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                                                         The Third Quarter Report in 2021

Stock Code: 688007                                                 Stock Short Name: Appotronics

            Appotronics Corporation Limited
            The Third Quarter Report in 2021
       The Board of Directors and all the directors of the Company warrant that the
 information contained in this Report is free from any misrepresentation, mislead ing
 statement or material omission, and agree to assume the liability for the truth,

 accuracy and completeness of this Report according to law.

Important Note:

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior officers of

the Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Quarter Report is true,

accurate and complete and this Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement

or major omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Report.

The Principal of the Company, Chief Accountant and Person in charge of the Accounting Body

(Chief Accountants) warrant the information presented in the financial statements in this

Quarter Report is true, accurate and complete.

Whether the third quarter financial statements have been audited

     本报告为深圳光峰科技股份有限公司自愿披露的《2021 年第三季度报告(英文
     The Third Quarter Report in 2021 is voluntarily disclosed by Appotronics Corporation
Limited, and if the meaning of the translated version is different than the Chinese version, the
Chinese version will control.

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                                   The Third Quarter Report in 2021

I.    Major financial data

(I)     Key accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                          From the
                                                                      beginning of the      Change over
                                 During the            over the
 Item                                                                 year to the end of      the prior
                              reporting period           prior
                                                                        the reporting       period (%)
                                                     period (%)
 Operating revenue              555,932,526.47                 6.42   1,660,621,770.06             34.09
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the          59,936,820.19               101.06     211,350,740.98            378.84
 listed company
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the
 listed company after
                                 41,093,330.65               123.21     108,055,266.73               N/A
 deduction     of      non-
 recurring    profit     or
 Net cash flow from
                                              N/A              N/A       -20,916,883.81          -118.46
 operating activities
 Basic    earnings      per
                                           0.13               85.71                  0.47         370.00
 share (RMB/share)
 Diluted earnings per
                                           0.13               85.71                  0.46         360.00
 share (RMB/share)
 Weighted       average
                                                        Increase                             Increase by
 return on net assets                      2.53                                      9.38
                                                       by 1.03%                                   7.17%
 Total               R&D
                                 60,724,744.04                 2.47     155,853,227.70              6.34
 Proportion of R&D
                                                       Decrease                             Decrease by
 investments to                           10.92                                      9.39
                                                       by 0.42%                                   2.44%
 operating income (%)
                                                                                            Changes at
                              At the end of the                                              the end of
                                                        At the end of the prior year
                              reporting period                                              the reporting
                                                                                            period from

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                                   The Third Quarter Report in 2021

                                                                                          the end of
                                                                                        the prior year
 Total assets                 3,802,025,432.02                     3,226,204,326.69             17.85
 Equity attributable to
 shareholders of the          2,404,985,350.82                     2,091,599,671.75             14.98
 listed company
Note: The term “reporting period” refers to a period of three months from the beginning of this

quarter to the end of this quarter, same as below.

Analysis of business situations

       In the context of the strain of industry supply chain, the Company actively adjusted its business

strategy, and accordingly, its revenue for the first three quarters of 2021 achieved RMB 1.661 billion,

up by 34.09% over the same period of the prior year; net profit attributable to shareholders of the

listed company was RMB 211 million, up by 378.84% over the same period of the prior year; net

profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profit or

loss was RMB 108 million, turning the negative profit for the same period of the prior year to the


       Looking forward to the fourth quarter, the Company will actively respond to changes in the

operating environment. In terms of household business, the Company continues to conduct the

strategic stocking, and will take the advantage of season-high promotion activities such as “Double

11” to launch a variety of new products to the market, and implement an active market competition

strategy; for cinema business, as of September 30, Appotronics has over 24,000 ALPD laser

projectors installed throughout China, accelerating the laserization of cinema projections; regarding

the large venue business, the Company will step up the expansion of overseas markets with ODM

mode; and for the business education, the Company will shift its business focus to segmentation

areas such as higher education and commerce. Further, with ALPD technology as the core, the

Company will deploy the entire laser display industry chain to expand its innovative application in

scenarios such as aviation, automobile and smart home.

