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Company Code: 600690.SH, 690D.DE          Short Name: Haier Smart Home

         Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.
             2024 Interim Report

                                   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                  Important Notice

I.     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior
       management of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) are individually and collectively
       responsible for the content set out therein and hereby assure that the content set out in the
       interim report is true, accurate and complete, and free from any false record, misleading
       representation or material omission.

II.    All directors have attended the Board meetings.

III.   The interim report is unaudited.

IV.    Li Huagang (legal representative of the Company), Gong Wei (chief financial officer of the
       Company) and Ying Ke (the person in charge of accounting department) hereby certify that
       the financial report set out in the interim report is true, accurate and complete.

V.     Proposal of profit distribution or proposal of converting capital reserves into share capital for
       this reporting period resolved and passed by the Board

       Not Applicable

VI.    Disclaimer in respect of forward-looking statements

       √ Applicable    Not Applicable

       Forward-looking statements such as future plans, development strategies as set out in this report do
       not constitute our substantial commitment to investors. Investors are advised to pay attention to
       investment risks.

VII.   Is there any fund occupation by controlling shareholders and other related parties for
       non-operational purposes


VIII. Is there any provision of external guarantee in violation of prescribed decision-making


IX.    Are there more than half of the Directors could not warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and
       completeness of the interim report disclosed by the Company


X.     Important risk warnings

       For the possible risks which the Company may encounter, please refer to the relevant information set
       out in the section of “MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS” in this report.

                                                                     Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   1
    Important Notice

    XI.   Others

              Applicable     √ Not Applicable

                                                     Chairman of the Board: LI Huagang
                                                            Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd
                                                                       27 August 2024

2   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024

SECTION I — DEFINITIONS                                                                                        4


SECTION III — MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS                                                              11

SECTION IV — CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                                                                             49

SECTION V — ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES                                                         53

SECTION VI — SIGNIFICANT ISSUES                                                                               64

SECTION VII — CHANGES IN SHARES AND INFORMATION ABOUT SHAREHOLDERS                                            78

SECTION VIII — RELEVANT INFORMATION OF PREFERRED SHARES                                                       85

SECTION IX — RELEVANT INFORMATION OF CORPORATE BONDS                                                          86

SECTION X — FINANCIAL REPORT                                                                                  87

                       I.     2024 Interim Report of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. with signature of the
                              legal representative.

                       II.    Financial statements with signatures or seals of the person in charge of the
 Documents Available
                              entity, chief accountant and person in charge of accounting department.
 for Inspection
                       III.   All documents publicly disclosed on China Securities Journal, Shanghai
                              Securities News, Securities Daily, Securities Times and the website of
                              Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) during the reporting period.

                                                                    Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   3
    Section I Definitions

    Unless otherwise stated in context, the following terms should have the following meanings in this report:

    CSRC                                 China Securities Regulatory Commission

    SSE                                  Shanghai Stock Exchange

    The Company, Haier Smart             Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd, its original name is “Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd.”,
      Home                               and the original short name is “Qingdao Haier”

    Four Major Securities               China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times,
      Newspapers                        Securities Daily

    Haier Electronics, 1169              Haier Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (a company originally listed in Hong Kong,
                                         stock code: 01169.HK), a subsidiary as accounted for in the consolidated
                                         statement of the Company. Haier Electronics has been privatized by way of H
                                         shares issuance on 23 December 2020 and became a wholly owned
                                         subsidiary of the Company since then.

    GE Appliances                        Household appliances assets and business of General Electric Group, which
                                         are currently owned by the Company.

    FPA                                  Fisher & Paykel Appliances Holdings Limited (Chinese Name:            ) was
                                         established in 1934 and is known as the national appliance brand of New
                                         Zealand, the global top-level kitchen appliance brand and the famous luxury
                                         brand of the world. It has products including ventilator, gas stove, oven,
                                         dishwasher, microwave oven, built-in freezer, washing machine, clothes dryer
                                         and etc. Its business covers 50 countries/regions across the world. FPA is
                                         wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

    Candy                                Candy Group (Candy S.p.A) is an international professional appliances
                                         manufacturer from Italy. Since its establishment in 1945, it has been
                                         committed to enabling the global users to enjoy a higher quality of life
                                         through innovative technologies and quality services. Candy Group has been
                                         prestigious in the global market with users all over the world via its various
                                         self-owned professional household appliance brands. In January 2019, Candy
                                         became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

    CMM                                  China Market Monitor Co., Ltd., as an authoritative market research institute
                                         in Chinese home appliances area, was established in 1994 and has been
                                         focusing on research of retail sales in China consumption market ever since.

4   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                          Section I Definitions

Euromonitor           Euromonitor, established in 1972, is the leading strategic market information
                      supplier and has over 40-years of experience in respect of publishing market
                      report, commercial reference data and on-line database. They create data and
                      analysis on thousands of products and services around the world.

Gfk                   Gfk Group, the world’s leading market research company. After a long period
                      of development and accumulation, Gfk Group’s global market research
                      business covers consumer durables research, consumer research, media
                      research, healthcare market research and special studies.

All View Cloud        All View Cloud (AVC) is a big data integrated solution provider to the smart
                      home field, providing enterprises with big data information services, regular
                      data information services and special data services.

IEC                   The International Electrotechnical Commission. Founded in 1906, it is the
                      world’s first organization for the preparation and publication of international
                      electrotechnical standardization and is responsible for international
                      standardization for electrical engineering and electronic engineering. The goals
                      of the commission include: to effectively meet the needs of the global market;
                      to ensure that the standards and conformity assessment programs are
                      applied globally in a prioritized manner and to the greatest extent; to assess
                      and improve the quality of products and services involved in its standards; to
                      create conditions for the common use of complicated systems; to improve the
                      effectiveness of the industrialization process; to improve human health and
                      safety, and to protect the environment.

IEEE                  The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an international
                      association of electronic technology and information science engineers, is
                      currently the largest non-profit professional technology society in the world. It
                      is committed to the development and research of electrical, electronic,
                      computer engineering and science-related fields, and has now developed into
                      an international academic organization with great influence in terms of the
                      fields of space, computer, telecommunications, biomedicine, power and
                      consumer electronics.

Model of Rendanheyi   The concept of “Achieving win-win via Rendanheyi (人 單 合 一)” is the
 (人 單 合 一)        guarantee of Haier’s sustainable operation and the driving force of the
                      Company featuring a self-motivated and empowering corporate culture. “Ren”
                      is an employee who has the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation; “Dan”
                      is to create value for users. The “Rendanheyi (人單合一)” management model
                      encourages employees to create value for users with an entrepreneurial
                      mindset, and to achieve self-value in line with the those of the Company and
                      its shareholders.

                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   5
    Section II General Information of the
    Company and Key Financial Indicators

            Chinese name                        海尔智家股份有限公司
            Chinese short name                  海爾智家
            English name                        Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.
            English short name                  Haier Smart Home
            Legal representative                Li Huagang

                           Secretary to              Representative of       Company Secretary
                           the Board                 securities affairs      (D/H shares)      Others

             Name          Liu Xiaomei               Liu Tao                 Ng Chi Yin, Trevor   Global Customer
                                                                                                    Service Hotline

             Address       Department of             Department of           Rm 1908, 19/F,       /
                             Securities of Haier       Securities of Haier    Harbour Centre,
                             Smart Home Co.,           Smart Home Co.,        25 Harbour Road,
                             Ltd. Haier Science        Ltd. Haier Science     Wan Chai,
                             and Technology            and Technology         Hong Kong
                             Innovation                Innovation
                             Ecological Park,          Ecological Park,
                             No. 1 Haier Road,         No. 1 Haier Road,
                             Qingdao City              Qingdao City

             Tel           0532-88931670             0532-88931670           +852 2169 0000       4006 999 999

             Fax           0532-88931689             0532-88931689           +852 2169 0880       /

             Email         finance@haier.com         finance@haier.com       ir@haier.hk          /

6   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
     Section II General Information of the Company and Key Financial Indicators

       Registered address           Haier Park, Laoshan District, Qingdao City
       Historical change of the     Prior to the Company’s listing in 1993, the registered address of the
         registered address           Company was No.165 Xiaobaigan Road, Sifang District, Qingdao City,
                                      Shandong Province, and has changed to the current address since
                                      1994, during which the address name was adjusted in line with the
                                      change of name of the industrial park but the actual site remains
       Business address             Haier Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Park,
                                      Laoshan District, Qingdao City
       Postal code of the           266101
         business address
       Website                      https://smart-home.haier.com/cn/
       Email                        9999@haier.com
       Query index for any          Not applicable
         changes during the
         reporting period

       Designated newspaper for     Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times, China Securities Journal,
         information disclosure       Securities Daily
       Website for publishing       www.sse.com.cn
         interim report
       Other websites for interim   https://smart-home.haier.com/cn/, www.xetra.com, www.dgap.de,
         report disclosure            https://www.hkexnews.hk
       Deposit place of interim     Department of Securities of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.
         report                     Haier Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Park,
                                      No. 1 Haier Road, Qingdao City
       Query index for any          Not applicable
        changes during the
        reporting period

                                                                                               Stock Short
                           Stock Exchange of        Stock Short                                Name Before
       Type of Shares      Shares Listed            Name                 Stock Code            Variation

       A share             Shanghai Stock                                600690

       D share             Frankfurt Stock          Haier Smart          690D                  Qingdao Haier
                             Exchange                 Home

       H Share             Hong Kong Stock          Haier Smart          6690                  /
                            Exchange                  Home

                                                                       Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   7
    Section II General Information of the Company and Key Financial Indicators

                Applicable     √ Not Applicable

          (I)     Key accounting data
                                                                                                                 Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                              The corresponding
                                                                                              period of last year
                                                                                                                              decrease for the
                                                                                                                              reporting period
                                                                                                                               compared with
                                                                           For the                                              corresponding
                                                                  reporting period                                 Before        period of last
                    Key accounting data                             (January-June)   After adjustment          adjustment             year (%)

                    Operating revenue                              135,622,549,121.01 131,628,595,912.05 131,626,581,506.56               3.03
                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                      listed Company                                10,420,218,389.22   8,962,851,469.46   8,963,875,999.84              16.26
                    Net profit after deduction of non-recurring
                      profit or loss attributable to shareholders
                      of the listed Company                         10,160,504,902.38   8,603,977,764.58   8,603,977,764.58              18.09
                    Net cash flows from operating activities         7,818,257,937.26   6,790,021,534.62   6,790,530,462.54              15.14

                                                                                           As at the end of reporting
                                                                                              period of last year
                                                                                                                               decrease as at
                                                                                                                                the end of the
                                                                                                                              reporting period
                                                                  As at the end of                                             compared with
                                                                     the reporting                                 Before     that of last year
                                                                            period   After adjustment          adjustment                   (%)

                    Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                       the listed Company                        105,734,300,351.38 103,514,153,535.04 96,681,175,780.71                  2.14
                    Total assets                                 262,251,245,011.55 253,379,859,977.97 246,302,105,777.51                 3.50

8   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
  Section II General Information of the Company and Key Financial Indicators

   (II)   Key financial indicators

                                                                              The corresponding period
                                                                                    of last year
                                                                                                          decrease for the
                                                                                                          reporting period
                                                                                                           compared with
                                                                    For the                                 corresponding
                                                           reporting period         After          Before    period of last
           Key financial indicators                         (January-June)    adjustment       adjustment         year (%)

           Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                        1.13          0.96            0.97             17.71
           Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                      1.12          0.96            0.96             16.67
           Basic earnings per share after deducting non-
              recurring profit or loss (RMB/share)                     1.10          0.93            0.93             18.28
           Weighted average return on net assets (%)                   9.67          9.16            9.16              0.51
           Weighted average return on net assets after
              deducting non-recurring profit or loss (%)               9.43          8.80            8.80              0.63

          Explanation of the key accounting data and financial indicators of the Company

            Applicable       √ Not Applicable

   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

   (I)    Difference in net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed
          company in financial statements as disclosed in accordance with International
          Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards
             Applicable      √ Not Applicable

          There is no difference between the net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the
          listed company presented in the consolidated financial statements as disclosed in accordance
          with International Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards by the Company.

                                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   9
     Section II General Information of the Company and Key Financial Indicators

           (II)     Difference in net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed
                    company in financial statements as disclosed in accordance with overseas
                    accounting standards and Chinese Accounting Standards
                       Applicable    √ Not Applicable

                    Apart from the financial statements prepared in accordance with International Accounting
                    Standards, the Company has not prepared financial statements in accordance with other
                    overseas accounting standards.

           (III) Explanation on difference in domestic and overseas accounting standards.
                       Applicable    √ Not Applicable

           √ Applicable         Not Applicable

                                                                                             Unit and Currency: RMB

              Non-recurring profit and loss items                                                           Amount

              Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets, including the write-off of
                provision for asset impairment                                                         -24,802,715.11
              Government subsidies included in current profit or loss, except for government
                subsidies that are closely related to the Company’s normal business operations,
                conformed to requirements of state policies and granted according to specific
                criteria, and have a sustained impact on the Company’s profit or loss                 373,800,184.84
              Profit or loss arising from changes in fair value of financial assets and financial
                liabilities held by non-financial entities, and profit or loss arising from disposal
                of financial assets and financial liabilities, except for effective hedging activities
                related to the Company’s normal business operations                                   -29,489,597.82
              Other non-operating income and expenses except the aforementioned items                   -3,829,918.04
              Less: Effect of income tax                                                                46,231,142.38
                     Effect of minority equity interest (After Tax)                                      9,733,324.65

              Total                                                                                  259,713,486.84

           For the Company’s recognition of items that are not listed in the “Explanatory Announcement on
           Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 — Non-recurring
           Profit or Loss” as non-recurring profit or loss items and the amount of which is significant, and for
           non-recurring profit or loss items as illustrated in the “Explanatory Announcement on Information
           Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 — Non-recurring Profit or Loss”
           designated as recurring profit or loss items, reasons shall be specified.

                  Applicable   √ Not Applicable

     X.    OTHERS
                  Applicable   √ Not Applicable

10   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
         Section III Management Discussion and

     Founded in 1984, the Company is committed to being an enterprise of the times. Through relentless
     innovation and iterations, we seize opportunities in the industry by continuously launching innovative
     products that steer market development. After more than 30 years, the Company has become a global
     leader in the major home appliance industry, as well as a pioneer in global smart home solutions.

          Global leader of the major home appliance industry: According to data from Euromonitor — an
          authoritative market researcher, the Company ranked first in terms of sales volume in global
          major appliance market for 15 consecutive years. The Company has a global portfolio of brands,
          including Haier, Casarte, Leader, GE Appliances, Candy, Fisher&Paykel and AQUA. From 2008 to
          2023, Haier brand refrigerators and washing machines ranked first among global major home
          appliance brands in sales volume for 16 and 15 consecutive years respectively.

          Pioneer of global smart home solutions: Capitalizing on our full-range home appliances products,
          the Company is recognized by Euromonitor as one of the first in the industry to introduce smart
          home solutions. San Yi Niao remained committed to the mission of “providing smart home
          experience for a better home”, by enhancing three major capabilities in respect of customisation
          capability, delivery capability and intelligence capability, we have been dedicated to providing
          customised and specialised smart home appliance solutions for users.

     Over the years, the Company has established a business layout that includes smart solutions for food
     storage and cooking, laundry, air and water, the Overseas Home Appliance and Smart Home
     Business, and Other Business.

                                                                    Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   11
     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

           The Company provides a full range of home appliance products and value-added services in global
           market through Haier Smart Home APP and San Yi Niao APP, supplemented by our offline experience
           centres, to cater for users’ needs for different lifestyle scenarios. Smart Home Business comprises
           Household Food Storage and Cooking Solutions, Household Laundry Management Solutions, Air
           Solutions (Internet of Air), and Household Water Solutions (Internet of Water).

                  Household Food Storage and Cooking Solutions: Through selling products such as refrigerators,
                  freezers, kitchen appliances in global market, as well as providing one-stop smart kitchen
                  scenario solutions and ecosystem solutions including smart cooking and nutrition planning, the
                  Company fully addresses users’ need for convenient, healthy and tasteful gourmet experiences.

                  Household Laundry Management Solutions: Haier’s washing machine focuses on applying original
                  technologies to directly solve users’ pain points in home living scenarios and create new
                  experiences and value for users. With a product lineup of washing machines, tumble dryers, all
                  in-one laundry machines, garment care machines, and heated drying racks, the Company has
                  evolved from selling individual products to providing scenario-based solutions and offering end
                  to-end laundry care services. For example, the Zhongzihemei (             ) three-in-one washer
                  combines washing, drying, and fabric care functions into a single unit, and the Essence Wash
                  washing machine reduces washing time and improves cleaning effectiveness by producing a
                  highly concentrated detergent solution that can quickly soak into clothes through detergent pre
                  mixing and high pressure spraying.

                  Air Solutions (Internet of Air):

                  Home air conditioners: Through worldwide sales, the Company provides products such as home
                  air-conditioners and fresh air systems, as well as a comprehensive range of full-cycle solutions
                  including coordination of multiple air-conditioners and purifiers, adaptive air flow, air quality
                  monitoring and air disinfection, thereby delivering a healthy and comfortable experience at home
                  and during commute that caters to the user needs in terms of air temperature, humidity and

                  Smart buildings: The Company is committed to becoming a leader in efficient, sustainable and
                  smart building solutions based on the state’s “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” strategy.
                  Focusing on the business areas of smart control, environment, energy and system integration of
                  buildings, the Company provides green and smart building solutions integrating “technology +
                  experience + space” for government and commercial buildings, railways, schools, and hospitals.

                  Household Water Solutions (Internet of Water): Through providing worldwide users with electric
                  water heaters, gas water heaters, solar water heaters, air energy heat pump water heaters, POE
                  water purifiers, POU water purifiers, water softening equipment, the Company offers smart water
                  solutions including interactions between water heaters and purifiers, and between heating
                  appliances and water heaters, so as to comprehensively cater to users’ needs for water
                  purification, softening and heating.

12   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                   Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

The Company manufactures and sells a comprehensive portfolio of home appliance products and
provides value-added services in more than 200 countries and regions, including North America,
Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Japan, Middle East and Africa.

In the overseas markets, the Company has been manufacturing and selling proprietary appliance
products catering for local users’ demands for more than 20 years. During the time, a number of
acquisitions contributed to our growth including acquisition of Haier Group Corporation’s overseas
white goods business (Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.’s white goods business in Japan and Southeast Asia)
in 2015, home appliances of GE in the US in 2016, Fisher&Paykel in 2018, and Candy in 2019. The
development of the Company’s overseas businesses has been fuelled by synergies among our
self-developed business and our acquired businesses.

At present, the overseas business of the Company has entered a stage of promising growth, having
achieved a multi-brand, cross-product and cross-regional presence on a global basis. According to
Euromonitor, the Company’s share of the global market (retail volume) for major home appliances in
key regions market share in 2023 is as follows: ranked first in Asia in terms of retail volume, with a
market share of 26%; ranked second in America, with a market share of 15.8%; ranked first in
Australia and New Zealand, with a market share of 14.6%. The Company ranked fourth in Europe with
a market share of 8.8%.

Other Businesses
Building on our established smart home businesses, the Company has also developed small home
appliances, cleaning robots, channel distribution and other businesses. In particular, the small home
appliance business primarily involves small home appliances designed by the Company, produced by
outsourced third-party manufacturers and sold under the Company’s brands, which serve to enrich our
smart home solutions product mix. The channel distribution business primarily offers distribution
services for products such as televisions and user electronics for the Haier Group or third-party
brands, which leverages the Company’s sales network.

During the reporting period, the Company was once again listed among the Top 500 World’s
Companies and named again as the 2024 World’s Most Admired Companies by the Fortune Magazine.
We are the only company being selected in Europe and Asia in the home appliances industry and are
the only selected company incorporated outside the US. Meanwhile, the Company is also the world’s
only Internet-of-Things (IoT) ecosystem brand being named again as BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable
Global Brands in 2024. At the same time, the Company was named again among Fortune’s China
ESG Impact list. The Company’s ESG effort has also been recognized by external rating agencies,
receiving an MSCI ESG rating of A, which is at leading levels within home appliance sector in China.
Haier Smart Home was selected into the three major ESG indices of the Hang Seng Index, including
the HSI ESG Enhanced Index, the HSI ESG Enhanced Select Index and the HSCEI ESG Enhanced

                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   13
     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

           √ Applicable        Not Applicable

           The Company has established a solid strategic presence and competitive advantage in global market.
           In China’s major home appliance market, the Company has long maintained a leading position across
           all product categories. According to CMM’s report, the Company has established a continued leading
           market position in key major home appliance categories during the reporting period. In overseas
           markets, the Company has adhered to its high-end brand creation strategy, building capacity to create
           leading sustainable growth, which has continuously improved its market share. Building on this
           foundation, the Company will further consolidate its leadership position in the industry by leveraging
           integrated synergies of its global unified platforms, through efficiency transformation driven by
           digitalization, and by leveraging its technological strength and innovative capabilities. As cornerstone for
           sustainable development, our “Rendanheyi (              )” Model also provided management guidance to
           the Company and enabled us to replicate successful experiences. It is believed that the following
           advantages will help the Company to continue to strengthen its leading position:

           (i)    Building up excellent high-end brand operation capabilities and creating a well-recognized
                  high-end brand through forward-looking layout and long-term investment in the global
                  market to achieve a leading market position.
                  To better meet the need of consumers in pursuit of quality life, the Company has started to
                  develop the high-end brand Casarte in the Chinese market more than 10 years ago. The creation
                  of high-end brands requires not only focus, experience and patience, but also continuous
                  innovation of technological standards and differentiated service capabilities to fulfil user demand
                  for high-quality experiences. The Casarte brand combined the Company’s global technological
                  strengths, product development capabilities and manufacturing craftsmanship, as well as privilege
                  marketing and differentiation services, which has won the trust of users in China’s high-end
                  market. According to data from CMM, the Casarte brand has assumed a definitive leading
                  position in China’s high-end major home appliance market in the first half of 2024, ranking first
                  in the retail sales of refrigerator, washing machine and air conditioner categories in the high-end
                  segment. Specifically, in terms of offline retail sales, shares of the Casarte brand of air
                  conditioners reached 32% in the market with product priced above RMB15,000 in China, while its
                  share of refrigerators and drum washing machines priced above RMB10,000 in the China’s
                  market reached 39.5% and 82.3% respectively.

                  In the North American market, the Company owns high-end brands such as Monogram, Café,
                  and GE Profile. In collaboration with the Qingdao headquarters, we enhanced our high-end brand
                  profile through launching leading products including Combo washers and dryers. Through the
                  creation of luxurious, customizable and smart technology-enabled user experience, our high-end
                  brands Monogram, Café and GE Profile have grown rapidly.

14   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                        Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

(ii)    Providing users with specialised and customised smart household solutions through the
        San Yi Niao brand with cross-household design focusing on scenario-based experience
        to carry out the mission of “providing smart home experience for a better home”.
        As users continued to demand for higher living quality, with its focus on the mission of
        “providing smart home experience for a better home”, San Yi Niao has been dedicated to
        providing customised and specialised smart home appliance solutions for users, strengthening its
        leadership around “customisation capabilities, delivery capabilities and intelligence capabilities”. In
        terms of customisation capabilities, San Yi Niao promotes one-stop customisation of the whole
        process through the digital middle platform to meet the personalized needs of users; in terms of
        delivery capabilities, San Yi Niao has established mature whole-process delivery standards, which
        can improve user experience through integrated delivery tools for smart home appliances. In
        terms of smart capabilities, San Yi Niao relies on Haier Smart Home’s main platform to achieve
        deep interconnection of the whole household, providing more boundless interaction and more
        active services.

(iii)   Extensive and solid global presence with localized operational capability
        In respect of overseas markets, the Company seeks overseas expansion of its own brands as
        well as synergies with acquired brands to develop overseas markets. Such business strategy has
        guided the Company to establish R&D, manufacturing and marketing three-in-one structure
        across multiple brands, products and regions, as well as the model of self-development,
        interconnection and synergized operation.

        The Company’s extensive global presence depends on its localized business teams as well as its
        flexible and autonomous management mechanisms established in various overseas markets,
        which have enabled the Company to gain rapid insights and respond swiftly to local user
        demands. The Company also proactively integrates into local markets and cultures and has
        established a corporate image that is recognized by local communities in the overseas regions
        where the Company operates.

        At present, the Company established 10+N innovative ecosystems, 122 manufacturing centres,
        and 108 marketing centres around the world, and achieved a coverage of nearly 230,000 points
        of sales in global markets.

(iv)    A comprehensive portfolio of proprietary brands recognised by users of all tiers
        Through organic growth and acquisitions, the Company has formed seven brand clusters,
        including Haier, Casarte, Leader, GE Appliances, Candy, Fisher&Paykel and AQUA. To address
        the needs of users from different tiers in various markets around the world, the Company has
        adopted a differentiated multi-brand strategy in different regions that centred around users, to
        achieve an extensive and in-depth user coverage. For example, in the Chinese market: the three
        brands of Casarte, Haier and Leader achieved the coverage of high-end, mainstream and niche
        market groups respectively; in the U.S. market, the six major brands such as Monogram, Café,
        GE Profile, GE, Haier, Hotpoint comprehensively covered all segments of high-end, mid-range
        and low-end markets, thereby meeting the preferences and needs of different types of users.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

           (v)    Cross-border acquisition and synergy realisation capabilities
                  The Company has an excellent track record of acquisition and integration. The Company has
                  acquired Haier Group Corporation’s overseas white goods business, including Sanyo Electric Co.,
                  Ltd.’s white goods businesses in Japan and Southeast Asia in 2015, the home appliance
                  business of General Electric in the US in 2016, the New Zealand company Fisher&Paykel (which
                  has been entrusted by the Haier Group since 2015) in 2018, and the Italian company Candy in
                  2019. The Company’s capability to perform acquisition and integration is reflected in the
                  following: First of all, the Company implements the “Rendanheyi (             )” Model in the
                  acquired companies, which is a value-added sharing mechanism for the whole-process team
                  under a common goal. Such model can motivate the acquired companies and their employees
                  and enable them to generate more value. Secondly, the Company made use of its global
                  platform to empower the acquired companies in terms of strategic planning, R&D and
                  procurement in order to enhance their competitiveness. Thirdly, the Company’s open and
                  inclusive corporate culture can support the acquired companies in establishing a flexible and
                  autonomous management mechanism, which can easily earn recognition from the acquired
                  companies and is conducive to the promotion of integration.

           (vi)   Comprehensive and in-depth global collaborations and empowerment
                  The Company has made full use of its global collaborative platform, as well as its integrated
                  functions of R&D, product development, procurement, supply chain, sales and brand marketing.
                  It was able to share and expand development experience to various markets around the world.
                  By strengthening the synergies among its global businesses, the Company has created a strong
                  driving force for its future development.

                         Global collaborative R&D: The Company has a global collaborative R&D system and has
                         established global technology R&D mechanisms to share common modules, utilize common
                         technologies, and share patents within the scope of compliance. For example, the
                         Company’s R&D team in China joined hands with FPA’s and CANDY’s R&D teams to
                         develop the H20 spray technology, which has been applied to freestanding and built-in
                         dishwashers of Haier, Fisher&Paykel, CANDY and HOOVER, hence strengthening the
                         Company’s product leadership.

                         Global collaborative product development: The Company has established a global product
                         development mechanism to facilitate regional collaboration and supplementation across
                         product categories. For example, the R&D teams in South Asia and China embarked on a
                         10-month collaboration, breaking away from the traditional product development model by
                         innovating on team organisation, quality control, product testing and cost control leveraging
                         complementary local resources, in order to develop the HRT-683 refrigerator which has
                         become a mainstream high-end product in the local market.

16   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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          Global collaborative procurement: The Company has established a global procurement
          committee to coordinate procurement activities. The committee has built a digital sourcing
          platform that brought together partners across industries and regions to develop an
          autonomous and controlled global supply chain ecosystem. The committee also created a
          global database of preferred suppliers and materials to achieve cost reduction by
          aggregating resources at the Company level. By unifying procurement rules and processes,
          the Company established a standardised operating system with differentiated procurement
          strategies to enhance efficiency while lowering risks. We have also developed a Company
          level digital procurement platform to enhance shared capabilities through connecting
          “materials, businesses, people and mechanisms” to the platform, thereby improving the
          resilience of our global supply chain.

          Global collaborative supply chain: The Company has built an end-to-end digital management
          system for the global supply chain that spanned from marketing to suppliers to production
          and logistics. Using intelligent algorithms, the system enabled real-time flexible deployment
          of production capacity, and factories across the globe could share and develop smart
          manufacturing technologies to boost competitiveness.

          Global collaborative marketing and brand promotion: The Company operates a multi-level
          brand portfolio with collaborative brand promotions. The Company also promotes and
          introduces successful marketing strategies among regional markets. For example, the
          Company successfully replicated its sales and marketing model of China’s third and fourth
          tier markets to markets such as India, Pakistan, and Thailand, strengthening the company’s
          brand image and regional market competitiveness.

(vii) Industry-leading R&D and technological capabilities
     Haier Smart Home delves into technological innovation to expedite the development of
     innovation-driven productivity that aims for high-end, smart and green upgrade. Leveraging on
     our industry-leading and comprehensive R&D presence, we constantly provide global users with
     home appliances that meet their needs and customise their smart and convenient way of living,
     thus enriching users’ life experience as well as cementing our leading position in high-end
     brands, scenario brands and ecosystem brands.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                         Leadership in original technologies:
                         In 2024, Haier Smart Home continued to innovate with a user-oriented approach and has
                         produced a series of scientific and technological innovations. It developed the
                         low-temperature intelligent unmanned retail technology, promoted the market-oriented
                         operation and management of frozen products, led the intelligent unmanned retail industry,
                         and promoted the comprehensive application of refrigerated intelligent unmanned retail
                         equipment. In view of the problems of elution and drying, such as unclean rinsing, high
                         noise of dehydration vibration, and accumulation of linen scraps in the air duct, we have
                         achieved breakthroughs in the research on elution and drying performance, with rinsing
                         capacity increasing by 7% and developing low vibration and low noise washing machines,
                         so as to achieve the effect of maintaining efficient drying for a long time. The industry’s first
                         thermal comfort control technology based on sleep staging has established the thermal
                         comfort equation (SPMV equation) based on sleep process to establish the relationship
                         between sleep and environmental parameters, filling the gap in the industry where there is
                         only the thermal sensation of the waking state but a lack of thermal comfort environmental
                         parameters in the sleep process.

                         Certification from authorities:
                         For the first half of 2024, the Company received a total of 17 State Science and
                         Technology Progress Award, more than any other company in the industry. The Company
                         won the Disruptive Technology Innovation Competition of the Ministry of Science and
                         Technology for two consecutive years, the highest accolade in the industry.

                         Leadership in patent quality:
                         For the first half of 2024, Haier Smart Home has accumulated more than 109,000 patents
                         applications globally, including more than 70,000 invention patents. The Company also
                         accumulated 12 state patent gold awards, ranking first in the domestic market.

                         In the ‘Global Smart Home Invention Patent Ranking’ in the first half of 2024, Haier Smart
                         Home ranked first in the world for the eleventh consecutive times with 3,109 published
                         patent applications.

                         Leadership in international standards:
                         For the first half of 2024, Haier Smart Home has cumulatively led and participated in the
                         drafting of 100 international standards and 708 state/industrial standards. We are the only
                         company in the industry to have participated in smart home standards from international
                         organizations including the IEC, ISO, IEEE, OCF and Matter. We are also the only
                         enterprise in the world to serve on both the IEC Board and the IEC Market Strategy Board,
                         which have enabled the Company to stay actively involved in the formulation of international

                         Leadership in experience design:
                         Haier won over 600 accolades, including international design awards such as the German
                         IF Design Award and the Red Dot Design Award. The Company won six international
                         design gold awards and won 3 China Excellent Industrial Design Gold Awards from the
                         Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which is the only enterprise in China that
                         have earned three consecutive gold awards.

18   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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   (viii) Sustainability
                Global ESG governance structure: Haier Smart Home has established a global ESG
                governance structure, including the ESG Committee of the Board of Directors, the ESG
                Global Executive Office, and the Global ESG Executive Working Group, which provides
                organisational support for the in-depth practice of ESG.

                Green development and low-carbon operation: Haier Smart Home has formulated the “6
                Green” strategy of green management throughout the entire life cycle, which includes
                “green design, green manufacturing, green marketing, green recycling, green disposal, and
                green procurement”, and promotes green actions throughout the entire life cycle. Haier
                Smart Home has integrated low-carbon, recycling, energy saving and emission reduction
                into its daily operations to promote green upgrading of the industry.

                Social responsibility and charity work: Haier Smart Home actively participates in public welfare
                projects such as the Hope Project, rural revitalisation, and emergency relief on a global
                scale, and continues to give back to society through donations and volunteer services.

                Leading ESG rating: Haier Smart Home has the leading rating among its peers in China in
                respect of the ESG ratings issued by three major organizations, namely CSI, MSCI and
                Wind, which demonstrates its excellent performance in environmental, social responsibility
                and corporate governance.

   (ix)   Staying committed to the principle of ‘value of people comes first’
          ‘Value of people comes first’ has always been a guiding principle for Haier’s development. From
          the autonomous operation team at the start of the venture to the current “Rendanheyi (
             )” model, Haier encourages every employee to maximize their own values while creating values
          for users. In Haier’s “Rendanheyi (           )” model, ‘Ren’ refers to creators; ‘Dan’ refers to user
          value; ‘Heyi’ refers to the integration of values realized by employees and the values created for
          users. ‘Value of people comes first’ is the highest purpose of the “Rendanheyi (                        )”

          Haier Smart Home adheres to the values of recognizing users’ demand as priority and denying
          our own perceptions and is committed to the ‘two creative spirits’ of entrepreneurship and
          innovation. We turned employees into creators, implementers into entrepreneurs, and transformed
          enterprises into open ecosystem platforms, which have supported the Company to become a
          global leader of smart home in the Internet of Things era.

   Part 1: Discussion and analysis on overall operations
   During the reporting period, in response to changing environment, the Company advanced end-to-end
   digital transformation, improved user experience and operational efficiency, to improve profitability.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

           In the first half of 2024, the Company recorded sales revenue of RMB135.623 billion, a 3.0% increase
           compared to the same period in 2023. The following factors are contributing to revenue changes.

           In domestic markets, despite weak momentum in the white goods sector, particularly against a 14.5%
           drop in air conditioner retail sales, the Company managed to grew revenue by 2.3% in the first half
           this year, leveraging multi-brand product lineup and innovative new media marketing strategies.

           The Company’s revenue from overseas markets grew by 3.7% in the first half of the year. In
           developed markets like the U.S. and Europe, where inflation suppressed demand, the Company
           increased market share by launching high-end products, optimizing supply chain, and improving
           operational efficiency. In rapidly growing South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East & Africa, the
           Company strengthened supply chain and distribution network, enhanced high-end product lineup and
           increased price indices to achieve 9.9% revenues growth in South Asia, 12.4% in Southeast Asia and
           26.8% in Middle East & Africa in the first half this year.

           In the first half of 2024, the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company was
           RMB10.42 billion, representing a 16.3% increase from the same period in 2023. The net profit
           attributable to the shareholders of the parent company after deducting non-recurring profit or loss
           amounted to RMB10.161 billion, representing a growth of 18.1% compared to the same period in

           In the first half of 2024, the Company’s gross profit margin was 30.6%, up 0.2 percentage points
           compared to the same period in 2023, leveraging digitalizing procurement, R&D, and manufacturing to
           coordinate production and sales management systems in domestic market; while we improved cost
           competitiveness with digital procurement platform and enhanced utilization through global supply chain

           The selling expense ratio in the first half of 2024 was 13.8%, an improvement of 0.5 percentage points
           compared to the same period in 2023, leveraging digitally enhanced efficiency in marketing resource
           allocation, logistics network and warehouse management.

           The administrative expense ratio in the first half of 2024 was 3.8%, an improvement of 0.3 percentage
           points compared to the same period in 2023, leveraging streamlining business processes, and
           enhancing organizational efficiency.

           The financial expense ratio in the first half of 2024 was 0.04% (“+” as expenses, “ — ” as income), an
           increase of 0.05 percentage points compared to the same period in 2023 as higher interest income
           from improved capital management could not offset the increase in interest payment.

           The Company’s net cash flow from operating activities in the first half of 2024 was RMB7.818 billion,
           an increase of RMB1.028 billion year-on-year, achieved from increased operating profit and enhanced
           operational efficiency during the period.

20   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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I.   Household Food Storage and Cooking Solutions
     (I) Refrigeration business
         In the first half of 2024, the Company maintained technological leadership and accelerated
         overseas high-end brand transformation to improve product competitiveness and market
         share. During the reporting period, the Company’s global refrigerator revenue reached
         RMB41.128 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1.8%.

          According to Gfk, the Company consolidated leadership with offline retail share of 44.1%,
          and an online retail share of 39% in China; the Company’s retail volume share also went up
          by 0.4 percentage points reaching 22.9% overseas.

          The Company leveraged global technology platforms to accelerate development in integrated
          appliances & furniture solutions, freshness preservation, and ice-making. MSA oxygen control
          preservation was also made available on more products, to offer user better value for their
          purchase. In response to users’ needs for integrated home appliances and furnishings Casarte
          launched built-in Ultra-realm (      ) 600/601 refrigerator which contributed 98% growth in
          sales volume of seamless built-in units during the first half of the year.

          Domestic market
          The Company focused on creating optimal user experiences by leveraging multi-brand
          portfolio of Haier, Casarte and Leader, catering to specific user needs with distinct value
          propositions. Haier refrigerators concentrated on full-space freshness preservation
          technology and smart features, introduced the world’s first full-space smart preservation
          compartment. This innovation combined freshness preservation technology with smart
          interaction for superior food storage and management. Casarte refrigerators pioneered
          high-end integration of home appliances and furnishings by expanding its built-in range.
          Leader attracted trendy users through performance and aesthetic design, new launches in
          the first half including Little European style (     ) series, featuring light green colour,
          rounded exterior and drawer-style door design.

          Overseas markets
          The Company remained committed to premium building by introducing high-end products
          tailored to local demands overseas. In Western European market, the Company
          strengthened leading position in multi-door, large-capacity units and while making
          breakthrough in side-by-side refrigerators, helping Haier brand price index increase to 147.
          In South Asian market, the Company tailored high-end products to meet local needs,
          achieving a year-on-year volume growth of 50%. In the Australia, Fisher & Paykel
          concentrated on ultra-high-end home appliances integrated with home furnishings, with a
          brand price index reaching 200, while Haier brand targeted mid to high-end mainstream
          market, to maintain leadership while elevating its price index to 108.

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                  (II)   Kitchen appliance business
                         In the first half of 2024, the kitchen appliance business focused on iterating product
                         platforms, expanding product lineup, and enhancing presence in home improvement
                         channels to achieve a global revenue of RMB20.275 billion, a year-on-year increase of

                         According to Gfk, in China, the Company’s ranked the third in the offline market with 8.6%
                         retail share, up 0.2 percentage points year-on-year while online retail share went up by 0.7
                         percentage reaching 5.1%. Casarte ovens ranked first in the price segment above
                         RMB11,000. In the North America, built-in and microwave products continued to gain
                         market share against headwind. In Europe, Haier continued to grow and ranked amongst
                         Top 4 despite industry downtown.

                         Domestic market
                         The Company further expanded the kitchen appliance lineup and upgraded product
                         competitiveness: Casarte launched a seamless built-in smart lift range hood, an ultra-thin
                         built-in gas stove, and a steam oven featuring waterless fresh steam and moisture-control
                         roasting technology, all of which contributed to the brand’s 0.8 percentage points share
                         gain in high-end market.

                         The Company enhanced presence in home improvement channels by developing
                         partnerships with cabinet manufacturers and interior designing firms. The Company
                         managed to grow domestic revenue despite challenging market environment by promoting
                         content marketing and highlighting local renovations projects to stimulate replacement
                         demand and capture opportunities from kitchen remodelling projects.

                         Overseas markets
                         In North American market, the Company successfully launched a new generation of
                         dishwashers featuring stainless steel interiors, which ensured durability, high efficiency, with
                         excellent cleaning and drainage performance. Café’s new-generation stainless steel
                         dishwasher earned the “2024 Great Design Awards” by the renowned Architectural Digest
                         for its exceptional flexibility and customization options. The Company launched a new
                         model of freestanding ovens and committed USD 118 million to upgrade production line of
                         new SKUs.

           II.    Household Laundry Solutions
                  In the first half of 2024, the washing machine business implemented innovation R&D,
                  omni-channel marketing, and overall cost optimization to achieve a global revenue of RMB29.737
                  billion, representing a 5.0% increase year-on-year. According to Gfk, in China, the Company
                  continued to lead the industry with 46.5% offline retail share and 38.1% online retail share. The
                  Company remained dominant in the high-end market, with a share of 83% in the price segment
                  above RMB10,000. According to Euromonitor, the Company achieved top market share in 10
                  countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and Vietnam.

22   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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       Domestic market
       The Company consistently delivered high-quality laundry experiences to consumers. The
       Company solidify market leadership by introducing leading products such as the Casarte
       Ultra-realm (    ) series Utilizing advanced technologies like 3D drying assessment, wet cleaning,
       and quadruple filtration. The Company also increased average ticket price by offering integrated
       laundry solutions while improving user engagement leveraging air wash and wet cleaning in-store

       In response to changing consumption trends, the Company adjusted Leader brand strategy,
       launching products that resonated with younger users to achieve rapid growth; in addition to
       enhancing retail capabilities offline, the Company also bolstered marketing efforts on new media
       including Douyin and Xiaohongshu to amplify brand influence and create a comprehensive user
       service experience, successfully captured young consumers, enhanced brand awareness and
       improved user recognition.

       Overseas markets
       The Company launched highly differentiated and competitive products, with effective retail
       channel management strategies, resulting in continued market share growth. In the North
       American market, heat pump COMBO washer-dryers remained best-sellers and increased
       high-end share. In Europe, the Company launched the X11 Fresh Air series washing machines,
       which could replace the air inside the drum every two minutes, effectively preventing bacterial
       growth. Their energy efficiency also surpassed the European A-class energy rating by 50%. In
       India, the Company maintained high-end product strategy, actively expanded into premium
       distribution channels and improved retail traffic conversion to achieve over 30% revenue growth.

III.   Air Solutions
       During the reporting period, the Company’s air solution business realized revenue of RMB29.235
       billion, up 3.8% year-on-year.

       (I)   Home air conditioner business
             In the first half of 2024, the home air conditioner business actively expanded new HVAC
             product lines while enhancing competitiveness in products, marketing and supply chains, to
             achieve global revenue growth.

             According to Gfk, the Company’s offline and online retail share of standing and
             wall-mounted units reached 17.95% and 10.4% respectively in China and ranked first in
             Pakistan and Malaysia.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                         The Company expanded ducted air conditioners, fresh air systems, and residential central
                         air conditioners, while increasing investment in energy-saving air conditioning systems and
                         smart IoT technologies. The Company also enhanced product quality and cost
                         competitiveness leveraging digital transformation and product platform strategies. In the first
                         half of the year, average individual model output increased by 10%, and component
                         standardization improved by 5%. At the same time, the Company accelerated vertical
                         supply chain integration by commencing production at Zhengzhou compressor joint venture
                         in April this year as well as increasing in-house component production in Hefei to improve
                         efficiency and cost competitiveness.

                         Domestic market
                         The Company accelerated retail transformation by integrating online and offline channels,
                         strengthening franchised stores and improving network coverage in rural areas. The
                         Company implemented omnichannel marketing strategy to enhance user acquisition and
                         conversion by promoting in-store product demonstration and creating bestsellers online. In
                         addition, revenue from Leader brand grew over 40% in the first half of the year by
                         accelerating development online to capture younger users.

                         Overseas markets
                         Benefited from long-term strategic investments in product iteration, professional channel
                         development, and localized supply chains across South Asia and Southeast Asia, the
                         Company seized opportunities from growing emerging countries and product upgrade
                         demand in developed markets. In the first half of the year, overseas revenue maintained
                         rapid growth. During the reporting period, the Company strengthened presence in the
                         Middle East, Africa, and Japan by upgrading variable frequency portable systems, RV air
                         conditioners, and Japanese split units.

                  (II)   Smart building business
                         The smart building business gained share in both domestic and export market by
                         advancing core compressor technologies, maintaining a leading edge in air and magnetic
                         levitation, boosting in-house manufacturing of key components, and strengthening
                         professional solutions and services. According to China IOL, the Company’s domestic
                         market share increased by 1.2 percentage points year-on-year to 10.5%, while export
                         market share rose by 2.8 percentage points year-on-year to 12.5%.

24   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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           The Company continuously iterated product platform through technology breakthroughs,
           leading the industry in energy saving, carbon reduction, and smart control trends. We
           developed a 500–1,200 cooling ton air-suspended, oil-free centrifugal chiller, which
           completed large-capacity chiller lineup and enhanced market competitiveness.
           Breakthroughs in scroll compressors and large standard centrifugal compressors
           strengthened cost-competitiveness. Our new-generation IoT multi-split system provided
           energy-efficient and smart solutions throughout its lifecycle, the increased domestic share of
           multi-split products in the first half of the year has boosted profitability. In the European
           market, the Company addressed demand for energy-efficient buildings with heat pump
           products using eco-friendly refrigerant R290, which featured a heating COP of up to 5.5
           with multiple anti-freezing functions.

           Domestic market
           The Company unlocked growth opportunities by strengthening county-level presence,
           eliminated coverage gaps and expanding network coverage. Targeting diverse application
           scenarios, such as real estate and underground transportation systems, we categorized
           strategic user groups to improve client acquisition, scenario-based solution implementation,
           and maintenance services, facilitating a shift from standalone HVAC products to integrated
           building solutions. During the reporting period, the Company secured a RMB200 million
           contract with Shanghai Metro, positioning us as a leader in the rail transit industry.

           Overseas markets
           The Company capitalized on our leading position in wireless multi-split and air & magnetic
           levitation products. By offering comprehensive solutions featuring our light commercial,
           multi-split, water chiller, point-of-use, heat pump, and smart control series, we catered to
           diverse regional, and scenario needs while establishing a professional brand image in
           overseas markets. We advanced the development of integrated sales centres that
           combined user experience, product display, employee training, and sales operations to
           enhance our professional capabilities in design, installation, and services, and boost our
           industry reputation. In the rapidly growing global data centre sector, the Company won a
           data centre project in Malaysia with a scale exceeding 12,000 refrigeration tons, providing
           professional air-cooled magnetic levitation solutions for the facility.

IV.   Household Water Solutions
      During the reporting period, the household water solution business achieved a global revenue of
      RMB8.106 billion, up 6.6% year-on-year.

      In China, the Company launched innovative products including Casarte crystal tank series with
      skin-care features; while 20,000 units of brand new dual-tank heaters have been sold
      strengthening Casarte’s market leadership in water heater unit priced RMB5,000- 8,000. Haier
      Little Magic box with filtration, anti-bacteria, lime scale and chlorine reduction functions helped
      the Company become number one in units priced over RMB3,000.

                                                                 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   25
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                  Product upgrade also contributed to over 20% overseas revenue growth. In Malaysia, over
                  10,000 units of instant hot water units were sold, almost five times the volume sold last year. In
                  Europe, introduction of dual-tank electrical water heaters addressed the weakness in the heat
                  pump market. The Company also made breakthrough in developing new markets in Algeria.

                  On 17 July 2024, the Company entered the transaction with Electrolux Group in Sweden to
                  acquire 100% equity interest in Electrolux South Africa Proprietary Limited (“ESA”), its subsidiary
                  engaging in water heater business in South Africa. The acquisition is a crucial step in the
                  strategic development in African market. Leveraging Kwikot’s extensive HVAC channel and
                  service coverage, Haier will realize synergies in product and supply chain management to expand
                  water heater lineups and unlock potentials in solar water heaters and water purifiers.

           V.     China Operation
                  During the reporting period, the Company capitalized on growth opportunities among young
                  consumers, replacement buyers, and pre-installation customers through continuous innovation in

                  Network Expansion offline
                  Enhancing competitiveness in offline channels
                  By strengthening San Yi Niao’s capability in scenario planning, integrated cabinet and appliance
                  design, and scenario implementation, the Company improved “scenario         design    delivery
                  service” experience, meeting the growing demand for kitchen and bathroom renovations.

                  The Company enhanced presence in shopping malls to create hubs for brand promotion, image
                  showcase, solution experience, member engagement, ecosystem co-creation, and traffic
                  monetization, effectively improving user traffic acquisition and conversion.

                  The Company also made use of digital mapping tools to identify network gaps, enhanced
                  coverage and retail competitiveness by empowering local micro enterprises, optimizing resource
                  allocation and accelerating mechanism reforms.

                  Model innovation online
                  By implementing strategies POP store cloud-based warehouse integration and lean user
                  management, the Company was able to expand product portfolio, facilitate inventory sharing,
                  enhance warehouse and logistics capabilities and promote precise user marketing to improve
                  efficiency in user management and product turnover, all of which contributed to 17% GMV
                  growth online during 618 Festival with retail share reaching 22.3%, up 1.8 percentage points

                  Multi-Brand Strategy
                  The Company accelerated iterations of original technologies to expand Casarte’s leading
                  advantages and achieve revenue growth against the headwind. By enhancing product suite
                  offerings and spearheading the integration of home appliances with furnishings leveraging Nebula
                  (     ) and Ultra-realm (    ) series, the Company increased user value and brand recognition
                  while suite sales revenue surged 145% year-on-year in the first half of 2024. The Company also
                  launched product series online featuring natural aesthetics in appearance and industrial design, to
                  attract younger users and expand brand recognition.

26   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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      The Company addressed the needs of young consumers and achieved a retail sales growth of
      31% from Leader brand in the first half of the year by launching popular products such as the
      Vitality (   ) air conditioner and Cloud (    ) washing machine. The Company also introduced
      “fun small appliances” for trendy travel and camping experiences. On the other hand, the
      Company renovated marketing strategies to enhance presence on Douyin and Kuaishou and
      integrated in-store livestreaming to achieve a growth of 402%. Additionally, the Company
      strengthened partnership with JD and Tmall Campus channel to target young audiences and
      expand user base.

VI.   Overseas markets
      In the first half of 2024, the Company’s overseas revenue amounted to RMB70.824 billion, up
      3.7% compared to the same period in 2023.

      The revenue growth stemmed from commitment to strategic positioning, leveraging global R&D
      resources and maintaining technological leadership. In response to diverse market demands, the
      Company expanded product lineup by enriching mid-range and entry-level offerings alongside
      high-end products. Building on strengths in traditional categories, the Company enhanced HVAC
      and small appliance offerings. Meanwhile, the Company expedited network coverage in emerging
      markets, enhanced brand image in mainstream channels, improved conversion rates,
      strengthened localized social media presence to increase brand awareness, implemented
      organizational reform and accelerated supply chain deployment in Belt and Road countries to
      capitalize on growth opportunities.

      1.   North America
           In the first half of 2024, despite weakness in the U.S. home appliance market, the
           Company achieved revenue of RMB39.079 billion, and outperformed the U.S. home
           appliance market with core appliance market share growing across all product categories.

           The Company continued to enhance leadership in high-end products, successfully
           launching a new generation of oven range series with easy-to-clean baking trays, Café/
           Profile’s new stainless-steel interior dishwasher series, and innovative products such as the
           Profile 2.0 chewable ice maker. Profile’s smart indoor smoker, the industry’s first and only
           indoor smoker appliance, offered consumers a novel and convenient way to experience
           smoked cooking and earned the Best of CES Award in 2024.

           The Company continued to expand into new channels and invest in accelerating new
           industry development. At the 2024 AHR Expo, our Air and Water Solutions introduced the
           new RealMAX gas water heater and the new-generation dual heat pump, dual heat
           recovery system VRF MRV-5H, providing high efficiency and superior comfort for multi-room
           commercial spaces.

           During the reporting period, we maintained leading position in construction channels.
           Despite weak consumer momentum and competitive pressures, the Company outperformed
           the industry by capitalizing on key sales events and became the top performer at the
           BrandSource and Nationwide spring sales exhibitions.

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                         For the 6th consecutive year, the Company was named “Smart Appliance Company of the
                         Year” by IoT Breakthrough. The Company innovatively launched the Eco Balance smart
                         energy management solution, jointly developed with multiple ecosystem partners, providing
                         optimal whole-house energy management solutions for net-zero homes in the U.S. The
                         Company received the Great Place to Work certification for the third time, indicating our
                         position among top-tier enterprises in providing an excellent work environment for

                  2.     Europe
                         In Europe, the Company recorded revenue of RMB14.505 billion, up 9.2% year-on-year,
                         and market share increased by 0.1 percentage points.

                         During the reporting period, the Company continued to accelerate strategic upgrade and
                         launched several new product platforms that are expected to contribute to long term
                         growth. Almost 150 new products covering Haier, New Candy and Hoover brands are
                         planned for the premium kitchen appliance platform to provide comprehensive kitchen
                         solutions. The first batch of new products have been launched in over 150 stores in Spain,
                         France, Italy, and Poland. The Company also introduced 905 French Door refrigerator series
                         with class A energy efficiency and New Candy series were launched in 489 stores.

                         Industry leading front-loading washing machine entered the entire Darty store network in
                         France, significantly contributing to profit growth. High-end OLED series, mini M95/C900
                         series were also launched in Spain to capture specific demand for playing games and
                         watching sports programmes.

                         On the manufacturing front, the new kitchen appliances factory in Turkey continued to ramp
                         up its production capacity leveraging coordinated R&D, production platforms and order

                  3.     Australia & New Zealand
                         In Australia and New Zealand, the Company recorded revenue of RMB3.225 billion, up
                         9.3% year-on-year. Connected products grew by 76% and led the market with 2.8
                         percentage points volume share gain and 2.9 percentage points revenue share gain in
                         Australia. In New Zealand, Haier and Fisher & Paykel brand outperformed the industry with
                         0.6 percentage points market share gain.

                         The Company remained dedicated to meeting consumer demand with cutting-edge
                         technology and innovative products such as Haier’s 8-star energy efficiency refrigerator,
                         which directly contributed to 7.4 percentage points market share gain in bottom-mounted
                         refrigerators; Haier’s ultra-thin tumble dryer integrated heat pump technology to achieve
                         7-star energy efficiency; Fisher & Paykel also introduced self-cleansing 48 inch oven and
                         induction cooktop, as well as series 7 and 9 dishwasher with leading energy efficiency

                         On the other hand, the Company enhanced presence in mainstream channels such as
                         Winnings with Fisher & Paykel’s popular built-in refrigerator range and made effort to
                         improve in-store display of Haier’s kitchen appliances in New Zealand.

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4.   South Asia
     During the period, revenue from South Asian market grew 9.9% year-on-year to RMB6.542

     In India, sales revenue grew by over 25% year-on-year, attributable to long-term investment
     across the value chain, including products, distribution channels, and after-sales that
     successfully built a highly localized operational platform with well-established brand

     The Company leveraged global-leading R&D capabilities and local insights to launch
     innovative products such as the side-by-side refrigerator with seamless welding technology,
     significantly improved product lifespan and gained popularity with local consumers,
     capturing over 20% market share. Meanwhile, Haier enhanced cost competitiveness by
     increasing in-house production of injection moulding parts.

     The Company adhered to value-sharing with channel partners, focusing on expanding
     network and refining retail operations to ensure strong brand visibility online and offline.
     Haier’s physical retail network covered 61% of premium areas and successfully expanded
     into 52% of towns and villages. The Company also expanded presence online to capture
     growth opportunities.

     Haier recognized the importance of serin enhancing user experience and ensuring product
     quality. Currently, Haier has established an after-sales service team of over 5,000
     employees in India, ensuring exceptional customer support and boosting the brand’s

     In Pakistan, the Company maintained growth momentum by enhancing distribution
     channels, expanding local manufacturing, upgrading franchised store network while
     developing partnerships with Coca-Cola and Unilever. The Company also focused on
     building local supply chain, the second phase of the refrigerator factory is expected to
     approaching complete soon with 300,000 units annual capacity. Kitchen appliance
     production was also localized with an annual capacity of 100,000 units.

5.   Southeast Asia
     During the period, the Company realized revenue of RMB3.492 billion in Southeast Asia, up
     12.4% year-on-year.

     In Southeast Asia, the Company increased market share through product mix upgrade,
     improved offline channel efficiency, social media brand promotion, and local supply chain
     deployment. In Thailand, we upgraded the self-cleaning feature of air conditioners with UV
     sterilization technology, addressing the market demand for healthy living and achieving a
     28% growth in air conditioner sales. In Vietnam, we launched AQUA refrigerators featuring
     ABT dynamic sterilization and HCS moisture lock compartments. The Company also
     introduced smart Color AI washing machines driving AQUA’s market share reach 20%.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                         Regarding distribution channels, the Company effectively improved retail ticket prices and
                         competitiveness leveraging store development and product upgrade. We established 86
                         new AQUA store in Indonesia and secured prime space in CANDI Bali, Indonesia’s second
                         largest retail channel to enhance premium brand image. The Company implemented a
                         user-centric approach to enhance experience using measures including promoting online/
                         offline integration, providing personalized marketing and establishing a presence on local
                         search engines and content platforms in Vietnam. The Company also strengthened local
                         supply chain deployment. Construction of a new air conditioner factory commenced in
                         Thailand in April, refrigerator factory in Vietnam has been upgraded to secure production
                         capacity for both local and neighbouring markets.

                  6.     Japan
                         During the period, revenue amounted to RMB1.827 billion in Japan, down 6.2%
                         year-on-year, a growth of 2.4% in local currency.

                         In Japan, the Company implemented a dual-brand strategy with AQUA and Haier,
                         enhancing retail competitiveness through product upgrades, channel expansion, and
                         marketing innovation. The Company captured demands for high-efficiency and smart
                         appliances with AQUA’s compact, large-capacity heat pump front-load series and the
                         upgraded TX multi-door/TZ ultra-thin large refrigerator to achieve over 30% year-on-year
                         growth in AQUA’s 500L+ extra-large refrigerators and a 125% growth in heat pump
                         front-load washers. Haier’s ultra-slim three-door refrigerators and variable-frequency
                         washers both grew over 30%. The Company entered air conditioner sector and accelerated
                         online expansion in response to user trends, creating new growth opportunities. Through
                         innovative activities and omni-channel promotion, the Company increased visibility and user
                         conversion rates, maintaining leading market share for refrigerator and freezer products in

                  7.     Middle East & Africa
                         During the period, revenue from the Middle East and Africa grew 26.8% year-on-year to
                         RMB1.475 billion.

                         During the reporting period, the Company drove rapid growth through localized
                         manufacturing, operation upgrades and business acquisitions. During the reporting period,
                         the first phase of Egypt eco-park in Egypt commenced production, localizing the
                         manufacturing of air conditioners and washing machines, reducing operational costs, to
                         accelerate development in Egypt and surrounding markets. The Company strengthened
                         operation and retail capabilities by focusing on brand and product mix upgrades to improve
                         user experience across different countries and promote mid-to-high-end products. The
                         Company announced the acquisition of Electrolux’s water heater business in South Africa.
                         This acquisition will support the development of solar water heaters and water purifiers in
                         local market, while leveraging Kwikot’s channel advantages to promote Haier’s refrigerators,
                         washing machines amongst others in South Africa and surrounding markets.

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VII.   Digital transformation
       During the reporting period, the Company continued to advance digital transformation along the
       entire value chain, enhancing competitiveness in user management, R&D, cost management and
       order fulfilment. In the first half of the year, the Company’s selling and administrative expense
       ratio optimized by 0.8 percentage points.

       Enhancing User Management Competitiveness
       The Company adopted AI-generated content (AIGC) to improve the quality and efficiency of
       marketing content, while utilizing digital platforms to manage media placement costs and
       improved effectiveness through data-driven strategy optimization. During the reporting period,
       traffic acquisition costs in the domestic market were optimized by 28%.

       The Company carried out digital upgrade of marketing strategies through operating a matrix of
       new media accounts and integrating Douyin platform resources to improve traffic acquisition and
       conversion. In the first half of the year, the proportion of digital retail increased by 25.7%.

