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荣盛石化:2023 Semi-annual Report2023-10-10  

                                     2023 Semi-annual Report

 Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                       2023 Semi-annual Report

     Section I Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

    The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the directors,
supervisors and senior management of the Company confirm that the contents in
this semi-annual report are true, accurate, and complete and have no false
representations, misleading statements or material omissions, and they shall
severally and jointly accept legal responsibility for such contents.

    Li Shuirong, Chairman of the Company, Wang Yafang, the person in charge
of the Company’s accounting and Zhang Shaoying, the person in charge of the
Accounting Firm (Accounting Officer), hereby make representations in respect of
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements in this
semi-annual report.

    All directors have attended the board meeting to consider this semi-annual

    The Company describes in detail the risks it may face in Section III of this
report under “X. Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures”, which
investors are advised to read.

    The company plans to pay no cash dividend, no bonus shares, and no
conversion of capital with provident fund.

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Section I Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions ..................... 1

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ............................ 6

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ........................................ 10

Section IV Corporate Governance ................................................................. 25

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility..................................... 26

Section VI Important Matters ........................................................................ 34

Section VII Changes in Shares and Share holders ........................................ 63

Section VIII Preferred Shares ........................................................................ 68

Section IX Bonds .............................................................................................. 69

Section X Financial Reports ........................................................................... 72

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                    Contents of Documents for Future Reference

     (1) The financial statements containing signature and seals of the person in charge of the Company, the person
in charge of the accounting works and the person in charge of the Accounting Firm (Accounting Officer);
    (2) Written confirmation from directors, senior management and supervisors of the Company on the 2023
Semi-annual Report;
     (3) The originals of all company documents and announcements that are disclosed to the public via media
designated by CSRC during the reporting period;
     (4) The place where the above-mentioned documents are maintained: Office of the Board of Directors.

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           Term             Reference                                  Definition
Company, the Company,
                            Refers to   Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
Rongsheng Petrochemical
                                        Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., controlling shareholder of
Rongsheng Holding           Refers to
                                        the Company
Rongtong Logistics          Refers to   Zhejiang Rongtong Logistics Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
                                        Zhejiang Rongsheng Venture Capital Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the
Rongsheng Venture Capital   Refers to
                                        Company’s controlling shareholder
ZPC                         Refers to   Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
Zhongjin Petrochemical      Refers to   Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
Yisheng Investment          Refers to   Dalian Yisheng Investment Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company
                                        Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the
Shengyuan Chemical Fiber    Refers to
Rongxiang Chemical Fiber    Refers to   Rongxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
Hong Kong Sheng Hui         Refers to   Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
Rongsheng Petrochemical                 Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of the
                            Refers to
(Singapore)                             Company
Yongsheng Technology        Refers to   Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
Rongsheng New M aterials                Rongsheng (Zhoushan) New M aterials Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the
                            Refers to
(Zhoushan)                              Company
                                        Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a joint stock subsidiary of the
Zhejiang Yisheng            Refers to   Company
                                        Ningbo Hengyi Trading Co., Ltd., a joint stock subsidiary of the
Hengyi Trading              Refers to
Xiaoshan Rural                          Zhejiang Xiaoshan Rural Commercial Bank, a joint stock subsidiary of
                            Refers to
Commercial Bank                         the Company
Zhejiang Petroleum          Refers to   Zhejiang Petroleum Co., Ltd., a joint stock subsidiary of ZPC
Yushan Petrochemical        Refers to   Zhoushan Yushan Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd, a former
                                        subsidiary of ZPC
Jintang Logistics           Refers to   Jintang Logistics Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of ZPC
                                        Zhejiang Dingsheng Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd, a joint stock
Dingsheng Petrochemical     Refers to   subsidiary of ZPC
Derong Chemicals            Refers to   Zhejiang Derong Chemicals Co. Ltd., a joint stock subsidiary of ZPC
ENN (Zhoushan)              Refers to   ZPC-ENN (Zhoushan) Gas Co., Ltd., a joint stock subsidiary of ZPC
                                        Zhejiang Yisheng New M aterials Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of
Yisheng New M aterials      Refers to
                                        Zhongjin Petrochemical
                                        Ningbo Niluoshan New Energy Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Zhongjin
Niluoshan New Energy        Refers to
                                        Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yisheng
Yisheng Dahua               Refers to
                                        Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a joint stock subsidiary of
Hainan Yisheng              Refers to   Yisheng Investment
Hong Kong Yisheng           Refers to   Hong Kong Yisheng Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yisheng Dahua
Dalian Rongxincheng         Refers to   Dalian Rongxincheng Trading Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yisheng Dahua

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                                         Ningbo Yisheng Chemical Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Hong Kong Sheng
Yisheng Chemical             Refers to
The Securities Supervision
                             Refers to   China Securities Regulatory Commission
Commission, CSRC
Stock exchange, SZSE         Refers to   Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Guosen Securities            Refers to   Guosen Securities Co., Ltd.
Yuan, 10,000 yuan            Refers to   RM B 0.00, RM B 10,000.00
Reporting period             Refers to   January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023

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             Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I.     Company Profile

 S tock abbreviation                                         S tock code                  002493
 Abbreviation before change (if
 Listed on                         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

 Company name in Chinese           荣盛石化股份有限公司
 Company abbreviation in Chinese
 (if any)
 Company name in the foreign
                                   RONGSHENG PETROCHEM ICAL CO., LTD.
 language (if any)
 Company abbreviation in the
 foreign language (if any)
 Legal representative   of   the
                                   Li Shuirong

II. Contact Information

                                     S ecretary of the Board of Directors      Representative of securities affairs
 Name                              Quan Weiying                             Hu Yangyang
                                   Building of Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding   Building of Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding
 Address                           Group, Yinong Town, Xiaoshan District,   Group, Yinong Town, Xiaoshan District,
                                   Hangzhou                                 Hangzhou
 Telephone                         0571-82520189                            0571-82520189
 Fax                               0571-82527208 extension 8150             0571-82527208 extension 8150
 E-mail                            qwy@rong-sheng.com                       yangyang@rong-sheng.com

III. Other Information

1. Contact information of the Company

Whether the Company’s registered address, office address and its postal code, company website, E-mail address,
etc. have changed during the reporting period
The Company’s registered address, office address and its postal code, company website, E-mail address, etc. have
not changed during the reporting period, for details, please refer to the 2022 Annual Report.

2. Information disclosure and archiving place

Whether the information disclosure and archiving place has changed during the reporting period
The name and address of the stock exchange website and media where the Company discloses its semi-annual report
and the place where the Company’s semi-annual report is filed have not changed during the reporting period, for

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details, please refer to the 2022 Annual Report.

3. Other relevant information

Whether other relevant information has changed during the reporting period
□Applicable Not applicable

IV. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate prior years’ accounting data
Yes □No
Reasons for retroactive adjustment or restatement
     Changes in accounting policies

                                                                                                              e in the current
                                           Current reporting               S ame period last year            reporting period
                                                period                                                         over the same
                                                                                                              period last year
                                                                  Before adjustment     After adjustment     After adjustment
 Operating income (RM B)                   154,525,283,752.29      147,627,593,292.44   147,627,593,292.44              4.67%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                            -1,126,633,616.55        5,366,591,400.34     5,366,884,515.49           -120.99%
 of the listed company (RM B)
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
 of the listed company net of non-          -1,388,043,242.84        5,245,936,331.24     5,246,229,446.40           -126.46%
 recurring gain and loss (RM B)
 Net cash flow from operating activities
                                            -2,278,779,430.90       31,079,069,859.60    31,079,069,859.60           -107.33%
 (RM B)
 Basic earnings per share (RM B per
                                                        -0.11                    0.53                 0.53           -120.75%
 Diluted earnings per share (RM B per
                                                        -0.11                    0.53                 0.53           -120.75%
 Weighted average return on net assets                -2.42%                  10.60%                10.41%            -12.83%
                                                                                                               e at the end of
                                              End of the                      End of last year                 the reporting
                                           reporting period                                                   period over the
                                                                                                              end of last year
                                                                  Before adjustment     After adjustment     After adjustment
 Total assets (RM B)                       349,187,246,348.77      362,587,416,687.68   362,620,099,117.75             -3.70%
 Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                            44,835,523,194.51       47,260,382,901.11    47,261,683,528.65             -5.13%
 of the listed company (RM B)

Reasons for changes in accounting policies and correction of accounting errors
      Effective January 1, 2023, the Company implemented the provisions of ASBE Interpretation No. 16,
“Accounting for Deferred Taxes on Assets and Liabilities Arising from Individual Transactions Not Subject to the
Initial Recognition Exemption” issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, and adjusted
individual transactions subject to the provisions of ASBE Interpretation No. 16 for those transactions occurring
between the beginning of the earliest period of the financial statements in which the provisions of ASBE
Interpretation No. 16 were first implemented and the date of the first implementation of ASBE Interpretation No.

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16. For lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognized at the beginning of the earliest period for the presentation
of financial statements in which the provisions were first implemented that gave rise to taxable temporary
differences and deductible temporary differences as a result of a single transaction to which the provisions apply,
the cumulative effect was adjusted to retained earnings at the beginning of the earliest period for which the financial
statements were presented, as well as to other relevant financial statement items in accordance with the provisions
of ASBE No. 18, “Accounting for Income Taxes”. These changes in accounting policy affected the Company’s
balance sheet items at the end of the previous year: deferred tax assets affected are RMB32,682,430.07, deferred
tax liabilities affected are RMB31,381,802.53, undistributed earnings affected are RMB1,300,627.54; and the
income statement items of January-June 2022: income tax expenses affected are RMB293,115.15.

V. Differences in Accounting Data under Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Differences in net profits and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with international
accounting standards and China’s accounting standards

In the reporting period of the Company, there is no difference in the net profits and net assets disclosed in the
financial report under international accounting standards and China’s accounting standards.

2. Differences in net profits and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with foreign
accounting standards and China’s accounting standards

In the reporting period of the Company, there is no difference in the net profits and net assets disclosed in the
financial report under foreign accounting standards and China’s accounting standards.

VI. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gain and Loss

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                                 Item                                                       Amount
 Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets (including the part written-off with provision
 for asset impairment accrued)
 Government grants recognized in current gain and loss (excluding grants entitled to in quota or
 ration according to certain criteria under national policies and which are closely relevant to the            100,951,165.76
 Company's normal business operations)
 Fund possession cost included in current gain and loss charged to non-financial enterprises                         99,037.73
 Except for effective hedging business related to the normal business operations of the Company,
 changes in gains and losses of fair value arising from trading financial assets, trading financial
 liabilities, investment income obtained from disposal of trading financial assets, trading financial
 liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets
 Other non-operating revenues and expenditures except for the aforementioned items                                1,189,521.25
 Other profit/loss items falling within the definition of non-recurring gain or loss                              3,709,266.29
 Less: Affected amount of income tax                                                                             23,818,799.21
 Affected amount of minority shareholders' equity (after tax)                                                  150,925,256.19
 Total                                                                                                         261,409,626.29

Other gain/loss items falling within the definition of non-recurring gain or loss:
The Company has no other gain/loss items falling within the definition of non-recurring gain or loss.
Explanation of the circumstances in which the non-recurring gain and loss items listed in the Explanatory

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Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Publicly Issuing Securities-Non-recurring Gains and
Losses are defined as recurring gains and losses.
The Company has no explanation of the circumstances in which the non-recurring gain and loss items listed in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Publicly Issuing Securities-Non-
recurring Gains and Losses are defined as recurring gains and losses.

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                  Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main Businesses of the Company during the Reporting Period

     (I) Industry of the company during the reporting period
      In the first half of 2023, the disruptions to the global economy caused by the Federal Reserve’s continued
interest rate hike to curb high inflation and the intensification of the competition between major powers have made
the international political and economic environment increasingly complex and the competition further intensified.
The world political and economic situation is complicated, and the foundation for sustained recovery and
development of the domestic economy is still shaky. The Chinese government has effectively responded to various
risks and challenges, actively resolved difficulties, and removed bottlenecks and blockages. In the first half of this
year, China’s economic recovery has gradually improved and high-quality development has made steady progress.
Economic growth has shifted from being driven mainly by investment and exports last year to being driven mainly
by consumption and investment this year; and from being driven mainly by industry last year to being driven by
both the service sector and industry.
      In the first half of the year, the petrochemical industry encountered new difficulties such as the simultaneous
decline in raw materials and product prices, the weaker-than-expected recovery after the pandemic, and the sluggish
demand in the international and domestic markets. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the
operating income of the petrochemical industry in the first half of the year was 7.6 trillion yuan, down 4.4% year -
on-year; among them, three major sectors: oil and gas extraction was 674.96 billion yuan, down 6.2% year-on-year,
refining sector was 2.5 trillion yuan, up 1.3% year-on-year, and chemical sector was 4.27 trillion yuan, down 7.7%
year-on-year. The total profit of the whole industry was 431.09 billion yuan, down 41.3% year-on-year; among them,
three major sectors: oil and gas extraction were 190.69 billion yuan, down 12.6% year-on-year, refining sector was
27.4 billion yuan, down 70.2% year-on-year, chemical sector was 205.08 billion yuan, down 51.1% year-on-year.
The total import and export volume of the whole industry was 476.36 billion US dollars, down 7.6% year -on-year;
among them, exports were 162.06 billion US dollars, down 5.6% year-on-year, imports were 314.3 billion US
dollars, down 8.7% year-on-year, and the trade deficit was 152.23 billion US dollars, down 11.7% year-on-year.
     (II) Main businesses of the company during the reporting period
     1. Main products
    The Company operates the 40 million tonne refining and chemical integration project of Zhejiang Petroleum
& Chemical Co., Ltd., the world’s largest single-unit refinery. It is an important producer of polyester, new energy
materials, engineering plastics, and high value-added polyolefins in China and Asia, with the world's largest
production capacity of chemicals such as PTA and PX. At the same time, it ranks among the world’s top in
production capacity of multiple products such as polyethylene, polypropylene, PET, EVA, ABS, etc. In 2023, it was
rated as the 7th most valuable chemical brand in the world by the renowned brand evaluation agency Brand Finance
in the “Chemicals 25 2023” report.

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     Note: products marked by dotted line / dotted box are products under the plan.
      During the reporting period, the Company’s main business includes the R&D, production and sales of various
chemicals, oil and polyester products. The products are rich in types and complete in specifications, covering many
fields such as new energy, new materials, organic chemical, synthetic fiber, synthetic resin, synthetic rubber and oil,
mainly including more than 30 categories of products such as olefins and their downstream products, aromatics and
their downstream products, oil products, etc. The Company has basically realized “from a drop of oil to everything
in the world”, and is constantly improving the new energy and new material industry chain on the basis of the
existing global super-large integrated refining base and complete upstream and downstream supporting facilities.

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     (III) Key performance drivers
     Against the backdrop of ever-changing internal and external environments, the Company has not only
effectively guaranteed normal and orderly business operation, but also fully completed the construction of major
projects, continuing to maintain a strong development momentum.
     1. Putting newly constructed units into operation to contribute more to the performance
     Relying on the advantages of ZPC’s large refining and chemical platform, the Company’s planned high value-
added products have been put into production. In the first half of 2023, ZPC has successfully put into operation an
annual output of 400,000 tons of ABS unit, an annual output of 60,000 tons of solution polymerized styrene
butadiene rubber unit and an annual output of 100,000 tons of butadiene rare earth rubber/70,000 tons of nickel
butadiene rubber unit, and successfully produced qualified products. In the first half of the year, Yongsheng
Technology’s annual output of 250,000 tons of functional polyester film expansion project has also been put into
operation. The operation of these new units can not only improve the extension of the industrial chain to promote
the Company’s products to reduce costs and increase efficiency, but also help boost the Company’s high-quality
     2. Focusing constantly on safe production to keep operational quality and efficiency stable
       The Company not only focuses on economic benefits, but also on safe production. We adhere to the principle
that “safety is the foundation of production and business”, strengthen the safe production accountability system for
all employees, promote all subsidiaries and production units to build and strengthen a solid safe production
organizational structure, and assign safe production responsibilities at all levels. We also adopt a combination of
rewards and penalties to encourage employees to strictly assure their primary responsibility in their daily work to
ensure safe production.
     3. Balancing the linkage between production and sales to improve operation perf ormance
     The Company firmly adheres to the market-oriented, production-based system, holds weekly production and
operation meetings, and strives to achieve “same frequency resonance” in production, supply and sales to improve
operating efficiency. The Company’s business team keeps a close eye on the market, controls the rhythm of
production and sales and adheres to the daily production and sales balance to ensure weekly balance, weekly
production and sales balance to ensure monthly balance, constantly improving product quality and brand value.

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     4. Perfecting the internal management to effectively manage cost risks
      The Company continues to strengthen internal management innovation, improve the working mechanism of
key nodes such as industrial chain research, supplier and customer management, plan management, and risk control.
In terms of main raw material procurement, the Company adopts the operation mode of “long-term contract + spot”
and “futures hedging”, which not only guarantees the production materials, but also seizes the opportunity benefits,
continuously optimizing the raw material cost. In the procurement of auxiliary materials, the Company adheres to
the combination of risk control and cost priority, and adopts internal and external pricing to effectively control risks
and reduce costs.

II. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

     As one of the leading enterprises in the petrochemical industry with leading comprehensive strength in China,
the Company’s core competitiveness is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
     (I) Complete industrial synergistic advantage s
      After years of development and improvement, the Company has seized the opportunity of industrial adjustment,
achieved rapid growth, and formed the development strategy of “from a drop of oil to everything in the world”.
Both the extension of the industrial chain and the coordinating upstream and downstream sectors are helpful for the
Company to effectively reduce business costs. While ensuring the supply of raw materials, they can also ensure the
reliability and stability of product quality, and also improve the Company’s sustainable profitability and risk
     The interconnection between Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base and Ningbo Petrochemical Base can realize
the coordinated development of Ningbo and Zhoushan bases. Pipeline transportation has greatly reduced the risk
and cost of water and land transportation. A large number of light hydrocarbon raw materials produced by Ningbo
Petrochemical Base are transported to Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base through pipelines, which can be used
as high-quality ethylene raw materials. The surplus oil of Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base can also be
transported to Ningbo Petrochemical Base as high-quality raw materials for the production of aromatics.
      The construction of the ZPC Project has supporting facilities that can meet the supply and demand of crude oil
in the two phases of the project. The total storage capacity of Mamu crude oil depot and Yushan Island crude oil
depot has reached 4.6 million m which is the largest storage capacity among domestic refining and chemical
facilities. As the most concentrated resource allocation base for oil and gas enterprises in China, the Zhejiang Free
Trade Zone has an oil depot capacity of more than 30 million m including Huangzeshan Island, Cezi Island, and
Waidiao Island. Most of the oil pipeline networks are interconnected, making local transportation available.
     (II) Remarkable location competition advantage s
     The Company's production bases are located along the eastern coastline of China, including the “Circum-Bohai
Sea Economic Zone” in Dalian City, Liaoning Province; the “Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle” in Ningbo
City, Zhejiang Province; and the “Maritime Silk Road” in Haikou City, Hainan Province. Each production base of
the Company is adjacent to high-quality ports, connected with canals and equipped with complete wharf facilities.
The main raw materials and other auxiliary raw materials required for production can be unloaded and stored at the
chemical material wharf built or rented by the Company, which has provided convenient transportation of bulk raw
materials and inventory adjustment. The ZPC project is located in the major consumption area of oil and chemical
products, consuming 40% of domestic petrochemical and chemical products, and the area’s production capacity of
plastics and chemical fiber accounts for 90% of the country. Refined oil has many sales channels and enjoys strong
policy support and obvious competitive advantages. ZPC has taken the lead in other private enterprises and
cooperated with Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group to establish Zhejiang Petroleum, taking the lead in the layout of
the refined oil retail business. ZPC plans to deploy 700 gas stations in Zhejiang Province. At present, more than 200

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gas stations have been put into operation. The Ministry of Commerce officially approved granting ZPC the export
qualification of non-state-owned trade refined oil. As the first private refining and petrochemical enterprise to obtain
export permission, ZPC has taken the lead in opening sales channels in Southeast Asia. In the face of the excess
supply of domestic refined oil, this export permission given to ZPC has become more valuable.
     (III) Excellent strategic layout advantages
       The management of the Company has a keen sense of investment, accurate timing for project operation and
excellent investment and financing capacity. The Company started its business in the polyester chemical fiber sector
and experienced many years of development. With the full-scale operation of the 40 million tons/year refining and
chemical integration project of its subsidiary in early 2022, ZPC has become the largest single refinery in the world.
With the lowest product oil yield and the largest PX production capacity, the project has become the largest PX
production base in the world. The project continues to maximize the production and recover light components as
raw materials for the ethylene cracking unit, and has made a one-time differentiated layout of downstream
supporting chemical units. Due to the mutual provision of materials and main devices as well as the interconnected
utilities, the maintenance of a single device does not affect the production load of the whole unit, and thus can
achieve the goal of maintenance at the staggered time and long-term continuous operation of the plant. The advanced
heavy oil processing technology adopted by the Company has stronger adaptability to raw materials and a higher
conversion rate of reaction, taking the lead in terms of process, scale, and supporting facilities.
     Relying on the 40 million tons/year refining and chemical integration project of ZPC, the Company has
accelerated the layout of downstream new chemical materials, aimed at the field of new energy and high-end
materials, and has deployed a number of new energy and new material products such as EVA, DMC, PC and ABS,
continuously enriching its product chain. With the steady progress of new projects, the Company's production
capacity of new energy materials, renewable plastics, special synthetic materials, and high-end synthetic materials
will be expanded in an orderly manner, and the transformation of new materials will be gradually accelerated.
     (IV) Strong R&D and innovation advantages
     We uphold a technological R&D pattern driven by both independent innovation and cooperation. We have
established many world-class R&D platforms, including a high-tech R&D center, a workstation for academicians
and experts, an enterprise technology center, and a post-doctoral science and research workstation. Moreover, we
engage in active technology exchanges and discussions and promote industry-university-research collaboration to
acquire resources from universities, the community, and the Company. With all sectors of society, we jointly
promote our research capabilities and technological advancement and together create an innovation ecosystem that
is open, healthy, and cooperative, where everyone can benefit. In recent years, the Company has continuously
enhanced scientific research cooperation with domestic and foreign countries and increased its R&D investment
year by year to maintain a leading level in the industry.
     The Company’s main manufacturing subsidiaries are all national high-tech enterprises with strong R&D
strength and rich process operation experience accumulated during long-term production management. The
Company has selected a new technical route for Zhongjin’s petrochemical project, using fuel oil (cheaper than
naphtha) to produce some aromatic products. In doing so, the Company has not only eased the shortage of global
naphtha supply but also greatly saved raw material procurement costs by introducing the concept of “circular
economy”. Hydrogen, the by-product, was used to process fuel oil into naphtha, laying the foundation for the
promotion of the ZPC Project. By building projects with PTA patented technology, the Company has effectively
reduced the investment cost and operation cost per unit capacity, enhanced the competitiveness of products, and
accumulated rich experience in the domestic fabrication of complete sets of technology and equipment. The
Company has summarized the successful application of large-scale melt direct spinning polyester and spinning
technology in the early projects for further development and improvement in the later projects.
     (V) Rich human resources advantages

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     The Company’s core management team has rich professional experienc e and keen insight. Made up of efficient
doers, the team has a deep understanding of the petrochemical and chemical fiber industries and rich experience in
development strategy, new business planning, resource integration, and talent training. Focusing on the construction
of corporate culture, the Company has formed a favorable working atmosphere and strong corporate cohesion. The
Company has also trained a group of stable core management, R&D and technical talents through internal training
and introduction. The Company attaches importance to the cultivation of on-the-job staff. Based on reality and
comprehensive planning, the Company is constantly broadening the staff selection platform and formulating an
effective incentive mechanism. To maintain the practical and effective work of the staff, the Company has improved
the benefits of employees, optimized the professional title assessment system, and clarified the promotion standards
and incentives. In addition, the Company combines the employee examination w ith performance evaluation and
replaces evaluations with competition to dynamically evaluate employees’ comprehensive quality and form a
healthy competition atmosphere of competing through learning and competing for first place. Following the
principle of “different measures for different talents and making good use of the strengths of talents”, every
employee will have the opportunity to give full play to their abilities.
     (VI) Efficient operation and management advantages
     The Company adheres to system construction, integrates digitization, intelligence, standardization, process,
and regulation into operations; actively strengthens IT construction; comprehensively integrates business links such
as sourcing, production, inventory, and sales; and constantly improves the rapid response ability. The Company has
established a complete set of effective management systems in combination with actual situations, defined post
responsibilities and work flow, and effectively reduced the operation costs through fine management. Through years
of efforts, the Company’s information construction, performance appraisal, credit management and other systems
are at the leading level in the industry. At the same time, the Company has further improved its cohesiveness and
influence through brand and cultural construction and won honors. The Company has won the “7th Most Valuable
Brands in Global Chemical Industry in 2023”, “The 16th among Top 50 Global Chemical Enterprises in 2023”,
“Billion Dollar Club of Global Chemical Companies among Top 100 Global Chemical Enterprises in the World”,
“Top 100 Comprehensive Health Index of China Listed Companies in 2021”, “Top 10 List of Sales Revenue of
Petroleum and Chemical Enterprises in 2022”, “Advanced Standardization List in 2021”, “Top 100 Value Listed
Companies on Main Board”, “Outstanding Management Team of Listed Companies in China”, “Best Practice
Award of Directors of Listed Companies in 2022”, “2022 Top 100 Enterprises in Zhejiang Province, No.1 in Top
100 Manufacturing Enterprises in Zhejiang Province”, “2022 Top 100 Private Enterprises in Zhejiang Province”
and other honors.

III. Analysis of Main Business

Refer to relevant contents in “I. Main Businesses of the Company during the Reporting Period”.
Year-on-year changes in key financial data

                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                     Current reporting    S ame period last           year
                                                                                     Reasons for change
                          period                year                increase
 Operating revenue   154,525,283,752.29   147,627,593,292.44           4.67%
 Operating cost      139,757,633,719.45   122,775,638,618.00          13.83%
 Selling expenses       100,549,410.04       101,947,202.32            -1.37%

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                            404,763,431.53       413,432,771.89           -2.10%
                                                                                    M ainly due to the increase in interest
                           4,070,814,062.56     2,469,671,208.89          64.83%    expenses of the Company and subsidiaries
                                                                                    during the period
                                                                                    M ainly due to the decrease in income tax
 Income           tax                                                               expense as a result of the decrease in total
                            -752,468,740.63     2,374,223,484.26        -131.69%
 expenses                                                                           profit compared with the same period last
                                                                                    M ainly due to increased investment in R&D
 R&D expenses              3,293,231,534.62     2,010,793,043.62          63.78%
                                                                                    expenses of subsidiary ZPC
 Net cash flow                                                                      M ainly due to the increase of cash payment
 from       operating     -2,278,779,430.90    31,079,069,859.60        -107.33%    for raw materials purchased by the Company
 activities                                                                         and its subsidiary ZPC during the period
 Net cash flow                                                                      M ainly due to the subsidiary ZPC investment
 from investment         -14,829,820,455.43   -19,631,641,960.18         -24.46%    cash payment in the current period is less
 activities                                                                         than the same period of the previous year
 Net cash flow                                                                      M ainly due to the subsidiary ZPC new bank
 from       financing     15,356,373,078.79    -8,369,157,005.17        -283.49%    borrowings increased year-on-year during the
 activities                                                                         period
 Net increase in
                                                                                    M ainly due to increase in cash paid for
 cash and cash            -2,094,250,081.76     2,924,364,764.70        -171.61%
                                                                                    operating activities during the period

Significant changes in the composition of the company’s profits or sources of profits during the reporting period
□Applicable Not applicable
No significant changes in the composition of the company’s profits or sources of profits during the reporting period.
The composition of operating revenue
                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                               Current reporting period                        S ame period last year                   Year-on-
                                                Proportion in                                   Proportion in           increase
                            Amount                                         Amount
                                              operating income                                operating income         (decrease)
 Total operating
                        154,525,283,752.29                 100%        147,627,593,292.44                    100%              4.67%
 By industry
                        140,099,506,826.51                90.66%       128,869,677,600.33                  87.29%              3.37%
 chemical fiber           7,346,436,217.27                4.76%          7,034,942,127.69                    4.77%             -0.01%
 Trade and
                          7,079,340,708.51                4.58%         11,722,973,564.42                    7.94%             -3.36%
 By product
 Oil refining
                         55,062,107,428.82                35.63%        46,667,559,685.68                  31.61%              4.02%
                         58,838,530,475.22                38.08%        57,275,666,363.94                  38.80%              -0.72%
 PTA                     26,198,868,922.47                16.95%        24,926,451,550.71                  16.88%              0.07%
 chemical fiber           7,346,436,217.27                4.76%          7,034,942,127.69                    4.77%             -0.01%

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 Trade and
                        7,079,340,708.51                 4.58%           11,722,973,564.42                    7.94%          -3.36%
 By region
 China                138,025,327,277.01                89.32%          122,754,394,065.66                   83.15%           6.17%
 Overseas              16,499,956,475.28                10.68%           24,873,199,226.78                   16.85%          -6.17%

Industries, products or regions that account for more than 10% of the Company’s operating revenue or operating

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                                                                                                   Year-on-year            year
                                                                  Gross            increase
                                                                                                      increase           increase
                     Operating revenue      Operating cost        profit        (decrease) in
                                                                                                    (decrease) in      (decrease) in
                                                                  margin          operating
                                                                                                   operating cost       gross profit
 By industry
                     140,099,506,826.51    125,906,847,107.64      10.13%               8.71%               20.05%           -8.48%
 chemical fiber        7,346,436,217.27      7,103,615,870.05       3.31%               4.43%                6.03%           -1.46%
 Trade and
                       7,079,340,708.51      6,747,170,741.76       4.69%             -39.61%            -39.73%              0.18%
 By product
 Oil refining
                      55,062,107,428.82     45,444,345,713.79      17.47%              17.99%               35.51%          -10.67%
                      58,838,530,475.22     54,312,061,215.61       7.69%               2.73%               15.74%          -10.38%
 PTA                  26,198,868,922.47     26,150,440,178.24       0.18%               5.10%                7.08%           -1.84%
 chemical fiber        7,346,436,217.27      7,103,615,870.05       3.31%               4.43%                6.03%           -1.46%
 Trade and
                       7,079,340,708.51      6,747,170,741.76       4.69%             -39.61%            -39.73%              0.18%
 By region
 China               138,025,327,277.01    123,547,954,391.45      10.49%              12.44%               25.52%           -9.32%
 Overseas             16,499,956,475.28     16,209,679,328.00       1.76%             -33.66%            -33.41%             -0.37%

If the statistical caliber of the Company’s main business data is adjusted in the reporting period, the Company’s
main business data adjusted by the caliber at the end of the reporting period for the latest period
□Applicable Not applicable

IⅤ. Non-core Business Analysis

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                                            Proportion in total                                                     Whether it is
                             Amount                                            Cause description
                                                  profit                                                            sustainable

 Investment income        178,577,881.79                -6.26%      M ainly due to investments in futures      No
                                                                    and investment income from

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                                                                       associated enterprises
 Profit (loss) from fair
                               310,625,655.12              -10.88%     M ainly due to investments in futures      No
 value change
                                                                       M ainly due to provision for decline in
 Asset impairment              -64,830,582.66                2.27%                                                No
                                                                       value of inventories
 Non-operating income              2,038,960.44              -0.07%    M ainly compensation income                No
 Non-operating                                                         M ainly due to sporadic non-recurring
                                    849,439.19               -0.03%                                               No
 expenses                                                              losses
 Income from asset                                                     M ainly the income from disposal of
                                     -84,509.13              0.00%                                                No
 disposal                                                              fixed assets
 Credit impairment                                                     M ainly due to provision for bad debts
                               -39,633,196.86                1.39%                                                No
 loss                                                                  of accounts receivable
 Other income                  104,660,432.05                -3.67%    M ainly government subsidies               No

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes in asset composition

                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

                                         End of the reporting period                     End of last year                  Increase
                                                          Proportion in                                Proportion in          of
                                          Amount                                   Amount
                                                           total assets                                 total assets      proportion
 M onetary fund                       15,188,219,124.43            4.35%        18,238,774,380.21                 5.03%       -0.68%
 Accounts receivable                   3,363,526,129.84            0.96%         7,128,011,047.03                 1.97%       -1.01%
 Stock                                45,236,557,593.11           12.95%        60,689,909,793.94                16.74%       -3.79%
 Investment real estate                   10,531,297.60           0.003%            10,667,020.60                 0.00%        0.00%
 Long-term                equity
                                       8,891,042,895.47            2.55%         8,733,329,806.35                 2.41%        0.14%
 Fixed assets                        215,083,404,817.73           61.60%       222,161,110,736.65                61.27%        0.33%
 Construction in progress             32,973,381,339.08            9.44%        26,135,157,629.45                 7.21%        2.23%
 Right-of-use assets                     212,408,093.54            0.06%           225,606,768.34                 0.06%        0.00%
 Short term loan                      38,995,934,539.57           11.17%        26,369,552,400.50                 7.27%        3.90%
 Contract liabilities                  3,989,090,507.85            1.14%         3,734,262,391.81                 1.03%        0.11%
 Long-term loan                      134,520,212,536.23           38.52%       130,962,386,969.29                36.12%        2.40%
 Lease liabilities                       204,564,668.81            0.06%           213,400,396.45                 0.06%        0.00%
 Non-current liabilities due
                                      22,216,340,629.61            6.36%        20,461,387,778.93                 5.64%        0.72%
 within one year

2. Major foreign assets

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

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                                               and loss    Accumulat        Impair     Purcha
                                                                                                    S ales
                                                 from         ed fair        ment         se
                       Amount at the                                                               amount     Other     Amount at the
                                               changes         value        accrue     amount
         Item           beginning of                                                                in the    chang      end of the
                                                in fair      changes        d in the    in the
                         the period                                                                current      es         period
                                               value for   recognized       current    current
                                                  the       in equity        period     period
 Financial assets
 derivative            188,283,362.49                                                                                   387,219,170.37
 financial assets
 Total above           188,283,362.49                                                                                   387,219,170.37
                       588,769,711.55                                                                                   549,233,668.87

Whether there were significant changes in the measurement attributes of the Company’s major assets during the
reporting period
□Yes No

4. Restrictions on rights of assets at the end of the reporting period

                                                    Carrying value at the end of
                     Item                                                                         Reasons for restrictions
                                                            the period
                                                                                       See note to monetary funds in the notes to the
 M onetary fund                                                 1,823,189,402.42
                                                                                       financial statements for details
                                                                                       Pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills as
 Accounts receivable financing                                     11,038,301.85
 Fixed assets                                                 213,092,536,178.09       Bank loan mortgage, letter of credit mortgage
 Construction in progress                                      25,219,264,761.29       Bank loan mortgage
 Intangible assets                                              4,893,798,769.47       Bank loan mortgage
 Total                                                        245,039,827,413.12

VI. Analysis of Investment

1. Overall

   Investment amount in the reporting            Investment amount in the same period
             period (RMB)                                 of last year (RMB)
                            8,891,042,895.47                            8,211,165,997.21                                          8.28%

2. Significant equity investments acquired during the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Major ongoing non-equity investments during the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

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4. Investment in financial assets

(1) S ecurities investment

There was no investment in securities during the reporting period.

(2) Investment in derivatives

The Company had no derivatives investment during the reporting period.

5. Use of the raised funds

The Company had no use of the raised funds during the reporting period.

VII. Sales of Major Assets and Equities

1. Sales of major assets

The Company did not sell any major assets during the reporting period.

2. Sales of major equities

□Applicable Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of Main Holding and Joint-stock Companies

Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies affecting more than 10% of the Company’s net profit

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                                                                                                                                                                   Unit:RM B 10,000

  Company       Company                                                                                                                    Operating      Operating
                                                 Main business                       Registered capital   Total assets     Net assets                                    Net profit
   name           type                                                                                                                      revenue         profit
                                Production, sales, storage and transportation of
 ZPC           Subsidiary                                                            5,580,000            27,526,076.93    9,019,919.96   12,077,630.30   -249,375.02    -175,152.74
                                petroleum products etc.
                                Production and sales of polyester chips and
 Chemical      Subsidiary                                                            200,000                900,953.36      217,024.68       205,789.85       240.06             231.65
                                polyester filaments
                                Production and sales of chemical products and
 Petrochemic   Subsidiary                                                            600,000               3,994,362.13     812,757.56     2,324,764.77    -18,209.59     -19,537.08
                                petroleum products
 Yisheng                        Project investment, domestic trade, import and
               Subsidiary                                                            201,800               1,691,608.61     769,388.77     1,413,522.77      5,904.47       8,684.11
 Investment                     export of goods
 Yisheng                        Production and sales of PTA and polyester bottle
               Subsidiary                                                            245,645               1,534,612.31     612,554.90     1,413,522.77    -10,093.76      -7,306.72
 Dahua                          chips
 Yongsheng                      New material technology R&D, plastic product
               Subsidiary                                                            16,000                 249,093.57       68,599.22       111,389.35     -4,591.55      -4,599.22
 Technology                     manufacturing, synthetic fibre manufacturing
 New           Subsidiary       Production and sales of PTA                          300,000               1,229,722.54     265,371.77     1,791,328.63    -20,745.66     -20,659.06
 M aterials
 Zhejiang      Joint stock
                                Production and sales of PTA                          USD 51,444.71         2,011,830.71     898,463.53     1,269,371.13      6,426.42       2,515.12
 Yisheng       company
 Hainan        Joint stock      Production and sales of PTA and polyester bottle     458,000               1,433,916.33     663,792.30     1,010,770.47     36,907.79      31,499.72
 Yisheng       company          chips

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
                                                                   Acquisition and disposal methods during the reporting           Impact on overall production, operation and
                     Company name                                                          period                                                 performance
 Zhoushan ZPC Sales Co., Ltd.                                    Newly established                                          No significant impact
 Zhoushan Yushan Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd              Sold                                                       No significant impact

Description of major holding companies and joint-stock companies

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     (1) Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd.
     Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. (ZPC) is the implementing body of the Company’s 40 million
tons/year refining and chemical integration project. Its business scope includes general business items such as
production, sales, storage and transportation of petroleum products, import and export trade of crude oil, sales of
petrochemical raw and auxiliary materials and equipment and their parts and components. With Li Shuirong as its
legal representative, ZPC, a holding subsidiary of the Company, owns a registered capital of RMB55.8 billion. As
of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB275,260,770,000 and net assets of RMB90,199,200,000; from
January to June 2023, the company realized operating revenues of RMB120,776,300,000 and net profits of RMB-
     (2) Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
      The business scope of Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. includes the storage of chemical products;
wholesale and retail of chemical products and petroleum products (except hazardous chemicals). With Li Shuirong
as its legal representative, Zhongjin Petrochemical, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, owns a registered
capital of RMB6,000,000,000. As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB39,943,620,000 and net assets
of RMB8,127,580,000; from January to June 2023, the company realized operating revenues of
RMB23,247,650,000 and net profit of RMB-195,370,000.
     (3) Dalian Yisheng Investment Co., Ltd.
     Dalian Yisheng Investment Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in industrial investment. With Li Shuirong as its legal
representative, Yisheng Investment owns registered capital of RMB2,018 million. The Company holds 70% of its
equity. As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB16,916,090,000 and net assets of RMB7,693,890,000;
from January to June 2023, the company realized operating revenues of RMB14,135,230,000 and net profits of
     (4) Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
     Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of PTA. With Li
Shuirong as its legal representative, Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical owns a registered capital of RMB2,456,450,000.
As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB15,346,120,000 and net assets of RMB6,125,550,000; from
January to June 2023, the company realized operating income of RMB14,135,230,000 and net profit of RMB-
     (5) Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd.
     Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of PTA. The legal
representative is Xu Baoyue, the registered capital is RMB3 billion, and Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
holds 51% of its equity. As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB12,297,230,000 and net assets of
RMB2,653,720,000; from January to June 2023, the company realized operating income of RMB17,913,290,000
and net profit of RMB-206,590,000.
     (6) Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
     Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock subsidiary of Yisheng Investment, the Company’s
holding subsidiary. The Company’s main business includes the production and sales of PTA and polyester bottle
chips, and import and export business. With Fang Xianshui as its legal representative, Yisheng Petrochemical owns
a registered capital of RMB4,580,000,000. Yisheng Investment holds 50% of its equity. As of June 2023, the
company had total assets of RMB14,339,160,000 and net assets of RMB6,637,920,000; from January to June 2023,
the company realized operating income of RMB10,107,700,000 and net profit of RMB315,000,000.
     (7) Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
     Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in PTA production and sales. Zhejiang Yisheng
Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in PTA production and sales. With Fang Xianshui as its legal

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representative, Yisheng Petrochemical owns a registered capital of USD 514,447,100. The Company holds 30% of
its equity. As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB200,118,310,000 and net assets of
RMB8,984,640,000; from January to June 2023, the company realized operating revenues of RMB12,693,710,000
and net profits of RMB25,150,000.
     (8) Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.
      Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. is the implementing body of the Company’s multi-functional
fibre technical transformation project. Its business scope covers the manufacturing and processing of polyester and
spandex (only for preparation) and the distribution of light textile raw materials and products. With Li Shuirong as
its legal representative, Shengyuan Chemical Fiber, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, owns a registered
capital of RMB2,000,000,000. As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB9,009,530,000 and net assets
of RMB2,170,250,000; from January to June 2023, the company realized operating revenues of RMB2,057,900,000
and net profits of RMB2,320,000.
     (9) Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology Co., Ltd.
     Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of polyester products.
With Xu Yongming as its legal representative, Yongsheng Technology owns a registered capital of RMB160 million.
The Company holds 70% of its equity. As of June 2023, the company had total assets of RMB2,490,940,000 and
net assets of RMB685,990,000; from January to June 2023, the company realized operating income of
RMB1,113,890,000 and net profit of RMB-45,990,000.

IX. Structured Entities Controlled by the Company

□Applicable Not applicable

X. Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures

     1. Risk from price fluctuation of raw materials
     As a member of the crude oil industrial chain, the Company’s main cost of production is the cost of upstream
raw materials. Therefore, the fluctuation of crude oil prices will result in the price fluctuation of products in the
industry chain, resulting in the fluctuation of corporate benefits and an increase in sales risk. Our crude oil team in
Singapore has rich experience in procurement, trade, hedging, and logistics. With the help of the marketing
department, we will focus on market changes, adhere to the combination of strategic procurement and preferential
procurement, and effectively reduce procurement costs. We also strengthen sales management and arrange flexible
long-term and short-term contracts to reduce the adverse impact of raw material fluctuations.

     2. Risk of economic fluctuation

     With chemicals, oil products, and polyester products as main products, our business covers the petrochemical
and chemical fiber manufacturing industries, which go hand in hand with the national economy and people’s
livelihoods. Therefore, the prosperity of the national economy is tied to our industrial development. In recent years,
the slowdown in demand growth from downstream industries has affected the petrochemical industry to a certain
extent. The Company will pay close attention to the economic situation and market trends, and take practical and
effective measures to minimize the risks posed by macroeconomic fluctuations.

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     3. Risk of exchange rate

     In the future, the market-oriented reform of the exchange rate will become one of the important factors affecting
investors’ asset allocation. If the USD further strengthens in the interest rate increase cycle, it may lead to greater
pressure on the depreciation of RMB. As the Company pursues international growth, the sharp fluctuation of the
currency exchange rate of foreign exchange settlement, which is dominated by the USD, will jeopardize our daily
operations. While controlling financial risks, the Company will continue to optimize the financing structure and the
financing scale of USD funds, control the cost within a reasonable range, and then reduce the adverse impact of the
exchange rate.

     4. Risk of market competition

     With the rapid development of the synthetic fiber industry chain in recent years, a certain degree of
overcapacity has emerged in the petrochemical industry. The further launch of new capacity will intensify market
competition and negatively affect the performance of our relevant products. The Company will accelerate the
continuous expansion of the downstream deep processing fields, further strengthen our anti-risk capabilities,
improve the level of product differentiation and competitiveness, strengthen the development of the market and
enhance our overall profitability.

