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晨 鸣B:2014年半年度报告(英文版)2014-08-28  



             SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                    August 2014

                            SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED   1
         I    Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

       The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”), the supervisory committee (the “Supervisory Committee”), the Directors,
       supervisors (the “Supervisors”) and senior management (the “Senior Management”) of the Company hereby warrant the truthfulness,
       accuracy and completeness of the contents of the interim report (the “Report”), guarantee that there are no false representations,
       misleading statements or material omissions contained in this Report, and are jointly and severally responsible for the liabilities of
       the Company.

       All Directors were present at the Board meeting to consider and approve this Report.

       The Company does not propose distribution of cash dividends or bonus shares, and there will be no increase of share capital from

       Chen Hongguo, head of the Company, Dong Lianming, head in charge of accounting and Liu Jun, head of the accounting
       department (Accounting Officer), declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements
       in the interim report.


             I Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

             Table of contents
              I      Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions                                              2

              II     Company Profile                                                                                  5

              III    Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators                                              6

              IV     Directors’ Report                                                                               8

              V      Material Matters                                                                                 25

              VI     Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders                                                        37

              VII    Preference Shares                                                                                43

              VIII   Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management                                                     44

              IX     Financial Report                                                                                 47

              X      Documents Available for Inspection                                                           174


                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED        3
       I     Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

     Item                          means   Definition

     Company or Chenming Paper     means   Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

     Group                         means   Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries

     Chenming Holdings             means   Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited

     Shenzhen Stock Exchange       means   Shenzhen Stock Exchange

     Stock Exchange                means   The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong

     CSRC                          means   China Securities Regulatory Commission

     Shandong CSRC                 means   Shandong branch of China Securities Regulatory Commission

     Shouguang Henglian            means   Shouguang Henglian Enterprise Investment Co. Ltd.

     Shouguang Hengtai             means   Shouguang Hengtai Enterprise Investment Company Limited

     Jiangxi Chenming              means   Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.

     Wuhan Chenming                means   Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.

     Chenming (HK)                 means   Chenming (HK) Limited

     Zhanjiang Chenming            means   Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.                       14
     Jilin Chenming                means   Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                                   REPORT

     Chenming GmbH                 means   Chenming GmbH

     Shouguang Meilun              means   Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.

     Guangdong Huirui              means   Guangdong Huirui Investment Co., Ltd.

     Xinli Power                   means   Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd.

     Haicheng Haiming              means   Haicheng Haiming Mining Company Limited

     Cheming Power                 means   Shandong Chenming Power Supply Holdings Co., Ltd.

              II Company Profile

             I.    Company profile
                   Stock abbreviation                                          晨鳴紙業              Stock Code    000488
                   Stock abbreviation                                          晨鳴 B                Stock Code    200488
                   Stock exchange on which the shares are listed               Shenzhen Stock Exchange          
                   Stock abbreviation                                          Chenming Paper        Stock Code    01812
                   Stock exchange on which the shares are listed               The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong  
                   Chinese name of the Company                                 山東晨鳴紙業集團股份有限公司     
                   Chinese short name of the Company                           晨鳴紙業                         
                   English name of the Company                                 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED
                   English short name of the Company                           SCPH                             
                   Legal representative of the Company                         Chen Hongguo                     

             II.   Contact persons and contact methods
                                                                                   Securities Affairs                Hong Kong
                                           Secretary to the Board                  Representative                    Company Secretary

                   Name                    Wang Chunfang                           Xiao Peng                         Poon Shiu Cheong
                   Correspondence          No. 2199 East Nongsheng Road,           No. 2199 East Nongsheng Road,     22nd Floor, World Wide House,
                     address               Shouguang City,                         Shouguang City,                   Central, Hong Kong
                                           Shandong Province                       Shandong Province
                   Telephone               (86)-0536-2158008                       (86)-0536-2158008                 (852)-2501 0088
                   Facsimile               (86)-0536-2158977                       (86)-0536-2158977                 (852)-2501 0028
                   Email address           chenmmingpaper@163.com                  chenmmingpaper@163.com            kentpoon_1009@yahoo.com.hk
   INTERIM   III. Other information
                   1.   Contact methods of the Company
                        Whether the registered address, office address, postal code, website, email of the Company changed during the
                        reporting period
                        □    Applicable     √    Not applicable

                        There was no change of the registered address, office address, postal code, website and email of the Company during
                        the reporting period. Please refer to 2013 Annual Report for details.

                   2.   Information disclosure and places for inspection
                        Whether the information disclosure and places for inspection changed during the reporting period
                        □    Applicable     √    Not applicable

                        There was no change of the newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, designated websites
                        for the publication of the Interim Report as approved by CSRC and places for inspection of the Company’s Interim
                        Report during the reporting period. Please refer to 2013 Annual Report for details.

                   3.   Change of registration information
                        Whether the registration information changed during the reporting period

                             √ Applicable        □ Not applicable                                                                      
                                                                                                    Legal Person        Taxation
                                                      Date of             Address of                Business License    Registration        Organisation
                                                      Registration        Registration              Registration Number Number              Code

                           Registration at the        2 January 2014      Shandong Administration   370000400001170 370783613588986 61358898-6
                              beginning of the                            for Industry & Commerce                      
                              reporting period                                                                         
                           Registration at the        28 May 2014        Shandong Administration    370000400001170 370783613588986 61358898-6
                          of thed reporting period                     for Industry & Commerce

                                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                    5
            III Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

       I.     Major accounting data and financial indicators
              Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company due to change of
              accounting policies and correction of accounting errors

              √ Yes     □ No

              In accordance with the requirements of “Notice on the issuance of ‘Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 –
              Long-term equity investments’” (Cai Kuai [2014] No. 14) and “Notice on the issuance of ‘Accounting Standard for Business
              Enterprises No. 41 – Disclosure of interests in other entities’” (Cai Kuai [2014] No. 16), entities listed overseas are encouraged
              to early adopt the above two accounting standards issued or amended in 2014. As a listed company in the PRC and Hong
              Kong, the Company implemented the above two accounting standards in preparation of the financial statements for the first
              half of 2014 and made retrospective adjustments to the data as at the end of 2013. The retrospective adjustments affected
              available-for-sale financial assets and long-term equity investments in the balance sheet but had no effect on the income
              statement. Please see section IX. IV. 31 “Changes in significant accounting policies and estimates” as set out in this Report
              for the details of the affected amounts.

                                                                                                                         for the reporting
                                                                                                                         period compared
                                                                                                                                      to the
                                                                       The reporting       The corresponding period            period of the
                                                                             period             of the prior year             prior year (%)
                                                                                     Before adjustment After adjustment After adjustment
              Revenue (RMB)                                        9,082,020,579.01 10,027,901,358.43 10,027,901,358.43                              -9.43%       INTERIM
              Net profit attributable to shareholders                                                                                                              REPORT
                 of the Company (RMB)                                 242,461,095.02         333,409,511.73         333,409,511.73                  -27.28%
              Net profit after extraordinary gains or losses
                attributable to shareholders of the
                 Company (RMB)                                         57,813,473.27         134,539,548.74         134,539,548.74                  -57.03%
              Net cash flows from operating
                 activities (RMB)                                  1,285,696,261.13          906,935,242.95         906,935,242.95                  41.76%
              Basic earnings per share (RMB per share)                         0.12                    0.16                   0.16                 -25.00%
              Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share)                       0.12                    0.16                   0.16                 -25.00%
              Rate of return on net assets on weighted
                 average basis                                                  1.72%                   2.40%                  2.40%                 -0.68%
                                                                                                                                              as at the end
                                                                                                                                           of the reporting
                                                                       As at the end                                                     period compared
                                                                     of the reporting                                                     to the end of the
                                                                              period         As at the end of the prior year                  prior year (%)
                                                                                         Before adjustment     After adjustment           After adjustment

              Total assets (RMB)                                  50,465,774,693.92 47,521,883,569.18 47,521,883,569.18                               6.19%
              Net assets attributable to shareholders
                of the Company (RMB)                              13,635,437,678.10 14,039,888,226.11 14,039,888,226.11                              -2.88%
              Share capital (shares) Note 1                           1,936,405,467     1,975,471,967     1,975,471,967                              -1.98%
              Note 1:   The Company repurchased and cancelled 39,066,500 H shares during the reporting period and, therefore, the total number of the shares of
                        the Company was reduced by 39,066,500 shares.

              III Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

             II.   Differences in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards
                   1.      Differences between the net profit and net assets disclosed in accordance with international accounting standards and
                           China accounting standards in the financial report

                           □   Applicable     √   Not applicable

                           There was no difference between the net profit and net assets disclosed in accordance with international accounting
                           standards and China accounting standards in the financial report during the reporting period.

                   2.      Differences between the net profit and net assets disclosed in accordance with overseas accounting standards and
                           China accounting standards in the financial report

                           □   Applicable     √   Not applicable

                           There was no difference between the net profit and net assets disclosed in accordance with overseas accounting
                           standards and China accounting standards in the financial report during the reporting period.

             III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains or losses
                   √ Applicable      □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                   Item                                                                               Amount     Note

                   Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets
   14                (including write-off of provision for assets impairment)                   73,764,935.36
                   Government grants (except for the government grants
    REPORT           closely related to the normal operation of the Company
                     and granted constantly at a fixed amount or quantity
                     in accordance with a certain standard based
                     on state policies) accounted for in profit or
                     loss for the current period                                              100,763,109.28
                   Gain or loss from debt restructuring                                           623,626.67
                   Gain or loss from change in fair value of consumable
                     biological assets                                                             967,670.22
                   Non-operating gains and losses other than the above items                    64,271,540.63
                   Less: Effect of income tax                                                   44,085,625.09
                          Effect of minority interests (after tax)                              11,657,635.32

                   Total                                                                      184,647,621.75     —

                   Notes for the Company‘s extraordinary gain or loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement on Information
                   Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses and the extraordinary
                   gain or loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
                   Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses defined as its recurring gain or loss items

                   □ Applicable       √    Not applicable

                   No extraordinary gain or loss items as defined or illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for
                   Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses were defined by the Company as its
                   recurring gain or loss items during the reporting period.

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                    7
            IV Directors’ Report

       I.     Overview
              2014 marked an important year of reform and innovation for paper making industry. The paper making industry in China has
              been entering into a new stage of transformation and upgrade in 2014. Some paper types are in a phase of overcapacity due
              to slowdown in economic growth and weakness in market demand, thus resulting in fierce competition in the paper making
              industry. In the first half of 2014, the domestic pulp and paper market was sluggish due to the macro environment. The overall
              market development was weak.

              On one hand, some small and medium-sized enterprises left the market as a result of elimination of outdated production
              capacity and stricter environmental protection policy. This lowered the pressure of the new production capacity on the supply
              in the industry to a certain extent, which was conductive to a proactive increase in price proposed by enterprises. Meanwhile,
              the continued low level of raw material prices relieved the pressure on the operating costs of enterprises. On the other hand,
              the slow recovery of market demand prevented the price from rising. Enterprises therefore underwent more production and
              operation difficulties.

              During the reporting period, the Company’s revenue amounted to RMB9,082.0206 million, down by 9.43 % from the
              corresponding period of the prior year. The net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company was RMB242.4611 million,
              down by 27.28% from the corresponding period of the prior year.

              During the reporting period, the Company specified the working principles of “team building, strict management, outstanding
              business performance, achieving good results” for the year and strengthened their implementation and putting them into
              practice. It sorted out the existing management system, enhanced team building, strengthened strict management, improved
              incentive schemes and further mobilised the enthusiasm of the cadres and staff. The Company increased investment in high-
              efficiency areas by optimising product structure and increase. It improved performance appraisal systems to fully arouse the
              enthusiasm of sales staff. It reduced inventories to proactively respond to the market through measures including market
              research and timely developed marketing strategies. The Company also stepped up efforts to promote new products, the                14
              result of innovation and research and development and established professional sales teams for high value-added products            INTERIM
              including the “Forest Love” household paper, thermal paper and glassine paper to increase the revenue of the Company.

              During the reporting period, Jilin Chenming’s environmental protection relocation project, Wuhan Chenming’s household
              paper project and Shouguang Meilun’s paper additives project commenced operation and were reclassified as fixed
              assets, which played an important role in the Company’s restructuring, cost reduction and efficiency enhancement. Jiangxi
              Chenming’s 350,000 tonne high-end packaging paper project, Zhanjiang Chenming’s 180,000 tonne paper cup sheets
              and 190,000 tonne culture paper projects, Huanggang Chenming’s integrated forestry, pulp and paper project, Shouguang
              City’s 400,000 tonne chemical pulp project, Haicheng Haiming’s magnesite mining project, Guangdong Huirui’s waterfront
              comprehensive regulation works, and Wuhan Wan Xing’s real estate , and other projects in the pipeline commenced orderly
              in accordance with our plans, which accelerated the transformation, upgrade and restructuring of the Company, thus further
              enhancing the Company’s overall competitiveness.

              During the reporting period, a finance company was approved to commence operation. Meanwhile, the financial leasing
              company also commenced operation. Therefore, the Company became the first enterprise in the paper making industry to
              own a finance company and a financial leasing company. The operation of the finance company enables the temporarily idle
              capital within the Group to be under the central management of the finance company for the operation in the interbank lending
              market and provision of various financial services, thus realising the transformation of capital management from a ‘custody
              mode’ to an ‘operation mode’ to effectively enhance the efficiency of the use of capital and achieve capital appreciation, and
              pave the way for new diversification in the development of the Company.

             IV Directors’ Report

              II.      Analysis of principal operations
                       During the reporting period, the Company’s revenue amounted to RMB9,082.0206 million, down by 9.43% from the
                       corresponding period of the prior year. The operating costs were RMB7,378.9986 million, down by 10.57% from the
                       corresponding period of the prior year. Operating profit and net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company
                       were RMB22.0533 million and RMB242.4611 million respectively, down by 77.34% and 27.28% respectively from the
                       corresponding period of the prior year. During the reporting period, the expenses for the period were RMB1,651.3395 million,
                       down by 0.48% from the corresponding period of the prior year. Investment in research and development amounted to
                       RMB186.0690 million, up by 20.80% from the corresponding period of the prior year. Net cash flows from operating activities
                       were RMB1,285.6963 million, up by 41.76% from the corresponding period of the prior year.

                       Year on year changes in major financial information
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                      During the
                                                                             During the            period of the           Increase/      Reason for
                                                                       reporting period                prior year       decrease (%)      the change

                       Revenue                                         9,082,020,579.01        10,027,901,358.43             -9.43%           —
                       Operating costs                                 7,378,998,628.31         8,251,349,814.35            -10.57%          —
                       Selling and distribution expenses                 524,593,811.50           570,398,742.45             -8.03%          —
                       Administrative expenses                           500,133,881.63           602,523,953.98            -16.99%          —
                       Finance expenses                                  626,611,788.47           486,409,117.79             28.82%
                       Income tax expenses                                34,033,045.12            82,871,206.26            -58.93%          (1)
   INTERIM             Investments in research and development           186,069,011.16           154,034,416.74             20.80%          —
                       Net cash flows from operating activities        1,285,696,261.13           906,935,242.95             41.76%          (2)
                       Net cash flows from investing activities       -1,797,453,118.70          -885,800,802.95           -102.92%          (3)
                       Net cash flows from financing activities          709,490,179.43          -772,501,665.99            191.84%          (4)
                       Net increase in cash and cash equivalents         184,819,902.18          -744,802,455.71            124.81%          (5)

                       Explanation on major changes:

                       (1)   The profitability of the Company decreased as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year due to the factors
                             such as market and exchange rate changes.

                       (2)   The Company increased the proportion of payment for goods by bills.

                       (3)   The Company made new external entrusted loans.

                       (4)   The borrowings for the period increased due to the projects.

                       (5)   The change was primarily due to changes in cash flow from operating activities, investing activities and financing

                                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                 9
        IV Directors’ Report

      II.   Analysis of principal operations (Cont’d)
            Significant change in structure or source of profit of the Company during the reporting period
            □   Applicable    √   Not Applicable

            There was no significant change in structure or source of profit of the Company during the reporting period.

            Disclosure of future development and continued planning during the reporting period in public documents
            such as IPO prospectus, offering prospectus and asset reconstruction report
            □   Applicable    √   Not Applicable

            There was no disclosure of future development and continued planning during the reporting period in public documents such
            as IPO prospectus, offering prospectus and asset reconstruction report.

            Progress of operating plans disclosed in corporate review during the reporting period
            For details, please refer to “I. Overview” of this section.

      III. Analysis of liquidity, financial resources and capital structure in accordance with generally
           accepted accounting principles in Hong Kong
            As of 30 June 2014, the Group’s current ratio was 80.50%. The quick ratio was 62.00%. The gearing ratio was 72.05%. The
            accounts receivable turnover ratio was 375.09% (Accounts receivable turnover ratio = turnover/weighted average accounts
            receivable and net bills*100%). The inventory turnover ratio was 350.26% (Inventory turnover ratio = cost of sales of the
            products/weighted average net inventory*100%).                                                                                       14
            There was no significant seasonal trend for capital requirements of the Group.                                                        REPORT

            The Group’s sources of capital primarily came from cash generated from operating activities, borrowings from financial
            institutions, open issuance of corporate bonds in the capital market, as well as issuance of privately placed bonds, medium-
            term notes and short-term commercial paper in the interbank market.

            As of 30 June 2014, the total bank borrowings, corporate loans, medium-term notes and privately placed bonds of the Group
            were RMB16,789 million, RMB5,773 million, RMB2,581 million and RMB3,964 million (As at the end of the prior year: the total
            bank borrowings, corporate loans, medium-term notes and privately placed bonds, and short-term commercial paper of the
            Group were RMB18,185 million, RMB6,267 million, RMB2,577 million and RMB3,853 million, respectively). As of 30 June
            2014, the Group had monetary funds of RMB3,357 million (As at the end of the prior year: RMB2,548 million) in total (For the
            breakdown of monetary funds, please refer to “Section IX. VII.1 Note on monetary funds” in this report).

            To strengthen our financial management, the Group implemented strict internal control system on cash and capital
            management. The liquidity and repayment ability of the Group were in a good condition. As at 30 June 2014, the Group had
            12,761 employees. The total staff remuneration for the first half of 2014 amounted to RMB336.0257 million (as at the end of
            the prior year, the Group had 12,954 employees. The total staff remuneration for 2013 amounted to RMB665.6397 million).

            Major investment projects of the Company during the second half of 2014 will include Jiangxi Chenming’s 350,000 tonne
            high-end packaging paper project, Zhanjiang Chenming’s 180,000 tonne paper cup sheets and 190,000 tonne culture paper
            projects, Huanggang Chenming’s integrated forestry, pulp and paper project, Shouguang City’s 400,000 tonne chemical
            pulp project, Haicheng Haiming’s magnesite mining project, Guangdong Huirui’s waterfront comprehensive regulation works
            project, Wuhan Wan Xing’s real estate development project and other projects.

            Our existing bank deposits were primarily used for production and operation, construction projects and investment in
            technology research and development.

            For details of the restricted assets of the Group as of 30 June 2014, please refer to “Section IX. VII. 12. Details of restricted
            fixed assets” in this report.

            As at 30 June 2014, no contingent event was required to be disclosed by the Group.

             IV Directors’ Report

              IV. Components of principal operations
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    Increase/decrease    Increase/decrease           of gross profit
                                                                                                                         of revenue as of operating costs                 margin as
                                                                                                                      compared to the as compared to the           compared to the
                                                                                                                        corresponding        corresponding           corresponding
                                                                                                                          period of the       period of the           period of the
                                                            Revenue        Operating costs Gross profit margin                prior year         prior year               prior year
                    By industry
                    Machine-made paper               8,545,843,565.79      7,004,509,499.62            18.04%                 -3.42%               -4.39%                   0.83%
                    Electricity and heat               198,681,459.85        144,716,153.44            27.16%                -75.26%              -78.32%                  10.28%
                    Chemical products                   42,387,862.87         27,967,694.33            34.02%                      —                   —                      —
                    Construction materials              94,627,856.04         76,921,331.07            18.71%                -13.41%              -15.62%                   2.13%
                    Hotel                               14,901,686.03          3,398,372.51            77.19%                -24.32%              -29.98%                   1.84%
                    Others                              65,178,932.67         63,565,414.91             2.48%                 33.69%               59.17%                 -15.61%
                    By products
                    Light weight coated paper          348,081,994.57        316,335,859.11             9.12%               -30.64%               -25.86%                  -5.86%
                    Duplex press paper               1,441,112,796.55      1,134,551,552.38            21.27%                 5.11%                 0.04%                   3.99%
                    Writing paper                       82,378,061.06         62,326,659.34            24.34%               -55.54%               -61.34%                  11.35%
                    White paper board                  940,339,733.70        758,413,648.95            19.35%               -14.66%               -13.35%                  -1.22%
                    Container paperboard               375,085,910.27        356,635,077.75             4.92%                     —                    —                      —

   14               Coated white paperboard
                    Coated white linerboard
   INTERIM          Paperboard                       2,185,259,143.15      1,820,063,708.25            16.71%                 1.16%                -3.08%                   3.64%
    REPORT          News press paper                   519,433,041.74        385,119,601.80            25.86%               -32.97%               -32.37%                  -0.66%
                    Electrostatic paper                840,427,787.43        638,909,675.65            23.98%                -2.42%                -6.03%                   2.92%
                    Household paper                    253,924,521.39        230,635,298.13             9.17%                     —                    —                      —
                    Other machine-made paper         1,064,561,614.23        823,594,086.06            22.64%               -41.39%               -46.21%                   6.93%
                    Electricity and steam              198,681,459.85        144,716,153.44            27.16%               -75.26%               -78.32%                  10.28%
                    Chemical products                   42,387,862.87         27,967,694.33            34.02%                     —                    —                      —
                    Construction materials              94,627,856.04         76,921,331.07            18.71%               -13.41%               -15.62%                   2.13%
                    Hotel                               14,901,686.03          3,398,372.51            77.19%               -24.32%               -29.98%                   1.84%
                    Others                              65,178,932.67         63,565,414.91             2.48%                33.69%                59.17%                 -15.61%
                    By geographical segment
                    Mainland China                   7,170,230,465.09      5,592,480,772.13            22.00%                -13.30%              -16.22%                    2.72%
                    Other countries and regions      1,791,390,898.16      1,728,597,693.75             3.51%                 14.89%               18.83%                   -3.20%

                                                                                                 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                              11
       IV Directors’ Report

      V.   Analysis of asset and liability
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                      Reason for
                 Item                                                30 June 2014      31 December 2013        Increase/decrease      the change

                 Monetary funds                                  3,357,075,224.97       2,547,729,794.24                31.77%           (1)
                 Construction in progress                        3,383,652,916.06       5,266,031,817.60               -35.75%           (2)
                 Construction materials                             23,245,677.92          63,968,067.62               -63.66%           (3)
                 Other non-current assets                          900,000,000.00                      0               100.00%           (4)
                 Interest payable                                  246,392,305.53         153,189,860.42                60.84%           (5)
                 Dividend payable                                  580,921,640.10                      0               100.00%           (6)
                 Long-term payable                                 128,000,000.00          60,000,000.00               113.33%           (7)
                 Explanation on major changes:

           (1)      The establishment of Shandong Chenming Group Finance Co., Ltd. was approved. Its registered capital was RMB1
                    billion. Registration has not been made with the industrial and commercial administration as at the end of the reporting

           (2)      Jilin Chenming’s environmental protection relocation project, Wuhan Chenming’s household paper project and
                    Shouguang Meilun’s paper additives project were reclassified as fixed assets.

           (3)      Jilin Chenming’s environmental protection relocation project was reclassified as fixed assets.

           (4)      The Company made new external entrusted loans due after one year.                                                              14
           (5)      The interest of “11 Chenming Bond”, “12 Chenming Bond” and 2012 medium-term notes was payable by the Company.               REPORT

           (6)      Dividend on ordinary shares for 2013 was payable by the Company.

           (7)      During the period, the Management Committee of Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone provided
                    borrowings of RMB68.00 million for the phase II project of Jiangxi Chenming.

             IV Directors’ Report

              VI. Analysis of Core Competitiveness
                  The Company is a large enterprise primarily engaged in forestry, pulping and paper-making operations. It is also the only listed
                  company with three types of listed shares (i.e. A shares, B shares and H shares) in China. Compared with other enterprises in
                  the industry, the Company has the following advantages:

                  (1)   Scale advantages: As China’s largest state-owned paper making enterprise, after years of development, the Company
                        has achieved annual pulp and paper production capacity of 8.00 million tonnes and is capable to compete with
                        international paper making enterprises in scale. Large-scale centralised production has provided the Company with
                        obvious economic benefits, which are reflected not only in the manufacturing costs of products, but also in its strong
                        market influence in raw material procurement, product pricing and industry policy making.

                  (2)   Product advantages: While the production scale of the Company expands rapidly, its product mix also continues to
                        optimise. In recent years, the Company has built the production lines for high-end coated paper, high-end light weight
                        coated paper, high-end white paper board and high-end duplex press paper, and has achieved higher technological
                        content of products and added values as well as a higher gross profit margin. The product mix of the Company has
                        changed from one that focused mainly on ordinary offset paper to a wide product range including electrostatic paper,
                        duplex press paper, light weight coated paper, news press paper, coated paper, white paper board and household
                        paper, and thus the Company has become the enterprise that offers the widest and the most complete product range
                        in China’s paper making industry. Proportion of the Company’s high-end products will further increase in the future.
                        Diversification and gentrification of the product mix have not only greatly enhanced the Company’s ability to withstand
                        market risks, but also enabled the Company to maintain a relatively high profitability.

                  (3)   Advantages in technical equipment: The Company’s overall technical equipment has reached the advanced international
                        level. The main production equipment has been imported from internationally renowned manufacturers, including
   14                   Metso and Ahlstrom of Finland, Fuyite of Germany, Andritz of Austria and ABB of the United States. The technical
   INTERIM              equipment used by the Company generally reflects the characteristics of being technology-intensive and the integration
                        of mechanical and electrical in the paper making industry nowadays. The degassing technology, wet end chemical
                        technology, intelligent sheet lateral control technology, coating preparation technology, free-jet coating technology,
                        multi-nip pressure balanced burnishing technology and independent developed processes of the slurry system have all
                        reached or surpassed the international advanced level.

                  (4)   Research and innovation advantages: Leveraging its research strengths and relying on state-level enterprise technical
                        centres and post-doctoral research stations, the Company has established a comprehensive intellectual property rights
                        system, and has continuously enlarged its technological innovation capacity and research and development efforts to
                        actively develop new products and proprietary technology with high technology content and added values. Meanwhile,
                        Chenming Paper Technology Centre is actively engaged in technological cooperation with higher education institutions,
                        research units and international advanced enterprises, which has helped the Company to establishing a research and
                        development network leveraging both the domestic and international advanced paper making research bases, and
                        guaranteed the Company’s leading position in industry research in China.

                  (5)   Comprehensive cost advantages: The Company has a relative advantage in comprehensive cost, which is mainly
                        reflected in: first, the Company has optimised the operation of the production lines through stringent management,
                        which has substantially reduced the waste of resources in evaporating, emitting, dripping or leaking, and the Company’s
                        energy consumption per tonne of paper is also controlled at a relatively low level; secondly, striving for the integrated
                        development of forestry, pulp and paper, the Company has built up forest land of approximately 2.00 million mu and
                        established several advanced pulp production lines, thus increasing the supply for major raw materials; thirdly, the
                        Company has reduced costs through the construction of the captive power plant to ensure energy supply.

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      13
       IV Directors’ Report

      VI. Analysis of Core Competitiveness (Cont’d)
          (6)   Funding advantages: The paper making industry is a capital-intensive industry, and funding is one of the most important
                factors which affect the development of the industry. The Company has high profitability and credit status, and has
                maintained long-term stable cooperative relations with the banks, which provide the Company with an unobstructed
                financing capacity. In recent years, the Company has made full use of indirect financing channels to accelerate its
                development. While the Company has increased borrowings, it has maintained higher returns on net assets, improved
                its earnings ratio, and leveraged the advantage of financial leverage. All these are in line with the goal of maximisation
                of shareholders’ wealth. Since its listing, the Company has maintained good operating results and a sound corporate
                governance structure. It has conducted several financing activities in domestic and foreign stock markets. The funds
                obtained have been applied effectively, which has provided the Company with stronger abilities in direct financing in the
                stock market. The establishment of finance company and financial leasing company has diversified the development of
                the Company.

          (7)   Advantages in environmental regulation capacity: Over the years, the Company has firmly established “environmental
                protection first upon scale expansion” as the concept of development. The Company has ensured the enhancement
                of economic and environmental benefits simultaneously by giving equal importance to environmental protection
                and production. In recent years, the Company and its subsidiaries have constructed the pollution treatment facilities
                including the alkali recovery system, middle water treatment system, white water recovery system, black liquor
                comprehensive utilisation system, desulfurisation and denitrification system and the sewage treatment plants, which
                guarantee that the environmental protection facilities can meet the demand of the rapid expansion of the Company.

      VII. Outlook on the future development of the Company
          1.    Competition overview and development trend of the industry
                The industry to which the Company belongs is the paper making industry, which is a light industry. The paper making          INTERIM
                industry is an important basic raw materials industry which is closely related to the national economy and social
                development. The paper making industry features capital and skills intensive characteristics with prominent economy of
                scale. Its growth rate is strongly and positively correlated to that of GDP. In respect of the industry, since 2013, some
                paper types are in a phase of overcapacity due to slowdown in economic growth and weak market demand, resulting
                in fierce competition in the paper making industry. The outlook of the domestic paper and pulp market is not promising
                due to the macro environment. The overall market development is weak with sluggish market condition. However,
                the development conditions for the paper making industry are gradually improving in the long run. The National
                Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Communication and State Forestry Administration have
                jointly issued the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Paper Making Industry, which clearly states the
                general direction of “controlling total volume, promoting concentration, optimising raw materials and reducing energy
                consumption and emission”. Elimination of outdated production capacity and the stricter environmental protection
                policy will force some small and medium-sized enterprises to leave the industry, thereby lowering the pressure of the
                new production capacity on the supply in the industry to a certain extent, which is conducive to a proactive increase in
                price proposed by enterprises. Meanwhile, the continued low level of raw material prices relieved the pressure on the
                operating costs of enterprises. The Company is expected to benefit in the long run.

                In recent years, the Company is committed to the integrated development of forestry, pulp and paper with a longer
                industry chain and more comprehensive paper types. The Company has carried out capacity expansion on paper types
                with better prospects. The Company’s direction of development is in line with the requirements of the development plan
                of the entire paper making industry. Meanwhile, the operation of the finance company and the financial leasing company
                signifies that the Company has officially stepped into the financial sector. Moreover, the Company has engaged in
                various operations such as waterfront regulation, magnesite mining, and real estate development, thereby expanding its
                industry chain with a more rationalised industry positioning, which further strengthen the Company’s competitiveness
                and development potential. As the industry gradually recovers with the economic turnaround, the results of the
                Company will make great strides.

             IV Directors’ Report

              VII. Outlook on the future development of the Company (Cont’d)
                  2.      Development strategy of the Company
                          (1)   The Company will adjust its product structure and focus on developing the production of high-end paper
                                product. Several projects of the Company have commenced operation upon completion. They are the high-end
                                low weight coated paper project of production capacity of 800,000 tonnes, the high-end culture paper project
                                of production capacity of 450,000 tonnes, the high-end white coated linerboard project of production capacity
                                of 600,000 tonnes, Wuhan Chenming’s high-end household paper project and Jilin Chenming’s environmental
                                protection relocation project. The Company has also invested in and constructed the high-end packaging paper
                                project of production capacity of 350,000 tonnes, the high-end cultural paper project of production capacity of
                                190,000 tonnes and the paper cup project of production capacity of 180,000 tonnes. The Company will take these
                                opportunities to further upgrade its products for a higher end market and strive to become one of the leading
                                companies in the global paper making industry within a period of time.

                          (2)   The Company will eliminate the bottlenecks in raw materials encountered during the development of the Company
                                and strengthen the Company’s product cost control. The Company will focus on the construction of Zhanjiang
                                pulp project and ancillary raw material bases, as well as the construction of Huanggang Chenming pulp project
                                and ancillary raw material bases. The Company will establish the “forestry-pulp-paper integration” chain industry
                                and construct the chemical pulp project of production capacity of 400,000 tonnes in Shouguang City, thereby
                                eliminating the limitations of upstream resources on the Company and enhancing Company’s sustainable
                          (3)   The Company will pay all its attention to its environmental protection works, aiming to achieve harmonious
                                development with energy consumption and emission reduction. Upon implementation of the new national
   14                           environmental protection standards and the greater emphasis on environment regulation, the Company will
   INTERIM                      endeavour to develop the recycle economy. The Company will strive to maximise its resource utilisation.
                                Meanwhile, the Company will make greater efforts to construct environment friendly projects and strive to achieve
                                its waste emission target.

                          (4)   The Company will enhance staff training and technology innovation. On one hand, the Company adheres to
                                internal training as well as external recruitment in order to enhance the overall quality of the team. On the other
                                hand, it strives to develop its own technology, strengthen its own innovation ability and step up investments in its
                                research and development.

                          (5)   Enhance corporate management and improve operational quality: to implement the management concept of
                                “to manage people with system and to work up to the standard”, and improve all systems and processes to
                                enhance implementation capability; to continuously improve equipment automation and information technology
                                management, and implement post setting and staffing according to advanced international standards; to further
                                strengthen the reform of the remuneration system, improve the performance appraisal system, establish different
                                promotion channels and ranks; and to strengthen the management awareness of the management staff and
                                improve their ability to identify and solve problems.

                          (6)   Develop domestic and international markets and expand development potential: firstly, to implement a proactive
                                and rational marketing strategy, timely adjust product structure according to market changes, further expand the
                                Company’s market share domestically and internationally through innovative sales and marketing and services;
                                secondly, to strengthen sales and marketing management with the help of management advisory body, take
                                the lead in implementing a new management mode within the sales system, adjust the product management
                                structure, strengthen the management of market segmentation, increase training efforts and build up a quality
                                sales force; thirdly, to optimise the international marketing network, strengthen overseas sales force and expand
                                export volumes; and fourthly, to commence e-commerce business, accelerate the construction of virtual terminal
                                market, carry out customer-facing e-commerce business and expand sales channels through on-line marketing.

                                                                                         SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      15
       IV Directors’ Report

      VII. Outlook on the future development of the Company (Cont’d)
          3.   Operating plan for the second half of 2014
               (1)   Corporate Management: firstly, the Company will firmly establish and strictly implement the working principles of
                     “team building, strict management, outstanding business performance, achieving good results”; and secondly,
                     the Company will adopt four measures in corporate management, as follows: ① revise the existing management
                     system by making it simple, effective, and easy to implement in order to create the basic conditions for strict
                     management; ② enhance team building by employment of qualified employees and dismissal of unqualified
                     employees; ③ strengthen strict and careful management, with special emphasis on “strict” and “careful”; and ④
                     improve incentive schemes by innovative incentives and adoption of appointment through competition to further
                     mobilise the enthusiasm of the cadres and staff.

               (2)   Operation and management: the Company will increase efficiency by optimising product structure and increase
                     investment in high-efficiency areas. It will make reference to advanced corporate marketing incentives, improve
                     performance appraisal systems to fully arouse the enthusiasm of sales staff. It will implement system optimisation
                     and strictly control risk. The Company aims to reduce inventories and capital appropriations to proactively
                     respond to the market through measures including market research and timely developed marketing strategies.
                     The Company will also enhance new product promotion and establish professional sales teams for high value-
                     added products to increase the revenue of the Company.

               (3)   Production management: firstly, the Company places great emphasis on the operation of production upgrade
                     projects and new production projects. It focuses on the management of its 800,000 tonne coated paper project,
                     600,000 tonne bleached kraft liner board project, Jilin Chenming’s environmental protection relocation project,
                     Meilun’s paper additives projects and Wuhan’s specialty paper upgrade and household paper projects to
                     accelerate growth in efficiency. Secondly, it will speed up product restructuring and new product development,            14
                     strengthen new product development, enrich product structure, improve the ability to respond to the market,               INTERIM
                     and increase sales of new products and high value-added products. Thirdly, special emphasis will be placed
                     on technology development and application to improve the Company’s core competitiveness. Research on the
                     use of fibre reinforced and filler modification technology as well as new alternative adhesives technology will be
                     conducted to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Fourthly, it will implement strict equipment management to
                     eliminate serious accidents involving equipment. Fifthly, the Company will continue to implement post setting and
                     staffing and reduce labour costs through post consolidation and improvement in automation.

               (4)   Project management: firstly, the Company will revise and improve its original project management system to
                     make the system fully reflect the principle for project construction of “careful planning, casting quality products,
                     striving for progress and effectiveness verification”. Secondly, the Company will enhance the professional skills of
                     project personnel by encouraging them to learn outside the Company and engage them to learn in the Company.
                     Thirdly, it will adopt strict requirements from the pre-feasibility studies to process control, and from construction
                     company tenders to selection of equipment suppliers to ensure the overall quality of the project. Fourthly, it
                     will specific clear project details and quality objectives, highlight project staff’s accountability and implement
                     a strict reward and punishment system. The Company will focus on implementing the following tasks: ① for
                     projects under construction including Jiangxi Chenming’s 350,000 tonne high-end packaging paper, Zhanjiang
                     Chenming’s 180,000 tonne paper cup sheets and 190,000 tonne culture paper projects, the Company will ensure
                     comprehensive control and assessment, as well as strict quality and cost control to ensure timely commencement
                     of production; ② planned and approved projects including Huanggang Chenming’s integrated forestry, pulp and
                     paper project and Shouguang City’s 400,000 tonne chemical pulp project will undergo repeated verification and
                     optimisation to ensure that these projects will become world-class quality products.

               (5)   Other aspects: firstly, the Company will make full use of offshore funds and reduce finance costs through the
                     finance company and financial leasing company. Secondly, it will reduce finance costs by increasing use of
                     offshore funds, expanding financing channels and improving capital use efficiency. Thirdly, it aims to achieve
                     economic efficiency by increasing trade volume through import and export companies, developing new customer
                     sources, establishing strategic partnerships and controlling quality supplies. Fourthly, it will reduce inventories and
                     improve contract compliance rate to reduce capital appropriations and financing costs.

             IV Directors’ Report

              VII. Outlook on the future development of the Company (Cont’d)
                  4.   Capital requirements, source of funds and plan for usage
                       The future capital requirement of the Company mainly arises from the normal production and operation and Zhanjiang
                       Chenming’s 180,000 tonne paper cup sheets and 190,000 tonne culture paper projects, Jiangxi Chenming’s 350,000
                       tonne high-end packaging paper project, Huanggang Chenming’s integrated forestry, pulp and paper project,
                       Shouguang City’s 400,000 tonne chemical pulp project, Haicheng Haiming’s magnesite mining project, Guangdong
                       Huirui’s waterfront comprehensive regulation works project, Wuhan Wan Xing’s real estate development project and
                       other projects in the pipeline. The Company employs the following measures to satisfy it capital requirement:

                       Firstly, the Company will further improve its marketing network, optimise its marketing organisation structure and
                       increase its sales channels by developing new customer sources and establishing strategic partnerships with quality
                       customers. It will also strengthen its management of capital appropriations to reduce capital appropriations and speed
                       up the turnover of the funds.

                       Secondly, the Company will leverage the overseas financing platform by increasing its overseas financing at lower costs
                       and make good use of overseas funds.

                       Thirdly, the Company will enhance the centralised management of the Group’s fund and improve the efficiency of capital
                       use through the finance company and financial leasing company so as to further increase the Group’s fund settlement,
                       management, investment and financing ability, thus reducing its financing cost.

                       Fourthly, the Company will establish strategic partnership with major financial institutions to leverage the regional
                       advantages of various subsidiaries, and proactively obtain direct financing from the interbank market and capital market

                       to secure the capital requirement for project construction and production and operation.

   INTERIM        5.   Risk factors likely to be faced and the measures to be taken
                       As a basic raw materials industry of the national economy, the paper making industry’s overall efficiency has a
                       strong correlation with the national macroeconomic performance, and is therefore a cyclical industry. The national
                       macroeconomic performance will have a greater impact on the market demand for paper products, which will
                       further affect the product price and cost of raw materials, and will ultimately affect the operating results of the paper
                       making enterprises, including the Company. There still exist some uncertainties and complexities in China’s future
                       macroeconomic trends. Thus, the Company still faces the risk of earnings level being affected by macroeconomic

                       Operational risk. The major raw materials used by the Company are wood pulp and waste paper. The Company’s
                       products mainly comprised high-end paper products, and wood pulp and waste paper have accounted for a higher
                       proportion of the production cost. The relatively high market price fluctuations of wood pulp and waste paper have
                       affected the production cost of the Company’s machine-made paper products, and thus have an impact on the
                       performance of the Company.

                       Hence, the Company will focus on the construction of Zhanjiang Chenming’s pulp project and ancillary raw material
                       bases, as well as the construction of Huanggang Chenming pulp project and ancillary raw material bases. The Company
                       will establish the “forestry-pulp-paper integration” chain industry and construct the chemical pulp project of production
                       capacity of 400,000 tonnes in Shouguang City, thereby eliminating the limitations of upper-stream resources on the
                       Company and enhancing Company’s sustainable development.

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       17
       IV Directors’ Report

      VII. Outlook on the future development of the Company (Cont’d)
          5.   Risk factors likely to be faced and the measures to be taken (Cont’d)
               Industrial risk. Some paper types are in a phase of overcapacity due to slowdown in economic growth and weak market
               demand, thus resulting in fierce competition in the paper making industry. The excess capacity is to be absorbed in the

               Hence, the Company, under the guiding philosophy of “transformation and upgrade”, will work on new product
               development so as to diversify its product portfolio and enhance its ability to cope with market changes. It will also
               focus on the development of high-end paper products, thereby enhancing its core competitiveness. The Company will
               step up efforts to export its products and get rid of the bottleneck in exports to explore its overseas market. Meanwhile,
               the Company will actively expand into new industries to diversify its business.

               Policy risk. On 30 December 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and the
               State Forestry Administration jointly issued the “12th Five-Year Plan” of the paper making industry, which has stipulated
               the guiding ideology, basic principles, development objectives, major tasks, key projects, policy initiatives and planning
               implementation for the industry development during the 12th Five-Year period. At present, the industry has entered into
               an important transitional period, and the mode which supported the rapid development of the paper making industry in
               the past has currently faced the dual pressures of resources and environment. From the point of view of China’s policy,
               China will change the mode of growth through optimising the layout of the paper making industry and the raw material
               structure and product structure, in order to promote a modern paper making industry based on recycling by integrating
               the forestry and paper making industry, which will have an impact on the operating results of the Company.

               Elimination of outdated production capacity and stricter environmental protection policy has facilitated a higher
               concentration ratio in the industry. The concentration benefits of the leading enterprises in the industry gradually
               emerge. The Company is expected to benefit for years in the long run.
               Environmental protection risk. The paper making industry is a pollution industry. With the rising awareness of
               environmental protection in the society and the industry, more stringent environmental protection policies of the industry
               have been implemented. A multi-pronged approach has been adopted to promote industrial restructuring, and the
               paper making industry has entered into an important transitional period of development. The higher emission standard is
               bound to increase the Company’s environmental protection cost and may result in the slowing down of scale expansion,
               thus affecting its production and operation.

               The Company always strive to achieve harmonious development with energy consumption and emission reduction. The
               Company will endeavour to develop the recycle economy. The Company will strive to maximise its resource utilisation.
               Meanwhile, the Company will make greater efforts to construct environmental friendly projects and strive to achieve its
               waste emission target.

               Interest rate risk. In recent years, greater fluctuations of the Renminbi benchmark lending rate level have an impact on
               the Company’s finance costs. The People’s Bank of China may continue to adjust the level of the benchmark interest
               rate according to the macroeconomic trends, which may cause greater volatility in the Company’s finance expenses,
               thus affecting its operating results.

               The Company will continue to monitor the rate level of the Group. It will leverage the overseas financing platform by
               increasing its overseas financing at lower costs. The Company will enhance the centralised management of the Group’s
               fund and improve the efficiency of capital use through the finance company and financial leasing company. The Group
               will proactively obtain direct financing from the interbank market and capital market to reduce its finance costs.

             IV Directors’ Report

              VII. Outlook on the future development of the Company (Cont’d)
                  5.   Risk factors likely to be faced and the measures to be taken (Cont’d)
                       Exchange rate risk. The value of Renminbi is affected by the domestic and international economic and political
                       environment, and the supply and demand for Renminbi. As an import and export enterprise, the exchange rate
                       of Renminbi against other currencies in future will affect the Company’s operating results. The foreign currency
                       transactions of the Company are mainly denominated in US dollar. The operations of raw material imports, product
                       exports and US$ borrowings of the Company will face the risk of exchange rate changes.

                       The Company will set up a professional team responsible for monitoring the Group’s foreign currency transactions
                       and scale of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency, aiming to minimise the exchange rate risk by multi-
                       currency financing, and forwards which lock in the exchange rate.


                                                                                     SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                     19
       IV Directors’ Report

      VIII. Analysis of investments
          1、 External equity investments
               (1)   External investments

                     √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                   External investments
                                                                           Investments during
                                 Investments during the             the corresponding period
                                  reporting period (RMB)                     of prior year (RMB)                       Change (%)

                                         1,609,917,592.00                      184,206,250.00                            773.98%

                                                                                                                   The Company’s
                                                                                                                  share of interest
                     Names of the companies             Principal activities                                      in investees (%)

                     Shandong Chenming                  Financial leasing business, operating leasing business,          100.00%
                       Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.      domestic and overseas leased assets acquisition,
                                                        disposal and maintenance of leased assets, and
                                                        consultation on leasing transactions.
                     Shouguang Meilun                   Production and sale of coated paper, paperboard,                 100.00%
                       Paper Co., Ltd.                  paper product, paper making raw materials and paper                           14
                                                        making machines; sale of fibre feeds, wheat germ                              INTERIM
                                                        and protein powder; operation of export and import of                          REPORT
                                                        goods and technologies within the scope approved by
                                                        the State.
                     Shandong Chenming                  Investment in sectors which the Chinese government               100.00%
                       Investment Limited               encouraged and allowed foreign investment in
                                                        accordance with the laws; maintaining foreign exchange
                                                        balance between investees under the approval
                                                        and supervision of foreign exchange management
                                                        department; assisting investees in getting loans and
                                                        provide guarantee; providing consulting services for
                                                        investors, and providing consulting services such
                                                        as market information related to investment and
                                                        investment policies for related party companies;
                                                        contracting business outsourcing for foreign companies
                                                        and related party companies of its parent company.
                     Huanggang Chenming                 Construction of raw material bases and wood                      100.00%
                      Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.            procurement; manufacture, production, processing of
                                                        paper pulp and related products, project construction
                                                        and related import and export business.
                     Chenming (HK) Limited              Export and import trade of paper products and market             100.00%
                     Shouguang Chenming Huisen          Manufacture and sale of desulphurised gypsum,                     50.00%
                        New-style Construction          construction gypsum powder, gypsum board, gypsum
                        Materials Co., Ltd.             block and light gauge steel frame.
                     Jiangxi Chenming Port Co., Ltd.    Engaged in handling and transportation of goods and               40.00%
                                                        storage operation.

             IV Directors’ Report

              VIII. Analysis of investments (Cont’d)
                   1、 External equity investments (Cont’d)
                        (2)   Shareholding in financial companies
                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

                              The Company did not have any shareholding in financial companies during the reporting period.

                        (3)   Security investments

                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

                              The Company did not have any security investments during the reporting period.

