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                                                      Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

                   Stock code: 002384             Stock short name: DSBJ             Announcement No.: 2024-041

                Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                          First Quarter Report 2024
     The Company and all members of the Board of Directors hereby warrant that the information contained in this Report is true,

accurate and complete and this Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or material omission.

Important note:

1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company hereby warrant that

the information contained in this Quarterly Report is true, accurate and complete and this Quarterly Report is free from any

misrepresentation, misleading statement or material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Quarterly Report.

2. YUAN Yonggang, Principal of the Company, CFO WANG Xu and Accounting Supervisor ZHU Deguang hereby represent that the

financial information contained in this Quarterly Report is true, accurate and complete.

3. Whether this First Quarter Report has been audited?

□ Yes  No

This document is a translated version of the Chinese First Quarter Report 2024 ("2024 年第一季度报告"). In case of any discrepancies,
the First Quarter Report 2024 published in the Chinese version shall prevail. The full Chinese First Quarter Report 2024 is available at

                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

I.    Key Financial Data
(I)   Key accounting data and financial indicators
Did the Company need to retrospectively adjust or restate any accounting data of prior years?
 Yes □No
                                            2024 Jan-Mar                        2023 Jan-Mar                         Change
 Operating revenue (RMB)                        7,744,804,604.28                    6,511,602,610.15                          18.94%
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the Listed                        289,348,487.81                    471,650,134.12                           -38.65%
 Company (RMB)
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the Listed
 Company after deduction of                        261,306,973.35                    280,096,313.63                            -6.71%
 non-recurring gain or loss
 Net cash flow from operating
                                                 1,557,837,879.15                   1,799,383,005.75                          -13.42%
 activities (RMB)
 Basic earnings per share
                                                              0.17                              0.28                          -39.29%
 Diluted earnings per share
                                                              0.17                              0.28                          -39.29%
 Weighted average return on
                                                            1.57%                             2.85%                            -1.28%
 net assets
                                           March 31, 2024                   December 31, 2023                        Change
 Total assets (RMB)                           45,562,508,510.25                  44,371,719,028.28                             2.68%
 Owners’ equity attributable to
 shareholders of the Listed                    18,373,771,308.37                   18,143,026,745.54                           1.27%
 Company (RMB)

(II) Items and amounts of non-recurring gains or losses
 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                      Item                                               2024 Jan-Mar                    Remark
 Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (including allowance for
 impairment of assets that has been written off)
 Government grants recognized in profit or loss (excluding the government
 grants that are closely related to the business of the Company, conform to
 the applicable policies of the country, are provided in accordance with the                         39,393,780.81
 established standards, and continuously affect the Company’s profit or
 Gain or loss on changes in fair value of financial assets and financial
 liabilities held by non-financial entities, and gain or loss on disposal of
 financial assets and financial liabilities, except for effective hedges held
 in the ordinary course of business
 Other non-operating revenue and expenses                                                              -700,966.72
 Less: Effect on income tax                                                                           4,037,935.17
         Effect on minority interests (exclusive of tax)                                                 69,715.72
 Total                                                                                               28,041,514.46
Other items of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable  N/A
We do not have any other item of gain or loss within the meaning of non-recurring gains or losses.
Classification of any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure by
Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring Gain or Loss as recurring gain or loss:
□ Applicable  N/A
We have not classified any item of non-recurring gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure by Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Non-recurring Gain or Loss as recurring gain or loss.
(III) Changes in key accounting data and financial indicators, and reasons