       Improving Product R&D and Cost Competitiveness
       The Company focused on full product lifecycle management, enhancing capabilities in user
       insights, product launch and exit strategies, R&D engineering, and cross-functional integration,
       effectively shortened R&D cycles and enhanced user experience. In the first half of the year,
       average model output in the domestic market increased by 7%.

       The Company also integrated AI and OCR technologies to automatically identify cost factors and
       build cost models, enabling one-click procurement price comparisons. Cost comparison models
       have been established for over 100 types of materials while common component ratio increased
       by 13%.

       The Company achieved precise pre-production planning and efficient in-process operations
       through smart management of labour, machinery, materials, methods, and environment, to
       improve order execution accuracy. In the first half of the year, manufacturing (manufacturing and
       logistics in factories) cost was optimized by 0.3%, and production efficiency increased by 8%.

       Increasing Order Fulfilment Efficiency
       The Company achieved real-time responsiveness to customer needs through sharing data in
       sales, supply, production, and logistics, expediting lead time by 12% in the domestic market.

       Furthermore, the Company upgraded smart order platform to optimize allocation based on cost
       efficiency and reduce cost.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

           Industry overview for the first half of 2024
           1.   Domestic market
                In the first half of 2024, sluggish real estate sector and weak consumer confidence suppressed
                demand and put pressure on the white goods sector. According to AVC, retail sales of white
                goods and kitchen & bathroom products fell 6.2% year-on-year to RMB290.5 billion in the first
                half of 2024, while retail volume decreased 2.4% to 113.93 million units. The performance of
                major sub-sectors was as follows:

                  (1)    Home air conditioning industry
                         In the first half of 2024, persistent rainfall in eastern and southern China dampened market
                         demand. The industry’s earlier shipment in the first quarter of 2024, coupled with pressure
                         on end-user demand, led to elevated inventory levels and intensified competition. According
                         to AVC, in the first half of 2024, the air conditioner market’s total sales volume dropped
                         11.0% year-on-year to 33.15 million units across all channels, while sales revenue
                         decreased 14.5% year-on-year to RMB111.4 billion. The proportion of low-priced models
                         increased: according to AVC, online sales of 1.5 HP wall-mounted units priced below
                         RMB2,000 accounted for 22.8% of total sales volume, a year-on-year increase of 6.1
                         percentage points; whereas the offline product mix ratio of 1.5 HP wall-mounted units
                         priced above RMB3,500 dropped from 49.6% to 41.9% year-on-year.

                         As consumers’ increasing attention to air quality and preference towards integration of
                         home appliances and furnishings is driving structural upgrades as the industry shifts from
                         standing and wall-mounted products to integrated HVAC solutions.

                  (2)    Refrigerator industry
                         Overall market remained replacement-driven. According to AVC, in the first half of 2024,
                         China’s refrigerator market achieved a total retail value of RMB65.2 billion across all
                         channels, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%, while retail volume reached 19.36 million units,
                         up 0.8% year-on-year. Consumers’ increasing focus on healthy diet and home aesthetics,
                         are driving the industry towards food freshness preservation and integration of appliances
                         with furnishings. Built-in refrigerators continued to outperform in the first half of 2024 with
                         online retail volume accounting for 12.4%, a year-on-year increase of 7.1%, while offline
                         retail volume accounted for 37.8%, a rise of 19.5% year-on-year.

32   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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(3)   Washing machine industry
      As living standards continue to rise, washer-dryer combos have become industry growth
      driver. According to AVC, in the first half of 2024, the washing machine industry achieved
      retail sales of RMB49.4 billion, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%, and retail volume reached
      20.29 million units, up 6.2% year-on-year. Online retail sales of washer-dryer combos
      totalled RMB4.34 billion, a year-on-year increase of 43.6%, and retail volume amounted to
      541,000 units, up 64.1% year-on-year. As home appliances and furnishings become more
      integrated, washing machines are gradually upgrading to ultra-thin models to create
      enhanced home aesthetic experience.

(4)   Kitchen appliance industry
      Traditional kitchen appliances such as range hoods and stoves remained stable,
      dishwashers continued to grow and integrated stoves experienced a decline. According to
      AVC, in the first half of 2024, range hood retail sales decreased 0.2% year-on-year to
      RMB14.9 billion; retail volume dropped 3.3% year-on-year to 8.68 million units. Gas stove
      retail sales rose 2.7% year-on-year to RMB8.4 billion, and retail volume increased 4.8% to
      10.47 million units. Dishwasher retail sales reached RMB5.8 billion in the first half of 2024,
      up 5.0% year-on-year. Retail volume reached 990,000 units, a 3.4% year-on-year increase.
      Retail sales of integrated stoves totalled RMB11.1 billion, a year-on-year decline of 18.20%,
      and retail volume decreased 15.2% to 1.14 million units. As consumers increasingly pursue
      high-quality lifestyles, their demands for quality and design in kitchen appliances continue to
      rise. The industry is trending towards appliance-furnishing integration, smart features,
      energy saving, and healthy cooking.

(5)   Water heater industry
      Industry demand has stabilized. According to AVC, in the first half of 2024, electric water
      heaters recorded retail sales of RMB10.7 billion, down 0.8% year-on-year; retail volume
      stood at 8.26 million units, up 1.6% year-on-year. Gas water heaters recorded retail sales
      of RMB12.8 billion, down 1.0% year-on-year; retail volume totalled 6 million units, up 1.2%
      year-on-year. Consumer focus has shifted from safety considerations to design, rapid
      heating and comfort, thus popular models include ultra-thin electric water heaters with
      dual-tank, rapid heating and smart constant-temperature gas units.

(6)   Water purifier industry
      The water purification industry maintained steady growth as consumer awareness of healthy
      drinking water continued to grow. According to AVC, in the first half of 2024, retail sales of
      household water appliances increased 2.3% year-on-year to RMB12.6 billion; retail volume
      grew 4.3% year-on-year to 10.1 million units.

      Currently, anticipated reduction in income has led to more cautious purchasing decisions.
      Value for money has become key considerations in home appliance consumption. Unlike
      their parents, consumers in their 20s and 30s utilize new media to gather product
      information when making purchasing decisions, which requires appliance manufacturers to
      continually adapt their branding, marketing, and product development strategies to capture
      growth opportunities.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                  The white goods industry has become primarily upgrades and replacement-driven. The proportion
                  of first-time buyers is gradually declining, while demand for replacements due to home
                  renovations is on the rise. Consumers are increasingly seeking to enhance their quality of life
                  through kitchen and bathroom upgrades. As a result, comprehensive capabilities in scenario
                  design, installation, and maintenance services have become crucial for acquiring uses.

                  In the first half of 2024, there was a significant price increase in copper, aluminium, and
                  refrigerants, which had a significant impact on the profitability of the industry, particularly in the
                  air conditioner sector.

           2.     Overseas markets
                  In the first half of 2024, overseas market demand exhibited mixed trends. Core home appliance
                  markets in developed regions (Europe, U.S., Japan) remained under macroeconomic pressure.
                  However, emerging markets, including Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa,
                  maintained robust growth.

                  In the U.S, industry demand declined due to a downturn in both existing and new home sales.
                  According to AHAM, core appliance shipments in the first half of 2024 decreased by 2% in
                  volume and 6% in value year-on-year while competition remained fierce.

                  In Europe, persistent high inflation and interest rates continued to dampen consumer sentiment;
                  the home appliance industry remained sluggish. Demand was shifting towards value-for-money
                  products. GfK data reported a 0.3% decline in sales volume and a 1.3% decrease in sales value
                  for white goods across 21 European countries. However, green and low-carbon trends, as well
                  as energy price pressure created increasing demand for energy-efficient products and unlock
                  opportunities in HVAC sector with ongoing consolidation across the industry.

                  Benefiting from macroeconomic growth in India, the home appliance industry grew by 7–8%. The
                  refrigerator and washing machine sector increased by 5–6%, while the air conditioner sector,
                  boosted by hot temperatures in the north, saw over 30% retail growth. Driven by economic
                  growth and rising per capita income in Pakistan, the home appliance industry sustained growth
                  in the first half of the year.

                  According to Gfk, Thailand’s market grew by approximately 3%, driven by recoveries in foreign
                  investment and tourism. Air conditioner sales volume surged over 20% due to hot temperatures.
                  Vietnam experienced double-digit growth in the home appliance sector, bolstered by increased
                  foreign investment. Indonesia’s stable political and economic environment, coupled with rising
                  household disposable income, contributed to a 6% growth in the home appliance industry.

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      Due to high interest rates and inflation, consumers increasingly sought value-for-money products
      in Australia and New Zealand. According to data from major Australian home appliance retail
      channels, sales volume grew by 4.6% year-on-year in the first half of 2024, while sales value
      increased by 1.7%.

      The refrigerator, freezer, and washing machine sectors declines in volume, price, and revenue in
      Japan because of inflation, currency depreciation, declining disposable income, longer
      replacement cycles and ongoing price competition. Consumers have become more interested in
      seeking added-value in products with large capacity, compact size, energy efficiency, and smart

Industry Outlook for 2H2024
Domestic market
The Chinese home appliance industry has entered replacements and upgrades phase. According to
China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute, the penetration of air conditioners, refrigerators,
and washing machines across the country in 2022 amounted to 780 million, 580 million, and 550
million units respectively. A massive replacement market has already emerged.

The industry showed a clear trend towards lower-end products because of cautious income growth
expectations and weakened consumer confidence. On 15 July 2024, the National Development and
Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued “Measures to Support Large-scale
Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods”. The implementation of these measures is
expected to stimulate consumer demand for upgrades, boost consumer confidence, and promote
industry development.

Overseas markets
In the second half of 2024, interest rate cut is expected in the developed countries, where pent-up
demand can be released to gradually revitalize the real estate market. Price competition is expected to
ease due to home appliance manufacturers’ focus on operational quality and high commodity prices.

The industry is poised for steady growth in the emerging markets where continued urbanization is
expected to drive appliance penetration and home appliance manufacturers are also accelerating the
localization of their supply chains.

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

           In the second half of 2024, amid dynamic changes in demand and an increasingly competitive
           environment, the Company will continue to focus on iteratively optimizing user experience and
           improving operational efficiency. We aim to enhance profitability by leveraging advantages in
           technology, scale and service, while accelerating innovation and transformation to achieve long-term
           sustainable growth.

           Product Innovation
           We will continue to uphold our value-oriented approach by integrating global R&D and planning
           resources, accelerating technology sharing, and promoting the rapid implementation of leading
           technologies and innovations across a wider range of products, to better meet the ever-changing
           needs of our users.

           Domestic market
           In the second half of 2024, we will align with the national trade-in policy and achieve sustainable
           growth through innovative marketing and channel strategies. We will leverage the Company’s
           advantages in product lineup, scenario-based solutions, and franchised store network to capitalize on
           trade-in subsidy opportunities, meeting users’ upgrade needs and driving retail growth. We will adapt
           our marketing content and communication strategies to changing consumer decision-making processes
           while adding on to brand value by improving go-to-market strategy and increase conversion efficiency
           through new media. We will deepen our user-centric transformation by establishing efficient systems for
           order forecasting, distribution and response, thereby enhancing user experience and customer

           Overseas markets
           We will focus on improving profitability by expanding value chain through continuous product
           upgrades, accelerating supply chain localization, implementing end-to-end digital transformation and
           deepening global collaborations, to enhance profitability and achieve growth targets.

           In the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand, we will strengthen profitability by improving supply chain
           efficiency and iterating product platforms. In Europe, we will enhance competitiveness by optimizing
           organizational structure, streamlining business processes, and promoting brand transformation. We will
           continue localization along the Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East and
           Africa, to capitalize on population growth and penetration increases, thus become a leading brand in
           these regions.

           Platform transformation
           We will advance the digital transformation in production, procurement, and quality systems to enhance
           lean management capabilities across design, procurement, and production stages, while optimizing
           end-to-end cost competitiveness.

           Significant changes in the Company’s operating conditions during the reporting period, and matters
           occurring during the reporting period that have and expected to have a significant impact on the
           Company’s operating conditions

               Applicable     √ Not Applicable

36   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                       Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

   (I)   Analysis of principal business
         1   Table of movement analysis on the related items in financial statements
                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                               period of
               Items                                 Current period            last year             Change (%)

               Operating revenue                 135,622,549,121.01 131,628,595,912.05                        3.03
               Operating cost                     94,106,431,686.66 91,557,518,745.02                         2.78
               Selling expenses                   18,687,502,154.89 18,768,944,057.44                        -0.43
               Administrative expenses              5,186,349,563.44    5,461,681,481.50                     -5.04
               Financial expenses                        58,919,168.65       –9,349,269.09                   N/A
               R&D expenses                         5,088,901,166.88    5,025,786,116.64                      1.26
               Net cash flow generated from
                  operating activities              7,818,257,937.26    6,790,021,534.62                    15.14
               Net cash flow generated from
                  investing activities            –7,334,174,927.57 –4,333,325,021.19                       N/A
               Net cash flow generated from
                  financing activities               –191,176,728.11 –1,267,997,912.18                      N/A
               Gains or losses on changes in
                  fair value                           –29,565,597.82       31,271,562.35                -194.54
               Credit impairment loss                  –58,013,951.73   –165,968,929.36                    N/A
               Losses on disposal of assets              –2,583,904.37    –20,647,304.64                   N/A
               Non-operating expenses                    84,518,604.74       32,299,513.21                 161.67
               Profits or losses attributable to
                  minority shareholders                187,104,752.91        80,831,283.76                 131.48

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                         Reasons for significant changes in certain indicators:

                         1)     Reasons for the changes in financial expenses: the increase of 730.20% in financial
                                expenses over the corresponding period was mainly due to the additional interest
                                expenses incurred overseas as a result of higher interest rates on borrowings due to
                                interest rate hikes during the current period;

                         2)     Reasons for the changes in the gains or losses on changes in fair value: the decrease
                                of 194.54% in profits or losses of changes in fair value (being losses during the
                                current period) over the corresponding period was mainly due to the decrease in fair
                                value of equity investments during the current period;

                         3)     Reasons for changes in credit impairment loss: the decrease of 65.05% in credit
                                impairment loss over the corresponding period was mainly due to the decrease in the
                                provision for bad debts of receivables during the current period;

                         4)     Reasons for changes in losses on disposal of assets: the decrease of 87.49% in losses
                                on disposal of assets over the corresponding period was mainly due to the decrease
                                in non-current asset disposal operations during the current period;

                         5)     Reasons for changes in non-operating expenses: the increase of 161.67% in non-
                                operating expenses over the corresponding period was mainly due to the year-on-
                                year increase in expenses incurred during the current period that were not directly
                                related to the Company’s ordinary operation;

                         6)     Reasons for changes in profits or losses attributable to minority shareholders: the
                                increase of 131.48% in profits or losses attributable to minority shareholders over the
                                corresponding period was mainly due to the increase in shareholding of minority
                                shareholders in certain subsidiaries during the current period;

                         7)     Reasons for changes in net cash flow from investing activities: the increase of 69.25%
                                in net cash flow from investing activities over the corresponding period was mainly
                                due to the increase in cash paid for investment during the current period;

                         8)     Reasons for changes in net cash flow from financing activities: the decrease of 84.92%
                                in net cash outflow from financing activities over the corresponding period was mainly
                                due to the increase in cash inflow from financing activities as a result of higher
                                borrowing, and the decrease in cash outflow from financing activities attributable to
                                the decrease in repurchased shares during the current period.

                  2      Detailed explanation on significant changes in the operation types and the
                         components of profit or sources of profit of the Company during the period

                              Applicable    √ Not Applicable

38   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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       (II)      Explanations on the major changes in profits caused by non-principal businesses
                       Applicable      √ Not Applicable

       (III) Analysis of assets and liabilities
                 √ Applicable             Not Applicable

                 1.         Assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                         Percentage of
                                                                                                   Percentage of     change in amount
                                                                                               amount at the end from the end of the
                                                        Percentage of Amount at the end                    of the        corresponding
                                                    amount at the end                of the        corresponding     period of last year
                              Amount at the end of current period to         corresponding     period of last year    to current period
Name of item                    of current period     total assets (%)   period of last year   to total assets (%)                  (%)    Description

Debt investments                14,477,621,780.97                 5.52     8,841,233,078.66                  3.49                 63.75    Mainly due to the
                                                                                                                                              increase in
                                                                                                                                              long-term time
                                                                                                                                              deposits during
                                                                                                                                              the current period
Contract liabilities             3,256,026,994.75                 1.24     7,731,916,491.54                  3.05                 -57.89   Mainly due to the
                                                                                                                                              decrease in
                                                                                                                                              advance payment
                                                                                                                                              with performance
Other payables                  27,248,243,510.90               10.39     19,181,569,184.83                  7.57                 42.05    Mainly due to the
                                                                                                                                              increase in
Non-current liabilities due      5,327,717,384.22                 2.03     3,732,550,549.23                  1.47                 42.74    Mainly due to the
   within one year                                                                                                                            increase in
                                                                                                                                              borrowings due
                                                                                                                                              within one year
Other current liabilities        1,095,321,670.22                 0.42     1,651,239,151.52                  0.65                 -33.67   Mainly due to the
                                                                                                                                              decrease in
                                                                                                                                              Value-added tax
                                                                                                                                              amount to be
                                                                                                                                              written off

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     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                  2.     Overseas Assets

                         √ Applicable            Not Applicable

                         (1)     Scope of assets
                                 Among the assets, overseas assets amounted to 12,413,782 (unit and currency:
                                 RMB0,000), representing 47.3% of the total assets.

                         (2)     Explanation of high percentage of overseas assets

                                 √ Applicable              Not Applicable

                                                                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                                             Operating revenue
                                                                                                                            during the reporting   Net profit of the
                                   Name of overseas asset        Reason for formation      Operating mode                                 period   reporting period

                                   Overseas Home Appliance and   Overseas mergers &        Localized Operations with the          70,824,200,424      4,081,094,577
                                      Smart Home Business           acquisitions and the      integration of R&D,
                                                                    Company’s own            manufacturing and marketing

                                 Note: Net profit stated in the above table represents operating profit.

                  3.     Restrictions on major assets as of the end of reporting period

                               Applicable      √ Not Applicable

                  4.     Other Explanations

                               Applicable      √ Not Applicable

           (IV) Analysis of investment
                  1.     Overall analysis on external equity investment

                               Applicable      √ Not Applicable

                         (1).    Significant equity investment

                                     Applicable         √ Not Applicable

                         (2).    Significant non-equity investment

                                     Applicable         √ Not Applicable

40   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                          Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                                    (3).       Financial items measured at fair value

                                               √ Applicable                              Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                    Profits or losses       Cumulative
                                                                                    of changes in fair changes in fair      Provision for                                     Sold/redeemed
                                                                                     value during the value included in impairment of Purchases during                        amount during
Asset type                                                          Opening balance            period            equity during the period   the period                            the period       Other changes Closing balance

Wealth management products                                              487,936,101.81          7,866,168.83                                              907,048,190.63       797,001,032.70                           605,849,428.57
Investment in other equity instruments                               6,403,694,954.77                             –139,624,374.35                          2,390,644.03                               15,353,142.08 6,281,814,366.53
Investment in trading equity instruments                                243,224,439.64        –54,049,574.20                                                                      172,919.49                           189,001,945.95
Investment funds                                                        222,803,002.38         22,787,943.83                                               31,168,225.04         8,709,245.29            3,668,458.53 271,718,384.49
Derivative instruments                                                –101,059,175.53         11,289,463.13       –10,992,021.14                                                                     –4,276,205.97 –105,037,939.51

Total                                                                7,256,599,323.07         –12,105,998.41     –150,616,395.49                        940,607,059.70       805,883,197.48          14,745,394.64 7,243,346,186.03

                                               Investment in securities

                                               √ Applicable                              Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                         Profit and loss    Accumulated
                                                                                                Carrying arising from          fair value                                 Investment        Carrying
                                                                 Initial                   amount at the changes in fair        changes     Purchases       Disposals   profit or loss amount at the
Type of            Securities                               investment     Sources          beginning of value during        included in    during the     during the      during the     end of the
securities             code     Securities abbreviation           cost     of funding         the period     the period            equity       period         period          period         period     Accounting items

Stock                 601328    Bank of Communications     1,803,769.50    Self-funding      7,819,326.48                     883,760.12                                                8,703,086.60     Investments in other equity instruments
Stock                 600827    Bailian Group                154,770.00    Self-funding        373,792.12                                                                                 373,792.12     Investments in other equity instruments
Stock                 300183    Neusoft Carrier           18,713,562.84    Self-funding     11,795,641.74                                                                              11,795,641.74     Investments in other equity instruments
Stock                 688455    KENGIC                    29,450,000.00    Self-funding    146,788,044.20 –54,049,574.20                                                              92,738,470.00     Financial assets held for trading

Total                       /   /                         50,122,102.34    /               166,776,804.54 –54,049,574.20     883,760.12                                              113,610,990.46     /

                                               Explanation of investment in securities

                                                      Applicable                  √ Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                                         Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                                            41
     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                                Private equity investment

                                √ Applicable         Not Applicable

                                By the end of the reporting period, the Company has historically invested in private
                                equity funds as follows: the Company invested 63.13% share in Qingdao Haier SAIF
                                Smart Home Industry Investment Center (Limited Partnership); Qingdao RRS Huitong
                                Investment Management Co., Ltd. (青 島 日 日 順 匯 通 投 資 管 理 有 限 公 司), a subsidiary
                                of the Company, invested 49% share in Guangzhou Heying Investment Partnership
                                (Limited Partnership); Qingdao Haishang Chuangzhi Investment Co., Ltd. (青島海尚創
                                智 投 資 有 限 公 司), a subsidiary of the Company, invested 30% share in
                                Huizhixiangshun Equity Investment Fund (Qingdao) Partnership (Limited Partnership), a
                                private equity fund, and 50% equity of Qingdao Ririshun Huizhi Investment Co., Ltd.,
                                a managing partner of funds; Qingdao Haier Technology Investment Co., Ltd. (青島海
                                爾科技投資有限公司), a subsidiary of the Company, invested in private equity funds:
                                1.265% share in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Coordinated Development Investment
                                Fund (Limited Partnership) (京津冀產業協同發展投資基金(有限合伙)), 14.85% share
                                in Shenzhen TopoScend Capital Phase I Fund (Limited Partnership) (深 圳 市 投 控 東 海
                                一 期 基 金(有 限 合 伙)), 24% share in Qingdao Haimu Smart Home Investment
                                Partnership (Limited Partnership), and invested in fund management companies:
                                5.01% equity of CMG-SDIC Capital Co., Ltd. (國 投 招 商 投 資 管 理 有 限 公 司), 15%
                                equity of Shenzhen TopoScend Capital Co., Ltd. (深圳市投控東海投資有限公司), 49%
                                equity of Qingdao Haimu Investment Management Co., Ltd.

42   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                               Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                                   Derivative investment

                                   √ Applicable              Not Applicable

                                   (1).    Derivatives investments for hedging purposes during the reporting period

                                           √ Applicable                Not Applicable

                                                                                                                            Unit and Currency: RMB0’000

                                                                                                                                                         Proportion of
                                                                                                                                                      carrying amount
                                                                                                                                                      to net assets of
                                      Carrying amount Gains or losses     Accumulative            Amount                                              the Company at
Type of                       Initial at the beginning    on fair value changes in fair        purchased              Amount sold Carrying amount the end of the
derivatives              investment             of the changes for the value included in       during the                during the at the end of the reporting period
investment                  amount current period current period                  equity reporting period          reporting period           Period               (%)

Forward foreign
  contracts               1,178,657         1,178,657               1,272             –2,195                                                 1,024,425                9.69
  contracts                  11,009            11,009                –143              1,096                                                     4,081                0.04

Total                     1,189,666         1,189,666               1,129             –1,099                                                 1,028,506                9.73

Explanation on any significant         Accounting principles are based on the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. The Company carried out the accounting
changes in the accounting policies     treatment for its business in accordance with the relevant regulations of “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22
and specific accounting and            — Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments”, “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 24 — Hedge
auditing principles for the hedging    Accounting”, “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37 — Presentation of Financial Instruments” and “Accounting
business during the reporting period   Standards for Business Enterprises No. 39 — Fair Value Measurement” published by the Ministry of Finance and its guidance, to
as compared to the last reporting      reflect the relevant items in the balance sheet and the statement of profit or loss, which are consistent with those of the previous
period                                 reporting period.
Explanation on actual profit or loss   The actual profit and loss for the reporting period amounted to RMB42.5669 million.
during the reporting period
Explanation on the effect of           Under the premise of ensuring normal production and operation, the Company carried out hedging business to reduce the impact
hedging                                of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company’s production and operation and to realize the Company’s long-term stable
Source of funds for derivative         Self-owned funds

                                                                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                 43
     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

      Risk analysis and explanations on           I.   Foreign exchange hedging business
      risk control measures for positions
      in derivatives during the reporting         1.   Risk Analysis
      period (including but not limited to
      market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk,   The Company and its holding subsidiaries conduct foreign exchange derivatives business in accordance with the principle of
      operational risk, legal risk, etc.)         stability, and do not conduct the foreign exchange transaction for speculative purposes. All foreign exchange funds businesses
                                                  are based on normal production and operation and rely on specific business operations to avoid and prevent exchange rate risks.
                                                  However, there are also certain risks in conducting foreign exchange funds business:

                                                  (1) Market risk: Forward settlement of foreign exchange: the Company will determine whether to sign a forward contract based
                                                      on the cost of the product (basically consisting of RMB) and market risk. Signing the contract equals to fixing the price of
                                                      currency exchange. It is effective to resist market fluctuation risk and ensure a reasonable and stable profit level of the
                                                      Company through forward settlement of foreign exchange. Forward purchase of foreign exchange: according to the import
                                                      contract entered with the customer and exchange rate risk, the future currency exchange cost will be fixed through the
                                                      unilateral forward purchase of foreign exchange. Although there is a certain risk of loss, the forward purchase of foreign
                                                      exchange will effectively reduce the market fluctuation risk and fix procurement costs. Other NDF and options businesses are
                                                      mainly carried out when failed to sign the ordinary forward settlement/purchase of foreign exchange or the costs are too
                                                      high, only serving as the supplement of the above businesses. Exchange rate fluctuation risk in currency swap business is
                                                      avoided by adjusting the currency of assets and liabilities in order to match the currency of the assets with the currency of
                                                      liabilities. Interest rate fluctuation risk in interest rate swap business is avoided by transfer the floating-rate business to fix-rate
                                                      business or transfer the fixed-rate business to floating-rate business when the rate is going downward to reduce the costs.
                                                      All of the above businesses have a real business background and there is no speculation.

                                                  (2) Exchange rate fluctuation risk: After the Company fixing the forward exchange rate according to the foreign exchange
                                                      management strategy, if the actual trend of the foreign exchange rate deviates significantly from the direction of the
                                                      Company’s fixed exchange rate fluctuation, the cost of the Company after fixing the exchange rate expenditure may exceeds
                                                      the cost of not fixing the exchange rate, thus forming a loss of the Company. When the foreign exchange rate changes
                                                      greatly, if the fluctuating direction of the Company’s fixed foreign exchange hedging contract is inconsistent with that of the
                                                      foreign exchange rate, the foreign exchange loss will be formed; if the exchange rate does not fluctuate in the future, the
                                                      vast deviation from the foreign exchange hedging contract will also form a foreign exchange loss.

                                                  (3) Internal control risk: The foreign exchange derivatives business is highly specialized and complex so it may cause risks due
                                                      to imperfect internal control systems.

                                                  (4) Transaction default risk: In the event of a default in the counterparty of foreign exchange derivative transaction, the Company
                                                      would not be able to obtain hedging profits as agreed to hedge the Company’s actual exchange losses, resulting in a loss of
                                                      the Company.

                                                  (5) Customer default risk: The overdue of customer’s accounts receivable and the customer’s order adjustment will make the
                                                      actual payment inconsistent with the expected payment, which may result in the actual cash flow could not match the carried
                                                      out foreign exchange derivative business term or amount completely, leading to a loss of the Company.
                                                  2. Risk Control Measures Taken by the Company

                                                  (1) The Company may not engage in any foreign exchange derivative transactions except those carried out for the purpose of
                                                      avoiding exchange rate risks, and only for foreign exchange operations related to the Company’s import and export business
                                                      and overseas asset/liability management.

                                                  (2) The Company implemented approval process in strict compliance with the Foreign Exchange Risk Management Policy and the
                                                      Foreign Exchange Derivatives Transaction Management Rules. The general meeting of shareholders of the Company and the
                                                      Board of Directors delegate the President/President Office to take responsibility for the operation and management of the
                                                      foreign exchange derivatives business, the Treasury Department shall act as the handling department, and finance
                                                      department shall act as the daily review department.

                                                  (3) The Company conducts foreign exchange derivatives business with financial institutions such as large banks with legal
                                                      qualifications. The financial department timely tracks the changes in the transaction and strictly controls the occurrence of
                                                      closing default risk.

44   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                         Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

(4) The Company conducts foreign exchange derivatives business must base on the Company’s cautious forecast on the foreign
    currency receipts and payments and actual business exposure. The delivery date of the foreign exchange derivatives
    business must match with the Company’s predicted receipt time, deposit time or payment time of the foreign currency, or
    match with the corresponding redemption term of the foreign currency bank borrowing.

II. Bulk Hedging Business

1.   Risk Analysis

(1) Market risk: The futures and derivatives market itself has certain systematic risks, while hedging requires certain level of price
    trend prediction. If the price prediction is directionally incorrect, it may cause losses to the Company.

(2) Policy risk: Significant changes in laws and regulations of the futures and derivatives markets may cause market fluctuations
    or make trading impossible, which may result in risks.

(3) Funding risk: Due to the strict margin system and daily mark-to-market system in the futures market, there may be corresponding
    funding floating loss risks. The Company will reasonably allocate its own funds for hedging business, control the scale of
    funds, and conduct funding projections while formulating trading plans to ensure sufficient funds. In the process of business
    operations, the Company will plan and utilize margins reasonably, and adjust funds appropriately to avoid risks.

(4) Operational risk: There may be cases in which suppliers violate their agreements and cancel or delay deliveries, resulting in a
    mismatch between the actual hedging quantity and period, causing losses to the Company.

(5) Internal control risk: Futures and derivatives transactions are more specialized and complex, which may give rise to risks caused
    by inadequate internal control systems or human errors in operations. The Company has formulated the Management
    Measures for Hedging Business of Bulk Raw Materials, which contains clear provisions on the authorization scope, approval
    procedures, risk management and other aspects of hedging transactions. The Company shall strengthen internal control
    management and improve professionalism, implement risk prevention measures and improve the management standard of
    hedging business.
2. Risk control measures adopted by the Company

(1) Matching hedging business with the Company’s production and operation to maximize hedging against the risk of market

(2) Strictly control the scale of hedging funds and reasonably plan and use margins. The Company will reasonably allocate its own
    funds for hedging business, and will not use raised funds directly or indirectly for hedging.

(3) The Company has formulated the Management Measures for Hedging Business of Bulk Raw Materials, which contains clear
    provisions on the organizational structure and its responsibilities, business processes, risk management, file management, etc.
    The Company will strictly follow the provisions of the internal control system to control all aspects of the business, and will
    implement the Management Measures in accordance with the established regulations.

(4) The Company will strengthen the training of relevant personnel to enhance their professionalism and overall quality; strengthen
    research on the futures and derivatives market to grasp market changes and design specific operational plans for trading

(5) The internal audit department of the Company will conduct regular and irregular inspections of hedging trading business,
    supervise hedging trading business personnel in the implementation of the risk management system and risk management
    procedures, and prevent operational risks in the business in a timely manner.

                                                                         Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                  45
     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

      Changes in market price or fair          In respect of changes in market prices or fair value of products, gains or losses actually realized from the invested derivatives
      value of invested derivatives during     amounted to RMB42.5669 million during the reporting period. As for the specific methodology used and the related assumptions
      the reporting period, where specific     and parameter settings: Foreign exchange and interest rate swap forward quotations from financial institutions were used.
      methodology used and the settings
      of relevant assumptions and
      parameters should be disclosed in
      the fair value analysis of derivatives
      Litigation case (if applicable)          N/A
      Disclosure date of announcement in       28 March 2024
      relation to the consideration and
      approval of derivatives investment
      by the Board (if any)
      Disclosure date of announcement in       21 June 2024
      relation to the consideration and the
      approval of derivatives investment
      by shareholders’ general meeting (if

                                           (2).    Derivatives investments for investment purposes during the reporting period

                                                        Applicable          √ Not Applicable

              (V)       Sale of material assets and equity
                             Applicable           √ Not Applicable

              (VI) Analysis on major subsidiaries and Investees
                        √ Applicable               Not Applicable

                        For details, please refer to the relevant contents of “(2) Explanation of high percentage of
                        overseas assets” under “(III) Analysis of assets and liabilities” in this section.

              (VII) Structured entities controlled by the Company
                             Applicable           √ Not Applicable

              (I)       Potential risks
                        √ Applicable               Not Applicable

                        1.        Risk of decreasing market demand due to macroeconomic slowdown. Sales of white goods
                                  as durable consumer appliances are subject to users’ income levels and their expectations
                                  of future income growth which will have a certain impact on their willingness to purchase
                                  products. A slowdown in macroeconomic growth causing a decline in users’ purchasing
                                  power will have a negative impact on industry growth. In addition, a slowdown in real
                                  estate market will also have a negative impact on market demand, which will indirectly
                                  affect end-user demand for home appliances.

46   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                             Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

2.   Risk of price war caused by intensified industry competitions. The white goods industry is
     highly competitive with a high degree of product homogeneity, and the industry
     concentration has continued to increase in recent years. However, the increase in industry
     inventory capacity in individual sub-sectors due to the demand-supply imbalance may lead
     to risks such as price wars. Furthermore, rapid technological advancements, scarce talents
     in the industry, shortened product life cycles and ease of imitation are making it
     increasingly difficult to profit. Although new products, services and technologies are often
     associated with higher selling prices, it has become necessary for the Company to invest
     more in R&D. The Company will actively invest in R&D to attract more users through
     continuous innovation in products and services, to build a lasting brand awareness.

3.   Risk of fluctuations in raw material prices. The Company’s products and core components
     use metal raw materials such as steel, aluminium, and copper, as well as commodities
     such as plastics and foam. If the prices of raw materials continue to surge, it will put
     certain pressure on the Company’s production and operations. In addition, the Company
     relies on third party manufacturers and suppliers for key raw materials, components, and
     manufacturing equipment, as well as OEM suppliers, and any disruption in supply or
     significant price increases by these suppliers will have a negative impact on the Company’s
     business. As a leader in the industry, the Company will take measures including volume &
     price adjustment mechanism as well as hedging to reduce the risk of raw material
     fluctuations on its operations.

4.   Operational risks in overseas business. The Company has steadily developed its global
     business and has established production bases, R&D centres, and marketing centres in
     many parts of the world, with the proportion of overseas revenue increasing year by year.
     Overseas markets are subject to local political and economic situations (including events
     such as military conflicts and wars), legal systems and regulatory regimes of those
     countries and regions. Significant changes in these factors will pose certain risks to the
     Company’s local operations in these markets. The Company has taken various measures to
     mitigate the relevant impacts, including collaborating with suppliers and distributors,
     improving production efficiency to offset the impact on the overall cost of sales, potentially
     expanding the Company’s supply resources to other countries, and adopting safety
     measures to protect its people and assets.

5.   Risk of exchange rate fluctuations. As the Company expands its global footprint, the import
     and export of the Company’s products involve the exchange of foreign currencies such as
     the U.S. dollar, the Euro, and the Japanese yen. If the exchange rates of the relevant
     currencies fluctuate, it will have a certain impact on the Company’s financial position and
     increase its financial costs. In addition, the Company’s consolidated financial statements are
     denominated in Renminbi, while the financial statements of its subsidiaries are measured
     and reported in the currency of their primary economic environment in which the entity
     operates and are therefore subject to currency exchange risk. In this regard, the Company
     uses hedging instruments to reduce its exposure to exchange rate fluctuations.

                                                            Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   47
     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

                  6.     Risk of policy changes. The home appliance industry is closely related to the consumer
                         market and the real estate market. Changes in macroeconomic policies, consumption
                         investment policies, real estate policies and relevant laws and regulations will affect product
                         demand from distributors, which in turn will affect product sales of the Company. The
                         Company will closely monitor changes in the relevant policies, laws, and regulations, and
                         make forecasts of market changes, in order to ensure further development of the

                  7.     Credit risk. There is possibility that the Company will be unable to collect all trade receivables
                         from its distributors, or distributors are not able to settle the Company’s trade receivables
                         in a timely manner, in which the Company’s business, financial status, and operation
                         performance may be affected. In relation to this risk, the Company will maintain flexibility by
                         offering credit period of 30 to 90 days to certain distributors based on their credit history
                         and transaction amount.

                  8.     Inventory risk. Excess inventory might occur as the Company cannot always accurately predict
                         trends and events and maintain appropriate inventory levels; thus, the Company may be
                         forced to offer discounts or promotions to manage the slow-moving inventory. On the other
                         hand, a shortage of inventory may lead to loss of sales opportunities for the Company.
                         However, the Company will manage its inventory and adjust according to market situation
                         and will conduct regular impairment assessment of its inventory.

           (II)   Other disclosures
                       Applicable    √ Not Applicable

48   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                   Section IV Corporate Governance

                                                                                                 Date of
                                                                                                 disclosure for
                                                  Query index of websites designated for         publishing
       Meeting                     Date           publishing resolutions                         resolutions      Resolutions approved

       2023 Annual General         20 June 2024   For details, please refer to the               21 June 2024     Considered and approved the
          Meeting                                    Announcement on Resolutions passed at                           resolutions related to annual
                                                     the 2023 Annual General Meeting, 2024                           report, internal control audit
       2024 First A Shares Class                     First A Shares Class Meeting, 2024 First                        report, profit distribution
          Meeting                                    D Shares Class Meeting and 2024 First                           proposal, re-appointment of
                                                     H Shares Class Meeting of Haier Smart                           auditor, external guarantees,
       2024 First D Shares                           Home Co., Ltd. (L2024-022) published                            general mandate to issue
          Class Meeting                              by the Company on the website of                                additional shares /
                                                     Shanghai Stock Exchange                                         repurchase shares and

       2024 First H Shares Class                     (www.sse.com.cn) and the four major                             employee stock ownership

          Meeting                                    securities newspapers                                           plan, etc.

                                                                                                                  Considered and approved the
                                                                                                                     resolutions for general
                                                                                                                     mandate to repurchase
                                                                                                                     shares, etc.

     Preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored requested an
     extraordinary general meeting
        Applicable           √ Not Applicable

     Explanation of Shareholders’ general meeting
     √ Applicable             Not Applicable

     The 2023 Annual General Meeting and the 2024 First A/D/H Shares Class Meetings of the
     Company was held in successive order by way of on-site voting, off-site voting and network voting by
     poll at Room B101, Haier Rendanheyi Research Center, Haier Science and Technology Innovation
     Ecological Park, No.1 Haier Road, Qingdao, the PRC, in the afternoon on 20 June 2024, considering
     the annual report and other relevant resolutions. The total number of the shares of the Company
     carrying voting right amounted to 9,292,876,856 shares (of which 6,163,314,617 shares were A
     shares, 271,013,973 shares were D shares and 2,858,548,266 shares were H shares). 602
     shareholders and proxies, representing 6,427,260,204 shares or 69.16% of the total number of the
     shares of the Company carrying voting right, were present at the 2023 Annual General Meeting. 545
     shareholders and proxies, representing 4,144,199,609 shares or 67.24% of the total number of A
     shares of the Company carrying voting rights, were present at the 2024 First A Shares Class Meeting;
     51 shareholders and proxies, representing 167,459,817 shares or 61.79% of the total number of D
     shares of the Company carrying voting rights, were present at the 2024 First D Shares Class Meeting;
     6 shareholders and proxies, representing 2,111,641,413 shares or 73.87% of the total number of H
     shares of the Company carrying voting rights, were present at the 2024 First H Shares Class Meeting.
     The Directors, supervisors, and senior management of the Company as well as the lawyers engaged
     by the Company also attended the abovementioned four meetings. The abovementioned meetings were
     convened by the Board of the Company and Chairman Mr. Li Huagang presided over the meetings.

                                                                                                Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024        49
     Section IV Corporate Governance

           The Company had 9 Directors, of whom 9 Directors attended the meetings; the Company had 3
           supervisors, of whom 3 supervisors attended the meeting. The secretary to the Board of the Company
           attended the abovementioned meetings and other members of senior management of the Company
           were invited to attend the abovementioned meetings.

           OF THE COMPANY
           √ Applicable        Not Applicable

              Name                                    Position Held          Description of Change

              Ma Yingjie                              Supervisor             Departed
              Liu Yongfei                             Supervisor             Elected

           Explanation of changes in Directors, Supervisors and senior management of the Company

           √ Applicable        Not Applicable

           Ma Yingjie, a Supervisor of the Company, has retired and hence intends to resign as a Supervisor
           upon a new Supervisor has been elected at the general meeting. On 20 June 2024, pursuant to the
           election results of the 2023 Annual General Meeting, Liu Yongfei was elected as a new Supervisor of
           the Company. Accordingly, there was a change in the Supervisors of the Company during the
           reporting period.

           Proposal for interim profit distribution and proposal for reverse conversion into share
           Whether distributed or converted                           No

50   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                           Section IV Corporate Governance

   (I)   Relevant incentive events disclosed in provisional announcements but without
         subsequent development or changes during implementation
         √ Applicable    Not Applicable

           Summary of Matters                                          Query Index

           Cancellation of certain 2021 and 2022 equity                For details, please refer to the
            incentive options: In view of the fact that the third        Announcement of Haier Smart
            exercise period of the first/reserved grant portion of       Home Co., Ltd on the
            the 2021 A Share Option Incentive Scheme and the             Cancellation of Certain Share
            second exercise period of the 2022 A Share Option            Options in the 2021 A Share
            Incentive Scheme of the Company did not meet the             Option Incentive Scheme, the
            exercise conditions, and due to the resignation of           2022 A Share Option Incentive
            some of the incentive recipients, the Company                Scheme disclosed by the
            cancelled the corresponding 11,164,621 share                 Company on 30 April 2024, the
            options and 28,011,543 share options that had been           Announcement of Haier Smart
            granted but had not yet been exercised.                      Home Co., Ltd on the
                                                                         Completion of Cancellation of
                                                                         Certain Share Options in the
                                                                         2021 A Share Option Incentive
                                                                         Scheme, the 2022 A Share
                                                                         Option Incentive Scheme and
                                                                         relevant contents disclosed by
                                                                         the Company on 28 May 2024.

           Introduction of New Phase of A Share and H Share            For details, please refer to the
             Employee Stock Ownership Plan: In order to                  2024 A Share Core Employee
             further improve the governance mechanism of the             Stock Ownership Plan of Haier
             Company, create shareholder value and promote the           Smart Home Co., Ltd (Draft),
             comprehensive implementation of the Company’s IoT          the 2024 H Share Core
             smart home ecological brand strategy, the Company           Employee Stock Ownership Plan
             considered and introduced the 2024 H Share Core             of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd
             Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Haier Smart                (Draft) disclosed by the
             Home Co., Ltd (Draft) and the 2024 A Share Core             Company on 30 April 2024 and
             Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Haier Smart                the Announcement of
             Home Co., Ltd (Draft) at the 10th meeting of the            Resolutions at the General
             11th session of the Board of Directors held by the          Meeting and relevant contents
             Company on 29 April 2024 and the 2023 Annual                disclosed by the Company on
             General Meeting held by the Company on 20 June              21 June 2024.
             2024. During the reporting period, the Company
             promoted the opening of accounts and other related
             works for the 2023 A Share and H Share Employee
             Stock Ownership Plan.

                                                                     Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   51
     Section IV Corporate Governance

           (II)   Incentive events not disclosed in provisional announcements or with subsequent
                  Equity incentive

                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

                  Other explanations

                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

                  Employee stock ownership plan

                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

                  Other incentives

                      Applicable     √ Not applicable

52   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                       Section V Environmental and Social

     (I)   Explanation of the environmental protection status of companies and their
           important subsidiaries that are key emission units announced by the
           environmental protection department
           √ Applicable    Not Applicable

           1.    Information on pollutant discharge

                 √ Applicable    Not Applicable

                 The Company’s direct/indirect non-wholly owned subsidiaries Hefei Haier Refrigerator Co.,
                 Ltd. (“Hefei Refrigerator”), Qingdao Haier Special Refrigerator Co., Ltd. (“Qingdao Special
                 Refrigerator”), Wuhan Haier Water Heater Co., Ltd. (“Wuhan Water Heater”), Wuhan Haier
                 Freezer Co., Ltd (“Wuhan Freezer”), Wuhan Haier Electronics Holding Co., Ltd. (“Wuhan
                 Air-Conditioning”), Zhengzhou Haier Air-conditioning Co., Ltd. (“Zhengzhou
                 Air-Conditioning”), Qingdao Haier (Jiaozhou) Air-conditioning Co., Limited (“Jiaozhou
                 Air-Conditioning”), are among the key emission units announced by the local environmental
                 protection department. The main information on pollutant discharge is as follows:

                 (1)    Hefei Refrigerator
                             Main pollutants:
                             According to the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978–1996),
                             Hefei Refrigerator should apply for a pollutant discharge permit and detect 8
                             types of pollutants (including specific pollutants), namely, total nitrogen (as N),
                             total phosphorus (as P), suspended solids, PH, chemical oxygen demand
                             (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5),
                             and animal and vegetable oils.

                             Exhaust gas. According to Emission Standard of Pollutants for Synthetic Resin
                             Industry (GB 31572–2015), Hefei Refrigerator should apply for a pollutant
                             discharge permit and detect pollutants. Main types of atmospheric pollutants:
                             particle matter, non-methane hydrocarbon, styrene, toluene, ethylbenzene

                             Way of discharge: continuous discharge

                             Number and distribution of discharge outlets: one for sewage, at the north
                             entrance of the Refrigerator Park; 20 for exhaust gas, at the Refrigerator Block
                             A (nine), Block B (eight) and Phase III Factory (three)

                                                                        Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   53
     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

                                       Concentration of discharge and discharge standard:
                                       According to the discharge permit, the concentration and total amount of
                                       pollutant discharge subject to approval for the total amount (data for
                                       January-June 2024) are as follows:

                                                                                   Approved               Whether it is
                                                Concentration   Total amount       total amount           excessive
       No.       Name of pollutant              of discharge    of discharge       of discharge           discharge

       1         COD                            93.31 mg/L      16.1 tons          General outfalls are   No
       2         Ammonia nitrogen               12.78 mg/L      2.73 tons            not subject to       No
       3         Total nitrogen                 25.05 mg/L      5.07 tons            approval for the     No
       4         Total phosphorus               2.01 mg/L       0.41 tons            total discharge      No
       5         Suspended solids               43 mg/L         8.63 tons            amount according     No
       6         BOD5                           56.75 mg/m      11.5 tons            to the discharge     No
       7         pH                             7.38            /                    permit.              No
       8         Animal and vegetable oils      4.65 mg/L       0.94 tons                                 No
       9         Non-methane hydrocarbon        3.62 mg/m       4.33 tons                                 No
       10        Particle matter                2.08 mg/m       0.26 tons                                 No
       11        Toluene                        0.09 mg/m       0.0081 tons                               No
       12        Ethylbenzene                   0.017 mg/m      0.0017 tons                               No
       13        Styrene                        0.048 mg/m      0.0042 tons                               No

                         (2)    Qingdao Special Refrigerator
                                     Main Pollutants:
                                     Exhaust gas. In June 2024, according to the Administrative Measures for
                                     Pollutant Discharge Licensing (for Trial Implementation) (HJ 978–2018), Qingdao
                                     Special Refrigerator should re-apply for a pollutant discharge permit with the
                                     management category of simplified management and detect the primary type of
                                     pollutant in the atmosphere, namely non-methane hydrocarbon (VOCs), with the
                                     maximum concentration of discharge not exceeding 60mg/m. Online detection
                                     facilities are installed and networked with the Ecology and Environment Bureau
                                     for exhaust gas emission. Meanwhile, a qualified third-party testing unit is
                                     commissioned to conduct organic exhaust gas concentration manual testing and
                                     issue a report on a quarterly basis.

                                       Wastewater: There is no wastewater generated by the business department, and
                                       the domestic wastewater is discharged into the municipal sewage network
                                       through the sewage pipes in Haier Industrial Park.

                                       Way of discharge: continuous emission

54   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                 Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

                          Number and distribution of discharge outlets: two in total, one for absorption
                          exhaust port at the west side of the Special Refrigerator plant roof, which the
                          exhaust gas treatment facilities were updated, installed and put into use in July
                          2023, with the upgrading and adoption of activated carbon adsorption and
                          desorption + regenerative combustion process; and one for foam exhaust port
                          at the west side of the Special Refrigerator plant roof.

                          Concentration and total amount of discharge and approved total amount of
                          According to the discharge permit, the concentration and total amount of
                          pollutant discharge subject to approval for the total amount are as follows:

                                                                         Approved                Whether it is
                                 Concentration       Total amount        total amount            excessive
No.   Name of Pollutant          of discharge        of discharge        of discharge            discharge

1     Non-methane hydrocarbon    1.13 mg/m           0.108 tons          No control regarding    No
                                                                           the total amount of

                        Pollutant discharge standards implemented: Volatile Organic Compounds
                        Discharge Standards Part 7: Other Industries in Shandong Province
             (3)    Wuhan Water Heater
                      Main Pollutant:
                        Wastewater. According to the Technical Specification for Application and
                        Issuance of Pollutant Permit — Wastewater Treatment (for Trial) (HJ 978–2018),
                        Wuhan Water Heater should apply for a pollutant discharge permit and detect 9
                        types of pollutants (including specific pollutants), namely, COD, total zinc,
                        suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), five-day biochemical oxygen
                        demand (BOD5), PH, anionic surface active agent, total phosphorus, and animal
                        and vegetable oils.

                          Way of discharge: indirect discharge

                          Number and distribution of discharge outlets: one, on the southwest of the
                          wastewater treatment plant, pipeline discharge

                                                                    Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   55
     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

                                       Concentration and total amount of discharge and approved total amount of
                                       According to the discharge permit, the concentration and total amount of
                                       pollutant discharge subject to approval for the total amount are as follows:

                                                                                     Approved                Whether it is
                                                Concentration    Total amount        total amount            excessive
       No.       Name of Pollutant              of discharge     of discharge        of discharge            discharge

       1         COD                            13.74 mg/L       2.05 tons           9.075 tons              No
       2         Ammonia nitrogen               0.07 mg/L        0.0104 tons         0.9075 tons             No
       3         Total phosphorus               0.09mg/L         0.0134 tons         /                       No

                                       Pollutant discharge standards implemented: Wastewater Quality Standards for
                                       Discharge to Municipal Sewers (GBT 31962–2015)

                         (4)    Wuhan Freezer
                                    Main pollutants:
                                    Organic exhaust gas. Exhaust gas pollutant discharge refers to the Integrated
                                    Emission Standard of Air Pollutants, and the primary type of pollutant in the
                                    atmosphere detected are namely non-methane hydrocarbon (VOC), with the
                                    maximum concentration of discharge not exceeding 120 mg/m. A qualified
                                    third-party testing unit is commissioned to conduct organic exhaust gas
                                    concentration testing and issue a report on a half-yearly basis.

                                       Way of discharge: continuous discharge

                                       Number and distribution of discharge outlets: two in total, one exhaust port for
                                       door at the south-west side of the plant, one exhaust port for curing at the
                                       south-west side of the plant.

                                       Concentration and total amount of discharge and approved total amount of
                                       discharge: No control regarding the total amount of discharge of organic
                                       exhaust gas

                                                                                     Approved                Whether it is
                                                Concentration    Total amount        total amount            excessive
       No.       Name of Pollutant              of discharge     of discharge        of discharge            discharge

       1         VOC                            5.42 mg/m3       0.16368 tons        No control regarding    No
                                                                                       the total amount of

56   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                 Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

             (5)    Wuhan Air-Conditioning
                        Main Pollutants:

                          Organic exhaust gas. Exhaust gas pollutant discharge refers to the Integrated
                          Emission Standard of Air Pollutants, and the primary type of pollutant in the
                          atmosphere detected are namely non-methane hydrocarbon (VOC), with the
                          maximum concentration of discharge not exceeding 120 mg/m. A qualified
                          third-party testing unit is commissioned to conduct organic exhaust gas
                          concentration testing and issue a report on a half-yearly basis.

                          Way of discharge: continuous discharge

                          Number and distribution of discharge outlets: five in total, one degreasing exhaust
                          port at the south side of the plant roof, and three stamping exhaust ports at the
                          south side of the plant roof and one spraying exhaust port at the north side of
                          the spraying workshop roof.

                          Concentration and total amount of discharge and approved total amount of
                          discharge: No control regarding the amount of discharge of organic exhaust gas
                          and particulate matter

                                                                          Approved                Whether it is
                                 Concentration       Total amount         total amount            excessive
No.   Name of Pollutant          of discharge        of discharge         of discharge            discharge

1     VOC                        0.698 mg/m          0.03523 tons         No control regarding    No
                                                                            the total amount of

             (6)    Zhengzhou Air-Conditioning
                        Main Pollutant:
                        Wastewater. According to the Technical Specification for Application and
                        Issuance of Pollutant Permit — Wastewater Treatment (for Trial) (HJ 978–2018),
                        Zhengzhou Air-Conditioning should apply for a pollutant discharge permit and
                        detect 9 types of pollutants (including specific pollutants), namely, COD, total
                        zinc, suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), five-day biochemical oxygen
                        demand (BOD5), PH, total phosphorus, and animal and vegetable oils.

                          Way of discharge: indirect discharge

                          Number and distribution of discharge outlets: one, on the north side of the
                          air-conditioning wastewater treatment plant, pipeline discharge

                                                                     Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   57
     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

                                          Concentration and total amount of discharge and approved total amount of
                                          According to the discharge permit, the concentration and total amount of
                                          pollutant discharge subject to approval for the total amount are as follows:

                                                                                              Approved             Whether it is
                                                 Concentration          Total amount          total amount         excessive
       No.       Name of pollutant               of discharge           of discharge          of discharge         discharge

       1         COD                             29.62 mg/L             1.1 tons              /                    No
       2         Ammonia nitrogen                5.79 mg/L              0.035 tons            /                    No

                         (7)     Jiaozhou Air-Conditioning
                                      Main pollutants:
                                      Hazardous waste. According to the national directory, 8 types of hazardous
                                      waste detected are namely: waste oil, sludge, activated carbon, cotton filters,
                                      lightning tubes, soldering flux buckets, paint buckets and forklift battery.

                                          Way of discharge: Hazardous waste is transferred to a qualified hazardous waste
                                          disposal unit for disposal

                                          Total amount of discharge and approved total amount of discharge:

                                                              Total amount             Total amount          Whether it is
       No.       Name of hazardous waste                      of transfer              of managed plan       excessive discharge
                                                              (tons)                   (tons)

       1         Cotton filters                               0.42                     2                     No
       2         Waste oil                                    20.22                    30                    No
       3         Soldering flux buckets                       1.06                     1.5                   No
       4         Forklift battery                             16.3                     20                    No
       5         Sludge                                       21.08                    50                    No
       6         Paint buckets                                0.9                      5                     No
       7         Activated carbon                             2.18                     6                     No
       8         Lightning tubes                              0.06                     0.5                   No

                                          Pollutant discharge standards implemented: Directory of National Hazardous
                                          Wastes (Version 2021), Law of the People’s Republic of China on the
                                          Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste.

58   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                        Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

2.   Construction and operation of pollution prevention and treatment facilities

     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

     Jiaozhou Air-conditioning, Zhengzhou Air-conditioning, Wuhan Freezer, Wuhan Water
     Heater, have one, one, one and two wastewater treatment plants with a designed
     treatment capacity of 300 tons/day, 550 tons/day, 360 tons/day, 300 tons/day and 260
     tons/day, respectively. The construction, maintenance and daily operation of all wastewater
     treatment facilities are conducted in accordance with the requirements of national and local
     environmental laws and regulations. Information on all wastewater discharge is subject to
     24-hour online monitoring and such monitored information is transmitted to environmental
     authorities in a real-time manner. All equipment is operating normally, and the discharge of
     wastewater is steady and in compliance with standards. In addition, the Company fully
     promotes all plants to install exhaust treatment facilities and VOCs online monitoring
     facilities. All equipment is operating normally and exhaust produced is treated by the
     prevention and treatment facilities before compliant release and is monitored.

3.   Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental
     protection administrative permits

     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

     The Company and its subsidiaries execute construction project implementation and
     production in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and strictly comply
     with the three simultaneous requirements of environmental protection for construction
     projects in the process of environmental impact assessment, and have passed
     environmental assessment acceptance and are not involved in any environmental illegal
     conducts such as construction before approval.

4.   Emergency plans for environmental incidents

     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

     The Company and its subsidiaries have formulated Emergency Plans for Environmental
     Incidents in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and organized drills,
     and continue to improve and upgrade the plans based on drill results.

                                                          Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   59
     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

                  5.     Self-monitoring environmental programs

                         √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                         All pollutants of the Company are tested regularly, of which the discharge complies with
                         national and local environmental standard requirements. Wastewater collected is subject to
                         standard treatment and is released in a compliant manner. It is under real-time monitoring
                         through the automatic online wastewater monitoring system, which shares its information
                         with Haier Smart Energy System. In March 2017, the Company passed the upgraded
                         certification in relation to ISO14001 environment management system; In May 2021, a
                         professional certification firm was appointed to conduct a review and audit on the operation
                         of ISO14001 system in 2020, where satisfactory results were obtained to demonstrate its
                         good operating condition; In May 2022, a review and audit was conducted on the
                         operation of system in 2021; In May 2023, a recertification audit was conducted on the
                         operation of system in 2022. In May 2024, a first review and audit was conducted on the
                         operation of system in 2023.

                  6.     Administrative penalty due to environmental issues during the Reporting Period

                             Applicable √ Not Applicable

                  7.     Other environmental information that should be disclosed

                             Applicable √ Not Applicable

           (II)   Explanation on environmental protection of companies other than major pollutant
                  emission units
                  √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                  1.     Administrative penalty due to environmental issues

                             Applicable √ Not Applicable

60   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                              Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

    2.     Other environmental information disclosure with reference to major pollutant
           emission units

           √ Applicable    Not Applicable

           All divisions of the Company execute construction project implementation and production in
           accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and strictly comply with the three
           simultaneous requirements of environmental protection for construction projects in the
           process of environmental impact assessment, and have passed environmental assessment
           acceptance and are not involved in any environmental illegal conducts such as construction
           before approval.

           Through Haier Smart Energy Center, an energy big data analysis system, the Company
           implements centralized dynamic monitoring and digitalized management in respect of major
           energy consumption, such as water, electricity and gas, of plants in the China region by
           utilizing automatized and informationalized technology and an integrated management
           model. It collects precise information on energy resources and completes prediction and
           analysis of energy consumption information to optimize energy adjustment, reduce energy
           consumption per unit production to achieve low-carbon production.

    3.     Reasons for failure to disclose other environmental information

              Applicable √ Not Applicable

(III) Explanation of the subsequent progress or changes in the disclosure of
      environmental information content during the Reporting Period
    √ Applicable     Not Applicable

    The Company will continue to maintain and improve existing results and strictly comply with
    existing environmental protection and emission standards to achieve compliant emission.

(IV) Relevant information favorable to ecological protection, pollution prevention and
     control and environmental responsibility fulfillment
         Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   61
     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

           (V)    Measures taken during the Reporting Period to reduce its carbon emission and
                  their effectiveness
                  √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                  During the reporting period, the Company’s air-conditioning products pursued green and
                  low-carbon transformation and achieved significant results, with its carbon management capability
                  being recognized by industry authorities: Qingdao Haier Air-Conditioner Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of
                  the Company, was awarded the Carbon Management System Certification issued by the China
                  Quality Certification Center (CQC), making it the first enterprise in the industry to receive this
                  certification. Based on the concept of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, Haier
                  Air-Conditioner establishes and improves its carbon management system in accordance with the
                  requirements of the carbon management system standard to evaluate the current state of the
                  company’s carbon management, identify the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions within
                  the organization, and formulate emission reduction measures to provide a “basis for carbon
                  management”. The measures include opening up new revenue sources for green carbon
                  development through high-standard laboratory performance and testing capabilities, etc.; the
                  realization of carbon emission reduction by vigorously launching research on low-carbon
                  technologies and promoting their application; and the establishment of a green recycling system
                  through recycling to realize the reuse of resources and to lay a new track of “carbon reduction
                  and emission control”. In the future, Haier Air-Conditioner will, based on the current state of its
                  carbon management, make sustainable improvements and optimizations for greenhouse gas
                  emission reduction, and implement emission reduction plans in a targeted and planned manner in
                  terms of laboratory renovation, promotion and application of energy and technology, etc., so as
                  to enhance its own capabilities while helping the industry in green transformation and upgrading.

