2023 Semiannual Report Stock Code: 688007 Stock Short Name: Appotronics Appotronics Corporation Limited 2023 Semiannual Report August 2023 本报告为深圳光峰科技股份有限公司自愿披露的《2023 年半年度报告(英文 版)》,对本报告的中英文版本理解上发生歧义时,以中文版本为准。 This is 2023 Semiannual Report (English version) voluntarily disclosed by Appotronics Corporation Limited. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this report, the Chinese version shall prevail. 1 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Important Note I. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior officers of the Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Semiannual Report is true, accurate and complete and this Semiannual Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Semiannual Report. II. Alert of significant risks The Company has described in detail the risks that may exist in the production and operation of the Company in this Report. Refer to “Section III Discussion and Analysis of the Management - V. Risk factors” for the relevant risks. The investors should be aware of the risk of investment. III. All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board of Directors. IV. This Semiannual Report has not been audited. V. LI Yi, Principal of the Company, WANG Yingxia, Person in Charge of the Accounting Body, and WANG Yingxia, Chief Accountant, hereby warrant that the financial report contained in this Semiannual Report is true, accurate and complete. VI. Profit distribution proposal or proposal for capitalization of capital reserve approved by the Board of Directors during the reporting period None VII. Is there any material event concerning any special arrangement of corporate governance? □ Applicable√ N/A VIII.Risk statement regarding forward-looking statements √ Applicable□ N/A The forward-looking statements contained herein regarding the future plans, development strategies or other matters of the Company do not constitute any substantive covenant made by the Company to the investors. Investors and relevant personnel should sufficiently know about the risks in this aspect, and understand the differences among plans, predictions, and promises. The investors should be aware of the risk of investment. IX. Is there any non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder or other affiliates? No X. Is there any external guarantee provided in contravention of the stipulated decision-making procedure? No 2 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report XI. Are the majority of the directors unable to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Semiannual Report disclosed by the Company? No XII. Others □ Applicable√ N/A 3 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Table of Contents Section I Definitions ..................................................................................................... 5 Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights ............................................... 6 Section III Discussion and Analysis of the Management ........................................... 10 Section IV Corporate Governance .............................................................................. 32 Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities ................................................. 35 Section VI Significant Matters ..................................................................................... 38 Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders ....................................................... 62 Section VIII Preferred Shares ......................................................................................... 68 Section IX Bonds ........................................................................................................... 69 Section X Financial Report ......................................................................................... 70 Financial Statements with seals and signatures of the Principal of the Company, List of Documents Person in charge of the Accounting Body, and Chief Accountant Available for Inspection All original documents and announcements of the Company publicly disclosed during the reporting period 4 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section I Definitions For purpose of this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below: Terms Company or means Appotronics Corporation Limited Appotronics Appotronics Ltd. means Appotronics Corporation Ltd., the predecessor of the Company CINEAPPO means CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Formovie, Chongqing means Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd. Formovie Appotronics HK means Appotronics Hong Kong Limited Appotronics Daye means Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP) Appotronics Deye means Shenzhen Appotronics Deye Consulting Partnership (LP) Appotronics Hongye means Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye Consulting Partnership (LP) Appotronics Chengye means Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye Consulting Partnership (LP) Jinleijing means Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited Partnership (LP) Blackpine means Blackpine Investment Corp. Ltd. CINIONIC means Cinionic Limited (previously known as Barco Cineappo Limited) WeCast means WeCast Technology Corp. GDC BVI means GDC Technology Limited (British Virgin Islands) GDC Cayman means GDC Technology Limited (Cayman Islands) SSE means Shanghai Stock Exchange Anker means Anker Innovations Technology Co., Ltd. Dangbei means Hangzhou Dangbei Network Technology Co., Ltd. ViewSonic means ViewSonic China Limited Delta Electronics or means Delta Electronics, Inc. Delta CES means International Consumer Electronics Show AR means Augmented Reality HUD means Head-Up Display DCI means Digital Cinema Initiatives of the United States DLP means Digital Light Processing Liquid Crystal on Silicon, a new reflective display technology that LCOS means organically combines LCD and CMOS integrated circuits LCD means Liquid Crystal Display RGB means Optical three primary colors, R: red, G: green, B: blue LED means Light Emitting Node, a common light emitting device On-Screen Display, an adjustment method by using a menu displayed on OSD means the screen CVIA means China Video Industry Association A screen resolution of digital products, representing the screen resolution 4K means of 4096×2160, which is an ultra-high-definition resolution nit means The unit of brightness IATF means International Automotive Task Force ADB means Adaptive Driving Beam AI means Artificial Intelligence PCT means Patent Cooperation Treaty 5 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights I. Company profile Chinese name 深圳光峰科技股份有限公司 Short name in Chinese 光峰科技 English name Appotronics Corporation Limited Short name in English Appotronics Legal representative LI Yi 20-22/F, Hi-tech Zone Union Tower, No. 63 Xuefu Road, Yuehai Registered address Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 1. October 24, 2006, Room 10, 14/F, Fangda Building, Keji South 12th Road, South Area, High-tech Industrial Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 2. September 6, 2007, Room 03, 17/F, Overseas Chinese High-tech Venture Building, South Area, High-tech Industrial Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 3. June 7, 2011, Area A, 1/F, Building 13, Xili Wenguang Industrial Historical changes of the Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Company’s registered address 4. October 24, 2012, 401 Shenzhen IC Design and Application Industrial Park, South to Chaguang Road, Xili Township, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 5. December 14, 2017, 21-22/F, Hi-tech Zone Union Tower, No. 63 Xuefu Road, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 6. August 1, 2018, 20-22/F, Hi-tech Zone Union Tower, No. 63 Xuefu Road, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 20-22/F, Hi-tech Zone Union Tower, No. 63 Xuefu Road, Yuehai Office address Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Postal code of office address 518052 Website http://www.appotronics.com Email ir@appotronics.cn Reference to changes during the N/A reporting period II. Contact person and contact information Board Secretary (Domestic representative for information disclosure) Name CHEN Yasha 20-22/F, Hi-tech Zone Union Tower, No. 63 Xuefu Road, Yuehai Address Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Telephone 0755-32950536 Facsimile 0755-86186299 Email ir@appotronics.cn III. Description of changes to the media for information disclosure and place for keeping semiannual reports China Securities Journal (https://www.cs.com.cn) Designated newspaper for Shanghai Securities News (https://www.cnstock.com) information disclosure Securities Times (http://www.stcn.com) Securities Daily (http://www.zqrb.cn) Websites for publishing the Shanghai Stock Exchange website (http://www.sse.com.cn) semiannual reports Place for keeping the semiannual Office of the Board of Directors 6 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report reports Reference to changes during the N/A reporting period IV. Stock and depository receipts of the Company (I) Stock of the Company √ Applicable□ N/A Stock of the Company Stock class Stock exchange and Stock short Stock code Former stock board name short name Shanghai Stock A-shares Appotronics 688007 N/A Exchange, STAR Market (II) Depository receipts of the Company □ Applicable√ N/A V. Other related information □ Applicable√ N/A VI. Main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company (I) Main accounting data Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB During the Change over the Main accounting data reporting period Prior period prior period (%) (Jan. - Jun.) Operating income 1,073,249,037.75 1,269,322,202.11 -15.45 Net profit attributable to shareholders 74,914,640.95 45,966,481.10 62.98 of the listed company Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of 34,228,839.62 22,005,386.92 55.55 non-recurring profit or loss Net cash flow from operating activities 114,738,832.13 -78,553,359.67 N/A Changes at the end of the At the end of the At the end of the reporting period reporting period prior year from the end of the prior year (%) Net assets attributable to shareholders 2,725,371,454.07 2,647,663,487.59 2.93 of the listed company Total assets 4,340,274,686.92 4,333,350,260.15 0.16 (II) Financial highlights During the reporting Prior Change over the Financial highlights period period prior period (%) (Jan. - Jun.) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.16 0.10 60.00 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.16 0.10 60.00 Basic earnings per share after deduction of non- 0.07 0.05 40.00 recurring profit or loss (RMB/share) Weighted average return on net assets (%) 2.78 1.86 +0.92 percentage 7 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report points Weighted average return on net assets after +0.38 percentage 1.27 0.89 deduction of non-recurring profit or loss (%) points Proportion of R&D investments to operating income +2.72 percentage 11.78 9.06 (%) points Explanation about the main accounting data and financial highlights √ Applicable□ N/A 1. During the reporting period, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss increased by 62.98% and 55.55% year on year, respectively; the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, and basic earnings per share after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss increased by 60.00%, 60.00%, and 40.00%, respectively year on year, primarily due to the following: (1) During the reporting period, the incomes from the business of cinema projection services and the business of light sources and light generators increased by 32.75% and 18.43% year on year, respectively, while the proportion of the income from the To C business decreased, which changed the income structure and increased the overall gross profit margin by 7.39 percentage points; (2) During the reporting period, the non-recurring profit or loss increased by RMB 16.7247 million year on year, an year-on-year increase by 69.80%, which caused a positive impact on the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company; 2. During the reporting period, the net cash flow from operating activities increased by RMB 193.2922 million year on year, which was mainly due to the optimized supply chain management, decreased payment for procurement, and net recovery of security deposits during the reporting period. VII. Differences in accounting data under Chinese accounting standards and overseas accounting standards □ Applicable√ N/A VIII. Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Note (if Item of non-recurring profit or loss Amount applicable) Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets -216,132.87 Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period (excluding government grants that are closely related to the VII. 84 of business of the Company and are provided in fixed amount or 33,198,815.57 Section X quantity continuously according to the applicable polices and standards of the country) VII. 68 of Profit or loss on entrusted investments or assets management 5,198,708.55 Section X Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date recognized as a result of business 14,923,989.20 combination of enterprises involving enterprises under common control Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities and 67,000.00 investment income on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, 8 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments, other than those used in the effective hedging activities relating to normal operating business Reversal of impairment loss on accounts receivable and contract 69,851.05 assets tested for impairment individually Other non-operating income and expenses 14,480.93 Other gains or losses meeting the definition of non-recurring profit 442,061.07 or loss Less: Effect of income taxes 3,469,096.89 Effects attributable to minority interests (net of tax) 9,543,875.27 Total 40,685,801.33 It is required to specify the reason for defining items as non-recurring profit or loss items according to Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 1 - Non-recurring Profit or Loss, and reasons for defining non-recurring profit or loss items illustrated in Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 1 - Non-recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss items. □ Applicable√ N/A IX. Explanation about performance indicators not under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises □ Applicable√ N/A 9 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section III Discussion and Analysis of the Management I. Industry and main business during the reporting period 1. Main business The Company, as a global leading enterprise in the field of laser display technology, stays market and customer demand-oriented, and continues to engage in the research, development, production and sales of laser display core devices and complete equipment based on the proprietary semiconductor laser light source technologies and architecture. We apply the semiconductor laser light source technology to household display, cinema, large venue, business education, and other conventional scenarios, and successfully expands to new fields such as automotive display, aviation display, AR, robots, etc., to provide customers with a full range of solutions. 2. Main products and services Our products may be mainly classified into core laser display devices and complete laser display equipment. The core devices can be further classified into laser light source (cinema light source and large venue light source), laser TV and smart mini projection light generator, automotive optical core devices (automotive display, AR-HUD, laser headlights) and systems; and complete laser display equipment can be classified into laser smart mini projector, laser TV, laser cinema projector, large venue laser projector, laser education projector and others. The services the Company performs include laser cinema projection services, smart large-screen ecology system Feng OS and corresponding system solutions. 3. Industry in which the Company operates 3.1 Development stage, basic characteristics and main technical barriers of the industry 1 Development stage of the industry As an emerging industry, laser display is at a stage of rapid growth, and its growth drivers mainly come from: 1. technological progress has spawned emerging application fields, and semiconductor laser light source technology has been applied to the automotive optics and other fields, and the market has great potential for explosion; 2. the laser display industry in which the Company operates is one of the strategic emerging industries receiving the major support from the state for accelerated development. With the support of national and industry policies, more and more domestic enterprises and scientific research institutions enter the upstream and downstream fields of the laser display industry chain, strengthen the industrial chain, actively develop and iterate technology, thus further increasing the localization rate of core components of products. 2 Basic characteristics of the industry In 2007, the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology invented by our R&D team created a wholly new semiconductor laser light source, which made a breakthrough in the application of core devices and imaging solutions of laser display, hence becoming the mainstream technical route for the laser display industry and widely used in vehicle, household, cinema, large venue, commercial, and education fields. 10 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report In terms of technology, the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology is compatible with various chip and technology routes, and is suitable for the DLP, LCOS, and LCD technologies. In terms of market, in addition to traditional applications such as cinema, large venue, and business education, emerging industries such as intelligent cockpit, intelligent networking, AR, and AI are booming, and gradually become a new application development focus of the laser display industry, and the overall scale of the industry continues to expand, which is expected to help to broaden the application scenarios of the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology. 3 Main technical barriers (1) Core technologies and core devices The ALPD technology independently developed by the Company at its early stage created a wholly new semiconductor laser light source - the ultra-high-brightness semiconductor laser light source based on rare earth light-emitting materials. The innovative combination of the semiconductor solid laser with the rare earth phosphor material is the key component of our ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology. The blue laser of the gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor material system is used to excite phosphor on the phosphor wheel, hence obtaining the green light and red light in a cost-effective manner. On one hand, since the phosphor material contains numerous doping ions that emit light on their own, different doping ions emit light at slightly different time, and the lights are emitted towards various directions of the whole space, there is no time or spatial interference, hence eliminating speckle from the origin of the technology. On the other hand, thanks to the phosphor wheel as a core device developed and manufactured by the Company, and the rare earth phosphor materials as an advantageous industry of China, we can effectively control the costs of the devices. As a result, our ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology solves the problem of speckle and problem of costs of conventional RGB trichromatic laser display, hence achieving industrialization rapidly and becoming the mainstream technology architecture for laser display at present. Our latest independently developed ALPD 5.0 super panchromatic laser technology, which is a breakthrough on the basis of our early technology architecture, creatively integrates six light sources (three colors of laser light sources + three colors of LED light sources) by employing a unique light combination technology. This solves the technical bottleneck of pure three-color laser light sources or pure three-color LED light sources, effectively overcomes the problems of speckle and colorful edges caused by pure laser display and the problems of limited brightness for pure three-color LED, hence achieving the advantages of higher brightness, no speckle, and more comfortable colors. (2) Laser products Laser display products involve several fields, including optics, electronics, materials, physics, mechanical designing, precision manufacturing, etc. Specifically, in the designing of mechanical structures, simulation and designing of heat and stress, designing of optical lens and other components, electronic software and hardware (especially for image processing), analysis of ultra-high-definition signals, precision manufacturing, etc., the Company has profound technologies and manufacturing 11 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report processes barriers in all the foregoing fields. It should be noted that at present, the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology is the only laser display and lighting technology meeting automotive standards thanks to its obvious technical advantages in the automotive optical field. 3.2 Analysis of the position of the Company in the industry and changes therein As the display technology of a new generation, thanks to the advantages of high brightness, small size, long service life, wide color gamut, environment friendliness, the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology has a broad space for market application. Besides the conventional display field, it has expanded to the automotive optics, AR, aviation, and many other innovative fields. As a leader in the laser display technology, Appotronics has created a strong patent moat around the underlying technical architecture of the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology, which is hard to be bypassed by projection brands in the industry entering the route of laser phosphor technologies. We are committed in the breakthroughs, innovations, expansion of application scenarios, and industrialization of semiconductor laser light source technology, and created technology reserves and patent portfolios covering the whole technology chain of laser display technology from key system architecture, core devices to key algorithm. Thanks to the core competitive advantages consisting of “patent moat + technical barriers”, the Company holds a key position at the upstream core device stage. II. Core technologies and progress in R&D of technologies 1. Core technologies and their advancement, and changes during the reporting period We are committed in the breakthroughs, innovations, expansion of application scenarios, and industrialization of semiconductor laser light source technology, and created technology reserves and patent portfolios covering the whole technology chain of laser display technology from key system architecture, core devices to key algorithm. Meanwhile, the Company has devoted many R&D resources in the miniaturization of laser display system, light source architecture, complete equipment structure, machine perception and the preparation and processing of thin film materials to maintaining the leading position in the industry. As a Leader Level Member of the Laser Illuminated Projector Association (LIPA), we have participated in the preparation of the international laser display standard. With the support of the data, algorithm and design solutions accumulated by us over the years, we can rapidly come up with products and solutions meeting the requirements of different application scenarios, such as cinema projection, home entertainment, outdoor exhibition, ultra large-sized display, and immersive display. Meanwhile, we have continuously achieved breakthrough in automobile-grade laser light generators, AR optical modules, etc., and released products to the market. National scientific and technology awards □ Applicable√ N/A Qualification of national “little giant” enterprises in specialized, refine, differential, and innovative aspects, and “leading enterprise” in the manufacturing industry □ Applicable√ N/A 12 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 2. R&D achievements during the reporting period During the reporting period, the Company made the following achievements in technology and product innovation: (1) Core technologies and core devices A.Core technologies In November 2022, we officially released the ALPD 5.0 super panchromatic laser technology, and moved further towards productization in 2023. Thanks to the innovation in the key technical architecture, this technology has the advantages of higher brightness, no speckle, and more comfortable colors. Relying on the unique light combination technology and profound patent barriers, the ALPD 5.0 super panchromatic laser technology integrates three colors of laser light sources with three colors of LED light sources to achieve the unprecedented integration of six light sources. This technology perfectly overcomes the technical bottleneck of pure three-color laser light sources or pure three-color LED light sources, effectively solves the problems of speckle and colorful edges, hence achieving the advantages of higher brightness, no speckle, and more comfortable colors to produce extreme visual experience for users. On the basis of the innovative light source architecture, the ALPD 5.0 super panchromatic laser technology also has an outstanding dynamic color gamut modulation, so that the system employs an algorithm to perform pre-analysis to identify the color gamut standard required for playing a video, and feeds back such standard to the light source for modulation; this accurately restores the color gamut that should be achieved for a corresponding image to present the truest colors and brightness. B.Core devices In the field of automotive core devices, we released the world’s first automobile-grade colorful laser headlight at the 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition. Meanwhile, we also presented various immersive in-vehicle digital interaction solutions, such as window display, in-vehicle transparent display, in-vehicle entertainment large screen, smart surface, etc. In the field of automotive display and lighting, the ALPD technology used in our colorful laser headlights is the only laser technology that has passed the automobile-grade certification by now - it integrates the three functions of high beam, low beam, and projection display, and even implements colorful display for the first time to present ultra-high-definition and finer road display for more accurate ADB control, hence meeting the dual requirements of “lighting + display” for future smart headlights. There are obvious advantages for applying laser light sources to smart headlights. Firstly, the laser is brighter. With the same DLP or LCoS chip, the luminous flux of laser is 4 times of LED. Secondly, laser devices are smaller. For example, our laser headlight module can implement the light aperture of 10mm x 10mm in the headlight, hence meeting the light distribution requirements for both the high beam and low beam. Moreover, the ALPD colorful laser headlight is a programmable component; therefore, we can develop various applications specific for driving, entertainment, and human-vehicle interaction for vehicle manufacturers, so as to create new experience of intelligent vehicles for consumers. 13 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report In the field of household core devices, based on the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology, we are continuously developing light generator products for laser mini projectors to meet diversified requirements of customers. During the reporting period, we supplied light generators for Dangbei’s new laser projector D5X Pro. The light generator adopts the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology to present high-brightness, clear, and speckle-free images, hence creating more eye-friendly use experience for consumers. Thanks to the high performance of laser light generators, this light generator allows appearance designed with a smaller and more compact size of the overall device. C.Algorithms During the reporting period, based on the study achievements of 3D visual algorithms, we developed the 3D and real-time projection and rendering system based on multiple points of sight, which can accurately sense the geographic information and semantic information of the projection bearing surface, render 3D content in real time, and achieve high-precision overlapping projection display. Being suitable for rapid mass production and measurement against specifications, and being equipped with functional modules for device parameter estimation, projection assistance (i.e. automatic focusing, automatic omnidirectional correction, automatic obstacle avoidance, automatic screen-in, non-inductive focusing, non-inductive omnidirectional correction etc.), high-quality 3D model reconstruction for the projection bearing surface, AI object gesture estimation, real-time overlapping projection rendering, monocular/binocular 3D rendering, AI content generation etc., this system can achieve high-quality 3D sensing and real-time rendering in projection augmented reality (projection AR) applications, making projection more interesting and novel. This algorithm system may be applied to large venue, consumer, and other fields to provide customers with solutions of greater functions, and provide consumers with more genuine and immersive experience. (2) Branded complete equipment A. Household products In the field of household smart mini projectors, Formovie released multiple new projectors, including X5 laser projector, Xiaoming Q3 and Q3 MAX smart projectors, etc. In March 2023, Formovie officially released the X5 laser projector, which was the first projection product directly adopting the CVIA brightness standard in the industry. Being equipped with the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology, the X5 laser projector can achieve speckle-free and eye-friendly 4K resolution and the brightness up to 4,500 CVIA lumens, which is brighter than TVs and achieved projection for a 1,800-inch giant screen. In the field of household laser TVs, Formovie released the laser TV C3 in May 2023. Being equipped with the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology that is same as high-end cinema laser halls, this product can display outstanding, clear, and speckle-free images while improving the brightness performance to 400nit. B. Dedicated display equipment In March 2023, we released the T Pro, G Pro, D, and other series of large venue projectors at the Summit of Dedicated Display Core Partners, and achieved product upgrade in terms of brightness, image 14 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report quality, and lens adaptation. The T Pro series high-brightness large venue projector is a laser large venue projector with stable performance and brightness up to 30,000lm; it is equipped with the ALPD dual- color laser light source technology and the 3DLP imaging technology to produce outstanding colors. The core light source has the service life of up to 20,000 hours and supports dual-channel signal backup. Being able to restore colors accurately with outstanding stability, this product is suitable for large venues, outdoor lighting, stage performance, and lease scenarios. In terms of software, we released the “new Appotronics OSD system” and “Appotronics dedicated console system” to improve the control of projectors during installation, adjustment, and management, helping users to efficiently complete project management, operation, and maintenance. List of intellectual property rights acquired during the reporting period Increase Total Applications Applications Granted (pcs) Granted (pcs) (pcs) (pcs) Patent for 58 41 1,669 1,007 invention Patent for utility 94 88 798 682 model Patent for design 12 10 232 212 Software 0 6 133 133 copyright Others 32 45 1,150 1,025 Total 196 190 3,982 3,059 Note: 1. The “others” showed in the above table refers to the Company’s trademarks; 2. During the reporting period, the Company filed a total of 15 valid PCT international patent applications. 3. R&D investments Unit: Yuan Current period Prior period % Change R&D investments expensed 126,406,142.12 114,959,786.37 9.96 R&D investments capitalized - - - Total R&D investments 126,406,142.12 114,959,786.37 9.96 Proportion of R&D investments to +2.72 percentage 11.78 9.06 operating income (%) points Proportion of R&D investments - - - capitalized (%) Reason for the material change in the total R&D investments compared with last year □ Applicable√ N/A Reasons for the great change in the proportion of R&D investments capitalized and explanation about the rationality thereof □ Applicable√ N/A 15 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 4. R&D projects √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Investment Estimated Progress in the Aggregate Technological No. Item total or interim Goals Application scenario current investment level investment results period Innovative Provide customized automotive optical Automotive, AR, and projection Laboratory products for vehicle manufacturer Leading in the 1 17,087.00 3,435.95 7,336.94 other innovative and optical test brands, and develop AR optical industry. scenarios. application modules, etc. Core Continuously develop the new device Continuous generation ALPD semiconductor laser light development of core Mass light source technology to achieve light Leading in the 2 source and 10,062.00 1,368.37 6,873.03 technologies and core production sources and light generators with wider industry. light devices for use in color gamut, higher brightness, and generator various fields. higher energy efficiency. project Develop laser TVs with advantageous Mass Leading in the 3 Laser TV 10,204.00 1,504.13 10,006.10 performance such as high brightness Household laser TVs. production industry. and eye-friendliness. Develop DCI-compliant and highly Intended for the high- Laser cost-effective household cinema Mass Leading in the end household market 4 cinema 11,464.00 1,489.51 9,596.82 projectors; and DCI-compliant LED production industry. and projection halls at projector cinema screen for cinema projection cinemas. halls. The smart mini projector products with high performance and high cost effectiveness will be researched and Smart Mass developed, and different series of Leading in the Intended for home mini 5 mini 17,452.00 3,451.71 12,575.21 production products will be laid out to make industry. projector market. projector breakthroughs in technology innovation, product form innovation and quality upgrade and meet different 16 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report user needs. Dedicated Multiple laser large venue projectors display with high brightness, education Large venue projector, products Mass projectors, and business projectors with Leading in the business education 6 (large 8,004.00 1,390.94 5,821.26 production cost effectiveness will be researched industry. projector and other venue + and developed for meeting different fields. business user needs. education) Total - 74,273.00 12,640.61 52,209.36 - - - - 17 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 5. R&D staff Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB Basic information Current period Prior period Number of R&D staff (persons) 465 471 Proportion of R&D staff to total employees of 31.33 30.45 the Company (%) Total compensation of R&D staff 8,664.32 7,641.61 Average compensation of R&D staff 18.63 16.22 Education Academic background Number Percentage (%) Master and above 132 28.39 Bachelor and below 333 71.61 Total 465 100 Age structure Age Number Percentage (%) Below 30 (exclusive) 162 34.84 30-40 (including 30, excluding 40) 198 42.58 40 and above 105 22.58 Total 465 100 Note: The average compensation of R&D staff shown in the table above was the average compensation for the first half of 2023 and the first half of 2022, respectively. 6. Other information □ Applicable√ N/A III. Analysis of core competitiveness during the reporting period (I) Analysis of core competitiveness √ Applicable□ N/A 1.High-quality R&D team to accelerate product R&D and iteration The Company stays innovation-driven, continues to increase R&D investment in forward-looking technology arrangement and product technology development. As a high-tech enterprise, the Company will continue to improve R&D capabilities as the main theme of the Company’s core competitiveness, and continue to improve the R&D system. With Mr. LI Yi, Chairman and General Manager, as the core personnel of R&D, the Company has established a leading R&D team in optical modules, mechanical designing, thermal simulation, software and hardware control and preparation of rare earth phosphor materials, developed and innovated the laser display technology for many years, thus having accumulated profound R&D technical strength and got a deep understanding and judgment of the industry’s cutting-edge technology and development trend. The Company has set up a research institute and a research and development center to jointly coordinate technology planning, development and accumulation. The institute carries out forward- looking product technology research and product verification, develops it into a new product under a new application scenario, and ensures that R&D resources are advanced; the R&D center, combining the R&D and scientific research achievements of the research institute, coordinates the management of new product development until mass production and launch. With leading R&D technical resources, the 18 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Company significantly improves the efficiency of R&D planning through the cooperation of R&D center and research institute, and applies the latest R&D achievements to projection display products. 2.Relying on the technical advantages of core devices, all-round forward-looking strategic arrangement for application scenarios is made Based on the technical advantages of core devices and market development trends, the Company has been committed to the breakthrough and innovation of semiconductor laser light source technology, the development of application scenarios and the industrialization promotion, and thus forms the technical reserve and patent arrangement of the whole technology chain of laser display from key system architecture, core devices to key algorithms, and constantly optimizes and improves the strategic arrangement of automotive optics, aviation display, AR and other application fields. We promote the innovative application of core devices in new fields and new tracks, and continue to broaden the long- term growth space of core device value. 3.Build a patent moat around the underlying technical architecture The Company takes the underlying technical architecture patent of the original semiconductor laser light source technology as the center, and builds a solid and interconnected intellectual property patent system, and it is difficult for competitors to fully imitate or directly bypass the underlying patent arrangement of the Company’s laser phosphor technology route. The Company actively responds to the national “intellectual property power strategy” and increases the proportion of high-value patents. As of June 30, 2023, the Company had a total of 2,714 patents filed and granted throughout the world, including 1,901 patents granted throughout the world, of which 1,007 ones were patents for invention. In terms of technology leadership, the Company’s original semiconductor laser light source technology has become the mainstream technology in the current laser display field, and as the underlying key architecture technology, it has been used more than 670 times by leading companies in the same industry, such as Philips of the Netherlands, Osram of Germany and Epson of Japan. (II) Events occurred during the reporting period that have a material effect on the Company’s core competitiveness, analysis of the effect and countermeasures □ Applicable√ N/A IV. Discussion and analysis of business situations In the first half of 2023, we persisted in the core strategy of “core technologies + core devices + application scenarios” in response to challenges in the operating environment. Meanwhile, we increased R&D efforts for core technologies and growth businesses to build up energy for sustainable development of the Company. During the reporting period, we made continuous efforts to expand the business of automotive core devices; the stable recovery of the business of cinema core devices and the business of dedicated display improved the overall gross profit margin of the Company; the business of household core devices and To C products experienced revenue reduction due to prudent consumption of the public and change in consumption habits. During the first half of 2023, our operating income was RMB 1.073 billion, decreased by 15.45%; the net profit attributable to the parent company reached RMB 74.9146 million, 19 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report increased by 62.98% year on year; and the overall gross profit margin of the Company was 37.70%, increased by 7.39 percentage points year on year. 1. Core device business 1.1 Orderly carried out the business of automotive core devices to build a solid and all-round foundation for development Obtained fixed orders from multiple vehicle manufacturers to continuously increase the ALPD installations During the reporting period, after making active efforts to communicate with well-known automobile manufacturers and the downstream and upstream players in the supply chain, and to promote favorable cooperation, we received the Development Nomination Letters from BYD, Beijing Electric Vehicle, and other outstanding vehicle manufacturers, which led to the stable development of the business of automotive core devices. The increase in fixed orders and the mass production and delivery of products under corresponding fixed orders will lead to positive impact on the operating performance of the Company during the project life cycle of the business of automotive core devices. At the end of the period, besides the 5 nominations we have obtained, we also communicated with multiple vehicle manufacturers on laser headlights, AR-HUD, and other products to build the foundation for projects of their new vehicle models. Actively participated in major industry exhibitions and released new products and new concepts for automotive optics In January 2023, at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023), the automobile brand BMW released Dee - the world’s first concept car equipped with the multi-window immersive display technology at four windows, which technology was supplied by Appotronics. An ultra small- sized and high-brightness ALPD DLP light generator is used to achieve the functions of projection inside and display outside, and projection inside and display inside at the side windows, so that the driver and passengers can interact with the display image either inside or outside of the car. In addition, at the 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition held in April 2023, we made our debut with an exhibition car equipped with the automotive immersive laser display and lighting technical scenario, and released the world’s first automobile-grade colorful laser headlight, and the immersive in-vehicle digital interaction solution containing window display, in-vehicle transparent display, in-vehicle entertainment large screen, smart surface. This presented our new concept for various automotive optical scenarios in the future, hence providing drivers and passengers with experience that is more intelligent and interesting. Built a comprehensive supply chain system for the automotive optical business to get ready for delivery of products for dedicated projects We constantly build and improve the supply chain system in consideration of IATF standards, automotive industry standards, and the requirements of customers in cooperation at present, including but not limited to building different production lines for automotive products for mass production delivery to vehicle manufacturer customers; constantly optimizing the plan and delivery management, 20 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report manufacturing management, engineering management, quality management, and other functions in accordance with the whole-process designing for automotive projects; and building a set of strict procedure management system containing quality control, procurement management, engineering management, and production management specific for the automotive business, so as to ensure the quality of automotive products both on complete vehicles and on the end market. Strengthened the patent layout in intellectual property rights to enhance the unique advantages in automotive optics In the field of automotive display and lighting, our ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology is the only laser technology that has passed the automobile-grade certification by now. While continuously enhancing R&D efforts for automotive optics, we constantly improve the patent layout in technologies for automotive core devices to enhance our head start advantages and unique advantages in the field of automotive optics. During the reporting period, we have 62 new patents granted and filed for technologies of automotive core devices, an increase of 113.79% year on year; as of June 30, 2023, we have a total of 176 patents granted and filed, an increase of 70.87% year on year. In consideration of the growing demands for intelligentization and scientific technologies in vehicles, we will actively expand the business of automotive core devices in three major directions, namely, automotive display, laser headlight, and AR-HUD, actively explore more novel and comfortable smart vehicle experience with outstanding domestic and overseas automakers and upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain, and make use of our resources to develop high-quality dedicated products, hence driving the rapid development of the growth business. 1.2 Achieved outstanding performance in the business of cinema core devices and significant results in overseas market expansion With respect to the domestic market, the cinema market was gradually recovering - the number of films shown increased by 50% year on year in the first half of 2023. According to the statistics of China Film Administration, as of June 30, 2023, the total box office in China for the first half of 2023 was RMB 26.271 billion, up by 52.91% year on year. Driven by multiple favorable factors, such as sufficient supply of films and increased showings, we achieved the operating income of RMB 180 million from the business of cinema projection services, up by 32.75% year on year. Thanks to the accumulation and leading advantages built by the Company for multiple years, we achieved over 800 installations of newly leased light sources during the reporting period. As of June 30, 2023, over 28,600 sets of ALPD laser light source projection solutions have been installed throughout China. Besides the cinema projection services, the subsidiary CINEAPPO continuously improved its product portfolio in recent years, and built various innovative products and services in consideration of the different requirements of cinema customers. With respect to the overseas market, the box office in the North America was USD 4.4 billion in the first half of 2023, up by nearly 20% year on year. Given the continuous increase in the film watching demands, we will take active measures to expand the overseas market. Our light source business has expanded to North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other regions. 