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                                             The First Quarter Report in 2021

Stock Code: 688007                                      Stock Short Name: Appotronics

            The First Quarter Report in 2021
            Appotronics Corporation Limited

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                                         The First Quarter Report in 2021


I. Important Notes............................................................................................ 3

II. Basic Information ....................................................................................... 3

III. Significant Events ...................................................................................... 8

IV. Annex ........................................................................................................ 13

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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

I.   Important Notes

1.1 The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and officers of the

     Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Quarterly Report is true, accurate

     and complete and this Quarterly Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or

     material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Quarterly Report.

1.2 All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board of Directors for deliberation of this

     Quarterly Report.

1.3 BO Lianming, Principal of the Company; ZHAO Ruijin, the Person in Charge of the Accounting

     Body; and LIU Jie, the Chief Accountant (the Person in Charge of Accounting) hereby represent

     that the financial statements contained in this Quarterly Report are true, accurate and complete.

1.4 The Company’s first quarter report has not been audited.

II. Basic Information

2.1 Main financial data
                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                                  Changes at the end of the
                         At the end of the
                                                At the end of the prior year      reporting period from the
                         reporting period
                                                                                  end of the prior year (%)
Total assets               3,279,993,185.99                   3,226,204,326.69                           1.67
Net          assets        2,147,767,338.89                   2,091,599,671.75                           2.69
attributable     to
shareholders of
the          listed
                      From the beginning of     From the beginning of the
                      the year to the end of    prior year to the end of the       Changes over the same
                       the reporting period       reporting period of the        period of the prior year (%)
                                                         prior year
Net cash flow                106,223,261.88                     -38,289,185.55
from operating                                                                                           N/A
                      From the beginning of     From the beginning of the
                                                                                   Changes over the same
                       the year to the end of   prior year to the end of the
                                                                                 period of the prior year (%)
                        the reporting period        reporting period of the

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                                                                    prior year

Operating                    524,967,989.26                    306,900,748.84                           71.05
Net         profits           54,409,294.00                     13,322,216.29                          308.41
attributable     to
shareholders of
the          listed
Net         profits           36,659,661.66                     -7,989,708.14                            N/A
attributable     to
shareholders of
the          listed
company after
deduction        of
profits or losses
Weighted                               2.57                              0.67       + 1.9 percentage points
average return on
net assets (%)
Basic earnings                         0.12                              0.03                            300
per       share
Diluted earnings                       0.12                              0.03                            300
per        share
Proportion     of                      8.49                             14.26       - 5.77 percentage points
investments to
the     operating
income (%)

Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss
√Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                    In RMB
                      Item                    Amount of the current period               Description
                                                                 2,150,156.10    It primarily refers to
Profit or loss on disposal of non-current
                                                                                 income from disposal of
                                                                                 fixed assets.
Government grants recognized in profit                          12,383,017.60    The government grants
or loss other than grants which are                                              primarily represent those
closely related to the Company’s                                                recognized in profit or loss
business and are either in fixed amounts                                         for the current period,
or determined under quantitative methods                                         including government

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in accordance with the national standard                                         grants received in the
                                                                                 current period and those
                                                                                 previously received but
                                                                                 recognized in the current
                                                                                 period for amortization.
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the                        935,879.46
beginning of the period up to the business
combination date recognized as a result
of business combination of enterprises
involving entities under common control
Profit or loss on changes in the fair value                       5,910,827.61   It refers to the realized part
of held-for-trading financial assets,                                            of unrealized profits and
derivative         financial         assets,                                     losses from transactions
held-for-trading financial liabilities and                                       prior to business
derivative financial liabilities and                                             combination involving
investment income on disposal of                                                 entities under common
held-for-trading      financial      assets,                                     control.
derivative         financial         assets,
held-for-trading financial liabilities,
derivative financial liabilities and other
debt investments, other than those used in
the effective hedging activities relating to
normal operating business
Other non-operating income or expenses                             427,924.61
other than the above
Effects attributable to minority interests                       -1,271,520.26
(net of tax)
Income tax effects                                               -2,786,652.78
                   Total                                         17,749,632.34

2.2 Total number of shareholders, and the shareholding of top ten shareholders and top ten unrestricted

     shareholders as of the end of reporting period
                                                                                                    In Shares
Total number of shareholders (account)                                                                     13,653
                                   The shareholding of top ten shareholders
                        Number of                  Number of        Number of         If being         Nature of
Shareholder name                        Proport
                        shares held                 restricted      restricted       pledged or       shareholde
   (full name)                          ion (%)
                       at the end of               shares held        shares           frozen             rs

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                      the period                                including
                                                                leased out
                                                                              Share    Share
                                                                              status   number

Appotronics           79,762,679      17.62     79,762,679     79,762,679      No          0
Holdings Limited
                                                                                                 in China
Kong (China                                                                                      Oversea
                      42,522,842     9.39             0               0         No         0
Investments)                                                                                    corporation
Investment (Hong                                                                                 Oversea
                      36,413,032      8.04                 0              0     No         0
Kong) 2016                                                                                      corporation
Nantong Strait                                                                                  Non-state-
Appotronics                                                                                       owned
                      25,064,737     5.54                  0              0     No         0
Investment                                                                                      corporation
Partnership (LP)                                                                                 in China
Shenzhen Yuanshi
Laser Industrial
Investment            24,139,500       5.33     24,139,500      24,139,500      No         0
                                                                                                 in China
Partnership (LP)
Shenzhen                                                                                        Non-state-
Appotronics Daye                                                                                  owned
                      20,430,250       4.51     20,430,250      20,430,250      No         0
Investment                                                                                      corporation
Partnership (LP)                                                                                 in China
HOLDINGS              16,504,518       3.65                0              0     No         0
Shenzhen                                                                                        Non-state-
Appotronics                                                                                       owned
                      15,662,374       3.46     15,662,374      15,662,374      No         0
Hongye Investment                                                                               corporation
Partnership (LP)                                                                                 in China
Shenzhen Jinleijing
Investment Limited    12,353,106       2.73     12,353,106      12,353,106      No         0
Partnership (LP)
                                                                                                 in China