                                                       Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

 Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                               In RMB
      Balance sheet item           March 31, 2024       December 31, 2023      Change     Reason
                                                                                          Primarily due to stable cash flows
                                                                                          provided by the operating activities during
                                                                                          the reporting period and lower capital
 Cash and bank balances            9,576,910,104.49         7,190,036,231.06    33.20%
                                                                                          expenditures compared to the same period
                                                                                          of the previous year, as well as a
                                                                                          temporary increase in bank loans.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
 Notes receivable                     25,210,385.02             3,407,623.49   639.82%    commercial acceptance bills received by
                                                                                          certain subsidiaries in the current period.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
                                                                                          financial liabilities recognized under
 Financial liabilities held for
                                    159,387,320.86           104,174,076.23     53.00%    hedging contracts due to changes in
                                                                                          foreign exchange rates during the first
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
 Accounts receivable
                                    152,757,569.67           290,477,095.22     -47.41%   banker’s acceptance bills received in the
                                                                                          current period.
    Income statement item            2024 Jan-Mar             2023 Jan-Mar     Change     Reason
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the R&D
 R&D expenses                       253,417,603.85           193,113,365.49     31.23%    projects as the Company enhances R&D
                                                                                          efforts focusing on the core business.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the interest
                                                                                          income compared to the same period of
 Financial expenses                   -5,009,091.39          134,082,532.89    -103.74%
                                                                                          the previous year, and increase in
                                                                                          exchange gains.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in interest
 Interest income                      68,761,600.49           51,062,981.56     34.66%
                                                                                          income from increased bank deposits.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
 Investment income         (loss
                                      -2,133,536.06              377,108.36    -665.76%   discounting costs of notes receivable in
 expressed with “-”)
                                                                                          the current period.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
                                                                                          allowance      for     doubtful    accounts
 Credit loss (loss expressed
                                     -29,221,136.72           -21,312,317.05    -37.11%   receivable recognized in the current
 with “-”)
                                                                                          period according to the age of accounts
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
 Impairment of assets (loss                                                               inventory provision recognized in the
                                     -93,518,082.87           18,489,783.36    -605.78%
 expressed with “-”)                                                                    current period based on costs and net
                                                                                          realizable value of inventories.
                                                                                          Primarily due to losses on the disposal of
 Gain on disposal of assets
                                      -6,118,647.30            -1,886,457.79   -224.35%   idle equipment of certain subsidiaries in
 (loss expressed with “-”)
                                                                                          the current period.
                                                                                          Primarily due to the investment income
 Non-operating revenue                 1,937,787.73          158,881,877.68     -98.78%   arising from the acquisition of JDI
                                                                                          Electronics last year.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the
 Non-operating expenses                2,638,754.45             1,353,291.43    94.99%
                                                                                          donations made in the current period.
                                                                                          Primarily due to the investment income
 Total profit                       346,267,196.58           502,141,586.52     -31.04%   arising from the acquisition of JDI
                                                                                          Electronics last year.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the taxable
 Income tax expenses                  56,999,473.72           30,644,133.19     86.00%
                                                                                          income for the current period.
  Cash flow statement item           2024 Jan-Mar             2023 Jan-Mar     Change     Reason
                                                                                          Primarily due to the acquisition of JDI
 Net cash flows            from
                                   -1,076,101,136.92       -2,655,184,572.50    59.47%    Electronics and Aranda in the same period
 investing activities
                                                                                          last year.
                                                                                          Primarily due to an increase in the M&A
 Net cash flows            from
                                   1,476,912,312.82         2,675,548,733.23    -44.80%   loans and mid-to-long term loans last year
 financing activities
                                                                                          in connection with certain acquisitions.
 Effect of exchange rate
                                                                                          Primarily due to changes in the net assets
 changes on cash and cash           -203,661,385.74          217,480,352.46    -193.65%
                                                                                          denominated in USD.