21 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 1.3 Accelerated the pace for productization of ALPD 5.0 in the transitional period of the smart projection market Entering the year 2023, the public became more prudent in consumption, which affected the demands of consumer electronics to a certain extent. Meanwhile, the market entered a transitional period due to changes in the arrangement of smart projection brands. In the first half of 2023, our Business Division of Household Core Devices worked actively to assist Dangbei, ViewSonic, Anker, and other customers in releasing new products. We officially released the ALPD 5.0 super panchromatic laser technology in November 2022. Thanks to the innovation in the key technical architecture, this technology has the advantages of higher brightness, no speckle, and more comfortable colors. In this year, we will take the lead in releasing ALPD 5.0 light generator products in the household field, and the Business Division of Household Core Devices will assist customers in releasing new products to allow consumers to experience projection products that are more outstanding. 2. Brand business 2.1 Favorable recovery of the dedicated display business to build an ecology of core partners The reporting period witnessed the gradual recovery of the cultural and tourism lighting, night economy, and cultural and art market in China. We helped customers in multiple benchmark projects, including the light show on the world’s highest cooling tower - “Lighting Show Program of the Indirect Cooling Tower of Mengtai Dongsheng Phase II”. Meanwhile, thanks to the recovery of offline education activities, our education business performed outstandingly. In the first half of 2023, we achieved the operating income of RMB 202 million from the dedicated display business, which achieved favorable recovery with the increase by 13.79% year on year. 22 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Figure 1: Lighting Show Program of the Indirect Cooling Tower of Mengtai Dongsheng Phase II To deepen the strategic cooperation with core customers and partners, we held a summit of core partners under the theme of “Innovate Together to Create a Bright Future” in March 2023, at which we explored new opportunities and technical trends with core partners, and released multiple new products and software. In terms of new products, we released the T Pro, G Pro, D, and other new products and achieved product upgrade in terms of brightness, image quality, and lens adaptation. In terms of software, we released the “new Appotronics OSD system” and “Appotronics dedicated console system” to improve the control of projectors during installation, adjustment, and management, helping users to efficiently complete project management, operation, and maintenance. For the overseas market, relying on the core advantages of the ALPD semiconductor laser light source technology, we will further improve the influence of the ALPD brand, enhance the overseas layout, and expand the size of the overseas business. 2.2 Formovie improved the ratio of self-branded business to 78% despite the short-term fluctuation in the demands of consumer electronics Under the industry background of prudent consumption of the public, change in consumption habits, and change in market conditions, the subsidiary Formovie continuously improved its business structure by making great efforts to develop the cost-effective sub-brand Xiaoming and actively responding to the changes in the current market conditions. This increased the ratio of Formovie’s self-branded business to its total income to 78%. During the reporting period, facing the short-term fluctuation in the market of consumer electronics, Formovie paid great attention to the cultivation and development of its self-branded products, and released new products such as the laser projector X5, laser TV C3, Xiaoming Q3 and Q3 MAX smart projector. Significant changes in the operations of the Company during the reporting period, and the events that have or are expected to have a significant impact on the operations of the Company during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A V. Risk factors √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Risks of the macro environment and the consumer electronics industry At present, given that the global economy is experiencing cyclical fluctuation, both domestic and overseas economy is complex and prone to changes. Under such circumstances, the public are more prudent in consumption, which slows down the demands on the consumer electronics market. As optional consumption products, smart projection products are facing more significant short-term fluctuation. We will continue to enhance efforts for studying the macro economic conditions, closely follow the development trend of the consumer electronics industry, conduct in-depth research into market demands, constantly enhance efforts for product R&D and technology investment, improve our R&D and product 23 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report designing competence, assess risks rapidly, and take initiative to make relevant business adjustment, hence improving the risk tolerance of the Company. 2. Financial risks (1) Risk of impairment of accounts receivable As of the end of the reporting period, the book value of our accounts receivable was RMB 206.7273 million, accounting for 4.76% of our total assets. Our products are generally delivered after receiving the payment therefor. We give certain credit period to some major and high-quality customers. In case of any material adverse change in the business condition of our customers, we may be unable to recover certain accounts receivable, which may have an adverse effect on our operating performance in the future. The Company strengthens risk management and control, continuously tracks and controls customer credit, and strengthens the assessment of accounts receivable collection, and establishes an early warning system for overdue accounts receivable; for individual customers who maliciously default and have a long period of arrears, payment will be recovered through arbitration, litigation and other legal methods. (2) Risk of impairment of inventories As of the end of the reporting period, the book value of our inventories was RMB 757.7190 million, accounting for 17.46% of our assets. Our inventories mainly comprise raw materials and goods in stock. In the event of any significant change in the competition pattern of the industry, and material innovation in laser display technology and products, the recoverable amount of the inventories will be lower than their book value. The impairment of inventories will have a negative effect on our earnings. The Company will pay close attention to the changes in supply and demand of the industrial chain, and promptly carry out production and marketing coordination according to the market and production conditions to reduce product inventory risks. (3) Risks of impairment of fixed assets As of the end of the reporting period, the book value of our fixed asset was RMB 379.9624 million, accounting for 8.75% of our assets. Our fixed assets mainly consist of production equipment and cinema projector light sources for lease, where the cinema projector light sources account for 71.87%. If force majeure factors result in shutdown of cinemas, the cinema projector light sources may be idle, causing risks of impairment of fixed assets and adverse effects to the operation of the Company. In order to cope with the above risks, the Company will pay close attention to the status of fixed assets, strengthen communication with business departments, improve the efficiency of asset use, and reduce the risk of impairment. In the meanwhile, for assets that show signs of impairment, the Company will measure the recoverable amount and make an impairment provision for fixed assets based on the difference between the recoverable amount and the carrying value. (4) Risks of exchange rate movement The Company’s procurement and sales involve a variety of foreign currencies, of which dollar is the main foreign currency. If the exchange rate of the relevant currency fluctuates, it will have a certain 24 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report impact on the Company’s financial position. In this regard, in order to effectively avoid the risks of the foreign exchange market, prevent large fluctuations in the exchange rate from adversely affecting the Company’s business performance, improve the efficiency of the use of foreign exchange funds, and reasonably reduce financial costs, the Company carries out foreign exchange derivatives and other businesses in a timely manner to reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. 3. Risks in failing to implement investment projects as expected Under the impact of changes in the internal and external environment, there are risks that the Company cannot implement investment projects as expected. Despite the efforts of the Company in enhancing the management over investment projects, accelerate the progress of investment projects, and constantly monitoring the progress of such investment projects, in the actual implementation, this cannot avoid situation like delayed construction compared with the plan, or adjustment to the implementation plan or solution in response to industry and market development. Upon the occurrence of such circumstances, the Company will make decisions in accordance with relevant provisions and promptly fulfill its obligations for information disclosure. 4. Risks in the arbitration with relevant parties of the participating company GDC BVI At present, the Company is in the process of arbitration and counter arbitration with relevant parties of GDC concerning the rights and interests of the parties. Because GDC Cayman, GDC BVI, Mr. ZHANG Wanneng and his management team violated the provisions of the Shareholders’ Agreement and Settlement Agreement, including but not limited to the appointment of directors in violation of corporate governance regulations, violation of protective provisions for the Company, and failing to purchase the minimum quantity of C5 projectors and core device parts by the end of 2021. The cooperation on the purchase business for cinema hardware products between the Company and GDC BVI is subject to uncertainty. The trial of this case has not been started, the impact of such case on the profit or loss of the Company cannot be determined at present; the eventual actual impact depends on the award of the arbitration tribunal or the negotiation between the parties. The Company has engaged a professional attorney team and taken relevant legal measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders in accordance with law, and will promptly fulfill the information disclosure obligations in accordance with relevant provisions. VI. Main business activities during the reporting period Refer to “IV. Discussion and analysis of business situations” in this section for details. (I) Analysis of main business 1 Analysis of changes in the lines of financial statements Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Current period Prior period % Change Operating income 1,073,249,037.75 1,269,322,202.11 -15.45 Operating costs 668,659,467.49 884,560,607.88 -24.41 Selling expenses 143,399,660.02 120,302,361.36 19.20 Administrative expenses 86,696,223.82 106,015,842.36 -18.22 Financial expenses -17,021,406.56 -3,353,880.91 N/A R&D expenses 126,406,142.12 114,959,786.37 9.96 Net cash flow from operating 114,738,832.13 -78,553,359.67 N/A 25 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report activities Net cash flows from investment -260,010,504.24 5,167,457.19 -5,131.69 activities Net cash flows from financing 110,646,737.55 124,508,865.09 -11.13 activities Description of reasons for changes in the operating income: The operating income decreased by 15.45% year on year, primarily due to the year-on-year decrease by 39.97% of the To C business; Description of reasons for changes in operating costs: The operating costs decreased by 24.41% year on year, primarily due to the decrease in the operating costs corresponding to the year-on-year decrease by 39.97% of the operating income from the To C business; Description of reasons for changes in the selling expenses: The selling expenses increased by 19.20% year on year, primarily due to the increase in marketing fees, salaries of the sales staff, etc.; Description of reasons for changes in the administrative expenses: The administrative expenses decreased by 18.22% year on year, primarily due to the year-on-year decrease by RMB 19.2929 million of the share-based payment; Description of reasons for changes in the financial expenses: The financial expenses decreased by RMB -13.6675 million year on year, primarily due to the year-on-year increase in the subsidy for interests on loans and interest incomes received; Description of reasons for changes in the R&D expenses: The R&D expenses increased by 9.96% year on year, primarily due to the increase in the R&D expenses in the business of automotive core devices; Description of reasons for changes in the net cash flows from operating activities: The net cash flow from operating activities increased by RMB 193.2922 million year on year, primarily due to the optimized supply chain management, decreased payment for procurement, and net recovery of security deposits during the reporting period; Description of reasons for changes in the net cash flows from investment activities: The net cash flow from investment activities decreased by 5,131.69% year on year, primarily due to the increase in the purchase of wealth management products; Description of reasons for changes in the net cash flows from financing activities: The net cash flow from financing activities decreased by 11.13% year on year, primarily due to the increase in the repayment of due bank loans. 2 Detailed description of major changes in the business types, profit composition or profit sources of the Company □ Applicable√ N/A (II) Explanation about material change in profit due to non-main business □ Applicable√ N/A (III) Analysis of assets and liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Status of assets and liabilities Unit: Yuan % of % of total total Balance at the Balance at the assets at the assets at % Item end of the end of the end of the Explanation the end Change period prior period prior of the period period Held-for- Primarily due to the trading 564,877,200.00 13.01 352,880,000.00 8.14 60.08 increase in the financial purchase of structural 26 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report assets bank deposits in the current period Primarily due to the increase in commercial Notes 3,404,025.55 0.08 2,234,687.77 0.05 52.33 acceptance bills receivable received in the current period Primarily due to the increase in bank Receivables 15,223,418.33 0.35 4,279,041.00 0.10 255.77 acceptance bills financing received during this period Primarily due to the increase in the Contract warranty deposit for 1,608,301.56 0.04 1,061,581.35 0.02 51.50 assets the new integration project in the current period Primarily due to the Non- increase in the long- current term receivables due assets due 28,306,652.31 0.65 13,431,554.82 0.31 110.75 within 1 year as of the within 1 end of the reporting year period Primarily due to the increase in the Long-term 22,198,629.19 0.51 11,524,193.80 0.27 92.63 business of installment receivables receipts in the current period Primarily due to the Other non- increase in current 18,633,790.53 0.43 12,569,088.37 0.29 48.25 prepayments for long- assets term assets Primarily due to the payment of bank acceptance bills that Notes 80,254,013.57 1.85 201,299,388.57 4.65 -60.13 are payable at the payable beginning and paid during the reporting period Primarily due to the payment of accrued Employee salaries and wages as benefits 29,744,716.45 0.69 58,470,960.55 1.35 -49.13 well as bonuses for the payable preceding year in the current period Primarily due to the subscription amounts for restricted shares Other 119,907,648.52 2.76 56,662,357.08 1.31 111.62 received in the current payables period, for which the share registration has not been completed Other Primarily due to the current 9,799,529.40 0.23 28,383,608.37 0.66 -65.47 payment made in the liabilities current period for 27 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report rebates incurred in the prior period Primarily due to the Long-term new long-term bank 531,486,901.70 12.25 403,720,542.45 9.32 31.65 borrowings borrowings incurred in the current period Primarily due to the recognition and Deferred 5,112,246.23 0.12 8,651,422.26 0.20 -40.91 conversion of deferred income income to other income Other information None 2. Overseas assets √ Applicable□ N/A (1) Size of assets Including: The overseas assets were RMB 481.0871 million, representing 11.08% of the total assets. (2) Explanation about the high proportion of overseas assets □ Applicable√ N/A Other information None 3. Encumbrances on major assets as of the end of the reporting period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance of book Item Reason value Other monetary funds 10,961,787.42 Security deposits Bank deposits 40,000,000.00 Term deposits Accounts not handling for a Bank deposits 5.49 long time Intangible assets 275,524,999.80 Mortgage collateral Total 326,486,792.71 - 4. Other information □ Applicable√ N/A 28 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (IV) Analysis of investments Overall analysis of external equity investments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Investment amount in the reporting period (in Investment in the same period of the Range of change RMB) prior year (in RMB) 156,523,146.05 159,724,538.60 -2.00% 1. Material equity investments □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Material non-equity investments □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Financial assets at fair value √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Gain or loss Cumulative fair Impairment of Purchase Sale/redemption Asset Opening on changes in value changes Other Closing the current amount for the for the current category balance fair value for included in changes balance period current period period the period equity Equities 12,880,000.00 12,880,000.00 Others 351,354,460.38 -4,900,000.00 222,941,577.33 574,296,037.71 Total 364,234,460.38 -4,900,000.00 222,941,577.33 587,176,037.71 Note: “Others” mainly include structured deposits and other equity instruments, described in detail in XI of Section X. Description of securities investments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Gain or loss on Cumulative Purchase Gains Sale Initial Source changes fair value amount or Closing Security Security Short Opening for the Accounting investment of in fair changes for the losses balance of type code name book value current account cost funds value included in current from book value period for the equity period disposal period 29 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Domestic Held-for- Self- and trading 835438 Gabrielle 14,000,000.00 owned 12,880,000.00 12,880,000.00 overseas financial capital shares assets Total - - 14,000,000.00 - 12,880,000.00 12,880,000.00 - 30 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Description of investments in private funds □ Applicable√ N/A Description of derivative investments √ Applicable□ N/A The Company held the 16th meeting of the second Board of Directors on October 28, 2022, at which the Proposal on Carrying out Foreign Exchange Derivatives Trading Business was deliberated and approved, under which the Company and subsidiaries in the scope of consolidation were allowed to engage in the business of foreign exchange derivative products for no more than USD 35.00 million (the funds may be used on a rolling basis within such quota), and the management or relevant staff of the Company were authorized to implement relevant specific affairs. This proposal is valid for 12 months from the date when it is deliberated and passed by the Board of Directors of the Company. In the current period, the Company carried out the business of foreign exchange derivative products in the amount of USD 5.00 million. This business has become expired by the end of the period. (V) Sale of material assets and equities □ Applicable√ N/A (VI) Analysis of major investees √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB Company Main Registere Shareholdin Total Net Operatin Net name business d capital g ratio assets assets g income profit Provision of cinema projection 81,132.2 44,672.6 4,716.4 CINEAPPO services 10,000.00 67.80% 24,187.64 4 8 6 and sales of projectors R&D and sale of - - Chongqing 79,752.8 househol 7,017.54 39.19% 15,573.7 37,600.18 7,921.6 Formovie 4 d display 6 8 products R&D and - Appotronic sale of 43,254.0 35,443.2 30,116.15 100.00% 8,162.26 2,129.8 s HK laser light 5 4 8 source (VII) Structured entities controlled by the Company □ Applicable√ N/A VII. Other disclosures □ Applicable√ N/A 31 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section IVCorporate Governance I. General meetings of shareholders held Reference to resolutions Date of Date of Session published on the disclosure of Resolutions meeting designated resolutions website Refer to the Announcement on the Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Annual general Shareholders in 2022 (No. meeting of May 19, 2023 www.sse.com.cn May 20, 2023 2023-020) disclosed by the shareholders in Company at the website of the 2022 Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on May 20, 2023 for details. Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders requested by the preferred shareholders with restitution of voting right □ Applicable√ N/A Explanation about the general meetings of shareholders √ Applicable□ N/A During the reporting period, the Company held 1 annual general meeting. After being certified by Beijing Zhong Lun (Shenzhen) Law Firm engaged by the Company, the convening and holding procedures of general meetings of shareholders, the qualifications of the persons attending the meeting and conveners, the voting procedures and results comply with the relevant provisions of the Companies Law, the Rules for General Meetings of Shareholders and other laws, regulations and normative documents as well as the provisions of the Articles of Association, and are legal and valid. All proposals submitted by the Board of Directors of the Company to the general meeting have been reviewed and passed. II. Changes in directors, supervisors, senior officers and key technical staff □ Applicable√ N/A Description of changes in directors, supervisors, senior officers and key technical staff □ Applicable√ N/A Description of determination of key technical staff of the Company √ Applicable□ N/A The key technical staff of the Company were determined by taking into account the following factors: (1) play an important role in the Company’s R&D system or hold an important position in the Company’s R&D department; (2) lead the R&D of multiple core technologies of the Company during the period of service; 32 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (3) obtain several patents in the capacity as inventor or designer, and make outstanding contributions to the core technologies of the Company; (4) have a deep professional knowledge background in the laser display industry, broad work qualifications or project experience. Any candidate shall meet at least two of the above criteria at the same time, and then with the approval by the Chairman, may be determined as a key technician of the Company. III. Proposals for profit distribution or capitalization of the capital reserve Profit distribution proposal or proposal for capitalization of the capital reserve during the reporting period Whether to implement profit distribution or No capitalization of the capital reserve Number of bonus shares distributed per 10 shares - Cash dividends distributed per 10 shares (inclusive - of tax) Number of shares distributed out of the capital - reserve Description of the proposal for profit distribution or capitalization of the capital reserve - IV. Share incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive measures of the Company and their effect (I) Equity incentives already disclosed in the interim announcements about which no new information is available √ Applicable□ N/A Summary Reference On June 25, 2023, the Company held the 20th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 19th meeting of the second Board of Refer to the relevant Supervisors, deliberating and approving the Proposal on Adjustments announcements disclosed by the to Grant Prices under the Company’s Restricted Share Incentive Company at the website of the Plan, the Proposal on Invalidating Partially Granted but Not Vested Shanghai Stock Exchange Restricted Shares, the Proposal on Meeting Vesting Criteria for the (www.sse.com.cn) on June 27, First Vesting Period in the Initial Grant under 2022 Restricted Share 2023 for details. Incentive Plan, and other related proposals. (II) Incentives that have not been disclosed in any interim announcement or about which there’s new information available Share incentives □ Applicable√ N/A Other information □ Applicable√ N/A Employee stock ownership plan □ Applicable√ N/A Other incentives 33 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report □ Applicable√ N/A 34 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities I. Environment Whether mechanisms related to environmental Yes protection have been established Investment in environmental protection funds 17.24 during the reporting period (unit: RMB 0’000) (I) Environmental protection information of the Company and its major subsidiaries that are identified as major polluters by the environmental protection authority □ Applicable√ N/A (II) Environmental protection information of any company that is not identified as a major polluter √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Administrative penalties imposed due to environmental issues □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Disclosure of environmental protection information with reference to that of major polluters √ Applicable□ N/A As a leading laser display technology enterprise in the world, the Company mainly engages in the research, development, production and sales of laser display core devices and complete equipment and application of semiconductor laser light source technologies to different scenarios based on the proprietary semiconductor laser light source technologies and architecture, making it a low energy consumption enterprise. During the reporting period, the Company had no production or operating entity included in the list of major polluters identified by the environmental protection authority, did not conduct its routine production and operation in the heavy pollution industry identified by relevant national laws and regulations, and its production and operating activities had little impact on environment. During its production, the Company mainly emits waste gas, waste water and solid waste, which have been properly handled in accordance with the requirements of relevant authorities and industrial parks. For waste gas, we apply the level II standards defined in the Emission Limits of Air Pollutants (DB44/27-2001) promulgated by Guangdong Province. The waste gas is treated by an environment protection facility, and emitted when reaching the waste gas emission criteria. Moreover, we engage a professional third-party inspection institution every year to monitor and assess the waste gas emitted. Of the waste water, domestic sewage is pre-processed according to standards, and discharged through the municipal sewage pipelines to the regional water quality purification plant for in-depth processing. The industrial wastewater is uniformly recycled and treated by a qualified environmental protection company. Meanwhile, the Company actively optimizes the production process and reduces sewage discharge. With respect to solid waste, industrial solid waste is treated by a qualified environmental protection company, while recyclable waste is collected and sorted by the Company’s cleaning staff and then recovered by the relevant resource recovery unit. 35 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 3. Reason for failure to disclose other environmental protection information □ Applicable√ N/A (III) New information about the environmental protection information disclosed during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A (IV) Relevant information conducive to protecting ecology, preventing pollution and fulfilling environmental responsibilities √ Applicable□ N/A The Company achieved ISO14001 environmental management system certification in 2008, and maintained such certification to date, and also achieved the QC080000 Hazardous Substance Process Management (HSPM) certification in 2019. All of our products are green products and have passed China environmental labeling product certification, RoHS, REACH and other certifications. We actively implemented internal measures to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and achieve energy conservation and environment protection by means of technical innovation. For example, our ALPD 5.0 super panchromatic laser technology can achieve the energy efficiency of up to 20 lm/W and improve the efficiency by about 100% compared with other light sources, hence significantly reducing energy consumption while maintaining the high brightness. To promote green office among employees, we replaced paper approval with online approval, which effectively reduced the paper consumption at the office. Moreover, we encouraged employees to shut down devices when leaving their posts, turn off the light for one hour at the lunch break, and take the employee bus, hence improving employees’ awareness of energy conservation and environment protection. We actively implemented rules of energy conservation and emission reduction and daily management measures, and effectively carried out measures to save water and power. (V) Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effect Whether carbon reduction measures are Yes in place Reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions 414,203 (in tons) To develop and produce new products that facilitate carbon Types of carbon reduction measures reduction: The xenon lamp light sources used for (e.g., using clean energy to generate projection at conventional cinemas have the characteristics electricity, using carbon reduction of high power consumption and fast brightness attenuation. technologies in the production process, Our ALPD laser light source, thanks to its obvious developing and producing new products advantages in energy and power conservation, can reduce that contribute to carbon reduction, etc.) power consumption by about 1.8 degree for each hour compared with xenon lamps. 36 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Specific description √ Applicable□ N/A To verify the use performance of the ALPD laser light source, a cinema in Hebei Province selected two cinema halls with almost identical conditions, and retained the xenon lamp light source in one hall while upgrading the other hall with the ALPD laser light source. After operation for two months, given the basically same film programming, the xenon lamp hall consumed a total of 1,076 degrees of electricity, making the hourly electricity consumption of 2.91 degrees; while the ALPD laser hall consumed 403 degrees of electricity, making the hourly electricity consumption of 1.1 degrees, which reduced the hourly electricity consumption by 1.81 degrees compared with the xenon lamp hall. As of the end of the reporting period, we have installed over 28,600 sets of our ALPD laser light source projection solution throughout China, achieving the total light source operation of about 268 million hours. On the basis of the average of about 1.8 degrees of electricity saved per hour, this saved a total of about 482 million degrees of electricity, equivalent to reducing the CO2 emission by 0.4142 million tons. II. Information on consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation, rural revitalization and other specific work □ Applicable√ N/A 37 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section VI Significant Matters I. Fulfillment of covenants (I) Covenants made by the actual controller, shareholders, affiliates and acquirer of the Company, the Company itself and other related parties during the reporting period or the outstanding covenants made by them in the prior periods √ Applicable□ N/A Whether Whether Reason for Action there’s a the failure to plan if Validity time limit covenant Background Covenant fulfill the failing to Covenantor Covenant content period of for the has been of covenant type covenant fulfill the covenant fulfillment strictly on time (if covenant of the fulfilled applicable) on time covenant on time Covenant by the controlling 36 months shareholder regarding after restriction on the sale of Covenant Restriction completion of shares held by him, voluntary relating to on the sale Refer to IPO Prospectus the IPO and Yes Yes N/A N/A lock-up of such shares, IPO of shares the extended extension of lock-up period, period stated intention to hold and dispose below of shares and other issues 36 months after Covenant by the actual completion of controller regarding the IPO and restriction on the sale of the extended Covenant Restriction shares held by him, voluntary period stated relating to on the sale Refer to IPO Prospectus Yes Yes N/A N/A lock-up of such shares, below, and 6 IPO of shares extension of lock-up period, months after intention to hold and dispose termination of of shares and other issues employment with the Company 38 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Covenant by the concert parties of the actual controller 36 months regarding restriction on the after Covenant Restriction sale of shares held by them, completion of relating to on the sale voluntary lock-up of such Refer to IPO Prospectus the IPO and Yes Yes N/A N/A IPO of shares shares, extension of lock-up the extended period, intention to hold and period stated dispose of shares and other below issues 12 months after Covenant by HU Fei, as a completion of member of key technical the IPO and staff, regarding restriction on the extended Covenant Restriction the sale of shares held by period stated relating to on the sale him, voluntary lock-up of Refer to IPO Prospectus Yes Yes N/A N/A below, and 6 IPO of shares such shares, extension of months after lock-up period, intention to termination of hold and dispose of shares employment and other issues with the Company Covenant Issuer’s covenant regarding relating to Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A measures against fraud in IPO IPO Controlling shareholder, Covenant actual controller and their relating to Others concert parties’ covenant Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A IPO regarding measures against fraud in IPO Directors, supervisors and Covenant senior officers’ covenant relating to Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A regarding measures against IPO fraud in IPO Covenant Issuer’s covenant regarding Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A relating to remedial measures for diluted 39 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report IPO earnings in the current period Controlling shareholder, actual controller and their Covenant concert parties’ covenant relating to Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A regarding remedial measures IPO for diluted earnings in the current period Directors and senior officers’ Covenant covenant regarding remedial relating to Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A measures for diluted earnings IPO in the current period Covenant Issuer’s covenant regarding relating to Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A profit distribution policy IPO Issuer’s covenant regarding Covenant restraint measures and relating to Others liability for compensation in Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A IPO the event of failure to fulfill its covenants Controlling shareholder, actual controller and their Covenant concert parties’ covenant relating to Others regarding restraint measures Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A IPO and liability for compensation in the event of failure to fulfill their covenants Directors, supervisors and senior officers’ covenant Covenant regarding restraint measures relating to Others Refer to IPO Prospectus Term of office No Yes N/A N/A and liability for compensation IPO in the event of failure to fulfill their covenants Covenant Resolve Controlling shareholder’s relating to horizontal covenant on avoiding Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A IPO competition horizontal competition and 40 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report issues regulating and reducing related-party transactions Resolve Actual controller’s covenant Covenant related- on avoiding horizontal relating to party competition and regulating Refer to IPO Prospectus Permanent No Yes N/A N/A IPO transaction and reducing related-party issues transactions For details, refer to the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Covenant by the grantee of Plan (Draft), the 2021 Second share incentives regarding Others Restricted Share Incentive Permanent No Yes N/A N/A information disclosure Plan (Draft), and the 2022 documents Covenant Restricted Share Incentive related to Plan (Draft) of the Company share For details, refer to the 2021 incentives Restricted Share Incentive Company’s covenant on Plan (Draft), the 2021 Second Others refraining from providing Restricted Share Incentive Permanent No Yes N/A N/A financial assistance Plan (Draft), and the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) of the Company II. Non-operating occupation of funds by the controlling shareholder and other affiliates during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A III. Guarantees in violation of applicable regulations □ Applicable√ N/A IV. Audit of semiannual report □ Applicable√ N/A V. Changes in matters involved by non-standard audit opinions in the previous annual report and treatment thereof □ Applicable√ N/A VI. Matters relating to bankruptcy and reorganization □ Applicable√ N/A 41 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report VII. Material litigations and arbitrations √ The Company was involved in material litigations or arbitrations during the reporting period □ The Company was not involved in material litigations or arbitrations during the reporting period (I) Litigations and arbitrations already disclosed in interim announcements about which no new information is available √ Applicable□ N/A Summary and type of case Reference I. (2019) Yue 03 Min Chu No. 2943, 2944, 2946, 2948 and 2951 In July 2019, the Company initiated a patent infringement litigation on the ground that Delta Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Delta Video Display System (Wujiang) Limited, Refer to the Announcement of Litigation Involving Appotronics (No. and Shenzhen Super Network Technology Co., Ltd. infringed the patent for invention 2019-006) disclosed by the Company at the website of the Shanghai 200810065225.X owned by the Company, requesting the court to order the defendants to Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on July 31, 2019 for details. stop the acts of infringing the Company’s patent rights and compensate the plaintiff for its economic losses, etc. in the amount of RMB 28.00 million. II. (2021) Yue 73 Zhi Min Chu No. 1860 Refer to the Announcement on Malicious Litigation Initiated by In December 2021, Delta maliciously initiated an intellectual property litigation against Delta Electronics (No. 2021-097) disclosed by the Company at the the Company. Since such act infringed the rights and interests of the Company, the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on Company sued Delta to Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court on December 17, 2021 on December 21, 2021 for details. the ground of such malicious act, involving the amount of RMB 10.00 million. III. 01-22-0001-2735 In March 2022, GDC Cayman and GDC BVI initiated the arbitration against the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Appotronics HK in respect of the dispute over Refer to the Announcement on Arbitration with GDC Cayman and the implementation of the Settlement Agreement, involving the total amount of USD GDC BVI (No. 2022-028) disclosed by the Company at the website 38.00 million. Later, the Company raised counter-claims against GDC Cayman, GDC of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on April 2, 2022 BVI, Mr. ZHANG Wanneng and his management team on the ground that GDC Cayman, for details. GDC BVI, Mr. ZHANG Wanneng and his management team violated the provisions of the Shareholders’ Agreement and Settlement Agreement, involving the total amount of no less than USD 40.00 million. (II) Litigations and arbitrations that have not been disclosed in interim announcements or about which there’s new information available √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB During the reporting period: Party Type of Amount Whether Result Enforcement of Plaintiff/claimant Defendant/respondent Background Status jointly and litigation/arbitration claimed any and judgment/award 42 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report severally provision effect liable is recognized and the amount Case of dispute over infringement on patents for Under trial invention (2019) of the Jing 73 Min Chu second No. 1275, the instance. Plaintiff alleges that Judgment Fengmi it is the owner of of first Appotronics (Beijing) Infringement on the patent for Trial not Delta Electronics, Inc. 1,601.00 No instance: - Corporation Limited Technology patent for invention invention completed All the Co., Ltd. ZL201610387831.8 claims of and the Defendant Delta infringed such Electronics patent for invention should be of the Plaintiff and dismissed. caused economic losses to the Plaintiff. Case of dispute over infringement on patents for Chengdu invention (2021) The court Jinxi Chuan 01 Zhi Min The approved Appotronics Guangxian Infringement on Chu No. 685, the Plaintiff Delta Electronics, Inc. 1,601.00 No to - Corporation Limited Information patent for invention Plaintiff alleges that withdrew withdraw Technology the Defendant its case the case Co., Ltd. infringed such patent for invention ZL201610387831.8 of the Plaintiff and 43 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report caused economic losses to the Plaintiff. Case of dispute over infringement on patents for invention (2021) Chuan 01 Zhi Min Chengdu Chu No. 686, the The court Jinxi The Plaintiff alleges that approved Appotronics Guangxian Infringement on Plaintiff Delta Electronics, Inc. the Defendant 1,601.00 No to - Corporation Limited Information patent for invention withdrew infringed such withdraw Technology its case patent for invention the case Co., Ltd. ZL201110041436.1 of the Plaintiff and caused economic losses to the Plaintiff. Case of dispute over infringement on patents for invention (2023) Hu 73 Zhi Min Chu No. 15 (former case Shanghai No.: (2021) Hu 73 The court The Haichi Zhi Min Chu No. approved Appotronics Infringement on Plaintiff Delta Electronics, Inc. Digital 1070), the Plaintiff 1,601.00 No to - Corporation Limited patent for invention withdrew Technology alleges that the withdraw its case Co., Ltd. Defendant infringed the case such patent for invention ZL201110041436.1 of the Plaintiff and caused economic losses to the 44 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Plaintiff. Delta Video Display System (Wujiang) Cases of dispute Limited, over infringement WANG on patents for Yuhai, invention (2020) Hunan Yue 73 Zhi Min Dehao Chu No. 1335- Cultural 1338, 1340, 1341, and 1361, the Plaintiff Creative accused the Co., Ltd., Defendants, Delta Digital Electronics The court Appotronics Corporation Delta Electronics Protection Infringement on (Shanghai) Co., Case has made 3,825.00 No - Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Beijing) patent for invention Ltd., Delta Video closed the Electronics Display System decision Technology (Wujiang) Limited, Co., Ltd., and other entities, Guangdong of infringing the Jianye patent for invention Display No. Information ZL200880107739.5 Technology of the Plaintiff and Co., Ltd., caused economic and losses to the Guangzhou Plaintiff. Jianye Network Technology Co., Ltd. Appotronics Corporation Delta Electronics Delta Infringement on Cases of dispute Case The court 4,175.00 No - Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Video patent for invention over infringement closed has made 45 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Display on patents for the System invention (2020) decision (Wujiang) Yue 73 Zhi Min Limited, Chu No. 1339, WANG 1353, 1355, 1357- Yuhai, 1360, the Plaintiff Hunan accused the Dehao Defendants, Delta Cultural Electronics and (Shanghai) Co., Creative Ltd., Delta Video Co., Ltd., Display System Digital (Wujiang) Limited, Protection and other entities, (Beijing) of infringing the Electronics patent for invention Technology No. Co., Ltd., ZL200810065225.X Guangdong of the Plaintiff and Jianye caused economic Display losses to the Information Plaintiff. Technology Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Jianye Network Technology Co., Ltd. (III) Other information √ Applicable□ N/A 46 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 1. As of the end of the reporting period, 3 of the invalidation petitions initiated by the Company against the patents held by Delta Electronics, Inc. were under examination at China National Intellectual Property Administration. 2. As of the end of the reporting period, 1 of the invalidation petitions initiated against a patent held by the Company was under examination at China National Intellectual Property Administration. The patent involved is “phosphor layer, device and corresponding light source and projection system, and corresponding production method” (patent No.: ZL201510420950.4). 47 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report VIII. Penalties imposed on the listed company and its directors, supervisors, senior officers, controlling shareholder, actual controller for suspected violation of laws and regulations and rectification of the relevant violations □ Applicable√ N/A IX. Credit standing of the Company and its controlling shareholder and actual controller during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A X. Material related-party transactions (I) Related-party transactions in connection with day-to-day operation 1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which no new information is available √ Applicable□ N/A Summary Reference The Company expects to engage in daily related-party Refer to the Announcement on the transactions with China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and its Prediction of Daily Related-party affiliates, Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. and its Transactions in 2023 (No. 2023-010) affiliates, Beijing DonView Education Technology Co., disclosed by the Company at the Ltd. and its affiliates, CINIONIC Limited and its affiliates, website of the Shanghai Stock GDC Technology Limited and its affiliates, Shenzhen YLX Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on April Technology Development Co., Ltd. for the amount of RMB 28, 2023. 