(II)    Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                            In RMB

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                                        The Third Quarter Report in 2021

                                                                    Amount from the
                                             Amount for the         beginning of the
                Item                                                                        Description
                                             reporting period       year to the end of
                                                                   the reporting period
Profit or loss from disposal of
non-current assets (including the
                                                     -179,148.42          1,869,005.68
offset part of the retained asset
impairment provisions)
Government grants recognized
in profit or loss for the current
period (excluding government
grants that are closely related to
the business of the Company and                    6,633,924.98          78,442,136.30
are provided in fixed amount or
quantity continuously according
to the applicable polices and
standards of the country)
Profit     or   loss    of     assets
investments and management                         3,769,295.90           5,915,219.29
entrusted by other people
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries
from the beginning of the period
up to the business combination
date recognized as a result of                     5,592,162.91          16,978,379.38
business        combination        of
enterprises involving enterprises
under common control
Profit or loss on changes in the
fair value of held-for-trading
financial assets and held-for-
trading financial liabilities and
investment income on disposal
of   held-for-trading        financial
                                                       74,676.00         38,250,576.00
assets, held-for-trading financial
liabilities and available-for-sale
financial assets (exclusive of the
effective portion of the hedges
that arise in the Company’s
ordinary course of business)
Non-operating       income        and
                                                       29,640.59            530,950.33
expenses other than above
                                                                                          Primarily due to
Projects meeting the definition
                                                                            571,819.78    return of
of non-recurring profit or loss
                                                                                          handling costs

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                                     The Third Quarter Report in 2021

                                                                                            for individual
 Less: Effect of income taxes                  -11,031,330.40               6,201,323.51
      Effect of minority interests
                                                   8,108,392.82           33,061,289.00
 (after tax)
 Total                                            18,843,489.54          103,295,474.25

Description of non-recurring profit and loss items defined or listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 for Public Company Information Disclosures – Non-recurring Profits and
Losses being classified into the recurring profit and loss items
□ Applicable√ N/A

(III) Description of and reason for changes in key accounting information and financial

√ Applicable□ N/A
                       Item                          Change (%)                     Main reason
                                                                       Primarily due to the increase in the
                                                                       revenue from large venue products
 Operating revenue_from the beginning of
                                                               34.09   and household products for the first
 the year to the end of the reporting period
                                                                       three quarters and the recovery of the
                                                                       cinema business
                                                                       Primarily   due to the increases in
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                       revenue, gross profit        and      non-
 listed company_from the beginning of the                     378.84
                                                                       recurring profit or loss for the first
 year to the end of the reporting period
                                                                       three quarters
                                                                       Primarily due to the increase in the
                                                                       gross profit margin and the decrease
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the                        in the income tax expenses caused by
 listed company_during the reporting period                            additional deduction of research and
                                                                       development expenses during the
                                                                       reporting period
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the                        Primarily   due to the increases in
 listed company after deduction of non-                                revenue and gross profit margin for
 recurring profit or loss_from the beginning                           the first three quarters
 of the year to the end of the reporting period
                                                                       Primarily due to the increase in the
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the                        gross profit margin and the decrease
 listed company after deduction of non-                                in the income tax expenses caused by
 recurring profit or loss_during the reporting                         additional deduction of res earch and
 period                                                                development expenses during the
                                                                       reporting period

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                                               The Third Quarter Report in 2021

       Net       cash      flow     from        operating                        Primarily     due to the increases in
       activities_from the beginning of the year to                    -118.46   strategic stocking and prepayments
       the end of the reporting period                                           for the first third quarters
       Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)_fro m                                Primarily due to the increase in the
       the beginning of the year to the end of the                     370.00    profit of the Company for the first
       reporting period                                                          three quarters
                                                                                 Primarily due to the increase in the
       Basic            earnings         per         share
                                                                        85.71    profit of the Company during the
       (RMB/share)_during the reporting period
                                                                                 reporting period
       Diluted           earnings        per         share                       Primarily due to the increase in the
       (RMB/share)_from the beginning of the                           360.00    profit of the Company for the first
       year to the end of the reporting period                                   three quarters
                                                                                 Primarily due to the increase in the
       Diluted           earnings        per         share
                                                                        85.71    profit of the Company during the
       (RMB/share)_during the reporting period
                                                                                 reporting period