                                                                        Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

II. Particulars of Shareholders
(I)   Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restituted, and
      top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: Shares
 Total number of ordinary shareholders at the                                 Total number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights had          been
                                                                  107,091                                                                                                            0
 end of the reporting period                                                  restituted at the end of the reporting period (if any)
                                                            Top 10 shareholders (excluding the shares lent via refinancing)
                                                                                                                                     No. of non-      Pledge, attachment or freeze
                                                                 Status of            Shareholding           No. of shares
                  Name of shareholder                                                                                              tradable shares    Status of
                                                                shareholder          percentage (%)               held                                                 Number
                                                                                                                                        held           shares
                                                            Domestic natural
 YUAN Yongfeng                                                                                13.01%         222,388,153.00         166,791,115.00    Pledged        120,940,000.00
                                                            Domestic natural
 YUAN Yonggang                                                                                11.83%         202,226,196.00         151,669,647.00    Pledged         91,790,000.00
 Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                                  3.47%         59,337,049.00                    0.00     N/A                    0.00
                                                            Domestic natural
 YUAN Fugen                                                                                     3.44%         58,796,052.00                    0.00     N/A                    0.00
 Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong)
 Limited- Schroder Global Fund Series Chinese A-            Others                            1.30%        22,181,428.00                  0.00          N/A                    0.00
 shares (Exchange)
 Taikang Life Insurance – Traditional – General
                                                            Others                            1.04%        17,801,015.00                  0.00          N/A                    0.00
 Insurance Product -019L-CT001 Shenzhen
 China Life Insurance – Traditional – General Insurance
                                                            Others                            1.03%        17,562,418.00                  0.00          N/A                    0.00
 Product -005L-CT001 Shanghai
 Agricultural Bank of China – CSI 500 ETF                  Others                            0.95%        16,194,400.00                  0.00          N/A                    0.00
 Taikang Life Insurance – Dividends – Personal
                                                            Others                            0.88%        15,016,655.00                  0.00          N/A                    0.00
 Dividends – 019L-FH002 Shenzhen
 China Merchants Bank – Ruiyuan Growth Value
                                                            Others                            0.82%        14,092,748.00                  0.00          N/A                    0.00
 Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
                                                               Shareholding by the top 10 holders of tradable shares
                                                            Number of tradable shares held at the                              Type and number of shares
                                                                end of the reporting period                             Type                                    Number
 Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                      59,337,049.00        RMB-denominated ordinary share                               59,337,049.00
 YUAN Fugen                                                                         58,796,052.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  58,796,052.00
 YUAN Yongfeng                                                                      55,597,038.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  55,597,038.00
 YUAN Yonggang                                                                      50,556,549.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  50,556,549.00
 Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong)
 Limited- Schroder Global Fund Series Chinese A-                                    22,181,428.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  22,181,428.00
 shares (Exchange)
 Taikang Life Insurance – Traditional – General
                                                                                    17,801,015.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  17,801,015.00
 Insurance Product -019L-CT001 Shenzhen
 China Life Insurance – Traditional – General Insurance
                                                                                    17,562,418.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  17,562,418.00
 Product -005L-CT001 Shanghai
 Agricultural Bank of China – CSI 500 ETF                                          16,194,400.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  16,194,400.00
 Taikang Life Insurance – Dividends – Personal
                                                                                    15,016,655.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  15,016,655.00
 Dividends – 019L-FH002 Shenzhen
 China Merchants Bank – Ruiyuan Growth Value
                                                                                    14,092,748.00     RMB-denominated ordinary share                                  14,092,748.00
 Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
                                                            Among the shareholders listed above, YUAN Yonggang and YUAN Yongfeng are sons of YUAN Fugen, and YUAN
 Affiliates or concert parties among the shareholders       Yongfeng is the elder brother of YUAN Yonggang. YUAN Fugen, YUAN Yongfeng and YUAN Yonggang are our actual
                                                            controllers. We are not aware whether there are affiliates or concert parties within the meaning of the Administrative
 listed above                                               Measures for Information Disclosure by the Listed Companies Relating to Changes in Shares Held by Shareholders among
                                                            other shareholders listed above.
 Securities margin trading conducted by top 10
 shareholders (if any)

Share lending by shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of tradable shares via
Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                       Unit: Shares
  Share lending by shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of tradable shares via
                Number of shares held in      Number of outstanding      Number e of shares held in
                                                                                                         Number of outstanding
                  ordinary account and             shares lent via           ordinary account and
                                                                                                              shares lent via
                margin trading account at        refinancing at the       margin trading account at
  Full name                                                                                             refinancing at the end of
                   the beginning of the      beginning of the current       the end of the current
      of                                                                                                    the current period
                      current period                   period                       period
                                % of total                   % of total                    % of total                   % of total
                    Total                       Total                                                      Total
                                   share                        share    Total number        share                         share
                  number                      number                                                      number
                                  capital                      capital                      capital                       capital
 Bank      of 7,506,900.00          0.44%     2,217,500           0.13% 16,194,400.00          0.95%     1,177,500           0.07%
 China – CSI

