1) Productive biological asset by using the cost measurement model

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2)Productive biological asset by using the fair value measurement model

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

24. Oil and Gas Assets

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

25. Right-of-use assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan     Currency:RMB
                   Items                              Buildings                         Total
 I. Original book value:
       1. Opening balance                                 56,116,227.00                       56,116,227.00
 2. Amount increased in the reporting
                                                            5,638,457.23                        5,638,457.23
 3. Amount decreased in the
                                                          12,186,841.29                       12,186,841.29
 reporting period
 (1) Disposal                                             12,186,841.29                       12,186,841.29
 4. Ending balance                                        49,567,842.94                       49,567,842.94
 II. Accumulative depreciation
 1. Opening balance
 2. Amount increased in the reporting
                                                          13,543,970.77                       13,543,970.77
 (1)   Depreciation provided
                                                          13,543,970.77                       13,543,970.77
 during the year
 3. Amount decreased in the
                                                            5,202,961.41                        5,202,961.41
 reporting period
                                                  129 / 187
                                               2021 Annual Report

 (1) Disposals                                             5,202,961.41                        5,202,961.41
 4. Ending balance                                         8,341,009.36                        8,341,009.36
 III. Provision for impairment
 1. Opening balance
 2. Amount increased in the reporting
 (1) Provision
 3. Amount decreased in the
 reporting period
 (1) Disposal
 4. Ending balance
 IV. Book value
        1.Book value at the end of the
                                                          41,226,833.58                      41,226,833.58
 reporting period
        2.Book value at the beginning of
                                                          56,116,227.00                      56,116,227.00
 the reporting period

26. Intangible assets

(1) About the intangible assets
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                   In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
           Items             Land use rights           Software       Trademarks                Total
 I. Original book value:
        1. Opening
                                 333,540,299.48       86,739,944.55       1,011,803.97       421,292,048.00
 2. Amount increased
                                                      39,140,380.39                           39,140,380.39
 in the reporting period
 (1)    Purchase                                       2,323,505.68                            2,323,505.68
 (2) Transfers from
 construction-in-                                     36,816,874.71                           36,816,874.71
        3. Amount
 decreased in the                  4,553,291.88        1,969,774.17                            6,523,066.05
 reporting period
 (1) Disposal                                          1,969,774.17                            1,969,774.17
 (2) Transferred into
                                   4,553,291.88                                                4,553,291.88
 investment properties
       4. Ending balance         328,987,007.60     123,910,550.77        1,011,803.97       453,909,362.34
 II. Accumulative amortization
 1. Opening balance               50,242,850.18       54,046,280.80        787,460.84        105,076,591.82
 2. Amount increased
                                   6,738,808.96       12,507,071.19         43,421.25         19,289,301.40
 in the reporting period

                                                   130 / 187
                                               2021 Annual Report

 (1) Amortisation
 provided during the               6,738,808.96       12,507,071.19     43,421.25       19,289,301.40
 3.Amount decreased
                                      622,283.21       1,908,311.90                      2,530,595.11
 in the reporting period
  (1) Disposal                                         1,908,311.90                      1,908,311.90
 (2) Transferred into
                                      622,283.21                                           622,283.21
 investment properties
 4. Ending balance                56,359,375.93       64,645,040.09    830,882.09      121,835,298.11
 III. Provision for impairment
 1. Opening balance
 2. Amount increased
 in the reporting period
 (1) Provision
 3.Amount decreased
 in the reporting period
 (1) Disposal
 4. Ending balance
 IV. Book value
        1.Book value at
 the end of the                  272,627,631.67       59,265,510.68    180,921.88      332,074,064.23
 reporting period
        2.Book value at
 the beginning of the            283,297,449.30       32,693,663.75    224,343.13      316,215,456.18
 reporting period

(2) About the land use rights without title certificate

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
    As at December 31, 2021, the net book value of the land use rights with restricted ownership was RMB
30,632,651.23 (December 31, 2020: RMB 31,385,913.15).
27. Development expenses

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

28. Goodwill

(1). Original book value of the goodwill

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2). Provision for impairment of the goodwill

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3). Relevant information of the assets group or portfolio of the assets groups where the goodwill
     is located

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                                   131 / 187
                                                    2021 Annual Report

  (4). Explain the confirmation method of goodwill impairment test process, key parameters (such
         as predicted period growth rate, stable period growth rate, profit margin, discount rate,
         predicted period, etc., if applicable) and goodwill impairment loss.

  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

  (5). Influence of goodwill impairment test

  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
  Other notes
  "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

  29. Long-term prepaid expenses

  "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                             In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
         Items             Opening                Amount                Amount        Other decrease    Ending balance
                            balance          increased in           amortized in
                                             the reporting          the reporting
                                                   period                period
                           2,049,861.61      13,100,727.52          1,898,421.12                         13,252,168.01
   Payment        for
   improvement             3,504,970.99       6,148,397.91          2,940,498.81                           6,712,870.09
   of the rented
   fixed assets
   Others                  6,247,250.64       6,593,714.77          3,411,684.88                           9,429,280.53
         Total          11,802,083.24        25,842,840.20          8,250,604.81                         29,394,318.63

  30. Deferred tax assets/liabilities

  (1) Deferred tax asset before being offset

  "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                             In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
                                             Ending balance                               Opening balance
                                      Deductible                                    Deductible
            Items                                            Deferred tax                              Deferred tax
                                      temporary                                     temporary
                                                                assets                                   Assets
                                   differences                                      differences
Deductible loss                   251,596,721.32              62,899,180.33         25,069,318.56       6,267,329.64
Deferred income                   118,883,340.46              23,421,534.15         95,775,195.25      23,943,798.81
Bad debt provision                 28,343,735.63               4,322,808.35         34,304,685.11       8,577,078.83
Provision of inventories              4,730,148.62               810,887.28           634,297.86         158,574.46
Depreciation book-tax
                                   23,503,828.28               5,875,957.07         17,266,262.52       4,316,565.63
difference of fixed assets
Provision for impairment
                                      3,220,013.50               483,002.03          5,519,051.35       1,379,762.84
of fixed assets

                                                            132 / 187
                                                 2021 Annual Report

Investment losses of
                                    29,920,457.76         7,480,114.44
Sales rebates and
                                   186,926,832.16        39,381,257.94         212,115,931.21        53,073,246.12
Accrued expenses                     7,155,963.27         1,073,394.49           7,170,508.20         1,792,627.05
book-tax difference based
on the new leases                    2,275,394.88           568,848.72
             Total                 656,556,435.88      146,316,984.80          397,855,250.06        99,508,983.38

  (2)   Deferred tax liabilities before being offset

  "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                           In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
                                                Ending balance                             Opening balance
                                          Taxable                                   Taxable
               Items                                         Deferred tax                                Deferred tax
                                         temporary                                 temporary
                                                              Liabilities                                 Liabilities
                                         differences                               differences
Accrued investment income
                                        234,362,931.94       57,782,106.18        162,218,448.75        40,515,420.96
from financial products
Accrued      fund possession fee
                                           642,997.45           122,469.75            599,354.95           149,838.74
of deferred payment
Investment profit or loss of
                                                                                    9,946,576.25          2,486,644.06
               Total                    235,005,929.39       57,904,575.93        172,764,379.95        43,151,903.76

  (3)   Net amount of deferred tax assets/liabilities after being offset

  "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                           In:Yuan    Currency:RMB
                                                                            Offset amount at         Net amount at
                                   Offset amount at      Net amount at
                                                                            the beginning of     the beginning of
               Items                the end of the       the end of the
                                                                               the reporting         the reporting
                                   reporting period    reporting period
                                                                                  period                period
   Deferred tax assets               57,473,351.49       88,843,633.31         43,143,163.50         56,365,819.88
   Deferred tax liability            57,473,351.49           431,224.44        43,143,163.50               8,740.26

  (4)   Statement of deferred tax assets not recognized

  "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                     Items                       Ending balance                         Opening balance
   Deductible temporary                                            12,860.00
   Deductible tax losses                                     16,775,342.31

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                                                              2021 Annual Report

                                Total                                     16,788,202.31

                 (5)   Unrecognised deferred tax assets arising from deductible tax losses will expire in the following

                 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                             Amount at the end of          Amount at the year
                           Year                                                                            Remarks
                                              the reporting period                beginning
                  To expire in 2026                    16,788,202.31
                           Total                       16,788,202.31                                              /

                 Other notes:
                 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                 31. Other non-current assets

                 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                        Ending balance                                        Opening balance
                          Book balance                  Book value               Book balance               Book value
Prepayment o
                           22,982,955.66                 22,982,955.66             10,177,347.51                 10,177,347.51
Prepayment of
equity                                                                            100,000,000.00                100,000,000.00
Prepayment of
                                                                                   18,944,601.00                 18,944,601.00
3-year fixed             4,919,789,013.4
                                                       4,919,789,013.47          3,273,348,328.77          3,273,348,328.77
deposit receipt                          7
         Total                                         4,942,771,969.13          3,402,470,277.28          3,402,470,277.28

                 Other notes:
                      On December 31, 2021, the Group issued bank acceptance notes with three-year fixed deposit
                 certificates of RMB 4,700,000,000.00 as the pledge (December 31, 2020: RMB 4,000,000,000.00).
                 32. Short-term borrowings

                 (1) Classification of short-term borrowings

                 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                 (2) Short-term borrowings overdue but still remaining outstanding

                 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                 Short-term borrowings overdue but still remaining outstanding
                 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                 Other notes
                                                                     134 / 187
                                             2021 Annual Report

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

33. Transactional financial liabilities

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

34. Derivative financial liabilities

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

35. Notes payable

(1)   Presentation of notes payable

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
        Categories                        Ending balance               Opening balance
 Bank acceptance notes                           4,926,337,711.40             4,555,247,953.70
              Total                              4,926,337,711.40             4,555,247,953.70

36. Accounts payable

(1) Presentation of accounts payable

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                Items                       Ending balance             Opening balance
 Within 1 year (with 1 year
                                                 2,125,159,471.49             1,370,223,440.28
 1 to 2 years (with 2 years
                                                     2,405,817.77                 7,991,541.59
 2 to 3 years (with 3 years
                                                     2,807,664.09                 2,039,922.64
 Over 3 years                                        1,740,418.19                 1,758,568.32
                Total                            2,132,113,371.54             1,382,013,472.83

(2) Significant accounts payable with age exceeding 1 year

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

37. Receipts in advance

(1) Presentation of receipts in advance

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                Items                         Ending balance            Opening balance
 Factory building rent                                 13,125,994.89
                 Total                                 13,125,994.89

(2) Significant receipts in advance with age exceeding 1 year

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes
                                                  135 / 187
                                                    2021 Annual Report

    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

    38. Contract liabilities

    (1)    About contract liabilities

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                     Items                          Ending balance                     Opening balance
     Advances from sales of goods                           286,324,441.22                        73,560,114.88
     Sales rebates                                          186,926,832.16                       212,115,931.21
     Advances from service                                    10,284,351.19                       32,794,963.80
                         Total                              483,535,624.57                       318,471,009.89

    (2)The amount involved in the significant change of the book value and the cause during the
           reporting period

    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
    Other notes:
    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
         On December 31, 2021, the balance of sales rebates payable that belonging to the parent company
    was RMB 101,065,324.67 (December 31, 2020: RMB 206,201,090.24)
    39. Employee benefits payable

    (1) Employee benefits payable

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                      Increase in the       Decrease in the
           Items                 Opening balance                                                 Ending balance
                                                      reporting period      reporting period
I. Short-term
employee                            89,154,510.59        959,578,506.59       935,510,336.39       113,222,680.79
II. Post-employment
benefits-defined                                          58,819,118.02        58,457,176.11           361,941.91
contribution plans
III. Dismissal
IV. Other benefit due
within a year
           Total                    89,154,510.59      1,018,397,624.61       993,967,512.50       113,584,622.70