      II. Shareholder information

      (I)    Table of total number of ordinary shareholders and preferred shareholders with

               resumed voting right as well as shareholding status of top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                Unit: Share
Total number of
                                                                        Total number of preferred
holders of ordinary
                                                                        shareholders with resumed
shares at the end of                                         14,306                                                         N/A
                                                                        voting    right      during   the
the          reporting
                                                                        reporting period (if any)
                                         Shareholding status of top 10 shareholders
                                                                                             Number of      Shares pledged or
                                                                                              restricted           frozen
                                                             Propor                          shares held,
                                                             tion of      Number of           including
                           Shareholder         Number of
Shareholder name                                             shareh        restricted        the shares
                              nature           shares held
                                                             olding       shares held          lent out     Status     Number
                                                               (%)                            under the
Appotronics                                    79,762,679     17.62        79,762,679        79,762,679     None            0
                           owned legal
Holdings Limited

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                                         The Third Quarter Report in 2021

CITIC              PE
Investment (Hong           Overseas
                                         25,682,693     5.67          0               0        None     0
Kong)            2016     legal person
SAIF      IV     Hong
Kong           (China      Overseas
                                         24,554,268     5.42          0               0        None     0
Investments)              legal person
Shenzhen Yuanshi
Laser        Industrial
Investment                  Others       24,139,500     5.33     24,139,500       24,139,500   None     0
Partnership (LP)
Nantong          Strait
                            Others       23,080,329     5.10          0               0        None     0
Partnership (LP)
Appotronics Daye
                            Others       20,430,250     4.51     20,430,250       20,430,250   None     0
Partnership (LP)
Hongye                      Others       15,662,374     3.46     15,662,374       15,662,374   None     0
Partnership (LP)
Investment                  Others       12,353,106     2.73     12,353,106       12,353,106   None     0
Partnership (LP)
HOLDINGS                                 12,333,426     2.72          0               0        None     0
                          legal person
Chengye                     Others       10,394,846     2.30     10,394,846       10,394,846   None     0
Partnership (LP)
                                  Shareholdings of top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                                                                           Type and number of shares
Shareholder name          Number of unrestricted shares held
                                                                     Share type                Number

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                           The Third Quarter Report in 2021

CITIC              PE
Investment (Hong                                 RMB-denominated
                         25,682,693                                25,682,693
Kong)            2016                             ordinary share
SAIF      IV    Hong
Kong           (China                            RMB-denominated
                         24,554,268                                24,554,268
Investments)                                      ordinary share
Nantong         Strait
Appotronics                                      RMB-denominated
                         23,080,329                                23,080,329
Investment                                        ordinary share
Partnership (LP)
HOLDINGS                 12,333,426                                12,333,426
                                                  ordinary share
Smart           Team
Investment               6,605,948                                 6,605,948
                                                  ordinary share
Chenggu        Capital
Management Co.,                                  RMB-denominated
                         6,464,369                                 6,464,369
Ltd. - Shenzhen                                   ordinary share
Equity Investment
Partnership (LP)
Liansong Capital                                 RMB-denominated
                         5,833,817                                 5,833,817
Management                                        ordinary share
Partnership (LP)
China     Merchants
Bank Co., Ltd. -
Market             50                            RMB-denominated
                         5,197,149                                 5,197,149
Constituent                                       ordinary share
Trading Open-end
Index     Securities
Investment Fund

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                                        The Third Quarter Report in 2021

China     Merchants
Bank Co., Ltd. -
One-year        ABC
Huili        Strategic                 4,640,822                                                4,640,822
                                                                   ordinary share
Income        Hybrid
Investment Fund
Construction Bank
Invesco         Great
Wall                                   4,379,557                                                4,379,557
                                                                   ordinary share
Advantage Stock
Investment Fund
Description of
related party            As of the end of the reporting period, Appotronics Holdings, Yuanshi, Appotronics Daye,
relationship or          Appotronics Hongye, Jinleijing, Appotronics Chengye, and BLACKPINE Investment
concerted action         Corp. Limited are acting-in-concert parties. Besides, the Company has not received any
of the said              notice about related or acting-in-concert parties among other shareholders stated above.
Description of
participation in the
securities margin
trading and short
selling (if any) by      N/A
top 10
shareholders and
top 10 holders of
tradable shares

   III. Other reminders
   The investors are requested to pay attention to other important information on the business of the
   Company for the reporting period
   √ Applicable□ N/A
   (I) Litigation
         1. During the reporting period, the Company received the (2021) Zui Gao Fa Zhi Min Zhong
   No. 1048) Civil Ruling issued by the Supreme People’s Court in August 2021 (corresponding to the
   case of the first instance: (2019) Yue 73 Zhi Min Chu No. 663, in the first instance, Appotronics
   was determined to not commit the infringement and all claims made by Delta were dismissed). In
   the process of the trial by the Supreme People’s Court, Delta applied for withdrawing the lawsuit,
   and the Supreme People's Court made a ruling that Delta is allowed to withdraw the lawsuit.

