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                                                                              Annual Report 2022

Stock Code: 603195                             Stock Name: Gongniu Group

               GONGNIU GROUP CO., LTD.

                     Annual Report 2022

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                                            Annual Report 2022

                                         Important Notes
1. The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the
“Company”) hereby guarantee that the contents of this Report are true, accurate and complete
and free of any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions, and collectively
and individually accept legal responsibility for such contents.

2. All the directors of the Company attended the board meeting for the review of this Report.

3. Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP has issued an independent auditor’s report with
unmodified unqualified opinion for the Company.

4. Ruan Liping, the Company’s legal representative, Zhang Lina, the Company’s Chief Financial
Officer, and Luo Yuebo, head of the Company’s financial department (equivalent to financial
manager) hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report are true, accurate
and complete.

5. Final dividend plan approved by the Board of Directors

     As audited by Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP, net profit attributable to shareholders
of the Company as the parent stood at RMB3,188,619,359.56 for 2022, and the cumulative distributable
profit of the Company as the parent was RMB4,693,667,008.01 as at 31 December 2022. The 2022 final
dividend plan is as follows: Based on the total share capital (exclusive of the shares in the Company’s
repurchased share account) at the record date of the dividend payout, the Company intends to pay a cash
dividend of RMB33 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to shareholders, with a bonus issue of 4.8 additional
shares for every 10 shares held by shareholders from capital reserves.
     According to the total share capital of 601,077,590 shares minus the 46 shares in the repurchased
share account at the date when this Report was authorized for issue, the total cash dividend amount is
RMB1,983,555,895.20 (tax inclusive), and the total share capital will increase to 889,594,811 shares
upon the bonus issue (share capital subject to the number registered with the Shanghai branch of China
Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., with tail difference, if any, due to rounding).
     Where any change occurs to the total share capital before the record date of the dividend payout,
the cash dividend and bonus issue per share shall remain the same while the total payout and bonus issue
amount shall be adjusted accordingly.
     The final dividend plan is subject to final approval by the 2022 Annual General Meeting of

6. Risk warning regarding forward-looking statements
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

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      Any plans, development strategies and other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report
shall not be considered as promises to investors. Investors and those concerned shall be sufficiently
aware of the risks and understand the differences between plans and forecasts and promises.

7. Indicate whether any of the controlling shareholder or other related parties occupied the
Company’s capital for non-operating purpose.


8. Indicate whether the Company provided any guarantee for any external party in violation of the
prescribed decision-making procedure.

9. Indicate whether over half of the directors refused to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of this Report.

10. Major risk warning
     The Company has described the possible risks in this Report. For further information, please refer
to the contents under the heading “Possible risks” under Item VI (IV) in “Part III Management
Discussion and Analysis”.

11. Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                      To Shareholders
     In 2022, we surmounted a multitude of adversities, cultivating vitality amid crises and pioneering
new paths in the face of change, ultimately achieving a robust growth in performance. Our traditional
business strengthened its competitive advantages, while our initial ventures into new markets and
industries began to reveal their potential. The Company’s overall operational quality experienced a
comprehensive enhancement. We extend our gratitude to our shareholders for their unwavering support
and companionship, as well as to our devoted employees for their relentless efforts and persistence.
     Throughout this year, we have diligently kept up with the evolving trends in consumer preferences,
placing customer needs at the forefront of our priorities and actively pursuing product innovation. We
introduced a range of state-of-the-art products, such as orbital socket, ultra-thin switches with
aerospace-level safety features, eye-friendly desk lamps, intelligent door locks with integrated peephole
cameras, and fan lights. This has enabled us to offer our customers a diverse selection of top-quality,
trendy, and visually attractive products.
     We enthusiastically pursued the advancement of renewable energy and intelligent headless lamp.
Upon its launch, our charging gun rapidly became the top-selling online product among independent
brands. Additionally, our portable outdoor energy storage experienced swift growth, and our intelligent
headless lamp achieved more than RMB 100 million turnover during its inaugural year on the market,
demonstrating a highly promising beginning.
     In our extensive brand upgrade, we achieved remarkable progress by unveiling Gongniu’s fresh
logo in 2022 and reinforcing our brand’s core message: “Gongniu is used by 7 out of 10 Chinese
families.” Additionally, we launched the novel “Muguang” brand and proudly became the first China
space affiliate in the civil electrical industry. Our cutting-edge orbital socket quickly gained prominence,
emerging as the unrivaled leader among individual products, owing to innovative media promotion. This
success sets a robust foundation for our brand’s continued growth in 2023.
     We diligently endeavored to strengthen our management reforms and augment the development of
our Bull Business System (BBS), and comprehensively implanted the improved BBS gene into the
whole value chain consisting of production, research, sales, and service from point to surface and from
inside to outside, and thus enabled the BBS to be a powerful engine for our innovation, growth, cost
reduction and efficiency improvement. In 2022, we established a top-tier Audit and Risk Committee,
focusing on addressing ten major risks and effectively enhancing our internal control management.
Furthermore, we persistently advocated for organizational innovation and cultivated our talent pool to
ensure our company’s ongoing, healthy growth.
     We stayed true to our founding mission, proactively embraced our social responsibility, and in 2022,
we established the “Gongniu Charity Trust”, the largest annual charity trust in the country. Additionally,
we actively contributed to Shanghai’s epidemic prevention and control efforts, supported the
construction of cabin hospitals in Hong Kong, and participated in other crucial initiatives. Our efforts

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made a positive impact in various fields, including epidemic prevention and control, culture, education,
health, poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and employee well-being.
     As we enter a new year, we also embrace new opportunities. China’s economic fundamentals are
steadily improving, the new energy industry is booming and expanding, and China’s supply chain and
brand have gained global edge in some emerging sectors, all of which lay a solid foundation for our
company’s growth. In 2023, we will prioritize the following three areas of work:
     Firstly, we will diligently work to refine our brand, heightening the professionalism and premium
appeal of the Gongniu brand to meet the domestic market’s demand for superior quality consumption.
We will further raise awareness of our flagship products, including converters, wall switches, and
sockets, while increasing visibility for our eco-friendly offerings, such as LED lighting, clothes dryers,
and smart door locks. Additionally, we will bolster the promotion of our “Muguang” brand for strategic
new ventures, including headless lamp solutions, and establish a professional brand image.
     Secondly, we will fortify the core competitive edge of Gongniu’s new energy business by
mastering critical technologies, including power modules, group charging, and intelligent control. We
will expedite the development of our marketing network and establish a swift-response service
capability to accelerate our charging pile business growth and delve into the home energy storage market.
This will take Gongniu’s new energy business to the next level.
     Thirdly, we are passionately advancing the internationalization of the Gongniu brand. We are
capitalizing on the new wave of new energy development in European and American markets by swiftly
entering with our core new energy charging and home energy storage businesses. Simultaneously, we
are embracing the new cycle of household electrification development in Southeast Asia and other
countries by overcoming the development bottleneck of Chinese brands in emerging markets with core
products like converters.
     Though the journey ahead may be lengthy and filled with challenges, we will reach our destination
by persistently pressing onward. We will maintain our business philosophy of “taking the long way with
professionalism and devotion” as we forge ahead. Our commitment lies in generating high-quality and
sustainable value returns for our shareholders and striving relentlessly to achieve our vision of
“becoming a leader in the international civil electrical industry”.

                                                         Board of Directors of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          27 April 2023

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                                                       Annual Report 2022


Part I          Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 7
Part II         General Information of the Company and Key Financial Indicators..................... 10
Part III       Management Discussion and Analysis ....................................................................... 16
Part IV        Corporate Governance ................................................................................................ 54
Part V         Environmental and Social Responsibility .................................................................. 77
Part VI        Significant Events ......................................................................................................... 81
Part VII       Changes in Ordinary Shares and Information about Shareholders ........................ 99
Part VIII      Relevant Information of Corporate Bonds ............................................................. 111
Part IX        Relevant Information of Preference Shares ........................................................... 112
Part X          Financial Statements.................................................................................................. 113

                        The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 signed and
                        stamped by the legal representative, the Chief Financial Officer, and the head
                        of the financial department
                        The Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2022
Documents available for
                        stamped by the CPA firm, as well as signed and stamped by the relevant
                        certified public accountants
                        The originals of all the Company’s documents and announcements disclosed
                        on newspapers and websites designated by CSRC during the Reporting

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                                       Part I Definitions
I Definitions
The expressions in the left column in the table below refer to the contents in the right column unless
otherwise specified.
Definitions of frequently used terms
The “Company”,
                              refers to Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.
“Gongniu”, or “we”
Reporting Period              refers to The period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022
                                        Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd., the Company’s controlling
Liangji Industrial            refers to
                                        Ningbo Ninghui Investment Management Partnership (Limited
Ninghui Investment            refers to
                                        Partnership) , the Company’s shareholder
                                        Ningbo Suiyuan Investment Management Partnership (Limited
Suiyuan Investment            refers to
                                        Partnership) , the Company’s shareholder
                                        Ningbo Qiyuanbao Investment Management Partnership
Qiyuanbao                     refers to
                                        (Limited Partnership) , the Company’s shareholder
                                        Cixi Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
Cixi Gongniu                  refers to
                                        of the Company
                                        Shanghai Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Shanghai Gongniu              refers to
                                        subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Ningbo Gongniu                refers to
                                        subsidiary of the Company
Banmen Electric                         Ningbo Banmen Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
                              refers to
Appliance                               subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd., a
Gongniu Photoelectric         refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a
Gongniu Precision             refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., a
Gongniu Digital               refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Bull International Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Bull International Trading refers to
                                        subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Xingluo Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary
Xingluo Trading               refers to
                                        of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Electric Sales Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Electric Sales                refers to
                                        subsidiary of the Company
                                        Bull International Trading (HK) Limited, a wholly-owned
Bull HK                       refers to
                                        subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Low Voltage Electric Co., Ltd., a
Gongniu Low Voltage           refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Hainan Dacheng Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., a
Hainan Dacheng                refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Guangdong Murora Intelligent Lighting Co., Ltd., a
Murora Intelligent            refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a
Gongniu New Energy            refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Shanghai Gongniu Information Technology Co., Ltd., a
Information Technology        refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Shenzhen Gongniu Intelligent Information Co., Ltd., a
Shenzhen Intelligent          refers to
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
Domestic Electrical                     Ningbo Gongniu Domestic Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd., a
                              refers to
Appliance                               wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                        Ningbo Gongniu Marketing Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Gongniu Marketing             refers to
                                        subsidiary of the Company

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Hangniu Hardware               refers to   Hangzhou Hangniu Hardware and Electrical Co., Ltd.
                                           Dalitek Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Inc., a
Dalitek                        refers to
                                           majority-owned subsidiary of the Company
Liangniu Hardware              refers to   Hangzhou Liangniu Hardware and Electrical Co., Ltd.
Feiniu Hardware                refers to   Hangzhou Feiniu Hardware and Electrical Co., Ltd.
Niuweiwang Trading             refers to   Suzhou Niuweiwang Trading Co., Ltd.
Cixi Libo                      refers to   Cixi Libo Electric Co., Ltd.
Yaoyang Trading                refers to   Yichang Yaoyang Trading Co., Ltd.
Huantian Technology            refers to   Hubei Huantian Technology Co., Ltd.
Jianke Trading                 refers to   Changde Jianke Trading Co., Ltd.
Chenhao Electronic             refers to   Beijing Chenhao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Guoxin Trading                 refers to   Changde Guoxin Trading Co., Ltd.
Qiudi Trading                  refers to   Hebei Qiudi Trading Co., Ltd.
The “Articles of
                               refers to   The Articles of Association of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.
The “Company Law”            refers to   The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
The “Securities Law”         refers to   The Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
A-stock                        refers to   RMB-denominated ordinary stock
CSRC                           refers to   China Securities Regulatory Commission
The Ministry of Finance        refers to   The Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China
                                           The State Taxation Administration of the People’s Republic of
STA                            refers to
Sinolink Securities            refers to   Sinolink Securities Co., Ltd.
PCCPA or the
                               refers to   Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
“Independent Auditor”
RMB                                        Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi
RMB’000                                   Expressed in thousands of Renminbi
                               refers to
RMB’0,000                                 Expressed in tens of thousands of Renminbi
RMB’00,000,000                            Expressed in hundreds of millions of Renminbi

II Terminology
                                Products that are typically purchased at the discretion of consumers and
                                are suitable for use at home, in the office and on other occasions for
Civil electrical
                   refers to    power connection, transmission, storage, conversion, control and other
                                functions, such as adaptors, wall switches and sockets, circuit breakers,
                                distribution boxes, LED lamps, etc.
                                Products that are produced in accordance with GB/T 2099.3-2015 Plugs
                                and Socket-outlets for Household and Similar Purposes -- Parts 2-5:
                                Particular Requirements for Adaptors, GB/T 2099.7-2015 Plugs and
                                Socket-outlets for Household and Similar Purposes -- Parts 2-7:
                                Particular Requirements for Extension-cord Sockets and GB/T
Adaptors           refers to
                                2099.1-2008 Plugs and Socket-outlets for Household and Similar
                                Purposes -- Part 1: General Requirements, as well as similar foreign
                                standards, and are commonly referred to as adaptors in the Company.
                                Consumers or peer companies often call adaptors socket-outlets, power
                                strips, portable sockets, extension-cord sockets, or power converters.
                                Power Distribution Unit. PDU is an electric connection product suitable
                                for power distribution at the data center end that can make power
PDU                refers to
                                distribution more orderly, reliable, safe, professional and beautiful and
                                make power supply maintenance more convenient and reliable.
                                Wall switches and wall sockets. Specifically, a wall switch refers to a
                                device mounted on the wall for switching on/off the current of one or
Wall switches                   more circuits and is commonly used to control the on/off status of
                   refers to
and sockets                     lighting lamps. A wall socket, also known as a fixed socket, is an
                                electrical accessory mounted on the wall, with a socket inserted with a
                                pin of a plug and installed with terminals for connecting soft cables and
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                               hard wires, and is often used to provide a power supply interface for
                               electrical products.
Smart                          A novel, intelligent household appliance network that builds an
                   refers to
ecosystem                      interconnected smart home ecosystem.
                               Light sources that are produced using light-emitting diodes (such as LED
LED lighting       refers to
                               bulb lamps), or luminaries that are produced using LED as a light source.
                               A lighting design style and lighting without the main light source, that is,
No-main-lamp                   a lighting design technique through which downlights, spotlights, light
                   refers to
lighting                       belts, track lights and other luminaries are used to create a light (light
                               and shadow) atmosphere in a point-line-surface combination manner.
                               Portable chargers that are suitable for AC charging of new energy
                               vehicles and special protectors used to connect household sockets and
Charging plugs     refers to
                               electric vehicles, with such functions as over-voltage and under-voltage
                               protection, over-current protection and leakage protection.
                               Fixed charging devices for AC charging of new energy vehicles that
                               often require special wiring and installation in garages and special
Charging points    refers to   parking spaces, with such functions as over-voltage and under-voltage
                               protection, over-current protection, leakage protection, insulation
                               detection, electricity billing, timed charging and reserved charging.
                               A mechanical switching device that can connect, carry and disconnect
                               the current both under normal circuit conditions and under specified
Circuit breakers   refers to   abnormal circuit conditions. They are also known as automatic switches
                               and are widely used in households, factories and other distribution
Distribution,                  A sales model in which specialized vehicles are used to provide retail
delivery, visit    refers to   stores with goods distribution, goods delivery, visit services and
and sales                      door-to-door sales on a regular basis along a fixed planned route.
BBS                refers to   Bull Business System

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       Part II General Information of the Company and Key Financial
I Corporate Information
Company name in Chinese                      公牛集团股份有限公司
Abbr.                                        公牛集团
Company name in English                      GONGNIU GROUP CO.,LTD.
Abbr.                                        GONGNIU
Legal representative                         Ruan Liping

II Contact Information
                            Board Secretary                          Securities Representative
Name             Liu Shengsong                             Jin Xiaoxue
                 Tower 20, Baoshi Plaza, 487 Tianlin       Tower 20, Baoshi Plaza, 487 Tianlin Road,
                 Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai            Xuhui District, Shanghai
Tel.             021-33561091                              021-33561091
Fax              021-33561091                              021-33561091
                 liushengsong@gongniu.cn                   jinxx@gongniu.cn

III General Company Information
                                             East Zone of Guanhaiwei Town Industrial Park, Cixi City,
Registered address
                                             Zhejiang Province
Changes of registered address                N/A
                                             Tower 20, Baoshi Plaza, 487 Tianlin Road, Xuhui District,
Office address
Zip code                                     201103
Company website                              http://www.gongniu.cn
Email address                                ir@gongniu.cn

IV Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged
Media and websites where this Report is     China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News,
disclosed                                   Securities Daily, and Securities Times
Stock exchange website where this Report is
Place where this Report is lodged           The Securities Department of the Company

V Stock Profile
                                              Stock profile
                                                                                    Formerly used stock
   Class of stock       Stock exchange        Stock name            Stock code
                        Shanghai Stock
       A-stock                              Gongniu Group             603195                 /

VI Other Information
Domestic CPA firm appointed         Name                   Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
by the Company                      Office address         Block B, China Resources Building, 1366
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                                                             Qianjiang Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou
                                                             Qian Zhongxian, and Liu Chong
                                    writing signatures
                                    Name                     Sinolink Securities Co., Ltd.
                                                             23/F, Zizhu International Plaza, 1088 Fangdian
                                    Office address
Sponsor that exercised                                       Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai
supervision over the Company        Representatives
                                                             Du Chunjing, and Feng Bing
in the Reporting Period             writing signatures
                                                             From 6 February 2020 to 31 December 2022

VII Key Financial Information for the Past Three Years
(I) Key accounting information
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
   Key accounting                                                      2022-over-2021
                                  2022                   2021                                    2020
    information                                                          change (%)
Operating revenue         14,081,373,030.94   12,384,916,337.51                  13.70    10,051,128,834.05
Net profit attributable
to the listed
                           3,188,619,359.56     2,780,360,732.66                 14.68      2,313,430,074.14
Net profit attributable
to the listed
                           2,904,148,417.50     2,632,476,489.56                 10.32      2,221,818,427.52
shareholders before
exceptional gains and
Net cash generated
from/used in               3,057,914,218.16     3,014,326,741.14                  1.45      3,437,202,711.65
operating activities
                                                                        Change of 31
                                                                       December 2022
                            31 December           31 December                                31 December
                                                                          over 31
                                2022                  2021                                       2020
                                                                       December 2021
Equity attributable to
the listed company’s     12,398,865,675.75   10,755,751,576.63                  15.28      9,137,392,569.09
Total assets              16,650,497,198.32   15,473,904,666.62                   7.60    12,437,541,574.38

(II) Key financial indicators
      Key financial indicator              2022                 2021                              2020
                                                                            change (%)
Basic earnings per share
                                                  5.32             4.63             14.90                3.89
Diluted earnings per share
                                                  5.30             4.63             14.47                3.89
Basic earnings per share before
exceptional gains and losses                      4.84             4.39             10.25                3.73
                                                                          Down by 0.40
Weighted average return on equity
                                               27.88              28.28    percentage po                26.87

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Weighted average return on equity                                          Down by 1.38
before exceptional gains and losses             25.39            26.77      percentage po           25.81
(%)                                                                                   ints

Explanations about the key accounting and financial information for the past three years:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
(CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting
(I) Differences in net profit and equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders under
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Differences in net profit and equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders under
CAS and foreign accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Reasons for accounting data differences above
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Key Financial Information for 2022 by Quarter
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                             Q1                      Q2                         Q3                   Q4
                       (January-March)           (April-June)            (July-September)    (October-December)
                         3,078,423,636.94       3,759,884,528.11          3,636,181,747.68     3,606,883,118.21
Net profit
attributable to
the listed                 641,426,707.25         866,370,913.31            853,623,027.81       827,198,711.19
Net profit
attributable to
the listed
                           562,060,111.05         810,718,307.90            739,555,455.44       791,814,543.11
exceptional gains
and losses
Net cash
from/used in               433,646,077.61         711,246,493.62            836,250,178.68     1,076,771,468.25

Indicate whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above differs from what have been
disclosed in the Company’s past periodic reports.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X Exceptional Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
              Item                       2022           Notes (if            2021               2020

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Gain or loss on disposal of
                                    -3,980,890.27                  -9,714,625.18      -669,979.13
non-current assets
Exceptional tax rebates,
reductions and exemptions
given with ultra vires approval,
in lack of official approval
documents or for other reasons
Government grants through
profit or loss (exclusive of
government grants consistently
given in the Company’s
                                   130,991,587.24                 388,196,973.94   126,164,339.75
ordinary course of business at
fixed quotas or amounts as per
governmental policies or
Capital occupation charges on
non-financial enterprises that        590,062.34                    8,121,324.51       407,671.23
are recognized in profit or loss
Gain equal to the amount by
which investment costs for the
Company to obtain
subsidiaries, associates and
joint ventures are lower than
the Company’s enjoyable fair
value of identifiable net assets
of investees when making
Gain or loss on non-monetary
asset swaps
Gain or loss on assets
entrusted to other entities for    279,374,491.92                 171,623,256.63   166,225,979.47
investment or management
Allowance for asset
impairments due to acts of
God such as natural disasters
Gain or loss on debt
Restructuring costs in staff
arrangement, integration, etc.
Gain or loss on the over-fair
value amount as a result of
transactions with distinctly
unfair prices
Current profit or loss on
subsidiaries obtained in
business combinations
involving entities under
common control from the
period-begin to combination
dates, net
Gain or loss on contingencies
that do not arise in the
Company’s ordinary course of
Gain or loss on fair-value          -7,385,680.00                  11,107,836.63   -114,631,050.00

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changes on held-for-trading
and derivative financial assets
and liabilities & income from
disposal of held-for-trading
and derivative financial assets
and liabilities and other debt
investments (exclusive of the
effective portion of hedges that
arise in the Company’s
ordinary course of business)
Reversed portions of
impairment allowances for
receivables and contract assets
which are tested individually
for impairment
Gain or loss on loan
Gain or loss on fair-value
changes in investment property
of which subsequent
measurement is carried out
using the fair value method
Effects of all adjustments
required by taxation,
accounting and other
applicable laws and
regulations on current profit or
Income from charges on
entrusted management
Non-operating income and
                                   -58,763,095.61                    -327,898,293.86         -47,932,397.93
expense other than the above
Other gains and losses that
meet the definition of               1,712,485.52                       2,739,167.53          1,014,971.00
exceptional gain/loss
Less: Income tax effects            57,894,123.94                      96,291,397.10         38,967,887.77
     Non-controlling interests
effects (net of tax)
               Total               284,470,942.06                    147,884,243.10          91,611,646.62

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item defined or listed
in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI Items Measured at Fair Value
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                 Change in the         Effect on current
        Item            Opening balance    Closing balance
                                                                    period                  profit
                       5,926,600,000.00    6,949,000,000.00     1,022,400,000.00
financial assets
Derivative financial
                            3,613,050.00         643,100.00        -2,969,950.00
                              927,023.00       1,036,801.70          109,778.70
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                                   0.00       18,200,000.00       18,200,000.00
financial liabilities
        Total           5,931,140,073.00   6,968,879,901.70     1,037,739,828.70

XII Other Information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                      Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Discussion and Analysis on Operations
     Amid a complex and changeable external environment in 2022, the Company adopted an operating
strategy of seeking progress in stability. As a result, it achieved steady growth in operating results and
maintained good resilience for development. For the year, operating revenue increased 13.70% year on
year to RMB14.081 billion and the net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders amounted to
RMB3.189 billion, up 14.68% from the previous year.
     During the Reporting Period, the Company focused closely on the three major businesses of electric
connection, smart electrical lighting and new energy, continuously promoted product innovation and
brand upgrading of traditional advantageous businesses such as adaptors and wall switches and sockets,
and accelerated the expansion of new businesses such as new energy connection and smart
no-main-lamps, achieving a good start. These efforts have helped further enhance the Company's
comprehensive competitiveness in product, channel, brand and supply chain, laying a solid foundation
for long-term sustainable and healthy development.
     In 2022, the presence and reputation of the Bull brand were further enhanced, with the Company
ranking 70th on the 2022 Hurun Brand List China's Top 300 Brands by Brand Value, becoming the first
civil electric manufacturer to establish a partnership with the aerospace sector in China, and winning the
"China Brand Annual Award for Wall Switches and Sockets No.1" by the World Brand Lab. The
Company and its subsidiaries Ningbo Gongniu, Gongniu Photoelectric, Gongniu Digital, and Gongniu
Domestic Electrical Appliance were certified as high-tech enterprises, and the Company was named
"2022 Pilot Demonstration of Integration of New Generation Information Technology and
Manufacturing Industry " by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and "2022 National
Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise" by the China National Intellectual Property
Administration, and was recognised as Top 100 Manufacturing Enterprises of Zhejiang Province. In
2022, the Company achieved sound results in the following aspects:
     (I) Seized the trend of consumption upgrading, intelligent transformation and new energy,
and developed innovative products centering on user needs
     In 2022, the Company firmly captured the major trends of consumption upgrade, intelligent
transformation, and new energy. With deep insight into user needs, it continued to launch innovative
products such as smart and ecosystem-based home appliances and new energy-based electrical products.
Throughout the year, up to 13 design awards were earned at home and abroad. As of the end of the
Reporting Period, the Company has won a total of 64 design awards at home and abroad, including the
Red Dot Award (Germany), the iF Award (Germany), the G-Mark Award (Japan), the IDEA Award, the
Red Star Design Award (China), the AWE Award, and the Design Intelligence Award. In addition,
technical strengths were further enhanced, with 565 new patents and 23 new software copyrights granted
in 2022. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Company boasts 2,379 valid patents and 59 software

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     1. The electric connection business
     In the electric connection business in 2022, the Company made continuous exploration and
individualised innovation fully focusing on scenario-based electricity use, and was committed to
providing consumers with a safe, comfortable and pleasant experience of electricity use. This business
recorded revenue of RMB7,051 million for the year, an increase of 4.22% year on year.
     (1) Adaptor business
     In product innovation in the adaptor business, the Company focused on satisfying user needs in
segmented electricity scenarios and extending channel-related categories in 2022.
     In terms of satisfying user needs in segmented electricity scenarios, the Company further optimised
the consumer experience through trend-based user research, and focused on the development and
implementation of mainstream USB fast charging, table lamp power strips and decorative track sockets;
based on research on consumer trends and concerns, the Company rapidly extended its product coverage
in retractable power strips, textured decorative power strips and retro power strips, which well satisfied
the young consumers' pursuit of quality and personalised life.
     In the extension of channel-related products, based on the characteristics of hardware, decoration
and e-commerce channels and the differences in user groups, the Company has further enriched the
product lines of track sockets, electrical wire products and electrical accessories (plugs, electrical tape,
etc.) to provide consumers with a convenient "one-stop" purchasing experience in multi-channel
dimensions and multi-category sets; in the emerging business-end channels such as industrial terminal
power distribution, data centre and embedded home, the Company has continued to enrich and iterate its
product lines, further exploring and implementing product families such as track sockets, industrial
connectors, PDUs and embedded power strips, which have gained market recognition and user
     (2) Digital accessories business
     In 2022, Gongniu Digital, by following the industry and user trends, successfully listed a series of
self-developed new products with profound user insight, leading fast-charging technology and exquisite
industrial design.
     Based on the charging concept of "safe and fast charging", and relying on the unique miniaturised
stacking technology and the exclusively patented "APO Technology", the good-looking charger series
based on advanced technology are launched, which save more energy than traditional chargers and can
effectively extend the life of mobile phone batteries, giving users differentiated smart charging
experience; to meet consumers' needs for fast charging in multiple scenarios, the compact 67W portable
fast charging power strip is launched based on the combination of the professional electric connection
technology and distinctive gallium nitride fast-charging technology; based on the desktop electricity
scenario, the Company optimised the wave crest design through ergonomic research and the golden
plugging angle of the power strip, and launched the 67W Mountain Peak fast charging power strip; in
addition, in response to needs of female users, the Company launched the Planet fast-charging power

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strip which is innovative and upgraded in appearance, which have realised new exploration and sales
growth in fast charging power strips.
     Furthermore, by leveraging its digital and hardware channels, the Company continued to develop
business segments such as audio, mobile phone cells, and dry cells, thereby achieving accurate inbound
marketing, enhancing channel and customer royalty, and systematically arranging products for mobile
phones and laptops.
     2. The smart electrical lighting business
     In the smart electrical lighting business, the Company focuses on the process before household
decoration is completed (referred to as "pre-decoration"), providing wall switches and sockets, LED
lighting, bathroom heaters, circuit breakers, and smart door locks to meet consumers' upgraded needs for
whole-house smart home appliances. In 2022, the business reported revenue of RMB6.849 billion, an
increase of 23.39% year on year.
     (1) Wall switches and sockets
     In 2022, the Company continued to lead the way in terms of decorative wall switches and sockets,
optimised the product layout based on the strategy of "steadily establishing the foundation, responding to
the trend; making insights into new opportunities and layout in the high-end market", and deepened the
construction of different product systems as informed by the differentiated needs of customers in
different channels.
     With the development of industry trends, the Company has taken the initiative to make layouts in
large-panel and ultra-thin products in the mainstream price range and successfully launched the Linea
switch series, and used the original design by Italian design masters to create a new ultra-thin platform to
enhance product power as well as brand power with high-end texture, technology and industrial design.
     In order to better meet the home decoration needs of consumers and solve the pain points of user
needs, the Company innovatively used radar scanning tools to open up key nodes and stages such as
demand management, project establishment and development, promoted lean commodity planning and
management, and launched innovative products that have received good market response. At the same
time, in view of the characteristics and needs of weak channels, the Company closely followed its
development and changes, actively carried out targeted product planning and layout, and successfully
listed G35 series switches, with remarkable market integration effects.
     In addition, in order to meet the differentiated needs of customers in the business-side market, the
Company further improved product flexibility and scalability by strengthening platform and modular
structure design, and continued to build a tiered combination of basic products, high-end products and
intelligent products to enhance market competitiveness.
     (2) LED lighting
     Adhering to the positioning of "eye-caring", and oriented to meeting the needs for light in space and
behaviour, the Company has continued to push forward the research of "light" and the innovation and
application of optical design. According to the segmented customer group profile, different application
scenarios for demand mining, the Company made technological innovation in the directions of

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"anti-blue light", "visible flicker-free", "full spectrum", "high index", "anti-glare", "comfortable colour
temperature", etc., and is committed to providing consumers with a comfortable, healthy light
     The Company followed the market trend in basic light source business; in 2022, starting with the
new demand of users for product cost performance and functions, the Company further improved the
product layout for segmented scenario-based lighting needs, iteratively launched the Wanjiang-series
projector lamps, ceiling fittings, and Yue-series panel lights, and launched the commercial lighting series
of downlights, induction bulbs, can lights, and lamp tube products for commercial lighting, quickly
supplementing the product line and significantly enhancing the competitiveness in commercial lighting.
     In 2022, the Company continued to make breakthroughs in technology of lighting business,
prepositioned the research and development of "control mode" and "eye-caring technology" to establish
technical barriers to products and strengthen the construction of platforms to enhance the level of
standardisation. The Company upgraded lighting products to be "ultra-thin" in appearance, deepened
intelligent control in terms of functionality, and upgraded the "offline voice" system to address user pain
points such as complicated and unresponsive operation of intelligent voice control, and launched a
number of collections of "modern and simple" line products that meet the needs of the markets in larger
communities and are popular with consumers. In order to meet the higher requirements of users for the
appearance and quality of lamps and lanterns, new products such as S02 ceiling spotlights and T02Plus
can lights were launched for ambient lighting of homes. These products have good wall washing effect,
natural light spot transition, high texture, and possess such advantages as being bright and uniform, and
deeply anti-glare, and have received a good market response.
     In mobile lighting business, the Company focused on the pain points and needs of consumers in
reading and light-filling scenarios, and strove to achieve the best light experience. Focusing on the
reading scenarios, in 2022, the Company launched the Eye-Caring Desk Lamp with honeycomb
anti-glare technology at its core, which can better block the harsh light by shading treatment; the product
is equipped with personalised interactive functions such as stepless dimming, rest reminder and delayed
light-off, creating a comfortable, healthy and intelligent reading light environment for consumers at
home. Focusing on the light-filling scenarios, the Company has developed light-filling products such as
night light, cabinet light and clip light by following the market trend and gaining insight into user needs
in 2022, and is committed to bringing good light to every corner of home.
     (3) Smart no-main-lamps
     Focusing on consumers' upgraded demand for minimalist decoration style and intelligent light
experience, the Company has made smart no-main-lamps a key development direction for its lighting
business and is committed to creating a comfortable and professional light environment and convenient
control experience for users, better interpreting the lighting levels and light atmosphere of a space.
     Upholding the concept of modular and standardised product design, the Company launched S03
magnetic rail light and T03 downlight series and other products for smart no-main-lamps in 2022. The
magnetic rail light can be flexibly adjusted to the position of the light source on the rail according to user

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needs, and different modules can meet different lighting needs respectively; the downlight series
includes embedded downlights, bezel-less downlights, surface mounted downlights, single/dual-ended
grille lights and mini grille lights. The high-CRI light source, coupled with professional optical lens,
highly reproduces the real colour of objects, and the innovative industrial design ensures uniform light
effect and natural visual comfort.
     In 2022, the Company created "Murora", a new brand that is positioned as a professional brand in
no-main-lamp lighting, with a product layout covering downlight, rail light, strip light, ambient light,
Murora MOS system and so on. Murora's products, by employing high colour rendering light sources,
have industry-leading optical performance indicators; adopting user-friendly design with user experience
at its core, Murora products won the G-Mark Design Award upon its launch; the Company's
self-developed Murora MOS system, together with the intelligent large screen and peripheral ecological
products, further enhance the convenience, safety and stability of product use through continuous
optimisation and software iteration.
     (4) Ecosystem-based products
     To meet consumers' needs for one-stop shopping during pre-decoration, the Company proactively
builds a pre-decoration intelligent ecosystem, transforming from providing products that meet users'
needs to providing better scenario-based solutions, constantly iterating and innovating ecosystem-based
products such as bathroom heaters, smart door locks, smart clothes drying racks, smart curtain machines,
fan lights and circuit breakers.
     In 2022, Domestic Electrical Appliance fully researched the user habits and pain points of electrical
appliances in various household scenarios and gradually improved the category layout. In the bathroom
scenario, based on the decoration problem of users with needs in replacement, and taking into account
the product use scenario, the Company launched a ceiling-mounting-free, plug-and-use wall-mounted
bathroom heater solution to meet users' heating needs; at the same time, the Company launched a series
of electric towel racks in 2022, so that the drying needs of users in humid and cold areas can be better
met. In the dining and bedroom scenarios, through insight and understanding of users' differentiated
demand for different space wind, the Company extended the fan light layout, and launched a
differentiated product in the industry - 07A wide-area wind fan light. Also, the Company kept
innovation in the fan light around the core needs of users; the ultra-thin fan light launched in 2022 won
the international design awards of iF and G-Mark, and the industry's first centrifugal bladeless fan light
was successfully launched by the Company. In the balcony scenario, with the continuous upgrade and
change of consumer groups and home space aesthetics, the Company launched the Yuebian series of
clothes drying racks in 2022, which are more in line with the consumer aesthetics of young people,
increasing the attributes of living scenarios on top of satisfying users with easy drying. In the light and
shadow scenario, in 2022, the Company launched the new one-line smart retractable rail curtain, which
brings a better experience to users in terms of quick collection, one-off installation, smoothness of
product operation, and user experience.

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        Circuit breakers are constantly iterated and innovated on the basis of home decoration and civil
product technology platform, and the existing product lines are constantly enriched for factory and
engineering project users. In 2022, LC2 contactors, LW3 frame circuit breakers and LQ3 dual power
adaptors were launched to meet the needs of new scenarios and applications, while helping customers to
further improve the reliability of electricity consumption.
        In 2022, the Company completed the layout of two major platforms--the fully automatic type and
the handle type, for smart door locks, and added the remote cat-eye model, 3D face model and WiFi
model product series to achieve the layout of the full-product and full-function architecture. The
Company's latest flagship product combines the functions of AI intelligent cat-eye, 3D face recognition,
and intelligent doorbell to continuously improve product integration. In addition, the Company
introduced WiFi low-power preservation technology across the industry, and equipped AliCloud video
streaming technology and distributed forwarding technology, breaking the technical difficulties of the
industry's visual cat-eye category, and bringing consumers a highly smooth and reliable visual
experience. The continued strengthening of the smart door lock product iteration capability will become
an important guarantee for the Company to enhance market competitiveness.
        3. The new energy business
        With years of accumulation of electricity technology and brand advantages, the Company's new
energy business has been running smoothly as it conducted product iterations and technological
innovation based on users' pain points and concerns, and gradually built up a complete product layout
and system. Revenue for the year was RMB153 million in this business, an increase of 638.62% year on
        In the new energy vehicle charging plug and charging point business, for the customer-side market,
the Company has fully researched the characteristics of cars and consumer application scenarios, and has
successively launched a number of innovative products such as the high-power in-car charger, Mini
charging point for A00-class cars and the Smart Link version of the charging point to meet the
differentiated scenario-based charging needs of mainstream car models in the market; for the
business-side operator market, the Company has launched flexible DC charging points that support the
full power range from 20kW to 240kW. The output voltage bandwidth can fully meet the battery
charging needs of DC150V-1000V and can operate at maximum power output for a long time. The
modular and highly-integrated design ensures stable and reliable performance, and the networked
operation and independent deployment technology enables remote supervision and maintenance, which
can effectively meet the core requirements of operators for product functionality, operational efficiency
and post-maintenance. The listed products have been widely praised by the market for their superior
technology, standard quality, innovative appearance and experience design.
        The Company accelerated energy storage product innovation and technology research and
development, and in 2022, the portable energy storage business focused on camping scenarios, and
deepened its expansion in outdoor power supply and outdoor power accessories. Through demand
insight, the Company launched a small-size and good-looking portable power supply product for

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camping users, with bi-directional inverter fast charging and dimension-raising power technology; for
senior users concerned about the characteristics of power, the Company launched a high-energy lithium
iron phosphate power supply, advancing product capacity from 1kWh to 2kWh, which has received wide
attention in the market; to address senior users' concerns about the low efficiency of battery discharge at
low temperature, the Company carried out research and development on the underlying technology and
took the lead in applying low-temperature-resistant lithium iron phosphate batteries to its products,
leading the innovation trend of the industry. At the same time, the Company has launched solar charging
panels, car-mounted chargers, outdoor bracket lighting and other camping products to provide
consumers with a complete solution for outdoor electricity use.
     (II) Deepened channel integration and lean marketing, and focused on building a new sales
     In 2022, the Company continued to promote marketing reforms according to the changes in
consumer needs, further establishing the ToC and ToB marketing systems and clarifying the synergy and
complementarity strategies of channels including offline hardware, decoration, digital, and online
e-commerce. The hardware channel was primarily for the sales of adaptors, circuit breakers, basic light
source products, among others. Serving as a shared channel for all categories in smart electrical lighting,
the decoration channel focused on the sales of domestic decorative products, including wall switches and
sockets, LED lighting, circuit breakers, bathroom heaters, smart door locks, smart clothes drying racks,
and curtain machines. The digital channel was primarily for the sales of digital accessories. In 2022, the
Company built a new offline energy distribution channel around the development of the new energy
business, and has begun to see results. At the same time, the Company accelerated the expansion of
overseas channels and increased the pace of internationalisation.
     In terms of the consumer-side decoration channel, to meet the needs for one-stop purchase during
pre-decoration, the Company deepened a specialised and comprehensive decoration channel, promoted
the downward sales of a range of electrical lighting products such as wall switches and sockets, LED
lighting, circuit breakers, domestic electrical appliances, and smart door locks in the county and town
markets; the Company also launched the construction layout of the full-category flagship shops, which
has strongly driven the development of the whole category business. In 2022, the Company carried out
the construction of core outlets for no-main-lamps in the decoration channel in a timely manner and
achieved good market feedback. In line with the development trend of the industry, the Company has
made comprehensive efforts to develop small and medium-sized decoration enterprises as its customers
to create a new strategic growth channel. In addition, the Company further expanded new channels such
as integrated suspended ceiling shops and integrated kitchen and bath shops, and achieved an important
breakthrough in the channel system. In terms of capacity building, the Company further deepened lean
marketing in the decorative channel, fully implemented lean dealer market planning, and improved
dealer market planning and daily management capabilities. Also, the Company began to promote and
replicate lean retailing after exploration and verification, and implemented regional classification and

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refinement management and top city management change innovation, making marketing strategies and
policies more accurate and effectively stimulating channel vitality.
     The Company continued to strengthen its advantages in customer-side hardware channel, managed
its core customers precisely, improved the efficiency and output of a single shop by enhancing shop
displays and creating exclusive sales areas, consolidated the channel foundation, and with the help of a
nationwide network of distributors, continuously expanded product sales channels and optimised the
market structure; the Company entered the procurement platform for government and enterprises,
provided quality services for government, enterprises and public institutions, and further enhanced the
Bull brand's awareness and reputation. In order to meet the needs of young consumers, the Company has
launched good-looking youthful products one after another and further explored new channels such as
trendy shops, boutique bookstores and high-end supermarkets. At the same time, in the hardware
channel in 2022, the Company fully empowered dealer teams by lean marketing tools such as lean
operations and market planning in three dimensions: source-opening, cost-cutting and risk prevention,
and effectively improved the efficiency of market operations with marketing tools such as CRM and
new media.
     For the consumer-side digital channel, a range of forms was introduced, including mobile phone
repair stores, digital accessories stores, small supermarket and convenient stores, the points mall, and the
gifts channel. Through measures such as enhancing the "distribution, delivery, visit and sales" service
capability, regional distribution and product improvement, the coverage of terminal outlets was
significantly increased and customer stickiness was strengthened. The Company also further upgraded
the CRM digital tools to improve the quality of sales services and enhance the channel operation and
management capabilities.
     The construction of the new energy channel commenced in March 2022 to expand the offline new
energy charging point market; Relying on the marketing system capabilities accumulated during the
long-term service to distributed customers, the pilots summed up the methodology of precise and rapid
investment attraction, recruiting more than a hundred professional distributors nationwide, focusing on
covering first-, second- and third-tier cities. For customer-side users, the Company has formed standard
"distribution, delivery, visit and sales" method and process, and focused on developing more than 5,000
professional distributors such as new energy auto trade shops and auto beauty and decoration shops; for
business-side users, the Company has focused on developing pilot projects for clients such as public
institutions, enterprises, properties and charging stations, and summarised and formed a methodology to
establish the all-round capability of project development, solution design, installation service and
after-sales maintenance unique to the new energy channel, laying a solid foundation for the large-scale
promotion of the Company’s new energy charging point business in the country.
     In terms of business-side channels, in 2022, the Company continued to refine its development
around the three major businesses of installation enterprises, engineering projects and houses with fine
decoration. With wall switches and sockets as the foundation and smart no-main-lamps as the core, and
with the advantage of a multi-category portfolio, the Company continued to broaden and deepen its

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cooperation with top domestic installers. In 2022, the Company established strategic partnerships with
about 200 well-known top installers and platforms, such as Yenova, Create Decoration, SD, ke.com and
LB, and enhanced the coverage of regional installer outlets around key cities; at the same time, the
Company made comprehensive efforts in the engineering project business and has become an important
partner of Xiong'an New Area, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Greater Bay Area and other construction
projects, and has been proactively building benchmark projects in the fields of provident housing,
education, hotels and logistics, etc. The Company has also continued to focus on the development of
houses with fine decoration, and has continued its solid cooperation with high-quality real estate
companies such as Taikang, Poly and China Construction.
     In e-commerce channels, the Company continued to deepen its strategy of advancing digital
marketing across all categories and platforms in 2022 by focusing on strengthening its capabilities in
channel construction, demand insight and digital marketing promotion. In terms of channel construction,
the Company kept optimising its "1+Specialty+N" shop matrix by building flagship shops in lighting,
digital and new energy categories with benchmarking significance, and creating a healthy ecology for
channel development with distributors in 2022. Regarding demand insight, the Company leveraged
online big data to gain in-depth insight into the needs of consumer groups, and continued to seize
opportunities in segmented categories to make precise efforts, constantly layout and improve the product
matrix with strong competitiveness, successfully created a number of trendy models such as track
sockets and new energy charging plugs. With respect to digital marketing, in 2022, the Company formed
a digital marketing closed-loop system of "efficient off-site advertising and accurate in-site customer
attraction", deepening the relevance of products to users' life scenarios and gradually opening up a
crowd-expanding marketing method. In 2022, according to the data of Intelligence, the Company
continued to maintain the first place in the market share of two categories, namely adaptors and wall
switches and sockets on Tmall and consolidate the leading position; the market share of new energy and
other categories had a steady growth and made new breakthroughs.
     In terms of overseas channels, the Company grasped the new trend of globalisation and
regionalisation of consumption, adopted differentiated strategies for different types of markets, and
accelerated the pace of internationalisation. In 2022, the Company focused on exploring the Southeast
Asian market for independent brand business, carried out in-depth research on the trend of upgrading
home decoration consumption in Southeast Asia, further identified potential opportunity markets,
categories and channels, and laid a good foundation for future strategic breakthroughs. In response to the
trend of increasing share of new energy in the energy mix of developed countries in Europe and the
United States, the Company has actively launched cross-border e-commerce business. Currently,
through platforms such as Amazon and independent overseas webs, products such as new energy vehicle
charging plugs and portable chargers have been launched and have achieved good market response. The
OEM business, as a window for communication and cooperation with international markets, also
continued its steady development during the Reporting Period.

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     (III) Ongoing efforts were made to promote a lean, automated, and digital supply chain as
well as the transformation and upgrade to smart manufacturing in order to build a high-quality,
low-cost, and efficient green supply chain
     In 2022, the Company improved intelligent manufacturing factories with a lean, automated, and
digital supply chain as the pillar, made the manufacturing technology innovation capability an important
carrier of the core competitiveness of the supply chain, deepened the layout of the supply chain in
vertical areas, and further enhanced the quality, cost and efficiency advantages.
     The Company continued to promote lean improvements. In 2022, the adaptor factory continued to
improve its automation level with the help of BPD tools, identified waste through the VSM methodology
and promoted the implementation of an agile delivery system. The Company pioneered the direct
operations of the moulding factory and assembly factory, through which the production materials of the
previous process were directly distributed to the assembly workshop’s warehouse, achieving streamlined
logistics, warehousing and manpower and continuous improvement in production efficiency. The
intelligent logistics system of moulding-painting in the wall switch factory has made possible direct
delivery and direct distribution between different internal factories, reducing intermediate inventory and
significantly improving operational efficiency. In terms of digital factory, the Company continued to
build a lean and flexible factory and achieved a double reduction in finished goods and raw material
inventories through VSM's full value stream diagnostics, while initially building a smart delivery system
with the APS system as the core and multi-system collaboration. The moulding factory has upgraded its
injection moulding machines and ancillary equipment through lean tools such as BMS, SMED, DM and
TPM2.0 to achieve improved energy utilisation throughout the year, and has built industry-leading
models such as direct delivery of flat logistics and integration of painting. The new energy electric
connection factory insists on prioritising quality, and through the MES system, connects intelligent
electric batches, AI+vision, testing machines and ageing machines to establish a digital lean line to
continuously improve product quality.
     The Company insisted on promoting automation upgrading and transformation, and in 2022, the
LED lighting factory continued to innovate in its business model, developing a characteristic lighting
production model combining automation, line flexibility and lean production. The digital factory
transformed into "unitised" flexible automation, focusing on process automation to increase the
proportion of automation; through lean gold panning, new product DFM implantation, mechanical arm +
vision + flexible vibration plate development and verification, it built the first charging head flexible
manufacturing line, and successfully achieved high-flexibility production. It also continued to deepen
CMF process research, accelerated the development and application of matching process technologies
for fast charging categories, introduced the glue-filling process, through-hole reflow process and glue
solder paste dual process, etc., and completed the construction of production capacity for "good-looking
black technology" trendy products, greatly enriching the product line. The introduction of automated
resistance welding equipment in the circuit breaker factory made available one-off multi-position
welding and helped carry out process innovations such as non-destructive welding of silver points and

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integrated welding of hot rivets; the automatic product testing line adopted a digital anti-dulling system
to realise real-time uploading, storage and analysis of test data of finished circuit breakers to improve
product yields in a targeted manner.
     In 2022, the Company continued to vigorously promote digital transformation by focusing on the
digitisation of core business processes and improvement of factory digital construction, comprehensively
upgrading the MES system, integrating ERP, MES, QMS, PLM and other software and hardware
systems, fully developing and using MES application functions (internal control and safety, quality and
delivery, cost control) to make it more relevant to production; the Company also created the digital
management of "design and manufacturing integration, production and processing automation,
production process transparency, logistics control precision", realising the information-based and
systematic monitoring and management throughout the process covering raw materials (code-sweeping
material feeding, dummy prevention and error warning), injection production process (process upload,
CCD intelligent detection, intelligent logistics system), and warehouse management system (WMS). The
construction of APS2.0 in the wall switch factory has integrated the planning and scheduling of the
painting, injection moulding and assembly factories, realised the collaboration of sales, production and
procurement planning, and reshaped the business and operational processes of "human", "machine",
"material", "method", "environment" and "measurement" with digitalisation. The adaptor factory has
promoted digital infrastructure construction and put MES, WMS, QMS and APS into operation,
enabling digital management of core business and improving the delivery process by focusing on the
"T+2" project. LED and digital factories have also introduced the APS, achieving a significant reduction
in inventory and sluggish materials. The moulding factory has introduced such technologies as automatic
pallet, automatic cartoning, CCD, AGV and self-researched mechanical arms, and through an intelligent
logistics system that highly correlates the injection moulding business with the decorative painting
business, innovatively used an integrated production model, enabling injection moulding products to be
automatically received - identified - reported - allocated - stocked - discharged, and delivered to the
painting workshop fully automatically within a short period, reducing the process of handling and
warehousing, and significantly improving the turnaround rate.
     (IV) Strengthened the construction of the BBS to build and enhanced the organisational
capacity of talents to support future development
     After continuous strengthening and construction in recent years, the BBS has gradually become an
important methodology and operational system that drives the Company to improve the quality of its
operations. In 2022, the Company has made continued efforts to deepen its management changes,
implanting the BBS improvement gene from point to plane and from inside to outside into the entire
value chain of production, research, marketing and employment, becoming a powerful engine for the
Company's innovative growth and cost reduction; it also continuously promoted organisational
innovation and talent building, providing a solid guarantee for the Company's sustainable and healthy
development. Through improvement practices, 12 best practices as the lean benchmark were created, 40
BBS methodologies were precipitated and exported, 19 black-belt talents, 25 blue-belt talents and 729

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green-belt talents were trained, and the lean transformation was increased from 3 points to 4 points,
reaching an industry-leading level.
     Driven by the strategic deployment breakthrough target, BBS fully utilised BBS methods (such as
lean product planning, BPD trending product development, 3P rapid self-production, etc.) to help
promote the continuous improvement of the competitiveness of existing businesses and accelerate the
rapid incubation and ground-breaking growth of strategic new businesses. At the same time, the BBS
has effectively facilitated the business integration and strategic synergy of the newly acquired companies,
helping the Company to quickly fill the capacity requirements of the new business of intelligent
no-main-lamp lighting.
     After nearly two years of construction and cultivation, the Company has initially realised the layout
of a distributed headquarters around the high ground of talents in line with the Company's future
sustainable development needs for organisational capacity, talent training and new business development.
In 2022, the Company's Shanghai second headquarters project is progressing smoothly, positioning itself
as an important base and window for future research and development, product and brand presentation;
the Pearl River Delta Centre focused on core cities with obvious industrial clusters, such as Shenzhen
and Huizhou, to lay out the R&D and innovation and supply chain support of the no-main-lamp lighting
and intelligent and new energy businesses, and further build up the core competitiveness of the strategic
business for future development.
     The Company keeps focusing on the "selection", "employment", "cultivation" and "retention" of
human resources. In addition to attracting outstanding talents from various industries, the Company also
brings in highly skilled talents with industry experience for new businesses under incubation and
cultivation, so as to quickly build up team capabilities; the Company stimulates the vitality and
motivation of employees under the framework of a synergistic assessment system that breaks down
organisational performance and individual performance, so as to support the effective implementation of
the Company's strategies with efficient organisational execution; based on the Gongniu Leadership
Model and BBS empowerment, the Company formulates competency development plans for
management and technical talents of different categories and levels, and provides all employees with
complete career development plans; the core management team and technical backbones are provided
with a regular incentive mechanism by means of restricted share Incentive Plans and special talent
shareholding plan, so as to better attract and retain talents to grow with the Company and provide an
inexhaustible source of power for organisational development.
     (V) Fully launched the brand upgrade and built the new Murora brand while consolidating
the positioning of "Expert in Safe Electricity Use" for the Bull brand
     In 2022, the Company initiated a comprehensive upgrade of the Bull brand, establishing the main
brand vision where “7 out of 10 Chinese households will be using Bull products”, and officially
becoming the first civil electric manufacturer to establish a partnership with the aerospace sector in
China. Relying on its core high-end product series, the Company carried out all-round brand promotion
using media channels with strong interaction, wide coverage and high accuracy as a communication

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bridge, leveraging the high popularity of hot celebrities, the high potential of China's aerospace IP and
the high authority of mainstream media, and systematically upgraded the terminal images of online and
offline channels, official websites, new media and other consumer touch points, further consolidating the
positioning of "Expert in Safe Electricity Use" for the Bull brand in 2022.
     In order to support the development of the strategic business, the Company cultivated and
incubated the new brand "Murora", which is positioned as a professional and intelligent no-main-lamp
lighting brand, and established the brand's main appeal of "Works of Simplicity by International
Masters". In 2022, the Company systematically created a differentiated and recognisable brand VI and
SI visual system, deepened the online and offline brand channels’ image of being simple, professional,
and warm, laying a good foundation for the development of Murora brand. In March 2023, the brand
launch and the first flagship shop of Murora was released, attracting much attention from both industry
insiders and outsiders with a comprehensive brand promotion, exposing the brand efficiently to dealers
and customers and gaining a good market response.

II Introduction of the Industry where the Company Operates during the Reporting Period
      1. Development stage and periodic characteristics of the industry
     According to the Industry Classification of National Economy (GB/T 4754--2017) issued by the
National Bureau of Statistics, the main type of the Company's business is assigned to “Manufacturing
Industry of C38 Electric Machine and Equipment”. Among them, adaptors, wall switches and sockets,
and digital accessories are all assigned to the specific type of “3899 Other Not Classified Manufacture of
Electric Machine and Equipment”. LED lighting is assigned to the specific type of “3872 Manufacture
of Lighting Devices”. And new energy charging plugs/points fall in the specific type of “3829
Manufacture of Other Power Distribution and Control Facilities”.
     With the further improved economic structure as well as the continuous increase of the resident
discretionary income and consumption level in China, industries such as household appliances,
consumer electronics, real estate, home decoration, and new energy vehicles, grow continuously and
rapidly, promoting the market demand for products in electric connection, smart electrical lighting and
new energy charging and storage. Nowadays, China is the main producing base of adaptors across the
world. The brands of wall switches and sockets in China’s market are nationally leading as well as
internationally famous. In the field of lighting, China has become the workshop of the world with
products sold to around 220 countries and regions. In the field of new energy vehicles, China is the
world's largest producer and consumer. In general, traditional electric connection products such as
adaptors and digital accessories, as well as wall switches and sockets, LED lighting and electrical
lighting products, have entered a mature period of development, but the sub-categories, such as smart
ecosystem household products, and new energy products are in a growing period with increasing policy
     Products of electric connection, smart electrical lighting and new energy all have close connection
to people’s lives with no obvious characteristics of industry cycle and regions. Among them, some

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products of electric connection and smart electrical lighting have been affected by some factors
including cessation of business in major retail terminal end outlets (such as hardware stores, specialized
markets and so on) and the reduction of housing fixtures during the Spring Festival. Therefore, the first
quarter always has the fewer sales volume all over the year.
     2. The Company’s position in the industry
     The Company concentrates on the civil electric industry and always upholds the business
philosophy of “Be Professional and Concentrated, and Go Further”. Since its establishment in 1995,
the Company has gradually formed three main businesses: electric connection, smart electrical lighting
and new energy. Relying on excellent product quality and sound word of mouth, the reputation of the
Bull brand has increased constantly and its sales volume has always been leading. During the Reporting
Period, the Company ranked 70th on the 2022 Hurun Brand List China's Top 300 Brands by Brand
Value, becoming the first civil electric manufacturer to establish a partnership with the aerospace sector
in China, and winning the "China Brand Annual Award for Wall Switches and Sockets NO.1" by the
World Brand Lab. The Company was recognised as a "2022 National Intellectual Property
Demonstration Enterprise" by the China National Intellectual Property Administration, named "2022
Pilot Demonstration of Integration of New Generation Information Technology and Manufacturing
Industry" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and awarded the honours of Top 100
Manufacturing Enterprises of Zhejiang Province and Top 100 Fastest Growing Enterprises in Zhejiang
     According to the data provided by Info Master, in 2022, the Company’s products such as adaptors
and wall switches and sockets had the No. 1 online sales volume in Tmall market. In June 2021, the
Company successively launched new products such as new energy vehicle charging plugs and charging
points for e-commerce platforms, with the sales volume in a leading position among third-party brands.

