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Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                            The Third Quarterly Report 2023

Stock code: 000045,200045 Stock Abbreviation: Shen Textile A, Shen Textile B Announcement No. :2023-39

                                 Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

                                    The Third Quarterly Report 2023

    The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness

of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or significant omission carried in this announcement

Important Notice

The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the
Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in
this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the
contents hereof.
2. Person in charge of the Company, head of accounting and person in charger of accounting organ (accounting
officer) hereby confirm that the financial information of this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
3. The third quarterly report audited or not
□Yes √No

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                                 The Third Quarterly Report 2023

I. Main financial data

(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
□ Yes √No
                                                                     Increase/decrease in
                                                                                                                       from year-begin
                                                                     the period compared
                                                                                                 Year-begin to           to period-end
                                             Current period             with the same
                                                                                                  period-end         compared with the
                                                                         period of the
                                                                                                                     same period of the
                                                                         previous year
                                                                                                                        previous year
 Operating income(RM B)                      827,289,643.21                     22.22%         2,317,385,312.76                  9.21%
 Net profit attributable to the
 shareholders of the listed company                30,277,434.06                  114.49%           66,584,597.03                17.75%
 (RM B)
 Net profit after deducting of non-
 recurring gain/loss attributable to the
 shareholders of listed company                    26,677,203.43                  174.16%           54,364,530.04                21.62%
 (RM B)
 Cash flow generated by business
 operation, net(RM B)                               —                     —                     64,740,508.96                -44.14%
 Basic earning per share(RM B/Share)                        0.0598                114.34%                  0.1315                17.83%
 Diluted gains per
 share(RM B/Share)(RM B/Share)                              0.0598                114.34%                  0.1315                17.83%
 Weighted average ROE(%)                                    1.05%                  0.55%                   2.32%                 0.32%
                                                                                                Changes of this period-end over same
                                           End of this period         End of last period
                                                                                                    period-end of last year(%)
 Gross assets(RM B)                        5,741,166,019.48           5,617,137,367.90                                         2.21%
 Net assets attributable to the
 shareholders of the listed company          2,885,682,841.55           2,849,264,555.21                                          1.28%
 (RM B)
(ii)Items and amount of non-current gains and losses Items and amount of non-current gains and losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                        Items                              Current amount    Year-begin to period-end                  Note
 Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current
 asset (including the write-off that accrued for                     0.00                        321.08
 impairment of assets)
 Governmental subsidy calculated into current
 gains and losses(while closely related with the
 normal business of the Company, the government                                                            M ainly for the government
 subsidy that accord with the provision of national          9,065,102.42                  28,434,409.97
 policies and are continuously enjoyed in line with
 a certain standard quota or quantity are excluded)
 Other non-operating income and expenses other                                                             M ainly for quality
                                                             -2,077,510.48                 -4,713,703.74
 than the above                                                                                            compensation
 Less: impact on income tax                                  1,042,626.12                   3,546,815.78
 Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-
 tax)                                                        2,344,735.19                   7,954,144.54

 Total                                                                                                                  --
                                                             3,600,230.63                  12,220,066.99

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the non-recurring profit and loss definition

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                             The Third Quarterly Report 2023

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.
Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -
-- Extraordinary Profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -
-- Extraordinary Profit/loss

(iii)Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index and
explanations of reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                     Ending          Operating
               Items             balance(RM B      balance(RM B     Changes ratio                Reasons of changes
                                     '0,000)           '0,000)
                                                                                 M ainly due to the purchase of wealth management
M onetary funds                        47,029.04        99,179.00        -52.58%
                                                                                 products and the repayment of long-term loans
                                                                                 M ainly due to the purchase of wealth management
Trading financial assets               77,172.73        31,960.54        141.46% products.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in sales and the
Account receivable                     88,912.77        63,658.35         39.67%
                                                                                 extension of credit periods.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the endorsement of notes receivable
Financing receivable                    1,961.54         5,441.38        -63.95%
                                                                                 and settlement at maturity.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in prepaid material
Prepayments                             3,438.08         1,839.14         86.94% payments.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the lifting of restrictions on
Other account receivable                 441.61          1,058.60        -58.28%
                                                                                 restricted funds.
Construction in progress                6,155.24         3,806.16         61.72% M ainly due to the new RTP project in this period.
Long-germ expenses to be                                                         M ainly due to expenses amortization in the current
                                         296.16           447.10         -33.76%
amortized                                                                        period.
                                                                                 M ainly to the decrease in prepaid equipment
Other non-current asset                 2,789.15         4,255.30        -34.45%
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in stock of goods and
Account payable                        43,989.46        32,704.99         34.50%
                                                                                 materials due to the increase of production.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in the in-advance
Contract liabilities                     830.04           427.41          94.20% receipt of development service fees of the
                                                Amount at the
                                 Amount at the
                                               same period of
               Items             period(RM B                        Changes ratio                Reasons of changes
                                               last year(RM B
R&D expense                             8,086.35         5,916.90         36.67% M ainly due to the increased investment in R&D.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the decrease in interest expense and
Financial expenses                       -348.18          186.80        -286.39%
                                                                                 the increase in interest income.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the recognition of the decrease in
Investment gain                         1,053.20         1,572.65        -33.03%
                                                                                 investment income from the joint venture.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in accounts receivable
Credit impairment loss                 -1,591.69            -8.88     -17824.44% balance and the increase in the credit impairment
                                                                                 provision ratio due to higher sales.
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in government
Other income                            2,843.44         1,865.06         52.46%
                                                                                 M ainly due to the increase in the loss of disposal
Assets disposal income                      0.03            -1.11        102.70%
                                                                                 of fixed assets in the same period of the previous