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                               Section IV Corporate Governance

I. The Convening of the Annual General Meeting and Interim Shareholders’ Meeting During
the Reporting Period

1. General meeting of shareholders during the reporting period

     S ession           Type        attendanc    Convening date                            Meeting resolution
                                      e ratio
 The First
                    Extraordinary                                                   osure/detail?plate=szse&orgId=9900
                    General           77.78%    April 13, 2023     April 14, 2023   015502&stockCode=002493&annou
 General M eeting
                    M eeting                                                        ncementId=1216403827&announce
 in 2023
                    Annual                                                          osure/detail?plate=szse&orgId=9900
 2022 Annual
                    General           79.78%    M ay 16, 2023      M ay 17, 2023    015502&stockCode=002493&annou
 General M eeting
                    M eeting                                                        ncementId=1216829613&announce

2. Preferred shareholders with voting rights recovered requested to convene an extraordinary general
meeting of shareholders

□Applicable Not applicable

II. Changes in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company

     There were no changes in the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company during the
reporting period, which can be found in the 2022 Annual Report, and some of them have changed their biographies
as follows:
     Mr. Xiang Jiongjiong: Master’s degree; currently the director and general manager of Rongsheng
Petrochemical Co., Ltd., vice chairman of Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. and director of Zhejiang
Petroleum and Chemical Co., Ltd.; also the vice chairman of Zheshang General Association of Enterprises; selected
in Forbes “2021 China’s Best CEO List”.

III. Profit Distribution and Conversion of Capital Reserve into Share Capital during the
Reporting Period

The company plans to have no cash dividend, bonus shares, and capitalization of provident fund for the half-year.

IV. Implementation of the Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan or other
Employee Incentives

The Company had no implementation of equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee
incentives during the reporting period.

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                Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major Environmental Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are key emission companies announced by the environmental
protection department
Yes □No
Environmental protection-related policies and industry standards
     The Company and its subsidiaries strictly abide by the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as
the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on
the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention
and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of
Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, and strictly implements the relevant standards such as the Emission
Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Refining Industry and the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petrochemical
     1. Executive standards:
      (1) The emissions of flue gas from the heating furnace, catalytic regeneration flue gas, tail gas from the sulfur
unit, reforming catalytic regeneration flue gas, organic waste gas and the concentration of atmospheric pollutants at
the plant boundary shall comply with the special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants specified in the Emission
Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Refining Industry (GB31570-2015) and the Emission Standard of Pollutants
for Petrochemical Industry (GB31571-2015) and Emission Standards for Synthetic Resin Industry Pollutants
     (2) The sulfuric acid mist of sulfuric acid plants shall be subject to the special emission limits of atmospheric
pollutants specified in the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Sulfuric Acid Industry (GB26132-2010).
     (3) The emission of odor pollutants shall comply with the Class II standard of Emission Standard for Odor
Pollutants (GB14554-93).
      (4) The exhaust gas pollutants of the power boiler shall be subject to an 80% commitment value of emission
limit specified in Phase II of the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Coal-fired Power Plants (DB33/2147-
      (5) The exhaust gas pollutants from boilers in Mamu Oil Depot shall be subject to the special emission limits
of oil-fired boilers in the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Boilers (GB13271-2014).
     (6) The tailwater discharge of the integrated project and the sewage treatment plant of the base shall comply
with the special discharge limits specified in the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Refining Industry
(GB 31570-2015), the Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petrochemical Industry (GB31571-2015) and the
Emission Standard of Pollutants for Synthetic Resin Industry (GB31572-2015).
    (7) The noise at the boundary of the factory shall comply with the Class III standard of Emission Standard for
Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008).
     (8) The Integrated Project and the Solid Waste Disposal Center shall implement the Standard for Pollution
Control on the Non-hazardous Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill (GB 18599-2001), the Standard for
Pollution Control of Hazardous Waste Storage (GB 18597-2001), the Standard for Pollution Control of Hazardous
Waste Incineration (GB18484-2020) and the Standard for Pollution Control of Hazardous Waste Landfill (GB
     2. Quality standards

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     (1) The base and the points of concern shall implement the Class I (Class I area) and Class II (Class II area)
standards in the Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) according to the category of ambient air functional
areas. The Cm value specified in Detailed Explanation of Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants is taken
as the reference value of quality standard for non-methane total hydrocarbon (2.0mg/m3).
    (2) The monitoring of surface water shall comply with the Standard for Seawater Quality (GB3097-1997).
Environmental protection administrative licensing

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                                                                                                                                                                   2023 Semi-annual Report
 S /N                    Certificate                                 Certificate No.                              Issued by                     Application date         Period of validity
         Rongsheng      Petrochemical       Pollutant                                              Hangzhou   Ecological      Environment
   1                                                    91330000255693873W001P                                                              November 06, 2021         November 05, 2026
         Discharge Permit                                                                          Bureau
                                                                                                   Zhoushan Ecological Environment
   2     ZPC Pollutant Discharge Permit                 913309003440581426001P                                                              July 19, 2019             July 18, 2024
                                                                                                   Bureau (Daishan Branch)
                                                                                                   Environmental Protection Department
   3     ZPC Radiation Safety Permit                    ZHFZ [L2105]                                                                        October 18, 2018          October 17, 2023
                                                                                                   of Zhejiang Province
         Yushan Petrochemical      Hazardous Waste                                                 Ecological Environment Department of
   4                                                    3309000267                                                                          January 06, 2023          January 05, 2028
         Operation License                                                                         Zhejiang Province
         Yushan Petrochemical Pollutant Discharge                                                  Zhoushan   Ecological      Environment
   5                                                    91330900M A28K51W9C001P                                                             April 03, 2019            April 02, 2024
         Permit                                                                                    Bureau
         Zhongjin Petrochemical Pollutant Discharge                                                Ningbo    Ecological    Environment
   6                                                    91330211764527945N001P                                                              December 02, 2020         December 31, 2025
         Permit                                                                                    Bureau (Zhenhai Branch)

   7     Zhongjin Petrochemical Radiation Safety        ZHFZ [B2500]                               Ecological Environment Department of     July 17, 2023             July 16, 2028
         Permit                                                                                    Zhejiang Province
                                                                                                   Ningbo    Ecological   Environment
   8     Zhejiang Yisheng Pollutant Discharge Permit    91330200744973411W001W                                                              /                         December 15, 2026
                                                                                                   Bureau (Beilun Branch)
                                                                                                   Ecological Environment Department of
   9     Zhejiang Yisheng Radiation Safety Permit       ZHFZ (B2005)                                                                        /                         November 17, 2024
                                                                                                   Zhejiang Province
         Shengyuan Petrochemical Fiber Pollutant                                                   Hangzhou   Ecological      Environment
  10                                                    91330109754409144F001P                                                              November 06, 2021         November 05, 2026
         Discharge Permit                                                                          Bureau
         Shengyuan Petrochemical Fiber Radiation                                                   Ecological Environment Department of
  11                                                    ZHFZ A2408                                                                          M arch 14, 2022           M arch 13, 2027
         Safety Permit                                                                             Zhejiang Province

Industry emission standards and specific situations of pollutant emissions involved in production and operation activities
                  Types of      Names of
                   main          main                       Number
 Company or                                                              Distribution                               Pollutant discharge
                 pollutants    pollutants     Discharge        of                             Emission                                            Total       Total certified     Excessive
 S ubsidiary                                                             of discharge                                  standards in
                    and           and          method      discharge                    concentration/intensity                                 emissions       emissions         emissions
    Name                                                                    outlets                                      execution
                 particular    particular                   outlets
                 pollutants    pollutants
 Rongsheng                    Particulate                                                                          GB31572、
                 Waste gas                    after        1             Furnace area   1.1245-3.1405mg/m3                                  1.4347t           13.65t/a            None
 Petrochemical                matter
                                              treatment                                                            GB31571、
 Rongsheng       Waste gas    NOx             Discharge    1             Furnace area   14.701-45.007mg/m3                                  18.42t            102.59t/a           None

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                                                                                                                                        2023 Semi-annual Report
Petrochemical                                after                                                     GB14554、GB16297
                Waste gas   Sulfur dioxide   after        1    Furnace area   2.544-4.31mg/m3                             2.2431t    121.93t/a       None
                Waste gas   VOC              after        1    Furnace area   0.221-0.545mg/m3                            0.2869t    110.38t/a       None
                                             Discharge                                                 GB31570、
                            Particulate                        In the         M ean: 0.80mg/m3;
ZPC             Waste gas                    after        58                                                              72.53t     1566.86t/a      None
                            matter                             factory        range: 0-11.26mg/m3      GB31571、GB31572
                                             Discharge                                                 GB31570、
                                                               In the         M ean: 3.24mg/m3;
ZPC             Waste gas   Sulfur dioxide   after        90                                                              278.31t    2750.8t/a       None
                                                               factory        range: 0.07-32.29mg/m3   GB31571、GB31572
                                             Discharge                        M ean: 30.75mg/m3;       GB31570、
                                                               In the
ZPC             Waste gas   NOx              after        93                  range: 0.25-                                2505.38t   7078.45t/a      None
                                                               factory                                 GB31571、GB31572
                                             treatment                        105.32mg/m3
                                             Discharge                                                 GB31570、
                Waste                                          In the         M ean: 29.73mg/L;
ZPC                         COD              after        1                                                               347.56t    411.77t/a       None
                water                                          factory        range: 1.1-49.7mg/L      GB31571、GB31572
                Waste       Ammonia                            In the         M ean: 0.1268mg/L;       GB31570、
ZPC                                          after        1                                                               1.6t       42.08t/a        None
                water       nitrogen                           factory        range: 0.01-3.33mg/L     GB31571、GB31572
Yushan                      Particulate                        In the         M ean: 5.97mg/m3;        DB33/2147、
                Waste gas                    after        13                                                              18.73t     113.46t/a       None
Petrochemical               matter                             factory        range: 0.27-24.25mg/m3   GB13271、GB18484
Yushan                                                         In the         M ean: 6.87mg/m3;        DB33/2147、
                Waste gas   Sulfur dioxide   after        13                                                              41.71t     955.31t/a       None
Petrochemical                                                  factory        range: 0.73-28.79mg/m3   GB13271、GB18484
                                             Discharge                        M ean: 39.20mg/m3;
Yushan                                                         In the                                  DB33/2147、
                Waste gas   NOx              after        13                  range: 22.71-                               657.76t    847.63t/a       None
Petrochemical                                                  factory                                 GB13271、GB18484
                                             treatment                        69.87mg/m3
Zhongjin                                     Continuous        Whole
                Waste gas   Sulfur dioxide                15                  5.99mg/m3                GB13223、GB31570   54.16t     251.76t/a       None
Petrochemical                                blow-down         factory
Zhongjin                                     Continuous        Whole
                Waste gas   NOx                           15                  26.38mg/m3               GB13223、GB31570   238.39t    1141.74t/a      None
Petrochemical                                blow-down         factory

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Zhongjin                                     Continuous        Whole
                Waste gas   Smoke dust                    15                   3.28mg/m3   GB13223、GB31570   29.60t    216.44t/a       None
Petrochemical                                blow-down         factory
Zhongjin        Waste                        Continuous
                            oxygen                        2    East side       45.46mg/L   GB8978             99.19t    469.03t/a       None
Petrochemical   water                        blow-down
Zhongjin        Waste       Ammonia          Continuous
                                                          2    East side       0.58mg/L    GB8978             1.26t     52.23t/a        None
Petrochemical   water       nitrogen         blow-down
Yisheng         Waste                        Continuous        corner and
                            oxygen                        2                    56.28mg/L   300mg/L            377.92t   1680t/a         None
Dahua           water                        blow-down         north side of
                            demand                             the plant
Yisheng         Waste       Ammonia          Continuous        corner and
                                                          2                    0.2mg/L     30mg/L             1.5844t   182t/a          None
Dahua           water       nitrogen         blow-down         north side of
                                                               the plant
Yisheng                                      Continuous
                Waste gas   NOx                           3    corner of the   23.48mg/m   50mg/m             44.95t    405t/a          None
Dahua                                        blow-down
Yisheng                                      Continuous
                Waste gas   Sulfur dioxide                3    corner of the   1.15mg/m    35mg/m             2.28t     251t/a          None
Dahua                                        blow-down         plant
Yisheng                                      Continuous
                Waste gas   Smoke dust                    3    corner of the   1.32mg/m    5mg/m              3.62t     51t/a           None
Dahua                                        blow-down
                Process                      Discharge
Zhejiang                                                       Sewage
                waste       COD              after        1                    47.65mg/L   GB31571-2015       318.83t   1039.84t/a      None
Yisheng                                                        station
                water                        treatment
                Process                      Discharge
Zhejiang                    Ammonia                            Sewage
                waste                        after        1                    0.16mg/L    GB31571-2015       1.11t     17.35t/a        None
Yisheng                     nitrogen                           station
                water                        treatment
                Waste gas   SO2              after        2    Boiler island   7.6mg/m     DB33/2147-2018     17.87t    197.45t/a       None
                Waste gas   NOX              after        2    Boiler island   36.63mg/m   DB33/2147-2018     37.94t    458.43t/a       None

Zhejiang        Waste gas   Smoke dust       Discharge    2    Boiler island   2.53mg/m    DB33/2147-2018     6.45t     78.99t/a        None

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                                                                                                                           2023 Semi-annual Report
Yisheng                                  after
                                         Discharge       Boiler/heat
Hainan                                                                                     GB13223-2011、
            Waste gas   SO2              after       2   medium         36.11/61.12mg/m                       88.47t    679t/a          None
Yisheng                                                                                    GB13271-2014
                                         treatment       furnace
                                         Discharge       Boiler/heat
Hainan                                                                                     GB13223-2011、
            Waste gas   NOx              after       2   medium         43.62/160.68mg/m                      185.60t   989.9t/a        None
Yisheng                                                                                    GB13271-2014
                                         treatment       furnace
                                         Discharge       Boiler/heat
Hainan                                                                                     GB13223-2011、
            Waste gas   Smoke dust       after       2   medium         11.67/17.29mg/m                       26.86t    232t/a          None
Yisheng                                                                                    GB13271-2014
                                         treatment       furnace
            Process                      Discharge
Hainan                                                   Sewage                            GB31571-2015、
            waste       COD              after       1                  28.49mg/L                             56.90t    236.15t/a       None
Yisheng                                                  station                           GB31572-2015
            water                        treatment
            Process                      Discharge
Hainan                  Ammonia                          Sewage                            GB31571-2015、
            waste                        after       1                  0.15mg/L                              0.27t     17.7t/a         None
Yisheng                 nitrogen                         station                           GB31572-2015
            water                        treatment
Shengyuan                                Discharge
                        Particulate                      West side of
Chemical    Waste gas                    after       1                  4.18mg/m                              2.99t     8.74t/a         None
                        matter                           the factory
Fiber                                    treatment
Shengyuan                                Discharge
                                                         West side of
Chemical    Waste gas   NOx              after       1                  28.94mg/m          GB31572、          17.35t    52.15t/a        None
                                                         the factory
Fiber                                    treatment                                         GB31571、
Shengyuan                                Discharge                                         DB3301/T0205、
                                                         West side of
Chemical    Waste gas   Sulfur dioxide   after       1                  1.21mg/m           GB14554、GB16297   1.793t    17.38t/a        None
                                                         the factory
Fiber                                    treatment
Shengyuan                                Discharge
                                                         West side of
Chemical    Waste gas   VOC              after       1                  0.87mg/m                              1.066t    97.298t/a       None
                                                         the factory
Fiber                                    treatment

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Treatment of pollutants
      The above companies build pollutant management facilities in accordance with the requirements of the
environmental impact assessment of construction projects, and the prevention and control measures for waste gas,
waste water, solid waste and noise are designed, constructed and put into operation at the same time as the main
installations in strict accordance with the requirements of the environmental impact assessment, and the daily
maintenance of equipment and facilities are carried out to ensure the high efficiency and stability of the pollutant
management facilities.
Emergency response plan for environmental emergencies
    1. The Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. was
completed in July 2022 for filing by the local environmental protection department, with filing number 330109-
     2. The Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Zhejiang Petroleum and Chemical Co.,
Ltd. has completed the filing at the local environmental protection department, Emergency Response Plan Filing
No.: 330921-2021-023-H; Emergency Response Plan Filing Authorities: Zhoushan Ecological and Environmental
Protection Bureau (Daishan branch).
    3. The Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
was revised, evaluated and filed with the local environmental protection department in March 2022, with filing No.
    4. The Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
was revised, evaluated and filed with the local environmental protection department in September 2021.
     5. The Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co.,
Ltd. was completed on June 2, 2022 for filing by the local environmental protection department, with filing No.
    6. The Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
was revised, evaluated and filed with the local environmental protection department in December 2021.
Investment in environmental governance and protection and payment of environmental protection taxes
      In accordance with the relevant requirements of the local government at the national level, the Company and
its subsidiaries completed various monitoring and environmental governance work. From January to June 2023, the
Company invested a total of approximately RMB49,960,000 in environmental protection related investments, and
the Company and its subsidiaries paid a total of approximately RMB5,650,000 in environmental protection taxes.
Environmental self-monitoring plan
     The Company and its subsidiaries strictly abide by the environmental protection laws, regulations and relevant
regulations of the state and local governments. The Company has established an environmental self -monitoring
scheme to ensure that all pollutants are discharged and disposed of in strict accordance with the requirements of
laws and regulations. The self-monitoring plan is disclosed in the pollution source monitoring data management
system. The Company carries out pollution source monitoring in strict accordanc e with the monitoring scheme to
ensure that all pollutants are discharged in strict accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, and
entrusts a qualified third-party monitoring agency to carry out monitoring on a regular basis.
Administrative penalties for environmental issues during the reporting period
Other environmental information that should be disclosed
     Other environmental information that should be disclosed has been disclosed as required.
Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects
     As an active participant in China’s environmental protection cause, Rongsheng Petrochemical actively fulfills

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                                                                                              2023 Semi-annual Report

its commitment to green development, fully implements the requirements of the state and the company on carbon
reduction and energy saving management, focuses on the development of recycling economy, cleaner production,
green manufacturing, strengthens the management of carbon emissions, gives full play to the advantages of carbon
fixation and carbon elimination, builds the whole life cycle of the green manufacturing system and promotes the
green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of the industry chain by linking with the upstream and
downstream partners.
     The Company actively implements circular economy development mode, and recycles and utilizes the high
concentration CO2 generated from EO/EG (ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol) plant as raw material of DMC/PC
(dimethyl carbonate/polycarbonate) plant, which effectively reduces carbon emission. At present, the company
recycles and refines the tail gas of high concentration CO2 emissions from a 800,000 tons/year ethylene glycol plant
for the production of polycarbonate raw materials, and another CO2 recovery project for an ethylene glycol plant is
under implementation, forming an environmentally friendly green industrial chain process of CO2 recovery,
utilization, and the production of high-end PC resins, which is characteristic of the company.
     ZPC renovated the original power center to reduce gas demand by converting 7 coal-fired boilers into gas-fired
boilers. ZPC optimizes the operation of flare system, recovers flare gas with calorific value up to the standard in
time, and accurately accompanies flare gas with calorific value not up to the standard, reduces the amount of
accompanied fuel gas, and saves about 30 tons/hour of fuel gas. Zhongjin Petrochemical adopts 95+ energy-saving
and environment-friendly waste heat recovery system to renovate the aromatics heating furnace. By purifying the
fuel and adding new facilities such as preheater, blower and induced draft fan, the efficiency of the heating furnace
has been increased to 95%, with an annual energy saving of 15,000 tons of standard coal.

Ⅴ. Social Responsibility Information

     The Company implements the concept of win-win cooperation and continues to help the community public
welfare, and demonstrates its mission and responsibility with practical actions. The Company continues to improve
the quality of customer service, strengthen the management of responsible purchasing, provide public welfare
volunteer services, and work together with customers, suppliers, the public and other stakeholders in the community
to make progress, build harmony and share the benefits.
     The Company adheres to the customer-centered approach, continuously improves the service management
system, actively responds to the diversified needs of customers, improves the quality and efficiency of services in
multiple dimensions, strictly protects the privacy and information security of customers, and enhances customer
     The Company is committed to building a responsible supply chain, deepening supplier compliance
management, optimizing supplier management and business processes, attaching importance to the prevention of
supply chain risks, establishing equal and mutually beneficial, close and stable cooperative relationships with
outstanding suppliers, and working together with suppliers to build an honest, transparent and responsible supply
chain ecology.
     The company advocates the concept of public welfare, is enthusiastic about public welfare, and actively carries
out public welfare donations to share the fruits of development with the society. It is committed to helping students
and teachers, medical mutual aid, poverty alleviation and care for special groups, and encourages employees to
participate in blood donation, condolences and other types of volunteer activities, carry forward the spirit of
volunteerism, and continue to promote the public welfare cause and the healthy development of the community, and
actively spread the civilization and harmony of the social trends, and to contribute to the construction of a
harmonious and beautiful society.

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                                                                                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report

                                                               Section VI Important Matters

I. Matters in respect of which the Company’s actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, acquirers and the Company and other
parties related to the commitments have completed fulfillment of the commitments during the reporting period and thos e which have
not been completed beyond the reporting period as of the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                                          Time of
                                    Commitme      Commitme                                                                                             Term of
     Cause of Commitment                                                            Content of Commitment                               Commitmen                      Fulfillment
                                     nt Party      nt Type                                                                                           Commitment
 Share reform commitment            N/A           N/A          N/A                                                                                  N/A                N/A
 Commitments stated in the Report
 of Acquisition or Equity Change    N/A           N/A          N/A                                                                                  N/A                N/A
 Commitments made      in assets    N/A           N/A          N/A                                                                                  N/A                N/A
                                                               Directors Li Shuirong and Li Yongqing and Supervisor Li Guoqing
                                    Directors                  promised that during their term of office, they would not transfer
                                                                                                                                                    Term of
                                    and           Commitmen    shares they held (including directly and indirectly) in the issuer of
 Commitment made during IPO or                                                                                                          November    commitment for
                                    supervisors   t made       more than 25% of the total shares held (including directly and                                          Fulfilled
 re-financing                                                                                                                           02, 2010    share lock-up is
                                    of the        during IPO   indirectly) by them in the issuer every year. Within half a year after
                                                                                                                                                    36 months
                                    Company                    resignation, they would not transfer shares directly or indirectly
                                                               held by them in the issuer.
 Equity incentive commitment        N/A           N/A          N/A                                                                                  N/A                N/A
                                                               Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., the controlling
                                                               shareholder of the Company, signed the Non-competition
                                                               Agreement with the Company and promised not to compete with
                                                               the Company in the same industry. Li Shuirong, the de facto
                                    Shareholder   Commitmen
 Other commitments to minority                                 controller and the largest natural person shareholder of the             November
                                    s before      t made                                                                                            Long term          Fulfilled
 shareholders of the Company                                   Company, and other shareholders, including Li Yongqing, Li               02, 2010
                                    issuance      during IPO
                                                               Guoqing, Ni Xincai, Xu Yuejuan and Zhao Guanlong, respectively
                                                               issued the Letter of Commitment on Avoiding Horizontal
                                                               Competition and promised not to compete with the company in the
                                                               same industry.

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                                                                         2023 Semi-annual Report
Other commitments                     N/A   N/A   N/A              N/A             N/A
Whether the commitments are
performed on time
If the commitments have not been
fulfilled after the deadline, the
specific reasons for the failure to
complete the performance and the
work plan for the next step should
be explained in details

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                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report

II. Non-operating Occupation of Funds of the Listed Company by the Controlling
Shareholder and Other Related Parties

There was no non-operating occupation of funds of the listed company by the controlling shareholder and other
related parties during the reporting period.

III. Illegal External Guarantee

There was no illegal external guarantee during the reporting period.

IV. Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firm

Whether the semi-annual financial report has been audited
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

V. Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the “Non-standard
Audit Report” for the reporting period issued by the accounting firm

□Applicable Not applicable

VI. Explanation of the Board of Directors on the Relevant Situation of the Previous Year of
the “Non-standard Audit Report”

□Applicable Not applicable

VII. Matters Related to Bankruptcy and Reorganization

The Company did not have any matters related to bankruptcy or reorganization during the reporting period.

VIII. Litigation Matters

Major litigation and arbitration matters
The Company had no major litigation and arbitration during the reporting period.
Other litigation matters
□Applicable Not applicable

IX. Punishment and Rectification

                                                       Type of
                                                       investig      Conclusion (if    Disclosure
    Name            Type              Reason                                                           Disclosure reference
                                                       ation/pe          any)            Date
 Rongsheng                      Zhejiang Securities                  The supervision                 For details, please refer to
                                                                                       January 12,
 Petrochemic    Other           Regulatory Bureau      Other         and                             the Announcement on the
 al Co., Ltd.                   found in the on-site                 management                      Company and Relevant

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                                                                                              2023 Semi-annual Report

 Li Shuirong   Director            inspection that the                measure of            Personnel Receiving a
                                   company had                        issuing a             Warning Letter from
 Xiang                             irregularities in the              warning letter        Zhejiang Securities
 Jiongjiong                        recognition of                     was taken and         Regulatory Bureau
                                   revenue from                       recorded in the       (Announcement No.
 Wang          Senior              trading business                   integrity             2023-002) on the Juchao
 Yafang        management          and in accounting                  archives of           Information Network
 Quan                              treatment in 2020-                 securities and        (www.cninfo.com.cn)
               Director            2021.                              futures markets.

Description of the rectification
     After receiving the Warning Letter, the Company and the relevant personnel attach great importance to the
problems pointed out wherein, strictly in accordance with the requirements of the Zhejiang Securities Regulatory
Bureau, fully learn from the lessons, continue to strengthen the study of securities laws and regulations, establish,
improve and strictly implement the financial and accounting management system, enhance the management of
disclosure affairs, and improve the awareness of standardized operation; and to effectively exercise diligence and
duty in order to facilitate the standardized operation of the Company and ensure that the disclosure of information
is true, accurate, complete, timely and fair, thereby safeguarding the interests of the Company and all shareholders
and promoting the Company’s healthy, stable and sustainable development.

X. Integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□Applicable Not applicable

XI. Major Related Transactions

1. Related party transactions related to daily operations

                                                           37 / 187
                                                                                                                                                               2023 Semi-annual Report
                                    Content                              Amount      Proportio                Excee    S ettlemen     Available
                          Type of               principle    Price of                             Trading
                                       s of                             of related      n to                  d the        t of         market
                          related                  s of      related                                limit                                          Disclo
Related       Relatio                related                              party       similar                 appro      related       price for
                           party                 related      party                               approved                                          sure      Disclosure reference
 party         nship                  party                             transacti    transacti                  ved       party         similar
                         transact                 party     transacti                              (RMB                                            Date
                                    transact                            on (RMB         on                     limit   transactio     transactio
                            ion                 transacti      on                                  10,000)
                                       ion                               10,000)      amount                  or not        n              n
                                                                                                                       Banker’s                            new/disclosure/detail?plate
Rongshe      Parent      Purchas                                                                                       acceptanc                   April    =szse&orgId=9900015502
                                    value       M arket     M arket     920,310.5                                                     M arket
ng           compan      e of                                                          99.51%      1600000    No       e bill, spot                20,      &stockCode=002493&ann
                                    consum      price       price               6                                                     price
Holding      y           goods                                                                                         exchange,                   2023     ouncementId=1216478196
                                                                                                                       etc.                                 &announcementTime=202
                                                                                                                       Banker’s                            new/disclosure/detail?plate
Zhejian                                                                                                                acceptanc                   April    =szse&orgId=9900015502
             ed          Sales of   Aromati     M arket     M arket     536,883.9                                                     M arket
g                                                                                       6.31%      1500000    No       e bill, spot                20,      &stockCode=002493&ann
             enterpris   goods      cs, etc.    price       price               9                                                     price
Yisheng                                                                                                                exchange,                   2023     ouncementId=1216478196
                                                                                                                       etc.                                 &announcementTime=202
                         Purchas                                                                                                                   April    =szse&orgId=9900015502
Saudi                               Crude       M arket     M arket     2,718,963                                      Electronic     M arket
             [Note]      e of                                                          34.15%      7100000    No                                   20,      &stockCode=002493&ann
Aramco                              oil         price       price              .07                                     transfer       price
                         goods                                                                                                                     2023     ouncementId=1216478196
                                                                        4,176,157                 10,200,00
Total                                                 --        --                      --                      --          --            --         --                 --
                                                                               .62                        0
Details of return of large sales                N/A
Actual    performance during the reporting
period    where the total amount of daily
related   party transactions to occur in the    None
current   period is estimated by category (if
Reasons for substantial differences between
the transaction price and market reference      N/A
price (if applicable)

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                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report

[Note] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group, the controlling shareholder of the Company, signed the Share Purchase
Agreement with the strategic partner Aramco Overseas Company B.V (hereinafter referred to as AOC), a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Saudi Arabian Oil Company (hereinafter referred to as Saudi Aramco) on March 27, 2023, and
the transferring parties have obtained the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration issued by China
Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on July 20, 2023 and completed the transfer.

2. Related party transactions arising from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity

The Company had no connected transactions related to the acquisition or sales of assets or equity during the
reporting period.

3. Related-party transactions for outward joint investment

The Company had no connected transactions related to joint outward investment during the reporting period.

4. Connected transactions on credit and debt

The Company had no connected transactions on credit and debt during the reporting period.

5. Transactions with financial companies with associated relationships

There are no deposits, loans, credits or other financial operations between the Company and the related finance
companies, and the related party.

6. Transactions between the financial companies controlled by the company and related parties

There are no deposits, loans, credits or other financial operations between the finance companies controlled by the
Company and the related party.

7. Other major related party transactions

There were no other major connected transactions during the reporting period.

XII. Material Contracts and Their Performance

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

(1) Entrustment

The Company had no entrustment during the reporting period.

(2) Contracting

There was no contracting during the reporting period.

(3) Lease

There was no leasing during the reporting period.

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                                                                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report

2. Major guarantee

                                                                                                                                                            Unit:RM B 10,000

                                                                  Guarantees of the Company to its subsidiaries
              Date of disclosure                                                                                                                                   Related
  Name of                                                                  Amount of                                      Counter-
              of announcement      Guarantee        Date of actual                              Type of     Collateral                  Period of     Completed     party
 guaranteed                                                                  actual                                      guarantees
                  relating to       amount           occurrence                                guarantee     (if any)                  guarantee        or not    guarantee
    party                                                                  guarantee                                       (if any)
              guarantee amount                                                                                                                                      or not
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   July 31, 2018                  255,000                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 10, 2018             101,754.69                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 08, 2018              59,699.56                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 08, 2018              19,899.85                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   M arch 18, 2019                 57,375                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 03, 2018              11,897.28                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 08, 2018              51,722.57                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 09, 2018              19,530.45                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 09, 2018              29,294.66                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 10, 2018               4,596.38                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 10, 2018               9,764.62                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                                         Joint liability
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 13, 2018               3,616.41                                                July 30, 2030   No          Yes
 ZPC          December 14, 2022     6,260,000   August 16, 2018              34,360.74   Joint liability                              July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                         2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 15, 2018       7,234.86                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 31, 2018        25,500                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 29, 2018     51,000                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 23, 2018     59,661.59                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 26, 2018     10,846.68                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 30, 2018      5,062.97                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 31, 2018     21,702.54                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 07, 2018     6,982.72                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 08, 2018    14,104.45                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 08, 2018     10,490.7                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 03, 2018       5,100.51                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 09, 2018    17,214.54                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 01, 2019     26,389.54                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 03, 2019     18,081.54                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 04, 2019      2,893.13                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 09, 2018     7,378.68                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 04, 2019      12,658.2   Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                        2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 04, 2019      93,840                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 08, 2019     6,872.25                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 09, 2019    18,070.58                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 10, 2019     9,041.32                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 14, 2019     4,410.14                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 15, 2019    13,023.36                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 30, 2019      65,790                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 31, 2019    14,469.72                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 30, 2019     2,169.85                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 01, 2019    11,926.1                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 04, 2019     2,895.27                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 01, 2019    7,595.43                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 01, 2019    6,148.09                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 03, 2019   25,320.99                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 11, 2019     3,307.6                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 12, 2019    4,700.16                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 11, 2019   19,271.88   Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                        2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 27, 2019     46,920                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 01, 2019      8,311.98                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 01, 2019    3,251.25                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 07, 2019      5,062.77                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 07, 2019      12,658.2                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 08, 2019      1,446.56                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 08, 2019      4,339.83                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 12, 2019      3,255.84                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 13, 2019      2,205.07                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 15, 2019     17,725.56                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 18, 2019     17,102.85                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 29, 2019       18,360                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 08, 2019       3,614.12                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 10, 2019        723.28                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 11, 2019       1,446.77                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 07, 2019       2,167.5                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 11, 2019       2,532.66   Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                     2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 12, 2019    6,151.11                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 12, 2019     735.02                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 12, 2019    5,062.77                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 15, 2019    1,808.26                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 01, 2019     7,951.41                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 11, 2019    1,083.75                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 07, 2019     4,049.91                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 07, 2019      17,340                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 07, 2019       7,956                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 09, 2019     3,254.87                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 10, 2019     1,084.92                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 13, 2019     1,837.56                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 13, 2019     2,531.44                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 16, 2019    11,574.45                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                   Joint liability   M arch 15,
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 16, 2019     16,214.7                                     No          Yes
                                                                   guarantee         2027
                                                                   Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 30, 2019      51,000                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 01, 2019     4,339.59   Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                    2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 04, 2019   12,657.84                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 07, 2019      1,734                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 05, 2019    7,234.86                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 05, 2019    9,040.36                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 06, 2019    4,339.69                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 06, 2019     35,700                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 06, 2019    3,675.11                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 12, 2019   21,702.54                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 20, 2019     362.61                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 01, 2019     51,000                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability   M arch 15,
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 05, 2019   11,055.47                                     No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         2027
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 05, 2019    3,978.18                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 08, 2019    1,446.56                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 08, 2019     17,850                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 10, 2019   14,469.72                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                  Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 10, 2019    4,777.65                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 10, 2019    3,255.84   Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                         2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 05, 2019         1,806.93                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 10, 2019         2,532.66                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 11, 2019         1,083.75                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 16, 2019         3,614.12                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 16, 2019         6,507.09                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 31, 2019        39,784.08                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 02, 2019       7,233.05                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 07, 2019       3,675.11                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 07, 2019       8,862.78                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 07, 2019       5,423.34                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 23, 2019    3,614.88                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 23, 2019    2,900.88                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 29, 2019     44,370                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 30, 2019   10,851.27                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 07, 2019       3,800.01                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                       Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 09, 2019      3,795.42                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 21, 2019      10,490.7   Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                       2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 21, 2019    6,865.62                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 29, 2019     26,520                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 15, 2019   9,046.38                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 09, 2019    1,627.92                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 18, 2019   3,039.09                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 19, 2019    1,300.5                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 21, 2019    74,970                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   December 18, 2019   2,948.82                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   December 19, 2019   5,062.77                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   December 24, 2019   5,427.93                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 16, 2020    6,872.25                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 16, 2020    3,979.02                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 16, 2020    2,205.24                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 16, 2020    10,490.7                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 16, 2020    2,134.35                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                     Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 14, 2020   2,530.98                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 18, 2020    727.77    Joint liability   July 30, 2030   No          Yes

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                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 16, 2020    4,700.16                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 19, 2020    7,234.86                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 31, 2020     10,200                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 01, 2020      16,575                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 17, 2020     1,806.93                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 17, 2020     2,532.66                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 13, 2020        2,040                      July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 03, 2020      4,339.59                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 05, 2020      4,339.59                     July 30, 2030   No          Yes
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021    79,380                                      No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021    23,226                                      No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021    88,200                                      No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021   294,000                                      No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021   128,772                                      No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021   25,519.2                                     No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                    Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 20, 2021     8,820                                      No          Yes
                                                                    guarantee         15, 2032
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 21, 2021    33,516    Joint liability   November        No          Yes

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                                                                                                   2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 21, 2021      58,800                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 21, 2021      58,800                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 21, 2021      11,760                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   January 22, 2021      33,516                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 04, 2021     55,860                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 05, 2021     44,100                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 05, 2021     41,160                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 05, 2021     17,640                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 05, 2021     58,800                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 05, 2021    108,780                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 05, 2021     67,032                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   February 07, 2021     33,516                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 18, 2021       12,348                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 18, 2021     20,956.32                                No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 19, 2021       29,400                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 19, 2021       35,280                                 No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 22, 2021       58,800    Joint liability   November   No          Yes

                                                                 49 / 187
                                                                                               2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 22, 2021    58,800                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 25, 2021    29,400                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 26, 2021   147,000                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 26, 2021    47,040                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 28, 2021     17,640                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 28, 2021     76,440                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 28, 2021     36,456                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 28, 2021     29,400                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 28, 2021     18,228                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 29, 2021     47,040                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 30, 2021      2,940                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   April 30, 2021      2,940                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 29, 2021      58,800                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 05, 2021     194,040                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 05, 2021      29,400                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                  Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021      23,520                                No          Yes
                                                                  guarantee         15, 2032
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021      41,160   Joint liability   November   No          Yes

                                                             50 / 187
                                                                                                    2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021          85,260                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021          85,260                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021          88,200                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021         176,400                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 06, 2021          23,520                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 15, 2021   59,364.48                                No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 17, 2021     23,520                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 17, 2021     22,932                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 17, 2021     47,040                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 17, 2021    120,540                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 22, 2021     19,404                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 13, 2022           9,408                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 11, 2022          199.92                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 02, 2022        129.36                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 04, 2022        223.44                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                       Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 09, 2022         70.56                                 No          Yes
                                                                       guarantee         15, 2032
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   August 10, 2022           8.82   Joint liability   November   No          Yes

                                                                  51 / 187
                                                                                                        2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 05, 2022    302.82                                      No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 10, 2022      241.08                                      No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 01, 2022     258.72                                      No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   December 16, 2022      41.16                                      No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability   November
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   December 27, 2022       4704                                      No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         15, 2032
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   June 06, 2019        1,082.67                     July 01, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M arch 29, 2021          4.73                     July 01, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability   January 02,
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 13, 2021         231.59                                      No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         2024
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 27, 2021         120.84                      July 01, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability   April 16,
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   July 29, 2021        1,692.06                                     No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         2024
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 18, 2021        0.41                     July 01, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   November 26, 2021      299.9                      July 30, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   December 03, 2021        39.7                     July 01, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   M ay 17, 2022          61.44                      July 01, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                      Joint liability   April 30,
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 05, 2022   1,282.05                                     No          Yes
                                                                      guarantee         2024
                                                                      Joint liability
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 08, 2022   11,149.6                     July 30, 2024   No          Yes
ZPC   December 14, 2022   6,260,000   September 19, 2022     20.92    Joint liability   July 01, 2023   No          Yes

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                                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                                Joint liability
ZPC             December 14, 2022   6,260,000   October 12, 2022       59.08                      July 01, 2023   No          Yes
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 17, 2023      29,800                      July 14, 2023   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   August 11,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 14, 2023     50,200                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   January 24,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 01, 2023     35,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2025
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   February 06,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 07, 2023     35,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2026
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 20,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 01, 2023      29,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 14, 2023       17,906.29                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         12, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 16, 2023         28,530                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         14, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 11, 2023       18,898.38                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         07, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 18, 2023       18,644.99                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         14, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   February 27,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 28, 2023     33,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2024
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   October 13,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   April 14, 2023        31,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 12, 2023       40,393.39                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         10, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 15, 2023         23,800                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         14, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   April 02,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   April 03, 2023        17,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2024
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   August 18,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 21, 2023    3,794.24                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023

Zhongjin        December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 14, 2023      8,891.93   Joint liability   September       No          Yes

                                                                           53 / 187
                                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         01, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 17, 2023      5,707.75                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         01, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 12, 2023       11,475.29                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         01, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 16, 2023       16,670.98                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         10, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 24, 2023       15,224.23                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         10, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 05, 2023             10                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         30, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 05, 2023             10                      M ay 31, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 05, 2023         27,980                      July 02, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 08,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   December 08, 2022         50                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   December 08, 2022         50                      June 08, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 08,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   December 08, 2022     49,850                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2024
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 07, 2023     15,195.21                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         07, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   February 28,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 14, 2023      13,724.4                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2024
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 10, 2023     21,445.56                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         10, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 10, 2023       3,836.1                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         10, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   November
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   November 18, 2022     15,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         18, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   October 07,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   April 07, 2023      26,821.23                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023

Zhongjin        December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 14, 2023       28,789.65   Joint liability   December 14,    No          Yes

                                                                           54 / 187
                                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   July 08, 2022         16,400                      July 08, 2023   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 22,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 26, 2023          7,500                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 24, 2023         60,000                      M ay 24, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 26, 2023         38,000                      M ay 26, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 01, 2023          6,200                      June 01, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 07, 2023          8,300                      June 07, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 13, 2023         27,000                      June 13, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 13, 2023          7,000                      June 13, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 28, 2023          3,500                      June 28, 2024   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   September 13, 2022    16,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         13, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   September 14, 2022    11,600                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         14, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   September 19, 2022    24,890                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         19, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   September 29, 2022    33,610                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         29, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 15, 2023      4,685.03                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         10, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 20, 2023      11,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         23, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 29, 2023      15,300                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         23, 2023

Zhongjin        December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 08, 2023      3,700    Joint liability   September       No          Yes

                                                                           55 / 187
                                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         23, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 21, 2023      3,500                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         23, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 22, 2023     61,100                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         23, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   September
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 08, 2023        5,400                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         23, 2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 08,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 09, 2023       17,630.11                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 14,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 15, 2023        6,266.15                                     No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability   December 20,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 28, 2019      3,000                                      No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee         2023
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 09, 2023         19,050                      July 04, 2023   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 25, 2023         15,800                      July 01, 2023   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Zhongjin                                                                        Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   April 17, 2023      21,460.63                     July 24, 2023   No          Yes
Petrochemical                                                                   guarantee
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 27, 2023         47,000                      June 22, 2024   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   July 13, 2022         17,400                      July 07, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   July 18, 2022         21,000                      July 13, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability   February 06,
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 10, 2023      9,039.92                                     No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee         2024
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 24, 2023         20,000                      M ay 22, 2025   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 15, 2023         33,000                      June 06, 2025   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee
Yisheng                                                                         Joint liability
                December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 19, 2023         15,100                      June 07, 2024   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                           guarantee

Yisheng         December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 28, 2023         16,800    Joint liability   June 19, 2024   No          Yes

                                                                           56 / 187
                                                                                                               2023 Semi-annual Report
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability   November
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   December 27, 2022      10,000                                      No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee         25, 2023
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability   M arch 15,
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 27, 2023        20,000                                      No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee         2024
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability   October 22,
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   October 14, 2022       18,144                                      No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee         2023
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability   September
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   September 19, 2022   17,721.04                                     No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee         14, 2023
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability   M arch 10,
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 16, 2023      18,040.27                                     No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee         2024
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 29, 2023         6,862.52                     July 23, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 30, 2023         6,862.52                     July 23, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 01, 2023         3,502.96                     July 11, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 01, 2023         3,660.01                     July 11, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 08, 2023         3,339.08                     July 30, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 08, 2023         3518.32                      July 15, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 16, 2023         3,786.34                     July 21, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability   August 19,
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 21, 2023         3,390.29                                     No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee         2023
Yisheng                                                                      Joint liability
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 29, 2023         6,698.64                     July 29, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                        guarantee
                                                                             Joint liability   December 20,
Chemical    December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 01, 2023       10,000                                      No          Yes
                                                                             guarantee         2023

Shengyuan                                                                    Joint liability   February 10,
            December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 10, 2023      10,500                                      No          Yes
Chemical                                                                     guarantee         2024

                                                                        57 / 187
                                                                                                              2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                            Joint liability   April 24,
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 24, 2023       7,000                                      No          Yes
                                                                            guarantee         2024
                                                                            Joint liability   M arch 15,
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 16, 2023      10,000                                      No          Yes
                                                                            guarantee         2024
                                                                            Joint liability
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   July 19, 2022        10,000                      July 18, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                            Joint liability
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   July 08, 2022        20,000                      July 07, 2023   No          Yes
                                                                            Joint liability   September
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   April 28, 2023       689.09                                      No          Yes
                                                                            guarantee         07, 2023
                                                                            Joint liability   September
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 18, 2023     390.61                                      No          Yes
                                                                            guarantee         19, 2023
                                                                            Joint liability   September
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 08, 2023        796.72                                      No          Yes
                                                                            guarantee         21, 2023
                                                                            Joint liability   September
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 19, 2023       1,254.86                                     No          Yes
                                                                            guarantee         06, 2023
                                                                            Joint liability
Chemical     December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 09, 2023      632.11                      July 20, 2023   No          Yes
Yongsheng                                                                   Joint liability   December 15,
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 02, 2023    14,819.55                                     No          Yes
Technology                                                                  guarantee         2025
Yongsheng                                                                   Joint liability   December 15,
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 16, 2021         3,430                                      No          Yes
Technology                                                                  guarantee         2025
Yongsheng                                                                   Joint liability   December 15,
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 24, 2022         7,534                                      No          Yes
Technology                                                                  guarantee         2026
Yongsheng                                                                   Joint liability   December 15,
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   October 14, 2022    1,389.12                                     No          Yes
Technology                                                                  guarantee         2026

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                                                                                                               2023 Semi-annual Report
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability   December 15,
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 02, 2023      2,436.09                                     No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee         2023
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability   December 15,
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 16, 2021            564                                      No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee         2023
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M arch 02, 2023      3,248.12                     June 15, 2024   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 16, 2021            752                      June 15, 2024   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   M ay 24, 2022            466                      June 15, 2024   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   October 14, 2022       85.89                      June 15, 2024   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 06, 2022        7,744.11                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   June 15, 2022        3,565.37                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   August 22, 2022      1,433.53                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   September 06, 2022   2,293.22                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   October 12, 2022     6,745.75                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   October 24, 2022      9,902.7                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   November 09, 2022    2,231.62                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   November 28, 2022    2,634.69                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   December 14, 2022    2,745.17                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   January 19, 2023     4,398.97                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                    Joint liability
             December 14, 2022   5,380,000   February 14, 2023    3,190.42                     June 06, 2032   No          Yes
Technology                                                                   guarantee

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                                                                                                                                                          2023 Semi-annual Report
Yongsheng                                                                                  Joint liability
                 December 14, 2022     5,380,000   April 25, 2023              1,706.04                                                   June 06, 2032   No           Yes
Technology                                                                                 guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                                  Joint liability
                 December 14, 2022     5,380,000   M ay 17, 2023               1,433.53                                                   June 06, 2032   No           Yes
Technology                                                                                 guarantee
Yongsheng                                                                                  Joint liability
                 December 14, 2022     5,380,000   June 12, 2023                  5,000                                                   June 03, 2024   No           Yes
Technology                                                                                 guarantee
                                                                           Total balance of guarantees
Total limits of guarantees to
                                                                           actually provided to subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved at the end of                           11,640,000                                                                                              6,806,681.81
                                                                           at the end of the reporting period
the reporting period (B3)
                                                                Guarantees of the subsidiaries to their subsidiaries
                 Date of disclosure                                                                                                                                     Related
  Name of                                                                   Amount of                                         Counter-
                 of announcement      Guarantee        Date of actual                             Type of       Collateral                  Period of     Completed      party
 guaranteed                                                                   actual                                         guarantees
                     relating to       amount           occurrence                               guarantee       (if any)                  guarantee        or not     guarantee
    party                                                                   guarantee                                          (if any)
                 guarantee amount                                                                                                                                        or not
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 24,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 24, 2023                 79.85                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 24,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 24, 2023                 37.04                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 24,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 24, 2023                  18.7                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 07, 2023                  1050                                                   July 07, 2023   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 07, 2023                  1015                                                   July 07, 2023   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 21,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 21, 2023                 33.22                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 21,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 21, 2023                 63.44                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 21,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 21, 2023                     5                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 21,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 21, 2023                 10.97                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023
Yisheng                                                                                    Joint liability                                October 21,
                 December 24, 2022      162,000    April 21, 2023                113.08                                                                   No           Yes
Dahua                                                                                      guarantee                                      2023

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                                                                                                                                                         2023 Semi-annual Report
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 21,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 21, 2023                   151.44                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 21,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 21, 2023                   140.78                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 21,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 21, 2023                    71.85                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 21, 2023                      700                                            July 21, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 21, 2023                      910                                            July 21, 2023   No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 27,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 27, 2023                       70                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 27,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 27, 2023                       70                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 27,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 27, 2023                       70                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 27,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 27, 2023                    38.82                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         October 27,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    April 27, 2023                    16.39                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2023
Yisheng                                                                                          Joint liability                         M arch 25,
                 December 24, 2022         162,000    M arch 31, 2023                 1,957.6                                                            No          Yes
Dahua                                                                                            guarantee                               2024
                                                                                 Total balance of guarantees
Total limits of guarantees to
                                                                                 actually provided to subsidiaries
subsidiaries approved at the end of                                    162,000                                                                                          6,623.17
                                                                                 at the end of the reporting period
the reporting period (C3)
                                            Total amount of guarantees of the Company (Including the above three mentioned guarantees)
                                                                                 Total balance of guarantees
Total limits of guarantees approved
                                                                                 actually provided at the end of
at the end of the reporting period                                11,802,000                                                                                        6,813,304.98
                                                                                 the reporting period
Proportion of total amount of guarantees (i.e. A4+B4+C4) in net assets of the                                                                                          151.96%

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                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report

3. Entrust finance

There was entrust finance during the reporting period.