           √ Applicable       Not Applicable

           The Company attaches importance to the work of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. In
           accordance with the series of national planning and filing requirements and within the scope of
           authorization of the shareholders’ general meeting on donations and other matters, the Company has
           provided targeted support to support rural revitalization. In the first half of 2024, the Company’s capital
           expenditure on targeted poverty alleviation amounted to approximately RMB3,870,000, which was
           mainly used for educational poverty alleviation, etc. The Company has actively responded to the call of
           the government to fulfill its social responsibilities.

62   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                              Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities

During the reporting period, Haier Hope Primary School in Bahrain Left Banner held a ceremony for the
“Haier Little Scientists Program”. As another important achievement of Haier’s “Smart Campus
Upgrade Program”, smart scenarios such as smart laundry rooms have been deeply integrated into
school life, bringing children a new smart and healthy campus life experience. In addition to the smart
laundry room, Haier has also built energy utilization scenarios for smart pantry room and green energy
hut, which have comprehensively improved the learning environment of Hope Primary School, and have
also made the development of rural education come to fruition through technology. At present, the
national education digitization strategy has made positive progress, and the construction of campus
informatization is moving towards a new stage of smart campus with application, integration and
innovation. The Company is actively exploring the construction of smart campus, using technology to
give children a new experience of growth, and effectively enhance the sense of achievement and
happiness of teachers and students by adding wings of “intelligence” for the high quality development
of public welfare undertakings in education.

                                                                Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   63
     Section VI Significant Issues

                (I)       The undertakings made by the ultimate controllers, shareholders, related parties,
                          acquirer as well as the Company and other relevant parties during or up to the
                          reporting period
                          √ Applicable              Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                  Any                           performed in
          Background of       Type of                                                                             Date of         deadline for   Term of        a timely and
          undertakings        undertakings       Covenanter          Contents of undertakings                     undertakings    performance    undertakings   strict way

          Undertaking related Eliminate the       Haier Group        During the period from September 2006 to 27 September        Yes            Long-term      Yes
             to significant       property right     Corporation         May 2007, the Company issued shares to      2006
             reorganization of    defects in land                        Haier Group Corporation (“Haier Group”)
             assets               etc.                                   to purchase the controlling equity in its
                                                                         four subsidiaries, namely Qingdao Haier
                                                                         Air-Conditioner Electronics Co., Ltd. (青島
                                                                         海爾空調電子有限公司), Hefei Haier
                                                                         Air-conditioning Co., Limited (合肥海爾空
                                                                         調器有限公司), Wuhan Haier Electronics
                                                                         Co., Ltd. (武漢海爾電器股份有限公司),
                                                                         Guizhou Haier Electronics Co., Ltd. (貴州
                                                                         海爾電器有限公司). With regard to the
                                                                         land and property required in the
                                                                         operation of Qingdao Haier Air-
                                                                         Conditioner Electronics Co., Ltd. (青島海
                                                                         爾空調電子有限公司), Hefei Haier
                                                                         Air-conditioning Co., Limited (合肥海爾空
                                                                         調器有限公司), Wuhan Haier Electronics
                                                                         Co., Ltd. (武漢海爾電器股份有限公司)
                                                                         (the “Covenantees”), Haier Group made an
                                                                         undertaking (the “2006 Undertaking”).
                                                                         According to the content of 2006
                                                                         Undertaking and then condition of each
                                                                         Covenantee, Haier Group will constantly
                                                                         assure that Covenantees will lease the
                                                                         land and property owned by Haier Group
                                                                         for free. Haier Group will make
                                                                         compensation in the event that the
                                                                         Covenantees suffer loss due to the
                                                                         unavailability of such land and property.

                              Address peer       Haier Smart Home Prior to the Transaction (hereinafter “the      31 July 2020   Yes            Long-term      Yes
                                 competition        Co., Ltd.         Transaction” refers to the transaction in
                                                                      relation to the privatisation of Haier
                                                                      Electronics by Haier Smart Home), Haier
                                                                      Electric was a controlling subsidiary of the
                                                                      Company and did not compete with the
                                                                      Company; after the completion of the
                                                                      Transaction, Haier Electric became a
                                                                      wholly-owned or controlling subsidiary of
                                                                      the Company and no new competition
                                                                      with the Company existed or will arise.
                                                                      There is no new peer competition or
                                                                      potential competition between the
                                                                      Company and other related parties
                                                                      controlled by the controlling shareholders
                                                                      or the de facto controllers of the

64   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                   Section VI Significant Issues

                                                                                                             Any                           performed in
Background of   Type of                                                                       Date of        deadline for   Term of        a timely and
undertakings    undertakings      Covenanter       Contents of undertakings                   undertakings   performance    undertakings   strict way

                Address connected Haier Group      1. The Transaction constitutes a connected 29 July 2020   Yes            Long-term      Yes
                   transactions      Corporation   transaction and the connected transaction
                                                   procedures performed under the Transaction
                                                   are in compliance with the relevant
                                                   regulations. The pricing of the connected
                                                   transaction is fair and there are no
                                                   circumstances under which the interests of
                                                   the listed company and the non-connected
                                                   shareholders are prejudiced. 2. Upon
                                                   completion of the Transaction, the Company
                                                   and its affiliates will take lawful and effective
                                                   measures to minimize and regulate the
                                                   connected transactions with the listed
                                                   company, take the initiative to safeguard the
                                                   interests of the listed company and all
                                                   shareholders, and refrain from taking
                                                   advantages of connected transactions for
                                                   improper benefits. 3. Provided that there is no
                                                   conflict with laws and regulations, if
                                                   connected transactions between the Company
                                                   and its affiliates and the listed company occur
                                                   or exist which cannot be avoided or for which
                                                   there are reasonable reasons, the Company
                                                   and its affiliates will legally enter into a
                                                   transaction agreement with the listed
                                                   company to ensure strict compliance with the
                                                   procedures of connected transactions
                                                   required by the laws, regulations, regulatory
                                                   documents and the articles of association of
                                                   the Company, conduct transactions in
                                                   accordance with the principles of
                                                   marketability and fair prices to ensure the
                                                   fairness and compliance of connected
                                                   transactions, and refrain from taking
                                                   advantages of such connected transactions to
                                                   engage in any acts that are detrimental to the
                                                   interests of the listed company or its minority
                                                   shareholders, and at the same time, comply
                                                   with the information disclosure obligations in
                                                   accordance with relevant regulations.

                                                                                                     Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024       65
     Section VI Significant Issues

                                                                                                                     Any                           performed in
       Background of   Type of                                                                       Date of         deadline for   Term of        a timely and
       undertakings    undertakings     Covenanter       Contents of undertakings                    undertakings    performance    undertakings   strict way

                       Address peer     Haier Group      1. The Company and its controlling           29 July 2020   Yes            Long-term      Yes
                          competition      Corporation   subsidiary, Haier COSMO Co., Ltd., were
                                                         principally engaged in investment business
                                                         during the reporting period, and the Company
                                                         and its controlling subsidiary, Haier COSMO
                                                         Co., Ltd. (including its subsidiaries and
                                                         entities with more than 30% shareholding),
                                                         have no real or potential competition with
                                                         Haier Smart Home; 2. the domestic and
                                                         overseas white goods businesses and assets
                                                         held by the Company (including the
                                                         Company’s subsidiaries and entities with
                                                         more than 30% shareholding) have been
                                                         injected into Haier Smart Home through asset
                                                         consolidation and equity transfer in
                                                         accordance with the commitments made by
                                                         the Company in January 2011 and the
                                                         requirements for adjusting such commitments
                                                         as considered and approved by Haier Smart
                                                         Home at its 2014 annual general meeting; 3,
                                                         Since the acquisition of 100% of Haier New
                                                         Zealand Investment Holding Company Limited
                                                         (which holds 100% of the shares in Fisher &
                                                         Paykel Appliances Holdings Limited) by Haier
                                                         Smart Home’s offshore subsidiary, Haier
                                                         Singapore Investment Holding Co., Ltd.,
                                                         following the completion in July 2018, the
                                                         Company (including the Company’s
                                                         subsidiaries and entities with more than 30%
                                                         shareholding) and Haier Smart Home do not
                                                         have any competing relationship in any
                                                         business areas both within and outside the
                                                         PRC. During the reporting period, the
                                                         Company (including the Company’s
                                                         subsidiaries and entities with more than 30%
                                                         shareholding) did not have any new peer
                                                         competition with Haier Smart Home; 4. Upon
                                                         completion of the Transaction, the Company
                                                         (including the Company’s subsidiaries and
                                                         entities with more than 30% shareholding)
                                                         and its affiliates do not have any new or
                                                         potential peer competition with Haier Smart
                                                         Home; 5. During the period when the
                                                         Company is the controlling shareholder of
                                                         Haier Smart Home and the shares of Haier
                                                         Smart Home are listed on the Hong Kong
                                                         Stock Exchange, the Company and its other
                                                         subsidiaries and entities with more than 30%
                                                         shareholding will not operate any business
                                                         that competes with the business engaged by
                                                         Haier Smart Home and will not engage in real
                                                         or potential competition with Haier Smart

66   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                        Section VI Significant Issues

                                                                                                                   Any                           performed in
Background of   Type of                                                                           Date of          deadline for   Term of        a timely and
undertakings    undertakings   Covenanter       Contents of undertakings                          undertakings     performance    undertakings   strict way

                Others         Haier Group      Upon completion of the Transaction, the             29 July 2020   Yes            Long-term      Yes
                                  Corporation      Company will strictly comply with the
                                                   Company Law, the Securities Law, the
                                                   relevant regulations of the China Securities
                                                   Regulatory Commission, the Shanghai
                                                   Stock Exchange and the articles of
                                                   association of Haier Smart Home, etc.,
                                                   fairly exercise shareholders’ rights and
                                                   fulfill shareholders’ obligations, refrain from
                                                   taking advantage of its shareholding
                                                   position for improper benefits, ensure the
                                                   listed company will continue to be
                                                   completely separate from the Company
                                                   and other enterprises on which the
                                                   Company exercises control and exerts
                                                   significant influence in terms of
                                                   management, personnel, assets, finance,
                                                   organization and business operations, and
                                                   maintain the continued independence of
                                                   the listed company in terms of
                                                   management, personnel, assets, finance,
                                                   organization and business operations.
                                                   Upon completion of the Transaction, the
                                                   Company will comply with the provisions
                                                   of the Notice on Several Issues
                                                   concerning Regulating Fund Transactions
                                                   between Listed Companies and Their
                                                   Affiliates and the External Guarantee of
                                                   Listed Companies and the Circular of
                                                   China Securities Regulatory Commission
                                                   and China Banking Regulatory
                                                   Commission on Regulating the External
                                                   Guaranties Provided by Listed Companies
                                                   to regulate the external guarantees by
                                                   listed companies and their subsidiaries,
                                                   and will not misappropriate the funds of
                                                   the listed company and their subsidiaries.
                                                   The Company undertakes to strictly fulfill
                                                   the above commitments. In the event that
                                                   the interests of the listed company are
                                                   damaged as a result of any breach of the
                                                   above commitments by the Company and
                                                   other enterprises on which the Company
                                                   exercises control and exerts significant
                                                   influence, the Company will legally bear
                                                   the corresponding liability for damage.

                                                                                                          Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024        67
     Section VI Significant Issues

                                                                                                                    Any                           performed in
       Background of   Type of                                                                       Date of        deadline for   Term of        a timely and
       undertakings    undertakings    Covenanter         Contents of undertakings                   undertakings   performance    undertakings   strict way

                       Address connected HCH (HK)         1. The Transaction constitutes a connected 29 July 2020   Yes            Long-term      Yes
                          transactions     INVESTMENT     transaction and the connected transaction
                                           MANAGEMENT     procedures performed under the Transaction
                                           CO., LIMITED   are in compliance with the relevant
                                                          regulations. The pricing of the connected
                                                          transaction is fair and there are no
                                                          circumstances under which the interests of
                                                          the listed company and the non-connected
                                                          shareholders are prejudiced. 2. Upon
                                                          completion of the Transaction, the Company
                                                          and other enterprises on which the Company
                                                          exercises control will take lawful and effective
                                                          measures to minimize and regulate the
                                                          connected transactions with the listed
                                                          company, take the initiative to safeguard the
                                                          interests of the listed company and all
                                                          shareholders, and refrain from taking
                                                          advantages of connected transactions for
                                                          improper benefits. 3. Provided that there is no
                                                          conflict with laws and regulations, if
                                                          connected transactions between the Company
                                                          and other enterprises on which the Company
                                                          exercise control and the listed company occur
                                                          or exist which cannot be avoided or for which
                                                          there are reasonable reasons, the Company
                                                          and other enterprises on which the Company
                                                          exercises control will legally enter into a
                                                          transaction agreement with the listed
                                                          company to ensure strict compliance with the
                                                          procedures of connected transactions
                                                          required by the laws, regulations, regulatory
                                                          documents and the articles of association of
                                                          the Company, conduct transactions in
                                                          accordance with the principles of
                                                          marketability and fair prices, and refrain from
                                                          taking advantages of such connected
                                                          transactions to engage in any acts that are
                                                          detrimental to the interests of the listed
                                                          company or its minority shareholders, and at
                                                          the same time, comply with the information
                                                          disclosure obligations in accordance with
                                                          relevant regulations. 4. Any covenants and
                                                          arrangements between the Company and
                                                          other enterprises on which the Company
                                                          exercise control and the listed company in
                                                          relation to connected transactions shall not
                                                          prevent the other party from conducting
                                                          business or dealing with any third party for its
                                                          own benefit and on equal competitive terms
                                                          in the market.

68   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                        Section VI Significant Issues

                                                                                                                    Any                           performed in
Background of       Type of                                                                       Date of           deadline for   Term of        a timely and
undertakings        undertakings       Covenanter        Contents of undertakings                 undertakings      performance    undertakings   strict way

Undertaking related Eliminate the       Haier Group      Haier Group Corporation undertakes that it 24 December 2013 Yes           Long-term      Yes
   to refinancing       property right     Corporation      will assure Haier Smart Home and its
                        defects in land                     subsidiaries of the constant, stable and
                        etc.                                unobstructed use of the leased property.
                                                            In the event that Haier Smart Home or
                                                            any of its subsidiaries suffers any
                                                            economic loss due to the fact that leased
                                                            property has no relevant ownership
                                                            certificate, Haier Group Corporation will
                                                            make compensation to impaired party in a
                                                            timely and sufficient way and take all
                                                            reasonable and practicable measures to
                                                            support the impaired party to recover to
                                                            normal operation before the occurrence of
                                                            loss. Upon the expiration of relevant
                                                            leasing period, Haier Group Corporation
                                                            will grant or take practicable measures to
                                                            assure Haier Smart Home and its
                                                            subsidiaries of priority to continue to lease
                                                            the property at a price not higher than the
                                                            rent in comparable market at that time.
                                                            Haier Group Corporation will assure Haier
                                                            Smart Home and its subsidiaries of the
                                                            constant, stable, free and unobstructed
                                                            use of self-built property and land of the
                                                            Group. In the event that Haier Smart
                                                            Home or any of its subsidiaries fails to
                                                            continue to use self-built property
                                                            according to its own will or in original way
                                                            due to the fact that self-built property has
                                                            no relevant ownership certificate, Haier
                                                            Group Corporation will take all reasonable
                                                            and practicable measures to eliminate
                                                            obstruction and impact, or will support
                                                            Haier Smart Home or its affected
                                                            subsidiary to obtain alternative property as
                                                            soon as possible, if Haier Group
                                                            Corporation anticipates it is unable to
                                                            cope with or eliminate the external
                                                            obstruction and impact with its
                                                            reasonable effort. For details, please refer
                                                            to the Announcement of Qingdao Haier
                                                            Co., Ltd. on the Formation, Current
                                                            Situation of the Defective Property, the
                                                            Influence on Operation of Issuer Caused
                                                            by Uncertainty of Ownership, Solution for
                                                            the Defect and Guarantee Measures
                                                            (L2014-005) published by the Company
                                                            on the four major securities newspapers
                                                            and the website of Shanghai Stock
                                                            Exchange on 29 March 2014.

                                                                                                         Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024          69
     Section VI Significant Issues

                                                                                                                              Any                             performed in
       Background of       Type of                                                                         Date of            deadline for   Term of          a timely and
       undertakings        undertakings     Covenanter        Contents of undertakings                     undertakings       performance    undertakings     strict way

       Undertakings related Others          Haier Smart Home The Company will not provide loans or any 15 September           Yes            The completion of Yes
          to equity                            Co., Ltd         other forms of financial assistance,       2021/28 June                         equity incentive
          incentive                                             including guaranteeing their loans, to any 2022                                 implementation
                                                                incentive recipient for acquiring relevant
                                                                stock options under this incentive plan.

       Other undertakings Asset injection   Haier Group       Inject the assets of Haier Photoelectric to the December 2015   Yes            June 2025        Yes
                                               Corporation        Company or dispose such assets through
                                                                  other ways according to the requirements
                                                                  of the domestic supervision before June
                                                                  2025. For more details, please refer to the
                                                                  Announcement of Haier Smart Home Co.,
                                                                  Ltd. on the Changes of Some
                                                                  Commitments on Asset Injection
                                                                  (L2020-024) published on the four major
                                                                  securities newspapers and the website of
                                                                  Shanghai Stock Exchange on 30 April

     Note: During the reporting period, the undertaking was fulfilled since all Covenantees of the undertaking has obtained the real property
           ownership certificates.

70   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                        Section VI Significant Issues

         Applicable   √ Not Applicable

         Applicable   √ Not Applicable

         Applicable   √ Not Applicable

         Applicable   √ Not Applicable

         Applicable   √ Not Applicable

         Material litigation and arbitration matter during the reporting period

      √ No material litigation and arbitration matters during the reporting period

         Applicable   √ Not applicable

         Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                         Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   71
     Section VI Significant Issues

           (I)    Related-party transactions relating to daily operation
                  1.     Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcements and with no
                         subsequent progress or change

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

                  2.     Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcements and with subsequent
                         progress or change

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

                  3.     Matters not disclosed in temporary announcements

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

           (II)   Related-party transactions regarding acquisition or disposal of assets/equity
                  1.     Matters disclosed in temporary announcements and with no subsequent progress
                         or change

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

                  2.     Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcements and with subsequent
                         progress or change

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

                  3.     Matters not disclosed in temporary announcements

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

                  4.     If performance agreement is involved, the performance achieved during the reporting
                         period shall be disclosed

                             Applicable     √ Not applicable

72   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                      Section VI Significant Issues

(III) Significant related-party transactions of joint external investment
    1.   Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcements and with no
         subsequent progress or change

            Applicable   √ Not applicable

    2.   Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcements and with subsequent
         progress or change

            Applicable   √ Not applicable

    3.   Matters not disclosed in temporary announcements

            Applicable   √ Not applicable

(IV) Amounts due to or from related parties
    1.   Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcements and with no
         subsequent progress or change

            Applicable   √ Not applicable

    2.   Matters that have been disclosed in temporary announcement and with subsequent
         progress or change

            Applicable   √ Not applicable

    3.   Matters not disclosed in temporary announcements

            Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                       Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   73
     Section VI Significant Issues

           (V)    Financial business between the Company and the finance company with which
                  it has a related relationship, the company’s controlling finance company and
                  related parties
                  √ Applicable                 Not applicable

                  1.     Deposit business

                         √ Applicable                 Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                                                             Changes of the period
                                                                                                                                       Total amount        Total amount
                                                                         Maximum daily      Range of deposit                        deposited during withdrawn during                Closing
                           Related party           Relationship            deposit limit             interest   Opening balance           the period          the period             balance

                           Haier Finance Co.,      Subsidiary of Haier         34 billion   0.00012%to 3.5%     33,654,242,534.50   285,540,013,292.96 285,309,670,757.96   33,884,585,069.50
                               Ltd.                    Group
                           Total                   /                                    /                   /   33,654,242,534.50   285,540,013,292.96 285,309,670,757.96   33,884,585,069.50

                  2.     Lending business

                         √ Applicable                 Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                                                         Changes of the period
                                                                                                                                            Total Total amount
                                                                                                                                      amount lent          repaid
                                                                                            Range of loan             Opening          during the      during the                  Closing
                           Related party           Relationship            Loan limit            interest             balance              period          period                  balance

                           Haier Finance           Subsidiary of             10 billion                     /                  0                   0                   0                   0
                              Co., Ltd.               Haier Group
                           Total                   /                                   /                    /                  0                   0                   0                   0

74   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                        Section VI Significant Issues

     3.     Trustee business or other finance businesses

            √ Applicable          Not applicable

                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                      Actual number of
              Related party           Relationship          Type of business       Total amount            occurrence

              Haier Finance Co.,      Subsidiary of Haier   Foreign exchange            5.5 billion     213,576,000.00
                Ltd.                    Group                 derivatives
              Haier Finance Co.,      Subsidiary of Haier   Service charge              80 million        4,425,427.95
                Ltd.                    Group

     4.     Other explanations

               Applicable     √ Not applicable

(VI) Other material related transactions
          Applicable   √ Not applicable

(VII) Others
          Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                          Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   75
     Section VI Significant Issues

                1              Trusteeship, contracting and leasing
                                         Applicable                   √ Not applicable

                               During the reporting period, the Company had no material escrow matters. Up to now, the
                               following entrusted assets that have been approved by the Company’s shareholders’ meeting are
                               still in effect:

                               According to Haier Group’s commitment in 2011 on further supporting the development of
                               Qingdao Haier and resolving peer competition to reduce connected transactions, based on the
                               fact that Qingdao Haier Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (青 島 海 爾 光 電 有 限 公 司) and its subsidiaries,
                               the main body of Haier Group engaging in the color television business, are still in a period of
                               transformation and integration, and their financial performance has not yet met the Company’s
                               expectations, Haier Group is unable to complete the transfer before the aforesaid commitment
                               period. Haier Group intends to entrust the Company with the operation and management of the
                               escrow assets and pay the Company an annual escrow fee of RMB1 million during the escrow

                2              Significant guarantees performed and outstanding during the reporting period
                               √ Applicable                               Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB0’000

                                                                                  External guarantees provided by the Company (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries)
                                                                                  Date of
                            Relationship                                      occurrence                                                                                                                                 Whether
                           between the                                             of the                                                                          Whether the                  Overdue      Whether      related-
                          guarantor and                                        guarantee                                                   Status of                  guarantee Whether the    amount of   there is a        party
                              the listed        Secured       Amount of          (date of Commencement Expiry date             Type of     principle Collateral        has been guarantee is         the    counter-    guarantee
       Guarantor               company            party       guarantee       agreement) date of guarantee of guarantee guarantee          liabilities   (if any)        fulfilled  overdue    guarantee   guarantee        or not   Relationship

       Total amount of guarantee occurred during the reporting period (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries)
       Total balance of guarantee at the end of the reporting period (A) (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries)

                                                                                                       Guarantees provided by the Company for subsidiaries
       Total amount of guarantees for subsidiaries occurred during the reporting period                                                                                                                                                 1,404,017
       Total balance of guarantees for subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period (B)                                                                                                                                              1,296,712

                                                                                 Total amount of guarantees provided by the Company (including guarantees for subsidiaries)
       Total amount of guarantee (A + B)                                                                                                                                                                                                1,296,712
       Ratio of total amount of guarantees to net assets of the Company (%)
       Amount of guarantees for shareholders, ultimate controllers and their related parties (C)                                                                                                                                               0
       Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for the secured party with asset-liability ratio exceeding 70% (D)                                                                                                      782,927
       The amount of total amount of guarantee in excess of 50% of net assets (E)                                                                                                                                                              0
       Total amount of the above three guarantees (C + D + E)                                                                                                                                                                            782,927
       Explanation of possibly bearing related discharge duty for premature guarantees                                                                                                                                                        Nil

       Explanation of guarantee status                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nil

                3              Other major contracts

                                         Applicable                   √ Not Applicable

76   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                   Section VI Significant Issues

      Applicable   √ Not Applicable

   √ Applicable   Not Applicable

   Entrusted wealth management: By the end of the reporting period, the balance of the Company’s
   entrusted wealth management amounted to RMB2.145 billion. Under the premise of ensuring sufficient
   capital required by the principal operating activities and daily operations, the Company and some of its
   subsidiaries purchased some low-risk wealth management products and structured deposits from major
   commercial banks to improve the yield of temporarily-idle funds and the return for shareholders within
   the authority of the president’s office meeting and under the condition of ensuring fund safety.

                                                                    Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   77
     Section VII Changes in Shares and
     Information About Shareholders

           (I)    Table of Changes in shares
                  1.     Table of Changes in shares

                         During the reporting period, there was no change in the total number of shares and share
                         capital structure of the Company.

                  2.     Statement on the changes in shares

                             Applicable √ Not Applicable

                  3.     Effect of changes in shares on the financial indicators such as earnings per share
                         and net assets per share (if any) after the reporting period to the disclosure date
                         of interim report

                             Applicable √ Not Applicable

                  4.     Other disclosure deemed necessary by the Company or required by securities
                         regulatory authorities

                             Applicable √ Not Applicable

           (II)   Changes in shares with selling restrictions
                       Applicable √ Not Applicable

           (I)    Total number of shareholders:
                  Total number of ordinary shareholders by the end of the reporting period               112,985
                  Total number of preferential shareholders with restoration of voting rights                N/A
                    by the end of the reporting period

78   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
           Section VII Changes in Shares and Information About Shareholders

(II)   Table of shareholdings of top ten shareholders, top ten shareholders of tradable
       shares (or shareholders without selling restrictions) by the end of the reporting
                                                                                                                                    Unit: share

       Shareholdings of top ten shareholders (excluding shares lent out under refinancing)

                                           decrease     Number of                   Number of
                                          during the shares held                    shares held
        Name of shareholder                reporting at the end of     Percentage   with selling   Status of shares pledged,   Nature of
        (full name)                           period    the period            (%)   restrictions       marked or frozen        shareholder
                                                                                                     Status of
                                                                                                        shares       Number

        HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                         2,314,600,081        24.52                    Unknown                   Unknown
        Haier COSMO Co., Ltd.                          1,258,684,824        13.34                       None                   Domestic non-state-
           (海爾卡奧斯股份有限公司)                                                                                               owned legal entity
        Haier Group Corporation                        1,072,610,764        11.36                        None                  Domestic non-state-
                                                                                                                                  owned legal entity
        Hong Kong Securities Clearing     71,261,645    665,064,574          7.05                        None                  Unknown
           Co., Ltd.
        HCH (HK) INVESTMENT                             538,560,000          5.71                        None                  Foreign legal entity
        China Securities Finance                        182,592,654          1.93                        None                  Unknown
           Corporation Limited
        Qingdao Haier Venture &                         172,252,560          1.83                        None                  Domestic non-state-
           Investment Information Co.,                                                                                           owned legal entity
           Ltd. (青島海爾創業投資咨詢
        Qingdao Haichuangzhi                            133,791,058          1.42                        None                  Domestic non-state-
           Management Consulting                                                                                                 owned legal entity
           Enterprise (Limited
           Partnership) (青島海創智管理
        Industrial and Commercial Bank    14,617,100     60,753,458          0.64                        None                  Unknown
           of China -SSE 50 Exchange
           Traded Open-End Index
           Securities Investment Fund
        Clearstream Banking S.A.                         58,352,268          0.62                        None                  Unknown

                                                                                            Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024             79
     Section VII Changes in Shares and Information About Shareholders

                  Shareholdings of top ten shareholders without selling restrictions (excluding shares lent
                  out under refinancing

                                                           Number of
                                                      tradable shares
                                                         held without
                     Name of shareholder                  restrictions         Class and number of shares
                                                                         Class                         Number

                     HKSCC NOMINEES                     2,314,600,081    Overseas listed foreign   2,314,600,081
                       LIMITED                                            shares
                     Haier COSMO Co., Ltd.              1,258,684,824    RMB ordinary              1,258,684,824
                       公 司)
                     Haier Group                        1,072,610,764    RMB ordinary              1,072,610,764
                     Hong Kong Securities                 665,064,574    RMB ordinary               665,064,574
                       Clearing Co., Ltd.
                     HCH (HK) INVESTMENT                  538,560,000    Overseas listed foreign    538,560,000
                       MANAGEMENT CO.,                                    shares
                     China Securities Finance             182,592,654    RMB ordinary               182,592,654
                       Corporation Limited
                     Qingdao Haier Venture &              172,252,560    RMB ordinary               172,252,560
                       Information Co., Ltd.
                       詢 有 限 公 司)
                     Qingdao Haichuangzhi                 133,791,058    RMB ordinary               133,791,058
                       Consulting Enterprise
                       (Limited Partnership)
                       企 業(有 限 合 伙)
                     Industrial and                        60,753,458    RMB ordinary                60,753,458
                       Commercial Bank of
                       China -SSE 50
                       Exchange Traded
                       Open-End Index
                       Securities Investment
                     Clearstream Banking                   58,352,268    Overseas listed foreign     58,352,268
                       S.A.                                               shares

80   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
   Section VII Changes in Shares and Information About Shareholders

                                    Number of
                               tradable shares
                                  held without
 Name of shareholder               restrictions             Class and number of shares
                                                    Class                           Number

 Explanation of               The repurchase accounts of the Company held a total of
   repurchase account of      145,238,037 shares.
   top ten shareholders
 Explanation of delegated     Nil
   voting rights,
   entrusted voting
   rights, abstained
   voting rights of the
   above shareholders
 Explanation of related       (1) Haier COSMO Co., Ltd. (海 爾 卡 奥 斯 股 份 有 限 公 司) is a
   parties or parties              subsidiary of Haier Group Corporation. Haier Group
   acting in concert               Corporation holds 51.20% of its equity. Qingdao Haier
   among the aforesaid             Venture & Investment Information Co., Ltd. (青 島 海 爾 創 業 投
   shareholders                    資 咨 詢 有 限 公 司), HCH (HK) INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
                                   CO., LIMITED and Qingdao Haichuangzhi Management
                                   Consulting Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (青島海創智管理咨
                                   詢 企 業(有 限 合 伙) are parties acting in concert with Haier
                                   Group Corporation; (2) The Company is not aware of the
                                   existence of any connections of other shareholders.

 Explanation of               Not applicable
   shareholders with
   restoration of voting
   rights and their

Shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, top ten shareholders and top ten holders of
outstanding shares without selling restrictions participating in the lending of shares under the
refinancing business

   Applicable   √ Not Applicable

                                                            Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   81
     Section VII Changes in Shares and Information About Shareholders

                  Changes in top ten shareholders and top ten holders of outstanding shares without selling
                  restrictions due to lending/returning under refinancing as compared to the previous period

                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

                  Number of shares held by top ten shareholders with selling restrictions and the selling

                      Applicable √ Not Applicable

           (III) Strategic investors or general legal persons who became the top ten
                 shareholders due to placing of new shares
                      Applicable √ Not Applicable

           (I)    Changes of shareholding of current and retired directors, supervisors and senior
                  management during the reporting period
                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

                  Other explanations

                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

82   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
           Section VII Changes in Shares and Information About Shareholders

(II)   Incentive share option granted to directors, supervisors and senior management
       during the reporting period
       √ Applicable      Not Applicable

                                                                                                       Unit: 0’000 shares

                                                                  Number of       Exercisable Shares from
                                                 Number of     stock options           shares stock options    Number of
                                              stock options    newly granted          options     exercised stock options
                                                 held at the      during the       during the    during the    held at the
                                               beginning of        reporting        reporting     reporting    end of the
         Name             Position                the period          period           period        period         period

         Li Huagang       Director                    54.83                                           –18.28         36.56
         Gong Wei         Director                    27.42                                             –9.14        18.28
         Xie Juzhi        Senior management           54.83                                           –18.28         36.56
         Li Pan           Senior management           27.42                                             –9.14        18.28
         Song Yujun       Senior management           18.72                                             –6.24        12.49
         Zhao Yanfeng     Senior management           28.09                                             –9.36        18.73
         Huang Xiaowu     Senior management           27.42                                             –9.14        18.28
         Wu Yong          Senior management           13.71                                             –4.57         9.14
         Li Yang          Senior management           27.42                                             –9.14        18.28
         Guan Jiangyong   Senior management           13.71                                             –4.57         9.14
         Liu Xiaomei      Senior management            8.74                                             –2.91         5.82

         Total            /                          302.32                                          –100.77        201.55

                                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   83
     Section VII Changes in Shares and Information About Shareholders

           (III) Other explanations
                      Applicable     √ Not Applicable

               Applicable     √ Not Applicable

84   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                  Section VIII Relevant Information of
                                     Preferred Shares

Applicable   √ Not Applicable

                                      Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   85
     Section IX Relevant Information of
     Corporate Bonds

               Applicable     √ Not Applicable

               Applicable     √ Not Applicable

86   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                         Section X Financial Report

        Applicable   √ Not Applicable

      Consolidated Balance Sheet
      30 June 2024

      Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

                                                                                Unit and Currency: RMB

       Items                                       Notes        30 June 2024 31 December 2023

       Current assets:
        Monetary funds                             VII.1     54,705,626,157.44       54,486,452,841.14
        Provision of settlement fund
        Funds lent
        Financial assets held for trading          VII.2      1,066,569,759.01          953,963,543.83
        Derivative financial assets                VII.3         86,713,582.93           67,565,829.44
        Bills receivable                           VII.4      7,147,471,192.39        8,621,434,831.39
        Accounts receivable                        VII.5     23,517,845,844.84       20,268,099,436.43
        Financing receivables                      VII.6      1,035,015,815.14        1,238,294,930.51
        Premiums receivable
        Reinsurance accounts receivable
        Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
        Other receivables                          VII.7      2,731,270,164.67         2,649,558,985.05
        Including: Interest receivables                         676,041,225.16           748,496,020.24
                    Dividends receivables
        Financial assets purchased under resale
        Inventories                                VII.8     39,453,614,462.10       39,524,006,616.33
        Including: Data resources
        Contract assets                            VII.9       300,808,605.96            260,939,408.73
        Assets held for sale
        Non-current assets due within one year
        Other current assets                       VII.10     4,472,061,327.09   4,550,167,668.68
        Total current assets                                134,516,996,911.57 132,620,484,091.53
       Non-current assets:
        Loans and advances granted
        Debt investments                           VII.11    14,477,621,780.97         8,841,233,078.66
        Other debt investments
        Long-term receivables                                  351,899,806.17            350,409,496.85

                                                                Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   87
     Section X Financial Report

              Items                                          Notes        30 June 2024 31 December 2023

               Long-term equity investments                  VII.12    26,038,301,146.49   25,546,793,450.20
               Investments in other equity instruments       VII.13     6,281,814,366.53    6,403,694,954.77
               Other non-current financial assets
               Investment properties                         VII.14        80,227,845.94       98,631,080.77
               Fixed assets                                  VII.15    29,686,001,800.40   29,603,936,822.78
               Construction in progress                      VII.16     5,787,636,237.75    5,403,469,596.76
               Biological assets for production
               Oil and gas assets
               Right-of-use assets                           VII.17     4,815,237,702.43    4,367,081,679.74
               Intangible assets                             VII.18    10,814,254,709.75   11,006,230,700.93
               Including: Data resources
               Development cost                                          284,998,053.97      266,490,235.10
               Including: Data resources
               Goodwill                                      VII.19    24,341,834,392.35 24,289,726,694.80
               Long-term prepaid expenses                    VII.20       628,084,750.01     741,745,517.64
               Deferred income tax assets                    VII.21     1,782,173,574.04   1,805,945,632.16
               Other non-current assets                      VII.22     2,364,161,933.18   2,033,986,945.28
               Total non-current assets                               127,734,248,099.98 120,759,375,886.44
               Total assets                                           262,251,245,011.55 253,379,859,977.97
              Current liabilities:
               Short-term borrowings                         VII.23    10,333,169,856.54   10,318,351,841.88
               Borrowings from central bank
               Funds borrowed
               Financial liabilities held for trading
               Derivative financial liabilities              VII.24       191,751,522.44      168,625,004.97
               Bills payable                                 VII.25    23,389,001,752.35   22,215,726,721.62
               Accounts payables                             VII.26    47,200,496,446.93   47,061,789,173.62
               Receipts in advance
               Contract liabilities                          VII.27     3,256,026,994.75    7,731,916,491.54
               Disposal of repurchased financial assets
               Absorbing deposit and deposit in inter-
                  bank market
               Customer deposits for trading in securities
               Amounts due to issuer for securities
               Payables for staff’s remuneration            VII.28     3,896,760,934.55    5,077,517,828.50
               Taxes payable                                 VII.29     3,677,057,061.93    2,841,215,524.73
               Other payables                                VII.30    27,248,243,510.90   19,181,569,184.83
               Including: Interest payables
                           Dividends payables                           7,515,895,607.63        1,880,719.69
               Fees and commissions payable
               Reinsurance Accounts payables
               Liabilities held for sale
               Non-current liabilities due within one year   VII.31     5,327,717,384.22    3,732,550,549.23

88   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                              Section X Financial Report

 Items                                         Notes         30 June 2024 31 December 2023

  Other current liabilities                     VII.32     1,095,321,670.22   1,651,239,151.52
  Total current liabilities                              125,615,547,134.83 119,980,501,472.44
 Non-current liabilities:
  Deposits for insurance contracts
  Long-term borrowings                          VII.33    18,123,651,118.19       17,936,302,925.77
  Bonds payable
  Including: Preference shares
  Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                             VII.34     3,724,630,519.72         3,286,801,426.17
  Long-term payables                            VII.35        51,160,960.16            57,113,422.78
  Long-term payables for staff’s
    remuneration                                VII.36     1,055,014,630.92   1,085,454,839.18
  Estimated liabilities                         VII.37     2,005,235,110.36   1,935,014,042.24
  Deferred income                               VII.38     1,027,202,647.44   1,050,319,606.44
  Deferred income tax liabilities               VII.21     1,968,954,413.50   2,028,390,554.20
  Other non-current liabilities                               95,069,810.18     108,218,339.24
  Total non-current liabilities                           28,050,919,210.47 27,487,615,156.02
  Total liabilities                                      153,666,466,345.30 147,468,116,628.46
 Owners’ equity
  (or shareholders’ equity):
  Paid-in capital (or share capital)            VII.39     9,438,114,893.00         9,438,114,893.00
  Other equity instruments
  Including: Preference shares
               Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                               VII.40    23,906,949,506.86       23,762,354,684.05
  Less: treasury stock                          VII.41     5,500,665,317.85        5,034,065,107.42
  Other comprehensive income                    VII.42     1,635,545,031.02        1,969,724,027.01
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                               VII.43     4,842,338,543.80         4,842,338,543.80
  General risk provisions
  Undistributed profits                         VII.44    71,412,017,694.55       68,535,686,494.60
  Total equity attributable to owners
    (or shareholders) of the Parent Company              105,734,300,351.38 103,514,153,535.04
  Minority shareholders’ interests                        2,850,478,314.87   2,397,589,814.47
    Total owners’ equity
       (or shareholders’ equity)                        108,584,778,666.25 105,911,743,349.51
       Total liabilities and owners’ equity
          (or shareholders’ equity)                     262,251,245,011.55 253,379,859,977.97

Person in charge of the Company: Li Huagang
Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

                                                             Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   89
     Section X Financial Report

           Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
           30 June 2024

           Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 Unit and Currency: RMB

              Items                                      Notes      30 June 2024 31 December 2023

              Current Assets:
               Monetary funds                                    11,222,371,826.58    7,579,640,524.79
               Financial assets held for trading
               Derivative financial assets
               Bills receivable
               Accounts receivable                       XIX.1    1,859,987,722.13    1,625,777,099.03
               Financing receivables
               Prepayments                                            3,115,793.21        3,212,938.83
               Other receivables                         XIX.2   21,890,675,172.49   23,649,977,816.57
               Including: Interest receivables                      141,536,597.40      117,439,655.79
                           Dividends receivables                    872,819,744.23      570,000,000.00
               Inventories                                            6,163,640.83        5,400,498.27
               Including: Data resources
               Contract assets
               Assets held for sale
               Non-current assets due within one year
               Other current assets                               1,553,369,952.40    1,530,274,566.66
               Total current assets                              36,535,684,107.64   34,394,283,444.15
              Non-current assets:
               Debt investments                                   7,723,497,912.20    2,884,204,032.25
               Other debt investments
               Long-term receivables
               Long-term equity investments              XIX.3   56,433,082,587.82   55,828,696,006.06
               Investments in other equity instruments            1,619,260,874.04    1,619,260,874.04
               Other non-current financial assets
               Investment properties
               Fixed assets                                        141,983,596.38      154,588,551.47
               Construction in progress                              3,614,971.91            6,054.40
               Biological assets for production
               Oil and gas assets
               Right-of-use assets
               Intangible assets                                    38,255,002.98       41,307,540.86
               Including: Data resources
               Development cost
               Including: Data resources

90   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                            Section X Financial Report

Items                                          Notes       30 June 2024 31 December 2023

 Long-term prepaid expenses                                  3,508,130.34              3,777,722.63
 Deferred income tax assets
 Other non-current assets                                1,498,818,858.08        1,501,734,455.48
   Total non-current assets                             67,462,021,933.75       62,033,575,237.19
      Total assets                                     103,997,706,041.39       96,427,858,681.34
Current liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings
 Financial liabilities held for trading
 Derivative financial liabilities
 Bills payable
 Accounts payables                                       1,326,647,081.32         1,120,671,258.40
 Receipts in advance
 Contract liabilities                                       22,930,469.11           22,930,469.11
 Payables for staff’s remuneration                          8,273,623.07           28,602,784.57
 Taxes payable                                                 973,985.01            5,590,668.41
 Other payables                                         58,922,007,427.98       45,012,683,942.96
 Including: Interest payable
              Dividends payable                          7,513,967,094.69
 Liabilities held for sale
 Non-current liabilities due within one year             1,601,000,000.00          134,000,000.00
 Other current liabilities                                  17,257,623.40           12,486,915.31
 Total current liabilities                              61,899,090,209.89       46,336,966,038.76
Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term borrowings                                    3,238,500,000.00         3,779,500,000.00
 Bonds payable
 Including: Preference shares
              Perpetual bonds
 Lease liabilities                                               58,624.38
 Long-term payable
 Long-term payables for staff’s
 Estimated liabilities
 Deferred income                                           12,973,300.00             12,973,300.00
 Deferred income tax liabilities                          420,053,312.58            420,053,312.58
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                           3,671,585,236.96        4,212,526,612.58
 Total liabilities                                      65,570,675,446.85       50,549,492,651.34
 Owners’ equity
   (or Shareholders’ equity):
 Paid-in capital (or share capital)                      9,438,114,893.00         9,438,114,893.00
 Other equity instruments
 Including: Preference shares
 Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserve                                        27,446,396,776.65       27,263,651,777.44
 Less: treasury stock                                    3,641,894,152.79        3,175,293,942.36

                                                           Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   91
     Section X Financial Report

              Items                                       Notes       30 June 2024 31 December 2023

                Other comprehensive income                           669,143,133.11      630,674,691.95
                Special reserve
                Surplus reserve                                     4,237,192,318.35    4,237,192,318.35
                Undistributed profits                                 278,077,626.22    7,484,026,291.62
                  Total owners’ equity
                    (or shareholders’ equity)                     38,427,030,594.54   45,878,366,030.00
                  Total liabilities and owners’ equity
                    (or shareholders’ equity)                    103,997,706,041.39   96,427,858,681.34

           Person in charge of the Company: Li Huagang
           Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
           Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

92   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                Section X Financial Report

Consolidated Profit Statement
January-June 2024

                                                                               Unit and Currency: RMB

 Items                                            Notes         2024 Interim              2023 Interim

 I. Total operating revenue                                135,622,549,121.01 131,628,595,912.05
     Including: Operating revenue                 VII.45   135,622,549,121.01 131,628,595,912.05
                Interest income
                Insurance premiums earned
                Fee and commission income
 II. Total cost of operations                              123,666,371,198.78 121,337,680,704.03
     Including: Operating cost                    VII.45    94,106,431,686.66 91,557,518,745.02
                Interest expenses
                Fee and commission expenses
                Insurance withdrawal payment
                Net payment from indemnity
                Net provisions withdrew for
                   insurance contract liability
                Insurance policy dividend paid
                Reinsurance cost
                Taxes and surcharges              VII.46       538,267,458.26          533,099,572.52
                Selling expenses                  VII.47    18,687,502,154.89       18,768,944,057.44
                Administrative expenses           VII.48     5,186,349,563.44        5,461,681,481.50
                R&D expenses                      VII.49     5,088,901,166.88        5,025,786,116.64
                Financial expenses                VII.50        58,919,168.65           –9,349,269.09
     Including: Interest expenses                            1,226,384,743.58          875,078,615.27
                Interest income                                912,438,277.44          614,901,995.27
     Add: Other income                            VII.51       555,087,752.52          601,375,268.80
           Investment income
             (losses are represented by ‘-’)    VII.52     1,039,614,193.70         1,129,768,360.36
           Including: investment income of
             associates and joint ventures                   1,021,852,565.42         1,078,905,972.36
           Income generated from the
             derecognition of financial assets
             measured at amortized cost
             (losses are represented by ‘-’)
           Exchange gain
             (losses are represented by ‘-’)
           Gains on net exposure hedges
             (losses are represented by ‘-’)
           Income from change in fair value
             (losses are represented by ‘-’)    VII.53      –29,565,597.82            31,271,562.35
           Loss on credit impairment
             (losses are represented by ‘-’)    VII.54      –58,013,951.73         –165,968,929.36

                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   93
     Section X Financial Report

              Items                                                 Notes        2024 Interim         2023 Interim

                          Loss on assets impairment
                             (losses are represented by ‘-’)      VII.55    –710,556,264.52     –779,748,575.44
                          Gain from disposal of assets
                             (losses are represented by ‘-’)      VII.56       –2,583,904.37     –20,647,304.64
              III. Operating profit
                   (losses are represented by ‘-’)                         12,750,160,150.01    11,086,965,590.09
                  Add: non-operating income                         VII.57       73,423,091.34        58,784,451.89
                  Less: non-operating expenses                      VII.58       84,518,604.74        32,299,513.21
              IV. Total profit
                    (total losses are represented by ‘-’)                  12,739,064,636.61    11,113,450,528.77
                  Less: income tax expense                          VII.59    2,131,741,494.48     2,069,767,775.55
              V. Net profit
                   (net losses are represented by ‘-’)                     10,607,323,142.13     9,043,682,753.22
                  (1) Classification by continuous operation
                       1. Net profit from continuous operation
                          (net losses are represented by ‘-’)              10,607,323,142.13     9,043,682,753.22
                       2. Net profit from discontinued
                          operation (net losses are
                          represented by ‘-’)
                  (2) Classification by ownership of
                       the equity
                       1. Net profit attributable to shareholders
                          of the Parent Company (net losses
                          are represented by ‘-’)                          10,420,218,389.22     8,962,851,469.46
                       2. Profit or loss attributable to minority
                          shareholders (net losses are
                          represented by ‘-’)                                 187,104,752.91       80,831,283.76
              VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax            VII.60    –334,806,467.13      136,824,101.13
                    (I) Other comprehensive income
                        attributable to owners of the Parent
                        Company, net of tax                                   –335,021,596.15      155,051,059.64
                        1. Other comprehensive income that
                           cannot be reclassified into the
                           profit or loss                                     –128,316,608.25       36,663,726.03
                           (1) Changes arising from
                                re-measurement of
                                defined benefit plans                            –2,491,664.07      32,438,331.87
                           (2) Other comprehensive income
                                that cannot be transferred into
                                profit or loss under equity
                           (3) Changes in fair value of
                                investments in other equity
                                instruments                                   –125,824,944.18         4,225,394.16

94   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                   Section X Financial Report

 Items                                                 Notes       2024 Interim              2023 Interim

              (4) Changes in fair value of credit
                  risks of the enterprise
           2. Other comprehensive income to be
              reclassified into the profit or loss              –206,704,987.90           118,387,333.61
              (1) Other comprehensive income
                  that can be transferred into
                  profit or loss under equity
                  method                                          23,160,537.38            –15,508,344.88
              (2) Changes in fair value of other
                  debt Investments
              (3) Reclassified financial assets that
                  are credited to other
                  comprehensive income
              (4) Credit impairment provision for
                  other debt investments
              (5) Reserve for cash flow hedging                  –30,039,858.31         –193,755,242.84
              (6) Exchange differences on
                  translation of financial
                  statements denominated in
                  foreign currencies                            –199,825,666.97           327,650,921.33
              (7) Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income
           attributable to minority shareholders,
           net of tax                                                 215,129.02           –18,226,958.51
 VII. Total comprehensive income                               10,272,516,675.00         9,180,506,854.35
       (I) Total comprehensive income
           attributable to the owners of
           Parent Company                                      10,085,196,793.07         9,117,902,529.10
       (II) Total comprehensive income
            attributable to the minority
            shareholders                                         187,319,881.93             62,604,325.25
 VIII. Earnings per share:
       (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)        XXI.1                  1.13                      0.96
       (II) Diluted earnings per share
            (RMB/share)                                XXI.1                  1.12                      0.96

For business combination under common control occurring in the current period, the net profit of the
acquiree before the combination was RMB0, and the net profit of the acquiree for the previous period
was RMB –1,024,530.38.

Person in charge of the Company: Li Huagang
Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

                                                                  Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   95
     Section X Financial Report

           Profit Statement of the Parent Company
           January-June 2024

                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

              Items                                              Notes     2024 Interim        2023 Interim

              I. Operating income                                XIX.4     251,601,614.76    327,406,706.84
                  Less: operating cost                           XIX.4     223,444,233.50    286,220,868.43
                          Taxes and surcharges                               2,634,526.12       3,754,801.82
                          Selling expenses                                  21,861,602.21       4,603,666.69
                          Administration expenses                          379,191,355.33    377,868,026.53
                          R&D expenses                                       7,802,548.59       6,617,045.16
                          Financial expenses                             –179,030,129.87    –92,308,439.54
                          Including: interest expenses                      52,482,308.39      32,509,056.33
                                      Interest income                      233,381,967.37    115,693,759.65
                          Add: other income                                  4,280,121.77       1,361,535.00
                                 Investment income (losses are
                                   represented by ‘-’)         XIX.5    508,175,341.20     400,717,692.54
                          Including: investment income of
                            associates and joint ventures                 180,476,867.12     144,556,606.76
                                      Derecognition income on
                                         financial assets
                                         measured at amortized
                                         cost (losses are
                                         represented by ‘-’)
                          Gains on net exposure hedges
                            (losses are represented by ‘-’)
                          Income from change in fair value
                            (losses are represented by ‘-’)
                          Loss on credit impairment (losses
                            are represented by ‘-’)                                             47,441.31
                          Loss on assets impairment
                            (losses are represented by ‘-’)
                          Gain from disposal of assets
                            (losses are represented by ‘-’)
              II. Operating profit
                  (losses are represented by ‘-’)                       308,152,941.85     142,777,406.60
                  Add: non-operating income                                                       97,965.97
                  Less: non-operating expenses                                134,512.56          78,702.83
              III. Total profit
                   (total losses are represented by ‘-’)                308,018,429.29     142,796,669.74
                  Less: income tax expenses                                                        1,205.40
              IV. Net profit
                    (net losses are represented by ‘-’)                 308,018,429.29     142,795,464.34

96   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                               Section X Financial Report

 Items                                                Notes    2024 Interim              2023 Interim

     (I) Net profit from continuous operations
          (net losses are represented by ‘-’)               308,018,429.29           142,795,464.34
    (II) Net profit from discontinued operations
          (net losses are represented by ‘-’)
 V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                     38,468,441.16
     (I) Other comprehensive income that
          cannot be reclassified into the profit or
         1. Changes arising from re-
             measurement of defined benefit
         2. Other comprehensive income that
             cannot be transferred into profit or
             loss under equity method
         3. Changes in fair value of investments
             in other equity instruments
         4. Changes in fair value of credit risks
             of the enterprise
     (II) Other comprehensive income to be
           reclassified into the profit or loss                38,468,441.16
         1. Other comprehensive income that
             can be transferred into profit or loss
             under equity method                               38,468,441.16
         2. Changes in fair value of other debt
         3. Reclassified financial assets that are
             credited to other comprehensive
         4. Credit impairment provision for other
             debt investments
         5. Reserve for cash flow hedging
         6. Exchange differences on translation
             of financial statements denominated
             in foreign currencies
         7. Others
 VI. Total comprehensive income                               346,486,870.45           142,795,464.34
 VII. Earnings per share:
       (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)
       (II) Diluted earnings per share

Person in charge of the Company: Li Huagang
Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   97
     Section X Financial Report

           Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
           January-June 2024

                                                                                        Unit and Currency: RMB

              Items                                           Notes         2024 Interim        2023 Interim

              I. Cash flow from operating activities:
                 Cash received from the sale of goods
                   and rendering services                              137,770,272,988.69 131,288,880,461.26
                 Net increase in distributor and inter-bank
                 Net increase in borrowing from the
                   central bank
                 Net cash increase in borrowing from
                   other financial institutes
                 Cash received from premiums under
                   original insurance contract
                 Net cash received from reinsurance
                 Net increase in deposits of policy holders
                   and investment
                 Cash received from interest, fee and
                 Net increase in cash borrowed
                 Net increase in cash received from
                   repurchase operation
                 Net cash received from customer
                   deposits for trading in securities
                 Refunds of taxes                                        1,058,338,202.23    1,055,963,172.82
                 Cash received from other related
                   operating activities                       VII.61     1,273,666,446.36    1,004,688,596.01
                 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                   activities                                          140,102,277,637.28 133,349,532,230.09
                 Cash paid on purchase of goods and
                   services                                             94,771,705,644.29   90,340,588,373.14
                 Net increase in loans and advances of
                 Net increase in deposits in the PBOC and
                   inter bank
                 Cash paid for compensation payments
                   under original insurance contact
                 Net increase in cash lent
                 Cash paid for interest, bank charges and
                 Cash paid for insurance policy dividend

98   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                              Section X Financial Report

Items                                           Notes         2024 Interim              2023 Interim

    Cash paid to and on behalf of
      employees                                           16,148,989,199.64       14,745,533,991.16
    Cash paid for all types of taxes                       7,567,174,632.61        7,628,260,419.66
    Cash paid to other operation related
      activities                                VII.61    13,796,150,223.48       13,845,127,911.51
    Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
      activities                                         132,284,019,700.02 126,559,510,695.47
    Net cash flow from operating activities     VII.62     7,818,257,937.26   6,790,021,534.62
II. Cash flow from investing activities:
    Cash received from recovery of
      investments                                          9,680,782,079.51         5,129,042,704.70
    Cash received from return on
      investments                                            480,478,081.96           484,178,075.61
    Net cash received from the disposal of
      fixed assets, intangible assets and
      other long-term assets                                   7,717,184.08            74,087,510.81
    Net cash received from disposal of
      subsidiaries and other operating
      entities                                                                           2,000,000.00
    Other cash received from investment
      activities                                                                       15,362,098.03
    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
      activities                                          10,168,977,345.55         5,704,670,389.15
    Cash paid on purchase of fixed assets,
      intangible assets and other long-term
      assets                                               3,891,922,126.47         3,727,907,256.47
    Cash paid for investments                             13,611,230,146.65         6,303,165,775.56
    Net increase in secured loans
    Net cash paid on acquisition of
      subsidiaries and other operating
    Other cash paid on investment activities                                             6,922,378.31
    Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
      activities                                          17,503,152,273.12       10,037,995,410.34
    Net cash flow from investing activities               –7,334,174,927.57      –4,333,325,021.19

                                                             Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   99
      Section X Financial Report

               Items                                              Notes        2024 Interim         2023 Interim

               III. Cash flow from financing activities:
                    Cash received from capital contributions                 268,874,731.22
                    Including: cash received from capital
                      contributions by minority shareholders
                      of subsidiaries
                    Cash received from borrowings                           5,931,538,006.65    11,553,402,031.97
                    Other cash received from financing
                    Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                      activities                                            6,200,412,737.87    11,553,402,031.97
                    Cash paid on repayment of loans                         4,150,675,947.75    10,428,924,467.65
                    Cash paid on distribution of dividends,
                      profits or repayment of interest
                      expenses                                              1,174,174,474.78       817,299,422.27
                    Including: dividend and profit paid to
                      minority shareholders by subsidiaries
                    Other cash paid to financing activities       VII.61    1,066,739,043.45     1,575,176,054.23
                    Sub-total of cash outflows from
                      financing activities                                  6,391,589,465.98    12,821,399,944.15
                    Net cash flow from financing activities                  –191,176,728.11   –1,267,997,912.18
               IV. Effect of fluctuations in exchange
                       rates on cash and cash
                    equivalents                                              –42,182,129.41       482,296,933.74
               V. Net increase in cash and
                      cash equivalents                                       250,724,152.17      1,670,995,534.99
                   Add: balance of cash and cash
                            equivalents at the beginning of the
                            period                                VII.62   53,977,310,651.03    53,392,209,857.41
               VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                       at the end of the period                   VII.62   54,228,034,803.20    55,063,205,392.40

            Person in charge of the Company: Li Huagang
            Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
            Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

100   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                            Section X Financial Report

Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
January-June 2024

                                                                           Unit and Currency: RMB

 Items                                          Notes       2024 Interim              2023 Interim

 I. Cash flow from operating activities:
    Cash received from the sale of goods and
      rendering of services                               219,993,729.62             33,292,958.65
    Refunds of taxes                                           38,214.96
    Other cash received from operating
      activities                                          164,614,625.43             65,817,539.47
    Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
      activities                                          384,646,570.01             99,110,498.12
    Cash paid on purchase of goods and
      services                                                                       80,721,248.11
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                27,649,816.71             27,717,542.52
    Cash paid for all types of taxes                       11,299,372.62             16,713,598.66
    Other cash paid to operation activities               104,532,697.84             27,993,348.41
       Sub-total of cash outflows from
          operating activities                            143,481,887.17            153,145,737.70
          Net cash flow from operating
            activities                                    241,164,682.84            –54,035,239.58
 II. Cash flow from investing activities:
     Cash received from recovery of
       investments                                       7,222,000,000.00         4,623,000,000.00
     Cash received from return on
       investments                                         88,433,946.88             81,202,353.24
     Net cash received from the disposal of
       fixed assets, intangible assets and
       other long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of
       subsidiaries and other operating
     Other cash received from investment
       activities                                         389,573,294.54
     Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
       activities                                        7,700,007,241.42         4,704,202,353.24
     Cash paid on purchase of fixed assets,
       intangible assets and other long-term
       assets                                                2,692,652.09             4,137,180.77
     Cash paid for investments                          12,422,000,000.00         6,647,572,258.00
     Net cash paid on acquisition of
       subsidiaries and other operating

                                                           Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   101
      Section X Financial Report

               Items                                           Notes       2024 Interim         2023 Interim

                   Other cash paid on investment activities                                  1,057,569,045.00
                     Sub-total of cash outflows from
                       investing activities                            12,424,692,652.09     7,709,278,483.77
                       Net cash flow from investing
                           activities                                  –4,724,685,410.67   –3,005,076,130.53
               III. Cash flow from financing activities:
                    Cash received from capital injections
                    Cash received from borrowings                        940,000,000.00      1,110,000,000.00
                    Other cash received from financing
                      activities                                        7,717,935,238.95     4,223,807,260.09
                    Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                      activities                                        8,657,935,238.95     5,333,807,260.09
                    Cash paid on repayment of borrowings                   14,000,000.00         7,000,000.00
                    Cash paid on distribution of dividends,
                      profits or repayment of interest
                      expenses                                            50,962,018.77        32,820,559.74
                    Other cash paid on financing activities              466,600,210.43       780,445,507.58
                      Sub-total of cash outflows from
                        financing activities                             531,562,229.20       820,266,067.32
                        Net cash flow from financing
                           activities                                   8,126,373,009.75     4,513,541,192.77
               IV. Effect of fluctuations in exchange
                   rates on cash and cash equivalents                        –120,980.13        7,043,266.53
               V. Net increase in cash and cash
                   equivalents                                          3,642,731,301.79     1,461,473,089.19
                   Add: balance of cash and cash
                     equivalents at the beginning of the
                     period                                             7,579,640,524.79     5,747,356,591.19
               VI. Balance of cash and cash
                   equivalents at the end of the period                11,222,371,826.58     7,208,829,680.38

