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                        TCL Technology Group Corporation                    First Quarter 2022 Report

    TCL 科技集团股份有限公司
        TCL Technology Group Corporation

                 First Quarter 2022 Report
                                   April 27, 2022

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                    First Quarter 2022 Report

                                                      Table of Contents

Section I Important Notice ................................................................................................................... 3
Section II Key Financial Information................................................................................................... 4
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................... 7
Section IV Shareholder Information .................................................................................................. 10
Section V Other Important Matters .................................................................................................... 12
Section VI Quarterly Financial Statements ........................................................................................ 12

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                 First Quarter 2022 Report

                                   Section I Important Notice

     The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of TCL Technology Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to
as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of
this First Quarter 2022 Report, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations,
misleading statements or material omissions therein.
     Mr. Li Dongsheng, the Chairman of the Board, Ms. Li Jian, the person-in-charge of
financial affairs (Chief Financial Officer), and Mr. Xi Wenbo, the person-in-charge of the
financial department, hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this First Quarter
2022 Report are factual, accurate and complete.
     All the Company’s directors attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report.
     This report has not been audited. This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English.
Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 First Quarter 2022 Report

                                  Section II Key Financial Information

I. Key financial information and financial indicators
Indicate whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

√ Yes □ No

Reasons for retroactive adjustment or restatement

Change of accounting policy

                                                                                          Q1 2021                         YoY change
                                                        Q1 2022
                                                                           Before adjustment     After adjustment       After adjustment

Revenue (RMB)                                           40,566,851,319        32,143,561,563           32,244,933,306             25.81%

Net profit attributable to the company’s
                                                         1,352,533,125         2,403,729,935            2,410,539,527            -43.89%
shareholders (RMB)

Net profits attributable to the company’s
shareholders before non-recurring gains                    611,554,193         2,123,056,041            2,129,865,633            -71.29%
and losses (RMB)

Net cash generated from operating
                                                         3,863,953,881         8,003,201,979            8,003,201,979            -51.72%
activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                              0.1008               0.1781                 0.1786             -43.56%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                            0.0993               0.1713                 0.1718             -42.20%

Weighted average return on equity (%)                             3.16%                7.07%                   7.09%               -3.93%

                                                                                    December 31, 2021                       Change
                                                     March 31, 2022
                                                                           Before adjustment     After adjustment       After adjustment

Total assets (RMB)                                     316,518,995,777       308,733,133,305        308,987,970,915                  2.44%

Owner’s equity attributable to the
                                                        43,504,943,301        43,034,234,611           43,103,580,799                0.93%
company’s shareholders (RMB)

The total share capital at the end of the last trading session before the disclosure of this Report:

Total share capital at the end of the last trading
session before the disclosure of this Report (share)

Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest total share capital above:

Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest
total share capital above (RMB/share)

II. Non-recurring profit and loss items and amount
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               First Quarter 2022 Report

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                           Amount for the current
                                  Item                                                                                Note
                                                                              reporting period

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of
                                                                                          -2,868,821 Not applicable
impairment allowance write-offs)

Government subsidies charged to current profits and loss (except
for government subsidies closely related to the Company’s
normal business which comply with national policies and                                 277,162,460 Not applicable
regulations and are enjoyed on an ongoing basis according to
certain standard quotas or quantities)

The profits and losses generated from changes in fair value
arising from holding marketable financial assets and marketable
financial liabilities, as well as the investment-related income from
the disposal of marketable financial assets, marketable financial                         -3,059,068 Not applicable
liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, except for the
effective hedging business related to the Company’s normal
business operation.

Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                  568,266,489 Not applicable

Less: Corporate income tax                                                               29,836,572 Not applicable

     Non-controlling interests (net of tax)                                              68,685,556 Not applicable

Total                                                                                   740,978,932                    --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:
□Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses.
Note on non-recurring profit and loss items that which is listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public Non-Recurring Gain/Loss shall be used to define Recurring Gain/Loss items
□Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company does not have any non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement on Information
Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 1 Non-recurring Profits and Losses that are defined as recurring profit
and loss items.

III. Changes of main accounting data and financial indicators and reasons therefor
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

  Balance Sheet         Ending balance           Beginning             Increase /                      Reason for change

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                        First Quarter 2022 Report

       items                                balance        decrease ratio

Prepayments                                                                      Mainly due to an expansion of production scale
                          3,481,851,278    2,306,325,116                  51.0
                                                                                 and an increase in prepayments

Short-term                                                                       Mainly due to an increase in financing scale
                         14,457,812,778    9,341,426,543                  54.8

Borrowings       from                                                            Mainly due to a decrease in borrowings from the
                           931,249,178     1,437,062,154              -35.2
the Central Bank                                                                 Central Bank by the Finance Company

Notes payable                                                                    Mainly due to an increase in scale and an
                          5,158,493,935    3,275,295,915                  57.5
                                                                                 increase in operating notes payable

Contract liabilities      3,878,494,022    2,593,882,004                  49.5   Mainly due to an increase in advance receipts

                                                             Increase /
       Income             January -        January -
                                                           decrease ratio                      Reason for change
 Statement items         March 2022       March 2021

Cost of sales                                                                    Mainly due to the expansion of operating
                         35,594,751,040   25,383,357,989                  40.2
                                                                                 revenue scale and the merger of Moka

R&D expenses              2,042,751,101    1,540,240,528                  32.6   Mainly due to the increase of R&D investment