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                                The Third Quarterly Report 2023


                                                                                    M ainly due to the increase in reimbursement
Non-operational income                     61.42             188.22         -67.37% payments received from vendors during the same
                                                                                    period last year.
Non-operating expense                     532.79              93.34         470.81% M ainly due to the increase in quality
                                                                                    compensation in the current period.
                                                                                    M ainly due to the increase in taxable income in
Income tax expenses                       895.27              63.71        1305.23%
                                                                                    the current period.
                                                                                    M ainly due to the recovery of customs deposits
Net cash generated from /used in
                                        6,474.06           11,590.18        -44.14% and incremental tax refunds in the same period of
operating activities                                                                the previous year.
Net cash flow generated by                                                          M ainly due to the purchase of wealth management
                                       -49,869.10          13,905.02       -458.64%
investment                                                                          products in the current period.
Net cash flow generated by                                                          M ainly due to the repayment of long-term
                                       -12,923.56            186.82       -7017.65%
financing                                                                           borrowings.

II. Shareholders

(i) Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and
top ten shareholders

                                                                                                                         In Shares
 Total number of common
                                                            Total preference shareholders with voting rights
 shareholders at the end of report              27,662                                                                              0
                                                            recovered at end of reporting period (if applicable)
                                                         Top ten shareholders
                                                                                                              Information of shares
                                                              Proportio                        Amount
                                                                                                            pledged, tagged or frozen
                                            Nature of            n of         Amount of       of lock-up
        Shareholder’s name                                                                                  State of
                                           shareholder         shares         shares held       shares                     Amount
                                                                held                              held        share
 Shenzhen Investment Holdings          State-owned legal
 Co., Ltd.                             person                    46.21%       234,069,436
 Shenzhen Shenchao Technology          State-owned legal
                                                                  3.18%         16,129,032
 Investment Co., Ltd.                  person
                                       Domestic Nature
 Sun Huiming                                                      1.26%          6,399,653
                                       Domestic non-
 Zhangzhou Xiaotian Venture
                                       state-owned legal          0.83%          4,188,800
 Capital Co., Ltd.
                                       Domestic Nature
 Chen Zhaoyao                          person                     0.74%          3,731,200
                                       Domestic Nature
 Su Weipeng                                                       0.71%          3,580,000                  Pledge         2,800,000
 China Construction Bank Co., Ltd
 -Xinao new energy industry           Other                      0.68%          3,466,484
 equity securities investment fund
                                    Domestic Nature
 Chen Xiaobao                       person                   0.62%         3,156,484
                                    Domestic Nature
 Li Zengmao                                                  0.55%         2,764,697
                                    Domestic Nature
 Peng Xun                           person                   0.33%         1,652,800
                                  Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares
                                                                           Quantity of               Share type
                                                                          shares held at
                       Name of the shareholder
                                                                          the end of the     Share type         Quantity
 Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.                                     234,069,436 RM B Common             234,069,436

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                           The Third Quarterly Report 2023