            Person in charge of the Company: Li Huagang
            Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
            Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

102   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                           Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity
                                                           January-June 2024

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2024 Interim
                                                                                                                                                                                           Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                                  Other equity instruments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Other                                                                                                                   Minority
                                                                                                        Paid-in capital   Preference         Perpetual                          Capital     Less: treasury    comprehensive                                           General risk      Undistributed                                    shareholders’      Total owners’
                                                 Items                                               (or share capital)       shares            bonds        Others             reserve              stock          income       Special reserve   Surplus reserve      provision              profits    Others           Sub-total         interests              equity

                                                 I. Closing balance for the previous period           9,438,114,893.00                                                23,762,354,684.05    5,034,065,107.42   1,969,724,027.01                     4,842,338,543.80                  68,535,686,494.60             103,514,153,535.04 2,397,589,814.47 105,911,743,349.51
                                                     Add: changes in accounting policies
                                                             Error correction for prior period
                                                 II. Opening balance for the current year             9,438,114,893.00                                                23,762,354,684.05    5,034,065,107.42   1,969,724,027.01                     4,842,338,543.80                  68,535,686,494.60             103,514,153,535.04 2,397,589,814.47 105,911,743,349.51
                                                 III. Increase/decrease for the current period
                                                      (decrease is represented by ‘-’)                                                                                 144,594,822.81     466,600,210.43    –334,178,995.99                                                        2,876,331,199.95              2,220,146,816.34     452,888,500.40 2,673,035,316.74
                                                     (I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                           –335,021,596.15                                                       10,420,218,389.22             10,085,196,793.07     187,319,881.93 10,272,516,675.00
                                                     (II) Capital injection and reduction by
                                                          owners                                                                                                         145,437,422.97     466,600,210.43                                                                                                          –321,162,787.46     279,388,310.76      –41,774,476.70
                                                           1. Ordinary shares invested by owners                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         279,388,310.76      279,388,310.76
                                                           2. Capital contribution by holders of
                                                              other equity instruments
                                                           3. Share-based payment included in
                                                              owners’ equity                                                                                            201,405,574.94                                                                                                                                 201,405,574.94                        201,405,574.94
                                                           4. Others                                                                                                     –55,968,151.97    466,600,210.43                                                                                                            –522,568,362.40                      –522,568,362.40
                                                     (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                       –7,513,967,094.69            –7,513,967,094.69    –13,819,692.29 –7,527,786,786.98
                                                           1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
                                                           2. Withdrawal of general risk provision
                                                           3. Distribution to owners (or
                                                              shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                          –7,513,967,094.69            –7,513,967,094.69    –13,819,692.29 –7,527,786,786.98
                                                           4. Others
                                                     (IV) Internal transfer of owner’s equity
                                                           1. Transfer of capital reserves into
                                                              capital (or share capital)
                                                           2. Transfer of surplus reserves into
                                                              capital (or share capital)
                                                           3. Surplus reserves used for
                                                              remedying loss
                                                           4. Changes in defined benefit plans
                                                              carried forward to retained
                                                           5. Other comprehensive income
                                                              carried forward to retained
                                                           6. Others
                                                     (V) Special reserve
                                                           1. Withdrawal for the period
                                                           2. Utilization for the period
                                                     (VI) Others                                                                                                            –842,600.16                            842,600.16                                                          –29,920,094.58               –29,920,094.58                     –29,920,094.58
                                                 IV. Closing balance for the period                   9,438,114,893.00                                                23,906,949,506.86    5,500,665,317.85   1,635,545,031.02                     4,842,338,543.80                  71,412,017,694.55             105,734,300,351.38 2,850,478,314.87 108,584,778,666.25

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Section X Financial Report

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2023 Interim
                                                                                                                                                                                        Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company
                                                                                                                                Other equity instruments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Other                                                                                                                     Minority
                                                                                                      Paid-in capital   Preference         Perpetual                         Capital     Less: treasury    comprehensive                                           General risk      Undistributed                                      shareholders’     Total owners’
                                                 Items                                             (or share capital)       shares            bonds        Others            reserve              stock          income       Special reserve   Surplus reserve      provision              profits    Others           Sub-total           interests             equity

                                                 I. Closing balance for the previous period         9,446,598,493.00                                                23,877,037,324.76   3,857,807,196.38   1,990,683,498.45                     4,014,190,623.24                  57,983,751,470.60             93,454,454,213.67     1,290,895,044.45 94,745,349,258.12
                                                     Add: changes in accounting policies
                                                             Error correction for prior period
                                                             Others                                                                                                      5,000,000.00                                                                                                    –16,611.23                 4,983,388.77                           4,983,388.77
                                                 II. Opening balance for the current year           9,446,598,493.00                                                23,882,037,324.76   3,857,807,196.38   1,990,683,498.45                     4,014,190,623.24                  57,983,734,859.37             93,459,437,602.44     1,290,895,044.45 94,750,332,646.89
                                                 III. Increase/decrease for the current period
                                                      (decrease is represented by ‘-’)               –8,483,600.00                                                 116,689,608.57     714,828,075.38     155,051,059.64                                                         3,677,268,043.83              3,225,697,036.66       22,433,227.25    3,248,130,263.91
                                                      (I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                        155,051,059.64                                                         8,962,851,469.46              9,117,902,529.10       62,604,325.25    9,180,506,854.35
                                                      (II) Capital injection and reduction by
                                                           owners                                      –8,483,600.00                                                 116,689,608.57     714,828,075.38                                                                                                          –606,622,066.81      –31,896,976.12   –638,519,042.93
                                                           1. Ordinary shares invested by owners                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       –31,896,976.12     –31,896,976.12
                                                           2. Capital contribution by holders of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Section X Financial Report

                                                              other equity instruments

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                           3. Share-based payment included in
                                                              owners’ equity                                                                                          390,681,368.30                                                                                                                                390,681,368.30                         390,681,368.30
                                                           4. Others                                   –8,483,600.00                                                –273,991,759.73    714,828,075.38                                                                                                            –997,303,435.11                       –997,303,435.11
                                                      (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                   –5,297,529,553.10            –5,297,529,553.10      –8,274,121.88 –5,305,803,674.98
                                                           1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
                                                            2. Withdrawal of general risk
                                                            3. Distribution to owners (or
                                                               shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                      –5,297,529,553.10            –5,297,529,553.10      –8,274,121.88 –5,305,803,674.98
                                                            4. Others
                                                      (IV) Internal transfer of owner’s equity
                                                           1. Transfer of capital reserves into
                                                              capital (or share capital)
                                                            2. Transfer of surplus reserves into
                                                               capital (or share capital)
                                                            3. Surplus reserves used for
                                                               remedying loss
                                                            4. Changes in defined benefit plans
                                                               carried forward to retained
                                                            5. Other comprehensive income
                                                               carried forward to retained
                                                            6. Others
                                                      (V) Special reserve
                                                           1. Withdrawal for the period
                                                            2. Utilization for the period
                                                      (VI) Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11,946,127.47                 11,946,127.47                          11,946,127.47
                                                 IV. Closing balance for the period                 9,438,114,893.00                                                23,998,726,933.33   4,572,635,271.76   2,145,734,558.09                     4,014,190,623.24                  61,661,002,903.20             96,685,134,639.10     1,313,328,271.70 97,998,462,910.80

                                                 Legal representative of the Company: Li Huagang                                                           Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei                                                       Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke
                                                 Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Parent Company
                                                 January-June 2024

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                       2024 Interim
                                                                                                                                               Other equity instruments
                                                                                                                 Paid-in capital (or   Preference                                           Capital     Less: treasury    comprehensive                              Surplus       Undistributed       Total owners’
                                                  Items                                                              share capital)        shares   Perpetual bonds       Others            reserve              stock          income     Special reserve           reserve              profits             equity

                                                  I. Closing balance for the previous period                       9,438,114,893.00                                                27,263,651,777.44   3,175,293,942.36   630,674,691.95                     4,237,192,318.35    7,484,026,291.62 45,878,366,030.00
                                                      Add: changes in accounting policies
                                                              Error correction for prior period
                                                  II. Opening balance for the current year                         9,438,114,893.00                                                27,263,651,777.44   3,175,293,942.36   630,674,691.95                     4,237,192,318.35    7,484,026,291.62 45,878,366,030.00
                                                  III. Increase/decrease for the current period (decrease is
                                                        represented by ‘-’)                                                                                                        182,744,999.21     466,600,210.43     38,468,441.16                                        –7,205,948,665.40 –7,451,335,435.46
                                                      (I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                       38,468,441.16                                            308,018,429.29      346,486,870.45
                                                      (II) Capital injection and reduction by owners                                                                                 182,744,999.21     466,600,210.43                                                                                –283,855,211.22
                                                           1. Ordinary shares invested by owners
                                                           2. Capital contribution by holders of other equity
                                                           3. Share-based payment included in owners’ equity                                                                        182,744,999.21                                                                                                     182,744,999.21
                                                           4. Others                                                                                                                                    466,600,210.43                                                                                –466,600,210.43
                                                      (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                 –7,513,967,094.69 –7,513,967,094.69
                                                           1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
                                                           2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                          –7,513,967,094.69 –7,513,967,094.69
                                                           3. Others
                                                      (IV) Internal transfer of owner’s equity
                                                           1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital
                                                               (or share capital)
                                                           2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital
                                                               (or share capital)
                                                           3. Surplus reserves used for remedying loss
                                                           4. Changes in defined benefit plans carried forward
                                                               to retained earnings
                                                           5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
                                                               retained earnings
                                                           6. Others
                                                      (V) Special reserve
                                                           1. Withdrawal for the period
                                                           2. Utilization for the period
                                                      (VI) Others
                                                  IV. Closing balance for the period                               9,438,114,893.00                                                27,446,396,776.65   3,641,894,152.79   669,143,133.11                     4,237,192,318.35     278,077,626.22 38,427,030,594.54

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Section X Financial Report

                                                                                                                                                                                                          2023 Interim
                                                                                                                                                  Other equity instruments
                                                                                                                    Paid-in capital (or   Preference                                           Capital     Less: treasury    comprehensive                              Surplus       Undistributed       Total owners’
                                                  Items                                                                 share capital)        shares   Perpetual bonds       Others            reserve              stock          income     Special reserve           reserve              profits             equity

                                                  I. Closing balance for the previous period                          9,446,598,493.00                                                27,300,899,019.76   2,308,138,558.42   602,091,349.74                     3,409,044,397.79    5,328,311,799.62 43,778,806,501.49
                                                      Add: changes in accounting policies
                                                              Error correction for prior period
                                                  II. Opening balance for the current year                            9,446,598,493.00                                                27,300,899,019.76   2,308,138,558.42   602,091,349.74                     3,409,044,397.79    5,328,311,799.62 43,778,806,501.49
                                                  III. Increase/decrease for the current period (decrease is
                                                       represented by ‘-’)                                             –8,483,600.00                                                 186,863,532.59     597,964,898.92                                                          –5,154,734,088.76 –5,574,319,055.09
                                                      (I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                   142,795,464.34      142,795,464.34
                                                      (II) Capital injection and reduction by owners                     –8,483,600.00                                                 186,863,532.59     597,964,898.92                                                                                –419,584,966.33
                                                           1. Ordinary shares invested by owners
                                                           2. Capital contribution by holders of other equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Section X Financial Report

                                                           3. Share-based payment included in owners’ equity                                                                            360,860,541.25                                                                                                    360,860,541.25

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                           4. Others                                                     –8,483,600.00                                                –173,997,008.66    597,964,898.92                                                                                –780,445,507.58
                                                      (III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                    –5,297,529,553.10 –5,297,529,553.10
                                                           1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves
                                                           2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                             –5,297,529,553.10 –5,297,529,553.10
                                                           3. Others
                                                      (IV) Internal transfer of owner’s equity
                                                           1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital (or share
                                                           2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital (or share
                                                           3. Surplus reserves used for remedying loss
                                                           4. Changes in defined benefit plans carried forward
                                                               to retained earnings
                                                           5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
                                                               retained earnings
                                                           6. Others
                                                      (V) Special reserve
                                                           1. Withdrawal for the period
                                                           2. Utilization for the period
                                                      (VI) Others
                                                  IV. Closing balance for the period                                  9,438,114,893.00                                                27,487,762,552.35   2,906,103,457.34   602,091,349.74                     3,409,044,397.79     173,577,710.86 38,204,487,446.40

                                                 Legal representative of the Company: Li Huagang
                                                 Person in charge of accounting function: Gong Wei
                                                 Person in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke
                                                                      Section X Financial Report

   1.   Overview of the Company
        √ Applicable   Not Applicable

        The predecessor of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was
        Qingdao Refrigerator Factory, which was established in 1984. As permitted to offering by
        People’s Bank of China, Qingdao Branch on 16 December 1989, with the document of Qing Ti
        Gai [1989] No. 3 issued on 24 March 1989, based on the reconstruction of the original Qingdao
        Refrigerator Factory, a limited company was set up by directional fund raising of RMB150 million.
        In March and September 1993, as approved by the document of Qing Gu Ling Zi [1993] No. 2
        and No. 9 issued by the pilot leading team of Qingdao joint stock company, the Company was
        converted from a directional offering company to a public subscription company and issued
        additional 50 million shares to the public and listed with trading on Shanghai Stock Exchange in
        November 1993. In October 2018, D-shares in issue of the Company were listed on the China
        Europe International Exchange AG. In December 2020, H-shares in issue of the Company were
        listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of introduction.

        The Company’s registered office is located at the Haier Science and Technology Innovation
        Ecological Park of Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, and the headquarters is
        located at the Haier Science and Technology Innovation Ecological Park of Laoshan District,
        Qingdao, Shandong Province.

        The Company is mainly engaged in research and development, manufacturing and sales of home
        appliances including refrigerators/freezers, kitchen appliances, air-conditioners, laundry appliances
        and water appliances, and other smart home business, as well as providing smart home
        packaged solutions.

        The ultimate controlling parent company of the Company is Haier Group Corporation.

        These financial statements have been approved for publication by the Board of the Company on
        27 August 2024.

   2.   Scope of consolidated statements
        For details of changes in the scope of consolidated financial statements for the current period,
        please refer to “IX. Changes in Consolidation Scope” and “X. Interest in Other Entities” of this

                                                                     Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   107
      Section X Financial Report

            1.     Basis of preparation
                   The financial statements of the Company were prepared on the going concern basis according to
                   the transactions and matters actually occurred, in accordance with the Accounting Standards for
                   Enterprises — Basic Standards published by the Ministry of Finance, specific accounting
                   standards, and guidance on application of accounting standards for enterprises, interpretations to
                   accounting standards for enterprises and other relevant requirements (hereinafter collectively
                   referred to as the “Accounting Standards for Enterprises”) which issued subsequently, and in
                   combination with the disclosure provisions of the Rules for the Information Disclosure and
                   Compilation of Companies Publicly Issuing Securities No. 15: General Provisions for Financial
                   Report (Revised in 2023) of CSRC as well as the following significant accounting policies and
                   accounting estimation.

            2.     Going Concern
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   The Company has ability to continue its operation for at least 12 months since the end of the
                   reporting period and there are no significant events affecting its ability to continue as a going

            Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

            √ Applicable       Not Applicable

            According to the characteristics of its production and operation, the Company formulated a series of
            specific accounting policies and accounting estimates, including the provisions for impairment for
            accounts receivable (Note V.11); the measurement of inventories (Note V.12); the depreciation and
            amortization of the investment properties (Note V.15); the depreciation of fixed assets (Note V.16), the
            amortization of intangible assets (Note V.19), the criterion for determining of long-term assets
            impairment (Note V.20); and the date of revenue recognition (Note V.26), etc.

            1.     Statement of compliance with Accounting Standards for Enterprises
                   The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of the Accounting
                   Standards for Enterprises, which accurately and completely reflected information relating to the
                   financial position, results of operations, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash flows of the

            2.     Accounting period
                   The accounting year of the Company is from 1 January each year to 31 December of the same
                   year in solar calendar.

108   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                    Section X Financial Report

3.   Operating period
     √ Applicable    Not Applicable

     The Company takes the period from the acquisition of assets for processing to the ultimate
     realization of cash or cash equivalents as a normal operating cycle. The Company takes 12
     months as an operating period, which is also the classification basis for the liquidity of its assets
     and liabilities.

4.   Recording currency
     Renminbi is the recording currency of the Company

5.   Materiality criteria determination method and selection basis
     √ Applicable    Not Applicable

       Case                                 Materiality criteria

       Material receivables for which       The amount of provision on an individual basis accounts
        bad debt provision is                 for more than 10% of the total bad debt provisions for
        individually assessed                 various types of receivables and is greater than
                                              RMB100 million
       Material receivables and bad         The amount of recovery or reversal on an individual basis
        debt provisions which are             accounts for more than 10% of the total amount of
        recovered or reversed                 various types of receivables and is greater than
                                              RMB100 million
       Actual write-off of material         The amount of write-off on an individual basis accounts
         accounts receivable                  for more than 10% of the total bad debt provisions of
                                              various types of receivables and is greater than
                                              RMB100 million
       Material prepayments aged more       Prepayment aged more than 1 year on an individual basis
        than one year                         accounts for more than 10% of the total prepayments
                                              and is greater than RMB100 million
       Material projects under              The ending balance of a project on an individual basis is
        construction                          greater than RMB50 million

       Material capitalized R&D             The ending balance of a project on an individual basis
        projects                              accounts for more than 10% of the ending balance of
                                              development expenditure and is greater than RMB100
       Material accounts payable and        Accounts payable/other payables with aged more than 1
        other payables aged more              year on an individual basis account for more than 10%
        than one year                         of the total accounts payable/other payables and are
                                              greater than RMB100 million
       Material contract liabilities aged   Contract liabilities aged more than 1 year on an individual
        more than one year                    basis account for more than 10% of the total contract
                                              liabilities and are greater than RMB100 million

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                      Case                                Materiality criteria

                      Material non-wholly owned           The net assets of the subsidiaries account for more than
                       subsidiaries                         5% of the Company’s net assets or the net profits and
                                                            losses of the subsidiaries account for more than 10%
                                                            of the Company’s consolidated net profit.
                      Material joint ventures or          The book value of long-term equity investment in an
                       associates                           individual invested unit accounts for more than 5% of
                                                            the Company’s net assets or the investment profits and
                                                            losses under the long-term equity investment equity
                                                            method account for more than 10% of the Company’s
                                                            consolidated net profit.

            6.     Accounting methods of business combinations under common control and not
                   under common control
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate
                   entities into one reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations
                   under common control and business combinations not under common control.

                   (1)    Business combinations under common control
                          A business combination under common control is a business combination in which all of
                          the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before
                          and after the combination, and that control is not transitory. For business combination
                          under common control, the party that obtains the control over the other parties on the
                          combination date is the acquirer, and other parties involving in the business combination
                          are the transferors. The combination date is the date on which the acquiring party
                          effectively obtains the control over the party being acquired.

                          For business combination under common control, the transferor’s assets and liabilities
                          obtained by the Company (as the acquirer) in a business combination are accounted for at
                          the carrying amount of the transferor in the ultimate controller’s consolidated financial
                          statements as at the date of combination, except for adjustments due to differences in
                          accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the combination
                          consideration paid by the Company (or the aggregate nominal value of shares issued) and
                          the carrying amount of net assets obtained in a business combination shall be adjusted to
                          capital reserve, in case the capital reserve is insufficient for the elimination, the retained
                          earnings shall be adjusted.

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      Intermediary fees (such as audit, legal services and valuation consultancy) and other
      relevant management fees incurred in the business combination by the Company (as the
      acquirer) are credited in profit or loss in the period when they occurred. Trading expenses
      in direct relation to the issuance of equity instrument as the consideration for the
      combination is written down to the capital reserve (share premium), where the capital
      reserve (share premium) is insufficient, and to surplus reserves and undistributed profits in
      order. Trading expenses in direct relation to the issuance of debt instrument as the
      consideration for the combination is included in the initial recognition amount of the debt

(2)   Business combinations involving entities not under common control
      A business combination not under common control is a business combination in which all
      of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
      before and after the combination. For business combination not under common control, the
      party that obtains the control of the other parties at the combination date is the acquirer;
      other parties involving in the business combination are the transferors. The combination
      date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the transferors.

      In business combination involving entities not under common control, the cost of
      combination of the Company (as the acquirer) shall be the sum of the assets paid,
      obligations incurred or assumed and the fair value of the equity securities issued by the
      Company for obtaining control of the transferor at the date of acquisition. Intermediary fees
      (such as audit, legal services and valuation consultancy) and other relevant management
      fees incurred by the Company for the purpose of business combination are credited in
      profit or loss in the period when they occurred. Transaction fees for the equity instruments
      or debt instruments issued by the Company as combination consideration is included in the
      initial recognition amount of such equity instruments or debt instruments. Contingent
      consideration involved shall be recorded as the combination cost based on its fair value on
      the acquisition date. Should any new or further evidence arise within 12 months after the
      acquisition date and makes it necessary to adjust the contingent consideration on the
      acquisition date, the goodwill arising from the business combination shall be amended

      The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the Company (as the
      acquirer) in a business combination involving entities not under common control are
      measured at fair value on the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds
      the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the transferor’s identifiable net assets, the
      difference is recognized as goodwill; where the cost of combination is lower than the
      acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the transferor’s identifiable net assets, the difference
      is initially recognized in profit or loss for the current year after the Company conducted a
      review of computation for the identifiable assets, liabilities or fair value of contingent
      liabilities and combination cost, and where the combination cost is still lower than the fair
      value of the identifiable net assets of the transferor obtained during the course of
      combination, then the difference is recorded in the profit and loss.

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            7.     Judgement Criteria for Control and Preparation of Consolidated Financial
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   Judgement Criteria for Control:

                   The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements is on the basis of control. Control
                   means that the Company has the power over the investee, enjoys variable returns by
                   participating in relevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to use its power over the
                   investee to influence the amount of its return. Control refers to the Company’s right over the
                   investee to enjoy variable returns through involvement in the investee and have the ability to exert
                   the right to affect those returns The Company will reassess when changes in relevant facts and
                   circumstances result in changes in the relevant elements involved in the definition of control.

                   Preparation method of consolidated statements
                   (1) Scope of consolidated financial statements
                        The Company incorporated all subsidiaries under its control (including the separate entities
                        controlled by the Company) into the scope of consolidation financial statements, including
                        the enterprises under the Company’s control, divisible part in the investees and structured
                        entities. Control refers to the Company having power over the investee and is entitled to
                        variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to use its power
                        over the investee to affect the amount of those return.

                   (2)    To unify the accounting policies, balance sheets date and accounting periods of the
                          Company and subsidiaries
                          When preparing consolidated financial statements, adjustments are made if subsidiaries’
                          accounting policies or accounting periods are different from that of the Company, in
                          accordance with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting periods.

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(3)   Offset matters in the consolidated financial statements
      The consolidated financial statements shall be prepared by the Company on the basis of
      the financial statements of the Company and subsidiaries and based on other relevant
      information. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, all significant balances,
      transactions and unrealized profits between the Company and subsidiaries and among
      subsidiaries are eliminated. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Company
      treats the entire enterprise group as one accounting entity and reflects the overall financial
      position, operating results and cash flows of the Group in accordance with the
      requirements for recognition, measurement and presentation of relevant accounting
      standards for enterprises and consistent accounting policies. The owner’s equity of the
      subsidiaries not attributable to the Company shall be presented separately as “minority
      equity” under the owner’s equity item in the consolidated balance sheet. The minority equity
      attributable to net profit or loss of subsidiaries in the current period shall be presented as
      “minority interest” under the “net profit” item in the consolidated profit statement. Where the
      amount of loss of a subsidiary attributable to the minority shareholders exceeds their share
      of the opening balance of owner’s equity of the subsidiary, the excess shall be allocated
      against minority equity. The long-term equity investment of the Company held by the
      subsidiaries, deemed as treasury stock of the corporate group as well as the reduction of
      owners’ equity, shall be presented as “Less: Treasury stock” under the owner’s equity item
      in the consolidated balance sheet.

(4)   Accounting treatment of subsidiaries acquired from combination
      For subsidiaries acquired from business combination under common control of the
      Company, the opening amount of the consolidated balance sheet is adjusted, as if the
      business combination has taken place since the ultimate controller began its control. The
      income, expenses and profits of subsidiaries or business combinations from the beginning
      of the current period to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated
      profit statement. The cash flows from the beginning of the current period to the end of the
      reporting period of a subsidiary or business combination are included in the consolidated
      cash flow statement, and the related items in the comparative statements are adjusted
      Where control can be exercised over the investee under the same control due to additional
      investment and other reasons, the Company shall deem the parties participating in the
      business combination to have made adjustments in their current status when the ultimate
      controller began its control. Equity investments held by the Company before control of the
      transferor are recognised for profit or loss, other comprehensive income and other changes
      in net assets between the later of the date on which the original equity interest is acquired
      and the date on which the Company and the transferor are under the same control and the
      date of combination, which are offset against the opening retained earnings or current profit
      or loss, respectively, in the period of the comparative statements.

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                          For subsidiaries acquired from business combination under non-common control, the
                          opening amount of the consolidated balance sheet is not adjusted. The income, expenses
                          and profits of the subsidiary or business from the date of purchase to the end of the
                          reporting period are included in the consolidated profit statement. The cash flows of the
                          subsidiary or business from the date of purchase to the end of the reporting period are
                          included in the consolidated statement of cash flows. Where control can be exercised over
                          an investee that is not under the same control due to additional investment or other
                          reasons, the Company remeasures the equity interest of the investee held before the
                          purchase date based on the fair value of the equity interest at the purchase date, and the
                          difference between the fair value and its carrying amount is included in the current
                          investment income. Where the equity interest in the transferor held before the purchase
                          date relates to other comprehensive income under the equity method and other changes in
                          owner’s equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit
                          distribution, other comprehensive income and other changes in owner’s equity relating
                          thereto are transferred to investment income of the current period as at the purchase date,
                          except for other comprehensive income arising from the remeasurement of net liabilities or
                          changes in net assets of defined benefit plans by the investee.

                   (5)    Dispose of equity interests in subsidiaries achieved in stages until losing control
                               General treatment
                               During the reporting period, when the Company disposes of a subsidiary or business,
                               the income, expenses and profits of that subsidiary or business from the beginning of
                               the period to the date of disposal are included in the consolidated income statement
                               of the Company; The cash flows from the beginning of the period to the disposal
                               date of the subsidiary or operation are included in the consolidated statement of cash
                               flows of the Company.

                                 When control over the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity
                                 investment or other reasons, the Company remeasures the remaining equity
                                 investment after disposal at its fair value at the date when control is lost. The
                                 difference between the sum of the consideration obtained on disposal of the equity
                                 interest and the fair value of the remaining equity interest, less the sum of the share
                                 of the net assets of the original subsidiary calculated by the Company based on the
                                 original shareholding ratio and goodwill calculated on a continuing basis from the date
                                 of purchase or consolidation, is included in investment income in the period in which
                                 control is lost and goodwill is written off. The Company converts other comprehensive
                                 income relating to the equity investment in the original subsidiary, etc. to investment
                                 income in the current period when control is lost.

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           Disposal of subsidiaries step by step
           Where the Company disposed of equity investment in a subsidiary step by step
           through multiple transactions until control is lost, for example, the terms, conditions
           and economic impact of each transaction that disposes of the equity investment in a
           subsidiary meet one or more of the following conditions, the Company accounts for
           multiple transactions as a single transaction:

           i.     The transactions were entered into simultaneously or with mutual influence in

           ii.    The transactions as a whole are capable of achieving a complete commercial

           iii.   The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one
                  other transaction;

           iv.    The transaction is uneconomical by itself but economic when considered in
                  conjunction with other transactions.

           Where each transaction that disposes of an equity investment in a subsidiary until
           control is lost is a blanket transaction, the Company accounts for each transaction as
           a transaction that disposes of the subsidiary and loses control; However, the
           Company recognises the difference between each disposal price before the loss of
           control and the share of net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of
           the investment as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial
           statements and is transferred to profit or loss in the period in which control is lost
           when control is lost.

           Where each transaction that disposes of an equity investment in a subsidiary until the
           loss of control is not a blanket transaction, the relevant policy for partial disposal of
           an equity investment in a subsidiary without loss of control is accounted for before
           the loss of control by the Company; When control is lost, accounting is performed in
           the same manner as would be done for a disposal subsidiary.

(6)   Purchase of minority interests in subsidiaries
      The difference between the Company’s costs of newly acquired long-term equity
      investment resulting from the purchase of minority interests and the share of net assets
      attributable to the subsidiary calculated on an ongoing basis from the date of purchase (or
      the date of combination) based on the newly increased shareholding ratio, the equity
      premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet is adjusted, and if the
      equity premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings is

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                   (7)    Partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of control
                          The Company adjusts the equity premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance
                          sheet for the difference between the disposal price obtained from the partial disposal of the
                          long-term equity investment in the subsidiary without loss of control and the share of the
                          net assets of the subsidiary that would continue to be calculated from the purchase date or
                          the combination date corresponding to the disposal of the long-term equity investment, or
                          adjust the retained earnings if the equity premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to

            8.     Classification of joint arrangement and accounting methods of joint operations
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two or more parties. In
                   accordance with the Company’s rights and obligations under a joint arrangement, the Company
                   classifies joint arrangements into joint operations and joint ventures.

                   (1)    Joint operations
                          Joint operations refer to a joint arrangement in which the Company is a party and is
                          entitled to relevant assets and obligations of this arrangement.

                          The Company recognizes the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation,
                          and accounts the same in accordance with relevant accounting standards for business
                          enterprises:      recognize the assets held solely by the Company, and recognize assets
                          held jointly by the Company in appropriation to the share of the Company;      recognize the
                          obligations assumed solely by the Company, and recognize obligations assumed jointly by
                          the Company in appropriation to the share of the Company;           recognize revenue from
                          disposal of joint operations in appropriation to the share of the Company;         recognize
                          revenue from disposal of joint operations in appropriation to the share of the Company;
                          recognize fees solely occurred by the Company and recognize fees from joint operations in
                          appropriation to the share of the Company.

                          When the Company, as a joint venture, invests or sells assets to or purchase assets (the
                          assets do not constitute a business, the same below) from joint operations, the Company
                          shall only recognize the part of profit or lost from this transaction attributable to other
                          parties of joint operations before these assets are sold to a third party. In case of an
                          impairment loss incurred on these assets which meets the requirements as set out in
                          Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 — Asset Impairment, the Company
                          shall full recognize the amount of this loss in relation to its investment in or sale of assets
                          to joint operations or recognize the loss according to the Company’s share of commitment
                          in relation to the its purchase of assets from joint operations.

                   (2)    Joint ventures
                          Joint ventures refer to a joint arrangement during which the Company only is entitled to net
                          assets of this arrangement. Investment in joint venture is accounted for using the equity
                          method according to the accounting policies referred to under “14. Long-term equity
                          investment” of Note V.

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9.   Recognition standard for cash and cash equivalents
     Cash recognized in the cash flow statements represents the cash on hand and deposits available
     for payment of the Company at any time.

     Cash equivalents recognized in the cash flow statements refer to short-term, highly liquid
     investments held by the Company that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and
     which are subject to an insignificant risk on change in value.

10. Foreign currency businesses and translation of foreign currency statements
     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

     (1)   Foreign currency transactions
           If foreign currency transactions occur, they are translated into the amount of functional
           currency by applying the exchange rate at the transaction date.

           Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated by the Company into
           functional currencies at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. All foreign
           exchange difference are credited in the profit or loss of the current period, except those
           arising from the funds denominated in foreign currency specially borrowed for the
           establishment of the qualifying assets are treated based on the principal of capitalization of
           borrowing costs.

           Non-monetary items in foreign currency measured at historical cost are translated by the
           Company using the spot exchange rate prevailing on the date when transaction occurred
           and its functional currency shall remain unchanged. Non-monetary items denominated in
           foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange
           rate at the date the fair value is determined; the exchange differences between the
           translated and original amounts of functional currencies are recognized in the statement of
           profit or loss or other comprehensive income as changes in fair value (including changes in
           exchange rate).

     (2)   Translation of foreign currency financial statements
           If the functional currencies used as the bookkeeping base currency by the subsidiaries, joint
           ventures and associates under the control of the Company are different from that of the
           Company, their financial statements denominated in foreign currencies shall be translated to
           perform accounting and prepare the consolidated financial statements.

           The assets and liabilities of the foreign currency balance sheet of the Company are
           translated using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date; all items except for
           “undistributed profits” of the owner’s equity are translated at the spot exchange rate on the
           transaction date. The revenue and expenses in the foreign currency income statement of
           the Company are translated using the approximate rate of the spot exchange rate on the
           transaction date. Exchange differences on translation of financial statements denominated in
           foreign currencies are presented as the “other comprehensive income” in the owner’s
           equity of the balance sheet.

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                          Foreign currency cash flow and cash flows of a foreign subsidiary of the Company is
                          translated using the approximate rate of the spot exchange rate on the date of the cash
                          flows. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash amount is regarded as a
                          reconciliation item and reflected separately in the cash flow.

                          When disposing overseas operations, the translation difference in the foreign currency
                          financial statements as shown in the owner’s equity of the balance sheet and related to the
                          overseas operation shall be transferred from owner’s equity to profit or loss in the current
                          period of disposal. If part of the overseas operations is disposed of, the translation
                          difference in the foreign currency financial statements of the disposal part shall be
                          calculated based on the proportion of the disposal and transferred to profit or loss in the
                          current period of disposal.

            11. Financial instruments
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   A financial instrument refers to any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and
                   a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity. A financial asset or financial liability and
                   equity instrument is recognized when the Company becomes a party to the contract of a
                   financial instrument.

                   (1)    Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
                          On initial recognition of a financial asset, according to the business model for managing
                          financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets, the
                          Company classifies financial assets into: Financial assets measured at amortized cost;
                          financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income; financial
                          assets measured at fair value through profit or loss of the current period.

                          Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets
                          measured at fair value through profit and loss of the current period, related transaction
                          costs are directly included in profit and loss of the current period; for other types of
                          financial assets, related transaction costs are included in their initial recognized amounts.
                          For the accounts receivable or bills receivable arising from the sale of products or the
                          provision of labor services that do not contain or consider the significant financing
                          components, etc., the Company shall take the consideration amount entitled to be received
                          as the initial recognized amount.

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1)   The debt instruments held by the Company:

          Financial assets measured at amortized cost
          The Company’s business model for managing such financial assets is: With the
          aim of obtaining contractual cash flow, the contractual cash flow characteristics
          of such financial assets shall be consistent with the basic lending arrangements,
          that is, the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment for the
          principal and the interest based on the outstanding principal amount. For such
          financial assets, the Company recognizes the interest income in accordance
          with the effective interest method. Such financial assets are subsequently
          measured at amortised cost. The gains or losses arising from amortisation or
          impairment are recognised in profit or loss of the current period. Such financial
          assets of the Company mainly include cash and cash equivalents, bills
          receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, creditor’s right investment
          and long-term receivables. The Company lists the creditor’s rights investments
          and long-term receivables matured within one year (inclusive) from the balance
          sheet date as non-current assets matured within one year; the creditor’s rights
          investments matured within one year (inclusive) when being obtained are listed
          as other current assets.

          Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive
          The Company’s business mode for managing such financial assets is: With the
          aim of obtaining contractual cash flow and selling the financial assets, the
          contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets shall be consistent
          with the basic lending arrangements. Such financial assets are measured at fair
          value through other comprehensive income, but impairment gains and losses,
          exchange gains and losses, and interest income calculated by the effective
          interest method are included in profit and loss of the current period. Such
          financial assets of the Company mainly include financing receivables and other
          creditor’s rights investments. The Company lists other creditor’s rights
          investments matured within one year (inclusive) from the balance sheet date as
          non-current assets matured within one year; other creditor’s rights investments
          matured within one year (inclusive) when being obtained are listed as other
          current assets.

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                                        Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss of the
                                        current period
                                        The Company classifies financial assets other than those above measured at
                                        amortized cost and those measured at fair value through other comprehensive
                                        income as financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss of the
                                        current period. In addition, at the time of initial recognition, in order to eliminate
                                        or significantly reduce accounting mismatch, the Company designated some
                                        financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
                                        of the current period. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair
                                        value and changes in fair value are included in profit or loss of the current
                                        period. Such financial assets that are matured more than one year and are
                                        expected to be held for more than one year from the balance sheet date are
                                        listed as other non-current financial assets.

                          2)     Equity instrument investments of the Company:

                                 The Company classifies equity instrument investments that have no control, joint
                                 control and significant influence on itself as financial assets measured at fair value
                                 through profit or loss of the current period; investments that are expected to be held
                                 for more than one year from the balance sheet date are listed as other non-current
                                 financial assets. In addition, the Company designated some non-trading equity
                                 instrument investments as financial assets measured at fair value through other
                                 comprehensive income, which are listed as other equity instrument investments. Such
                                 designation cannot be revoked once made. The Company includes the relevant
                                 dividends and interest income of such financial assets in profit and loss of the current
                                 period, and changes in fair value are included in other comprehensive income. When
                                 the financial asset is derecognised, the Company transfers the cumulative gain or loss
                                 previously included in other comprehensive income directly to retained earnings and is
                                 not included in profit or loss of the current period.

                   (2)    Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities
                          On initial recognition, financial instruments or their components issued by the Company are
                          classified into financial liabilities or equity instruments based on the contractual terms of the
                          financial instruments and the economic nature, rather than solely on its legal form, together
                          with the definition of financial liability and equity instruments.

                          The Company classifies financial liabilities as financial liabilities at fair value through profit
                          and loss of the current period and other financial liabilities at initial recognition.

                          Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of the current period are
                          subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses arising from changes in the fair
                          value and any interest expenses related to the financial liabilities are recognized in profit or
                          loss of the current period. The financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss of the
                          current period of the Company mainly consist of financial liabilities held for trading.

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      Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized costs using effective
      interest method. Other financial liabilities of the Company are financial liabilities measured at
      amortized cost, including bills payable, accounts payable, other payables, borrowings,
      bonds payable, etc. Such financial liabilities are recognized initially at fair value less
      transaction costs and subsequently measured using the effective interest method. Financial
      liabilities with a maturity of less than one year (inclusive) are listed as current liabilities:
      those with maturity of more than one year but are mature within one year (inclusive) from
      the balance sheet date are listed as non-current liabilities due within one year; the rest are
      presented as non-current liabilities.

(3)   Classification and treatment of financial liabilities and equity instruments
      The Company classifies financial liabilities and equity instruments on the following
      principles: (1) Where the Company is unable to unconditionally avoid delivering cash or
      another financial asset to fulfil a contractual obligation, the contractual obligation meets the
      definition of a financial liability. Although some financial instruments do not explicitly include
      the terms and conditions imposing the contractual obligation to deliver cash or another
      financial asset, they may indirectly give rise to the contractual obligation through other
      terms and conditions. (2) Where a financial instrument shall or may be settled in the
      Company’s own equity instrument, consideration shall be given to whether the Company’s
      own equity instrument as used to settle the instrument is a substitute of cash or another
      financial asset or the residual interest in the assets of the Company after deducting all of its
      liabilities. In the former case, the instrument shall be the Company’s financial liability; in the
      latter case, the instrument shall be the equity instrument of the Company. Under certain
      circumstances whereby a financial instrument contract stipulates that the Company shall or
      may use its own equity instrument to settle the financial instrument, and the amount of the
      contractual right or obligation equal to the number of its own equity instruments to be
      received or delivered multiplied by their fair value at the time of settlement, the contract
      shall be classified as a financial liability, regardless of whether the amount of the
      contractual right or obligation is fixed, or fluctuates in full or in partly in response to
      changes in a variable other than the market price of the Company’s own equity instruments
      (for example an interest rate, a commodity price or a financial instrument price).

      When classifying a financial instrument (or a component thereof) in consolidated financial
      statements, the Company shall consider all terms and conditions agreed between members
      of the Group and the holders of the financial instrument. If the Group as a whole has an
      obligation in respect of the instrument to settle it by delivering cash or another financial
      asset or in such a way that it would be a financial liability, such instrument shall be
      classified as a financial liability.

      If the financial instrument or its component is attributable to the financial liability, the
      relevant interests, dividends, gains or losses, and gains or losses arising from redemption
      or refinancing, shall be recorded in the profit or loss of the current period.

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                          If the financial instrument or its component is attributable to equity instrument, the
                          Company treats it as change in equity when it is issued (including refinanced), repurchased,
                          sold or cancelled. Changes in fair value of equity instrument is not recognized by the
                          Company. Transaction costs related to equity transactions are deducted from equity. The
                          Company recognizes the distribution to holders of the equity instruments as distribution of
                          profits, and dividends paid do not affect total amount of shareholders’ equity.

                   (4)    Recognition and measurement on transfer of financial assets
                          A financial asset shall be de-recognized when one of the following conditions is met:        the
                          contractual right for receiving cash flows from the financial asset is terminated;           the
                          financial asset is transferred, and the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset
                          have been substantially transferred to the transferee; and              the financial asset is
                          transferred; the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards
                          of ownership of the financial asset, but ceases the control over the financial asset. If the
                          Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of
                          the financial asset, and the control over the financial asset is not ceased, the financial asset
                          and the related financial liabilities should be recognized based on the degree of continuing
                          involvement. The degree of continuing involvement means the level of risks borne by the
                          Company resulting from the change in value of the financial asset.

                          On de-recognition of other equity instruments investment, the difference between the
                          carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and the cumulative changes in
                          fair value that had been recognized directly in other comprehensive income is recognized in
                          the retained earnings. On de-recognition of other financial assets, the difference between
                          the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and the cumulative changes
                          in fair value that had been recognized directly in other comprehensive income is recognized
                          in current profit or loss.

                          For financial assets that are sold with recourse or endorsement, the Company needs to
                          determine whether the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset have been
                          substantially transferred. If the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset have
                          been substantially transferred, the financial asset shall be derecognized. If the risk and
                          rewards of ownership of the financial asset have been substantially retained, the financial
                          asset shall not be de-recognized. If the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially
                          all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, the Company shall assess
                          whether the control over the financial asset is retained, and the financial assets shall be
                          accounted for according to the above paragraphs.

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(5)   Derecognition of financial liabilities
      If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part of it) has been discharged, the
      Company derecognizes the financial liability (or part of the financial liability). The Company
      (borrower) enters into an agreement with the lender to replace the original financial liability
      in the form of a new financial liability, and if the new financial liability is substantially
      different from the original financial liability, the original financial liability is derecognized and
      the new financial liability is recognized. If the Company makes substantial changes to the
      contractual terms of the original financial liability (or a part thereof), the original financial
      liability is derecognized and the new financial liability is recognized in accordance with the
      revised terms.

      If the financial liability (or a part thereof) is derecognized, the difference between the
      carrying amount and the consideration paid (including the transferred non-cash assets or
      liabilities assumed) is recognized in current profit or loss.

(6)   Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
      When the Company has the legal right to offset recognized financial assets and financial
      liabilities, and the legal right can be executed at present, and the Company has a plan to
      settle the financial assets and financial liabilities at the same time or at net amount, the
      financial assets and financial liabilities can be presented in the balance sheet at net amount
      after offsetting. Except for the above circumstances, financial assets and financial liabilities
      cannot be offset and shall be presented separately in the balance sheet.

(7)   Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
      Fair value is the amount at which an asset could be sold or a liability could be transferred
      between willing parties in an orderly transaction on a measurement date. The fair value of a
      financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in
      the active market. Quoted price in the active market represents quoted price which can be
      easily obtained periodically from exchange market, brokers, industry associations or pricing
      services agency, etc., which is the transactions amount in arm’s length transactions. The
      fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by
      using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using prices of recent market
      transactions between knowledgeable and willing parties, reference to the current fair value
      of another financial asset that is substantially the same with this instrument, discounted
      cash flow analysis and option pricing models, etc. During the valuation, the Company
      adopts an applicable valuation technique under current conditions and there are enough
      available data and other information to support. Those inputs should be consistent with the
      inputs a market participant would use when pricing the asset or liability, and the Company
      should maximize the use of relevant observable inputs. When related observable inputs
      can’t be acquired or are not feasible to be acquired, then use unobservable inputs.

      In summary, the Company categorizes inputs for fair value measurement into three levels
      and uses the inputs by the order of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Level 1: quoted prices
      (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities at the measurement date.
      Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the
      asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 3: unobservable inputs for the asset or

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                   (8)    Impairment of financial assets
                          For financial assets measured at amortized cost and debt instrument investments measured
                          at fair value through other comprehensive income, contract assets and financial guarantee
                          contracts, the Company recognizes the loss provision based on the expected credit losses.

                          The Company considers reasonable and reliable information about past events, current
                          conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, and takes the risk of default as a
                          weight, and calculates the probability-weighted amount of the present value of the
                          difference between the cash flow receivable and the cash flow expected to be received of
                          the contract to confirm the expected credit losses.

                          On each balance sheet date, the Company measures the expected credit losses of
                          financial instruments in different phases. If the credit risk has not increased significantly
                          since the initial recognition, the financial instruments are in the first phase. The Company
                          measures the loss provision according to the expected credit losses in the next 12 months;
                          if credit risk has increased significantly but credit impairment has not yet occurred since the
                          initial recognition, the financial instruments are in the second phase. The Company
                          measures the loss provision according to the expected credit losses of the instruments
                          during the entire duration; if credit impairment has occurred since the initial recognition, the
                          financial instruments are in the third phase. The Company measures the loss provision
                          according to the expected credit losses of the instruments during the entire duration.

                          For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company
                          measures the loss provision according to the expected credit losses in the next 12 months,
                          assuming that its credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition.

                          For financial instruments in the first phase and second phase and financial instruments with
                          relatively lower credit risk, the Company calculates interest income based on their book
                          balance before the deduction of provisions and effective interest rate. For financial
                          instruments in the third phase, the Company calculates interest income based on their
                          amortized cost after the impairment provision has been deducted from the book balance
                          and effective interest rate.

                          For bills receivable, accounts receivable and contract assets, whether there exist significant
                          financing components, the Company measures loss provision based on expected credit
                          loss over the entire duration.

                          The Company classifies accounts receivable into groups on the basis of shared credit risk
                          characteristics, and calculates the expected credit losses on groups, the bases of group
                          determination are as follows:

                          For each group of bills receivable, the Company applies exposure at default and expected
                          credit losses rate over the entire duration to calculate the expected credit losses by taking
                          into account the historical credit losses experience, the existing conditions and forecast of
                          future economic conditions.

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          For each group of accounts receivable, the Company makes the comparison of expected
          credit losses rates of accounts receivable in overdue days and over the entire duration to
          calculate the expected credit losses by taking into account the historical credit losses
          experience, the existing conditions and forecast of future economic conditions.

          For each group of other accounts receivable, the Company applies exposure at default and
          expected credit losses rate within the next 12 months or over the entire duration to
          calculate the expected credit losses by taking into account the historical credit losses
          experience, the existing conditions and forecast of future economic conditions.

          The Company recognizes the loss impairment provision or reversed in profit or loss of the
          current period. For held debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive
          income, the Company recognizes loss/gain on impairment in profit or loss of the current
          period, and adjusts other comprehensive income at the same time.

12. Inventory
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    (1)   Classification of inventory
          Inventory refers to finished products and commodities held by the Company in daily
          activities for sale, products in progress, materials and supplies consumed in the process of
          production or provision of labour services, including mainly raw materials, turnover
          materials, materials for commissioned processing work, packaging materials, products in
          progress, semi-finished products through in-house manufacturing, finished products
          (products in stock) and project construction, among others.

    (2)   Pricing of dispatch of inventory
          The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average

    (3)   Impairment provision for inventory
          At the balance sheet date, inventory is measured at the lower of cost and net realisable

          The net realisable value of inventories that can be directly put to sale, including finished
          products, commodities and materials for sale is determined as the estimated selling price of
          such inventory less estimated selling expenses and related tax expenses; the net realisable
          value of or inventories held for production, is determined as the estimated selling price of
          finished products manufactured less estimated cost incurred upon completion, estimated
          selling expenses and related tax expenses; the net realisable value of inventory held for the
          execution of sales contract or labour contract is computed on the basis of the contract
          price. If the quantity of inventories held by the Company is more than the quantity ordered
          under a sales contract, the net realisable value of the inventories in excess is computed on
          the basis of the general selling price.

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                          Inventory impairment provision is made on the basis of individual inventory items, provided
                          that if certain inventories are related to a series of products manufactured and sold in the
                          same region with identical or similar end uses or purposes and are difficult to measure
                          separately with other items, their cost and net realisable value may be measured on an
                          aggregate basis. Inventories The cost and net realizable value of inventories in large
                          quantity with low unit prices are measured according to inventory types.

                          At the balance sheet date, if the cost of inventory of the Company is higher than its net
                          realisable value, impairment provision is made and charged to current profit or loss. If the
                          factor causing the write-down of inventory value has been removed, the amount of
                          write-down should be reversed and transferred out of the previous inventory impairment
                          provision amount. The reversed amount is included in current profit or loss.

                   (4)    Inventory system
                          The Company adopts the perpetual inventory system as its inventory system.

                   (5)    Amortisation of low-value consumables and packaging materials
                          The Company adopts one-off amortisation of its low-value consumables and packaging

            13. Contract assets
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   The Company presents the right of the Company to charge consideration from the customer
                   unconditionally (i.e. only depends on the passage of time) as a receivable, while the
                   consideration that the Company has the right (and this right depends on factors other than
                   passage of time) to receive for goods transferred to customers is presented as a contract
                   assets. If the Company sells two clearly distinguishable goods to the customer, and it has the
                   right to receive payment because one of the goods has been delivered, but the receipt of such
                   payment is conditioned on the delivery of another goods, the Company shall recognise such right
                   to receive payment as contract asset.

                   For the determination and accounting treatment methods of the expected credit loss of contract
                   assets, please see Note V.11 “Impairment of financial assets”.

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14. Long-term equity investments
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    Long-term equity investments hereunder refer long-term equity investments in which the
    Company exercises control, joint control or significant influence over the investee.

    (1)   Determination of initial investment cost
               The initial cost of long-term equity investments acquired through business combination
               involving parties under common control should be recognised as the share of the
               carrying value of the owner’s equity of the acquired party; the initial cost of long-term
               equity investments acquired through business combination involving parties not under
               common control should be recognised as the combination costs determined at the
               date of acquisition;

                The Company invested in other equity investment other than long-term equity
                investments acquired through combination, the initial investment cost of long-term
                equity investments acquired with cash payment is the acquisition price actually paid;
                the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments acquired with the issuance
                of equity- based securities is represented by the fair value of equity-based securities;
                the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments acquired through debt
                restructuring is determined in accordance with relevant provisions under Accounting
                Standards for Business Enterprises No.12 — Debt Restructuring; the initial investment
                cost acquired in exchange for non-monetary assets shall be determined in
                accordance with relevant provisions of the standard.

    (2)   Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
              Cost method
              Long-term equity investments in which the Company is able to exercise control over
              the investee is accounted for using the cost method. Under the cost method, the
              carrying value of long-term equity investments, other than additional investment or
              recouped investment, shall remain constant. The Company declared the distribution of
              profit or cash dividend to the investee and calculated the portion of entitlement,
              which is recognised as investment income.

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                                 Equity method
                                 The equity method is used by the Company to account for long-term equity
                                 investments in associates and joint ventures. Under the equity method, the initial
                                 investment cost is not adjusted for any excess of the initial investment cost over the
                                 share of the net fair value of the investee’s identifiable assets. When the initial
                                 investment cost is less than the share of the fair value of the investment’s identifiable
                                 net assets, the difference is recognised in current profit or loss and the cost of
                                 long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.

                                 Under the equity method, share of net profit or losses and other comprehensive
                                 income of the investee are recognised by the Company as investment income and
                                 other comprehensive income, respectively, and the carrying amount of the long-term
                                 equity investment is adjusted accordingly. Share of profit or cash dividend declared
                                 by the investee is charged against the carrying value of the long-term equity
                                 investment; changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profit or loss,
                                 other comprehensive income and profit distribution are adjusted against the carrying
                                 value of long-term equity investment and included in capital reserve. Share of net
                                 profit or loss of the investee is recognised by the Company on the basis of the fair
                                 value of the identifiable assets of the investee when the investment is acquired and
                                 adjusted against the net profit of the investee. If the accounting policy and
                                 accounting period of the investee are inconsistent with those of the Company, the
                                 financial statements of the investee is adjusted to align with the accounting policy and
                                 accounting period of the Company, and investment income and other comprehensive
                                 income is recognised accordingly.

                                 Net losses of the investee is recognised by the Company by deducting the carrying
                                 value of the long-term equity investment together with long-term equity that in
                                 substance forms part of the net investment in the investee until it reaches zero.
                                 Moreover, if the Company has incurred obligations to assume additional losses of the
                                 investee, estimated liabilities are recognised according to the obligation expected to
                                 be assumed and charged to current investment loss. If the investee records net profit
                                 in future periods, the Company shall recognise its share of gains after applying such
                                 share of gains to make up for the unrecognised share of loss.

                   (3)    Change of accounting method for long-term equity investment
                              Change from fair value measurement to the equity method: If an equity investment in
                              the investee not previously affording control, joint control or significant influence and
                              accounted for in accordance with the standard for recognition and measurement of
                              financial instruments becomes capable of affording joint control or significant influence
                              over the investee as a result of increased shareholding following additional
                              investment, the accounting method should be changed to the equity method, and the
                              fair value of the original equity investment determined according to the standard for
                              recognition and measurement of financial instruments plus the fair value of
                              consideration paid for the acquisition of the new investment shall be changed the
                              initial investment cost under the equity method.

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           Change from fair value measurement or equity method to cost method: if an equity
           investment previously held in the investee not previously affording control, joint control
           or significant influence and accounted for in accordance with the standard for
           recognition and measurement of financial instruments, or a long- term equity
           investment previously held in associates or joint ventures becomes capable of
           affording control over the investee, it is accounted for long-term equity investment
           formed through business combination.

           Change from equity method to fair value measurement: if a long-term equity investment
           previously held in the investee affording joint control or significant influence ceases to
           afford joint control or significant influence as a result of decrease in shareholding
           percentage following partial disposal, the remaining equity investment is recognised in
           accordance with the standard for recognition and measurement of financial
           instruments, and the difference between the fair value at the date of loss of joint
           control or significant influence and the carrying value is included in current profit or

           Change from cost method to equity method or fair value measurement: when preparing
           separate financial statements, if the Company losses control over an investee due to
           disposal of some equity-based investment and other reasons, the Company accounts
           for the remaining equity affording joint control or significant influence over an investee
           as a result of disposal based on the equity method, and the remaining equity will be
           adjusted as if it is accounted for using the equity method from the date of
           acquisition; for the remaining equity not affording joint control or significant influence
           over an investee as a result of disposal, it is accounted for in accordance with
           relevant requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—
           Recognition and measurement of financial assets, and the differences between the fair
           value and book value on the date when control is lost are included in profit or loss.
           When preparing consolidated financial statements, it shall be accounted for in
           accordance with relevant requirements of Accounting Standards for Business
           Enterprises No.33— Consolidated financial statements.

(4)   Bases for determining joint control or significant influence over an investee
      Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, which
      relevant activities of such arrangement must be decided by unanimously agreement from
      parties who share control. If all the parties or a group of parties must act in concert to
      decide on the relevant activities of certain arrangement, it can be considered that all parties
      or a group of parties have collective control over the arrangement. When determining if
      there is any joint control, it should first be determined if the arrangement is controlled
      collectively by all parties or a combination of parties, and then determined whether
      decisions about activities related to the arrangement must be made by the unanimous
      agreement of those parties who have collective control over the arrangement. If there are
      two or more party groups that can collectively control certain arrangement, it does not
      constitute joint control. When determining if there is any joint control, the relevant
      protection rights will not be taken into account.

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                          Significant influence is the power of the investor to participate in the decision-making of an
                          investee’s financial and operational policies, but neither control nor jointly control the
                          formulation of such policies with other parties. When determining if there is any significant
                          influence on the investee, the influence of the voting shares of the investee held directly or
                          indirectly and the potential voting rights held by the Company and other parties which are
                          exercisable in the current period and converted to the equity of the investee, including the
                          warrants, stock options and convertible bonds that are issued by the investee and can be
                          converted in the current period, shall be taken into account by the Company.

                          When the Company holds directly or indirectly through the subsidiary 20% (inclusive) to
                          50% of the voting shares of the investee, it is generally considered to have significant
                          influence on the investee, unless there is concrete evidence to prove that it cannot
                          participate in the production and operational decisions of the investee and cannot pose
                          significant influence in this situation.

                          The Company usually determines whether there is significant influence on the investee
                          through the following one or several circumstances:

                                 Representation at the board or similar authority of the investee.

                                 Participation in the decision-making process of the investee’s financial and operational

                                 Having important transactions with the investee.

                                 Posting of management personnel at the investee.

                                 Providing key technical data to the investee.

                          Having one or several of the above circumstances does not mean that the Company must
                          have significant influence on the investee. The Company needs to comprehensively
                          consider all the facts and circumstances to make an appropriate judgment.

                   (5)    Methods for impairment test and impairment provision
                          At the balance sheet date, the Company inspects whether there are indications of possible
                          impairment of a long-term equity investment. If there are indications of impairment, an
                          impairment test should be performed to ascertain its recoverable amount, and an
                          impairment provision equivalent to the margin by which the recoverable amount is lower
                          than the carrying value should be made. Once recognised, impairment loss will not be
                          reversed in subsequent accounting periods. The recoverable amount is determined as the
                          higher of net fair value of the long-term equity investment on disposal and present value of
                          estimated future cash flow.

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    (6)   Disposal of long-term equity investments
          Upon the Company’s disposal of long-term equity investments, the difference between the
          carrying value and consideration actually acquired is included in current profit or loss. Upon
          disposal of long-term equity investment, the portion previously included in other
          comprehensive income is accounted for according to the relevant percentage on the same
          basis adopted in the direct disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities by the investee.

15. Investment properties
    (1)   Types and measurement models of investment properties
          The Company’s investment properties include the following types: leased land-use rights
          and leased buildings.

          The Company’s investment properties is initially measured at cost and subsequently on a
          cost basis.

    (2)   Adoption of cost model as accounting policy
          Among the Company’s investment properties, leased buildings are subject to depreciation
          on a straight-line basis in accordance with accounting policies identical with accounting
          policies for fixed assets. Leased land-use rights and land-use rights held for disposal after
          appreciation land- use rights in investment properties are amortised using the straight-line
          method in accordance with accounting policies identical with fixed asset accounting
          policies for intangible assets.

          At the balance sheet date, the Company inspects whether there are indications of possible
          impairment of an investment property. If there are indications of impairment, an impairment
          test should be performed to ascertain its recoverable amount, and an impairment provision
          equivalent to the margin by which the recoverable amount is lower than the carrying value
          should be made. Once recognised, impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent
          accounting periods.

          Where the investment properties are sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the differences
          from disposal after deducting the carrying amount and related taxes are recognised in profit
          or loss for the current period by the Company. When the Company has evidence indicating
          the self-occupied houses and buildings are converted to leasing or leasing out its
          properties held for sale under operating leases, the carrying amount of such fixed assets,
          intangible assets or inventories before the conversion are transferred to investment
          properties. When the Company has evidence indicating the property held to earn rentals or
          for capital appreciation are converted to self-occupation or the property intended for
          operating lease purpose are open for sale, the carrying amount of such properties before
          the conversion are transferred to fixed assets, intangible asset or inventories.