Financial expenses         991,083,508      740,010,321                   33.9   Mainly due to an increase in exchange losses

                                                             Increase /
    Cash Flow             January -        January -
                                                           decrease ratio                      Reason for change
 Statement items         March 2022       March 2021
Net cash generated
                                                                                 Mainly due to an increase in payments for
from         operating    3,863,953,881    8,003,201,979              -51.7
                                                                                 commodities and services

Net cash generated                                                               Mainly due to the absorbing of minority
from         financing    4,613,471,688    2,657,860,614                  73.6   shareholders' investments and the issuing of
activities                                                                       bonds

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                   First Quarter 2022 Report

                  Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

     This year, the international situation has become increasingly complicated and increasingly
severe; geopolitical conflicts have triggered an increase in commodity prices and sparked the
expectation of inflation; the spread of the pandemic has weakened downstream production and
consumption links; and the global economy is facing great challenges. Faced with business pressure,
the Company adheres to the strategic policy of “Striving to Ramp Up, Catching Up and Surpassing,

Pressing on Toward Global Leadership” to promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.

     The Company focuses on the development of core high-tech industries of semi-conductor
displays and new energy photovoltaic and semi-conductor materials, implements the business
strategy of “Improving Business Quality and Efficiency, Strengthening Advantages and Making up
for Disadvantages, Innovation-driven Development and Accelerating Global Layout”, sticks to the
business bottom line of extreme cost efficiency, and strengthens risk control capabilities and
adaptability. In the first quarter, the Company achieved an operating revenue of RMB40.57
billion, a year-on-year increase of 25.8%; it achieved a net profit of RMB2.35 billion, a
year-on-year decrease of 27.5% but a month-on-month increase of 29.5%; its net profit
attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB1.35 billion, a year-on-year
decrease of 43.9% but a month-on-month increase of 41%; its R&D investment was RMB2.25

billion, a year-on-year increase of 10.1%.

     Impacted by factors such as the weakening of downstream demand and short-term stagnation of
the supply chain, the prosperity of the semi-conductor display industry fell to the bottom of its field,
the prices of large-scale products decreased significantly compared with the same period last year,
and industry profitability came under pressure. TCL CSOT continued to expand its economy of
scale, improve the business structure, and optimize the composition of products and customers,
meeting business challenges with extreme management efficiency. In the first quarter of 2022, the
sales area of TCL CSOT products increased by 34.7% year-on-year to 11.241 million square
meters; it achieved an operating revenue of RMB20.04 billion from the semi-conductor
display business, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%, and earned a net profit of RMB340 million,

a year-on-year decrease of 85.8%.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                 First Quarter 2022 Report

     In the field of large-scale products business, Factory t7 ramped up as scheduled, and the market
share of the Company in the field of large-scale products further improved: it ranked second in the
world in terms of market share for TV panels, and the first in the world in terms of market share for
8K and 120Hz high-end TV panels; it ranked first in the world in terms of market share for
interactive whiteboards, and maintained rapid growth in field of commercial displays such as digital
signs and splicing screens; it maintained its ranking as first in the world in terms of e-sports
displays, and the revenue share from non-TV business increased to 24%. In the field of small and
medium-sized products business, Factory t3, the factory with the largest single production capacity
of LTPSs in the world, is actively transforming its products such as notebook computers, tablets and
onboard products to optimize the product portfolio; LTPS tablets ranked first in the world, notebook
computers ranked second in the world, and revenue from LTPS business other than mobile phone
business reached 54%; the Factory t3 expansion project is progressing in an accelerated manner,
and the overall capacity of LTPSs will achieve a scale and comprehensive competitiveness that
ranks first overall; the production capacity for Phase II and Phase III of the Factory t4 production
line are under construction as scheduled, and are still facing business pressure during the ramp -up
period, but the development of new technologies and products such as flexible OLED folding,
under-screen cameras and LTPO is progressing smoothly, and the customer structure is gradually
being optimized, laying the foundation for subsequent business improvement;               Factory t9,
positioned for the layout of new businesses such as medium-sized IT and onboard products, is

accelerating in its construction and is expected to achieve mass production in 2023.

     The business of new energy photovoltaic and semi-conductor materials continued to grow
rapidly, with the proportion of its performance contribution increasing significantly. During
the reporting period, TCL Zhonghuan achieved an operating revenue of RMB13.37 billion, a
year-on-year increase of 79.1%, and earned a net profit of RMB1.46 billion, a year-on-year increase

of 96.2%.

     Benefiting from the growth of domestic distributed installed capacity and the demand for
accelerated transformation of overseas energy, there was continued demand in the new energy
photovoltaic industry; however, uncertainties such as industrial chain coordination and logistics
exacerbated business challenges due to the impact of the epidemic. The Company gives full play to

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                   First Quarter 2022 Report

the comprehensive advantages of G12 advanced production capacity, laminated tile patent barrier
and Industry 4.0 flexible manufacturing, to maintain industry leadership in advanced production
capacity scale, technology and production efficiency, as well as continue improving market share.
As of the end of the first quarter of 2022, the production capacity of single crystals had increased to

95GW, of which G12 production capacity accounted for 72%, ranking first in the global market.