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                                  The Third Quarter Report in 2021

     2. During the reporting period, the Company received the (2021) Zui Gao Zhi Min Zhong No.
639 Civil Ruling issued by the Supreme People’s Court in September 2021 (corresponding to the
case of the first instance: (2019) Jing 73 Min Chu No. 1277, as the patents involved have been
declared invalid by the State Intellectual Property Office and the lawsuit filed by Delta was
dismissed upon the ruling of the first instance). The Supreme People’s Court upheld the ruling of
the first instance, and judged that the litigation filed by Delta was dismissed.
     3. During the reporting period, the Company received two notices of response issued by the
Shanghai Intellectual Property Court ((2021) Hu 73 Zhi Min Chu No. 1069 and 1070) , and the
amount involved in the lawsuit totaled RMB 32.02 million. Delta, as the plaintiff, filed a patent
infringement lawsuit against the Company, the patents involved in the lawsuit were patents for
invention including ZL201410249663.7 “Method for manufacturing light source module and color
wheel” and ZL201110041436.1 “Heat dissipation assembly and projection device with the same.”
After the analysis, the Company preliminarily determines that it does not commit the infringement
in such two cases, it will actively respond to the lawsuit and take relevant legal measures to claim
its own legitimate rights and interests.
(II) Petition for invalidation
     As of the disclosure date of this Report, there have been three invalidation cases where the
Company acted as a patentee, which are in trial at the State Intellectual Property Office. The patents
involved in cases were ZL200810065225.X, ZL201110086731.9 and ZL201510464408.9.
     As of the disclosure date of this Report, there has been one invalidation case that the Company,
as a petitioner, brought against Delta, which is in trial at the State Intellectual Property Office.

IV. Quarter financial statements

(I)Audit opinion
□ Applicable√ N/A

Financial statements
                                    Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                     September 30, 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                   In RMB, Unaudited
                Item                        September 30, 2021               December 31, 2020
 Current Assets:
    Monetary capital                                  703,333,209.24                1,037,760,573.27
    Settlement reserve
    Inter-bank lending
    Held-for-trading financial
                                                      585,000,000.00                  114,000,000.00
    Derivative financial assets
    Notes receivable                                       6,753,787.31                  3,726,328.91

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                                The Third Quarter Report in 2021

  Accounts receivable                             199,512,521.37       341,660,832.43
  Receivables financing                                2,386,000.00      11,959,000.00
  Prepayments                                     110,640,789.39        47,447,601.43
  Premiums receivable
  Amounts receivable under
reinsurance contracts
  Reinsurer's share of insurance
contract reserves
  Other receivables                                18,062,326.12        12,534,062.15
  Including: Interest receivable
           Dividends receivable
  Redemptory monetary capital
for sale
  Inventories                                     752,859,798.88       418,812,140.80
  Contract assets                                      6,532,419.33       3,744,655.50
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within
one year
  Other current assets                             53,254,499.37        13,002,195.46
     Total Current Assets                       2,438,335,351.01      2,004,647,389.95
Non-current Assets:

  Loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                                6,126,264.99     13,196,087.78
  Long-term equity investments                    298,050,188.64       262,744,772.48
   Other equity instrument
                                                   11,975,419.38         11,975,419.38
  Other non-current financial
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                                    460,966,280.07       447,571,328.91
  Construction in progress                        116,539,353.99        51,576,850.72
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Use right assets                                 30,783,998.55
  Intangible assets                               311,592,235.74       320,488,235.60
  Development expenditure
  Long-term prepaid expenses                       10,571,226.72         11,572,346.79
  Deferred tax assets                             103,784,308.65         96,132,114.02

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                                 The Third Quarter Report in 2021

