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                        TCL Technology Group Corporation                     Interim Report 2022

    TCL 科技集团股份有限公司
        TCL Technology Group Corporation

                           INTERIM REPORT 2022

                                   August 26, 2022

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                       Interim Report 2022

         Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

      The Board of Directors (or the “Board”),the Supervisory Committee as
well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of TCL Technology

Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee
the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its
summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations,

misleading statements or material omissions therein.

      Mr. Li Dongsheng, the person-in-charge of the Company, Ms. Li Jian, the
person-in-charge of financial affairs (Chief Financial Officer), and Mr. Xi Wenbo,
the person-in-charge of the financial department (Chief Accountant), hereby
guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Interim Report are factual,
accurate, and complete.
      All the Company’s directors attended the Board meeting for the review of

this report.
      The future plans, development strategies or other forward-looking
statements mentioned in this Report and its summary shall NOT be considered as
promises of the Company to investors. Therefore, investors are kindly reminded
to pay attention to possible investment risks.
      The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or

stock, nor for the conversion of capital reserve into share capital.
      This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be
any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese

version shall prevail.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                       Interim Report 2022

                                            Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions .................................... 2
Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ............................ 6
Part III Management Discussion and Analysis ........................................................ 9
Part IV Corporate Governance................................................................................ 31
Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility ................................................... 33
Part VI Significant Events ........................................................................................ 41
Part VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders ...................... 56
Part VIII Bonds ......................................................................................................... 62
Part IX Financial Report .......................................................................................... 67

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                       Interim Report 2022

                           Documents Available for Reference
      (I) The financial statements signed and stamped by the person-in-charge of the
Company, the Chief Financial Officer and person-in-charge of the financial department.
      (II) The originals of all the Company’s announcements and documents that were
disclosed to the public during the Reporting Period.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                            Interim Report 2022

                Term                   Refers to                                    Definition
 The “Company”, the “Group”,
                                       Refers to   TCL Technology Group Corporation
 “TCL”,“TCL Tech.” or “we”
 The “Reporting Period”, “current
                                       Refers to   The period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.
 TCL CSOT                              Refers to   TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                   TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a majority-owned
 TCL Zhonghuan                         Refers to   subsidiary of the Company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock
                                                   code: 002129.SZ)
                                                   Tianjin Printronics Circuit Corporation, a majority-owned subsidiary of the
 TPC                                   Refers to
                                                   Company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002134.SZ)
 Wuhan CSOT                            Refers to   Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
 Guangdong Juhua                       Refers to   Guangdong Juhua Printed Display Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                   Ningbo Jiutian Liancheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
 Jiutian Liancheng                     Refers to
                                                   Highly Information Industry Co., Ltd., a majority-owned subsidiary of the
 Highly                                Refers to   Company listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (stock
                                                   code: 835281)
 Moka Technology                       Refers to   Moka International Limited
 Semiconductor materials               Refers to   Materials with electrical conductivity between conductors and insulators.
                                                   Single-crystal silicon in which the silicon atoms are structured periodically
 Monocrystalline silicon               Refers to   and made of high-purity polycrystalline silicon by the Czochralski (CZ) and
                                                   float zone (FZ) method.
                                                   Polycrystal of silicon composed of silicon grains at a certain size, in which
                                                   each silicon grain has a different crystalline orientation. High-purity
 Polycrystalline silicon               Refers to
                                                   polysilicon used to prepare monocrystalline silicon is primarily purified from
                                                   metallurgical-grade polysilicon by the improved Siemens method.
                                                   P-type monocrystalline silicon created by adding trivalent elements (such as
 P-type                                Refers to   boron) to replace silicon atoms in the production process of monocrystalline
                                                   P-type monocrystalline silicon created by adding pentavalent elements (such
 N-type                                Refers to   as phosphorus) to replace silicon atoms in the production process of
                                                   monocrystalline silicon.
 Polished wafer                        Refers to   Silicon wafer obtained through cutting, grinding, and polishing.
                                                   Semiconductor silicon wafer formed through the epitaxial process on the
 Epitaxial wafer                       Refers to
                                                   polished wafer.
 t1                                    Refers to   The generation 8.5 (or G8.5) TFT-LCD production line of TCL CSOT
                                                   The generation 8.5 (or G8.5) TFT-LCD (including oxide semiconductor)
 t2                                    Refers to
                                                   production line of TCL CSOT
 t3                                    Refers to   The generation 6 (or G6) LTPS-LCD panel production line of TCL CSOT
                                                   The generation 6 (or G6) flexible LTPS-AMOLED panel production line of
 t4                                    Refers to
                                                   TCL CSOT
                                                   The generation 6 (or G6) of new semiconductor production line of Wuhan
 t5                                    Refers to
                                                   The generation 11 (or G11) new TFT-LCD display production line of TCL
 t6                                    Refers to
                                                   The generation 11 (or G11) new ultra-high-definition (UHD) TFT-LCD and
 t7                                    Refers to
                                                   AMOLED production line of TCL CSOT
                                                   The generation 8.6 (or G8.6) new oxide semiconductor production line of
 t9                                    Refers to
                                                   Guangzhou CSOT
                                                   The generation 8.5 (or G8.5) TFT-LCD production line of Suzhou China Star
 t10                                   Refers to
                                                   Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
 GW                                    Refers to   Gigawatt, power unit for solar cells, 1GW = 1,000 megawatts
                                                   12-inch ultra-large DW-cut solar monocrystalline silicon square wafer, size:
 G12                                   Refers to   44,096mm, diagonal line: 295mm, side length: 210mm, with its size 80.5%
                                                   larger than the conventional M2

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                Interim Report 2022

        Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I. Corporate Information

 Stock name                              TCL TECH.                     Stock code                    000100
 Place of listing                        Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Company name in Chinese                 TCL 科技集团股份有限公司
 Abbr. (if any)                          TCL 科技
 Company name in English (if any)        TCL Technology Group Corporation
 Abbr. (if any)                          TCL TECH.
 Legal representative                    Li Dongsheng
II. Contact Information
                                                                                   Board Secretary
 Name                                    Liao Qian
                                         10/F, Tower G1, International E Town, TCL Science Park, 1001 Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
 Office address
                                         Guangdong Province, China
 Tel.                                    0755-3331 1666
 Email address                           ir@tcl.com
III. Other Information
1. Contact Information of the Company
Whether the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address and email address of the Company changed during
the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address and email address of the Company
during the Reporting Period. Please refer to the Annual Report 2021 for details.
2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place Where This Report is Lodged
Whether the media for information disclosure and place where this report is lodged changed during the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No change occurred to the newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the CSRC
for disclosing the Company’s periodic reports and the place for lodging such reports during the Reporting Period. Please refer to the
Annual Report 2021 for details.
3. Other Information
Whether other information changed during the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Indicate whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.
√ Yes □ No
Reasons for retroactive adjustment or restatement

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                     Interim Report 2022

Change of accounting policy

                                                                                        H1 2021                            Change
                                                     H1 2022
                                                                          Before adjustment    After adjustment       After adjustment
 Revenue (RMB)                                      84,522,181,128          74,298,646,758          74,405,849,039               13.60%
 Net profit attributable to the company’s
                                                        663,522,871          6,783,884,807           6,802,218,487               -90.2%
 shareholders (RMB)
 Net profits attributable to the
 company’s shareholders before non-                   -626,869,385          5,497,817,947           5,516,151,627             -111.36%
 recurring gains and losses (RMB)
 Net cash generated from operating
                                                      9,016,635,743         13,895,714,157          13,895,714,157              -35.11%
 activities (RMB)
 Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                        0.0489                 0.5026                 0.5040               -90.30%
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                      0.0485                 0.4835                 0.4848               -90.00%
                                                                                                                     Decrease by 17.3
 Weighted average return on equity (%)                        1.71%                18.96 %                 19.01%    percentage points
                                                                                                                     year on year
                                                   End of the                      December 31, 2021                       Change
                                                 Reporting Period         Before adjustment    After adjustment       After adjustment
 Total assets (RMB)                                330,356,529,181         308,733,133,305         308,987,970,915                6.92%
 Owners’ equity attributable to the
                                                    39,024,099,358          43,034,234,611          43,103,580,799               -9.46%
 company’s shareholders (RMB)

Reasons for change in accounting policies and correction of accounting errors
In accordance with the Interpretation No. 15 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance,
the Company implemented related requirements and retroactively adjusted relevant items of the financial statements at the beginning
of the year and the same period of the previous year. Such change in accounting policy has no material impact on the Company’s
financial position and operating results.
Total share capital at the end of the last trading session before the disclosure of this Report:

 Total share capital at the end of the last trading session before
 the disclosure of this Report (share)

Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest total share capital above:

 Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest total share
 capital above (RMB/share)
V. Accounting Data Differences under China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
(CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting
1. Differences in Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no differences in the net profit and equity reported by the Company under CAS and IFRS during the Reporting Period.
2. Differences in Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no differences in the net profit and equity reported by the Company under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards during
the Reporting Period.
3. Reasons for Accounting Data Differences Above
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                  Interim Report 2022
VI. Non-Recurring Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                        Item                                                           Amount
 Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)                      464,268,004
 Government subsidies charged to current profits and loss (except for government subsidies closely related
 to the Company’s normal business which comply with national policies and regulations and are enjoyed on               429,923,376
 an ongoing basis according to certain standard quotas or quantities)
 The profits or losses generated from changes in fair value arising from holding marketable financial assets
 and marketable financial liabilities, as well as the investment-related income from the disposal of marketable
 financial assets, marketable financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, except for the
 effective hedging business related to the Company’s normal business operation.
 Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables that have been individually tested for impairment                    10,179,957
 Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                                                  538,584,560
 Less: Corporate income tax                                                                                               47,765,551
      Non-controlling interests (net of tax)                                                                              93,634,197
 Total                                                                                                                 1,290,392,256

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses.
Note on non-recurring profit and loss items that which is listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-Recurring Gain/Loss shall be used to define Recurring Gain/Loss items
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company does not have any non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-Recurring Gain/Loss that are defined as recurring profit and
loss items.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                        Interim Report 2022

                   Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main businesses of the Company during the reporting period

1. Overview
     In the first half of the year affected by factors such as intensifying geopolitical conflicts, rising
inflationary pressures, and multiple waves of COVID-19 outbreaks across the world, the demand in
end market remained sluggish and the global economy slowed down significantly. The complex and
changing political and economic situation has further impacted the high-tech industry and driven the
transformation of energy structures. In response to these changes, the Company laid out its business
in the pan-semiconductor industry on a basis of semiconductor display, new energy photovoltaics,
and semiconductor materials, strengthened its risk management and control, and secured the bottom
line of operation with ultimate cost efficiency to improve comparative competitiveness and pursue
sustainable high-quality development.
     During the reporting period, the Company achieved an operating revenue of RMB84.52 billion,
a year-on-year increase of 13.6%; a net profit of RMB1.93 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 79.3%;
and a net profit of RMB660 million attributable to the shareholders of listed companies, a year-on-
year decrease of 90.2%. The Company saw decreased profits primarily due to overall sluggish
demand for display terminals, sharp decline in orders from key regional markets and customers
caused by geopolitical conflicts, and significantly lower prices of major products than that at the same
period of last year. The net profit of the Company's semiconductor display business decreased by
RMB8.9 billion year on year.
     In terms of its new energy photovoltaic business, the Company seized the promising
opportunities of the industry, fully utilized its leading advantages in products and process technology,
and accelerated the construction of advanced capacity. In terms of its semiconductor material business,
the Company continued to diversify its product and customer structure, with both production and
sales increasing significantly. TCL Zhonghuan achieved an operating income of RMB31.7 billion, a
year-on-year increase of 79.7%, and a net profit of RMB3.225 billion, a year-on-year increase of
68.4%, with rapidly increased proportion of contribution to the Company's performance. The
Company has recently begun working with its partners to launch a project of 100,000 tons of granular
silicon and silicon-based materials and a project of 10,000 tons of electronic grade polycrystalline
silicon, enabling the Company to coordinate industrial chain resources and secure the supply of major
materials on the upstream.
     Building long-term competitive advantages based on the technological innovation-driven

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                      Interim Report 2022
business development. During the reporting period, the Company invested RMB5.25 billion in R&D,
a year-on-year increase of 3.65%. The Company filed a total of 475 new international patent
applications under the PCT, for a total of 14,526 applications filed. The Company has increased R&D
investment in the semiconductor display business by focusing on new display technologies such as
printed OLED, QLED, and Micro-LED, and made breakthroughs in key technologies and materials
such as flexible displays, near-to-eye displays, and basic chemicals. The Company's patent
applications for quantum dot electroluminescence technology and materials reached 2,033, ranking
second in the world. The Company has developed a series of proprietary technologies and expertise
with independent intellectual property rights in the field of new energy photovoltaics and
semiconductor materials. The Company's market share of G12 large silicon wafers and high-
efficiency N-type silicon wafers ranked first in the world, leading the upgrade of thin-wafer and thin-
line process technology in the photovoltaic industry.
     Optimizing product and customer structures, growing market shares, and balanced
development of overall business structure. In the semiconductor display sector, the first product of
the high-end t9 production line has been launched and the expansion project for G6 LTPS has been
constructed as planned, improving the balance of the Company's capacity layout. In the first half of
this year, the Company's shipments of e-sports MNTs and LTPS tablets ranked first in the world, its
shipment of LTPS laptops ranked second in the world, and its shipment of LTPS vehicle screen ranked
top five in the world. Its product portfolio has been continuously optimized. The Company's total
capacity of photovoltaic materials reached 109GW, and its market share of    silicon wafers    external
sales ranked first in the world. It is expected that the Company's crystal capacity will exceed 140GW
by the end of 2022, becoming the largest manufacturer of photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon in the
world. The capacity scale and market share of the Company's imbricated modules have been steadily
improved. The Company has further enhanced its          global competitiveness by strengthening its
synergistic advantage with MAXEON. The Company continued to optimize its total solution for
semiconductor materials, doubling its year-on-year growth in the shipment of 8-12 inch polished
wafers and epitaxial wafers.
     Building a digital and industry 4.0 platform while pioneering cutting-edge intelligent
manufacturing technology. Through the deep integration of intelligence, digitization, and advanced
manufacturing in the semiconductor display business, the Company has driven the continuous
improvement of processes, greatly improved manufacturing efficiency, and realized the dynamic
management of the whole production process and the product lifecycle. The Company has adopted a
lean management model combined with industry 4.0 manufacturing in its new energy photovoltaics
business, significantly increasing the flexible manufacturing capability and quality assurance. The

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                       Interim Report 2022
Company's monthly output of single furnaces, number of wafers per kilogram, man-machine ratio,
and other indicators have been continuously optimized. TCL Zhonghuan Yinchuan's phase 6 single-
crystal plant has increased its man-machine ratio to 384 units per person in the crystal drawing process,
realizing personnel efficiency far above the industry average.
     Driving the entire value chain towards green and low-carbon development through a
people-oriented approach, and constantly exploring harmonious coexistence and sustainable
development. Upholding a green development model, the Company has promoted the low-carbon
process in both the production and consumption process. TCL CSOT and other major businesses
improve the utilization of clean energy by building photovoltaic power generation systems on plant
roofs. New display technologies such as HVA, 1G1D, and LTPO can effectively reduce the power
consumption of consumer products while improving image quality. TCL Zhonghuan has accelerated
the production and manufacturing of new energy photovoltaic materials, strengthened the national
industrial layout with Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, and Jiangsu as manufacturing bases, and reduced the
integrated cost of global energy transformation through R&D and innovation.
     Looking forward, the increasing restructuring of the global economy will pose both
opportunities and challenges to the high-tech industry. The increasing competition in the
semiconductor display industry will optimize the industry layout in the long run and recover earnings.
We will comprehensively consider the industrial chain layout and resource investment in new energy
photovoltaics to achieve more sustainable and stable development while choosing the opportunity to
expand related field layout based on our experience in semiconductor materials. We will continue to
implement the business strategy of “improving operating quality and profitability, consolidating
advantages and improving disadvantages, accelerating global layout, and promoting innovation-
driven development”, stick to the bottom line of extreme cost efficiency, and strengthen risk control
capabilities and adaptability to drive high-quality development.
2. Operation of main businesses
     Based on the semi-conductor display business, new energy photovoltaic and semi-conductor
materials as the main business, the Company continue to optimize its business structure, and further
focus on its main businesses, to achieve the strategic goal of global leadership in its two core

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                    Interim Report 2022

                                                         TCL TECH.

                  Semi-conductor         New energy photovoltaic &         Industrial finance &
                     display              Semi-conductor materials             investment

                                       Zhonghuan        Zhonghuan          TCL            TCL
              TCL CSOT    China Ray                                                                Highly           TPC
                                       Photovoltaic     Advanced         Financial       Capital

                            Moka       TCL Microc       Xinhuan /
                Juhua                                    Xinhua
                          Technology      hip

     (I) Semiconductor display business
     Under the influence of international political conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic, the
recovery of the global economy has been slow, downstream consumer demand has remained sluggish,
the semiconductor display industry fell at the bottom of the industry cycle, and the prices of major
products have significantly lowered compared to the same period of last year. During the reporting
period, TCL CSOT achieved a total of sales area of 22.496 million square meters, a year-on-year
increase of 26.4%, and achieved a revenue of RMB37.26 billion from the semiconductor display
business, a year-on-year decrease of 8.81%, with a loss of RMB2.27 billion. In order to meet these
challenges, the Company took adopted extreme cost-effectiveness as the bottom line of operations
and improved its business structure to enhance risk control and resilience capacity in this economic
     In its large-size product business, TCL CSOT has consolidated its leading position in TV
panels with a high-end product strategy, and gradually increased its proportion of commercial
displays such as interactive whiteboards, digital signs, and video walls. The t1, t2, t6, and t10
plants maintained efficient operations, and the t7 plant has ramped up as scheduled. The Company's
TV panel market share ranked second in the world, 55-inch and 75-inch product market share ranked
first in the world, 65-inch product market share ranked second in the world, and 8K and 120Hz high-
end TV panel market share ranked first in the world by a firm margin. The Company has accelerated
the adjustment of its product structure, with revenue from non-TV businesses rising to 25%,
becoming the core supplier for leading customers in terms of commercial display markets such as
interactive whiteboards, digital signs, and TV walls. The Company's market share of interactive
whiteboards has risen to first in the world.
     In its medium-size product business, TCL CSOT has accelerated the expansion of new
business such as IT and vehicle screen products while improving the distribution of production
capacity to create a new growth engine. In order to meet market and customer needs, the Company
improved the ordering of its medium-sized product and customer structure based on the optimization

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                     Interim Report 2022
of existing capacity, and achieved a rapid growth in high-end IT segments. The company's e-sports
display market share ranked first in the world, LTPS laptop shipments ranked second in the world,
and shipment of LTPS tablets ranked first in the world. The Company achieved breakthroughs in
multiple key vehicle screen customers, with both shipment volume and revenue scale increasing
significantly. Revenue from t3 non-mobile products also increased by 56%. The t9 production line,
which is positioned in the new business layout of medium-sized IT and vehicle-mounted products has
launched its first product. The G6 LTPS production line constructed as planned. After commissioning,
the overall capacity and competitiveness of LTPS will rank first in the world, making further
breakthroughs in the medium-sized business strategy of the Company.
     In its small-size product business, TCL CSOT focused on foldable and other technologies
while expanding VR/AR new displays to optimize its product and customer structure. The
shipment volume of LTPS mobile panels from the t3 production line remained the fourth highest in
the world. The independently developed industry-leading 1512 PPI LCD-VR screens are expected to
achieve SoP and shipment to brand customers in September. The t4 production line was still under
pressure due higher R&D costs and fixed expenses for the scaling of capacity during the early stage.
However, the development of new technologies and products such as foldable OLEDs, under-screen
cameras, LTPOs, and narrow bezels has progressed smoothly. This has acquired many brand
customers, diversified the product portfolio and customer resources, and laid a foundation for
subsequent business enhancement.
     In the long run, the growth of large-size display production capacity will decrease and
further optimization of the competitive landscape will continue. The industry will accelerate its
restructuring, old capacity will continue to be eliminated, and leading manufacturers will take the
initiative in cutting down on production. With gradually reducing capacity at the supply side and the
recovery of demand, the industry is expected to rebound. TCL CSOT will further optimize its business
portfolio, increase the proportion of high-end large-size products, improve the product layout for
medium-size products, improve the business situation for small-size products, and accelerate its
transformation from a leader in large-sized displays to a cutting-edge enterprise covering all display
sizes. The Company will pursue efficiency in its operations and continue to improve its comparative
competitive advantages in the industry.
     (II) New energy photovoltaic and semiconductor materials business
    Driven by the accelerated transformation of the global energy structure, demand in the
photovoltaics industry has experienced explosive growth. The demand for semiconductor materials
has also maintained rapid development as China has continued the independent development of its
domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry. The new energy photovoltaics and

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                    Interim Report 2022
semiconductor material industries have fully utilized their leading technological advantages,
accelerated the construction of advanced production capacity, and are continuing to improve
operating efficiency, results in sharp growths in both revenue and performance. During the
reporting period, TCL Zhonghuan achieved an operating revenue of RMB31.70 billion, a year-on-
year increase of 79.7%, and earned a net profit of RMB3.225 billion, a year-on-year increase of 68.4%.
     1. New energy photovoltaics business
     Accelerating advanced capacity building, strengthening industrial collaboration, and
realizing rapid and high-quality business growth. During the reporting period, the capacity scale
and market share of TCL Zhonghuan in new energy photovoltaic materials grew rapidly, with capacity
increasing to 109GW and the advanced capacity maintaining a leading global position. Sales scale
increased by 24% year-on-year, market share of G12 silicon wafers ranked first in the world, and the
market share of high-efficiency N-type monocrystalline silicon wafers ranked first in the world.
Shingled PV modules with patent advantages have also achieved a rapid growth in production
capacity. The production capacity of the G12 high-efficiency shingled PV module project in Jiangsu
has reached 8GW, while the production capacity of the G12 high-efficiency shingled PV module
project (Phase I) in Tianjin has reached 3GW. Based on the future design for the next generation of
differentiated battery technology, the Company has completed the construction of an automated and
intelligently industry-leading G12 battery engineering demonstration line with an annual capacity of
2GW. The Company has also strengthened its strategic cooperation with ecosystem partners and
acquired the upstream core resources in advance to further consolidate its competitive advantages in
non-silicon materials and manufacturing costs while enhancing its control in key links and value
nodes alongside the industrial chain.
     Increasing the monthly production capacity per furnace, leading thin-wafer and thin-line
trends, and continuously improving the efficiency of the photovoltaics industry based on long-
term technology accumulation and process optimization. During the reporting period, the
Company's monthly output of silicon rods per furnace increased by 19%, while the consumption rate
of silicon materials per unit product decreased by 6% year on year. The Company continued to lead
the industry in the thin-line standards and achieved SoP of 150um p-type and 130um n-type products
with manufacturing efficiency significantly ahead of the industry. Relying on an industry 4.0
intelligent manufacturing platform, the Company has established a flexible cooperation model with
the upstream and downstream to effectively meet the differentiated needs of customers for p-type and
n-type batteries, and further improved the production and sales scale and product quality of the
Company's products.
     2. Semiconductor materials business

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                      Interim Report 2022
    Semiconductor material business adopts the Total Solution, to significantly increasing
production and sales by following a dual development route (characteristic technology and
advanced processes control), continuously improving product and customer structure. Driven
by the zone melting and direct-pulling process, the Company has engaged in intensive power + IC
development. During the reporting period, the Company achieved full coverage of 8-inch and below
mainstream products, completed SoP of 12-inch products below 28nm, ensuring the provision of a
full series solutions for global customers. The shipped area of polished wafer and epitaxial wafer
products increased by 76.2% year-on-year, of which the shipment of 8-inch and 12-inch products
increased by 107% year-on-year. Operating revenue increased by 79.9% year-on-year, achieving a
leading position in the Chinese market.
    The Company will seize the opportunities of the development of the semiconductor industry and
continue to diversity its product and customer structure to improve the scale of production capacity.
By the end of this year, the Company expects to reach a production capacity of 900,000, 1,000,000,
and 300,000 pieces per month for 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch products respectively.
     The Company will also continue to improve its layout in the new energy photovoltaics and
semiconductor industries, and constantly enhance industrial chain synergy and supply chain stability.
The Company and its partners have recently jointly invested in the construction of a project with an
annual output of around 100,000 tons of granular silicon and silicon-based materials, along with a
project with an annual output of 10,000 tons of electronic grade polycrystalline silicon. This will
realize the vertical expansion of the industrial chain and enhance the Company's leading position in
the new energy photovoltaics and semiconductor materials business. The Company also invested in
Xinxin Semiconductor, and jointly promoted resources in overseas markets to horizontally expand its
business layout in semiconductor materials.
     The company will continue to focus on the overall semiconductor strategy of
semiconductor display, new energy photovoltaic and semiconductor materials,adopting the
principle of “improving operating quality and profitability, consolidating advantages and improving
disadvantages, accelerating global layout, and promoting innovation-driven development” to
constantly improve its core competitiveness, achieve high-quality development, and become a
leading global high-tech industry group.
II. Analysis of core competitiveness
     In 2022, TCL upgraded its corporate culture and put forward a new mission of “leading
technology and mutually beneficial cooperation”. In the future, TCL will continue to strengthen its
investment in leading technology to create a better life for people, and build an open and mutually
beneficial industry ecosystem with partners characterized by a people-oriented approach and

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                    Interim Report 2022
cooperation. Now, the Company has developed a business structure based on semi-conductor display
devices, new energy photovoltaic and semi-conductor materials. The Company, with a clear
development path, efficient operation and distinct culture, and professional operation, is constantly
improving its core competitiveness and abilities in sustainable development.
     Leading in scale: rapid growth of production capacity and improvement of value chain
     As a global leading enterprise in semiconductor display and a pioneer in independent line
construction in the domestic display field, the Company has brought the aggregation effect into full
play through the centralized production line layout and continues to expand production capacity
through endogenous growth and external acquisition; through the construction of two 8.5-gen lines,
TCL CSOT has gained a firm foothold in the field of TV panels; subsequently, two 6-gen lines
successfully introduce small-size panels, and the shipment has exceeded 10%; in recent years, through
the investment and construction of two 11-gen lines and the acquisition of Suzhou Samsung Factory
t10 production line, we have further expanded our large-sized production capacity and kept a leading
position for large-sized panels in the world; Last year, the Company invested in the construction of
t9 production lines for high value-added IT, commercial display and other medium-sized products to
speed up full-size strategic layout. TCL Huaxing has actively extended the value chain and further
enhanced its position and profitability by expanding the production capacity of internally developed
modules and acquiring the Moka Technology and Samsung module plants. The Company's core
competitive advantage based on scale and supply chain synergy will be further strengthened, while
its industry position and comprehensive competitiveness will be further enhanced. The t9 production
line has launched its first product and is ready to be put into production, while the production
expansion (t5) project of the 6-gen LTPS production line has progressed as planned. This will ensure
that the TCL CSOT's production line layout will be more balanced and the business structure will be
further optimized.
     Leading in technology and ecology: Actively laying the groundwork for next-generation
display technologies and materials, building a first-mover advantage through ecological
     Relying on TCL CSOT, the Company accelerated the vertical layout of the industrial chain and
continuously improved its upstream capacity for technological innovation. The Company, focusing
on basic materials, next-generation display materials, key equipment in new techniques and other
fields for its ecological layout, has constructed a TCL ecosystem within the display field, so as to
establish its leading advantage based on next generation display technology, and its high-tech value
continues to be enhanced.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                        Interim Report 2022
       The "National Printing and Flexible Display Innovation Center" of Guangdong Juhua under
the Company, is the only national innovation center in the display field within China, and has built a
global leading public platform for G4.5 printed display R&D, integrating industrial chain resources
from all links including materials, techniques, processes and application verification. In addition, the
Company will continue to invest in Micro-LED display technology, so as to promote the Company's
ecological layout in this field from materials, techniques, equipment, and production line solutions to
independent intellectual property, and develop a process flow solution for Micro-LED commercial
       Leading in management: adopting extreme cost efficiency across the cycle with relative
       While establishing market scale, technology, and ecosystems advantages, the Company has also
taken the lead in efficiency and benefit indicators. Since beginning operations in 2011, TCL CSOT
has weathered several rounds of sharp fluctuation cycles in the display industry with extreme cost
efficiency and lean management.
       Through the synergistic effect of centralized factories, the Company gives full play to the
efficiency of its production line layout and capacity increase, further improving the activation and
product scheduling efficiency with advantages in industrial chain integration and locking in strategic
customers, promoting end-to-end cost and expense control through refined management and extreme
efficiency cost measures, so as to build its relative competitiveness in the industry. Despite the severe
industry situation in 2022, TCL CSOT will continue to improve efficiency and effectiveness
indicators across the cycle of industry development.
       New strategic growth engine: seizing development opportunities in conjunction with the
rapid development of semiconductors and photovoltaics
       Relying on the Company's long-term management expertise in technology- intensive, capital-
intensive, and long-term industries, TCL Zhonghuan developed its business rapidly through
institutional reform, optimizing capital structure, stimulating organizational vitality, and releasing
growth potential. Both operating revenue and profits have grown significantly
       In the first half of 2022, the Company implemented a series of strategic operation measures such
as industry coordination, operation efficiency optimization, and management experience
empowerment. TCL Zhonghuan gradually enhanced its abilities in strategy, operation, and resource
allocation. Driven by the factors of high industry prosperity and rapid expansion of production
capacity, TCL Zhonghuan has further consolidated its leading position in the industry, realized high-
quality and rapid growth performance, and gradually grown into one of the main engines for
performance growth of TCL Technology. With an inexhaustible source of development power, the

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
two tracks converge to make the Company a leader in the development of the global science and
technology industry.
       Upgrading of organizational culture: The mission of “leading technology and mutually
beneficial cooperation” drives the Company into a new development stage
       At the beginning of 2022, the Company put forward the mission of “leading technology and
mutually beneficial cooperation” in the new period. Guided by this mission, the Company is
committed to creating an organizational culture of "reform, innovation, responsibility, and
excellence”, and continues to deepen its team building and the construction of a corporate culture.
TCL Technology will continue to invest in fields closely related to human life (such as intelligence,
health, carbon reduction, and energy saving), and build its leading advantages in technology and
products to deliver a wonderful experience and better life to people. We will uphold the concept of
sustainable development based on a people-oriented approach, while promoting mutually beneficial
development. We are dedicated to the environmental friendliness, employee engagement, social trust,
as well as the harmonious development between humanity, nature, and society. We will also work
with stakeholders to build an open and mutually beneficial industry ecosystem and value healthy
competition and integrated development on a basis of open cooperation and mutually beneficial
development with partners.
III. Core Business Analysis
Whether it is the same as the disclosure of the main business of the Company during the reporting period

√ Yes □ No
See relevant contents in “I. Main businesses of the Company during the reporting period”.
Year-on-year changes in key financial data:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                    H1 2022                     H1 2021                 Change (%)            Reason for change
 Revenue                            84,522,181,128                74,405,849,039               13.60%
                                                                                                           Primarily due to the
                                                                                                           increase in the scale of
 Cost of sales                      76,522,943,519                58,068,971,004               31.78%
                                                                                                           TCL Zhonghuan's
                                                                                                           operating revenue
 Selling expenses                     1,053,369,277                   901,175,676              16.89%
                                      1,716,379,375                2,023,367,685               -15.17%
 Financial expenses                   1,720,157,252                1,818,982,875                -5.43%
                                                                                                           Primarily due to the
                                                                                                           decrease in tax payments
 Income tax expense                     -88,397,544                1,416,496,913              -106.24%     as the semiconductor
                                                                                                           display business affected
                                                                                                           by the industry cycle
 R&D investments                      5,252,157,387                5,067,168,130                3.65%

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
                                                                                                           Primarily due to the
                                                                                                           decrease in operating
 Net cash generated
                                                                                                           cash flows as the
 from operating                        9,016,635,743               13,895,714,157                -35.11%
                                                                                                           semiconductor display
                                                                                                           business affected by the
                                                                                                           industry cycle
 Net cash used in
                                     -17,613,551,791              -20,963,137,286                15.98%
 investing activities
 Net cash generated
 from financing                        9,930,162,074               13,396,966,630                -25.88%
                                                                                                           Primarily due to the year-
 Net increase in cash                                                                                      on-year decrease in
                                       1,594,616,564                   6,285,295,538             -74.63%
 and cash equivalents                                                                                      operating cash flows and
                                                                                                           financing cash flows
Significant changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No significant changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the Reporting Period.
Breakdown of revenue:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                              H1 2022                                      H1 2021

                                                       As % of total                                 As % of total       Change (%)
                                    Amount                                        Amount
                                                        revenue (%)                                  revenue (%)

            Total                 84,522,181,128                 100%           74,405,849,039                 100%          13.60%

 By operating division

 Semi-conductor display           37,262,161,646               44.09%           40,863,496,897                54.92%          -8.81%

 New energy
                                  31,698,336,741               37.50%           17,644,418,986                23.71%         79.65%

 Distribution business            14,728,215,432               17.43%           14,450,787,001                19.42%          1.92%

 Other businesses and

 internally offset                  833,467,309                  0.98%           1,447,146,155                 1.95%        -42.41%


 By product category

 Semi-conductor display
                                  37,262,161,646               44.09%           40,863,496,897                54.92%          -8.81%

 New energy

 photovoltaic & semi-             31,698,336,741               37.50%           17,644,418,986                23.71%         79.65%

 conductor materials

 Distribution of
                                  14,728,215,432               17.43%           14,450,787,001                19.42%          1.92%

 Other businesses and               833,467,309                  0.98%           1,447,146,155                 1.95%        -42.41%

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                              Interim Report 2022

 internally offset


 By operating segment

 Mainland China                   57,379,449,518              67.89%         48,121,871,530                64.67%            19.24%

 Overseas       (including
                                  27,142,731,610              32.11%         26,283,977,509                35.33%             3.27%
 Hong Kong)

Operating division, product category or region contributing over 10% of revenue or operating profit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                          Change in

                                                                         Gross                                              gross
                                                                                      Change in       Change in cost
                                      Revenue         Cost of sales      profit                                             profit
                                                                                     revenue (%)       of sales (%)
                                                                        margin                                              margin


 By operating division

 Semi-conductor display             37,262,161,646   35,813,110,134       3.89%             -8.81%           23.66%         -25.24%

 New energy photovoltaic            31,698,336,741   26,089,723,845     17.69%             79.65%            86.33%          -2.95%

 Distribution business              14,728,215,432   14,126,968,965       4.08%               1.92%           0.98%           0.89%

 By product category

 Semi-conductor display
                                    37,262,161,646   35,813,110,134       3.89%             -8.81%           23.66%         -25.24%

 New energy photovoltaic &
                                    31,698,336,741   26,089,723,845     17.69%             79.65%            86.33%          -2.95%
 semi-conductor materials

 Distribution of electronics        14,728,215,432   14,126,968,965       4.08%               1.92%           0.98%           0.89%

 By operating segment

 Mainland China                     57,379,449,518   51,272,091,919     10.64%             19.24%            27.65%          -5.89%

 Overseas (including Hong
                                    27,142,731,610   25,250,851,600       6.97%               3.27%          41.04%         -24.92%

Core business data in the recent term restated according to the changed methods of measurement that occurred in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Analysis of Non-Core Businesses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                             As % of gross
                         Amount                                                      Source                            Sustainability
 Asset                                                         Primarily due to falling price of inventory write-
                         1,010,286,547               54.96%                                                                 No
 impairment                                                    offs in line with market

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                Interim Report 2022

                           596,539,618                32.45%    Primarily government grants and others                     No
                            52,391,546                2.85%     Not applicable                                             No
V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                        End of the Reporting Period                December 31, 2021                                   Notes on
                                                                                                   Change in
                                         Proportion of                                                                significant
                                                                                 As % of total     percentage
                          Amount          total assets          Amount                                                 changes
                                                                                    assets            (%)
 Monetary                                                                                                           No significant
                        33,795,516,751         10.23%       31,393,692,485              10.16%           0.07%
 assets                                                                                                                change
 Accounts                                                                                                           No significant
                        19,085,232,924          5.78%       18,238,782,247               5.90%           -0.12%
 receivable                                                                                                            change
                                                                                                                    No significant
 Contract assets           275,287,800          0.08%           233,528,786              0.08%           0.00%
                                                                                                                    No significant
 Inventories            14,025,004,131          4.25%       14,083,356,918               4.56%           -0.31%
 Investment                                                                                                         No significant
                           793,033,485          0.24%           761,902,236              0.25%           -0.01%
 property                                                                                                              change
                                                                                                                    No significant
 equity                 26,665,070,350          8.07%       25,640,578,245               8.30%           -0.23%
                                                                                                                    No significant
 Fixed assets         116,788,925,376          35.35%      113,723,758,876              36.81%           -1.46%
 Construction in                                                                                                    No significant
                        43,418,950,154         13.14%       37,029,504,222              11.98%           1.16%
 progress                                                                                                              change
 Right-of-use                                                                                                       No significant
                         2,094,665,349          0.63%          2,426,911,208             0.79%           -0.16%
 assets                                                                                                                change
                                                                                                                   Optimization of
                        14,811,740,495          4.48%          9,341,426,543             3.02%           1.46%        the debt
 Contract                                                                                                           No significant
                         4,367,690,585          1.32%          2,593,882,004             0.84%           0.48%
 liabilities                                                                                                           change
 Long-term                                                                                                           Increase in
                        96,482,487,828         29.21%       87,279,081,955              28.25%           0.96%
 borrowings                                                                                                          financings
 Lease                                                                                                              No significant
                         1,156,827,073          0.35%          1,102,071,813             0.36%           -0.01%
 liabilities                                                                                                           change
2. Major Assets Overseas
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                                                             Interim Report 2022

3. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                        Gain/loss on fair-                              Impairment
                                                                              Cumulative fair-                             purchased in   Amount sold in
                                      Beginning         value changes in                                allowances
               Item                                                            value changes                              the Reporting    the Reporting    Other changes      Ending amount
                                       amount            the Reporting                               established in the
                                                                             recorded in equity                               Period           Period
                                                             Period                                  Reporting Period
 Financial assets
 1. Held-for-trading financial
 assets (excluding derivative        10,305,293,789         -139,785,390                         0                        6,366,157,772     6,428,042,157                       10,103,624,014
 financial assets)
 2. Derivative financial assets          70,928,566            -1,176,116            57,779,395                                                                360,895,990         488,427,835
 3. Receivables financing             2,217,638,736                                                                                                              6,210,141       2,223,848,877
 4. Investments in other equity
                                        927,319,447                                   -9,967,351                              5,640,000         1,356,500        5,899,966         927,535,562
 Subtotal of financial assets        13,521,180,538         -140,961,506             47,812,044                           6,371,797,772     6,429,398,657      373,006,097      13,743,436,288
 Financial liabilities                  947,240,307         -255,456,349            216,143,583                           1,456,380,469     1,385,671,352      442,164,057       1,420,800,715
Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:
□ Yes √ No

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                              Interim Report 2022
4. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End
      Restricted assets                Carrying amount (RMB’0,000)                        Reason for restriction
      Monetary assets                                            43,209     Deposited in the central bank as the required reserve
      Monetary assets                                           168,711              Other restricted monetary assets
      Notes receivable                                           27,856                            Pledge
        Fixed assets                                          8,603,286                    As collateral for loan
      Intangible assets                                         318,405                    As collateral for loan
  Held-for-trading financial
                                                                  3,473                    Put in pledge for loan
     Right-of-use assets                                          2,826                    As collateral for lease
    Accounts receivable                                         101,812                           Pledge
       Contract assets                                           15,038                           Pledge
            Total                                             9,284,615                              --
VI. Investments Made
1. Total Investment Amount
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      Total investment amount in the            Total investment amount in the same
                                                                                                       Change (%)
         Reporting Period (RMB)                      period of last year (RMB)
                          21,824,233,385                              18,214,544,743                                       19.82%
2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                                                          Interim Report 2022
4. Financial Investments
(1) Securities Investments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                            Gain/loss                                                The
                                                                                             on fair-     Cumulativ                  Amount     “Reportin
                                                                                                                         Purchase                             Ending
                                                       Initial                 Beginnin       value       e fair-value                sold in   g Period”,                           Fundin
  Securit                            Securities                  Measuremen                                               d in the                            carryin   Accounting
              Securities code                        investmen                 g carrying   changes         changes                     the       “current                             g
  y type                            Abbreviation                  t method                                               Reporting                               g         title
                                                       t cost                   amount        in the      recorded in                Reportin     period”                            source
                                                                                                                          Period                              amount
                                                                                            Reportin         equity                  g Period   Profit and
                                                                                            g Period                                                 loss
                                                                                                                                                                         Other non-
                                   DK Electronic                                                                                                                           current     Self-
  Stocks     300842.SZ                                   2,430    Fair value      48,644         -5,972             0           0           0       -5,972    42,672
                                   Materials, Inc.                                                                                                                        financial   funded
                                                                                                                                                                         Other non-
                                                                                                                                                                           current     Self-
  Stocks     688728.SH             Galaxycore Inc.       4,284    Fair value      19,692          -615              0           0           0         -615    19,077
                                                                                                                                                                          financial   funded
                                                                                                                                                                         s in other    Self-
  Stocks     0860.HK              Wesolutions Inc.      18,926    Fair value      10,131             0         -2,124           0           0             0     8,008
                                                                                                                                                                            equity    funded
             USG9328DAM2                                                                                                                                                   trading     Self-
  Bonds                            RESOURCES             7,757    Fair value       9,341          -133              0       1,198       2,881          258      7,960
             3                                                                                                                                                            financial   funded
                                  INDIKA ENERGY                                                                                                                            trading     Self-
  Bonds      USY39690AA30                                2,788    Fair value            -         -204              0       7,343       2,342          -16      4,949
                                    CAPITAL IV                                                                                                                            financial   funded
                                                                                                                                                                           trading     Self-
  Bonds      USG61759AA70         MINING/ENERG           3,391    Fair value       4,321          -956              0       1,094           0         -655      4,691
                                                                                                                                                                          financial   funded
                                   Y RESOURC
                                                                                                                                                                           trading     Self-
  Bonds      XS2082380515         OILFIELD SERV          6,645    Fair value       4,794          -296              0         498         631         -101      4,605
                                                                                                                                                                          financial   funded
                                   REPUBLIC OF                                                                                                                           Held-for-     Self-
  Bonds      XS0240295575                                3,254    Fair value       4,221          -488              0           0           0          -26      3,939
                                      IRAQ                                                                                                                                 trading    funded

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                                               Interim Report 2022
                                    EHI CAR                                                                                                                    trading     Self-
  Bonds     XS2335327388                                   5,396        Fair value     7,742        -1,718       0         0      2,622    -2,116     3,673
                                  SERVICES LTD                                                                                                                financial   funded
                                                                                                                                                               trading     Self-
  Bonds     XS2205566206         INTERNATIONA              3,691        Fair value     3,434         -137        0         0         0       -19      3,473
                                                                                                                                                              financial   funded
                                     L INC
 Other securities investments held at the period-end     406,113            --       155,576     -7,041          32   193,520   264,643   -11,484    72,478       --        --
 Total                                                   464,676            --       267,895    -17,559      -2,092   203,653   273,118   -20,746   175,524       --        --
 Disclosure date of the board announcement
                                                       April 28, 2022
 approving the securities investments
 Disclosure date of the general meeting
 announcement approving the securities investments     May 20, 2022
 (if any)

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                       Interim Report 2022
(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB'0,000
Funding source                       Mostly foreign-currency revenue
Legal matters involved (if
                                     Not applicable
Disclosure date of the board
announcement approving the           April 28, 2018
derivative investments (if any)
Disclosure date of the general
meeting announcement
                                     Not applicable
approving the derivative
investments (if any)
                                          In order to effectively manage the exchange and interest rate risks of foreign currency assets,
                                    liabilities and cash flows, the Company, after fully analyzing the market trend and predicting the
                                    operation (including orders and capital plans), adopts forward foreign exchange contracts, options
                                    and interest rate swaps to avoid future exchange rate and interest rate risks. As its business scale
                                    changes subsequently, the Company will adjust the exchange rate risk management strategy
                                    according to the actual market conditions and business plans.
                                    Risk analysis:
                                    1. Market risk: the financial derivatives business carried out by the Group belongs to hedging and
                                    trading business related to main business operations, and there is a market risk of loss due to the
                                    fluctuation of underlying interest and exchange rates, which lead to the fluctuation of prices of
                                    financial derivatives;
                                    2. Liquidity risk: the derivatives business carried out by the Group is an over-the-counter
                                    transaction operated by a financial institution, and there is a risk of loss due to paying fees to the
                                    bank for liquidating or selling the derivatives below the buying prices;
                                    3. Performance risk: the Group conducts the derivative business based on rolling budgets for risk
                                    management, and there is a risk of performance failure due to deviation between the actual
                                    operating results and budgets;
                                    4. Other risks: in the case of specific business operations, if the operator fails to finish the prescribed
                                    procedures for report or approval, or fails to record the financial derivative business information
                                    accurately, promptly and completely, it may result in loss of derivative business or trading
                                    opportunities. Moreover, if the trading operator fails to fully understand the terms of transaction
                                    contracts or product information, the Group will face the legal risks and transaction losses
Analysis of risks and control
measures associated with
                                    Measures taken for risk control:
derivative investments held in
                                    1. Basic management principles: the Group strictly follows the hedging principle mainly for the
Reporting Period (including but
                                    purposes of fixing costs and avoiding risks. It is required that the financial derivatives business to
not limited to market risk,
                                    be carried out align with the variety, size, direction and duration of spot goods, and no speculative
liquidity risk, credit risk,
                                    trading should be involved. In the selection of hedging instruments, only simple financial
operational risk, legal risk, etc.)
                                    derivatives that are closely related to the main business operation and meet the requirements of
                                    hedge accounting treatment should be selected, and complex business beyond the prescribed
                                    business scope or difficult to recognize in terms of risk and pricing shall be avoided;
                                    2. The Group has formulated a special risk management system tailored to the risk characteristics
                                    of the financial derivatives business, covering all key aspects such as preemptive prevention, in-
                                    process monitoring and post-processing. It reasonably allocates professionals for investment
                                    decision-making, business operation and risk control as required; Personnel involved in investment
                                    are required to fully understand the risks of financial derivatives investment and strictly implement
                                    the business operation and risk management system of derivatives. Before starting the derivatives
                                    business, the holding company must submit to the competent department of the Group detailed
                                    business reports including its internal approval, main product terms, operational necessity,
                                    preparations, risk analysis, risk management strategy, fair value analysis and accounting methods,
                                    and special summary reports on business operated. Operation is only allowed upon the approval of
                                    the functions under the Group;
                                    3. Relevant departments should track the changes in the open market price or fair value of financial
                                    derivatives, timely assess the risk exposure changes of invested financial derivatives, and make
                                    reports to the board of directors on business development;
                                    4. When the combined fair value impairment of the Company's traded derivatives and the changes
                                    in the value of assets (if any) used for risk hedging results in a total loss or floating loss amount to
                                    reach 10% of the Company's audited net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company
                                    in the latest year and the absolute amount exceeds RMB10 million, the Company shall disclose it
                                    in a timely manner.
Changes in market prices or fair          With the rapid expansion of overseas sales, the Company keeps following the above rules in
value of derivative investments in the operation of forward foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swap contracts and futures

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
Reporting Period (fair value         contracts to avoid and hedge foreign exchange risks arising from operation and financing. The
analysis should include              profit and loss during the reporting period was RMB69.09 million. The fair value of derivatives is
measurement method and related       determined by real-time quoted price of the foreign exchange market, based on the difference
assumptions and parameters)          between the contractual price and the forward exchange rate quoted immediately in the foreign
                                     exchange market on the balance sheet date.
Major changes in accounting
policies and specific accounting
principles adopted for derivative No significant change
investments in Reporting Period
compared to last reporting period
                                        In view of the fact that certain raw materials of the core business of the Company are
                                  purchased overseas, a wide range of settlement currencies is involved. The Company reduces
                                  exchange losses and locks transaction costs by reasonable financial derivatives, which helps to
                                  reduce risk control costs and improve company competitiveness. Risks are effectively controlled
                                  as the Company has taken series of measures such as conducting a rigorous internal evaluation for
Opinion of independent directors the operation of financial derivatives business, establishing a corresponding regulatory mechanism,
on derivative investments and     formulating reasonable accounting policies and specific accounting principles, setting limits for
risk control                      risk exposure management, and operating simple financial derivatives. The contracting agent for
                                  financial derivatives business of the Company is a sound financial agent with good credit standing.
                                  We are of the opinion that the financial derivatives transactions carried out by the Company in the
                                  first half of 2022 were closely related to the daily operation needs of the Company with controllable
                                  risks in line with the interests of the Company and minority shareholders and the relevant provisions
                                  of relevant laws and regulations.

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                                             Ending contractual
                                                                                             Gain/loss       amount as % of the
                                     Beginning amount              Ending amount
                                                                                                in          Company’s ending net
      Type of contract
                                                                                             Reporting              assets
                                  Contractual     Actual      Contractual       Actual        Period       Contractual      Actual
                                   amount         amount       amount           amount                      amount         amount
 1. Forward forex contracts         1,736,175       61,406      2,242,211         82,261                         18.82          0.69
 2. Interest rate swaps               415,696       12,471        353,691         13,127                          2.97          0.11
             Total                  2,151,871       73,877      2,595,901         95,388       6,909             21.79           0.8
5. Use of Funds Raised
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not use the funds raised during the Reporting Period.

VII. Sale of Major Assets and Equity Investments
1. Sale of Major Assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
2. Sale of Major Equity Investments
 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII. Principal Subsidiaries and Joint Stock Companies
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Principal subsidiaries and joint stock companies with an over 10% effect on the Company’s net profit:

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB'0,000

   Company          y type        Principal     Registered                                                   Operating
                                                               Total assets     Net assets     Revenue                     Net profit
    Name           Type of         activity      capital                                                      profit
 TCL China
 Star                               Semi-
                  Subsidiar                     RMB30.468
 Optoelectroni                    conducto                       21,866,768      7,551,717     3,242,988       -317,069     -263,195
                  y                               billion
 cs                               r display

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022
 Co., Ltd.
                  Subsidiar         aic &      RMB3.232
 New Energy                                                        8,871,483   4,480,907      3,169,834      349,581        322,490
                  y                 semi-       billion
 Co., Ltd.
 Information      Subsidiar                    RMB0.412
                                     on                             822,883        133,717    1,472,822        16,680        11,826
 Industry Co.,    y                             billion
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries in the reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                               How subsidiary was obtained or disposed        Effects on overall operations and
              Company Name
                                                      of in the Reporting Period                   operating performance

 Zhonghuan Advanced Semiconductor
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect
 (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

 Huanou (Wuxi) New Energy Materials
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect
 Co., Ltd.

 Huaian Municipal Huanxin New Energy
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect
 Co., Ltd.

 Lingwu Huanju New Energy Co., Ltd.                       Newly incorporated                        No significant effect

 Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Electronic
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect
 Materials Co., Ltd.

 Tianjin Zhonghuan Industrial Park Co.,
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect

 Tianjin Huanrui Technology Co., Ltd.                     Newly incorporated                        No significant effect

 Shaanxi Huanyu Green New Energy Co.,
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect

 Shaanxi Huanshuo Green New Energy
                                                          Newly incorporated                        No significant effect
 Co., Ltd.

 Xi'an Shangpai Technology Co., Ltd.                      Newly incorporated                        No significant effect

 Tongliao Guangdong New Energy Co.,
                                                           De-registered                            No significant effect
Description of Principal Subsidiaries and Joint Stock Companies
Affected by the panel industry cycle, TCL CSOT, a subsidiary of the Company, experienced a significant year-on-year decline in its
performance. For details, please refer to "Section III Management Discussion and Analysis".