     Benefiting from the rapid growth of 5G and automotive electronics, the speed of expansion of
wafer factories has driven the strong demand for semiconductor materials. Through the dual-path
development of 'characteristic process + advanced manufacturing process', during the reporting
period, the production capacity of 8-12 inch polished wafers and epitaxial wafers increased rapidly,
the product and customer structure was upgraded rapidly, the product sales scale increased by 54%
year-on-year, and the production capacity of 8-inch products reached 800,000 pieces per month,
having formed a comprehensive product capacity and market competitiveness comparable with
international first-line manufacturers, and realized the full coverage of domestic customers; the
production capacity of 12-inch products reached 170,000 pieces per month, and accelerated
catching up in terms of advanced process products. At present, 28nm and above seri es products
have entered the stage of mass production, having signed into long-term strategic cooperation

agreements with a number of front-line customers at home and abroad.

     Looking ahead to the whole year, the world development pattern is complex and cha ngeable,
and global economic development faces great challenges. In response to the changing situation, the
Company will adhere to the spirit of “Striving to Ramp Up, Catching Up and Surpassing”, respond
to the uncertainty from the surrounding environment with business certainty, and give full play to
the advantages of efficiency and technological innovation; the Company will accelerate the
upgrade from being a leader in large-scale displays to being a leader in full-scale products in
terms of the field of semi-conductor displays, achieve global leadership in comprehensive
competitiveness in the field of new energy photovoltaic materials, give play to industrial
synergy in the field of semiconductor materials, and build a leading global technology

industry group.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                    First Quarter 2022 Report

                                    Section IV Shareholder Information

I. Table of the total number of shareholders holding common stocks, number of shareholders holding

preferred stocks with resumed voting rights, and shareholding of the top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                  Unit: share

                                                                         Total number of preference
Total number of ordinary                                                 shareholders with resumed
                                                               773,077                                                                     0
shareholdersat the period-end                                            voting rights at the period-end
                                                                         (if any)

                                             Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders

       Name of          Nature of       Shareholding        Number of shares Restricted shares      Shares in pledge, marked or frozen

   Shareholder         shareholder       ratio (%)                held                held            Share Status             Shares

Li Dongsheng        Domestic natural                                                                       Pledge              164,338,800
and his             person / Domestic
                                                     8.26      1,158,599,393         610,181,602
acting-in-concert non-state-owned                                                                          Pledge              215,000,000
party               legal person

                    State-owned legal
Investment                                           5.30        743,139,840                    0
Holding Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Optics
Valley Industrial State-owned legal
                                                     3.98        558,552,396                    0          Pledge              255,754,475
Investment Co.,     person

Hong Kong
Securities          Foreign legal
                                                     2.71        380,385,171                    0
Clearing            person
Company Ltd.

China Securities
                    non-state-owned                  2.66        373,231,553                    0
                    legal person

Tibet Tianfeng
                    non-state-owned                  1.54        215,582,406                    0
Management Co.,
                    legal person

TCL Technology Fund, wealth
Group               management                       0.81        113,143,154                    0
Corporation -       product, etc.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                  First Quarter 2022 Report

2021 to 2023
Employee Stock
Ownership Plan
(Phase I)

Sinatay Life
Insurance Co.,      Fund, wealth
Ltd. -              management             0.74       104,190,172                 0
Conventional        product, etc.

ICBC Credit
Suisse Fund -
Agricultural Bank
                    Fund, wealth
of China - ICBC
                    management             0.53        74,761,500                 0
Credit Suisse
                    product, etc.
China Securities
Financial Asset
Management P lan

Southern Asset
Management -
Agricultural Bank
                    Fund, wealth
of China -
                    management             0.53        74,761,500                 0
Southern China
                    product, etc.
Financial Asset
Management P lan

                                     Top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders

                                                                                                Shares by class
          Name of Shareholder       Number of unrestricted ordinary shares held
                                                                                       Shares by class       Shares

Huizhou Investment Holding Co.,                                                        RMB-denominate
                                                                         743,139,840                         743,139,840
Ltd.                                                                                    d ordinary stock

Wuhan Optics Valley Industrial                                                         RMB-denominate
                                                                         558,552,396                         558,552,396
Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                    d ordinary stock

Li Dongsheng and his                                                                   RMB-denominate
                                                                        548,417,791                          548,417,791
acting-in-concert party                                                                 d ordinary stock

Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                          RMB-denominate
                                                                        380,385,171                          380,385,171
Company Ltd.                                                                            d ordinary stock

China Securities Finance                                                               RMB-denominate
                                                                        373,231,553                          373,231,553
Corporation Limited                                                                     d ordinary stock

Tibet Tianfeng Enterprise                                                              RMB-denominate
                                                                        215,582,406                          215,582,406
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                    d ordinary stock

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                  First Quarter 2022 Report

TCL Technology Group Corporation
- 2021 to 2023 Employee Stock                                                           113,143,154                            113,143,154
                                                                                                        d ordinary stock
Ownership Plan (Phase I)

Sinatay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -                                                                     RMB-denominate
                                                                                        104,190,172                            104,190,172
Conventional Product                                                                                    d ordinary stock

ICBC       Credit    Suisse   Fund     -
Agricultural Bank of China - ICBC                                                                      RMB-denominate
                                                                                         74,761,500                             74,761,500
Credit     Suisse    China    Securities                                                                d ordinary stock
Financial Asset Management Plan

Southern     Asset     Management      -
Agricultural Bank        of   China    -                                                               RMB-denominate
                                                                                         74,761,500                             74,761,500
Southern China Securities Financial                                                                     d ordinary stock
Asset Management Plan

                                           Mr. Li Dongsheng and Ningbo Jiutian Liancheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
Note on the above shareholders’           Partnership) became persons acting in concert by signing the Agreement on Concerted
associations or concerted actions          Action,    holding 1,158,599,393 shares in          total    and     becoming      the     largest
                                           shareholder   of   the Company.