    (2) Presentation of short term remuneration

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                          Opening         Increase in the     Decrease in the
                 Items                                                                            Ending balance
                                          balance        reporting period     reporting period

                                                        136 / 187
                                                    2021 Annual Report

I. Wages or salaries, bonuses,                            833,070,996.84          809,255,551.34      108,967,463.73
allowances and subsidies
II. Staff welfare                     3,270,388.21          74,038,140.06          73,738,055.08        3,570,473.19
III. Social security contributions        460,721.07        33,281,180.36          33,559,789.88          182,111.55
Including: Medical insurance              460,721.07        29,287,253.70          29,589,817.93          158,156.84
Work injury insurance                                        2,133,966.58           2,111,611.47             22,355.11
Maternity insurance                                          1,859,960.08           1,858,360.48              1,599.60
IV. Housing fund                          233,279.00        18,516,710.22          18,368,649.22          381,340.00
V. Union running costs and                                     671,479.11             588,290.87          121,292.32
employee education costs
               Total                 89,154,510.59        959,578,506.59          935,510,336.39      113,222,680.79

    (3) Presentation of the defined contribution plan

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                          Opening         Increase in the        Decrease in the
                    Items                                                                           Ending balance
                                          balance        reporting period        reporting period
      1. Pension insurance                                  57,022,942.01         56,673,119.73        349,822.28
      2. Unemployment                                        1,796,176.01          1,784,056.38          12,119.63
                    Total                                   58,819,118.02         58,457,176.11        361,941.91

    Other notes:
    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

    40. Payable taxes

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Items                         Ending balance                        Opening balance
      Value-added tax                                           3,743,717.32                          1,144,240.40
      Corporate income tax                                    47,385,304.15                          19,957,439.86
      Personal income tax                                       2,287,395.24                          1,626,471.67
      Urban maintenance and
                                                                    512,943.01                           87,633.27
      construction tax
      Land appreciation tax                                         631,354.38                         527,983.81
      Stamp duty                                                1,114,037.62                           313,191.88
      Education Surcharge                                           389,398.48                           62,595.15
      Others                                                    2,237,337.37                          2,258,364.69
                       Total                                  58,301,487.57                          25,977,920.73

    41. Other payables

    Items Presentation

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB

                                                        137 / 187
                                        2021 Annual Report

                 Items                      Ending balance                      Opening balance
 Interest payable
 Dividends payable
 Other payables                                      478,360,431.77                      446,629,221.36
                  Total                              478,360,431.77                      446,629,221.36
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Interest payable

(1)   Presentation of classification

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Dividends payable

(2)   Presentation of classification

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Other payables

(1) Other payables stated based on nature of fund

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                   In:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Items                    Ending balance                         Opening balance
 Deposits                                       290,556,463.25                           276,485,952.86
 Payable of equipment &
                                                 12,069,100.76                            15,236,343.47
 engineering projects
 Expenses accrued                                45,047,280.28                           114,024,247.76
 Daily expenses                                  17,804,187.48                            18,882,677.27
 Government subsidy to be
 Money for subscription of
 restricted shares
               Total                            478,360,431.77                           446,629,221.36

(2) Significant other payables with age exceeding 1 year

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                   In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                        Cause of failure in repayment or
               Items                    Ending balance
 Security deposit of suppliers                                      The cash pledge has not been
                                                145,402,393.02      refunded as the cooperation is
                                                                    going on
 Security deposit of distributors                                   The cash pledge has not been
                                                    47,411,457.50   refunded as the cooperation is
                                                                    going on
               Total                            192,813,850.52      /
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                                             138 / 187
                                              2021 Annual Report

42. Held-for-sale liabilities

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

43. Non-current liabilities due within a year

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Items                          Ending balance                    Opening balance
 Lease liabilities due within one
                                                           5,923,801.00                      9,424,674.23
               Total                                       5,923,801.00                      9,424,674.23

44. Other current liabilities

About other current liabilities
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Items                          Ending balance                    Opening balance
 Pending output VAT                                       39,990,259.74                    12,219,830.60
               Total                                      39,990,259.74                    12,219,830.60
Increase/decrease of the short term bonds payable:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

45. Long-term borrowings

(1) Classification of long-term borrowings

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     Other notes, including the interest rate interval:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
46. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2)Increase/Decrease of bonds payable (excluding other financial instruments classified as
     financial liabilities, such as preferred shares, perpetual bonds, etc.)

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3) Note to the conditions and time of share conversion of convertible company bonds

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(4) Note to other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
     Basic information on the outstanding other financial instruments, including preferred shares, perpetual
bonds, etc. at the end of the reporting period
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     Statement of movement of the outstanding other financial instruments, including preferred shares,
perpetual bonds, etc. at the end of the reporting period
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     Note to the basis of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Other notes:

                                                   139 / 187
                                                       2021 Annual Report

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       47. Lease liabilities

       "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                 In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                         Items                            Ending balance                       Opening balance
        Lease liabilities                                           46,589,311.07                       51,927,894.44
                         Total                                      46,589,311.07                       51,927,894.44

       48. Long-term accounts payable

       Items Presentation

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
            Other notes:
       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       Long-term accounts payable

       (1) Long term accounts payable stated based on the nature

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       Special accounts payable

       (2) Special accounts payable stated based on the nature

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       49. Long term payroll payable to the employees

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       50. Predicted liabilities

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       51. Deferred income

       About deferred income
       "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                 In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                  Decrease in
                            Opening          Increase in the                                               Cause of
          Items                                                   the reporting      Ending balance
                            balance          reporting period                                              formation
      Government                                                                                        Related with
                         73,775,195.25        50,960,200.08       5,852,054.87       118,883,340.46
      subsidies                                                                                         assets
          Total          73,775,195.25        50,960,200.08       5,852,054.87       118,883,340.46              /

              Items involving government subsidies:
       "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

                                                                                                 In:Yuan Currency:RMB

                                                        Amount           Amount
                                       Amount of                                                                     Related with
                     Opening                            counted         counted to     Other          Ending
Liabilities                           newly added                                                                    assets/related
                     balance                             to the         the other     changes         balance
                                      subsidy in the                                                                  with income
                                                          non-          income in
                                                            140 / 187
                                                 2021 Annual Report

                                   reporting     operating   the reporting
                                    period        income          period
                                                   in the
Subsidy of
infrastructure                                                                                Related   with
                  17,488,570.58                                  410,542.44   17,078,028.14
construction to                                                                               assets
Henan Aima
Subsidy for
asset purchase                                                                                Related   with
                   1,333,333.32                                  111,111.12    1,222,222.20
by Jiangsu                                                                                    assets
Subsidy for
technology                                                                                    Related   with
                   1,463,855.09    246,000.00                    724,592.16     985,262.93
improvement to                                                                                assets
Jiangsu Aima
Subsidy for
construction of
high standard                                                                                 Related   with
                    394,736.91                                    26,315.76     368,421.15
factory                                                                                       assets
buildings to
Jiangsu Aima
Subsidy of
equipment and
                                                                                              Related   with
production line     733,333.42                                   399,999.96     333,333.46
to Aima
Subsidy for
                                                                                              Related   with
improvement to       60,352.78    1,500,000.00                    86,049.70    1,474,303.08
Subsidy of
equipment for
                                                                                              Related   with
treatment of       6,253,333.51                              1,119,999.96      5,133,333.55
baking varnish
waste gas to
Subsidy of                                                                                    Related   with
                  29,210,576.59                                  743,568.96   28,467,007.63
infrastructure                                                                                assets

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                                                        2021 Annual Report

construction to
Subsidy of
infrastructure                                                                                       Related   with
                     13,164,341.37                                      288,270.24   12,876,071.13
construction to                                                                                      assets
Tianjin Aima
Subsidy of
                                                                                                     Related   with
substation               889,994.40                                      96,215.64     793,778.76
cables to
Tianjin Aima
subsidy for
                                                                                                     Related   with
intelligent            1,960,000.00        840,000.00                   318,735.88    2,481,264.12
to Tianjin Aima
Subsidy for
technology                                                                                           Related   with
                         486,265.49        189,542.24                   130,565.49     545,242.24
improvement to                                                                                       assets
Henan Aima
Subsidy for
technology                                                                                           Related   with
                         336,501.79                                      53,325.00     283,176.79
improvement to                                                                                       assets
Zhejiang Aima
Subsidy of
equipment and
                                                                                                     Related   with
production line                         22,000,000.00               1,342,762.56     20,657,237.44
to Guangxi
Subsidy of
                                                                                                     Related   with
construction to                         21,000,000.00                                21,000,000.00
                                                                                                     Related   with
policy fund to                           5,184,657.84                                 5,184,657.84

            Other notes:

            "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                                            142 / 187
                                                     2021 Annual Report

        52. Other non-current liabilities

        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

        53. Share capital

        "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                               In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                       Increase/Decrease (+/ -)
                        Opening                                                                         Ending
                                         Shares      Bonus      surplus
                        balance                                            Others      Sub-total        balance
                                         issued      shares    reserves
                                                               turned to
                      338,660,003      65,000,000                                     65,000,000      403,660,003
            Other notes:
            On May 20, 2021, with the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission by the “Official
        Reply on Approving the Initial Public Offering of AIMA Technology Group Co,. LTD." (Zheng Jian Xu Ke
        [2021] No. 1775), the Company approved the public issuance of RMB common shares no more than
        65,000,000 shares. The Company raised total proceeds amounting to RMB 1,810,900,000.00 from this
        public offering; after deduction of the issuance expenses (with taxes and duties exclusive), the net proceeds
        amounted to RMB 1,680,863,800.00, of which RMB 65,000,000.00 was included in the share capital and
        RMB 1,615,863,800.00 was included in the capital reserves.
        54. Other equity instruments

        (1) Basic information on the outstanding other financial instruments, including preferred shares,
             perpetual bonds, etc. at the end of the reporting period

        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

        (2)Statement of movement of the outstanding other financial instruments, including preferred
             shares, perpetual bonds, etc. at the end of the reporting period

        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
             Note to their increase/decrease and the cause(s) of their movement of other equity instruments in the
        reporting period and the basis for the corresponding accounting treatment:
        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
             Other notes:
        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

        55.Capital reserves

        "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                               In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                       Increase in the      Decrease in the
             Items                Opening balance                                                  Ending balance
                                                       reporting period     reporting period
Capital premium (capital
                                    183,060,484.43    1,615,863,800.00                            1,798,924,284.43
stock premium)
Change of the
shareholders’ equity                -1,085,051.73            204,145.67                               -880,906.06
Share-based payment                 137,643,460.94                                                 137,643,460.94
Total                               319,618,893.64    1,616,067,945.67                            1,935,686,839.31
                                                         143 / 187
                                             2021 Annual Report

56.Treasury shares

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

57.Other comprehensive income

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

58.Special reserves

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

59.Surplus reserves

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
        Items          Opening balance       Increase in the       Decrease in the         Ending balance
                                             reporting period      reporting period
Statutory surplus
                            189,936,412.55       11,893,588.95                               201,830,001.50
Total                       189,936,412.55       11,893,588.95                               201,830,001.50

60. Retained earnings

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                    Items                         Reporting period                    Previous period
 Retained earnings at the end of the
 previous period before the                            1,781,546,043.16                   1,183,021,458.81
 Total retained earnings under
 adjustment at the beginning of the
 reporting year (adjustment up +,
 adjustment down -)
 After adjustment: Retained earnings
 at the beginning of the reporting                     1,781,546,043.16                   1,183,021,458.81
   Plus: Net profit attributable      to
                                                         663,998,092.90                     598,524,584.35
   owners of the parent
 Less: Appropriation to statutory
 surplus reserves
 Appropriation to discretionary surplus
 Appropriation to general risks
 Cash dividends declared
 Dividends converted to capital
 Retained earnings at the end of the
                                                       2,433,650,547.11                   1,781,546,043.16
 reporting period
    Statement of adjustment of retained earnings at the beginning of the reporting period:
    1. The amount involved in the retroactive adjustment according to the ASBEs and the relevant new
provisions influencing the retained earnings at the beginning of the reporting period was RMB 0.00.