                                                                                           RM B Common
 Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd.                            16,129,032                              16,129,032
                                                                                           Foreign shares
                                                                                           placed in
 Sun Huiming                                                                    6,399,653                              6,399,653
                                                                                           RM B Common
 Zhangzhou Xiaotian Venture Capital Co., Ltd.                                   4,188,800                              4,188,800
                                                                                           RM B Common
 Chen Zhaoyao                                                                   3,731,200                              3,731,200
                                                                                           RM B Common
 Su Weipeng                                                                     3,580,000                              3,580,000
 China Construction Bank Co., Ltd -Xinao new energy industry equity                       RM B Common
                                                                                3,466,484                              3,466,484
 securities investment fund                                                                shares
                                                                                           RM B Common
 Chen Xiaobao                                                                   3,156,484                              3,156,484
                                                                                           RM B Common
 Li Zengmao                                                                     2,764,697                              2,764,697
                                                                                           RM B Common
 Peng Xun                                                                       1,652,800                              1,652,800
                                                      Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Shenchao
                                                      Technology Investment Co., Ltd., which are both under the actual control
                                                      of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
                                                      of the Shenzhen M unicipal People's Government, are the concerted
 Related or acting-in-concert parties among           actors. In addition, the Company is unclear about whether there is any
 shareholders above                                   association among the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted circulation
                                                      shares, or between the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted circulation
                                                      shares and the top 10 shareholders, or whether they are concerted actors
                                                      as stipulated in the Administrative M easures for the Disclosure of
                                                      Shareholding Information of Shareholders in Listed Companies.
 Explanation on shareholders participating in the
 margin trading business(if any )

(ii) Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred
stock held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Other important matters

√Applicable □Not applicable
    (I)The progress of this reorganization
    According to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, upon the application of the company,
the shares of the company were suspended from trading on the morning of December 19, 2022. On December
30, 2022, the company held the nineteenth meeting of the Eighth Board of Directors and the thirteenth meeting
of the Eighth Board of Supervisors, and deliberated and passed the Proposal on the "Plan for Shenzhen Textile
(Group) Co., Ltd. to Issue Shares, Pay Cash to Purchase Assets and Raise Matching Funds and Related Party
Transactions" and Its Summary and other proposals related to this transaction. The company's shares resumed
trading on the morning of January 3, 2022. The Company intends to purchase 100% equity of Hengmei
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and paying cash, and at the same time, it plans to raise matching
funds from non-public offering of shares to no more than 35 qualified specific targets (hereinafter referred to as
"this transaction"). This transaction constitutes a related party transaction and is expected to constitute a major
asset restructuring, but it does not constitute a restructuring and listing, nor will it lead to the change of the
actual controller of the company. This transaction is conducive to the company's strong alliance in the polarizer

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                  The Third Quarterly Report 2023

industry, rapidly increasing the production scale of polarizers, optimizing the layout of industrial chain and
deepening the depth of technical reserves, making the company move tow ards a new level of high-quality
development. Meanwhile, this major asset restructuring is in line with the relevant development strategies of the
country and Shenzhen, and has positive significance for ensuring the security of the national new display supply
     Since the disclosure of the transaction plan, the Company and the relevant parties have actively promoted
the audit, evaluation, due diligence and other work involved in this transaction. According to the requirements
of relevant laws and regulations, the Company shall convene the meeting of the board of directors before June
30, 2023 to consider the draft restructuring report and issue a notice of convening a general meeting of
shareholders. Since the validity period of the financ ial data of the target company of this transaction is about to
expire, the intermediary intends to conduct additional audits and supplementary due diligence, and the
Company still needs to communicate and negotiate the details of the transaction with the counterparty, there is
uncertainty as to whether to adjust the restructuring plan, therefore the Company can not disclose the draft
restructuring report plan and issue a notice of convening a general meeting of shareholders before June 30,
2023.After mutual consensus among all parties involved in the transaction, the Company will continue to
advance this transaction. For details, please refer to the Company's Announcement No. 2023-29 on CNINF
     Presently, the Company is further communicating and negotiating the details of the transaction with the
counterparty, and coordinating with various intermediaries to carry out additional audit, assessment and
supplementary due diligence of the target company, as well as negotiating with the counterparty to determine
the transaction plan and perform the state-owned assets approval procedures. Upon completion of the relevant
work, the Company will reconvene the meeting of the Board of Directors to consider matters related to the
transaction, and the date of the announcement of the resolution of the Board of Directors will be used as the
pricing reference date for the shares to be issued for the transaction.
     (2) Disposal of assets of the joint venture company Shenzhen Xieli
     Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Xieli") is a Sino
foreign joint venture established by the company and Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Company in 1981, with a
registered capital of 3.12 million yuan. The company holds 50% of the equity. The company's operating period
ended in 2008 and its business license was revoked in 2014. The company's main assets are real estate. In
March 2020, Shenzhen Xieli Industrial and Commercial Co., Ltd. has been cancelled, but there are still three
properties under its name that need to be resolved through further negotiation between the shareholders of both
     On July 26, 2021, the Company filed a complaint with the People's Court of Yantian District, Shenzhen
City, Guangdong Province to revoke the approval of cancelation of Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Enterprise Co.,
Ltd by the Shenzhen Market Supervision and Administration Bureau. In November 2021, the court ruled to
revoke the aforementioned approval of cancellation. Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Company and Shenzhen
Market Supervision and Administration Bureau were not satisfied and submitted appeal petitions to the
Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court respectively. On June 28, 2022, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's
Court ruled in the second instance: revoked the administrative judgment-No. 1883(2021) Yue 0308 Xingchuof
the Yantian District People's Court of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, and remanded it to the Yantian
District People's Court of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province for a new trial.
     After a new trial, the Yantian District People's Court ruled in favor of the Company on December 30, 2022,
and revoked the administrative act of Shenzhen Xieli to cancel its registration. The third party in the original
trial, Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Company, was not satisfied and appealed to the Shenzhen Intermediate