4. Other major contracts

There were no other major contracts during the reporting period.

XIII. Explanation of other Major Matters

      1. Rongsheng Petrochemical issued a letter of guarantee to CNOOC Trading (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. on May 18,
2023 pursuant to the “Resolution on the Company’s Mutual Guarantee Amount for the Year of 2023” which was
considered and approved by the Third Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2022 in order to provide a
joint and several liability guarantee for a series of contracts relating to energy transactions (including but not limited
to spot and energy derivatives transactions) entered into between its subsidiary Rongsheng Petrochemical
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and CNOOC Trading (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. during the period from May 18, 2023 (inclusive)
to May 17, 2024 (inclusive), in the amount of US$250 million (two hundred and fifty million dollars).
     2. At the end of June 2023, the Company’s subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. transferred
all of its 100% equity interest in its subsidiary Zhoushan Yushan Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd. to Zhoushan
Green Petrochemical Park Management Co.

XIV. Major Matters of the Company’s Subsidiaries

□Applicable Not applicable

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                                                                                                                                                           2023 Semi-annual Report

                                                    Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

1. I. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: share
                                                          Before the change                              Increase or decrease (+, -)                        After the change
                                                                                        New        Issue of   Conversion of
                                                        Number         Proportion     issue of      bonus     provident fund      Others   S ubtotal     Number         Proportion
                                                                                       shares       shares      into shares
 I. Shares subject to sales restrictions                627,243,750           6.19%                                                                      627,243,750           6.19%
 1. State-owned shares
 2. Shares held by state-owned legal persons
 3. Shares held by other domestic capital               627,243,750           6.19%                                                                      627,243,750           6.19%
 Including: Shares held by domestic legal persons
 Shares held by domestic natural persons                627,243,750           6.19%                                                                      627,243,750           6.19%
 4. Shares held by foreign investors
 Including: Shares held by foreign legal persons
 Shares held by foreign natural persons
 II. Shares without sales restrictions                 9,498,281,250      93.81%                                                                        9,498,281,250      93.81%
 1. RM B ordinary shares                               9,498,281,250      93.81%                                                                        9,498,281,250      93.81%
 2. Domestically-listed foreign shares
 3. Overseas-listed foreign shares
 4. Others
 III. Total shares                                    10,125,525,000     100.00%                                                                       10,125,525,000     100.00%

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Reasons for share changes
□Applicable Not applicable
Approval of share changes
□Applicable Not applicable
Transfers of share changes
□Applicable Not applicable
Progress of implementation of share buybacks
      At the Second Meeting of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors of the Company held on August 4, 2022,
the Company considered and approved the “Resolution on the Buyback of the Company’s Shares”, and agreed that
the Company would use its own or self-financed funds to buy back some of the Company’s RMB ordinary shares
(A-shares) that had been issued within the territory by means of centralized bidding transactions for the purpose of
conversion of corporate bonds issued by listed companies that are convertible into shares or employee stock
ownership plans. The buyback amount shall not be less than RMB1 billion (inclusive) and not more than RMB2
billion (inclusive), the buyback price shall not be more than RMB20 per share (inclusive), and the implementation
period shall be within 12 months from the date of the Board of Directors’ consideration and approval of this buyback
program. For details, please refer to the “Announcement on the Buyback Program of the Company’s Shares”
(Announcement No. 2022-066) dated August 5, 2022 published in the Securities Times, China Securities Journal
and Juchao Information Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).
      As of June 30, 2023, the Company’s Phase II buyback accumulated 147,059,906 shares of the Company’s
stock through dedicated securities accounts by means of centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 1.4524%
of the Company’s total share capital, with the highest transaction price at RMB15.45 per share and the lowest at
RMB10.04 per share, and the total transaction amounting to RMB1,979,998,427.34 (excluding transaction fees).
The share buyback is in compliance with the Company’s established share buyback program and the requirements
of relevant laws and regulations.
Progress in the implementation of share buyback using centralized bidding to reduce share buybacks
□Applicable Not applicable
Effect of share changes on financial indicators such as basic and diluted earnings per share and net assets per share
attributable to the Company’s common shareholders for the most recent year and the most recent period
□Applicable Not applicable
Other disclosures deemed necessary by the Company or required by securities regulators
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

□Applicable Not applicable

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

□Applicable Not applicable

III. Number of Shareholders and Shareholding of the Company

                                                                                                           Unit: share

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                                                                                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                                               Total number of preferred shareholders with
Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end
                                                                                  122,895      restored voting rights at the end of the reporting                                        0
of the reporting period
                                                                                               period (if any)
                                       S hareholdings of ordinary shareholders holding more than 5% of shares or top 10 ordinary shareholders
                                                                                                 Number of       Increase                                                Pledge, marking
                                                                                                                                                      Number of
                                                                                                  ordinary         and            Number of                                or freezing
                                                                                                                                                    ordinary shares
                                                             Nature of          S harehol        shares held     decrease      ordinary shares
               Name of shareholder                                                                                                                  held not subject
                                                            shareholder         ding ratio      at the end of   during the      held subject to                         S tatus of   Num
                                                                                                                                                        to sales
                                                                                               the reporting    reporting     sales restrictions                         shares       ber
                                                                                                    period        period
                                                        Domestic non-state-
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd.                                        61.46%       6,222,789,981              0                    0       6,222,789,981
                                                        owned legal person
                                                        Domestic natural
Li Shuirong                                                                         6.35%        643,275,000              0          482,456,250         160,818,750
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited           Foreign legal person        1.61%        163,494,667     2,758,963                     0         163,494,667
                                                        Domestic natural
Li Guoqing                                                                          0.95%         96,525,000              0           72,393,750          24,131,250
                                                        Domestic natural
Xu Yuejuan                                                                          0.95%         96,525,000              0                    0          96,525,000
                                                        Domestic natural
Li Yongqing                                                                         0.95%         96,525,000              0           72,393,750          24,131,250
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. - GF Technology
                                                        Others                      0.67%         68,188,935     -5,000,000                    0          68,188,935
Pioneer Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Horizon Asset - Huaneng Trust  Jiayue No. 7 Single
Fund Trust - Horizon Asset Huixin No. 43 Single         Others                      0.60%         60,948,287              0                    0          60,948,287
Asset M anagement Plan
                                                        Domestic natural
Ni Xincai                                                                           0.47%         47,925,000              0                    0          47,925,000
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. -
Guangfa Shuangqing Upgrade Hybrid Securities            Others                      0.38%         38,972,360     -8,000,000                    0          38,972,360
Investment Fund
Strategic investors or general legal persons becoming the top 10 shareholders
due to rights issues

Explanation of the relationship or concerted action among the above             Among the top 10 shareholders, Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder
shareholders                                                                    of the Company, Li Yongqing and Li Guoqing are nephews of Li Shuirong, Chairman of the Board of
                                                                                Directors of Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., Xu Yuejuan is sister-in-law of Li Shuirong, and Ni
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                                                                                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                                   Xincai is the brother-in-law of Li Shuirong, forming associated relationships. In addition to the above
                                                                                   associated relationships, the Company has no knowledge of whether other shareholders are related to each
                                                                                   other or act in concert.
Explanation of the above shareholders on delegating/receiving/waiving voting       N/A
Special explanation of the existence of a special repurchase account among the     Among the top 10 shareholders, Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. repurchased 283,142,652 shares in the
top 10 shareholders                                                                special securities account, accounting for 2.80% of the Company ’s total share capital.
                                                          S hareholdings of the top 10 shareholders not subject to sales restrictions

                                                                                    Number of shares without sales restrictions                           Class of shares
                            Name of shareholder
                                                                                      held at the end of the reporting period              Class of shares                   Number
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           6,222,789,981    RM B ordinary shares                       6,222,789,981
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                                                          163,494,667    RM B ordinary shares                         163,494,667
Li Shuirong                                                                                                            160,818,750    RM B ordinary shares                         160,818,750
Xu Yuejuan                                                                                                              96,525,000    RM B ordinary shares                          96,525,000
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. - GF Technology Pioneer Hybrid
                                                                                                                        68,188,935    RM B ordinary shares                          68,188,935
Securities Investment Fund
Horizon Asset - Huaneng Trust  Jiayue No. 7 Single Fund Trust - Horizon                                                 60,948,287    RM B ordinary shares                          60,948,287
Asset Huixin No. 43 Single Asset M anagement Plan
Ni Xincai                                                                                                               47,925,000    RM B ordinary shares                          47,925,000
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. -Guangfa Shuangqing
                                                                                                                        38,972,360    RM B ordinary shares                          38,972,360
Upgrade Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Penghua Fund - China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. - Participating Insurance -
Penghua Fund State Life Stock Growth Equity Portfolio Single Asset                                                      36,595,081    RM B ordinary shares                          36,595,081
M anagement Plan (Available for Sale)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. - Guangfa Innovation
                                                                                                                        35,805,383    RM B ordinary shares                          35,805,383
Upgrade Flexible Allocation M ixed Securities Investment Fund
                                                                                   Among the top 10 shareholders, Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder
Explanation of the associated relationship or concerted action among the top
                                                                                   of the Company, Xu Yuejuan is sister-in-law of Li Shuirong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zhejiang
10 shareholders of ordinary shares without sales restrictions and among the        Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., and Ni Xincai is the brother-in-law of Li Shuirong, forming associated
top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares without sales restrictions and the top 10
                                                                                   relationships. In addition to the above associated relationships, the Company has no knowledge of whether
shareholders of ordinary shares
                                                                                   other shareholders are related to each other or act in concert.
Explanation of the top 10 ordinary shareholders’ participation in securities      Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. holds 6,207,789,981 shares through an ordinary account and
margin trading (if any)                                                            15,000,000 shares through a credit account.

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Whether any of the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares not subject to sales restrictions of the Company have any
agreed repurchase trading during the reporting period
The top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares not subject to sales restrictions did not conduct the agreed repurchase
transaction during the reporting period

IV. Changes in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
There were no changes in the shareholdings of the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management during the reporting period, which can be found in the
2022 Annual Report.

V. Changes in Controlling Shareholders or Actual Controllers
Changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period
There were no changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period.
Changes in actual controllers during the reporting period
There were no changes in actual controllers during the reporting period.

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                                     Section VIII Preferred Shares

The Company had no preferred shares during the reporting period.

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                                                 Section IX Bonds

I. Enterprise Bonds

The Company had no corporate bonds during the reporting period.

II. Corporate Bonds

1. Basic information of corporate bonds

                                                                                                             Unit:RM B 10,000

                  Bond                                                                                   Mode of
    Name of       abbre                     Issue        Value       Maturity     Bond      Intere    repayment of
                            Bond code                                                                                       ng
     bond         viatio                     date         date        date       balance    st rate   principal and
                    n                                                                                    interest
                                                                                                      The interest
                                                                                                      shall be
 2020 Public                                                                                          accrued per
 Offering of                                                                                          year on a
 Green                                                                                                simple interest
 Corporate                                                                                            basis, instead of   Shenz
 Bonds to                                                                                             compound            hen
                  Rongs                   April 20,    April 22,     April 22,
 Eligible                  149087.SZ                                              100,000   3.86%     interest. The       Stock
                  heng                    2020         2020          2024
 Investors by                                                                                         interest shall be   Excha
 Rongsheng                                                                                            paid once a         nge
 Petrochemical                                                                                        year, and the
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                            last interest
 (Grade 1)                                                                                            shall be paid
                                                                                                      together with
                                                                                                      the principal.
                                                                                                      The interest
                                                                                                      shall be
 2020 Public                                                                                          accrued per
 Offering of                                                                                          year on a
 Green                                                                                                simple interest
 Corporate                                                                                            basis, instead of   Shenz
 Bonds to                                              Septembe      Septembe                         compound            hen
                  Rongs                   August
 Eligible                  149220.SZ                   r 02,         r 02,        100,000   3.45%     interest. The       Stock
                  heng                    28, 2020
 Investors by                                          2020          2024                             interest shall be   Excha
 Rongsheng                                                                                            paid once a         nge
 Petrochemical                                                                                        year, and the
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                            last interest
 (Grade 2)                                                                                            shall be paid
                                                                                                      together with
                                                                                                      the principal.
 Investor suitability arrangements (if
                                          Qualified institutional investor
 Applicable transaction mechanism         Competitive price transaction
 Any risk of termination of listing and
 trading (if any) or not and              None

Overdue bonds
□Applicable Not applicable

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2. Trigger and implementation of issuer or investor option clauses and investor protection clauses

                                             Type of
                            Bond                                                                                   of investor
    Name of bond                             covered                         Option clause
                         abbreviation                                                                              protection
                                            under the
                                                         According     to     Rongsheng      Petrochemical’s
                                        Option      to                                                           implementation
 2020 Public Offering                                    announcement on M arch 18, 2022, - The First
                                        adjust                                                                   conditions for
 of Green Corporate                                      Indicative Announcement on the 2022 Coupon Rate
                                        coupon rate,                                                             the above clause
 Bonds to Eligible           20                          Adjustment of Green Corporate Bonds (Phase 1)
                                        put-back                                                                 of investor
 Investors by             Rongsheng                      Issued to Qualified Investors in 2020 by Rongsheng
                                        option and                                                               protection have
 Rongsheng                   G1                          Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical
                                        accelerated                                                              not been
 Petrochemical Co.,                                      has decided to lower the coupon rate of 20
                                        settlement                                                               triggered during
 Ltd. (Grade 1)                                          Rongsheng G1 to 3.86% for the next two years (i.e.
                                        clause                                                                   the reporting
                                                         from April 22, 2022 to April 21, 2024).
                                                         According     to     Rongsheng      Petrochemical’s    The
                                        Option      to   announcement on August 3, 2022 - The First              implementation
 2020 Public Offering
                                        adjust           Indicative Announcement on the Implementation           conditions for
 of Green Corporate
                                        coupon rate,     Measures for Coupon Rate Adjustment and Investor        the above clause
 Bonds to Eligible           20
                                        put-back         Buyback of Green Corporate Bonds (Phase II)             of investor
 Investors by             Rongsheng
                                        option and       Issued to Qualified Investors in 2020 by Rongsheng      protection have
 Rongsheng                   G2
                                        accelerated      Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical        not been
 Petrochemical Co.,
                                        settlement       has decided to lower the coupon rate of 20              triggered during
 Ltd. (Grade 2)
                                        clause           Rongsheng G2 to 3.45% for the two next years            the reporting
                                                         (September 2, 2022 to September 1, 2024).               period

3. Adjustment of credit rating results during the reporting period

□Applicable Not applicable

4. Implementation and changes of guarantee, debt repayment plan and other debt repayment security
measures during the reporting period and the impact on interests of bond investors

                        Bond abbreviation                                                  20 Rongsheng G1
 Substance of credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan       Establishing a special account for raised funds and a special
 and other debt repayment security measures                           account for debt repayment
 Bond guarantee                                                       None
 Changes in credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan
 and other debt repayment security measures and the impact on         None
 interests of bondholders (if any)
 Implementation of credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment
                                                                      The special account for raised funds and the special account
 plan and other debt repayment security measures during the
                                                                      for debt repayment operated as agreed in the prospectus
 reporting period
                        Bond abbreviation                                                  20 Rongsheng G2
 Substance of credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan       Establishing a special account for raised funds and a special
 and other debt repayment security measures                           account for debt repayment
                                                                      Irrevocable guarantee for joint and several liabilities
 Bond guarantee
                                                                      provided by Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd.
 Changes in credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment plan
 and other debt repayment security measures and the impact on         None
 interests of bondholders (if any)

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                                                                                                           2023 Semi-annual Report

 Implementation of credit enhancement mechanism, debt repayment
                                                                        The special account for raised funds and the special account
 plan and other debt repayment security measures during the
                                                                        for debt repayment operated as agreed in the prospectus
 reporting period

III. Debt Financing Instruments of Non-financial Enterprises

During the reporting period, the Company did not have any debt financing instruments of non-financial enterprises.

IV. Convertible Corporate Bonds

The Company had no convertible bonds during the reporting period.

V. Loss within the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements during the Reporting
Period of the Company Exceeding 10% of the Net Assets at the End of Last Year

□Applicable Not applicable

VI. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators of the Company in Recent Two Years as of
the End of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                 Unit:RM B 10,000
                                                                                                      Increase or decrease at the
                                                                                                      end of the reporting period
               Item                 End of the reporting period           End of last year
                                                                                                      over the end of the previous
 Current ratio                                          69.27%                            73.60%                            -5.88%
 Liability-asset ratio                                  73.15%                            73.20%                            -0.05%
 Quick ratio                                            23.68%                            23.07%                             2.64%
                                                                                                        Increase/decrease in the
                                                                                                       current reporting period
                                     Current reporting period           S ame period last year
                                                                                                       over the same period last
 Net profit net of non-recurring
                                                    -138,804.32                        524,622.94                         -126.46%
 gain and loss
 EBITDA total debt ratio                                 3.76%                            11.42%                            -7.66%
 Interest coverage ratio                                   0.19                               3.74                         -94.92%
 Cash interest coverage ratio                              0.51                              10.38                         -95.09%
 EBITDA interest         coverage
                                                           1.82                               5.02                         -63.75%
 Loan repayment rate                                   100.00%                           100.00%
 Interest cover ratio                                  100.00%                           100.00%

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                                                                                        2023 Semi-annual Report

                                        Section X Financial Reports

I. Audit Report

Whether the semi-annual report is audited
The company’s semi-annual financial report is not audited.

II. Financial Statements

The financial statement notes are represented in RMB.

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                   June 30, 2023

                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

                     Item                          June 30, 2023                    January 01, 2023
 Current assets:
 M onetary fund                                               15,188,219,124.43              18,238,774,380.21
 Settlement provision
 Lending funds
 Trading financial assets                                          387,219,170.37               188,283,362.49
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                                           3,363,526,129.84               7,128,011,047.03
 Accounts receivable financing                                     529,695,407.36               187,298,909.35
 Advance payment                                               3,370,137,428.73               2,558,120,124.99
 Premium receivables
 Reinsurance receivables
 Reinsurance contract reserves
 Other receivables                                             8,124,126,700.64               4,262,221,292.97
 Including: Interest receivables
 Dividends receivable
 Redemptory monetary capital for sale
 Inventory                                                    45,236,557,593.11              60,689,909,793.94
 Contract assets
 Held-for-sale assets
 Non-current assets due within one year
 Other current assets                                          4,519,277,838.44               2,467,681,369.50
 Total current assets                                         80,718,759,392.92              95,720,300,280.48

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Non-current assets:
Loans and advances
Creditors investment
Other creditors investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment                    8,891,042,895.47            8,733,329,806.35
Investment in other equity instruments
Other non-current financial assets
Investment real estate                               10,531,297.60            10,667,020.60
Fixed assets                                 215,083,404,817.73          222,161,110,736.65
Construction in progress                      32,973,381,339.08           26,135,157,629.45
Productive biological assets
Oil & gas assets
Right-of-use assets                                 212,408,093.54          225,606,768.34
Intangible assets                              6,457,143,332.49            5,997,771,881.12
Development expenses
Long-term deferred expense                               42,880.57              117,159.13
Deferred income tax assets                     1,366,443,593.55             429,885,619.21
Other non-current assets                       3,474,088,705.82            3,206,152,216.42
Total non-current assets                     268,468,486,955.85          266,899,798,837.27
Total assets                                 349,187,246,348.77          362,620,099,117.75
Current liabilities:
Short term loan                               38,995,934,539.57           26,369,552,400.50
Borrowings from the central bank
Borrowing funds
Trading financial liabilities                       549,233,668.87          588,769,711.55
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                                  2,425,595,695.06            3,408,800,462.03
Accounts payable                              40,246,839,546.30           69,079,366,976.43
Advance collections
Contract liabilities                           3,989,090,507.85            3,734,262,391.81
Financial assets sold for buyback
Deposits from customers and interbank
Funds from securities trading agency
Funds from securities underwriting
Payroll payable                                     688,558,340.81         1,022,711,102.12
Taxes payable                                       965,805,931.75         1,463,341,122.44
Other payables                                 5,932,751,765.86            3,472,604,671.47
Including: Interests payable

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 Dividends payable                                                   108,000,000.00               108,000,000.00
 Handling charges and commissions
 Reinsurance payable
 Held-for-sale liabilities
 Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                                 22216340629.61                 20,461,387,778.93
 Other current liabilities                                           514,202,837.84               458,588,848.28
 Total current liabilities                                    116,524,353,463.52               130,059,385,465.56
 Non-current liabilities:
 Insurance contract reserves
 Long-term loan                                                 134520212536.23                130,962,386,969.29
 Bonds payable                                                  2,033,552,302.01                 2,034,827,122.23
 Including: Preferred share
 Perpetual bond
 Lease liabilities                                                   204,564,668.81               213,400,396.45
 Long-term payables
 Long-term payroll payable
 Estimated liabilities
 Deferred income                                                     170,438,435.27               195,662,553.73
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                1,973,379,242.26                 1,987,353,203.65
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                138,902,147,184.58               135,393,630,245.35
 Total liabilities                                            255,426,500,648.10               265,453,015,710.91
 Owner’s equity:
 Share capital                                                 10,125,525,000.00                10,125,525,000.00
 Other equity instruments
 Including: Preferred share
 Perpetual bond
 Capital reserve                                               10,824,524,064.73                10,822,594,513.39
 Less: Treasury stock                                           3,978,202,364.65                 3,978,202,364.65
 Other comprehensive income                                          314,363,696.98               139,462,613.71
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                                                    886,470,394.72               886,470,394.72
 Generic risk reserves
 Undistributed profits                                         26,662,842,402.73                29,265,833,371.48
 Total owner’s equity attributable to the
                                                               44,835,523,194.51                47,261,683,528.65
 parent company
 M inority equity                                              48,925,222,506.16                49,905,399,878.19
 Total owner’s equity                                         93,760,745,700.67                97,167,083,406.84
 Total liabilities and owner’s equity                        349,187,246,348.77               362,620,099,117.75

Legal representative: Li Shuirong            Person in charge of accounting: Wang Yafang     Person in charge of

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the accounting firm: Zhang Shaoying

2. Balance sheet of the parent company

                                                                                            Unit: RM B

                     Item                 June 30, 2023                  January 01, 2023
 Current assets:
 M onetary fund                                    1,289,438,127.40                  710,893,292.35
 Trading financial assets
 Derivative financial assets
 Notes receivable
 Accounts receivable                                    222,163,810.04                70,794,193.95
 Accounts receivable financing                           15,594,344.92                49,291,497.90
 Advance payment                                        133,123,447.54                59,646,623.00
 Other receivables                                      674,551,215.09               674,169,712.95
 Including: Interest receivables
 Dividends receivable                                   300,000,000.00               300,000,000.00
 Stock                                                  481,185,027.35               458,506,509.44
 Contract assets
 Held-for-sale assets
 Non-current assets due within one year
 Other current assets                                    89,640,529.43                80,073,156.09
 Total current assets                              2,905,696,501.77                2,103,374,985.68
 Non-current assets:
 Creditors investment
 Other creditors investment
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investment                      44,137,924,006.11               43,204,610,202.35
 Investment in other equity instruments
 Other non-current financial assets
 Investment real estate                                  10,531,297.60                10,667,020.60
 Fixed assets                                           284,450,002.95               292,134,252.67
 Construction in progress
 Productive biological assets
 Oil & gas assets
 Right-of-use assets                                      1,087,988.53                 1,813,314.23
 Intangible assets                                        17159447.14                 18,392,144.26
 Development expenses
 Long-term deferred expense
 Deferred income tax assets

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Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                      44,451,152,742.33           43,527,616,934.11
Total assets                                  47,356,849,244.10           45,630,991,919.79
Current liabilities:
Short term loan                                6,377,180,353.05            7,450,753,608.62
Trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable                                       900,000,000.00          700,000,000.00
Accounts payable                               4,163,629,109.56            5,285,277,965.83
Advance collections
Contract liabilities                                159,953,422.31          149,074,706.33
Payroll payable                                      34,936,199.84            46,566,384.61
Taxes payable                                         2,641,653.21             3,732,804.55
Other payables                                 8,482,371,918.80            5,268,355,508.97
Including: Interests payable
Dividends payable
Held-for-sale liabilities
Non-current liabilities due within one
                                               1,536,106,190.28             885,163,049.92
Other current liabilities                            20,793,944.90            19,379,711.82
Total current liabilities                     21,677,612,791.95           19,808,303,740.65
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan                                 5,402,803,405.56            3,695,453,801.14
Bonds payable                                  2,033,552,302.01            2,034,827,122.23
Including: Preferred share
Perpetual bond
Lease liabilities                                      838,207.46                24,474.11
Long-term payables
Long-term payroll payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income                                       8,876,721.64             9,434,323.24
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                  7,446,070,636.67            5,739,739,720.72
Total liabilities                             29,123,683,428.62           25,548,043,461.37
Owner’s equity:
Share capital                                 10,125,525,000.00           10,125,525,000.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred share
Perpetual bond
Capital reserve                               11,243,393,393.54           11,243,393,393.54

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 Less: Treasury stock                                                 3,978,202,364.65                    3,978,202,364.65
 Other comprehensive income                                                 44,845,554.93                    44,972,616.09
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                                                          886,470,394.72                   886,470,394.72
 Undistributed profits                                                     -88,866,163.06                 1,760,789,418.72
 Total owner’s equity                                               18,233,165,815.48                   20,082,948,458.42
 Total liabilities and owner’s equity                               47,356,849,244.10                   45,630,991,919.79

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                                 Unit: RM B

                             Item                                    2023 S emi-annual             2022 S emi-annual
 I. Gross operating income                                                    154,525,283,752.29        147,627,593,292.44
 Including: operating income                                                  154,525,283,752.29        147,627,593,292.44
 Interest income
 Earned premium
 Handling charge and commission income
 II. Gross operating costs                                                    157,870,551,223.95        135,812,343,157.18
 Including: Operating costs                                                   139,757,633,719.45        122,775,638,618.00
 Interest expense
 Handling charge and commission expenses
 Surrender value
 Net payments for insurance claims
 Net appropriation of reserves for insurance liability
 Policy dividend payment
 Reinsurance costs
 Taxes and surcharges                                                          10,243,559,065.75          8,040,860,312.46
 Selling expenses                                                                  100549410.04             101,947,202.32
 Administrative expenses                                                           404763431.53             413,432,771.89
 R&D expenses                                                                   3,293,231,534.62          2,010,793,043.62
 Financial expenses                                                               4070814062.56           2,469,671,208.89
 Including: Interest expenses                                                   3,625,811,842.89          1,964,665,554.58
 Interest income                                                                  223,711,660.97            287,403,323.38
 Add: Other income                                                                104,660,432.05             49,421,957.99
 Investment income (losses expressed with “-”)                                  178,577,881.79            263,093,784.45
 Including: return on investment in associated enterprises
                                                                                  239,850,471.43            203,113,377.87
 and joint ventures
 Gains on derecognition of financial assets measured at
 amortized cost
 Exchange gains (losses expressed with “-”)
 Net exposure hedging gains (losses expressed with “-”)
 Gains on changes in fair value (losses expressed with “-”)                     310,625,655.12             44,396,337.62

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Credit impairment loss (losses expressed with “-”)                      -39,633,196.86            -78,692,429.59
Loss on assets impairment (losses marked with “-”)                      -64,830,582.66            -28,970,610.45
Gains on disposal of assets (losses expressed with “-”)                     -84,509.13            -13,729,695.91
III. Operating profit (losses expressed with “-”)                     -2,855,951,791.35        12,050,769,479.37
Add: non-operating income                                                   2,038,960.44              3,260,393.40
Less: non-operating expenses                                                  849,439.19             10,239,301.34
IV Total profits (total losses expressed with “-”)                    -2,854,762,270.10        12,043,790,571.43
Less: income tax expenses                                                -752,468,740.63          2,374,223,484.26
V Net profit (net losses expressed with “-”)                          -2,102,293,529.47         9,669,567,087.17
(I) By business continuity
1. Net profit from going concern (net losses expressed
                                                                        -2,102,293,529.47         9,669,567,087.17
with “-”)
2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net losses
expressed with “-”)
(II) By ownership
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent
                                                                        -1,126,633,616.55         5,366,884,515.49
2. M inority interest income (net losses expressed with
                                                                         -975,659,912.92          4,302,682,571.68
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                168,529,741.50             83,943,911.79
After-tax net of other comprehensive income attributable
                                                                          174,901,083.27             78,243,601.32
to the owners of parent company
(I) Other comprehensive income which may not be
reclassified to gain and loss
1. Re-measurement of changes in defined benefit plans
2. Other comprehensive income which may not be
transferred to gain and loss under the equity method
3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity
4. Changes in fair value of the credit risk of the Company
5. Others
(II) Other comprehensive income which may be
                                                                          174,901,083.27             78,243,601.32
reclassified to gain and loss
1. Other comprehensive income which may be transferred
                                                                          -32,777,139.77            -32,374,602.55
to gain and loss under the equity method
2. Changes in fair value of other creditors investment
3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other
comprehensive income
4. Provision for credit impairment of other creditors
5. Cash flow hedging reserves
6. Difference in translation of foreign currency financial
                                                                          207,678,223.04           110,618,203.87
7. Others
Other comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                            -6,371,341.77             5,700,310.47
shareholders, net of tax

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 VII. Total comprehensive income                                             -1,933,763,787.97              9,753,510,998.96
 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the
                                                                              -951,732,533.28               5,445,128,116.81
 parent company
 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                              -982,031,254.69               4,308,382,882.15
 VIII. Earnings per share:
 (I) Basic earnings per share                                                            -0.11                          0.53
 (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                         -0.11                          0.53

Legal representative: Li Shuirong                  Person in charge of accounting: Wang Yafang          Person in charge of
the accounting firm: Zhang Shaoying

4. Income statement of the parent Company

                                                                                                                  Unit: RM B

                                    Item                                     2023 S emi-annual        2022 S emi-annual
 I. Operating income                                                               1,904,808,648.13         4,107,305,612.19
 Less: operating costs                                                             1,874,789,103.99         4,041,318,165.55
 Taxes and surcharges                                                                  2,607,675.09             2,700,643.12
 Selling expenses                                                                     26,880,098.49            17,459,641.66
 Administrative expenses                                                              23,716,251.23            23,698,690.45
 R&D expenses                                                                         53,266,225.68            31,150,823.34
 Financial expenses                                                                 403,526,675.25           319,755,089.76
 Including: Interest expenses                                                       429,963,010.74           368,521,783.77
 Interest income                                                                      16,599,784.42            16,334,174.24
 Add: Other income                                                                     3,974,497.63             3,700,945.72
 Investment income (losses expressed with “-”)                                    111,928,533.98             74,552,966.18
 Including: return on investment in associated enterprises and joint                146,126,783.72           116,775,484.71
 Gains on derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost
 (loss expressed with “-”)
 Net exposure hedging gains (losses expressed with “-”)
 Gains on changes in fair value (losses expressed with “-”)
 Credit impairment loss (losses expressed with “-”)                                 -9,136,090.59            -1,185,903.93
 Loss on assets impairment (losses marked with “-”)
 Gains on disposal of assets (losses expressed with “-”)                              -107,408.12
 II. Operating profits (losses expressed with “-”)                                -373,317,848.70          -251,709,433.72
 Add: non-operating income                                                                19,958.10                 2,400.00
 Less: non-operating expenses                                                                338.98                 3,336.13
 III. Total profits (total losses expressed with “-”)                             -373,298,229.58          -251,710,369.85
 Less: income tax expenses
 IV Net profits (net losses expressed with “-”)                                   -373,298,229.58          -251,710,369.85
 (I) Net profits from going concern (net losses expressed with “ -”)              -373,298,229.58          -251,710,369.85

 (II) Net profits from discontinued operations (net losses expressed

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                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report

 with “-”)
 V Other comprehensive incomes, net of tax                                             -127,061.16            -16,184,956.95
 (I) Other comprehensive income which may not be reclassified to
 gain and loss
 1. Re-measurement of changes in defined benefit plans
 2. Other comprehensive income which may not be transferred to gain
 and loss under the equity method
 3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity instruments
 4. Changes in fair value of the credit risk of the Company
 5. Others
 (II) Other comprehensive income which may be reclassified to gain
                                                                                       -127,061.16            -16,184,956.95
 and loss
 1. Other comprehensive income which may be transferred to gain and
                                                                                       -127,061.16            -16,184,956.95
 loss under the equity method
 2. Changes in fair value of other creditors investment
 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive
 4. Provision for credit impairment of other creditors investments
 5. Cash flow hedging reserves
 6. Difference in translation of foreign currency financial statements
 7. Others
 VI. Total comprehensive incomes                                                    -373,425,290.74          -267,895,326.80
 VII. Earnings per share:
 (I) Basic earnings per share
 (II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

                                                                                                                  Unit: RM B

                                Item                                      2023 S emi-annual           2022 S emi-annual
 I. Cash flow from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                   178,201,062,732.02          159,196,956,646.29
 Net increase in deposits from customers and other banks
 Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
 Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
 Cash received from receiving insurance premium of original
 insurance contracts
 Net cash received from reinsurance business
 Net increase in deposits and investment of the insured
 Cash received from interests, handling charges and
 Net increase in borrowing funds
 Net increase in repurchase business capital
 Net cash received from securities trading agency

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Refunds of taxes and levies                                                    2,445,377,522.07         2,157,182,476.09
Cash received relating to other operating activities                           4,490,843,204.34         2,484,959,437.08
Subtotal of cash inflows for operating activities                            185,137,283,458.43       163,839,098,559.46
Cash paid for goods purchased and services received                          170,942,183,577.59       115,043,678,352.35
Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in deposits with the central bank and other banks
Cash paid for claims under original insurance contracts
Net increase in lending funds
Cash paid for interests, handling charges and commissions
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                        2,254,417,512.61         2,152,763,806.81
Payments of all types of taxes                                                10,665,209,175.36        12,408,782,000.44
Cash paid relating to other operating activities                               3,554,252,623.77         3,154,804,540.26
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                          187,416,062,889.33       132,760,028,699.86
Net cash flow from operating activities                                       -2,278,779,430.90        31,079,069,859.60
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from investment recovery                                         1,596,493,789.84         1,893,761,792.86
Cash received from the return on investment                                       39,685,918.80          474,185,918.80
Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                    164,567.04           123,351,594.29
assets and other long-term assets
Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other
business units
Cash received relating to other investing activities                            310,660,628.44           146,751,092.54
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                             1,965,703,567.28         2,638,050,398.49
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                              14,998,585,601.67        20,237,056,147.11
intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investments                                                      1,570,703,757.46         2,007,185,485.41
Net increase in pledge loans
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                226,234,663.58             25,450,726.15
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                           16,795,524,022.71        22,269,692,358.67
Net cash flow from investment activities                                       -14829820455.43        -19,631,641,960.18
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
Cash received from absorption of investment                                                                27,600,000.00
Including: cash received by subsidiaries from investments of
minority shareholders
Cash received from borrowings                                                 69,050,797,915.91        40,241,485,050.60
Cash received relating to other financing activities                           4,554,000,000.00         2,380,000,000.00
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                            73,604,797,915.91        42,649,085,050.60
Cash paid for repayment of debts                                              50,333,783,864.21        42,674,355,052.94
Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment
                                                                               5,579,093,602.51         5,306,659,201.93
of interests

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                                                                                                       2023 Semi-annual Report

 Including: dividends or profits paid by subsidiaries to minority
 Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                   2,335,547,370.40         3,037,227,800.90
 Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                               58,248,424,837.12        51,018,242,055.77
 Net cash flow from financing activities                                             15356373078.79         -8,369,157,005.17
 IV Effect of change in exchange rate on cash and cash
                                                                                     -342,023,274.22          -153,906,129.55
 V Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       -2,094,250,081.76         2,924,364,764.70
 Add: opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                                 15,459,279,803.77        14,338,837,644.67
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                   13,365,029,722.01        17,263,202,409.37

6. Cash flow statement of the parent Company

                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B
                               Item                                           2023 S emi-annual        2022 S emi-annual
 I. Cash flow from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                         3,821,944,250.75         4,338,189,240.57
 Refunds of taxes and levies                                                            6,895,663.22             3,706,999.49
 Cash received relating to other operating activities                                 209,329,629.24           117,737,304.75
 Subtotal of cash inflows for operating activities                                  4,038,169,543.21         4,459,633,544.81
 Cash paid for goods purchased and services received                                4,382,424,862.02         4,589,047,468.86
 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                              149,906,056.53           139,829,993.64
 Payments of all types of taxes                                                         9,748,781.30            31,689,288.36
 Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                     112,878,878.35           292,165,012.19
 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                4,654,958,578.20         5,052,731,763.05
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                             -616,789,034.99          -593,098,218.24
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
 Cash received from investment recovery
 Cash received from the return on investment                                           39,685,918.80           544,913,908.83
 Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible
 assets and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other
 business units
 Cash received relating to other investing activities
 Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                    39,847,544.09           544,913,908.83
 Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                                        3,944,526.39            16,207,302.41
 intangible assets and other long-term assets
 Cash paid for investments                                                            827,000,000.00            60,000,000.00
 Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business
 Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                                               20,000,000.00
 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                  830,944,526.39            96,207,302.41
 Net cash flow from investment activities                                            -791,096,982.30           448,706,606.42

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                                                                                             2023 Semi-annual Report

 III. Cash flow from financing activities:
 Cash received from absorption of investment
 Cash received from borrowings                                            8,012,734,846.32         8,417,495,719.30
 Cash received relating to other financing activities                     7,560,000,000.00         5,836,000,000.00
 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                      15,572,734,846.32        14,253,495,719.30
 Cash paid for repayment of debts                                         6,737,974,664.83         5,455,036,978.96
 Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment
                                                                          1,742,995,626.85         1,750,777,811.03
 of interests
 Cash paid relating to other financing activities                         4,943,986,958.94         5,583,725,079.66
 Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                     13,424,957,250.62        12,789,539,869.65
 Net cash flow from financing activities                                  2,147,777,595.70         1,463,955,849.65
 IV Effect of change in exchange rate on cash and cash
                                                                              1,223,824.25           -17,440,392.99
 V Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               741,115,402.66          1,302,123,844.84
 Add: opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                         510,179,880.17           464,104,910.32
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                          1,251,295,282.83         1,766,228,755.16