                   2.   Entrusted wealth management, derivative investments and entrusted loans
                        (1)   Entrusted wealth management

                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

                              The Company did not have any entrusted wealth management during the reporting period.

                        (2)   Derivatives investments

                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

   14                         The Company did not have any derivative investments during the reporting period.
    REPORT              (3)   Entrusted loans

                              √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                    Interest rate
                              Borrower                      Related parties      Loan amount            of loans    Guarantor or Collateral                      Use of proceeds by borrowers

                              Shouguang Jin Choi                        No             100,000          10.00%      S h o u g u a n g I n f r a s t r u c t u r e F u n d Construction, i nvestment and
                                Public Assets                                                                       Management Centre shall pledge 20% of operation of rural infrastructure.
                                Management Co., Ltd.                                                                the equity interest of the Shouguang Jin
                                                                                                                    Choi Public Assets Management Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    held by it

                              Total                                     -             100,000                -    -                                           -

                              Disclosure date of approval of entrusted loans in board meeting    18 January 2014

                   3.   Use of proceeds
                        (1)   The general use of proceeds

                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

                        (2)   The commitment of proceeds

                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

                        (3)   Changes in use of proceeds

                              □      Applicable       √    Not applicable

                              The Company did not have any change in use of proceeds during the reporting period.

                                                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                  21
       IV Directors’ Report

      VIII. Analysis of investments (Cont’d)
           4.      Analysis of major subsidiaries and investees
                   √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                   Information on major subsidiaries and investees

                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                  Type of                        Principal products              Registered                                        Revenue from
                   Name of companies              companies       Industry       or services                        capital     Total assets       Net assets        operations      Operating profit    Net profit

                   Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp &      Subsidiary      Paper making Pulp, duplex press and      RMB3,000 million     1,210,439.00       380,685.46        193,251.77            15,976.39     16,854.19
                     Paper Co., Ltd.                                             electrostatic paper
                   Shandong Chenming Paper        Subsidiary      Trading of     Sales of paper products    RMB100 million        750,116.40        16,701.88        689,857.68             6,034.50      4,312.70
                     Sales Company Limited                        paper products
                   Chenming (HK) Limited          Subsidiary      Trading of     Sales of paper products,   US$29.9 million       472,752.47        30,339.40        356,678.79             4,300.81      4,081.32
                                                                  paper products import of raw materials
                                                                                 and processing
                   Jiangxi Chenming Paper         Subsidiary      Paper making Duplex press paper and        US$272 million       385,422.82       203,793.00         72,838.26            -2,232.94      4,969.50
                     Co., Ltd.                                                   coated paper
                   Shouguang Meilun Paper         Subsidiary      Paper making Coated paper, white         RMB3,000 million     1,036,991.59       211,674.94        233,475.51           -13,173.34     -9,667.65
                     Co., Ltd.                                                   coated linerboard and
                                                                                 household paper
                   Wuhan Chenming Hanyang         Subsidiary      Paper making Writing paper, news        RMB211.3670 million     304,939.22        37,203.75         38,810.70            -8,818.13     -4,271.94
                    Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.                                     presspaper and
                                                                                 household paper
           5.      Highlights of major investments not financed by the proceeds
                   √ Applicable □ Not applicable                                                                                                                                                                     REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                                                              Investment                  made as of
                                                                                                            made during                    the end of                                              Revenue
                                                                             Total planned                  the reporting               the reporting                 Progression                  from
                   Name of project                                             investment                          period                      period                  of projects                 projects

                   350,000 tonne high-end                                            183,000                      24,117.77                     36,380.31                     20.00%               Not
                     packaging paper project of                                                                                                                                                    completed
                     Jiangxi Chenming                                                                                                                                                           
                   180,000 tonne paper cup project                                   132,300                      19,610.77                     50,986.83                     39.00%               Not
                   190,000 tonne high-end                                            309,700                      12,872.59                     41,368.49                     13.00%               Not
                     cultural paper project                                                                                                                                                        completed
                   Forestry paper integration project                                348,510                      18,412.14                     31,491.68                         9.00%            Not
                     of Huanggang Chenming                                                                                                                                                         completed

                   Total                                                             973,510                      75,013.27                    160,227.31                               -         -

                   Index of temporary
                     announcement disclose
                     in designated website                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

                   Progression of projects is estimated base on the proportion of accumulated investment over proposed total investment.

             IV Directors’ Report

              IX. Estimate of the operating results from January to September 2014
                      Warning of cumulative net profit for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period being
                      projected to be at a loss or expected to have material changes as compared to the corresponding period of prior year and its

                      □ Applicable    √   Not applicable

              X.      Opinions of the Board and the Supervisory Committee regarding the “modified auditor’s
                      report” for the reporting period issued by the accountants
                      □ Applicable    √   Not applicable

              XI. Opinions of the Board regarding the “modified auditor’s report” for the prior year
                      □ Applicable    √   Not applicable

              XII. Particulars of profit distribution by the Company during the reporting period
                      Implementation and adjustment of profit distribution proposals, especially the cash dividend proposal and proposal on
                      conversion of capital reserves into share capital during the reporting period

                      √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                      The 2013 profit distribution plan was considered and approved in the 2013 annual general meeting convened by the Company

                      on 9 May 2014. Based on the number of the shares as at the dividend distribution registration date of 1,936,405,467 shares, a
                      cash dividend of RMB3.00 (tax inclusive) was to be paid to all shareholders for every 10 shares held. The total cash dividend
   INTERIM            to be distributed amounted to RMB580,921,640.10 (tax inclusive). The dividend distribution was implemented and completed
                      on 8 July 2014. For details, please refer to the announcement on payment of final dividend and withholding and payment
                      of enterprise income tax for non-resident enterprise shareholders published on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 27 June
                      2014, and the announcement on the implementation of the 2013 profit distribution plan for A share and B share published on
                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn on 28 June 2014.

                                                                    Particulars of Cash Dividend Policy

                      Was it in compliance with the requirements of the Articles of Association and the        Yes
                      resolutions of the general meeting?
                      Were the dividend distribution criteria and proportion well-defined and clear?           Yes
                      Were the related decision making process and mechanism in place?                         Yes
                      Did independent Directors fulfil their duties and play their role?                       Yes
                      Were the minority shareholders given opportunities to sufficiently voice their opinion   Yes
                        and make requests and were the legal interests of the minority shareholders
                        fully protected?
                      Were conditions and procedures legal and transparent in respect of                       Not applicable
                        cash dividend policy with adjustments and changes?

              XIII. Proposals on profit distribution and conversion of capital reserves into share capital during
                    this reporting period
                      □ Applicable    √   Not applicable

                      The Company does not intend to distribute cash dividend and bonus share, and conduct conversion of capital reserves into
                      share capital for the interim period.

                                                                                            SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                  23
       IV Directors’ Report

      XIV. Registration report on reception of research investigations, communications and interviews
           during the reporting period
          √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                  Place              Manner                Class of parties                                         Main topics of discussion and
              Date of reception   of reception       of reception          accommodated       Parties accommodated                  information provided

              11 February 2014    The Company’s     On-site research      Institution        E Fund Management Co., Ltd.           Recent production and operation of the Company
                                   conference room   investigation                                                                  and development of the industry
              27 March 2014       The Company’s     Conference call       Institution        First Beijing Investment Limited      Recent production and operation of the Company
                                  conference room                                                                                   and development of the industry
              28 March 2014       The Company’s     On-site research      Institution        Taikang Asset Management Co., Ltd.    Recent production and operation of the Company
                                  conference room    investigation                                                                  and development of the industry
              23 May 2014         The Company’s     On-site research      Institution        ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management   Recent production and operation of the Company
                                  conference room    investigation                            (International) Company Limited       and development of the industry


             V Material Matters

              I.   Overview of corporate governance
                   1.      Corporate Governance
                           The Company operated in compliance with the requirement of Companies Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate
                           Governance for Listed Companies, Rules Governing Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Rules Governing
                           the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Listing Rules”) and the related
                           requirements as required by China Securities Regulatory Commission. The Company further improved and optimised
                           its legal person governance structure in practice during the reporting period. The Board considered the state of the
                           Company’s corporate governance was substantially in compliance with the requirements and requests of the regulatory
                           documents such as Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies.

                           The Company strictly implemented its related system of internal control to facilitate its regulated operation and healthy
                           development, thereby protecting the legal interests of investors. The corporate governance of the Company was exactly
                           the same as what was required by the CSRC. The regulated operations and the internal control standards would
                           enhance with the development of the Company.

                   2.      Corporate Governance Code
                           The Company is committed to attaining good standard of corporate governance practices in order to enhance
                           shareholders’ value. Saved as disclosed below, none of the Directors is aware of any information that would reasonably
                           indicate that the Company is not, or was not for any part of the reporting period, in compliance with the Corporate
                           Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report, as set out in Appendix 14 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.
                           (1)   The chairman and general manager of the Company is Mr. Chen Hongguo. Mr. Chen Hongguo performs the roles

                                 of the chairman and the general manager for the overall management of the Company. This constitutes a deviation
                                 from the principles and code provisions of A2 - Directors and Chief Executive Office in Corporate Governance
   INTERIM                       Code and Corporate Governance Report under Appendix 14 to Hong Kong Listing Rules. However, the Directors
                                 of the Company believe that Mr. Chen Hongguo acting as the chairman and the general manager will enable the
                                 Company to more effectively plan and implement the business strategies so that the Group can effectively and
                                 rapidly seize business opportunities. As all major decisions will be made after consultation with other members of
                                 the Board, the Company believes that the supervision of the Board and independent non-executive Directors will
                                 strike a sufficient balance of power and authority.

                           (2)   Pursuant to Rule 3.21 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, every listed issuer must establish an audit committee
                                 comprising its non-executive directors only. As Mr. Cui Youping ceased to be a non-executive director and a
                                 member of the audit committee of the Company after the conclusion of the annual general meeting, the number
                                 of the members of the audit committee was below a minimum of three members under the Rule 3.21 of the Hong
                                 Kong Listing Rules. However, the Board was unable to convene a meeting from the conclusion of the annual
                                 general meeting on 9 May 2014 to 30 June 2014 to appoint a member of the audit committee in order to satisfy
                                 the requirement of Rule 3.21 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. Nonetheless, the Board held a Board meeting on 27
                                 August 2014 to appoint Ms. Yang Guihua a non-executive director as a member of the audit committee to fill the

                           (3)   Communication with shareholders

                           During the reporting period, the Company held the annual general meeting on 9 May 2014.

                           Mr. Chen Hongguo, the chairman of the Board and the strategic committee, Ms. Zhang Hong, chairman of the audit
                           committee, Mr. Wang Aiguo, the chairman of the remuneration and assessment committee and Mr. Zhang Zhiyuan, the
                           chairman of the nomination committee, were absent from the annual general meeting due to business commitments.
                           The Company’s external auditor attended the annual general meeting as a scrutineer.

                                                                                         SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      25
           V Material Matters

      I.     Overview of corporate governance (Cont’d)
             3.    Securities transactions by Directors and Supervisors
                   The Company has adopted the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers (the “Model
                   Code”) as set out in Appendix 10 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules as the code of conduct for Directors’ securities
                   transactions. The Company had made specific enquiry of all Directors and Supervisors and all Directors and Supervisors
                   confirmed that they had complied with the requirements as set out in the Model Code for the six months ended 30
                   June 2014.

             4.    Audit Committee
                   The audit committee of the Company now comprises two independent non-executive Directors and one non-executive
                   Director. The members of the audit committee are Ms. Zhang Hong, Mr. Wang Aiguo and Ms. Yang Guihua. The
                   audit committee reviewed the accounting standards and practices adopted by the Group with the management of
                   the Company and discussed and reviewed the interim results and interim report for t h e six months ended 30 June
                   2014 prepared in accordance with the accounting standards.

      II.    Material litigation and arbitration
             □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

             The Company was not involved in any material litigation and arbitration during the reporting period.

      III. Questioning from the Media
             □   Applicable   √   Not applicable                                                                                          14
             There was no questioning from the media during the reporting period.                                                            REPORT

      IV. Matter related to bankruptcy and reorganisation
             □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

             There was no matter related to bankruptcy and reorganisation during the reporting period.

             V Material Matters

              V.   Asset transactions
                   1.           Acquisition of assets
                                □     Applicable                √     Not applicable

                                There was no acquisition of assets during the reporting period.

                   2.           Disposal of assets
                                √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                    Net profit
                                                                                                       to the                               Ratio of the
                                                                                                    Company                                    net profit
                                                                                                     from the                                contribution
                                                                                                 beginning of                                     to the                                            Relationship
                                                                                                   the period                               Company of                                              with
                                                                                                    up to the                               disposal of     Pricing                   Related       counterparty(ies) Relevant     Relevant
                                                                                  Transaction        disposal                               assets over basis of                      party         (applicable to   asset title   liability
                                                                                 consideration           date Effect on the Company             total net asset                       transaction   related party    transferred   transferred    Disclosure
                   Counterparty(ies)    Asset disposed of        Disposal Date   (RMB’0,000)    (RMB’0,000) of disposal (note 3)             profit (%) disposal                    or not        transaction)     or not        or not               date Disclosure index

                   Guangdong Dejun      51% equity interest      4 March 2014         7,619.4         435.83 Increases cash flow and             -3.51% Arrived at after valuation    No            Not applicable Yes             Yes           5 March 2014 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                     Investment         in Xinli Power held by                                                   allows the Company                         and based on the quoted
                     Co., Ltd           Chenming Power                                                           centralise resources for                   price on an equity

                                                                                                                 developing high-end                        exchange
                                                                                                                 niche products.
                   3.           Business merger
                                □     Applicable                 √     Not applicable

                                There was no business merger during the reporting period.

              VI. Implementation of the equity incentive plan of the Company and its effect
                   □       Applicable             √         Not applicable

                   There was no implementation of the equity incentive plan of the Company during the reporting period.

                                                                                                                                                                 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                                27
       V Material Matters

      VII. Significant related party transactions
          1.      Related party transactions associated with day-to-day operation
                  √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                    Subject matter    Pricing basis                          Amount of        Percentage
                                                                                  Types of the              of the           of the          Price of       related party as the amount         Settlement of       Market price
                                                                      Related          related        related party   related party      related party      transactions       of similar              related       of available
                                                                         party           party        transactions     transactions      transactions       (RMB’0000)     transactions                 party            similar
                  Related party                                    relationship   transactions                                                                                        (%)         transactions       transaction Disclosure date Disclosure index
                  Anhui Time Source Corporation                     Associate            Sale Machine-made Market price                  Market price         14,823.71          2.15%                  Bank Not applicable            Not applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                    paper                                                                                         acceptance                        
                                                                                                                                                                                               and telegraphic                      
                  Total                                                                                                         —                 —         14,823.71               —                   —                 —                  —              —

                  Description of return of bulk sales in details            Nil

          2.      Related party transaction connected to purchase or sale of assets
                  □       Applicable                  √       Not applicable

                  There was no related party transaction of the Company connected to purchase or sale of assets during the reporting
          3.      Related party transaction connected to joint external investment                                                                                                                                                                                      REPORT
                  □       Applicable                  √       Not applicable

                  There was no related party transaction of the Company connected to joint external investment during the reporting

          4.      Related creditors’ rights and debts transactions
                  √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                  Whether non-operating related creditors’ rights and debts transactions existed?
                  □       Yes √ No

                  There was no non-operating related creditors’ rights and debts transaction of the Company during the reporting period.

          5.      Other significant related party transactions
                  □       Applicable                  √       Not applicable

                  There was no significant related party transaction of the Company during the reporting period.

             V Material Matters

              VIII. Appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and its related parties
                    for non-operating purposes
                  □ Applicable   √   Not applicable

                  There was no appropriation of funds of the Company by the controlling shareholder and its related parties for non-operating
                  purposes during the reporting period.

              IX. Material contracts and implementation
                  1.   Custody, contracting and leasing
                       (1)   Custody

                             □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

                             There was no custody of the Company during the reporting period.

                       (2)   Contracting

                             □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

                             There was no contracting of the Company during the reporting period.

   14                  (3)   Leasing
    REPORT                   □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

                             There was no leasing of the Company during the reporting period.

                  2.   Guarantees
                       √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                       During the reporting period, the Company did not provide any guarantee to external parties (excluding those provided to
                       its subsidiaries) and did not provide any guarantees against the rules and regulations.

                       During the reporting period, the Company provided guarantee to its subsidiaries with respect to application of bank
                       loans. The guarantee amount incurred was RMB123.8336 million. As at 30 June 2014, the balance of the guarantee
                       provided by the Company to its subsidiaries amounted to RMB2,722.6503 million, representing 19.97% of the equity
                       attributable to shareholders of the Company as at 30 June 2014.

                                                                                    SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                     29
       V Material Matters

      IX. Material contracts and implementation (Cont’d)
          2.      Guarantees (Cont’d)
                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000

                                                                  External guarantees provided by the Company (excluding guarantees provided for subsidiaries)

                                                                  Date of the related                                                                                                                  Guarantee
                                                                     announcement                                                                                                                      to related
                                                                       disclosing the      Amount of         Guarantee date             Guarantee Type of                               Fulfilled         parties
                  Name of obligor                                 guarantee amount         guarantee        (agreement date)             provided guarantee                  Term         or not           or not

                  Total amount of external guarantee approved during                                      Total amount of external guarantee provided during
                    the reporting period (A1)                                                      0        the reporting period (A2)                                                                         0
                  Total amount of external guarantee approved as at the end                               Total balance of external guarantee provided as at the end
                    of the reporting period (A3)                                                   0        of the reporting period (A4)                                                                      0

                                                                                        Guarantees provided by the Company for subsidiaries
                                                                  Date of the related                                                                                                               
                                                                       disclosing the      Amount of         Guarantee date             Guarantee Type of              
                                                                                                                                                                                        Fulfilled      to Related
                  Name of obligor                                 guarantee amount         guarantee        (agreement date)             provided guarantee                  Term         or not parties or not
                  Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.           28 March 2012          300,000            24 May 2012          142,130.10 General guarantee          3 years            No              No

                  Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                21 December 2012            20,000            29 May 2014              7,461.12 General guarantee        3 years            No              No    14
                                                                                                                           —                  — General guarantee                                                 INTERIM
                  Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                    27 March 2013          200,000                                                                       3 years            No              No     REPORT

                  Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd.          30 March 2011           20,000      19 September 2011                 2,960 General guarantee        3 years            No              No

                  Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd.          28 March 2012           20,000           27 June 2012                 2,600 General guarantee        3 years            No              No

                  Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.                   24 August 2010           79,473      10 September 2010                    — General guarantee        5 years           Yes              No

                  Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.                  29 October 2010          600,000           7 March 2014              4,922.24 General guarantee       10 years            No              No

                  Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Ltd.              28 March 2012           10,000                       —                  — General guarantee        3 years            No              No

                  Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                      28 March 2012          100,000                       —                  — General guarantee        3 years            No              No

                  Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                      27 March 2013           50,000                       —                  — General guarantee        3 years            No              No

                  Chenming (HK) Limited                             29 October 2010           50,000            13 April 2011                  — General guarantee        3 years           Yes              No

                  Chenming (HK) Limited                               28 March 2012          500,000                       —                  — General guarantee        3 years            No              No
                  Shandong Chenming Paper Sales                                                                                                                                      
                    Company Limited                                 27 October 2011          400,000             7 June 2013         108,191.57 General guarantee          3 years            No              No
                  Shouguang Chenming Import and                                                                                                                                                     
                    Export Trade Co., Ltd.                            28 March 2012          200,000                       —                  — General guarantee        3 years            No              No
                  Zhanjiang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.                    27 March 2013           50,000                       —                  — General guarantee        3 years            No              No
                  Guangdong Huirui Investment Co., Ltd.           16 November 2013             4,000      28 November 2013               4,000.00 General guarantee        2 years            No              No

             V Material Matters

              IX. Material contracts and implementation (Cont’d)
                  2.   Guarantees (Cont’d)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000

                       Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries approved during                   0 Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries during the reporting period (B2)                      12,383.36
                         the reporting period (B1)
                       Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries approved                2,603,473 Total balance of guarantee provided for subsidiaries as at the end of the reporting                        272,265.03
                         as at the end of the reporting period (B3)                                               period (B4)                                                                                    
                       Total amount of guarantee approved during the reporting                               0 Total amount of guarantee provided during the reporting period (A2+B2)                                    12,383.36
                         period (A1+B1)
                       Total amount of guarantee approved as at the end of the                     2,603,473 Total balance of guarantee provided as at the end of the reporting period (A4+B4)                          272,265.03
                         reporting period (A3+B3)
                       The percentage of total amount of guarantee provided (A4+B4) to the net assets of the Company                                                                                                       19.97%
                       Of which:
                       Amount of guarantee provided for shareholders, beneficial controllers and its related parties (C)                                                                                                           0
                       Amount of guarantee directly or indirectly provided for obligors with gearing ratio over 70% (D)                                                                                                 122,673.81
                       Total amount of guarantee provided in excess of 50% of net assets (E)                                                                                                                                       0
                       Sum of the above three amount of guarantee (C+D+E)                                                                                                                                               122,673.81

                  3.   Other material contracts
                       √ Applicable □ Not applicable
   INTERIM                                                                              Book value       Appraised
    REPORT                                                                              of subject value of the
                                                                                        asset of the subject asset         Name of                                                         Related                   Progress as
                                                Name of party                Date of       contract of the contract        appraisal                                     Transaction          party       Related at the end of
                       Name of the company      involved in the         the contract    (RMB’0,000)    (RMB ’0,000)       institute       Appraisal                          price    transaction          party the reporting
                       entering into contract   contract                entered into         (if any)         (if any)          (if any)   date (if any) Pricing basis   (RMB’0,000)        or not   relationship   period

                       Shandong Chenming        Jinan Hi-Tech            9 May 2014 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Market price                 36,000             No Not applicable In progress
                         Paper Holdings           Holding Group
                         Limited                  Co., Ltd

                  4.   Other material transactions
                       □      Applicable            √      Not applicable

                       There was no other material transaction of the Company during the reporting period.

                                                                                                                                    SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                           31
       V Material Matters

      X.   Undertakings made by the Company and shareholders interested in 5% or more of the shares
           of the Company made in the reporting period or prior periods but subsisting to the reporting
           √ Applicable           □ Not applicable

                                             Party involved                                                                          Undertaking                    on the
           Undertaking                       in undertaking       Details of undertaking                                                   date Term                performance

           Undertaking on shareholding
            structure reformation

           Undertaking made in offering
            documents or shareholding
            alternation documents

           Undertaking made during
            asset reconstruction

           Undertaking made on initial       Shouguang            (1) According to the plan on defective properties of the         16 January 2008   During the     Strictly
            public offering or refinancing   Chenming             Company, Shouguang Chenming Holdings has guaranteed                                period when    implemented
                                             Holdings Co., Ltd,   and undertaken that: according to the application of the                           Chenming
                                             the controlling      Company, for defective property(ies) owned by the Company                          Holdings

                                             shareholder of the   and its holding subsidiary company which situated in the                           was the major
                                             Company              administrative area of Shouguang city, Shouguang Chenming                          shareholder
                                                                  Holdings will purchase it(them) and have it(them) being                            of the Company               INTERIM
                                                                  transferred to itself pursuant to the law in accordance with the
                                                                  result of the related asset valuation if the Company decides
                                                                  to transfer and dispose of it(them) and there is no other
                                                                  transferee; (2) before the Company transfers and disposes of
                                                                  the defective properties pursuant to the law, if the Company
                                                                  suffers any economic losses due to the defects of the title
                                                                  (including but not limited to damages, penalties and relocation
                                                                  costs), Shouguang Chenming Holdings will bear such
                                                                  economic losses; (3) during the regulatory process taken to
                                                                  the defective properties of buildings and land of subsidiaries
                                                                  of the Company situated outside the local areas (outside the
                                                                  administrative area of Shouguang city), the economic losses
                                                                  such as penalties or relocation costs imposed by competent
                                                                  administrative authorities to be borne by the subsidiaries
                                                                  arising from defects of insufficient title documents shall be
                                                                  paid pursuant to the law by Shouguang Chenming Holdings
                                                                  after verification.

             V Material Matters

              X.      Undertakings made by the Company and shareholders interested in 5% or more of the shares
                      of the Company made in the reporting period or prior periods but subsisting to the reporting
                      period (Cont’d)
                                                      Party involved                                                                                  Undertaking                       on the
                      Undertaking                     in undertaking          Details of undertaking                                                        date Term                   performance
                                                      Shouguang               (1) Shouguang Chenming Holdings shall not engage, whether               22 May 2008      During the      Strictly
                                                      Chenming                solely, jointly, or by representing itself or any other persons or                       period when     implemented
                                                      Holdings Co., Ltd,      companies, and shall not procure its associates (as defined                              Chenming
                                                      the controlling         in The Listing Rules of Hong Kong Stock Exchange) to                                     Holdings was
                                                      shareholder of the      engage, in any business which competes with the business                                 the major      
                                                      Company                 of the Company and its subsidiaries (“Chenming Group” or                               shareholder
                                                                              “we”) directly or indirectly, in any country and region which                          of the Company
                                                                              our business exists (or any part of the world if in any form                          
                                                                              of electronics business), or in any business that directly or                                          
                                                                              indirectly competes with Chenming Group’s business which
                                                                              we operate from time to time (including but not limited to any                        
                                                                              business in the form of sole proprietorship, joint ventures                           
                                                                              or acquisitions, or holding interests directly or indirectly in                       
                                                                              such enterprises, or by any other means); (2) in the event that                       
                                                                              Shouguang Chenming Holdings is required by its business to,                           
   14                                                                         whether solely, jointly, or by representing itself or any other                       
   INTERIM                                                                    persons or companies, engage in business which directly                               
                                                                              or indirectly competes against the business of Chenming                               
                                                                              Group, or obtain any business opportunity which directly or                           
                                                                              indirectly competes against the business of Chenming Group,                           
                                                                              it shall endeavour to procure that Chenming Group shall have                          
                                                                              priority to obtain the right to operate such business or to                           
                                                                              obtain such business opportunity; (3) if Shouguang Chenming                           
                                                                              Holdings is in breach of the abovementioned undertakings,                             
                                                                              it shall indemnify the Company for any loss caused by such                            
                                                                              breach and the Company shall have the right to acquire all                            
                                                                              businesses of Shouguang Chenming Holdings, which directly                             
                                                                              or indirectly compete with the businesses of our Group,                               
                                                                              at market price or cost price (whichever price is lower); (4)                         
                                                                              Shouguang Chenming Holdings shall not make use of its                                 
                                                                              position as the controlling shareholder (as defined in The                            
                                                                              Listing Rules of Hong Kong Stock Exchange) of our Group                               
                                                                              to jeopardise the legal interests of Chenming Group and its                           
                                                                              shareholders with other persons or companies or on their                              
                      Other undertakings made to                                                                                                                                     
                        minority shareholders                                                                                                                       
                        of the Company                                                                                                                                               
                      Does the undertaking            Yes                                                                                                                            
                       performed timely?                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                       33
       V Material Matters

      XI. Engagement or dismissal of accounting firms
          Has the interim financial report been audited?

          □   Yes √ No

      XII. Punishment and rectification
          □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

          There was no punishment and rectification of the Company during the reporting period.

      XIII. Risk of delisting due to non-compliance
          □   Applicable   √   Not applicable

          The Company was not exposed to the risk of delisting due to non-compliance during the reporting period.

      XIV. Purchase, sale and redemption of shares
          1.    Particulars of Repurchase of H shares by the Company
                On 21 August 2013, the Company convened the 2013 First extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, Class Meeting for
                Holders of Domestic Listed Shares (A shares and B shares) and Class Meeting for Holders of Overseas Listed Shares
                (H shares), at each of which proposals concerning the repurchase of H shares of the Company were approved. On
                10 October 2013, Shandong Province Commerce Department issued a Preliminary Reply to Capital Reduction by
                Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (Lu Shang Wu Wai Zi Zi [2013] No. 705), which intended to agree that            14
                the Company repurchased not more than 39.127 million issued overseas listed foreign shares (H share). The number of      INTERIM
                repurchased shares will be determined by the actual amount of shares repurchased and the registered capital should be
                reduced accordingly.

                On 1 November 2013, the reply from Shouguang City Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange
                consented to the foreign exchange purchase quota in respect of the H shares repurchased by the Company.

                The Company has commenced repurchase of its H shares since 11 December 2013. As of the end of the term of such
                repurchase on 9 May 2014, the Company repurchased 39,066,500 shares, representing 1.9776% of the Company’s
                total share capital. The highest repurchase price was HK$3.60 per share, while the lowest price was HK$3.17 per share.
                The total amount paid amounted to HK$133,556,245.00 (before stamp duty and commission).

                On 15 May 2014, the Company has cancelled the repurchased 39,066,500 overseas listed foreign shares (H shares).

          2.    Apart from the above repurchase of H shares by the Company, the Company did not purchase, sell or
                redeem any listed outstanding securities of the Company during the reporting period.

             V Material Matters

              XV. Other matters of significance
                  √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                  1.   During the reporting period, in order to save the related expenses, the Company deregistered two subsidiaries which
                       had not engaged in any business activity for years, namely Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd. and
                       Shouguang Hengfeng Storage Co., Ltd. Their assets and liabilities were consolidated into the financial statements of
                       the parent Company.

                  2.   The Company received the Approval from Shandong CBRC of the Operation of Shandong Chenming Group Finance
                       Co., Ltd. (Lu Yin Jian Zhun [2014] No. 233) issued by China Banking Regulatory Commission Shandong office on 30
                       June 2014. Please refer to the related announcement (Announcement No.: 2014-034) disclosed by the Company on 1
                       July 2014.

                  3.   Information disclosure index for the first half of 2014

                       Announcement                                                         Date of
                       No.          Subject matter                                          publication        Publication website

                       2014-001          Announcement on Amendment to Articles of           4 January 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-002           Announcement on Resolutions of the                 18 January 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the
                                             Seventh Session of the Board
                       2014-003           Announcement on External Investment               18 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
   14                  2014-004           Announcement on change of Securities Affairs      18 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
   INTERIM                                   Representative
    REPORT             2014-005           Announcement on External Investment               18 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-006           Discloseable Transaction - Entrusted Loan         18 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-007           Announcement on Estimated Annual Results          21 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             for 2013
                       2014-008           Announcement on Repurchase of Shares              21 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             by a Shareholder through Agreed Repurchase
                                             Type Securities Trading
                       2014-009          Indicative Announcement on Receipt of Subsidies    23 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-010           Indicative Announcement on Receipt of             29 January 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             Special Subsidies by Subsidiaries
                       2014-011           Announcement on the Performance of                13 February 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             Undertakings by the Company and
                                             Relevant Entities
                       2014-012               Announcement on disposal of equity interest   5 March 2014       http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             in Xinli Power
                       2014-013           Announcement on Resolutions of the                21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                          Fourth Meeting of the Seventh Session
                                          of the Board of Directors
                       2014-014            Notice of 2013 Annual General Meeting            21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-015            Announcement of Annual Results for the           21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                              Year Ended 31 December 2013
                       2014-016           Announcement on financial assistance              21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             to controlling subsidiaries
                       2014-017            Announcement on External Investment              21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-018            Announcement on External Investment              21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                       2014-019             Announcement on Resolutions of the              21 March 2014      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                             Fifth Meeting of the Seventh Session
                                             of the Supervisory Committee

                                                                                    SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                  35
       V Material Matters

      XV. Other matters of significance (Cont’d)
               Announcement                                                      Date of
               No.          Subject matter                                       publication     Publication website

                2014-020        Indicative Announcement on Increase              25 March 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 of Shareholding in the Company
                                 by Senior Management
               2014-021       Indicative Announcement on Receipt of              1 April 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 Subsidies by Subsidiary
               2014-022       Announcement on Resignation of Director            16 April 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
               2014-023       Announcement on Additional Resolution              23 April 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 of 2013 Annual General Meeting
               2014-024       Supplemental Notice of 2013 Annual General         23 April 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
               2014-025       2014 First Quarterly Report                        30 April 2014   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
               2014-026       Results of the 2013 Annual General Meeting         10 May 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
               2014-027       Announcement on Completion of Repurchase           10 May 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 of Part of H Shares
               2014-028      Indicative Announcement in respect of Change        10 May 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                 in Shareholdings of Controlling Shareholder
               2014-029       Discloseable Transaction: Entrusted Construction   10 May 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
              2014-030       Announcement on Participation in 2014 Collective    13 May 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn   14
                           Online Reception Day for Investors of Shandong                                                   INTERIM
                             Listed Companies
               2014-031      Announcement on Amendment to Articles               30 May 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                               of Association
               2014-032      Announcement on the Implementation of               28 June 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                               Equity Distribution to Holders of A Shares and
                               B Shares for 2013
               2014-033      Announcement on 2013 Dividend Payment               28 June 2014    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                               in respect of “11 Chenming Bond”
               2014-034      Announcement on Approval from Shandong CBRC         1 July 2014     http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                              of the Operation of the Finance Company

             VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

              I.         Changes in shares
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Share

                                                                             Opening balance                Change during the reporting period (+/-)                       Closing balance
                                                                                                     New      Bonus       converted
                                                                           Amounts     Percentage   issue      issue from reserve              Others     Sub-total       Amounts     Percentage

                         I. Restricted shares                              8,166,219       0.41%       0           0               0          75,000         75,000       8,241,219       0.42%
                         1. Shares held by other domestic investors        8,166,219       0.41%                                              75,000         75,000       8,241,219       0.42%
                             Shares held by domestic natural persons       8,166,219       0.41%                                              75,000         75,000       8,241,219       0.42%
                         II. Non-restricted shares                     1,967,305,748      99.59%       0           0               0     -39,141,500    -39,141,500   1,928,164,248      99.58%
                         1. RMB ordinary shares                        1,105,112,237      55.94%                                             -75,000        -75,000   1,105,037,237      57.07%
                         2. Domestic listed foreign shares               470,923,511      23.84%                                                                  0     470,923,511      24.32%
                         3. Overseas listed foreign shares               391,270,000      19.81%                                         -39,066,500    -39,066,500     352,203,500      18.19%
                         III. Total number of shares                   1,975,471,967     100.00%       0           0               0     -39,066,500    -39,066,500   1,936,405,467     100.00%

                         The reasons for such changes
                         √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                         1.       After the changes, the restricted shares held by domestic natural person changed by 75,000 shares from 8,166,219
                                  shares to 8,241,219 shares. The reason for such change is as follows: during the reporting period, the senior
                                  management increased their shareholding in the Company, of which 75,000 shares were changed to restricted shares
                                  held by domestic natural persons from non-restricted RMB ordinary shares in nature according to the Practice Guidance
                                  for the Company’s shares held by the directors, supervisors and senior management of the listed companies of
                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
    REPORT               2.       After the changes, overseas listed foreign shares changed by 39,066,500 shares from 391,270,000 shares to
                                  352,203,500 shares. The reason for such change is as follows: during the reporting period, the Company repurchased
                                  some overseas listed foreign shares (H shares). As of 9 May 2014, the Company had repurchased H shares amounting
                                  to 39,066,500 shares. Cancellation of repurchased shares was completed at Computershare Hong Kong Investor
                                  Services Limited on 14 May 2014.

                                                                                                                 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                          37
           VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

      I.     Changes in shares (Cont’d)
             Approval of changes in shareholding
             √ Applicable □ Not applicable

             On 27 June 2013, the First Extraordinary Meeting of the Seventh Session of the Board approved the proposal concerning
             granting a general mandate to the Board for repurchase of part of H shares of the Company.

             On 21 August 2013, the Company convened the 2013 First extraordinary general meeting, Class Meeting for Holders of
             Domestic Listed Shares (A shares and B shares) and Class Meeting for Holders of Overseas Listed Shares (H shares), at each
             of which proposals concerning the repurchase of H shares of the Company were approved.

             On 10 October 2013, Shandong Province Commerce Department issued a Preliminary Reply to Capital Reduction by
             Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (Lu Shang Wu Wai Zi Zi [2013] No. 705), which intended to agree that the
             Company repurchased not more than 39.127 million issued overseas listed foreign shares (H shares). The number of
             repurchased shares will be determined by the actual amount of shares repurchased and the registered capital should be
             reduced accordingly.

             On 1 November 2013, the reply from Shouguang City Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange consented to
             the foreign exchange purchase quota in respect of the H shares repurchased by the Company.

             On 14 May 2014, the cancellation of the repurchased 39,066,000 H shares was completed at Computershare Hong Kong
             Investor Services Limited.

             On 27 May 2014, the Company received the “Reply on Capital Reduction of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited” (Lu
             Shang Wu Wai Zi Zi [2014] 158) from the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province and the Certificate of Approval for
             Foreign Investment Enterprise upon the reduction of share capital, which both agreed that the Company reduced its registered      14
             capital from RMB1,975,471,967 to RMB1,936,405,467.                                                                                INTERIM

             On 28 May 2014, the Company conducted filing procedures in capital reduction with Shandong Province Industry and
             Commerce Bureau and obtained its business license after capital reduction, with the registered capital of RMB1,936,405,467.

             Transfer of shares arising from changes in shareholding
             □    Applicable   √   Not applicable

             The effects of changes in shareholding on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share and
             net assets per share attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares of the Company for the latest year and the latest period

             □    Applicable   √   Not applicable

             Other information considered necessary by the Company or required by the securities regulatory authorities to be disclosed

             □    Applicable   √   Not applicable

             Changes in the total number of shares and structure of shareholders and the structure of the assets and liabilities of the

             √ Applicable □ Not applicable

             (1)    During the reporting period, the Company repurchased some overseas listed foreign shares (H shares). As of 9 May
                    2014, the Company had repurchased H shares amounting to 39,066,500 shares. Cancellation of repurchased shares
                    was completed at Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited on 14 May 2014. The total number of shares of
                    the Company decreased to 1,936,405,467 shares from 1,975,471,967 shares upon the cancellation of the repurchased
                    H shares.

             (2)    During the reporting period, the shareholding ratio of Shouguang Chenming Holdings Limited, the controlling
                    shareholder of the Company increased to 15.13% from 14.83% due to the partial repurchase and cancellation of H
                    shares. There were other minor effects on the shareholder structure. For the change in shareholder structure, please
                    refer to the first part “Changes in shares” in this chapter.

             (3)    During the reporting period, the share capital of the Company reduced by RMB39,066,500; the capital reserve
                    decreased by RMB66,614,983.35 and the gearing ratio increased to 72.05% from 71.90% due to the partial repurchase
                    and cancellation of H shares.

             VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

              II.   Total number of shareholders and shareholdings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unite: Share

                    Total number of shareholders of ordinary shares as at      132,524, of which 103,446 were holders of A shares, 28,523 holders    Total number of shareholders of preference shares with restored voting right                0
                    the end of the reporting period                            of B shares and 555 holders of H shares.                              as at the end of the reporting period

                                                                            Shareholdings of shareholders interested in more than 5% of the shares of the Company or Top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Share pledged or locked-up
                                                                                                                                                 Number of        (increase or
                                                                                                                                                shares held          decrease)
                                                                                                                                                at the end               during      Number of          Number of
                                                                                               Nature of                 Percentage of     of the reporting     the reporting       Restricted         non-restrict        Status of
                    Name of shareholders                                                       shareholders               shareholding                period            period      shares held        shares held           shares        Number

                    HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                                                     Overseas legal person            18.11%        350,691,500        -39,125,000                   0       350,691,500
                    SHOUGUANG CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED                                State-owned legal                15.13%        293,003,657         86,600,000                   0
                                                                                               person                                                                                                  293,003,657                               0
                    ZHONGRONG INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. - HAITONG UMBRELLA                 Others                            1.74%          33,696,131        -2,177,687                   0
                      BAO NO. 1 SECURITIES INVESTMENT ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST                                                                                                                             33,696,131                               0
                    PLATINUM ASIA FUND                                                         Overseas legal person             1.67%          32,341,052                0                    0        32,341,052                               0
                    CAITONG FUND - EVERBRIGHT BANK - CAITONG FUND - YUAN                       Others                            1.43%          27,706,556        -1,350,000                   0
                      MEINO. 2 ASSETS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                              27,706,556                               0
                    CAITONG FUND - EVERBRIGHT BANK - YUAN MEI NO. 1 ASSETS                     Others                            1.40%          27,198,049        -1,750,000                   0
                      MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                                              27,198,049                               0
                    YUNNAN INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. - YUNNAN TRUST                        Others                            0.70%          13,547,397          -422,200                   0
                      GROWTH 2013 - NO. 2 ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                     13,547,397                             0
                                                                                               Overseas legal person
                                                                                               Overseas legal person
                                                                                                                                                  10,033,077          -12,724,314
                                                                                                                                                                                 0                   0
                    JIN Xing                                                                   Domestic nature person             0.42%            8,109,300                21,000                   0         8,109,300                             0
                    Connected relationship or connected party relationship among               Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, a state-owned legal person shareholder, is not connected with any of the shareholders above. They are
                      the above shareholders                                                   not persons acting in concert under Administration of Disclosure of Information on the Change of Shareholdings in Listed Companies Procedures. Both
                                                                                               Caitong Fund - Everbright Bank - Caitong Fund - Yuan Mei No. 2 Assets Management Programme and Caitong Fund - Everbright Bank - Yuan Mei No. 1
                                                                                               Assets Management Programme are funds managed by Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders
                                                                                               of tradable shares are persons acting in concert and is also not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are connected with each others.

                                                                                                                                              SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                   39
        VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

      II.      Total number of shareholders and shareholdings (Cont’d)
                                           Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares

                                                                                       Number of
                                                                                      shares held
                                                                                     as at the end
                                                                                  of the reporting
               Name of shareholders                                                         period           Class of shares
                                                                                                      Class of shares             Number
                 HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                                                 350,691,500     Overseas listed          350,691,500
                                                                                                         foreign shares      
                 SHOUGUANG CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED                            293,003,657 RMB ordinary shares          293,003,657
                 ZHONGRONG INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. - HAITONG                       33,696,131 RMB ordinary shares           33,696,131
                 ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST
               PLATINUM ASIA FUND                                                     32,341,052     Domestic listed            32,341,052
                                                                                                      foreign shares      
               CAITONG FUND - EVERBRIGHT BANK - CAITONG FUND - YUAN                   27,706,556 RMB ordinary shares            27,706,556
                 MEINO. 2 ASSETS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME                                                                     
               CAITONG FUND - EVERBRIGHT BANK - YUAN MEI                              27,198,049 RMB ordinary shares            27,198,049
                 NO. 1 ASSETS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME                                                                        
                 TRUST GROWTH 2013 - NO. 2 ASSEMBLED FUNDS
                                                                                      13,547,397 RMB ordinary shares            13,547,397     14
                 TRUST PROGRAMME                                                                                                                REPORT
               BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS                                      12,036,985     Domestic listed            12,036,985
                 STOCK INDEX FUND                                                                     foreign shares
               BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION TRUST                                  10,033,077 RMB ordinary shares            10,033,077

               JIN Xing                                                                8,109,300 RMB ordinary shares             2,087,000

                                                                                                      Domestic listed            6,022,300
                                                                                                       foreign shares

               Connected relationship or connected party        Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, a state-owned legal
               relationship among the top ten shareholders of   person shareholder, is not connected with any of the shareholders above.
               non-restricted shares, and between the top ten   They are not persons acting in concert under Administration of Disclosure
               shareholders of non-restricted shares and the    of Information on the Change of Shareholdings in Listed Companies
               top ten shareholders                             Procedures. Both Caitong Fund - Everbright Bank - Caitong Fund - Yuan
                                                                Mei No. 2 Assets Management Programme and Caitong Fund - Everbright
                                                                Bank - Yuan Mei No. 1 Assets Management Programme are funds
                                                                managed by Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. Save for the above, it
                                                                is not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are persons
                                                                acting in concert and is also not aware that any other shareholders of
                                                                tradable shares are connected with each others.

             VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

                  Whether an agreed repurchase transaction was entered into during the reporting period by shareholders of the Company

                  √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                  On 20 January 2014, Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, a shareholder interested in more than 5% of the
                  shares of the Company, repurchased the disposed 86,600,000 shares of the Company through agreed repurchase type
                  securities trading. The shareholding of the shareholder before and after the trading is as follows:

                                                                                                                                                           Unite: Share

                                                                             Before the repurchase                          After the repurchase
                                                                                           As a percentage                               As a percentage
                                                                              Number of            of the total             Number of             of the total
                                                                            shares of the        share capital            shares of the         share capital
                       Name of shareholder                                 Company held      of the Company              Company held       of the Company
                       Shouguang Chenming Holdings
                         Company Limited                                     206,403,657                 14.83%                293,003,657                        15.13%

                  III. Change of controlling shareholders or beneficial controllers
                  Change of controlling shareholders during the reporting period
                  □ Applicable      √   Not applicable

   14             There was no change of controlling shareholders of the Company during the reporting period.
                  Change of beneficial controllers during the reporting period
                  □    Applicable   √   Not applicable

                  There was no change of beneficial controllers of the Company during the reporting period.

              IV. Plan on increase of shareholding proposed or implemented by shareholders of the Company
                  and their persons acting in concert during the reporting period
                  √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                             Unite: Share

                                                              Number of     Percentage of        Number of    Percentage of      Date of initial
                                                           shares under      shares under    shares related   shares related     disclosure of        Date of disclosure
                                                             the plan on       the plan on        to actual        to actual       the plan on        of completion of
                   Name of shareholder/                      increase of       increase of      increase in      increase in       increase of        the plan on increase
                   Name of person acting in concert        shareholding      shareholding     shareholding     shareholding      shareholding         of shareholding

                   Chen Hongguo                                      —                —         100,000           0.005%                   — 25 March 2014

                                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                     41
       VI Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

      V.   The Company’s shareholders’ and other persons’ interest in shares or debentures
           As at 30 June 2014, the following persons (other than directors, supervisors or chief executives of the Company) had interests
           or short positions in the Company’s shares and underlying shares as recorded in the share register maintained in accordance
           with Section 336 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”) (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong):

                                                                                                      Approximate shareholding
                                                                                                         as a percentage of
                                                                                  Number of           Total share           Class of
           Name                                                                  shares held              capital            shares

           SHOUGUANG CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED                           293,003,657              15.13%               26.32%
                                                                                  A shares (L)
           THE NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND COUNCIL                              35,270,000               1.82%               10.01%
                                                                                 H shares (L)

           (L) – Long position (S) – Short position (P) – Lending pool

           Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2014, no other person had interests or short positions in the Company’s shares or
           underlying shares as recorded in the register maintained under section 336 of the SFO.


             VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

              I.    Issue and listing of preference shares during the reporting period
                    □   Applicable   √    Not applicable

              II.   Number of shareholders of preference shares of the Company and their shareholding
                    □   Applicable   √    Not applicable

              III. Repurchase or conversion of preference shares
                    1.    Repurchase of preference shares
                          □   Applicable     √   Not applicable

                    2.    Conversion of preference shares
                          □   Applicable     √   Not applicable

              IV. Restoration and exercise of voting rights of preference shares
                    □   Applicable   √    Not applicable

              V.    Accounting policies adopted for preference shares and their reason
                    □   Applicable   √    Not applicable


                                                                        SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED   43
           VII Preference Shares

      I.        Changes in shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
                √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                   Increase in   Decrease in                              Restricted                     Restricted
                                                                                Share held as     the number      the number        Share held as shares granted         Restricted shares granted
                                                                             at the beginning        of shares      of shares           at the end at the beginning shares granted       at the end
                                                                                 of the period held during the held during the       of the period    of the period      during the   of the period
                Name                  Position                   Status                (shares) period shares) period (shares)              (shares)        (shares) period (shares)         (shares)

                Chen Hongguo          Chairman and               In office        6,334,527          100,000                0          6,434,527                0                0               0
                                      general manager

                Yin Tongyuan          Vice Chairman              In office        2,423,640                0                0          2,423,640                0                0               0

                Li Feng               Director, deputy           In office          471,818                0                0            471,818                0                0               0
                                      general manager

                Geng Guanglin         Director, deputy           In office          437,433                0                0            437,433                0                0               0
                                      general manager

                Hou Huancai           Director                   In office          628,915                0                0            628,915                0                0               0

                Zhou Shaohua          Director, deputy           In office          123,007                0                0            123,007                0                0               0
                                      general manager

                Cui Youping           Director                   Resigned                 0                0                0                  0                0                0               0

                Wang Xiaoqun          Director                   In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0               0         14
                Zhang Zhiyuan         Independent Director       In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0         REPORT

                Wang Aiguo            Independent Director       In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Zhang Hong            Independent Director       In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Pan Ailing            Independent Director       In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Yang Guihua           Director                   In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Gao Junjie            Chairman of           In office                39,606                0                0             39,606                0                0                0     
                                      Supervisory Committee

                Wang Ju               Supervisor                 In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Yang Hongqin          Supervisor                 In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Yin Qixiang           Supervisor                 In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Guo Guangyao          Supervisor                 In office                0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Li Xueqin             Deputy general manager In office              429,348                0                0            429,348                0                0                0     
                Wang Chunfang         Secretary to the Board, In office             130,000                0                0            130,000                0                0                0     
                                      deputy general manager

                Hu Changqing          Deputy general manager In office                1,238                0                0              1,238                0                0                0     
                Shao Zhenzhong        Deputy general manager In office                    0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Chang Liting          Deputy general manager In office                    0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Li Zhenzhong          Deputy general manager In office                    0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                Poon Shiu Cheong      Company secretary and In office                     0                0                0                  0                0                0                0     
                                      qualified accountant
                Total                 --                         --              11,019,532          100,000                0         11,119,532                0                0                0

             VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

              II.      Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company
                        √ Applicable □ Not applicable 
                        Name                      Position                  Type                      Date                        Reason

                        Cui Youping               Director                  Resigned                  9 May 2014                  Personal reason
                        Yang Guihua               Director                  Elected                   9 May 2014                  Election at the general meeting

              III. Changes in the information of Directors and Supervisors
                       Under Rule 13.51(B) of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, changes in the information of Directors and Supervisors since the date of
                       the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2013 are set out below:

                       Name of Director                                                 Details of the changes

                       Cui Youping                                                      Resigned as an non-executive director since 9 May 2014
                       Yang Guihua                                                      Appointed as an non-executive director since 9 May 2014

              IV. Equity interests held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management filed in compliance
                  with SFO of Hong Kong
                       As at 30 June 2014, the interests held by each of the Directors, Supervisors and Chief Executives of the Company in the
                       Company and its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) as recorded in the register required to be
                       kept under section 352 of the SFO, are set out as follows:

                                                                                                                                               Number of shares
   INTERIM                                                                                                                                     (A shares) held as
    REPORT                                                                                                                                          at the end of
                                                                                                                                                    the reporting
                       Name                                                                      Position                                         period (shares)

                       Chen Hongguo (Note 1)                                                     Chairman and Executive Director                        6,863,875
                       Yin Tongyuan                                                              Executive Director                                     2,423,640
                       Li Feng                                                                   Executive Director                                       471,818
                       Geng Guanglin                                                             Executive Director                                       437,433
                       Hou Huancai                                                               Executive Director                                       628,915
                       Zhou Shaohua                                                              Executive Director                                       123,007
                       Gao Junjie                                                                Chairman of Supervisory Committee                         39,606

                       Associated corporations
                                                                                                      Number of                                        Number of
                                                                                                  shares held as                                   shares held as
                                                                                                at the beginning Change during the                   at the end of
                                                               Name of                           of the reporting reporting period (+/-             the reporting
                       Name                       Position     associated corporation             period (shares) )                                period (shares)

                       Chen Hongguo (Note 2) Chairman Shouguang Chenming                             231,000,000                                     231,000,000
                                                      Holdings Company
              Note 1: Save as the 6,434,527 A Shares personally held, Chen Hongguo was also deemed to be interested in the 429,348 A Shares held by Li Xueqin, his

              Note 2: Chen Hongguo and his spouse, Li Xueqin, collectively held 43% equity interests in Shouguang Henglian Enterprise Investment Co. Ltd. As a result,
                      Shouguang Henglian was deemed to be controlled by Chen Hongguo. As such, the 231,000,000 shares of Chenming Holdings (approximately 13.71%
                      of the total share capital of Chenming Holdings) held by Shouguang Henglian were also deemed to be held by Chen Hongguo.

                                                                                                   SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                              45
      VIII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

        Save as disclosed in the above, as at 30 June 2014, none of the Directors, Supervisors or chief executives of the Company
        had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated
        corporations which were required to be filed in the register of the Company required to be maintained pursuant to section 352
        of the SFO or which were required to be notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model
        Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers as contained in Appendix 10 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules.

        As at 30 June 2014, none of each of the Directors, Supervisors or chief executives or their respective spouses or children
        under the age of 18 held or exercised any rights to subscribe for the share capital or debentures of the Company or its
        associated corporations.



             IX Financial Report

              I.    Auditors’ Report
                    Is the interim report audited?

                    □ Yes         √   No

                    The interim financial report is not audited.

              II.   Financial Statements
                    The unit in the financial statements of the financial report is: RMB

                    1.      Consolidated Balance Sheet
                            Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                            Item                                                                       Closing balance        Opening balance
                            CURRENT ASSETS:
                             Monetary funds                                                            3,357,075,224.97       2,547,729,794.24
                             Balances with clearing companies                                                             
                             Loans to banks and other financial institutions                                              
                             Held-for-trading financial assets                                                            
                             Bills receivable                                                          2,248,149,475.62       2,870,443,681.49

   14                        Accounts receivable
    REPORT                   Premium receivable                                                                           
                             Receivables from reinsurers                                                                  
                             Reinsurance contract reserves receivable                                                     
                             Interest receivable                                                                          
                             Dividend receivable                                                                          
                             Other receivables                                                         1,387,721,807.90       1,331,900,749.84
                             Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell                                        
                             Inventories                                                               4,119,044,954.18       3,725,809,877.25
                             Non-current assets due within one year                                                       
                             Other current assets                                                      1,827,429,366.35       1,740,520,586.37
                            Total current assets                                                      17,924,930,233.32      16,908,069,103.97

                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED               47
        IX Financial Report

      II.      Financial Statements (Cont’d)
               1.      Consolidated Balance Sheet (Cont’d)                                                           
                       Item                                                                        Closing balance        Opening balance
                       NON-CURRENT ASSETS:
                        Entrusted loans and advances to customers Available-for-                                      
                        sale financial assets                                                        83,000,000.00          83,260,425.53
                        Held-to-maturity investments
                        Long-term receivables                                                                         
                        Long-term equity investments                                                  39,354,618.33          32,216,789.33
                        Investment properties                                                         18,604,315.93          19,473,443.95
                        Fixed assets                                                              24,021,575,836.80      21,181,647,488.39
                        Construction in progress                                                   3,383,652,916.06       5,266,031,817.60
                        Construction materials                                                        23,245,677.92          63,968,067.62
                        Disposal of fixed assets                                                     644,202,059.61         588,181,647.53
                        Consumable biological assets
                        Oil and gas assets                                                                            
                        Intangible assets                                                          1,329,187,864.48       1,365,418,002.26
                        Development expenditure                                                                       
                        Goodwill                                                                     20,283,787.17          20,283,787.17
                        Long-term prepaid expenses                                                  167,031,194.08         168,538,483.68
                        Deferred income tax assets                                                  563,290,145.89         507,653,388.38
                        Other non-current assets                                                    900,000,000.00                           14
                       Total non-current assets                                                   32,540,844,460.60      30,613,814,465.21   REPORT 

                       Total assets                                                               50,465,774,693.92      47,521,883,569.18
                       CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                                                         
                        Short-term borrowings                                                     11,866,009,950.56       9,818,885,237.85
                        Borrowings from the central bank                                                            
                        Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions                    
                        Placements from banks and other financial institutions                                      
                        Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                                      
                        Bills payable                                                                228,716,908.05         290,403,790.59
                        Accounts payable                                                           3,317,507,726.31       2,695,169,927.14
                        Advance receipts                                                             327,099,380.94         442,432,261.58
                        Assets sold under agreements to repurchase                                                  
                        Handling charges and commission payable                                                     
                        Staff remuneration payables                                                  121,611,538.00        130,271,812.18
                        Taxes payable                                                                119,113,869.82        130,192,936.87
                        Interest payable                                                             246,392,305.53        153,189,860.42
                        Dividend payable                                                             580,921,640.10 
                        Other payables                                                               526,234,433.28        486,836,595.89
                        Due to reinsurers                                                                           
                        Insurance contract reserves                                                                 
                        Customer brokerage deposits                                                                 
                        Securities underwriting brokerage deposits                                                  
                        Non-current liabilities due within one year                                  941,964,400.00       1,287,804,452.66
                        Other current liabilities                                                  3,990,678,171.80       3,878,735,536.52
                       Total current liabilities                                                  22,266,250,324.39      19,313,922,411.70

             IX Financial Report

                    1.   Consolidated Balance Sheet (Cont’d)

                         Item                                                                            Closing balance       Opening balance

                         NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES:

                          Long-term borrowings                                                          3,981,294,707.90       3,723,865,807.90
                          Bonds payable                                                                 5,772,774,960.37       5,768,418,612.73
                          Long-term payables                                                              128,000,000.00          60,000,000.00
                          Special payables                                                              1,148,088,048.84         971,805,561.39
                          Estimated liabilities                                                                            

                          Deferred income tax liabilities                                                                  
                          Other non-current liabilities                                                 3,066,066,119.63       3,045,517,642.57
                         Total non-current liabilities                                                 14,096,223,836.74      13,569,607,624.59
                         TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                             36,362,474,161.13      32,883,530,036.29

                         OWNERS’ EQUITY (OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY):

                          Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                            1,936,405,467.00       1,975,471,967.00

                          Capital reserves                                                              6,149,082,212.53       6,204,682,028.94

                          Less: Treasury shares                                                                                   30,954,891.40
                          Special reserves                                                                                 
                          Surplus reserves                                                              1,132,116,106.40       1,132,116,106.40
   14                     General risk provisions                                                                          
   INTERIM                Retained profit                                                               4,403,178,396.50       4,741,638,941.58

                          Foreign currency translation differences                                         14,655,495.67          16,934,073.59
                         Total equity attributable to equity holders of the company                    13,635,437,678.10      14,039,888,226.11

                           Minority interest                                                              467,862,854.69         598,465,306.78
                         Total owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                              14,103,300,532.79      14,638,353,532.89

                          (OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY)                                                   50,465,774,693.92      47,521,883,569.18

                         Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo      Financial controller: Dong Lianming   Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                    49
       IX Financial Report

      II.II. Financial Statements (Cont’d)
          2.      Balance sheet of the Company
                  Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                  Item                                                        Closing balance        Closing balance
                  CURRENT ASSETS:
                   Monetary funds                                             1,086,201,307.14       1,454,242,620.40
                   Held-for-trading financial assets                                             
                   Bills receivable                                           1,300,364,016.64         945,832,396.01
                   Accounts receivable                                        5,450,527,043.46       3,814,654,532.05
                   Prepayments                                                1,005,413,047.89         762,470,888.60
                   Interest receivable                                                           
                   Dividend receivable                                                                 191,300,102.21
                   Other receivables                                          9,554,870,161.49      11,051,622,177.96
                   Inventories                                                  906,109,088.93         857,030,449.25
                   Non-current assets due within one year                                              200,000,000.00
                   Other current assets                                        204,109,572.39          103,214,843.26
                  Total current assets                                       19,507,594,237.94      19,380,368,009.74
                  NON-CURRENT ASSETS:
                   Available-for-sale financial assets                          83,000,000.00          83,260,425.53     14
                   Held-to-maturity investments                                                                           REPORT
                   Long-term receivables                                                         
                   Long-term equity investments                               9,876,593,518.04       8,780,477,577.92
                   Investment properties                                         18,604,315.93          19,473,443.95
                   Fixed assets                                               4,953,737,214.74       5,170,770,619.87
                   Construction in progress                                     246,779,691.91         127,095,105.63
                   Construction materials                                         1,667,197.06           1,813,442.43
                   Disposal of fixed assets                                                      
                   Consumable biological assets                                                  
                   Oil and gas assets                                                            
                   Intangible assets                                           303,136,827.02         308,163,298.83
                   Development expenditure                                                       
                   Long-term prepaid expenses                                                    
                   Deferred income tax assets                                   18,419,215.15          17,082,162.53
                   Other non-current assets                                    900,000,000.00    
                  Total non-current assets                                   16,401,937,979.85      14,508,136,076.69
                  TOTAL ASSETS                                               35,909,532,217.79      33,888,504,086.43

             IX Financial Report

                    2.      Balance sheet of the Company (Cont’d)                                                                 
                            Item                                                                                 Closing balance       Closing balance

                            CURRENT LIABILITIES:

                             Short-term borrowings                                                              5,631,922,590.85       5,119,632,573.69
                             Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                                                
                             Bills payable                                                                                                  500,000.00
                             Accounts payable                                                                     764,934,206.23        891,996,724.44
                             Advance receipts                                                                     102,727,990.92        185,524,508.71

                             Staff remuneration payables                                                           71,748,172.04         62,091,273.25
                             Taxes payable                                                                         10,078,433.85          8,949,746.01
                             Interest payable                                                                     246,392,305.53        150,047,305.56
                             Dividend payable                                                                     580,921,640.10   
                             Other payables                                                                     1,113,168,948.87         431,217,791.18

                             Non-current liabilities due within one year                                          357,640,000.00         343,876,000.00
                             Other current liabilities                                                          3,967,039,467.96       3,856,239,467.95
                            Total current liabilities                                                          12,846,573,756.35      11,050,075,390.79
                            NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES:
                             Long-term borrowings                                                               1,192,916,035.94         594,568,035.94

                             Bonds payable                                                                      5,772,774,960.37       5,768,418,612.73
                             Long-term payables                                                                                    
                             Special payables                                                                                      
                             Estimated liabilities                                                                                 
                             Deferred income tax liabilities                                                                       
                             Other non-current liabilities                                                      2,608,807,612.57       2,607,180,511.28
                            Total non-current liabilities                                                       9,574,498,608.88       8,970,167,159.95
                            Total liabilities                                                                  22,421,072,365.23      20,020,242,550.74
                            OWNERS’ EQUITY (OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY):
                             Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                                 1,936,405,467.00       1,975,471,967.00
                             Capital reserves                                                                   5,938,811,795.82       6,005,426,779.17
                             Less: Treasury shares                                                                                        30,954,891.40
                             Special reserves                                                                                      
                             Surplus reserves                                                                   1,119,926,524.49       1,119,926,524.49
                             General risk provisions                                                                               
                             Retained profit                                                                    4,493,316,065.25       4,798,391,156.43
                             Foreign currency translation differences                                                              
                            Total owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                                   13,488,459,852.56      13,868,261,535.69
                            TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY                                                                  
                             (OR SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY)                                                        35,909,532,217.79      33,888,504,086.43
                            Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo        Financial controller: Dong Lianming      Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                            SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       51
           IX Financial Report

              3.   Consolidated Income Statement
                   Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                              Amounts for            Amounts for
                    Item                                                                               the reporting period       the prior period

      I.    Total revenue                                                                 9,082,020,579.01        10,027,901,358.43
            Including: Revenue                                                            9,082,020,579.01        10,027,901,358.43
                                       Interest income
                                       Earned premium
                                       Handling charges and commission income
                    II. Total operating costs                                                             9,082,153,213.06       9,944,996,711.69
                          Including: Operating costs                                                      7,378,998,628.31       8,251,349,814.35
                                       Interest expenses                                                                      
                                       Handling charges and commission expenses                                               
                                       Net claims paid                                                                        
                                       Net change in insurance contract reserves                                              
                                       Policyholder dividend expenses                                                         
                                       Expenses for reinsurance accepted                                                      
                                       Business taxes and surcharges                                        35,500,467.78          38,967,507.99     14
                                       Sales and distribution expenses                                     524,593,811.50         570,398,742.45     INTERIM
                                       General and administrative expenses                                 500,133,881.63         602,523,953.98      REPORT
                                       Finance expenses                                                    626,611,788.47         486,409,117.79
                                       Loss on impairment of assets                                         16,314,635.37          -4,652,424.87
                          Plus: Gain on change in fair value (“-” denotes loss)                              967,670.22           9,229,042.51
                                  Investment income (“-” denotes loss)                                    21,218,247.82           5,183,185.10
                                  Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures           -1,890,171.00             421,036.92
                                  Foreign exchange gains (“-” denotes loss)
                    III. Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)                                              22,053,283.99          97,316,874.35
                          Plus: Non-operating income                                                       253,711,372.78         336,305,361.16
                          Less: Non-operating expenses                                                      14,028,105.87          39,540,627.38
                                  Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                          8,764,674.26          35,870,782.59
                    IV. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)                                            261,736,550.90         394,081,608.13
                          Less: Income tax expenses                                                         34,033,045.12          82,871,206.26
                    V. Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)                                                 227,703,505.78         311,210,401.87
                          Including: Net profit achieved by the acquiree before business combination                          
                                       Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company              242,461,095.02         333,409,511.73
                                                                                                           -14,757,589.24         -22,199,109.86
                                       Minority interest
                    VI. Earnings per share:                                                                            —                     —
                          (I) Basic earnings per share                                                               0.12                   0.16
                          (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                            0.12                   0.16
                    VII. Other comprehensive income                                                         -2,305,777.92           8,108,866.56
                    VIII. Total comprehensive income                                                       225,397,727.86         319,319,268.43
                   Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Company                  240,164,021.10         341,518,378.29
                   Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interest                             -14,766,293.24         -22,199,109.86
                   Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo         Financial controller: Dong Lianming       Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

             IX Financial Report

             II.II. Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                   4.      Income statement of the Company
                           Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                  Amounts for            Amounts for
                           Item                                                                            the reporting period       the prior period

                           I.     Revenue                                                                     3,996,792,004.38       4,917,032,522.93
                                  Less: Operating costs                                                       3,157,273,029.32       3,976,552,277.16
                                          Business taxes and surcharges                                          16,249,023.49          21,443,084.31
                                          Selling and distribution expenses                                     141,537,803.94         151,177,561.24
                                          General and administrative expenses                                   263,404,356.79         290,395,877.15
                                          Finance expenses                                                      419,085,682.08         254,845,387.49
                                          Loss on impairment of assets                                              531,463.30           3,701,835.30
                                  Plus: Gain on change in fair value (“-” denotes loss)
                                          Investment income (“-” denotes loss)                               228,032,037.93         255,712,842.31
                                  Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures                  -74,651.88             421,036.92
                           II.    Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)                                        226,742,683.39         474,629,342.59
                                  Plus: Non-operating income                                                    52,625,942.79          94,094,442.54
                                  Less: Non-operating expenses                                                   2,636,144.44          28,964,163.57
                                  Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                207,851.60          28,464,163.57
   14                      III.   Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)                                      276,732,481.74         539,759,621.56
   INTERIM                        Less: Income tax expenses                                                        885,932.82          42,756,707.16
    REPORT                 IV.    Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)                                          275,846,548.92         497,002,914.40
                           V.     Earnings per share:                                                                      —                     —

                                  (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                    
                                  (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                                 
                           VI. Other comprehensive income

                           VII. Total comprehensive income                                                     275,846,548.92         497,002,914.40

                           Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo        Financial controller: Dong Lianming    Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      53
      IX Financial Report

        5.      Consolidated cash flow statement
                Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amounts for             Amounts for
                Item                                                                             the reporting period        the prior period
                I.      Cash flows from operating activities:                                                           
                        Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services                  9,887,593,678.02      11,385,469,688.38
                        Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other                               
                        financial institutions                                                                          
                        Net increase in borrowings from the central bank                                                
                        Net increase in placements from other financial institutions                                    
                        Cash received from premiums under original insurance contracts                                  
                        Net cash received from reinsurance business                                                     
                        Net increase in deposits from policyholders                                                     
                        Net increase from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets                                 
                        Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions                                   
                        Net increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions                          
                        Net capital increase of repurchase business                                                     
                        Tax rebates received                                                              509,758.13           6,507,666.33
                        Cash received relating to other operating activities                          236,297,041.43         293,722,261.11     14
                Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                  10,124,400,477.58      11,685,699,615.82     REPORT
                        Cash paid for goods and services                                    7,297,677,811.16                9,008,158,586.79
                        Net increase in loans and advances to customers                                      
                        Net increase in deposits with the central bank and other financial                   
                        Cash paid for claims under original insurance contracts                              
                        Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commission                              
                        Cash paid for policyholder dividend                                                  
                        Cash paid to and for employees                                        438,554,968.19                 410,741,602.10
                        Payments of taxes and surcharges                                      453,797,498.68                 541,777,262.88
                        Cash paid relating to other operating activities                      648,673,938.42                 818,086,921.10
                Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                  8,838,704,216.45      10,778,764,372.87
                Net cash flows from operating activities                                             1,285,696,261.13        906,935,242.95

             IX Financial Report

             II.   Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                    5.   Consolidated cash flow statement (Cont’d)
                                                                                                                 Amounts for             Amounts for
                         Item                                                                             the reporting period        the prior period

                         II. Cash flows from investing activities:
                             Cash received from investments
                             Cash received from investment income
                             Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                             other long-term assets                                                             114,959,960.80         20,828,975.62
                             Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business
                             units                                                                               75,035,211.41        407,898,445.53
                             Cash received relating to other investing activities                               230,000,000.00        175,961,341.00

                         Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                     419,995,172.21        604,688,762.15

                            Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                            long-term assets                                                                  1,214,448,290.91       1,490,489,565.10
                            Cash paid on investments                                                              3,000,000.00
                            Net increase in pledged loans
                            Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units
                            Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                  1,000,000,000.00

      14                 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                  2,217,448,290.91       1,490,489,565.10
    REPORT               Net cash flows from investing activities                                            -1,797,453,118.70        -885,800,802.95
                         III. Cash flows from financing activities:
                              Cash received from capital contribution                                                                  66,000,000.00
                              Including: cash received from minority interest contribution to                                    
                              subsidiaries                                                                                              66,000,000.00
                              Cash received from borrowings                                                  10,114,432,956.75      12,061,537,576.13
                              Cash received from bond issue                                                                      
                              Cash received relating to other financing activities                               68,000,000.00       1,486,500,000.00
                         Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                  10,182,432,956.75      13,614,037,576.13
                            Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                               8,173,866,573.80      12,216,611,286.73
                            Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment                  653,495,183.98         731,354,603.87
                            Including: dividend and profit paid to minority interest by subsidiaries              2,091,495.75          15,687,493.50
                            Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                    645,581,019.54       1,438,573,351.52
                         Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                  9,472,942,777.32      14,386,539,242.12
                         Net cash flows from financing activities                                               709,490,179.43        -772,501,665.99
                         IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents               -12,913,419.68           6,564,770.28
                         V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                           184,819,902.18        -744,802,455.71
                             Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the                               
                             period                                                                             726,532,928.96       2,343,550,185.45
                         VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period                   911,352,831.14       1,598,747,729.74
                         Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo         Financial controller: Dong Lianming      Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                          SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       55
      IX Financial Report

      II.        Financial Statements (Cont’d)
            6.        Cash flow statement of the Company (Cont’d)
                      Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                           Amounts for             Amounts for
                      Item                                                                          the reporting period        the prior period

                      I.   Cash flows from operating activities:
                           Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services                 3,549,147,836.05       3,976,388,687.84
                           Tax rebates received                                                                            
                           Cash received relating to other operating activities                           82,491,417.97         343,215,249.54
                      Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                               3,631,639,254.02       4,319,603,937.38
                           Cash paid for goods and services                                            1,533,483,679.27       5,033,798,986.49
                           Cash paid to and for employees                                                217,060,276.98         165,474,579.19
                           Payments of taxes and surcharges                                              182,972,526.03         291,241,251.17
                           Cash paid relating to other operating activities                              127,363,732.10       1,071,544,485.43
                      Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                              2,060,880,214.38       6,562,059,302.28
                      Net cash outflows from operating activities                                      1,570,759,039.64       -2,242,455,364.90
                      II. Cash flows from investing activities:
                          Cash received from investments                                                 800,000,000.00         896,725,533.01      REPORT
                          Cash received from investment income                                            13,613,768.88          77,706,684.89
                          Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and                           
                          other long-term assets                                                              17,069.00               88,184.24
                          Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business                               
                          Cash received relating to other investing activities                                                        93,500.00
                      Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                 813,630,837.88         974,613,902.14
                           Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                           long-term assets                                                               80,853,295.53          31,454,612.99
                           Cash paid on investments                                                    1,703,929,592.00          74,206,250.00
                           Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units                          
                           Cash paid relating to other investing activities                            1,000,000,000.00    
                      Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                              2,784,782,887.53         105,660,862.99
                      Net cash flows from investing activities                                         -1,971,152,049.65        868,953,039.15

             IX Financial Report

             II.   Financial Statements (Cont’d)

                       6.   Cash flow statement of the Company (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                    Amounts for             Amounts for

                            Item                                                                             the reporting period        the prior period

                            III. Cash flows from financing activities:

                                 Cash received from capital contribution                                                            
                                 Cash received from borrowings                                                   5,861,716,631.35      7,783,390,709.33
                                 Cash received from bond issue                                                                      
                                 Cash received relating to other financing activities                                                  1,486,500,000.00

                            Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                   5,861,716,631.35      9,269,890,709.33

                               Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                               4,734,961,076.26      7,018,797,223.94

                               Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment                  288,024,703.93        189,202,456.98
                               Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                    379,346,431.66      2,134,404,556.34
                            Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                  5,402,332,211.85      9,342,404,237.26

                            Net cash flows from financing activities                                               459,384,419.50        -72,513,527.93

                            IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                -6,379,154.41          -1,333,058.28

                            V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                            52,612,255.08      -1,447,348,911.96

                                Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the
                                period                                                                              64,392,029.09
                            VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period                   117,004,284.17        339,273,942.12

                            Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo         Financial controller: Dong Lianming      Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                             SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       57
        IX Financial Report

      II.   Financial Statements (Cont’d)
            7.   Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity
                 Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                 Amounts for the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                   Amounts for the reporting period
                                                                                                                   Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                        Paid-up capital              Capital                 Less:                 Special                Surplus         General risk           Retained                                 Minority          Total owners’
                 Item                                  (or share capital)           reserves       treasury shares                reserves              reserves            provisions              profit             Others             interest                 equity

                 I. Balance as at the end of
                      the prior year                      1,975,471,967.00 6,204,682,028.94         30,954,891.40                            1,132,116,106.40                            4,741,638,941.58       16,934,073.59      598,465,306.78       14,638,353,532.89
                      Plus: accounting policy
                               Corrections of prior
                               period errors
                 II.              Balance as at the beginning
                      of the year                         1,975,471,967.00 6,204,682,028.94         30,954,891.40                            1,132,116,106.40                            4,741,638,941.58       16,934,073.59      598,465,306.78 14,638,353,532.89
                 III. Changes in the period
                      (“-” denotes decrease)              -39,066,500.00    -55,599,816.41       -30,954,891.40                                                                        -338,460,545.08        -2,278,577.92      -130,602,452.09       -535,053,000.10
                      (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                      242,461,095.02                            -14,757,589.24        227,703,505.78
                      (II) Other comprehensive
                            income                                                -27,200.00                                                                                                                    -2,278,577.92                               -2,305,777.92
                 Sub-total of (I) and (II) above                                   -27,200.00                                                                                             242,461,095.02        -2,278,577.92       -14,757,589.24        225,397,727.86

                    (III) Capital paid in and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   INTERIM
                         reduced by owners              -39,066,500.00         -55,572,616.41      -30,954,891.40                                                                                                                   -61,913,669.40       -125,597,894.41         REPORT
                         1. Capital paid in by
                             owners                     -39,066,500.00         -55,572,616.41      -30,954,891.40                                                                                                                   -61,913,669.40        -125,597,894.41
                         2. Amounts of share-based
                             payments recognized
                             in owners’ equity
                         3 Others
                    (IV)Profit distribution                                                                                                                                              -580,921,640.10                            -53,931,193.45        -634,852,833.55
                         1. Transfer to surplus
                         2. Transfer to general risk
                         3. Distribution to owners
                             (shareholders)                                                                                                                                              -580,921,640.10                            -53,931,193.45        -634,852,833.55
                         4. Others
                    (V) Transfer within owners’
                         1. Transfer from capital
                             reserves to capital (or
                             share capital)
                         2. Transfer from surplus
                             reserves to capital
                             (or share capital)
                         3. Transfer from surplus
                             reserves to make up for
                         4. Others
                    (VI) Special reserves
                         1. Appropriated in the
                         2. Used in the period
                    (VII) Others

                 IV. Balance as at the end
                     of the period                     1,936,405,467.00 6,149,082,212.53                                                     1,132,116,106.40                            4,403,178,396.50       14,655,495.67      467,862,854.69       14,103,300,532.79

             IX Financial Report

              II.   Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                    7.    Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity (Cont’d)
                          Amounts for the prior year

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                 Amounts for the prior year
                                                                                                                             Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                   Paid-up capital              Capital                Less:                 Special                Surplus          General risk           Retained                           Minority       Total owners’
                          Item                                    (or share capital)          reserves       treasury shares                reserves              reserves             provisions              profit          Others          interest              equity
                          I. Balance as at the end of the
                               prior year                       2,062,045,941.00 6,414,892,999.53                                                       1,132,116,106.40                            4,149,511,927.88       929,205.04   585,921,753.20    14,345,417,933.05
                               Plus: Retrospective
                                       adjustments arising from
                                       business combination
                                       under common control
                               Plus: accounting policy
                                       Corrections of prior
                                       period errors
                          II. Balance as at the beginning of
                               the year                         2,062,045,941.00 6,414,892,999.53                                                       1,132,116,106.40                            4,149,511,927.88       929,205.04   585,921,753.20    14,345,417,933.05
                          III. Changes in the period (“-”
                               denotes decrease)                                    -31,421,760.99           265,363,183.60                                                                           214,881,193.71     8,108,866.56     10,646,537.82     -63,148,346.50
                               (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                         333,409,511.73                     -22,199,109.86     311,210,401.87
                               (II) Other comprehensive

                                    income                                          -31,421,760.99                                                                                                                       8,108,866.56                        -23,312,894.43

                         Sub-total of (I) and (II)                                     -31,421,760.99                                                                                               333,409,511.73      8,108,866.56    -22,199,109.86     287,897,507.44
                              (III) Capital paid in and reduced
                                    by owners                                                                                                                                                                                             48,533,141.18       48,533,141.18
                                    1. Capital paid in by
                                      owners                                                                                                                                                                                            56,100,000.00       56,100,000.00
                                    2. Amounts of share-based
                                        payments recognised in
                                        owners’ equity
                                    3. Others                                                                                                                                                                                             -7,566,858.82       -7,566,858.82
                              (IV)Profit distribution                                                        265,363,183.60                                                                          -118,528,318.02                     -15,687,493.50     -399,578,995.12
                                    1. Transfer to surplus
                                    2. Transfer to general risk
                                    3. Distribution to owners
                                      (shareholders)                                                                                                                                                -118,528,318.02                     -15,687,493.50    -134,215,811.52
                                    4, Others                                                                265,363,183.60                                                                                                                                -265,363,183.60
                              (V) Transfer within owners’
                                    1. Transfer from capital
                                        reserves to capital (or
                                        share capital)
                                    2. Transfer from surplus
                                        reserves to capital (or
                                        share capital)
                                    3. Transfer from surplus
                                        reserves to make up for
                                    4. Others
                              (VI) Special reserves
                                    1. Appropriated in the
                                    2. Used in the period
                              (VII) Other

                          IV. Balance as at the end of the
                              period                              2,062,045,941.00 6,383,471,238.54          265,363,183.60                            1,132,116,106.40                             4,364,393,121.59     9,038,071.60   596,568,291.02    14,282,269,586.55

                          Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo                                                    Financial controller: Dong Lianming                                             Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                       59
        IX Financial Report

      II.   Financial Statements (Cont’d)
            8.   Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company
                 Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

                 Amounts for the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                               Amounts for the reporting period
                                                                                Paid-up capital                Capital                 Less:       Special                 Surplus   General risk          Retained        Total owners’
                 Item                                                          (or share capital)            reserves        treasury shares      reserves                reserves    provisions              profit              equity

                 I. Balance as at the end of the prior year                    1,975,471,967.00 6,005,426,779.17              30,954,891.40                      1,119,926,524.49                   4,798,391,156.43   13,868,261,535.69
                       Plus: accounting policy change
                             Corrections of prior period errors
                 II. Balance as at the beginning of the year                   1,975,471,967.00        6,005,426,779.17       30,954,891.40                      1,119,926,524.49                   4,798,391,156.43 13,868,261,535.69
                 III. Changes in the period (“-” denotes decrease)             -39,066,500.00          -66,614,983.35      -30,954,891.40                                                          -305,075,091.18 -379,801,683.13
                       (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                 275,846,548.92    275,846,548.92
                       (II) Other comprehensive income

                 Sub-total of (I) and (II) above                                                                                                                                                     275,846,548.92      275,846,548.92

                      (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners               -39,066,500.00          -66,614,983.35       -30,954,891.40                                                                               -74,726,591.95
                            1. Capital paid in by owners                        -39,066,500.00          -66,614,983.35       -30,954,891.40                                                                               -74,726,591.95
                            2. Amounts of share-based payments recognised

                                in owners’ equity
                            3. Others
                      (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                      -580,921,640.10      -580,921,640.10       INTERIM
                            1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                     REPORT
                            2. Transfer to general risk provision
                            3. Distribution to owners (shareholders)                                                                                                                                -580,921,640.10      -580,921,640.10
                            4. Others
                      (V) Transfer within owners’ equity
                            1. Transfer from capital reserves to capital
                                (or share capital)
                            2. Transfer from surplus reserves to capital
                                (or share capital)
                            3. Transfer from surplus reserves to make up for
                            4. Others
                      (VI) Special reserves
                            1. Appropriated in the period
                            2. Used in the period
                      (VII) Others


                 IV. Balance as at the end of the period                       1,936,405,467.00 5,938,811,795.82                                                 1,119,926,524.49                   4,493,316,065.25   13,488,459,852.56

             IX Financial Report

              II.   Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                    8.   Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company (Cont’d)
                         Amounts for the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                      Amounts for the reporting period
                                                                                      Paid-up capital                Capital                Less:         Special                 Surplus   General risk          Retained        Total owners’
                         Item                                                       (or share capital)             reserves       treasury shares        reserves                reserves    provisions              profit              equity

                         I. Balance as at the end of the prior year                 2,062,045,941.00 6,184,215,988.77                                                   1,119,926,524.49                   4,079,103,308.16   13,445,291,762.42
                               Plus: accounting policy changes
                                     Corrections of prior period errors
                         II. Balance as at the beginning of the year                2,062,045,941.00        6,184,215,988.77                                            1,119,926,524.49                   4,079,103,308.16 13,445,291,762.42
                         III. Changes in the period (“-” denotes decrease)                                                      265,363,183.60                                                             378,474,596.38    113,111,412.78
                               (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                497,002,914.40    497,002,914.40
                               (II) Other comprehensive income

                         Sub-total of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                                          497,002,914.40      497,002,914.40
                              (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
                                    1. Capital paid in by owners
                                    2. Amounts of share-based payments recognised
                                        in owners’ equity
                                    3. Others
   14                         (IV) Profit distribution
                                    1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                 
                                                                                                                                  265,363,183.60                                                           -118,528,318.02      -383,891,501.62

                                    2. Transfer to general risk provision
                                    3. Distribution to owners (shareholders)                                                                                                                               -118,528,318.02      -118,528,318.02
                                    4. Others                                                                                     265,363,183.60                                                                                -265,363,183.60
                              (V) Transfer within owners’ equity
                                    1. Transfer from capital reserves to capital
                                        (or share capital)
                                    2. Transfer from surplus reserves to capital
                                        (or share capital)
                                    3. Transfer from surplus reserves to make up
                                        for losses
                                    4. Others
                              (VI) Special reserves
                                    1. Appropriated in the period
                                    2. Used in the period
                              (VII) Other

                         IV. Balance as at the end of the period                    2,062,045,941.00 6,184,215,988.77             265,363,183.60                        1,119,926,524.49                   4,457,577,904.54   13,558,403,175.20

                         Legal Representative: Chen Hongguo                                         Financial controller: Dong Lianming                                   Head of the financial department: Liu Jun

                                                                                                                                                   SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                        61
       IX Financial Report

      III. General Information of the Company
          Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), whose predecessor was Shandong
          Shouguang Paper Mill Corporation, was reformed as Shandong Shouguang Paper Making, Printing and Packaging Group
          Company Limited through “offering to specific investors” in May 1993, with registered capital of RMB66,647,400 and total
          share capital of 66,647,400 shares. Its shareholding structure is as follows: 46,497,400 sponsor’s state-owned shares
          accounting for 69.76% of total share capital, 1,558,500 domestic legal person shares accounting for 2.34% of total share
          capital and 18,591,500 staff shares, accounting for 27.90% of total share capital.

          On 21 August 1993, replied by the Reply on Changing Shandong Shouguang Papermaking, Printing and Packaging (Group)
          Incorporated Company as Shandong Shouguang Papermaking (Group) Incorporated Company (Shou Gai Fa [1993] No.
          23) verified and issued by the Shandong Shouguang Office for Restructuring Economic System, Shandong Shouguang
          Papermaking, Printing and Packaging (Group) Incorporated Company was changed as Shandong Shouguang Papermaking
          (Group) Incorporated Company, with the relevant industrial and commercial alteration registration procedures completed on
          8 October 1993. On 4 December 1996, according to the Letter on Agreeing to Determine Shandong Shouguang Papermaking
          Group Incorporated Company (Lu Ti Gai Han Zi [1996] No. 123) verified and issued by the Shandong Commission for
          Restructuring Economic System and the Shandong Incorporated Company Approval Certificate (Lu Zheng Gu Zi [1996] No.
          98) verified and issued by the People’s Government of Shandong Province, it was agreed to change Shandong Shouguang
          Papermaking Group Incorporated Company as Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (present name of the Company).

          On 27 October 1996, at the third general meeting of the Company, the Company passed the profit distribution plan to deliver 3.5
          bonus shares per 10 shares for the year of 1995, and the proposal of converting such above shares into state-owned shares
          as well. After such bonus share issue and conversion into capital, the Company’s share capital was changed from 66,647,400
          shares into 99,840,990 shares.

          In December 1996, with approval by the Letter on Recommending Shandong Shouguang Papermaking Group Incorporated                   14
          Company to Issue B Shares (Lu Zheng Zi [1996] No. 270) verified and issued by the People’s Government of Shandong                INTERIM
          Province and Zheng Wei [1996] No. 59 of the Securities Committee of the State Council, the Company was changed as the
          incorporated company established by share offer.

          On 4 February 1997, the Company held the fourth general meeting, which passed the proposal that the Company absorbed
          and merged Shouguang Yongli Paper Co., Ltd. and the profit distribution plan to deliver 4 bonus shares per 10 shares for
          1996. After bonus shares distribution, the Company’s share capital was changed from 99,840,990 shares into 158,855,665

          On 30 April 1997, according to approval by the Letter on Recommending Shandong Shouguang Papermaking Group
          Incorporated Company to Issue B Shares (Lu Zheng Zi [1996] No. 270) verified and issued by the People’s Government of
          Shandong Province, the Reply on Shandong Chenming Paper Co., Ltd. to Issue Foreign Shares Listed in China (Zheng Wei
          Fa [1997] No. 26) verified and issued by the Securities Committee of the State Council, and Shen Zheng Fa [1997] No. 188
          of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company issued 115,000,000 domestic listed foreign shares (B shares), which were
          listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 26 May 1997. After issuance, the Company’s total share capital was increased from
          158,855,665 shares to 273,855,665 shares. The Company was changed as the foreign-invested incorporated company by the
          Reply on Changing Shandong Chenming Paper Group Incorporated Company as the Foreign-invested Incorporated Company
          ([1997] Wai Jing Mao Zi Er Han Zi No. 415) verified and issued by the original Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic

          On 22 November 1997, the Company held the extraordinary general meeting in 1997 and passed the Proposal of Converting
          Capital Reserve into Share Capital by discussion, to convert capital reserve into share capital of 109,542,266 shares at
          the ratio of 10:4 according to the Company’s share capital of 273,855,665 shares on 30 June 1997. Upon conversion, the
          Company’s total share capital was changed to 383,397,931 shares.

             IX Financial Report

              III. General Information of the Company (Cont’d)
                   With approval by the Notice about Approving Application of Shandong Chenming Paper Group Incorporated Company to
                   Issue Shares (Zheng Jian Gong Si Zi [2000] No. 151) verified and issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on
                   30 September 2000 and the Notice of Listing (Sheng Zheng Shang [2000] No. 151) verified and issued by the Shenzhen Stock
                   Exchange on 15 November 2000, the Company issued 70 million RMB ordinary shares (A shares), which were listed and
                   traded on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 20 November 2000. After issuance, the Company’s total share capital was increased
                   from 383,397,931 shares to 453,397,931 shares.

                   In May 2001, with approval by the Notice on Approving Non-listed Foreign Shares of Shandong Chenming Paper Group
                   Incorporated Company for Circulation (Zheng Jian Gong Si Zi [2001] No. 44) verified and issued by the China Securities
                   Regulatory Commission on 19 April 2001, 26,709,591 original non-tradable foreign legal person shares held by Guanghua
                   Company were converted into B shares and listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Listed tradable B shares of the Company
                   were increased to 187,709,591 shares.

                   On 28 June 2001, the Company held 2000 general meeting and passed the year 2000 profit distribution plan by discussion. It
                   presented 1 bonus share per 10 shares to all shareholders based on the total share capital of 453,397,931 shares at the end
                   of 2000, to increase 45,339,793 shares in total. After the bonus shares distribution, the Company’s total share capital was
                   increased to 498,737,724 shares.

                   In May 2003, the Company implemented the 2002 profit distribution to present 2 bonus shares per 10 shares, and converted
                   into 6 share capitals per 10 capital reserves to increase 398,990,179 shares in total. After the bonus shares distribution and
                   conversion, the Company’s total share capital was increased from 498,737,724 shares to 897,727,903 shares.
                   On 15 September 2004, with approval by the Notice on Approving Shandong Chenming Paper Group Incorporated Company
   14              to Publicly Issue Convertible Bonds ([2004] No. 147) verified and issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the
                   Company publicly issued 20 million convertible bonds with face value of RMB100, total issuance of RMB2 billion and term of
    REPORT         five years, and listed and traded on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 30 September 2004. The conversion period lasted from 15
                   March 2005 to 15 September 2009. The bond was called Chenming Convertible Bond as its short name, with the convertible
                   bond code of 125488.

                   On 29 April 2005, the Company held 2004 general meeting and passed the 2004 profit distribution plan by discussion. It
                   converted into 3 share capitals per 10 capital reserves based on the total share capital of 897,727,903 shares at the end of
                   2004. The Company’s change of share capital was replied by the Reply on Agreeing Capital Increase of Shandong Chenming
                   Paper Group Incorporated Company (Shang Zi Pi [2005] No. 1364) verified and issued by the Ministry of Commerce of the
                   People’s Republic of China. According to the above resolution and reply, the Company implemented the distribution plan to
                   deliver 2 bonus shares per 10 shares to all shareholders and converting into 3 capital shares per 10 capital reserves based on
                   the total share capital of 897,728,913 shares on 19 May 2005, the date of record (as of 19 May 2005, the Company converted
                   into share capital of 1,010 shares from convertible bonds). After the bonus shares distribution and conversion, the Company’s
                   total share capital was increased to 1,346,593,369 shares.

                   On 6 April 2007, the Company’s 21st meeting of the fourth session of the board of directors discussed to pass the Proposal
                   on Exercising Redemption Right for Convertible Bonds under Redemptive Condition but Not Converted. It decided that the
                   Company could redeem the Chenming convertible bonds which were not converted before the date of redemption according
                   to procedures agreed in the Prospectuses and 105% of face value (including the current interests) after actually meeting
                   relevant redemptive condition of the Prospectuses of convertible bonds. On 14 May 2007, the Company converted the
                   Chenming Convertible Bonds and total shares were increased to 1,706,345,941 shares.

                   Replied by Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2008] No. 290 document of the Reply on Approving Shandong Chenming Paper Group
                   Incorporated Company to Issue Foreign Shares by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and with reply by the Stock
                   Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong), the Company was approved
                   to publicly issue the overseas listed foreign shares (H shares). The Company publicly offered 355,700,000 H shares all over
                   the world and listed for trading on the main board of Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on 18 June 2008. The share was called
                   Chenming Paper as its short name with the stock code of HK1812. After offering, the Company’s total shares were increased
                   to 2,062,045,941 shares.

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                     63
       IX Financial Report

      III. General Information of the Company (Cont’d)
          Pursuant to resolutions of the 2012 Third Extraordinary General Meeting, resolutions of the 2012 First Class Meeting for
          Holders of Domestic Listed Share (A shares and B shares), resolutions of the 2012 First Class Meeting for Holders of Overseas
          Listed Share (H shares) and the Articles of Association (as amended), the Company applied for the reduction of share capital
          of RMB86,573,974, including a decrease of 86,573,974 domestic listed foreign shares (B shares) at RMB1 per share. From 7
          March 2013 to 11 December 2013, the Company repurchased 86,573,974 domestic listed foreign shares (B shares), and the
          repurchased shares were cancelled on 24 December 2013. The share capital of the Company was RMB1,975,471,967 upon
          such change.

          Pursuant to resolutions of the 2013 First Extraordinary General Meeting, resolutions of the 2013 First Class Meeting for
          Holders of Domestic Listed Share (A shares and B shares), resolutions of the 2013 First Class Meeting for Holders of Overseas
          Listed Share (H shares) and the Articles of Association (as amended), the Company applied for the reduction of share capital
          of RMB39,066,500, including a decrease of 39,066,500 overseas listed foreign shares (H shares) at RMB1 per share. From
          11 December 2013 to 9 May 2014, the Company repurchased 39,066,500 overseas listed foreign shares (H shares), and the
          repurchased shares were cancelled on 14 May 2014. The share capital of the Company was RMB1,936,405,467 upon such

          The Registration No. of the Business License for Enterprise Legal Person is 370000400001170.

          The Company has a long business period. In the opinion of the Board of the Company, the Company is capable of operating
          subsidiaries of a limited business period as a going concern upon expiry of their business period.

          As of 30 June 2014, the cumulatively issued total share capital of the Company was 1,936,405,467 shares. Please see Note
          VII. . 38 for details.

          The business scope of the Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as the (“Group”) covers: processing and sale   14
          of paper products (including machine made paper and paper board), paper making raw materials and machinery; generation           INTERIM
          and sale of electric power and thermal power; forestry, saplings growing, processing and sale of timber; manufacturing,
          processing and sale of wood products; and manufacturing and sale of laminated boards and fortified wooden floorboards.

          Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd is the parent company of the Group.

          Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Shouguang Chenming Holdings”) was established on 30
          December 2005 by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shouguang City which contributed
          its state-owned shares to set up the Company. The China Securities Regulatory Commission finally approved the change
          in the holder of state-owned Shares of Chenming Paper and the change in nature of its equity interests arising from the
          establishment of Shouguang Chenming Holdings on 14 August 2006 (Guo Zi Chan Quan [2005] No. 1539). Since then, the
          largest shareholder of the Company was changed from State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
          of Shouguang City (currently renamed as State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office of Shouguang City) to
          Shouguang Chenming Holdings.