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                                                 2021 Annual Report

     2. The amount involved in change of the accounting policy influencing the retained earnings at the
beginning of the reporting period was RMB 0.00.
     3. The amount involved in correction of the significant accounting errors influencing the retained
earnings at the beginning of the reporting period was RMB0.00.
     4. The amount involved in change of the consolidation scope caused by the common control
influencing the retained earnings at the beginning of the reporting period was RMB0.00.
     5. The total amount involved in other adjustments influencing the retained earnings at the beginning of
the reporting period was RMB0.00 .
61.Operating revenue and cost of sales

(1)     Operating revenue and costs of sales

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Amount incurred in the reporting period        Amount incurred in the previous period
                            Income                    Cost                 Income                 Cost
                      15,264,913,767.38       13,491,387,679.85       12,788,815,457.84     11,337,825,139.93
                          133,797,103.34          102,218,349.71        115,770,641.27          93,396,842.34
      Total           15,398,710,870.72       13,593,606,029.56       12,904,586,099.11     11,431,221,982.27

(2)Revenue arising from contracts

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency: RMB
                   Classification of Contracts                                      Total
 Types of commodities
 Revenue from       electric bicycles, electric Tricycle,
 bicycles and accessories
 Other revenue                                                                                 94,963,766.47
 Classification based on the operation regions
 Domestic                                                                                   15,186,584,619.80
 Overseas                                                                                     173,292,914.05
 Time classification based on transfer of commodities
 Sales of goods                                                                             15,264,913,767.38
 Revenue from materials                                                                        68,885,569.41
 Others                                                                                          6,634,992.65
 After-sale service revenue                                                                    19,443,204.41
 Total                                                                                      15,359,877,533.85

Description of revenue arising from contracts
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Information about the Group’s performance obligations

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     1) Sales of goods
                                                     145 / 187
                                             2021 Annual Report

     The performance obligation is satisfied upon delivery of the products to customers. For sales by
distributors, most customers need to prepay the price, and the contract price for some customers usually
expires within 1 year after delivery of the product.
     2) After-sale service
     The performance obligation is satisfied over time as services are rendered. The duration of the after-
sales service contract is 1 year, and the settlement is based on the time of occurrence, and customers
usually need to pay in advance before the after-sales service is provided.

(4)   Information about apportioning to the residual performance obligations

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     At the end of the reporting period, the amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations
of the contracts which have been signed, but not yet performed or not yet completed is RMB
     Other notes:
     The revenue recognized in the current year included in the book value of contract liabilities at the
beginning of the year is as follows:
                                                                                   In: Yuan Currency: RMB
              Items                              2021                                   2020
Sales of goods                                        106,355,078.68                           171,836,397.15

62.Taxes and surcharges

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Amount incurred in the reporting      Amount incurred in the previous
                                                  period                                period
 Urban maintenance and
                                                        13,946,140.59                          14,707,842.02
 construction tax
 Education Surcharge                                       6,192,599.61                          6,398,032.22
 Local education Surcharge                                 4,128,399.74                          4,265,354.81
 Real estate tax                                        17,876,192.00                          15,787,632.66
 Land use tax                                              3,534,624.49                          3,142,517.23
 Tax on using vehicle and boat                                53,600.04                            56,250.77
 Stamp duty                                                9,890,360.61                          8,077,288.71
 Others                                                     526,668.97                            191,048.40
                Total                                   56,148,586.05                          52,625,966.82

63.Selling expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                              Amount incurred in the             Amount incurred in the
                                                 reporting period                    previous period
 Employee benefits                                         257,554,844.33                   138,866,037.03
 Advertisement and propaganda
                                                           111,889,907.42                   103,467,658.68
 Business travel expenses                                   35,916,040.16                      49,683,131.11
 Transportation expenses                                    41,223,042.77                      35,406,642.89
 Consulting service                                         41,336,729.66                      25,175,036.70
 Others                                                     62,684,726.64                      46,186,351.83
                   Total                                   550,605,290.98                   398,784,858.24
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                                             2021 Annual Report

64. Administrative expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                       Items                       Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the
                                                       reporting period              previous period
 Employee benefits                                             150,147,109.18             146,810,988.81
 Depreciation and amortization                                  58,312,277.30              47,262,407.94
 Consulting services                                            37,096,614.25              13,434,863.34
 Others                                                         71,038,597.63              58,042,864.56
                       Total                                   316,594,598.36             265,551,124.65

65.Research and development expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                   Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the
                                                       reporting period              previous period
 Employee benefits                                             154,206,183.20              86,391,463.83
 Depreciation and amortization                                  52,553,979.40              36,445,717.09
 Professional service fees                                     179,006,416.22             103,844,878.60
 Others                                                         18,317,549.09              12,758,103.00
                       Total                                   404,084,127.91             239,440,162.52

66.Financial expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                   Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the
                                                       reporting period              previous period
 Interest income                                              -264,701,993.37            -150,694,536.85
 Interest expenses                                                1,869,959.31             10,954,710.98
 Service charge expenses                                          1,164,295.65              2,305,591.69
 Foreign exchange differences                                      534,069.84               2,338,295.06
                       Total                                  -261,133,668.57            -135,095,939.12

67.Other income

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Items                  Amount incurred in the reporting    Amount incurred in the previous
                                                  period                              period
 Government subsidies related
 to the ordinary course of                             20,852,054.87                       28,975,492.28
 Fees refunded for individual
 income tax withheld
 Others                                                      524,226.45                        160,854.63
               Total                                   22,672,276.61                       29,136,346.91

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Other notes:
Government subsidies related to daily activities included in other income
                                                 Amount incurred     Amount incurred
                                                                                           Related with
                    Items                         in the reporting    in the previous
                                                      period                period
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                                 Related with
                                                       743,568.96            743,568.96
 Aima Technology                                                                              assets
 Subsidy of environmental protection
 equipment for treatment of baking varnish           1,119,999.96           1,119,999.96   Related with
 waste gas to Aima Technology                                                                 assets
 Subsidy of equipment and production line                                                  Related with
                                                       399,999.96            399,999.96
 to Aima Technology                                                                           assets
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                                     Related with
                                                        86,049.70             24,141.48
 Aima Technology                                                                              assets
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                                 Related with
                                                       288,270.24            288,270.24
 Tianjin Vehicle                                                                              assets
 Subsidy of transformer substation cables to                                               Related with
 Tianjin Aima                                                                                 assets
 Subsidy for intelligent manufacturing to                                                  Related with
                                                       318,735.88              8,017.97
 Tianjin Aima                                                                                 assets
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                                 Related with
                                                       410,542.44            410,542.44
 Henan Aima                                                                                   assets
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                                     Related with
                                                       130,565.49            115,718.04
 Henan Aima                                                                                   assets
 Subsidy for asset purchase by Jiangsu                                                     Related with
                                                       111,111.12            111,111.12
 Aima                                                                                         assets
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                                     Related with
                                                       724,592.16            589,042.10
 Jiangsu Aima                                                                                 assets
 Subsidy for construction of high standard                                                 Related with
                                                        26,315.76             26,315.76
 factory buildings to Jiangsu Aima                                                            assets
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                                     Related with
                                                        53,325.00             79,764.25
 Zhejiang Aima                                                                                assets
                                                                                           Related with
 Logistics subsidy to Guangxi Aima                                                            income
 Investment construction subsidy to                                                        Related with
 Guangxi Aima                                                                                 assets
 Intelligent manufacture subsidy to Aima                                                   Related with
 Technology                                                                                   income
 Industrial development economy subsidy to                                                 Related with
 Jiangsu Aima                                                                                 income
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                                 Related with
 Zhejiang Aima                                                                                income
                    Total                          20,852,054.87        28,975,492.28

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                                           2021 Annual Report

68.Investment income

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                      Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in
                                                          reporting period             the previous period
 Long-term equity investment income under
                                                                   -39,867,033.98            10,372,839.35
 the equity method
 Gains from disposal of long-term equity
 Return on investment during the holding of
 financial assets held for trading
 Return on investment from financial products                       21,896,185.97            61,478,357.15
                       Total                                       -16,374,983.63            71,851,196.50

69. Net exposure hedge income

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

70. Fair value gains or losses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
     Source of income arising from            Amount incurred in the             Amount incurred in the
          change in fair value                   reporting period                    previous period
 Financial assets held for trading                           9,978,187.68                    12,219,498.91
                  Total                                      9,978,187.68                    12,219,498.91

71. Credit impairment losses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                Amount incurred in the            Amount incurred in the
                                                   reporting period                   previous period
 Impairment loss for accounts
                                                              7,759,504.13                    -4,130,673.81
 Impairment loss for other receivables                       -1,798,647.87                       8,096,605.49
                   Total                                      5,960,856.26                       3,965,931.68

72. Impairment losses of assets

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                           Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the previous
                                                reporting period                        period
 I. Loss from impairment of assets
 II. Loss for write-down of inventories
 and Impairment loss for contract                      -6,516,185.89                              -679,328.75
 III. Impairment loss for long-term
 equity investments

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                                                  2021 Annual Report

     IV. Impairment loss for investment
     V.   Impairment loss for fixed assets                   -5,041,216.09
     VI. Impairment loss for engineering
     VII. Impairment loss for construction
     in progress
     VIII. Impairment loss for productive
     biological asset
     IX. Impairment loss for oil and gas
     X. Impairment loss for intangible
     XI. Impairment loss for goodwill
     XII. Others
                        Total                               -11,557,401.98                               -679,328.75

    73. Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                           Amount incurred in the reporting      Amount incurred in the previous
                                                        period                                  period
     Loss on disposal of fixed assets                       -10,592,015.11                           -4,371,284.89
                    Total                                   -10,592,015.11                           -4,371,284.89

    74. Non-operating income

    About non-operating income
    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                           Amount counted to the
                                           Amount incurred in        Amount incurred in
                   Items                                                                   current non-operating
                                           the reporting period      the previous period
                                                                                                   profit or loss
    Government subsidies                        11,622,656.94             12,688,689.53                  11,622,656.94
    Liquidated damage income                      8,483,131.36             4,474,161.12                   8,483,131.36
    Others                                      10,581,706.10              8,972,908.02                  10,581,706.10
                   Total                        30,687,494.40             26,135,758.67                  30,687,494.40
    Government subsidy counted to the profit or loss.
    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                 Amount incurred in         Related with
                                                        Amount incurred in
                   Subsidy items                                                    the previous            assets/related
                                                       the reporting period
                                                                                       period                with income
                                                                  4,975,484.71         6,319,781.27        Related with
Subsidy for stabilizing employment

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                                                 2021 Annual Report