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owner’s equity

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                                                                                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report
Amount for the current period

                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                                                                                                  2023 S emi-annual
                                                                     Owner’s equity attributable to the parent company                                              ty
                                                                                                                                                                   equity     equity
                                         Other equity instruments                          Other
                                                                                 Less:                            S urplu   Generi
                                                                                           compr       S pecial                       Undist
                               S hare    Preferr   Perpet             Capital   Treasu                               s       c risk                      S ubtot
                                                                                          ehensiv      reserve                        ributed   Others
                               capital     ed        ual    Others    reserve      ry                             reserve   reserve                         al
                                                                                             e            s                           profits
                                         shares     bond                         stock                               s          s
                               10,125,                                10,822,   3,978,2    139,46                  886,47             29,264,            47,260,   49,905,     97,165,
 I. Ending balance of the
                                525,00                                 594,51   02,364.   2,613.7                 0,394.7              532,74             382,90    399,87      782,77
 previous year
                                  0.00                                   3.39        65         1                       2                3.94               1.11      8.19        9.30
 Add: Changes in                                                                                                                      1,300,6            1,300,6               1,300,6
 accounting policies                                                                                                                    27.54              27.54                 27.54
 Correction of errors in the
 previous period
 Business combinations
 under the same control
                               10,125,                                10,822,   3,978,2    139,46                  886,47             29,265,            47,261,   49,905,     97,167,
 II. Opening balance of the
                                525,00                                 594,51   02,364.   2,613.7                 0,394.7              833,37             683,52    399,87      083,40
 year                             0.00                                   3.39        65         1                       2                1.48               8.65      8.19        6.84
 III. Increases/decreases in                                                                                                                -                  -         -           -
 the      current     period                                          1,929,5                                                         2,602,9            2,426,1    980,17     3,406,3
 (decrease expressed with                                               51.34                                                         90,968.            60,334.   7,372.0     37,706.
 “-”)                                                                                                                                    75                 14         3          17
                                                                                                                                            -                  -         -           -
 (I) Total comprehensive                                                                                                              1,126,6             951,73    982,03     1,933,7
 income                                                                                                                               33,616.            2,533.2   1,254.6     63,787.
                                                                                                                                           55                  8         9          97
 (II) Capital contributed                                             1,929,5                                                                            1,929,5   1,853,8     3,783,4
 and reduced by owners                                                  51.34                                                                              51.34     82.66       34.00

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                                                                 2023 Semi-annual Report
1.     Ordinary    shares
invested by the owners
2. Capital contributed by
holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based
payment recognized in
owner’s equity
                               1,929,5                        1,929,5   1,853,8   3,783,4
4. Others
                                 51.34                          51.34     82.66     34.00
                                                          -         -                   -
                                                    1,476,3   1,476,3             1,476,3
(III) Profit distribution
                                                    57,352.   57,352.             57,352.
                                                         20        20                  20
1. 1. Withdrawal of surplus
2. Withdrawal of generic
risk reserves
                                                          -         -                   -
3. Distribution to owners                           1,476,3   1,476,3             1,476,3
(or shareholders)                                   57,352.   57,352.             57,352.
                                                         20        20                  20
4. Others
(IV)    Internal     carry-
forward of owner’s equity
1.     Capital      reserve
transferred into capital (or
share capital)
2.     Surplus      reserve
transferred into capital (or
share capital)
3. Surplus reserves for
making up loss
4. Changes in defined
benefit plans carried
forward   to  retained

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                                                                                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report
 5. Other comprehensive
 incomes carried forward to
 retained earnings
 6. Others
 (V) Special reserve
                                                                                                           180,17                                                   180,17     141,26      321,44
 1. Amount appropriated in
                                                                                                           6,909.3                                                 6,909.3    7,662.5     4,571.9
 the current period
                                                                                                                 9                                                       9          2           1
                                                                                                           180,17                                                   180,17     141,26      321,44
 2. Use in the current period                                                                              6,909.3                                                 6,909.3    7,662.5     4,571.9
                                                                                                                 9                                                       9          2           1
 (VI) Others
                                10,125,                                 10,824,     3,978,2     314,36                   886,47               26,662,              44,835,    48,925,     93,760,
 IV Ending balance of the
                                 525,00                                  524,06     02,364.    3,696.9                  0,394.7                842,40               523,19     222,50      745,70
 current period
                                   0.00                                    4.73          65          8                        2                  2.73                 4.51       6.16        0.67

Amount of the previous year
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                                                                                                      2022 S emi-annual
                                                                         Owner’s equity attributable to the parent company
                                                                                                                                                                               Minori      equity
                                             Other equity instruments                             Other                                                                          ty
                                                                                       Less:                              S urplu   Generi      Undist                         equity
                                                                          Capita                  compr      S pecial
                                   S hare    Prefer   Perpet                          Treasu                                 s       c risk     ribute              S ubtot
                                                                             l                   ehensi      reserve                                      Others
                                   capital     red      ual    Others                    ry                               reserve   reserve        d                   al
                                                                          reserve                   ve       s
                                             shares    bond                            stock                                 s          s       profits
                                   10,125,                                10,820,                      -                  712,69                27,192,             48,838,    46,404,     95,243,
  I. Ending balance of the
                                    525,00                                 095,85                12,469,                  5,666.1               950,92              798,37      668,22      466,59
  previous year
                                      0.00                                   0.58                 066.84                        1                  2.86                2.71       1.37        4.08
                                                                                                                                                413,15              413,15      391,02      804,18
  Add: Changes in accounting
                                                                                                                                                2,764.3             2,764.3    9,261.2     2,025.6
                                                                                                                                                      3                   3          9           2

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                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report
Correction of errors in the
previous period
Business combinations
under the same control
                               10,125,   10,820,                   -   712,69    27,606,   49,251,   46,795,   96,047,
II. Opening balance of the
                                525,00    095,85             12,469,   5,666.1   103,68    951,13     697,48    648,61
                                  0.00      0.58              066.84         1      7.19      7.04      2.66      9.70
III. Increases/decreases in                        1,106,0                       3,859,5   2,831,7   4,335,9   7,167,7
the current period (decrease                       64,809.                       71,060.   49,852.   82,882.   32,734.
expressed with “-”)                                   42                            54        44        15        59
                                                                                 5,366,8   5,445,1   4,308,3   9,753,5
(I) Total      comprehensive                                 78,243,
                                                                                 84,515.   28,116.   82,882.   10,998.
income                                                        601.32
                                                                                      49        81        15        96
                                                                                                 -                   -
(II) Capital contributed and                                                               1,106,0   27,600,   1,078,4
reduced by owners                                                                          64,809.    000.00   64,809.
                                                                                                42                  42
1. Ordinary shares invested                                                                          27,600,   27,600,
by the owners                                                                                         000.00    000.00
2. Capital contributed by
holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based
payment recognized     in
owner’s equity
                                                                                                 -                   -
                                                                                           1,106,0             1,106,0
4. Others                                          64,809.
                                                                                           64,809.             64,809.
                                                                                                42                  42
                                                                                       -         -                   -
                                                                                 1,507,3   1,507,3             1,507,3
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                 13,454.   13,454.             13,454.
                                                                                      95        95                  95
1. Withdrawal of surplus

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                                                                                                         2023 Semi-annual Report
2. Withdrawal of generic risk
                                                                                                    -         -                   -
3. Distribution to owners (or                                                                 1,507,3   1,507,3             1,507,3
shareholders)                                                                                 13,454.   13,454.             13,454.
                                                                                                   95        95                  95
4. Others
(IV) Internal carry-forward
of owner’s equity
1. Capital reserve transferred
into capital (or share capital)
2. Surplus reserve transferred
into capital (or share capital)
3. Surplus reserves        for
making up loss
4. Changes in defined benefit
plans carried forward to
retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive
incomes carried forward to
retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserve
                                                                          113,93                        113,93               183,68
1. Amount appropriated in                                                                                         69,752,
                                                                          2,255.8                       2,255.8             4,340.7
the current period                                                                                                 084.84
                                                                                9                             9                   3
                                                                          113,93                        113,93               183,68
2. Use in the current period                                              2,255.8                       2,255.8             4,340.7
                                                                                9                             9                   3
(VI) Others
                                  10,125,   10,820,   1,106,0                       712,69    31,465,   52,083,   51,131,    103,21
IV Ending balance of the                                        65,774,
                                   525,00    095,85   64,809.                       5,666.1   674,74    700,98     680,36   5,381,3
current period                                                   534.48
                                     0.00      0.58        42                             1      7.73      9.48      4.81     54.29

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                                                                                                                                                    2023 Semi-annual Report
8. Statement of changes in owner’s equity of the parent company

Amount for the current period

                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RM B

                                                                                              2023 S emi-annual
                                                      Other equity instruments                            Other
                Item                                                                           Less:                                     Undistri                   Total
                                        S hare                                    Capital               compreh    S pecial   S urplus
                                                   Preferre   Perpetua                       Treasury                                     buted        Others     owner’s
                                        capital                          Others   reserve                 ensive   reserves   reserves
                                                   d shares    l bond                          stock                                     profits                   equity
                                        10,125,5                                  11,243,3
 I. Ending balance of the previous                                                           3,978,20   44,972,6              886,470,   1,760,78                20,082,94
                                        25,000.0                                  93,393.5
 year                                                                                        2,364.65      16.09               394.72    9,418.72                 8,458.42
                                               0                                         4
 Add: Changes in accounting
 Correction of errors in the previous
                                        10,125,5                                  11,243,3
                                                                                             3,978,20   44,972,6              886,470,   1,760,78                20,082,94
 II. Opening balance of the year        25,000.0                                  93,393.5
                                                                                             2,364.65      16.09               394.72    9,418.72                 8,458.42
                                               0                                         4
 III. Increases/decreases in the                                                                               -                                -                         -
 current period (decrease expressed                                                                     127,061.                         1,849,65                1,849,782
 with “-”)                                                                                                  16                         5,581.78                   ,642.94
                                                                                                               -                                -                        -
 (I) Total comprehensive income                                                                         127,061.                         373,298,                373,425,2
                                                                                                              16                           229.58                    90.74
 (II) Capital contributed and reduced
 by owners
 1. Ordinary shares invested by the
 2. Capital contributed by holders of
 other equity instruments
 3. Amount of share-based payment
 recognized in owner’s equity

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                                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report
 4. Others
                                                                                                        -                         -
 (III) Profit distribution                                                                       1,476,35                1,476,357
                                                                                                 7,352.20                   ,352.20
 1. Withdrawal of surplus reserve
                                                                                                        -                         -
 2. Distribution to owners          (or
                                                                                                 1,476,35                1,476,357
                                                                                                 7,352.20                   ,352.20
 3. Others
 (IV) Internal      carry-forward   of
 owner’s equity
 1. Capital reserve transferred into
 capital (or share capital)
 2. Surplus reserve transferred into
 capital (or share capital)
 3. Surplus reserves for making up
 4. Changes in defined benefit plans
 carried forward to retained earnings
 5. Other comprehensive incomes
 carried forward to retained earnings
 6. Others
 (V) Special reserve
 1. Amount appropriated in the
 current period
 2. Use in the current period
 (VI) Others
                                          10,125,5   11,243,3                                           -
 IV Ending balance of the current                               3,978,20   44,845,5   886,470,                           18,233,16
                                          25,000.0   93,393.5                                    88,866,1
 period                                                         2,364.65      54.93    394.72                             5,815.48
                                                 0          4                                       63.06

Amount of the previous year

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

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                                                                                                                                                         2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                                             2022 S emi-annual
                                                    Other equity instruments                               Other
                Item                                                                          Less:                                         Undistri                     Total
                                      S hare                                    Capital                  compreh     S pecial   S urplus
                                                 Preferre   Perpetua                        Treasury                                         buted         Others      owner’s
                                      capital                          Others   reserve                    ensive    reserves   reserves
                                                 d shares    l bond                           stock                                          profits                    equity
I. Ending balance of the previous    10,125,52                                  11,243,13                86,581,23              712,695,6   1,704,130                 23,872,06
year                                  5,000.00                                   6,840.58                     1.86                  66.11      ,316.18                 9,054.73
Add: Changes in accounting
Correction of errors in the
previous period
                                     10,125,52                                  11,243,13                86,581,23              712,695,6   1,704,130                 23,872,06
II. Opening balance of the year
                                      5,000.00                                   6,840.58                     1.86                  66.11      ,316.18                 9,054.73
III. Increases/decreases in the                                                                                  -                                   -                         -
current period (decrease expressed                                                                       16,184,95                          1,759,023                 2,881,273
with “-”)                                                                                                   6.95                             ,824.80                   ,591.17
                                                                                                                 -                                  -                         -
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                           16,184,95                          251,710,3                 267,895,3
                                                                                                              6.95                              69.85                     26.80
(II) Capital contributed      and                                                           1,106,064
reduced by owners                                                                              ,809.42
1. Ordinary shares invested by the
2. Capital contributed by holders
of other equity instruments
3. Amount of share-based payment
recognized in owner’s equity
4. Others                                                                                                                                                             1,106,064
                                                                                                                                                     -                         -
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                   1,507,313                 1,507,313
                                                                                                                                               ,454.95                   ,454.95

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                                                                                                                2023 Semi-annual Report
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserve
                                                                                                            -                         -
2. Distribution to owners (or
                                                                                                   1,507,313                 1,507,313
                                                                                                      ,454.95                   ,454.95
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-forward of
owner’s equity
1. Capital reserve transferred into
capital (or share capital)
2. Surplus reserve transferred into
capital (or share capital)
3. Surplus reserves for making up
4. Changes in defined benefit plans
carried forward to retained
5. Other comprehensive incomes
carried forward to retained
6. Others
(V) Special reserve
1. Amount appropriated in the
current period
2. Use in the current period
(VI) Others
IV Ending balance of the current      10,125,52   11,243,13   1,106,064    70,396,27   712,695,6                             20,990,79
period                                 5,000.00    6,840.58      ,809.42        4.91       66.11                              5,463.56

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                                                                                              2023 Semi-annual Report

III. Company Profile

       Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a joint-stock limited company
initiated and established on the foundation of Rongsheng Chemical Fiber Group Co., Ltd. by Zhejiang Rongsheng
Holding Group Co., Ltd., as well as natural persons including Li Shuirong, Li Yongqing, Li Guoqing, Xu Yuejuan,
Ni Xincai and Zhao Guanlong. The Company was registered on June 18, 2007 and is headquartered in Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province. The Company now holds the Business License (Unified Social Credit Code:
91330000255693873W) issued by the Industry and Commerce Administration of Zhejiang Province, w ith a
registered capital of RMB10,125,525,000.00 and a total of 10,125,525,000.00 shares (par value: RMB1 per share),
including outstanding shares subject to sales restrictions: 627,243,750 A shares, and outstanding shares not subject
to sales restrictions: 9,498,281,250 A shares. Shares of the Company were listed for trading at Shenzhen Stock
Exchange on November 2, 2010.
     The Company operates in the petrochemical fiber industry. Business scope: manufacturing and processing of
polyester yarn and chemical fabric, processing of paper products, sales of light textile raw materials and products,
hardware, chemical products and raw materials (other than hazardous chemicals and precursor chemicals), industrial
investment, warehousing services of ordinary goods (excluding dangerous goods), road cargo transportation
(operation with a valid license), import and export business. (Business activities subject to the approval shall be
carried out upon approval by relevant departments according to law.) Main products include oil refining products,
chemical products, PTA, polyester chip, polyester yarn and film, and so forth.
     The financial statements were approved for publication at the eleventh meeting of the sixth session of the Board
of Directors of the Company on August 25, 2023.
     The Company has included its 34 subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statements of the current period,
such as Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd., Ningbo Yisheng Chemical
Co., Ltd., Dalian Yisheng Investment Co., Ltd., Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Yisheng Dahua
Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Dalian Rongxincheng Trading Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Rongtong New Materials Co., Ltd.,
Dalian Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd., Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Ningbo Niluoshan New Energy
Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd., Ningbo Rongxincheng Trading Co., Ltd., Yisheng New
Materials Trading Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Rongyi Trading Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.,
Rongtong Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., Rongsheng
International Trading Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd., Zhoushan ZPC Trading Co., Ltd., ZPC
Zheyou Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., ZPC Jintang Logistics Co.,
Ltd., Zhejiang ZPC Sales Co., Ltd., Zhoushan ZPC Sales Co., Ltd., ZPC (Zhejiang Free Trade Zone) Green
Petrochemical Research Institute Co., Ltd., Rongxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology
Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhuosheng Trading Co., Ltd., Rongsheng International Trading (Hainan) Co., Ltd., Rongsheng
Chemical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Rongsheng New Materials (Zhoushan) Co., Ltd., and Rongsheng New Materials
(Taizhou) Co., Ltd., See Notes VIII and IX to these financial statements for details.

IV. Preparation Basis of Financial Statements

1. Preparation basis

     The financial statements of the Company are prepared on a going concern basis.

2. Going concern

     There are no matters or circumstances that cause the Company to have serious doubts about its going concern

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                                                                                              2023 Semi-annual Report

ability within 12 months from the end of the reporting period.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

     Tips for specific accounting policies and estimates:
     Important tips: According to the actual production and operation characteristics, the Company has formulated
specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for transactions or events such as impairment of financial
instruments, depreciation of right-of-use assets, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets and
revenue recognition.

1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

     The financial statements prepared by the Company comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises, which truthfully and completely reflect the Company’s financial position, business
achievements, cash flow and other relevant information.

2. Accounting period

     The accounting year is the calendar year from January 1 to December 31.

3. Operating cycle

     The business cycle of the Company is short, and 12 months is taken as the liquidity division standard of assets
and liabilities.

4. Recording currency

     The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as the recording currency, while overseas subsidiaries
such as Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Yisheng New
Materials Trading Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Private Co., Ltd., Rongtong Logistics
(Singapore) Private Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Petroleum &
Chemical (Singapore) Private Co., Ltd. engaging in overseas operations, choose the currency in the main economic
environment where they operate as the recording currency.

5. Accounting methods for business combinations under the same control and not under the same control

     1. Accounting methods for business combinations under the same control
     The assets and liabilities acquired by the Company in business combination shall be measured according to the
book value of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controlling party on the date
of combination. The Company shall adjust the capital reserve according to the difference between the book value
share of the owner ’s equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controlling
party and the book value of the consolidated consideration paid or the total face value of the issued shares; If the
capital reserve is not sufficient for offsetting, the adjustment is made to retained earnings.
     2. Accounting methods for business combinations not under the common control
     On the purchase date, the difference between the combined cost and the fair value share of the identifiable net

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assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger is recognized as goodwill. If the combined cost is less than the fair
value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the combination, first, the fair value of
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree and the measurement of combined cost are
reviewed. If the combined cost is still less than the fair value share of identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained
in the merger after review, the difference is included in the current gain and loss.

6. Preparation method for consolidated financial statements

     The parent company brings all subsidiaries under its control into the consolidation scope of the consolidated
financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the parent
company and its subsidiaries and are prepared according to other related documents by the parent company in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33—Consolidated Financial Statements.

7. Classification of joint arrangement and accounting methods for joint operation

     1. The joint arrangement is divided into joint operation and joint venture.
      2. When the Company is a party to a joint operation, the following items are recognized in relation to the share
of interest in the joint operation:
     (1) Recognition of assets held individually and assets held jointly on a holding share basis;
     (2) Recognition of liabilities assumed individually and liabilities assumed jointly on a holding share basis;
     (3) Recognition of revenue from the sale of the Company’s share of common operation output;
     (4) Recognition of income from joint operations arising from the sale of assets based on the Company’s share
of ownership;
     (5) Recognition of expenses incurred separately and recognition of expenses incurred in joint operations based
on the Company’s share of ownership.

8. Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents

     Cash listed in the statement of cash flows refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used for payment at
any time. The term “cash equivalents” refers to short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible
to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

9. Foreign currency business and conversion of foreign currency statements

     1. Translation of foreign currency business
    In foreign currency transactions, the spot exchange rate at the transaction date shall be adopted at the initial
recognition to convert the foreign currency into the amount of RMB. On the balance sheet date, the monetary items
denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange
differences arising from the exchange rate are included in current gain and loss except for the exchange difference
between the principal and interest of foreign currency-specific borrowings related to the acquisition and construction
of assets eligible for capitalization. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are still
translated at the spot exchange rate at the transaction date, and their RMB amount shall not be changed. Foreign
currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange rate at the determination
date of fair value, and the exchange differences are included in current gain and loss or other comprehensive income.
     2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements

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     Items of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing on the
balance sheet date. Except for the “undistributed profit” item, other items of owner ’s equity are translated at the
spot exchange rate at the transaction date. Income and expense items in the income statement are translated at the
approximate spot exchange rate at the transaction date. The converted difference in foreign currency financial
statements arising from the above translations is included in other comprehensive income.

10. Financial instruments

     1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities
     At initial recognition, financial assets are classified into the following three categories: (1) financial assets at
amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; and (3) financial assets at fair
value through gain and loss.
     At initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into four categories: (1) financial liabilities at fair value
through gain and loss; (2) financial liabilities that are formed since the transfer of financial assets do not comply
with the conditions for derecognition or continue to involve in the financial assets to be transferred; (3) financial
guarantee contracts not falling under the above (1) or (2), and loan commitments not falling under the above (1) and
lending at a rate lower than the market interest rate; (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost.
       2. Recognition basis, measurement methods and derecognition conditions for financial assets and financial
     (1) Recognition basis and initial measurement methods for financial assets and financial liabilities
       A financial asset or a financial liability shall be recognized when the Company becomes a party to a financial
instrument contract. A financial asset or financial liability shall be measured at fair value at the initial recognition.
For financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through gain and loss, the transaction expenses thereof shall
be directly recorded in current gain and loss. For other categories of financial assets or financial liabilities, the
related transaction expenses are included in the initial recognition amount. However, if the accounts receivable
initially recognized by the Company do not contain significant financing components or the Company does not
consider the financing components in contracts less than one year, the initial recognition shall be carried out
according to transaction price as defined in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14—Revenue.
     (2) Subsequent measurement method for financial assets
     1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost
      They are subsequently measured at amortized cost by adopting the effective interest method. Gains or losses
arising from financial assets measured at amortized cost and not part of any hedging relationship are included in
current gain and loss upon derecognition, reclassification, amortization under the effective interest method or
recognition of impairment.
     2) Debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
      They are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest, impairment losses or gains and exchange gains and
losses calculated by the effective interest method are included in current gain and loss, and other gains or losses are
included in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gain or loss previously included in
other comprehensive incomes is transferred from other comprehensive incomes and included in the current gain and
     3) Equity instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
     They are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividends obtained (except those falling under the recovery of
investment costs) are included in current gain and loss, and other gains or losses are included in other comprehensive
income. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gain or loss previously included in other comprehensive incomes is

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transferred out from other comprehensive incomes and included in retained earnings.
     4) Financial assets at fair value through gain and loss
    They are subsequently measured at fair value, and the resulting gains or losses (including interest and dividend
income) are included in current gain and loss, unless the financial asset is part of the hedging relationship.
     (3) Subsequent measurement method for financial liabilities
     1) Financial liabilities at fair value through gain and loss
     Such financial liabilities comprise trading financial liabilities (including derivatives of financial liabilities) and
those specified as financial liabilities at fair value through gain and loss. Such financial liabilities are subsequently
measured at fair value. Change in fair value of financial liability designated to be measured at fair value through
gain and loss due to change in the Company’s own credit risk is included in other comprehensive income, unless
the treatment will cause or expand the accounting mismatch in gain and loss. Other gains or losses arising from such
financial liabilities (including interest expenses, except changes in fair value caused by changes in the own credit
risk) are included in current gain and loss, unless the financial liabilities are part of the hedging relationship. Upon
derecognition, the accumulated gain or loss previously included in other comprehensive incomes is transferred out
from other comprehensive incomes and included in retained earnings.
     2) Financial liabilities that are formed since the transfer of financial asset does not comply with the conditions
for derecognition or continue to involve in the financial assets to be transferred
    They are measured pursuant to relevant provisions under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
23—Transfer of Financial Assets.
     3) Financial guarantee contracts not falling under the above 1) or 2), and loan commitments not falling under
the above 1) and to lend at a rate lower than the market interest rate
     A subsequent measurement shall be made after they are initially recognized according to the higher one of the
following: ① the amount of loss reserve determined in accordance with the impairment provisions of financial
instruments; ② the remaining amount after the determined accumulative amortization amount is deducted from the
initially recognized amount in accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No.14—Revenue.
     4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost
       They are measured at amortized cost under the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from financial
liabilities measured at amortized cost and not part of any hedging relationship are included in current gain and loss
when derecognized and amortized under the effective interest method.
     (4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
     1) The Company will derecognize the financial assets when one of the following conditions are met:
     ① The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire;
      ② The transfer of such financial assets has been completed and is in line with the provisions on derecognition
of a financial asset under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23—Transfer of Financial Assets.
     2) When the current obligations of financial liabilities (or part thereof) have been discharged, the recognition
of the financial liabilities (or part thereof) shall be terminated accordingly.
     3. Recognition basis and measurement method for transfer of financial assets
     Where the Company transfers almost all risks and returns related to the ownership of the financial assets
transferred, these financial assets will be derecognized, and the rights and obligations that occurred or were retained
during the transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities. Where almost all risks and rewards on the
ownership of financial assets are retained, the transferred financial assets shall continue to be recognized. Where
the Company has neither transferred nor retained any risk and reward relating to the ownership of the financial

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assets, it shall be disposed of in the following conditions: (1) where the control over the financial asset is not retained,
the recognition of the financial asset shall be terminated, and the rights and obligations arising or retained in the
transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities; 2) where the control over the financial asset is retained,
the relevant financial asset shall be recognized according to the degree of continued involvement in the transferred
financial asset, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly.
     When the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the
following two amounts shall be included in the current gain and loss: (1) the book value of the transferred financial
assets on the date of derecognition; (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer of financial assets
and the amount of the derecognized part in a cumulative amount of change in fair value which is originally included
in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are debt instrument investments at fair
value through other comprehensive income). A part of financial assets is transferred, and if the transferred part meets
the conditions for derecognition entirely, the book value of the whole financial asset before transfer shall be allocated
between the derecognized part and the continued recognition part according to their relative fair values on the
transfer date, and the difference between the following two amounts shall be included in current gain and loss: (1)
the book value of the derecognized part; (2) the sum of the consideration of the derecognized part and the amount
of the corresponding derecognized part in the accumulated amount of changes in fair value originally directly
included in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are debt instrument
investments at fair value through other comprehensive income).
     4. Methods for determination of the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
     When determining the fair value of related financial assets and financial liabilities, the Company adopts the
valuation technique applicable in the prevailing circumstance and supported by sufficient available data and other
information. The Company classifies the input values used by the valuation technique as the following tiers and
uses them in turns:
    (1) Tier 1 input value refers to the unadjusted quotations of the same assets or liabilities in an active market
which can be obtained on the measurement date;
     (2) Tier 2 input value refers to them directly or indirectly observable input value of relevant assets or liabilities
apart from Tier 1 input value, including: quotations of similar assets or liabilities on an active market; quotations of
identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active; observable input values other than quotations,
such as interest rates and yield curves that are observable during normal quotation intervals; input values for market
validation, etc.;
     (3) Tier 3 input value refers to the unobservable input value of relevant assets or liabilities, including the
volatility of interest rate and stock that cannot be directly observed or cannot be verified by observable market data,
the future cash flows of the disposal obligations assumed in the business combination, financial forecasts made
using its own data, etc.
     5. Impairment of financial instruments
     (1) Measurement and accounting treatment of impairment of financial instruments
       On the basis of expected credit loss, for financial assets at amortized cost, debt instrument investments at fair
value through other comprehensive income, contract assets, lease receivables, loan commitments classified as
financial liabilities at fair value through gain and loss, financial guarantee contracts that do not belong to financial
liabilities at fair value through gain and loss or financial liabilities formed by the transfer of financial assets that do
not meet the conditions for derecognition or continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets shall be
impaired and loss reserve shall be recognized.
     Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of credit losses of financial instruments weighted by the
risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flow receivables according to the
contract, and all cash flows expected to be collected, that is, the present value of all cash shortages. The financial

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assets purchased or generated by the Company that have suffered credit impairment are discounted according to the
credit-adjusted effective interest rate of the financial assets.
     For the purchased or originated financial assets with credit impairment, the Company only recognizes the
cumulative change of expected credit loss in the whole existence period after initial recognition as the loss reserve
on the balance sheet date.
    For receivables and contract assets arising from transactions as stipulated under the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 14—Revenue that do not contain significant financing components or where the Company
does not consider the financing components in contracts not exceeding one year, the Company uses simplified
measurement methods to measure the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss amount equivalent to the
whole duration.
       For financial assets other than the above measurement methods, the Company assesses whether its credit risk
has increased significantly since initial recognition on each balance sheet date. If the credit risk has increased
significantly since the initial recognition, the Company shall measure the loss reserve according to the amount of
expected credit loss during the whole existence period. If the credit risk has not increased significantly since the
initial recognition, the Company shall measure the loss reserve according to the amount of expected credit loss of
the financial instrument in the next 12 months.
     The Company uses available reasonable and credible information, including forward-looking information, to
determine whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition by
comparing the default risk of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the default risk on the initial
recognition date.
    On the balance sheet date, if the Company judges that the financial instrument only has low credit risk, it is
assumed that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition.
     The Company evaluates the expected credit risk and measures the expec ted credit loss on the basis of a single
financial instrument or combination of financial instruments. When based on the portfolio of financial instruments,
the Company divides the financial instruments into different portfolios according to the common ris k characteristics.
     The Company re-measures the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date, and the resulting increase or
reversal of the loss reserve is included in the current gain and loss as impairment loss or profit. For financial assets
at amortized cost, the loss provision is offset against the book value of the financial asset as given in the balance
sheet; For debt investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the loss allowances are
recognized in other comprehensive income by the Company instead of offsetting the book value of the financial
     (2) Financial instruments where expected credit risk is evaluated and expected credit loss is measured by

                                                                                                  Method for measuring
                         Item                               Basis for determining portfolios
                                                                                                   expected credit loss
 Other receivables - Loan margin portfolio

 Other receivables - government receivables portfolio                                          With reference to historical
                                                                                               credit loss experience and in
 Other receivables - futures margin portfolio                                                  combination with the current
                                                                                               situation and the forecast of
 Other receivables - paper goods transaction
                                                                                               future economic conditions,
 settlement portfolio                                     Nature of account                    the expected credit loss is
 Other receivables - deposit and margin receivables                                            calculated through default risk
 portfolio                                                                                     exposure and the expected
                                                                                               credit loss rate in the next 12
 Other receivables - reserve fund receivables portfolio                                        months or the whole duration.
 Other receivables - current account portfolio

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 Other receivables - Related party dealings portfolio    Related parties within the scope of
 within the scope of consolidation                       consolidation [note]

     [Note]: Related parties of the Company and within the scope of consolidated financial statements
    (3) Receivables and contract assets with expected credit losses measured on a portfolio basis using a simplified
measurement approach
     1) Specific portfolio and method for measuring expected credit loss

                                     Basis for
           Item                    determining                         Method for measuring expected credit loss
 Banker’s acceptance                                   With reference to historical credit loss experience and in combination with
 receivables                                            the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, the
                               Type of notes
 Commercial acceptance                                  expected credit loss is calculated through default risk exposure and the
 bill receivables                                       expected credit loss rate in the whole duration

                                                        With reference to historical credit loss experience and in combination with
                                                        the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, the
 Accounts receivable       -
                               Aging                    comparison table between the aging of accounts receivable and the expected
 aging portfolio
                                                        credit loss rate of the whole duration is compiled to calculate the expected
                                                        credit loss
                                                        With reference to historical credit loss experience and in combination with
 Accounts receivable -
                                                        the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, the
 trade accounts portfolio of   Nature of account
                                                        expected credit loss is calculated through default risk exposure and the
 overseas subsidiaries                                  expected credit loss rate in the whole duration
 Accounts receivable -                                  With reference to historical credit loss experience and in combination with
                               Related parties within
 Related party dealings                                 the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, the
                               the scope of
 portfolio within the scope                             expected credit loss is calculated through default risk exposure and the
 of consolidation                                       expected credit loss rate in the whole duration

     2) Accounts receivable—comparison table between aging of aging portfolio and expected credit loss rate of
the whole duration

                               Aging                                      Expected credit loss rate of accounts receivable (%)
 Within 1 year (included, the same below)                                                                                          5

 1-2 year(s)                                                                                                                      10
 2-3 year(s)                                                                                                                      30
 Above 3 years                                                                                                                   100

     6. Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
     Financial assets and financial liabilities are listed separately on the balance sheet and can not offset each other.
However, if the following conditions are met at the same time, the net amount after mutual offset shall be listed in
the balance sheet: (1) the Company has the legal right to set off the recognized amount, and such legal right is
currently enforceable; (2) the Company intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial assets and
pay off the financial liabilities simultaneously.
     For the transfer of financial assets not in line with the conditions for derecognition, the Company does not
offset the transferred financial assets and liabilities.

11. Inventories

     1. Classification of inventories
    Inventory includes finished products or commodities held for sale in daily activities, products in the process of
production, materials and supplies consumed in the process of production or providing labor services.

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     2. Valuation method for delivered inventories
     Inventories delivered shall be weighted average at the end of each month.
     3. Recognition basis for the net realizable value of inventories
    On the balance sheet date, the inventory was measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value.
Inventory falling price reserves were accrued based on the difference between the cost of a single inventory and the
net realizable value. The net realizable value of inventory directly used for sale will be determined by the amount
of the estimated selling price of the inventory minus the estimated sales expenses and related taxes. For inventories
that need to be processed, the net realizable value shall be determined in the normal production and operation process
by subtracting the estimated selling price of finished products produced from the estimated cost to be incurred when
completion, the estimated sales expenses and relevant taxes and fees. On the balance sheet date, if a part of the same
inventory has a contract price agreement and other parts do not have a contract price, the net realizable value shall
be determined respectively, and the corresponding cost shall be compared to determine the accrual or reversal
amount of inventory depreciation reserve respectively.
     4. Inventory system of inventories
     The perpetual inventory system is adopted for inventories.
     5. Amortization method for low-value consumables and packaging materials
     (1) Low-value consumables
     Low-value consumables are amortized using the one-off amortization method.
     (2) Packaging materials
     Low-value consumables are amortized using the one-off amortization method.

12. Contract costs

     Assets relating to contract cost comprise contract acquisition cost and contract performance cost.
    Where the incremental cost incurred by the Company to acquire the contract is expected to be recovered, it is
recognized in the form of contract acquisition cost as an asset. The contract acquisition cost for which the
amortization period does not exceed one year shall be directly included in the current gain and loss as incurred.
     The costs incurred by the Company for performing the contract, if not within the applicability scope of relevant
standards relating to inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets, can be recognized as an asset within the contract
performance cost if the following conditions are met:
     1. The cost is related to a current contract or a contract to be obtained, including direct labor cost, direct
material/manufacture cost (or similar costs), cost to be undertaken by the customer and other costs incurred under
the contract;
     2. The cost increases the resources available to the Company to fulfill performance duties in the future;
     3. The costs are expected to be recovered.
      Assets related to contract cost are amortized on the same basis as recognition of revenue of goods or services
related to the asset and recognized in current gain and loss.
     If the book value of assets relating to contract cost is higher than the remaining consideration expected to be
obtained due to the transfer of goods or services relating to the assets minus the estimated cost to be incurred, the
Company accrues impairment reserves for the excess portion and recognizes it as an asset impairment loss. If the
factors causing the impairment of the prior period change and make the remaining consideration expected to be
obtained due to the transfer of goods or services relating to the assets minus the estimated cost to be incurred higher
than the book value of the asset, the withdrew asset impairment provision shall be reversed and recorded in the
current gains or losses, but the book value of the asset after reversion shall not exceed the book value of the asset at

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the reversion date under the condition of not withdrawing the impairment provision.

13. Long-term equity investment

     1. Judgment of joint control and significant influence
      Joint control refers to the shared control over a certain arrangement according to the relevant agreement, and
the activities under such arrangement are subject to approval by the parties sharing the control power. Significant
influence refers to that one party has the power to participate in the decision-making of financial and operating
policies of the investee but is unable to control or jointly control these policies with other parties.
     2. Determination of investment cost
     (1) For business combination under the same control, where the combining party uses cash payment, transfer
of non-cash assets, assumption of debts or issuing of equity securities as combination consideration, the share of
owner’s equity of the combined party acquired in the book value of total owner ’s equity in consolidated financial
statements of the ultimate controller on the combination date shall be identified as the initial investment cost of
long-term equity investment. The difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and
the book value of the combination consideration paid or the par value of the issued shares is adjusted against the
capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient for offsetting, the adjustment is made to retained earnings.
     For the long-term equity investments formed through business combination under the same control] and
implemented through multiple transactions step by step by the Company, it is a must to judge whether they are
“package deals”. If they are package deals, each deal is regarded as a deal to obtain control right for accounting
treatment. If it is not a package deal, on the date of combination, the share of the book value of net assets of the
combined party that should be enjoyed after combination in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controller, is recognized as an initial investment cost. The difference between the initial investment cost of long-
term equity investment on the date of combination and the sum of the book value of long-term equity investment
before the combination is realized and the book value of consideration additionally paid to further acquire shares
on the date of combination is adjusted against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is not sufficient for offsetting,
the adjustment is made to retained earnings.
     (2) As for business combinations not under the same control, the fair value of the combination consideration
paid on the combination date is recorded as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment.
     For the long-term equity investments formed through business combination not under the same control and
implemented through multiple transactions step by step by the Company, the accounting treatment is different in
unconsolidated financial statements and consolidated financial statements:
     1) In individual financial statements, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment accounted using
the cost method is measured at the sum of the book value of equity investment originally held and investment cost
additionally paid.
      2) In consolidated financial statements, it is a must to judge whether they are “package deals”. If they are
package deals, each deal is regarded as a deal to obtain control right for accounting treatment. Suppose these
transactions are not “package deals”, the equities of the acquiree held before the purchase date shall be re-measured
at fair value at the purchase date. The difference between the fair value and its book value shall be recognized as
current investment income. In case the equity of the acquiree held before the purchase date involves other
comprehensive income under the equity method, relevant other comprehensive income shall be transferred to the
current return on the purchase date, except for other comprehensive income resulting from the re-measurement of
the investee’s net defined benefit plan liabilities or changes in net assets.
    (3) Except for the formation of business combination: As for those obtained by cash payment, the actually paid
purchase price is taken as the initial investment cost; the long-term equity investment formed by issuing equity

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securities, the fair value of issuing equity securities is taken as the initial investment costs. If acquired through debt
restructuring, its initial investment cost shall be determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 12—Debt Restructuring; in the case of non-monetary asset exchange, the initial investment
cost shall be determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7—Exchange
of Non-monetary Assets.
     3. Methods for subsequent measurement and gain and loss recognition
    The long-term equity investment in the invested entity under its control will be accounted for through the cost
method; long-term equity investment in associated enterprises and joint ventures is accounted for under the equity
     4. Treatment methods for investments in subsidiaries through multiple deals step by step until control losing
     (1) Individual financial statements
     For disposal of equity, the difference between book value and the actual price of the acquisition shall be
recorded into current gain and loss. For the remaining equity, if the investor still has significant influence over the
investee or imposes joint control with other parties, it is accounted for by the equity method; In case of failure to
control, jointly control or significantly influence the investee, it shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions
of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial
     (2) Consolidated financial statements
     1) Investments in subsidiaries through multiple deals step by step until control losing and not belonging to
“package deals”.
      Before losing control, the capital reserves (capital premium) are adjusted at the difference between the disposal
cost and the share in net assets of subsidiaries calculated continuously from the acquisition date or combination date
corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment; if the capital premium is not sufficient to be offset,
retained earnings are offset.
     When losing control over a former subsidiary, the remaining equity is re-measured at the fair value on the date
of control loss. The balance of the sum of the consideration received through the disposal of equity and the fair
value of the remaining equity after deducting the entitled share of net assets continuously calculated at the original
shareholding ratio from the purchase date or the date of combination in the subsidiary is recognized in the investment
income for the period during which the control is lost, and is written off against goodwill. Other comprehensive
income related to equity investment in the former subsidiary is transferred into return on investment for the period
during which the control is lost.
     2) Investments in subsidiaries through multiple deals step by step until control losing and belonging to
“package deals”
     Each deal is considered as a deal for the disposal of the subsidiary and losing control of accounting treatment.
However, the difference between the disposal cost of each deal before losing the control and the entitled share of
net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal investment is recognized as other comprehensive income
in consolidated financial statements, and when the control is lost, transferred together into gain and loss for the
period during which the control is lost.

14. Investment properties

     Measurement model of investment properties
     Measurement by the cost method
     Depreciation or amortization methods

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     1. Investment properties of the Company include the land use rights leased and held for sale after appreciation,
and leased buildings.
     2. Investment properties are initially measured by cost and subsequently measured by the cost model, with its
depreciation or amortization conducted by the same methods for fixed assets and intangible assets.

15. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

     Fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for production, service, lease or operation with a service life of more
than one accounting year. Fixed assets can be recognized only when related economic benefits are very likely to
flow into the Company, and their costs can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation method

                                                     Depreciable life                                 Annual depreciation
        Category             Depreciation method                              Residual value rate
                                                         (years)                                             rate
 Housing and buildings       Straight-line                            5-30                 5 or 10               19.00-3.00
                             depreciation method
 M achinery and              Straight-line                           10-15                 5 or 10                9.50-6.00
 equipment                   depreciation method
 Transportation facilities   Straight-line                              4-5                5 or 10              23.75-18.00
                             depreciation method
 Other equipment             Straight-line                            3-10                 5 or 10               31.67-9.00
                             depreciation method

16. Construction in progress

     1. Construction in progress is able to be recognized only when related economic benefits are very likely to
flow into the Company, and its costs can be measured reliably. Construction in progress is measured at the actual
cost incurred before such asset is ready for the intended use.
      2. Construction in progress is carried forward to fixed assets based on actual costs of the project when it is
ready for its intended use. As for construction in progress which is ready for the intended use but has not gone
through the formalities of final accounts of completion, it shall be transferred into fixed assets at the estimated value.
Upon the final accounts of completion, the previous tentatively estimated value other than accrued depreciation
shall be adjusted based on actual costs.

17. Borrowing costs

     1. Recognition principle of the capitalization of borrowing costs
     Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of a qualifying asset for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recognized as costs of
relevant assets; Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as an expense when they are incurred and included in
current gain and loss.
     2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs
     (1) Capitalization begins when the borrowing cost meets the following conditions: 1) asset expenditure has

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been incurred; 2) the borrowing costs have been incurred; 3) the acquisition, construction or production activities
necessary to bring the asset to its intended use or sales have been initiated.
      (2) Where the acquisition and construction or production process of assets eligible for capitalization are
interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing
costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as expenses of the
current period until the asset’s acquisition and construction or production activity restarts.
     (3) When the assets acquired, constructed or produced qualified for capitalization conditions are ready for
intended use or sales, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased.
     3. Capitalization rate and amount of borrowing costs
      In case of special borrowing for the acquisition & construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization
conditions, interest income to be capitalized shall be recognized after deducting the bank interests for the unused
portion or the investment income for short-term investment from the interest costs (including recognized
depreciation or amortization of premium under effective interest method) actually occurred in the current period of
specific borrowing. Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition, construction, or production of assets
eligible for capitalization, it shall determine the capitalization amounts of interests on the general borrowing by
multiplying the weighted average asset expenses of the part of the accumulative asset expenses minus the special
borrowings by the capitalization rate of the general borrowings used.

18. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing method, service life, and impairment test

       1. Intangible assets include land use rights, patent rights and non-patented technology and so on, which are
initially measured according to cost.
      2. Any intangible asset with a limited service life shall be amortized in a systematic and rational manner based
on the expected realization method of economic benefits related to it within its service life; where the expected
realization method cannot be confirmed reliably, the straight-line method shall be adopted. Details are as follows:

                             Item                                             Amortization period (year)
  Land-use right                                                                                                   15-50
  Know-how                                                                                                          6-10
  M anagement software                                                                                              5-10
  Pollution dumping right                                                                                           5-20
  Sea area use right                                                                                                1-50

     (2) Internal R&D expenditure accounting policy
      The expenditure in the research stage of internal R&D projects is included in the current gain and loss. The
expenditures incurred during the development of an internal R&D project shall be recognized as intangible assets
if they simultaneously meet the following conditions: (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets
so that they can be used or sold; (2) it is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets; (3) the ways for
intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proven useful, including the way to prove that there is a
potential market for the products manufactured with the intangible assets or there is a potential market for the
intangible assets or the intangible assets will be used internally; (4) enough technical and financial resources and
other resources are available to support the development of such intangible assets, and the Company is able to use
or sell such intangible assets; (5) the expenses incurred from developing the intangible asset can be reliably

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19. Impairment of long-term assets

     Long-term assets such as long-term equity investment, investment properties measured by the cost model,
fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets and intangible assets with limited service lives shall be
evaluated for their recoverable amount in case of any sign of impairment at the balance sheet date. For goodwill
formed by business combination and intangible assets with uncertain service life, an impairment test should be
carried out every year regardless of whether there is a sign of impairment. Goodwill impairment testing must be
done in combination with the asset group or asset group portfolio to which it is linked.
     Where the recoverable amount of asset is lower than its book value, the Company shall recognize the provision
for asset impairment based on the difference and recognize such loss into the current gains and losses.

20. Long-term deferred expenses

      Long-term deferred expenses refer to all expenses that have been paid and have an amortization period of more
than one year (excluding one year). Long-term deferred expenses are recorded at the actual incurred amount and
amortized on an average basis by stages over the beneficial period or prescribed period. In case that long-term
deferred expense items cannot benefit the future accounting periods, the amortized value of such unamortized items
shall be fully transferred into the current gain and loss.

21. Contract assets and contract liabilities

     The Company presents contract assets or liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relation between
performance obligation and customer payment. The Company will record the net amount of contract assets and
contract liabilities under the same contract after they are set off against each other.
     The Company records the right to receive consideration from customers unconditionally (i.e., only depending
on the time lapses) as the receivables, and presents the right to receive consideration when goods have been
transferred to the customers, which depends on other factors other than the time lapses, as contract assets.
     The Company presents the obligation to transfer goods to the customer for considerations received or
receivable from the customer as a contract liability.

22. Employee remuneration

(1) Accounting treatment method for short-term remuneration

     1. Employee remuneration includes short-term remuneration, post-employment benefits, dismissal benefits and
other long-term employee benefits.
     2. Accounting treatment method for short-term remuneration
     The actual short-term remuneration in the accounting period when employees offer services for the Company
will be recognized as liabilities and included in current gain and loss or relevant asset cost.

(2) Accounting treatment method of post-employment benefits

     Post-employment benefits are divided into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.
     (1) During the accounting period when an employee provides services to the Company, the amount to be
deposited according to the defined contribution plan shall be recognized as the liability and recorded into the current
gain and loss or the cost of the relevant assets.

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     (2) The accounting treatment for a defined benefit plan generally includes the following steps:
     1) In accordance with the projected unit credit method, demographic and financial variables are estimated using
unbiased and consistent actuarial assumptions, the obligations arising from the defined benefit plan are measured,
and the period for the relevant obligation is determined. In the meantime, the obligations arising from the defined
benefit plan are discounted to determine the present value and current cost of service of the defined benefit plan;
     2) Where the defined benefit plan involves any assets, the deficit or surplus resulting from the present value of
obligations in the defined benefit plan minus the fair value of assets shall be recognized as net liabilities or net assets
of the defined benefit plan. Where the defined benefit plan has any surplus, the Company will measure the net assets
of the defined benefit plan based on the surplus or asset limit of the defined benefit plan (whichever is the lower);
      3) At the end of the period, the Company shall recognize the cost of employee remuneration as cost of service,
the net interest of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan and changes arising from the re-measurement
of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, in which the cost of service and net interest of net liabilities
or net assets of the defined benefit plan are recorded in the current gain and loss or relevant asset cost, changes
arising from the re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are recorded in other
comprehensive incomes and is not allowed to be carried back to gains or losses during the subsequent accounting
period, but the amounts recognized in other comprehensive incomes can be transferred within the equity scope.

(3) Accounting treatment method for dismissal benefits

     Where dismissal benefits are provided to employees, liabilities in employee remuneration are recognized and
included in the current gain and loss when: (1) the Company is not in a position to unilaterally withdraw dismissal
benefits provided under termination plans or layoff proposals; (2) when the Company recognizes the costs or
expenses related to restructuring involving the payment of dismissal benefits.

(4) Accounting treatment method for other long-term employee benefits

     Where the Company provides other long-term employee benefits for its employees and the employee reaches
the conditions of the defined benefit plan, accounting treatment shall be adopted based on relevant provisions of the
defined benefit plan. For long-term employee benefits other than the aforesaid ones, the accounting treatment should
be conducted in accordance with relevant provisions of the defined benefit plan. In order to simplify relevant
accounting treatments, the employee remuneration cost resulting from other long-term employee benefits shall be
recognized as cost of service, the total net amount of component items, including net interest of net liabilities or net
asset of other long-term employee benefits, as well as changes arising from re-measurement of net liabilities or net
asset of other long-term employee benefits and so on, is recorded in current gain and loss or relevant asset cost.

23. Revenue

Accounting policies for revenue recognition and measurement
     1. Revenue recognition principle
     The Company assesses the contract from the commencement date of the contract and recognizes each
individual performance obligation included by the contract, and determines whether each individual performance
obligation will be fulfilled during a certain period or at a certain time point.
     It will constitute performance of the obligation in a certain period of time if any of the following conditions
are met; otherwise it will constitute performance of obligation at a certain time point: (1) the customer obtains and
consumes economic benefits arising from contract performance by the Company; (2) the customer can control goods

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in progress during the process of contract performance by the Company; (3) goods arising from contract
performance by the Company have irreplaceable purposes, and the Company is entitled to receive payment for
accumulatively completed performance proportion to date throughout the contract term.
    If the performance obligations are performed within the specified period, the Company will recognize the
income within this period in accordance with the progress of the contract’s performance. If the performance progress
cannot be determined reasonably and the costs incurred are expected to be compensated, the income will be
recognized according to the costs incurred until the performance progress is determined reasonably. If the
performance obligations are performed at a time point, the Company will recognize the income at the time when
the customer obtains control power over goods or services. When judging whether the customer has already obtained
the right of control over goods, the Company shall consider the following items: (1) the Company has the right to
receive payment currently; namely, the customer assumes the obligation of making payment currently in regards to
the goods; 2) the Company has already transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer; namely, the
customer has already obtained the legal ownership of such goods; 3) the Company has already transferred the
material object of the goods to the customer, namely the customer has already obtained such goods in the material
object; 4) the Company has already transferred the significant risk and consideration of the property in the goods to
the customer, namely, the customer has already obtained the significant risk and consideration of the property in the
goods; (5) the customer has accepted such goods; (6) other signs that indicate the customer has already obtained the
control over goods.
     2. Revenue measurement principles
     (1) The income shall be measured by the Company according to the transaction price apportioned to each single
performance obligation. Transaction price refers to the amount of consideration the Company expects to receive for
the transfer of goods or services to the customer, but it does not include payments received on behalf of the third
party or funds to be returned to the customer.
     (2) In case of variable consideration in contract, the Company will determine the best estimate of variable
consideration in line with the expected or most possible amount, but the transaction price that contains variable
consideration will not exceed the amount of accumulated recognized income that is least likely to be reversed when
relevant uncertainties are removed.
     (3) If there is significant financing in the contract, the Company shall determine the transaction price according
to the amount payable in cash when the client obtains control of the goods or services. The difference between the
transaction price and contract consideration is amortized by the effective interest method during the term of the
contract. On the contract commencement date, if the Company estimates that the time between the customer ’s
acquisition of control over goods or services and the payment of the price by the customer will not exceed one year,
the significant financing in the contract shall not be considered.
    (4) If there are two or more performance obligations in the contract, at the beginning of the contract , the
Company shall allocate the transaction price to each separate performance obligation according to the relative
proportion of the stand-alone selling price of the goods promised by each performance obligation.
     3. Specific methods for revenue recognition
     The Company mainly sells oil refining products, chemical products, PTA, polyester chip, polyester yarn and
film, and so forth, fulfilling its performance obligation at a certain time point. Proceeds from domestic sales are
recognized when the Company has delivered the products to the buyer, the amount of product sales revenue has
been determined, the payment for goods has been recovered, or the collection voucher has been obtained, and the
relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in. Proceeds from overseas market sales are recognized when the
Company has declared the products at the customs and obtained the bill of lading according to the contract, the
amount of product sales revenue has been determined, the payment for goods has been recovered, or the collection
voucher has been obtained, and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in.

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24. Government grants

     1. Government grants are recognized when both of the following conditions are met: (1) the Company is able
to meet the conditions attached to the government grants; (2) the Company can receive government grants. In the
case of a monetary asset, the government grants shall be measured according to the amount received or accrued. In
the case of a non-monetary asset, the government grants shall be measured at fair value; where the fair value cannot
be reliably obtained, it shall be measured in accordance with the nominal amount.
     2. Judgment basis and accounting method for asset-related government grants
      Government grants or subsidies that are required by government documents to be used for the acquisition or
other formation of long-term assets are classified as asset-related government grants. If the government documents
are not clear, judgment shall be made on the basis of the basic conditions that must be met to obtain the grants, and
those that are based on the acquisition, construction or other formation of long-term assets are treated as asset-
related government grants. Government grants relating to the assets are either written off against the book value of
the relevant assets or recognized as deferred income. The government grants recognized as deferred income shall
be recorded in the gain and loss on a reasonable and systematic basis over the service life of relevant assets. The
government grants measured according to notional amount shall be directly included in current gain and loss. If the
relevant asset has been sold, transferred, retired or damaged before the end of the service life, the balance of the
relevant deferred income that has not been allocated will be transferred into the current gain and loss of asset disposal.
     3. Judgment basis and accounting method for income-related government grants
     Government grants other than those related to assets will be classified into income-related government grants.
For government grants that include both the asset-related and the income-related components, it is difficult to
distinguish between government grants that are asset-related or income-related and such grants are generally
classified as asset-related. Income-related government grants of the Company are used for compensation for relevant
costs & expenses or losses in subsequent periods, which are recognized as deferred income, and recorded in current
gain and loss or offset against relevant costs in the period of recognition of relevant costs, expenses or losses.
Government grants for compensation for incurred relevant costs and expenses or losses are directly included in
current gain and loss or offset against relevant costs.
     4. The government grants related to the daily business activities of the Company shall be recorded into other
incomes or written down related costs and expenses according to the economic and business nature. Government
grants not related to the daily activities of the Company are recorded in non-operating incomes and expenses.
     5. Accounting treatment method for policy-based preferential loans with discounted interest
     (1) Where the Treasury disburses the discount interest funds to the lending bank, and the lending bank provides
loans to the Company at preferential policy interest rates, the Company shall use the actual amount of loans received
as the entry value, and calculate the borrowing costs based on the principal and the preferential policy interest rate.
     (2) If the Treasury allocates the discount interest funds directly to the Company, the discount interest will be
used to offset the borrowing costs.

25. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

     1. Depending on the difference between the book value and the tax base of assets or liabilities (the difference
between the tax base and the book value if the tax base of items not recognized as assets or liabilities can be
determined based on tax laws), the deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities shall be calculated
and recognized based on the applicable tax rate during the expected asset recovery or liability settlement period.
    2. Deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent of probable taxable income used for deducting
temporary deductible difference. On the balance sheet date, if there is concrete evidence indicating that it is likely

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to obtain enough taxable income in the future to offset temporary deductible difference, the deferred income tax
assets that were not recognized in previous accounting periods should be recognized.
     3. At the balance sheet date, the Company should recheck the book value of deferred income tax assets. If it is
unlikely to obtain enough taxable income to offset gains generated from the deferred income tax assets, then it is
necessary to write down the book value of deferred income tax assets. If it is likely to obtain enough taxable income,
the deducted amount shall be recovered.
     4. The current income taxes and deferred income taxes of the Company are recorded as income tax expense or
income in the current gains or losses, excluding income taxes arising from: (1) business combination; (2)
transactions or events recognized directly in owner ’s equity.

26. Lease

     1. The Company as lessee
     On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the lease with a lease term of no more
than 12 months and without the purchase option as a short-term lease; and recognizes the lease with lower value
when a single leased asset is brand new as a low-value asset lease. In case of a sublease or expected sublease of
lease asset, the original lease will not be deemed as a low -value asset lease.
     For all short-term leases and low-value asset leases, the Company will recognize the lease payment in the
relevant asset cost or current gain and loss under the straight-line method during each period of the lease term.
    In addition to the above short-term leases and low-value asset leases under simplified treatment, the Company
recognizes the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the lease on the commencement date of the lease term.
     (1) Right-of-use assets
     The right-of-use assets shall be initially measured at cost. The cost includes: 1) the initial measurement amount
of the lease liability; 2) the amount of lease payment made on or before the commencement date of lease term, net
of the relevant amount of used lease incentives (if any); 3) the initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee; 4)
expected cost to be incurred by the lessee for the purpose of disassembly and removal of lease assets, restoration of
the site where leased assets are located or restoration of leased assets to the status as agreed in lease terms.
       The Company will use the straight-line method to calculate the depreciation of the right-of-use assets. Where
it is reasonably certain that the ownership of the leased assets can be obtained at the expiry of the lease term, the
leased assets shall be depreciated by the Company over its remaining service life. Where it is not reasonably certain
that the ownership of the leased assets can be obtained at the time the term of the lease expires, the Company shall
accrue the depreciation within the shorter of the lease period and the remaining service life of the leased assets.
     (2) Lease liabilities
      On the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes the present value of outstanding lease
payments as lease liabilities. In calculating the present value of the lease payments, the Company adopts the interest
rate embedded in the lease as the discount rate. If the Company is unable to determine the interest rate embedded in
the lease, it will adopt the incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate. The difference between the lease payment
and its present value is treated as unrecognized financing expenses, on which the interest expenses are recognized
at the discount rate of the present value of the lease payment during each period of the lease term and included in
the current gain and loss. The variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be
included in current gain and loss when actually incurred.
      After the inception of the lease, the Company measures lease liabilities again according to the present value of
the lease payments after the change, and adjusts the book value of the right-of-use asset accordingly in case of
changes in the actual fixed payment amount, the expected payable amount of the guarantee residual value, the index
or ratio used to determine the lease payment amount, the purchase option, and evaluation result or the actual exercise

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situation of the lease renewal option or the termination option. Where the book value of the right-of-use asset has
been reduced to zero, but a further reduction is required for the lease liabilities, the remaining amount shall be
included in the current gain and loss.
     2. The Company as lessor
      At the inception of the lease, a lease that transfers in substance almost all risks and rewards related to the
ownership of leased assets is classified as a financing lease by the Company. Except for the financing lease, others
are treated as the operating lease.
     (1) Operating lease
      During each period of the lease term, the Company recognizes the lease receipts as rental income under the
straight-line method, and the initial direct costs incurred are capitalized and amortized on the same basis as the
recognition of rental income, which is included in the current gain and loss by installment. Variable lease payments
the Company acquired in connection with operating leases that are not included in the lease receipts are recognized
in the current gain and loss when actually incurred.
     (2) Financing lease
      At the inception of the lease, the Company recognizes the financing lease receivables based on the net lease
investment (the sum of the unsecured residual value and the present value of the lease collection not received on
the first date of the lease term and discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease), and derecognizes the financing
lease assets. During each period of the lease term, the Company calculates and recognizes the interest income at the
interest rate implicit in the lease.
     The variable lease payments obtained by the Company that are not included in the measurement of the net
lease investment are included in the current gain and loss when actually incurred.

27. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) S ignificant accounting policy changes

   Contents and reasons of accounting policy changes                                                   Note
                                                                             For lease liabilities and right-of-use assets recognized at
 The M inistry of Finance issued Accounting Standards for                    the beginning of the earliest period for the presentation
 Business Enterprises Interpretation No. 16, “Accounting                    of financial statements in which the provisions were first
 for Deferred Income Taxes Related to Assets and                             implemented that gave rise to taxable temporary
 Liabilities Arising from Individual Transactions Not                        differences and deductible temporary differences as a
 Subject to the Initial Recognition Exemption”, which                       result of a single transaction to which the provisions
                                                                ed this
 requires that adjustments be made to individual                             apply, the cumulative effect was adjusted to retained
 transactions subject to the provision that occur between the                earnings at the beginning of the earliest period for which
 beginning of the earliest period of the financial statements                the financial statements were presented, as well as to
                                                                January 1,
 in which the provision is first implemented and the date of                 other relevant financial statement items in accordance
 the first implementation of the provision.                                  with the provisions of ASBE No. 18, “Accounting for
                                                                             Income Taxes”.

The specific adjustments are as follows:
    1. For the balance sheet items of December 31, 2022, the deferred tax assets affected were RMB32,682,430.07,
the deferred tax liabilities affected were RMB31,381,802.53, and the undistributed profits affected were
     2. For the income statement items from January to June 2022, the income tax expenses were RMB293,115.15.

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(2) S ignificant accounting estimate changes

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Financial statements related to adjustments to items at the beginning of the year of first-time implementation of new
accounting standards from 2023 onwards

□Applicable Not applicable

28. Others

     (1) Safety production costs
      The safety production costs withdrawn by the Company in accordance with the Administrative Measures for
the Collection and Utilization of Enterprise Safety Production Funds (CZ [2022] No. 136) promulgated by the
Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management were charged to the costs of relevant products or
current profits or losses and also to the “special reserve”. In the case of using the withdrawn safety production costs,
if they belong to cost expenditure, they shall directly offset the special reserves. Where a fixed asset is formed, the
expenditures incurred shall be collected under the item “Construction in Progress” and shall be recognized as a fixed
asset when the completed security project reaches the intended usable state. Moreover, the special reserves shall be
written down upon the cost of the formed fixed assets, and the accumulated depreciation of the same amount shall
be confirmed, and such fixed assets will not be depreciated in any following period.
     (2) Segment report
    The Company determines the operating segment on the basis of its internal organizational structure,
management requirements, internal reporting system and so on. Operating segments refer to components within the
Company satisfying all the following conditions:
     1) It engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses;
      2) The management can evaluate the operating results of such components on a regular basis, so as to decide
to allocate resources to them and evaluate their performance;
     3) It has access to accounting information of the component, such as its financial condition, operation result
and cash flow.

VI. Taxes

1. Main tax categories and tax rates

    Tax category                                          Basis of taxation                                       Tax rate
                         The value-added tax received is calculated on the basis of sales of goods and      13%、9%、6%[Note
 Value-added tax         taxable service income calculated according to the tax law. After deducting the
                         VAT paid allowed for the current period, the difference is VAT payable.            1]

                         Taxable sales (volume)                                                             [Note 2]
 (consumption) tax
 Urban maintenance
                         Actual payment of turnover tax                                                     7%、5%
 and construction tax
 Enterprise     income
                         Taxable income                                                                     [Note 3]

 Property tax            The remaining value after deducting 30% from the original value of the property    1.2%、12%

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                        in one go for ad valorem collection; the rental income for rent based collection.
 Education surcharge    Actual payment of turnover tax                                                          3%
 Local education
                        Actual payment of turnover tax                                                          2%

      [Note 1] VAT is calculated and paid at the tax rate of 13% for goods sold. Rental income and sales of liquefied
petroleum gas and steam shall be subject to VAT at the rate of 9%. Warehousing services and other businesses and
interest income shall be subject to VAT at the rate of 6%. The policy of “tax exemption, credit and refund” is
implemented for export goods, and the export tax rebate rate is 13%.
     [Note 2] Sales of fuel oil, diesel and aviation kerosene are subject to consumption tax at RMB 1.2/liter. Sales
of gasoline and naphtha are subject to consumption tax at RMB 1.52/liter.
     [Note 3] Explanation for enterprise income tax rate of taxpayers at different tax rates

                                          Name of taxpayer                                                        Income tax rate
 Subsidiaries Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.,
 Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang                   15%
 Yongsheng Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            The tax shall be calculated
 Subsidiaries Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd.,
                                                                                                            and paid according to the
 Yisheng New M aterials Trading Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Private Co., Ltd.,
                                                                                                            relevant tax rates of the
 Rongtong Logistics (Singapore) Private Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            country and region where
 and Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical (Singapore) Private Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            the business is located.
 Subsidiaries Rongxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., ZPC Jintang Logistics Co., Ltd., Rongsheng
 International Trade (Hainan) Co., Ltd., Dalian Zhejiang Yisheng New M aterials Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang      20%
 Rongyi Trading Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Chemical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
 Other taxpayers other than the above                                                                       25%

2. Tax preference

     1. According to requirements in the Notice on the Continuation of the Policy of Partial Consumption Tax on
Naphth and Fuel Oil by the Ministry of Finance, People’s Bank of China and State Taxation Administration (No.
87 [2011] of the Ministry of Finance), the Notice on Improving the Tax Refund Policy of Consumption Tax for
Ethylene Aromatic Chemical Products from Naphth and Fuel Oil by the Ministry of Finance, People’s Bank of
China, General Administration of Customs and State Taxation Administration (No. 2 [2013] of the Ministry of
Finance), the Interim Measures for the Refund (Exemption) of Consumption Tax for Naphth and Fuel Oil Used in
the Production of Ethylene and Aromatic Chemical Products by the State Taxation Administration (Announcement
of the State Administration of Taxation No. 36 of 2012) and the Announcement on the Refund of Consumption Tax
for Ethylene and Aromatic Chemical Products from Naphth and Fuel Oil by the State Administration of Taxation
and General Administration of Customs (Announcement No. 29 of 2013 of the State Administration of Taxation
and the General Administration of Customs), in the case that the production enterprise implementing the fixed-point
direct supply plan and selling naphth and fuel oil within the planned quantity limit, with a Chinese anti-
counterfeiting special VAT invoice with “DDZG” logo, it shall be exempted from consumption tax. The subsidiaries
Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. are qualified for the tax
refund, and the preferential policy of refunding consumption tax paid in the procurement stage is applicable. The
subsidiaries Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. implementing
the fixed-point direct supply plan meet the above conditions, and the preferential policy of exemption from
consumption tax on the sales stage is applicable.
     According to the requirements of the Notice on Continuing the Increase of Refined Oil Consumption Tax by
the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation (No. 11 [2015] of the Ministry of Finance), the unit

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consumption tax of diesel, aviation kerosene and fuel oil increase from RMB 1.1/L to RMB 1.2/L, and suspension
of consumption tax continues to apply in aviation kerosene. The subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co.,
Ltd. enjoys the preferential policy of suspension of consumption tax for selling aviation kerosene.
     2. According to the document Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration
on Further Strengthening the Implementation of Policies Regarding Period-End Value-Added Tax Credit Refund
(Announcement No. 14 [2022] of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation) jointly issued
by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, some subsidiaries of the Company meet the
relevant conditions for the tax credit refund, and the total amount of tax credit refund received in the current period
is RMB 88.3319 million.
     3. According to the Announcement on Filing of High-tech Enterprises Recognized by Zhejiang Provincial
Accreditation Institutions in 2022 issued by the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Accreditation
Management Leading Group, subsidiaries Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Petroleum
& Chemical Co., Ltd. have passed the high-tech enterprise accreditation and obtained the High-tech Enterprise
Certificate numbered GR202233004307 and GR202233003797 respectively. The validity period of the recognition
is 2022-2024, and the enterprise income tax is calculated and paid at a reduced rate of 15% in the current period.
     According to the Announcement on Filing the Third Batch of High-tech Enterprises Recognized by Dalian in
2021 issued by the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management Leading Group, the
subsidiary Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd. passed the high-tech enterprise accreditation and obtained the
High-tech Enterprise Certificate with the number of GR202121200832, which is valid from 2021 to 2023. The
enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at the reduced tax rate of 15% in this period.
    According to the Announcement on Filing the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises Recognized by Ningbo City
Authority in 2022 issued by the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management Leading
Group, Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary, has passed the high-tech enterprise accreditation
and obtained the High-tech Enterprise Certificate with the number of GR202233101251, with the validity period
of 2022-2024. The enterprise income tax is calculated and paid at the reduced tax rate of 15% in the current period.
     According to the Announcement on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises Recognized in
Zhejiang Province in 2021 issued by the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Recognition Management
Leading Group, Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary, has passed the recognition of a high-tech
enterprise and obtained the High-Tech Enterprise Certificate with the number GR202133009456. The recognition
period is from 2021 to 2023, and the enterprise income tax is calculated and paid at a reduced rate of 15% in this
     4. According to the Notice On Issues Related to the Implementation of the Preferential Catalogue of Enterprise
Income Tax for Special Equipment of Environmental Protection, the Preferential Catalogue of Enterprise I ncome
Tax for Special Equipment of Energy and Water Conservation and the Preferential Catalogue of Enterprise Income
Tax for Special Equipment of Work Safety (No. 48 [2008] of the Ministry of Finance), for the special equipment
purchased by the Company that can be used for environmental protection, energy and water conservation, safe
production and other purposes, the enterprise income tax payable of the current year can be deducted by 10% of the
equipment investment. If the tax payable of the enterprise in the current year is insufficient for credit, it can be
carried forward to the next year, and the carryforward period shall not exceed five tax years. The subsidiary Zhejiang
Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. has special equipment that can be used for environmental protection, energy and
water conservation and safe production, which is qualified for the preferential policy of 10% of the investment to
credit the taxable income of the enterprise income tax in the current year.
     5. According to requirements of Article 2 in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration
of Taxation on Implementing the Inclusive Tax Deduction and Exemption Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises
(No. 13 [2019] of the Ministry of Finance), If the annual taxable income of small low-profit enterprises does not

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exceed RMB 1 million (inclusive), it shall be included in the taxable income at the reduced rate of 25%, and the
enterprise income tax shall be paid at the tax rate of 20%. For the part with an annual taxable income exceeding
RMB 1 million but not exceeding RMB 3 million, 50% thereof is included in the payable income, and the enterprise
income tax is paid at the tax rate of 20%.
     According to the requirements of the Announcement on the Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies
for Micro and Small Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households (Announcement No. 12
[2021] of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration), for the part of small low -profit enterprises’
annual taxable income not exceeding RMB 1 million, the enterprise income tax shall be further half-reduced on the
basis of the preferential policy stipulated in Article 2 of the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation
Administration on Implementing the Inclusive Tax Deduction and Exemption Policies for Micro and Small
Enterprises (No. 13 [2019] of the Ministry of Finance).
     According to the requirements of the Announcement on the Further Implementation of Preferential Income Tax
Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households (Announcement
No. 13 [2021] of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration), from January 1, 2022 to December
31, 2024, for small and micro enterprises with an annual taxable income exceeding RMB 1 million but not exceeding
RMB 3 million, the enterprise income tax shall be further reduced by 25%, and the enterprise income tax shall be
paid at the tax rate of 20%. Subsidiaries Rongxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. Rongsheng International Trade
(Hainan) Co., Ltd., Dalian Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Rongyi Trade Co., Ltd. and Rongsheng
Chemical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. meet the above requirements in this period.
    6. According to the Implementation Opinions of the Office of the People’s Government of Xiaoshan District,
Hangzhou on Deepening the Reform of “Heroes per Mu” and Promoting High Quality Development (XZBF [2020]
No. 38), Class A enterprises can enjoy 100% reduction and exemption of land use tax. The Company and its
subsidiary, Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., meet the requirements of the above preferential tax
policies, and are fully exempt from land use tax in this period.

VII. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary fund

                                                                                                               Unit: RM B

                  Item                              Ending balance                         Beginning balance
 Cash on hand                                                       2,041,641.14                             947,398.91
 Bank deposit                                                 12,695,174,133.64                       14,971,568,361.00
 Other monetary funds                                          2,491,003,349.65                        3,266,258,620.30
 Total                                                          15188219124.43                        18,238,774,380.21
 Including: Total amount of overseas
                                                               1,379,503,007.18                        2,459,323,215.90

Other notes:
      Among other monetary funds at the end of the period, RMB 570.0074 million is the deposit made for issuing
bank acceptance bills, RMB 952.6963 million is the deposit made for issuing letters of credit, RMB 45.3763 million
is the deposit made for issuing the letter of guarantee, RMB 250 million is the deposit made for handling bank loans,
RMB667.8139 million is the investment funds and RMB 5.1094 million is the depos it interest accrued based on the
effective interest rate method at the end of the period.

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2. Trading financial assets

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B
                     Item                                    Ending balance                               Beginning balance
 Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                            387,219,170.37                              188,283,362.49
 current gain and loss
 Including: derivative financial assets                                     387,219,170.37                              188,283,362.49
 Total                                                                      387,219,170.37                              188,283,362.49

3. Accounts receivable

(1) Classified disclosure of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B
                                    Ending balance                                                Beginning balance
                   Book balance           Bad-debt provision                     Book balance            Bad-debt provision
 Category                                                         Book                                                          Book
                                                      Proport                                                       Proport
                            Proport                               value                      Proport                            value
               Amount                     Amount       ion of                 Amount                     Amount      ion of
                              ion                                                              ion
                                                      accrual                                                       accrual
 for    bad    3,510,44                   146,915,               3,363,52     7,257,16                   129,149,              7,128,01
                            100.00%                     4.19%                            100.00%                      1.78%
 debt          1,592.36                     462.52               6,129.84     0,866.85                     819.82              1,047.03
 based on
               3,510,44                   146,915,               3,363,52     7,257,16                   129,149,              7,128,01
 Total                      100.00%                     4.19%                            100.00%                      1.78%
               1,592.36                     462.52               6,129.84     0,866.85                     819.82              1,047.03

Provision made for bad debt reserves based on aging portfolio: 146,915,462.52

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B

                                                                              Ending balance
                                             Book balance                    Bad-debt provision               Proportion of accrual
 Trade fund portfolio of
                                                     669,897,585.76                               0.00                           0.00%
 overseas subsidiaries
 Aging portfolio                                 2,840,544,006.60                    146,915,462.52                              5.17%
 Total                                           3,510,441,592.36                    146,915,462.52

For provision for bad debt reserves of the accounts receivable by the general model of the expected credit loss,
relevant information on bad debt reserves is disclosed based on the disclosure method of other receivables:
□Applicable Not applicable
Disclose according to aging

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B

                              Aging                                                             Ending balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive of 1 year)                                                                                  3,462,234,284.73

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 1-2 year(s)                                                                                                      42,868,308.23
 2-3 years                                                                                                         3,324,575.20
 Above 3 years                                                                                                     2,014,424.20
 Total                                                                                                         3,510,441,592.36

(2) Bad debt provision and its recovery or reversal in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                      Unit: RM B

                                                    The amount of change in the current period
         Category                                              Recovered        Write-                          Ending balance
                             balance         Provision                                         Others
                                                              or returned        off
 Provision made for
 bad debt reserves                                                                            -23,420,059.71
                           129,149,819.82   41,185,702.41                                                       146,915,462.51
 based on aging                                                                                       [Note]
 Total                     129,149,819.82   41,185,702.41                                     -23,420,059.71    146,915,462.51

[Note] Other changes were due to the transfer of 100% equity interest in Zhoushan Yushan Petrochemical
Engineering Co., Ltd by ZPC, a subsidiary of the Company, and the corresponding transfer of bad debt provision
for accounts receivable.

(3) Accounts receivable of top 5 ending balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                      Unit: RM B

                                            Ending balance of                                                Ending balance of
                                                                         Proportion in a total ending
               Company name                     accounts                                                     provision for bad
                                                                        balance of accounts receivable
                                               receivable                                                          debts
 Company 1                                      597,729,963.56                                   17.03%           29,886,498.18
 Company 2                                      470,753,229.81                                   13.41%           23,537,661.49
 Company 3                                      432,875,534.32                                   12.33%           21,643,776.72
 Company 4                                      431,142,109.51                                   12.28%           21,557,105.48
 Company 5                                      230,631,698.06                                    6.57%
 Total                                        2,163,132,535.26                                   61.62%

4. Receivables financing

                                                                                                                      Unit: RM B
                    Item                              Ending balance                              Beginning balance
 Banker’s acceptance                                                   529,695,407.36                          187,298,909.35
 Total                                                                  529,695,407.36                          187,298,909.35

Changes in receivables financing during the period and changes in fair value
□Applicable Not applicable
If the provision for impairment of receivables financing is based on the general model of expected credit losses,
disclose information about the provision for impairment by referring to the disclosure for other receivables:

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□Applicable Not applicable

5. Advance payments

(1) Advance payments presented by age

                                                                                                                            Unit: RM B

                                             Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
                                    Amount                 Proportion                       Amount                  Proportion
 Within 1 year                     3,316,027,084.91                   98.39%               2,522,481,841.45                   98.61%
 1-2 year(s)                           54,110,343.82                      1.61%              35,638,283.54                     1.39%
 Total                             3,370,137,428.73                                        2,558,120,124.99

(2) Top five payers with the biggest ending balances of advance payments

                                                                                                          Proportion in balance of
                            Company name                                          Book balance
                                                                                                             advance payments
 Supplier 1                                                                          1,871,773,815.42                         55.54%
 Supplier 2                                                                           221,866,743.50                           6.58%
 Supplier 3                                                                           105,805,000.00                           3.14%
 Supplier 4                                                                            94,920,875.86                           2.82%
 Supplier 5                                                                            79,242,619.30                           2.35%
 Subtotal                                                                            2,373,609,054.08                         70.43%

6. Other receivables

                                                                                                                            Unit: RM B
                     Item                                Ending balance                                 Beginning balance
 Other receivables                                                   8,124,126,700.64                               4,262,221,292.97
 Total                                                               8,124,126,700.64                               4,262,221,292.97

(1) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                            Unit: RM B

               Nature of account                       Ending book balance                           Beginning book balance
 Government receivables portfolio                                    7,558,341,466.87                               3,670,422,597.36
 Paper goods transaction settlement
                                                                          127,170,824.05                             126,333,617.88
 Loan margin portfolio                                                     85,908,960.00                             145,908,960.00
 Futures margin portfolio                                                 196,283,951.92                             272,529,752.95
 Deposit receivable margin portfolio                                      138,257,087.23                               41,469,354.87

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 Petty cash receivable, etc.                                             23,522,521.57                                     13,736,810.60
 Current account portfolio                                                    5,458,414.91                                   5,383,742.27
 Total                                                                8,134,943,226.55                                   4,275,784,835.93

2) Bad debt provision

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B

                                       S tage I                   S tage II                        S tage III
                                                          Expected credit loss           Expected credit loss for
      Bad-debt provision           Expected credit                                                                            Total
                                                        over the entire duration           the entire duration
                                  loss in the next 12
                                                             (without credit             (credit impairment has
                                                              impairment)                       occurred)
 Balance as of January 1, 2023          1,518,350.97                    878,119.54                    11,167,072.45        13,563,542.96
 The balance as of January 1,
 2023 in the current period
 --Transferred to Stage II                    -570.00                          570.00
 --Transferred to Stage III                                            -101,623.84                       101,623.84
 Provision in current period               96,032.87                    -19,482.21                     -1,629,056.22        -1,552,505.56
 Other changes [Note]                                                                                  -1,194,511.50        -1,194,511.50
 Balance as of June 30, 2023            1,613,813.85                    757,583.49                     8,445,128.57        10,816,525.91

[Note] Other changes were due to the transfer of 100% equity interest in Zhoushan Yushan Petrochemical
Engineering Co., Ltd by ZPC, a subsidiary of the Company, and the corresponding transfer of bad debt provision
for other accounts receivable.
Disclose according to aging

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B

                               Aging                                                             Ending balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive of 1 year)                                                                                     7,108,896,394.64
 1-2 year(s)                                                                                                              940,773,689.69
 2-3 years                                                                                                                 78,576,009.36
 Above 3 years                                                                                                               6,697,132.86
 Total                                                                                                                   8,134,943,226.55

3) Bad debt provision and its recovery or reversal in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B

                                                         The amount of change in the current period
                                  Beginning                                                                                   Ending
          Category                                                    Recovered         Write-
                                   balance          Provision                                            Others               balance
                                                                     or returned         off
 Other receivables with
 provision for bad debts
                                 13,563,542.96    -1,552,505.56                                          -1,194,511.50     10,816,525.91
 based on a combination of
 credit risk characteristics

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 Total                            13,563,542.96    -1,552,505.56                                    -1,194,511.50      10,816,525.91

4) Top five debtors with the biggest ending balances of other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                                                                                                 Proportion in total     balance of
     Company name           Nature of payment             Ending balance           Aging         ending balance of       provision
                                                                                                  other receivables       for bad
                           Tax refund
 Company 1                                                3,447,105,065.72   Within 1 year                   42.43%
 Company 2                                                2,255,438,401.15   Within 1 year                   27.76%
 Company 3                 Grants receivables             1,745,798,000.00   Within 1 year                   21.49%
                           Deposit guarantee
 Company 4                                                 112,830,000.00    Within 1 year                    1.39%
 Company 5                 Grants receivables              110,000,000.00    Within 1 year                    1.35%
 Total                                                    7,671,171,466.87                                   94.42%

5) Receivables involving government subsidies

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                                            Name of
                                                                                     Period-        Estimated time, amount and
           Company name                   government            Ending balance
                                                                                    end aging             basis to receive
                                         subsidy project
 Zhoushan Green Petrochemical                                                       Within 1      Expected to be recovered by
                                      Grants receivables        1,745,798,000.00
 Base M anagement Committee                                                         year          December 31, 2023
 Xiaoshan District Headquarters                                                     Within 1      Expected to be recovered by
                                      Grants receivables          110,000,000.00
 Economy Special Class                                                              year          December 31, 2023
 Total                                                          1,855,798,000.00

7. Inventories

Whether the company is subject to disclosure requirements for the real estate industry

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                                       Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
                                            Inventory                                               Inventory
                                          depreciation                                            depreciation
                                           reserves or                                             reserves or
         Item                             provision for                                           provision for
                   Book balance                               Book value       Book balance                            Book value
                                         impairment of                                           impairment of
                                             contract                                                contract
                                          performance                                             performance
                                               cost                                                    cost

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                       24,560,032,875                     24,560,032,875    38,684,253,387                      38,684,037,331
 Raw materials                                                                                   216,055.92
                                   .34                                .34               .46                                 .54
 Products        in    13,282,599,126                     13,282,599,126    11,833,781,904                      11,764,461,907
 process                           .09                                .09               .06                                 .84
 Commodity             7,302,838,073.                      7,238,007,490.   10,300,065,925                      10,087,345,429
                                          64,830,582.66                                       212,720,495.66
 stocks                            01                                  35               .25                                 .59
 Work in
 process -                   679,248.98                       679,248.98        276,865.36                          276,865.36
                       155,238,852.35                     155,238,852.35    153,788,259.61                      153,788,259.61
                       45,301,388,175                     45,236,557,593    60,972,166,341                      60,689,909,793
 Total                                    64,830,582.66                                       282,256,547.80
                                   .77                                .11               .74                                 .94

(2) Provision for obsolete inventory or for impairment of the cost of contract performance

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                          Increase in the current period     Decrease in the current period
                        Beginning                                                                                  Ending
         Item                                                                Reversal or
                         balance           Provision          Others                             Others            balance
 Raw materials               216,055.92                                         216,055.92
 Products        in
                        69,319,996.22                                        69,319,996.22
 Commodity             212,720,495.66     64,830,582.66                     212,720,495.66                       64,830,582.66
 Total                  282256547.80      64,830,582.66                     282,256,547.80                       64,830,582.66

For the specific basis for determining the net realizable value, please refer to Note V (XI) for the detailed description
of inventories in the financial statements. The decrease of inventory falling price reserves in the current period is
written off according to the consumption of products and the sales of inventory goods in the current period.