IX. Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                    Interim Report 2022
X. Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures
     1. Risk of Macroeconomic Fluctuations
     In recent years, changes to the global trade, technology, and financial environment have
impacted the development of China's economy and enterprises, as well as the global economy. The
Russia-Ukraine war has raised the risk of a split in the global economy, which may lead to multiple
geopolitical groups with different technical standards, cross-border payment systems, and reserve
currencies. The macroeconomic situation of both China and the world has grown increasingly
uncertain as a result of a series of unfavorable factors, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the COVID-
19 pandemic, the slowdown of global economy, and intensified inflation.
     In this context, the Company will continue to carry out conduct in-depth research on
macroeconomic trends and their impact. Based on China’s idea of a new “development pattern in
which domestic economic cycle plays a leading role while international economic cycle remains its
extension and supplement”, the Company will keep focusing on the professional operation strategies
for the main business, endeavor to consolidate advantages and improve disadvantages, improve
abilities, and catch up. The Company will drive the rapid development of its new energy and
semiconductor business to minimize the negative impact of macroeconomic factors on the basis of
maintaining the global leading advantages of TCL CSOT's balanced market development, optimized
product portfolio, and rich customer structure.
     2. Risk of Industry Climate Fluctuations
     Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, the recovery of
global consumption demand has remained sluggish. The impact has been further transmitted to the
upstream, which has had a significant impact on panel demand and shipments. The panel industry is
in a downward cycle, and the development of the panel industry will remain stagnant.
     The Company will analyse in depth the trends of changes in industry supply and demand
relations, predict production capacity allocation in advance, and increase R&D investment so as to
create high barriers to competition and broaden the business moat through the continuous
improvement of products’ technological content and added value as well as the constant expansion of
the Company’s scale and benefit advantages. The Company will also increase its investments in new
energy photovoltaics and semiconductors to effectively reduce the impact of economic fluctuations
in the panel industry and further consolidate its leading position.
     3. Risks Caused by Changes in Consumer Demand
     The application scenarios of end consumers are also changing. For example, the aging
population continues to grow worldwide, and the needs of the elderly for the differentiated scenarios
of smart products are getting more attention. Under the consensus of "carbon neutrality", a new

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                          Interim Report 2022
demand trend for low-carbon concepts such as paperless and recyclable electronic products has been
shaped. If the Company cannot keep creating new products in line with the demand of downstream
applications, its business growth may also be hindered.
     The Company will continue to focus on the needs of the industry and end customers, conduct
in-depth research on mainstream customers in the industry, continuously increase R&D investment,
and use product technology innovation as the core driving force to optimize business structures and
enhance product competitiveness. Based on more thorough research and analysis of market segments,
the Company will explore more emerging fields, actively make arrangements regarding emerging
market segments, and develop new driving forces for growth.
     4. Intellectual Property Risks
     Competition has become increasingly fierce in the semiconductor display and materials industry.
As the Company keeps expanding its business scale and technological layout, patent disputes may
arise from time to time, and intellectual property risks become increasingly obvious.
     The Company will continue to maintain high-intensity R&D investment, continuously enhance
the professional capabilities of the core technical team, and continuously improve the patent layout
of key technologies and products through the model of “independent research + cooperative R&D.
The Company also will keep perfecting the intellectual property management and protection
mechanism, and strengthen risk-involved patent investigation, enhance patent risk early warning,
reduce risk-involved patent threats, and comprehensively mitigate intellectual property risks through
strategic cooperation with external professional institutions on intellectual property.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022

                                    Part IV Corporate Governance

I. Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

                                                        Date of the
    Meeting             Type        participation                          Date of disclosure       Resolutions of the meeting
                                                                                                All proposals were adopted.
   The First                                                                                    Please refer to the Notice on the
 Extraordinary   Extraordinary                                                                  1st Extraordinary General
   General          general              22.26%        April 29, 2022        April 30, 2022     Meeting of Shareholders in 2022
  Meeting of        meeting                                                                     disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn
     2022                                                                                       on April 30, 2022 (Notice No.:
                                                                                                All proposals were adopted.
  The 2021                                                                                      Please refer to the Notice on
   Annual        Annual general                                                                 Resolutions of General Meeting of
                                         22.12%        May 19, 2022          May 20, 2022
   General          meeting                                                                     Shareholders in 2021 disclosed on
   Meeting                                                                                      www.cninfo.com.cn on May 20,
                                                                                                2022 (Notice No.: 2022-051)
Note: The above investor participation ratio is the share proportions of investors who attended the meeting to the Company’s total
shares (excluding the treasury shares that have been repurchased).
2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preference Shareholders with Resumed
Voting Rights
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                   Type of
    Name          Office title                   Date of change                            Reason for change
                 Non-executive                                         Resigned as a non-executive director of the Company due to
  Liu Kun                          Former        April 12, 2022
                   Director                                            job adjustment
                 Non-executive                                         Nominated by Wuhan Optics Valley Industrial Investment Co.,
  Lin Feng                         Elected       April 29, 2022
                   Director                                            Ltd., a shareholder with an >3% stake in the Company
III. Interim Dividend Plan
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock.

IV. Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Equity Incentives
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
All the valid employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                  Proportion to      Funding source
                         Scope of          Number of       Total amount of                         total share             for
      Name                                                                       Changes
                        employees          employees         shares held                         capital of listed    implementing
                                                                                                   companies            the plan
                      The Company's
                                                                                                                     The Company's
    The Third        middle and senior
                                                             43,859,649                                              special
  Global Partner     management and           1,800                           Not applicable               0.31%
                                                               shares                                                incentive fund
      Plan            outstanding key
                                                                                                                     for 2020
  2021-2023           The Company's
                                                                                                                     The Company's
   Employee          middle and senior
                                                            113,143,154                                              special
     Stock           management and           3,600                           Not applicable               0.81%
                                                               shares                                                incentive fund
 Ownership Plan       outstanding key
                                                                                                                     for 2021
   (Phase I)                staff
Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management under the Employee Stock Ownership Plan during the Reporting
                                                                                                                      Proportion to
                                                                   Beginning amount
                                                                                           Ending amount in the        total share
          Name                           Office title               in the Reporting
                                                                                             Reporting Period        capital of listed
 Li Dongsheng            Chairman of the Board and CEO
 Du Juan                 Director
 Jin Xuzhi               Director, Senior Vice President
                         Director, Board Secretary and
 Liao Qian
                         Senior Vice President                     24,656,600 shares           22,729,900 shares               0.16%
 Wang Cheng              COO
 Li Jian                 CFO
 Yan Xiaolin             Senior Vice President, CTO
 Mao Tianxiang           Employee Supervisor
Changes of asset management institutions during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of equity caused by the holder’s disposal share during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Other Employee Incentives
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                                   Interim Report 2022

                            Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major Environmental Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are major polluters announced by the environmental protection department
√ Yes □ No
   Name of the                                           Number of    Distribution         Discharge                             Total           total
                      Major            Way of                                                                  discharge                                    Excessive
   Company or                                            discharge    of discharge        concentration                      discharge         discharge
                    pollutants        discharge                                                                standards                                    discharge
   subsidiary                                             outlets       outlets              (mg/L)                         (metric ton)        (metric

  Shenzhen                                                                                                                                                     Not
                  COD                                                Southeast            70mg/L          110mg/L          306.6t          /
  China Star                                                                                                                                                applicable
                                                     1               corner of the
  Optoelectroni   Ammonia           Intermittently                                                                                                             Not
                                                                     plant                4mg/L           30mg/L           17.52t          /
  cs              nitrogen          discharged to                                                                                                           applicable
  Semiconduct                       Guangming                        Beside the                                                                                Not
                  COD                                                                     70/L            110mg/L          255.5t          /
  or Display                        Sewage Plant                     East No.2                                                                              applicable
  Technology      Ammonia                                            gate of the                                                                               Not
                                                                                          5mg/L           30mg/L           18.25t          /
  Co., Ltd.       nitrogen                                           plant                                                                                  applicable
  Wuhan China                                                        Southwestern
                                    Intermittently                                                                                                             Not
  Star            COD                                1               corner of the        40 mg/L         400 mg/L         128.83t         353.55t
                                     discharged                                                                                                             applicable
  Optoelectroni                                                      plant
  cs                                                                 Southwestern
                  Ammonia           Intermittently                                                                                                             Not
  Technology                                         1               corner of the        2.4 mg/L        30 mg/L          12.88t          35.36t
                  nitrogen           discharged                                                                                                             applicable
  Co., Ltd.                                                          plant
  Wuhan China                                                        Northeastern
                                    Intermittently                                                                                                             Not
  Star            COD                                1               corner of the        33 mg/L         400 mg/L         121.74t         570.8t
                                     discharged                                                                                                             applicable
  Optoelectroni                                                      plant
  Semiconduct                                                        Northeastern
                  Ammonia           Intermittently                                                                                                             Not
  or Display                                         1               corner of the        2.8 mg/L        30 mg/L          12.17t          57.1t
                  nitrogen           discharged                                                                                                             applicable
  Technology                                                         plant
  Co., Ltd.
  TianJin         characteristic                                                                          DB12/356-
  Zhonghuan       pollutants                                                                              2018
                                                                     General                 As per
  Advanced        (total                                                                                  Comprehensi      Not                                 Not
                                     Organized       1               discharge              emission                                       Standard
  Material&Tec    nitrogen, total                                                                         ve      Sewage   exceeding                        applicable
                                                                     outlet                 standard
  hnology Co.,    phosphorus,                                                                             Discharge
  Ltd.            pH value,                                                                               Standard
                  BOD5, flow,
  Tianjin         Wastewater:                                                                             DB12/356-
  Huan'Ou         COD,                                                                                    2018
                                                                     General                 As per
  Semiconduct     ammonia                                                                                 Comprehensi      Not                                 Not
                                     Organized       1               discharge              emission                                       Standard
  or              nitrogen,                                                                               ve      Sewage   exceeding                        applicable
                                                                     outlet                 standard
  Material&Tec    other                                                                                   Discharge
  hnology Co.,    characteristic                                                                          Standard

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                      Interim Report 2022
 Ltd.             pollutants
                  nitrogen, total
                  pH value,
                  BOD5, flow,
                  Waste gas:
                  oxides,                                                                         GB16297-
                  VOCs,                                                                           1996
                  fluoride                                                                        Comprehensi
                  Wastewater:                                                                     ve           Air
 Inner                                                       General
                  COD,                                                                            Pollutant
 Mongolia                                                    discharge
                  ammonia                                                            As per       Emission
 Zhonghuan                          Organized,               outlet, plant                                           Not                          Not
                  nitrogen,                       Multiple                          emission      Standard,                      Standard
 Solar                              unorganized              area, and roof                                          exceeding                 applicable
                  other                                                             standard      GB8978-
 Material Co.,                                               of production
                  characteristic                                                                  1996
 Ltd.                                                        workshop
                  pollutants                                                                      Comprehensi
                  (total                                                                          ve     Sewage
                  phosphorus,                                                                     Discharge
                  pH,                                                                             Standard
                                                                                                  GB/T 31962
                                                                                                  Water Quality
                                                                                                  Standard for
 Zhonghuan                                                                                        Discharged
 Advanced                                                    General                 As per       into      Urban
                  pollutants                                                                                         Not                          Not
 Semiconduct                        Organized     1          discharge              emission      Sewers                         Standard
                  (fluoride,                                                                                         exceeding                 applicable
 or Materials                                                outlet                 standard      GB8978-
                  total nitrogen,
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                        1996
                                                                                                  ve     Sewage
                  matter, pH,
                  nitrogen,                                                                       GB       30484-
                  other                                                                           2013
                  characteristic                             General               Discharged     Discharge
 Solar                                                                                                               Not                          Not
                  pollutants        Organized     1          discharge             according to   Standard for                   Standard
 (Jiangsu) Co.,                                                                                                      exceeding                 applicable
                  (fluoride,                                 outlet                the standard   Battery
                  total nitrogen,                                                                 Industry
                  total                                                                           Pollutants
                  matter, pH)
 Wuxi             Wastewater:       Organized     1          General               Discharged     GB       30484-    Not         Standard         Not

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                   Interim Report 2022
  Zhonghuan    COD,                                     discharge        according to   2013           exceeding              applicable
  Applied      ammonia                                  outlet           the standard   Discharge
  Materials    nitrogen,                                                                Standard for
  Co., Ltd.    other                                                                    Battery
               characteristic                                                           Industry
               pollutants                                                               Pollutants
               nitrogen, total
               matter, pH)
Construction and operation of facilities for preventing pollution:
     During the Reporting Period, an advanced sewage management system was established by the Company and its subsidiaries, and
regular monitoring and supervision and inspection mechanisms were adopted to ensure the waste water, waste gas, solid waste and
factory noises generated during the operation were emitted and treated according to national and local laws and regulations.
     The Company’s waste water includes domestic waste water and industrial waste water, of which domestic waste water is
discharged into the local municipal sewage treatment pipe network after being pre-treated with oil separation and septic treatment;
industrial waste water enters different treatment systems according to its characteristics, and is discharged after physical, chemical and
biochemical treatment.
     The air pollutants produced by the Company are mainly process waste gas in the production process. For different types of waste
gases, the Company has constructed corresponding waste gas treatment systems, such as a waste gas stripping system, acidic waste gas
treatment system, alkaline waste gas treatment system, organic waste gas treatment system, waste gas treatment system for waste water
treatment station, etc. for the collection of waste gases through pipelines to the corresponding waste gas treatment system, where waste
gases are discharged at a high altitude after meeting relative standards. The concentration and total amount of waste water and exhaust
gas discharged meet the relevant national and local standards.
     The solid wastes generated by the Company include general waste, hazardous waste and domestic garbage, of which, hazardous
wastes are treated by an entrusted qualified hazardous waste disposal agency according to the regulations; general wastes are recycled
and disposed of by a resource recycling manufacturer after being classified in the plant area; domestic garbage is handed over by the
property company to a domestic garbage landfill for sanitary landfill. All of the above disposals have been carried out according to
laws and regulations.
     The factory noises generated by the Company come from the mechanical noises of production and power equipment, including
refrigerators, cooling towers, air compressors, fans, various pumps, etc. The Company reduces the impact of noise on the surrounding
environment by the use of low-noise equipment, vibration reduction, noise reduction, etc., and noise reduction measures such as sound
insulation and sound absorption in the factories and equipment rooms. The monitoring results show that the Company's factory noise
emissions can stably reach the standards.
Environmental Impact Assessment on Construction Projects and Other Environmental Protection Administrative Licenses
     The Company complies with the laws and regulations of environmental impact assessment on construction projects and other
environmental protection administrative licenses, and promptly reports the operation situation to the provincial and municipal
environmental protection regulatory authorities.
Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Incidents
     The Company has prepared an environmental emergency response plan, which has been filed with the local environmental
protection administration in accordance with relevant government laws and regulations, and has set up an environmental incident
emergency organization led by the senior management. In addition, regularly staff training and emergency drills are delivered for
accurately and promptly responding to environmental incidents according to the plan.
Environmental Self-Monitoring Program
     The Company has formulated an environmental self-monitoring program in accordance with government regulations, and
monitors the discharge of pollutants by automatic monitoring or manual monitoring performed by a qualified third-party agency. The
monitoring plans and annual monitoring reports can be checked on the key environmental monitoring information platform managed

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                   Interim Report 2022
by local environmental authorities or subsidiary websites.
Administrative punishments received with respect to environmental issues in the Reporting Period:

                                                                                               Effects on the
     Name of the                                                                                                      Rectification
                            Reasons for                                                       production and
     Company or                                    Violations          Punishment results                            measures of the
                            punishment                                                       operation of listed
      subsidiary                                                                                                       Company
   Not applicable      Not applicable       Not applicable               Not applicable        Not applicable         Not applicable
Other environment-related information that should be disclosed
     TCL Technology discloses the content of environmental information through its annual ESG report.
Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions and their effects during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     To meet the challenges of global climate change and actively respond to the national requirements of “peak carbon” and “carbon
neutrality” (the “dual carbon” goals), TCL Technology firmly adopts to the green development path and is committed to achieving
green operation, energy saving and, emission reduction in all aspects of the Company's operation. TCL Technology has effectively
reduced the carbon emissions for its business by continuously improving the energy management system, increasing the utilization of
renewable energies, building a green supply chain, and enhancing employees' low carbon awareness. TCL Technology actively expands
its green industry, and has been developing its photovoltaic new energy industry through TCL Zhonghuan in response to climate change.
     In the first half of 2022, Wuhan CSOT conducted carbon calculations by employing a professional third-party agency, identified
its carbon emissions, pushed the ISO 14064 certification of greenhouse gases, formulated the Company's carbon neutrality strategic
plan, and further clarified its dual carbon goals and action path in the future. In addition, the Company has the completed commissioning
and grid connection of its photovoltaic project. It is estimated that the power generation in 2022 will reach at least 8 million KWH.
The Company has purchased 70 million KWH of clean energy (electricity) in 2022 to continuously implement carbon emission
     In order to achieve energy saving and emission reduction, TCL Zhonghuan has been focusing on the improvement, optimization,
and upgrade of production equipment and technology, along with the R&D and replacement of new materials. The Company’s
production bases use technical, management, and structural means to achieve energy conservation, and reduce power consumption and
related carbon emissions through improvement in waste heat recovery, air conditioning and refrigeration, natural resource utilization,
and improvement of equipment energy efficiency. The Company also actively invests in the construction of photovoltaic projects for
its plants and the introduction of clean energy.
     In the future, all companies of TCL Technology will forge ahead in sustainable development, and constantly explore and
implement the carbon reduction strategy, leading the industry and the whole value chain towards green and low carbon.
Other relevant information:
     Not applicable

II. Social Responsibility
1. Consolidating and Extending the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Pushing Forward Rural
Plan for consolidating and extending the achievements of poverty alleviation and pushing forward rural revitalization
     In response to government initiatives, the Company has adopted an innovative model that integrates public welfare with high
technology, maximizing the value of public welfare through technology. TCL always shoulders social responsibilities, focuses on public
welfare education and promotes rural revitalization. Exploring an innovative model of science and technology + pubic welfare, TCL
adopts A.I. technology to accompany left-behind children. The Company fulfills its social responsibilities with practical actions and
empowers its public welfare activities to develop science and technology for good and contribute its strength to common prosperity.
     The “TCL Project Hope Candlelight Award”, jointly established by the Shenzhen TCL Foundation and the China Youth
Development Foundation, rewards outstanding rural teachers and organizes offline training. The Shenzhen TCL Foundation works with
TCL Industrial Technology Research Institute to initiate the “A.I. Go Home” project. An “Eagle” storytelling robot is developed and
designed with professional technology and AI technology. The robot is designed to imitate parents’ voices and tell stories for children

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                    Interim Report 2022
when they are away from their parents, so as to strengthen the parent-child relationship. In 2022, the “A.I. Go Home” project is upgraded
again, and the “Eagle Audiobook” WeChat Mini Program V2.0 is launched. The Shenzhen TCL Foundation and the Education
Foundation of the Central Conservatory of Music jointly launch the “Little Music +” project and develop the “Xiao Xue” music robot.
These efforts provide musical resources to children, bring them famous Chinese and foreign musical masterpieces , which diversify
music teaching resources for rural primary schools, and encourage every child to stay positive and optimistic with the power of music.
The Candlelight Micro-Loan Project, a targeted micro-loan project jointly provided by the Shenzhen TCL Foundation and TCL Finance
Group for rural teachers, aims to support those rural teachers and their families in need of help in such aspects as healthcare for major
diseases, daily consumption, and skill training. The Company continues to invest in education aids and sponsor projects such as the
“TCL Young Scholars Program” and the “TCL Science and Technology Innovation Fund”. The TCL Photovoltaic Sunshine Campus
contributes to the development of rural education by building photovoltaic power generation systems for rural schools to improve the
school teaching environment and providing financial assistance for underprivileged students. The TCL Smart Classroom Project and
Photoelectric Laboratory Project are aimed at bringing more educational resources to children and promoting education equity.
Annual summary of consolidating and extending the achievements of poverty alleviation and pushing forward rural
     In the first half of 2022, the eighth "TCL Project Hope Candlelight Award" was recommended by the China Youth Development
Foundation to solicit excellent teachers from 194 counties and districts in 14 provinces that serve as the key counties in the National
Rural Revitalization and the pairing support areas of Shenzhen. An online final evaluation meeting was held to select 400 excellent
teachers. Each of the winners received a personal award worth RMB9,500, including a cash reward and 7-day offline "candlelight
class" training.
     In 2022, the "Eagle Storytelling Robot” under "A.I. Go Home" project was upgraded and optimized in functionality, packaging,
and quality control. The “Eagle Story Club” gathered children together through the “Eagle Storytelling Robot” to popularize famous
classical literature from both at home and abroad. In March 2022, the Shenzhen TCL Foundation began the recruitment of the fourth
batch of pilot schools for the "Eagle Story Club", receiving submissions from a total of 74 rural schools across the country. Five schools
were selected, and a total of 19 story boxes and 38 "Eagle Storytelling Robots" were distributed, benefiting a total of 324 students. The
“Eagle Audiobook” WeChat Mini Program has added a new poetry section with Poems for Children wrote by Bei Dao. As of present,
the mini program has more than 1,400 active users, and more than 230 people have completed recordings.
     The “Little Music +” project under the "Xiao Xue Music Class” is dedicated to enhancing music teaching instruments and
professional resources in rural schools through the “Xiao Xue Music Robot". In 2022, the Company completed the upgrade of its "Xiao
Xue Music Robot, optimizing for functionality, packaging, and quality control. In the first half of 2022, the Shenzhen TCL Foundation
recruited the fourth batch of pilot schools for the "Xiao Xue Music Class”, receiving submissions from a total of 53 rural schools across
the country. Five schools were selected, and a total of 16 music boxes and 32 "Xiao Xue Music Robots" were distributed, benefiting a
total of 3,373 students.
     Adopting an innovative charity + finance mode, the Candlelight Micro-Loan Project improves the quality of life for rural educators
to ensure the development of rural education. In the first half of 2022, the “Candlelight Micro-Loan Project” continued, further
expanding in influence.
     In response to the “dual carbon” strategy, TCL Photovoltaic Sunshine Campus Project donated a photovoltaic roof power
generation system and 25 years of power generation income to 4 rural schools, with a system value of RMB1.19 million and donated
the photovoltaic power generation income of about RMB1.68 million. In January 2022, TCL launched the TCL Smart Classroom
Project to narrow the gap of educational resources between urban and rural areas. In March 2022, TCL launched the Optoelectronic
Laboratory Project to address the shortage of high-quality scientific and technological innovations and interactive education resources
for primary and secondary school students.
     In 2022, TCL Foundation launched the "TCL Young Scholars Program" and "TCL Science and Technology Innovation Fund" for
young people and scientific education programs. These programs will serve an important model for education sponsorships in the future
to further promote educational equity.
     The Shenzhen TCL Foundation helps the Company consolidate its achievements in rural revitalization through targeted assistance
projects. In 2022, in the targeted assistance and donation project in Taimei Town, Boluo County, Huizhou, TCL Foundation invested a

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                  Interim Report 2022
total of RMB650,000, donated learning devices with a value of RMB600,000 to the local government, and invested RMB50,000 in
supporting poverty alleviation. In June 2022, when the Bei River was hit by a once-in-a-century flood, the TCL Foundation immediately
donated RMB100,000 to Huizhou Charity Federation for the Huizhou Jiaolong Emergency Rescue Center to purchase materials
required for frontline rescue and disaster relief.
Effects of consolidating and extending the achievements of poverty alleviation and pushing forward rural revitalization
 Index                                            Unit                Quantity/Development
 I Overall Situation
 1. Fund                                          RMB                 5,063,985
 II Specific investments
 1. Education
 1.1 Amount of investment to improve the          RMB                 4,313,985
 educational resources in poverty-stricken areas
 2. Society
 2.1 Amount of public welfare fund investment     RMB                 750,000
Subsequent plans for extending the achievements of poverty alleviation and pushing forward rural revitalization
     In the second half of 2022, the Company will continue to drive rural education development through the "TCL Project Hope
Candlelight Award" program. The project will expand the influence of award evaluation and promotion to strengthen media
communication and Internet publicity to retain public attention.
     In the future, the Company will continue to promote the "A.I. Go Home" project, strengthen the promotion and use of the "Eagle
Audiobook" Wechat Mini Program, further optimize the functions of the mini program, and plan to update the 2.0 version of the mini
program in the second half of the year to further strengthen the relationship between parents and children and provide emotional support.
The Company will also complete the identification of a fourth batch of pilot schools for the project. The "Eagle Storytelling Robot"
will accompany children in story lessons every month, and is expected to serve more than 3,800 students. In the second half of 2022,
"Little Music +" will continue to focus on the music education for rural children, and identify a fourth batch of pilot schools under the
"Xiao Xue Music Class” program to expand its coverage of rural school students.
     The Company will select sites for TCL Photovoltaic Sunshine Campus Project in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia; Huizhou, Guangdong;
Zhangjiakou, Hebei; and other locations. In the future, the project will cover more schools in need to further implement the "dual
carbon" development concept and drive the development of rural education. The TCL Smart Classroom project is expected to be
completed and commissioned in the second half of 2022, contributing to the sharing of educational resources and promoting education
equity. The Optoelectronic Laboratory Project is expected to officially confirmed in the second half of 2022, and will serve to stimulate
the scientific interest and innovation of young people.
     In the future, it is expected that the Company will invest RMB1.8 million each year to support young outstanding talents through
the TCL Young Scholars Program. The Company expects to make donations for 10 consecutive years from 2022 through the TCL
Science and Technology Innovation Fund to promote science and technology innovation from the source and train more young scientific
research talents for society. The total donation amount is expected to be RMB40 million.

2.Production safety
Production safety supervision system
     TCL Technology upholds "people-oriented, safety first" principles, continuously improves the management of employee health
and production safety, ensures a safe production environment through various occupational health management mechanisms and
measures, and carries out a series of training programs to ensure the health and safety of employees. In accordance with safety laws
and regulations, the Company has improved its production safety responsibility system from the aspects of management, equipment
and facilities, and employee safety awareness.
     In order to ensure the effective implementation of production safety management, TCL Technology has formulated regulations
such as the Production Safety Management Practices, Management Practices for Production Safety Performance Evaluation,
Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents, and others. In terms of management, TCL Technology has established a
Work Safety Administration Committee and the Office of the Work Safety Administration Committee to preside over the its production
safety management and guarantee system. TCL Technology has established a management system for regularly screening hidden

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
hazards in various industries. In each plant, safety management personnel at all levels carry out safety inspection in each area on a
daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis (including holidays), along with follow-up rectification measures.
     In response to the Group's action, TCL CSOT promulgated various security management regulations, and has pegged security
management with performance review for middle management. Security accountability is implemented and security awareness is
strengthened based on a dual communication mechanism (i.e. key contact personnel and contact points), in which contact points are
responsible for auditing the performance of the mechanism. TCL CSOT has developed the CSOT Security Management Improvement
Scheme to enhance security management from the perspectives of personnel, machines, materials, processing, and environmental
protection. TCL Zhonghuan has formulated a safety management manual and corporate management regulations with target safety
production goals, adopted the process method, ensured effective system operations, and continued improvement through monitoring
and measuring of the system.
Development of production safety standards
     TCL Technology continuously improves measures for production safety in various segments, optimizes safety equipment and
facilities in workspaces, and carries out lean management and control over production safety. Subsidiaries under TCL CSOT have
domestically and internationally leading safety equipment and facilities in place (such as automatic fire alarm systems CO2 automatic
fire extinguishing systems, VESDA systems, and TGMS systems), and provide employees with safe and reliable personal protective
equipment. TCL CSOT adopts the HAZOP, SFMEA, and other risk identification instruments to analyze the risks arising from
manufacturing, and develops lean management and control measures accordingly, along with proactive engagement in risk visualization
management. TCL Zhonghuan has launched an information-based management platform for production safety featuring interfaces
classified by group, geographic location, segment, and company, for a total of 10 management modules, 38 sub-modules, and 80
specific tasks, enabling visualization of the fundamental management information about production safety standards. The platform can
plan and push tasks in real time with simultaneous trajectory throughout the process, a risk database is established with risk
identification and control specialization, hidden hazards are screened and special operations are managed dynamically, the system
collects dynamic safety information in real time and establishes a large database, and the expert team regularly identifies production
safety laws, regulations, and standards. A safety database has been created with these six functions, which solve key and difficult
problems such as real-time safety supervision and data analysis for hidden hazards across different plants.
Production safety process
     Product safety is not only a basic requirement of customers for TCL Technology brand, technology, and services, but also one of
social responsibilities borne by the Company. TCL Technology and its various segments strictly conform to related laws and regulations,
with 100% product inspection and testing coverage, to ensure products are in compliance with safety requirements. TCL Technology
has also passed the CB, UL, and other international safety certifications, and formulated a response plan for product safety incidents
to strictly control product safety compliance.
     TCL CSOT adopts an intelligent energy system to realize real-time monitoring over the status of equipment, energy consumption,
and products. TCL CSOT introduces deep learning algorithms, realizes fault prediction through equipment and process parameters,
effectively improves processing efficiency, introduces ADC image recognition technology, realizes panel AI intelligent detection, and
independently develops a visual detection algorithm to meet the needs of plants. The Company continuously optimizes and improves
FDC, yield efficiency, multi-factor analysis, and other analysis-based modeling systems, realizing real-time monitoring and alert on
equipment and quality status. As a result, concentrated abnormalities can be located in a rapid manner. TCL CSOT also introduces a
comprehensive AI-based automatic diagnosis system for AI identification, learning, decision-making, and implementation to reduce
costs while ensuring safety and scaling of production efficiency. TCL Zhonghuan continuously improves the "formulation" chip
manufacturing process and the "Deep Blue" AI learning model by using digital, automatic, and intelligent solutions. Through the “Deep
Blue” intelligent manufacturing model and the new generation of intelligent plants, TCL Zhonghuan works to develop 4.0 intelligent
plants to improve intelligent manufacturing.
Production safety education and training
     TCL Technology focuses on the fundamentals of work safety education to consolidate its work safety management and improve
the safety awareness of employees through all kinds of activities. During the reporting period, the Company actively facilitated various
segments to carry out safety education activities and monthly events for safety and fire protection to improve the corporate safety

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022
culture. The Company has organized a variety of safety training measures to increase the production safety awareness and skills of
employees with an aim to establish a culture of safety.
Safety inspections carried out by competent authorities during the Reporting Period
     TCL Technology always complies with related laws and regulations, takes the initiative to support and accept safety inspections
by competent authorities, and fulfills its production safety commitment to the society.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                             Interim Report 2022

                                         Part VI Significant Events

I. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and
Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and Other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period
or Overdue at the Period-End

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                       Commitment    Commitment
  Commitment        Promisor        Type of          Details of commitment                                          Fulfillment
                                                                                          Time          Term
                                                1. Before and after this
                                                transaction, there was no
                                                horizontal competition between
                                                me/this partnership and the
                                                enterprises controlled by me/this
                                                partnership and TCL Group and
                                                the main businesses of its
                                                affiliated enterprises.
                                                2. After this transaction, I/this
                                                partnership will take active
                                                measures to avoid any business
                                                or activity that competes or may
                                                constitute competition with the
                                                main business of TCL Group and
                                                its affiliated enterprises, and will
                                                urge the enterprises controlled by
                                                me/this partnership to avoid any
                                                business or activity that
                                                competes or may constitute
                                                competition with the main
                   The largest                  business of TCL Group and its
                   shareholder                  affiliated enterprises.
                   of the                       3. If I/this partnership and the
                                                                                                     During the
                   listed                       enterprises controlled by me/this
                                                                                                     period of
                   company        About         partnership obtain the
 Commitments                                                                                         being the     There is no
                   and person     avoiding      opportunity to engage in new           December 7,
 made in asset                                                                                       largest       violation of
                   acting in      horizontal    business, which constitutes or         2018
 restructuring                                                                                       shareholder   commitment
                   concert        competition   may constitute horizontal
                                                                                                     of TCL
                   (Mr. Li                      competition with the main
                   Dongsheng                    business of TCL Group and its
                   and Jiutian                  affiliated enterprises. I/this
                   Liancheng)                   partnership will, when it is
                                                possible, try my/our best to make
                                                this business opportunity
                                                available to TCL Group or its
                                                affiliated enterprises in the first
                                                place based on reasonable and
                                                fair terms and conditions.
                                                4. If the business of mine/this
                                                partnership and the enterprises
                                                controlled by me/this partnership
                                                coincides or may constitute
                                                horizontal competition with TCL
                                                Group’s business due to my/this
                                                partnership’s investment demand
                                                or TCL Group’s business
                                                development, I/this partnership
                                                and the enterprises controlled by
                                                me/this partnership agree to
                                                solve the resulting horizontal
                                                competition within a specific
                                                time limit since as it is

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                        Interim Report 2022
                                             5. During the period of being the
                                             largest shareholder of TCL
                                             Group, the aforementioned
                                             commitment is unconditional and
                                             irrevocable. If I/this partnership
                                             violate the aforementioned
                                             commitments, I/this partnership
                                             will make comprehensive, timely
                                             and full joint and several
                                             compensation for the losses to
                                             TCL Group caused thereby.
                                             1. I/this partnership will
                                             minimize the related party
                                             transactions between me/this
                                             partnership and the enterprises
                                             controlled by me/this partnership
                                             and TCL Group and its affiliated
                                             2. For inevitable or reasonable
                                             related party transactions, I/this
                                             partnership and the enterprises
                                             controlled by me/this partnership
                                             and TCL Group and its affiliated
                                             enterprises will conduct them
                                             according to fair market
                                             principles and normal
                                             commercial conditions, so as to
                                             ensure the fairness of the related
                                             party transaction price, and will
               The largest
                                             perform the decision-making
                                             procedures for related party
               of the
                                             transactions according to the law,                 During the
               listed        Commitments
                                             to ensure that the related party                   period of
               company       on reducing
                                             transactions will not be used to                   being the     There is no
               and person    and                                                  December 7,
                                             illegally transfer TCL Group’s                    largest       violation of
               acting in     regulating                                           2018
                                             funds or to damage the legitimate                  shareholder   commitment
               concert       related party
                                             rights and interests of TCL                        of TCL
               (Mr. Li       transactions
                                             Group and its shareholders.                        Group
                                             3. I/this partnership and the
               and Jiutian
                                             enterprises controlled by me/this
                                             partnership will not ask TCL
                                             Group and its affiliated
                                             enterprises to give more
                                             favorable conditions than those
                                             that can be offered to an
                                             independent third party in any
                                             fair market transaction.
                                             4. During the period of being the
                                             largest shareholder of TCL
                                             Group, the aforementioned
                                             commitment is unconditional and
                                             irrevocable. If I/this partnership
                                             violate the aforementioned
                                             commitments, I/this partnership
                                             will make comprehensive, timely
                                             and full joint and several
                                             compensation for the losses to
                                             TCL Group caused thereby.
               The largest                   After this transaction, I/this
               shareholder   Commitments     partnership will continue to                       During the
               of the        on              exercise shareholder’s rights                     period of
               listed        maintaining     according to laws, regulations                     being the     There is no
                                                                                  December 7,
               company       the             and the Articles of Association of                 largest       violation of
               and person    independence    TCL Group, and maintain the                        shareholder   commitment
               acting in     of listed       independence of TCL Group in                       of TCL
               concert       companies       terms of assets, personnel,                        Group
               (Mr. Li                       finance, business and

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                         Interim Report 2022
               Dongsheng           institutions. I/this partnership
               and Jiutian         will ensure:
               Liancheng)          (I) The independence of TCL
                                   Group personnel.
                                   I/this partnership promise(s) to
                                   maintain personnel independence
                                   with TCL Group. TCL Group’s
                                   senior management, including
                                   the general manager, deputy
                                   general manager, chief financial
                                   officer, and secretary of the
                                   board of directors, shall not hold
                                   positions other than directors and
                                   supervisors in my/this
                                   partnership’s subordinate
                                   wholly-owned, controlled or
                                   other enterprises with actual
                                   control (hereinafter referred to as
                                   “subordinate enterprises”), and
                                   shall not be paid in my/this
                                   partnership’s subordinate
                                   enterprises. The financial
                                   personnel of TCL Group shall
                                   not work part-time in my/this
                                   partnership’s subordinate
                                   (II) The independence and
                                   integrity of TCL Group’s assets.
                                   1. The independence and
                                   integrity of TCL Group’s assets.
                                   2. TCL Group does not have any
                                   funds or assets occupied by
                                   me/this partnership and my/this
                                   partnership’s subordinate
                                   (III) The financial independence
                                   of TCL Group.
                                   1. TCL Group establishes an
                                   independent financial department
                                   and an independent financial
                                   accounting system.
                                   2. TCL Group has a standardized
                                   and independent financial
                                   accounting system.
                                   3. TCL Group opens an
                                   independent bank account and
                                   does not share a bank account
                                   with me/this partnership.
                                   4. The financial personnel of
                                   TCL Group shall not work part-
                                   time in my/this partnership’s
                                   subordinate enterprises.
                                   5. TCL Group can make
                                   independent financial decisions,
                                   and I/this partnership shall not
                                   interfere with the use of TCL
                                   Group’s funds.
                                   (IV) The institutional
                                   independence of TCL
                                   1. TCL Group has an
                                   independent and complete
                                   organization which can operate
                                   2. TCL Group’s office and
                                   premises for production and
                                   operations are separated from my
                                   subordinate enterprises/this

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                Interim Report 2022
                                                    3. The Board of Directors, Board
                                                    of Supervisors and various
                                                    functional departments of TCL
                                                    Group operate independently,
                                                    and have no subordinate
                                                    relationship with this
                                                    partnership’s functional
                                                    (V) The business independence
                                                    of TCL Group.
                                                    1. I/this partnership promise(s) to
                                                    maintain the business
                                                    independence of TCL Group
                                                    after this transaction.
                                                    2. TCL Group has the assets,
                                                    personnel, qualifications and
                                                    ability to independently carry out
                                                    business activities, and has the
                                                    ability to operate independently
                                                    in the market.
                                                    If TCL Group suffers losses due
                                                    to the violation of commitments
                                                    under the letter of commitment
                                                    by me/this partnership or my/this
                                                    partnership’s subordinate
                                                    enterprises, I/this partnership will
                                                    bear the corresponding
                                                    compensation liability according
                                                    to the law.
                                                    1) I shall avoid horizontal
                                                    competition between the
                                                    companies, enterprises or other
                                                    business organizations that I
                                                    own, control, control with others,
                                    About                                                               During the
                                                    have significant influence on and
                                    horizontal                                                          tenure of the
 Commitments                                        the Company with its
                                    competition,                                                        Company’s      There is no
 made upon         Mr. Li                           subsidiaries; and 2) I shall reduce    August 30,
                                    related-party                                                       director,       violation of
 IPO or            Dongsheng                        and control transactions of            2013
                                    transaction                                                         supervisor or   commitment
 refinancing                                        related parties between the
                                    and capital                                                         senior
                                                    companies, enterprises or other
                                    occupation                                                          management
                                                    business organizations that I
                                                    own, control, control with others,
                                                    or have significant influence on
                                                    and the Company with its
 Fulfilled on
 reasons for
 failing to
                   Not applicable
 on time and
 plans for next
II. Occupation of the Company, Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or any of Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

III. Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022
IV. Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor
Whether the semi-annual financial report has been audited
□ Yes √ No
The interim financial statements are unaudited.

V. Explanation of the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors on the “Non-Standard
Auditor’s Report”
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Explanation of the Board of Directors on the “Non-Standard Auditor’s Report” for the
Previous Year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Insolvency and Reorganization
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII. Lawsuits
Significant lawsuits and arbitrations:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Other lawsuit matters
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Punishments and Rectifications
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Description of rectifications
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No significant punishments or rectifications in the Reporting Period.

X. Credit Quality of the Company as well as its Controlling Shareholder and Actual
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Major Related-Party Transactions
1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, the Company’s daily related-party transactions is found in the related announcements disclosed on
2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Disposal of Assets or Equity Investments
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No related-party transactions regarding joint investments in third parties which occurred during the Company’s Reporting Period.
4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Indicate whether there were any amounts due to and from related parties for non-operating purposes.
√ Yes □ No

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                         Interim Report 2022
Amounts receivable due to related parties

                                                                                          Amount of
                                          occupati                      Amount of
                                                                                           recovered                Interest in
                                           on for      Beginning        new grants                                                  Ending
             Relationsh                                                                     grants in                 current
  Related                                   non-        balance          in current                       Coupo                     balance
             ip with the     Source                                                          current                  period
  parties                                 operatin    (RMB’0,00           period                         n rate                  (RMB’0,00
              Company                                                                        period                (RMB’0,00
                                             g             0)           (RMB’0,00                                                     0)
                                                                                          (RMB’0,00                    0)
                                          purposes                           0)
                                           or not
 Industri                  Sale of
 es                        equity
             corporatio                      No                    0          96,000          48,960      0.00%              0        47,040
 Holding                   investme
 s Co.,                    nts
                           The Company sold 100% held equity of Chongqing Zhongxin Rongxin to TCL Industries Holdings Inc. in
 The Influence of          order to further optimize its business structure and focus resources on the development of its primary high-
 Amounts Due to            tech business in line with the government policy guidance and in accordance with the needs of the
 Related Parties on the    Company’s announced financing projects. According to the agreement signed by both parties, TCL
 Company’s Operating      Industries Holdings Inc. shall pay 51% of the equity transfer price (i.e. RMB489.6 million) to the Company
 Results and Financial     before June 30, 2022. The remaining equity transfer price will be paid before June 30, 2023. Refer to the
 Status                    Announcement on the Disposal of Equity Interests in Partnership Enterprise and the Related-Party
                           Transactions disclosed by the Company on http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated June 27, 2022.
5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
6. Transactions Between the Financial Company Controlled by the Company and Related Companies
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                            Amount incurred in the current
                  Relationship    Daily deposit                         Beginning                                             Ending
                                                      Range of                              Total deposit Total withdrawal
Related parties     with the         ceiling                             balance                                              balance
                                                      interest                               amount in         amount in
                   Company        (RMB’0,000)                         (RMB’0,000)                                         (RMB’0,000)
                                                                                           current period    current period
                                                                                           (RMB’0,000)      (RMB’0,000)
Subsidiary of
TCL Industries Related
                                       600,000.00      0.01-1.15%              2,127.79        226,780.06          228,878.05            29.80
Holdings Co., corporation
                                                                                             Amount incurred in the current
                  Relationship                                               Beginning                             Total
                                                            Range of                           Total loan                    Ending balance
Related parties     with the            Loan limit                            balance                           repayment
                                                            interest                           amount in                      (RMB’0,000)
                   Company                                                  (RMB’0,000)                         amount in
                                                                                             current period
                                                                                                              current period
                                  The      balance    of
Subsidiary of                     comprehensive credit
TCL Industries Related            on any one day
                                                               -                 -                 -                 -               -
Holdings Co., corporation         (including loans) shall
Ltd.                              not exceed RMB6
Credit or other financial business:
                                                                                                                           Ending balance
               Related parties                    with the      Business type                           Total
Subsidiary of TCL Industries Holdings          Related       Credit granting (bill         The balance of
Co., Ltd.                                      corporation discount)                       comprehensive credit on

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                  Interim Report 2022
    Subsidiary of TCL Industries Holdings        Related        Credit granting (bill   any one day shall not
    Co., Ltd.                                    corporation    acceptance)             exceed RMB6 billion
    7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions
    √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                             Title of announcement                               Date of disclosure             Website for disclosure
     Announcement on the Disposal of Equity Interests in Partnership
                                                                               June 27, 2022
     Enterprises and the Related-Party Transaction
     Announcement on the Expected Continuing Related-Party
                                                                               April 28, 2022
     Transactions for 2022
     Announcement on the Launch of Accounts Receivable Factoring and
                                                                               April 28, 2022
     the Related-party Transaction
     Announcement on the Related-party Transactions with Shenzhen Jucai
                                                                               April 28, 2022
     Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd. in 2022                                                             http://www.cninfo.com.cn
     Announcement of TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd. on
     Continuing to Provide Financial Services to Related Parties and           April 28, 2022
     Renewing the Financial Service Agreement
     Announcement on Progress of Additional Placement and Share Issue
                                                                               March 22, 2022
     in Subsidiaries and the Related-Party Transaction
     Announcement on Additional Placement and Share Issue in
                                                                               January 24, 2022
     Subsidiaries and the Related-Party Transaction
    XII. Major Contracts and Execution thereof
    1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases
    (1) Entrustment
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    There were no entrustment projects that brought profits and losses to the Company reaching more than 10% of the Company’s total
    profits in the Reporting Period.
    (2) Contracting
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    Notes to Contracting
    There were no contracting projects that brought profits and losses to the Company reaching more than 10% of the Company’s total
    profits in the Reporting Period.
    (3) Leases
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    Notes to leases:
    There were no lease projects that brought profits and losses to the Company reaching more than 10% of the Company’s total profits in
    the Reporting Period.
    2. Major Guarantees
    √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB'0,000
       Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)
                      Disclosure                                             Guara                                                        Guara
                      date of the                                              ntee               Counter                                   ntee
                                                  Actual        Actual                 Collat
                       guarantee    Guarantee                                 Type                guarante      Term of     Expired          for
      Obligor                                    occurren guarantee                    eral (if
                          line        Limit                                      of                 e (if     guarantee      or not       related
                                                  ce date       amount                  any)
                     announceme                                              chang                  any)                                  parties
                           nt                                                    e                                                         or not
TCL King Electrical                                                          liabilit
                       April 28,                  August                                          guarante       3.6-5
Appliances                            327,138                     12,464         y        /                                    No          Yes
                         2022                    29, 2019                                             e          years
(Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                         guaran
                                                                                                    d by
TCL King Electrical                                                          liabilit
                       April 28,                                                                  Industri
Appliances                             51,653        -             -             y        /                        -          Yes          Yes
                         2022                                                                        al
(Chengdu) Co., Ltd.                                                         guaran

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                              Interim Report 2022
                                                                     Joint         Co.,
Huizhou TCL
                                                                    liabilit       Ltd.
Mobile                 April 28,
                                   212,507         -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
Communication           2022
Co., Ltd.
TCL Mobile
Communication          April 28,
                                       29,225      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
(HK) Company            2022
TCL Home                                                            liabilit
                       April 28,                March
Appliances (Hefei)                     68,280               4,968      y       /          1-2 years        No       Yes
                        2022                    2, 2021
Co., Ltd.                                                           guaran
TCL Home
Appliances             April 28,
                                        4,929      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
(Zhongshan) Co.,        2022
TCL Air-
Conditioner            April 28,                 March                                     0.37-3
                                       80,991              33,771      y       /                           No       Yes
(Zhongshan) Co.,        2022                    13, 2020                                   years
TCL Air                                                             liabilit
                       April 28,
Conditioner                            13,480      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
(Wuhan) Co., Ltd.                                                   guaran
Zhongshan TCL                                                       liabilit
                       April 28,
Refrigeration                          31,749      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                 guaran
Guangdong TCL
Smart Heating &        April 28,
                                        2,522      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
Ventilation             2022
Equipment Co., Ltd.
TCL Home                                                            liabilit
                       April 28,
Appliances                             10,000      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
(Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                 guaran
TCL Air-                                                            liabilit
                       April 28,
Conditioner                             5,488      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
(Jiujiang) Co., Ltd.                                                guaran
Tonly Technology       April 28,                 April
                                       39,496              37,519      y       /           3 years         No       Yes
Co., Ltd.               2022                    23, 2021
TCL Very Lighting                                                   liabilit
                       April 28,
Technology                              1,034      -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
(Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                 guaran
SHIFENDAOJIA                                                        liabilit
                       April 28,
Online Service Co.,                       77       -       -           y       /              -           Yes       Yes
Ltd.                                                                guaran
Guangzhou TCL                                   Decemb               Joint
                       April 28,
Science and                            84,700    er 27,    80,465   liabilit   /          13 years         No       Yes
Technology                                       2018                  y

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                Interim Report 2022
Development Co.,                                                             guaran
Ltd.                                                                           tee
TCL Industries                                                               liabilit
                        April 28,                    April
Holdings (HK)                            514,629                  376,323       y        /                  1-3 years        No       Yes
                         2022                       14, 2020
Limited                                                                      guaran
Techigh Circuit                                                              liabilit
                        April 28,
Technology                                   499       -            -           y        /                      -           Yes       No
(Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                          guaran
Shenzhen Qianhai                                                              Joint
Sailing International                               Decemb                   liabilit
                        April 28,                                                               counter-
Supply Chain                              40,000     er 27,         2,360       y        /                  189 days         No       Yes
                         2022                                                                   guarante
Management Co.,                                      2021                    guaran
Ltd.                                                                           tee
Qihang                                                                       liabilit
                        April 28,                                                               counter-
Import&Export                              6,000       -            -           y        /                      -            No       No
                         2022                                                                   guarante
Limited                                                                      guaran
Shenzhen Qianhai                                                              Joint
Sailing International                               Septemb                  liabilit
                        April 28,                                                               counter-    50 days-1
Supply Chain                             110,000      er 1,        28,153       y        /                                   No       No
                         2022                                                                   guarante      years
Management Co.,                                      2021                    guaran
Ltd.                                                                           tee
                                                                                                  ee in
Aijiexu New                                                                                     proporti
Electronic Display      April 28,                    April                                        on to
                                          80,000                   25,889       y        /                   8 years         No       No
Glass (Shenzhen)         2022                       28, 2020                                    sharehol
Co., Ltd.                                                                                         ding
Qihang                                                                       liabilit
                         April 28,                                                               counter-
International Import                      50,000         -          1,678        y       /                   1 year          No       No
                           2022                                                                  guarante
& Export Limited                                                             guaran
Huizhou Zhongkai                                                              Joint
TCL Zhirong                                         Septemb                  liabilit
                          May 22,                                                                counter-
Technology                                45,500      er 29,       15,000        y       /                   1 year          No       Yes
                           2021                                                                  guarante
Microcredit Co.,                                      2021                   guaran
Ltd.                                                                            tee
                                                               Total actual amount
Total approved line for such                                   of such guarantees
                                                  1,764,397                                                                          57,880
guarantees in Reporting Period (A1)                            in Reporting Period
                                                               Total actual balance
Total approved line for such
                                                               of such guarantees
guarantees at the end of the                      1,809,897                                                                         618,588
                                                               at end of Reporting
Reporting Period (A3)
                                                               Period (A4)
                                    Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent for its subsidiaries
                        Disclosure                                            Guara                                                  Guara
                        date of the                                            ntee              Counter                               ntee
                                                     Actual       Actual              Collat
                         guarantee    Guarantee                               Type               guarante    Term of      Expired       for
      Obligor                                       occurren guarantee                eral (if
                            line         Limit                                   of                e (if    guarantee      or not    related
                                                     ce date     amount                any)
                       announceme                                             chang                any)                              parties
                             nt                                                  e                                                    or not
Wuhan China Star
Optoelectronics          April 28,                  July 26,                                                22 days-3
                                       1,600,000                  413,940        y       /           /                       No       No
Technology Co.,            2022                       2019                                                    years
Shenzhen China           April 28,                    April                   Joint                         1 month -
                                       1,550,000                1,183,090                /           /                       No       No
Star Optoelectronics       2022                     28, 2018                 liabilit                        8 years

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                             Interim Report 2022
Semiconductor                                                            y
Display Technology                                                    guaran
Co., Ltd.                                                               tee
TCL China Star
                                                Septemb               liabilit
Optoelectronics       April 28,                                                          13 days-3
                                   679,500       er 29,     35,190       y       /   /                    No       No
Technology Co.,        2022                                                                years
                                                 2019                 guaran
Wuhan China Star                                                       Joint
Optoelectronics                                 Decemb                liabilit
                      April 28,                                                          3 month -
Semiconductor                     2,000,000      er 22,    989,901       y       /   /                    No       No
                       2022                                                               8 years
Display Technology                               2017                 guaran
Co., Ltd.                                                               tee
Huizhou China Star
Optoelectronics       April 28,                 January                                  3 month -
                                  1,150,000                637,589       y       /   /                    No       No
Technology Co.,        2022                     1, 2021                                   8 years
China Star
Optoelectronics       April 28,
                                   500,000         -        -            y       /   /       -            No       No
International (HK)     2022
China Display
Optoelectronics       April 28,                 July 28,                                  43 days-
                                   150,000                  47,037       y       /   /                    No       No
Technology             2022                      2021                                    7.39 years
(Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
Wuhan China                                                            Joint
Display                                         Februar               liabilit
                      April 28,
Optoelectronics                        50,000    y 14,          197      y       /   /   2-3 years        No       No
Technology Co.,                                  2020                 guaran
Ltd.                                                                    tee
Guangdong Juhua
Printed Display       April 28,                 May 31,
                                       40,000                4,324       y       /   /   15 months        No       No
Technology Co.,        2022                      2022
TCL Technology Gr                                                     liabilit
                      April 28,                 January                                   95-409
oup Finance Co., Lt                300,000                  59,863       y       /   /                    No       No
                       2022                     25, 2022                                   days
d.                                                                    guaran
Highly Information    April 28,                 April 1,                                 1 days-2.5
                                   480,000                 358,000       y       /   /                    No       No
Industry Co., Ltd.     2022                      2020                                       years
Beijing Hecheng                                                       liabilit
                      April 28,                 July 23,
Nuoxin Technology                      10,000                5,000       y       /   /     1 year         No       No
                       2022                      2021
Co., Ltd.                                                             guaran
Beijing Lingyun                                                       liabilit
                      April 28,                 July 29,                                  86-364
Data Technology                    131,500                  38,390       y       /   /                    No       No
                       2022                      2021                                      days
Co., Ltd.                                                             guaran
Beijing Sunpiestore                                                   liabilit
                      April 28,                 July 23,
Technology Co.,                    140,000                  83,000       y       /   /     1 year         No       No
                       2022                      2021
Ltd.                                                                  guaran
Shaanxi Titi
Electronic            April 28,                 July 23,
                                       10,000                3,000       y       /   /     1 year         No       No
Technology Co.,        2022                      2021