573.5000 million in 2023. 2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which there is new information available □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Matters that have not been disclosed in any interim announcement □ Applicable√ N/A (II) Related-party transactions involving acquisition or sale of assets or equities 1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which no new information is available □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which there is new information available □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Matters that have not been disclosed in any interim announcement □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Fulfillment of performance covenants (if any) during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A (III) Material related-party transactions involving joint external investments 1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which no new information is available √ Applicable□ N/A Summary Reference Refer to the Announcement on Stopping On April 26, 2023, the Company held the 19th meeting Acquiring 51% Equity Interests in WeCast of the second Board of Directors and the 18th meeting of Technology Corp. by the Subsidiary 48 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report the second Board of Supervisors, at which the Proposal Formovie (No. 2023-014) disclosed by the on Stopping Acquiring 51% Equity Interests in WeCast Company at the website of the Shanghai Technology Corp. by the Subsidiary Formovie was Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on April reviewed and approved, under which it was approved 28, 2023 for details. that Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, shall stop acquiring the 51% equity interests in WeCast. 2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which there is new information available □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Matters that have not been disclosed in any interim announcement □ Applicable√ N/A (IV) Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties 1. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which no new information is available □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Matters already disclosed in the interim announcements about which there is new information available □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Matters that have not been disclosed in any interim announcement □ Applicable√ N/A (V) Financial business between the Company and its affiliated financial companies, or between the Company’s controlled financial companies and affiliates □ Applicable√ N/A (VI) Other material related-party transactions □ Applicable√ N/A (VII) Others □ Applicable√ N/A XI. Material contracts and performance thereof (I) Trusteeship, contracting and lease √ Applicable□ N/A (1) Trusteeship □ Applicable√ N/A (2) Contracting □ Applicable√ N/A 49 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (3) Lease √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB Impact of Basis for Related-party Related- Name of Name of Leased Amount of Lease lease income Start date End date determining transaction or party lessor lessee assets leased assets income on the lease income not relation Company Office, Shenzhen Appotronics R&D, Meisheng Corporation factory, 1469.40 2022.12.01 2024.11.30 - - - No None Industry Limited employee Co., Ltd. dormitory Description of lease None 50 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (II) Material guarantees that have been performed or have not yet been fully performed during the report period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB External guarantees provided by the Company (excluding those provided for the subsidiaries) Total amount of guarantees provided during the reporting period (excluding those provided for 0 the subsidiaries) Balance of guarantees as of the end of the reporting period (A) (excluding those provided for the 0 subsidiaries) Guarantees provided by the Company or its subsidiaries for the subsidiaries of the Company Whether Whether Relationsh the Amount Relationsh the Whethe ip between Commencem obligatio of the ip between Inceptio obligatio r there’s the Guarante ent date of Expiry Type of n overdue Guaranto the obligor n date of n a guarantor Obligor ed guarantee date of guarant guarante obligatio r and the guarante guarante counter and the amount (signing date guarantee ee ed has n listed e ed has guarant listed of agreement) been guarante company become ee company discharge ed overdue d Three years CINEAPP after the Appotroni O Laser due date for cs Joint and Headquarte Cinema Controlled 2021/12/ the Corporati 50,000.00 2021/12/29 several No No - No rs Technolog subsidiary 29 obligations on liability y (Beijing) under the Limited Co., Ltd. master contract. CINEAPP Appotroni O Laser cs Joint and Headquarte Cinema Controlled 2021/1/2 Corporati 23,000.00 2021/1/26 2026/2/7 several No No - No rs Technolog subsidiary 6 on liability y (Beijing) Limited Co., Ltd. Appotroni Headquarte CINEAPP Controlled 2021/12/ Joint and 4,000.00 2021/12/27 2026/7/3 No No - No cs rs O Laser subsidiary 27 several 51 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Corporati Cinema liability on Technolog Limited y (Beijing) Co., Ltd. CINEAPP Appotroni O Laser cs Joint and Headquarte Cinema Controlled 2022/12/ Corporati 10,000.00 2022/12/30 2027/2/28 several No No - No rs Technolog subsidiary 30 on liability y (Beijing) Limited Co., Ltd. Formovie Appotroni (Chongqin cs Joint and Headquarte g) Controlled 2021/9/1 Corporati 20,000.00 2021/9/10 2028/4/25 several No No - No rs Innovative subsidiary 0 on liability Technolog Limited y Co., Ltd. Formovie Appotroni (Chongqin cs Joint and Headquarte g) Controlled 2021/12/ Corporati 9,000.00 2021/12/6 2026/12/30 several No No - No rs Innovative subsidiary 6 on liability Technolog Limited y Co., Ltd. Three years Formovie after the Appotroni (Chongqin due date for cs Joint and Headquarte g) Controlled 2022/9/1 the Corporati 30,000.00 2022/9/16 several No No - No rs Innovative subsidiary 6 obligations on liability Technolog under the Limited y Co., Ltd. master contract. Appotroni Formovie Three years cs (Chongqin after the Joint and Headquarte Controlled 2022/12/ Corporati g) 12,000.00 2022/12/22 due date several No No - No rs subsidiary 22 on Innovative (without liability Limited Technolog accelerated 52 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report y Co., Ltd. maturity) of the latest financing due and payable among all the financings drawn and used during the period of occurrence of guaranteed debts under the master agreement or/and inter-bank borrowing. The guarantee Formovie period is Appotroni (Chongqin three years cs Joint and Headquarte g) Controlled 2021/12/ from the Corporati 5,000.00 2021/12/29 several No No - No rs Innovative subsidiary 29 date of on liability Technolog termination Limited y Co., Ltd. of claims determinati on period. Total amount of guarantees provided for the subsidiaries during the reporting period 20,908.07 Balance of guarantees provided for the subsidiaries as of the end of the reporting period (B) 51,793.89 Total amount of guarantees provided by the Company (including those provided for the subsidiaries) 53 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Total amount guaranteed (A+B) 51,793.89 Proportion of total amount guaranteed to the net assets of the Company (%) 19.00 Including: Total amount of guarantees provided for the shareholders, actual controller and their affiliates (C) 0 Total amount of debt guarantees directly or indirectly provided for the obligors whose equity- 36,599.64 debt ratio exceeds 70% (D) Total amount guaranteed in excess of 50% of the net assets of the Company (E) 0 Total amount guaranteed (C+D+E) 36,599.64 Explanation about outstanding guarantees for which the Company may assume joint and several N/A liability Explanation about guarantees N/A (III) Other material contracts □ Applicable√ N/A 54 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report XII. Use of offering proceeds √ Applicable□ N/A (I) Overall use of offering proceeds √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Cumulative Cumulative investment Net offering total offering Ratio of the Date of Total offering progress as Source of proceeds after Total offering proceeds used Amount amount receiving Total offering proceeds of the end of offering deduction of proceeds as of the end invested in invested in offering proceeds committed after the proceeds offering committed of the this year (4) this year (%) proceeds adjustment (1) reporting expenses reporting (5)=(4)/(1) period (%) period (2) (3)=(2)/(1) Initial public July 16, 1,190,000,000.00 1,062,470,797.73 1,062,470,797.73 1,062,470,797.73 824,612,707.26 77.61 70,089,074.44 6.60 offering 2019 (II) Breakdown of investment projects √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Total Cumul Cumul Date Whet Whet invest Total ative ative for the her her Bene ment invest total invest project the benef fits Material Whe from ment offerin ment to Wheth Date inves its or changes ther the from g progre reach Specific er Source of tmen are R&D in the over offeri the procee ss as of the reason for change of receivi Com t achie resul project - ng offerin ds the workin failing to Natu of offerin ng plete prog ved ts feasibilit Balance amount and Project raise proce g used end of g achieve the re invest g offerin d or ress duri achie y; if any, reasons thereof d eds procee as of the conditi plan of ment is procee g not meet ng ved describe fund com ds the reporti on for investment involve ds procee s the the by the s are mitte after end of ng its progress d ds prog repo the specific used d for adjust the period intend ress rting proje reasons the ment reporti (%) ed use plan perio ct proje (1) ng (3) = [Note ned d ct period (2)/(1) 1] 55 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (2) As of December 31, 2022, the project “R&D R&D and industrialization of and new generation of laser industrial Prod display products” has ization of uctio Initial July 313,0 313,00 279,31 Decem N/A been completed, which new n and public N/A 16, No 00,00 0,000.0 1,086.9 89.24 ber Yes Yes N/A N/A [Note No used the raised funds of generatio const offerin 2019 0.00 0 9 2022 4] RMB 279.3111 million; n of laser ructi g the remaining raised display on funds of RMB 51.6167 products million in total were [Note 5] used to supplement the working capital. The construction of the head office building slowed down due to the complex R&D geological center at Initial July 284,0 284,00 151,97 Decem conditions on the head public R&D N/A 16, No 00,00 0,000.0 2,898.4 53.51 ber No No the site. This N/A N/A No N/A office of offerin 2019 0.00 0 3 2023 project may Appotro g be fully nics implemented only after the construction of the head office building is completed. As a result, 56 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report the project implementati on is postponed. Since the main body of the head office building of Informati the Company Oper on Initial is still under ation July 70,00 Decem system public 70,000, 38,556, construction, mana N/A 16, No 0,000. 55.08 ber No No N/A N/A No N/A upgrade offerin 000.00 386.63 the geme 2019 00 2023 and g prerequisites nt building for implementin g this project have not been satisfied. Supp leme nting the Supplem work Initial entary ing July 333,0 333,00 335,39 public working capit N/A 16, No 00,00 0,000.0 5,037.6 100.72 N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A No N/A offerin capital al 2019 0.00 0 2 g [Note 2] and repay ment of loans Share Initial July 20,00 Septem repurcha Other public 20,000, 19,377, N/A 16, Yes 0,000. 96.89 ber Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A No N/A se [Note s offerin 000.00 297.59 2019 00 2022 3] g 57 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Other Initial July 42,47 excess Other public 42,470, N/A 16, N/A 0,797. - - N/A No Yes N/A N/A N/A No N/A offering s offerin 797.73 2019 73 proceeds g [Note 1] On March 18, 2022, the Company held the 9th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 8th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors, approving the Proposal on Postponing Some Investment Projects through deliberation, and agreeing the Company to adjust the time for some investment projects to reach the working condition for its intended use. [Note 2] During the period of implementation of the Company’s investment projects, the total wealth management returns of RMB 2.3950 million were realized from the special account of supplementary working capital, which have been put into use in the project (supplementary working capital). The special account for supplementary working capital (Huaxia Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Houhai Branch, account number: 10869000000251463) has been deregistered on July 30, 2020. The interest RMB 1,418.11 incurred after completion of this project has been paid to the basic account of the Company to be used as supplementary working capital. [Note 3] The Company held the 9th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 1st extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 respectively on March 18, 2022 and March 29, 2022, approving the Proposal on Repurchase of Shares of the Company through Call Auction through deliberation, and agreeing the Company to use the excess offering proceeds to repurchase some RMB-denominated ordinary shares (A shares) issued by it through call auction via the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. [Note 4] As of December 31, 2022, the project “R&D and industrialization of new generation of laser display products” has been completed, for which the incremental sales revenue of RMB 50.5068 million before and after the investment in this project was taken as the indicator of the benefits realized from the project. [Note 5] On April 26, 2023, the Company held the 19th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 18th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors respectively, which deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Completion of Some of the Company’s Fundraising Projects and Permanent Replenishment of Working Capital with the Surplus Raised Funds, and agreed that the Company would close the fundraising project “R&D and industrialization of new generation of laser display products”, and a total of RMB 51.6167 million saved (as of December 31, 2022) shall be used for permanent replenishment of the working capital. As at the date of remittance, the actual balance in the special account was RMB 52.0022 million (including the interest income and wealth management income, net of handling fees). This special account (Hua Xia Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Houhai Branch, account No.: 10869000000305964) has been deregistered on May 17, 2023, and the funds have been transferred to the general account of the Company. 58 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (III) Change in investment projects during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A 59 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (IV) Other information about the use of offering proceeds during the reporting period 1. Early investment and replacement of projects invested with offering proceeds □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Supplement the working capital with idle offering proceeds □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Cash management of idle offering proceeds, and investment in relevant products √ Applicable□ N/A The Proposal on Cash Management of Temporarily Idle Offering Proceeds was approved through deliberation at the 14th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 13th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors held by the Company on June 29, 2022. It was approved that, without affecting the normal implementation of the investment plan for offering proceeds, a maximum of RMB 469 million temporarily idle offering proceeds may be put under cash management to purchase investment products featuring high security, good liquidity, and guarantee of the principal (including but not limited to structural deposits, agreement deposits, notice deposits, term deposits, large-amount deposit note, and return notes), where the total amount for purchasing return notes shall be no more than RMB 100 million for no more than 12 months, which shall be effective within 12 months from the review and approval by the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors. The Proposal on Cash Management of Temporarily Idle Offering Proceeds was approved through deliberation at the 20th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 19th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors held by the Company on June 25, 2023. It was approved that, without affecting the normal implementation of the investment plan for offering proceeds, a maximum of RMB 249.00 million (inclusive) temporarily idle offering proceeds may be put under cash management to purchase investment products featuring high security, good liquidity, and guarantee of the principal (including but not limited to structural deposits, notice deposits, term deposits, large-amount deposit note, and return notes), where the total amount for purchasing return notes shall be no more than RMB 100 million (inclusive), which shall be effective within 12 months from the review and approval. 4. Supplement working capital or repay bank loans with excess offering proceeds □ Applicable√ N/A 5. Others √ Applicable□ N/A 1. On March 18, 2022, the Company held the 9th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 8th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors, approving the Proposal on Postponing Some Investment Projects through deliberation, and agreeing the Company to adjust the time for some investment projects to reach the working condition for its intended use. Refer to the Announcement on Postponing Some Investment Projects (No. 2022-019) disclosed by the Company at the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on March 21, 2022. 2. The Company held the 9th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 1st extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 respectively on March 18, 2022 and March 29, 2022, approving the Proposal on Repurchase of Shares of the Company through Call Auction through deliberation, and 60 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report agreeing the Company to use the excess offering proceeds to repurchase some RMB-denominated ordinary shares (A shares) issued by it through call auction via the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with the repurchase funds totaling not less than RMB 10 million (inclusive) but not more than RMB 20 million (inclusive), the repurchase price not exceeding RMB 26.89 per share (inclusive, namely the price after adjustments to equity distribution in 2021) and the repurchase period being six months from the date on which this repurchase plan is approved by the general meeting of shareholders. As of December 31, 2022, the Company repurchased 900,000 shares in the aggregate through call auction, representing 0.1969% of the Company’s total share capital, and paid RMB 19,377,297.59 (including stamp duty, commissions and other transaction fees). The repurchase of shares has been completed. 3. The Company held the 14th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 13th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors on June 29, 2022, approving the Proposal on Adjusting Internal Investment Structure of Some Investment Projects through deliberation, and agreeing the Company to adjust the internal investment structure of the investment project “R&D and industrialization of new generation of laser display products”, and to decrease the “equipment purchase expenses” by RMB 53.802 million and increase the “R&D expenditures” by RMB 53.802 million. 4. The Company held the 19th meeting of the second Board of Directors and the 18th meeting of the second Board of Supervisors and the annual general meeting for 2022 on April 26, 2023 and May 19, 2023, respectively, approving the Proposal on Adjusting Internal Investment Structure of Some Investment Projects through deliberation, and agreeing the Company to adjust the internal investment structure of the investment project “R&D center at the head office of Appotronics”, and to decrease the “equipment purchase expenses” by RMB 65.0000 million and increase the “R&D expenditures” by RMB 65.0000 million. XIII. Other significant matters □ Applicable√ N/A 61 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders I. Changes in shares (I) Statement of changes in shares 1. Statement of changes in shares During the reporting period, there is no change in total ordinary shares and share capital structure of the Company. 2. Explanation about changes in shares □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Effect of the changes in shares on the earnings per share, net assets per share and other financial indicators for the duration after the reporting period to the disclosure date of the semiannual report √ Applicable □ N/A On July 5, 2023, the Company disclosed the Announcement on the Vesting Result for the First Vesting Period in the Initial Grant of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan 2022 and Listing of Shares (No. 2023-029). The Company registered a total of 3,299,000 newly vested shares for the first vesting period in the initial grant of the restricted share incentive plan 2022. These shares became available for trading on July 7, 2023, increasing the Company’s total shares from 457,107,538 shares to 460,406,538 shares. From the end of the reporting period to the disclosure date of this semiannual report, changes in the Company’s shares increased the diluted earnings per shares and net assets per share attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company. 4. Other information disclosed as the Company deems necessary or required by the securities regulatory authority □ Applicable√ N/A (II) Changes in non-tradable shares □ Applicable√ N/A II. Shareholders (I) Total number of shareholders: Total number of ordinary shareholders as of the end of the 14,576 reporting period (accounts) Total number of shareholders of preferred shares whose voting right has been restituted as of the end of the reporting 0 period (accounts) Total number of shareholders holding shares with special 0 voting rights as of the end of the reporting period (accounts) Number of holders of depository receipts □ Applicable√ N/A (II) Shares held by top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of tradable shares as of the end of the reporting period Shares held by top 10 shareholders through both the general securities account and the customer credit transaction guarantee securities account of a securities company 62 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report □ Applicable√ N/A Unit: Share Shares held by top 10 shareholders Number of Shares non- pledged, tradable marked, or Balance Numb shares frozen Change of shares er of held, Sharehold during held as non- including Sharehold er the of the Percenta tradab the shares er (Full reporti end of ge (%) Shar le lent out nature name) ng the e Quantit shares under the period reportin statu y held refinancin g period s g arrangeme nt Shenzhen Domestic Appotroni non-state- 79,762,6 Non cs 0 17.45 0 0 0 owned 79 e Holdings corporatio Limited n Shenzhen Yuanshi Domestic Laser non-state- Industrial 24,139,5 Non 0 5.28 0 0 0 owned Investment 00 e corporatio Consulting n Partnershi p (LP) Nantong Strait Domestic Appotroni non-state- 22,780,3 Non cs 0 4.98 0 0 0 owned 29 e Investment corporatio Partnershi n p (LP) Shenzhen Domestic Appotroni non-state- cs Daye 20,430,2 Non 0 4.47 0 0 0 owned Investment 50 e corporatio Partnershi n p (LP) Shenzhen Domestic Appotroni non-state- cs Hongye 15,662,3 Non 0 3.43 0 0 0 owned Investment 74 e corporatio Partnershi n p (LP) Shenzhen Domestic Jinleijing non-state- Investment 12,353,1 Non 0 2.70 0 0 0 owned Limited 06 e corporatio Partnershi n p (LP) 63 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Shenzhen Appotroni Domestic cs non-state- 10,394,8 Non Chengye 0 2.27 0 0 0 owned 46 e Consulting corporatio Partnershi n p (LP) Bank of China Co., Ltd. - Stable Income - 9,710,54 Non 2.12 0 0 0 Others Bond 222,857 4 e Securities Investment Fund of E Fund Shenzhen Guochuan g Chenggu Capital Manageme Domestic nt Co., non-state- +428,60 8,114,36 Non Ltd. - 1.78 0 0 0 owned 0 9 e Shenzhen corporatio Chengguh n ui Equity Investment Partnershi p (LP) Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. - Tianhong +497,07 7,540,68 Non Yongli 1.65 0 0 0 Others 7 8 e Bond Securities Investment Fund Shares held by top 10 holders of tradable shares Number of Type and number of shares Shareholder tradable shares Category Quantity held Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings RMB-denominated 79,762,679 79,762,679 Limited ordinary share Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial RMB-denominated Investment Consulting Partnership 24,139,500 24,139,500 ordinary share (LP) Nantong Strait Appotronics RMB-denominated 22,780,329 22,780,329 Investment Partnership (LP) ordinary share Shenzhen Appotronics Daye RMB-denominated 20,430,250 20,430,250 Investment Partnership (LP) ordinary share Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye RMB-denominated 15,662,374 15,662,374 Investment Partnership (LP) ordinary share Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment RMB-denominated 12,353,106 12,353,106 Limited Partnership (LP) ordinary share 64 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye RMB-denominated 10,394,846 10,394,846 Consulting Partnership (LP) ordinary share Bank of China Co., Ltd. - Stable RMB-denominated Income Bond Securities Investment 9,710,544 9,710,544 ordinary share Fund of E Fund Shenzhen Guochuang Chenggu Capital Management Co., Ltd. - RMB-denominated 8,114,369 8,114,369 Shenzhen Chengguhui Equity ordinary share Investment Partnership (LP) Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. - Tianhong RMB-denominated Yongli Bond Securities Investment 7,540,688 7,540,688 ordinary share Fund Description of special repurchase shareholders among top 10 N/A shareholders Description of entrusting voting right, entrusted voting right and N/A waiver of voting right of the shareholders above 1. As of June 30, 2023, the following entities in top 10 shareholders of the Company constituted persons acting in concert: Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings Limited, Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial Investment Consulting Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye Investment Partnership Affiliates or concert parties among (LP), Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited Partnership (LP), the shareholders stated above and Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye Consulting Partnership (LP); 2. Except for the above, we are not aware whether there are affiliates or concert parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of the Listed Companies among other shareholders. Holders of preferred shares whose voting rights have been restituted N/A and the number of shares held by them Top 10 holders of non-tradable shares and lock-up period □ Applicable√ N/A Statement of top 10 holders of domestic depository receipts as of the end of the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A Number of non-tradable depository receipts held by top 10 holders and lock-up period □ Applicable√ N/A (III) Statement of top 10 shareholders by number of votes held as of the end of the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A (IV) Strategic investors or general corporations that become top 10 shareholders as a result of allotment of new shares/depository receipts □ Applicable√ N/A 65 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report III. Directors, supervisors, senior officers and key technical staff (I) Changes in shareholding of current directors, supervisors, senior officers and key technical staff and the former directors, supervisors, senior officers and key technical staff who left the Company during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A Other information □ Applicable√ N/A (II) Share incentives granted to directors, supervisors, senior officers and key technical staff during the reporting period 1.Share options □ Applicable√ N/A 2.Type I restricted shares □ Applicable√ N/A 3.Type II restricted shares √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Share Number of Number Number Number of restricted of of Number of restricted shares restricted restricted restricted shares already shares shares shares already granted as that that have Name Title granted granted as at the could be been during the of the end of beginning vested in vested in reporting the of the the the period reporting reporting reporting reporting period period period period Chairman & General LI Yi 3,500,000 0 0 0 3,500,000 Manager ZHANG Director, Deputy 700,000 0 100,000 0 700,000 Wei General Manager WANG Director, Financial 470,560 0 50,000 0 470,560 Yingxia Director CHEN Board Secretary 432,750 0 75,000 0 432,750 Yasha YU Xin Key technical staff 1,070,000 0 100,000 0 1,070,000 HU Fei Key technical staff 540,000 0 75,000 0 540,000 WANG Key technical staff 630,000 0 75,000 0 630,000 Lin WANG Key technical staff 632,000 0 75,000 0 632,000 Zeqin GUO Key technical staff 626,000 0 75,000 0 626,000 Zuqiang Total - 8,601,310 0 625,000 0 8,601,310 66 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (III) Other information □ Applicable√ N/A IV. Changes in the controlling shareholder or actual controller □ Applicable√ N/A V. Implementation of and changes in arrangements relating to depository receipts during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A VI. Shares with special voting rights □ Applicable√ N/A 67 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section VIII Preferred Shares □ Applicable√ N/A 68 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section IX Bonds I. Enterprise bonds, corporate bonds and non-financial corporate debt financing instruments □ Applicable√ N/A II. Convertible corporate bonds □ Applicable√ N/A 69 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Section X Financial Report I. Auditor’s report □ Applicable√ N/A II. Financial statements Consolidated Balance Sheet June 30, 2023 Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Note June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Current Assets: Monetary funds VII. 1 1,279,193,927.48 1,355,882,208.63 Balances with clearing agencies Placements with banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial assets VII. 2 564,877,200.00 352,880,000.00 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable VII. 4 3,404,025.55 2,234,687.77 Accounts receivable VII. 5 206,727,257.21 208,260,235.79 Receivables financing VII. 6 15,223,418.33 4,279,041.00 Prepayments VII. 7 34,764,381.68 48,445,976.86 Premiums receivable Amounts receivable under reinsurance contracts Reinsurer’s share of insurance contract reserves Other receivables VII. 8 26,973,222.84 26,331,721.55 Including: Interest receivable Dividend receivable 14,307,084.00 13,789,908.00 Financial assets purchased under resale agreements Inventories VII. 9 757,719,004.42 865,639,961.79 Contract assets VII. 10 1,608,301.56 1,061,581.35 Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within 1 year VII. 12 28,306,652.31 13,431,554.82 Other current assets VII. 13 95,956,187.10 106,502,611.79 Total current assets 3,014,753,578.48 2,984,949,581.35 Non-current Assets: Loans and advances Debt investments Other debt investments Long-term receivables VII. 16 22,198,629.19 11,524,193.80 Long-term equity investment VII. 17 156,523,146.05 162,394,917.57 Investment in other equity instruments VII. 18 7,075,419.38 7,075,419.38 Other non-current financial assets Investment property Fixed assets VII. 21 379,962,412.96 427,539,718.53 Construction in progress VII. 22 314,382,210.87 278,978,057.73 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets VII. 25 55,804,553.57 62,255,670.29 Intangible assets VII. 26 285,586,197.40 290,341,693.08 70 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses VII. 29 7,285,477.87 5,990,984.03 Deferred tax assets VII. 30 78,069,270.62 89,730,936.02 Other non-current assets VII. 31 18,633,790.53 12,569,088.37 Total non-current assets 1,325,521,108.44 1,348,400,678.80 Total assets 4,340,274,686.92 4,333,350,260.15 Current Liabilities: Short-term borrowings VII. 32 129,604,426.40 129,589,634.03 Loans from the central bank Taking from banks and other financial institutions Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable VII. 35 80,254,013.57 201,299,388.57 Accounts payable VII. 36 275,507,953.57 276,845,321.28 Advance from customers VII. 37 99,404,605.97 113,834,728.10 Contract liabilities VII. 38 39,465,849.54 37,285,920.43 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions Funds from securities trading agency Funds from underwriting securities agency Employee benefits payable VII. 39 29,744,716.45 58,470,960.55 Taxes payable VII. 40 6,453,066.16 8,272,768.90 Other payables VII. 41 119,907,648.52 56,662,357.08 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable 797,774.22 Fees and commissions payable Amounts payable under reinsurance contracts Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within 1 year VII. 43 178,360,640.39 178,031,817.37 Other current liabilities VII. 44 9,799,529.40 28,383,608.37 Total current liabilities 968,502,449.97 1,088,676,504.68 Non-current Liabilities: Insurance contract reserves Long-term borrowings VII. 45 531,486,901.70 403,720,542.45 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities VII. 47 27,260,832.49 34,319,284.23 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Provisions VII. 50 53,463,551.36 56,463,882.87 Deferred income VII. 51 5,112,246.23 8,651,422.26 Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 617,323,531.78 503,155,131.81 Total liabilities 1,585,825,981.75 1,591,831,636.49 Owners’ Equity (Shareholders’ Equity): Paid-in capital (or share capital) VII. 53 457,107,538.00 457,107,538.00 Other equity instruments 71 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve VII. 55 1,551,466,365.12 1,530,752,116.04 Less: Treasury shares VII. 56 19,377,297.59 19,377,297.59 Other comprehensive income VII. 57 12,451,180.91 5,736,897.41 Special reserve Surplus reserve VII. 59 75,519,782.06 75,519,782.06 General risk reserve Retained profits VII. 60 648,203,885.57 597,924,451.67 Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity attributable to owners of the parent 2,725,371,454.07 2,647,663,487.59 company Minority interests 29,077,251.10 93,855,136.07 Total owners’ (or shareholders’) 2,754,448,705.17 2,741,518,623.66 equity Total liabilities and owners’ (or 4,340,274,686.92 4,333,350,260.15 shareholders’) equity Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia Balance Sheet of the Parent Company June 30, 2023 Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Note June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 Current Assets: Monetary funds 708,529,158.47 675,429,827.76 Held-for-trading financial assets 556,410,000.00 352,880,000.00 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 3,404,025.55 2,234,687.77 Accounts receivable XVII. 1 640,188,219.65 688,004,828.29 Receivables financing 8,441,068.33 2,399,041.00 Prepayments 8,174,839.77 11,009,592.85 Other receivables XVII. 2 14,803,374.55 7,556,623.71 Including: Interest receivable Dividend receivable Inventories 342,827,948.28 390,906,125.18 Contract assets 1,608,301.56 1,061,581.35 Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within 1 year 1,388,837.66 1,334,808.66 Other current assets 25,403,663.47 27,531,860.98 Total current assets 2,311,179,437.29 2,160,348,977.55 Non-current Assets: Debt investments Other debt investments Long-term receivables 993,013.56 944,108.40 Long-term equity investment XVII. 3 466,035,120.86 450,239,347.45 Investment in other equity instruments 7,075,419.38 7,075,419.38 Other non-current financial assets Investment property Fixed assets 64,584,608.06 66,271,459.60 Construction in progress 309,377,852.19 270,837,599.21 Productive biological assets 72 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 41,175,572.84 52,738,418.54 Intangible assets 288,593,244.60 294,108,453.73 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses 1,136,835.80 487,991.29 Deferred tax assets 17,162,782.96 20,220,930.66 Other non-current assets 16,605,003.36 9,952,305.78 Total non-current assets 1,212,739,453.61 1,172,876,034.04 Total assets 3,523,918,890.90 3,333,225,011.59 Current Liabilities: Short-term borrowings 60,038,850.01 60,043,166.67 Held-for-trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 33,608,729.87 58,301,159.76 Accounts payable 289,751,340.58 275,547,785.20 Advance from customers Contract liabilities 17,901,395.11 19,945,270.00 Employee benefits payable 16,396,021.22 35,920,277.61 Taxes payable 1,883,828.76 5,339,271.71 Other payables 77,053,825.14 9,722,655.99 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable 797,774.22 Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within 1 year 50,590,576.11 24,463,018.64 Other current liabilities 1,429,595.96 2,666,327.90 Total current liabilities 548,654,162.76 491,948,933.48 Non-current Liabilities: Long-term borrowings 249,181,118.32 148,087,667.43 Bonds payable Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Lease liabilities 19,976,948.15 29,114,281.86 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Provisions 22,959,255.63 24,939,050.33 Deferred income 2,657,700.76 5,630,959.06 Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 294,775,022.86 207,771,958.68 Total liabilities 843,429,185.62 699,720,892.16 Owners’ Equity (Shareholders’ Equity): Paid-in capital (or share capital) 457,107,538.00 457,107,538.00 Other equity instruments Including: Preferred shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 1,561,226,098.34 1,541,789,874.63 Less: Treasury shares 19,377,297.59 19,377,297.59 Other comprehensive income Special reserve Surplus reserve 74,242,241.33 74,242,241.33 Retained profits 607,291,125.20 579,741,763.06 Total owners’ (or shareholders’) 2,680,489,705.28 2,633,504,119.43 equity Total liabilities and owners’ (or 3,523,918,890.90 3,333,225,011.59 73 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report shareholders’) equity Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia Consolidated Income Statement Jan. - Jun. 2023 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Note Half year of 2023 Half year of 2022 I. Total operating income 1,073,249,037.75 1,269,322,202.11 Including: Operating income VII. 61 1,073,249,037.75 1,269,322,202.11 Interest income Premiums earned Fee and commission income II. Total operating costs 1,012,145,838.42 1,227,121,118.16 Including: Operating costs VII. 61 668,659,467.49 884,560,607.88 Interest expenses Fee and commission expenses Surrenders Claims and policyholder benefits (net of amounts recoverable from reinsurers) Net withdrawal of insurance contract reserves Insurance policyholder dividends Expenses for reinsurance accepted Taxes and surcharges VII. 62 4,005,751.53 4,636,401.10 Selling expenses VII. 63 143,399,660.02 120,302,361.36 Administrative expenses VII. 64 86,696,223.82 106,015,842.36 R&D expenses VII. 65 126,406,142.12 114,959,786.37 Financial expenses VII. 66 -17,021,406.56 -3,353,880.91 Including: Interest expense 7,061,642.05 12,510,421.43 Interest income 15,604,073.30 6,740,942.87 Add: Other income VII. 67 23,608,983.31 21,565,810.43 Investment income (loss is indicated VII. 68 -2,806,106.20 -4,567,473.71 by “-”) Including: Income from investments in -8,071,814.75 -10,562,840.53 associates and joint ventures Gains from derecognition of financial assets at amortized assets (loss is indicated by “-”) Foreign exchange gains (loss is indicated by “-”) Gains from net exposure hedges (loss is indicated by “-”) Gains from changes in fair values (loss VII. 70 -1,634,000.00 is indicated by “-”) Losses of credit impairment (loss is VII. 71 -3,513,083.07 1,393,164.79 indicated by “-”) Impairment losses of assets (loss is VII. 72 -29,013,931.74 -19,822,363.99 indicated by “-”) Gains from disposal of assets (loss is VII. 73 15,262.15 17,213.16 indicated by “-”) III. Operating profit (loss is indicated by “-”) 49,394,323.78 39,153,434.63 Add: Non-operating income VII. 74 9,424,347.83 167,888.31 Less: Non-operating expenses VII. 75 641,261.92 1,511,909.47 IV. Total profits (total losses are indicated by 58,177,409.69 37,809,413.47 74 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report “-”) Less: Income tax expenses VII. 76 18,649,943.64 19,269,471.17 V. Net profits (net losses are indicated by “-”) 39,527,466.05 18,539,942.30 (I) Categorized by the continuity of operation 1. Net profits from continuing operations 39,527,466.05 18,539,942.30 (net losses are indicated by “-”) 2. Net profits from discontinued operations (net losses are indicated by “-”) (II) Categorized by the ownership 1. Net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent company (net losses are 74,914,640.95 45,966,481.10 indicated by “-”) 2. Profits or losses attributable to minority shareholders (net losses are indicated -35,387,174.90 -27,426,538.80 by “-”) VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax VII. 77 5,158,805.71 13,583,493.02 (I) Other comprehensive income that can be attributable to owners of the parent company, 6,714,283.50 13,734,264.61 net of tax 1. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (1) Changes from remeasurement of defined benefit plans (2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method (3) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments (4) Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own credit risks 2. Other comprehensive income that will 6,714,283.50 13,734,264.61 be reclassified to profit or loss (1) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity -4,176,328.87 -9,668,892.26 method (2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments (3) Amount of financial assets reclassified to other comprehensive income (4) Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments (5) Reserve for cash flow hedges (6) Exchange differences on translation of financial statements denominated in foreign 10,890,612.37 23,403,156.87 currencies (7) Others (II) Other comprehensive income that can be attributable to minority shareholders, net of -1,555,477.79 -150,771.59 tax VII. Total comprehensive income 44,686,271.76 32,123,435.32 (I) Total comprehensive income that can be 81,628,924.45 59,700,745.71 attributable to owners of the parent company (II) Total comprehensive income that can be -36,942,652.69 -27,577,310.39 attributable to minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share: 75 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.16 0.10 (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.16 0.10 In the event of business combinations involving enterprises under common control, the net profits realized prior to the combination by the party being absorbed is: RMB 0.00, and the net profits realized in the last period by the party being absorbed is: RMB 0.00. Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia Income Statement of the Parent Company Jan. - Jun. 2023 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Note Half year of Half year of Item 2023 2022 I. Operating income XVII. 4 542,956,800.34 649,645,354.34 Less: Operating costs XVII. 4 368,571,473.83 432,684,792.22 Taxes and surcharges 3,199,879.01 2,709,645.68 Selling expenses 37,056,481.71 34,971,927.98 Administrative expenses 46,709,472.09 70,191,714.62 R&D expenses 70,859,871.98 74,661,621.25 Financial expenses -16,034,801.70 -12,346,217.67 Including: Interest expense 3,133,969.39 1,758,702.76 Interest income 14,313,472.46 9,044,664.08 Add: Other income 19,359,728.30 12,418,751.65 Investment income (loss is indicated by “-”) XVII. 5 12,717,708.55 5,884,922.38 Including: Income from investments in associates and joint ventures Gains from derecognition of financial assets at amortized assets (loss is indicated by “-”) Gains from net exposure hedges (loss is indicated by “-”) Gains from changes in fair values (loss is -1,634,000.00 indicated by “-”) Losses of credit impairment (loss is indicated -2,891,569.80 -970,107.59 by “-”) Impairment losses of assets (loss is indicated -7,961,985.67 -7,784,985.64 by “-”) Gains from disposal of assets (loss is indicated 12,718.43 by “-”) II. Operating profit (loss is indicated by “-”) 53,831,023.23 54,686,451.06 Add: Non-operating income 362,544.72 94,307.77 Less: Non-operating expenses 216,230.87 1,451,707.15 III. Total profits (total losses are indicated by “-”) 53,977,337.08 53,329,051.68 Less: Income tax expenses 1,792,767.89 11,694,579.04 IV. Net profits (net losses are indicated by “-”) 52,184,569.19 41,634,472.64 (I) Net profits from continuing operations (net 52,184,569.19 41,634,472.64 losses are indicated by “-”) (II) Net profits from discontinued operations (net losses are indicated by “-”) V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 1. Changes from remeasurement of defined benefit plans 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 76 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 3. Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments 4. Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own credit risks (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method 2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified to other comprehensive income 4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 5. Reserve for cash flow hedges 6. Exchange differences on translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies 7. Others VI. Total comprehensive income 52,184,569.19 41,634,472.64 VII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share) Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Jan. - Jun. 2023 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Note Half year of 2023 Half year of 2022 I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the 1,117,055,783.68 1,429,234,114.59 rendering of services Net increase in customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions Net increase in loans from the central bank Net increase in taking from banks and other financial institutions Cash receipts from premiums under direct insurance contracts Net cash receipts from reinsurance business Net cash receipts from policyholders’ deposits and investment contract liabilities Cash receipts from interest, fees and commissions Net increase in taking from banks Net increase in financial assets sold under repurchase arrangements Net cash received from securities trading agencies Receipts of tax refunds 4,435,896.68 3,189,929.64 Other cash receipts relating to operating VII. 78 90,837,327.64 34,395,802.37 activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating 1,212,329,008.00 1,466,819,846.60 77 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report activities Cash payments for goods purchased and 678,514,829.90 1,065,198,956.89 services received Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in balance with the central bank and due from banks and other financial institutions Cash payments for claims and policyholders’ benefits under direct insurance contracts Net increase in placements with banks and other financial institutions Cash payments for interest, fees and commissions Cash payments for insurance policyholder dividends Cash payments to and on behalf of 235,611,354.36 226,213,079.42 employees Payments of various types of taxes 30,029,161.72 47,664,436.15 Other cash payments relating to operating VII. 78 153,434,829.89 206,296,733.81 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from operating 1,097,590,175.87 1,545,373,206.27 activities Net cash flow from operating activities 114,738,832.13 -78,553,359.67 II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Cash receipts from disposals and recovery of 765,000,000.00 1,047,763,409.68 investments Cash receipts from investment income 5,265,708.55 5,995,366.82 Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 30,975.00 2,210.00 assets Net cash receipts from disposals of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash receipts relating to investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 770,296,683.55 1,053,760,986.50 activities Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 41,659,342.63 53,593,529.31 assets Cash payments to acquire investments 976,816,480.00 995,000,000.00 Net increase in pledged loans receivables Net cash payments for acquisitions of 11,831,365.16 subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments relating to investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from investing 1,030,307,187.79 1,048,593,529.31 activities Net cash flows from investment -260,010,504.24 5,167,457.19 activities III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Cash receipts from capital contributions 50,609,959.00 8,866,332.86 Including: Cash receipts from capital contributions from minority shareholders of subsidiaries 78 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Cash receipts from borrowings 265,000,000.00 260,569,353.56 Other cash receipts relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from financing 315,609,959.00 269,435,686.42 activities Cash repayments of borrowings 137,959,994.00 70,016,183.00 Cash payments for distribution of dividends 49,596,180.44 57,206,348.66 or profits or settlement of interest expenses Including: Payments for distribution of dividends or profits to minority shareholders of 11,040,000.00 subsidiaries Other cash payments relating to financing VII. 78 17,407,047.01 17,704,289.67 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from financing 204,963,221.45 144,926,821.33 activities Net cash flows from financing activities 110,646,737.55 124,508,865.09 IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate 8,274,666.00 9,162,860.18 Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash -26,350,268.55 60,285,822.80 Equivalents Add: Opening balance of cash and cash 1,254,582,403.12 891,195,166.73 equivalents VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash 1,228,232,134.57 951,480,989.53 Equivalents Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company Jan. - Jun. 2023 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Note Half year of 2023 Half year of 2022 I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the 631,177,814.33 682,350,809.37 rendering of services Receipts of tax refunds 1,915,638.25 329,661.66 Other cash receipts relating to operating 34,660,128.09 42,069,540.58 activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating 667,753,580.67 724,750,011.61 activities Cash payments for goods purchased and 345,900,092.57 519,893,495.98 services received Cash payments to and on behalf of 147,052,438.69 136,476,115.67 employees Payments of various types of taxes 12,354,746.49 25,813,452.99 Other cash payments relating to operating 36,687,871.73 51,239,349.11 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from operating 541,995,149.48 733,422,413.75 activities Net cash flow from operating activities 125,758,431.19 -8,672,402.14 II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Cash receipts from disposals and recovery of 765,000,000.00 877,000,000.00 investments Cash receipts from investment income 12,717,708.55 5,884,922.38 Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed 24,975.00 assets, intangible assets and other long-term 79 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report assets Net cash receipts from disposals of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash receipts relating to investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing 777,742,683.55 882,884,922.38 activities Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 35,226,743.48 46,538,785.01 assets Cash payments to acquire investments 976,818,280.00 935,000,000.00 Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments relating to investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from investing 1,012,045,023.48 981,538,785.01 activities Net cash flows from investment -234,302,339.93 -98,653,862.63 activities III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Cash receipts from capital contributions 50,609,959.00 8,866,332.86 Cash receipts from borrowings 135,000,000.00 80,569,353.56 Other cash receipts relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from financing 185,609,959.00 89,435,686.42 activities Cash repayments of borrowings 5,750,000.00 500,000.00 Cash payments for distribution of dividends 29,004,483.78 46,860,137.39 or profits or settlement of interest expenses Other cash payments relating to financing 12,747,615.67 14,585,132.93 activities Sub-total of cash outflows from financing 47,502,099.45 61,945,270.32 activities Net cash flows from financing activities 138,107,859.55 27,490,416.10 IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate 3,294,539.64 1,342,904.11 Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash 32,858,490.45 -78,492,944.56 Equivalents Add: Opening balance of cash and cash 634,972,775.32 483,223,615.33 equivalents VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash 667,831,265.77 404,730,670.77 Equivalents Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia 80 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity Jan. - Jun. 2023 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Half year of 2023 Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company Item Other equity instruments Gene Total Paid-in Other Speci Minority Less: ral owner’s capital Capital comprehen al Surplus Retained Othe interests Preferr Perpet Treasury risk Sub-total equity (or share Othe reserve sive reser reserve profits rs ed ual shares reser capital) rs income ve shares bonds ve I. Closing 457,107,5 1,530,752,11 19,377,29 5,736,897.4 75,519,78 597,924,45 2,647,663,48 93,855,136 2,741,518,62 balance of the 38.00 6.04 7.59 1 2.06 1.67 7.59 .07 3.66 prior year Add: Changes in accounting policies Correctio ns of prior period errors Business combination involving enterprises under common control Others II. Opening 457,107,5 1,530,752,11 19,377,29 5,736,897.4 75,519,78 597,924,45 2,647,663,48 93,855,136 2,741,518,62 balance of the 38.00 6.04 7.59 1 2.06 1.67 7.59 .07 3.66 current year III. Changes for the year - 20,714,249.0 6,714,283.5 50,279,433. 77,707,966.4 12,930,081.5 (decrease is 8 0 90 8 64,777,884 1 indicated by .97 “-”) (I) Total 6,714,283.5 74,914,640. 81,628,924.4 - 44,686,271.7 comprehensiv 0 95 5 36,942,652 6 81 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report e income .69 (II) Owners’ - contributions 20,714,249.0 20,714,249.0 16,795,232 3,919,016.80 and reduction 8 8 .28 in capital 1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners 2. Capital contribution from holders of other equity instruments 3. Share- based payment 20,442,747.1 20,442,747.1 3,204,207. 23,646,954.6 recognized in 9 9 49 8 owners’ equity 4. Others - - 271,501.89 271,501.89 19,999,439 19,727,937.8 .77 8 (III) Profit - - - - distribution 24,635,207. 24,635,207.0 11,040,000 35,675,207.0 05 5 .00 5 1. Transfer to surplus reserve 2. Transfer to general risk reserve 3. - - - - Distributions 24,635,207. 24,635,207.0 11,040,000 35,675,207.0 to owners (or 05 5 .00 5 shareholders) 4. Others (IV) Transfers within owners’ equity 82 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 1. Capitalization of capital reserve 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve 3. Loss offset by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensiv e income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Transfer to special reserve in the period 2. Amount utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing 457,107,5 1,551,466,36 19,377,29 12,451,180. 75,519,78 648,203,88 2,725,371,45 29,077,251 2,754,448,70 balance of the 38.00 5.12 7.59 91 2.06 5.57 4.07 .10 5.17 current year 83 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Half year of 2022 Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company Other equity instruments Gene Total Item Paid-in Other Speci Minority Less: ral owner’s capital Capital comprehen al Surplus Retained Othe interests Preferr Perpet Treasury risk Sub-total equity (or share Othe reserve sive reser reserve profits rs ed ual shares reser capital) rs income ve shares bonds ve I. Closing - 452,756,9 1,400,605,13 56,265,86 545,277,18 2,438,064,58 185,172,09 2,623,236,67 balance of the 01.00 6.65 16,840,512. 8.31 8.08 1.44 7.94 9.38 prior year 60 Add: Changes in accounting policies Correcti ons of prior period errors Business combination involving enterprises under common control Others II. Opening - 452,756,9 1,400,605,13 56,265,86 545,277,18 2,438,064,58 185,172,09 2,623,236,67 balance of the 01.00 6.65 16,840,512. 8.31 8.08 1.44 7.94 9.38 current year 60 III. Changes for the year - - 35,464,460.9 3,211,260 13,734,264. 44,414,350.0 19,471,062.9 (decrease is 1 .13 61 1,573,115.3 6 24,943,287. 1 indicated by 3 15 “-”) (I) Total - 13,734,264. 45,966,481. 59,700,745.7 32,123,435.3 comprehensiv 61 10 1 27,577,310. 2 e income 39 (II) Owners’ contributions 35,464,460.9 3,211,260 32,253,200.7 2,634,023.2 34,887,224.0 and reduction 1 .13 8 4 2 in capital 84 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 1. Ordinary shares 3,211,260 - - contributed .13 3,211,260.13 3,211,260.13 by owners 2. Capital contribution from holders of other equity instruments 3. Share- based payment 35,464,460.9 35,464,460.9 2,634,023.2 38,098,484.1 recognized in 1 1 4 5 owners’ equity 4. Others (III) Profit - - - distribution 47,539,596. 47,539,596.4 47,539,596.4 43 3 3 1. Transfer to surplus reserve 2. Transfer to general risk reserve 3. - - - Distributions 47,539,596. 47,539,596.4 47,539,596.4 to owners (or 43 3 3 shareholders) 4. Others (IV) Transfers within owners’ equity 1. Capitalization of capital reserve 2. 85 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Capitalization of surplus reserve 3. Loss offset by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensiv e income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Transfer to special reserve in the period 2. Amount utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing - 452,756,9 1,436,069,59 3,211,260 56,265,86 543,704,07 2,482,478,93 160,228,81 2,642,707,74 balance of the 01.00 7.56 .13 3,106,247.9 8.31 2.75 1.50 0.79 2.29 current year 9 Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia 86 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Parent Company Jan. - Jun. 2023 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Half year of 2023 Paid-in Other equity instruments Other Less: Total Item capital (or Capital comprehen Special Surplus Retained Preferred Perpetual Treasury owner’s share Others reserve sive reserve reserve profits shares bonds shares equity capital) income I. Closing balance of the prior 457,107,538. 1,541,789,8 19,377,297.5 74,242,241. 579,741,76 2,633,504,1 year 00 74.63 9 33 3.06 19.43 Add: Changes in accounting policies Corrections of prior period errors Others II. Opening balance of the 457,107,538. 1,541,789,8 19,377,297.5 74,242,241. 579,741,76 2,633,504,1 current year 00 74.63 9 33 3.06 19.43 III. Changes for the year 19,436,223. 27,549,362. 46,985,585. (decrease is indicated by “-”) 71 14 85 (I) Total comprehensive 52,184,569. 52,184,569. income 19 19 (II) Owners’ contributions and 19,436,223. 19,436,223. reduction in capital 71 71 1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners 2. Capital contribution from holders of other equity instruments 3. Share-based payment 19,436,223. 19,436,223. recognized in owners’ equity 71 71 4. Others (III) Profit distribution - - 24,635,207. 24,635,207. 05 05 1. Transfer to surplus reserve 2. Distributions to owners (or - - shareholders) 24,635,207. 24,635,207. 05 05 3. Others (IV) Transfers within owners’ 87 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report equity 1. Capitalization of capital reserve 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve 3. Loss offset by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Transfer to special reserve in the period 2. Amount utilized in the current period (VI) Others IV. Closing balance of the 457,107,538. 1,561,226,0 19,377,297.5 74,242,241. 607,291,12 2,680,489,7 current year 00 98.34 9 33 5.20 05.28 Half year of 2022 Paid-in Other equity instruments Other Less: Total Item capital (or Capital comprehen Special Surplus Retained Preferred Perpetual Treasury owner’s share Others reserve sive reserve reserve profits shares bonds shares equity capital) income I. Closing balance of the prior 452,756,901. 1,410,150,1 54,988,327. 453,996,13 2,371,891,4 year 00 34.25 58 5.72 98.55 Add: Changes in accounting policies Corrections of prior period errors Others II. Opening balance of the 452,756,901. 1,410,150,1 54,988,327. 453,996,13 2,371,891,4 current year 00 34.25 58 5.72 98.55 III. Changes for the year 38,311,779. - 29,195,395. 3,211,260.13 (decrease is indicated by “-”) 65 5,905,123.7 73 88 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 9 (I) Total comprehensive 41,634,472. 41,634,472. income 64 64 (II) Owners’ contributions 38,311,779. 35,100,519. 3,211,260.13 and reduction in capital 65 52 1. Ordinary shares - contributed by owners 3,211,260.13 3,211,260.1 3 2. Capital contribution from holders of other equity instruments 3. Share-based payment 38,311,779. 38,311,779. recognized in owners’ equity 65 65 4. Others (III) Profit distribution - - 47,539,596. 47,539,596. 43 43 1. Transfer to surplus reserve 2. Distributions to owners (or - - shareholders) 47,539,596. 47,539,596. 43 43 3. Others (IV) Transfers within owners’ equity 1. Capitalization of capital reserve 2. Capitalization of surplus reserve 3. Loss offset by surplus reserve 4. Retained earnings carried forward from changes in defined benefit plans 5. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Transfer to special reserve in the period 2. Amount utilized in the current period 89 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (VI) Others IV. Closing balance of the 452,756,901. 1,448,461,9 54,988,327. 448,091,01 2,401,086,8 3,211,260.13 current year 00 13.90 58 1.93 94.28 Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia 90 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report III. Company profile 1. Profile √ Applicable□ N/A Appotronics Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “the Company”), formally named as Appotronics Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Appotronics Ltd.”), was jointly invested and established by LI Yi and XU Yanzheng, registered in Nanshan Branch of Market Supervision and Regulation Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality on October 24, 2006, and headquartered in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. The Company holds the business license bearing the credibility code 91440300795413991N. The Company’s registered capital is RMB 457,107,538.00 divided into 457,107,538 shares (RMB 1.00 per share), including 457,107,538 unrestricted shares. The Company’s shares were listed for trading on Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 22, 2019. The Company can be classified into the computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry. It mainly engages in research and development, production, sales and leasing of laser display core devices and whole machines, and can provide customers with technical research and development services and customized products. Its products mainly include laser optical engines, laser business and education projectors, smart mini projectors, laser TV, laser large venue projector and laser digital cinema projector. These financial statements have been approved by the 21st meeting of the second Board of Directors on August 16, 2023 for public disclosure. 2. Scope of consolidated financial statements √ Applicable□ N/A The Company has included 35 subsidiaries into the consolidated financial statements for the current period, including CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Appotronics Hong Kong Limited, Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd., Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., etc. Refer to VIII and IX of Section X for details. IV. Basis of preparation of financial statements 1. Basis of preparation The Company’s financial statements are prepared on a going-concern basis. 2. Going concern √ Applicable□ N/A The Company has detected no events or circumstances that may cast significant doubt upon its ability to continue as a going concern within 12 months from the reporting period. V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates: 91 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report √ Applicable□ N/A IMPORTANT: The Company establishes the specific accounting policies and makes the specific accounting estimates with respect to the impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, recognition of revenues and other transactions and events according to the actual production and operation characteristics of the Company. 1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the Company’s financial position, operating results, changes in shareholders’ equity, cash flows and other related information. 2. Accounting period The Company’s accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year. 3. Operating cycle √ Applicable□ N/A The Company has a relatively short operating cycle, and determines the liquidity of assets and liabilities on the basis of 12 months. 4. Functional currency The Company and domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as their functional currency, while Appotronics Hong Kong Limited and other overseas subsidiaries engaging in overseas operation adopt the currency in their primary economic environments as their functional currencies. 5. The accounting treatment of business combinations involving entities under common control and not involving entities under common control √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Accounting method for business combinations involving enterprises under common control Assets and liabilities acquired from a business combination by the Company are measured at the book values of the assets and liabilities of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The difference between the book value of the owners’ equity of the acquiree as stated in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller and the book value of the total consideration paid or total par value of the shares issued in connection with the combination is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings. 2. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving entities not under common control Where the cost of combination exceeds the Company’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognized as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the Company’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the Company firstly reassesses the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the cost of combination. If after that reassessment, the cost of combination is still less than the Company’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period. 92 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 6. Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements √ Applicable□ N/A The parent company includes all of its controlled subsidiaries in its consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are prepared by the parent company in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33 - Consolidated Financial Statements, on the basis of the respective financial statements of the parent company and its subsidiaries, by reference to other relevant data. 7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Joint arrangements are classified into joint operations and joint ventures. 2. When the Company is a party to a joint operation, the Company recognizes the following items relating to its interest in the joint operation: (1) the assets individually held by the Company, and the Company’s share of the assets held jointly; (2) the liabilities incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the liabilities incurred jointly; (3) the Company’s revenue from the sale of its share of output of the joint operation; (4) the Company’s share of revenue from the sale of assets by the joint operation; and (5) the expenses incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the expenses incurred jointly. 8. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents Cash equivalents are the Group’s short-term (generally due within 3 months from the acquisition date), highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 9. Translation of transactions and financial statements denominated in foreign currencies √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies A foreign currency transaction is recorded in RMB, on initial recognition, by applying the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction. At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from such translations are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets and accrued interest. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated using the foreign exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates, without adjusting the amounts in RMB. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rates prevailing at the dates when the fair value was determined, with exchange differences arising from such translations recognized in profit or loss for the current period or other comprehensive income. 2. Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies 93 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Asset and liability items on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date; shareholders’ equity items other than “retained profits” are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose; income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the exchange rates that approximate the actual spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions. Exchange differences arising from such translations are recognized in other comprehensive income. 10. Financial instruments √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities On initial recognition, the Company’s financial assets are classified into three categories, including (1) financial assets at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; and (3) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period. Upon initial recognition, the Company’s financial liabilities are classified into four categories, including (1) financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the current period; (2) financial liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in the financial assets transferred; (3) financial guarantee contracts not falling under Clauses (1) and (2), and loan commitments not falling under Clause (1) and below market interest rate; and (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost. 2. Recognition, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities (1) Recognition and initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, a financial asset or liability is recognized. Financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value. Transaction costs relating to financial assets or liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Transaction costs relating to other kinds of financial assets or liabilities are included in their initially recognized amount. However, where the accounts that do not contain any significant financing component or are recognized by the Company without taking into consideration the significant financing components under the contracts with a term of less than one year upon initial recognition are initially measured at transaction price defined in the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue. (2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets 1) Financial assets at amortized cost Financial assets at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from financial assets at amortized cost that do not belong to any hedging relationship are recognized in profit or loss for the current period upon derecognition, reclassification, amortization using the effective interest method or recognition of impairment. 2) Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains or losses calculated 94 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report using the effective interest method are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and other gains or losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the aggregate gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to profit or loss for the current period. 3) Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividends received (other than those received as recovery of investment cost) are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and other gains or losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to retained earnings. 4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period are subsequently measured at fair value, with gains or losses arising therefrom, including interest and dividend income, recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except the financial assets belonging to any hedging relationship. (3) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities 1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the current period Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the current period include financial liabilities held for trading (including derivatives classified as financial liabilities), and financial liabilities directly designated as at fair value through profit or loss for the current period. Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in the fair value of financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss for the period arising out of changes in the Company’s own credit risk are recognized in other comprehensive income, unless such treatment will result in or increase any accounting mismatch in profit or loss. Other gains or losses arising from such financial liabilities, including interest expenses and changes in fair value not arising out of changes in the Company’s own credit risk, are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except the financial liabilities belonging to any hedging relationship. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to retained earnings. 2) Financial liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in the financial assets transferred Such financial liabilities are measured in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets. 3) Financial guarantee contracts not falling under Clauses 1) and 2), and loan commitments not falling under Clause 1) and below market interest rate Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at the higher of ① provision for impairment losses determined according to the policy for impairment of financial instruments; and ② balance of the initially recognized amount after deduction of the accumulated amortization determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue. 95 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost Financial liabilities at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses on financial liabilities at amortized cost that do not belong to any hedging relationship are recognized in profit or loss for the current period upon derecognition or amortization using the effective interest method. (4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities 1) Financial assets are derecognized when: ① the contractual right to receive cash flows from the financial assets has expired; or ② the financial assets have been transferred and such transfer meets the criteria for derecognition of financial assets as set forth in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets. 2) A financial liability (or part thereof) is derecognized accordingly where its present obligation (or part thereof) is discharged. 3. Recognition and measurement of financial assets transferred When a financial asset of the Company is transferred, if substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial asset have been transferred, the financial asset is derecognized, and the rights and obligations incurred or retained in such transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities (as the case may be); if substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial asset have been retained, the financial asset transferred continues to be recognized. If the Company neither transferred nor retained a substantial portion of all risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial asset, then: (1) if the Company does not retain control over the financial asset, the financial asset is derecognized, and the rights and obligations incurred or retained in such transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities (as the case may be); and (2) if the Company retains control over the financial asset, the financial asset continues to be recognized to the extent of the Company’s continuing involvement in the financial asset transferred, and a corresponding liability is recognized. If an entire transfer of a financial asset meets the criteria for derecognition, the difference between (1) the book value of the financial asset transferred at the date of derecognition; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the portion of the accumulated amount of changes in fair value directly recorded as other comprehensive income originally that corresponds to the part derecognized (where the financial asset transferred is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. If part of a financial asset is transferred and the part transferred entirely meets the criteria for derecognition, the total book value of the financial asset immediately prior to the transfer is allocated between the part derecognized and the part not derecognized in proportion to their relative fair value at the date of transfer, and the difference between (1) the book value of the part derecognized; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer of the part derecognized and the portion of the accumulated amount of changes in fair value directly recorded as other comprehensive income originally that 96 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report corresponds to the part derecognized (where the financial asset transferred is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 4. Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities The Company adopts the valuation techniques applicable to the current situations and with sufficient data available and support of other information, to determine the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities. The Company classifies the inputs used by the valuation techniques in the following levels and uses them in turn: (1) Level 1 inputs: quoted market price (unadjusted) in an active market for an identical asset or liability available at the date of measurement; (2) Level 2 inputs: inputs other than inputs included within Level 1 that are observable directly or indirectly. This category includes quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in inactive markets, observable inputs other than quoted prices (such as interest rate and yield curves observable during regular intervals of quotation), and inputs validated by the market; (3) Level 3 inputs: inputs that are unobservable. This category includes interest rate or stock volatility that cannot be directly observed or validated by observable market data, future cash flows from retirement obligation incurred in business combinations, and financial forecasts made using own data. 5. Impairment of financial instruments (1) Measurement and accounting treatment of impairment of financial instruments The Company determines the impairment and assesses provision for impairment losses of financial assets at amortized cost, investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, contract assets, lease receivable, loan commitments other than financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss for the current period, and financial guarantee contracts other than financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss for the current period and financial liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in the financial assets transferred, on the basis of expected credit losses. Expected credit loss is the weighted average of credit losses on financial instruments taking into account the possibility of default. Credit loss is the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable under the contract and estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate, i.e. the present value of all cash shortage, wherein the Company’s purchased or originated financial assets that have become credit impaired are discounted at their credit-adjusted effective interest rate. With respect to purchased or originated financial assets that have become credit impaired, at the balance sheet date, the Company recognizes a loss allowance equal to the accumulated amount of changes in lifetime expected credit losses since initial recognition. With respect to lease receivable, accounts receivable and contract assets that are formed from transactions under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue, the Company 97 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report uses the simple measurement method and recognizes a loss allowance equal to the lifetime expected credit loss. With respect to financial assets not using the measurement methods stated above, at each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, and recognizes a loss allowance equal to the lifetime expected credit loss if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, or to the expected credit losses within the next 12 months if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition. The Company uses reasonable and supportable information, including forward-looking information, and compares the possibility of default at the balance sheet date with the possibility of default upon initial recognition, to determine whether the credit risk of the financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition. At the balance sheet date, if the Company determines that a financial instrument only has low credit risk, the Company assumes that its credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition. The Company assesses expected credit risk and measures expected credit losses of financial instruments individually or collectively. When assessing the financial instruments collectively, the Company includes the financial instruments in different groups according to their common risk characteristics. At each balance sheet date, the Company re-assesses the expected credit losses, with the amount of increase in or reversal of loss allowance recognized in profit or loss for the current period as impairment losses or gains. With respect to a financial asset at amortized cost, its book value recorded in the balance sheet is written off against the loss allowance. With respect to an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes the loss allowance in other comprehensive income, without reducing its book value. (2) Financial instruments for which expected credit risk is assessed and expected credit losses are measured collectively by using a three-stage model Item Basis for determining Method for measuring a group expected credit losses Other receivables - group of deposit and By reference to historic credit security receivable loss experience, and taking Nature of receivables Other receivables - group of withholding into account the current receivable situations and prediction of Contract assets from future economic conditions, Other receivables - group of receivables from related parties in the calculate the expected credit related parties in the scope of consolidation scope of consolidation losses according to the default risk exposure and 12-month or Other receivables - grouping by aging Aging rate of lifetime expected credit loss. 98 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (3) Accounts receivable for which expected credit losses are measured collectively and contract assets using the simple measurement method 1) Groups and method for measuring expected credit losses Item Basis for Method for measuring expected credit losses determining a group Bank acceptance bills receivable Type of notes Commercial acceptance By reference to historic credit loss experience, and bills receivable taking into account the current situations and prediction Contract assets of future economic conditions, calculate the expected Accounts receivable - from related credit losses according to the default risk exposure and group of receivables from parties in the rate of lifetime expected credit loss. related parties in the scope scope of of consolidation consolidation By reference to historic credit loss experience, and taking into account the current situations and prediction Accounts receivable - of future economic conditions, prepare a comparison Aging grouping by aging table of the aging of accounts receivable and rate of lifetime expected credit loss, and calculate the expected credit losses. Contract assets By reference to historic credit loss experience, and Contract assets - contract from related taking into account the current situations and prediction assets from related parties parties in the of future economic conditions, calculate the expected in the scope of scope of credit losses according to the default risk exposure and consolidation consolidation rate of lifetime expected credit loss. By reference to historic credit loss experience, and taking into account the current situations and prediction Contract assets - grouping of future economic conditions, prepare a comparison Aging by aging table of the aging of contract assets and rate of lifetime expected credit loss, and calculate the expected credit losses. By reference to historic credit loss experience, and taking into account the current situations and prediction Long-term receivables - of future economic conditions, prepare a comparison Aging grouping by aging table of the aging of long-term receivables and rate of lifetime expected credit loss, and calculate the expected credit losses. 99 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 2) Accounts receivable, contract assets, and long-term receivables - comparison table of the age of accounts receivable and rate of lifetime expected credit loss Rate of expected credit loss for accounts receivable, contract assets, Aging and long-term receivables (%) Within 1 year (including, the 5.00 same below) 1-2 years 25.00 2-3 years 50.00 Over 3 years 100.00 6. Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented in the balance sheet separately, without offsetting each other. However, the Company may represent the financial assets and financial liabilities on a net basis in the balance sheet only if: (1) the Company has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and (2) the Company intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously. With respect to the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition, the Company does not offset the financial assets transferred against the relevant liabilities. 11. Notes receivable Method for recognition of expected credit losses of notes receivable and relevant accounting treatments √ Applicable□ N/A The Company’s method for recognition of expected credit losses of notes receivable and relevant accounting treatments are disclosed in V.10 of Section X in details. 12. Accounts receivable Method for recognition of expected credit losses of accounts receivable and relevant accounting treatments √ Applicable□ N/A The Company’s method for recognition of expected credit losses of accounts receivable and relevant accounting treatments are disclosed in V.10 of Section X in details. 13. Receivables financing √ Applicable□ N/A The Company’s policies on receivables financing and accounting are disclosed in V.10 of Section X in details. 14. Other receivables Method for recognition of expected credit losses of other receivables and relevant accounting treatments √ Applicable□ N/A 100 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report The Company’s method for recognition of expected credit losses of other receivables and relevant accounting treatments are disclosed in V.10 of Section X in details. 15. Inventories √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Categories of inventories Inventories include finished goods or merchandise held by the Company for sale in the ordinary course of business, or work in progress in the process of production for such sale, or materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services. 2. Valuation method of inventories upon delivery The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the moving weighted average method. 3. Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Any excess of the cost over the net realizable value of each item/class of inventories is recognized as a provision for diminution in the value of inventories. For inventories directly used for sale, the net realizable value is determined as the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. For inventories required for processing, the net realizable value is determined as the estimated selling price of finished goods in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion, and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. As at the balance sheet date, if in the same item of inventories, some are agreed with contractual prices while the others are not, the net realizable value for such inventories is determined separately, and compared with the costs of the two parts of inventories distinctively, as to determine the provisions or reversal of provisions for decline in value of inventories separately. 4. Inventory count system The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system. 5. Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packaging materials (1) Low cost and short-lived consumable items Packaging materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method. (2) Packaging materials Packaging materials are amortized using the immediate write-off method. 16. Contract assets (1). Recognition method and criteria of contract assets √ Applicable□ N/A The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between the performance of contractual obligations and payment by customers. Contract assets and contract liabilities under a same contract are presented at the net amount after offsetting each other. The Company presents its owned right to unconditionally (that is, only depending on the lapse of 101 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report time) receive consideration from customers as the accounts receivable, and the right to receive the consideration for which the goods that have been transferred to customers (that is, depending on factors other than the lapse of time) as the contract assets. (2). Method for recognition of expected credit losses of contract assets and relevant accounting treatments √ Applicable□ N/A The method for recognition of expected credit losses of contract assets and relevant accounting treatments are disclosed in V.10 of Section X in details. 17. Held-for-sale assets □ Applicable√ N/A 18. Debt investments Method for recognition of expected credit losses of debt investments and relevant accounting treatments □ Applicable√ N/A 19. Other debt investments Method for recognition of expected credit losses of other debt investments and relevant accounting treatments □ Applicable√ N/A 20. Long-term receivables Method for recognition of expected credit losses of long-term receivables and relevant accounting treatments √ Applicable□ N/A The method for recognition of expected credit losses of long-term receivables and relevant accounting treatments are disclosed in V.10 of Section X in details. 21. Long-term equity investments √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Judgments on joint control and significant influence Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities of such arrangement require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but does not control or jointly control over those policies. 2. Determination of investment cost (1) In case of an equity investment acquired through a business combination involving entities under common control, if the acquirer pays consideration for the business combination by cash, transfer of non-monetary assets, assumption of liabilities or issuance of equity securities, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the Company’s share of the book value of the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The difference between: (i) the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment; and (ii) the book value of the consideration paid for the combination or the total par value of the shares 102 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report issued is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings. For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination involving enterprises under common control that is achieved through multiple transactions by steps, the Company shall judge whether such transactions constitute a package deal. If such transactions constitute a package deal, the Company accounts for such transactions as one transaction to acquire control. If such transactions do not constitute a package deal, the initial investment cost is the Company’s share of the book value of the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The difference between: (i) the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment at the date of combination; and (ii) the sum of the book value of long-term equity investment before the combination and the book value of the consideration paid for acquisition of the additional shares at the date of combination is adjusted against the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings. (2) In case of an equity investment acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost is the fair value of the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination at the date of acquisition. With respect to a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control that is achieved through multiple transactions by steps, the accounting treatment thereof in the separate financial statements is different from that in the consolidated financial statements as stated below: 1) In the separate financial statements, the sum of the book value of the equity investment originally held in the acquiree and the additional investment cost incurred is recorded as the initial investment cost of the equity investment changed into the cost method. 