8. Other current assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                      Item                                Ending balance                         Beginning balance
 VAT input tax to be deducted                                        2,837,734,162.75                          1,131,926,010.21
 Business income tax pre-paid                                        1,681,543,675.69                          1,335,755,359.29
 Total                                                               4,519,277,838.44                          2,467,681,369.50

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9. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RM B

                                                                          Increase and decrease in the current period
                                                                     Investment                                                                                   Ending
                             Beginning                                                Other                                                        Ending        balance of
                                                                       gains or                                Declared
                              balance                                              comprehen                                 Provision             balance       provision
         Investee                                                       losses                     Other      distributio
                               (book       Additional    Reduced                       sive                                     for                 (book           for
                                                                     recognized                    equity      n of cash                 Others
                               value)      investment   investment                   income                                 impairmen               value)      impairmen
                                                                      under the                   changes      dividends
                                                                                   adjustmen                                     t                                   t
                                                                        equity                                 or profits
 I. Joint ventures
 II. Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Yisheng            2,691,757,6                             7,545,372.6   7,361,140.2                                                    2,706,664,1
 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.           78.94                                       4             0                                                          91.78
 Ningbo Hengyi Trading       231,733,25                              6,836,819.7                                                                  223,112,31
 Co., Ltd.                         2.44                                        2                                                                        4.43
 Zhejiang Xiaoshan Rural
                             2,006,079,8                             131,295,91    11,387,579.                39,685,918.                         2,109,077,4
 Commercial Bank Co.,
                                   40.15                                   4.20             14                         80                               14.69
 Zhejiang Jurong
                             14,454,169.                                                                                                          14,460,593.
 Petroleum & Chemical                                                  6,424.02
                                      54                                                                                                                   56
 Sales Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Kunsheng
                             13,221,013.                             3,945,821.1                                                                  17,166,834.
 Petroleum & Chemical
                                      56                                       7                                                                           73
 Sales Co., Ltd.
 Hainan Yisheng              3,302,885,7                             158,527,94                                                                   3,409,887,8
 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.           58.56                                   8.32                                                                         47.77
 Zhejiang Provincial
 Petroleum Co., Ltd.
 ZPC-ENN (Zhoushan)          12,729,631.                                                                                                          11,631,757.
 Gas Co., Ltd.                        15                                                                                                                   76

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Zhejiang Dingsheng
                         32,038,237.                 2,361,627.2                                             34,399,864.
                                  54                           0                                                      74
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Derong          342,047,72                                              3,629,298.8                 270,108,55
chemicals Co. Ltd.             8.85                                                        5                       0.25
Zhoushan ZPC Zhougang    61,965,559.                 5,792,243.7                                             67,911,938.
Tugboat Co., Ltd.                 46                           0                                                      30
Ningbo Coastal Public    6,301,526.0                          -                                              6,013,807.2
Pipe Gallery Co., Ltd.             9                 287,718.81                                                        8
Zhejiang Zhenshi Port    18,115,410.                                                                         18,607,780.
Service Co., Ltd.                 07                                                                                  18
Zhejiang Dongjiang
Green Petrochemical                    2,000,000.0                                                           2,000,000.0
Technology Innovation                            0                                                                     0
Center Co., Ltd.
                         8,733,329,8   2,000,000.0   239,850,47                  3,783,433.9   39,685,918.   8,891,042,8
Subtotal                                                           48,234,897.
                               06.35             0         1.43                            9            80         95.47
                         8,733,329,8   2,000,000.0   239,850,47                  3,783,433.9   39,685,918.   8,891,042,8
Total                                                              48,234,897.
                               06.35             0         1.43                            9            80         95.47

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10. Investment properties

(1) Investment real estate under the cost measurement mode

                                                                                                 Unit: RM B

                      Item                         Houses and buildings              Total
 I. Original book value
 1. Initial balance                                                  14,286,632.00            14,286,632.00
 2. Increase in the current period
 (1) Outsourcing
 (2) Transfers from inventories/fixed
 assets/construction in progress
 (3) Increase due to business merger
 3. Decrease in the current period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Other transfer-out
 4. Ending balance                                                   14,286,632.00            14,286,632.00
 II. Accumulated     depreciation       and
 accumulated amortization
 1. Initial balance                                                   3,619,611.40             3,619,611.40
 2. Increase in the current period                                     135,723.00               135,723.00
 (1) Accrual or amortization
 3. Decrease in the current period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Other transfer-out
 4. Ending balance                                                    3,755,334.40             3,755,334.40
 III. Provision for impairment
 1. Initial balance
 2. Increase in the current period
 (1) Accrual
 3. Decrease in the current period
 (1) Disposal
 (2) Other transfer-out
 4. Ending balance
 IV Book value
 1. Closing book value                                               10,531,297.60            10,531,297.60
 2. Beginning book value                                             10,667,020.60            10,667,020.60

(2) Investment real estate under the fair value method

□Applicable Not applicable

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11. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RM B
                      Item                                 Ending balance                         Beginning balance
 Fixed assets                                                         215,083,404,817.73                    222,161,110,736.65
 Total                                                                215,083,404,817.73                    222,161,110,736.65

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                                      Unit: RM B
                               Housing and        Machinery and          Transportation      Other
         Item                                                                                                     Total
                                buildings          equipment                facilities     equipment
 I. Original       book
 1. Initial balance          69,834,680,127.08   182,919,839,330.11       242,890,945.99   328,633,655.38   253,326,044,058.56
 2. Increase in the
                                10,387,557.14      2,227,418,502.20         4,611,239.55     9,614,523.40     2,252,031,822.29
 current period
 (1) Acquisition                  6,168,382.87      224,955,088.42          4,266,153.34     9,576,851.47      244,966,476.10
 (2) Transfer-in from
 construction in                  4,219,174.27     2,002,463,413.78           345,086.21        37,671.93     2,007,065,346.19
 (3) Increase due to
 business merger
 3. Decrease in the
                              2,854,159,930.40         1,072,070.80         4,641,318.16                      2,859,873,319.36
 current period
 (1) Disposal or
                              2,854,159,930.40         1,072,070.80         4,641,318.16                      2,859,873,319.36
 4. Ending balance           66,990,907,753.82   185,146,185,761.51       242,860,867.38   338,248,178.78   252,718,202,561.49
 II.    Accumulated
 1. Initial balance           5,369,690,269.91    25,406,562,812.20       171,391,329.11   205,749,238.47    31,153,393,649.69
 2. Increase in the
                              1,245,813,636.93     5,667,224,839.30        19,899,594.84    26,913,862.82     6,959,851,933.89
 current period
 (1) Accrual                  1,245,813,636.93     5,667,224,839.30        19,899,594.84    26,913,862.82     6,959,851,933.89
 3. Decrease in the
                               485,801,595.55           819,907.95          3,366,008.54                       489,987,512.04
 current period
 (1) Disposal or
                               485,801,595.55           819,907.95          3,366,008.54                       489,987,512.04
 4. Ending balance            6,129,702,311.29    31,072,967,743.55       187,924,915.41   232,663,101.29    37,623,258,071.54
 III. Provision for
 1. Initial balance                                   11,539,672.22                                              11,539,672.22
 2. Increase in the
 current period
 (1) Accrual
 3. Decrease in the
 current period

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 (1) Disposal or
 4. Ending balance                                     11,539,672.22                                                     11,539,672.22
 IV Book value
 1. Closing book
                            60,861,205,442.53     154,061,678,345.74          54,935,951.97     105,585,077.49    215,083,404,817.73
 2. Beginning book
                            64,464,989,857.17     157,501,736,845.69          71,499,616.88     122,884,416.91    222,161,110,736.65

(2) Fixed assets with the certificate of title not transacted

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B
                                                                                              Reasons for incomplete certificates of
                       Item                                 Original book value
 Houses and buildings - tank farm, supporting
                                                                        7,127,767,903.92      In progress
 buildings and others of ZPC
 Houses and buildings -- flow shop of Zheyou
                                                                              87,465,832.30   In progress
 Technology Co. Ltd.
 Houses and buildings -office buildings and
 others of Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co.,                                  197,972,690.71   In progress
 Houses and buildings -warehouse, supporting
 facilities and others of Zhejiang Yisheng New                               120,229,088.05   In progress
 M aterials Co., Ltd.
 Houses and buildings - polymerization building
 and others of Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical                                   505,740,074.63   In progress
 Fiber Co., Ltd.
 Houses and buildings -film warehouse and
 others of Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology Co.                                  62,725,896.38   In progress
 Subtotal                                                               8,101,901,485.99

12. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                     Item                                   Ending balance                               Beginning balance
 Construction in progress                                              30,786,777,964.96                           24,590,757,677.89
 Engineering materials                                                  2,186,603,374.12                               1,544,399,951.56
 Total                                                                 32,973,381,339.08                           26,135,157,629.45

(1) Construction in progress

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                                                Ending balance                                       Beginning balance

            Item                                   Provision                                           Provision for
                              Book balance            for          Book value        Book balance                         Book value

 1.4 million tons             14,326,345,977.                     14,326,345,97      14,276,035,76                       14,276,035,76

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ethylene and                         17                7.17            3.50                      3.50
downstream chemical
plant (optimization of
product structure of
Phase II project)
Utilities and            10,298,131,689.    10,298,131,68     6,020,862,104.           6,020,862,104.
supporting facilities                 24             9.24                 28                       28
Functional polyester
film expansion project
                         1,172,554,302.3   1,172,554,302.     967,377,971.4             967,377,971.4
with an annual output                  4               34                 0                         0
of 250,000 tons per
High performance                            781,998,909.4     446,159,950.4             446,159,950.4
resin project                                           7                 8                         8
High-end new
                          34,603,773.64     34,603,773.64     17,358,490.59             17,358,490.59
material project
Jintang New M aterial                       289,228,091.3
                         289,228,091.35                       41,739,407.97             41,739,407.97
Project                                                 5
                         3,883,915,221.7   3,883,915,221.     2,821,223,989.           2,821,223,989.
Sporadic projects
                                       5               75                 67                       67
                         30,786,777,964.    30,786,777,96     24,590,757,67             24,590,757,67
Total                                 96             4.96              7.89                      7.89

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(2) Changes in major construction in progress in the current period

                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RM B

                                                          Amount of                                                                      Including:
                                                              fixed       Other                   Percentag                Accumulat     Capitalize
                                            Increase in                                                                                                capitalizat
                  Budget                                     assets     decreases                  e of the                    ed         d amount
                              Beginning         the                                  Ending                      Project                               ion rate in   S ources of
    Project       (RMB                                      carried       in the                  actual cost              capitalized   of interest
                               balance        current                                balance                    progress                                   the          fund
                  10,000)                                 over in the    current                  to budget                amount of        in the
                                               period                                                                                                    current
                                                           current        period                     (%)                    interest       current
                                                            period                                                                          period
 1.4 million
 tons ethylene
 chemical plant               14,276,035    1,958,505,     1,908,195,               14,326,345                             735,756,70    287,274,44
                  3,448,517                                                                             83%     85.00%                                      4.21%    loans, other
 (optimization                    ,763.50      258.62          044.95                   ,977.17                                  7.49          7.16
 of product
 structure of
 Phase II
 Utilities and                                                                                                                                                       Bank
                              6,020,862,    4,277,269,                              10,298,131                             1,182,033,    162,522,11
 supporting                                                                                                                                                 4.21%    loans, other
                                  104.28       584.96                                   ,689.24                                025.44          2.46
 facilities                                                                                                                                                          sources
 polyester film
 project with                 967,377,97    212,918,79     7,742,466.                1,172,554,                            49,267,203    21,003,796
                   200,000                                                                              87%     90.00%                                      4.45%    loans, other
 an annual                          1.40          7.34             40                    302.34                                    .84           .14
 output of
 250,000 tons
 per year
 High                                                                                                                                                                Bank
                              446,159,95    335,838,95                              781,998,90                             12,420,180    12,420,180
 performance      1,827,550                                                                              5%     5%                                          4.21%    loans, other
                                    0.48          8.99                                    9.47                                     .87           .87
 resin project                                                                                                                                                       sources
 High-end new                                                                                                                                                        Bank
                              17,358,490    17,245,283                              34,603,773
 material         6,414,691                                                                             0.1%    0.1%       525,486.35    525,486.35         4.21%    loans, other
                                      .59           .05                                     .64
 project                                                                                                                                                             sources

 Jintang New                  41,739,407    247,488,68                              289,228,09                             7,457,041.     7,457,041.                 Bank
                  7,953,857                                                                             0.4%    0.4%                                        3.70%
 M aterial                            .97         3.38                                    1.35                                     66             66                 loans, other

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Project                                                                                                                sources
Sporadic                2,821,223,    1,153,819,   91,127,834     3,883,915,   43,209,812    43,209,812
                                                                                                               3.70%   loans, other
projects                    989.67       066.92            .84        221.75           .96           .96
                        24,590,757    8,203,085,   2,007,065,    30,786,777    2,030,669,    534,412,87
Total      19,844,615
                            ,677.89      633.26        346.19        ,964.96       458.61          7.60

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(3) Engineering materials

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                                     Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
                                      Provision                                                  Provision
    Item                                 for                                                        for
                 Book balance                         Book value              Book balance                         Book value
                                      impairme                                                   impairme
                                          nt                                                         nt
                1,893,171,149.69                      1,893,171,149.69        1,170,107,409.07                    1,170,107,409.07
 Equipmen         293,432,224.43                       293,432,224.43           374,292,542.49                     374,292,542.49
 Total          2,186,603,374.12                      2,186,603,374.12        1,544,399,951.56                    1,544,399,951.56

13. Right-of-use assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                      Item                            Housing and buildings                               Total
 I. Original book value
 1. Initial balance                                                       290,265,617.88                           290,265,617.88
 2. Increase in the current period
 3. Decrease in the current period
 4. Ending balance                                                        290,265,617.88                           290,265,617.88
 II. Accumulated depreciation
 1. Initial balance                                                        64,658,849.54                            64,658,849.54
 2. Increase in the current period                                         13,198,674.80                            13,198,674.80
 (1) Accrual                                                               13,198,674.80                            13,198,674.80
 3. Decrease in the current period
 (1) Disposal
 4. Ending balance                                                         77,857,524.34                            77,857,524.34
 III. Provision for impairment
 1. Initial balance
 2. Increase in the current period
 (1) Accrual
 3. Decrease in the current period
 (1) Disposal
 4. Ending balance
 IV Book value
 1. Closing book value                                                    212,408,093.54                           212,408,093.54
 2. Beginning book value                                                  225,606,768.34                           225,606,768.34

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14. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                                                      Management        Pollution      S ea area use
       Item         Land-use right     Know-how                                                             Total
                                                       software       dumping right        right
 I. Original book
      1. Initial    6,628,695,167.07   5,879,510.85   59,311,084.87   131,600,298.14   26,848,149.00   6,852,334,209.93
      2. Increase
 in the current      633,300,941.70                     859,186.99                        339,680.26    634,499,808.95
                     633,300,941.70                     859,186.99                        339,680.26    634,499,808.95
 Internal R&D
 Increase due to
 business merger
      3. Decrease
 in the current       94,178,868.60                                    18,215,610.00                    112,394,478.60
                      94,178,868.60                                    18,215,610.00                    112,394,478.60
      4. Ending
                    7,167,817,240.17   5,879,510.85   60,170,271.86   113,384,688.14   27,187,829.26   7,374,439,540.28
 II. Accumulated
      1. Initial
                     705,649,558.22    4,354,353.66   22,900,082.84   105,115,117.48   16,543,216.61    854,562,328.81
      2. Increase
 in the current       76,865,571.11      94,339.62     3,258,795.92     6,376,120.32    2,078,277.45      88,673,104.42
                      76,865,571.11      94,339.62     3,258,795.92     6,376,120.32    2,078,277.45      88,673,104.42
      3. Decrease
 in the current       11,615,393.73                                    14,323,831.71                      25,939,225.44
                      11,615,393.73                                    14,323,831.71                      25,939,225.44
      4. Ending
                     770,899,735.60    4,448,693.28   26,158,878.76    97,167,406.09   18,621,494.06    917,296,207.79
 III. Provision
 for impairment
      1. Initial
      2. Increase
 in the current

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      3. Decrease
 in the current
      4. Ending
 IV Book value
     1. Closing
                     6,396,917,504.57     1,430,817.57    34,011,393.10       16,217,282.05      8,566,335.20     6,457,143,332.49
 book value
 Beginning book      5,923,045,608.85     1,525,157.19    36,411,002.03       26,485,180.66    10,304,932.39      5,997,771,881.12

15. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                           Beginning           Increase in the
         Item                                                          amount in the      Other reductions       Ending balance
                            balance            current period
                                                                       current period
 expense for fixed
 assets rented                  117,159.13                                   74,278.56                                  42,880.57
 through operating
 Total                          117,159.13                                   74,278.56                                  42,880.57

16. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets not offset

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                                               Ending balance                                    Beginning balance

             Item                    Deductible                                          Deductible
                                                         Deferred income tax                                  Deferred income tax
                                     temporary                                           temporary
                                                               assets                                               assets
                                     difference                                          difference
 Provision for impairment of
                                         97,376,638.15             17,198,358.89          359,105,143.75             59,820,985.40
 Unrealized profits      from
                                        224,428,959.67             15,917,850.38          174,649,487.88              7,817,620.70
 internal transactions
 Deductible loss                     8,125,301,546.06            1,252,064,896.14        1,926,924,516.34          322,308,341.68
 Deferred income                        156,852,441.59             24,472,310.67          186,228,230.49             30,561,612.33
 Changes in fair value of
 trading financial
                                        205,289,035.92             25,402,412.92          103,171,027.61             16,689,662.09
 instruments and derivative
 financial instruments
 Lease liabilities                      203,726,461.35             31,387,764.55          213,375,922.34             32,682,430.07
 Total                               9,012,975,082.74            1,366,443,593.55        2,963,454,328.41          469,880,652.27

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(2) Deferred income tax liabilities before offset

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B
                                                 Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
            Item                  Taxable temporary          Deferred income tax       Taxable temporary           Deferred income tax
                                     differences                  liabilities             differences                   liabilities
 The      parent     company,
 reflected at the level of
 consolidated      statements,
 invests the loan as paid-in
 capital into the subsidiary           2,180,240,858.72            328,365,181.14             2,232,554,629.20           334,883,194.38
 company, which serves as
 the loan interest for the
 capitalization of long-term
 asset construction.
 Changes in fair value of
 trading financial instruments
                                        554,214,202.84              63,123,424.85              188,283,362.48             14,181,961.06
 and derivative financial
 One-time pre-tax deduction
                                      10,347,277,171.26          1,552,091,575.69            10,979,341,858.26         1,646,901,278.74
 of long-term assets
 Right-of-use assets                    211,320,105.01              29,799,060.58              223,793,454.11             31,381,802.53
 Total                                13,293,052,337.83          1,973,379,242.26            13,623,973,304.05         2,027,348,236.71

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities, net of offsets

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B

                             Amount of deferred            Closing balance of        Deferred tax assets           Opening balance of
                                tax assets and            deferred tax assets or    and liabilities offset at     deferred tax assets or
                            liabilities offset at the        liabilities after        the beginning of               liabilities after
                               end of the period                offsetting                  period                      offsetting
 Deferred income tax
                                                               1,366,443,593.55                39,995,033.06             429,885,619.21
 Deferred income tax
                                                               1,973,379,242.26                39,995,033.06           1,987,353,203.65

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                              Unit: RM B

                   Item                                     Ending balance                               Beginning balance
 Deductible loss                                                        4,230,054,377.66                               4,786,039,765.48
 Changes in fair value of trading financial
 instruments and derivative financial                                       343,944,632.95                                74,384,267.98
 Deferred income                                                             13,585,993.68                                 9,434,323.24
 Provision for impairment of assets                                         136,725,605.16                                77,404,439.05
 Right-of-use assets                                                           249,781.07                                  1,788,840.12
 Total                                                                  4,724,560,390.52                               4,949,051,635.87

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(5) The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will be due in the following years

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B
                Year                           Ending amount                   Beginning amount                       Note
 2023                                                792,917,664.54                    795,881,505.75
 2024                                                565,117,200.13                    649,192,751.95
 2025                                                858,446,525.60                    892,628,563.63
 2026                                                576,201,200.57                    942,842,859.62
 2027                                              1,041,468,787.46                   1,098,455,315.24
 2032                                                395,902,999.36                    407,038,769.29
 Total                                             4,230,054,377.66                   4,786,039,765.48

17. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                                        Ending balance                                            Beginning balance

     Item                                 Provision                                                   Provision
                    Book balance             for            Book value             Book balance          for           Book value
                                         impairment                                                  impairment
 for purchase
                   3,062,874,289.86                       3,062,874,289.86        2,794,937,800.46                    2,794,937,800.46
 of long-term
 Rental value
 of silver             411,214,415.96                       411,214,415.96          411,214,415.96                     411,214,415.96
 leased in
 Total             3,474,088,705.82                       3,474,088,705.82        3,206,152,216.42                    3,206,152,216.42

18. Short-term borrowings

(1) Categories of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                       Item                                    Ending balance                            Beginning balance
 M ortgage borrowing                                                          200,335,687.65
 Guaranteed loan                                                        36,867,861,290.30                          24,978,544,183.97
 Credit borrowings                                                       1,927,737,561.62                             1,391,008,216.53
 Total                                                                  38,995,934,539.57                          26,369,552,400.50

19. Trading financial liabilities

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                       Item                                    Ending balance                            Beginning balance
 Trading financial liabilities                                                549,233,668.87                           588,769,711.55
 Including: derivative financial liabilities                                   38,314,339.11                           102,366,489.48

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 Including: fair value of silver leased                                    510,919,329.76                            486,403,222.07
 Total                                                                     549,233,668.87                            588,769,711.55

20. Notes payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                  Category                                Ending balance                              Beginning balance
 Banker’s acceptance                                                 2,425,595,695.06                              3,408,800,462.03
 Total                                                                2,425,595,695.06                              3,408,800,462.03

21. Accounts payable

(1) Presentation of accounts payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B
                    Item                                  Ending balance                              Beginning balance
 Payable for material procurement and
                                                                     30,505,465,193.29                             57,051,576,225.73
 Payable for purchase of long-term assets                             9,741,374,353.01                             12,027,790,750.70
 Total                                                               40,246,839,546.30                             69,079,366,976.43

22. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                    Item                                  Ending balance                              Beginning balance
 Loans                                                                3,989,090,507.85                              3,734,262,391.81
 Total                                                                3,989,090,507.85                              3,734,262,391.81

23. Employee remuneration payable

(1) Presentation of employee remuneration payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B
                                                                 Increase in the            Decrease in the
                 Item                     Beginning balance                                                        Ending balance
                                                                 current period             current period
 I. Short-term remuneration                 1,014,193,651.21      1,858,052,784.50           2,193,356,796.52        678,889,639.19
 II. Post-employment benefits -
                                                8,517,450.91         69,869,488.36              68,718,237.65           9,668,701.62
 defined contribution plan
 III.    Dismissal welfare                                                  29,277.15               29,277.15
 Total                                      1,022,711,102.12      1,927,951,550.01           2,262,104,311.32        688,558,340.81

(2) Short-term remuneration

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

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                                                               Increase in the            Decrease in the
                 Item                  Beginning balance                                                         Ending balance
                                                               current period             current period
 1. Wage, bonus, allowance and
                                          1,006,507,629.78      1,736,653,348.57           2,072,724,935.41        670,436,042.94
 2. Employee welfare expenses                                      13,907,815.70              13,922,772.97             -14,957.27
 3. Social insurance premium                  6,762,820.48         49,537,708.44              48,998,841.25           7,301,687.67
 Including: M edical insurance
                                              6,309,552.30         43,203,602.99              43,047,093.53           6,466,061.76
 Work-related     injury   insurance
                                               453,268.18            5,922,687.41              5,540,329.68            835,625.91
 Birth insurance premium                                                 411,418.04              411,418.04
 4. Housing provident fund                     234,695.00          38,824,770.00              38,987,193.06             72,271.94
 5. Labor union and personnel
                                               688,505.95          19,129,141.79              18,723,053.83           1,094,593.91
 education expenses
 Total                                    1,014,193,651.21      1,858,052,784.50           2,193,356,796.52        678,889,639.19

(3) Presentation of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                                                         Increase in the              Decrease in the
          Item                Beginning balance                                                                Ending balance
                                                         current period               current period
 1. Basic endowment                    8,222,090.39           67,447,105.54                66,342,094.75              9,327,101.18
 2.      Unemployment
                                        295,360.52              2,422,382.82                2,376,142.90               341,600.44
 insurance premium
 Total                                 8,517,450.91           69,869,488.36                68,718,237.65              9,668,701.62

24. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                    Item                                Ending balance                              Beginning balance
 Value-added tax                                                          24,337,058.95                            406,455,280.68
 Excise (consumption) tax                                                395,382,435.83                            449,500,508.31
 Enterprise income tax                                                   198,106,213.67                            248,997,237.28
 Individual income tax                                                     8,239,091.07                              14,735,296.18
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                  103,366,435.94                              64,611,829.70
 Education surcharge                                                      44,311,870.09                              59,958,124.53
 Local education surcharge                                                29,541,184.87                              39,972,113.03
 Property tax                                                              2,474,042.28                              25,589,744.40
 Land use tax                                                             99,710,848.30                            112,480,989.03
 Stamp duty                                                               57,490,925.78                              38,152,661.15
 Environmental protection tax                                              2,845,824.97                               2,886,594.15
 Vehicle and vessel tax                                                                                                    744.00
 Total                                                                   965,805,931.75                           1,463,341,122.44

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25. Other payables

                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                    Item                            Ending balance                  Beginning balance
 Dividends payable                                                 108,000,000.00                108,000,000.00
 Other payables                                               5,824,751,765.86                 3,364,604,671.47
 Total                                                        5,932,751,765.86                 3,472,604,671.47

(1) Dividends payable

                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                    Item                            Ending balance                  Beginning balance
 Dividends payable on ordinary shares by
                                                                   108,000,000.00                108,000,000.00
 Total                                                             108,000,000.00                108,000,000.00

(2) Other payables

1) Other payables listed by the nature of payment

                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                    Item                            Ending balance                  Beginning balance
 Entrusted loan                                                    787,044,725.00                989,433,904.99
 Current accounts                                             4,075,672,124.62                 1,539,513,447.19
 Deposit and security                                              785,123,844.07                718,412,933.85
 Settled but unpaid operating expenses                             153,095,077.86                 98,302,534.15
 Others                                                             23,815,994.31                 18,941,851.29
 Total                                                        5,824,751,765.86                 3,364,604,671.47

26. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                    Item                            Ending balance                  Beginning balance
 Long-term borrowings due within one
                                                             22,195,957,020.74                20,439,097,358.80
 Lease liabilities due within one year                              20,383,608.87                 22,290,420.13
 Total                                                       22,216,340,629.61                20,461,387,778.93

27. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                    Item                            Ending balance                  Beginning balance
 Output tax to be transferred                                      514,202,837.84                458,588,848.28

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 Total                                                                       514,202,837.84                             458,588,848.28

28. Long-term borrowings

(1) Categories of long-term borrowings

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B

                     Item                                  Ending balance                                 Beginning balance
 M ortgage and guarantee borrowings                                   104,321,425,232.56                            104,036,600,984.70
 Guaranteed loan                                                       29,422,024,831.65                             26,613,442,784.59
 Credit borrowings                                                           776,762,472.02                             312,343,200.00
 Total                                                                134,520,212,536.23                            130,962,386,969.29

29. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B
                     Item                                  Ending balance                                 Beginning balance
 Green corporate bonds (second tranche)                                 1,010,358,988.44                              1,029,195,433.12
 Green corporate bonds (third tranche)                                  1,023,193,313.57                              1,005,631,689.11
 Total                                                                  2,033,552,302.01                              2,034,827,122.23

(2) Increase/decrease of bonds payable: (excluding preferred stock, perpetual bond and other financial
instruments classified as financial liabilities)

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B

                                                                                              Interest               Repay
                                                                  Beginni       Issue in                    of
 Name of       Par           Issue         Bond        Issue                                  accrued               ment in     Ending
                                                                    ng          current                  premiu
  bond        value           date        period      amount                                   by par               current     balance
                                                                  balance        period                   ms or
                                                                                                value                period
             1,000,00       April 20,   4 years (2    995,452,    1,029,19                    19,185,2   578,315.   38,600,0    1,010,35
             0,000.00       2020        + 2)            830.20    5,433.12                       40.11         21      00.00    8,988.44
 ng G1
                                        tranche of
                                        bonds has
                                        a maturity
                                        of 4 years,
 20                                     with the
             1,000,00       August      right to      995,405,    1,005,63                    17,013,6   547,925.               1,023,19
             0,000.00       28, 2020    adjust the      660.39    1,689.11                       98.64         82               3,313.57
 ng G2
                                        rate by the
                                        issuer and
                                        sell back
                                        by the

                                                                 138 / 187
                                                                                                                 2023 Semi-annual Report

                                     investor at
                                     the end of
                                     the second
                                                     1,990,85      2,034,82                    36,198,9   1,126,24   38,600,0     2,033,55
                                                     8,490.59      7,122.23                       38.75       1.03      00.00     2,302.01

30. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                                Unit: RM B

                   Item                                    Ending balance                                  Beginning balance
 Lease payments                                                               265,856,685.59                               276,960,637.05
 Unacknowledged financial charges                                             -61,292,016.78                                -63,560,240.60
 Total                                                                        204,564,668.81                               213,400,396.45

31. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                Unit: RM B
                           Beginning           Increase in the          Decrease in the                                    Reasons for
         Item                                                                                     Ending balance
                            balance            current period           current period                                     incurrence
                          195,662,553.73           5,000,000.00                30,224,118.46        170,438,435.27    subsidies related to
 Total                    195,662,553.73           5,000,000.00                30,224,118.46        170,438,435.27

32. Share capital

                                                                                                                                Unit: RM B

                                                     Increase and decrease of this change (+, -)

                   Beginning                                            Conversion                                              Ending
                                                       Issue of
                    balance       New issue of                          of provident                                            balance
                                                        bonus                                  Others        S ubtotal
                                    shares                               fund into
 Total number     10,125,525,0                                                                                                10,125,525,0
 of shares               00.00                                                                                                       00.00

33. Capital reserves

                                                                                                                                Unit: RM B

                                                             Increase in the              Decrease in the
           Item                  Beginning balance                                                                   Ending balance
                                                             current period               current period
 Capital premium (equity
                                   10,779,726,139.51                                                                     10,779,726,139.51
 Other capital reserves                42,868,373.88                  1,929,551.34                                          44,797,925.22
 Total                             10,822,594,513.39                  1,929,551.34                                       10,824,524,064.73

Other notes, including notes to increase and decrease in the current period and its reasons:
The increase in the current period was due to other changes in the equity of associate enterprises other than net

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profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, and the Company’s share of these changes,
calculated on the basis of its proportionate share of ownership, was credited to capital surplus (other capital surplus).

34. Treasury stock

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                                           Increase in the         Decrease in the
           Item               Beginning balance                                                             Ending balance
                                                           current period          current period
 Repurchase of public
                                  3,978,202,364.65                                                            3,978,202,364.65
 Total                            3,978,202,364.65                                                            3,978,202,364.65

35. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B
                                                        The amount incurred in the current period
                                                         Less:        Less:
                                                       amount       Amount
                                                      included     included
                                                       in other     in other
                                                     comprehe     comprehe               Attribu
                                                         nsive        nsive     Less:    table to    Attributable
                          Beginnin    incurred                                                                       Ending
         Item                                           income     incomes     income       the         to the
                          g balance     before                                                                       balance
                                                     previousl    previousl      tax      parent       minority
                                                         y and        y and    expense   compan      shareholders
                                                         then         then        s       y after      after tax
                                                     transferr    transferr                 tax
                                                        ed into      ed into
                                                       current      current
                                                      gain and     retained
                                                          loss     earnings
                          139,462,6   168,529,7                                          174,901,                    314,363,6
 income       to   be                                                                                -6,371,341.77
                              13.71       41.50                                            083.27                        96.98
 reclassified    into
 profit or loss
 Including:       other
 comprehensive                                -                                                 -
                          71,764,56                                                                              -   38,987,42
 income convertible                   48,234,89                                          32,777,1
                               2.47                                                                  15,457,757.73        2.70
 into profit or loss by                    7.50                                             39.77
 the equity method
 difference of            67,698,05   216,764,6                                          207,678,                    275,376,2
 financial statements          1.24       39.00                                            223.04                        74.28
 in foreign currency
 Total         other      139,462,6   168,529,7                                          174,901,                    314,363,6
 comprehensive                                                                                       -6,371,341.77
                              13.71       41.50                                            083.27                        96.98

36. Special reserve

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B
                                                           Increase in the         Decrease in the
           Item               Beginning balance                                                             Ending balance
                                                           current period          current period

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 Safety         production
                                                             180,176,909.39              180,176,909.39
 Total                                                       180,176,909.39              180,176,909.39

Other notes, including notes to increase and decrease in the current period and its reasons:
     The increase and decrease of special reserve in this period are the safety production expenses accrued and used
by subsidiaries Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
Yisheng New Material Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. and ZPC Zheyou Technology Co., Ltd.

37. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B
                                                          Increase in the           Decrease in the
             Item             Beginning balance                                                               Ending balance
                                                          current period            current period
 Statutory          surplus
                                    886,470,394.72                                                                886,470,394.72
 Total                              886,470,394.72                                                                886,470,394.72

38. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                          Item                                   Current period                           Prior period
 Undistributed profits at the end of the prior period
                                                                         29,264,532,743.94                     27,192,950,922.86
 before the adjustment
 Total amount of undistributed profit at the beginning
                                                                                1,300,627.54                      413,152,764.33
 of adjustment (“+” for increase, “-” for decrease)
 Undistributed profit at the beginning of the period
                                                                         29,265,833,371.48                     27,606,103,687.19
 after adjustment
 Add: Net profit attributable to the owner of the
                                                                         -1,126,633,616.55                      3,340,817,867.85
 parent company in the current period
 Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve                                                                    173,774,728.61
 Common stock dividends payable                                             1,476,357,352.20                    1,507,313,454.95
 Undistributed profits at the end of the period                          26,662,842,402.73                     29,265,833,371.48

Details of adjustment of beginning undistributed profits:
As a result of the change in accounting policy, the undistributed profits affected at the beginning of the period was

39. Operating income and operating costs

(1)   Details

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                                        Current amount incurred                      Amount incurred in the previous period
                                    Revenue                    Cost                     Revenue                    Cost
 Primary business                154,208,585,059.79       139,557,422,671.72         146,940,663,114.45       122,345,306,791.96
 Other Businesses                   316,698,692.50           200,211,047.73              686,930,177.99           430,331,826.04

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 Total                           154,525,283,752.29         139,757,633,719.45        147,627,593,292.44         122,775,638,618.00

(2) Breakdown of revenue generated by contracts with customers by major categories
     1) Breakdown of income by commodity type

                    Item                          Amount in the current period                  Amount in the previous period
                                                  Revenue                   Cost                Revenue                Cost
 Oil refining                               55,062,107,428.82      45,444,345,713.79         46,667,559,685.68    33,534,663,244.96
 Chemical                                   58,838,530,475.22      54,312,061,215.61         57,275,666,363.94    46,925,265,381.47
 PTA                                        26,198,868,922.47      26,150,440,178.24         24,926,451,550.71    24,421,941,185.37
 Polyester chemical fiber film                 7,346,436,217.27      7,103,615,870.05         7,034,942,127.69     6,699,618,967.02
 Trade and others                              7,079,340,708.51      6,747,170,741.76        11,722,973,564.42    11,194,149,839.18
 Total                                     154,525,283,752.29     139,757,633,719.45        147,627,593,292.44   122,775,638,618.00

     2) Breakdown of income by the time of commodity transfer

                                        Item                                                   Amount in the current period
 Revenue recognized at a certain point of time                                                                   154,524,576,134.52
 Revenue recognized at a certain period of time                                                                         707,617.77
 Total                                                                                                           154,525,283,752.29

   (3) The revenue recognized in the current period included in the opening book value of contract liabilities is

40. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                                                 The amount incurred in the current            Amount incurred in the previous
                                                              period                                      period
 Excise (consumption) tax                                             9,052,613,367.30                             7,112,674,964.09
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                    630,841,527.61                           495,092,495.24
 Education surcharge                                                       270,454,545.77                           212,329,803.12
 Property tax                                                                4,818,231.42                             10,317,577.78
 Land use tax                                                                7,635,782.75                              6,416,558.40
 Vehicle and vessel tax                                                         50,549.64                                 50,572.80
 Stamp duty                                                                 91,225,567.44                             60,056,010.68
 Local education surcharge                                                 180,304,238.66                           141,553,202.07
 Environmental protection tax                                                5,615,255.16                              2,369,128.28
 Total                                                               10,243,559,065.75                             8,040,860,312.46

41. Selling expenses

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                                                 The amount incurred in the current            Amount incurred in the previous
                                                              period                                      period
 Employee remuneration                                                      63,363,691.24                             64,511,659.03

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 Sales business expenses                                      19,686,887.93                        14,352,856.99
 Others                                                       17,498,830.87                        23,082,686.30
 Total                                                       100,549,410.04                       101,947,202.32

42. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

                                                                              Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                  Current amount incurred
 Employee remuneration                                       185,798,003.18                       190,037,722.33
 Office expenses                                              64,671,634.46                        74,000,796.84
 Depreciation and amortization expenses                       79,060,728.97                        81,710,412.34
 Insurance premium                                             8,308,602.47                         8,281,160.58
 Business entertainment expenses                               8,111,405.17                         5,321,480.33
 Others                                                       58,813,057.28                        54,081,199.47
 Total                                                       404,763,431.53                       413,432,771.89

43. R&D expenses

                                                                                                       Unit: RM B
                                                                              Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                  Current amount incurred
 Direct input                                           2,632,385,681.71                        1,649,463,279.23
 Depreciation and amortization                               377,120,072.35                       184,641,754.92
 Personnel labor                                             268,013,526.46                       154,877,662.59
 Equipment commissioning fee                                   5,390,252.95                        17,605,681.57
 Outsourcing R&D and others                                   10,322,001.15                         4,204,665.31
 Total                                                  3,293,231,534.62                        2,010,793,043.62

44. Financial expenses

                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

                                                                              Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                  Current amount incurred
 Interest expense                                       3,625,811,842.89                        1,964,665,554.58
 Interest income                                             223,711,660.97                       287,403,323.38
 Net exchange losses/gains                                   466,810,926.53                       633,964,624.42
 Others                                                      201,902,954.11                       158,444,353.27
 Total                                                  4,070,814,062.56                        2,469,671,208.89

45. Other income

                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

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                                                                                  Amount incurred in the previous
          S ource of other income             Current amount incurred
 Government subsidies related to assets                           14,415,451.98                        14,050,227.64
 Government subsidies related to income                           86,535,713.78                        32,618,518.38
 Reimbursement of withholding tax
                                                                   3,709,266.29                         2,753,211.97
 handling fees
 Total                                                           104,660,432.05                        49,421,957.99

46. Investment income

                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

                                                                                  Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                      Current amount incurred
 Long-term equity investment income
                                                                 239,850,471.43                       203,113,377.87
 calculated by equity method
 Investment income from disposal of long-
 term equity investments
 Investment income from disposal of
                                                                 -71,232,256.81                        59,881,368.85
 financial instruments
 Interest income from related party lending                           99,037.73                            99,037.73
 Total                                                           178,577,881.79                       263,093,784.45

47. Gain from change in fair value

                                                                                                           Unit: RM B
 S ource of income from changes in fair                                           Amount incurred in the previous
                                              Current amount incurred
                 value                                                                       period
 Trading financial assets                                        373,456,101.92                        57,651,704.12
 Trading financial liabilities                                   -62,830,446.80                       -13,255,366.50
 Total                                                           310,625,655.12                        44,396,337.62

48. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

                                                                                  Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                      Current amount incurred
 Bad debt losses                                                 -39,633,196.86                       -78,692,429.59
 Total                                                           -39,633,196.86                       -78,692,429.59

49. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                           Unit: RM B
                                                                                  Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                      Current amount incurred
 Inventory falling price loss                                    -64,830,582.66                       -28,970,610.45

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 Total                                                                   -64,830,582.66                          -28,970,610.45

50. Income from asset disposal

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                                                                           Amount incurred in the previous
    S ources of asset disposal income              Current amount incurred
 Income from disposal of fixed assets                                        -84,509.13                          -13,729,695.91
 Total                                                                       -84,509.13                          -13,729,695.91

51. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                        Current amount       Amount incurred in the        Amount included in non-recurring
                                           incurred             previous period            gain and loss of the current period
 Income from claims and
                                              1,838,710.13                  2,693,626.24                           1,838,710.13
 Others                                         200,250.31                    566,767.16                            200,250.31
 Total                                        2,038,960.44                  3,260,393.40                           2,038,960.44

52. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                        Current amount       Amount incurred in the        Amount included in non-recurring
                                           incurred             previous period            gain and loss of the current period
 External donations                                                        10,161,000.00
 Penalty expenses                                38,400.00                                                           38,400.00
 Others                                         811,039.19                     78,301.34                            811,039.19
 Total                                          849,439.19                 10,239,301.34                            849,439.19

53. Income tax expenses

(1) Presentation of income tax expenses

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                                                                           Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                           Current amount incurred
 Income tax expenses in the current period                               198,063,195.10                        2,337,034,839.17
 Deferred income tax expenses                                        -950,531,935.73                              37,188,645.09
 Total                                                               -752,468,740.63                           2,374,223,484.26

(2) Adjustment of accounting profit and income tax expense

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

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                                       Item                                                      Current amount incurred
 Total profits                                                                                                    -2,854,762,270.10
 Income tax expenses at statutory/applicable rates                                                                  -713,690,567.51
 Impact of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries                                                               281,783,967.62
 Impact of income tax during periods prior to adjustment                                                              -9,398,709.53
 Impact of non-taxable income                                                                                        -65,910,690.50
 Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                   7,632,969.47
 Impact of using deductible loss on deferred income tax assets unrecognized in
 prior periods
 Impact of temporary deductible difference or deductible loss on deferred                                            143,688,504.34
 income tax assets unrecognized in the current period
 Impact of R&D cost plus deduction                                                                                  -395,378,502.76
 Income tax expense                                                                                                 -752,468,740.63

54. Other comprehensive income

     See note VII 35 of the notes to the financial statements

55. Cash flow statement items

(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

                                                                                                 Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                                 Current amount incurred
 Temporary loan received from
                                                                       1,500,000,000.00                              200,000,000.00
 Rongsheng Holding
 Recovery of bills, letters of credit and
                                                                       2,223,926,332.12                            1,965,060,681.53
 other deposits
 Government subsidies received                                              498,113,367.88                             43316892.47
 Interest income received from bank
                                                                            184,274,855.72                           157,005,934.38
 Recovery of operating deposit and
                                                                             78,943,677.78                           110,570,955.02
 security deposit
 Others                                                                       5,584,970.84                             9,004,973.68
 Total                                                                 4,490,843,204.34                            2,484,959,437.08

(2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities

                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B
                                                                                                   Amount incurred in the previous
                        Item                                  Current amount incurred
 Repayment of temporary loan to Rongsheng
                                                                              1,500,000,000.00                       200,000,000.00
 Payment of bills, letters of credit and other
                                                                              1,363,618,254.50                     1,978,732,723.46

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 Cash disbursements from administrative
                                                                             247,771,882.68                        780,880,736.96
 expenses, R&D expenses and sales expenses
 Payment of bank charges                                                     170,964,467.88                        145,819,298.69
 Payment of operating deposit and security deposit                           233,369,986.76                         34,406,866.91
 Others                                                                       38,528,031.95                         14,964,914.24
 Total                                                                      3,554,252,623.77                     3,154,804,540.26

(3) Other cash received from investment activities

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                                                                                                       Amount incurred in the
                              Item                               Current amount incurred
                                                                                                          previous period
 Recovery of temporary loan and interest from ZPC-ENN
                                                                                      52,200.00                         51,620.00
 (Zhoushan) Gas Co., Ltd.
 Recovery of bills, letters of credit and other deposits                         300,801,878.44                     89,926,997.54
 Receipt of project deposit                                                        9,806,550.00                     56,772,475.00
 Total                                                                           310,660,628.44                    146,751,092.54

(4) Other cash paid relating to investment activities

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                                                                                               Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                               Current amount incurred
 Payment of bills, letters of credit and
                                                                          204,461,781.53                            25,450,726.15
 other deposits
 Payment of project related security
 Total                                                                    226,234,663.58                            25,450,726.15

(5) Cash received from other financing activities

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B
                                                                                               Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                               Current amount incurred
 Temporary loan received from                                        3,756,000,000.00                            1,580,000,000.00
 Rongsheng Holding
 Entrusted loan received from Zhejiang
                                                                          548,000,000.00                           750,000,000.00
 Recovery of loan deposit                                                 250,000,000.00                            50,000,000.00
 Total                                                               4,554,000,000.00                            2,380,000,000.00

(6) Other cash paid for financing activities

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                                                                                               Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                               Current amount incurred                            period

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 Repayment of temporary loan to
                                                                          1,281,510,402.57                               1,113,795,788.33
 Rongsheng Holding
 Entrusted loan and interest repaid to
                                                                               771,887,121.59                             775,732,134.99
 Zhejiang Yisheng
 Buy back shares                                                                                                         1,106,064,809.42
 Payment of loan security                                                      250,000,000.00                               15,545,440.00
 Payment of financing fees                                                      15,979,886.75                                7,858,776.72
 Expenditure for right-to-use assets                                            16,169,959.49                               18,230,851.44
 Total                                                                    2,335,547,370.40                               3,037,227,800.90

56. Supplementary information of Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplementary information of Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                               Unit: RM B
                                                                                          Amount for the              Amount of prior
                         S upplementary information
                                                                                          current period                 period
 1. Converting net profit into cash flow from operating activities:
 Net profit                                                                                 -2,102,293,529.47            9,669,567,087.17
 Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                         104,463,779.52           107,663,040.04
 Fixed assets depreciation, oil and gas assets depletion, productive biological
                                                                                                6,694,859,530.55         4,719,817,742.41
 assets depreciation
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                                              13,198,674.80             14,506,107.79
 Amortization of intangible assets                                                                73,419,072.52             78,719,312.45
 Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                                          74,278.56              2,400,152.84
 Loss on disposing fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                         84,509.13             13,729,695.91
 (gains expressed with “-”)
 Losses on disposal of fixed assets (gains expressed with “-”)
 Loss from changes in fair value (gains expressed with “-”)                                   -310,625,655.12            -44,396,337.62
 Financial expenses (gains expressed with “-”)                                                4,061,769,909.71         2,548,734,133.43
 Loss from investment (gains expressed with “-”)                                              -218,545,353.28           -263,093,784.45
 Reduction of deferred income tax assets (increase expressed with “ -”)                       -946,536,989.23            -30,514,884.54
 Increase of deferred income tax liabilities (decrease expressed with “ -”)                     -13,973,961.39            -7,259,990.85
 Decrease in inventories (increase expressed with “-”)                                    15,390,669,640.75            644,082,4631.39
 Decrease of operating receivables (increase expressed with “-”)                          -3,022,908,454.07          -20,013,027,205.49
 Increase in operating payables (decrease expressed with “-”)                            -22,002,434,883.88           27,841,400,159.12
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                                    -2,278,779,430.90           31,079,069,859.60
 2. Significant investment and financial activities not involving cash receipts
 and payments:
 Debt into capital
 Convertible corporate bonds due within one year
 Fixed assets leased under finance leases
 3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:

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 Ending balance of cash                                                                13,365,029,722.01          17,263,202,409.37
 Less: Beginning balance of cash                                                       15,459,279,803.77          14,338,837,644.67
 Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
 Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                             -2,094,250,081.76           2,924,364,764.70

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B

                       Item                               Ending balance                             Beginning balance
 I. Cash                                                            13,365,029,722.01                             15,459,279,803.77
 Including: cash on hand                                                    2,041,641.14                                 947,398.91
 Bank deposits available for payment at
                                                                    12,695,174,133.64                             14,971,568,361.00
 any time
 Other monetary funds available for
                                                                          667,813,947.23                             486,764,043.86
 payment at any time
 II. Cash equivalents
 III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                    13,365,029,722.01                             15,459,279,803.77

57. Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B
                       Item                    Carrying value at the end of the period             Reasons for restrictions
                                                                                           See note to monetary funds in the notes
 M onetary fund                                                      1,823,189,402.42
                                                                                           to the financial statements for details
                                                                                           Bank loan mortgage, letter of credit
 Fixed assets                                                      213,092,536,178.09
 Intangible assets                                                   4,893,798,769.47      Bank loan mortgage
 Construction in progress                                           25,219,264,761.29      Bank loan mortgage
                                                                                           Pledged for issuing bank acceptance bills
 Accounts receivable financing                                             11,038,301.85
                                                                                           as collateral
 Total                                                             245,039,827,413.12

58. Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies

(1) Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B
                                   Ending balance in foreign
                Item                                                        Translation rate            Ending balance in RMB
 M onetary fund
 Including: USD                                   329,080,263.60                            7.2258                 2,377,868,168.77
 EUR                                                4,632,465.01                            7.8771                    36,490,390.15
 HKD                                                  361,177.65                           0.92198                       332,998.57

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                                                                                               2023 Semi-annual Report

 SGD                                               2,879,806.82                  5.3442                  15,390,263.61
 GBP                                                       2.70                  9.1432                             24.69
 Accounts receivable
 Including: USD                                  208,748,378.12                  7.2258               1,508,374,030.64
 Other receivables
 Including: USD                                   27,038,764.33                  7.2258                 195,376,703.29
 HKD                                              12,487,496.00                 0.92198                  11,513,221.56
 Short term loan
 Including: USD
 Accounts payable
 Including: USD                                  481,424,416.51                  7.2258               3,478,676,548.82
 EUR                                              72,767,037.28                  7.8771                 573,193,229.36
 Other payables
 Including: USD                                   17,741,664.45                  7.2258                 128,197,718.98
 Non-current liabilities   due
 within one year
 Including: USD                                   48,000,000.00                  7.2558                 348,278,400.00
 Long-term loan
 Including: USD                                  242,000,000.00                  7.2558               1,755,903,600.00
 EUR                                              63,507,048.12                  7.8771                 500,251,368.75
 Including: USD                                     696,227.90                   7.2258                    5,030,803.56
 EUR                                               4,700,271.68                  7.8771                  37,024,510.05

(2) Description of the overseas operating entity, including important overseas operating entity, shall disclose
its main overseas business place, recording currency and the basis for selection, and shall also disclose
reasons in the case of changes in recording currency.