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Chenggu Asset                                                                                  Non-state-
Investment Co.,                                                                                  owned
                      10,443,640       2.31                0               0     No        0
Ltd.-Shenzhen                                                                                  corporation
Chengguhui Equity                                                                               in China
Partnership (LP)
                    The shareholding of top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares
Shareholder name                    Number of unrestricted             Category and number of shares
                                      circulating shares              Category             Number
SAIF IV Hong Kong (China                                         RMB ordinary
                                          42,522,842                                      42,522,842
Investments) Limited                                               shares
CITIC PE Investment (Hong                                        RMB ordinary
                                          36,413,032                                      36,413,032
Kong) 2016 Limited                                                 shares
Nantong Strait Appotronics                                       RMB ordinary
                                          25,064,737                                      25,064,737
Investment Partnership (LP)                                        shares
GREEN FUTURE HOLDINGS                                            RMB ordinary
                                          16,504,518                                      16,504,518
LIMITED                                                            shares
Shenzhen Guochuang Chenggu
Asset Investment Co.,                                            RMB ordinary
                                          10,443,640                                      10,443,640
Ltd.-Shenzhen Chengguhui Equity                                    shares
Investment Partnership (LP)
China Merchants Bank
                                                                 RMB ordinary
-ChinaAMC SSE STAR 50                     7,269,521                                       7,269,521
Exchange Traded Funds
SMART TEAM INVESTMENT                                            RMB ordinary
                                          6,799,660                                       6,799,660
LIMITED                                                            shares
                                                                 RMB ordinary
CAI Kunliang                              6,096,243                                       6,096,243
Shenzhen Liansong Capital
                                                                 RMB ordinary
Management Limited Partnership            5,833,817                                       5,833,817
ICBC-AXA Life Insurance Co.,                                     RMB ordinary
                                          5,497,569                                       5,497,569
Ltd.- Tradition 2                                                  shares

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Description of the related-party      1.As of March 31,2021, the Company has received no statement from
relationship or concerted actions     aforementioned shareholders to confirm there is a related-party
among aforementioned                  relationship or concerted action, except the concerted action among
shareholders                          Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings Limited, Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser
                                      Industrial Investment Consulting Partnership (LP), Shenzhen
                                      Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP), Shenzhen
                                      Appotronics Hongye Investment Partnership (LP), and Shenzhen
                                      Jinleijing Investment Limited Partnership (LP).
                                      2. The Company is unaware that whether there is a related-party
                                      relationship among circulating shareholders or whether they are
                                      persons acting in concert as stipulated in the Measures for the
                                      Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies.
Description on preferred              N/A
shareholders of voting power
recovered and shareholding

2.3 Total number of preferred shareholders, and the shareholding of top ten preferred shareholders and

     top ten unrestricted preferred shareholders as of the end of reporting period
□ Applicable     √ N/A

III. Significant Events

3.1 Significant changes in the Company’s main accounting line items and financial highlights and

     reasons thereof
√Applicable       N/A

1. Changes in line items of the balance sheet and reasons thereof
                                                                                                 In RMB
                                                         Proportion of          Reason for change
                March 31, 2021      December 31,
   Item                                                   change (%)


                188,974,088.57      341,660,832.43             -44.69%   Primarily due to recovery of
Accounts                                                                 the opening balance of
receivable                                                               accounts receivable during the
                                                                         reporting period
                   2,024,508.81      11,959,000.00             -83.07%   Primarily due to the acceptance
Receivable                                                               of matured bank acceptance
s financing                                                              bills during the reporting

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                 2,551,858.10         3,744,655.50               -31.85%   Primarily due to collection of
                                                                           contract assets due in the
                                                                           reporting period
Other           33,190,142.08        13,002,195.46               155.27%   Primarily due to the increase in
current                                                                    VAT input tax to be deducted
assets                                                                     during the reporting period
                36,626,275.79                                        N/A   Primarily     due      to      the
Right of
                                                                           implementation of the new
use assets
                                                                           lease standard for the first time
                13,905,509.02         6,299,781.06               120.73%   Primarily due to the increase in
                                                                           prepayments for the acquisition
                                                                           of fixed assets and intangible
t assets
               153,941,489.46     116,822,674.67                  31.77%   Primarily due to the increase in
Notes                                                                      payment for goods by issuing
payable                                                                    banker acceptances during the
                                                                           reporting period
Employee        20,446,582.80        46,105,566.15               -55.65%   Primarily due to the payment
benefits                                                                   of year-end bonus for 2020
payable                                                                    during the reporting period
                20,202,835.30        59,848,053.83               -66.24%   Primarily due to the return of
                                                                           loans to minority shareholders
Other                                                                      and the payment for the
payables                                                                   purchase of remaining equity
                                                                           interests by the subsidiaries
                                                                           during the reporting period
                39,833,277.93                                        N/A   Primarily     due      to      the
                                                                           implementation of the new
                                                                           lease standard for the first time

2. Changes in line items of the income statement and reasons thereof
                                                                                                     In RMB
       Item         For the period     For the period         Proportion           Reason for change
                   from January 1,    from January 1,         of change
                    2021 to March      2020 to March             (%)
                      31, 2021           31, 2020
                   524,967,989.26      306,900,748.84            71.05% Primarily due to the increase in
Other income                                                            operating costs as a result of the
                                                                        increase in operating income
                   352,723,171.26      205,113,820.04            71.96% Primarily due to the increase in VAT
Other cost
                                                                        payable during the reporting period
Taxes and            2,289,691.36          848,964.73          169.70% Primarily due to the increase in
levies                                                                 marketing promotion expenses as a

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                                                                          result of the control over COVID-19
                                                                          during the reporting period
                     36,732,891.97     24,522,520.30           49.79% Primarily due to the increase in
                                                                      interest income during the reporting
                         25,761.46      3,640,120.46           -99.29%    Primarily due to the decreased
Financial                                                                 income from wealth management
expenses                                                                  products recognized during the
                                                                          reporting period
                      4,546,382.37      6,951,747.26           -34.60%    Primarily due to the decreased
Investment                                                                income from wealth management
income                                                                    products recognized during the
                                                                          reporting period
                      7,707,743.19      3,178,689.54          142.48% Primarily due to the reversal of
Impairment                                                            provision for bad debts as a result of
losses of assets                                                      receipts of more accounts receivable
                                                                      during the reporting period
                     -1,714,867.75     -4,230,773.80           -59.47%    Primarily due to the decrease in
Losses of asset                                                           provision for decline in value of
impairment                                                                inventories during the reporting
Income tax           20,220,441.99      6,583,959.00          207.12% Primarily due to the increase in total
expenses                                                              profits during the reporting period