                                                                               1,810,000.00   Related with
Fund for air pollution prevention and control
                                                                               1,000,000.00   Related with
Well-known trademark award to Aima Group
Guangdong special technology improvement                                        979,300.00    Related with
fund                                                                                          income
                                                                                848,400.00    Related with
Tianjin Vehicle R&D Award
                                                                                500,000.00    Related with
Jiangsu Party Construction engineering subsidy
                                                                                300,000.00    Related with
Zhejiang Aima Quality Award
Tianjin Vehicle “One Belt One Road”Special                                    300,000.00    Related with
Subsidy                                                                                       income
Guangxi Work and Production Resumption                                          145,395.26    Related with
Financial Subsidy                                                                             income
                                                                                120,000.00    Related with
Foreign trade special fund
                                                                 505,000.00                   Related with
Vocational skill training subsidy
                                                            3,000,000.00                      Related with
Special subsidy for listing to Aima Group
Special technology improvement fund for                          738,000.00                   Related with
economic high quality development to                                                          income
Guangdong Aima
Subsidy from the Science and Technology                          500,000.00                   Related with
Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous                                                       income
Jiangsu Industry Transformation and Upgrading                    500,000.00                   Related with
Fund                                                                                          income
Guangdong Key Industry Enterprise Market                         386,100.00                   Related with
Development and Support Project Fund                                                          income
                                                                 170,000.00                   Related with
Jiangsu Financial Talents Subsidy
Award fund for supporting enterprises to                         169,700.00                   Related with
strengthen income scale granted by the                                                        income
Commerce Bureau of Taizhou City, Jiangsu
Modern Industry Development Fund Subsidy                         150,000.00                   Related with
granted by the Industry and Information Bureau                                                income
of Xishan District
                                                                 528,372.23     365,813.00    Related with
Other government subsidies
                       Total                               11,622,656.94      12,688,689.53
                                                     151 / 187
                                               2021 Annual Report

      Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

75. Non-operating expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                               Amount counted to
                                      Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the       the current non-
                                         reporting period               previous period         operating profit or
 Total losses on damage and
 retirement of non-current                       2,121,076.58                4,570,090.57             2,121,076.58
 Where: Loss on disposal of
 fixed assets
 Loss on disposal of intangible
 Product responsibility
 Donation expenditures for
                                                 3,987,935.98                  571,200.00             3,987,935.98
 public interest
 Others                                          5,217,685.30                2,629,673.62             5,217,685.30
                Total                           11,326,697.86               11,236,658.62            11,326,697.86

76. Income tax expenses

(1)   Statement of income tax expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                               Amount incurred in the             Amount incurred in the
                                                  reporting period                    previous period
 Current tax                                              122,717,324.96                       169,034,882.19
 Deferred tax                                             -32,184,981.35                           203,731.89
                   Total                                    90,532,343.61                      169,238,614.08

(2)   Process of adjustment of accounting profit and income tax expenses

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                            Amount incurred in
                                                                                           the reporting period
 Total profit                                                                                  758,253,622.80
 Tax at the statutory or applicable tax rate                                                   189,563,405.70
 Effect of different tax rates for some subsidiaries                                           -49,706,425.11
 Adjustments in respect of current tax of previous periods                                       -2,268,976.88
 Income not subject to tax

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                                             2021 Annual Report

 Expenses not deductible for tax                                                                410,123.73
 The effect of using deductible losses of deferred income tax assets that have
 not been recognized in the previous period
 Influence from the offsetable provisional difference or offsetable loss of the               1,038,073.64
 unrecognized deferred income tax asset at the end of the reporting period
 Effect on opening deferred tax of change in the tax rate                                     6,025,294.75
 Tax preferences such as additional deduction for R&D expenses                              -54,529,152.22
 Income tax expenses                                                                         90,532,343.61
     Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

77. Other comprehensive income

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

78. Cash Flow Statement Items

(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                              Amount incurred in the              Amount incurred in the
                                                 reporting period                    previous period
Government subsidy and money in
                                                            57,403,078.76                    31,784,756.53
connection with government subsidy
Liquidated damage income                                      8,483,131.36                    4,474,161.12
Collection of security deposit and
                                                            13,500,510.39                    21,045,105.85
advance payment
Bank deposit interest                                       69,232,716.23                    19,490,130.78
Others                                                        3,096,032.13                   26,357,530.06
                 Total                                   151,715,468.87                     103,151,684.34

(2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                              Amount incurred in the              Amount incurred in the
                                                 reporting period                    previous period
 Selling expense paid in cash                            250,325,799.04                     220,637,469.28
 Administrative expenses and R&D
                                                         272,875,287.80                     180,473,781.64
 expenses paid in cash
 Bank service charge paid                                     1,164,295.68                    4,155,143.01
 Others                                                   19,577,211.88                       6,095,368.05
                    Total                                543,942,594.40                     411,361,761.98

(3) Other cash received relating to investment activities

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB

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                                                  2021 Annual Report

                                                     Amount incurred in the            Amount incurred in the
                                                         reporting period                 previous period
     Recovery of the prepayment for
     strategic equity placement
                      Total                                        16,002,100.00

    (4)Other cash paid relating to investment activities

    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

    (5)Other cash received relating to financing activities

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                        Amount incurred in the
                   Items                   Amount incurred in the reporting period
                                                                                            previous period
     Bank acceptance notes
                   Total                                                                        466,996,028.88

    (6)Other cash paid relating to financing activities

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                     Amount incurred in the            Amount incurred in the
                                                         reporting period                 previous period
     Note margin                                                                                  89,676,583.08
     Listing expenses                                               4,171,533.23
     Cash flow out relating to long term
     rented assets
     Purchase of the non-controlling
                                                                    3,694,101.00                   2,505,000.00
                      Total                                        17,292,740.74                  92,181,583.08

    79. Notes to the statement of cash flows

    (1) Notes to the statement of cash flows

    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                          In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                     Amount in the          Amount in the previous
                 Supplementary information
                                                                    reporting period                period
1. Reconciliation of profit to net cash flows from operating activities:
Net profit                                                             667,721,279.19                609,840,790.06
Plus: Provisions for asset impairment                                   11,557,401.98                       679,328.75
Loss from impairment of credit                                          -5,960,856.26                  -3,965,931.68
Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas
                                                                       183,522,689.28                159,287,836.12
asset, depreciation of productive biological asset
Amortization of right-of-use assets                                     13,543,970.77

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Amortization of intangible assets                                          19,289,301.40             15,323,888.80
Depreciation and amortization of investment property                       15,837,165.34               8,062,151.75
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                                  8,250,604.81               5,175,941.07
Loss (income is stated in “-”) from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                           12,713,091.69               8,941,375.46
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Loss on retirements of fixed assets (profit is stated with
Loss from change of fair value (profit is stated with “-”)               -9,978,187.68             -12,219,498.91
Financial expenses (income is stated with “-”)                       -168,283,587.71              -104,172,960.08
Investment loss (income is stated with “-”)                              16,374,983.63             -71,851,196.50
Decrease of the deferred tax asset (increase is stated                    -32,477,813.43                207,165.26
with “_”)
Increase of deferred tax liability      (decrease is stated with             422,484.18                      -3,433.37
Decrease of inventories (Increase is stated with “-”)                -307,454,125.14               47,999,404.48
Decrease in receivables from operating                                                              -722,391,606.16
activities (Increase is stated with “-”)                            241,903,721.53
Increase in payables from operating activities (Decrease              1,427,205,250.39             1,213,666,589.72
is stated with “-”)
Net cash flows arising from operating activities                      2,094,187,373.97

2. Significant investment and financing activities with no cash income and expenses involved:
Capital converted from liabilities
Convertible company bonds due within a year
Fixed assets under finance lease
3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:
Ending cash balance                                                   2,846,143,310.70              978,700,802.48
Less: Opening balance of cash                                             978,700,802.48             16,448,532.31
Plus: Ending balance of cash equivalent
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalent
Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                             1,867,442,508.22              962,252,270.17

         (2)Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary in the reporting period

         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

         (3)Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary in the reporting period

         "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

         (4)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

         "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                              Items                            Ending balance              Opening balance

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                                               2021 Annual Report

 I. Cash                                                        2,846,143,310.70                978,700,802.48
 Including: Cash in stock
      Bank deposit available for payment at
                                                                2,846,143,310.70                978,700,802.48
 any time
      Other monetary fund used for
 payment at any time
      Due from central bank available for
      Due from banks
      Call loan to banks
 II. Cash equivalents
 Including: bond investment due within
 three months
 III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                2,846,143,310.70                978,700,802.48
    Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

80. Notes to items of statement of change in owner’s equity
     Note to the description of item “Others” and adjusted amounts for adjusting the closing balance of the
previous year:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

81. Assets restricted in ownership or use right

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                         In:Yuan Currency:RMB
             Items                    Book value at the end of the                 Cause of restriction
                                            reporting period
 Fixed asset                                         51,854,177.47       Collateral used for bank credit
 Intangible assets                                   30,632,651.23       Collateral used for bank credit
 Transactional financial                                                 Pledge for issuing bank acceptance
 assets                                                                  draft
 Other non-current assets                                                Pledge for issuing bank acceptance
             Total                                5,172,486,828.70                          /
     Other notes:
     (1) As of December 31, 2021, the Company had no deposit for bank acceptance notes (December 31,
2020: RMB 269,196,678.00)
     On December 31, 2021, the Company issued bank acceptance notes with financial products
amounting to RMB 390,000,000.00 as the pledge (December 31, 2020: RMB 280,000,000.00).
     (3) As of December 31, 2021, the Company acquired bank credit line amounting to RMB
300,000,000.00 from Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Wuxi Xidong Sub-branch for Jiangsu Aima by
pledging the housing and building of Henan Aima Vehicle Co.,Ltd. with net book value of RMB
51,854,177.47 (December 31, 2020: RMB 56,311,395.08) and its land use rights with value of RMB
30,632,651.23 (December 31, 2020: RMB 31,385,913.15) and guarantee by the Company.
     (4) As of December 31, 2021, the Company issued bank acceptance notes with a three-year fixed
deposit certificate of RMB 4,700,000,000.00 as the pledge (December 31, 2020: RMB 3,200,000,000.00).
     (5) As of December 31, 2021, the Company have not issued bank acceptance notes with a three-year
fixed deposit certificate as the pledge(December 31, 2020: RMB 800,000,000.00).

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82. Foreign currency monetary items
     (1) Foreign currency monetary items
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     (2) Note to overseas operating entities, including important overseas operating entities, which
should be disclosed about its principal business place, function currency for bookkeeping and basis for the
choice. In case of any change in function currency, the cause should be disclosed.
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

83. Hedging

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

84. Government subsidies

(1)   Basic information of government subsidies

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                   Categories                             Amount                           counted to the
                                                                                            profit or loss
 Subsidy for stabilizing employment                        4,975,484.71     operating        4,975,484.71
 Vocational skill training subsidy                             505,000.00   operating          505,000.00
 Special subsidy for listing to Aima Group                 3,000,000.00     operating        3,000,000.00
 Special     technology      improvement     for                              Non-
 economic     high-quality    development     to               738,000.00   operating          738,000.00
 Guangdong Aima                                                              income
 Subsidy from the Science and Technology                                      Non-
 Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous                       500,000.00   operating          500,000.00
 Region                                                                      income
 Jiangsu     Industry     Transformation     and
                                                               500,000.00   operating          500,000.00
 Upgrading Fund
 Guangdong Key Industry Enterprise Market
                                                               386,100.00   operating          386,100.00
 Development and Support Project
 Jiangsu Financial Talents Subsidy                             170,000.00   operating          170,000.00
 Award fund for supporting enterprises to
 strengthen income scale granted by the
                                                               169,700.00   operating          169,700.00
 Commerce Bureau of Taizhou City, Jiangsu