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            16. Fixed assets
                   (1)    Recognition criteria and measurement of fixed assets
                          Fixed assets of the Company refer to tangible assets held for the production of
                          commodities, provision of labour services, lease or operational management with a useful
                          life of more than one accounting year. Fixed assets are recognised if all of the following
                          conditions are met:

                                 Economic benefits relating to such fixed assets are likely to flow into the Company;

                                 The cost of the fixed assets can be reliably measured.

                          Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset that meets the recognition criteria shall
                          be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the carrying amount of the component of
                          the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognised. Otherwise, such expenditure shall be
                          recognised in profit or loss for the period in which it is incurred.

                          Fixed assets of the Company are initially measured at cost. The purchase cost of a fixed
                          asset comprises its purchase price, related taxes and any directly attributable expenditure
                          for bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use, such as transportation
                          costs and installation expenses. If the payment for a purchased fixed asset is deferred
                          beyond the normal credit terms, the cost of the fixed asset shall be determined based on
                          the present value of the instalment payments. The difference between the actual payment
                          and the present value of the purchase price is recognised in profit or loss over the credit
                          period, except for such difference that is capitalised according to Accounting Standard for
                          Business Enterprises No. 17 — Borrowing Costs.

                   (2)    Classification and depreciation of fixed assets
                          The Company’s fixed assets are mainly classified into: buildings, machinery equipment,
                          transportation equipment and office and other equipment; depreciation is conducted on a
                          straight-line basis. The useful life and estimated net residual value of fixed assets are
                          determined based on the nature and use of the fixed assets. At the end of the year, the
                          useful life and estimated residual value of and depreciation method for fixed assets are
                          reviewed, and adjustment is made for any difference with the original estimated amount.
                          Other than fully depreciated fixed assets which remain in use and the land which is
                          separately priced and recorded, the Company measures depreciation for all fixed assets.

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          The type, depreciation method, estimated useful lives, estimated residual values and yearly
          depreciation of the Company’s fixed assets are as follows:

                                                                            Estimated           Estimated
                                                                           useful lives           residual
            Type of assets                  Depreciation method                (years)         values, net

            Buildings                       Life   average   method                 8–40              0–5%
            Machinery equipment             Life   average   method                 4–20              0–5%
            Transportation equipment        Life   average   method                 5–10              0–5%
            Office and other equipment      Life   average   method                 3–10              0–5%

    (3)   Methods for impairment test and impairment provision for fixed assets
          At the balance sheet date, the Company inspects whether there are indications of possible
          impairment of fixed assets. If there are indications of impairment, an impairment test should
          be performed to ascertain its recoverable amount, and an impairment provision equivalent
          to the margin by which the recoverable amount is lower than the carrying value should be
          made. Once recognised, impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting

    (4)   Disposal of fixed assets
          Fixed assets are derecognised upon disposal, or when no economic benefits are expected
          from use or disposal. The difference between gains on disposal, transfer, retirement or
          damage of fixed assets, net of their book value and related taxes, are included in profit and

17. Construction in progress
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    (1)   Measurement of construction in progress
          The cost of the Company’s construction in progress is recognised at actual construction
          expenses, including all necessary construction expenses incurred during the construction,
          and borrowing costs capitalized before the work reaches the expected conditions for use
          and other related costs.

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                   (2)    Criteria for and timing of the transfer of construction in progress to fixed assets
                          The Company’s construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the work is
                          completed and reaches the expected conditions for use. The criteria for judgement of
                          expected conditions for use should meet one of the following:

                                 The physical construction (including installation) of fixed assets has been completed in
                                 full or substantially completed in full;

                                 Trial production or operation has commenced and the result indicates that the asset
                                 can operate normally or can manufacture compliant products in a consistent manner,
                                 or the trial operation indicates that it can operate or conduct business normally;

                                 The amount of fixed asset expenditure of the construction is minimal or almost certain
                                 not be further incurred;

                                 Fixed assets acquired have reached design or contractual requirements, or are
                                 essentially consistent with design and contractual requirements.

                   (3)    Methods for impairment test and impairment provision for construction in progress
                          At the balance sheet date, the Company inspects whether there are indications of possible
                          impairment of construction in progress. If there are indications of impairment, an
                          impairment test should be performed to ascertain its recoverable amount, and an
                          impairment provision equivalent to the margin by which the recoverable amount is lower
                          than the carrying value should be made. Once recognised, impairment loss will not be
                          reversed in subsequent accounting periods.

                          The recoverable amount is determined as the higher of net fair value of the asset less
                          disposal cost and the present value of estimated future cash flow.

            18. Borrowing costs
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   (1)    Principle for recognition of capitalisation of borrowing cost
                          Borrowing costs incurred by the Company that can be directly attributed to the acquisition
                          or production of assets qualified for capitalisation are capitalised and included in relevant
                          asset costs; other borrowing costs are recognised as cost at the amount incurred at the
                          time of incurrence and charged to current profit or loss. Assets qualified for capitalisation
                          refer to fixed assets, investment properties and inventory that require a considerably long
                          period of acquisition or production activities to reach the expected conditions for use or

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    (2)   Computation of capitalised amounts
          Capitalisation period: from the point of time at which the capitalisation of borrowing costs
          begins to the point of time at which capitalisation ceases. The period of suspension of
          capitalisation of borrowing costs is not included.

          Period of suspension of capitalisation: In case of abnormal disruption during the acquisition
          or production process for a consecutive period of more than 3 months, the capitalisation
          period for borrowing costs should be suspended.

          Computation of capitalised amount:       For specific borrowings, the amount is determined
          as interest expense incurred for the period in respect of the specific borrowing less interest
          income received through the deposit of unutilised borrowed funds or investment gains
          received through provisional investments;     For general borrowings utilised, the amount is
          determined as the weighted average amount of the portion of cumulative asset expenses in
          excess of the asset expense of specific borrowings multiplied by the capitalisation rate for
          the general borrowings utilised, where the capitalisation rate is the weighted average
          interest rate of general borrowings;       where there is a discount or premium in the
          borrowings, the amortisation of such discount or premium for each accounting period is
          determined according to the effective interest rate and the interest amount for each period
          is adjusted accordingly.

19. Intangible assets
    Intangible assets are the identifiable non-monetary assets which have no physical form and are
    possessed or controlled by the Company, and are recognized when the following conditions are

          it is probable that economic benefits attributable to the intangible assets will flow into the

          the costs of the intangible assets can be measured reliably.

    (1)   Measurement of intangible assets
          Intangible assets of the Company are initially recognized at costs. The actual costs of
          purchased intangible assets include the consideration and relevant expenses actually paid.
          For intangible assets contributed by investors, relevant actual costs are determined based
          on the value agreed in the investment contract or agreement. But if the value agreed in the
          investment contract or agreement is not a fair value, the actual costs should be determined
          based on the fair value. The cost of a self-developed intangible asset is the total
          expenditure incurred in bringing the asset to its intended use. Intangible assets acquired in
          a business combination not under common control that are owned by the acquiree but not
          recognised in its financial statements are recognised as intangible assets at fair value on
          initial recognition of the acquiree’s assets.

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                          Subsequent measurement of intangible assets of the Company:              Intangible assets with
                          finite useful lives are amortized on a straight-line basis; their useful lives and amortization
                          methods are reviewed at the end of each year, and adjusted accordingly if there is any
                          variance with the previous estimates;     Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are not
                          amortized and their useful lives are reviewed at the end of each year. If there is an
                          objective evidence that the useful life of an intangible asset is finite, an estimation should
                          be made on the useful life and the intangible asset should be amortized using the straight-
                          line method.

                   (2)    Criterion of determining indefinite useful life
                          The useful life of an intangible asset is indefinite if the period in which the asset brings
                          economic benefits for the Company is unforeseeable, or the useful life could not be

                          Criterion of determining indefinite useful lives:     the period is derived from contractual
                          rights or other legal rights and there are no explicit years of use stipulated in the contract
                          or laws and regulations;      the period in which the intangible assets generate benefits for
                          the Company still could not be estimated after considering the industrial practice or
                          relevant expert opinions.

                          At the end of each year, the Company reviews the useful lives of the intangible assets with
                          indefinite useful lives. The assessment is primarily reviewed by relevant departments that
                          use the intangible assets, using the down-to-top approach, to determine if there are
                          changes to the determination basis of indefinite useful lives.

                   (3)    Methods of test and provision for impairment of intangible assets
                          At the balance sheet date, the Company reviews intangible assets to check whether there
                          is any sign of impairment. If yes, the recoverable amount is recognized through an
                          impairment test and provision for impairment is made based on the difference between the
                          carrying value and the recoverable amount.

                          Impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods once provision is
                          made for it. The recoverable amount of intangible assets should be based on the higher of
                          the net fair value of the assets less the disposal expense and the present value of
                          estimated future cash flow of the assets.

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    (4)   Basis for research and development phases for internal research and development
          project and basis for capitalization of expenditure incurred in development stage
          As for an internal research and development project, expenditure incurred in the research
          stage is recognized in the profit or loss as incurred. Expenses incurred in the development
          stage are capitalized only if all of the following conditions are met:            the technical
          feasibility of completing the intangible assets so that they will be available for use or for
          sale;     the intention to complete the intangible assets for use or for sale;         how the
          intangible assets will generate economic benefits, including there is evidence that the
          products produced by the intangible assets has a market or the intangible assets
          themselves have a market; if the intangible assets are for internal use, there is evidence
          that there exists usage for the intangible assets;       the availability of adequate technical,
          financial and other resources to complete the development and gain the ability to use or
          sell the intangible assets;   the capability to reliably measure the expenditures attributable
          to the development stage of the intangible assets.

          Specific standards for distinguishing research stage and development stage of an internal
          research and development project: the Company refers to the research stage as the stage
          of planned investigation and search for obtaining new technology and knowledge, which
          features planning and exploration; before commercial production or other uses, the
          Company regards the stage of applying the research achievements and other knowledge in
          a plan or design to produce new or substantially improved materials, equipment and
          products as development stage, which features pertinence and is very likely to form

          All the expenditures incurred on research and development which cannot be distinguished
          between research stage and development stage are recognized in the profit or loss.

20. Impairment of long-term assets
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    Long-term equity investment, investment properties measured based on cost model, fixed assets,
    construction in progress, intangible assets and other long-term assets are tested for impairment
    if there is any sign of impairment at the balance sheet date. If the result of the impairment test
    indicates that the recoverable amount of the assets is less than the carrying amount, a provision
    for impairment will be made based on the difference and will be recorded in impairment loss. The
    recoverable amount is the higher of the net fair value of the assets less the disposal expense
    and the present value of estimated future cash flow of the assets. Provision for asset impairment
    is calculated and recognized on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the
    recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group to which
    the asset belongs is determined. An asset group is the smallest asset portfolio that can generate
    cash inflows independently.

    Goodwill arising from a business combination and an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life
    is tested for impairment at least at each year end, irrespective of whether there is any indication
    that the asset may be impaired. Intangible assets that have not been ready for intended use are
    tested for impairment each year.

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                   When the Company carries out impairment test of the goodwill, the carrying amount of the
                   goodwill, arising from business combination, shall be allocated to the related asset groups on
                   reasonable basis since the acquisition date, or to the related asset group portfolios if it is difficult
                   to be allocated to the related asset groups. When the carrying amount of the goodwill is
                   allocated to the related asset groups or asset group portfolios, it shall be allocated in the
                   proportion of the fair value of each asset group or asset group portfolio against the total fair
                   value of related asset groups or asset group portfolios. If it is difficult to measure the fair value
                   reliably, it shall be allocated in the proportion of the carrying amount of each asset group or
                   asset group portfolio against the total carrying amount of related asset groups or asset group

                   When impairment test is made by the Company to the related asset groups or asset group
                   portfolios including goodwill, if there is a sign that the related asset groups or asset group
                   portfolios are prone to impair, the Company shall first conduct impairment test on the asset
                   groups or asset group portfolios excluding goodwill, calculate the recoverable amount and
                   recognize the corresponding impairment loss by comparing with its carrying amount. The
                   Company shall then conduct impairment test on the asset groups or asset group portfolios
                   including goodwill and compare the carrying amount (including the carrying amount of allocated
                   goodwill) of related asset groups or asset group portfolios with the recoverable amount thereof.
                   Impairment loss shall be recognized in accordance with the differences when the recoverable
                   amount of the related asset groups or asset group portfolios is lower than the carrying amount
                   thereof. The amount of the impairment loss is first reduced by the carrying amount of the
                   goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then the carrying amount of
                   other assets (other than the goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups, pro rata
                   based on the carrying amount of each asset.

                   Once the above impairment loss on assets is recognized, it shall not be reversed by the
                   Company in any subsequent accounting period.

            21. Long-term prepaid expense
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   Long-term prepaid expenses of the Company are expenditures which have incurred but the
                   benefit period of which is more than one year (exclusive). They are amortized by installments over
                   the benefit period based on each item under the expenses. If items under the long-term pre-paid
                   expenses are no longer beneficial to the subsequent accounting periods, the amortized value of
                   such unamortized items is then fully transferred to the profit or loss.

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22. Contract liabilities
    √ Applicable     Not Applicable

    A contract liability represents the Company’s obligation to transfer goods to a customer for
    which the Company has received consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the
    customer. If the customer has already paid the contract consideration before the Company
    transfers goods to the customer or the Company has obtained the unconditional collection right,
    the Company will recognise such amount received or receivable as contract liabilities at earlier of
    the actual payment by the customer or the amount payable becoming due. Contract assets and
    contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis, and contract assets
    and contract liabilities under different contracts are not offset.

23. Staff’s remuneration
    Staff’s remunerations are all forms of compensation and other relevant expenditure given by the
    Company in exchange for services rendered by employees, including short-term remunerations,
    post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term benefits.

    (1).   Accounting treatment of short-term remunerations
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

           Short-term remunerations provided by the Company include short-term salaries, bonus,
           allowance, subsidies, employee welfare, housing provident fund, labor union fee and
           education fee, medical insurance premiums, work-related injury insurance premiums,
           maternity insurance premiums, short-term compensated leave, short-term profit-sharing
           plans, etc. During the accounting period when employees render services, the Company
           shall recognize short-term remunerations that actually incurred as liabilities and credited into
           the current profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets on an accrual basis by the benefit

    (2).   Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

           Post-employment benefits mainly include the basic pension insurance, enterprise annuity,
           etc., In accordance with the risks and obligations undertaken by the Company, the
           post-employment benefits are classified as defined contribution plans and defined benefit

           Defined contribution plans: the Company shall recognize the sinking funds paid on the
           balance sheet date to individual entities in exchange for services from employees in the
           accounting period as liabilities, and shall credit such funds into the profit or loss or the cost
           of relevant assets in accordance with the benefit objects.

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                          Defined benefit plans: the Company determines the cost for providing benefits using the
                          expected cumulative welfare unit method, with actuarial valuations being carried out by
                          independent actuary at the interim and annual balance sheet date. The costs for staff’s
                          remunerations incurred by the defined benefit plans of the Group are categorized as
                          follows: (1) service cost, including current period service cost, past service cost and
                          settlement profit or loss. Specifically, current period service cost means the increase of the
                          present value of defined benefit obligations resulted from the current period services offered
                          by employees. Past service cost means the increase or decrease of the present value of
                          defined benefit obligations resulted from the revision of the defined benefit plans related to
                          the prior period services offered by employees; (2) interest expenses of defined benefit
                          plans; (3) changes caused by the remeasurement of liabilities for defined benefit plans.
                          Unless other accounting standards require or permit the credit of the costs for employee
                          welfare into the cost of assets, the Company will credit (1) and (2) above into the profit or
                          loss; and recognize (3) above as other comprehensive income and will not transfer it back
                          to the profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods.

                   (3).   Accounting treatment of termination benefits
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                          Termination benefits are the indemnity proposal provided by the Company for employees
                          for the purpose of terminating labor relations with employees before expiry of the labor
                          contracts or encouraging employees to accept downsizing voluntarily. When the Company
                          could not unilaterally withdraw the termination benefits provided as a result of plan for
                          termination of labor relations or the redundancy offer, or upon recognition of costs or
                          expenses related to a restructuring involving the payment of termination benefits, whichever
                          is earlier, the staff’s remuneration liabilities arising from such termination benefits are
                          recognized and included in current profit or loss.

            24. Estimated liability
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   (1)    Criterion for determining of estimated liability
                          If an obligation in relation to contingencies such as external guarantees, discounting of
                          commercial acceptance bills, pending litigation or arbitration and product quality assurance
                          is the present obligation of the Company and the performance of such obligation is likely to
                          lead to an outflow of economic interests and its amount can be reliably measured, such
                          obligation shall be recognized as an estimated liability.

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    (2)   Measurement of estimated liability
          The estimated liability shall be initially measured according to the best estimate of the
          necessary expenses for the performance of the present obligation. If there is a continuous
          range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally likely
          to occur, the best estimate shall be determined according to the middle estimate within the
          range.; if there are two or more items involved, the best estimate should be determined
          according to all possible outcomes and relevant probabilities.

          At the balance sheet date, the carrying value of estimated liabilities should be reviewed. If
          there is objective evidence that the carrying value could not reflect in the current best
          estimate, the carrying value shall be adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

          If all or part of the expense necessary for settling the provisions is expected to be
          compensated by the third party, the amount of compensation is separately recognized as
          an asset when it is basically determined to be recoverable, and the recognized amount of
          the compensation shall not exceed the carrying amount of the provisions.

25. Share-based payments
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    Share-based payments of the Company are transactions in which equity instruments are granted
    to employees in exchange for services rendered by employees or for the assumption of liabilities
    based on equity instruments. Share-based payments of the Company are equity-settled
    share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments.

    For equity-settled share-based payment transaction in return for services from employees, it shall
    be measured at the fair value of equity instruments granted to the employees at the date of
    grant by the Company. On each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the Company
    makes the best estimation of the number of vested equity instruments based on subsequent
    information such as the updated changes in the number of employees who are granted to vest
    and the achievement of specified performance conditions. Based on the above results, the
    services received in the current period are included in the relevant cost or expenses based on
    the fair value on the date of grant, with the increase in the capital reserve accordingly. The
    recognized relevant cost or expenses and the total amount of owners’ interest shall no longer be
    adjusted after the vesting date. However, equity instruments vested immediately after the date of
    grant shall be included in the relevant cost or expenses based on its fair value on the date of
    grant, with the increase in the capital reserve accordingly.

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                   The cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured at the fair value of liability assumed by
                   the Company, which is determined based on the shares or other equity instruments. For the
                   cash-settled share-based payment that may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair
                   value of the liability assumed by the Company shall, on the date of the grant, be recognized in
                   relevant costs or expenses and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly. For cash-settled
                   share-based payment that may be exercised if services are fulfilled during the vesting period or
                   the specified performance condition is achieved, on each balance sheet date within the vesting
                   period, the services acquired in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of exercise,
                   be recognized in relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of the liability assumed by the
                   Company, and the liabilities shall be adjusted correspondingly. At each balanced sheet date and
                   the settlement date prior to the settlement of liabilities, the fair value of the liability is
                   re-measured with its change consolidated in profit/loss.

                   When there is changes to the Company’s share-based payment plans, if the modification
                   increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, corresponding recognition of service
                   increase in accordance with the increase in the fair value of the equity instruments; if the
                   modification increases the number of equity instruments granted, the increase in fair value of the
                   equity instruments is recognized as a corresponding increase in service achieved. Increase in the
                   fair value of equity instruments refer to the difference between the fair values of the equity
                   instrument on the modified date before or after the modification. If the Company modifies the
                   vesting conditions in such manner conductive to the employees, including the shortening of the
                   vesting period, change or cancellation of the performance conditions (rather than market
                   conditions), the modified vesting conditions are considered upon the disposal of vesting
                   conditions. If the modification reduces the total fair value of shares paid or the Company uses
                   other methods not conductive to employees to modify the terms and conditions of share-based
                   payment plans, the Company will continue to be accounted for the services obtained in the
                   accounting treatment, as if the change had not occurred, unless the Company cancelled some or
                   all of the equity instruments granted.

                   During the vesting period, if the Company cancel equity instruments granted which will be treated
                   as accelerating the exercise of rights and any amount to be charged over the remaining vesting
                   period should be recognized immediately in the profit or loss, while at the same time recognize
                   the capital reserve. Employees or other parties can choose to meet non-vesting conditions, but
                   for those that are not met in the vesting period, the Company will treat it as cancellation of
                   equity instruments granted.

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26. Revenue
   Revenue is the total inflow of economic benefits formed by the Company and its subsidiaries
   during day-to-day operations which might lead to increase of shareholders’ equity and be
   irrelevant to capital invested by shareholders.

   The Company and its subsidiaries performed performance obligations stated in the contract, i.e.,
   recognized revenue when the client obtains the control right of relevant goods or services.

   Where the contract includes two or more performance obligations, during the starting date of the
   contract, the Company and its subsidiaries allocate transaction price to various single
   performance obligation in accordance with the relevant proportion of separate selling price of
   goods or services promised by various single performance obligation, and measure revenue in
   accordance with transaction price allocated to various single performance obligation.

   Transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company and its subsidiaries are
   expected to be entitled to collect due to transfer of goods and services transferred to the client,
   excluding the amount collected for any third party. The transaction price recognized by the
   Company and its subsidiaries does not exceed the amount of recognized revenue when relevant
   uncertainties are eliminated and might not incur material carrying back. The amount that is
   expected to be returned to the client is taken as liability of returned goods and is not recorded
   in transaction price.

   When one of the following conditions is met, the Company and its subsidiaries perform
   performance obligations during a certain time horizon, otherwise, it belongs to fulfilling
   performance obligations at a certain time point:

        The client simultaneously obtains and consumes economic benefits as the Company and its
        subsidiaries perform the contract;

        The client is able to control goods under construction during the process of performance of
        the Company and its subsidiaries;

        Goods produced by the Company and its subsidiaries during the process of performance
        have no alternative use, and the Company and its subsidiaries are entitled to collect the
        amount for the cumulative completed and performed portion to date during the entire
        contractual period.

   For the performance obligations performed during a certain time horizon, the Company and its
   subsidiaries recognize revenue in accordance with the schedule of performance during such time
   horizon. When the schedule of performance can’t be reasonably recognized, where the costs that
   have been incurred by the Company and its subsidiaries are estimated to be compensated,
   revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of costs that has been incurred until
   the schedule of performance can be reasonably confirmed.

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                   For performance obligations performed at a certain time point, the Company and its subsidiaries
                   recognize revenue at the time point when the client obtains the control right of relevant goods or
                   services. When judging whether the client has obtained control right over goods or services, the
                   Company and its subsidiaries will consider the following signs:

                          The Company and its subsidiaries enjoy the right of instant collection over such goods and

                          The Company and its subsidiaries have transferred the material objects of such goods to
                          the client;

                          The Company and its subsidiaries have transferred statutory ownership right of the goods
                          or major risks and rewards of the ownership to the client;

                          The client has accepted such goods or service.

                   The right that the Company and its subsidiaries are entitled to collect the consideration for
                   having transferred goods or services to the client (and such right depends on other factors other
                   than time lapse) is presented as contract asset, and contract asset is provisioned impairment on
                   the basis of expected credit losses. The right owned by and unconditionally collected from the
                   client by the Company and its subsidiaries (only depend on time lapse) shall be presented as
                   accounts receivable. Obligations that the Company and its subsidiaries have collected or shall
                   collect consideration from the client and shall transfer goods or services to the client are
                   presented as contractual obligations.

                   Specific accounting policies relating to major activities that the Company and its subsidiaries
                   obtain revenue are described as follows:

                   (1)    Sale of goods
                          Generally, contracts for sale of goods between the Company and its clients only include
                          performance obligation of transferring the whole machine of home appliance. Generally, on
                          the basis of taking into account the following factors comprehensively, the Company
                          recognizes the revenue at the time point of transfer of control right of goods: the right of
                          instant collection for obtaining goods, transfer of major risks and rewards on ownership of
                          goods, transfer of statutory ownership of goods, transfer of assets of material objects of
                          goods, the client’s acceptance of such goods.

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    (2)   Construction contract income
          Construction contract between the Company and the client generally includes performance
          obligations of construction and installation of commercial air-conditioner and smart home,
          because the client is able to control goods under construction during the Company’s
          performance process, the Company takes them as performance obligations performed
          during a certain time horizon, and recognizes revenue in accordance with the schedule of
          performance, and it is an exemption when the schedule of performance can’t be
          reasonably confirmed. The Company confirms the schedule of performance of services
          provided in accordance with the input method. When the schedule of performance can’t be
          reasonably confirmed, where the costs that have been incurred by the Company are
          estimated to be compensated, the revenue will be recognized in accordance with the
          amount of costs that has been incurred until the schedule of performance can be
          reasonably confirmed.

    (3)   Warranty obligations
          According to contractual agreement and regulations of laws, the Company provides quality
          assurance for goods sold and project constructed. For guarantee-type quality assurance in
          order to ensure the client that goods sold comply with existing standards, the Company
          conducts accounting treatment in accordance with estimated liabilities. For service-type
          quality assurance in order to ensure the client that we also provide a separate service other
          than that the goods sold comply with existing standards, the Company takes it as a
          separate performance obligation, and allocates partial transaction price to service-type
          quality assurance in accordance with the relevant proportion of separate selling price of
          goods and service-type quality assurance, and recognizes revenue when the client obtains
          control right over services. When assessing whether quality assurance provides a separate
          service other than ensuring the client that the goods sold comply with existing standards,
          the Company shall consider factors such as whether such quality assurance is under
          statutory requirements or industrial practices, the term of quality assurance and the nature
          of the Company’s commitment to perform the tasks.

27. Government grants
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    (1)   Types of government grants
          Government grants refer to the gratuitous monetary assets or non-monetary assets
          obtained by the Company from the government, excluding the capital invested by the
          government as an owner. The government grants are mainly divided into asset-related
          government grants and revenue-related government grants.

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                   (2)    Accounting treatment of government grants
                          Asset-related government grants shall be recognized as deferred income in current profit or
                          loss on an even basis over the useful life of relevant assets; government grants measured
                          at nominal amount shall be recognized directly in current profit or loss. Revenue-related
                          government grants shall be treated as follows:         those used to compensate relevant
                          expenses or losses to be incurred by the enterprise in subsequent periods are recognized
                          as deferred income and recorded in current profit or loss when such expenses are
                          recognized;    those used to compensate relevant expenses or losses that have been
                          incurred by the enterprise are recorded directly in current profit or loss.

                   (3)    Basis for determination of asset-related government grant and revenue-related
                          government grant
                          If the government grant received by the Company is used for purchase, construction or
                          other project that forms a long-term asset, it is recognized as asset-related government

                          If the government grant received by the Company is not asset-related, it is recognized as
                          revenue-related government grant.

                          Government grant received without clear objective shall be classified as asset-related
                          government grant or revenue-related government grant by:

                                 Government grant subject to a certain project shall be separated according to the
                                 proportion of expenditure budget and capitalization budget, and the proportion shall
                                 be reviewed and modified if necessary on each balance sheet date;

                                 Government grant shall be categorized as revenue-related if its usage is described in
                                 general statement and no specific project is specified in the relevant government

                   (4)    Amortization method and determination of amortization period of deferred revenue
                          related to government grants
                          Asset-related government grant received by the Company is recognized as deferred
                          revenue and is evenly amortized to the profit or loss in the current period over the
                          estimated useful life of the relevant asset starting from the date when the asset is available
                          for use.

                   (5)    Recognition of government grants
                          Government grant measured at the amounts receivable is recognized at the end of the
                          period when there is clear evidence that the relevant conditions set out in the financial
                          subsidy policies and regulations are fulfilled and the receipt of such financial subsidy is

                          Other government grants other than those measured at the account receivable is
                          recognized upon actual receipt of such subsidies.

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28. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

    Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities of the Company are calculated and
    recognized based on the differences between the tax bases and the carrying amounts of assets
    and liabilities (temporary differences).

    (1)   Deferred income tax assets are recognized by the Company to the extent that it is probable
          that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary
          differences can be utilized. For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried
          forward to future years, deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent that it
          is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future to offset the deductible losses
          and tax credits. Save as the exceptions, deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized
          for the taxable temporary differences.

    (2)   Deferred income tax asset of the Company is recognized to the extent that there is enough
          taxable income for the deduction of the deductible temporary difference. At the balance
          sheet date, if there is sufficient evidence that there will be enough taxable income in the
          future for the deduction of the deductible temporary difference, the deferred income tax
          asset not recognized in previous accounting period is recognized. If there is no sufficient
          evidence that there will be enough taxable income in the future for the deduction of the
          deferred income tax asset, the carrying value of the deferred income tax asset is reduced.

    (3)   The Company recognizes deferred income tax liability for taxable temporary difference arising
          from investments in subsidiaries and associated companies, unless the Company could
          control the time of reversal of the temporary differences and the temporary differences
          would not be probably reversed in the foreseeable future. The Company recognizes
          deferred income tax asset for deductible temporary differences arising from investments in
          subsidiaries and associated companies, if the temporary difference will be very probably
          reversed in the foreseeable future and it is highly probable that taxable income will be
          available in the future to deduct the deductible temporary difference.

    (4)   The Company does not recognize deferred income tax liability for a temporary difference
          arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred income tax asset or deferred
          income tax liability is recognized for the temporary differences resulting from the initial
          recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a business combination,
          which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible loss). At the
          balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities of the
          Company are measured at the tax rates that apply to the period when the asset is
          expected to be recovered or the liability is expected to be settled.

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                   (5)    Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are offset when:

                          1)     deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same
                                 taxation authority on the same taxable entity within the Company;

                          2)     such taxable entity within the Company has a legally enforceable right to settle current
                                 income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a net basis.

            29. Leases
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   Lease is     a contract in which the Company transfers or obtains the right of use of an identified
                   asset or     several identified assets under control for the exchange or payment of consideration
                   within a    certain period of time. At inception of a contract, the Company assesses whether a
                   contract    is, or contains, a lease.

                   (1)    The Company as the lessee
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                          1)     Initial measurement
                                 On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes its right to
                                 use leased assets over the lease term as right-of-use assets and recognizes the
                                 present value of the lease payments that have not been paid as lease liabilities,
                                 except for short-term leases and low-value leases. The lease payments are
                                 discounted using the implicit interest rate in the lease when calculating the present
                                 value of the lease payments. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the Company
                                 uses its incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate.

                                 Right-of-use assets shall be initially measured at costs. The costs include:

                                 a.     initial measurement amount of the lease liabilities;

                                 b.     a lease payment paid on or before the date of commencement of the lease term,
                                        where there were lease incentives, such incentives received shall be deducted;

                                 c.     initial direct costs incurred by the lessee;

                                 d.     costs expected to be incurred by the Company for demolition and removal of
                                        leased assets, restoration of the premises where the leased assets are located,
                                        or restoration of the leased assets to the conditions of the lease terms.

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      2)   Subsequent measurement
           If the Company accrues depreciation for right-of-use assets by reference to the
           depreciation policy for fixed assets (see this Note V.16 “Fixed assets” for details), and
           can reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset can be acquired at
           the expiration of the lease term, the Company shall depreciate the leased asset within
           its remaining useful life. If the Company cannot reasonably determine that the
           ownership of the leased asset can be acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the
           Company shall depreciate the leased asset within the lease term or its remaining
           useful life, whichever is shorter. For lease liabilities, the Company shall calculate the
           interest expenses for each period over the lease term at the fixed periodic interest
           rate, and recognize it in current profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets. Variable
           lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are
           recognized in current profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets when they are
           actually incurred. After the commencement date of the lease term, in the event that
           there is a change in the substantive fixed payments, a change in expected payment
           under a guaranteed residual value, a change in an index or rate used in determining
           the lease payments, or a change in the evaluation result or actual exercise of
           purchase option, extension option or termination option, the Company remeasures the
           lease liabilities based on the present value of the lease payments after the change
           and adjusts the carrying value of the right-of-use asset accordingly. If the carrying
           amount of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero, but a further reduction in
           the measurement of the lease liabilities is still warranted, the Company recognizes the
           remaining amount of the remeasurement in current profit or loss.

      3)   Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
           For short-term leases (leases with a term of less than 12 months as of the lease
           commencement date) and leases of low-value assets, the Company adopts a
           simplified approach by not recognizing the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities, and
           instead recognizes the cost of relevant assets or current profit or loss on a
           straight-line basis for each period over the lease term.

(2)   The Company as the lessor
      √ Applicable Not Applicable

      The Company classifies leases into finance leases and operating leases based on the
      substance of the transaction at the inception date of the lease. A finance lease is a lease
      that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased
      asset. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.

      1)   Operating leases
           The Company uses the straight-line method to recognize lease receipts under
           operating leases as rental income for each period during the lease term. Variable
           lease payments relating to operating leases that are not recognized as lease receipts
           are recognized in current profit or loss when they are actually incurred.

                                                             Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   149
      Section X Financial Report

                          2)     Finance leases
                                 On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes finance lease
                                 receivables and derecognizes finance lease assets. Finance lease receivables are
                                 initially measured at the net investment in the lease (the sum of the unguaranteed
                                 residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received on the
                                 commencement date of the lease term discounted at the interest rate embedded in
                                 the lease), and interest income is recognized over the lease term calculated at a fixed
                                 periodic interest rate. Variable lease payments acquired by the Company that are not
                                 included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease are recognized in
                                 current profit or loss when they are actually incurred.

            30. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   (1)    Asset securitisation
                          The Company has securitised certain receivables to entrust the assets to specific-purpose
                          entities which would issue such securities to investors. As asset service provider, the
                          Company is responsible for the provision of maintenance and daily management of the
                          assets, formulation of annual asset disposal plans, formulation and implementation of asset
                          disposal plan, signing of relevant asset disposal agreements and preparation asset service
                          reports on a regular basis.

                          In applying the accounting policy for the securitisation of financial assets, the Company has
                          considered the extent to which the risk and reward of the assets have been transferred to
                          other entities, and the extent to which the Company exercises control over the entity:

                                 When the Company has transferred substantially all risk and reward relating to the
                                 ownership of a financial asset, such financial asset is derecognised;

                                 When the Company retains substantially all risk and reward relating to the ownership
                                 of a financial asset, the Company continues to recognise such financial asset;

                                 If the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all risk and reward relating to
                                 the ownership of a financial asset, the Company considers whether it has control over
                                 the financial asset. If the Company does not retain control, the financial asset is
                                 derecognised, and the rights and obligations arising from or retained the transfer are
                                 recognised as assets and liabilities, respectively. If the Company retains control, the
                                 financial asset is recognised according to the extent of continued involvement in the
                                 financial assets.

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(2)   Hedge accounting
      Hedge refers, in respect of the risk exposure arising from the company’s management of
      specific risks such as foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks, price risks and credit risks,
      to risk management activity of designating financial instruments as hedging instruments
      such that the change in the fair value or cash flow of the hedging instruments can be
      expected to set off the change in the fair value or cash flow of the hedged item.

      The hedged item refers to an item designated for hedge against the risk of change in fair
      value or cash flow that can be reliably measured.

      Hedging instruments are financial instruments designated for hedge, the change in fair value
      or cash flow of which is expected to set off the change in the fair value or cash flow of the
      hedged item.

      The Company assesses whether the hedge relationship fulfills the requirement for hedge
      effectiveness at the inception date of the hedge and continuously in subsequent periods.
      The effectiveness of hedge refers to the extent to which the change in the fair value or
      cash flow of the hedging instruments can offset the change in the fair value or cash flow of
      the hedged item caused by the risk against which the hedge is made. The change in the
      fair value or cash flow of a hedging instrument in excess or shortfall of the change in the
      fair value or cash flow of the hedging instruments can offset the change in the fair value or
      cash flow of the hedged item represents the ineffective portion of the hedge.

(3)   Significant accounting estimates
      In the course of applying accounting policies, the Company is required to make
      judgements, estimations and assumptions on the carrying values of statement items that
      cannot be accurately measured owing to uncertainties to which operating activities are
      subject. Such judgements, estimations and assumptions are made based on the past
      experience of the management and taking into consideration of other relevant factors. Such
      judgements, estimations and assumptions affect the reported amounts of income,
      expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities as at the balance
      sheet date. However, the actual outcome resulting from the uncertainty of such estimates
      could be different from the current estimates of the management, thereby resulting in
      significant adjustments to the carrying value of the future assets or liabilities affected. The
      Company regularly reviews such judgements, estimations and assumptions on a going
      concern basis. If the change in accounting estimates affects only the current period in
      which the change occurs, the affected amount is recognized for the period in which the
      change occurs; if both the current period and future periods are affected, the affected
      amount is recognised for the current period and the future periods.

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      Section X Financial Report

                          At the balance sheet date, important aspects in which the Company is required to make
                          judgements, estimations and assumptions on the amount of items on the financial
                          statements are as follows:

                                 Estimated liabilities
                                 The Company estimates and makes provision for product warranty and estimated
                                 contract loss according to contract terms, existing knowledge and historical
                                 experience. When such contingencies have given rise to a present obligation, and the
                                 performance of such present obligation is likely to result in the outflow of economic
                                 benefit from the Company, the Company recognises estimated liabilities for the
                                 contingencies based on the best estimates of expenses required for the performance
                                 of relevant present obligations. The recognition and measurement of estimated
                                 liabilities is dependent to a large extent on management judgement. In the course of
                                 judgement, the Company is required to assess factors such as risks, uncertainties
                                 and the time value of currency relating to such contingencies. In particular, the
                                 Company recognises estimated liabilities in respect of after-sales undertaking to
                                 customers for return and replacement, maintenance and installation of goods sold.
                                 The recognition of estimated liabilities has taken into account the maintenance
                                 experience and data of the Company for recent years, although past experience in
                                 maintenance may not reflect maintenance in the future. Any increase or decrease in
                                 this provision might affect the profit or loss of future years.

                                 Provision for ECL
                                 The Company measures ECL through default risk exposure and the ECL rate, which
                                 is determined based on the default probability rate and default loss rate. In
                                 determining the ECL rate, the Company uses data such as internal historic credit loss
                                 experience and adjusts the historic data taking into consideration current conditions
                                 and prospective information. When considering prospective information, indicators
                                 adopted by the Company include the risk of economic downside, expected growth in
                                 unemployment rate, and changes in external market conditions, technical conditions
                                 and customer conditions. The Company monitors and reviews the assumptions
                                 relating to ECL computation on a regular basis. There was no significant change to
                                 aforesaid estimation technique and key assumptions during the year.

                                 Impairment provisions for inventory
                                 The Company makes impairment provisions for inventory of which cost is higher than
                                 net realisable value and obsolete and slow-moving inventory based on the lower of
                                 cost and net realisable value according to its inventory accounting policy. The
                                 impairment of inventory to its net realisable value is based on assessment of the
                                 sellability of inventory and its net realisable value. The authentication of inventory
                                 impairment requires the management to obtain conclusive evidence and make
                                 judgment and estimates taking into consideration factors such as the purpose of
                                 inventory and post-balance sheet date events. Any difference between the actual
                                 outcome and the previous estimate will affect the carrying value of inventory and the
                                 charge or reversal of impairment provisions for inventory during the period in which
                                 the estimates are modified.

152   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                  Section X Financial Report

Fair value of financial instruments
For financial instruments without an active trading market, the Company determines
its fair value using valuation techniques. Such valuation techniques include discounted
cash flow model analysis and others. During the assessment, the Company is
required to make estimates on future cashflow, credit risk, market volatility rate and
relevance and select an appropriate discount rate. Such relevant assumptions are
subject to uncertainty, and any change will affect the fair value of financial

Impairment of other equity instrument investments
The Company’s determination of impairment for other equity instrument investments is
largely dependent on the management’s judgment and assumptions to determine
whether impairment should be recognised. In the course of making judgments and
assumptions, the Company is required to assess the extent and duration of the fair
value of the investment being lower than cost, as well as the financial conditions and
short-term business prospects of the investee, including industry conditions,
technological revolution, credit rating, default rate and counterparty risks.

Impairment provision for long-term assets
At the balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether there are indications of
possible impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets. In addition to
the annual impairment test, intangible assets with indefinite useful life are also tested
for impairment when there are indications of the same. Impairment tests on non-
current assets other than financial assets are conducted when there are indications
that its carrying value may not be recoverable. An impairment has occurred when the
carrying value of an asset or asset group is higher than the recoverable amount (the
higher of net fair value less disposal cost and the present value of estimated future
cash flow). The net fair value less disposal cost is determined with reference to the
agreed selling price of similar assets in a fair transaction or observable market prices
less incremental costs attributable directly to the disposal of such asset. In estimating
the present value of future cashflow, significant judgement is required to be made in
respect of the production volume and selling price of the asset or (asset group),
relevant operating cost and discount rate for the computation of present value. The
Company takes into consideration all available relevant information when making
estimates on the recoverable amount, including forecasts on production volume,
selling price and relevant operating costs based on reasonable and justifiable
assumptions. The Company conducts goodwill impairment tests at least annually. This
requires estimates on the present value of future cashflow of asset group or portfolio
of asset groups to which goodwill has been allocated. When making estimates on the
present value of future cashflow, the Company is required to make estimates on
cashflow generated from future asset group or portfolio of asset groups, and at the
same time select an appropriate discount rate to determine the present value of
future cashflow.

                                                 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   153
      Section X Financial Report

                                 Depreciation and amortisation
                                 Depreciation and amortisation of investment properties, fixed assets and intangible
                                 assets is charged on a straight-line basis over their useful life after taking their
                                 residual values into account. The Company reviews the useful life on a regular basis
                                 to determine the amount of depreciation and amortisation charge to be allocated to
                                 each reporting period. The useful life is determined based on past experience relating
                                 to similar assets taking into consideration expected technological upgrades. If there
                                 are significant changes in previous estimates, the depreciation and amortisation
                                 charge for future periods will be adjusted.

                                 Deferred income tax assets
                                 The Company recognises deferred income tax assets in respect of all unutilised tax
                                 losses, to the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to
                                 offset the loss. This requires the exercise of significant judgement by the Company’s
                                 management to estimate the timing and amount of future taxable profit, taking into
                                 account its tax planning strategy, to determine the amount of deferred income tax
                                 assets to be recognised.

                                 Income tax
                                 In the Company’s usual operating activities, the final tax treatment and computation
                                 of certain transactions are subject to uncertainty. Whether certain items can be
                                 presented on a pretax basis is subject to approval of the competent taxation
                                 authority. If the final confirmed outcome of such taxation matters is different from the
                                 amount of the initial estimates, such difference will affect the current income tax and
                                 deferred income tax for the period of final confirmation.

                                 Provision for sales rebate
                                 The Company and its subsidiaries adopt a sales rebate policy for sales agent
                                 customers. Based on relevant provisions of the sales agreements, vetting of specific
                                 transactions, market conditions, channel inventory level and past experience with
                                 reference to the status of completion of agreed appraisal indicators by sales agent
                                 customers, the Company and its subsidiaries makes estimates on and provision for
                                 sales rebate on a regular basis. The provision of sales rebate involves judgment and
                                 estimation by the management. In the event of any material change in previous
                                 estimates, the aforesaid difference will affect the sales rebate for the period for which
                                 the estimates are changed.

            31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
                   (1).   Changes in significant accounting policies
                            Applicable √ Not Applicable

                   (2). Changes in significant accounting estimates
                           Applicable √ Not Applicable

154   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                       Section X Financial Report

   1.   Main tax categories and rates
        √ Applicable   Not Applicable

          Tax types                              Basis of taxation                                    Tax rate

          Value-added tax                        Taxable revenue from sales of goods             6%, 9%, 13%
                                                   and rendering services
          City maintenance and                   Circulation tax payable                                     7%
            construction tax
          (Local) education surcharge            Circulation tax payable                          1%, 2%, 3%
          EIT                                    Taxable income                              Statutory tax rate
                                                                                                or preferential
                                                                                              rates as follows

   2.   Preferential tax
        √ Applicable   Not Applicable

        Companies subjected to preferential tax and preferential tax rate:

          Company                                          Tax rate Preferential tax

          Qingdao Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.              15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Qingdao Haier Special Refrigerator                15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Co., Ltd.                                                policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Qingdao Haier Dishwasher Co., Ltd.                15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Qingdao Haier Special Freezer Co.,                15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Ltd.                                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Qingdao Haier Intelligent Home                    15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Appliance Technology Co., Ltd.                           policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Wuhan Haier Electronics Holding                   15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Co., Ltd.                                                policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Wuhan Haier Freezer Co., Ltd.                     15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Hefei Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Hefei Haier Air-conditioning Co.,                 15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Limited                                                  policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Zhengzhou Haier Air-conditioning                  15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Co., Ltd.                                                policies as a hi-tech enterprise
          Shenyang Haier Refrigerator Co.,                  15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
            Ltd.                                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise

                                                                      Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   155
      Section X Financial Report

                      Company                                Tax rate Preferential tax

                      Qingdao Haier Air-Conditioner           15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Electronics Co., Ltd.                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Meier Plastic Powder Co.,       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Ltd.                                           policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Hai Gao Design and              15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Manufacture Co., Ltd.                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Hairi High Technology Co.,      15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Ltd                                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Haier (Jiaozhou) Air-           15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        conditioning Co., Limited                      policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Haier Intelligent Technology    15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Development Co., Ltd.                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Foshan Haier Freezer Co., Ltd.          15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                       policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Haier Central Air               15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Conditioning Co., Ltd.                         policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Haier U+smart Intelligent Technology    15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Haier Electronic Plastic        15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Co., Ltd.                                      policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Wei Xi Intelligent              15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Technology Co., Ltd.                           policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Haier Special Refrigerating     15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Appliance Co., Ltd.                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Haier Smart Kitchen             15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Appliance Co., Ltd.                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Hefei Haier Air Conditioning            15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Electronics Co., Ltd.                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Shanghai Haier Medical Technology       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Co., Ltd.                                      policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Shanghai Haier Smart Technology         15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Co., Ltd.                                      policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Qingdao Yunshang Yuyi IOT               15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Technology Co., Ltd.                           policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Haier (Shanghai) Home Appliance         15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Research and Development                       policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                        Center Co., Ltd.
                      Haier (Shenzhen) R&D Co., Ltd.          15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                       policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Laiyang Haier Smart Kitchen             15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Appliance Co., Ltd.                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
                      Guangdong Haier Intelligent             15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                        Technology Co. Ltd                             policies as a hi-tech enterprise

156   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                 Section X Financial Report

Company                               Tax rate Preferential tax

Dalian Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.    15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Jijia Cloud Intelligent        15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Technology Co., Ltd.                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Hefei Haier Washing Machine Co.,       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Ltd.                                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Washing Machine          15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Co., Ltd.                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Jiaonan Haier Washing          15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Machine Co., Ltd.                             policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Foshan Shunde Haier Electric Co.,      15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Ltd.                                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Tianjin Haier Cleaning Electrical      15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Appliances Co., Ltd. (                        policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Economic and                   15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Technological Development Zone                policies as a hi-tech enterprise
  Haier Water Heater Co., Ltd.
Wuhan Haier Water Heater Co., Ltd.     15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Foshan Haier Drum Washing              15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Machine Co., Ltd.                             policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Strauss Water            15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Equipment Co., Ltd.                           policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Strauss Technology       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Co., Ltd.                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier New Energy Electric      15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Appliance Co., Ltd.                           policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Washing Appliance        15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Co., Ltd.                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Lexin Cloud              15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Technology Co., Ltd.                          policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Hefei Haier Drum Washing Machine       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Co., Ltd.                                     policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Smart Electrics          15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Equipment Co. Ltd.                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Qingdao Haier Smart Living             15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Appliance Co. Ltd.                            policies as a hi-tech enterprise
Jiangxi Haier Medical Technology       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
  Co., Ltd.                                     policies under the Western
                                                Development initiative of the PRC
Chongqing Haier Electrical             15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
 Appliance Sales Co., Ltd. and                  policies under the Western
 some Western companies                         Development initiative of the PRC

                                                Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   157
      Section X Financial Report

                      Company                               Tax rate Preferential tax

                      Chongqing Haier Air-conditioning       15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Co., Ltd.                                      policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Chongqing Haier Refrigeration          15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Appliance Co., Ltd.                            policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Chongqing Haier Washing Machine        15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Co., Ltd.                                      policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Guizhou Haier Electronics Co., Ltd.    15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                      policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Chongqing Hairishun Home               15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Appliance Sales Co., Ltd. and                  policies under the Western
                       some Western companies                         Development initiative of the PRC
                      Chongqing Haier Washing Machine        15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Co., Ltd                                       policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Chongqing Haier Water Heater Co.,      15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Ltd                                            policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Chongqing Haier Drum Washing           15.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                       Machine Co., Ltd                               policies under the Western
                                                                      Development initiative of the PRC
                      Qingdao Haier Technology Co., Ltd.     10.00% entitled to the preferential taxation
                                                                      policies as a key software

158   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                  Section X Financial Report

   Unless otherwise specified, the following closing balances represent the amount as at 30 June 2024
   and opening balances represent the amount as at 31 December 2023; amount for the period
   represents the amount from 1 January to 30 June 2024 and amount for the previous period
   represents the amount from 1 January to 30 June 2023.

   1.   Monetary funds
        √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                                 Unit and Currency: RMB

          Items                                                Closing balance        Opening balance

          Cash on hand                                               937,775.91              541,712.70
          Cash in bank                                        53,682,763,402.56       53,524,177,266.50
          Other cash balances                                  1,021,924,978.97          961,733,861.94
          Total                                               54,705,626,157.44       54,486,452,841.14
          Include: total amount of overseas deposits          16,901,018,141.30       15,909,397,682.46
          Deposit in Finance Company                          21,057,085,069.50       26,276,742,534.50

        Other monetary funds mainly included investment fund, deposit on third party payment platforms,
        guarantees and other restricted fund, etc.

   2.   Financial assets held for trading

          Items                                                Closing balance        Opening balance

          Short-term wealth management products                  605,849,428.57           487,936,101.81
          Investments in equity instruments                      189,001,945.95           243,224,439.64
          Investment funds                                       271,718,384.49           222,803,002.38
          Total                                                1,066,569,759.01           953,963,543.83

                                                                 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   159
      Section X Financial Report

            3.     Derivative financial assets
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                                                                                                                    Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                                                   Closing balance            Opening balance

                      Forward foreign exchange contracts                                           79,226,226.47                67,565,829.44
                      Forward commodity contracts                                                   7,487,356.46
                      Total                                                                        86,713,582.93                67,565,829.44

            4.     Bills receivable
                   (1)    Details of bills receivable

                            Items                                                             Closing balance            Opening balance

                            Bank acceptance notes                                              6,965,820,228.21            8,466,159,415.18
                            Commercial acceptance notes                                          186,322,599.50              160,607,051.53
                            Balance of bills receivable                                        7,152,142,827.71            8,626,766,466.71
                            Allowance for bad debts                                                4,671,635.32                5,331,635.32
                            Bills receivable, net                                              7,147,471,192.39            8,621,434,831.39

                   (2)    Changes in allowance for bad debts of bills receivable in the current period

                                                          Opening              Increase for                  Decrease for                  Closing
                            Items                         balance           the current period            the current period               balance
                                                                      Provision for
                                                                       the current             Other                 Write-off/other
                                                                             period       movement      Reversal         movement

                            Allowance for bad debts    5,331,635.32                                    660,000.00                      4,671,635.32
                            Total                      5,331,635.32                                    660,000.00                      4,671,635.32

                          The Company’s bills receivables were mainly generated from daily operation activities such
                          as sales of commodity, provision of labor, etc., and the allowance for bad debts was
                          measured based on expected credit loss over the entire duration whether there exist
                          significant financing components.

                          The bills receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period was
                          RMB4,345,741,682.69 (amount at the beginning of the period: RMB4,389,991,243.14).

160   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                   Section X Financial Report

5.   Accounts receivable
         Accounts receivable are disclosed by aging as follows:

           Aging                                                             Closing balance              Opening balance

           Within 1 year                                                    23,267,651,913.42            20,004,004,007.43
           1–2 years                                                          584,789,646.99               873,509,449.30
           2–3 years                                                          296,388,145.37               510,375,731.48
           Over 3 years                                                        195,221,958.02               288,610,175.85
           Balance of accounts receivable                                   24,344,051,663.80            21,676,499,364.06
           Allowance for bad debts                                             826,205,818.96             1,408,399,927.63
           Accounts receivable, net                                         23,517,845,844.84            20,268,099,436.43

         By method of provision of allowance for bad debts

         √ Applicable         Not Applicable

                                                                                 Closing balance
           Categories                                  Book balance                   Allowance for bad debts        Carrying value
                                                                                                    Percentage of
                                                    Amount      Percentage (%)           Amount      provision (%)

           Account receivables subject to
              provision for bad debts on
              a separate basis                221,698,047.42              0.91    219,394,075.36            98.96      2,303,972.06
           Account receivables subject to
              provision for bad debts on
              a collective basis            24,122,353,616.38            99.09    606,811,743.60              2.52 23,515,541,872.78
           Total                            24,344,051,663.80           100.00    826,205,818.96              3.39 23,517,845,844.84


                                                                                 Opening balance
           Categories                                  Book balance                  Allowance for bad debts         Carrying value
                                                                                                   Percentage of
                                                    Amount      Percentage (%)          Amount      provision (%)

           Account receivables subject to
              provision for bad debts on
              a separate basis                866,424,078.12              4.00    864,112,221.06            99.73      2,311,857.06
           Account receivables subject to
              provision for bad debts on
              a collective basis            20,810,075,285.94            96.00   544,287,706.57               2.62 20,265,787,579.37
           Total                            21,676,499,364.06           100.00 1,408,399,927.63               6.50 20,268,099,436.43

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      Section X Financial Report

                          Account receivables subject to provision for bad debts on a separate basis at the end of
                          the period

                                                                         Closing balance                    Reason for provision
                                                                          Allowance for    Percentage of
                            Name                       Book balance           bad debts     provision (%)

                            18 customers in total      221,698,047.42     219,394,075.36           98.96 The obligors were in
                                                                                                           significant financial
                            Total                      221,698,047.42     219,394,075.36           98.96

                          The account receivables of significant individual amount and subject to provision for bad
                          debts on a separate basis at the end of the period was RMB194,230,825.82 (amount at the
                          beginning of the period: RMB726,379,640.82).

                          Account receivables subject to provision for bad debts on a collective basis

                          √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                            Aging                                                          Closing balance
                                                                                             Allowance for           Percentage of
                                                                        Book balance             bad debts            provision (%)

                            Within 1 year                        23,262,294,162.61           347,867,075.57                         1.50
                            1–2 years                              474,702,996.79            70,523,143.57                        14.86
                            2–3 years                              205,692,123.90            67,458,532.08                        32.80
                            Over 3 years                            179,664,333.08           120,962,992.38                        67.33
                            Total                                24,122,353,616.38           606,811,743.60                         2.52


                            Aging                                                          Opening balance
                                                                                             Allowance for           Percentage of
                                                                        Book balance             bad debts            provision (%)

                            Within 1 year                        19,975,992,567.68         288,934,773.72                           1.45
                            1–2 years                             463,149,665.27           61,273,338.92                          13.23
                            2–3 years                             193,271,661.47           72,699,318.58                          37.62
                            Over 3 years                           177,661,391.52          121,380,275.35                          68.32
                            Total                                20,810,075,285.94         544,287,706.57                           2.62

162   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                Section X Financial Report

Changes in allowance for bad debts of accounts receivable in the current period:

                                  Opening               Increase for                       Decrease for                   Closing
 Items                            balance            the current period                 the current period                balance
                                               Provision for
                                                the current             Other                     Write-off/other
                                                      period       movement           Reversal        movement

 Allowance for bad debts   1,408,399,927.63   298,811,112.15                     171,528,368.68   709,476,852.14    826,205,818.96

The aggregate amount of the top 5 account receivables and contract assets as at the end
of the period was RMB6,877,703,781.22 (amount at the beginning of the period:
RMB5,525,018,986.65), accounting for 27.83% (at the beginning of the period: 25.11%) of
the book balance of account receivables and contract assets, and the amount of provision
for bad debts was RMB99,835,429.46 (amount at the beginning of the period:

Actual write-off of accounts receivable in the current period

The amount of accounts receivable actually written off in the current period was
RMB708,946,193.17 (amount for the corresponding period: RMB22,054,320.92) and the
amount of significant bad debt write-off of accounts receivable was RMB532,621,082.38.

The Company’s accounts receivable that were terminated due to the transfer of financial
assets in the current period

The amount of accounts receivable that the company terminated at the end of the period
due to the transfer of financial assets was RMB6,793,789,373.81 (amount at the beginning
of the period: RMB6,411,839,897.28) and the transfer method was outright sale factoring/
asset securitization.

Restricted accounts receivable in the current period

The amount of accounts receivable restricted at the end of the period is RMB0.00 (amount
at the beginning of the period: RMB1,255,120.80).

                                                                           Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024            163
      Section X Financial Report

            6.     Prepayments
                   (1)    Prepayments are presented by aging:

                          √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                            Aging                                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
                                                                       Amount       Percentage (%)           Amount      Percentage (%)

                            Within 1 year                        977,977,335.64              94.48   1,163,325,306.16             93.95
                            1 to 2 years                          20,037,401.91               1.94      56,449,865.29              4.56
                            2 to 3 years                          25,969,921.60               2.51       7,104,895.06              0.57
                            Over 3 years                          11,031,155.99               1.07      11,414,864.00              0.92
                            Total                              1,035,015,815.14             100.00   1,238,294,930.51            100.00

                   (2)    The total amount of the top 5 in the prepayments at the end of the period was
                          RMB101,422,120.85, accounting for 9.80% of the book balance of prepayment (amount at
                          the beginning of the period: RMB214,815,987.16, accounting for 17.35%).

                   (3)    There was no significant prepayment aged over 1 year at the end of the period.

            7.     Other receivables
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                                            Closing balance          Opening balance

                      Interest receivable                                                676,041,225.16             748,496,020.24
                      Other receivables                                                2,055,228,939.51           1,901,062,964.81
                      Total                                                            2,731,270,164.67           2,649,558,985.05

164   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                           Section X Financial Report

Interest receivable

 Aging                                                               Closing balance              Opening balance

 Within 1 year                                                          406,049,565.86                473,678,991.02
 1–2 years                                                             233,381,098.21                199,801,995.25
 2–3 years                                                              29,716,476.71                 70,063,170.96
 Over 3 years                                                             6,894,084.38                  4,951,863.01
 Total                                                                  676,041,225.16                748,496,020.24

Other receivables
     Other receivables are disclosed by aging as follows:

       Aging                                                         Closing balance              Opening balance

       Within 1 year                                                 1,438,200,053.99              1,413,423,130.38
       1–2 years                                                       95,454,743.11                 94,189,862.20
       2–3 years                                                      173,417,137.47                204,379,944.75
       Over 3 years                                                    360,056,535.77                277,554,421.44
       Balance of other receivables                                  2,067,128,470.34              1,989,547,358.77
       Allowance for bad debts                                          11,899,530.83                 88,484,393.96
       Other receivables, net                                        2,055,228,939.51              1,901,062,964.81

     Provision of allowance for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses

       Allowance for bad debts                      Stage 1               Stage 2              Stage 3       Total
                                            Expected credit    Lifetime expected    Lifetime expected
                                              losses for the   credit losses (not         credit losses
                                          coming 12 months       credit-impaired)    (credit-impaired)

       Opening balance                         86,830,880.96                              1,653,513.00     88,484,393.96
       Provision for the current period         2,257,848.98                                                2,257,848.98
       Reversal for the current period         70,866,640.72                                               70,866,640.72
       Write-off and others for
          the current period                    7,976,071.39                                                7,976,071.39
       Closing balance                         10,246,017.83                              1,653,513.00     11,899,530.83

                                                                        Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024     165
      Section X Financial Report

                          Changes in allowance for bad debt provision of other receivables in the current period

                                                           Opening              Increase for                      Decrease for                   Closing
                            Items                          balance           the current period                the current period                balance
                                                                       Provision for
                                                                        the current             Other                     Write-off/other
                                                                              period       movement           Reversal        movement

                            Allowance for bad debts    88,484,393.96   2,257,848.98                       70,866,640.72     7,976,071.39    11,899,530.83

                          The total amount of the top 5 other receivables at the end of the period was
                          RMB792,676,892.42 (amount at the beginning of the period: RMB671,641,747.67),
                          accounting for 38.35% of the book balance of other receivables (at the beginning of the
                          period: 33.76%), and the amount of provision for bad debts was RMB0.00 (amount at the
                          beginning of the period: RMB3,359,976.38).