Note on the top 10 shareholders'           Tibet Tianfeng Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a shareholder of the Company, holds
participation in securities margin         123,187,314 shares through the general securities account, and holds 92,395,092 shares
trading (if any)                           through the credit securities account, with a total of 215,582,406 shares actually held.

Special account for share                  The top ten shareholders of the Company include the "The Securities Account of TCL
repurchases (if any) among the top         Technology Group Corporation for Repurchases". As of the end of the reporting period, there
10 shareholders                            were 327,728,516 shares held in the repurchase account.

II.Total number of shareholders holding preferred stocks and shareholding of the top 10 thereof

□Applicable √ Not applicable

                                    Section V Other Important Matters

□Applicable √ Not applicable

                              Section VI Quarterly Financial Statements

I. Financial statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: TCL Technology Group Corporation

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                 First Quarter 2022 Report

                    Item                  March 31, 2022                   December 31, 2021

Current assets:

     Monetary assets                                   28,552,470,300                     31,393,692,485

     Settlement reserves

     Funds on loan

     Held-for-trading financial assets                     8,069,926,732                   7,601,255,964

     Derivative financial assets                            322,678,427                         70,928,566

     Notes receivable                                       727,550,494                        776,201,686

     Accounts receivable                               18,500,042,137                     18,238,782,247

     Receivables financing                                 2,490,926,634                   2,217,638,736

     Prepayments                                           3,481,851,278                   2,306,325,116

     Premiums receivable

     Reinsurance accounts receivable

     Reinsurance contract provisions

     Other receivables                                     5,061,976,198                   4,458,621,235

       Of which: Interests receivable                                  -                                 -

                  Dividends receivable                                 -                                 -

     Financial assets purchased under
                                                                       -                                 -
sale-back agreement

     Inventories                                       15,655,222,396                     14,083,356,918

     Contract assets                                        251,695,386                        233,528,786

     Held-for-sale assets                                              -                                 -

     Non-current assets maturing within
                                                                       -                                 -
one year

     Other current assets                                  6,067,310,872                   5,802,960,362

Total current assets                                   89,181,650,854                     87,183,292,101

Non-current assets:

     Loans and advances to customers                                   -                                 -

     Debt investments                                        20,005,392                                  -

     Other debt investments                                            -                                 -

     Long-term receivables                                  636,980,360                        651,117,971

     Long-term equity investments                      26,312,482,901                     25,640,578,245

     Investments in other equity
                                                            907,425,159                        927,319,447

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                  First Quarter 2022 Report

      Other non-current financial assets          2,544,518,385             2,704,037,825

      Investment property                           887,658,397               761,902,236

      Fixed assets                              113,933,544,407           113,579,297,130

      Construction in progress                   38,973,986,371            36,965,885,393

      Productive biological assets

      Oil and gas assets

      Right-of-use assets                         2,279,108,039             2,426,911,208

      Intangible assets                          15,053,564,730            13,982,647,108

      Development costs                           2,531,852,461             2,508,418,669

      Goodwill                                    9,158,841,295             9,158,841,295

      Long-term deferred expenses                 2,639,976,273             2,640,530,156

      Deferred income tax assets                  2,186,797,451             2,153,345,865

      Other non-current assets                    9,270,603,302             7,449,008,656

Total non-current assets                        227,337,344,923          221,549,841,204

Total assets                                    316,518,995,777          308,733,133,305

Current liabilities:

      Short-term borrowings                      14,457,812,778             9,341,426,543

      Borrowings from the Central Bank              931,249,178             1,437,062,154

      Borrowed funds                                490,296,314                          -

      Held-for-trading financial
                                                  1,107,531,562               925,035,483

      Derivative financial liabilities              150,126,418                22,204,824

      Notes payable                               5,158,493,935             3,275,295,915

      Accounts payable                           22,333,315,646            24,297,859,803

      Advances from customers                         4,720,742                 5,794,242

      Contract liabilities                        3,878,494,022             2,593,882,004

      Financial assets sold under
                                                              -                          -
repurchase agreements

      Customer deposits and deposits
from other banks and financial                    1,245,502,887               666,056,133

      Funds for brokering securities

      Funds for brokering securities

      Employee compensation payable               2,694,460,641             3,311,933,217

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                  First Quarter 2022 Report

     Taxes and levies payable                     1,074,816,975             1,238,849,334

     Other payables                              19,002,048,259            19,386,888,623

        Of which: Interests payable                           -                          -

                    Dividends payable             1,258,937,007                34,607,012

     Service charges and commissions

     Reinsurance accounts payable

     Held-for-sale liabilities                                -                          -

     Current portion of non-current
                                                 14,965,660,824            13,006,764,842
liabilities due within a one-year period

     Other current liabilities                    1,335,041,800             1,269,886,904

Total current liabilities                        88,829,571,981            80,778,940,021

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract provisions

     Long-term borrowings                        86,196,079,447            87,279,081,955

     Bonds payable                               12,057,598,825            13,066,281,402

        Of which: Preferred stocks

                    Perpetual bonds

     Lease liabilities                            1,084,941,574             1,102,071,813