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 Modern Industry Development Fund Subsidy                                     Non-
 granted by the Industry and Information                       150,000.00   operating     150,000.00
 Bureau of Xishan District                                                   income
 Other government subsidies                                    528,372.23   operating     528,372.23
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                   Other
                                                               743,568.96                 743,568.96
 Aima Technology                                                             income
 Subsidy     of    environmental      protection
 equipment for treatment of baking varnish                 1,119,999.96                  1,119,999.96
 waste gas to Aima Technology
 Subsidy of equipment and production line to                                 Other
                                                               399,999.96                 399,999.96
 Aima Technology                                                             income
 Subsidy for technology improvement to Aima                                  Other
                                                                86,049.70                  86,049.70
 Technology                                                                  income
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                   Other
                                                               288,270.24                 288,270.24
 Tianjin Vehicle                                                             income
 Subsidy of transformer substation cables to                                 Other
                                                                96,215.64                  96,215.64
 Tianjin Aima                                                                income
 Subsidy for intelligent manufacturing to                                    Other
                                                               318,735.88                 318,735.88
 Tianjin Aima                                                                income
 Subsidy of infrastructure construction to                                   Other
                                                               410,542.44                 410,542.44
 Henan Aima                                                                  income
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                       Other
                                                               130,565.49                 130,565.49
 Henan Aima                                                                  income
 Subsidy for asset purchase by Jiangsu Aima                    111,111.12                 111,111.12
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                       Other
                                                               724,592.16                 724,592.16
 Jiangsu Aima                                                                income
 Subsidy for construction of high standard                                   Other
                                                                26,315.76                  26,315.76
 factory buildings to Jiangsu Aima                                           income
 Subsidy for technology improvement to                                       Other
                                                                53,325.00                  53,325.00
 Zhejiang Aima                                                               income
 Logistics subsidy to Guangxi Aima                        15,000,000.00                 15,000,000.00
 Investment construction subsidy to Guangxi                                  Other
                                                           1,342,762.56                  1,342,762.56
 Aima                                                                        income
                      Total                               32,474,711.81                 32,474,711.81

(2). Refunding of the government subsidies

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

85. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

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                                                   2021 Annual Report

    VIII. Change in The Consolidation Scope

    1.    Applicable or not: Business consolidation not under the same control

    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

    2.    Business consolidation under the same control

    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

    3. Counter purchase

    "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

    4. Disposal of subsidiaries
         Does there exist any such situation that a single disposal may cause the control power over the
    investment in a subsidiary lost?
    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                   In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                     between the
                                                                    disposal price
                                                                    and the share
                                                                        of the                            Book
                                                                                      Percentage                      Fair value
                                                                     subsidiary's                       value of
                                                      Time-                              of the                         of the
                        Equity                                      net assets at                          the
                                        Way of        point of                         remaining                      remaining
 Names of              disposal                                           the                          remaining
               Sh                       equity        loss of                           equity at                     equity at
subsidiaries           proportion                                    consolidated                      equity at
                                       disposal       control                         the date of                     the date
                          (%)                                          financial                        the date
                                                      power                              loss of                      of loss of
                                                                      statement                        of loss of
                                                                                      control (%)                      control
                                                                         level                          control
                                                                        to the
   Wuxi                                               October
                   0        60%       Assignment                       395,864.38
 Zhuoyue                                           31, 2021
    Other notes:
    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
         AIMA Technology Group Co., LTD., a subsidiary of the Company and Huang Shuaiqiao, one of the
    minority shareholders signed an equity transfer agreement on September 25, 2021 according to which 60%
    equity in Wuxi Zhuoyue was transferred at zero consideration. The disposal date was October 31, 2021.
    Therefore, commencing from October 31, 2021, the Company no longer put Wuxi Zhuoyue in the
    consolidation scope.
    5. Change of the consolidation scope due to other reasons
         Note to the change in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (such as newly established
    subsidiaries, liquidation subsidiaries, etc.) and related conditions:
    "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

                                                                 Proportion of        Proportion of the            Cause of
     Names of            Place of         Nature of
                                                                   the total         total votes enjoyed         increase of
    subsidiaries       registration       business
                                                            shareholding by          by the Group (%)                new

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                                                  2021 Annual Report

                                                              the Group (%)                               subsidiaries
Chongqing                         Wholesale and                                                           Newly
                   Chongqing                                             100                      100
Aima                              retail                                                                  established
                                  Wholesale and                                                           Newly
Hainan Aima        Hainan                                                100                      100
                                  retail                                                                  established
Chongqing                                                                                                 Newly
                   Chongqing      Manufacture                            100                      100
Vehicle                                                                                                   established
Zhejiang                          Wholesale and                                                           Newly
                   Zhejiang                                              100                      100
Technology                        retail                                                                  established
Taizhou Aima       Zhejiang       Manufacture                            100                      100
Ningbo Venture                    Capital        market                                                   Newly
                   Zhejiang                                              100                      100
Capital                           service                                                                 established
                                  Software         and
Shenzhen                          information                                                             Newly
                   Guangdong                                             100                      100
Zhixing                           technology                                                              established
                                  Wholesale and                                                           Newly
Zhejiang Beisite   Zhejiang                                              100                      100
                                  retail                                                                  established
Lishui Vehicle     Zhejiang       Manufacture                            100                      100
Suoteng                           Capital        market                                                   Newly
                   Hong Kong                                             100                      100
Technology                        service                                                                 established

 6. Others

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 IX. Equity in Other Entities

 1. Equity in subsidiaries

 (1)Composition of enterprise group

 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                        Main                                                    Shareholding
   Names of                             Place of             Nature of                                   Way of
                      business                                                 proportion (%)
  subsidiaries                         registration           business                                  acquisition
                      location                                                Direct   Indirect
Tianjin Vehicle    Tianjin             Tianjin            Manufacture                      100    Established
Henan Aima         Henan               Henan              Manufacture                      100    Established
Jiangsu Aima       Jiangsu             Jiangsu            Manufacture            100              Established
                   Guangdong           Guangdong          Manufacture                      100    Established
Zhejiang Aima      Zhejiang            Zhejiang           Manufacture                      100    Established
Aima Nanfang       Jiangsu             Jiangsu            Manufacture            100              Established
Sichuan Aima                                              Wholesale and
                   Sichuan             Sichuan                                   100              Established

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                                                 2021 Annual Report

Xiaopa                                                Service
                  Shanghai            Shanghai                          62          Established
Technology                                            industry
Tianjin Sports    Tianjin             Tianjin         Manufacture      100          Established
                  Tianjin             Tianjin         Manufacture      100          Established
Aima Share        Tianjin             Tianjin         Manufacture       73          Established
Guangxi Aima      Guangxi             Guangxi         Manufacture             100   Established
Tianjin Tianli    Tianjin             Tianjin         Manufacture      100          Established
Chongqing                                             Wholesale and
                  Chongqing           Chongqing                               100   Established
Aima                                                  retail
Hainan Aima                                           Wholesale and
                  Hainan              Hainan                                  100   Established
                  Chongqing           Chongqing       Manufacture      100          Established
Zhejiang                                              Wholesale and
                  Zhejiang            Zhejiang                         100          Established
Technology                                            retail
Taizhou Aima      Zhejiang            Zhejiang        Manufacture      100          Established
Ningbo Venture                                        Capital market
                  Zhejiang            Zhejiang                         100          Established
Capital                                               service
                                                      Software and
Shenzhen                                              information
                  Guangdong           Guangdong                               100   Established
Zhixing                                               technology
Zhejiang                                              Wholesale and
                  Zhejiang            Zhejiang                         100          Established
Beisite                                               retail
Lishui Vehicle    Zhejiang            Zhejiang        Manufacture             100   Established
Suoteng                                               Capital market
                  Hong Kong           Hong Kong                        100          Established
Technology                                            service
Tianjin Jinge                                                                       Consolidation
                  Tianjin             Tianjin                           76          under the same
Tianjin                                                                             Consolidation
Suiwanwan         Tianjin             Tianjin                          100          under the same

    Other notes:
    Chongqing Aima, Hainan Aima, Chongqing Vehicle, Zhejiang Technology, Taizhou Aima, Ningbo
Venture Capital, Shenzhen Zhixing, Zhejiang Beisite, Lishui Vehicle and Suoteng Technology were newly
established in year 2021.
(2)Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Key financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

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                                           2021 Annual Report

(4)Significant restriction on use of enterprise group’s assets and paying off the enterprise group’s

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(5) Financial support or other support provided to the structured entities incorporated in the scope
     of consolidated financial statements

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

2. Transaction with a subsidiary with the share of the owner’s equity changed but still under control

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

(1)Note to the change in the share of the owner’s equity in subsidies

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     In October 2021, the Company acquired the 6% equity in Tianjin Jinge held by Chen Feilin, a minority
shareholder, at a consideration of RMB 208,000.00. Upon completion of the acquisition, the Group is
holding 76% equity in Tianjin Jinge. This transaction resulted in a decrease of RMB 209,518.65 in non-
controlling interests and an increase of RMB 1,518.65 in capital reserves in the consolidated financial
statements reserve.
     In October 2021, the Company acquired the 10% equity in Tianjin Tianli held by Xie Zhijun, a minority
shareholder, at a consideration of RMB 1.00. Upon completion of the acquisition, the Group is holding 100%
equity in Tianjin Tianli. This transaction resulted in a decrease of RMB 162,684.38 in non-controlling
interests and an increase of RMB 162,683.38 in capital reserves in the consolidated financial statements
     In November 2021, the Company acquired 22% equity in Aima Share held by Li, a minority shareholder,
at a consideration of RMB 3,486,100.00. Upon completion of the acquisition, the Group is holding 73%
equity in Aima Share. This transaction resulted in a decrease of RMB 3,526,043.64 in non-controlling
interests and an increase of RMB 39,943.64 in capital reserves in the consolidated financial statements.
(2)Effect of the transaction on the non-controlling interests and owner's equity attributable to the
     parent company

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                  In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                             Tianjin Jinge
 Purchase cost/Disposal consideration
 -- Cash                                                                                      208,000.00
 -- Fair value of non-cash assets
 Purchase cost/Total disposal consideration                                                   208,000.00
 Less: Subsidiary's net asset share calculated based on the
 proportion of equity acquired/disposed
 Balance                                                                                       -1,518.65
 Where: Adjustment of capital reserves                                                         -1,518.65
        Adjustment of surplus reserves
        Adjustment of retained earnings

                                                                             Tianjin Tianli
 Purchase cost/Disposal consideration
 -- Cash                                                                                            1.00
 -- Fair value of non-cash assets
 Purchase cost/Total disposal consideration                                                         1.00
                                                162 / 187
                                            2021 Annual Report

 Less: Subsidiary's net asset share calculated based on the
 proportion of equity acquired/disposed
 Balance                                                                                   -162,683.38
 Where: Adjustment of capital reserves                                                     -162,683.38
        Adjustment of surplus reserves
        Adjustment of retained earnings

                                                                             Aima Share
 Purchase cost/Disposal consideration
 -- Cash                                                                                  3,486,100.00
 -- Fair value of non-cash assets
 Purchase cost/Total disposal consideration                                               3,486,100.00
 Less: Subsidiary's net asset share calculated based on the
 proportion of equity acquired/disposed
 Balance                                                                                    -39,943.64
 Where: Adjustment of capital reserves                                                      -39,943.64
        Adjustment of surplus reserves
        Adjustment of retained earnings
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

3. Equity in joint ventures or associates

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

(1)Important joint ventures or associates

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2)   Key financial information of important joint ventures

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)   Key financial information of important associates

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(4)Financial information summary of unimportant joint ventures and associates

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                 In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                          Ending balance/amount incurred     Opening balance/amount
                                              in the reporting period        incurred in the previous
 Total book value of investment                             105,073,280.23              32,946,576.25
 Total of the following items calculated based on shareholding proportion
 -- Net profit                                              -39,867,033.98              10,372,839.35
 -- Other comprehensive income
 -- Total comprehensive income                              -39,867,033.98              10,372,839.35

Other notes:
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                                                 2021 Annual Report