  Other non-current assets                          13,300,804.28          6,299,781.06
     Total Non-current Assets                    1,363,690,081.01      1,221,556,936.74
        Total assets                             3,802,025,432.02      3,226,204,326.69
Current Liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                 5,567,645.00     88,778,852.86
  Loans from the central bank
  Taking from banks and other
financial institutions
   Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                    144,667,187.09       116,822,674.67
  Accounts payable                                 243,489,117.26       226,494,815.90
  Receipts in advance                              133,627,491.22       153,258,189.88
  Contract liabilities                              36,139,493.07        31,518,312.59
  Income from sale of the
repurchased financial assets
   Deposits taking and interbank
  Acting trading securities
  Acting underwriting securities
  Employee benefits payable                         26,903,573.70        46,105,566.15
  Taxes payable                                     30,757,529.88        19,871,846.94
  Other payables                                   253,751,013.97        59,848,053.83
  Including: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
  Service charge and
commissions payable
  Payable reinsurance
  Held-for-sale liabilities
  Non-current liabilities due
                                                   123,373,388.14       181,417,412.46
within one year
  Other current liabilities                          3,647,893.92         3,045,831.07
    Total Current Liabilities                    1,001,924,333.25       927,161,556.35
Non-current Liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserves
  Long-term borrowings                             320,054,686.09        64,845,281.53
  Bonds payable
  Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
  Leasing liabilities                               32,493,477.18
  Long-term payables                                    3,242,700.00       3,262,450.00

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   Long-term employee benefits
   Estimated liabilities                              33,102,029.79             28,799,354.65
   Deferred income                                    14,227,863.58             16,723,257.15
   Deferred tax liabilities
   Other non-current liabilities
      Total Non-current
                                                     403,120,756.64            113,630,343.33
            Total Liabilities                      1,405,045,089.89          1,040,791,899.68
 Owners’ (or Shareholders’) equity:
   Paid-in capital (or share
                                                     452,756,901.00           452,756,901.00
   Other equity instruments
   Including: Preferred shares
                 Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserve                                 1,380,591,521.75          1,249,020,991.15
   Less: Treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                         -7,893,207.36             -3,214,291.93
   Special reserve
   Surplus reserve                                    35,242,179.57             35,242,179.57
   General risk reserve
   Retained profits                                  544,287,955.86           357,793,891.96
   Total owners’(or
 Shareholders’) equity attributable               2,404,985,350.82          2,091,599,671.75
 to owners of the Parent Company
   Minority interests                                 -8,005,008.69             93,812,755.26
      Total owners’ (or
                                                   2,396,980,342.13          2,185,412,427.01
 Shareholders’) equity
       Total liabilities and
 owners’ (or Shareholders’)                      3,802,025,432.02          3,226,204,326.69

Legal Representative: BO Lianming         Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia
Chief Accountant: LIU Jie

                                   Consolidated Income Statement
                        For the period from January to September 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                            In RMB, Unaudited
                                                  The First Three         The First Three
                                                 Quarters in 2021         Quarters in 2020
                                                 (From January to        (From January to
                                                    September)              September)

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                                   The Third Quarter Report in 2021

I. Turnover                                           1,660,621,770.06     1,238,398,708.87
Including: Operating income                           1,660,621,770.06     1,238,398,708.87
            Interest income
            Premiums earned
            Service charge and commission
II. Total operating costs                             1,522,416,553.31     1,248,451,362.20
Including: Operating costs                            1,076,872,169.84      892,453,334.39
            Interest expenses
            Service charge and commission
       Surrender value
            Net compensation expenses
            Net withdrawal of insurance
contract reserves
            Payment of policy dividends
            Expenses for reinsurance
            Taxes and levies                                5,617,717.41      4,205,362.39
            Selling expenses                              145,563,099.50     83,078,892.91
            Administrative expenses                       132,895,382.17     113,115,280.56
            R&D expenses                                  155,853,227.70    146,557,856.84
            Financial expenses                              5,614,956.69      9,040,635.11
            Including: Interest expense                    18,318,882.49     16,194,534.70
                   Interest income                         14,347,106.01      7,366,346.43
   Add: other income                                       63,720,294.62     38,477,908.99
       Investment income (loss is
                                                           14,662,288.46     12,610,023.47
indicated by “-”)
       Including: Income from
investments in associates and joint                         8,747,066.17       -149,153.80
               Gains from derecognition
of financial assets at amortized assets
            Exchange gains (loss is indicated
by “-”)
            Gains from net exposure hedges
(loss is indicated by “-”)
         Gains from changes in fair values
(loss is indicated by “-”)
        Losses of credit impairment (loss
                                                            5,758,981.72       2,199,052.47
is indicated by “-”)
            Impairment losses of assets (loss
                                                          -14,281,326.09      -8,929,461.13
is indicated by “-”)