3. Changes in line items of the cash flow statement and reasons thereof
                                                                                                   In RMB

                    For the period    For the period
                   from January 1,   from January 1,
     Item                                                of change                Reason for change
                    2021 to March     2020 to March
                      31, 2021          31, 2020
Net cash flow      106,223,261.88    -38,289,185.55              N/A     Primarily due to the increase in
from operating                                                           collections from increased operating
activities                                                               income
                   -47,374,910.78     56,240,044.30          -184.24%    Primarily due to the payment for
Net cash flow
                                                                         purchase of wealth management
from investing
                                                                         products and remaining remaining
                                                                         equity interests
                   -32,061,477.75    -53,008,882.64              N/A     Primarily due to the new borrowings
Net cash flow                                                            and capital contributions to newly
from financing                                                           established   subsidiaries   as   a
activities                                                               shareholder during the reporting

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 Effect of                  670,024.42              419,408.45               59.75%
 foreign                                                                                 Primarily due to exchange profit or
 exchange rate                                                                           loss and the exchange differences on
 changes on                                                                              translation of financial statements
 cash and cash                                                                           denominated in foreign currencies
 Net increase in        27,456,897.77            -34,638,615.44                    N/A   Primarily due to the comprehensive
 cash and cash                                                                           effects on changes in each line item
 equivalents                                                                             above of the cash flow statement

 3.2 Description of analysis on progresses of significant events and their influences and solutions

 √Applicable      □ N/A
      (I) Litigation
      1. Civil litigation and arbitration cases where the Company acted as a defendant
 As of the disclosure date of the report, there have been 7 civil litigation cases where the Company was a
 defendant, with details as below:

                    Cause of                                                                             Amount
   Case No.                          Plaintiff      Defendant/Appellee              Patents involved                 Progress
                      action                                                                             involved
(2019) Yue 73
                                                                                                       RMB          Suspension
Zhi Min Chu                                                                        ZL201610387831.8
                                                   Appotronics                                         16,145,300   of hearing
                                                   Corporation      Limited;
(2019) Yue 73 Infringement Delta                                                                                    First
                                                   Shenzhen               Futian                       RMB
Zhi Min Chu of patent rights Electronics,                                          ZL201310017478.0                 instance
                                                   Suopuni         Projection                          16,145,300
No.663           of inventions Inc.                                                                                 completed
                                                   Video              System
(2019) Yue 73                                                                                                       Second
                                                   Commercial Firm                                     RMB
Zhi Min Chu                                                                        ZL20310625063.1                  instance
No.664                                                                                                              pending
(2019) Jing 73                                                                                         RMB          First
Min        Chu                                                                     ZL201610387831.8    16,010,000   instance
No.1275                                                                                                             pending
(2019) Jing 73                                                                                         RMB          First
Min        Chu     Infringemen                      Fengmi         (Beijing)       ZL201410249663.7    16,010,000   instance
No.1276            t of patent                      Technology            Co.,                                      pending
(2019) Jing 73     rights      of                   Ltd.;     Appotronics                              RMB          Second
Min        Chu     inventions                       Corporation Limited            ZL201310017478.0    16,010,000   instance
No.1277                                                                                                             pending
(2019) Jing 73                                                                                         RMB          First
Min        Chu                                                                     ZL201010624724.5    16,010,000   instance
No.1278                                                                                                             pending

      2.Civil litigation and arbitration cases where the Company acted as a plaintiff
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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

     As of the disclosure date of the report, there have been 22 civil litigation cases where the Company
acted as a plaintiff. In these cases, 20 cases were caused by infringement of invention patents with
relevant claims as follows: requiring the defendant to stop infringing the Company’s patents for
invention and destroy the equipment and mold, etc. used to produce the infringed products; requiring the
defendant to compensate the plaintiff with economic losses and reasonable expenses incurred for
stopping the infringement, and to bear the joint and several liability. No other credit and debt disputes
were involved. And 2 cases were brought for correcting the inventors of the patents, with relevant claims
of correcting LI Yi and HU Fei as the inventors of the US Patent No. 9,024,241 and the China Patent No.
ZL201610387831.8., in which the Company is the owner of these patents.

3. Progress on cases
       (1) As of the disclosure date of the report, the Company has received 5 Civil Judgements decided
by the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court in the first instance (Case No.: (2019) Yue 03 Min Chu No.
2943, 2944, 2946, 2948 and 2951), holding that the defendants, Delta Electronics Enterprise
Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Delta Electronics (Jiangsu) Co., Limited, immediately stop
infringing the Company’s patents for invention, and jointly and severally indemnify the plaintiff,
Appotronics Corporation Limited, a compensation of RMB 1,651,997.

    (2) The Company entered a nolle prosequi in respect of 6 cases against Delta Company (Case No.
(2019) Yue 03 Min Chu No. 2942, 2945, 2947, 2949, 2950, and 4309). During the reporting period, the
Company has received the Judgement from the court for withdrawal of cases.

(II) Invalidation plea
      As of the disclosure date of the report, all invalidation plea cases where the Company acted as a
patentee have been closed by the China National Intellectual Property Administration with a decision to
maintain the validity of the patent right, or withdrawn by the petitioner at their own discretion; and there
has been only 1 invalidation plea case where the Company acted as a petitioner being sub judice by the
China National Intellectual Property Administration, which is related to the invalidation plea against
patents held by Delta Electronics, Inc.