III Principal Operations of the Company during the Reporting Period
     1. Principal operations
     During the Reporting Period, the Company focused on the three major businesses of electric
connection, smart electrical lighting and new energy towards its strategic objectives. The primary
products of electric connection are adaptors (power strips), digital accessories, etc. The products of
smart electrical lighting mainly include wall switches and sockets, LED lights (smart no-main-lamps),
safe circuit breakers, smart bathroom heaters, smart door locks, smart clothes drying racks, smart curtain
machines and so on. The products of new energy mainly include new energy vehicle charging
points/plugs, outdoor portable chargers, etc.

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            Electric Connection             Smart Electrical Lighting                  New Energy

     The Company adheres to the vision of “Becoming a Leader in the International Civil Electric
Industry”, the mission of “providing safe and comfortable electricity experience for customers” and the
development philosophy of “be professional, concentrated and go further”. Since its establishment in
1995, the Company has always adhered to the guidance of consumer demand and the base of product
quality. The Company started to from the segmentation of power strips, constantly promoting the
innovation of functions, technology and design, and developing batches of new products popular among
consumers. Focusing on innovation, the Company has the comprehensive advantages of product R&D,
marketing, supply chain and branding. After years of developing and expanding, the Company has
formed three major business segments: electric connection, smart electrical lighting and new energy.
Besides, it has also formed sustainable business layout in the fields of civil electrical industry and
     2. Business models
     (1) Procurement model: The procurement business of the Company mainly includes the
procurement of operating supplies including copper, silver, aluminum, tin, plastic granule, paper pulp,
etc., and the procurement of non-operating supplies such as IT materials, administrative supplies and so
on. The Company has established a procurement strategy with quality as the core. It has selected the
main supplier through the mechanism of strict supplier entrance and regular examination and inspection.
Besides, the Company established strategic cooperating relationships with the main suppliers to ensure
the quality and delivery. The Company has set up a procurement sharing platform with professional
personnel at the group level. It improves the ability of negotiating prices and debasing procurement costs
through central procurement. Furthermore, the Company has optimized and improved the suppliers
management system, ERP system, manufacturing and storage system, etc. Meanwhile, it has improved
the management of procurement and constantly improved the procurement efficiency.
     The Company has performed central procurement of bulk raw materials such as copper, silver,
aluminum, tin, plastic granules, paper pulp and so on. In addition, the Company has locked the trading

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price through ways such as forward hedging to reduce the uncertain risk brought by the price fluctuation
in spot market of raw materials.
     (2) Production model: The Company has adopted the manufacturing model of “Market Forecast +
Safe Inventory”. Products are mainly self-made. Some new products and supporting products have been
made by adopting the OEM manufacturing mode. Every factory is responsible for the production of
corresponding products and parts. They have ensured product quality, efficient management and on-time
delivery at the same time. Meanwhile, the Company has constantly promoted the innovation of
manufacturing model. By building a balanced production and sales system, continuously improving lean,
automated and intelligent levels, and insisting on technical process innovation, the Company has
gradually enhanced its "order-driven" flexible production model while ensuring product quality and
reducing inventory slow moving losses.
     (3) Sales model: The Company has established online and offline integrated sales model through
omnichannel. The offline sales model is mainly based on distribution and partially based on direct
selling. The Company has promoted the innovative offline sales mode of “distribution, delivery, visit
and sales” in the field of civil electrical appliances and implemented refined management of channels.
Through efficiently organizing and transferring dealer resources around the country, and long-term
accumulation, the Company has established distribution network with 1.1 million retail stores covering
national urban and rural areas. The online channel has covered the mainstream e-commerce platforms
through direct selling + distribution, with which we have made every effort to build the flagship stores
into a brand promotion window. The Company has actively implemented digital marketing to realize
“diversion outside the online channel and sales inside the channel” with the help of each traffic inlet.
Additionally, the Company has beefed up development and sales in the B-end channels of decoration
and engineering projects. Besides, it has actively explored overseas markets to speed up the global

IV Analysis on Core Competitiveness during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company has always adhered to the core values of “Honest, Faithful, Professional and
Concentrated”. It has gradually established strong and comprehensive competitive edges through
continual and comprehensive innovation and reform in product development, quality control, channel
development, marketing and supply chain construction. During the Reporting Period, the Company’s
core edges were continuously strengthened.
     (I) The Company has established an edge of innovative product development based on
consumer demand, enabling constant product launches.
     For long, the Company has attached great importance to research on consumer demand and the
innovation of product planning and research. It has always viewed the promotion of consumer
experience as the primary goal in product research. The Company has established an integrated
innovation system and teams of forward research, product planning and research. It has created and

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applied all kinds of new technologies, materials and crafts. Through the constant superposition of micro
innovation, the Company has promoted a batch of products of electric connection, smart electrical
lighting and new energy with new and different characteristics in the aspects of design, performance,
technology and function, which are popular among consumers. For years, the Company has participated
in drafting 118 national standards, industry standards and association standards. It is the vice chairman
unit of the Electrical Accessories and Household Controller Branch of the China Electrical Equipment
Industry Association. It is also the vice chairman unit of the National Technical Committee for
Standardization of Electrical Accessories. What’s more, it is the first electrical enterprise in the industry
to draft the “Made in Zhejiang” standard and attain certification.
     As of the end of December 2022, the Company holds 2,379 valid patents, of which 565 were
granted during the Reporting Period. Meanwhile, the Company is a national industrial design center
approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. It
is also a unit of national postdoctoral workstation.
     (II) The Company has always adhered to the philosophy of winning through high quality and
put in place an efficient quality control system.
     Since its founding, the Company has aimed to manufacture high-quality products. The idea of
winning through high quality has gained support among all in the Company. The Company has
established a good brand image and reputation on the market with reliable product quality.
     In the aspects of selecting raw materials, procurement, research and production process control,
product testing and after-sales service, the Company has established a comprehensive and perfect quality
management system of product planning -- product design -- procurement -- production in batch quantity
-- post-sale strictly in line with the national standards, related laws and regulations, and enterprise
standards. In order to ensure the highly efficient operation of the quality management system, the
Company has been equipped with more than 900 professional personnel in quality management,
experiment testing, analysis and quality control. It has also had more than 7,000 sets of testing
equipment for experiment and production line automation, and established 10 high-standard laboratories
for R&D, development and quality testing in the industry. The related laboratories have acquired CNAS
National Laboratory Certification, UL WTDP Laboratory Certification and other product certificates
such as CCC, VDE, UL, NF, CE, and so on. It assures solid resources for management and control of
product quality.
     With long-term accumulation, the Company has formed an efficient and systematic quality
management and control system. It has achieved the management system certification of IS09001,
ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. Besides, it has been successively awarded 20 prizes related to quality
such as “National Qualified Products of Stable Quality”, “Products with Reliable Quality”,
“Demonstration Enterprise of Export Quality and Safety in China”, “Famous Brand Products in
Zhejiang” and “Ningbo Mayor Quality Award”.
     (III) The Company always adapts itself to market changes. Supported by the offline
marketing network of more than 1.1 million outlets covering urban and rural areas, as well as a

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professional online marketing network, the Company has established a marketing system
featuring coordinative online and offline channels in the civil electrical industry.
        The Company has implemented an innovative offline sales model featuring “distribution, delivery,
visit and sales” in the civil electrical industry. In China, it has already developed more than 750,000
hardware channel retailers (including hardware stores, grocery stores, office supplies stores,
supermarkets and so on), more than 120,000 specialized decoration and lamp decoration retailers, and
more than 250,000 digital accessories channel retailers. These channels have expanded the selling points
to stores, large market places, professional markets in urban and rural areas, forming an offline
marketing network hard to be duplicated. At the same time, the Company has established a professional
e-commerce direct selling operational team and an online distributor system with strong ability.
Nowadays, the Company has comprehensively entered the leading e-commerce platforms such as Tmall,
Taobao, JD.com, Vipshop, Pinduoduo, and so on. It has dozens of authorized online distributors. On the
basis of maintaining the sales on traditional e-commerce platforms, the Company also worked on hobby
and content-oriented e-commerce channels to strengthen its brand presence while driving sales.
According to the data provided by Info Master, in 2022, the Company’s products of adaptors and wall
switches and sockets continued to maintain the first place in the Tmall online market share and
continued to consolidate the leading position, while the market share of new energy and other categories
grew steadily and made new breakthroughs.
        The high quality coordinated development between offline and online channels has helped the
Company establish a comprehensive, multilevel and stereoscopic marketing network, which is the
advantage of the Company to maintain sustainable development and competitiveness in the industry.
Simultaneously, the Company has always adhered to the refined management of channels for years,
developing established systems in the aspects of development, management, operation, and so on. It has
had the advantage of exploring new channels.
        (IV) The Company has put in place an integrated branding model with selling point
promotion as the core, making “Bull” a household name.
        The Company has adhered to the branding model with selling point promotion as the core. Over the
past 20 years, the Company has made constant efforts to support the distributors to put the Bull brand in
retail stores and put advertising resources such as display inside and outside the stores, in so doing the
Bull brand has been disseminated to cities, towns and counties. It has formed a simple, efficient and
unique branding model. With an increasingly strong presence, Bull has become a household name.
Meanwhile, the Company has constantly enriched the brand connotation and improved the brand’s
penetration and loyalty among different consumers with the help of diversified, intelligent and young
new products and the Internet new media promotion.
        (V)   The Company boasts a supply chain system featuring advanced manufacturing
technologies and automation, helping it stay competitive with respect to quality, efficiency and

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     The Company has regarded manufacturing technology as the important carrier of core
competitiveness in the supply chain. It has been equipped with a professional mold factory. The factory
has designed, developed and manufactured all kinds of high-precision mold for the Company’s
diversified products by adopting high-precision tolerance grade technology, advanced automatic pouring
technology and 3D print technology. At the same time, the factory has adopted manipulator technology
and post processing free technology to achieve automation of injection molding production and molding
integration as well as to greatly improve the product quality, production efficiency and production
innovation. At the same time, the Company has established a dust free electronic factory which has
adopted 3D image analysis technology and phase shifting AOI technology. The factory has also been
equipped with an independently developed four-axis manipulator. It has ensured the quality of PCBA
board products through image comparison after firing, greatly supporting the Company’s manufacturing
of digital accessories, lighting and smart products.
     The Company has constantly improved the fine, automatic and smart manufacturing level and
established an industrial automatic team of integrated research, design and manufacturing. The
independent development and design, and the assembly application capability of automatic devices and
smart assembly devices have constantly improved. The flexible production mode of “man-machine
integration” has been promoted rapidly. With the help of a leading automatic stereoscopic warehouse
and smart sorting shipment system, the Company has achieved the mechanization and automation of
warehouse work, which greatly improves the speed of distribution and delivery, and the customer
response ability. The automatic stereoscopic warehouse has efficiently connected the front-end
automatic production. The smart manufacturing system for the whole process of feedstock -- production
-- storage -- shipment has been established, providing solid support for the sustainable development of
the Company’s business.
     (VI) The Company has established the Bull Business System (BBS) with innovation and
growth as the core, driving growth and breakthroughs to create a stream of business growth
     The Company has continuously summarized, refined, iterated, and built the unique Bull Business
System (BBS) by importing and extracting the essence of advanced management modes at home and
abroad, and combining it with its own experience. It has also established a whole value chain of R&D,
manufacturing and marketing with value creation as the core, innovation increase as the key point and
cost reduction, efficiency increase as the base. Gongniu BBS takes “empowering everyone and every
business of Gongniu in pursuit of faster, higher and further growth” as the mission. It has constantly
strengthened the system development and promoted the ability internalization. Focusing on the
Company’s strategic goal, Gongniu has fully used the BBS instrumental methodology mode (such as 3P
quick self-manufacturing, BPD development of popular products, fine marketing and so on). Gongniu
BBS has driven the Company to constantly make breakthrough to promote the development of new
business, and facilitate the cost reduction and efficiency increase of the traditional business, and the

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innovation development. It has also promoted the achievement of high performance objectives, creating
a stream of business growth points for the Company.

V Major Operations during the Reporting Period
   For the Reporting Period, operating revenue increased 13.70% year on year to RMB14.081 billion
and the net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders amounted to RMB3.189 billion, up 14.68%
from the previous year.

(I) Analysis of Principal Operations
1. Changes in consolidated income statement and cash flow statement items
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
Item                                        2022                     2021                Change (%)
Operating revenue                       14,081,373,030.94       12,384,916,337.51                 13.70
Cost of sales                            8,730,082,585.08        7,808,540,666.84                 11.80
Selling expense                            800,387,659.41          560,187,002.80                 42.88
Administrative expense                     500,596,373.88          427,615,556.97                 17.07
Finance costs                              588,296,080.11          471,015,016.82                 24.90
R&D expense                               -107,993,300.96          -87,842,281.32        Not applicable
Net cash generated from/used in
                                         3,057,914,218.16        3,014,326,741.14                   1.45
operating activities
Net cash generated from/used in
                                         -1,746,083,657.48      -1,588,987,931.15         Not applicable
investing activities
Net cash generated from/used in
                                         -1,945,455,689.54        -700,808,446.71         Not applicable
financing activities

The change in operating revenue was primarily driven by the steady growth in the traditional core
business and the fast growth in new businesses in the year.
The change in cost of sales was primarily driven by the increased costs along with the increased revenue.
The change in selling expense was primarily driven by the increased advertising and marketing
The change in administrative expense was primarily driven by the increased employee salaries and
equity incentive expenditures.
The change in R&D expense was primarily driven by the increased R&D investments.
The change in finance costs was primarily driven by the increased interest income from bank deposits in
the year.
The change in net cash generated from/used in operating activities was primarily driven by the decreased
material procurement costs and inventories.
The change in net cash generated from/used in investing activities was primarily driven by the increased
purchases of financial products in the year.
The change in net cash generated from/used in financing activities was primarily driven by the decreased
bank borrowings in the year.

Particulars about any significant change to the Company’s business nature, profit composition or sources
in the current period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Revenue and cost analysis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     In 2022, the Company continued to implement individualized innovation in electricity scenarios
and develop products based on customer demands for its electric connection business, and the business
saw steady growth as a result. For the smart electrical lighting business, the Company actively expanded
new product categories and accelerated the construction of a smart home ecosystem with no-main-lamp
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lighting as the core, which resulted in rapid growth in the business. And the new energy business
enriched the product portfolio to meet the needs of different customers and saw smooth channel
expansion, achieving a good start.

(1) Principal operations by operating division, product category, operating segment and sales
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                       Principal operations by operating division
                                                                          Gross                    YoY
                                                                                         in                   YoY change
    Operating                                                             profit                  change
                       Operating revenue          Cost of sales                       operati                in gross profit
      division                                                            margin                 in cost of
                                                                                         ng                   margin (%)
                                                                           (%)                   sales (%)
                                                                                       e (%)
                                                                                                             Up by 1.12
Civil electrical
                        14,052,771,512.23         8,716,930,704.54           37.97      13.91        11.89 percentage
                                        Principal operations by product category
                                                                          Gross                    YoY
                                                                                         in                   YoY change
    Operating                                                             profit                  change
                       Operating revenue          Cost of sales                       operati                in gross profit
      division                                                            margin                 in cost of
                                                                                         ng                   margin (%)
                                                                           (%)                   sales (%)
                                                                                       e (%)
Electric                                                                                                     Up by 1.61
connection               7,050,721,172.38         4,636,164,967.40           34.25        4.22        1.73 percentage
products                                                                                                     points
                                                                                                             Down by 0.09
Smart electrical
                         6,849,336,470.12         3,977,436,921.39           41.93      23.39        23.59 percentage
lighting products
                                                                                                             Up by 4.93
New energy
                           152,713,869.73           103,328,815.75           32.34 638.62           588.48 percentage
                                       Principal operations by operating segment
                                                                          Gross                    YoY
                                                                                         in                   YoY change
    Operating                                                             profit                  change
                       Operating revenue          Cost of sales                       operati                in gross profit
      division                                                            margin                 in cost of
                                                                                         ng                   margin (%)
                                                                           (%)                   sales (%)
                                                                                       e (%)
                                                                                                             Up by 0.96
Domestic                13,791,305,035.94         8,486,294,382.03           38.47      14.36        12.60 percentage
                                                                                                             Up by 3.43
Overseas                   261,466,476.29           230,636,322.51           11.79       -5.78       -9.31 percentage
      As the product categories were adjusted in the current year, the financial data of the prior year were
adjusted accordingly based on the new categories.
      1) Electric connection products include adaptors, electrical tape, wire coil, couplers, digital
accessories, etc.

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     2) Smart electrical lighting products include wall switches and sockets, LED lighting, circuit
breaker, bathroom heaters, smart door locks, smart clothes drying racks, smart curtain machines and
other smart ecosystem products.
     3) New energy products include new energy vehicle charging plugs/points, portable energy storage
products, etc.

The performance of the Company’s principal operations by operating division, product category,
operating segment and sales model:
     1) For electric connection products, the revenue amounted to RMB7,051 million, up 4.22% year on
year, while the cost of sales stood at RMB4,636 million, up 1.73% year on year. Supported by the brand
advantage and the hardware channel advantage, the electric connection business, as the Company's core
business, maintained a steady growth.
     2) For smart electrical lighting products, the revenue amounted to RMB6,849 million, up 23.39%
year on year, while the cost of sales stood at RMB3,977 million, up 23.59% year on year. In this
business, the Company accelerated the development of new business and decoration channels were
expanded during the Reporting Period, achieving strong growth in all operations.
     3) For new energy products, the revenue amounted to RMB153 million, up 638.62% year on year,
while the cost of sales stood at RMB103 million, up 588.48% year on year. The new energy business
enriched the product portfolio and focused on building a new offline sales channel system during the
Reporting Period, achieving a good start.

(2) Output and unit sales analysis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                       YoY            YoY
 Primary                                                                             change in      change in
                 Unit         Output      Unit sales    Inventory     change in
 products                                                                            unit sales     inventory
                                                                      output (%)
                                                                                        (%)            (%)
connecting                    56,973.48    56,418.53     3,852.52            -1.24          -0.71        4.17
lighting                      80,362.34    74,716.25     6,042.97            12.19       11.62         -22.51
energy                           25.65         23.90          4.96          228.73      435.63          19.04

     As the product categories were adjusted in the current year, the financial data of the prior year were
 adjusted accordingly based on the new categories.
     1) The inventory of electric connection products increased steadily in the current period compared
 with last year.
     2) The inventory of electrical lighting products showed a substantial decrease compared with last
 year, mainly due to the strong sales in Q4.
     3) The inventory of new energy products showed a significant increase compared with last year,
 mainly due to the strategic re-stocking due to strong sales this year.

(3) Execution of significant purchase or sales contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(4) Cost analysis
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                           By operating division
Operating                                          As %                              As %     Change
              Cost category            2022                          2021                               Note
 division                                            of                               of        in

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                                                       total                       total   amount
                                                       costs                       costs    (%)
                                                         in                          in
                                                       2022                        2021
                                                        (%)                         (%)
                                  6,975,115,126.99     79.90    6,440,815,836.35   82.48     8.30
             Direct labor
electrical                         597,581,598.69       6.85      494,515,730.18    6.33    20.84
                                  1,144,233,978.87     13.11      855,431,187.95   10.96    33.76
     The cost of direct materials as a percentage of total costs decreased year on year, primarily driven
by the falling prices of bulk materials in the current period.
     The manufacturing expense increased year on year, primarily driven by the increased costs as a
result of the stronger sales in the current period.

(5) Changes to the consolidation scope due to changed ownership in principal subsidiaries in the
Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to “VIII Changes in Consolidation Scope” in “Part X Financial

(6) Significant changes to the business scope or product or service range in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(7) Major customers and suppliers
A. Major customers
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Sales to the top five customers stood at RMB1,808.4866 million, accounting for 12.84% of the total
annual sales. Sales to the related-parties among the top five customers stood at RMB0, accounting for
0% of the total annual sales.

Indicate whether sales to a single customer accounted for over 50% of the total sales, there was any new
customer in the top five customers, or the Company heavily relied on a few number of customers in the
Reporting Period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

B. Major suppliers
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Purchases from the top five suppliers stood at RMB2,101.8552 million, accounting for 22.14% of the
total annual purchases. Purchases from the related-parties among the top five suppliers stood at RMB0,
accounting for 0% of the total annual purchases.

Indicate whether purchases from a single supplier accounted for over 50% of the total purchases, there
was any new supplier in the top five suppliers, or the Company heavily relied on a few number of
suppliers in the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expense
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
Item                        2022                   2021             Amount of change        Change
Selling expense          800,387,659.41         560,187,002.80        240,200,656.61            42.88%
Administrative           500,596,373.88         427,615,556.97         72,980,816.91            17.07%
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R&D expense              588,296,080.11       471,015,016.82       117,281,063.29               24.90%
Finance costs           -107,993,300.96        -87,842,281.32       -20,151,019.64       Not applicable
(1) Selling expense increased primarily driven by the increased advertising and marketing expenses.
(2) Administrative expense increased primarily driven by the increased employee salaries and equity
incentive expenditures.
(3) R&D expense increased primarily driven by the increased R&D investments.
(4) Finance costs decreased primarily driven by the increased interest income from bank deposits in the

4. R&D investments
(1) R&D investments
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
Expensed R&D investments in the current
Capitalized R&D investments in the
current period
Total R&D investments                                                                  588,296,080.11
Total R&D investments as % of operating
Capitalized R&D investments as % of
total R&D investments

 (2) R&D personnel
 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
Number of R&D personnel                                                                      1,400
R&D personnel as % of total employees                                                        11.34
                                 Educational background of R&D personnel
Educational background                                                   Number of employees
Doctoral degree                                                                                  0
Master’s degree                                                                                69
Bachelor’s degree                                                                             787
Junior colleges                                                                                465
Senior high school and below                                                                    79
                                     Age structure of R&D personnel
Age                                                                      Number of employees
Below 30 (exclusive)                                                                           319
30-40 (inclusive of 30 and exclusive of 40)                                                    817
40-50 (inclusive of 40 and exclusive of 50)                                                    245
50-60(inclusive of 50 and exclusive of 60)                                                      19
60 and beyond                                                                                    0

(3) Other information
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company, as a national industrial design center and a national postdoctoral workstation, has
always attached importance to product development and technological innovation. By establishing a
leading scientific research innovation platform and innovating mechanism, the Company focuses on the
research of industry basic and key common technologies to continuously improve product development
and technological innovation capability. Meanwhile, with great emphasis on cultivation and introduction
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     of talents of R&D and product planning as well as adhering to market demand-oriented principle, the
     Company continues to strengthen the insight and research on the potential consumer demands and
     scenario-based requirements, constantly expands the areas by launching products that meet consumer
     demands to lead the industry development. In addition, the Company continues reinforcing the
     construction of the standardization system and the strategic layout of intellectual property rights, and
     constantly promotes open innovation to set an excellent example with respect to innovation capability.

     (4) Reasons for any significant change to the composition of R&D personnel and the impact on the
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

     5. Cash flows
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
        Item                    2022                       2021              Amount of change             Change
Net cash generated
from/used in                 3,057,914,218.16        3,014,326,741.14               43,587,477.02              1.45%
operating activities
Net cash generated
from/used in                -1,746,083,657.48        -1,588,987,931.15             -157,095,726.33     Not applicable
investing activities
Net cash generated
from/used in                -1,945,455,689.54          -700,808,446.71         -1,244,647,242.83        Not applicable
financing activities

     (1) Net cash generated from operating activities increased primarily driven by the decreased material
     procurement costs and inventories.
     (2) Net cash generated from investing activities decreased primarily driven by the increased purchases of
     financial products in the year.
     (3) Net cash generated from financing activities decreased primarily driven by the decreased bank
     borrowings in the year.

     (II) Significant changes in profit incurred by non-core business
     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

     (III) Analysis of assets and liabilities
     √ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Assets and Liabilities
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                As % of                             As % of
                                                closing                             opening
           Item           Closing amount          total     Opening amount            total                   Note
                                                 assets                              assets
                                                  (%)                                 (%)
                                 643,100.00        0.00            3,613,050.00         0.02         -82.20
     financial assets
                                        0.00           -              750,723.35        0.00     -100.00
     Prepayments              49,635,694.61        0.30           29,140,223.00         0.19         70.33
                              71,887,692.32        0.43          195,924,505.99         1.27         -63.31
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Other current
                       363,825,426.89         2.19     1,126,520,898.44        7.28       -67.70
Construction in
                       611,457,850.54         3.67         198,364,136.97      1.28       208.25
Goodwill                45,133,442.04         0.27                                 -
                       845,374,749.03         5.08         500,430,555.55      3.23        68.93
financial               18,200,000.00         0.11                                 -
Notes payable                                    -           2,333,774.75      0.02      -100.00
Taxes and levies
                       300,308,365.64         1.80         533,077,969.51      3.45       -43.67
Current portion
of non-current            8,798,658.13        0.05         673,911,937.53      4.36       -98.69
Deferred                                                                                     Not
                        53,820,328.00         0.32                                 -
income                                                                                 applicable
Treasury shares        129,612,354.00         0.78          80,711,540.00      0.52        60.59
comprehensive             4,389,526.95        0.03           7,537,390.37      0.05       -41.76
Minority                                                                                     Not
                        16,498,466.95         0.10                                 -
interests                                                                              applicable

Other notes:
Derivative financial assets decreased primarily driven by the decreased carrying closing amount of
floating income of hedges.
Notes receivable decreased primarily driven by the decreased closing balance of trade acceptance notes
Prepayments increased primarily driven by the increased advance payments to suppliers.
Other receivables decreased primarily driven by the decreased closing balance of security deposit
Other current assets decreased primarily driven by the decreased closing balance of structured deposits
Construction in progress increased primarily driven by the increased investments in infrastructure and
equipment of the raised funds investment projects.
Goodwill increased primarily driven by the goodwill arising from the acquisition of Dalitek.
Short-term borrowings increased primarily driven by additional short-term bank loan in the period.
Held-for-trading financial liabilities increased primarily driven by the unpaid investment amount for the
acquisition of Dalitek.
Notes payable decreased primarily driven by the decreased bank acceptance notes payable.
Taxes and levies payable decreased primarily driven by the substantial tax and levy deferral last year.
Current portion of non-current liabilities decreased primarily driven by the decreased current portion of
long-term borrowings.
Deferred income increased primarily driven by the increased special government subsidies.
Treasury shares increased primarily driven by the increased equity incentives.
Other comprehensive income decreased primarily driven by the decreased net gain (exclusive of tax)
recognized on futures contracts for hedging purposes.
Minority interests increased primarily driven by the inclusion of Dalitek in the consolidated financial
statements in the current period.

2. Overseas assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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3. Major restricted assets as at the period-end
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to “81. Assets with restricted ownership or right to use” under “VII Notes
to the Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial Statements”.

4. Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Industry environment analysis
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to “(I) Industry landscape and trends” under “VI Outlook Discussion and
Analysis” of Part III Management Discussion and Analysis”.

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(V) Investments made
Equity investments in other entities
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

1. Significant equity investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Significant non-equity investments
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, please refer to “(2) Changes in significant constructions in progress in the current period” under “22. Construction in progress” in “VII Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial Statements”.

3. Financial assets measured at fair value
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
For details, please refer to “XI Items Measured at Fair Value” in “Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information”.

Securities investments:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Investments in private equity funds:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Derivatives investments:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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            4. Progress on any major asset restructuring in the Reporting Period
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

            (VI) Sale of significant assets and equity investments
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

            (VII) Principal subsidiaries
            √ Applicable □ Not applicable
            1. Principal subsidiaries
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB’0,000
name of                                                                                         Operating
                       Principal activities              red        Total assets   Net assets                 Net profit
subsidiar                                                                                        revenue
             Household appliances manufacturing;
             manufacturing of mechanical and
             electrical equipment; manufacturing
             of distribution switch control
             equipment; lighting apparatus
             manufacturing; general
             merchandising of hardware products;
             electrical materials manufacturing;
             manufacturing of electronic
             components and electromechanical
             components and equipment;
             manufacturing of intelligent home
             consumption equipment;
             communication equipment
             manufacturing; network equipment
             manufacturing; IoT equipment
             manufacturing; technical services,        10,000        477,118.57    168,090.09   446,008.40    144,878.09
             technical development, technical
Co., Ltd.
             consulting, technical communication,
             technical transfer, and technical
             promotion (business activities shall
             be conducted independently in
             accordance with laws with the
             business license, except the items that
             require approval in accordance with
             laws). Items permitted: Import and
             export of products; and import and
             export of technologies (business
             activities that require approval in
             accordance with laws shall be subject
             to the approval by relevant
             authorities. Specific business items
             are indicated on the approval results).
             Manufacturing, processing and sales
             of mold, plastic products, hardware
n                                                      10,000         53,375.22     19,614.63   230,303.32      4,648.98
             accessories, and electronic
Co., Ltd.
Ningbo       General merchandising, retailing and      10,000        223,545.26     21,670.47   1,328,447.7    62,555.96

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Gongniu      online sales of electrical materials,                                                    9
Electric     electronic products, hardware
Sales        products, household appliances,
Co., Ltd.    communication apparatus, lamps, and
             articles of everyday use; import and
             export businesses of self-owned and
             commissioned goods and
             technologies (excluding those limited
             or prohibited by state laws and
             regulations). (business activities that
             require approval in accordance with
             laws shall be subject to the approval
             by relevant authorities)

            2. New subsidiaries
                                                                                                Unit: RMB’0,000
Full name                                                                                                Net profit in
                                                                 How it was     Registered   Closing net
    of                       Principal activities                                                        the current
                                                                  obtained       capital       assets
subsidiary                                                                                                  period
                General operations: Technical services,
                technical development, technical consulting,
                technical communication, technical transfer,
                and technical promotion; software
                development; information consultant
                services(excluding the information
                consultant services requiring any license);
                sales of household appliances; sales of
                mechanical and electrical equipment; sales of
                power distribution switch control equipment;
Shanghai        wholesale of hardware products; sales of
Gongniu         electrical equipment; sales of electrical
Information     accessories; sales of electronic components      Incorporated    10,000.00                     829.23
Technology      and electromechanical component
Co., Ltd.       equipment; sales of electronic products; sales
                of plastic products; sales of lighting
                apparatus; sales of lamps; non-residential
                real estate leasing; sales of charging points;
                sales of intelligent vehicle-mounted
                equipment; sales of electric accessories for
                new energy vehicles (business activities shall
                be conducted independently in accordance
                with laws with the business license, except
                the items that require approval in accordance
                with laws).
                General operations: Technical services,
                technical development, technical consulting,
                technical communication, technical transfer,
                and technical promotion; sales of wind and
Ningbo          power tools; sales of electronic products;
Gongniu         sales of electrical equipment; wholesale of
Tool            hardware products; sales of mechanical and       Incorporated     4,800.00          0.00         0.00
Technology      electrical equipment; sales of communication
Co., Ltd.       equipment; sales of lamps; sales of general
                merchandise; sales of daily necessities
                (business activities shall be conducted
                independently in accordance with laws with
                the business license, except the items that
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                                                     Annual Report 2022

              require approval in accordance with laws).
              General operations: Engineering and
              technological research and experimental
              development; technical services, technical
              development, technical consulting, technical
              communication, technical transfer, and
              technical promotion; manufacturing of new
              energy primary-power equipment;
              manufacturing of power transmission and
              distribution and control equipment;
              manufacturing of power and electronic
              components; operations of electric vehicle
              charging infrastructure; sales of intelligent
              power transmission and distribution and
              control equipment; sales of charging points;     Incorporated   1,000.00    56.36    -3.64
              centralised fast charging station; information
              consultant services(excluding the
Co., Ltd.
              information consultant services requiring any
              license); sales of new energy vehicle power
              exchange facilities; sales of motor vehicle
              chargers; manufacturing of electronic
              components; installation services for
              household appliances; engineering
              management services (business activities
              shall be conducted independently in
              accordance with laws with the business
              license, except the items that require
              approval in accordance with laws).
              General operations: Software development;
              information technology consulting services;
              manufacturing of lighting apparatus;
              manufacturing of distribution switch control
              equipment; manufacturing of electrical
              equipment; manufacturing of hardware
              products; manufacturing of household
Intelligent                                                    Incorporated   1,000.00    32.73   -94.45
              appliances; manufacturing of other electronic
              devices; manufacturing of plastic products;
Co., Ltd.
              manufacturing of electronic components
              (business activities shall be conducted
              independently in accordance with laws with
              the business license, except the items that
              require approval in accordance with laws).
              General operations: Manufacturing of
              lighting apparatus; sales of lighting
              apparatus; manufacturing of special
              equipment for the production of lighting
              apparatus; manufacturing of distribution
Guangdong     switch control equipment; manufacturing of
Murora        electronic components; manufacturing of
Intelligent   special electronic equipment; manufacturing      Incorporated   1,000.00   543.49   424.28
Lighting      of hardware products; manufacturing of
Co., Ltd.     household appliances; information
              technology consulting services;
              manufacturing of intelligent household
              consumption equipment (business activities
              shall be conducted independently in
              accordance with laws with the business
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                                                       Annual Report 2022

              license, except the items that require
              approval in accordance with laws).
              General operations: Wholesale of hardware
              products; sales of electrical accessories; sales
              of household appliances; sales of
              communication equipment; sales of
              electronic products; sales of daily necessities;
              sales of special equipment for lighting
              apparatus production; sales of mechanical
              and electrical equipment; sales of lighting
Ningbo        apparatus; sales of general merchandise;
Gongniu       sales of lamps; sales of wind and power
                                                                 Incorporated   1,000.00           0.00              0.00
Marketing     tools; sales of metal tools; wholesale of
Co., Ltd.     electronic components; sales of plastic
              products; sales of motor vehicle chargers;
              sales of charging points; sales of household
              goods; installation services for household
              appliances (business activities shall be
              conducted independently in accordance with
              laws with the business license, except the
              items that require approval in accordance
              with laws).
              Research and development, design,
              assembly, manufacturing and sales of
              intelligent electrical systems, lighting control
              systems and related ancillary equipment,
              development and design of software systems,
              design of intelligent lighting systems,
Dalitek       installation and maintenance of
Intelligent   self-produced products, import and export of
Technology    the above products and related technologies,                      1,500.00       5,499.49      -1,052.88
(Shanghai)    and provision of related consultancy and
Inc.          technical services (not related to the
              state-operated trade and management
              commodities; if it is related to the
              commodities under quota or license
              management, application must be filed
              according to the relevant national

         (VIII) Structured entities controlled by the Company
         □ Applicable √ Not applicable

         VI Discussion and Analysis on the Company’s Future Development
         (I) Industry landscape and trends
         √ Applicable □ Not applicable
               According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the national GDP grew by 3.0% year on year in
         2022; the national per capita disposable income reached RMB36,883 in 2022, up by 5.0% year on year;
         the national per capita consumption expenditure for the year was RMB24,538, up by 1.8% compared to
         the previous year; the urbanisation rate of the resident population was 65.22% at the end of the year, up
         by 0.50 percentage points compared to the end of the previous year. In 2022, the report of the 20th CPC
         National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference reaffirmed the status of real estate as a
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pillar industry of the national economy; real estate regulation and control policies focusing on
"preserving the delivery of buildings and stabilising people's livelihood" were one after another
introduced; policies emphasised strengthening the housing security system, strongly supporting rigid and
improved housing demand, and accelerating the renovation of old neighbourhoods and dilapidated
houses, thus fuelling the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry. We expect that the
steady growth of the national economy and the stable operation of the real estate industry will provide a
good environment for the sustainable and healthy development of the Company.
     The domestic lighting market size is more than RMB200 billion, but the industrial pattern is
scattered. In recent years, under the influence of complex changes in the social and economic
environment and rising bulk raw materials, small and medium-sized lighting enterprises are facing
greater pressure to survive, and the advantages of leading enterprises will be more prominent. With the
popularity of minimalist decoration style, as well as the rising concern of consumers for the home light
environment and light effect, both light quality and intelligent no-main-lamp lighting products are
emerging and enter gradually into the mass market and become a trend from the previous commercial
lighting and high-end home decoration field. At the same time, LED lighting technology innovation
drives the cost reduction so that LED light has the basic conditions to become mass consumer goods; on
this basis, the Company judges that no-main-lamp lighting will be expected to grow into an important
opportunity category in the lighting field. After incubation and cultivation, the Company's no-main-lamp
lighting business has started well and is in the process of rapidly building core capabilities. In the future,
the Company will continue to vigorously promote it to seize the minds of consumers, bring into play
the advantages of industrial synergy and achieve ground-breaking development.
     The smart home industry has undergone a transformation from single product to system and
interaction after the integration and evolution in recent years. With the increasing maturity of the
supply-side solutions and the gradual increase in consumer acceptance on the demand side, smart home
products are increasingly coming into homes and bringing convenient use experience. AVC monitoring
data suggest that in 2022, China's smart home overall (smart home system, smart switch, smart door lock)
refined decoration market size reaches 1,661,000 sets, of which the smart home system configuration
rate is 13.6%, up 4.0% year-on-year; smart switch configuration rate is 17.6%, up 2.7% year-on-year;
smart door lock configuration rate is 79.2%, up 5.1% year-on-year. The brand pattern of the smart home
industry has not yet been formed, and there is a huge market space behind the rapid development. As the
core of the smart home system, the lighting control system has obvious user interaction perception and
high usage frequency. The Company makes intelligent no-main-lamp lighting and self-developed control
system the entry point, takes into account smart door locks, smart curtain machines, smart clothes drying
racks and other eco-categories to build a front-loading smart ecology, which will be an important
development direction for the future smart electrical lighting business.
     In 2022, under the dual impacts of policy and market, the new energy vehicle industry continued to
grow explosively. According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2022, 7,058,000
new energy vehicles were produced and 6,887,000 were sales in China, up 96.9% and 93.4%

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year-on-year, and the market share on the sales side increased by 12.1 percentage points to 25.6%,
reaching ahead of schedule the goal that by 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles will reach about 20%
of the total sales of new vehicles in the New Energy Automobile Development Plan (2021-2035) issued
by the General Office of the State Council. With the continuous refinement and implementation of
policies such as the Implementation Opinions on Further Improving the Service Guarantee Capability of
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure by the National Development and Reform Commission and
other ten ministries, and the Notice on Organizing the Pilot Work of the Comprehensive Electrification
of Vehicles in the Public Sector by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other eight
ministries, China's new energy vehicles will enter an accelerated development stage in various
application areas. Following the trends of the industry and policy, the Company has quickly completed
the layout of new energy vehicle charging plugs and charging points for individual consumers and small
and medium-sized operators over the past two years, and our business development is now in good
shape. In the future, the Company will respond to market demand, accelerate product innovation and
technology reserves, proactively explore new business directions, meet the storage and charging needs
of more user groups in a wider variety of scenarios, and seize the historical opportunities of the
development of the new energy industry.

(II) Development strategies of the Company
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     With the vision of “Becoming a Leader in the International Civil Electric Industry”, the Company
will grasp the opportunities of the times brought by consumption upgrading, new energy and
internationalisation, focus on the three major businesses of electric connection, smart electrical lighting
and new energy, promote the upgrading of the Bull brand and the construction of the new Murora brand
in all aspects, accelerate the building of the core competitiveness of the new energy business, and
proactively explore the international market by providing consumers with better electrical products and
services across the world.

(III) Business plans
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      In order to achieve its operating goals in 2023, the Company will work on the following priorities:
     1. The electric connection business will continue to be rooted in the brand positioning of “Expert in
Safe Electricity Use” to provide consumers with a safe and comfortable electricity use experience.
     (1) Adaptors are the foundation of the Company. The Company will continue to study the market
and consumer trends in depth, carry out product innovation around the needs of segmented electricity
scenarios, launch more high-value products by focusing on scenario fit, smart upgrade and intelligent
power distribution, and promote product structure upgrade. On the basis of consolidating the advantages
of the original hardware channel, the Company will focus on developing the offline industrial decoration
market, and continue to enhance digital marketing in the e-commerce channel. In terms of supply chain,
the Company will pilot the "T+2" production and sales model reform, which is centred on customer

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demand, to strengthen delivery capacity, enhance business efficiency and improve operational indicators.
With regard to the brand, the Company will further consolidate the brand positioning of Bull as the
"Expert in Safe Electricity Use" in consumers' minds through a series of marketing and promotion.
     (2) In terms of digital accessories business, the Company adheres to the third-party boutique
strategy and complies with the mainstreaming and civilianisation trend of high-power devices. Bull
Digital will focus on the field of fast charging. Relying on good-looking black-technology chargers, fast
charging power strips and other product platforms, and "overcharge protection" + gallium nitride and
other technology accumulation, Gongniu Digital will innovate in products, strengthen the user
perception of "safe and fast charging". At the same time, the Company will explore the "exquisite
lifestyle" to meet consumers' needs for convenient power consumption in multiple scenarios.
     2. In terms of smart electrical lighting business, the Company will, based on the home improvement
consumer upgrading demand, accelerate the construction of the whole-house intelligent ecology with
no-main-lamp lighting as the core.
     (1) In terms of wall switches and sockets, the Company will, in the product side, uphold the
decorative line, grasp the intelligent, ultra-thin and other industry trends, and accelerate high-end,
intelligent product layout, so as to further enhance brand power and competitiveness through products
with a strong sense of design and high value, and lead consumption upgrade in the wall switch industry.
Regarding the channel side, the Company will continue to increase the marketing and promotion efforts
in the high-end market and lower markets, and comprehensively expand the market shares through
flagship shop construction, disadvantaged market support, expansion of installer project channel,
channel product planning, lean marketing and other measures. With respect to the supply chain, the
Company will promote the comprehensive transformation from automation to digitalisation, amplify the
productivity of the end-to-end process, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the supply
chain brought about by the synergy of research, production and marketing. In terms of brand, the
Company will, taking series of products as the carrier, further enhance the visibility and reputation of the
Bull brand in the wall switch and socket industry.
     (2) In terms of LED lighting and light source business, the Company will continue to lay out
product lines in outdoor, office, commercial chain and other segments, keep developing engineering
channels, and further explore the industrial and commercial basic light source market. As for lighting
business, the Company will continue to study the light needs of users in different scenarios such as
living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, differentiate product layout based on the
characteristics of user needs in different channels, integrate intelligence into modern and simple product
innovation and solution provision, and strengthen the construction of the "Eye-Caring" brand positioning
in the minds of consumers. Mobile lighting will continue to focus on users' reading and light-filling
needs in the home environment to further enhance the competitiveness of products in the professional
reading and writing field; safe eye-caring will be combined with convenient access to electricity and
other usage trends to continue to improve the use experience.

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     (3) In terms of no-main-lamp lighting business, the Company will focus on creating a high-quality,
low-cost and high-efficiency supply chain through whole value chain integration and innovation. It will
also enrich and perfect no-main-lamp lighting product lines, build a closed-loop system with
standardised and simple hardware and software to improve product user experience. On the basis of
accelerating the coordinated sales of no-main-lamps in existing decoration channels, the Company will
build a new intelligent no-main-lamp lighting brand "Murora" to quickly reach and seize consumers'
minds with independent channel system construction, professional and complete product lines, agile and
stable MOS light control system, and high investment in brand construction.
     (4) With respect to ecosystem-based products, Domestic Electrical Appliance will upgrade and
extend product categories through functional differentiation, intelligence and conceptual innovation, lead
the development of the industry based on creation of new categories and quality leadership with the
thinking of building trending products, and drive business growth relying on the upgrade of integrated
and exclusive decoration channels and the development of associated new channels through online and
offline synergy. Regarding circuit breaker business, the Company will take into account the
diversification of application scenarios and product technology specialisation, continue to enhance the
power of residential products for home decoration, and develop and improve factory engineering product
lines to further expand customer groups. For smart door lock business, the Company will focus on
security and technology, build a professional brand image, focus on improving the terminal sales of the
main sales channels, and accelerate the improvement of the service system and the building of capacity.
In terms of intelligent ecosystems, the Company will continue to focus on smart lighting, rely on the
cloud platform and local control technology starting with user needs, optimise the interactive experience
and accelerate the system layout, creating a more comfortable home electricity environment for
     3. As for new energy business, the Company will be in line with the trend of the times and
accelerate the layout of products and channel development for more customer groups and more use
     With respect to new energy vehicle charging plugs and points, customer-end products will move
from "complete" to "refined", further improving compatibility, stability and durability in extreme
environments to support brand positioning. In terms of business-side products, the Company will
continue to build core technical capabilities in the DC charging field to support remarkable growth of
operators' business, and provide high-quality, reliable and safe products for different user groups.
Regarding new energy channel, the Company will continue the construction of a nationwide distribution
channel network, improve the coverage of terminal outlets, focus on expanding customers such as
operators, establish a nationwide after-sales operation system to improve the quality and satisfaction of
after-sales service, build benchmark shops and establish the online competitive advantage of new energy
charging products relying on a complete e-commerce channel system. The Company will also continue
to integrate its vertical supply chain system and accelerate its self-research and self-production of key
core components and processes, such as power modules. As for charger products, the Company will

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continue to gain deep insight into consumer demand, enrich its technical reserves in the field of higher
capacity and power, and launch high-quality products suitable for more scenarios. Also, the Company
will accelerate its technological research and product layout in the field of energy systems to provide
consumers with more and better electricity products and services for the future household electricity
     4. The Company will proactively explore the implementation path of internationalisation strategy.
In response to the increasingly widespread application of new energy in homes, household transportation
and other fields in developed countries in Europe and the United States, as well as the trend of
consumption upgrading and the rise of the real estate industry in some emerging markets, the Company
will focus on promoting the overseas business expansion of new energy and electric connection products
through cross-border e-commerce and offline channels of its own brand.
     5. The Company will continuously improve its business management capabilities, further build a
full value chain empowerment system based on its strategic objectives, and consolidate the Company's
comprehensive competitive advantages in products, channels, brands and supply chains. The Company
will stimulate organisational vitality through innovation in organisational design and process mechanism
for the implementation of strategic objectives and future business development, and effectively integrate
quality resources such as human resources, technology research and development, and industrial supply
chain by relying on the headquarters laid out in the talent hub, so as to continuously enhance the
Company's business innovation and value creation capabilities.

(IV) Possible risks
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Risk associated with the sluggish macroeconomic growth
     Domestic and overseas political and economic environments are undergoing profound changes. The
main products of the Company are consumer goods widely used at home, office, and other places
needing electricity. The cyclical fluctuation of economy will directly influence the actual discretionary
income of consumers, consumers' income structure, and the consumer confidence index. Then,
consumers' demand for consumer goods including electric connection products and smart electrical
lighting products will be affected. If the growth rate of the domestic macroeconomy is sluggish or slides,
it will lead to a decrease in discretionary income and the power of consumption of residents. It will also
decrease consumers' demand and purchasing capacity for the Company's products. As a result, the
business development and the growth of results of the Company.
     2. Risk of intensified market competition
     The civil electrical industry demonstrates full market competition. There are not only many
domestic enterprises, but also some famous international brands. Meanwhile, adaptors, wall switches
and sockets, and other products, as the main controlled entrance of future smart home, also have
attracted many powerful new enterprises to join in the competition. In the future, the civil electrical and
lighting industry is expected to remain its relatively fierce competition. There are uncertainties in the

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changes of market competition. If the Company cannot adapt to the new competition situation, intensify
and expand its original competition advantages, it will face the risk of losing market shares.
     3. Risk of the new business development failing to reach expectation
     At the time of intensifying and expanding the original competition advantages, centering on the
scenarios of electric vehicle charging and home decoration, the Company developed new business such
as charging plugs/points, no main lamps, circuit breakers, bathroom heaters, smart door locks, smart
clothes drying racks, and smart curtain machines. However, considering uncertain factors including the
development trend, market competition, and changes of consumer preferences in relevant fields, the
possibility that the development of new businesses will fail to reach expectation cannot be excluded.
     4. Risk of the new channel development failing to reach expectation
     According to the differences and changes of consumers' purchasing habits, the Company continued
to improve the layout of channels. Regarding the B-end business with decoration companies as the core,
the overlap of the channels such as the vehicle after-markets for new energy charging plugs/points and
B-end operators and the existing competitive channels is relatively low. The possibility that the
development of new channels will fail to reach expectation cannot be excluded.
     5. Risk of fluctuations in main material prices
     The main materials that the Company needs for production are copper, plastic, assembly, hardware,
packaging materials, electronic parts, etc. There is certain relevance between the procurement prices of
raw materials and the prices of bulk commodities such as copper and plastic. The procurement prices of
raw materials have a relatively big impact on the cost of sales of the Company. If the procurement prices
of raw materials rise significantly or fluctuate sharply in the future, it will be harmful to the cost control
of the Company and then influence the Company's results.
     6. Risk of failing to recover a small amount of receivables
     There is a small amount of undue loans for some real estate enterprises in other receivables of the
Company. The Company has disclosed it in the periodic report and the bad debt provision has been
accrued with prudence. The possibility that such receivables will not be recovered cannot be excluded.

(V) Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Explanation of circumstances and reasons for non-disclosure by the company inconsideration
of inapplicable regulations, state secrets and commercial secrets.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                              Part IV Corporate Governance
I Overview of Corporate Governance
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     In accordance with the requirements of the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of
Corporate Governance for Listed Companies and other relevant national laws and regulations, and based
on the business development, the Company has established a governance structure consisting of the
General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the
Management, and formed a mechanism of mutual coordination and checks and balances among the
authority, decision-making body, supervisory body and the management to promote modern corporate
governance and system building.
     In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association, the Company
has formulated policies such as the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the
Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Committee, the
Work Policy for Independent Directors, the Working Rules for the Board Secretary, the Working Rules
for the General Manager (President), the Related-Party Transaction Management System, Foreign
Investment Management System and the External Guarantee Management System, and amended the
Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Rules of
Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Raised Funds Management Methods, the Information
Disclosure Management System, the Internal Reporting System Regarding Significant Information, the
Investor Relations Management System, and the Management System for Changes in Shareholdings of
Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management during the Reporting Period to comply with the latest
laws and regulations and further improve the management level.
     (I) General Meeting of Shareholders
     The General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company has clear duties and rules of procedure,
which are effectively implemented. The procedures for convening, holding and proposing the General
Meeting of Shareholders of the Company are in line with laws and regulations and the Company's
internal systems and other relevant regulations.
     (II) Directors and the Board of Directors
     The duties of the Board of Directors of the Company are clear and all directors are able to perform
their duties conscientiously and responsibly. The procedures for convening and holding the meeting of
the Board of Directors are in line with relevant laws, regulations and systems.
     During their tenure, all directors were diligent and attended the meeting of the Board of Directors
conscientiously and responsibly. They were familiar with the relevant laws and regulations, and able to
fully exercise and perform their rights, obligations and responsibilities as directors, safeguarding the
legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.
     In order to align with the Company’s development, the Audit Committee under the Board of
Directors was renamed the Audit and Risk Committee during the Reporting Period with more
responsibilities to accommodate the development of the Company and strengthen its risk prevention
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capability. Except for the Strategy Committee, all other specialized committees are chaired by
independent directors, who play an important role in the performance of major decision-making and
monitoring functions by the Board of Directors, making the Company's decision-making more efficient,
standardized and scientific.
     (III) Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee
     The duties of the Supervisory Committee of the Company are clear and all supervisors are able to
perform their duties conscientiously and responsibly. The procedures for convening and holding the
meeting of the Supervisory Committee are in line with relevant laws, regulations and systems.
     During the tenure, the Supervisors were diligent, actively attended the meetings of the Supervisory
Committee of the Company and performed their duties conscientiously. In line with the attitude of being
responsible to shareholders, they supervised the financial affairs of the Company as well as the legality
and compliance of the performance of duties by directors and senior management personnel of the
Company, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.
     In addition, the Company has established a relatively sound internal management and control
system, and has formulated relevant management systems in the areas of technology research and
development, procurement management, safe production, marketing management, quality control and
financial accounting. It conducted internal audit and supervision of the organization and management,
operating activities, financial revenues and expenditures and economic benefits of its subsidiaries, and
regularly inspected and evaluated the establishment and implementation of its internal control system to
ensure the effectiveness of internal control.

Indicate whether there was any material incompliance with the applicable laws and regulations, as well
as the CSRC’s requirements in corporate governance. If yes, please explain.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Specific Measures Taken by the Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller to Guarantee
the Asset, Personnel, Financial, Organizational and Business Independence of the Company, as
well as Solutions, Progress and Subsequent Plans when the Company’s Independence Is
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company is independent of its controlling shareholder in assets, personnel, finance,
organization, business, etc.

Indicate whether the controlling shareholder, the actual controller, or any entity under their control is
engaged in the same or similar business with the Company. Please explain the impact of horizontal
competition or any significant change to horizontal competition on the Company, solutions taken,
progress and subsequent plans.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III General Meetings of Shareholders
                         Index to disclosed           Disclosure
 Meeting      Date                                                               Resolutions
                            resolutions                  date
The First                                                            The Proposal on the Change of
Extraordi 12 January http://www.sse.co              13 January       Registered Capital and Amendment to
nary        2022         m.cn                       2022             the Articles of Association was
General                                                              approved.
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                                           Annual Report 2022

ers of
                                                                The Proposal on the Work Report of
                                                                the Board of Directors in 2021,
                                                                Proposal on the Work Report of the
                                                                Supervisory Committee in 2021,
                                                                Proposal on the Financial Final
                                                                Account Report of 2021, Proposal on
                                                                the Annual Report and its Summary for
                                                                2021, Proposal on the Profit
                                                                Distribution Plan for 2021, Proposal on
The 2021
                                                                the Renewal of the Annual Auditor for
                                                                2022, Proposal on the Use of Equity
            5 May         http://www.sse.co                     Funds for Entrusting Wealth
Meeting                                        6 May 2022
            2022          m.cn                                  Management, Proposal on the
                                                                Compensation Scheme for Directors,
                                                                Proposal on the Restricted Share
                                                                Incentive Plan for 2022 (Draft) and its
                                                                Summary, Proposal on the
                                                                Management Measures for the
                                                                Assessment of the Restricted Share
                                                                Incentive Plan for 2022, and Proposal
                                                                on the Request to the General Meeting
                                                                to Authorize the Board of Directors to
                                                                Handle Share Incentive-Related
                                                                Matters were approved.

Extraordinary general meetings of shareholders convened at the request of preference shareholders with
resumed voting rights:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Notes to general meetings of shareholders:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Resolutions of the First Extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders of 2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-004), and the Announcement on the
Resolutions of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Announcement No.: 2022-047)
published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (http://www.sse.com.cn).