2) In the consolidated financial statements, it is required to judge whether such transactions constitute a package deal. If such transactions constitute a package deal, the Company accounts for such transactions as one transaction to acquire control. If such transactions do not constitute a “package deal”, the Company re-measures the fair value of the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition, and records the difference between the fair value and the book value as investment income for the current period; if the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income under equity method, such other comprehensive income is transferred to the income of the period in which the date of acquisition falls, except for other comprehensive income arising from re-measurement by the investee of changes in net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans. (3) In the event of no business combination: the initial investment cost is the purchase price actually paid if it is acquired by cash, or the fair value of the equity securities issued if it is acquired through issuance of equity securities, or determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt Restructuring if it is acquired through debt restructuring, or determined in 103 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non-monetary Assets if it is acquired through exchange of non-monetary assets. 3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss Long-term equity investments in investees are measured using the cost method. Long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are measured using the equity method. 22. Investment property N/A 23. Fixed assets (1). Criteria for recognition √ Applicable□ N/A Fixed assets are tangible assets held for production of goods, rendering of service, lease or operation and management with a useful life of more than one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized if the economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow to the Company and its cost can be reliably measured. (2). Method of depreciation √ Applicable□ N/A Annual Method of Depreciation Residual ratio Category depreciation rate depreciation period (years) (%) (%) Machinery and Straight line 5 5.00 19.00 equipment method Transportation Straight line 5 5.00 19.00 equipment method Electronic Straight line 3-5 5.00 19.00-31.67 equipment and method others Operating leased Straight line 3, 7 5.00 31.67, 13.57 equipment method (3). Identification basis, valuation method and depreciation method for fixed assets acquired under finance leases □ Applicable√ N/A 24. Construction in progress √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Construction in progress is recognized if the economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow to the Company and its cost can be reliably measured. A construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred before it is completed and ready for intended use. 104 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 2. When a construction in progress is ready for intended use, it is transferred to fixed assets at its actual construction cost. A construction in progress that is ready for intended use but the final settlement of which has not yet been completed is transferred to fixed assets at estimated value first, and after the completion of final settlement, the estimated value is adjusted according to the actual cost, but the accrued depreciation is not adjusted. 25. Borrowing costs √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Recognition for capitalization of borrowing costs Borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized as part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses and charged to the current profit or loss. 2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs (1) Borrowing costs are capitalized when all of the following conditions are met: 1) capital expenditure has been incurred; 2) borrowing costs have been incurred; and 3) activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. (2) Where acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during these periods shall be recognized as expenses for the current period until the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is resumed. (3) Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be ceased when acquisition, construction or production of the qualifying asset has prepared for its intended use or sale. 3. Capitalization rate and capitalization amount of borrowing costs As for the specific borrowings for the acquisition and construction or production of assets qualifying for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual cost incurred on the current specific borrowings (including the amortization of discounts or premiums determined using the effective interest method) minus the income of interests earned from the unused borrowings by depositing it in the bank or investment income from such borrowing by making it as a temporary investment; where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production assets qualifying for capitalization, the Company shall calculate and determine the to-be- capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average value of the accumulative expenditures to asset minus the specific borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. 26. Biological assets □ Applicable√ N/A 27. Oil and gas assets □ Applicable√ N/A 105 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 28. Right-of-use asset √ Applicable□ N/A Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost; the cost includes: 1) initial measurement amount of leased liabilities; 2) lease payments paid on or prior to the commencement of the lease term, net of the lease incentives (if any) received; 3) initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee; and 4) costs expected to be incurred by the lessee for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the place of the leased assets, or restoring the leased assets to the state provided under lease provisions. The Company depreciates right-of-use assets by using the straight-line method. If there is reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset by the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the leased asset over its useful life. If there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset by the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the leased asset over the shorter of the lease term and its remaining useful life. 29. Intangible assets (1). Measurement, service life and impairment test √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Intangible assets include land use rights, patents, and software etc. and are measured at cost initially. 2. An intangible asset with a finite useful life is amortized over its useful life in a systematical and rational expected realization of economic benefits relative to the intangible asset, or is amortized using the straight-line method if it is impossible to determine expected realization reliably. The specific years are as follows: Item Amortization period (years) Land use rights 30 Patents 10 Software 3-5 (2). Accounting policy on internal research and development expenditures √ Applicable□ N/A Expenditures incurred during the research phase of internal research and development projects are recognized as current expenses when they occur. Expenditures on an internal research and development project at development phase are recognized as an intangible asset if all the following conditions are met: (1) it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use of sale; (2) it is intended to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use of sale; (3) the pattern in which the intangible asset will generate economic results can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself, or if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset; (4) there are sufficient technical, financial and other resources available to complete the development activities and to use or sell the intangible asset; and (5) the expenditures attributable to the development of the intangible asset can be reliably measured. 106 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 30. Impairment of long-term assets √ Applicable□ N/A For long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets with a finite useful life and other long-term assets, if there’s an indication of impairment at the balance sheet date, the Company assesses their recoverable amount. Goodwill arising from business combinations and intangible assets with an infinite useful life are tested for impairment every year regardless of whether there’s an indication of impairment. Goodwill is tested for impairment together with the relevant groups of assets or combinations of groups of assets. If the recoverable amount of a long-term asset is less than its book value, the difference is measured as impairment loss of the asset and recognized in profit or loss for the current period. 31. Long-term prepaid expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Long-term prepaid expenses are expenses that have already been incurred but should be amortized over a period of more than one year (excluding one year). Long-term prepaid expenses are stated as the amount actually incurred and shall be amortized evenly by stages within the benefit period or specified period. If an item of long-term prepaid expenses will not benefit the subsequent periods, the amortized value of the item that has not yet been amortized is wholly transferred to profit or loss for the current period. 32. Contract liabilities Recognition method for contract liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between the performance of contractual obligations and payment by customers. Contract assets and contract liabilities under a same contract are presented at the net amount after offsetting each other. The obligations of the Company for transferring goods to customers corresponding to considerations that have been received or receivable are presented as contract liabilities. 33. Employee benefits (1). Accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Employee benefits include short-term benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits. 2. Accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits The short-term employee benefits actually incurred are recognized as liabilities in the accounting period during which employee services are rendered, and included in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets. (2). Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits √ Applicable□ N/A 107 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans. (1) In the accounting period during which employee services are rendered, the amount in contribution as calculated according to the defined contribution plan is recognized as liabilities and included in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets. (2) The accounting treatment of a defined benefit plan generally involves the following steps: 1) According to the projected unit credit method, use the unbiased and consistent actuarial assumptions to estimate demographic variables and financial variables, measure the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan and determine the period to which the relevant obligation belongs. Meanwhile, discount the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan, in order to determine the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation and the current service cost; 2) If the defined benefit plan has assets, the deficit or surplus resulting after reducing the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation by the fair value of the defined benefit plan is recognized as a net liability or asset of the defined benefit plan. If the defined benefit plan has a surplus, the net assets of the defined benefit plan are measured at the lower of surplus in the defined benefit plan and asset ceiling; 3) At the end of the reporting period, the cost of employee benefits arising from the defined benefit plan is recorded as service cost, net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, and changes arising from re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, wherein the service cost and the net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are included in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets, and the changes arising from re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are included in other comprehensive income, which will not be reserved to profit or loss in subsequent periods, but may be transferred within the scope of equity. (3). Accounting treatment of termination benefits √ Applicable□ N/A If dismissal benefits are provided to employees, the liabilities of employee benefits from the dismissal benefits are recognized at the earlier of the following and are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period: (1) when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer of termination benefits as a result of termination of employment or redundancy; or (2) the Company recognizes the restructuring costs or expenses relating to payment of termination benefits. (4). Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits √ Applicable□ N/A Other long-term employee benefits are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined contribution plans if they are qualified as defined contribution plans, otherwise, are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined benefit plans. In order to simplify the accounting treatment, the total net amount of the cost of employee benefits arising from the defined benefit plans that is recorded as service cost, net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of other long- term employee benefits, changes arising from re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of other 108 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report long-term employee benefits and other components is included in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets. 34. Lease liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes the present value of lease payments not paid as lease liabilities. The interest rate implicit in the lease is used as the discount rate for calculating the present value of the lease payments; if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing interest rate of the Company is used as the discount rate. The difference between the lease payments and the present value thereof is considered as unrecognized finance charges; in each period during the lease term, interest expenses are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period according to the discount rate of the present value of recognized lease payments. Variable lease payments not included in measurement of lease liabilities are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period when the actually arise. Where, after the lease inception date, there are changes in the substantial fixed payment, the payables expected on the basis of the residual value of the guarantee, the index or ratio used for determining the lease payment, the evaluation results or actual exercising of purchase option, renewal option or lease termination option, the Company re-measures the lease liability as per the present value of the lease payment after change, and adjust the book value of the right-of-use assets accordingly. Where the book value of the use right asset has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the Company includes the residual amount in the current profit or loss. 35. Provisions √ Applicable□ N/A 1. An obligation arising from any external guarantee, instigation, product quality warranty, onerous contract or other contingencies is recognized as a provision if it is a present obligation assumed by the Company, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured. 2. The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation. The book value of provisions is reviewed at the balance sheet date. 36. Share-based payments √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Categories of share-based payments Share-based payments include equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments 2. Accounting treatment for implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment plan (1) Equity-settled share-based payments Equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services rendered by employees that can be executed immediately upon being granted, are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at the 109 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report grant date, and recognized as related costs or expenses with a corresponding adjustment to capital reserve. At each balance sheet date during the vesting period, equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services rendered by employees that cannot be executed until services in the vesting period are completed or required performance conditions are satisfied, are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at the grant date based on the best estimate of exercisable numbers of equity instruments, and recognized as related costs or expenses with a corresponding adjustment to capital reserve. For equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services rendered by other parties, if the fair value of services from other parties can be measured reliably, they are measured at the fair value of services from other parties at the date when such services are received. If the fair value of services from other parties cannot be measured reliably but the fair value of the equity instruments can be measured reliably, they are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at the date when such services are received. The fair value of the equity instruments are recognized as related costs or expenses, with a corresponding increase in owners’ equity. (2) Modification and termination of share-based payment plan If the modification increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the Company will include the incremental fair value of the equity instruments granted in the measurement of the amount recognized for services received. If the modification increases the number of the equity instruments granted, the Company will include the fair value of additional equity instruments granted in the measurement of the amount recognized for services received. If the Company modifies the exercisable conditions of the share-based payment plan in a manner beneficial to the employee, the Company will consider the modified exercisable conditions when dealing with exercisable conditions. If the modification decreases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the Company will continue to measure the amount recognized for services received at the fair value of the equity instruments at the grant date without including the decremental fair value of the equity instruments. If the modification decreases the number of the equity instruments granted, the Company will treat the decreased number as the cancelled number of equity instruments granted. If the Company modifies the exercisable conditions in a manner unbeneficial to the employee, the Company will not consider the modified exercisable conditions when dealing with exercisable conditions. If cancellation or settlement of the equity instruments granted occurs (not due to unsatisfaction of exercisable conditions) during the vesting period, the Company will account for the cancellation or settlement of the equity instruments granted as an acceleration of vesting, and recognize immediately the amount that otherwise would have been recognized over the remainder of the vesting period. 37. Preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments □ Applicable√ N/A 38. Revenue (1). Accounting policies adopted for income recognition and measurement √ Applicable□ N/A 110 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 1. Principles for revenue recognition On the commencement date of a contract, the Company evaluates the contract, identifies each individual performance obligation contained therein and determine whether each individual performance obligation is performed over time or at a certain point in time. When meeting one of the following criteria, it belongs to the obligation performed over time, otherwise it constitutes the obligation performed at a certain point in time: (1) the customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits generated by the Company’s performance when the Company performs the contract; (2) the customer can control the products under construction in the process of the Company’s performance; (3) the products produced in the process of the Company’s performance have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the cumulative performance that has been completed up to date throughout the term of the contract. For the obligation performed over time, the Company recognizes the revenue based on the performance progress over time. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred are expected to be recoverable, revenue is recognized to the extent of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. For the obligation performed at a certain point in time, the revenue is recognized at the time point when the customer obtains the control of the related goods and services. When judging whether the customer has obtained the control of goods, the Company considers the followings signs: (1) the Company has the current right to receive payment for such goods, that is, the customer has the current obligation to make payment for such goods; (2) the Company has transferred the legal ownership of such goods to the customer, that is, the customer has the legal ownership of such goods; (3) the Company has transferred such goods to the customer physically, that is, the customer has taken possession of such goods physically; (4) the Company has transferred material risks and rewards of such goods to the customer, that is, the customer has obtained material risks and rewards of such goods; (5) the customer has accepted such goods; and (6) other signs that the customer has obtained control of such goods. 2. Principles for revenue measurement (1) The Company measures the revenue based on the transaction price allocated to individual performance obligations. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company is entitled arising from the transfer of goods or services to the customer, excluding the amount collected on behalf of a third party and expected to be returned to the customer. (2) If there is variable consideration in the contract, the Company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration based on the expected value or the most likely amount. However, variable consideration is included in the transaction price if, and to the extent that, it is highly probable that its inclusion will not result in a significant revenue reversal of accumulatively recognized revenue in the future when the uncertainty has been subsequently resolved. (3) If there is a major financing component in the contract, the Company determines the transaction price based on the presumed amount payable in cash when the customer obtains the control of goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and contract consideration is amortized using the 111 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report effective interest method during the term of the contract. If on the commencement of a contract, the Company expects that the customer’s acquisition of control of goods or services is not more than one year from the customer’s payment therefor, the major financing component in the contract will not be considered. (4) If the contract has two or multiple performance obligations, the Company, on the commencement of a contract, allocates the transaction price to each individual performance obligation in the contract by reference to relative standalone selling prices of goods promised thereby. 3. Specific methods for revenue recognition (1) Revenue from sales of goods The performance obligation concerning sales of goods (primarily dividing into goods sold to the domestic market and goods exported to overseas markets) by the Company is taken as one satisfied at a certain point in time for the recognition of revenue. Goods sold to the domestic market: 1) Under the direct sale model and the distribution model, the Company recognizes the revenue when the goods sent have been delivered to customers with customers’ receipt given to the Company. For goods sold attached with return conditions, the Company recognizes the revenue according to the amount of consideration to which it expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods to customers, and recognize the liabilities according to the expected amount to be returned due to sales return against the revenue; for goods required for installment and inspection after sales, the Company recognizes the revenue when such goods have been installed and inspected with customers’ acceptance certificate given to the Company; If the Company shares profits from sales of product by downstream end customers, the Company recognizes shared revenue when it can be measured reliably. 2) Under the commissioned sales mode, the Company recognizes the revenue when it receives the list of commissioned sales from the customer. Goods exported to overseas markets: The Company mainly adopts FCA for export of goods. Under this mode, the Company recognizes revenue when it delivers goods at the designated location with export customs clearance procedures completed. (2) E-commerce platform revenue In the e-commerce platform model, the e-commerce platform is responsible for product promotion and order management. Consumers place orders and pay directly to the e-commerce platform, and the e- commerce platform arranges third-party logistics through the Company or ships directly to the consumer by the e-commerce platform after receiving the consumer's payment. The specific revenue recognition time points are: for domestic e-commerce platforms, revenue is recognized according to the time of end customer receipt; for foreign e-commerce platforms, revenue is recognized after receiving the confirmation list of the e-commerce platform after checking the reconciliation time agreed in the contract. (3) Other incomes Any other performance obligation of the Company is taken as one satisfied over time/at a certain point in time for the recognition of revenue. For installation services provided by the Company, the 112 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Company recognizes the revenue when it has completed the services and received customers’ acceptance certificate; for repair and maintenance services provided by the Company, the Company recognizes the revenue when it has completed the services and received payments; for patrol inspection services provided by the Company, the Company determines the service performance progress by using the output approach, and recognizes the revenue according to the performance progress; for patent licensing services provided by the Company, the Company recognizes the revenue when the patent licensing is completed and handed over; and for technology development services provided by the Company, the Company recognizes the revenue when it has completed the services or when the agreed time point of service acceptance is reached. (2). Description of differences in the accounting policies in revenue recognition due to different operating modes adopted for the same business type □ Applicable√ N/A 39. Contract costs √ Applicable□ N/A Assets related to contract costs include contract acquisition costs and contract performance costs. If costs incurred by the Company for acquiring a contract are expected to be recovered, such costs are recognized as an asset as contract acquisition costs. The costs incurred by the Company for performing a contract are recognized as an asset of contract performance costs if they do not fall within the scope of other relevant standards, like inventories, fixed assets, or intangible assets, and meet all the following conditions: 1. The cost is directly related to a present or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs explicitly to be borne by customers, and other costs arising from the contract; 2. The cost leads to the increase in resources of the Company for fulfilling its performance obligations in the future; and 3. The cost is expected to be recovered. Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as recognizing incomes from goods related to assets, and are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period. If the book value of the assets related to contract costs is greater than the consideration expected to be acquired by transferring the goods or services related to such assets less the costs expected to be incurred, the Company makes provision for impairment for the exceeding portion and recognizes impairment loss of assets. In the event of a change in the factors causing impairment in a prior period, so that the consideration expected to be acquired by transferring the goods or services related to such assets less the costs expected to be incurred is greater than the book value of such assets, the provision for impairment made for such assets is reversed and recognized in the profit or loss for the current period; provided, however, that the reversed book value of such assets shall not exceed the book value of such assets at the reversal data on the assumption that no provision for impairment has been made. 113 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 40. Government grants √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Government grants are recognized if (1) the Company meets the conditions attaching to the government grants; and (2) the Company will receive the government grants. Government grants in the form of monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable. Government grants in the form of non-monetary assets are measured at fair value, or if their fair value is unavailable, at nominal amount. 2. Determination and accounting treatment of government grants related to assets Government grants related to assets are government grants which are offered for purchasing, constructing or otherwise acquiring long-term assets as provided by the applicable government documents. In the absence of such express provision in the applicable government documents, government grants related to assets are those with a primary condition that the Company should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. Government grants related to assets are offset against the book value of the relevant assets or recognized as deferred income. Government grants related to assets recognized as deferred income shall be included in profit or loss over the service life of the relevant assets on a reasonable and systemic basis. Government grants measured at nominal amount are directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period. In case of sale, transfer, retirement or damage of the relevant assets before the end of intended service life, the balance of the unallocated deferred income is transferred to profit or loss for the period in which the assets are disposed of. 3. Determination and accounting treatment of government grants related to income Government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. Government grants related to both assets and income in which it is difficult to make a distinction between the portion related to assets and the portion related to income are wholly classified as government grants related to income. Government grants related to income as compensation for expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and in the period for recognizing the relevant costs, expenses or losses, included in profit or loss for the current period or offset against the relevant costs. Government grants related to income as compensation for expenses or losses already incurred are directly included in profit or loss for the current period or offset against the relevant costs. 4. Government grants related to daily operations of the Company are recognized in other income or offset against the relevant costs and expenses depending on the nature of economic business. Government grants not related to daily operations of the Company are recognized in non-operating income or expenses. 5. Accounting treatment of policy preferential loans and interest subsidies (1) If the Ministry of Finance appropriates the interest subsidies to the lending bank, who then grants the loan to the Company at the policy preferential rate, the loan is stated as the amount actually received, and the borrowing cost is calculated according to the principal of the loan and the policy preferential rate. 114 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (2) If the Ministry of Finance directly appropriates the interest subsidies to the Company, the interest subsidies are offset against the borrowing cost. 41. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A 1. The difference between the tax base of an asset or liability and its book value (or in case of an item not recognized as asset or liability whose tax base can be determined according to the applicable tax law, the difference between its tax base and book value) is recognized as a deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability according to the tax rate applicable to the period in which the asset or liability is expected to be recovered or settled. 2. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent of the amount of income tax payable that will be available in future periods against which deductible temporary differences are deductible. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets not recognized in prior periods are recognized if there’s conclusive evidence that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future periods against which the deductible temporary differences are deductible. 3. At the balance sheet date, the book value of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred tax assets to be utilized. If it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available, the reduced amount is reversed. 4. The income taxes and deferred taxes are included in profit or loss for the current period as income tax expenses or gains, except the income taxes arising from any: (1) business combination; or (2) transaction or event directly recognized in owners’ equity. 42. Leases (1). Accounting treatment of operating leases □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Accounting treatment of finance leases □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Method for determination and accounting treatments of lease under the New Lease Standard √ Applicable□ N/A 1. The Company as the lessee On the lease inception date, the Company recognizes a lease with a lease term of not more than 12 months and not containing an option as a short-term lease, and recognizes a low-value assets lease for a lease in which individually leased assets have a low value when they are new. If the Company subleases or expects to sublease the leased asset, the original lease is not recognized as a low-value assets lease. For short-term leases and low-value assets leases, the Company recognizes lease payment in the costs of relevant assets or the profit or loss for the current period by using the straight-line method in each period during the lease term. Except for short-term leases and low-value assets leases subject to simplified treatment above, on the lease inception date, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases. 115 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (1) Use right assets Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost; the cost includes: 1) initial measurement amount of leased liabilities; 2) lease payments paid on or prior to the commencement of the lease term, net of the lease incentives (if any) received; 3) initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee; and 4) costs expected to be incurred by the lessee for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the place of the leased assets, or restoring the leased assets to the state provided under lease provisions. The Company depreciates right-of-use assets by using the straight-line method. If there is reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset by the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the leased asset over its useful life. If there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset by the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the leased asset over the shorter of the lease term and its remaining useful life. (2) Lease liabilities At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes the present value of lease payments not paid as lease liabilities. The interest rate implicit in the lease is used as the discount rate for calculating the present value of the lease payments; if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing interest rate of the Company is used as the discount rate. The difference between the lease payments and the present value thereof is considered as unrecognized finance charges; in each period during the lease term, interest expenses are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period according to the discount rate of the present value of recognized lease payments. Variable lease payments not included in measurement of lease liabilities are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period when the actually arise. Where, after the lease inception date, there are changes in the substantial fixed payment, the payables expected on the basis of the residual value of the guarantee, the index or ratio used for determining the lease payment, the evaluation results or actual exercising of purchase option, renewal option or lease termination option, the Company re-measures the lease liability as per the present value of the lease payment after change, and adjust the book value of the right-of-use assets accordingly. Where the book value of the use right asset has been reduced to zero, but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the Company includes the residual amount in the current profit or loss. 2. The Company as the lessor On the lease inception date, the Company classifies a lease in which almost all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the leased asset have been substantially transferred as a finance lease, and recognizes all other leases as operating leases. (1) Operating lease In each period during the lease term, the Company recognizes lease payments as rental incomes by using the straight-line method/units of production method; initial direct expenses incurred are capitalized, and amortized on the same basis for recognizing lease incomes for recognizing in the profit or loss for each period. The variable lease payments acquired by the Company that are related to operating leases and not recognized in lease payments are recognized in the profit or loss for the current period when 116 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report they actually occur. 43. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates □ Applicable√ N/A 44. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (1). Changes in significant accounting policies □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Changes in significant accounting estimates □ Applicable√ N/A (3). The first implementation of new accounting standards or standard interpretations from 2023 onwards that involves adjusting the financial statements at the beginning of the year in which they were first implemented □ Applicable√ N/A 45. Others □ Applicable√ N/A VI. Taxes 1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates Description of major categories of taxes and tax rates √ Applicable□ N/A Category of tax Basis of tax computation Tax rate VAT payable is the difference of the output tax calculated based on the Value-added tax incomes from selling goods and taxable 3%, 6%, 9%, 13% (VAT) services in accordance with the Tax Law, less the input tax allowed to be reduced in the period City maintenance 5%, 7% and construction Turnover tax payable tax Education 3% Turnover tax payable surcharges Local education 2% Turnover tax payable surcharges Enterprise income 6.5%, 8.25%, 8.70%, 8.84%, 15%, Taxable income tax 16.5%, 20%, 21%, 25% Disclosure of taxpayers with different rates of enterprise income tax: √ Applicable□ N/A Rate of enterprise Taxpayer income tax (%) Appotronics Corporation Limited 15% Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. 15% 117 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Appotronics Hong Kong Limited 8.25%, 16.5% Beijing Orient Appotronics Technology Co., Ltd. 20% JoveAI Innovation, Inc. 8.70%, 8.84%, 21% Appotronics USA, Inc. 21% Formovie Technology Inc. 21% JoveAI Limited Tax exemption Wemax LLC 21% Shenzhen Appotronics Display Device Co., Ltd. 20% Appotronics Technology (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. 20% Qingda Appotronics (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. 20% Shenzhen Appotronics Home Line Technology Co., Ltd. 20% Shenzhen Appotronics Laser Technology Co., Ltd. 20% Shenzhen Appotronics Xiaoming Technology Co., Ltd. 20% JoveAI Asia Company Limited 20% Formovie Limited 16.5% Chongqing Ewei Ecommerce Co., Ltd. 20% Chongqing Guangbo Ecommerce Co., Ltd. 20% Shenzhen Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 20% Tianjin Bonian Film Partnership (LP) Tax exemption CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 15% Hongkong Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Limited 16.5% Wemax Inc. 6.5%, 21% Shenzhen Weiwoqi Trading Co., Ltd. 20% Yaoyouguang (Chongqing) Technology Co., Ltd. 20% Appotronics International Limited 16.5% Appotronics Intelligent Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 20% Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Partnership (LP) Tax exemption Other taxpayers except above 25% Note: 1. Appotronics Hong Kong Limited, as domiciled in Hong Kong, one of which can apply the two- level income tax system, namely, applying the tax rate of 8.25% for the first HKD 2 million taxable income and 16.50% for the remaining taxable income. 2. JoveAI Limited, as domiciled in the Cayman Islands, is exempt from enterprise income tax. 3. Appotronics USA, Inc., as domiciled in the United States, applies the federal enterprise income tax rate of 21%. 4. JoveAI Innovation, Inc., as domiciled in the United States, applies the federal enterprise income tax rate of 21%, the California state enterprise income tax rate of 8.84%, and the Delaware state enterprise income tax rate of 8.70%. 5. Formovie Technology Inc., as domiciled in the United States, applies the federal enterprise income tax rate of 21%. 118 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 6. JoveAI Asia Company Limited, as domiciled in Vietnam, applies the enterprise income tax rate of 20%. 7. Wemax LLC, as domiciled in the United States, applies the federal enterprise income tax rate of 21%. 8. Formovie Limited, as domiciled in Hong Kong, applies the income tax rate of 16.50%. 9. Hong Kong Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Limited, as domiciled in Hong Kong, applies the income tax rate of 16.50%. 10. Wemax Inc, as domiciled in the United States, applies the federal enterprise income tax rate of 21%, and the New York state enterprise income tax rate of 6.50%. 11. Appotronics International Limited, as domiciled in Hong Kong, applies the income tax rate of 16.50%. 2. Tax incentives √ Applicable□ N/A 1. Enterprise income tax (1) On December 19, 2022, the Company obtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate No.: GR202244206480) jointly issued by Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Shenzhen Finance Bureau and Shenzhen Tax Service of State Taxation Administration with a valid term of three years. Therefore, the Company paid the enterprise income tax at a rate of 15% in 2023. (2) On December 17, 2021, Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate No.: GR202111004001) jointly issued by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Beijing Finance Bureau and Beijing Tax Service of State Taxation Administration with a valid term of three years. Therefore, the Company paid the enterprise income tax at a rate of 15% in 2023. (3) On October 18, 2022, CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. obtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate No.: GR202211008942) jointly issued by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Beijing Finance Bureau and Beijing Tax Service of State Taxation Administration with a valid term of three years. Therefore, the Company paid the enterprise income tax at a rate of 15% in 2023. (4) In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Implementing the Inclusive Tax Deduction and Exemption Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises (Cai Shui [2019] No. 13), and the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Implementing Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises and Individually-owned Businesses (Announcement No. 6 in 2023 of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration), the annual taxable income of a small low-profit enterprise that is not more than RMB 1 million shall be levied with the enterprise income tax rate at a discount of 25%, namely, for which the applicable enterprise income tax rate is 20%; for the annual taxable income more than RMB 1 million but no more than RMB 3 million, the taxable income shall be calculated at a discount of 50%, namely, for which the applicable enterprise income tax rate is 20%. The following companies are 119 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report qualified for enjoying such tax incentives: Beijing Orient Appotronics Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Appotronics Display Device Co., Ltd., Appotronics Technology (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., Qingda Appotronics (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Appotronics Home Line Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Appotronics Laser Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen City Appotronics Xiaoming Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Ewei Ecommerce Co., Ltd., Chongqing Guangbo Ecommerce Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Weiwoqi Trading Co., Ltd., Yaoyouguang (Chongqing) Technology Co., Ltd., and Appotronics Intelligent Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 2. Value-added tax (VAT) (1) In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Value-added Tax Policies for Software Products (Cai Shui [2011] No. 100), for self- developed and produced software products sold by general VAT taxpayers, the tax-refund-upon- collection policy is applicable to the part of their actual VAT burden in excess of 3% after the VAT has been collected at a tax rate of 17%. Appotronics Corporation Limited, Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Appotronics Software Technology Co., Ltd. are qualified for enjoying such tax incentives. (2) According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Clarifying the Policies for Reducing and Exempting Value-added Tax of Small-scale Taxpayers (Announcement No. 1 of 2023 by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration), production and service-oriented taxpayers are allowed to deduct an additional 5% of the deductible input tax amount from the payable tax amount; CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is qualified for this tax incentive. 