3.3 Commitments failed in completion as scheduled during the reporting period
□ Applicable    √ N/A

3.4 Warning of the estimate that the accumulated net profits from the beginning of the year to the end

     of the next reporting period will be negative or will change significantly comparing with the same

     period of the previous year, and description of reasons
□Applicable √ N/A

                                                       Company name      Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                               Legal Representative      BO Lianming
                                                                 Date    April 24, 2021
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IV. Annex

4.1 Financial statements
                                    Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                          March 31, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                 In RMB, Unaudited
                     Item                           March 31, 2021             December 31, 2020
Current Assets:
  Cash and bank balances                                 1,064,372,349.54             1,037,760,573.27
  Balances with clearing agencies
   Placements with banks and other financial
  Held-for-trading financial assets                           114,000,000.00            114,000,000.00
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                              2,983,038.68              3,726,328.91
  Accounts receivable                                         188,974,088.57            341,660,832.43
  Receivables financing                                         2,024,508.81             11,959,000.00
  Prepayments                                                  57,515,174.21             47,447,601.43
  Premiums receivable
  Amounts receivable under reinsurance
   Reinsurer’s share of insurance contract
  Other receivables                                             9,273,387.64             12,534,062.15
  Including: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
  Financial assets purchased under resale
  Inventories                                                 532,336,267.79            418,812,140.80
  Contract assets                                               2,551,858.10              3,744,655.50
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one year
  Other current assets                                         33,190,142.08             13,002,195.46
     Total Current Assets                                2,007,220,815.42             2,004,647,389.95
Non-current Assets:
  Loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                                        13,346,016.87             13,196,087.78
  Long-term equity investments                                264,994,418.30            262,744,772.48
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  Other equity instrument investments                           11,975,419.38     11,975,419.38
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                                                 446,885,174.58    447,571,328.91
  Construction in progress                                      61,210,351.60     51,576,850.72
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                           36,626,275.79
  Intangible assets                                            316,962,854.87    320,488,235.60
  Development expenditure
  Long-term prepaid expenses                                     9,834,264.47     11,572,346.79
  Deferred tax assets                                           97,032,085.69     96,132,114.02
  Other non-current assets                                      13,905,509.02       6,299,781.06
    Total Non-current Assets                              1,272,772,370.57      1,221,556,936.74
       Total assets                                       3,279,993,185.99      3,226,204,326.69
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                         83,264,853.23     88,778,852.86
  Loans from the central bank
   Taking from banks and other financial
  Held-for-trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                153,941,489.46    116,822,674.67
  Accounts payable                                             231,375,227.23    226,494,815.90
  Receipts in advance                                          146,692,470.96    153,258,189.88
  Contract liabilities                                          33,124,732.32     31,518,312.59
  Financial assets sold under repurchase
  Customer deposits and deposits from
banks and other financial institutions
  Funds from securities trading agency
  Funds from underwriting securities
  Employee benefits payable                                     20,446,582.80     46,105,566.15
  Taxes payable                                                 20,790,402.18     19,871,846.94
  Other payables                                                20,202,835.30     59,848,053.83
  Including: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
  Fees and commissions payable
  Amounts payable under reinsurance

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  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due within one                       148,102,629.59         181,417,412.46
  Other current liabilities                                      2,738,580.06           3,045,831.07
    Total Current Liabilities                                  860,679,803.13         927,161,556.35
Non-current Liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserves
  Long-term borrowings                                          77,559,805.75          64,845,281.53
  Bonds payable
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Leasing liabilities                                           39,833,277.93
  Long-term payables                                             3,285,650.00           3,262,450.00
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Provisions                                                    29,743,263.71          28,799,354.65
  Deferred income                                               16,762,859.17          16,723,257.15
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
    Total Non-current Liabilities                              167,184,856.56         113,630,343.33
       Total Liabilities                                  1,027,864,659.69          1,040,791,899.68
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) equity:
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)                           452,756,901.00         452,756,901.00
  Other equity instruments
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                         1,251,753,237.13          1,249,020,991.15
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                                    -4,232,435.10           -3,214,291.93
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                                               35,242,179.57          35,242,179.57
  General risk reserve
  Retained profits                                             412,247,456.29         357,793,891.96
  Total Owners’(or Shareholders’) Equity                2,147,767,338.89          2,091,599,671.75
Attributable to Owners of the Parent
  Minority interests                                           104,361,187.41          93,812,755.26
    Total Owners’ (or Shareholders’)                    2,252,128,526.30          2,185,412,427.01
      Total Liabilities and Owners’ (or                  3,279,993,185.99          3,226,204,326.69
Shareholders’) Equity
Legal Representative:           Person in Charge of the Accounting Body:         Chief Accountant:
    BO Lianming                               ZHAO Ruijin                       LIU Jie

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                              Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                          March 31, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                    In RMB, Unaudited
                 Item                            March 31, 2021                 December 31, 2020
Current Assets:
  Cash and bank balances                                       762,221,931.62          709,932,686.71
  Held-for-trading financial assets                            114,000,000.00          114,000,000.00
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                               2,044,438.68             2,314,628.91
  Accounts receivable                                          548,070,417.35          567,539,506.79
  Receivables financing                                          1,564,508.81              100,000.00
  Prepayments                                                   11,271,295.91           11,001,439.23
  Other receivables                                             38,701,360.98           71,654,117.57
  Including: Interest receivable
         Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                                  201,672,779.50          169,022,971.44
  Contract assets                                                2,527,363.10             3,720,160.50
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                                           5,615,966.70             1,297,388.01
    Total Current Assets                                  1,687,690,062.65            1,650,582,899.16
Non-current Assets:
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                                         13,346,016.87           13,196,087.78
  Long-term equity investments                                 429,504,292.59          421,648,284.99
  Other equity instrument                                        7,075,419.38             7,075,419.38
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                                                  55,118,118.21           57,409,189.33
  Construction in progress                                      48,809,198.03           37,982,329.74
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                           26,691,714.81
  Intangible assets                                            316,061,047.33          319,438,893.42
  Development expenditure

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  Long-term prepaid expenses                                     8,275,720.51       9,562,162.36
  Deferred tax assets                                            7,634,208.87       6,680,188.67
  Other non-current assets                                       8,395,908.82       5,411,561.28
     Total Non-current Assets                                  920,911,645.42    878,404,116.95
       Total assets                                       2,608,601,708.07      2,528,987,016.11
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                         11,536,776.87     11,410,560.27
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                 32,786,074.03     32,313,678.21
  Accounts payable                                             215,115,270.39    210,885,240.65
  Receipts in advance                                            2,729,498.87       2,688,210.54
  Contract liabilities                                          20,173,585.14     20,609,190.34
  Employee benefits payable                                     12,291,006.80     28,514,763.09
  Taxes payable                                                  9,749,372.53       5,830,858.89
  Other payables                                                38,492,286.58     23,058,804.83
  Including: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due within                             1,000,931.51       1,001,024.66
one year
  Other current liabilities                                      1,362,729.94       1,918,391.60
     Total Current Liabilities                                 345,237,532.66    338,230,723.08
Non-current Liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                          29,027,013.70     29,029,715.07
  Bonds payable
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Leasing liabilities                                           28,714,490.82
  Long-term payables                                             3,285,650.00       3,262,450.00
  Long-term employee benefits
  Provisions                                                    17,309,231.09     16,345,891.60
  Deferred income                                               14,663,632.78     14,450,411.10
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
     Total Non-current Liabilities                              93,000,018.39     63,088,467.77
       Total Liabilities                                       438,237,551.05    401,319,190.85
Owners’ (or Shareholders’)
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)                           452,756,901.00    452,756,901.00