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                            Interim Report 2022
TCL Technology                                                       liabilit
                       April 28,                 April
Park (Huizhou) Co.,                 172,600                 99,500      y       /   /   1-10 years       No       No
                        2022                    24, 2020
Ltd.                                                                 guaran
TCL Technology         April 28,                July 14,
                                    400,000                201,342      y       /   /    5 years         No       No
Investments Limited     2022                     2020
Ningbo TCL Equity      April 28,
                                       50,000      -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Investment Ltd.         2022
TCL Moka                                                             liabilit
                       April 28,                May 20,
International                       176,000                 40,268      y       /   /     1 year         No       No
                        2022                     2022
Limited                                                              guaran
Huizhou Moka
Technology             April 28,
                                       55,000      -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Development Co.,        2022
Moka Technology                                 Decemb               liabilit
                       April 28,                                                          1-8
(Guangdong) Co.,                    700,000      er 31,    121,182      y       /   /                    No       No
                        2022                                                             months
Ltd.                                             2021                guaran
Guangzhou China                                                       Joint
Star Optoelectronics                                                 liabilit
                       April 28,                March
Semiconductor                      1,750,000               730,703      y       /   /   1-8 years        No       No
                        2022                    4, 2022
Display Technology                                                   guaran
Co., Ltd.                                                              tee
Suzhou China Star                                                    liabilit
                       April 28,
Optoelectronics                     265,000        -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Display Co., Ltd.                                                    guaran
Suzhou China Star
Optoelectronics        April 28,
                                       57,000      -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Technology Co.,         2022
Highly (Tianjin)                                                     liabilit
                       April 28,                May 9,                                    40-61
Technology Co.,                        50,000               21,737      y       /   /                    No       No
                        2022                    2021                                       days
Ltd.                                                                 guaran
Highly (Tianjin) E-    April 28,
                                        5,000      -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Commerce Co., Ltd.      2022
Qingdao Blue                                                         liabilit
                       April 28,
Business Consulting                     5,000      -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Co., Ltd.                                                            guaran
Tianjin Printronics    April 28,
                                    100,000        -        -           y       /   /       -            No       No
Circuit Corporation     2022
TCL Technology                                                        Joint
                       April 28,
Group (Tianjin) Co.,                200,000        -        -        liabilit   /   /       -            No       No
Ltd.*                                                                   y

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022
WanfangNuoxin            April 28,
                                          5,000        -            -           y       /          /           -            No         No
Technology Co.,           2022
Ltd. *
                                                              Total actual amount
Total approved line for such
                                                              of such guarantees
guarantees in the Reporting Period              12,781,600                                                                         1,476,775
                                                              in the Reporting
                                                              Period (B2)
                                                              Total actual balance
Total approved line for such                                  of such guarantees
guarantees at the end of the                    12,781,600 at the end of the                                                       5,073,254
Reporting Period (B3)                                         Reporting Period
                                                Guarantees provided between subsidiaries
                        Disclosure                                           Guara                                                   Guara
                        date of the                                           ntee              Counter                                ntee
                                      Guarant      Actual       Actual               Collat
                        guarantee                                            Type               guarante    Term of      Expired        for
      Obligor                           ee       occurrenc     guarantee             eral (if
                           line                                                 of                e (if    guarantee      or not     related
                                       Limit       e date       amount                any)
                       announceme                                            chang                any)                               parties
                            nt                                                  e                                                     or not
Huhehaote Huanju
New Energy              November                 December
                                       24,529                      24,529       y       /          /       9.5 years        No         No
Development Co.,        26, 2014                  11, 2015
Zhonghuan Energy                                                            liabilit
                         June 24,                 July 21,
(Inner Mongolia)                       11,800                      11,800       y       /          /       15 years         No         No
                           2017                     2017
Co., Ltd.                                                                   guaran
Otog Banner                                                                 liabilit
                         June 24,                  August
Huanju New Energy                      19,816                      19,816       y       /          /       10 years         No         No
                           2017                  30, 2017
Co., Ltd.                                                                   guaran
Qinhuangdao                                                                 liabilit
                         11, 2017                 January                                                   10-12
Tianhui Solar                          22,829                      22,829       y       /          /                        No         No
                        September                19, 2018                                                   years
Energy Co., Ltd.                                                            guaran
                          6, 2018
Guyuan Shengju                                                              liabilit
                        September                October 8,
New Energy Co.,                        10,119                      10,119       y       /          /       11 years         No         No
                         6, 2018                    2018
Ltd.                                                                        guaran
Zhangjiakou                                                                 liabilit
                        September                October 8,
Shengyuan New                          13,790                      13,790       y       /          /       11 years         No         No
                         6, 2018                    2018
Energy Co., Ltd.                                                            guaran
Zhonghuan Hong                                                              liabilit
                        March 22,                March 26,
Kong Holding                           65,000                      52,994       y       /          /        3 years         No         No
                         2021                       2021
Limited                                                                     guaran
                        March 22,
Inner Mongolia                                                              liabilit
                         2021                    April 30,
Zhonghuan Crystal                     602,500                    432,500        y       /          /        7 years         No         No
                        May 26,                     2021
Materials Co., Ltd.                                                         guaran
Huansheng Solar         March 22,                 April 1,
                                       53,900                      53,900 liabilit      /          /        5 years         No         No
(Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.      2021                       2021

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
Tianjin Huanzhi
New Energy               January 21,                 July 20,
                                        131,500                      56,011        y         /         /      7 years         No       No
Technology Co.,              2021                      2021
Ningxia Zhonghuan                                                               liabilit
                         January 23,                 May 30,
Solar Material Co.,                     748,000                     133,000        y         /         /      7 years         No       No
                             2022                      2022
Ltd.                                                                            guaran
Wuxi Zhonghuan                                                                  liabilit
                           May 26,                   June 30,
Applied Materials                       190,000                      10,000        y         /         /      7 years         No       No
                             2022                      2022
Co., Ltd.                                                                       guaran
TCL Zhonghuan’s                                                                 Joint
guarantee for                                                                   liabilit
                           May 26,
subsidiaries within                     620,000          -             -           y         /         /         -            No       No
the consolidated                                                                guaran
scope (retained)                                                                  tee
Shenzhen China                                                                   Joint
Star Optoelectronics                                                            liabilit
                          April 28,    2,612,50     April 28,
Semiconductor                                                    2,394,858         y         /         /     5-8 years        No       No
                             2022              0       2018
Display Technology                                                              guaran
Co., Ltd.*                                                                        tee
PANEL                                                                            Joint
OPTODISPLAY                                                                     liabilit
                          April 28,                 April 22,
TECHNOLOGY                                 8,200                         825       y         /         /      2 years         No       No
                             2022                      2022
PRIVATE                                                                         guaran
LIMITED                                                                           tee
TCL Moka                                                                        liabilit
                          April 28,                 April 29,                                                 26-87
International                           214,500                      41,557        y         /         /                      No       No
                             2022                      2022                                                    days
Limited                                                                         guaran
China Star
Optoelectronics           April 28,                 November
                                        500,000                     167,785        y         /         /      3 years         No       No
International (HK)           2022                   24, 2020
                                                                Total actual amount
Total approved line for such
                                                                of such guarantees
guarantees in the Reporting Period                  5,083,200                                                                       386,398
                                                                in the Reporting
                                                                Period (C2)
                                                                Total actual balance
Total approved line for such                                    of such guarantees
guarantees at the end of the                        5,848,984 at the end of the                                                    3,446,314
Reporting Period (C3)                                           Reporting Period
                                     Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)
                                                                Total actual
Total guarantee line approved in the                            guarantee amount in
                                                   19,629,197                                                                      1,921,053
Reporting Period (A1+B1+C1)                                     the Reporting Period
                                                                Total actual
Total approved guarantee line at the                            guarantee balance at
end of the Reporting Period                        20,440,481 the end of the                                                       9,138,156
(A3+B3+C3)                                                      Reporting Period
                                                                (A4+ B4+ C4)
Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) as % of the
Company’s net assets
                                                                                                                                   Of which:
Balance of guarantees provided for shareholders, the actual
controller and their related parties (D)

    TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                     Interim Report 2022
Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for
obligors with an over 70% debt/asset ratio (E)
Amount by which the total guarantee amount exceeds 50% of
the Company’s net assets (F)
Total of the three above amounts (D+E+F)                                                                                                  7,186,951
Joint liability possibly borne or already borne in the
Reporting Period for outstanding guarantees (if any)
Guarantees provided in breach of prescribed procedures (if

         Note: ①The guarantee period in the above table is the occurrence period of the principal debt. The actual guarantee is valid for

    two or three years from the expiration date of the principal debt, which is subject to the single contract.

         ② During the Reporting Period, the Company adjusts the guarantee limit to its controlling subsidiaries based on their demands.

    The details are outlined as follows:

         (1) The guarantee limit amounting to RMB2 billion offered to Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. was

    transferred to TCL Technology Group (Tianjin) Co., Limited, another controlling subsidiary.

         (2) The guarantee limit amounting to RMB50 million offered to Beijing Sunpiestore Technology Co., Ltd. was transferred to

    Tianjin Wanfang Nuoxin Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

         In respect of the guarantee adjustment above, the Company has completed internal deliberation procedures and the debt/asset

    ratio of subsidiaries subject to guarantee limit increment does not exceed 70%, which complied with the related requirements in the

    Rules Governing the Guarantees Provided for External Parties, and the 2022 Proposals on Guarantee Provided to Subsidiaries passed

    on the 2021 general meeting held on May 19, 2022.

         ③ In the table above, Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor Display Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary

    controlled by the Company, was jointly guaranteed by the Company and its subsidiary TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology

    Co., Ltd. in an external syndicated loan, in which the Company provided certain percentage of guarantee, while TCL China Star

    Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. provided full guarantee.

         As at the end of the Reporting Period, the debt portion under joint guarantee amounted to RMB10.7457534 billion. The joint

    guarantee has been filled in the “Company’s Guarantee for Subsidiaries” and “Guarantee Among Subsidiaries”, respectively. The

    “total guarantee accrued at the end of the reporting period” and “total balance of guarantee accrued at the end of the Reporting Period”

    including the debt portion under the joint guarantee amounted to RMB10.7457534 billion.

         ④ The Company provided guarantee to the syndicated loan of Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor Display

    Technology Co., Ltd. for its “Project For Expanding the G6 Semiconductor Display Component Production Line” under joint and

    several liability of no more than RMB7.5 billion. The guarantee is within the limit of 2022 Proposal on Providing Guarantee to

    Subsidiaries passed on the 18th of the Seventh Session Board of Directors and 2021 general meeting. As at the end of the Reporting

    Period, the Company had not executed any specific guarantee contract. The actual guarantee limit will be subject to the specific


         ⑤ In the “guarantee among subsidiaries”, the guaranteed entity and Huhehaote Huanju New Energy Development Co., Ltd.

    were provided with the guarantee under joint and several liability by TCL Technology Group (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. And TCL Zhonghuan

    New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                              Interim Report 2022
3. Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                                        Impairment allowance for
                                                                                                          unrecovered overdue
         Type           Funding source         Amount                Undue amount          overdue
                                                                                                           amount of wealth
                                                                                                          management products
Bank’s wealth                                                                                        -                         -
                         Self-funded               629,001.00                625,900.00
management product
Securities firm’s                                                                                     -                         -
wealth management        Self-funded               100,962.99                100,962.99
Trust plan               Self-funded               100,000.00                 60,000.00                -                         -
Other                    Self-funded                19,219.11                 19,219.11                -                         -
                   Total                           849,183.10                806,082.10                -                         -
High-risk wealth management transactions with a significant single amount, low liquidity and no principal guarantee:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Wealth management transactions where the principal is expectedly irrecoverable or an impairment may be incurred:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Other Major Contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII. Other Significant Events
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                Title of announcement                                Date of disclosure                 Website for disclosure
Announcement on Resignation and Appointment of
Non-executive Directors
Report on the Repurchase of Certain Public Shares in
XIV. Significant Events of Subsidiaries
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                 Title of announcement                               Date of disclosure                 Website for disclosure
Announcement on Additional Placement and Share
                                                                        1/24/2022                     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Issue in Subsidiaries and the Related-Party Transaction

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022

     Part VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders

I. Changes in Shares
1. Changes in shares
                                                                                                                          Unit: share

                                                           Increase/decrease in the Reporting
                              Prior to changes                                                            After changes
                                                                      Period (+/-)
                         Shares             Percentage         Others            Subtotal             Shares           Percentage
 I. Restricted
                           612,110,488            4.36%         1,445,002          1,445,002           613,555,490           4.37%
 Shares held
 by other
                           611,718,990            4.36%         1,270,579          1,270,579           612,989,569           4.37%
 Of which:
 Shares held
                           611,718,990            4.36%         1,270,579          1,270,579           612,989,569           4.37%
 by domestic
 Shares held
 by foreign                       391,498        0.0028%          174,423            174,423               565,921        0.0040%
 Of which:
 Shares held
                                  391,498        0.0028%          174,423            174,423               565,921        0.0040%
 by foreign
 II. Non-
 restricted            13,418,531,933            95.64%        -1,445,002         -1,445,002        13,417,086,931         95.63%
 shares in             13,418,531,933            95.64%        -1,445,002         -1,445,002        13,417,086,931         95.63%
 III. Total
                      14,030,642,421               100%                  0                  0       14,030,642,421           100%
Statement on the changes in shares
During the Reporting Period, locked-up shares held by senior management increased by 1,445,002 shares, as non-restricted shares
decreased by the same amount.
Approval of changes in shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Transfer of share ownership
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
     On June 1, 2021, the Company issued the Announcement on Planned Allocation and Equity Ownership Under the Global
Partnership Phase III Scheme, which specifies that, in accordance with Global Partnership Phase III Scheme (Draft), the share holders
under the scheme may sell 50% of corresponding shares held based on current market conditions at their discretion, or transfer 50% of
corresponding shares held to the scheme holder’s account through non-trading transfer subject to the support of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange and the Depository and Clearing Corporation, after 12 months upon the vesting date of the underlying shares; the share
holders under the scheme may sell the remained 50% of corresponding shares or transfer the remained 50% of corresponding shares to
the scheme holder’s account through non-trading transfer subject to Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Depository and Clearing

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                        Interim Report 2022
Corporation after 24 months upon the vesting date of the underlying shares.
       During the Reporting Period, parts of shares under the Scheme had been transferred to the securities account of scheme holders
through non-trading transfer in June. A total of 21,054,347 shares were transferred, including 1,926,671 shares transferred to directors,
supervisors and senior management through non-trading transfer and 19,127,676 shares transferred to other holders through non-trading
Progress on any share repurchase
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
       During the Reporting Period, the Company repurchased 106,484,364 shares through centralized bidding from the special securities
account for repurchase from March 23, 2022 to June 24, 2022, accounting for 0.76% of the total share capital of the Company. The
highest and lowest trading price was RMB5.01 per share and RMB4.34 per share, respectively, and the total payment approximated to
RMB502.62 million (excluding transaction fees).
Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the
Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period, respectively
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Changes in restricted shares
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                     Unit: share

                                                   Unlocked in               Increase in              Ending
   Name of                 Beginning                                                                                   Reason for
                                                    Reporting                 Reporting              restricted                           Date of unlocking
  shareholder           restricted shares                                                                              restriction
                                                     Period                    Period                  shares
 Directors,                                                                                                                               Removal of lock-
 supervisors,                                                                                                                             up restriction
                                                                                                                        shares of
 and                           612,110,488                        0             1,445,002            613,555,490                          based on related
 executives of                                                                                                                            laws and
 the Company                                                                                                                              regulations
         Total                 612,110,488                        0             1,445,002            613,555,490             --                      --
II. Issuance and Listing of Securities
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Total Number of Shareholders and Their Shareholdings

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: share

 Total        number     of     ordinary                                        Total number of preference shareholders with
 shareholders by the end of the                                    761,967      resumed voting rights by the end of the reporting                                  0
 reporting period                                                               period (if any)

                               Shareholdings of ordinary shareholders with more than 5% or the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares

                                                                                                                     Number of       Shares in pledge, marked or
                                                               Number of                               Number of
                                            Shareholding                        Increase/decrease                       Non-                     frozen
      Name of            Nature of                           shares held at                            restricted
                                             percentage                            during the                         restricted
  shareholder           Shareholder                            the period-                              ordinary
                                                 (%)                            Reporting Period                      ordinary          Status            Shares
                                                                  end                                 shares held
                                                                                                                     shares held
 Li                                                                                                                                 Put in
 Dongsheng          Domestic                                                                                                        pledge by Li     179,338,800
 and his            individual/Domestic            8.26%     1,159,085,019                 485,626    610,545,821   548,539,198     Dongsheng
 acting-in-         general legal entity                                                                                            Put in
 concert party                                                                                                                      pledge by

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                     Interim Report 2022
 Investment     State-owned legal
                                       5.30%   743,139,840                 0    0   743,139,840
 Holding Co.,   entity
 Valley         State-owned legal
                                       3.95%   554,770,496         -3,781,900   0   554,770,496   Pledge      255,754,475
 Industrial     entity
 Co., Ltd.
 Hong Kong
 Clearing       Foreign legal entity   2.68%   376,447,862        -71,400,149   0   376,447,862
                Domestic general
 Finance                               2.66%   373,231,553                 0    0   373,231,553
                legal entity
                Domestic general
 Enterprise                            1.54%   215,582,406        -30,986,432   0   215,582,406
                legal entity
 Co., Ltd.
 - 2021 to      Fund, wealth
 2023           management             0.81%   113,143,154                 0    0   113,143,154
 Employee       product, etc.
 Plan (Phase
 Sinatay Life
 Insurance      Fund, wealth
 Co., Ltd. -    management             0.74%   104,190,172                 0    0   104,190,172
 Conventional   product, etc.
 ICBC Credit
 Suisse Fund
 Bank of
 China -        Fund, wealth
 ICBC Credit    management             0.53%    74,761,500                 0    0    74,761,500
 Suisse China   product, etc.
 Southern       Fund, wealth
 Asset          management             0.53%    74,761,500                 0    0    74,761,500
 Management     product, etc.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                     Interim Report 2022
 Bank of
 China -
 Strategic investor or general legal
 entity becoming top-10 ordinary
                                          Not applicable
 shareholders due to private
 placement of new shares (if any)
                                          Mr. Li Dongsheng and Ningbo Jiutian Liancheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) became persons
 Note on the above shareholders’
                                          acting in concert by signing the Agreement on Concerted Action, holding 1,159,085,019 shares in total and becoming
 associations or concerted actions
                                          the largest shareholder of the Company.
 Explain if any of the shareholders
 above was involved in
                                          Not applicable
 entrusting/being entrusted with
 voting rights or waiving voting rights
                                          There is a special repurchase account “TCL Technology Group Corporation’s special securities account for
 Explanation on repurchase account
                                          repurchase” among the top 10 Shareholders, which are not outlined in the top 10 shareholders above. As of the end of
 among top 10 shareholders
                                          the Reporting Period, this repurchase account held 399,900,216 shares.
                                                           Top 10 non-restricted ordinary shareholders

                                                                                                                                           Type of shares
           Name of shareholder              Number of non-restricted ordinary shares held at the end of the reporting period
                                                                                                                                      Type            Shares
 Huizhou Investment Holding Co.,                                                                                                  RMB-
 Ltd.                                                                                                                             denominated
                                                                                                                   743,139,840                     743,139,840
 Wuhan Optics Valley Industrial                                                                                                   RMB-
 Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             denominated
                                                                                                                   554,770,496                     554,770,496
 Li Dongsheng and his acting-in-                                                                                                  denominated
                                                                                                                   548,539,198                     548,539,198
 concert party                                                                                                                    ordinary
 Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                                                    RMB-
 Company Limited                                                                                                                  denominated
                                                                                                                   376,447,862                     376,447,862
 China Securities Finance                                                                                                         RMB-
 Corporation Limited                                                                                                              denominated
                                                                                                                   373,231,553                     373,231,553
 Tibet Tianfeng Enterprise                                                                                                        RMB-
 Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             denominated
                                                                                                                   215,582,406                     215,582,406
 TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                 RMB-
 - 2021 to 2023 Employee Stock                                                                                                    denominated
                                                                                                                   113,143,154                      113,143,154
 Ownership Plan (Phase I)                                                                                                         ordinary
 Sinatay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -                                                                                104,190,172    RMB-             104,190,172

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                                        Interim Report 2022
 Conventional Product                                                                                                              denominated
 ICBC Credit Suisse Fund -                                                                                                         RMB-
 Agricultural Bank of China - ICBC                                                                                                 denominated
                                                                                                                     74,761,500                       74,761,500
 Credit Suisse China Securities                                                                                                    ordinary
 Financial Asset Management Plan                                                                                                   shares
 Southern Asset Management -                                                                                                       RMB-
 Agricultural Bank of China -                                                                                                      denominated
                                                                                                                     74,761,500                       74,761,500
 Southern China Securities Financial                                                                                               ordinary
 Asset Management Plan                                                                                                             shares
 Related or acting-in-concert parties
 among top 10 non-restricted ordinary
                                           Mr. Li Dongsheng and Ningbo Jiutian Liancheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) became
 shareholders, as well as between top
                                           persons acting in concert by signing the Agreement on Concerted Action, holding 1,159,085,019 shares in total and
 10 non-restricted ordinary
                                           becoming the largest shareholder of the Company.
 shareholders and top 10 ordinary
                                           1. Wuhan Optics Valley Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., a shareholder of the Company, conducted share-based
                                           securities lending business for “TCL Technology”. At the end of the Reporting Period, 3,781,900 shares of securities
 Explanation on the top 10 ordinary
                                           were lent out.
 shareholders participating in
                                           2, Tibet Tianfeng Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a shareholder of the Company, holds 117,343,814 shares through
 securities margin trading
                                           the general securities account, and holds 98,238,592 shares through the credit securities account, with a total of
                                           215,582,406 shares actually held.
Indicate whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted ordinary shareholders of the Company conducted
any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV. Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Number                     Number
                                                                                                                               of                         of
                                                                                           Decrease                                          of
                                                                             Increase of                                   restricted                 restricted
                                                              Number of                    of shares       Number of                     restricted
                                                                                shares                                       shares                     shares
                                                            shares held at                  during       shares held at                    shares
    Name           Position           Postion Status                          during the                                   granted at                  granted
                                                            the beginning                     the        the end of the                   granted
                                                                              Reporting                                       the                       at the
                                                              of the year                  Reporting          year                        during
                                                                               Period                                      beginning                    end of
                                                                                            Period                                          the
                                                                                                                             of the                      the
                                                                                                                             period                     period
                Chairman of
                the Board and       Incumbent                813,575,470        485,626            0       814,061,096              0            0            0
                Charmian of         Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0
                the Board
 Du Juan        Director            Incumbent                     417,730       374,237            0           791,967              0            0            0
 Jin Xuzhi      Senior Vice         Incumbent                     521,997       232,564            0           754,561              0            0            0
                Senior Vice         Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0
 Liao Qian      Secretary and       Incumbent                     229,596       251,710            0           481,306              0            0            0
                Senior Vice
 Lin Feng       Director            Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0
 Gan Yong                           Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0
 Chen Shiyi                         Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0
 Wan            Independent
                                    Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0
 Liangyong      director
 Liu Xunci                          Incumbent                            0            0            0                  0             0            0            0

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                   Interim Report 2022
              Chairman of
 He           the
                             Incumbent                     0            0    0            0    0          0        0
 Zhuohui      Supervisory
              Supervisor     Incumbent                     0            0    0            0    0          0        0
 Mao          Employee
                             Incumbent               128,979      100,604    0      229,583    0          0        0
 Tianxiang    Supervisor
              COO            Incumbent               157,661            0    0      157,661    0          0        0
 Li Jian      CFO            Incumbent                97,709      196,804    0      294,513    0          0        0
              Senior Vice
              President,     Incumbent             1,018,176      285,126    0     1,303,302   0          0        0
 Liu Kun                     Former                        0            0    0            0    0          0        0
    Total     --                      --         816,147,318     1,926,671   0   818,073,989   0          0        0

V. Change of the Controlling Shareholder or the Actual Controller
Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                           Interim Report 2022

                                                  Part VIII Bonds

I. Enterprise Bonds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No enterprise bonds in the Reporting Period.

II. Corporate Bonds
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. General Information on Corporate Bonds

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                                   Way of
                              Bond      Date of    Value                  Outstanding Coupon
  Bond name         Abbr.                                     Maturity                         repayment and   Place of trading
                              Code     issuance    date                    balance     rate
Corporation                                                                                  Interest payable
Corporate                                                                                    annually and
Bonds Publicly                       October 17, October October                             principal        Shenzhen Stock
                  19TCL03 112983                                             200,000   4.20%
Offered in 2019                      2019        21, 2019 21, 2024                           repayable in     Exchange
to Qualified                                                                                 full upon
Investors                                                                                    maturity
(Tranche 3)
Corporation                                                                                  Interest payable
Corporate                                                                                    annually and
Bonds Publicly                       July 19,     July 23, July 23,                          principal        Shenzhen Stock
                  19TCL02 112938                                             100,000   4.30%
Offered in 2019                      2019         2019     2024                              repayable in     Exchange
to Qualified                                                                                 full upon
Investors                                                                                    maturity
(Tranche 2)
Corporation                                                                                  Interest payable
Corporate                                                                                    annually and
Bonds Publicly                       May 17,      May 20, May 20,                            principal        Shenzhen Stock
                  19TCL01 112905                                             100,000   3.15%
Offered in 2019                      2019         2019    2024                               repayable in     Exchange
to Qualified                                                                                 full upon
Investors                                                                                    maturity
(Tranche 1)
Corporation                                                                                  Interest payable
Corporate                                                                                    annually and
Bonds Publicly                       August 17, August   August                              principal        Shenzhen Stock
                  18TCL02 112747                                             200,000   3.55%
Offered in 2018                      2018       20, 2018 20, 2023                            repayable in     Exchange
to Qualified                                                                                 full upon
Investors                                                                                    maturity
(Tranche 2)
Corporation                                                                                  Interest payable
Corporate                                                                                    annually and
Bonds Publicly                       June 5,      June     6, June   6,                      principal        Shenzhen Stock
                  18TCL01 112717                                           17,001.90   4.00%
Offered in 2018                      2018         2018        2023                           repayable in     Exchange
to Qualified                                                                                 full upon
Investors                                                                                    maturity
(Tranche 1)
TCL                                                                                          Interest payable
Corporation                                                                                  annually and
                                                  July     7, July   7,                                       Shenzhen Stock
Corporate         17TCL02 112542 July 6, 2017                                 15,700   3.45% principal
                                                  2017        2022                                            Exchange
Bonds Publicly                                                                               repayable in
Offered in 2017                                                                              full upon

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                   Interim Report 2022
to Qualified                                                                                       maturity
(Tranche 2)
Investor eligibility (if any)        For qualified investors / For professional investors
Applicable trading mechanism         Not applicable
Risk of termination of listing and
trading (if any) and                 None
Overdue bonds:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Triggering and implementation of issuer or investor option clauses and investor protection clauses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
      In accordance with the provisions of the Prospectus for TCL Technology Group Corporation Corporate Bonds Publicly Offered
in 2019 to Qualified Investors (Tranche 1), the bondholders of 19TCL01 elected to sell back all or part of their 19TCL01 to TCL
Technology Group Corporation during the sell-back registration period (April 19, 2022 to April 25, 2022) at the sell-back price of
RMB100/bond (excluding interest). The coupon rate decreased from 4.33% to 3.15% two years after the existence period, and the sell-
back fund was released on May 20, 2022. According to the data provided by the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and
Clearing Corporation Limited, the number of 19TCL01 sold back during the sell-back registration period was 10,000,000, and the sell-
back amount was RMB1,000,000,000 (excluding interest). As indicated in the Announcement on Sell-back Declaration Results, the
Company would resell the sold-back bonds from May 23, 2022 to June 20, 2022, and the number of bonds proposed to be resold would
be no more than 10,000,000. The number of bonds resold in this tranche was 10,000,000, and the average resale price was
RMB100.2534/bond, and all of which had been resold through manual transfer. Upon the completion of the resales, no bonds pending
for resales remain, and there are 10,000,000 bonds of 19TCL01 outstanding in depositary.
3. Adjustments to credit ratings in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Execution and changes of guarantees, repayment plans and other repayment guarantee measures in the
Reporting Period, as well as the impact on the equity of bond investor
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Debt Financing Instruments of a Non-Financial Enterprise
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. General information of debt financing instruments of a non-financial enterprise:

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB100 million
                                                                                                                  Way of
  Name of                     Code of                                                                            principal
                                             Date of                               Outstanding                                   Place of
    debt         Abbr.         debt                     Value date      Maturity               Interest rate    repayment
                                            issuance                                balance                                      trading
 instrument                 instrument                                                                          and interest
2022 Mid-                                                                                                      Interest
Term Green                                                                                                     payable
Notes of                                                                                                       annually
TCL         22TCL-                       April 25,     April 27,     April 27,                                 and             Inter-bank
                           132280040                                                     15.00       3.30%
Technology GN002                         2022          2022          2025                                      principal       market
Group                                                                                                          repayable in
Corporation                                                                                                    full upon
(Tranche 2)                                                                                                    maturity
2022 Mid-                                                                                                      payable
Term Notes                                                                                                     annually
of TCL        22TCL-                     January 12, January 14, January 14,                                   and             Inter-bank
                           102280089                                                     20.00       3.45%
Technology    MTN001                     2022        2022        2025                                          principal       market
Group                                                                                                          repayable in
Corporation                                                                                                    full upon
(Tranche 1)                                                                                                    maturity
2021 Mid-     21TCL-                                                                                           Interest
Term Notes    MTN001                     May 10,       May 12,       May 12,                                   payable         Inter-bank
                           102100966                                                     20.00       4.15%
of TCL        (High-                     2021          2021          2024                                      annually        market
Technology    Growth                                                                                           and

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                                 Interim Report 2022
Group       Bonds)                                                                                          principal
Corporation                                                                                                 repayable in
(Tranche                                                                                                    full upon
1)(High-                                                                                                    maturity
2020 Mid-                                                                                                   payable
Term Notes                                                                                                  annually
of TCL        20TCL-                      March 25,       March 27,    March 27,                            and          Inter-bank
                              102000509                                                   30.00       3.60%
Technology MTN001                         2020            2020         2023                                 principal    market
Group                                                                                                       repayable in
Corporation                                                                                                 full upon
(Tranche 1)                                                                                                 maturity
Investor eligibility (if any)             Not applicable
Applicable trading mechanism              Not applicable
Risk of termination of listing and
trading (if any) and countermeasures
Overdue bonds:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Triggering and implementation of issuer or investor option clauses and investor protection clauses
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Adjustments to credit ratings in the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Execution and changes of guarantees, repayment plans and other repayment guarantee measures in the
Reporting Period, as well as the impact on the equity of bond investor
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Convertible Corporate Bonds
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Adjustments and Rectification of Transfer Prices
                                              Price before adjustment                                          Start date for the
                   Name                                                     Adjusted price (RMB/share)
                                                   (RMB/share)                                                    adjustment
 TCL Directional Transfer 2 (CB No.:
                                                          7.88                         7.73                      June 2, 2022
 TCL Directional Transfer 2 (CB No.:
                                                          7.73                         4.10                      July 25, 2022
2. Cumulative bond-to-stock conversions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Top 10 holders of convertible corporate bonds
                                                                   Number of
                                                                                        Amount of
                                                                   convertible                             Proportion of convertible
                                             Nature of                             convertible corporate
   No.          Name of holder                                   corporate bonds                           bonds held at the end of
                                              holder                                 bonds held at the
                                                                    held at the                                   the period
                                                                                    period-end (RMB)
    1      GF Securities Co., Ltd.        general legal               3,900,000            390,000,000                        15.46%
           Guosen Securities Co.,         State-owned
    2                                                                 3,000,000            300,000,000                        11.89%
           Ltd.                           legal entity
           Western Securities Co.,        State-owned
    3                                                                 1,700,000            170,000,000                           6.74%
           Ltd.                           legal entity
           China Life Pension
           Hongxin Fixed Income
                                          Fund, wealth
           Pension Product -
    4                                     management                  1,300,000            130,000,000                           5.15%
           Industrial and
                                          product, etc.
           Commercial Bank of
           China Limited

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                                               Interim Report 2022
            China Life Pension
            Sustaining Fixed Income         Fund, wealth
    5       Pension Product No. 9 -         management                 1,300,000             130,000,000                    5.15%
            China Merchants Bank            product, etc.
            Co., Ltd.
            Shenwan Hongyuan
    6                                       general legal              1,000,000             100,000,000                    3.96%
            Group Co., Ltd.
           Zheshang Securities Co.,         State-owned
    7                                                               1,000,000             100,000,000                        3.96%
           Ltd.                             legal entity
           China Life Insurance
           (Group) Company               Fund, wealth
    8      Enterprise Annuity Plan-      management                 1,000,000             100,000,000                        3.96%
           Agricultural Bank Of          product, etc.
           China Limited
           China Life Yongfeng
           Enterprise Annuity            Fund, wealth
    9      Collective Plan-              management                 1,000,000             100,000,000                        3.96%
           Agricultural Bank Of          product, etc.
           China Limited
           Taipingyang Investment
           Strategy Co., Ltd. –         Foreign legal
   10                                                                 800,000              80,000,000                        3.17%
           Security Investment Fund      entity
           of China
     Note: The table above was filled in based on the data of holders delivered by the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository
and Clearing Corporation Limited.
4. Significant changes to the profitability, assets and credit standing of the guarantor
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Liabilities and change in credit of the Company at the end of the Reporting Period, as well as future cash
arrangements for repayment
        For details on financial indicators, including asset/liability ratio, interest coverage ratio, and loan repayment
rate, refer to the “Key accounting data and financial indicators of the Company for the past two years as at the end
of the Reporting Period” in this section.
        The company issued targeted convertible bonds without debt rating.
V. Consolidated loss of the Reporting Period Exceeding 10% of Net Assets of the last year-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators of the Company for the past two years as
at the end of the Reporting Period
                                                   End of the
                    Item                                                     December 31, 2021                  Change
                                                 Reporting Period
 Current ratio                                                  1.03                             1.08                       -4.63%
 Debt/asset ratio                                           63.9%                              61.2%                        2.74%
 Quick ratio                                                     0.8                              0.8                          -3%
                                                      H1 2022                      H1 2021                      Change
 Net profit after non-recurring profit or
                                                            54,269                            778,670                     -93.03%
 loss (in RMB10,000)
 Debt to EBITDA ratio                                       6.99%                             10.70%                        -3.71%
 Interest coverage ratio                                        1.46                             5.12                     -71.48%
 Cash coverage ratio                                            4.90                             7.23                     -32.23%
 EBITDA coverage ratio                                          6.45                             8.57                     -24.74%
 Debt repayment ratio                                           100%                            100%                           0.00

TCL Technology Group Corporation                  Interim Report 2022

 Interest payment ratio            100%    100%                0.00

TCL Technology Group Corporation                                                  Interim Report 2022

                                   Part IX Financial Report

                         (For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022)

I. Auditor’s Report
Whether the 2022 semi-annual report has been audited or not?
 □ Yes √ No
The Company’s 2022 semi-annual financial report has not yet been audited.

II. Financial Statements
The unit of the notes to the financial report is: RMB1,000.
                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                      Note V                      June 30, 2022            January 1, 2022

Current assets
   Monetary assets                                      1                           33,795,517                31,393,692
   Held-for-trading financial assets                    2                            8,975,013                 7,601,256
    Derivative financial assets                         3                              488,428                    70,929
   Notes receivable                                     4                              772,065                   776,202
   Accounts receivable                                  5                           19,085,233                18,238,782
   Receivables financing                                6                            2,223,849                 2,217,639
   Prepayments                                          7                            4,038,913                 2,306,325
   Other receivables                                    8                            4,172,848                 4,458,621
   Inventories                                          9                           14,025,004                14,083,357
   Contract assets                                      10                             275,288                   233,529
   Other current assets                                 11                           4,160,806                 5,802,960
Total current assets                                                                92,012,964                87,183,292
Non-current assets
   Debt investments                                     12                              20,136                         -
   Long-term receivables                                13                             639,690                   651,118
   Long-term equity investments                         14                          26,665,070                25,640,578
   Investments in other equity instruments              15                             927,536                   927,319
   Other non-current financial assets                   16                           1,128,611                 2,704,038
   Investment property                                  17                             793,033                   761,902
   Fixed assets                                         18                         116,788,925               113,723,759
   Construction in progress                             19                          43,418,950                37,029,504
   Right-of-use assets                                  20                           2,094,665                 2,426,911
   Intangible assets                                    21                          16,169,914                14,000,546
   Development costs                                    22                           2,643,417                 2,540,199
   Goodwill                                             23                           9,158,841                 9,158,841
   Long-term deferred expenses                          24                           2,469,122                 2,640,530
   Deferred income tax assets                           25                           2,816,973                 2,150,423
   Other non-current assets                             26                          12,608,680                 7,449,009
Total non-current assets                                                           238,343,563               221,804,677
Total assets                                                                       330,356,527               308,987,969

                                                                                           charge of the
 Legal                                       Person-in-charge                                  financial
 representative:         Li Dongsheng        of financial affairs:        Li Jian           department:      Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                      Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)
Liabilities and shareholder equity:                   Note V                      June 30, 2022            January 1, 2022
Current liabilities
    Short-term borrowings                               27                          14,811,740                 9,341,427
    Borrowings from the Central Bank                    28                             728,744                 1,437,062
    Customer deposits and deposits from
other banks and financial institutions                  29                             265,745                   666,056
    Held-for-trading financial liabilities              30                             989,803                   925,035
    Derivative financial liabilities                    31                             430,997                    22,205
    Notes payable                                       32                           5,426,352                 3,275,296
    Accounts payable                                    33                          24,185,474                24,297,860
    Advances from customers                             34                               6,067                     5,794
    Contract liabilities                                35                           4,367,691                 2,593,882
    Employee compensation payable                       36                           2,575,269                 3,311,933
    Taxes and levies payable                            37                             744,597                 1,238,849
    Other payables                                      38                          21,623,916                19,386,888
    Current portion of non-current
liabilities due within a one-year period                39                          11,957,256                13,006,765
    Other current liabilities                           40                           1,530,424                 1,269,887
    Total current liabilities                                                       89,644,075                80,778,939
Non-current liabilities
    Long-term borrowings                                41                          96,482,488                87,279,082
    Bonds payable                                       42                          13,499,159                13,066,281
    Lease liabilities                                   43                           1,156,827                 1,102,072
    Long-term payables                                  44                             723,672                   671,344
    Long-term employee compensation
payable                                                                                872,205                   669,931
    Deferred income                                     45                           5,115,596                 2,361,205
    Deferred income tax liabilities                     25                           3,724,221                 3,158,986
Total non-current liabilities                                                      121,574,168               108,308,901
Total liabilities                                                                  211,218,243               189,087,840
    Share capital                                       46                          14,030,642                14,030,642
    Other equity instruments                            47                             194,401                   200,334
    Capital reserves                                    48                           4,185,575                 6,079,267
    Less: Treasury stock                                49                           2,311,664                 1,885,557
    Other comprehensive income                          70                           (764,462)                 (409,447)
    Surplus reserves                                    50                           2,550,173                 2,550,173
    Specific reserves                                   51                               3,468                     1,549
    General risk reserve                                52                               8,934                     8,934
    Retained earnings                                   53                          21,127,030                22,527,686
Total equity attributable to shareholders of
the parent company                                                                  39,024,097                43,103,581
    Non-controlling interests                                                       80,114,187                76,796,548
Total shareholders’ equity                                                        119,138,284               119,900,129
Total liabilities and shareholder equity                                           330,356,527               308,987,969

                                                                                           charge of the
 Legal                                       Person-in-charge                                  financial
 representative:         Li Dongsheng        of financial affairs:        Li Jian           department:      Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Consolidated Income Statement
                                                        Note V           January - June 2022         January - June 2021
1. Total revenue                                                                   84,560,760                  74,479,982
    Including: Revenue                                    54                       84,522,181                  74,405,849
            Interest income                               55                           38,579                      74,133
    Less: Cost of sales                                   54                       76,522,944                  58,068,971
         Interest expenditures                            55                           14,292                      12,564
         Taxes and levies                                 56                          289,081                     294,310
         Selling expenses                                 57                        1,053,369                     901,176
         Administrative expenses                          58                        1,716,379                   2,023,368
         R&D expenses                                     59                        4,451,764                   3,402,959
         Financial expenses                               60                        1,720,157                   1,818,983
         Including: Interest expenses                                               2,031,269                   2,160,434
                 Interest income                                                      325,439                     187,547
    Plus: Other income                                    61                        1,643,110                     810,034
         Return on investments                            62                        1,780,515                   2,788,205
         Including: Return on investment in
                                                                                    1,757,650                  1,315,184
joint ventures and associates
         Exchange gain                                    55                            24,351                       964
         Gain on changes in fair value                    63                           114,495                 (314,196)
         Credit impairment loss                           64                          (27,157)                  (11,445)
         Asset impairment loss                            65                       (1,010,287)                 (797,519)
         Asset disposal income                            66                          (23,631)                    24,327
    2. Operating profit                                                              1,294,170                10,458,021
    Plus: Non-operating income                            67                           596,540                   267,948
    Less: Non-operating expenses                          68                            52,392                    11,987
    3. Gross profit                                                                  1,838,318                10,713,982
         Less: Income tax expenses                        69                          (88,398)                 1,416,497
4. Net profit                                                                        1,926,716                 9,297,485
    (1) Classification by business continuity
    1. Net profit from continuing operations                                        1,926,716                  9,239,189
    2. Net profit from discontinued operations                                              -                     58,296
    (2) Classification by ownership
    1. Net profits attributable to the owners of
the parent company                                                                    663,521                  6,802,218
    2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling
interests                                                                           1,263,195                  2,495,267
5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                 70                        (372,997)                  (217,489)
    5.1 Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss                                            (13,285)                 (184,359)
    5.2 Other comprehensive income that may
subsequently be reclassified into profit or loss
upon satisfaction of prescribed condition                                           (359,712)                   (33,130)
6. Total comprehensive income                                                       1,553,719                  9,079,996
    Total comprehensive income attributable to
the shareholders of the parent company                                                308,506                  6,566,398
    Total comprehensive income attributable to
non-controlling interests                                                           1,245,213                  2,513,598
7. Earnings per share                                     71
    7.1 Basic earnings per share (RMB yuan)                                             0.0489                    0.5040
    7.2 Diluted earnings per share (RMB yuan)                                           0.0485                    0.4848

                                                   Person-in-                              charge of the
 Legal                                                charge                                 accounting
 representative:         Li Dongsheng         of financial affairs:       Li Jian           department:      Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                        Note        January - June    January - June
                                                                         V                   2022              2021
 I.    Cash flow from operations activities:
       Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of
             services                                                                 65,932,012       60,061,126
       Net increase/(decrease) in customer deposits and deposits
             from other banks and financial institutions                               (400,311)         (602,777)
       Net increase/(decrease) in borrowings from central bank                         (708,318)           634,916
       Cash received from interest, handling charge and
             commission                                                                   38,579           74,133
       Tax and levy rebates                                                            7,032,417        2,530,415
       Cash generated from other operating activities                    72            5,538,379        5,032,866

       Sub-total of cash generated from operating activities                          77,432,758       67,730,679

       Payments for commodities and services                                        (54,309,690)      (42,679,165)
       Net (increase)/decrease in loans and advances to customers                       (40,873)         (720,348)
       Net (increase)/decrease in deposits in central bank and
             other banks and financial institutions                                     (73,909)         (309,934)
       Cash paid to and for employees                                                (6,631,511)       (4,424,050)
       Taxes and levies paid                                                         (1,689,737)       (2,179,393)
       Cash used in other operating activities                           73          (5,670,402)       (3,522,074)

       Sub-total of cash used in operating activities                               (68,416,122)      (53,834,964)

       Net cash generated from operating activities                      78            9,016,636       13,895,715

 II. Cash flow from investing activities:
        Proceeds from disinvestments                                                  22,017,628       13,223,437
        Proceeds from return on investments                                              254,501          945,622
        Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
          assets and other long-term assets                                               10,504          127,405
        Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
              business units                                                                   -          511,576
        Cash received from other related investing activities            74               73,748            7,079

       Sub-total of cash generated from investment activities                         22,356,381       14,815,119

       Payments for the acquisition and construction of fixed
         assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                       (18,251,636)      (13,684,031)
       Cash paid for investments                                                    (21,384,892)      (17,853,045)
       Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other business
         units                                                                                 -       (4,139,505)
       Cash used in other investing activities                           75            (333,406)         (101,676)

       Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                                (39,969,934)      (35,778,257)

       Net cash used in investing activities                                        (17,613,553)      (20,963,138)

                                           Person-in-charge                         charge of
 Legal                                     of financial                             the financial
 representative:         Li Dongsheng      affairs:                   Li Jian       department:      Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                   Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Continued)
                                                                  Note V     January - June 2022         January - June 2021

III. Cash flow generated from financing activities:
       Capital contributions received                                                 5,365,010                  8,413,591
       Including: Cash received from minority shareholders
             of subsidiaries                                                          5,365,010                  8,413,591
       Borrowings raised                                                             37,672,460                 34,898,543
       Net proceeds from issuance of bonds                                            4,500,000                  2,499,800
       Cash generated from other financing activities               76                    6,000                    249,287

      Sub-total of cash generated from financing activities                          47,543,470                 46,061,221

      Cash paid for debt repayment                                                 (28,355,640)               (25,245,482)
      Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or
            repayment of interests                                                   (4,802,831)               (4,358,673)
      Including: Dividends and profit paid by subsidiaries to
   minority shareholders                                                               (289,774)                 (219,635)
      Cash used in other financing activities                       77               (4,454,836)               (3,060,099)

      Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                                (37,613,307)               (32,664,254)

      Net cash generated from financing activities                                    9,930,163                 13,396,967

IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
equivalents                                                                             261,370                   (44,249)

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                          1,594,616                  6,285,295

Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
of the year                                                                          30,081,705                 18,208,417

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                    79               31,676,321                 24,493,712

                                                                                         charge of the
 Legal                                       Person-in-charge                                financial
 representative:          Li Dongsheng       of financial affairs:        Li Jian         department:          Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                                                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                          Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

                                                                                                                       January - June 2022
                                                                              Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent
                                                       Other                                                                      Other                                                               Non-        Shareholder
                                    Share                               Capital           Treasury         Specific                                Surplus              to     Undistributed
                                                       equity                                                             comprehensive                                                         controlling         equity
                                   capital                             reserves              stock        Reserves                                reserves        general              profit
                                                 instruments                                                                    income                                                            interests          Total
 1. Balance as at the end
 of the prior year            14,030,642             200,334          6,079,267        (1,885,557)           1,549            (409,447)          2,550,173          8,934        22,458,340     76,611,057        119,645,292
 Add: Adjustment for
 change in accounting
 policy                                  -                  -                  -                  -               -                   -                  -               -            69,346       185,491           254,837
 2. Balance as at the
 beginning of the period      14,030,642             200,334          6,079,267        (1,885,557)           1,549            (409,447)          2,550,173          8,934        22,527,686     76,796,548        119,900,129
 3. Increase/decrease in
 the period                              -           (5,933)        (1,893,692)          (426,107)           1,919            (355,015)                  -               -       (1,400,656)     3,317,639          (761,845)
 3.1 Total comprehensive
 income                                  -                  -                  -                  -               -           (355,015)                  -               -          663,521      1,245,213          1,553,719
 3.2 Capital increased
 and reduced by
 shareholders                            -           (5,933)        (1,893,692)          (426,107)                -                   -                  -               -                  -    4,249,509          1,923,777
 1. Capital increased by
 shareholders                            -                  -                  -                  -               -                   -                  -               -                  -    4,735,695          4,735,695
 2. Capital increased by
 holders of other equity
 instruments                             -           (5,933)              3,902                   -               -                   -                  -               -                  -             -           (2,031)
 3. Share-based
 payments included in
 owner equity                            -                  -               492             76,664               -                    -                  -               -                 -              -            77,156
 4. Others                               -                  -       (1,898,086)          (502,771)               -                    -                  -               -                 -      (486,186)       (2,887,043)
 3.3 Profit distribution                 -                  -                 -                  -           1,919                    -                  -               -       (2,050,003)    (2,177,083)       (4,225,167)
 1. Appropriation of
 surplus reserves                        -                  -                  -                  -               -                   -                  -               -                  -             -                 -
 2. Appropriation of
 general risk reserves                   -                  -                  -                  -          1,919                    -                  -               -                  -             -             1,919
 3. Appropriation to
 shareholders                            -                  -                  -                  -               -                   -                  -               -       (2,050,003)    (2,177,083)       (4,227,086)
 4. Others                               -                  -                  -                  -               -                   -                  -               -                 -              -                 -
 (4) Others                              -                  -                  -                  -               -                   -                  -               -          (14,174)              -          (14,174)
 4. Balance as at the end
 of the period                14,030,642             194,401          4,185,575        (2,311,664)           3,468            (764,462)          2,550,173          8,934        21,127,030     80,114,187        119,138,284

                                                                                                                                                                      Person-in-charge of the
 Legal representative:                        Li Dongsheng                       Person-in-charge of financial affairs:              Li Jian                            financial department:          Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                                                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Continued)

                                                                                          Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent
                                                                                                                                                                             Appropriation                     Non-controlli        Shareholder
                                                               Other                                                                        Other
                                          Share                                 Capital             Treasury        Specific                                   Surplus                  to    Undistributed              ng              equity
                                                               equity                                                               comprehensive
                                         capital                               reserves                stock        Reserves                                  reserves            general             profit       interests              Total
                                                         instruments                                                                      income
1. Balance as at the end of the
prior year                             14,030,788 -         230,241     -    5,442,385       -   (1,913,029)              211            (145,573)      -    2,452,892   -            386       14,009,494      55,949,272      -   90,057,067
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy                                  - -              -   -             -      -              -               -                       -   -            -   -               -                 -              -     -             -
2. Balance as at the beginning
of the period                          14,030,788 -         230,241     -    5,442,385       -   (1,913,029)              211            (145,573)      -    2,452,892   -            386       14,009,494      55,949,272      -   90,057,067
3. Increase/decrease in the
period                                       (146) -        (29,907)    -      636,882       -        27,472           1,338             (263,874)      -      97,281    -          8,548        8,518,192      20,847,276      -   29,843,062

3.1 Total comprehensive income                     - -              -   -             -      -              -               -            (141,053)      -            -   -               -      10,126,790        5,106,886     -   15,092,623
3.2 Capital increased and
reduced by shareholders                      (146) -        (29,907)    -      636,882       -        27,472                -                       -   -            -   -               -                 -    16,271,882      -   16,906,183
1. Capital increased by
shareholders                                       - -              -   -             -      -              -               -                       -   -            -   -               -                 -    18,150,004      -   18,150,004
2. Capital increased by holders
of other equity instruments                        - -      (29,907)    -       75,461       -      537,972                 -                       -   -            -   -               -                 -              -     -      583,526
3. Share-based payments
included in owner equity                     (146) -                -   -        2,823       -       118,559                -                       -   -            -   -               -                 -              -     -       121,236
4. Others                                        -                  -          558,598             (629,059)                -                       -                -                   -                 -    (1,878,122)         (1,948,583)

3.3 Profit distribution                            - -              -   -             -      -              -          1,338                        -   -      97,831    -          8,548       (1,731,969)       (531,492)     -   (2,155,744)
1. Appropriation of surplus
reserves                                           - -              -   -             -      -              -               -                       -   -      97,831    -               -         (97,831)               -     -             -
2. Appropriation of general risk
reserves                                           - -              -   -             -      -              -          1,338                        -   -            -   -          8,548           (8,548)               -     -        1,338

3. Appropriation to shareholders                   - -              -   -             -      -              -               -                       -   -            -   -               -      (1,625,590)       (287,220)     -   (1,912,810)

4. Others                                          - -              -   -             -      -              -               -                       -   -            -   -               -                 -      (244,272)     -    (244,272)
3.4 Transfers within
owners’ equity                                    - -              -   -             -      -              -               -            (122,821)      -        (550)   -               -         123,371                -     -             -
1. Other comprehensive income
transferred to retained earnings                   - -              -   -             -      -              -               -            (122,821)      -        (550)   -               -         123,371                -     -             -
4. Balance as at the end of the
period                                 14,030,642 -         200,334     -    6,079,267       -   (1,885,557)           1,549             (409,447)      -    2,550,173   -          8,934       22,527,686      76,796,548      -   119,900,129

                                                                                                                                                                    Person-in-charge of the
Legal representative:                         Li Dongsheng                       Person-in-charge of financial affairs:                   Li Jian                   financial department:                            Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Balance Sheet of the Company

assets                                             Note XV                         June 30, 2022        January 1, 2022
Current assets
  Monetary assets                                                                    14,893,969             10,467,962
  Held-for-trading financial assets                                                   5,516,389              4,372,557
  Derivative financial assets                                                             3,792                      -
   Accounts receivable                                 1                                136,918                 93,566
  Prepayments                                                                           121,790                 47,333
  Other receivables                                    2                             29,868,004             13,819,512
  Inventories                                                                            23,395                 41,029
  Other current assets                                                                   24,343                 15,011