3. Others □ Applicable√ N/A VII. Notes to items in the consolidated financial statements 1. Monetary funds √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Cash on hand 3,346.05 5,479.42 Bank deposits 1,257,428,379.51 1,283,079,345.51 Other monetary funds 21,762,201.92 72,797,383.70 Total 1,279,193,927.48 1,355,882,208.63 Including: Total overseas deposits 185,283,856.24 261,403,774.28 Other information: In other monetary funds, an amount of RMB 10,961,787.42 is restricted for in use because they are security deposits; In the bank deposits, RMB 40,000,005.49 is deposited by the Company at banks at term deposits or in restricted accounts, and therefore is not presented as cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement. 2. Held-for-trading financial assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 120 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Item Closing balance Opening balance Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 564,877,200.00 352,880,000.00 Including: Equity instrument investment 42,880,000.00 42,880,000.00 Structural deposits 521,997,200.00 310,000,000.00 Total 564,877,200.00 352,880,000.00 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Derivative financial assets □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Notes receivable (1). Categories of notes receivable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Bank acceptances Commercial acceptances 3,404,025.55 2,234,687.77 Total 3,404,025.55 2,234,687.77 (2). Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Notes receivable which are undue as at the balance sheet date but endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Notes transferred to accounts receivable due to drawer’s failure in cashing at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Disclosure by categories of provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Provision for Provision for Carrying amount Carrying amount bad debts bad debts Per Perce cent Category ntage Book age Percent Perce Book value Amoun of value of Amount age Amount ntage Amount t provi pro (%) (%) sion visi (%) on (%) 121 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Provisio n for bad debts made individu ally Including: Provisio n for bad 3,583,18 179,15 3,404,025. 2,352,302. 100.0 117,615.1 5.0 2,234,687.7 debts 100.00 5.00 4.80 9.25 55 92 0 5 0 7 made by group Including: Bank acceptan ce bills Commer 3,583,18 100.00 179,15 5.00 3,404,025. 2,352,302. 100.0 117,615.1 5.0 2,234,687.7 cial 4.80 9.25 55 92 0 5 0 7 acceptan ce bills 3,583,18 100.00 179,15 5.00 3,404,025. 2,352,302. 100.0 117,615.1 5.0 2,234,687.7 Total 4.80 9.25 55 92 0 5 0 7 Provision for bad debts made individually: □ Applicable√ N/A Provision for bad debts made by group: √ Applicable□ N/A Item by group: Commercial acceptance bills Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Percentage of provision Notes receivable Provision for bad debts (%) Group of commercial 3,583,184.80 179,159.25 5.00 acceptance bills Total 3,583,184.80 179,159.25 5.00 Recognition criterion to make the Provision for bad debts by group and explanation □ Applicable√ N/A If the bad debt provision is made according to the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □ Applicable√ N/A (6). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 122 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Changes for the current period Opening Closing Category Recovery or Write off or balance Provision balance reversal cancellation Provision for bad debts made individually Provision for bad debts 117,615.15 61,544.10 179,159.25 made by group Total 117,615.15 61,544.10 179,159.25 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: None (7). Notes receivable actually canceled in the current period □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 5. Accounts receivable (1). Disclosure by aging √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing balance of carrying amount Within 1 year Including: Sub-items within 1 year Within 1 year 201,099,239.16 Sub-total of items within 1 year 201,099,239.16 1 to 2 years 34,816,446.50 2 to 3 years 4,747,311.85 Over 3 years 306,798.88 Total 240,969,796.39 (2). Disclosure by categories of provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Category Carrying Provision for bad Book Carrying Provision for Book amount debts value amount bad debts value 123 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Perce Percent ntage Perce Perce age of of Amount ntage Amount Amount ntage Amount provisi provi (%) (%) on (%) sion (%) Provision for bad debts 17,662,4 17,662,4 16,498,5 16,498,5 100.0 7.33 100.00 6.89 made 66.52 66.52 40.60 40.60 0 individually Including: Provision for bad debts 17,662,4 17,662,4 16,498,5 16,498,5 100.0 7.33 100.00 6.89 made 66.52 66.52 40.60 40.60 0 individually Provision for bad debts 223,307, 16,580,0 206,727, 222,932, 14,672,3 208,260, 92.67 7.42 93.11 6.58 made by 329.87 72.67 257.20 593.11 57.32 235.79 group Including: Accounts receivable for which the 223,307, 16,580,0 206,727, 222,932, 14,672,3 208,260, provision for 92.67 7.42 93.11 6.58 329.87 72.67 257.20 593.11 57.32 235.79 bad debts is made by aging group 240,969, 100.0 34,242,5 206,727, 239,431, 100.0 31,170,8 208,260, Total 14.21 13.02 796.39 0 39.19 257.20 133.71 0 97.92 235.79 Provision for bad debts made individually: √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Provision for bad Percentage of Reason for Carrying amount debts provision (%) provision Expected to be unrecoverable Company A 16,875,766.52 16,875,766.52 100.00 because the customer is in hardship Expected to be Company B 786,700.00 786,700.00 100.00 unrecoverable because the 124 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report customer is in hardship Total 17,662,466.52 17,662,466.52 100.00 / Explanation about provision for bad debts made individually: □ Applicable√ N/A Provision for bad debts made by group: √ Applicable□ N/A Item by group: Accounts receivable for which the provision for bad debts is made by aging group Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Percentage of provision Accounts receivable Provision for bad debts (%) Within 1 year 198,608,813.03 9,930,440.68 5.00 1 to 2 years 23,412,103.50 5,853,025.88 25.00 2 to 3 years 979,614.46 489,807.24 50.00 Over 3 years 306,798.88 306,798.88 100.00 Total 223,307,329.87 16,580,072.67 7.42 Recognition criterion to make the Provision for bad debts by group and explanation: □ Applicable√ N/A If the bad debt provision is made according to the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Changes for the current period Opening Recovery Closing Category Write off or Other balance Provision or balance cancellation changes reversal Provision for bad debts 16,498,540.60 1,233,776.97 69,851.05 17,662,466.52 made individually Provision for bad debts 14,672,357.32 1,909,765.35 2,050.00 16,580,072.67 made by group Total 31,170,897.92 3,143,542.32 69,851.05 2,050.00 34,242,539.19 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Accounts receivable actually canceled in the current period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 125 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Item Cancellation amount Accounts receivable actually canceled 2,050.00 In which significant amounts canceled are described as below: □ Applicable√ N/A Description of accounts receivable cancellation: □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Top five closing balances of accounts receivable categorized by debtors √ Applicable□ N/A Entity Carrying Proportion to the balance of Provision for Percentage of amount accounts receivable (%) bad debts provision (%) Top 1 74,247,921.96 30.81 3,712,396.10 5.00 Top 2 27,415,195.69 11.38 1,377,935.38 5.03 Top 3 16,875,766.52 7.00 16,875,766.52 100.00 Top 4 15,719,222.85 6.52 2,374,725.82 15.11 Top 5 12,880,063.84 5.35 644,003.19 5.00 Total 147,138,170.86 61.06 24,984,827.02 16.98 (6). Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount Gains or losses associated with Method of derecognized derecognition transferring financial assets CCB E 3,000,000.00 Discount Infocomm Sub-total 3,000,000.00 (7). Assets and liabilities arising from transfer of accounts receivable and continued involvement □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 6. Receivables financing √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Bank acceptance bills 15,223,418.33 4,279,041.00 Total 15,223,418.33 4,279,041.00 Changes in amount and fair value of receivables financing: □ Applicable√ N/A If the bad debt provision is made according to the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 126 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 7. Prepayments (1). Disclosure of prepayments by aging √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Aging Amount Percentage (%) Amount Percentage (%) Within 1 year 16,262,610.13 46.78 37,333,767.05 77.06 1 to 2 years 10,111,878.04 29.09 4,701,469.65 9.70 2 to 3 years 7,693,706.89 22.13 6,410,740.16 13.24 Over 3 years 696,186.62 2.00 Total 34,764,381.68 100.00 48,445,976.86 100.00 Reasons for overdue settlement of prepayments with significant amounts aged more than 1 year: Item Balance Reasons for no settlement Not delivered due to ongoing Company C 6,503,220.00 efforts for solving a technical difficulty (2). Top five closing balances of prepayments categorized by receivers √ Applicable□ N/A Entity Closing balance Proportion to the total closing balance of prepayments (%) Top 1 6,503,220.00 18.71 Top 2 6,135,245.74 17.65 Top 3 3,048,575.71 8.77 Top 4 2,014,000.00 5.79 Top 5 1,438,253.83 4.14 Sub-total 19,139,295.28 55.05 Other information □ Applicable√ N/A 8. Other receivables Presented by item √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Interest receivable Dividend receivable 14,307,084.00 13,789,908.00 Other receivables 12,666,138.84 12,541,813.55 Total 26,973,222.84 26,331,721.55 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 127 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Interest receivable (1). Categories of interest receivable □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Significant interests overdue □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Provision for bad debts □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A (1). Dividends receivable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Project (or investee) Closing balance Opening balance Dividend distribution from GDC Technology Limited 14,307,084.00 13,789,908.00 (BVI) Total 14,307,084.00 13,789,908.00 (2). Dividends receivable with significant amounts aged more than 1 year √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Whether impairment Closing has occurred Project (or investee) Aging Reason for non-recovery balance and the basis for its judgment Dividend distribution from There are matters not reached an 1-2 agreement through negotiation, GDC Technology Limited 14,307,084.00 No years and the payment has not yet (BVI) been made Total 14,307,084.00 - - - (3). Provision for bad debts □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A Other receivables (4). Disclosure by aging √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing balance of carrying amount Within 1 year Including: Subitems within 1 year 128 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Within 1 year 4,814,935.60 Sub-total of items within 1 year 4,814,935.60 1 to 2 years 2,052,183.69 2 to 3 years 1,085,737.64 Over 3 years 5,412,560.59 Total 13,365,417.52 (5). Categories by the nature of other receivables √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance of carrying Opening balance of carrying Nature of receivables amount amount Deposits/margins/petty cash 11,046,676.68 11,162,127.62 Withholding 770,800.89 818,004.80 Temporary receivables 1,547,939.95 1,133,717.92 Compensation receivable 65,819.64 Total 13,365,417.52 13,179,669.98 (6). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Stage I Stage II Stage III Provision for bad Lifetime ECL 12-month ECL Lifetime ECL (with Total debts (without credit in the future credit impairment) impairment) Balance as at January 613,139.94 24,716.49 637,856.43 1, 2023 Balance as at January 1, 2023 in the current period --transferred to Stage II --transferred to Stage III --reversed to Stage II --reversed to Stage I Provision 83,606.33 -22,184.08 61,422.25 Reversal Write-off Cancellation Other changes Balance as at June 30, 696,746.27 2,532.41 699,278.68 129 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 2023 Description of significant changes in the balance of other receivables with changed provisions for losses in the current period: □ Applicable√ N/A Basis for recognizing the amount of provision for bad debts and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has been increased significantly in the current period: □ Applicable√ N/A (7). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Changes for the current period Opening Closing Category Recovery or Write off or Other balance Provision balance reversal cancellation changes Provision for bad debts 637,856.43 61,422.25 699,278.68 made by group Total 637,856.43 61,422.25 699,278.68 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: □ Applicable√ N/A (8). Other receivables actually canceled in the current period □ Applicable√ N/A (9). Top five closing balances of other receivables categorized by debtors √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion to Provision for the balance of Nature of other Closing bad debts Entity Aging other receivables balance Closing receivables balance (%) Deposits/margins/petty Top 1 3,574,618.00 Over 3 years 26.75 178,730.90 cash Deposits/margins/petty Top 2 1,310,675.20 Over 3 years 9.81 65,533.76 cash Within 1 year; 1-2 Deposits/margins/petty Top 3 900,000.00 years; 2-3 years; 6.73 45,000.00 cash Over 3 years Deposits/margins/petty Top 4 683,180.24 Within 1 year 5.11 34,159.01 cash Deposits/margins/petty Within 1 year; 2-3 Top 5 505,491.60 3.78 25,274.58 cash years Total - 6,973,965.04 - 52.18 348,698.25 130 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (10). Accounts receivable involving government grants □ Applicable√ N/A (11). Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable√ N/A (12). Assets and liabilities arising from transfer of other receivables and continued involvement □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 9. Inventories (1). Categories of inventories √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Provision for decline Provision for decline in value of in value of Item Carrying Carrying inventories/impairment Book value inventories/impairment Book value amount amount of contract of contract performance cost performance cost Raw 476,094,221.57 29,828,966.97 446,265,254.60 511,371,448.78 29,152,044.36 482,219,404.42 materials Work in 12,707,512.13 963,414.83 11,744,097.30 15,037,109.26 2,581,014.21 12,456,095.05 progress Goods on 320,339,395.14 38,858,676.06 281,480,719.08 354,588,226.87 24,770,894.74 329,817,332.13 hand Goods upon 15,058,879.28 3,310,312.17 11,748,567.11 31,157,150.48 1,901,108.14 29,256,042.34 delivery Materials 4,168,659.09 183,081.13 3,985,577.96 9,397,672.25 246,897.56 9,150,774.69 for consigned processing Contract performance 3,200,650.71 705,862.34 2,494,788.37 2,740,313.16 2,740,313.16 cost Total 831,569,317.92 73,850,313.50 757,719,004.42 924,291,920.80 58,651,959.01 865,639,961.79 (2). Provision for decline in value of inventories and impairment of contract performance cost √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Increase Decrease Opening Item Reversal or Closing balance balance Provision Others Others write-off Raw materials 29,152,044.36 2,294,599.08 3,349.33 1,621,025.80 29,828,966.97 131 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Work in 2,581,014.21 959,268.10 2,576,867.48 963,414.83 progress Goods on hand 24,770,894.74 21,960,705.51 34,089.15 7,907,013.34 38,858,676.06 Goods upon 1,901,108.14 1,409,204.03 3,310,312.17 delivery Materials for consigned 246,897.56 -52,231.78 11,584.65 183,081.13 processing Contract performance 705,862.34 705,862.34 cost Total 58,651,959.01 27,277,407.28 37,438.48 12,116,491.27 73,850,313.50 (3). Description of capitalized amount of borrowing costs included in the closing balance of inventories □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Description of amortization of contract performance cost during the period □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 10. Contract assets (1). Description of contract assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Carrying Provision for Carrying Provision for Book value Book value amount impairment amount impairment Warranty security 1,668,534.88 187,601.32 1,480,933.56 1,031,362.02 153,332.67 878,029.35 receivable Goods 1,202,847.32 1,075,479.32 127,368.00 1,202,847.32 1,019,295.32 183,552.00 payment Total 2,871,382.20 1,263,080.64 1,608,301.56 2,234,209.34 1,172,627.99 1,061,581.35 (2). Amount and reasons of major changes in the book value during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Description of provision for impairment made on contract assets during the period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Reversal Write- Item Provision Reason off/cancellation Provision made by 90,452.65 132 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report group Total 90,452.65 / If the bad debt provision is made according to the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 11. Held-for-sale assets □ Applicable√ N/A 12. Non-current assets due within 1 year √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Debt investments due within 1 year Other debt investments due within 1 year Long-term receivables due within 1 28,306,652.31 13,431,554.82 year Total 28,306,652.31 13,431,554.82 Debt investments and other debt investments with significant amounts at the end of the period: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: None 13. Other current assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Input VAT to be deducted 90,522,705.12 96,670,912.86 Prepaid enterprise income tax 4,367,773.15 6,101,724.28 Cost of returned goods receivable 1,065,708.83 3,729,974.65 Total 95,956,187.10 106,502,611.79 Other information: None 14. Debt investments (1). Description of debt investments □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Debt investments with significant amounts at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Description of provision for impairment □ Applicable√ N/A 133 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 15. Other debt investments (1). Description of other debt investments □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Other debt investments with significant amounts at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Description of provision for impairment □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 16. Long-term receivables (1) Description of long-term receivables √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Range of Item Carrying Provision for Carrying Provision for Book value Book value discount amount bad debts amount bad debts rate Installment 4.30%- 24,448,456.36 1,519,399.48 22,929,056.88 14,773,704.48 2,834,052.02 11,939,652.46 payment 4.65% Including: Financing 4.30%- -730,427.69 -730,427.69 -415,458.66 -415,458.66 income not 4.65% realized Total 23,718,028.67 1,519,399.48 22,198,629.19 14,358,245.82 2,834,052.02 11,524,193.80 / (2) Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Stage I Stage II Stage III Provision for bad Lifetime ECL 12-month ECL in Lifetime ECL (with Total debts (without credit the future credit impairment) impairment) Balance as at January 2,834,052.02 2,834,052.02 1, 2023 Balance as at January 1, 2023 in the current period --transferred to Stage II --transferred to Stage III --reversed to Stage II 134 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report --reversed to Stage I Provision 723,105.21 723,105.21 Reversal Write-off Cancellation - Other changes -2,037,757.75 2,037,757.75 Balance as at June 1,519,399.48 1,519,399.48 30, 2023 Description of significant changes in the balance of long-term receivables with changed provisions for losses in the current period: √ Applicable□ N/A “Other changes” indicate the amount of the provision for bad debts that was transferred to long-term receivables due within 1 year. Basis for recognizing the amount of provision for bad debts and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has been increased significantly in the current period: □ Applicable√ N/A (3) Long-term receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable√ N/A (4) Assets and liabilities arising from transfer of long-term receivables and continued involvement □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 17. Long-term equity investments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Changes for the current period Closi Adju Invest ng stme Decr ment Declar balan Openi nt in Other Provis Closin Additi ease profit ed ce of Investe ng other equit ion g onal d or loss cash Other provis e balan comp y for balanc invest inves under divide s ion ce rehen chan impair e ment tmen equity nds or for sive ges ment t metho profits impai inco d rment me I. Joint ventur e Sub- total 135 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report II. Associ ates GDC Techn - - 162,3 6,376, 156,5 ology 8,071, 4,176 94,91 372.1 23,14 Limite 814.7 ,328. 7.57 0 6.05 d 5 87 (BVI) Sub- - - 162,3 6,376, 156,5 total 8,071, 4,176 94,91 372.1 23,14 814.7 ,328. 7.57 0 6.05 5 87 - - 162,3 6,376, 156,5 8,071, 4,176 Total 94,91 372.1 23,14 814.7 ,328. 7.57 0 6.05 5 87 Other information “Others” under “Changes for the current period” was the amount from the change in foreign currency exchange gain or loss. 18. Other equity instrument investments (1). Description of other equity instrument investments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Shen Zhen Timewaying Technology 7,075,419.38 7,075,419.38 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Bevix Technology Co., Ltd. Total 7,075,419.38 7,075,419.38 (2). Description of equity investments not held for trading √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Reasons for Reasons for Dividends Amounts to designating transferring income retained as financial to retained recognize Accumulate Accumulate earnings from assets at fair Item earnings from d for the d gains d losses other value through other current comprehensiv other comprehensiv period e income comprehensiv e income e income Shen Zhen Subject to the Timewayin management’ 136 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report g s intention of Technolog holding y Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Subject to the Bevix management’ Technolog s intention of y Co., Ltd. holding Other information: √ Applicable□ N/A The Company’s equity investments in Shen Zhen Timewaying Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Bevix Technology Co., Ltd. are mainly for promoting future business cooperation rather than making transactions, hence they are designated as investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income. The cost of Shenzhen Bevix Technology Co., Ltd. is RMB 4,900,000.00, and the fair value change is - RMB 4,900,000.00. 19. Other non-current financial assets □ Applicable√ N/A 20. Investment property Measurement mode of investment properties N/A 21. Fixed assets Presented by item √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Fixed assets 379,962,412.96 427,539,718.53 Disposal of fixed assets Total 379,962,412.96 427,539,718.53 Other information: None Fixed assets (1). Description of fixed assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Electronic Machinery and Transportatio Operating leased Item equipment and Total equipment n equipment equipment others I. Original book value: 1. Opening 159,638,878.71 1,171,400.05 58,558,067.60 682,654,171.75 902,022,518.11 balance 2. Increase 10,467,813.25 486,486.74 2,747,223.45 6,972,816.06 20,674,339.50 137 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (1) 9,950,187.05 486,486.74 2,560,297.91 12,996,971.70 Purchase (2) Transfer from 6,972,816.06 6,972,816.06 construction in progress (3) Transfer from 334,565.82 72,569.90 407,135.72 inventories (4) Exchange rate 183,060.38 114,355.64 297,416.02 changes 3. 2,851,486.44 712,629.67 16,490,101.12 20,054,217.23 Decrease (1) Disposal or 2,851,486.44 454,730.00 269,230.77 3,575,447.21 retirement (2) Transfer to 257,899.67 16,220,870.35 16,478,770.02 inventories 4. Closing 167,255,205.52 1,657,886.79 60,592,661.38 673,136,886.69 902,642,640.38 balance II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Opening 77,432,539.28 758,120.79 30,586,219.43 364,608,760.63 473,385,640.13 balance 2. Increase 12,520,028.89 97,799.22 4,358,304.49 43,126,901.58 60,103,034.18 (1) 12,421,481.40 97,799.22 4,280,360.66 43,126,901.58 59,926,542.86 Provision (2) 98,547.49 77,943.83 176,491.32 Exchange rate changes 3. 2,621,874.58 505,329.37 10,538,978.83 13,666,182.78 Decrease (1) Disposal or 2,621,874.58 409,719.07 217,229.08 3,248,822.73 retirement (2) 95,610.30 10,321,749.75 10,417,360.05 Transfer to inventories 4. Closing 87,330,693.59 855,920.01 34,439,194.55 397,196,683.38 519,822,491.53 balance III. Provision 138 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report for impairment 1. Opening 1,097,159.45 1,097,159.45 balance 2. Increase 1,833,685.55 1,833,685.55 (1) 1,833,685.55 1,833,685.55 Provision 3. 73,109.11 73,109.11 Decrease (1) Disposal or 8,795.77 8,795.77 retirement (2) 64,313.34 64,313.34 Transfer to inventories 4. Closing 2,857,735.89 2,857,735.89 balance IV. Book value 1. Closing 79,924,511.93 801,966.78 26,153,466.83 273,082,467.42 379,962,412.96 book value 2. Opening 82,206,339.43 413,279.26 27,971,848.17 316,948,251.67 427,539,718.53 book value (2). Temporarily idle fixed assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Original book Accumulated Provision for Item Book value Remark value depreciation impairment Operating leased 45,485,926.77 28,123,113.06 2,516,133.64 14,846,680.07 equipment (3). Fixed assets acquired under finance lease □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Fixed assets leased out under operating lease √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance of book value Operating leased equipment 258,235,787.35 (5). Fixed assets of which certificates of title have not been obtained □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 139 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Disposal of fixed assets □ Applicable√ N/A 22. Construction in progress Presented by item √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Construction in progress 314,382,210.87 278,978,057.73 Materials for construction Total 314,382,210.87 278,978,057.73 Other information: None Construction in progress (1). Description of construction in progress √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Provision Provision Item Carrying Carrying for Book value for Book value amount amount impairment impairment Headquarter 309,377,852.19 309,377,852.19 270,837,599.21 270,837,599.21 buildings Assets to be 5,004,358.68 5,004,358.68 6,266,605.31 6,266,605.31 leased Decoration 1,873,853.21 1,873,853.21 construction Total 314,382,210.87 314,382,210.87 278,978,057.73 278,978,057.73 140 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (2). Changes in significant constructions in progress for the current period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Interest Amount Amount Amount of Including: capitaliza injected as a Budget Opening transferred Other Closing Construction accumulated Capitalized tion rate Source Item Increase proportion of amount balance to fixed decreases balance progress capitalized interest for for the of funds budget assets interest the period period amount (%) (%) Headqu Self- arter 534,635,200 270,837,599. 38,540,252. owned 309,377,852.19 63.08 63.08 8,011,931.43 3,015,800.64 4.08 buildin .00 21 98 capital gs Assets Self- to be 6,266,605.31 5,710,569.43 6,972,816.06 5,004,358.68 owned leased capital 534,635,200 277,104,204. Total 44,250,822.41 6,972,816.06 314,382,210.87 - - 8,011,931.43 3,015,800.64 - - .00 52 141 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (3). Provision for impairment losses for construction in progress in the current period □ Applicable√ N/A Other information □ Applicable√ N/A Materials for construction □ Applicable√ N/A 23. Productive biological assets (1). Productive biological assets measured at cost □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Productive biological assets measured at fair value □ Applicable√ N/A Other information □ Applicable√ N/A 24. Oil and gas assets □ Applicable√ N/A 25. Right-of-use asset √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Houses and buildings Total I. Original book value 1. Opening balance 80,936,615.37 80,936,615.37 2. Increase 9,052,943.22 9,052,943.22 (1) Rents 9,013,018.21 9,013,018.21 (2) Other changes 39,925.01 39,925.01 3. Decrease 763,530.71 763,530.71 (1) Disposal 763,530.71 763,530.71 4. Closing balance 89,226,027.88 89,226,027.88 II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Opening balance 18,680,945.08 18,680,945.08 2. Increase 14,920,234.73 14,920,234.73 (1) Provision 14,899,916.76 14,899,916.76 (2) Other changes 20,317.97 20,317.97 3. Decrease 179,705.50 179,705.50 (1) Disposal 179,705.50 179,705.50 4. Closing balance 33,421,474.31 33,421,474.31 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 2. Increase (1) Provision 3. Decrease 142 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance IV. Book value 1. Closing book value 55,804,553.57 55,804,553.57 2. Opening book value 62,255,670.29 62,255,670.29 Other information: None 26. Intangible assets (1). Description of intangible assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Land use rights Patents Software Total I. Original book value 1. Opening balance 330,630,000.00 20,059,950.00 20,151,437.21 370,841,387.21 2. Increase 2,899,914.47 2,899,914.47 (1) Purchase 2,875,894.25 2,875,894.25 (2) Exchange 24,020.22 24,020.22 rate changes 3. Decrease (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance 330,630,000.00 20,059,950.00 23,051,351.68 373,741,301.68 II. Accumulated amortization 1. Opening balance 49,594,500.18 16,390,600.14 10,845,243.95 76,830,344.27 2. Increase 5,510,500.02 2,144,910.13 7,655,410.15 (1) Provision 5,510,500.02 2,121,924.37 7,632,424.39 (2) Exchange 22,985.76 22,985.76 rate changes 3. Decrease (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance 55,105,000.20 16,390,600.14 12,990,154.08 84,485,754.42 III. Provision for impairment 1. Opening balance 3,669,349.86 3,669,349.86 2. Increase (1) Provision 3. Decrease (1) Disposal 4. Closing balance 3,669,349.86 3,669,349.86 IV. Book value 1. Closing book 275,524,999.80 10,061,197.60 285,586,197.40 value 2. Opening book 281,035,499.82 9,306,193.26 290,341,693.08 143 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report value The proportion of intangible assets generated by the Company’s internal research and development to the balance of intangible assets at the end of the period is 0%. (2). Land use rights of which certificates of title have not been obtained □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 27. Development expenditure □ Applicable√ N/A 28. Goodwill (1). Gross carrying amount of goodwill □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Impairment provision of goodwill □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Relevant information of groups of assets or combinations of groups of assets where the goodwill is recognized □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Specify test procedure, key parameters of impairment of goodwill (such as increase rate at the projection period, increase rate at the steady period, profit rate, discount rate, and projection period upon the estimates of the presented value of future cash flow) as well as recognition method for impairment loss □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Impacts on test of goodwill impairment □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 29. Long-term prepaid expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Opening Closing Item Increase Amortization Other decreases balance balance Decoration 5,935,938.09 3,232,521.81 1,940,313.25 -18,799.02 7,246,945.67 construction RTO gas for 55,045.94 the screen 16,513.74 38,532.20 project Total 5,990,984.03 3,232,521.81 1,956,826.99 -18,799.02 7,285,477.87 Other information: None 144 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 30. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (1). Deferred tax assets that are not offset √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Deductible Deferred tax Deductible Deferred tax Item temporary assets temporary assets differences differences Provision for impairment 67,348,572.44 10,102,393.87 54,480,645.82 8,172,204.87 of assets Unrealized profits for 250,032,883.05 37,504,932.45 293,141,594.90 43,971,239.24 insider transactions Provisions 33,155,919.65 4,973,387.95 33,861,061.30 5,079,159.20 Share-based payment 55,758,843.58 8,367,280.98 78,336,744.64 11,756,236.09 expenses Deferred income 2,657,700.76 398,655.11 5,651,422.25 847,713.34 Leases 894,583.85 135,455.56 848,471.94 128,229.81 Losses from changes in 1,120,000.00 168,000.00 1,120,000.00 168,000.00 fair values Deductible losses 133,936,891.98 20,090,533.80 145,752,332.17 21,862,849.83 Total 544,905,395.31 81,740,639.73 613,192,273.02 91,985,632.38 (2). Deferred tax liabilities that are not offset √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Taxable Deferred tax Taxable Deferred tax Item temporary liabilities temporary liabilities differences differences Long-term receivables 24,429,108.67 3,664,366.30 15,031,309.08 2,254,696.36 Other current assets - Cost of returned goods 46,685.41 7,002.81 receivable Total 24,475,794.08 3,671,369.11 15,031,309.08 2,254,696.36 (3). Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities that are presented at the net amount after offset √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing set-off Closing balance Opening set-off Opening balance amounts of of deferred tax amount of of deferred tax Item deferred tax assets or deferred tax assets or assets and liabilities after assets and liabilities after 145 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report liabilities set-off liabilities set-off Deferred tax assets 3,671,369.11 78,069,270.62 2,254,696.36 89,730,936.02 Deferred tax liabilities 3,671,369.11 2,254,696.36 (4). Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Provision for impairment of assets 55,225,838.14 47,406,755.88 Unrealized profits for insider 33,624,043.48 36,617,810.36 transactions Provisions 20,307,631.71 18,872,846.92 Deferred income 2,454,545.47 3,000,000.01 Share-based payment expenses 724,391.43 3,180,261.29 Leases 1,992,084.01 1,557,490.63 Profit distribution from partnership 15,991.72 enterprises Changes in fair value of 4,900,000.00 investments in other equity 4,900,000.00 instruments Deductible losses 541,984,302.47 322,268,687.11 Total 664,206,603.59 434,826,077.04 (5). Deductible losses, for which no deferred tax assets are recognized, will expire in the following years √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Year Closing balance Opening balance Remark 2023 4,629,271.35 4,629,271.35 2024 3,721,926.96 3,721,926.96 2025 4,647,581.11 4,647,581.11 2026 87,289,773.75 98,077,911.35 2027 188,173,306.33 105,226,991.61 2028 118,599,765.45 No expiry date 134,922,677.52 105,965,004.73 Total 541,984,302.47 322,268,687.11 / Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 31. Other non-current assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 146 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Closing balance Opening balance Provision Provision Item Carrying Carrying for Book value for Book value amount amount impairment impairment Prepayment for purchase of 18,633,790.53 18,633,790.53 12,569,088.37 12,569,088.37 long-term assets Total 18,633,790.53 18,633,790.53 12,569,088.37 12,569,088.37 Other information: None 32. Short-term borrowings (1). Categories of short-term borrowings √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Notes discount within the group 30,000,000.00 Guaranteed loans 69,500,000.00 39,500,000.00 Credit loans 60,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 Interest payable 104,426.40 89,634.03 Total 129,604,426.40 129,589,634.03 Description for categories of short-term borrowings: None (2). Short-term borrowings overdue but not yet repaid □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 33. Held-for-trading financial liabilities □ Applicable√ N/A 34. Derivative financial liabilities □ Applicable√ N/A 35. Notes payable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Category Closing balance Opening balance Commercial acceptance bills Bank acceptance bills 80,254,013.57 201,299,388.57 Total 80,254,013.57 201,299,388.57 Total notes payable matured but not paid yet is RMB 0 at the end of the period. 147 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 36. Accounts payable (1). Presented by accounts payable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Amounts payable for purchase 275,507,953.57 276,845,321.28 Total 275,507,953.57 276,845,321.28 (2). Accounts payable with significant amounts aged more than 1 year □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 37. Receipts in advance (1). Presented by receipts in advance √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Advance payments of recharge 99,404,605.97 113,834,728.10 fees Total 99,404,605.97 113,834,728.10 (2). Receipts in advance with significant amounts aged more than 1 year √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Reasons for not repaid or carried- Item Closing balance forward Lease payments received in Company D 8,291,234.83 advance Total 8,291,234.83 / Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 38. Contract liabilities (1). Description of contract liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Goods payment 39,465,849.54 37,285,920.43 Total 39,465,849.54 37,285,920.43 148 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (2). Amount and reasons of major changes in the book value during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 39. Employee benefits payable (1). Presented by employee benefits payable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance I. Short-term 57,760,642.14 180,487,550.87 209,126,826.77 29,121,366.24 benefits II. Post- employment 170,231.90 8,970,833.40 8,975,331.91 165,733.39 benefits-defined contribution plan III. Dismissal 540,086.51 5,230,288.43 5,312,758.12 457,616.82 benefits IV. Other benefits due within 1 year Total 58,470,960.55 194,688,672.70 223,414,916.80 29,744,716.45 (2). Presented by short-term employee benefits √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance I. Wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances 57,630,572.03 161,249,944.24 189,946,770.35 28,933,745.92 and subsidies II. Staff welfare 2,396,777.44 2,396,777.44 III. Social security 107,849.71 5,588,106.63 5,573,461.28 122,495.06 contributions Including: Medical 102,565.34 5,194,748.76 5,180,056.00 117,258.10 insurance Work injury 5,267.39 241,105.94 241,177.94 5,195.39 insurance Maternity 16.98 152,251.93 152,227.34 41.57 insurance IV. Housing funds 10,780,341.66 10,780,341.66 V. Union running costs and employee 22,220.40 472,380.90 429,476.04 65,125.26 education costs VI. Short-term paid 149 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report leaves VII. Short-term profit sharing plan Total 57,760,642.14 180,487,550.87 209,126,826.77 29,121,366.24 (3). Presented by defined contribution plan √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Opening Item Increase Decrease Closing balance balance 1. Basic pensions 164,547.68 8,715,951.66 8,720,362.91 160,136.43 2. Unemployment 5,684.22 254,881.74 254,969.00 5,596.96 insurance 3. Enterprise annuity contribution Total 170,231.90 8,970,833.40 8,975,331.91 165,733.39 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 40. Taxes payable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Value-added tax (VAT) 415,633.50 283,831.65 Enterprise income tax 3,423,409.78 1,329,891.54 Individual income tax 1,503,794.91 5,330,584.62 City maintenance and 420,196.47 461,779.38 construction tax Education surcharges 181,807.01 200,014.57 Local education surcharges 118,333.33 133,343.03 Stamp duty 368,555.48 521,340.60 Annual franchise right tax 12,381.41 11,933.84 Urban land use tax 8,914.32 49.67 Others 39.95 Total 6,453,066.16 8,272,768.90 Other information: None 41. Other payables Presented by item √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance 150 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Interest payable Dividend payable 797,774.22 Other payables 119,109,874.30 56,662,357.08 Total 119,907,648.52 56,662,357.08 Other information: None Interest payable □ Applicable√ N/A Dividends payable √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Dividends on ordinary shares 797,774.22 Total 797,774.22 Other description, including significant dividend payable with aging of over 1 year, and the reason of non-payment shall be disclosed: None Other payables (1). Other payables presented by nature √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Withholding 118,512.62 264,611.23 Deposits/margins 11,630,428.35 9,538,090.44 Withdrawals in advance 36,325,990.61 38,870,669.59 Temporary receipts payable 12,531,383.72 7,988,985.82 Amount of equity transfer 7,893,600.00 payable Subscription payment for 50,609,959.00 restricted stocks Total 119,109,874.30 56,662,357.08 (2). Other payables with significant amounts aged more than 1 year □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 42. Liabilities held for sale □ Applicable√ N/A 43. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance 151 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Long-term borrowings due 147,500,008.00 146,783,523.75 within 1 year Lease liabilities due within 1 30,342,348.86 31,430,388.88 year Long-term payables due within 1 year Interest payable 146,727.76 189,460.51 Total 178,360,640.39 178,031,817.37 Other information: None 44. Other current liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Rebates payable 6,375,935.11 25,168,744.15 Taxes to be written off 3,423,594.29 3,013,395.69 Refund 201,468.53 Total 9,799,529.40 28,383,608.37 Changes in short-term bonds payable: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 45. Long-term borrowings (1). Categories of long-term borrowings √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Guaranteed loans and loans 139,982,252.95 147,905,776.70 against collateral Guaranteed loans 281,980,000.00 255,299,986.00 Credit loans 109,000,000.00 Interest payable 524,648.75 514,779.75 Total 531,486,901.70 403,720,542.45 Description for categories of long-term borrowings: None Other description, including interest rate range: □ Applicable√ N/A 46. Bonds payable (1). Bonds payable □ Applicable√ N/A 152 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (2). Changes in bonds payable (excluding other financial instruments such as preference shares, perpetual bonds and others classified as financial liabilities) □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Description of converting terms and period of convertible corporate bonds □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Description of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities Basic information of other financial instruments including outstanding preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A Changes in financial instruments including outstanding preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A Description of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 47. Lease liabilities √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Unpaid lease payments 28,324,784.45 37,874,912.40 Less: Financing charges not 1,063,951.96 3,555,628.17 recognized Total 27,260,832.49 34,319,284.23 Other information: None 48. Long-term payables Presented by item □ Applicable√ N/A Long-term payables □ Applicable√ N/A Special payables □ Applicable√ N/A 49. Long-term employee benefits payable □ Applicable√ N/A 50. Provisions √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Closing balance Reason 153 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Product quality Expenses for “three 49,871,884.36 51,870,435.99 warranty guarantees” services Amounts payable for 6,591,998.51 1,578,759.24 goods returned Pending litigation 14,356.13 Total 56,463,882.87 53,463,551.36 / Other description, including significant assumptions and estimates relative to material provisions: None 51. Deferred income Description of deferred income √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Opening Item Increase Decrease Closing balance Reason balance Government The relevant grants related to 5,905,986.57 1,078,195.80 4,827,790.77 asset is within its assets service life Used for compensation of Government relevant costs, grants related to 2,745,435.69 1,500,000.00 3,960,980.23 284,455.46 expenses, or income losses in subsequent periods Total 8,651,422.26 1,500,000.00 5,039,176.03 5,112,246.23 / Other information: √ Applicable□ N/A Breakdown of government grants Increased Amount government Opening recognized in Closing Related to Item grants for balance current profit balance assets/income the current or loss period 8K Ultra High Definition Laser Related to Display Technology 2,905,986.56 532,741.26 2,373,245.30 assets Engineering Research Center Industry support Related to 3,000,000.01 545,454.54 2,454,545.47 funds assets R&D of key 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Related to 154 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report technologies for ultra income high-definition micro laser projector optical engine based on light- emitting ceramic devices Trichromatic Laser Display Complete Related to Equipment 2,412,101.15 500,000.00 2,912,101.15 income Production Demonstration Line Research of trichromatic laser Related to 333,334.54 48,879.08 284,455.46 light sources and income LCoS optical engine Sub-total 8,651,422.26 1,500,000.00 5,039,176.03 5,112,246.23 Government grants included in the current profit or loss are disclosed in VII.84 of Section X in details. 52. Other non-current liabilities □ Applicable√ N/A 53. Share capital √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Changes (+, -) Issuance Capitalization Opening balance Bonus Sub- Closing balance of new of capital Others shares total shares reserve Total 457,107,538.00 457,107,538.00 shares Other information: None 54. Other equity instruments (1) Basic information of other financial instruments including outstanding preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A (2) Changes in financial instruments including outstanding preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the end of the period □ Applicable√ N/A Changes of other equity instruments in the current period, reasons for such change and basis for related accounting treatments: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 155 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 55. Capital reserve √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Capital premium (Share 1,363,879,803.31 271,501.89 1,364,151,305.20 premium) Other capital reserve 166,872,312.73 20,442,747.19 187,315,059.92 Total 1,530,752,116.04 20,714,249.08 1,551,466,365.12 Other description, including changes in the current period and reasons for changes: (1) The total expense of equity-settled share-based payments amounted to RMB 24,996,374.80, in which RMB 21,649,969.88 was recognized in the capital reserve (other capital reserve) and RMB 3,346,404.92 was charged to the amount attributable to minority interests. (2) With respect to the temporary difference by which the fair value at the end of period of restricted shares granted by the Company in the current period is greater than the fair value at the grant date, the Company recognized the decrease in deferred tax assets by RMB 1,349,420.12, the decrease in the capital reserve (other capital reserve) by RMB 1,207,222.69, and the decrease in the minority interests by RMB 142,197.43. (3) The Company acquired minority interests by paying the consideration of RMB 19,734,000.00 for the shares, and acquired shares in the fair value of the identifiable net assets in the amount of RMB 20,005,501.89, while the difference RMB 271,501.89 was recognized as capital premium (share premium). 