                                                                        Shareholding          Accounting
   Name of           Main                                               proportion (%)      treatment method
                                      Place of       Nature of
 joint venture     business                                                                 for investment in
                                  registration       business
 or associate       location                                          Direct     Indirect   joint ventures or
 TODAY                                                                                       Equity method
                 Zhejiang        Zhejiang          Manufacture         10.42
 Tianjin                                                                                     Equity method
                 Tianjin         Tianjin           Manufacture         40.00
                                                   Venture                                   Equity method
                 Zhejiang        Zhejiang          capital             55.90
 Shandong                                                                                    Equity method
                 Shandong        Shandong          Manufacture         49.01
 Beijing                                           Service                          25.00    Equity method
                 Beijing         Beijing
 Zhongzhong                                        industry
     (1) According to the articles of association of Sunshine Today, the Company is entitled to appoint
directors to its board of directors, and accordingly has the right to participate in the decision-making on its
financial and business operations, thereby exert significant influence on it.
     (2) Taizhou Jinfu, Shandong Grand and Beijing Zhongzhong were associates with foreign investment
newly increased in 2021 and the Company holds 55.90%, 49.01% and 25% of the shares respectively in
     (3) According to the Partnership Agreement with Taizhou Jinfu, the Company, as one of the limited
partners, does not have the right to unilaterally decide the relevant activities of the partnership enterprise,
so the Company does not control the partnership enterprise, but has a significant influence on it.
(5) Note to significant restriction on the competence of a joint venture or an associate in transferring
     funds to the Company

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(6)Excessive loss incurred to a joint venture or an associate

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(7) Unrecognized commitment in connection with investment in a joint venture

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(8) Contingent liabilities in connection with investment in joint ventures or associates

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

4. Important joint operation

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

5. Equity in the structured entities not incorporated in the consolidated financial statements

Relevant note to the structured entities not incorporated in the consolidated financial statements
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

6. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

X. Risk Relating to Financial Instruments

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Company faces various risks of financial instruments in its daily activities, mainly including credit
risk, liquidity risk, market risk and exchange rate risk. The Group’s financial instruments mainly include
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                                                    2021 Annual Report

      monetary capital, notes receivable, accounts receivable, accounts receivable financing, notes payable and
      accounts payable. The risks involved in these financial instruments and the Group’s risk control tactics
      aiming at reducing these risks are stated as follows.
            (1) Credit risk
            The Company carries out transactions only with accredited and reputable third parties. In accordance
      with the Group's policy, all customers requiring credit transactions are subject to credit checks. In addition,
      the Group continuously monitors the balance of accounts receivable to ensure that the Group shall not
      access to significant bad debt risks. For transactions that are not settled in the functional currency of the
      relevant operating unit, the Group shall not provide credit transaction conditions unless specifically
      approved by the Group's credit control department.
            Since the counterparties of monetary funds, transactional financial assets and bank acceptance drafts
      receivable are banks with good reputation and high credit rating, these financial instruments have low credit
            The Company's other financial assets include accounts receivable and other receivables. The credit
      risk of these financial assets is derived from the default of the counterparty, and the maximum risk exposure
      is equal to the book value of these instruments.
            As the Company carries out transactions only with accredited and reputable third parties, no collateral
      is necessary. The credit risks are managed centrally based on customers/counterparties, geographic
      locations and industries. As the Group's accounts receivable are widely dispersed among the customers
      bases, there exists no significant concentration of credit risks within the Company.
            For the quantitative data of the Company's credit risk exposure arising from notes receivable, accounts
      receivable and other receivables, please refer to "Section 10 VII. 5 Accounts Receivable" and "Section 10
      VII. 8 Other Receivables ".
            (2) Liquidity risks
            The Company's goal is to maintain a balance between continuity and flexibility of financing by using
      various financing means such as notes payable and accounts payable.
            (3) Exchange rate risk
            The Company faces transactional exchange rate risk. Such risks arise from sales or purchases by
      operating units in currencies other than their functional currency. Approximately 1.13% (2020: 0.80%) of
      the Group's sales was denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the operating unit
      in which the sales occurred. As the amount of the Group's foreign currency business is not significant, the
      Group believes that changes in foreign exchange rates will not have a significant impact on the Company's
      financial statements.
      XI.   Disclosure of Fair Value

      1. Fair value at the end of the reporting period of the assets and liabilities measured based on the
            fair value

      "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                            Fair value at the end of the reporting period
                                                                      Level 2 fair    Level 3 fair
                  Items                     Level 1 fair value
                                                                         value           value                Total
                                                                     measurement     measurement
I. Continuous fair value
(I)Financial assets held for trading        1,265,981,818.24                                             1,265,981,818.24
1. Financial assets at fair value
through                                     1,265,981,818.24                                             1,265,981,818.24
      profit or loss
(1) Debt instrument investment
(2) Equity instrument investment
(3) Derivative financial assets
2. Financial assets designated at fair
value through profit or loss
(1) Debt instrument investment

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(2) Equity instrument investment
(II)Other debt investment
(III)Other           equity      instrument
(IV) Investment properties
1. Land use right for lease purpose
2. Leased buildings
3. The land use right held and to be
assigned after appreciation.
(V)Biological assets
1. Consumable biological asset
2. Productive biological asset
(VI)Receivables financing                                            49,295,422.59                 49,295,422.59
Total assets measured based on
                                              1,265,981,818.24       49,295,422.59               1,315,277,240.83
fair value
(VII)Financial liabilities held for trading
1. Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or
Where: Issued transactional bonds
Derivative financial liabilities
2. Financial liabilities designated at fair
value through profit or loss
Total          liabilities    continuously
measured based on fair value
II.   Non-continuous           fair   value
(I) Held-for-sale assets
Total     assets         non-continuously
measured based on fair value
Total liabilities non-continuously
measured based on fair value

        2. Basis for determining the market price of the items measured based on the continuous and non-
                continuous first level fair value

        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

        3. Items measured based on the continuous or non-continuous 2nd level fair value, valuation
                technique as used, nature of important parameters and quantitative information

        "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

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                                              2021 Annual Report

4. Items measured based on the continuous or non-continuous 3rd level fair value, valuation
     technique as used, nature of important parameters and quantitative information

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

5. Items measured based on the continuous 3rd level fair value, sensitivity analysis on adjusted
information and unobservable parameters between the book value at beginning and end of the

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

6. In case items measured based on fair value are converted between different levels incurred in
the reporting period, state the cause of conversion and determine conversion time point

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

7. Change of valuation technique incurred in the reporting period and cause of such change

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

9. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

XII. Related Parties and Transactions

1. About the parent company

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

2. The Company’s subsidiaries

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
For details of the Company's subsidiaries, please refer to “Section X IX. 1. Equity in Subsidiaries”.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company

Refer to the Notes for details of the Company's major joint ventures or associates
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Please refer to Section X “VII. 17 Long-term Equity Investments” and “IX. 3 Equity in Joint Ventures or
Associates” for the important joint ventures or associates of the Company.
     Other joint ventures or associates that had related transactions with the Company in the reporting
period, or had related transactions with the Company in the previous period and formed a balance are as
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      Name of joint venture or associate                       Relationship with the Company
                                                  An associate in which the controlling shareholder acts as
 Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                  a director
Other notes
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

4. Other related parties

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
         Names of other related parties              Relationship between other related parties and the
 Duan Hua                                         Director, the controlling shareholder’s spouse

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 Shandong Aidebang Intelligent Technology
                                                 A joint stock company of an associate
 Co., Ltd.
      On August 15, 2021, Taizhou Huangyan Technology Innovation Investment Co., Ltd., Suzhou
Jinshajiang United Phase III Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), Suzhou Zhongxin Botong
Jinshi Venture Capital Partnership(L.P.) and Suzhou Jinsha Lake Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd.
jointly funded the establishment of Taizhou Jinfu. On September 27, 2021, Taizhou Jinfu signed the
"Shareholders Agreement" and "Capital Increase Agreement" with the original shareholder of Aidebon,
according to which they would invest RMB 160 million in Aidebang, with a shareholding ratio of 21.05%.
Aidebang became a related party of the Company on September 27, 2021, and the said related transaction
was disclosed as a related transaction. According to the relevant provisions of the "Listing Rules of
Shanghai Stock Exchange", Shandong Aidebang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is not a related party
based on the Company's information disclosure standard.
5. Related transactions

(1)    Related transactions of purchase and sale of commodities and supply and acceptance of labor

Statement of purchase of commodities and acceptance of labor services
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                   Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                       Description of Related
              Related party                                        in the reporting       in the previous
                                                                        period                period
 Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology          Purchase of
                Co., Ltd.             accessories and semi-          11,095,671.78           4,001,019.21
                                       finished products, etc.
      Shandong Aidebang Intelligent       Purchase of raw
                                                                     69,726,294.77          13,546,179.20
          Technology Co., Ltd.               materials

Statement of sales of goods/supply of services
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                   Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                      Description of Related
             Related party                                         in the reporting       in the previous
                                                                        period                period
         Tianjin Jiema Electric
                                        Supply of services           223,442.56            1,481,979.55
         Technology Co., Ltd.

     Note to related transactions of purchase and sale of commodities and supply and acceptance of labor
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     1.In 2021, the Company purchased accessories, semi-finished products and obtained labor services
from Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd. in total of RMB 11,095,671.78 (2020: RMB 4,001,019.21).
     2.In 2021, the Company purchased raw materials from Shandong Aidebang Intelligent Technology Co.,
Ltd. in total of RMB 69,726,294.77 (2020: RMB 13,546,179.20).
     3. In 2021, the Company provided a total of RMB 223,442.56 (2020: RMB 1,481,979.55) of mold
processing services to Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd.
(2)Related entrusted management/contracted and mandatory management/contracting

Statement of the Company's entrusted management/contracting:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Related entrusted management/contracting

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"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Statement of the Company's entrusted management/outsourcing
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Related management/outsourcing
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Related lease

The Company as lessor:
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Categories of              Rental income            Rental income
         Names of lessee                leasehold            recognized in     the      recognized in   the
                                        properties               reporting period         previous period
      Tianjin Jiema Electric
                                      Property lease                   6,333,512.82             8,592,569.25
      Technology Co., Ltd.

The Company as lessee:
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                       In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Categories of                                    Rental fee recognized
                                                          Rental fee recognized in
         Names of lessor                leasehold                                        in   the previous
                                                             the reporting period
                                        properties                                            period
 Tianjin Jiema Electric                Equipment                           26,548.68
 Technology Co., Ltd.                     hiring
 Duan Hua                             Property lease                   4,761,904.76             4,761,904.76

Related lease
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     1.In 2021, the Company leased houses to Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd., and obtained
rent income and supporting water and electricity cost income amounting to RMB 6,333,512.82.In 2020, the
Company leased houses to Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd., and confirmed rent income and
supporting water and electricity cost income amounting to RMB 8,592,569.25.
     2. In 2021, the Company hired equipment from Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co., Ltd., and the
rent expenses incurred amounted to RMB 26,548.68.
     3. In July 2019, the Company hired the Jinta office from Duan Hua for daily operations with the lease
term from July 10, 2019 to July 9, 2024 at annual rent rate of RMB 4,761,904.76. The rent is paid on a
quarterly basis. The Company paid a total of RMB 4,761,904.76 of rent in 2021 (2020: RMB 4,761,904.76).
From January 1, 2021, the Company has applied the new lease standards, and therefore, the rents are
accounted for in right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
(4) Related guarantee

The Company as a guarantor
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
The Company as a guarantee
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Note to related guarantee
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(5)Borrowings and lendings among related parties

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
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                                                   2021 Annual Report

     (6)Assets assignment and liabilities reorganization of related parties

     "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                     Description of          Amount
                                                                                                Amount incurred in
                    Related party                       Related           incurred in the
                                                                                                the previous period
                                                     Transactions        reporting period
        Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology Co.,     Sales of assets

     (7) Remuneration to senior executives

     "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                 Amount incurred in the reporting           Amount incurred in the
                                                             period                            previous period
        Remuneration to senior executives                             13,086,510.11                  20,514,782.71

     (8)Other related transactions

     "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
           In 2021, the total amount of dividends received by the Group from Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology
     Co., Ltd. was RMB 5,724,000.00.