Total current assets                                                                 50,588,600             28,856,970

Non-current assets
   Long-term equity investments                        3                             73,567,164             71,303,126
   Investments in other equity
instruments                                                                               5,000                  5,000
   Other non-current financial assets                  5                                126,644              1,051,536
   Investment property                                                                   82,906                 84,795
   Fixed assets                                                                          33,569                 37,402
   Construction in progress                                                               1,360                  1,360
   Right-of-use assets                                                                  440,425                452,398
   Intangible assets                                                                     88,136                 93,324
   Long-term deferred expenses                                                           25,163                 26,079
   Deferred income tax assets                                                                 -                     12

Total non-current assets                                                             74,370,367             73,055,032

Total assets                                                                       124,958,967            101,912,002

                                                                                        charge of the
 Legal                                        Person-in-charge                              financial
 representative:           Li Dongsheng       of financial affairs:      Li Jian         department:     Xi Wenbo

The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                 Balance Sheet of the Parent Company (Continued)

Liabilities and shareholder equity:                     Note XV                   June 30, 2022          December 31, 2021

Current liabilities
  Short-term borrowings                                                              3,500,281                   1,250,989
  Accounts payable                                                                     128,836                     141,877
  Contract liabilities                                                                  78,650                      23,823
  Employee compensation payable                                                        170,041                     294,653
  Taxes and levies payable                                                              68,075                      13,076
  Other payables                                                                    47,315,655                  38,597,139
  Current portion of non-current liabilities
  due within a one-year period                                                        7,176,374                  4,843,348
  Other current liabilities                                                                 713                      4,284

Total current liabilities                                                           58,438,625                  45,169,189

Non-current liabilities
  Long-term borrowings                                                              14,490,000                  12,898,000
  Bonds payable                                                                     11,491,205                  11,159,524
  Lease liabilities                                                                      6,648                      13,365
  Long-term employee compensation
  payable                                                                               207,213                   108,384
  Deferred income                                                                        58,638                    60,198

Total non-current liabilities                                                       26,253,704                  24,239,471

Total liabilities                                                                   84,692,329                  69,408,660

   Share capital                                                                    14,030,642                  14,030,642
   Other equity instruments                                                            194,401                     200,334
   Capital reserves                                                                  9,900,366                   9,900,679
   Less: Treasury stock                                                              2,311,664                   1,885,557
   Other comprehensive income                                                        (108,127)                   (112,194)
   Surplus reserves                                                                  2,348,109                   2,348,109
   Retained earnings                                                                16,212,911                   8,021,329

Total shareholders’ equity                                                         40,266,638                  32,503,342

Total liabilities and shareholder equity                                           124,958,967                101,912,002

                                             Person-in-charge                            charge of the
 Legal                                       of financial                                    financial
 representative:          Li Dongsheng       affairs:                    Li Jian          department:        Xi Wenbo
The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                      Income Statement of the parent company

                                                                 Note XV      January - June 2022      January - June 2021

1. Revenue                                                         6                      589,571                 773,672
Less: Cost of sales                                                6                      412,401                 635,555
     Taxes and levies                                                                       1,961                   9,370
     Selling expenses                                                                      31,939                  14,403
     Administrative expenses                                                              136,116                 228,082
     R&D expenses                                                                          78,136                  64,151
     Financial expenses                                                                   876,773                 840,141
     Including: Interest expenses                                                       1,271,057               1,232,115
             Interest income                                                              391,725                 411,290
Plus: Other income                                                                          2,901                   1,757
     Return on investments                                          7                  10,607,557               1,851,151
     Including: Gains on investment in joint ventures and
associates                                                          7                     690,201                 627,705
     Gain on changes in fair value                                                         24,470                  41,889
     Credit impairment loss                                                                    26                      19
     Asset disposal income                                                                    987                       -

2. Operating profit                                                                     9,688,186                 876,786
Plus: Non-operating income                                                                574,945                 206,554
Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                7,360                   1,965

3. Gross profit                                                                        10,255,771               1,081,375
Less: Income tax expenses                                                                      12                       -

4. Net profit                                                                          10,255,759               1,081,375

5. Other comprehensive income                                                               4,068               (152,039)

6. Total comprehensive income                                                          10,259,827                 929,336

                                              Person-in-charge                         charge of the
 Legal                                        of financial                                 financial
 representative:          Li Dongsheng        affairs:                  Li Jian         department:          Xi Wenbo

The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                             XV         January - June 2022         January - June 2021

 I.    Cash flow from operations activities:

       Proceeds from sale of commodities and
            rendering of services                                                    421,044                   618,146
       Tax and levy rebates                                                            1,714                         -
       Cash generated from other operating activities                              1,592,522                21,091,888

       Sub-total of cash generated from operating
            activities                                                             2,015,280                21,710,034

       Payments for commodities and services                                       (453,962)                 (487,959)
       Cash paid to and for employees                                              (141,860)                  (97,433)
       Taxes and levies paid                                                        (36,637)                 (133,486)
       Cash used in other operating activities                                     (407,266)               (1,102,683)

       Sub-total of cash used in operating activities                             (1,039,725)              (1,821,561)

       Net cash generated from operating activities            8                     975,555                19,888,473

 II. Cash flow from investment activities:
        Proceeds from disinvestments                                               6,242,022                 7,176,816
        Proceeds from return on investments                                           70,898                 1,855,032
        Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets,
              intangible assets and other long-term
              assets                                                                      24                          -

       Sub-total of cash generated from investment
            activities                                                             6,312,944                 9,031,848

       Payments for the acquisition and construction
            of fixed assets, intangible assets and
            other long-term assets                                                    (5,860)                 (15,930)
       Cash paid for investment                                                   (6,974,584)             (20,669,875)
       Cash used in other investing activities                                              -                        -

       Subtotal of cash used in investing activities                              (6,980,444)             (20,685,805)

       Net cash used in investing activities                                       (667,500)              (11,653,957)

                                               Person-in-charge                         charge of the
 Legal                                         of financial                                 financial
 representative:         Li Dongsheng          affairs:                 Li Jian          department:       Xi Wenbo

The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.
                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                             Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company (Continued)

                                                             Note XV       January - June 2022         January - June 2021

III. Cash flow generated from financing activities:

      Capital contributions received                                                             -                      -
      Borrowings raised                                                            14,931,000                   8,200,000
      Net proceeds from issuance of bonds                                           4,500,000                   2,499,800
      Cash generated from other financing activities                                  106,878                           -

      Sub-total of cash generated from financing
      activities                                                                   19,537,878                  10,699,800

      Cash paid for debt repayment                                                (12,364,006)                (10,571,804)
      Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits
           or repayment of interests                                               (2,625,194)                 (2,236,916)
      Cash used in other financing activities                                        (535,295)                   (409,734)

      Subtotal of cash used in financing activities                               (15,524,495)                (13,218,454)

      Net cash generated from financing activities                                  4,013,383                  (2,518,654)

IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
equivalents                                                                             15,223                    (18,448)

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        4,336,661                   5,697,414
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of the year                                                              10,401,379                   2,196,283

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                 9                 14,738,040                   7,893,697

                                              Person-in-charge                         charge of the
 Legal                                        of financial                                 financial
 representative:         Li Dongsheng         affairs:                  Li Jian         department:          Xi Wenbo

The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                         Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of the Company

                                                                                              January - June 2022
                                                                                                               Other                                                  Total
                                                        Other equity       Capital        Treasury     comprehensive      Surplus                             shareholders’
                                        Share capital   instruments       reserves           stock           income      reserves    Retained earnings              equity
1. Balance as at the end of the prior
year                                     14,030,642         200,334      9,900,679     (1,885,557)          (112,194)   2,348,109           8,021,329           32,503,342
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy                                   -              -             -                -                 -           -                   -                     -
2. Balance as at the beginning of the
period                                   14,030,642         200,334      9,900,679     (1,885,557)          (112,194)   2,348,109           8,021,329           32,503,342
3. Increase/decrease in the
period                                              -       (5,933)          (313)        (426,107)            4,067            -          8,191,582             7,763,296
3.1 Total comprehensive income                      -             -              -                -            4,067            -         10,255,759            10,259,826
3.2 Capital increased and reduced
by shareholders                                     -       (5,933)          (313)        (426,107)                 -           -                   -            (432,353)
1. Capital increased by owners                      -             -              -                -                 -           -                   -                    -
2. Capital increased by holders of
other equity instruments                            -       (5,933)         3,902                 -                 -           -                   -               (2,031)
3. Share-based payments included in
owner equity                                        -              -           492           76,664                 -           -                   -               77,156
4. Others                                           -              -       (4,707)        (502,771)                 -           -                   -            (507,478)
3.3 Profit distribution                             -              -             -                -                 -           -         (2,050,003)          (2,050,003)
1. Appropriation of surplus reserves                -              -             -                -                 -           -                   -                    -
2. Appropriation to shareholders                    -              -             -                -                 -           -         (2,050,003)          (2,050,003)
3. Others                                           -              -             -                -                 -           -                   -                    -
(4) Others                                          -              -             -                -                 -           -            (14,174)             (14,174)
4. Balance as at the end of the
period                                   14,030,642         194,401      9,900,366     (2,311,664)          (108,127)   2,348,109         16,212,911            40,266,638

                                                                                                                         Person-in-charge of
Legal                                                  Person-in-charge of                                                      the financial
representative:               Li Dongsheng             financial affairs:                        Li Jian                         department:             Xi Wenbo
 The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                      Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of the Company (Continued)

                                                                                                                    Other                                                   Total
                                                           Other equity        Capital        Treasury      comprehensive       Surplus                             shareholders’
                                      Share capital        instruments        reserves           stock            income       reserves    Retained earnings              equity
 1. Balance as at the end of the
 prior year                            14,030,788              230,241      9,846,835     (1,913,029)               141,998   2,250,828           8,771,394           33,359,055
 Add: Adjustment for change in
 accounting policy                                -                   -              -                -                   -           -                   -                     -
 2. Balance as at the beginning of
 the period                            14,030,788              230,241      9,846,835     (1,913,029)               141,998   2,250,828           8,771,394           33,359,055
 3. Increase/decrease in
 the period                                  (146)            (29,907)         53,844           27,472           (254,192)       97,281           (750,065)            (855,713)
 3.1 Total comprehensive income                  -                   -              -                -           (259,690)            -             978,304              718,614
 3.2 Capital increased and reduced
 by shareholders                             (146)            (29,907)         53,844           27,472                    -           -                   -                51,263
 1. Capital increased by owners                  -                   -              -                -                    -           -                   -                     -
 2. Capital increased by holders of
 other equity instruments                         -           (29,907)         75,461          537,972                    -           -                   -               583,526
 3. Share-based payments included
 in owner equity                             (146)                    -        (3,278)          118,560                   -           -                                  115,136
 4. Others                                       -                    -       (18,339)        (629,060)                   -           -                                (647,399)
 3.3 Profit distribution                         -                    -              -                -                   -      97,831         (1,723,421)          (1,625,590)
 1. Appropriation of surplus
 reserves                                         -                   -              -                -                   -      97,831            (97,831)                    -
 2. Appropriation to shareholders                 -                   -              -                -                   -           -         (1,625,590)          (1,625,590)
 3. Others                                        -                   -              -                -                   -           -                   -                    -
 3.4 Transfers within owners’
 equity                                           -                   -              -                -               5,498       (550)             (4,948)                     -
 1. Other comprehensive income
 transferred into retained earnings               -                   -              -                -               5,498       (550)             (4,948)                     -
 4. Balance as at the end of the
 period                                14,030,642              200,334      9,900,679     (1,885,557)            (112,194)    2,348,109          8,021,329            32,503,342

                                                                                                                               Person-in-charge of
 Legal                                                           Person-in-charge of                                                  the financial
 representative:                      Li Dongsheng               financial affairs:                       Li Jian                      department:             Xi Wenbo

The attached notes to the financial statements form an integral part of the financial statements.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

I General information

(1) Place of incorporation and organizational structure
          TCL Technology Group Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is a limited liability
          company incorporated in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "China") on July 17,
          1997 under the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Company
          Law”). As per the approval documents of YBH [2002] No. 94 and YFH [2002] No. 134 issued by the
          People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and YJMH [2002] No. 112 and YJMH [2002] No. 184 issued
          by the Economic and Trade Commission of Guangdong Province, the Company was changed to a joint stock
          limited company with a registered capital of RMB1,591,935,200, which was approved by Guangdong
          Province Administration for Industry and Commerce on April 19, 2002. The registration number is

         Upon approval of ZJFXZ [2004] Document No. 1 issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission
         (CSRC) on January 2, 2004, the Company was permitted to issue 590,000,000 shares to the public on
         January 7, 2004 and 404,395,944 common shares denominated in RMB (A shares) to all public shareholders
         of TCL Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " TCL Communication Equipment")
         in a stock-for-stock deal, which were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on January 30, 2004. The
         shares issued to the public were all priced online, with a par value of RMB1 and an issue price of RMB4.26
         per share, raising a total of RMB2,513,400,000. Upon the completion of the issue, the registered capital of
         the Company increased to RMB2,586,331,144 and on July 16, 2004, the Company was approved by the
         Guangdong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce to change its business license to Business
         License QGYZZ No. 003362. Upon the completion of the shareholder structure reform and the expiration of
         the share lockup period, the foreign shareholding ratio in the Company was less than 10%. On September
         11, 2007, the Company was approved by Guangdong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce
         to change its business license to Business License No. 440000000011990.

         Upon the approval of the CSRC on January 7, 2009 with the ZJXK [2009] Document No. 12, the Company
         privately placed 350,600,000 common shares denominated in RMB (A shares) to designated investors on
         April 23, 2009, with a par value of RMB1 and an issue price of RMB2.58 per share, raising a total of
         RMB904,548,000. Upon the completion of the issue, the registered capital of the Company increased from
         RMB2,586,331,144 to RMB2,936,931,144, and on June 2, 2009, the Company was approved by Guangdong
         Province Administration for Industry and Commerce to change its business license to Business License No.

         Upon the approval of the CSRC on May 27, 2010 with the ZJXK [2010] Document No. 719, the Company
         privately placed 1,301,178,273 common shares denominated in RMB (A shares) to designated investors on
         July 26, 2010, with a par value of RMB1 and an issue price of RMB3.46 per share, raising a total of
         RMB4,502,076,824.58. Upon the completion of this deal, the registered capital of the Company increased
         from RMB2,936,931,144 to RMB4,238,109,417, and on September 19, 2010, the Company was approved
         by Guangdong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce to change its business license to
         Business License No. 440000000011990.

         On May 19, 2011, the Company carried out a bonus issue of 10 additional shares for every 10 shares to all
         the shareholders with capital reserves, representing a total of 4,238,109,417 new shares, with a par value of
         RMB1 per share. Upon the completion of this bonus issue, the registered capital of the Company increased
         from RMB4,238,109,417 to RMB8,476,218,834, and on June 27, 2011, the Company was approved by
         Huizhou Administration for Industry and Commerce to change its business license to Business License No.

         During the years of 2013 and 2014, the exercise of 58,870,080 stock options increased the total share capital
         of the Company from 8,476,218,834 shares to 8,535,088,914 shares.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

    I     General information (continued)

    (1)   Place of incorporation and organizational structure (continued)
          Upon the approval of the CSRC on February 13, 2014 with the[2014] Document No. 201, the Company
          privately placed 917,324,357 ordinary shares denominated in RMB (A shares) to designated investors on
          April 30, 2009, with a par value of RMB1 and an issue price of RMB2.18 per share, raising a total of
          RMB1,999,767,098.26. Upon the completion of the issue, the registered capital of the Company increased
          from RMB8,535,088,914 to RMB9,452,413,271, and on June 10, 2014, the Company was approved by
          Huizhou Administration for Industry and Commerce to change its business license to Business License No.

          During 2015, 48,357,920 stock options were exercised under an incentive plan of the Company, and upon
          approval by the CSRC on January 28, 2015 with the ZJXK [2015] Document No.151, the Company issued
          2,727,588,511 shares in a private placement. As such, the total share capital of the Company increased from
          9,452,413,271 shares to 12,228,359,702 shares.

          During 2016, 923,340 stock options were exercised under an incentive plan of the Company, and the share
          capital of the Company increased from 12,228,359,702 shares to 12,229,283,042 shares. Later, 15,601,300
          shares were repurchased and retired, and the share capital of the Company decreased from 12,229,283,042
          shares to 12,213,681,742 shares. On April 26, 2016, the Company was approved by Huizhou Administration
          for Industry and Commerce to change its business license to Business License No. 91441300195971850Y
          (unified social credit code).

          During 2017, the Company acquired stake in subsidiary TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,
          Ltd. by means of a new issue of 1,301,290,321 shares. Upon the completion of this issue, the total share
          capital of the Company increased from 12,213,681,742 shares to 13,514,972,063 shares.

          During 2018, the Proposal on the Grant of Restricted Stock to Awardees was approved at the 7th Meeting of
          the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors, and a total of 34,676,444 shares were subscribed for under the
          restricted stock incentive plan. Upon the completion of this deal, the total share capital of the Company
          increased from 13,514,972,063 shares to 13,549,648,507 shares.

          In 2019, the Company repurchased and retired 21,209,788 restricted shares that had been granted to certain
          awardees under the 2018 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan & Global Innovation Partner Plan but were still
          subject to lockup restriction. As such, the total share capital of the Company decreased from 13,549,648,507
          to 13,528,438,719 shares.

          During 2020, the Proposal on the Intended Change of the Company’s Full Name and Stock Name were
          approved respectively at the 23rd Meeting of the Sixth Session of the Board of Directors and the First
          Extraordinary General Meeting of 2020. The name of the Company was then changed from “TCL
          Corporation” to “TCL Technology Group Corporation” (abbreviation from “TCL CORP.” to “TCL TECH.”)
          since February 7, 2020, with the stock name changed from “TCL CORP.” to “TCL TECH.” while the stock
          code “000100” remained unchanged.
          In July 2020, the Company repurchased and retired 9,159,308 restricted shares that had been granted under
          the 2018 and 2019 Restricted Stock Incentive Plans but were still subject to lockup restriction. As such, the
          total share capital of the Company decreased from 13,528,438,719 to 13,519,279,411 shares.
          In October 2020, the Company issued 511,508,951 new shares to acquire a non-controlling interest in a
          subsidiary - Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. Upon the completion of this deal, the
          total share capital of the Company increased from 13,519,279,411 shares to 14,030,788,362 shares.

I         General information (continued)

          In September 2021, the Company repurchased and retired 145,941 restricted shares that had been granted
          under the 2019 Restricted Stock Incentive Plans but were still locked up. As such, the total share capital of
          the Company decreased from 14,030,788,362 to 14,030,642,421 shares.

          As of June 30, 2022, the total issued share capital of the Company was 14,030,642,421 shares. See note V.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

         46 for details.

         The registered address of the Company is: TCL Tech Building, 17 Huifeng Third Road, Zhongkai Hi-Tech
         Development District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province.

(2) Scope of business

         The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Company”) are primarily engaged in the
         research, development, production and sales of semi-conductors, electronic products and communication
         devices, new optoelectronic products, liquid crystal display devices, import and export of goods and
         technologies (excluding goods and technologies that are prohibited from import and export or require an
         administrative approval for import and export), venture capital business and venture capital consultation,
         entrepreneurial management services for start-up enterprises, participation in the initiation of venture capital
         institutions and investment management advisory institutions, immovable property leasing, IT services,
         conference services, computer technical services and development service of electronic products and
         technologies, development and sale of software, patent transfer, customs clearance services, consulting
         services, payments and settlements (where any approval from any relevant department is required according
         to law, it must be obtained before carrying out the relevant operations activities).

(3) Authorization of publishing the financial report

         These financial statements were authorized for publishing by the Company’s Board of Directors on August
         26, 2022.

II Scope of consolidated financial statements

         As at the end of the reporting period, for subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements,
         please refer to Note VII, 1, (1) Breakdown of important subsidiaries. For the changes to the scope of the
         consolidated financial statements of the reporting period, see Note VI.

III Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

1         Basis for the preparation of financial statements

         The preparation of financial statements of the Company is based on the actual transactions and events in
         accordance with the Corporate Accounting Standards - Basic Standards published by the Ministry of
         Finance and specific corporate accounting standards, application guidelines for corporate accounting
         standards, corporate accounting standards interpretations and other relevant regulations (hereinafter
         collectively referred to as "corporate accounting standards") for confirmation and measurement, combining
         the provisions of Regulations on Information Disclosure and Compilation of Companies Offering Securities
         to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports (revised in 2014) published by CSRC.

2         Going concern basis

         The Company has evaluated the ability to continue as a going concern for 12 months from the end of the
         reporting period and has not identified any issues or circumstances that result in significant doubts about its
         ability to continue as a going concern. Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on a going
         concern basis.

                                         TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                             Notes to Financial Statements
                                 For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

    III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

3          Statement of compliance with corporate accounting standards

          The financial statements are in compliance with the requirements of the corporate accounting standards, and
          truly and completely reflect the financial status, operating results, cash flow and other relevant information
          of the Company during the reporting period.

4          Accounting period

          The Company adopts the calendar year as accounting year, and an accounting year is from January 1 to
          December 31.

5          Operations cycle

          The Company does not take the operating cycle as the criteria for liquidity classification of assets and

6          Functional currency for bookkeeping

          Renminbi ("RMB") is both the functional currency and the presentation currency for preparation of the
          financial statements. Unless otherwise specified, these financial statements shall be presented in the unit of

7          Accounting treatments for business combinations involving enterprises under and not under common control

    (1)   When the terms, conditions and economic influence of transactions in the process of a step-by-step
          combination conform to one or more of the following, accounting for multiple transactions is treated as a
          package transaction:

    (a)   these transactions are made simultaneously or with consideration of influence on each other;

    (b)   these transactions can only achieve a complete business outcome when treated as a whole;

    (c)   the occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;

    (d)   A transaction alone is uneconomical, but is economical when considered together with other transactions.

    (2)   Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

    (a)   Individual financial statement

          The assets and liabilities acquired by the Company in business combinations are measured at the carrying
          value of assets and liabilities of the combined party on the date of combination (including the goodwill of the
          ultimate controlling party resulting from the acquisition of the combined party). The difference between the
          carrying value of net assets acquired in the combination and that of the consideration paid for the combination
          (or the total par value of shares issued) is used to adjust the capital stock premium in the capital reserve, and
          when the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is insufficient for offset, it is used to adjust the retained
          earnings. If there is a contingent consideration and it is necessary to confirm the estimated liabilities or assets,
          the difference between the estimated liabilities or assets and the settlement of subsequent contingent
          consideration is used to adjust the capital reserve (capital stock premium), and when the capital reserve is
          insufficient, it is used to adjust the retained earnings.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

      Accounting treatments for business combinations involving enterprises under and not under common control

(2)   Business combinations involving enterprises under common control (continued)

(a)   Individual financial statements (continued)

      For a business combination that is ultimately realized through multiple transactions, if it is a package
      transaction, each transaction is treated as a transaction that acquires control; if it is not a package transaction,
      on the date of acquisition of control, the difference between the initial cost of long-term equity investments
      and the book value of long-term equity investments before the combination plus the book value of the newly
      paid considerations on the date of combination is used to adjust the capital reserve; and when the capital
      reserve is insufficient for offset, it is used to adjust the retained earnings. For equity investments held prior to
      the date of combination, no accounting treatment is carried out for other comprehensive gains recognized by
      equity accounting or financial instrument confirmation and measurement standards, and up to the disposal of
      the investment, the accounting treatment shall be based on the same basis as the direct disposal of the assets
      or liabilities of the invested entity; other changes in the owner’s equity other than net profit or loss, other
      comprehensive income or profit distribution of net assets of the invested company recognized as equity are
      not subject to accounting, and will be transferred to the current profit and loss until disposal of the

      The agency fees paid for audits, legal services, assessments and consultations and other direct related
      expenses incurred in the business combination are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they
      were incurred. The transaction costs for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination that
      may be directly attributed to equity transactions can be deducted from equity; transaction costs directly
      related to the issuance of a debt instrument as a combination consideration are treated as an initial recognized
      amount included in the debt instrument.

      If the combined party has a consolidated financial statement, the initial investment cost of the long-term
      equity investment is determined based on the owners' equity attributable to the parent company in the
      consolidated financial statements of the combined party.

(b)   Consolidated financial statements

      The assets and liabilities acquired by the combining party in the business combination are measured at the
      carrying value of the owners' equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the
      ultimate controlling party.

      For the case where a business combination is finally realized through multiple transactions, if it is a package
      transaction, each transaction is treated as a transaction for acquiring control; if it is not a package transaction,
      the long-term equity investments held by the combined party before the combination, the gains and losses,
      other comprehensive income and other changes in owners' equity have been recognized between the date of
      acquisition or the date of the combining party and the combined party under the final control of the same
      party, whichever is later, and the date of combination. These are used to offset the initial retained earnings or
      current profit and loss during the comparative reporting periods respectively.

      If the accounting policies adopted by the combined parties are inconsistent with those adopted by the
      Company, the Company shall make adjustments in accordance with the accounting policies of the Company
      on the date of combination, and on this basis, confirm the consolidated financial statements in accordance
      with the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

      Accounting treatments for business combinations involving enterprises under and not under common control

(3)   Combination not under common control

      The assets paid and liabilities incurred or assumed by the Company as a consideration for the business
      combination are measured at fair value on the date of purchase, and the difference between the fair value and
      the carrying value is recognized in profit or loss. Where a future event that may affect the combination costs
      is agreed in the combination contract, if the estimated future events are likely to occur on the date of purchase
      and the amount of the impact on combination costs can be reliably measured, it is also included in the
      combination costs.

      The agency fees paid for audits, legal services, assessments and consultations and other directly related
      expenses incurred in the business combination are recognized in profit or loss during the period in which they
      are incurred. The transaction costs for the issuance of equity securities for the business combination that may
      be directly attributed to equity transactions can be deducted from equity;

      The difference between the higher combination cost and lower fair value of identifiable net assets of the
      acquiree gained in the combination is recognized as goodwill by the Company. In case that the cost of
      combination is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree gained in the combination,
      and the difference is still less than the fair value of identifiable net assets of the acquiree gain in the
      combination after review, the difference is included in the current profit and loss by the Company.

      For the case where a business combination involving enterprises not under common control is finally realized
      through multiple transactions step by step, if it is a package transaction, each transaction is treated as a
      transaction for acquiring control; if it is not a package transaction, the individual financial statements and
      consolidated financial statements are treated separately for accounting purposes.

(a)   In the individual financial statements, if the equity investment held before the date of combination is
      accounted for in the equity method, the sum of the book value of equity investments of the acquiree held
      before the date of acquisition plus the new investment cost on the date of acquisition is recognized as the
      initial cost of the investment; the remaining comprehensive income confirmed in equity investments by the
      equity method before the date of acquisition is accounted for, when the investment is disposed, on the same
      basis as those the investee adopted directly to dispose of the relevant assets or liabilities.

      If the equity investment held before the date of combination is accounted for by financial instrument
      recognition and measurement criteria, the sum of the fair value of equity investment on the date of
      combination plus the new investment cost is taken as the initial investment cost on the date of combination.
      The difference between the fair value and the carrying value of the original equity interest, and the
      accumulated fair value changes originally included in other comprehensive income should be transferred to
      return on investment in the current period of combination date.

(b)   In the consolidated financial statements, the equity of the acquiree held before the date of acquisition is re-
      measured according to the fair value of the equity on the date of acquisition. The difference between the fair
      value and the book value is included in the current return on investment; if the equity of the acquiree held
      before the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income, etc. under the equity method, other
      comprehensive income, etc. related to it is converted into return on investment in the current period of the
      acquisition date.

                                           TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                               Notes to Financial Statements
                                   For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

    III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

8          Method for preparing consolidated financial statements

          The scope of consolidation of the Company's consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control, and
          all subsidiaries (including separate entities controlled by the parent Company) are included in the consolidated financial

          The accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by all subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial
          statements are consistent with the Company. If the accounting policies or accounting periods adopted by the subsidiaries
          are inconsistent with the Company, necessary adjustments will be made in accordance with the Company's accounting
          policies and accounting periods when preparing consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements
          are based on the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries as well as other relevant information, and are
          prepared by the Company after adjusting the long-term equity investments for the subsidiaries in accordance with the
          equity method.

          The impact of internal transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, and internal transactions between
          subsidiaries, on the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement, consolidated cash flow statement and
          consolidated statement of changes in shareholder equity is offset in the preparation of consolidated financial statements.

          If the current losses shared by the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceed the share enjoyed by the minority
          shareholder in the initial owners' equity of the subsidiary, the balance will still reduce the minority interests.

          During the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added due to the business combination involving enterprises
          under common control, the opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet is adjusted; the income, expenses and
          profits of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period of combination to the end of the reporting period are
          included in the consolidated income statement; the cash flows of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the
          period of combination to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated cash flow statement. If a
          subsidiary or business is added due to a business combination involving enterprises under non-common control, the
          opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet is not adjusted; the income, expenses and profits of the subsidiary or
          business from the date of acquisition to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated income statement;
          the cash flow of the subsidiary or business from the date of acquisition to the end of the reporting period is included in the
          consolidated cash flow statement.

          During the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added due to a business combination involving enterprises under
          non-common control, the opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet is not adjusted; the income, expenses and
          profits of the subsidiary or business from the date of acquisition to the end of the reporting period are included in the
          consolidated income statement; the cash flow of the subsidiary or business from the date of acquisition to the end of the
          reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

          During the reporting period, if the Company disposes of a subsidiary or business, the income, expenses and profits of the
          subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date are included in the consolidated income
          statement; the cash flow of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the reporting period to the disposal date is
          included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

          When the Company loses control over the investee due to disposal of part of the equity investment or other reasons, the
          remaining equity investment after disposal will be re-measured according to its fair value by the Company on the date of
          loss of control. The difference of the sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of the equity and the fair value
          of the remaining equity, less the sum of the share of net assets and goodwill of the original subsidiary that should be
          enjoyed in accordance with the original share-holding ratio since the date of acquisition or combination, is accounted for
          the return on investment in the current period of loss of control. Other comprehensive income or net profit and loss related
          to the original subsidiary's equity investment, other comprehensive income and other changes in owners' equity other than
          profit distribution, will be transferred into current return on investment when control is lost, except for other
          comprehensive gains arising from the re-measurement of net liabilities of the Benefit Plan made by the investee or
          changes in net assets.

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

    III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

9          Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment method for joint operations

    (1)   Classification of joint arrangements

          The Company classifies a joint arrangement as a joint operation or a joint venture according to factors such as
          the structure and legal form of the joint arrangement, the terms agreed in the joint arrangement, other relevant
          facts and circumstances.

          Joint arrangements not reached through independent entities are classified as joint operations; joint
          arrangements reached through independent entities are usually classified as joint ventures; however, a joint
          arrangement that is indicated by conclusive evidence of meeting any of the following conditions and meeting
          the provisions of relevant laws and regulations is classified as a joint operation:
          ① The legal form of the joint arrangement indicates that the joint venturers have rights to the assets, and
          obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.
          ② The contractual terms of the joint arrangement stipulates that the joint venturers have rights to the assets,
          and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.
          ③ Other relevant facts and circumstances show that the joint venturers have rights to the assets, and
          obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. For example, the joint venturers are eligible to
          almost all the output related to the joint arrangement, and the repayment of the liabilities relating to the
          arrangement continues relying on the support of the parties.

    (2)   Accounting treatment

          The Company shall recognize the following items in relation to interest in the joint operation, and carry out
          accounting treatment in accordance with the provisions of relevant accounting standards for business
          ① its assets, including its share of any assets held jointly;
          ② its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;
          ③ its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operations;
          ④ its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operations; and
          ⑤ its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

          If investing or selling assets (except those that constitute a business), etc., into or to the joint operation, the
          Company shall only recognize the part of the profit and loss arising from the transaction attributable to other
          participants in the joint operation, before the assets, etc., are sold to a third party by the joint operation. The
          Company will recognize in full the asset impairment loss arising if the assets invested or sold are impaired in
          compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Asset Impairment, etc.

          If purchasing assets (except those that constitute a business), etc., from the joint operation, the Company shall
          only recognize the part of the profit and loss arising from the transaction attributable to other participants in
          the joint operation, before the assets, etc., are sold to a third party by the Company. The Company will
          recognize its share of the asset impairment loss arising if the assets purchased are impaired in compliance
          with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Asset Impairment, etc.
          The Company does not enjoy joint control over the joint operations. If the Company has rights to the assets,
          and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the joint operation, it shall still be accounted for by the above
          principles; otherwise, it shall be accounted for by the relevant accounting standards for business enterprises.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

10      Criteria for determining cash and cash equivalents

       In the preparation of the cash flow statement, the Company recognizes cash holdings and deposits that can be
       used for payment at any time as cash.

       The Company recognizes cash that is easily converted into known amount with short holding period
       (generally due within three months from the date of purchase) and strong liquidity, and investments with low
       risk of changes in value (including investments in bonds within three months, while excluding equity
       investments), as cash equivalents.

11      Foreign currency business and translation of foreign currency statements

 (1)   Foreign currency transactions

       Foreign currency transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries are translated into base currency at
       the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

       Foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, and the
       exchange differences resulted therefrom, except that the exchange differences arising from special foreign
       currency loans related to the acquisition and construction of assets eligible for capitalization should be treated
       in accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing costs, are all included in the current profit and
       loss. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are still translated at the spot exchange
       rate on the transaction date, and the amount of base currency for bookkeeping is not changed.

       Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange rates on the
       date when the fair value is determined, and the exchange differences resulted therefrom are included in profit
       or loss in the current period as a change in fair value. In the case of foreign currency non-monetary items that
       are at fair value through other comprehensive income, the exchange differences incurred are included in other
       comprehensive income.

 (2)    Translation of foreign currency financial statement

        When the Company translates the financial statements of overseas operations, the assets and liabilities in the
        balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The owner’s equity items,
        except for the “undistributed profits” item, are translated at the spot exchange rate at the time of occurrence
        of the items. All the incurred items in the income statement are translated at the current average exchange
        rate of the period in which transactions occur.

        The translation differences of foreign currency financial statement arising from the above translation are
        included in other comprehensive income. When disposing of an overseas operation, the translation
        differences in the foreign currency financial statements related to the foreign operation listed in other
        comprehensive income items in the balance sheet are transferred from the other comprehensive income item
        to the current profit and loss. All the incurred items in the cash flow statement are translated at the current
        average exchange rate of the period in which transactions occur. All the opening balance and actual amount
        of the previous year are listed on the basis of the amount translated in the previous year.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12      Financial instruments

       When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it recognizes a financial asset or liability.

       The effective interest method refers to the method of calculating the amortized cost of financial assets or
       liabilities and allocating interest income or interest expenses into each accounting period.

       The effective interest rate refers to the interest rate used to discount the estimated future cash flow of a
       financial asset or financial liability during its expected duration to the book balance of the financial asset or
       the amortized cost of the financial liability. When determining the effective interest rate, the expected cash
       flow is estimated on the basis of considering all contract terms of financial assets or liabilities (such as
       prepayment, extension, call options or other similar options), but the expected credit loss is not considered.

       The amortized cost of a financial asset or financial liability is the accumulated amortization amount formed by
       deducting the repaid principal from the initial recognition amount of the financial asset or financial liability,
       adding or subtracting the difference between the initial recognition amount and the maturity amount by using
       the effective interest method, and then deducting the accumulated accrued loss reserve (only applicable to
       financial assets).

 (1)   Classification and measurement of financial assets

       According to the business model of the financial assets under management and the contractual cash flow
       characteristics of the financial assets, the Company divides the financial assets into the following three

 (a)   Financial assets at amortized cost.

 (b)   Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income.

 (c)   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

       Financial assets are measured at fair value when initially recognized, but if the accounts or notes receivable
       arising from the sale of goods or the provision of services do not contain significant financing components or
       do not consider financing components for no more than one year, the initial measurement shall be made at the
       transaction price.

       For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, transaction expenses are directly recognized in the
       current profit and loss. For other financial assets, transaction expenses are included in the initial recognition

       Subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification. All related financial assets
       affected will be reclassified when and only when the Company changes its business model of managing
       financial assets.

 (a)   Financial assets classified as measured at amortized cost
       The contract terms of a financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the
       payment of the principal and the interest on the amount of outstanding principal, and the business model for
       managing the financial asset is to collect the contractual cash flow, then the Company classifies the financial
       asset as measured at amortized cost. Financial assets of the Company that are classified as measured at
       amortized cost include monetary assets, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term
       receivables, debt investments, etc.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(1)   Classification and measurement of financial assets (continued)

      The Company recognizes interest income from such financial assets with the effective interest method, and
      carries out subsequent measurement at amortized cost. Gains or losses arising from impairment or
      derecognition or modification are included in current profit and loss. The Company calculates and determines
      the interest income based on the book balance of financial assets multiplied by the effective interest rate
      except for the following circumstances:

      ① For purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets, the Company calculates and determines their
      interest income at the amortized cost of the financial assets and the credit-adjusted effective interest rate since
      the initial recognition.
      ② For financial assets not credit-impaired at the time of being purchased or originated but in the subsequent
      period, the Company calculates and determines their interest income at the amortized cost and the effective
      interest rate of the financial assets in the subsequent period. If the financial instrument is no longer credit-
      impaired due to the improvement of its credit risk in the subsequent period, the Company calculates and
      determines the interest income by multiplying the effective interest rate by the book balance of the financial

(b)   Financial assets classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

      The contract terms of a financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the
      payment of the principal and the interest on the amount of outstanding principal, and the business model for
      managing the financial assets is both to collect contractual cash flow and for its sale, then the Company
      classifies the financial assets as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

      The Company recognizes interest income from such financial assets with the effective interest method. Except
      that the interest income, impairment loss and exchange difference are recognized as the current profit and loss,
      other changes in fair value are included in other comprehensive income. When the financial asset is
      derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income are
      transferred out and included in the current profit and loss.

      Notes and accounts receivable at fair value through other comprehensive income are reported as receivables
      financing, and such other financial assets are reported as other debt investments. Among them, other debt
      investments maturing within one year from the balance sheet date are reported as the current portion of non-
      current assets, and other debt investments maturing within one year are reported as other current assets.

(c)   Financial assets designated as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

      At the time of initial recognition, the Company may irrevocably designate non-trading equity instrument
      investments as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income on the basis of individual
      financial assets.

      Changes in the fair value of such financial assets are included in other comprehensive income without
      allowance for impairment. When the financial asset is derecognized, the accumulated gains or losses
      previously included in other comprehensive income are transferred out and included in the retained earnings.
      During the investment period when the Company holds the equity instrument, the dividend income is
      recognized and included in the current profit and loss when the Company's right to receive dividends has been
      established, the economic benefits related to dividends are likely to flow into the Company, and the amount of
      dividends can be measured reliably. The Company reports such financial assets under the item of investments
      in other equity instruments.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(1)   Classification and measurement of financial assets (continued)

      An investment in equity instruments is a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss when it is obtained
      mainly for recent sale, or is part of the identifiable portfolio of financial assets centrally managed when
      initially recognized and objective evidence exists for a short-term profit model in the near future, or is a
      derivative (except for derivatives defined as financial guarantee contracts and designated as effective hedging

(d)   Financial assets classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss

      If failing to be classified as measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income,
      or not designated as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, financial assets are all
      classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss.

      The Company carries out subsequent measurement of such financial assets at fair value, and includes gains or
      losses arising from changes in fair value as well as dividends and interest income associated with such
      financial assets into current profits and losses.

      The Company reports such financial assets as held-for-trading financial assets and other non-current financial
      assets according to their liquidity.

(e)   Financial assets designated as measured at fair value through profit or loss

      At the time of initial recognition, the Company may irrevocably designate financial assets as measured at fair
      value through profit or loss on the basis of individual financial assets in order to eliminate or significantly
      reduce accounting mismatches.

      If the mixed contract contains one or more embedded derivative instruments and its main contract is not any
      financial asset as above, the Company may designate the whole of the mixed contract as a financial
      instrument at fair value through profit or loss. Except under the following circumstances:

      ① Embedded derivatives do not significantly change the cash flow of mixed contracts.
      ② When determining for the first time whether similar mixed contracts need to be split, it is almost clear that
      embedded derivatives contained in them should not be split without analysis. If the prepayment right
      embedded in a loan allows the holder to prepay the loan at an amount close to the amortized cost, the
      prepayment right does not need to be split.

      The Company carries out subsequent measurement of such financial assets at fair value, and includes gains or
      losses arising from changes in fair value as well as dividends and interest income associated with such
      financial assets into current profits and losses.

      The Company reports such financial assets as held-for-trading financial assets and other non-current financial
      assets according to their liquidity.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(2)   Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

      The Company classifies a financial instrument or its components into financial liabilities or equity
      instruments upon initial recognition according to the contract terms of and the economic essence reflected by
      the financial instrument issued, rather than only in legal form, in combination with the definitions of financial
      liabilities and equity instruments. Financial liabilities are classified at initial recognition as measured at fair
      value through profit or loss, or other financial liabilities, or derivatives designated as effective hedging

      Financial liabilities are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial liabilities at fair value
      through profit or loss, relevant transaction expenses are directly included in current profits and losses; For
      other categories of financial liabilities, relevant transaction expenses are included in the initial recognition

      Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:

(a)   Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

      Such financial liabilities include held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives falling under
      financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as measured at fair value upon initial recognition and
      through profit or loss.

      A financial liability is a held-for-trading financial liability if it is mainly undertaken for recent sale or
      repurchase, or is part of the identifiable portfolio of financial instruments centrally managed, and there is
      objective evidence that the enterprise has recently employed a short-term profit model, or is a derivative
      instrument, except derivatives designated as effective hedging instruments and derivatives conforming to
      financial guarantee contracts. Held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives falling under
      financial liabilities) are subsequently measured at fair value. All changes in fair values except for hedging
      accounting are included in current profits and losses.

      The Company irrevocably designates financial liabilities as measured at fair value through profit or loss at the
      time of initial recognition in order to provide more relevant accounting information if:

      ① Such financial liabilities can eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches.
      ② The financial liability portfolio or the portfolio of financial assets and liabilities is managed and evaluated
      for performance on the basis of fair value according to the enterprise risk management or investment strategy
      stated in the official written documents, and is reported to key management personnel within the enterprise on
      this basis.
      The Company subsequently measures such financial liabilities at fair value. Apart from changes in fair value
      that are brought about by changes in the Company’s own credit risk and included in other comprehensive
      income, other changes in fair value are included in current profits and losses. Unless including such changes
      in other comprehensive income will cause or expand accounting mismatch in profit or loss, the Company will
      include all changes in fair value (including the amount affected by changes in its own credit risk) in current
      profits and losses.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(2)   Classification and measurement of financial liabilities (continued)

(b)   Other financial liabilities

      The Company classifies financial liabilities except for the following items as measured at amortized cost.
      Such financial liabilities are recognized by the effective interest method and subsequently measured at
      amortized cost. Gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization are included in the current profits
      and losses:

      ① Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
      ② Financial liabilities resulting from the transfer of financial assets that do not meet the conditions for
      derecognition or continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets.
      ③ Financial guarantee contracts that do not fall under the first two categories of this article, and loan
      commitments that do not fall under category (1) of this article and lend at a below-market interest rate.

      Financial guarantee contracts refer to contracts that require the issuer to pay a specific amount to the contract
      holder who has suffered losses when a specific debtor fails to pay the debt in accordance with the original or
      modified terms of the debt instrument. Financial guarantee contracts that are not financial liabilities
      designated as measured at fair value through profit or loss are measured after initial recognition according to
      the loss reserve amount and of the initial recognition amount, less the accumulated amortization amount
      during the guarantee period, whichever is higher.

(3)   Derecognition of financial assets and liabilities

(a)   Financial asset are derecognized, i.e. written off from its account and balance sheet if:

      ① The contractual right to receive cash flow from the financial asset is terminated; or
      ② The financial asset has been transferred, which meets the requirements for derecognition of financial

(b)   Conditions for derecognition of financial liabilities

      If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part thereof) has been discharged, such financial liability (or
      part thereof) is derecognized.

      The existing financial liability is derecognized with a new one recognized, and the difference between the
      carrying amount and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or assumed liabilities) is
      included in the current profits and losses, if an agreement is signed between the Company and the lender to
      replace the existing financial liability by assuming a new one, and the contract terms of these two financial
      liabilities are substantially different, or the contract terms of the existing financial liability (or part thereof) are
      substantially modified.

      If the Company repurchases part of a financial liability, the carrying amount of the financial liability shall be
      distributed according to the proportion of the fair value of the continuing recognition portion and the
      derecognition portion to the overall fair value on the repurchase date. The difference between the carrying
      amount allocated to the derecognized portion and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets
      or liabilities assumed) shall be included in the current profits and losses.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(4)   Recognition basis and measurement method of financial asset transfer

      When a financial asset is transferred, the Company evaluates the risks and rewards retained of the financial
      asset ownership:

(a)   If almost all the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership are transferred, such financial asset shall be
      derecognized, and the rights and obligations generated or retained in the transfer shall be separately
      recognized as assets or liabilities.

      If almost all the risks and rewards of the financial asset ownership are retained, such financial asset shall
      continue to be recognized.

(c)   In circumstances where the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all the risks and rewards of the
      financial asset ownership (i.e. circumstances other than ① and ② of this article), according to whether it
      retains control over such financial asset,

      ① the financial asset shall be derecognized, and the rights and obligations generated or retained in the
      transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities if such control is not retained; or
      ② the relevant financial asset shall continue to be recognized to the extent that it continues to be involved in
      the transferred financial asset, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly if such control is
      retained. The extent that it continues to be involved in the transferred financial asset refers to the extent the
      Company bears the risks or rewards on changes in the value of the transferred financial asset.

      When judging whether the transfer of financial assets meets the above conditions for derecognition of
      financial assets, the principle of substance over form shall be adopted. The Company divides the transfer of
      financial assets into overall transfer and partial transfer.

      If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the
      following two amounts shall be included in the current profits and losses:

      ① The carrying amount of the transferred financial asset on the date of derecognition.
      ② The sum of the consideration received for the transfer of financial assets and the amount of the
      corresponding derecognized portion of the accumulated changes in fair value originally included in other
      comprehensive income directly (the financial assets involved in the transfer are financial assets at fair value
      through other comprehensive income).

(b)   If the financial asset is partially transferred and the transferred part meets the conditions for derecognition, the
      carrying amount of the financial asset before transfer shall be allocated between the derecognition portion and
      the continuing recognition portion (in this case, the retained service asset shall be regarded as the continuing
      recognition part of the financial asset) according to the respective relative fair values on the transfer date, and
      the difference between the following two amounts shall be included in the current profits and losses:

      ① The carrying amount of the derecognized portion on the derecognition date.
      ② The sum of the consideration received for the derecognized portion and the amount of the corresponding
      derecognized portion of the accumulated changes in fair value originally included in other comprehensive
      income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are financial assets at fair value through other
      comprehensive income).

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(4)   Recognition basis and measurement method of financial asset transfer (continued)

      If the transfer of a financial asset does not meet the conditions for derecognition, the financial asset shall
      continue to be recognized and the consideration received shall be recognized as a financial liability.

(5)   Determination of fair value of financial assets and liabilities

      The fair value of a financial asset or liability with an active market shall be determined by the quoted price in
      the active market, unless the financial asset has a sell-off period for the asset itself. For the financial assets
      restricted for the assets themselves, the compensation amount demanded by market participants due to the
      risk of not being able to sell the financial assets on the open market within the specified period shall be
      deducted from the quoted price in the active market. Quoted prices in the active market includes those for
      related assets or liabilities that can be easily and regularly obtained from exchanges, dealers, brokers, industry
      groups, pricing or regulatory agencies, and can represent actual and recurring market transactions on the basis
      of fair trade.

      Financial assets initially acquired or derived or financial liabilities assumed shall be determined on the basis
      of market transaction price.

      The fair value of financial assets or liabilities without an active market shall be determined by valuation
      techniques. At the time of valuation, the Company adopts valuation techniques that are applicable under the
      current circumstances and are supported by sufficient available data and other information, selects input
      values consistent with the characteristics of relevant assets or liabilities considered by market participants in
      the transactions thereof, and gives priority to the use of relevant observable input values whenever possible. If
      the relevant observable input value cannot be obtained or be feasibly obtained, the unobservable input value
      shall be used.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(6)   Impairment of financial instruments

      Based on the expected credit loss, the Company conducts impairment accounting of financial assets classified
      as measured at amortized cost, financial assets classified as measured at fair value through other
      comprehensive income and financial guarantee contracts and recognizes loss reserves.

      Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments weighted by
      the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows discounted at the
      original effective interest rate and receivable according to the contract and all cash flows expected to be
      collected of the Company, i.e. the present value of all cash shortfalls. Among them, credit-impaired purchased
      or originated financial assets of the Company shall be discounted at the credit-adjusted effective interest rate
      of such financial assets.

      For receivables arising from transactions regulated by the income criteria, the Company uses the simplified
      measurement method to measure the loss reserve according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit
      loss during the entire duration.

      For credit-impaired purchased or originated financial assets, only the accumulated changes in the expected
      credit losses during the entire duration since the initial recognition are recognized as loss reserves on the
      balance sheet date. On each balance sheet date, the amount of change in the expected credit loss during the
      entire duration is included in the current gains and losses as impairment losses or gains. Even if the expected
      credit loss during the entire duration on the balance sheet date is less than that reflected in the estimated cash
      flow upon initial recognition, the favorable change in the expected credit loss is recognized as impairment

      In addition to other financial assets adopting the above simplified measurement method and other than the
      credit-impaired purchased or originated ones, the Company evaluates whether the credit risk of relevant
      financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition, measures its loss reserves and
      recognizes the expected credit loss and its changes respectively according to the following circumstances on
      each balance sheet date:

(a)   If the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since its initial recognition, it is in
      the first stage, and its loss reserve shall be measured according to an amount equivalent to its expected credit
      loss over the next 12 months, and the interest income shall be calculated according to the book balance and
      the effective interest rate.

(b)   If the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition but no credit
      impairment has occurred, it is in the second stage, and its loss reserve shall be measured according to an
      amount equivalent to its expected credit loss throughout its life, and the interest income shall be calculated
      according to the book balance and the effective interest rate.
(c)   If the financial instrument is credit-impaired since its initial recognition, it is in the third stage, and the
      Company shall measure its loss reserve according to an amount equivalent to its expected credit loss
      throughout its life, and calculate the interest income at the amortized cost and the effective interest rate.
      The increase or reversed amount of the credit loss reserve for financial instruments shall be included in the
      current profits and losses as impairment losses or gains. Except for financial assets classified as measured at
      fair value through other comprehensive income, the credit loss reserve will offset the carrying amount of the
      financial assets. For financial assets classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income,
      the Company recognizes its credit loss reserve in other comprehensive income without reducing its carrying
      amount presented in the balance sheet.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(6)   Impairment of financial instruments (continued)

      In the previous accounting period, the Company has measured the loss reserve, the amount equivalent to the
      expected credit loss of the financial instruments throughout its life. However, on the balance sheet date of the
      current period, the financial instrument no longer conforms to the situation of significant increase in credit
      risk since initial confirmation; on the balance sheet date of the current period, the Company has measured the
      loss reserve of the financial instruments, the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss in the next 12
      months, and the reversed amount of the loss reserve thus formed is included in the current profit and loss as
      impairment profit.

(a)   Significant increase in credit risk

      In order to determine whether the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since the
      initial recognition, the Company uses the available reasonable and based forward-looking information and
      compares the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the
      initial confirmation date. When the Company applies provisions on depreciation of financial instruments to
      financial guarantee contracts, the initial recognition date shall be regarded as the date when the Company
      becomes a party to make irrevocable commitments.

      For the assessment of whether the credit risk has increased significantly, the Company will consider the
      following factors

      ① According to whether the actual or expected debtor's operations results have changed significantly;
      ② Whether the regulatory, economic or technological environment of the debtor has undergone significant
      adverse changes;
      ③ Whether the following items have changed significantly: the value of collateral as debt
      mortgage, or the guarantee provided by a third party, or the quality of credit enhancement; these changes will
      reduce the debtor’s economic motivation to repay the loan within the time limit stipulated in the contract and
      could impact the probability of default;
      ④ Whether the debtor's expected performance and repayment behavior have changed significantly;
      ⑤ Whether the Company's credit management methods for financial instruments have changed, etc.