                                                               Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

 500 ETF
Changes compared to the previous period due to shares lent or returned via refinancing by the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders
of tradable shares:
Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                Unit: Shares
    Changes compared to the previous period due to shares lent or returned via refinancing by the top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of tradable shares
                                                                                                             Number of shares held in ordinary account and
                                     New or                Number of outstanding shares lent via             margin trading account and outstanding shares
                                  withdrawn in          refinancing at the end of the current period          lent via refinancing at the end of the current
    Full name of shareholder
                                   the current                                                                                   period
                                      period                                         % of total share                                      % of total share
                                                          Total number                                          Total number
                                                                                         capital                                               capital
 China Life Insurance –
 Traditional     –     General
                                       New                                  0                     0.00%                 17,562,418                       1.03%
 Insurance Product -005L-
 CT001 Shanghai
 Agricultural Bank of China –
                                       New                         1,177,500                      0.07%                 17,371,900                       1.02%
 CSI 500 ETF
 Taikang Life Insurance –
 Dividends – Personal
                                       New                                  0                     0.00%                 15,016,655                       0.88%
 Dividends – 019L-FH002
 China Everbright Bank -
 Aegon-Industrial      Business
 Model Selection Hybrid            Withdrawn                                0                     0.00%                  6,231,901                       0.36%
 Securities Investment Fund
 Industrial Bank - Aegon-
 Industrial    New       Vision
 Flexible Allocation, Periodic     Withdrawn                                0                     0.00%                  5,813,638                       0.34%
 Opening Hybrid Sponsored
 Securities Investment Fund
 Ping An Anying Stock-
 oriented Pension Product –       Withdrawn                                0                     0.00%                 13,764,351                       0.80%
 Bank of China
(II) Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding by top 10 preferred shareholders
□ Applicable  N/A
III. Other Significant Matters
Applicable □N/A
1. During the reporting period, our sales revenue from the new energy business was about RMB1.829 billion, an increase of about
56.46% compared to the same period of the previous year.
2. During the reporting period, we repurchased 1,588,800 shares in total by aggregate auction through the dedicated securities account
for repurchase, at the total price of RMB24.997 million (excluding the transaction costs). Such repurchase complied with the applicable
laws and regulations, and our share repurchase plan.
3. During the reporting period, taking into account the current capital market environment, changes in policies, our capital operation
plan and other factors, through sufficient communications with the relevant brokers, we decided to terminate the offering of convertible
corporate bonds to unspecified investors. The termination of this bond offering was considered and approved at the 7th meeting of the
6th Board of Directors and the 5th meeting of the 6th Board of Supervisors, and according to the authority granted at the 3rd extraordinary
general meeting of shareholders in 2023, was not subject to the approval of the general meeting of shareholders.
4. During the reporting period, the proposal for offering A-shares to specified investors in 2024 was considered and adopted at the 7th
meeting of the 6th Board of Directors and the 5th meeting of the 6th Board of Supervisors, approving our issuance of shares in a total
amount of up to RMB1.5 billion to YUAN Yonggang and YUAN Yongfeng, our actual controllers, the offering proceeds received from
which, after deduction of the offering costs, would be wholly used to replenish our working capital. The relevant proposal has been
approved at the 2nd extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2024.
IV. Quarterly Financial Statements
(I) Financial statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by: Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

                                                         March 31, 2024
                                                                                                                        In RMB
                             Item                                     Closing balance                    Opening balance
Current assets:
   Cash and bank balances                                                     9,576,910,104.49                 7,190,036,231.06
   Settlement deposit
   Loans to banks and other financial institutions
   Financial assets held for trading                                            152,245,731.91                   146,141,371.77
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable                                                              25,210,385.02                     3,407,623.49
   Accounts receivable                                                        5,788,954,839.70                 7,713,164,772.05
   Accounts receivable financing                                                152,757,569.67                   290,477,095.22
   Advances to suppliers                                                         99,280,067.53                    79,782,739.11
   Premiums receivable
   Reinsurance accounts receivable
   Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
   Other receivables                                                             76,606,081.41                    77,134,897.39
      Incl.: Interest receivable
             Dividends receivable
   Financial assets held under resale agreements
   Inventories                                                                6,480,397,115.75                 6,293,879,276.54
      Incl.: Data resources
   Contract assets
   Assets held for sale
   Non-current assets due within one year
   Other current assets                                                         781,711,069.91                   651,719,745.68
Total current assets                                                         23,134,072,965.39                22,445,743,752.31
Non-current assets:
   Loans and advances to clients
   Debt investments
   Other debt investments
   Long-term receivables                                                         30,000,000.00                    30,000,000.00
   Long-term equity investments                                                 155,406,879.89                   155,406,879.89
   Investments in other equity instruments                                      283,657,110.00                   278,157,110.00
   Other non-current financial assets
   Investment properties                                                            974,412.47                     1,038,840.26
   Fixed assets                                                              12,626,832,367.03                12,415,251,689.80
   Construction in progress                                                   1,775,689,973.51                 1,842,525,188.54
   Productive biological assets
   Oil and gas assets
   Right-of-use assets                                                        1,253,757,851.97                 1,252,668,050.83
   Intangible assets                                                            934,346,471.48                   863,692,421.74
      Incl.: Data resources
             Development expenses
      Incl.: Data resources
   Goodwill                                                                   2,209,199,500.95                 2,209,199,500.98
   Long-term deferred expenses                                                  887,713,854.29                   866,872,191.21
   Deferred tax assets                                                        1,104,234,822.76                 1,078,140,428.38
   Other non-current assets                                                   1,166,622,300.51                   933,022,974.34
Total non-current assets                                                     22,428,435,544.86                21,925,975,275.97
Total assets                                                                 45,562,508,510.25                44,371,719,028.28
Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                                      6,265,314,841.70                 5,156,100,217.01
   Borrowings from Central Bank
   Borrowings from banks and other financial