          The Company’s financial statements were approved for publication by the Board on 27 August 2014.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period
                  1.   Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements
                       The Group’s financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis and based on actual transactions and events,
                       in accordance with the accounting standards for business enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance of PRC on
                       15 February 2006 and 41 specific accounting standards as promulgated and amended on and after the same date, the
                       application guidelines of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, interpretations and other related rules of
                       the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “ASBEs”), and the disclosure requirements
                       of the “Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15: General
                       Requirements for Financial Reports” (revised in 2010) of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

                       In accordance with the requirements of “Notice on the issuance of ‘Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises
                       No. 2 – Long-term equity investments’” (Cai Kuai [2014] No. 14) and “Notice on the issuance of ‘Accounting Standard
                       for Business Enterprises No. 41 – Disclosure of interests in other entities’” (Cai Kuai [2014] No. 16), entities listed
                       overseas are encouraged to early adopt the above two accounting standards issued or amended in 2014. The Company
                       implemented the above two accounting standards in preparation of the financial statements for the first half of 2014 as
                       a listed company in the PRC and Hong Kong. For the details of changes in accounting policies arising from the adoption
                       the new accounting standards, please refer to Note IV. 31 “Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates”.

                       The Group’s financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the ASBEs. Except
                       for certain financial instruments and consumable biological assets, the financial statements are prepared under the
                       historical cost convention. Non-current assets held for sale are stated at the lower of fair value less estimated costs,
                       and the original carrying value when it was qualified as held for sale. In the event that depreciation of assets occurs, a
                       provision for impairment is made accordingly in accordance with the relevant regulations.
   INTERIM        2.   Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
                       The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the ASBEs, which truly and fully reflect the financial
                       positions of the Company and the Group as at 30 June 2014 and relevant information such as the operating results
                       and cash flows of the Company and the Group for the first half of 2014. In addition, the financial statements of the
                       Company also comply with, in all material respects, the disclosure requirements of the “Regulation on the Preparation
                       of Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15: General Requirements for Financial Reports”
                       revised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2010 and the notes thereto.

                  3.   Accounting period
                       The accounting periods of the Company are divided into annual periods and interim periods. Interim periods refer to
                       reporting periods that are shorter than a full accounting year. The accounting year of the Company is from 1 January to
                       31 December of each calendar year.

                  4.   Reporting currency
                       The Company and its domestic subsidiaries recognise RMB as their reporting currency according to the primary
                       economic environment in which they operate. The reporting currency of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries is
                       Renminbi (“RMB”). Overseas subsidiaries of the Company, namely Chenming (HK) Co., Ltd., Chenming International
                       Co., Ltd., Chenming Paper Japan Co., Ltd. and Chenming GmbH recognise U.S. dollar (“USD” or “US$”), Japanese yen
                       (“JPY”) and Euro (“EUR”) as their respective reporting currency according to the general economic environment in which
                       these subsidiaries operate. The Group prepares its financial statements in RMB.

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      65
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          1.    Accounting treatment of business combination under common control and not under common control
                (1)   Business combination under common control

                      A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the
                      combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the combination,
                      and that control is not transitory. The party that, on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise
                      participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the combination
                      is a party being absorbed. The combination date is the date on which one combining enterprise effectively obtains
                      control of the other combining enterprises.

                      Assets and liabilities obtained by the absorbing party are measured at their carrying amount at the combination
                      date as recorded by the party being merged. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets
                      obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate nominal value
                      of shares issued as consideration) is charged to the capital reserve (share capital premium). If the capital reserve
                      (share capital premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained

                      Cost incurred by the absorbing party that is directly attributable to the business combination shall be charged to
                      profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

                (2)   Business combination not under common control

                      A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which                  14
                      all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the          INTERIM
                      combination. For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the
                      acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that
                      other enterprise participating in the combination is the acquiree. The acquisition date is the date on which the
                      acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.

                      For business combination involving entities not under common control, the cost of a business combination is the
                      aggregate of the fair values, on the date of acquisition, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity
                      instruments issued by the acquirer to be paid by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquire plus agency
                      fee such as audit, legal service and evaluation consultation and other management fees charged to the profit
                      or loss for the period when incurred. As equity or bond securities are issued by the acquirer as consideration,
                      any attributable transaction cost is included their initial costs. Involved contingent consideration charged to the
                      combination cost according to its fair value on the acquisition date, the combined goodwill be will be adjusted
                      if new or addition evidence existed about the condition in the acquisition date within twelve months after the
                      acquisition date, which is required to adjust the contingent consideration.

                      The combination cost incurred by the acquirer and the identifiable net assets acquired from the combination
                      are measured at their fair values. Where the cost of a business combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest
                      in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets on the acquisition date, the difference is recognised
                      as goodwill. Where the cost of a business combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of
                      the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall first reassess the measurement of the fair value of the
                      acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the cost of combination.
                      If after such reassessment the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
                      acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is charged to profit or loss for the period.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  5.    Accounting treatment of business combination under common control and not under common control

                        (2)   Business combination not under common control (Cont’d)

                              For a business combination not under common control completed in phases through several transactions,
                              the several transactions will be judged whether they constitute “basket transactions” in accordance with
                              the judgement criteria on “basket transactions” as set out in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing
                              Interpretation No. 5 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (Cai Kuai [2012] No. 19) (see Note IV.
                              6 (2)). If they constitute “basket transactions”, they are accounted for with reference to the descriptions as set
                              out in the previous paragraphs of this section and Note IV. 13 “Long-term equity investments”, and if they do
                              not constitute “basket transactions”, they are accounted for in separate financial statements and consolidated
                              financial reports:

                              In separate financial statements, the initial equity investment cost is the aggregate of the carrying amount of the
                              equity investment in the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date and the investment cost newly added as at the
                              acquisition date. Any other comprehensive income attributable to the equity interest in the acquiree prior to the
                              acquisition date is transferred to investment income at disposal of the investment.

                              In consolidated financial statements, the equity interest in the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date is re-
                              measured at fair value as at the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair value and the carrying
                              amount is recognised as investment income for the current period. Any other comprehensive income attributable
   14                         to the equity interest in the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date is transferred to investment income in the
   INTERIM                    period of the acquisition date.

                  6.    Specific accounting policies regarding disposal of equity interests in phases until the loss of control
                        (1)   Judgement principles for “basket transactions”

                              Usually, several transactions related to the disposal of equity investment in a subsidiary are accounted for as
                              basket transactions when the terms, conditions and economic effects of these several transactions meet the
                              following one or more conditions: ① these transactions are entered into at the same time or after considering their
                              effects on each other; ② these transactions as a whole can reach a complete business result; ③the occurrence
                              of a transaction depends on at least the occurrence of another transaction; and ④ a transaction is not economical
                              when separately accounted for but is economical when considered with other transactions.

                        (2)   Accounting methods of “basket transactions”

                              When several transactions related to the disposal of equity investment in a subsidiary until the loss of control
                              over the subsidiary constitute basket transactions, all of them are accounted for as a transaction on disposal of a
                              subsidiary with loss of control. However, each different between the consideration of disposal and the net assets
                              of a subsidiary attributable to the investment being disposed of prior to the loss of control shall be recognised as
                              other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and transferred to profit or loss at the time
                              when the control is lost.

                        (3)   Accounting methods of “non-basket transactions”

                              If they do not constitute basket transactions, each of them is separately accounted for in accordance with
                              applicable principles of “disposal of a portion of the long-term equity investment in a subsidiary without loss of
                              control” (see Note IV. 13 (2)) and “the loss of control over a subsidiary due to disposal of a portion of the equity
                              investment or other reasons” (see the preceding paragraph for details).

                                                                                        SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       67
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          7.    Preparation of consolidated financial statements
                (1)   Basis for principle of determining the scope of consolidated financial statements

                      The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. The
                      term “control” refers to the fact that the Company has power over the investee and is entitled to variable returns
                      from its involvement with the investee and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of
                      those returns. The scope of consolidation includes the Company and all of its subsidiaries. A subsidiary is an
                      entity controlled by the Company.

                (2)   Basis for preparation of the consolidated financial statements

                      Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains net assets and the effective control of
                      decision making of production and operation and are deconsolidated from the date that such control ceases. For
                      disposal of subsidiaries, the operating results and cash flows of such subsidiaries before the date of disposal are
                      properly included into the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statements; for disposal of
                      subsidiaries during the reporting period, no adjustment shall be made to the opening balance of the consolidated
                      balance sheet. For those subsidiaries acquired through business combination not under common control, the
                      operating results and cash flows after the acquisition date have been properly included in the consolidated income
                      statements and consolidated cash flow statements. No adjustments shall be made to the opening balance of the
                      consolidated balance sheet and the comparative consolidated financial statements amount. For those subsidiaries

                      acquired through business combination under common control, the operating results and cash flows from the
                      beginning of the consolidation period to the consolidation date are also presented in the consolidated income
                      statement and the consolidated cash flow statements. The opening balance and comparative amounts presented               INTERIM
                      in the consolidated financial statements are also adjusted accordingly.

                      The financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and
                      accounting period of the Company in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where the
                      accounting policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent between the Company and the subsidiaries. For
                      acquisition of subsidiaries arising from merger of entities not under same control, the financial statements of the
                      subsidiaries will be adjusted according to the fair value of the identifiable net assets.

                      All intra-group significant balances, transactions and unrealised profit are eliminated in the consolidated financial

                      The shareholders’ equity and the portion of the profit or loss for the period that is not attributable to the Company
                      are presented separately under shareholders’ equity and net profit in the consolidated financial statements. The
                      portion of net profit or loss of subsidiaries for the period attributable to minority interests is presented in the
                      consolidated income statement under the” “net profit” line item as “minority interests”. When the amount of loss
                      attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders’ portion of the opening
                      balance of owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess amount shall be allocated against minority interests.

                      For the loss of control over a subsidiary due to disposal of a portion of the equity investment or other reasons,
                      the remaining equity is measured at fair value on the date when the control is lost. The difference arising from the
                      sum of consideration received for disposal of equity interest and the fair value of remaining equity interest over
                      the share of net assets of the former subsidiary calculated continuously since the purchase date based on the
                      shareholding percentage before disposal are recognised as investment income in the period when the control
                      is lost. Other comprehensive income related to equity investment in the subsidiary is transferred to investment
                      income at the time when the control is lost. The remaining equity interests are measured subsequently according
                      to “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 – Long-term Equity Investments” or “Accounting Standard
                      for Business Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and measurement of Financial Instruments”. See Note IV. 13 “Long-
                      term equity investments” or Note IV. 10 “Financial instruments” for details.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  8.    Standards for recognising cash and cash equivalents
                        Cash and cash equivalents of the Company include cash on hand, deposits readily available for payment purpose and
                        short-term (normally fall due within three months from the date of acquisition) and highly liquid investments held the
                        Company which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant risk of value

                  9.    Foreign currency operations and translation of statements denominated in foreign currency
                        (1)   Basis for translation of foreign currency transactions

                              The foreign currency transactions of the Company, when initially recognised, are translated into functional
                              currency at the prevailing spot exchange rate on the date of exchange, i.e. the middle price of RMB exchange rate
                              published by the People’s Bank of China on that date in general and the same hereinafter, while the Company’s
                              foreign currency exchange operations and transactions in connection with foreign currency exchange shall be
                              translated into functional currency at the exchange rate actually adopted.

                        (2)   Basis for translation of foreign currency financial statements

                              Exchange differences arising from change in exchange rate where the preparation of consolidated financial
                              statements relates to overseas operation and foreign currency monetary items materially constitute net investment
                              in overseas operation shall be recorded into “translation reserve” in the shareholders’ equity: disposal of overseas
   14                         operation shall be included into profits and losses on disposal in the current period.
   INTERIM                    The financial statements denominated in foreign currency of a foreign operation are translated to RMB in comply
                              with the following requirement: assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate
                              prevailing at the balance sheet date; owner’s equity items except for “retained profit” are translated at the spot
                              exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose; income and expenses items in the income statement are
                              translated at the spot exchange rate at the date of transaction. The retained profit brought forward are reported
                              at the prior year’s closing balance; the retained profit as at the end of the year are presented after translated the
                              profit appropriation items; differences between the aggregate of asset and liability items and owners’ equity items
                              are recognised as “translation differences arising on the translation of financial statements denominated in foreign
                              currencies” in other consolidated income, and presented separately as under owners’ equity items in the balance
                              sheet. On disposal of foreign operations and loss of control, exchange differences arising from the translation of
                              financial statements denominated in foreign currencies related to the disposed foreign operation which has been
                              included in owners’ equity in the balance sheet, shall be transferred to profit or loss in whole or in proportionate
                              share in the period in which the disposal took place.

                              Cash flow dominated in foreign currency or from foreign subsidiaries shall be translated at the spot exchange rate
                              when it incurs. Effects arising from changes of exchange rate of cash shall be presented separately in the cash
                              flow statements.

                              The opening balance and the prior year’s figures are presented according to the translated amounts of the prior

                                                                                        SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                        69
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          9.    Foreign currency operations and translation of statements denominated in foreign currency (Cont’d)
                (3)   Basis for translation of foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary items

                      On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the
                      balance sheet date. All differences are included in the consolidated income statement, except for: the differences
                      arising from foreign currency borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of fixed assets which are
                      qualified for capitalisation; and except for other carrying amounts of the amortisation costs, the differences arising
                      from changes of the foreign currency items available for sale.

                      The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost shall still be measured by the functional
                      currency translated at the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Foreign currency non-monetary
                      items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange rate on the date of determination of the fair
                      value. The difference between the amounts of reporting currency before and after the translation will be treated as
                      changes in fair value (including changes in foreign exchange rates) and recognised in profit or loss for the period
                      or recognised as other consolidated income and included in the capital reserves.

          10.   Financial instruments
                (1)   Classification of financial instruments

                      Conventionally traded financial assets shall be recognised and derecognised at the trading date. Financial assets

                      shall be classified into the following four categories for initial recognition: the financial assets at fair value through
                      profit or loss, hold-to-maturity financial assets, loans and the account receivables, and financial assets available
                      for sale.                                                                                                                    INTERIM

                      Financial liabilities are classified at initial recognition: at fair value and changes are carried through profit and loss
                      as financial liabilities and other financial liabilities.

                (2)   Basis of recognition and measurement of financial instruments

                      Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value. For financial assets measured at fair value and whose
                      changes are carried through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognised in profit or loss for the
                      period. For financial assets classified as other categories, relevant transaction costs are included in the amount
                      initially recognised.

                      ①Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss for the current period

                            They include financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated as at fair value through profit
                            or loss for the current period.

                            Financial assets may be classified as financial assets held for trading if one of the following conditions is
                            met: A. the financial assets is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling it in the near term; B.
                            the financial assets is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and for
                            which there is objective evidence of a recent pattern of short-term profit-taking; or C. the financial assets is
                            a derivative, excluding the derivatives designated as effective hedging instruments, the derivatives classified
                            as financial guarantee contract, and the derivatives linked to an equity instrument investment which has no
                            quoted price in an active market nor a reliably measured fair value and are required to be settled through
                            that equity instrument.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  10.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
                        (2)      Basis of recognition and measurement of financial instruments (Cont’d)

                                 ①   Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss for the current period (Cont’d)

                                      A financial asset may be designated as at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition only
                                      when one of the following conditions is satisfied: A. Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces a
                                      measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise result from measuring assets or recognising
                                      the gains or losses on them on different bases; or B. The financial asset forms part of a group of financial
                                      assets or a group of financial assets and financial liabilities, which is managed and its performance is
                                      evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with the Group’s documented risk management or investment
                                      strategy, and information about the grouping is reported to key management personnel on that basis.

                                      A financial asset at fair value through profit or loss is subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or
                                      losses arising from changes in the fair value and any dividend or interest income earned on the financial
                                      asset are recognised in profit or loss in the current period.

                                 ②   Held-to-maturity investments
                                      They are non-derivative financial assets with fixed maturity dates and fixed or determinable payments that
                                      the Group has positive intent and ability to hold to maturity.
   14                                 Held-to-maturity investments are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest
   INTERIM                            method. Gain or loss on derecognition, impairment or amortisation is recognised through profit or loss for
                                      the current period.

                                      The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and of
                                      allocating interest income or expense over each period based on the effective interest of a financial asset or
                                      a financial liability (including a group of financial assets or financial liabilities). The effective interest is the rate
                                      that discounts future cash flows from the financial asset or financial liability over its expected life or (where
                                      appropriate) a shorter period to the carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.

                                      In calculating the effective interest rate, the Group will estimate the future cash flows (excluding future
                                      credit losses) by taking into account all contract terms relating to the financial assets or financial liabilities
                                      whilst considering various fees, transaction costs and discounts or premiums which are part of the effective
                                      interest rate paid or received between the parties to the financial assets or financial liabilities contracts.

                                 ③   Loans and receivables

                                      They are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
                                      active market. Financial assets, including bills receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividends
                                      receivable and other receivables are classified as loans and receivables by the Group.

                                      Loans and receivables are measured subsequently at the amortised cost by using the effective interest rate
                                      method. Gains or losses incurred at the time of derecognition, impairment or amortisation are charged to
                                      profit or loss in the current period.

                                                                                              SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                             71
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          10.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
                (2)   Basis of recognition and measurement of financial instruments (Cont’d)

                      ④   Available-for-sale financial assets

                           They include non-derivative financial assets that are designated in this category on initial recognition, and
                           the financial assets other than the financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, loans and receivables
                           and held-to-maturity investments.

                           Except for long-term equity investments unable to exercise common control or significant influence over the
                           investees, and not quoted in an active market so that their fair value cannot be reliably measured, which are
                           accounted for under the cost method, available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair
                           value. The gain or loss on change in fair value are recognised as other comprehensive income and charged
                           to capital reserves, except for impairment loss and exchange differences arising from foreign monetary
                           financial assets and amortised cost which are accounted for through profit or loss for the current period. The
                           financial assets will be transferred out of the financial assets on derecognition and accounted for through
                           profit or loss for the current period.

                           Interests received from available-for-sale financial assets held and the cash dividends declared by the
                           investee are recognised as investment income.

                           Financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value.
                           For financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are carried through profit or loss, relevant        INTERIM
                           transaction costs are directly recognised in profit or loss for the period. For financial liabilities classified as     REPORT

                           other categories, relevant transaction costs are included in the amount initially recognised.

                           ①    Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are carried through profit or loss for the

                                 The criteria for a financial liability to be classified as held for trading and designated as at financial
                                 liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are the same as those for a financial asset to be classified
                                 as held for trading and designated as at financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

                                 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the period are subsequently measured at fair
                                 value. The gain or loss arising from changes in fair value and dividends and interest income related to
                                 such financial liabilities are included into the current profit or loss.

                           ②    Other financial liabilities

                                 Derivative financial liabilities which are linked to equity instruments that are not quoted in an active
                                 market and the fair value of which cannot be measured reliably measured, and which shall be settled
                                 by delivery of equity instruments are subsequently measured at cost. Other financial liabilities are
                                 subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising
                                 from derecognition or amortisation is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

                           ③    Financial Guarantee Contracts and loan commitments

                                 Financial guarantee contracts other than those designated as financial liabilities at fair value through
                                 profit or loss, or loan commitments other than those designated as financial liabilities at fair value
                                 through profit or loss with interest rate lower than market level, are initially recognised at fair value, and
                                 shall be subsequently measured at the higher of the following: the amount determined in accordance
                                 with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 “Contingencies” and the amount initially
                                 recognised less cumulative amortisation recognised in accordance with the principles set out in
                                 Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 “Revenue”.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  10.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
                        (3)   Recognition and measurement of transfers of financial asset

                              Financial asset that satisfied any of the following criteria shall be derecognised: ① the contract right to recover
                              the cash flows of the financial asset has terminated; ② the financial asset, along with substantially all the risk and
                              return arising from the ownership of the financial asset, has been transferred to the transferee; and ③ the financial
                              asset has been transferred to the transferee, and the transferor has given up the control on such financial asset,
                              though it does not assign maintain substantially all the risk and return arising from the ownership of the financial

                              When the entity does not either assign or maintain substantially all the risk and return arising from the ownership
                              of the financial asset and does not give up the control on such financial asset, to the extent of its continuous
                              involvement in the financial asset, the entity recognises it as a related financial asset and recognises the relevant
                              liability accordingly. The extent of the continuous involvement is the extent to which the entity exposes to changes
                              in the value of such financial assets.

                              On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the following amounts is recognised in profit or loss
                              for the current period: the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and any accumulated gain
                              or loss that had been recognised directly in equity.

                              If a part of the financial assets qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the financial asset is allocated

   14                         between the part that continues to be recognised and the part that qualifies for derecognition, based on the fair
                              values of the respective parts. The difference between the following amounts is recognised in profit or loss for the
   INTERIM                    period: the sum of the consideration received and the carrying amount of the part that qualifies for derecognition
                              and the aforementioned carrying amount.

                        (4)   Conditions of derecognition of financial liabilities

                              Financial liabilities are derecognised in full or in part only when the present obligation is discharged in full or in
                              part. An agreement is entered between the Group (debtor) and a creditor to replace the original financial liabilities
                              with new financial liabilities with substantially different terms, derecognise the original financial liabilities as well as
                              recognise the new financial liabilities.

                              When financial liabilities is derecognised in full or in part, the difference between the carrying amount of the
                              financial liabilities derecognised and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial
                              liability) is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

                        (5)   Determination of fair values for financial assets and financial liabilities

                              The fair value refers to the price that will be received when selling an asset or the price to be paid to transfer a
                              liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the date of measurement. Financial instruments
                              exist in an active market. Fair value is determined based on the quoted price in such market. An active market
                              refers to where pricing is easily and regularly obtained from exchanges, brokers, industrial organisations and
                              price fixing service organisations, representing the actual price of a market transaction that takes place in a fair
                              deal. While financial instruments do not exist in an active market, the fair value is determined using valuation
                              techniques. Valuation technologies include reference to be familiar with situation and prices reached in recent
                              market transactions entered into by both willing parties, reference to present fair values of similar other financial
                              instruments, cash flow discounting method and option pricing models.

                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                          73
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          10.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
                (6)   Impairment test method and impairment provision for financial assets (excluding accounts receivable)

                      In addition to financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period, the Group reviews the book
                      value of other financial assets at each balance sheet date and provide for impairment where there is objective
                      evidence that financial assets are impaired.

                      For a financial asset that is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment. For a
                      financial asset that is not individually significant, the Group assess the asset individually for impairment or include
                      the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for
                      impairment. If it is determined that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial
                      asset, whether the asset is individually significant or not, the financial asset is included in a group of financial
                      assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment. Financial assets for which
                      an impairment loss is individually recognised are not included in the collective assessment for impairment.

                      ①Impairment of held-to-maturity investments and loans and receivables

                            The carrying amount of financial assets measured as costs or amortised costs are subsequently reduced
                            to the present value discounted from its projected future cash flow. The reduced amount is recognised as
                            impairment loss and recorded as profit or loss for the period. After recognition of the impairment loss from
                            financial assets, if there is objective evidence showing recovery in value of such financial assets impaired
                            and which is related to any event occurring after such recognition, the impairment loss originally recognised       14
                            shall be reversed to the extent that the carrying value of the financial assets upon reversal will not exceed       INTERIM
                            the amortised cost as at the reversal date assuming there is no provision for impairment.                            REPORT

                      ②   Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

                            In the event that decline in fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument is regarded as “severe
                            decline” or “non-temporary decline” on the basis of comprehensive related factors, it indicates that there
                            is impairment loss of the available-for-sale equity instrument. In particular, “severe decline” refers to
                            accumulative decline in fair value of more than 20%. “Non-temporary decline” refers to continuous decline
                            in fair value for more than 12 months. The period of continuous decline is determined on the basis of the
                            accumulative decline in fair value of more than 10%.

                            When the available-for-sale financial assets impair, the accumulated loss originally included in the capital
                            reserve arising from the decrease in fair value was transferred out from the capital reserve and included in
                            the profit or loss for the period. The ac cumulated loss that transferred out from the capital reserve is the
                            balance of the acquired initial cost of asset, after deduction of the principal recovered, amortised amounts,
                            current fair value and the impairment loss originally included in the profit or loss.

                            After recognition of the impairment loss, if there is objective evidence showing recovery in value of such
                            financial assets impaired and which is related to any event occurring after such recognition in subsequent
                            periods, the impairment loss originally recognised shall be reversed. The impairment loss reversal of the
                            available-for-sale equity instrument will be recognised as other consolidated income, and the impairment
                            loss reversal of the available-for-sale debt instrument will be included in the profit or loss for the period.

                            When an equity investment that is not quoted in an active market and the fair value of which cannot be
                            measured reliably, or the impairment loss of a derivative financial asset linked to the equity instrument that
                            shall be settled by delivery of that equity instrument, then it will not be reversed.

                            Recognition standards for impairment of various available-for-sale financial assets

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  10.      Financial instruments (Cont’d)
                           (7)   Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities

                                 If the Group owns the legitimate rights of offsetting the recognised financial assets and financial liabilities, which
                                 are enforceable currently, and the Group plans to realise the financial assets or to clear off the financial liabilities
                                 by net amount method, the amount of the offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities shall be reported in the
                                 balance sheep. Otherwise, financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet
                                 without offsetting.

                           (8)   Equity instruments

                                 Equity instruments are any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all
                                 of its liabilities. For equity instruments, the price received during the issue shall be added to shareholder’s equity
                                 after reducing the transaction fees.

                                 Various distributions (excluding dividends) made by the Group to holders of equity instruments reduces owners’
                                 equity. The Group does not recognise the movement in fair value of equity instruments.

                  11       Basis for recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivable
                           Accounts receivable include, among other things, trade receivables and other accounts receivable.

   14                      The Group carries out an overall inspection on the carrying amount of accounts receivable on the balance sheet date.
   INTERIM                 Where there arises any of the following objective evidences indicating that accounts receivable have been impaired, an
    REPORT                 impairment provision will be made: ① a serious financial difficulty occurs to the debtor; ② the debtor breaches any of
                           the contractual stipulations (such as he fails to pay or delays the payment of interests or the principal); ③ the debtor will
                           probably go bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganisations; ④ other objective evidences show that the accounts
                           receivable are impaired.

                           (1)   Bad debt provision for individually significant accounts receivable

                                 Basis of determination or criterion of            Accounts receivable of more than RMB1.00 million is recognised
                                 amount for individually significant items         as individually significant accounts receivable by the Group.

                                 Method for making bad debt provision              For accounts receivable that is individually significant, the Group
                                 individually for individually significant items   assesses such accounts receivable individually for impairment. If
                                                                                   it is determined that no objective evidence of impairment exists
                                                                                   for an individually assessed financial asset, the financial asset
                                                                                   is included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk
                                                                                   characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment. Accounts
                                                                                   receivable for which an impairment loss is individually recognised
                                                                                   are not included in a group of accounts receivable with similar
                                                                                   credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.

                                                                                            SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                        75
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          11    Basis for recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivable (Cont’d)
                (2)   Accounts receivable provided for bad debt by portfolio

                                                    Method for making bad debt provision
                      Name of portfolio             by portfolio                         Basis for determining the portfolio

                      Risk-free portfolio           No bad debt provision                 Accounts receivable which are individually
                                                                                          significant or have certain specific risk features
                                                                                          and are determined by the management to be
                                                                                          not impaired as at the balance sheet date upon
                                                                                          subject to impairment tests separately.

                      General-risk portfolio       Ageing analysis                        Accounts receivable for which bad debts are
                                                                                          provided under credit risk portfolio as they
                                                                                          are not qualified to be subject to impairment
                                                                                          tests separately (individually significant or have
                                                                                          certain specific risk features) and are classified
                                                                                          into some portfolios based on the credit risk
                                                                                          features such as age and the percentage of bad
                                                                                          debt provision of each portfolio is determined
                                                                                          against the common risk features of each
                                                                                          portfolio by the management.                         14
                      Use of ageing analysis for making bad debt provision in the portfolio:                                                    REPORT
                      √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                        Ratio of other
                                                                                               Ratio of accounts             accounts
                      Ageing                                                                 receivable provision receivable provision

                      Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                     5.00%                  5.00%
                      1-2 years                                                                           10.00%                 10.00%
                      2-3 years                                                                           20.00%                 20.00%
                      Over 3 years                                                                       100.00%                100.00%

                      Use of percentage of amount outstanding for making bad debt provision in the portfolio:

                      □   Applicable   √     Not applicable

                      Use of other methods for making bad debt provision in the portfolio:

                      □   Applicable   √     Not applicable

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  11    Basis for recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivable (Cont’d)
                        (3)   Accounts receivable individually insignificant but provided for bad debt separately

                              Reasons for making bad debt provisions         Accounts receivable which are individually insignificant but have
                              separately                                     the following features are subject to impairment tests separately
                                                                             by the Group. If there is objective evidence indicating that the
                                                                             accounts receivable are impaired, then impairment loss will be
                                                                             recognised and bad debts will be provided according to the
                                                                             difference when the present value of future cash flow is lower
                                                                             than its carrying amounts: amounts due from connected parties;
                                                                             accounts receivable with dispute against counterparties or involved
                                                                             in litigation or arbitration; there is obvious objective of the accounts
                                                                             receivable indicated that the debtor is likely to fail to comply with
                                                                             the repayment obligation, etc.

                              Provision for bad debts                        Impairment loss will be recognised and bad debts will be provided
                                                                             according to the difference when the present value of future cash
                                                                             flow is lower than its carrying amounts

                        (4)   Reversal of provision for bad debts

   14                         If there are evidences indicating that the value of the account receivable is recovered and that recovery is
                              connected to the event subsequent to the recognition of the loss, the impairment loss previously recognised will
    REPORT                    be revered and recorded into profit or loss for the period. However, the carrying amount so reversed shall not
                              exceed the amortised cost of the account receivable on the date of reversal on the assumption that no impairment
                              loss has been made.

                  12.   Inventories
                        (1)   Classification of inventories

                              Inventories mainly include raw materials, work in progress, goods in stock and development products etc.

                        (2)   Pricing of inventories dispatched

                              Pricing method: weighted average method

                              Inventories are measured at their actual cost when obtained. Cost of an inventory consists of purchase costs,
                              processing costs and other costs. When used and dispatched, inventories will be calculated with weighted
                              average method.

                              The inventories of land development companies under the Company are initially measured at cost. The inventories
                              primarily consist of land development products. The costs of developing products include preconstruction costs,
                              expenditures for essential ancillary facilities, expenses on construction and installation, borrowing costs incurred
                              before the completion of the subject project and other related expenses during the course of the development.
                              Once the inventories are delivered, the actual costs will be determined using specific measurement methods.

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                         77
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          12.   Inventories (Cont’d)
                (3)   Recognition of net realisable value of inventory and provision for inventory impairment

                      Net realisable value refers to the amount of the estimated price of inventories less the estimated cost incurred
                      upon completion, estimated sales expenses and other amounts after tax and levies in daily operation. The
                      realisable value of inventories shall be determined on the basis of definite evidence, purpose of holding the
                      inventories and effect of after-balance-sheet-date events.

                      At the balance sheet date, inventories are calculated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Provision for
                      inventory impairment is made when the net realisable value is lower than the cost. Provisions for impairment of
                      inventory shall be made according to the amount by which the cost of a single item exceeds its net realisable

                      After making the provision for inventory impairment, in case the factors causing inventory impairment no longer
                      exists, and the net realisable value of an inventory is higher than its book-value, the original provision for inventory
                      impairment shall be transferred back and incorporated into the profit or loss for the current period.

                (4)   The inventory stock taking system

                      Stock taking system: permanent inventory system

                (5)   Amortisation of low-value consumables and packaging materials
                      Low-value consumables                                                                                                      INTERIM
                      Amortisation method: lump-sum                                                                                               REPORT

                      Packaging materials
                      Amortisation method: lump-sum

          13.   Long-term equity investments
                (1)   Determination of investment cost

                      For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common
                      control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the absorbing party’s share of
                      the carrying amount of the owner’s equity of the party being absorbed at the date of combination. For a long-
                      term equity investment acquired through business combination not involving enterprises under common control,
                      the business combination cost is the aggregate of assets paid, liabilities incurred or undertook and fair value of
                      equity securities issued by the acquirer. Agent fees incurred by the acquirer for the acquisition such as audit,
                      legal service, and valuation and consultation fees, and other related administration expenses are charged to
                      profit or loss in the current period at the time such expenses incurred. Transaction cost incurred for issuing
                      equity securities or debt securities, which are used as consideration for the combination, are included in the initial
                      recognition amount of the equity securities or debt securities.

                      The long-term equity investment acquired through means other than a business combination shall be initially
                      measured at its cost. Such cost is depended upon the acquired means of long-term equity investments, which
                      is recognised based on the purchase cost actually paid by the Group in cash, the fair value of equity securities
                      issued by the Group, the agreed value of investment contract or agreement, the fair value or original carrying
                      amounts of the non-monetary asset exchange transaction which the asset will be transferred out of the Group,
                      and the fair value of long-term equity investment itself. The costs, taxes and other necessary expenses that are
                      directly attributable to the acquisition of the long-term equity investments are also included in the investment cost.

   IX Financial Report

           IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                   13. Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
                         (2)   Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition

                               Long-term equity investments with joint control (excluding those constitute joint ventures) or significant influence
                               on the investee are accounted for using equity method. Long-term equity investment without control or joint
                               control or significant influence with a fair value which can be reliably measured is accounted for as available-for-
                               sale financial assets or financial assets measured at fair value with any change in fair value charged to profit or

                               In addition, long-term equity investments with control on the investee are accounted for using cost method and
                               record in the Company’s financial statements.

                               ① Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method

                                     Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at its initial investment cost. Except
                                     receiving the actual consideration paid for the investment or the declared but not yet distributed cash
                                     dividends or profits which is included in the consideration, investment gains for the period is recognised as
                                     the cash dividends or profits declared by the investee.


   ②   Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method

        Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investor’s interest in
        the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial investment
        cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the investor’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets
        at the acquisition date, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of the long term
        equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

        Under the equity method, investment gain or loss represents the Group’s share of the net profits or losses made by the investee for
        the current period. The Group shall recognise its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on the fair values of the
        investee’s individual separately identifiable assets at the time of acquisition, after making appropriate adjustments thereto in
        conformity with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Group. The unrealised gain or loss from internal transactions
        entered into between the Group and its associated enterprises and joint ventures is set off according to the shareholding attributable
        to the Group and accounted for as investment income and loss based such basis. However, the unrealised gain or loss from internal
        transactions entered into between the Group and its investee is not set up if belonging to impairment loss from assets transferred
        according to regulations such as “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 “Assets impairment”. In respect of the other
        consolidated income of investees, the carrying amount of long-term equity investments is accordingly adjusted and recognised as
        other consolidated income and included in the capital reserves.

        The Group’s share of net losses of the investee shall be recognised to the extent that the carrying amount of the long-term equity
        investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the investor’s net investment in the investee are
        reduced to zero. If the Group has to assume additional obligations, the estimated obligation assumed shall be provided for and
        charged to the profit or loss as investment loss for the period. Where the investee is making profits in subsequent periods, the
        Group shall resume recognising its share of profits after setting off against the share of unrecognised losses.

        If there is debit variation in relation to the long-term equity investments in associates and joint venture held prior to first adoption of
        the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises by the Group on 1 January 2007, the amounts amortised over the original
        residual term using the straight-line method is included in the profit or loss for the period.

                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      79
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          13.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
                (2)   Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition (Cont’d)

                      ③   Acquisition of minority interests

                            Upon the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, since acquisition of minority interests
                            increased of long-term equity investment which was compared to fair value of identifiable net assets
                            recognised which are measured based on the continuous measurement since the acquisition date (or
                            combination date) of subsidiaries attributable to the Group calculated according to the proportion of newly
                            acquired shares, the difference of which recognised as adjusted capital surplus, capital surplus insufficient
                            to set off impairment and adjusted retained earnings.

                      ④   Disposal of long-term equity investments

                            In these consolidated financial statements, for disposal of a portion of the long-term equity investments in
                            a subsidiary without loss of control, the difference between disposal cost and disposal of long-term equity
                            investments relative to the net assets of the subsidiary is charged to the owners’ equity. If disposal of a
                            portion of the long-term equity investments in a subsidiary by the parent company results in a change in
                            control, it shall be accounted for in accordance with the relevant accounting policies as described in Note
                            IV. 7. (2) “Preparation Method of the Consolidated Financial Statements”.

                            On disposal of a long-term equity investment otherwise, the difference between the carrying amount of              14
                            the investment and the actual consideration paid is recognised through profit or loss in the current period.       INTERIM
                            Where the equity method is adopted, other comprehensive income attributable to the long term equity                 REPORT
                            investments previously included in shareholders’ equity shall be transferred to through profit or loss in
                            the current period on a pro-rata basis. The remaining equity shall be recognised as the long-term equity
                            investments or other relevant financial assets based on the carrying amount and subsequently measured
                            in accordance with the accounting policies of the foresaid long-term equity investments or financial assets.
                            The retrospective adjustment shall be made in accordance with the relevant provisions if the remaining
                            equity is accounted for using the equity method instead of the cost method.

                (3)   Recognition of having joint control or significant influence over the investee

                      The term “control” refers to the fact that the Company has power over the investee and is entitled to variable
                      returns from its involvement with the investee and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the
                      amount of those returns. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity,
                      which only exists when relevant and important financial affairs and management decisions related to such
                      economic activity require sharing of control by investors who unanimously agree upon. Significant influence is
                      the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an enterprise, but to fail to control or
                      joint control the formulation of such policies together with other parties. In determining whether there is control or
                      significance influence over the investee, potential voting right factors (such as the convertible corporate bonds for
                      the period and the exercisable stock warrants for the period of the investee and other invested units held) were
                      taken into account.

                (4)   Impairment test method and impairment provision

                      The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that any long-term equity
                      investments may be impaired. If there is any evidence indicating that an asset may be impaired, recoverable
                      amount shall be estimated for the individual asset. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying
                      amount, the reduction is recognised as an impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. A
                      provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly.

                      An impairment loss recognised on long-term equity investments shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  14.   Joint arrangements
                        A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement of two or more parties have joint control. In accordance with the
                        Company’s rights and obligation ns under a joint arrangement, the Company classifies joint arrangements into: joint
                        ventures and joint operations. Joint operations refer to a joint arrangement during which the Company is entitled
                        to relevant assets and obligations of this arrangement. Joint ventures refer to a joint arrangement during which the
                        Company only is entitled to net assets of this arrangement.

                        The Company treats investments in joint ventures by using the equity method of accounting in accordance with
                        accounting policies as set out in Note IV.13.(2) ② “long-term equity investment by using equity method of accounting”.

                        The Company shall, as a joint venture, recognise the assets held and obligations assumed solely by the Company, and
                        recognise assets held and obligations assumed jointly by the Company in appropriation to the share of the Company;
                        recognise revenue from disposal of the share of joint operations of the Company; recognise fees solely occurred by
                        Company and recognise fees from joint operations in appropriation to the share of the Company.

                        When the Company, as a joint venture, invests or sells assets to or purchase assets (the assets dose not constitute
                        a business, the same below) from joint operations, the Company shall only recognise the part of profit or lost from
                        this transaction attributable to other parties of joint operations before these assets are sold to the third party. If
                        the occurrence of these assets meet the impairment loss of asset as set our in “Accounting Standard for Business
                        Enterprises No. 8 – Asset Impairment”, the Company shall recognise the full amount of this loss in relation to the
                        Company invests in or sells assets to joint operations; the Company recognise the loss according to the Company’s
   14                   share of commitment in relation to the Company purchase assets from joint operations.
    REPORT        15.   Investment Property
                        Investment property refer to real estate held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or both including the land use
                        right that have been leased out; the land use right that held and will be transferred after appreciation; and the building
                        that have been leased out.

                        Investment property is initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment property shall be
                        included in cost of investment property only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will likely flow to the
                        Group and its cost can be measured reliably. All other expenditures on investment property shall be included in profit or
                        loss for the current period when incurred.

                        The Group adopts cost method for subsequent measurement of investment property, which is depreciated or amortised
                        using the same policy as that for buildings and land use rights.

                        The method for impaired test of investment property and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV.
                        22 “Impairment of non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

                        In the event that an owner-occupied property or inventories is converted to an investment property (or vice versa), upon
                        the conversion, the property shall be stated at the carrying amount prior to the conversion.

                        In the event that an investment property is converted to an owner-occupied property, such property shall become fixed
                        assets or intangible assets since the date of its conversion. In the event that an owner-occupied property is converted
                        to real estate held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, such fixed assets or intangible assets shall become an
                        investment property since the date of its conversion. Investment property is measured at cost during its conversion.
                        Upon the conversion, the property shall be stated at the carrying amount prior to the conversion.

                        If an investment property is disposed of or if it withdraws permanently from use and no economic benefit will be
                        obtained from the disposal, the recognition of it as an investment property shall be terminated. When an investment
                        property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the amount of proceeds on disposal of the property net of the carrying
                        amount and related tax and surcharges is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      81
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          16.   Fixed assets
                (1)   Conditions for recognition of fixed assets

                      Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to
                      others, or for administrative purposes; and have a useful life of more than one accounting year.

                (2)   Method for depreciation of different fixed assets

                      A fixed asset shall be initially measured at cost and the effect of any expected costs of abandoning the asset at
                      the end of its use. Depreciation is provided over its estimated useful life from the next month after it has been
                      brought to its working condition for its intended use using the straight-line method. Estimated net residual value
                      of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after
                      deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the stage and in the condition expected at
                      the end of its useful life.

                      The useful life, estimated residual value and annual depreciation rate of each category of a fixed asset are as

                                                                            Useful lives of             Estimated                 Annual
                      Category                                          depreciation (Year)         residual value      depreciation rate

                      Housing and building structure                                  20-40           5%-10.00%             2.25%-4.75%
                      Machinery and equipment                                          8-20           5%-10.00%             4.5%-11.88%        14
                      Electronic equipment                                                5           5%-10.00%           18.00%-19.00%        INTERIM
                      Transportation equipment                                          5-8           5%-10.00%          11.25%-19.00%

                (3)   Impairment testing methods and provision for impairment methods on fixed assets

                      The method for impaired test of fixed asset and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV. 22
                      “Impairment of non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

                (4)   Explanation on other matters

                      Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, only if it is
                      probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to Chenming Paper and the relevant cost
                      can be measured reliably; meanwhile the carrying amount of the replaced part shall be derecognised. Other
                      subsequent expenditures shall be charged to profit or loss when incurred.

                      When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group shall recognise the amount of any proceeds
                      on disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or loss for the current period.

                      The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method
                      applied at least at each financial year-end. A change in the useful life or estimated net residual value of a fixed
                      asset or the depreciation method used shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  17.      Construction in progress
                           (1)   Types of construction in progress

                                 Construction in progress is recognised based on the actual construction cost, including all expenditures incurred
                                 for construction projects, capitalised borrowing costs for the construction in progress before it has reached the
                                 working condition for its intended use, and other related expenses during the construction period.

                           (2)   Criteria and time for the reclassification of construction in process to fixed assets

                                 A construction in progress is reclassified to fixed assets when it has reached the working condition for its intended

                           (3)   Impairment test method and impairment provision for construction in progress

                                 The method for impaired test of construction in progress and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in
                                 Note IV. 22 “Impairment of non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

                  18.      Borrowing costs
                           Borrowing costs include interest, amortisation of discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in
                           connection with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. For

                           borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, when
                           expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs are being incurred, activities relating to the acquisition, construction
   INTERIM                 or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced, such
                           borrowing costs shall be capitalised as part of the cost of that asset; and capitalisation shall discontinue when the
                           qualifying asset is ready for its intended use or sale. Other borrowing costs shall be recognised as expense in the period
                           in which they are incurred.

                           Where funds are borrowed for a specific purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalised shall be the actual interest
                           expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds
                           before being used into banks or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are
                           borrowed for general purpose, the Group shall determine the amount of interest to be capitalised on such borrowings by
                           applying a capitalisation rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative expenditures on the asset
                           over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalisation rate shall be the weighted average of
                           the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

                           During the capitalisation period, exchange differences on a specific purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency
                           shall be capitalised. Exchange differences related to general-purpose borrowings denominated in foreign currency shall
                           be included in profit or loss for the current period.

                           Qualifying assets are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc.) that necessarily take a substantial
                           period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

                           Capitalisation of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production
                           of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months,
                           until the acquisition, construction or production of the qualifying asset is resumed.

                                                                                          SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       83
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          19.   Consumable biological assets
                Consumable biological assets refer to biological assets held for sale or to be harvested as agricultural produce in the
                future, which include growing commercial forests. Consumable biological assets are stated at cost at initial recognition,
                subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in fair values shall be recognised as profit or loss in the current period.
                The cost of self-planting, self-cultivating consumable biological assets is the necessary expenses directly attributable
                to such assets prior to complete planting, including borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation. Subsequent expenses
                incurred after canopy closure shall be included in profit or loss for the current period.

                The cost of consumable biological assets shall, at the time of harvest or disposal, be carried forward at carrying value
                using the rotation age method.

          20.   Intangible assets
                (1)   Intangible assets

                An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned or controlled by the Group.

                An intangible asset shall be initially measured at cost. The expenditures incurred on an intangible asset shall be
                recognised as cost of the intangible asset only if it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow
                to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Other expenditures on an item asset shall be charged
                to profit or loss when incurred.

                Land use right acquired shall normally be recognised as an intangible asset. Self-constructed buildings (e.g. plants),             14
                related land use right and the buildings shall be separately accounted for as an intangible asset and fixed asset. For             INTERIM
                buildings and structures purchased, the purchase consideration shall be allocated among the land use right and the                  REPORT

                buildings on a reasonable basis. In case there is difficulty in making a reasonable allocation, the consideration shall be
                recognised in full as fixed assets.

                An intangible asset with a finite useful life shall be stated at cost less estimated net residual value and any accumulated
                impairment loss provision and amortised using the straight-line method over its useful life when the asset is available for
                use. Intangible assets with indefinite life are not amortised.

                The Group shall review the useful life of intangible asset with a finite useful life and the amortisation method applied
                at least at each financial year-end. A change in the useful life or amortisation method used shall be accounted for as a
                change in accounting estimate. For an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life, the Group shall review the useful life
                of the asset in each accounting period. If there is evidence indicating that the useful life of that intangible asset is finite,
                Chenming Paper shall estimate the useful life of that asset and apply the accounting policies accordingly.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                 20.   Intangible assets (Cont’d)
                       (2)   Research and development expenditure (Cont’d)

                             Research and development expenditure of the Group was divided into expenses incurred during the research
                             phase and expenses incurred during the development phase.

                             Expenses incurred during the research phase are recognised as profit or loss in the current period.

                             Expenses incurred during the development phase that satisfy the following conditions are recognised as intangible
                             assets, while those that do not satisfy the following conditions are accounted for in the profit or loss for the current

                             ①    it is technically feasible that the intangible asset can be used or sold upon completion;

                             ②    there is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;

                             ③ the intangible asset can produce economic benefits, including there is evidence that the products produced
                                   using the intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if the intangible asset is
                                   for internal use, there is evidence that there exists usage for the intangible asset;

                             ④    there is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other resources in order to
                                   complete the development of the intangible asset, and there is capability to use or sell the intangible asset;

   14                        ⑤    the expenses attributable to the development phase of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

   INTERIM                   If the expenses incurred during the research phase and the development phase cannot be distinguished
                             separately, all development expenses incurred are accounted for in the profit or loss for the current period.