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                                    The Third Quarter Report in 2021

         Gains from disposal of assets
                                                             2,806,008.82      416,243.15
(loss is indicated by “-”)
III. Operating profit (loss is indicated by
                                                           249,122,040.28   34,721,113.62
   Add: Non-operating income                                22,396,289.78      876,830.38
  Less: Non-operating expenses                                710,619.08       854,035.98
IV. Total profits (total losses are
                                                           270,807,710.98   34,743,908.02
indicated by “-”)
   Less: Income tax expenses                                45,287,451.51   18,096,689.22
V. Net profits (net losses are indicated
                                                           225,520,259.47   16,647,218.80
by “-”)
(I) Categorized by the sustainability of operation
     1. Net profits from sustainable
operations (net losses are indicated by                    225,520,259.47   16,647,218.80
     2. Net profits from termination
operations (net losses are indicated by
(II) Categorized by the ownership
         1. Net profits attributable to
shareholders of the Parent Company (net                    211,350,740.98   44,138,225.23
losses are indicated by “-”)
    2. Profits or losses attributable to
minority shareholders (net losses are                       14,169,518.49   -27,491,006.43
indicated by “-”)
VI. Net of other comprehensive income
                                                            -4,661,497.44    2,236,630.70
after tax
   (I) Net of other comprehensive
income after tax attributable to owners                     -4,678,915.43    2,205,949.42
of the Parent Company
     1. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified to profit or
  (1) Changes from re-measurement of
defined benefit plans
  (2) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
   (3) Changes in fair value of
investments in other equity instruments
  (4) Changes in fair value of
enterprises’ own credit risks
     2. Other comprehensive income
                                                            -4,678,915.43    2,205,949.42
that will be reclassified to profit or loss

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                                   The Third Quarter Report in 2021

   (1) Other comprehensive income that
 will be reclassified to profit or loss under                                         6,635,497.46
 the equity method
    (2) Changes in fair value of other debt
   (3) Amount of financial assets
 reclassified to other comprehensive
   (4) Provision for credit impairment of
 other debt investments
   (5) Reserve for cash flow hedges
   (6) Converted difference in foreign
                                                           -4,678,915.43             -4,429,548.04
 currencies statements
   (7) Others
    (II) Net of other comprehensive
 income after tax that can be attributable                     17,417.99                 30,681.28
 to minority shareholders
 VII. Total comprehensive income                          220,858,762.03             18,883,849.50
   (I) Total comprehensive income that
 can be attributable to owners of the                     206,671,825.55             46,344,174.65
 Parent Company
   (II) Total comprehensive income that
 can be attributable to minority                           14,186,936.48            -27,460,325.15
 VIII. Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share
                                                                    0.47                        0.10
   (II) Diluted earnings per share
                                                                    0.46                        0.10

Legal Representative: BO Lianming         Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia
Chief Accountant: LIU Jie

                               Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                          For the period from January to September 2021
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                                 In RMB, Unaudited
                  Item                          The First Three               The First Three
                                             Quarters in 2021 (From        Quarters in 2020 (From
                                             January to September)         January to September)
 I. Cash Flows from Operating
   Cash receipts from the sale of
                                                    2,048,876,161.32              1,457,706,115.99
 goods and the rendering of services

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                                   The Third Quarter Report in 2021