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                The Third Quarterly Report 2023

People's Court on January 10, 2023. Later, as Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Company failed to pay the case
acceptance fee in advance, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court issued the No. 387(2023) Yue 03 Xing
Final Administrative Ruling, ruling that the appellant Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Company in the case
withdraws its appeal.

IV. Quarterly financial statements

(i) Financial statement

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

                                  September 30,2023
                                                                                                          In RMB
                   Items                              September 30,2023                 January 1, 2023
 Current asset:
 M onetary fund                                                    470,290,439.35                   991,789,968.19
 Settlement provision
 Outgoing call loan
 Transactional financial assets                                    771,727,264.85                   319,605,448.44
   Derivative financial assets
      Notes receivable                                              68,775,717.88                    74,619,100.26
      Account receivable                                           889,127,673.50                   636,583,469.93
      Financing receivable                                          19,615,428.60                    54,413,796.91
   Prepayments                                                      34,380,815.12                    18,391,444.67
 Insurance receivable
 Reinsurance receivable
 Provisions of Reinsurance contracts
 Other account receivable                                            4,416,065.59                    10,585,975.38
 Including:Interest receivable
      Dividend receivable
 Repurchasing of financial assets
     Inventories                                                   699,016,900.84                   558,447,648.77
     Contract assets
      Assets held for sales
 Non-current asset due within 1 year
      Other current asset                                           63,184,824.60                    69,535,531.24
 Total of current assets                                         3,020,535,130.33                 2,733,972,383.79
 Non-current assets:
 Loans and payment on other’s behalf
    Creditors' right investment
 Other creditors' right investment
   Long-term receivable
   Long term share equity investment                               130,383,936.52                   134,481,835.74
 Long-term equity instrument investment                            167,678,283.27                   167,678,283.27
 Other non-current financial assets
   Property investment                                             120,062,786.14                   126,315,834.76
     Fixed assets                                                2,086,641,378.65                 2,240,221,656.36
 Construction in progress                                           61,552,360.40                    38,061,619.60
     Production physical assets

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                           The Third Quarterly Report 2023

      Oil & gas assets
      Use right assets                        14,986,786.35                     15,365,393.88
     Intangible assets                        40,572,571.45                     44,192,571.95
   Development expenses
   Long-germ expenses to be amortized          2,961,561.72                      4,470,957.79
   Deferred income tax asset                   67,899,705.20                    69,823,814.29
   Other non-current asset                     27,891,519.45                    42,553,016.47
 Total of non-current assets                2,720,630,889.15                 2,883,164,984.11
 Total of assets                            5,741,166,019.48                 5,617,137,367.90
 Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                             8,000,000.00                      7,000,000.00
 Loan from Central Bank
   Borrowing funds
      Transactional financial liabilities
         Derivative financial liabilities
      Notes payable                           26,361,144.87                              0.00
      Account payable                        439,894,591.02                    327,049,873.70
         Advance receipts                      1,304,306.94                      1,393,344.99
      Contract liabilities                     8,300,395.37                      4,274,109.40
 Selling of repurchased financial assets
   Deposit taking and interbank deposit
 Entrusted trading of securities
 Entrusted selling of securities
 Employees’ wage payable                     59,413,335.42                     61,166,444.90
 Tax payable                                   8,985,760.00                      8,897,312.51
    Other account payable                    185,502,332.42                    197,345,455.37
   Including:Interest payable
      Dividend payable
      Fees and commissions payable
      Reinsurance fee payable
      Liabilities held for sales
 Non-current liability due within 1 year     109,505,189.52                    104,183,438.22
 Other current liability                     103,379,047.89                     92,945,741.78
 Total of current liability                  950,646,103.45                    804,255,720.87
 Non-current liabilities:
 Reserve fund for insurance contracts
  Long-term loan                             531,736,753.70                    607,421,585.00
 Bond payable
   Including:preferred stock
   Sustainable debt
   Lease liability                             8,681,857.24                      8,628,672.71
  Long-term payable
 Long-term remuneration payable to staff
 Expected liabilities
      Deferred income                        101,641,808.72                    117,814,796.10
   Deferred income tax liability              48,460,022.97                     47,974,267.80
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                690,520,442.63                   781,839,321.61
 Total of liability                         1,641,166,546.08                 1,586,095,042.48
 Owners’ equity
  Share capital                              506,521,849.00                    506,521,849.00
   Other equity instruments
   Including:preferred stock
   Sustainable debt
 Capital reserves                           1,961,599,824.63                 1,961,599,824.63