                                                           Place of        Recording
                   Company name                                                                  S election basis
                                                         registration      currency
 Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd.                        Hong Kong, China
 Hong Kong Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co.,
                                                      Hong Kong, China
 Yisheng New M aterials Trading Co., Ltd.             Hong Kong, China
                                                                                          General settlement currency
 Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.        Singapore          USD
                                                                                          for company operation
 Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical (Singapore) Pte.
 Rongtong Logistics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.             Singapore
 Rongsheng Petrochemical (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.        Hong Kong, China

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59. Government grants

(1) Basics of government grants

                                                                                                 Unit: RM B

                                                                                    Amounts included in
                Category                    Amount                Presented items
                                                                                    current gain and loss
 Government grants related to assets          14,415,451.98   Deferred income                14,415,451.98
 Income-related government grants for
 compensation for incurred relevant costs     86,535,713.78   Deferred income                86,535,713.78
 or losses

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(2) Return of government grants

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Breakdown of government grants

1) Government grants related to assets
                                                New grants
                                                   in the                                                        Presented
                                                                  in the
                                Beginning         current                        Other                            items of
                                                                 current                          Ending
                                 deferred       period (new                   decreases in                      amortization
            Item                                                  period                         deferred                                Description of document number
                                income in         entry in                    the current                           in the
                                                              (amortization                       income
                                   2023          deferred                        period                           current
                                                               of deferred
                                                  income                                                           period
 Construction funds for                                                                                                        Funds allocated by the Finance Bureau of Dalian
 infrastructure supporting      41,464,285.30                  1,842,857.16                     39,621,428.14   Other income   Jinzhou New Area for supporting project construction
 projects                                                                                                                      of a wharf, sewage treatment and other infrastructure
 Interest subsidy fund for                                                                                                     Interest subsidy fund for PTA project loan granted by
                                 6,726,329.94                  2,690,529.12                      4,035,800.82   Other income
 PTA project loan                                                                                                              Dalian Finance Bureau
 Subsidy for closed seawater                                                                                                   Subsidy for closed seawater cooling system project of
 cooling system project of                                                                                                     science and technology program granted by the
                                 3,416,516.31                  1,366,672.68                      2,049,843.63   Other income
 science and technology                                                                                                        Finance Bureau of Dalian Economic and
 program                                                                                                                       Technological Development Zone
 Subsidy fund for industrial
                                                                                                                               Funds allocated by Hangzhou M unicipal Finance
                                10,269,834.14                  1,003,305.90                      9,266,528.24   Other income   Bureau and Xiaoshan District Finance Bureau for
 transformation projects in
                                                                                                                               industrial technological transformation projects
 Xiaoshan District
                                                                                                                               Financial subsidy fund for land change allocated by
 Financial subsidy for land
                                 8,195,296.46                   124,485.48                       8,070,810.98   Other income   the Finance Bureau of Dalian Economic and
                                                                                                                               Technological Development Zone
                                                                                                                               Special subsidy allocated by the Dalian Finance
 Special fund for 1.2 million                                                                                                  Bureau for the “fiber grade purified terephthalic acid
                                  833,332.60                    333,333.36                        499,999.24    Other income
 tons of PTA major project                                                                                                     (PTA) project with an annual output of 1.2 million

                                                                                    152 / 187
                                                                                                                                           2023 Semi-annual Report
Support fund for mother                                                                                        Subsidy allocated by the Finance Bureau of Dalian
solid recovery system                                                                                          Economic and Technological Development Zone for
project of PTA refining unit      601,666.85     240,666.66                       361,000.19    Other income   the “mother solid recovery system project of PTA
within the science and                                                                                         refining unit” within the science and technology
technology program                                                                                             program
Interest subsidy for
                                                                                                               Interest subsidy for supporting industrial projects in
supporting industrial
                                                                                                               the “five points and one line” coastal economic belt
projects in the “five points
                                  600,000.00     240,000.00                       360,000.00    Other income   park of Liaoning Province allocated by the Finance
and one line” coastal
                                                                                                               Bureau of Dalian Economic and Technological
economic belt park of
                                                                                                               Development Zone
Liaoning Province
                                                                                                               Subsidy funds allocated by Xiaoshan District Finance
90,000 tons of PTT project       1,391,600.00    149,100.00                      1,242,500.00   Other income   Bureau for the project of PTT new chemical fiber with
                                                                                                               an annual output of 90,000 tons
Subsidy for 100,000 tons of
                                                                                                               Funds allocated by Hangzhou M unicipal Bureau of
environmental protection
                                 2,961,766.48    306,389.52                      2,655,376.96   Other income   Finance and Xiaoshan District Bureau of Finance for
and healthy multifunctional
                                                                                                               enterprise technological transformation projects
fiber project
Subsidy fund for key                                                                                           Funding and subsidized interest rate allocated by
industrial technological           57,230.51      28,115.88                        29,114.63    Other income   Hangzhou M unicipal Bureau of Finance for enterprise
transformation projects                                                                                        technological transformation
Funding and subsidized
                                                                                                               Funds allocated by Xiaoshan District Finance Bureau
interest rate for enterprise
                                   50,714.31      25,357.14                        25,357.17    Other income   for key industrial technological transformation
                                                                                                               Reply of Zhejiang Provincial Development and
National special subsidy                                                                                       Reform Commission on the approval of 40 M TPA
                                40,310,111.08   1,691,333.34                    38,618,777.74   Other income
fund                                                                                                           Refining and Chemical Integration Project for
                                                                                                               Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd.
Seawater desalination                                                                                          Special funds allocated by the Daishan County
project of Zhoushan Green                                                                                      Development and Reform Bureau for investment
                                16,495,999.84    687,333.36    15808666.48               0.00   Other income
Petrochemical Base (phase                                                                                      projects in the central budget for the construction of
I)                                                                                                             ecological civilization in 2019
                                                                                                               The central subsidy fund for the demonstration pilot
Subsidy for recycling
                                                                                                               project of circular transformation of the park in 2013
transformation project of       10,368,518.52   1,036,851.84                     9,331,666.68   Other income
                                                                                                               allocated by the Finance Bureau of Dalian Jinpu New
mother solid project
Subsidy fund for boiler                                                                                        The first batch of special subsidy funds for the clean
                                22,842,324.75   1,179,925.92                    21,662,398.83   Other income
cleaning transformation                                                                                        transformation of coal-fired boilers of Hangzhou coal-
                                                                    153 / 187
                                                                                                                                                 2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                                                                     fired power plants (thermal power) and other
                                                                                                                     industrial enterprises issued by Hangzhou M unicipal
                                                                                                                     Bureau of Finance and Hangzhou M unicipal Ecology
                                                                                                                     and Environment Bureau in 2002
                                                                                                                     The fifth batch of special financial incentive funds (for
                                                                                                                     promoting industrial development) for revitalizing the
Government subsidies for                                                                                             real economy (transformation of traditional industries)
                              14,600,000.01   5,000,000.00   900,000.00               18,700,000.01   Other income
imported equipment                                                                                                   issued by Shaoxing Keqiao District Finance Bureau
                                                                                                                     and Shaoxing Keqiao District Economic and
                                                                                                                     Information Bureau
                                                                                                                     Subsidy for low nitrogen transformation of gas-fired
Subsidy for low nitrogen
                                                                                                                     boilers issued by Shaoxing Keqiao District Finance
transformation of gas-fired    1,363,066.00                   85,664.16                1,277,401.84   Other income
                                                                                                                     Bureau and Keqiao Branch of Shaoxing Ecological
                                                                                                                     Environment Bureau
Special financial funds for                                                                                          Notice on Issuing the Provincial Special Financial
industrial and information                                                                                           Funds for Industrial and Information Development in
technology development,        9,777,777.76                  333,333.36                9,444,444.40   Other income   2021 (Second Batch) (ZCJF [2022] No. 4) issued by
asset-based government                                                                                               the Zhoushan Finance Bureau and Zhoushan
subsidies                                                                                                            Economic and Information Bureau
                                                                                                                     Notice on Issuing Financial Assistance Funds for the
                                                                                                                     Second Batch of Hangzhou Manufacturing Enterprise
                                                                                                                     Technical Transformation Projects in 2021 by the
                                                                                                                     Hangzhou M unicipal Finance Bureau (H.C.Q. [2021]
Technical renovation of
intelligent conveying and                                                                                            No.77); Notice on Issuing the District Level
                               1,377,927.41                   48,643.80                1,329,283.61   Other income   Supporting Facilities for the Second Batch of
packaging for polyester
                                                                                                                     Municipal Manufacturing Enterprise Technical
low-stretch yarn
                                                                                                                     Transformation Projects in 2021 by the Finance
                                                                                                                     Bureau of Xiaoshan District and the Economic and
                                                                                                                     Information Technology Bureau of Xiaoshan District,
                                                                                                                     Hangzhou City (X.C.Q. [2022] No. 13)
Special incentive project                                                                                            Special incentive funds for supply chain innovation
for supply chain innovation     586,666.67                    19,999.98                 566,666.69    Other income   and application in Zhoushan Green Petrochemical
and application                                                                                                      Base
                                                                                                                     Notice on Issuing the Special Financial Incentive
Equipment for the                                                                                                    Fund for High Starting Point Planning of Industrial
functional polyester film                                                                                            Projects in Keqiao District in 2021 (Third Batch) by
expansion project with an      1,139,810.02                   59,989.98                1,079,820.04   Other income   the Economic and Information Technology Bureau of
annual output of 250,000                                                                                             Keqiao District, Shaoxing City and the Finance
tons per year                                                                                                        Bureau of Keqiao District, Shaoxing City (SKJX.
                                                                                                                     [2022] No.36)

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                                                                                                                                                                 2023 Semi-annual Report
                                                                                                                                      The special financial funds for energy conservation
 Others                            231,778.77                        21,563.34                           210,215.43    Other income   and industrial circular economy of Zhejiang Province
                                                                                                                                      allocated by Xiaoshan District Finance Bureau
 Total                          195,662,553.73     5,000,000.00   14,415,451.98   15,808,666.48       170,438,435.27

2) Income-related government grants for compensation for incurred relevant costs or losses
          Item                Amount                                                                       Description of document number
                                                           Zhoushan Bureau of Finance and Zhoushan Bureau of Economy and Information Technology Notice on the Issuance of Municipal
                                                           Industrial Development Special Funds in 2023 (the First Batch) (ZCJF(2023)No.10), Ningbo Leading Group Office of High-
 Financial support funds    67,359,684.15                  Quality Development of M anufacturing Industry, Ningbo Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Ningbo Bureau of
                                                           Finance Notice on the Issuance of A Number of Opinions on the Industrial Sprint in the Fourth Quarter to Get off to a Good Start,
                                                           Stabilize Production and Improve the Quality (YZZYB[2022] No. 23) etc.
                                                           Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce Notice on the Clarification of the 2023 Provincial Business Promotion Financial
 Industrial development                           Other    Special “Two-dimensional Allocation Method” Funds (ZSWF (2023) No. 36), the Administrative Committee of Ningbo Hi-tech
 promotion fund                                  income    Zone Notice on the Issuance of Opinions on Policies of Stabilizing the Economy by Relieving Troubles and Helping Enterprises in
                                                           Ningbo Hi-tech Zone (YGX [2022] No. 13) etc.
                                                           Ningbo Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Ningbo Federation of Labor Unions and Ningbo Committee of the
 Subsidy fund for talents                         Other    Communist Youth League Notice on the Selection of Ningbo Craftsmen for the New Era in 2022 (YRSH [2022] No. 26),
 introduction                                    income    Hangzhou Xiaoshan District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Notice on the Issuance of the Implementation Rules for
                                                           One-time Recruitment Subsidy for Manufacturing Enterprises in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou (XRS [2022] No. 62) etc.
 Other rewards       and                          Other
 subsidies                                       income
 Total                      86,535,713.78

VIII. Changes in Combination Scope

1. Changes in combination scope due to other reasons

Describe changes in combination scope due to other reasons (such as establishment of a new subsidiary, liquidation of a subsidiary, etc.) and its relevant information:
     1. Increase in combination scope

                        Company name                                 Acquisition method                  Date of equity acquisition                      Amount of contribution
 Zhoushan ZPC Sales Co., Ltd.                                         Newly established                        M ay 25, 2023

2. Decrease in combination scope
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                                                                                                          2023 Semi-annual Report

                                                                                                          Net profits from the
                                      Method of                                    Net assets on the
         Company name                                  Date of disposal                                beginning of the period to
                                    equity disposal                                 disposal date
                                                                                                           the disposal date
 Zhoushan Yushan Petrochemical
                                         Sold               June 29, 2023              8,932,299.46                 -9,860,629.44
 Engineering Co., Ltd

IX. Equities in Other Entities

1. Equities in subsidiaries

(1) Group composition

                                   Principal                                               S hareholding ratio
                                                   Place of             Business                                     Acquisition
      Name of subsidiary            place of
                                                 registration            nature           Direct       Indirect       method
 Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical      Xiaoshan,      Xiaoshan,
                                                                  M anufacturing          100.00%                   Set up
 Fiber Co., Ltd.                  Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co.,         Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,                                                         combination
                                                                  Commercial              100.00%
 Ltd.                             China          China                                                              s under the
                                                                                                                    same control
 Ningbo Yisheng Chemical Co.,     Ningbo,        Ningbo,          M anufacturing                          95.00%    Set up
 Ltd.                             Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Dalian Yisheng Investment Co.,   Dalian,        Dalian,
                                                                  M anufacturing           70.00%                   Set up
 Ltd.                             Liaoning       Liaoning
 Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical      Dalian,        Dalian,
                                                                  M anufacturing                          84.60%    Set up
 Co., Ltd.                        Liaoning       Liaoning
 Hong Kong Yisheng Dahua          Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,
                                                                  Commercial                             100.00%    Set up
 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.          China          China
 Dalian Rongxincheng Trading      Dalian,        Dalian,          Commercial                             100.00%    Set up
 Co., Ltd.                        Liaoning       Liaoning
 Zhejiang Rongtong Chemical       Xiaoshan,      Xiaoshan,
                                                                  Commercial                             100.00%    Set up
 Fiber New M aterial Co., Ltd.    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Dalian Yisheng New M aterials    Dalian,        Dalian,
                                                                  M anufacturing                         100.00%    Set up
 Co., Ltd.                        Liaoning       Liaoning
 Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical    Ningbo,        Ningbo,                                                            combination
                                                                  M anufacturing          100.00%
 Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang       Zhejiang                                                           s under the
                                                                                                                    same control
 Ningbo Niluoshan New Energy      Ningbo,        Ningbo,
                                                                  M anufacturing                         100.00%    Set up
 Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Zhejiang Yisheng New             Ningbo,        Ningbo,
                                                                  M anufacturing                          51.00%    s not under
 M aterials Co., Ltd.             Zhejiang       Zhejiang
                                                                                                                    the same
 Ningbo Rongxincheng Trading      Ningbo,        Ningbo,
                                                                  Commercial                             100.00%    Set up
 Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Yisheng New M aterials Trading   Ningbo,        Ningbo,
                                                                  Commercial                             100.00%    Set up
 Co., Ltd.                        Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Zhejiang Rongyi Trading Co.,     Ningbo,        Ningbo,
                                                                  Commercial                             100.00%    Set up
 Ltd.                             Zhejiang       Zhejiang

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                                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report

 Rongsheng Petrochemical
                                    Singapore      Singapore        Commercial           100.00%                     Set up
 (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
 Rongtong Logistics (Singapore)
                                    Singapore      Singapore        Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
 Pte. Ltd.
 Rongsheng Petrochemical            Hong Kong      Hong Kong        Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
 (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
 Rongsheng International            Xiaoshan,      Xiaoshan,
                                                                    Commercial           100.00%                     Set up
 Trading Co., Ltd.                  Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Zhejiang Petroleum &               Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,                                                         combination
                                                                    M anufacturing        51.00%
 Chemical Co., Ltd.                 Zhejiang       Zhejiang                                                          s under the
                                                                                                                     same control
                                    Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,
 Zhoushan ZPC Sales Co., Ltd.                                       Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
                                    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 ZPC Zheyou Technology Co.,         Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,
                                                                    M anufacturing                          70.00%   Set up
 Ltd.                               Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Zhejiang Petroleum &
                                    Singapore      Singapore        Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
 Chemical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
                                    Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,
 ZPC Jintang Logistics Co., Ltd.                                    Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
                                    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
                                    Xiaoshan,      Xiaoshan,
 Zhejiang ZPC Sales Co., Ltd.                                       Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
                                    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
                                    Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,
 Zhoushan ZPC Sales Co., Ltd.                                       Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
                                    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 ZPC (Zhejiang Free Trade
                                    Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,
 Zone) Green Petrochemical                                          Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
                                    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Research Institute Co., Ltd.
 Rongxiang Chemical Fiber Co.,      Xiaoshan,      Xiaoshan,        M anufacturing       100.00%                     Set up
 Ltd.                               Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Zhejiang Yongsheng                 Shaoxing,      Shaoxing,                                                         combination
                                                                    M anufacturing        70.00%
 Technology Co., Ltd.               Zhejiang       Zhejiang                                                          s under the
                                                                                                                     same control
 Zhejiang Zhuosheng Industry &      Shaoxing,      Shaoxing,
                                                                    Commercial                          100.00%      Set up
 Trade Co., Ltd.                    Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Rongsheng International            Danzhou,       Danzhou,
                                                                    Commercial           100.00%                     Set up
 Trading (Hainan) Co., Ltd.         Hainan         Hainan
 Rongsheng Chemical                 Shanghai,      Shanghai,
                                                                    Commercial           100.00%                     Set up
 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.               China          China
 Rongsheng (Zhoushan) New           Zhoushan,      Zhoushan,
                                                                    M anufacturing       100.00%                     Set up
 M aterials Co., Ltd.               Zhejiang       Zhejiang
 Rongsheng New M aterial            Taizhou,       Taizhou,
                                                                    M anufacturing       100.00%                     Set up
 (Taizhou) Co., Ltd.                Zhejiang       Zhejiang

(2) Major non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                        Unit: RM B

                                                            Gain and loss            Dividend announced
                                   S hareholding ratio      attributable to          to be distributed to
                                                                                                               Ending balance of
     Name of subsidiary                of minority             minority                   minority
                                                                                                                minority equity
                                      shareholders        shareholders in the        shareholders in the
                                                            current period              current period

                                                              157 / 187
                                                                   2023 Semi-annual Report

Dalian Yisheng Investment
                              30.00%        29,428,680.84   0.00         2,045,661,193.99
Co., Ltd.
Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical
                              15.40%       -11,254,535.39   0.00         1,058,318,814.22
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Petroleum &          49.00%      -886,165,692.60   0.00        44,315,096,816.19
Chemical Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yongsheng
                              30.00%       -13,797,656.55   0.00          205,797,649.66
Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yisheng New
                              49.00%       -93,870,709.22   0.00         1,300,348,032.10
M aterials Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                                                                                                      2023 Semi-annual Report
(3) Main financial information of major non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RM B

                                                     Ending balance                                                                        Beginning balance
    Name of                          Non-                                         Non-                                      Non-                                         Non-
   subsidiary           Current                    Total       Current                           Total       Current                      Total          Current                       Total
                                    current                                      current                                   current                                      current
                         assets                    assets     liabilities                     liabilities     assets                      assets        liabilities                 liabilities
                                     assets                                    liabilities                                  assets                                    liabilities
 Dalian Yisheng
                    7,212,986,      9,703,099,   16,916,086       8,061,139,   1,161,059,      9,222,198,   7,863,016,    9,670,921,    17,533,937      9,020,135,    877,263,39    9,897,398,
 Investment Co.,
                        819.99          236.64      ,056.63           037.75       290.64          328.39       267.32        048.60        ,315.92         075.15          8.54        473.69
 Yisheng Dahua
                    9,052,113,      6,294,010,   15,346,123       8,059,514,   1,161,059,      9,220,574,   9,702,998,    6,368,833,    16,071,832      9,017,987,    877,263,39    9,895,250,
                        024.88          072.48      ,097.36           815.59       290.64          106.23       995.48        973.65        ,969.13         092.36          8.54        490.90
 Co., Ltd.
 Petroleum &        54,158,766     221,102,00    275,260,76   64,886,437       120,175,13     185,061,56    66,428,360    220,440,13    286,868,49      73,204,392    121,717,08    194,921,48
 Chemical Co.,          ,593.40      2,686.62      9,280.02       ,837.05        1,872.31       9,709.36        ,516.70     7,988.94      8,505.64          ,158.98     9,146.90      1,305.88
 Yongsheng          624,860,49      1,866,075,   2,490,935,   948,947,91       855,995,64      1,804,943,   603,435,05    1,678,225,     2,281,661,     841,912,13    707,764,51    1,549,676,
 Technology Co.,          5.73          225.02       720.75         2.58             2.66          555.24         6.35        947.80         004.15           9.62          0.53        650.15
 Yisheng New        3,503,255,      8,793,970,   12,297,225       7,488,427,   2,155,080,      9,643,507,   3,175,435,    9,113,541,    12,288,977      7,823,185,    1,605,762,    9,428,948,
 M aterials Co.,        416.30          033.38      ,449.68           584.79       125.25          710.04       983.29        928.71        ,912.00         859.65        652.80        512.45

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RM B

                                                      Current amount incurred                                                      Amount incurred in the previous period

   Name of subsidiary                                                       Total            Cash flows from                                                   Total          Cash flows from
                                  Operating                                                                        Operating
                                                     Net profit         comprehensive          operating                                Net profit         comprehensive        operating
                                   revenue                                                                          revenue
                                                                           income               activities                                                    income             activities
 Dalian Yisheng               14,135,227,704.1                                                              -   15,534,691,823.2
                                                    86,841,067.42          57,348,886.01                                               195,822,039.82       205,941,149.69     -319,840,820.17
 Investment Co., Ltd.                        6                                               1,088,546,093.37                  5
 Yisheng Dahua                14,135,227,704.1                                                              -   15,534,691,823.2
                                                    -73,067,164.80        -51,033,487.10                                                57,298,172.33        83,019,574.83     -820,469,146.06
 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.                     6                                               1,089,402,616.64                  5

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                                                                                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report
 Zhejiang Petroleum &       120,776,303,042.                  -                     -                        106,665,923,148.                                             31,729,992,611.4
                                                                                          9,529,287,672.59                       8,538,772,313.32     8,538,550,415.75
 Chemical Co., Ltd.                       53   1,751,527,430.45      1,751,601,063.10                                      47                                                            2
 Zhejiang Yongsheng
                            1,113,893,496.59      -45,992,188.49       -45,992,188.49       114,065,403.23   1,259,283,241.43       53,147,684.81         53,147,684.81     -28,301,658.25
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Yisheng New       17,913,286,293.8                                                                 16,017,912,352.5
                                                -206,590,638.53      -206,311,659.91        205,886,712.10                          22,695,139.38         22,695,139.38    340,635,556.04
 M aterials Co., Ltd.                      8                                                                                2

2. Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises

(1) Important joint ventures or associated enterprises

                                                                                                                                S hareholding ratio              Accounting method for
   Name of the joint venture or associated      Principal place of           Place of                                                                             investments in joint
                                                                                                  Business nature
                 enterprise                         business               registration                                    Direct              Indirect          ventures or associated
                                                                                                                                                                Accounting by the equity
 Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.      Ningbo, Zhejiang        Ningbo, Zhejiang         M anufacturing                  16.07%                13.93%
                                                                                                                                                                Accounting by the equity
 Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.        Yangpu, Hainan          Yangpu, Hainan           M anufacturing                                        50.00%
                                                                                                                                                                Accounting by the equity
 Ningbo Hengyi Trading Co., Ltd.               Ningbo, Zhejiang        Ningbo, Zhejiang         Commercial                      30.00%
 Zhejiang Xiaoshan Rural Commercial Bank                                                                                                                        Accounting by the equity
                                               Xiaoshan, Zhejiang      Xiaoshan, Zhejiang       Finance                           9.71%
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                      method

Basis for holding less than 20% of the voting rights but having significant influence, or holding 20% or more of the voting rights but not having significant influence:
   The company holds 9.712% of the shares of Zhejiang Xiaoshan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. and has a representative on the board of directors of the company,
who has the substantive right to participate in decision-making. The representative can participate in the formulation of financial and operating policies of Zhejiang
Xiaoshan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., so as to exert significant influence on it.

(2) Main financial information of important associated enterprise s

                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RM B
                                       Ending balance/amount incurred in the current period                           Beginning balance/amount incurred in the prior period

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                                                                     Ningbo Hengyi      Xiaoshan Rural                                           Ningbo Hengyi      Xiaoshan Rural
                                  Zhejiang                                                                    Zhejiang
                                                  Hainan Yisheng      Trading Co.,       Commercial                           Hainan Yisheng      Trading Co.,       Commercial
                                  Yisheng                                                                     Yisheng
                                                                          Ltd.               Bank                                                     Ltd.               Bank
                               16,751,172,744.1                                         232,365,085,118.   15,176,421,030.3                                         204,793,958,004.
Current assets                                    5,731,762,059.41   1,170,433,896.52                                         5,152,846,491.05    287,114,550.78
                                              1                                                       20                  3                                                       31
                                                                                        98,969,635,753.6                                                            78,315,867,412.7
Non-current assets             3,367,134,387.25   8,607,401,246.01   3,556,134,332.39                      3,593,134,697.01   7,192,824,373.67   3,450,161,589.10
                                                                                                       8                                                                           2
                               20,118,307,131.3   14,339,163,305.4                      331,334,720,871.   18,769,555,727.3   12,345,670,864.7                      283,109,825,417.
Total assets                                                         4,726,568,228.91                                                            3,737,276,139.88
                                              6                  2                                    88                  4                  2                                    03
                                                                                        289,140,013,843.                                                            255,066,384,587.
Current liabilities            9,933,871,440.11   4,650,658,258.43   3,986,989,420.91                      9,101,100,209.73   4,166,702,054.87   2,968,960,871.83
                                                                                                      35                                                                          60
Non-current liabilities        1,199,800,375.00   3,050,582,087.92                                          733,508,577.50    1,752,991,337.36                      7,200,472,723.92
                               11,133,671,815.1                                         309,505,563,668.                                                            262,266,857,311.
Total liabilities                                 7,701,240,346.35   3,986,989,420.91                      9,834,608,787.23   5,919,693,392.23   2,968,960,871.83
                                              1                                                       63                                                                          52
M inority equity                                                                          269,087,264.74                                                             273,191,261.65
Shareholders’      equity                                                              21,560,069,938.5                                                            20,569,776,843.8
attributable to the parent     8,984,635,316.25   6,637,922,959.07    739,578,808.00                       8,934,946,940.11   6,425,977,472.49    768,315,268.05
                                                                                                       1                                                                           6
Share of net          assets
calculated     by        the   2,695,390,594.88   3,318,961,479.54    221,873,642.40    2,093,870,872.29   2,680,484,082.03   3,212,988,736.25    230,494,580.42    1,997,736,727.08
shareholding ratio
--Goodwill                                         102,420,700.00                           4,040,400.00                       102,420,700.00                           4,040,400.00
--Unrealized profits from
internal transactions
--Others                         11,273,596.91      -11,494,331.77       1,238,672.03      11,166,142.40     11,273,596.91              30.97        1,238,672.03       4,302,713.07
Book value of equity
investment in associated       2,706,664,191.78   3,409,887,847.77    223,112,314.43    2,109,077,414.69   2,691,757,678.94   3,302,885,758.56    231,733,252.44    2,006,079,840.15
Fair value of equity
investment in associated
enterprise with the public

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                              12,693,711,327.4     10,107,704,727.6                                         12,302,809,948.5
 Operating revenue                                                    8,952,011,880.85   3,601,028,878.05                       8,854,354,173.70   7,381,130,901.74   3,129,903,598.29
                                             3                    4                                                        5
 Net profit                        25,151,242.14    314,997,204.80      22,789,399.06    1,370,009,795.40      97,938,771.62      272,897,534.93     18,541,394.77     980,074,507.71
 Net       profit      from
 termination of operation
 Other        comprehensive
                                   24,537,134.00   -103,051,718.22      -51,525,859.11     117,255,082.81     -37,253,216.39      -31,204,585.25     -15,602,292.63     -56,814,156.95
 Total        comprehensive
                                   49,688,376.14    211,945,486.58      -28,736,460.05   1,487,264,878.21      60,685,555.23      241,692,949.68       2,939,102.14    923,260,350.76
 Dividends received from
 associated enterprises in                                                                  39,685,918.80                         265,000,000.00    169,500,000.00      39,685,918.80
 the current year

(3) Summary of the financial information of minor joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RM B

                                                                 Ending balance/amount incurred in the current period          Beginning balance/amount incurred in the prior period
 Associated enterprise:
 Total book value of investments                                                                            442,301,126.80                                             500,873,276.26
 Total of the following items calculated as per the respective
 shareholding proportion
 --Net profit                                                                                               -64,355,583.45                                              -64,491,661.45
 --Other comprehensive income                                                                                 3,783,433.99                                                -154,250.47
 --Total comprehensive income                                                                               -60,572,149.46                                              -64,645,911.92

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X. Risks Relating to Financial Instruments

      The Company conducts risk management to seek the appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from
its use of financial instruments and to mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial instruments have on the
Company’s financial performance. Based on this objective, the Company’s basic policy for risk management is to
confirm and analyze all kinds of risks faced by the Company, set up an appropriate risk bottom line, conduct risk
management, and monitor all risks promptly and reliably to limit risks within a specific range.
      The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments in its daily activities, mainly including credit
risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The Management has deliberated and approved the policies governing such risks,
as outlined below.
     (I) Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to the risk that may bring financial loss to one party of the financial tool caused by the other
party’s failure to perform its obligations in the contract.
     1. Practice of credit risk management
     (1) Evaluation method of credit risk
     On each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk of relevant financial instruments has
increased significantly since initial recognition. When confirming whether the credit risks have increased
significantly since the initial recognition, the Company considers reasonable and well-founded information,
including qualitative and quantitative analysis based on the Company’s history data, external credit risk ratings and
forward-looking information, without incurring additional costs or efforts. Based on a single financial instrument
or a combination of financial instruments with similar credit risk characteristics, the Company compares the default
risks of the financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the default risks on the initial recognition date so
as to determine changes in the expected default risks of financial instruments during the duration.
      When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria is/are triggered, the Company considers
that the credit risks of financial instruments have increased significantly:
     1) The quantitative criteria mainly refer to that the probability of default of the remaining duration on the
balance sheet date increases by more than a certain proportion compared with the initial recognition.
      2) The qualitative criteria mainly include significant adverse changes in the debtor ’s business or financial
situation, and existing or expected changes in the technical, market, economic or legal environment, which will
have a significant adverse impact on the debtor ’s repayment ability to the Company, etc.
     (2) Definition of default and credit-impaired assets
     When a financial instrument meets one or more of the following conditions, the Company defines the financial
asset as a default, and its standard is consistent with the definition of credit impairment:
     1) The debtor has major financial difficulties;
     2) The debtor violates the binding provisions on the debtor in the contract;
     3) The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo another financial restructuring;
     4) The creditor gives the debtor concessions that the debtor would not make under any other circumstances
due to economic or contractual considerations related to the debtor ’s financial difficulties.
     2. Measurement of expected credit loss
     Key parameters for measuring expected credit loss include the probability of default (PD), loss given default
(LGD) and exposure at default (EAD). The Company has taken into account the quantitative analysis and forward-
looking information of historical statistical data (such as counterparty rating, guarantee method, collateral type and
repayment method), and established the PD, LGD and EAD models.

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     3. For the reconciliation between the opening balance and the closing balance of the provision for loss of
financial instruments, please see notes VII 3 and VII 6 of the financial statements for details.
      4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentration
     The credit risk to the Company mainly comes from monetary funds and accounts receivable. In order to control
the above related risks, the Company has taken the following measures respectively.
      (1) Monetary fund
      The Company deposits bank deposits and other monetary funds in financial institutions with high credit rating,
so its credit risk is low.
      (2) Receivables
     The Company regularly evaluates the credit of customers who trade by credit. According to the credit
evaluation results, the Company chooses to trade with recognized customers with good credit and monitors their
accounts receivable balance to ensure that the Company will not face significant bad debt risk.
     Since the Company only conducts transactions with recognized third parties with good credit, no collateral is
required. Credit risk concentration is managed according to customers. As of June 30, 2023, the Company has a
certain credit concentration risk, because 61.62% (December 31, 2022: 57.71%) of the Company’s accounts
receivable are from the top five customers ranking in terms of balance. The Company holds no collateral or other
credit enhancement for the balance of accounts receivable.
     The maximum credit risk exposure of the Company is the book value of each financial asset on the balance
      (II) Liquidity risk
      Liquidity risk refers to the risk of occurrence of capital shortage when the Company fulfills its obligations
settled by delivering cash or other financial assets. It may result from the inability to sell financial assets at fair
value as soon as possible; or because the other party is unable to repay its contractual debts; or from debts due in
advance; or from the inability to generate expected cash flow.
      In order to control this risk, the Company comprehensively uses various financing means, such as bill
settlement and bank loan, and adopts the method of the appropriate combination of long-term and short-term
financing methods to optimize the financing structure, so as to maintain the balance between financing sustainability
and flexibility. The Company has obtained bank credit lines from a number of commercial banks to meet working
capital needs and capital expenditure.
Financial liabilities are classified by remaining maturity date
                                                      Amount by the end of the period
      Item                                Undiscounted
                      Book value                                 Within 1 year          1-3 year(s)         Above 3 years
                                          contract price
                   195,712,104,096.54    221,025,418,081.61     67,482,367,115.08    64,217,111,870.36     89,325,939,096.17
 financial              549,233,668.87      549,233,668.87         549,233,668.87
 Notes payable       2,425,595,695.06      2,425,595,695.06       2,425,595,695.06
                    40,246,839,546.30     40,246,839,546.30     40,246,839,546.30
                     5,932,751,765.86      5,932,751,765.86       5,932,751,765.86
                     2,033,552,302.01      2,107,600,000.00       1,073,100,000.00    1,034,500,000.00

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                       224,948,277.68       283,362,499.97             29,292,521.61        57,669,786.69      196,400,191.67
 Subtotal          247,125,025,352.32   272,570,801,257.67     117,739,180,312.78      65,309,281,657.05     89,522,339,287.84


                                                   Amount at the beginning of the period
      Item                                Undiscounted
                      Book value                                 Within 1 year            1-3 year(s)        Above 3 years
                                          contract price
                   177,771,036,728.59   226,673,503,345.00      43,948,504,913.77      40,986,100,131.36    141,738,898,299.87
 financial             588,769,711.55      588,769,711.55          588,769,711.55
 Notes payable       3,408,800,462.03     3,408,800,462.03       3,408,800,462.03
                    69,079,366,976.43    69,079,366,976.43      69,079,366,976.43
                     3,472,604,671.47     3,472,604,671.47       3,472,604,671.47
 Bonds               2,034,827,122.23     2,146,200,000.00             73,100,000.00    2,073,100,000.00
                       235,690,816.58      273,722,334.25              23,875,292.60       42,762,902.46       207,084,139.19
 Subtotal          256,591,096,488.88   305,642,967,500.73    120,595,022,027.85       43,101,963,033.82    141,945,982,439.06

      (III) Market risk
    Market risk means a risk that the fair value or future cash flow of the financial instrument fluctuates due to
changes in market price. It mainly includes interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk.
      1. Interest rate risk
      Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or cash flow in the future may
fluctuate due to changes in the market interest rate. The interest-bearing financial instruments with fixed interest
rates expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk, and the interest-bearing financial instruments with floating
interest rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk. The Company determines the ratio of fixed interest
rate and floating interest rate financial instruments according to the market environment, and maintains an
appropriate combination of financial instruments through regular review and monitoring. The cash flow interest rate
risk faced by the Company is mainly related to the bank borrowings with floating interest rates.
      As of June 30, 2023, the bank borrowings with a floating interest rate of the Company are RMB 135,828.1803
million, USD 290 million, and EUR 63.507 million (December 31, 2022: RMB 138,260.1218 million). Under the
assumption that other variables remain unchanged, assuming that the interest rate changes by 50 benchmark points,
it will not have a significant impact on the total profits and shareholders’ equity.
      2. Foreign exchange risk
      Foreign exchange risk means a risk that the fair value or future cash flow of a financial instrument fluctuates
due to a change in the foreign exchange rate. The risk of exchange rate changes faced by the Company is mainly
related to the Company’s foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities. For foreign currency assets and liabilities ,
in case of short-term imbalance, the Company will buy and sell foreign currencies at the market exchange rate when
necessary to ensure that the net risk exposure is maintained at an acceptable level.
     The Company’s monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies at the end of the period are detailed in note
VII 58 of Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements.

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XI. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Fair value at the end of the period of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

                                                                                        Ending fair value

                            Item                             Level 1 fair          Level 2 fair    Level 3 fair
                                                                value                 value           value               Total
                                                            measurement           measurement     measurement
 I. Sustained measurement of fair value                          --                    --               --                  --
 1. Trading financial assets and other non-current
 financial assets
 (1) Financial assets classified as financial assets
 measured at fair value through profit or loss for the      387,219,170.37                                            387,219,170.37
 current period
 Derivative financial assets                                387,219,170.37                                            387,219,170.37
 2. Receivables financing                                                                         529,695,407.36      529,695,407.36
 Total assets continuously measured at fair value           387,219,170.37                        529,695,407.36      916,914,577.73
 3. Trading financial liabilities                           549,233,668.87                                            549,233,668.87
 Derivative financial liabilities                           549,233,668.87                                            549,233,668.87
 Total liabilities continuously measured at fair value      549,233,668.87                                            549,233,668.87
 II. Unsustained fair value measurement                          --                    --               --                  --

2. Basis for determination of the market prices of sustained and unsustained Level 1 fair value
measurement items

    It is based on the floating gain and loss amount determined by the futures and paper cargo position contract in
accordance with the fair value on the balance sheet date.

3. Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and important parameters adopted for
sustained and unsustained level 3 fair value measurement items

    Basis: the fair value is determined by using a specific valuation technique, and the important parameters
adopted include interest rates that cannot be directly observed and so on.

XII. Related Party and Related Transactions

1. The Company’s parent company

                                                                                                                   Proportion of the
                                                                                            Proportion of the
  Name of parent              Place of                                                         Company’s
                                               Business nature        Registered capital                           voting rights held
    company                 registration                                                    shares held by the       by the parent
                                                                                             parent company
 Rongsheng               Xiaoshan,             Industrial
                                                                      83,466.40                       61.46%                 61.46%
 Holding Group           Zhejiang              investment
 Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                                            2023 Semi-annual Report

Information about the Company’s parent company
Other information:
      By the end of June, Li Shuirong directly holds 6.35% equity in the Company. Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding
Group Co., Ltd. holds 61.46% of the equity of the Company, and Li Shuirong holds 63.523% of the equity of
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., thus indirectly holding 39.04% of the equity of the Company, with
a total of holding 45.39% of the equity of the Company.
     The ultimate controlling party of the Company is Li Shuirong.

2. Information on subsidiaries of the Company

     See Note IX for details of the Company’s subsidiaries.

