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                                                             Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

        Stock code: 000037, 200037      Stock abbreviation: Shennandian A,Shennandian B        Announcement No.: 2024-057

                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
                                The Third Quarterly Report for 2024
     The Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and

complete, and contains no false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Important notes:

1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, the directors, supervisors and senior officers shall ensure that the quarterly

report is true, accurate and complete, and contains no false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and shall bear

individual and joint legal liability.

2. The Company's Principal, Chief Accountant, Chief Financial Officer and Head of the Finance Department (Finance Head)

hereby declare and guarantee that the financial information in the quarterly report is true, accurate and complete.

3. Whether the Q3 report has been audited

□Yes No

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

I. Key financial data

(I) Key accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years
□Yes No
                                                                                                                     Changes from the
                                                                                                                   beginning of the year
                                                                                       From the beginning of
                                                                                                                     to the end of the
                                   Reporting period            Changes YoY             the year to the end of
                                                                                                                     reporting period
                                                                                        the reporting period
                                                                                                                    compared with the
                                                                                                                   same period last year
 Operating revenue
                                   183,104,712.19                  0.15%                  371,008,976.90                 -18.30%
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
                                    -7,777,120.17                -191.69%                  -45,628,230.07                -58.66%
 listed companies
 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of
 listed companies after
                                   -11,138,395.03                -628.10%                  -55,898,452.11                 -5.93%
 deducting non-
 recurring profit or loss
 Net cash flows from
 operating activities                     —                         —                    -81,406,730.48                 31.81%
 Basic earnings per
                                       -0.0129                   -191.49%                      -0.0757                   -58.70%
 share (RMB/share)
 Diluted earnings per
                                       -0.0129                   -191.49%                      -0.0757                   -58.70%
 share (RMB/share)
 Weighted average rate
                                       -0.55%                      -1.15%                      -3.18%                     -1.18%
 of return on net assets
                                   At the end of the          At the end of the          Changes compared to the end of the previous
                                   reporting period            previous year                               year.
 Total assets (RMB)            2,034,306,446.49               2,049,365,388.69                               -0.73%
 Owners' equity
 attributable to
                               1,415,810,795.35               1,459,288,691.94                               -2.98%
 shareholders of listed
 companies (RMB)

(II) Non-recurring profit or loss items and amounts

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount from the beginning
                                         Amount in the reporting
              Item                                                        of the year to the end of the                Remark
                                                                                reporting period
 Profit or loss from disposal of
                                                                                                            Mainly due to the disposal
 non-current assets (including
                                                 295,289.14                       186,558.24                profit or loss from fixed
 write-off of provision for
 asset impairment)

                                                               Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

 Government subsidies
 included in the current profit
 or loss (except for those that
 are closely related to the
 Company's normal business
 operations, comply with                                                                                 Mainly due to the government
                                                  0.00                            439,079.24
 national policies and                                                                                   subsidies related to income.
 regulations, are enjoyed
 according to determined
 standards, and have a
 sustained impact on the
 Company's profit or loss)
 Profit or loss from changes in
 fair value of financial assets
 and liabilities held by non-
 financial enterprises and
 profit or loss from the                                                                                 Mainly investment income
 disposal of financial assets                 3,034,853.33                       9,545,254.83            obtained from financial assets
 and financial liabilities,                                                                              held for trading.
 except for effective hedging
 operations related to the
 Company's normal business
 Other non-operating revenue                                                                             Mainly due to housing
 and expenses other than the                   30,552.39                          106,013.79             demolition and resettlement
 above                                                                                                   subsidies.
 Less: Affected amount of
                                                 -580.00                           6,684.06
 minority equity (after tax)
 Total                                        3,361,274.86                      10,270,222.04                           --
Details of other profit or loss that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss:
□Applicable Not applicable
The Company had no specific profit or loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss.
Notes on the definition of the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the Interpretive Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss items
□Applicable Not applicable
The Company had no circumstances of definition of the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the Interpretive Announcement
No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or
loss items.

(III) Changes in key accounting data and financial indicators and their causes

Applicable □Not applicable

Balance sheet
                     September 30, 2024            January 1, 2024          Change ratio                Description of changes
                                                                                                Mainly due to facts that the newly
                                                                                                established Xiwan Energy Company
                                                                                                received capital injections from external
                                                                                                shareholders amid the Company's
Monetary funds           411,597,408.46             316,188,782.49              30.17%          transformation towards integrated energy
                                                                                                services, and the Company used its
                                                                                                existing funds to purchase financial
                                                                                                assets held for trading, which were
                                                                                                redeemed at maturity, leading to an

                                                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

                                                                              increase in monetary funds.