     6.Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties


     "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                    Ending balance                    Opening balance
 Description                 Related party                                      Bad debt
                                                         Book balance                             Book balance         debt
Accounts         Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology
                                                               87,750.00              938.93
receivable       Co., Ltd.
                 Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology
Prepayment                                                  2,593,313.53
                 Co., Ltd.
Prepayment       Duan Hua                                                                          1,250,000.00
Other            Tianjin Jiema Electric Technology
                                                            2,685,921.37       1,125,000.00        6,998,870.21
receivables      Co., Ltd.
Other            Shandong Aidebang Intelligent
receivables      Technology Co., Ltd.
Other            Duan Hua
                                                             450,000.00                              450,000.00


     "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

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                                             2021 Annual Report

                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
   Description               Related party                Ending book balance        Opening book balance
 Accounts          Tianjin Jiema Electric
                                                                    2,232,360.55                      663.72
 payable           Technology Co., Ltd.
 Accounts          Shandong Aidebang Intelligent
 payable           Technology Co., Ltd.
 Notes             Shandong Aidebang Intelligent
                                                                   24,796,814.74                  65,104.03
 payable           Technology Co., Ltd.
 Receipts in       Tianjin Jiema Electric
 advance           Technology Co., Ltd.
 Other             Tianjin Jiema Electric
                                                                      228,242.60               2,487,736.93
 payables          Technology Co., Ltd.
 Other             Shandong Aidebang Intelligent
 payables          Technology Co., Ltd.
 Lease             Duan Hua

7. Related parties’ commitments

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

8. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

XIII. Share-based Payment

1. General of share-based payment

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                     In: share Currency:RMB
 Total amount of various equity instruments granted                                          137,159,400.00
 by the Company during the reporting period
Other notes

                                                                                      2021              2020
 Price of the restricted shares granted                                 RMB 20.23/share
 Total restricted shares issued during the reporting period            6.78 million shares
 Total employee services in exchange for share-based payments
     On December 27, 2021, 2021 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of Aima Group reviewed and
approved the proposal on the “2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan of AIMA Technology Group Co,. LTD.
(Draft)" and its summary. A total of 7.06 million restricted shares were granted, accounting for about 1.75%
of the total share capital of 403,660,003 shares, of which 6,860,000 shares were granted for the first time
and 200,000 shares were reserved; the number of incentive objects granted for the first time by this plan
was 112 persons, including senior executives, medium and senior management personnel, and core
technical (business) personnel; the grant price of some restricted shares granted for the first time in this
plan is RMB 20.23 per share.
     On December 27, 2021, the 24th session of the Fourth Board of Directors of Aima Group reviewed
and approved the “Proposal on Adjusting the List of Incentive Objects and the Number of Equity Granted
for the First Time in 2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan”. After the adjustment, the number of incentive
objects granted for the first time by this plan was changed from 112 to 106, and the total amount of restricted
shares granted for the first time was adjusted from 6.86 million shares to 6.79 million shares. Later, because
some incentive objects voluntarily gave up the subscription of 10,000 restricted shares granted in part, a
total of 6,780,000 restricted shares were actually granted to 105 incentive objects, and on December 31,
2021, a total of employee stock subscriptions amounting to RMB 112,883,400.00 were received.
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     The lock-up periods for restricted shares granted based on this incentive plan are 15 months, 27
months and 39 months from the date when the registration of the grant of restricted shares granted to the
incentive objects is completed.
     On January 24, 2022, the Company completed the registration of the first grant of the 2021 Restricted
Shares Incentive Plan with the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
Limited; and the Company's total capital stock increased to 410,440,003 shares.
     Equity-settled share-based payment is as follows:
                                                                  2021                             2020
 Equity-settled share-based
 Accumulated amount counted to
 the capital reserves
 Total expenses recognized in the
 equity-settled share-based payment
 Method for determining the fair           Closing price of the Company's stock less the issuing price of the
 value of equity instruments granted       restricted shares on the grant date
                                           The Company's financial performance indicators and personal
 Basis for determining the quantity of     performance indicators are assessed on an annual basis, and
 exercisable equity instruments            the number of incentive objects that have achieved the
                                           assessment target is the basis for determination.

2. About the equity-settled share-based payment

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

3. Cash-settled share-based payment

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

4. Correction and termination of share-based payment

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

5. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

XIV. Commitments and Contingencies

1.   Important commitments

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
Important external commitments, the nature and the amount existing as at the balance sheet date
                   Items                            December 31, 2021                  December 31, 2020
 Capital commitments with contract
                                                                50,470,332.66                    52,386,670.02
 signed but not yet provided

2.   Contingencies

(1) Significant contingencies existing as at the balance sheet date

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
      Pending litigation arising from patent dispute at the end of 2020 Liu Gang, as the plaintiff, filed a lawsuit
with the Beijing Intellectual Property Court with the Company and Beijing JD Century Information
Technology Co., Ltd. as the co-defendants, claiming that the defendants must immediately stop infringing
intellectual property rights by manufacturing, selling, and promising to sell, including the invention patent
with the patent No. ZL201110245887.7; claiming for paying the plaintiff all rights protection fees, attorney
fees or legal consultation fees for stopping the infringement and reasonable expenses for investigating and
stopping the infringement in a total of RMB 17,500.00; ordering the defendants to submit the relevant data
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information of infringement and the relevant data information of the infringer of the online stores, so as to
facilitate the plaintiff to change the litigation request after the establishment of the allegation of infringement
or to further safeguard the rights for a second prosecution, so as to determine the amount of the claim;
ordering the defendants to pay punitive damages to the plaintiff. As of the date when the financial
statements are approved for publication, the first instance of the case had not yet been heard.
(2)The Company had no important contingencies unnecessary to be disclosed but necessary to be

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

3. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

XV. Events after The Balance Sheet Date

1. Module: Significant non-adjustment events

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

2. Profit distribution

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                         In:Yuan Currency:RMB
 Profit or dividend to be distributed                                                           205,220,001.50
 Profit or dividend announced to be                                                             205,220,001.50
 distributed after review and approval
     On April 14, 2022, the Company held 25th session of the Fourth Board of Directors at which a preplan
for profit distribution and capital reserves capitalization in 2021 was proposed. According to the preplan,
the Company was to distribute cash dividend amounting to RMB 205,220,001.50 (or at the rate of RMB 0.5
per share). At the same time, the Company was to capitalize its capital reserves to whole shareholders at
the rate of 4 shares for every 10 shares. Calculated based on the Company's total capital stock of
410,440,003 shares as of April 14, 2022, after the capitalization, the Company's total capital stock would
increase to 574,616,004 shares (The total number of the Company's shares was subject to the final
registration result with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch. If
there was any difference, it was due to rounding up).
3. Sales return

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

4. Note other post balance sheet events

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

XVI. Other significant events

1.   Correction of the accounting errors in the previous period

(1) Retroactive restatement

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2) Prospective application method

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

2. Liabilities restructuring

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

3.   Replacement of assets

(1) Non-monetary assets exchange

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

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(2)Other assets exchange

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

4. Annuity plan

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

5. Operation termination

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

6. Segment information

(1)Basis for determining the reporting segments and accounting policy

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(2) Financial information of the reporting segments

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)In case there is no reporting segment or the total assets and liabilities of the reporting segments
     cannot be disclosed, explain the reason

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     The Company is mainly engaged in the electric two-wheeled vehicle business, and the assets related
to the services supply are located in China. In terms of internal organizational structure and management
requirements, the Company takes the Company's businesses as a whole to review internal reports, allocate
resources and performance assessment. Therefore, except the information already presented in the
financial statements, there is no other segment information necessary to be presented.
(4)Other notes

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     Geographical information: The vast majority of the Company's foreign transaction revenue comes from
domestic sources. The Company's non-current assets (excluding financial assets and deferred income tax
assets) are all located in China.
7. Other significant transactions and matters that may affect investors' decision making

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

8. Others

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     In 2021, no more than 10% of the Company's operating revenue came from the Group's operating
revenue from a single customer.
XVII. Notes to The Parent Company’s Financial Statements

1.   Accounts receivable

(1 )Disclosed based on aging

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                 In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                        Aging                                      Ending book balance
 Within 1 year
 Where: Itemized within 1 year
 Within 1 year                                                                           90,715,260.50
 Sub-total within 1 year                                                                 90,715,260.50
 1 to 2 years                                                                               419,452.53
 2 to 3 years
 Over 3 years

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                  Total                                                                                                                 91,134,713.03

                 (2) Classified disclosure based on the method of provision for bad debt

                 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                           In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                  Ending balance                                                                  Opening balance
                                                                                        Book                                                                               Book
                            Book balance                 Bad debt reserve                                   Book balance                  Bad debt reserve
                                                                                        value                                                                              value
                                                                      Provision                                                                         Provision
                                      Proportion                                                                       Proportion
                      Amount                            Amount       proportion                        Amount                           Amount          proportion
                                         (%)                                                                              (%)
                                                                        (%)                                                                                (%)
Assessed bad
debt provision        10,964,633.94            12.03                                  10,964,633.94    29,142,824.28            14.81                                    29,142,824.28

provision      for    10,964,633.94            12.03                                  10,964,633.94    29,142,824.28            14.81                                    29,142,824.28

bad debts
Assessed bad
debt provision        80,170,079.09            87.97    938,600.94            1.18    79,231,478.15   167,604,875.33            85.19   8,773,700.51             5.23   158,831,174.82

in portfolio
based on
                      80,170,079.09            87.97    938,600.94            1.18    79,231,478.15   167,604,875.33            85.19   8,773,700.51             5.23   158,831,174.82
 credit        risk
     Total            91,134,713.03                /    938,600.94                /   90,196,112.09   196,747,699.61                /   8,773,700.51                /   187,973,999.10

                 Individual provision for bad debts:
                 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                      Provision for bad and doubtful debts based on portfolio:
                 Applicable □ Not applicable
                      Provision items on portfolio:Provision for bad debts recognized based on the portfolio of credit risk
                                                                                                In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                             Ending balance
                             Name                                                                                           Provision proportion
                                                       Accounts receivable                Bad debt provision
                  Within 1 year                                 79,750,626.59                            845,356.65                                     1.06
                  1 to 2 years                                       419,452.50                           93,244.29                                    22.23
                              Total                             80,170,079.09                            938,600.94                                     1.17
                 Criteria of and note to recognition of provision for bad debts based on portfolio:
                 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                      If the provision for bad debt is accrued in accordance with the general model of expected credit loss,
                 please refer to the disclosure of other receivables
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                                             2021 Annual Report

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Provision for bad debts

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                  In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                          Amount of movement during the reporting period
                          Opening                                                            Other       Ending
   Categories                                                 Recovery or      e-off or
                          balance           Provision                                         chan      balance
                                                              reversal         write-
Assessed bad
debt provision           8,773,700.51     1,455,630.15        9,290,729.72                             938,600.94
in portfolio
       Total             8,773,700.51     1,455,630.15        9,290,729.72                             938,600.94

     Where the significant amount of the reserve for bad debt recovered or reversed:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(4)Accounts receivable actually written off in the reporting period

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
     Where, the important accounts receivable written-off
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(5)Accounts receivable owed by the top five debtors based on the ending balance
"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                         Proportion in total
                                                         ending balance of               Ending balance of the
   Organization name            Ending balance
                                                        accounts receivable              provision for bad debts
 Customer 1                            9,414,533.53                      10.33                         99,794.06
 Customer 2                            6,400,610.04                         7.02                       67,846.47
 Customer 3                            5,405,316.32                         5.93                       57,296.35
 Customer 4                            5,400,297.20                         5.93                       57,243.15
 Customer 5                            4,818,993.85                         5.29                       51,081.33
           Total                      31,439,750.94                      34.50                        333,261.36