      If, on the balance sheet date, the credit risk of the financial instrument is judged to be low by the Company,
      the Company assumes that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since the
      initial recognition. The financial instrument will be deemed to have lower credit risk under the following
      circumstances: the default risk of the financial instrument is lower; the borrower has a strong capacity to
      fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations in a short time; furthermore, even if there are adverse changes in
      the economic situation and operating environment for a long period of time, it may not necessarily reduce the
      borrower’s ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(6)   Impairment of financial instruments (continued)

(b)   Financial assets with depreciation of credit

      If one or more events have adverse effects on the expected future cash flow of a financial asset, the financial
      asset will become a financial asset that has suffered credit impairment. The following observable information
      can be regarded as evidence of credit impairment of financial assets:

      ① The issuer or debtor is in serious financial difficulty;
      ② The debtor breaches the contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or principal, etc.;
      ③ The creditor gives concessions to the debtor due to economic or contractual considerations related to the
      debtor's financial difficulties; the concessions will not be made under any other circumstances;
      ④ There is a great possibility of bankruptcy or other financial restructuring of the debtor;
      ⑤ The issuer or debtor has financial difficulties, resulting in the disappearance of the active market for the
      financial assets;
      ⑥ Purchasing or generation of a financial asset with a large discount, which reflects the fact of credit loss.
      Credit impairment of financial assets may not be caused by separately identifiable events, but may be caused
      by the combined effect of multiple events.

(c)   Determination of expected credit loss

      The Company’s assessment of expected credit losses of financial instruments is based on single items and
      combinations. During the assessment of the expected credit losses, the Company will take into account
      reasonable and reliable information about past events, the current situation and future economic situation

      The Company divides financial instruments into different combinations on the basis of common credit risk
      characteristics. Common credit risk characteristics adopted by the Company include: financial instrument
      type, credit risk rating, aging combination, overdue aging combination, contract settlement cycle, debtor's
      industry, etc. To understand the individual evaluation criteria and combined credit risk characteristics of
      relevant financial instruments, please refer to the accounting policies of relevant financial instruments for

      The Company adopts the following methods to determine the expected credit losses of relevant financial
      ① In terms of financial assets, credit loss is equivalent to the present value of the difference between the
      contract cash flow that the Company shall receive and the expected cash flow.
      ② In terms of the financial guarantee contract, credit loss is equal to the expected amount of payment made
      by the Company to the holder of the contract for credit loss incurred, less the present value of the difference
      between the amount expected to be collected from the holder of the contract, the debtor or any other party.
      ③ If, on the balance sheet date, a financial asset has suffered credit impairment, but one does not purchase or
      generate a financial asset that has suffered credit impairment, the credit loss is equivalent to the difference
      between the book balance of the financial asset and the present value of the estimated future cash flow
      discounted at the original actual interest rate.

      Factors reflected in the Company's method of predicting credit losses by quantitative finance tools include:
      unbiased probability weighted average amount determined by evaluating a series of possible results; time
      value of money; reasonable and reliable information about past events, current situation and future economic
      situation forecast that can be obtained on the balance sheet date without unnecessary extra costs or efforts.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

12    Financial instruments (continued)

(6)   Impairment of financial instruments (continued)

(d)   Write-off of financial assets

      If the Company cannot reasonably expect the contract cash flow of the financial asset to be fully or partially
      recovered, the book balance of the financial asset will be written off directly. This write-off constitutes the
      derecognition of relevant financial assets.

(7)   Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities

      In the balance sheet, financial assets and financial liabilities are shown separately without offsetting each
      other. However, if the following conditions are met at the same time, the net amount after offset will be listed
      in the balance sheet:

(a)   The Company has the legal right, which is currently enforceable, to offset the confirmed amount;

      The Company plans to settle on a net basis, or realize the financial assets and settle the financial liabilities at
      the same time.

13     Notes receivable

      For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company's expected credit loss on
      notes receivable, please refer to 12(6) of note III Impairment of financial instruments.

      If sufficient evidence of expected credit loss cannot be evaluated at a reasonable cost at the level of a single
      instrument, the Company will refer to the experience of historical credit loss, combine the current situation
      and judgment on future economic situation, divide notes receivable into several combinations according to the
      characteristics of credit risk, and calculate expected credit loss on the basis of combinations.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

14     Accounts receivable

      For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company's expected credit loss on
      accounts receivable, please refer to 12(6) of note III Impairment of financial instruments.

      As for the accounts receivable, if there is objective evidence that the Company will not be able to recover the
      money according to the original terms of the accounts receivable, the Company will separately determine its
      credit loss.

      If sufficient evidence of expected credit loss cannot be assessed at reasonable cost at the level of single
      instrument, the Company will divide the accounts receivable into several combinations according to the credit
      risk characteristics, and calculate the expected credit loss on the basis of the combinations (with reference to
      the experience of historical credit loss, and in combination with the current situation with the judgment of
      future economic situation)

15     Other receivables

      For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company's expected credit loss of
      other receivables, please refer to 12(6) of note III Impairment of financial instruments.

      For other receivables for which there is objective evidence that the Company will not be able to recover the
      amount according to the original terms of the receivables, the Company will separately determine its credit

      If sufficient evidence of expected credit loss cannot be evaluated at a reasonable cost at the level of single
      instrument, the Company will refer to the experience of historical credit loss, combine the current situation
      and judgment on future economic situation, divide other receivables into several combinations according to
      the characteristics of credit risk, and calculate expected credit loss on the basis of combinations.

16     Inventories

(1)   Classification of inventories

      The Company classifies inventories into raw materials, in-process products, finished products, goods shipped
      in transit, turnover materials and molds with an expected benefit period of less than one year, depending on
      the purpose of holding the inventories. Turnover materials include low-value consumables and packaging

(2)   Valuation method for inventories shipped in transit
      All types of inventories are accounted for at actual cost, and actual costs include purchase costs, processing
      costs and other costs. Inventories are shipped in transit by weighted average method.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

16    Inventories (continued)

      Basis for determining the net realizable value of inventories and accrual method for inventory valuation

      Closing inventories are measured at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower. In cases where
      differences exists due to the net realizable value being less than the cost of inventory, inventory valuation
      allowance is made based on individual inventory items or the inventory category, and the difference is
      recognized in the current profit and loss.

      For inventories of goods directly used for sale, such as finished goods, merchandise inventories and materials
      for sale, in the normal production and operations process, the net realizable value is determined by the
      amount of the estimated selling price of the inventory less the estimated sales cost and relevant taxes and
      fees; for material inventories that need to be processed, in the normal production and operations process, the
      net realizable value is determined by the amount of the estimated selling price of finished products produced
      less the estimated cost occurred at the time of completion, the estimated selling expenses and related taxes;
      for inventories held for the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts, the net realizable value is
      calculated on the basis of the contract price, and if the quantity of inventories held is more than the quantity
      specified in sales contracts, the net realizable value of excess inventories is calculated based on the general
      sales price.

      At the end of the period, inventory valuation allowance is accrued according to individual inventory items;
      but for a large number of inventories with lower unit prices, inventory valuation allowance is accrued
      according to inventory category; for inventories related to the product series produced and sold in the same
      region with the same or similar end use or purpose, which is difficult to measure separately from other items,
      thus inventory valuation allowance is accrued and combined with other items.

      If the influencing factors of the write-down of inventory value have disappeared, the amount written-down is
      recovered and reversed to the amount of inventory valuation allowance already accrued, and the amount
      reversed is included in the current profit and loss.

(4)   Inventory system

      The Company adopts a perpetual inventory system for inventory management.

(5)   Amortization method of turnover materials

      The Company amortizes turnover materials by the one-off amortization method, and the molds with a benefit
      period of less than one year are amortized within the period of not exceeding one year according to the
      expected benefit period.

17     Contract assets

      A contract asset shall be recognized if the Company has transferred the goods to the customer and has the
      right to receive a consideration depending on other factors than the passage of time. The right of the
      Company to unconditionally receive the considerations from customers (i.e., only depending on the passage
      of time) is listed independently as receivables.

      For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company’s expected credit loss on
      contract assets, please refer to 12(6) of note III Impairment of financial instruments.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

18.     Held-for-sale

(1)   Criteria for classification as being held for sale

      The Company recognizes non-current assets or disposal groups that meet both of the following conditions as
      components held for sale:
      ① they can be sold immediately under the current status according to the practice of selling such assets or
      disposal groups in similar transactions;
      ② The sale is likely to occur, that is, the Company has made a resolution on the sale plan, obtained the
      approval from the regulatory authorities (if applicable), and obtained a confirmed purchase commitment that
      the sale is expected to be completed in one year.

      The confirmed purchase commitment refers to a legally binding purchase agreement concluded by and
      between the Company and another party, which contains important terms such as transaction price, time and
      sufficiently severe penalty for breach of contract, so that there will be little possibility of major adjustments to
      or cancellation of the agreement.

(2)   Accounting for non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale

      The Company shall not depreciate or amortize non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale. If the book
      value is higher than the amount of fair value net of selling expenses, the former shall be written down to the
      latter. The amount written down shall be recognized as asset impairment loss and included in the current
      profit and loss, and the impairment allowance for assets held for sale shall be accrued at the same time.

      The non-current asset or disposal group classified as being held for sale on the date of acquisition shall be
      initially measured at whichever initially measured amount is lower under the assumption that it is not
      classified as being held for sale and the amount of fair value net of selling expenses.

      The above principles are applicable to all non-current assets, except investment real estate subsequently
      measured by the fair value model, biological assets measured by the amount of fair value net of selling
      expenses, assets formed by employee compensation, deferred tax assets, financial assets regulated by the
      relevant accounting standards of financial instruments, and rights arising from insurance contracts regulated
      by the relevant accounting standards of insurance contracts.

19     Other debt investments

      For the determination method and accounting treatment methods of the Company’s expected credit loss of
      other debt investments, please refer to 12(6) of note III Impairment of financial instruments.

20     Long-term receivables

      For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company's expected credit loss on
      Long-term receivables, please refer to 12(6) of note III Impairment of financial instruments.
      As for the accounts receivable, if there is objective evidence that the Company will not be able to recover the
      money according to the original terms of the accounts receivable, the Company will separately determine its
      credit loss.
      If sufficient evidence of expected credit loss cannot be evaluated at a reasonable cost at the level of single
      instrument, the Company will refer to the experience of historical credit loss, combine the current situation
      and judgment on future economic situations, divide long receivables into several combinations according to
      the characteristics of credit risk, and calculate expected credit loss on the basis of combinations.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

21     Long-term equity investments

      Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries, and
      the Company’s long-term equity investments in its associates and joint ventures.

      Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. A joint venture is a joint
      arrangement which is structured through a separate vehicle over which the Company has joint control together
      with other parties and only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement based on legal forms, contractual
      terms and other facts and circumstances. Associates are the investees that the Company has significant
      influence on their financial and operating policies.

      Investments in subsidiaries are presented in the Company’s financial statements using the cost method, and
      are adjusted to the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Investments in a joint
      venture and associates are accounted for using the equity method.

(1)   Recognition of initial investment cost

(a)   Long-term equity investment formed by business combination

      For long-term equity investment acquired by business combination involving enterprises under common
      control, the book value of assets and liabilities of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements
      of the ultimate controlling party as at the date of combination (including the goodwill formed by the ultimate
      controlling party's acquisition of the combined party) is recognized as investment cost. For long-term equity
      investment formed by combination, the share of the book value of shareholder equity of the combined party
      acquired on the date of combination is recognized as initial investment cost. The difference between the initial
      investment cost and assets paid as per consideration for combination, the book value of liabilities incurred or
      assumed and the total par value of shares issued, is used to adjust capital reserve, and when the capital reserve
      is insufficient, it is used to adjust retained earnings.

      For long-term equity investment acquired by business combinations involving enterprises not under common
      control, the combination cost is recognized as investment cost of the long-term equity investment. The
      combination cost is the fair value of assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed, and the equity securities
      issued to acquire the control of acquired party on the date of acquisition. The difference between the higher
      combination cost and lower fair value of identifiable net assets of the acquiree acquired in the combination is
      recognized as goodwill; the difference between the lower combination cost and higher fair value of
      identifiable net assets of the acquiree acquired in the combination is included in current profits and losses after
      review. For business combination involving enterprises not under common control realized step by step
      through multiple transactions, the sum of the book value of equity investment held by the acquirer before the
      date of acquisition and the new investment cost on the date of acquisition is recognized as initial investment
      cost, and the combination cost includes the sum of assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed by the
      acquirer, and the fair value of equity securities issued.

(b)   Long-term equity investment acquired by other means

      For long-term equity investment acquired by cash payment, the actual acquisition price is recognized as initial
      investment cost. The initial investment cost includes expenses, taxes and other necessary expenses directly
      related to the acquisition of the long-term equity investment; the transaction costs incurred when issuing or
      acquiring the own equity instruments of acquirer attributed directly to equity transactions which can be
      deducted from the equity.

      For long-term equity investment acquired by issuing equity securities, the fair value of equity securities issued
      is recognized as initial investment cost.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

21    Long-term equity investments (continued)

      Provided that the non-monetary asset exchange contains commercial substance and the fair value of the assets
      received or assets surrendered can be reliably measured, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
      investment received with non-monetary assets is determined based on the fair value of the assets surrendered,
      except that there is conclusive evidence that indicates that the fair value of assets received is more reliable.
      For non-monetary assets that do not satisfy the above condition, the book value of assets surrendered and
      related taxes and fees payable are recognized as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment.

      The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment acquired by debt restructuring is determined on
      the basis of fair value.

(2)   Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit and loss
(a)   Subsequent measurement

      The Company adopts the cost method to account for the long-term equity investments under the control of
      investee, and the consolidated financial statements are adjusted in accordance with the equity method in

      The Company adopts the equity method to account for the long-term equity investments in associates and
      joint ventures. The difference between the higher initial investment cost and the fair value share of identifiable
      net assets of the investee enjoyed in the investment is not used to adjust the initial investment cost of the long-
      term investment; the difference between the lower initial investment cost and the fair value share of
      identifiable net assets of the investee enjoyed at the time of conducting the investment is included in the
      current profits and losses.

(b)   Recognition of profit and loss

      Under the cost method, in addition to the actual payment or the cash dividends or profits included in the
      consideration that have been declared but not yet paid, the Company recognizes the investment income
      according to the cash dividends or profits that the investee declared to pay.

      Under the equity method, when the investment enterprise confirms that it should enjoy the net profit or net
      loss of the investee, it should adjust the net profit of the investee based on the fair value of identifiable assets
      of the investee at the time of conducting the investment before the confirmation, and the part of profit and loss
      of internal transaction between the investor and associates and joint venture that should be attributed to the
      investor according to the shareholding ratio, should be offset, and the investment profits and losses should be
      confirmed on this basis. When the Company confirms that it should assume the loss occurred by the investee,
      the process hereunder is followed: first, the book value of the long-term equity investment is offset. Secondly,
      if the book value of the long-term equity investment is insufficient for the offset, the investment loss is
      continued to be recognized, and the book value of long-term receivable items is offset, subject to other book
      value of the longterm equity that substantially constitutes the net investment of the investee. Finally, after the
      above-mentioned treatment, if the Company still bears additional obligations in accordance with the
      investment contract or agreement, the estimated liabilities are recognized according to the estimated
      obligations and included in the current investment losses.

      If the investee realizes profit in the future period, the Company shall, after deducting the unconfirmed loss
      share, conduct the process in the reverse order of the above to write down the book balance of the confirmed
      liabilities and recover other long-term equity that substantially constitutes net investment of the investee and
      the book value of the long-term equity, and recognize the profit as return on investment.
      Other changes in the owners' equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit
      distribution of the investee, are used to adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment and included
      in capital reserve. The unrealized profit and loss from internal transactions between the Company and the
      investee attributed to the Company according to the shareholding ratio, is offset, and the investment profit and
      loss is recognized on this basis. In respect of the internal transaction losses incurred by the Company and the
      investee, for the part recognized asset impairment losses, the corresponding unrealized losses are not offset.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

21    Long-term equity investments (continued)

(3)   Step-by-step disposal of investment in subsidiaries

      When the terms, conditions and economic influence of transactions of the equity investment of the subsidiary
      conform to one or more of the following, accounting for multiple transactions is treated as a package

(a)   These transactions are made simultaneously or with consideration of influence on each other;

(b)   These transactions can only achieve a complete business outcome when treated as a whole;

(c)   The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;

(d)   A transaction alone is uneconomical, but is economical when considered together with other transactions.

      When an enterprise loses control over the original subsidiary due to disposal of part of the equity investment
      or other reasons, if the transactions do not belong to a package transaction, the accounting treatment of
      individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements should be distinguished as follows:

(a)   In the individual financial statements, the disposed equity should be accounted for in accordance with the
      Corporate Accounting Standards No. 2 - Long-term Equity Investment; meanwhile, the remaining equity
      should be recognized as long-term equity or other related financial assets based on its book value. If the
      remaining equity after disposal can be used to exercise common control or significant influence on the
      original subsidiary, it shall be accounted for in accordance with the relevant provisions on the conversion of
      the cost method into the equity method.

(b)   In the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity should be re-measured in accordance with its
      fair value on the date of loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration acquired from
      the disposal of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, less the share of net assets of the original
      subsidiary that should be enjoyed in accordance with the original shareholding ratio from the date of
      acquisition, is included in the current profit and loss of the period in which loss of control occurred. Other
      comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary's equity investment should be converted into current
      investment income when control is lost. The Company shall disclose in the notes the fair value of the
      remaining equity after disposal on the date of loss of control and the amount of relevant gains or losses arising
      from the disposal remeasured based on the fair value.

      If the transactions of disposal of equity investment in a subsidiary until the loss of control is a package
      transaction, the accounting treatment of individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements
      should be distinguished as follows: :

(a)   In the individual financial statements, the difference between each disposal price and the book value of the
      long-term equity investment corresponding to the disposed equity before the loss of control is recognized as
      other comprehensive income, and transferred to the current profit and loss of the period in which the loss of
      control occurred;

(b)   In the consolidated financial statements, the difference between each disposal price and the disposal of
      investment corresponding to the share of the net assets of the subsidiary before the loss of control is
      recognized as other comprehensive income, and transferred to the current profit and loss of the period in
      which the loss of control occurred.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

21    Long-term equity investments (continued)

(4)   Basis for determining control, common control and significant influence on the investee

      Control means having the power of control over the investee, enjoying variable returns by participating in the
      relevant activities of the investee, and having the ability to use the power over the investee to influence the
      amount of returns.

      Common control means the control that is common to an arrangement in accordance with the relevant
      agreement, and the decisions of relevant activities of the arrangement must be made upon agreement of the
      Company and other parties sharing the control rights.

      Significant influence means the power to participate in the decision-making of the financial and operating
      policies of the investee, but by which cannot control or commonly control together with other parties the
      formulation of the policies.

(5)   Impairment test and allowance for impairment

      On the balance sheet date, if there is any indication that the long-term equity investment is impaired due to
      continuous decline in the market price or deterioration of operating conditions of the investee, the recoverable
      amount of long-term equity investment is determined according to the net value of a single long-term equity
      investment less the disposal expenses or the present value of expected future cash flows of the long-term
      equity investment, whichever is higher. When the recoverable amount of the long-term equity investment is
      lower than the book value, the book value of assets is written-off to the recoverable amount, and the amount
      written-down is recognized as asset impairment losses, which is included in the current profit and loss, and the
      corresponding allowance for asset impairment is made.

      For long-term equity investments without significant influence or quotation in an active market and whose fair
      value cannot be measured in a reliable way, the impairment loss is determined by the difference between the
      book value and the present value determined by discounting the future cash flows of similar financial assets at
      the current market rate of return.

      Other long-term equity investments with signs of impairment other than goodwill arising from business
      combination, if the measurement of recoverable amount indicates that the recoverable amount of the long-
      term equity investment is lower than its book value, the difference is recognized as impairment losses.

      Goodwill arising from a business combination is tested for impairment annually, regardless of whether there is
      any indication of impairment.

      Once the impairment loss of long-term equity investment is confirmed, it will not be reversed.

22     Investment property

      The Company's investment property means the property held for the purpose of earning rent or capital
      appreciation, or both, including the land use rights that have been leased, the land use rights that are held for
      transfer upon appreciation, and the leased buildings. In addition, for the vacant buildings held by the
      Company for the purpose of leases, if the Board of Directors makes a written resolution that expressly
      indicates that the buildings will be used for leases and the intention of holding will not change in a short-term,
      the building will also be reported as investment property.

      The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property. For the purpose of
      depreciation or amortization method, the same amortization policy adopted for buildings as fixed assets and
      land use rights as intangible assets are used.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

23     Fixed assets

(1)   Recognition criteria for fixed assets

      Fixed assets mean tangible assets held for the purpose of producing goods, rendering of services, leases or
      operation management, whose service life is more than one fiscal year. Fixed assets satisfying the following
      conditions are recognized:

(a)   The economic benefits associated with the fixed assets are likely to flow into the enterprise;

(b)   The cost of the fixed asset can be measured in a reliable way.

      The Company's fixed assets are classified into buildings, machinery and equipment, office and electronic
      equipment, transportation vehicles and fixed assets renovation in line with capitalization conditions. Where
      each component of a fixed asset with a different service life provides economic benefits to the Company in
      different ways and applies different depreciation rates, it is recognized as a single fixed asset.

      Fixed assets are initially measured at cost. The cost of purchasing fixed assets includes the purchase price,
      related taxes, and other expenses attributable to the fixed asset before it is ready for the intended use, such as
      the expenses on transportation, handling, installation and professional services, etc. When determining the
      cost of fixed assets, discard expenses should be considered. Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets
      that satisfy the recognition criteria of fixed assets are included in the cost of fixed assets; otherwise, they are
      recognized in profit and loss in the period in which they arise.

      Fixed assets are depreciated by the straight-line method. The depreciation rate of various fixed assets is
      determined according to the estimated service life and estimated residual value (the estimated residual value
      is 0-10% of the original value). The depreciation rate of classified fixed assets is as follows:

                                                                           Estimated Service                     Annual
      Asset Category
                                                                                        Life           Depreciation Rate

      Houses and buildings                                                        20-50 years                 2.22%-5%
      Machinery equipment                                                          5-10 years               11.11%-20%
      Office and electronic equipment                                               2-5 years               22.22%-50%
      Transportation equipment                                                      3-5 years            22.22%-33.33%
      Power stations                                                              20-25 years                 4.44%-5%
      Others                                                                        4-5 years               22.22%-25%

      Fixed assets renovation is amortized evenly over the benefit period.

      All fixed assets are subject to depreciation, except for fixed assets that have been fully depreciated and
      continue to be used, and the land that is priced and recorded separately. Fixed assets are depreciated on a
      monthly basis. Fixed assets added are not depreciated in the current month when being added but from the
      following month; fixed assets reduced are still depreciated in the current month when being reduced, and no
      depreciation is made from the following month. Fixed assets that are not profitable for the Company or not
      used temporarily (other than seasonally deactivated) are recognized as idle fixed assets. The estimated life
      expectancy and depreciation rate of idle fixed assets should be re estimated, and depreciation is directly
      included in the current profit and loss.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

24      Construction in progress

       Construction in progress refers to the necessary expenses incurred by the Company for the purchase and
       construction of fixed assets or investment property before being ready for the expected usable status,
       including engineering materials costs, labor costs, related taxes and fees, borrowing costs that should be
       capitalized and indirect costs that should be apportioned. Construction in progress is accounted for
       separately according to individual projects.

       After the construction in progress is ready for its intended use, it must be transferred to fixed assets or
       investment property, whether the final accounting procedures are completed or not.

25      Borrowing costs

      Borrowing costs refer to interest and other related costs incurred by the Company as a result of borrowings,
      including interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums, ancillary expenses, and exchange
      differences arising from foreign currency borrowings.

      Borrowing costs that can be directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of assets
      eligible for capitalization are capitalized and included in the relevant asset cost. Other borrowing costs are
      recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred, and are included in the current profit and
      loss. Assets eligible for capitalization refer to fixed assets, investment property and inventories (only refers to
      inventories with an acquisition, construction and production process for more than one year) that require a
      substantial period of acquisition, construction or production activities to get ready for the intended use or sale

      Borrowing costs refer to the interest of borrowings, the amortization of discounts or premiums, auxiliary
      expenses and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings incurred by the Company.
      Borrowing costs begin to be capitalized when the following three conditions are all satisfied:

(1)   Asset expenditure has occurred;

(2)   Borrowing costs have occurred;

      The acquisition, construction or production activities necessary to enable the assets to be ready for the
      intended usable or saleable state have commenced.

      When an asset satisfied the capitalization conditions is abnormally interrupted during the process of
      acquisition, construction or production and the interruption period lasts for more than three months, the
      capitalization of the borrowing costs is suspended and recognized as the current expenses until the
      acquisition, construction or production of the assets starts again. When an asset satisfied the capitalization
      conditions is ready for its intended use or sale, the capitalization is stopped and the borrowing costs incurred
      in the future are included in the current profit and loss. The period of capitalization refers to the period from
      the time when the borrowing costs start to be capitalized to the point when the capitalization is stopped, and
      the period in which the borrowing costs are suspended for capitalization is not included.

      During the period of capitalization, if special borrowings are made for the acquisition, construction or
      production of assets eligible for capitalization, the amount of the interest expenses actually incurred during
      the current period of the special borrowings, less the amount of interest income earned by depositing unused
      borrowing funds in a bank or investment income earned by temporary investment, is recognized as the
      amount of capitalization. When a general loan is occupied for the purpose of purchasing, constructing or
      producing assets satisfied the capitalization conditions, the amount of capitalization is determined according
      to the weighted average of the accumulated asset expenditure exceeding the special loan portion multiplied by
      the capitalization rate of the general loan occupied; the capitalization rate is determined based on the
      weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

26     Right-of-use assets

      The Company initially measures right-of-use assets at cost. Such cost includes:

(1)   The initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;

(2)   Lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term (if a lease incentive exists, net
      of the amount related to the lease incentive already taken);

(3)   Initial direct costs incurred by the Company;

(4)   Costs expected to be incurred by the Company to disassemble and remove the leased asset(s), restore the
      premises where the leased asset(s) is/are located, or restore the leased asset(s) to the condition agreed upon
      under the terms of the lease (excluding costs incurred to produce inventory).

      After the commencement date of the lease term, the Company uses the cost model for subsequent
      measurement of right-of-use assets.

      If it is reasonably certain that ownership of the leased asset(s) will be obtained at the end of the lease term,
      the Company depreciates the leased asset(s) over its/their remaining service life. If it is not reasonably certain
      that ownership of the leased asset(s) will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates
      the leased asset(s) over the lease term or the remaining service life of the leased asset(s), whichever is shorter.
      Right-of-use assets for which depreciation reserves have been accrued are depreciated in future periods at
      their carrying value net of depreciation reserves, with reference to the above principles.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

27     Intangible assets

      Intangible assets are recorded at the actual cost at the time of acquisition. The service life of intangible assets
      is analyzed and judged at the time of acquisition. Intangible assets with a finite service life are amortized on
      the shortest of the estimated service lives, the beneficial period of the contract and the effective period
      specified by law from the time when the intangible assets are available for use. The amortization period is as

      Category                                   Amortization years
                                                 The shorter of the years of the land use rights and the operating years
      Land use rights
                                                 of the Company
                                                 10 years or the shorter of service life, beneficiary years and legally
      Patents and non-patent technologies
                                                 valid years
      Other                                      Beneficiary period

      The Company reviews the service life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life
      at least at the end of each year, and made adjustment if necessary.

      If an intangible asset is foreseen as unable to bring economic benefits to the Company, it is regarded as an
      intangible asset with an indefinite service life, which will be reviewed in each accounting period. If evidence
      indicates that the service life of the intangible asset is limited, then it is converted to an intangible asset with
      limited service life. Intangible assets with indefinite service lives are not amortized.

      The expenditures of the Company's internal research and development projects are classified into
      expenditures in the research phase and expenditures in the development phase. Research means an original,
      planned survey of acquiring and understanding new scientific or technical knowledge. Development means
      the application of research results or other knowledge to a plan or design to produce new or substantially
      improved materials, devices, products, etc. prior to commercial production or use.

      The expenditures in the research phase of the Company's internal research and development projects are
      included in the current profit and loss when incurred; expenditures in the development phase are recognized
      as intangible assets only when the following conditions are all satisfied:

(1)   It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset to enable it to be used or sold;

(2)   There is intent to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;

(3)   The intangible assets can bring economic benefits;

(4)   There are sufficient technical, financial and other resources to support the development of the intangible
      assets as well as ability to use or sell the intangible assets;

(5)   Expenditures attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured in a reliable way.

      If the above conditions cannot be all satisfied, the expenditures are included in the current profit and loss
      when incurred.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

28     Long-term prepaid expense

      Long-term prepaid expenses refer to various expenses that the Company has paid and whose period of
      amortization is more than one year, such as the improvement expenses incurred in renting fixed assets by
      operating leases. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortized on a straight-line basis within the beneficial
      period of the expense items.

29     Impairment of long-lived assets

      The impairment of assets other than inventories, financial assets and deferred income tax assets is determined
      by the Company as follows:

      On the balance sheet date, if there is evidence indicating that the asset is idle, there is a use termination plan
      or the market price drops sharply, or the external environment changes significantly, impairment tests should
      be conducted. The difference between the recoverable amount of the asset and its book value is recognized as
      impairment loss and included in the current profit and loss, and corresponding allowance for asset impairment
      is made. For the goodwill formed by business combination and the intangible assets with indefinite service
      life, impairment test is carried out every year regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment. The
      recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of fair value of assets less the disposal expenses,
      or the present value of estimated future cash flows of the assets, whichever is lower. The Company estimates
      the recoverable amount based on the individual assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of
      the individual assets, the recoverable amount of the asset is determined based on the asset group to which the
      asset belongs. After the asset impairment loss is recognized, the depreciation or amortization expense of the
      impaired assets will be adjusted accordingly in the future period.

      Once the asset impairment loss is confirmed, it cannot be reversed in the future accounting period.

      Treatment of goodwill impairment: in the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill is
      apportioned to the asset group or asset group portfolio expected to benefit from the synergy of business
      combination, and the book value of goodwill is apportioned to the relevant asset group or asset group
      combination in a reasonable way. In the case of impairment test, the asset group or asset group portfolio that
      does not contain goodwill is tested for impairment first to confirm the corresponding asset impairment loss,
      and then the asset group or asset group containing goodwill is tested for impairment to confirm the
      corresponding goodwill impairment loss.

30     Asset transfer with repurchase conditions

      When the Company sells products or transfers other assets, it signs a product or a transfer asset repurchase
      agreement with the purchaser, and determines whether the sales commodity satisfies the revenue recognition
      conditions according to the terms of the agreement. If the after-sales repurchase is a financing transaction, the
      Company does not recognize the sales revenue when the product or asset is delivered. If the repurchase price
      is greater than the difference between the sales prices, interest of the difference is accrued on time during the
      repurchase period, and included in finance costs.

31     Contract liabilities

      The Company recognizes as contract liabilities the part of the obligation to transfer the goods to the customer
      due to received or receivable consideration from the customer.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

32     Employee benefits

      Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and
      other long-term employee benefits provided in various forms of consideration in exchange for service
      rendered by employees or compensations for the termination of employment relationship.

(a)   Short-term employee benefits

      Short-term employee benefits include employee wages or salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff
      welfare, premiums or contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance,
      housing funds, union running costs and employee education costs, and short-term paid absences. The
      employee benefit liabilities are recognized in the accounting period in which the service is rendered by the
      employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant
      assets. Non-monetary benefits are measured at their fair value.

(b)   Post-employment benefits

      The Company classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit
      plans. Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Company pays fixed
      contributions into a separate fund and will have no obligation to pay further contributions; and defined benefit
      plans are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans. During the reporting period,
      the Company’s defined contribution plans mainly include basic pensions and unemployment insurance.

(c)   Termination benefits

      If the Company terminates the labor relationship with an employee before the labor contract expires, or offers
      compensation for encouraging the employee to accept the redundancies voluntarily, the liabilities arising from
      compensation for the termination of labor relations with the employee is determined, and also included in the
      current profit and loss, at the time when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination of the
      labor relationship plan or redundancies proposal, or the time when the cost associated with reorganization
      involving payment of termination benefits is confirmed, whichever is earlier.

(d)   Other long-term employee benefits

      Other long-term employee benefits refer to all employee benefits except short-term employment benefits,
      post-employment benefits and termination benefits.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

33     Estimated liabilities

      When the Company is involved in any litigation, debt guarantee, contract loss or reorganization, which is
      likely in need of future delivery of assets or rendering of services, and the amount of which can be measured
      in a reliable way, it is recognized as estimated liabilities.

(1)   Recognition standards for estimated liabilities

      When an obligation related to the contingent events satisfies all the following conditions, it is recognized by
      the Company as estimated liabilities:

(a)   The obligation is the current obligation of the Company;

(b)   The fulfillment of the obligation is likely to cause economic benefits to flow out of the Company;

(c)   The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

(2)   Measurement methods for estimated liabilities

      The estimated liabilities of the Company are initially measured on the basis of the best estimate of the
      expenditure required to perform the relevant current obligations.

      When determining the best estimate, the Company considers factors such as risks, uncertainties and time
      value of money related to contingent events. Where the time value of money has a significant impact, the best
      estimate is determined by discounting the relevant future cash outflows.

      The best estimates are handled as follows:

      In case there is a continuous range (or interval) of required expenditures, within which the possibility of
      occurrence of various results is the same, the best estimate is determined by the average of the middle value
      of the range, that is, the average of the upper and lower limits.

      In case there is no continuous range (or interval) of required expenditures, or there is a continuous range but
      the possibility of various results in the range is different, if the contingency involves a single item, the best
      estimate is determined based on the most probable amount; if a contingency involves multiple items, the best
      estimate is determined based on various possible outcomes and associated probabilities.

      If all or part of the expenses required by the Company to settle the estimated liabilities are expected to be
      compensated by a third party, the compensation amount is separately recognized as an asset when it is
      basically confirmed to be received, and the recognized compensation amount should not exceed the book
      value of estimated liabilities.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

34     Lease liabilities

      The Company initially measures lease liabilities at the present value of the lease payments outstanding on the
      commencement date of the lease term. When calculating the present value of lease payments, the Company
      uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount. If the implicit interest rate of the lease cannot be
      determined, the incremental loan interest rate of the Company shall be used as the discount rate. Lease
      payments include:

      The amount of fixed payments, net of amounts related to lease incentives, and the amount of substantive fixed

(b)   Variable lease payments that depend on indexation or ratio;

      The exercise price of the purchase option, when applicable, if the Company is reasonably certain that the
      option will be exercised;

(d)   The amount required to be paid to exercise the option to terminate the lease if the lease term reflects that the
      Company will exercise the option to terminate the lease;

(e)   The estimated amount payable based on the secured residual value provided by the Company.

      The Company calculates the interest expenses of lease liabilities for each period within the lease term at a
      fixed rate of discount and includes them in profit or loss for the current period or cost of the related assets.

      Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities should be included in
      profit or loss for the current period or cost of the related assets when they are actually incurred.

35     Share-based payments

      The share-based payments of the Company are mainly equity-settled share-based payments, and only allow to
      be exercised by employees after the completion of their services in the waiting period. On each balance sheet
      date in the waiting period, based on the best estimate of the number of vesting equity instruments, the
      services obtained in the current period are included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserve based
      on the fair value at the grant date of the equity instruments.

      The fair value of equity instruments is determined by the external appraiser or management based on the
      binomial distribution method. The best estimate of the vesting equity instrument is determined by the
      management based on historical statistics on the vesting weights and turnover rates on the balance sheet date.

      Equity-settled share-based payments are measured based on the fair value of the equity instruments granted to
      employees. In case that the vesting right is available immediately after the grant, it is included in relevant cost
      or expense based on the fair value of the equity instrument on the grant date, and the capital reserve is
      increased accordingly. In case that the vesting right is available after the completion of services in the waiting
      period or satisfaction of stipulated performance conditions, on each balance sheet day during the waiting
      period, the services acquired in the current period are included into the relevant costs or expenses and capital
      reserve on the basis of the best estimate of the number of feasible equity instruments and at the fair value of
      the date on which the equity instruments are granted. No adjustments are made to the identified related costs
      or expenses or total owners' equity after the vesting date.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

36     Revenue recognition

      The Company shall recognize the revenue according to the transaction price assigned to the performance
      obligation when any due performance obligation is fulfilled (namely when the client obtains the control over
      relevant commodities or services).

(1)   General principles applied to revenue recognition

      The Company shall recognize the revenue according to the transaction price assigned to the performance
      obligation when any due performance obligation is fulfilled (namely when the client obtains the control over
      relevant commodities or services). Performance Obligation means that, under the contract, the Company
      promises to transfer commodities or services that can be clearly distinguished to the client. “Obtain the
      control over relevant commodities or services” refers to the ability to completely dominate the use of
      commodities and obtain almost all economic benefits. From the contract’s effectiveness date, the Company
      shall evaluate the contract, recognize each single performance obligation included and determine whether
      each performance obligation is fulfilled within a certain period or at a time point.

      When any of the following conditions is met, for performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain
      period, the Company shall recognize corresponding revenue within the period as scheduled:

      While fulfilling the due obligation in the Company, the client obtains and consumes the resulting economic

(b)   The client is able to control the commodities under construction during the Company’s fulfillment;

(c)   Commodities generated from the Company’s fulfillment possess irreplaceable purpose and the Company has
      the right to charge all fulfilled performance obligations within the whole contract period; otherwise, the
      Company shall recognize corresponding revenue when the client obtains the control over relevant
      commodities or services.

      For any performance obligation with a certain period, the Company shall apply the output method/input
      method to determine the appropriate fulfillment schedule based on the specific nature of commodities and
      services. The output method is to determine the fulfillment schedule according to the value of commodities
      transferred to the client (while the input method is to determine the fulfillment schedule according to the
      Company’s input to fulfill the performance obligation). If the fulfillment schedule cannot be reasonably
      determined and the Company’s costs are predicted to be compensated, corresponding revenue shall be
      recognized based on the specific cost amount until the fulfillment schedule could be reasonably determined.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

36    Revenue recognition (continued)

(2)   Principles of handling revenues from specific transactions

(a)   For the contract containing the sales return article: When the client obtains the control over relevant
      commodities, corresponding revenue shall be recognized according to the consideration amount (excluding
      the amount predicted to be returned due to sales return) predicted to be duly charged from transferring
      commodities to the client, and corresponding liabilities shall be recognized based on the amount predicted to
      be returned due to sales return. Meanwhile, when commodities are sold, the balance through deducting the
      predicted cost from taking back commodities from the book value of commodities predicted to be returned
      (including the impairment of value of returned commodities) shall be checked and calculated under
      “Returned Commodities Cost Receivable”.

(b)   For the contract containing the quality assurance article: it’s required to evaluate whether the quality
      assurance involves any separable service except for the promise (to the client) that commodities conform to
      established standards. If the Company provides additional service, it shall be deemed as a single performance
      obligation and subject to the accounting treatment according to relevant revenue criteria provisions;
      otherwise, the quality assurance liability shall be subject to the accounting treatment according to the
      accounting criteria provisions on Contingency.

(c)   For the sales contract containing the client’s additional purchase option: the Company shall evaluate whether
      the option provides the client with any significant right. If any, it shall be deemed as a single performance
      obligation and the transaction price shall be apportioned to the performance obligation, and corresponding
      revenues shall be recognized when the client executes the purchase option right and obtains the control over
      relevant commodities in the future or when the option becomes invalid. If the separable selling price applied
      to the client’s additional purchase option right cannot be directly observed, it’s required to comprehensively
      consider the difference in discounts between the client’s execution of option right and the client’s non-
      execution of option right and analyze the possibility for the client to execute the option right and other
      relevant information. Then, corresponding reasonable estimate shall be made.

(d)   The contract licensing the IP right to the client: It’s required to evaluate whether the IP right license
      constitutes any single performance obligation; if any, it is necessary to determine whether the performance
      obligation fulfillment is fulfilled within a certain period or at a time point. If any IP right license is granted to
      the client and royalties are charged based on the client’s actual sales or usage, corresponding revenues shall
      be recognized at a later time between the following dates: the day when the client’s subsequent selling or
      usage occurs; the day when the Company fulfills relevant performance obligations.

(3)   Specific revenue recognition method

(a)   Product sales contract

      According to the contract terms, for the selling of products subject to performance obligation fulfillment
      conditions at a time point and other products, the Company shall recognize the realization of sales revenues
      when the client obtains the control over relevant commodities or services according to the delivery condition
      agreed in the sales contract upon signed by the client after commodities are received.

(b)   Technical service contract

      If revenues are recognized within a certain period based on the technical service contract, corresponding
      revenues shall be recognized according to the performance schedule.

(c)   Royalties income

      Accounted for according to the time and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

36    Revenue recognition (continued)

(3)   Specific revenue recognition method (continued)

(d)   Revenue from photovoltaic power stations

      a. Centralized power stations: Power stations are combined to the grid. The income will be confirmed based
      on the documents on power supply provided by the business departments of the Company, after the duration
      of continuous and trouble-free operation specified by the electric power company is met. b. Distributed power
      stations: Power stations are combined to the grid. The income will be confirmed based on the documents on
      settlement provided by the business departments of the Company.

37    Contract costs

(1)   Contract performance cost

      For the cost resulting from performing the contract which is not included in other ASBE except the revenue
      standards and meets the following conditions, the Company shall recognize it as an asset :

(a)   The cost is directly related to a current or predicted contract, including the direct labor, direct material and
      manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), the cost borne by the client and other costs resulting from the

(b)   The cost adds various resources that can be applied by the Company to fulfill due performance obligations.

(c)   The cost is predicted to be recovered.

      The asset shall be presented and reported in inventory or other non-current assets, which depends on whether
      the amortization period exceeds a normal operating cycle during the initial recognition.

(2)   Contract acquisition cost

      If the increment cost resulting from the Company’s acquisition of contract is predicted to be recovered, it
      shall be recognized as an asset as the contract acquisition cost. Increment Cost refers to the cost which only
      results from the contract acquisition, like the sales commission. If the amortization period is less than one
      year, it shall be included in current profit and loss.

(3)   Contract cost amortization

      The asset related to the contract cost shall adopt the same basis for the recognition of commodities or services
      revenues related to the asset, be amortized during the period of fulfilling the performance obligation or
      according to the fulfillment schedule and be included into current profit and loss.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

37    Contract costs (continued)

(4)   Impairment of contract costs

      For the asset related to the contract cost as mentioned above, if the book value is higher than the difference
      between the residual consideration predicted to be obtained from the Company’s transfer of commodities
      related to the asset and the cost to be incurred due to such transfer, depreciation reserves shall be calculated
      and withdrawn for the surplus which shall also be recognized as the asset impairment loss.

      After the impairment allowances is established, if changes in depreciation factors during previous periods
      have made the above difference higher than the asset’s book value, it shall be restituted to previously
      established asset impairment allowances and included in current profit and loss. However, the book value of
      restituted assets shall not exceed the book value of the asset on the date of restitution without establishing
      impairment allowances.

38    Government grants

(1)   Type of change

      Government grants are transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at nil
      consideration. According to the grants targets stipulated in the relevant government documents, government
      grants are classified into government grants related to assets and government grants related to income.

(2)   Recognition of government grants

      If a government grant is a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received or receivable. If a
      government grant is a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot be obtained in a
      reliable way, it is measured at the nominal amount (RMB1). Government grants measured at nominal
      amounts are recognized directly in the current profits and losses.

(3)   Accounting treatment

      Government grants related to assets offset the book value of the underlying assets.

      If the government grants related to income are used to compensate related costs or losses in the subsequent
      period, it is recognized as deferred income and included in the current profit and loss or offset costs in the
      period in which the related costs or losses are recognized; government grants used to compensate costs or
      losses incurred by the enterprise are directly included in the current profits or losses or offset related costs.
      For government grants related to the daily activities of the enterprise, the R&D and VAT-related subsidies are
      included in other income; other government grants offset related costs according to the nature of economic
      activities. Government grants not related to daily activities of the Company are included in the non-operating
      income and expenditure. For preferential loans for policy discount, if the government finance department
      appropriates the discounted funds to the lending bank, the borrowing cost is accounted for according to the
      principal of the loan and the policy preferential interest rate, with the amount actually received as the entry
      value of the loan. If the government finance department directly appropriates the interest grant funds to the
      Company, the grants offset the related borrowing costs.

      In case that a confirmed government grant is required to be returned, the book value of the asset is adjusted if
      the book value of relevant assets is offset at the initial recognition; if there is related deferred income, the
      book balance of deferred income is offset, and the excess is included in the current profit and loss; in case of
      other circumstances, it is directly included in the current profit and loss.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

39     Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

      The income taxes of the Company include current income tax and deferred income tax. Both current income
      tax and deferred income tax are recognized in the current profit and loss as income tax expense or gain,
      except for the following:

(1)   Adjusting goodwill due to income tax arising from business combination;

      Income tax related to transactions or events directly included in shareholders' equity is included in
      shareholders’ equity.

      On the balance sheet date, the Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax
      liabilities in accordance with the balance sheet liability method on temporary differences between the book
      value of assets or liabilities and their tax base.

      The Company recognizes all taxable temporary differences as deferred tax liabilities except the taxable
      temporary differences incurred in the following transactions:

(1)   Initial recognition of goodwill; or initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from transactions with the
      following characteristics: the transaction is not a business combination, and does not affect the accounting
      profits or the amount of taxable income which occurs;

(2)   For taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, the
      timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and the temporary differences are
      unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.

      The Company recognizes deferred income tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences, subject to
      the amount of taxable income likely to be obtained to offset the deductible temporary differences, except the
      deductible temporary differences incurred in the following transactions:

      The transaction is not a business combination, and does not affect the accounting profits or the amount of
      taxable income when occurs;

(2)   The deductible temporary differences related to investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
      cannot satisfy all the following: the temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future
      and are likely to be used for deduction of deductible taxable income for temporary differences in the future.

      On the balance sheet date, the Company measures the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
      liabilities according to the tax law based on the applicable tax rate during the period of expectation of
      recovering the assets or paying off the liabilities, and reflects the income tax impact of the expected recovery
      of assets or liquidation of liabilities on the balance sheet date.

      On the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the book value of deferred income tax assets. If it is
      probable that no sufficient taxable income will be available in the future to offset the benefits of deferred tax
      assets, the book value of deferred tax assets is written down. When it is probable that sufficient taxable
      income will be available, the amount written-down will be reversed.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III    Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

40      Leases

       From the effectiveness date of a contract, the Company assesses whether the contract is a lease or includes
       any lease. If a party to the contract transfers the right allowing the control over the use of one or more assets
       that have been identified within a certain period, in exchange for a consideration, such contract is a lease or
       includes a lease.

(1)    Lease contract split

       If a contract contains multiple single leases at the same time, the Company will split the contract, and conduct
       accounting treatment of each single lease respectively.

       If a contract contains both lease and non-lease parts at the same time, the Company will split the lease and
       non-lease parts, conduct accounting treatment of the lease part in accordance with the accounting standards
       governing leases, and conduct accounting treatment of the non-lease part in accordance with other applicable
       corporate accounting standards.

(2)    Lease contract combination

       With regard to two or multiple contracts containing leases concluded by the Company with the same
       counterparty or its related parties at the same or a similar time, when any of the following conditions is met,
       the contracts are combined into one contract for accounting treatment:

       Two or multiple contracts are concluded based on an overall business purpose and constitute a package deal,
       and if they are not considered as a whole, the overall business purpose cannot be understood.

       The consideration amount of one contract among the two or multiple contracts depends on the pricing or
       performance of other contracts.

 (c)   The rights to use assets transferred by the two or multiple contracts constitute one single lease.

(3)    Accounting treatment with the Company as lessee

       On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognises the right-of-use assets and lease
       liabilities for the lease, unless it is a simplified short-term lease or low-value asset lease.

(a)    Short-term leases and low-value asset leases

       A short-term lease refers to a lease that does not include a purchase option and whose lease term does not
       exceed 12 months. A low-value asset lease refers to a lease where the value will be low when a single leased
       asset is a new asset.

       The Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets or lease liabilities for the following short-term leases
       and low-value asset leases. In each period within the lease term, the relevant lease payments are included in
       cost of the related assets or profit or loss for the current period on a straightline basis or according to other
       systemic and reasonable methods.

                Item                                          Simplified leased asset type
       Short-term lease          A lease whose lease term does not exceed 12 months from the commencement date
                                 of the lease term
       Low-value asset lease     An asset lease with a value of less than RMB40,000 or its foreign currency

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

40     Leases (continued)

(3)   Accounting treatment with the Company as lessee (continued)
      The Company recognises the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and low-value asset
      leases other than those mentioned above.

      The accounting policies for right-of-use assets and lease liabilities are detailed in Note III, 26 and Note III,

(4)   Accounting treatment with the Company as lessor

(a)   Lease classification:

      The Company classifies leases into finance leases and operating leases at the inception of leases. A finance
      lease refers to a lease where almost all the risks and rewards, related to the ownership of the leased asset(s),
      are substantially transferred, regardless of whether the ownership is transferred eventually. An operating lease
      refers to all leases other than finance leases.
      Usually, the Company classifies a lease that meets any one or more of the following conditions as a finance
      1) Upon expiry of the lease term, the ownership of the leased asset(s) is transferred to the lessee.
      2) The lessee has the option to purchase the leased assets. As the agreed purchase price is low enough
      compared with the fair value of the leased asset(s) at the time the option is expected to be exercised, it can be
      reasonably determined at the inception of the lease that the lessee will exercise the option.
      3) Although the ownership of the asset(s) is not transferred, the lease term accounts for the majority of the
      service life of the leased asset(s).
      4) At the inception of the lease, the present value of the lease payments receivable is almost equal to the fair
      value of the leased asset(s).
      5) The leased asset(s) is/are special in nature and can be only used by the lessee, unless there is a large
      The Company may also classify a lease that falls under any one or more of the following circumstances as a
      finance lease:
      1) If the lessee cancels the lease, losses to the lessor caused by the cancellation will be borne by the lessee.
      2) Gains or losses arising from fluctuations in the fair value of the residual value of the leased asset(s) are
      borne by the lessee.
      3) The lessee is able to renew the lease with a rental far lower than the market level to the next term.

(b)   Accounting treatment of finance leases

      On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognises the finance lease receivables for the
      finance lease and derecognises the leased asset(s) of the finance lease.
      In the initial measurement of finance lease receivables, the sum of the unsecured residual value and the
      present value of the lease payments receivable not yet received on the commencement date of the lease term
      discounted at the interest rate implicit in lease is the entry value of the finance lease receivables. Lease
      payments receivable include:
      1) The amount of fixed payments, net of amounts related to lease incentives, and the amount of substantive
      fixed payments;
      2) Variable lease payments that depend on indexation or ratios;
      3) The exercise price of the purchase option, when applicable, if it is reasonably certain that the lessee will
      exercise the purchase option;
      4) The amount required to be paid by the lessee to exercise the option to terminate the lease if the lease term
      reflects that the lessee will exercise the option to terminate the lease;
      5) Secured residual value provided to the lessor by the lessee, a party related to the lessee, or an independent
      third party that has the financial ability to perform the security provision obligation.
      The received variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the net investment in the
      lease are included in profit or loss for the current period when they are actually incurred.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

40     Leases (continued)

(4)   Accounting treatment with the Company as lessor (continued)

(c)   Accounting treatment of operating leases

      For each period of the lease term, the Company adopts the straight-line method or other systematic and
      reasonable methods to recognize the lease receipts of the operating lease as rental income; the Company
      capitalizes the initial direct expenses incurred in connection with the operating lease, amortizes them over the
      lease term on the same basis as that for the recognition of the rental income, and includes them in the current
      profit and loss by stage; the Company includes the variable lease payments, obtained in connection with the
      operating lease that are not included in the lease receipts, in the current profit and loss when actually incurred.

(5)   Sale and leaseback

(a)   The Company as seller and lessee

      If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company will measure the right-of-use
      assets formed by the sale and leaseback based on the portion of the original asset’s carrying value that is
      related to the use right acquired by the leaseback, and recognise related gains or losses only for the right
      transferred to the lessor. If the fair value of the sales consideration is different from the fair value of the asset,
      or if the lessor does not charge the rent at the market price, the Company will conduct accounting treatment
      with the sales consideration amount below the market price as the prepaid rent, or the amount above the
      market price as the additional financing provided by the lessor to the lessee; at the same time, the relevant
      sales gains or losses will be adjusted based on the fair value.
      If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company will continue to recognise
      the transferred asset and at the same time recognise a financial liability equivalent to the transfer income.

(b)   The Company as buyer and lessor

      If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company will conduct corresponding
      accounting treatment for asset purchase and apply the accounting standards governing leases to the
      accounting treatment of the asset lease. If the fair value of the sales consideration is different from the fair
      value of the asset, or if the Company does not charge the rent at the market price, the Company will conduct
      accounting treatment with the sales consideration amount below the market price as the pre-collected rent, or
      the amount above the market price as the additional financing provided by the Company to the lessee; at the
      same time, the rental receipt will be adjusted based on the market price.
      If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company will recognise a financial
      asset equivalent to the transfer income.