     Long-term payables                             649,802,775               671,344,466

     Long-term employee
                                                    686,643,663               669,931,395
compensation payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income                              2,397,904,434             2,361,205,043

     Deferred income tax liabilities              3,097,626,266             3,158,985,929

     Other non-current liabilities                            -                          -

Total non-current liabilities                   106,170,596,984          108,308,902,003

Total liabilities                               195,000,168,965          189,087,842,024

Owner's equity:

     Share capital                               14,030,642,421            14,030,642,421

     Other equity instruments                       200,334,057               200,334,057

        Of which: Preferred stocks

                    Perpetual bonds

     Capital reserves                             5,238,082,152             6,079,267,240

     Less: Treasury stock                         2,054,946,580             1,885,556,526

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                         First Quarter 2022 Report

      Other comprehensive income                                       -351,078,842                                   -409,447,681

      Specific reserves                                                   2,584,804                                      1,549,125

      Surplus reserves                                                2,550,172,644                                  2,550,172,644

      General risk reserve                                                8,933,515                                      8,933,515

      Retained earnings                                              23,880,219,130                                 22,458,339,816

Total equity attributable to the owners
                                                                     43,504,943,301                                 43,034,234,611
of the parent company

      Non-controlling interests                                      78,013,883,511                                 76,611,056,670

Total owner's equity                                                121,518,826,812                              119,645,291,281

Total liabilities and owner's equity                                316,518,995,777                              308,733,133,305

Legal representative: Li Dongsheng                                             Person-in-charge of financial affairs: Li Jian
Person-in-charge of the financial department: Xi Wenbo

2. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                          Amount incurred in the current       Amount incurred in the previous
                                                                      period                               period

1. Total revenue                                                           40,597,535,003                           32,173,945,858

     Of which: Revenue                                                     40,566,851,319                           32,143,561,563

             Interest income                                                    30,683,684                              30,384,295

             Earned premiums

             Service charge and commission income                                          -

II. Total costs                                                            40,004,606,380                           28,868,451,833

     Of which: Cost of sales                                               35,594,751,040                           25,383,357,989

             Interest expenditures                                               9,336,013                               4,754,960

             Service charge and commission

             Surrender value

             Net claims payment

             Net insurance liability provisions accrued

             Policy dividend expenditures

             Reinsurance expenses

             Taxes and levies                                                  137,883,718                            106,853,638

             Selling expenses                                                  471,927,285                            330,230,062

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                  First Quarter 2022 Report

              Administrative expense                               756,873,715               763,004,335

              R&D expenses                                        2,042,751,101            1,540,240,528

              Financial expenses                                   991,083,508               740,010,321

                 Including: Interest expenses                      999,858,819               966,852,847

                         Interest income                           176,470,746               103,593,808

       Plus: Other income                                          976,625,863               343,452,869

            Return on investment (losses are indicated by
                                                                   661,221,895               493,372,758

            Including: Share of profit or loss of joint
                                                                   804,480,527               149,003,152
ventures and associates

                 Income from derecognition of financial
assets measured at amortised costs

            Exchange gains (losses are indicated by "-")            14,068,652                    -14,384

            Gain on net exposure hedging (losses are
                                                                              -                          -
indicated by "-")

            Gain on changes in fair value (losses are
                                                                  -136,683,550              -292,943,771
indicated by "-")

            Credit impairment losses (losses are indicated
                                                                     5,829,571                -31,736,912
by "-")

            Asset impairment losses (losses are indicated
                                                                  -246,385,486              -301,118,508
by "-")

            Income from asset disposal (losses are
                                                                     -4,567,331                  159,503
indicated by "-")

III. Operating profit (losses are indicated by "-")               1,863,038,237            3,516,665,580

       Plus: Non-operating income                                  581,485,774               210,942,953

       Less: Non-operating expenses                                  8,873,689                  4,694,406

IV. Gross profits (total losses are indicated by "-")             2,435,650,322            3,722,914,127

       Less: Income tax expenses                                    89,681,571               487,257,128

V. Net profits (net losses are indicated by "-")                  2,345,968,751            3,235,656,999

  (1) Classification by business continuity

       1. Net profits from continuing operations (net
                                                                  2,345,968,751            3,235,656,999
losses are indicated by "-")

       2. Net profits from discontinued operations (net
                                                                              -                          -
losses are indicated by "-")

  (2) Classification by ownership

       1. Net profits attributable to the owners of the
                                                                  1,352,533,125            2,403,729,935
parent company

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                  First Quarter 2022 Report

     2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling
                                                                   993,435,626               831,927,064

VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                         107,592,545              -180,087,886

  Other comprehensive income attributable to the
                                                                    58,368,839              -151,737,311
owners of the parent company, net of tax

     (1) Other comprehensive income that will not be
                                                                    -18,244,588               -65,621,285
reclassified to profit or loss

              1. Changes arising from remeasurement of
defined benefit plans

              2. Other comprehensive income that cannot
be subsequently reclassified into profits and losses                          -                          -
under the equity method

              3. Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                                    -18,244,588               -65,621,285
instrument investments

              4. Changes in fair value of the enterprise's
own credit risks

              5. Others

     (2) Other comprehensive income that may
                                                                    76,613,427                -86,116,026
subsequently reclassified into profit and loss

              1. Other comprehensive income that can be
transferred to profits and losses under the equity                     129,581                     11,868

