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Stock Code: 200771      Stock ID: Hangqilun B          Announcement No.: 2024-70

                           Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

                     Announcement on Changing the Registered Capital

                            and Amending the Articles of Association

The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.

     On October 28, 2024, the 9th meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors will be held, and the
Proposal on the Registered Capital and Amending the Articles of Association will be deliberated
and approved. The specific matters are as follows:

     As a result of the Company's repurchase and cancellation of 62,712 restricted shares, the

total share capital of the Company is reduced from 1,175,009,597 shares to 1,174,946,885 shares,

and the registered capital of the Company is reduced from 1,175,009,597 yuan to 1, 174,946,885

yuan. Based on the afore-said change in registered capital, the Company intends to amend the

corresponding articles of the Articles of Association of the Company.

     For details, please refer to the Annex: Comparative Table of Amendments to the Articles of


     After the proposal is deliberated and approved by the board of directors, it shall be submitted

to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation.

     The above change of registered capital and amendments to the articles of association shall be

subject to the final approval of the industrial and commercial registration authority.

               The Board of Directors of Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

                               October 29, 2024

       Annex: Comparison Table of Amendments to Articles of Association
S /N                          Before amendment                                              After amendment

1             Article 5.2                                                   Article 5.2

              After the implementation of the profit distribution           After the implementation of the profit distribution plan

         plan approved by the Company at the 2022 Annual               approved by the Company at the 2022 Annual General

         General M eeting of Shareholders to give 2 shares for         M eeting of Shareholders to give 2 shares for every 10

         every 10 shares, the Company's share capital is               shares, the Company's share capital is increased to

         increased to 1,175,444,400 shares. In 2023, the               1,175,444,400 shares. In 2023, the Company repurchased

         Company repurchased and cancelled 434,803 restricted          and cancelled 434,803 restricted shares, and the Company's

         shares, and the Company's share capital is changed to         share capital is changed to 1,175,009,597 shares. In 2024,
         1,175,009,597 shares.                                         the Company repurchased and cancelled 62,712 restricted

                                                                       shares, and the Company's share capital is changed to


2             Article 8                                                     Article 8

         The registered capital of the Company is RM B                 The registered capital of the Company is RM B

         11,175,009,597.                                               1,174,946,885.

4             Article 21                                                    Article 21

              The share capital structure of the Company is: the            The share capital structure of the Company is: the total

         total share capital is 1,175,009,597 shares, of which the     share capital is 1,174,946,885 shares, of which the

         promoter Hangzhou Turbine Holdings Co., Ltd. holds            promoter Hangzhou Turbine Holdings Co., Ltd. holds

         689,715,889 national shares, accounting for 58.70% of         689,715,889 national shares, accounting for 58.70% of the

         the total share capital; Guoxin Guotong (Hangzhou)            total share capital; Guoxin Guotong (Hangzhou) Equity

         Equity Investment Co., Ltd. - Hangzhou Qitong Equity          Investment Co., Ltd. - Hangzhou Qitong Equity Investment

         Investment       Partnership   (Limited   Partnership),   a   Partnership (Limited Partnership), a state-owned legal

         state-owned legal person shareholder, holds 58,810,799        person shareholder, holds 58,810,799 shares, accounting

         shares, accounting for 5.00% of the total share capital;      for 5.01% of the total share capital; The number of
         The number of domestically listed foreign shares (B           domestically listed foreign shares (B shares) is 426,420,197

         shares) is 426,482,909 shares, accounting for 36.30% of       shares, accounting for 36.29% of the total share capital.

         the total share capital.