                                                                              Mainly due to the redemption of
Financial assets
                    45,000,000.00    226,000,000.00            -80.09%        financial assets held for trading
held for trading
                                                                              purchased with stock funds.

Advances to                                                                   Mainly due to the decrease in prepaid
                     9,172,617.13    26,869,175.59             -65.86%
suppliers                                                                     natural gas payments.

                                                                              Mainly due to the renewal of the office
Right-of-use                                                                  lease contract by the Company in the
                     7,247,082.88     2,266,946.42             219.68%
assets                                                                        current period, resulting in an increase in
                                                                              right-of-use assets.
                                                                              Mainly due to the increase in overhaul
deferred             6,263,437.19     3,891,832.93             60.94%
                                                                              expenses of the current period.
                                                                              Mainly due to the fact that based on the
                                                                              progress of land acquisition and storage
                                                                              of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan
                                                                              Company, the relocation expenses of
Other non-
                     857,135.84      36,157,735.24             -97.63%        land acquisition and storage in the
current assets
                                                                              current period is presented from other
                                                                              non-current assets to other current assets,
                                                                              leading to a decrease in other non-current
                                                                              Mainly due to the decrease in employee
                                                                              compensation payable for the employee
                                                                              placement compensation related to the
compensation         4,733,774.51    46,238,982.57             -89.76%
                                                                              land acquisition and storage of Shenzhen
                                                                              Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company in
                                                                              the current period.
                                                                              Mainly due to the fact that the value-
                                                                              added tax credit has been fully deducted,
Taxes payable        7,802,614.21     3,089,330.47             152.57%
                                                                              resulting in an increase in the value-
                                                                              added tax payable in the current period.
                                                                              Mainly due to the presentation of long-
                                                                              term borrowings maturing within one
liabilities due     31,652,812.40     3,926,326.45             706.17%
                                                                              year to non-current liabilities maturing
within one year
                                                                              within one year.
                                                                              Mainly due to the progress payment of
                                                                              land acquisition and storage received
                                                                              from Shenzhen Nanshan Power
Other current                                                                 Zhongshan Company according to the
                    175,398,216.17        0.00                 100.00%
liabilities                                                                   progress of land acquisition and storage,
                                                                              which is presented from other non-
                                                                              current liabilities to other current
                                                                              Mainly due to the decrease in long-term
Long-term                                                                     borrowings within one year due to the
                         0.00        58,829,426.30            -100.00%
borrowings                                                                    presentation of long-term borrowings due
                                                                              within one year to non-current liabilities.
                                                                              Mainly due to the increase in lease
                                                                              liabilities in the current period when the
Lease liabilities    3,796,274.16         0.00                 100.00%
                                                                              Company renewed the lease contract of
                                                                              office space.
                                                                              Mainly due to the fact that based on the
                                                                              progress of land acquisition and storage
Other non-                                                                    of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan
current               45,112.54      104,045,112.54            -99.96%        Company, the progress payment of land
liabilities                                                                   acquisition and storage received is
                                                                              presented from other non-current
                                                                              liabilities to other current liabilities,

                                                Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

                                                                             leading to a decrease in other non-current

Income statement     January-September   January-September       YoY
                                                                                     Description of changes
items                      2024                2023             changes
                                                                             Mainly due to the decline in the interest
                                                                             rates of bank deposits, the interest
Financial expenses      7,127,968.01        4,398,778.19         62.04%      income in the current period decreased
                                                                             from the same period last year, and the
                                                                             financial expenses increased YoY.
                                                                             Mainly due to the fact that the
                                                                             government subsidies related to assets
Other benefits          5,199,081.29        9,582,732.15        -45.75%      allocated in the current period decreased
                                                                             from the same period last year, and the
                                                                             other income decreased YoY.
                                                                             Mainly due to the fact that the
                                                                             Company's investments in other equity
Investment income      12,096,450.59       21,844,319.50        -44.62%      instruments did not distribute dividends
                                                                             in the current period, and the investment
                                                                             income decreased YoY.