                       (3)   Method for impairment test of intangible asset and measurement of impairment provision

                             The method for impaired test of intangible asset and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV.
                             22 “Impairment of non-current non-financial assets”.

                 21.   Long-term prepaid expenses
                       Long-term prepaid expenses are expenditures and other expenses which have incurred but that shall be amortised over
                       the current period and subsequent periods of more than one year. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortised over the
                       estimated benefit period using the straight-line method.

                                                                                        SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                        85
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          22.   Impairment of non-current non-financial assets
                The Group will judge if there is any indication of impairment as at the balance sheet date in respect of non-current non-
                financial assets such as fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with a finite useful life, investment
                properties measured at cost, and long-term equity investments in subsidiaries, joint controlled entities and associates.
                If there is any evidence indicating that an asset may be impaired, recoverable amount shall be estimated for impairment
                test. Goodwill, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and intangible assets beyond working conditions will be
                tested for impairment annually, regardless of whether there is any indication of impairment.

                If the impairment test result shows that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the
                impairment provision will be made according to the difference and recognised as an impairment loss. The recoverable
                amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash
                flows expected to be derived from the asset. An asset’s fair value is the price in a sale agreement in an arm’s length
                transaction. If there is no sale agreement but the asset is traded in an active market, fair value shall be determined
                based on the bid price. If there is neither sale agreement nor active market for an asset, fair value shall be based on
                the best available information. Costs of disposal are expenses attributable to disposal of the asset, including legal fee,
                relevant tax and surcharges, transportation fee and direct expenses incurred to prepare the asset for its intended sale.
                The present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset over the course of continued use and
                final disposal is determined as the amount discounted using an appropriately selected discount rate. Provisions for
                assets impairment shall be made and recognised for the individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable
                amount of the individual asset, the Group shall determine the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset
                belongs. The asset group is the smallest group of assets capable of generating cash flows independently.
                For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill presented separately in the financial statements        INTERIM
                shall be allocated to the asset groups or group of assets benefiting from synergy of business combination. If the
                recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, the Group shall recognise an impairment loss. The amount of
                impairment loss shall first reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset
                groups, and then reduce the carrying amount of other assets (other than goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset
                groups, pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset.

                An impairment loss recognised on the aforesaid assets shall not be reversed in a subsequent period in respect of the
                restorable value.

          23.   Accrued liabilities
                Obligations pertinent to the contingencies which satisfy the following conditions are recognised as accrued liabilities:
                (1) The obligation is a current obligation borne by the Group; (2) it is likely that an outflow of economic benefits will be
                resulted from the performance of the obligation; and (3) the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured.

                At the balance sheet date, accrued liabilities shall be measured at the best estimate of the necessary expenses required
                for the performance of existing obligations, after taking into account relevant risks, uncertainties, time value of money
                and other factors pertinent to the contingencies.

                If all or some expenses incurred for settlement of accrued liabilities are expected to be borne by the third party, the
                compensation amount shall, on a recoverable basis, be recognised as asset separately, and compensation amount
                recognised shall not be more than the carrying amount of accrued liabilities.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  24.   Repurchase of Chenming Paper’s shares
                        Share repurchase consideration paid and transaction costs to reduce the owner’s equity, repurchase, transfer or
                        cancellation of Chenming Paper’s shares, the gains or losses are not recognised.

                        Treasury shares are cancelled at par value and by the number of shares cancelled to reduce the share capital. The
                        difference between the book balance and the nominal value of the treasury shares shall be offset against the capital
                        reserve. When insufficient to dilute, capital reserve will be offset against the surplus reserve and retained profits.

                  25.   Revenue
                        (1)   Revenue from sales of goods

                              Revenue is recognised when Chenming Paper has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of
                              ownership of the goods, retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated
                              with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold, will receive the economic benefits associated with the
                              transaction, and can reliably measure the relevant amount of revenue and costs. Confirmation time for sales
                              revenue: In terms of domestic sales, confirmation will be made on the day when goods are delivered to the clients.
                              While in terms of overseas sales, confirmation will be made on the day when goods are loaded on board and

                        (2)   Revenue from the rendering of services
   14                         When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, it shall, on the
   INTERIM                    balance sheet date, recognise the revenue from the rendering of services employing the percentage-of-completion
                              method. The completion schedule of transaction concerning the rendering of services shall be ascertained
                              according to the proportion of service costs incurred to the estimated total costs.

                              The outcome of a transaction concerning the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, which shall
                              concurrently satisfy: ① The relevant amount of revenue can be reliably measured; ② it is probable that the
                              economic benefits will flow into the enterprise; ③ the completion schedule of the transaction can be reliably
                              ascertained; and ④ transaction costs incurred and to be incurred can be reliably measured.

                              When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be reliably estimated, it shall
                              recognise the revenue from the rendering of services based on the cost of rendering services already incurred and
                              expected to be compensated, and the cost of rendering services incurred shall be recognised as an expense for
                              the current period. If the cost of rendering services is expected not to be compensated, it shall be recognised as
                              an expense.

                              When a contract or agreement signed by the Group includes sales of goods and rendering of services, if sales
                              of goods and rendering of services can be differentiated and separately measured, they will be recognised
                              respectively. If sales of goods and rendering of services cannot be differentiated or cannot be separately
                              measured, they will be recognised as sales of goods in full.

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                     87
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          25.   Revenue (Cont’d)
                (3)   Basis for recognition of revenue from the rendering of services

                      When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, it shall, on the
                      balance sheet date, recognise the revenue from the rendering of services employing the percentage-of-completion
                      method. The completion schedule of transaction concerning the rendering of services shall be ascertained
                      according to the proportion of service costs incurred to the estimated total costs.

                      The outcome of a transaction concerning the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, which shall
                      concurrently satisfy: ① The relevant amount of revenue can be reliably measured; ② it is probable that the
                      economic benefits will flow into the enterprise; ③ the completion schedule of the transaction can be reliably
                      ascertained; and ④ transaction costs incurred and to be incurred can be reliably measured.

                      When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be reliably estimated, it shall
                      recognise the revenue from the rendering of services based on the cost of rendering services already incurred and
                      expected to be compensated, and the cost of rendering services incurred shall be recognised as an expense for
                      the current period. If the cost of rendering services is expected not to be compensated, it shall be recognised as
                      an expense.

                      When a contract or agreement signed by the Group includes sales of goods and rendering of services, if sales
                      of goods and rendering of services can be differentiated and separately measured, they will be recognised
                      respectively. If sales of goods and rendering of services cannot be differentiated or cannot be separately
                      measured, they will be recognised as sales of goods in full.                                                          14
                (4)   Revenue from rendering of services

                      Revenue from rendering of services is recognised as income on the accrual basis in accordance with the
                      underlying contracts or agreements.

                (5)   Interest income

                      Interest income is calculated based on the time during which the Group’s monetary fund, and the effective interest

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  26.   Government grant
                        (1)   Types

                              Government grants are transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at
                              no consideration, excluding capital considerations from the government as an owner of the Group. Government
                              grants are classified into government grants related to assets and government grants related to income.
                              Government grants obtained for acquisition or construction of long-term assets or other forms of long-term asset
                              formation are classified as related to assets. Other government grants are classified as related to revenue. If
                              related government documents do not specify the objective of the grants, the grants are classified as related to
                              assets or income as follows: ① In case a project for which the grants are granted is specified in such documents,
                              the grants are classified as related to assets and income based on the budgeted ratio of the expenditure on asset
                              formation and the expenditure recorded as expenses, where such ratio should be reviewed and, if necessary,
                              changed on each balance sheet date; and ② in case of general description without specifying any project in such
                              documents, the grants are classified as related to income.

                        (2)   Accounting policy

                              If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of monetary asset, the item shall be measured at the amount
                              received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of non-monetary asset, the item shall be
                              measured at fair value. If fair value is not reliably determinable, the item shall be measured at a nominal amount

                              and recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period. Government grants are generally recognised
                              when received and measured at the amount actually received, but are measured at the amount likely to be
   INTERIM                    received when there is conclusive evidence at the end of the accounting period that the Company will meet
                              related requirements of such grants and will be able to receive the grants. The government grants so measured
                              should also satisfy the following conditions: ① the amount of the grants be confirmed with competent authorities
                              in written form or reasonably deduced from related requirements under financial fund management measures
                              officially released without material uncertainties; ② the grants be given based on financial support projects and
                              fund management policies officially published and voluntarily disclosed by local financial authorities in accordance
                              with the requirements under disclosure of government information, where such policies should be open to any
                              company satisfying conditions required and not specifically for certain companies; and ③ the date of payment
                              be specified in related documents and the payment thereof be covered by corresponding budget to ensure such
                              grants will be paid on time as specified.

                              A government grant related to an asset shall be recognised as deferred income, and evenly amortised to profit
                              or loss over the useful life of the asset. For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation
                              for related expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent periods, the grant shall be recognised as deferred
                              income, and recognised in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; if the grant is a
                              compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the grant shall be recognised immediately in profit
                              or loss for the current period.

                              For the repayment of a government grant already recognised, if there is any related deferred income, the
                              repayment shall be off set against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any excess shall be recognised
                              in profit or loss for the current period; if there is no related deferred income, the repayment shall be recognised
                              immediately in profit or loss for the current period.

                                                                                        SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       89
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          27.   Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
                (1)   Current income tax

                      At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods shall be
                      measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws. Taxable
                      profits, which are the basis for calculating the current income tax expense, are determined after adjusting the
                      accounting profits before tax for the year in accordance with relevant requirements of tax laws.

                (2)   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

                      Temporary differences arising from the difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax
                      base, and the difference between the tax base and the carrying amount of those items that are not recognised
                      as assets or liabilities but have a tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, shall be recognised as
                      deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities using the balance sheet liability method.

                      Deferred income tax liabilities are not recognised for taxable temporary differences related to: the initial
                      recognition of goodwill; and the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a business
                      combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction. In
                      addition, the Group recognises the corresponding deferred income tax liability for taxable temporary differences
                      associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except when both of the following
                      conditions are satisfied: the Group able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference; and it is
                      probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.                                           14
                      Deferred income tax assets are not recognised for deductible temporary differences related to the initial                    INTERIM
                      recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a business combination nor affects accounting
                      profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction. In addition, the Group recognises the
                      corresponding deferred income tax asset for deductible temporary differences associated with investments in
                      subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available
                      against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilised, except when both of the following conditions
                      are satisfied: it is not probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and it is not
                      probable that taxable profits will be available in the future, against which the temporary difference can be utilised.

                      Chenming Paper recognises a deferred income tax asset for the carry forward of deductible losses and tax credits
                      to subsequent periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which
                      the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

                      At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the tax
                      rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, according to the
                      requirements of tax laws.

                      At the balance sheet date, Chenming Paper shall review the carrying amount of a deferred income tax asset. If it
                      is probable that sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred
                      income tax asset to be utilised, the carrying amount of the deferred income tax asset shall be reduced. Any such
                      reduction in amount shall be reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                 27.   Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities (Cont’d)
                       (3)   Income tax expense

                             Income tax expense comprises current income tax expense and deferred income tax expense.

                             Current income tax expense (current income tax income) and deferred income tax expense (deferred income tax
                             income) are included in profit or loss for the current period, except for: recognised as other comprehensive income
                             or current income tax and deferred income tax related to transactions or events that are directly recognised in
                             other comprehensive income or owners’ equity, which are recognised directly in owners’ equity, and deferred
                             income tax arising from a business combination, which is adjusted against the carrying amount of goodwill.

                       (4)   Offset of income tax

                             After granted the legal rights of net settlement and with the intention to use net settlement or obtain assets, repay
                             debt, the Group, at the same time, records the net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and
                             current income tax liabilities.

                             The Group was granted the legal rights of net settlement of current income tax assets and current income tax
                             liabilities. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to income tax to be paid by the
                             same entity liable to pay tax to the same tax collection and management authority or related to different entities
                             liable to pay tax, but the relevant entity liable to pay tax is intended to apply net settlement of current income tax

   14                        assets and liabilities or, at the same time, obtain assets, repay debt whenever every deferred income tax assets
                             and liabilities with importance would be reversed in the future, the Group records the net amount after offsetting
   INTERIM                   its current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities.

                 28.   Other comprehensive income
                       Any profit or loss not recognised in profit or loss for the current period in accordance with other accounting policies is
                       stated as other comprehensive income. Under related accounting policies, other comprehensive income is classified

                       (1)   Those not to be reclassified into profit or loss in subsequent periods, which mainly includes changes arising from
                             re-measuring net assets or net liabilities of defined benefit plan, share of investee’s other comprehensive income
                             not to be reclassified into profit or loss in subsequent periods using the equity method;

                       (2)   Those to be reclassified into profit or loss after meeting certain criteria in subsequent periods, which mainly
                             includes share of investee’s other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit or loss after meeting certain
                             criteria in subsequent periods, profit or loss arising from change of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets,
                             profit or loss arising from reclassifying held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale financial assets, the
                             effectively hedged portion in profit or loss generated from cash flow hedging instruments, translation difference of
                             foreign currencies in financial statements.

                                                                                        SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                        91
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          29.   Lease
                Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards
                of asset ownership to the lessee and titles to the assets may or may not eventually be transferred. All other leases are
                classified as operating leases.

                (1)   Operating lease business with the Group recorded as lessee

                      Lease payment for operating lease is recognised as related asset cost or profits and losses for the current period
                      using the straight-line method over the lease term. The initial direct cost is directly accounted in profit or loss for
                      the current period. Contingent rent is recognised as profit or loss for the current period upon occurrence.

                (2)   Operating lease business with the Group recorded as lessor

                      Rental income is recognised in profit or loss for the current period using the straight-line method over the lease
                      term. The initial direct cost where the amount is larger is capitalised when incurred, and accounted for as profit or
                      loss for the current period on the same basis as recognition of rental income over the entire lease period; the initial
                      direct cost where the amount is fewer is included in the profit or loss for the period when incurred. Contingent
                      rental is accounted for as profit or loss for the period in which it is incurred.

          30.   Employee benefits
                In the accounting period in which an employee has rendered service to the Group, the Group recognises the employee
                benefits payable as a liability.
                Expenditures paid by the Group for the social security system set up by the government, such as basic pension
                insurance, medical insurance, housing funds and others, are recognised in the costs of related assets or the current
                profit or loss.

                When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment contracts
                or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, the Company shall
                recognise employee compensation liabilities arising from compensation for staff dismissal and account for profit or loss
                at the current period, when the Company cannot revoke unilaterally compensation for dismissal due to the cancellation
                of labour relationship plans and employee redundant proposals; the Company recognise cost and expenses related to
                payment of compensation for dismissal and restructuring, whichever is earlier.

                The early retirement plan shall be accounted for in accordance with the accounting principles for compensation for
                termination of employment. The salaries or wages and the social contributions to be paid for the employees who retire
                before schedule from the date on which the employees stop rendering services to the Group to the scheduled retirement
                date, shall be recognised (as compensation for termination of employment) in the current profit or loss if the recognition
                principles for provisions are satisfied.

             IX Financial Report

               IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                    31.   Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates
                          (1)      Changes in Accounting Policies

                                   Any changes in significant accounting policies during the reporting period

                                   √ Yes □ No

                                   During the reporting period, in accordance with the requirements of “Notice on the issuance of ‘Accounting
                                   Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 – Long-term equity investments’” (Cai Kuai [2014] No. 14) and “Notice
                                   on the issuance of ‘Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 41 – Disclosure of interests in other
                                   entities’” (Cai Kuai [2014] No. 16), entities listed overseas are encouraged to early adopt the above two accounting
                                   standards issued or amended in 2014. The Company implemented the above two accounting standards in
                                   preparation of the financial statements for the first half of 2014 as a listed company in the PRC and Hong Kong,
                                   and made adjustments in accordance with the requirements therein.

                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                       Effect on the       Effect on the
                                   Details and reason of changes in                Items set out in relevant          amounts as at       amounts as at
                                   accounting policies                             statements affected            31 December 2013        30 June 2014

      14                           In accordance with “ Accounting
                                   Standard for Business Enterprises No.
                                                                                   Long-term equity
                                                                                                                      83,260,425.53       83,000,000.00
    REPORT                         2 – Long-term equity investments”,         
                                   for any long-term equity investment
                                   unable to exercise common control
                                   or significant influence over the
                                   investee, and not quoted in an active
                                   market so that its fair value cannot be
                                   reliably measured, it is reported as an
                                   available-for-sale financial asset instead
                                   of a long-term equity investment by the

                                   In accordance with “ Accounting                Available-for-sale                 83,260,425.53       83,000,000.00
                                   Standard for Business Enterprises No.           financial assets                                    
                                   2 – Long-term equity investments”,
                                   for any long-term equity investment                                                                 
                                   unable to exercise common control                                                                   
                                   or significant influence over the                                                                   
                                   investee, and not quoted in an active                                                               
                                   market so that its fair value cannot be                                                             
                                   reliably measured, it is reported as an                                                             
                                   available-for-sale financial asset instead                                                          
                                   of a long-term equity investment by the                                                             
                          (2)      Changes in Accounting Estimates                                                                     

                                   Any changes in significant accounting estimates during the reporting period

                                   □   Yes √ No

                                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                    93
       IX Financial Report

      IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

          32.   Critical accounting judgments and estimates
                The Group needs to make judgments, estimates and assumptions as to the carrying amount of statement items which
                cannot be accurately calculated during the application of the Group’s accounting policies. Such judgments, estimates
                and assumptions are made based on the historical experiences of the Group’s management and taking into account
                other relevant factors, which may affect the reported amount of revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities and disclosure
                of contingent liabilities at the balance sheet date. However, the outcome from such estimate uncertainties may cause
                critical adjustment to the carrying amount of assets or liabilities which may be affected in the future.

                The Group regularly reviews the aforesaid judgments, estimates and assumptions on the basis of continued operation. A
                revision to accounting estimates is recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if it only affects that period.
                A revision is recognised in the period of the revision and future periods if it affects both current and future periods.

                At the balance sheet date, the critical areas where Group needs to make judgments, estimates and assumptions as to
                the items amount of financial statements are set out below:

                (1)   Provision for bad debts

                      The Group adopts the allowance method to account for bad debt loss under the accounting policies of accounts
                      receivable. Impairment of accounts receivable is based on the recoverability of assessed accounts receivable.
                      Given the management’s judgment and estimate required for impairment of accounts receivable, the difference
                      between the actual outcome and original estimate will affect the carrying amount of accounts receivable and
                      provision and reversal of bad debts of accounts receivable during the estimate revision period.                           14
                (2)   Allowance for inventories                                                                                                  REPORT

                      Under the accounting policies of inventories and by measuring at the lower of cost and net realisable value, the
                      Group makes allowance for inventories which have costs higher than net realisable value or become obsolete and
                      slow-moving. Write-down of inventories to their net realisable values is based on the saleability of the evaluated
                      inventory and their net realisable values. Given the management’s judgments and estimates required for inventory
                      impairment on the basis of definite evidence, purpose of holding the inventories and other factors, the difference
                      between the actual outcome and original estimate will affect the carrying amount of inventories and provision and
                      reversal of bad debts of inventories allowance during the estimate revision period.

                (3)   Subsequent measurement of biological assets

                      The Group has appointed an independent professional valuer to value the fair value of the biological assets.
                      When the valuer determines the fair value, the valuation method used by the valuer includes some assumptions.
                      Directors have judged that the valuation method reflects the prevailing market conditions.

                (4)   Provision for impairment of non-financial non-current assets

                      At the balance sheet date, the Group makes its judgment as to whether there is any evidence indicating potential
                      impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets. Intangible assets with indefinite useful life shall be
                      tested for impairment when there is any indication of impairment in addition to the annual impairment testing.

                      Other non-current assets other than financial assets shall be tested for impairment if there is any evidence
                      indicating that their carrying amount cannot be recovered. When the carrying amount of an asset or asset groups
                      is higher than the recoverable amount, being the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present
                      value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset, it indicates impairment.

             IX Financial Report

              IV. Significant accounting policies, accounting estimates and differences in the previous period

                  32. Critical accounting judgments and estimates (Cont’d)
                        (4)   Provision for impairment of non-financial non-current assets (Cont’d)

                              The net amount of the fair value less costs of disposal is determined by making reference to the price in a sale
                              agreement in an arm’s length transaction or the observable market price less the incremental costs directly
                              attributable to such assets disposal.

                              In projecting the present value of the future cash flows, critical judgments shall be made to the output, selling
                              price and relevant operating costs of such assets (or asset groups) and the discount rate applied in calculating
                              the discount. In estimating the recoverable amount, the Group may adopt all relevant materials including the
                              projections as to the output, selling price and relevant operating costs based on reasonable and supportive

                              The test shall be performed at least once a year as to whether there is any impairment. This requires an estimate
                              for the present value of the future cash flows of the asset groups or sets of asset groups to which goodwill is
                              allocated. In estimating the present value of the future cash flows, the Group needs to estimate the cash flows
                              generated from the future asset groups or sets of asset groups. Meanwhile, the present value of future cash flows
                              is determined using an appropriately selected discount rate.

                        (5)   Depreciation and amortisation

   14                         The Group shall provide depreciation and amortisation for investment properties, fixed assets and intangible
                              assets over their useful lives and after taking into account of their residual value, using straight-line method. The
   INTERIM                    Group shall regularly review the useful lives to determine the amount depreciated and amortised to be accounted
                              for in each reporting period. The useful life is determined by the Group according to its previous experience on the
                              similar assets and estimated technical innovation. If there is any material change in the previously made estimate,
                              the depreciation and amortisation will be adjusted over the future period.

                        (6)   Deferred income tax assets

                              It is probable that all unused tax loss will be recognised as the deferred income tax assets to the extent there will
                              be sufficient taxable profits against which the deducible loss is available. This requires the Group’s management
                              to apply numerous judgments to estimate the time and amount generated from the future taxable profits so as to
                              determine the amount of deferred income tax assets with reference to the tax planning strategy.

                        (7)   Income tax

                              There are some uncertainties in tax treatment and calculation for some transactions of the Group during its
                              ordinary course of business. The approval from the tax authority is required for pre-tax expending of some items.
                              Any difference between the final recognition outcome of such tax matters and the initially estimated amount will
                              exert an effect on the current income tax and deferred income tax during their final recognition period.

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       95
       IX Financial Report

      V.   Taxation
           1.      Main Tax Types and Tax Rates of Chenming Paper
                   Tax type                                             Basis of taxation                                                                Tax rate

                   Value added tax                                      17% for general and 13% for sales of gas and water.                        13% and 17%
                                                                        Value-added tax is computed on the difference after
                                                                        deduction of input value-added tax
                   Business tax                                         Taxable revenue                                                                3% - 5%
                   Urban maintenance and construction tax               Actual payment of turnover tax                                                        7%
                   Enterprise income tax                                Taxable income                                                           25% for taxable
                                                                                                                                                income, 15% for
                                                                                                                                           high-tech enterprises
                                                                                                                                                    and 20% for
                                                                                                                                          small-size enterprises.
                   Educational surcharges                               Actual payment of turnover tax                                                        3%
                   Local educational surcharges                         Actual payment of turnover tax                                                       2%

                   Rate of income tax for subsidiaries and branch factories

                                                                  Rate of                                     Rate of                                        Rate of
                   Subsidiary                                  income tax Subsidiary                       income tax Subsidiary                         income tax

                   Shandong Chenming Paper                          15% Huanggang Chenming Pulp                 25% Wuhan Chenming Qianneng                     25%
                     Holdings Limited                                     &Paper Co., Ltd.                                Electric Power Co., Limited                   14
                   Wuhan Chenming Hanyang                           25% Huanggang Chenming                   Tax free Jilin Chenming Machinery                  25%     INTERIM
                     Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.                             Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                         Manufacturing Co., Limited                     REPORT
                   Shandong Chenming Power Supply                   25% Shouguang Shun Da Customs               25% Shouguang Chenming                          25%
                     Holdings Co., Ltd.                                   Declaration Co, Ltd.                            Cement Co., Limited
                   Hailaer Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                 25% Chenming International Co., Ltd.           — Shandong Chenming                        25%
                                                                                                                          Panels Co., Limited
                   Haicheng Haiming Mining                          25% Shouguang Chenming Hongxin              25% Shouguang Chenming Floor                   25%
                     Company Limited                                       Packaging Co., Ltd.                            Board Co., Limited
                   Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                 15% Shouguang Chenming                      25% Nanchang Chenming                        Tax free
                                                                           Papermaking Machine Co., Ltd.                  Arboriculture Co., Ltd.
                   Shandong Chenming Financial                      25% Shouguang Chenming Import               25% Shouguang Hongyi Decorative                25%
                     Leasing Co., Ltd.                                     and Export Trade Co., Ltd.                     Packaging Co., Ltd.
                   Shandong Grand View Hotel Co., Ltd.              25% Shouguang Chenming Industrial           25% Shouguang Xinyuan                           25%
                                                                           Logistics Co., Ltd.                            Coal Co., Ltd.
                   Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Ltd.           25% Shouguang Chenming Jiatai               25% Shouguang City Run Sheng                    25%
                                                                           Property Management Co., Ltd.                  Wasted Paper Recycle
                                                                                                                          Co., Ltd.
                   Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                   25% Shandong Chenming                       25% Shouguang Wei Yuan Logistics                25%
                                                                           Investment Co., Ltd.                           Company Limited
                   Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp &                        25% Japan Chenming Paper                       — Wuxi Song Ling Paper                     25%
                     Paper Co., Ltd.                                       Company Limited                                Co., Limited
                   Shouguang Meilun Paper Co. Ltd.                  25% Chenming GmbH                              — Guangdong Huirui                         25%
                                                                                                                          Investment Co., Ltd.
                   Shandong Chenming Paper Sales                    25% Zhanjiang Chenming New-style            25% Shouguang Hongxiang Printing                25%
                     Company Limited                                       Wall Materials Co., Ltd.                       and Packaging Co., Ltd.
                   Chenming (HK) Limited                           16.5% Zhanjiang Chenming                  Tax free Shandong Chenming Paper                   25%
                                                                           Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                        Group (Fuyu) Sales Co., Ltd.
                   Shouguang Chenming Modern                        25% Yangjiang Chenming                   Tax free
                     Logistic Co., Ltd.                                    Arboriculture Co., Ltd.
                   Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                    25% Zhanjiang Meilun Pulp &                 25%                                       
                                                                           Paper Co., Ltd.

             IX Financial Report

              V.      Taxation (Cont’d)
                      2.   Tax Incentives and Approvals
                           Enterprise Income Tax:
                           Pursuant to the requirements of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax (《中華人民共和國企
                           業所得稅法》) dated 16 March 2007, the Company is recognised as a high and new technology enterprise which needs
                           the major support of the state as approved by State Taxation Administration of Shouguang, Shandong. An enterprise
                           income tax rate of 15% is applicable to the Company from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2014.

                           Pursuant to the requirements of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax (《中華人民共和國
                           企業所得稅法》) dated 16 March 2007, Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, is recognised
                           as a high and new technology enterprise which needs the major support of the state as approved by State Taxation
                           Administration of Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiangxi. An enterprise income tax rate
                           of 15% is applicable to Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, from 1 January 2012 to 31
                           December 2015.

                           Pursuant to the requirements of Rule 27 of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax (《中華人民
                           共和國企業所得稅法》) and Rule 86 of Regulations for the Implementation of Law of the People’s Republic of China on
                           Enterprise Income Tax (《中華人民共和國企業所得稅法實施條例》), subsidiaries of Chenming Paper, namely, Zhanjiang
                           Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd., Yangjiang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd., Nanchang Chenming Arboriculture Co.,
                           Ltd. and Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd., are engaged in arboriculture cultivating and thus exempt from
                           corporate income tax.
                           Pursuant to the ”Revenue Bill 2008” passed by The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

   14                      on 26 June 2008, Chenming (HK) Limited, a subsidiary of Chenming Paper, has been subject to a corporate income tax
                           rate of 16.5% commencing 2008, and the applicable tax rate for 2013 was 16.5%.
                           Except for the above preferential policies, Chenming Paper and its remaining subsidiaries are subject to enterprise
                           income tax rate of 25%.

                           Value-added Tax (“VAT”) incentives:
                           Pursuant to Cai Shui [1995] No. 44 “Circular on VAT Exemption for Certain Products Applying Integrated Use of
                           Resources” issued by the State Administration of Taxation”, enterprises engaged in utilisation of raw materials
                           containing not less than 30% of coal gangue, stone coal, coal ash, bottom ash of coal boiler (excluding blast furnace
                           water quenching residue) in the production of building material products shall be exempted from VAT. Zhanjiang
                           Chenming New-style Wall Materials Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, utilises raw materials containing above 30%
                           of coal ash in its production. It is thus qualified as an enterprise engaged in the utilisation of waste in production and is
                           exempted from VAT in 2013.

                           Pursuant to the related requirements of the “Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation
                           on Adjusting and Improving the Value-added Tax Policies for Products and Labour Services that Comprehensively
                           Utilize Resources” (No. Cai Shui [2011] No. 115) as issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of
                           Taxation, Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, produces products that apply integrated
                           use of resources and is subject to an immediate VAT refund policy.

                      3.   Others
                           Income from transportation business was previously subject to business tax at 3%. Pursuant to requirements including
                           Notice in relation to Pilot Tax Collection Policy in the Transportation Industry and Certain Modern Service Industries
                           Issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation (Cai Shui [2013] No. 37), income of certain
                           subsidiaries of the Company, namely Shouguang Chenming Modern Logistic Co., Ltd. and Shouguang Wei Yuan
                           Logistics Company Limited, were subject to value-added tax at 11% from 1 August 2013.

                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                        97
       IX Financial Report

      VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements
          1.   Subsidiaries
               (1)           Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Setting off of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shareholders of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in the current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   period from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    owner’s equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                Balance of                                                                           shareholders’
                                                                                                                                                                            other projects                                                            Minority       portion of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       that                                                    interest used                opening
                                                                                                                                                                   Actual      substantially                                                   to offset the                balance
                                                                                                                                                          investment as          forms net                                                     profit or loss            of owners’
                                                                        Place of        Business            Registered                                      at the end of    investment in                Voting Whether            Minority   of the minority             equity of
               Full name of subsidiary                 Subsidiary type incorporation    Nature                 capital Business activity                       the period   the subsidiary Shareholding    rights consolidated      interest           interest     the subsidiary

               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper
                Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                                                       Wuhan, China Manufacture
                                                                                     of paper
                                                                                                           211,370,000 Manufacture and sales of
                                                                                                                         paper products, the materials
                                                                                                                                                         202,820,000.00                       50.93%      50.93%         Yes 182,558,816.01
                                                                                                                         of manufacture of paper                                                                                                                                       INTERIM
                                                                                                                         and machinery                                                                                                                                                  REPORT
               Shandong Chenming Power Supply          Wholly-owned Shouguang, Electricity               86,325,061.00 Manufacture and supply of         157,810,000.00                      100.00% 100.00%             Yes            0.00
                 Holdings Co., Ltd.                    subsidiary China                                                  electricity and heat
               Hailaer Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.        Controlling  Hailaer, China Manufacture              16,000,000 Sales and processing; sales        12,000,000.00                       75.00%      75.00%         Yes 15,187,862.68
                                                       subsidiary                   of paper                             of machine- made paper
                                                                                                                         and pulp paper
               Haicheng Haiming Mining                Controlling  Haicheng, China Mining                  240,000,000 Processing and sales of           144,000,000.00                       60.00%      60.00%         Yes 96,000,000.00
                 Company Limited                      subsidiary                                                         magnesite and talc
               Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.       Wholly-owned Nanchang,       Manufacture           US$272 million Production and processing       1,206,590,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%             Yes           0.00
                                                      subsidiary   China           of paper                              of machine-made paper,
                                                                                                                         paperboard, paper panel,
                                                                                                                         paper products and paper-
                                                                                                                         making raw materials, etc.
               Shandong Grand View Hotel Co., Ltd. Controlling         Shouguang, Restaurant                US$13.9057 Restaurant and beverage            80,500,000.00                       70.00%      70.00%         Yes -20,859,665.03
                                                      subsidiary       China              and beverage          million services
               Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Ltd. Controlling      Shouguang, Manufacture             US$20 million Production and sales of          113,620,000.00                       75.00%      75.00%         Yes 32,506,942.58
                                                      subsidiary       China              of paper                       machine-made paper and others
               Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.         Wholly-owned     Jilin City, China Manufacture     1,500,000,000 Processing and sales of machine- 1,501,350,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%             Yes           0.00
                                                      subsidiary                          of paper                       made paper, paperboard, paper
                                                                                                                         product, paper pulp
               Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned   Zhanjiang, China Manufacture      3,000,000,000 Processing and sales of          3,000,000,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%             Yes           0.00
                                                         subsidiary                     of paper                         paper pulp
               Shouguang Meilun Paper Co. Ltd.          Wholly-owned   Shouguang, Manufacture            3,000,000,000 Production and sales of machine- 3,000,000,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%             Yes            0.00
                                                         subsidiary    China            of paper                         made paper and paperboard
               Shandong Chenming Paper Sales            Wholly-owned   Shouguang, Sales of paper           100,000,000 Sales of machine-made paper, 100,000,000.00                           100.00% 100.00%             Yes            0.00
                 Company Limited                        subsidiary     China                                             paperboard and paper making
                                                                                                                         raw materials
               Chenming (HK) Limited                  Wholly-owned     Hong Kong,    Trade of paper           US$29.90 Export and import trade of paper 183,470,000.00                       100.00% 100.00%             Yes           0.00
                                                      subsidiary       China                                    million products and market research
               Shouguang Chenming Modern              Wholly-owned     Shouguang, Transportation            10,000,000 Transportation of goods            10,000,000.00                      100.00% 100.00%             Yes            0.00
                 Logistic Co., Ltd.                   subsidiary       China
               Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.          Wholly-owned     Fuyu, China Manufacture             208,000,000 Production and sales of machine- 208,000,000.00                       100.00% 100.00%             Yes           0.00
                                                      subsidiary                    of paper                           made paper and paperboard

             IX Financial Report

              VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                  1.      Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
                          (1)           Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Setting off of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    shareholders of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in the current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     period from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      owner’s equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                               Balance of                                                                              shareholders’
                                                                                                                                                                                           other projects                                                               Minority       portion of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      that                                                       interest used                opening
                                                                                                                                                                                  Actual      substantially                                                      to offset the                balance
                                                                                                                                                                         investment as          forms net                                                        profit or loss            of owners’
                                                                                  Place of          Business            Registered                                         at the end of    investment in                   Voting Whether            Minority   of the minority             equity of
                          Full name of subsidiary                Subsidiary type incorporation      Nature                 capital Business activity                          the period   the subsidiary Shareholding       rights consolidated      interest           interest     the subsidiary

   14                     Huanggang Chenming Pulp &
                           Paper Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Wholly-owned Huanggang,
                                                                 subsidiary China
                                                                                                    Paper pulp         200,000,000 Operation and acquisition of
                                                                                                                                   forest; establishment of paper
                                                                                                                                                                   200,000,000.00                           100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00

   INTERIM                                                                                                                         pulp projects
    REPORT                Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture       Wholly-owned      Huanggang, Arboriculture             70,000,000 Plantation, processing and       70,000,000.00                           100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Co., Ltd.                            subsidiary        China                                           sales of forests
                          Shouguang Shun Da Customs              Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Customs                    1,500,000 Business agency of professional 1,500,000.00                             100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Declaration Co., Ltd.                subsidiary        China        declaration,                       customs declaration and
                                                                                                inspection                         inspection declaration
                          Chenming International Co., Ltd.       Wholly-owned      Los Angeles, Import and export, US$3 million       Import and export, technology   US$3.00 million                       100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                                                                 subsidiary        U.S.         technology                            research and development
                                                                                                research and
                          Shouguang Chenming Hongxin             Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Packaging              1,000,000        Sales of paper packaging            1,000,000.00                      100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Packaging Co., Ltd.                  subsidiary        China
                          Shouguang Chenming Papermaking         Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Machinery              2,000,000        Processing and repair of paper    2,000,000.00                        100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Machine Co., Ltd.                    subsidiary        China        manufacturing                         making machines
                          Shouguang Chenming Import and          Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Import and            10,000,000        Import and export of goods       10,000,000.00                        100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Export Trade Co., Ltd.               subsidiary        China        export trade                          and technology
                          Shouguang Chenming Industrial          Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Transportation        10,000,000        Land transport, storage of goods 10,000,000.00                        100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Logistics Co., Ltd.                  subsidiary        China
                          Shouguang Chenming Jiatai              Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Property               1,000,000        Property management                 1,000,000.00                      100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Property Management Co., Ltd.        subsidiary        China        management
                          Japan Chenming Paper Company Limited   Wholly-owned      Tokyo, Japan Trade of paper US$1.50 million        Trade of paper products and     US$1.50 million                       100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                                                                 subsidiary                     products                              raw materials
                          Chenming GmbH                          Wholly-owned      Hamburg, Trade of machine- EUR25,000               Trade of machine-made paper          EUR25,000                        100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                                                                 subsidiary        Germany      made paper
                          Shandong Chenming Paper Group          Wholly-owned      Fuyu, China Sales of paper        1,000,000     Sales of machine-made paper,        1,000,000.00                         100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            (Fuyu) Sales Co., Ltd.               subsidiary                                                        paper board, paper-making
                                                                                                                                   materials and accessories and
                                                                                                                                   paper machinery
                          Zhanjiang Chenming Arboriculture       Wholly-owned Zhanjiang,            Arboriculture        1,000,000 Plantation of forest, nutrition and 1,000,000.00                         100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Co., Ltd.                            subsidiary China                                                  sales of seedling, processing and
                                                                                                                                   sales of timber and processing
                                                                                                                                   and sales of by-products of timber
                          Yangjiang Chenming Arboriculture       Wholly-owned Yangjiang,            Arboriculture        1,000,000 Plantation and development          1,000,000.00                         100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            Co., Ltd.                            subsidiary China                                                  of forest, and technology
                                                                                                                                   consultation of forestry                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                                           99
       IX Financial Report

      VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
          1.   Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
               (1)           Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Setting off of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    shareholders of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in the current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     period from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      owner’s equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the minority
                                                                                                                                                                             Balance of                                                                                shareholders’
                                                                                                                                                                         other projects                                                                 Minority       portion of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    that                                                         interest used                opening
                                                                                                                                                               Actual       substantially                                                        to offset the                balance
                                                                                                                                                      investment as           forms net                                                          profit or loss            of owners’
                                                                     Place of       Business             Registered                                     at the end of     investment in                Voting Whether                Minority    of the minority             equity of
               Full name of subsidiary              Subsidiary type incorporation   Nature                  capital Business activity                      the period    the subsidiary Shareholding    rights consolidated          interest            interest     the subsidiary

               Zhanjiang Meilun Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd . Wholly-owned Zhanjiang,
                                                         subsidiary China
                                                                                    Paper pulp          100,000,000 Manufacture, production,
                                                                                                                    processing and sales of paper
                                                                                                                                                        100,000,000.00                    100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
                                                                                                                    pulp and related products                                                                                                                                            INTERIM
               Zhanjiang Chenming New-style Wall    Wholly-owned Zhanjiang,         Wall materials       10,000,000 Production and sales of wall         10,000,000.00                    100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00                                              REPORT
                 Materials Co., Ltd.                subsidiary China                                                materials, and sales and mixed
                                                                                                                    use of coal ash
               Wuhan Chenming Qianneng Electric     Controlling Wuhan, China Electricity                 88,240,000 Generation and sales of              45,000,000.00                     51.00%      51.00%         Yes        38,720,431.68
                  Power Co., Ltd.                   subsidiary                                                      electricity and heat
               Jilin Chenming Machinery             Wholly-owned Jilin, China Processing                    600,000 Processing of machinery,               600,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
                  Manufacturing Co., Ltd.           subsidiary                of machinery                          manufacture, installation
                                                                                                                    and repair of the equipment
                                                                                                                    of machinery
               Shouguang Chenming Cement Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned     Shouguang, Sales of cement            7,000,000 Utilisation of ash in the production 7,000,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
                                                    subsidiary      China                                           of cement and sales of cement
               Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned      Shouguang, Sales of panels           30,000,000 Decorative board of the layer        30,000,000.00                    100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
                                                    subsidiary      China                                           of laminated board, wooden
                                                                                                                    products, laminated board and
                                                                                                                    fortified wooden floorboard
               Shouguang Chenming Floor Board Co.,Wholly-owned Shouguang, Sales of floor                    500,000 Production, processing and sales 500,000.00                           100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
               Ltd.                               subsidiary China        board                                     of fortified wooden floorboard and
                                                                                                                    impregnated paper
               Nanchang Chenming Arboriculture Co.,Wholly-owned Nanchang,           Arboriculture        10,000,000 Processing and sales of wooden 10,000,000.00                          100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
               Ltd.                                subsidiary China                                                 finished products, semi- finished
                                                                                                                    products and by-products
                                                                                                                    of timber
               Shandong Chenming Financial            Wholly-owned Jinan, China Financial leasing       300,000,000 Financial leasing                   300,000,000.00                    100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00
                 Leasing Co., Ltd.                    subsidiary                                                                                                                                                              
               Shandong Chenming Investment Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned Jinan, China Investment              200,000,000 Investment                       200,000,000.00                       100.00% 100.00%             Yes               0.00

             IX Financial Report

              VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                  1.      Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
                          (2)          Subsidiaries acquired through business combination not under common control

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Setting off of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shareholders of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in the current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   period from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    owner’s equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                             Balance of                                                                                the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                          other projects                                                                             shareholders’
                                                                                                                                                                                                    that                                                              Minority       portion of the
                                                                                                                                                                                            substantially                                                      interest used                opening
                                                                                                                                                                                 Actual       forms net                                                        to offset the                balance
                                                                                                                                                                        investment as        investment                                                        profit or loss            of owners’
                                                                Subsidiary        Place of                           Registered                                           at the end of           in the                  Voting Whether            Minority   of the minority             equity of
                          Full name of subsidiary               type              incorporation Business Nature         capital Business activity                            the period      subsidiary Shareholding       rights consolidated      interest           interest     the subsidiary

   14                     Shouguang Hongyi Decorative
                           Packaging Co., Ltd.
                                                                Wholly-owned Shouguang, Packaging
                                                                subsidiary China
                                                                                                                      1,550,000 Processing and sales of
                                                                                                                                packaging products, indoor
                                                                                                                                                                         1,550,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00

   INTERIM                                                                                                                      and outdoor decorations
    REPORT                Shouguang Xinyuan Coal Co., Ltd.      Wholly-owned Shouguang, Coal                          3,000,000 Retail of coal, gasoline,                3,000,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                                                                subsidiary China                                                construction materials
                                                                                                                                and plumbing parts
                          Shouguang Runsheng Waste              Wholly-owned Shouguang, Purchase and                  1,000,000 Purchase and sales of waste and          1,000,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                           Paper Recycle Co., Ltd.              subsidiary China        sales of waste and                      obsolete materials
                                                                                        obsolete materials
                          Shouguang Wei Yuan Logistics          Wholly-owned Shouguang, Transportation               3,930,000 Transportation of goods,                  3,930,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                           Company Limited                      subsidiary China                                               maintenance of vehicles, storage
                                                                                                                               and loading of goods, international
                                                                                                                               freight agency services
                          Wuxi Songling Paper Co., Ltd.         Wholly-owned      Wuxi, China    Papermaking         5,010,000 Sales, cutting and processing             5,010,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                                                                subsidiary                                                     of paper
                          Guangdong Huirui Investment Co., Ltd. Controlling       Zhanjiang, China Investment      258,000,000 Investment in marine                  131,580,000.00                        51.00%         51.00%         Yes 123,830,219.92
                                                                subsidiary                                                     engineering projects
                          Shouguang Hongxiang Printing          Wholly-owned    Shouguang, Printing of                 800,000 Processing and sales of                   2,730,000.00                     100.00% 100.00%                Yes           0.00
                            and Packaging Co., Ltd.             subsidiary      China      packaging                           packaging products and indoors
                                                                                           materials                           and outdoors decoration                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                                               101
        IX Financial Report

       VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
           2.   Special purpose vehicles or operating entities whose control resulting from, among other things,
                entrusting to operate or lease
                Chenming Paper has no special purpose vehicles or operating entities whose control resulting from, among other things,
                entrusting to operate or lease.

           3.   Explanation on changes in the scope of consolidation
                Explanation on changes in the scope of consolidation

                √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                During the year (period), two more companies were consolidated as compared to the prior year due to the reasons as

                During the reporting period, the Company established two companies through investments, namely Shandong
                Chenming Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. and Shandong Chenming Investment Co., Ltd., respectively.

                In order to promote diversified development of the Company, further expand its business scope, enhance its overall
                strength and comprehensive competitiveness, develop new sources of profit growth, the Company convened the fourth
                extraordinary meeting of the seventh session of the Board on 17 January 2014, at which the Resolution on Establishing
                a Financial Leasing Company was considered and approved. On 21 February 2014, the Company invested RMB300.00
                million, through Chenming (HK) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, to establish Shandong Chenming
                Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., which was consolidated into the financial statements of the Company since February 2014.

                In order to promote diversified development of the Company, further expand its business scope, enhance its overall
                strength and comprehensive competitiveness, develop new sources of profit growth, the Company convened the fourth          REPORT
                meeting of the seventh session of the Board on 20 March 2014, at which the Resolution on Establishing Shandong
                Chenming Investment Co., Ltd. was considered and approved. On 26 March 2014, the Company invested RMB200.00
                million, through Chenming (HK) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, to establish Shandong Chenming
                Investment Co., Ltd., which was consolidated into the financial statements of the Company since March 2014.

                During the year (period), three companies were deconsolidated as compared to the prior year due to the reasons as

                The Company lost its control over Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd. due to disposal of equity interest during
                the period. Therefore, the above company ceased to be included in the scope of consolidation. The registration of
                Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd. and Shouguang Hengfeng Storage Co., Ltd. were cancelled
                according to actual needs of operations during the period. Therefore, the above two companies ceased to be included
                in the scope of consolidation.

                On 15 November 2013, the Company convened the third extraordinary meeting of the seventh session of the Board and
                approved the Resolution on Disposal of Equity Interest in Xinli Power”. On 4 March 2014, the Company entered into
                an equity interest contract with Guangdong Dejun Investment Co., Ltd. to transfer its 51% equity interest in Shandong
                Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd. at a consideration of RMB76.1940 million. The Company lost its control over Xinli Power,
                which ceased to be included in the scope of consolidation with effect from 4 March 2014.

                Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd. and Shouguang Hengfeng Storage Co., Ltd. had not engaged
                in any business activity for years. The Company cancelled their registration to save the related expenses. The related
                assets and liabilities were consolidated into the financial statements of the Company. The above two companies ceased
                to be included in the scope of consolidation with effect from May 2014.

             IX Financial Report

             VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                  4.     Entities newly included in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period and entities ceasing to
                         be included in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period
                         Subsidiaries, special purpose vehicles and operating entities whose control resulting from, among other things,
                         entrusting to operating or leasing newly included in the scope of consolidation for the period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            Net assets
                                                                                                          at the end of             Net profit
                          Name                                                                               the period        for the period

                         Shandong Chenming Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.                                 304,219,067.83           4,219,067.83
                         Shandong Chenming Investment Co., Ltd.                                        199,989,036.71             -10,963.29

                         Subsidiaries, special purpose vehicles and operating entities whose control resulting from, among other things,
                         entrusting to operating or leasing not included in the scope of consolidation for the period

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                Net profit for
                                                                                                                             the period from
                                                                                                            Net assets      the beginning of
                                                                                                         as at the date       the year to the

                          Name                                                                             of disposal      date of disposal

   INTERIM               Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd.                                       166,099,869.20           8,545,730.38
                         Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                                17,359.30                   0.00
                         Shouguang Hengfeng Storage Co., Ltd.                                              456,537.70              -8,888.79

                         (1)   Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd. ceased to be included in the scope of consolidation as the Company
                               lost the control over it due to disposal of its equity interest (contribution rights) (Note VI. 3).