41     Related parties

      If one party controls, commonly controls or exerts a significant influence on the other party, and two or more
      parties are under the control, common control or significant influence of the other party, they constitute
      related parties.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

42     Discontinued operations

      The Company recognizes a component disposed of or classified as a component that can be separately
      distinguished from the category held for sale and satisfies any of the following as a component of
      discontinued operations: (1) The component represents an independent major business or a separate major
      business area; (2) This component is part of a related plan to dispose of an independent major business or a
      separate major operating area; (3) This component is a subsidiary that is acquired for resale. Operating profit
      and loss, such as impairment losses for discontinued operations and the amount reversed, and disposal profit
      and loss are presented in the income statement as profit and loss of discontinued operations.

43     Changes to major accounting policies and estimates

(1)   Change of accounting policy

      Impact of the adoption of the Interpretation to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 15 on the

      On December 31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation to Accounting Standards for
      Business Enterprises No. 15(Cai Kuai [2021] No. 35, hereinafter referred to as the "Interpretation No. 15").
      Interpretation No. 15 outlined that "the accounting treatment of the external sales of products or by-products
      produced before the fixed assets reach the intended serviceable state or during the R&D process" (hereinafter
      referred to as "trial sales") and "the judgment on loss-making contracts", effective from January 1, 2022.

      ①Accounting treatment of the external sales of products or by-products produced before the fixed assets
      reach the intended serviceable state or during the R&D process

      For trial sales that occurred between the beginning of the period (i.e. January 1, 2021) and the implementation
      date of the Interpretation (January 1, 2022), the Company has made retroactive adjustments in accordance
      with Interpretation No. 15.

      According to the provisions of Interpretation No. 15, the Company adjusted the relevant items of the balance
      sheet as follows:

                                                                 December 31, 2021
                                                                  Accumulated amount
      Balance Sheet items
                                        Before the Change             impacted before                After the Change
      Fixed assets                             113,579,297                   144,462                     113,723,759
      Construction in
      progress                                  36,965,885                       63,619                    37,029,504
      Intangible assets                         13,982,647                       17,899                    14,000,546
      Development costs                          2,508,419                       31,780                     2,540,199
      Deferred income tax
      assets                                     2,153,346                       -2,923                     2,150,423
      Retained earnings                         22,458,340                       69,346                    22,527,686
      interests                                 76,611,057                      185,491                    76,796,548

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

III   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

43     Changes to Major Accounting Policies and Estimates (continued)

(1)   Changes to Accounting Policies (continued)

      The Company adjusted the relevant items presented in the income statement and the cash flow statement as

                                                                January - June 2021
      Items presented in the
                                                                 Accumulated amount
      income statement and
                                         Before the Change            impacted before              After the Change
      cash flow statement
      Revenue                                    74,298,647                   107,202                   74,405,849
      Cost of sales                              57,984,972                     83,999                  58,068,971
      R&D expenses                                3,428,197                   (25,238)                   3,402,959
      Income tax expense                          1,413,574                      2,923                   1,416,497

      ② Judgment on onerous contracts

      The Company has not fulfilled all obligations when it first implemented Interpretation No. 15 (January 1,
      2022), and the implementation of this provision has no significant impact on the Company's financial
      statements for comparable periods.

      Changes to
(2)   accounting

      No change occurred to the major accounting estimates in the reporting period.

44    Correction of previous accounting errors

      No previous accounting errors were identified and corrected in the reporting period.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

IV   Taxes

 1   Value-added tax

     In the reporting period, output tax was calculated at 3%, 5%, 6%, 9% or 13% of the taxable income of general
     taxpayers and the value added-tax was paid based on the difference after deducting the allowance deduction
     of input tax in the current period. The value added-tax payment for the Company’s directly exported goods is
     executed in accordance with the regulations of “Exemption, Offset and Refund”. The tax refund rate is 0%-

 2   Urban maintenance and construction tax

     Subject to the relevant tax laws and regulations of the state and local regulations, urban maintenance and
     construction tax is paid based on the proportion stipulated by the state according to the individual
     circumstances of each member of the Company.

 3   Education surcharges

     Education surcharges are paid according to the individual circumstances of each member of the Company
     based on the proportion stipulated by the state in accordance with the relevant national tax regulations and
     local regulations.

 4   Dike protection fee

     Dike protection fee is paid according to relevant national tax regulations and local regulations.

 5   Property tax

     Property tax is paid on the houses with property rights according to the proportion stipulated by the state in
     accordance with the relevant national tax regulations and local regulations.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

IV   Taxes (continued)

6    Corporate income tax
     The corporate income tax rate for the Company was 15% in the current period.
     According to Article 28 of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a reduced corporate income
     tax rate of 15% is applied to important high-tech enterprises that the government supports.
     The following subsidiaries are entitled to tax preferences, overseas subsidiaries adopt the local tax rates, and the other
     subsidiaries of the Company are all taxed at a rate of 25%.

     Subsidiaries entitled to tax preferences:
     Company Name                                                               Reason
                                                                  tax rate
     TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,                  15%        High-tech enterprise
     Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor               15%        High-tech enterprise
     Display Technology Co., Ltd.
     Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,                15%        High-tech enterprise
     Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor                  15%        High-tech enterprise
     Display Technology Co., Ltd.
     Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,               15%        High-tech enterprise
     Shenzhen TCL High-Tech Development Co., Ltd.                    15%        High-tech enterprise
     Qingdao Blue Business Consulting Co., Ltd.                      15%        High-tech enterprise
     Tianjin Huan'Ou Semiconductor                                   15%        High-tech enterprise
     Material&Technology Co., Ltd.
     TianJin Zhonghuan Advanced Material&Technology                  15%        High-tech enterprise
     Co., Ltd.
     Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Solar Material Co., Ltd.               15%        High-tech enterprise
     Huansheng Solar (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                             15%        High-tech enterprise
     Zhangjiakou Huan? Ou International New Energy                   15%        High-tech enterprise
     Technology Co., Ltd.
     Wuxi Zhonghuan Applied Materials Co., Ltd.                      15%        High-tech enterprise
     Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Crystal Materials Co.,
                                                                     15%        High-tech enterprise
     Tianjin Huanzhi New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                 15%        High-tech enterprise
     Tianjin Printronics Circuit Corporation                         15%        High-tech enterprise
     Tianjin Huanbo Science and Technology Co., Ltd.                 15%        High-tech enterprise
     Tianjin Zhonghuan Electronics Computer Co., Ltd.                15%        High-tech enterprise
     Guangdong TCL New Technology Co., Ltd.                          15%        High-tech enterprise
     Shenzhen Qianhai Maojia Software Technology Co.,
                                                                     15%        High-tech enterprise
     Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Crystal Materials Co.,                            High-tech enterprise, encouraged business in
     Ltd.                                                                       West China
     Ningxia Zhonghuan Solar Material Co., Ltd.                      15%        Encouraged business in West China
     Phase I and Phase II projects of Hohhot Huanju New              15%        State-supported public infrastructure project,
     Energy Development Co., Ltd.                                   7.5%        encouraged business in West China
     Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Advanced
     Semiconductor Material Co., Ltd.                                           Encouraged business in West China
     Yixing Huanxing New Energy Co., Ltd.                          12.5%        State-supported public infrastructure project
     Guyuan Shengju New Energy Co., Ltd.                           12.5%        State-supported public infrastructure project
     Shangqiu Yaowei Photovoltaic Power Generation                 12.5%
     Co., Ltd.                                                                  State-supported public infrastructure project
     Tianjin Huanyu Yangguang New Energy Technology                12.5%
     Co., Ltd.                                                                  State-supported public infrastructure project

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

IV      Taxes (continued)

6    Corporate income tax (continued)

        Company Name                                                  Reason
                                                          tax rate
        Huludao Zhongrun Energy Technology Co.,                       State-supported public infrastructure
        Ltd.                                                          project
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Qinhuangdao Tianhui Solar Energy Co., Ltd.          12.5%
        Huludao Xincheng New Energy Technology                        State-supported public infrastructure
        Co., Ltd.                                                     project
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Zhangjiakou Shengyuan New Energy Co., Ltd.          12.5%
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Dushan Anju Photovoltaic Technology Co.,              7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
        Ltd.                                                          China
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Sonid Left Banner Huanxin New Energy Co.,             7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
        Ltd.                                                          China
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Otog Banner Huanju New Energy Co., Ltd.               7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Inner Mongolia New Huanyu Yangguang New               7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
        Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                                   China
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Gengma Huanxing New Energy Co., Ltd.                  7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Shaanxi Runhuan Tianyu Technology Co., Ltd.        Tax-free   project, encouraged business in West
        Tianjin Binhai Huanneng New Energy Co.,                       State-supported public infrastructure
        Ltd.                                                          project
        Gaoqing Huanyuan Energy Technology Co.,                       State-supported public infrastructure
        Ltd.                                                          project
        Gaoqing Chengguang Energy Technology Co.,                     State-supported public infrastructure
        Ltd.                                                          project
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Ningjin Jinchen New Energy Co., Ltd.               Tax-free
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Ongniud Banner Guangrun New Energy Co.,               7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
        Ltd.                                                          China
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Tuquan Guanghuan New Energy Co., Ltd.                 7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
                                                                      State-supported public infrastructure
        Dangxiong Youhao New Energy Development               7.5%    project, encouraged business in West
        Co., Ltd.                                                     China

                                           TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                               Notes to Financial Statements
                                   For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

IV         Taxes (continued)

6       Corporate income tax (continued)

           Company Name                                                         Reason
                                                                 tax rate
           Shangqiu Suoguang Energy Technology Co.,          2.5% ~ 10%         Small low-profit business
           Shangqiu Suoyuan Energy Technology Co.,           2.5% ~ 10%         Small low-profit business
           Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Construction             2.5% ~ 10%         Small low-profit business
           Management Co., Ltd.
           Inner Mongolia Environmental Energy               2.5% ~ 10%         Small low-profit business
           Resources Development Co., Ltd.
           Ulanqab Dishengsheng Energy Co., Ltd.                    5.0%        Small low-profit business
           Tongliao Guangdong New Energy Co., Ltd.                  5.0%        Small low-profit business
           Alxa League Huanju New Energy Co., Ltd.                  5.0%        Small low-profit business
           Jinxiang Haotian New Energy Co., Ltd.                    5.0%        Small low-profit business
           Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Asset                           5.0%        Small low-profit business
           Management Co., Ltd.
           Inner Mongolia Huanya Hotel Management                   5.0%        Small low-profit business
           Co., Ltd.
           Shangqiu Suoneng Energy Technology Co.,                  2.5%        Small low-profit business
           Tianjin Zhonghuan Zhongda Technology Co.,                2.5%        Small low-profit business
           Sichuan Sunpiestore Technology Co., Ltd.                   5%        Small low-profit business
           Guizhou Sunpiestore Technology Co., Ltd.                   5%        Small low-profit business
           Tianjin Zhonghuan Hengda Technology Co.,                             Small low-profit business
           Tianjin Yingtuo Computer Control                                     Small low-profit business
           Technology Co., Ltd.
           Tianjin Zhongdian High Tech Co., Ltd.                    2.5%        Small low-profit business
           Tianjin Zhonghuan Electronic Instrument                              Small low-profit business
           Co., Ltd.

           According to the Notice on Implementing Inclusive Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies for Small and
           Micro Enterprises (Cai Shui [2019] No. 13) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of
           Taxation on January 17, 2019 and the Announcement on Implementing Preferential Income Tax Policies for
           Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households(Announcement No. 12
           [2021] of the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation) issued by the Ministry of Finance and
           the State Administration of Taxation on April 2, 2021, the annual taxable income of a small low-profit
           enterprise that is not less than RMB1 million shall be included in its taxable income at the reduced rate of
           25%, and shall be eligible to halve its corporate income tax after it pays corporate income tax with tax rate of
           20% thereafter for the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022.
           According to the Announcement on Further Implementing Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small and
           Micro Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on March 14,
           2022 (Announcement No. 13 [2022] of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation),
           from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, the annual taxable income of small and low-profit enterprises
           exceeding RMB1 million but at no more than 3 million yuan will be included in the taxable income at a
           reduced rate of 25%, and the enterprise income tax will be paid at the rate of 20%. .

    7      Individual income tax

           Individual income tax of income paid to employees by the Company is withheld by the Company on behalf of
           employees in accordance with to the relevant national tax regulations.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

    1   Monetary assets

                                                                       June 30, 2022         December 31, 2021

         Cash on hand                                                           601                         789
         Bank deposits                                                   30,617,093                  29,049,850
         Deposits with the central bank                                     433,812                     481,162
         Interest receivable on deposits                                    196,410                      64,825
         Other monetary assets                                            2,547,601                   1,797,066

                                                                         33,795,517                  31,393,692

Note Monetary assets with restricted use rights

                                                                       June 30, 2022         December 31, 2021

         TCL Tech Finance's statutory reserve deposits with the
         central bank                                                       432,087                    358,178
         Interest receivable on deposits                                    196,410                     64,825
         Other restricted monetary assets                                 1,490,699                    888,984

                                                                          2,119,196                   1,311,987

         On June 30, 2022, the Company's bank deposits of RMB432,087 thousand (At the end of 2021:
         RMB358,178 thousand) were statutory deposit reserves deposited with the Central Bank by TCL Technology
         Group Finance Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company.

         On June 30, 2022, the Company’s monetary assets offshore amounted to RMB3,059,740 thousand (At the
         end of 2021: RMB2,817,430 thousand), all of which were owned by the overseas subsidiaries of the

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

    2   Held-for-trading financial assets

                                                                        June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

        Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss              8,975,013            7,601,256
        Including: Debt instrument investments                             8,715,145            7,288,741
               Equity instrument investments                                 259,868              312,515

                                                                           8,975,013            7,601,256

    3   Derivative financial assets

                                                                        June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

        Foreign exchange forwards                                            377,658               59,063
        Interest rate swaps                                                  110,407               11,866
        Others                                                                   363                    -

                                                                             488,428               70,929

    4   Notes receivable

(1)     Notes receivable by category

                                                                        June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

        Bank acceptance notes                                                 502,406             775,423
        Letter of credit                                                      268,962                   -
        Trade acceptance notes                                                    697                 779

                                                                              772,065             776,202

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

4       Notes receivable (continued)

(1) Notes receivable by category (continued)
                                                   June 30, 2022                                          December 31, 2021
                                 Gross amount            Allowance                        Gross amount           Allowance
                                                                              Carrying                                              Carrying
                                         Ratio                                                    Ratio
                                Amount             Amount     Percentage      amount     Amount              Amount    Percentage   amount
                                          (%)                                                      (%)
    Notes receivable for
    which the allowance for
    doubtful accounts were
    established on the
    grouping basis              772,065    100%           -               -    772,065   776,202    100%           -            -    776,202
    Including: group with no
    recovery risk               771,368   99.91%          -               -    771,368   775,423   99.90%          -            -    775,423
            By aging analysis       697    0.09%          -               -        697       779    0.10%          -            -        779

                                772,065    100%           -               -    772,065   776,202    100%           -            -    776,202

(2) On June 30, 2022, notes receivable in pledge were RMB278,564 thousand.

(3) Endorsed or discounted notes receivable that were outstanding on the balance sheet date and were derecognized
    as on June 30, 2022 amounted to RMB395,695 thousand. Endorsed or discounted notes receivable that were not
    outstanding on the balance sheet date and were not derecognized as amounted to RMB103,639 thousand.

    5     Accounts receivable

                                                                                          June 30, 2022               December 31, 2021

          Accounts receivable                                                                19,525,099                       18,657,744
          Less: allowance for doubtful accounts                                                 439,866                          418,962

                                                                                             19,085,233                       18,238,782

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

5     Accounts receivable (continued)

      Accounts receivable in the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 are classified as follows by
(1)     how the allowances for doubtful accounts were provisioned :

                                                                               June 30, 2022
                                                       Gross amount                         Allowance
                                                                                         ECL rate     Gross amount

      Accounts receivable for which the related
        allowances for doubtful accounts were
        established on the individual basis                     209,909                        100%         209,903
       Of which:
       Accounts receivable                                      209,909                        100%         209,903

        Accounts receivable for which the
      related allowances for doubtful accounts
      were established on the grouping basis                  19,315,190                   1.19%            229,963
        Of which:
        Group 1: By aging analysis                            13,841,352                   1.53%            211,226
        Group 2 : by related party grouping                   4,378,861                   0.43%             18,737
        Group 3: Group with no recovery risk                   1,094,978                        -                  -

                                                              19,525,099                                    439,866

(2) The aging of accounts receivable is analysed as follows:

                                                    June 30, 2022                          December 31, 2021
                                                   Amount             Ratio (%)             Amount         Ratio (%)

      Within 1 year                              18,102,946                92.72%        17,493,941          93.76%
      1 to 2 years                                  535,372                 2.74%           465,391           2.49%
      2 to 3 years                                  325,706                 1.67%           309,150           1.66%
      Over 3 years                                  561,075                 2.87%           389,262           2.09%

                                                 19,525,099                 100%         18,657,744           100%

                                         TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                             Notes to Financial Statements
                                 For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

5         Accounts receivable (continued)

(3)       Allowances for doubtful accounts receivable are analysed as follows:
                                                                          June 30, 2022        December 31, 2021

          Beginning amount                                                      418,962                  281,281
          New subsidiary                                                               -                  33,745
          Accrued in current period                                               39,854                209,480
          Reversal of current period                                           (18,627)                 (86,588)
          Write-off of current period                                            (1,200)                (12,759)
          Reduced subsidiary                                                           -                  (5,381)
          Exchange adjustment                                                        877                    (816)

          Ending amount                                                        439,866                  418,962

    (4)   On June 30, 2022, the accounts receivable of the top five balances are as follows:

                                                                          June 30, 2022        December 31, 2021

          Total amount owed by the top five                                  8,856,242                 8,922,641

          Proportion of total accounts receivable                               45.36%                   47.82%

      6   Receivables financing

                                                                          June 30, 2022        December 31, 2021

          Notes receivable financing                                          2,223,849                2,217,639

                                                                              2,223,849                2,217,639

Note Endorsed or discounted notes receivable that were outstanding on the balance sheet date and were
     derecognized on June 30, 2022 amounted to RMB25,046,597 thousand.
     On June 30, 2022, the Company was of the opinion that the held receivables financing did not have
     significant credit risk and would not cause significant losses due to default.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

7      Prepayments

 (1)   Prepayments are analyzed as follows:

                                                                  June 30, 2022        December 31, 2021

       Within 1 year                                                  3,995,436                2,297,910
       1-2 years                                                         38,958                    6,560
       2-3 years                                                          4,277                    1,376
       Over 3 years                                                         242                      479

                                                                      4,038,913                2,306,325

 (2)   As of June 30, 2022, the prepayments of the top five balances are as follows:

                                                                  June 30, 2022        December 31, 2021

       Total amount owed by the top five                              2,191,727                1,681,650

       As % of total prepayments                                        54.27%                   72.91%

8      Other receivables

                                                                   June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021

       Dividends receivable                                             335,077                        -
       Other receivables                                              3,837,771                4,458,621

                                                                      4,172,848                4,458,621

(1)     Dividends receivable

                                                                   June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021

       Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.                                       327,157                        -
       Tianjin 712 Communication &                                        7,777
       Broadcasting Co., Ltd.                                                                          -
       Others                                                               143                        -

                                                                        335,077                        -

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

 8      Other receivables (continued)

(2) Other receivables

                                                                   June 30, 2022               December 31, 2021

       Other receivables                                                4,063,658                      4,681,100
       Less: allowance for
       doubtful accounts                                                 225,887                         222,479

                                                                        3,837,771                      4,458,621

 (a)    Nature of other receivables is analyzed as follows:

                                                                  June 30, 2022                December 31, 2021

       Subsidy receivable                                               1,985,491                      1,696,203
       Equity transfer receivables                                        708,265                      1,480,960
       Receivables from external
       entities                                                          535,127                         832,197
       Security deposits                                                 513,792                         421,430
       Others                                                             95,096                          27,831

                                                                        3,837,771                      4,458,621

 (b)   Allowance for doubtful other receivables is analyzed as follows:

                                                       Lifetime ECL           Lifetime ECL
                                     12-month             (credit not                (credit
                                         ECL               impaired)              impaired)                 Total

       Beginning amount                76,254                 120,291               25,934               222,479
       Current accrual                  5,498                      23                    -                 5,521
       Reversal of current
       period                             (3)                   (912)                 (255)               (1,170)
       Write-off of current
       period                               -                   (652)                 (254)                (906)
       adjustment                        (37)                       -                      -                 (37)

       June 30, 2022                   81,712                 118,750               25,425               225,887

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

8     Other receivables (continued)

(c)   The aging of other receivables is analyzed as follows:

                                       June 30, 2022                                    December 31, 2021
                            Carrying amount                Ratio (%)           Carrying amount            Ratio (%)

      Within 1 year                3,291,864                 81.00%                    3,991,248                 85.26%
      1 to 2 years                   347,626                  8.55%                      292,805                  6.26%
      2 to 3 years                   258,533                  6.37%                      228,974                  4.89%
      Over 3 years                   165,635                  4.08%                      168,073                  3.59%

                                   4,063,658                    100%                   4,681,100                   100%

(d)   As of June 30, 2022, the other receivables of the top five balances are as follows:

                                                                    June 30, 2022                    December 31, 2021

      Total amount owed by the top
      five                                                              2,754,201                              3,381,203
      As % of total other
      receivables                                                         67.78%                                 72.23%

(e)   On June 30, 2022, there was no transfer of other receivables that did not conform to the conditions for
      derecognition in the balance of this account; no transaction arrangement for asset securitization with other
      receivables as the subject asset; and no financial instrument that was the subject of securitization and did not
      conform to the conditions for derecognition.

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

 9     Inventories

(1) Inventories are classified as follows:

                                       June 30, 2022                                   December 31, 2021
                                       Provision for                                     Provision for
                                        depreciation                                      depreciation
                                                   of                                                of
                                        inventories /                                     inventories /
                                           provision                                         provision
                                                  for                                               for
                                         impairment                                        impairment
                                          of contract                                       of contract      Carrying
                        Gross          performance        Carrying         Gross         performance          amount
                       amount                   costs      amount         amount                  costs

       materials     4,220,419             698,908       3,521,511     4,247,095             652,265        3,594,830
       Work in
       progress      2,778,138             334,073       2,444,065     2,705,288             321,606        2,383,682
       Goods         8,816,198            1,089,257      7,726,941     8,541,513             823,701        7,717,812
       materials       333,643                1,156       332,487        388,135               1,102         387,033

                   16,148,398             2,123,394     14,025,004    15,882,031            1,798,674      14,083,357

       On June 30, 2022, the Company had no inventory for liabilities guarantee.

(2) Provision for depreciation of inventories / provision for impairment of contract performance costs:

                     January 1,            Current         Current       Current        Exchange            June 30,
                          2022             Accrual        Reversal      Write-off      Adjustment              2022

     materials         652,265             202,134        (16,463)     (139,028)                 -          698,908
     Work in
     progress          321,606             163,357        (45,359)     (105,531)                 -          334,073
     Goods             823,701             708,657         (5,472)      (438,211)             582          1,089,257
     materials           1,102                  54               -                 -             -            1,156

                     1,798,674           1,074,202        (67,294)     (682,770)              582          2,123,394

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 V       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

10       Contract assets

 (1)     Contract assets are classified as follows:

                                         June 30, 2022                               December 31, 2021
                                           Allowance                                     Allowance
                                Gross              for           Carrying       Gross            for         Carrying
                               amount        doubtful             amount       amount      doubtful           amount
                                             accounts                                      accounts

       receivable              284,450           9,162           275,288      239,753             6,224      233,529

 (2)    Valuation allowances for contract assets are analyzed as follows:

                                                                        Current                 Other
                                                                     Reversal or        increases and
                      January 1, 2022            Accrual
                                                                       write-off            decreases     June 30, 2022
        charges                 6,224               2,938                      -                    -            9,162

11      Other current assets

                                                                            June 30, 2022          December 31, 2021

       Short-term debt investments                                                   279,000                  571,140
       VAT to be deducted, to be certified, etc.                                   2,455,846                3,931,095
       Current portion of loans and advances to customers
       (note)                                                                      1,228,727                1,169,487
       Others                                                                        197,233                  131,238

                                                                                   4,160,806                5,802,960

       Note: Loans and advances due within one year are loans due within one year from TCL Technology Group
       Finance Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, of which interest receivable is RMB3,387 thousand.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

12    Debt Investments

                                                                                     June 30, 2022         December 31, 2021

      National debt and secondary market debt (note)                                        20,136                             -

13    Long-term receivables
                                  June 30, 2022                                   December 31, 2021                 Discount
                       Gross                         Carrying          Gross                          Carrying        rate
                                    Allowance                                        Allowance
                      amount                         amount           amount                          amount        Interval
     Finance lease     639,690               -        639,690          651,118               -          651,118
     income           (814,080)              -       (814,080)        (848,837)              -        (848,837)

                       639,690               -        639,690          651,118               -          651,118

14    Long-term equity investments
                                     June 30, 2022                                          December 31, 2021
                         Gross        Impairment             Carrying               Gross      Impairment           Carrying
                        amount         allowance              amount               amount       allowance            amount
     (1)             26,123,780              1,624        26,122,156          25,086,945               1,624      25,085,321
     (2)                592,417             49,503               542,914          604,760             49,503        555,257
                    26,716,197         51,127       26,665,070     25,691,705           51,127      25,640,578
     As of June 30, 2022, the Company established impairment allowances for long-term equity investments in
     investees with poor management and insolvent assets.

                                                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

 14    Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1)     Associates
                                                                                                             Increase or decrease in current period
                                                                                                                    Other                            Declared
                                                                     Increase/decrease         gains and                       Other                                 Accrued
                                                        Beginning                                           comprehensive                  Cash dividends or                   Other increases
      Name of investee                                                 in investment in            losses                      equity                             Impairment
                                                          amount                                                  income                   profit distribution                  and decreases    June 30, 2022
                                                                         current period   recognized by                      changes                               allowance
                                                                                                               adjustment                            declared
                                                                                          equity method
      Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.                        11,919,796                    -          729,672            4,068           -                 (327,157)            -                 -     12,326,379
      China Innovative Capital Management Limited        1,063,219                    -         (74,814)                -           -                         -            -                 -        988,405
      LG Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                    92,079                    -            5,763                -           -                  (13,000)            -                 -         84,842
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply
      Chain Management Co., Ltd.                           36,160                     -          (1,405)                 -          -                         -            -                 -         34,755
      Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co.,
      Ltd.                                                 10,706                     -            2,311                 -          -                         -            -                 -         13,017
      Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                  3,620                     -          (1,823)                 -          -                                      -                 -          1,797
      TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.                38,605                     -              315                 -          -                                      -                 -         38,920
      TCL Finance (Hong Kong) Co., Limited                109,317                     -          (9,014)                 -          -                                      -                 -        100,303
      Urumqi TCL Equity Investment Management Co.,
      Ltd.                                                     71                     -              675                 -          -                                      -                 -            746
      Hubei Changjiang Hezhi Equity Investment Fund
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)                  1,555,876             (4,304)          129,552                  -          -                                      -                 -      1,681,124
      Ningbo Dongpeng Weichuang Equity Investment
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)                   396,773              (4,993)             9,707                 -          -                  (44,257)            -                 -        357,230
      Deqing Puhua Equity Investment Fund Partnership
      (Limited Partnership)                               192,956             (41,572)             (788)                 -          -                                      -                 -        150,596

                                                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                                                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)
14     Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1)    Associates (continued)

                                                                                                          Increase or decrease in current period
                                                                                          gains and           Other                               Declared                    Other
                                                                   Increase/decrease                                        Other
                                                       Beginning                             losses   comprehensive                     Cash dividends or     Impairment   increases
      Name of investee                                               in investment in                                       equity
                                                         amount                         recognized          income                      profit distribution    allowance        and    June 30, 2022
                                                                       current period                                     changes
                                                                                          by equity      adjustment                               declared                 decreases
      Ningbo Dongpeng Heli Equity Investment
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)                 463,294             (15,690)      (10,793)                 -             -                 (42,218)            -           -        394,593
      Wuxi TCL Aisikai Semi-conductor Industry
      Investment Fund Partnership (Limited
      Partnership)                                      232,764              (3,767)        63,977                6              -                        -            -         (6)        292,974
      Wuxi TCL Venture Capital Partnership (Limited
      Partnership)                                        35,580                    -           (6)                -             -                        -            -          6          35,580
      Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Qiyu Investment
      Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)        64,975                    -        (583)                 -             -                        -            -           -         64,392
      Shanghai Gen Auspicious Venture Capital
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)                   29,945                    -      (1,333)              145              -                   (571)             -           -         28,186
      Nanjing Zijin A Dynamic Investment Partnership
      (Limited Partnership)                               19,725                    -           (2)               6              -                        -            -           -         19,729
      Huizhou Kaichuang Venture Investment
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)                    8,700                    -                              -             -                        -            -           -          8,700
      Beijing A Dynamic Venture Capital Center
      (Limited Partnership)                                6,415                    -        3,510                 -             -                        -            -           -          9,925
      Yixing Jiangnan Tianyuan Venture Capital
      Company (Limited Partnership)                        3,750                    -           (3)               9              -                        -            -           -          3,756
      Shenzhen Chuangdong New Industry Investment
      Fund Enterprise (Limited Partnership)                2,341                    -             -                -             -                        -            -           -          2,341
      Hubei Changjiang Hezhi Equity Investment Fund
      Management Co., Ltd.                                 6,006                    -          919                 -             -                        -            -           -          6,925
      Huizhou Kaimeng Angel Investment Partnership
      (Limited Partnership)                                2,595                    -         (14)                 -             -                        -            -           -          2,581
      Ningbo Jiutian Matrix Investment Management
      Co., Ltd. (note)                                     2,851                    -        (106)                 -             -                        -            -           -          2,745
      Urumqi Qixinda Equity Investment Management
      Co., Ltd.                                            1,137                    -          837                 -             -                        -            -           -          1,974

                                                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                                                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

14     Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1)    Associates (continued)
                                                                                                           Increase or decrease in current period
                                                                                                                  Other                            Declared
                                                                    Increase/decrease         gains and                      Other                                Accrued
                                                        Beginning                                         comprehensive                  Cash dividends or                  Other increases
      Name of investee                                                in investment in           losses                      equity                            Impairment
                                                          amount                                                income                   profit distribution                 and decreases    June 30, 2022
                                                                        current period   recognized by                     changes                              allowance
                                                                                                             adjustment                            declared
                                                                                         equity method
      Urumqi TCL Create Dynamic Equity Investment
      Management Co., Ltd.                                   761                     -              (1)                -          -                        -            -                 -            760
      Beijing A Dynamic Investment Consulting Co.,
      Ltd.                                                   469                     -                -                -          -                        -            -                 -            469
      Shanghai Gen Auspicious Investment Management
      Co., Ltd.                                              918                     -         (1,501)                 -          -                   (362)             -                 -          (945)
      Nanjing A Dynamic Equity Investment Fund
      Management Co., Ltd.                                    283                    -             (2)                 -          -                        -            -                -             281
      Wuxi TCL Medical Imaging Technology Co., Ltd.        29,235                    -         (4,583)                 -          -                        -            -               72          24,724
      Aijiexu New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen)
      Co., Ltd.                                          635,360                     -         63,000                 -           -                        -            -                -         698,360
      TCL Ventures Fund L.P.                              53,019                     -          12,113                -           -                        -            -            2,799          67,931
      Getech Ltd.                                         21,032                     -         (4,211)              199           -                        -            -            8,401          25,421
      TCL Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.             130,643                     -           3,539                -           -                        -            -                -         134,182
      Guangdong Innovative Lingyue Intelligent
      Manufacturing and Information Technology
      Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership
      (Limited Partnership)                              372,976                     -         (5,792)                 -          -                        -            -                 -        367,184
      Guangdong Utrust Emerging Industry Equity
      Investment Fund Partnership (Limited
      Partnership)                                       151,026                (279)           13,636                 -          -                        -            -                 -        164,383

                                                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

14     Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1)    Associates (continued)
                                                                                                            Increase or decrease in current period
                                                                                                                   Other                            Declared
                                                                     Increase/decrease         gains and                      Other                                Accrued
                                                         Beginning                                         comprehensive                  Cash dividends or                  Other increases
      Name of investee                                                 in investment in           losses                      equity                            Impairment
                                                           amount                                                income                   profit distribution                 and decreases    June 30, 2022
                                                                         current period   recognized by                     changes                              allowance
                                                                                                              adjustment                            declared
                                                                                          equity method
      Shenzhen Xinhuoyicheng Recreational and Sports
      Industry Co., Ltd.                                    1,417                   -              (45)                 -          -                        -            -                -           1,372
      Pride Telecom Limited                                     -                   -                 -                 -          -                        -            -                -               -
      JOLED Incorporation                                 869,073              80,960          (92,657)                 -          -                        -            -         (95,560)         761,816
      Sichuan Shengtian New Energy Development Co.,
      Ltd.                                                478,264                    -           15,162                 -          -                        -            -                 -        493,426
      Yanyuan Fengguang New Energy Co., Ltd.               62,528             (41,822)          (4,454)                 -          -                 (16,252)            -                 -              -
      SunPower Systems International Limited               27,792                    -              554                 -          -                        -            -                 -         28,346
      Zhonghuan Aineng (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.       6,843                    -          (1,371)                 -          -                        -            -                 -          5,472
      Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and
      Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.             122,960                     -          10,002                 -          -                        -            -                 -        132,962
      Hunan Guoxin Semiconductor Technology Co.,
      Ltd.                                                   9,758                    -           (330)                 -          -                        -            -                 -          9,428
      Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd.                    2,020,194                    -       (158,018)                 -          -                        -            -                 -      1,862,176
      Xinjiang Xiexin New Energy Material Technology
      Co., Ltd.                                          1,691,361                    -       1,039,939                 -          -                        -            -                 -      2,731,300
      Ruihuan (Inner Mongolia) Solar Power Co., Ltd.         5,896                    -               -                 -          -                        -            -                 -          5,896
      Tianjin Zhonghuan Haihe Intelligent
      Manufacturing Fund Partnership (Limited
      Partnership)                                        659,630                     -               2                 -          -                        -            -                 -        659,632
      Zhonghuan Feilang (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.      4,722                     -             145                 -          -                        -            -                 -          4,867
      Ningbo Zhongxin Venture Capital Partnership
      Tianjin Huanxin                                       58,278                    -           (289)                 -          -                        -            -                 -         57,989

                                                                              TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                                  Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                      For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

14    Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1)   Associates (continued)
                                                                                                            Increase or decrease in current period
                                                                                                                    Other                             Declared
                                                                      Increase/decrease         gains and                      Other                                 Accrued
                                                         Beginning                                        comprehensive                     Cash dividends or                  Other increases
      Name of investee                                                  in investment in           losses                     equity                              Impairment
                                                           amount                                                 income                    profit distribution                 and decreases    June 30, 2022
                                                                          current period   recognized by                    changes                                allowance
                                                                                                              adjustment                              declared
                                                                                           equity method
      TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co.,
      Ltd.                                                 421,762                     -             (74)                 -          -                        -            -                 -        421,688
      Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical
      Engineering Co., Ltd.                                  2,914                     -                -                 -          -                 (2,289)             -                 -            625
      Inner Mongolia Huanye Material Co., Ltd.               4,109                     -                -                 -          -                       -             -                 -          4,109
      Shenzhen Shutuo Technology Co., Ltd.                  38,038                     -            (428)                 -          -                       -             -                 -         37,610
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International
      Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                     49,964                     -           3,020                  -          -                        -            -                 -         52,984
      Wuhan Guochuangke Optoelectronic
      Equipment Co., Ltd.                                   24,744                     -            (539)                 -          -                        -            -                 -         24,205
      TCL Intelligent Technology (Ningbo) Co.,                   -                     -                -                 -          -                        -            -                 -              -
      Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co.,                    -                    -                -                 -          -                        -            -                 -               -
      Purplevine Holdings Limited                                -                3,789            9,200                  -          -                        -            -          (5,142)           7,849
      Hubei Consumer Finance Co., Ltd.                     168,654                    -            6,091                  -          -                        -            -         (14,174)         160,572
      Tianjin 712 Communication & Broadcasting
      Co., Ltd.                                            661,442             (88,084)           21,332                  -          -                 (7,777)             -         (64,342)         522,569

                                                        25,085,321            (115,762)        1,769,994             4,434           -               (453,883)             -        (167,948)      26,122,156

      Note: Tianjin Huanxin Technology & Development Co., Ltd. Was renamed as TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin)
      Co., Ltd in April 2022.

                                                                            TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                                Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                    For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

14          Long-term equity investments (continued)

(2)         Joint ventures
                                                                                                             Increase or decrease in current period
                                                             Increase/de                                                                  Declared
                                                                            Investment gains           Other
                                                                crease in                                                          Cash dividends        Accrued           Other
                                                 Beginning                         and losses   comprehens        Other equity
                  Name of investee                            investment                                                                  or profit   Impairment   increases and
                                                   amount                      recognized by     ive income           changes                                                      June 30, 2022
                                                               in current                                                              distribution    allowance       decreases
                                                                              equity method      adjustment
                                                                   period                                                                 declared

      TCL Huizhou City, Kai Enterprise
      Management Limited                             1,329              -                 11               -                 -                   -             -               -          1,340
      Huizhou TCL Human Resources Service Co.,
      Ltd.                                           3,296              -              3,030               -                 -                   -             -               -          6,326
      Zhangjiakou Qixin Equity Investment Fund
      Partnership                                   92,681              -              (757)               -                 -                   -             -               -         91,924
      Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co.,
      Ltd. (Note 1)                                     -               -                  -               -                 -                   -             -               -              -
      Tianjin Huanyan Technology Co., Ltd.        144,517               -              (269)               -                 -                   -             -               -        144,248
      TCL Microchip Technology (Guangdong)
      Co., Ltd.                                   313,434               -           (14,358)               -                 -                   -             -               -        299,076

                                                  555,257               -           (12,343)               -                 -                   -             -               -        542,914

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 V        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

 14       Long-term equity investments (continued)

(3)       Impairment allowances for long-term equity investments
                                                                        Increase       Decrease
                                                      January 1,              in             in                June 30,
                                                           2022          current        current                   2022
                                                                          period         period

           Pride Telecom Limited                            1,624               -                -                   1,624     Note 1
           Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia)
           Power Co., Ltd.                                 49,503               -                -              49,503         Note 1

                                                           51,127               -                -              51,127

 Note 1     Impairment allowances were established for the long-term investments in these investees at recoverable amounts
            because continuous operations loss occurred to these investees with poor management.

15         Investments in other equity instruments

                                                                                       June 30, 2022            December 31, 2021

      Stocks                                                                                   88,092                         109,011
      Equity of unlisted companies                                                            839,444                         818,308
                                                                                              927,536                         927,319

                                                                                Amount of                                 Reasons for
                                                                                                    designated as
                                                                                      other                                      other
                               Confirmed                                                         measured at fair
                                                                            comprehensive                              comprehensive
                                 Dividend   Accumulated     Accumulated                         value and whose
      Item name                                                                     income                                     income
                                  income         Profits         losses                              changes are
                                                                             transferred to                             transferred to
                               recognized                                                       included in other
                                                                                   retained                                   retained
                                                                                  earnings                                   earnings

                                                                                                 Being held long
                                                                                                term for strategic     Sold in current
      Stocks                            -          4,115       (109,186)                  -             purposes                period
                                                                                                 Being held long
                                                                                                                       Sold in current
      Equity of unlisted                                                                        term for strategic
      companies                         -          9,033        (40,751)                  -             purposes
      Total                             -         13,148       (149,937)                  -

16          Other non-current financial assets
                                                                                       June 30, 2022            December 31, 2021

          Equity investments                                                                  829,914                        2,149,781
          Debt investments                                                                    298,697                          554,257

                                                                                           1,128,611                         2,704,038

                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

17 Investment property

                                                 Houses and
                                                                     Land use rights       Total
    Gross amount:
    January 1, 2022                                  896,416                 92,817     989,233
       Reclassified from fixed assets and
    intangible assets                                124,908                       -    124,908
       Reclassified to fixed assets and
    intangible assets                               (43,013)                  (175)     (43,188)

    June 30, 2022                                    978,311                 92,642    1,070,953

    Accumulated depreciation and
    January 1, 2022                                  165,990                  8,376     174,366
       Accrued in current period                        16,577                1,072      17,649
       Reclassified from fixed assets and
    intangible assets                                   38,266                     -     38,266
       Reclassified to fixed assets and
    intangible assets                                (5,326)                       -     (5,326)

    June 30, 2022                                    215,507                  9,448     224,955

    Investment property, net:
    June 30, 2022                                    762,804                 83,194     845,998
    January 1, 2022                                  730,426                 84,441     814,867
    Impairment allowance:
    January 1, 2022                                     52,965                     -     52,965
      Increase in current period                             -                     -           -
      Decrease in current period                             -                     -           -

    June 30, 2022                                       52,965                     -     52,965

    Investment property, carrying
    June 30, 2022                                    709,839                 83,194     793,033
    January 1, 2022                                  677,461                 84,441     761,902

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

18   Fixed assets

                               Houses                   Office and
                                   and    Machinery      electronic   Transportation      Power
                             buildings    equipment     equipment         equipment      stations    Other         Total
     Gross amount:
     December 31, 2021      36,809,487   144,268,573    6,141,205           228,961    2,361,036    21,576   189,830,838
     Change of accounting
     policy                          -       144,462            -                 -            -         -       144,462
     January 1, 2022        36,809,487   144,413,035    6,141,205           228,961    2,361,036    21,576   189,975,300
       Reclassified from
     investment property       43,013              -              -                -            -        -       43,013
       Reclassified from
     construction in
     progress                1,845,051    10,576,943       72,518            10,093          391         -    12,504,996
       Acquisition and
                                 7,097     4,892,816       37,137            12,817             -    1,040     4,950,907
       Written down with
     government grants               -      (77,220)              -                -            -        -      (77,220)
       Reclassified to
     investment property     (124,908)             -             -                -             -        -     (124,908)
       Other decreases        (23,670)   (3,362,523)   (3,686,523)         (21,600)             -     (80)   (7,094,396)
     Exchange adjustment         4,412         1,184           379              193             -     412          6,580

     June 30, 2022          38,560,482   156,444,235    2,564,716           230,464    2,361,427    22,948   200,184,272

     December 31, 2021       6,424,323    64,912,283    2,500,253           145,498     426,922     13,504    74,422,783
     Change of accounting
     policy                          -             -            -                 -           -          -             -
     January 1, 2022         6,424,323    64,912,283    2,500,253           145,498     426,922     13,504    74,422,783
       Accrual                687,481      7,531,330      114,985            17,077      43,294       999      8,395,166
      Reclassified from
     investment property        5,326              -              -                -            -        -         5,326
      Other increases                      1,246,475                                                           1,246,475
       Reclassified to
     investment property      (38,266)                            -                -            -        -      (38,266)

      Other decreases          (7,116)   (1,290,448)    (993,165)          (14,062)             -       -    (2,304,791)
     Exchange adjustment           317         1,295          209               105             -     115          2,041

     June 30, 2022           7,072,065    72,400,935    1,622,282           148,618     470,216     14,618    81,728,734

     Fixed assets, net:

     June 30, 2022          31,488,417    84,043,300      942,434            81,846    1,891,211     8,330   118,455,538

     January 1, 2022        30,385,164    79,500,752    3,640,952            83,463    1,934,114     8,072   115,552,517
     December 31, 2021      30,385,164    79,356,290    3,640,952            83,463    1,934,114     8,072   115,408,055

                                               TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                   Notes to Financial Statements
                                       For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

18 Fixed assets (continued)
                                      Houses                 Office and
                                                Machinery                   Transportation         Power
                                          and                 electronic                                      Other           Total
                                                equipment                       equipment         stations
                                    buildings                equipment
          January 1, 2022            771,541      653,840      338,477              2,429         62,059        412       1,828,758
          Accrued in current
          Other transfers in                -     305,506              -                 -               -        -        305,506
          Write-off of current
          period                      (5,224)    (153,488)      (1,302)            (2,131)             -          -       (162,145)
          Other transfers out               -            -    (305,387)              (119)             -          -       (305,506)
          June 30, 2022              766,317       805,858       31,788                179        62,059        412       1,666,613

          Fixed assets, carrying
          June 30, 2022
                                   30,722,100   83,237,442     910,646             81,667       1,829,152     7,918     116,788,925
          January 1, 2022
                                   29,613,623   78,846,912   3,302,475             81,034       1,872,055     7,660     113,723,759
          December 31, 2021
                                   29,613,623   78,702,450   3,302,475             81,034       1,872,055     7,660     113,579,297

            Please refer to Item 80 of Note V for information on fixed asset mortgage. As of June 30, 2022, the cost of the
            fixed assets that the Company had fully depreciated and still continued to use amounted to RMB34,922,674

            Fixed assets with pending ownership certificates at the end of the current period:

                                                                                                       Expected time of obtaining
                                                                           Carrying amount
                                                                                                         ownership certificate

            Houses and buildings
                                                                                      14,105,697                      Within 2023

Note        As of June 30, 2022, the fixed assets with pending ownership certificates of the Company were mainly the
            buildings and constructions of CSOT's t3, t4, t6, and t7 manufacturing bases, as well as the buildings and
            constructions of Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Solar Material Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Crystal
            Material Co., Ltd., Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Advanced Semi-conductor Material Co., Ltd., Jiangsu
            Zhonghuan Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Huanhai Industrial Park Co., Ltd.

    19        Construction in progress
    (1)       Schedule of construction in progress
                                                              June 30, 2022           January 1, 2022          December 31, 2021

          Construction in progress                               43,564,862                  37,175,664                37,112,045
          Less: Impairment allowance                                145,912                     146,160                   146,160

                                                                 43,418,950                  37,029,504                36,965,885

                                                                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

19    Construction in progress (continued)
(2)   Changes to construction in progress

                                                                                                                                             Project                                                Interest
                                                              Change in                                                                      input                                 Including:     capitalizat
                                                              Accounting   Increase in   Transfer-in in                                   Investment               Cumulative     capitalized       ion rate
                                                 Beginning      Policy       current     current period     Other                           as % of     Project    capitalized     interest in    for current
           Project name            Budget         amount       changes       period       Fixed assets    decreases       June 30, 2022     budget     progress      interest    current period      period       Funding source

      t7 production line of                                                                                                                                                                                            Self-funded +
      LCD panel                    35,337,000     3,362,350            -     1,616,903      (1,297,514)      (5,024)          3,676,715         69%        69%        450,374           57,942        1.03%     external-loan-funded
      t5 production line of
      LCD panel                    12,500,000      739,416             -     1,482,131          (1,394)               -       2,220,153         22%        22%               -                -             -            Self-funded
      t4 production line of                                                                                                                                                                                            Self-funded +
      LCD panel                    35,000,000    17,226,269            -       775,811        (556,415)     (14,648)         17,431,017         96%        96%      1,228,973          137,949        2.13%     external-loan-funded
      t9 production line of
      LCD panel                    31,500,000     3,916,693            -     3,068,318          (5,126)                       6,979,885         22%        22%         29,852           29,852        4.37%             Self-funded
      Production line of 8-
      12-inch semiconductor
      silicon wafers for
      integrated circuit            5,707,172     1,307,446            -       708,150        (742,577)     (14,092)          1,258,927         71%        71%               -                -             -           Self-funded
      Industrialization phase
      V of monocrystalline
      silicon materials for
      renewable solar power
      batteries and
      monocrystalline silicon
      wafers for ultra-thin
      high-efficient solar                                                                                                                                                                                             Self-funded +
      power batteries               9,125,010      955,959             -       674,972        (709,681)    (311,175)            610,075         97%        97%         54,018                 -             -   external-loan-funded
      50GW (G12) solar-
      grade monocrystalline
      silicon material smart
      factory project              10,979,740      543,611             -     2,768,844      (1,462,903)               -       1,849,552          30%        30%              -                -            -            Self-funded
                                                                                                                                                  Not        Not          Not              Not          Not
      Others                    Not applicable    8,914,141       63,619     8,450,250      (7,729,386)    (305,998)          9,392,626    applicable applicable    applicable       applicable   applicable          Not applicable

                                                 36,965,885       63,619    19,545,379    (12,504,996)     (650,937)         43,418,950

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

20      Right-of-use assets
                                Houses and    Transportation    Machinery          Land use
                                 buildings        equipment     equipment             rights
     Gross amount:
     December 31, 2021             867,511            1,164     1,982,380            13,335    2,864,390
       Leased in                   289,890                139            -                 -    290,029
       Other increases                   -                462            -                 -        462
       Other decreases             (13,169)            (339)     (585,917)                -    (599,425)
     Exchange adjustment             1,913                (5)           -                 -        1,908
     June 30, 2022               1,146,145            1,421     1,396,463            13,335    2,557,364

     December 31, 2021             101,348                522     335,526                83     437,479
       New subsidiary                    -                  -           -                 -           -
       Accrual                      61,010                256      91,092               167     152,525
       Reduced subsidiary                 -                 -            -                -            -
       Other decreases              (5,113)            (110)     (123,140)                -    (128,363)
     Exchange adjustment             1,060               (2)            -                 -       1,058
     June 30, 2022                 158,305                666     303,478               250     462,699

     Right-of-use assets,
     carrying amount:
     June 30, 2022                 987,840                755   1,092,985            13,085    2,094,665
     December 31, 2021             766,163                642   1,646,854            13,252    2,426,911

     December 31, 2021                    -                 -            -                 -           -
     June 30, 2022                        -                 -            -                 -           -

     Right-of-use assets,
     carrying amount
     June 30, 2022                 987,840                755   1,092,985            13,085    2,094,665
     December 31, 2021             766,163                642   1,646,854            13,252    2,426,911

                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)
    21 Intangible assets
                                       Land use
                                                    technologies                      Other                         Total
          Gross amount:
          December 31, 2021           8,649,646        8,083,664                  1,590,550                18,323,860
          Change of accounting
          policy                               -          17,899                          -                    17,899
          January 1, 2022             8,649,646        8,101,563                  1,590,550                18,341,759
            Purchase                    777,484          765,937                     98,023                  1,641,444
            Reclassified from
          construction in progress             -                -                    60,279                        60,279
            Reclassified from
          development costs                    -       1,239,973                      3,208                  1,243,181
            Reclassified from
          investment property               175                 -                           -                        175
            Sale and disposal                  -                -                    (2,664)                   (2,664)
          Exchange adjustment                           (26,287)                         155                 (26,132)
          June 30, 2022               9,427,305       10,081,186                  1,749,551                21,258,042

          December 31, 2021                  802,839           2,654,155            739,490                  4,196,484
             Accrual                         130,451             529,871             92,832                       753,154
             Sale and disposal                      -                   -             (520)                       (520)
             Other decreases                  (4,118)                   -             (280)                     (4,398)
          Exchange adjustment                                     (3,531)                89                     (3,442)
          June 30, 2022                      929,172           3,180,495            831,611                  4,941,278
          Intangible assets, net:
          June 30, 2022                    8,498,133           6,900,691            917,940                16,316,764
          December 31, 2021                7,846,807           5,429,509            851,060                14,127,376
          Impairment allowance:
          December 31, 2021                   23,562             110,019             11,148                       144,729
          Accrual                                  -                 442                  -                           442
          Exchange adjustment                      -               1,679                  -                         1,679
          June 30, 2022                       23,562             112,140             11,148                       146,850
          Intangible assets,
          carrying amount:
          June 30, 2022                    8,474,571           6,788,551            906,792                16,169,914
          January 1, 2022                  7,823,245           5,337,389            839,912                14,000,546
          December 31, 2021                7,823,245           5,319,490            839,912                13,982,647

      As of June 30, 2022, the total book value of land use rights for which the title certificate has not been
      registered properly was RMB2,076 thousand.
      Please refer to Item 80 of Note V for information on collateralized intangible assets.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

      22       Development expenditures

             Development expenditures are as follows:

                                                         June 30, 2022         January 1, 2022           December 31, 2021

       Semi-conductor display                               1,532,364                  1,266,973                1,266,973
       New energy photovoltaic & semi-
       conductor materials                                  1,111,053                  1,273,226                1,241,446

                                                            2,643,417                  2,540,199                2,508,419

       23      Goodwill

(1)    Gross amount of goodwill

                                                                                               Decrease in
                   Name of investee or                     Beginning         Increase in                         Ending
                 item incurring goodwill                    amount          current period                       balance

       TCL Medical Radiological Technology       Note
                                                                  28,967                  -                -        28,967
       (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                       1
       Qingdao Blue Business Consulting          Note
                                                                    2,452                 -                -         2,452
       Co., Ltd.                                 2
       Tianjin Huan'Ou Semiconductor             Note
                                                                 214,683                  -                -      214,683
       Material&Technology Co., Ltd.             3
       Tianjin Zhonghuan Electronics Group       Note
                                                             6,726,130                    -                -     6,726,130
       Co., Ltd.                                 4
                                                             1,728,973                    -                -     1,728,973
       Moka International Limited                5
       Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics         Note
                                                                 486,603                  -                -      486,603
       Technology Co., Ltd.                      6

                                                             9,187,808                    -                -     9,187,808

(2)        Goodwill impairment allowance

                                                        Beginning        Increase in      Decrease in
           Name of investee                               amount      current period    current period      Ending balance

           TCL Medical Radiological Technology
           (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                             28,967                  -                 -             28,967

Note 1 In 2010, the Company acquired a 51.82% interest in TCL Medical Radiological Technology (Beijing) Co.,
       Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “TCL Medical Radiological Technology”) with capital of RMB 52,319
       thousand. Thus, the difference between the accumulated investment of the Company in TCL Medical
       Radiological Technology (corresponding to 51.82% interest) and the fair value of the identifiable net assets of
       TCL Medical Radiological Technology attributable to the Company on the settlement date (equal to RMB
       28,967 thousand) was recorded in the Company's goodwill. An impairment allowance of RMB 28,967
       thousand had been established on this goodwill item for 2018.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

23      Goodwill (continued)

Note 2 Highly Information Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, acquired in October 2016 a 60% interest
       in Qingdao Blue Business Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Blue Business Consulting”) with a
       capital of RMB10,000 thousand. Thus, the difference between the accumulated investment of Highly
       Information Industry Co., Ltd. in Blue Business Consulting (corresponding to a 60% interest) and the fair
       value of the identifiable net assets of Blue Business Consulting attributable to Highly Information Industry
       Co., Ltd. on the settlement date (equivalent to RMB 2,452 thousand) was recorded in the Company’s goodwill.
Note 3 Tianjin Huan’Ou Semiconductor Material&Technology Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Zhonghuan Electronics,
       which the Company has acquired in a business combination not involving entities under common control.