Statement of cash    January-September   January-September       YoY
                                                                                     Description of changes
flows items                2024                2023             changes
                                                                             Mainly due to the fact that Shenzhen
Net cash flows                                                               Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company no
from operating         -81,406,730.48     -119,379,688.05        31.81%      longer engaged in power production and
activities                                                                   sales business, and the net cash flows
                                                                             from operating activities increased YoY.
                                                                             Mainly due to the Company's
                                                                             optimization of its asset and liability
Net cash flows                                                               structure, the cash paid for debt
from financing         -22,231,830.09     -504,756,492.07        95.60%      repayment decreased year-on-year during
activities                                                                   the current period, resulting in a YoY
                                                                             increase in the net cash flows from
                                                                             financing activities.
                                                                             Mainly due to facts that the newly
                                                                             established Xiwan Energy Company
                                                                             received capital injections from external
                                                                             shareholders amid the Company's
                                                                             transformation towards integrated energy
Net increase in
                       96,650,388.90      -377,016,355.14       125.64%      services, and the Company used its
cash equivalents
                                                                             existing funds to purchase financial
                                                                             assets held for trading, which was
                                                                             redeemed at maturity, leading to a YoY
                                                                             increase in net increase in cash

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

II. Shareholder's information

(I) Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights have
been restored, and shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

                                                                                                                             Unit: Share
 Total number of ordinary                                       Total number of preferred shareholders whose voting
 shareholders at the end of the                       50,966    rights have been restored at the end of the reporting                     0
 reporting period                                               period (if any)
                        Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)
                                                                                         Number of          Pledge, marking or freezing
                                                                                         shares held
                                     Nature of         Shareholdi        Number of
             Name                                                                            with
                                    shareholder         ng ratio         shares held                     Share status         Quantity
 HOI                              Overseas legal
                                                         15.28%          92,123,248           0         Not applicable            0
 (INTERNATIONAL)                  person
 Shenzhen Guangju                 State-owned
                                                         12.22%          73,666,824           0         Not applicable            0
 Industrial Co., Ltd.             legal person
 Shenzhen Energy                  State-owned
                                                         10.80%          65,106,130           0         Not applicable            0
 Corporation                      legal person
 Zeng Ying                                                1.19%          7,159,600            0         Not applicable            0
                                  natural person
 Li Baoqin                                                1.03%          6,203,916            0         Not applicable            0
                                  natural person
 China Merchants
                                  Overseas legal
 Securities (Hong Kong)                                   0.90%          5,402,154            0         Not applicable            0
 Co., Ltd.
 BOCI SECURITIES                  Overseas legal
                                                          0.73%          4,423,066            0         Not applicable            0
 LIMITED                          person
                                  Overseas legal
 SECURITIES(HONG                                         0.70%          4,224,532            0         Not applicable            0
 Haitong International
                                  Overseas legal
 Securities Company                                       0.65%          3,908,357            0         Not applicable            0
 Limited-Account Client
 Huang Yilong                                      0.64%           3,866,500            0          Not applicable             0
                              natural person
   Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders without restrictions on sales (excluding shares lent through refinancing facilities and
                                                shares locked by senior executives)
                                                    Number of shares held                           Types and numbers
                                                   without selling restrictions            Type of shares                   Quantity
                                                           92,123,248             Domestic listed foreign shares           92,123,248
 Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.                     73,666,824             RMB ordinary shares                      73,666,824
 Shenzhen Energy Corporation                               65,106,130             RMB ordinary shares                      65,106,130
 Zeng Ying                                                 7,159,600              Domestic listed foreign shares            7,159,600
                                                                                  RMB ordinary shares                       3,140,000
 Li Baoqin                                                 6,203,916
                                                                                  Domestic listed foreign shares            3,063,916
 China Merchants Securities (Hong
                                                           5,402,154              Domestic listed foreign shares            5,402,154
 Kong) Co., Ltd.