                         (2)   The registration of Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd. and Shouguang Hengfeng Storage Co.,
                               Ltd. was cancelled during the period and they ceased to be included in the scope of consolidation (Note VI. 3).

                       5. Subsidiaries eliminated due to disposal of controlling equity interest during the reporting period

                         Name of the subsidiary                 Date of disposal         Recognition method of gain or loss

                         Shandong Chenming Xinli                4 March 2014             The excess of the disposal consideration over the
                           Power Co., Ltd.                                               share of the net assets of the subsidiary attributable
                                                                                         to the equity interest disposed of as at the disposal
                                                                                         date accounted for in the consolidated financial
                                                                                         statements of the Company is recognised as gain or
                                                                                         loss on disposal.

                         On 4 March 2014, the Company transferred its 51% equity interest in Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd. to
                         Guangdong Dejun Investment Co., Ltd. The date of disposal was the date when the Company actually no longer had
                         control over the net assets and financial and operating decisions of Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd.

   IX Financial Report

   VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       5.   Subsidiaries eliminated due to disposal of controlling equity interest during the reporting period (Cont’d)
            ①      Disposal price and the cash flows are set out as follows:

                    Item                                                                                                    Amount

                    Disposal price                                                                                    76,194,000.00
                    Cash and cash equivalents received from disposal                                                  76,194,000.00
                    Less: cash and cash equivalents held by Xinli Power                                                1,158,788.59

                    Net cash received from disposal                                                                   75,035,211.41

            ②      Net assets of disposal of Xinli Power are set as follows:

                                                                                                Net assets as            Net assets
                                                                                                  at the date       as at the end of
                    Item                                                                          of disposal         the prior year

                    Current assets                                                             73,281,626.81          50,934,910.85
                    Non-current assets                                                        137,643,679.50         140,521,337.12
                    Current liabilities                                                        44,825,437.11          33,902,109.15
                    Non-current liabilities                                                               —                     —

                    Total net assets                                                          166,099,869.20         157,554,138.82         14
            ③      Gain or loss on disposal is calculated as follows:

                    Item                                                                                                    Amount

                    Disposal price                                                                                    76,194,000.00
                    Less: net assets attributable to Xinli Power as at the date of disposal                           84,710,933.29
                    Plus: other comprehensive income in relation to Xinli Power transferred
                      to gain or loss on disposal for the period
                    Investment gains arising from disposal                                                            -8,516,933.29

            ④      Revenue, expenses and profit of Xinli Power from the beginning of the year of disposal to the date of disposal are
                    set out as follows:

                 Item                                                                                                    Amount

                 Revenue                                                                                           41,547,370.18
                 Less: costs and expenses                                                                          30,165,750.48

                 Total profit                                                                                      11,381,619.70

                 Less: income tax expenses                                                                           2,835,889.32

                 Net profit                                                                                          8,545,730.38

                    Whether there was disposal of investment in a subsidiary through several transactions resulting in loss of control
                    during the reporting period

                    □     Applicable   √   Not applicable

                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                     103
             IX Financial Report

             VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 6.   Exchange rate of translating major financial statement items of overseas operating entities
                          Item                                                                                      Assets and liabilities items
                                                                                                             30 June 2014                 1 January 2014

                          Chenming (HK) Limited                                                          USD1=RMB6.1528                       USD1=RMB6.0969
                          Japan Chenming Paper Company Limited                                           JPY100=RMB6.0815                    JPY100= RMB5.7771
                          Chenming GmbH                                                                  EUR1=RMB8.3946                       EUR1= RMB8.4189

                          Item                                                                               Revenue, expense and cash flow items
                                                                                                      For the first half of 2014   For the year 2013

                          Chenming (HK) Limited                                                          USD1=RMB6.1451                       USD1= RMB6.1811
                          Japan Chenming Paper Company Limited                                          JPY100=RMB6.0204                     JPY100= RMB6.2623
                          Chenming GmbH                                                                  EUR1=RMB8.4058                       EUR1= RMB8.1517

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements
                 1.   Monetary funds
                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                      Item                                                      Closing balance                                        Opening balance
   14                                                             Amount in
                                                            foreign currency     Exchange rate     Amount in RMB
                                                                                                                         Amount in
                                                                                                                   foreign currency      Exchange rate    Amount in RMB
                          Cash:                                           —                  —        2,153,991.53              —                 —        1,333,503.27
                          RMB                                             —                  —        1,478,658.11              —                 —          879,154.77
                          –USD                                     60,000.00             6.1528          369,168.00        40,000.00            6.0969          243,876.00
                          –EUR                                     27,000.00             8.3946          226,654.20        25,000.00            8.4189          210,472.50
                          –JPY                                      2,240.00           0.060815              136.22                      
                          –HKD                                    100,000.00             0.7938           79,375.00                                      
                          Deposits with banks:                             —                 —      909,198,839.61              —                 —      725,199,425.69
                          RMB                                             —                  —      706,632,042.59               —                —      612,023,754.51
                          –USD                                 23,136,866.08             6.1528      143,144,220.66     11,698,274.37           6.0969       71,323,209.01
                          –EUR                                  1,255,091.73             8.3946       22,192,556.38      1,548,593.85           8.4189       13,037,456.78
                          –JPY                                612,119,017.00           0.060815       37,226,018.02    498,558,670.00         0.057771       28,802,232.92
                          –HKD                                      5,041.83             0.7938            4,001.96         16,245.21          0.78623           12,772.47

                          Other monetary funds:                           —                  — 2,445,722,393.83                 —                 — 1,821,196,865.28
                          RMB                                             —                  — 2,426,170,469.40                 —                 — 1,788,148,011.28
                          –USD                                  3,176,056.79             6.1528    19,541,642.22        5,420,599.65            6.0969    33,048,854.00
                          –EUR                                      1,224.86             8.3946        10,282.21                         
                          Total                                            —                 — 3,357,075,224.97                 —                 — 2,547,729,794.24

                      ① Other monetary funds of RMB231,596,639.29 (31 December 2013: RMB249,333,637.64) were the guarantee
                                  deposit for the application for bank acceptance with the banks by the Group.

                      ② Other monetary funds of RMB461,763,365.42 (31 December 2013: RMB1,380,738,601.00) were the guarantee
                                  deposit for the application for letter of credit with the banks by the Group.

                      ③ Other monetary funds of RMB752,362,389.12 (31 December 2013: RMB140,836,352.11) were the guarantee
                                  deposit for the application for guarantees with the banks by the Group.

                      ④ Other monetary funds of RMB1,000,000,000.00 were the investment in the registered capital of Shandong
                                  Chenming Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. As at the end of the reporting period, Shandong Chenming Financial
                                  Leasing Co., Ltd. was not established.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       1.   Bills receivable
            (1)   Classification of bills receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                  Category                                                                 Closing balance     Opening balance

                  Bank acceptance                                                          2,234,716,744.41    2,827,024,280.10
                  Commercial acceptances                                                      13,432,731.21       43,419,401.39

                  Total                                                                    2,248,149,475.62    2,870,443,681.49

            (2)   Outstanding notes endorsed to other parties by the Company at the end of the period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                  Issuing entity                          Issuing date         Maturity date             Amount        Remark

                  YIWU HONGNA PAPER
                    CO. LTD.                            31 March 2014     28 September 2014         2,000,000.00
                  TANGSHAN MINCHEN
                    TRADING CO. LTD.                      24 April 2014     24 October 2014         1,500,000.00
                  FUQING LEAVES
                    AGRICULTURAL                                                                                                     14
                    DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.              26 January 2014          26 July 2014        1,500,000.00                     INTERIM
                  SHENZHEN DONNELLEY
                    PRINTING CO., LTD.                    19 May 2014        21 August 2014         1,442,470.20
                  SAMSON PAPER

                    COMPANY LIMITED                    20 January 2014          20 July 2014        1,242,059.00

                  Total                                             —                   —         7,684,529.20            —

                                                                             SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                 105
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 2.   Accounts receivable
                      (1)    Disclosure of accounts receivable according to classification

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                       Closing balance                                                                  Opening balance
                                                                                   Book balance                            Provision for bad debts                  Book balance                            Provision for bad debts
                             Category                                           Amount                Ratio                 Amount                Ratio             Amount              Ratio               Amount                      Ratio

                             Accounts receivable that are
                               individually significant and
                               provided for bad debts separately         48,535,549.72                1.42%         48,535,549.72              100.00%         48,605,549.72            1.46%           48,605,549.72                 100.00%
                             Accounts receivable that are provided for bad debts on portfolio basis
                                Risk-free portfolio                        364,437,072.32              10.69%                                                    457,124,812.49          13.73%      
                                General portfolio                        2,997,855,973.92              87.89%            187,589,525.97             6.26%      2,823,789,275.45          84.81%           178,271,004.40                 6.31%

                                Sub-total for portfolio                   3,362,293,046.24             98.58%            187,589,525.97             5.58%      3,280,914,087.94          98.54%           178,271,004.40                 5.43%

                                Total                                     3,410,828,595.96                    —         236,125,075.69                   —   3,329,519,637.66                 —        226,876,554.12                        —

                             Presentation of accounts receivable according to ageing analysis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

   14                                                                                                       Closing balance                                                        Opening balance
   INTERIM                  Item                                                                           Amount                                    Ratio                         Amount                                     Ratio

                            Within 1 year                                                   3,238,736,233.95                                     94.95%             3,172,267,013.90                                     95.28%
                            1-2 years                                                          57,140,092.15                                      1.68%                50,136,238.22                                      1.50%
                            2-3 years                                                          34,334,137.13                                      1.01%                26,223,349.82                                      0.79%
                            Over 3 years                                                       80,618,132.73                                      2.36%                80,893,035.72                                      2.43%

                            Total                                                           3,410,828,595.96                                  100.00%               3,329,519,637.66                                    100.00%

                             Accounts receivable that are individually significant and are provided for bad debts separately at the end of the

                             √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                 of accounts                                                                                Provision for                                                 Reason for
                                 receivable                                     Book balance                                  bad debts                        Provision ratio            bad debt provision

                                 Payment for                                    48,535,549.72                             48,535,549.72                                  100.00%          Most of them are payment
                                   goods                                                                                                                                                  for goods overdue for over
                                                                                                                                                                                          three years and are unlikely
                                                                                                                                                                                          to be recovered

                                 Total                                          48,535,549.72                             48,535,549.72                                            —     —

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       3.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
            (1)       Disclosure of accounts receivable according to classification (Cont’d)

                      Use of ageing analysis for making bad debt provision in the portfolio:

                      √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                       Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                                               Book balance                   Provision for          Book balance                    Provision for
                  Ageing                                   Amount            Ratio          bad debts            Amount            Ratio           bad debts

                  Within 1 year
                  Of which:                                     —              —                  —               —               —                   —
                  Within 1 year                     2,874,217,506.67         95.88%      142,909,775.34 2,715,360,837.57          96.16%       135,768,041.85
                  Sub-total within 1 year           2,874,217,506.67         95.88%      142,909,775.34 2,715,360,837.57          96.16%       135,768,041.85
                  1-2 years                            57,140,092.15          1.91%        5,714,009.21    50,127,138.22           1.78%         5,012,713.82
                  2-3 years                            34,415,792.09          1.15%        6,883,158.41    26,013,813.66           0.92%         5,202,762.73
                  Over 3 years                         32,082,583.01          1.07%       32,082,583.01    32,287,486.00           1.14%        32,287,486.00

                  Total                             2,997,855,973.92            —       187,589,525.97 2,823,789,275.45              —       178,271,004.40

                      Accounts receivable using percentage of balance for making bad debt provision in the portfolio:                                                14
                      □ Applicable √ Not applicable                                                                                                                 REPORT

                      Accounts receivables using other methods for making bad debt provision in the portfolio:

                      □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                      Accounts receivable that are individually insignificant but are provided for bad debts separately as at the end of
                      the period

                      □ Applicable √ Not applicable

            (2)       Reversal or recovery of accounts receivable during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                 Cumulative bad       
                  Particulars                                                                                     debt provision               Amount of
                  of accounts                  Reason for reversal             Original basis for                prior to reversal             reversal or
                  receivable                   or recovery                     bad debt provision                     or recovery                recovery
                  Payment of goods             Collection of                   Overdue for over                    18,932,595.33           18,932,595.33
                                               payment of goods                three years and unlikely
                                                                               to be recovered
                  Total                        —                              —                                  18,932,595.33                          —

            (3)       There was no accounts receivable from any company in which the Company held 5% (5% inclusive) or more
                      voting rights during the reporting period.

                                                                                              SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                107
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 3.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
                      (4)   Particulars of top five accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                              As a percentage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the total of
                                                                                                      Relationship                                                                                                    accounts
                               Name of entity                                                   with the Company                                   Amount                                Term                        receivable
                             SHANGHAI YAOJI PLAYING
                               CARD CO., LTD.        Non-related party                                                                  66,745,929.97                            Within 1 year                                    1.96%
                             ARSGIA TEJARAT SHEKOUH Non-related party                                                                   38,822,063.37                            Within 1 year                                    1.14%
                             SHANGHAI CHANGYI                                                                                                                                                            
                               ADHESIVE PRODUCTS                                                                                                                                                         
                               CO., LTD.             Non-related party                                                                  34,739,822.41                            Within 1 year                                    1.02%
                            CHANGJIANG (HUBEI)
                              PUBLISH PRINT
                              MATERIALS CO., LTD.   Non-related party                                                                  31,438,946.94                           Within 1 year                                   0.92%
                            SHENZHEN CENTURY
                              HONGBO TRADING
                              CO., LTD.             Non-related party                                                                  29,798,619.00                           Within 1 year                                   0.87%
   14                       Total                                                                                      —          201,545,381.69                                             —                               5.91%

                      (5)   Particulars of accounts receivable of the related parties

                            Particulars of related party accounts receivable and accounts payable in Note VIII. 5.

                 4.   Other receivables
                      (1)   Disclosure of other receivables according to classification

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     Closing balance                                                                  Opening balance
                                                                                  Book balance                          Provision for bad debts                   Book balance                              Provision for bad debts
                            Category                                           Amount                Ratio               Amount                Ratio              Amount              Ratio                 Amount                      Ratio

                            Other receivables that are
                              individually significant and are
                              provided for bad debts separately          9,402,148.72               0.64%          9,402,148.72             100.00%          8,918,424.06             0.64%            8,918,424.06                   100.00%
                            Other receivables that are provided for bad debts on portfolio basis
                               Risk-free portfolio                      1,280,335,707.85             87.82%                                                 1,251,663,625.86           89.22%      
                               General portfolio                          155,208,086.94             10.65%            47,821,986.89            30.81%        128,661,773.06            9.17%           48,424,649.08                   37.64%
                               Sub-total for portfolio                  1,435,543,794.79             98.46%            47,821,986.89             3.33%      1,380,325,398.92           98.39%           48,424,649.08                    3.51%

                               Other receivables that are
                                 individually insignificant
                                 but are provided
                                 for bad debts separately                   13,033,288.78             0.89%            13,033,288.78           100.00%         13,717,509.43            0.97%           13,717,509.43                   100.00%

                            Total                                     1,457,979,232.29                  —        70,257,424.39                   —     1,402,961,332.41                —           71,060,582.57                        —

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       4.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
            (1)       Disclosure of other receivables according to classification (Cont’d)

                      The presentation of other receivables according to ageing analysis is as follows

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                 Closing balance                                    Opening balance
                  Item                                          Amount                     Ratio                   Amount                         Ratio

                  Within 1 year                         811,045,422.43                  55.63%           1,200,466,405.38                      85.57%
                  1-2 years                             475,294,947.82                  32.60%             100,811,139.72                       7.18%
                  2-3 years                             111,535,001.35                   7.65%              41,370,171.48                       2.95%
                  Over 3 years                           60,103,860.69                   4.12%              60,313,615.83                       4.30%

                  Total                             1,457,979,232.29                  100.00%            1,402,962,332.41                    100.00%

                      Other receivables that are individually significant and are provided for bad debts separately at the end of the

                      √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                      Particulars                                                                                                                                    14
                      of other                                           Provision for                                                                               INTERIM

                      receivables              Book balance                bad debts                   Provision ratio      Reason for provision

                      Open credit               9,402,148.72             9,402,148.72                       100.00%         Most of them are open
                                                                                                                            credit for over three years
                                                                                                                            and are unlikely to
                                                                                                                            be recovered

                      Total                     9,402,148.72             9,402,148.72                               —      —

                      Use of ageing analysis for making bad debt provision in the portfolio

                      √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                        Book balance                   Provision for             Book balance                     Provision for
                  Ageing                            Amount            Ratio          bad debts               Amount            Ratio            bad debts
                  Within 1 year
                  Of which:                                                                                                               
                  Within 1 year                84,518,376.98         54.45%        4,225,918.85         44,912,660.62            34.91%       2,245,633.03
                  Sub-total within 1 year      84,518,376.98         54.45%        4,225,918.85         44,912,660.62            34.91%       2,245,633.03
                  1-2 years                    14,821,413.23          9.55%        1,482,141.32          6,967,923.12             5.42%         696,792.31
                  2-3 years                    18,194,337.51         11.72%        4,439,967.51         39,123,706.98            30.41%       7,824,741.40
                  Over 3 years                 37,673,959.22         24.27%       37,673,959.22         37,657,482.34            29.26%      37,657,482.34

                  Total                        155,208,086.94            —       47,821,986.90        128,661,773.06               —       48,424,649.08

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                        109
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 4.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
                      (1)   Disclosure of other receivables according to classification (Cont’d)

                            Other receivables using percentage of balance for making bad debt provision in the portfolio

                            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                            Other receivables using other methods for making bad debt provision in the portfolio

                            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                            Other receivables that are individually insignificant but are provided for bad debts separately as at the end of the

                            √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                            of other                                          Provision for                           Reason for bad
                            receivables             Book balance                bad debts           Provision ratio   debts provision

                            Open credit             13,033,288.78          13,033,288.78                   100.00%    Most of them are open
                                                                                                                      credit for over three years

                                                                                                                      and are unlikely to
                                                                                                                      be recovered
    REPORT                  Total                   13,033,288.78          13,033,288.78                        —    —

                      (2)   Reversal or recovery of other receivables during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                              Cumulative bad
                                                                                                               debt provision           Amount of
                            Particulars of        Reason for reversal           Original basis for            prior to reversal         reversal or
                            other receivables     or recovery                   bad debt provision                 or recovery            recovery

                            Open credit           Collection of open credit     Overdue for over                 2,334,907.71       2,334,907.71
                                                                                three years and unlikely
                                                                                to be recovered

                            Total                 —                            —                               2,334,907.71                   —

                      (3)   No outstanding amount within other receivables due from shareholders holding 5% or more (including 5%) in
                            the voting shares of the Company during the reporting period

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       4.      Other receivables (Cont’d)
               (4)       Particulars of top five other receivables

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                               As a percentage
                                                           Relationship                                                           of the total of
                     Name of entity                  with the Company                   Amount                    Term        other receivables

                     WUHAN CHENMING                Related party    579,535,749.56                        Within 1 year,                39.75%
                       WAN XING REAL                                                                          1-2 years    
                       ESTATE CO., LTD.                                                                                    
                     SHANDONG JIANGHE           Non-related party   530,094,699.70                            1-2 years                 36.36%
                       PAPER CO. LTD.                                                                                      
                     ZHANJIANG                  Non-related party   102,587,813.35                        Within 1 year                     7.04%
                       FINANCE BUREAU                                                                                      
                     JIANGSU XINHAI PORT        Non-related party    38,546,912.03                        Within 1 year                     2.64%
                          ENGINEERING CO., LTD.
                        VALTRA INC. of Finland    Non-related party     12,198,802.77                          2 to 3 years                   0.84%

                         Total                                            —   1,262,963,977.41                            —                86.63%

               (5)       Particulars of other receivables of the related parties                                                                         14
                         See Note VIII. 5 Related party accounts receivable and accounts payable                                                          REPORT

       5.      Prepayments

               (1)       Prepayments stated according to ageing                    
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                      Closing balance                              Opening balance       
                         Ageing                                      Amount                Ratio                  Amount                      Ratio
                         Within 1 year                       856,779,423.98               47.31%          647,808,677.28                     40.77%
                         1-2 years                           954,026,460.05               52.69%          941,212,653.96                     59.23%
                                                                                                 —                                                 —
                         Total                              1,810,805,884.03                             1,589,021,331.24

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                            111
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 5.      Prepayments (Cont’d)
                         (2)   Particulars of top five prepayments

                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                          Relationship                                                                       Reason for
                                     Name of entity                 with the Company                               Amount                         Term       being unsettled

                                     JIANGSU XINHAI PORT              Non-related party                   880,000,000.00             Within 1 year,          Prepayments for
                                       ENGINEERING CO., LTD.                                                                             1-2 years           construction fee
                                                                                                                                                             according to the
                                                                                                                                                             agreed contract
                                     JINAN HI-TECH HOLDING            Non-related party                   162,000,000.00             Within 1 year           Prepayments for
                                       GROUP CO., LTD                                                                                                        goods according
                                                                                                                                                             to the agreed
                                     EACH VILLAGE OF                  Non-related party                    87,932,010.00             Within 1 year,          Prepayments for
                                       HUANGGANG CITY                                                                                    1-2 years           forestry deposits
                                                                                                                                                             according to the
                                                                                                                                                             agreed contract
                                     MANZHOULI JINFA                  Non-related party                    34,911,638.46             Within 1 year           Prepayments for
                                     TRADING CO., LIMITED                                                                                                  goods according
   14                                                                                                                                                      to the agreed
    REPORT                     ZHANJIANG XINCHEN                    Non-related party                     21,272,184.01             Within 1 year          Prepayments for
                                 TRADING CO., LTD.                                                                                                         goods according
                                                                                                                                                           to the agreed

                               Total                                                      —          1,186,115,832.47                              —     —

                         (3)   No outstanding amount within prepayments due from shareholders holding 5% or more (including 5%) in the
                               voting shares of the Company during the reporting period

                 6.      Inventories
                         (1)   Categories of inventories                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                  Closing balance                                               Opening balance
                                                                                       Impairment                                                   Impairment
                               Item                            Book balance              provision           Book value      Book balance             provision        Book value
                               Raw materials                1,823,665,041.74                             1,823,665,041.74 2,102,799,924.39
                               Work-in-process products        57,094,308.42                                57,094,308.42    55,128,694.09                           55,128,694.09
                               Goods in stock               2,094,560,250.02                   0.00      2,094,560,250.02 1,516,242,717.77        36,472,052.20   1,479,770,665.57
                               Products under development     143,725,354.00                               143,725,354.00    88,110,593.20                           88,110,593.20
                               Total                        4,119,044,954.18                   0.00      4,119,044,954.18 3,762,281,929.45        36,472,052.20

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
          6.   Inventories (Cont’d)
               (2)     Impairment provision for inventories

                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                               Opening     Provision during         Decrease during the period           Closing book
                       Type of inventories                 book balance          the period           Reversal            Write-off           balance
                       Goods in stock                      36,472,052.20                                            36,472,052.20               0.00
                       Total                               36,472,052.20                                            36,472,052.20               0.00
          7.   Other current assets
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
               Item                                                                                      Closing balance         Opening balance
               Prepaid enterprise income tax                                                               112,435,915.46           74,006,369.37
               Non-credited VAT proceeds                                                                 1,614,993,450.89        1,666,514,217.00
               Entrusted loans due within one year                                                         100,000,000.00     
               Total                                                                                     1,827,429,366.35        1,740,520,586.37
          8.   Available-for-sale assets                                                                                                                 REPORT

               (1)     Particulars of available-for-sale assets

                     Investee                        Investment cost             Book balance                 provision               Book value
                     QINGZHOU CHENMING                     900,000.00               900,000.00               900,000.00
                          DENATURATION AMYLUM
                          CO., LTD.
                        SHANDONG PAPER                        200,000.00              200,000.00                200,000.00
                          MAKING & PRINTING
                        JINAN SHANGYOU                        350,000.00              350,000.00                350,000.00
                          COMMERCIAL COMPANY
                        ZHEJIANG PROVINCE                   2,000,000.00             2,000,000.00                                      2,000,000.00
                          GUANGYU MEDIA
                          PRINTING COMPANY
                        SHOUGUANG MIHE WATER               20,000,000.00            20,000,000.00                                     20,000,000.00
                          COMPANY LIMITED              
                        ANHUI TIME SOURCE                   1,000,000.00             1,000,000.00                                       1,000,000.00
                        WEIFANG XINYE CAPITAL              10,000,000.00            10,000,000.00                                     10,000,000.00
                          INVESTMENT CO., LTD.         
                        SHANDONG HONGQIAO                  50,000,000.00            50,000,000.00                                     50,000,000.00
                          VENTURE CAPITAL                                        
                          CO., LTD.

                       Total                               84,450,000.00            84,450,000.00             1,450,000.00            83,000,000.00

                                                                                     SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                            113
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 8.   Available-for-sale assets (Cont’d)
                      (2)     Changes in impairment of available-for-sale assets during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                Type of available-                         Available-for-sale           Available-for-sale              
                                for-sale assets                           equity instruments            debt instruments                          Others                      Total
                               Provision made at the                                 2,589,574.47                                                                    2,589,574.47
                                beginning of the period
                              Decrease for the year                             1,139,574.47                                                                      1,139,574.47
                              Provision made at the end                         1,450,000.00                                                                      1,450,000.00
                                of the period

                 9.   Investments in joint ventures and associates
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                 Total revenue
                                               Equity interest     Voting right in       Total assets      Total liabilities Total net assets from operations
                                                       held by   the investee by        as at the end       as at the end      as at the end             during      Net profit for
                      Name of investee          the Company        the Company          of the period       of the period      of the period        the period         the period

   14                 I. Joint venture
                      Shouguang                       50.00%             50.00%          6,000,000.00                          6,000,000.00
    REPORT                Chenming
                          Huisen New
                          Co., Ltd.
                      II. Associate
                      Wuhan Chenming                  40.00%             40.00% 696,493,866.09 632,353,647.49                 64,140,218.60                          -4,538,797.85
                          Wan Xing Real                                                                                                     
                          Estate Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  
                      Jiangxi Chenming                40.00%             40.00%         15,070,000.00                         15,070,000.00 
                          Port Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    
                      Jiangxi Jiangbao                21.16%             21.16%         47,976,517.68      25,902,443.50      22,074,074.18       9,686,805.54        -287,688.62
                          Media Colour                                                                                                                            
                          Printing Co., Ltd.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       10.   Long-term equity investments
             (1)      Particulars of long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Explanation of    
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the inconsistency    
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of shareholding                         Impairment
                                                              Accounting                                                                                           Shareholding in      Voting right in and voting right        Impairment          Provision     Cash dividend
                      Name of investee                        method             Cost of investment Opening balance           Changes Closing balance                 the investee       the investee      in the investee        provision    for the period     for the period
                      Shouguang Chenming Huisen               Equity method          3,000,000.00
                                                                                                                          3,000,000.00           3,000,000.00             50.00%               50.00%
                        New Building Materials Co., Ltd.
                      Jiangxi Chenming Port Co., Ltd.         Equity method          6,028,000.00                          6,028,000.00          6,028,000.00             40.00%               40.00%
                      Wuhan Chenming Wan Xing                 Equity method         40,000,000.00      27,471,606.58      -1,815,519.12         25,656,087.46             40.00%               40.00%
                        Real Estate Co., Ltd.
                      Arjo Wiggins Chenming Specialty         Equity method         80,100,000.00                                                                         30.00%               30.00%
                        Paper Co., Ltd
                      Jiangxi Jiangbao Media Colour           Equity method          6,000,000.00       4,745,182.75        -74,651.88           4,670,530.87             21.16%               21.16%
                        Printing Co. Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                    
                      Total                                   —                   135,128,000.00      32,216,789.33      7,137,829.00          39,354,618.33                   —                 —                  —    

             (2)      Classification of long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                   Increase during                               Decrease during
                      Item                                                                       Opening balance                                        the period                                    the period                              Closing balance                      INTERIM
                      Investment in joint ventures                                                                                                       3,000,000.00                                                                            3,000,000.00
                      Investment in associates                                                          32,216,789.33                                    6,028,000.00                                      1,890,171.00                         36,354,618.33
                      Total                                                                             32,216,789.33                                    9,028,000.00                                      1,890,171.00                         39,354,618.33

                                                                                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                                 115
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 11.   Investment properties
                       (1)   Particulars of investment properties

                                                                                    Increase during    Decrease during
                             Item                             Opening balance            the period         the period   Closing balance

                             Investment properties
                               subsequently measured
                               at cost                          19,473,443.95                               869,128.02     18,604,315.93
                             Less: Impairment provision

                             Total                              19,473,443.95                               869,128.02     18,604,315.93

                       (2)   Investment properties measured at cost

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                      Opening       Increase during    Decrease during          Closing
                             Item                                book balance            the period         the period     book balance

                             I. Total original
                                 carrying amount                38,291,395.70                                              38,291,395.70

   14                            1.Housing and
                                    building structure          38,291,395.70                                              38,291,395.70
    REPORT                   II. Accumulated depreciation                                                      
                                 and accumulated                                                               
                                 amortisation in total          18,817,951.75            869,128.02                        19,687,079.77
                                 1.Housing and                                                                 
                                    Building Structure          18,817,951.75            869,128.02                        19,687,079.77
                             III. Net book value of
                                 investment properties
                                 in total                       19,473,443.95           -869,128.02                        18,604,315.93
                                 1.Housing and
                                    Building Structure          19,473,443.95           -869,128.02                        18,604,315.93
                             V. Book value of investment
                                   properties in total              19,473,443.95        -869,128.02                        18,604,315.93
                                   1.Housing and                                                                  
                                     building structure             19,473,443.95        -869,128.02                        18,604,315.93

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                          For the period

                             Depreciation and amortisation for the period                                                    869,128.02

                             Impairment provision for investment properties for the period                                          0.00

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       12.      Fixed assets
                (1)   Particulars of fixed assets                                        
                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                            Opening                         Increase during      Decrease during
                      Item                                              book balance                             the period           the period   Closing book balance
                      I. Total original carrying amount:             30,295,936,553.76                     3,758,173,930.21       410,647,517.67      33,643,462,966.30
                         Of which: housing and building structure     4,634,480,230.40                       890,016,897.64        55,886,845.66       5,468,610,282.38
                         Machinery and equipment                     25,039,733,811.26                     2,792,615,684.64       223,074,840.38      27,609,274,655.52
                         Vehicles                                       197,490,484.57                        70,180,589.55         8,731,461.19         258,939,612.93
                         Electronic equipment and other                 424,232,027.53                         5,360,758.38       122,954,370.44         306,638,415.47

                                                                            Opening         Increase for      Provision for         Decrease for        Closing balance
                      —                                                book balance          the period        the period            the period          for the period

                      II. Accumulated depreciation and                                   
                          accumulated amortisation in total:         9,088,069,065.37                       690,604,514.36        183,006,450.23       9,595,667,129.50
                          Of which: housing and building structure     800,492,196.08                        81,148,787.15         26,337,887.20         855,303,096.03
                          Machinery and equipment                    7,953,122,683.86                       585,553,576.23        115,830,971.78       8,422,845,288.31
                          Vehicles                                      95,130,974.48                        13,241,015.58          3,947,148.77         104,424,841.29
                          Electronic equipment and other               239,323,210.95                        10,661,135.39         36,890,442.48         213,093,903.86

                                                                            Opening                                                                                        14
                      —                                                book balance                                     —                         本期 Closing balance   INTERIM

                      III. Net carrying amount of fixed assets       21,207,867,488.39                                   —                           24,047,795,836.80
                          Of which: housing and building structure    3,833,988,034.32                                   —                            4,613,307,186.35
                          Machinery and equipment                    17,086,611,127.40                                   —                           19,186,429,367.21

                          Vehicles                                      102,359,510.09                                   —                              154,514,771.64

                          Electronic equipment and other                184,908,816.58                                   —                               93,544,511.61
                      IV. Total impairment provision                     26,220,000.00                                   —                               26,220,000.00
                          Machinery and equipment                        26,220,000.00                                   —                               26,220,000.00
                          Electronic equipment and other                                                                 —

                      V. Total carrying amount of fixed assets       21,181,647,488.39                                                                24,021,575,836.80
                          Of which: housing and building structure    3,833,988,034.32                                   —                            4,613,307,186.35
                          Machinery and equipment                    17,060,391,127.40                                   —                           19,160,209,367.21
                          Vehicles                                      102,359,510.09                                   —                              154,514,771.64
                      Electronic equipment and other                    184,908,816.58                                   —                               93,544,511.61

                      Depreciation for the current period amounted to RMB690,604,514.36. RMB3,560,280,912.58 was reclassified
                      from construction in progress into the original value of fixed assets for the current period.

                                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                    117
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 12.   Fixed assets (Cont’d)
                       (2)   Particulars of restricted fixed assets

                             As at 30 June 2014, the ownership of housing and building structure and equipment of the carrying amount of
                             approximately RMB5,955,369,579.14 (the original value of RMB6,712,642,767.98) (31 December 2013: carrying
                             amount of RMB6,096,739,906.27 and original value of RMB6,696,658,597.87) was restricted as collateral for long-
                             term borrowings of RMB2,665,050,671.96 (31 December 2013: RMB2,784,334,971.96) (Note VII. 33) and long-
                             term borrowings due within one year of RMB270,990,800.00 (31 December 2013: RMB269,313,900.00) (Note VII.

                       (3)   Particulars of Temporarily unused fixed assets

                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                 Original carrying    Accumulated       Provision for    Net carrying
                                Item                                       amount     depreciation       impairment           amount         Remark
                                Housing and building structure        17,543,318.35   1,653,748.98                      15,889,569.37
                                Machinery and equipment               59,287,663.47   2,338,196.86                      56,949,466.61
                                Total                                 76,830,981.82   3,991,945.84                      72,839,035.98

   14                  (4)   Particulars of fixed assets without obtaining property right certificates
                                                                         Reason for not yet obtaining           Year for obtaining property right
                             Item                                        property right certificates            certificates based on estimation

                             Shandong Chenming Paper
                                Holdings Limited                         Processing                             2014
                             Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.            Processing                             2014
                             Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper
                                Holdings Co., Ltd.                       Processing                             2014
                             Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.            Processing                             2014
                             Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper
                                Co., Ltd.                                Processing                             2014
                             Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.              Processing                             2014
                             Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.               Processing                             2014

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       13.   Construction in progress
             (1)   Particulars of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                             Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                                                  Impairment                                               Impairment
                   Item                                      Book balance           provision        Book value       Book balance           provision       Book value

                   Railway project (parent company)         95,804,010.99                         95,804,010.99       67,825,111.06                        67,825,111.06
                   Technology upgrade for white paper      149,021,394.73                        149,021,394.73       57,275,709.38                        57,275,709.38
                     board projects (parent company)
                   Zhanjiang Chenming 700,000 tonne        368,884,207.61                        368,884,207.61     267,839,895.73                        267,839,895.73
                     pulp equipment upgrade
                     (Zhanjiang Chenming)
                   180,000 tonne paper cup raw paper       509,868,298.57                        509,868,298.57     313,760,579.02                        313,760,579.02
                     project (Zhanjiang Chenming)
                   190,000 tonne high-end cultural         413,684,922.56                        413,684,922.56     284,958,974.38                        284,958,974.38
                     paper project
                     (Zhanjiang Chenming)
                   Biomass vaporisation upgrade              44,073,025.46                         44,073,025.46       1,073,025.46                         1,073,025.46
                     project (Zhanjiang Chenming)
                   7,800 tonne paper machine press           11,088,354.20                         11,088,354.20      62,598,886.06                        62,598,886.06
                     section rebuild (Jiangxi Chenming)
                   Desulphurisation and denitrification      63,238,399.34                         63,238,399.34      27,249,910.87                        27,249,910.87
                     project of power plant
                     (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                                                                                                     14
                   Packaging paper for food project        363,803,088.39                        363,803,088.39     122,625,351.96                        122,625,351.96    INTERIM
                     (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                                                                                                      REPORT
                   BTMP mechanical pulp production           30,714,727.61                         30,714,727.61
                     line upgrade for production
                     expansion (Jiangxi Chenming)
                   New production line of household                                                                 445,390,478.03                        445,390,478.03
                     paper machine upgrade in Wuhan
                     second factory (Wuhan Chenming)
                   Technological upgrade for specialty     268,766,579.19                        268,766,579.19     185,261,723.30                        185,261,723.30
                     paper project (Wuhan Chenming)
                   Relocation of Jilin (Jilin Chenming)                                                            2,218,570,285.48                      2,218,570,285.48
                   Magnesite mining                        422,798,059.11                        422,798,059.11      463,059,536.30                        463,059,536.30
                     (Haicheng Haiming)
                   Meilun paper making additive project                                                             339,261,614.70                        339,261,614.70
                     (Shouguang Meilun)
                   Thermal paper upgrade project           228,293,634.55                        228,293,634.55     208,582,395.43                        208,582,395.43
                     (Shouguang Art Paper)
                   Forestry pulp integration project       314,916,775.73                        314,916,775.73     130,795,345.46                        130,795,345.46
                     (Huanggang Chenming)
                   Others                                    98,697,438.02                         98,697,438.02      69,902,994.98                        69,902,994.98

                   Total                                  3,383,652,916.06                      3,383,652,916.06   5,266,031,817.60                      5,266,031,817.60

                                                                                                   SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                  119



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     IX Financial Report
                                              VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                                                  13. Construction in progress (Cont’d)
                                                         (2)   Changes in material construction in progress projects                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Of which: Capitalisation                  
                                                                                                           Budget (in                                                                                                                                               capitalised     rate of the
                                                                                                            RMB100                               Increase during         Transfer to                            Investment Construction   Accumulated         interest amount interest amount
                                                               Item name                                      million)      Opening balance           the period         fixed asset      Other deductions       to budget progress capitalised interest         for the period for the period Source of fund      Closing balance

                                                               Railway project (parent company)                   2.40        67,825,111.06       27,978,899.93
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     40%       40%         3,446,622.09         2,170,152.49         6.00% Capital and               95,804,010.99
                                                               Technology upgrade for white paper board           2.00        57,275,709.38       95,485,948.59         3,740,263.24                                 75%       75%         1,242,500.00         1,242,500.00         6.00% Capital and             149,021,394.73
                                                                 projects (parent company)                                                                                                                                                                                                 borrowings
                                                               Zhanjiang Chenming 700,000 tonne pulp              3.70       267,839,895.73      101,044,311.88                                                     100%       100%        14,858,113.13        4,918,964.39         6.00% Capital and             368,884,207.61
                                                                 equipment upgrade (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                    borrowings
                                                               180,000 tonne paper cup raw paper project         13.22       313,760,579.02      196,107,719.55                                                      39%       39%         32,884,182.19       16,488,909.54         6.00% Capital and             509,868,298.57
                                                                 (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                                      borrowings Self-
                                                               190,000 tonne high-end cultural paper project     30.97       284,958,974.38      128,725,948.18                                                      13%       13%                0.00                                     raised                  413,684,922.56
                                                                 (Zhanjiang Chenming)
                                                               Biomass vaporisation upgrade project               2.00         1,073,025.46       43,000,000.00                                                      22%       22%           534,047.82           534,047.82         6.00% Capital and               44,073,025.46
                                                                 (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                                      borrowings
                                                               7,800 tonne paper machine press section rebuild    0.76        62,598,886.06        4,363,099.94        55,873,631.80                                 85%       85%         1,681,490.55         1,290,517.10         6.00% Capital and               11,088,354.20
                                                                 (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                                        borrowings
                                                               Desulphurisation and denitrification project       0.82        27,249,910.87       35,988,488.47                                                      77%       77%         1,260,639.91         1,260,639.91         6.00% Capital and               63,238,399.34
                                                                 of power plant (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                         borrowings
                                                               Packaging paper for food project                  18.30       122,625,351.96      241,177,736.43                                                      20%       20%         2,977,505.56         2,212,491.38         6.00% Capital and             363,803,088.39
                                                                 (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                                        borrowings
                                                               BTMP mechanical pulp production line upgrade       0.97                            30,714,727.61                                                      32%       32%           556,008.44           556,008.44         6.00% Capital and               30,714,727.61
                                                                 for production expansion (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                               borrowings           
                                                               New production line of household paper             4.50       445,390,478.03       35,229,962.47       480,620,440.50                                100%       100%        24,167,540.06        4,689,732.39         6.00% Capital and
                                                                 machine upgrade in Wuhan second factory                                                                                                                                                                                   borrowings           
                                                                 (Wuhan Chenming)
                                                               Technological upgrade for specialty paper          2.48       185,261,723.30       83,504,855.89                                                     100%       100%        15,302,273.74       11,697,362.60         6.00% Capital and             268,766,579.19
                                                                 project (Wuhan Chenming)                                                                                                                                                                                                  borrowings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          IX Financial Report
                                              VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                                                  13. Construction in progress (Cont’d)
                                                       (2)   Changes in material construction in progress projects (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Of which: Capitalisation
                                                                                                    Budget (in                                                                                                                                              capitalised    rate of the
                                                                                                     RMB100                           Increase during           Transfer to                            Investment Construction   Accumulated          interest amount interest amount
                                                             Item name                                 million)   Opening balance          the period           fixed asset      Other deductions       to budget progress capitalised interest         for the period for the period Source of fund   Closing balance

                                                             Relocation of Jilin (Jilin Chenming)        23.00    2,218,570,285.48    342,276,552.53       2,560,846,838.01                               100%        100%          5,499,999.99
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6.00% Capital and
                                                             Magnesite mining (Haicheng Haiming)          5.00     463,059,536.30      18,163,955.31          12,408,366.49         46,017,066.01          93%         93%                 0.00                              6.00% Self-raised          422,798,059.11
                                                             Meilun paper making additive project         5.50     339,261,614.70      84,678,225.22         423,939,839.92                               100%        100%         10,363,647.51        2,660,067.59         6.00% Capital and                   0.00
                                                               (Shouguang Meilun)                                                                                                                                                                                                  borrowings
                                                             Thermal paper upgrade project                2.00     208,582,395.43      19,711,239.12                                                      100%        100%          2,696,934.81        1,555,097.36         6.00% Capital and           228,293,634.55
                                                               (Shouguang Art Paper)                                                                                                                                                                                               borrowings Self-
                                                             Forestry pulp integration project           34.85     130,795,345.46     184,121,430.27                                                        9%          9%                 0.00                                    raised               314,916,775.73
                                                               (Huanggang Chenming)
                                                             Others                                                 69,902,994.98      51,645,975.66          22,851,532.62                                                         2,740,510.94          110,631.00         6.00% Capital and           98,697,438.02

                                                             Total                                       152.47   5,266,031,817.60   1,723,919,077.05      3,560,280,912.58         46,017,066.01             —         —       120,212,016.74       51,387,122.01             —   —               3,383,652,916.06

                                                             Other deductions in construction in progress of Haicheng Haiming were due to the return of government prepayments for demolition.


             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 13. Construction in progress (Cont’d)
                      (3)   Construction progress of material construction in progress

                            Item                                                    progress    Remark

                            Railway project (parent company)                             40%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                                                                                                the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            Technology upgrade for white paper board projects            75%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              (parent company)                                                  the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            Zhanjiang Chenming 700,000 tonne pulp equipment              100%   Construction    progress was estimated on
                              upgrade (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                      the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            180,000 tonne paper cup raw paper project                    39%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                              the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            190,000 tonne high-end cultural paper project                13%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                              the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget

                            Biomass vaporisation upgrade project                         22%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              (Zhanjiang Chenming)                                              the basis of   the percentage of investment
   INTERIM                                                                                      to budget
                            7,800 tonne paper machine press section rebuild              85%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            Desulphurisation and denitrification project                 77%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                             of power plant (Jiangxi Chenming)                                  the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            Packaging paper for food project                             20%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              (Jiangxi Chenming)                                                the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget
                            BTMP mechanical pulp production line upgrade                 32%    Construction    progress was estimated on
                              for production expansion (Jiangxi Chenming)                       the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                                to budget

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       13.   Construction in progress (Cont’d)
             (3)     Construction progress of material construction in progress (Cont’d)

                     Item                                                      progress       Remark

                     New production line of household paper machine                100%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                       upgrade in Wuhan second factory                                        the basis of   the percentage of investment
                       (Wuhan Chenming)                                                       to budget
                     Technological upgrade for specialty paper project             100%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                       (Wuhan Chenming)                                                       the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                              to budget
                     Relocation of Jilin (Jilin Chenming)                          100%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                                                                                              the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                              to budget
                     Magnesite mining (Haicheng Haiming)                            93%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                                                                                              the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                              to budget
                     Meilun paper making additive project                          100%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                      (Shouguang Meilun)                                                      the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                              to budget

                     Thermal paper upgrade project                                 100%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                       (Shouguang Art Paper)                                                  the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                              to budget                                     INTERIM
                     Forestry pulp integration project (Huanggang                    9%       Construction    progress was estimated on
                     Chenming)                                                                the basis of   the percentage of investment
                                                                                              to budget

       14.   Materials for project
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                            Increase during      Decrease during
             Item                                      Opening balance           the period           the period       Closing balance

             Special materials                              35,814,649.31    74,324,074.97          86,982,796.63         23,155,927.65
             Special equipment                              28,153,418.31     2,569,651.64          30,633,319.68             89,750.27

             Total                                          63,968,067.62    76,893,726.61         117,616,116.31         23,245,677.92

                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      123
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 15.   Disposal of fixed assets
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                      Opening               Closing
                       Item                                   carrying amount      carrying amount    Reasons for transferring to disposal

                       Environmental protection                242,538,418.36        299,097,057.42   Relocation
                         relocation of Jilin Chenming
                       Relocation of Wuhan Chenming            345,643,229.17       345,105,002.19    Relocation

                       Total                                   588,181,647.53       644,202,059.61    —

                 16.   Consumable biological assets
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                      Opening          Increase for         Decrease for            Closing
                       Item                                   carrying amount            the period           the period   carrying amount

                       Timber                                 1,317,141,123.77       77,772,747.71         47,497,827.15   1,347,416,044.33

                       Total                                  1,317,141,123.77       77,772,747.71         47,497,827.15   1,347,416,044.33

    REPORT             (1)     Consumable biological assets are measured at fair value. The fair value of timber increased by RMB3,868,554.70
                               due to acquisition, increased by RMB72,936,522.79 due to breeding, decreased by RMB47,497,827.15 due to
                               disposal, and increased by RMB967,670.22 due to change in fair value.