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  Other equity instruments
  Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                        1,354,543,757.17               1,351,261,718.84
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                                              33,964,638.84               33,964,638.84
  Retained profits                                            329,098,860.01              289,684,566.58
    Total Owners’ (or                                   2,170,364,157.02               2,127,667,825.26
Shareholders’) Equity
      Total Liabilities and                              2,608,601,708.07               2,528,987,016.11
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) Equity

Legal Representative:           Person in Charge of the Accounting Body:                Chief Accountant:
    BO Lianming                               ZHAO Ruijin                                     LIU Jie

                                  Consolidated Income Statement
                       For the period from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                     In RMB, Unaudited
                                                   The First Quarter in           The First Quarter in
                                                          2021                           2020
I. Total operating income                                       524,967,989.26            306,900,748.84
Including: Operating income                                     524,967,989.26            306,900,748.84
       Interest income
       Premiums earned
       Fee and commission income
II. Total operating costs                                       468,379,392.92            312,526,014.17
Including: Operating costs                                      352,723,171.28            205,113,820.04
       Interest expenses
       Fee and commission expenses
      Claims and policyholder benefits (net
of amounts recoverable from reinsurers)
       Net withdrawal of insurance contract
       Insurance policyholder dividends
       Expenses for reinsurance accepted
       Taxes and levies                                            2,289,691.36               848,964.73
       Selling expenses                                           36,732,891.97            24,522,520.30
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            Administrative expenses                               32,052,318.68    34,641,364.44
            R&D expenses                                          44,555,558.17    43,759,224.20
            Financial expenses                                         25,761.46    3,640,120.46
            Including: Interest expense                            5,017,702.98     5,974,996.52
                   Interest income                                 5,330,089.31     2,452,836.80
   Add: other income                                              14,353,842.94    13,967,683.29
            Investment income (loss is indicated                   4,546,382.37     6,951,747.26
by “-”)
        Including: Income from investments                         3,610,502.91      719,638.49
in associates and joint ventures
              Gains from derecognition of
financial assets at amortized assets
        Foreign exchange gains (loss is
indicated by “-”)
        Gains from net exposure hedges (loss
is indicated by “-”)
         Gains from changes in fair values
(loss is indicated by “-”)
        Losses of credit impairment (loss is                       7,707,743.19     3,178,689.54
indicated by “-”)
        Impairment losses of assets (loss is                       -1,714,867.75   -4,230,773.80
indicated by “-”)
        Gains from disposal of assets (loss is                     2,806,103.11             0.00
indicated by “-”)
III. Operating profit (loss is indicated by “-”)                84,287,800.20    14,242,080.96
   Add: Non-operating income                                         438,003.45       17,320.21
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                        74,302.34     375,729.00
IV. Total profits (total losses are indicated                     84,651,501.31    13,883,672.17
by “-”)
   Less: Income tax expenses                                      20,220,441.99     6,583,959.00
V. Net profits (net losses are indicated by                       64,431,059.32     7,299,713.17
(I) Categorized by the continuity of operation
    1. Net profits from continuing                                64,431,059.32     7,299,713.17
operations (net losses are indicated by “-”)
    2. Net profits from discontinued
operations (net losses are indicated by “-”)
(II) Categorized by the ownership
     1.Net profits attributable to                                54,409,294.00    13,322,216.29
shareholders of the Parent Company (net
losses are indicated by “-”)
    2. Profits or losses attributable to                          10,021,765.32    -6,022,503.12
minority shareholders (net losses are

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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

indicated by “-”)
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                     -1,030,020.03    3,832,339.57
  (I) Other comprehensive income that can                      -1,018,143.17    3,797,318.81
be attributable to owners of the Parent
Company, net of tax
     1. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified subsequently to profit
or loss
  (1) Changes from remeasurement of
defined benefit plans
   (2) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under
the equity method
   (3) Changes in fair value of investments
in other equity instruments
  (4) Changes in fair value of enterprises’
own credit risks
     2.Other comprehensive income that                         -1,018,143.17    3,797,318.81
will be reclassified to profit or loss
  (1) Other comprehensive income that will
be reclassified to profit or loss under the
equity method
  (2) Changes in fair value of other debt
   (3) Amount of financial assets reclassified
to other comprehensive income
  (4) Provision for credit impairment of
other debt investments
  (5) Reserve for cash flow hedges
   (6) Exchange differences on translation of                  -1,018,143.17    3,797,318.81
financial statements denominated in foreign
  (7) Others
   (II) Other comprehensive income that can                       -11,876.86      35,020.76
be attributable to minority shareholders, net
of tax
VII. Total comprehensive income                               63,401,039.29    11,132,052.74
  (I) Total comprehensive income that can                     53,391,150.83    17,119,535.10
be attributable to owners of the Parent
  (II) Total comprehensive income that can                    10,009,888.46    -5,987,482.36
be attributable to minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share:

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   (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                 0.12                    0.03
   (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                              0.12                    0.03

Legal Representative:           Person in Charge of the Accounting Body:             Chief Accountant:
    BO Lianming                                ZHAO Ruijin                            LIU Jie