Note 4 The Company acquired on October 1, 2020 100% interest in Tianjin Zhonghuan Electronics Group Co., Ltd.
       (hereinafter referred to as “Zhonghuan Electronics”) with a cash payment of RMB 12,500,000 thousand. As
       from the date of acquisition, the Group has obtained the control of Zhonghuan Electronics and has thus
       included it into the consolidated financial statements. As such, the difference between the accumulated
       investment of the Company in Zhonghuan Electronics (corresponding to the 100% interest) and the fair value
       of the identifiable net assets of Zhonghuan Electronics attributable to the Company on the settlement date
       (equal to RMB6,726,130 thousand) was recorded in the Company’s goodwill.

Note 5 The Company acquired in April 2021 100% interest in Moka International Limited with a cash payment of
       RMB2,800,000 thousand. Thus, the difference between the accumulated investment of the Company in Moka
       International Limited (corresponding to the 100% interest) and the fair value of the identifiable net assets of
       Moka International Limited attributable to the Company on the settlement date (equal to RMB1,728,973
       thousand) was recorded in the Company’s goodwill.

Note 6 The Company acquired in April 2021 60% interest in Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
       (formerly known as “Samsung Suzhou LCD Co. Ltd.” with a cash payment of RMB4,757,727 thousand. The
       difference between the accumulated investment of the Company in Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics
       Technology Co., Ltd. (corresponding to the total 70% interest) and the fair value of the identifiable net assets
       of Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. attributable to the Company on the settlement date
       (equivalent to RMB486,603 thousand) was recorded in the Company’s goodwill.

(III)   Goodwill impairment test

        The Company carried out an impairment test of its goodwill on June 30, 2022. The recoverable
        amount of the asset portfolio with goodwill was calculated with the discounted future cash flow
        approach, based on the budget approved by the Management (the budget period is five years). The
        estimated perpetual annual growth rate was adopted to calculate the future cash flow exceeding the
        budget period. The perpetual annual growth rate (primarily 0% - 0.37%) adopted by the
        Management was consistent with predicted data on the industry. The management determines the
        revenue growth rate (mainly -2.83%-24.57%) and determines the EBITDA (mainly 5.9%-19.6%)
        based on historical experience and forecasts of market development, combined with the Company's
        future development strategic plan and adopt a specific risk discount rate (mainly 8%-13.5%) that
        reflects the relevant asset group. There was no need for the Company to set aside allowances for
        asset impairment for the asset portfolio of Qingdao Blue Business Consulting Co., Ltd., Tianjin
        Zhonghuan Advanced Materials & Technology Co., Ltd., and Tianjin Printronics Circuit Corp.,
        semi-conductor and semi-conductor photovoltaic materials, Moka International Limited, Suzhou
        China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., and the goodwill of Guangdong TCL New
        Technology Co., Ltd. on December 31, 2021, after the Management analyzed the recoverable
        amount of each asset portfolio according to the assumption.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

    24       Long-term prepaid expense

                                                   2021       Increase in Amortization
                                            December 31,          current   in current        Others
                                                                                                       June 30, 2022
                                                   2021            period       period

    Improvement expense on leased fixed
    assets                                     1,629,475         51,631      (91,874)             49      1,589,281
    Others                                     1,011,055        671,201     (765,956)       (36,459)        879,841

                                               2,640,530        722,832     (857,830)       (36,410)      2,469,122

    25    Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Un-offset deferred income tax assets

                                                    June 30, 2022                          January 1, 2022
                                                 Deductible       Deferred               Deductible       Deferred
                                                 temporary      income tax               temporary      income tax
                                                 difference         assets               difference         assets

      Deductible losses                          10,513,282        1,666,877              6,739,226      1,087,993
      Asset impairment
      allowances                                  2,947,063          622,780              3,038,745        633,013
      Provisions                                    886,303          140,655                744,189        117,497
      Changes in fair value                          43,692           10,074                 55,287         13,230
      Others                                      2,060,906          376,587              1,546,420        298,690

                                                 16,451,246        2,816,973             12,123,867      2,150,423

                                                                                           December 31, 2021
                                                                                         Deductible      Deferred
                                                                                         temporary    income tax
                                                                                         difference        assets

      Deductible losses                                                                   6,758,713      1,090,916
      Asset impairment
      allowances                                                                          3,038,745        633,013
      Provisions                                                                            744,189        117,497
      Changes in fair value                                                                  55,287         13,230
      Others                                                                              1,546,420        298,690

                                                                                         12,143,354      2,153,346

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

25    Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities (continued)

(2)   Un-offset deferred income tax liabilities

                                                    June 30, 2022                      December 31, 2021
                                                 Taxable                                 Taxable       Deferred
                                              temporary        Deferred tax           temporary     income tax
                                             differences          liabilities        differences      liabilities

      Accelerated depreciation
      of fixed assets                        11,393,082           1,787,225          11,471,272        1,787,699
      Increase in value of
      assets as assessed in
      business combination
      not involving entities
      under common control                    2,479,347             532,811           2,491,577         531,018
      Changes in fair value                     738,029             180,103             527,471         129,006
      One-off tax deduction
      for fixed assets                        6,369,829             967,129           3,184,144         501,290
      Government grants                         538,662              80,799             273,470          41,021
      Others                                    758,088             176,154             721,284         168,952

                                             22,277,037           3,724,221          18,669,218        3,158,986

(3)   Unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                              June 30, 2022                 December 31, 2021

      Deductible temporary
      difference                                                    853,246                              181,612
      Deductible losses                                           7,393,648                            5,840,378

                                                                  8,246,894                            6,021,990

(4)   There were no deferred tax assets or liabilities presented at the net amount after offsetting.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

25     Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities (continued)

(5)    Deductible losses in respect of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will expire in the following years:

                                                                  June 30, 2022                   December 31, 2021

        2021                                                                    -                            178,533
        2022                                                              268,388                             268,913
        2023                                                              492,734                             477,404
        2024                                                              481,638                             476,543
        2025                                                              468,668                             464,426
        2026 onwards                                                    5,682,220                           3,974,559

                                                                        7,393,648                           5,840,378

26      Other non-current assets

                                      June 30, 2022                                     December 31, 2021
                           Gross        Impairment         Carrying            Gross       Impairment        Carrying
                          amount         allowance          amount            amount        allowance         amount

      payment for
      and land use
      rights (Note)    11,854,211                 -      11,854,211         6,310,004                -      6,310,004
      payment for
      patents             339,151                 -           339,151         211,606                -       211,606
      Others              415,318                 -           415,318         927,399                -       927,399

                       12,608,680                 -      12,608,680         7,449,009                -      7,449,009

Note     The Company reclassifies long-lived assets such as advance payment for equipment and land use rights
         reflected in prepaid accounts to other non-current assets.

                                  TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                      Notes to Financial Statements
                          For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

27   Short-term borrowings

                                                                  June 30, 2022               December 31, 2021

     Unsecured borrowings                                           14,777,405                          9,315,505
     Borrowings secured by
     pledge                                                              21,342                            22,549
     Interest payable                                                    12,993                             3,373

                                                                    14,811,740                          9,341,427

     As of June 30, 2022, the Company's short-term pledged loans were equivalent to RMB21,342 thousand
     (equivalent to RMB22,549 thousand at the end of 2021), and the transaction financial assets equivalent to
     RMB34,728 thousand (equivalent to RMB34,337 thousand at the end of 2021) were pledged .
     As of June 30, 2022, the Company does not have any short-term borrowings that have expired and have not
     been repaid.

28   Borrowings from central bank

     As of June 30, 2022, the balance of the borrowings of TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary
     of the Company) from the central bank was RMB728,744 thousand (At the end of 2021 : RMB1,437,062

29   Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions

                                                                 June 30, 2022                December 31, 2021

     Customer deposits and deposits from other
     banks and financial institutions                                 265,745                             666,056

     Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions are the deposits of related and
     nonrelated enterprises absorbed by TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company,
     within the business scope approved by the regulatory authority.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

30   Held-for-trading financial liabilities

                                                                June 30, 2022              December 31, 2021

     Measured at fair value with changes
     Financial liabilities at fair value through
     profit or loss.                                                  989,803                       925,035

31   Derivative financial liabilities

                                                                June 30, 2022              December 31, 2021

     Derivative financial liabilities                                 430,997                         22,205

32   Notes payable

                                                                June 30, 2022              December 31, 2021

     Bank acceptance notes                                          3,588,303                      2,877,554
     Trade acceptance notes                                           876,460                        107,817
     Letter of credit                                                 961,589                        289,925

                                                                    5,426,352                      3,275,296

     As of June 30, 2022, the Company had no notes payable that were due but not paid.

33   Accounts payable

                                                               June 30, 2022               December 31, 2021

     Amounts due to suppliers                                     24,185,474                      24,297,860

     As of June 30, 2022, there were no significant accounts payable aged over one year.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

34    Advances received

                                                                            June 30, 2022     December 31, 2021

      Advances from customers                                                       6,067                 5,794

      As of June 30, 2022, the Company had no significant accounts receivable aged over one year.
35    Contract liabilities

                                                                       June 30, 2022          December 31, 2021

      Advances from customers                                              4,367,691                  2,593,882

36    Employee benefits payable and long-term employee benefits payable

(1)   Employee compensation payable
                                                                       June 30, 2022          December 31, 2021

      Short-term employee benefits payable                                 2,538,796                  3,274,021
      Defined contribution plans payable                                      33,444                     34,383
      Dismissal benefits payable                                               3,029                      3,529

                                                                           2,575,269                  3,311,933

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

36    Employee benefits payable and long-term employee benefits payable (continued)

(1)   Employee benefits payable (continued)

(a)   Short-term employee benefits payable

                                                                  Increase in        Decrease in
                                             January 1, 2022   current period      current period   June 30, 2022

      Wages, bonuses, allowances
      and subsidies                               2,885,187        5,319,548         (6,177,020)       2,027,715
      Employee services and
      benefits                                       27,664         202,720            (216,815)          13,569
      Social insurance benefits                      46,565         182,210            (190,456)          38,319
      Of which:
         Medical insurance
      premium                                        44,622         165,359            (173,549)          36,432
         Employment injury
      insurance premium                                 953           8,893              (8,957)             889
         Maternity insurance                            990           7,958              (7,950)             998
      Housing fund                                   30,326         204,575            (198,278)          36,623
      Trade union funds and staff
      education funds                                27,575          76,303             (72,320)          31,558
      Others                                        256,704         160,252             (25,944)         391,012

                                                  3,274,021        6,145,608         (6,880,833)       2,538,796

(b)   Defined contribution plans

                                                                  Increase in        Decrease in
                                             January 1, 2022   current period      current period   June 30, 2022

      Basic pension insurance                        32,979         375,573            (376,438)          32,114
      Unemployment insurance                          1,404          12,026             (12,100)           1,330

                                                     34,383         387,599            (388,538)          33,444

(2)   Long-term employee compensation payable

                                                                                                    December 31,
                                                                                June 30, 2022

      Supplementary pension insurance                                                 26,236              26,595
      Other long-term benefits                                                       845,969             643,336

                                                                                     872,205             669,931

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

37    Taxes and levies payable

                                                                          June 30, 2022             December 31, 2021

      Corporate income tax                                                      318,718                     1,020,711
      Value-added tax                                                           194,176                        30,967
      Individual income tax                                                      57,282                        39,920
      Urban maintenance and construction tax                                     40,045                        43,081
      Education surcharges                                                       28,630                        30,800
      Others                                                                    105,746                        73,370

                                                                                744,597                     1,238,849
      Please refer to Note IV for the standards for provisions for taxes and the applicable tax rates.
38    Other payables

                                                                          June 30, 2022             December 31, 2021

      Dividends payable                                                       1,310,885                        34,607
      Other payables                                                         20,313,031                    19,352,281

                                                                             21,623,916                    19,386,888

(1)   Dividends payable

                                                                          June 30, 2022             December 31, 2021
      Other non-controlling interests                                        1,310,885                         34,607

                                                                              1,310,885                        34,607

                                  TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                      Notes to Financial Statements
                          For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

38    Other payables (continued)

(2)   Other payables

                                                                 June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

      Payables for engineering equipment                            15,889,328          13,368,026
      Amounts due to external entities                               2,584,842           4,241,736
      Unpaid expenses                                                1,561,662           1,531,544
      Security deposits                                                277,199             210,975

                                                                    20,313,031          19,352,281

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

39     Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                Note V            June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021

        Long-term borrowings due within one year
        (Note 1)                                                                      4,736,789               6,062,928
        Bonds payable due within one year (Note 2)                                    6,402,876               5,646,822
        Current portion of lease liabilities                      47                    265,337                 681,087
        Current portion of long-term payables                                           156,883                 168,132
        Current portion of interest payable                                             395,371                 447,796

                                                                                     11,957,256              13,006,765

Note 1 As of June 30, 2022, the long-term loans due within one year of the Company included credit loans equivalent
       to RMB4,736,789 thousand, and the interest rate range for long-term loans due within one year of the
       Company was 3.1%~4.28% (2021: 0.46%~4.15%)。
Note 2 The Company's bonds payable due within one year are mainly as follows:
       Convertible corporate bonds TCL directional transfer 2: Issued in November 2020 with a term of 2 years, and
       the closing balance as of June 30 was RMB2,478,256 thousand.
       Medium-term note 20TCL Technology MTN001: Issued in March 2020, with a term of 3 years, the closing
       balance as of June 30 was RMB2,998,231 thousand.

40      Other current liabilities

                                                                                  June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021

        After-sales service expense (note)                                              901,256                792,847
        Output tax to be transferred                                                    454,217                286,384
        Others                                                                          174,951                190,656

                                                                                      1,530,424               1,269,887

Note    After-sales service expense expected to occur within 1 year is reflected in current liabilities.

                                 TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                     Notes to Financial Statements
                         For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

41   Long-term borrowings

                                                                         June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021

     Borrowings secured by collateral                                       38,398,940                 39,633,561
     Borrowings secured by pledge                                            2,123,706                    928,156
     Unsecured borrowings                                                   60,696,631                 52,780,293

                                                                           101,219,277                 93,342,010

      Including: Current portion of long-term borrowings which
     matures in 1 year                                                      (4,736,789)               (6,062,928)

                                                                            96,482,488                 87,279,082

     The maturities of the Company's long-term borrowings vary from 2023 to 2037.

     As of June 30, 2022, the long-term borrowings secured by collateral were equivalent to RMB38,398,940
     thousand (including amounts translated from other currencies) (At the end of 2021 : RMB39,633,561
     thousand), which were secured by the collaterals of the land use right, houses and buildings, machinery and
     equipment of about RMB74,795,614 thousand (including amounts translated from other currencies) (At the
     end of 2021: RMB66,737,167 thousand); the long-term pledged borrowings were equivalent to
     RMB2,123,706 thousand (At the end of 2021: RMB928,156 thousand), which were pledged by the
     collaterals of the charge use right, etc., of about RMB689,720 thousand (At the end of 2021: RMB328,069

     The interest rates of the Company’s long-term borrowing ranged from 2.4% to 5.38% in the current period
     (2021: 1.3% - 5.70%).

42   Bonds payable

                                                                         June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021

     Corporate bonds                                                         8,008,782                 8,073,016
     MTN                                                                     5,490,377                 4,993,265

                                                                           13,499,159                 13,066,281

                                                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

42    Bonds payable (continued)

(1)   Movements in bonds payable
                                                                                                         Issued in                 Amortization
                                                                            Issued       Beginning                     interest as
                Bond name        Par value      Issue date     Maturity                                   current                  of premium      Others (note 1)
                                                                           amount         amount                         per par                                     June 30, 2022
                                                                                                          period                    or discount
        18TCL01                   1,000,000     June 6, 2018         5     1,000,000         169,162                 -       3,034           248        (169,410)                -
                                                  August 20,
        18TCL02                   2,000,000             2018         5     2,000,000      2,003,039                  -     38,242         (921)                  -      2,002,118
        19TCL01                   1,000,000    May 20, 2019          5     1,000,000        998,630                  -     18,370         3,821                  -      1,002,451
        19TCL02                   1,000,000    July 23, 2019         5     1,000,000        998,568                  -     21,323           277                  -        998,845
                                                 October 21,
        19TCL03                   2,000,000             2019         5     2,000,000      1,996,860                  -     41,655           554                  -      1,997,414
        20TCL TECH.
        MTN001                    3,000,000 March 27, 2020           3     3,000,000      2,997,041                  -     54,444           388       (2,997,429)               -
        TCLTEC1                   1,957,483 July 14, 2020            5     1,957,483      1,906,757                  -     18,561        12,897            88,300       2,007,954
        21TCL Ji MTN001
        (High- Growth Debt)       2,000,000   May 10, 2021           3     2,000,000      1,996,224                  -     41,386           792                  -      1,997,016
                                                January 14,
        22TCL Ji MTN001           2,000,000             2022         3     2,000,000                 -    2,000,000        31,759        (3,252)                 -      1,996,748
        22TCL Ji GN002            1,500,000   April 27, 2022         3     1,500,000                 -    1,500,000         8,815        (3,387)                 -      1,496,613

        Total                    17,457,483             ——      ——    17,457,483     13,066,281       3,500,000       277,589        11,417       (3,078,539)      13,499,159
Note 1 Others are the current portion of bonds payable reclassified to the current portion of non-current liabilities.

                                           TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                   For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

  43     Lease liabilities

                                                                                     June 30, 2022            December 31, 2021

        Total lease liabilities                                                          1,422,164                        1,783,159

        Less: current portion of lease liabilities                                        265,337                           681,087

                                  Total                                                  1,156,827                        1,102,072

  44     Long-term payables

                                                                                  June 30, 2022               December 31, 2021

            Finance lease                                                                723,672                           671,344

  45     Deferred income

                                                                        Increase in
                                                                                            Decrease in
                                          December 31, 2021                 current
                                                                                          current period
                                                                                                                      June 30, 2022

           Government grants                          2,361,171          5,465,012           (2,710,587)                 5,115,596
           Others                                            34                  -                  (34)                         -

                                                      2,361,205          5,465,012           (2,710,621)                 5,115,596

       Items involving government

                                                           Amount                           Amount
                                                       recorded in                           used to
                                              New                       recorded in
                              2021                            non-                       offset costs
                                          grants in                            other                         Other
                         December                         operating                              and                       June 30,
                                           current                        income in                        changes
                          31, 2021                       income in                       expenses in                          2022
                                            period                           current
                                                            current                          current
                                                             period                           period
       grants related
       to assets         1,273,978 1,349,204              (2,000)          (27,555)       (102,026)        (89,305)      2,402,296
       grants related
       to income         1,087,193 4,115,808                  (58)      (1,503,687)       (974,778)        (11,178)      2,713,300

                         2,361,171 5,465,012              (2,058)       (1,531,242)     (1,076,804)     (100,483)        5,115,596

Note "Other changes" were deferred income offset by the carrying amounts of relevant assets.

                                                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

46     Share capital

                                                   December 31, 2021                         Increase or decrease in current period                         June 30, 2022
                                                   Amount         Ratio (%)               New issues               Other               Subtotal           Amount          Ratio (%)

         I. Restricted Shares                      612,110             4.36%                        -                1,445                1,445          613,555               4.37%
         Ⅱ. Unrestricted shares                13,418,532            95.64%                        -              (1,445)              (1,445)       13,417,087              95.63%
         III. Total shares                      14,030,642              100%                        -                    -                    -       14,030,642                100%

         As of June 30, 2022, the Company's total share capital was 14,030,642,000 shares.

Note     Except for Chairman of the Board Mr. Li Dongsheng who holds restricted shares subscribed for in a private placement, none of the other incumbent directors, supervisors
         or senior management hold any restricted shares from a split-share structure reform or a private placement. The shares held by these personnel will stay partially frozen as
         per the Rules on the Management of Shares Held by the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Officers of the Company and the Changes thereof. The trading and
         information disclosure in relation to these shares shall be in strict compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and rules.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

    47   Other equity instruments

                                                                Increase in        Decrease in
                                     December 31, 2021       current period      current period           June 30, 2022

          Convertible bonds                     200,334                    -            (5,933)                 194,401

    48   Capital reserves

                                                                 Increase in
                                                                     current       Decrease in
                                     December 31, 2021                period     current period           June 30, 2022

         Share premium                         6,068,268             24,515         (1,920,270)               4,172,513
         Other capital reserves                   10,999             10,816             (8,753)                  13,062

                                               6,079,267             35,331         (1,929,023)               4,185,575

    49   Treasury Stocks
                                                                Increase in        Decrease in
                                      December 31, 2021      current period      current period           June 30, 2022

           Treasury stock                      1,885,557            502,771           (76,664)                 2,311,664

         Increase in the period is the result of repurchase of shares from the Company's Employee Stock Ownership
         Plan. The 16th meeting of the Seventh Session of the Board of Directors held by the Company on March 18,
         2022 deliberated on and approved the Repurchase Report on the Repurchase of Some Public Shares in 2022.
         The repurchase of the company shares will be used for the Employee Stock Ownership Plans or equity
         incentives. As of June 30, 2022, the total number of shares repurchased was 106,484 thousand shares at the
         total consideration of RMB502,771 thousand.

    50   Surplus reserves
                                                                 Increase in
                                                                     current       Decrease in
                                     December 31, 2021                period     current period           June 30, 2022

         Statutory surplus
         reserves                             2,367,303                    -                  -               2,367,303
         Discretionary surplus
         reserves                               182,870                    -                  -                 182,870

                                              2,550,173                    -                  -               2,550,173

          As per China's Company Law, Articles of Association for Companies, accounting standards, the Company
          and several of its subsidiaries shall appropriate 10% of net profits as statutory surplus reserves until the
          reserve amount reaches 50% of the registered capital. According to the aforesaid laws and regulations, part
          of the statutory surplus reserves can be converted into share capital of the Company, and the remaining
          amount shall not be lower than 25% of the registered capital.

          After the appropriation to the statutory surplus reserves, the Company may appropriate the discretionary
          surplus reserves. Upon approval, the discretionary surplus reserves can be used to make up the previous loss
          or increase the share capital.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

51      Specific reserves

                                                                               Decrease in
                                                               Increase in         current
                                  December 31, 2021         current period          period         June 30, 2022

     Production safety reserve                1,549                 1,919                  -               3,468

52     General reserve

                                                                               Decrease in
                                                               Increase in         current
                                  December 31, 2021         current period          period         June 30, 2022

     General risk reserve                     8,934                      -                 -               8,934

     As per the General Rules on Financial Affairs of Financial Enterprises and the Guide to the Implementation
     of the General Rules on Financial Affairs of Financial Enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance,
     as well as the Articles of Association of TCL Technology Group Corporation, this subsidiary appropriated
     1% of its net profit as general reserve in the previous years.

53     Retained earnings

                                                                                                  January - June
                                                                     January - June 2022                   2021

     Beginning retained earnings                                              22,458,340               14,009,494
     Change in accounting policies (Note)                                         69,346                        -
     Net profit for current period                                               663,521                6,802,218
     Decrease in current period                                              (2,064,177)              (1,509,694)
     Including: Appropriated as surplus reserves                                                                -
            Distribution of dividends on common stocks                       (2,050,003)              (1,625,590)
            Others                                                              (14,174)                  115,896

     Ending retained earnings                                                 21,127,030              19,302,018

     Due to changes in accounting policies, there were RMB69,346 thousand undistributed profits at the start of
     the period (see Note III. 43 for details).

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

54       Revenue and cost of sales

                                           January - June 2022                        January - June 2021
                                           Revenue         Cost of sales             Revenue          Cost of sales

      Core business                      82,566,755           75,173,515           73,405,981           57,588,286
      Non-core business                   1,955,426            1,349,429              999,868              480,685

                                         84,522,181           76,522,944           74,405,849           58,068,971

(1)   Business by operating segment

                           Revenue                         Cost of sales                    Gross profit
                     January -     January -           January -       January -       January -        January -
                    June 2022     June 2021           June 2022      June 2021        June 2022       June 2021

      sales        57,379,450        48,121,872       51,272,092     40,165,807        6,107,358         7,956,065
      sales        27,142,731        26,283,977       25,250,852     17,903,164        1,891,879         8,380,813

                   84,522,181        74,405,849       76,522,944     58,068,971        7,999,237        16,336,878

(2)   The sales revenue from the top five customers combined was RMB27,189,512 thousand and RMB23,036,823
      thousand respectively for January-June 2022 and January-June 2021 respectively, accounting for 32.9% and
      31.4% of the core business revenue.

55       Interest income/expense and exchange gain

                                                          January - June 2022                   January - June 2021

      Interest income                                                  38,579                               74,133
      Interest expenditures                                            14,292                               12,564
      Exchange gain/(loss)                                             24,351                                  964

      The interest income, interest expense and exchange gain/(loss) above occurred with the Company's subsidiary
      TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd., which are presented separately herein as required for a financial

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

 56    Taxes and levies

                                                                 January - June 2022   January - June 2021

      Property tax                                                          131,638               105,646
      Stamp tax                                                             100,211                65,852
      Urban maintenance and construction tax                                 21,608                58,808
      Education surcharges                                                   15,407                42,123
      Land use tax                                                           13,634                14,563
      Others                                                                  6,583                 7,318

                                                                            289,081               294,310

      The applicable tax and levy standards are detailed
      in Note IV.

57    Selling expenses

                                                                 January - June 2022   January - June 2021

      Employee salaries and benefits                                        322,046               275,159
      After-sales service expense                                           281,872               337,843
      Promotional and marketing expenses                                    139,964               106,431
      Others                                                                309,487               181,743

                                                                          1,053,369               901,176

58    Administrative expense

                                                                 January - June 2022   January - June 2021

      Employee salaries and benefits                                        759,634               809,470
      Depreciation and amortization expenses                                370,222               361,440
      Digital development expenses                                          128,251               104,360
      Others                                                                458,272               748,098

                                                                          1,716,379             2,023,368

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

59    R&D expenses

                                                            January - June 2022      January - June 2021

     Depreciation and amortization expenses                          1,483,845                1,231,865
     Material expenses                                               1,859,860                1,310,368
     Employee salaries and benefits                                    779,375                  712,165
     Others                                                            328,684                  148,561

                                                                     4,451,764                3,402,959

60   Financial Expenses

                                                            January - June 2022      January - June 2021

     Interest expenditures                                           2,031,269                2,160,434
     Interest income                                                 (325,439)                (187,547)
     Exchange loss / (gain)                                           (55,264)                (201,680)
     Others                                                             69,591                   47,776

                                                                     1,720,157                1,818,983

61    Other income

                                                            January - June 2022      January - June 2021

     R&D subsidies                                                   1,554,890                  747,743
     VAT rebates on software                                            17,127                    7,905
     Over-deduction in taxable amount for VAT                              589                      605
     Others                                                             70,504                   53,781

                                                                     1,643,110                  810,034

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

62    Return on investments

                                                          January - June 2022      January - June 2021

     Gain on disposal of debt instruments at fair
     value through profit or loss                                    141,285                  390,636

     Gain on disposal of debt instruments at fair
     value through profit or loss                                    (75,115)                  50,360

     Gain on disposal of debt instruments at fair
     value through profit or loss                                      7,365                    3,708

     Gain on disposal of debt instruments at fair
     value through profit or loss                                     35,619                  107,165

     Share of net income of associates                             1,769,993                1,318,079
     Share of net income of joint ventures                          (12,343)                   (2,895)
     Net income from disposal of long-term equity
     investments                                                     491,319                  849,880
     Others                                                        (577,608)                   71,272

                                                                   1,780,515                2,788,205

63    Gain on changes in fair value

                                                          January - June 2022      January - June 2021

     Held-for-trading financial assets                             (139,785)                 (20,788)
     Derivative financial assets                                      (1,176)               (327,549)
     Held-for-trading financial liabilities                            46,194                (11,045)
     Derivative financial liabilities                                209,262                   45,186

                                                                     114,495                (314,196)

64    Credit impairment loss

                                                          January - June 2022      January - June 2021

     Loss on uncollectible accounts receivable                      (21,227)                   21,834
     Loss on uncollectible other receivables                         (4,351)                  (6,171)
     Other financial assets                                          (1,579)                 (27,108)

                                                                    (27,157)                  (11,445)

                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

65    Inventory valuation loss
                                                              January - June 2022             January - June 2021

     Inventory valuation loss                                        (1,006,908)                       (624,164)
     Loss on impairments of fixed assets                                       -                        (45,424)
     Others                                                              (3,379)                       (127,931)

                                                                     (1,010,287)                       (797,519)

66    Asset disposal income
                                                              January - June 2022             January - June 2021

     Income/(loss) from disposal of fixed assets                        (17,103)                          (2,338)
     Income/(loss) from disposal of intangible assets                    (8,498)                           27,166
     Others                                                                1,970                            (501)

                                                                        (23,631)                          24,327

67    Non-operating income
                                                                                                 Amount through
                                                                                                     current non-
                                                  January - June           January - June     recurring gains and
                                                           2022                     2021                   losses

     Gains on retired or damaged non-
     current assets                                          116                          -                  116
     Government grants and others                        596,424                    267,948              596,424

                                                         596,540                    267,948              596,540

68    Non-operating expense
                                                                                                 Amount through
                                                                                                     current non-
                                                  January - June           January - June     recurring gains and
                                                           2022                     2021                   losses

     Losses on retired or damaged non-
     current assets                                        2,020                      2,394                2,020
     Others                                               50,372                      9,593               50,372

                                                          52,392                     11,987               52,392

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

69     Income tax expenses

(1) Table of income tax expenses

                                                                 January - June 2022     January - June 2021

         Current income tax expense                                         338,743               1,119,370
         Deferred income tax expense                                      (427,141)                 297,127

                                                                           (88,398)               1,416,497

 (2)    Accounting profit and income tax adjustment process

                                                                   January - June 2022    January - June 2021

        Gross profit                                                        1,838,318             10,713,982
        Income tax expense calculated at
        statutory/applicable tax rate                                          275,748             2,678,496
        Impact of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries                  365,664              (16,420)
        Impact of adjusting income tax in previous periods                    (51,310)              (12,685)
        Impact of non-taxable income                                         (488,118)             (599,904)
        Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                     44,556                 5,418
        Impact of the use of deductible losses carry forward
        without recognize deferred tax assets in the                        (329,838)              (201,562)
        previous periods
        Impact of unrecognized deferred tax assets of
        deductible temporary differences or deductible                        324,802                 81,396
        losses in the current period
        Others                                                              (229,902)              (518,241)

        Income tax expense                                                    (88,398)             1,416,497

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

70    Other comprehensive income

(1)   Other comprehensive income items, income tax effects and reclassifications to profit or loss

                                                                                                 January - June
                                                                           January - June 2022            2021

      I. Items that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss

      1. Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will
                                                                                          388            1,270
         be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
      Share of the period                                                                 388            1,270
      Previous other comprehensive income reclassified to retained
      earnings for current period

      2. Changes in fair value of other equity instruments                           (13,674)        (185,629)
      Current gain/(loss)                                                             (9,968)         (84,931)
         Previous other comprehensive income reclassified to
      retained earnings for current period                                                  -        (115,871)
         Income tax effects recorded in other comprehensive income                    (3,706)           15,173

      II. Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss subsequently

      1. Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will
                                                                                        4,046        (153,326)
         be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method
         Share of the period                                                            4,046        (153,326)
         Income tax effects recorded in other comprehensive income                          -                -

      2. Changes in fair value of financial assets recorded in other
         comprehensive income                                                                -             487
          Current gain/(loss)                                                                -             487

      3. Cash flow hedges                                                           (209,875)          (4,105)
      Current gain/(loss)                                                           (158,364)            (782)
         Previous other comprehensive income reclassified to profit
      for current period                                                             (48,626)
         Income tax effects recorded in other comprehensive income                    (2,885)          (3,323)

      4. Differences arising from translation of foreign currency
         financial statements of overseas operations                                (153,882)          123,814

      5. Net income arising from disposal of overseas operations
         through profit or loss                                                                               -

                                                                                    (372,997)        (217,489)

                                                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                                                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

70    Other comprehensive income (continued)

(2) Changes in other comprehensive income items

                                                               Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent
                                            Share of other
                                           comprehensive                                Differences
                                                 income of Gain/loss                   arising from
                                             investees that         on                   translation                                 Other
                                                     will be changes in Gain/(Loss)       of foreign Fair value             comprehensive
                                            reclassified to fair value on changes         currency- changes of Fair value          income
                             Accounting       profit or loss         of       in cash denominated          other changes of transferred to                  Non-     Total other
                                  policy      under equity financial             flow      financial      equity other debt       retained            controlling comprehensive
                                changes             method       assets       hedges statements instruments instruments          earnings    Subtotal   interests       income

     January 1, 2021            334,950          313,950 (350,569)         (5,688)    (509,439)       71,195             -             28 (145,573)     (18,972)      (164,545)

     Increase and decrease
     for 2021                          -        (267,062)            -     68,234       270,260    (212,485)             -      (122,821) (263,874)      19,871       (244,003)

     December 31, 2021          334,950            46,888 (350,569)        62,546     (239,179)    (141,290)             -      (122,793) (409,447)         899       (408,548)

     Change in H1 2022                 -            4,400            -   (185,753)    (163,688)       (9,974)                            - (355,015)    (17,982)      (372,997)

     June 30, 2022              334,950            51,288 (350,569)      (123,207)    (402,867)    (151,264)                    (122,793) (764,462)     (17,083)      (781,545)

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

71    Earnings per share

(1)   Basic EPS

                                                                         January - June 2022     January - June 2021

      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company as the
      parent                                                                         663,521               6,802,218

      Weighted average outstanding common shares (in thousand
      shares)                                                                     13,568,366              13,497,433

      Basic earnings per share (RMB yuan/share)                                       0.0489                  0.5040

(2)   Diluted EPS

                                                                         January - June 2022     January - June 2021

      Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company as the
      parent                                                                         663,521               6,802,218

      Adjusted weighted average number of common shares outstanding
      (in thousand shares)                                                        13,675,093              14,030,788

      Diluted earnings per share (RMB yuan/share)                                     0.0485                  0.4848

72    Cash generated from other operating activities

      Other cash received in the consolidated cash flow statement of the Company related to operating activities
      amounted to RMB5,538,379 thousand (RMB5,032,866 thousand for the same period of the previous year),
      mainly including current accounts, government grants and special appropriations received.

73    Cash used in other operating activities

      Other cash payments related to operating activities in the Company's consolidated cash flow statement
      amounted to RMB5,670,402 thousand (RMB3,522,074 thousand for the same period of the previous year),
      mainly for various expenses and current accounts.

74    Cash generated from other investing activities

      Other cash received in the Company's consolidated cash flow statement related to investing activities amounted
      to RMB73,748 thousand (the same period last year: RMB7,079 thousand), mainly due to the receipt of project
      bid bonds.

75    Cash used in other investing activities

      Other cash paid in the Company's consolidated cash flow statement related to investing activities amounted to
      RMB333,406 thousand (RMB101,676 thousand for the same period of the previous year), mainly due to the
      refund of project bid bonds.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

76   Cash generated from other financing activities

     Other cash received in the consolidated cash flow statement of the Company related to financing activities
     amounted to RMB6,000 thousand (RMB249,287 thousand for the same period of the previous year), mainly
     including deposits received.

77   Cash used in other financing activities

     Other cash paid in the Company's consolidated cash flow statement related to financing activities of
     RMB4,454,836 thousand (the same period of last year: RMB3,060,099 thousand), mainly for the repurchase of
     minority interests in subsidiaries, repurchase of company shares, and payment of financial lease payments.

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

78      Supplementary information for the cash flow statement

(1)     Reconciliation of net profit to net cash generated from/used in operating activities
                                                                                  January - June
                                                                                             2022   January - June 2021

       Net profit                                                                      1,926,716             9,297,485
       Add: Asset impairment allowance                                                1,037,444               808,964
       Depreciation of fixed assets                                                    9,659,290             7,148,930
       Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                               152,525               112,734
       Amortization of intangible assets                                                 753,154               554,138
       Amortization of long-term prepaid expense                                         857,830               631,044
       Loss/(Gain) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
       long-lived assets                                                                   23,631
       Loss on retired or damaged fixed assets                                              1,904                2,394
       Loss/(Gain) on changes in fair value                                             (114,495)              314,196
       Financial expenses                                                               1,965,946            1,970,354
       Return on investments                                                          (1,780,515)          (2,788,205)
       Decrease/(Increase) in deferred income tax assets                                (663,627)            (517,573)
       Increase/(Decrease) in deferred income tax liabilities                             565,235              637,970
       Decrease/(Increase) in inventory                                                 (119,965)          (5,690,016)
       Decrease/(Increase) in operating receivables                                   (2,029,270)          (9,741,065)
       Increase/(Decrease) in operating payables                                      (2,332,939)           13,615,809
       Others                                                                           (886,228)          (2,437,117)

       Net cash generated from operating activities                                    9,016,636            13,895,715

(2) Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current
                                                                              January - June 2022   January - June 2021

      Payments of cash and cash equivalents made in current period due
                                                                                                -            9,768,401
      to business combinations incurred in current period

      Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiary on acquisition
                                                                                                -            5,628,896

      Add: Payments of cash and cash equivalents made in current period
                                                                                                -                     -
      due to business combinations incurred in previous periods

      Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries                                         -            4,139,505

(3) Net cash proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries in the current
                                                                              January - June 2022   January - June 2021

      Cash or cash equivalents received in current period due to disposal
      of subsidiary in current period                                                                        1,412,399

      Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiary on the date
      when the Company’s control over the subsidiary ceased                                                   900,823

                                           TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                               Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

78 Supplementary information for the cash flow statement (continued)

(3) Net cash proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period (continued)
                                                                          January - June 2022      January - June 2021

         Add: Cash or cash equivalents received in current period due to
         disposal of subsidiaries in prior periods                                           -                          -

         Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries                                      -                511,576

(4) Breakdown of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                 June 30, 2022     December 31, 2021
         I. Cash                                                                   31,676,321            30,081,705
         Including: Cash on hand                                                           601                   789
                 Bank deposits available for payment on demand                     30,529,692            28,970,585
                 Other monetary assets available for payment on demand              1,144,303                987,347
                 Deposits with the central bank available for payment                    1,725               122,984
         II. Cash equivalents                                                                -                     -

         III. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period                         31,676,321              30,081,705

    79     Changes in cash and cash equivalents, net

                                                                                  January - June
                                                                                           2022    January - June 2021

            Ending cash and cash equivalents                                         31,676,321            24,493,712
            Less: Beginning cash                                                     30,081,705            18,208,417

            Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 1,594,616             6,285,295

             Analysis of ending cash and cash equivalents:

            Ending monetary assets                                                   33,795,517            27,374,279
            Less: Ending non-cash equivalents (note)                                  2,119,196             2,880,567

            Ending cash and cash equivalents                                         31,676,321            24,493,712

Note:        The ending non-cash equivalents primarily included interest receivable on bank deposits, the statutory
             reserve deposits placed by TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd. in the central bank and other monetary
             assets, detailed in Note V, 1.

                                             TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)
    80     Assets with restricted ownership or use rights
                                                              June 30, 2022                   Reason for restriction

                                                                                            Deposited in the central bank
         Monetary assets                                            432,087
                                                                                                    as the required reserve
         Monetary assets                                           1,687,109              Other restricted monetary assets
         Notes receivable                                            278,564                                         Pledge
         Fixed assets                                             86,032,862                         As collateral for loan
         Intangible assets                                         3,184,049                         As collateral for loan
         Held-for-trading financial assets                            34,728                         Put in pledge for loan
         Right-of-use assets                                          28,256                         As collateral for lease
         Accounts receivable                                       1,018,119                                         Pledge
         Contract assets                                             150,375                                         Pledge


    81     Foreign currency monetary items
                                                                                June 30, 2022
                                                     Foreign currency balance          Conversion rate       RMB balance
         Monetary assets
         Including: USD                                               795,853                  6.7114            5,341,289
                    HKD                                               341,234                  0.8553              291,857
                    EUR                                                 6,647                  7.0047               46,558
                    SGD                                                    87                  4.8186                  419

         Accounts receivable
         Including: USD                                             1,139,020                  6.7114            7,644,419
                    HKD                                             1,471,690                  0.8553            1,258,736
                    INR                                               838,682                  0.0850               71,288

         Accounts payable
         Including: USD                                               245,641                  6.7114            1,648,595
                    HKD                                             1,642,104                  0.8553            1,404,492
                    JPY                                             2,929,364                  0.0491              143,832
                    INR                                               192,757                  0.0850               16,384
                    EUR                                                104.76                  7.0047                733.8

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

V    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

81   Foreign currency monetary items (continued)
                                                                        June 30, 2022
                                            Foreign currency balance       Conversion rate      RMB balance
     Other receivables
     Including: USD                                           17,488                   6.7114         117,369
                HKD                                          202,857                   0.8553         173,504
                JPY                                           11,970                   0.0491             588
                PLN                                            1,688                   1.5002           2,532
                INR                                           92,416                   0.0850           7,855
                KRW                                          102,590                   0.0052             530
                MXN                                            7,950                   0.3327           2,645

     Other payables
     Including: USD                                           109,675                  6.7114         736,071
               HKD                                            713,668                  0.8553         610,400
               JPY                                              6,811                  0.0491             334
               INR                                          2,042,941                  0.0850         173,650
               PLN                                                335                  1.5002             503
               KRW                                            113,015                  0.0052             583
               AUD                                                116                  4.6174             536
               MXN                                              8,929                  0.3327           2,971
               EUR                                                  4                  7.0047              28

     Notes payable
     Including: USD                                            56,384                  6.7114         378,413
                EUR                                             6,783                  7.0047          47,510
                JPY                                         1,677,814                  0.0491          82,381

     Short-term borrowings
     Including: USD                                          198,936                   6.7114        1,335,140

     Long-term borrowings
     Including: USD                                         1,281,840                  6.7114        8,602,941

     Receivables financing
     Including: USD                                            97,121                  6.7114         651,817

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                             Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VI.    Changes in consolidation scope

1       Newly consolidated entities for the period

                                                Consolidated       Reason for     Registered capital   Contribution
      Name of investee                          period             change          (RMB)                ratio

      Zhonghuan Advanced Semiconductor          January - June     Newly
      (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                       2022               incorporated   RMB10,000,000         100.00%

      Huanou (Wuxi) New Energy Materials        February - June    Newly
      Co., Ltd.                                 2022               incorporated   RMB10,000,000         100.00%

      Huaian Municipal Huanxin New              February - June    Newly
      Energy Co., Ltd.                          2022               incorporated   RMB1,000,000          100.00%

                                                March - June       Newly
      Lingwu Huanju New Energy Co., Ltd.        2022               incorporated   RMB1,000,000          100.00%

      Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Electronic       April - June       Newly
      Materials Co., Ltd.                       2022               incorporated   RMB10,000,000         100.00%

      Tianjin Zhonghuan Industrial Park         April - June       Newly
      Co., Ltd.                                 2022               incorporated   RMB39,000,000         100.00%

                                                May - June         Newly
      Tianjin Huanrui Technology Co., Ltd.      2022               incorporated   RMB100,000,000        100.00%

      Shaanxi Huanyu Green New Energy                              Newly
      Co., Ltd.                                 June 2022          incorporated   RMB1,000,000          100.00%

      Shaanxi Huanshuo Green New Energy                            Newly
      Co., Ltd.                                 June 2022          incorporated   RMB1,000,000          100.00%

      Xi'an Shangpai Technology Co., Ltd.       June 2022          Newly                                100.00%
                                                                   incorporated   RMB100,000

2       Deconsolidated entities for current period

                                                                Time of
      Name of investee                                   deconsolidation               Reason for change

      Tongliao Guangdong New Energy Co., Ltd.                January 2022                   De-registered

                                                  TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                                       For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VII      Interests in Other Entities

1         Interests in subsidiaries

(1)       Principal subsidiaries
                                                                Place of                           Principal place   Shareholding ratio (%) How subsidiary
      Name of investee                                                        Nature of business
                                                              registration                           of business       Direct     Indirect   was obtained

                                                                               Manufacturin g
      TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.     Shenzhen           and sales              Shenzhen        83.68%           -    Incorporated

      Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor                        Manufacturin g
      Display Technology Co., Ltd.                            Shenzhen           and sales              Shenzhen            -       54.31%    Incorporated

      Guangzhou China Ray Optoelectronic Materials Co.,                         Research and
      Ltd.                                                    Guangzhou         development            Guangzhou            -        100%     Incorporated

      Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,                         Manufacturin g
      Ltd.                                                      Wuhan            and sales                 Wuhan            -       93.93%    Incorporated

      Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics Semiconductor                           Manufacturin g
                                                                Wuhan                                      Wuhan            -       57.14%    Incorporated
      Display Technology Co., Ltd.                                               and sales

                                                                               Manufacturin g                                                combination not
      Shenzhen CPT Display Technology Co., Ltd.               Shenzhen                                  Shenzhen            -        100%
                                                                                 and sales                                                    under common

      China Star Optoelectronics International (HK) Limited   Hong Kong               Sales           Hong Kong             -        100%      Incorporated

      China Display Optoelectronics Technology Holdings                            Investment                                                combination not
                                                               Bermuda                                   Bermuda            -       64.20%
      Limited                                                                        holding                                                  under common

      China Display Optoelectronics Technology (Huizhou)                       Manufacturin g
      Co., Ltd.                                                Huizhou           and sales               Huizhou            -        100%     Incorporated

      Wuhan China Display Optoelectronics Technology                           Manufacturin g
      Co., Ltd.                                                 Wuhan            and sales                 Wuhan            -        100%     Incorporated

      Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co.,                        Manufacturin g                                                combination not
                                                                Suzhou                                     Suzhou           -        100%
      Ltd.                                                                       and sales                                                    under common

                                                                               Manufacturin g                                                combination not
      Suzhou China Star Optoelectronics Display Co., Ltd.       Suzhou                                     Suzhou               -    100%
                                                                                 and sales                                                    under common

      Beijing HAWK Cloud Information Technology Co.,
      Ltd.                                                      Beijing        Internet service            Beijing        100%           -    Incorporated

      TCL Culture Media (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                  Shenzhen             Ad planning          Shenzhen          100%           -    Incorporated

      Highly Information Industry Co., Ltd.                     Beijing            distribution            Beijing      66.46%           -    Incorporated

      Beijing Sunpiestore Technology Co., Ltd.                  Beijing               Sales                Beijing          -       53.45%    Incorporated

      Beijing Lingyun Data Technology Co., Ltd.                 Beijing               Sales                Beijing          -       60.00%    Incorporated

      TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd.                   Huizhou              Financial            Huizhou        82.00%      18.00%    Incorporated

                                                                                                                          100%           -
      Xinjiang TCL Equity Investment Ltd.                      Xinjiang             business            Shenzhen                              Incorporated

                                                 TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                                      For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VII Interests in Other Entities (Continued)

1   Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1) Composition of key subsidiaries (Continued)
                                                                                                                       Shareholding ratio
                                                               Place of                           Principal place of                            How subsidiary
    Name of investee                                                         Nature of business                               (%)
                                                             registration                                  business                              was obtained
                                                                                                                       Direct   Indirect

                                                                                                                         100%               -
    Ningbo TCL Equity Investment Ltd.                          Ningbo              business               Shenzhen                               Incorporated

                                                                                                                            -        100%
    TCL Technology Park (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                   Huizhou             management               Huizhou                               Incorporated

                                                                               Research and
                                                                                                                                -    100%
    TCL Research America Inc.                                   U.S.           development                     U.S.                              Incorporated

    TCL Industrial Technology Research Institute (Hong                         Research and
                                                                                                                                -    100%
    Kong) Limited                                            Hong Kong         development              Hong Kong                                Incorporated

                                                                                                                         100%               -
    TCL Technology Investments Limited                       Hong Kong             business             Hong Kong                                Incorporated

    TCL Zhonghuan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                             Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
                                                               Tianjin                                      Tianjin     2.41%       27.39%
    (Note)                                                                      and sales                                                        under common

                                                                              Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
    Tianjin Printronics Circuit Corporation                    Tianjin                                      Tianjin             -   26.86%
                                                                                and sales                                                        under common

    Tianjin Huan'Ou Semiconductor                                             Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
                                                               Tianjin                                      Tianjin             -    100%
    Material&Technology Co., Ltd.                                               and sales                                                        under common

                                                                              Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
    Wuxi Zhonghuan Applied Materials Co., Ltd.                  Wuxi                                          Wuxi              -   98.08%
                                                                                and sales                                                        under common

                                                                              Manufacturin g                                               combination not
    Tianjin Huanzhi New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.            Tianjin                                      Tianjin             -   62.00%
                                                                                and sales                                                   under common

                                                                              Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
    Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Solar Material Co., Ltd.      Inner Mongolia                           Inner Mongolia              -    100%
                                                                                and sales                                                        under common

    TianJin Zhonghuan Advanced Material&Technology                            Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
                                                               Tianjin                                      Tianjin             -    100%
    Co., Ltd.                                                                   and sales                                                        under common

                                                                              Manufacturin g                                                    combination not
    Huansheng Solar (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                         Wuxi                                          Wuxi              -   83.73%
                                                                                and sales                                                        under common

    Tianjin Huanou International Silicon Material Co.,                        Procurement &                                               combination not
                                                               Tianjin                                      Tianjin             -    100%
    Ltd.                                                                           sales                                                   under common

                                                                                                                                                combination not
    Zhonghuan Hong Kong Holding Limited                      Hong Kong              Sales               Hong Kong               -    100%
                                                                                                                                                 under common

                                                TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                                     For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VII Interests in Other Entities (Continued)

1 Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1) Principal subsidiaries (Continued)
                                                                                                                  Shareholding ratio (%)          How
                                                               Place of        Nature of     Principal place
     Name of investee                                                                                                                        subsidiary was
                                                             registration      business        of business         Direct         Indirect

                                                                            Procurement &
     Tianjin Huanrui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.           Tianjin                                Tianjin                -         100% not under

     Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Xiexin Solar Material Co.,      Inner         Manufacturin g            Inner
                                                                                                                             -        59.32% not under
     Ltd.                                                    Mongolia         and sales            Mongolia

     Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Advanced Semiconductor          Inner         Manufacturin g            Inner
                                                                                                                             -         100% not under
     Material Co., Ltd.                                      Mongolia         and sales            Mongolia

     Zhonghuan Advanced Semiconductor Materials Co.,                        Manufacturin g
                                                                Wuxi                                      Wuxi               -        58.79% not under
     Ltd.                                                                     and sales

     Moka International Limited                                 BVI                                       BVI                          100% not under

                                                                            Manufacturin g
     Moka Technology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.                    Huizhou                               Huizhou                            100% not under
                                                                              and sale
Note: Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. changed its name to TCL Zhonghuan New Energy
Technology Co., Ltd. on June 16, 2022.