                       (2)     As of 30 June 2014 there was no significant difference between the fair value and cost of the timbers planted
                               during the year or unable to form any level of stocking in the consumable biological assets so their carrying
                               amount was taken as their fair value. The timbers forming a level of stocking were measured at fair value and
                               their fair value was determined based on the valuation of Golden Standard & Headmen Appraisal and Advisory
                               Co., Ltd. The consumable biological assets measured at carrying amount as their fair value amounted to
                               RMB153,509,225.51 and the consumable biological assets measured at assessed value as their fair value
                               amounted to RMB1,193,906,818.82.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
   17.   Intangible assets                  
         Particulars of intangible assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                      Opening         Increase for       Decrease for              Closing
         Item                                     book balance          the period         the period         book balance
         I. Total original carrying
               amount                          1,564,887,522.28      17,868,006.43      43,126,878.46      1,539,628,650.25
               Land use rights                 1,546,569,094.81      17,867,656.43      43,096,348.46      1,521,340,402.78
               Software                           18,318,427.47             350.00          30,530.00         18,288,247.47
         II. Total accumulated                                                                          
               amortisation                     199,469,520.02       27,243,687.93      16,272,422.18       210,440,785.77
               Land use rights                  185,694,876.64       25,628,274.25      16,242,242.18       195,080,908.71
               Software                          13,774,643.38        1,615,413.68          30,180.00        15,359,877.06
         III. Total net carrying amount                                                                 
               of intangible assets            1,365,418,002.26      -9,375,681.50      26,854,456.28      1,329,187,864.48
               Land use rights                 1,360,874,218.17      -7,760,617.82      26,854,106.28      1,326,259,494.07
               Software                            4,543,784.09      -1,615,063.68             350.00          2,928,370.41
               Land use rights
         IV. Total impairment provision                                                                 
               Software                                                                                                          14
             Total carrying amount of                                                                                            INTERIM
               intangible assets               1,365,418,002.26      -9,375,681.50      26,854,456.28      1,329,187,864.48       REPORT
             Land use rights                   1,360,874,218.17      -7,760,617.82      26,854,106.28      1,326,259,494.07
             Software                              4,543,784.09      -1,615,063.68             350.00          2,928,370.41   

                The amortisation amount was RMB27,243,687.93 during the period.

                ① The original value of the decreased intangible assets due to disposal of subsidiaries amounted to
                     RMB25,375,288.95 during the year. The cumulative amortisation of the decreased intangible assets due to
                     disposal of subsidiaries amounted to RMB16,126,867.74.

                ② On 30 June 2014, the ownership of intangible assets of carrying amount of RMB319,894,011.92 (31 December
                     2013: RMB323,501,839.10) was restricted, of which land use rights and fixed assets of carrying amount
                     of RMB323,501,839.10 were the pledge for long-term borrowings of RMB2,665,050,671.96 (31 December
                     2013: RMB2,784,334,971.96) (For details, see Note VII. 33) and long-term borrowings due within one year of
                     RMB270,990,800.00 (31 December 2013: RMB269,313,900.00) (For details, see Note VII. 31). The amortisation of
                     such land use rights for the current period amounted to RMB3,607,827.18 (31 December 2013: RMB7,215,654.36).

                ③ The state-owned land use rights obtained by the Group in China were in compliance with PRC laws with a term of
                     grant of 40-50 years upon receipt.

                                                                            SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       125
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 18.   Goodwill
                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                        provisions at
                                                                        Opening book         Increase for      Decrease for     Closing book               the end of
                       Name of investee or item generating goodwill          balance           the period        the period          balance               the period

                       Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                   14,314,160.60                                           14,314,160.60
                       Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.                5,969,626.57                                            5,969,626.57

                       Total                                            20,283,787.17                                           20,283,787.17

                       The goodwill of the Company arose from the business combined not under common control during the prior year.

                       On the balance sheet date, the management of the Company assessed the recoverable amount of cash-generating
                       unit which results goodwill, in order to determine whether to make provision for impairment loss accordingly. The
                       recoverable amount of cash-generating unit was determined based on the estimated cash flow in the financial budget
                       for the next five years by the management, using the steady annual growth rate of the industry of 5% (2013: 5%) as
                       expected by the market, and the time value of currency was estimated using the discount rate of 8.32% (2013: 8.32%).
                       The management of the Company expected that no provision for impairment loss was necessary to be made for
                       goodwill during the reporting period.
   14                  For methods to test impairment on goodwill, see Note IV. 22.
                 19.   Long-term prepaid expenses
                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                      Opening      Increase for     Amortisation           Other          Closing      Reasons for
                           Item                                       balance        the period    for the period      deductions         balance other deductions
                           Woodland expenses                  166,383,850.46     1,281,211.98      2,765,259.56                     164,899,802.88
                           Rentals fee for docks                2,154,633.22                          23,242.02                       2,131,391.20
                           Total                              168,538,483.68     1,281,211.98      2,788,501.58                     167,031,194.08

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       20.   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
             Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities not stated as the net amount after offsetting

             Recognised deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

             Item                                                                             Closing balance       Opening balance
             Deferred income tax assets:
             Deferred income tax assets:                                                        70,537,035.58         76,545,138.40
             Provision for impairment of assets                                                446,404,949.21        391,818,687.83
             Deductible loss                                                                    22,230,065.73         14,392,382.14
             Elimination of unrealised profit arising from intra-group                          10,536,818.90         10,652,244.21
             Unpaid payables                                                                    13,581,276.47         14,244,935.80
             Sub-total                                                                         563,290,145.89        507,653,388.38
             Deferred income tax liabilities:

             The breakdown of unrecognised deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

              Item                                                                              Closing balance      Opening balance         INTERIM
              Deductible temporary differences                                                    1,761,855.60            2,095,852.19
              Deductible loss                                                                   407,498,352.59          420,230,273.61
              Total                                                                             409,260,208.19          422,326,125.80

             Expiry of deductible loss of unrecognised deferred income tax assets falls in the periods as follows

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

             Year                                                        Closing balance    Opening balance                  Remark
             2014                                                                              60,626,308.87
             2015                                                         37,886,444.37        37,886,444.37         
             2016                                                         64,240,356.54        64,240,356.54         
             2017                                                        116,631,374.76       116,631,374.76         
             2018                                                        140,845,789.07       140,845,789.07         
             2019                                                         47,894,387.85                              
             Total                                                       407,498,352.59       420,230,273.61                      —

                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      127
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 20.   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities (Cont’d)
                        (1)     Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities not stated as the net amount after offsetting

                               The breakdown of tax payable differences and deductible differences

                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                            Amount of temporary differences
                                                                                                                               The end of     The beginning of
                                 Item                                                                                          the period            the period
                                 Tax payable differences
                                 Deductible differences                                                                                             
                                 Provision for impairment of assets                                                         304,625,649.61               328,446,526.51
                                 Elimination of unrealised profit arising from intra-group                                   88,920,262.92                57,569,528.58
                                 Unpaid payables                                                                             57,416,699.62                53,895,396.66
                                 Deferred income                                                                             67,176,763.36                70,461,516.47
                                 Deductible losses                                                                        1,785,619,796.84             1,567,274,751.26

                                 Sub-total                                                                                2,303,759,172.35             2,077,647,719.48

   14            21.   Particulars of provision for impairment of assets
   INTERIM                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                               Decrease for the period
                                                                             Increase for
                       Item                           Opening balance          the period           Reversal              Write-off              Others    Closing balance

                       I. Provisions for bad debts     297,937,136.69      37,582,138.41       21,267,503.03           366,030.50           7,503,241.48   306,382,500.09
                       II. Provisions for inventory
                             impairment                 36,472,052.20                                                36,472,052.20                                   0.00
                       III. Provisions for
                             impairment of
                             financial assets            2,589,574.47                                                 1,139,574.47                           1,450,000.00
                       IV. Provisions for
                             impairment of
                             fixed assets               26,220,000.00                                                                                       26,220,000.00

                       Total                           363,218,763.36      37,582,138.41       21,267,503.03         37,977,657.17          7,503,241.48   334,052,500.09

                       Other deductions in provisions for impairment of assets were due to disposal of Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co.,
                       Ltd. and Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
          22.   Short-term borrowings                                     
                Classification of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                Item                                                                          Closing balance      Opening balance
                Pledged borrowings                                                             280,707,019.89
                Guarantee loans                                                              4,534,855,612.98      3,999,962,588.92
                Credit loans                                                                 6,330,447,317.69      5,420,305,455.40
                Discounted loans                                                               720,000,000.00
                Total                                                                       11,866,009,950.56

                ①      Guarantee loans were the loans obtained by subsidiaries of the Company from financial institutions when the
                        Company acted as their guarantor.

                ②      The Company had no short-term borrowings due and outstanding.

          23.   Bills payable
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                Category                                                                      Closing balance      Opening balance
                Bank acceptance bills                                                          228,716,908.05        290,403,790.59        INTERIM

                Total                                                                          228,716,908.05        290,403,790.59

                Amount to be due in the next accounting period amounted to RMB228,716,908.05.

          24.   Accounts payable                                          
                (1)     Particulars of accounts payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                Item                                                                          Closing balance      Opening balance
                Within 1 year                                                                2,941,094,036.07
                1-2 years                                                                      199,785,442.15        240,434,222.13
                2-3 years                                                                       80,880,278.33        120,073,847.85
                Over 3 years                                                                    95,747,969.76         83,503,235.40
                Total                                                                        3,317,507,726.31

                (2)     During the reporting period, the accounts payable were not due to any shareholders or related parties holding
                        over 5% (5% inclusive) voting rights of the Company’s shares

                                                                                SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                    129
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 24.   Accounts payable (Cont’d)
                       (3)   Explanation on significant trade payable for over 1 year

                                                                                                  Reason for           Repaid after the
                             Name of creditors                                          Amount    being outstanding    reporting date

                             ANDRITZ (CHINA) CO., LTD.                           20,114,963.00    Temporarily          No
                             SHANDONG NGE LOGISTICS CO., LTD.                      9,706,231.34   Temporarily          No
                             VOITH INTERNATIONAL TRADE                             4,747,703.87   Temporarily          No
                              (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.                                                outstanding 4,377,011.99
                             SHANDONG SWAN WATER                                                  Temporarily          No
                              ENGINEERING CO., LTD.                                               outstanding

                             Total                                               38,945,910.20

                 25.   Advance receipts
                       (1)   Particulars of advance receipts

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
   14                        Item                                                                   Closing balance      Opening balance
                             Within 1 year                                                           315,615,720.79          425,728,033.93
                             1-2 years                                                                11,483,660.15           16,704,227.65

                             Total                                                                   327,099,380.94          442,432,261.58

                       (2)   During the reporting period, advance receipts were not due to any shareholders or related parties holding over
                             5% (5% inclusive) voting rights of the Company’s shares.

                       (3)   Explanation on significant advance receipts for over one year

                                                                                                                       Reason for not
                                                                                                                       being carried
                             Name of creditors                                                              Amount     forward

                             TIANJIN XINYI PACKING PRODUCT CO., LTD.                                    3,324,016.55   No delivery
                                                                                                                       requirement from
                                                                                                                       the counterparty
                             YONG YI ADHESIVE (ZHONGSHAN) CO. LTD.                                      1,384,668.41   No delivery
                                                                                                                       requirement from
                                                                                                                       the counterparty
                             ZHANJIANG CHEMICAL SERVICE COMPANY                                          919,024.80    No delivery
                                                                                                                       requirement from
                                                                                                                       the counterparty
                                                                                                                       No delivery
                                                                                                                       requirement from
                             DAZHOU TONGCHUAN JINYIN CO., LTD.                                           728,161.34    the counterparty

                             Total                                                                      6,355,871.10

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       26.   Staff remuneration payables
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                     Opening book          Increase for        Decrease for       Closing book
             Item                                         balance            the period          the period            balance

             I. Salaries, bonuses, allowance
                 and subsidies                        73,707,512.94      336,025,725.49      345,730,639.51       64,002,598.92
             II. Staff welfare                                            11,052,130.05       11,052,130.05                0.00
             III. Social insurance                                                                            
                  premium                              9,821,268.75       76,734,212.06       76,991,932.74        9,563,548.07
             Of which: 1. Medical insurance
                             premium                   7,294,373.22       18,335,068.13       18,219,675.93        7,409,765.43
                        2. Pension insurance
                           premium                     1,375,018.33       50,549,391.42       50,958,979.19         965,430.56
                        3. Unemployment
                           insurance premium            186,679.75         3,482,483.16        3,541,800.95         127,361.96
                        4. Work-related injury                                                                
                           insurance premium               1,589.18        2,628,546.46        2,554,030.27           76,105.37
                        5. Maternity insurance                                                                
                           premium                       963,608.27        1,738,722.89        1,717,446.41          984,884.75

             IV. Housing provident funds               5,206,430.44       26,517,949.89       27,818,536.55        3,905,843.78
             V. Lay off welfare                       22,719,929.36        9,868,876.86        7,445,839.23       25,142,966.99
             VI. Non-monetary welfare                                                                                              INTERIM
             VII. Lay off welfare                         12,075.15                                                   12,075.15
             VIII. Cash-settled share-based

             IX. Others                               18,804,595.54         229,235.90            49,326.35       18,984,505.09

             Total                                   130,271,812.18      460,428,130.25      469,088,404.43      121,611,538.00

             The delayed payment in respect of staff remuneration payables amounted to RMB0.00.

             Union operation costs and employee education costs amounted to RMB7,445,839.23, non-monetary welfare amounted
             to RMB0.00 and compensation arising from termination of service amounted to RMB0.00.

                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                 131
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                    27.   Taxes payable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                          Item                                                             Closing balance      Opening balance
                          Value added tax                                                    20,532,603.43          6,620,418.81
                          Business tax                                                        1,132,381.06            596,310.07
                          Enterprise income tax                                              74,491,436.79        104,402,645.76
                          Individual income tax                                                 512,409.39          1,780,803.13
                          Urban maintenance and construction tax                              3,454,870.35          1,713,580.49
                          Land use tax                                                        5,961,895.73          5,495,793.45
                          Property tax                                                        7,074,400.32          7,824,057.43
                          Educational surcharges and others                                   3,175,613.44            446,510.66
                          Stamp duty                                                          2,778,259.31          1,312,817.07
                          Total                                                             119,113,869.82        130,192,936.87
                    28.   Interest payable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                          Item                                                             Closing balance      Opening balance
                          Interest on corporate bonds
                                                                                            229,267,222.25         65,559,777.08
    REPORT                Interest on medium-term notes                                         450,083.28         27,455,083.34

                          Interest on privately placed bonds                                 16,675,000.00         60,175,000.00

                          Total                                                             246,392,305.53        153,189,860.42

                    29.   Dividend payable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Reason for failure
                                                                                                                      to pay for
                          Name of entity                              Closing balance      Opening balance           over a year

                          Dividend for 2013                           580,921,640.10

                          Total                                       580,921,640.10


                    30.   Other payables

                          (1)     Particulars of other payables                         

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                     Closing balance      Opening balance
                                  Within 1 year                                             389,933,521.83        419,910,089.94
                                  1-2 years                                                  84,995,822.48         23,967,481.29
                                  2-3 years                                                  11,932,189.97         16,877,980.44
                                  Over 3 years                                               39,372,899.00         26,081,044.22
                                  Total                                                     526,234,433.28        486,836,595.89

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       30.   Other payables (Cont’d)
             (2)   During the reporting period, other payables were not due to any shareholders or related parties holding over 5%
                   (5% inclusive) voting rights of the Company’s shares.

                   During the reporting period, no other payables were due to any shareholders or related parties holding over 5% (5%
                   inclusive) voting rights of the Company’s shares;

                   For details of amounts due to related parties in other payables, see Note VIII. 5 Related party accounts receivable
                   and accounts payable.

             (3)   Explanation on significant other payables for over 1 year

                                                                                          Reason of being        Repaid after the
                   Name of creditors                                           Amount     outstanding            reporting date

                   State-owned SHOUGUANG                                  8,800,000.00    Temporarily          No
                     QINGSHUIPO FARM                                                      outstanding 3,500,000.00
                   CHINA RAILWAY NO. 10                                                   Temporarily          No
                     ENGINEERING GROUP CO., LTD.                                          outstanding 2,400,000.00
                   GUANGXI CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING                                       Temporarily          No
                     GROUP NO. 4 CONSTRUCTION                                             outstanding
                     ENGINEERING CO., LTD.
                   KEDA (ANHUI) INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.                      2,400,000.00    Temporarily
                   E.C.H. WILL GMBH                                       1,991,596.06    Temporarily            No                          REPORT

                   Total                                                 19,091,596.06

             (4)   Particulars of the significant other payables

                   Name of creditors                                                         Closing balance     Nature or details

                   LIAONING BEIHAI INDUSTRIES GROUP CO., LTD.                                   33,070,700.00    Shareholder’ loan
                                                                                                                 to subsidiaries
                   SHOUGUANG HENGTAI ENTERPRISE                                                 19,831,479.17    Shareholder’ loan
                     INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED                                                                  to subsidiaries
                   State-owned SHOUGUANG QINGSHUIPO FARM                                         8,800,000.00    Open credit
                   CHINA RAILWAY NO. 10 ENGINEERING GROUP CO., LTD.                              3,500,000.00    security deposit

                   Total                                                                        65,202,179.17

                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      133
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 31.      Non-current liabilities due within one year
                          (1)      Particulars of non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                   Item                                                                  Closing balance      Opening balance
                                   Long-term borrowings due within one year                               941,964,400.00       789,115,500.00
                                   Payable bonds due within one year                                                           498,688,952.66
                                   Total                                                                  941,964,400.00      1,287,804,452.66
                          (2)      Long-term borrowings due within one year
                                   Long-term borrowings due within one year                                                
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                                                  Closing balance      Opening balance
                                   Secured borrowings                                                     270,990,800.00       269,313,900.00
                                   Guarantee borrowings                                                   263,333,600.00       175,925,600.00
                                   Credit borrowings                                                      407,640,000.00       343,876,000.00
                                   Total                                                                  941,964,400.00       789,115,500.00
                                   Rollover of overdue borrowings in long-term borrowings due within a year amounted to RMB0.00.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       31.    Non-current liabilities due within one year (Cont’d)
              (2)        Long-term borrowings due within one year (Cont’d)

                         Top five long-term borrowings due within one year

                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                       Closing balance                            Opening balance           
                                          Date of                                                                Amounts in            Functional            Amounts in          Functional
          Borrowed by                     commencement      Date of termination   Currency   Rate (%)      foreign currency             currency       foreign currency           currency

          The Export-Import Bank of
            China Guangdong branch        3 July 2013       2 July 2015              RMB      5.40%                              160,000,000.00
          China Development Bank                                                                                                                                                             
            Guangdong branch              3 November 2010   24 March 2023            RMB      5.90%                               86,406,900.00
          The Export-Import Bank of                                                                                                                                                          
            China Qingdao branch          20 June 2013      20 June 2015             USD      3.91%           20,000,000.00      123,056,000.00
          Sumitomo Mitsui Banking                                                                                                                                                            
            Corporation (China) Limited   21 Match 2012     30 November 2014         USD      2.31%           30,000,000.00      184,584,000.00
          China Development Bank                                                                                                                                         
            Guangdong branch              17 March 2010     24 March 2023            USD      3.15%           30,000,000.00      184,584,000.00
          The Export-Import Bank of                                                                                                                 
            China Qingdao branch          13 April 2011     12 April 2014            RMB      5.50%                                                                         100,000,000.00
          China Development Bank                                                                                                                    
            Guangdong branch              25 March 2008     24 March 2023            RMB      5.90%                                                                          86,406,900.00
          China Development Bank
            Guangdong branch              25 March 2008     24 March 2023            USD      3.15%
                                                                                                                                                         30,000,000.00      182,907,000.00       14
          Sumitomo Mitsui Banking                                                                                                                                                               INTERIM
            Corporation (China) Limited   21 March 2012     30 November 2014         USD      2.31%                                                      40,000,000.00      243,876,000.00       REPORT
          Mitsui syndicated loan          11 April 2011     11 March 2014            USD      2.98%                                                      24,000,000.00      146,325,600.00

          Total                           —                —                         —         —                     —      738,630,900.00                     —      759,515,500.00

       32.    Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                         Closing book                           Opening book
               Item                                                                                                                           balance                                balance

              Deferred income to be amortised within one year                                                                         26,989,282.88                            25,246,647.62
              Short-term commercial paper                                                                                          3,963,688,888.92                         3,853,488,888.90

              Total                                                                                                                3,990,678,171.80                         3,878,735,536.52

                                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                       135
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                   32. Other current liabilities (Cont’d)                       
                        The breakdown of the above deferred income is as follows:

                        Item                                                                         Closing balance      Opening balance
                        Government grants in respect of assets
                         Special subsidy funds for environmental protection                             5,158,730.00          1,693,753.30
                         Project fund for National technological support scheme                         1,092,453.30            164,700.00
                         Special subsidy fund for Songhuajiang environmental protection project         1,030,000.08          1,030,000.08
                         Sewage treatment and water conservation reconfiguration project                  990,418.60            990,418.60
                         Financial grants for technological modification project                        7,260,000.00          7,260,000.00
                         Zhanjiang integrated forestry, pulp and paper project                         11,305,973.76         13,956,068.49
                         Others                                                                           151,707.14            151,707.15
                        Total                                                                          26,989,282.88         25,246,647.62

                 33.   Long-term borrowings
                       (1)   Types of long-term borrowings

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

   14                        Item                                                                   Closing balance     Opening balance

   INTERIM                   Secured borrowings                                                    2,936,041,471.96      3,053,648,871.96
                             Guarantee borrowings                                                    386,661,600.00        470,888,400.00

                             Credit borrowings                                                     1,600,556,035.94        988,444,035.94
                             Less: long-term borrowings due within one year (see Note VII. 31)       941,964,400.00        789,115,500.00

                             Total                                                                 3,981,294,707.90      3,723,865,807.90

                             For the category and amounts of secured assets under secured borrowings, please see Note VII. 12 and Note VII.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       33.   Long-term borrowings (Cont’d)
             (2)         Top five long-term borrowings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                 Closing balance                         Opening balance
                                                             Date of                                                                                        Amounts in           Functional          Amounts in          Functional
                         Borrowed by                         commencement                 Date of termination          Currency           Rate (%)    foreign currency            currency     foreign currency           currency

                         China Development Bank
                           Guangdong branch                  25 March 2008                24 March 2023                      USD            3.15%      275,000,000.00 1,692,020,000.00
                         China Development Bank
                           Guangdong branch                  25 March 2008                24 March 2023                      RMB            5.90%                            973,030,671.96
                         Bank of Communications,
                           Shouguang Branch                  26 March 2014                27 December 2015                   RMB            6.15%                            200,000,000.00
                         Bank of Communications,
                           Shouguang Branch                  31 July 2013                 30 July 2016                       RMB            6.15%                            200,000,000.00
                         The Export-Import Bank of
                           China Qingdao branch              14 May 2014                  14 May 2016                        RMB            6.15%                            100,000,000.00
                         Bank of Communications,
                           Weifang Shouguang Branch          31 July 2013                 30 July 2016                       RMB            5.51%                                                                   200,000,000.00
                         The Export-Import Bank of
                           China Qingdao branch              8 July 2013                  8 July 2015                        USD            2.31%                                                20,000,000.00      121,938,000.00
                         China Development Bank
                           Guangdong branch                  25 March 2008                24 February 2023                   RMB            5.90%                                                                  1,016,233,971.96
                         China Development Bank
                           Guangdong branch                  25 March 2008                24 February 2023                   USD            3.15%                                               290,000,000.00 1,768,101,000.00           14
                         The Export-Import                                                                                                                                                                                                INTERIM
                           Bank of China                     1 July 2013                  1 July 2015                        RMB            5.68%                                                                   160,000,000.00         REPORT


                         Total                               —                           —                                  —                 —                  — 3,165,050,671.96                      — 3,266,272,971.96

       34.   Bonds payable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                           Opening    Interest accrued         Interest paid             Closing
             Bond name                 Nominal value              Issue date            Term of bond         Issued amount         interest payable      for the period       for the period    interest payable    Closing balance

             11 Chenming debt          2,000,000,000.00           6 July 2011                  5 years    1,982,000,000.00           58,838,888.89     107,350,000.02
                                                                                                                                                                                                166,188,888.91      1,992,051,730.24
             12 Chenming debt          3,800,000,000.00           26 December 2012             5 years    3,773,400,000.00            3,578,333.33      59,500,000.01                            63,078,333.34      3,780,723,230.13

                                                                                                          5,755,400,000.00           62,417,222.22     166,850,000.03
                                                                                                                                                                                                229,267,222.25      5,772,774,960.37

                                                                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                            137
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                        35. Long-term payables
                             Classification of long-term payables

                          Entity                                               Term                             conditions           Closing balance             Opening balance

                          Nanchang Economic and                                December 2013 –                 —                    128,000,000.00                  60,000,000.00
                           Technological                                       January 2019
                           Zone Investment
                           Holdings Limited

                          Total                                                                                                       128,000,000.00                  60,000,000.00
                    36.   Special accounts payable
                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Increase during      Decrease during
                          Item                                                        Opening balance        the period           the period      Closing balance                Note
                          Environmental protection relocation of Jilin Chenming        971,805,561.39   100,000,000.00         23,717,512.55      1,048,088,048.84

   14                     Huanggang Chenming integrated forestry, pulp and paper
                          project                                                                       100,000,000.00                             100,000,000.00
                          Total                                                        971,805,561.39   200,000,000.00         23,717,512.55      1,148,088,048.84                 —

                          During the reporting period, a special government grant of RMB100,000,000,000.00 for Huanggang Chenming
                          integrated forestry, pulp and paper project was received from the Finance Bureau of Huanggang City; pursuant to
                          the relocation compensation agreement entered into with China Development Jilin Co., Ltd., the Company received
                          relocation compensation of RMB100,000,000.00. The Company utilised the relocation compensation to offset loss on
                          disposal of fixed assets of RMB12,467,512.55 and amortisation of RMB11,250,000.00.

                    37. Other Non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                            Item                                                                                                     Closing balance                 Opening balance

                            Deferred income                                                                                          485,100,150.79                    468,354,064.53
                            Medium-term notes                                                                                      1,089,665,449.15                  1,088,060,197.75
                            Privately placed bonds                                                                                 1,491,300,519.69                  1,489,103,380.29
                            Of which: due within 1 year                                                                                          —
                            Due within 1-2 years                                                                                   1,500,000,000.00           
                            Due within 2-5 years                                                                                   1,100,000,000.00                  2,600,000,000.00
                            Unamortised issuance costs                                                                               -19,034,031.16                    -22,836,421.96

                            Total                                                                                                  3,066,066,119.63                  3,045,517,642.57

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       37.      Other Non-current liabilities (Cont’d)
                Explanation on other non-current liabilities

                Among which, the breakdown of deferred income is as follows:

                                                                                                                                       Amounts included in
                                                                                                                       New grants          income during
                Liabilities item                                                        Opening balance              for the period             the period             Other changes              Closing balance

                Government grants in respect of assets
                  Special subsidy funds for environmental protection                      67,038,714.68              30,000,000.00             2,454,100.00                                            94,584,614.68
                  Project fund for National technological support scheme                   7,440,725.00                                          446,226.65                                             6,994,498.35
                  Special subsidy fund for Songhuajiang
                   environmental protection project                                      26,913,079.80                                         515,000.04                                             26,398,079.76
                  Modification of alkaline recycling system                                4,883,749.85                                                                                                 4,883,749.85
                  Sewage treatment and water conservation
                    reconfiguration project                                               11,909,151.27                                          495,209.30                                            11,413,941.97
                  Financial grants for technological modification project                100,544,210.53                                        1,709,463.54                                            98,834,746.99
                  Zhanjiang integrated forestry, pulp and paper project                  273,646,753.33                                        5,815,425.38                                           267,831,327.95
                  Others                                                                   1,224,327.69                                           75,853.57                                             1,148,474.12
                Deferred income to be amortised within 1 year                             25,246,647.62                                                                                                25,246,647.62

                Total                                                                    468,354,064.53              30,000,000.00            11,511,278.48                          —               468,354,064.53
                Note: Deferred income of RMB30,000,000.00 was received during the period. Deferred income amortisation recognised through profit or loss
                      was RMB11,511,278.48.

       38.      Share capital
                Item                                                 Opening balance                                       Change during the year (+/-)                                      Closing balance
                                                                   Amount                 %       New issue      Bonus shares   from reserve            Others        Sub-total            Amount                %
                I. Restricted shares
                    Shares held by the Senior Management            8,166,219          0.41%                                                           75,000           75,000            8,241,219            0.42%
                    Total restricted shares                         8,166,219          0.41%                                                           75,000           75,000            8,241,219            0.42%
                II. Non-restricted shares
                    1.RMB ordinary shares (A shares)            1,105,112,237       55.94%                                                            -75,000           -75,000 1,105,037,237               57.07%
                    2.Domestic listed foreign shares (B shares) 470,923,511         23.84%                                                                                    0   470,923,511               24.32%
                    3.Overseas listed foreign shares (H shares) 391,270,000         19.81%                                                         -39,066,500      -39,066,500   352,203,500               18.19%
                    Total non-restricted shares                 1,967,305,748       99.59%                                                         -39,141,500      -39,141,500 1,928,164,248               99.58%
                III. Total number of shares                     1,975,471,967      100.00%                                                         -39,066,500      -39,066,500 1,936,405,467              100.00%

                Note: For the reason of changes (Increase/decrease) during the period, please refer to VII. Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders.

                                                                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                     139
                IX Financial Report

                VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                    39. Treasury shares                                                                                     
                                                                                     Increase during      Decrease during
                          Item                                 Opening balance            the period           the period      Closing balance
                          Repurchase of H shares
                           of the Company                         30,954,891.40       74,726,591.95        105,681,483.35   
                          Total                                   30,954,891.40       74,726,591.95        105,681,483.35
                    40. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                     Increase during      Decrease during   
                          Item                                 Opening balance            the period           the period      Closing balance
                          Capital premium (share premium)      5,534,359,521.73       11,042,366.94         66,614,983.35      5,478,786,905.32
                          Other capital reserves                 670,322,507.21                                 27,200.00        670,295,307.21
                          Total                                6,204,682,028.94       11,042,366.94         66,642,183.35      6,149,082,212.53

      14            41.
                          Surplus reserve
      INTERIM                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Increase during      Decrease during   
                          Item                                 Opening balance            the period           the period      Closing balance
                          Statutory surplus reserve            1,132,116,106.40                                                1,132,116,106.40
                          Total                                1,132,116,106.40                                                1,132,116,106.40

                          Pursuant to the Companies Law and the Articles of Association, the Company transferred 10% of the net profit to
                          the statutory surplus reserves. There was no need to transfer if the accumulated amounts of the statutory reserves
                          exceeded 50% of the Company’s registered capital.

                          The Company can transfer the discretionary surplus reserve upon the transfer of statutory surplus reserve. Once
                          approved, the discretionary surplus reserve can be used to offset loss for prior years or increase the share capital.

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       42.   Retained profit
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                       Proportion of
             Item                                                                                    Amounts           or allocation

             Retained profit as at the end of the prior year before adjustment               4,741,638,941.58                      —
             Retained profit as at the beginning of the year after adjustment                4,741,638,941.58                      —
             Plus : Net profit for year attributable to shareholders of the parent company     242,379,341.87                      —
             Ordinary dividend payable                                                       580,921,640.10

             Retained profit as at the end of the period                                     4,403,178,396.50                      —

             Adjustments to the retained profit breakdown as at the beginning of the year:

             (1)    The effect of the retrospective adjustments arising from Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and their
                    new related requirements on the retained profit as at the beginning of the year amounted to RMB0.00.

             (2)    The effect of changes in accounting policies on the retained profit as at the beginning of the year amounted to

             (3)    The effect of corrections of significant accounting errors on the retained profit as at the beginning of the year
                    amounted to RMB0.00.                                                                                                14
             (4)    The effect of the change of the scope of combination under common control on the retained profit as at the           REPORT
                    beginning of the year amounted to RMB0.00.

             (5)    The effect of other adjustments on the retained profit as at the beginning of the year amounted to RMB0.00.

       43.   Revenue and operating costs
             (1)    Revenue and operating costs

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Amounts during        Amounts during
                    Item                                                                          the period        the prior period

                    Revenue from principal activities                                        8,961,621,363.25      9,829,074,992.64
                    Revenue from other activities                                              120,399,215.76        198,826,365.79

                    Operating costs                                                          7,378,998,628.31      8,251,349,814.35

                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                  141
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 43. Revenue and operating costs (Cont’d)
                      (2)   Principal activities (by industries)

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                      Amounts during the period             Amounts during the prior period
                             Industry name                               Revenue      Operating costs            Revenue       Operating costs

                             I. Machine-made paper                 8,545,843,565.79    7,004,509,499.62    8,848,173,025.18         7,326,007,309.03
                             II. Electricity and steam               198,681,459.85      144,716,153.44      803,178,978.83           667,582,441.74
                             III. Construction materials              94,627,856.04       76,921,331.07      109,279,405.02            91,159,060.57
                             IV. Paper chemicals                      42,387,862.87       27,967,694.33                          
                             V. Hotel                                 14,901,686.03        3,398,372.51       19,689,151.28            4,853,289.68
                             VI. Others                               65,178,932.67       63,565,414.91       48,754,432.33           39,934,984.09

                             Total                                 8,961,621,363.25    7,321,078,465.88    9,829,074,992.64         8,129,537,085.11

                      (3)   Principal activities (by product)

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                      Amounts during the period             Amounts during the prior period
   14                       Product name                                Revenue     Operating costs             Revenue      Operating costs
    REPORT                  Light weight coated paper             348,081,994.57        316,335,859.11      501,851,702.17         426,670,112.16
                            Duplex press paper                  1,441,112,796.55      1,134,551,552.38    1,371,028,527.11       1,134,137,789.43
                            Writing paper                          82,378,061.06         62,326,659.34      185,288,743.85         161,211,366.92

                            Coated paper                        2,185,259,143.15      1,820,063,708.25    2,160,140,193.34       1,877,854,601.69

                            News press paper                      519,433,041.74        385,119,601.80      774,970,941.13         569,464,168.35
                            Paperboard                            375,085,910.27        356,635,077.75       75,457,462.04          70,449,307.72
                            White paper board                     940,339,733.70        758,413,648.95    1,101,886,281.24         875,218,954.34
                            Other machine-made paper            2,654,152,884.75      2,171,063,392.04    2,677,549,174.30       2,211,001,008.42

                            Electricity and steam                 198,681,459.85        144,716,153.44      803,178,978.83         667,582,441.74

                            Building materials                     94,627,856.04         76,921,331.07      109,279,405.02          91,159,060.57
                            Paper chemicals                        42,387,862.87         27,967,694.33                        
                            Hotel                                  14,901,686.03          3,398,372.51      19,689,151.28             4,853,289.68
                            Others                                 65,178,932.67         63,565,414.91      48,754,432.33            39,934,984.09

                            Total                               8,961,621,363.25      7,321,078,465.88    9,829,074,992.64       8,129,537,085.11

                      (4)   Principal activities (by geographical areas)

                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                      Amounts during the period             Amounts during the prior period
                             Region                                      Revenue      Operating costs            Revenue       Operating costs

                             Mainland China                        7,170,230,465.09    5,592,480,772.13    8,269,892,081.97         6,674,839,221.55
                             Other countries and regions           1,791,390,898.16    1,728,597,693.75    1,559,182,910.67         1,454,697,863.56

                             Total                                 8,961,621,363.25    7,321,078,465.88    9,829,074,992.64         8,129,537,085.11

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       43.      Revenue and operating costs (Cont’d)
                (5)      Revenue from top 5 customers of the Company

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Percentage of the
                                                                                          Revenue from        total revenue of
                      Name of customer                                                principle activities    the Company (%)

                      INTERNATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS CORPORATIN                           200,456,360.93                2.21%
                      SHANGHAI YAOJI PLAYING CARD CO., LTD.                              186,682,243.78                2.06%
                      ANHUI TIME SOURCE CORPORATION                                      148,237,093.34                1.63%
                      GUANGZHOU QIRUN PAPER CO., LTD.                                     86,480,863.05                0.95%
                      SUN HING PAPER COMPANY LIMTIED                                      77,284,658.57                0.85%

                      Total                                                              699,141,219.67                7.70%

       44.      Business taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                     Amounts during       Amounts during
                Item                                     the period       the prior period   Calculation standard                    14
                Business tax                            7,697,521.89         5,832,299.61    Business tax calculated at 3%-5% of      REPORT
                                                                                             taxable revenue
                Urban maintenance and                  15,024,834.72        18,277,248.56    Calculated at 7% of actual payment of
                  construction tax                                                           turnover tax
                Educational surcharges                 10,916,129.06        12,894,018.95    Calculated at 2%-3% of actual
                                                                                             payment of turnover tax
                Water engineering funds                 1,762,616.71         1,903,790.37
                Others                                     99,365.40            60,150.50
                Total                                  35,500,467.78        38,967,507.99    —

                                                                             SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                 143
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 45.   Selling and distribution expenses
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                    Amounts during     Amounts during
                        Item                                                            the period     the prior period

                        Wages and surcharges                                          57,340,886.65      67,659,759.74
                        Depreciation expenses                                          6,550,079.09      10,612,838.57
                        Office expenses                                                2,862,634.37       2,999,329.34
                        Utilities expenses                                             2,966,516.84       3,115,321.98
                        Transportation expenses                                      362,833,373.61     387,964,117.84
                        Cargo handling charges                                        10,095,500.94      12,327,966.67
                        Travel expenses                                               18,572,630.54      19,279,665.75
                        Business hospitality expenses                                 26,772,603.81      30,603,367.66
                        Warehouse expenses                                             2,282,782.55       5,252,715.19
                        Rental expenses                                                3,481,975.81       3,553,679.69
                        Others                                                        30,834,827.29      27,029,980.02

                        Total                                                        524,593,811.50     570,398,742.45

                 46.   General and administrative expenses
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Amounts during     Amounts during
                       Item                                                            the period     the prior period

                       Wages and surcharges                                         106,906,249.56    116,586,345.12
                       Labour insurance premium                                      14,862,809.78     18,660,014.18
                       Insurance premium                                              8,827,642.09     10,985,773.65
                       Depreciation expenses                                         26,501,576.92     29,118,564.28
                       Waste disposal expenses                                       12,254,789.79     17,851,951.10
                       Hospitality expenses                                           9,912,486.52     11,306,119.68
                       Amortisation of intangible assets                             16,447,714.13     15,077,529.50
                       Technological development expenses                           186,069,011.06    154,034,416.74
                       Tax                                                           45,082,265.72     32,176,223.99
                       Production interruption loss                                  12,826,530.73    118,765,772.80
                       Others                                                        60,442,805.33     77,961,242.94

                       Total                                                        500,133,881.63    602,523,953.98

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       47.   Finance expenses
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                           Amounts during       Amounts during
             Item                                                                              the period       the prior period

             Interest expenses                                                              738,288,648.90      760,230,067.01
             Less: interest income                                                          110,234,151.75      183,899,985.11
             Less: capitalised interest amount                                              108,362,453.17       49,505,352.38
             Foreign exchange gains and losses                                               67,827,125.18      -72,465,754.66
             Less: capitalised foreign exchange gains and losses amount                                      
             Others                                                                          39,092,619.31        32,050,142.93

             Total                                                                          626,611,788.47      486,409,117.79

       48.   Gain on change in fair value
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Amounts during      Amounts during
             Source of gain on change in fair value                                             the period      the prior period

             Biological assets measured at fair value                                           967,670.22         9,229,042.51
             Total                                                                              967,670.22         9,229,042.51       INTERIM

       49.   Investment income
             (1)      Breakdown of investment income

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Amounts during      Amounts during
                      Source of gain on change in fair value                                    the period      the prior period

                      Income from long-term equity investments accounted for
                     using the equity method                                               -1,890,171.00          421,036.92
                   Investment gain on disposal of long-term equity investments             -8,613,803.41        5,176,688.18
                   Others                                                                  31,722,222.23         -414,540.00

                   Total                                                                   21,218,247.82        5,183,185.10

                                                                                 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED              145
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 49.       Investment income (Cont’d)
                           (2)       Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                  Amounts            Amounts
                                                                                                 during the        during the
                                     Investee                                                        period       prior period   Reason for change

                                     Jiangxi Jiangbao Media Colour Printing Co. Ltd.            -74,651.88        -150,149.58    Change in revenue of
                                                                                                                                   the investee
                                     Shanghai Anzhou New Energy Co., Ltd.                                          571,186.50    Change in revenue of
                                                                                                                                  the investee
                                     Wuhan Chenming Wan Xing
                                     Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                    -1,815,519.12                      Change in revenue of
                                                                                                                                  the investee

                                     Total                                                    -1,890,171.00        421,036.92    —

                 50.       Loss on impairment of assets
                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Amounts during            Amounts during
   INTERIM                 Item                                                                                       the period            the prior period


                                 I. Loss on bad debts                                                                16,314,635.37            -19,652,424.87
                                 II. Loss on fixed asset impairment                                                                            15,000,000.00
                                 Total                                                                               16,314,635.37              -4,652,424.87
                     51.         Non-operating income
                           (1)       Non-operating income

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                         Amounts included
                                                                                                                                                 in current
                                                                                           Amounts during          Amounts during             extraordinary
                                         Item                                                  the period          the prior period       gains and losses

                                         Total gain on disposal of non-current assets          82,529,609.62          7,414,212.57             82,529,609.62
                                         Of which: Gain on disposal of fixed assets             2,063,679.26          7,414,212.57              2,063,679.26
                                         Gain on intangible assets                             80,465,930.36                                   80,465,930.36
                                         Gain on debt restructuring                             3,061,355.81             39,984.11              3,061,355.81
                                         Government grants                                    101,272,867.41        118,562,462.37            100,763,109.28
                                         Income from Wuhan relocation                          35,817,460.19        146,956,203.92             35,817,460.19
                                         Special payables for Jilin                            23,895,319.77         52,626,833.66             23,895,319.77
                                         Business combination not under
                                           common control                                                                             
                                         Others                                                 7,134,759.98         10,705,664.53              7,134,759.98

                                         Total                                                253,711,372.78        336,305,361.16            253,201,614.65

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       51.   Non-operating income (Cont’d)
             (2)     Government grants included in the current gains and losses

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                        Amounts during       Amounts during
                     Grants item                                                            the period       the prior period

                     Expansion grants                                                   100,763,109.28       112,054,796.04
                     Value-added tax refund                                                 509,758.13         6,507,666.33

                     Total                                                              101,272,867.41       118,562,462.37

       52.   Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                           Amounts included
                                                                                                                   in current
                                                                      Amounts during    Amounts during          extraordinary
             Item                                                         the period    the prior period    gains and losses

             Total loss on disposal of non-current assets                8,764,674.26     35,870,782.59         8,764,674.26
             Of which: loss on disposal of fixed assets                  8,764,674.26     35,870,782.59         8,764,674.26       14
             Loss on debt restructuring                                  2,437,729.14                           2,437,729.14       INTERIM

             Others                                                      2,825,702.47      3,669,844.79         2,825,702.47

             Total                                                      14,028,105.87     39,540,627.38        14,028,105.87

       53.   Income tax expenses
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                        Amounts during       Amounts during
             Item                                                                           the period       the prior period

             Current income tax calculated according to tax laws and relevant rules       89,458,831.33      151,457,198.79
             Adjustment to deferred income tax                                           -55,425,786.21      -68,585,992.53

             Total                                                                        34,033,045.12        82,871,206.26

                                                                             SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED               147
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 54.   Calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
                       The basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders
                       of the Company by the number of weighted average ordinary shares in issue. The number of newly issued ordinary
                       shares is confirmed starting from the day of consideration receivables (generally the offering date of stock) according to
                       the specific terms in the offering agreement.

                       The numerator of the diluted earnings per share is the net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders of
                       the Company, which is confirmed after adjusting the following factors: (1) interests of diluted potential ordinary shares
                       recognised as expenses for the period; (2) gains or expenses arising from the transfer of diluted potential ordinary
                       shares; and (3) effect of income tax due to the above adjustment.

                       The denominator of diluted earnings per share is the sum of the followings: (1) weighted average number of ordinary
                       shares in issue of the parent company in the basic earnings per share; and (2) average weighted number of the
                       increased ordinary shares during the transfer of the estimated diluted potential ordinary shares to ordinary shares.

                       For the purpose of calculating the average weighted number of the increased ordinary shares during the transfer of the
                       estimated diluted potential ordinary shares to ordinary shares in issue, diluted potential ordinary shares issued during
                       the prior period were assumed to be transferred as at the beginning of the current period while diluted potential ordinary
                       shares issued in the current period were assumed to be transferred on offering date.