                          Other receivables written off during the period

                          The amount of other receivables actually written off in the current period was
                          RMB8,107,151.46 (amount for the corresponding period: RMB18,910,375.10) and no
                          significant other receivables were written off for bad debts.

                          Other receivables mainly included deposits, quality guarantees, employee loans, tax refunds,
                          and advance payments, etc.

            8.     Inventories
                   (1)    Details of inventories

                            Items                                                                       Closing Balance
                                                                                                            provision of
                                                                             Book balance                     inventories            Carrying value

                            Raw materials                                5,329,334,853.31                193,489,094.61           5,135,845,758.70
                            Work in progress                               117,170,940.39                                           117,170,940.39
                            Finished goods                              35,456,614,754.56               1,256,016,991.55         34,200,597,763.01
                            Total                                       40,903,120,548.26               1,449,506,086.16         39,453,614,462.10

166   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                               Section X Financial Report


       Items                                                                   Opening Balance
                                                                                  provision of
                                                    Book balance                    inventories             Carrying value

       Raw materials                             5,873,703,173.53                208,533,811.42          5,665,169,362.11
       Work in progress                             47,535,985.86                                           47,535,985.86
       Finished goods                           35,084,012,597.82              1,272,711,329.46         33,811,301,268.36
       Total                                    41,005,251,757.21              1,481,245,140.88         39,524,006,616.33

(2)   Impairment provision of inventories

                                 Opening               Increase for                      Decrease for                    Closing
       Items                     balance            the current period                the current period                 balance
                                              Provision for
                                               the current             Other                     Write-off/other
                                                     period       movement           Reversal        movement

       Raw materials       208,533,811.42     20,952,230.34                                       35,996,947.15    193,489,094.61
       Work in progress
       Finished goods     1,272,711,329.46   468,990,442.48                      57,902,504.89   427,782,275.50 1,256,016,991.55
       Total              1,481,245,140.88   489,942,672.82                      57,902,504.89   463,779,222.65 1,449,506,086.16

(3)   Details of impairment provision of inventories are as follows
      √ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                               Specific basis for                        Reason for reversing or
                                               determining net                           writing off the impairment
       Items                                   realizable value                          provision of inventories

       Raw materials                           Measurement         at the lower Production, use or sales
                                                of cost and        net realizable
       Finished goods                          Measurement         at the lower sales
                                                of cost and        net realizable

                                                                          Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024            167
      Section X Financial Report

            9.     Contract assets
                   (1)    Details

                            Items                                          Closing Balance                                   Opening Balance
                                                                              Impairment                                         Impairment
                                                            Book balance         provision Carrying Value       Book balance       provision Carrying Value

                            Relating to construction
                               service contract         366,244,018.29      65,435,412.33    300,808,605.96     327,870,850.30   66,931,441.57   260,939,408.73
                            Total                       366,244,018.29      65,435,412.33    300,808,605.96     327,870,850.30   66,931,441.57   260,939,408.73

                   (2)    Classification by method of provision for bad debts

                            Categories                                                                   Closing balance
                                                                              Book balance                    Allowance for bad debts            Carrying value
                                                                                                                             Percentage of
                                                                           Amount     Percentage (%)             Amount       provision (%)

                            Contract assets subject to
                               provision for bad debts on
                               a separate basis                       56,845,712.92             15.52         56,845,712.92           100.00
                            Contract assets subject to
                               provision for bad debts on
                               a collective basis                    309,398,305.37             84.48          8,589,699.41             2.78     300,808,605.96
                            Total                                    366,244,018.29            100.00         65,435,412.33            17.87     300,808,605.96


                            Categories                                                                   Opening balance
                                                                              Book balance                    Allowance for bad debts            Carrying value
                                                                                                                             Percentage of
                                                                           Amount     Percentage (%)             Amount       provision (%)

                            Contract assets subject to
                               provision for bad debts on a
                               separate basis                         58,419,039.53             17.82         58,419,039.53           100.00
                            Contract assets subject to
                               provision for bad debts on a
                               collective basis                      269,451,810.77             82.18          8,512,402.04             3.16     260,939,408.73
                            Total                                    327,870,850.30            100.00         66,931,441.57            20.41     260,939,408.73

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                                                                                   Section X Financial Report

(3)   Contract assets subject to provision for bad debts on a separate basis at the end
      of the period

                                                          Closing balance                             Reason for provision
                                                           Allowance for           Percentage of
       Name                              Book balance          bad debts            provision (%)

       23 customers in total             56,845,712.92       56,845,712.92                 100.00 The obligors were in
                                                                                                    significant financial
       Total                             56,845,712.92       56,845,712.92                 100.00

(4)   Contract assets subject to provision for bad debts on a collective basis at the end
      of the period

       Name                                                                        Closing balance
                                                                                     Allowance for               Percentage of
                                                         Book balance                    bad debts                provision (%)

       Relating to construction
         service contract                            309,398,305.37                   8,589,699.41                            2.78
       Total                                         309,398,305.37                   8,589,699.41                            2.78

(5)   Provision for bad debts on contract assets during the current period

                                      Opening              Increase for                       Decrease for                   Closing
       Items                          balance           the current period                 the current period                balance
                                                  Provision for
                                                   the current             Other                      Write-off/other
                                                         period       movement            Reversal        movement

       Relating to construction
          service contract        66,931,441.57     211,715.92                         1,707,745.16                     65,435,412.33
       Total                      66,931,441.57     211,715.92                         1,707,745.16                     65,435,412.33

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      Section X Financial Report

            10. Other current assets
                   (1)     Details

                              Items                                                 Closing Balance                            Opening Balance
                                                                                                      Impairment                              Impairment
                                                                            Book balance                provision        Book balance           provision

                              Bank deposit for wealth management
                                 products                                 1,546,781,584.31                             1,530,274,566.66
                              Deductible taxes                            2,606,160,831.54                             2,610,660,645.55
                              Returns cost receivables                      547,495,494.30        280,012,125.83         670,702,791.81           325,055,055.98
                              Others                                         51,635,542.77                                63,584,720.64
                              Total                                       4,752,073,452.92        280,012,125.83       4,875,222,724.66           325,055,055.98

                   (2)     Impairment provision

                                                              Opening                Increase for                       Decrease for                    Closing
                              Items                           balance             the current period                 the current period                 balance
                                                                            Provision for
                                                                             the current             Other                      Write-off/other
                                                                                   period       movement            Reversal        movement

                              Returns cost receivables   325,055,055.98   280,012,125.83                                        325,055,055.98    280,012,125.83
                              Total                      325,055,055.98   280,012,125.83                                        325,055,055.98    280,012,125.83

            11. Debt investments

                      Items                                                    Closing balance                                   Opening balance
                                                                            Principal                 Interest                 Principal                Interest

                      Time deposit — long term                    14,127,500,000.00          350,121,780.97          8,677,500,000.00            163,733,078.66
                      Total                                        14,127,500,000.00          350,121,780.97          8,677,500,000.00            163,733,078.66
                      Include: time deposit in
                                  Finance Company                  12,827,500,000.00          250,519,003.19          7,377,500,000.00             86,374,745.33

170   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                     Section X Financial Report

12. Long-term equity investments
    √ Applicable               Not Applicable

      Investees                                                                    Increase/decrease for the current period
                                                                                    Investment income            in other                      Declaration of
                                                                       Investment recognized under        comprehensive       Other changes cash dividends or
                                                 Opening balance          increase      equity method             income            in equity          profits

      Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd.              7,910,945,697.72                      284,445,655.26            7,236.34                       –235,200,000.00
      Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd.                  3,200,132,708.75                      216,344,921.59       97,105,713.92                        –76,288,947.20
      Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.      177,662,547.04                       13,280,662.39
      Qingdao Hegang New Material
          Technology Co., Ltd.                     329,713,566.36                        9,652,558.36
      Qingdao Haier SAIF Smart Home
          Industry Investment Center (Limited
          Partnership)                             206,764,442.76                          –21,738.71                                           –16,336,866.36
      Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Haier
          (Qingdao) Air-conditioners Co., Ltd.     663,804,966.31                       67,634,912.51
      Qingdao Haier Carrier Refrigeration
          Equipment Co., Ltd.                      412,107,471.53                        3,970,476.69
      Qingdao Haier Multimedia Co., Ltd.            88,300,000.00
      Baoshihua Tong Fang Energy
          Technology Co., Ltd. (寶
                             )                      30,326,966.78
      Zhengzhou Highly Electric Appliance
          Co., Ltd. (鄭州海立電器有限公司)          98,000,000.00                         –967,219.23
      Zhejiang Futeng Fluid Technology
          Co., Ltd.                                 77,584,161.99
      Hongtong Environmental Technology
          (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (宏通環境技
          術(廣州)有限公司)                        4,265,965.73     3,000,000.00
      Beijing ASU Tech Co., Ltd.                     7,919,009.51                       –7,919,009.51
      Qingdao Haimu Investment
           Management Co., Ltd.                      2,609,456.57
      Qingdao Haimu Smart Home
           Investment Partnership (Limited
           Partnership)                             57,989,007.18
      Haineng Wanjia (Shanghai) Technology
           Development Co., Ltd.                      606,029.71
      Qingdao Guochuang Intelligent Home
           Appliance Research Institute Co.,
           Ltd.                                     38,574,227.53                          509,880.04
      Guangzhou Heying Investment
           Partnership (Limited Partnership)       194,416,881.32   –31,115,000.00                                           –12,332,141.88
      Qingdao Home Wow Cloud Network
           Technology Co., Ltd.                      2,192,669.49                          589,125.62
      Bingji (Shanghai) Corporate
           Management Co., Ltd.                  1,056,245,062.87                       21,313,549.13                          –4,463,430.14
      Youjin (Shanghai) Corporate
           Management Co., Ltd.                  1,919,627,387.02                       38,751,907.50                          –8,115,327.52
      RRS (Shanghai) Investment Co., Ltd.        3,489,413,430.96                       70,458,013.65                         –14,755,140.96
      Haier Best Water Technology Co., Ltd.        148,369,638.40                        2,411,395.16

                                                                                                   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                  171
      Section X Financial Report

                      Investees                                                                    Increase/decrease for the current period
                                                                                                    Investment income            in other                      Declaration of
                                                                                       Investment recognized under        comprehensive       Other changes cash dividends or
                                                                Opening balance           increase      equity method             income            in equity          profits

                      Huizhixiangshun Equity Investment Fund
                          (Qingdao) Partnership (Limited
                          Partnership)                            238,175,637.03    –24,420,938.73                        –12,258,842.15
                      Qingdao Ririshun Huizhi Investment Co.,
                          Ltd.                                       4,083,482.78
                      Qingdao Xiaoshuai Intelligent
                          Technology Co., Ltd                                                             6,107,497.56
                      Qingdao Xinshenghui Technology Co.,
                          Ltd.                                     10,005,915.15                           379,127.39
                      Ningbo Beilian Intelligent Technology
                          Co., Ltd. (寧波貝
                               )                                                      3,500,000.00
                      OryginLLC                                    22,296,931.04    –22,296,931.04
                      Konan Electronic Co., Ltd.                   64,378,952.07                           481,688.34       –7,066,692.84                            –211,500.00
                      HNR (Private) Company Limited               111,225,806.51                        25,463,571.12       –2,367,152.22
                      HPZ LIMITED                                    3,483,576.50                      –17,611,035.52       9,801,134.65
                      Controladora Mabe S.A.de C.V.              5,078,418,321.53                      291,024,911.07      –63,639,273.43    –39,311,484.05      –78,031,404.17
                      Middle East Airconditioning Company,
                         Limited                                     7,299,166.60                          –46,540.21          50,373.87
                      Total                                     25,656,939,084.74   –71,332,869.77   1,026,254,310.20      21,632,498.14     –78,977,524.55     –406,068,717.73


                                                                                                                                                   Closing balance of
                      Investees                                          Increase/decrease for the current period                Closing balance impairment provision
                                                                                                  The disposal of
                                                                           Other movement          the investment

                      Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd.                                                                              7,960,198,589.32
                      Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd.                                                                                  3,437,294,397.06
                      Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.                                                                      190,943,209.43
                      Qingdao Hegang New Material
                         Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                      339,366,124.72
                      Qingdao Haier SAIF Smart Home
                         Industry Investment Center (Limited
                         Partnership)                                                                                              190,405,837.69
                      Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Haier
                         (Qingdao) Air-conditioners Co., Ltd.                                                                      731,439,878.82
                      Qingdao Haier Carrier Refrigeration
                         Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                                       416,077,948.22               –21,000,000.00
                      Qingdao Haier Multimedia Co., Ltd.                                                                            88,300,000.00               –88,300,000.00
                      Baoshihua Tong Fang Energy
                         Technology Co., Ltd. (寶
                                          )                                                                                          30,326,966.78
                      Zhengzhou Highly Electric Appliance
                         Co., Ltd. (鄭州海立電器有限公司)                                                                            97,032,780.77

172   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                               Section X Financial Report

                                                                                                         Closing balance of
Investees                                 Increase/decrease for the current period     Closing balance impairment provision
                                                                   The disposal of
                                            Other movement          the investment

Zhejiang Futeng Fluid Technology
   Co., Ltd.                                                                              77,584,161.99
Hongtong Environmental Technology
   (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (宏通環境
   技術 廣州 有限公司)                                                                     7,265,965.73
Beijing ASU Tech Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haimu Investment
   Management Co., Ltd.                                                                    2,609,456.57
Qingdao Haimu Smart Home Investment
   Partnership (Limited Partnership)                                                      57,989,007.18
Haineng Wanjia (Shanghai) Technology
   Development Co., Ltd.                                                                     606,029.71
Qingdao Guochuang Intelligent Home
   Appliance Research Institute Co.,
   Ltd.                                                                                   39,084,107.57
Guangzhou Heying Investment
   Partnership (Limited Partnership)                                                     150,969,739.44
Qingdao Home Wow Cloud Network
   Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                    2,781,795.11
Bingji (Shanghai) Corporate
   Management Co., Ltd.                                                                1,073,095,181.86
Youjin (Shanghai) Corporate
   Management Co., Ltd.                                                                1,950,263,967.00
RRS (Shanghai) Investment Co., Ltd.                                                    3,545,116,303.65
Haier Best Water Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    150,781,033.56
Huizhixiangshun Equity Investment Fund
   (Qingdao) Partnership (Limited
   Partnership)                                                                          201,495,856.15
Qingdao Ririshun Huizhi Investment Co.,
   Ltd.                                                                                    4,083,482.78
Qingdao Xiaoshuai Intelligent
   Technology Co., Ltd                                                                     6,107,497.56
Qingdao Xinshenghui Technology Co.,
   Ltd.                                                                                   10,385,042.54
Ningbo Beilian Intelligent Technology
   Co., Ltd. (寧波貝立安智能科技有限
   公司)                                                                                   3,500,000.00
Konan Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                                57,582,447.57
HNR (Private) Company Limited                                                            134,322,225.41
HPZ LIMITED                                                                               –4,326,324.37
Controladora Mabe S.A.de C.V.                                                          5,188,461,070.95
Middle East Airconditioning Company,
   Limited                                                                                 7,303,000.26           –845,634.54
Total                                                                                 26,148,446,781.03      –110,145,634.54

                                                                             Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024      173
      Section X Financial Report

            13. Investments in other equity instruments
                   (1)    Details of investments in other equity instruments at the end of the period:

                            Items                                                Closing balance        Opening balance

                            SINOPEC Fuel Oil Sales Corporation Limited           1,860,840,776.61       1,986,156,165.17
                            Haier COSMO IOT Ecosystem Technology
                                Co., Ltd.                                        2,817,408,000.00       2,817,408,000.00
                            Others                                               1,603,565,589.92       1,600,130,789.60
                            Total                                                6,281,814,366.53       6,403,694,954.77

                   (2)    Dividends from investment in other equity instruments during the current period:

                                                                                                           Amount for
                            Items                                                                   the current period

                            Others                                                                          2,996,902.10
                            Total                                                                           2,996,902.10

            14. Investment properties
                   (1)    The changes in investment properties measured at cost this year are as follows:

                                                                      Houses and
                            Items                                       buildings     Land use rights                 Total

                            I. Original book value
                                1. Opening balance                   93,701,271.11      29,370,397.68        123,071,668.79
                                2. Increase for the current period
                                    (1) External acquisition
                                    (2) Inventories/fixed assets/
                                          construction in progress
                                          transferred in
                                    (3) Increase from business
                                3. Decrease for the current period
                                    (1) Disposal
                                    (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                                    (3) Other transferring out       24,662,790.64                            24,662,790.64
                                4. Change in foreign exchange rate
                                      and others                         61,273.04                                61,273.04
                                5. Closing balance                   69,099,753.51      29,370,397.68         98,470,151.19
                            II. Accumulated depreciation and
                                  accumulated amortization
                                1. Opening balance                   21,095,536.78       3,345,051.24         24,440,588.02
                                2. Increase for the current period
                                    (1) Provision or amortization     1,792,249.81         292,591.07          2,084,840.88

174   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                  Section X Financial Report

                                                  Houses and
       Items                                        buildings        Land use rights                   Total

            3. Decrease for the current period
                (1) Disposal
                (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                (3) Other transferring out        8,303,139.51                                  8,303,139.51
            4. Change in foreign exchange rate
                  and others                         20,015.86                                     20,015.86
            5. Closing balance                   14,604,662.94           3,637,642.31          18,242,305.25
       III. Provision for impairment
            1. Opening balance
            2. Increase for the current period
                (1) Provision
            3. Decrease for the current period
                (1) Disposal
                (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                (3) Other transferring out
            4. Change in foreign exchange rate
                  and others
            5. Closing balance
       IV. Book value
            1. Closing book value                54,495,090.57          25,732,755.37          80,227,845.94
            2. Opening book value                72,605,734.33          26,025,346.44          98,631,080.77

(2)   The depreciation and amortization amount charge for the period is RMB2,084,840.88 (amount
      for the corresponding period: RMB2,321,067.31).

(3)   The recoverable amount of the investment real estate of the Company at the end of the
      period is not less than its book value, so no provision for impairment is made.

                                                                 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   175
      Section X Financial Report

            15. Fixed assets
                   Overall presentation
                   √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                                           Closing balance          Opening balance

                      Fixed assets                                                  29,686,001,800.40          29,603,936,822.78
                      Disposals of fixed assets
                      Total                                                         29,686,001,800.40          29,603,936,822.78

                   (1)    Fixed assets:

                                                                          Houses and            Production          Transportation
                            Items                                           buildings           equipment               equipment

                            I. Original book value:
                                1. Opening balance                   15,782,051,556.42    35,404,871,324.48         207,612,314.20
                                2. Increase for the current period
                                    (1) Acquisition                      20,403,115.68       596,411,958.14           6,410,565.37
                                    (2) Construction in progress
                                          transferred in                449,535,662.98     1,231,604,775.63           3,008,176.55
                                    (3) Investment properties
                                          transferred in                 24,662,790.64
                                3. Decrease for the current period
                                    (1) Disposal or write-off            37,840,098.76       340,301,783.30           8,914,483.39
                                    (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                                    (3) Transfer to hold for sale
                                4. Change in foreign exchange rate
                                      and others                       –126,847,759.21     –183,858,083.36            164,929.84
                                5. Closing balance                   16,111,965,267.75    36,708,728,191.59         208,281,502.57
                            II. Accumulated depreciation
                                1. Opening balance                    5,225,383,605.10    18,211,114,029.39         133,831,896.28
                                2. Increase for the current period
                                    (1) Provision                       476,420,594.35     1,441,889,998.82          10,372,122.39
                                    (2) Investment properties
                                          transferred in                  8,303,139.51
                                3. Decrease for the current period
                                    (1) Disposal or write-off            12,765,127.66       266,612,990.36           4,041,959.20
                                    (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                                    (3) Transfer to hold for sale
                                4. Change in foreign exchange rate
                                      and others                       –106,266,071.42       24,345,705.71             225,747.64
                                5. Closing balance                    5,591,076,139.88    19,410,736,743.56         140,387,807.11

176   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                 Section X Financial Report

                                                Houses and               Production         Transportation
 Items                                            buildings              equipment              equipment

 III. Provision for impairment
      1. Opening balance                       27,599,976.42           17,285,684.25             108,327.40
      2. Increase for the current period
          (1) Provision
          (2) Investment properties
             transferred in
      3. Decrease for the current period
          (1) Disposal or write-off                                       143,030.07
          (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
          (3) Transfer to hold for sale
      4. Change in foreign exchange rate
            and others                         –2,712,441.38            –809,005.35             –4,290.81
      5. Closing balance                       24,887,535.04           16,333,648.83             104,036.59
 IV. Book value
      1. Closing book value                10,496,001,592.83       17,281,657,799.20          67,789,658.87
      2. Opening book value                10,529,067,974.90       17,176,471,610.84          73,672,090.52


 Items                                      Office furniture                 Others                   Total

 I. Original book value:
     1. Opening balance                     1,530,251,945.38        3,194,185,544.98      56,118,972,685.46
     2. Increase for the current period
         (1) Acquisition                       44,606,780.57            4,262,875.30         672,095,295.06
         (2) Construction in progress
               transferred in                  91,579,726.54          180,305,551.64       1,956,033,893.34
         (3) Investment properties
               transferred in                                                                 24,662,790.64
     3. Decrease for the current period
         (1) Disposal or write-off             20,503,156.91           24,263,971.81         431,823,494.17
         (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
         (3) Transfer to hold for sale
     4. Change in foreign exchange rate
           and others                            –521,725.19         –75,030,268.46       –386,092,906.38
     5. Closing balance                     1,645,413,570.39        3,279,459,731.65      57,953,848,263.95
 II. Accumulated depreciation
     1. Opening Balance                      952,669,982.96         1,944,534,313.09      26,467,533,826.82
     2. Increase for the current period
         (1) Provision                         97,377,419.28          149,210,217.94       2,175,270,352.78
         (2) Investment properties
               transferred in                                                                  8,303,139.51
     3. Decrease for the current period
         (1) Disposal or write-off             14,356,240.56           21,693,376.37         319,469,694.15
         (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
         (3) Transfer to hold for sale
     4. Change in foreign exchange rate
           and others                           3,690,397.44          –29,545,614.14       –107,549,834.77
     5. Closing Balance                     1,039,381,559.12        2,042,505,540.52      28,224,087,790.19

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      Section X Financial Report

                            Items                                     Office furniture            Others                 Total

                            III. Provision for impairment
                                 1. Opening balance                        237,957.13        2,270,090.66       47,502,035.86
                                 2. Increase for the current period
                                     (1) Provision
                                     (2) Investment properties
                                           transferred in
                                 3. Decrease for the current period
                                     (1) Disposal or write-off                                                     143,030.07
                                     (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                                     (3) Transfer to hold for sale
                                 4. Change in foreign exchange rate
                                       and others                          –24,206.02         –50,388.87      –3,600,332.43
                                 5. Closing balance                        213,751.11        2,219,701.79       43,758,673.36
                            IV. Book value
                                 1. Closing book value                 605,818,260.16    1,234,734,489.34    29,686,001,800.40
                                 2. Opening book value                 577,344,005.29    1,247,381,141.23    29,603,936,822.78

                   (2)    In the current period, the balance of the construction in progress transferred to the original
                          value of the fixed assets in a total of RMB1,956,033,893.34 (amount for the corresponding
                          period: RMB1,387,520,685.77).

                   (3)    As at 30 June 2024, the net book value of the buildings for which the Company has not yet
                          obtained certificates of title was RMB414 million (amount at the beginning of the period
                          RMB408 million), and the relevant certificates of title were being processed. The Company
                          can legally and effectively occupy and operate the above-mentioned buildings for which no
                          certificates of title have been obtained.

                   (4)    There was no mortgage secured by the fixed assets mortgage at the end of the period, and
                          there was no mortgage secured by the fixed assets mortgage at the beginning of the

178   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                Section X Financial Report

16. Construction in progress
    Overall presentation
    √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

      Items                                                                            Closing Balance                Opening Balance

      Construction in progress                                                         5,787,636,237.75                 5,403,469,596.76
      Construction materials
      Total                                                                            5,787,636,237.75                 5,403,469,596.76

    (1).   Construction in progress
           √ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

             Projects                                      Closing Balance                                    Opening Balance
                                                              Impairment                                          Impairment
                                         Book balance            Provision       Book Value      Book balance       provision           Book Value

             Qingdao Refrigeration
                Appliance Project       1,144,431,868.01                     1,144,431,868.01    914,078,742.21                      914,078,742.21
             Qingdao Water Ecology
                Technology Project       680,458,113.00                       680,458,113.00 529,949,339.20                           529,949,339.20
             Qingdao HVAC Project        583,797,673.00                       583,797,673.00 530,979,038.43                           530,979,038.43
             Europe Candy Project        312,838,404.74                       312,838,404.74 1,092,171,521.23                       1,092,171,521.23
             Eastern European Project    265,757,422.97                       265,757,422.97 148,106,777.45                           148,106,777.45
             America GE Appliances
                Project                  245,382,044.33     22,763,106.10     222,618,938.23     343,482,203.73     22,622,250.04    320,859,953.69
             New Zealand FPA Project     196,161,623.39                       196,161,623.39     200,943,871.90                      200,943,871.90
             Haier Egypt Project         157,012,758.09                       157,012,758.09      42,756,778.70                       42,756,778.70
             Zhengzhou New Energy
                Project                  149,700,260.33                       149,700,260.33     104,122,098.62                      104,122,098.62
             Haier Thailand Project      125,633,149.71                       125,633,149.71
             Zhengzhou Air
                Conditioner Project      112,880,240.39                       112,880,240.39      66,251,489.90                       66,251,489.90
             Qingdao Air Conditioning
                Electronics Project      104,836,279.92                       104,836,279.92     135,966,703.60                      135,966,703.60
             Qingdao Smart
                Appliances Project        96,420,595.82                        96,420,595.82      78,218,772.30                       78,218,772.30
             Qingdao Air Conditioner
                Project                   92,656,794.14                        92,656,794.14      73,270,568.99                       73,270,568.99
             Haier India Project          88,690,748.06                        88,690,748.06      44,279,538.79                       44,279,538.79
             Qingdao New Energy
                Appliance Project          71,093,934.21                     71,093,934.21    49,653,130.31                          49,653,130.31
             Foshan Freezer Project        50,999,381.03                     50,999,381.03    67,104,763.68                          67,104,763.68
             Others                     1,332,739,757.41     1,091,704.70 1,331,648,052.71 1,005,853,596.36          1,097,088.60 1,004,756,507.76
             Total                      5,811,491,048.55    23,854,810.80 5,787,636,237.75 5,427,188,935.40         23,719,338.64 5,403,469,596.76

                                                                                           Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024              179
      Section X Financial Report

                   (2).   Details of changes of significant construction in progress for the current period

                                                                                                                                                       Change in
                                                                             Opening Increase for the Transfer to fixed                            exchange rate
                            Project name                                     balance   current period           assets            Other decrease      and others Closing balance Source of fund

                            Qingdao Refrigeration Appliance Project    914,078,742.21      293,812,998.43      63,459,872.63                                          1,144,431,868.01 Self-funding
                            Qingdao Water Ecology Technology
                               Project                                  529,949,339.20     152,338,331.32        1,829,557.52                                          680,458,113.00    Self-funding
                            Qingdao HVAC Project                        530,979,038.43      52,818,634.57                                                              583,797,673.00    Self-funding
                            Europe Candy Project                      1,092,171,521.23      49,276,448.43     888,438,590.06                         59,829,025.14     312,838,404.74    Self-funding
                            Eastern European Project                    148,106,777.45     142,311,833.75      34,659,368.42                           9,998,180.19    265,757,422.97    Self-funding
                            America GE Appliances Project               343,482,203.73     164,979,590.52     264,885,275.10                           1,805,525.18    245,382,044.33    Self-funding
                            New Zealand FPA Project                     200,943,871.90      97,832,818.48      96,919,807.86                         –5,695,259.13    196,161,623.39    Self-funding
                            Haier Egypt Project                          42,756,778.70     153,322,026.59         797,603.15                       –38,268,444.05     157,012,758.09    Self-funding
                            Zhengzhou New Energy Project                104,122,098.62      52,975,298.79       7,397,137.08                                           149,700,260.33    Self-funding
                            Haier Thailand Project                                         127,306,542.07                                           –1,673,392.36     125,633,149.71    Self-funding
                            Zhengzhou Air Conditioner Project           66,251,489.90       56,713,591.86      10,084,841.37                                           112,880,240.39    Self-funding
                            Qingdao Air Conditioning Electronics
                               Project                                  135,966,703.60       12,257,679.98      43,388,103.66                                           104,836,279.92   Self-funding
                            Qingdao Smart Appliances Project             78,218,772.30       26,858,128.31       8,656,304.79                                            96,420,595.82   Self-funding
                            Qingdao Air Conditioner Project              73,270,568.99       25,611,813.66       6,225,588.51                                            92,656,794.14   Self-funding
                            Haier India Project                          44,279,538.79       71,257,113.39      28,632,857.91                        1,786,953.79        88,690,748.06   Self-funding
                            Qingdao New Energy Appliance Project         49,653,130.31       41,834,327.28      20,393,523.38                                            71,093,934.21   Self-funding
                            Foshan Freezer Project                       67,104,763.68       16,064,201.88      32,169,584.53                                            50,999,381.03   Self-funding
                            Others                                    1,005,853,596.36      783,668,471.30     448,095,877.37                       –8,686,432.88    1,332,739,757.41   Self-funding
                            Total                                     5,427,188,935.40    2,321,239,850.61   1,956,033,893.34                       19,096,155.88     5,811,491,048.55

                   (3).   Impairment provision of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                                  Change in
                                                                                                        Increase for                                                foreign
                                                                                         Opening         the current             Transfer to            Other exchange rate                         Closing
                            Project name                                                 balance              period            fixed assets         decrease    and others                         balance

                            America GE Appliances Project                       22,622,250.04                                                                             140,856.06        22,763,106.10
                            Lejia IOT Project                                      837,735.85                                                                                                  837,735.85
                            Others                                                 259,352.75                                                                              –5,383.90          253,968.85
                            Total                                               23,719,338.64                                                                             135,472.16        23,854,810.80

180   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                        Section X Financial Report

17. Right-of-use assets

                                                       Houses and               Production         Transportation
     Items                                               buildings              equipment              equipment

     I. Original book value:
          1. Opening balance                       4,968,907,125.70          299,098,804.72        269,881,858.76
          2. Increase for the current period
              (1) Acquisition                      1,030,726,489.27            1,870,863.80          49,265,313.93
              (2) Increase from business
          3. Decrease for the current period
              (1) Disposal                          284,781,596.25             6,584,068.87          34,576,962.16
              (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
          4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                others                               –20,356,010.46           6,935,927.93        –11,299,492.77
          5. Closing balance                       5,694,496,008.26          301,321,527.58        273,270,717.76
     II. Accumulated depreciation
          1. Opening balance                       1,705,273,889.25           37,168,018.05        130,842,447.28
          2. Increase for the current period
              (1) Provision                         423,442,479.04             2,831,001.42          40,563,978.40
              (2) Increase from business
          3. Decrease for the current period
              (1) Disposal                          120,395,083.40             6,263,622.69          33,912,771.22
              (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
          4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                others                               –20,567,528.19           4,153,159.35        –11,664,110.78
          5. Closing balance                       1,987,753,756.70           37,888,556.13        125,829,543.68
     III. Impairment provision
          1. Opening balance
          2. Increase for the current period
              (1) Provision
          3. Decrease for the current period
              (1) Disposal
              (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
          4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
          5. Closing balance
     IV. Book Value
          1. Closing book balance                  3,706,742,251.56          263,432,971.45        147,441,174.08
          2. Opening book balance                  3,263,633,236.45          261,930,786.67        139,039,411.48

                                                                       Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   181
      Section X Financial Report


                      Items                                         Office furniture           Other               Total

                      I. Original book value:
                           1. Opening balance                        415,131,711.53    539,051,832.40   6,492,071,333.11
                           2. Increase for the current period
                               (1) Acquisition                         8,817,215.77     18,943,952.38   1,109,623,835.15
                               (2) Increase from business
                           3. Decrease for the current period
                               (1) Disposal                            2,637,818.98      4,534,722.41    333,115,168.67
                               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                                 others                               –1,004,943.21     3,373,644.68     –22,350,873.83
                           5. Closing balance                        420,306,165.11    556,834,707.05   7,246,229,125.76
                      II. Accumulated depreciation
                           1. Opening balance                         50,526,926.52    201,178,372.27   2,124,989,653.37
                           2. Increase for the current period
                               (1) Provision                          21,366,174.62     52,787,409.89    540,991,043.37
                               (2) Increase from business
                           3. Decrease for the current period
                               (1) Disposal                            2,637,818.98      4,534,720.74    167,744,017.03
                               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                                 others                              –40,560,815.93     1,394,039.17     –67,245,256.38
                           5. Closing balance                          28,694,466.23   250,825,100.59   2,430,991,423.33
                      III. Impairment provision
                           1. Opening balance
                           2. Increase for the current period
                               (1) Provision
                           3. Decrease for the current period
                               (1) Disposal
                               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                           5. Closing balance
                      IV. Book Value
                           1. Closing book balance                   391,611,698.88    306,009,606.46   4,815,237,702.43
                           2. Opening book balance                   364,604,785.01    337,873,460.13   4,367,081,679.74

182   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                         Section X Financial Report

18. Intangible assets
    √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                         Proprietary          Licenses and
      Items                                              technology              franchises        Land use rights

      I. Original book value
         1. Opening balance                         2,212,581,138.65        4,953,866,789.43       2,192,021,758.06
         2. Increase for the current period
           (1) Acquisition                                                     19,663,961.53          37,601,220.15
           (2) Internal research and development       63,387,616.91
           (3) Increase from business
        3. Decrease for the current period
               (1) Disposal                                                     5,896,312.91           1,176,803.55
               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
               (3) Transfer to hold for sale
           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                 others                               –30,878,532.49           9,565,834.00          –8,179,089.63
           5. Closing balance                       2,245,090,223.07        4,977,200,272.05       2,220,267,085.03
      II. Accumulated amortization
           1. Opening balance                       1,399,798,673.12        1,201,643,295.60        286,482,786.35
           2. Increase for the current period
               (1) Provision                           98,191,433.59           93,810,930.59          21,391,716.61
               (2) Increase from business
           3. Decrease for the current period
               (1) Disposal
               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
               (3) Transfer to hold for sale
           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                 others                               –15,211,949.29          –3,958,494.36          –274,736.52
           5. Closing balance                       1,482,778,157.42        1,291,495,731.83        307,599,766.44
      III. Impairment provision
           1. Opening balance                                                  66,630,354.13
           2. Increase for the current period
               (1) Provision
               (2) Increase from business
           3. Decrease for the current period
               (1) Disposal
               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
               (3) Transfer to hold for sale
           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                 others                                                           399,642.46
           5. Closing balance                                                  67,029,996.59
      IV. Book Value
           1. Closing book balance                   762,312,065.65         3,618,674,543.63       1,912,667,318.59
           2. Opening book balance                   812,782,465.53         3,685,593,139.70       1,905,538,971.71

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                      Items                                            Trademark rights software and others                 Total

                      I. Original book value
                           1. Opening balance                           2,688,191,056.20    6,020,210,159.55    18,066,870,901.89
                           2. Increase for the current period
                               (1) Acquisition                                                198,833,390.09       256,098,571.77
                               (2) Internal research and development                          227,451,211.04       290,838,827.95
                               (3) Increase from business
                           3. Decrease for the current period
                               (1) Disposal                                                     1,813,838.25         8,886,954.71
                               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                               (3) Transfer to hold for sale
                           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                                 others                                   –44,897,220.05     –16,574,133.57      –90,963,141.74
                           5. Closing balance                           2,643,293,836.15    6,428,106,788.86    18,513,958,205.16
                      II. Accumulated amortization
                           1. Opening balance                                               4,082,441,425.43     6,970,366,180.50
                           2. Increase for the current period
                               (1) Provision                                                  449,211,098.42       662,605,179.21
                               (2) Increase from business
                           3. Decrease for the current period
                               (1) Disposal                                                     1,743,506.45         1,743,506.45
                               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                               (3) Transfer to hold for sale
                           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                                 others                                                        –2,694,079.93      –22,139,260.10
                           5. Closing balance                                               4,527,214,937.47     7,609,088,593.16
                      III. Impairment provision
                           1. Opening balance                                                  23,643,666.33        90,274,020.46
                           2. Increase for the current period
                               (1) Provision
                               (2) Increase from business
                           3. Decrease for the current period
                               (1) Disposal                                                        58,760.67            58,760.67
                               (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
                               (3) Transfer to hold for sale
                           4. Change in foreign exchange rate and
                                 others                                                                                399,642.46
                           5. Closing balance                                                  23,584,905.66        90,614,902.25
                      IV. Book Value
                           1. Closing book balance                      2,643,293,836.15    1,877,306,945.73    10,814,254,709.75
                           2. Opening book balance                      2,688,191,056.20    1,914,125,067.79    11,006,230,700.93

                   At the end of the period, the intangible assets developed through the Company accounted for
                   the 21.57% of the original value at the end of the period (accounting for 20.52% at the
                   beginning of the period).

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19. Goodwill
                                                                                             Change in foreign
                                                       Increase for the   Decrease for the     exchange rate
     Items                         Opening balance       current period     current period        and others      Closing balance

     GE Appliances                 21,046,390,260.10                                            131,779,576.68    21,178,169,836.78
     Candy                          2,043,391,984.29                                            –61,974,639.90    1,981,417,344.39
     Others                         1,199,944,450.41                                            –17,697,239.23    1,182,247,211.18
     Total                         24,289,726,694.80                                              52,107,697.55   24,341,834,392.35

    In the case of a goodwill impairment test, the Company compares the carrying amount of the
    relevant asset group or asset group combination (including goodwill) with its recoverable amount.
    If the recoverable amount is less than the book value, corresponding difference will be
    recognized in profit or loss.

    The recoverable amount of the asset group (including goodwill) is calculated with discounted
    estimated future cash flow method based on a management-approved 5–15 years budget. Future
    cash flows beyond the budget period are estimated using the estimated perpetual annual growth
    rate. The perpetual annual growth rate (mainly 1%–2%) adopted by the management is
    consistent with industry forecast data and does not exceed the long-term average growth rate of
    each product. The management determines the compound income growth rate (mainly 2.33%-
    5.32%) and the EBITDA profit margin (mainly 0.99%–12.99%) based on historical experience and
    market development forecasts, and adopts the pre-tax interest rate that can reflect the specific
    risks of the relevant asset group as the discount rate (mainly 12.79% –16.25%). The management
    analyzes the recoverable amount of each asset group based on these assumptions and believes
    that there is no need to make provision for goodwill.

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            20. Long-term amortized expenses
                                                                                                                           Change in
                                                                                            Amortization                     foreign
                                                                      Increase for the    for the current      Other   exchange rate
                      Items                            Opening balance current period              period   decrease      and others Closing balance

                      Renovation fees                   356,810,041.83    37,345,735.95   184,847,703.89                    5,386.49    209,313,460.38
                      Improvement expenses on leased
                         plants                         131,110,281.13    23,114,811.46    15,900,256.78                    52,401.51   138,377,237.32
                      Others                            253,825,194.68    60,374,749.22    33,534,265.36                 –271,626.23   280,394,052.31
                      Total                             741,745,517.64   120,835,296.63   234,282,226.03                 –213,838.23   628,084,750.01

            21. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
                   (1)        Deferred income tax assets before elimination

                               Items                                                               Closing balance        Opening balance

                               Provision for assets impairment                                       468,620,891.54           472,765,698.56
                               Liabilities                                                         2,721,127,075.25         2,647,034,061.96
                               Internal unrealized earnings eliminated due
                                  to combination                                                     454,487,656.99           707,589,929.59
                               Uncovered losses                                                      229,848,367.84           230,766,537.22
                               R&D expenses                                                        1,331,535,838.01         1,171,434,607.38
                               Others                                                                333,163,076.13           293,113,791.04
                               Total                                                               5,538,782,905.76         5,522,704,625.75

                   (2)        Deferred income tax liabilities before elimination

                               Items                                                               Closing balance        Opening balance

                               Assets amortisation                                                 4,104,846,683.63         4,067,663,051.78
                               Remeasurement of fair value of the reaming
                                 equity on the day when the control right
                                 was lost                                                             878,623,804.46          878,623,804.46
                               Changes in fair value of investments in other
                                 equity instruments                                                  306,500,729.55           306,253,762.39
                               Others                                                                435,592,527.58           492,608,929.16
                               Total                                                               5,725,563,745.22         5,745,149,547.79

                   (3)        The deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities eliminated at the end
                              of the period was RMB3,756,609,331.72 (amount at the beginning of the period

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22. Other non-current assets

       Items                                Closing balance         Opening balance

       Prepayments for equipment and land    2,082,290,440.87         1,747,355,221.82
       Others                                  281,871,492.31           286,631,723.46
       Total                                 2,364,161,933.18         2,033,986,945.28

23. Short-term borrowings
     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                               Unit and Currency: RMB

       Items                                Closing balance         Opening balance

       Borrowings — secured by pledge                                  34,094,566.22
       Borrowings — secured by credit      10,333,169,856.54       10,284,257,275.66
       Total                                10,333,169,856.54       10,318,351,841.88

24. Derivative financial liabilities
     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                               Unit and Currency: RMB

       Items                                Closing balance         Opening balance

       Forward foreign exchange contracts     191,751,522.44            166,573,028.22
       Forward commodity contracts                                        2,051,976.75
       Total                                  191,751,522.44            168,625,004.97

25. Bills payable
     √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                               Unit and Currency: RMB

       Class                                Closing balance         Opening balance

       Commercial acceptance notes           5,957,754,473.51        5,234,670,724.72
       Bank acceptance notes                17,431,247,278.84       16,981,055,996.90
       Total                                23,389,001,752.35       22,215,726,721.62

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            26. Accounts payables
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                              Closing balance      Opening balance

                      Accounts payables                                 47,200,496,446.93     47,061,789,173.62
                      Total                                             47,200,496,446.93     47,061,789,173.62

                   The book balance at the end of the period was mainly the unpaid expenditures on material and
                   labour. There were no significant accounts payables aged over 1 year at the end of the period.

            27. Contractual liabilities
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                              Closing balance      Opening balance

                      Contractual liabilities                             3,256,026,994.75     7,731,916,491.54
                      Total                                               3,256,026,994.75     7,731,916,491.54

                   The book balance at the end of the period was mainly due to the advance payment that has
                   been collected and has not yet performed the contractual obligations. There were no significant
                   contractual liabilities aged over 1 year at the end of the period.

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28. Payables for staff remuneration
    (1).   Payables for staff remuneration
           √ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                  Increase for the Decrease for the
            Items                              Opening balance      current period   current period   Closing balance

            I. Short-term remuneration         4,914,688,743.78 14,440,923,916.36 15,625,028,496.57   3,730,584,163.57
            II. Post-employment
                   contribution plan              24,569,154.56    726,835,986.49    712,049,518.47      39,355,622.58
            III. Termination benefits              5,252,101.27     31,701,783.64     32,210,246.72       4,743,638.19
            IV. Other benefits due within
                   one year                      133,007,828.89        789,084.25     11,719,402.93     122,077,510.21
            Total                              5,077,517,828.50 15,200,250,770.74 16,381,007,664.69   3,896,760,934.55

    (2).   Short-term remuneration
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                  Increase for the Decrease for the
            Items                              Opening balance      current period   current period   Closing balance

            I.   Salaries, bonus, allowances
                  and benefit                  3,519,406,555.71 10,900,787,570.71 12,065,434,584.24   2,354,759,542.18
            II. Employee welfare                 348,954,492.00    537,060,949.24    549,265,229.59     336,750,211.65
            III. Social benefit                  230,280,822.25    908,912,292.51    924,966,809.00     214,226,305.76
            IV. Housing fund                       8,312,994.56    321,719,307.63    276,013,793.56      54,018,508.63
            V. Labor union fee and
                  education fund                   5,506,272.84     68,801,586.56     66,749,249.95       7,558,609.45
            VI. Short-term compensated
                  leave                          266,918,130.07    251,214,218.06    254,613,910.65     263,518,437.48
            VII. Others                          535,309,476.35 1,452,427,991.65 1,487,984,919.58       499,752,548.42
            Total                              4,914,688,743.78 14,440,923,916.36 15,625,028,496.57   3,730,584,163.57

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                   (3).   Defined contribution plan
                          √ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                               Increase for the Decrease for the
                            Items                           Opening balance      current period   current period   Closing balance

                            1. Basic pension insurance         23,204,541.21    673,535,986.28    658,689,910.46     38,050,617.03
                            2. Unemployment insurance             244,971.49     18,465,278.44     18,619,494.84         90,755.09
                            3. Enterprise annuity payment       1,119,641.86     34,834,721.77     34,740,113.17      1,214,250.46
                            Total                              24,569,154.56    726,835,986.49    712,049,518.47     39,355,622.58

                   (4).   Termination benefits

                            Items                                                   Closing balance         Opening balance

                            Termination compensation                                      4,743,638.19             5,252,101.27
                            Total                                                         4,743,638.19             5,252,101.27

            29. Taxes payable
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                                         Closing balance         Opening balance

                      Value-added tax                                                1,229,268,479.46          915,234,725.86
                      Corporate income tax                                           2,221,803,320.38        1,555,728,849.24
                      Individual income tax                                            108,820,681.28          185,154,739.72
                      City maintenance and construction tax                             32,744,814.68           26,230,124.20
                      Education surcharge                                               13,889,353.19            9,117,000.14
                      The electrical and electronic products waste
                        treatment fund                                                       2,448.00           89,138,721.00
                      Other taxes                                                       70,527,964.94           60,611,364.57
                      Total                                                          3,677,057,061.93        2,841,215,524.73

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30. Other payables
    (1).   Items breakdown
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

            Items                                      Closing balance        Opening balance

            Dividends payable                          7,515,895,607.63            1,880,719.69
            Other payables                            19,732,347,903.27       19,179,688,465.14
            Total                                     27,248,243,510.90       19,181,569,184.83

    (2).   Dividends payable
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

            Items                                      Closing balance        Opening balance

            Haier COSMO Co., Ltd.                      1,008,596,736.32
            Haier Group Corporation                      859,493,731.30
            Other public shareholders                  5,647,805,140.01              1,880,719.69
            Total                                      7,515,895,607.63              1,880,719.69

    (3).   Other payables
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

            Items                                      Closing balance        Opening balance

            Other payables                            19,732,347,903.27       19,179,688,465.14
            Total                                     19,732,347,903.27       19,179,688,465.14

           The closing balance mainly included the incurred but unpaid costs. There were no
           significant other payables aged over 1 year at the end of the period.

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      Section X Financial Report

            31. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                              Closing balance      Opening balance

                      Long-term borrowings due within 1 year             1,610,273,174.78        146,867,809.53
                      Long term payables due within 1 year                  14,194,548.90         14,105,028.65
                      Lease liabilities due within 1 year                1,072,407,791.17      1,039,704,621.43
                      Estimated liabilities due within 1 year            2,630,841,869.37      2,531,873,089.62
                      Total                                              5,327,717,384.22      3,732,550,549.23

            32. Other current liabilities
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                              Closing balance      Opening balance

                      Payable refund                                       578,348,692.50        639,149,848.05
                      Tax amount to be transferred to output tax           489,615,722.08        990,618,406.97
                      Others                                                27,357,255.64         21,470,896.50
                      Total                                              1,095,321,670.22      1,651,239,151.52

            33. Long-term borrowings
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Items                                              Closing balance      Opening balance

                      Borrowings — secured by pledge                       20,600,000.00
                      Borrowings — secured by credit                   18,103,051,118.19     17,936,302,925.77
                      Total                                             18,123,651,118.19     17,936,302,925.77

                   The interest rates of the Company’s long-term borrowings: 1.60%–7.00%.

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34. Lease liabilities

      Items                                                 Closing balance        Opening balance

      Lease liabilities                                     4,797,038,310.89         4,326,506,047.60
      Less: lease liabilities due within one year           1,072,407,791.17         1,039,704,621.43
      Total                                                 3,724,630,519.72         3,286,801,426.17

35. Long-term payables

      Items                                                 Closing balance        Opening balance

      Investment from CDB development fund                    36,500,000.00             36,500,000.00
      Others                                                  28,855,509.06             34,718,451.43
      Less: long-term payables due within one year            14,194,548.90             14,105,028.65
      Total                                                   51,160,960.16             57,113,422.78

    Under the Investment Contract of China Development Fund executed by the Company and its
    subsidiaries including Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Gen Corp., Ltd., Qingdao Haier (Jiaozhou)
    Air-conditioning Co., Limited together with China Development Fund Co. Ltd. in 2015 and 2016,
    China Development Fund Co. Ltd. invested RMB73 million in Qingdao Haier (Jiaozhou)
    Air-conditioning Co., Limited. China Development Fund Co. Ltd. obtained an annual return of
    1.2% by means of dividends or buyback premium for the above investments. As of the end of
    the period, the subsidiaries of the Company made buyback in amount of RMB36.5 million.

36. Long-term employee benefits payable
    √ Applicable    Not Applicable

    (1)   Long-term employee benefits payable
          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

            Items                                           Closing balance        Opening balance

            I. Post-employment benefits: net liability of
                  defined benefit plans                      362,511,797.07            364,213,564.08
            II. Termination benefits                         542,788,956.07            575,644,959.29
            III. Provision for work-related injury
                  compensation                                149,713,877.78           145,596,315.81
            Total                                           1,055,014,630.92         1,085,454,839.18

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      Section X Financial Report

                   (2)    Defined benefits plans
                          Some subsidiaries of the Company have set several defined benefit plans for the qualified
                          staff. Under these plans, the employees are entitled to the retirement benefits agreed in
                          such defined benefit plans.

                          These plans are exposed to interest rate risks, changes in life expectancy of the beneficiary
                          and other risks.

                          The recent actuarial evaluation of the assets and the present value of defined benefit
                          obligations under such plans are determined by using the projected unit credit method.

                                 The defined benefit plan of Haier Asia Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company
                                 Actuarial assumptions used in the defined benefit plan

                                   Items                                                                       Rate

                                   Discount rate                                                              1.00%
                                   Expected rate of return                                                    2.00%

                                 Present value of defined benefit obligations

                                   Items                                                                    Amount

                                   I. Opening balance                                                218,042,067.90
                                   II. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss
                                       1. Current service cost
                                       2. Past service cost
                                       3. Settlement gains (losses are represented by ‘-’)
                                       4. Interest cost
                                   III. Defined benefit cost recognized in other comprehensive
                                       1. Actuarial losses (gains are represented by ‘-’)
                                   IV. Other changes                                                 –23,774,327.79
                                       1. The consideration paid at the time of settlement
                                       2. Benefit paid
                                       3. Exchange differences                                       –23,774,327.79
                                   V. Closing balance                                                194,267,740.11

194   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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Fair value of plan assets

  Items                                                                             Amount

  I. Opening balance                                                        293,597,902.22
  II. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or
      1. Interest income
  III. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
         comprehensive income
      1. Return on plan assets (except those included in net
      2. Changes in impact of asset cap (except those
            included in net interests)
  IV. Other changes                                                         –28,866,719.75
      1. Employer contributions                                                  620,221.70
      2. Benefit paid                                                          2,686,753.23
      3. Exchange differences                                               –32,173,694.68
  V. Closing balance                                                        264,731,182.47

Neither the Company’s ordinary shares or bonds, nor the properties occupied by the
Company are included in the plan assets.

Net liability (net asset) of the defined benefit plan

  Items                                                                             Amount

  I. Opening balance                                                        –75,555,834.32
  II. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss
  III. Defined benefit cost recognized in
         other comprehensive income
  IV. Other changes                                                            5,092,391.96
  V. Closing balance                                                        –70,463,442.36

The average term for the defined benefit obligation is 11.67 years at the balance
sheet date.

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      Section X Financial Report

                                 The defined benefit plan of Roper Corporation, a subsidiary of the Company
                                 Roper Corporation, a subsidiary of the Company, has provided post-employment
                                 defined benefit plan of health care benefits to eligible employees.

                                 Actuarial assumptions used in the defined benefit plan

                                   Items                                                                      Rate

                                   Discount rate                                                            5.18%

                                 Present value of defined benefit obligations

                                   Items                                                                  Amount

                                   I. Opening balance                                                79,911,044.37
                                   II. Business combination not under common control
                                   III. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss     2,606,420.93
                                        1. Current service cost                                         668,850.77
                                        2. Past service cost
                                        3. Settlement gains (losses are represented by ‘-’)
                                        4. Interest cost                                              1,937,570.16
                                   IV. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
                                           comprehensive income
                                        1. Actuarial losses (gains are represented by ‘-’)
                                   V. Other changes                                                 –13,856,535.05
                                        1. The consideration paid at the time of settlement
                                        2. Benefit paid                                              –5,340,246.23
                                        3. Plan amendments                                           –8,976,054.36
                                        4. Others                                                       459,765.54
                                        5. Exchange differences
                                   VI. Closing balance                                               68,660,930.25

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Net liability (net asset) of the defined benefit plan

  Items                                                                             Amount

  I. Opening balance                                                         79,911,044.37
  II. Business combination not under common control
  III. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss               2,606,420.93
  IV. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
         comprehensive income
  V. Other changes                                                          –13,856,535.05
  VI. Closing balance                                                        68,660,930.25

The average term for the defined benefit obligation is 1.83 years at the balance sheet

The defined benefit plan of Haier U.S. Appliance Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary
of the Company
Haier U.S. Appliance Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, has provided
post-retirement defined benefit plan of health care benefits for the eligible employees.

Actuarial assumptions used in the defined benefit plan

  Items                                                                                 Rate

  Discount rate                                                                        5.19%

                                                   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   197
      Section X Financial Report

                                 Present value of defined benefit obligations

                                   Items                                                                  Amount

                                   I. Opening balance                                               165,901,942.17
                                   II. Business combination not under common control
                                   III. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss     1,455,394.92
                                        1. Current service cost
                                        2. Past service cost
                                        3. Settlement gains (losses are represented by ‘-’)
                                        4. Interest cost                                              1,455,394.92
                                   IV. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
                                           comprehensive income
                                        1. Actuarial losses (gains are represented by ‘-’)
                                   V. Other changes                                                 –10,720,806.50
                                        1. The consideration paid at the time of settlement
                                        2. Benefit paid                                             –11,720,651.90
                                        3. Exchange differences                                         999,845.40
                                   VI. Closing balance                                              156,636,530.59

                                 Net liability (net asset) of the defined benefit plan

                                   Items                                                                  Amount

                                   I. Opening balance                                               165,901,942.17
                                   II. Business combination not under common control
                                   III. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss     1,455,394.92
                                   IV. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
                                          comprehensive income
                                   V. Other changes                                                 –10,720,806.50
                                   VI. Closing balance                                              156,636,530.59

198   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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The defined benefit plan of Haier U.S. Appliance Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary
of the Company
Haier U.S. Appliance Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, has provided
defined benefit plan of pension for the eligible employees.

Actuarial assumptions used in the defined benefit plan

  Items                                                                                Rate

  Discount rate                                                                       5.21%

Present value of defined benefit obligations

  Items                                                                            Amount

  I. Opening balance                                                       108,437,206.49
  II. Business combination not under common control
  III. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss              3,614,005.58
       1. Current service cost                                                1,172,138.72
       2. Past service cost
       3. Settlement gains (losses are represented by ‘-’)
       4. Interest cost                                                       2,441,866.86
  IV. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
          comprehensive income
       1. Actuarial losses (gains are represented by ‘-’)
  V. Other changes                                                              686,842.49
       1. The consideration paid at the time of settlement
       2. Benefit paid
       3. Exchange differences                                                 686,842.49
  VI. Closing balance                                                      112,738,054.56

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      Section X Financial Report

                                 Fair value of plan assets

                                   Items                                                                 Amount

                                   I. Opening balance                                               77,778,096.35
                                   II. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss     1,289,629.28
                                       1. Interest income                                            1,289,629.28
                                   III. Defined benefit cost recognized in other
                                          comprehensive income
                                       1. Return on plan assets (except those included in
                                             net interests)
                                       2. Changes in impact of asset cap (except those
                                             included in net interests)
                                   IV. Other changes                                                10,056,079.94
                                       1. Employer contributions                                     9,536,854.96
                                       2. Benefit paid
                                       3. Exchange differences                                         519,224.98
                                   V. Closing balance                                               89,123,805.57

                                 Net liability (net asset) of the defined benefit plan

                                   Items                                                                 Amount

                                   I. Opening balance                                               30,659,110.14
                                   II. Business combination not under common control
                                   III. Defined benefit cost recognized in current profit or loss    2,324,376.30
                                   IV. Defined benefit cost recognized in
                                          other comprehensive income
                                   V. Other changes                                                 –9,369,237.45
                                   VI. Closing balance                                              23,614,248.99

200   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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    (3)   Provision for work-related injury compensation
          Haier U.S. Appliance Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, made a provision for
          work-related injury claims for the staff injured during the production accidents from
          1 January 1991, which was used to pay for the claim made by the injured staff. The
          provision was calculated by Beechercarlson Insurance Services, LLC., based on actuarial
          method and a discount rate of 3.72%.

            Items                                                                                Amount

            I. Opening balance                                                           145,596,315.81
            II. Business combination not under common control
            III. Compensation recognized in current profit or loss                         42,800,498.84
            IV. Actual compensation paid for the current period                          –39,599,814.24
            V. Other changes                                                                 916,877.37
            VI. Closing balance                                                          149,713,877.78

          Classification of the balance of defined benefit plans

            Items                                            Closing balance         Opening balance

            Short-term Benefit                                  21,618,766.02             33,170,713.47
            Long-term Benefit                                  362,511,797.07            364,213,564.08
            Total                                              384,130,563.09            397,384,277.55

37. Estimated liabilities
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                                Unit and Currency: RMB

      Items                                                 Opening balance           Closing balance

      Active litigation                                         32,259,609.59             31,448,932.56
      Others                                                   315,280,800.19            359,408,595.01
      Estimation of warranty expenses and
        installation fees                                    1,587,473,632.46          1,614,377,582.79
      Total                                                  1,935,014,042.24          2,005,235,110.36

    Significant assumption and estimation relating to estimation of warranty expenses and installation
    fees: the Company reasonably estimated the warranty expenses and installation fees rate based
    on its actual expenses on the warranty expenses and installation fees as well as sales data in the
    past. The Company estimated the warranty expenses and installation fees that are likely to be
    incurred in the future according to its policies on the warranty expenses and installation fees, as
    well as the actual sales data.

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      Section X Financial Report

            38. Deferred income
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                                                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                      Increase for the Decrease for the
                      Items                                       Opening balance       current period   current period   Closing balance

                      Government grants                           1,050,319,606.44      28,730,084.92     51,847,043.92   1,027,202,647.44
                      Total                                       1,050,319,606.44      28,730,084.92     51,847,043.92   1,027,202,647.44

            39. Share capital
                                                                                      Increase for the Decrease for the
                      Share category                              Opening balance       current period   current period   Closing balance

                      I. Restricted shares
                          1. State-owned shares
                          2. Shares held by domestic
                               non-state-owned legal entities
                          3. Shares held by domestic
                          4. Shares held by offshore non-state-
                               owned legal entities
                      II. Non-restricted shares                      9,438,114,893                                          9,438,114,893
                          1. Ordinary shares in RMB                  6,308,552,654                                          6,308,552,654
                          2. Domestic listed foreign Shares
                          3. Offshore listed foreign Shares          3,129,562,239                                          3,129,562,239
                          4. Others
                      III. Total shares                              9,438,114,893                                          9,438,114,893

            40. Capital reserve
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                                                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                      Increase for the Decrease for the
                      Items                                       Opening balance       current period   current period   Closing balance

                      Capital premium
                       (Share capital premium)                    21,917,268,456.45                       20,227,747.10 21,897,040,709.35
                      Others capital reserve                       1,845,086,227.60    201,405,574.94     36,583,005.03 2,009,908,797.51
                      Total                                       23,762,354,684.05    201,405,574.94     56,810,752.13 23,906,949,506.86

                   The main reasons for the change in other capital reserves: the amortized share-based payment
                   for the current period included in other capital reserves of RMB201,405,574.94.