                                                 Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

    Financial liabilities held for trading                                  159,387,320.86                   104,174,076.23
    Derivative financial liabilities
    Notes payable                                                         1,014,330,554.16                   909,171,215.93
    Accounts payable                                                      7,286,477,454.76                 8,039,107,176.52
    Advances from clients
    Contract liabilities                                                     34,091,670.34                    28,982,676.07
    Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
    Deposits from clients and other banks
    Funds received as stock broker
    Funds received as underwriter of securities
    Employee benefits payable                                               407,868,832.94                   553,178,980.68
    Taxes payable                                                           516,856,518.67                   475,576,206.83
    Other payables                                                           84,018,191.98                    80,188,628.54
       Incl.: Interest payable
              Dividends payable
    Fees and commissions payable
    Reinsurance accounts payable
    Liabilities held for sale
    Non-current liabilities due within one year                           2,574,231,466.81                 2,496,716,906.35
    Other current liabilities                                                 4,922,375.29                     6,556,017.38
  Total current liabilities                                              18,347,499,227.51                17,849,752,101.54
  Non-current liabilities:
    Provision for insurance contracts
    Long-term borrowings                                                  5,185,944,723.58                 4,706,280,338.76
    Bonds payable
       Incl.: Preferred shares
              Perpetual bonds
    Lease liabilities                                                     1,860,785,062.02                 1,842,799,193.80
    Long-term payables                                                      276,258,365.53                   296,995,789.48
    Long-term employee benefits payable
    Provisions                                                               50,692,640.34                    60,785,210.44
    Deferred income                                                         726,513,898.19                   733,456,685.17
    Deferred tax liabilities                                                693,794,197.94                   691,293,111.83
    Other non-current liabilities
  Total non-current liabilities                                           8,793,988,887.60                 8,331,610,329.48
  Total liabilities                                                      27,141,488,115.11                26,181,362,431.02
  Owners’ equity:
    Share capital                                                         1,709,867,327.00                 1,709,867,327.00
    Other equity instruments
       Incl.: Preferred shares
              Perpetual bonds
    Capital reserve                                                       8,064,875,550.95                 8,063,768,409.73
    Less: Treasury shares                                                   150,907,657.63                   125,906,811.33
    Other comprehensive income                                             -749,374,798.54                  -714,664,578.64
    Special reserve
    Surplus reserve                                                         184,866,869.73                   184,866,869.73
    General risk reserve
    Retained profits                                                      9,314,444,016.86                 9,025,095,529.05
    Total owners’ equity attributable to the parent
                                                                         18,373,771,308.37                18,143,026,745.54
       Minority interests                                                    47,249,086.77                  47,329,851.72
  Total owners’ equity                                                  18,421,020,395.14              18,190,356,597.26
  Total liabilities and owners’ equity                                  45,562,508,510.25              44,371,719,028.28
 Legal Representative: YUAN Yonggang              CFO: WANG Xu                 Accounting Supervisor: ZHU Deguang
2.   Consolidated income statement
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                     Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