56. Treasury shares √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Treasury shares 19,377,297.59 19,377,297.59 Total 19,377,297.59 19,377,297.59 Other description, including changes in the current period and reasons for changes: None 156 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 57. Other comprehensive income √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the current period Less: Amount Less: Amount previously previously included in included in Attributable to Amount other Less: Attributable to Opening other owners of the Closing Item incurred for comprehensive Income minority balance comprehensive parent balance current period income and tax shareholders after income and company after before tax transferred to expenses tax transferred to tax retained profit or loss earnings for for the period the period I. Other comprehensive income that cannot be -4,900,000.00 -4,900,000.00 reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Including: Changes from remeasurement of defined benefit plans Other comprehensive 157 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method Changes in fair value of investments -4,900,000.00 -4,900,000.00 in other equity instruments Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own credit risks II. Other comprehensive income that will be 10,636,897.41 5,158,805.71 6,714,283.50 -1,555,477.79 17,351,180.91 reclassified to profit or loss Including: Other comprehensive income that will be -13,180,600.06 -4,176,328.87 -4,176,328.87 -17,356,928.93 reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method Changes in fair value of other debt investments Amount of financial assets 158 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report reclassified to other comprehensive income Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments Reserve for cash flow hedges Exchange differences on translation of 23,817,497.47 9,335,134.58 10,890,612.37 -1,555,477.79 34,708,109.84 financial statements denominated in foreign currencies Total other comprehensive 5,736,897.41 5,158,805.71 6,714,283.50 -1,555,477.79 12,451,180.91 income Other description, including adjustments on transferring effective portion of cash flow hedges to amount upon initial recognition of the hedged item: 0 159 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 58. Special reserve □ Applicable√ N/A 59. Surplus reserve √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Opening balance Increase Decrease Closing balance Statutory surplus 75,519,782.06 75,519,782.06 reserve Total 75,519,782.06 75,519,782.06 Surplus reserve description, including changes in the current period and reasons for changes: None 60. Retained profits √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Current period Prior year Retained profits at the end of prior period before 597,924,451.67 545,277,188.08 adjustment Total adjusted undistributed profits at the beginning of the period (Add: +; Less: -) Retained profits at the beginning of the period after 597,924,451.67 545,277,188.08 adjustment Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 74,914,640.95 119,440,773.77 company for the period Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve 19,253,913.75 Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve Appropriation to general risk reserve Declaration of dividends on ordinary shares 24,635,207.05 47,539,596.43 Conversion of ordinary shares’ dividends into share capital Retained profits at the end of the period 648,203,885.57 597,924,451.67 Details of adjustments to undistributed profits at the beginning of the period: 1. As a result of the retrospective adjustment of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and related new regulations, undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB 0.00. 2. Retained profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB 0.00 due to changes in accounting policies. 3. Retained profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB 0.00 due to the correction of significant accounting errors. 4. Retained profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB 0.00 due to changes in the scope of consolidation resulting from business combination involving entities under common control. 5. Retained profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB 0.00 in total due to other adjustments. 160 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 61. Operating income and operating costs (1). Description of operating income and operating costs √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Item Income Cost Income Cost Main business 1,073,249,037.75 668,659,467.49 1,269,322,202.11 884,560,607.88 Other business Total 1,073,249,037.75 668,659,467.49 1,269,322,202.11 884,560,607.88 (2). Description of incomes from contracts □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Description of performance obligations □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Description of allocation to remaining performance obligations □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: Breakdown of revenue from contracts with customers by category: Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Main business areas: Domestic 704,902,664.35 982,431,749.79 Overseas 188,845,868.39 151,675,564.56 Sub-total 893,748,532.74 1,134,107,314.35 By product: Laser optical engine 269,264,171.31 227,366,190.32 Complete laser projector 529,660,750.51 797,685,682.96 Others 94,823,610.92 109,055,441.07 Sub-total 893,748,532.74 1,134,107,314.35 Revenue recognition time: Goods (transferred at a time 893,741,128.35 1,133,767,224.50 point) Services (provided during a 7,404.39 340,089.85 specific period of time) Sub-total 893,748,532.74 1,134,107,314.35 62. Taxes and surcharges √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period City maintenance and 1,849,757.98 1,854,709.81 161 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report construction tax Stamp duty 718,782.33 1,328,656.61 Education surcharges 810,475.02 837,797.56 Local education surcharges 540,316.68 596,844.97 Others 86,419.52 18,392.15 Total 4,005,751.53 4,636,401.10 Other information: None 63. Selling expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the current Amount for the prior Item period period Marketing fees 67,103,262.08 56,105,203.98 Employee benefits 44,813,421.97 38,321,847.96 After-sale repair expenses 8,783,249.44 7,794,363.57 Travel expenses 3,323,826.10 1,140,208.55 Advertising and business promotion 2,606,865.49 2,152,634.28 expenses Business entertainment expenses 891,056.45 874,145.73 Other expenses 15,877,978.49 13,913,957.29 Total 143,399,660.02 120,302,361.36 Other information: None 64. Administrative expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current Amount for the prior period period Employee benefits 34,743,913.52 36,480,928.08 Share-based payment expenses 25,008,586.26 44,301,483.42 Service fees 13,261,395.13 11,634,987.32 Depreciation and amortization expenses 6,559,184.36 7,367,554.34 Rent expense 2,699,984.57 2,149,163.28 Other expenses 4,423,159.98 4,081,725.92 Total 86,696,223.82 106,015,842.36 Other information: None 65. R&D expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 162 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Item Amount for the current Amount for the prior period period Employee benefits 86,643,213.03 76,416,118.90 Material consumption expenses 11,968,242.66 13,749,893.95 Rent expense 2,027,319.05 2,724,452.14 Service fees 6,014,448.00 4,297,638.31 Depreciation and amortization expenses 7,408,217.43 4,958,080.99 Testing expenses 2,233,677.17 4,511,335.54 Patent fees 1,909,173.76 836,908.48 Other expenses 8,201,851.02 7,465,358.06 Total 126,406,142.12 114,959,786.37 Other information: None 66. Financial expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current Amount for the prior period period Interest expenses 7,061,642.05 12,510,421.43 Less: Interest income -15,604,073.30 -6,740,942.87 Exchange profit or loss -9,807,901.42 -10,026,339.12 Bank service charges 1,328,926.10 902,979.64 Total -17,021,406.56 -3,353,880.91 Other information: None 67. Other income √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current Amount for the prior period period Government grants related to assets 1,078,195.80 940,282.23 Government grants related to income 21,467,825.51 18,812,831.21 Refund of transaction fees for withholding 442,061.07 364,144.36 individual income taxes Additional deduction of input VAT 620,900.93 1,448,552.63 Total 23,608,983.31 21,565,810.43 Other information: Government grants recognized in other income in the current period are disclosed in VII.84 of Section X in details. 68. Investment income √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB 163 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Amount for the current Item Amount for the prior period period Long-term equity investment accounted for -8,071,814.75 -5,951,760.87 using the equity method Investment income from disposal of long- -4,611,079.66 term equity investments Investment income from held-for-trading 200,000.00 financial assets during the holding period Investment income from disposal of held- 5,265,708.55 5,795,366.82 for-trading financial assets Total -2,806,106.20 -4,567,473.71 Other information: None 69. Income from net exposure hedges □ Applicable√ N/A 70. Gains from changes in fair values √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Source of gains from changes in fair Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period values Held-for-trading financial assets -1,634,000.00 Total -1,634,000.00 Other information: None 71. Losses of credit impairment √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the current Item Amount for the prior period period Bad debt losses -3,513,083.07 1,393,164.79 Total -3,513,083.07 1,393,164.79 Other information: None 72. Impairment losses of assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the current Amount for the prior Item period period I. Bad debt losses -90,452.65 -38,217.98 II. Decline in value of inventories -26,383,931.20 -19,378,228.52 III. Impairment losses of long-term equity 164 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report investments IV. Impairment losses of investment properties V. Impairment losses of fixed assets -1,833,685.55 -405,917.49 VI. Losses of contract performance cost -705,862.34 Total -29,013,931.74 -19,822,363.99 Other information: None 73. Gains on disposal of assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Gains from disposal of fixed 18,395.62 106.88 assets Gains from disposal of right-of- -3,133.47 17,106.28 use assets Total 15,262.15 17,213.16 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 74. Non-operating income √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount included in Amount for the Amount for the Item non-recurring profit or current period prior period loss for the period Total gains from disposal of non- 11,482.30 7,964.60 11,482.30 current assets Including: Gains from disposal 11,482.30 7,964.60 11,482.30 of fixed assets Government grants 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 Amounts not required for 233,306.16 233,306.16 payment Others 179,559.37 159,923.71 179,559.37 Total 9,424,347.83 167,888.31 9,424,347.83 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 75. Non-operating expenses √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount included in Amount for the Amount for the prior Item non-recurring profit or current period period loss for the period 165 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Total losses from disposal of 242,877.32 353,535.44 242,877.32 non-current assets Including: Losses from 242,877.32 353,535.44 242,877.32 disposal of fixed assets External donations 1,011,354.98 Penalties and overdue fines 27,463.52 141,821.94 27,463.52 Others 370,921.08 5,197.11 370,921.08 Total 641,261.92 1,511,909.47 641,261.92 Other information: None 76. Income tax expense (1) Statement of income tax expense √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Income tax expense in the current 8,337,698.37 15,688,777.00 period Deferred income tax expenses 10,312,245.27 3,580,694.17 Total 18,649,943.64 19,269,471.17 (2) Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Total profit 58,177,409.69 Income tax expense calculated based on statutory/applicable tax rate 8,726,611.46 Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions -8,719,094.86 Effect of income tax for the period before adjustment -536,497.80 Effect of non-taxable income -42,425.30 Effect of non-deductible cost, expense and loss 237,744.26 Effect of utilizing deductible loss not recognized for deferred tax assets for -351,326.89 prior period Effect of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss not recognized 25,128,174.15 for deferred tax assets for the current period Change in the balance of opening deferred tax assets caused by tax rate 0.00 adjustment Effect of additional deduction of R&D expenses -10,821,251.40 Others 5,028,010.02 Income tax expenses 18,649,943.64 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 166 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 77. Other comprehensive income √ Applicable□ N/A Refer to VII. 57 of Section X for details. 78. Items in cash flow statement (1). Other cash receipts relating to operating activities √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Interest income 15,203,804.27 6,586,011.83 Government grants 31,156,389.47 14,967,754.76 Recovery of security deposits 38,485,289.61 9,021,162.77 Non-operating income 167,768.72 78,226.30 Other transaction accounts 5,824,075.57 3,742,646.71 Total 90,837,327.64 34,395,802.37 Description of other cash receipts relating to operating activities: None (2). Other cash payments relating to operating activities √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Administrative expenses, selling expenses, and R&D expenses paid in 133,812,521.03 135,601,238.70 cash Non-operating expenses 369,426.97 138,934.57 Payment of security deposits 14,513,684.21 67,068,694.27 Service charges 777,510.79 757,068.27 Other transaction accounts 3,961,686.89 2,730,798.00 Total 153,434,829.89 206,296,733.81 Description of other cash payments relating to operating activities: None (3). Other cash receipts relating to investing activities □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Other cash payments relating to operating activities □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Other cash receipts relating to financing activities □ Applicable√ N/A (6). Other cash payments relating to financing activities √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Dividend payments 23,814.21 167 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Actual lease payment 17,383,232.80 14,493,029.54 Share repurchase payment 3,211,260.13 Total 17,407,047.01 17,704,289.67 Description of other cash payments relating to financing activities: None 79. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement (1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the Amount for the prior Supplemental information current period period 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities: Net profit 39,527,466.05 18,539,942.30 Add: Provision for impairment of assets 29,013,931.74 19,822,363.99 Impairment losses of credit 3,513,083.07 -1,393,164.79 Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas 59,926,542.86 60,956,631.02 assets, depreciation of productive biological assets Amortization of right-of-use assets 14,899,916.76 13,511,079.53 Amortization of intangible assets 2,121,924.37 1,599,345.03 Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses 1,956,826.99 3,680,782.65 Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains are indicated by “- -15,262.15 -17,213.16 ”) Losses on disposal of fixed assets (gains are 231,395.02 345,570.84 indicated by “-”) Losses on changes in fair values (gains are indicated 1,634,000.00 by “-”) Financial expenses (income is indicated by “-”) 3,338,040.63 2,484,082.32 Investment losses (income is indicated by “-”) 2,806,106.20 4,567,473.71 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase is indicated 10,312,245.28 3,580,734.09 by “-”) Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease is indicated by “-”) Decrease in inventories (increase is indicated by “-”) 104,726,621.15 -33,033,292.19 Decrease in receivables from operating activities 18,233,904.75 36,305,146.46 (increase is indicated by “-”) Increase in payables from operating activities -200,944,159.73 -255,297,259.11 (decrease is indicated by “-”) Others 25,090,249.13 44,160,417.64 Net cash flow from operating activities 114,738,832.13 -78,553,359.67 2. Significant investing and financing activities 168 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report that do not involve cash receipts and payments: Conversion of debt into capital Convertible corporate bonds due within 1 year Fixed assets acquired under finance leases 3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 1,228,232,134.57 951,480,989.53 Less: Opening balance of cash 1,254,582,403.12 891,195,166.73 Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -26,350,268.55 60,285,822.80 (2) Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries for the current period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount Cash or cash equivalents paid in the period for business combination 11,840,400.00 occurring in the period Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Partnership (LP) 11,840,400.00 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries at the acquisition date 9,034.84 Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Partnership (LP) 9,034.84 Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid in the prior period for business combination occurring in the period Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries 11,831,365.16 Other information: None (3) Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries for the current period □ Applicable√ N/A (4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance I. Cash 1,228,232,134.57 1,254,582,403.12 Including: Cash on hand 3,346.05 5,479.42 Bank deposits that can be paid at any time 1,217,428,374.02 1,241,921,379.19 Other monetary funds that can be paid at any 10,800,414.50 12,655,544.51 time Deposits in the central bank that can be used for payments Deposits made with other banks Placements with banks II. Cash equivalents Including: Investments in debt securities due within 169 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report three months III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,228,232,134.57 1,254,582,403.12 Including: Restricted cash and cash equivalents of the parent company or subsidiaries within the Group Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 80. Notes to items in the statement of changes in owners’ equity Describe matters such as the names and the adjusted amounts of the items included in “others” in respect of adjustments to the closing balances of the prior year: □ Applicable√ N/A 81. Assets with limited ownership or use right √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance of book value Reason Bank deposits 40,000,000.00 Term deposits Accounts not handling for a Bank deposits 5.49 long time Other monetary funds 10,961,787.42 Security deposits Intangible assets 275,524,999.80 Mortgage collateral Total 326,486,792.71 / Other information: None 82. Foreign currency monetary items (1). Foreign currency monetary items √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Closing balance of Closing balance of RMB Item Exchange rate foreign currency equivalent Monetary funds 297,486,092.24 Including: USD 41,026,579.84 7.2258 296,449,860.61 GBP 15,782.11 9.1432 144,298.99 HKD 297,205.06 0.9220 274,017.12 Euro 74,738.72 7.8771 588,724.37 Others 29,191.15 Accounts receivable 83,635,231.71 Including: USD 11,394,715.89 7.2258 82,335,938.08 Euro 161,644.37 7.8771 1,273,288.87 Others 26,004.76 Accounts payable 44,736,752.22 Including: USD 6,182,542.60 7.2258 44,673,816.31 JPY 1,256,356.25 0.0501 62,935.91 170 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Other information: None (2). Description of overseas operating entities, including significant overseas operating entities, of which the major operation place, functional currency and choosing basis as well as the reason for change of functional currency should be disclosed √ Applicable□ N/A Major overseas Functional Basis of Item operation place currency choice Common Appotronics Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong USD currency Local Appotronics USA, Inc. USA USD currency JoveAI Limited Common Cayman Islands USD currency Local JoveAI Innovation, Inc. USA USD currency Local Formovie Technology Inc. USA USD currency Common Formovie Limited Hong Kong USD currency Local JoveAI Asia Company Limited Vietnam VND currency Local Wemax LLC USA USD currency Hongkong Orange Juice Energy Technology Common Hong Kong USD Co., Limited currency Local Wemax Inc. USA USD currency Common Appotronics International Limited Hong Kong USD currency 171 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 83. Hedge □ Applicable√ N/A 84. Government grants (1). Basic information of government grants √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount recognized in Category Amount Item presented current profit or loss Government grants related to assets Other income 1,078,195.80 Government grants related to income and used for compensation of the 1,500,000.00 Other income 3,960,980.23 Company’s relevant costs or losses in subsequent periods Government grants related to income Other income, and used for compensation of the 27,968,381.50 non-operating 27,941,857.82 Company’s relevant costs or losses that income have been incurred Financial Interest subsidies 6,084,300.00 6,084,300.00 expenses (2). Refund of government grants √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount Reason Trichromatic Display Complete Equipment Production 992,951.47 Refund of remaining funds Demonstration Line Sub-total 992,951.47 Other information (1) Government grants related to assets Amortization Opening Closing of items Item deferred Increase Amortization deferred presented in income income the current period 8K Ultra High Definition Laser Display Technology 2,905,986.56 532,741.26 2,373,245.30 Other income Engineering Research Center 172 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Industry support 3,000,000.01 545,454.54 2,454,545.47 Other income funds Sub-total 5,905,986.57 1,078,195.80 4,827,790.77 (2) Government grants related to income and used for compensation of the Company’s relevant costs or losses in subsequent periods Amortization Opening Closing of items Item deferred Increase Amortization deferred presented in income income the current period R&D of key technologies for ultra high- definition micro laser projector 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Other income optical engine based on light- emitting ceramic devices Trichromatic Laser Display Complete Equipment 2,412,101.15 500,000.00 2,912,101.15 Other income Production Demonstration Line Research of trichromatic laser light 333,334.54 48,879.08 284,455.46 Other income sources and LCoS optical engine Sub-total 2,745,435.69 1,500,000.00 3,960,980.23 284,455.46 (3) Government grants related to income and used for compensation of the Company’s relevant costs or losses that have been incurred Item Item Amount Description presented Refunds of value-added taxes 4,431,505.74 Other income Rewards for Employment 40,200.00 Other income Stability and Subsidy for New 173 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Employees Refund of service charges for 442,061.07 Other income “three withholdings” Shenzhen one-off subsidy for job expansion in 2022 (10th 3,000.00 Other income batch) Provisions of Guangdong for Maternity Grants from Maternity Insurance of Shenzhen Social Security 12,459.49 Other income Employees, Shenzhen Social Bureau Insurance Fund Administration 2022 Subsidy for Housing 2022 Talent Housing Rent Rents for Talents of 370,000.00 Other income Agreement of Nanshan District Enterprises Announcement of Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation on 2022 Candidate 2022 Shenzhen Special Funds Projects for the Special Funds for 1,000,000.00 Other income for Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual Property Rights (For Protection), Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation Disclosure of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Key enterprise research Commission on the Candidate 10,000,000.00 Other income institute for laser display Subsidy Projects for Key Enterprise Research Institutes for 2023 Notice on Starting the Application (Third Batch) of Projects for Sub- Subsidy for copyright special Funds under the Special 18,900.00 Other income registration Fund for Independent Innovation Industry Development in Nanshan District (2022) 2022 Reward for Economic 50,000.00 Other income Contribution Notice of Shenzhen Administration for Market Subsidy for trademark Administration on Handling the registration under 2022 Subsidy Collection Procedures for 14,000.00 Other income Shenzhen intellectual property Verified Projects on Shenzhen special fund Intellectual Property Special Fund in 2022, Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation 2022 second and third batch of 50,000.00 Other income Announcement of Candidate 174 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report subsidy for daily management Entities Qualified for Subsidy for expenditures of post-doctor Daily Management Expenditures stations in Shenzhen (Second Batch in 2022) - Announcement to Society, website of Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Notice on the Reward Scheme of Special Funds for Standard Field 2022 Shenzhen Special Fund 30,000.00 Other income of Shenzhen in 2022, Shenzhen in the Standard Field Administration for Market Regulation Subsidy for Social Security and Post for Employment of 62,731.52 Other income the Poor Population 2023 Announcement for Candidate Special funds for the Projects for the Special Fund for development of cultural the Development of the Cultural 1,500,000.00 Other income industry (original research and Industry, Shenzhen City Bureau of development projects) Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Notice of Shenzhen Bureau of Reward for Production Industry and Information Expansion and Efficiency Technology on the Disclosure for Improvement of Industrial 310,000.00 Other income the First Half of 2022 Proposed Enterprises for the First Half Subsidy Scheme for Enterprises’ of 2022 Production Expansion and Efficiency Improvement Subsidy for Employment of 30,000.00 Other income the Poor Population Non- Payment of industry support 9,000,000.00 operating Investment agreement funds income Subsidy under the 2023 Notice on Filing for Projects under Nanshan District Scientific 200,000.00 Other income Joint Support Plans for Reward and Support Plan Technology Breakthrough in 2023 (First Batch) Announcement of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Operation Rewards for Enterprises Bureau on Candidate Enterprises Qualified as Enterprises above 250,000.00 Other income Qualified for Rewards under Designated Size Policies for Stabilizing the Macro Economy (Second Batch) Special Funds for Service 127,000.00 Other income Letter of Chongqing Commission 175 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Trading of Commerce on Communication about Review of International Service Trading Projects under the Special Development Fund Sub-total 27,941,857.82 (4) Interest subsidies Opening Closing Amortization of items Item deferred Increase Amortization deferred presented in the income income current period Interest 6,084,300.00 6,084,300.00 Financial expenses subsidies Sub-total 6,084,300.00 6,084,300.00 85. Others □ Applicable√ N/A VIII. Changes in scope of consolidation 1. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control √ Applicable□ N/A (1). Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control in the current period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Net Incomes profit of Ratio of the the of acquiree Time Basis for acquiree acquir Method from the point of Cost of determini from the Name of ed of Acquisiti acquisiti obtaini equity ng the acquisiti acquiree equity obtaining on date on date ng acquisition acquisitio on date interes equity to the equity n date to the ts end of end of (%) the the period period Shenzhe n Qianhai Share May Taishi 19,734,000. Acquisiti May 15, Transfer 15, 100.00 0.00 75.57 Investme 00 on 2023 Agreeme 2023 nt nt Partnersh ip (LP) 176 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Other information: None (2). Combination costs and goodwill √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Combination costs Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Partnership (LP) -- Cash 19,734,000.00 -- Fair value of non-cash assets -- Fair value of debts issued or undertaken -- Fair value of equity securities issued -- Fair value of contingent consideration -- Fair value at the acquisition date of the equity interests held prior to the acquisition date --Others Total combination costs 19,734,000.00 Less: Acquired shares in the fair value of the 20,005,501.89 identifiable net assets Differences between amounts of goodwill/combination costs and the acquired shares -271,501.89 in the fair value of the identifiable net assets Description of the method for determining the fair value of combination costs, and the contingent considerations and changes thereof: N/A Main reasons of large-amount goodwill: N/A Other information: During the reporting period, the Company acquired Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Partnership (LP) through business combination not involving enterprises under common control. In essence, this transaction is acquiring the minority interests held by the subsidiary CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The difference above is recognized in capital reserve - share premium. (3). Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Partnership (LP) Fair value at the acquisition date Carrying amount at the acquisition Assets: 20,005,501.89 date 4,759,034.84 Monetary funds 9,034.84 9,034.84 Long-term equity 19,996,467.05 4,750,000.00 investment Net assets 20,005,501.89 4,759,034.84 177 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Acquired net assets 20,005,501.89 4,759,034.84 Method for determining the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities: Long-term equity investments are determined according to the net assets and shareholding ratio of the investee, and other assets and liabilities are determined according to the book values. Contingent liabilities of the acquiree that are taken in the business combination: None Other information: None (4). Gains or losses from the equity interests held prior to the acquisition date that are remeasured at fair value Whether there are transactions for the purpose of implementing business combination via multiple transactions and obtaining the control during the reporting period □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Description about the failure in reasonably determining the combination considerations or the fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date or at the end of the combination period □ Applicable√ N/A (6). Other information □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Business combination involving entities under common control □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Counter purchase □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Disposal of subsidiaries Single disposal of investments in subsidiaries, i.e. the loss of control □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 5. Changes in scope of consolidation for other reasons Description of changes in the scope of consolidation for other reasons (e.g., new subsidiary establishment, subsidiary liquidation, etc.) and the relevant information: □ Applicable√ N/A 6. Others □ Applicable√ N/A 178 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report IX. Equity in other entities 1. Equity in subsidiaries (1). Composition of enterprise group √ Applicable□ N/A Principal Shareholding Registration ratio (%) Subsidiary name operation Business nature Acquisition method place place Direct Indirect Business combination Shenzhen Appotronics Laser Display Shenzhen Shenzhen R&D and sales of laser display products 100.00 involving enterprises under Technology Co., Ltd. common control Technical research and development of Appotronics Technology (Changzhou) Co., Changzhou Changzhou projection equipment, screen and 100.00 Establishment Ltd. electronic computer Shenzhen Appotronics Software Technology Technology development and sales of Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00 Establishment Co., Ltd. computer software and hardware Technical development, sales, and Shenzhen Appotronics Display Device Co., Shenzhen Shenzhen technical services for display products; 100.00 Establishment Ltd. import and export business Wemax LLC USA USA Sales of laser equipment 100.00 Establishment Shenzhen Appotronics Xiaoming Development, consultation and transfer Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00 Establishment Technology Co., Ltd. of laser display technology Shenzhen Appotronics Home Line Software development related to Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00 Establishment Technology Co., Ltd. semiconductor optoelectronic products Shenzhen Appotronics Laser Technology Software development for Shenzhen Shenzhen 100.00 Establishment Co., Ltd. semiconductor optoelectronic devices Business combination not Tianjin Bonian Film Partnership (LP) Tianjin Tianjin No specific business conducted 99.00 1.00 involving enterprises under common control Beijing Orient Appotronics Technology Co., Technology promotion; computer Beijing Beijing 59.00 Establishment Ltd. systems, application software services Qingda Appotronics (Xiamen) Technology Information technology consulting Shenzhen Xiamen 51.00 Establishment Co., Ltd. services Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Chongqing Chongqing Technology and software development 39.19 Establishment 179 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Technology Co., Ltd. Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Beijing Technology and software development 39.19 Establishment Chongqing Guangbo Ecommerce Co., Ltd. Chongqing Chongqing No specific business conducted 39.19 Establishment Chongqing Ewei Ecommerce Co., Ltd. Chongqing Chongqing No specific business conducted 39.19 Establishment Shenzhen Orange Juice Energy Technology Shenzhen Shenzhen Technology and software development 33.31 Establishment Co., Ltd. Hongkong Orange Juice Energy Technology Hong Hong Kong Engaged in import and export business 33.31 Establishment Co., Limited Kong Wemax Inc. USA USA Engaged in import and export business 33.31 Establishment Business combination not Shenzhen Weiwoqi Trading Co., Ltd. Chongqing Shenzhen No specific business conducted 33.31 involving enterprises under common control Yaoyouguang (Chongqing) Technology Co., Chongqing Chongqing No specific business conducted 39.19 Establishment Ltd. Hong Formovie Limited Hong Kong No specific business conducted 39.19 Establishment Kong Formovie Technology Inc. USA USA No specific business conducted 39.19 Establishment Research and development, production, Business combination CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology Beijing Beijing technical services, sales and lease of 24.84 42.96 involving enterprises under (Beijing) Co., Ltd. laser cinema projection equipment common control Production, research, and development of semiconductor optoelectronic Hong Appotronics Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong products, sales and consulting, 100.00 Establishment Kong investment and video content value- added services Business combination R&D, manufacture and sales of Appotronics USA, Inc. USA USA 100.00 involving enterprises under semiconductor optoelectronic products common control Cayman Cayman JoveAI Limited No specific business conducted 64.29 Establishment Islands Islands JoveAI Innovation, Inc. USA USA R&D of laser display software system 64.29 Establishment Technical research and development of JoveAI Asia Company Limited Vietnam Vietnam projection equipment, screen and 64.29 Establishment electronic computer Appotronics International Limited Hong Hong Kong No specific business conducted 100.00 Establishment 180 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Kong Appotronics Intelligent Manufacturing Shenzhen Shenzhen No specific business conducted 100.00 Establishment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Business combination not Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment Shenzhen Shenzhen No specific business conducted 70.00 30.00 involving enterprises under Partnership (LP) common control Description of the difference between the proportion of shareholding and the proportion of voting rights in a subsidiary: None Basis for holding half of the voting rights or below but still controlling the investee, and holding over half voting rights but having no control over the investee: Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., Formovie Technology Inc., Formovie Limited, Chongqing Ewei Ecommerce Co., Ltd., Chongqing Guangbo Ecommerce Co., Ltd., and Yaoyouguang (Chongqing) Technology Co., Ltd. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd.; Hongkong Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Limited, Wemax Inc., and Weiwoqi Trading Co., Ltd. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Shenzhen Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen Orange Juice Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a controlled subsidiary of Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd. The Company and Shenzhen Fengye Investment Consulting Limited Partnership (Limited Partnership), a party acting in concert with the Company, hold a total of 53.6250% voting rights in Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd., for which the voting rights are exercised according to the opinions of the Company. Since the voting rights are sufficient to exercise significant influence on the resolution of the general meeting of Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd., the Company becomes the controlling shareholder of Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd. Basis for controls over significant structured entities included in consolidation scope: None Basis to determine the company acts as the agent or the principal: None Other information: None (2). Significant non-wholly subsidiaries √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Profit or loss Minority attributable to Dividends declared for shareholdings ratio minority distribution to minority Closing balance of minority Subsidiary name (%) shareholders for shareholders in the interests the current current period period Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology Co., Ltd. 60.81 -49,013,347.97 -98,871,403.61 181 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 32.20 16,806,569.59 11,040,000.00 143,846,043.06 Description of the difference between the proportion of shareholding by minority shareholders and their proportion of voting rights in a subsidiary: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Significant financial information of significant non-wholly subsidiaries √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Subsidiary Non- Non- Non- Non- Current Total Current Total Current Total Current Total name current current current current assets assets liabilities liabilities assets assets liabilities liabilities assets liabilities assets liabilities Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative 72,686.24 7,066.60 79,752.84 64,264.26 31,062.34 95,326.60 87,088.07 7,121.89 94,209.96 78,428.22 23,708.90 102,137.12 Technology Co., Ltd. CINEAPPO Laser Cinema 27,171.27 53,960.97 81,132.24 35,367.05 1,092.50 36,459.55 23,247.54 61,872.57 85,120.11 36,586.71 5,659.82 42,246.53 Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Total Cash flow from Total Cash flow from Subsidiary name Operating Operating Net profit comprehensive operating Net profit comprehensive operating income income income activities income activities Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology 37,600.18 -7,921.68 -8,124.01 -5,369.48 60,958.84 -4,658.22 -4,666.57 -11,314.58 Co., Ltd. CINEAPPO Laser 24,187.64 4,716.46 4,716.46 11,989.67 16,109.94 636.46 636.46 3,727.18 182 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Other information: None (4). Significant limitations on use of the group assets and payment of the group debts: □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Financial or other support provided to structured entities included in consolidated financial statements: □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Changes of shares of owners’ equity in subsidiaries but continue to remain control over transactions of subsidiaries √ Applicable□ N/A (1). Description of changes in the share in the owner’s equity of subsidiaries √ Applicable□ N/A Shareholding ratio prior Subsidiary name Date of change Shareholding ratio after change to change CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., May 15, 2023 63.20% 67.80% Ltd. (2). Effect of the transaction on the minority interests and the equity attributable to owners of the parent company √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Acquisition cost/disposal consideration -- Cash 19,734,000.00 -- Fair value of non-cash assets Total acquisition cost/disposal consideration 19,734,000.00 Less: Share in net assets of subsidiaries calculated based on the 20,005,501.89 acquired/disposed shareholding ratio Difference -271,501.89 Including: Adjustment to capital reserves -271,501.89 183 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Adjustment to surplus reserves Adjustment to retained profits Other information □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Equity in joint ventures or associates √ Applicable□ N/A (1). Significant associates or joint ventures √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Shareholding ratio Accounting treatment Principal Registration (%) method for investments Associates or joint ventures operation Business nature place in joint ventures or place Direct Indirect associates Asia and British R&D, production, and sales of digital Accounting for under GDC Technology Limited (BVI) North Virgin cinema servers and cinema management 44.00 equity method America Islands system Description of the difference between the proportion of shareholding and the proportion of voting rights in joint ventures or associates: None Basis that the Company owns less than 20% voting rights but may exercise major impact, or that the Company owns 20% or over voting rights but does not have major impact: None (2). Major financial information of significant joint ventures □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Major financial information of significant associates √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance/Amount for the current Opening balance/Amount for the prior period period GDC Technology Limited (BVI) GDC Technology Limited (BVI) Current assets 506,702,638.76 552,730,874.23 Non-current assets 36,851,993.25 52,568,431.68 Total assets 543,554,632.01 605,299,305.91 Current liabilities 202,634,110.90 240,966,036.37 184 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Non-current liabilities 170,431,610.33 172,710,379.48 Total liabilities 373,065,721.23 413,676,415.85 Minority interests Interests attributable to shareholders of the parent company 170,488,910.78 191,622,890.06 Share of net assets calculated by ownership percentage 75,015,120.74 84,314,071.63 Adjustment --Goodwill 77,772,341.43 77,772,341.43 --Unrealized profits for insider transactions -517,974.63 -797,530.34 --Others Book value of investment of associates 156,523,146.05 162,394,917.57 Fair values of equity investments in associates having publicly quoted prices Operating income 121,512,899.31 113,618,609.56 Net profit -18,317,067.87 -19,899,972.82 Net profit of discontinued operations Other comprehensive income -9,491,656.52 -2,383,768.26 Total comprehensive income -27,808,724.38 -22,283,741.07 Dividends received from associates in the current year Other information None (4). Summary financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Descriptions of significant limitations over the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to the Company □ Applicable√ N/A (6). Excessive loss of joint venture or associates □ Applicable√ N/A (7). Unrecognized commitment relating to investments in joint ventures □ Applicable√ N/A (8). Contingent liabilities relating to investments in joint ventures or associates □ Applicable√ N/A 185 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 4. Significant joint operations □ Applicable√ N/A 5. Interests in structured entities that are not included in consolidated financial statements Description of structured entities that are not included in consolidated financial statements: □ Applicable√ N/A 6. Others □ Applicable√ N/A X. Risks associated with financial instruments √ Applicable□ N/A The Company’s risk management objectives are to achieve a proper balance between risks and yield, minimize the adverse impacts of risks on the Company’s operation performance, and maximize the benefits of the shareholders and other stakeholders. Based on these risk management objectives, the Company’s basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyze its exposure to various risks, establish an appropriate minimum tolerance to risk, implement risk management, and monitor regularly and effectively these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level. The Company is exposed to various risks associated with financial instruments in its daily routines, primarily including credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The management has reviewed and approved policies to manage these risks, summarized as below. (I) Credit risk Credit risk refers to the risk that a party of the financial instrument will default on its obligations resulting in financial loss to the counter-party. 