              2. Changes in fair value of other debt

              3. Amount of financial assets reclassified
into other comprehensive income

              4. Provisions for credit impairment of other
debt investments

              5. Reserves for cash flow hedging                     27,994,488                -75,069,636

              6. Conversion differences in foreign
                                                                    48,489,358                -11,058,258
currency financial statements

              7. Others                                                                                  -

  Other net comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                    49,223,706                -28,350,575
minority interests, net of tax

VII. Total comprehensive income                                   2,453,561,296            3,055,569,113

     Total comprehensive income attributable to the
                                                                  1,410,901,964            2,251,992,624
owners of the parent company

     Total comprehensive income attributable to                   1,042,659,332              803,576,489

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                       First Quarter 2022 Report

non-controlling interests

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (1) Basic earnings per share                                                  0.1008                                0.1781

     (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                0.0993                                0.1713

Legal representative: Li Dongsheng                                             Person-in-charge of financial affairs: Li Jian
Person-in-charge of the financial department: Xi Wenbo

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                         Amount incurred in the current      Amount incurred in the previous
                                                                    period                               period

I. Cash flow generated from operating activities:

     Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering
                                                                          32,479,892,087                          27,034,723,608
of services

     Net increase of deposits from customers and
                                                                              579,446,754                            733,511,000
banks and other financial institutions

     Net increase of borrowings from the Central Bank                        -505,812,976                            198,608,011

     Net increase in loans from other financial

     Cash received from collecting premiums for
original insurance contracts

     Net cash received for reinsurance business

     Net increase of deposits and investments of

     Interest, fees and commissions received                                   30,683,684                             30,384,295

     Net increase of borrowed funds from banks and
other financial institutions

     Net increase of repurchase business funds

     Net cash received from brokering securities

     Tax and levy rebates                                                    1,801,281,700                         1,394,337,857

     Cash generated from other operating activities                          1,752,565,605                         1,171,334,830

Sub-total of cash generated from operating activities                     36,628,353,168                          30,562,899,601

     Payments for commodities and services                                25,746,314,393                          17,145,704,624

     Net increase of loans and advances to customers                         -291,363,670                          1,013,946,603

     Net increase of deposits with the Central Bank,                          202,991,230                             68,720,062

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                First Quarter 2022 Report

banks and other financial institutions

     Cash paid for claims for original insurance

     Net increase of funds on loan

     Cash paid for interest, service charges and

     Cash paid for policy dividends

     Cash paid to and for employees                            3,158,375,360              2,018,238,456

     Taxes and levies paid                                       806,447,479               582,590,307

     Cash used in other operating activities                   3,141,634,495              1,730,497,570

Sub-total of cash used in operating activities                32,764,399,287            22,559,697,622

Net cash generated from operating activities                   3,863,953,881              8,003,201,979

II. Cash flow generated from investing activities:

     Proceeds from disinvestments                              9,653,344,653              6,373,430,027

     Proceeds from return on investments                         239,383,580               125,899,457

     Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                   3,422,583                 18,531,879
intangible assets and other long-term assets

     Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries and
other business units

     Cash generated from other investing activities               50,123,919                  6,368,912

Sub-total of cash generated from investment activities         9,946,274,735              6,524,230,275

     Payments for the acquisition and construction of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term           10,941,138,741              7,543,249,643

     Payments for investments                                 11,495,911,476              9,287,433,997

     Net increase of pledged loans

     Net payments for acquiring subsidiaries and other
business units

     Cash used in other investing activities                     100,914,607                 50,133,413

Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                 22,537,964,824            16,880,817,053

Net cash used in investing activities                         -12,591,690,089           -10,356,586,778

III. Cash flow generated from financing activities:

     Capital contributions received                            2,571,180,000                 94,900,000

     Including: Capital contributions by
                                                               2,571,180,000                 94,900,000
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries

     Borrowings raised                                        18,821,994,041            16,219,912,408

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               First Quarter 2022 Report

     Cash generated from other financing activities                                                                       151,949,228

Sub-total of cash generated from financing activities                          21,393,174,041                          16,466,761,636

     Cash paid for debt repayment                                              13,689,241,447                          10,706,121,604

     Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits
                                                                                1,111,330,624                            1,209,556,374
or payment of interests

     Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to
                                                                                     19,790,027                             23,055,560
non-controlling interests

     Cash used in other financing activities                                    1,979,130,282                            1,893,223,044

Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                                  16,779,702,353                          13,808,901,022

Net cash generated from financing activities                                    4,613,471,688                            2,657,860,614

IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                     -27,326,776                            57,381,895

V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                    -4,141,591,296                            361,857,710

     Plus: Beginning balance of cash and cash
                                                                               30,081,704,864                          18,208,416,780

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                               25,940,113,568                          18,570,274,490

Legal representative: Li Dongsheng                                                   Person-in-charge of financial affairs: Li Jian
Person-in-charge of the financial department: Xi Wenbo

II. Notes on adjustments in the financial statements

       On December 31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Notice on the Issuance of ‘Interpretation of Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises No. 15’ (CK [2021] No. 35) (hereinafter referred to as “Interpretation No. 15”), which defines the
accounting handling of the external sales of products or by-products produced before the fixed assets reach the expected serviceable
state or during the R&D process. In accordance with the requirements of Interpretation No. 15, the company has adopted new
accounting standards as of January 1, 2022, and retroactively adjusted the profit and loss realized from the external sales of trial
products produced in previous periods. The impact of the adoption of the new standards on relevant items is as follows.