                       (1)      Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share over the periods

                                Profit for the reporting period              Amounts during the period           Amounts during the prior period
                                                                           Basic earnings Diluted earnings       Basic earnings Diluted earnings
   INTERIM                                                                      per share        per share            per share        per share
                                Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                 shareholders of the Company                          0.12              0.12               0.16              0.16
                                Net profit after extraordinary gains
                                 and losses attributable to ordinary
                                 shareholders of the Company                          0.03              0.03               0.07              0.07

                       (2)      Calculation of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

                                ①    Net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders for the purpose of calculating basic earnings
                                      per share are as follows:

                                                                                                          Amounts during          Amounts during
                                      Item                                                                    the period          the prior period

                                      Net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders      242,379,341.87         333,409,511.73
                                      Of which: net profit attributable to continuing operations           242,379,341.87         333,409,511.73
                                                 net profit attributable to discontinued operations
                                      Net profit after extraordinary gains and losses attributable
                                        to ordinary shareholders of the Company                                57,813,473.27      134,539,548.74
                                      Of which: net profit attributable to continuing operations               57,813,473.27      134,539,548.74
                                                 net profit attributable to discontinued operations

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       54.       Calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share (Cont’d)
                 (2)     Calculation of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share (Cont’d)

                         ②      For the purpose of calculating earnings per share, the denominator is the weighted average of outstanding
                                 ordinary shares. The calculation is as follows:

                                                                                                   Amounts during       Amounts during
                                 Item                                                                  the period       the prior period

                                 Number of outstanding ordinary shares as at the
                                   beginning of the period                                        1,963,987,467.00     2,062,045,941.00
                                 Add: number of weighted ordinary shares
                                 missued during the period
                                 Less: number of weighted ordinary shares
                                   repurchased during the period                                      27,582,000.00       17,687,393.00
                                 Number of outstanding ordinary shares as at the
                                   end of the period                                              1,936,405,467.00     2,044,358,548.00

       55.       Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                   Amounts during       Amounts during        14
                 Item                                                                                  the period       the prior period      INTERIM
                 Translation difference of financial statements denominated in
                 foreign currency                                                                     -2,278,577.92         8,108,866.56
                 Sub-total                                                                            -2,278,577.92         8,108,866.56

                 Reclassification to net profit or loss of others charged to
                 mother comprehensive income during the prior period                                     -27,200.00
                 Sub-total                                                                               -27,200.00

                 Total                                                                                -2,305,777.92         8,108,866.56
           56.     Notes to the cash flow statements
                   (1)        Cash received relating to other operating activities
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                   Item                                                                                                           Amounts
                   Finance support fund                                                                                      88,938,673.30
                   Interest income                                                                                          110,234,151.75
                   Open credit, and income from default penalty and fine                                                     37,124,216.38
                   Total                                                                                                    236,297,041.43

                                                                                     SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                  149
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 56.   Notes to the cash flow statements (Cont’d)
                       (2)   Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                                         Amounts

                             Expense and open credit                                                648,673,938.42

                             Total                                                                  648,673,938.42

                       (3)   Cash received relating to other investing activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                                         Amounts

                             Compensation for demolition in Jilin                                   100,000,000.00
                             Government grants                                                       30,000,000.00
                             Special subsidy funds                                                  100,000,000.00

                             Total                                                                  230,000,000.00

   INTERIM             (4)   Cash paid relating to other investing activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                                         Amounts

                             Entrusted loans to external entities                                  1,000,000,000.00

                             Total                                                                 1,000,000,000.00

                       (5)   Cash received relating to other financing activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                                         Amounts

                             Interest-free loan received by Jiangxi Chenming from the government     68,000,000.00

                             Total                                                                   68,000,000.00

                       (6)   Cash paid relating to other financing activities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                             Item                                                                         Amounts

                             Acquisition of personal equity interest by Chenming Power               21,055,491.00
                             Increase in restricted bank deposits                                   624,525,528.54

                             Total                                                                  645,581,019.54

   IX Financial Report

   VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
       57.   Supplementary information on cash flow statements
             (1)   Supplementary information on cash flow statement

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                           Amounts during        Amounts during
                   Supplementary information                                                   the period        the prior period

                   1.Reconciliation of net profit as cash flows from
                     operating activities:                                                              —                    —
                     Net profit                                                             227,703,505.78        311,210,401.87
                     Plus: Provision for impairment of assets                                16,314,635.37         -4,652,424.87
                     Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of oil and gas assets,                         
                       depreciation of productive biological assets                         690,604,514.36        659,808,296.18
                     Amortisation of intangible assets                                       27,243,687.93         14,807,626.85
                     Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses                               2,788,501.58          3,326,372.72
                     Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and                                  
                       other long-term assets (“-” denotes gain)                           -73,764,935.36            -54,880.45
                     Loss on changes in fair value (“-” denotes gain)                         -967,670.22         -9,229,042.51
                     Finance expenses (“-” denotes gain)                                   738,288,648.90       703,169,573.91
                     Investment loss (“-” denotes gain)                                    -21,218,247.82         -5,183,185.10
                     Decrease in deferred income tax assets (“-” denotes increase)         -55,636,757.52        -51,025,782.11
                     Decrease in inventories (“-” denotes increase)                       -393,235,076.93       321,954,897.70    14
                     Decrease in consumable biological assets(“-” denotes increase)        -29,307,250.34       -82,507,322.10,   INTERIM
                     Decrease in operating receivables (“-” denotes increase)              -27,817,205.10      -571,423,611.99     REPORT
                     Increase in operating payables (“-” denotes decrease)                 184,699,910.50      -383,265,677.15
                     Net cash flows from operating activities                              1,285,696,261.13       906,935,242.95
                   2.Major investing and financing activities not                                             

                     involving cash settlements:                                                        —                    —
                   3.Net change in cash and cash equivalents:                                           —                     —
                     Cash balance at the end of the period                                  911,352,831.14       1,598,747,729.74
                     Less: cash balance at the beginning of the period                      726,532,928.96       2,343,550,185.45
                     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                              184,819,902.18        -744,802,455.71

                                                                             SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                151
             IX Financial Report

             VII. Notes to major items of the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
                 57. Supplementary information on cash flow statements (Cont’d)
                      (2)   Relevant information with respect to acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other operating
                            units during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     Amounts during       Amounts during
                            Supplementary information                                                    the period       the prior period

                            I. Relevant information with respect to acquisition of
                                subsidiaries and other operating units                                           —                    —
                            II. Relevant information with respect to disposal of
                                subsidiaries and other operating units:                                          —                    —
                                1.Consideration from disposal of subsidiaries and
                                  other operating units                                               76,194,000.00       416,016,016.71
                                2.Cash and cash equivalents received from disposal of
                                  subsidiaries and other operating units                              76,194,000.00       416,016,016.71
                                  Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries and                             
                                    other operating units                                              1,158,788.59          8,117,571.18
                                3.Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and                                  
                                  other operating units                                               75,035,211.41       407,898,445.53

   14                           4.Net assets of subsidiaries disposed of
                                  Current assets
    REPORT                        Non-current assets                                                 137,643,679.50       463,265,373.67
                                  Current liabilities                                                 44,825,437.11       405,624,159.31
                                  Non-current liabilities                                                                   4,193,571.42

                      (3)   Cash and cash equivalents composition

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     Amounts during       Amounts during
                            Item                                                                         the period       the prior period

                            I. Cash                                                                  911,352,831.14       726,532,928.96
                                   Of which: Treasury cash                                              2,153,991.53         1,333,503.27
                                             Bank deposit that can be used for payment at any time    909,198,839.61       725,199,425.69
                               III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at end of period              911,352,831.14       726,532,928.96

   IX Financial Report

   VIII. Related parties and related party transactions
       1.         Parent company of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                          Shareholding of     Voting right of    Ultimate
                                                                                                                                                           Registered        the parent the parent company       controlling
                                                                                      Place of          Legal                                                  capital       company on     on the Company       party of               Organisation
       Name of parent company                   Relationship      Company type        incorporation     representative Business nature                     (RMB0,000)    the Company (%)                 (%)     the Company                 code

       Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd.    Controlling       Limited liability   Shouguang City Chen Hongguo Investment in manufacture of            168,542.00             15.13%              15.13%      State-owned            78348518-9
                                                shareholder       company                                           paper, electricity, steam and                                                                Assets Supervision
                                                                                                                    arboriculture                                                                                and Administration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Office of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Shouguang City,

       2.         Information on subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates of the Company
                  For details please refer to Note VI. 1. Subsidiaries and Note VII. 8, 9 and 10.

       3.         Information on other related parties of the Company
       Name of other related parties                                                                     Relationship with the Company                                                                           Organisation code

       Shouguang Hengtai Enterprise Investment                                                           A company invested by the senior management                                                                           56251690-6
         Company Limited                                                                                 of the Company

       4.         Related party transactions
                  (1)           Table on sales of goods and provision of services                                                                                                                                                                      14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB         REPORT

                                                                                                                                                    Amounts during the period                          Amounts during the prior period

                                                                                                      Pricing principle of related                               As a percentage of                                    As a percentage of
                                                               Details of related                     party transactions and                                     similar transaction                                   similar transaction
                                Related party                  party transactions                     decision making process                        Amounts            amounts (%)                       Amounts             amounts (%)

                                Anhui Time                     Sales of paper                         Market price                            148,237,093.34                        2.15%                     86,823.93                          0
                                  Source Corporation

                                                                                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                 153
             IX Financial Report

             VIII. Related parties and related party transactions (Cont’d)
                 4.   Related party transactions (Cont’d)
                      (2)      Guarantees provided for related parties

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                       performance of
                                                                                                           Amounts       Starting date          Expiry date            guarantee is
                               Guarantor            Party being guaranteed                          under guarantee      of guarantee           of guarantee           completed

                               The Company          Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd.        29,600,000.00      19 September 2011      18 September 2014      No
                               The Company          Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd.        26,000,000.00      27 June 2012           26 June 2015           No
                               The Company          Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.                  49,222,400.00      7 March 2014           4 July 2014            No
                               The Company          Shandong Chenming Paper Sales                    599,833,143.79      15 May 2014            9 December 2014        No
                                                      Company Limited                                                                                               
                               The Company          Shandong Chenming Paper Sales                    482,082,540.84 20 May 2014                 5 June 2015            No
                                                      Company Limited                                                                                               
                               The Company          Shandong Chenming Paper Sales                     74,611,200.00      28 May 2014            28 May 2015            No
                                                      Company Limited                                                                                               
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         73,833,600.00      13 November 2013       13 November 2015       No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         61,528,000.00      16 June 2014           15 June 2016           No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        160,000,000.00      3 July 2013            3 July 2015            No
   14                          The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         50,000,000.00      14 January 2014        11 July 2014           No
   INTERIM                     The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      23 July 2013           22 July 2014           No
    REPORT                     The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      12 August 2013         11 August 2014         No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         28,000,000.00      26 March 2014          25 August 2014         No

                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         20,000,000.00      4 September 2013       3 September 2014       No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         50,000,000.00      5 September 2013       4 September 2014       No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      15 November 2013       14 November 2014       No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         70,000,000.00      11 September 2013      10 September 2014      No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         30,000,000.00      27 September 2013      26 September 2014      No

                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      12 November 2013       27 October 2014        No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.          7,088,025.60      18 April 2014          18 July 2014           No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.          8,828,577.29      27 March 2014          27 August 2014         No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         15,790,545.92      06 March 2014          02 September 2014      No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         15,530,010.00      28 March 2014          27 August 2014         No

                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.         30,702,250.00      14 February 2014       13 August 2014         No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      16 May 2014            8 November 2014        No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      25 November 2013       24 November 2014       No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      13 February 2014       23 January 2015        No
                               The Company          Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.        100,000,000.00      6 June 2014            5 June 2015            No
                               Zhanjiang Chenming   Guangdong Huirui Investment Co., Ltd.             40,000,000.00      28 November 2013       27 November 2015       No
                                 Pulp & Paper
                                 Co., Ltd.

   IX Financial Report

   VIII. Related parties and related party transactions (Cont’d)
       4.        Related party transactions (Cont’d)
                 (3)       Joint investment of the Company and related parties

                                                                          Contribution by                           
                                                                      Shouguang Hengtai          Contribution by
                                                     Contribution by Enterprise Investment          non-related
                       Name of investee               the Company       Company Limited             shareholder        Registered capital   Business nature

                       Haicheng Haiming Mining RMB144.00 million        RMB24.00 million        RMB72.00 million       RMB240.00 million    Processing and sales
                       Company Limited                                                                                                      of magnetite and talc

                           As at 30 June 2014, the total assets, total liabilities and net assets of Haicheng Haiming Mining amounted to
                           RMB448,642,174.81, RMB208,642,174.81 and RMB240,000,000.00, respectively.

            5.          Related party accounts receivable and accounts payable
                 Accounts receivable of the Company due from related parties

                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                 At the end of the period           At the beginning of the period
                                                                                                                       Bad debt                              Bad debt
                 Item                     Related party                                         Book balance           provision     Book balance            provision

                 Accounts receivable Anhui Time Source Corporation                            46,222,705.19        2,311,135.26     16,580,021.04       829,001.05          14
                 Other receivables   Wuhan Chenming Wan Xing Real Estate Co., Ltd.           579,535,749.56                        551,964,609.01                           INTERIM

                 Other receivables   Arjo Wiggins Chenming Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.           1,290,901.12        1,290,901.12      1,290,901.12      1,290,901.12

                 Accounts payables of the Company due to related parties

                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                          At the end of        At the beginning
                 Item                         Related parties                                                                the period            of the period

                 Other payables               Shouguang Hengtai Enterprise Investment                                    19,831,479.17            18,668,679.17
                                                Company Limited

                                                                                                 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                    155
             IX Financial Report

             IX. Contingency
                  As of 30 June 2014, no significant contingent event had to be disclosed by the Group.

             X.   Commitments
                  1.   Significant commitments
                       (1)   Capital commitment

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                            At the end of    At the beginning
                              Item                                                                             the period        of the period

                             Contracted but not yet recognised in the financial statements
                             – Commitments in relation to acquisition and construction of
                                  long-term assets                                                        2,041,754,503.01    2,437,963,978.39
                               – Huirui BT Project                                                       3,519,192,334.81    3,637,017,103.35
                               – Commitments in relation to external investments                                                 6,028,000.00

                               Total                                                                      5,560,946,837.82    6,081,009,081.74

                       (2)   Operating lease commitments

   14                        As at the balance sheet date, the Company entered into irrevocable operating lease contracts with external
                             companies as follows:
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             At the end of    At the beginning
                               Item                                                                             the period        of the period

                               Minimum lease payments under irrevocable operating leases:
                               The first year after balance sheet date                                      17,470,362.41       21,250,728.73
                               The second year after balance sheet date                                     13,814,410.50       13,786,011.70
                               The third year after balance sheet date                                      13,764,830.38       13,814,410.50
                               In the years thereafter                                                     567,591,252.97      572,915,704.51

                               Total                                                                       612,640,856.26      621,766,855.44

                  2.   Performance of commitments for the prior period
                       As of 30 June 2014, no significant commitments had to be disclosed by the Group.

   IX Financial Report

   XI. Post-balance sheet date events
       It is not necessary for the Company to separately explain post-balance sheet date events.

   XII. Other material matters
       1.      Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                          Profit or loss        Accumulated                              
                                                                          from change           change in fair           Provision for
                                                                            in fair value      value charged              impairment
               Item                                Opening balance       for the period             to equity       during the period       Closing balance
               Financial assets
               Consumable biological assets        1,317,141,123.77         967,670.22                                                      1,347,416,044.33
               Aggregate amount                    1,317,141,123.77         967,670.22                                                      1,347,416,044.33
               Financial liabilities                          0.00                                                                                     0.00


                                                                                  SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                      157
             IX Financial Report

             XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company
                 1.   Accounts receivable
                      (1)   Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Closing balance                                                                      Opening balance
                                                                          Book balance                            Bad debt provision                            Book balance                        Bad debt provision
                            Category                                   Amounts       Percentage (%)              Amounts         Percentage (%)              Amounts       Percentage (%)          Amounts         Percentage (%)

                            Accounts receivable collectively
                              provided for bad debt
                            Risk-free portfolio                5,447,921,676.55             99.87%                                                     3,810,425,562.91           99.77%    
                            General-risk portfolio                 6,997,192.93              0.13%          4,391,826.02               62.77%              8,776,614.79            0.23%         4,547,645.65            51.82%
                            Portfolio sub-total                5,454,918,869.48            100.00%          4,391,826.02                0.08%          3,819,202,177.70          100.00%         4,547,645.65             0.12%

                            Total                              5,454,918,869.48                  —         4,391,826.02                    —         3,819,202,177.70               —         4,547,645.65                 —

                            Accounts receivable stated according to ageing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                   Closing balance                                                            Opening balance
                            Item                                                                  Amounts      Percentage (%)                                                Amounts     Percentage (%)

                            Within 1 year                                           5,450,664,167.94                                      99.92%                3,814,870,507.13                                   99.89%
                            1 to 2 years                                                                                                                                6,969.03
   INTERIM                  2 to 3 years
                            Over 3 years                                                    4,254,701.54                                     0.08%                        4,324,701.54                               0.11%

                            Total                                                   5,454,918,869.48                                    100.00%                 3,819,202,177.70                                 100.00%

                            Accounts receivable individually significant and separately provided for bad debt as at the end of the period

                            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                            In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivable is based on the ageing

                            √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Closing balance                                                                   Opening balance
                                                                                    Book balance                                    Bad debt                          Book balance                                Bad debt
                               Ageing                                             Amounts Percentage (%)                             provision                      Amounts Percentage (%)                         provision

                               Within 1 year
                               Of which:                                                   —                         —                          —                        —                      —                       —
                               Within 1 year                                  2,742,491.39                      39.19%               137,124.57                4,444,944.22                    50.65%              222,247.21
                               Sub-total of within 1 year                     2,742,491.39                      39.19%               137,124.57                4,444,944.22                    50.65%              222,247.21
                               1 to 2 years                                                                                                                        6,969.03                     0.08%                 696.90
                               Over 3 years                                   4,254,701.54                      60.81%             4,254,701.54                4,324,701.54                    49.27%            4,324,701.54

                               Total                                          6,997,192.93                            —           4,391,826.11                8,776,614.79                         —           4,547,645.65

   IX Financial Report

   XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
       1.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
            (1)      Accounts receivable (Cont’d)

                     In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivable is based on the percentage
                     of total accounts receivable method.

                     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                     In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for accounts receivable is based on other methods.

                     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                     Accounts receivable individually significant and separately provided for bad debt as at the end of the period.

                     □ Applicable √ Not applicable

            (2)      No reversal or recovery of accounts receivable during the reporting period

            (3)      No accounts receivable actually written-off during the reporting period.

            (4)      No outstanding amount in the accounts receivable due from shareholders holding 5% or more (including 5%
                     inclusive) in the voting shares of the Company during the reporting period.

            (5)      Top five other receivables are as follows
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB   INTERIM

                                                                                                                                          As a
                                                                                                                                   of the total
                                                        Relationship with                                                            accounts
                  Entity name                           the Company                            Amounts       Term               receivable (%)
                  Shandong Chenming Paper               Related party within the
                    Sales Co., Ltd.                     scope of consolidation          2,833,886,880.70 Within 1 year                51.95%
                  Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.      Related party within the                                             
                                                        scope of consolidation          2,373,421,837.41 Within 1 year                43.51%
                  Shandong Chenming Paper Group         Related party within the                                             
                    (Fuyu) Sales Co., Ltd.              scope of consolidation           133,539,985.25 Within 1 year                  2.45%
                  Shouguang Chenming Art Paper          Related party within the                                             
                    Co., Ltd.                           scope of consolidation            98,327,124.90      Within 1 year             1.80%
                  Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.         Related party within the                                             
                                                        scope of consolidation             7,902,340.49      Within 1 year             0.14%
                  Total                                 —                              5,447,078,168.75 —                           99.85%

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                      159
             IX Financial Report

             XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
                 1.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
                      (6)   Information on accounts receivable due from related parties

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                 As a
                                                                                                                    percentage of the
                                                                   Relationship with                                   total Accounts
                            Entity name                            the Company                         Amounts         receivable (%)

                            Shandong Chenming Paper Sales       Related party within the
                              Co., Ltd.                         scope of consolidation         2,833,886,880.70              51.95%
                            Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.    Related party within the
                                                                scope of consolidation         2,373,421,837.41              43.51%
                            Shandong Chenming Paper Group       Related party within the
                              (Fuyu) Sales Co., Ltd.            scope of consolidation           133,539,985.25               2.45%
                            Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Related party within the
                            Ltd.                                scope of consolidation            98,327,124.90               1.80%
                            Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.       Related party within the
                                                                scope of consolidation              7,902,340.49              0.14%
                            Shandong Grand View Hotel Co., Ltd. Related party within the

                                                                scope of consolidation               206,496.00               0.00%

   INTERIM                  Total                                  —                          5,447,284,664.75              99.85%

                      (7)   Transferred amount of other receivables not qualified to be derecognised amounted to RMB0.00.

   IX Financial Report

   XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
       2.   Other receivables
            (1)      Other receivables

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                           Closing balance                                                                    Opening balance
                                                                       Book balance                           Bad debt provision                           Book balance                        Bad debt provision
                     Category                                       Amounts       Percentage (%)             Amounts         Percentage (%)             Amounts       Percentage (%)          Amounts         Percentage (%)

                     Other receivables which are
                       individually significant and are
                       separately provided for bad debt          9,402,148.72             0.10%          9,402,148.72             100.00%            8,918,424.06            0.08%            8,918,424.06         100.00%
                     Other receivables collectively
                       provided for bad debt
                     Risk-free portfolio                     9,502,343,162.60            98.91%                                               10,991,002,770.81             99.00%     
                     General-risk portfolio                     81,884,835.37             0.85%         29,357,836.48              35.85%         89,083,928.68              0.80%           28,464,521.53          31.95%
                     Portfolio sub-total                     9,584,227,997.97            99.76%         29,357,836.48              35.85%     11,080,086,699.49             99.80%           28,464,521.53           0.26%
                     Other receivables which are not
                       individually significant but are
                       separately provided for bad debt        13,027,752.75              0.14%         13,027,752.75             100.00%        13,717,509.43               0.12%           13,717,509.43         100.00%

                     Total                                   9,606,657,899.44                 —        51,787,737.95                   —    11,102,722,632.98                  —          51,100,455.02               —

                     Other receivable stated according to ageing

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB       14
                                                                                               Closing balance                                                          Opening balance                                         REPORT
                  Item                                                                     Amounts       Percentage (%)                                              Amounts      Percentage (%)
                  Within 1 year                                                 9,538,245,477.79                                  99.29%               10,479,494,850.60                                     94.39%
                  1 to 2 years                                                      5,617,373.70                                   0.06%                 542,640,693.82                                       4.89%
                  2 to 3 years                                                     17,027,573.62                                   0.17%                   38,955,846.94                                      0.35%
                  Over 3 years                                                     45,767,474.33                                   0.48%                   41,631,241.62                                      0.37%
                  Total                                                         9,606,657,899.44                                100.00%                11,102,722,632.98                                     100.00%

                     Other receivables individually significant and separately provided for bad debt as at the end of the period

                     √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                   Amounts of                 Percentage
                  Other receivables                          Book balance                           bad debts             of provision (%)                   Reason

                  Open credit                                 9,402,148.72                    9,402,148.72                            100.00%                Most of which were open credit
                                                                                                                                                             for over 3 years and unlikely to be

                  Total                                       9,402,148.72                    9,402,148.72                                       —          —

                                                                                                                               SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                         161
             IX Financial Report

             XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
                 2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
                      (1)   Other receivables (Cont’d)

                            In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for other receivables is based on the ageing

                            √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                              Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                                                     Book balance                    Bad debt            Book balance                     Bad debt
                               Ageing                                Amounts       Percentage (%)       provision        Amounts       Percentage (%)       provision

                               Within 1 year
                               Of which:                                   —                 —              —               —                 —               —
                               Within 1 year                     30,744,399.99           37.55%      1,537,220.01   26,419,111.28            29.66%       1,320,955.56
                               Sub-total of within 1 year        30,744,399.99           37.55%      1,537,220.01   26,419,111.28            29.66%       1,320,955.56
                               1 to 2 years                      10,775,288.90           13.16%      1,077,528.89    5,856,440.10             6.57%         585,644.01
                               2 to 3 years                      17,027,573.62           20.79%      3,405,514.72   37,813,069.17            42.45%       7,562,613.83
                               Over 3 years                      23,337,572.86           28.50%     23,337,572.86   18,995,308.13            21.32%      18,995,308.13

                               Total                             81,884,835.37                —    29,357,836.48   89,083,928.68                 —     28,464,521.53

                            In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for other receivables is based on the percentage of
   14                       amounts outstanding
    REPORT                  □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                            In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for other receivables is based on other methods

                            □ Applicable √ Not applicable

                            Other receivables individually significant and separately provided for bad debt as at the end of the period.

                            √ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Bad debt         Percentage
                               Other receivables            Book balance               provision    of provision (%)      Reason

                               Open credit                  13,027,752.75        13,027,752.75              100.00%       Most of which were open credit
                                                                                                                          for over 3 years and unlikely to be

                               Total                        13,027,752.75        13,027,752.75                      —    —

                      (2)   No reversal or recovery of other receivables during the year.

                      (3)   No other receivables actually written-off during the reporting period.

                      (4)   Outstanding amount in other receivables due from shareholders holding 5% or more (5% inclusive) in the
                            voting shares of the Company during the reporting period.

   IX Financial Report

   XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
       2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
            (5)      Top five other receivables are as follows

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                          As a
                                                                                                                               percentage of
                                                     Relationship with                                                         the total other
                  Entity name                        the Company                                Amounts      Term              receivables (%)
                  Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.   Related party within the scope
                                                     of consolidation                    4,573,513,860.38 Within 1 year              47.61%
                  Shandong Chenming Paper Sales      Related party within the scope                                       
                     Co., Ltd.                       of consolidation                     844,444,205.25 Within 1 year                 8.79%
                  Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.     Related party within the scope                                       
                                                     of consolidation                     671,024,556.13 Within 1 year                 6.98%
                  Shandong Jianghe Paper Co., Ltd.   Non-related party                    530,094,699.70 Within 1 year                 5.52%
                  Shouguang Chenming Art Paper       Related party within the scope                                       
                    Co., Ltd.                        of consolidation                     496,108,943.20 Within 1 year                 5.16%

                  Total                              —                                  7,115,186,264.66 —                         74.06%

            (6)      Overview of other receivables due from related parties                                                                       14
                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB    REPORT

                                                                                                                                           As a
                                                                                                                             percentage of the

                                                                Relationship with                                                   total other
                     Entity name                                the Company                                    Amounts           receivable (%)

                     Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.    Related party within
                                                         the scope of consolidation                  4,573,513,860.38                  47.61%
                     Shandong Chenming Paper Sales Co.,Related party within
                     Ltd.                                the scope of consolidation                    844,444,205.25                    8.79%
                     Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.      Related party within                                                   
                                                         the scope of consolidation                    671,024,556.13                    6.98%
                     Shouguang Chenming Art Paper        Related party within                                                   
                        Co., Ltd.                        the scope of consolidation                    496,108,943.20                    5.16%
                     Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper        Related party within                                                   
                        Holdings Co., Ltd.               the scope of consolidation                    331,553,846.38                    3.45%
                     Shandong Grand View Hotel Co., Ltd. Related party within                                                   
                                                         the scope of consolidation                    294,064,505.28                    3.06%
                     Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.       Related party within                                                   
                                                         the scope of consolidation                    203,203,881.29                    2.12%
                     Zhanjiang Chenming Arboriculture    Related party within                                                   
                        Co., Ltd.                        the scope of consolidation                    187,202,046.79                    1.95%
                     Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture    Related party within                                                   
                        Co., Ltd                         the scope of consolidation                    171,586,139.55                    1.79%

                                                                                      SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                     163
             IX Financial Report

             XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
                 2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
                      (6)      Overview of other receivables due from related parties (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                                          As a
                                                                                                                            percentage of the
                                                                      Relationship with                                            total other
                               Entity name                            the Company                            Amounts            receivable (%)
                               Haicheng Haiming Mining Co., Ltd.      Related party within
                                                                      the scope of consolidation       155,713,633.33                  1.62%
                               Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper        Related party within                               
                                 Co., Ltd.                            the scope of consolidation       141,124,891.86                  1.47%
                               Wuhan Chenming Qianneng Electric       Related party within                               
                                 Power Co., Ltd. Related              the scope of consolidation        66,057,391.57                  0.69%
                               Huanggang Chenming Pulp &              Related party within                               
                                 Paper Co., Ltd.                      the scope of consolidation        22,732,473.19                  0.24%
                               Shouguang Chenming Industrial          Related party within                               
                                 Logistics Co., Ltd.                  the scope of consolidation          4,781,473.07                 0.05%
                               Yangjiang Chenming Arboriculture       Related party within                               
                                 Co., Ltd.                            the scope of consolidation          3,000,000.00                 0.03%
                               Shouguang Chenming Industrial          Related party within                               
                                 Logistics Co., Ltd.                  the scope of consolidation          1,011,663.18                 0.01%
                                                                      Related party within                               
   INTERIM                     Hailaer Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.       the scope of consolidation           199,101.63                  0.00%
                               Shandong Chenming Panels               Related party within                               
                                 Co., Ltd.                            the scope of consolidation            68,025.29                  0.00%
                                                                      Related party within                               
                               Chenming International Co., Ltd.       the scope of consolidation            12,820.00                  0.00%

                               Shouguang Chenming Hongxin             Related party within                               
                                 Packaging Co., Ltd.                  the scope of consolidation              1,842.30                 0.00%
                               Arjo Wiggins Chenming Specialty        Related party out of                               
                                 Paper Co., Ltd.                      the scope of consolidation          1,290,901.12                 0.01%

                               Wuhan Chenming Wan Xing                Related party out of                               
                                 Real Estate Co., Ltd.                the scope of consolidation          1,142,777.77                 0.01%

                               Total                                  —                              8,169,838,978.56               85.04%

                      (7)      Transferred amount of other receivables not qualified to be derecognised amounted to RMB0.00.

   IX Financial Report

   XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
       3.   Available-for-sale financial assets
            (1)      Changes of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                  Amounts at                                                          Amounts at
                                                                the beginning       Increase during      Decrease during                   the end
                  Item                                          of the period            the period           the period             of the period
                  Other equity investments                      85,850,000.00                                1,400,000.00          84,450,000.00
                  Less: Impairment provision
                         for available-for-sale
                         financial assets                        2,589,574.47                                1,139,574.47            1,450,000.00
                  Total                                         83,260,425.53                                  260,425.53          83,000,000.00

            (2)      Details of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                        Accounting         Investment         Opening          Closing      Impairment           Closing     
                     Investee                           method                   cost         Balance          balance        amounts        amounts, net

                     Qingzhou Chenming Denaturation
                       Amylum Co., Ltd.                 Cost method        900,000.00       900,000.00      900,000.00      -900,000.00
                     Shandong Paper Making & Printing
                       Enterprises Corporation          Cost method        200,000.00      200,000.00       200,000.00      -200,000.00
                     Jinan Shangyou Commercial                                                                                                                  INTERIM
                       Co., Ltd.                        Cost method        350,000.00      350,000.00       350,000.00      -350,000.00
                     Zhejiang Province Guangyu Media
                       Printing Co., Ltd.               Cost method       2,000,000.00    2,000,000.00     2,000,000.00                       2,000,000.00
                     Shouguang Mihe Water Co., Ltd.     Cost method      20,000,000.00   20,000,000.00    20,000,000.00                      20,000,000.00
                     Shanghai Forest & Paper
                       E-Commerce Co., Ltd.             Cost method       1,400,000.00    1,400,000.00
                     Anhui Shidai Resources Holdings
                       Co., Ltd.                        Cost method       1,000,000.00    1,000,000.00     1,000,000.00                       1,000,000.00
                     Weifang Xinye Capital Investment
                       Co., Ltd.                        Cost method      10,000,000.00   10,000,000.00    10,000,000.00                      10,000,000.00
                     Shandong Hongqiao Venture
                       Capital Co., Ltd.                Cost method      50,000,000.00   50,000,000.00    50,000,000.00                      50,000,000.00

                     Total                                               85,850,000.00   85,850,000.00    84,450,000.00   -1,450,000.00      83,000,000.00

                                                                                          SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                               165



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           IX Financial Report
                                              XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
                                                  4.   Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Explanation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Equity interest      Voting right        inconsistent of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in the investee            in the        equity interest                             Impairment
                                                                                                                  Accounting           Investment           Opening                                     Closing        held by the   investee by the        and voting right      Impairment       provision during      Cash dividend
                                                        Investee                                                  method                     cost           Balance                Change               balance     Company (%)        Company (%)          in the investee         provision            the period       for the period

                                                        Shandong Chenming Power Supply Holdings Co., Ltd.         Cost method       157,810,117.43     157,810,117.43
                                                                                                                                                                                                 157,810,117.43         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.           Cost method       202,824,716.34     202,824,716.34                            202,824,716.34          50.93%            50.93%
                                                        Hailaer Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                          Cost method        12,000,000.00      12,000,000.00                             12,000,000.00          75.00%            75.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Tianyuan Arboriculture Co., Ltd.       Cost method         7,199,000.00       7,199,000.00        -7,199,000.00
                                                        Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                          Cost method       822,867,646.40     822,867,646.40                             822,867,646.40        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shandong Grand View Hotel Co., Ltd.                       Cost method        80,500,000.00      80,500,000.00                              80,500,000.00         70.00%            70.00%
                                                        Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                            Cost method     1,501,350,000.00   1,501,350,000.00                           1,501,350,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.                 Cost method     3,000,000,000.00   3,000,000,000.00                           3,000,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%                                                                        100,000,000.00
                                                        Chenming (HK) Limited                                     Cost method       183,472,902.00      62,583,310.00       120,889,592.00        183,472,902.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Modern Logistic Co., Ltd.              Cost method        10,000,000.00      10,000,000.00                              10,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                             Cost method       208,000,000.00     208,000,000.00                             208,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Ltd.                    Cost method       113,616,063.80     113,616,063.80                             113,616,063.80         75.00%            75.00%
                                                        Huanggang Chenming Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                Cost method        70,000,000.00      70,000,000.00                              70,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Huanggang Chenming Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.                 Cost method       200,000,000.00      20,000,000.00       180,000,000.00        200,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.                          Cost method     3,000,000,000.00   2,200,000,000.00       800,000,000.00      3,000,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Chenming International Co., Ltd.                          Cost method        19,861,955.00      19,861,955.00                              19,861,955.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Shun Da Customs Declaration Co, Ltd.            Cost method         1,500,000.00       1,500,000.00                               1,500,000.00        100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shandong Chenming Paper Sales Co., Ltd.                   Cost method       100,000,000.00     100,000,000.00                             100,000,000.00        100.00%           100.00%                                                                        100,000,000.00
                                                        Shouguang Hengfeng Storage Co., Ltd.                      Cost method           500,000.00         500,000.00          -500,000.00
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd.      Cost method        10,000,000.00      10,000,000.00                             10,000,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Jiatai Property Management Co., Ltd.   Cost method         1,000,000.00       1,000,000.00                              1,000,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Papermaking Machine Co., Ltd.          Cost method         2,000,000.00       2,000,000.00                              2,000,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Industrial Logistics Co., Ltd.         Cost method        10,000,000.00      10,000,000.00                             10,000,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Hongxin Packaging Co., Ltd.            Cost method         1,000,000.00       1,000,000.00                              1,000,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Japan Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                            Cost method         9,306,351.20       9,306,351.20                              9,306,351.20         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Haicheng Haiming Mining Co., Ltd.                         Cost method       144,000,000.00     144,000,000.00                            144,000,000.00          60.00%            60.00%
                                                        Chenming GmbH                                             Cost method         4,083,235.00       4,083,235.00                              4,083,235.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Hongxiang Printing and Packaging Co., Ltd.      Cost method         2,730,000.00       2,730,000.00                              2,730,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shandong Chenming Paper Group (Fuyu) Sales Co., Ltd.      Cost method         1,000,000.00       1,000,000.00                              1,000,000.00         100.00%           100.00%
                                                        Shouguang Chenming Huisen New-style
                                                           Construction Materials Co., Ltd.                       Cost method        3,000,000.00                             3,000,000.00          3,000,000.00         50.00%            50.00%
                                                        Arjo Wiggins Chenming Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.           Equity method     80,100,000.00                                                                        30.00%            30.00%
                                                        Jiangxi Jiangbao Media Colour Printing Co. Ltd.           Equity method      6,000,000.00       4,745,182.75            -74,651.88          4,670,530.87         21.16%            21.16%

                                                        Total                                                     —              9,965,721,987.17   8,780,477,577.92      1,096,115,940.12     9,876,593,518.04               —                —                      —                                              200,000,000.00
   IX Financial Report

   XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
       5.      Revenue and operating costs
               (1)      Revenue

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          Amounts during         Amounts during
                        Item                                                                                  the period         the prior period

                        Revenue from principal activities                                              3,488,961,465.88          4,329,750,335.77
                        Revenue from other activities                                                    507,830,538.50            587,282,187.16

                        Total                                                                          3,996,792,004.38          4,917,032,522.93

                        Operating costs                                                                3,157,273,029.32          3,976,552,277.16

               (2)      Principal activities (by industries)

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                Amounts during the period                   Amounts during the prior period
                        Industry name                             Revenue     Operating costs                   Revenue      Operating costs
                        Machine-made paper                  2,931,751,670.76       2,300,909,667.23       3,144,305,160.63       2,467,851,375.93
                        Electricity and steam                 557,209,795.12         376,256,922.78       1,185,445,175.14         947,682,863.91    14
                        Total                               3,488,961,465.88       2,677,166,590.01       4,329,750,335.77       3,415,534,239.84     REPORT


               (3)      Principal activities (by product)

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                Amounts during the period                   Amounts during the prior period
                     Product name                               Revenue    Operating costs                    Revenue     Operating costs

                     Light weight coated paper            28,588,773.05          19,975,143.06           42,567,195.18         32,695,986.33
                     Duplex press paper                  317,395,227.67         225,512,679.96          307,034,036.77        239,323,219.24
                     Writing paper                        82,325,335.75          62,789,027.43           28,685,162.06         23,678,690.73
                     Coated paper                        766,731,773.60         564,880,378.39          710,385,033.97        532,334,754.44
                     News press paper                    519,417,229.77         385,076,471.84          709,752,411.59        541,945,417.17
                     White paper board                   940,339,733.70         758,413,648.95          779,851,217.12        632,739,824.47
                     Other machine-made paper            276,953,597.22         284,262,317.60          566,030,103.94        465,133,483.55
                     Electricity and steam               557,209,795.12         376,256,922.78        1,185,445,175.14        947,682,863.91

                     Total                             3,488,961,465.88        2,677,166,590.01       4,329,750,335.77       3,415,534,239.84

                                                                                       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                       167
             IX Financial Report

             XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
                 5.   Revenue and operating costs (Cont’d)
                      (4)   Principal activities (by geographical areas)

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                  Amounts during the period            Amounts during the prior period
                             Region                                  Revenue      Operating costs           Revenue       Operating costs

                             Mainland China                   3,279,258,404.74   2,512,407,235.92     4,124,261,209.19   3,242,787,868.07
                             Other countries and regions        209,703,061.14     164,759,354.09       205,489,126.58     172,746,371.77

                             Total                            3,488,961,465.88   2,677,166,590.01     4,329,750,335.77   3,415,534,239.84

                      (5)   Revenue from top 5 customers of the Company

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                              of the total
                                                                                                                           revenue of the
                            Name of customer                                                           Total revenue        Company (%)

                            Shandong Chenming Paper Sales Company Limited                           2,399,916,447.94             60.05%
                            Chenming (HK) Limited                                                     209,001,834.03              5.23%
   INTERIM                  Shandong Chenming Paper Group (Fuyu) Sales Co., Ltd.                      157,401,745.26              3.94%
                            Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd.                                          138,719,864.63              3.47%
                            Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Ltd.                                     26,010,551.79              0.65%

                            Total                                                                   2,931,050,443.65             73.34%

                 6.   Investment income
                      (1)   Breakdown of investment income

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                    Amounts during       Amounts during
                            Item                                                                        the period       the prior period

                            Income from long-term equity investments accounted for
                              using the cost method                                                  200,000,000.00      229,527,457.85
                            Income from long-term equity investments accounted for
                              using the equity method                                                    -74,651.88          -150,149.58
                            Investment gain on disposal of long-term equity investments               -7,366,532.42        14,190,483.70
                            Others                                                                    35,473,222.23        12,145,050.34

                            Total                                                                    228,032,037.93      255,712,842.31

   IX Financial Report

   XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
       6.   Investment income (Cont’d)
            (2)      Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                      Amounts during      Amounts during
                     Investee                             the period      the prior period    Reason for change

                     Shandong Chenming Power
                       Supply Holdings Co., Ltd.                            30,213,771.35
                     Zhanjiang Chenming Pulp &
                       Paper Co., Ltd.                100,000,000.00       180,000,000.00
                     Shandong Chenming Paper
                       Sales Company Limited          100,000,000.00
                     Shanghai Runchen Equity
                       Investment Fund Co., Ltd.                            19,313,686.50

                     Total                            200,000,000.00       229,527,457.85     —

            (3)      Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                      Amounts during      Amounts during                                         14
                     Investee                             the period      the prior period    Reason for change                  INTERIM

                  Jiangxi Jiangbao Media           
                  Colour Printing Co., Ltd.            -74,651.88          -150,149.58
                  Total                                -74,651.88          -150,149.58   —

                                                                           SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED               169
             IX Financial Report

             XIII. Notes to major financial statement items of the parent company (Cont’d)
                 7.   Supplementary information on cash flow statement
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Amounts during       Amounts during
                      Supplementary information                                                     the period Amounts       the prior period

                      1. Reconciliation of net profit as cash flows from operating activities                       —                    —
                         Net profit                                                                     275,846,548.92        497,002,914.40
                         Plus: Provision for impairment of assets                                           531,463.30          3,701,835.30
                         Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of oil and gas assets,                                
                           depreciation of productive biological assets                                 228,138,182.04        168,610,612.74
                         Amortisation of intangible assets                                                5,026,471.81          4,668,034.28
                         Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other                                   
                         long-term assets (“-” denotes gain)                                           -1,341,798.35          25,327,282.02
                         Finance expenses (“-” denotes gain)                                          571,281,292.53         531,515,104.30
                         Investment loss (“-” denotes gain)                                          -228,231,103.16        -255,712,842.31
                         Decrease in deferred income tax assets (“-” denotes increase)                  5,026,471.81           6,168,542.92
                         Decrease in inventory (“-” denotes increase)                                 -49,078,639.68         -89,211,312.49
                         Decrease in operating receivables (“-” denotes increase)                     251,241,419.58      -2,628,076,731.12
                         Increase in operating payables (“-” denotes decrease)                        512,318,730.84        -506,448,804.94
                         Net cash flows from operating activities                                     1,570,759,039.64      -2,242,455,364.90
                                                                                                                    —                     —
                      2. Major investing and financing activities not involving cash settlements:
                      3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:                                                   —                     —
   INTERIM               Cash balance at the end of the period                                          117,004,284.17         339,273,942.12
                         Less: cash balance at the beginning of the period                               64,392,029.09       1,786,622,854.08
                         Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       52,612,255.08      -1,447,348,911.96

   IX Financial Report

   XIV. Supplementary information
       1.   Breakdown of extraordinary gains and losses for the current period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                           Amounts during         Amounts during
            Item                                                                       the period Amounts         the prior period

            Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets                               73,764,935.36         -28,456,570.02
              (included offset amount of provision for assets impairment)
            Government grants included in profit and loss for the current period            100,763,109.28        112,054,796.04
              (except for government grants closely related to the ordinary course
              of business of the Company that were given under at a fixed standard
              amount or quantity as stipulated by the State)
            Gains and losses from debt restructuring                                            623,626.67              39,984.11
            Gains or losses from changes in fair value of consumable productive                 967,670.22           9,229,042.51
              assets adopting fair value method for follow-up measurements                                     
            Non-operating gains and losses other than the above items                        64,271,540.63        206,618,857.32
            Less: Effect of income tax                                                       44,085,625.09         28,181,423.03
                    Effect of minority interest (after tax)                                  11,657,635.32         72,434,723.94

            Total                                                                           184,647,621.75        198,869,962.99

            Government grants accounted for in profit and loss for the current period are recurring gain or loss items. Explanation
            on each disclosure should be made.
            □ Applicable √ Not applicable                                                                                            REPORT

       2.   Difference in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards
            (1)     Differences between the net profit and net assets disclosed in accordance with international accounting
                    standards and China accounting standards in the financial report

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                       Net profit attributable to               Net assets attributable to
                                                     shareholders of the Company              shareholders of the Company
                                                   Amounts during       Amounts during      Amounts during      Amounts during
                                                        the period      the prior period         the period      the prior period

                    Under China                     242,461,095.02      333,409,511.73 13,635,437,678.10 14,039,888,226.11
                       accounting standards
                    Items and amounts adjusted
                       under international
                       accounting standards

                                                                            SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                   171
             IX Financial Report

             XIV. Supplementary information (Cont’d)
                 2.      Difference in accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards (Cont’d)
                         (2)   Differences between the net profit and net assets disclosed in accordance with overseas accounting
                               standards and China accounting standards in the financial report

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                     Net profit attributable to              Net assets attributable to
                                                                   shareholders of the Company             shareholders of the Company
                                                                 Amounts during       Amounts during     Amounts during      Amounts during
                                                                      the period      the prior period        the period      the prior period

                               Under China                       242,461,095.02       333,409,511.73 13,635,437,678.10 14,039,888,226.11
                                  accounting standards
                               Items and amounts adjusted
                                  under overseas
                                  accounting standards

                 3.      Return on net assets and earnings per share
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                Weighted average                Earnings per share
                                                                                    return on net        Basic earnings      Diluted earnings
                         Profit during the reporting period                            assets (%)             per share             per share
    REPORT               Net profit attributable to holders of                              1.72%                  0.12                  0.12
                           ordinary shares of the Company
                         Net profit after extraordinary gains and                           0.41%                  0.03                  0.03
                          losses attributable to holders of ordinary
                          shares of the Company

                 4.      Explanation on irregular movements in major accounting statement items of the Company
                         Items in balance sheet:

                         (1)   The closing balance of monetary funds as at 30 June 2014 was RMB3,357,075,224.97, up by 31.77% as
                               compared with the opening balance mainly due to the approval of the establishment of Shandong Chenming
                               Group Finance Co., Ltd. with registered capital of RMB1,000 million by the Company. The company was not
                               registered with the industrial and commercial administration as at the end of the reporting period.

                         (2)   The closing balance of bills receivable as at 30 June 2014 was RMB2,248,149,475.62, down by 21.68% as
                               compared with the opening balance mainly due to the increase in payment by bills.

                         (3)   The closing balance of long-term equity investments as at 30 June 2014 was RMB39,354,618.33, up by 22.16%
                               as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the establishment of a new joint venture Shouguang
                               Chenming Huisen New-style Construction Materials Co., Ltd. by the Company, and the establishment of an
                               associate, Jiangxi Chenming Port Co., Ltd. by Jiangxi Chenming, a subsidiary of the Company.

                         (4)   The closing balance of construction in progress as at 30 June 2014 was RMB3,383,652,916.06, down by 35.75%
                               as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the reclassification of Jilin Chenming’s environmental
                               protection relocation project, Wuhan Chenming’s household paper project and Shouguang Chenming’s paper
                               additives project as fixed assets.

                         (5)   The closing balance of construction materials as at 30 June 2014 was RMB23,245,677.92, down by 63.66% as
                               compared with the opening balance mainly due to the reclassification of Jilin Chenming’s environment protection
                               relocation project as fixed assets.

   IX Financial Report

   XIV. Supplementary information (Cont’d)
       4.   Explanation on irregular movements in major accounting statement items of the Company (Cont’d)
            Items in balance sheet: (Cont’d)

            (6)    The closing balance of short-term loans as at 30 June 2014 was RMB11,866,009,950.56, up by 20.85% as
                   compared with the opening balance mainly due to the greater demand for liquidity resulting from the increase in
                   investments in construction in progress for the period, and expansion in production capacity and operating scale.

            (7)    The closing balance of bills payable as at 30 June 2014 was RMB228,716,908.05, down by 21.24% as compared
                   with the opening balance mainly due to the decrease in bank acceptance bills issued by the Company.

            (8)    The closing balance of accounts payable as at 30 June 2014 was RMB3,317,507,726.31, up by 23.09% as
                   compared with the opening balance mainly due to the increase in raw material procurement.

            (9)    The closing balance of interests payable as at 30 June 2014 was RMB246,392,305.53, up by 60.84% as
                   compared with the opening balance mainly due to the interest on corporate bonds and medium-term notes
                   payable by the Company.

            (10)   The closing balance of non-current liabilities due within one year as at 30 June 2014 was RMB941,964,400.00,
                   down by 26.86% as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the payment of Chenming Hong Kong’s
                   debts of RMB500 million due for repayment.

            (11)   The closing balance of long-term payables as at 30 June 2014 was RMB128,000,000.00, up by 113.33%
                   as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the borrowings of RMB68.00 million provided by the
                   Management Committee of Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone for the phase II project of
                   Jiangxi Chenming during the period.                                                                                 14
            (12)   The closing balance of minority interest as at 30 June 2014 was RMB467,862,,854.69, down by 21.82% as                REPORT

                   compared with the opening balance mainly due to the disposal of a subsidiary, Shandong Chenming Xinli Power
                   Co., Ltd. by Chenming Power Supply.

            Items in income statement :

            (1)    Revenue for the period was RMB9,082,020,579.01, down by 9.43% from the corresponding period of the prior
                   year mainly due to the decline in machine-made paper price and the decrease of external sales of electricity.

            (2)    Operating costs for the period were RMB7,378,998,628.31, down by 10.57% from the corresponding period of
                   the prior year mainly due to the decline in raw material price and the decrease of external sales of electricity.

            (3)    Finance expenses for the period were RMB626,611,788.47, up by 28.82% from the corresponding period of the
                   prior year mainly due to the depreciation of RMB and the increase in foreign exchange loss.

            (4)    Loss on impairment of assets for the period was RMB16,314,635.37, up by 450.67% from the corresponding
                   period of the prior year mainly due to the increase in accounts receivable and provision for bad debts.

            (5)    Investment income for the period was RMB21,218,247.82, up by 309.37% from the corresponding period of the
                   prior year mainly due to receipt of the interest on new entrusted loans made by the Company.

            (6)    Non-operating income for the period was RMB253,711,372.78, down by 24.56% from the corresponding period
                   of the prior year mainly due to the decrease in compensation for suspension of production of Wuhan Chenming.

            (7)    Non-operating expense for the period was RMB14,028,105.87, down by 64.52% from the corresponding period of
                   the prior year mainly due to loss on disposal of non-current assets during the prior period.

            (8)    Income tax expenses for the period was RMB34,033,045.12, down by 58.93% from the corresponding period
                   of the prior year mainly due to the year on year decrease of the profitability of the Company as affected by the
                   factors such as market and exchange rate changes.

                                                                             SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED                   173
             X Documents Available for Inspection

             I.     The financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, financial representative and head of the financial
                    department of the Company;

             II.    The interim report signed by the legal representative;

             III.   The original copies of all of the documents and announcements of the Company disclosed in the designated newspaper as
                    approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting period;

             IV.    The interim report disclosed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited;

             V.     Other related information.

                                                                                            Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited
                                                                                                        27 August 2014