                                                           Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

 BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                              4,423,066             Domestic listed foreign shares            4,423,066
                                                      4,224,532             Domestic listed foreign shares            4,224,532
 Haitong International Securities
                                                      3,908,357             Domestic listed foreign shares            3,908,357
 Company Limited-Account Client
 Huang Yilong                                         3,866,500             RMB ordinary shares                       3,866,500
                                            1. Shenzhen Energy Corporation holds 100% equity in HONG KONG NAM HOI
 Explanation of the above-mentioned
                                            (INTERNATIONAL) LTD
 shareholders' relationship or concerted
                                            2. The Company is unaware of whether the above-mentioned other public shareholders
                                            have any relationship or are persons acting in concert.
 Description of the top 10 shareholders'
 participation in the margin trading and    None
 securities lending business (if any)
Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of
unrestricted tradable shares in refinancing business and lending shares
□Applicable Not applicable
Changes of the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares compared with the previous period
due to refinancing lending/repayment
□Applicable Not applicable

(II) Total number of preferred shareholders in the Company and shareholdings of the top 10 preferred

□Applicable Not applicable

III. Other important matters

□Applicable Not applicable

IV. Quarterly financial statements

(I) Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                         Item                                       Ending balance                       Beginning balance
 Current assets:
   Monetary funds                                                  411,597,408.46                            316,188,782.49
   Balances with clearing companies
   Loans to banks and other financial institutions
   Financial assets held for trading                                45,000,000.00                            226,000,000.00
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable
   Accounts receivable                                             126,980,774.52                            111,975,251.10
   Receivables financing
   Advances to suppliers                                             9,172,617.13                            26,869,175.59
   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance accounts receivable

                                                   Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

  Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
  Other receivables                                       19,865,044.12                        19,233,117.52
     Including: interest receivable
            Dividends receivable
  Financial assets purchased under resale
  Inventories                                             86,430,944.36                        86,158,251.16
    Including: data resources
  Contract assets                                                                                88,000.00
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one year
  Other current assets                                    288,994,116.38                      232,865,968.63
Total current assets                                      988,040,904.97                     1,019,378,546.49
Non-current assets:
  Issuance of loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                             91,540,702.77                       90,001,176.04
  Investments in other equity instruments                 350,615,000.00                      300,615,000.00
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                                    1,539,649.03                        1,664,566.60
  Fixed assets                                            564,231,927.64                      571,482,734.35
  Construction in progress                                 2,494,629.70                        3,448,855.10
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                      7,247,082.88                         2,266,946.42
  Intangible assets                                       20,303,609.98                        19,285,629.03
    Including: data resources
  Development expenses
    Including: data resources
   Long-term deferred expenses                             6,263,437.19                        3,891,832.93
   Deferred tax assets                                     1,172,366.49                        1,172,366.49
   Other non-current assets                                 857,135.84                        36,157,735.24
Total non-current assets                                 1,046,265,541.52                    1,029,986,842.20
Total assets                                             2,034,306,446.49                    2,049,365,388.69
Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                  345,660,109.15                      341,237,886.72
   Borrowing from the Central Bank
   Borrowings from banks and other financial
   Financial liabilities held for trading
   Derivative financial liabilities
   Notes payable
   Accounts payable                                        4,663,828.11                        4,342,166.50
   Advances from customers
   Contract liabilities                                      25,002.01
   Financial assets sold under repurchase
   Customer bank deposits and due to banks and
other financial institutions
   Receivings from vicariously traded securities
   Receivings from vicariously underwritten
   Employee compensation payable                           4,733,774.51                        46,238,982.57

                                                        Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

   Taxes payable                                                  7,802,614.21                          3,089,330.47
   Other payables                                               15,034,092.06                          13,973,447.42
      Including: interest payable
               Dividends payable
   Handling charges and commissions
   Reinsurance accounts payable
   Liabilities held for sale
   Non-current liabilities due within one year                  31,652,812.40                           3,926,326.45
   Other current liabilities                                   175,398,216.17
 Total current liabilities                                     584,970,448.62                         412,808,140.13
 Non-current liabilities:
   Reserves for insurance contract
   Long-term borrowings                                                                                58,829,426.30
   Bonds payable
      Including: preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
   Lease liabilities                                              3,796,274.16
   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee compensation payable
   Estimated liabilities                                        15,000,000.00                          15,000,000.00
   Deferred income                                              63,109,346.02                          67,869,348.07
   Deferred tax liabilities
   Other non-current liabilities                                    45,112.54                         104,045,112.54
 Total non-current liabilities                                  81,950,732.72                         245,743,886.91
 Total liabilities                                             666,921,181.34                         658,552,027.04
 Owners' equity:
   Equity                                                      602,762,596.00                         602,762,596.00
   Other equity instruments
      Including: preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserve                                             362,770,922.10                         362,770,922.10
   Less: treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                                    -2,500,000.00                         -2,500,000.00
   Special reserve                                                2,150,333.48
   Surplus reserve                                             332,908,397.60                         332,908,397.60
   General risk reserve
   Undistributed profits                                       117,718,546.17                         163,346,776.24
 Total equity attributable to the owners of the parent
                                                              1,415,810,795.35                       1,459,288,691.94
   Minority interests                                           -48,425,530.20                        -68,475,330.29
 Total owners' equity                                         1,367,385,265.15                       1,390,813,361.65
 Total liabilities and owners' equity                         2,034,306,446.49                       2,049,365,388.69
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief Accountant: Chen Yuhui Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the Finance
Department: Lin Xiaojia