                            Income Statement of the Parent Company
                       For the period from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                     In RMB, Unaudited
                       Item                               The First Quarter in     The First Quarter in
                                                                 2021                     2020
I. Operating income                                              247,193,016.87           149,314,735.41
   Less: Operating costs                                         165,891,742.11            95,623,590.51
         Taxes and levies                                          1,637,131.20               414,212.02
         Selling expenses                                         15,615,494.24            14,007,454.17
         Administrative expenses                                  19,551,600.41            24,524,700.83
         R&D expenses                                             21,644,886.28            25,612,027.29
         Financial expenses                                       -7,184,764.59            -3,569,835.96
         Including: Interest expense                                645,266.97                 13,174.14
                   Interest income                                 7,907,864.77             3,279,548.30
   Add: other income                                               9,813,752.75            11,797,618.37
         Investment income (loss is indicated by                   6,993,373.94             6,232,108.77
       Including: Income from investments in
associates and joint ventures
              Gains from derecognition of
financial assets at amortized assets
        Gains from net exposure hedges (loss is
indicated by “-”)
        Gains from changes in fair values (loss
is indicated by “-”)
        Losses of credit impairment (loss is                        -497,968.57               175,684.06
indicated by “-”)
        Impairment losses of assets (loss is                        -786,039.04            -3,221,027.46
indicated by “-”)
        Gains from disposal of assets (loss is
indicated by “-”)
II. Operating profit (loss is indicated by “-”)                 45,560,046.30             7,686,970.29
   Add: Non-operating income                                        409,000.36                 17,318.89
   Less: Non-operating expenses                                       63,863.17                14,740.59

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III. Total profits (total losses are indicated by                 45,905,183.49       7,689,548.59
     Less: Income tax expenses                                     6,840,127.78       4,080,448.28
VI. Net profits (net losses are indicated by “-”)               39,065,055.71       3,609,100.31
   (I) Net profits from continuing operations                     39,065,055.71       3,609,100.31
(net losses are indicated by “-”)
   (II) Net profits from discontinued operations
(net losses are indicated by “-”)
V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax
  (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot
be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
    1.Changes from remeasurement of defined
benefit plans
     2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the
equity method
     3.Changes in fair value of investments in
other equity instruments
     4.Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own
credit risks
   (II) Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss
     1. Other comprehensive income that will
be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity
     2. Changes in fair value of other debt
     3. Amount of financial assets reclassified
to other comprehensive income
     4.Provision for credit impairment of other
debt investments
     5. Reserve for cash flow hedges
     6. Exchange differences on translation of
financial statements denominated in foreign
     7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income                                    39,065,055.71       3,609,100.31
VII. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)
     (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)

Legal Representative:           Person in Charge of the Accounting Body:          Chief Accountant:
    BO Lianming                               ZHAO Ruijin                          LIU Jie

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                                       The First Quarter Report in 2021

                                Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                       For the period from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                      In RMB, Unaudited
                                              The First Quarter in 2021         The First Quarter in 2020

I. Cash Flows from Operating
  Cash receipts from the sale of goods                         747,962,281.72              397,384,359.17
and the rendering of services
   Net increase in customer deposits and
deposits from banks and other financial
  Net increase in loans from the central
  Net increase in taking from banks and
other financial institutions
   Cash receipts from premiums under
direct insurance contracts
  Net cash receipts from reinsurance
   Net cash receipts from policyholders’
deposits and investment contract
  Cash receipts from interest, fees and
  Net increase in taking from banks
  Net increase in financial assets sold
under repurchase arrangements
   Net cash received from securities
trading agencies
  Receipts of tax refunds                                         975,787.81                 2,267,811.01
  Other cash receipts       relating     to                     35,073,661.68               34,991,984.03
operating activities
    Sub-total of cash inflows from                             784,011,731.21              434,644,154.21
operating activities
  Cash payments for goods purchased                            498,775,867.34              298,323,599.64
and services received
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in balance with the
central bank and due from banks and

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other financial institutions
   Cash payments for claims and
policyholders’ benefits under direct
insurance contracts
  Net increase in placements with banks
and other financial institutions
  Cash payments for interest, fees and
  Cash     payments    for          insurance
policyholder dividends
  Cash payments to and on behalf of                                   96,357,835.55    99,940,689.15
  Payments of various types of taxes                                  22,526,122.46    35,918,878.89
  Other cash payments relating to                                     60,128,643.98    38,750,172.08
operating activities
    Sub-total of cash outflows from                                  677,788,469.33   472,933,339.76
operating activities
         Net cash flow from operating                                106,223,261.88   -38,289,185.55
II. Cash      Flows        from     Investing
   Cash receipts from disposals and                                  114,000,000.00   540,000,000.00
recovery of investments
  Cash receipts from investment income                                  935,882.46      6,232,108.77
   Net cash receipts from disposals of                                                      2,281.47
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets
  Net cash receipts from disposals of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash receipts             relating     to
investing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from                                  114,935,882.46   546,234,390.24
investing activities
   Cash payments to acquire or construct                              14,262,405.92     4,994,345.94
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets
  Cash payments to acquire investments                               148,048,387.32   485,000,000.00
   Net increase       in    pledged      loans
  Net cash payments for acquisitions of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

     Sub-total of cash outflows from                          162,310,793.24        489,994,345.94
investing activities
         Net cash flow from investing                         -47,374,910.78         56,240,044.30
III. Cash Flows from Financing
  Cash      receipts    from      capital                      22,500,000.00
  Including: cash receipts from capital
contributions       from       minority
shareholders of subsidiaries
  Cash receipts from borrowings                                61,489,331.60         31,049,660.15
   Other cash receipts     relating     to
financing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from                            83,989,331.60         31,049,660.15
financing activities
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                87,595,777.45         77,790,695.10
   Cash payments for distribution of                            4,677,974.98          6,267,847.69
dividends or profits or settlement of
interest expenses
  Including: payments for distribution
of dividends or profits to minority
shareholders of subsidiaries
   Other cash payments relating to                             23,777,056.92
financing activities
     Sub-total of cash outflows from                          116,050,809.35         84,058,542.79
financing activities
         Net cash flow from financing                         -32,061,477.75        -53,008,882.64
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate                              670,024.42             419,408.45
Changes on Cash and Cash
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash                               27,456,897.77        -34,638,615.44
  Add: Opening balance of cash and                            983,525,089.44        829,789,487.86
cash equivalents
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash                      1,010,981,987.21          795,150,872.42

Legal Representative:      Person in Charge of the Accounting Body:            Chief Accountant:
    BO Lianming                           ZHAO Ruijin                           LIU Jie

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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

                          Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
                       For the period from January 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                     In RMB, Unaudited
                                             The First Quarter in 2021         The First Quarter in 2020