3. The Company’s joint ventures and associated enterprises

     See Note IX for details of important joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company.
   Other joint ventures and associated enterprises that form balances in related party transactions with the
Company in the current or previous period are as follows:

        Name of joint venture or associated enterprise                             Relation with the Company
 Zhejiang Provincial Petroleum Co., Ltd.                        Associated enterprise
 ZPC-ENN (Zhoushan) Gas Co., Ltd.                               Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Dingsheng Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd.         Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Kunsheng Petroleum & Chemical Sales Co., Ltd.         Associated enterprise
 Ningbo Coastal Public Pipe Gallery Co., Ltd.                   Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Zhenshi Port Service Co., Ltd.                        Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Derong chemicals Co. Ltd.                             Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Jurong Petroleum & Chemical Sales Co., Ltd.           Associated enterprise
 Zhoushan ZPC Zhougang Tugboat Co., Ltd.                        Associated enterprise

4. Other related parties

                                                                        Relationship between other related parties and the
                    Name of other related parties                                          Company
 Li Jumei                                                             Close family member of the actual controller
 Xiang Jiongjiong                                                     Director and General M anager
                                                                      Controlled by a family member close to the actual
 Sanyuan Holding Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                      Controlled by a family member close to the actual
 Sanyuan Holding Group Hangzhou Thermal Power Co., Ltd.
                                                                      Controlled by a family member close to the actual
 Zhejiang Saintyear Textile Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Rongtong Logistics Co., Ltd.                                The same ultimate actual controller
 Ningbo Rongxiang Logistics Co., Ltd.                                 The same ultimate actual controller
 Thermal Power Co., Ltd. of Ningbo Economic and Technological         The same ultimate actual controller
 Development Zone

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 Ningbo United Group Co., Ltd.                                      The same ultimate actual controller
 Suzhou Shenghui Equipment Co., Ltd.                                The same ultimate actual controller
 Hangzhou Shengyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.               The same ultimate actual controller
 Daishan Chenyu Real Estate Co., Ltd.                               The same ultimate actual controller
 Rongsheng Coal Co., Ltd.                                           The same ultimate actual controller
 Rongsheng Energy Co., Ltd.                                         The same ultimate actual controller
 Ningbo Qingzhi Chemical Terminal Co., Ltd.                         The same ultimate actual controller
 Ningbo Qijiashan Chemical Terminal Co., Ltd.                       The same ultimate actual controller
 Ningbo Haineng Blend Oil Co., Ltd.                                 The same ultimate actual controller
 Hong Kong Yisheng Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
 Hong Kong Yisheng Petrochemical Investment Co., Ltd.               Subsidiary of Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Subsidiary of Hong Kong Yisheng Petrochemical
 Ningbo Shengmao Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Investment Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Yixin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.                            Subsidiary of Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Associated enterprise of Zhejiang Rongtong Logistics Co.,
 Dongzhan Shipping Co., Ltd.
 Guangsha (Zhoushan) Energy Group Co., Ltd.                         Subsidiary of Zhejiang Provincial Petroleum Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Petroleum Integrated Energy Sales Co., Ltd.               Subsidiary of Zhejiang Provincial Petroleum Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Actual control company of subsidiary of Zhejiang
 Zhoushan Oil Pipeline Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Provincial Petroleum Co., Ltd.
 ZHEJIANG PETROLEUM TRADING (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD.                   Subsidiary of Zhejiang Provincial Petroleum Co., Ltd.
 SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COM PANY                                         [Note]
 ARAM CO TRADING SINGAPORE PTE LTD                                  Subsidiary of SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COM PANY
 Sabic (China)Holding Co Ltd                                        Subsidiary of SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COM PANY
 Sabic (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd                                    Subsidiary of SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COM PANY
 SABIC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD                                         Subsidiary of SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COM PANY

Other notes
    [Note] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group, the controlling shareholder of the Company, signed the Share
Purchase Agreement with the strategic partner Aramco Overseas Company B.V (hereinafter referred to as AOC), a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Saudi Arabian Oil Company (hereinafter referred to as Saudi Aramco) on March 27,
2023, and the transferring parties have obtained the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration issued by
China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on July 20, 2023 and completed the transfer.

5. Related party transactions

(1) Related party transactions regarding purchase and sales of goods as well as provision and acceptance of
labor services

Table of the purchasing of goods and receiving of labor services

                                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

           Related party                 Contents of    Current               Amount of      Whether it            Amount
                                        related party   amount               transactions    exceeds the        incurred in the

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                                                                                                    2023 Semi-annual Report

                                        transaction        incurred         approved         approved     previous period
                                                                                            amount of
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group       Coal and other    9,203,105,641.
                                                                                           No             2,860,103,597.62
Co., Ltd.                              materials                     75
Rongsheng Energy Co., Ltd.             Coal                                                No             2,460,663,120.71
Rongsheng Coal Co., Ltd.               Coal, labor                                         No              204,118,267.44
Zhejiang Rongtong Logistics Co.,
                                       Freight           531,548,409.92    1,000,000,000   No              201,831,537.80
Zhejiang Dingsheng Petrochemical       operation
                                                         345,759,181.50     700,000,000    No              284,720,249.85
Engineering Co., Ltd.                  guarantee
                                       service fee
                                       Industrial m-
Zhejiang Derong chemicals Co. Ltd.                       341,814,473.82    1,500,000,000   No
                                       materials, etc.
Ningbo Hengyi Trading Co., Ltd.        PTA、PX           211,953,592.92    3,000,000,000   No             1,457,707,469.19

Suzhou Shenghui Equipment Co.,         Equipment
                                                          84,014,976.28     350,000,000    No              120,696,751.37
Ltd.                                   and materials
Guangsha (Zhoushan) Energy             Warehousing
                                                          59,158,556.00     200,000,000    No               59,007,693.52
Group Co., Ltd.                        service
                                       Lump sum fee
Ningbo Qingzhi Chemical Terminal       for port           36,123,758.82     100,000,000    No               37,621,279.16
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical
                                       warehousing        47,306,743.36     120,000,000    No               39,096,544.29
Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Rongxiang Logistics Co.,
                                       Freight            23,806,547.61      70,000,000    No               12,714,540.55
Ningbo Haineng Blend Oil Co., Ltd.                        15,812,394.15      50,000,000    No               12,844,360.86
Dongzhan Shipping Co., Ltd.            Freight            12,206,518.81      50,000,000    No                 7,160,941.04
Zhoushan Oil Pipeline Co., Ltd.                            5,288,990.83      30,000,000    No
Sanyuan Holding Group Hangzhou
                                       Steam               4,791,721.11      30,000,000    No                 8,639,495.40
Thermal Power Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Juxing Chemical Fiber
                                       materials,                                          No               12,202,312.51
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Saintyear Textile Co., Ltd.                       2,394,958.41        3,000,000   No
Zhejiang Petroleum Integrated
                                       Diesel               630,247.79         5,000,000   No                 1,739,890.17
Energy Sales Co., Ltd.
                                       Coal water
Thermal Power Co., Ltd. of Ningbo
Economic and Technological                                    49,438.48        1,000,000   No                  124,914.09
Development Zone
Ningbo United Group Co., Ltd.          Hotel services         76,056.84        1,000,000   No                     9,404.71
Ningbo Shengmao Trading Co., Ltd.                                          1,000,000,000   No              730,188,253.84

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                                         Crude oil                           4,120,000,000     No              1,391,497,077.45
 SAUDI ARABIAN OIL                                       27,189,630,729                                        25,561,755,046.8
                                         Crude oil                                             No
 COM PANY                                                            .16                                                      6
 ARAM CO TRADING                         Crude oil               [Note 1]                      No               630,102,133.60
 Sabic (Shanghai) Trading Co Ltd         M EG            317,929,261.69                        No               395,291,299.43
 SABIC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD              M EG                                                  No               150,378,165.78
 Sabic (China) Holding Co Ltd            M EG                                                  No               246,571,056.35
                                                         38433402199.2      99,330,000,000.                    36,886,785,403.5
                                                                     5                   00                                   9

Information on goods sold/services provided

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                                                                                             Amount incurred
                                                        Contents of related party      Current amount
                    Related party                                                                             in the previous
                                                             transaction                  incurred
 ZHEJIANGPETROLEUMTRADING(SINGAPORE)                    Crude oil                       1,089,776,427.34
 Hainan Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.                 PTA, PX etc.                     168,481,157.17
                                                        PTA, auxiliary materials,
 Zhejiang Juxing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.                                                                       562,682,429.13
                                                        M EG etc.
 Ningbo Rongxiang Logistics Co., Ltd.                   Diesel                                3,643,690.64
 Ningbo Shengmao Trading Co., Ltd.                      PTA                              153,267,962.43
 Suzhou Shenghui Equipment Co., Ltd.                    Diesel                                    9734.51
                                                        Diesel, engineering
 Zhejiang Derong chemicals Co. Ltd.                                                      539,900,609.38         152,121,369.05
                                                        materials, power, etc.
 Zhejiang Dingsheng Petrochemical Engineering Co.,
                                                        Diesel                                 935,398.27
 Zhejiang Jurong Petroleum & Chemical Sales Co.,        Diethylene glycol, glycol
                                                                                             56,928,235.68        75,673,733.14
 Ltd.                                                   etc.
 Zhejiang Rongtong Logistics Co., Ltd.                  Diesel, PTA                          11,667,724.36          838,459.20
 Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.               PTA、PX                         5,368,839,946.05       2,105,247,813.15

 Zhejiang Yixin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.                PTA                              147,504,424.78               60,176.99
 Zhejiang Petroleum Integrated Energy Sales Co., Ltd.   Diesel, gas                      245,866,250.46
 Zhoushan ZPC Zhougang Tugboat Co., Ltd.                Diesel etc.                           7,139,205.79         4,992,805.40
 Ningbo Hengyi Trading Co., Ltd.                        PTA                                                     446,053,097.35
 Zhejiang Kunsheng Petroleum & Chemical Sales Co.,      PX, M EG, petroleum
 Ltd.                                                   benzene etc.
 ARAM CO TRADING SINGAPORE PTE LTD                      Crude oil                                 [Note 1]             463,239
 Total                                                                                   7793960766.86        12,379,723,434.76

Note to related party transactions of goods purchase & sale and labor services rendering & receiving
     [Note 1] The Company purchased crude oil from ARAMCO TRADING SINGAPORE PTE LTD in the first
half of the year for an aggregate amount of RMB 1,114,146,200 and at the same time sold crude oil to ARAMCO
TRADING SINGAPORE PTE LTD for an amount of RMB 1,116,545,900 (confirmed w ith the net book value

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      [Note 2] The Company transferred its equity interest in this company in November 2021, and after the transfer
of equity the Company no longer holds an equity interest in this company, and only the amount of transactions with
this company for the period January-June 2022 is disclosed in the notes to these financial statements.

(2) Related leasing

The Company acts as the Lessor:

                                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

                                                                   Rental income recognized in     Rental income recognized in
         Name of lessee              Type of leased asset
                                                                       the current period              the previous period
 Rongtong Logistics Co., Ltd.   House rental                                          642,201.84                      642,201.84
 Ningbo Rongxiang Logistics
                                House rental                                           65,415.93
 Co., Ltd.
 Total                                                                                707,617.77                      642,201.84

The Company acts as the Lessee:

                                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

                                                              Variable lease
                                 Rental expenses for                                                 Interest
                                                               payments not
                                short-term leases and                                              expense on       Increase in
                                                              included in the
                                 leases of low-value                                 Rent paid         lease        right-of-use
                                                             measurement of
                                assets on a simplified                                              liabilities        assets
                                                            lease liabilities (if
                                 basis (if applicable)                                               assumed
                       Type                                                                Amo             Amo             Amo
                        of                                                                  unt             unt             unt
  Name of lessor      leased                                                        Curr   incu    Curr    incu    Curr    incu
                       asset                   Amount                    Amount
                                                           Current                   ent   rred     ent    rred     ent    rred
                                Current        incurred                  incurre
                                                           amount                   amo      in    amo       in    amo       in
                                 amount         in the                   d in the
                                                           incurre                   unt    the    unt      the     unt     the
                                incurred       previous                  previou
                                                              d                     incu   previ   incu    previ   incu    previ
                                                period                   s period
                                                                                    rred    ous    rred     ous    rred     ous
                                                                                           perio           perio           perio
                                                                                              d               d               d
 Rongsheng           House      275,229.3      275,229.3
 Holding Group       leasing            6              6
 Co., Ltd.
 Shengyuan Real      House      1,847,627
                     leasing           .16
 Development Co.,
                                2122856.       275,229.3
                                      52               6

(3) Affiliated guarantees

The Company as guarantor

                                                                                                                       Unit: RM B

                                                                   S tarting date of the   Ending date of the       Whether the
             S ecured party                  Guarantee amount
                                                                        guarantee             guarantee            guarantee has

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                                                                                                   2023 Semi-annual Report

Sanyuan Holding Group Co., Ltd.             80,000,000.00    M arch 04, 2021      February 27, 2024        No
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          1,799,607,000.00   July 19, 2022        December 29, 2023        No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          4,283,382,500.00   July 04, 2022        June 08, 2024            No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                           522,881,200.00    October 24, 2022     October 31, 2023         No
Co., Ltd. [Note 1]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                         56,331,187,700.00   January 29, 2021     M arch 12, 2028          No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                           591,311,900.00    April 28, 2020       April 01, 2029           No
Co., Ltd. [Note 2]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          1,837,500,000.00   M ay 08, 2021        January 15, 2026         No
Co., Ltd. [Note 3]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          3,172,884,100.00   November 22, 2021    October 20, 2027         No
Co., Ltd. [Note 4]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group           200,585,200.00    June 09, 2020        June 15, 2026            No
Co., Ltd. [Note 5]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                           119,750,000.00    September 30, 2020   September 30, 2023       No
Co., Ltd. [Note 6]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                            73,067,700.00    November 16, 2021    January 24, 2025         No
Co., Ltd. [Note 7]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          2,040,000,000.00   September 28, 2022   October 12, 2025         No
Co., Ltd. [Note 1]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          3,243,951,600.00   August 18, 2020      April 20, 2026           No
Co., Ltd. [Note 8]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                         15,667,777,100.00   November 14, 2022    October 30, 2030         No
Co., Ltd. [Note 9]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical        5,829,555,400.00   July 08, 2022        December 08, 2024        No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical
                                         20,420,426,300.00   July 31, 2018        July 30, 2030            No
Co., Ltd., Li Shuirong, Li Jumei [Note
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical
                                          1,068,695,820.00   August 08, 2018      July 30, 2030            No
Co., Ltd., Li Shuirong, Li Jumei [Note
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
Co., Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical       30,552,538,800.00   January 22, 2021     November 15, 2032        No
Co., Ltd. [Note 10]
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          6,738,472,300.00   M arch 15, 2022      June 26, 2024            No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                           310,070,225.85    June 02, 2022        December 30, 2024        No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group         30,565,862,360.64   November 27, 2020    October 30, 2023         No
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                           219,800,235.27    M arch 29, 2023      September 30, 2024       No
Co., Ltd. [Note 9]

Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group               689,246.25    M ay 09, 2023        July 11, 2023            No

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                                                                                                 2023 Semi-annual Report

 Co., Ltd. [Note 1]
 Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                          3,663,779,025.54   M ay 12, 2023       August 31, 2023         No
 Co., Ltd. [Note 1]
 Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                             10,827,073.95   June 06, 2019       July 01, 2023           No
 Co., Ltd. [Note 11]
 Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group
                                           149,623,151.37    M arch 29, 2021     July 30, 2024           No
 Co., Ltd. [Note 10]

Description of related guarantee:
    [Note 1] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
60% of the guarantee amount.
     [Note 2] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
100% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Ningbo Niluoshan New Energy Co., Ltd. has provided mortgage
guarantee with fixed assets and intangible assets worth RMB 134.8 million.
     [Note 3] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
100% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has provided a mortgage
guarantee with machinery and equipment worth RMB 3,786.8923 million.
     [Note 4] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
100% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd. has provided a mortgage
guarantee with machinery and equipment worth RMB 4,238.0024 million.
     [Note 5] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
50% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd. has provided a mortgage
guarantee with machinery and equipment worth RMB 4,238.0024 million.
    [Note 6] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
50% of the guarantee amount.
    [Note 7] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
51% of the guarantee amount.
     [Note 8] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
100% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. has provided a mortgage
guarantee with machinery and equipment worth RMB 8,641.9026 million.
     [Note 9] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. has provided joint and several liability guarantees for
100% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. has provided a mortgage
guarantee with the completed assets of the newly added 1.4 million tons/year ethylene and downstream chemical
plant (Phase II project product structure optimization) project (including but not limited to the mortgage guarantee
provided in the form of land use right, above-ground structures and equipment of the project after the completion
acceptance of the construction project).
     [Note 10] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. and the Company have provided joint and several
liability guarantees for 60% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. has
provided a mortgage guarantee with the completed asset-refining and chemical integration project with an annual
output of 40 million tons (including but not limited to the mortgage guarantee provided in the form of land use right,
above-ground structures and equipment of the project after the completion acceptance of the construction project).
       [Note 11] Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. and the Company have provided joint and several
liability guarantees for 51% of the guarantee amount. The subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. has
provided a mortgage guarantee with the completed asset-refining and chemical integration project with an annual
output of 40 million tons (including but not limited to the mortgage guarantee provided in the form of land use right,
above-ground structures and equipment of the project after the completion acceptance of the construction project).

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(4) Remuneration of key management personnel

                                                                                                            Unit: RM B
                                                                                 Amount incurred in the previous
                  Item                        Current amount incurred
 Remuneration of key management                                   6,219,431.41                         7,453,462.37

(5) Other related transactions

     1. Fund borrowing from/to related parties
     (1) At the beginning of the period, the Company had RMB 1,539.5136 million payable to Zhejiang Rongsheng
Holding Group Co., Ltd.; in the current period, the Company has borrowed RMB 3,756 million from Zhejiang
Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd., made RMB 61.6691 million provisions for fund possession cost, and r eturned
RMB 1,281.5104 million of principal and interest on a cumulative basis. As of June 30, 2023, the amount payable
by the Company is RMB 4,075.6721 million.
      In the current period, the subsidiary Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. has borrowed RMB 1,500
million from Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. and returned RMB 1,500 million on a cumulative basis.
As of June 30, 2023, Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. has fully repaid the above amount.
     (2) At the beginning of the period, the entrusted loan and the related interest payable of Zhejiang Yisheng New
Materials Co., Ltd. to Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. were RMB 988 million and RMB 1.4339 million,
respectively. In the current period, RMB 750 million was paid in due c ourse, RMB 548 million of the entrusted loan
was received, RMB 21.4979 million of entrusted loan interest was accrued, and RMB 21.8871 million of entrusted
loan interest was paid. As of June 30, 2023, RMB 786 million of entrusted loan and RMB 1.0447 million of entrusted
loan interest were not yet due for payment.
     (3) At the beginning of the period, the amount receivables of subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co.,
Ltd. from ZPC-ENN (Zhoushan) Gas Co., Ltd. were RMB 4.8 million, with RMB 105,000 provisions for fund
possession cost, RMB 52,200 of fund possession cost collected. As of June 30, 2023, the amount receivables of
Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. were RMB 4.8528 million.
      2. As of June 30, 2023, the subsidiary Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. had made RMB 577.4678
million of house payments to Daishan Chenyu Real Estate Co., Ltd. on a cumulative basis.
      3. The subsidiary Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Pte Ltd. had conducted paper transactions with Hong
Kong Yisheng Co., Ltd., with an investment gain of USD 2,343,288.04 realized in total in the current period. During
this period, the Company conducted paper transactions with Hong Kong Yisheng Co., Ltd., with an investment gain
of USD 2,698,895.3 realized in total in the current period.
    4. As of June 30, 2023, the deposit balance of the Company and its subsidiaries in the related party Zhejiang
Xiaoshan Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. was RMB 225,986,928.64, USD 16,988.94 and EUR 129.66.

6. Accounts receivable and payable of related parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                                                            Unit: RM B

                                                    Ending balance                      Beginning balance
    Project              Related party
                                            Book balance          Bad-debt       Book balance         Bad-debt

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                                                                                                           2023 Semi-annual Report

                                                                           provision                                  provision
 Accounts           Zhejiang Yisheng
                                                   470,753,229.81          23,537,661.49        328,112,466.43        18,074,604.36
 receivable         Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                    Zhejiang Kunsheng
                    Petroleum & Chemical                                                        299,160,177.48        14,958,008.87
                    Sales Co., Ltd.
 Subtotal                                          470,753,229.81          23,537,661.49        627,272,643.91        33,032,613.23
 Advance            Sabic (Shanghai) Trading
                                                     6,017,596.12                                   122,661.83
 payment            Co Ltd
                    Ningbo Shengmao
                    Trading Co., Ltd.
                    Hangzhou Shengyuan
                    Real Estate Development                                                       3,063,364.94
                    Co., Ltd.
 Subtotal                                            6,017,596.12                                55,253,279.91
 Other              ZPC-ENN (Zhoushan)
                                                     4,852,780.00            242,639.00           4,800,000.00           523,802.73
 receivables        Gas Co., Ltd.
                    Hong Kong Yisheng Co.,                                                        1,135,320.34
                    Hong Kong Yisheng
                    Petrochemical Investment                                                        412,896.31
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Rongsheng Energy Co.,
                                                                                                     14,992.79               749.64
                    Zhoushan Yushan
                    Petrochemical                2,255,438,401.15
                    Engineering Co., Ltd
 Subtotal                                        2,260,291,181.15            242,639.00           6,363,209.44           524,552.37

(2) Payables

                                                                                                                          Unit: RM B
                                                                                                                 Beginning book
              Project                          Related party                   Ending book balance
                                 Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore)
 Accounts payable                                                                      18,699,871,466.82           33,752,876,000.52
                                 Pte. Ltd. [Note]
                                 Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         353,785,739.30             2,265,876,894.64
                                 Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        1,446,664,700.00            2,053,414,700.00
                                 Dalian Rongxincheng Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        1,678,147,924.43            1,692,694,346.81
                                 Zhejiang Yisheng New M aterials Co.,
                                                                                        1,170,327,255.10            1,597,577,255.10
                                 Ltd. [Note]
                                 Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         735,500,000.00              538,000,000.00
                                 The Company [Note]                                      305,000,000.00              230,000,000.00
                                 Zhejiang Rongtong Chemical Fiber New
                                                                                         486,657,018.90               21,596,060.00
                                 M aterial Co., Ltd. [Note]

                                 Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co.,                  165,288,400.00               40,288,400.00

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                                                                                             2023 Semi-annual Report

                             Ltd. [Note]
                             Dalian Yisheng New M aterials Co., Ltd.
                             Zhejiang Rongtong Logistics Co., Ltd.         109,276,591.92           294,356,317.53
                             Zhejiang Derong chemicals Co. Ltd.            261,793,212.01           175,832,956.88
                             Suzhou Shenghui Equipment Co., Ltd.             19,581,790.48            35,726,908.47
                             Ningbo Qingzhi Chemical Terminal Co.,
                                                                              3,192,564.66            11,606,791.20
                             Ningbo Rongxiang Logistics Co., Ltd.                                      7,324,253.61
                             Daishan Chenyu Real Estate Co., Ltd.            20,855,214.64             5,541,000.66
                             Electric Power Branch, Thermal Power
                             Co., Ltd. of Ningbo Economic and                                            12,062.48
                             Technological Development Zone
                             Ningbo United Group Co., Ltd.                        8,058.00                 8,058.00
                             Guangsha (Zhoushan) Energy Group Co.,
                             Dongzhan Shipping Co., Ltd.                                               4,563,302.75
                             Zhejiang Saintyear Textile Co., Ltd.              527,003.00
                             SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COM PANY                   1,101,073,292.67         2,184,202,912.13
                             Sabic (China) Holding Co Ltd                                             33,015,867.24
 Subtotal                                                                26,557,577,288.88        44,964,014,088.02
 Notes payable               Suzhou Shenghui Equipment Co., Ltd.                                       6,351,362.24
 Subtotal                                                                                              6,351,362.24
 Contract liabilities and
                             Zhejiang Petroleum Integrated Energy
 other current liabilities                                                   21,780,947.40             1,061,404.81
                             Sales Co., Ltd.

                             Zhejiang Jurong Petroleum & Chemical
                             Sales Co., Ltd.
                             Zhoushan ZPC Zhougang Tugboat Co.,
                                                                              1,137,583.79             1,639,886.33
                             Zhejiang Saintyear Textile Co., Ltd.               45,602.11                45,602.11
                             Ningbo Shengmao Trading Co., Ltd.                2,807,202.46
 Subtotal                                                                    25,771,335.76             4,572,774.50
                             Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group Co.,
 Other payables                                                           4,075,672,124.62         1,539,513,447.19
                             Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.      787,044,725.00           989,433,904.99
                             Zhejiang Yixin Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.                                   1,015,495.53
 Subtotal                                                                 4,862,716,849.62         2,529,962,847.71

     [Note]: They are the letters of credit issued by the Company and its subsidiaries, which were discounted after
being received by Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Zhejiang Rongtong Chemical Fiber New Material
Co., Ltd., Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Dalian Rongxincheng Trading Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Petroleum &
Chemical Co., Ltd., the Company, Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical
Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                                  2023 Semi-annual Report

XIII. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Major commitments

Significant commitments at the balance sheet date
     1. As of June 30, 2023, the number of letters of credit issued but not withdrawn in the financial institutions,
including Bank of Communications Hangzhou Xiaoshan Sub-Branch by the Company and its holding subsidiaries
Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Petroleum &
Chemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yongsheng technology Co. Ltd., Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore) Pte Ltd.,
Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yisheng New Materials Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Yongsheng
technology Co. Ltd. were RMB 8,459.9070 million, USD 7,640.7192 million, EUR 132.3433 million, GBP 629,000.
     2. As of June 30, 2023, the letters of guarantee of the Company and its subsidiaries not yet due are as follows:
                                                                                                       Unit:RM B 10,000

                                                   Name of issuing                                         Guarantee
                Issuing bank                                                      Beneficiary
                                                     company                                                amount
 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China       Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Limited, Zhoushan Branch                      Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
 Hangzhou Xiaoshan Sub-branch of Bank of       Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Communications Co., Ltd.                      Chemical Co., Ltd.        People's Republic of China
 Zhoushan Branch of Bank of Communications     Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Co., Ltd.                                     Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
                                                                         Hangzhou Branch of Standard
 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.    Zhejiang Petroleum &
                                                                         Chartered Bank (China)           CNY42,000.00
 Zhoushan Branch                               Chemical Co., Ltd.
 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.    Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Zhoushan Branch                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
 China Construction Bank Corporation           Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Zhoushan Branch                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
 China Construction Bank Corporation           Zhejiang Petroleum &      Zhoushan Customs of the
 Zhoushan Branch                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
 Agricultural Bank of China Limited Xiaoshan   Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the          CNY46,970.00
 Branch                                        Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
                                               Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Huaxia Bank Co., Ltd., Zhoushan Branch                                                                   CNY18,000.00
                                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
                                               Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Bank of China Co., Ltd., Zhoushan Branch                                                                 CNY31,540.00
                                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
                                               Zhejiang Petroleum &      China CNTC International
 Bank of China Co., Ltd., Zhoushan Branch                                                                     CNY20.00
                                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        Tendering Co., Ltd.
                                               Zhejiang Petroleum &      Guiyan Resources (Yimen)
 Bank of China Co., Ltd., Zhoushan Branch                                                                  CNY8,616.86
                                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        Co., Ltd
                                               Zhejiang Petroleum &      Hangzhou Customs of the
 Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. Ningbo Branch                                                                     CNY29,300.00
                                               Chemical Co., Ltd.        People’s Republic of China
 China Construction Bank Corporation Dalian    Yisheng Dahua             Zhengzhou Commodity
 Ganjingzi Sub-branch                          Petrochemical Co., Ltd.   Exchange
 Dalian Jinpu New Area Branch of Bank of       Yisheng Dahua             Zhengzhou Commodity
 China Limited                                 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.   Exchange
 Dalian Jinpu New Area Branch of Bank of       Yisheng Dahua             Yisheng Dahua Petrochemical
 China Limited                                 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.   Co., Ltd.

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XIV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Description of other events after the balance sheet date

Important non-adjusting events
     Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group (hereinafter referred to as Rongsheng Holding or the Transferor), the
controlling shareholder of Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company or
Rongsheng Petrochemical), entered into a Share Purchase Agreement on March 27, 2023 with the strategic partner
Aramco Overseas Company B.V (hereinafter referred to as the Transferee or AOC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Saudi Arabian Oil Company (hereinafter referred to as Saudi Aramco), under which Rongsheng Holding proposed
to transfer 1,012,552,501 shares of the Company held by it to AOC by agreement. Meanwhile, Rongsheng
Petrochemical signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Saudi Aramco to establish a strategic cooperation
relationship, and the Company and its subsidiaries signed a series of business c ooperation agreements with Saudi
Aramco and/or its affiliates under the Strategic Cooperation Agreement to promote the realization of the strategic
objectives and long-term sustainable development of both parties.
     The Company received the Confirmation of Agreement to Transfer Shares of a Listed Company from the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange provided by the controlling shareholder on July 19, 2023, and the agreement to transfer
shares has obtained the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration issued by China Securities Depository and
Clearing Corporation Limited on July 20, 2023. The number of shares transferred is 1,012,552,501.
     On July 21, 2023, Rongsheng Holding has received the full payment of the transfer price from AOC.

XV. Other Important Matters

1. Segment information

(1) Determination basis and accounting policies for reporting segments

     (1) Determination basis and accounting policies for reporting segments
     The operating income and operating costs of the Company classified by product are detailed in Note VII 39 to
these financial statements.
     Factors considered in determining the segment for the report
     The Company determines its reporting segment based on the internal organizational structure, management
requirements and internal reporting system, and determines reporting segments on the basis of the industry segment.
The business performance of the petrochemical production business, polyester fiber manufacturing business, and
wholesale and retail business have been evaluated, respectively.

(2) Financial information of the reporting segments

                                                                                                            Unit: RM B

                   Oil refining       Chemical       Polyester fiber                       Inter-
      Item         production        production      manufacturing                        segment           Total
                    business          business          business                            offset
 Revenue from                                                                                       -
                  62,537,771,453    100,626,810,70                      82,570,928,62                    154,208,585,0
 main                                                7,355,725,882.65                   98,882,651,60
                              .17             8.74                               2.55                            59.79
 businesses                                                                                      7.32

 M ain business   53,349,353,931    96,063,964,036   7,108,535,699.28   81,503,685,38                -   139,557,422,6

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 costs                             .09                 .14                                    9.87     98,468,116,38          71.72
                                                                                     9,852,081,940                     349,187,246,3
 Total assets                         333,370,429,386.32       58,857,318,585.71                       52,892,583,56
                                                                                                .54                            48.77
                                                                                     6,560,552,956                     255,426,500,6
 Total liabilities                    226,114,301,803.33       37,767,913,830.73                       15,016,267,94
                                                                                                .80                            48.10

2. Others

      2. Other important transactions and events impacting the investor ’s decision-making
      Taking the actual needs of the Company’s business development into account, the Company and its subsidiaries
utilized the futures market to carry out futures investment business during the period in order to hedge the risk of
price fluctuations of the Company’s major raw materials and products. As of June 30, 2023, the Company and its
subsidiaries deposited futures margin of RMB196,283,951.92 accordingly for holding futures contracts.

XVI. Notes to Main Items of the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Classified disclosure of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B

                                         Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
                       Book balance         Bad-debt provision                     Book balance       Bad-debt provision
  Category                                                           Book                                                    Book
                                                       Proport                                                   Proport
                                Proport                              value                Proport                            value
                     Amount                 Amount      ion of                Amount                  Amount      ion of
                                  ion                                                       ion
                                                       accrual                                                   accrual
 for bad
                     235,209,    100.00     13,045,3               222,163,   74,726,7      100.00    3,932,59              70,794,1
 for bad debt                                             5.55%                                                    5.26%
                       170.80        %         60.76                 810.04      89.47          %         5.52                 93.95
 based      on
                     235,209,    100.00     13,045,3               222,163,   74,726,7      100.00    3,932,59              70,794,1
 Total                                                    5.55%                                                    5.26%
                       170.80        %         60.76                 810.04      89.47          %         5.52                 93.95

Accounts receivable with provision for bad debt reserves based on aging portfolio:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RM B
                                                                               Ending balance
                                                  Book balance                Bad-debt provision            Proportion of accrual
 Aging portfolio                                          235,209,170.80                 13,045,360.76                        5.55%
 Total                                                    235,209,170.80                 13,045,360.76

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For provision for bad debt reserves of the accounts receivable by the general model of the expected credit loss,
relevant information on bad debt reserves is disclosed based on the disclosure method of other receivables:
□Applicable Not applicable
Disclose according to aging
                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                              Aging                                                       Ending balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive of 1 year)                                                                            230,120,836.58
 1-2 years                                                                                                         3,127,651.72
 2-3 years                                                                                                         1,048,755.34
 Above 3 years                                                                                                      911,927.16
 Total                                                                                                          235,209,170.80

(2) Bad debt provision and its recovery or reversal in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B
                                                      The amount of change in the current period
                             Beginning                                                                              Ending
         Category                                             Recovered or
                              balance         Provision                            Write-off       Others           balance
 Provision made for
 bad debt reserves
                             3,932,595.52    9,112,765.24                                                         13,045,360.76
 based on aging
 Total                       3,932,595.52    9,112,765.24                                                         13,045,360.76

(3) Accounts receivable of top 5 ending balances collected by debtors

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                                                                                                            Ending balance of
                                   Ending balance of accounts     Proportion in a total ending balance
         Company name                                                                                       provision for bad
                                           receivable                   of accounts receivable
 Company 1                                     204,427,371.48                                   86.91%            10,221,368.57
 Company 2                                        4,276,808.31                                   1.82%              213,840.42
 Company 3                                        2,304,090.13                                   0.98%              115,204.51
 Company 4                                        2,101,500.00                                   0.89%              105,075.00
 Company 5                                        1,626,277.04                                   0.69%               81,313.85
 Total                                         214,736,046.96                                   91.29%

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                     Unit: RM B

                     Item                                 Ending balance                         Beginning balance
 Dividends receivable                                                    300,000,000.00                         300,000,000.00
 Other receivables                                                       374,551,215.09                         374,169,712.95

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 Total                                                                           674,551,215.09                              674,169,712.95

(1) Dividends receivable

1)      Classification of dividends receivable

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B

             Project (or investee)                               Ending balance                               Beginning balance
 Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd.                                                   300,000,000.00                              300,000,000.00
 Total                                                                           300,000,000.00                              300,000,000.00

2) S ignificant dividends receivable aged over 1 year

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B

                                                                      Reason for the
                                   Ending                                                          Whether impairment occurs and its
     Project (or investee)                              Aging          unrecovered
                                   balance                                                                  judgment basis
 Hong Kong Sheng Hui                               Above 3                                   Subsidiaries operate normally, and no risk is
                               300,000,000.00                       Unrecovered
 Co., Ltd.                                         years                                     expected in the recovery of funds.
 Total                         300,000,000.00

3) Bad debt provision

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B

               Nature of account                            Ending book balance                            Beginning book balance
 Transactions between related parties
                                                                                 373,770,147.28                              373,727,461.92
 within the consolidation scope
 Deposit guarantee receivable                                                        600,000.00                                   600,000.00
 Petty cash receivable, etc.                                                        2,412,353.56                                2,050,211.43
 Total                                                                           376,782,500.84                              376,377,673.35

2) Bad debt provision

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B

                                             S tage I                   S tage II                      S tage III
                                                                  Expected credit loss        Expected credit loss for
         Bad-debt provision           Expected credit                                                                            Total
                                                                over the entire duration        the entire duration
                                      loss in the next
                                                                    (without credit           (credit impairment has
                                        12 months                     impairment)                    occurred)
 Balance as of January 1, 2023                 23,031.73                                                    2,184,928.67        2,207,960.40

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 The balance as of January 1,
 2023 in the current period
 --Transferred to Stage II                     -570.00                        570.00
 Provision in current period                18,107.10                         570.00                    4,648.25          23,325.35
 Balance as of June 30, 2023                  40568.83                       1140.00                2,189,576.92       2,231,285.75

Book balance changes with significant changes in loss provisions in the current period
□Applicable Not applicable
Disclose according to aging

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                               Aging                                                          Ending balance
 Within 1 year (inclusive of 1 year)                                                                                   1,081,523.92
 1-2 years                                                                                                                11,400.00
 2-3 years                                                                                                          373,500,000.00
 Above 3 years                                                                                                         2,189,576.92
 Total                                                                                                              376,782,500.84

3) Bad debt provision and its recovery or reversal in the current period

Provision for bad debts in the current period:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                                                           The amount of change in the current period
                               Beginning                                                                                Ending
         Category                                                 Recovered or
                                balance           Provision                             Write-off       Others          balance
 Provision made for bad
 debt reserves based on        2,207,960.40         23,325.35                                                          2,231,285.75
 aging portfolio
 Total                         2,207,960.40         23,325.35                                                          2,231,285.75

4) Top five debtors with the biggest ending balances of other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RM B

                                                                                                 Proportion in     Ending balance
                                  Nature of                                                       total ending
     Company name                                    Ending balance              Aging                             of provision for
                                  payment                                                       balance of other
                                                                                                                      bad debts
 Company 1                     Current accounts          373,500,000.00     2-3 years                    99.13%
                               Petty cash
 Company 2                                                 1,287,371.67     Above 3 years                 0.34%        1,287,371.67
                               receivable, etc.
 Company 3                     guarantee                    600,000.00      Above 3 years                 0.16%         600,000.00
 Company 4                     Current accounts             153,392.48      Within 1 year                 0.04%
                               Petty cash
 Company 5                                                  121,000.00      Above 3 years                 0.03%         121,000.00
                               receivable, etc.
 Total                                                   375,661,764.15                                  99.70%        2,008,371.67

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3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B
                                     Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
                                         Provis                                               Provis
         Item                             ion                                                  ion
                      Book balance        for          Book value          Book balance        for           Book value
                                         impai                                                impai
                                         rment                                                rment
 Investment     in
                     40,289,393,720.56                40,289,393,720.56   39,462,393,720.56                 39,462,393,720.56
 Investment in
 joint ventures       3,848,530,285.55                 3,848,530,285.55    3,742,216,481.79                  3,742,216,481.79
 and associated
 Total               44,137,924,006.11                44,137,924,006.11   43,204,610,202.35                 43,204,610,202.35

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                   Unit: RM B

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                                                                        Increase and decrease in the current period                                         Ending
                                        Beginning balance                                                                      Ending balance (book       balance of
               Investee                                        Additional           Reduced         Provision for
                                          (book value)                                                                Others          value)             provision for
                                                               investment          investment       impairment                                           impairment
 Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co.,
                                           28,457,242,115.34                                                                         28,457,242,115.34
 Ningbo Zhongjin Petrochemical Co.,
                                            5,990,201,140.04                                                                          5,990,201,140.04
 Zhejiang Shengyuan Chemical Fiber
                                            2,030,140,000.00                                                                          2,030,140,000.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Dalian Yisheng Investment Co., Ltd.        1,468,204,457.48                                                                          1,468,204,457.48
 Rongsheng Petrochemical (Singapore)
                                              620,889,560.00                                                                           620,889,560.00
 Pte. Ltd.
 Zhejiang Yongsheng Technology Co.,
                                              198,306,537.70                                                                           198,306,537.70
 Hong Kong Sheng Hui Co., Ltd.                141,419,910.00                                                                           141,419,910.00
 Rongsheng International Trading Co.,
                                              100,000,000.00                                                                           100,000,000.00
 Rongxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.             3,000,000.00                                                                              3,000,000.00
 Rongsheng International Trading
                                                1,000,000.00                                                                              1,000,000.00
 (Hainan) Co., Ltd.
 Rongsheng Chemical (Shanghai) Co.,
                                               40,000,000.00                                                                             40,000,000.00
 Rongsheng (Zhoushan) New M aterials
                                              130,000,000.00   427,000,000.00                                                          557,000,000.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Rongsheng New M aterial (Taizhou)
                                              281,990,000.00   400,000,000.00                                                          681,990,000.00
 Co., Ltd.
 Total                                     39,462,393,720.56   827,000,000.00                                                        40,289,393,720.56

(2) Investment in joint ventures and associated companies

                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RM B

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                                                                        Increase and decrease in the current period
                                                                       Investmen                                                                                   Ending
                                                                                         Other                                                                    balance of
                               Beginning                                t gains or                              Declared
                                                Addition                               comprehe                              Provision          Ending balance    provision
            Investor          balance (book                 Reduced       losses                      Other    distributio
                                                    al                                    nsive                                 for      Othe    (book value)         for
                                  value)                   investmen   recognize                      equity    n of cash
                                                investme                                income                               impairme     rs                      impairme
                                                                t        d under                     changes    dividends
                                                   nt                                  adjustmen                                nt                                     nt
                                                                       the equity                               or profits
 I. Joint ventures
 II. Associated enterprise
 Zhejiang Yisheng             1,476,728,206.1                          4,041,804.      3,943,117.                                               1,484,713,128.1
 Petrochemical Co., Ltd.                    0                                  61              43                                                             4
 Zhejiang Xiaoshan Rural      2,006,079,840.1                          131,295,91      11,387,579              39,685,918                       2,109,077,414.6
 Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.                  5                                4.20              .14                     .80                                    9
 Ningbo Hengyi Trading                                                 6,836,819.
                              231,733,252.44                                           15,457,757                                                223,112,314.43
 Co., Ltd.                                                                     72
 Zhejiang Kunsheng
 Petroleum & Chemical          13,221,013.56                                                                                                      17,166,834.73
 Sales Co., Ltd.
 Zhejiang Jurong Petroleum
                               14,454,169.54                             6,424.02                                                                 14,460,593.56
 & Chemical Sales Co., Ltd.
                              3,742,216,481.7                          146,126,78               -              39,685,918                       3,848,530,285.5
                                            9                                3.72      127,061.16                      .80                                    5
                              3,742,216,481.7                          146,126,78               -              39,685,918                       3,848,530,285.5
                                            9                                3.72      127,061.16                      .80                                    5

4. Operating income and operating costs

     (1) Details
                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RM B

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                                        Current amount incurred                          Amount incurred in the previous period
                                    Revenue                        Cost                       Revenue                     Cost
 Primary business                   1,880,440,264.50            1,851,745,862.85              1,791,602,246.63         1,726,342,682.30
 Other Businesses                     24,368,383.63                23,043,241.14              2,315,703,365.56         2,314,975,483.25
 Total                              1,904,808,648.13            1,874,789,103.99              4,107,305,612.19         4,041,318,165.55

     (2) Breakdown of revenue generated by contracts with customers by major categories
     1) Breakdown of income by commodity type

                                      Current amount incurred                           Amount incurred in the previous period
                                  Revenue                        Cost                         Revenue                    Cost
 Polyester chemical
                                  1,880,440,264.50             1,851,745,862.85           1,791,602,246.63             1,726,342,682.30
 fiber film
 Trade and others                   24,368,383.63                23,043,241.14            2,315,703,365.56             2,314,975,483.25
 Total                            1,904,808,648.13             1,874,789,103.99           4,107,305,612.19             4,041,318,165.55

     2) Breakdown of income by the time of commodity transfer

                           Item                             Amount in the current period                Amount in the previous period
 Revenue recognized at a certain point of time                                  1,904,166,446.29                       4,106,663,410.36
 Revenue recognized at a certain period of time                                      642,201.84                             642,201.84
 Subtotal                                                                       1,904,808,648.13                       4,107,305,612.19

   (3) The revenue recognized in the current period included in the opening book value of contract liabilities is
RMB 149,074,706.33.

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B
                                                                                                   Amount incurred in the previous
                    Item                               Current amount incurred
 Long-term equity investment income                                          146,126,783.72                             116,775,484.71
 calculated by equity method
 Investment income from disposal of
                                                                             -34,198,249.74                              -42,222,518.53
 financial instruments
 Total                                                                       111,928,533.98                               74,552,966.18

XVII. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring gains and losses in the current period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RM B

                                                        Item                                                               Amount
 Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets (including the part written-off with provision for asset
 impairment accrued)
 Government grants recognized in current gain and loss (excluding grants entitled to in quota or ration according
 to certain criteria under national policies and which are closely relevant to the Company ’s normal business          100,951,165.76
 Fund possession cost included in current gain and loss charged to non-financial enterprises                                 99,037.73

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 Except for effective hedging business related to the normal business operations of the Company, changes in
 gains and losses of fair value arising from trading financial assets, trading financial liabilities, investment income
 obtained from disposal of trading financial assets, trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial
 Other non-operating revenues and expenditures except for the aforementioned items                                           1,189,521.25
 Other profit/loss items falling within the definition of non-recurring gain or loss                                         3,709,266.29
 Less: Affected amount of income tax                                                                                        23,818,799.21
 Affected amount of minority equity                                                                                        150,925,256.19
 Total                                                                                                                     261,409,626.29

Other gain/loss items falling within the definition of non-recurring gain or loss:
The Company has no other gain/loss items falling within the definition of non-recurring gain or loss.
Explanation of the circumstances in which the non-recurring gain and loss items listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Publicly Issuing Securities-Non-recurring Gains and
Losses are defined as recurring gains and losses.
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Return on equity and earnings per share (EPS)

                                                                                              Earnings per share (EPS )
                                             Weighted average return
  Profit within the reporting period                                          Basic earnings per share          Diluted earnings per
                                                  on net assets
                                                                                 (RMB per share)               share (RMB per share)
 Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                                  -2.42%                             -0.11                          -0.11
 shareholders of the Company
 Net profit attributable to ordinary
 shareholders of the Company after
                                                                  -2.98%                             -0.14                          -0.14
 deducting non-recurring gains and

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profits and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with international
accounting standards and China accounting standards

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) Differences in net profits and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with foreign
accounting standards and China accounting standards

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                 Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Chairman: Li Shuirong
                                                                                                                          August 25, 2023

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