2. Consolidated income statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                        Amount incurred in the current
                        Item                                                               Amount incurred in previous period
 I. Total operating revenue                                  371,008,976.90                          454,106,390.85
    Including: operating revenue                             371,008,976.90                          454,106,390.85
            Interest income
            Premiums earned
            Handling charges and commission

                                                          Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

II. Total operating costs                                       438,675,510.79                      527,768,982.12
  Including: operating costs                                    347,115,833.39                      443,453,657.23
           Interest expenses
           Handling charges and commission
           Surrender value
           Net amount of compensation payout
        Net amount of insurance liability reserve
           Policy dividends
           Reinsurance costs
           Taxes and surcharges                                  2,281,176.31                        2,648,996.33
           Selling expenses                                      2,419,675.17                        1,915,968.03
           G&A expenses                                          57,127,620.24                       54,940,136.38
           R&D expenses                                          22,603,237.67                       20,411,445.96
           Financial expenses                                    7,127,968.01                        4,398,778.19
             Including: interest expenses                        10,872,339.65                       15,278,935.73
                     Interest income                             -4,046,397.68                       -11,230,162.67
  Plus: other income                                             5,199,081.29                        9,582,732.15
       Investment income (loss expressed with "-")               12,096,450.59                       21,844,319.50
             Including: investment income from
                                                                 2,349,226.73                        3,127,310.92
associates and joint ventures
                    Gains from derecognition of
financial assets measured at amortized costs
       Exchange gains (loss expressed with "-")
        Net exposure hedging gains (loss expressed
with "-")
       Gains from changes in fair value (loss
expressed with "-")
       Credit loss (loss expressed with "-")
       Asset impairment loss (loss expressed with
         Gains from disposal of assets (loss
                                                                  295,289.14                           96,847.39
expressed with "-")
III. Operating profit (losses expressed with "-")               -50,075,712.87                      -42,138,692.23
   Plus: non-operating revenue                                    113,492.10                         5,237,497.33
   Less: non-operating expenses                                   116,209.21                          16,081.64
IV. Total profit (total losses expressed with "-")              -50,078,429.98                      -36,917,276.54
   Less: income tax expenses                                                                            479.55
V. Net profit (losses expressed with "-")                       -50,078,429.98                      -36,917,756.09
   (I) Classification by business continuity
      1. Net profit from continuing operations (net
                                                                -50,078,429.98                      -36,917,756.09
loss expressed with "-")
      2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net
loss expressed with "-")
   (II) Classification by ownership
      1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                -45,628,230.07                      -28,758,589.77
parent company (net loss expressed with "-")
      2. Minority interest income (net loss expressed
                                                                 -4,450,199.91                       -8,159,166.32
with "-")

                                                        Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

 VI. Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive
    Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive
 income attributable to owners of parent company
       (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot
 be reclassified into profit or loss
          1. Remeasurement of changes in defined
 benefit plans
          2. Other comprehensive income that cannot
 be transferred to profit or loss under the equity
          3. Fair value changes of investments in
 other equity instruments
          4. Fair value changes of the enterprise's own
 credit risk
          5. Others
       (II) Other comprehensive income that will be
 reclassified to profit or loss
          1. Other comprehensive income that can be
 transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
          2. Fair value changes of other debt
          3. Amount of financial assets reclassified
 and included in other comprehensive income
          4. Provision for credit impairment of other
 debt investments
          5. Cash flow hedging reserve
          6. Differences arising from foreign currency
 financial statements
          7. Others
    Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive
 income attributable to minority shareholders
 VII. Total comprehensive income                               -50,078,429.98                        -36,917,756.09
    (I) Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                               -45,628,230.07                        -28,758,589.77
 owners of the parent company
    (II) Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                -4,450,199.91                         -8,159,166.32
 minority shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per share:
    (I) Basic earnings per share                                   -0.0757                               -0.0477
    (II) Diluted earnings per share                                -0.0757                               -0.0477
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief Accountant: Chen Yuhui Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the Finance
Department: Lin Xiaojia