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41. Treasury stock
    √ Applicable              Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                               Increase for the Decrease for the
          Items                                               Opening balance                    current period   current period                      Closing balance

          Treasury stock                                        5,034,065,107.42                  466,600,210.43                                      5,500,665,317.85
          Total                                                 5,034,065,107.42                  466,600,210.43                                      5,500,665,317.85

    The main reasons for the change in treasury stock: the repurchase of treasury stock for the
    current period of RMB466,600,210.43.

42. Other comprehensive income
          Items                         Opening balance                                         Amounts for the current period
                                                                                                                             Attributable to
                                                             Amount before           Deduction of Attributable to the               minority
                                                             current income      impact of income     parent company           shareholders
                                                                         tax                   tax            after tax            after tax         Others    Closing balance

          a                              –345,568,801.14      21,632,498.14           3,064,710.52        23,160,537.38        1,536,671.28    –609,008.33   –323,017,272.09
          b                                –94,630,058.56     –9,489,873.83       –20,035,460.40      –30,039,858.31          514,524.08                   –124,669,916.87
          c                               929,934,173.30     –201,685,894.65                           –199,825,666.97       –1,860,227.68                    730,108,506.33
          d                             1,332,769,480.78     –139,624,374.35        13,823,606.83      –125,824,944.18           24,176.66    1,451,608.49   1,208,396,145.09
          e                               147,219,232.63        –3,587,107.42         1,095,428.03        –2,491,664.07             –15.32                    144,727,568.56
          Total                         1,969,724,027.01     –332,754,752.11        –2,051,715.02     –335,021,596.15          215,129.02     842,600.16    1,635,545,031.02


    (1)           Item a, b, and c are other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss, the details are as follows:

                  Item a represents other comprehensive income classified to profit and loss under the equity method.

                  Item b represents cash flow hedge reserves (the effective part of the cash flow hedge profit and loss).

                  Item c represents exchange differences on translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies.

    (2)           Item d and e are other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profit or loss. Details are as follows:

                  Item d represents the change in fair value of investments in other equity instruments.

                  Item e represents changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or assets of defined benefit plans.

                                                                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                      203
      Section X Financial Report

            43. Surplus reserve
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                                                                                                    Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                            Increase for the Decrease for the
                      Items                              Opening balance      current period   current period   Closing balance

                      Statutory surplus reserve          4,794,681,742.21                                       4,794,681,742.21
                      Discretionary surplus reserve         26,042,290.48                                          26,042,290.48
                      Reserve fund                          11,322,880.64                                          11,322,880.64
                      Enterprise expansion fund             10,291,630.47                                          10,291,630.47
                      Total                              4,842,338,543.80                                       4,842,338,543.80

                   Pursuant to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Articles of Association,
                   the Company is required to appropriate the statutory surplus reserve at 10% of its net profit of
                   the year.

            44. Undistributed profits
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                      Items                                                                                         Amounts

                      Undistributed profits at the end of previous year                                  68,535,686,494.60
                      Change in accounting policy
                      Combination under common control
                      Undistributed profits at the beginning of the year                                 68,535,686,494.60
                      Add: net profit attributable to owners of the parent company                       10,420,218,389.22
                      Other transfer in                                                                     –29,920,094.58
                      Adjustment due to implementation of enterprise accounting standard
                      Profit available for distribution for the year                                     78,925,984,789.24
                      Less: appropriation of statutory surplus reserve
                      Dividend payable for ordinary shares                                                7,513,967,094.69
                      Undistributed profits at the end of the period                                     71,412,017,694.55

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45. Operating income and operating cost
    (1)   Operating income

                                                                         Amount for                 Amount for
                                                                         the current               the previous
            Items                                                             period                     period

            Primary business                                     134,840,839,073.23 130,796,620,039.86
            Other Business                                           781,710,047.78     831,975,872.19
            Total                                                135,622,549,121.01 131,628,595,912.05

    (2)   Primary business income and primary business cost by product category

            Categories                   Amount for the current period          Amount for the previous period
                                               Primary           Primary               Primary           Primary
                                      business income      business cost      business income      business cost

            Air conditioner           29,010,601,435.70   20,557,799,077.93   27,990,491,459.04    19,980,348,155.19
            Refrigerator              40,858,797,164.04   28,298,305,940.21   40,302,800,944.89    27,987,308,901.78
            Kitchen appliance         20,121,663,515.89   13,789,690,222.06   19,700,572,437.04    13,561,433,684.52
            Water appliance            7,891,692,972.94    4,582,039,373.07    7,458,185,872.45     4,356,557,669.16
            Washing machine           29,427,102,302.00   19,746,318,593.29   28,125,479,757.35    18,950,800,863.91
            Equipment product and
              integrated channel
              services                7,530,981,682.66     6,806,340,361.07   7,219,089,569.09      6,542,477,793.42
            Total                   134,840,839,073.23    93,780,493,567.63 130,796,620,039.86     91,378,927,067.98

46. Taxes and surcharge
    √ Applicable    Not Applicable

                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                         Amount for                 Amount for
                                                                         the current               the previous
      Items                                                                   period                     period

      City maintenance and construction tax                           191,604,095.21              211,267,062.08
      Education surcharge                                             109,194,820.89              129,147,500.90
      Property tax                                                     47,213,971.89               38,175,443.04
      Land use tax                                                     12,543,003.63               11,050,858.77
      Stamp duty                                                      150,674,106.29              118,586,969.33
      Others                                                           27,037,460.35               24,871,738.40
      Total                                                           538,267,458.26              533,099,572.52

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      Section X Financial Report

            47. Selling expenses
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                               Amount for           Amount for
                                                                               the current         the previous
                      Items                                                         period               period

                      Selling expenses                                   18,687,502,154.89    18,768,944,057.44
                      Total                                              18,687,502,154.89    18,768,944,057.44

                   The Company’s selling expenses are mainly salary expenses, transportation and storage fees,
                   advertising and promotion fees, and after-sales expenses.

            48. Administrative expenses
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                          Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                               Amount for           Amount for
                                                                               the current         the previous
                      Items                                                         period               period

                      Administrative expenses                             5,186,349,563.44      5,461,681,481.50
                      Total                                               5,186,349,563.44      5,461,681,481.50

                   The Company’s administrative expenses are mainly salary expenses, office fees, depreciation and
                   amortization of assets fees, etc.

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49. R&D expenses
    √ Applicable    Not Applicable

                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                 Amount for               Amount for
                                                                 the current             the previous
      Items                                                           period                   period

      R&D expenses                                          5,088,901,166.88         5,025,786,116.64
      Total                                                 5,088,901,166.88         5,025,786,116.64

    The Company’s R&D expenses are mainly salary expenses, R&D equipment expenses, inspection
    and testing fees.

50. Financial expenses

                                                                 Amount for               Amount for
                                                                 the current             the previous
      Items                                                           period                   period

      Interest expense                                      1,226,384,743.58           875,078,615.27
      Less: interest income                                   912,438,277.44           614,901,995.27
      Less: cash discount                                      62,102,125.84            59,172,643.28
      Exchange gains or losses
         (gains are represented by ‘-’)                    –262,620,221.08        –288,204,003.86
      Others                                                   69,695,049.43            77,850,758.05
      Total                                                    58,919,168.65            –9,349,269.09

    Interest expenditure in lease liabilities for the current period was RMB86,220,779.23 (amount for
    the corresponding period: RMB54,418,808.15).

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      Section X Financial Report

            51. Other income
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                           Amount for          Amount for
                                                                           the current        the previous
                      Classification by nature                                  period              period

                      Government grants related to revenue              511,077,524.43      557,492,414.79
                      Government grants related to assets                44,010,228.09       43,882,854.01
                      Total                                             555,087,752.52      601,375,268.80

            52. Investment income
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                           Amount for          Amount for
                                                                           the current        the previous
                      Items                                                     period              period

                      Long-term equity investments income calculated
                        by the equity method                           1,021,852,565.42   1,078,905,972.36
                      Investment income from disposal of long-term
                        equity investments                              –14,953,215.38       2,936,581.54
                      Dividend income on other equity instrument
                        investments during the holding period             2,996,902.10       17,919,209.85
                      Income from wealth management products             29,641,941.56       30,006,596.61
                      Investment income from disposal of financial
                        assets measured at fair value with changes
                        included in current profit or loss                    76,000.00
                      Total                                            1,039,614,193.70   1,129,768,360.36

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53. Gains on changes in fair value
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                     Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                        Amount for               Amount for
                                                        the current             the previous
      Source of gains on changes in fair value               period                   period

      Changes in fair value of equity investments    –54,049,574.20            6,761,392.80
      Changes in fair value of fund investments        22,787,943.83           23,806,724.21
      Others                                            1,696,032.55              703,445.34
      Total                                          –29,565,597.82           31,271,562.35

54. Credit impairment losses
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                     Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                        Amount for               Amount for
                                                        the current             the previous
      Items                                                  period                   period

      Bad debts losses on bills receivable                660,000.00
      Bad debts losses on accounts receivable       –127,282,743.47        –175,246,952.66
      Bad debts losses on other receivables            68,608,791.74            9,278,023.30
      Total                                          –58,013,951.73        –165,968,929.36

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      Section X Financial Report

            55. Impairment losses on assets

                                                                                     Amount for          Amount for
                                                                                     the current        the previous
                      Items                                                               period              period

                      Impairment    losses   on   inventory                      –432,040,167.93    –499,500,903.59
                      Impairment    losses   on   other current assets           –280,012,125.83    –269,894,630.51
                      Impairment    losses   on   fixed assets                                          –6,213,746.83
                      Impairment    losses   on   construction in progress
                      Impairment    losses   on   intangible assets                                       –28,311.57
                      Impairment    losses   on   long-term equity investments
                      Impairment    losses   on   contract assets                    1,496,029.24       –4,110,982.94
                      Total                                                      –710,556,264.52    –779,748,575.44

            56. Gains on disposal of assets
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                                Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                     Amount for          Amount for
                                                                                     the current        the previous
                      Items                                                               period              period

                      Gains on disposal of non-current assets                         7,721,308.45       9,697,510.22
                      Losses on disposal of non-current assets                    –10,305,212.82     –30,344,814.86
                      Total                                                         –2,583,904.37    –20,647,304.64

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57. Non-operating income
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                          Amount for               Amount for
                                                          the current             the previous
      Items                                                    period                   period

      Total gains on disposal of non-current assets                                 810,466.84
      Quality claims and fines                         24,265,721.43             18,063,839.13
      Others                                           49,157,369.91             39,910,145.92
      Total                                            73,423,091.34             58,784,451.89

58. Non-operating expenses
    √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                          Amount for               Amount for
                                                          the current             the previous
      Items                                                    period                   period

      Total losses on disposal of non-current assets    7,267,905.19              4,986,722.70
      Others                                           77,250,699.55             27,312,790.51
      Total                                            84,518,604.74             32,299,513.21

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      Section X Financial Report

            59. Income tax expenses
                   (1)    Statement of income tax expenses
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                             Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                Amount for            Amount for
                                                                                the current          the previous
                            Items                                                    period                period

                            Current income tax expense                     2,199,317,850.43      1,879,159,857.85
                            Deferred income tax expense                      –67,576,355.95       190,607,917.70
                            Total                                          2,131,741,494.48      2,069,767,775.55

                   (2)    Reconciliation between accounting profit and income tax expenses
                          √ Applicable  Not Applicable

                                                                                             Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                  Amount for the
                            Items                                                                  current period

                            Total profit                                                        12,739,064,636.61
                            Income tax expense calculated pursuant to statutory/applicable
                              tax rate                                                           3,184,766,159.15
                            Impact from different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries            –959,949,025.03
                            Impact from adjustment to income tax in prior periods                 –146,905,255.39
                            Impact from non-taxable income                                        –130,705,109.51
                            Impact from non-deductible cost, expense and loss                       121,770,556.31
                            Impact from deductible provisional differences or deductible
                              losses of unrecognized income tax assets for the current
                              period                                                               113,686,167.41
                            Others                                                                 –50,921,998.46
                            Income tax expense                                                   2,131,741,494.48

            60. Other comprehensive income
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                   Please refer to Note VII.42 for details.

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61. Cash flow statement items
    (1).   Cash related to operating activities
           Other cash received from operating activities
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                           Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                  Amount for the
            Items                                                                  current period

            Deposits and securities                                                  32,807,104.74
            Government grants                                                       243,673,605.71
            Non-operating income excluding government grants                         35,281,847.15
            Interest income                                                         797,887,231.43
            Others                                                                  164,016,657.33
            Total                                                                 1,273,666,446.36

           Other cash paid to operating activities
           √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                           Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                  Amount for the
            Items                                                                  current period

            Cash paid on selling expenses                                       10,259,440,644.80
            Cash paid on administrative and R&D expenses                         3,389,811,709.63
            Cash paid on financial expenses                                         73,404,062.89
            Non-operating expenses                                                  13,948,889.93
            Others                                                                  59,544,916.23
            Total                                                               13,796,150,223.48

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      Section X Financial Report

                   (2).   Cash related to investing activities
                          Other cash received from significant investing activities
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                           Amount for the
                            Items                                                           current period

                            Redemption of wealth management products and
                              other financial assets                                      9,619,248,890.08
                            Total                                                         9,619,248,890.08

                          Other cash paid to significant investing activities
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                           Amount for the
                            Items                                                           current period

                            Purchase of wealth management products and
                              other financial assets                                     13,608,230,146.65
                            Total                                                        13,608,230,146.65

                   (3).   Cash related to financing activities
                          Other cash paid to financing activities
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                      Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                               Amount for
                            Items                                                       the current period

                            Repurchase of shares                                            466,600,210.43
                            Cash paid to lease                                              596,535,515.39
                            Others                                                            3,603,317.63
                            Total                                                         1,066,739,043.45

214   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                               Section X Financial Report

          Changes of various liabilities arising from financing activities
          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                  Opening              Increase for                      Decrease for                     Closing
            Items                                 balance           the current period                the current period                  balance
                                                                                    Non-cash                         Non-cash
                                                               Cash change            change     Cash change           change

            Short-term borrowings          10,318,351,841.88 4,170,938,006.65                  4,123,128,398.86     32,991,593.13 10,333,169,856.54
            Long-term borrowings
               (including long-term
               borrowings due within
               one year)                   18,083,170,735.30 1,760,600,000.00                    27,547,548.89      82,298,893.44 19,733,924,292.97
            Lease liabilities (including
               lease liabilities due
               within one year)            4,326,506,047.60                   1,227,262,838.65 596,535,515.39      160,195,059.97 4,797,038,310.89
            Total                          32,728,028,624.78 5,931,538,006.65 1,227,262,838.65 4,747,211,463.14    275,485,546.54 34,864,132,460.40

62. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
    (1)   Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                               Amount for                     Amount for
                                                                                               the current                   the previous
            Supplementary information                                                               period                         period

            1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                 operating activities:
               Net profit                                                             10,607,323,142.13                 9,043,682,753.22
               Add: impairment provision for assets                                      710,556,264.52                   779,748,575.44
               Losses from credit impairment                                              58,013,951.73                   165,968,929.36
               Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of
                 oil and gas assets, depreciation of
                 biological assets for production                                       2,177,355,193.66                1,939,121,008.62
               Amortization of right-of-use assets                                        540,991,043.37                  557,582,081.57
               Amortization of intangible assets                                          662,605,179.21                  624,592,081.35
               Amortization of long-term prepaid
                 expenses                                                                  234,282,226.03                  257,971,298.59
               Losses from disposal of fixed assets,
                 intangible assets and other long-term
                 assets (gains are represented by “-”)                                       9,851,809.56                 24,823,560.50
               Losses from changes of fair value
                 (gains are represented by “-”)                                           29,565,597.82                  –31,271,562.35
               Financial expenses (gains are represented
                 by “-”)                                                                 777,375,820.19                  586,874,611.41

                                                                                           Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024             215
      Section X Financial Report

                                                                                  Amount for           Amount for
                                                                                  the current         the previous
                            Supplementary information                                  period               period

                               Losses from investments (gains are
                                 represented by “-”)                       –1,039,614,193.70   –1,129,768,360.36
                               Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                 (increase is represented by “-”)             –20,825,542.97     167,338,912.59
                               Increase of deferred income tax liabilities
                                 (decrease is represented by “-”)             –46,750,812.97       23,269,005.11
                               Decrease in inventories (increase is
                                 represented by “-”)                        –361,648,013.68     2,061,410,773.14
                               Decrease of operational account
                                 receivables (increase is represented by
                                 “-”)                                      –3,544,136,779.13   –7,213,172,804.07
                               Increase of operational account payables
                                 (decrease is represented by “-”)          –3,154,975,564.45   –1,471,582,577.11
                               Others                                          178,288,615.94       403,433,247.61
                               Net cash flow generated from operational
                                 activities                                   7,818,257,937.26     6,790,021,534.62
                            2. Significant investment and financing
                                 activities not involving cash inflows
                                 and outflows:
                               Capital transferred from debts
                               Convertible corporate bonds due within
                                 one year
                               Fixed assets under finance lease
                            3. Net changes of cash and cash
                               Cash balance at the end of the period         54,228,034,803.20    55,063,205,392.40
                               Less: cash balance at the beginning of
                                 the period                                  53,977,310,651.03    53,392,209,857.41
                               Add: cash equivalents balance at the end
                                 of the period
                               Less: cash equivalents balance at the
                                 beginning of the period
                               Net increase of cash and cash
                                 equivalents                                   250,724,152.17      1,670,995,534.99

216   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                  Section X Financial Report

(2)   Composition of cash and cash equivalents
      √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

       Items                                                  Closing balance          Opening balance

       I. Cash                                                54,228,034,803.20        53,977,310,651.03
           Including: Cash on hand                                   937,775.91               541,712.70
           Bank deposits always available for
             payment                                          53,682,763,402.56        53,524,177,266.50
           Other monetary funds always available for
             payment                                            544,333,624.73             452,591,671.83
       II. Cash equivalents
           Including: bond investments due within
                        three months
       III. Closing balance of cash and cash
              equivalents                                     54,228,034,803.20        53,977,310,651.03
           Including: restricted cash and cash
                        equivalents used by the parent
                        company or subsidiaries of
                        the Group

(3)   Monetary funds that are not cash and cash equivalents
      √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                  Unit and Currency: RMB

                                            Amount for the       Amount for the
       Items                                 current period      previous period Reasons

       Deposit                               369,153,135.96       448,374,520.06 Poor marketability, not readily
       Restricted special account deposit    106,101,674.79        54,996,888.29   realizable, or not available
       Others                                  2,336,543.49         5,770,781.76   for payment
       Total                                 477,591,354.24       509,142,190.11 /

                                                                 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024    217
      Section X Financial Report

            63. Monetary items in foreign currency
                      Items                                                Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                                            Balance in                                             Balance in
                                                               foreign                                                foreign
                                                             currency      Exchange rate Balance in RMB             currency     Exchange rate     Balance in RMB

                      Monetary funds
                      USD                              1,770,696,255.76           7.1268 12,619,398,075.55 1,706,547,575.50             7.0827     12,086,964,513.02
                      EUR                                 49,922,095.88           7.6617 382,488,122.03 175,320,608.19                  7.8592      1,377,879,723.86
                      JPY                              5,846,338,259.87         0.044738 261,553,481.07 4,478,977,012.53              0.050213        224,902,872.73
                      HKD                                320,549,474.90           0.9127 292,565,505.74 353,808,079.17                  0.9062        320,620,881.34
                      Others                                                             4,057,224,804.54                                           2,377,241,597.06
                      Subtotal                                                           17,613,229,988.93                                         16,387,609,588.01

                      Accounts receivables
                      USD                              1,177,948,619.10           7.1268 8,395,004,218.59 1,139,193,238.37              7.0827      8,068,563,949.37
                      EUR                                471,937,540.49           7.6617 3,615,843,853.97 480,196,918.94                7.8592      3,773,963,625.34
                      JPY                              4,914,241,186.46         0.044738 219,853,322.20 4,914,686,701.05              0.050213        246,781,163.32
                      Others                                                             7,270,396,739.33                                           4,873,677,549.96
                      Subtotal                                                           19,501,098,134.09                                         16,962,986,287.99

                      Short-term borrowings
                      USD                                541,487,838.95           7.1268 3,859,075,530.64 486,876,813.46                7.0827      3,448,402,406.69
                      EUR                                302,910,481.42           7.6617 2,320,809,235.52 250,039,963.32                7.8592      1,965,114,079.70
                      JPY                                                       0.044738                   2,017,059,526.42           0.050213        101,282,610.00
                      HKD                              2,600,000,000.00           0.9127 2,373,020,000.00 2,600,000,000.00              0.9062      2,356,120,000.00
                      Others                                                             1,490,905,824.74                                           1,323,813,159.10
                      Subtotal                                                           10,043,810,590.90                                          9,194,732,255.49

                      Accounts payables
                      USD                              2,022,641,888.30           7.1268 14,414,964,209.57 1,909,489,893.66             7.0827     13,524,344,069.80
                      EUR                                588,652,414.23           7.6617 4,510,078,202.12 621,708,354.09                7.8592      4,886,130,296.44
                      JPY                              6,554,732,131.74         0.044738 293,245,606.11 6,641,786,186.84              0.050213        333,504,009.80
                      NZD                                148,893,213.22           4.3690 650,514,448.58 146,250,125.13                  4.4991        657,993,937.97
                      Others                                                             3,977,630,399.50                                           3,451,938,860.63
                      Subtotal                                                           23,846,432,865.88                                         22,853,911,174.64

                      Non-current liabilities due within one year
                      USD                                 138,505,187.15          7.1268       987,098,767.78 138,292,003.54            7.0827        979,480,773.48
                      EUR                                 100,194,794.33          7.6617       767,662,455.72    97,148,817.20          7.8592        763,511,984.14
                      JPY                               1,318,809,690.87        0.044738        59,000,907.95 1,027,109,699.08        0.050213         51,574,259.32
                      RUB                                 878,187,729.96          0.0841        73,855,588.09 685,662,519.93            0.0803         55,058,700.35
                      Others                                                                   363,680,646.29                                         361,870,186.58
                      Subtotal                                                               2,251,298,365.83                                       2,211,495,903.87

                      Long-term borrowings
                      USD                              1,160,002,846.12           7.1268 8,267,108,283.73 1,160,000,000.00              7.0827      8,215,932,000.00
                      EUR                                598,330,327.00           7.6617 4,584,227,466.38 597,689,081.07                7.8592      4,697,358,025.92
                      Others                                                             1,004,528,830.08                                           1,034,286,451.77
                      Subtotal                                                           13,855,864,580.19                                         13,947,576,477.69

218   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                 Section X Financial Report

64. Leases
    (1)   As lessee
          √ Applicable   Not Applicable

          Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities

          √ Applicable   Not Applicable


          Lease expenses of short-term leases or leases of low-value assets which are subject to
          simplified treatment

          √ Applicable   Not Applicable


          Total cash outflow for leases RMB782,993,253.66 (Unit and Currency: RMB)

          The leased assets leased by the Company include housing and buildings, production
          equipment, transportation equipment, office equipment and others used in the course of
          operations. Some of the leases contain renewal options and termination options.

    (2)   As lessor
          a.   Lease incomes from operating leases as lessor for the current period:
               RMB1,097,174.74, including incomes related to variable lease payments not included
               in lease receipts: nil.

          b.    Undiscounted lease receipts for the next five years:

                                                                Undiscounted lease receipts
                  Lease receipts                                         per year
                                                             Closing amount    Opening amount

                  Within 1 year                                  2,191,971.43              4,582,971.43
                  2 to 5 years                                     304,164.29              2,933,400.00
                  Over 5 years
                  Total                                          2,496,135.72              7,516,371.43

                The leased assets leased out by the Company are mainly housing, buildings and land
                use rights. For details of changes of the leased assets, please refer to Note VII.14.

                                                               Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   219
      Section X Financial Report

            (1). By the nature of expenses
                   √ Applicable            Not Applicable

                                                                                                                            Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                                          Amount for                     Amount for
                                                                                                          the current                   the previous
                      Items                                                                                    period                         period

                      Remuneration for the employees                                              2,403,919,474.56                2,442,959,436.11
                      Design and development expenses                                             1,716,711,325.90                1,704,332,781.26
                      Material input                                                                772,114,921.04                  756,845,602.42
                      Depreciation and amortization                                                  92,904,546.38                   98,941,998.45
                      Organizational operation and others                                           371,941,185.87                  361,790,531.89
                      Total                                                                       5,357,591,453.75                5,364,870,350.13
                      Including: expensed research and development
                        expenditure                                                               5,088,901,166.88                5,025,786,116.64
                      Capitalized research and development expenditure                              268,690,286.87                  339,084,233.49

            (2). Development expenditure on research and development projects eligible for
                                                                                         Decrease for the current period
                                                                                                                                 Change in
                                                                                         Recognized as       Included in           foreign
                                                            Opening Increase for the         intangible    current profit    exchange rate          Closing
                      Items                                 balance current period                asset         and loss        and others          balance

                      Home Appliance Intelligent
                         Interaction Project            97,519,232.72    65,524,861.56   163,044,094.28
                      OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE
                         PROGRAM                        48,780,235.20    17,846,556.39                                          363,238.18     66,990,029.77
                      Whole House Intelligent Energy
                         Saving Project                                  49,104,390.20                                                         49,104,390.20
                      91ABD.ERP IT PROGRAM               3,340,845.56    14,626,505.90       505,022.10                           67,891.34    17,530,220.70
                      Others                           116,849,921.62   121,587,972.82   127,289,711.57                       40,225,230.43   151,373,413.30
                      Total                            266,490,235.10   268,690,286.87   290,838,827.95                       40,656,359.95   284,998,053.97

220   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                       Section X Financial Report

   1.   Business combination not under common control
           Applicable   √ Not Applicable

   2.   Business combination under common control
           Applicable   √ Not Applicable

   3.   Disposal of subsidiary
        Whether single disposal of investment in subsidiary will result in losing control power:

                                                           Qingdao         Beijing Haier             Beijing
                                                      Hairuijiejing Guangke Digital Yunshang Yilian
                                                      Electronics           Technology         Technology
                                                          Co., Ltd.             Co., Ltd.          Co., Ltd.
                                                   (青 島 海 瑞 潔 淨 (北 京 海 爾 廣 科 數 (北 京 雲 裳 衣 聯
         Items                                     電 子 有 限 公 司) 字 技 術 有 限 公 司) 科 技 有 限 公 司)

         Equity disposal price                                   —                     —                     —
         Proportion of equity disposal                       51%                   55%                     51%
         Method of equity disposal                    Cancellation          Cancellation            Cancellation
         Time of loss-of-control                      March 2024          February 2024             March 2024
         Basis for determination the time of
          loss-of-control                             Cancellation           Cancellation           Cancellation
         Difference between consideration
          and its share of net assets of the
          subsidiary as respect to the
          disposal in the consolidated level        –3,697,883.69                –941.36              1,286.02

                                                                      Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   221
      Section X Financial Report

            4.     Changes of consolidation scope due to other reasons
                   √ Applicable         Not Applicable

                   (1)    During the period, Qingdao Haier Dishwasher Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company,
                          established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Qingdao Haier Smart Dishwasher Co., Ltd. (青島海
                          爾 智 慧 洗 碗 機 有 限 公 司).

                   (2)    During the period, Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Gen Corp., Ltd., a subsidiary of the
                          Company, established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Zhongshan Haier HV Equipment Co., Ltd.
                          (中 山 海 爾 暖 通 設 備 有 限 公 司).

                   (3)    During the period, Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Gen Corp., Ltd., a subsidiary of the
                          Company, established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Qingdao Haier HV Equipment Technology
                          Co., Ltd. (青 島 海 爾 暖 通 設 備 科 技 有 限 公 司).

                   (4)    During the period, Hefei Haier Washing Machine Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company,
                          established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Qingdao Haier Smart Washing Machine Co., Ltd.
                          (青 島 海 爾 智 慧 洗 衣 機 有 限 公 司).

            1.     Interests in subsidiaries
                   (1)    Composition of the Group
                          √ Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                     Principal place of   Place of
                           Name of subsidiary        business             registration        Nature of business       Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                                        Direct Indirect

                           Flourishing Reach         Mainland of China    British Virgin      Group company, which     100.00             Establishment
                             Limited                                       Islands             mainly engage in
                                                                                               investment holding,
                                                                                               the production and
                                                                                               sale of washing
                                                                                               machines and water
                                                                                               heaters, distribution
                           Haier Electronics Group   Mainland of China    Bermuda             Group company, which     100.00             Establishment
                            Co., Ltd.                 and Hong Kong                            mainly engage in
                                                                                               investment holding,
                                                                                               the production and
                                                                                               sale of water
                                                                                               distribution service
                           Haier U.S. Appliance      the United States    the United States   Group company, which               100.00   Establishment
                            Solutions, Inc.                                                    mainly engage in
                                                                                               home appliances
                                                                                               production and
                                                                                               distribution business

222   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                Section X Financial Report

                            Principal place of   Place of
Name of subsidiary          business             registration         Nature of business        Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                 Direct Indirect

Haier Singapore             Singapore and        Singapore            Group company, which                100.00   Business
 Investment Holding Co.,     other overseas                            mainly engage in                             combination
 Ltd.                        areas                                     home appliances                              under common
                                                                       production and                               control
                                                                       distribution business
Haier New Zealand           New Zealand          New Zealand          Group company, which                100.00   Business
 Investment Holding                                                    mainly engage in                             combination
 Company Limited                                                       home appliances                              under common
                                                                       production and                               control
                                                                       distribution business
Candy S.p.A                 Europe               Italy                Group company, which                100.00   Business
                                                                       mainly engage in                             combination
                                                                       home appliances                              not under
                                                                       production and                               common
                                                                       distribution business                        control
Qingdao Haier Air           Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech    Manufacture and sale       92.37             Business
 Conditioner Gen Corp.,      Zone                 Zone                 of household                                 combination
 Ltd.                                                                  air-conditioners                             under common
Guizhou Haier Electronics   Huichuan District,   Huichuan District,   Manufacture and sale       59.00             Business
 Co., Ltd.                   Zunyi City,          Zunyi City,          of refrigerator                              combination
                             Guizhou              Guizhou                                                           under common
                             Province             Province                                                          control
Hefei Haier Air-            Hefei Haier          Hefei Haier          Manufacture and sale      100.00             Business
 conditioning Co.,           Industrial Park      Industrial Park      of air-conditioners                          combination
 Limited                                                                                                            under common
Wuhan Haier Electronics     Wuhan Haier          Wuhan Haier          Manufacture and sale       59.86             Business
 Holding Co., Ltd.           Industrial Park      Industrial Park      of air-conditioners                          combination
                                                                                                                    under common
Qingdao Haier               Qingdao              Qingdao              Manufacture and sale       97.43             Business
 Air-Conditioner             Development          Development          of air-conditioners                          combination
 Electronics Co., Ltd.       Zone                 Zone                                                              under common
Qingdao Haier               Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech    Manufacturing of          100.00             Business
 Information Plastic         Zone                 Zone                 plastic products                             combination
 Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                              under common
Dalian Haier Precision      Dalian Export        Dalian Export        Manufacture and sale       90.00             Business
 Products Co., Ltd.          Expressing Zone      Expressing Zone      of precise plastics                          combination
                                                                                                                    under common
Hefei Haier Plastic Co.,    Hefei Economic &     Hefei Economic &     Manufacture and sale       95.17      4.83   Business
 Ltd.                        Technological        Technological        of plastic parts                             combination
                             Development          Development                                                       under common
                             Area                 Area                                                              control
Qingdao Meier Plastic       Qingdao              Qingdao              Manufacture of plastic     40.00     60.00   Business
 Powder Co., Ltd.            Development          Development          powder, plastic sheet                        combination
                             Zone                 Zone                 and high-                                    under common
                                                                       performance                                  control
Chongqing Haier             Jiangbei District,   Jiangbei District,   Plastic products, sheet    90.00     10.00   Business
 Precision Plastic Co.,       Chongqing City       Chongqing City      metal work,                                  combination
 Ltd.                                                                  electronics and                              under common
                                                                       hardware                                     control

                                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024          223
      Section X Financial Report

                                                        Principal place of   Place of
                           Name of subsidiary           business             registration        Nature of business      Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                                          Direct Indirect

                           Qingdao Haier                Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Manufacture and          97.91             Establishment
                            Refrigerator Co., Ltd.       Zone                 Zone                production of
                           Qingdao Haier                Pingdu               Pingdu              Manufacture of          100.00             Establishment
                            Refrigerator                 Development          Development         refrigerators
                            (International) Co., Ltd.    Zone, Qingdao        Zone, Qingdao
                           Qingdao Household            Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Research and            100.00             Establishment
                            Appliance Technology         Zone                 Zone                development of home
                            and Equipment                                                         appliances mold and
                            Research Institute                                                    technological
                           Qingdao Haier Whole Set      Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Research,                98.33             Establishment
                            Home Appliance               Zone                 Zone                development and
                            Service Co., Ltd.                                                     sales of health-
                                                                                                  related small home
                           Qingdao Haier Special        Qingdao              Qingdao             Manufacture and sales   100.00             Establishment
                            Refrigerator Co., Ltd.       Development          Development         of fluorine-free
                                                         Zone                 Zone                refrigerators
                           Qingdao Haier                Qingdao              Qingdao             Manufacture of dish      99.59             Establishment
                            Dishwasher Co., Ltd.         Development          Development         washing machine and
                                                         Zone                 Zone                gas stove
                           Qingdao Haier Special        Qingdao              Qingdao             Research, manufacture    96.78             Establishment
                            Freezer Co., Ltd.            Development          Development         and sales of freezer
                                                         Zone                 Zone                and other
                           Dalian Haier Air-            Dalian Export        Dalian Export       Air conditioner          90.00             Establishment
                            conditioning Co., Ltd.       Expressing Zone      Expressing Zone     processing and
                           Dalian Haier Refrigerator    Dalian Export        Dalian Export       Refrigerator            100.00             Establishment
                            Co., Ltd.                    Expressing Zone      Expressing Zone     processing and
                           Qingdao Haier Electronic     Qingdao              Qingdao             Development,            100.00             Establishment
                            Plastic Co., Ltd.            Development          Development         assembling and sales
                                                         Zone                 Zone                of plastics,
                                                                                                  electronics and
                           Wuhan Haier Freezer Co.,     Wuhan Economic       Wuhan Economic      Research, manufacture    82.93      4.36   Establishment
                            Ltd                          & Technological      & Technological     and sales of freezer
                                                         Development          Development         and other
                                                         Zone High-tech       Zone High-tech      refrigeration
                                                         Industrial Park      Industrial Park     products
                           Qingdao Haidarui             Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Develop, purchase and    98.00      2.00   Establishment
                            Procurement Service          Zone                 Zone                sell electrical
                            Co., Ltd.                                                             products and
                           Qingdao Haier Intelligent    Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Development and          91.46      1.01   Establishment
                            Home Appliance               Zone                 Zone                application of home
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  appliances,
                                                                                                  electronics and
                                                                                                  network engineering

224   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                 Section X Financial Report

                            Principal place of   Place of
Name of subsidiary          business             registration         Nature of business         Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                  Direct Indirect

Chongqing Haier             Jiangbei District,   Jiangbei District,   Manufacture and sales       76.92     23.08   Establishment
 Air-conditioning Co.,        Chongqing City       Chongqing City      of air conditioners
Qingdao Haier Precision     Qianwangang          Qianwangang          Development and                       70.00   Establishment
 Products Co., Ltd.          Road, Jiaonan        Road, Jiaonan        manufacture of
                             City                 City                 precise plastic, metal
                                                                       plate, mold and
                                                                       electronic products
                                                                       for home appliances
Qingdao Haier Air           Jiaonan City,        Jiaonan City,        Manufacture of home                  100.00   Establishment
 Conditioning Equipment       Qingdao              Qingdao             appliances and
 Co., Ltd.                                                             electronics
Dalian Free Trade Zone      Dalian Export        Dalian Export        Domestic trade                       100.00   Establishment
 Haier Air-conditioning      Expressing Zone      Expressing Zone
 Trading Co., Ltd.
Dalian Free Trade Zone      Dalian Export        Dalian Export        Domestic trade                       100.00   Establishment
 Haier Refrigerator          Expressing Zone      Expressing Zone
 Trading Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Haier             Jiangbei District,   Jiangbei District,   Sales of home               95.00      5.00   Establishment
 Electronics Sales Co.,       Chongqing City       Chongqing City      appliances
Chongqing Haier             Jiangbei District,   Jiangbei District,   Processing and              84.95     15.05   Establishment
 Refrigeration Appliance      Chongqing City       Chongqing City      manufacturing of
 Co., Ltd.                                                             refrigerator
Hefei Haier Refrigerator    Hefei Haier          Hefei Haier          Processing and             100.00             Establishment
 Co., Ltd.                   Industrial Park      Industrial Park      manufacturing of
Qingdao Haier Intelligent   Qingdao              Qingdao              Air-conditioning                     100.00   Establishment
 Building Technology          Development          Development         engineer
 Co., Ltd.                    Zone                 Zone
Chongqing Lianmai           Jiangbei District,   Jiangbei District,   Sales of home                         51.00   Establishment
 Electric Appliance Sales     Chongqing City       Chongqing City      appliances and
 Co., Ltd.                                                             electronics
Qingdao Haier (Jiaozhou)    Jiaozhou City,       Jiaozhou City,       Manufacture and sale                 100.00   Establishment
 Air-conditioning Co.,        Qingdao              Qingdao             of air-conditioners
Qingdao Haier               Jiaozhou City,       Jiaozhou City,       Manufacture and sales                100.00   Establishment
 Component Co., Ltd.          Qingdao              Qingdao              of plastic and precise
                                                                        sheet metal products
Haier Shareholdings         Hong Kong            Hong Kong            Investment                 100.00             Establishment
 (Hong Kong) Limited
Harvest International       Cayman Islands       Cayman Islands       Investment                           100.00   Establishment
Shenyang Haier              Shenbei New Area,    Shenbei New Area,    Manufacture and sales      100.00             Establishment
 Refrigerator Co., Ltd.      Shenyang City        Shenyang City S      of refrigerator
Foshan Haier Freezer        Sanshui District,    Sanshui District,    Manufacture and sales      100.00             Establishment
 Co., Ltd.                   Foshan City          Foshan City          of refrigerator

Zhengzhou Haier             Zhengzhou            Zhengzhou            Manufacture and sales      100.00             Establishment
 Air-conditioning Co.,       Economic and         Economic and         of freezer
 Ltd.                        Technological        Technological
                             Development          Development
                             Zone                 Zone

                                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024           225
      Section X Financial Report

                                                       Principal place of   Place of
                           Name of subsidiary          business             registration        Nature of business        Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                                           Direct Indirect

                           Qingdao Haidayuan           Qingdao              Qingdao             Develop, purchase and     100.00             Establishment
                            Procurement Service         Development          Development         sell electrical
                            Co., Ltd.                   Zone                 Zone                products and
                           Qingdao Haier Intelligent   Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Development and           100.00             Establishment
                            Technology                  Zone                 Zone                research of home
                            Development Co., Ltd.                                                appliance products
                           Qingdao Hairi High          Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Design, manufacture                 100.00   Business
                            Technology Co., Ltd.        Zone                 Zone                and sales of product                         combination
                                                                                                 model and mould                              under common
                           Qingdao Hai Gao Design      Qingdao High-tech    Qingdao High-tech   Industrial design and                75.00   Business
                            and Manufacture Co.,        Zone                 Zone                 prototype production                        combination
                            Ltd.                                                                                                              under common
                           Zhongshan Haier HV          Zhongshan            Zhongshan           Sales of home                       100.00   Establishment
                            Equipment Co., Ltd.(中                                               appliances
                           Qingdao Haier HV            Qingdao              Qingdao             Manufacture and sale                100.00   Establishment
                            Equipment Technology                                                 of air conditioning
                            Co., Ltd.(青島海爾暖通                                               equipment
                           Shanghai Haier Medical      Shanghai             Shanghai            Wholesale and retail of              66.87   Establishment
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 medical facility
                           Qingdao Haier               Qingdao              Qingdao             Development and sales     100.00             Business
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 of software and                              combination
                                                                                                 information product                          under common
                           Qingdao Haier               Qingdao              Qingdao             Entrepreneurship          100.00             Establishment
                            Technology Investment                                                investment and
                            Co., Ltd.                                                            consulting
                           Qingdao Casarte Smart       Qingdao              Qingdao             Development,                        100.00   Establishment
                            Living Appliances Co.,                                               production and sales
                            Ltd.                                                                 of appliances
                           Qingdao Haichuangyuan       Qingdao              Qingdao             Sales of home                       100.00   Establishment
                            Appliances Sales Co.,                                                appliances and digital
                            Ltd.                                                                 products
                           Haier Overseas Electric     Qingdao              Qingdao             Sales of home             100.00             Establishment
                            Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                  appliances,
                                                                                                 international freight

                           Haier Group (Dalian)        Dalian               Dalian              Sales of home             100.00             Business
                            Electrical Appliances                                                appliances,                                  combination
                            Industry Co., Ltd.                                                   international freight                        under common
                                                                                                 forwarding                                   control
                           Qingdao Haier Central Air   Qingdao              Qingdao             Production and sales                100.00   Establishment
                            Conditioning Co., Ltd.                                               of air and
                           Chongqing Haier Home        Hefei                Hefei               Sales of home                       100.00   Establishment
                            Appliance Sale Hefei                                                 appliances
                            Co., Ltd.
                           Qingdao Weixi Smart         Qingdao              Qingdao             Intelligent sanitary                 85.00   Establishment
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  ware

226   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                           Section X Financial Report

                            Principal place of   Place of
Name of subsidiary          business             registration   Nature of business        Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                           Direct Indirect

Haier U+smart Intelligent   Beijing              Beijing        Software development      100.00             Establishment
 Technology (Beijing)
 Co., Ltd.
Haier (Shanghai)            Shanghai             Shanghai       Sales, research and       100.00             Establishment
 Electronics Co., Ltd.                                           development of home
Shanghai Haier Zhongzhi     Shanghai             Shanghai       Business management       100.00             Establishment
 Fang Chuang Ke                                                  consulting, chuangke
 Management Co., Ltd.                                            management
Qingdao Haier Smart         Qingdao              Qingdao        Production and sales                 85.82   Establishment
 Kitchen Appliance Co.,                                          of kitchen smart
 Ltd.                                                            home appliances
GE Appliance (Shanghai)     Shanghai             Shanghai       Sales of home                       100.00   Establishment
 Co., Ltd.                                                       appliances
Qingdao Haier Special       Qingdao              Qingdao        Production and sales                100.00   Establishment
 Refrigerating Appliance                                         of home appliances
 Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Zhihan             Beijing              Beijing        Promotion of                        100.00   Establishment
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                            technological
 (上海摯瀚科技有限公                                             development
Laiyang Haier Smart         Laiyang              Laiyang        Production and sales                100.00   Establishment
 Kitchen Appliance Co.,                                          of home appliances
Hefei Haier Air             Hefei                Hefei          Production and sales                100.00   Establishment
 Conditioning Electronics                                        of home appliances
 Co., Ltd.
Haier (Shanghai) Home       Shanghai             Shanghai       Research and                        100.00   Establishment
 Appliance Research and                                          development of home
 Development Center                                              appliances
 Co., Ltd.
Haier (Shenzhen) R&D        Shenzhen             Shenzhen       Development, research               100.00   Establishment
 Co., Ltd.                                                       and technical
                                                                 services of household
                                                                 and commercial

Guangzhou Haier Air         Guangdong            Guangdong      Manufacturing of                    100.00   Establishment
 Conditioner Co., Ltd.                                            refrigeration and air
Qingdao Yunshang Yuyi       Qingdao              Qingdao        IoT technology                       60.00   Establishment
 IOT Technology Co.,                                              research and
 Ltd.                                                             development
Qingdao Jijia Cloud         Qingdao              Qingdao        R&D and sales of                     80.00   Establishment
 Intelligent Technology                                           lighting appliances
 Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haimeihui           Qingdao              Qingdao        Leasing and business                100.00   Establishment
 Management                                                      services
 Consulting Co., Ltd. (青
Wuxi Yunshang Internet      Wuxi                 Wuxi           Internet of Things                  100.00   Establishment
 of Clothing Technology                                           technology R & D
 Co., Ltd. (無錫雲裳衣

                                                                        Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024          227
      Section X Financial Report

                                                      Principal place of   Place of
                           Name of subsidiary         business             registration   Nature of business          Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                                       Direct Indirect

                           Qingdao Haidacheng         Qingdao              Qingdao        Develop, purchase and       100.00             Establishment
                            Procurement Service                                            sell electrical
                            Co., Ltd.                                                      products and
                           Guangdong Haier            Guangzhou            Guangzhou      Scientific research and                76.72   Business
                            Intelligent Technology                                         technology service                             combination
                            Co. Ltd. (廣東海尔智能                                         sector                                         not under
                            科技有限公司)                                                                                                 common
                           Beijing Haixianghui        Beijing              Beijing        Scientific research and               100.00   Establishment
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                                           technology service
                            (北京海享匯科技有限                                            sector
                           Haier Smart Home           Qingdao              Qingdao        Technology                  100.00             Establishment
                            Experience Cloud                                               development of
                            Ecological Technology                                          smart home
                            Co., Ltd. (海爾智家體                                          products, whole
                            驗雲生態科技有限                                               furniture
                            公司)                                                          customization, etc.
                           Haier Smart Home           Qingdao              Qingdao        Technical services,                   100.00   Establishment
                            (Qingdao) Network Co.,                                         development,
                            Ltd. (海爾智家(青島)                                         consulting, transfer,
                            網絡有限                                                       etc.
                           Haier Smart Home           Qingdao              Qingdao        Residential interior                  100.00   Establishment
                            (Qingdao) Network                                               decoration,
                            Operation Co., Ltd. (海                                         professional
                            爾智家(青島)網絡運營                                          construction
                            有限公司)                                                       operation, special
                                                                                            upgrading and repair,
                           Qingdao Internet of Wine   Qingdao              Qingdao        Urban distribution and                100.00   Establishment
                            Technology Co., Ltd.                                            transportation
                            (青島酒聯網物聯科技                                             services, import and
                            有限                                                            export of goods,
                            公司)                                                           technology import
                                                                                            and export and food
                                                                                            business, etc.
                           Qingdao Linghai Air        Qingdao              Qingdao        Manufacture and                       100.00   Establishment
                            Conditioning Equipment                                          production of air
                            Co., Ltd. (青島菱海空                                           conditioner and
                            調設備有限公司)                                                 refrigeration
                           Shenzhen Yunshang          Shenzhen             Shenzhen       Import and export                     100.00   Establishment
                            Yilian Technology Co.,                                          business, Internet,
                            Ltd. (深圳雲裳衣聯網                                            Internet of things, big
                            科技有限公司)                                                   data, AI, AR and
                                                                                            technical services
                           Qingdao Haixiangxue        Qingdao              Qingdao        Professional                100.00             Establishment
                            Human Resources Co.,                                            intermediary
                            Ltd. (青島海享學人力                                            activities

228   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                           Section X Financial Report

                            Principal place of   Place of
Name of subsidiary          business             registration   Nature of business         Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                            Direct Indirect

Jiangxi Haier Medical       Jiangxi              Jiangxi        Wholesale and retail of              100.00   Establishment
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                           medical equipment
Qingdao Haizhi Yunlan       Qingdao              Qingdao        Technical service                    100.00   Establishment
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                           development
Qingdao Haishengze          Qingdao              Qingdao        Air conditioning                     100.00   Establishment
  Technology Co., Ltd.                                           equipment technical
Qingdao Hailvyuan           Qingdao              Qingdao        Electrical and                       100.00   Establishment
 Recycling Technology                                            electronic products
 Co., Ltd.                                                       waste treatment
Qingdao Haier HVAC          Qingdao              Qingdao        Manufacture and sale        75.00     25.00   Establishment
 Equipment Co., Ltd. (青                                         of air-conditioners
Qingdao Haier Home AI       Qingdao              Qingdao        Integrated service of AI             100.00   Establishment
 Industry Innovation                                              industry application
 Center Co., Ltd. (青島                                           system
Zhejiang Weixi IoT          Zhejiang             Zhejiang       IoT application service              100.00   Establishment
 Technology Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haier Quality       Qingdao              Qingdao        Inspection and testing     100.00             Business
 Inspection Co., Ltd. (青                                         of home appliance                            combination
 島海爾質量檢測有限公                                                                                          under common
 司)                                                                                                           control
Qingdao Haiyongcheng        Qingdao              Qingdao        Product certification                100.00   Business
 Certification Service                                           service                                       combination
 Co., Ltd. (青島海永成                                                                                         under common
 認證服務有限                                                                                                  control
Qingdao Zhonghai Borui      Qingdao              Qingdao        Home appliance                       100.00   Business
 Testing Technology                                              testing and                                   combination
 Service Co., Ltd. (青島                                         technology                                    under common
 中海博睿檢測技術服務                                            consulting                                    controls
Qingdao Haier Special       Qingdao              Qingdao        Manufacture and sale                 100.00   Business
 Plastic Development                                             of refrigerator doors                         combination
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                     under common
Qingdao Haizhiling Air      Qingdao              Qingdao        Software development                 100.00   Establishment
 Conditioning                                                    and sale of daily
 Engineering Co., Ltd.                                           necessities
Haier Smart Home            Qingdao              Qingdao        Promotion of                         100.00   Establishment
 (Xiongan, Hebei)                                                energy-saving
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                            technology

                                                                        Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024           229
      Section X Financial Report

                                                      Principal place of   Place of
                           Name of subsidiary         business             registration   Nature of business      Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                                   Direct Indirect

                           Qingdao Ruibo Ecological   Qingdao              Qingdao        Environmental and AI     89.13             Establishment
                             Environmental                                                 technology
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          consulting
                           Qingdao Sanyiniao          Qingdao              Qingdao        Technology service                100.00   Establishment
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          and advertisement
                             (青島三翼鳥科技有限                                           design
                           Qingdao Jingzhi Recycle    Qingdao              Qingdao        Operation of                      100.00   Establishment
                             Environmental                                                 dangerous waste
                             Technology Co., Ltd.
                           Qingdao Yunshang           Qingdao              Qingdao        Professional cleaning              51.00   Establishment
                             Jieshen Yilian                                                and sale of daily
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          necessities
                           Shanghai Yunshang Yuyi     Shanghai             Shanghai       Professional cleaning             100.00   Establishment
                             IoT Technology Co.,                                           and sale of daily
                             Ltd. (上海雲裳羽衣物                                          necessities
                           Shijiazhuang Yunshang      Shijiazhuang         Shijiazhuang   Professional cleaning              51.00   Establishment
                             Yilian Technology Co.,                                        and sale of daily
                             Ltd. (石家莊雲裳衣聯                                          necessities
                           Nanjing Yunshang Yilian    Nanjing              Nanjing        Professional cleaning              80.00   Establishment
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          and sale of daily
                             (南京雲裳衣聯科技有                                           necessities
                           Shanxi Yunshang Yilian     Shanxi               Shanxi         Professional cleaning              51.00   Establishment
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          and sale of daily
                             (山西雲裳衣聯科技有                                           necessities
                           Tianjin Yunshang Yilian    Tianjin              Tianjin        Professional cleaning              51.00   Establishment
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          and sale of daily
                             (天津雲裳衣聯網科技                                           necessities
                           Chongqing Yunshang         Chongqing            Chongqing      Professional cleaning              51.00   Establishment
                             Haihong Yilian                                                and sale of daily
                             Technology Co., Ltd.                                          necessities
                           Chengdu Yunshang Meier     Chengdu              Chengdu        Professional cleaning              80.00   Establishment
                             Yilian Technology Co.,                                        and sale of daily
                             Ltd. (成都雲裳美爾衣                                          necessities
                           Qingdao Haier Smart        Qingdao              Qingdao        Manufacture, research             100.00   Establishment
                             Dishwasher Co., Ltd.                                          and development and
                             (青島海爾智慧洗碗機                                           sales of home
                             有限公司)                                                     appliances

230   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                Section X Financial Report

                                  Principal place of   Place of
      Name of subsidiary          business             registration   Nature of business       Shareholding (%)   Acquiring method
                                                                                                Direct Indirect

      Chengdu Yunshang Yilian     Chengdu              Chengdu        Professional cleaning              100.00   Establishment
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                           and sale of daily
        (成都雲裳衣聯科技有                                            necessities
      Qingdao Haixiangmian        Qingdao              Qingdao        Sale of food and daily             100.00   Establishment
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                           necessities
      Qingdao Haier Kitchen       Qingdao              Qingdao        Technology service                 100.00   Establishment
        IoT Technology Co.,                                            and sale of daily
        Ltd. (青島海爾廚聯網                                           necessities
      Tibet Haifeng Intelligent   Tibet                Tibet          Development of                     100.00   Establishment
        Innovation Technology                                          software and medical
        Co., Ltd. (西藏海峰智                                          equipment
      Qingdao Haixiangzhi         Qingdao              Qingdao        Manufacturing of home              100.00   Establishment
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                           appliances
      Qingdao Haier               Qingdao              Qingdao        Manufacturing of home              100.00   Establishment
        Refrigeration Appliance                                        appliances
        Co., Ltd. (青島海爾製
      Chongqing Haier             Chongqing            Chongqing      Manufacturing of home              100.00   Establishment
        Washing Appliance Co.,                                         appliances
        Ltd. (重慶海爾洗滌電
      Tongfang Energy             Beijing              Beijing        Technology                          84.32   Business
        Technology                                                     development service                         combination
        Development Co., Ltd.                                                                                      not under
        (同方能源科技發展有                                                                                        common
        限公司)                                                                                                    control
      Qingdao Haier Youyang       Qingdao              Qingdao        Technology                          51.00   Establishment
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                           development service
      Qingdao Haier Yikang        Qingdao              Qingdao        Technology                         100.00   Establishment
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                           development service
      Microenterprises such as    All over the         All over the   Sales of home                               Establishment
        Qingdao Hai Heng Feng      country              country        appliances
        Electrical Appliances
        Sale & Service Co.,

(2)   Material non-wholly owned subsidiaries for the Company
        Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024         231
      Section X Financial Report

            2.     Transactions leading to the change of shareholding in subsidiaries but not losing
                   the control
                   √ Applicable            Not Applicable

                   (1)    Description of changes in the share of owners’ equity in subsidiaries
                          √ Applicable  Not Applicable

                          Capital contribution by minority shareholders of the subsidiary of the Company leads to
                          changes in the Company’s shareholding ratio.