   Net increase in customer deposits
taking and interbank placement
  Net increase in loans from the
central bank
  Net increase in taking from banks
and other financial institutions
  Cash receipts from premiums
under direct insurance contracts
  Net cash receipts from reinsurance
  Net cash receipts from
policyholders’ deposits and
investment contract liabilities
   Cash receipts from interest, fees
and commissions
  Net increase in taking from banks
  Net increase in financial assets
sold under repurchase arrangements
  Net cash received from securities
trading agencies
   Receipts of tax refunds                                 3,976,915.95       5,764,495.55
  Other cash receipts relating to
                                                      121,666,254.86       131,484,147.03
operating activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                    2,174,519,332.13      1,594,954,758.57
operating activities
  Cash payments for goods
                                                    1,668,381,738.55      1,026,554,782.15
purchased and services received
   Net increase in loans and advances
to customers
  Net increase in balance with the
central bank and due from banks and
other financial institutions
  Cash payments for claims and
policyholders' benefits under direct
insurance contracts
  Net increase in placements with
banks and other financial institutions
  Cash payments for interest,
service charge and commissions
  Cash payments for insurance
policyholder dividends
  Cash payments to and for
                                                      252,707,702.15       224,599,412.16
  Payments of various types of taxes                      66,765,688.03     55,076,208.73

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  Other cash payments relating to
                                                    207,581,087.21       175,407,612.24
operating activities
        Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                  2,195,436,215.94      1,481,638,015.28
operating activities
        Net cash flow from operating
                                                    -20,916,883.81       113,316,743.29
II. Cash Flows from Investing
  Cash receipts from disposals and
                                                  1,263,000,000.00      1,810,000,000.00
recovery of investments
   Cash receipts from investment
                                                         5,915,222.29     12,759,177.27
   Net cash receipts from disposals
of fixed assets, intangible assets and                     14,860.00            3,600.00
other long-term assets
  Net cash receipts from disposals
of subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash receipts relating to
investing activities
     Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                  1,268,930,082.29      1,822,762,777.27
investing activities
  Cash payments to acquire or
construct fixed assets, intangible                      71,898,602.19     44,898,632.06
assets and other long-term assets
  Cash payments to acquire
                                                  1,768,048,387.32      2,062,213,540.00
   Net increase in pledged loans
  Net cash payments for
acquisitions of subsidiaries and other
business units
   Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
        Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                  1,839,946,989.51      2,107,112,172.06
investing activities
        Net cash flow from investing
                                                   -571,016,907.22      -284,349,394.79
III. Cash Flows from Financing
  Cash receipts from capital                            10,131,579.00

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   Including: cash receipts from                           10,131,579.00
 capital contributions from minority
 shareholders of subsidiaries
    Cash receipts from borrowings                      377,914,331.79               98,922,683.45
    Other cash receipts relating to                    215,000,000.00               19,320,000.00
 financing activities
      Sub-total of cash inflows from                   603,045,910.79              118,242,683.45
 financing activities
    Cash repayments of borrowings                      264,982,699.04              248,568,075.70
    Cash payments for distribution of                   53,970,048.18               50,497,914.29
 dividends or profits or settlement of
 interest expenses
    Including: payments for                                18,400,000.00
 distribution of dividends or profits to
 minority shareholders of subsidiaries
    Other cash payments relating to                        37,065,490.51               187,880.36
 financing activities
      Sub-total of cash outflows from                  356,018,237.73              299,253,870.35
 financing activities
          Net cash flow from financing                 247,027,673.06             -181,011,186.90
 IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange                              -523,591.99             -3,483,946.39
 Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
 V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash                     -345,429,709.96             -355,527,784.79
   Add: Opening balance of cash and                    983,525,089.44              829,789,487.86
 cash equivalents
 VI. Ending Balance of Cash and                        638,095,379.48              474,261,703.07
 Cash Equivalents

Legal Representative: BO Lianming           Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia
Chief Accountant: LIU Jie

(II) Description of adjustments in opening balances of line items in financial statements of the
year due to the implementation of new lease standard since 2021

√Applicable □ N/A
                                      Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                             In RMB
                                           December 31,                              Adjusted
               Item                                             January 1, 2021
                                              2020                                   amount
 Current Assets:
    Monetary capital                     1,037,760,573.27      1,037,760,573.27