3. Consolidated statement of cash flows from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                       Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in previous period
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods and
                                                           402,871,423.57                           493,260,030.74
 rendering of services
   Net increase in customer bank deposits and
 due to banks and other financial institutions
   Net increase in borrowings from the
 Central Bank
   Net increase in borrowings from banks and
 other financial institutions

                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

   Cash received from premiums from the
original insurance contract
  Net cash received from reinsurance
  Net increase in policyholder deposits and
  Cash received from interest, handling
charges and commissions
  Net increase in borrowings from banks and
other financial institutions
  Net increase in funds from repurchase
  Net cash received from vicariously traded
  Tax refunds received                                                                        31,608.88
  Other cash received related to operating
                                                     19,347,302.02                          44,622,787.85
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                    422,218,725.59                         537,914,427.47
  Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                                    329,471,510.91                         519,478,157.92
acceptance of services
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits with the Central
Bank and interbank funds
   Cash paid for compensation for the original
insurance contract
   Net increase in loans to banks and other
financial institutions
   Cash paid for interest, handling charges
and commissions
  Cash paid for policy dividends
   Cash paid to and for employees                   116,384,167.36                          82,601,196.17
   Taxes and fees paid                              17,016,141.72                           22,130,212.52
   Payments of other cash related to operating
                                                     40,753,636.08                          33,084,548.91
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
                                                    503,625,456.07                         657,294,115.52
Net cash flows from operating activities             -81,406,730.48                        -119,379,688.05
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Recovery of cash received from investment        407,000,000.00                         330,010,220.37
   Cash received from investment income              5,471,924.04                           29,934,911.51
   Net cash recovered from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term        71,805,059.00                           550,880.00
   Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Other cash received relating to investing
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                    484,276,983.04                         360,496,011.88
  Cash paid for the acquisition and
                                                      7,924,145.04                           3,514,289.85
construction of fixed assets, intangible assets

                                                        Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

 and other long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments                                50,000,000.00
   Net increase in pledge loans
    Net cash paid for acquisition of
 subsidiaries and other business units
    Payments of other cash related to investing
                                                           226,000,000.00                           110,000,000.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                           283,924,145.04                           113,514,289.85
 Net cash flows from investing activities                  200,352,838.00                           246,981,722.03
 III. Cash flows from financing activities:
    Cash received from absorption of
       Including: cash received by subsidiaries
 from absorption of minority shareholders'
    Cash received from acquisition of
                                                           342,026,209.56                           351,093,926.90
    Other cash received related to financing
 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                                                           366,526,209.56                           356,534,361.13
   Cash paid for debt repayment                            373,844,324.72                           847,756,445.98
    Cash paid for distribution of dividends,
                                                             8,351,022.93                             9,643,602.15
 profits or interest payments
      Including: dividends and profits paid by
 subsidiaries to minority shareholders
    Payments of other cash related to financing
                                                             6,562,692.00                             3,890,805.07
 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing
                                                           388,758,039.65                           861,290,853.20
 Net cash flows from financing activities                   -22,231,830.09                          -504,756,492.07
 IV. Impact of fluctuation in exchange rate on
                                                              -63,888.53                               138,102.95
 cash and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               96,650,388.90                           -377,016,355.14
    Plus: beginning balance of cash and cash
                                                           310,734,919.56                           648,021,672.06
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                           407,385,308.46                           271,005,316.92
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief Accountant: Chen Yuhui Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the Finance
Department: Lin Xiaojia

(II) Adjustments to relevant items in financial statements at the beginning of the year
when the new accounting standards are implemented for the first time in 2024.

□Applicable Not applicable

(III) Auditor's report

Whether the Q3 report has been audited
□Yes No
The Q3 report of the Company has not been audited.

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. The Third Quarterly Report for 2024

            Board of Directors of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
                                                 October 25, 2024