(2) Subsidiaries with substantial non-controlling interests
                                                                                         Current period
                                                              Non-controlling                                      Current period     Ending non-controlling
                                                                                           profit or loss
       Name of subsidiary                                       shareholding                              Dividends distributed to                 interests
                                                                                    attributable to non-
                                                                    ratio (%)                             non-controlling interests       Shareholder equity
                                                                                   controlling interests

       TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.               16.32%             (1,129,675)                 1,884,536                43,910,595
       TCL Zhonghuan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.                     70.20%               2,369,069                   249,235                34,653,477
       Highly Information Industry Co., Ltd.                             33.54%                  46,201                    43,309                   498,822

                                                                             TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                                 Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                     For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VII   Interests in Other Entities (Continued)

1     Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(2)   Subsidiaries with substantial non-controlling interests (continued)

      The key financial information of the above subsidiaries is as follows:
                                                                   June 30, 2022                                                                                       January 1, 2022
                                Current   Non-current      Total assets        Current         Non-current              Total       Current   Non-current         Total assets       Current              Non-            Total
                                 assets        assets                        liabilities         liabilities       liabilities       assets        assets                          liabilities          current      liabilities
      TCL China Star
      Optoelectronics        74,854,571   143,813,111      218,667,681     72,396,362           70,754,153      143,150,515      68,597,560   135,290,612        203,888,172     53,275,700      66,065,421        119,341,121
      Technology Co., Ltd.
      TCL Zhonghuan
      New Energy             26,226,595    62,488,239       88,714,834     21,492,022           22,413,742       43,905,764      24,458,844       53,758,790      78,217,634     20,443,660      15,865,920         36,309,580
      Technology Co., Ltd.
      Highly Information
      Industry Co., Ltd.      8,117,943          110,883     8,228,826       6,870,890              20,764        6,891,654       6,035,827         100,060         6,135,887     4,782,662            22,603        4,805,265

                                                               January - June 2022                                                                                  January - June 2021
                                      Revenue               Net profit              Total             Net cash generate                Revenue                 Net profit                Total              Net cash generate
                                                                            comprehensive                  from/used in                                                          comprehensive          from/used in operating
                                                                                  income             operating activities                                                              income                        activities
      TCL China Star
      Optoelectronics               32,429,876             (2,631,952)         (2,880,645)                     10,250,591            38,948,799                6,293,405                 6,285,562                  14,481,000
      Technology Co., Ltd.
      TCL Zhonghuan New
      Energy Technology             31,698,337              3,224,900              3,224,900                    2,809,898            17,644,419                1,915,184                 1,915,184                   2,125,294
      Co., Ltd.
      Highly Information
      Industry Co., Ltd.            14,728,215                118,259                118,259                    (574,296)            14,450,787                 125,103                   125,103                    (437,244)

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VII Interests in Other Entities (Continued)

2        Interests in joint ventures and associates

(1)       Basic information about principal joint ventures and associates

                                         Principal place of                          Strategic to the       Shareholding
                                                                      Nature of                               ratio (%)
       Name of investee                  business/place of                               Group’s
                                            registration                             activities or not     Direct Indirect
       Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.                 Shanghai                                 Yes             5.76%          -
                                                                R&D, production
                                                                & sales of
       Xinjiang Xiexin New                                      polycrystalline
       Energy Material                             Xinjiang                                Yes               -         27%
                                                                silicon &
       Technology Co., Ltd. (note)                              monocrystalline

(2)       Key financial information of major associates

                                                     June 30, 2022                                       December 31, 2021
                                               Bank of         Xinjiang Xiexin             Bank of         Xinjiang Xiexin
                                          Shanghai Co.,           New Energy              Shanghai            New Energy
                                                   Ltd.               Material            Co., Ltd.               Material
                                                               Technology Co.,                             Technology Co.,
                                                                          Ltd.                                        Ltd.

      Total assets                        2,814,652,578                15,097,306    2,653,198,679               11,377,813

      Total liabilities                   2,602,477,696                 4,994,938    2,447,430,234                 5,110,841

      Non-controlling interests                  577,340            Not applicable         564,813           Not applicable
      Equity attributable to
      shareholders of the Company as        211,597,542                10,102,368      205,203,632                 6,266,973
      the parent

      Share of equity in proportion to
                                             12,188,018                 2,727,639       11,813,895                 1,692,083
      the Company’s interest
      Carrying amount of investment
                                             12,326,379                 2,731,300       11,919,796                 1,691,361
      in associate

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 VII    Interests in Other Entities (Continued)

 2      Interests in joint ventures and associates

 (2)    Key financial information of major associates (continued)

                                                                January - June                         January - June
                                                                         2022                                   2021
                                                 Bank of      Xinjiang Xiexin           Bank of     Xinjiang Xiexin
                                                Shanghai         New Energy            Shanghai        New Energy
                                                Co., Ltd.            Material          Co., Ltd.           Material
                                                                  Technology                            Technology
                                                                     Co., Ltd.                             Co., Ltd.

       Revenue                                 27,941,662           6,649,119        27,704,556            2,905,071
       Net profit attributable to the parent
       company                                 12,674,306           3,835,377        12,278,102            1,322,643

       Dividends from associate to the
       Group in current period                    327,157                    -          327,157                      -

(3)      Financial information of other joint ventures and associates combined respectively

                                                       End of June 2022/January-          End of June 2021/January-
                                                                      June 2022                          June 2021
       Joint ventures:

       Aggregated carrying amount of investments                         542,914                             555,257
       Aggregate of following items calculated in
       proportion to the Company’s interest
       Net profit (note)                                                 (12,343)                             (2,895)
       Other comprehensive income (note)
       Total comprehensive income                                        (12,343)                             (2,895)


       Aggregated carrying amount of investments                      11,064,477                          11,474,164
       Aggregate of following items calculated in
       proportion to the Company’s interest
       Net profit (note)                                                 (13,791)                            320,124
       Other comprehensive income (note)                                      366                               (16)
       Total comprehensive income                                        (13,425)                            320,108

Note: The net profit and other comprehensive income have taken into account the impacts of both the fair value of
      the identifiable assets and liabilities upon the acquisition of investment and accounting policies unifying.

(4)      The Company had no significant joint ventures in the reporting period.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VIII       Risks Related to Financial Instruments

       The purpose of the Company’s risk management is to achieve a right balance between the risk and the benefit
       and maximally reduce the adverse impact of financial risks on the Company’s financial performance. Based on
       such purpose, the Company has established various risk management policies to recognize and analyze possible
       risks to be encountered by the Company, set an appropriate risk acceptable level and designed corresponding
       internal control procedures so as to control the Company’s risk level. In addition, the Company will regularly
       review these risk management policies and relevant internal control system in order to adapt to the market or
       handle various changes in the Company’s operating activities. Meanwhile, the Company’s internal audit
       department will also regularly or randomly check whether the implementation of internal control system
       conforms to relevant risk management policies. In fact, the Company has applied proper diversified investment
       and business portfolio to disperse various financial instrument risks and worked out corresponding risk
       management policies to reduce the risk of concentrating on one single industry, specific region or specific

       The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk
       (mainly foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk).

(1)      Credit risk

       Credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss caused by any party of financial instruments to another party due to
       the failure in fulfilling performance obligations. The Group controls the credit risk based on the specific group
       classification, and credit risk mainly results from bank deposit, due from central bank, bills receivable, account
       receivable, issued loan and monies advanced and other receivables.

       The Group’s bank deposits and due from central bank are mainly deposited in stated-owned banks and other
       large and medium-sized listed banks. The Group considers no significant credit risk existed and no significant
       loss will be caused by the counterpart’s breach of contract.

       For notes receivable, accounts receivable, loans and advances to customers and other receivables, the Group has
       established relevant policies to control the credit risk exposure, and will evaluate the client’s credit qualification
       and determine corresponding credit period based on the client’s financial status, the possibility of obtaining
       guarantees from the third party, relevant credit records and other factors (like the current market situation). In
       the meantime, the Group will regularly monitor the client's credit records. For any client with unfavorable credit
       records, the Group will issue written reminders, shorten the credit period or cancel the credit period so as to
       keep the Group's overall credit risk controllable.

       As of June 30, 2022, no significant guarantee or other credit enhancements held due to the debtor mortgage was
       found in the Group.

(2)       Liquidity risk

       Liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage the Company encounters when the Company is fulfilling the
       obligation of settlement in the form of cash or other financial assets. Various subsidiaries under the Group shall
       be responsible for predicting their own cash flow. The financial department of the headquarters shall firstly
       summarize predictions on the cash flow of various subsidiaries and then continuously monitor the short-term
       and long-term fund demand at the Group's level so as to maintain sufficient cash reserves and negotiable
       securities that can be realized at any time; meanwhile, special efforts shall also be made to continuously
       monitor whether provisions stated in the loan agreement are observed and to make major financial institutions
       promise to provide sufficient reserve funds so as to satisfy short-term and long-term capital demand.

       As of June 30, 2022, the Group had no liquidity risk events.

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

VIII     Risks Related to Financial Instruments (Continued)

(3)      Market risk

(a)    Foreign exchange risk

       The Group has carried out various economic activities around the world including manufacturing, selling,
       investment and financing etc., and corresponding interest rate fluctuation risks exist in the Group’s foreign
       currency assets and liabilities and future foreign currency transactions.

       The Group always regards "Locking the Cost and Avoiding Possible Risks" as the foreign currency risk
       management goal. Through the natural hedging of settlement currency, matching with the foreign currency
       liabilities, signing simple derivative products closely related to the owner's operation and meeting
       corresponding hedge accounting treatment requirements and applying other management methods, the foreign
       currency risk exposure can be controlled within a reasonable scope and the impact of interest rate fluctuations
       on the Group's overall profit and loss will be reduced.

       (A) On June 30, 2022, foreign-currency asset and liability items with significant exposure to exchange risk were
       mainly denominated in US dollars. After management, the total risk exposure of the US dollar-denominated
       items had a net asset exposure of USD341,208 thousand, equivalent to RMB2,289,981 thousand based on the
       spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The differences arising from the translation of foreign currency
       financial statements were not included.

       The Group applies the following exchange rate of USD against RMB:

                                                                                                     Exchange rate at
                                                                 Average exchange rate
                                                                  January - June 2022                 June 30, 2022
       USD/RMB                                                          6.5058                           6.7114

       Assuming that other risk variables other than exchange rate remain unchanged, a 5% depreciation/appreciation
       of Renminbi due to the Group’s exchange rate change of Renminbi against the U.S. dollar on June 30, 2022 will
       result in an increase/decrease of both shareholders’ equity and net profit by RMB114,499 thousand.

       The above-mentioned sensitivity analysis is made based on the assumption that the exchange rate changes on
       the balance sheet date, and financial instruments held by the Group on the balance sheet date exposed to the
       exchange risk are re-calculated based on the changed exchange rate. The above analysis does not include
       differences arising from the translation of foreign currency financial statements.

(b)    Interest risk

       The Group’s interest rate risk mainly results from interest-bearing bank borrowings adopting floating interest
       rates, and the Group determined the proportion of fixed interest rates and floating interest rates based on the
       market environment and its risk tolerance. Up until June 30, 2022, the Group’s liabilities with floating interest
       rates accounted for 74.50% of its total interest-bearing liabilities. And, the Group will continuously monitor the
       interest rates and make corresponding adjustments according to the specific market changes so as to avoid
       interest rate risk.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

IX.   Classification of Financial Instruments and Fair Value

      Fair value of financial instruments and levels

 1    Fair value is divided into the following levels in measurement and disclosure:

      Level 1 refers to the (unadjusted) quotation of the same type of assets or liabilities on the active market; and
      the Company mainly adopts the closing price as the value of a financial asset. Financial instruments of level 1
      mainly include exchange listed stocks and bonds.

      Level 2 refers to the directly or indirectly observable input of a financial asset or liability that does not belong
      to level 1.

      Level 3 refers to the input of a financial asset or liability determined based on variables other than the
      observable market data (non-observable input).

 2    Basis for determining the market value of items measured at continuous level 1 fair value

      The Company adopts the active market quotation as the fair value of a level 1 financial asset.

      Items measured at continuous level 2 fair value adopt the following valuation techniques and

      The Company’s receivables financing was bank acceptance notes and trade acceptance notes, of which the
      market prices were determined based on the transfer or discounted amounts.

      Derivative financial assets and liabilities are multiple IRS and CCS signed between the Group and financial
      institutions. The Company adopts the quotations provided by the financial institution in valuation.

      Items measured at continuous level 3 fair value adopt the following valuation techniques and parameters
      (nature and quantity):

      Other non-current financial assets measured at continuous level 3 fair value are mainly unlisted equity
      investments held by the Company. In measuring the fair value, the Company mainly adopts the valuation
      technique of comparison with listed companies, taking into account the price of similar securities and liquidity

      Held-for-trading financial assets measured at continuous level 3 fair value are mainly wealth management
      products held by the Company. In valuation of the fair value, the Company adopts the method of discounting
      future cash flows based on the agreed expected yield rate.

                                  TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                      Notes to Financial Statements
                          For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

IX   Classification of Financial Instruments and Fair Value (Continued)

5    Financial instruments measured in three levels of fair value

     Financial assets

                        Item                       Level 1              Level 2       Level 3          Total

     Held-for-trading financial assets (see
     Note V. 2)                                    321,814            8,585,498       67,701       8,975,013
     Derivative financial assets (see Note
     V.3)                                                 -             488,428               -      488,428
     Receivables financing (see Note V.6)                 -           2,223,849               -    2,223,849
     Investments in other equity
     instruments (see Note V. 15)                   88,092                      -    839,444        927,536
     Other non-current financial assets (see
     Note V. 16)                                   617,486                      -    511,125       1,128,611

     Total assets continuously measured at
     fair value                                  1,027,392           11,297,775     1,418,270     13,743,437

Financial liabilities

                  Item                          Level 1               Level 2       Level 3            Total

Held-for-trading financial liabilities
(see Note V, 30)                               140,276               666,142        183,385         989,803
Derivative financial liabilities (see
Note V, 31)                                           -              430,997              -         430,997

Total liabilities continuously measured
at fair value                                  140,276              1,097,139       183,385        1,420,800

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

X      Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions
1 Actual controller and its acting-in-concert parties

       Explanation of The Company’s Absence of Controlling Shareholders

       Mr. Li Dongsheng and Ningbo Jiutian Liancheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) became
       persons acting in concert by signing the Agreement on Concerted Action, holding 1,159,085,000 shares in total
       and becoming the largest shareholder of the Company.

       As per Article 217 of the Company Law, a controlling shareholder refers to a shareholder who owns over 50%
       of a limited liability company’s total capital or over 50% of a joint stock company’s total share capital; or,
       despite the ownership of less than 50% of a limited liability company’s total capital or less than 50% of a joint
       stock company’s total number of shares, who can still prevail in the resolution of a meeting of shareholders or a
       general meeting of shareholders according to the voting rights corresponding to their interest in the limited
       liability company’s total capital or the joint stock company’s total number of shares. According to the definition
       above, the Company has no controlling shareholder or actual controller.
2     Related parties that do not control or are not controlled by the Company

        Information about such related parties:

        Company Name                                                                      Relationship with the Company
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain Management Co.,
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain Management Co.,
        SunPower Systems International Limited                                                                   Associate
        Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         Associate
        Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management Technology Co., Ltd.                                                Associate
        Tianjin 712 Communication & Broadcasting Co., Ltd.                                                       Associate
        Xinjiang Xiexin New Energy Material Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 Associate
        Aijiexu New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                Associate
        Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical Engineering Co.. Ltd.                                           Associate
        Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and Technology Research Institute
        Co., Ltd.
        Ningbo Dongpeng Weichuang Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
        Ningbo Dongpeng Heli Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
        Inner Mongolia Huanye Material Co., Ltd.                                                                Associate
        Zhonghuan Aineng (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         Associate
        LG Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                                      Associate
        TCL Intelligent Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                                                           Associate
        Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                           Associate
        TCL Finance (Hong Kong) Co., Limited                                                                    Associate
        Huizhou TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.                                                        Joint venture
        Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co., Ltd.                                                          Joint venture
        Tianjin Zhonghuan Haihe Intelligent Manufacturing Fund Partnership
                                                                                                             Joint venture
        (Limited Partnership)
        Zhonghuan Feilang (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     Joint venture
        Tianjin Huanyan Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                 Joint venture
        SunPower Systems Sar                                                                        Associate’s subsidiary

                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

X   Related parties and related-party transactions (continued)

2   The nature of related parties without control relationship (continued)

    Qihang International Import & Export Limited                                      Associate’s subsidiary
    Qihang Import&Export Limited                                                      Associate’s subsidiary
    Jucai Supply Chain International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.                            Associate’s subsidiary
    Shanghai Tixiang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.                       Associate’s subsidiary
    Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information Technology Co., Ltd.            Associate’s subsidiary
    Elite Excellent Investments Limited                                               Associate’s subsidiary
    Huixing Holdings Limited                                                          Associate’s subsidiary
    Marvel Paradise Limited                                                           Associate’s subsidiary
    Union Dynamic Investment Limited                                                  Associate’s subsidiary
    Esteem Venture Investment Limited                                                 Associate’s subsidiary
    Zijinshan Investment Co., Ltd.                                                    Associate’s subsidiary
    Ziteng Intellectual Property Operation (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                       Associate’s subsidiary
    SunPower Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn.Bhd.                                          Associate's subsidiary
    SunPower Systems Sarl                                                             Associate's subsidiary
    TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Moxing Semi-conductor (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.                                   Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Jiangsu Huanxin Semiconductor Co.. Ltd.                                       Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Anhui TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.                                   Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Shanxi Shengwei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.                               Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Peer College Education Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                         Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Hubei Shifen Sharing Technology Co., Ltd.                                     Joint venture’s subsidiary
    Moxun Semiconductor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                           Joint venture’s subsidiary
    TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                Associate and its subsidiaries
    Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                           Associate and its subsidiaries
    TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                 Associate and its subsidiaries
    TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                               Other relationships
                                                                             Significantly influenced by the
    CJ Speedex Logistics Co., Ltd.
                                                                             Company’s senior management

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

    X   Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions (Continued)

3       Major related-party transactions

(1)     Selling raw materials and finished goods to related parties Note 1
                                                                              January - June 2022      January - June 2021
        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                          5,156,979                9,060,288
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                            1,176,332                 360,585
        SunPower Systems Sar                                                            1,031,484                 642,868
        Qihang International Import & Export Limited                                      497,015                 130,212
        SunPower Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn.Bhd.                                          171,070                       -
        SunPower Systems International Limited                                            106,752                   2,511
        TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its
        subsidiaries                                                                       59,645                  85,317
        Jiangsu Huanxin Semiconductor Co.. Ltd.                                            19,542                     885
        TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                     16,015                   3,594
        Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                                    4,704
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                                4,680                       -
        Zhonghuan Feilang (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.                                    2,940                       -
        Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                                      688                     791
        Moxing Semi-conductor (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.                                            44                       -
        Qihang Import&Export Limited                                                            -                   5,755
        Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management Technology
        Co., Ltd.                                                                                  -                   17
        Tianjin 712 Communication & Broadcasting Co., Ltd.                                         -                  661
        CJ Speedex Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                             -                    -

                                                                                        8,247,890              10,293,484
(2)     Purchasing raw materials and finished products from related parties Note 2
                                                                             January - June 2022       January - June 2021
        Xinjiang Xiexin New Energy Material Technology
        Co., Ltd.                                                                      2,464,489                1,078,653
        Aijiexu New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen)
        Co., Ltd.                                                                      2,230,372                1,333,171
        Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co.,
        Ltd.                                                                             607,566                  375,137
        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its
        subsidiaries                                                                     438,112                  815,005
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply
        Chain Management Co., Ltd.                                                       154,854                      120
        Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical
        Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                             89,991                   50,755
        Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and
        Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                           70,157                  110,776
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply
        Chain Management Co., Ltd.                                                        32,406                    3,635
        Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                                  12,062                        -
        Qihang Import&Export Limited                                                      15,776                        -
        TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its
        subsidiaries                                                                       2,308                   23,155
        TCL Intelligent Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                                        861                      977
        Jucai Supply Chain International (Hong Kong)
        Co., Ltd.                                                                          1,126                        -
                                                                                       6,120,080                3,791,384

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X      Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions (Continued)

 3      Major related-party transactions (continued)

(3)   Receiving funding from related parties Note 3

                                                                        January - June 2022   January - June 2021
        Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                            149,714               115,342
        Ningbo Dongpeng Weichuang Equity Investment Partnership
        (Limited Partnership)                                                       56,146                86,875
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                        52,452                16,528
        Qihang Import&Export Limited                                                36,860                44,641
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                        27,985               192,068
        Qihang International Import & Export Limited                                19,047                28,453
        Shanghai Tixiang Enterprise Management Consulting Co.,
        Ltd.                                                                        10,904                      -
        Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                                         6,516                 6,155
        Anhui TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.                                  6,148                 5,916
        Elite Excellent Investments Limited                                          5,412                 1,989
        Shanxi Shengwei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.                              3,808                     -
        Peer College Education Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                        3,744                     -
        Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management Technology Co.,
        Ltd.                                                                         1,494                 1,724
        Huixing Holdings Limited                                                       670                   674
        Marvel Paradise Limited                                                        600                   586
        Union Dynamic Investment Limited                                               397                   392
        TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                     205                   236
        Huizhou TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.                                  158
        Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                   93               400,000
        Hubei Shifen Sharing Technology Co., Ltd.                                       85                     -
        Esteem Venture Investment Limited                                               40                    49
        Ningbo Dongpeng Heli Equity Investment Partnership
        (Limited Partnership)                                                           33               257,053
        TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                   8                     -
        TCL Finance (Hong Kong) Co., Limited                                             -             1,369,249
        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                           -                   100

                                                                                   382,519             2,528,030

(4)   Providing funding for related parties Note 3

                                                                        January - June 2022    January - June 2021
        TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                  531,312              1,279,116
        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                      372,247              1,170,000
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                        39,488                      -
        Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                               12,689                      -
        TCL Intelligent Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                                    -                682,500
        TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                      -                  2,438

                                                                                   955,736              3,134,054

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X       Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions

 3       Major related-party transactions (continued)

(5) Leases

                                                                           January - June 2022   January - June 2021
         Rental income
         TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                        38,683                45,434
         Asahi Glass New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen)
         Co., Ltd.                                                                     34,756                41,998
         Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                                 683                   241
         TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its
         subsidiaries                                                                     534                    531
         Zhonghuan Feilang (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.                                 439                      -
         Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                                 414                    402
         Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                    182                      -
         TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                                          834
         Huizhou TCL Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.                                       -                   241

                                                                                       75,691                89,681

         Rental expense
         TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                        28,999                29,908
         Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co., Ltd.                                    2,581                   478
         TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                 1,120                   291
         Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                                 137                     -

                                                                                       32,837                30,677

(6) Providing labour service for or accepting labour service from related parties

                                                                           January - June 2022   January - June 2021
         Providing labour service for related parties                                  120,933                90,804
         Accepting labour service from related parties                                 567,820               335,790

(7) Receiving interest from or paying interest to related parties Note 3

                                                                           January - June 2022   January – June 2021
         Interest received                                                              11,457                 45,475
         Interest paid                                                                   8,387                 10,157

                                         TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                             Notes to Financial Statements
                                 For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X        Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions

 3        Major related-party transactions (continued)

(8) Remuneration of key management personnel

                                                                        January - June 2022        January - June 2021
          Remuneration of key management personnel                                    7,460                      7,710

(9) Other related transactions

     In June 2022, the Group signed a property share transfer agreement with TCL Industrial Holdings Co., Ltd. to
     transfer all the property shares held by the Group in Chongqing Zhongxin Rongxin Investment Center (Limited
     Partnership) to TCL Industrial Holdings Co., Ltd., with the transaction price of RMB960 million.

 Note 1     Selling raw materials and finished products to related parties

            The Company sells raw materials, spare parts, auxiliary materials and finished goods to its joint ventures
            and associates at market prices, which are settled in the same way as non-related-party transactions. These
            related-party transactions have no material impact on the Company’s net profit^ but play an important role
            as to the Company’s continued operations.

 Note 2     Purchasing raw materials and finished products from related parties

            The Company purchases raw materials and finished goods from its joint ventures and associates at prices
            similar to those paid to third-party suppliers, which are settled in the same way as non-related-party
            transactions. These related-party transactions have no material impact on the Company’s net profit^ but
            play an important role as to the Company’s continued operations.

 Note 3     Providing funding for or receiving funding from related parties and corresponding interest received or paid

            The Company set up a settlement center in 1997 and TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd. in 2006
            (together, the “Financial Settlement Center”). The Financial Settlement Center is responsible for the
            financial affairs of the Company, including capital operation and allocation. The Center settles accounts
            with the Company’s subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates and pays the interest. It also allocates the
            money deposited by the subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in it to these enterprises and charges
            interest. The interest income and expense between the Company and the Center are calculated according to
            the interest rates declared by the People’s Bank of China. The funding amount provided refers to the
            outstanding borrowings due from the Center to related parties, while the funding amount received means
            the balances of related parties’ deposits in the Center.

 Note 4     The transactions between Maojia International Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and the Company from
            January to March 2021 are included in TCL Industrial Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries.

 Note 5     The transactions between TCL Financial Holding (Guangzhou) Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and
            the Company in June 2021 are included in TCL Industrial Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries.

 Note 6     The transaction between TCL Huanxin Semiconductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. and the Company in June 2021
            is a related-party transaction.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X    Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions (Continued)

 3    Major related-party transactions (continued)

 4    Balances due from and to related parties (continued)

(1)   Notes receivable
                                                                      June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021
      TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                              -               13,441

                                                                                   -              13,441

(2)   Accounts receivable
                                                                      June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021

      TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries             2,715,368             2,230,056
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
      Management Co., Ltd.                                               1,027,582              276,090
      SunPower Systems Sarl                                                495,948              281,163
      Qihang International Import & Export Limited                         413,892              235,474
      SunPower Systems International Limited                                53,704              119,817
      Tianjin Zhonghuan Haihe Intelligent Manufacturing
      Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)                                 7,199                   199
      Jiangsu Huanxin Semiconductor Co., Ltd.                                6,385                     -
      TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                         3,161                24,710
      Inner Mongolia Huanye Material Co., Ltd.                               2,695                     -
      Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and Technology
      Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                           1,860                     -
      Zhonghuan Feilang (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd.                       1,816                 1,569
      TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its
      subsidiaries                                                           1,608                     -
      Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                         816                     -
      Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                         800                     -
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
      Management Co., Ltd.                                                     608                     -
      Tianjin Huanyan Technology Co., Ltd.                                     162                     -
      Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical
      Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                    157                     -
      Tianjin 712 Communication & Broadcasting Co., Ltd.                        23                    40
      SunPower Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn.Bhd.                                  20                 2,183
      Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co., Ltd.                               15                     1

                                                                         4,733,819             3,171,302

(3)   Receivables financing
                                                                      June 30, 2022    December 31, 2021

      TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                               -                500
                                                                                   -                500

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X      Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions (Continued)
 4      Balances due from and to related parties (continued)

(4)    Accounts payable
                                                                         June 30, 2022       December 31, 2021
        Aijiexu New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.              537,889                 552,883
        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                 298,110                 448,553
        Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                       274,170                 274,366
        Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                        39,242                  10,762
        Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical Engineering Co..
        Ltd.                                                                   29,754                   30,029
        TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries            24,454                   24,033
        Qihang International Import & Export Limited                           12,416                        -
        Inner Mongolia Huanye Material Co., Ltd.                               11,725                    1,457
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                    9,795                    2,240
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                    2,901                        -
        Jucai Supply Chain International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.                  2,324                    6,503
        Qihang Import&Export Limited                                            2,179                        -
        Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and Technology Research
        Institute Co., Ltd.                                                       884                    5,246
        TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                            392                        -
        Peer College Education Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                       -                       38
        Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                                             -               1,195

                                                                            1,246,235                1,357,305

(5)   Other receivables

                                                                        June 30, 2022        December 31, 2021

      TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                 576,979                 1,390,733
      Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                           12,696                         -
      TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries              9,566                     2,139
      Aijiexu New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                7,987                         -
      Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                         2,198                       404
      Inner Mongolia Huanye Material Co., Ltd.                                 3,310                         -
      Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                                     3,171                     1,185
      Zhonghuan Aineng (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.                          3,099                     3,099
      TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                           2,133                       663
      Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and Technology Research
      Institute Co., Ltd.                                                        214                      524
      LG Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                                         153                      109
      Jiangsu Huanxin Semiconductor Co.. Ltd.                                    122                        -
      Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical Engineering Co..
      Ltd.                                                                       100                        64
      TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                   4                         -
      TCL Intelligent Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                                -                     3,777
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
      Management Co., Ltd.                                                           -                      8
      Moxing Semi-conductor (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     -                      7

                                                                             621,732                 1,402,712

                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X     Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions

 4     Balances due from and to related parties (continued)

(6)    Other payables

                                                                    June 30, 2022     December 31, 2021

      Tianjin Zhonghuan Haihe Intelligent Manufacturing
      Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)                             428,100               428,100
      Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                   146,637               118,911
      Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                   115,765                84,988
      TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries              78,813                39,554
      Ningbo Dongpeng Weichuang Equity Investment
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)                                   40,703                 48,969
      Qihang Import&Export Limited                                        36,861                 12,779
      Qihang International Import & Export Limited                        19,047                  3,234
      TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its
      subsidiaries                                                         9,647                  1,365
      Aijiexu New Electronic Display Glass (Shenzhen) Co.,
      Ltd.                                                                 9,317                  1,330
      Anhui TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.                          7,487                  6,073
      Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                        5,564                  5,316
      Elite Excellent Investments Limited                                  5,412                  3,860
      Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                                 3,966                      -
      Shanxi Shengwei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.                      3,814                    725
      Peer College Education Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                3,753                  3,624
      Inner Mongolia Shengou Electromechanical Engineering
      Co., Ltd.                                                            2,841                      -
      Moxun Semiconductor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                  2,057                  1,000
      TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                       1,685                      -
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
      Management Co., Ltd.                                                   824                    245
      Huixing Holdings Limited                                               670                    672
      Marvel Paradise Limited                                                600                    570
      Union Dynamic Investment Limited                                       397                    377
      CJ Speedex Logistics Co., Ltd.                                         202                  1,772
      Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management Technology
      Co., Ltd.                                                              197                   197
      Huizhou TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.                          157                   370
      Hubei Shifen Sharing Technology Co., Ltd.                               85                     -
      Ningbo Dongpeng Heli Equity Investment Partnership
      (Limited Partnership)                                                   66                    33
      Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and Technology
      Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                            55                     -
      Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co., Ltd.                             45                    45
      Esteem Venture Investment Limited                                       40                    41
      Xinjiang Xiexin New Energy Material Technology Co.,
      Ltd.                                                                        -                  4
      Zijinshan Investment Co., Ltd.                                              -                  -

                                                                         924,807               764,154

                                       TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                           Notes to Financial Statements
                               For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

        Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions

 4      Balances due from and to related parties (continued)

(7)      Current portion of non-current liabilities due within a one-year period

                                                                              June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                      15,717                6,346
        Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co., Ltd.                                  4,192                4,648
        TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                 957                  957

                                                                                    20,866               11,951

(8)       Prepayments
                                                                              June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

        Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                           126,354                4,850
        Xinjiang Xiexin New Energy Material Technology Co.,
        Ltd.                                                                       120,347               74,672
        Tianjin Huanyan Technology Co., Ltd.                                        39,113                    -
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                        16,790                    -
        Inner Mongolia Zhongjing Science and Technology
        Research Institute Co., Ltd.                                                12,046                    -
        Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.                                98
        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                         775                  40
        Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information
        Technology Co., Ltd.                                                           550                    -
        TCL Intelligent Technology(Ningbo) Co., Ltd.                                     -                    -

                                                                                   316,073               79,562

(9) Contract liabilities

                                                                              June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

        TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                                                     5,955               10,633
        TCl Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and its
        subsidiaries                                                                 3,124                2,885
        Moxun Semiconductor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     1,000                    -
        Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
        Management Co., Ltd.                                                              -                111

                                                                                    10,079               13,629

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X         Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions (Continued)

 4         Balances due from and to related parties (continued)

(10) Lease liabilities

                                                                                    June 30, 2022           December 31, 2021

         TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                                                            8,329                        6,576
         Huaxia CPV (Inner Mongolia) Power Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            3,741                        6,242
         TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              275                          275

                                                                                           12,346                       13,093

(11) Deposits from related parties (note)

                                                                                    June 30, 2022           December 31, 2021

           Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         149,769                       101,181
           Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
           Management Co., Ltd.                                                            52,464                       25,040
           Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain
           Management Co., Ltd.                                                            27,996                       45,018
           Ningbo Dongpeng Weichuang Equity Investment Partnership
           (Limited Partnership)                                                           15,693                      114,413
           Shanghai Tixiang Enterprise Management Consulting Co.,
           Ltd.                                                                            10,910                        4,940
           Shenzhen Xirang International Network Information
           Technology Co., Ltd.                                                             6,519                        7,559
           Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management Technology Co.,
           Ltd.                                                                             1,495                        7,873
           Anhui TCL Human Resources Service Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              579                             -
           TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
                                                                                              205                           46
           Zhihui Xinyuan Commercial (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               93                          185
           TCL Huanxin Semi-conductor (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                8                      229,154
           Jiangsu Huanxin Semiconductor Co.. Ltd.
                                                                                                -                      109,395
           TCL Finance (Hong Kong) Co., Limited
                                                                                                -                       21,241

                                                                                           265,731                      666,045
           These deposits are made by related parties in the Company’s subsidiary TCL Technology Group Finance Co., Ltd.

(12) Other current assets

                                                                                     June 30, 2022            December 31, 2021

           TCL Air Conditioner (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                      531,312                                -
           TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                          372,247                                -
           Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International Supply Chain                                                                    -
           Management Co., Ltd.                                                             39,539

                                                                                           943,098                                -

                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

 X       Related Parties and Related-Party Transactions

 4       Balances due from and to related parties (continued)

(13) Other non-current assets

                                                                         June 30, 2022   December 31, 2021

         Ziteng Intellectual Property Operation (Shenzhen) Co.,                                          -
         Ltd.                                                                 233,582
         Getech Ltd. and its subsidiaries                                      22,004                    -

                                                                              257,824                    -

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XI           Commitments

1            Capital commitments

                                                                      June 30, 2022                      December 31, 2021

              Under contractual
              obligations but not             Note
              provided for                    1                         28,235,439                                   17,764,772
              Approved by Board but not
              under contractual               Note
              obligations                     2                              10,346                                    172,384

                                                                        28,245,785                                   17,937,156

    Note 1    The capital commitments under contractual obligations but not provided for in the current period primarily
              consisted of such commitments for construction of investment projects and external investments.

    Note 2    The capital commitments were approved by the Board but are not under contractual obligations in the
              current period primarily consisting of such commitments for CSOT’s LCD panel project.

              As of June 30, 2022, apart from the disclosures above, there were no other major commitments that are
              required to be disclosed.

XII          Contingencies

             Guarantees Provided for External Parties

             External guarantees provided for related party bank loans, commercial bills, letters of credit, etc.:
             RMB6,185,884 thousand.

XIII         Events after Balance Sheet Date

    1        The Company issued a medium-term note on July 4, 2022 with the code 22TCL Group MTN003 (Science
             and Technology Notes). The issue size was RMB2 billion, the value date is July 6, 2022, with the maturity
             date being 4 July, 2025. The term is 3 years, and the coupon rate is 3.45%.

             In July 2022, the Company received the Approval for the Non-Public Issue of Shares by TCL Technology
             Group Co., Ltd. (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2022] No. 1658) issued by the China Securities Regulatory
             Commission, which approved the Company's non-public issue of no more than 2,806,128,484 shares. If the
             total share capital changed due to new shares, conversion to share capital, etc., the number of shares offered
             in the issue would be adjusted accordingly, and the approval would be valid within 12 months from the date
             of issuance.

                                    TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                        Notes to Financial Statements
                            For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XIV    Other Important Matters

(I)    Discontinued operations

       In May 2021, the Company's second extraordinary general meeting reviewed and approved the proposal to
       sell 100% equity of TCL Financial Holding (Guangzhou) Group Co., Ltd.: to sell 100% of the Company's
       equity to TCL Industrial Holdings Co., Ltd. at RMB2,572,020 thousand. The Company completed the
       closing at the end of May.

                                                                January - June 2022               January - June 2021

       Revenue from discontinued operations                                         -                         168,312
       Gross profit of discontinued operations                                      -                          63,259
       Income tax expense of discontinued                                           -
       operations                                                                                               15,502
       Net profit of discontinued operations                                        -                           47,757
       Add: Net gain/loss on disposal of                                            -
       discontinued operations                                                                                  10,539
       Total net profit of discontinued operations                                  -                           58,296

(II)   Segment reporting

 1     Basis for determining reporting segment and accounting policies

       According to the Company’s internal organizational structure, management requirements and internal
       reporting system, the Company’s business is divided into four reporting segments: the semi-conductor
       display business, the new energy photovoltaic and semi-conductor materials business, the distribution
       business and the other businesses. The Company's management regularly evaluates the operating results of
       these reporting segments to determine the allocation of resources and evaluate their performance. The
       Company’s four reporting segments are:
       Semiconductor display business: mainly includes the research and development, manufacturing and sales of
       semiconductor display panels and semiconductor display modules, as well as complete display processing.
       New energy photovoltaic and semiconductor materials business: mainly includes the manufacture and sales
 (2)   of semiconductor materials, semiconductor devices, new energy materials, and new energy; development,
       and operation of high-efficiency photovoltaic power station projects.
 (3)   Distribution business: mainly includes the sales of computers, software, tablet computers, mobile phones
       and other electronic products.

 (4)   Other businesses: other businesses besides the above, including industrial finance and investment business,
       technology development services and patent maintenance services provided by the company, etc.

       Segment assets include all current assets such as tangible assets, intangible assets, other long-term assets and
       receivables attributable to each segment. Segment liabilities include payables, bank loans and other long-
       term liabilities attributable to each segment.

       Segment operating results refer to the income generated by each segment (including external transactions
       income and inter-segment transaction income), net of expenses incurred by each segment, depreciation,
       amortization and impairment losses of assets attributable to each segment, gains or losses from changes in
       fair value, investment income, non-operating income and income tax expenses. Transfer pricing of inter-
       segment income is calculated on terms similar to other foreign transactions.

                                     TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                         Notes to Financial Statements
                             For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XIV    Other Important Matters (Continued)

(II)   Segment reporting (continued)

2      Financial information of reporting segments

                                                     For the six-month period ending June 30, 2022

                                                      New energy
                                                photovoltaics and        Distribution         Other and
                               conductor                                                                         Total
                                                  semi-conductor            business             offsets
                                                materials business
       Revenue               37,262,162                31,698,337         14,728,215            833,467     84,522,181
       Gross profit          (2,750,561)                3,480,014            165,175            943,690      1,838,318
       Income tax
                               (477,736)                  255,114             46,916             87,308       (88,398)
       Net profit            (2,272,825)                3,224,900            118,259            856,382      1,926,716
       Total assets         222,752,118                88,714,834          8,228,826         10,660,749    330,356,527
                            145,828,388                43,905,764          6,891,654         14,592,438    211,218,244

       Other items
       and                     7,868,657                1,982,213             15,991          1,555,938     11,422,798
                             13,126,031                 4,963,363                   -           162,242     18,251,636
       Net interest
                                424,130                   384,456             33,041            839,916      1,681,543

                                                     For the six-month period ending June 30, 2021

                                                      New energy
                                                photovoltaics and        Distribution         Other and
                                 display                                                                         Total
                                                  semi-conductor            business             offsets
                           and materials
                                                materials business
       Revenue               40,863,497                17,644,419         14,450,787          1,447,146     74,405,849
       Gross profit           7,676,130                 2,135,060            167,885            734,909     10,713,982
       Income tax
                               1,049,844                  219,876             42,782            103,995      1,416,497
       Net profit             6,626,286                 1,915,184            125,103            630,914      9,297,485
       Total assets         199,819,530                66,067,765          5,377,523         30,986,182    302,251,000
                            112,805,489                36,283,034          4,193,839         43,677,696    196,960,058

       Other items
       and                     6,926,888                1,411,961              8,121             99,878      8,446,848
                             10,616,137                 3,036,386                   -            31,508     13,684,031
       Net interest
                                668,046                   382,859             23,015            837,398      1,911,318

                                             TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                 Notes to Financial Statements
                                     For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XV        Notes to the key items presented in the financial statements of the Company

1         Accounts receivable

                                      June 30, 2022                                          December 31, 2021
                                 Ratio                                                     Ratio
                   Amount                                    Ratio       Amount
                                  (%)                                                       (%)
                                            Allowance        (%)                                     Allowance           Percentage

                   137,256      100%                  338     0.25%       93,929          100%             363               0.39%
     1 year

2         Other receivables

                                                                              June 30, 2022              December 31, 2021

              Dividends receivable                                                    9,618,555                              -
              Other receivables                                                      20,249,449                     13,819,512

                                                                                     29,868,004                     13,819,512

    (a)       Nature of other receivables is analyzed as follows:

                                                                              June 30, 2022              December 31, 2021

              Equity transfer receivables                                               471,010                      1,260,290
              Receivables from external entities                                        104,104                        107,708
              Security deposits                                                           1,840                          1,407
              Others                                                                 19,672,495                     12,450,107

                                                                                     20,249,449                     13,819,512

    (b)       Allowance for doubtful other receivables is analyzed as follows:
                                                               Lifetime ECL
                                         12-month                                           Lifetime ECL (credit
                                                                (credit not                                                   Total
                                           ECL                                                    impaired)
              December 31, 2021                    962                           -                          31,966            32,928
              Accrued in current
              period                                   -                         -                                   -                -
              Reversal of current
              period                                   -                         -                                 (2)           (2)
              Write-off of current
              period                                   -                         -

              June 30, 2022                        962                           -                          31,964            32,926

                                         TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                             Notes to Financial Statements
                                 For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

    XV      Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company (Continued)

    2       Other receivables (continued)

    (c)     The aging of other receivables is analyzed as follows:

                                            June 30, 2022                                   December 31, 2021
                                         Amount           Ratio (%)                       Amount            Ratio (%)

            Within 1
            year                      19,225,308                  94.80%              12,536,263                   90.50%
            1 to 2
            years                           31,167                0.15%                   363,773                   2.63%
            2 to 3
            years                        651,701                  3.21%                   587,773                   4.24%
            Over 3
            years                        374,199                  1.84%                   364,631                   2.63%

                                      20,282,375                   100%               13,852,440                        100%

            The outstanding other receivables were mostly current accounts with related parties.

            The top five other receivables of the Company amounted to approximately RMB18,121,026 thousand (At the
            end of 2021: RMB12,357,035 thousand), accounting for 89.34% of the total other receivables of the
            Company (At the end of 2021: 89.20%).

3         Long-term equity investments

                                               June 30, 2022                                 December 31, 2021
                                                          for                                    Impairment
                                                     doubtful         Carrying          Gross     allowance       Carrying
                                  Gross amount       accounts          amount          amount                      amount

          Associates and joint
          ventures (1)              15,148,219                -     15,148,219     14,968,764               -   14,968,764
          Subsidiaries (2)          58,418,945                -     58,418,945     56,334,362               -   56,334,362

                                    73,567,164                -     73,567,164     71,303,126               -   71,303,126

          As of June 30, 2022, there are no major restrictions on the realization of investment and the remittance of
          return on long-term equity investments.

                                                                        TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                                                            Notes to Financial Statements
                                                                For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XV     Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company (Continued)

3     Long-term equity investments (continued)

(1)    Associates and joint ventures
                                                                                                            Increase or decrease in current period
                                                                                    Investment gains        Other                           Declared                        Other
                                                                Increase/decrease                                            Other                                                    June 30, 2022
                                                 Beginning                              and losses     comprehensive                          cash       Impairment       increases
                                                                 in investment in                                            equity
                                                  amount                              recognized by        income                         dividends or    allowance          and
                                                                  current period                                            changes
                                                                                     equity method       adjustment                          profits                      decreases

      Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.                   11,919,796                   -           729,672             4,068              -        (327,157)                 -           -     12,326,379
      China Innovative Capital Management
      Limited                                       1,063,219                   -           (74,814)                 -             -                -                 -           -        988,405
      LG Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.               92,079                   -              5,763                 -             -         (13,000)                 -           -         84,842
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International
      Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                36,160                   -            (1,405)                 -             -                 -                -           -         34,755
      Shenzhen Tixiang Business Management
      Technology Co., Ltd.                              3,620                   -            (1,823)                 -             -                 -                -           -          1,797
      Shenzhen Jucai Supply Chain Technology
      Co., Ltd.                                        10,706                   -             2,311                  -             -                 -                -           -         13,017
      TCL Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.          122,391                   -             3,539                  -             -                 -                -           -        125,930
      Guangdong Innovative Lingyue Intelligent
      Manufacturing and Information Technology
      Industry Equity Investment Fund
      Partnership (Limited Partnership)               372,976                   -            (5,792)                 -             -                 -                -           -        367,184
      Guangdong Utrust Emerging Industry
      Equity Investment Fund Partnership
      (Limited Partnership)                           151,026              (279)             13,636                  -             -                 -                -           -        164,383
      Huizhou TCL Human Resources Service
      Co., Ltd.                                         3,296                   -             3,030                  -             -                 -                -           -          6,326
      TCL Microchip Technology (Guangdong)
      Co., Ltd.                                       313,434                   -           (14,358)                 -             -                 -                -           -        299,076
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sailing International
      Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                49,964                   -             3,020                  -             -                 -                -           -         52,984
      Hubei Consumer Finance Co., Ltd.                168,654                   -             6,091                  -             -                 -                -    (14,174)        160,571
      Tianjin 712 Communication & Broadcasting
      Co., Ltd.                                       661,443           (88,084)             21,332                  -             -           (7,777)                -    (64,343)        522,570

                                                   14,968,764           (88,363)            690,202             4,068                       (347,934)                      (78,517)     15,148,219

                                          TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                              Notes to Financial Statements
                                  For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XV         Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company (Continued)

3          Long-term equity investments (continued)

    (2)      Subsidiaries
                                                   Direct                          Increase in
                                                                  Beginning                             Decrease in
                                                shareholding                           current                               June 30,
                                                                    amount                            current period
                                                 Ratio (%)                              period                                  2022

          TCL China Star Optoelectronics
          Technology Co., Ltd.                       83.68%       32,700,898         268,400                        -      32,969,298
          TCL Technology Group Finance
          Co., Ltd.                                     82%        1,256,003                 -                      -       1,256,003
          TCL Technology Group (Tianjin)
          Co., Ltd.                                    100%       15,000,000                 -   -                  -      15,000,000
          TCL Zhonghuan New Energy
          Technology Co., Ltd.                        2.41%        1,752,635                 -   -                  -       1,752,635
          Wuhan China Star
          Optoelectronics Technology Co.,
          Ltd.                                              -               -                -   -                  -               -
          TCL Culture Media (Shenzhen)
          Co., Ltd.                                    100%          361,414                 -   -                  -        361,414
          Xinjiang TCL Equity Investment
          Ltd.                                         100%          200,000                 -   -                  -        200,000
          Huizhou Sailuote
          Communication Co., Ltd.                      100%          110,000                 -   -                  -        110,000
          Highly Information Industry Co.,
          Ltd.                                       66.46%          107,296                 -   -                  -        107,296
          TCL Communication Equipment
          (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                        75.00%            79,500                -   -                  -         79,500
          TCL Medical Radiological
          Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.               100%            58,497                -   -                  -         58,497
          Shenzhen TCL Strategic Equity
          Investment Fund Partnership                  100%            70,826             183                                 71,009
          (Limited Partnership)                                                                                     -
          TCL Industrial Technology
                                                       100%            20,000                                                 20,000
          Research Institute, Ltd. (Europe)                                                  -   -                  -
          Wuhan TCL Industrial
          Technology Research Institute,               100%            20,000                                                 20,000
          Ltd.                                                                               -   -                  -
          Shenzhen TCL High-Tech
          Development Co., Ltd.                        100%            20,000                -   -                  -         20,000
          Beijing HAWK Cloud
          Information Technology Co., Ltd.             100%            20,000                -   -                  -         20,000
          Huizhou Hongsheng Science and
          Technology Development Co.,
          Ltd.                                         100%             1,000                -   -                  -          1,000
          Beijing Zhiqujia Technology Co.,
          Ltd.                                         100%          257,627                 -   -                  -        257,627
          Tianjin Silica Material
          Technology Co., Ltd.                         100%        1,000,000       1,800,000                        -       2,800,000
          Xiamen TCL Technology
          Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.              100%                 -           1,000                       -          1,000
          TCL Internet Technology
          (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                         100%                 -          15,000                       -         15,000
          Ningbo TCL Equity Investment
          Ltd.                                         100%          300,000                 -                      -        300,000
          TCL Technology Investments
                                                       100%        2,988,293                                                2,988,293
          Limited                                                                            -                      -
          Equity incentives of subsidiaries                            10,373                -                      -         10,373

                                                                 56,334,362        2,084,583                        -      58,418,945
          For the registered capital of subsidiaries and the Company's equity interests in the subsidiaries, see Note V.

                                  TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                      Notes to Financial Statements
                          For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XV   Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company (Continued)

4     Investments in other equity instruments

                                                                        June 30, 2022           December 31, 2021
     Equity of unlisted companies                                               5,000                       5,000

5     Other non-current financial assets

                                                                        June 30, 2022           December 31, 2021
     Equity investments                                                       126,644                  1,051,536

6     Revenue and cost of sales

                                           January - June 2022                       January - June 2021
                                        Revenue        Cost of sales                Revenue          Cost of sales

     Core business                      339,768              333,523                 618,241               606,953
     Non-core business                  249,803               78,878                 155,431                28,602

                                        589,571              412,401                 773,672               635,555

7     Return on investment

                                                                              January - June         January - June
                                                                                       2022                   2021
     Gain on disposal of debt instruments at fair value through profit or
     loss                                                                            140,452                 62,402
     Profit from holding debt instruments at fair value through profit or
     loss                                                                                  -                 19,419
     Debt instruments at amortized cost through profit or loss                             -                    877
     Dividends from subsidiaries                                                   9,292,231               378,888
     Share of profit of associates for current period                                701,530               629,051
     Share of profit of joint ventures for current period                           (11,328)                (1,345)
     Net income from disposal of long-term investments                               484,672               761,859

                                                                                   10,607,557              1,851,151
     As of June 30, 2022, there were no significant restrictions on the collection of return on investment.

                                   TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                       Notes to Financial Statements
                           For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XV   Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent Company (Continued)

 8    Net cash generated from operating activities

     In the cash flow statement of the Company, the net cash inflow from operating activities was RMB975,555

 9    Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period

     The balance of cash and cash equivalents of the Company at the end of the period was RMB14,738,040

10    Contingent liabilities

     As of June 30, 2022, the contingent liabilities not provided for in the financial report were as follows:

                                                                           June 30, 2022         December 31, 2021

     Guarantees for trade notes and letters of guarantee of
     subsidiaries                                                             17,462,870                  10,025,125

     Guarantees for bank loans of subsidiaries                                33,269,665                  29,542,641

     Guarantees for bank loans, trade notes, letters of credit, etc.
     of related parties                                                        6,185,884                  15,991,207

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XVI       Comparative Data
         Certain comparative data have been reclassified to comply with the presentation of the current period.

XVII       Non-Recurring Gains and Losses
                                                                                             January -            January -
                                                                                                 June                 June
                                                                                                 2022                 2021

         Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment
         allowance write-offs)                                                                464,268              739,340

         Government grants through profit or loss (exclusive of government grants
         given in the Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or               429,923              359,192
         amounts as per the government’s uniform standards)

         Gain equal to the amount by which investment costs for the Company to
         obtain subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than the
                                                                                                      -             40,300
         Company’s fair value of identifiable net assets of investees when making

         The profits or losses generated from changes in fair value arising from holding
         marketable financial assets and marketable financial liabilities, as well as the
         investment-related income from the disposal of marketable financial assets,
                                                                                              (11,164)             210,273
         marketable financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets, except
         for the effective hedging business related to the Company’s normal business

       Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables that have been individually
         tested for impairment                                                                  10,180                    -

         Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                               538,585              244,570

         Income tax effects                                                                   (47,766)            (82,886)

         Non-controlling interests effects                                                    (93,634)        (224,722)

         Non-recurring gains and losses attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
         parent company                                                                      1,290,392        1,286,067

         The Company recognizes non-recurring gain and loss items in accordance with the provisions of (2008) No.43
         Explanatory Announcement No.1-Non-recurring Gains and Losses (2008) issued by the China Securities
         Regulatory Commission.

                                      TCL Technology Group Corporation
                                          Notes to Financial Statements
                              For the period from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022

XVIII Weighted Average Return on Equity (ROE) and Earnings per Share (EPS)

        The Company calculates the ROE and EPS as follows in accordance with the Compilation Rules No. 9 for
        Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public-Calculation and Disclosure of Return
        on Equity and Earnings per Share (Revised in 2010) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission and
        relevant provisions of accounting standards:

        Item                                    Reporting                                 EPS (RMB yuan)
                                                Net profit
                                               attributable        Weighted
                                                   to the            average          Basic
                                                                                                     Diluted EPS
                                                  parent            return on      earnings per
                                                Company            equity (%)         share
                                                  for the

        Net profit attributable to ordinary
        shareholders of the Company               663,521              1.71%             0.0489            0.0485
        Net profit attributable to ordinary
        shareholders of the Company
        before non-recurring gains and
        losses                                  (626,871)             (1.62%)          (0.0462)          (0.0458)

                                                              Company Name: TCL Technology Group Corporation

                                                                                            Date: August 26, 2022

       The financial statements and the notes thereto from page 1 to page 153 are signed by:

                                        Person-in-charge                        charge of the
 Legal                   Li             of financial                            accounting
 representative:      Dongsheng         affairs:                  Li Jian       department:         Xi Wenbo