1. Adjustments to the beginning balances of the relevant items of the financial statements due to the adoption of the new
Accounting Standards initially implemented beginning in 2022
                                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                  Item                          December 31, 2021                     January 1, 2022           Amount of adjustment

Current assets:

     Monetary assets                                         31,393,692,485                   31,393,692,485

     Settlement reserves

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                            First Quarter 2022 Report

     Funds on loan

     Held-for-trading financial assets     7,601,255,964    7,601,255,964

     Derivative financial assets              70,928,566       70,928,566

     Notes receivable                       776,201,686      776,201,686

     Accounts receivable                  18,238,782,247   18,238,782,247

     Receivables financing                 2,217,638,736    2,217,638,736

     Prepayments                           2,306,325,116    2,306,325,116

     Premiums receivable

     Reinsurance accounts receivable

     Reinsurance contract provisions

     Other receivables                     4,458,621,235    4,458,621,235

         Of which: Interests receivable

                Dividends receivable

     Financial assets purchased under
sale-back agreement

     Inventories                          14,083,356,918   14,083,356,918

     Contract assets                        233,528,786      233,528,786

     Held-for-sale assets

     Non-current assets maturing
within one year

     Other current assets                  5,802,960,362    5,802,960,362

Total current assets                      87,183,292,101   87,183,292,101                          -

Non-current assets:

     Loans and advances to

     Debt investments

     Other debt investments

     Long-term receivables                  651,117,971      651,117,971

     Long-term equity investments         25,640,578,245   25,640,578,245

     Investments in other equity
                                            927,319,447      927,319,447

     Other non-current financial
                                           2,704,037,825    2,704,037,825

     Investment property                    761,902,236      761,902,236

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                             First Quarter 2022 Report

      Fixed assets                       113,579,297,130   113,723,758,876               144,461,746

      Construction in progress            36,965,885,393    37,029,504,222                63,618,829

      Productive biological assets

      Oil and gas assets

      Right-of-use assets                  2,426,911,208     2,426,911,208

      Intangible assets                   13,982,647,108    14,000,546,363                17,899,255

      Development costs                    2,508,418,669     2,540,199,289                31,780,620

      Goodwill                             9,158,841,295     9,158,841,295

      Long-term deferred expenses          2,640,530,156     2,640,530,156

      Deferred income tax assets           2,153,345,865     2,150,423,025                 -2,922,840

      Other non-current assets             7,449,008,656     7,449,008,656

Total non-current assets                 221,549,841,204   221,804,678,814               254,837,610

Total assets                             308,733,133,305   308,987,970,915               254,837,610

Current liabilities:

      Short-term borrowings                9,341,426,543     9,341,426,543

      Borrowings from the Central
                                           1,437,062,154     1,437,062,154

      Borrowed funds

      Held-for-trading financial
                                            925,035,483       925,035,483

      Derivative financial liabilities        22,204,824        22,204,824

      Notes payable                        3,275,295,915     3,275,295,915

      Accounts payable                    24,297,859,803    24,297,859,803

      Advances from customers                  5,794,242         5,794,242

      Contract liabilities                 2,593,882,004     2,593,882,004

      Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements

      Customer deposits and deposits
from other banks and financial              666,056,133       666,056,133

      Funds for brokering securities

      Funds for brokering securities

      Employee compensation payable        3,311,933,217     3,311,933,217

      Taxes and levies payable             1,238,849,334     1,238,849,334

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                            First Quarter 2022 Report

     Other payables                      19,386,888,623    19,386,888,623

         Of which: Interests payable

                    Dividends payable        34,607,012        34,607,012

     Service charges and
commissions payable

     Reinsurance accounts payable

     Held-for-sale liabilities

     Current portion of non-current
liabilities due within a one-year        13,006,764,842    13,006,764,842

     Other current liabilities            1,269,886,904     1,269,886,904

Total current liabilities                80,778,940,021    80,778,940,021                          -

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract provisions                                      -

     Long-term borrowings                87,279,081,955    87,279,081,955

     Bonds payable                       13,066,281,402    13,066,281,402

         Of which: Preferred stocks

                    Perpetual bonds

     Lease liabilities                    1,102,071,813     1,102,071,813

     Long-term payables                    671,344,466       671,344,466

     Long-term employee
                                           669,931,395       669,931,395
compensation payable

     Estimated liabilities

     Deferred income                      2,361,205,043     2,361,205,043

     Deferred income tax liabilities      3,158,985,929     3,158,985,929

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities           108,308,902,003   108,308,902,003                          -

Total liabilities                       189,087,842,024   189,087,842,024                          -

Owner's equity:

     Share capital                       14,030,642,421    14,030,642,421

     Other equity instruments              200,334,057       200,334,057

         Of which: Preferred stocks

                    Perpetual bonds

     Capital reserves                     6,079,267,240     6,079,267,240

     Less: Treasury stock                 1,885,556,526     1,885,556,526

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                              First Quarter 2022 Report

      Other comprehensive income                             -409,447,681                      -409,447,681

      Specific reserves                                         1,549,125                         1,549,125

      Surplus reserves                                      2,550,172,644                     2,550,172,644

      General risk reserve                                      8,933,515                         8,933,515

      Retained earnings                                    22,458,339,816                   22,527,686,004                 69,346,188

Total equity attributable to the owners
                                                           43,034,234,611                   43,103,580,799                 69,346,188
of the parent company