I. Cash Flows from Operating
  Cash receipts from the sale of goods                        313,008,619.07              175,632,699.35
and the rendering of services
  Receipts of tax refunds                                        226,499.93                 1,258,598.52
  Other cash receipts relating to                              84,336,914.41               69,010,030.52
operating activities
    Sub-total of cash inflows from                            397,572,033.41              245,901,328.39
operating activities
  Cash payments for goods purchased                           224,490,459.68              148,745,453.42
and services received
  Cash payments to and on behalf of                            56,702,483.19               58,149,160.99
  Payments of various types of taxes                           16,254,097.23                2,326,794.97
  Other cash payments relating to                              23,852,409.59               59,079,296.15
operating activities
    Sub-total of cash outflows from                           321,299,449.69              268,300,705.53
operating activities
  Net cash flow from operating                                 76,272,583.72               -22,399,377.14
II. Cash Flows from Investing
   Cash receipts from disposals and                           141,500,000.00              540,000,000.00
recovery of investments
  Cash receipts from investment income                           935,882.46                 6,232,108.77
   Net cash receipts from disposals of                                     -                    2,281.47
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets
  Net cash receipts from disposals of                                      -
subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash receipts relating to                                          -
investing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from                           142,435,882.46              546,234,390.24
investing activities
   Cash payments to acquire or construct                        6,947,304.17                3,965,789.67
fixed assets, intangible assets and other

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long-term assets
  Cash payments to acquire investments                          152,932,903.47        616,213,540.00
  Net cash payments for acquisitions of                                      -
subsidiaries and other business units
  Other cash payments relating to                                            -
investing activities
     Sub-total of cash outflows from                            159,880,207.64        620,179,329.67
investing activities
         Net cash flow from investing                           -17,444,325.18        -73,944,939.43
III. Cash Flows from Financing
  Cash receipts from capital
  Cash receipts from borrowings                                                        20,000,000.00
   Other cash receipts relating to
financing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from                                                    20,000,000.00
financing activities
  Cash repayments of borrowings                                                        10,000,000.00
   Cash payments for distribution of                               257,833.33             230,912.50
dividends or profits or settlement of
interest expenses
   Other cash payments relating to                                4,153,690.92
financing activities
     Sub-total of cash outflows from                              4,411,524.25         10,230,912.50
financing activities
         Net cash flow from financing                            -4,411,524.25          9,769,087.50
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate                                123,744.92            -327,571.48
Changes on Cash and Cash
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash                                 54,540,479.21        -86,902,800.55
  Add: Opening balance of cash and                              666,628,105.82        524,648,100.62
cash equivalents
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash                            721,168,585.03        437,745,300.07

Legal Representative:          Person in Charge of the Accounting Body:          Chief Accountant:
    BO Lianming                               ZHAO Ruijin                         LIU Jie

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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

4.2 Description of adjustments in opening balances of line items in financial statements of the year due
    to the implementation of new revenue standard and new lease standard since 2021

√Applicable       N/A
                                       Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                  In RMB
                                          December 31,
                Item                                              January 1, 2021        Adjusted amount
Current Assets:
  Cash and bank balances                  1,037,760,573.27        1,037,760,573.27
  Balances with clearing agencies
  Placements with banks and
other financial institutions
  Held-for-trading financial assets         114,000,000.00          114,000,000.00
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                             3,726,328.91               3,726,328.91
  Accounts receivable                       341,660,832.43          341,660,832.43
  Receivables financing                      11,959,000.00               11,959,000.00
  Prepayments                                47,447,601.43               49,174,631.52        1,727,030.09
  Premiums receivable
   Amounts receivable under
reinsurance contracts
  Reinsurer’s share of insurance
contract reserves
  Other receivables                          12,534,062.15               12,534,062.15
  Including: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
  Financial assets purchased
under resale agreements
  Inventories                               418,812,140.80          418,812,140.80
  Contract assets                              3,744,655.50               3,744,655.50
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within
one year
  Other current assets                       13,002,195.46               13,002,195.46
     Total Current Assets                 2,004,647,389.95        2,006,374,420.04            1,727,030.09
Non-current Assets:
  Loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                      13,196,087.78               13,196,087.78
  Long-term equity investments              262,744,772.48          262,744,772.48
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                                     The First Quarter Report in 2021

  Other equity instrument                   11,975,419.38               11,975,419.38
  Other non-current financial
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                             447,571,328.91          447,571,328.91
  Construction in progress                  51,576,850.72               51,576,850.72
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                                   39,368,070.17   39,368,070.17
  Intangible assets                        320,488,235.60          320,488,235.60
  Development expenditure
  Long-term prepaid expenses                11,572,346.79               11,572,346.79
  Deferred tax assets                       96,132,114.02               96,455,790.38     323,676.36
  Other non-current assets                    6,299,781.06               6,299,781.06
     Total Non-current Assets            1,221,556,936.74        1,261,248,683.27       39,691,746.53
       Total assets                      3,226,204,326.69        3,267,623,103.31       41,418,776.62
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                     88,778,852.86               88,778,852.86
  Loans from the central bank
   Taking from banks and other
financial institutions
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                            116,822,674.67          116,822,674.67
  Accounts payable                         226,494,815.90          226,494,815.90
  Receipts in advance                      153,258,189.88          153,258,189.88
  Contract liabilities                      31,518,312.59               31,518,312.59
  Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
   Customer deposits and deposits
from banks and other financial
  Funds from securities trading
  Funds from underwriting
securities agency
  Employee benefits payable                 46,105,566.15               46,105,566.15
  Taxes payable                             19,871,846.94               19,871,846.94
  Other payables                            59,848,053.83               58,821,952.01   -1,026,101.82
  Including: Interest payable
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                                       The First Quarter Report in 2021

          Dividends payable
  Fees and commissions payable
   Amounts payable under
reinsurance contracts
  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due                181,417,412.46          181,417,412.46
within one year
  Other current liabilities                     3,045,831.07               3,045,831.07
     Total Current Liabilities               927,161,556.35          926,135,454.53       -1,026,101.82
Non-current Liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserves
  Long-term borrowings                        64,845,281.53               64,845,281.53
  Bonds payable
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Leasing liabilities                                                     42,411,856.75   42,411,856.75
  Long-term payables                            3,262,450.00               3,262,450.00
  Long-term employee benefits
  Provisions                                  28,799,354.65               28,799,354.65
  Deferred income                             16,723,257.15               16,723,257.15
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
     Total Non-current Liabilities           113,630,343.33          156,042,200.08       42,411,856.75
       Total Liabilities                   1,040,791,899.68        1,082,177,654.61       41,385,754.93
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) equity:
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)         452,756,901.00          452,756,901.00
  Other equity instruments
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                          1,249,020,991.15        1,249,020,991.15
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                   -3,214,291.93              -3,214,291.93
Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                             35,242,179.57               35,242,179.57
  General risk reserve
  Retained profits                           357,793,891.96          357,838,162.29          44,270.33
   Total Owners’ (or                      2,091,599,671.75        2,091,643,942.08          44,270.33
Shareholders’) Equity Attributable
to Owners of the Parent Company
  Minority interests                          93,812,755.26               93,801,506.62      -11,248.64
    Total Owners’ (or                     2,185,412,427.01        2,185,445,448.70          33,021.69
Shareholders’) Equity
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                                       The First Quarter Report in 2021