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IV Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
(I) Shareholding changes and remunerations of incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management and those who resigned before the end of their
tenures during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                         Unit: share
                                                                                                                       Total pre-tax
                                                                                              Change in                  received    Remuneration
                                                                                             shareholding                from the     received from
                                                                   Opening        Closing
               Office title               Start of    End of                                     in the     Reason for Company in       any of the
   Name                      Gender Age                          shareholding shareholding
                  (note)                   tenure     tenure                                  Reporting      change         the        Company’s
                                                                    (share)       (share)
                                                                                                Period                   Reporting   related parties
                                                                                                (share)                   Period         (yes/no)
Ruan          of the
                             Male   59  2017-12-23 2024-1-6        96,864,199    96,864,199                                  287.17 No
Liping        Board and
Ruan          Chairman
                             Male   51  2017-12-23 2024-1-6        96,864,199    96,864,199                                  248.00 No
Xueping       of the
                                                                                                           under the
              Director                                                                                     2022
              and Vice       Male   60  2017-12-23 2024-1-6            25,300        43,800                Restricted        239.75 No
Yingfeng                                                                                            18,500
              President                                                                                    Share
              Director,                                                                                    Granted
Liu           Vice                                                                                         under the
                             Male   53  2017-12-23 2024-1-6            18,800        42,400         23,600                   293.47 No
Shengsong President                                                                                        2022
              and Board                                                                                    Restricted

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           Secretary                                                                                  Share
                                                                                                      under the
           Director                                                                                   2022
           and Vice      Male     51   2017-12-23   2024-1-6         13,100         42,600   29,500   Restricted   409.90   No
           President                                                                                  Share
           Director      Female   39   2021-5-20    2024-1-6               0                                                No
Xie Tao                  Male     60   2017-12-23   2024-1-6               0                                        16.67   No
Zhang      Independent
                         Male     50   2017-12-23   2024-1-6               0                                        16.67   No
Zeping     Director
He Hao                   Female   47   2017-12-23   2024-1-6               0                                        16.67   No
Shen       of the
                         Male     59   2017-12-23   2024-1-6               0                                       244.89   No
Huiyuan    Supervisory
           Supervisor    Male     45   2017-12-23   2024-1-6               0                                       215.77   No
Li Yu                    Male     40   2017-12-23   2024-1-6               0                                       121.84   No
                                                                                                      under the
Li         Vice
                         Male     56   2017-12-23   2024-1-6         24,400         44,200   19,800   Restricted   245.96   No
Guoqiang   President
Zhang      Vice                                                                                       Granted
                         Female   63   2017-12-23   2024-1-6          7,500         21,600   14,100                151.14   No
Lina       President                                                                                  under the
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               and CFO                                                                                                 2022
  Total            /            /       /          /            /        193,817,498     193,922,998         105,500         /            2,507.90          /

   Name                                                                        Main work experience
                 Born in 1964, Bachelor's degree, Chinese nationality, with permanent residence in Singapore and a Hong Kong Identity Card. He once served as an
                 engineer at Hangzhou Mechanical Design Institute of the Ministry of Water Resources, and Chairman of the Board and President of Gongniu Group
Ruan Liping      Co., Ltd. (the former private company). He is currently the Chairman of the Board and President of Gongniu Group and a member of the 13th
                 National People's Congress of Zhejiang Province. Also, he is the Executive Director and General Manager of Gongniu Photoelectric, and the
                 Executive Director of Liangji Industrial, among others.
                 Born in 1972, junior secondary education, Chinese nationality, with permanent residence in Singapore and a Hong Kong Identity Card. He once
Ruan             served as the Production Manager of Cixi Gongniu, Vice Chairman of the Board of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the former private company). He is
Xueping          currently the Vice Chairman of the Board of Gongniu Group. Also, he is the Executive Director of Cixi Gongniu, and the Supervisor of Liangji
                 Born in 1963, Bachelor's degree, professor-level senior engineer, Chinese nationality, with permanent residence in Singapore. He once served as the
                 Director Engineer of the Crane Room of Hangzhou Mechanical Design Institute of the Ministry of Water Resources, Senior Engineer of Portek
Cai Yingfeng
                 International Pte Ltd (Singapore), Vice President and Chief Engineer of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the former private company). He is currently a
                 director and Vice President of Gongniu Group.
                 Born in 1970, Bachelor's degree, engineer, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He once served as the Director's Assistant of the
                 Science and Technology Department of Kmk Group, Senior Manager of Midea Group Co., Ltd., Director of strategic operations and Deputy
                 General Manager of the Business Division of AUX Group Co., Ltd., President's Assistant and General Manager of the Business Division of Jiangxi
                 Zhengbang Technology Co., Ltd., and Vice President of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. He is currently a director, Vice President and Board Secretary of
                 Gongniu Group, with the professional qualification of Board Secretary of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
                 Born in 1972, Master's degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He once served as a technician of incoming material quality
Zhou             control (IQC) at Zhongshan Kawa Electronic(Group)Co., Ltd., the Managing Officer of quality control (QC) at One Earth Group Limited, General
Zhenghua         Manager of the product company of Midea Group Co., Ltd., and Vice President of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the former private company). He is
                 currently a director, Vice President and General Manager of the Wall Opening Division of Gongniu Group.
                 Born in 1983, Master's degree, Ph.D. in progress, permanent resident of Hong Kong. She is currently the Vice Chairman and President of Meilleure
                 Health International Group, Assistant President of U-Home Group, General Manager of Shenzhen Xiaozhou Investment Co., Ltd., and a member of
                 the Standing Executive Committee of Shenzhen Federation of Industry & Commerce (Chamber of Commerce), and a director of Gongniu Group.
Xie Tao          Born in 1963, Bachelor's degree, member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Singaporean nationality. He once served as a partner of PwC.
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              He is currently a director of Shanghai Vico Precision Mold &Plastics Co., Ltd., an independent director of China Yuchai International Limited,
              Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co., Ltd. and Gongniu Group.
              Born in 1973, doctoral degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He once served as a teacher at the School of Basic Education of
              Shanghai University of Engineering Science, a teacher at the School of International Law of East China University of Political Science and Law,
              and the Director of the Consular Department of the China Embassy in Macedonia. He is currently a professor at the School of International Law of
Zhang         East China University of Political Science and Law, an arbitrator of Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SHIAC),
Zeping        Shanghai Arbitration Commission and Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, a part-time lawyer of Shanghai Zhonglian Law Firm, an
              independent director of Shenzhen Soocas Technology Co., Ltd., an independent director of CTS International Logistics Corporation Limited, an
              independent director of Shanghai Allied Industrial Co., Ltd., a director of Suzhou Kelinyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. and an independent director of
              Gongniu Group.
              Born in 1976, Master's degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He once served as a senior auditor of Arthur Andersen LLP, an
              audit manager of PwC LLP, Vice President of Deutsche Bank (China) Co., Ltd., and Chief Controller of the Corporate Customer Department of
              Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited. He is currently the CEO of Hang Fun International Group Limited, a managing partner of Shanghai
He Hao
              Xingduo Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), executive director of Shanghai Heyue Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., an
              executive director of Shanghai Lihao Creative Design Co., Ltd., executive director and manager of Beijing Xinghao Kairui Technology Co., Ltd.,
              and independent director of Gongniu Group.
              Born in 1964, Bachelor's degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He once served as the project leader of the International
              Electrical Development Department of TCL Group Co., Ltd, head of the Electrical R&D Department of Huizhou IDV Electrical Technology Co.,
Shen          Ltd., head of Electrical Accessories Department of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the former private company), Executive Deputy General Manager and
Huiyuan       Deputy General Manager of R&D of Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., and Director of the Research Institute of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the
              former private company). He is currently the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd., head of the R&D and
              Technology Management Center and Director of the Research Institute of Gongniu Group.
              Born in 1978, Master's degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He once served as the procurement manager of Foshan Shunde
              District MiTAC Computer (Shunde) Limited, senior procurement manager of Ningbo Franta Kitchenware Co., Ltd., senior procurement manager of
Guan Xuejun
              Quanyou Furniture Co., Ltd., and Director of the New Business Management Center of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the former private company). He
              is currently a supervisor of Gongniu Group and the General Manager of the decoration channel marketing system.
              Born in 1983, Bachelor's degree, intermediate auditor, international certified internal auditor, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad.
              He once served as the Manager of the Audit Department, Manager of the Operation Department, Executive President of Gongniu University and
Li Yu
              Director of Human Resources Center of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (the former private company). He is currently the General Manager of the
              Low-voltage Electrical Appliances Division of Gongniu Group.
              Born in 1967, junior college’s degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. He used to be a regional manager for TCL International
Li Guoqiang   Electrical (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., the Marketing Director of Aidiwei International Electrical (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., and the Marketing Vice President of
              Gongniu Group. He is now the Marketing Vice President of Gongniu Group.
              Born in 1960, junior college’s degree, Chinese nationality, no permanent residence abroad. She used to be the Finance Director at the Cixi branch of
Zhang Lina
              China Telecom Corporation Limited, and the Financial Manager and CFO of Gongniu Group. She is now a Vice President and the CFO of Gongniu
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Other information:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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(II) Offices held by incumbent directors, supervisors and senior management               and those who
resigned before the end of their tenures during the Reporting Period
1. Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                              Office held in the
      Name             Shareholding entity                         Start of tenure           End of tenure
                                             shareholding entity
                     Ningbo Liangji                                                         Currently
Ruan Liping                                  Executive Director   November 2011
                     Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                   ongoing
                     Ningbo Liangji                                                         Currently
Ruan Xueping                                 Supervisor           November 2011
                     Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                   ongoing
Note                 Not applicable

2. Offices held concurrently in other entities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                       Office held in other      Start of         End of
  Name                   Other entity
                                                              entity             tenure            tenure
Ruan                                                  Vice Chairman of the                       Currently
             Shanghai Minshen Property Co., Ltd.                              July 1999
Liping                                                Board                                      ongoing
Ruan                                                                                             Currently
             Ningbo Gongniu Property Co., Ltd.        Executive Director      June 2010
Liping                                                                                           ongoing
Ruan         Qingdao Haili Commercial                                                            Currently
                                                      Director                May 2009
Liping       Appliances Co., Ltd.                                                                ongoing
Ruan                                                                                             Currently
             Cixi Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.         General Manager         January 2008
Liping                                                                                           ongoing
Ruan                                                                          December           Currently
             Wuhan Fenjin Power Tech Co., Ltd.        Executive Director
Liping                                                                        2006               ongoing
             Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port
Ruan                                                                          November           Currently
             Shuojin Investment Management            Executive Director
Liping                                                                        2017               ongoing
             Co., Ltd.
Ruan         Wuhan Zhongjia Hongyi Technology                                                    Currently
                                                      Director                January 2019
Liping       Information Industrial Park Co., Ltd.                                               ongoing
Ruan         Dalitek Intelligent Technology           Chairman of the                            Currently
                                                                              October 2021
Liping       (Shanghai) Inc.                          Board                                      ongoing
Ruan         Ningbo Gongniu Precision                 Executive Director      September          Currently
Liping       Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                  and General Manager     2015               ongoing
Ruan         Ningbo Gongniu Photoelectric             Executive Director                         Currently
                                                                              June 2014
Liping       Technology Co., Ltd.                     and General Manager                        ongoing
Ruan         Shenzhen Gongniu Intelligent             Executive Director                         Currently
                                                                              July 2022
Liping       Information Co., Ltd.                    and General Manager                        ongoing
Ruan         Guangdong Murora Intelligent                                                        Currently
                                                      Executive Director      July 2022
Liping       Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                  ongoing
Ruan                                                  Executive Director      December           February
             Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.
Liping                                                and General Manager     2008               2023
Ruan         Ningbo Gongniu Digital Technology        Executive Director                         February
                                                                              October 2016
Liping       Co., Ltd.                                and General Manager                        2023
Ruan         Ningbo Bull International Trading        Executive Director                         February
                                                                              March 2017
Liping       Co., Ltd.                                and General Manager                        2023
Ruan         Ningbo Gongniu Supply Chain              Executive Director      December           January
Liping       Management Co., Ltd.                     and General Manager     2016               2023
Ruan         Ningbo Gongniu Electric Sales Co.,                                                  December
                                                      Executive Director      August 2017
Liping       Ltd.                                                                                2022
Ruan                                                                                             January
             Ningbo Xingluo Trading Co., Ltd.         Executive Director      August 2017
Liping                                                                                           2023
Ruan                                                                                             February
             Cixi Shenghui Electronics Co., Ltd.      Executive Director      January 2016
Liping                                                                                           2023

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Ruan        Ningbo Golden Mango Ecological                                 December       February
                                                    Executive Director
Liping      Manor Co., Ltd.                                                2013           2023
Ruan        Ningbo Gongniu Domestic Electrical      Executive Director                    February
                                                                           April 2020
Liping      Appliance Co., Ltd.                     and Manager                           2023
                                                    Executive Director
Ruan        Shanghai Gongniu Information                                   February       March
                                                    and General
Liping      Technology Co., Ltd.                                           2022           2023
Ruan        Ningbo Gongniu Smart Technology         Executive Director                    February
                                                                           October 2021
Liping      Co., Ltd.                               and Manager                           2023
Ruan                                                                                      Currently
            Cixi Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.        Executive Director     January 1995
Xueping                                                                                   ongoing
Ruan                                                                                      Currently
            Shanghai Minshen Property Co., Ltd.     Director               July 1999
Xueping                                                                                   ongoing
Ruan        Shanghai Dumin Real Estate Co.,         Chairman of the                       Currently
                                                                           March 2006
Xueping     Ltd.                                    Board                                 ongoing
Ruan        Shanghai Minshen Real Estate                                                  Currently
                                                    Director               August 2005
Xueping     Management Co., Ltd.                                                          ongoing
            Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port
Ruan                                                                       November       Currently
            Shuojin Investment Management           Supervisor
Xueping                                                                    2017           ongoing
            Co., Ltd.
Ruan        Dalitek Intelligent Technology                                 September      Currently
Xueping     (Shanghai) Inc.                                                2021           ongoing
Cai         Hainan Dacheng Supply Chain             Executive Director                    Currently
                                                                           January 2021
Yingfeng    Management Co., Ltd.                    and General Manager                   ongoing
Zhou        Ningbo Gongniu Intelligent              Executive Director     February       Currently
Zhenghua    Technology Co., Ltd.                    and General Manager    2023           ongoing
Zhou                                                Executive Director     February       Currently
            Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.
Zhenghua                                            and General Manager    2023           ongoing
Liu         Wuhan Gongniu Investment                                                      Currently
                                                    Supervisor             October 2021
Shengsong   Management Co., Ltd.                                                          ongoing
Liu         Shanghai Gongniu Information                                                  Currently
                                                    Supervisor             January 2022
Shengsong   Technology Co., Ltd.                                                          ongoing
Liu         Wuhan Gongniu Venture Capital                                                 Currently
                                                    Supervisor             January 2021
Shengsong   Co., Ltd.                                                                     ongoing
Liu                                                                                       Currently
            Yangtze Optical Electronic Co., Ltd.    Director               August 2020
Shengsong                                                                                 ongoing
Liu                                                                        September      Currently
            Qingdao Soar Automobile Co., Ltd.       Director
Shengsong                                                                  2022           ongoing
Liu         Dalitek Intelligent Technology                                 September      Currently
Shengsong   (Shanghai) Inc.                                                2021           ongoing
Zhou        Meilleure Health International Group    Vice Chairman of the                  Currently
                                                                           August 2013
Wenchuan    Co., Ltd.                               Board and President                   ongoing
Zhou                                                                                      Currently
            U-Home Group Co., Ltd.                  Supervisor             June 2010
Wenchuan                                                                                  ongoing
Zhou        Shenzhen Xiaozhou Investment Co.,                                             Currently
                                                    General Manager        January 2009
Wenchuan    Ltd.                                                                          ongoing
Zhou        Yunnan Hansu Biotechnology Co.,                                               Currently
                                                    Director               June 2018
Wenchuan    Ltd.                                                                          ongoing
Zhou        Shenzhen Yinguan Biological                                    February       Currently
Wenchuan    Technology Co., Ltd.                                           2019           ongoing
Zhou        Shenzhen Meiray Vap Technology          Chairman of the        December       Currently
Wenchuan    Co., Ltd.                               Board                  2019           ongoing
Zhou        Zhuhai Fuhai Canyang Investment                                December       Currently
Wenchuan    Development Co., Ltd.                                          2009           ongoing
Zhou        Wuhu Meilleure Health Management                                              Currently
                                                    General Manager        April 2018
Wenchuan    Co., Ltd.                                                                     ongoing
                                               63 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

Zhou       Shenzhen Skin Analysis Medical           Chairman of the                       Currently
                                                                           June 2017
Wenchuan   Beauty Clinic                            Board                                 ongoing
Zhou       Shenzhen Ruima Electric                                         September      Currently
                                                    General Manager
Wenchuan   Technology Co., Ltd.                                            2019           ongoing
Zhou       Beijing Meiaikang Technology Co.,                               February       Currently
Wenchuan   Ltd.                                                            2020           ongoing
Zhou                                                                                      Currently
           Wuhu Xiaozhou Investment Co., Ltd.       General Manager        October 2019
Wenchuan                                                                                  ongoing
Zhang                                                                      December       Currently
           Shanghai Allied Industrial Co., Ltd.     Independent Director
Zeping                                                                     2022           ongoing
Zhang      Shenzhen Soocas Technology Co.,                                                Currently
                                                    Independent Director   October 2020
Zeping     Ltd.                                                                           ongoing
Zhang      Suzhou Kelinyuan Electronics Co.,                                              Currently
                                                    Director               January 2022
Zeping     Ltd.                                                                           ongoing
Zhang      CTS International Logistics                                                    Currently
                                                    Independent Director   January 2023
Zeping     Corporation Limited                                                            ongoing
           Shanghai Vico Precision Mold                                                   Currently
Xie Tao                                             Director               May 2021
           &Plastics Co., Ltd.                                                            ongoing
                                                                           September      Currently
Xie Tao    China Yuchai International Limited       Independent Director
                                                                           2020           ongoing
           Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel Co.,                                               Currently
Xie Tao                                             Independent Director   June 2020
           Ltd.                                                                           ongoing
           Hang Fun International Group                                                   Currently
He Hao                                              CEO                    March 2023
           Limited                                                                        ongoing
           Shanghai Xingduo Investment
He Hao     Partnership Enterprise (Limited          Executive Partner      July 2018
           Shanghai Heyue Intelligent                                                     Currently
He Hao                                              Executive Director     June 2022
           Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           ongoing
           Shanghai Lihao Creative Design Co.,                                            Currently
He Hao                                              Executive Director     July 2019
           Ltd.                                                                           ongoing
           Beijing Xinghao Kairui Technology        Executive Director     December       Currently
He Hao
           Co., Ltd.                                and Manager            2018           ongoing
                                                                           December       Currently
Li Yu      Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.       Supervisor
                                                                           2017           ongoing
                                                                           December       Currently
Li Yu      Cixi Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.         Supervisor
                                                                           2017           ongoing
           Ningbo Gongniu Low Voltage               Executive Director     December       Currently
Li Yu
           Electric Co., Ltd.                       and Manager            2022           ongoing
           Ningbo Banmen Electric Appliance                                December       Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor
           Co., Ltd.                                                       2017           ongoing
           Ningbo Gongniu Digital Technology                               December       Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor
           Co., Ltd.                                                       2017           ongoing
           Ningbo Bull International Trading                               December       Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor
           Co., Ltd.                                                       2017           ongoing
           Ningbo Gongniu Supply Chain                                     December       Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor
           Management Co., Ltd.                                            2017           ongoing
           Ningbo Gongniu Photoelectric                                    December       Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor
           Technology Co., Ltd.                                            2017           ongoing
                                                                           December       Currently
Li Yu      Shanghai Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.     Supervisor
                                                                           2017           ongoing
           Ningbo Gongniu Precision                                        November       Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor
           Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                         2019           ongoing
           Ningbo Gongniu Domestic Electrical                                             Currently
Li Yu                                               Supervisor             April 2020
           Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                            ongoing
Shen       Hainan Dacheng Supply Chain              Supervisor             January 2021   Currently
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                                          Annual Report 2022

Huiyuan      Management Co., Ltd.                                                           ongoing
Guan         Ningbo Gongniu Electric Sales Co.,     Executive Director     December         Currently
Xuejun       Ltd.                                   and General Manager    2022             ongoing
Li           Ningbo Bull International Trading      Executive Director                      Currently
                                                                           January 2023
Guoqiang     Co., Ltd.                              and General Manager                     ongoing
Zhang        Dalitek Intelligent Technology                                September        Currently
Lina         (Shanghai) Inc.                                               2021             ongoing
Note         Not applicable

(III) Remunerations of directors, supervisors and senior management
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Decision-making procedures for     The remuneration of directors and supervisors shall be deliberated
the remuneration of directors,     and determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The
supervisors and senior             remuneration of senior management personnel shall be reviewed
management personnel               and determined by the Board of Directors.
                                   Internal directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
                                   are paid remuneration in accordance with the specific management
Basis for determining the          positions they hold in the Company, taking into account the
remuneration of directors,         Company's business picture, relevant remuneration system and
supervisors and senior             results of performance appraisals. The remuneration of independent
management personnel               directors is based on an allowance system, and directors who do not
                                   hold specific management positions in the Company will not
                                   receive remuneration.
Actual payment of remuneration     The earnings disclosed in the report represent the actual
for directors, supervisors and     remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior management
senior management personnel        personnel.
Total actual remuneration
received by all directors,
supervisors and senior             RMB25.0790 million
management personnel at the end
of the Reporting Period

(IV) Changes of directors, supervisors and senior management
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(V) Punishments imposed by securities regulators in the past three years
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(VI) Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Board Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period
      Meeting          Date                                 Resolutions
                                The Proposal on the Work Report of the President (General
                                Manager) in 2021, Proposal on the Financial Final Account
                                Report of 2021, Proposal on the Work Report of the Board of
                                Directors in 2021, Proposal on the Annual Report and its
The 10th Meeting                Summary for 2021, Proposal on the Profit Distribution Plan for
                   11 April
of the Second                   2021, Proposal on the 2021 Annual Internal Control Evaluation
Board of Directors              Report, Proposal on Renaming the Audit Committee of the Board
                                of Directors as the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of
                                Directors and Revising the Implementation Rules, Proposal on the
                                2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report, Proposal on
                                the Work Report of Independent Directors for 2021, Proposal on
                                               65 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

                                    the Report on the Performance of the Audit Committee of the
                                    Board of Directors for 2021, Proposal on the Estimated Routine
                                    Related-party Transactions of the Company in 2022, Proposal on
                                    the Renewal of the Annual Auditor for 2022, Proposal on the Use
                                    of Equity Funds for Entrusting Wealth Management, Proposal on
                                    the Special Report on the Deposit and Actual Use of Raised Funds
                                    for 2021, Proposal on Repurchasing the Company's Shares
                                    through Call Auction, Proposal on Authorizing the Management
                                    of the Company to Handle Matters Related to the Share
                                    Repurchase, Proposal on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan in
                                    2022 (Draft) and Its Summary, Proposal on the Management
                                    Measures for the Assessment of the Restricted Share Incentive
                                    Plan for 2022, Proposal on the Request to the General Meeting to
                                    Authorise the Board of Directors to Handle Share
                                    Incentive-Related Matters, Proposal on the Compensation
                                    Schemes for Directors and Senior Management Personnel,
                                    Proposal on the Appointment of Securities Affairs Representative,
                                    and Proposal on Holding 2021 Annual General Meeting were
                                    approved by the resolution.
The 11th Meeting                    The Proposal on the Report for the First Quarter of 2022 and
                     26 April
of the Second                       Proposal on the Repurchase and Write-off of Certain Restricted
Board of Directors                  Shares were approved by the resolution.
                                    The Proposal on the Adjustment of the Repurchase Price of the
                                    2020 Restricted Share Incentive Plan, Proposal on the Adjustment
The 12th Meeting                    of the Repurchase Price of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive
of the Second        20 May 2022    Plan, Proposal on Adjusting the List of Awardees, the Number of
Board of Directors                  Grants and the Grant Price of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan
                                    in 2022, and Proposal on Granting Restrictive Shares to Awardees
                                    were approved by the resolution.
                                    The Proposal on the Achievement of Lifting the Restriction
                                    Conditions in the Second Lifting Period of the 2020 Restricted
The 13th Meeting
                                    Share Incentive Plan and Proposal on the Achievement of Lifting
of the Second        17 June 2022
                                    the Restriction Conditions in the First Lifting Restriction Period of
Board of Directors
                                    the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan were approved by the
                                    The Proposal on the Semi-Annual Report for 2022 and its
The 14th Meeting
                     17 August      Summary and Proposal on the Special Report on the Deposit and
of the Second
                     2022           Actual Use of Raised Funds for the Semi-Annual Period of 2022
Board of Directors
                                    were approved by the resolution.
                                    The Proposal on the Report for the Third Quarter of 2022,
The 15th Meeting
                     27 October     Proposal on the Repurchase and Write-off of Certain Restricted
of the Second
                     2022           Shares, and Proposal on Revising Certain Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
                                    Policies were approved by the resolution.
                                    The Proposal on the Continued Use of Part of Temporarily Idle
                                    Raised Funds for Cash Management, Proposal on the Continued
                                    Use of Part of Idle Raised Funds for Temporary Replenishment of
                                    Working Capital, Proposal on the Application for Comprehensive
                                    Credit Line from Banks, Proposal on Conducting Bulk Raw
                                    Material Futures Business, Proposal on the Extension of Some
The 16th Meeting
                     21 December    Investment Projects with Raised Funds, Proposal on Adding the
of the Second
                     2022           Implementation Entity of Some Investment Projects with Raised
Board of Directors
                                    Funds, Proposal on the Change of Registered Capital and
                                    Domicile, Modification of Business Scope, and Amendment to the
                                    Articles of Association, Proposal on Amending the Rules of
                                    Procedure for General Meeting, Proposal on Revising the
                                    Management Measures for the Use of Raised Funds, and Proposal
                                    on the Convening of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of
                                               66 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

                                     2023 were approved by the resolution.

VI Performance of Duty by Directors
(I) Attendance of directors at board meetings and general meetings of shareholders during the
Reporting Period
                                                                                        e at
                                        Attendance at board meetings                 meetings
           Independ    Total                                                           Total
Name of        ent    number                                                The     number of
 director   director     of                                               director    general
                                Board         Board        meetin
             or not    board                                              failed to  meetings
                                meetin       meetings         gs
                      meetin                                               attend        of
                                   gs      attended by     attende Absen
                       gs the                                               two     sharehold
                                attende       way of          d      ce
                      directo                                            consecuti    ers the
                                 d on    telecommunica throug
                       r was                                             ve board     director
                                  site         tion          ha
                      suppos                                             meetings       was
                        ed to                                             (yes/no)  supposed
                       attend                                                        to attend
               No         7        7             1            0      0       No           2
               No         7        7             5            0      0       No           2
Yingfen        No         7        7             4            0      0       No           2
Shengso        No         7        7             3            0      0       No           2
Zhenghu        No         7        7             2            0      0       No           2
Wenchu         No         7        7             7            0      0       No           2
Xie Tao       Yes         7        7             7            0      0       No           2
              Yes         7        7             7            0      0       No           2
He Hao        Yes         7        7             7            0      0       No           2

Explain why any director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Total number of board meetings convened in the
Reporting Period
Of which: on-site meetings                           0
Meetings convened by way of telecommunication        1
Meetings where on-site attendance and attendance
by telecommunication were both allowed

                                                67 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

(II) Objections raised by directors on matters of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Specialized Committees under the Board of Directors
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
(1) Members of the specialized committees
   Specialized committee                                      Members
Audit and Risk Committee        He Hao (convener), Xie Tao, and Ruan Xueping
Nomination Committee            Xie Tao (convener), Ruan Liping, and Zhang Zeping
Remuneration and
                                Zhang Zeping (convener), Ruan Liping, and He Hao
Appraisal Committee
                                Ruan Liping (convener), Liu Shengsong, Zhou Zhenghua, Zhou
Strategy Committee
                                Wenchuan, and Xie Tao

(2) The Audit and Risk Committee held five meetings during the Reporting Period.
                                           Important comments and
    Date              Contents                                       Other performance of duties
            The Proposal on the
            Financial Final Account
            Report of 2021, Proposal on
            the 2021 Annual Report and
            the Summary, Proposal on
            the 2021 Annual Internal
                                         The Audit and Risk
            Control Evaluation Report,
                                         Committee carried out its
            Proposal on the Estimated
                                         work in strict accordance
            Continuing Related-party
                                         with laws, regulations and
            Transactions in 2022,                                    For details, please refer to
                                         relevant rules and policies
            Proposal on the Renewal of                               the Report of Gongniu
                                         with diligence. It put
1 April     the Annual Auditor for                                   Group Co., Ltd. On the Duty
                                         forward relevant opinions
2022        2022, Proposal on the                                    Performance of the Audit
                                         based on the reality of the
            Special Report on the                                    and Risk Committee of the
                                         Company. Upon full
            Deposit and Actual Use of                                Board of Directors in 2022.
                                         communication and
            Raised Funds for 2021, and
                                         discussion, all proposals
            Proposal on the Audit
                                         were unanimously
            Committee under the Board
            of Directors Being
            Renamed the Audit and
            Risk Committee and
            Amendments to the Specific
            Implementation Rules were
                                         The Audit and Risk
                                         Committee carried out its
                                         work in strict accordance
                                                                     For details, please refer to
                                         with laws, regulations and
                                                                     the Report of Gongniu
            The Proposal on the First    relevant rules and policies
19 April                                                             Group Co., Ltd. On the Duty
            Quarterly Report 2022 was    with diligence. It put
2022                                                                 Performance of the Audit
            approved.                    forward relevant opinions
                                                                     and Risk Committee of the
                                         based on the reality of the
                                                                     Board of Directors in 2022.
                                         Company. Upon full
                                         communication and
                                         discussion, all proposals
                                              68 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

                                           were unanimously
                                           The Audit and Risk
             The Proposal on the 2022      Committee carried out its
             Interim Report and the        work in strict accordance
             Summary, Proposal on the      with laws, regulations and
                                                                         For details, please refer to
             Special Report on the         relevant rules and policies
                                                                         the Report of Gongniu
             Deposit and Actual Use of     with diligence. It put
5 August                                                                 Group Co., Ltd. On the Duty
             Raised Funds for H1 2022,     forward relevant opinions
2022                                                                     Performance of the Audit
             and Proposal on the Work      based on the reality of the
                                                                         and Risk Committee of the
             Report of the Audit and       Company. Upon full
                                                                         Board of Directors in 2022.
             Risk Management Joint         communication and
             Office for H1 2022 were       discussion, all proposals
             approved.                     were unanimously
                                           The Audit and Risk
                                           Committee carried out its
                                           work in strict accordance
                                           with laws, regulations and
                                                                         For details, please refer to
                                           relevant rules and policies
                                                                         the Report of Gongniu
             The Proposal on the Third     with diligence. It put
20 October                                                               Group Co., Ltd. On the Duty
             Quarterly Report 2022 was     forward relevant opinions
2022                                                                     Performance of the Audit
             approved.                     based on the reality of the
                                                                         and Risk Committee of the
                                           Company. Upon full
                                                                         Board of Directors in 2022.
                                           communication and
                                           discussion, all proposals
                                           were unanimously
                                           The Audit and Risk
                                           Committee carried out its
                                           work in strict accordance
                                           with laws, regulations and
                                                                         For details, please refer to
                                           relevant rules and policies
             The Annual Audit Plan of                                    the Report of Gongniu
21                                         with diligence. It put
             Pan-China Certified Public                                  Group Co., Ltd. On the Duty
December                                   forward relevant opinions
             Accountants LLP was                                         Performance of the Audit
2022                                       based on the reality of the
             approved.                                                   and Risk Committee of the
                                           Company. Upon full
                                                                         Board of Directors in 2022.
                                           communication and
                                           discussion, all proposals
                                           were unanimously

(3) The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee held two meetings during the Reporting Period.
                                        Important comments and
   Date              Contents                                        Other performance of duties
           The Proposal on the        The Remuneration and
           Remuneration Schemes for   Appraisal Committee
           Directors and Senior       carried out its work in strict
           Management Personnel,      accordance with laws,
           Proposal on the Restricted regulations and relevant
11 April   Share Incentive Plan for   rules and policies with
2022       2022 (Draft) and its       diligence. It put forward
           Summary, and Proposal on   relevant opinions based on
           the Management Measures    the reality of the Company.
           for the Appraisal of the   Upon full communication
           Restricted Share Incentive and discussion, all
           Plan for 2022 were         proposals were
                                               69 / 258
                                             Annual Report 2022

             approved.                        unanimously approved.
             The Proposal on the              The Remuneration and
             Achievement of Lifting the       Appraisal Committee
             Restriction Conditions in the    carried out its work in strict
             Second Lifting Restriction       accordance with laws,
             Period of the 2020               regulations and relevant
             Restricted Share Incentive       rules and policies with
17 June
             Plan, and the Proposal on the    diligence. It put forward
             Achievement of Lifting the       relevant opinions based on
             Restriction Conditions in the    the reality of the Company.
             First Lifting Restriction        Upon full communication
             Period of the 2021               and discussion, all
             Restricted Share Incentive       proposals were
             Plan were approved.              unanimously approved.

(4) Objections
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII Risks Detected by the Supervisory Committee
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Supervisory Committee raised no objections during the Reporting Period.

IX Employees of the Company as the Parent and Its Principal Subsidiaries at the Period-end
(I) Employees
Number of in-service employees of the Company
as the parent
Number of in-service employees of principal
Total number of in-service employees                                                      12,351
Number of retirees to whom the Company as the
parent or its principal subsidiaries need to pay                                               0
retirement pensions
                       Function                                   Employees
                     Production                                                            7,876
                         Sales                                                             1,457
                      Technical                                                            1,842
                      Financial                                                              163
                    Administrative                                                         1,013
                         Total                                                            12,351
                                           Educational background
               Educational background                             Employees
            Bachelor’s degree and above                                                   2,113
                    Junior college                                                         2,076
       Technical secondary school and below                                                8,162
                         Total                                                            12,351

(II) Remuneration policy
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company further improved its remuneration management and incentive mechanism by revising
the management system related to remuneration and benefits to establish remuneration guide lines for all
levels and categories of employees, thus enhancing the competitiveness of employee remunerations with

                                                  70 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

changes in the labor market taken into account. Following the establishment of the Company's new job
grade system, the welfare and incentive system for marketing staff was continuously improved. The
Company conducted comprehensive and objective appraisals of employees from dimensions such as
company operating performance, job value, personal performance and personal ability, and continued to
improve the performance-oriented system of assessment, training, promotion and incentive, fully
mobilizing the creativity and enthusiasm of employees and promoting the Company's performance
growth and personal career development while improving the remuneration and benefits.

(III)Training plans
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company takes the needs of strategic development as the input for learning and development,
and is committed to the training of its cadre team and expert team. It continuously cultivates and builds
outstanding talents to help achieve the strategic goals of the Company. Adhering to the learning concept
of "combination of training and practice, with a focus on practice and supplemented by training", the
Company adopts the "721" talent training principle to systematically train talent in a stratified and
graded manner with the two-wheel drive of "BBS capacity" and "leadership development", so as to
comprehensively build a Gongniu talent team in line with the Company's cultural values and ability
requirements. So far, it has successfully developed a series of Gongniu leadership training programmes
to promote the leadership training of managers at all levels and their successors. Taking competency
model as the standard, the Company has carried out professional and general competence training,
pushed forward the building of an expert team, and developed an autonomous and shared learning
atmosphere in an all-round way based on the Gongniu online learning platform.

(IV) Labor outsourcing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X Dividend Payouts
(I) Formulation, execution and adjustments of the cash dividend policy
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. The cash dividend policy
     The Articles of Association clarifies the decision-making procedures and mechanism for profit
distribution, the principles of profit distribution, the conditions and proportion of cash dividends, etc.,
ensuring the transparency and operability of cash dividends to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights
and interests of small and medium shareholders and investors. The Company's profit distribution plan is
strictly implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association and the resolutions
of the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders.
     The Company will implement sustaining and stable profit distribution methods in line with the
provisions of the Articles of Association. The Company may distribute dividends by means of cash,
stocks, a combination of cash and stocks, or other means permitted by laws and regulations.

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                                             Annual Report 2022

     Among the profit distribution methods, the Company gives priority to cash dividends over stock
dividends; if the Company adopts stock dividends for profit distribution, it shall have taken into account
factors such as its growth and stock liquidity.
     Description of dividends in the Articles of Association: The Board of Directors of the Company
shall comprehensively consider factors such as the Company's industry characteristics, development
phase, business model, profitability, and whether there are arrangements for major capital expenditures,
distinguish the following circumstances, and propose differentiated cash dividend policies according to
the procedures set forth in the Articles of Association:
     (1) If the Company is in the phase of mature development and there is no arrangement for major
capital expenditures, cash dividends shall account for at least 80% in the profit distribution;
     (2) If the Company is in the phase of mature development and there are arrangements for major
capital expenditures, cash dividends shall account for at least 40% in the profit distribution;
     (3) If the Company is in the growth period and there are arrangements for major capital
expenditures, cash dividends shall account for at least 20% in the profit distribution; where it is difficult
to distinguish the Company's development phase but there are arrangements for major capital
expenditures, it may be handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
     2. Cash dividend payouts during the Reporting Period
     As approved at the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 5 May 2022, the 2021 final
dividend payout was carried out. Based on the total share capital of 601,180,520 shares at the record date
of the dividend payout (i.e. 18 May 2022), the Company paid out a cash dividend of RMB2.40 (tax
inclusive) per share to its shareholders. The total amount of the cash dividend payout was
RMB1,442,833,248.00 (tax inclusive), accounting for 51.89% of the net profit attributable to the
Company’s shareholders during 2021. The dividend payout was completed on 19 May 2022.

(II) Special statement on the cash dividend policy
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association or the relevant                   √ Yes □ No
resolutions of general meeting of shareholders
Specific and clear dividend standards and ratios                                            √ Yes □ No
Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                            √ Yes □ No
Independent directors have faithfully performed their duties and played their due           √ Yes □ No
Non-controlling shareholders are able to fully express their opinion and demand             √ Yes □ No
and their legal rights and interests are fully protected

(III) Where the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal despite the facts that the
Company has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as the parent
distributable to shareholders are positive, it shall give a detailed explanation of why, as well as of
the purpose and use plan for the retained earnings.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Final dividend plan for the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                  72 / 258
                                             Annual Report 2022

Bonus issue from profit (share/10 shares)                                                             /
Cash dividend/10 shares (tax inclusive)                                                             33
Bonus issue from capital reserves (share/10
Cash dividends (tax inclusive)                                                       1,983,555,895.20
Consolidated net profit attributable to the ordinary
shareholders of the listed company in the year
Cash dividends as % of consolidated net profit
attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the                                                 62.21
listed company
Cash dividends in form of share repurchase in cash                                     215,219,556.49
Total dividend amount (tax inclusive)                                                2,198,775,451.69
Total dividend amount as % of consolidated net
profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of                                              68.96
the listed company

XI Status and Impact of Share Incentive Plans, Employee Shareholding Plan or Other Incentive
Measures for Employees
(I)Relevant incentive matters disclosed in current announcement with no subsequent progress or
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                      Overview                               Index to the disclosed information
                                                     For details, please refer to the following
                                                     announcements disclosed on the website of the
To further establish and improve its long-term
                                                     Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn):
incentive mechanisms to attract and retain
                                                     The 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft)
outstanding talent, the Company formulated the
                                                     of Gongniu Group;
2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) of
                                                     The Announcement on Adjusting the List of
Gongniu Group and its summary, completed the
                                                     Awardees, the Number of Grants and the Grant
registration of the grant of the 2022 Restricted
                                                     Price of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan in
Share Incentive Plan on 21 June 2022, and granted
                                                     2022 (Announcement No.: 2022-057); and
a total of 1,501,800 restricted shares to 646 people
                                                     The Announcement on the Grant Results of the
at a price of RMB63.06/share.
                                                     2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan
                                                     (Announcement No.: 2022-071)
                                                     For details, please refer to the following
                                                     announcements disclosed on the website of the
                                                     Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn):
                                                     The Announcement on the Repurchase and
                                                     Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares
According to the provisions of the 2020 Restricted
                                                     (Announcement No.: 2022-042);
Share Incentive Plan of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.
                                                     The Announcement on Notifying Creditors of the
and 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan of
                                                     Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted
Gongniu Group Co., Ltd., some awardees have
                                                     Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-043);
lost the incentive qualification of the Incentive
                                                     The Announcement on Adjusting the Repurchase
Plan due to their departure from the Company, and
                                                     Price for the 2020 Restricted Share Incentive Plan
the Company completed the repurchase and
                                                     (Announcement No.: 2022-055);
cancellation of 28,100 restricted shares held by
                                                     The Announcement on Adjusting the Repurchase
them which had been granted but not lifted from
                                                     Price for the 2021Restricted Share Incentive Plan
restricted sales on 29 July 2022.
                                                     (Announcement No.: 2022-056); and
                                                     The Announcement of Gongniu Group on the
                                                     Implementation of the Repurchase and
                                                     Cancellation of Some Restricted Incentive Shares
                                                     (Announcement No.: 2022-080)

                                                      73 / 258
                                               Annual Report 2022

                                                          For details, please refer to the following
                                                          announcements disclosed on the website of the
                                                          Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn):
According to the relevant provisions of the 2021
                                                          The Announcement on Satisfaction of the
Restricted Share Incentive Plan, the lifting of the
                                                          Conditions for Lifting Restriction in the Second
restriction conditions in the second lifting
                                                          Lifting Restriction Period of the 2020 Restricted
restriction period of the 2020 Restricted Share
                                                          Share Incentive Plan (Announcement No.:
Incentive Plan has been achieved, and a total of
                                                          2022-067); and
152,190 shares held by 367 awardees have met the
                                                          The Announcement on Lifting the Restriction
conditions for lifting the sale restrictions, which
                                                          Conditions in the Second Lifting Restriction
were unlocked and listed on 6 July 2022.
                                                          Period of the 2020 Restricted Share Incentive
                                                          Plan and Trading in the Market (Announcement
                                                          No.: 2022-073)
                                                          For details, please refer to the following
                                                          announcements disclosed on the website of the
                                                          Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn):
According to the relevant provisions of the 2021
                                                          The Announcement on Satisfaction of the
Restricted Share Incentive Plan, the lifting of the
                                                          Conditions for Lifting Restriction in the First
restriction conditions in the first lifting restriction
                                                          Lifting Restriction Period of the 2021 Restricted
period of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan
                                                          Share Incentive Plan (Announcement No.:
has been achieved, and a total of 251,680 held by
                                                          2022-068); and
486 awardees have met the conditions for lifting
                                                          The Announcement on Lifting the Restriction
the sale restrictions, which were unlocked and
                                                          Conditions in the First Lifting Restriction Period
listed on 15 July 2022.
                                                          of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan and
                                                          Trading in the Market (Announcement No.:
                                                          For details, please refer to the following
                                                          announcements disclosed on the website of the
According to the relevant provisions of the 2020
                                                          Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn):
Restricted Share Incentive Plan, 2021 Restricted
                                                          The Announcement on the Repurchase and
Share Incentive Plan and 2022 Restricted Share
                                                          Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares
Incentive Plan, 31 awardees have lost the
                                                          (Announcement No.: 2022-104);
incentive qualification of the Incentive Plan due to
                                                          The Announcement on Notifying Creditors of the
their departure from the Company, and the
                                                          Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted
Company completed the repurchase and
                                                          Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-105); and
cancellation of 74,830 restricted shares held by
                                                          The Announcement of Gongniu Group on the
them which had been granted but not lifted from
                                                          Implementation of the Repurchase and
restricted sales on 23 December 2022.
                                                          Cancellation of Some Restricted Incentive Shares
                                                          (Announcement No.: 2022-121)

(II) Incentive Plans undisclosed in current announcements or disclosed but with new progress
Equity Incentive Plans:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Employee stock ownership plans:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other incentive measures:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Equity incentives granted to directors and senior management during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: share
                                                     74 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

                                    Restricte                                          Restricte
                                    d shares                                           d shares    Closing
                         shares                   Grant                   Shares
               Office               granted                 Unlocke                     held at    market
   Name                  held at                  price                   still in
                title                in the                 d shares                      the       price
                           the                   (RMB)                    lockup
                                    Reportin                                           period-e    (RMB)
                                    g Period                                              nd
                Vice      25,300     18,500       63.06         13,870   29,930         29,930     143.26
               , Vice
               nt and     18,800     23,600       63.06         13,160   29,240         29,240     143.26
                Vice      13,100     29,500       63.06         9,170    33,430         33,430     143.26
              Preside     24,400     19,800       63.06         13,900   30,300         30,300     143.26
Zhang Lina                7,500      14,100       63.06         5,250    16,350         16,350     143.26
               nt and
   Total           /      89,100    105,500         /           55,350   139,250       139,250        /

(IV) Establishment and formulation of appraisal and incentive mechanisms for senior
management during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The remuneration of the senior management personnel of the Company is implemented based on
the actual operations and the relevant rules of the Company.

XII Development and implementation of internal control systems during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
    In strict compliance with the Company Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance for
Listed Companies, Guidelines for Evaluation of Enterprise Internal Control and other relevant laws and
regulations, the Company continuously establishes and improves its internal control system and
enhances the level of internal control management. During the Reporting Period, in order to further
promote the standardized operation of the Company, the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors
was renamed the Audit and Risk Committee with more responsibilities, and the Specific Implementation
Rules for the Audit and Risk Committee was amended accordingly. And the Audit and Risk
Management Joint Office has been established to further strengthen internal control.

Explanation of material weaknesses in internal control during the Reporting Period:
                                                75 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIII Management and control over subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     During the Reporting Period, the Company strictly followed the requirements of the Shanghai
Stock Exchange and various rules and regulations of the Board of Directors of the Company to regulate
the management and risk control of subsidiaries. Subsidiaries reported significant information such as
operations to the Company, and there were no undisclosed matters that should have been disclosed.

XIV Independent auditor’s report on internal control
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     Upon its audit on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting for
2022, Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP is of the opinion that the Company maintained, in all
material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2022, based on
the Basic Rules on Enterprise Internal Control and other applicable regulations. For further information,
see the Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control for 2022, which has been disclosed together
with this Report on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn).

Whether the Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control is disclosed: Yes
Type of the independent auditor’s opinion: Unmodified unqualified opinion

XV Remediation of problems identified by self-inspection in the special action on the governance
of the Company
Not applicable

XVI Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                           Annual Report 2022

                   Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility
I Environmental information
Whether any environment protecting mechanism
has been established
Spending on environmental protection during the
Reporting Period (unit: RMB’0,000)

(I) Description of the environmental protection of the company and its major subsidiaries that are
key emission units as declared by the environmental protection authorities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Discharge information
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. is a key unit supervised for soil environmental pollution in
Ningbo, with a commissioned disposal volume of 530 tons of hazardous waste in 2022. The company's
hazardous waste disposal is in compliance with relevant regulations and administrative plans.
     During the Reporting Period, the Company discharged in strict accordance with the requirements of
the implemented pollutant discharge standards, with no environmental pollution incidents and no
penalties imposed by the environmental protection authorities. None of the Company's units, other than
Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., is a key emission unit as declared by the environmental protection

2. Construction and operation of pollution control facilities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     As a state-level Green Factory, Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. actively implements the green
development strategy, practices the concept of green, low-carbon and ecological development, increases
investment in safety and environmental protection, applies green technologies of green, energy
conservation, environmental protection and resource reuse, promotes innovation and transformation in
manufacturing processes and business procedures, reduces wastewater, waste gas emissions and noise
pollution, vigorously carries out energy-saving technology reform and eliminates backward equipment
with high energy consumption, and continuously develops a green manufacturing system.
     In 2022, the Company spent a total of RMB9.605 million in operation costs of environmental
protection equipment, and the majority of the waste gas pollution treatment facilities have been
upgraded to the international advanced “zeolite rotary adsorption + RTO combustion” technology,
with the treatment effect of VOC reduced to 30mg/m3 and below. In addition, an online monitoring
system has been put in place to monitor the exhaust gas emissions in real time, and monitor the pollutant
data in real time to make sure that the exhaust gas emissions meet the applicable standards and
regulations at all time.

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                                            Annual Report 2022

3. Assessment of the environmental impact of construction projects and other administrative
licenses of environmental protection
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     All the Company's construction projects have fulfilled the environmental impact evaluation and
other environmental protection administrative licensing procedures in accordance with the requirements
of national environmental protection laws and regulations.

4. Contingency plan for environmental emergencies
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company has established an effective emergency response mechanism for environmental
emergencies, and the chemical intermediate warehouse of each base and each plant involving hazardous
waste and hazardous chemicals rehearse the contingency plan at least twice a year. In order to improve
the corporate ability to respond to environmental pollution accidents, the Company formulated the
Contingency Plan of Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. for Environmental Emergencies (File No.
330282-2018-001-L) in accordance with relevant legal provisions such as the requirements of the
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and based on the actual situation.

5. Environmental self-monitoring plan
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     In accordance with the pollutant discharge permits and the requirements of self-monitoring of
environmental protection, the Company has formulated the Management System for Self-monitoring of
Pollution Sources and regularly carries out self-monitoring work. In 2022, it commissioned qualified
third-party testing units to orderly carry out tests on spraying exhaust gas, noise at the factory boundary,
domestic sewage, etc., and made sure that the test reports issued were all valid.

6. Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

7. Other environmental information that should be disclosed
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. is among the first batch of Ningbo 2022 positive list of
enterprises for ecological and environmental supervision and enforcement. Also, the company was rated
A in the environmental credit evaluation of enterprises in Zhejiang Province in 2022.

(II) Environmental protection of companies other than key emission units
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Administrative penalties for environmental problems
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Other environmental information disclosed with reference to key emission units
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                  78 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

     Except for Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., all other units of the Group are not key emission
units and have strictly implemented relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection, installed
additional environmental protection equipment for processes that generate environmental pollution in
accordance with the requirements of the environmental credit evaluation, which passed the acceptance
and met the discharge standards. All three wastes were discharged in accordance with the standard.
There was no environmental pollution accident and no punishment by the environmental protection
authorities, and all the units were rated A in the environmental credit evaluation of enterprises in
Zhejiang Province. In particular, Ningbo Gongniu Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. is among the first
batch of Ningbo 2022 positive list of enterprises for ecological and environmental supervision and

3. Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Efforts and results in ecological protection, pollution prevention and environmental
responsibility performance
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     To strengthen the awareness of environmental protection among employees, the Company
organized a photographic event at the World Environment Day on 5 June 2022. Promotional photos and
videos were taken on themes such as low carbon living and green factories, and winning works were
exhibited to motivate employees.
     The Company has strengthened the environmental management on the spraying lines with the
internationally advanced “zeolite rotary adsorption + RTO combustion” technologies. The
environmental protection equipment operated in an efficient manner during the Reporting Period, with
the VOC removal rate reaching over 95%.
     Meanwhile, the spraying plants have increased research into source substitution - water-based
paints instead of oil-based paints - during the Reporting Period. The substantial investment is expected
to produce results by 2023. Adhering to its business philosophy of "Strive for No. 1" in everything it
does, the Company is committed to environmental responsibility.
     In order to practice a circular economy and make effective use of resources, the molding plants
have set up a recycling mechanism for plastic pellets.

(IV) Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the Reporting Period and their effects
Whether any measure was taken to
reduce carbon emissions
Emissions of CO2 equivalent reduced
                                       Not applicable
(unit: ton)
Type of carbon reduction measures (for During the Reporting Period, the Company actively
example, use of clean energy in power  enhanced the management and conservation of energy
generation, use of carbon reducing     resources and took necessary measures, including
technologies in production processes,  vigorously increasing the proportion of clean energy use
development and production of novel    such as photovoltaic, with a total of 5.94 million kilowatt

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                                            Annual Report 2022

products that can help reduce carbon         hours of photovoltaic power use; strengthening the energy
emissions, etc.)                             consumption management of equipment and the
                                             conservation management of water resources; promoting
                                             green office and issuing office rules, etc.
                                             Meanwhile, the Company is vigorously developing its new
                                             energy business and has launched various products such as
                                             new energy vehicle charging plugs/points and portable
                                             products to actively contribute to the national strategy of
                                             "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality".

Detailed description:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of Gongniu
Group Co., Ltd. published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

II Fulfillment of Social Responsibility
(I) Indicate whether a separate social responsibility report, sustainability report or ESG report has
been disclosed.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of Gongniu
Group Co., Ltd. published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

(II) Specific efforts in relation to social responsibility
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
   Donations and public welfare
                                          Number/content                       Description
Total spending (RMB’0,000)                               6,250
      Of which: Funds                                             Gongniu Group Charitable Trust,
(RMB’0,000)                                                      Medical and Health Fund, etc.
             Worth of supplies
                                                             26   Pandemic prevention and control
Number of beneficiaries

Detailed description:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, please refer to the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of Gongniu
Group Co., Ltd. published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange

III Efforts in Poverty Alleviation, Rural Revitalization, etc
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Detailed description:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                                                     Annual Report 2022

                                                           Part VI Significant Events
I Fulfillment of Commitments
(I) Commitments of the Company's actual controller, shareholders, related parties and acquirers, as well as the Company and other entities        during the
Reporting Period or commitments continuing to the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   If it is not    If it is not
                                                                                                                         Whether     timely           timely
                                                                                                Time of       Whether       it is performed,      performed,
 Commitment Commitment                                                                       commitment      there is a   timely        the         the plan
                                  Promisor               Commitment contents
  background       category                                                                   making and deadline for       and     specific          for the
                                                                                                  term      performance  strictly   reasons         next step
                                                                                                                        performed   shall be         shall be
                                                                                                                                      stated          stated
                                            Within 36 months from the date of listing of
                                            the Company's shares, the promisor will not
                                            transfer or entrust others to manage the shares
                                            he/she directly or indirectly holds in the
                                            Company which were issued before the IPO,
                                            nor will the Company repurchase such shares.
                                            If the shares held by the promisor are reduced
                                                                                             Within 36
                                Liangji     within two years after the expiry of the
                                Industrial, lock-up period, the price of such reduction
                                                                                             from the
Commitments Restricted          Ninghui     shall not be lower than the issue price of the                                        Not             Not
                                                                                             date of        Yes         Yes
related to IPO share sales      Investment, IPO (if the Company's shares are subject to                                           applicable      applicable
                                                                                             listing of the
                                Suiyuan     ex-rights and ex-dividend matters such as
                                Investment  dividend distribution, share bonus and capital
                                            reserves to share capital, the issue price will
                                            be adjusted ex-rights and ex-dividend, the
                                            same below); if the closing price of the
                                            Company's shares for 20 consecutive trading
                                            days is lower than the issue price within six
                                            months after the listing of the Company, or
                                            the closing price at the end of six months after

                                                                          81 / 258
                                                      Annual Report 2022

                           the listing is lower than the issue price, the
                           lock-up period for holding the Company's
                           shares will be automatically extended for at
                           least six months.
                                                                              Within 36
                           Within 36 months from the date of listing of
                           the Company's shares, the promisor will not
                                                                              from the
Restricted                 transfer or entrust others to manage the shares                                 Not          Not
              Qiyuanbao                                                       date of          Yes   Yes
share sales                he/she directly or indirectly holds in the                                      applicable   applicable
                                                                              listing of the
                           Company which were issued before the IPO,
                           nor will the Company repurchase such shares.
                           Within 36 months from the date of listing of
                           the Company's shares, the promisor will not
                           transfer or entrust others to manage the shares
                           he/she directly or indirectly holds in the
                           Company which were issued before the IPO,
                           nor will the Company repurchase such shares.
                           If the Company's shares directly or indirectly
                           held by the promisor are reduced within two
                           years after the expiry of the lock-up period,
              Xueping,                                                        Within 36
                           the price of such reduction shall not be lower
              Cai                                                             months
                           than the issue price (if the Company's shares
              Yingfeng,                                                       from the
Restricted                 are subject to ex-rights and ex-dividend                                        Not          Not
              Liu                                                             date of          Yes   Yes
share sales                matters such as dividend distribution, share                                    applicable   applicable
              Shengsong,                                                      listing of the
                           bonus and capital reserves to share capital, the
              Zhou                                                            Company's
                           issue price will be adjusted ex-rights and
              Zhenghua,                                                       shares
                           ex-dividend, the same below); if the closing
                           price of the Company's shares for 20
                           consecutive trading days is lower than the
              Zhang Lina
                           issue price within six months after the listing
                           of the Company, or the closing price at the
                           end of six months after the listing is lower
                           than the issue price, the lock-up period for
                           holding the Company's shares will be
                           automatically extended for at least six months.