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                     The Third Quarterly Report 2023

  Less:Shares in stock
 Other comprehensive income                                      109,821,609.56                          109,596,609.31
      Special reserve
  Surplus reserves                                               100,909,661.32                          100,909,661.32
 Common risk provision
 Retained profit                                                 206,829,897.04                          170,636,610.95
 Total of owner’s equity belong to the
 parent company                                                 2,885,682,841.55                       2,849,264,555.21
 M inority shareholders’ equity                                1,214,316,631.85                       1,181,777,770.21
 Total of owners’ equity                                       4,099,999,473.40                       4,031,042,325.42
 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity                       5,741,166,019.48                       5,617,137,367.90

Legal Representative: Yin Kefei

Person in charge of accounting:He Fei

Accounting Dept Leader: Huang Min

2. Consolidated Income statement between the beginning of the year and end of the report period

                                                                                                           In RMB
                                  Items                                 Current period               Last period
 I. Total operating income                                                  2,317,385,312.76           2,122,038,324.26
       Including: Operating income                                          2,317,385,312.76           2,122,038,324.26
               Interest income
               Insurance gained
    Commission charge and commission income
 II. Total operating cost                                                   2,158,341,589.72           1,998,673,168.36
       Including: Operating cost                                            1,951,681,550.07           1,809,191,065.23
               Interest expense
    Commission charge and commission expense
               Cash surrender value
  Net amount of expense of compensation
  Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve
               Bonus expense of guarantee slip
               Reinsurance expense
               Tax and extras                                                  6,741,061.59                6,182,079.66
               Sales expense                                                  25,113,037.81               27,585,766.98
               Administrative expense                                         97,424,211.28               94,677,249.25
               R&D expense                                                    80,863,547.15               59,169,009.30
               Financial expenses                                             -3,481,818.18                1,867,997.94
                  Including: Interest expenses                                20,718,894.44               24,061,322.83
                          Interest income                                     10,302,226.08                3,157,162.86
       Add: other income                                                      28,434,409.97               18,650,648.01
 Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                                10,532,038.03               15,726,531.05
 Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint
 venture                                                                       -4,144,259.37                -259,269.65
 The termination of income recognition for financial assets
 measured by amortized cost
 Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)
 Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)
 Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)
 Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)                        -15,916,863.36                 -88,779.12
 Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)                   -69,422,857.27             -66,843,100.94
 Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)                              321.08                 -11,114.72

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                           The Third Quarterly Report 2023