      Total Liabilities and                3,226,204,326.69          3,267,623,103.31         41,418,776.62
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) Equity

Description of adjustments on each item:
√Applicable     □ N/A
The Company, as implemented the new lease standard since January 1, 2021, adjusted the opening
balance of relevant line items in the financial statements of the first implementation year according to
amount that have been affected by the first implementation of the new lease standard.

         Item               December 31, 2020              January 1, 2021           Adjusted amount
Prepayments                           47,447,601.43                49,174,631.52             1,727,030.09
Right-of-use assets                                                39,368,070.17            39,368,070.17
Deferred tax assets                   96,132,114.02                96,455,790.38              323,676.36
Other payables                        59,848,053.83                58,821,952.01            -1,026,101.82
Lease liabilities                                                  42,411,856.75            42,411,856.75
Retained profits                   357,793,891.96              357,838,162.29                  44,270.33
Minority interests                    93,812,755.26                93,801,506.62               -11,248.64

                                   Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                                                                                   In RMB
                Item                      December 31, 2020           January 1, 2021      Adjusted amount
Current Assets:
  Cash and bank balances                       709,932,686.71             709,932,686.71
  Held-for-trading financial                   114,000,000.00             114,000,000.00
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                2,314,628.91              2,314,628.91
  Accounts receivable                          567,539,506.79             567,539,506.79
  Receivables financing                               100,000.00             100,000.00
  Prepayments                                    11,001,439.23             13,163,045.06       2,161,605.83
  Other receivables                              71,654,117.57             71,654,117.57
  Including: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                  169,022,971.44             169,022,971.44
  Contract assets                                 3,720,160.50              3,720,160.50
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within
one year
  Other current assets                            1,297,388.01              1,297,388.01
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                                     The First Quarter Report in 2021

     Total Current Assets                  1,650,582,899.16        1,652,744,504.99       2,161,605.83
Non-current Assets:
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                        13,196,087.78             13,196,087.78
  Long-term equity investments               421,648,284.99             421,648,284.99
  Other equity instrument                       7,075,419.38              7,075,419.38
  Other non-current financial
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                                 57,409,189.33             57,409,189.33
  Construction in progress                     37,982,329.74             37,982,329.74
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                                    29,494,047.23   29,494,047.23
  Intangible assets                          319,438,893.42             319,438,893.42
  Development expenditure
  Long-term prepaid expenses                    9,562,162.36              9,562,162.36
  Deferred tax assets                           6,680,188.67              7,000,018.34     319,829.67
  Other non-current assets                      5,411,561.28              5,411,561.28
     Total Non-current Assets                878,404,116.95             908,217,993.85   29,813,876.90
       Total assets                        2,528,987,016.11        2,560,962,498.84      31,975,482.73
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                        11,410,560.27             11,410,560.27
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                32,313,678.21             32,313,678.21
  Accounts payable                           210,885,240.65             210,885,240.65
  Receipts in advance                           2,688,210.54              2,688,210.54
  Contract liabilities                         20,609,190.34             20,609,190.34
  Employee benefits payable                    28,514,763.09             28,514,763.09
  Taxes payable                                 5,830,858.89              5,830,858.89
  Other payables                               23,058,804.83             23,058,804.83
  Including: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due                   1,001,024.66              1,001,024.66
within one year
  Other current liabilities                     1,918,391.60              1,918,391.60

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                                      The First Quarter Report in 2021

     Total Current Liabilities                338,230,723.08             338,230,723.08
Non-current Liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                          29,029,715.07             29,029,715.07
  Bonds payable
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Leasing liabilities                                                     31,626,245.01     31,626,245.01
  Long-term payables                             3,262,450.00              3,262,450.00
  Long-term employee benefits
  Provisions                                    16,345,891.60             16,345,891.60
  Deferred income                               14,450,411.10             14,450,411.10
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
     Total Non-current Liabilities              63,088,467.77             94,714,712.78     31,626,245.01
       Total Liabilities                      401,319,190.85             432,945,435.86     31,626,245.01
Owners’ (or Shareholders’) equity:
  Paid-in capital (or share                   452,756,901.00             452,756,901.00
  Other equity instruments
  Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                           1,351,261,718.84        1,351,261,718.84
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                               33,964,638.84             33,964,638.84
  Retained profits                            289,684,566.58             290,033,804.30        349,237.72
    Total Owners’ (or                      2,127,667,825.26        2,128,017,062.98           349,237.72
Shareholders’) Equity
       Total Liabilities and                2,528,987,016.11        2,560,962,498.84        31,975,482.73
Owners’ (or Shareholders’)

Description of adjustments on each item:
√Applicable     □ N/A
The Company, as implemented the new lease standard since January 1, 2021, adjusted the opening
balance of relevant line items in the financial statements of the first implementation year according to
amount that have been affected by the first implementation of the new lease standard.

Item                           December 31, 2020           January 1, 2021          Adjusted amount
Prepayments                          11,001,439.23              13,163,045.06              2,161,605.83
Right-of-use assets                                             29,494,047.23             29,494,047.23
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                                  The First Quarter Report in 2021

Deferred tax assets               6,680,188.67              7,000,018.34             319,829.67
Lease liabilities                                          31,626,245.01          31,626,245.01
Retained profits               289,684,566.58             290,033,804.30             349,237.72

4.3 Description of retrospective adjustments in comparable data for previous periods upon the first
    adoption of the new revenue standard and new lease standard since 2021

□ Applicable       √ N/A

4.4 Auditor’s report
□ Applicable       √ N/A

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