                                                            82 / 258
                                                   Annual Report 2022

                         After the expiry of the above-mentioned
                         commitment lock-up period, during my term
                         of office as a director, supervisor or senior
                         management personnel of the Company, if I
                         leave the Company before the expiry of my
                         term of office, during the term of office
                         determined at the time of my assumption of
                         office and within six months after the expiry
                         of my term of office: 1) I will transfer no more
                         than 25% of the total number of shares of the
                         Company held directly or indirectly by me
                         each year; 2) I will not transfer the shares of
                         the Company held directly or indirectly by me
                         within six months after leaving the Company;
                         3) (iii) I will comply with laws, administrative
                         regulations, departmental rules and
                         regulations, regulatory documents and other
                         regulations for the transfer of shares by
                         directors, supervisors and senior management
                         personnel of the business rules of the stock
                         Within 36 months from the date of listing of
                         the Company's shares, the promisor will not
                         transfer or entrust others to manage the shares
                         he/she directly or indirectly holds in the
                                                                            Within 36
                         Company which were issued before the IPO,
              Shen                                                          months
                         nor will the Company repurchase such shares.
              Huiyuan,                                                      from the
Restricted               After the expiry of the above-mentioned                                         Not          Not
              Guan                                                          date of          Yes   Yes
share sales              commitment lock-up period, during my term                                       applicable   applicable
              Xuejun,                                                       listing of the
                         of office as a director, supervisor or senior
              Li Yu                                                         Company's
                         management personnel of the Company, if I
                         leave the Company before the expiry of my
                         term of office, during the term of office
                         determined at the time of my assumption of
                         office and within six months after the expiry

                                                         83 / 258
                                             Annual Report 2022

                  of my term of office: 1) I will transfer no more
                  than 25% of the total number of shares of the
                  Company held directly or indirectly by me
                  each year; 2) I will not transfer the shares of
                  the Company held directly or indirectly by me
                  within six months after leaving the Company;
                  3) (iii) I will comply with laws, administrative
                  regulations, departmental rules and
                  regulations, regulatory documents and other
                  regulations for the transfer of shares by
                  directors, supervisors and senior management
                  personnel of the business rules of the stock
                  1. Specific conditions for initiating the stock
                  price stabilisation measures: Within three
                  years of the Company’s IPO and listing, if the
                  closing price of the Company's shares is lower
                  than the latest audited net asset value per share
                  for 20 consecutive trading days (hereinafter
                  referred to as the "initiation condition"), the
                  Company shall initiate the measures for
                  stabilizing its stock prices in line with relevant   Three years
                  provisions. In the event of changes in the           from the
        Gongniu   Company's net assets or the total number of          date of the               Not          Not
Other                                                                                Yes   Yes
        Group     shares due to matters such as capitalisation         Company’s                applicable   applicable
                  from capital reserve, distribution of stock or       IPO and
                  cash dividends, follow-on offering, share            listing
                  allotment and stock reverse split-up after the
                  latest audit base day, the net assets per share
                  shall be adjusted accordingly.
                  2. When the initiation condition for the
                  specific measures to stabilise stock prices is
                  triggered, the Company shall, in accordance
                  with laws and regulations, normative
                  documents, and relevant plans of the Articles

                                                   84 / 258
                                                 Annual Report 2022

                      of Association, take one or more of the
                      following measures to stabilise stock prices at
                      the same time or in steps in the light of the
                      actual situation of the Company and the stock
                      market, and based on the principle of
                      protecting the interests of the Company and
                      investors: (1) The Company repurchases
                      shares from the public; (2) Controlling
                      shareholders, directors who receive
                      remuneration from the Company (except
                      independent directors) and senior managers
                      increase their holdings of the Company's
                      In strict accordance with the Proposal on the
                      Stabilization of Share Price within Three
                      Years of Listing, Ningbo Liangji Industrial
                      Co., Ltd. will fully and effectively fulfill its
                      obligations and responsibilities under the
                                                                           Three years
                      Proposal, and strongly urge the joint stock
                                                                           from the
                      company and the relevant parties to fully and
         Liangji                                                           date of the               Not          Not
Others                effectively fulfill their obligations and                          Yes   Yes
         Industrial                                                        Company’s                applicable   applicable
                      responsibilities under the Proposal. When the
                                                                           IPO and
                      General Meeting of the Company resolves on
                      the repurchase of shares in accordance with
                      the provisions of the Proposal, Ningbo Liangji
                      Industrial Co., Ltd. undertakes to vote in favor
                      of the proposal on the repurchase at the
                      General Meeting.
                      In strict accordance with the Proposal on the
                                                                           Three years
                      Stabilization of Share Price within Three
         Ruan                                                              from the
                      Years of Listing, I will fully and effectively
         Liping,                                                           date of the               Not          Not
Others                fulfill its obligations and responsibilities under                 Yes   Yes
         Ruan                                                              Company’s                applicable   applicable
                      the Proposal, and strongly urge the company
         Xueping                                                           IPO and
                      and the relevant parties to fully and effectively
                      fulfill the obligations and responsibilities

                                                       85 / 258
                                                         Annual Report 2022

                              under the Proposal. When the General
                              Meeting of the Company resolves on the
                              repurchase of shares in accordance with the
                              provisions of the Proposal, I undertake that I
                              and those acting in concert will vote in favor
                              of the proposal on the repurchase at the
                              General Meeting.
                              In strict accordance with the Proposal on the
                              Stabilization of Share Price within Three            Three years
                Senior        Years of Listing, I will fully and effectively       from the
                management    fulfill its obligations and responsibilities under   date of the               Not          Not
Others                                                                                           Yes   Yes
                of the        the Proposal, and strongly urge the company          Company’s                applicable   applicable
                Company       and the relevant parties to fully and effectively    IPO and
                              fulfill the obligations and responsibilities         listing
                              under the Proposal.
                              1. No reduction of the Company's shares will
                              be performed within 36 months after the
                              Company's shares are listed. 2. The methods
                              of shareholding reduction include but are not
                Liangji       limited to call auction on exchanges, block          Three years
                Industrial,   trade, and negotiating transfer. 3. When             from the
                Ruan          reducing shareholdings, information such as          date of the               Not          Not
Others                                                                                           Yes   Yes
                Liping, and   the amount and method of reduction shall be          Company’s                applicable   applicable
                Ruan          notified to the Company in writing in advance,       IPO and
                Xueping       and the Company shall make an                        listing
                              announcement in a timely manner.
                              Shareholding reduction shall be performed
                              after three trading days from the date of the
                              Company's announcement.
                              (1) The company and companies or other
                              organizations controlled by the company are
                Liangji       not engaged in the same or similar business as       Not                       Not          Not
of horizontal                                                                                    No    Yes
                Industrial    the issuer and its subsidiaries, with no             applicable                applicable   applicable
                              horizontal competition. (2) The company and
                              companies or other organizations controlled
                                                               86 / 258
                           Annual Report 2022

by the company will not engage in the same or
similar business as the existing business of the
issuer and its subsidiaries in any form outside
China, including not investing in, acquiring or
merging with companies or other economic
organizations outside China that compete with
the existing principal business of the issuer
and its subsidiaries. (3) If the issuer and its
subsidiaries engage in new business in the
future, the company and companies or other
organizations controlled by the company will
not engage in business activities in direct
competition with the new business of the
issuer and its subsidiaries by share holding or
participating in but having substantial control
over the shares of the issuer and its
subsidiaries within or outside China, including
investing in, acquiring or merging with
companies or other economic organizations
within or outside China that directly compete
with the new business of the issuer and its
subsidiaries in the future. (4) If the company
and legal entities controlled by the company
have business operations in direct competition
with the issuer and its subsidiaries, the issuer
and its subsidiaries shall have the right to
centralize the competing businesses to the
operations of the issuer and its subsidiaries
through preferential acquisition or
entrustment. (5) The company undertakes not
to use its position as a shareholder of the
issuer and its subsidiaries to seek improper
benefits and thereby harm the rights and
interests of other shareholders of the issuer
and its subsidiaries. If the rights and interests

                                87 / 258
                                                    Annual Report 2022

                          of the issuer and its subsidiaries are damaged
                          due to a breach of the above statements and
                          commitments by the company and companies
                          or other organizations controlled by the
                          company, the company agrees to be liable to
                          the issuer and its subsidiaries for the
                          corresponding damages.
                          (1) I and companies or other organizations
                          controlled by me are not engaged in the same
                          or similar business as the issuer and its
                          subsidiaries, with no horizontal competition.
                          (2) I and companies or other organizations
                          controlled by me will not engage in the same
                          or similar business as the existing business of
                          the issuer and its subsidiaries in any form
                          outside China, including not investing in,
                          acquiring or merging with companies or other
                          economic organizations outside China that
                          compete with the existing principal business
                Ruan      of the issuer and its subsidiaries. (3) If the
                Liping,   issuer and its subsidiaries engage in new         Not                    Not          Not
of horizontal                                                                            No   No
                Ruan      business in the future, I and companies or        applicable             applicable   applicable
                Xueping   other organizations controlled by me will not
                          engage in business activities in direct
                          competition with the new business of the
                          issuer and its subsidiaries by share holding or
                          participating in but having substantial control
                          over the shares of the issuer and its
                          subsidiaries within or outside China, including
                          investing in, acquiring or merging with
                          companies or other economic organizations
                          within or outside China that directly compete
                          with the new business of the issuer and its
                          subsidiaries in the future. (4) If I and legal
                          entities controlled by me have business

                                                         88 / 258
                                                        Annual Report 2022

                             operations in direct competition with the
                             issuer and its subsidiaries, the issuer and its
                             subsidiaries shall have the right to centralize
                             the competing businesses to the operations of
                             the issuer and its subsidiaries through
                             preferential acquisition or entrustment. (5) I
                             undertake not to use its position as a
                             shareholder of the issuer and its subsidiaries to
                             seek improper benefits and thereby harm the
                             rights and interests of other shareholders of
                             the issuer and its subsidiaries. If the rights and
                             interests of the issuer and its subsidiaries are
                             damaged due to a breach of the above
                             statements and commitments by me and
                             companies or other organizations controlled
                             by me, I agree to be liable to the issuer and its
                             subsidiaries for the corresponding damages.
                             The company will minimize and standardize
                             the related-party transactions with Gongniu
                             Group Co., Ltd. and its wholly-owned or
                             controlled subsidiaries. For related-party
                             transactions that are inevitable or occur for
                             reasonable reasons, the company will strictly
                             comply with the provisions of relevant laws,
Settlement                   regulations and the Articles of Association of
of              Liangji      the company, follow the principles of                Not                     Not          Not
                                                                                               No   Yes
related-party   Industrial   equitable, remunerative and fair transactions,       applicable              applicable   applicable
transactions                 perform legal procedures, and determine the
                             transaction prices in accordance with
                             reasonable prices recognized by the market to
                             ensure the fairness of the related-party
                             transactions. The company will not leverage
                             its shareholder status to induce the General
                             Meeting or the Board of Directors of the
                             Company to make resolutions that infringe

                                                              89 / 258
                                                                   Annual Report 2022

                                        upon the legitimate rights and interests of the
                                        Company and other shareholders. In operating
                                        decisions, the company will strictly follow the
                                        relevant provisions of the Company Law and
                                        the Articles of Association to implement the
                                        avoidance system of related shareholders to
                                        safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of
                                        all shareholders.
                                        I will minimize and standardize the
                                        related-party transactions with Gongniu Group
                                        Co., Ltd. and its wholly-owned or controlled
                                        subsidiaries. For related-party transactions
                                        that are inevitable or occur for reasonable
                                        reasons, I will strictly comply with the
                                        provisions of relevant laws, regulations and
                                        the Articles of Association of the company,
                                        follow the principles of equitable,
                                        remunerative and fair transactions, perform
                                        legal procedures, and determine the
              Settlement      Ruan
                                        transaction prices in accordance with
              of              Liping,                                                       Not                     Not          Not
                                        reasonable prices recognized by the market to                    No   Yes
              related-party   Ruan                                                          applicable              applicable   applicable
                                        ensure the fairness of the related-party
              transactions    Xueping
                                        transactions. I will not leverage its shareholder
                                        status to induce the General Meeting or the
                                        Board of Directors of the Company to make
                                        resolutions that infringe upon the legitimate
                                        rights and interests of the Company and other
                                        shareholders. In operating decisions, I will
                                        strictly follow the relevant provisions of the
                                        Company Law and the Articles of Association
                                        to implement the avoidance system of related
                                        shareholders to safeguard the legitimate rights
                                        and interests of all shareholders.
Commitments                   Gongniu   The Company will not provide loans and any          Not                     Not          Not
              Others                                                                                     No   Yes
related to                    Group     other forms of financial assistance, including      applicable              applicable   applicable

                                                                        90 / 258
                                                               Annual Report 2022

equity                              provision of guarantees for loans, to the
incentives                          awardees of the Restricted Share Incentive
                                    Plan for acquiring the relevant restricted
                                    shares under the Incentive Plan.
                                    If the Company is not eligible for the grant of
                                    equity or exercise of equity arrangement due
                                    to a false record, misleading statement or
                      Awardees of
                                    material omission in the information
                                    disclosure document, the awardee shall return      Not                     Not          Not
             Others   share                                                                         No   Yes
                                    to the Company all the benefits received from      applicable              applicable   applicable
                                    the share Incentive Plan after the false record,
                                    misleading statement or material omission are
                                    confirmed in relevant information disclosure

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                                          Annual Report 2022

(II) Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period
was still within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has or has not been reached for the
Reporting Period.
□ Forecast reached □ Forecast unreached √ Not applicable

(III) Fulfillment of performance commitments and the impact on goodwill impairment tests
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Other Related Parties
for Non-Operating Purposes during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                            Annual Report 2022

IV Explanation Given by the Board of Directors Regarding “Independent Auditor’s Report with
Modified Opinion”
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Reasons for Accounting Policy or Estimate Changes or Correction of Material Accounting
Errors and the Impact
(I) Reasons for accounting policy or estimate changes and the impact
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For details, see “44. Changes to critical accounting policies and estimates” under “V Critical
Accounting Policies and Estimates” of “Part X Financial Statements”.

(II) Reasons for correction of material accounting errors and the impact
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Communications with the former CPA firm
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Appointment and Dismissal of CPA Firm
                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                          In service
Name of the domestic CPA firm                                Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
The Company’s payment to the domestic CPA
How many years the domestic CPA firm has
provided audit service for the Company
Name of certified public accountants of the
                                                                          Qian Zhongxian, and Liu Chong
domestic CPA firm
How many consecutive years the certified public
                                                                                Qian Zhongxian: 2 years
accountants of the domestic CPA firm have
                                                                                    Liu Chong: 1 year
provided audit service for the Company

                                                   Name                            Payment
CPA firm for the audit of           Pan-China Certified Public
internal control                    Accountants LLP
     Note: The audit fees of the Company for the year 2022 amounted to RMB2,780,000, of which the
audit fee for the financial statements of the Company for the year 2022 amounted to RMB2,180,000, the
internal control audit fee amounted to RMB500,000 and the raised funds authentification fee amounted
to RMB100,000.

Appointment and dismissal of CPA firm:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     As resolved by the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company decided to
re-appoint Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP as the independent auditor for the financial
statements and internal control of 2022.

Change of the CPA firm during the audit:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                            Annual Report 2022

VII Delisting Risk
(I) Reasons for the delisting risk warning
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) The Company’s response
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Risk of termination of listing and the reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII Insolvency and Reorganization
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX Significant Legal Matters
□ The Company has material litigation and arbitration this year
√ The Company has no material litigation and arbitration this year

X Punishments on the Company as well as Its Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management,
Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller for Violation of Laws or Regulations, as well as the
Relevant Rectifications
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI Credit Standings of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller
  during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XII Major Related-Party Transactions
(I) Continuing related-party transactions
1. Already disclosed in current announcement without new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Disclosed in current announcement but with new progress or changes
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Proposal on Estimated Continuing Related-Party Transactions for 2022 was approved at the
Tenth Meeting of the Second Board of Directors. For details, please refer to the Announcement on
Estimated Continuing Related-Party Transactions for 2022 (Announcement No. 2022-024) disclosed by
the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn). For the actual
execution of the aforesaid estimated related-party transactions, see the Announcement on Estimated
Continuing Related-Party Transactions for 2023 (Announcement No. 2023-018).

3. Undisclosed in current announcement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Related-party transactions regarding purchase or sale of assets or equity investments
1. Already disclosed in current announcement without new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                          Annual Report 2022

2. Disclosed in current announcement but with new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Undisclosed in current announcement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Where a performance commitment is involved in such a related-party transaction, the
performance results for the Reporting Period shall be disclosed.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Major related-party transactions regarding joint investments in third parties
1. Already disclosed in current announcement without new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Disclosed in current announcement but with new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Undisclosed in current announcement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Amounts due to and from related parties
1. Already disclosed in current announcement without new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Disclosed in current announcement but with new progress or changes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Undisclosed in current announcement
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(V) Financial transactions between the Company and related finance companies, or between
finance companies under the Company’s control and related parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(VI) Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XIII Major Contracts and the Execution
(I) Entrustment, Contracting and Leases
1. Entrustment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Contracting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Leases
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                  Annual Report 2022

(II) Guarantees
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                        Annual Report 2022

(III) Cash entrusted to other entities for management
1. Cash entrusted for wealth management
(1) Total cash entrusted for wealth management
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                  Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                              Unrecovered overdue
      Type            Funding source     Amount              Undue amount
Bank’s financial
                     Self-funded           209,450.00            191,900.00
                     Self-funded            50,001.00              3,001.00
                     Raised funds           60,000.00             15,000.00
Trust product        Self-funded           126,000.00            126,000.00
Securities firm’s
                     Self-funded           342,000.00            342,000.00
Securities firm’s
                     Raised funds           78,000.00             45,000.00

Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Single Wealth Management Entrustment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Impairment allowances for wealth management entrustment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Entrustment loans
(1) Total entrustment loans
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Single entrustment loans
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Impairment allowances for entrustment loans
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(IV) Other significant contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
                                             97 / 258
                                       Annual Report 2022

XIV Other Significant Events for Investors’ Judgment of Value and Investment Decision-making
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                                                       Annual Report 2022

                             Part VII Changes in Ordinary Shares and Information about Shareholders

I Share Changes
(I) Share changes
1. Share changes
                                                                                                                                                       Unit: share
                                                  Before                     Increase/decrease in the current period (+/-)                     After
                                                       Percentage                issue                                                                 Percentage
                                         Shares                     New issue              from         Other           Subtotal      Shares
                                                          (%)                    from                                                                     (%)
I Restricted shares                     525,579,506         87.42                                         995,000          995,000   526,574,506            87.61
1. Shares held by the state
2. Shares held by state-owned
3. Shares held by other domestic
                                        525,579,506         87.42                                        995,000          995,000    526,574,506            87.61
Including: Shares held by domestic
                                        330,886,108         55.04                                                                    330,886,108            55.05
Shares held by domestic individuals     194,693,398         32.38                                        995,000          995,000    195,688,398            32.56
4. Shares held by overseas investors
Including: Shares held by overseas
Shares held by overseas individuals
II Unrestricted shares                   75,601,014         12.58                                      -1,097,930      -1,097,930     74,503,084            12.39
1. RMB-denominated ordinary
                                         75,601,014         12.58                                      -1,097,930      -1,097,930     74,503,084            12.39
2. Domestically listed foreign shares
3. Overseas listed foreign shares
4. Others
III Total shares                        601,180,520        100.00                                       -102,930         -102,930    601,077,590           100.00
                                                                             99 / 258
                                                                            Annual Report 2022

2. Description of changes in shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     (1) On 11 April 2022, the Company held the 10th meeting of the 2nd Board of Directors and the 10th meeting of the 2nd Supervisory Committee, and reviewed
and approved the Proposal on the Restricted Share Incentive Plan for 2022 (Draft) and its Summary, and Proposal on the Management Measures for the Assessment
of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan for 2022. On 20 May 2022, the Company held the 12th meeting of the 2nd Board of Directors and the 12th meeting of the 2nd
Supervisory Committee, and review and approved the Proposal on Adjusting the List of Awardees, the Number of Grants and the Grant Price of the Restricted Share
Incentive Plan in 2022, and Proposal on Granting Restrictive Shares to Awardees, agreeing to grant a total of 1,501,800 shares (ordinary shares repurchased by the
Company from the secondary market) to awardees. After this change, the total share capital of the Company remained unchanged, and the number of restricted
tradable shares changed from 525,579,506 to 527,081,306, while that of non-restricted tradable shares changed from 75,601,014 to 74,099,214. For details, please
refer to the Announcement on the Grant Results of the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Announcement No.: 2022-071) published by the Company on the
website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on 23 June 2022;
     (2) According to the relevant provisions, the lifting of the restriction conditions in the second lifting restriction period of the 2020 Restricted Share Incentive
Plan has been achieved, and a total of 152,190 shares held by 367 awardees have met the conditions for lifting the sale restrictions. After this change, the total share
capital of the Company remained unchanged, and the number of restricted tradable shares changed from 527,081,306 to 526,929,116, while that of non-restricted
tradable shares changed from 74,099,214 to 74,251,404. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Lifting the Restriction Conditions in the Second Lifting
Restriction Period of the 2020 Restricted Share Incentive Plan and Trading in the Market (Announcement No.: 2022-073) published by the Company on the website
of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on 1 July 2022;
     (3) According to the relevant provisions, the lifting of the restriction conditions in the first lifting restriction period of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan
has been achieved, and a total of 251,680 shares held by 486 awardees have met the conditions for lifting the sale restrictions. After this change, the total share
capital of the Company remained unchanged, and the number of restricted tradable shares changed from 526,929,116 to 526,677,436, while that of non-restricted
tradable shares changed from 74,251,404 to 74,503,084. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Lifting the Restriction Conditions in the First Lifting
Restriction Period of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan and Trading in the Market (Announcement No.: 2022-077) published by the Company on the website
of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on 12 July 2022;

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                                                                        Annual Report 2022

    (4) As 22 awardees of the 2020 Restricted Share Incentive Plan and 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan have lost the incentive qualification of the Incentive
Plan due to their departure from the Company, the Company repurchased and cancelled 28,100 restricted shares held by them, which had been granted but not lifted
from restricted sales. After that, the total share capital of the Company changed from 601,180,520 to 601,152,420, and the number of restricted tradable shares
changed from 526,677,436 to 526,649,336. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Gongniu Group on the Implementation of the Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Incentive Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-080) published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange
(www.sse.com.cn) on 27 July 2022;
    (5) As 31 awardees of the 2020 Restricted Share Incentive Plan, 2021 Restricted Share Incentive Plan and 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan have left the
Company, the Company repurchased and cancelled 74,830 restricted shares held by them, which had been granted but not lifted from restricted sales. After that, the
total share capital of the Company changed from 601,152,420 to 601,077,590, and the number of restricted tradable shares changed from 526,649,336 to
526,574,506. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Gongniu Group on the Implementation of the Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted
Incentive Shares (Announcement No.: 2022-121) published by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) on 21 December

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                                             Annual Report 2022

3. Impact of share changes on financial indicators such as earnings per share and net asset value
per share for the most recent year and the most recent period (if any)
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other information necessary to be disclosed or required to be disclosed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Change of restricted shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: Share
                           Number of       Number
                              shares       of new                                     Reasons
              Opening                                     Shares         Closing
 Name of                   lifted from    restricted                                    for        Date of
              restricted                               repurchased      restricted
shareholder                restrictions     shares                                   restricted   unlocking
                shares                                  and retired       shares
                            during the    during the                                   sales
                               year          year
of the 2020
                                                                                     unlocking    6 July
Equity          296,600       152,190             0             8,610    135,800
                                                                                     the equity   2022
                                                                                     are unmet
of the 2021
                                                                                     unlocking    15 July
Equity          668,400       251,680             0            41,920    374,800
                                                                                     the equity   2022
                                                                                     are unmet
of the 2022
Equity                 0             0    1,501,800            52,400   1,449,400                 In lockup
                                                                                     the equity
                                                                                     are unmet
   Total        965,000       403,870     1,501,800           102,930   1,960,000         /            /

II Issuance and Listing of Securities
(I) Securities issued during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Description of securities issued during the Reporting Period (for bonds with different interest rates over
the lifetime, please specify separately):
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Changes in Total Shares and Shareholder Structure, as well as in Asset and Liability
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For changes in the shareholder structure, see “(I) Share changes” under “I Share Changes” of “Part
VII Share in Ordinary Shares and Information about Shareholders”.

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                                             Annual Report 2022

    For changes in asset and liabilities structures, see “(III) Analysis of assets and liabilities” under “V
Business Overview for the Reporting Period” of “Part III Management Discussion and Analysis”.

(III) Existing staff-held shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and Actual Controller
(I) Total number of shareholders
Number of ordinary shareholders at the period-end                                                      21,987
Number of ordinary shareholders at the month-end
prior to the disclosure of this Report
Number of preference shareholders with resumed
                                                                                               Not applicable
voting rights at the period-end
Number of preference shareholders with resumed
voting rights at the month-end prior to the                                                    Not applicable
disclosure of this Report

(II) Top 10 shareholders and public shareholders (or unrestricted shareholders) at the period-end
                                                                                         Unit: share
                                        Top 10 shareholders
                                                                       Shares in
 Full name                                 Shareholdi                    pledge,
              increase/decre   Closing                   Restricted
     of                                         ng                     marked or        Nature of
                ase in the    shareholdi                   shares
shareholde                                 percentage                    frozen        shareholder
                Reporting         ng                        held
      r                                        (%)                   Statu Share
                                                                       s        s
Liangji                       324,000,00                 324,000,0
                           0                     53.90                N/A            non-state-own
Industrial                             0                         00
                                                                                     ed corporation
Co., Ltd.
Ruan                                                     96,864,19                   Domestic
                           0 96,864,199          16.12                N/A
Liping                                                            9                  individual
Ruan                                                     96,864,19                   Domestic
                           0 96,864,199          16.12                N/A
Xueping                                                           9                  individual
                  -5,122,251   8,920,301           1.48           0 N/A              Other
nt                         0   4,072,954           0.68 4,072,954 N/A                Other

                                                  103 / 258
                                    Annual Report 2022

Bank Co.,
Xingquan      478,840   3,949,515            0.66        0   N/A   Other
Bank Co.,
Dynamic            0    2,600,615            0.43        0   N/A   Other
nt (Hong
Schroder           0    2,465,095            0.41        0   N/A   Other
Asia (ETF)
Bank Co.,
New View
Allocation      9,731   1,878,106            0.31        0   N/A   Other
d Mixed

                                        104 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

                    305,207    1,819,850            0.30          0   N/A           Other
                                  Top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                               Unrestricted public             Type and number of shares
   Name of shareholder
                                  shares held                  Class                   Shares
Hong Kong Securities                                RMB-denominated ordinary
                                         8,920,301                                       8,920,301
Clearing Company Limited                                       stock
China Merchants Bank Co.,
Ltd.-Xingquan Herun                                  RMB-denominated ordinary
                                       3,949,515                                        3,949,515
Mixed Securities Investment                                   stock
China Merchants Bank Co.,
Ltd.-Xingquan Heyi
                                                      RMB-denominated ordinary
Dynamic Asset Allocation               2,600,615                                        2,600,615
Mixed Securities Investment
Fund (LOF)
Schroder Investment
Management (Hong Kong)
                                                      RMB-denominated ordinary
Limited-Schroder                      2,465,095                                        2,465,095
International Selection Fund
-Emerging Asia (ETF)
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.-
Xingquan New View
Dynamic Asset Allocation                              RMB-denominated ordinary
                                       1,878,106                                        1,878,106
Regularly Open-ended                                          stock
Mixed Initiated Securities
Investment Fund
China Everbright Bank
Company Limited Co., Ltd.
                                                      RMB-denominated ordinary
-Xingquan Business Model              1,819,850                                        1,819,850
Selected Mixed Securities
Investment Fund (LOF)
Schroder Investment
Management (Hong Kong)
                                                      RMB-denominated ordinary
Limited-Schroder                      1,562,700                                        1,562,700
International Selection Fund
-China A (ETF)
Basic Endowment Insurance                             RMB-denominated ordinary
                                       1,184,651                                        1,184,651
Fund—Portfolio 807                                           stock
National Social Security                              RMB-denominated ordinary
                                       1,142,436                                        1,142,436
Fund—Portfolio 114                                           stock

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                                            Annual Report 2022

Schroder Investment
Management (Hong Kong)
                                                          RMB-denominated ordinary
Limited-Schroder                          1,076,041                                              1,076,041
International Selection Fund
-Greater China (ETF)
Share repurchase account
among the top 10                Not applicable
Shareholders above
entrusting/entrusted with or    Not applicable
waiving voting rights
                                Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping are brothers and acting-in-concert
                                parties. They jointly control Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd., the
                                Company’s controlling shareholder. Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area
                                Shuo Jin Investment Management Co., Ltd., under the joint control of
Related or acting-in-concert
                                Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping, is an executive partner of Ningbo
parties among shareholders
                                Ninghui Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), one
                                of the Company’s shareholders. Save as disclosed above, the Company
                                is not aware of any other related parties or acting-in-concert parties as
                                defined in the Administration Methods for Acquisition of Listed
                                Companies among the shareholders above.
Preference shareholders with
resumed voting rights and       Not applicable
their shareholdings

Shareholdings of the top 10 restricted shareholders and the restrictions:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: share
                                                       Restricted shares allowed for public
                                                                               Increase in
          Name of restricted          Restricted
No.                                                                             restricted      Restriction
            shareholder              shares held       Date when public
                                                       trading is allowed
                                                                               allowed for
                                                                              public trading
       Ningbo Liangji                                                                          for 36
1                                    324,000,000      6 February 2023
       Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                    months from
                                                                                               the IPO
                                                                                               for 36
2      Ruan Liping                     96,864,199     6 February 2023
                                                                                               months from
                                                                                               the IPO
                                                                                               for 36
3      Ruan Xueping                    96,864,199     6 February 2023
                                                                                               months from
                                                                                               the IPO
       Ningbo Ninghui                                                                          Non-tradable
       Investment Management                                                                   for 36
4                                       4,072,954     6 February 2023
       Partnership (Limited                                                                    months from
       Partnership)                                                                            the IPO
       Ningbo Suiyuan                                                                          Non-tradable
       Investment Management                                                                   for 36
5                                       1,787,442     6 February 2023
       Partnership (Limited                                                                    months from
       Partnership)                                                                            the IPO

                                                   106 / 258
                                        Annual Report 2022

      Ningbo Qiyuanbao                                                                   Non-tradable
      Investment Management                                                              for 36
6                                    1,025,712 6 February 2023
      Partnership (Limited                                                               months from
      Partnership)                                                                       the IPO
                                                                                         In the lockup
                                                  To be unlocked
                                                  when the
                                                                                         according to
7     Cheng Rong                        33,800 conditions for the
                                                                                         the equity
                                                  equity incentives
                                                  are met
                                                                                         In the lockup
                                                  To be unlocked
                                                  when the
                                                                                         according to
8     Xie Weiwei                        33,590 conditions for the
                                                                                         the equity
                                                  equity incentives
                                                  are met
                                                                                         In the lockup
                                                  To be unlocked
                                                  when the
                                                                                         according to
9     Zhou Zhenghua                     33,430 conditions for the
                                                                                         the equity
                                                  equity incentives
                                                  are met
                                                                                         In the lockup
                                                  To be unlocked
                                                  when the
                                                                                         according to
10    Li Guoqiang                       30,300 conditions for the
                                                                                         the equity
                                                  equity incentives
                                                  are met
                               Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping are brothers and acting-in-concert
                               parties. They jointly control Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd., the
                               Company’s controlling shareholder. Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port
                               Area Shuo Jin Investment Management Co., Ltd., under the joint
                               control of Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping, is an executive partner of
                               Ningbo Ninghui Investment Management Partnership (Limited
                               Partnership) and Ningbo Suiyuan Investment Management
                               Partnership (Limited Partnership), both shareholders of the
                               Company. Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping are both limited partners
Related or acting-in-concert   of Ningbo Suiyuan Investment Management Partnership (Limited
parties among shareholders     Partnership). The Company’s shareholder Ningbo Qiyuanbao
above                          Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) is under
                               the control of Ruan Shuhong and Zhu Funing, both near relatives of
                               Ruan Liping. Zhou Zhenghua is a director and senior executive of
                               the Company. And Li Guoqiang, a senior executive of the Company,
                               is a limited partner of the Company’s shareholder Ningbo Suiyuan
                               Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership). Save as
                               disclosed above, the Company is not aware of any other related
                               parties or acting-in-concert parties as defined in the Administration
                               Methods for Acquisition of Listed Companies among the
                               shareholders above.

(III) Indicate whether any strategic investor or general corporation has become a top-10
shareholder in a rights issue.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                               Annual Report 2022

IV Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller
(I) Controlling shareholder
1. Corporation
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Name                                 Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd.
Legal representative/company
                                     Ruan Liping
Date of establishment                23 November 2011
Principal activities                 Investment management
Interests held in other domestically
and overseas listed companies in the Not applicable
Reporting Period
Other information                    Not applicable

2. Individual
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Special statement regarding the fact that the Company does not have a controlling shareholder
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Illustration of the controlling shareholder’s ownership in the Company
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                  Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd.


                                      Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.

(II) Actual controller
1. Corporation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Individual
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
  Name                                            Ruan Liping
  Nationality                                     Chinese
  Residency in other countries or regions
                                                  Chairman of the Board and President of Gongniu Group
 Main occupations and positions
                                                  Co., Ltd.
 Controlling interests in other domestically
 and overseas listed companies in the past        Not applicable
 10 years
 Name                                             Ruan Xueping

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                                               Annual Report 2022

 Nationality                                      Chinese
 Residency in other countries or regions
                                                  Vice Chairman of the Board of Gongniu Group Co.,
 Main occupations and positions                   Ltd. and General Manager of Shanghai Gongniu
                                                  Electrics Co., Ltd.
 Controlling interests in other domestically
 and overseas listed companies in the past        Not applicable
 10 years

3. Special statement regarding the fact that the Company does not have an actual controller.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Illustration of the actual controller’s ownership in the Company
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                         Ruan Liping                                     Ruan Xueping

                                   Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area Shuo
                                    Jin Investment Management Co., Ltd.

                                       Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd.

                       16.12%                               53.90%              16.12%

                                           Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.

6. Indicate whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) Other information about the controlling shareholder and the actual controller
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Indicate whether the cumulative number of shares put in pledge by the Company’s controlling
shareholder or the largest shareholder and its acting-in-concert parties accounts for over 80% of
their shareholdings in the Company.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII Restrictions on Shareholding Reduction
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
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                                           Annual Report 2022

VIII Share Repurchases during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                Unit: RMB’0,000
Title of the share repurchase plan          The Plan for a Share Repurchase on the Open Market
Date of the disclosure of the plan                                                 12 April 2022
To-be-repurchased shares as % of
the total share capital
Amount to be used                                                                         20,000-30,000
Intended period for the repurchase                            Within 12 months from 11 April 2022
Purpose of the repurchase                            For the implementation of equity Incentive Plan
Number of shares already
Number of shares already
repurchased (if any) as % of all the
target shares of the equity Incentive
Progress on any reduction of
repurchased shares on the open                                                            Not applicable
     Note: The repurchase plan has been carried out. A total of 1,501,846 shares were repurchased, of
which 1,501,800 shares were granted under the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan and the rest of 46
shares were in the Company’s securities account for repurchased shares. For further information, see the
Announcement on the Results of the Implementation of the Share Repurchase Plan & the Changes in
Shares (announcement No.: 2022-106) disclosed by the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock
Exchange (www.sse.com.cn).

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                                  Annual Report 2022

              Part VIII Relevant Information of Corporate Bonds
I Enterprise Bonds, Corporate Bonds and Debt Financing Instruments of Non-financial
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Convertible Corporate Bonds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                  Annual Report 2022

                Part IX Relevant Information of Preference shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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                                             Annual Report 2022

                                 Part X Financial Statements
I Independent Auditor’s Report
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                     Independent Auditor’s Report
                                       PCCPA Audit〔2023〕No. 5588

To the shareholders of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.:
     I Opinion
     We have audited the financial statements of Gongniu Group Co., Ltd. (“Gongniu” or the
“Company”), which comprise the consolidated and parent company (the Company as the parent
exclusive of subsidiaries) balance sheets as at 31 December 2022, the consolidated and parent company
statements of income, cash flows and changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended, as well as the
notes to the financial statements.
     In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the
consolidated and parent company financial position of the Company at 31 December 2022, and the
consolidated and parent company operating results and cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity
with the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS).
     II Basis for Opinion
     We conducted our audits in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered
Accountants. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s
Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the
Company in accordance with the China Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have
fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the said Code of Ethics. We believe that the
audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
     III Key Audit Matters
     Key audit matters are matters that, based on our professional judgment, are deemed most important
to the audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context
of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not
provide a separate opinion on these matters.
     (I) Revenue recognition
     1. Description
     For relevant information disclosed, please refer to "38. Revenue" in "V Significant Accounting
Policies and Accounting Estimates" and "61. Operating revenue and cost of sales" in "VII Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements" of "Part X Financial Statements".
     The revenue of Gongniu Group is mainly derived from the sale of adaptors, wall switches, LEDs
and digital accessories. In 2022, Gongniu Group achieved operating revenue of RMB14.081 billion.
Gongniu Group has identified different specific methods of revenue recognition for different sales
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                                            Annual Report 2022

     As operating revenue is one of the key performance indicators of Gongniu Group, we have
identified revenue recognition as a key audit matter.
     2. Audit response
     The audit procedures we performed in relation to revenue recognition primarily include:
     (1) Understanding the key internal controls relating to revenue recognition, evaluating the design of
those controls, determining whether they are implemented and testing the effectiveness of the operation
of the relevant internal controls;
     (2) Examining major sales contracts for major contractual terms and evaluating whether the
revenue recognition policy is in line with the provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business
     (3) Implementing substantive analysis procedures for operating revenue and gross margin on a
monthly, product and customer basis to identify any significant or abnormal fluctuations and analyze the
causes of fluctuations;
     (4) For domestic sales revenue, conducting sample-check on supporting documents related to
revenue recognition, including sales contracts, orders, sales invoices, outbound delivery orders, delivery
notes, transportation orders and customer sign-off sheets; for export revenue, obtaining information from
the Administration of Foreign Exchange and reconciling it with the carrying records, and checking
supporting documents such as sales contracts, export customs declarations, freight bills of lading and
sales invoices on a sample basis;
     (5) Confirming with key customers on a sample basis regarding sales for the period based on the
accounts receivable letter;
     (6) Verifying operating revenue recognized around the balance sheet date on a sample basis to
supporting documents such as outbound delivery orders, delivery notes, customer sign-off sheets and
freight bills of lading, and evaluating whether operating revenue is recognized in the appropriate period;
     (7) Checking whether the information relating to operating revenue is properly presented in the
financial statements.
     (II) Recognition, measurement and presentation of wealth management products
     1. Description
     For relevant information disclosed, please refer to "10. Financial instruments" in "V Significant
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates" and "2. "Held-for-trading financial assets", "13. Other
current assets" and "68. Return on investment" in "VII Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements"
of "Part X Financial Statements".
     As at 31 December 2022, the wealth management balance of held-for-trading financial assets of
Gongniu Group was RMB6,949 million, the wealth management balance of other current assets was
RMB284 million, and the cumulative return on investment for wealth management products in 2022
amounted to RMB279 million. We determined the recognition, measurement and presentation of wealth
management products as a key audit matter due to the large amount of wealth management products and

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                                                Annual Report 2022

the fact that the return on investment of the relevant products had a significant impact on the net profit of
Gongniu Group for 2022.
     2. Audit response
     The audit procedures we performed in relation to the recognition, measurement and presentation of
wealth management products primarily include:
     (1) Understanding the key internal controls relating to investments in wealth management products,
evaluating the design of those controls, determining whether they are implemented and testing the
effectiveness of the operation of the relevant internal controls;
     (2) Checking whether the classification of wealth management products is correct based on the
contractual cash flow characteristics of the wealth management products and the business model of
Gongniu Group in managing the wealth management products;
     (3) Obtaining statements of account related to wealth management products, reconciling them with
the carrying amount and writing to banks, securities companies and trust companies to confirm the asset
balance and the existence of balances of wealth management products;
     (4) Checking the supporting documents for increase and reduction in wealth management products
during the period on a sample basis, checking whether they have been authorized and approved, and
confirming that the amounts relating to the purchase, sale and return on investment of wealth
management products are correct and fully recorded;
     (5) Reviewing the valuation method of wealth management products to check whether the basis for
obtaining their fair value, the measurement of their value at the end of the period and the accounting
treatment are correct;
     (6) Checking whether information related to the recognition, measurement and presentation of
wealth management products has been properly presented in the financial statements.
     IV Other Information
     The Company’s management is responsible for the other information. The other information
comprises all of the information included in the Company’s 2021 Annual Report other than the financial
statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
     Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express
any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
     In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially
     If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
     V Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for Financial

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                                             Annual Report 2022

     The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give
a fair view in accordance with CAS, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal
control as the management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
     In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern (if
applicable) and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to
liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
     Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting
     VI Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements
     Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that
includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an
audit conducted in accordance with CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the
aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the
basis of these financial statements.
     As part of an audit in accordance with CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
     (I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence
that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
     (II) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
     (III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
     (IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of
accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to
events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going
concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required by CAS to draw users’
attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such
disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence
obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the
Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

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                                              Annual Report 2022

     (V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether
the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair
     (VI) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are
responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the Company audit. We remain solely
responsible for our audit opinion.
     We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any noteworthy deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit.
     We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with
relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and
other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related
     From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters
that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are
therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or
regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we
determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of
doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP            Chinese certified public accountant: Qian Zhongxian
                                                           (engagement partner)

                HangzhouChina                          Chinese certified public accountant: Liu Chong

                                                                       27 April 2023

II Financial Statements
                                   Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                       31 December 2022
Prepared by Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
               Item                    Note            31 December 2022            31 December 2021
Current assets:
   Monetary assets                                            4,611,966,169.54          4,377,228,556.74
   Settlement reserve
   Loans to other banks and
financial institutions
   Held-for-trading financial
                                                              6,949,000,000.00          5,926,600,000.00
                                                  117 / 258
                                   Annual Report 2022

   Derivative financial assets                            643,100.00        3,613,050.00
   Notes receivable                                                           750,723.35
   Accounts receivable                               226,808,699.19       219,259,743.25
   Receivables financing                               1,036,801.70           927,023.00
   Prepayments                                        49,635,694.61        29,140,223.00
   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance receivables
   Receivable reinsurance
contract reserve
   Other receivables                                    71,887,692.32     195,924,505.99
   Of which: Interest receivable
   Financial assets purchased
under resale agreements
   Inventories                                      1,285,218,456.09     1,376,987,122.60
   Contract assets
   Assets held for sale
   Current portion of
non-current assets
   Other current assets                               363,825,426.89     1,126,520,898.44
      Total current assets                         13,560,022,040.34    13,256,951,846.37
Non-current assets:
   Loans and advances to
   Debt investments
   Other debt investments
   Long-term receivables
   Long-term equity
   Other equity investments
   Other non-current financial
   Investment property
   Fixed assets                                     1,854,494,510.57     1,493,733,120.82
   Construction in progress                           611,457,850.54       198,364,136.97
   Productive living assets
   Oil and gas assets
   Right-of-use assets                                13,312,707.57        18,809,799.71
   Intangible assets                                 325,725,286.18       295,769,642.48
   Development costs
   Goodwill                                            45,133,442.04
   Long-term prepaid expense                           20,364,230.78        17,750,835.99
   Deferred income tax assets                         143,479,114.53       116,456,369.78
   Other non-current assets                            76,508,015.77        76,068,914.50
      Total non-current assets                      3,090,475,157.98     2,216,952,820.25
        Total assets                               16,650,497,198.32    15,473,904,666.62
Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                             845,374,749.03       500,430,555.55
   Borrowings from the central
   Loans from other banks and
financial institutions
   Held-for-trading financial                           18,200,000.00
                                       118 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

   Derivative financial liabilities
   Notes payable                                                                  2,333,774.75
   Accounts payable                                        1,643,661,963.53   1,701,686,564.14
   Advances from customers
   Contract liabilities                                     431,654,611.71     437,999,921.93
   Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
   Customer deposits and
deposits from other banks and
financial institutions
   Payables for acting trading of
   Payables for underwriting of
   Employee benefits payable                                335,092,159.01     279,463,472.43
   Taxes and levies payable                                 300,308,365.64     533,077,969.51
   Other payables                                           446,413,870.85     430,813,760.10
   Of which: Interest payable
               Dividends payable
   Fees and commissions
   Reinsurance payables
   Liabilities directly associated
with assets held for sale
   Current portion of
                                                               8,798,658.13    673,911,937.53
non-current liabilities
   Other current liabilities                                  56,140,971.75      56,939,989.86
      Total current liabilities                            4,085,645,349.65   4,616,657,945.80
Non-current liabilities:
   Insurance contract reserve
   Long-term borrowings
   Bonds payable
   Of which: Preference shares
               Perpetual bonds
   Lease liabilities                                           4,544,619.22       5,089,837.39
   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee benefits
   Deferred income                                            53,820,328.00
   Deferred income tax
                                                              56,308,610.05     50,280,119.30
   Other non-current liabilities                              34,814,148.70     46,125,187.50
      Total non-current
                                                            149,487,705.97     101,495,144.19
         Total liabilities                                 4,235,133,055.62   4,718,153,089.99
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity):
   Paid-in capital (or share
                                                            601,077,590.00     601,180,520.00
   Other equity instruments
   Of which: Preference shares
               Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserves                                        3,863,547,883.54   3,914,068,288.56
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                                          Annual Report 2022

  Less: Treasury shares                                     129,612,354.00               80,711,540.00
  Other comprehensive income                                  4,389,526.95                7,537,390.37
  Specific reserve
  Surplus reserves                                          302,797,998.73              302,797,998.73
  General reserve
  Retained earnings                                        7,756,665,030.53           6,010,878,918.97
  Total equity attributable to
owners (or shareholders) of the                           12,398,865,675.75          10,755,751,576.63
Company as the parent
  Non-controlling interests                                    16,498,466.95
     Total owners’ equity (or
                                                          12,415,364,142.70          10,755,751,576.63
shareholders’ equity)
       Total liabilities and
owners’ equity (or                                       16,650,497,198.32          15,473,904,666.62
shareholders’ equity)

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                                     Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina
Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                          Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent
                                      31 December 2022
Prepared by Gongniu Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
              Item                 Note            31 December 2022              31 December 2021
Current assets:
   Monetary assets                                         2,558,169,565.15           2,815,595,132.13
   Held-for-trading financial
                                                           3,000,000,000.00           1,700,000,000.00
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable
   Accounts receivable                                      341,413,356.20                3,783,723.14
   Receivables financing
   Prepayments                                                60,568,126.16             302,683,310.52
   Other receivables                                       2,756,026,303.85           3,038,980,082.79
   Of which: Interest receivable
                                                           1,700,000,000.00           2,000,000,000.00
   Inventories                                              292,728,441.34              409,900,890.43
   Contract assets
   Assets held for sale
   Current portion of
non-current assets
   Other current assets                                      253,744,657.54             610,271,780.82
     Total current assets                                  9,262,650,450.24           8,881,214,919.83
Non-current assets:
   Debt investments
   Other debt investments
   Long-term receivables
   Long-term equity
                                                            688,178,210.52              441,959,500.17
   Other equity investments
   Other non-current financial
   Investment property
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                                         Annual Report 2022

   Fixed assets                                              812,047,460.58      805,605,614.22
   Construction in progress                                  517,776,172.33      171,842,155.89
   Productive living assets
   Oil and gas assets
   Right-of-use assets                                         2,707,156.94        7,057,187.09
   Intangible assets                                         244,677,232.50      258,323,362.23
   Development costs
   Long-term prepaid expense                                   19,172,452.61       17,750,835.99
   Deferred income tax assets                                   7,810,872.95        3,735,033.97
   Other non-current assets                                    58,509,382.81       72,827,494.50
      Total non-current assets                              2,350,878,941.24    1,779,101,184.06
         Total assets                                      11,613,529,391.48   10,660,316,103.89
Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                     611,169,986.13
   Held-for-trading financial
   Derivative financial liabilities
   Notes payable                                                                 100,000,000.00
   Accounts payable                                          596,911,385.90      450,634,960.80
   Advances from customers
   Contract liabilities                                      550,246,157.68      424,645,030.61
   Employee benefits payable                                 108,720,042.83      101,482,634.41
   Taxes and levies payable                                   70,631,710.25      205,109,507.99
   Other payables                                            196,246,589.96      126,829,316.67
   Of which: Interest payable
               Dividends payable
   Liabilities directly associated
with assets held for sale
   Current portion of
                                                                1,660,616.21     666,081,836.66
non-current liabilities
   Other current liabilities                                   71,532,000.50       55,203,853.98
      Total current liabilities                             2,225,318,489.46    2,129,987,141.12
Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings
   Bonds payable
   Of which: Preference shares
               Perpetual bonds
   Lease liabilities                                            1,074,013.26        2,163,270.25
   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee benefits
   Deferred income
   Deferred income tax
                                                              25,344,037.44       22,249,738.30
   Other non-current liabilities                              34,814,148.70       46,125,187.50
      Total non-current
                                                              61,232,199.40       70,538,196.05
         Total liabilities                                  2,286,550,688.86    2,200,525,337.17
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity):
   Paid-in capital (or share
                                                             601,077,590.00      601,180,520.00
   Other equity instruments
                                               121 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

  Of which: Preference shares
              Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                                          3,859,048,459.88           3,909,568,864.90
  Less: Treasury shares                                       129,612,354.00              80,711,540.00
  Other comprehensive income
  Specific reserve
  Surplus reserves                                            302,797,998.73             302,797,998.73
  Retained earnings                                         4,693,667,008.01           3,726,954,923.09
     Total owners’ equity (or
                                                            9,326,978,702.62           8,459,790,766.72
shareholders’ equity)
       Total liabilities and
owners’ equity (or                                        11,613,529,391.48          10,660,316,103.89
shareholders’ equity)

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                                      Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina
Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                                    Consolidated Income Statement
                                       January-December 2022
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                 Item                         Note                   2022                  2021
I Total revenues                                                14,081,373,030.94     12,384,916,337.51
Of which: Operating revenue                                     14,081,373,030.94     12,384,916,337.51
            Interest income
            Insurance premium income
            Fee and commission
II Total costs and expenses                                     10,627,127,457.42      9,262,301,258.59
Of which: Cost of sales                                          8,730,082,585.08      7,808,540,666.84
            Interest expense
            Fee and commission
            Net insurance claims paid
            Net amount provided as
insurance contract reserve
            Expenditure on policy
            Reinsurance premium
            Taxes and levies                                       115,758,059.90         82,785,296.48
            Selling expense                                        800,387,659.41        560,187,002.80
            Administrative expense                                 500,596,373.88        427,615,556.97
            R&D expense                                            588,296,080.11        471,015,016.82
            Finance costs                                         -107,993,300.96        -87,842,281.32
            Of which: Interest expense                              35,925,352.09         39,763,491.76
                        Interest income                            137,795,215.87        128,887,165.64
   Add: Other income                                               132,940,722.76        390,936,141.47
        Return on investment (“-” for
                                                                  271,988,811.92         190,025,308.81
        Of which: Share of profit or
loss of joint ventures and associates
                    Income from the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost
                                               122 / 258
                                             Annual Report 2022

         Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
         Net gain on exposure hedges
(“-” for loss)
         Gain on changes in fair value
(“-” for loss)
         Credit impairment loss (“-”
                                                                    -30,470,523.21     -24,746,561.94
for loss)
         Asset impairment loss (“-”
                                                                    -11,504,455.94     -16,257,123.26
for loss)
         Asset disposal income (“-”
                                                                     -3,139,686.69     -11,308,464.89
for loss)
III Operating profit (“-” for loss)                            3,814,060,442.36   3,651,264,379.11
   Add: Non-operating income                                          3,784,363.32       4,353,269.76
   Less: Non-operating expense                                       63,388,662.51     330,657,723.91
IV Gross profit (“-” for gross loss)                           3,754,456,143.17   3,324,959,924.96
   Less: Income tax expense                                         568,995,412.93     544,599,192.30
V Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                3,185,460,730.24   2,780,360,732.66
(I) By operating continuity
      1.Net profit from continuing
                                                                  3,185,460,730.24   2,780,360,732.66
operations (“-” for net loss)
      2.Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)
(II) By ownership
      1.Net profit attributable to owners
of the Company as the parent (“-” for                          3,188,619,359.56   2,780,360,732.66
net loss)
      2.Net profit attributable to
non-controlling interests (“-” for net                            -3,158,629.32
VI Other comprehensive income, net
                                                                     -3,147,863.42     -21,326,379.54
of tax
   (I) Other comprehensive income,
net of tax attributable to owners of the                             -3,147,863.42     -21,326,379.54
Company as the parent
      1.Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to profit or
   (1)Changes caused by
remeasurements on defined benefit
   (2)Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity method
   (3)Changes in the fair value of
other equity investments
   (4)Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
      2.Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or                               -3,147,863.42     -21,326,379.54
   (1)Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity method

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                                            Annual Report 2022

   (2)Changes in the fair value of
other debt investments
   (3)Other comprehensive income
arising from the reclassification of
financial assets
   (4)Credit impairment allowance
for other debt investments
   (5)Reserve for cash flow hedges                                -3,182,910.54        -21,324,986.08
   (6)Differences arising from the
translation of foreign                                                 35,047.12               -1,393.46
currency-denominated financial
   (II) Other comprehensive income,
net of tax attributable to
non-controlling interests
VII Total comprehensive income                                   3,182,312,866.82      2,759,034,353.12
   (I) Total comprehensive income
attributable to owners of the Company                            3,185,471,496.14      2,759,034,353.12
as the parent
   (II) Total comprehensive income
attributable to non-controlling interests
VIII Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share
                                                                             5.32                   4.63
   (II) Diluted earnings per share
                                                                             5.30                   4.63

Where business combinations involving entities under common control occurred in the current period,
the net profit achieved by the acquirees before the combinations was nil, with the amount for last year
being nil.