                                Item                                   Current period                    Previous period
I. Total operating revenue                                                     7,744,804,604.28                6,511,602,610.15
     Incl.: Operating revenue                                                  7,744,804,604.28                6,511,602,610.15
            Interest income
            Premiums earned
            Fee and commission income
II. Total operating costs                                                     7,312,430,568.81                 6,206,104,833.14
     Incl.: Operating costs                                                   6,691,217,022.58                 5,547,703,406.89
            Interest expenses
            Fee and commission expenses
            Net payments for insurance claims
            Net insurance claim reserves
            Policyholder dividends
            Reinsurance expenses
            Taxes and surcharges                                                 35,204,505.88                    21,541,805.59
            Selling expenses                                                     74,628,448.25                    67,177,599.40
            Administrative expenses                                             262,972,079.64                   242,486,122.88
            Research and development expenses                                   253,417,603.85                   193,113,365.49
            Financial expenses                                                   -5,009,091.39                   134,082,532.89
               Incl.: Interest expenses                                         106,270,471.95                   115,492,119.87
                      Interest income                                            68,761,600.49                    51,062,981.56
     Add: Other income                                                           46,010,532.22                    46,689,225.26
            Investment income (loss expressed with “-”)                        -2,133,536.06                       377,108.36
               Incl.: Investment income from associates and
                                                                                 -1,138,774.87                     -1,009,134.30
joint ventures
                      Gain on derecognition of financial
assets at amortized cost
            Exchange gain (loss expressed with “-”)
            Net exposure hedging income (loss expressed
with “-”)
            Gain on changes in fair value (loss expressed
                                                                                   -425,001.44                     -3,242,118.89
with “-”)
            Credit loss (loss expressed with “-”)                             -29,221,136.72                   -21,312,317.05
            Impairment loss on assets (loss expressed with
                                                                                -93,518,082.87                    18,489,783.36
            Gain on disposal of assets (loss expressed with
                                                                                 -6,118,647.30                     -1,886,457.79
III. Operating profit (loss expressed with “-”)                               346,968,163.30                   344,613,000.26
     Add: Non-operating revenue                                                   1,937,787.73                   158,881,877.68
     Less: Non-operating expenses                                                 2,638,754.45                     1,353,291.43
IV. Profit before tax (loss expressed with “-”)                               346,267,196.58                   502,141,586.51
     Less: Income tax expenses                                                   56,999,473.72                    30,644,133.19
V. Net profit (loss expressed with “-”)                                       289,267,722.86                   471,497,453.32
     (I) Classified by continuity of operation
     1. Net profit from continuing operation                                    289,267,722.86                   471,497,453.32
     2. Net profit from discontinued operation
     (II) Classified by attribution
     1. Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                289,348,487.81                   471,650,134.12
company (loss expressed with “-”)
     2. Minority interests (loss expressed with “-”)                              -80,764.95                      -152,680.80
VI. Other comprehensive income, net                                             -28,364,080.55                   -52,692,681.55
     Other comprehensive income attributable to owners
                                                                                -28,364,080.55                   -52,692,681.55
of the parent company, net after tax
        (I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be
reclassified to profit or loss
        1. Changes arising from remeasurement of defined
benefit plans
        2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
reclassified to profit or loss under equity method