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  Settlement reserve
  Inter-bank lending
  Held-for-trading financial           114,000,000.00      114,000,000.00
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                        3,726,328.91       3,726,328.91
  Accounts receivable                  341,660,832.43      341,660,832.43
  Receivables financing                  11,959,000.00      11,959,000.00
  Prepayments                           47,447,601.43       49,174,631.52    1,727,030.09
  Premiums receivable
   Amounts receivable under
reinsurance contracts
   Reinsurer’s share of
insurance contract reserves
  Other receivables                     12,534,062.15       12,534,062.15
  Including: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
  Redemptory monetary
capital for sale
  Inventories                          418,812,140.80      418,812,140.80
  Contract assets                         3,744,655.50       3,744,655.50
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due
within one year
  Other current assets                  13,002,195.46       13,002,195.46
    Total Current Assets             2,004,647,389.95    2,006,374,420.04    1,727,030.09
Non-current Assets:
  Loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                 13,196,087.78       13,196,087.78
   Long-term equity                    262,744,772.48      262,744,772.48
  Other equity instrument                11,975,419.38      11,975,419.38
   Other non-current financial
  Investment properties
  Fixed assets                         447,571,328.91      447,571,328.91
  Construction in progress              51,576,850.72       51,576,850.72
  Bearer biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Use right assets                                          39,368,070.17   39,368,070.17

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   Intangible assets                   320,488,235.60      320,488,235.60
   Development expenditure
   Long-term prepaid expenses            11,572,346.79      11,572,346.79
   Deferred tax assets                   96,132,114.02      96,455,790.38     323,676.36
   Other non-current assets               6,299,781.06       6,299,781.06
      Total Non-current Assets       1,221,556,936.74    1,261,248,683.27   39,691,746.53
         Total assets                3,226,204,326.69    3,267,623,103.31   41,418,776.62
Current Liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                88,778,852.86       88,778,852.86
   Loans from the central bank
   Taking from banks and other
financial institutions
   Held-for-trading financial
   Derivative financial
   Notes payable                       116,822,674.67      116,822,674.67
   Accounts payable                    226,494,815.90      226,494,815.90
   Receipts in advance                 153,258,189.88      153,258,189.88
   Contract liabilities                 31,518,312.59       31,518,312.59
  Income from sale of the
repurchased financial assets
   Deposits taking and
interbank placement
   Acting trading securities
  Acting underwriting
   Employee benefits payable            46,105,566.15       46,105,566.15
   Taxes payable                        19,871,846.94       19,871,846.94
   Other payables                       59,848,053.83       58,821,952.01   -1,026,101.82
   Including: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
   Service charge and
commissions payable
   Payable reinsurance
   Held-for-sale liabilities
   Non-current liabilities due         181,417,412.46      200,024,423.85   18,607,011.39
within one year
   Other current liabilities             3,045,831.07        3,045,831.07
     Total Current Liabilities         927,161,556.35      944,742,465.92   17,580,909.57
Non-current Liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserves

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    Long-term borrowings                   64,845,281.53         64,845,281.53
    Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
    Leasing liabilities                                          23,804,845.36         23,804,845.36
    Long-term payables                       3,262,450.00         3,262,450.00
    Long-term employee
 benefits payable
    Estimated liabilities                  28,799,354.65         28,799,354.65
    Deferred income                        16,723,257.15         16,723,257.15
    Deferred tax liabilities
    Other non-current liabilities
      Total Non-current                   113,630,343.33        137,435,188.69         23,804,845.36
         Total Liabilities              1,040,791,899.68     1,082,177,654.61          41,385,754.93
 Owners’ (or Shareholders’) equity:
    Paid-in capital (or share
                                          452,756,901.00        452,756,901.00
   Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred shares
              Perpetual bonds
    Capital reserve                     1,249,020,991.15     1,249,020,991.15
    Less: Treasury shares
    Other comprehensive income              -3,214,291.93        -3,214,291.93
    Special reserve
    Surplus reserve                        35,242,179.57         35,242,179.57
    General risk reserve
    Retained profits                      357,793,891.96        357,838,162.29              44,270.33
    Total Owners’ (or
 Shareholders’) Equity
                                        2,091,599,671.75     2,091,643,942.08               44,270.33
 Attributable to Owners of the
 Parent Company
    Minority interests                     93,812,755.26         93,801,506.62             -11,248.64
      Total Owners’ (or
                                        2,185,412,427.01     2,185,445,448.70               33,021.69
 Shareholders’) Equity
       Total Liabilities and
 Owners’ (or Shareholders’)           3,226,204,326.69     3,267,623,103.31          41,418,776.62

Description of adjustments on each item:
√Applicable □ N/A
The Company implements new lease standards for the first time since January 1, 2021 to recognize
the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities and adjust the relevant items in the financial statements.

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This Report is hereby announced.

                                        Board of Directors of Appotronics Corporation Limited
                                                                            October 23, 2021

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