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                                      Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina
Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                            Income Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                        January-December 2022
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                  Item                         Note                  2022                  2021
I Operating revenue                                              5,527,593,701.30      5,306,290,224.15
   Less: Cost of sales                                           4,279,629,067.01      3,876,062,056.48
        Taxes and levies                                            29,964,139.67         27,736,575.48
        Selling expense                                             24,152,009.03         22,442,913.93
        Administrative expense                                     257,770,302.62        237,296,868.57
        R&D expense                                                243,157,154.27        190,443,988.85
        Finance costs                                              -41,364,078.62        -31,504,593.32
        Of which: Interest expense                                  24,239,236.11         24,790,531.90
                    Interest income                                 66,036,418.38         56,305,098.21
   Add: Other income                                                18,055,681.70        266,969,614.03
        Return on investment (“-” for
                                                                 1,811,912,481.21      2,079,124,417.58
        Of which: Share of profit or
loss of joint ventures and associates
                   Income from the

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                                              Annual Report 2022

 derecognition of financial assets at
 amortized cost
          Net gain on exposure hedges
 (“-” for loss)
          Gain on changes in fair value
 (“-” for loss)
          Credit impairment loss (“-”
                                                                     -54,867,900.40     -18,213,104.15
 for loss)
          Asset impairment loss (“-”
                                                                      -1,215,659.46      -2,744,147.10
 for loss)
          Asset disposal income (“-”
                                                                      -1,475,418.41      -3,937,217.96
 for loss)
II Operating profit (“-” for loss)                              2,506,694,291.96   3,305,011,976.56
    Add: Non-operating income                                          2,547,612.90         602,007.58
    Less: Non-operating expense                                       10,152,903.02     317,803,063.92
III Gross profit (“-” for gross loss)                           2,499,089,001.84   2,987,810,920.22
       Less Income tax expense                                        89,543,668.92     172,118,152.88
IV Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                2,409,545,332.92   2,815,692,767.34
    (I) Net profit from continuing
                                                                   2,409,545,332.92   2,815,692,767.34
 operations (“-” for net loss)
    (II) Net profit from discontinued
 operations (“-” for net loss)
V Other comprehensive income, net of
    (I) Other comprehensive income
 that will not be reclassified to profit or
       1. Changes caused by
 remeasurements on defined benefit
       2. Other comprehensive income
 that will not be reclassified to profit or
 loss under the equity method
       3. Changes in the fair value of
 other equity investments
       4. Changes in the fair value
 arising from changes in own credit risk
    (II) Other comprehensive income
 that will be reclassified to profit or
       1. Other comprehensive income
 that will be reclassified to profit or
 loss under the equity method
       2. Changes in the fair value of
 other debt investments
       3. Other comprehensive income
 arising from the reclassification of
 financial assets
       4. Credit impairment allowance
 for other debt investments
       5. Reserve for cash flow hedges
       6. Differences arising from the
 translation of foreign
 currency-denominated financial
                                                  125 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

     7. Others
VI Total comprehensive income                                  2,409,545,332.92         2,815,692,767.34
VII Earnings per share:
    (I) Basic earnings per share
    (II) Diluted earnings per share

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                                       Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina
Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                                 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                      January-December 2022
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                Item                    Note                     2022                      2021
I Cash flows from operating activities:
   Proceeds from sale of goods
                                                           15,641,388,293.29           14,169,320,101.49
and rendering of services
   Net increase in customer
deposits and deposits from other
banks and financial institutions
   Net increase in borrowings
from the central bank
   Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
   Premiums received on original
insurance contracts
   Net proceeds from reinsurance
   Net increase in deposits and
investments of policy holders
   Interest, fees and commissions
   Net increase in loans from other
banks and financial institutions
   Net increase in proceeds from
repurchase transactions
   Net proceeds from acting
trading of securities
   Tax and levy rebates                                         25,583,045.08              25,804,052.16
   Cash generated from other
                                                               370,035,518.43             525,426,517.23
operating activities
      Subtotal of cash generated
                                                           16,037,006,856.80           14,720,550,670.88
from operating activities
   Payments for goods and
                                                              8,181,607,639.34          7,589,799,374.35
   Net increase in loans and
advances to customers
   Net increase in deposits in the
central bank and other banks and
financial institutions
   Payments for claims on original
insurance contracts
   Net increase in loans to other
banks and financial institutions
   Interest, fees and commissions
                                               126 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

   Policy dividends paid
   Cash paid to and for employees                            1,902,469,445.47        1,741,129,477.86
   Taxes and levies paid                                      1,783,549,323.16       1,161,567,823.93
   Cash used in other operating
                                                                 1,111,466,230.67    1,213,727,253.60
      Subtotal of cash used in
                                                             12,979,092,638.64      11,706,223,929.74
operating activities
         Net cash generated
                                                                 3,057,914,218.16    3,014,326,741.14
from/used in operating activities
II Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds from disinvestment
   Return on investment                                           290,169,702.87      203,660,051.16
   Net proceeds from the disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets                                   3,462,880.79      22,285,265.83
and other long-term assets
   Net proceeds from the disposal
of subsidiaries and other business
   Cash generated from other
                                                                 9,613,715,309.31   11,281,533,253.72
investing activities
      Subtotal of cash generated
                                                                 9,907,347,892.97   11,507,478,570.71
from investing activities
   Payments for the acquisition
and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                 1,018,824,058.36     475,375,845.86
intangible assets and other
long-term assets
   Payments for investments
   Net increase in pledged loans
   Net payments for the
acquisition of subsidiaries and                                    19,107,492.09
other business units
   Cash used in other investing
                                                             10,615,500,000.00      12,621,090,656.00
      Subtotal of cash used in
                                                             11,653,431,550.45      13,096,466,501.86
investing activities
         Net cash generated
                                                             -1,746,083,657.48      -1,588,987,931.15
from/used in investing activities
III Cash flows from financing activities:
   Capital contributions received                                  94,703,508.00       58,919,460.00
   Of which: Capital contributions
by non-controlling interests to
   Borrowings received                                           1,685,000,000.00    1,229,444,657.64
   Cash generated from other
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash generated
                                                                 1,779,703,508.00    1,288,364,117.64
from financing activities
   Repayment of borrowings                                       2,010,000,000.00      733,145,768.73
   Interest and dividends paid                                   1,478,511,496.88    1,235,638,745.39
   Of which: Dividends paid by
subsidiaries to non-controlling
   Cash used in other financing
                                                                  236,647,700.66       20,388,050.23
      Subtotal of cash used in                                   3,725,159,197.54    1,989,172,564.35
                                                127 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

financing activities
       Net cash generated
                                                            -1,945,455,689.54            -700,808,446.71
from/used in financing activities
IV Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash                                     6,251,850.30              -1,365,206.44
V Net increase in cash and cash
                                                              -627,373,278.56             723,165,156.84
   Add: Cash and cash
equivalents, beginning of the                                 2,552,716,453.54          1,829,551,296.70
VI Cash and cash equivalents,
                                                              1,925,343,174.98          2,552,716,453.54
end of the period

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                                       Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina
Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                        Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent
                                     January-December 2022
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                Item                     Note                    2022                      2021
I Cash flows from operating activities:
   Proceeds from sale of goods
                                                              6,407,458,800.74          6,475,570,410.73
and rendering of services
   Tax and levy rebates
   Cash generated from other
                                                               843,447,820.27             338,813,300.33
operating activities
      Subtotal of cash generated
                                                              7,250,906,621.01          6,814,383,711.06
from operating activities
   Payments for goods and
                                                              3,994,662,575.62          4,252,140,785.92
   Cash paid to and for employees                              632,474,762.15             622,109,797.27
   Taxes and levies paid                                       433,295,397.95             262,378,388.50
   Cash used in other operating
                                                              1,409,134,256.52            898,019,962.90
      Subtotal of cash used in
                                                              6,469,566,992.24          6,034,648,934.59
operating activities
   Net cash generated from/used in
                                                               781,339,628.77             779,734,776.47
operating activities
II Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds from disinvestment
   Return on investment                                       2,118,439,604.49          1,095,128,801.14
   Net proceeds from the disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets                                5,068,195.56             17,822,095.19
and other long-term assets
   Net proceeds from the disposal
of subsidiaries and other business
   Cash generated from other
                                                              3,920,000,000.00          4,390,001,001.00
investing activities
      Subtotal of cash generated
                                                              6,043,507,800.05          5,502,951,897.33
from investing activities
   Payments for the acquisition
and construction of fixed assets,
                                                               450,775,042.68             351,818,203.17
intangible assets and other
long-term assets
                                                128 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

   Payments for investments                                       148,409,344.00           11,000,000.00
   Net payments for the
acquisition of subsidiaries and
other business units
   Cash used in other investing
                                                                 5,120,000,000.00       3,906,990,656.00
      Subtotal of cash used in
                                                                 5,719,184,386.68       4,269,808,859.17
investing activities
         Net cash generated
                                                                  324,323,413.37        1,233,143,038.16
from/used in investing activities
III Cash flows from financing activities:
   Capital contributions received                                   94,703,508.00          58,919,460.00
   Borrowings received                                           1,010,000,000.00         633,145,768.73
   Cash generated from other
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash generated
                                                                 1,104,703,508.00         692,065,228.73
from financing activities
   Repayment of borrowings                                       1,060,000,000.00         633,145,768.73
   Interest and dividends paid                                   1,466,589,386.88       1,225,366,634.27
   Cash used in other financing
                                                                  225,449,579.56           11,332,303.38
      Subtotal of cash used in
                                                                 2,752,038,966.44       1,869,844,706.38
financing activities
         Net cash generated
                                                             -1,647,335,458.44         -1,177,779,477.65
from/used in financing activities
IV Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash
V Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 -541,672,416.30          835,098,336.98
   Add: Cash and cash
equivalents, beginning of the                                    1,729,210,241.72         894,111,904.74
VI Cash and cash equivalents,
                                                                 1,187,537,825.42       1,729,210,241.72
end of the period

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                                       Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina
Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                                                129 / 258
                                                                                 Annual Report 2022

                                                          Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity
                                                                         January-December 2022
                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                        Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                 Other equity
                                 instruments                                                                                                                Non-contro      Total
     Item         Paid-in                                                         Other      Speci                   Gene
                             Pref     Per                           Less:                                                                                      lling       owners’
                  capital                            Capital                   comprehen      fic      Surplus        ral     Retained      Othe   Subto     interests      equity
                             eren     pet                         Treasury                                                                   rs     tal
                 (or share                  Othe    reserves                       sive      reser     reserves      reser    earnings
                              ce      ual                          shares
                  capital)                    rs                                 income       ve                      ve
                             shar bon
                              es      ds
I Balance as                                                                                                                                        10,75
at the end of    601,180,                          3,914,068,2   80,711,540.   7,537,390.             302,797,99             6,010,878,91          5,751,                10,755,751,5
the prior year     520.00                                88.56           00            37                   8.73                     8.97           576.6                       76.63
for changes in

for correction
of previous

for business
entities under
II Balance as    601,180,                          3,914,068,2   80,711,540.   7,537,390.             302,797,99             6,010,878,91           10,75                10,755,751,5
at the             520.00                                88.56           00            37                   8.73                     8.97          5,751,                       76.63

                                                                                       130 / 258
                                                         Annual Report 2022

beginning of                                                                                 576.6
the year                                                                                         3
Increase/decr                                                                                1,643,
                -102,93   -50,520,405.   48,900,814.   -3,147,863             1,745,786,11            16,498,466.   1,659,612,56
ease in the                                                                                   114,0
                   0.00            02            00            .42                    1.56                    95            6.07
period (“-”                                                                                 99.12
for decrease)
(I) Total                                                                                    3,185,
                                                       -3,147,863             3,188,619,35            -3,158,629.   3,182,312,86
comprehensiv                                                                                  471,4
                                                               .42                    9.56                     32           6.82
e income                                                                                      96.14
(II) Capital                                                                                  -99,5
increased and   -102,93   -50,520,405.   48,900,814.                                          24,14   19,657,096.   -79,867,052.
reduced by         0.00            02            00                                            9.02           27             75
shares          -102,93   -127,989,88    215,286,33                                                                 -343,379,146
increased by       0.00          1.86          4.56                                                                          .42
increased by
other equity
ed payments                                                                                  243,8
                          77,469,476.    -166,385,52                                                                243,854,997.
recognized in                                                                                54,99
                                  84            0.56                                                                          40
owners’                                                                                      7.40
4.Others                                                                                             19,657,096.   19,657,096.2
                                                                                                              27               7
(III) Profit                                                                                  -1,44
distribution                                                                  -1,442,833,2   2,833,                 -1,442,833,2
                                                                                     48.00    248.0                        48.00
tion to
tion to

                                                               131 / 258
                 Annual Report 2022

3.Appropria                                          -1,44
tion to                               -1,442,833,2   2,833,   -1,442,833,2
owners (or                                   48.00    248.0          48.00
shareholders)                                             0
1.Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
2.Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from surplus
reserves used
to offset loss
4.Changes in
transferred to
e income
transferred to
(V) Specific
1.Increase in

                     132 / 258
                                                                                   Annual Report 2022

the period
2.Used in the
(VI) Others
IV Balance as                                                                                                                                        12,39
at the end of    601,077,                          3,863,547,8    129,612,35     4,389,526.             302,797,99            7,756,665,03          8,865,   16,498,466.   12,415,364,1
the period         590.00                                83.54          4.00            95                    8.73                    0.53           675.7           95           42.70

                                                         Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                 Other equity
                                 instruments                                                                                                                 Non-contro
    Item          Paid-in                                                         Other       Speci                   Gene                                                 Total owners’
                             Pref     Per                           Less:                                                                                       lling
                  capital                             Capital                  comprehen        fic     Surplus        ral     Retained      Othe   Subto                     equity
                             eren petu                            Treasury                                                                                    interests
                 (or share                  Othe     reserves                      sive       reserv    reserves      reser    earnings       rs     tal
                              ce       al                          shares
                  capital)                    rs                                 income          e                     ve
                             shar bon
                              es      ds
I Balance as                                                                                                                                        9,137,
                 600,613,                          3,820,175,60   46,728,59    28,863,769              302,797,99             4,431,669,98                                 9,137,392,56
at the end of                                                                                                                                        392,5
                   800.00                                  8.14        4.00           .91                    8.73                     6.31                                         9.09
the prior year                                                                                                                                       69.09
for changes in
for correction
of previous
for business
entities under

                                                                                        133 / 258
                                                         Annual Report 2022

II Balance as
at the          600,613,   3,820,175,60   46,728,59   28,863,769          302,797,99   4,431,669,98            9,137,392,56
beginning of      800.00           8.14        4.00          .91                8.73           6.31                    9.09
the year
Increase/decr                                                                                         1,618,
                566,720.   93,892,680.4   33,982,94   -21,326,37                       1,579,208,93            1,618,359,00
ease in the                                                                                            359,0
                      00              2        6.00         9.54                               2.66                    7.54
period (“-”                                                                                          07.54
for decrease)
(I) Total                                                                                             2,759,
                                                      -21,326,37                       2,780,360,73            2,759,034,35
comprehensiv                                                                                           034,3
                                                            9.54                               2.66                    3.12
e income                                                                                               53.12
(II) Capital
increased and   566,720.   93,892,680.4   33,982,94                                                            60,476,454.4
reduced by            00              2        6.00                                                                       2
shares          566,720.   50,544,523.6                                                                        51,111,243.6
increased by          00              0                                                                                   0
increased by
other equity
ed payments                                                                                           9,365,
                           43,348,156.8   33,982,94
recognized in                                                                                          210.8   9,365,210.82
                                      2        6.00
owners’                                                                                                   2
(III) Profit                                                                                           -1,20
distribution                                                                           -1,201,151,8   1,151,   -1,201,151,80
                                                                                              00.00    800.0            0.00
tion to
tion to

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                 Annual Report 2022

3.Appropria                                          -1,20
tion to                               -1,201,151,8   1,151,   -1,201,151,80
owners (or                                   00.00    800.0            0.00
shareholders)                                             0
1.Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from capital
2.Increase in
capital (or
share capital)
from surplus
reserves used
to offset loss
4.Changes in
transferred to
e income
transferred to
(V) Specific

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1.Increase in
the period
2.Used in the
(VI) Others
IV Balance as                                                                                                                                        10,75
at the end of    601,180,                        3,914,068,28    80,711,54       7,537,390.                302,797,99           6,010,878,91        5,751,                  10,755,751,5
the period         520.00                                8.56         0.00               37                      8.73                   8.97         576.6                         76.63

Legal representative: Ruan Liping                               Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina                                     Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

                                               Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent
                                                                      January-December 2022
                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                  Paid-in             Other equity instruments                                                Other
                                                                                                                Less:                                                          Total
             Item                capital (or                                                    Capital                    comprehen    Specific   Surplus     Retained
                                               Preference    Perpetual                                        Treasury                                                        owners’
                                   share                                     Others            reserves                        sive     reserve    reserves    earnings
                                                 shares       bonds                                            shares                                                          equity
                                  capital)                                                                                   income
I Balance as at the end of the   601,180,52                                                   3,909,568,     80,711,540                            302,797,9   3,726,954,    8,459,790,
prior year                              0.00                                                      864.90            .00                                98.73       923.09        766.72
Add: Adjustments for changes
in accounting policies
      Adjustments for
correction of previous errors
      Other adjustments
II Balance as at the beginning   601,180,52                                                   3,909,568,     80,711,540                            302,797,9   3,726,954,    8,459,790,
of the year                            0.00                                                       864.90            .00                                98.73       923.09        766.72
III Increase/ decrease in the    -102,930.0                                                   -50,520,40     48,900,814                                         966,712,0   867,187,93
period (“-” for decrease)               0                                                         5.02            .00                                             84.92          5.90
(I) Total comprehensive                                                                                                                                        2,409,545,    2,409,545,
income                                                                                                                                                             332.92        332.92
(II) Capital increased and       -102,930.0                                                   -50,520,40     48,900,814                                                     -99,524,14
reduced by owners                         0                                                         5.02            .00                                                            9.02
1.Ordinary shares increased     -102,930.0                                                   -127,989,8     215,286,33                                                     -343,379,1
by owners                                 0                                                        81.86           4.56                                                           46.42
2.Capital increased by other
equity holders
3.Share-based payments                                                                       28,594,844      -166,385,5                                                    194,980,36

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recognized in owners’ equity                                                                    .11        20.56                                                           4.67
                                                                                          48,874,632                                                                 48,874,632
                                                                                                 .73                                                                         .73
                                                                                                                                                        -1,442,833   -1,442,833
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                                                                                           ,248.00       ,248.00
1.Appropriation to surplus
2.Appropriation to owners (or                                                                                                                          -1,442,833   -1,442,833
shareholders)                                                                                                                                              ,248.00      ,248.00
(IV) Transfers within owners’
1.Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital reserves
2.Increase in capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
3.Surplus reserves used to
offset loss
4.Changes in defined benefit
schemes transferred to
retained earnings
5.Other comprehensive
income transferred to retained
(V) Specific reserve
1.Increase in the period
2.Used in the period
(VI) Others
IV Balance as at the end of the    601,077,59                                              3,859,048,   129,612,35                          302,797,9   4,693,667,   9,326,978,
period                                   0.00                                                  459.88         4.00                              98.73       008.01       702.62

                                    Paid-in             Other equity instruments                                        Other
                                                                                                          Less:                                                        Total
               Item                capital (or                                               Capital                 comprehen   Specific   Surplus     Retained
                                                 Preference    Perpetual                                Treasury                                                      owners’
                                     share                                     Others       reserves                     sive    reserve    reserves    earnings
                                                   shares       bonds                                    shares                                                        equity
                                    capital)                                                                           income
I Balance as at the end of the     600,613,80                                              3,815,676,   46,728,594                          302,797,9   2,112,413,   6,784,773,

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prior year                               0.00              184.48           .00      98.73       955.75        344.96
Add: Adjustments for
changes in accounting
      Adjustments for
correction of previous errors
      Other adjustments
II Balance as at the beginning     600,613,80           3,815,676,   46,728,594   302,797,9   2,112,413,    6,784,773,
of the year                              0.00               184.48          .00       98.73       955.75        344.96
III Increase/ decrease in the                          93,892,680    33,982,946               1,614,540,    1,675,017,
period (“-” for decrease)                                    .42          .00                   967.34        421.76
(I) Total comprehensive                                                                       2,815,692,    2,815,692,
income                                                                                            767.34        767.34
(II) Capital increased and                             70,456,679    33,982,946                            37,040,453
reduced by owners                                             .24           .00                                    .24
1.Ordinary shares increased                           50,544,523                                          51,111,243
by owners                                                     .60                                                  .60
2.Capital increased by other
equity holders
3.Share-based payments                                19,912,155    33,982,946                            -14,070,79
recognized in owners’ equity                                 .64           .00                                  0.36
                                                                                              -1,201,151   -1,201,151
(III) Profit distribution
                                                                                                 ,800.00      ,800.00
1.Appropriation to surplus
2.Appropriation to owners                                                                    -1,201,151   -1,201,151
(or shareholders)                                                                                ,800.00      ,800.00
(IV) Transfers within owners’
1.Increase in capital (or share
capital) from capital reserves
2.Increase in capital (or share
capital) from surplus reserves
3.Surplus reserves used to
offset loss
4.Changes in defined benefit
schemes transferred to

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 retained earnings
 5.Other comprehensive
 income transferred to retained
 (V) Specific reserve
 1.Increase in the period
 2.Used in the period
                                                                     23,436,001                                                     23,436,001
 (VI) Others
                                                                             .18                                                            .18
 IV Balance as at the end of      601,180,52                          3,909,568,   80,711,540              302,797,9   3,726,954,    8,459,790,
 the period                             0.00                              864.90          .00                  98.73       923.09        766.72

Legal representative: Ruan Liping              Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Lina              Head of the financial department: Luo Yuebo

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III Company Profile
1. Company overview
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     Gongniu Group Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or “Gongniu”) is a joint stock
limited company transformed from the former Gongniu Group Limited with 31 August 2017 as the base
date. It was registered with Ningbo Municipal Market Supervision Administration on 27 December 2017
and is headquartered in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. The Company now holds a business license
with a unified social credit code of 91330282671205242Y, with a registered capital of RMB601.0776
million and a total of 601.0776 million shares (each with a par value of RMB1). Among them, there are
526.5746 million restricted public A-shares and 74.5030 million unrestricted public A-shares. The
Company’s shares were listed for public trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 6 February 2020.
     The Company pertains to the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry. It is
mainly engaged in the research, development, production and sales of power connection and power
extension products such as adaptors, wall switches and sockets, LED lighting and digital accessories.
Products mainly include adaptors, wall switches and sockets, LED lighting and digital accessories.
     These financial statements have been authorized for issue by the 17th Meeting of the Second Board
of Directors of the Company on 27 April 2023.
     The Company included 23 subsidiaries including Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. in the
consolidated financial statements for the current period. For further information, see “VII Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements” and “IX Interests in Other Entities” under “Part X Financial
Statements” herein.
     For the sake of conciseness, the subsidiaries and other related companies of the Company are
hereinafter referred to by their abbreviations as follows:
                Full name                                                      Abbreviation
Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.                                          Ningbo Gongniu
Ningbo Gongniu Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.                        Gongniu Photoelectric
Ningbo Gongniu Digital Technology Co., Ltd.                                 Gongniu Digital
Ningbo Gongniu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                           Gongniu Precision
Ningbo Banmen Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.                             Banmen Electric Appliance
Cixi Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.                                              Cixi Gongniu
Shanghai Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd.                                       Shanghai Gongniu
Bull International Trading (HK) Limited                                          Bull HK
Ningbo Gongniu Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                         Gongniu Management
Ningbo Bull International Trading Co., Ltd.                            Bull International Trading
Ningbo Gongniu Electric Sales Co., Ltd.                                       Electric Sales
Ningbo Xingluo Trading Co., Ltd.                                            Xingluo Trading
Ningbo Gongniu Low Voltage Electric Co., Ltd.                            Gongniu Low Voltage
Ningbo Gongniu Domestic Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.                Domestic Electrical Appliance
Hainan Dacheng Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                            Hainan Dacheng
Ningbo Gongniu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                          Intelligent Technology
Dalitek Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Inc.                                   Dalitek
Shanghai Gongniu Information Technology Co., Ltd.                       Information Technology
Ningbo Gongniu Tool Technology Co., Ltd.                                      Gongniu Tool
Ningbo Gongniu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                            Gongniu New Energy
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Shenzhen Gongniu Intelligent Information Co., Ltd.                          Shenzhen Intelligent
Guangdong Murora Intelligent Lighting Co., Ltd.                              Murora Intelligent
Ningbo Gongniu Marketing Co., Ltd.                                          Gongniu Marketing
  Other related parties
Ningbo Liangji Industrial Co., Ltd.                                          Liangji Industrial
Hangzhou Liangniu Hardware and Electrical Co., Ltd.                         Liangniu Hardware
Hangzhou Hangniu Hardware and Electrical Co., Ltd.                          Hangniu Hardware
Hangzhou Feiniu Hardware and Electrical Co., Ltd.                            Feiniu Hardware
Shanghai Baidi Electrics Co., Ltd.                                            Baidi Electrics
Yichang Yaoyang Trading Co., Ltd.                                            Yaoyang Trading
Hubei Huantian Technology Co., Ltd.                                        Huantian Technology
Cixi Libo Electric Co., Ltd.                                                    Cixi Libo
Suzhou Niuweiwang Trading Co., Ltd.                                        Niuweiwang Trading
Beijing Chenhao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.                             Chenhao Electronic
Shanghai Minshen Property Co., Ltd.                                          Minshen Property
Hebei Qiudi Trading Co., Ltd.                                                  Qiudi Trading
Changde Jianke Trading Co., Ltd.                                               Jianke Trading
Cixi Shenghui Electronics Co., Ltd.                                         Shenghui Electronics

2. Scope of consolidated financial statements
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company included 23 subsidiaries, including Ningbo Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd., Cixi
Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Gongniu Electrics Co., Ltd. in the scope of consolidated
financial statements for the current period. For details, please refer to the notes of "VIII. Changes in
Consolidation Scope" and "IX. Interests in Other Entities" in "Section 10 Financial Report" of this
annual report.

IV Preparation Basis of Financial Statement
1. Basis of preparation
     The financial statements of the Company are based on continuing operations.

2. Continuing operations
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company does not undergo any event or situation which may cause great concern about
sustainable operation ability within 12 months since the end of the reporting period.

V Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
Specific accounting policies and accounting estimation hint:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

1. Statement on Compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
     The Company’s Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises, and indicate relevant information about the Company's financial status, business
results and cash flow truly and completely.
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2. Accounting period
     The fiscal year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 of every calendar year.

3. Operating cycle
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The operating cycle of the Company is short, and 12 months is taken as the liquidity criterion for
assets and liabilities.

4. Standard currency for accounting
     The standard currency for accounting is RMB.

5. Accounting treatment of business combination under the same control and business
combination not under the same control
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Accounting methods of business combination under the same control
     The Company’s assets and liabilities acquired from business combinations will be measured
according to the carrying value of the acquiree in financial statement of the final controlling party. The
Company will adjust capital reserves according to proportion of the acquiree’s carrying value in
consolidated financial statement of the final controlling party and the balance between carrying value
and the carrying value paid for combination consideration or total nominal value of issued shares; if the
capital reserve is insufficient to offset such difference, the difference will be offset against retained
     2. Accounting methods of business combination not under the same control
  On the acquisition date, the difference between the combined cost and the fair value share of the
identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger is recognized as goodwill. If the combined
cost is less than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the
combination, firstly, the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the
acquiree and the measurement of combined cost are reviewed. If the combined cost is still less than the
fair value share of identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger after review, the
difference is recorded in profit and loss of the current period.

6. Method of preparation of consolidated financial statements
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. The Company as the parent brings all subsidiaries under its control into the consolidated scope of
the consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial
statements of the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries and are prepared by the Company as the
parent according to other relevant information and Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 33 -
Consolidated Financial Statements.

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     2. Relevant accounting treatment methods for buying and re-selling or selling and re-buying the
equity of the same subsidiary in two consecutive fiscal years

7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting of joint operations
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

8. Criteria for recognition of cash and cash equivalents
     Cash listed in cash flow statement refers to cash on hand and reserves always available for payment.
Cash equivalents refer to investments that are held for short term, highly liquid, and readily convertible
to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of change in value.

9. Foreign currency business and conversion of foreign currency statement
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      1. Conversion of foreign currency business
     At the initial recognition of foreign currency transactions, foreign currency shall be converted into
RMB at the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. On the balance
sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet
date, and the exchange difference arising from different exchange rates is recorded in profit and loss of
the current period except the exchange difference between the principal and interest of foreign currency
special loans related to the purchase and construction of assets eligible for capitalization. Foreign
currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost adopt the spot exchange rate on the transaction
date, without changing their RMB amount. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value
shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is determined, and the
difference shall be recorded in the profit and loss of the current period or other comprehensive income.
     2. Conversion of foreign currency financial statements
     Assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date. Except for the “undistributed profit” item, other items of owner’s equity items are
converted at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date; the income and expense items in the income
statement are converted at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The differences arising from
the above conversion of foreign currency-denominated financial statements shall be recorded in other
comprehensive income.

10. Financial instruments
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities
     Financial assets are classified into the following three categories when they are initially recognized:
(1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income; (3) financial assets at fair value through current profit or loss.

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     Financial liabilities are classified into the following four categories when they are initially
recognized: (1) Financial liabilities at fair value through current profit or loss; (2) financial liabilities
arising from the transfer of financial assets not meeting the de-recognition criteria or from the continuing
involvement in the transferred assets; (3) financial guarantee contracts which do not fall within the
category of (1) or (2) above, and loan commitments which do not fall within category (1) above and
made at an interest rate lower than the market rate; (4) financial liabilities measured at amortized cost.
     2. Recognition basis, measurement methods and derecognition conditions for financial assets and
financial liabilities
     (1) Determination basis and measuring methods for financial assets and financial liabilities
     A financial instrument is recognized as an asset or liability when the Company becomes a party
thereto. For financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss, the
transaction expenses are directly included in profit and loss of the current period; for financial assets or
financial liabilities in other categories, the transaction expenses are included in the amount initially
recognized. However, accounts receivable initially recognized by the Company that do not include a
significant financing component or where the Company does not consider the financing component in a
contract with a term not exceeding one year will be initially measured at the transaction price defined in
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14-Income.
     (2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets
     1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost
     Financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost by the effective interest method.
Gains or losses arising from a financial asset measured at amortized cost which does not form part of
any hedging relationship are recorded in current profit or loss at the time of de-recognition,
reclassification, amortization according to the effective interest method or recognition of impairment.
     2) Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
     Such financial assets shall be subsequently measured at fair value. Interest, impairment loss or gain
and exchange gain/loss calculated using the effective interest method are recorded in current profit or
loss, other gains or losses are recorded in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, cumulative
gains or losses that were previously recorded in other comprehensive income are transferred from other
comprehensive income and recorded in current profit or loss.
     3) Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
     Such financial assets shall be subsequently measured at fair value. Dividend received (except for
the portion which forms part of investment cost recovered) is recorded in current profit or loss, other
gains or losses are recorded in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, cumulative gains or
losses that were previously recorded in other comprehensive income are transferred from other
comprehensive income and recorded in retained earnings.
     4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
     Gains or losses (including interest income and dividend income) arising from the subsequent
measurement at fair value are recorded in current profit or loss, unless the financial asset forms part of a

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hedging relationship.
     (3) Method for the subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
     1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss of the current period
     Such financial liabilities include transactional financial liabilities (including derivative instruments
which belong to the category of financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at fair value
through current profit or loss. Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value. The
amount of changes in the fair value of financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or
loss, which arise from the change in the credit risk of the Company, is recorded in other comprehensive
income, unless such accounting treatment would result in or increase the accounting mismatch of gain
and loss. Other gains or losses (including interest expense, except for the fair value changes arising from
the change in credit risk of the Company) on such financial liabilities are recorded in current profit or
loss, unless such financial liabilities form part of a hedging relationship. On derecognition, cumulative
gains or losses that were previously recorded in other comprehensive income are transferred from other
comprehensive income and recorded in retained earnings.
     2) Financial liabilities resulting from the transfer of financial assets which does not satisfy the
de-recognition criteria or from the continuing involvement in the transferred assets are measured
according to the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.23-Transfer
of Financial Assets.
     3) Financial guarantee contracts that do not fall within the category of 1) or 2) above, and loan
commitments that do not fall within the category of 1) above and made at an interest rate lower than the
market rate, are subsequently measured at the higher of the two following amounts after initial
recognition: ① The amount of loss provision determined according to the rules related to the
impairment of financial instruments; ② The remaining balance of the initially recognized amount after
deducting the amount of cumulative amortization determined according to relevant rules of the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14-Income.
     4) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost
     Such financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains
or losses arising from a financial liability measured at amortized cost which does not form part of any
hedging relationship are recorded in current profit or loss at the time of de-recognition or amortization
according to the effective interest method.
     (4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
     1) Financial assets are derecognized when any of the following criteria is met:
     ① The contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets terminate; or
     ② The financial asset has been transferred, and such transfer satisfies the criteria set out in the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.23-Transfer of Financial Assets regarding the
de-recognition of financial assets.
     2) Where the present obligation of a financial liability (or a portion thereof) has been discharged,
the Company de-recognizes the financial liability (or a portion thereof).
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     3. Recognition basis and measurement method of financial asset transfer
     If the Company has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
asset, the financial asset is de-recognized, and the right and obligation arising from or retained in the
transfer are individually recognized as an asset or liability. If substantially all risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset are retained, the financial asset transferred remains recognized. If the
Company has not transferred or retained nearly all the risks and remunerations of ownership of the credit
assets, different measures should be taken in accordance with the following circumstances respectively:
(1) If the Company gives up the control of the financial assets, these financial assets shall be
derecognized; (2) if the Company does not give up the control of the financial assets, the relevant
financial assets shall be recognized and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly in
accordance with the extent of their continued involvement in the transferred financial assets.
     If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference
between the following two amounts shall be recorded in profit and loss of the current period: (1) The
carrying value of the transferred financial asset as of the date of derecognition; (2) Sum of the
consideration received for the transfer of the financial asset, and the portion of the cumulative amount of
fair value changes previously recorded in other comprehensive income that corresponds with the portion
of the asset de-recognized (the transferred financial asset is an investment in debt instruments at fair
value through other comprehensive income). Where a portion of the financial asset has been transferred
and the transferred portion as a whole satisfies the derecognition criteria, the carrying value of the
financial asset as a whole prior to its transfer is allocated between the portion of the asset derecognized
and the portion that remains recognized, according to their relative fair value as of the transfer date, and
the difference between the two amounts mentioned below is recorded in current profit or loss: (1) The
carrying value of the derecognized portion; (2) Sum of the consideration received for the derecognition
portion, and the portion of the cumulative amount of fair value changes previously recorded in other
comprehensive income, which corresponds with the derecognized portion (the transferred financial asset
is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income).
     4. Methods for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
     The Company applies valuation techniques that are applicable in the current situation and are
supported by sufficient available data and other information to determine the fair value of relevant
financial assets and financial liabilities. The Company classifies the inputs of valuation techniques into
the following levels and applies them accordingly:
     (1) Level 1 inputs are the unadjusted quotation of the same assets or liabilities available on the
active market on the measurement day;
     (2) Level 2 inputs are inputs for the relevant assets or liabilities other than the level 1 inputs, which
are directly or indirectly observable, including quotations for similar assets or liabilities in an active
market; quotations for the same or similar assets or liabilities in an inactive market; other observable
inputs other than quotations, such as interest rate and yield curve observable during normal quotation
intervals; and market-tested inputs;

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     (3) Level 3 inputs are non-observable inputs for the relevant assets or liabilities, including interest
rate and stock volatility which cannot be directly observed or cannot be verified by observable market
data, the future cash flow of a retirement obligation assumed in a business combination, and financial
forecast performed based on internal data.
     5. Impairment of financial instruments
     (1) Measurement and accounting treatment of impairment of financial instruments
     Based on the expected credit loss, for financial assets measured in amortized cost, investment in
debt instruments measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in other comprehensive income,
contract assets, lease receivables, loan commitments classified as financial liabilities measured at fair
value and whose changes are recorded in profit and loss of the current period, financial guarantee
contracts that do not belong to financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are
recorded in the profits and losses of the current period or financial liabilities formed by the transfer of
financial assets that do not meet the conditions for derecognition or continue to be involved in the
transferred financial assets shall be impaired and loss reserves shall be recognized.
     Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of credit loss of financial instruments weighted
with default risks. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flow receivable by the
Company under contracts which are discounted according to the original effective interest rate, and all
the cash flow expected to be received, namely the present value of all cash shortfall. Specifically,
financial assets acquired or derived to which credit impairment has occurred are discounted by the
Company according to the credit-adjusted effective interest rate.
     For the acquired or derived financial assets with credit impairment, the Company only recognizes
the cumulative change of expected credit loss over the lifetime after initial recognition as the loss reserve
on the balance sheet date.
     For receivables and contract assets formed by transactions regulated by Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No.14-Income, which do not contain significant financing components or the
Company does not consider the financing components in contracts not exceeding one year, the Company
uses simplified measurement methods to measure the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss
amount over the lifetime.
     For financial assets other than the above measurement methods, at each balance sheet date, the
Company assesses the financial assets to see if the credit risk has significantly increased after initial
recognition. If the credit risk has significantly increased after initial recognition, the Company calculates
provision for loss according to the amount of expected credit loss over the lifetime of the assets; if credit
risk has not significantly increased after initial recognition, the Company calculates loss provision based
on expected credit loss in the future 12 months.
     The Company uses available reasonable and well-founded information, including forward-looking
information, to determine whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly
since the initial recognition by comparing the default risk of financial instruments on the balance sheet
date with the default risk on the initial recognition date.

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     On the balance sheet date, if the Company judges that the financial instrument only has low credit
risk, it is assumed that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since the
initial recognition.
     The Company assesses the expected credit risk and measures the expected credit loss on the basis
of single financial instrument or portfolios of financial instruments. When based on the portfolio of
financial instruments, the Company classifies the financial instruments into different portfolios
according to the common risk characteristics.
     The Company re-measures expected credit loss at each balance sheet date, and the amount of
increase in loss provision or the written-back amount of loss provision arising from re-measurement is
recorded in current profit or loss as an impairment loss or gain. For financial assets measured at
amortized cost, impairment losses were allocated to offset the carrying value of the financial asset
presented in the balance sheet. For the debt investments measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income, the Company recognized its loss reserves in other comprehensive income but
did not offset the carrying value of the financial asset.
     (2) Financial instruments of which expected credit risk is assessed by portfolio and expected credit
loss is measured using the three-stage model
                                     Basis for portfolio
               Item                                                Measurement of expected credit loss
                                                          With reference to historical credit loss
                                                          experience, combined with the current
                                                          situation and the forecast of future economic
Other receivables-aging              Aging portfolio      conditions, the expected credit loss is
                                                          calculated through default risk exposure and
                                                          the expected credit loss rate in the next 12
                                                          months or over the lifetime.
     (3) Receivables and contract assets with expected credit losses measured by portfolio using a
simplified approach
     1) Specific combination and method of measuring expected credit loss
                                     Basis for portfolio
               Item                                                Measurement of expected credit loss
                                                               With reference to historical credit loss
                                                               experience, combined with the current
                                                               situation and the forecast of future economic
Notes receivable--trade                 Type of notes          conditions, the expected credit loss is
acceptance portfolio                                           calculated through default risk exposure and
                                                               the expected credit loss rate or over the
                                                               lifetime. Commercial acceptance bills
                                                               With reference to historical credit loss
                                                               experience, combined with the current
                                                               situation and the forecast of future economic
Notes receivable--bank                  Type of notes          conditions, the expected credit loss is
acceptance portfolio
                                                               calculated through default risk exposure and
                                                               the expected credit loss rate or over the
                                                               lifetime. Commercial acceptance bills

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                                                      With reference to historical credit loss
                                                      experience, combined with the current
                                                      situation and the forecast of future economic
Accounts receivable--aging
                                  Aging portfolio     conditions, the comparison table between the
                                                      aging of accounts receivable and the expected
                                                      credit loss rate over the lifetime is prepared to
                                                      calculate the expected credit loss.
     2) Accounts receivable--comparison of aging portfolio with expected credit loss rate over the
                                                                                   Accounts receivable
                                                                                 Expected credit losses (%)
Within 1 year (inclusive, the same below)                                                    5.00

1 to 2 years                                                                                10.00

2 to 3 years                                                                                50.00

Over 3 years                                                                               100.00
     6. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
     The financial assets and financial liabilities are respectively listed in the balance sheet, not
offsetting each other. However, when all the following criteria are met, financial assets and liabilities are
shown on a net basis after offsetting: (1) The Company has the statutory right to offset the recognized
amounts, and such right is currently enforceable; (2) The Company intends to settle the financial assets
and liabilities on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.
     For the transfer of financial assets where the derecognition criteria are not met, the Company may
not offset the financial assets transferred against the related liabilities.

11. Notes receivable
Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of notes receivable
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

12. Accounts receivable
Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of accounts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

13. Receivables financing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

14. Other receivables
Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of other receivables
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

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15. Inventories
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Classification of inventories
     Inventories refer to finished goods or commodities for sale held in daily activities, unfinished goods
in manufacturing process, and materials and supplies consumed in process of manufacturing products or
providing services, etc.
     2. Valuation method of inventories upon delivery
     The cost measurement for the inventories delivered is made with a one-time weighted average
method at the end of the month.
     3. Basis for determining the net realizable value of various categories of inventories
     On the balance sheet date, inventories should be measured whichever is lower in accordance with
the cost and net reliable value, and the provision for decline in value of inventories shall be made
according to the difference that the cost of each item of inventories higher than the net realizable value.
For inventories directly used for sale, the net realizable value shall be determined by the estimated
selling price of the inventory minus the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and fees in the
normal production and operation process. For materials inventory requiring processing during normal
process of production and operation, the net realizable value shall be determined by deducting estimated
costs occurring during completion, estimated selling expenses and related taxes from estimated sale
price of finished products. On the balance sheet date, some of the same inventory have contract price
agreed, others not; their net realizable value shall be recognized respectively and compared with the
corresponding cost to determine the amount of provision or write-back of inventory depreciation reserve.
     4. Inventory system of inventories
     The perpetual inventory system is adopted for the inventories of the Company.
     5. Amortization of low-value consumables and packing materials
     (1) Low-value consumables
     Low-value consumables are amortized with a one-time write-off method.
     (2) Packing materials
     Packing materials are amortized with a one-time write-off method.

16. Contract assets
(1). Method and criteria for determining contract assets
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company presented contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet in accordance
with the relationship between performance obligations and customer payment. The Company will set off
the contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract and present them in net amount.
     The right of the Company to receive consideration from its customers unconditionally (i.e. only
depending on the passage of time) is presented as receivables, and the right to receive consideration for
goods transferred to its customers (depending on factors other than the passage of time) is presented as a
contract asset.

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     The obligation to transfer goods to customers for consideration received or receivable from
customers is presented as a contract liability.

(2). Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of contract assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

17. Assets held for sale
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

18. Debt investments
(1). Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of debt
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

19. Other debt investments
(1). Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of other debt
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

20. Long-term receivables
(1). Determination methods and accounting methods of the expected credit losses of long-term
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

21. Long-term equity investments
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Judgment criteria for joint control and significant influence
     Joint control refers to the control the Company shares with other entities over a certain arrangement
following relevant agreements by which any activity under the arrangement may be conducted only with
the unanimous agreement of all participants sharing the power of control. Significant influence refers to
the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an investee, but
not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies.
     2. Determination of investment cost
     (1) In case of a business combination under the same control, if the acquirer pays cash, transfers
non-cash assets, assumes debts or issues equity securities as merger consideration, the share of the
owner’s equity of the acquiree obtained on combination date in the carrying value of the financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party is deemed as an initial investment cost. Capital reserve is
adjusted based on the difference between initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and
carrying value of paid combination consideration or total nominal value of issued share; if the capital

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reserve is insufficient to offset such difference, the difference will be offset against retained earnings.
     If business combination under the same control is realized step by step through multiple
transactions, whether the multiple transactions is a “Package Deal” is determined. If the deals fell into a
"Package Deal", all transactions shall be treated as a transaction to gain control. If it is not a “package
deal”, on the combination date, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be
determined based on the share of net assets’ carrying value of the acquiree in the consolidated financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party. The capital reserve is adjusted based on the difference
between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment on the combination date and the
sum of the carrying value of the long-term equity investment before the acquisition and the carrying
value of the new payment consideration on the acquisition date. If the capital reserve is insufficient to
offset such difference, the difference will be offset against retained earnings.
     (2) For business combinations not under the same control, the fair value of the combination
consideration paid by it on the acquisition date shall be its initial investment cost.
     For long-term equity investment formed by a business combination achieved step by step through
multiple transactions, relevant accounting treatment is performed with distinctions made between
separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements:
     1) In the separate financial statements, the sum of the fair value of the originally held equity
investment and the additional investment cost shall be taken as the initial investment cost when
converting to using the cost method.
     2) In the consolidated financial statements, it is determined whether it is a “package deal”. If the
deals fell into a "Package Deal", all transactions shall be treated as a transaction to gain control. If it is
not a “Package Deal”, the equity of the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date shall be re-measured
according to the fair value of the equity at the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair value
and the carrying value shall be recorded in the current investment income. Where the equity of the
acquiree held prior to the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income accounted for based on
the equity method, etc., the other comprehensive income related to it shall be converted into the current
investment income of the acquisition date. However, other comprehensive income arising from the
re-measurement of net liabilities or changes in net assets of defined benefit plans by the investee is
     (3) Except for business combination: If it is acquired by paying cash, the actual acquisition price
shall be taken as its initial investment cost; if it is acquired by issuing equity securities, the fair value of
the issued equity securities shall be taken as its initial investment cost; if it is acquired by means of debt
restructuring, the initial investment cost shall be determined according to the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 12-Debt Restructuring; if it is acquired by exchange of non-monetary assets,
the initial investment cost shall be determined according to the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 7-Exchange of Non-monetary Assets.
     3. Method for subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
     The long-term equity investment controlled by the investee shall be accounted for by the cost

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method; the long-term equity investment of associated enterprises and joint ventures shall be accounted
for by the equity method.
     4. Treatment method of investing in subsidiaries until loss of control right step by step through
multiple transactions
     (1) Separate financial statements
     For the disposal of long-term equity investments, the difference between the carrying value and the
actual price acquired shall be recorded into profit and loss of the current period. For the remaining equity,
if it still has a significant impact on the investee or implements joint control with other parties, it shall be
accounted for by the equity method; if it is no longer possible to exercise control, joint control or
significant influence on the investee, accounting shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments.
     (2) Consolidated financial statements
     1) The Company disposes of investment in subsidiaries step by step through multiple transactions
until loss of control right. If it is not a "package deal", before the loss of control right, the difference
between the disposal price and the share of net assets is continuously calculated by the subsidiary from
the acquisition date or combination date corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment
shall be adjusted, and the capital reserve (capital premium) shall be adjusted. If the capital premium is
insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be offset.
     In case of loss of control over the original subsidiary, the remaining equity shall be re-measured
according to its fair value on the date of loss of control. The aggregate of the consideration obtained by
disposing of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity less the portion of the net assets of the
subsidiary that has been measured, as calculated at the original shareholding proportion, from the
acquisition date or combination date is recognized in profit and loss of the current period on investments
in which the control is lost, and goodwill shall be offset. Other comprehensive income, etc. related to the
original subsidiary’s equity investment will be converted into income from investment for the current
period when the control is lost.
     2) The Company disposes of investment in subsidiaries step by step through multiple transactions
until loss of control right. If it is a “package deal”, the Company treats each transaction as a transaction
that disposes of a subsidiary and loses control. However, the difference between each disposal price
before losing control and the share of subsidiaries’ net assets corresponding to the disposed investment
shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, and shall be
transferred into the profits and losses of the current period in case of loss of control.

22. Investment property
Not applicable

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23. Fixed assets
(1). recognition criteria
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The fixed assets of the Company refer to tangible assets held for production of goods, provision of
labor services, lease or business with a service life of over a fiscal year. Fixed assets shall be recognized
when the economic benefits are flowing in and the cost can be measured reliably.

(2). Depreciation method
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                           Depreciation         Depreciable life      Residual value          Annual
                             method                 (year)                 rate           depreciation rate
Houses and
                       depreciation                    20                   3%                 4.85%
                       depreciation                   4-10                  3%             9.70%-24.25%
Means of
                       depreciation                   2-10                  3%             9.70%-48.50%
Electronic and
                       depreciation                   2-10                  3%             9.70%-48.50%
other equipment
Fixed assets
                       depreciation                     5                    0                  20%

(3). Recognition basis, valuation and depreciation method for fixed assets under financing lease
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

24. Construction in progress
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Fixed assets shall be recognized when the economic benefits are flowing in and the cost can be
measured reliably. The construction in progress is measured according to the actual cost incurred before
the construction of the asset reaches its intended serviceable condition.
     2. When construction in progress reaches expected serviceable conditions, it will be carried forward
into fixed assets based on its actual cost. For those that have reached their intended serviceable status but
have not yet completed the settlement, they shall be transferred to fixed assets according to the estimated
value, and the original provisional value shall be adjusted according to the actual cost after the final
accounts are completed, but the depreciation already accrued shall not be adjusted.

25. Borrowing costs
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Recognition principles for the capitalization of borrowing costs

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     The borrowing costs that have occurred and can be directly attributed to the acquisition,
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization are capitalized by the Company and
recorded in relevant cost of assets; other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses based on the
amount incurred when they occur, and shall be recorded in profit and loss of current period.
     2. Period for capitalization of borrowing costs
     (1) When all the following conditions are met by the borrowing costs, capitalization will start: 1)
asset expenditure has occurred; 2) borrowing costs have occurred; 3) acquisition, construction or
production activities have started in order to make the fixed asset be ready for the intended use or sale.
     (2) If the acquisition, construction or production of an asset eligible for capitalization is
continuously suspended for over 3 months for abnormal reasons, capitalization of the borrowing costs
shall be suspended; borrowing costs incurred during the suspension shall be recognized as the current
expenses until the acquisition, construction or production of the asset is resumed.
     (3) When the assets with the purchase, construction or production meeting the capitalization
conditions reach the expected available or marketable state, the borrowing cost ceases to be capitalized.
     3. Capitalization rate and capitalization amount of borrowing costs
  For a specifically borrowed fund for the acquisition, construction or production of an asset eligible for
capitalization, the amount of interest that shall be capitalized is determined based on the interest
expenses incurred in the period when a specifically borrowed fund is obtained (including the
amortization of discounts or premiums recognized according to the effective interest method) less any
income earned on the unused borrowing fund as a deposit in a bank or as a temporary investment. Where
a general borrowing is used for the acquisition, construction and production of an asset eligible for
capitalization, the amount of interest that shall be capitalized is determined by multiplying the part of the
accumulative asset disbursements in excess of the weighted average asset disbursement for the
specifically borrowed fund by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used.

26. Biological assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

27. Oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

28. Right-of-use assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

29. Intangible assets
(1). Pricing method, service life, and impairment test
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Intangible assets include land use rights, software, etc., which are initially measured at costs.

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     2. Intangible assets with limited service life are properly amortized within the service life based on
the expected method to realize economic benefits relating to the intangible assets. Where the expected
realization method cannot be reliably determined, Straight-line Amortization Method is adopted. The
detailed period is as follows:

  Item                                                                          Amortization period (year)

Land use right                                                                      Duration of land use

Software                                                                                     2-5
     Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are not amortised and the Company reviews the useful
life of the intangible asset in each accounting period.

(2). Accounting policies for internal research and development costs
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The expenditures occurring during the research period of internal R&D items are included in the
profit or loss for the current period at the time of occurrence. Expenditure on internal research and
development projects in the research stage shall be recognized as intangible assets when the following
conditions are met at the same time: (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that
they can be used or sold; (2) it has the intention of completing the intangible asset and using or selling it;
(3) the ways in which intangible assets generate economic benefits include the existence of a market for
the products produced by using such intangible assets or the existence of a market for the intangible
assets themselves, and intangible assets that will be used internally shall be proven their usefulness; (4)
there should be sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the development of the
intangible asset and have the ability to use or sell the intangible assets; (5) the expenditure attributed to
the development stage of intangible assets can be measured reliably.

30. Long-term assets impairment
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     For long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets,
long-term assets with limited service life and other long-term assets, if there are signs of impairment on
the balance sheet date, the recoverable amount shall be estimated. Goodwill and intangible assets with
uncertain service life formed by business combinations are tested for impairment every year regardless
of whether there are signs of impairment. Goodwill is tested for impairment in conjunction with the asset
group or combination of asset groups to which it relates.
     If the recoverable amount of the above-mentioned long-term assets is lower than its carrying value,
the asset impairment reserve shall be recognized according to the difference and recorded in profit and
loss of the current period.

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31. Long-term prepaid expense
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     Long-term prepaid expenses are accounted for all expenses that have been paid and have an
amortization period of more than one year (excluding one year). The long-term prepaid expenses are
accounted for according to the actual amount incurred and are amortized averagely over the benefit
period or the specified period. If the long-term deferred expenses item cannot bring benefit in the
subsequent accounting period, the amortized value of the item that has not been amortized will be
transferred to the profit or loss for the current period.

32. Contract liabilities
(1). Method for determining contract liabilities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company presented contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet in accordance
with the relationship of performance obligations and customer payment. The Company will set off the
contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract and present them in net amount.
     The obligations of transferring goods to customers as a result of the consideration that the Company
had received or shall receive from customers were presented as contract liabilities.

33. Employee remuneration
(1). Accounting treatment methods of short-term remuneration
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Employee remuneration includes short-term remuneration, post-employment benefits, dismissal
benefits and other long-term employee benefits.
     2. Accounting treatment methods of short-term remuneration
     Within the accounting period when employees provide service, the actual short-term remuneration
shall be recognized as liabilities and be recorded in profit and loss of the current period or relevant asset

(2). Accounting treatment method for post-employment benefits
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     The Company classifies post-employment benefit plans into the defined contribution plan and the
defined benefit plan.
     (1) During the accounting period in which the employees provide services to the Company, the
amount to be contributed as calculated according to the defined contribution plan is recognized as a
liability and recorded in the profit or loss for the current period or the related asset costs.
     (2) The accounting handling of the defined benefit plan usually includes the following steps:
     1) Based on the projected unit credit method, related demographic variables and financial variables
are estimated by using unbiased and mutually compatible actuarial assumptions, the obligations under

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the defined benefit plan are measured, and the periods to which relevant obligations are attributed are
determined. Meanwhile, the Company will discount the obligations incurred from a defined benefit plan,
to determine present value of defined benefit plan and current service cost.
     2) The deficit or surplus formed by present value of obligations to the defined benefit plan minus
the fair value of assets of the defined benefit plans is recognized as one net liabilities or net profits of the
defined benefit plans. If the defined benefit plans have a surplus, the Company shall measure the net
profit of the defined benefit plans according to whichever is lower between the surplus and upper limit
on the assets of the defined benefit plans.
     3) At the end of the period, the employee compensation cost incurred in the defined benefit plan is
recognized as service cost, net interest arising from the net liabilities and net assets of the defined benefit
plan, and changes in the net liabilities or net assets of the remeasured defined benefit plan. Of which, the
net interest arising from the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan is recorded in profit
and loss of the current period or related asset cost, and changes in the net liabilities or net assets of the
remeasured defined benefit plan are recorded in other comprehensive income, and is not written-back to
profits and losses in subsequent accounting periods. But these amounts recognized in other
comprehensive income can be transferred within the scope of equity.

(3). Accounting treatment method for dismissal benefits
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     If the Company provides the employee with dismissal benefits, the Company shall recognize the
employee remuneration liabilities and record them in profit or loss for the current period on the
following dates (whichever is earlier): (1) the date when the Company may not unilaterally withdraw
dismissal benefits provided due to termination of labor relationship plans or layoff proposals; (2) the
date when the Company recognizes costs or expenses relating to the restructure of payments of dismissal

(4). Accounting treatment method for other long-term employee benefits
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     If other long-term benefits provided by the Company to employees meet the conditions of the
defined contribution plan, accounting treatment shall be carried out according to the relevant provisions
of defined contribution plan. Except for that, the other long-term benefits shall be subject to the
accounting handling according to the defined benefit plan. To simplify the related accounting treatment,
employee compensation cost incurred in the defined benefit plan is recognized as service costs. Net
interests of net liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee benefits, as well as the total net
amount of changes caused by re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee
benefits, will be recorded in profit and loss of the current period or the related asset costs.

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34. Lease liabilities
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

35. Provisions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

36. Share-based payment
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Category of share-based payment
     The Company's share-based payment includes equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled
share-based payment.
     2. Relevant accounting processing for the implementation, modification, and termination of
share-based payment plans
     (1) Equity-settled share-based payment
     For an equity-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, if the right can be
exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the equity instruments shall, on the grant date, be
recorded in the relevant costs or expenses and the capital reserve shall be adjusted accordingly. For an
equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services, if the right cannot be exercised only
after completing the service during the vesting period or meeting the prescribed performance conditions,
then on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services acquired in the current period
shall, based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments, be recorded in the relevant
costs or expenses at the fair value of the equities instruments on the grant date, and the capital reserve
shall be increased accordingly.
     For an equity-settled share-based payment in return for the service of any other party, if the fair
value of the service of any other party can be reliably measured, it shall be measured at the fair value of
the service of any other party on the acquisition date; if the fair value of the service of any other party
can not be reliably measured, but the fair value of the equity instruments can be reliably measured, it
shall be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments on the acquisition date and recorded in the
relevant costs or expenses, and the owner's equity shall be increased correspondingly.
     (2) Cash-settled share payment
     For a cash-settled share-based payment in return for services of employees, if the right can be
exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of liabilities assumed by the Company shall, on the
grant date, be recorded in the relevant costs or expenses and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly.
For a cash-settled share-based payment, if the right cannot be exercised only after completing the service
during the vesting period or meeting the prescribed performance conditions, on each balance sheet date
within the vesting period, the services acquired in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of
the information about the vesting right, be recorded in the relevant costs or expenses and the
corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the Company.

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     (3) Modification and termination of share-based payment plans
     If the modification increases the fair value of the granted equity instruments, the Company shall
recognize the increase of the services acquired according to the increase of the fair value of the equity
instruments. If the modification increases the number of the granted equity instruments, the Company
shall recognize the increased fair value of equity instruments as the increase of the services acquired. If
the Company modifies the vesting conditions in a way that is favorable to employees, the Company shall
consider the modified vesting conditions when processing vesting conditions.
     If the modification reduces the fair value of the granted equity instruments, the Company shall
continue to recognize the amount of the service acquired based on the fair value of the equity
instruments on the grant date, and shall not consider the decrease of the fair value of the equity
instruments. If the modification reduces the number of equity instruments, the Company shall process
equity instruments by reducing some of them as the cancellation of the granted equity instruments. If the
vesting conditions are modified in a way that is unfavorable to employees, the Company shall not
consider the modified vesting conditions when processing vesting conditions.
     If the Company cancels the granted equity instruments or settles the granted equity instruments (not
including those canceled due to failure to meet vesting conditions) during the vesting period, the
cancellation or settlement shall be processed as the vested right and the amount to be recognized within
the remaining vesting period originally shall be recognized immediately.

37. Preference shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

38. Revenue
(1). Accounting policy for recognition and measurement of revenue
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Principles of revenue recognition
     On the commencement date of a contract, the Company shall assess the contract, identify each
single performance obligation in the contract, and determine that each single performance obligation is
satisfied whether within a certain period of time or at a certain point in time.
     When one of the following conditions is met, it belongs to fulfilling the performance obligation
within a certain period of time, otherwise, it belongs to fulfilling the performance obligation at a certain
point in time: (1) The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company's
performance while the Company performs the obligation; (2) The customer can control the goods under
construction during the performance of the Company; (3) The goods produced during the performance
of the Company have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect amount for the
cumulative performance completed so far during the whole contract period.
     For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes
the revenue according to the performance progress within that period of time. When the performance

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progress cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost incurred is expected to be compensated, the
revenue shall be recognized according to the amount of the cost incurred until the performance progress
can be reasonably determined. For performance obligations performed at a certain point in time, revenue
is recognized at the time when the customer obtains control over related goods or services. To decide
whether the customer has obtained the control over goods, the Company takes into account the following
signs: (1) the enterprise has the present right to collection for the goods, meaning the customer bears the
present obligation to payment for the goods; (2) the enterprise has passed the legal title to the goods to
the customer, meaning the customer has had the legal title to the goods; (3) the enterprise has transferred
the physical possession of the goods to the customer, meaning the customer has had the physical
possession of the goods; (4) the enterprise has transferred the major risks and remunerations concerning
the title to the goods to the customer, meaning the customer has obtained the major risks and
remunerations concerning the title to the goods; (5) the customer has accepted the goods; (6) other signs
to show that the customer has obtained the control over the goods.
     2. Principles of revenue measurement
     (1) The Company measures revenue on the basis of the transaction price allocated to each
performance obligation. Transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company is expected
to be entitled to receive for transferring goods or services to customers, excluding the amount received
on behalf of third parties and the amount expected to be refunded to customers.
     (2) If there is variable consideration in a contract, the Company shall determine the best estimate of
the variable consideration according to the expected value or the most likely amount, but the transaction
price including the variable consideration shall not exceed the amount that the cumulative recognized
income will most likely not be significantly written-back when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated.
     (3) If there is a significant financing component in a contract, the Company shall determine the
transaction price according to the amount payable in cash when the customer assumes control of the
goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration shall be
amortized by the effective interest rate method during the contract period.
     (4) If a contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall allocate the
transaction price to each single performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the single
selling price of the goods promised by each single performance obligation on the commencement date of
the contract.
     3. Specific methods for revenue recognition
     The Company mainly sells adaptors, wall switches and sockets, LED lighting and digital
accessories. In addition to meeting the general principles of revenue recognition, the sales of products
under different sales situations are generally recognized after meeting the following conditions.
     (1) The specific time points for revenue recognition of various domestic sales methods of the
Company are as follows:
     1) Distribution method: Revenue is recognized when the goods are sent to the designated place and
the distributor receives the goods.