(6)Account receivable with recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
(7)Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of account receivable and continuing to
     be involved
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
                                                  176 / 187
                                           2021 Annual Report

2.   Other receivables

Items Presentation

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Items                       Ending balance                      Opening balance
 Interest receivables                                       255,452.31                        928,998.18
 Dividends receivable
 Other receivables                                   226,578,880.94                       53,414,685.27
                 Total                               226,834,333.25                       54,343,683.45
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Interest receivables

(1)Classification of interest receivable

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
               Items                       Ending balance                       Opening balance
Interest of accounts receivable                            255,452.31                         928,998.18
               Total                                       255,452.31                         928,998.18

(2)Significant overdue interest

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3)Provision for bad debts

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(4)Dividend receivable

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(5)Significant dividends receivable with age exceeding 1 year

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(6)Provision for bad debts

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
Other notes:
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

Other receivables

(1)Disclosed based on aging

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                         Aging                                          Ending book balance
 Within 1 year
 Where: Itemized within 1 year

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                                               2021 Annual Report

   Within 1 year                                                                                   225,965,632.81
   Sub-total within 1 year                                                                         225,965,632.81
   1 to 2 years                                                                                         48,200.33
   2 to 3 years                                                                                       480,000.00
   Over 3 years                                                                                         99,394.50
                              Total                                                                226,593,227.64

 (2)Classification based on the nature of fund

 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 (3)Provision for bad debts

 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                         In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                         Stage 1                   Stage 2           Stage 3
                                                                   Lifetime      Lifetime expected
                                        12-month               expected            credit losses
       Bad debt provision                                                                                  Total
                                         expected          credit losses (no          (credit
                                       credit losses       credit impairment        impairment
                                                               incurred)         already incurred)
Balance as at January 1, 2021              25,242.08                  7,697.25                            32,939.33
Balance as at January 1, 2021
                                           25,242.08                  7,697.25                            32,939.33
in the reporting period
-- transferred into Stage 2
-- transferred into Stage 3
-- revered to Stage 2
-- reversed to Stage 1
Accrual                                    14,346.70                                                      14,346.70
Reversal                                   25,242.08                  7,697.25                            32,939.33
Transfer out
Other changes
Balance as at December 31,
                                           14,346.70                                                      14,346.70

      Note to the significant changes in the book balance of other receivables with changes in provision for
 loss in the reporting period:
 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
      The amount of provision for bad debts in the reporting period and the basis for assessing whether the
 credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly
 "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

 (4)Provision for bad debts

 "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                    In:Yuan Currency:RMB
    Categories                                 Amount of movement during the reporting period

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                                                       2021 Annual Report

                                    Opening                        Recovery or         Charge-off          Other      Ending
                                     balance                           reversal        or write-off       changes     balance
 Bad debt provision                  32,939.33       14,346.70          32,939.33                                       14,346.70
              Total                  32,939.33       14,346.70          32,939.33                                       14,346.70
            Where a significant amount of the reserve for bad debt recovered or reversed during the reporting
       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       (5)Other receivables actually written off in the reporting period

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       (6)Other receivables owed by the top five debtors based on the ending balance

       "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                                          Proportion in total
                      Nature of Payment               Ending balance                  Aging               ending balance of
                                                                                                          other receivables
Customer 1       Inter company accounts                    160,000,000.00           Within 1 year                         70.61
Customer 2       Inter company accounts                     28,032,897.30           Within 1 year                         12.37
Customer 3       Inter company accounts                     25,000,000.00           Within 1 year                         11.03
Customer 4       Inter company accounts                      4,400,360.00           Within 1 year                          1.94
Customer 5       Inter company accounts                      3,937,340.11           Within 1 year                          1.74
   Total                    /                              221,370,597.41                /                                97.69

       (7)Accounts receivable involving government subsidy

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       (8) Other receivables with recognition terminated due to transfer of financial assets

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       (9) Amount of assets and liabilities formed through transfer of other receivables and continuing to
              be involved

       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"
       Other notes:
       "□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

       3.     Long-term equity investments

       Applicable      □Not applicable
                                                                                                      In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                    Ending balance                                      Opening balance
                                      Provision                                               Provision
      Items                               for                                                    for
                  Book balance                        Book value         Book balance                          Book value
                                      impairmen                                             impairmen
                                           t                                                      t
 Investment       774,596,113.0                      774,596,113.0       660,502,012.0                       660,502,012.0
 in                             8                                  8                    8                                   8

                                                            179 / 187
                                                        2021 Annual Report

                     100,350,602.4                    100,350,602.4
   associates                                                            32,946,576.25                 32,946,576.25
                                   1                               1
   and joint
                     874,946,715.4                    874,946,715.4      693,448,588.3                 693,448,588.3
                                   9                               9                 3                               3

          (1)Investment in subsidiaries

          "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                              In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                                              Provision     Ending
                                                             Decrease                            for        balance of
                        Opening          Increase in the       in the                         impairment    the
  Investees                                                                  Ending balance
                        balance         reporting period     reporting                          in the      provision
                                                               period                         reporting     for
                                                                                                period      impairment
Aima Nanfang         100,000,000.00                                          100,000,000.00
Henan Aima             5,676,019.01                                            5,676,019.01
Guangdong              2,838,009.50
Jiangsu Aima         495,706,179.13                                          495,706,179.13
Zhejiang Aima          2,838,009.50                                            2,838,009.50
Tianjin                9,933,033.27
Sichuan Aima          10,211,400.00                                           10,211,400.00
Wuxi Zhuoyue             600,000.00                          600,000.00
Xiaopa                 1,240,000.00
Tianjin Jinge          1,203,080.50             208,000.00                     1,411,080.50
Venture                                   10,000,000.00                       10,000,000.00
                                            1,000,000.00                       1,000,000.00
                                          50,000,000.00                       50,000,000.00
Tianjin Sports        10,000,000.00                                           10,000,000.00
Xiaoma                 8,500,000.00
Aima Share             5,100,000.00         3,486,100.00                       8,586,100.00
Tianjin                2,156,281.17

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                                                                       2021 Annual Report

     Guangxi Aima
     Taizhou Aima                                      50,000,000.00                             50,000,000.00
     Tianjin Tianli                4,500,000.00                    1.00                            4,500,001.00
          Total             660,502,012.08            114,694,101.00           600,000.00       774,596,113.08

              (2)Investment in associates and joint ventures

              "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                     Increase/ Decrease (+ / -) in the reporting period                                                         Ending
                                                           Investmen                                                                                           balance of
                                                                              other   Other                     Provision
Investment Opening                                          t income                              Cash                                    Ending                  the
                                                                             compreh equity                        for
    In:Yuan       Balance          Increase Decrease under the                                  dividend                     Others       Balance              provision
                                                                             ensive moveme                      impairmen
                                                             equity                             declared                                                          for
                                                                             income        nt                       t
                                                            method                                                                                             impairment
I. Joint Venture
II. Associates
TODAY              13,298,705.15                             -1,729,310.83                                                                     11,569,394.32

Tianjin            19,647,871.10                               651,728.75                        5,724,000.00                                  14,575,599.85

Shandong                            22,717,737.96            -3,462,453.52
Taizhou                             90,000,000.00
                                                            -35,049,676.20                                                                     54,950,323.80
 Sub-total         32,946,576.25 112,717,737.96             -39,589,711.80                       5,724,000.00                                 100,350,602.41

     Total         32,946,576.25 112,717,737.96             -39,589,711.80                       5,724,000.00                                 100,350,602.41

              4. Operating revenue and costs

              (1) Operating revenue and costs

              "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                      Amount incurred in the reporting period                    Amount incurred in the previous period
                                            Income                           Cost                     Income                           Cost
                                     10,790,139,364.31           10,568,578,183.78              11,691,239,077.41               11,456,068,148.48
                                          153,088,794.92              109,794,528.45                103,417,213.12                    90,108,541.13
                  Total              10,943,228,159.23           10,678,372,712.23              11,794,656,290.53               11,546,176,689.61

              (2)Revenue arising from contracts

              "√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"

                                                                               181 / 187
                                               2021 Annual Report

                                                                                        In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                 Classification of Contracts                                        Total
 Types of commodities
 Revenue from      electric two-wheelers, electric Tricycle,                                10,790,139,364.31
 bicycles and accessories
 Other revenue                                                                                109,159,670.70
 Classification based on the operation regions
 China Mainland                                                                             10,832,090,471.06
 Other countries or regions                                                                    67,208,563.95
 Time classification based on transfer of commodities
 Sales of goods                                                                             10,790,139,364.31
 Revenue from materials                                                                        48,771,115.92
 Others                                                                                        40,665,776.57
 After-sale service revenue                                                                    19,722,778.21
                              Total                                                         10,899,299,035.01
Description of revenue arising from contracts
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

(3) Note to performance obligations

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
1) Sales of goods
     The performance obligation is satisfied upon delivery of the products to customers. For sales by
distributors, most customers need to prepay the price, and the contract price for some customers usually
expires within 1 year after delivery of the product.
(4)Note to apportioning to the residual performance obligations

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
     At the end of the reporting period, the amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations
of the contracts which have been signed, but not yet performed or not yet completed is RMB158,708,940.97.
Other notes:
    The revenue recognized in the current year included in the book value of contract liabilities at the
beginning of the year is as follows:
                                                                                                In: RMB
            Items                            2021                                 2020
Sales of goods                                                 87,057,363.44                   153,430,562.75

5. Investment income

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                        In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                        Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in
                                                               reporting period          the previous period
 Long-term equity investment income under                             536,570,000.00          323,263,748.17
 the cost method
 Long-term equity investment income under
                                                                       -39,589,711.80          10,372,839.35
 the equity method
 Gains from disposal of long-term equity
 investment                                                               -600,000.00

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 Return on investment from financial                                   14,815,576.27              47,092,278.45
                       Total                                          511,195,864.47             380,728,865.97

6. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

XVIII.      Supplementary Information

1. Statement of non-recurring gain or losses in the reporting period

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                                                            In:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                            Items                                                     Amount
 Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                                 -12,713,091.69
 Government grants recognised in during profit or loss (excluding those having close
 relationship with the Company’s normal business, conforming to the national policies
 and regulations and enjoying ongoing fixed amount or quantity according to certain
 The investment costs for acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures were
 less than the income generated by the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the              3,497,737.94
 investee at the time of acquiring the investment.
 Except for the effective hedging business related to the ordinary business of the
 Company, changes in fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities held for
 trading, as well as the return on investment generated from the disposal of                         9,978,187.68
 financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and financial assets at fair
 value through other comprehensive income
 Net non-operating income or expenses other than the above items                                     6,361,478.19
 Other gain or loss in compliance with the definition of non-recurring gain or loss.                22,292,050.35
 Less: Amount affected by the income tax                                                            15,927,824.01
                                            Total                                                   47,783,472.01

     For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1
on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring gain/loss
and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public – Non-recurring gain/loss which have been
defined as recurring gain/loss, it is necessary to explain the reason.
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

2. ROE and EPS

"√ Applicable" "□ Not applicable"
                                                      Net return on                Earnings per share
          Profit in the reporting period            equity, weighted       Basic earnings       Diluted earnings
                                                      average (%)             per share            per share
 Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                  17.46                1.79                1.79

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                                            2021 Annual Report

 Net profit attributable to owners of the
 parent excluding non-recurring gains or                    16.31            1.66              1.66

3. Difference in the Accounting Data based respectively on the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS)
     and International Accounting Standards (IAS)

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

4. Others

"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

                                                                    Chairman of the Board: Zhang Jian
    The Report was approved by the Board of Directors. Date of the submission 4/14/2022
Revision information
"□ Applicable" "√ Not applicable"

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