      Non-controlling interests                            76,611,056,670                   76,796,548,092                185,491,422

Total owner's equity                                      119,645,291,281                  119,900,128,891                254,837,610

Total liabilities and owner's equity                      308,733,133,305                  308,987,970,915                254,837,610

2. Notes on retrospective adjustments to the previous comparative data due to adoption of the new Accounting Standards
initially implemented beginning in 2022
                                                  Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                          Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the         Amount of
                          Item                             previous period before        previous period after         adjustment
                                                                adjustment                   adjustment

1. Total revenue                                                       32,173,945,858            32,275,317,601           101,371,743

     Of which: Revenue                                                 32,143,561,563            32,244,933,306           101,371,743

             Interest income                                               30,384,295                30,384,295

             Earned premiums

             Service charge and commission income

II. Total costs                                                        28,868,451,833            28,950,337,978            81,886,145

     Of which: Cost of sales                                           25,383,357,989            25,462,422,453            79,064,464

             Interest expenditures                                          4,754,960                 4,754,960

             Service charge and commission

             Surrender value

             Net claims payment

             Net insurance liability provisions accrued

             Policy dividend expenditures

             Reinsurance expenses

             Taxes and levies                                            106,853,638                106,853,638

             Selling expenses                                            330,230,062                330,230,062

             Administrative expense                                      763,004,335                763,004,335

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                       First Quarter 2022 Report

             R&D expenses                                     1,540,240,528   1,543,062,209          2,821,681

             Financial expenses                                740,010,321     740,010,321

               Including: Interest expenses                    966,852,847     966,852,847

                       Interest income                         103,593,808     103,593,808

     Plus: Other income                                        343,452,869     343,452,869

          Return on investment (losses are indicated
                                                               493,372,758     493,372,758
by "-")

          Including: Share of profit or loss of joint
                                                               149,003,152     149,003,152
ventures and associates

               Income from derecognition of
financial assets measured at amortised costs

          Exchange gains (losses are indicated by "-")              -14,384         -14,384

          Gain on net exposure hedging (losses are
indicated by "-")

          Gain on changes in fair value (losses are
                                                              -292,943,771    -292,943,771
indicated by "-")

          Credit impairment losses (losses are
                                                                -31,736,912     -31,736,912
indicated by "-")

          Asset impairment losses (losses are
                                                               -301,118,508    -301,118,508
indicated by "-")

          Income from asset disposal (losses are
                                                                   159,503         159,503
indicated by "-")

III. Operating profit (losses are indicated by "-")           3,516,665,580   3,536,151,178         19,485,598

     Plus: Non-operating income                                210,942,953     210,942,953

     Less: Non-operating expenses                                4,694,406       4,694,406

IV. Gross profits (total losses are indicated by "-")         3,722,914,127   3,742,399,725         19,485,598

     Less: Income tax expenses                                 487,257,128     490,179,967           2,922,839

V. Net profits (net losses are indicated by "-")              3,235,656,999   3,252,219,758         16,562,759

  (1) Classification by business continuity

     1. Net profits from continuing operations (net
                                                              3,235,656,999   3,252,219,758         16,562,759
losses are indicated by "-")

     2. Net profits from discontinued operations (net
                                                                          -               -
losses are indicated by "-")

  (2) Classification by ownership

     1. Net profits attributable to the owners of the
                                                              2,403,729,935   2,410,539,527          6,809,592
parent company

     2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling             831,927,064     841,680,231           9,753,167

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                         First Quarter 2022 Report


VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                      -180,087,886    -180,087,886                    -

  Other comprehensive income attributable to the
                                                                 -151,737,311    -151,737,311
owners of the parent company, net of tax

     (1) Other comprehensive income that will not be
                                                                  -65,621,285     -65,621,285                   -
reclassified to profit or loss

              1. Changes arising from remeasurement
of defined benefit plans

              2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be subsequently reclassified into profits and                        -
losses under the equity method

              3. Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                                  -65,621,285     -65,621,285
instrument investments

              4. Changes in fair value of the
enterprise's own credit risks

              5. Others

     (2) Other comprehensive income that may
                                                                  -86,116,026     -86,116,026                   -
subsequently reclassified into profit and loss

              1. Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred to profits and losses under the equity                 11,868          11,868

              2. Changes in fair value of other debt

              3. Amount of financial assets reclassified
into other comprehensive income

              4. Provisions for credit impairment of
other debt investments

              5. Reserves for cash flow hedging                   -75,069,636     -75,069,636

              6. Conversion differences in foreign
                                                                  -11,058,258     -11,058,258
currency financial statements

              7. Others                                                     -

  Other net comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                  -28,350,575     -28,350,575
minority interests, net of tax

VII. Total comprehensive income                                 3,055,569,113   3,072,131,872         16,562,759

     Total comprehensive income attributable to the
                                                                2,251,992,624   2,258,802,216          6,809,592
owners of the parent company

     Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                 803,576,489     813,329,656           9,753,167
non-controlling interests

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                             First Quarter 2022 Report

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (1) Basic earnings per share                                     0.1781               0.1786

     (2) Diluted earnings per share                                   0.1713               0.1718

III. Auditor’s report

Whether the First Quarter 2022 Report has been audited or not?
□ Yes √ No
The Company’s First Quarter 2022 Report has not yet been audited.

                                                                               TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                                              Board of Directors
                                                                                                    April 27, 2022