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        2) Direct sales: For direct sales by supermarkets and e-commerce, when the buyer receives the
goods and publishes the information on the quantity and amount of goods received on its supplier
platform, the Company recognizes the revenue when it completes the reconciliation. For sales by
opening an online shop on the e-commerce platform, the Company recognizes the revenue when the
customer receives the goods and confirms such receipt on the e-commerce platform. For the sales by real
estate developers or decoration companies, the Company recognizes the revenue when the buyer has
received the goods and both parties complete the reconciliation. For offline direct sales such as Shanghai
area, the Company recognizes the revenue when the goods are delivered to the buyer.
        3) Consignment method: The Company recognizes the revenue when receiving the consignment
        (2) The Company recognizes its revenue when it has completed the customs declaration formalities
and obtained the bill of lading.

(2). Different business models are adopted for different businesses, which may lead to the
differences in the accounting policy for recognition of revenue
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

39. Contract costs
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
        Assets related to contract costs include costs of obtaining a contract and costs to fulfil a contract.
        The Company recognizes as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract if it expects to
recover those costs. The costs of obtaining a contract shall be included in profit or loss if the asset's
amortization period is one year or less.
        If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract are not within the scope of standards related to
inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets, etc., the Company shall recognize the costs to fulfil a
contract as an asset if all the following criteria are satisfied:
        1. The costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract, including direct labour, direct
materials, manufacturing overhead cost (or a similar cost), costs that are explicitly chargeable to the
customer under the contract, and other costs that are only related to the contract.
        2. The costs enhance the resources of the Company that will be used in satisfying performance
obligations in the future.
        3. The costs are expected to be recovered.
        An asset related to contract costs shall be amortized on a systematic basis that is consistent with
related goods or services and included in profit or loss.
        The Company shall make provision for impairment and recognize it as impairment losses on assets
to the extent that the carrying amount of an asset related to the contract costs exceeds the remaining
amount of consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for the goods or services to
which the asset relates less the costs expected to be incurred. If the remaining amount of consideration
that the Company expects to receive in exchange for the goods or services to which the asset relates

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minus the costs expected to be incurred is higher than the carrying amount of the asset due to the
subsequent changes in the factors of impairment in previous periods, the asset impairment provisions set
aside should be reversed and included in profit and loss of the current period. However, the carrying
amount of the asset upon the reversal should not exceed the carrying amount of the asset on the reversal
date, supposing that impairment provisions are not set aside.

40. Government grants
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Government grants are recognized when all the criteria below are satisfied: (1) The Company is
able to satisfy all the conditions attached to such government grant; (2) The Company is able to receive
the grants from the government. Government grants were measured at the amount received or receivable
if they were monetary assets. Non-monetary government grants were measured at fair value; if the fair
value could not be reliably obtained, they were measured at the nominal amount.
     2. Judgment basis and accounting treatment method for government grants related to assets
     Government documents stipulate that government grants used to purchase, build or otherwise form
long-term assets are classified as government grants related to assets. If the government documents
concerning a government grant do not specify the target of the grant, it should be determined based on
the basic conditions that must be met in order to receive the grant, and government grants which are
conditional upon a long-term asset acquired, constructed or otherwise formed are classified as
asset-related government grants. Government grants related to assets are used to offset carrying value of
assets or are recognized as deferred income. If recognized as deferred income, government grants related
to assets shall be recorded in the profit and loss in stages in a reasonable and systematic manner within
the useful life of the relevant asset. Government grants measured at nominal amount were directly
recognized as profit or loss for the current period. If the underlying assets were sold, transferred,
scrapped, or damaged before the end of the useful life, the unallocated balance of the relevant deferred
income was transferred to the profit or loss for the period of assets disposal.
     3. Judgment basis and accounting treatment method for government grants related to income
     Government grants other than government grants related to assets were classified as government
grants related to income. For government grants, including both asset-related parts and income-related
parts that are difficult to be distinguished, overall government grants shall be classified as government
grants related to income. Government grants related to income shall be recognized as deferred income if
they are used to compensate related future expenses or losses and recorded in profit and loss of the
current period during the period when relevant expenses are recognized, or shall be recognized as
current profit and loss or offset the related costs if they are used to compensate related expenses or losses
     4. Government grants related to daily activities are recognized as other income or used to offset
relevant costs according to the substance of business activities. Government grants that are not related to
daily activities are recognized as non-operating income and expenses.

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     5. Accounting method for interest subsidy on policy prime loans
     (1) If the fiscal system allocated the funds of interest subsidies to the lending bank, and the lending
bank provided loans to the Company at a policy prime interest rate, the actual loan amount received by
the Company was recognised as the carrying value of the loan, and the relevant borrowing costs were
calculated in accordance with the loan principal and the policy prime interest rate. /The fair value of the
loan was recognised as the carrying value and the borrowing costs were calculated according to the
effective interest method. The discrepancy between the actual loan amount received by the Company
and the fair value of the loan was recognised as deferred income. The deferred income was amortised by
the effective interest method during the outstanding maturities of the loan to offset relevant borrowing
     (2) If the fiscal system allocated the funds of interest subsidies to the Company directly, the
Company reduced the corresponding interest subsidies against relevant borrowing costs.

41. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. Based on the difference between the carrying value of assets and liabilities and their tax bases
(the difference between the tax base and the carrying value, where tax bases of items that are not
recognized as assets and liabilities can be determined according to the tax law), deferred income tax
assets or deferred income tax liabilities are recognized in accordance with the applicable tax rates during
the expected period in which such assets are to be recovered or such liabilities are to be settled.
     2. Deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent of the amount of the taxable income
that is likely to be obtained and deducted from deductible temporary difference. On the balance sheet
date, if there is conclusive evidence that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available to
offset the deductible temporary differences in the future, the deferred income tax assets that have not
been recognized in the previous accounting period shall be recognized.
     3. The Company reviews carrying values of deferred tax assets on the balance sheet date. If it is
determined that the Company is not Period likely to obtain adequate taxable income to offset benefits
from deferred tax assets, the carrying values of deferred tax assets are written down. Such write-downs
are reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income should be available.
     4. The current income tax and deferred income tax of the Company shall be recorded in profit and
loss of the current period as income tax expenses or incomes, excluding the income taxes incurred in the
following circumstances: (1) Business combination; (2) Transactions or events directly recognized in the
owner's equity.

42. Leases
(1). Accounting treatment method for operating lease
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. The Company as the leasee

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     On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company will recognize the lease with a lease term not
exceeding 12 months and excluding the purchase option as a short-term lease. Leases with lower value
when a single leased asset is a brand-new asset are identified as low-value asset leases. If the Company
sublets or expects to sublet the leased assets, the original lease shall not be deemed as a low-value asset
     The Company records the payments of short-term and low-value asset leases incurred during each
period of the lease term in the relevant asset costs or the profit or loss for the current period by the
straight-line method.
     The Company will recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities on the inception date of the
lease term, excluding the above short-term and low-value asset leases.
     (1) Right-of-use assets
     Right-of-use assets are initially measured at costs, including: 1) The initial measurement amount of
lease liabilities; 2) If there is a lease incentive for the lease payment paid on or before the start date of
the lease term, the relevant amount of the lease incentive already enjoyed shall be deducted; 3) Initial
direct expenses incurred by the lessee; 4) The expected cost to be borne by the lessee in order to
dismantle and remove the assets leased, restore original state of the place where the assets leased are in,
or restore the assets leased to the state stipulated in the lease terms.
     The Company depreciates right-of-use assets on a straight-line basis. If it is reasonably certain that
ownership of the leased asset(s) will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates
the leased asset(s) over its/their remaining service life. If it is not reasonably certain that the ownership
of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company will depreciate the
leased asset(s) over the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter.
         (2) Lease liabilities
     On the start date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the present value of the outstanding
lease payments as lease liabilities. The Company regards the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of
discount when calculating the present value of the lease payment. The incremental lending rate of the
lessee will be deemed as the rate of discount, if the interest rate implicit in lease cannot be confirmed.
The difference between the lease payment and its present value is regarded as an unrecognized financing
expense. Interest expense is recognized at the discount rate of the present value of the recognized lease
payment during each period of the lease term and is recorded in the profits and losses of the current
period. Variable lease payments that are not recorded in the lease liabilities measurement are recorded in
profits and losses of the current period when they are actually incurred.
     After the start of the lease term, in case of any changes in actual fixed payment amount, the
expected payable amount of the guarantee residual value, the index or ratio used to determine the lease
payment amount, and the evaluation result or actual exercise of the purchase option, renewal option or
termination option, the Company will re-calculate the lease obligation using the present value of the
changed lease payment, and adjusts the carrying value of right-of-use assets accordingly. If the carrying
value of right-of-use assets has been reduced to zero, while lease liabilities still needs to be further

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reduced, the remaining amount will be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period.
     2. The Company as lessor
     On the start date of the lease term, the Company divides the lease that substantially transfers almost
all risks and rewards related to the ownership of the leased assets into finance leases, except for
operating leases.
     The Company recognizes the lease payments receivable as rental earnings in each period within the
lease term on a straight-line basis. The initial direct costs related to the operating lease are capitalized,
amortized within the lease term on the same basis as the recognition of rental earnings, and included in
the profit or loss for the current period. Variable lease payments obtained by the Company in relation to
operating leases that are not included in the lease receivable are included in the profit or loss for the
current period when they are actually incurred.

(2). Accounting treatment method for finance lease
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3). Definition method and accounting treatment method of lease under the new lease standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

43. Other important accounting policies and accounting estimation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

44. Changes in important accounting policies and accounting estimation
(1). Changes in important accounting policy
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                       Remarks (Name and
                                                                                        amount of items in
 Contents of and reasons for the changes to accounting policies                            the statement
                                                                                       suffering significant
1. The Company started to implement the provisions on
"accounting treatment for the sale of products or by-products
produced by an enterprise before the fixed assets reach their
intended useable state or during the research and development
                                                                     No approval
process" stipulated in the Interpretation No. 15 of the                                No influence
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the
Ministry of Finance since 1 January 2022. Changes in the
accounting policy had no influence on the Company's financial
2. The Company started to implement the provisions on
"judgment on loss-making contracts" stipulated in the
Interpretation No. 15 of the Accounting Standards for Business       No approval
                                                                                       No influence
Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance since 1 January        required
2022. Changes in the accounting policy had no influence on the
Company's financial statements.

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3. The Company started to implement the provisions on
"accounting treatment of the income tax effect of financial
instrument related dividend whose issuer is classified as equity
instrument" stipulated in the Interpretation No. 16 of the           No approval
                                                                                   No influence
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the          required
Ministry of Finance since 30 November 2022. Changes in the
accounting policy had no influence on the Company's financial
4. The Company started to implement the provisions on
"accounting treatment of share-based payment in cash
settlement modified into share-based payment in equity
settlement by the enterprise" stipulated in the Interpretation No.   No approval
                                                                                   No influence
16 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued       required
by the Ministry of Finance since 30 November 2022. Changes
in the accounting policy had no influence on the Company's
financial statements.

Other notes:

(2). Key changes in accounting estimates
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3). Adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the year of implementation of the
new accounting standards or interpretations of the standards for the first time since 2022
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

45. Other information
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      (1) Segment reporting
      The Company identifies the operating segments based on the internal organisation structure,
management requirements and internal reporting system. An operating segment of the Company refers
to a component that meets the following conditions:
      1. The component can generate revenue and incur expenses in its routine activities;
      2. The management assesses the operating results of the component on a regular basis to decide its
resource allocation and evaluate its performance;
      3. The Company can obtain the financial position, operating results, cash flow and other accounting
information of the component through analysis.
      (2) Hedge accounting
      1. The hedging relationship is classified into fair value hedge, cash flow hedge and hedge of net
investment in foreign operations.
      2. For hedging that meets the following conditions, hedging accounting methods are used to deal
with it: (1) The hedging relationship is only composed of qualified hedging instruments and hedged
instruments; (2) At the beginning of hedging, the Company formally designated hedging instruments and
hedged items, and prepared written documents on hedging relationship and risk management strategies
and risk management objectives of the Company engaged in hedging; (3) The hedging relationship
meets the requirements of hedging effectiveness.

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      When the hedging meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company determines that
the hedging relationship meets the requirements of hedging effectiveness: (1) There is an economic
relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument; (2) Credit risk does not play a
dominant role in the value changes caused by the economic relationship between hedged items and
hedging instruments; (3) The hedging ratio of the hedging relationship is equal to the ratio of the number
of hedged items actually hedged by the Company to the actual number of hedging instruments, but does
not reflect the imbalance of the relative weights of hedged items and hedging instruments.
      The Company continuously evaluates whether the hedging relationship meets the hedging
effectiveness requirements on and after the hedging start date. If the hedging relationship no longer
meets the requirements of hedging effectiveness due to the hedging ratio, but the risk management
objectives of the designated hedging relationship have not changed, the Company shall rebalance the
hedging relationship.
      3. Hedging accounting treatment
      (1) Fair value hedge
      1) Gain or loss arising from a hedging instrument shall be recorded in profit and loss of the current
period. If the hedging instrument is used to hedge a non-trading equity instrument (or a component
thereof) that is chosen to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other
comprehensive income, the gains or losses arising from the hedging instrument are included in other
comprehensive income.
      2) Gain or loss of a hedged item arising from hedged risk exposure shall be recorded in profit and
loss of the current period and meanwhile the carrying value of the hedged item not measured at fair
value shall be adjusted. If a hedged item is classified as financial assets (or a component thereof) that are
measured at fair value and whose changes are recorded in other comprehensive income according to
Article 18 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22-Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments, its gains or losses due to hedged risk exposure are recorded in profit and loss of
the current period, and its carrying value has been measured at fair value and will not be adjusted. If the
hedged item is a non-trading equity instrument investment (or a component thereof) that the Company
chooses to measure at fair value and its changes are recorded in other comprehensive income, the gains
or losses arising from the hedged risk exposure are recorded in other comprehensive income, and its
carrying value has been measured at fair value and will not be adjusted.
      If a hedged item is an unrecognized firm commitment (or a component thereof), the cumulative
changes in the fair value arising from hedged risk after the designation of hedging relationship shall be
recognized as an asset or liability, and the related gain or loss shall be recorded in profit and loss of the
respective periods. In case of acquiring assets or bearing liabilities for performing a firm commitment,
the initially recognized amount of the assets or liabilities shall be adjusted to include the cumulative
changes in the fair value of the recognized hedged item.
      If a hedged item is a financial instrument (or a component thereof) at measured amortized cost, the
adjustment to the carrying value of the hedged item shall be amortized based on the actual interest rate
recalculated on the commencement date of amortization and recorded in profit and loss of the current
period. If a hedged item is classified as financial assets (or a component thereof) that are measured at
fair value and whose changes are recorded in other comprehensive income according to Article 18 of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22-Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments, cumulative recognized hedging gains or losses are amortized in the same manner and

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recorded in profit and loss of the current period, but the carrying value of financial assets (or their
components) is not adjusted.
     (2) Cash flow hedge
     1) The part of the gain or loss of the hedging instrument that belongs to the effective hedging is
included in the other comprehensive income as a reserve for cash flow hedges, and the invalid part is
included in profit and loss of the current period. The amount of reserve for cash flow hedges is
recognized as the absolute amount of the lower of the following two items: A. The cumulative gains or
losses of hedging instruments since hedging; B. The cumulative change in the present value of the
estimated future cash flows of the hedged item since hedging.
     2) If a hedged item is a forecast transaction and the forecast transaction leads the Company to
subsequently recognize a non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or the forecast transaction of the
non-financial asset or non-financial liability forms a recognized commitment to which fair value hedge
accounting is applicable, the original amount of reserve for cash flow hedges recognized in other
comprehensive income shall be transferred out and recorded in the initially recognized amount of such
non-financial asset or non-financial liability.
      3) For other cash flow hedges, the amount of reserve for cash flow hedges originally included in
other comprehensive income is transferred out during the same period when the hedged expected
transaction affects the profit and loss, and is recorded in the profit and loss of the current profit.
     (3) Net investment hedge in a foreign operation
     The part of the gains or losses formed by hedging instruments that belong to effective hedging is
recognized as other comprehensive income, and when disposing of foreign operations, it is transferred
out and recorded in the profit and loss of the current profit. The part of the gains or losses resulting from
hedging instruments that belong to invalid hedging shall be recorded in profit and loss of the current

VI Taxation
1. Main taxes and tax rates
Major types of taxes and tax rates
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
       Tax                                   Tax basis                                    Tax rate
                     Revenue from commodity sales and taxable services
                     calculated according to the tax law are the basic
                                                                                13%, 9%, 6%, 5% [Note
VAT                  calculation of output tax. After deducting the amount
                     of input tax which is allowed to be deducted in the
                     current period, the difference is the VAT payable.
                     Ad valorem tax: levied at 1.2% of the remaining value
                     after deducting 30% from the original value of the
Real estate tax                                                                 1.2%, 12%
                     housing property; Tax levied from rent: levied at 12%
                     of the rental income.
maintenance and      Turnover tax paid                                          5%, 7% [Note 2]
construction tax
Educational fee      Turnover tax paid                                          3%
Local educational
                     Turnover tax paid                                          By 2%
                     Amount of taxable income                                   25%, 20%, 15%, 8.25%
income tax

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     [Note 1] The tax of the Company's main products is levied at the tax rate of 13%, and VAT of
interest income is levied at the tax rate of 6%; VAT of the real estate rental income of subsidiaries
Banmen Electric Appliance and Shanghai Gongniu is levied at a tax rate of 5% according to the simple
method; VAT of Lingbo Gongniu's real estate rental income is partly levied at a tax rate of 5% and
partly at 9% according to the simple method.
     [Note 2] Electric Sales is levied at a tax rate of 7%, and other companies at a tax rate of 5%
Explanation of disclosure if different income tax rates apply to different corporate taxpayers
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                 Name of taxpayer                                      Income tax rate (%)
The Company                                                                                             15%
Ningbo Gongniu                                                                                          15%
Gongniu Photoelectric                                                                                   15%
Gongniu Digital                                                                                         15%
Domestic Electrical Appliance                                                                           15%
Bull HK                                                                                               8.25%
Xingluo Trading                                                                                         20%
Bull International Trading                                                                              20%
Hainan Dacheng                                                                                          20%
Other taxpayers except the above                                                                        25%

2. Tax concessions
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     1. According to the Notice on the Filing of the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises Identified by
Ningbo City's Accreditation Authority in 2022 issued by the Office of the National Leading Group for
the Identification and Management of High-tech Enterprises on 30 December 2022, the Company and
Domestic Electrical Appliance were identified as high-tech enterprises in Ningbo in 2022, with a valid
term of 3 years. Therefore, from 2022 to 2024, the Company and Domestic Electrical Appliance enjoy a
preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%.
     2. According to the Notice on Publishing the List of High-tech Enterprises in Ningbo in 2020
(YGQRL [2020] No.1) issued by the Leading Group for the Identification and Management of
High-tech Enterprises of Ningbo on 15 January 2021, Gongniu Digital was recognized as a high-tech
enterprise in Ningbo in 2020, and its qualification is valid for 3 years. From 2020 to 2022, Gongniu
Digital enjoys a preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%.
     3. According to the Notice on Publishing the List of High-tech Enterprises in Ningbo in 2021
issued by Beilun District Science and Technology Bureau of Ningbo on 19 January 2022, Ningbo
Gongniu and Gongniu Photoelectric were recognized as high-tech enterprises in Ningbo in 2020, and
their qualification is valid for 3 years. From 2021 to 2023, Ningbo Gongniu and Gongniu Photoelectric
enjoy a preferential corporate income tax rate of 15%.
     4. In line with the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration,
and the Ministry of Science and Technology on Increasing Pre-tax Deductions in Support of Scientific
and Technological Innovation (Announcement No. 28 [2022] of the Ministry of Science and Technology)
issued on 22 September 2022, equipment and instruments purchased from 1 October 2022 to 31
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December 2022 were eligible for a full deduction in a lump sum for the year in the calculation of taxable
income and for a 100% pre-tax additional deduction. The Company, Ningbo Gongniu, Photoelectric
Technology, Digital Technology and Domestic Electrical Appliance satisfied the above requirements
and enjoyed relevant concessions.
     5. In accordance with the Notice on Implementing Inclusive Tax Credit Policies for Small and
Micro Enterprises (C.SH. [2019] No. 13) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation
Administration and the Announcement on Issues Related to Implementing Inclusive Income Tax
Reduction and Exemption Policy for Small Low-profit Enterprises (State Administration of Taxation
Announcement No. 2 in 2019) issued by the State Administration of Taxation, from 1 January 2019 to
31 December 2021, the annual taxable revenue of small low-profit enterprises with a value of less than
RMB1 million (including RMB1 million) shall be included in the taxable revenue at a reduced rate of
25%, and the corporate revenue tax shall be levied at the tax rate of 20%. The part that the annual
taxable revenue exceeds RMB1 million but not more than RMB3 million shall be included in the taxable
revenue at a reduced rate of 50%, and the corporate revenue tax shall be levied at the tax rate of 20%.
According to the Announcement on the Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small-
and Micro-sized Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Entities (No. 12 of 2021) issued
by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, from 1 January 2021 to 31 December
2022, the portion of the annual taxable income of small- and micro-sized enterprises not exceeding
RMB1 million, the corporate income tax will be levied by half on the basis of the preferential policies
stipulated in Article 2 of the Tax Credit Policies for Small and Micro Enterprises (C.SH. [2019] No. 13)
issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration. Xingluo Trading, Bull
International Trading and Hainan Dacheng meet the recognition criteria of small low-profit enterprises,
and pay corporate income tax at the preferential tax rate of small low-profit enterprises.

3. Other information
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Monetary assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
           Item                       Closing balance                           Opening balance
Cash on hand                                           34,167.84
Bank deposits                                   4,435,294,692.17                             4,230,383,599.91
Other monetary assets                              55,930,602.55                                87,372,876.35
Interest receivable on
                                                  120,706,706.98                               59,472,080.48
term deposits
           Total                                4,611,966,169.54                             4,377,228,556.74
      Of which: Total
    amount deposited                                  174,605.10                                  217,966.13
   Deposits placed with
   finance companies
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Other notes
    The limited funds in the closing balance of other monetary assets include a futures margin of
RMB13,774,515.95 and cash deposits for L/G of RMB7,141,771.63.

2. Held-for-trading financial assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                   Item                           Closing balance                Opening balance
Financial assets at fair value through
                                                        6,949,000,000.00              5,926,600,000.00
profit or loss
Of which:
       Banking WM products                              1,919,000,000.00              1,936,600,000.00
       Trust product                                    1,260,000,000.00              1,120,000,000.00
       Asset management plan                            3,420,000,000.00              2,670,000,000.00
       Securities return voucher                          350,000,000.00                200,000,000.00
                   Total                                6,949,000,000.00              5,926,600,000.00

Other notes:
√Applicable□Not applicable
    (1) Description of held-for-trading financial assets with restrictions on the realisation
    The closing balance of held-for-trading financial assets includes closed-end WM products worth
RMB6,853 million
    (2) Details of banking WM products
                 Item                    Closing balance     Opening balance              Type
“Yangguang Tianli Zhenxiang” No.
C001 of Everbright Wealth                 300,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Ningxin One-year Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No.
32 with Fixed Income of BNB               300,000,000.00      100,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Wealth Management Co., Ltd.,
Bank of Ningbo
CMBC Fuzhu Bond, Automatically
Renewed Public Wealth                                                          Non-principal-guaranteed
                                          298,000,000.00      200,000,000.00
Management Products, with a                                                        floating income
Holding Period of 182 Days
Ningxin One-year Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No.
19 with Fixed Income of BNB               150,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Wealth Management Co., Ltd.,
Bank of Ningbo
BOC Wealth Management
“Wenxiang” Enhanced Fixed                                                    Non-principal-guaranteed
Income (Closed-end) Phase 202218                                                   floating income
of Bank of China
BOC Wealth Management
“Wenxiang” Enhanced Fixed                                                    Non-principal-guaranteed
Income (Closed-end) Phase 202219                                                   floating income
of Bank of China
Ningxin One-year Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No.
34 with Fixed Income of BNB               115,000,000.00      170,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Wealth Management Co., Ltd.,
Bank of Ningbo

                                                 172 / 258
                                       Annual Report 2022

Jingyao One-year Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No. 7
with Fixed Income of BNB Wealth      100,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Management Co., Ltd., Bank of
Ningxin Closed-end Wealth
Management Product No. 254 with
Fixed Income of BNB Wealth           100,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Management Co., Ltd., Bank of
Ningxin One-year Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No.
21 with Fixed Income of BNB          100,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Wealth Management Co., Ltd.,
Bank of Ningbo
2021 Closed-end Net-value Private
Placement Products of Bank of         50,000,000.00         50,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Ningxin One-year Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No.
16 with Fixed Income of BNB           50,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Wealth Management Co., Ltd.,
Bank of Ningbo
CMB Wealth Management
“Zhaorui Jinding” Fixed Income                                            Non-principal-guaranteed
Program No. 4 with 14-month Fixed                                               floating income
Opening Period
“ABC Pay at Any Time” Open
RMB Wealth Management Products        26,000,000.00         92,500,000.00
                                                                                floating income
of ABC Wealth Management
CMBC Tiantian Zengli                                    372,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
2020 Closed-end Net-value Private
Placement Products of Bank of                           200,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Ningxin Semi-annual Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No. 6
with Fixed Income of BNB Wealth                         180,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Management Co., Ltd., Bank of
CMBC Corporate Wealth                                                       Non-principal-guaranteed
Management Product Ririxin 80008                                                floating income
Ningxin Closed-end Wealth
Management Product No. 75 with
Fixed Income of BNB Wealth                              120,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Management Co., Ltd., Bank of
CMBC Extraordinary Asset
Management Daily
Profit-increasing Wealth                                100,000,000.00
                                                                                floating income
Management Products (Institutional
Ningxin Closed-end Wealth
Management Product No. 183 with                                             Non-principal-guaranteed
Fixed Income of BNB Wealth                                                      floating income
Management Co., Ltd., Bank of

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                                          Annual Report 2022


Everbright Cash A of Everbright                                                Non-principal-guaranteed
Bank (EB4395)                                                                      floating income
Ningxin Semi-annual Regular Open
Wealth Management Product No. 1
with Fixed Income of BNB Wealth                                50,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Management Co., Ltd., Bank of
ICBC “TLB” Net-value Wealth                                                  Non-principal-guaranteed
Management Products                                                                floating income
ABC “Golden Key, Anxin Profits
90 Days” RMB Wealth                                           10,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Management Products
               Subtotal                1,919,000,000.00 1,936,600,000.00
    (3) Details of trust products
                 Item                  Closing balance     Opening balance              Type
Financial City Hongyu No. 1
Collective Fund Trust Plan of           490,000,000.00      350,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Lujiazui International Trust
Xicheng Profit Increase Single Fund                                            Non-principal-guaranteed
                                        300,000,000.00      300,000,000.00
Trust of Huaneng Guicheng Trust                                                    floating income
Zhaofubao No. 17 Collective Fund                                               Non-principal-guaranteed
Trust Plan of SDIC Taikang Trust                                                   floating income
Wenying No. 2 Single Fund Trust                                                Non-principal-guaranteed
of Lujiazui International Trust                                                    floating income
Wenying No. 1 Single Fund Trust                                                Non-principal-guaranteed
of Lujiazui International Trust                                                    floating income
Yongxinbao D-type WM No. 2
Collective Fund Trust Plan of SDIC       50,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Taikang Trust
Fengli Jijixin No. 8 Collective Fund                                           Non-principal-guaranteed
Trust Plan of Cofco Trust                                                          floating income
Xinyue Fengli FL30 of Shanghai                                                 Non-principal-guaranteed
Trust                                                                              floating income
Yongxinbao D-type WM No. 2
Collective Fund Trust Plan of SDIC       15,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
Taikang Trust
Xinyue Fengli Series Collective                                                Non-principal-guaranteed
Fund Trust Plan of Shanghai Trust                                                  floating income
Shengyuan Profit-increasing Bond
Collective Fund Trust Plan of                                                  Non-principal-guaranteed
Everbright Securities and                                                          floating income
Everbright Trust
Xinxiang Bond Investment
Collective Fund Trust Plan of                                  30,000,000.00
                                                                                   floating income
               Subtotal                1,260,000,000.00 1,120,000,000.00
    (4) Asset management plan
                 Item                   Closing balance                                 Type
Yuxiang No. 1 Collective Asset                                                 Non-principal-guaranteed
                                       1,500,000,000.00     250,000,000.00
Management Plan of Everbright                                                      floating income

                                               174 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

Securities Asset Management

Anxiang Bond No. 53 of Haitong                                                  Non-principal-guaranteed
Securities                                                                          floating income
Financing Business, Debt Income
Right Transfer and Forward Transfer      300,000,000.00        100,000,000.00
                                                                                     fixed income
Contract of Founder Securities
Yuxiang No. 2 Collective Asset
Management Plan of Everbright            220,000,000.00        220,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Securities Asset Management
Anzhi No. 2 Single Asset
Management Plan of Huafu                 200,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Yongxin No. 2 Single Asset
Management Plan of Yongzheng             200,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Asset Management
Yuexiang No.1 Collective Asset
Management Plan of Everbright                                  800,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Securities Asset Management
Niannianwang Collective Asset
Management Plan of Haitong                                     400,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Securities Asset Management
Huatai Zijin Collective Asset
Management Plan of Huatai                                      400,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Yongxin Single Asset Management
Plan of Yongxing Securities Asset                              200,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Management, Yongxing Securities
Niannianwang No.88 Collective
Asset Management Plan of Haitong                               150,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Securities Asset Management
Everbright Sunshine Big Dipper Star
No. 7 Collective Asset Management                               90,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Plan of Everbright Securities
Everbright Sunshine Big Dipper Star
No. 6 Collective Asset Management                               60,000,000.00
                                                                                    floating income
Plan of Everbright Securities
               Subtotal                  3,420,000,000.00   2,670,000,000.00
    (5) Securities return voucher
                  Item                       Closing balance                               Type
Caiyingtong Series CSI 500 Single
Bullish Shark No. 28 Return Voucher of         50,000,000.00
                                                                                      floating income
Caitong Securities
Caiyingtong Series CSI 500 Single
Bullish Shark No. 25 Return Voucher of         50,000,000.00
                                                                                      floating income
Caitong Securities
Guangpu 360 Feicui No. 154 of                                                       Principal-guaranteed
Everbright Securities                                                                 floating income
Guangpu 360 Feicui No. 95 of                                                        Principal-guaranteed
Everbright Securities                                                                 floating income
Zhangdiebao Spread Series No. 135
Return Voucher (CSI 500 Long) of               50,000,000.00
                                                                                      floating income
Sinolink Securities

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                                           Annual Report 2022

Xingdong Series Single Bullish Shark
Floating Return Voucher No. 235                                                       Principal-guaranteed
(Ningbo) of Industrial Securities (CSI                                                  floating income
500 Long)
Caiyingtong Series CSI 500 Double
Bullish Shark No. 20 Return Voucher of         30,000,000.00
                                                                                        floating income
Caitong Securities
Guangpu 360 Feicui No. 95 of                                                          Principal-guaranteed
Everbright Securities                                                                   floating income
Return Voucher “JinTianli” No. D184 of                                              Principal-guaranteed
Founder Securities                                                                      floating income
Guangjing Series Return Voucher No.                                                   Principal-guaranteed
30 of Everbright Securities                                                             floating income
Xingdong Series
Automatically-redeemed Floating                                                       Principal-guaranteed
Return Voucher No. 65 of Industrial                                                     floating income
Securities (CSI 500 Long)
Xingzhi Series Single Shark Floating
Return Voucher No. 107of Industrial                                  50,000,000.00
                                                                                        floating income
Securities (Ningbo) (CSI 500 Long)
  Subtotal                                    350,000,000.00       200,000,000.00

3. Derivative financial assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                Item                              Closing balance                    Opening balance
Hedge instruments - commodity future
                                                                643,100.00                   3,613,050.00
                Total                                           643,100.00                   3,613,050.00

Other notes:
     The Company hedged raw materials such as copper and plastic particles purchased, performed
accounting treatment as cash flow hedges, and recorded the profit on the book in the derivative financial

4. Notes receivable
(1) Notes receivable listed by category
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
             Item                           Closing balance                     Opening balance
Bank acceptance notes
Trade acceptance notes                                                                         750,723.35
             Total                                                                             750,723.35

(2) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3) Notes receivable which had been endorsed by the Company or had discounted and had not due
on the balance sheet date at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable
(4) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because the drawer of the notes failed to execute the
contract or agreement
□Applicable√Not applicable
(5) Breakdown by method of establishing allowance for doubtful account
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                176 / 258
                                                 Annual Report 2022

                             Closing balance                                        Opening balance
             Carrying balance     Bad debt provision                Carrying balance    Bad debt provision
  Type                                               Carryin
                                             Accrued   g                                          Accrued Carrying
                      Percentag                                              Percentag
            Amount                 Amount proportio amount         Amount               Amount proportio amount
                         e (%)                                                  e (%)
                                              n (%)                                                 n (%)
Bad debt
establishe 3,712,829.7            3,712,829.7                                            361,810.7
                         100.00                  100.00           361,810.71     31.41                 100.00
d on the             5                      5                                                    1
Of which:
e notes
           3,712,829.7            3,712,829.7                                            361,810.7
acceptanc                100.00                  100.00           361,810.71     31.41                 100.00
                     5                      5                                                    1
e notes
Bad debt
accrued                                                           790,235.11     68.59 39,511.76         5.00
Of which:
e notes
acceptanc                                                         790,235.11     68.59 39,511.76         5.00
e notes
           3,712,829.7            3,712,829.7                     1,152,045.8            401,322.4              750,723.3
   Total                 100.00                  100.00                         100.00                  34.84
                     5                      5                               2                    7                      5

Bad debt provision established on the individual basis:
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                  Closing balance
         Name                                             Bad debt            Accrued                  Reason for
                           Carrying balance
                                                          provision        proportion (%)               accruing
Sunac Real Estate
                                  3,712,829.75            3,712,829.75               100.00          impairment risk
Group Co., Ltd.
         Total                    3,712,829.75            3,712,829.75               100.00                 /

Notes to bad debt provision accrued by item:
√Applicable□Not applicable
Note: The Company is related to and controlled by Sunac Real Estate Group which is the ultimate
voucher issuer.

Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio:
□Applicable√Not applicable

To accrue bad debt provision under the expected general model of credit loss, please refer to the
disclosure of other receivables:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(6) Bad debt provision
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                      177 / 258
                                                 Annual Report 2022

                                                 Changes for the current period
                     Opening                                                                                Closing
                     balance                                                                                balance
                                                        Reversed or
                                  Established                            Charged-off/Written-off
Bad debt
                  361,810.71     3,351,019.04                                                          3,712,829.75
accrued by
Bad debt
                     39,511.76      -39,511.76
accrued by
    Total         401,322.47     3,311,507.28                                                          3,712,829.75

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:

(7) Notes receivable with actual written-off for the Reporting Period
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

5. Accounts receivable
(1) Breakdown by aging
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                         Aging                                              Closing carrying balance
Within 1 year
Of which: Sub-items within one year
Within 1 year                                                                                       233,008,605.06
Subtotal within one year                                                                            233,008,605.06
1 to 2 years                                                                                          5,456,955.48
2 to 3 years                                                                                          1,078,528.87
Over 3 years                                                                                          6,932,922.28
                      Total                                                                         246,477,011.69

(2) Breakdown by method of establishing allowance for doubtful account
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                            Closing balance                                        Opening balance
            Carrying balance   Bad debt provision                  Carrying balance   Bad debt provision
 Type                                     Accrue      Carrying                                   Accrue      Carrying
                      Percenta               d        amount                 Percenta               d        amount
            Amount             Amount                              Amount             Amount
                       ge (%)             proporti                            ge (%)             proporti
                                          on (%)                                                 on (%)
ed on
al basis

                                                       178 / 258
                                                Annual Report 2022

          246,477,01            19,668,312           226,808,69 230,995,73            11,735,996          219,259,74
n                      100.00                 7.98                           100.00                5.08
                1.69                    .50                9.19       9.56                   .31                3.25
          246,477,01            19,668,312           226,808,69 230,995,73            11,735,996          219,259,74
  Total                100.00                 7.98                           100.00                5.08
                1.69                    .50                9.19       9.56                   .31                3.25

Bad debt provision established on the individual basis:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio:
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                               Closing balance
                                Accounts receivable           Bad debt provision          Accrued proportion (%)
Within 1 year                        233,008,605.06                  11,650,430.23                           5.00
1 to 2 years                            5,456,955.48                    545,695.54                         10.00
2 to 3 years                            1,078,528.87                    539,264.45                         50.00
Over 3 years                            6,932,922.28                  6,932,922.28                        100.00
         Total                       246,477,011.69                  19,668,312.50                           7.98

Criteria and explanation of bad debt provision accrued by portfolio:
□Applicable√Not applicable

To accrue bad debt provision under the expected general model of credit loss, please refer to the
disclosure of other receivables:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(3) Bad debt provision
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                Changes for the current period
                  Opening                                      Transferred                            Closing
   Type                                          Recovered                      Other
                  balance           Established                      or                               balance
                                                 or reversed                   changes
Bad debt
              11,735,996.31 324,932.55 817,175.84 615,760.06 7,405,967.86 19,668,312.50
accrued by
   Total     11,735,996.31 324,932.55 817,175.84 615,760.06 7,405,967.86 19,668,312.50
     [Note] Other changes represent the increase in the bad debt provision arising from the acquisition
of Dalitek.

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
        Entity            Amount reversed or transferred-back               Way of recovery
Shanghai Lotus
Supermarket Chain                                   707,267.51                 Litigation
Store Co., Ltd.
         Total                                      707,267.51                       /

Other notes:

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                                            Annual Report 2022

(4) Accounts receivable written-off in current period
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                                            Amount written-off
Accounts receivable written-off                                                               615,760.06

Of which: The written-off of significant accounts receivable
□Applicable√Not applicable
Notes to written-off of accounts receivable:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(5) Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable collected according to arrears party
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                       As % of the closing
                                                                               Closing balance of bad
        Entity                Closing balance            balance of total
                                                                                   debt provision
                                                       accounts receivable
Beijing Jingdong
Century Trading Co.,                57,730,716.19                       23.42            2,886,535.81
Ningbo Boya Metal
                                    19,053,649.73                         7.73             952,682.49
Material Co.,Ltd
Zhejiang TMALL
                                    18,772,610.30                         7.62             938,630.52
Technology Co., Ltd.
ALPHA.LTD                            6,685,976.72                         2.71             334,298.84
Investment (China)                   6,223,169.73                         2.52             311,158.49
Co., Ltd.
          Total                    108,466,122.67                       44.01            5,423,306.15

Other notes

(6) Accounts receivable derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

(7) Amount of assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and the continued involvement of
accounts receivable
□Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable √Not applicable

6. Receivables financing
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Item                            Closing balance                    Opening balance
Bank acceptance notes                                   1,036,801.70                         927,023.00
              Total                                     1,036,801.70                         927,023.00

The changes of accounts receivable financing in the Current Period and the changes in fair value
□Applicable√Not applicable

To accrue bad debt provision under the expected general model of credit loss, please refer to the
disclosure of other receivables:

                                                180 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

7. Prepayments
(1) Breakdown of prepayments by aging
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                             Closing balance                              Opening balance
                     Amount             Percentage (%)             Amount            Percentage (%)
Within 1 year        48,536,368.53                  97.79          28,765,116.10                 98.71
1 to 2 years            955,431.40                    1.92            319,248.90                  1.10
2 to 3 years            101,394.68                    0.20             18,358.00                  0.06
Over 3 years              42,500.00                   0.09             37,500.00                  0.13
     Total           49,635,694.61                 100.00          29,140,223.00               100.00
Reason for outstanding prepayments that are over 1 year and of a substantial amount:

(2).Status of the top five advance payments in the closing balances by prepaid subject
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                    Percentage of total advances to
             Entity                     Closing balance
                                                                            suppliers (%)
Guangxi Jingdong Xinjie
                                                    4,418,549.65                               8.90
E-commerce Co., Ltd.
Giugiaro Architecture S.r.l.                        2,809,992.00                               5.66
Tianjin Bohua Nangang
                                                    2,381,716.00                               4.80
International Trade Co., Ltd.
Beijing Jiahe Jingshi Culture
                                                    2,358,490.57                               4.75
Media Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Pengbo Xingye
                                                    2,342,768.60                               4.72
E-commerce Co., Ltd.
              Total                                14,311,516.82                              28.83

Other notes

Other notes
□Applicable √Not applicable

8. Other receivables
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                Item                        Closing balance                   Opening balance
Interests receivable
Dividends receivable
Other receivables                                      71,887,692.32                  195,924,505.99
                Total                                  71,887,692.32                  195,924,505.99

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

                                               181 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

Interests receivable
(1) Category of interests receivable
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2) Significant overdue interest
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3) Bad debt provision
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable √Not applicable

Dividends receivable
(4) Dividends receivable
□Applicable√Not applicable
(5) Significant dividends receivable aging over one Year
□Applicable√Not applicable
(6) Bad debt provision
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other receivables
(7) Breakdown by aging
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Aging                                      Closing carrying balance
Within 1 year
Of which: Sub-items within one year
Within 1 year                                                                            13,221,675.68
Subtotal within one year                                                                 13,221,675.68
1 to 2 years                                                                              4,000,909.07
2 to 3 years                                                                            112,402,564.49
Over 3 years                                                                              4,575,618.48
                       Total                                                            134,200,767.72

(8) Breakdown by nature
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                            Unit: RMB
               Nature                     Closing carrying balance         Opening carrying balance
Call money                                             110,000,000.00                   111,000,000.00
Housing loan for employees                              12,466,303.78                    16,817,779.29
Guaranteed deposit                                       8,486,128.40                   101,781,134.68
Others                                                   3,248,335.54                       670,191.81
             Total                                     134,200,767.72                   230,269,105.78

(9) Bad debt provision
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                           Phase I              Phase II              Phase III
    Bad debt              12-month         Lifetime expected     Lifetime expected
    provision           expected credit   credit loss (without    credit loss (with
                             loss         credit impairment)     credit impairment)
Balance of 1
                          5,363,986.42         22,483,651.78            6,496,961.59     34,344,599.79
January 2022
Balance of 1

                                                 182 / 258
                                             Annual Report 2022

January 2022 in
the Current Period
- Transferred to
                          -250,045.44              250,045.44
Stage 2
- Transferred to
                                               -20,240,256.45         20,240,256.45
Stage 3
- Transferred back
to Stage 2
- Transferred back
to Stage 1
Amount accrued
for the current          -4,045,817.46          -1,571,349.86         32,451,250.70           26,834,083.38
for the current
charged-off for the
current period
written-off for the                                                        11,100.00             11,100.00
current period
Other changes               42,960.23                 3,000.00          1,099,532.00           1,145,492.23
Balance as at 31
                         1,111,083.75              925,090.91         60,276,900.74           62,313,075.40
December 2022

Notes to significant changes in the carrying balance of other receivables for which changes in the loss
reserve for the current period occurred:
√Applicable□Not applicable
Note: Other changes represent the increase in the bad debt provision arising from the acquisition of

The amount of bad debt provision for the current period and the basis for assessing whether the credit
risk of financial instruments has increased significantly:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(10) Bad debt provision
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                            Changes for the current period
            Opening                       Reversed or                                            Closing
 Type                                                    Charged-off/Written-        Other
            balance       Established    transferred-ba                                          balance
                                                                  off              changes
provisio   22,000,000.    33,500,000.                                                           55,500,000.
n                  00             00                                                                    00
by item
provisio   12,344,599. -6,665,916.6                                             1,145,492.2     6,813,075.4
n                  79             2                                                       3               0

                                                 183 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

  Total    34,344,599.   26,834,083.                                           1,145,492.2   62,313,075.
                   79            38                                                      3           40

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the
current period:
□Applicable√Not applicable
(11) Particulars of the actual written-off of other receivables during the current period
□Applicable√Not applicable

(12) Other receivables with the top five closing balances collected according to the arrears party
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                       As a % of the
                  Nature of                                                                  Bad debt
                                                                      closing balance
    Entity           other      Closing balance          Aging                               provision
                                                                       of total other
                  receivable                                                              Closing balance
Sunac Real
Estate Group                                          2 to 3
                 Call money      110,000,000.00                                   81.97    55,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.                                             years
                 Payment                              Over 3
Lifting                             1,099,532.00                                   0.82      1,099,532.00
                 for goods                            years
Co., Ltd.
                 Advances                             Within 1
Xie Weiwei                            708,080.00                                   0.53         35,404.00
                 Receivable                           year
Zone             Guaranteed                           Within 1
                                      702,062.90                                   0.52         35,103.15
High-tech        deposit                              year
Co., Ltd.
                 Guaranteed                           Within 1
Century                               650,000.00                                   0.48         32,500.00
                 deposit                              year
Trading Co.,
     Total             /          113,159,674.90                                  84.32    56,202,539.15
      [Note] The loan was provided by the Company's subsidiary Electric Sales to Sunac Real Estate
Group Co., Ltd. Inclusive of seven of its subsidiaries in order to expand its sales to Sunac Group in the
principal amount of RMB110,000,000.00 for a period of two years, which was guaranteed by Sunac

(13) Accounts receivable involving government grants
□Applicable√Not applicable

(14) Other receivables derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

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                                            Annual Report 2022

(15) Amount of assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and the continued involvement of
other receivables
□Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable √Not applicable

9. Inventories
(1).Category of inventories
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                            Closing balance                                 Opening balance
                               Inventory                                       Inventory
     Item        Carrying        falling      Carrying             Carrying      falling     Carrying
                 balance          price        amount               balance       price       amount
                                reserves                                        reserves
Finished      673,207,187.7 14,761,249. 658,445,938.4            893,826,248.2 9,387,709. 884,438,539.2
goods                      0             29             1                    4          01             3
Goods in      293,819,050.6                 293,819,050.6        130,428,496.7             130,428,496.7
transit                    8                            8                    1                         1
Raw materials 113,937,083.0                 113,937,083.0        124,009,445.4             124,009,445.4
                           4                            4                    2                         2
Work-in-progr 160,824,141.9                 160,824,141.9        163,087,929.2             163,087,929.2
ess                        2                            2                    7                         7
              41,122,518.19                 41,122,518.19        57,323,866.45               57,323,866.45
d products
               9,948,213.19                  9,948,213.19        10,298,408.48               10,298,408.48
               7,121,510.66                  7,121,510.66         7,400,437.04                7,400,437.04
     Total    1,299,979,705 14,761,249. 1,285,218,456            1,386,374,831 9,387,709. 1,376,987,122
                         .38             29           .09                  .61        01            .60

(2).Inventory falling price reserves and impairment allowances for contract performance costs
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                    Increase in the current      Decrease in the current
                      Opening                period                       period            Closing
                       balance                                   Reversed or                balance
                                  Established       Others                       Others
  Finished goods 9,387,709.01 11,504,455.94 2,529,326.21 8,660,241.87                    14,761,249.29
       Total        9,387,709.01 11,504,455.94 2,529,326.21 8,660,241.87                 14,761,249.29
Note: Other increased amounts represent the increase in the acquisition of Dalitek.

(3).Note on closing balance of inventory containing the capitalised amount of borrowing costs
□Applicable √Not applicable

(4).Notes of the amount of contract performance costs amortised for the current period
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The specific basis for determining the net realisable value, the reasons for the shrinkage reserves for
transferred-back or charged-off inventories for the current period

                                                 185 / 258
                                             Annual Report 2022

                                                             Reasons for
                         The specific basis                                        Reasons for charged-off
                                                      transferred-backing the
   Item               for determining the net                                      the reserve for inventory
                                                        reserve for inventory
                          realisable value                                                 shrinkage
                  The net realisable value is
                                                                                  For the Current Period,
                  determined by estimated
    Finished                                                                      the inventories, which
                  selling price deducting the
     goods                                                                        accrued shrinkage
                  estimated selling expense
                                                                                  reserves, have been sold
                  and the relevant taxes

 10. Contract assets
 (1).Details of contract assets
 □Applicable√Not applicable
 (2).Significant changes in the amount of carrying value and the reason in the Reporting Period
 □Applicable√Not applicable
 (3).Impairment allowances for contract assets in the current period
 □Applicable√Not applicable
 To accrue bad debt provision under the expected general model of credit loss, please refer to the
 disclosure of other receivables:
 □Applicable√Not applicable

 Other notes:
 □Applicable√Not applicable

 11. Assets held for sale
 □Applicable√Not applicable

 12. Current portion of non-current assets
 □Applicable√Not applicable
 Significant investments in debt obligations and other investments in debt obligations at the
 □Applicable√Not applicable

 13. Other current assets
 √Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                 Item                             Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Contract acquisition costs
 Refund costs receivable
Wealth management products                                 283,755,939.73                    1,114,551,150.68
Input VAT to be credited                                    63,937,448.75                       10,534,966.75
Advance payment of enterprise
                                                                16,132,038.41                    1,434,781.01
income tax
               Total                                       363,825,426.89                    1,126,520,898.44

 Other notes
     Details of WM products
   Item                                 Closing balance               Opening balance             Type
Structural bank deposits of                                                                  Structural bank
Ningbo Bank                                                                                      deposits
Return voucher of Founder
                                            100,000,000.00                                    Fixed income
Structural bank deposits of China                                                            Structural bank
Merchants Bank                                                                                   deposits

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                                          Annual Report 2022

Yanguangbi Jigouying of
                                              10,000.00                10,000.00      Fixed income
Everbright Bank
Structural bank deposits of
                                                                                     Structural bank
Industrial & Commercial Bank                                     500,000,000.00
of China
Structural bank deposits of                                                          Structural bank
Agricultural Bank of China                                                               deposits
Structural bank deposits of Bank                                                     Structural bank
of Communications                                                                        deposits
Structural bank deposits of Bank                                                     Structural bank
of Communications                                                                        deposits
Interest on structural bank
                                           3,745,939.73            14,541,150.68
               Total                     283,755,939.73         1,114,551,150.68

14. Debt investments
(1).Debt investments
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Significant debt investments at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3).Status of accrued depreciation reserves
□Applicable√Not applicable

The amount of the depreciation reserves for the current period and the basis for assessing whether the
credit risk for financial instruments has increased significantly
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

15. Other debt investments
(1).Other debt investments
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Significant other debt investments at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3).Status of accrued depreciation reserves
□Applicable√Not applicable

The amount of the depreciation reserves for the current period and the basis for assessing whether the
credit risk for financial instruments has increased significantly
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

16. Long-term receivables
(1).Details of long-term receivables
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Bad debt provision
□Applicable√Not applicable

The amount of the bad debt provision for the current period and the basis for assessing whether the
credit risk for financial instruments has increased significantly
□Applicable√Not applicable

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                                         Annual Report 2022

(3).Derecognition of long-term receivables due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

(4).The amount of the assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and the continued
    involvement of long-term receivables
□Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

17. Long-term equity investments
□Applicable√Not applicable

18. Other equity investments
(1).Investment in other equity instruments
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Status of an equity investment that is not held for trading
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

19. Other non-current financial assets
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

20. Investment property
Investment property by measurement method

21. Fixed assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
               Item                         Closing balance                  Opening balance
Fixed assets                                      1,851,129,657.93                 1,489,874,874.31
Fixed assets disposed of                              3,364,852.64                     3,858,246.51
                Total                             1,854,494,510.57                 1,493,733,120.82

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

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                                                                     Annual Report 2022

Fixed assets
(1).List of fixed assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                    Decoration of
                                                                                          Transportation    Electronic and other
    Item              Buildings and constructions         Machinery equipment                                                         the fixed          Total
                                                                                             vehicle             equipment
I. Original Carrying Value:
1. Opening
                                      1,178,242,527.05                  950,248,036.79      32,711,306.57         125,410,346.27    62,388,782.80   2,349,000,999.48
2. Increase in
the current                             428,700,972.22                  125,281,944.29       3,459,432.68          28,830,928.84     6,156,530.82    592,429,808.85
                                         14,355,932.40                    9,477,055.49       1,269,001.99            9,358,706.80    2,686,096.74     37,146,793.42
(2) Transfer
                                        414,345,039.82                  115,804,888.80         954,252.38          18,387,916.45     3,470,434.08    552,962,531.53
in progress
(3) Increase
due to
                                                                                             1,236,178.31            1,084,305.59                      2,320,483.90
3. Decrease
in the current                             1,096,640.58                  40,015,377.08       1,981,471.84            4,457,862.07                     47,551,351.57
(1) Disposal
                                           1,096,640.58                  40,015,377.08       1,981,471.84            4,457,862.07                     47,551,351.57
or retirement
4. Closing
                                      1,605,846,858.69                1,035,514,604.00      34,189,267.41         149,783,413.04    68,545,313.62   2,893,879,456.76
II. Accumulated Depreciation
1. Opening
                                        244,794,519.60                  429,424,279.29      28,809,594.52         105,290,677.82    42,062,826.50    850,381,897.73
2. Increase in
the current                              59,642,335.61                  129,819,079.79       5,694,034.54          19,473,402.27     9,226,461.39    223,855,313.60
                                         59,642,335.61                  129,819,079.79       4,923,341.74          18,809,459.48     9,226,461.39    222,420,678.01
(2) Increase                                                                                   770,692.80              663,942.79                      1,434,635.59

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                                                Annual Report 2022


3. Decrease
in the current                  1,087,607.83       29,238,818.56      1,918,590.01     4,457,862.07                     36,702,878.47
(1) Disposal
                                1,087,607.83       29,238,818.56      1,918,590.01     4,457,862.07                     36,702,878.47
or retirement
4. Closing
                              303,349,247.38      530,004,540.52     32,585,039.05   120,306,218.02   51,289,287.89   1,037,534,332.86
III. Impairment Allowances
1. Opening
                                                    8,124,587.26                        619,640.18                       8,744,227.44
2. Increase in
the current
3. Decrease
in the current                                      3,528,761.47                                                         3,528,761.47
(1) Disposal
                                                    3,528,761.47                                                         3,528,761.47
or retirement
4. Closing
                                                    4,595,825.79                        619,640.18                       5,215,465.97
IV. Carrying Amount
1. Closing
carrying                     1,302,497,611.31     500,914,237.69      1,604,228.36    28,857,554.84   17,256,025.73   1,851,129,657.93
2. Opening
carrying                      933,448,007.45      512,699,170.24      3,901,712.05    19,500,028.27   20,325,956.30   1,489,874,874.31

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                                         Annual Report 2022

(2).List of temporarily idle fixed assets
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3).Status of fixed assets obtained by finance lease
□Applicable√Not applicable
(4).Fixed assets leased out from operation lease
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                                        Ending carrying amount
Buildings and constructions                                                                  2,499,295.57

(5).Fixed assets with pending ownership certificate
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                             Reason for not obtaining
               Item                      Carrying amount
                                                                              ownership certificate
A technology information
company in Room 301 and
                                                                         Delivered and procedures are in
others, Building 7, Zone A,                        240,154,680.74
                                                                         process in the Current Period
Yinggang East Road, Zhao
Xiang Town
                                                                         Information needs to be changed,
The 3# Factory in the Western
                                                   170,760,567.22        and ownership certificate needs
Base of the Company
                                                                         to be replaced
The 2# Factory and auxiliary
                                                                         Information needs to be changed,
engineering in Cidong Precision
                                                       89,207,113.81     and ownership certificate needs
Manufacturing Base of the
                                                                         to be replaced
The 1# Factory and auxiliary                                             Information needs to be changed,
engineering in the Company’s                          81,103,303.69     and ownership certificate needs
precision manufacturing base                                             to be replaced
                                                                         Information needs to be changed,
Auxiliary engineering of the 3#
                                                       11,740,932.14     and ownership certificate needs
                                                                         to be replaced
           Subtotal                                592,966,597.60

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Fixed assets disposed of
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
              Item                         Closing balance                       Opening balance
 Scrapped machinery equipment
                                                          3,364,852.64                     3,858,246.51
 yet to be completely disposed
              Total                                       3,364,852.64                     3,858,246.51

Other notes:

22. Construction in progress
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

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                                          Annual Report 2022

Construction in progress
(1).Details of construction in progress
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                           Closing balance                               Opening balance
   Item           Carrying   Impairment        Carrying         Carrying   Impairment     Carrying
                    balance allowances         amount             balance allowances       amount
R&D centre
               212,491,009.57              212,491,009.57      73,430,650.25            73,430,650.25
project for
               146,348,397.94              146,348,397.94      71,757,502.31            71,757,502.31
output of
180 million
sets of LED
project for
output of      130,109,662.81              130,109,662.81       2,156,275.13             2,156,275.13
410 million
sets of wall
switches and
project for
upgrading of
annual          20,761,287.51                20,761,287.51     14,280,038.14            14,280,038.14
output of
400 million
sets of
construction     2,814,215.88                 2,814,215.88      3,539,851.67             3,539,851.67
to be           22,521,969.18                22,521,969.18     28,504,645.70            28,504,645.70
Other small
                76,411,307.65                76,411,307.65      4,695,173.77             4,695,173.77
    Total      611,457,850.54              611,457,850.54 198,364,136.97               198,364,136.97

                                              192 / 258
                                                                                       Annual Report 2022

(2).Changes in significant construction in progress during the current period
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                              Of which:
                                                                     Transferred      Transferre   Other                     Cumulativ                                      Interest
                                                                                                                                                   Cumulativ Capitalise
                                  Period-beginnin    Increase in       to fixed       d in fixed decrease                     e project   Project                        capitalisatio Fundin
                                                                                                              Period-end                                e     d interest
  Project         Budget                 g           the current     assets in the     assets in  s in the                   investment progress(%                         n rate for    g
                                                                                                               balance                             capitalised in the
                                      balance          period          current       the Current current                       as % of       )                            the current source
                                                                                                                                                     interest  current
                                                                        period          Period    period                     the budget                                   period (%)
R&D centre
headquarter                                          144,438,563.2                                           212,491,009.5                                                               Fund
                708,225,600.00       73,430,650.25                   5,217,588.00 160,615.93                                      30.95      35.00
s base                                                           5                                                       7                                                             raising
n project
n project
for annual                                                                                                   146,348,397.9                                                               Fund
                743,810,500.00       71,757,502.31 74,590,895.63                                                                  23.90      30.00
output of                                                                                                                4                                                             raising
180 million
sets of LED
n project
for annual
                                                     132,618,896.8                                           130,109,662.8                                                               Fund
output of      1,204,528,600.00       2,156,275.13                   4,665,509.12                                                 32.76      40.00
                                                                 0                                                       1                                                             raising
410 million
sets of wall
and sockets

                                                                                            193 / 258
                                                                                Annual Report 2022

n project
upgrading                                                                                                                                  Fund
               999,036,300.00    14,280,038.14 55,065,646.71 48,087,765.13 496,632.21                20,761,287.51   30.70   35.00
of annual                                                                                                                                raising
output of
400 million
sets of
                                                                               2,744,960.6                                                 Fund
constructio    240,350,000.00     3,539,851.67   9,760,392.16   7,741,067.27                          2,814,215.88    6.63   10.00
                                                                                         8                                               raising
n project
                                                                               1,226,793.7                                               Equity
to be                            28,504,645.70 80,312,526.06 85,068,408.83                           22,521,969.18
                                                                                         5                                                fund
Other small                                    473,898,327.0 402,182,193.1                                                               Equity
                                  4,695,173.77                                                       76,411,307.65
projects                                                   6             8                                                                fund
              3,895,951,000.0                  970,685,247.6 552,962,531.5 4,629,002.5               611,457,850.5
   Total                        198,364,136.97                                                                         /       /     /      /
                            0                              7             3           7                           4

                                                                                     194 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

(3).Impairment allowances for construction in progress for the current period
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

Engineering materials
(4) Status of engineering materials
□Applicable√Not applicable

23. Productive living assets
(1).Productive living assets adopting cost measurement mode
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Productive living assets adopting fair value measurement mode
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

24. Oil and gas assets
□Applicable√Not applicable

25. Right-of-use assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                  Item                    Buildings and constructions           Total
I. Original Carrying Value
      1. Opening balance                                30,054,784.58               30,054,784.58
      2. Increase in the current period                 14,993,101.31               14,993,101.31
         (1) Rent                                        5,813,706.50                5,813,706.50
         (2) Increase through                            9,179,394.81                9,179,394.81
      3. Decrease in the current period                  8,500,077.77                8,500,077.77
         (1) Disposed amount                             8,500,077.77                8,500,077.77
      4. Closing balance                                36,547,808.12               36,547,808.12
II. Accumulated Depreciation
      1. Opening balance                                11,244,984.87               11,244,984.87
      2. Increase in the current period                 16,375,484.00               16,375,484.00
         (1) Accrued amount                             14,110,005.67               14,110,005.67
         (2) Increase through                            2,265,478.33                2,265,478.33
      3. Decrease in the current period                  4,385,368.32                4,385,368.32
         (1) Disposal                                    4,385,368.32                4,385,368.32
      4. Closing balance                                23,235,100.55               23,235,100.54
III. Impairment Allowances
      1. Opening balance
      2. Increase in the current period
         (1) Accrued amount
      3. Decrease in the current period
         (1) Disposal
      4. Closing balance
IV. Carrying Amount

                                                195 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

    1. Closing carrying amount                          13,312,707.57                  13,312,707.57
    2. Opening carrying amount                          18,809,799.71                  18,809,799.71

Other notes:

26. Intangible assets
(1).Details of intangible assets
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                    Patent and
        Item              Land use rights        Software                                 Total
I. Original carrying value
     1. Opening
                           311,759,224.07       84,490,456.01       30,283,018.69     426,532,698.77
     2. Increase in the
                            44,980,100.00        6,326,653.77                          51,306,753.77
current period
        (1) Purchased       44,980,100.00          450,443.00                          45,430,543.00
        (2) Increase
through business                                 1,247,208.20                            1,247,208.20
        (3) Transfer
from construction in                             4,629,002.57                            4,629,002.57
     3. Decrease in
                                                    62,239.32                               62,239.32
the current period
        (1) Disposal                                62,239.32                               62,239.32
   4. Closing balance      356,739,324.07       90,754,870.46       30,283,018.69     477,777,213.22
II. Accumulated depreciation
     1. Opening
                            39,952,495.42       60,527,542.18       30,283,018.69     130,763,056.29
     2. Increase in the
                             7,001,392.06       14,349,718.01                          21,351,110.07
current period
                             7,001,392.06       13,493,236.91                          20,494,628.97
        (2) Increase
                                                   856,481.10                             856,481.10
through consolidation
     3. Decrease in
                                                    62,239.32                               62,239.32
the current period
         (1) Disposal                               62,239.32                               62,239.32
     4. Closing
                            46,953,887.48       74,815,020.87       30,283,018.69     152,051,927.04
IV. Carrying amount
     1. Closing
                           309,785,436.59       15,939,849.59                         325,725,286.18
carrying amount
     2. Opening
                           271,806,728.65       23,962,913.83                         295,769,642.48
carrying amount

The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the Period-end to
the ending balance of intangible assets is 0.