1. Management of credit risk (1) Evaluation of credit risk The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of the underlying financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition. In determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company considers reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue additional cost or effort, including quantitative and qualitative analysis based on historical data, ranking of external credit risks and forward-looking information. The Company compares the risk of a default occurring on a financial instrument as at the balance sheet date with the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition based on individual financial instrument or a group of financial instruments with similar credit risk characteristic, to determine the change of the risk of a default occurring on a financial instrument over the expected life. The Company considers the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly when one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria are met: 1) The quantitative criterion primarily refers to a certain percentage of increase in the probability of default over the remaining life of the financial instruments as of the balance sheet date when comparing with that at initial recognition of the financial instruments; 186 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 2) The qualitative criterion includes, inter alia, adverse material changes in business or financial conditions that are expected to cause a significant decrease in the debtor’s ability to meet its debt obligations, and an actual or expected significant adverse change in the technological, market, economic, or legal environment of the debtor that results in a significant decrease in the debtor’s ability to meet its debt obligations. (2) Definition of defaulted or credit-impaired assets A financial asset is defined as defaulted when the financial instrument meets one or more conditions stated as below, and the criterion of defining defaulted asset is consistent with that of defining credit-impaired asset: 1) significant financial difficulty of the debtor; 2) a breach of contract terms with binding force by the debtor; 3) it is becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization; 4) the creditor of the debtor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty, has granted to the debtor a concession that the creditor would not otherwise consider. 2. Measurement of ECL Key parameters to measure ECL include the probability of default, loss given default and the exposure at default. The Company established models of the probability of default, loss given default and the exposure at default on the basis of qualitative analysis on historical statistical data (such as counterparty ranking, guarantee methods, collateral category, and repayment way) and forward-looking information. 3. Details of reconciliation of the opening balance and the closing balance of provision for impairment of financial instruments can refer to the description in VII 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 16 of Section X. 4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentration The Company’s credit risk is primarily from monetary funds and receivables. In order to control the risks associated with aforementioned items, the Company has taken the following measures. (1) Monetary funds The credit risk of the Company is limited because the Company has deposited bank deposits and other monetary funds in banks with high credit ratings. (2) Receivables The Company regularly evaluates the creditworthiness of its customers with deals on credit, and selects to deal with approved and creditworthy customers subject to the results of the credit assessment with monitoring the balance of its receivables, so as to ensure that the Company is not exposed to significant risk of bad debt. No collateral is required since the Company only deals with third parties that are approved and creditworthy. The concentrated credit risks are managed by customers. As of June 30, 2023, the Company is exposed to certain concentration of credit risks, as the Company’s accounts receivable from top 5 customers have accounted for 61.06% of the total balance of accounts receivable (December 31, 2022: 56.87%). The Company held no collateral or other credit ranking measures for the balance of accounts receivable. The maximum exposure to the Company is the book value of each financial asset in the balance sheet. 187 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (II) Liquidity risk Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Company is in shortage of funds in performing obligations that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. Liquidity risk may arise from an inability to sell a financial asset at fair value as soon as possible, a counterparty’s inability to pay its contractual liabilities, the accelerated maturity of liabilities, or an inability to generate expected cash flows. In order to control this risk, the Company balances the continuity and flexibility of financing by using various financing measures such as notes settlement and bank loans comprehensively and adopting both long-term and short-term financing methods to optimize the financing structure. The Company has received credit facilities from a number of commercial banks to satisfy its working capital requirements and capital expenditures. Financial liabilities classified by remaining maturity dates Closing balance Item Undiscounted contract Book value Within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3 years amount Bank borrowings 808,021,579.61 876,783,006.60 318,094,678.07 452,061,512.96 106,626,815.57 Notes payable 80,254,013.57 80,254,013.57 80,254,013.57 Accounts payable 275,507,953.57 275,507,953.57 275,507,953.57 Other payables 119,907,648.52 119,907,648.52 119,907,648.52 Lease liabilities 58,691,221.37 61,690,587.34 33,365,802.29 25,515,052.58 2,809,732.47 Sub-total 1,342,382,416.64 1,414,143,209.60 827,130,096.02 477,576,565.54 109,436,548.04 (Continued to above table) Closing balance of the prior year Item Undiscounted contract Book value Within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3 years amount Bank borrowings 680,999,644.99 741,583,550.58 294,187,405.68 302,318,773.93 145,077,370.97 Notes payable 201,299,388.57 201,299,388.57 201,299,388.57 Accounts payable 276,845,321.28 276,845,321.28 276,845,321.28 Other payables 56,662,357.08 56,662,357.08 56,662,357.08 188 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Closing balance of the prior year Item Undiscounted contract Book value Within 1 year 1-3 years Over 3 years amount Lease liabilities 64,661,633.09 68,598,988.87 30,342,348.86 38,256,640.01 Sub-total 1,280,468,345.01 1,344,989,606.38 859,336,821.47 340,575,413.94 145,077,370.97 (III) Market risk Market risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market risk mainly includes interest rate risk and currency risk. 1. Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The Company is exposed to the risk of fair value interest rate due to financial instruments with a fixed interest rate and to the risk of cash value interest rate due to financial instruments with a floating interest rate. The Company determines the proportion between the fixed-rate financial instruments and the floating-rate financial instruments based on market conditions, and maintains appropriate portfolios of financial instruments through regular review and monitoring. The cash flow interest rate risk exposed to the Company relates primarily to the Company’s floating-rate interest-bearing bank borrowings. As at June 30, 2023, the principal of the Company’s floating-rate interest-bearing bank borrowings amounted to RMB 507 495,776.70 (December 31, 2022: RMB 650,205,770.70). On the basis of the assumption that the interest rate has changed 10 basic points, where all other variables are held constant, it will bring no material impacts on the Company’s total profits and shareholders’ equity. 2. Currency risk Currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company’s exposure to the currency risk is primarily associated with the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities dominated in foreign currencies. If the monetary assets and liabilities dominated in foreign currencies are imbalanced in a short time, the Company will purchase and sell foreign currencies at the market exchange rate to keep the net risk exposure acceptable. The closing balance of the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities dominated in foreign currencies are disclosed in VII.82 of Section X in details. XI. Disclosure of fair value 1. The closing balance of the fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance of fair value Item Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total I. Continuous fair value measurement 189 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (I) Held-for-trading financial assets 534,877,200.00 30,000,000.00 564,877,200.00 1. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 534,877,200.00 30,000,000.00 564,877,200.00 (1) Investment in debt instrument (2) Investment in equity instrument 12,880,000.00 30,000,000.00 42,880,000.00 (3) Structural deposits 521,997,200.00 521,997,200.00 2. Designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (1) Investment in debt instrument (2) Investment in equity instrument (II) Other debt investments (III) Other equity instrument investments 7,075,419.38 7,075,419.38 (IV) Investment properties 1. Land use right for leasing purpose 2. Buildings leased 3. Land use right held for the purpose of transfer after value appreciation (V) Biological assets 1. Consumable biological assets 2. Productive biological assets Receivables financing 15,223,418.33 15,223,418.33 Total assets continuously measured at fair value 534,877,200.00 52,298,837.71 587,176,037.71 (VI) Held-for-trading financial liabilities 1. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Including: Held-for-trading bonds issued Derivative financial liabilities Others 2. Designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Total liabilities continuously measured at fair value II. Non-continuous fair value measurement (I) Held-for-sale assets Total assets that are not continuously measured at fair value Total liabilities that are not continuously measured at fair 190 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report value 2. Basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous level 1 fair value measurement items □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters adopted for continuous and non-continuous level 2 fair value measurement items √ Applicable□ N/A The equity instrument investment presented stocks subscribed on the New Third Board; considering the factors including the level of activity for trading of stocks on the New Third Board, the Company classified stocks on the New Third Board as level 2 for the measurement of fair value, where the fair value is determined according to the average closing price of the previous 20 trading days. Structured deposits are valued using observable returns, with the sum of expected returns and principal determined as fair value when the expected yield is observable, and the principal amount as fair value in other cases. 4. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters adopted for continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement items √ Applicable□ N/A The Company uses specific valuation techniques to determine fair value, and important parameters used include the net assets of the investee unit at the end of the period. 5. Reconciliation between opening and closing book values and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters for continuous level 3 fair value measurement items □ Applicable√ N/A 6. Where transfers among levels occurred in the period, transfer reasons and policies for determining transfer time point for continuous fair value measurement items □ Applicable√ N/A 7. Changes in valuation techniques in the period and reasons for changes □ Applicable√ N/A 8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value □ Applicable√ N/A 9. Others □ Applicable√ N/A 191 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report XII. Related-party relationships and transactions 1. Parent of the Company √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB Proportion of the Company’s Proportion of the Company’s Registration Registered Parent company Business nature shares held by the parent voting right held by the parent place capital company (%) company (%) Shenzhen Appotronics R&D and sales of Shenzhen 1,000.00 17.45 17.45 Holdings Limited semiconductor products Description of the parent company of the Company None The ultimate controlling party of the Company is LI Yi. Other information: None 2. Subsidiaries of the Company Refer to the Note for details about the subsidiaries of the Company √ Applicable□ N/A Subsidiaries of the Company are disclosed in descriptions in IX.1 of Section XI in details. 3. Associates and joint ventures of the Company Refer to the note for details about the significant joint ventures or associates of the Company. √ Applicable□ N/A Refer to the description in Note IX.3 of Section X for details about the associates of the Company. Details of other joint ventures or associates having related-party transactions and balances with the Company in the period or in prior periods: □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Other related parties of the Company √ Applicable□ N/A Name of other related party Relationship between other related party and the Company Beijing Donview Education Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Minority shareholders holding more than 10% shares in the subsidiary and their affiliates Shenzhen YLX Technology Development Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same de facto controller Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Minority shareholders holding more than 10% shares in the subsidiary and their affiliates China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Minority shareholders holding more than 10% shares in the subsidiary and their affiliates WeCast and its affiliates The de facto controller resigned as a director of WeCast for less than one year CINIONIC and its affiliates As of April 30 in the current period, the de facto controller resigned as a director of 192 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Cinionic for less than one year Other information From May 1 in the current period, Cinionic and its affiliates are no longer related parties because it has been one year after the de facto controller resigned as a director of Cinionic. 5. Related-party transactions (1). Sales and purchase of goods, rendering and receipt of services Purchase of goods/receipt of services √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB During the Whether the transaction Transaction amounts Related party Subject matter reporting amounts are exceeded (if Prior period approved (if applicable) period applicable) Xiaomi Communications Co., Electronic Ltd. and its affiliates components and 38,793,268.73 101,000,000.00 No 102,666,791.40 Service China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. Power, water and its affiliates cooling and 11,255,989.49 35,000,000.00 No 10,702,327.46 services GDC and its affiliates Electronic 336,283.18 5,000,000.00 No 0.00 components Beijing Donview Education Maintenance Technology Co., Ltd. and its 4,198.11 0.00 Yes 8,962.26 services affiliates Shenzhen YLX Technology Electronic 908,182.19 3,000,000.00 No 533,349.16 Development Co., Ltd. components Sales of goods/rendering of services √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the Amount for the prior Related party Subject matter current period period Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Laser TV, smart mini projector 80,163,085.66 302,360,399.65 China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Laser light source and cinema projection services 11,606,671.69 16,119,369.88 CINIONIC and its affiliates Cinema light source 30,228,389.84 50,666,582.80 193 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Beijing Donview Education Technology Co., Ltd. and its Education projector 2,573.26 1,533,749.83 affiliates GDC and its affiliates Cinema projectors 294,140.46 7,493,997.70 WeCast and its affiliates Laser TV, smart mini projector 0.00 -7,681,578.96 Shenzhen YLX Technology Development Co., Ltd. Electronic components 3,685,678.75 950,681.50 Description of sales and purchase of goods, rendering and receipt of services □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Details of trust with related parties/subcontracting and trust management/contract-issuing Details of trust/contracting where a group entity is the trustor/main contractor: □ Applicable√ N/A Description of trust/subcontracting with related parties □ Applicable√ N/A Details of trust/contracting where a group entity is the trustor/main contractor: □ Applicable√ N/A Description of management/contract-issuing with related parties □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Leases with related parties The Company as the lessor: □ Applicable√ N/A 194 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report The Company as the lessee: √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Variable lease Simplified handling payments not of rental costs for Assumed interest included in the short-term leases and Paid rent expenses of lease Added right-of-use assets measurement of low-value asset leases liabilities Type of leased lease liabilities (if Lessor (if applicable) assets applicable) Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount for Amount for Amount for for the for the for the for the for the for the for the the current the current the prior current prior current prior prior current prior period period period period period period period period period period China Film Equipment - Co., Ltd. Property lease 14,231.64 63,083.33 1,540,920.50 379,304.00 58,659.73 27,641.32 3,223,361.75 1,086,329.01 and its affiliates Description of leases with related parties □ Applicable√ N/A 195 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (4). Guarantees with related parties The Company as a guarantor □ Applicable√ N/A The Company as a guaranteed party □ Applicable√ N/A Description of guarantees with related parties □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Borrowings/loans with related parties □ Applicable√ N/A (6). Assets transfer/debt restructuring with related parties □ Applicable√ N/A (7). Compensation for key management personnel √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: 0’000 Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the prior Item Amount for the current period period Compensation for key management 368.84 469.87 personnel (8). Other related-party transactions □ Applicable√ N/A 6. Amounts due from/to related parties (1). Amounts due from related parties √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Related party Carrying Provision for Carrying Provision for amount bad debts amount bad debts CINIONIC and its 29,768,395.79 1,488,419.79 affiliates GDC Technology Limited (BVI) and its 796,680.58 39,834.03 1,739,949.64 86,997.48 affiliates WeCast and its affiliates 16,875,766.52 16,875,766.52 16,265,737.14 16,265,737.14 Accounts Xiaomi Communications receivable 12,880,063.84 644,003.19 22,671,178.87 1,133,558.94 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Shenzhen YLX Technology Development 2,313,052.34 115,652.62 Co., Ltd. China Film Equipment 4,802,595.90 310,925.87 2,098,625.51 110,758.50 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Sub-total 37,668,159.18 17,986,182.23 72,543,886.95 19,085,471.85 China Film Equipment 3,048,575.71 5,451,984.90 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Prepayments Xiaomi Communications 293,901.36 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Sub-total 3,342,477.07 5,451,984.90 China Film Equipment 189,244.20 9,462.21 273,354.20 13,667.71 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Other GDC Technology receivables Limited (BVI) and its 14,307,084.00 13,789,908.00 affiliates 196 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Xiaomi Communications 200,000.00 10,000.00 200,000.00 10,000.00 Co., Ltd. and its affiliates Sub-total 14,696,328.20 19,462.21 14,263,262.20 23,667.71 (2). Amounts due to related parties √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Related party Closing balance of Opening balance of carrying amount carrying amount Shenzhen YLX Technology 493,211.51 110,054.78 Development Co., Ltd. Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. Accounts payable 12,521,840.23 and its affiliates China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and 13,055,929.51 4,356,968.33 its affiliates Sub-total 13,549,141.02 16,988,863.34 China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and Notes payable 18,842,525.54 22,554,693.11 its affiliates Sub-total 18,842,525.54 22,554,693.11 China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and 7,708,452.85 9,342,716.60 Advance from its affiliates customers GDC Technology Limited (BVI) and 35,359.83 4,800.00 its affiliates Sub-total 7,743,812.68 9,347,516.60 GDC Technology Limited (BVI) and 23,677.17 Contract its affiliates liabilities China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and 1,535,329.22 2,738,876.11 its affiliates Sub-total 1,535,329.22 2,762,553.28 Beijing Donview Education 50,000.00 50,000.00 Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates CINIONIC and its affiliates 507,874.72 Other payables GDC Technology Limited (BVI) and 67,020.00 20,620.00 its affiliates China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and 18,025.76 its affiliates Sub-total 117,020.00 596,520.48 Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. 163,562.41 201,468.53 Other current and its affiliates liabilities China Film Equipment Co., Ltd. and 198,514.18 3,179,145.48 its affiliates Sub-total 362,076.59 3,380,614.01 7. Related party commitments □ Applicable√ N/A 8. Others □ Applicable√ N/A XIII. Share-based payments 1. Summary of share-based payments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Share Currency: RMB Item Company Chongqing 197 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Formovie Total number of the Company’s equity 0 0 instruments granted during the period Total number of the Company’s equity 0 0 instruments executed during the period Total number of the Company’s equity 998,500 102,800 instruments lapsed during the period Grant date: April 22, 2021; grant price: RMB 20.786/share; 9 months Grant date: April 22, 2021; grant price: RMB 18.286/share; 9 months Grant date: April 22, 2021; grant price: RMB 17.286/share; 9 months Grant date: Grant date: December 7, 2021; grant December 31, 2021; price: RMB 19.841/share; 17 months grant price: RMB Grant date: December 7, 2021; grant 1/share; 36 months Range of exercise prices and remaining price: RMB 22.841/share; 17 months Grant date: July 6, contractual life of the Company’s share Grant date: March 11, 2022; grant 2022; grant price: options outstanding at the end of the price: RMB 19.841/share; 17 months RMB 1/share; 36 period Grant date: March 11, 2022; grant months price: RMB 22.841/share; 17 months Grant date: July 7, Grant date: March 11, 2022; grant 2022; grant price: price: RMB 18.286/share; 9 months RMB 3.42/share; 36 Grant date: May 25, 2022; grant months price: RMB 15.341/share; 11 months Grant date: July 22, 2022; grant price: RMB 4.30/share; 25 months Grant date: December 27, 2022; grant price: RMB 15.341/share; 18 months Range of exercise prices and remaining contractual life of the Company’s other None None equity instruments outstanding at the end of the period Other information None 2. Equity-settled share-based payments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Chongqing Item Company Formovie Evaluation of all The method of determining the fair value of equity Option pricing shareholder’s equity instruments at the grant date model interests The basis of determining the number of equity Actual grant amount Actual grant amount instruments expected to be executed Reasons for the significant difference between the None None estimate in the current period and that in the prior period Amounts of equity-settled share-based payments 157,384,979.42 20,371,250.13 accumulated in capital reserve Total expenses recognized arising from equity-settled 20,403,175.81 4,605,410.45 share-based payments Other information All restricted shares granted by the Company are Type II restricted shares, while the registered capital granted by Foremovie was treated with reference to Type I restricted shares. 198 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 3. Cash-settled share-based payments □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Modification to and termination of share-based payments □ Applicable√ N/A 5. Others □ Applicable√ N/A XIV. Commitments and contingencies 1. Significant commitments □ Applicable√ N/A 199 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 2. Contingencies (1). Significant contingencies as of the balance sheet date √ Applicable□ N/A Pending litigation 1、 Civil litigation and arbitration where the Company acted as the plaintiff/claimant As of June 30, 2023, there are 10 major civil litigation and arbitration cases where the Company acted as a plaintiff, specifically including: Cause of Patents Amount involved Case No. Plaintiff/Claimant Defendant/Respondent Progress action involved (1) Compensation Defendant 1: Delta Electronics (2019) Yue 03 amount decided in Infringem (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Min Chu No. 2943 the trial of the first ent on Appotronics Defendant 2: Delta Video Display 20081006 (2021) Zui Gao Fa RMB 8.00 million instance: RMB patent for Corporation Limited System (Wujiang) Limited; 5225.X Zhi Min Zhong 271,399.40; (2) invention Defendant 3: Shenzhen Super No. 1582 Under trial of the Network Technology Co., Ltd. second instance (1) Compensation Defendant 1: Delta Electronics (2019) Yue 03 amount decided in Infringem (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Min Chu No. 2944 the trial of the first ent on Appotronics Defendant 2: Delta Video Display 20081006 (2021) Zui Gao Fa RMB 8.00 million instance: RMB patent for Corporation Limited System (Wujiang) Limited; 5225.X Zhi Min Zhong 501,399.40; (2) invention Defendant 3: Shenzhen Super No. 1718 Under trial of the Network Technology Co., Ltd. second instance (1) Compensation Defendant 1: Delta Electronics (2019) Yue 03 amount decided in Infringem (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Min Chu No. 2946 the trial of the first ent on Appotronics Defendant 2: Delta Video Display 20081006 (2022) Zui Gao Fa RMB 4.00 million instance: RMB patent for Corporation Limited System (Wujiang) Limited; 5225.X Zhi Min Zhong 151,399.40; (2) invention Defendant 3: Shenzhen Super No. 161 Under trial of the Network Technology Co., Ltd. second instance 200 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (1) Compensation Defendant 1: Delta Electronics (2019) Yue 03 amount decided in Infringem (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Min Chu No. 2948 the trial of the first ent on Appotronics Defendant 2: Delta Video Display 20081006 (2021) Zui Gao Fa RMB 4.00 million instance: RMB patent for Corporation Limited System (Wujiang) Limited; 5225.X Zhi Min Zhong 146,399.40; (2) invention Defendant 3: Shenzhen Super No. 1548 Under trial of the Network Technology Co., Ltd. second instance (1) Compensation Defendant 1: Delta Electronics (2019) Yue 03 amount decided in Infringem (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Min Chu No. 2951 the trial of the first ent on Appotronics Defendant 2: Delta Video Display 20081006 (2021) Zui Gao Fa RMB 4.00 million instance: RMB patent for Corporation Limited System (Wujiang) Limited; 5225.X Zhi Min Zhong 581,399.40; (2) invention Defendant 3: Shenzhen Super No. 1550 Under trial of the Network Technology Co., Ltd. second instance Dispute over damages caused by (2021) Yue 73 maliciousl Appotronics Under trial of the Defendant: Delta Electronics, Inc. - RMB 10.00 million Min Chu No. 1860 y initiating Corporation Limited first instance an intellectua l property litigation Although an application for execution had been Dispute submitted to the (2023) Yue 0305 over the Appotronics Huaxia Jingrui Lighting court, the execution - RMB 0.7867 million Zhi No. 4099 sales Corporation Limited Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was suspended at contract present because the court found no property for execution. 201 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Arbitratio n countercla GDC Technology Limited (Cayman im of Appotronics Hong Islands) dispute Kong Limited GDC Technology Limited (British 01-22-0001-2735 over the - USD 40.00 million Accepted Appotronics Virgin Islands) implement Corporation Limited De facto controller ZHANG ation of Wanneng and his management team the settlement agreement Dispute CINEAPPO Laser over a Foshan Jiafu Cinema Management Return 7 laser light The award has been DSC20212921 Cinema Technology - commerci Co., Ltd. source devices made and is pending (Beijing) Co., Ltd. al contract Return 10 sets of laser Dispute digital cinema projection Open trial CINEAPPO Laser Hubei Mango Qin Han Cultural (2022) Jing Zhong over a equipment and completed; pending Cinema Technology Tourism Industry Development - An No. 7825 commerci compensate RMB decision by the (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. al contract 15,312.5 for liquidated arbitration tribunal damages 2、 Civil litigation and arbitration where the Company acted as the defendant/respondent As of June 30, 2023, there were 2 major civil litigation and arbitration cases where the Company was a defendant, specifically including: Cause of Patents Amount Case No. Plaintiff/Claimant Defendant/Respondent Progress action involved involved 202 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Cause of Patents Amount Case No. Plaintiff/Claimant Defendant/Respondent Progress action involved involved (2019) Jing 73 Loss The judgment of the first Min Chu compensation instance in January 2022 No.1275 Infringement Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., of RMB 15.00 ZL20161038 held that no (2022) Zui Gao on patent for Delta Electronics, Inc. Ltd.; Appotronics Corporation million and 7831.8 infringement is Fa Zhi Min invention Limited litigation costs constituted; pending Zhong No. of RMB 1.01 second trial 1587 million Arbitration of dispute GDC Technology Limited over the 01-22-0001- (Cayman Islands) Appotronics Hong Kong Limited USD 38.00 implementati - Accepted 2735 GDC Technology Limited Appotronics Corporation Limited million on of the (British Virgin Islands) Settlement Agreement (2). Description shall also be provided even if the Company has no significant contingencies to be disclosed: □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Others □ Applicable√ N/A 203 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report XV. Events after the balance sheet date 1. Material non-adjusting event √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Effects on the Reasons for not being Item Content financial position and able to estimate such operating results effects From the end of the reporting period to the The Company registered the vesting of disclosure date of this a total of 3,299,000 qualified shares for semiannual report, the first vesting period in the initial Issuance changes in the grant of the restricted share incentive of stocks Company’s shares plan 2022. These shares became and increased the diluted available for trading on July 7, 2023, bonds earnings per shares and increasing the Company’s total shares net assets per share from 457,107,538 shares to attributable to ordinary 460,406,538 shares. shareholders of the Company. 2. Profit distribution □ Applicable√ N/A 3. Sales return □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Description of other events after the balance sheet date □ Applicable√ N/A XVI. Other significant events 1. Corrections of prior period errors (1). Retrospective application □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Prospective application □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Debt restructuring √ Applicable□ N/A The Company as the creditor: Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Method of debt restructuring Book value of creditor’s right Profit or loss related to debt restructuring Asset for debt payment 791,852.00 0.00 3. Asset swap (1). Exchange of non-monetary assets □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Other asset swap □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Annuity plan □ Applicable√ N/A 5. Discontinued operations □ Applicable√ N/A 204 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 6. Segment reporting (1). Determination basis and accounting policies of reporting segments □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Financial information of reporting segments □ Applicable√ N/A (3). If the Company has no reporting segments, or cannot disclose the total assets and liabilities of reporting segments, specify the reasons □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Other information □ Applicable√ N/A 7. Other significant transactions and matters having an impact on the decisions of investors □ Applicable√ N/A 8. Others □ Applicable√ N/A XVII. Notes to key items in the parent company’s financial statements 1. Accounts receivable (1). Disclosure by aging √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing balance of carrying amount Within 1 year Including: Subitems within 1 year Within 1 year 353,665,610.93 Sub-total of items within 1 year 353,665,610.93 1 to 2 years 274,822,661.34 2 to 3 years 14,129,828.38 Over 3 years 6,985,373.06 Total 649,603,473.71 205 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (2). Disclosure by categories of provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Carrying amount Provision for bad debts Carrying amount Provision for bad debts Category Percentage Percentage Percentage Book value Percentage Book value Amount Amount of provision Amount Amount of provision (%) (%) (%) (%) Provision for bad debts made 786,700.00 0.12 786,700.00 100.00 0.00 individually Including: Provision for bad debts made 786,700.00 0.12 786,700.00 100.00 0.00 individually Provision for bad debts made by 648,816,773.71 99.88 8,628,554.06 1.33 640,188,219.65 694,612,393.91 100.00 6,607,565.62 0.95 688,004,828.29 group Including: Group of aging 85,068,080.08 13.10 8,628,554.06 10.14 76,439,526.02 91,536,981.15 13.18 6,607,565.62 7.22 84,929,415.53 Group of receivables from related parties in 563,748,693.63 86.78 0.00 0.00 563,748,693.63 603,075,412.76 86.82 0.00 0.00 603,075,412.76 the scope of consolidation Total 649,603,473.71 100.00 9,415,254.06 1.45 640,188,219.65 694,612,393.91 100.00 6,607,565.62 0.95 688,004,828.29 206 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Provision for bad debts made individually: √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Provision for bad Percentage of Reason for Carrying amount debts provision (%) provision Expected to be unrecoverable Company B 786,700.00 786,700.00 100.00 because the customer is in hardship Total 786,700.00 786,700.00 100.00 / Explanation about provision for bad debts made individually: □ Applicable√ N/A Provision for bad debts made by group: √ Applicable□ N/A Item by group: Group of aging Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Name Accounts Percentage of provision Provision for bad debts receivable (%) Group of aging 85,068,080.08 8,628,554.06 10.14 Group of receivables from 563,748,693.63 related parties in the scope of consolidation Total 648,816,773.71 8,628,554.06 1.33 Recognition criterion to make the Provision for bad debts by group and explanation: □ Applicable√ N/A If the bad debt provision is made according to the general model of ECL, please refer to the disclosure of other receivables: □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Changes for the current period Opening Recovery Closing Category Write off or Other balance Provision or balance cancellation changes reversal Provision for bad 6,607,565.62 2,809,738.44 2,050.00 9,415,254.06 debts made by group Total 6,607,565.62 2,809,738.44 2,050.00 9,415,254.06 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Accounts receivable actually canceled in the current period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Cancellation amount Accounts receivable actually canceled 2,050.00 In which significant amounts canceled are described as below: □ Applicable√ N/A 207 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Description of accounts receivable cancellation: □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Top five closing balances of accounts receivable categorized by debtors √ Applicable□ N/A Proportion to the total Closing balance Entity Closing balance closing balance of of provision for accounts receivable (%) bad debts Top 1 273,620,354.09 42.12 Top 2 154,115,537.28 23.72 Top 3 70,566,103.74 10.86 Top 4 31,356,518.89 4.83 Top 5 28,954,019.94 4.46 Total 558,612,533.94 85.99 (6). Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Method of Amount Gains or losses associated with Item transferring financial derecognized derecognition assets CCB E 3,000,000.00 Discount Infocomm Sub-total 3,000,000.00 (7). Assets and liabilities arising from transfer of accounts receivable and continued involvement □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Other receivables Presented by item √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other receivables 14,803,374.55 7,556,623.71 Total 14,803,374.55 7,556,623.71 Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A Interest receivable (1). Categories of interest receivable □ Applicable√ N/A (2). Significant interests overdue □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Provision for bad debts □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 208 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (4). Dividends receivable □ Applicable√ N/A (5). Dividends receivable with significant amounts aged more than 1 year □ Applicable√ N/A (6). Provision for bad debts □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A Other receivables (7). Disclosure by aging √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Aging Closing balance of carrying amount Within 1 year Including: Subitems within 1 year Within 1 year 9,312,740.42 Sub-total of items within 1 year 9,312,740.42 1 to 2 years 324,556.66 2 to 3 years 569,056.66 Over 3 years 4,954,293.20 Total 15,160,646.94 (8). Categories by the nature √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance of carrying Opening balance of carrying Nature of receivables amount amount Deposits/margins/petty cash 6,628,870.41 6,539,089.13 Receivables from related parties 8,015,199.08 1,153,906.23 in the scope of consolidation Temporary receivables 516,577.45 134,793.84 Compensation receivable 65,819.64 Total 15,160,646.94 7,893,608.84 (9). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Stage I Stage II Stage III 12-month Lifetime ECL Total Provision for bad debts Lifetime ECL (with ECL in the (without credit credit impairment) future impairment) Balance as at January 336,985.13 336,985.13 1, 2023 Balance as at January 1, 2023 in the current period --transferred to Stage II --transferred to Stage III --reversed to Stage II 209 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report --reversed to Stage I Provision 20,287.26 20,287.26 Reversal Write-off Cancellation Other changes Balance as at June 30, 357,272.39 357,272.39 2023 Description of significant changes in the balance of other receivables with changed provisions for losses in the current period: □ Applicable√ N/A Basis for recognizing the amount of provision for bad debts and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has been increased significantly in the current period: □ Applicable√ N/A (10). Provision for bad debts √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Changes for the current period Opening Closing Category Recovery Write off or Other balance Provision balance or reversal cancellation changes Provision for bad debts 336,985.13 20,287.26 357,272.39 made by group Total 336,985.13 20,287.26 357,272.39 Including significant amounts recovered or reversed from the current provision for bad debts: □ Applicable√ N/A (11). Other receivables actually canceled in the current period □ Applicable√ N/A Description of other receivables cancellation: □ Applicable√ N/A (12). Top five closing balances of other receivables categorized by debtors √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Provision Nature of other Closing Proportion to the balance for bad debts Entity Aging receivables balance of other receivables (%) Closing balance Receivables from Within 1 Top 1 related parties in the 4,191,508.17 27.65 year scope of consolidation Receivables from Within 1 Top 2 related parties in the 3,627,144.88 23.92 year scope of consolidation Deposits/margins/petty Top 3 3,574,618.00 Over 3 years 23.58 178,730.90 cash Deposits/margins/petty Top 4 1,257,075.20 Over 3 years 8.29 62,853.76 cash Deposits/margins/petty Within 1 Top 5 500,000.00 3.30 25,000.00 cash year Total - 13,150,346.25 - 86.74 266,584.66 (13). Accounts receivable involving government grants □ Applicable√ N/A 210 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report (14). Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable√ N/A (15). Assets and liabilities arising from transfer of other receivables and continued involvement □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 211 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 3. Long-term equity investments √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance Opening balance Item Provision for Provision for Carrying amount Book value Carrying amount Book value impairment impairment Investments in subsidiaries 478,862,913.65 12,827,792.79 466,035,120.86 463,067,140.24 12,827,792.79 450,239,347.45 Investments in associates and joint ventures Total 478,862,913.65 12,827,792.79 466,035,120.86 463,067,140.24 12,827,792.79 450,239,347.45 (1) Investments in subsidiaries √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Closing balance of Opening Provision for Investee Increase Decrease Closing balance provision for balance impairment impairment CINEAPPO Laser Cinema Technology 46,661,211.65 1,221,081.38 47,882,293.03 (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Appotronics Software Technology 1,457,799.42 20,979.32 1,478,778.74 Co., Ltd. Beijing Orient Appotronics Technology Co., 5,900,000.00 5,900,000.00 Ltd. Shenzhen Appotronics Xiaoming Technology 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 Co., Ltd. Fengmi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. 3,469,000.91 798.47 3,469,799.38 Qingda Appotronics (Xiamen) Technology 5,100,000.00 5,100,000.00 827,792.79 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Appotronics Laser Display 18,966,857.26 18,966,857.26 Technology Co., Ltd. Appotronics Hong Kong Limited 305,476,042.87 571,280.54 306,047,323.41 JoveAI Innovation, Inc. 800,010.03 800,010.03 Appotronics Technology (Changzhou) Co., 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 212 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report Closing balance of Opening Provision for Investee Increase Decrease Closing balance provision for balance impairment impairment Ltd. Shenzhen Appotronics Display Device Co., 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 Ltd. Tianjin Bonian Film Partnership (LP) 26,954,120.20 26,954,120.20 Formovie (Chongqing) Innovative Technology 31,277,785.13 168,361.38 31,446,146.51 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Orange Juice Energy Technology 4,312.77 -527.68 3,785.09 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Qianhai Taishi Investment 13,813,800.00 13,813,800.00 Partnership (LP) Total 463,067,140.24 15,795,773.41 478,862,913.65 12,827,792.79 (2) Investments in associates and joint ventures □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: □ Applicable√ N/A 213 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report 4. Operating income and operating costs (1). Description of operating income and operating costs √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the current period Amount for the prior period Item Income Cost Income Cost Main business 542,956,800.34 368,571,473.83 649,645,354.34 432,684,792.22 Other business Total 542,956,800.34 368,571,473.83 649,645,354.34 432,684,792.22 (2). Description of incomes from contracts □ Applicable√ N/A (3). Description of performance obligations □ Applicable√ N/A (4). Description of allocation to remaining performance obligations □ Applicable√ N/A Other information: None 5. Investment income √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Amount for the Item Amount for the prior period current period Gains from long-term equity investment 7,452,000.00 accounted for using the cost method Investment income from held-for-trading 200,000.00 financial assets during the holding period Investment income from disposal of held-for- 5,265,708.55 5,684,922.38 trading financial assets Total 12,717,708.55 5,884,922.38 Other information: None 6. Others □ Applicable√ N/A XVIII. Supplementary information 1. Breakdown of non-recurring profit or loss for the current period √ Applicable□ N/A Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Item Amount Description Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets -216,132.87 Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period (excluding government grants that are closely related to the business of 33,198,815.57 the Company and are provided in fixed amount or quantity continuously according to the applicable polices and standards of the country) Profit or loss on entrusted investments or assets management 5,198,708.55 Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date recognized as a result of business 14,923,989.20 combination of enterprises involving enterprises under common control Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of held-for-trading financial 67,000.00 assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities and 214 / 215 2023 Semiannual Report derivative financial liabilities and investment income on disposal of held- for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments, other than those used in the effective hedging activities relating to normal operating business Reversal of impairment loss on accounts receivable and contract assets 69,851.05 tested for impairment individually Other non-operating income and expenses 14,480.93 Other gains or losses meeting the definition of non-recurring profit or 442,061.07 loss Less: Effect of income taxes 3,469,096.89 Effects attributable to minority interests (net of tax) 9,543,875.27 Total 40,685,801.33 It is required to specify the reason for defining items as non-recurring profit or loss items according to Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 1 - Non-recurring Profit or Loss, and reasons for defining non-recurring profit or loss items illustrated in Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 1 - Non-recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss items. □ Applicable√ N/A 2. Return on net assets and earnings per share √ Applicable□ N/A Weighted average Earnings per share Profit for the reporting period return on net Basic earnings Diluted earnings assets (%) per share per share Net profit attributable to ordinary 2.78 0.16 0.16 shareholders of the Company Net profit after deduction of non- recurring profits or losses attributable to 1.27 0.07 0.07 ordinary shareholders of the Company 3. Differences in accounting data under Chinese accounting standards and overseas accounting standards □ Applicable√ N/A 4. Others □ Applicable√ N/A Chairman: LI Yi Approval for submission by the Board of Directors: August 16, 2023 Revision information □ Applicable√ N/A 215 / 215