 III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                              112,670,771.49                  90,799,340.18
          Add: Non-operating income                                                 614,225.47                   1,882,156.93
          Less: Non-operating expense                                             5,327,929.21                     933,355.03
 IV Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                                    107,957,067.75                  91,748,142.08
          Less: Income tax expense                                                8,952,702.48                     637,078.69
 V Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                                    99,004,365.27                  91,111,063.39
       (i) Classify by business continuity
 1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss listed with “-”)           99,004,365.27                  91,111,063.39
  2. Net profit from termination of operations (net loss listed with “-
       (ii) Classify by ownership
 1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company                         66,584,597.03                  56,549,475.58
 2.M inority shareholders’ gains and losses                                     32,419,768.24                  34,561,587.81
 VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                                    344,093.65                     174,097.19
      Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
 owners of parent company                                                           225,000.25                     174,097.19
           (i) Other comprehensive income items which will not be
 reclassified subsequently to profit of loss
 1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured
 2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be
 transfer to gain/loss
 3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument
 4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk
 5. Other
   (ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified
 subsequently to profit or loss                                                     225,000.25                     174,097.19
 1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can
 transfer to gain/loss
 2.Change of fair value of other debt investment                                    178,640.10                             0.00
 3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive
 4.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment
 5.Cash flow hedging reserve
 6.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency
 financial statements                                                                 46,360.15                    174,097.19
 Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
 minority shareholders                                                              119,093.40                             0.00
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                                 99,348,458.92                  91,285,160.58
 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
 Company                                                                         66,809,597.28                  56,723,572.77
 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                32,538,861.64                  34,561,587.81
 VIII. Earnings per share:
 (i) Basic earnings per share                                                               0.1315                       0.1116
 (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                                            0.1315                       0.1116

Legal Representative: Yin Kefei

Person in charge of accounting:He Fei

Accounting Dept Leader: Huang Min

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Between the Beginning of the Year and End of the Report Period

                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                Item                                       Current period                  Last period
 I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                 The Third Quarterly Report 2023

 Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor
 services                                                               2,086,209,515.29           2,044,749,583.04
 Net increase of customer deposit and interbank deposit
  Net increase of loan from central bank
 Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institution
 Cash received from original insurance contract fee
 Net cash received from reinsurance business
 Net increase of insured savings and investment
 Cash received from interest, commission charge and commission
 Net increase of capital borrowed
 Net increase of returned business capital
 Net cash received by agents in sale and purchase of securities
 Write-back of tax received                                                 5,618,351.26             102,084,755.82
 Other cash received concerning operating activities                      120,957,976.01             223,098,022.41
 Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities              2,212,785,842.56           2,369,932,361.27
 Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service       1,846,472,743.97           1,962,651,670.28
 Net increase of customer loans and advances
       Net increase of deposits in central bank and interbank
 Cash paid for original insurance contract compensation
 Net increase of capital lent
 Cash paid for interest, commission charge and commission
 Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip
 Cash paid to/for staff and workers                                       192,492,635.92             187,871,082.89
 Taxes paid                                                                32,358,463.62              27,776,039.08
 Other cash paid concerning operating activities                           76,721,490.09              75,731,785.57
 Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities             2,148,045,333.60           2,254,030,577.82
 Net cash flows arising from operating activities                          64,740,508.96             115,901,783.45
 II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
 Cash received from recovering investment                                          0.00               27,930,000.00
 Cash received from investment income                                     11,349,359.54                6,259,724.70
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-
 term assets                                                                    9,550.00                   2,776.70
 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other units
 Other cash received concerning investing activities                     760,719,927.09              795,000,000.00
 Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities                       772,078,836.63              829,192,501.40
 Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term
 assets                                                                   26,982,886.70               40,142,302.73
 Cash paid for investment
 Net increase of mortgaged loans
 Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained
 Other cash paid concerning investing activities                        1,243,787,000.00             650,000,001.00
 Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities                     1,270,769,886.70             690,142,303.73
 Net cash flows arising from investing activities                        -498,691,050.07             139,050,197.67
 III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
 Cash received from absorbing investment
 Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’
 investment by subsidiaries
 Cash received from loans                                                   3,000,000.00              50,572,000.00
 Other cash received concerning financing activities
 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                         3,000,000.00               50,572,000.00
 Cash paid for settling debts                                             72,926,546.08                        0.00
 Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying        50,640,572.66               48,703,785.07
 Including: Dividend and profit of minority shareholder paid by
 Other cash paid concerning financing activities                           8,668,531.69                        0.00
 Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                      132,235,650.43               48,703,785.07
 Net cash flows arising from financing activities                       -129,235,650.43                1,868,214.93
 IV Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to fluctuation in            -992,076.53                1,492,953.49

Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd.                                                     The Third Quarterly Report 2023

 exchange rate
 V Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                 -564,178,268.07             258,313,149.54
 Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-begin                874,474,834.46             302,408,433.72
 VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-end                   310,296,566.39             560,721,583.26
(ii)The Company started implementing the updated accounting standards commencing from 2023 and
adjusted the relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the very year involved in the
initial implementation of the said standards
□Applicable √Not applicable

(iii) Audit report

Whether the First quarterly report has been audited or not
□Yes √ No
The Third quarterly report of the Company has not been audited.

                                                     The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

                                                                               October 28, 2023