(2).Status of land use right without certificate of title
□Applicable√Not applicable
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                                           Annual Report 2022

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

27. Development costs
□Applicable√Not applicable

28. Goodwill
(1).Original carrying value of goodwill
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Increase in the current      Decrease in the
  Investee or
                                             period               current period
     item            Opening
                                    Generated due to                                   Closing balance
  generating         balance
                                        business                  Disposal
    Dalitek                         45,133,442.04                                        45,133,442.04

     Total                          45,133,442.04                                        45,133,442.04

(2).Impairment allowances for goodwill
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3).Information on the asset group or combination of asset groups to which goodwill is
√Applicable□Not applicable
Composition of the asset group or
                                         Dalitek assets group
combination of asset groups
Carrying value of this assets group or
combination of assets groups
Carrying value of goodwill
apportioned to this asset group or       64,476,345.77 [Note]
combination of asset groups
Carrying value of this asset group or
combination of asset groups including    104,329,929.48
Is this asset group or combination of
asset groups consistent with that at the
time it was purchased and that in the
prior year goodwill impairment tests?

(4).Describe the goodwill depreciation testing process, key parameters (e.g., expect growth rate
     during the forecast period when the present value of future cash flows, growth rate during the
     stabilisation period, profit margin, discount rate, forecast period, etc., if applicable) and the
     method of recognizing impairment losses of goodwill
√Applicable□Not applicable
     1) The recoverable amount of the asset group is calculated based on the present value of the
projected cash flow in the future, which is on the basis of the Company’s approved detailed cash flow
projections for the 5-year forecast period, with a discount rate of 11.76%. The Company expects its cash
flows to remain stable beyond the five-year period, with cash flows beyond the detailed projection
period remaining consistent with those of 2027.
     According to the test, the recoverable amount of asset group containing goodwill is RMB108.8546
million, which is higher than the difference of the carrying value of the asset group or combination of
asset groups containing goodwill by RMB4.5247 million. Therefore, no impairment loss on goodwill
was recognised at the end of the period.
     Other key data used in the impairment test include the expected selling price of the product, sales
volume, production costs and other related expenses. The company determines the above key data based
on historical experience and forecasts of market developments. The discount rate adopted by the

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Company is a pre-tax rate that reflects the current market time value of money and the risks specific to
the related asset group.
     2) Completion of performance commitments and the impact on goodwill impairment testing
     Due to the impact of the pandemic, the business development of Dalitek was restricted and its
operating revenue of RMB53.136 million in 2022 was lower than the committed amount of
RMB79.6752 million, and the performance commitment for the year was not fulfilled.
     The current goodwill impairment is a projection based on the audited operating results of Dalitek in
the year 2022. Failure to meet the performance commitments for the year has no impact on the goodwill
impairment test.

(5).Impact of goodwill impairment tests
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

29. Long-term prepaid expense
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Increase in      Increase amount
                  Opening                                               in the      Other         Closing
    Item                       the current          through
                  balance                                              current    decreases       balance
                                 period           consolidation
2020 Special
             17,750,835.99 8,033,477.00                              6,611,860.38              19,172,452.61
Payment for
                                                     2,586,173.25 1,394,395.08                  1,191,778.17
    Total    17,750,835.99 8,033,477.00              2,586,173.25 8,006,255.46                 20,364,230.78

Other notes:
    For details of the 2020 Special Talent Shareholding Plan, please refer to “5. Other information”
under “XIII Share-based Payments” of “Part X Financial Statements” herein.

30. Deferred income tax assets/Deferred income tax liabilities
(1).Deferred income tax assets before offsetting
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                        Closing balance                         Opening balance
           Item                 Deductible       Deferred income         Deductible      Deferred income
                                temporary               tax              temporary             tax
                                differences           Assets             differences         Assets
Unrealised      profit   of
                               252,930,292.22       62,732,294.01       131,943,914.81        32,868,900.61
internal transactions
Discount on sale accrued
                               215,847,304.76       53,961,826.18       285,699,608.15        71,424,902.04
in advance
Restricted share Incentive
                                75,629,104.14       12,895,430.16        40,618,629.47         6,833,658.60
Deferred income                 53,820,328.00         8,073,049.20
Bad debt provision of
                                12,807,769.56         2,837,063.79       11,005,073.06         2,741,024.17
accounts receivable
Shrinkage reserves for
                                11,405,652.18         2,113,928.17        9,387,709.01         1,686,199.27
2020 Special Talent
                                 5,153,783.46           865,523.02        5,569,298.01          901,685.09
Shareholding Plan
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           Total               627,594,234.32    143,479,114.53       484,224,232.51   116,456,369.78

(2).Deferred income tax liabilities before offsetting
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
           Item                  Taxable         Deferred income        Taxable        Deferred income
                                temporary               tax            temporary             tax
                                differences         Liabilities        differences        Liabilities
Depreciation policy on
fixed assets subject to tax    340,139,021.71     54,854,169.49       309,268,738.92    50,024,829.68
Gain and loss of hedge
instrument included in
                                 5,817,762.23       1,454,440.56        1,021,158.47       255,289.62
the other comprehensive
           Total               345,956,783.94     56,308,610.05       310,289,897.39    50,280,119.30

(3).Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed in net amount after offset
□Applicable√Not applicable
(4).Schedule of deferred income tax assets unrecognised
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
             Item                          Closing balance                     Opening balance
Deductible temporary
                                                      88,836,167.52                     43,819,750.48
Deductible losses                                    37,516,651.15                      46,483,443.12
             Total                                  126,352,818.67                      90,303,193.60

(5).Deductible losses on which deferred income tax assets were unrecognised will expire in the
     following years
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
         Year                Closing balance     Opening balance             Remark
2025                                                   11,515,440.62
2026                                5,998,535.59       34,968,002.50
2027                               31,518,115.56
         Total                     37,516,651.15       46,483,443.12              /

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

31. Other non-current assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                            Closing balance                              Opening balance
    Item           Carrying   Impairment    Carrying            Carrying   Impairment    Carrying
                   balance    allowances    amount              balance    allowances    amount

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                                             Annual Report 2022

Refund costs
              57,186,173.77                   57,186,173.77 21,722,939.50                    21,722,939.50
2020 Special
              19,321,842.00                   19,321,842.00 27,355,319.00                    27,355,319.00
for                                                               26,990,656.00              26,990,656.00
    Total    76,508,015.77                    76,508,015.77 76,068,914.50                    76,068,914.50

Other notes:

32. Short-term borrowings
(1).Category of short-term borrowings
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                Item                       Closing balance                 Opening balance
Borrowings secured by pledge
Borrowings secured by collateral
Borrowings         secured     by
Credit loan                                         840,000,000.00                   500,000,000.00
Interest payable on short-term
                                                       1,374,749.03                      430,555.55
               Total                                845,374,749.03                   500,430,555.55
Notes of the category for short-term borrowings:
Note: Zhang Wenying, a minority shareholder of Dalitek, and her spouse, Zhou Yun, provided guarantee
for the loan to Dalitek.

(2).Short-term borrowings overdue but not returned
□Applicable√Not applicable

Of which: The status of significant overdue short-term borrowings that are not repaid is as follows:
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

33. Held-for-trading financial liabilities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                    Opening          Increase in the     Decrease in the
               Item                                                                        Closing balance
                                    balance          current period      current period
Held-for-trading financial
                                                    27,300,000.00        9,100,000.00      18,200,000.00
Of which:
      Investment payables                             27,300,000.00         9,100,000.00     18,200,000.00
Financial liabilities measured
at fair value through profit and

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loss for the current period
Of which:
              Total                               27,300,000.00       9,100,000.00      18,200,000.00

Other notes:
√Applicable□Not applicable
For details of the investment payables, please refer to “1. Business combinations involving entities not
under the common control” under “VIII Changes to the Consolidation Scope” of “Part X Financial

34. Derivative financial liabilities
□Applicable√Not applicable

35. Notes payable
(1).List of notes payable
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
         Type                        Closing balance                       Opening balance
Trade acceptance notes
Bank acceptance notes                                                                    2,333,774.75
         Total                                                                           2,333,774.75
Total amount of notes payable which became matured but unpaid at the end of the current period is

36. Accounts payable
(1).Breakdown of accounts payable
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
            Item                         Closing balance                     Opening balance
Payment for goods                              1,506,053,347.86                      1,580,297,065.42
Engineering equipment                             87,123,159.57                         69,316,617.33
Payment for expense                               50,485,456.10                         52,072,881.39
            Total                              1,643,661,963.53                      1,701,686,564.14

(2).Substantial accounts payable that are over 1 year
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

37. Advances from customers
(1). Breakdown of advances from customers
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2). Significant advances from customers aged over 1 year
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

38. Contract liabilities
(1).Details of contract liabilities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
            Item                           Closing balance                     Opening balance
Advance receipt of payment for
                                                    431,654,611.71                       437,999,921.93
            Total                                   431,654,611.71                       437,999,921.93

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                                        Annual Report 2022

(2).Significant changes in the amount of carrying value and the reason in the Reporting Period
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

39. Employee benefits payable
(1).Breakdown of employee benefits payable
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Opening       Increase in the                 Decrease in the        Closing
      Item                                             through
                     balance       current period                  current period         balance
I. Short-term
                   271,307,479.92 1,835,393,373.35 3,588,183.40 1,783,678,472.30 326,610,564.37
II. After-service
                     8,155,992.51 112,420,655.50 163,189.93 112,325,743.30         8,414,094.64
III. Severance
                                      7,295,211.88                  7,227,711.88      67,500.00
IV. Other Benefits
that are due
within 1 year
       Total       279,463,472.43 1,955,109,240.73 3,751,373.33 1,903,231,927.48 335,092,159.01

(2).Breakdown of short-term benefits
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                    Opening       Increase in the                    Decrease in the
     Item                                              through                         Closing balance
                    balance       current period                     current period
I. Salaries,
                   265,991,374.61 1,643,543,719.39 3,397,504.18 1,592,175,792.41       320,756,805.77
Allowances and
II. Staff welfare                    58,214,632.72                 58,214,632.72
III. Social
Insurance            5,183,398.31    59,915,305.96 107,639.33      59,470,100.95          5,736,242.65
Of which:
                     4,818,852.08    55,950,293.65 103,704.86      55,541,039.48          5,331,811.11
ated injury
                       364,546.23     3,965,012.31     3,934.47     3,929,061.47           404,431.54
IV. Housing
                       132,707.00    52,377,114.54    71,373.09    52,463,678.68           117,515.95
V. Labour Union
Expense and
Employee                             21,342,600.74    11,666.80    21,354,267.54

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                                             Annual Report 2022

VI. Short-term
Paid Absence
VII. Short-term
Profit Sharing
       Total        271,307,479.92 1,835,393,373.35 3,588,183.40 1,783,678,472.30             326,610,564.37

(3).List of defined contribution plan
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Opening      Increase in the                 Decrease in the      Closing
          Item                                                  through
                               balance      current period                  current period       balance
1. Basic pension
                          7,877,141.07 108,108,662.80             158,244.56 108,018,315.26 8,125,733.17
2. Unemployment
                               278,851.44     4,311,992.70          4,945.37   4,307,428.04     288,361.47
insurance premiums
3. Supplementary
pension payment
          Total           8,155,992.51 112,420,655.50             163,189.93 112,325,743.30 8,414,094.64

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

40. Taxes and levies payable
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
               Item                           Closing balance                    Opening balance
Enterprise income tax                                 203,734,037.13                     305,914,943.40
VAT                                                     58,417,765.49                    195,348,236.75
Real estate tax                                         10,551,939.19                     10,692,552.05
Stamp duty                                               8,636,239.12                         877,508.40
Land use tax                                             4,827,210.48                       4,695,105.35
Personal income tax                                      4,800,514.20                       4,038,032.19
Urban construction and
                                                          3,173,319.78                         5,836,578.13
maintenance tax
Disability allowance                                      3,103,966.10                      1,695,195.50
Educational surcharges                                    1,838,024.51                      2,387,890.63
Local educational fee                                     1,225,349.64                      1,591,927.11
              Total                                     300,308,365.64                    533,077,969.51

Other notes:

41. Other payables
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Closing balance                  Opening balance
Interest payable
Dividends payable
Other payables
Discount on sale accrued in advance                      215,847,304.76                   285,699,608.15
Obligations of restricted stock
                                                          94,791,611.30                       34,586,352.50
repurchase within one year

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Guaranteed deposit                                       90,292,099.16             61,020,316.08
Accrued expenses                                         44,520,261.35             46,433,533.02
Temporary receipts and advances
                                                             962,594.28             3,073,950.35
              Total                                     446,413,870.85            430,813,760.10

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Interest payable
(1).List by category
□Applicable√Not applicable

Dividends payable
(2) List by category
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other payables
(1). Other payables listed by nature of account
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2). Other significant payables aging over one year
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

42. Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
□Applicable√Not applicable

43. Current portion of non-current liabilities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
              Item                         Closing balance                Opening balance
Current portion of long-term
Current portion of long-term                                                          686,888.90
borrowings - interest payable
Current portion of bonds
Current portion of long-term
Lease obligation matured
                                                        8,798,658.13               13,225,048.63
within 1 Year
             Total                                      8,798,658.13              673,911,937.53

Other notes:

44. Other current liabilities
Other current liabilities
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
            Item                           Closing balance                Opening balance
Short-term bond payable
Refunds payable
Output VAT to be charged off                          56,140,971.75                56,939,989.86
            Total                                     56,140,971.75                56,939,989.86

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Increase/decrease of the short-term bonds payable:
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

45. Long-term borrowings
(1). Category of long-term borrowings
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes, including interest rate range:
□Applicable√Not applicable

46. Bonds payable
(1).Bonds payable
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Changes of bonds payable: (excluding other financial instruments divided as financial
     liabilities such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds)
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3).Notes of the conditions for the conversion of convertible corporation bonds and the time of
□Applicable √Not applicable

(4).Notes of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
Basic information about other outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual
bonds at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable

Changes of outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the
□Applicable√Not applicable
Notes of basis for the classification of other financial instruments as financial liabilities:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

47. Lease liabilities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                Item                            Closing balance                 Opening balance
The amount of the lease payment
                                                              4,668,943.91                 5,208,552.97
that has not yet been made
Minus: Unrecognised financing
                                                               124,324.69                    118,715.58
                Total                                         4,544,619.22                 5,089,837.39

Other notes:

48. Long-term payables
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

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Long-term payables
(1).Long-term payables listed by nature
□Applicable√Not applicable

Specific payables
(2) Special payables listed by nature of payments
□Applicable√Not applicable

49. Long-term employee benefits payable
□Applicable√Not applicable

50. Provisions
□Applicable√Not applicable

51. Deferred income
Deferred income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                       Decrease in
                        Opening     Increase in the                                          Reason for
     Item                                              the current     Closing balance
                        balance     current period                                           Formation
Government                                                                                   Related to
                                     53,820,328.00                       53,820,328.00
grants                                                                                        assets
     Total                           53,820,328.00                       53,820,328.00           /

Item involving government grants:
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                       Amount     recorded
                      Amount of     recorded into    into
                                                                                  Related to
            Opening newly subsidy non-operating other      Other
  Item                                                           Closing balance assets/related
            balance for the current income in the income changes
                         period        Current      in the
                                       Period      Current
Awards                                                                           Related to
and                                                                              assets
for                       53,820,328.00                                      53,820,328.00
                          53,820,328.00                                      53,820,328.00

Other notes:
√Applicable□Not applicable
Note: For details of government grants, please refer to “84. Government grants” under “VII Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial Statements” herein.

52. Other non-current liabilities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Closing balance                    Opening balance
Contract liabilities

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                                            Annual Report 2022

Obligations of restricted stock
                                                         34,814,148.70                      46,125,187.50
repurchase for over one year
                Total                                    34,814,148.70                      46,125,187.50

Other notes:

53. Share capital
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                               Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                Opening                              Provident                                  Closing
                balance                   Bonus        fund                                     balance
                                 New                               Others        Subtotal
                                          shares    Conversion
                                                     of capital
             601,180,520                                            -102,930 -102,930 601,077,590
Other notes:
     Due to the departure of employees participating in the restricted share incentive plan in the current
period, the Company repurchased 102,930 shares of restricted shares, reducing share capital by
RMB102,930.00 and capital reserves (share premium) by RMB7,413,649.30.

54. Other equity instruments
(1).Basic information about other outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and
     perpetual bonds at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable

(2).Changes of outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds
    at the period-end
□Applicable√Not applicable
Changes of other equity instruments in the Current Period, reasons thereof and basis of related
accounting treatment:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

55. Capital reserves
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                             Increase in the       Decrease in the
      Item           Opening balance                                                     Closing balance
                                             current period        current period
Capital premium
                      3,756,383,873.79                               127,989,881.86      3,628,393,991.93
(share premium)
Other capital
                        157,684,414.77          77,469,476.84                               235,153,891.61
      Total           3,914,068,288.56          77,469,476.84        127,989,881.86      3,863,547,883.54
Other notes, including a description of the increase or decrease for the current period and the reasons for
the change:
     1) Decrease in capital premium (share premium): ① the actual repurchase amount of
RMB120,576,232.56 borne by the Company due to the repurchase of shares under the 2022 Restricted
Share Incentive Plan was charged to the capital premium (share premium), as described in “XIII
Share-based Payments” in “Part X Financial Statements”; ② A decrease of RMB7,413,649.30 in the
current period was due to the departure of employees participating in the restricted share incentive plan.

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     2) Increase in other capital reserves: Based on the performance appraisal conditions and service
vesting period of the restricted shares, the Company recognised the share-based payment cost of
RMB77,469,476.84, which was recorded in capital reserves (other capital reserves).

56. Treasury stock
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                            Increase in the       Decrease in the
      Item           Opening balance                                                    Closing balance
                                            current period        current period
Treasury stock           80,711,540.00       309,989,842.56        261,089,028.56          129,612,354.00
     Total               80,711,540.00       309,989,842.56        261,089,028.56          129,612,354.00

Other notes, including a description of the increase or decrease for the current period and the reasons for
the change:
     1) Due to the implementation of the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan, the Company
repurchased stock from the secondary market, increasing the treasury stock by RMB215,286,334.56,
granted restricted share incentives to awardees, reducing treasury stock by RMB215,279,740.56, and
recognized the repurchase obligation on the aforesaid restricted shares, increasing treasury stock by
RMB94,703,508.00. For further information, see “XIII Share-based Payments” under “Part X Financial
Statements” herein.
     2) The departure of awardees of the restricted share incentive plans in the current period resulted in
a decrease in treasury stock worth RMB7,516,579.30; the partially unlocked shares under the 2020 and
2021 restricted share incentive plans in the current period caused a decrease in treasury stock worth
RMB33,467,436.70; and the dividend for the current period includes locked-up restricted share
incentives and the cash dividend is revocable, resulting in a decrease in treasury stock worth

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                                                                                  Annual Report 2022

57. Other comprehensive income
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                       Less: recorded in    Less: recorded in
                                                                              other                other
                                                                        comprehensive        comprehensive
                                                   Amount before                                                                                           Attributable
                             Period-beginning                           income in prior      income in prior                         Attributable to the                  Period-end
           Item                                  deducting income                                                 Less: Income tax                           minority
                                  balance                                  period and           period and                            Company as the                       balance
                                                 tax for the current                                                  expense                              shareholders
                                                                         transferred in       transferred in                          parent after tax
                                                       period                                                                                                after tax
                                                                        profit or loss in   retained earnings
                                                                           the current        in the current
                                                                             period               period
I. Other Comprehensive
Income that may not be
Reclassified to Profit or
Of which: The changes of
re-measurement of the
defined benefit pension
Other comprehensive
income that will not be
reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity
   Changes in the fair
value of other equity
   Changes in the fair
value arising from changes
in own credit risk

II. Other Comprehensive
Income that may
Subsequently be                   7,537,390.37       -4,208,833.60                                                  -1,060,970.18        -3,147,863.42                    4,389,526.95
Reclassified to Profit or
Of which: Other

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                                                                          Annual Report 2022

comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to
profit or loss under the
equity method
   Changes in the fair
value of other debt
   Other comprehensive
income arising from the
reclassification of
financial assets
   Credit impairment
allowances for other debt
Reserve for cash flow
                                7,546,232.21      -4,243,880.72                                         -1,060,970.18    -3,182,910.54   4,363,321.67
Differences arising from
the translation of foreign
                                   -8,841.84         35,047.12                                                              35,047.12      26,205.28
financial statements
Total of other
                                7,537,390.37      -4,208,833.60                                         -1,060,970.18    -3,147,863.42   4,389,526.95
comprehensive income

Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges to the initial recognised amount:

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                                          Annual Report 2022

58. Specific reserve
□Applicable√Not applicable

59. Surplus reserves
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
       Item          Opening balance       Increase in the     Decrease in the      Closing balance
                                           current period      current period
Statutory surplus
                        302,797,998.73                                                302,797,998.73
surplus reserves
General reserves
expansion fund
       Total            302,797,998.73                                                302,797,998.73
Notes, including changes and reason of change:

60. Retained earnings
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                  Item                               2022                             2021
Beginning balance of retained profits
before adjustments
Adjust the total amount of
undistributed profits at the beginning
of the year (increase +, decrease -)
Beginning balance of retained profits
                                                      6,010,878,918.97                4,431,669,986.31
after adjustments
Add: Net profit attributable to owners
                                                      3,188,619,359.56                2,780,360,732.66
of the Company as the parent
Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus
      Withdrawal of discretional
surplus reserves
      Appropriated to general reserve
      Dividends of common shares
                                                      1,442,833,248.00                1,201,151,800.00
      Dividends on common stock
transferred to equity
Ending retained profits                               7,756,665,030.53                6,010,878,918.97
List of adjustment of beginning retained profits:
1. RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to
the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2. RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by changes in accounting policies.
3. RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4. RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same
5. RMB0.00 beginning retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

61. Revenue and cost of sales
(1).Operating revenue and cost of sales
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                 211 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                  2022                                        2021
                        Income               Cost                    Income               Cost
                   14,052,771,512.23     8,716,930,704.54     12,336,870,690.29      7,790,762,754.47
                       28,601,518.71       13,151,880.54         48,045,647.22           17,777,912.37
     Total         14,081,373,030.94     8,730,082,585.08     12,384,916,337.51      7,808,540,666.84
   Of which:
  generated by     14,080,683,516.01     8,729,867,530.13     12,383,778,964.63      7,808,260,223.58
 contracts with

(2).Status of contract revenue
□Applicable√Not applicable
Details of contract revenue:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(3).Details of obligation for contract performance
□Applicable√Not applicable

(4).Notes of the allocation to the remaining obligations for contract performance
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:

62. Taxes and levies
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
              Item                            2022                                2021
Urban maintenance and
                                                     43,535,121.72                       31,545,703.77
construction tax
Educational surcharges                               24,378,077.48                       17,945,609.53
Local education surcharge                            16,252,051.57                       12,118,900.15
Real estate tax                                      10,331,309.05                       10,754,950.02
Stamp duty                                           16,430,918.58                        5,560,108.84

Land use tax                                          4,770,521.69                        4,791,701.11

Vehicle and vessel usage tax                           44,403.17                             53,029.46
Environment protection tax                             15,656.64                              15,293.6
             Total                                115,758,059.90                         82,785,296.48

Other notes:

63. Selling expense
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
               Item                               2022                               2021
Employee remuneration                               325,364,319.34                     261,647,749.30
Marketing expense                                   299,723,604.19                     217,339,450.58
Advertising expense                                  77,484,221.03                        5,339,637.47
                                              212 / 258
                                      Annual Report 2022

Travel expense                                     43,297,989.40         34,695,865.40
Administrative expense                             36,290,184.82         32,909,137.36
Lease rental                                        9,778,151.66          1,976,612.98
Others                                              8,449,188.97          6,278,549.71
               Total                              800,387,659.41        560,187,002.80

Other notes:

64. Administrative expense
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                              2022              2021
Employee remuneration                                  256,350,627.82   214,964,233.06
Restricted share incentive                              77,469,476.84    41,090,453.82
Depreciation and amortisation                           52,172,006.88    43,934,085.95
Administrative expense                                  45,742,988.76    56,125,085.23
House and equipment maintenance expense                 21,657,342.01    26,859,235.14
Consultant service expense                              16,904,014.09    20,597,126.42
Lease rental                                             9,285,328.92     2,455,152.98
Entertainment expense                                    5,668,555.03     5,788,268.11
Expense on 2020 special talent plan                      6,611,860.38     6,701,548.01
Tax                                                      3,082,509.25     2,864,245.72
Others                                                   5,651,663.90     6,236,122.53
                    Total                              500,596,373.88   427,615,556.97

Other notes:

65. R&D expense
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                            Unit: RMB
                   Item                               2022              2021
R&D of converters                                      249,597,370.31   204,811,830.81
R&D of wall switches and sockets                       154,925,908.04   141,889,975.17
R&D of LED                                              67,196,736.33    53,911,159.57
R&D of digital accessories                              51,413,278.02    41,413,616.82
R&D of household appliances                             25,044,926.07    17,154,346.37
R&D of circuit breakers                                 15,897,548.30    11,834,088.08
R&D of smart door locks                                 12,858,419.10
R&D of smart lighting                                   11,361,893.94
                   Total                               588,296,080.11   471,015,016.82

Other notes:

66. Finance costs
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                             Unit: RMB
                   Item                               2022               2021
Interest costs                                          35,925,352.09     39,763,491.76
Interest income                                       -137,795,215.87   -128,887,165.64
Exchange profit and loss                                -6,216,803.18      1,365,206.44
Auxiliary expense                                          812,258.47      1,194,046.81
Cash discount                                             -718,892.47     -1,277,860.69

                                          213 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

                    Total                                    -107,993,300.96                -87,842,281.32

Other notes:

67. Other income
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Amount recorded in
                                                                                  non-recurring profit or
         Item                      2022                          2021
                                                                                    loss in the Current
Government grants
related to income                  130,991,587.24                388,196,973.94          130,991,587.24
Employment VAT
reduction or
exemption for                          236,650.00                   416,950.00
veterans and key
Return of auxiliary
expense for individual               1,712,485.52                  2,322,217.53            1,712,485.52
income tax withheld
         Total                     132,940,722.76                390,936,141.47          132,704,072.76

Other notes:
[Note] For details of government grants included in other income, please refer to “84. Government
grants” under “VII Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial Statements”

68. Investment income
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                   Item                                  2022                             2021
Long-term equity investment income
accounted by equity method
Investment income from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income from holding of
held-for-trading financial asset
Dividend income of other equity
investments gained for the holding
Interest income earned on investment in
debt obligations during the holding
Interest income earned on other
investment in debt obligations during
the holding period
Investment income from disposal of
held-for-trading financial asset
Investment income from disposal of
other equity instruments
Investment income from disposal of
investment in debt obligations
                                                 214 / 258
                                         Annual Report 2022

Investment income from disposal of
other investment in debt obligations
Earnings of debt restructuring
Investment income from bank wealth                       279,374,491.92      171,623,256.63
management products
Investment income from disposal of                        -7,385,680.00          11,107,836.63
financial instruments
Of which: Investment in futures                           -7,385,680.00       11,107,836.63
Interest income from calling money                                             7,294,215.55
                  Total                                  271,988,811.92      190,025,308.81

Other notes:

69. Net gain on exposure hedges
□Applicable√Not applicable

70. Income from changes in fair value
□Applicable√Not applicable

71. Credit impairment loss
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Item                               2022                  2021
Loss on bad debts of notes receivable
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable
Bad debt loss of other receivables
Impairment loss on investment in debt
Impairment loss on other investment in
debt obligations
Bad debt loss of long-term receivables
Contractual Asset Impairment Loss
Bad debt loss                                            -30,470,523.21      -24,746,561.94
                  Total                                  -30,470,523.21      -24,746,561.94

Other notes:

72. Asset impairment loss
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Item                           2022                     2021
I. Bad Debt Loss
II. Inventory shrinkage loss and
impairment provision for contract                 -11,504,455.94                 -7,512,895.82
performance costs
III. Impairment Loss on Long-term
Equity Investment
IV. Impairment Loss on Investment
V. Impairment loss on fixed assets                                               -8,744,227.44
VI. Depreciation Loss of Engineering
VII. Impairment Losses on
Construction in Progress
                                             215 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

VIII. Impairment Losses on
Productive Living Assets
IX. Impairment Losses of Oil & Gas
X. Impairment Losses on Intangible
XI. Impairment losses on Goodwill
XII. Miscellaneous
                Total                                -11,504,455.94                      -16,257,123.26
Other notes:

73. Gains on disposal of assets
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Non-recurring amount
         Item                      2022                         2021
                                                                                 in the Current Period
Gains on disposal of
                                    -3,139,686.69               -11,308,464.89          -3,139,686.69
fixed assets
         Total                      -3,139,686.69               -11,308,464.89          -3,139,686.69

Other notes:

74. Non-operating revenue
Non-operating Income
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Amount recorded in the
         Item                      2022                         2021              current non-recurring
                                                                                      profit or loss
Gains from disposal
of non-current assets
Of which: Gains from
fixed assets disposal
        Gains from
disposal of intangible
Gains on exchange of
non-monetary assets
Donation accepted
Government grants
Damages for
infringement and                     2,952,203.08                 2,254,500.38             2,952,203.08
contract breaching
Default revenue of
                                       498,535.51                  931,382.02                498,535.51
Default revenue of
                                        17,277.64                  362,538.90                 17,277.64
Payment not required
                                        12,773.55                  701,484.58                 12,773.55
to be made
Others                                 303,573.54                   103,363.88               303,573.54
         Total                       3,784,363.32                 4,353,269.76             3,784,363.32

Government grants recorded in profit or loss for the current period
□Applicable√Not applicable
                                                216 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

75. Non-operating expenses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amount recorded in the
        Item                       2022                        2021                current non-recurring
                                                                                       profit or loss
Gains from disposal
                                      841,203.58                 1,593,839.71                841,222.69
of non-current assets
Of which: Loss
caused by disposal of
fixed assets
        Loss caused
by disposal of
intangible assets
Loss caused by
exchange of
non-monetary assets
Donation                           62,500,296.94                32,185,534.91              62,500,296.94
Compensation                                                     2,025,121.90
Fines expenditure                                              294,810,000.00
Others                                 47,161.99                    43,227.39                  47,161.99
        Total                      63,388,662.51               330,657,723.91              63,388,681.62

Other notes:
    Details of donations:
                                                     Amount of Current
                            Item                                         Same period of last year
   Cixi General Institution of Charity                    56,275,000.00           7,402,000.00
   Red Cross Society of China Cixi Branch                   4,688,737.42
   Shanghai Charity Foundation                              1,000,000.00         11,583,534.91
   Peking University Education Foundation                                        10,000,000.00
   Red Cross Society of China Ningbo Branch                                       2,000,000.00
   Sichuan Province Leshan Normal University
   Education Development Foundation
   Other petty donations                                          536,559.52              200,000.00
                        Subtotal                               62,500,296.94           32,185,534.91

76. Income tax expense
(1).Income tax expense
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Item                                 2022                                2021
Current income tax expense                           589,710,229.89                      582,281,936.16
Deferred income tax expense                           -20,714,816.96                      -37,682,743.86
              Total                                  568,995,412.93                      544,599,192.30

(2). Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                        Item                                                   2022
Total profit                                                                            3,754,456,143.17

                                              217 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

Income tax expense calculated at the parent
company’s applicable tax rate
Influence of applying different tax rates by
Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                    237,402.68
Influence of non-taxable income
Influence of non-deductible costs, expenses and
The effect of using deductible losses of deferred
income tax assets that have not been recognised                                          -10,088,778.03
in the previous period
Effect of deductible temporary differences or
deductible losses on deferred income tax assets                                           13,289,743.03
not recognised in the current period
Influence of R&D and deductions                                                          -77,819,239.95
Fourth quarter add-on deduction                                                           -8,530,236.85
Income tax expense                                                                       568,995,412.93

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

77. Other comprehensive income
√Applicable□Not applicable
For details of other comprehensive income after tax, please refer to “57. Other comprehensive income”
under “VII Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial Statements” herein.

78. Cash flow statement items
(1).Other cash received from business activities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                Item                                     2022                          2021
Income from government subsidy                             184,811,915.24                390,519,191.47
Deposit received                                            94,815,279.98                 46,881,551.84
Interest income                                             76,560,589.37                 82,233,607.43
Return of housing loan for employees                         8,172,679.13                  2,447,354.41
Others                                                       5,675,054.71                  3,344,812.08
                Total                                      370,035,518.43                525,426,517.23


(2).Cash payments related to other operating activities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                Item                                     2022                         2021
Out-of-pocket expense                                      982,834,528.81               705,132,660.86
Fine payment                                                                            294,810,000.00
Deposit payment                                             58,237,557.33               173,494,360.86
Donation expenditure                                        62,500,296.94                32,185,534.91
Housing loan for employees                                   3,821,203.62                 4,840,000.00
Others                                                       4,072,643.97                 3,264,696.97
               Total                                     1,111,466,230.67             1,213,727,253.60


                                                    218 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

(3).Other cash received from investment activities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                 Item                                 2022                          2021
Redemption of investments such as                                                  11,033,100,000.00
bank wealth management
Return of futures margin                                 298,315,309.31               241,233,253.72
Received interest on call money                            1,000,000.00                 7,200,000.00
                Total                                  9,613,715,309.31            11,281,533,253.72


(4).Other cash paid for investment activities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                Item                                  2022                          2021
Investment expenditure such as bank                                                12,413,600,000.00
wealth management
Payment for futures margin                                  293,700,000.00            180,500,000.00
Payment for equity transfer                                                            26,990,656.00
                Total                                10,615,500,000.00             12,621,090,656.00


(5).Other cash received from funding activities
□Applicable√Not applicable

(6).Other cash paid for funding activities
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                Item                                  2022                           2021
Repurchase of share incentive                           222,802,913.86                  7,808,216.40
Repayment of lease liabilities                           13,844,786.80                 12,579,833.83
               Total                                    236,647,700.66                 20,388,050.23


79. Supplemental information for cash flow statement
(1).Supplemental information for cash flow statement
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                           Amount during the current
       Supplemental information                                                Previous period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities
Net profit                                            3,185,460,730.24                2,780,360,732.66
Add: Provision for impairment of
                                                         30,470,523.21                   24,746,561.94
Asset impairment loss                                    11,504,455.94                   16,257,123.26
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and
gas assets, and productive living                       222,420,678.01                  206,424,241.17
                                                219 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

Amortisation of right-of-use assets                      14,110,005.67                  11,244,984.87
Amortisation of intangible assets                        20,494,628.97                  16,458,214.68
Amortisation of long-term prepaid
                                                          8,006,255.46                   6,701,548.01
Losses from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-lived                    3,139,686.69                  11,308,464.89
assets (gains represented by “-”)
Losses from scrap of fixed assets
                                                            841,203.58                   1,593,839.71
(gains represented by “-”)
Losses from changes in fair value
(gains represented by “-”)
Finance costs (gains represented by
                                                        -30,687,370.90                  41,128,698.20
Investment loss (gains represented by
                                                       -271,988,811.92                -190,025,308.81
Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                        -27,022,744.75                 -49,553,192.50
(gains represented by “-”)
Increase in deferred income tax
liabilities (decrease represented by                      6,028,490.75                  11,870,448.64
Decrease in inventory (gains
                                                        100,544,363.75                -596,259,958.11
represented by “-”)
Decrease in accounts receivable
generated from operating activities                     -72,562,204.17                -190,636,989.81
(gains represented by “-”)
Increase in accounts payable used in
operating activities (decrease                         -220,315,149.21                 869,359,175.52
represented by “-”)
Others                                                   77,469,476.84                  43,348,156.82
Net cash generated from/used in
                                                      3,057,914,218.16              3,014,326,741.14
operating activities
2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash receipts and payments
Conversion of debt to capital
Convertible corporate bonds matured
within one year
Fixed asset under finance lease
3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalent:
Closing balance of cash                               1,925,343,174.98              2,552,716,453.54
Less: Opening balance of cash                         2,552,716,453.54              1,829,551,296.70
Add: Closing balance of cash
Less: Opening balance of cash
Net increase in cash and cash
                                                       -627,373,278.56                 723,165,156.84

(2).Net cash paid for the current period to acquire subsidiaries
□Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
Cash or cash equivalents paid in the current period for the business
combination occurring in the current period
Of which: Dalitek                                                                      45,809,344.00
Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the
purchase date
     Of which: Dalitek                                                                 26,701,851.91
                                                 220 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

Add: Payments of cash and cash equivalents made in current period
due to business combinations incurred in previous periods
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries                                             19,107,492.09

Other notes:

(3).Net cash received for the disposal of subsidiaries for the current period
□Applicable√Not applicable

(4).Composition of cash and cash equivalents
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
               Item                             Closing balance                  Opening balance
I. Cash                                               1,925,343,174.98                2,552,716,453.54
Of which: Cash on hand                                       34,167.84
     Bank deposits on demand                          1,890,294,692.17                 2,500,383,599.91
     Other monetary assets on
                                                            35,014,314.97                 52,332,853.63
     Due from central banks that can
be used for payment
     Due from banks and other
financial institutions
     Interbank withdrawal
II. Cash Equivalents
Of which: Investment in bonds due
within three months

III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                       1,925,343,174.98                2,552,716,453.54
Of which: Cash and cash equivalents
with restricted use by the Company
as the parent or subsidiaries within
the Group

Other notes:
√Applicable□Not applicable
     Supplemental information for cash flow statement
     As at 31 December 2022, the balance of monetary assets was RMB4,611,966,169.54, the balance of
cash and cash equivalents was RMB1,925,343,174.98, the difference was RMB2,686,622,994.56, which
was the futures margins of RMB13,774,515.95 not belonging to cash and cash equivalents, the cash
deposits for L/G was RMB7,141,771.63, and the fixed deposit of RMB2,545,000,000.00 and the interest
of RMB120,706,706.98 that cannot be withdrawn at any time.
     As at 31 December 2021, the balance of monetary assets was RMB4,377,228,556.74, the balance of
cash and cash equivalents was RMB2,552,716,453.54, the difference was RMB1,824,512,103.20, which
was the futures margins of RMB25,988,465.80 not belonging to cash and cash equivalents, the cash
deposits for L/G was RMB6,654,782.17, and the bill deposits was RMB2,333,774.75. The third party
pays the platform deposit of RMB63,000.00, and the fixed deposit of RMB1,730,000,000 and the
interest of RMB59,472,080.48 that cannot be withdrawn at any time.

80. Notes to items of the statements of changes in owners’ equity
Notes to the name of “Other” of closing balance of the same period of last year adjusted and the amount
□Applicable√Not applicable
                                                221 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

81. Assets with restricted ownership or right to use
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Item                       Ending carrying amount                Reason for Restriction
Monetary assets                                                                Deposits that cannot be
                                                                               withdrawn at any time
Notes receivable
Fixed assets
Intangible assets
               Total                                       20,916,287.58                 /
Other notes:

82. Foreign currency monetary items
(1).Foreign currency monetary items
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Closing balance
                                    Closing foreign
             Item                                              Exchange rate        converted to RMB
                                   currency balance
Monetary assets                                     -                           -         1,500,906.06
Of which: USD                              205,639.39                      6.9646         1,432,196.10
       EUR                                   5,970.43                      7.4229             44,317.90
       CAD                                   4,212.75                      5.1385             21,647.22
       HKD                                   3,072.80                      0.8933              2,744.84
Accounts receivable                                 -                           -        33,989,427.41
Of which: USD                            4,880,312.93                      6.9646        33,989,427.41
Long-term borrowings                                   -                        -
Of which: USD
Other notes:

(2).Notes to overseas operating entities, including: For important overseas operating entities,
     their main overseas business location, bookkeeping base currency and basis for selection
     should be disclosed, and the reasons for changes in the bookkeeping base currency should
     also be disclosed
√Applicable□Not applicable
As Bull HK was established and carries out its operating activities in Hong Kong, its bookkeeping base
currency is HKD.

83. Hedge
√Applicable□Not applicable
The hedge items, related hedge instruments, and qualitative and quantitative information about hedged
risks are disclosed by hedging category:
     The Company used commodity future contracts to hedge the Company’s exposure to raw material
price risks. The future contracts used by the Company are mainly the cathode copper future standard
contracts of the Shanghai Futures Exchange and the polypropylene standard contracts of the Dalian
Commodity Exchange.
                             Expected bulk-purchase of raw materials such as copper and plastic
     Hedged items
                                               222 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

    Hedge instruments         Commodity future contracts
                              Commodity future purchase contracts locked in changes of price in
     Hedging method
                              expected raw materials bulk-purchase contract
     The Company used commodity future contracts to hedge the expected bulk-purchase of raw
materials of copper and plastic particles to avoid the risk of fluctuations in the expected future cash
flows caused by the fluctuations in the market price of the above raw materials.
     As at 31 December 2022, the pre-tax profit arising from the change in fair value of cash flow hedge
instruments that has been included in other comprehensive income was RMB5,817,762.23.

84. Government grants
(1).Basic information on government subsidy
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                          recorded in the
                      Type                               Amount            Listed items
                                                                                          current profit or
Financial aid in the first half of 2022               44,500,000.00       Other income     44,500,000.00
Financial aid from the Bureau of Finance of
                                                      26,410,000.00       Other income     26,410,000.00
Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area
Financial aid cleared in 2021                         21,930,000.00       Other income     21,930,000.00
2021 Ningbo award for Top 100 manufacturing
                                                      11,000,000.00       Other income     11,000,000.00
Industrial incentive from administrative
committee of Zhejiang Cixi Binhai Economic             5,608,000.00       Other income       5,608,000.00
Development Zone
Refund of unemployment insurance premiums
                                                       3,933,289.18       Other income       3,933,289.18
from stabilizing job positions
2021 Ningbo city digital workshop upgrading
                                                       3,800,000.00       Other income       3,800,000.00
project subsidy
Government support incentive from Qingpu
                                                       2,556,600.00       Other income       2,556,600.00
district finance Bureau, Shanghai
2021 Cixi key sectors industrial internet platform
                                                       1,591,200.00       Other income       1,591,200.00
pilot application project subsidy
2021 subsidy for M&A and restructuring
                                                       1,274,000.00       Other income       1,274,000.00
projects of high quality enterprises in Ningbo
2022 rewards for recruiting                                  966,000.00   Other income         966,000.00
Industrial Economy Awards                                    715,100.00   Other income         715,100.00
2021 subsidy of integration application project
of information technology and manufacturing                  576,800.00   Other income         576,800.00
Support funds from Xinzhuang Industrial Zone                 490,000.00   Other income         490,000.00
Award for integrated management system of
informatisation and industrialisation and                    420,000.00   Other income         420,000.00
excellent industrial APPs in Cixi in 2021
Intellectual property strategy funding grant
                                                             410,000.00   Other income         410,000.00
project (appearance design excellence award)
Refund of unemployment insurance premiums
                                                             395,702.58   Other income         395,702.58
from stabilizing job positions
Rewards for enterprises that retained employees,
hired talents, steadily developed and enhanced               369,000.00   Other income         369,000.00
investment in the first quarter in 2022 in Ningbo
2021 annual science and technology innovation
                                                             368,800.00   Other income         368,800.00
voucher use cashing-in grant
2021 Industrial Governance Project Incentive                 300,000.00   Other income         300,000.00
2021 Ningbo award for green manufacturing                    290,000.00   Other income         290,000.00
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project (enterprises)
Subsidy for export credit insurance provided by
                                                                 270,615.00   Other income        270,615.00
Cixi Municipal Bureau of Commerce
Service industry contribution award                              263,520.30   Other income        263,520.30
The second batch of project-based support in
                                                                 260,000.00   Other income        260,000.00
Meilong Town in 2022
2021 Technical innovation project incentive                      236,300.00   Other income        236,300.00
2021 Industrial design subsidy                                   214,100.00   Other income        214,100.00
Postdoctoral subsidy funding                                     200,000.00   Other income        200,000.00
Items to be supported of advanced
manufacturing industry special project by                        200,000.00   Other income        200,000.00
Minhang District (some categories)
VAT deduction of enterprises recruiting key
                                                                 192,400.00   Other income        192,400.00
group personnel
One-time expansion grant                                         159,000.00   Other income        159,000.00
2021 introduction of scientific management
                                                                 158,500.00   Other income        158,500.00
model incentive
Incentive for trade and circulation enterprises to
get bigger and stronger provided by Cixi                         150,000.00   Other income        150,000.00
Municipal Bureau of Commerce
Refund of unemployment insurance premiums
                                                                 121,529.16   Other income        121,529.16
from stabilizing job positions
2021 awards and subsidies for enterprise
industrial control safety diagnosis and excellent                118,800.00   Other income        118,800.00
protection products
2021 enterprise on cloud awards                                  100,000.00   Other income        100,000.00
Output value standard reward for manufacturing
enterprises above designated size in Ningbo in                   100,000.00   Other income        100,000.00
the fourth quarter of 2021
Others                                                       342,331.02       Other income        342,331.02
Subtotal                                                 130,991,587.24                       130,991,587.24

(2).Return of government subsidy
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:

85. Others
□Applicable√Not applicable

VIII Changes in Consolidation Scope
1. Business combination not under common control
√Applicable□Not applicable
(1).Business combination not under the same control during the current period
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                         Income of   Net profits of
           and      Cost of                                Recognition
 Name                       Proportion                                 acquiree from acquiree from
          place     gaining            Way to gain Purchase basis of
   of                        of equity                                  the purchase the purchase
            of        the                equity      date   purchase
acquiree                        (%)                                        date to      date to
         gaining     equity                                   date
                                                                         period-end   period-end
                1                                                 1
Daliktek January                  70.00 Outsourcing         January      Controlled 53,135,968.72 -10,978,504.44
            2022                                               2022

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Other notes:
     On 18 August 2021, the Company signed the Equity Transfer Agreement with Dalitek and its
shareholders Bridges Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Houqi Investment Centre (Limited
Partnership) and natural person shareholders Pan Xiaobin and Zhang Wenying, agreeing that 70% of the
equity interests of the Company held by the shareholders be transferred at the price of RMB91,000,000
(inclusive of contingent considerations). The agreement stipulates that the compound growth rate of the
audited main business revenue of Dalitek for 2021-2023 over 2020 shall not be less than 20%, i.e. the
committed revenue for 2021-2023 shall be RMB66.396 million, RMB79.6752 million and RMB95.6102
million respectively, and the main business revenue can be calculated cumulatively. If Dalitek reaches
the performance commitment requirement, the Company shall pay the original shareholders of Dalitek a
contingent consideration of RMB27.3 million, with a maximum of RMB9.1 million in 2022, a maximum
of RMB18.2 million in 2022 and 2023 combined, and a maximum of RMB27.3 million in 2022, 2023
and 2024 combined.
     The Company has paid for the equity transfer in two installments, including RMB26.9907 million
in November 2021 and RMB36.7093 million in January 2022, which amounted to more than 50% of the
total consideration for the equity transfer. Therefore, Dalitek has been included in the consolidated
financial statements from 1 January 2022. RMB9.1 million of contingent consideration was paid in 2022
and the remaining consideration for the equity transfer (contingent consideration) of RMB18.2 million is

(2).Combination cost and goodwill
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
Combination cost                                          Daliktek
-Cash                                                                                    63,700,000.00
-Fair value of non-cash assets
-Fair value of debt issued or assumed
-Fair value of equity securities issued
-Fair value of contingent consideration                                                  27,300,000.00
-Fair value of equity interests held before the
purchase date
Total combination costs                                                                  91,000,000.00
Less: share in the fair value of identifiable net
assets acquired
Goodwill                                                                                 45,133,442.04

Note to determination method of the fair value of the combination cost, consideration and changes:
     The Company uses the net assets of Dalitek on the acquisition date as the fair value.
     The contingent consideration for the Company's acquisition of Dalitek was RMB27.3 million.
Dalitek has completed the performance commitment in 2021, and the Company paid RMB9,100,000 for
the performance commitment in 2021 on 2 September 2022. The audited revenue of Dalitek in 2022 was
RMB53.136 million, which did not reach the performance commitment in 2022. Therefore, the
Company does not need to pay the amount in relation to the performance commitment of Dalitek. If
Dalitek’s performance in 2023 can meet the cumulative target, the Company will pay the contingent

The main formation reason for the large goodwill:

Other notes:

(3).The acquiree can identify the assets and liabilities on the date of purchase
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB

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                    Fair value on purchase date                Carrying value on purchase date

Assets:                                97,523,456.12                                97,523,456.12
Monetary assets                        26,701,851.91                                26,701,851.91
Accounts                               22,606,150.89                                22,606,150.89
Inventories                            22,809,479.39                                22,809,479.39
Fixed assets                              885,848.31                                   885,848.31
Intangible                                 390,727.10                                  390,727.10
                                       10,000,000.00                                10,000,000.00
financial assets
                                           886,500.00                                  886,500.00
Prepayments                              1,396,516.07                                1,396,516.07
                                           843,244.24                                  843,244.24
Other current
                                             2,612.50                                     2,612.50
                                         6,913,916.48                                6,913,916.48
                                         2,586,173.25                                2,586,173.25
prepaid expense
income tax                               1,478,587.98                                1,478,587.98
non-current                                 21,848.00                                   21,848.00
Liabilities:                           31,999,801.89                                31,999,801.89
Borrowings                              9,010,201.37                                 9,010,201.37
Accounts                                 8,376,364.12                                8,376,364.12
income tax
                                         1,750,598.84                                1,750,598.84
                                         3,751,373.33                                3,751,373.33
benefits payable
Taxes and
                                         1,540,092.96                                1,540,092.96
levies payable
income tax
Other payables                             168,126.42                                  168,126.42
Current portion
of non-current                           2,170,444.17                                2,170,444.17
Other current
                                           227,577.86                                  227,577.86
Lease liabilities                       5,005,022.82                                 5,005,022.82
Net assets                             65,523,654.23                                65,523,654.23

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Net assets
                                               65,523,654.23                                65,523,654.23

The determination method of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities:
The Company uses the audited net assets of Dalitek on the acquisition date as the fair value.
Contingent liability of acquiree undertaken in the business combination:
Other notes:

(4).Gains or losses resulting from the remeasurement of equity held prior to the date of purchase
    at fair value
Whether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realise business
combination and gaining the control during the Reporting Period
□Applicable√Not applicable

(5).Notes to reasonable consideration or fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities of the
    Acquiree that cannot be determined on the date of purchase or at the end of the merger
□Applicable √Not applicable

(6).Other notes
□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Adjustments for business combinations involving entities under common control
□Applicable√Not applicable

3. Counter purchase
□Applicable√Not applicable

4. Disposal of subsidiary
Whether there was a single disposal of an investment in a subsidiary that resulted in a loss of control
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