                   (2)    Impact of the transactions on minority interest and the equity attributable to
                          shareholders of the Company:

                            Items                                                                                                                           Others

                            Total consideration for acquisition/disposal                                                                         83,668,779.14
                            Less: share of net assets of subsidiaries in respect to the
                              shareholding proportion acquired/disposed                                                                          64,283,632.20
                            Difference                                                                                                         –19,385,146.94
                            Including: adjustment to decrease capital reserve                                                                  –19,385,146.94

            3.     Interests in joint ventures and associates
                   √ Applicable            Not Applicable

                   (1)    Joint ventures and associates

                                                                         Principal place of Place of                                                  Accounting treatment
                           Name of joint venture and associates          business           registration   Nature of business          Shareholding   of investment

                           Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd                  Qingdao            Qingdao        Financial services               42.00%    Equity method
                           Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd                      Qingdao            Qingdao        Commercial Bank                   8.19%    Equity method
                           Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.       Jinan              Jinan          Motor Manufacturing              30.00%    Equity method
                           Qingdao Hegang New Material Technology        Qingdao            Qingdao        Steel plate manufacturing        23.94%    Equity method
                              Co., Ltd. (青島河鋼新材料科技股份有限
                           Qingdao Haier SAIF Smart Home Industry        Qingdao            Qingdao        Venture Capital                  63.13%    Equity method
                              Investment Center (Limited Partnership)
                           Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Haier (Qingdao)   Qingdao            Qingdao        Manufacturing of home            45.00%    Equity method
                              Air-conditioners Co., Ltd.                                                      appliances
                           Qingdao Haier Carrier Refrigeration           Qingdao            Qingdao        Manufacturing of home            49.00%    Equity method
                              Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                             appliances
                           Qingdao Haier Multimedia Co., Ltd.            Qingdao            Qingdao        R&D and sales of                 20.20%    Equity method
                           Zhengzhou Highly Electric Appliance Co.,      Zhengzhou          Zhengzhou      Manufacture and sale of          49.00%    Equity method
                              Ltd. (鄭州海立電器有限公司)                                                     press
                           Baoshihua Tong Fang Energy Technology         Beijing            Beijing        Technology service               20.00%    Equity method
                              Co., Ltd. (寶石花同方能源科技有限公司)                                          development

232   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                   Section X Financial Report

                                             Principal place of Place of                                                 Accounting treatment
Name of joint venture and associates         business           registration   Nature of business         Shareholding   of investment

Zhejiang Futeng Fluid Technology Co., Ltd.   Huzhou             Huzhou         Gas compression                 48.00%    Equity method
                                                                                  development and
Hongtong Environmental Technology            Guangzhou          Guangzhou      Machinery and equipment         15.00%    Equity method
   (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (宏通環境技術(廣                                        development and
   州)有限公司)                                                                  manufacturing
Qingdao Xiaoshuai Intelligent Technology     Qingdao            Qingdao        Information technology          32.13%    Equity method
   Co., Ltd. (青島小帥智能科技股份有限                                            development
Qingdao Haimu Investment Management          Qingdao            Qingdao        Investment management           49.00%    Equity method
   Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haimu Smart Home Investment          Qingdao            Qingdao        Investment management           24.00%    Equity method
   Partnership (Limited Partnership)
Haineng Wanjia (Shanghai) Technology         Shanghai           Shanghai       Construction                    20.00%    Equity method
   Development Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Guochuang Intelligent Household      Qingdao            Qingdao        Development of home             35.51%    Equity method
   Appliance Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                         appliances
Guangzhou Heying Investment Partnership      Guangzhou          Guangzhou      Investment                      49.00%    Equity method
   (Limited Partnership)
Qingdao Home Wow Cloud Network               Qingdao            Qingdao        Home online service             22.10%    Equity method
   Technology Co., Ltd
Bingji (Shanghai) Corporate Management       Shanghai           Shanghai       Investment management           45.00%    Equity method
   Co., Ltd.
Youjin (Shanghai) Corporate Management       Shanghai           Shanghai       Investment management           45.00%    Equity method
   Co., Ltd
RRS (Shanghai) Investment Co., Ltd.          Shanghai           Shanghai       Investment management           45.00%    Equity method
Haier Best Water Technology Co., Ltd.        Qingdao            Qingdao        Water equipment                 49.00%    Equity method
   (倍世海爾飲水科技有限公司)                                                     technology
                                                                                  development service
Huizhixiangshun Equity Investment Fund       Qingdao            Qingdao        Investment management           30.00%    Equity method
   (Qingdao) Partnership (Limited
Qingdao RRS Huizhi Investment Co., Ltd.      Qingdao            Qingdao        Investment management           50.00%    Equity method
Qingdao Xinshenghui Technology Co., Ltd.     Qingdao            Qingdao        Technology service              20.00%    Equity method
   (青島鑫晟匯科技有限公司)                                                       development
Ningbo Beilian Intelligent Technology Co.,   Ningbo             Ningbo         Technology service              35.00%    Equity method
   Ltd. (宁波贝立安智能科技有限公司)                                              development
Konan Electronic Co., Ltd                    Japan              Japan          Motor Manufacturing             50.00%    Equity method
HPZ LIMITED                                  Nigeria            Nigeria        Manufacturing of home           25.01%    Equity method
HNR (Private) Company Limited                Pakistan           Pakistan       Manufacturing of home           31.72%    Equity method
Controladora Mabe S.A.de C.V.                Mexico             Mexico         Manufacturing of home           48.41%    Equity method
Middle East Air conditioning Company,        Saudi Arabia       Saudi Arabia   Sales of home appliances        49.00%    Equity method

                                                                                 Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                 233
      Section X Financial Report

                   (2)    Key financial information of important associates

                          √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                                    Unit and Currency: RMB

                                 The basic profile of important associates:
                                 Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Finance company”) was
                                 established by Haier Group Corporation and its three affiliates. Registration place and
                                 principal place of business: No.178–2 Haier Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao City. The
                                 Company’s subsidiaries hold an aggregate of 42.00% equity interest in Finance

                                 Financial information of important associates:

                                   Items                                                        Finance company
                                                                                       Closing balance/ Opening balance/
                                                                                        Amount for the     Amount for the
                                                                                         current period   previous period

                                   Current assets                                      58,118,246,068.64   58,471,449,425.14
                                   Non-current assets                                  16,522,384,591.51   17,215,510,844.97
                                   Total assets                                        74,640,630,660.15   75,686,960,270.11
                                   Current liabilities                                 55,104,446,290.29   56,268,320,103.08
                                   Non-current liabilities                                583,330,585.96      583,055,172.64
                                   Total liabilities                                   55,687,776,876.25   56,851,375,275.72
                                   Minority interests
                                   Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent
                                      company                                          18,952,853,783.90   18,835,584,994.39
                                   Including: share of net assets calculated per
                                      shareholding percentage                           7,960,198,589.24    7,910,945,697.64
                                   Operating income                                       931,067,464.94      903,641,445.71
                                   Net profit                                             677,251,560.13      753,528,932.20
                                   Other comprehensive income                                  17,229.38      –21,953,251.63
                                   Total comprehensive income                             677,268,789.51      731,575,680.57
                                   Dividend received from associates for the year         235,200,000.00      235,200,000.00

234   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                           Section X Financial Report

(3)   Summarized financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates

                                                          Closing balance/ Opening balance/
                                                           Amount for the    Amount for the
       Investment in associates                             current period  previous period

       Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd.                             3,437,294,397.06 3,200,132,708.75
       Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.                 190,943,209.43   177,662,547.04
       Qingdao Hegang New Material Technology Co.,
         Ltd. (青 島 河 鋼 新 材 料 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司)   339,366,124.72   329,713,566.36
       Qingdao Haier SAIF Smart Home Industry
         Investment Center (Limited Partnership)               190,405,837.69   206,764,442.76
       Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Haier (Qingdao)
         Airconditioners Co., Ltd.                             731,439,878.82   663,804,966.31
       Qingdao Haier Carrier Refrigeration Equipment
         Co., Ltd.                                             416,077,948.22   412,107,471.53
       Qingdao Haier Multimedia Co., Ltd.                       88,300,000.00    88,300,000.00
       Baoshihua Tong Fang Energy Technology Co.,
         Ltd. (寶 石 花 同 方 能 源 科 技 有 限 公 司)          30,326,966.78    30,326,966.78
       Zhengzhou Highly Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.
         (鄭 州 海 立 電 器 有 限 公 司)                        97,032,780.77    98,000,000.00
       Zhejiang Futeng Fluid Technology Co., Ltd.               77,584,161.99    77,584,161.99
       Hongtong Environmental Technology (Guangzhou)
         Co., Ltd. (宏 通 環 境 技 術(廣 州)有 限 公 司)       7,265,965.73     4,265,965.73
       Beijing ASU Tech Co., Ltd.                                                 7,919,009.51
       Qingdao Haimu Investment Management Co., Ltd.             2,609,456.57     2,609,456.57
       Qingdao Haimu Smart Home Investment
         Partnership (Limited Partnership)                      57,989,007.18    57,989,007.18
       Haineng Wanjia (Shanghai) Technology
         Development Co., Ltd. (海 能 萬 嘉(上 海)科 技
         發 展 有 限 公 司)                                        606,029.71       606,029.71
       Qingdao Guochuang Intelligent Household
         Appliance Research Institute Co., Ltd.
         (青 島 國 創 智 能 家 電 研 究 院 有 限 公 司)         39,084,107.57    38,574,227.53
       Guangzhou Heying Investment Partnership
         (Limited Partnership)                                 150,969,739.44   194,416,881.32
       Qingdao Home Wow Cloud Network Technology
         Co., Ltd                                                2,781,795.11     2,192,669.49
       Bingji (Shanghai) Corporate Management Co.,
         Ltd.                                                1,073,095,181.86 1,056,245,062.87
       Youjin (Shanghai) Corporate Management Co.,
         Ltd                                                 1,950,263,967.00 1,919,627,387.02

                                                         Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   235
      Section X Financial Report

                                                                              Closing balance/ Opening balance/
                                                                               Amount for the    Amount for the
                            Investment in associates                            current period  previous period

                            RRS (Shanghai) Investment Co., Ltd.
                               (日 日 順(上 海)投 資 有 限 公 司)            3,545,116,303.65 3,489,413,430.96
                            Haier Best Water Technology Co., Ltd.
                               (倍 世 海 爾 飲 水 科 技 有 限 公 司)             150,781,033.56    148,369,638.40
                            Huizhixiangshun Equity Investment Fund
                               (Qingdao) Partnership (Limited Partnership)       201,495,856.15    238,175,637.03
                            Qingdao RRS Huizhi Investment Co., Ltd.                 4,083,482.78      4,083,482.78
                            Qingdao Xiaoshuai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
                               (青 島 小 帥 智 能 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司)          6,107,497.56
                            Qingdao Xinshenghui Technology Co., Ltd.
                               (青 島 鑫 晟 匯 科 技 有 限 公 司)                 10,385,042.54     10,005,915.15
                            Ningbo Beilian Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
                               (寧 波 貝 立 安 智 能 科 技 有 限 公 司)             3,500,000.00
                            Orygin LLC                                                              22,296,931.04
                            Konan Electronic Co., Ltd                             57,582,447.57     64,378,952.07
                            HNR (Private) Company Limited                        134,322,225.41    111,225,806.51
                            HPZ LIMITED                                           –4,326,324.37      3,483,576.50
                            Controladora Mabe S.A.de C.V.                      5,188,461,070.95 5,078,418,321.53
                            Middle East Airconditioning Company, Limited            7,303,000.26      7,299,166.60
                            Total book value of investment                     18,188,248,191.71 17,745,993,387.02
                            Total amount of the following financial data of
                               associates calculated based on shareholding
                            – Net profit                                        741,808,654.94    775,751,075.57
                            – Other comprehensive income                         21,625,261.80     –6,287,979.19
                            – Total comprehensive income                        763,433,916.74    769,463,096.38

236   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                  Section X Financial Report

   √ Applicable          Not Applicable

   The Company is principally engaged in manufacture and sales of home appliances and relevant
   services business, manufacture of upstream home appliances parts, distribution of products of third
   party, logistics and after-sale business.

   The Company has five business segments: (1) Household Food Storage and Cooking Solutions: mainly
   manufacturing and selling refrigerator/freezers and kitchen appliances; (2) Air Solutions: mainly
   manufacturing and selling air conditioners; (3) Household Laundry Management Solutions: mainly
   manufacturing and selling washing machines and dryers; (4) Household Water Solutions: mainly
   manufacturing and selling water home appliances such as water heaters and water purifiers; (5) Other
   business: mainly include channel, equipment components, small home appliance business and others.
   The management of the Company assesses operating performance of each segment and allocates
   resources according to the division. Sales between segments were mainly based on market price.

   Due to centralized management under the headquarters or exclusion from the assessment scope of
   segment management, the total assets of segments exclude monetary funds, financial assets held for
   trading, derivative financial assets, dividends receivable, held-for-sale financial assets, other current
   assets, debt investment, long-term accounts receivable, long-term equity investment, other equity
   instruments investment, other non-current financial assets, goodwill and deferred income tax assets;
   the total liabilities of segments exclude long-term and short-term borrowings, financial liabilities held for
   trading, derivative financial liabilities, taxes payable, interests payable, dividends payable, held-for-sale
   liabilities, bonds payable, deferred income tax liabilities and other non-current liabilities; profits of
   segments exclude financial expenses, profit or loss in fair value changes, income from investment, and
   income on disposal of assets, Non-value-added tax refundable upon imposition component of other
   income, non-operating incomes and expenses and income tax.

   (1)   Information of reportable segments
         Segment information for the period

                                                      Household Food Storage and
                                                           Cooking Solutions
                                                                                                                Household Laundry
           Segment information                Refrigerator/freezers   Kitchen appliances        Air Solutions            Solutions

           Segment revenue                       41,127,956,870.22      20,275,302,895.20   29,234,848,611.97     29,736,595,881.54
           Including: external revenue           41,022,856,775.64      20,228,275,282.99   29,074,828,944.30     29,601,746,705.79
           Inter-segment revenue                    105,100,094.58         47,027,612.21      160,019,667.67        134,849,175.75
           Total segment operating cost          37,588,892,334.62      18,475,056,113.76   27,541,697,922.16     26,646,494,850.28
           Segment operating profit                3,539,064,535.60      1,800,246,781.44    1,693,150,689.81      3,090,101,031.26
           Total segment assets                  52,005,694,950.57      22,654,775,328.51   30,996,742,377.94     32,009,317,554.55
           Total segment liabilities             69,940,655,493.31      13,848,570,895.00   25,758,512,565.50     17,757,478,070.87

                                                                                Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024        237
      Section X Financial Report


                                                       Household Water                               Inter-segment
                      Segment information                     Solutions       Other business           eliminations                 Total

                      Segment revenue                   8,106,193,795.05    50,267,171,923.80    –43,125,520,856.77   135,622,549,121.01
                      Including: external revenue       8,011,173,935.80     7,683,667,476.49                    —    135,622,549,121.01
                      Inter-segment revenue               95,019,859.25     42,583,504,447.31    –43,125,520,856.77                   —
                      Total segment operating cost      6,910,808,149.22    50,202,231,531.52    –43,170,446,222.86   124,194,734,678.70
                      Segment operating profit          1,195,385,645.83        64,940,392.28         44,925,366.09     11,427,814,442.31
                      Total segment assets              7,476,419,468.87    74,889,956,696.38    –91,386,277,258.29   128,646,629,118.53
                      Total segment liabilities         5,907,219,158.13    68,163,639,745.66    –91,284,540,418.29   110,091,535,510.18

                   Segment information for the corresponding period of last year

                                                            Household Food Storage and
                                                                 Cooking Solutions
                                                                                                                       Household Laundry
                                                           Refrigerator/                                                     Management
                      Segment information                       freezers   Kitchen appliances          Air Solutions            Solutions

                      Segment revenue                  40,411,341,041.10     20,205,647,157.99    28,176,850,151.17      28,314,129,699.92
                      Including: external revenue      40,327,782,569.05     20,187,056,144.99    28,061,662,346.15      28,248,158,381.79
                      Inter-segment revenue                83,558,472.05        18,591,013.00        115,187,805.02          65,971,318.13
                      Total segment operating cost     37,449,253,888.22     18,548,446,710.24    26,950,740,655.39      25,757,441,566.16
                      Segment operating profit          2,962,087,152.88      1,657,200,447.75      1,226,109,495.78      2,556,688,133.76
                      Total segment assets             46,386,636,541.89     21,182,487,836.50    23,095,120,351.59      31,083,146,812.59
                      Total segment liabilities        61,738,020,657.75     12,928,214,554.98    22,560,023,701.22      18,456,071,567.13


                                                       Household Water                                Inter-segment
                      Segment information                      Solutions      Other business            eliminations                 Total

                      Segment revenue                   7,606,598,837.87     44,868,417,123.51   –37,954,388,099.51    131,628,595,912.05
                      Including: external revenue       7,547,568,985.51      7,256,367,484.56                    —    131,628,595,912.05
                      Inter-segment revenue                59,029,852.36     37,612,049,638.95   –37,954,388,099.51                    —
                      Total segment operating cost      6,601,452,862.30     44,823,364,609.07   –38,029,454,448.75    122,101,245,842.63
                      Segment operating profit          1,005,145,975.57        45,052,514.44          75,066,349.24      9,527,350,069.42
                      Total segment assets              6,974,086,027.37     72,345,944,832.66   –74,983,515,615.16    126,083,906,787.44
                      Total segment liabilities         5,952,269,383.29     67,056,680,238.32   –74,838,436,273.16    113,852,843,829.53

238   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                    Section X Financial Report

(2)   Geographical information
      “Other countries/regions” in this report refers to all other countries/regions (including Hong Kong
      and Macau Special Administration Region and Taiwan) other than the mainland China for the
      purpose of information disclosure.

      a.   External transaction revenue

                                                                   Amount for the           Amount for the
             Items                                                  current period          previous period

             Mainland China                                      64,798,348,696.57        63,326,144,956.04
             Other countries/regions                             70,824,200,424.44        68,302,450,956.01
             Among which:
             America                                             39,079,401,455.27        39,133,384,718.31
             Australia                                            3,224,852,882.97         2,949,512,878.44
             South Asia                                           6,541,908,201.63         5,954,521,760.73
             Europe                                              14,504,641,098.47        13,278,015,975.79
             Southeast Asia                                       3,491,588,857.32         3,107,279,065.87
             Middle East and Africa                               1,474,675,819.82         1,162,600,377.18
             Japan                                                1,826,967,375.51         1,947,027,593.72
             Others                                                 680,164,733.45           770,108,585.97
             Total                                              135,622,549,121.01       131,628,595,912.05

      b. Total non-current assets

             Items                                                Closing balance         Opening balance

             Mainland China                                      22,972,510,062.72        22,369,511,589.93
             Other countries/regions                             31,488,092,970.71        31,152,060,989.07
             Total                                               54,460,603,033.43        53,521,572,579.00

           Total non-current assets exclude: debt investments, long-term receivable, long-term equity
           investments, other equity instrument investments, other non-current financial assets,
           goodwill and deferred income tax assets.

                                                                   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   239
      Section X Financial Report

            1.     Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                   The level to which the fair value measurement result belongs is determined by the lowest level to
                   which the input value is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole:

                   Level 1: Unadjusted quotes for the same asset or liability in an active market.

                   Level 2: Inputs that are directly or indirectly observable for related assets or liabilities, except for
                            Level 1 inputs.

                   Level 3: Unobservable inputs of related assets or liabilities.

                   At the end of the period

                      Items                                                   Input used for fair value measurement
                                                                  Quotes in an        Important          Important
                                                                 active market       observable       unobservable
                                                                      (Level 1)   input (Level 2)    input (Level 3)            Total

                      Continuously measured at fair
                      Financial assets held for trading          364,456,854.49   605,849,428.57     96,263,475.95 1,066,569,759.01
                      Including: Bank wealth management
                                   products                                       605,849,428.57                       605,849,428.57
                                 Investment fund                 271,718,384.49                                        271,718,384.49
                                 Investment in equity
                                    instruments                   92,738,470.00                      96,263,475.95     189,001,945.95
                      Derivative financial assets                                  86,713,582.93                        86,713,582.93
                      Including: Forward foreign exchange
                                   contract                                        79,226,226.47                        79,226,226.47
                                 Forward commodity
                                    contracts                                       7,487,356.46                        7,487,356.46
                      Other equity instruments                    20,872,520.46                    6,260,941,846.07 6,281,814,366.53
                      Including: Equity instruments measured
                                   at fair value through other
                                   comprehensive income           20,872,520.46                    6,260,941,846.07 6,281,814,366.53
                      Derivative financial liabilities                            191,751,522.44                       191,751,522.44
                      Including: Forward foreign exchange
                                   contract                                       191,751,522.44                       191,751,522.44

240   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                      Section X Financial Report

At the beginning of the period

 Items                                                   Input used for fair value measurement
                                             Quotes in an        Important          Important
                                            active market       observable       unobservable
                                                 (Level 1)   input (Level 2)    input (Level 3)            Total

 Continuously measured at fair
 Financial assets held for trading          369,591,046.58   487,936,101.81     96,436,395.44     953,963,543.83
 Including: Bank wealth management
              products                                       487,936,101.81                       487,936,101.81
            Investment fund                 222,803,002.38                                        222,803,002.38
            Investment in equity
               instruments                  146,788,044.20                      96,436,395.44     243,224,439.64
 Derivative financial assets                                  67,565,829.44                        67,565,829.44
 Including: Forward foreign exchange
              contract                                        67,565,829.44                       67,565,829.44
 Other equity instruments                    19,988,760.34                    6,383,706,194.43 6,403,694,954.77
 Including: Equity instruments measured
              at fair value through other
              comprehensive income           19,988,760.34                    6,383,706,194.43 6,403,694,954.77
 Derivative financial liabilities                            168,625,004.97                      168,625,004.97
 Including: Forward foreign exchange
              contract                                       166,573,028.22                       166,573,028.22
            Forward commodity contract                         2,051,976.75                         2,051,976.75

For financial instruments traded in an active market, the Company determines its fair value based
on its quotes in an active market; for financial instruments not traded in an active market, the
Company uses valuation techniques to determine its fair value.

                                                                    Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   241
      Section X Financial Report

            2.     The basis for determining the fair value of the continual Level 2 fair value
                   measurement items

                                                                               Fair value at the
                      Items                                                   end of the period              Valuation techniques

                      Financial assets held for trading
                      Including: Bank wealth management                           605,849,428.57             Discounted cash flow
                      Derivative financial assets
                      Including: Forward foreign exchange                           79,226,226.47            Discounted cash flow
                                 Forward commodity contracts                          7,487,356.46           Discounted cash flow
                      Derivative financial liabilities
                      Including: Forward foreign exchange                         191,751,522.44             Discounted cash flow

            3.     Continual Level 3 fair value measurement major items, the valuation techniques
                   adopted and information of important parameters

                                        Fair value at the                       Significant                             Sensitivity of fair value to
                    Items              end of the period    Valuation technique unobservable input Range                the input

                    Other equity instruments
                    1. COSMO IoT         2,817,408,000.00   Market approach    1. Average P/S         1. 2.93 to 2.99   1. 1% increase (decrease) in
                       Technology                                                 multiple of peers   2. 27.46% to         average P/S multiple of
                       Co., LTD.                                               2. Discount for lack      29.46%            the Comparable
                       (         聯                                               of marketability                         Companies would result
                                                                                                                           in increase (decrease) in
                            )                                                                                              fair value by RMB21.27
                                                                                                                        2. 1% increase (decrease) in
                                                                                                                           the lack of marketability
                                                                                                                           would result in decrease
                                                                                                                           (increase) in fair value by
                                                                                                                           RMB29.35 million.
                    2. SINOPEC Fuel      1,860,840,776.61   Market approach    1. Average P/E         1. 38.24 to       1. 1% increase (decrease) in
                       Oil Sales                                                  multiple of peers      39.01             average P/E multiple of
                       Corporation                                             2. Discount for lack   2. 24.55% to         the Comparable
                       Limited (                                                  of marketability       26.55%            Companies would result
                                                                                                                           in increase (decrease) in
                                )                                                                                          fair value by RMB18.6082
                                                                                                                        2. 1% increase (decrease) in
                                                                                                                           the lack of marketability
                                                                                                                           would result in decrease
                                                                                                                           (increase) in fair value by
                                                                                                                           RMB24.9951 million.

242   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                    Section X Financial Report

   4.     Financial instruments not measured at fair value
          Financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value include: monetary funds, bills
          receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, other current assets, long-term and short-term
          borrowings, bills payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-term payables, bonds payable,
          etc. The difference between the book value and the fair value of financial assets and financial
          liabilities not measured at fair value at the end of the period is small.

   (I)    Explanation for basis of identifying related party
          According to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 36                 — Related Party
          Disclosures, parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control or jointly
          control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party. Parties (two or more
          than two) are also considered to be related if they are subject to common control, joint control
          or significant influence from another party.

          According to Management Practices for Information Disclosure of Listed Company (China
          Securities Regulatory Commission Order No. 182), related legal entity or individual will be
          identified as related parties in certain occasions.

   (II)   Relationships between related parties
          1.   Information about the parent company and other companies holding shares of the

                                                                                                                                                 Voting rights
                                         Type of                                 Registered    Legal          Relationships    Interest in the          to the
                Name                     enterprise       Registered place          capital    representative with the Company      Company         Company

                Haier Group              Collective       Qingdao High-tech     311,180,000    Zhou Yunjie    Parent Company           11.36%          11.36%
                   Corporation               ownership       Zone Haier Park
                Haier COSMO Co.,         Joint-stock      Qingdao High-tech     404,500,000    Zhou Yunjie    Subsidiary of            13.34%          13.34%
                   Ltd. (海爾卡奧斯          company         Zone Haier Park                                     Parent
                   股份有限公司)                                                                                 Company
                HCH (HK) Investment      Private          Hong Kong              HKD10,000     /              Parties acting in         5.71%           5.71%
                   Management Co.,           company                                                             concert of
                   Limited                                                                                       Parent
                Qingdao Haier Venture    Company with     Qingdao Free Trade    923,000,000    Zhou Yunjie    Parties acting in         1.83%           1.83%
                   & Investment            limited           Zone                                                concert of
                   Information Co.,        liability                                                             Parent
                   Ltd.                                                                                          Company
                Qingdao Haichuangzhi     Limited          Qingdao High-tech    1,616,120,000   /              Parties acting in         1.42%           1.42%
                   Management               partnership      Zone Haier Park                                     concert of
                   Consulting               company                                                              Parent
                   Enterprise (Limited                                                                           Company
                Haier International      Private          Hong Kong                  HKD 2     /              Parties acting in         0.62%           0.62%
                   Co., Limited              company                                                             concert of

                                                                                                   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                243
      Section X Financial Report

                   2.     Subsidiaries of the Company
                          √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                          The details of the subsidiaries of the Company are detailed in Note X.1. Interests in

                   3.     Joint ventures and associates of the Company
                          √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                          The details of important joint ventures and associates of the Company are detailed in Note
                          VII.12 and Note X.3.

                   4.     Connected companies with no relationship of control

                            Name                                               Relationship with the Company

                            Chongqing Zhonglian Energy Technology Co.,         Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Chongqing Haier Electrical Appliances Sales Co.,   Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Hongkong Gooday Supply Chain Management            Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Shanghai Cotai Supply Chain Management Co.,        Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Gooday Supply Chain Technologies Co., Ltd.         Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Gooday (Qingdao) International Supply Chain        Subsidiary of Haier Group
                              Service Co., Ltd.
                            Qingdao Goodaymart Supply Chains Co., Ltd.         Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Qingdao Manniq Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.    Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Qingdao Oasis Technology Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            Qingdao Haironghui Commercial Factoring Co.,
                            (青 島 海 融 匯 商 業 保 理 有 限 公 司)           Subsidiary   of   Haier   Group
                            Qingdao Haier Parts Procurement Co., Ltd.          Subsidiary   of   Haier   Group
                            Qingdao Haier International Trading Co., Ltd.      Subsidiary   of   Haier   Group
                            Qingdao Haier International Travel Agency Co.,     Subsidiary   of   Haier   Group
                            Qingdao Haier Industrial Development Co., Ltd      Subsidiary of Haier Group
                            COSMO Moulds (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. (卡 奧 斯 模      Subsidiary of Haier Group
                              具(青 島)有 限 公 司)
                            Hefei Ririshun Logistics Co., Ltd. (合肥日日順物   Subsidiary of Haier Group
                              流 有 限 公 司)
                            Qingdao Haier New Materials R & D Co., Ltd.        Associate of subsidiary of Haier
                            HPZ Limited                                        Associate
                            HNR (Private) Company Limited                      Associate
                            Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.            Associate

244   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                               Section X Financial Report

           Name                                                Relationship with the Company

           Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Haier (Qingdao) Air       Associate
             Conditioner Co., Ltd.
           Controladora Mabe S.A.de C.V.                       Associate
           Qingdao HBIS Composite New Material Co.,            Subsidiary of associate
           Hefei Hegang New Material Technology Co.,           Subsidiary of associate

(III) Related-party transactions
    1.   Details of the Company’s procurement of goods and services from related parties are as

         √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                            Amount for the           Amount for the
           Related parties                                   current period          previous period

           Controladora Mabe, S.A.de C.V.                   7,687,926,090.90         5,353,771,339.60
           Qingdao Haier Parts Procurement Co., Ltd.        3,059,386,453.56         3,608,931,862.86
           Gooday Supply Chain Technologies Co., Ltd.       1,972,219,635.41         1,635,118,057.32
           HNR (Private) Company Limited                    1,729,101,867.08         1,642,887,548.69
           Chongqing Haier Electrical Appliances Sales
             Co., Ltd.                                        847,550,618.71           623,669,202.51
           Shanghai Cotai Supply Chain Management
             Co., Ltd.                                        712,737,566.32          710,764,662.41
           Other related parties                            3,544,298,655.85        2,837,630,921.90
           Total                                           19,553,220,887.83       16,412,773,595.29

    2.   Details of the Company’s sales of goods to related parties are as follows:

         √ Applicable   Not Applicable

                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                            Amount for the           Amount for the
           Related parties                                   current period          previous period

           Controladora Mabe S.A.de C.V.                      723,506,543.36           641,206,803.16
           HNR (Private) Company Limited                      331,070,763.13           910,139,552.47
           Qingdao Haier International Trading Co., Ltd.      283,889,750.78           372,641,570.39
           Qingdao Haier Parts Procurement Co., Ltd.          238,417,939.07           278,395,066.75
           Other related parties                              371,847,585.92           372,284,369.32
           Total                                            1,948,732,582.26         2,574,667,362.09

                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   245
      Section X Financial Report

                   3.     Amount of unsettled items of related parties

                                                                                    Closing         Opening
                            Items and name of customers                             Balance         Balance

                            Bills receivable:
                            Qingdao Haier Parts Procurement Co., Ltd.         196,664,472.63
                            Chongqing Haier Electrical Appliances Sales
                              Co., Ltd.                                       100,520,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier International Trading Co., Ltd.                      178,000,000.00
                            Other related parties                              19,578,830.33    20,640,531.66
                            Accounts receivable:
                            HNR (Private) Company Limited                     680,823,286.60 1,191,001,767.66
                            Qingdao Oasis Technology Co., Ltd.                 98,743,874.06   116,266,117.23
                            Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Haier (Qingdao) Air
                              Conditioner Co., Ltd.                            59,317,651.95     5,467,727.75
                            HPZ Limited                                        41,867,299.41    37,410,646.01
                            Qingdao Haier International Trading Co., Ltd       38,693,364.55    13,320,054.89
                            Other related parties                             199,631,845.53   365,341,125.71
                            Qingdao Haier International Trade Co., Ltd.         7,737,990.20     8,594,602.74
                            COSMO Moulds (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. (卡奧斯模具
                             (青 島)有 限 公 司)                              6,270,889.38     1,380,353.31
                            HNR (Private) Company Limited                       4,620,420.81
                            Hefei Hegang New Material Technology Co., Ltd.      4,471,168.77     6,241,957.96
                            Qingdao Haier Parts Procurement Co., Ltd.           2,946,575.37     2,956,547.28
                            Qingdao Haier International Travel Agency Co.,
                              Ltd.                                              2,224,783.21     3,115,793.21
                            Qingdao Haier Industrial Development Co., Ltd       1,878,840.25     2,501,673.89
                            Qingdao HBIS Composite New Material Co., Ltd.       1,721,562.19     1,443,538.08
                            Other related parties                              13,908,017.65    14,918,099.11
                            Other receivables:
                            Qingdao Haier International Trade Co., Ltd.        56,190,891.19     7,951,101.19
                            Qingdao Manniq Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.    32,561,213.58       318,694.51
                            Controladora Mabe, S.A.de C.V.                     20,644,871.11    14,824,407.91
                            Wuhan Haizhi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
                              (武 漢 海 智 房 地 產 開 發 有 限 公 司)          5,712,459.00     3,200,000.00
                            Other related parties                              28,178,485.95    15,233,663.55
                            Bills payable:
                            Qingdao Haier New Materials R & D Co., Ltd.       330,259,945.68   390,891,579.36
                            Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.            43,179,863.06    30,416,664.00
                            Qingdao HBIS Composite New Material Co., Ltd.      21,325,751.06    27,781,266.64
                            Hefei Hegang New Material Technology Co., Ltd.     15,595,879.69    21,795,818.85

246   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                    Section X Financial Report

                                                            Closing               Opening
Items and name of customers                                 Balance               Balance

Accounts payable:
Controladora Mabe, S.A.de C.V.                        1,472,686,933.56 1,017,676,511.30
Qingdao Haironghui Commercial Factoring
Co., Ltd. (青 島 海 融 匯 商 業 保 理 有 限 公 司)      417,697,006.32   367,964,948.49
Qingdao Haier Parts Procurement Co., Ltd.               252,154,899.21   247,164,539.11
HNR (Private) Company Limited                           250,069,188.30   225,492,094.68
Qingdao Haier International Trading Co., Ltd.           212,308,791.23   197,267,091.22
Hong Kong Gooday Supply Chain Technologies
  Co., Ltd.                                             124,801,868.02    74,153,281.02
Other related parties                                   681,423,587.12   703,667,318.78
Contract liabilities:
Wolong Electric (Jinan) Motor Co., Ltd.                  38,652,174.62    50,686,531.85
Chongqing Zhonglian Energy Technology
  Co., Ltd.                                              17,210,127.92    17,217,306.92
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Haier (Qingdao) Air
  Conditioner Co., Ltd.                                   6,818,411.00     4,119,857.00
Other related parties                                    10,693,897.68     5,981,325.89
Dividends payable:
Haier COSMO Co., Ltd. (海 爾 卡 奧 斯 股 份 有 限
  公 司)                                              1,008,596,736.32
Haier Group Corporation                                 859,493,731.30
Qingdao Haier Venture & Investment Information
  Co., Ltd. (青 島 海 爾 創 業 投 資 咨 詢         )    138,027,698.85
Qingdao Haichuangzhi Management Consulting
  Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (青 島 海 創 智 管
  理 咨 詢 企 業 (有 限 合 伙))                         107,208,112.69
Other payables:
Gooday Supply Chain Technologies Co., Ltd.              933,977,156.37   897,015,102.10
Shanghai Cotai Supply Chain Management
  Co., Ltd.                                             160,487,139.16   129,653,209.93
Gooday (Qingdao) International Supply Chain
  Service Co., Ltd.                                      96,558,428.97    64,467,694.39
Qingdao Goodaymart Supply Chains Co., Ltd.               50,667,954.58    45,292,270.93
Qingdao Manniq Intelligent Technology
  Co., Ltd.                                              48,555,926.91    14,038,277.93
Other related parties                                   283,063,012.99   347,492,658.45

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      Section X Financial Report

                   4.     Other related-party transactions
                          (1)  On 30 March 2023, Haier Group Corporation and Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd.
                               (hereafter, the “Finance Company”) renewed the Financial Services Framework
                               Agreement, and the “resolution on the renewal of the Financial Services Framework
                               Agreement between Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. and Haier Group Corporation and
                               the estimated amount of connected transaction” was considered and passed at the
                               general meeting. The Financial Services Framework Agreement became effective from
                               the passing of the resolution.

                                 Various current balances of the Company and the Finance Company are as follows:

                                   Items                                          Closing Balance     Opening Balance

                                   Monetary funds deposited at the Finance
                                      Company                                     21,057,085,069.50   26,276,742,534.50
                                   Debt investments deposited at the Finance
                                      Company                                     12,827,500,000.00    7,377,500,000.00
                                   Interest receivable from the Finance Company      872,330,240.02      688,144,130.70
                                   Bills issued                                    8,548,324,901.06    8,909,470,662.88
                                   Foreign exchange derivatives of the Finance
                                      Company                                          2,059,045.00     –10,143,691.03

                                 Various balances of the Company and the Finance Company are as follows:

                                                                                   Amount for the      Amount for the
                                   Items                                            current period     previous period

                                   Interest income of the Finance Company           439,523,818.78      353,842,566.54
                                   Interest expense of the Finance Company                                  413,964.86
                                   Service fee of the Finance Company                  4,425,427.95       7,917,428.19
                                   Spot foreign exchange business (foreign
                                      exchange settlement and sale)                2,455,313,888.20    3,287,657,392.00

                          (2)    The lease expense of the Company and its subsidiaries for production and operation
                                 leased from related parties for the current period was RMB57 million (amount for the
                                 corresponding period: RMB49 million).

                          (3)    Haier Group Corporation provided joint liability guarantee for certain bills payable of
                                 the subsidiaries of the Company with the guaranteed amount of RMB2,316 million at
                                 the end of the period (amount at the beginning of the period: RMB2,639 million).

248   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
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(IV) Pricing Policy
    1.   Related-party Sales
         Some related parties purchase components through the independent procurement platform
         of the Company, purchase electrical appliances for sales from the Company, and receive
         after-sales services, R&D service, housing rental and other business provided by the
         company due to their business needs. In April 2022, according to the implementation of
         connected transactions in the early stage and the relevant listing requirements in Hong
         Kong, the Company and Haier Group Corporation revised and signed the Product and
         Materials Sales Framework Agreement, the Service Provision Framework Agreement and the
         Property Leasing Framework Agreement on the basis of the original execution contract,
         which agreed on the financial connected transactions. The pricing principle included that
         both parties should agree on the price which is not less favourable than those provided by
         the Company to the Independent Third Parties on arm’s length to ensure the fairness and
         reasonableness of connected transactions. The valid term of the agreement commenced
         from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025, which can be renewed for another three years
         upon expire.

    2.   Related-party Procurement
         In addition to independent procurement platform, the Company entrusted Haier Group
         Corporation and its subsidiaries for procurements of part of raw materials. Moreover, the
         Company entrusted Haier Group Corporation and its subsidiaries to provide the Company
         with logistics and distribution, energy and power, basic research and testing, equipment
         leasing, house leasing and maintenance, greening and cleaning, gift procurement, design,
         consulting, various ticket booking and other services. In April 2022, according to the
         implementation of connected transactions in the early stage and the relevant listing
         requirements in Hong Kong, the Company and Haier Group Corporation revised and signed
         the Product and Materials Sales Framework Agreement, the Service Provision Framework
         Agreement and the Property Leasing Framework Agreement on the basis of the original
         execution contract, which agreed on the financial connected transactions. The pricing
         principle included that both parties should agree on the price which is not less favourable
         than those provided by the Company to the Independent Third Parties on arm’s length to
         ensure the fairness and reasonableness of connected transactions. The valid term of the
         agreement commenced from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025, which can be
         renewed for another three years upon expire.

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      Section X Financial Report

                   3.     Financial aspect
                          Some of the financial services such as deposit and loan service, discounting service and
                          foreign exchange derivatives needed by the Company are provided by Haier Group
                          Corporation, its subsidiaries and other companies. According to the Financial Service
                          Agreement entered among the Company, Haier Group Corporation and other parties, the
                          price of financial services is determined by the principle of not less favourable than market
                          value fair. The Company is entitled to decide whether to keep cooperation relationship with
                          them with the knowledge of the price prevailing in the market and in combination with its
                          own interests. While performing the agreement, the Company could also require other
                          financial service institutions to provide related financial services basing on actual situation.
                          In order to meet the Company’s demands such as the avoidance of foreign exchange
                          fluctuation risk, the Company may choose Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd. to provide some
                          foreign exchange derivative business after comparing with comparable companies. The
                          Company will uphold the safe and sound, appropriate and reasonable principle, under
                          which all foreign exchange capital business shall have a normal and reasonable business
                          background to eliminate speculative operation. At the same time, the Company has
                          specified the examination and permission rights, management positions and responsibilities
                          at all levels for its foreign exchange capital business to eradicate the risks of operation by
                          persons and improved its response speed to risks on the premise that the risks are
                          effectively controlled. In March 2023, the Company and Haier Group Corporation renewed
                          the Financial Services Framework Agreement, which agreed on the financial connected
                          transactions. The pricing principle included the deposit interest rate not lower than the
                          maximum interest rate of major banks listed and the loan interest rate not less favourable
                          than the market price to ensure the fairness and reasonableness of connected transactions.
                          The valid term of the agreement lasts until 31 December 2026, which can be renewed for
                          another three years upon expire.

                   4.     Others
                          The Company signed the Intellectual Property Licensing Framework Agreement with Haier
                          Group Corporation in November 2020. According to the agreement, Haier Group has
                          agreed to grant or procure its subsidiaries and contact persons to grant the license to the
                          Company at nil consideration to use all its intellectual property rights, including but not
                          limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights and logos for the products, packaging, services
                          and business introduction documents of the Company. The date of the Intellectual Property
                          Licensing Framework Agreement shall be permanently effective from the listing date. When
                          such specific intellectual property rights expire and are not renewed by Haier Group, our
                          right to use certain intellectual property rights under the Intellectual Property Licensing
                          Framework Agreement will terminate.

250   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                         Section X Financial Report

   1.   Overall of share-based payments
        √ Applicable              Not Applicable

                                                                                                                          Quantity Unit: shares
                                                                                                               Amount Unit and Currency: RMB

                                               Granted during the            Exercised during the             Vested during the              Lapsed during the
                                                  current period                  current period               current period                  current period
          Categories of participants           Number          Amount            Number        Amount        Number          Amount          Number           Amount

          Directors and senior management                                                                                                1,190,523.00     8,352,377.35
          Staff                             4,258,615.00 108,989,967.14                                                                 39,366,889.00 309,703,219.45
          Total                             4,258,615.00 108,989,967.14                                                                 40,557,412.00 318,055,596.80

        Outstanding share options or other equity instruments at the end of the period

        √ Applicable              Not Applicable

                                               Outstanding share options at the end of the period       Outstanding other equity instruments at the end of the period
                                                                          The remaining                                                                 The remaining
          Categories of participants                     Exercise price   contractual term                             Exercise price               contractual term

          2021 First Option                         RMB25.63 per share    September 2021 — September
          2021 Second Option                        RMB25.63 per share    December 2021 — December
          2022 Option                               RMB23.86 per share    June 2022 — June 2026
          2022 Stock Ownership Plan A                                                                                             N/A        August 2022-August 2024
          2022 Stock Ownership Plan H                                                                                             N/A        August 2022-August 2024
          2023 Stock Ownership Plan A                                                                                             N/A          July 2023 — July 2025
          2023 Stock Ownership Plan H                                                                                             N/A          July 2023 — July 2025
          2021 Restricted Shares                                                                                                  N/A       August 2021 — July 2024
          2022 Restricted Shares                                                                                                  N/A         July 2022 — June 2025
          2023 Restricted Shares                                                                                                  N/A          July 2023— June 2026
          2024 Restricted Shares                                                                                                  N/A          June 2024— May 2027

                                                                                                        Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                   251
      Section X Financial Report

            2.     Equity-settled share-based payments
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                               Unit and Currency: RMB

                      Method of determining the fair value of equity   Closing price of share on the date of grant,
                        instrument on the date of grant                  Black-Scholes Model
                      Important parameters of the fair value of        Historical volatility rate, risk-free rate, yield
                        equity instrument on the date of grant           rate
                      Basis for determining the number of              The best estimate of the management
                        exercisable equity instruments
                      Reason for significant differences between       Nil
                        current and prior period estimates
                      Accumulated amount of equity-settled share-      RMB1.371 billion
                        based payment included in the capital

            3.     Cash-settled share-based payments
                       Applicable √ Not Applicable

            4.     Share-based payments for the current period
                   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

                                                                                               Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                  Equity-settled         Cash-settled
                                                                                   share-based           share-based
                      Categories of participants                                       payment              payment

                      Director, Senior management                                  30,742,934.79
                      Staff                                                       170,662,640.18
                      Total                                                       201,405,574.97

            5.     Modification and termination of share-based payments
                       Applicable √ Not Applicable

252   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                             Section X Financial Report

   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

   As of 27 August 2024, the Company has no significant contingencies that need to be disclosed.

   As of 27 August 2024, the Company has no significant events after the balance sheet date that need
   to be disclosed.

   √ Applicable       Not Applicable

   The book value of various financial instruments on the balance sheet date is as follows:

   Financial assets

     Items                                                            Closing Balance
                                          Financial assets                      Financial assets
                                         measured at fair                       measured at fair
                                                 value and                            value and
                                         changes of which                      changes of which
                                               included in                     included in other
                                         current profit and      Measured at     comprehensive
                                                       loss    amortized cost            income                  Total

     Monetary funds                                           54,705,626,157.44                      54,705,626,157.44
     Financial assets held for trading    1,066,569,759.01                                            1,066,569,759.01
     Derivative financial assets                                                     86,713,582.93       86,713,582.93
     Bills receivable                                          7,147,471,192.39                       7,147,471,192.39
     Accounts receivable                                      23,517,845,844.84                      23,517,845,844.84
     Other receivables                                         2,731,270,164.67                       2,731,270,164.67
     Other current assets                                      1,546,781,584.31                       1,546,781,584.31
     Debt investments                                         14,477,621,780.97                      14,477,621,780.97
     Long-term receivables                                       351,899,806.17                         351,899,806.17
     Other equity instruments                                                     6,281,814,366.53    6,281,814,366.53

                                                                           Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   253
      Section X Financial Report

            Financial assets (continued)

               Items                                                                  Opening Balance
                                                          Financial assets                     Financial assets
                                                         measured at fair                      measured at fair
                                                                 value and                           value and
                                                         changes of which                     changes of which
                                                               included in                    included in other
                                                         current profit and      Measured at    comprehensive
                                                                       loss    amortized cost           income                    Total

               Monetary funds                                                 54,486,452,841.14                       54,486,452,841.14
               Financial assets held for trading            953,963,543.83                                               953,963,543.83
               Derivative financial assets                                                          67,565,829.44         67,565,829.44
               Bills receivable                                                8,621,434,831.39                        8,621,434,831.39
               Accounts receivable                                            20,268,099,436.43                       20,268,099,436.43
               Other receivables                                               2,649,558,985.05                        2,649,558,985.05
               Other current assets                                            1,530,274,566.66                        1,530,274,566.66
               Debt investments                                                8,841,233,078.66                        8,841,233,078.66
               Long-term receivables                                             350,409,496.85                          350,409,496.85
               Other equity instruments                                                           6,403,694,954.77     6,403,694,954.77

            Financial liabilities

               Items                                                                        Closing Balance
                                                                           Financial                Financial
                                                                           liabilities              liabilities
                                                                     measured at fair           measured at
                                                                               value          amortised cost                     Total

               Short-term borrowings                                                        10,333,169,856.54        10,333,169,856.54
               Derivative financial liabilities                         191,751,522.44                                  191,751,522.44
               Bills payable                                                                23,389,001,752.35        23,389,001,752.35
               Accounts payable                                                             47,200,496,446.93        47,200,496,446.93
               Other payables                                                               27,248,243,510.90        27,248,243,510.90
               Non-current liabilities due in one year                                       1,610,273,174.78         1,610,273,174.78
               Long-term borrowings                                                         18,123,651,118.19        18,123,651,118.19
               Long-term payables                                                               51,160,960.16            51,160,960.16

254   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                       Section X Financial Report

Financial liabilities (continued)

     Items                                                            Opening Balance
                                                        Financial             Financial
                                                        liabilities           liabilities
                                                  measured at fair        measured at
                                                            value       amortised cost                      Total

     Short-term borrowings                                            10,318,351,841.88      10,318,351,841.88
     Derivative financial liabilities               168,625,004.97                              168,625,004.97
     Bills payable                                                    22,215,726,721.62      22,215,726,721.62
     Accounts payable                                                 47,061,789,173.62      47,061,789,173.62
     Other payables                                                   19,181,569,184.83      19,181,569,184.83
     Non-current liabilities due in one year                             146,867,809.53         146,867,809.53
     Long-term borrowings                                             17,936,302,925.77      17,936,302,925.77
     Long-term payables                                                   57,113,422.78          57,113,422.78

Please refer to related items in Note VII for details on each of the financial instruments of the
Company. Risks related to these financial instruments and the risk management policies taken by the
Company to mitigate these risks are summarized below. The management of the Company manages
and monitors these risk exposures to ensure the above risks are well under control.

1.       Credit risk
         The credit risk of the Company mainly arises from bank deposits, bills receivable, accounts
         receivable, interest receivable, other receivables and wealth management products.

         (1)    The Company’s bank deposits and wealth management products are mainly deposited in
                Haier Finance Co., Ltd., state-owned banks and other large and medium-sized listed banks.
                The interest receivables are mainly the accrued interests from fixed deposits which are
                deposited in the above banks. The Group does not believe there is any significant credit
                risk due to defaults of its counterparties which would cause any significant loss. (2)
                Accounts receivable and bills receivable: The Company only trades with approved and
                reputable third parties. All customers who are traded by credit are subject to credit
                assessment according to the policies of the Company, and the payment terms shall be
                determined on a reasonable basis. The Company monitors the balances of accounts
                receivable on an ongoing basis and purchases credit insurance for receivables of large-
                amount credit customers in order to ensure the Company is free from material bad debts
                risks. (3) Other receivables of the Company mainly include export tax refund, borrowings
                and contingency provision. The Company strengthened its management and continuous
                monitoring in respect of these receivables and relevant economic business based on
                historical data, so as to ensure that the Company’s significant risk of bad debts is
                controllable and will be further reduced.

                                                                      Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   255
      Section X Financial Report

            2.     Liquidity risk
                   Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise may encounter deficiency of funds in fulfilling
                   obligations associated with financial liabilities. To control such risk, the Company utilizes various
                   financing methods such as notes settlement and bank loans to strive for a balance between
                   sustainable and flexible financing. It also has obtained bank credit facilities from several
                   commercial banks to satisfy its needs for working capital and capital expenditures.

            3.     Exchange rate risk
                   The Company’s businesses are based in mainland China, USA, Japan, Southeast Asia, South
                   Asia, central and east Africa, Europe, and Australia, etc. and are settled in RMB, USD, and other

                   The Company’s overseas assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as well as
                   transactions to be settled in foreign currencies expose the Company to fluctuations in exchange
                   rates. The Company’s finance department is responsible for monitoring the size of transactions in
                   foreign currencies and assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies to minimize the risk
                   of exposure to fluctuation in exchange rate; the Company resorts the way of signing forward
                   foreign exchange contracts to avoid the risk of exchange fluctuation.

            4.     Interest rate risk
                   The Company’s interest rate risk arises primarily from its long — and short — term bank loans
                   and bonds payables which are interest-bearing debts. Financial liabilities with floating interest
                   rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk, while financial liabilities with fixed
                   interest rates expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the
                   relative proportion of fixed-interest rate and floating interest rate contracts in light of the
                   prevailing market conditions.

            √ Applicable        Not Applicable

            The Company intends to acquire, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, the commercial refrigeration
            business of Carrier Global Corporation, a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange of the
            United States of America, at a cash consideration of approximately US$640 million (equivalent to
            approximately RMB4,559 million, with the final consideration amount subject to adjustments at
            Completion). The transaction has been considered and approved by the President’s Office meeting of
            the Company. While it involves an overseas acquisition, it remains conditional to the filing or approval
            procedures with relevant domestic and overseas government authorities.

            As of 27 August 2024, the Company has no other significant events that need to be disclosed.

256   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                               Section X Financial Report

   1.   Accounts receivable

                                                                                        Closing               Opening
          Aging                                                                         Balance               Balance

          Within 1 year                                                         629,729,877.07   715,238,098.86
          1–2 years                                                            639,447,810.65   378,071,982.79
          2–3 years                                                            185,502,552.24   532,467,268.93
          Over 3 years                                                          405,307,733.72
          Accounts receivable balance                                         1,859,987,973.68 1,625,777,350.58
          Allowance for bad debts                                                       251.55           251.55
          Accounts receivable, net                                            1,859,987,722.13 1,625,777,099.03

        Changes in bad debt provision for accounts receivable in the current period:

        √ Applicable         Not Applicable

                                   Opening        Increase for the current     Decrease for the current          Closing
          Items                    Balance                 period                      period                    Balance
                                               Provision for                              Write-off and
                                                the current           Other                       other
                                                      period       increase     Reversal     movement

          Allowance for bad
             debts                   251.55                                                                        251.55

   2.   Other receivables
        √ Applicable         Not Applicable

                                                                                              Unit and Currency: RMB

          Items                                                                Closing Balance       Opening Balance

          Interest receivable                                                    141,536,597.40         117,439,655.79
          Dividend receivable                                                    872,819,744.23         570,000,000.00
          Other receivables                                                   20,876,318,830.86      22,962,538,160.78
          Total                                                               21,890,675,172.49      23,649,977,816.57

                                                                              Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   257
      Section X Financial Report

                   Interest receivable

                      Aging                                                             Closing Balance       Opening Balance

                      Within 1 year                                                         141,536,597.40       117,439,655.79
                      More than 1 year
                      Total                                                                 141,536,597.40       117,439,655.79

                   Dividend receivable

                      Aging                                                             Closing Balance       Opening Balance

                      Within 1 year                                                         872,819,744.23       570,000,000.00
                      More than 1 year
                      Total                                                                 872,819,744.23       570,000,000.00

                   Other receivables
                        The disclosure of other receivables by aging is as follows:

                              Aging                                                     Closing Balance       Opening Balance

                              Within 1 year                                             10,232,748,179.30     13,256,949,623.31
                              More than 1 year                                          10,646,935,534.45      9,708,953,420.36
                              Other receivables balance                                 20,879,683,713.75     22,965,903,043.67
                              Allowance for bad debts                                        3,364,882.89          3,364,882.89
                              Other receivables, net                                    20,876,318,830.86     22,962,538,160.78

                          Changes in bad debt provision for other receivables in the current period:

                                                                Increase for the current     Decrease for the current
                                                                          period                     period
                                                               Provision for                            Write-off and
                                                       Opening the current          Other                       other      Closing
                              Items                    Balance       period      increase      Reversal    movement        Balance

                              Allowance for bad
                                 debts            3,364,882.89                                                          3,364,882.89

258   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                            Section X Financial Report

3.   Long-term equity investment
     √ Applicable       Not Applicable

     (1)   Details of long-term equity investments:

                                                                        Closing Balance                        Opening Balance
                                                                                    Provision for                          Provision for
             Items                                                Book balance       impairment           Book balance      impairment

             Long-term equity investment
             Including: Long-term equity investments in
                          subsidiaries                         53,255,723,686.31          7,100,000.00 52,823,723,686.31        7,100,000.00
                        Long-term equity investments in
                           associates                           3,293,758,901.51        109,300,000.00 3,121,372,319.75       109,300,000.00
             Total                                             56,549,482,587.82        116,400,000.00 55,945,096,006.06      116,400,000.00

     (2)   Long-term equity investments to subsidiaries

                                                                                              Increase/                        Impairment
                                                                                           decrease for                      provisions at
                                                                                            the current                    the end of the
             Name of investee                                       Opening Balance              period    Closing Balance          period

             I. Subsidiaries:
             Chongqing Haier Electronics Sales Co., Ltd.                 9,500,000.00                          9,500,000.00
             Haier Group (Dalian) Electrical Appliances
                 Industry Co., Ltd                                     34,735,489.79                          34,735,489.79
             Qingdao Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                     402,667,504.64                         402,667,504.64
             Qingdao Haier Special Refrigerator Co., Ltd.             426,736,418.99                         426,736,418.99
             Qingdao Haier Information Plastic Development
                 Co., Ltd.                                            102,888,407.30                         102,888,407.30
             Dalian Haier Precision Products Co., Ltd.                 41,836,159.33                          41,836,159.33
             Hefei Haier Plastic Co., Ltd.                             72,350,283.21                          72,350,283.21
             Qingdao Haier Technology Co., Ltd.                        16,817,162.03                          16,817,162.03
             Qingdao Household Appliance Technology and
                 Equipment Research Institute                          66,778,810.80                          66,778,810.80
             Qingdao Meier Plastic Powder Co., Ltd.                    24,327,257.77                          24,327,257.77
             Chongqing Haier Precision Plastic Co., Ltd.               47,811,283.24                          47,811,283.24
             Qingdao Haier Electronic Plastic Co., Ltd.                69,200,000.00                          69,200,000.00
             Dalian Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                      138,600,000.00                         138,600,000.00
             Dalian Haier Air-conditioning Co., Ltd.                   99,000,000.00                          99,000,000.00
             Hefei Haier Air-conditioning Co., Limited                 79,403,123.85                          79,403,123.85
             Qingdao Haier Refrigerator (International) Co.,
                 Ltd.                                                 238,758,240.85                         238,758,240.85
             Qingdao Haier Air-Conditioner Electronics Co.,
                 Ltd.                                                1,131,107,944.51                      1,131,107,944.51
             Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Gen Corp., Ltd.             220,636,306.02                        220,636,306.02
             Qingdao Haier Special Freezer Co., Ltd.                   471,530,562.76                        471,530,562.76
             Qingdao Haier Dishwasher Co., Ltd.                        206,594,292.82                        206,594,292.82
             Wuhan Haier Freezer Co., Ltd.                              47,310,000.00                         47,310,000.00
             Wuhan Haier Electronics Holding Co., Ltd.                 100,715,445.04                        100,715,445.04

                                                                                          Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024       259
      Section X Financial Report

                                                                                                    Increase/                       Impairment
                                                                                                 decrease for                     provisions at
                                                                                                  the current                   the end of the
                            Name of investee                                 Opening Balance           period   Closing Balance          period

                            Chongqing Haier Air-conditioning Co., Ltd          100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Hefei Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.                  49,000,000.00                      49,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier Whole Set Home Appliance
                               Service Co., Ltd.                               118,000,000.00                     118,000,000.00
                            Chongqing Haier Refrigeration Appliance Co.,
                               Ltd.                                             91,750,000.00                      91,750,000.00
                            Haier Shanghai Zhongzhi Fang Chuang Ke
                               Management Co., Ltd.                               2,000,000.00                       2,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier Special Refrigerating Appliance
                               Co., Ltd.                                        100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Haier Shareholdings (Hong Kong) Limited          29,249,228,284.24 432,000,000.00   29,681,228,284.24
                            Shenyang Haier Refrigerator Co., Ltd.               100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Foshan Haier Freezer Co., Ltd.                      100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Zhengzhou Haier Air-conditioning Co., Ltd.          100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Haidayuan Procurement Service Co.,
                               Ltd.                                             20,000,000.00                      20,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier Intelligent Technology
                               Development Co., Ltd.                           130,000,000.00                     130,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier Technology Investment Co., Ltd.      410,375,635.00                     410,375,635.00
                            Qingdao Casarte Smart Living Appliances Co.,
                               Ltd.                                             10,000,000.00                      10,000,000.00
                            Haier Overseas Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.        500,000,000.00                     500,000,000.00
                            Haier (Shanghai) Electronics Co., Ltd.              12,500,000.00                      12,500,000.00
                            Haier U+smart Intelligent Technology (Beijing)
                               Co., Ltd.                                        143,000,000.00                     143,000,000.00
                            Haier Electronics Group Co., Ltd.                 3,979,407,602.61                   3,979,407,602.61   7,100,000.00
                            Flourishing Reach Limited (SPVX)                 12,751,300,336.02                  12,751,300,336.02
                            Qingdao Haidarui Procurement Service Co., Ltd.      107,800,000.00                     107,800,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier Intelligent Household Appliances
                               Co., Ltd.                                       326,400,000.00                     326,400,000.00
                            Qingdao Haidacheng Procurement Service Co.,
                               Ltd.                                            100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Haier Quality Inspection Co., Ltd.          18,657,135.49                      18,657,135.49
                            Qingdao Haier Home AI Industry Innovation
                               Center Co., Ltd.                                100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Haier Zhjia Experience Cloud Ecological
                               Technology Co., Ltd.                            100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
                            Qingdao Ruibo Ecological Environmental
                               Technology Co., Ltd.                              55,000,000.00                      55,000,000.00
                            Total                                            52,823,723,686.31 432,000,000.00   53,255,723,686.31   7,100,000.00

260   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                                                  Section X Financial Report

     (3)       Long-term equity investments to associates

                                                                      Increase/decrease for the current period
                                                                      Increased/       Investment
                                                                      decreased            income                                                Impairment
                                                                  amount for the recognized under                                           provisions at the
                Name of investee              Opening Balance     current period   equity method             Others Closing Balance end of the period

                Wolong Electric (Jinan)
                   Motor Co., Ltd.              172,054,149.94                       13,535,589.54                        185,589,739.48
                Qingdao Haier SAIF Smart
                   Home Industry
                   Investment Center
                   (Limited Partnership)        206,764,442.76                          –21,738.71   –16,336,866.36     190,405,837.69
                Bank of Qingdao Co., Ltd.      1,267,732,987.42                      85,705,068.73      8,246,581.00     1,361,684,637.15
                Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
                   Haier (Qingdao)
                   Air-conditioners Co.,
                   Ltd.                         663,804,966.31                       67,634,912.51                        731,439,878.82
                Qingdao Haier Carrier
                   Refrigeration Equipment
                   Co., Ltd.                    412,107,471.53                        3,970,476.69                        416,077,948.22       21,000,000.00
                Qingdao Haier Multimedia
                   Co., Ltd                      88,300,000.00                                                             88,300,000.00       88,300,000.00
                Qingdao HBIS New Material
                   Technology Co., Ltd.         310,608,301.79                        9,652,558.36                        320,260,860.15
                Total                          3,121,372,319.75                     180,476,867.12     –8,090,285.36    3,293,758,901.51     109,300,000.00

4.   Operating revenue and operating cost
     √ Applicable             Not Applicable

                                                                                                                        Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                    Amount for the current period Amount for the previous period
       Items                                                           Revenue              Cost      Revenue              Cost

       Primary Business                                             209,681,355.52       183,992,284.05          284,845,756.66        247,445,754.14
       Other Business                                                41,920,259.24        39,451,949.45           42,560,950.18         38,775,114.29
       Total                                                        251,601,614.76       223,444,233.50          327,406,706.84        286,220,868.43

                                                                                                Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024                  261
      Section X Financial Report

            5.     Investment income
                   √ Applicable        Not Applicable

                                                                                                       Unit and Currency: RMB

                                                                                         Amount for the      Amount for the
                      Items                                                               current period     previous period

                      Investment income from long-term equity investment
                        accounted for using cost method                                   302,819,744.23       228,173,185.59
                      Long-term equity investments income calculated by the
                        equity method                                                     180,476,867.12       144,556,606.76
                      Income from wealth management products                               24,878,729.85        27,987,900.19
                      Investment income from investment in other equity
                        instrument during the holding period
                      Total                                                               508,175,341.20       400,717,692.54

            This financial report was approved for publication by the Board of Directors of the Company on 27
            August 2024.

            1.     Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

                                                                Amount for the current period    Amount for the previous period
                                                                           Earnings per share               Earnings per share
                                                                                 (RMB)                             (RMB)
                                                             Weighted                          Weighted
                                                               average       Basic     Diluted   average      Basic      Diluted
                                                             return on   earnings     earnings return on   earnings    earnings
                      Items                                 net assets per share per share net assets per share per share

                      Net profit attributable to ordinary
                        shareholders of the Company             9.67%        1.13        1.12      9.16%        0.96        0.96
                      Net profit attributable to ordinary
                        shareholders of the Company
                        after deduction of non-recurring
                        profit or loss                          9.43%        1.10        1.09      8.80%        0.93        0.92

262   Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024
                                                                        Section X Financial Report

2.   Non-recurring profit or loss

                                                                         Amount for the         Amount for the
      Items                                                               current period        previous period

      Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent
        Company                                                         10,420,218,389.22       8,962,851,469.46
      Less: non-recurring profit or loss                                   259,713,486.84         358,873,704.88
      Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent
        Company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss         10,160,504,902.38       8,603,977,764.58

     Breakdown of non-recurring profit and loss for the current period

      Non-recurring profit and loss items                                 Amounts for the current period

      Profit and loss from disposal of non-current assets                                       -24,802,715.11
      Government subsidies included in current profit or loss,
        except for government subsidies that are closely related
        to the Company’s normal business operations, to be
        enjoyed in a fixed amount or fixed quantity based on
        the national unified standards                                                          373,800,184.84
      Profit from the excess of the fair value of the identifiable
        net assets of investee companies on acquisition of the
        investment over the cost of investment in the
        Company’s subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
      Profit and loss from fair value changes of financial assets
        held for trading, financial liabilities held for trading, as
        well as investment gains arising from disposal of
        financial assets held for trading, financial liabilities held
        for trading and financial assets held for sale, except the
        effective hedging related to the normal operations of the
        Company                                                                                 -29,489,597.82
      Other non-operating income and expenses except the
        aforementioned items                                                                     -3,829,918.04
      Effect of minority equity interest                                                         -9,733,324.65
      Effect of income tax                                                                      -46,231,142.38
      Effect of profit from business combination under common
      Total                                                                                     259,713,486.84

                                                                                   Chairman: LI Huagang
                                                         Board approval submission date: 27 August 2024

     Information of amendment

       Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                       Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024   263