                                                         Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

           3. Change in fair value of investments in other
     equity instruments
           4. Change in fair value of the corporation’s credit
           5. Others
           (II) Other comprehensive income that will be
                                                                                        -28,364,080.55                 -52,692,681.55
     reclassified to profit or loss
           1. Other comprehensive income that can be
     reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
           2. Change in fair value of other debt investments
           3. Financial assets reclassified to other
     comprehensive income
           4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt
           5. Reserves for cash flow hedge                                              -46,340,616.69                  31,935,634.32
           6. Differences in translation of foreign currency
                                                                                        17,976,536.14                  -84,628,315.87
     financial statements
           7. Others
        Other comprehensive income attributable to minority
     interests, net after tax
     VII. Total comprehensive income                                                   260,903,642.31                  418,804,771.77
        Total comprehensive income attributable to owners
                                                                                       260,984,407.26                  418,957,452.57
     of the parent company
        Total comprehensive income attributable to minority
                                                                                            -80,764.95                    -152,680.80
     VIII. Earnings per share:
        (I) Basic earnings per share                                                              0.17                           0.28
        (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                           0.17                           0.28
The net profit realized by the acquirees before acquisition in business combinations involving entities under common control occurred
in the current period was nil in the current period and nil in the previous period.
  Legal Representative: YUAN Yonggang               CFO: WANG Xu                           Accounting Supervisor: ZHU Deguang
3.     Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                 Item                                        Current period                    Previous period
     I. Cash flows from operating activities
        Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of services                         9,566,045,347.79               7,810,895,407.28
        Net increase in deposits from clients and other banks
        Net increase in borrowings from Central Bank
        Net increase in borrowings from other financial
        Proceeds from premiums under prior insurance
        Net proceeds from reinsurance business
        Net increase in the insured’s deposits and investments
        Proceeds from interest, fees and commissions
        Net increase in borrowings from banks and other
     financial institutions
        Net increase in receipts under repurchase transactions
        Net cash received as stock broker
        Tax refunds received                                                         284,423,129.15                    276,523,290.40
        Other proceeds relating to operating activities                              349,598,272.28                    499,635,693.30
     Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                           10,200,066,749.22                  8,587,054,390.98
        Payments for purchase of goods and receipt of services                     6,655,875,365.23                  5,126,240,152.40
        Net increase in loans and advances from clients
        Net increase in deposits in Central Bank and other
        Payment of claims under prior insurance contracts
        Net increase in loans to banks and other financial
        Payment of interest, fees and commissions

                                                      Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. First Quarter Report 2024

      Payment of policyholder dividends
      Payments to and for employees                                             1,246,067,419.65                 1,076,893,284.86
      Taxes paid                                                                  165,222,877.75                   116,068,450.56
      Other payments relating to operating activities                             575,063,207.44                   468,469,497.41
   Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                          8,642,228,870.07                 6,787,671,385.23
   Net cash flows from operating activities                                     1,557,837,879.15                 1,799,383,005.75
   II. Cash flows from investing activities:
      Proceeds from disposal of investments                                       411,437,004.71                 1,883,885,925.02
      Proceeds from return on investments                                           1,597,223.39                    18,866,297.97
      Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                   14,087,434.64                     4,910,538.85
   assets and other long-term assets
      Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries and other
   business entities
      Other proceeds relating to investing activities                               1,980,782.41                    19,655,920.00
   Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                             429,102,445.15                 1,927,318,681.84
      Payments for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                  885,104,031.28                 1,057,849,522.33
   assets and other long-term assets
      Payments for investments                                                    609,673,837.08                 1,997,294,891.61
      Net increase in mortgage loans
      Net Payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other
   business entities
      Other cash payments relating to investing activities                         10,425,713.71                   655,864,375.00
   Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                          1,505,203,582.07                 4,582,503,254.34
   Net cash flows from investing activities                                    -1,076,101,136.92                -2,655,184,572.50
   III. Cash flows from financing activities:
      Proceeds from investors
         Incl.: Proceeds of subsidiaries from minority
   shareholders’ investments
      Cash receipts from borrowings                                             4,023,814,434.12                 5,683,728,812.48
      Other proceeds relating to financing activities                              47,248,276.45                   326,781,646.99
   Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                           4,071,062,710.57                 6,010,510,459.47
      Repayment of borrowings                                                   1,948,497,173.59                 3,125,069,505.12
      Payment of distribution of dividends and profits or for
                                                                                   89,439,788.65                   131,296,673.72
         Incl.: Dividends and profits distributed by
   subsidiaries to minority shareholders
      Other payments relating to financing activities                             556,213,435.51                    78,595,547.40
   Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                          2,594,150,397.75                 3,334,961,726.24
   Net cash flows from financing activities                                     1,476,912,312.82                 2,675,548,733.23
   IV. Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                 -203,661,385.74                   217,480,352.46
   V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 1,754,987,669.31                 2,037,227,518.94
      Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                         5,874,684,447.67                 5,457,026,822.70
   VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                             7,629,672,116.98                 7,494,254,341.64
(II) Adjustment of the opening balance of related financial statement items due to the initial adoption of new accounting
     standards since 2024
□ Applicable  N/A
(III) Auditor’s report
Whether the First Quarter Report has been audited?
□ Yes  No
This First Quarter Report has not been audited.

                                                       The Board of Directors of Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    April 25, 2024