5. Changes in combination scope for other reasons
Notes of other changes in the combination scope (e.g., new subsidiaries, liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.)
and relevant situations:
√Applicable□Not applicable
     Increase in scope of combination
                                          Time and place of                              Contribution
   Company name Way to gain equity                               Paid-in capital
                                            gaining equity                                proportion
                            Set-up          January 2022        RMB100 million                  100.00%
Gongniu Tools               Set-up            January 2022                                         62.00%
Gongniu New
                            Set-up              April 2022          RMB600,000                    100.00%
                            Set-up              July 2022           RMB1 million                  100.00%
                            Set-up              July 2022           RMB1 million                  100.00%

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                            Set-up            November 2022                                   100.00%
     On 17 January 2022, Information Technology completed the business registration procedures, and
obtained a business licence with a unified social credit code of 91310118MA7F49691P, with a
registered capital of RMB100 million, and a shareholding ratio of 100% of the Company. As at 31
December 2022, the Company’s paid-up capital contribution was RMB100 million. Therefore, since the
date of its establishment, Information Technology has been included in the scope of the consolidated
financial statements.
     On 27 January 2022, Gongniu Tools completed the business registration procedures, and obtained a
business licence with a unified social credit code of 91330206MA7GDPWU2Q, with a registered capital
of RMB48 million and a shareholding ratio of 62% of the Company. As at 31 December 2022, the
Company didn’t pay its capital contribution. Therefore, since the date of its establishment, Gongniu
Tools has been included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements.
     On 12 April 2022, Gongniu New Energy completed the business registration procedures, and
obtained a business licence with a unified social credit code of 91330282MA7NGRDG5Q, with a
registered capital of RMB10 million and a shareholding ratio of 100% of the Company. As at 31
December 2022, the Company’s paid-up capital contribution was RMB600,000. Therefore, since the
date of its establishment, Gongniu New Energy has been included in the scope of the consolidated
financial statements.
     On 25 July 2022, Shenzhen Intelligent completed the business registration procedures, and obtained
a business licence with a unified social credit code of 91440300MA5HEL5G8Y, with a registered
capital of RMB10 million and a shareholding ratio of 100% of the Company. As at 31 December 2022,
the Company’s paid-up capital contribution was RMB1 million. Therefore, since the date of its
establishment, Shenzhen Intelligent has been included in the scope of the consolidated financial
     On 27 July 2021, Muguang Technology completed the business registration procedures, and
obtained a business licence with a unified social credit code of 91441303MABUTN451A, with a
registered capital of RMB10 million and a shareholding ratio of 100% of the Company. As at 31
December 2022, the Company’s paid-up capital contribution was RMB1 million. Therefore, since the
date of its establishment, Muguang Technology has been included in the scope of the consolidated
financial statements.
     On 29 November 2022, Gongniu Marketing completed the business registration procedures, and
obtained a business licence with a unified social credit code of 91330282MAC3BUBJ9H, with a
registered capital of RMB10 million and a shareholding ratio of 100% of the Company. As at 31
December 2022, the Company didn’t pay its capital contribution. Therefore, since the date of its
establishment, Gongniu Marketing has been included in the scope of the consolidated financial

6. Other information
□Applicable √Not applicable

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IX Interests in Other Entities
1. Interests in subsidiaries
√Applicable□Not applicable
                      Main                                     Shareholding Ratio (%)
   Subsidiary                   Place of        Business                                Acquisition
     Name                      Registration      Nature        Directly    Indirectly    Method
                                                                                        Merge under
Ningbo             Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
                                                                 100.00                 common
Gongniu            Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
Gongniu            Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
                                                                 100.00                 Set-up
Photoelectricity   Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
Gongniu            Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
                                                                 100.00                 Set-up
Digital            Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
Electrical                                                       100.00                 Set-up
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
Precision                                                        100.00                 Set-up
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
                                                                                        Merge under
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,
Electric Sales                                Commercial         100.00                 common
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang
                                                                                        Merge under
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,
Cixi Gongniu                                  Commercial         100.00                 common
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang
                                                                                        Merge under
                   Shanghai    Shanghai       Commercial         100.00                 common
Gongniu            Ningbo,     Ningbo,
                                              Commercial         100.00                 Set-up
Management         Zhejiang    Zhejiang
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,
International                                 Commercial         100.00                 Set-up
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang
                                                                                        Merge under
Hong Kong          Hong
                               Hong Kong      Commercial         100.00                 common
Gongniu            Kong
                                                                                        Merge under
Xingluo            Ningbo,     Ningbo,
                                              Commercial         100.00                 common
Trading            Zhejiang    Zhejiang
Gongniu Low
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,
Voltage                                       Commercial         100.00                 Set-up
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang
                   Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
Electrical                                                       100.00                 Set-up
                   Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
Hainan             Sanya,      Sanya,         Commercial
                                                                 100.00                 Set-up
Dacheng            Hainan      Hainan         services
Intelligent        Ningbo,     Ningbo,        Manufacturing
                                                                 100.00                 Set-up
Technology         Zhejiang    Zhejiang       industry
Dalitek            Shanghai    Shanghai       Commercial           70.00                not under
Information        Shanghai    Shanghai       Commercial         100.00                 Set-up
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                   Ningbo,       Ningbo,
Gongniu Tools                                    Commercial             62.00                    Set-up
                   Zhejiang      Zhejiang
Gongniu New        Ningbo,       Ningbo,
                                                 Commercial            100.00                    Set-up
Energy             Zhejiang      Zhejiang
Murora                                           Manufacturing
                   Guangdong     Guangdong                             100.00                    Set-up
Intelligent                                      industry
Shenzhen                                         Manufacturing
                   Shenzhen      Shenzhen                              100.00                    Set-up
Intelligent                                      industry
Gongniu            Ningbo,       Ningbo,
                                                 Commercial            100.00                    Set-up
Marketing          Zhejiang      Zhejiang

Notes of shareholding percentage in subsidiaries different from voting percentage:

Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of
the voting rights but not controlling the investee:

Basis of controlling significant structural entities incorporated in the scope of combination:

Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the mandator

Other notes:

(2).Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiary
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                            The profit or loss    Declaring dividends
                     Shareholding of                                                         Balance of
                                            attributable to the     distributed to
   Name of              minority                                                           non-controlling
                                             non-controlling       non-controlling
  subsidiaries         shareholder                                                         interests at the
                                             interests for the     interests for the
                       Percentage                                                            period-end
                                              current period        current period
Dalitek                        30.00%             -3,158,629.32                               16,498,466.95
Gongniu Tools                  38.00%

Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

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   (3).The main financial information of significant not wholly-owned subsidiary
   √Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                            Closing balance                                                                       Opening balance
 Name of
                 Current    Non-current               Current          Non-current     Total           Current     Non-current               Current      Non-current     Total
subsidiaries                            Total assets                                                                           Total assets
                  assets      assets                 liabilities        liabilities liabilities         assets       assets                 liabilities    liabilities liabilities
Dalitek        70,444,095.63 7,160,779.01 77,604,874.64 19,948,974.82 2,661,009.99 22,609,984.81 85,246,355.00 12,277,101.12 97,523,456.12 26,994,779.07 5,005,022.82 31,999,801.89

                                                                2022                                                                         2021
        Name of                                                             Total           Cash flows                                             Total          Cash flows
                              Operating                                                                          Operating
       subsidiaries                                Net profit          comprehensive     from operating                         Net profit    comprehensive     from operating
                               revenue                                                                            revenue
                                                                           income            activities                                           income           activities
   Dalitek                    53,135,968.72       -10,528,764.40       -10,528,764.40      -4,681,119.04     73,742,183.32    2,578,060.73      2,578,060.73       4,144,776.69

   Other notes:

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(4).Significant restrictions on the use of assets and the settlement of debts of the Group
□Applicable√Not applicable

(5).Financial or other support to structured entities included in the scope of consolidated
    financial statements
□Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

2. The transaction of the Company with its owner’s equity share changing but the Company still
controls the subsidiary
□Applicable√Not applicable

3. Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises
□Applicable√Not applicable

4. Significant co-operation
□Applicable√Not applicable

5. Rights and interests in structured entities where not included in the consolidated financial
Notes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:
□Applicable√Not applicable

6. Other information
□Applicable √Not applicable

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                                             Annual Report 2022

X Risks Related to Financial Instruments
√Applicable□Not applicable
      The Company is engaged in risk management to achieve balance between risks and returns,
minimizing the negative effects of risks on its operation performance and maximizing the interests of its
shareholders and other equity investors. Based on that risk management goal, the fundamental strategy
of its risk management is to identify and analyse various risks facing the Company, establish an
appropriate risk bottom line, carry out risk management and monitor various risks in a timely and
reliable manner to control them within a restricted scope.
      The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments in its routine activities, mainly
including credit risk, liquidity risk market risk. The management has reviewed and approved the policies
of managing those risks, which are summarised as follows.
      (I) Credit risk
      Credit risk means the risk of financial losses incurred to the other party when one party of a
financial instrument is unable to fulfil its obligations.
      1. Practices of credit risk management
      (1) Methods for evaluating credit risk
      On each balance sheet date, the Company shall evaluate whether the credit risk of relevant financial
instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition. After determining whether the credit
risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the Company shall consider obtaining
reasonable and reliable information without paying unnecessary extra costs or efforts, including
qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk rating and
forward-looking information. On the basis of the single financial instrument or combination of financial
instruments with similar credit risk characteristics, the Company compares the risk of default of
financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition date to
determine the change of default risk of financial instruments during their expected duration.
      When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria prevails, the Company shall
believe the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly:
      1) The quantitative criteria are mainly that the probability of default in the remaining period at the
balance sheet date increases by more than a certain percentage from the time of initial recognition;
      2) The qualitative criteria are mainly material adverse changes in the debtor’s operating or financial
status, changes in the existing or expected technical, market, economic or legal environment that will
have a material adverse impact on the debtor’s ability to repay the Company.
      (2) Definition of default and asset with credit impairment
      When a financial instrument meets one or more of the following conditions, the Company shall
define the financial asset as having defaulted, and its criteria are consistent with the definition of having
incurred credit impairment:
      1) The debtor has major financial difficulties;
      2) The debtor violates the binding clauses of the contract against the debtor;
      3) The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring;
      4) The creditor, out of economic or contractual considerations related to the debtor’s financial
difficulties, gives concessions to the debtor which would not have been made in any other
      2. Measurement of expected credit losses
      The key parameters for measuring expected credit loss included default probability, loss given
default and exposure at default. The Company considered quantitative analysis and forward-looking
information of historical statistical data (such as counterparty rating, guarantee method, repayment
method, etc.) to establish a model of probability of default, default loss ratio and default risk exposure.
      For details of the reconciliation statements of opening balance and closing balance of financial
instrument loss provision, please refer to “4. Notes receivable”, “5. Accounts receivable”, and “8. Other
receivables” under “VII Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial
Statements” herein.
      4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentrations
      The Company’s credit risk mainly comes from monetary assets and accounts receivable. To control
the aforementioned relevant risks, the Company has adopted the following measures.
      (1) Monetary assets

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                The Company places the bank deposit and its monetary assets with financial institutions of high
          credit ratings. Thus, its credit risk is low.
                (2) Accounts receivable
                The Company continuously conducted credit assessments for customers who trade on credit lines.
          Based on the credit assessment result, the Company chooses to trade with recognised customers with
          good credit and monitor the balance of the accounts receivable from them to ensure that the Company
          will not face any significant bad debt risk.
                Due to the Company merely trades with the authorised third party with good credit, the guarantee is
          not required. Credit risk concentration is managed in accordance with the customers. As at 31 December
          2022, there were certain credit concentration risks in the Company, and 44.01% of the accounts
          receivable of the Company (70.04% on 31 December 2021) came from the top 5 customers by balance.
          The Company hasn’t held any guarantee or other credit enhancement for balance of accounts receivable.
                The maximum credit risk exposure the Company undertook shall be the carrying value of each
          financial asset on balance sheet.
                (II) Liquidity risk
                Liquidity risk refers to the risk of fund shortage occurring when the Company fulfils the settlement
          obligation in the mode of cash delivery or other financial assets. Liquidity risk may originate from the
          failure to sell financial assets at fair value as soon as possible; or from the other party’s failure to pay off
          its contractual debts; or from the earlier maturity of debts; or from the failure to generate the expected
          cash flow.
                To control the risk, the Company comprehensively used a variety of financing methods such as
          bank clearing and bank borrowing, and adopted the appropriate combination of long-term and short-term
          financing methods to optimise the financing structure and maintain a balance between financing
          sustainability and flexibility. The Company has obtained the line of credit from a number of commercial
          banks to satisfy its operation fund needs and capital expenditure.
                Financial liabilities classified by remaining maturity
                                                                    Closing balance
   Item                                            Undiscounted
                        Carrying amount                                   Within 1 year            1-3 years          Over 3 years
                                                  contract amount
                           845,374,749.03            857,063,545.21         857,063,545.21
g financial                  18,200,000.00            18,200,000.00          18,200,000.00
Notes payable
                      1,643,661,963.53         1,643,661,963.53         1,643,661,963.53
Other payables          446,413,870.85           446,413,870.85           446,413,870.85
Current portion
of non-current             8,798,658.13             9,116,363.36             9,116,363.36
                           4,544,619.22             4,668,943.91                                  4,668,943.91
  Subtotal            2,966,993,860.76         2,979,124,686.86         2,974,455,742.95          4,668,943.91
                                                         Amount of the Previous Period
  Item                                         Undiscounted
                     Carrying amount                                 Within 1 year                1-3 years         Over 3 years
                                              contract amount
                      1,161,117,444.45         1,172,065,444.45         1,172,065,444.45
g financial
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                                                       Annual Report 2022

Notes payable              2,333,774.75           2,333,774.75               2,333,774.75
                    1,701,686,564.14          1,701,686,564.14         1,701,686,564.14
Other payables           430,813,760.10         430,813,760.10          430,813,760.10
Current portion
of non-current            13,225,048.63          13,759,081.13              13,759,081.13
                           5,089,837.39           5,208,552.97                                   5,208,552.97
  Subtotal          3,314,266,429.46          3,325,867,177.54         3,320,658,624.57          5,208,552.97
             (III) Market risk
             Market risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial
       instruments arising from changes in market prices. Market risk mainly includes interest rate risk and
       foreign exchange risk.
             1. Interest rate risk
             Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial
       instruments arising from changes in market interest rates. Interest-bearing financial instruments with
       fixed interest rates may bring the fair value interest rate risk to the Company, while those with floating
       interest rate may bring the cash flow interest rate risk to the Company. The Company will determine the
       proportion between the financial instruments with fixed interest rate and those with floating interest rate
       in combination with market environment, and maintain an appropriate portfolio of financial instruments
       through regular review and monitoring. The interest rate risk of cash flows facing the Company is
       mainly related to the bank loans calculated by floating interest rate of the Company.
             As at 31 December 2022, the Company had borrowed RMB844 million (RMB1,160 million at 31
       December 2021) from banks, and the interest rate change would not have a significant influence on the
       Company’s gross profit and shareholders’ equity.
             2. Foreign exchange risk
             Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk that may lead to the changes of fair value of financial
       instruments or future cash flows due to fluctuation in exchange rate. The Company operates in mainland
       China, and the main activities are recorded by RMB. Thus, the foreign exchange market risk undertaken
       is insignificant for the Company.
             For details of the Company’s foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities at the end of the
       Current Period, please refer to “82. Foreign currency monetary items” under “VII Notes to the
       Consolidated Financial Statements” of “Part X Financial Statements” herein.

       XI The Disclosure of Fair Value
       1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
       √Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                     Closing fair value
                                                           Fair value
                                      Fair value                               Fair value
                  Item                                   measurement
                                    measurement                            measurement items            Total
                                                         items at level
                                   items at level 1                             at level 3
       I. Consistent Fair
       Value Measurement
       i. Held-for-trading
                                          643,100.00                          6,950,036,801.70      6,950,679,901.70
       Financial Assets
       1. Financial assets
       measured at fair value
                                          643,100.00                          6,950,036,801.70      6,950,679,901.70
       through profit or loss
       for the current period
       (1) Debt instrument
                                                           235 / 258
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(2) Equity instruments
(3) Derivative financial
                            643,100.00                                                643,100.00
(4) Banking WM
                                                              6,949,000,000.00   6,949,000,000.00
(5) Receivables
                                                                  1,036,801.70       1,036,801.70
2. Financial assets
assigned to be
measured at fair value
through profit or loss
for the current period
(1) Debt instrument
(2) Equity instruments
(II) Other equity
(III) Other equity
instrument investment
(IV) Investment
1. Land use right for
2. Buildings for rent
3. Land use right held
and to be transferred
after appreciation
(V) Biological assets
1. Consumptive
biological assets
2. Productive living
The total amount of
assets consistently         643,100.00                        6,950,036,801.70   6,950,679,901.70
measured at fair value
vi. Trading financial
1. Financial liabilities
measured at fair value
                                                                18,200,000.00      18,200,000.00
through profit or loss
for the current period
Of which: Issued
trading bonds
financial liabilities
                                                                18,200,000.00      18,200,000.00
2. Designated as a
financial liabilities
measured at fair value
through profit or loss
for the current period
Total amount of
                                                                18,200,000.00      18,200,000.00
liabilities at fair value
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II. Inconsistent Fair
Value Measurement
(I) Assets held for sale
Total assets of
inconsistent fair value
Total liabilities of
inconsistent fair value

2. Basis for determining the market prices of consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement
items at Level 1
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Company’s first-level item measured at fair value is derivative financial assets (futures
contract), which determines the fair value based on the public quotation of the futures market.

3. Valuation technique adopted and qualitative and quantitative information of important
parameters for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at Level 2
√Applicable □Not applicable
□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Valuation technique adopted and qualitative and quantitative information of important
parameters for consistent and inconsistent fair value measurement items at Level 3
□Applicable √Not applicable

5. Reconciliation information between opening and closing carrying value, and sensitivity analysis
of unobservable parameters of third-level items measured consistently at fair value
√Applicable □Not applicable
      The Company’s third-level items measured at fair value are bank WM products and trust products,
etc., with a low expected yield rate and a small change in fair value, so the initial recognition cost is used
as its fair value.

6. The reason for the conversion and the policy for determining the timing of the conversion,
where there is a conversion between the various levels for the current period in items consistently
measured at fair value
□Applicable √Not applicable

7. Technical changes in valuation techniques that occurred for the current period and the reasons
for the changes
□Applicable √Not applicable

8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value
□Applicable √Not applicable

9. Other information
□Applicable √Not applicable

XII Related Party and Related-party Transaction
1. The Company as the parent
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                      Shareholding          Proportion of
Name of the                                                          percentage held        voting rights
                  Place of         Business          Registered
Company as                                                           by the Company         owned by the
                 Registration       Nature            Capital
 the parent                                                          as the parent to      Company as the
                                                                      the Company           parent to the
                                                  237 / 258
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                                                                                        Company (%)

   Liangji        Ningbo,                           50,000
                                 Investment                                  53.90                 53.90
  Industrial      Zhejiang

Notes: Information on the Company as the parent
     Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping are the joint actual controllers of the Company, and the two jointly
hold 100% of the equity of Liangji Industrial, 53.89% of the equity of the Company through Liangji
Industrial, and directly hold 32.22% of the equity of the Company through the Ningbo Ninghui
Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership), indirectly holds 0.68% of the voting rights
of the Company and indirectly holds 0.30% of the voting rights of the Company through the Ningbo
Suiyuan Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership).
     The ultimate controllers of the Company are Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
Details of the subsidiaries of the Company are in the notes
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Company’s subsidiaries are detailed in “IX. Interests in Other Entities” of “Section 10
Financial Report” of the Annual Report

3. Joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company
Details of joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company are in the notes
□Applicable√Not applicable
The following are the circumstances of other joint ventures or associated enterprises that have a balance
with the Company for the current period or that have formed balances from related-party transactions
with the Company for the previous period
□Applicable√Not applicable
Other notes
□Applicable√Not applicable

4. Other related party
√Applicable□Not applicable
        Name of other related party                          Relationship with the Company
Ruan Shuhong                                   Daughter of the actual controller Ruan Liping
                                               A company controlled by the actual controller, Ruan
Liangniu Hardware                              Liping’s wife’s brother Pan Minfeng and his wife Xu
                                               A company controlled by the actual controller, Ruan
Hangniu Hardware                               Liping’s wife’s brother Pan Minfeng and his wife Xu
                                               The actual controller Ruan Liping’s wife’s brother Pan
                                               Minfeng and his wife Xu Yirong’s son Pan Qianliang
Feiniu Hardware
                                               holds 55% of the shares, and Xu Yirong holds 45% of the
                                               A company controlled by Yu Shoufu, father of Director
Niuweiwang Trading
                                               Cai Yingfeng’s daughter’s spouse
                                               The main body controlled by Cai Libo, sister of Director
Cixi Libo
                                               Cai Yingfeng
                                               A company controlled by the Ying Jianguo,
Jianke Trading
                                               brother-in-law of Director Cai Yingfeng
                                               Zhang Meina, sister of Senior Executive Zhang Lina,
Yaoyang Trading
                                               holds 100% of the shares
                                               Zhang Meina, sister of Senior Executive Zhang Lina,
Huantian Technology                            indirectly holds 7.9%% of the shares, and Xu Yanhao,
                                               son of Zhang Meina, holds 43.10% of the shares
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                                               A company controlled by Xia Zhonggui, brother of
Chenhao Electronics
                                               Supervisor Li Yu’s spouse, and his spouse Zeng Minhui
                                               A company controlled by another company controlled by
Minshen Property
                                               Ruan Liping and Ruan Xueping
Shenghui Electronics                           A company controlled by Liangji Industrial
                                               A company controlled by the Ying Jianguo,
Guoxin Trading
                                               brother-in-law of Director Cai Yingfeng
                                               A company controlled by siblings of Senior Executive Li
Qiudi Trading

5. Related transactions
(1).Related-party transactions of purchase and sale of goods, provision and acceptance of
Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labour service
□Applicable√Not applicable

Information of sales of goods and provision of labour service
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                            Content of the Related-Party
     Related Parties                                               2022                  2021
                            Adapters, wall switches,
Liangniu Hardware                                                13,079,962.46          19,286,108.43
                            LEDs, digital products
                            Adapters, wall switches,
Hangniu Hardware                                                 36,858,578.23          35,795,907.44
                            LEDs, digital products
Feiniu Hardware             Adapters, digital products             1,481,704.60          1,282,944.42
Subtotal of Hangniu
                                                                 51,420,245.29          56,364,960.29
Hardware [note]
                            Adapters, LEDs, digital
Guoxin Trading                                                     7,242,317.55
                            Adapters, LEDs, digital
Jianke Trading                                                     3,625,007.82         10,814,536.24
Subtotal of Jianke
                                                                 10,867,325.37          10,814,536.24
Trading [note 2]
                            Adapters, LEDs, digital
Huantian Technology                                              14,088,847.19          12,206,053.32
Niuweiwang Trading          Adapters, LEDs                       21,583,182.90          21,108,464.96
                            Adapters, LEDs, digital
Cixi Libo                                                        12,230,224.20          11,075,424.86
Chenhao Electronics         Digital products, Adapters             1,116,890.54            894,547.84
                            Adapters, wall switches,
Minshen Property                                                    252,151.56
                            LEDs, digital products
                            Adapters, LEDs, digital
Qiudi Trading                                                      5,179,424.46
Subtotal                                                     116,733,608.32      112,463,987.51
     [Note 1] includes Hangniu Hardware, Liangniu Hardware and Feiniu Hardware. Liangniu
Hardware and Hangniu Hardware are controlled by Pan Minfeng and his spouse Xu Yirong; Feiniu
Hardware is 55% owned by Pan Minfeng’s son Pan Qianliang and 45% owned by Xu Yirong.
     [Note 2] Jianke Trading comprises Guoxin Trading and Jianke Trading, which are both under
control of Ying Jianguo.

Notes to acquisition of goods and reception of labour service
□Applicable√Not applicable

(2).Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusted management/outsourcing
Lists of trusteeship/contract of the Company:
                                                239 / 258
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□Applicable√Not applicable
□Applicable√Not applicable

Entrusted management/contracting of the Company
□Applicable√Not applicable
□Applicable√Not applicable

(3).Information on related-party lease
The Company was lessor:
□Applicable√Not applicable

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The Company as the lessee:
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                            Variable lease
                                   Rental expense of
                                                         payments that are not
                                 simplified short-term
                                                            covered in the                                       Interest expense on      Added right-of-use
  Name of        Category of     leases and low-value                                      Rent payable
                                                          measurement of the                                    lease liabilities borne        assets
   lessor       leased assets       asset leases (if
                                                          lease liabilities (if
                                  2022         2021        2022          2021          2022          2021        2022           2021      2022        2021
Ruan           Buildings and
                                                                                   798,806.97      799,598.46   36,133.46     36,133.46
Shuhong        contructions
Shenghui       Buildings and
Electronics    contructions

□Applicable√Not applicable

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(4).Information on related-party guarantee
The Company was guarantor:
□Applicable√Not applicable
The Company was secured party
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000
                       Amount of                                                        Execution
    Guarantor                             Start date                 End date
                       guarantee                                                    accomplished or not
Liangji Industrial         16,000.00 28 December 2020             27 January 2022          Yes
Liangji Industrial         50,000.00    8 April 2021                7 May 2022             Yes

□Applicable√Not applicable

(5).Borrowings of funds
□Applicable√Not applicable
(6).Information on assets transfer and debt restructuring by related party
□Applicable√Not applicable
(7).Remuneration for key management personnel
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000
              Item                                      2022                             2021
Remuneration for key management
                                                                    2,507.90                    2,436.63

(8).Other related transaction
□Applicable √Not applicable

6. Accounts receivable and payable of related party
(1).Accounts receivable
□Applicable √Not applicable
(2).Accounts payable
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
      Item name                Related Parties        Closing carrying          Opening carrying balance
Contract liabilities     Hangniu Hardware                   2,387,446.01                       96,061.89
Contract liabilities     Niuweiwang Trading                   883,947.33                       13,432.85
Contract liabilities     Guoxin Trading                       527,657.82
Contract liabilities     Cixi Libo                            437,257.56                      157,748.83
Contract liabilities     Huantian Technology                  234,326.66                       28,959.98
Contract liabilities     Jianke Trading                       194,410.70                      322,837.70
Contract liabilities     Liangniu Hardware                    126,617.06                    1,500,950.96
Contract liabilities     Feiniu Hardware                       90,790.88                       11,914.81
Contract liabilities     Qiudi Trading                          3,955.24
Contract liabilities     Yaoyang Trading                        3,461.19                        3,461.19
Contract liabilities     Chenhao Electronics                      245.67                        2,727.19
       Subtotal                                             4,890,116.12                    2,138,095.40
Other payables           Hangniu Hardware                   2,387,446.01                       96,061.89
Other payables           Liangniu Hardware                    70,000.00                       70,000.00
Other payables           Cixi Libo                            70,000.00                       70,000.00
Other payables           Yaoyang Trading                      30,000.00                       30,000.00
Other payables           Qiudi Trading                        30,000.00                       30,000.00
Other payables           Niuweiwang Trading                   23,000.00
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Other payables            Feiniu Hardware                        20,000.00                     20,000.00
Other payables            Huantian Technology                    20,000.00                     20,000.00
Other payables            Chenhao Electronics                    20,000.00                     20,000.00
Other payables            Guoxin Trading                         20,000.00                     10,000.00
Other payables            Jianke Trading                         20,000.00
       Subtotal                                                                                20,000.00

7. Commitments of related party
□Applicable √Not applicable

8. Others
□Applicable √Not applicable

XIII Share-based Payment
1. Overall status of share payments
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                              Unit: Share Currency: RMB
The total amount of equity instruments granted by
the Company for the current period
The total amount of the Company’s equity
instruments exercised for the current period
The total amount of equity instruments of the
Company losing efficacy for the current period
The range of exercise prices of stock options issued
and outstanding at the end of the period of the
Company and the remaining term of the contract
                                                        The exercise price of restricted shares in 2020
                                                        was: RMB76.13; the remaining contract term
The range of exercise prices of other equity            was: 0.5 years; the exercise price of restricted
instruments issued at the end of the period of the      shares in 2021 was: RMB88.15; the remaining
Company and the remaining term of the contract          contract term was: 1.5 years; the exercise price of
                                                        restricted shares in 2022 was: RMB63.06; the
                                                        remaining contract term was: 2.5 years

Other notes
      (1) Restricted share Incentive Plan in 2020
      The Company held the 12th Meeting of the 1st Board of Directors of the Company and the 2019
Annual General Meeting, where the Proposal on the Company’s Restricted Share Incentive Plan in 2020
(Draft) and Its Summary, Proposal on Adjusting the List of Awardees, the Number of Grants and the
Grant Price of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan in 2020 and the Proposal on Granting Restrictive
Shares to Awardees were deliberated and adopted. The Company decided to grant 613,800 restricted
shares to 441 incentive subjects who met the conditions for the grant at a price of RMB76.13 per share,
with an equity grant date of 3 June 2020.
      The main performance appraisal requirements for restricted shares: For the first release period, the
performance appraisal target was the operating revenue or net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company in 2020 was not less than the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2017 -
2019); for the second release period, the performance appraisal target was the operating revenue or net
profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in 2021 was not lower than the average of
the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2018 - 2020); for the third release period, the performance appraisal
target was the operating revenue or net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in
2022 was not lower than the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2019 - 2021).
      In 2021, the Company’s restricted share Incentive Plan in 2020 recognised equity incentive
expenses of RMB7,347,206.26.
      (2) Restricted share Incentive Plan in 2021
      The Company held the 5th Meeting of the 2nd Board of Directors of the Company and the 2020
Annual General Meeting, where the Proposal on the Company’s Restricted Share Incentive Plan in 2021
                                                 243 / 258
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(Draft) and Its Summary, Proposal on Adjusting the List of Awardees, the Number of Grants and the
Grant Price of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan in 2021 and the Proposal on Granting Restrictive
Shares to Awardees were deliberated and adopted. The Company decided to grant 668,400 restricted
shares to 523 incentive subjects who met the conditions for the grant at a price of RMB88.15 per share,
with an equity grant date of 4 June 2021.
      The main performance appraisal requirements for restricted shares: For the first release period, the
performance appraisal target was the operating revenue or net profit attributable to the shareholders of
the listed company in 2021 was not less than 110% of the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e.
2018 - 2020); for the second release period, the performance appraisal target was the operating revenue
or net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in 2022 was not less than 110% of the
average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2019 - 2021); for the third release period, the performance
appraisal target was the operating revenue or net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed
company in 2023 was not less than 110% of the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2020 -
      As at 22 June 2021, the Company has received a total of RMB58,919,460 in restricted share
subscription payments from 523 incentive subjects in monetary assets, of which RMB668,400 is
included in the paid-up share capital, and RMB58,251,060 in capital reserves (premium on stock). The
matter was examined by Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP, which issued the Capital
Verification Report (T.J.Y. [2021] No. 343).
      In 2022, the Company’s restricted share Incentive Plan in 2020 recognised equity incentive
expenses of RMB27,625,677.80
      (3) Restricted share Incentive Plan in 2022
      The Company held the 10th and 12th Meeting of the 2nd Board of Directors of the Company and
the 2021 Annual General Meeting, where the Proposal on the Company’s Restricted Share Incentive
Plan in 2022 (Draft) and Its Summary, Proposal on Adjusting the List of Awardees, the Number of
Grants and the Grant Price of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan in 2022 and the Proposal on Granting
Restrictive Shares to Awardees were deliberated and adopted. The Company planned to implement the
restricted share Incentive Plan with shares of the Company’s common stock repurchased from the
secondary market.
      The main performance appraisal requirements for restricted shares in 2022: For the first release
period, the performance appraisal target was the operating revenue or net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company in 2022 was not less than 110% of the average of the previous three
fiscal years (i.e. 2019 - 2021); for the second release period, the performance appraisal target was the
operating revenue or net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in 2023 was not
less than 110% of the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2020 - 2022); for the third release
period, the performance appraisal target was the operating revenue or net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company in 2024 was not less than 110% of the average of the previous three
fiscal years (i.e. 2021 - 2023).
      The Company determined to grant 1,501,800 restricted shares to 646 awardees who met the
conditions at a price of RMB63.06 per share on 20 May 2022. The Company repurchased shares from
the secondary market for RMB215,279,740.56, increasing treasury shares by RMB215,279,740.56;
received RMB94,703,508.00 in subscriptions for shares from the awardees, decreasing treasury shares
by RMB94,703,508.00; the difference between the cost of repurchase in the secondary market and the
subscriptions received was RMB120,576,232.56, deecreasing capital reserves (share premium) by the
corresponding amount. The Company had a repurchase obligation for restricted shares that had not been
unlocked at the end of the period, and the provision for the repurchase obligation increased treasury
shares by RMB94,703,508.00.
      In 2022, the Company’s restricted share Incentive Plan in 2022 recognised equity incentive
expenses of RMB42,496,592.78.

2. Equity-settled share payments
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
Methods for determining the fair value of equity                 The fair value of the restricted shares is the
instruments on the grant date                                                  closing price on the grant date
Basis for determining the number of feasible right           The number of people expected to exercise the
equity instruments                                            rights is multiplied by the number granted per
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Reasons for the significant discrepancy between the
current period estimates and the previous estimates
Accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based
payment included in capital reserves
The total amount of the expense recognised for the
current period paid on equity-settled shares
Other notes
     The Company accounts for the above share payments in line with the relevant provisions of
share-based payments in Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises as equity-settled share-based
payments, and on each balance sheet date of the waiting period, on the basis of the best estimate of the
number of viable equity instruments, the services received in the current period are included in the
administrative expense based on the fair value of the equity instruments granted on the grant date, and
the capital reserves (other capital reserves) of RMB77,469,476.84 are added.

3. Cash-settled share payments
□Applicable√Not applicable

4. Modification or termination of share payments
□Applicable √Not applicable

5. Other information
√Applicable □Not applicable
      On 23 April 2020, the Company held the 11th Meeting of the 1st Board of Directors, where the
Special Talent Shareholding Plan was deliberated and adopted, which granted shares of the Special
Talent Shareholding Plan to eligible employees of the Company. The number of people involved
included supervisors, specially introduced talents and talents with special contribution, and the number
of people did not exceed 23. The source of funds for the shareholding plan is the special fund of the
shareholding plan accrued by the Company, and the total amount of funds for the shareholding plan is
RMB50 million, RMB1 per share. The source of stock in the shareholding plan is the A-share common
stock of the Company acquired in the secondary market.
      After the Company’s performance evaluation target under the current shareholding plan is
achieved, the corresponding interests of the underlying stock of the holders will be vested to the holders
in batches in line with the evaluation situation in the year of attribution. If there is any remaining
unallocated underlying stock and its corresponding dividends (if any), they will all belong to the
      The duration of the shareholding plan is 60 months, counting from the date of completion of the
acquisition of the underlying stock announced by the Company. Before the expiration of the duration, it
may be extended after the shareholding plan management committee submits it to the Board of Directors
for deliberation and adoption.
      The lock-up period for each batch of the subject shares under the shareholding plan is 12 months,
24 months, 36 months and 48 months, respectively, and the lock-up period is calculated from the date of
the Company’s disclosure of the completion of the stock acquisition in the secondary market, and no
transactions shall be carried out during the lock-up period.
      After the expiration of the lock-up period, it is divided into four batches, and the specific attribution
arrangement of each batch is as follows: Attribution of the 1st batch: 12 months from the date of
completion of the Company’s announcement of the completion of the stock acquisition, the planned
attribution amount is 25% of the total number of stock subject to the shareholding plan. Attribution of
the 2nd batch: 24 months from the date of completion of the stock acquisition announced by the
Company, the planned attribution amount is 25% of the total number of stock subject to the shareholding
plan. Attribution of the 3rd batch: 36 months from the date of completion of the stock acquisition
announced by the Company, the planned attribution amount is 25% of the total number of stock subject
to the shareholding plan. Attribution of the 4th batch: 48 months from the date of completion of the
stock acquisition announced by the Company, the planned attribution amount is 25% of the total number
of stock subject to the shareholding plan.

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      The evaluation target for the attribution of each batch under the shareholding plan is that the
operating revenue or net profit for the current year is not lower than the average of the previous three
fiscal years.
      On 25 September 2020, Sinolink Securities Co., Ltd., the manager entrusted by the Company, has
completed the stock acquisition of the 2020 Special Talent Shareholding Plan through the 2020 Special
Talent Shareholding Single Asset Management Plan of Sinolink Securities and Gongniu Group, with a
total acquisition of 322,000 shares, a transaction amount of RMB50,002,409, and an average transaction
price of RMB155.29 per share.
      The Company actually granted 3,600,000 shares of the 2020 employee shareholding plan and
26,592,932 shares of the 2021 employee shareholding plan, and recovered 5,290,548 shares due to the
resignation of employees. In 2022, the Company actually granted 8,033,477 shares the employee
shareholding plan. The Company presents the granted share of the plan as the long-term prepaid
expense, confirmed the amortisation of share payment by the evaluation period, and presents the portion
not granted as the other non-current assets. In 2021, the Company’s amortisation by service period was
included in the administrative expense of RMB6,6,611,860.38.

XIV Commitment and Contingency
1. Significant commitment
√Applicable□Not applicable
The external significant commitments, nature and amounts that exist on the balance sheet date
      As at 31 December 2022, the Company’s public offerings to raise funds for investment items are as
                                                               Fund raising            Amount used
                            Item name                      Investment amount            Raised fund
                                                              (RMB’0,000)             (RMB0’000)
  Base construction project for annual output of 410
                                                                     75,452.86                 35,666.63
  million sets of wall switches and sockets
  Construction project for automation upgrading of
                                                                     58,883.63                 40,721.84
  annual output of 400 million sets of converters
  Base, R&D centre and headquarters base construction
  project for an annual output of 180 million sets of LED          115,203.61                  65,849.35
  Information construction project                                   16,035.00                 10,459.19
  Channel terminal construction and brand promotion
                                                                     84,745.75                 51,686.17
                               Total                               350,320.85                 204,383.18

2. Contingency
(1).Significant contingencies existing on the balance sheet date
√Applicable □Not applicable
      On 31 March 2022, Guangdong Ebelong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred as
Ebelong) filed a lawsuit with Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in Zhejiang Province against the
Company, Ningbo Gongniu, Cixi Gongniu, and Information Technology, as well as Zhejiang Tmall
Network Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred as Tmall), demanding the defendants to stop manufacturing,
selling and promising to sell the infringing products, destroy the infringing products in stock and the
corresponding moulds, and compensate for the infringing economic loss of RMB 3 million.
As of the date of approval of the Current Report, the Company expects that the probability of outflow of
economic benefits from the Company as a result of the present obligation of the Company arising from
the above-mentioned litigation is insignificant, thus no related estimated liability has been accrued.

(2).If the Company does not have significant contingencies to be disclosed, it should also be
□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Other information
□Applicable √Not applicable

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                                            Annual Report 2022

XV Subsequent Events after the Balance Sheet Date
1. Significant non-adjusting event
□Applicable√Not applicable
2. Profit distribution
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
Profit or dividend to be distributed                                                     1,983,555,895.20
Profit or dividend announced to issue
after review and approval

3. Sales returns
□Applicable√Not applicable

4. Notes to other events after the balance sheet date
√Applicable□Not applicable
     (1) Profit distribution after the balance sheet date
      On 27 April 2023, the 2022 final dividend and bonus issue plan was approved at the 17th Meeting
of the Second Board of Directors. Based on the total share capital (exclusive of the shares in the
Company’s repurchased share account) at the record date of the dividend payout, the Company intends
to pay a cash dividend of RMB33 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to shareholders, with a bonus issue of 4.8
additional shares for every 10 shares held by shareholders from capital reserves.
      (2) The 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan
      According to the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan approved at the 17th Meeting of the Second
Board of Directors on 27 April 2023, the Company intends to grant a total of 1,510,000 restricted shares
to 762 awardees at a certain price. The plan is subject to final approval by a general meeting of
      The restricted shares granted under the incentive plan will be subject to performance appraisal in
three unlocking years/periods, with the achievement of the performance requirements as the condition
for the unlocking of the restricted shares for the awardees. For the first unlocking period, the operating
revenue or net profit in 2023 shall be no less than the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e.
2020-2022) and no less than 110% of the average of the previous two fiscal years (i.e. 2021-2022); for
the second unlocking period, the operating revenue or net profit in 2024 shall be no less than the average
of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2021-2023) and no less than 110% of the average of the previous
two fiscal years (i.e. 2022-2023); for the third unlocking period, the operating revenue or net profit in
2025 shall be no less than the average of the previous three fiscal years (i.e. 2022-2024) and no less than
110% of the average of the previous two fiscal years (i.e. 2023-2024).

XVI Other Significant Events
1. Correction of prior-period accounting errors
(1).Retrospective restatement
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Prospective application
□Applicable√Not applicable
2. Debt reorganisation
□Applicable√Not applicable

3. Asset replacement
(1).Exchange of non-monetary assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

(2).Replacement of other assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Annuity plan
□Applicable√Not applicable

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                                           Annual Report 2022

5. Termination of business
□Applicable√Not applicable

6. Segment information
(1).Basis for the determination of the reporting segment and accounting policies
√Applicable □Not applicable
     The Company determines the reporting segment on the basis of the regional division, the income
from principal businesses and the cost of principal business are divided based on the final sales place,
and the assets and liabilities are divided based on the location of the operating entity.

(2).Financial information of reporting segment
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Overseas companies       companies
      Item          Domestic                                            among                Total
                                       in China              outside
Revenue from
principal                           261,466,476.29                                   14,052,771,512.23
Principal            8,486,294,
                                      230,636,322.51                                  8,716,930,704.54
business cost            382.03
Total assets                              177,349.94                                 16,650,497,198.32
Total liabilities                                                                     4,235,133,055.62

(3).If the Company does not report the segment, or cannot disclose the total assets and liabilities
    of each reporting segment, the reasons should be explained
□Applicable √Not applicable

(4).Other notes
□Applicable √Not applicable

7. Other significant transactions and events that have an influence on investors’ decisions
□Applicable √Not applicable

8. Other information
□Applicable √Not applicable

XVII Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent
1. Accounts receivable
(1).Breakdown by aging
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      Aging                                       Closing carrying balance
Within 1 year
Of which: Sub-items within one year
Within 1 year                                                                           359,382,480.21
Subtotal within 1 year                                                                  359,382,480.21
1 to 2 years
2 to 3 years
Over 3 years
3 to 4 years
4 to 5 years
Over 5 years

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                         Total                                                                         359,382,480.21

(2).Breakdown by method of establishing allowance for doubtful account
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                               Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                                           Carrying                          Bad debt      Carrying
            Carrying balance       Bad debt provision                 Carrying balance
                                                           amount                           provision      amount
 Type                                          Accrue                                             Accrue
                        Percent                   d                             Percent               d
            Amount                 Amount                             Amount            Amount
                        age (%)                proporti                         age (%)           proporti
                                               on (%)                                             on (%)
hed on
al basis
n          359,382,48              17,969,12              341,413,35 3,982,866             199,143.            3,783,723
                         100.00                   5.00                            100.00                5.00
accrued          0.21                   4.01                    6.20       .46                   32                  .14
           359,382,48              17,969,12              341,413,35 3,982,866             199,143.            3,783,723
 Total                         /                  5.00                                 /                5.00
                 0.21                   4.01                    6.20       .46                   32                  .14

Bad debt provision established on the individual basis:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Bad debt provision accrued by portfolio:
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                  Closing balance
                               Accounts receivable               Bad debt provision         Accrued proportion (%)
Within 1 year                       359,382,480.21                      17,969,124.01                          5.00
        Total                       359,382,480.21                      17,969,124.01                          5.00

Criteria and explanation of bad debt provision accrued by portfolio:
□Applicable√Not applicable

To accrue bad debt provision under the expected general model of credit loss, please refer to the
disclosure of other receivables:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(3).Bad debt provision
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                 Changes for the current period
             Opening                            Reversed or                                    Other       Closing
 Type                                                            Charged-off/Written-
             balance        Established        transferred-ba                                 change       balance
                                                     ck                                            s
             199,143.3      17,779,904.                                                                   17,969,124.
debt                                                                             9,924.00
                     2              69                                                                            01
                                                          249 / 258
                                           Annual Report 2022

           199,143.3    17,779,904.                                                          17,969,124.
 Total                                                      9,924.00
           2            69                                                                           01

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(4).Accounts receivable written-off in current period
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                                               Amount written-off
Accounts receivable written-off                                                                 9,924.00

Of which: The written-off of significant accounts receivable
□Applicable√Not applicable

(5).Top 5 of the closing balance of the accounts receivable collected according to arrears party
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                       As % of the closing
                                                                                Closing balance of
            Entity                Closing balance        balance of total
                                                                                bad debt provision
                                                       accounts receivable
Information technology              349,673,489.15                     97.30          17,483,674.46
Gongniu International Trade           3,784,596.47                      1.05             189,229.82
Murora Intelligent                    2,730,979.62                      0.76             136,548.98
Kehua Hengsheng
                                      1,395,298.00                      0.39              69,764.90
(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Kehua Data Co., Ltd.                    898,089.82                      0.25              44,904.49
             Total                   358,482,453.06                    99.75          17,924,122.65

(6).Accounts receivable derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

(7).Amount of assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and the continued involvement of
    accounts receivable
□Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

2. Other receivables
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                Item                          Closing balance                     Opening balance
Interests receivable
Dividends receivable                                1,700,000,000.00                    2,000,000,000.00
Other receivables                                   1,056,026,303.85                    1,038,980,082.79
                Total                               2,756,026,303.85                    3,038,980,082.79

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable
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                                         Annual Report 2022

Interests receivable
(1).Category of interests receivable
□Applicable√Not applicable
(2).Significant overdue interest
□Applicable√Not applicable
(3).Bad debt provision
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(4).Dividends receivable
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
         Project (or investee)               Closing balance                 Opening balance
Ningbo Gongniu                                     1,200,000,000.00               1,000,000,000.00
Electric Sales                                       500,000,000.00                 700,000,000.00
Gongniu Photoelectricity                                                            300,000,000.00
                 Total                              1,700,000,000.00              2,000,000,000.00

(5).Significant dividends receivable aging over one year
□Applicable√Not applicable
(6).Bad debt provision
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other receivables
(1). Breakdown by aging
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Aging                                    Closing carrying balance
Within 1 year
Of which: Sub-items within 1 year
Within 1 year                                                                        437,048,066.18
Subtotal within 1 year                                                               437,048,066.18
1 to 2 years                                                                         711,594,599.88
2 to 3 years                                                                             791,002.18
Over 3 years                                                                           1,570,245.20
                       Total                                                       1,151,003,913.44

(2). Breakdown by nature
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
              Nature                   Closing carrying balance         Opening carrying balance
Intercourse funds                                 1,143,058,695.61                 1,000,999,087.76
Guaranteed deposit                                    1,858,945.12                    88,048,852.00
Housing loan for employees                            4,768,468.33                     7,347,019.79
Others                                                1,317,804.38                       474,737.12

              Total                              1,151,003,913.44                  1,096,869,696.67

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(3). Bad debt provision
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                          Phase I              Phase II               Phase III
    Bad debt             12-month         Lifetime expected      Lifetime expected
    provision          expected credit   credit loss (without     credit loss (with
                            loss         credit impairment)      credit impairment)
Balance of 1
                        54,565,748.60             161,109.99           3,162,755.29         57,889,613.88
January 2022
Balance of 1
January 2022 in
the Current Period
- Transferred to
                       -35,579,730.00          35,579,730.00
Stage 2
- Transferred to
                                                  -79,100.22               79,100.22
Stage 3
- Transferred back
to Stage 2
- Transferred back
to Stage 1
Amount accrued
for the current          2,866,384.71          35,497,720.22           -1,276,109.22        37,087,995.71
for the current
charged-off for the
current period
written-off for the
current period
Other changes
Balance as at 31
                        21,852,403.31          71,159,459.99           1,965,746.29         94,977,609.59
December 2022

Notes to significant changes in the carrying balance of other receivables for which changes in the loss
reserve for the current period occurred:
□Applicable√Not applicable

The amount of bad debt provision for the current period and the basis for assessing whether the credit
risk of financial instruments has increased significantly:
□Applicable√Not applicable

(4). Bad debt provision
□Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                          Changes for the current period
             Opening                      Reversed or                               Other      Closing
 Type                                                     Charged-off/Written
             balance       Established   transferred-ba                            change      balance
                                               ck                                       s

                                                252 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

by item
n          57,889,613.    37,087,995.                                                      94,977,609.
accrued            88             71                                                               59
  Total    57,889,613.    37,087,995.                                                      94,977,609.
                   88             71                                                               59

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the
current period:
□Applicable√Not applicable
(5). Particulars of the actual written-off of other receivables during the current period
□Applicable√Not applicable

(6). Other receivables with the top five closing balances collected according to the arrears party
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                     As a % of the
                    Nature of                                                            Closing
                                                                    closing balance
     Entity            other      Closing balance       Aging                         balance of bad
                                                                     of total other
                    receivable                                                        debt provision
                                                       Within 1
Ningbo             Transaction      152,607,928.97                             13.26    7,630,396.45
Gongniu            amounts
                                    556,470,349.85 1-2 years                   48.34   55,647,034.99
                                                       Within 1
                   Transaction      116,000,000.00                             10.08    5,800,000.00
Cixi Gongniu                                             year
                                     96,700,000.00 1-2 years                    8.40    9,670,000.00
                                                       Within 1
                   Transaction      113,107,936.67                              9.83    5,655,396.83
Electric Sales                                           year
                                     45,600,000.00 1-2 years                    3.96    4,560,000.00
Gongniu            Transaction                         Within 1
                                     33,328,569.55                              2.90    1,666,428.48
Photoelectricity   amounts                               year
Gongniu            Transaction                         Within 1
                                     15,558,901.56                              1.35      777,945.08
Digital            amounts                               year
     Total               /        1,129,373,686.60         /                   98.12   91,407,201.83

(7). Accounts receivable involving government grants
□Applicable √Not applicable

(8). Other receivables derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets
□Applicable √Not applicable

(9). Amount of assets and liabilities formed due to the transfer and the continued involvement of
    other receivables
□Applicable √Not applicable

Other notes:
□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Long-term equity investments
√Applicable□Not applicable

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                                          Annual Report 2022

                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                          Closing balance                                Opening balance
   Item        Carrying     Impairment       Carrying           Carrying  Impairment     Carrying
               balance      allowances       amount             balance    allowances    amount
to           688,178,210.52               688,178,210.52 441,959,500.17                  441,959,500.17
to joint
    Total    688,178,210.52               688,178,210.52 441,959,500.17                  441,959,500.17

(1). Investment to subsidiaries
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                    Decrease                                   Closing
                   Opening        Increase in the     in the      Closing                     balance of
   Investee                                                                     accrued for
                   balance        current period     current      balance                    impairment
                                                                                 the current
                                                     period                                   allowance
                 142,720,497.66 14,127,013.30                  156,847,510.96
                  16,135,993.74   6,130,156.42                  22,266,150.16
                  14,677,129.14   6,358,997.83                  21,036,126.97
Electrical        11,546,142.26     288,241.80                  11,834,384.06
Precision        102,141,438.83   2,589,365.47                 104,730,804.30
Cixi Gongniu      42,399,186.50   1,170,285.63                  43,569,472.13
                  40,502,198.63   1,816,922.44                  42,319,121.07
                  30,041,028.00      86,356.46                  30,127,384.46
International      3,110,000.00     221,613.44                   3,331,613.44
Electric Sales    13,385,245.91   8,425,502.56                  21,810,748.47
                   9,910,274.20                                  9,910,274.20
LV Electric        1,799,085.11   1,138,137.90                   2,937,223.01
Electrical         2,591,280.19   2,872,366.86                   5,463,647.05
                  10,000,000.00                                 10,000,000.00
                   1,000,000.00   1,929,997.01                   2,929,997.01
Dalitek                          91,000,000.00                  91,000,000.00
Information                     104,999,859.03                 104,999,859.03
                                               254 / 258
                                          Annual Report 2022

Gongniu New
                                      600,000.00                  600,000.00
                                  1,271,829.22                   1,271,829.22
                                  1,192,064.98                   1,192,064.98
      Total      441,959,500.17 246,218,710.35                 688,178,210.52

(2). Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises
□Applicable√Not applicable

4. Revenue and cost of sales
(1). Operating revenue and cost of sales
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  2022                                          2021
                      Revenue                 Cost                  Revenue                   Cost
                   5,488,247,628.07      4,258,503,387.22        5,196,022,727.01      3,782,944,961.56
                      39,346,073.23         21,125,679.79          110,267,497.14        93,117,094.92
     Total         5,527,593,701.30      4,279,629,067.01        5,306,290,224.15      3,876,062,056.48
Of which:
generated by       5,503,428,124.33      4,271,075,267.90        5,292,184,752.33      3,867,282,763.40
contracts with

(2). Status of contract revenue
□Applicable√Not applicable

(3). Details of obligation for contract performance
□Applicable√Not applicable

(4). Notes of the allocation to the remaining obligations for contract performance
□Applicable√Not applicable

Other notes:

5. Investment income
√Applicable□Not applicable
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                   Item                               2022                             2021
Long-term equity investment income
                                                      1,700,000,000.00                 2,000,000,000.00
accounted by cost method
Long-term equity investment income
accounted by equity method
Investment income from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income from holding of
held-for-trading financial asset
Dividend income of other equity
investments gained for the holding
                                              255 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

Interest income earned on investment in
debt obligations during the holding
Interest income earned on other
investment in debt obligations during
the holding period
Investment income from disposal of
held-for-trading financial asset
Investment income from disposal of
other equity instruments
Investment income from disposal of
investment in debt obligations
Investment income from disposal of
other investment in debt obligations
Earnings of debt restructuring
Investment income from bank wealth
                                                             111,912,481.21            79,124,417.58
management products

                  Total                                 1,811,912,481.21             2,079,124,417.58
Other notes:

6. Other information
√Applicable □Not applicable
     R&D expense
  Item                                                                2022              2021

Employee remuneration                                               155,896,137.96    119,019,111.86

Direct investment                                                    52,557,844.59     44,047,037.17

Depreciation and amortisation                                         7,656,663.14       5,049,216.83

Others                                                               27,046,508.58     22,328,622.99

  Total                                                             243,157,154.27    190,443,988.85

XVIII Supplemental Information
1. Schedule of current year’s non-recurring profits and losses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Amount                   Note
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets                 -3,980,890.27
Exceptional tax rebates, reductions and
exemptions given with ultra vires approval,
in lack of official approval documents or for
other reasons
Government grants through profit or loss
(exclusive of government grants consistently
given in the Company’s ordinary course of                     130,991,587.24
business at fixed quotas or amounts as per
governmental policies or standards)
Capital occupation charges on non-financial
enterprises that are recognized in profit or                       590,062.34
Gain equal to the amount by which
                                                 256 / 258
                                            Annual Report 2022

investment costs for the Company to obtain
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are
lower than the Company’s enjoyable fair
value of identifiable net assets of investees
when making investments
Gain or loss on non-monetary asset swaps
Gain or loss on assets entrusted to other
entities for investment or management
Allowance for asset impairments due to acts
of God such as natural disasters
Gain or loss on debt restructuring
Restructuring costs in staff arrangement,
integration, etc.
Gain or loss on the over-fair value amount as
a result of transactions with distinctly unfair
Current profit or loss on subsidiaries
obtained in business combinations involving
entities under common control from the
period-begin to combination dates, net
Gain or loss on contingencies that do not
arise in the Company’s ordinary course of
Gain or loss on fair-value changes on
held-for-trading and derivative financial
assets and liabilities & income from disposal
of held-for-trading and derivative financial
assets and liabilities and other debt
investments (exclusive of the effective
portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s
ordinary course of business)
Reversed portions of impairment allowances
for receivables and contract assets which are
tested individually for impairment
Gain or loss on loan entrustments
Gain or loss on fair-value changes in
investment property of which subsequent
measurement is carried out using the fair
value method
Effects of all adjustments required by
taxation, accounting and other applicable
laws and regulations on current profit or loss
Income from charges on entrusted
Non-operating income and expense other
than the above
Other gains and losses that meet the
definition of exceptional gain/loss
Less: Income tax effects                                       57,894,123.94
      Non-controlling interests effects (net of
                       Total                                  284,470,942.06

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item defined or listed
in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:

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                                         Annual Report 2022

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS)
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                  Weighted average                           EPS
 Profit of the Reporting Period
                                     ROE (%)                  Basic EPS            Diluted EPS
Net profit attributable to
                                             27.88                        5.32                   5.30
ordinary shareholders
Net profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders before                 25.39                        4.84                   4.82
exceptional gains and losses

3. Accounting data differences under China’s and foreign accounting standards
□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Other information
□Applicable √Not applicable

                                                                Chairman of the Board: Ruan Liping
                                        Date when this Report was authorized for issue: 27 April 2023

Revised information:
□Applicable √Not applicable

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